#the john poll was fun let's do this now
theriverbeyond · 1 year
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themiiofalltime · 1 year
Round Three: Triples
hello all ye tumbles, sorry this has taken so long i have been. the following are the polls that will be in round three:
Hamburger Mii vs I Want Die vs Satoru Iwata
Magical John vs Eteled vs Matt
Two Faced vs Iris Archwell vs Petch from Texas
Blumii vs Reggie Fils-Aimé vs Creepylady
All four polls (technically round A, B, C and D respectively) will run at the same time: starting on Thursday 25th May and lasting 1 week.
The winner of each of these polls wins the prize of getting added to my Tomadachi Life island because that sounds fun.
keep tumbling and enjoy the miis!
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presleyanswrites · 9 months
Wildest Dreams
pairing(s): jj maybankx fem!pogue!reader
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authors note hey lovelies :) im moving away from my boy right now and its been super hard on me, sorry i haven't been posting for you guys. i thought a lil jj fanfic on wildest dreams would take me to comfort beyond levels.
poll from what it looks like- wildest dreams won. I finished the ending of this bizarre rollercoaster for you all..at 1am <3
word count ↱ 1.7k
warnings pure fluff, grammar, and i believe that is truly it. if i missed anything, please let me know.
enjoy 🤍
"hey!" you heard the window open beside the counter. It was your boss. "new table, 10 o'clock."
you were wearing a white dress over your usual waitress uniform. sweat glands were across your forehead, trickling down your face and into your neck. you were working an extra quick shift at the wreck today. it was the last day you would see your beautiful blonde boy before you left for your dads job in an entire new state.
you groan and finish wiping the counter, leaving your wet and white stained rag to fall to the floor.
tucking your notepad and pen back inside your pocket, you head for table 13 as your boss instructed as your last for the day.
you head out of the kitchen and back into open air as the wind brushed past your face, leaving you feeling cool from the hot and humid atmosphere of inside.
the outside was bustling with people everywhere.
despite the busy crowds, you plaster a smile on your face as you approach the table, taking orders left and right.
you write them down and go back into the kitchen to dial the orders and after a while, you go out again to serve the food.
after a while, you we're finally done with your shift.
you look down at your feet, taking your uniform off and wiping the sweat from your face.
as you hear the familiar voice, you look up to see your favorite blonde standing behind the counter.
your face instantly lights up with a smile as you run over to hug him, almost so tight it makes the two of you twirl.
he puts you down gently
"you ready, pretty girl?"
you grin so wide it makes your cheeks burn a little.
he takes your hand in his as you both walk out of the wreck, heading towards john b's twinkie. you both get in with excitement, as jj starts pulling out of the parking lot and on to the main road
"lets get outta here."
the wind from the un-rolled car window beats upon your face like a fresh new beginning.
its the same feeling you got every time you and jj drove to a new spot, new restaurant, new date.
he said lets get out of this town, drive out of the city, away from the crowds.
after way too many jams to your favourite marley playlist, the twinkie stops in its tracks.
"we're here. JJ breathes, as he gets out of the van, going up on the other side to open your door for you.
you step out onto the sand and you feel warm inside. JJ takes your hand and leads you out onto the sandy beach.
you giggle as you fall into the base line of water. jj sits down in the sand and watches you laugh and smile. it was his most favorite thing ever.
he gets up from the sand after a while and reaches out his hand for you to grasp as you pull yourself up with a laugh.
he tucks a piece of your hair back behind your ear. you always loved the way he made you feel like a little girl again. you feel your throat and stomach swarm with little butterflies.
he towers over you as you rest the side of your face on his shoulder, barely being able to touch, but you do. something that never failed to make you feel un-deniably safe.
you look up in his eyes in awe of the beautiful water color feature, mixed with tan skin that radiated his blonde hair that felt like home, but excitement all at once.
i thought heaven can't help me now. nothing lasts forever, but this is gonna take me down. he's so tall, and handsome as hell.
"you wanna do something fun?" he graps your hand and rubs it back and forth with his thumb, making you giggle a little more.
"of course." you smile, as a blush appears on your cheeks making your face feel tingly and warm.
he leads you to a little white wooden house across the shore that was filled with life guard equipment.
he takes your hand as helps you step up by the door.
he knocks twice, no answer.
he looks back over his shoulder to see you giggling, concealing your smile with your hand. he throws you a wink and pulls back the door as he steps inside.
you follow him in, carefully shutting the wooden door behind you.
the two of you lock eyes and snicker a little.
you we're already two steps ahead of what he was thinking.
he hands you a board as you try and conceal your grin spreading across your face.
the two of you leave the small shack with your boards after jj smashes the lifeguard's tips in his pockets because he couldn't resist himself.
you laugh and follow him out, sitting in the water watching your blonde boy kick back another wave.
he's so bad but he does it so well. I can see the end, as it begins- my one condition is..
after the two of you have way too much fun in the midst of saltwater, you swim back with your stomach on your board, the warmth of the sun pressing into your scalp.
you make your way back into the sand and toss your board to the side, jj catching up to you and laying his board down next to yours.
he walks with you back to the twinkie away from the water to change out of wet clothes. He shuts the car door closed as you pull on a flowy sundress, lace peaking up from the back of your white bra, stuffing your bikini in your backpack.
jj takes his hand in yours again and rubs your back with a smile as you make your way back over to the damp sand, pressed by gentle waves creeping in.
the sun begins to fade into the horizon as it paints colors of burning yellow and oranges.
the two of you sit down in the sand.
theres a silence in the air for a while, only echoed by the soft sounds of the beach.
"i don't want this night to end", he whispers, looking down into the water.
you look into his eyes as tears begin to block your vision.
"can you promise me something?" you look down again, your words stamping the air.
there was a light silence again as he begins to read your face.
he breathes in.
"of course darling," he caresses your face with his thumb, cupping your cheek in one hand.
"will you remember me when i leave?"
he plays with the strap of your sundress as he takes his hand in yours.
"oh love.." he kisses the top of your forehead gently.
tears fall from your face, that you felt like had held you captive for so long. He wipes them away with his thumb.
"we will see each other again all right? i dont care what it is.." he looks down at the sand and then back into your eyes. They sparkle from the colors that painted the sky above the sea.
you lean over to press your lips against his on your knees.
it was a long, passionate kiss. one that felt like retaining that promise.
he pulls away a little before wrapping his strong arms around you, pulling you in for a gentle hug as you rest your face on his shoulder.
"forever and always, darling."
you wipe your eyes and nod, reaching for his pinky as he keeps you retained in the hug.
he locks his finger into yours.
"pinky promise." he whispers, tucking your hair away from your face.
you look into his face as warmth fills into your cheeks, matching the color of your lips.
say you'll remember me, standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe. red lips, and rosy cheeks. say you'll see me again, even if its just in your wildest dreams.
after many long deep talks and staring into the stars, you both make your way to the twinkie, jj opening up the door for you as you get in.
you hold his hand as he keeps one arm on the steering wheel, driving down the road.
after a while the twinkie stops to the side again.
you breathe out shakily and stare at your front door from the van.
"you ready?"
you feel tears overtake your throat again and nod slowly, staring.
he helps you out of the twinkie, and walks you to the front of your house, following you inside.
you step into your room with him and gently shut the door behind you.
he gets up from your bed and towers over you, taking his shirt off, dropping it to the floor, revealing his toned chest.
you barely even swallow.
you press your mouth into his as you gently make out with each other against the door, the feeling of jj running his fingers through your hair.
I said no one has to know what we do, his hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room. And his voice is a familiar sound, nothing lasts forever.
eventually the two of you make your way back over to the doorway.
he puts his hand on the wall, looking at your face.
tears fill your eyes and they drop themselves on the hard wood floor.
he pulls you into one last hug, rubbing your back into small circles.
you choke on your sobs, tears streaming down your face as he steps away from the door frame and into the cold night air.
crickets chirp in the background.
"i love you, princess", he whispers softly before kissing the top of your hand and letting it drop to your side again.
you cover your mouth with your hand as you loose your breath in your chest, tears falling past your cheeks and into the rim of your ears.
the door clicks shut.
