#the king's man x reader
saturncodedstarlette · 10 months
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“I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”
“How does he look at me?”
“Like he never wants to look away.”
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abyssruler · 10 months
no thoughts. just zhongli’s territorial instincts rising up after you return from fontaine stinking of another dragon’s scent. and neuvillette nuzzling his face in your neck to scent you every time you have to leave for liyue.
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melaninpov · 5 months
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John Boyega in Mens Health
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moonit3 · 6 months
a yandere suggestion (based off what I saw on Reddit)
Yandere king (maybe he could be obsessed?) x peasant
reddit has a yandere subreddit? didn’t expected that. but thinking now, that place has everything there.
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➥ warnings/notices: male yandere, gn! reader, violence, blood, age gap (both reader and the king are adult, but there is a line that refers the king being older), imprisonment, kidnapping, mentioned alcoholic drinks, children but nothing too much, future forced marriage, yandere being delusional and violent, reader gets chained, reader gets choked and then go unconscious, implied future punishments.
➥ yandere! king x pauper! gn reader
➥ synopsis: the lonely king falls in love with a masked person, now he is going to do anything to find them.
➥ a/n: got a little tired of writing smut, so i ended writing a more fairytale themed story compared to my previous works. also, i know it took some time to post it and there is no excuse for that, but please understand that i been spacing out more during the holiday season. but i plan to keep posting at least one time per week or two to keep working.
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a long time ago, there was a seaside kingdom whose inhabitants adore it leader for his benevolence, intelligence and courage. the winds and waves of the territory were a synonym of richness of the people’s lifes, having the opportunity to see the ocean at its best and everyone couldn’t be happier for that.
to make things better to everyone, the king thrown a festival to celebrate the arrival of the spring. citizens of all social classes adventure themselves into the city, playing all the games of the fair, tasting the most delicious food and getting to spend time with their beloved ones.
and the king didn’t lose the opportunity to spend time alongside his people. he played numerous instruments to cheer the couple dancing, he gift expensive candies to the young children and of course, he had fun knowing more of his people and getting closer to them.
he meet many families and the smiles on their faces made the king feel happier, seeing how every citizen has someone to be part of the family. however his heart become cracked when the time for dance arrived and he soon realized there was no one to dance with him.
the vast majority were couple dancing in the middle of the city hall by the sweet melody playing in the background, there are children dancing together —but it would be embarrassing to ask little kids to dance with— so he keeps himself to the sidelines, watching the crowd have fun as he admires it from far away.
everyone enjoy their time dancing, except the king. he desperately wants to find a person to dance with him, so he prays for himself for the gods to send someone to be his partner for the next dance in order and luckily, one of the divinity hear his wishes.
before the musicians start playing the instruments, someone grab him into the dance floor and the person didn’t lose time to make him enter the rhythm of the song. their face hide behind a mask, but the king can sees the sweet smile on their face when they keep dancing and laughing with him.
“my majesty! have anyone told you are a great dancer?” his cheek goes red with their words, no one have told him that and no one ever hold his hands so intimately like this. “no? then i feel honored to be the first to tell you that.”
his heart beat faster whatever the mysterious person brought their body closer to his during the slow musics, smiling and even teasing the monarch. “oh my king, aren’t you the most handsome face of the entire kingdom?“ the redness of his cheek grown strong, reminding the masked person of a tomato, “you are adorable, my king! anyone would pay millions to see you like this~”
when the last song finished, the king and the masked person bowed to each other. a smile on the monarch’s face as he could tell his heart was stolen way prior the final note and he couldn’t let them go away before knowing their name. he grabbed their wrist before they could leave, they freeze when realizing the king looks stronger than its seems.
“my dear citizen,” his lips curves into a smile, pulling the masked person too close to him. feeling their uncontrolled breathing on his neck, perhaps they are the flustered type when someone flirts back. “as your king, you have to tell your name before leaving the festival. i demand you to show yourself to me.”
the king reached for the mask, wanting to remove away from the person, except the commoner managed to free themselves on the last second and fell into the ground as result. his eyes can see a small injury bleeding at their arm, feeling guilty, the king extended his hand to help them getting up. however, the person refused his aid and ran away into the darkness of the festival.
next morning, the news about the border closure made everyone shocked and scared, never in the hundreds years would the king close the gates of the territory. something must have happened to made the monarch panicked to do it, many people believe about a criminal on the loose while others suspect that a wild beast was sighted at the woods.
both options terrified the citizens and things didn’t help with the king refusing to tell them the real reason behind his choices, saying that’s a confidential matter. believing their leader, no one bet an eye when he preferred to keep it a secret and no one cared when a cloaked figure was brought to the castle by the guards.
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being forced to be kneeling to the king isn’t something you expected for a normal day, not when you were hurting around the woods like you always do and now, you are handcuffed and the most powerful man of the nation stares down at you.
“do you know why are you here?” his voice echoed the throne room, making your body chill and hearing his footsteps getting closer to you doesn’t help either.
“i-i was caught hunting on the woods.” you stuttered. “even with the warning of the frontier getting closed, i disobeyed your orders—“ your words were abruptly cut off when the king slap across your face. his eyes showed no mercy by the tears coming out of you.
still crying, you were caught off guard by the king’s touch. feeling his harsh hands holding your cheeks didn’t comfortable, you can feel his touch mixed with frustration and regret when he clean your tears away. his grey eyes softened when your cheek before redder due to his aggression.
“you know that isn’t what i meant,” the frustration of his voice is evident. “the festival. you were the one who danced with me, isn’t that right?”
“i’m sorry, your majesty…” the handcuffs are too tightly wrapped around your wrists, it will leave a deep mark on you after it, but not as hurtful like the slap. “i was too drunk yesterday to remember anything from the festival.”
the memory of yesterday night is a distant one, clouded by the effect of the numerous bottles you drank to celebrate a friend’s birthday. the king’s frustration only grew, but this time with a hint of disbelief into it. his gaze bore into yours, observing of any trance of lies into your word.
“too drunk to remember?” his voice, now as a whisper, carried some disappointment.
with the room fallen into a suffocating silence, you could almost hear your the rhythmic of your own heart as the king approaches you slowly. your mind already thought of the worse, he will slap you once again, maybe sending you to the prison or just straight up killing you.
however, it’s didn’t happened nothing bad. the metallic click of the handcuffs falling into the ground brought you back to reality. amazed, your face slowed turn to see the king avoiding your gaze, this time his expression is unreadable, but you can feel that he has something in his mind.
“my king,“ even hesitantly, you create enough courage to speak up again, despite the perceptible urgency in your voice. “may i t-take my leave now?”
the lack of response from the king didn’t make you feel better, only deepening your fear when he seized your arm, forcing you to be pulled ayes from the throne room. with no chance of escaping from his grasp, you began crying to him, pleading to let you leave the castle and that you wouldn’t never returned. but despite that, all the yelling and pleading weren’t heard.
after dragging you deeper into the labyrinthine corridors, you find yourself trapped with the king inside his chamber. the strong winds coming inside the room are an indication that it’s to high to jump out and the only exit is now locked with the key hidden around the king’s neck.
dread settled into your heart when you felt the king’s lips on yours while shoving you into the bed. it last seconds, however it was more than enough to leave you breathless when you realize how his formerly cold eyes are now full of desire. along with his hands preventing you from getting up from the bed.
“let me go, you idiot!” this time, you attempt to put on a fight, a slap or something go defend yourself from his hands. luckily, you managed to hit some kicks on his stomach, but the king hasn’t move at all. “i will scream and show to the entire kingdom that you are a pervert!!”
the king doesn’t bothers with your threats, in fact, he is the one who ended yelling with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “why isn’t someone here to save you?” his laugh rang out loud in the chamber, making you silent with your eyes widened in fear. “see? that’s why the poor princesses are locked in the highest tower. so no one will hear them calling for help.”
his hands go over your skin, embracing it closer to his body and not letting you move away from his touch. feeling his arms wrapping around makes you tense, it makes you feel scared of what he is going to do. however, the king only pull you closer, too close to your taste, but you don’t dare to move away from him.
“my dear citizen,” hearing his voice so close to your ear feel awful, but you remain still, not wanting to see the worse of him. “do you know why i plan to lock you up here?”
you shake your head as a ‘no’.
“you have stolen my heart during at yesterday’s festival.” he is crazy. “during the numerous songs we danced together, i could feel that you have stolen a part of my heart with every touch of your at my skin. and with the smiles on your lips made me felt loved once again, you managed to make me feel younger.”
the words left you dumbstruck. a man, a figure with enough power to overcome wars, confessing to be in love with you—someone who is the lowest of today’s society. it’s weirdly, even stupid, to think that someone like him to reveal such feelings towards you regardless of knowing you for a day or so. hopefully, he is just drunk and speaking nonsense…
“that’s why i ask you for a small request, stay by my side forever.” he declared, completely unaware of your perplexed eyes. “we might not know much about each other, my dear. however, i’m confident to say that as times goes on, we will grown closer and get married soon. maybe even having children along the way.”
“marriage? you are insane!” your body moves on its own, creating resistance to fight against the king’s hands all over your body. “maybe delusional! but you aren’t a sane man. now, let me go!!”
one of your kicks strikes right into his stomach, giving you the opportunity to reach out for the key around his neck, pulling it away from him and hurting straight to the exit. unlocking the door was a successful and without a moment of hesitation, you began running away from the chamber.
your legs keep moving, searching for an exit away from the castle and your mind already thinks of a possibility of escaping the kingdom to avoid the king’s rage. however with halls all looking indistinguishable and the refusal of the servants to help you, it didn’t take much time to find yourself trapped inside the very same labyrinthine the king dragged you though.
and it didn’t take long for the king to find you again. this time angrier and violently, making you paralyzed in front of him. instantaneous, his hands met your neck and the pressure on it triggered your eyes to see black dots over your vision inducing your consciousness into sleep. the entire world went black because of him.
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a sudden sensation awake you, drops of water falling into your skin. it’s helps you getting fully vigilant of the new place you are in, instead of the halls or even the king’s chamber, you are now locked inside a cell of the dungeons.
the dark walls full of spider’s web doesn’t help calming you down nor the chain wrapped your neck, making you regret your decision to fight against the king back then. maybe if you had stayed quiet and submissive like he wanted, you wouldn’t be in a place like this.
soon, the sounds of footsteps alerted you. and unsurprisingly, it’s the man himself standing in the other side.
“you will be spending some time here, to think about what you did wrong and what you shouldn’t have done back then.” you couldn’t help, but look at him with disgust. he speaks like you are an animal in need of discipline and he doesn’t stop. “I hope you understand that once you become more obedient, you will go back to stay with me at upstairs, where our wedding will happen during the next spring.”
“…have you lost your mind, my king?”
you expected him to yell or to potentially receiving another slap of him, nevertheless none of that occurred. instead, the king reached for the collar trapped around your neck and drawn you to cells bars, letting him hold your chin to stare up at him.
“you are the prettiest person i ever seen in my life, my dear [name].” yet again, you let him kiss your lips to avoid more conflict. “but we need to teach you some manner before i get to marry you, after all, none one would enjoy to the king to have an uneducated spouse. but don’t worry, we will have plenty of time together to teach you to become some worth of my love. from now on, you call me basil.”
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a long time ago, there was a seaside kingdom whose inhabitants adore its leader and his spouse for their benevolence, intelligence, courage and simplicity. everyone admired how the highest person in the social hierarchy fell
In love with a pauper, someone who barely knew how to live.
their love become a tale to many people, sharing the story to those who came into the kingdom during many occasions and even telling relatives when traveling abroad. everyone knew about the sweet and magic story behind the king and the pauper.
every year since their wedding, the entire territory celebrates the most important holiday by gifting flowers to the king’s spouse and telling how happy everyone is to have someone like them next to their beloved leader. it’s adorable how they stay quiet and embarrassed when children tell them how much they are lucky to be married with a king, while the king himself laughs for their spouse’s shy behavior.
it’s rare when the former pauper comes out of the castle’s walls, staying there and taking care of the future heirs of the kingdom as part of their duty. the citizens admire how the spouse take the role of the main caretaker, instead of handling it to the maids as many leaders did, despite being someone who doesn’t have much experience in taking care of children, everyone knows they are doing their best.
and everyone knows how much the king loves his spouse, showing their feelings by giving them anything they wish in exchange for their eternal love. but none really knows what goes inside the castle’s wall when nobody is around the two of them
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@moonit3 writings
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
good morning
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It was a bright and early Sunday morning. The sun had just started to peek through the curtains of the house. A warm domesticity was the perfect setting for such a day. Until the tiny thumps throughout the house started to rouse
Gabriella: Dad, dad! Wake up! DAD!! Dad…😠!
Y/n: your daughter is awake….
Miguel: before sunrise she’s your daughter…
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tarjapearce · 6 months
Crimson Crown (Pt. 7)
Royal AU! Miguel O'Hara x Reader
Thanks to @pinkiemme for this amazing cover ✨
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Summary: While your bond with Miguel deepens, so does the danger.
Needless to say you couldn't sleep. The initial thrill had turned into a myriad of things surfing through your mind. He had accepted your invitation without much hesitation.
Although your vision and ambitions for the future had been shared along some personal tidbits, the prospect of getting to know him on a deeper level was simply beyond excitement. So far, King Miguel had been nothing but kind to you. Despite the initial clash between the both, your walls had mellowed enough to stablish a good camaraderie.
But sitting in the first line to witness his work and dedication for his lands, had made your heart dance and prance with joy. You were ready to learn from him, and hopefully he could learn a thing or two from you.
And the lab.
Your arms hugged the pillow as a dreamy sigh escaped you. He had given you a lab completely for yourself, one of your dreams fulfilled to a full term and all thanks to him.
You wanted nothing but to hug him and you were about to, however the rational side of your brain prevented you from such thing. Regret remained jared inside, maybe if you had done a more personal and physical approach things would've been different.
Would it be too soon though? Would it be too bold? You certainly didn't want to spook him or make him have a desperate concept of your persona. But he gifting you with things that only nurtured your soul proved it hard to restrain your blooming affection.
Physical attraction was measly compared what he had to offer as a person. Not that his beauty wasn't alluring, but his intelligence, diligence and devotion towards his people had completely captivated you. And today you'll offer to return a bit of his own kindness.
He was always busy, duties prevented him from being a normal person and enjoy simple things in life. Your task for the day was to find out those little mundane things that he relished in, so maybe ahead in your future you could join him when doing so.
Unable to remain in bed any longer, you rose and prepared for the day. Instead of the usual lavish attires you were always dressed in, you went for a more casual set.
The trips in the city had given you the sight of a perfect spot nearby the castle. The ideal place to have your adventure of the day.
Once you had bathed and dressed up, you headed for the kitchen. Cooking wasn't something you excelled at, and even though the occasion was special, his favorite meals were a mystery to you. Miguel didn't seem like a picky eater, but he did favored fish and birds.
Obviously a man his size and weight needed larger amounts of calories. His musculature seemed something that was forged through the years, another thing to marvel about.
Before your brain could get lost in the many qualities he possessed, you kindly asked the chefs to prepare a little portable feast to put in a hamper. Appetizers, a few bits of meats and fruits along some wine and desserts.
In the meantime, you headed for the lab, Peter joined you midway, a little out of breath.
"Your highness"
"Good Morning, Peter."
With a little smile you acknowledged his presence before going to the herbal side of the place. A couple of black roses were pulled out, along some mint leafs. You prepared a little concoction before serving yourself and Peter a cup.
"Drink this. You look exhausted."
Peter hesitated for a second, but again, the smell was too fragrant and good to let go. He drank as you did.
"Do you think the king shows up?"
"He must."
A little chuckle escaped your lips while you finished your tea.
"I know. But, there is always something showing up. I hope it's not the case."
"I'll make sure he's there. Is everything ready?"
"Not yet. Cooking is not my forte, sadly. I wanted to prepare things on my own, but I'm afraid I'd be accused of a murder attempt with my seasoning."
Peter choked on his tea but quickly coughed it away with a lithe laugh.
"I'm sure it's not that bad."
"Still, I rather stick to pills and potions. That I can do. Even blindfolded. But enough on it. I'd like to ask you something."
"Is there anything that the King wouldn't rather to discuss? I really wouldn't like to make him uncomfortable if I pry too much."
Peter's eyes were filled with understanding.
"His health. He doesn't like talking much about it."
Your face turned concerned, something that Peter offered a little comforting gesture by holding his hand up. Stopping your thoughts from running rampant.
"He is alright. Not terminally ill or any sort of tragedy. If that's what you're concerned about."
"How could I not see this before?"
"Don't blame yourself, your highness. If you didn't see it, it's precisely cause he takes care of himself."
"Well, he has me... My help now, I mean."