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
To Bark and Bite || Arthur Shelby x Reader!OC
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Summary:  Arthur has to face the awful truth: there is another man in your bed tonight and there's nothing he can do about it.
Word Count:  2.6k
TW: mention of animal abuse
Notes: This work is a part of Heaven in Your Eyes' universe, but you can obviously read it as a stand-alone. Reader has chosen their new companion, following this polls' results.
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Masterlist here if you want more.
The fresh air of the night jumped at Arthur’s face when he exited the bar, the frozen fangs of the wind biting his skin so suddenly he winced. Wrapping up himself a bit more in his long black coat, he let out a grumpy groan and started to walk through the sleepy streets. It has been a few months since you have both left Birmingham’s filth and stink to move into a cozy house at the end of a vast forest. The more day passed, the more he was satisfied with such a decision. Sometimes, he would spend hours outside listening to the murmur of the trees’ thick foliage shaken by the wind and the soft melody of the stream nearby while you were gardening. But despite this new setting and your peaceful life, you still remained traumatized by your stay in Birmingham’s jail for women. The sensation of the hanging rope tightening around your neck had stirred painful memories you had spent years locking up in the deepest part of your brain. Since then, you would often wake up at night, screaming and pulling your hair because your dreams were plagued by the grim sight of your father’s limp body dancing at the end of a rope. When John asked both of you to go for a drink, you politely refused and decided to rest at home after two sleepless nights. At first, Arthur wanted to decline and take care of you, but you insisted he spent time with his brother. Especially because you did not see him very often since you moved here. He accepted and had fun, but his thoughts never left you during the whole evening.
Arthur, fighting against the cold, blew in his hands before rubbing them in the hope of warming his skin. His steps hastened, motivated by the warm fire and the cuddling time in bed that was awaiting him. He was about to turn to his left when a loud howling sound tore the silence of the night. Slightly jumping, he turned around and looked in the direction from which the sorrowful scream came. Right after the thrilling shriek followed an odd sound of chains rattling against the concrete and muffled whines. Arthur stood there, conflicted. A part of him just wanted to go home while the other, tinted with a childish curiosity that never left him, wanted to check what was hidden in this dark alley. It did not take more than a few seconds for him to give in to his curiosity and walked toward the source of the noise. He had barely stepped in when he froze, welcomed by two threatening eyes glistening in the twilight. When the creature noticed Arthur’s presence, growls echoed in the dark alongside the ringing of chains dragged on the ground.
“Bloody hell!” Arthur exclaimed, taking a few steps back as the mighty silhouette of a dark dog came out of the shadow, chops curled and teeth bared, “Back off, bastard,” He growled back at the massive brute, showing his teeth as if it was enough to shoo it away.
But despite the dog’s firm will of attacking the tall gangster, it suddenly collapsed on the cold pavement with a painful whimper. Realizing how weak the beast was, Arthur’s muscles relaxed. Now that his piercing blue eyes were adapting to the darkness, he could look at the dog more carefully. The latter started to lick its flank, where a gruesome and infected gash was exposing its swollen flesh. It was not mad, it was wounded. Moreover, the poor creature was so emaciated its ribs were poking under its skin, “Yer in a really bad shape, aren’t ye tough boy? Would you let me check?” The gravel in his voice caught the dog’s attention again, who let out another growl even though it did it with less fury this time for it was far too exhausted, “Absolutely no, alright,” Arthur rubbed his mustache, lost in his thoughts for a few seconds, before exhaling deeply through his nostrils. The dog needed help, and he knew exactly where to find it.
“That’s okay buddy. I’ll take ye with me and we’ll get you all fixed, eh.”
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“Argh! Come on!” He barked, desperately trying to control the beast by holding its chain firmly and doing his best to avoid getting bitten all along the way. Usually, Arthur as well as the rest of his family had a gift with animals, let alone Thomas who knew how to charm dogs. However, no Romani tricks could make this one obey, “No, no, stop that! How many fookin’ times should I tell ye eh?!”, The black dog, completely panicked, had tried to jump at Arthur several times, which resulted in muddy paw prints all over his new suit. Not content with ruining his clothes, it also pulled so hard on the makeshift leash that Arthur had tripped at least tenth times on his way home. Along with the dog barks, a collection of flourishing insults echoed in the night, “Aaah yes, good ol’ Arthur thinking it was a good idea to bring a damn stupid hundred pounds monster home, eh. Serves me right for trying to be nice.” He cursed, opening the door of his house while still trying to overpower the dog.
The brute barked and growled in reply. Arthur stopped in the corridor and looked at the dog, bewildered.
“What the hell? Yer talking back? I can’t bloody believe it. How about I shoot you right in ye fucking face, eh?!” Arthur was so busy yelling at the beast he did not notice you at first. You stood there, arms crossed on your chest and an amused smirk plastered on your juicy lips, wondering why your fiance was arguing with a dog in the midst of the corridor.
“Who is he you want to ‘shoot right in his fookin face?’” You finally said, mimicking his gruff voice and accent to tease him, “Care to explain?” You raised a brow, halfway between amusement and surprise. Let’s say that the evening was taking an unexpected turn. A turn that weighed around one hundred pounds and who took the shape of a massive Cane Corso. When he heard the enchanting tone of your voice, Arthur raised his gaze to you and strengthened his grip around the chain he was holding for the mutt kept pulling and he did not want it to jump on your frail body.
“Look — I’ve found it in the streets and noticed it was wounded,” He paused, trying his best to handle the situation, but the fact remains you feared for Arthur’s long and thin arms. At some point you were pretty sure the dog would break them, “But I also thought about your nightmares and how anxious you are when I’m not by your side. So, I thought having a guard dog to watch over me angel when I’m not home could be a good idea eh — FOOK!” This time, Arthur stumbled on his own feet after the dog had wrapped the chain around his ankles. He fell on the wooden floor, his body collapsing in a big thud, “YOU BASTARD, I’M GOING TO MURDER YOU, GODDAMN BEAR-LOOKING FURRY THING.”
Now you could not help but burst into laughter at the whole scene, especially when Arthur screamed so loud and spat swear words so fast it sounded more like barks than the dog’s howling themselves, “Oh! Are you okay, chéri?” You inquired, trying hard not to give in to the giggles even though the way Arthur looked at you, confused and mad, cracked you up harder.
“Can I try?” You asked, managing to calm your giggles.
“You can but if I were ya I wouldn't give it a try, love. He’s nothing but an uncontrollable idiot.” He groaned, looking side eyes to the beast.
However, you still came closer to the nervous and unruly animal, both curious and worried for him. As soon as his amber gaze dived into yours, the dog froze as if he had been petrified by a deadly blizzard in a bleak midwinter, “Hey. It’s alright. It’s alright cutie…” You whispered, offering the palm of your hand. The dog’s big and wet snout gently bumped against your skin, after a long seconds of hesitating, and he ended up smelling you. The warm sensation of his breath as it sniffed your scent brought an endeared smile to your face, “There. You’re a good boy. A very good boy.” The dog sat and let out a pained whimper in response, letting you pet it with indescribable tenderness.
Arthur looked at you, half surprised and half fascinated. He knew you were the best when it came to fixing broken creatures in the middle of the night — after all, that was what you did with him the first time you met.
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Surprisingly enough, the dog fell limp in your hands and allowed you to manipulate its powerful body as if it had been a rag doll. Despite the awful infection it suffered from, you managed to clean its disgusting gash from pus, filth, and maggots properly before applying a homemade ointment and stitching up everything. Following the laborious treatment, you offered it fresh water, rice, and chicken — all of these it ate with haste, starving and afraid someone would steal its food. But the most tedious part had been when Arthur and you had to bathe the stinky beast.
“I got him! Oh wait — no no I don’t! HELP! I’m slipping in the bathtub!” A hoarse scream echoed.
“Arthur, darling, can you — Oh no really?! He’s chewing on my expensive nightgown! Bad, bad Kaiser!”
You had decided to call him Kaiser, in reference to the German word which meant Emperor, as well as being a kind of pastry.
“Fucking bastard, he almost swallowed my wedding ring! I swear I’ll cut you open if you do so.”