Peter chuckled while putting the saucer away, exhaustion leaving his body.
"I know. I'm sure he'll put those skills to a good use."
"I hope so. I'd like to... help him. Ease his kingly duties, I am the future queen of Arachne after all. It's only fair I help him out."
"You're already have done so, your highness. But I'm glad you think that way."
Miguel wasn't wrong regarding you sharing his vision, and for you to help him was plainly endearing for those within his most intimate circle.
You instructed Peter to help you out with a little infusion. A gift for Miguel.
A little ground coffee beans and other herbs all tucked in a burlap pouch. Then it was all reduced into three vials. Similar to the ones he used for his medicine.
"What is that?"
Peter eyes both curiously and suspiciously the dark colored infusion, you just chuckled while sealing them with a lid on.
"An energy boosting drink. Whenever he finds a headache, he should drink this."
"That smells like coffee?"
"It is. But more concentrated."
"You still believe me capable of harm the king? That wounds me so, ser Peter."
An awkward titter came out of Peter's mouth, "Of course not, your highness. He's just wary."
"I know. I have my own precautions as well, but, If I am to stand next to him in whatever years lay ahead upon us, the least we can do is to trust each other. And I want to surprise him with something."
"I understand. I'm sure he has no doubts regarding you."
"You think so? I hope you're right. Is there anything else I should know?"
Peter's grimace furrowed and became solemn for a moment. He was about to warn you about Lord Darko and his tactics, including Dana when Margo approached.
"Your majesty, the chefs are ready. Should I get your horse?"
"Yes, please."
"We'll continue this talk later, alright?"
"Of course."
With that Peter just watched you leave. He knew prying into personal territory was a bit too dangerous even for him, but since Miguel either forgot often or he didn't want you to know, someone had to do the nasty job of warning you.
But now that you had wormed your way into Miguel's head and heart, maybe the truth would spill out his lips without much trouble. He could only hope for the good. He was the king, but also, his friend.
You didn't expect to see Miguel at the main gates, both of your horses ready to depart. In all honesty, you'd think that he'd send either Jessica or Ben to excuse himself for the day.
But seizing him, in a more casual yet practical attire to fight, made your heart to jump leaps. He was there, like he said he would. He didn't excuse himself this time.
His eyes narrowed softly at the sight of you, the gleam in them upon taking in your features made your skin crawl underneath the long sleeves. You approached and he readied his horse, making sure the seat was adjusted correctly.
A friesian black stallion that neighed softly as Miguel caressed in between it's ears. Perfect for battle and running in case a retirement happened.
You hopped on the horse, Miguel on his and the basket was attached to Jessica's. She was only there to see the location and bring the basket to then leave you both alone.
"Are you ready, my lord?"
"Lead the way, Princesa."
With a gallop, you settled the pace and soon, the three of you marched away. Leaving a lithe gust of wind after the horse's trotting.
Jessica gave Miguel subtle glances, which he replied with a mildly annoyed scowl. The non verbal communication had been perfected by both over the years, a clear sign of mutual respect and trust. And an even clearer 'Get over it. It's just a lunch'.
Jessica's smug smile stretched when he rolled his eyes and trotted next to you.
The wind blew over, playing with the scattered leaves in your wake, ruffling the different textures of your hairs, it took you some minutes to leave the castle behind, and some more minutes to arrive to the pond.
Short and green grass cracked under the horse's hooves, the smell of wild flowers and soaked earth filled in your lungs with pure air, skin soared in delight when another gust of air blew over the both. The tree's leafs joined in the waltz. You gave Miguel a smile.
"We've arrived."
You hopped off the horse with ease. The chirping songs of the birds nested within the big oak tree made it all feel like God had turned one of his whims into reality. A couple of deers had escaped as soon as they heard the horse's gallop. The faint noise of the water before you and the smell of pines made your thoughts even more enthusiastic.
Jessica left her horse for a bit to put the hamper near the tree and with a final salute she returned back to the castle.
It was only you and Miguel. The latter took the basket and ventured deeper within the curtain of leafs and climbing plants nature had claimed a certain branch of the tree. Like a private room in nature, a perfect getaway from prying eyes.
You took the linen and put it on the grassy and moss textured floor, Miguel helped by moving the basket on the middle of the fabric and then you sat down, patting the space adjacent to yours. He obeyed and rested his back on the tree, just like you after the shoes were removed.
"My trips to the city made me aware of the many lookout spots the castle has. And I found this one. Do you... like it?"
"I do."
His voice contained unsure undertones, cause in all honesty, he rarely left the castle and when he did was either for war, or to patrol. Miguel had never minded to take his time into admiring his lands, that held not only power, but beauty within.
Just like you.
His eyes darted towards your profile, appreciating the landscape when he noticed the shy dimple in your cheek. His eyes raked over your lips, the brief wonder of their taste popped in his mind. The sun rays filtered through the leafs, gently basking within your eyes.
As if the sun had found a lovely place to rest for a moment. His brows twitched upwards yet discreetly. The ally eyes were gone, leaving room for the man he was to take over and be in awe of your beauty. If this was the sight he'd wake up to, he'd gladly become an art connoisseur.
He didn't know what to blame. His pent up stress that begged him for relief, or your mere existence in the same space. Breathing the same air, inches away from him looking like an artist's opus magna materialized into flesh and bones.
You mumbled and cleared your rasping throat.
"Are you hungry, my lord?"
"Please, call me Miguel."
You blinked once, then twice before a bashful smile bloomed on your cheeks.
"Are you sure of that?"
"We're soon to be wedded. Even though nobility is picky regarding titles, I couldn't care less."
That earned him a sheepish chuckle from you, but you nodded.
"Then, it's only fair you call me by my name as well."
"I'll stick to Princesa."
"Isn't that my title?"
"It is. But in my other tongue means something good."
Lovely even
His lips twitched in a little impish and borderline childish smile upon seeing you flustered.
"But if you want, we could go back to-"
"No. I mean... I like when you call me that. Your other language sounds rich and captivating."
"Does it?"
Your head bobbed nervously and his hands reached for the wine bottle to serve on two goblets.
"How much of it do you understand?"
"Barely a thing. But it's your tone that gives a bit of context. I can tell when you mean something good or bad."
"How about this? Te ves tan encantadora cuando tratas de aprender más sobre cualquier cosa." (You look so lovely when you're trying to learn more about anything)
Your throat gulped and your eyes casted away from him for a brief second before exhaling gingerly. Flush blooming in your face.
"Sounds like I'm doing something good."
His smirk deepened.
"And what have you learned so far?"
"Some little phrases, a few greetings and your title."
"My title?"
"Yes, mi rey."
His heart was nothing but a thump-a-thump inside his ribcage, the way you had pronounced such thing had his self control to hold you in such a fine thread that could snap if you ever said something like that again.
My king.
Your king. The idea of being called like that after your wedding made him secretly beg time to go faster. He had so much to teach and show you, your eagerness only made it better.
But he was also learning from you.
You called him by his given name, and oh his heart nearly jumped out of his chest. His lips stretched involuntarily at your voice, calling him.
"I've gotten you a gift."
"A gift? Why?"
"What do you mean why? I'd like to honor you too with gifts as you've done. Is it wrong?"
Your hands reached for the velvety pouch containing the vials, filled in with your caffeinated concoction.
"Here. If you ever find yourself with a terrible headache, drink one."
"I'm afraid I'll need more than these." You chuckled and leaned in a bit closer to him.
"I will prepare as much as you need."
He poured the wine, and handed you a goblet. You sipped it almost right away, nerves wrecked you, but speaking so closely to him made your blood rush hapzardly in your cheeks and butterflies to twirl in your stomach.
"I also wanted to ask for something, away from the council's ears."
His brow arched softly "And what is that?"
"I beg you. Please let me ease your kingly duties. Let me help you."
It was always a Lead the way, sometimes a You need help. others a You can't do it alone. but never precisely that. A let me help you.
"I know that I'm already helping, according to you. But I'd like to do more." You took a small slice of fruit, "That way, we could spend more time knowing eachother. Either through work or... like this."
"What else would you like to do?"
He gestured you while he popped a grape into his mouth, you ate the piece and talked once you swallowed
"Let me take charge of the arts and social agendas. I will improve them. Your people have so much talent. You could size it."
"Then, let's make a deal. You're not to abandon your medical duties, I need you on the front."
Your head nodded eagerly.
"But, I'll assign you a schedule, so you can balance both. But if it's too much, you'll let me know. Understood?"
"Si, mi rey."
Maker's mercy.
You were killing him, his restrain was kept in check and control. You ate and drank in silence, too nervous to ponder about eachother, but the letter he burned into ashes came to his mind.
"Have you had many pretenders before me?"
A cringe worthy nod from your end made his nose flare in an airy chuckle.
"Yes. Though I barely remember about them now."
You shrugged and Miguel could only stare at you.
"Did they ever sent you letters?"
"They did, until I decided to ignore them."
His eyes changed to a more curious and keen gaze.
"They were simple."
"Yes. You know, when beauty is everything they see. I like deeper minds."
Miguel's chest heaved with excitement upon your words.
"For being a pair of royals that were brought together under political circumstances, we do have alot in common."
"Indeed. May I know more about yourself, my lord?"
"More about me?"
"Yes. What do you like doing in your scarce free time, favorite things and the like."
"And what do I get in return for sharing such information?"
"More of myself to you. And possibly me enjoying such activities with you."
"That's fair."
A small smile appeared in his lips.
You both shared, your own part of the story. Your birthdays, favorite foods, drinks, activities, flowers, upbringing and raising ways.
He was a simple man when it came to things, nothing too extravagant as you had thought. He didn't enjoy hunting. He disliked formal and big events, even had thought of escaping to his room after he had been crowned.
He had found a way to brew his own sort of wine, reducing the importing costs, he was an inventor, and spoke multiple languages. Miguel enjoyed tinkering with machines that were out there making the life of his citizens easier.
His upbringing was everything but easy, since the expectations were put in him in such an early age. Another reason of his premature scowl.
He told you about his first battle and how scared and angry he was. You shared about the loss and mourning of your brother. How it impacted on your parents, your dad specially. And how your mother took charge for the both to prevent the kingdom to sink even deeper in the rickety luck that seemed to tuck in Theleria.
He had his temper and has kept a silent rivalry against Kingpin. However his surprise was much when finding out you were about to marry Kraven in a desperate attempt to keep a bit more of territory. One of your father's suggestions.
"I'm grateful it ended up being you."
Your mother had played her cards well. You had even explained some customs of your country. The mistresses topic was unavoidably brought up, but sensing you tense after explaining the why, he was the one that seemed deep in thought.
" I apologize if my traditions have hurt you in any way."
"It's complicated, cause I really want to understand everything related to your kingdom, I know no nation that is perfect. But I accept your apology."
"Still, I'm sorry for making you feel disrespected, Princesa."
A little smile appeared on your lips. You itched to know if he kept them around, but that bit of solace was enough, you didn't want your dark thoughts to ruin what has been achieved so far.
"Do you wish to return to the castle now?"
"I'd be a liar to say that I don't. But my priorities are others at the moment."
Baron Drako dragged Dana to a secluded room and sighed. Dana could only stare at him, expectant.
"What's going on?"
Darko paced frantically before her, "The king..."
"What about him?"
"He's out. With the princess." He seethed, "They left since this morning!"
Dana's expression soured. Her anger boiled, but fury would do little to solve the evolving problem. You. She needed to think straight.
"Is that so?"
"How can you be so calm?! The crown is being taking right under your nose-"
She interrupted while raising a hand. The single motion alone was a clear understanding between the both.
"Tell me you have a plan. You can't... You can't let that Thelerian to be crowned as queen. You are the one and only worthy to be on Miguel's side"
"I know. But don't you fret. Miguel always returns to me. He knows what I am capable of."
Her fingers took her chin, and her eyes narrowed. She'd definitely had been slacking, not cause she wanted. Her own family matters had kept her at bay from the main stage.
But she had seen you both. The glances Miguel gave you, the way he itched to hold your hand, to lay a finger on you. Just as he had longed for her all those youngling years ago.
"Let me handle this."
"What are you gonna do?"
Dana's lips twitched in a wretched and cold smile.
"I think it's time to introduce myself to the princess."
Miguel's hand took yours as you ventured in the shallow parts of the pond to soak your feet.
Despite the day being nice, the humid weather of Arachne always made you itch for a cold bath during the day. Sometimes you dreaded the materials for the wedding dress, but it mattered little when clothes were bound to be discarded through the night.
You swallowed and casted a discreet look his way. His feet submerged in the cool and crystalline waters, pants rolled up to his ankles, and his shirt to his elbows, leaving strong and sturdy forearms bare to your sight.
Would he like to consummate the marriage? Probably. Would he notice your total lack of expertise in bed? Definitely.
The more you thought about it, the more red your cheeks grew. But it was impossible to not think in such things when the behemoth of a man next to you was looking to the horizon, deep in thought about something you didn't have access yet.
His skin glistened under the sun, but his lips were the main attraction to your now not so discreet ogling. He smirked upon catching you red handed, a hand of his raked through his curls on purpose, making his muscles flex and be outlined underneath his shirt.
His whole frame offered you solace from the blazing sun, but also granted him enough to see your flustering.
His eyes softened and his shoulders slumped, relaxing within your presence.
Eyes studied you for a moment before they stopped at your lips.
By instinct, he took your hands. Your fingers grazed his palm softly in a shy caress.
"It's been a while since I've taken a break."
You smiled and his eyes mellowed.
"I'm glad I was able to distract you from your duties, even for a bit. We all deserve to rest."
"Now you sound like Peter."
With a giggle you pulled him deeper to the pond, letting the hem of your skirt to soak lightly.
"Well, he is right. The more you take care of yourself, the longer you'll live."
Hand in hand your feet wiggled underneath the water. He stood next to you, gazing at your hand in his.
His heartbeat steady, despite pounding in his ears by that touch alone.
"If I'm honest, I didn't want a marriage initially."
"I know. Neither did I."
His grip tightened slightly and you looked up at him.
"It's funny how life weaves it's threads, isn't it?"
"What do you mean, Princesa?"
"Well, neither of us wanted to, yet, neither opposed greatly." A faint shrug of your shoulders, "I might have given a little tantrum. But we just agreed because of our duties."
His eyes casted down briefly before speaking again
"If... circumstances were different, would you still agree to a marriage?"
That was a question you weren't expecting.
"With you?"
He nodded
He was definitely holding onto you tighter.
"Quite curious you are, my lord."
He chuckled and you grazed your thumb on his warm flesh.
"But, it's because of your kindness and consideration"
"Sorry to disappoint but I'm everything but that."
"Towards others perhaps. But to me... You're not the bloodthirsty man everyone makes out of you. You're more than that."
A faint pained look came across his features.
"Bad habits are hard to kill."
"My lord. Tell me something."
"From all the times you've waged a war, was your land under threat?"
"Was your kingdom sovereignty at stake?"
"It was."
"Do you love war?"
"I don't."
"Sometimes hard choices must be taken. We might not always like it, but someone must do it." You inched closer to him and entwined your fingers gingerly in his.
"And those who chose to do the right thing, even in pain, are the bravest souls of all."
His hand enveloped yours in a tender hold. Words like a reassuring balm to his aching soul. Fingers secured tightly yet gently on yours.
"And, I'll be honored to be brave with you. If you'll allow me, that is."
The urge to clutch at his chest only grew the more you spoke. You could kill him out of joy and you wouldn't even know.
"My words might be clumsy, I'm rather a man of action. But believe me when I tell you, Princesa."
His eyes looked into yours.
"Regret regarding this, had left me a long time ago."
You way back to the castle was quiet, yet comforting. It was safe to say that you had came closer, not only as royals, but as two individuals bound to share their lives. Obligation was no longer a word that hovered over both, willingness had slowly seized that spot.
You wanted the same, and he could have you. There was no hidden truths behind, no second guessing or intentions. Nothing that made him suspect. Just raw and utter admiration from you. And something else.
You understood with little. He was bad with words or anything that involved feelings, but the urge to prove his blooming affection and admiration for you was greater than anything, sometimes even from his own duties.
But that kiss on the back of your palm was more than enough for you to know your advances weren't in vain.
A chaste, yet loving kiss that made you understand that the acquaintance and friendship threshold had been blurred and crossed.
You weren't afraid of the intensity of how your emotions displayed, and hoped that he wasn't spooked away by them. But it was unerring that your temporary escape had brought to light so many things hidden by fears and insecurities on both ends.
You settled for another outing within the following days.
Upon returning to your chambers, and another kiss on your palms as a temporary goodbye, you prepared for your evening activities. Meaning, you'd be back to the lab and instruct your new subordinates, ready to prove and honor your words.