“Okay, now you gotta listen to me big boy alright?” You said with the quietest and most patient tone you could make. The huge dog looked at you with his large pink tongue hanging from his mouth, “You’re all clean and smell nice. Now I’m going to wrap this towel around you alright? No shaking off water okay? I want you to act like a proper gentleman.”
“I don’t think he understands you angel, he’s got a wicked gleam in his eyes eh.” Arthur whispered. He was on his knees, next to you, facing the bathtub with his sleeves rolled up. Following the mess Kaiser did, you were both soaked wet, and exhausted, “he’s up to something.”
The dog barked joyfully.
“You see Arthur! You’re not positive enough. He’s all quiet. All obedi— NO!!” You didn’t finish your sentence for the dog shook off his body, splashing water everywhere in the bathroom, and soaking you more than you already were. While you tried to protect your face, Arthur remained motionless, his face neutral even though he gazed at the animal with a desperate look.
“All quiet, eh. Of course, he is. As quiet as John in a Russian orgy.” He grunted.
"You weren't quiet neither."
"Oh," Arthur gritted his teeth -- he hated to recall this memory, for he was still very much ashamed. Even though he was not happy with Linda he always felt it was no reason to cheat on her, "It was... Different... I'd never do this to you."
“I know, Arthur. At least it made you sober up.” You remained silent one short moment before chuckling, unable to hide your amusement any longer. Letting out a sigh from his lips, Arthur looked at you and your beaming smile infected him. How beautiful you were when you laughed, he thought. Joining in the fun, the tall gangster laughed along, his shoulders jolting as he did.
“By the way, you’re hot when your hair is a mess.” You added. Blood rushed to Arthur’s cheeks, who looked away, all flustered, and mumbled something only the dog seemed to understand. No matter what the gangster had said, Kaiser seemed to agree for it trampled on Arthur and gave him one huge lick all over his face, drooling on his mustache.
“FUUUCKK!” He yelled, falling back under the Cane’s weight.
You laughed even harder to the point your ribs were hurting, joy filling both the bathroom and your soul. The awful memories winced, knowing you’ll soon find enough strength to lock them back in their cage.
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After encountering so many struggles in a matter of three hours, peace fell again in the house. After the hellish bath time, Arthur and you decided to have a well-deserved cuddle session in bed. You were half naked, the tall gangster's body above yours and his tongue dancing with yours when the dog started to cry. At first, you both decided to ignore his little whimpers, far too eager to find each other’s warmth and body. But the noise went so bad you ended up gently pushing Arthur away and got up from the bed to open the bedroom door. He obviously complained, pestering under his breath, but he resigned himself and pulled up his boxers. His steel-blue eyes looked dagger at the giant beast when you allowed it to lay on the bed, right between you and him.
“The fuck do you think you’re doing, angel?” Arthur asked, one brow raised.
“He’s scared. And I haven’t been sleeping for two nights. So I’m trying my best to stop him from crying.” You answered, right before gently putting your small hand in the dog’s short fur and stroking him while taking care not to touch his wound, “The poor baby is all confused you know… The gash looks like a knife wound. A human did this to him. Probably a man. That’s why he was scared of you.”
“Yes I get it but how about you cuddle me instead?” His gravelly voice asked, visibly displeased by not keeping you in his arms. As stupid as it seemed, he was getting a bit jealous. But silence was the only thing that responded to him. Even the gargantuan mutt had stopped whining. Arthur lied on his side and leaned on one elbow to lift his upper body and looked at you above the massive creature to see if you were okay. As soon as his piercing eyes fell on you, he was met with the softest sight he could have ever imagined.
You were lying on the bed, facing the dog, and cuddling with it. One of its paws was wrapped around you, and its big snout rested against your little nose. Every protest, every complaint, choked in Arthur’s throat, who found himself captivated by the way you were looking at the dog. You were staring at the beast with your Celeste blue irises shining with sincere love. Despite not being the center of your attention tonight, Arthur could not help but grin — his eyes squinting as his lips stretched. That was at this precise moment he realized another man had just entered your life, and no matter what he would do he had no other choice than to share your love with this troublesome giant.
“Alright, but just for tonight eh. Cause he’s not a little pug or something. That bastard has the size of a fookin small pony.”
“Just for tonight,” You whispered, your nail scratching behind one of the dog’s ears. Its tail wagged in contentment.
Arthur rolled his eyes, reluctantly giving up on the idea to sink into your body tonight. However, he still passed his arm above the dog to rest one large and calloused hand on your hips, unable to sleep well if he was not touching you. He closed his eyes, and even if he was at the edge of the mattress because Kaiser took all the place, Arthur stayed in bed.
“I might allow you here and accept to share me angel’s love, but I ain’t sleeping on the bloody couch, mate.” He warned the dog.
Kaiser looked above his shoulder and opened up his mouth in a big teasing smile, his tongue hanging. A smile in which Arthur Shelby could almost read the words “maybe, but I’m the one in her arms tonight.”
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Say hi to your new best friend and slightly catastrophic guardian, Kaiser!
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✞ Any comment, review, reblog, or constructive criticism is welcome. Your reactions really motivate me and keep me alive, so please don't be shy. English is not my first language.
Tag: @meowtastick @babayaga67 @sired-to-hybridrid @shelbyssins @kxnnxyasdfg @adaydreamaway08 @theshelbyclan @jomarch-wannabe @esposadomd @woofgocows @anathemasworld
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amournoir · 11 months
𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
pairing: jj maybank x f!reader
count: 1.1k
warning: none, just fluff
author’s note: after the votes on my poll, i decided to add a new fandom, obx being one of them. i hope you guys enjoy this, it’s my first one of hopefully many 🤞🏽 anywho have fun reading!
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The sun was setting over the picturesque North Carolina coast, casting a warm golden hue over the beachside hangout spot where John B and his friends often gathered. Among them was Y/N, John B's younger sister, who had been inseparable from the group since moving to the area. Unbeknownst to her brother, Y/N had developed a secret crush on JJ Maybank, one of John B's closest friends.
Whenever JJ was around, Y/N found herself drawn to his infectious energy and charming smile. She loved how he made her feel alive, how he made her heart skip a beat with just a look. However, she kept her feelings hidden, fearing that it might change the dynamics of their friendship and disrupt the camaraderie she cherished.
One particular evening, the group decided to have a bonfire on the beach, celebrating life and freedom under the stars. As the night progressed, laughter filled the air, and everyone let loose, relishing in each other's company.
Y/N had a few drinks, her inhibitions loosening, and her heart's yearning growing harder to ignore. JJ noticed her sitting alone, looking lost in her thoughts, and he approached her, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of her.
"Hey there, Y/N. What's on your mind?" he asked, taking a seat beside her.
She glanced up at him, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol and her emotions bubbling beneath the surface. "Oh, nothing really," she replied, trying to sound nonchalant, but her voice betrayed her.
JJ smirked, seeing right through her facade. He had noticed how Y/N always seemed to want to be around him, and he couldn't help but feel a similar pull towards her. "You sure about that?" he teased gently.
Y/N hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath, deciding to be honest. "Well, I... I kind of have a crush on you," she admitted, her gaze fixed on the sand beneath her feet.
JJ's heart skipped a beat, and a soft smile graced his lips. "Is that so?" he said, his voice low and intimate.
She nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. "Yeah, but I understand if you don't feel the same way. I don't want to ruin our friendship."
JJ reached out, gently tilting her chin up to meet his gaze. "You could never ruin anything," he assured her. "And, to be honest, I've had my eye on you too."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of relief and joy flooding her heart. "Really?" she whispered, her breath hitching.
He leaned in, their faces inches apart, his voice a soft murmur. "Really," he confirmed before capturing her lips in a tender kiss.
The world seemed to disappear around them as their lips met, a spark igniting between them, the revelation of their feelings unspoken but understood. In that moment, they knew they were meant to be together.
JJ pulled her closer, his hands tangling in her hair as he deepened the kiss, pouring his emotions into every touch. Y/N melted into his embrace, feeling an overwhelming rush of affection and desire, her heart singing with happiness.
As they pulled away, breathless and flushed, JJ rested his forehead against hers. "I've wanted to do that for a long time," he admitted, his voice filled with sincerity.