Peter however followed Miguel to his war room to deliver a report. The sight before him made him chuckle. Slumped against his chair, a lazy smile on his peaceful face.
"If escaping your duties with the princess leaves you like this" He gestured to a slumped and lazy smiling Miguel, "Then I'd have to ask her to keep you for herself as long as she wishes."
He could have you.
The realization upon you saying such things filled in his body with many things he couldn't understand completely, but was no longer wary and mistrusting to explore.
"The wedding is a month away. Many things have changed."
"Sounds like you're eager to get married."
"Not for the reasons you think." One of his bushy brows quirked, mildly annoyed.
Peter rose his hands in defense, "I haven't said nothing"
"Good. Prepare Dana's family for a trip."
"I'll send Baron Darko a-"
"No, I heard you. Really, Miguel?!" An exhausted and cloy sigh came across his lips, "I'm getting tired of you playing this childish games. That wretched woman is dangerous."
"I know."
"Then why you keep her?!"
"Cause I'll kill her myself. But not within my castle."
"I don't believe you."
"Not my problem. Don't want her blood stain this fortress."
"... Miguel-"
"In two days. Tell Commander Reilly to prepare the east manor."
His personal slaughter house. Peter's eyes remained on him, there was no lies behind his dark ruby eyes.
You had taken dinner in your room, too excited to keep your thoughts to yourself. A flurry of entries where added to your diary.
A scholar having a crush was nothing compared to how you felt.
Everything seemed to be finally be on its way, but something didn't belong in there. You had been too eager to start your teachings that completely ignored the letter left on your desk, placed by an intruder.
The bright red wax seal captured your attention. A letter written in an impeccable scribbling, not as refined as yours. The seal was broken, initial joy vanishing upon reading its contents.
A letter that undoubtedly, had all the intentions of harming with a simple message:
"Your majesty. I believe it's time for us to meet. Join me at the rose garden after midday tomorrow.
Another council member you didn't know about? No. You've already met Baron Darko. Who could it be and why such pithy words filled you with anxiety and dread?
You put the letter in the desk where you found it, and headed to your bed. The memories shared with Miguel today were far too bening to let the intrusive thoughts to win over.
Sleep came easier when the last thing in your mind was Him and the events of today.
@obi-mom-kenobi @allysunny @nxrdamp @a--dedicated--fangirl @rin0r1na @queenofroses22 @sofi786 @murnsondock @okayiamkassandra @kimmis-stuff @ceoofmiguel @meeom @handsomeprettytoes @ladymoztaza @chiikasevennn @mxtokko @gabrielarose29 @oooof-ifellforyou @minalovesyoubabes @kikisstrawberrie @know-that-its-delicate @aikoiya @st0r-fruit @ittybxttykxttytxtty @local-mr-frog @liidiaaag @berlinswifey @eepybunny0805 @vonev @cheerrioeoz @solesurvivorjen @zaunsin @ange-grayson @peachsteven @kdrosebme @geraskier-thots @rjasmin2021 @yehet-moi-ohorat @death-moth-art @smookycloyd @somehopeatlast @jadinwitch @bunnibitez
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ghouljams · 3 months
In honor of the holiday dearest to tumblr, the ides of March, can King! König get another attempt on his life? Poor guy is probably bored
Oh my god of course, how silly of me to neglect him like this. Have a couple assassination attempts.
You wake up before König does, a light sleeper by practice not by nature. You yank yourself out of his firm gasp to sit up at the first odd noise, and you think that's what rouses him more than anything else. More than the knife poised over him, or the shadow clad assassin that hovers beside the bed. You stare at them as your king blearily pushes himself into wakefulness. Just enough to grab the assassin's wrist and jerk it to the side with a sickening snap.
The knife falls with a pained whimper, grabbed tight by König and flipped clumsily in his tired hand to be forced into the side of the assassin's neck. König yanks the knife free of its ghastly lodgings and blood spurts over his hand. The assassin pitifully grasping at the wound as he collapses back, crimson painting every direction he turns. König tosses the knife into his chest, it sticks with a solid thunk, as the man writhes.
You're gathered back into your king's arms with a tired grumble, and dragged down to the mattress. König is wet with blood, the drip of it smearing the pillow as you shudder at the slick gurgling coming from the side of the bed. König seems unbothered, his breathing even and regular, his hands gripping you with the same possessive tightness he had before your sleep was interrupted. Your heart hammers in your chest. You don't sleep.
König pauses what he was saying, staring down at his cup with rapt attention. You sip your own wine with a raised brow. His eyes grow darker, hungrier, the longer he stares. Redder, you think, he gets this glow to his eyes, murderous and blood tinged, when he's particularly excited. You glance at the servants in the room, all of them standing at rigid attention. He's already standing when your eyes grace him again. You settle your cup on the table and blink at the discolored metal. Ah.
You fish through your pockets for your charcoal, and eye the unfortunate soul still holding the wine pitcher. Actually as far as poisons go, you're finding this one rather mild. You lick the last drops of wine off your lips and decide on another sip. It can't do any more damage than it's already doing, and focusing on this is easier than focusing on the awful crunch of bone against bone.
Your stomach turns, you're unsure if it's the arsenic or the knowledge that König has no sword on him, and yet you can still hear the visceral squelch of blood. You hazard a peak in his direction and catch the raise of his fist, blood dripping from his knuckles into the concave remains of the wine-bearer's face. König, for all his frenzied glee, has a stillness about him that unnerves you. His body poised to put all its power into every beat of his fist against the bloodied pulp he's already reduced the would-be assassin to.
You raise a hand for König's aid and he's beside you without fanfare. You swallow and settle your cup on the table, breaking off charcoal from the stick you carry. "Would you find out who else touched the wine?" You ask, polite and collected to hide the way your bones are starting to shake, "and order some vervain in hot water." The man bows and disappears as quickly as he'd shown himself.
You chew your dose of charcoal, force yourself to swallow the sludge before you turn your attention to the king. His heaving shoulders and blood splattered clothes prickle like ice over your skin, exciting and terrifying in the same breath. You wonder sometimes if these attempts on his life aren't without good reason.
You don't know why the fuck you're here, except that König asked you to be and you didn't have an excuse quick enough. The kingdom is airing their grievances, mostly the general populace complaining about uneven roads, crops dying, taxes still being too high. There's always too much that König would have no hope of solving, but through divine right has to listen to. You're only here to ask about moving your perennials to a different bed. You didn't think you'd have to go through such a demeaning process just to do something you were going to do anyway.
You think König gets a kick out of seeing you bow in front of other people.
Not that you get a chance to. The relatively tedious and boring display interrupted by the flash of knives and the death grunts of several guards. The instant panic that the collapse of the king's protectors sends through the crowd leads to a stampede towards the chamber doors. It's the sort of atmosphere you know König relishes, pulling a sword from the guard nearest him and thrusting it through the nearest assassin's middle. He rips the sword skyward, stopped only by the man's sternum. Though you suspect even that wouldn't have stopped König if another hadn't lunged for him.
You're pushed by the crowd, but you hardly feel it, too focused on the draw of König's sword through the air, the way it slices through a man's neck and turns to pierce his chest. There is a madness to the way König moves, nothing short of joy spreading through him as he turns and brings the sword down hard between another man's eyes. Three lives ripped away without a scratch on him.
He holds his sword as his side, rolls his shoulders as he eyes the last assassin, baiting the man into action. You watch, with your breath held, as the man darts forward and plunges his knife into the meat of König's stomach. Your heart hammers against your ribs, anxiety twisting your stomach as König drops his sword.
Two big hands fix themselves on either side of the man's head, and twist sharply to one side. You may be the only person in the room to head the snap of it, to see the jolt of death's motion through the body before it goes limp, held aloft only by the king's hands. Your breath catches in your throat as König tosses him to the side and tugs the knife from his stomach.
It's hard to tell which red is from the blood, and which is from his usual clothes. You don't try to identify either one, frozen where you stand as König turns and walks out of the room. People file past you, still pushing and shoving in a panic. A servant grips your arm, your eyes still fixed on the throne.
"The king is asking for you," they tell you.
"Right-" You mutter, before you can shake yourself awake, "right, yes, of course." You swallow, pull your wits about you, and offer them a smile. "Lead the way."
There are many reasons you cannot be queen, a lack of affection for the king isn't one of them.
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fragileheartbeats · 1 month
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He have Blythe dolls eyelashes.
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soulaires · 7 months
cardan greenbriar headcanons
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I would still adore you with your hands around my neck.