Y/N smiled, her heart feeling lighter than ever before. "Me too," she confessed, her eyes shimmering with affection.
The night continued, but everything felt different now. Y/N and JJ shared stolen glances, their newfound connection weaving through their interactions, making every moment more meaningful.
Later, Y/N found herself walking hand in hand with JJ along the moonlit shoreline. The sound of crashing waves and the soft touch of sand under their feet added to the magic of the moment.
"My brother would kill you if he knew," Y/N said playfully, a hint of mischief in her eyes.
JJ chuckled, pulling her closer to him. "Yeah, he might," he replied. "But for now, let's keep it our little secret. Just us."
She nodded, her heart full of contentment. "Just us," she agreed, savoring the sweetness of their newfound romance.
In that serene moment, as the stars twinkled above and the ocean whispered its secrets, Y/N and JJ found solace in each other’s arms. Their hearts had been entwined from the beginning, hidden but always there, and now, they were ready to embrace the love that had been waiting to bloom.
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🏷️ taglist:
⤷ @mrs-maximoff-kenner @thatfanficstuff @elijahmikaelsontrash @mxacegrey @thatfictionalwh0re @catmikaelson20 @loverswillowed @sweetwrathoflilith @panic-at-the-fiction @iiskittles16ii @original-siphon @hellotvshowtrash @onlyfreds @onlyfredslibrary @imgoingtofreakoutnow @slinthoex @mikaelsonsdeservedbetter @i-love-nora @multiversediaries @decoffinated-vamps @hopester08 @aloneatpeace @hopes-wife @softcoremaybank @klaustopia @dreamingwithrafe @sweetestdesire @cottontears @cottonreads @buckyysdoll
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
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Shelby Sister- Help
Trigger warning- Near rape, violence, death
Walking around Small Heath I don't usually have a problem. I'm a Shelby after all, and although my brothers are super protective of me and I haven't been able to have a proper relationship with a man, my name almost gives me instant protection, except for tonight.
I was on my way to the Garrison where my brothers and Cousin were with my close friend Isaiah
"That's a very nice dress" a man leaning on a wall
"Thank you" I reply while I continue to walk past the man but he has other ideas
"Where are you going? I've heard a lot of woman say the Shelby boys are a good fuck. I've always wondered if the girls are and well there's only one in Small Heath now" I ignore his comment and carry on, but he grabs me and pulls me down an alleyway
"Get the hell off me!" I shout ripping my arm away from him but I'm thrown into the wall "get off me!" the man uses his body weight to pin me against the wall
"Wonder what your brothers will think when they found out their sister is a whore. Maybe you should start to get tips from Lizzie Stark"
"I swear if you don't get off me your gonna be dead by tomorrow"
"Ahhh you see Princess I'll be long gone by tomorrow. Now let's get some of these clothes off" the man lifts up my dress, but I throw by head back hitting him in the face. I turn around and see blood coming out of his nose
"You fucking bitch" the man throws me back to the wall and I hit my head. I'm scared... this mans a lot stronger than me so I begin to yell out for help, but no one comes. I try getting away but it's no used and once again I'm thrown at the wall his body weight keeping me there. I begin crying, now giving up on trying to get away. I make one last attempt to yell for help as he starts to pull my dress up
"What the fuck do you think your doing?" I hear a familiar voice yell, Michael! the man is ripped off me instantly "Isaiah go make sure YN's ok. Finn and I have him"
Isaiah carefully walks over to me making sure he doesn't spook me
"Are you hurt?" he asks
"My head, he threw me" I cry out
"Can I look" I nod my head still crying. He checks my head and says there is a lump but I should be ok
"Tommy, Arthur and John will want to deal with him" Finn says to Michael
"Yeah let's go. They're at the Garrison. Actually lucky for you, the Blinders are also there. Should be a fun night" Finn and Michael take the man in front of Isaiah and I. Isaiah helps me walk to the pub with his arm around me.
As soon as we're at the pub Michael calls out my brothers
"Tommy, Arthur, John you better get out here now!" the door opens and our walk my brothers
"What the fuck is going on?" Arthur says walking out. When he sees me his eyes soften "Isaiah get her in our private room"
"Come on YN" Isaiah and I walk into the room. He sits me down and Aunt Poll comes over to try and comfort me
"Oh YN love" she hugs me while I cry
"He wanted to...."
"Hey hey shhh YN your ok now. Your brothers and Michael are dealing with him" Isaiah kneels down. The others come back into the room making me cry more
"I'm sorry Tommy"
"Why are you sorry?"
"I couldn't get him off me. I'm a Shelby for god sake" I cry out. Tommy walks over to me and does something very rare, he hugs me and I cry on his shoulder
"You have nothing to be sorry for" Tommy pulls away and looks at me "you hear me? you have nothing to be sorry for"
"You did well fighting him off" John pipes up
"Yeah. I even think you even broke his nose" Arthur chuckles
"Thank you Michael, Finn, Isaiah"
"Don't have to thank us. We're family"
"Ok. Let's get YN home. Get a cup of tea down her and get her into bed" Polly says "come on love"
"Michael, Finn go with them, Isaiah your with us. We need to sort the body out"
"The body?" I frown looking at Tommy
"You don't hurt our sister and get away with it" John smiles "just close your eyes leaving"
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Hi I’m sorry to bug you (pun intended) but do you mind explaining everything you listed in the 2023 tumblr bug poll. I’ve been here all year but I don’t think I understand all of the options. You have been really fun to follow this year I appreciate your presence in our community :)
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thank you Anon 1 that is very kind of you to say!!!! :)
All right, buckle up folks:
Get Back day-by-day re-watch (January): In January some people on decided to rewatch the bits of Get Back from that specific date, some also went through the nagra tapes of that day. They'd make cool compilation posts with moments that stuck out to them. I just remembered it was actually called Get Backuary :) I didn't really participate though because January is a busy time for me, in general.
Beatles poll wars (around February-April): once the poll feature reached bug tumblr we started having a LOT of polls and it caused a not insignificant amount of discourse and accusations of "bootlicking" or whatever lol. Interestingly, we discovered that Paul and George have roughly the same amount of fans (taking ~35% each) and John and Ringo also have about the same amount of and only about half as many fans (~15% each).
McLennon Conspiracy Blogger Disappearance Event (April): I explained this here, though I forgot to mention that in mid-April this blogger went scorched earth and dropped off tumblr completely. One time they made a post insinuating that no one's ever bothered wondering why John was depressed in 65/66 (and implied it was because THEY knew McLennon had broken up for a while or something)… Sir, this is the John Lennon Psychoanalysis Website.
Eyes of the Storm (June): Paul published a book and held an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery featuring tons of never before seen pictures from late 1963 to early 1964. Very fun time though people randomly claimed the majority of the pics were John when that wasn't really true lol there was just a general bias in which pictures from the gallery got shared.
Now And Then announcement + initial discourse (June): in a radio interview to promote said gallery, Paul offhand mentioned he had used Peter Jackson's AI technology to isolate John's vocal and "the last Beatles song" would be released later this year. There was a first wave of discourse from people thinking Paul was gonna use an AI-generated John vocal, rather than use AI to isolate an existing vocal (this was so frustrating because it was so clear in context what Paul meant but online news just ran with it). Then, there was a second wave of discourse (which was revived upon the songs release) over the extent of George's involvement and how much he would have wanted this.
Beatles song tournament (July–August): A sideblog was created to do a Beatles song poll battle. It got a bit intense lol. Everyone started hatejerking about Hey Jude beating A Day In The Life in the semi-finals.
Top Worm™ (August): Literally One Of The Greatest Moments On This Site. Also, let no one tell you John wasn't Top Worm. It is law.
Now And Then song + video (November): think this one's self-explanatory but basically Now And Then came out, we all reacted to it, the video came out the next day and was kinda hilariously bad but in the funniest way possible, George Discourse Part 2 and also How Much Is Paul Allowed To Change John's Song Discourse which I found puzzling lol. Someone said him removing a verse was "Paul Rewriting History". fantastic. no notes. what a time to be alive.