ꨄ︎ He is brutally and unapologetically mean when you first met, he doesn’t really ‘bully’ but makes it clear he HATES you (snickering/laughing w his friends whenever you are in sight or gives backhanded and sarcastic comments )
ꨄ︎ you don’t really entertain him most of the time which drove him MAD he doesn’t really understand why he’s craving for your attention so bad
ꨄ︎ he couldn’t really understand that he liked you o he’s just mean, he doesn’t know how to get your attention without the full on teasing
ꨄ︎ whenever you respond to his teasing, your words cut him like a knife (you hurt his ego, he hurt your pride 🤷‍♀️)
ꨄ︎ the moment he realized he likes you, he just deny, deny, deny, deny.
ꨄ︎ he absolutely hates the way how much he wants you, hates the way he craves for you, your presence, your touch dearly and hates the way he badly want to shut you up by a kiss
ꨄ︎ when he saw you kissed locke, he get irritated and finally starting to accept it
you are currently in a garden, reading a book when suddenly the bane of your existence voice greeted you,
“why did you fucking kissed locke??” Cardan marched towards you as he settled in front of you, you stood up, preparing to leave but he caught your arms.
“I ask you a question, princess. Answer it.” He remarked, the gap between you two is a bit close than ever.
“None of your business, royal highness.” You mocked.
“Why? Why does it have to be him? You have a terrible taste.”
“He’s a good kisser, I would not lie.” you try to get under his skin
“No, he Isn’t.” He argued
“Why do you always have to disagree to everything I say???”
“Because, my dear, If I agree with you, then both of us would be wrong.”
“You drive me crazy, Greenbriar.”
“How crazy?” He mused. “Show me how mad I drive you.”
you rolled your eyes as you start to wak out but cardan was quick to corner you in a tree, your heart is racing, tension is thick and yu could not breath.
he seems to caught onto that as he smirks, “my, my, my, darling, why is your heart racing so fast when I haven’t even touch you, hm?”
you can feel your cheeks heet up as yu raises your eyebrow, “and how would you even know that?”
he grabs your hand and put it on his chest, “because mine is.”
You let your arms away from his beating heart as if it burns you, “you should go.” you breathed out. “Yeah, you should definitely go, cardan.” You distanced yourself but not far enough from him.
“Go where, sweatheart?” his face is much more closer to yours, “here?” You can feel his breath on your shoulder. “Or maybe here?” It moved up to your neck.
“ca—cardan.” You stuttered. You fucking stuttered. You heard him chuckled and moved up to your ear
“Kiss me.” you heard his hoarse voice whispers to your ear.
“What?” Your eyes went wide as you backed away.
“I said, kiss me. Kiss me until I am sick of it. Kiss me until his taste is out of your lips, kiss me until all you can taste is me. Kiss me.” he begs. All cardan could only think was that he needed you. Needed to taste you, to have his arms around you, to hold you. He could not think straight. “please.”
“Shut up.” You said as you kissed him. Kissed him. You have no excuse for it, not a accidental, forced to, nada. You kissed him.
Cardan quickly melts into the kiss as he tugs you closer. His tongue swept along with your lips and you granted him the permission he craved. It drove him crazy. He dreamed of this very moment, of you, every damned night. Thought about it every hour, about how you would taste, it was a question and answer , a beginning to an end. Cardan Greenbriar could stay like this forever, with you in his arms, with your fingers on his hair. With your lips on his. He devoured you, tasting every bit of you and you heard his desperate whine.
You pulled away but he chased your lips. You guys stared at each other. “I–“ “this never happened.” You are quick to shut him off as you scurried away.
ꨄ︎ he drown himself with alcohol that night.
ꨄ︎ he tried to talk to you but was unsuccessful
ꨄ︎ one day, he had enough and planned to corner you
ꨄ︎ he finally caught on to you
“Lets talk. Stop running away from me.”
“Yes.” He argued “stop being stubborn.”
“That was a mistake.”
“Is it?”
“Yes. A mistake that shall never repeat again.”
“Don’t say that.” His voice shakes
“Let’s forget it happened—“
“Again, it hurt me, princess. It hurt me.” Again.
“It’s probably for the best!” You burst out
“No, it is not! Will you please stop driving me crazy?”
“I wanted this—you for so long and im not losing the chance. You have no idea how i wanted this. The way you look at me... I want you to know what it does to me. I want you to feel it. Feel how crazy you make me.”
You went silent as you stepped closer to him, “show me, cardan.” You whispered and he did.
ꨄ︎ now that you guys are dating he became more protective of you, always looking out for you.
ꨄ︎ he would start the next Trojan War for you if you are not in his line of sight
ꨄ︎ oh boy he is CLINGYYYY
ꨄ︎ he calls you lots of pet names like “my queen, love, my love, my darling, sweetheart, angel etc.
ꨄ︎ writes you letters and poem!
ꨄ︎ he’s a sassy man.
ꨄ︎ He loves saying I love yous
ꨄ︎ gorgeous flowers every time!!!
ꨄ︎ his tail unashamedly wrapped around you every time
ꨄ︎ especially when he’s jealous possessive
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succubusmelt · 7 months
Can I request SWWSDJ, MDHM, John Doe, and Peter YB with a reader who is pregnant. I don’t know why I just wanna know how they are with a moody Y/N and newborn babies.
Thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I'm sorry I haven't responded in a while... university started and I still haven't adjusted my schedule. I hope you like it.
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- Alan would be extremely protective and possessive of you during the pregnancy. He would worry constantly about anything harming you or the baby.
- He would insist you move in fully with him so he can take care of your every need. Alan would make sure you are well fed and always comfortable. He loves indulging you with food like pancakes and eggs.
- Alan would be very excited yet nervous about becoming a father. He wants nothing more than to have a family with you but worries he may not be the best at it since he was mostly alone in the woods for so long.
- He loves touching and talking to your baby bump. Alan finds it amazing that you two created new life together. He might even talk or coo to the baby through your belly.
- Sex would be off limits while pregnant but Alan would find other ways to be intimate like romantic baths, massages, and lots of cuddling. He still wants to satisfy your needs and be close to you.
- At night he would watch you sleep even more closely and protectively. Alan wants to ensure nothing disturbs you or endangers the pregnancy.
- Come the birth, Alan would insist on being right by your side through it all. He wouldn't want to miss a moment. Alan would also be very hands on helping care for the baby after its born.
- Fatherhood would make Alan clingier and more territorial than ever. He finds you even more perfect for creating his family.
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- Jack is absolutely overjoyed with the news of your pregnancy. He becomes even more attentive and protective towards you, making sure you have everything you need and taking extra care of you during this special time.
- Jack becomes extremely protective of you and the baby, constantly ensuring your safety and well-being. He's always by your side, guiding you through your pregnancy journey with love and support.
- Jack spoils you with attention and affection. He pampers you with massages, prepares your favorite meals (particularly craving cravings), and takes care of household chores to ensure you can rest and relax.
- Jack is there to listen and provide emotional support whenever you need it. Pregnancy can bring about a rollercoaster of emotions, and Jack is always ready with open arms and a comforting presence to reassure you and make you feel loved.
- As a former children's show presenter, Jack knows the importance of a healthy lifestyle. He encourages you to eat nutritious foods, go for regular walks, and takes care of your overall well-being. He may even show off his cooking skills by preparing delicious and wholesome meals for you.
- Jack cherishes every opportunity to bond with the baby. He talks to your growing belly, sings lullabies, and even performs silly little shows just for the baby's entertainment. He believes in creating a strong connection with the baby even before they arrive.
- Jack actively participates in preparing for the arrival of the baby. He helps with setting up the nursery, picking out baby clothes, and reading parenting books to ensure he's well-equipped to be the best parent possible.
- Jack shares in your excitement and eagerly anticipates the arrival of your little one. He constantly reassures you that he will be there to support you through labor and be the best co-parent alongside you.
- Being a ghost, Jack has a unique ability to connect with the baby in ways others cannot. He may gently hover his hand over your belly to feel the baby's movements or use his ghostly presence to soothe the baby when they're being fussy.
- Jack adores your pregnant body and finds you even more beautiful. He showers you with compliments and loves having intimate moments with you, cherishing the connection between you, the baby, and himself.
- Throughout your pregnancy, Jack's love and devotion to you only strengthen. He sees this time as a precious milestone in your lives and is committed to being the best partner and co-parent he can be, cherishing every moment as a family.
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- Peter treats darling's pregnancy with the utmost care and affection.