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thatstormygeek · 3 months
And the message of these inspiring uncommitted voters, both in interviews and in messaging from the organizers, has been clear. Biden has lost our confidence after backing a genocide. He must do more. He must take action like cutting off the flow of weapons and bombs to Israel. He must stop funding Israel. He must use his very considerable power to push Israel to end the genocide in Gaza. This has been made clear, repeatedly. Yet it’s still being deliberately misconstrued. Instead of listening to the points made soundly and repeatedly by a broad coalition of Democratic voters, the effort to malign the uncommitted campaign is in full swing. John Fetterman is one of the avatars of this push, spamming social media with half-baked memes and commentary making fun of his own party’s voters, and fellow Democratic members of Congress like Rashida Tlaib, for backing uncommitted. Again and again he says that this movement to show Biden just how much backing Israel’s genocide could cost him is helping Trump. It’s a non-existent logic that’s both totally wrong and debasing to those making it in that it feigns a complete misunderstanding of the primary process.
Now some voters won’t come around. For them, it’s too late. And I understand that. But what the critics, the dishonest commentary surrounding the uncommitted movement appear to not understand is that they are hurting Biden, Palestinians, and democracy. Their efforts to circle the wagons rather than listen to thousands and thousands of dedicated party voters is hurting their own cause. They are further alienating these vital constituents, and futilely attempting to diminish the Palestinian cause.
It’s impossible to know what the White House will do next. But people are organizing, and escalating. It’s not just hundreds of thousands of people voting uncommitted, it’s people disrupting political events, disrupting Israeli real estate events where occupied land is being sold, locking themselves to the gates of weapons factories. Millions have boycotted Starbucks, to the point where they’re acknowledging the impact on sales and profits. We are taking economic, political, and direct action, and our voices are breaking through the noise. Above all, countless Americans are getting organized, allowing us to act collectively and do more.
Don’t let anyone get it twisted, this mass campaign isn’t anti-democracy or pro-Trump. It’s a movement against genocide using the democratic process itself, and the White House knows it. The majority of this country wants a ceasefire, wants to stop sending weapons to Israel, wants an end to the slaughter in Gaza. No matter how anyone tries to distort that reality, we will keep making it clear, and we will keep increasing the pressure to make peace a reality. Hundreds of thousands of people are turning out at the polls to say: one way or another, we will make ourselves heard and force the issue, we will force the United States to do everything it can to end Israel’s genocide in Gaza.
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auxiliarydetective · 9 months
Who has the biggest Slay™? Poll number 1
Congratulations, you have voted on who will go through the horrors (you have voted, right???) - that means it's now time for the fun part of the Halloween Challenge: Costumes! As usual, I'm an indecisive little gremlin and so I shall now present you with the ideas my brain has come up with.
My beloved judges of style, please decide in the following pageant, based on... How fitting are the costumes? And of course... the funnies. Bonus for style points.
Day Twenty-Eight: Let’s Be Weird Together
We all know of an iconic squad that so many people are just dying to be a part of. Well, it’s your ocs and their friends chance! Day 28 is group costumes!
Gordon Malloy as Han Solo (he gets to be the cool one for once <3)
John LaMarr as Lando Calrissian (ladies' man much?)
Alara Kitan as Leia Organa (girl power dot com)
Raevyn Maumahara as Luke Skywalker (she gets to pass off her baton as a lightsaber, I mean, come on now)
Hannibal as Egon Spengler (aka only braincell)
Face as Peter Venkman (the ladies' man, except a more successful one than Venkman is)
Murdock as Ray Stantz (autistic swag - he has a Slimer plushy that he carries with him)
B.A. as Winston Zeddemore nobody (he insists that he didn't agree to this nonsense and only participates once they let him cut off the sleeves on his flightsuit but he secretly enjoys dressing up)
Kit as Gozer (androgynous as heck, has declared war on gender)
Hogan as Athena (big brain strategy energy)
Newkirk as Hermes (god of thieves)
LeBeau as Demeter (goddess of harvest who is known to become pissed if someone messes with her family)
Carter as Hephaistos (Carter is a blacksmith, except he uses chemicals that go boom in whatever he forges, which creates fire, which Hephaistos is also the god of)
Kinch as Hestia (he is mama bear, period)
Vicky as Aphrodite (her faceclaim is Marilyn Monroe, she is beautiful as all hell - also a known seductress)
Monkey D. Luffy as Mario (he... he IS Mario, okay? Fun guy, red color theme...)
Roronoa Zoro as King Bowser (Zoro would make a great fire-breathing reptile and he deserves to wear leather, spiky bracelets and a choker)
Nami as Princess Daisy (do I need to explain?)
Usopp as Luigi (Luigi is a hero too, okay?!)
Sanji as King Boo (the vibes are there, okay? it would work super well with his suit aesthetic)
Akaito Coraline as Princess Peach (Cora is royalty, okay??? Also, she would love to wear a princess dress even for one day and put SO MUCH work into her costume - alternatively, I could see her as Pauline)
@daughter-of-melpomene @thehedgehogat221b @starcrossedjedis @come-along-pond
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skayafair · 2 years
5 Extra Lives
This has probably been stated by someone by now, but I have a theory about why Arthur is so hard to kill.
Everyone he holds dear seems to die sooner than later, even Kayne made a note about that, and he never just chats. For some reason this seems important to me.
There are 5 deaths important to Arthur so far - of people who cared for him, who he cared about, or both: his parents, his wife, his daughter and his best friend/partner investigator. 
So far I’ve counted about similar number of cases Arthur has either died or had a too close of a call:
when he opened the book
car crash (another driver was dead but not a single scratch on Arthur? Really now?) (arguable tho)
stab wound resulting in coma
the boat
the fall to that talkative monster buddy (even Arthur and John noticed they shouldn’t have survived this)
throat wound at the King’s
27 ep
Now I realize there are not 5 but 7 cases, however: 
- at the boat Arthur was brought back to life by the wraith (which also gives us a precedent of a dead soul having power to do this)
- at the King’s it was the King who kept his word and didn’t let Arthur die for good
I’m also not certain about the car crash. This leaves us with the following:
when he opened the book
car crash
stomach stab wound resulting in coma
the boat
the fall to that talkative monster buddy
troat wound at the King’s
27 ep
4 certain death/near death experiences, 5 if we count the car crash. 3 (4) of them led to miraculously staying alive, one is still undefined.
So you probably already get the gist but I think the deaths of the close ones might be part of the Plan(/Play). Arthur clearly is a pawn in some bigger game, and we don’t know yet if the “friends” who “can’t play by the rules” and “like” Arthur so much (according to Kayne) as well as all Arthur’s choices being scripted beforehand in ep 12 are a plot thing or just a nod to the audience and voting  polls. The 2nd option looks incredibly lazy and disappointing to me so I’ll hope it’s the 1st one.
So he may be following a path set for him (more or less) by some other entities and those entities might ensure their pawn will live long enough to get to the end of their play. 
Basically, 1 death of a close one - 1 more life/miraculous salvation Arthur has.
I first thought about it when it was said that Arthur shouldn’t have survived looking into the book, but he just went blind and was perfectly fine otherwise. Kayne says he’s special, but special how?
There was a theory I’ve seen about his parents, that they might have been cultists too and died in some ritual - I like this theory and thought for some time that might be the catalyst for this “immortality”. I don’t think there’s anything really special about Arthur as a person and by default, but he might have been made special in order to play his role. You know, almost Harry Potter-ish stuff.
Now though I think the parents might have been just theater actors (it feels fitting - probably because his father saw no problem in crossdressing for fun as well as child Arthur himself, in 1920s setting this should stem from somewhere), which still ties them to the Play. I changed my mind about the “cult parents” theory because I think Arthur would have mentioned this in the beginning of ep 27 but he didn’t (he may not know tho).
So while I don’t know how and why exactly this works, Arthur may still have 1 spare life left. 
I guess it gets clear whether this theory has any grounds or not in the 28th episode - if Arthur doesn’t survive, I’ll be wrong. 
But I still like it, canon or not. I think the tragedy and cruelty in its core fit canon anyway.