- He is constantly doting on darling, giving them foot rubs to ease their tiredness and seeing to their every craving even in the middle of the night.
- Peter talks tenderly to the baby, resting his large hands on darling's stomach so he can feel the kicks. He is already besotted with his child.
- To help darling feel safe, Peter has Rat coil protectively around their waist each night as they sleep. Though usually mischievous, even Rat knows to be on its best behavior for the duration of the pregnancy.
- Peter worries endlessly about darling and ensures the doctor gives them only the finest prenatal care. Money is no object when it comes to darling's health and comfort.
- Each morning he wakes darling with a breakfast in bed including their favorite pastries, fresh fruit, and a good luck kiss placed gently on their bump.
- Peter is over the moon at the thought of having a family with darling and will be the best father -and husband- he can possibly be.
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- John is extremely protective of his loved ones, including his pregnant partner. He becomes even more attentive and vigilant during this time, constantly ensuring the safety and well-being of both the mother and the unborn child.
- Being a shape-shifter, John can adapt his body to provide physical support and comfort to his pregnant partner. He can transform into a cushion or a soft surface for her to rest on, alleviating any discomfort or strain.
- John is highly aware of the changes happening in his partner's body during pregnancy. He educates himself on the subject, gathering information from various sources to better understand the process and support her in the best way possible.
- Despite his possessive nature, John recognizes the importance of giving his partner space and respecting her boundaries during pregnancy. He understands that her body is going through significant changes and ensures he is there for her emotionally without being overbearing.
- John is always ready to fulfill any cravings or desires his partner may have during pregnancy. He happily goes out of his way to satisfy her needs, whether it's midnight food runs or preparing her favorite snacks.
- Due to his innocence and lack of understanding of human norms, John may unintentionally overstep boundaries with his physical affection. He may need gentle reminders from his partner or other trusted individuals about appropriate boundaries and personal space.
- John's protective nature extends beyond just physical safety. He becomes hyper-aware of potential dangers or threats to his partner and takes extra precautions to keep her safe, such as accompanying her to doctor's appointments or avoiding potentially harmful situations.
- John's curiosity is piqued during his partner's pregnancy as he witnesses the development of new life. He eagerly learns about fetal development and eagerly engages in conversations about the baby's future.
- As the due date approaches, John becomes increasingly excited and anxious. He assists in preparing the nursery, gathering baby essentials, and ensuring everything is in order for the arrival of their child.
- Throughout the pregnancy, John showers his partner with love, affection, and support. He embraces the role of a dedicated partner, providing emotional stability and reassurance during this transformative time in their lives.
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suprababka · 4 months
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Asking them "1 million dollars & the prettiest girl in the world or me?"
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• Saitama • Genos • Speed-o'-Sound Sonic • Garou • Metal Bat • Amai Mask • Flashy Flash • Zombieman • King
A/N: I wanted to upload last week but the university said no :(((
Prepare for possible OOC!
(Sorry if there are any mistakes!)
And, most importantly, enjoy!!!
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Saitama & Genos & Speed-o'-Sound Sonic
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Garou & Metal Bat & Amai Mask
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Flashy Flash & Zombieman & King
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cupcakeinat0r · 5 months
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LUV when y’all draw Miguel… however… y r ppl SNOW BUNNYING HIM STILL?? My man is BROWN.
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itsthatmff · 9 months
Watching a Horror Movie with their S/O
Included: Genos, Saitama, King, Garou, Metal bat, Zombieman
Some longer headcanons for you guys~
This turned out more chaotic than I had envisioned it, enjoy !
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Genos(with a s/o who isn’t scared at all)
Genos was the one to suggest on watching a horror movie together because he wanted to do “Social activities” with you. He once read during his daily web browsing, that watching horror movies with people that are important to you is a nice thing to do in your free time.
You both got Popcorn, snacks and blankets that day and watched “The ring” together at your apartment.
You honestly didn’t really feel like watching a movie, especially since you already watched that movie twice.
But Genos seemed so excited to spend time with you that you just couldn’t say no.
It began pretty chill, you both were looking at the screen while eating your snacks. Genos talked about how he never watched a Horror movie because he didn’t see the point in them.
Later, when the first jumpscare popped up, you weren’t really surprised. Genos on the other hand looked very much confused.
“I do not understand, Why did she jump up to the screen?”
“So that you get scared, silly”
Later, he started asking more questions and you answered them instead of paying attention to the movie. And after a while the “movie night” turned into more of a chit chat since you both lost interest to watch the movie.
“Y/N, I must admit that listening to your soothing voice is better than watching a horror movie. My suggestion wasn’t that good after all”
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Saitama (with an S/O who’s scared shitless)
Ever since Saitama got promoted onto rank B, you finally had some time to spend together as he didn’t have to patrol every day.
You decided that watching a movie at theaters would be great and left the ticket purchasing to Saitama as you bought the popcorn and nachos for both of you.
Little did you know that Saitama had gotten tickets for a horror movie. And little did he know that you were frightened by them.
You didn’t realize that the movie you had entered in was a horror movie way until 10 minutes into screening.
Sitting down on the comfortable armchair and munching on your popcorn, the sudden eerie music and the creepy hall made you halt.
“Saitama..what kind of movie is this..?”
“A horror movie.”
Saitama casually continued eating his nachos when he suddenly felt you grab onto his arm. He looked at you confused.
“No way, are you scared?”
All you could do was nodd as you were closing your eyes.
Saitama felt kind of proud on one hand to have you cling onto him like that, but he set his ego aside.
“We can leave if you want to, I heard this movie is shit anyways.”
You didn’t wanna ruin your movie date like this, but you really couldn’t stand being here for another second.
Once you guys had left the theaters you apologized to him, but all he did was take your hand and give you a small smile.
“It’s fine, cmon. The fact that we left earlier means we can still catch the sale going on at the supermarket.”
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King (with a s/o who loves horror movies)
King already shits his pants when seeing a monster, So I guess he Ain’t a big fan of horror movies either.
You asked him once after playing videogames if he wanted to watch a Movie with you and he agreed, not expecting anything.
At that night you both sat down and you decided to watch IT. It hadn’t even gone through your mind that the movie wasn’t watchable because it really wasn’t that scary in your opinion.
And King on the other hand couldn’t say no to watching a horror movie because he would’t want to upset you by showing his weaknesses.
When the movie began he already was shaking inside, and you didn’t notice until the first jumpscare popped up and he began sweating like hell.
“I’ll go to the toilet real quick Y/N”
A good 10 minutes had passed and he still hadn’t returned, which made you realize that he probably had gotten scared.
It was not too long after that he returned, ready to face the next gruesome 2 hours of his life, but there was no horror movie to be found.
Instead, he saw his favorite game playing on the screen, with you laying on your stomach and holding the controller.
“Y/N..what’s this?”
“I didn’t feel like watching the movie anymore. Playing video games is much more fun.”
A little smile crept upon him, he was very grateful to have such an understanding S/O.
“Sure, but don’t complain if you loose for the 2000th Time.”
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Garou (with an overdramatic S/O)
You loved to tease Garou any chance you could take.
It was always fun to see him react to situations he’s never experienced before.
That day you begged Bang at the dojo if Garou could take off one day of his training to have a sleep over at yours.
At first he was skeptical, he knew how reckless the youth of today could be.
But you reassured him that it would be a movie night and no more.
With his approval you had your plan rolling.
Garou was never the overprotective type when it came to trivial things, he thought it was too cheesy and knew you were independent enough.
Once at your apartment, you put on the first horror movie you could see on netflix.
Garou made himself comfortable on the couch, spreading his legs and tilting his head back.
You sat next to him, just waiting for the first creepy thing to happen.
You know sometimes in the movie when theres this tension just to turn out that nothing happened? Like when they turn on a light and theres nothing in the room.
At such a moment you decided to go all out, cling your arms onto his waist and close your eyes.
Garou was cleaning his ear when he looked from the tv screen down to you in confusion.
“What the fuck are you doing Y/N. Nothing even happened.”
“It looked like a jump scare..”
He knew damn well you were being overdramatic on purpose again.
“I swear to god if this is one of your stupid games.”
Despite saying that, he still wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
In some scenes where even he got startled a little, he tightened his grip around you.
The plan had worked. And you had to hold back your grin to save your life.
“It wasn’t even that scary- hey, what the hell are you grinning for? You did this on purpose didn’t you?”
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Badd (with an S/O who tries to act tough)
It was after school when Metal bat decided to take you out to the movies.