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lesboy-lesroy · 1 year
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- 20-something Alabamian bumfuck-nowhere college student
- Any pronouns, any gendered terms are fine. Bigender boygirl female to salmacian. Abro lesboy (fluctuating attraction, but only date/fuck women based on preference)
- INTJ-A, 1w9, Leo ☀️ Capricorn 🌙 Capricorn ⬆️
- Clinically diagnosed with autism ("level 2" ASD), generalized anxiety, and ptsd. In therapy and on meds for multiple years now
- I am into some MASSIVELY problematic stuff. My therapist is aware and fully approves, and I'm morally conscious enough to not let fantasy control me. I'm also strongly anti-censorship. Got a problem? Block me
My blogs
- Personal: @bitchwholoveslife
- Fandom blog 1: @multifandom-girlfag
- Religious: [WIP, changing religions like some kind of poser who wants to seek spiritual/metaphysical truth wherever it leads me]
- Therian/Kin: @spotted-yeen
- Supernatural: @dean-coded-john-girl
- Porn blog: @after-dark-musings
- Fandom blog 2 (darkfic): @miscellaneous-problematic-fun
How I run them
- Current icon on this blog I made myself, and current header is a free to use photo by Artiom Vallat on Unsplash. All irl photographs used as my other blogs' headers or icons are free to use images taken from Unsplash. My other icons tend to be picrews. Right now, several of my blogs sport icons made with this picrew
- I don't give credit for userboxes because sometimes I use ones made by accounts that don't want me to interact, so I tend to just save the photo and move on without liking or rbing it to find later. Idk reverse image search to find the creator if you want, but just know that none of them were made by me.
- On all of my blogs, my main system of organization is by media type. As such, my main tags are image, text, art, meme, link, poll, gif, video, and audio.
- I very, very rarely tag trigger warnings. Do not follow any of my blogs if that is an issue.
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sunny6677 · 10 months
Spooky Month: The Dating Sim
Part 33
(I'm mainly just doing this because it's fun to watch, but this is basically a spooky month interactive thing/poll which is kinda like a dating sim. Of course, only the adult characters can be your love interests. So do take that in mind.)
You decided to go outside to take a walk and see if something would happen then. Lifting yourself up from the couch, you tried your way to the entrance. You swung open the door after placing on your shoes, and then proceeded to step outside.
It was still clearly fairly hot outside. You could smell the scent of nearby stands. The scent of fresh food wafting through the air as some people walked by with it in their hands. You felt the whir of wind that blew from beside you as vehicles passed, and you heard the quick flash of sound as it happened. The sun shone brilliantly upon you, and caressed your skin. Yet the beads of your sweat gave you a sense of dread you hadn't ever felt before.
You took a look at the ground, and considered maybe just heading back home with how ridiculously warm it was right now. You heard distant buzzing from nearby insects that dipped into the dry blades of grass, in search of any form of water. You were about to spin on your heel, and march straight back home—
But then you felt something. Well.. you bumped into something. A firm, strong surface. It didn't hurt, of course. It was merely an accident. But upon lifting your head, you saw two eyes with dark circles of exhaustion below staring into your own. Two.. familiar and glistening dark eyes. Upon blinking, you realized that it was.. Jack?
"...oh! It's you." Jack spoke, looking down at you. He didn't appear to be holding any sort of donut this time. So at least you didn't make him drop something again. Yet even so, a word of apology escaped your mouth. You hurriedly explained that you should have been more careful.
You looked to the side as Jack spoke. Jack uttered with a polite smile, "Oh—it's fine. I should have been looking where I was going.". Two other grim but stern eyes stared back into your own, glistening with a sense of grumpiness. It was that shorter police officer you hadn't even learned the name of by now. You only quickly looked back at Jack, and added that it was fine that he bumped into you.
The shorter police officer arched a brow, and uttered, "Geez, Jack.. you've bumped into them multiple times. You sure this m I get be a coincidence?"
"Hey, it was only two times!" Jack defensively said, looking down at Jack. The shorter police officer only playfully rolled his eyes, and replied, "Yeah, sure.. Jack's already told me all about ya. No need to tell me who you are." He seemed to be staring straight at you now.
You blinked, sheepishly grinning. You then asked the shorter police officer what his name was. The shorter police officer raised a brow again, but quickly let out a rough sigh. "Name's John.. so, is there a reason why you keep running into Jack or somethin'?"
You paused. You couldn't seem to find an answer, so you only awkwardly said that you didn't know, and that you just kept bumping into random people. John took this in with a brief inhale, before looking off to the side. "Well, I kinda get that. We should probably get back to our car, right, Jack?"
Jack blinked, before saying, "..oh! Yeah. We probably should." Jack then looked at you, and a warm smile curled up onto his face. "I'll see you sometime later, okay? Sorry we haven't really been able to talk."
You smiled back, and said that it was fine and that you understood. You walked around them both, and began to head in god knows what direction. You waved your hand, bidding a gentle adieu. In reply, Jack only waved his hand back, and both he and John began to walk to the vehicle that was most likely theirs. The vehicle was parked along the sidewalk, and it was a police car. So it probably did belong to them.
John.. he didn't seem too open, but he certainly wasn't mean either. Maybe you could talk to him more if you ever saw him again.
As you began to try and walk, you only then remembered that you were thinking about just going home. A part of you felt curious, and wanted to keep walking around though.
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Got a little inspired by the coin situation and took a break from the long next chapter to bring you this (I hope you like this hilarious and comical prompt) takes place later on in the story. Had so much fun with this!
The art of a (coin)cidence (WOTC Timeline)
Sofía couldn’t help but gawk as she peered over her sisters shoulder, taking in the piece of silvery coin that was meant to celebrate her sisters recent engagement and upcoming wedding.
All in all the coin wasn’t badly shaped, it rim was tidy and clean, its edge’s perfectly beveled. The two family crests side by side looked divine, an urging by both kings as they wanted to show the world how United these countries were by this royal match. The first ever in royal history.
Sofia moved her hazel eyes to her sister, who as slays remained stoic, yet Sofía knew her sister was deep in thought, her brows were slightly pinched. Her blue eyes stuck to the bottom side of the coin, a puzzling look on her features.
Leonor immediately took Sofia’s hand, moving her to the edge of the room, something akin to a smile and frown on her features. Sofia couldn’t help but crack a smile, given that there was nobody else in the room, yet her sister had pulled her to the side as if the room were full of prying people.
It took Leonor a second before she found her words. But when she did she couldn’t help but crack a smile.
“Is it just me or does the left side of the coin look…misleading”.
Sofia chucked at that, holding a hand to her mouth.
Leonor’s smile quickly faded into a chastising look, “sofi it’s not funny!! Now Ali will be troubled all week!! She’ll simply freak if she finds out”.
“It’s just one coin Leo. I’m sure many will follow. It isn’t the end of the world because the mint got her nose wrong”.
Hazel eyes meet the silver coin again and this time the infanta spoke. “Correction it’s the whole face. Did they even do a measurement! Or use a photo? They have a corridor full of portraits from her childhood! This looks like it was done on a napkin after lunch break!”.
The sudden movement of the grand doors opening made both sisters look up, taking in the royal mint team and an already hesitant vologarian princess trailing behind.
“Your royal highness! Lovely to see you here! I see you already have seen the coin? I hope it is to your satisfaction. Our team worked effortlessly on it”.
Exchanging pleasantries the team went right to work, moving the coin under a magnifying glass and cleaning it before the final presentation.
“Well Alix already looks on edge. Let’s hope this won’t trigger any German aggression” Sofia joked. Leonor only eyed her sister, a blank face on her features.
She could practically hear her fiancée’s rebuttal already, “I may speak German but I am not! We border the country!”.
Cotton blue eyes moved to take in her soon to be wife, who was still positioned outside the room, St. John beside her and volograds Prime minister on hand. From the looks of the conversation Alix was less than pleased. Her green eyes were downcast and her face tired.
Alix had taken up many engagements this year, from her first tour of the West Indies, to her first charity foundation. She had worked ruthlessly and successfully. Her polls shad been up 30% this week, now taking the title of the most popular member of the family.
With a bow and a smile prime minister Havel was gone, leaving Alix and St. John alone in the hall. St. John uttered a word and Alix smiled, that bright and earth shattering smile that made Leonor weak in the knees.
“Can you stop eying your fiancé and focus on the fact that this coin needs to go back…now” Sofia piped up.
The words seemed to go out one ear and into the other.
Alix entered the room, confident as always, a pep in her step as she eyed Leonor, her charming smile seeming to take over her tired features.
Leonor without thought flew into the girls arms, holding tightly and giggling when Alix picked her up off the floor for a split second.
“I’m sorry for my delay meine Liebe. St. John took a less crowed route” Alix spoke. Her hands cupping Leonor’s cheeks like a precious jewel.
Leonor only shook her head, her cheeks flushed and eyes filled to the brim with adoration.
It wasn’t till Sofía cleared her throat that both girls focused on the matter at hand.
To say that both Borbón girls were anxious when Alix eyed the coin was an understatement. Sofia held tightly to Leonor’s hand, Leonor watched every movement.
From Alix’s pale face to her secretive look to St. John across the room. It was obvious to anyone that the vologarian princess was not happy with the result.
“Well what do you think you’re royal highness?”
All eyes were on Alix. The girl quickly schooled her features. “I-I-“
Immediately Leonor moved to take Alix’s hand, wrapping a calm arm around the girl.
“I think it is just splendid. I do wonder if it is truly as lifelike. Perhaps a second opinion before you send it off?”.
If the men were offended they didn’t show it. “Of course your royal highness! We will send it off to king Cyril. He will do a once over and send the feedback. These coins will be made available to the vologarian public next week and hit the Spanish shelves the week after. Thank you for your time”.
As soon as the men were within a reasonable distance Alix spoke, calmly at first.
Running a hand through her raven strands, a nervous habit.
The green eyed girl turned to both sisters, a pensive almost shocked look on her features.
“Was it in my head or does my side profile truly look as ghastly as what is represented on that coin?”.
Leonor immediately moved to settle her hands firmly on her girlfriends waist. “It’s not nearly as bad as you think my love. You heard them there sending the coin to your father. He will make sure you’re represented as perfect on that coin as you are in real life. They’ll make your little nose straighter, and your perfect lips fuller”.
Soft fingers trailed down the girls lips, her nose.
Alix without thought moved to wrap her hand around the girls fingers, bringing it to her lips for a soft reverent kiss. Stealing the breath out of the blondes lips.
Then without thought the girl was gone, walking down the hall, determination on her features.
Leonor sighed, “where are you going now!?”
“To make a call to my father! This is a collectors coin Leonor! If I am going to be minted on silver my people should at least know it’s me and not whoever imposter is on that coin!”
“That’s just the start of this coin debacle” Sofia whispered.
Leonor only rolled her eyes playfully.
“Oh sofi! Alix is level headed. Surly she was a bit…bothered by the coin but she won’t left it affect her day to day. She’s not like that”.
Leonor halted as she eyed her soon to be wife, watching as the green eye girl sat at her study, desk light on, protruding the most vicious beams of LED light that the vologarian royal house could find. The magnifier stand in front of the vologarian princess. Two pieces of silver coins in hand as she peered at them through wide green lashes. Comparing both the coins.
“I would ask how you’re taking the coin debacle in stride, but now I am not so sure” were Leonor’s words as she moved to sit comfortably across her girls lap. Leaving a few kisses on her cheek as she did.
Alix didn’t shy away, a smile pulling at her features as she eyed the coins in her hands.
“If you must know I called my father and he said..get this my love…he said…he didn’t see anything wrong with my perception”.
Leonor didn’t know wether to laugh or cry.
“That’s preposterous! Why even I could tell it was completely and utterly wrong!”. Leonor spoke, blonde brows knitted as she laid her arms loosely around Alix’s neck.
Alix nodded. “Right! Honestly.”
“Well if your father won’t even give the king the feedback I suppose we’ll have to wait for the coins to come out before vetoing them-“
“I’ve already sent word to Mr Havel. He will be making the complaint for me”.
Without warning giggles erupted out of the girls mouth, king heaving chuckled that made the green eyed girl smile wildly.
“I don’t see the humor in this at all Nor!”
“I’m sorry..I’m sorry… it’s just you’re such a people pleaser! Too shy to say what you really think! I saw you when the mint advisors asked if the coin was to your satisfaction. I believe your words were “very much so”. So much so that you’re getting your prime minster, who has no interest in coins to put in a formal complaint”.
“Why yes! I didn’t want to discredit all the work they had done!!”. The green eyed girl defended.
Leonor only chuckled, moving to trace the girls jaw with lithe fingers. “Ever the kind soul you are your royal highness”
“St John please tell me they didn’t give me pointy chin” was the words that left Alix’s mouth.
Sofia and Leonor eyed each other from the table, the smell of nail varnish in the air as both girls watched the scene in front of them. The nail varnish brush laid suspended in the air as both girls watched.
St. John, ever the dutiful servant merely tried to calm the girl down.
“If anything your royal highness I believe this a true likeness”.
“I need soembody who will tell me the honest truth, however bleak it is” Alix uttered.
She was met with both girls and in an instant she brought the coin to Sofia, placing it in front of the hazel eyed girl.
“Go on sofi. Out with it. Remember to be as ruthless as possible. This is my image after all”.
Sofia eyed Leonor across the table, who with her eyes communicated ‘be polite’.
Sofia eyed the coin, taking it in her fingers and then eying the girl. She even went so far as to place the coin side by side.
“It would help if you moved to the side so I could see your profile..perfect just like that”.
It took a moment before Sofía spoke.
“Honestly…I’m not seeing very much of the volograd chin”.
“Oh GOTT IM HIMMEL!” Came the words and out Alix went, St. John behind her. “I’ll be meeting Mr Havel for a long meeting”.
Leonor watched as she went before moving to Sofía, “you had to say it!”.
Sofia rebutted, holding her hands up. “You have to admit that coin was a true travesty! I was only doing my sister in law duties!”.
After months of careful planning the coin was finally to Alix’s satisfaction. All was well in the world. Till the fateful day Lacy called. The conversation was well, till the words were uttered and Leonor watched her girlfriend’s eyes crease.
“I have to say. I finally got your collection of coins for your wedding. Honestly you would think it would take a day or two to post but I barely received the parcel just last week.”.
Alix chuckled, “it’s your fault for letting your post pile up as you do lace!”.
The blonde girl shook her head, “well I was about to spare your feelings!! Who on earth did your minting?”.
At that Leonor’s eyes widened. Oh god please no she uttered.
As if on cue the green eyed spoke.
“What’s the matter with it? Why? What’s happened?”.
On cue Leonor moved to wave a hand to Lacy from the camera, signaling for her to stop.
“Well it’s just…it doesn’t look very much like you at all”.
The words were out.
Both collective gasps filled the room, Leonor from the side, and St. John who had just overheard the conversation.
Alix sighed into her hand, pinching her nostrils. “I-it’s just a coin. It doesn’t really matter” she managed to get out.
Both Leonor and St. John eyed each other, surprise in their eyes.
“That’s a very mature way to look at it Alix. I thought by now you an your perfectionist ways would be halfway- wait what are you doing?”.
Alix shushed her friend, scribbling nonse sense on the napkin across the table.
“My measurements!! My coin cannot be finished without them!”
Legend says Alix is still sending in notes with her critiques on the coin. Hope you enjoyed that but before the new chapter! Love as always!-🇪🇸
This is so predictable and literally so funny! Alix just freaking out and being such a perfectionist over a freaking coin, I JUST CANT AHAHA!!! 🥲🤣😩
🇪🇸 you are are really feeding us all today and I’m fucking here for it. Thank you!!!
(ps. did u see the new Leonor coin for her 18th? I found it so funny how the WOTC fandom is talking about coins and the SRF just released some! Classic!!!)
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enniewritesathing · 1 year
I just looked at the poll result (that button was for me really) and uhm.
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(i guess spoilers for the result under the cut and also cut to spare yall w/e I’m gonna say)
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out of 20 (it was 20 bc i voted, but it’s 19... rounding it up is easier because i can’t do math woth shit lol)
no one voted for any of my early stuff. which, valid I guess because I was absolutely horrendous on formatting it -- not even ‘script’ style. lots of blanks in between shots. the only reason I didn’t go back an edit it is because I guess I wanted to keep it as a progress thing. Started from here, now I’m here, etc. That said, I can probably see someone skipping over them completely bc of that. (or maybe I’m just projecting a little bit idk). On the other hand, idk John fighting a literal demon?? how can you not vote for that lol
5 voted for The Werewolf 4 for The Incident (which I am surprised because that story as a whole has the least amount of notes... granted the CWs and subject matter(s)-- and it’s the only story I have that doesn’t have any sort of dialogue. Kind of a fill in the blank sort of deal. 1 each for the proposal and country side, 2 for multiple/other, 4 haven’t read any/or didnt like anything in particular, and 2 (minus me) wanted to see results.
I’m trying to think of a takeway here. I was shocked that I got 19 votes and usually when I poll things, the turn out is very low for the amount of followers that I have (that’s if they did it bc obviously anyone can vote). Let me put it this way, only 2.5% voted. (I think.) idk how many are actually active, lurking, or abandoned.
as a story teller (on/off), it’s... hm. I don’t know what to feel about it. I got ideas and half the time, I go through with it because I think it’s interesting. (that and putting the boys in A Situation is fun). but I also think they’re just niche (or I should say it’s not aesthetic enough with reshade and whathaveyou and I gave my thoughts in the post via tags; it’s not that far back).
It’s pretty rare i get a message about any of it and I guess the lack of feedback/comments is getting to me (or even rarer, an ask that’s a follow up question to what i posted). like yes, I want to talk about things!! future things! speculation even. anon’s on! links have the posts in chronological order! everything’s finished! i put nav links in each story post so in the off chance someone rb’s it, you can start from the beginning!
maybe it’s because of how i do things that work for me. parts are long. there’s a fair amount of reading. it’s in script (storyboard?) format. i’ve tried being short with things but it never plays out. i even went textless once -- what you see is what you get. it’s like ‘oh, i’m not reading all of that’. i have a sneaking suspicion that’s why. it’s too long. no words on pics. or maybe it’s not interesting. (visually or otherwise)
it feels like this when I’m RBing my own work
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it feels bad, yall!! it’s like im begging and that sucks. sometimes I ask, why do I bother. why do I bother with tags, why do i bother with anything. rarely a story post will leave here. like, is it not worthy of like ‘hey check out this cool thing’ (or a rec list of sort? does anyone still do that?)
. . .
on the other hand, i don’t think there’s a takeaway here and i’m really way too much into this and hurt my own feelings. (ofc 🙄) it is what it is and I should just let this go and go to sleep it’s 330 in the morning
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pluralswagbracket · 1 year
Oh we’re running blorbo propaganda campaigns right now? I thought that would only begin after voting did. Well then, please allow me to elaborate further on my Jesse Custer submission!
Believe me, I’m aware that not a lot of people have watched this show (probably even fewer have read the comics; even I haven’t). But I’m also aware that a lot of people should. The titular Preacher, our aforementioned plural king(s), takes the form of Dominic Cooper with a clerical collar, collar tips, and magic Dom powers. Trust me, he’s hot. Even if you’re not attracted to men, I’m fairly confident declaring that you’d still be attracted to Dominic Cooper as a cowboy-goth priest with collar tips and magic Dom powers.
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Your Honor, look AT him.
Have I mentioned that the plot of this show is Jesse’s road trip quest to find God and hold him accountable for his many atrocities? Because that’s a mission that objectively has extreme swag. And as if Jesse doesn’t have enough swag on his own, he also has a badass girlfriend and a vampire boyfriend who also have copious swag themselves.
But enough about Jesse’s swag. Let’s talk about his plurality (since I’m the only person I know who does). As per my official submission, your honor, during one key episode of this series, a curious thing happens. Jesse, imprisoned in the same torture device that he was made to endure as a child, suddenly retreats into what is unmistakeable an inner world. There he talks to an unnamed man referred to only as “the Missouri Cowboy,” who is clearly an introject of Jesse’s idol, John Wayne (and I KNOW we all love to see some introject love and recognition around here, right?) The cowboy tells Jesse how to escape his torture coffin, which is something Jess himself was unable to do by himself. (Furthermore, after escaping, Jesse goes on to kill the members of his family who held him captive and traumatized him as a child. As I said, swag.) Sadly we never see or hear about the Missouri Cowboy again (at least in the TV series), but his single appearance is more than enough. I rest my case.
If he makes it into the bracket and only gets one vote, that vote will be me and I’ll be proud to do it. If he gets 2 votes, it may well be because I convinced the only other headmate in our system who has a tumblr blog to vote for him as well. If Jesse only gets 3 votes, it will probably be because I bullied my partner (who cosplays him!) to vote for him too. Jesse Custer may not be a popular blorbo from a popular IP, but he is my babygirl and I will run the most insufferably annoying campaign for him because my heart is SO full of LOVE, your honor.
Fun fact: the vaguely worded possession guideline in the rules is actually partially so I can't finagle John Constantine into the poll on a technicality or three. However one of my other Vertigo blorbos is trendy rn so I will also say: Dream of the Endless + whatever Daniel has going on? plural. you know already
also to be clear folks: an essay like this gives your blorbo way more of a chance to get in! let em loose. be annoying (affectionate) in my inbox
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jazzforthecaptain · 1 year
Guess who's back on her Fast & Furious bullshit.
Is the new movie good?
I mean, how do you define good? Did I have to suspend disbelief about a lot of things (gravity, friction, inertia, technology, projectiles, the towing capacity of a Dodge Charger, etc.)? Yes. Absolutely. 100% from about 20 minutes into the film.
Was it fun? Fuuuuuck yes.
Did it pass the found family vibe check? For sure. It referenced people I'd almost forgotten about. They pulled the original actors to play all of them. The movie even has a discussion with itself about how quickly and completely people still get pulled into Dom's orbit, which is a great bit.
There's some eyeroll inducing lines - there always are - but this iteration seems more aware of itself than past films, and the writing is better than 8 and 9. Even when someone says something worthy of a comic book font, it matches the tone of the scene. The action sequences are outrageous and the movie knows it. It's fine with it. We live in a world where the heroes discover a massive explosive in the back of their vehicle and nobody even says "WHAT?" This are roads we know.
It's fun. It's a greatest hits review of the good stuff from F&F. Charlize Theron is somehow better in this than she was when she first showed up in the franchise to chew the scenery. John Cena is, frankly, adorable in his role. And Jason Momoa's sheer chaos energy - this man has range. Over the years I've watched him go from Ronon Dex to Conan the Barbarian to Aquaman to Duncan Idaho, but I never expected Dante Reyes. There's so much personality in this character that it escapes into everything he's wearing and driving. Momoa's humor and comedic timing shines. Dante makes a Joker for Dom's Batman and his Justice League of associates, literally assembled out of DC and Marvel actors.
The plot is whatever. It mostly connects, even if it pushes past belief before the first half hour. Did you come here for the plot? This franchise? The one with the car chase against a submarine, against a tank, against a plane? The franchise where a shadowy agency airdrops muscle cars into a combat zone? Where our heroes drive a car out of one high rise and into an adjacent high rise? Where they launched a Fiero into space to ram a satellite and hitchhiked onto the ISS?
I stopped being here for the plot after Fast Five. Honestly I should have given up sooner but what can I say? I'm stubborn. I mean, for a movie where people chase cartoonish bombs through Roman fountains and back cars out of low-flying planes, it's ironic how ultimately safe and predictable the storyline is. But like... it's a pretty satisfying story. It's a bedtime story for a baby Toretto, where the good guys face impossible odds, get framed for something they didn't do, and have to fight their way out of corner after corner with ever-escalating stakes; but where love and community always saves the day, and nobody ever really dies.
So was it good? I feel like that's the wrong question. Was it what I wanted? Yeah. Things suck right now and this was a silly, feel-good treat for myself. It was fun to get dressed up in my Fast & Furious shirt and go to the theater. It reminded me of all the things I love about the franchise and better still, it owns the franchise from start to finish. It doesn't try to be anything else. The Fast & the Furious, Fast & Furious, and Fast Five are always going to be where my heart is. This touched on those vibes without dwelling too long on them. When it hurt, it was a good hurt, and then we got on with things.
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