Everyone at school was talking about this new Horror movie that aired and of course as a good boyfriend he would want to spoil you and let you watch the movie so you could feel included at school.
You were indifferent with horror movies, they aren’t your favorites and you didn’t watch them often, but they certainly weren’t ‘too scary’ for you to watch.
As you both took your seats and the movie started, metal bat was already uninterested in what was going on in the movie. He was way more excited to be spending time with you. His gaze stuck on to you, he could see in what moments your eyes widened, when you flinched, when you laughed and when you felt scared.
It seemed like this movie was more scary than usual and it seemed that badd noticed your uneasiness.
His head rested on your shoulder,
“It’s just a movie.”
“I know.”
You knew, and still you felt uneasy. Though Badd’s assurance helped a lot. You combed through his hair as the movie progressed.
In the end, it did feel like the tension was worth it, as the ending of the movie turned out to be really good.
But that wasn’t the end of your date at all. Your boyfriend still had to spoil you rotten.
“Y/N, let’s grab food and go to karaoke afterwards, ya hear me?”
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Zombieman (with a S/O who loves Horror Movie marathons)
Watching horror movies with Zombieman was a usual thing for you two to do.
Especially since you two loved the old Halloween franchise. You’d both be on the couch at his crib, him smoking his usual cigarettes, a good whiskey on the table as you two watched and discussed the movie.
It was a nice activity you two shared. And it was obvious Michael myers was Zombieman’s favorite.
The smell of cologne, cigarettes and whiskey, the dim lit living room and the screams coming from the tv. Thats what you liked to call a romantic evening.
Its only when the room is filled with smoke and he sees your drowsy eyes that he decided to finally end tonights marathon.
He put his last cigarette on the ashtray and turned off the tv.
“We’ve watched enough, haven’t we?”
That deep raspy voice could immediately send you to sleep.
“You’re surely different to please, Y/N. But that’s what I like about you.”
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shuuuuush · 11 months
Hiiii, I love your writing! I would love to see if you could write something with filly. Like a fluff where you go out to like a party together and you take care of drunk filly.You don't have to do it <3, if you can though that would be amazing <3 <3 <3
Warnings: drunkeness? (Is that a warning 💀)
A/N: aww thank u so much! Of course! I legit wanted to write for Filly so bad but had no ideas so thank u 🙏
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"You're having a party? Of course, we'll be there!" Filly ended the call with Chunkz on a positive note. Chunkz was hosting a party for hitting 2 and a half million subscribers.
It was a great achievement for him and obviously he asked his best friend if he would be able to attend.
You were at his house, getting ready for it because Filly was your ride there.
Your boyfriend of 2 years always wanted to include you in everything he did or attended.
He never wanted you to be by yourself.
Just as you finished your makeup, Filly called out from downstairs to say that you both needed to go now or there'll be too much traffic when you get there.
You headed downstairs, and Filly stood there in awe, gazing at you, he started to smile when you walked towards him.
"Are you ok? You ready to go?" You asked, placing a hand on his arm in confusion as he still just gazed at you with loving eyes.
"You're absolutely stunning, babe." He gave you a kiss on the cheek and hugged you, which you returned.
You both then headed to the car, and he started to drive to Chunkz event place where the party was being held.
When you arrived at the place, Filly opened the door for you, and you thanked him, calling him a gentleman. To which he responded with a cheeky smile and taking your hand.
He knocked on the door, and it was opened by the man of the night himself, Chunkz. He greeted Filly with a hug and the same with you. Thanking both of you that you could make it tonight.
He ushered the two of you inside and brought you to the main room. It was a huge living space with a food area with snacks and drinks and then a dance floor with a disco ball above it.
Aj and Sharky both were already hitting the dance floor with their amazing dance moves. Classic Sharky with the tiktok dances and Aj just doing his own thing.
And obviously some chairs and tables for those who just want to sit and have a chat with the gang.
On the sofa, at the left of the room sat Niko and Kenny, chatting away, but when you both came into view, they waved, greeting hellos.
Harry and Darkest walked in right after you did, and you all greeted each other. Shaking hands or giving hugs.
After that interaction, more people started flooding in, some whom you knew, and some you have never seen them before.
The party was getting quite loud until Chunkz walked into the top of the room, a mic in hand.
"Hey guys! Just wanted to say thank you for being here today, my friends. This is a very important thing to me, I appreciate that I could spend this special moment with you all. Thank you." He bowed and went back down to talk his friends.
Currently you were with Filly talking to Chunkz about his amazing achievement.
"No, seriously, Chunkz, this is an amazing achievement. It's not easy, but I'm so proud of you, brother." Filly hugged Chunkz again as Chunkz thanked him for what seemed like the thousandth time tonight.
You smiled at the scene in front of you. You loved how Filly was always so sweet and so kind to his friends. And of course, you got the same treatment.
Your stomach rumbled, and your eyes darted to the food table. Your name was being called over to the food table, so you gladly glided over there to get something to eat.
While you were enjoying food and talking to some friends you knew, you felt the need to check up on Filly. Especially since you heard one of your friends say that someone brought drinks to this party.
Scanning the area, you tried to see if you could spot Filly amongst the crowd. Not seeing him at all, you started to get a bit worried.
You spotted Harry first and walked up to him. You thought maybe he knew where Filly would be.
"Hey Harry, have you seen Filly? I can't spot him at all." Signalling that he couldn't hear you over the music, he pulled you aside to hear you better and you repeated your question.
"Yeah, I think I saw him last talking to Kenny. I think, not too sure, though. He had a drink in his hand so he could be in the bathroom."
You rubbed the bridge of your nose, a bit annoyed, maybe you should've talked to Filly first about the drinking. He can get a bit crazy when he's drunk.
You thanked Harry, to which he responded with a thumbs up, and you continued your search for Filly, remembering he could be with Kenny and the last place you saw Kenny was at the sofa.
Unless he obviously moved, he could potentially still be there. So that's where you looked and you were glad to find Filly there laughing away with Kenny.
But it wasn't a normal laugh. Oh no, Filly was wasted. You could tell he was by the way there were 2 bottles beside him.
He turned his head and spotted you, and his eyes instantly lit up, running up to hug you super tight and once he let go he grabbed your face and started kissing you, usually you would kiss back but knowing this was the drunk side of Filly and he won't remember anything after.
Pulling away, he pouted, he took your hand and brought you up to the middle of the room. You were really confused, and you felt a hunch that you should probably leave before Filly started a ruckus in this party.
"EVERYONE!" Filly shouted, turning some people's heads.
"THIS GIRL RIGHT HERE IS THE ABSOLUTE LOVE OF MY LIFE." He pointed at you and tried covering your face to ease the embarrassment a bit, but your efforts were in vain when he took hold of your hands and held it in his. "ISN'T SHE BEAUTIFUL?"
"I LOVE HER BUT SHE DIDN'T KISS ME BACK. DON'T YOU LOT THINK MAN GOT TO HAVE HIS GIRL SHOW LOVE BACK??" Some laughed, others nodded, but right now, all you wanted was to go home and get away from this crowd.
His friends laughed at the sight of drunk Filly. It's a good thing he didn't take any more drinks, or this man would have been dancing like crazy. Basing off what happened last time, he took too many drinks at one party.
Chuckling nervously, you didn't want to cause anymore of a scene, so you manoeuvred your way through the crowd while grabbing a water bottle with one hand and the other still holding Filly's hand.
Despite his shouting and asking people what they think about his girl, he managed to be made outside safely. On the steps of the house, you sat him down and handed him the bottle of water.
He took it and drank half of it and gave it back to you. You ran a hand down his back as he felt the effects of alcohol hit him, causing him to hold his head in his hands. You knew he probably had a headache right now.
Pulling out your phone and you texted Chunkz.
"Thanks for having us, Chunkz. Hope you enjoy the rest of the party, but I think we gotta go, Filly's drunk, and I gotta take care of him."
"No problem, Y/N, take care of that drunk idiot."
You laughed a bit at that text. But you turned all your attention to Filly now, helping him off of the steps and putting his arm around your shoulder to carry some of the weight. You helped him walk back to the car.
"y/nnnn," he whined, dragging out his words. He stopped in the middle of his tracks suddenly, right before he entered the car. "Do you still love me? Why didn't you want to kiss me?"
You sighed, softly looking into his eyes, "Filly, of course I still love you, it's just that you're drunk and you don't remember much after. Plus, I know you prefer things out of the eyes of people." You winked and then kissed his cheek, to which his whole face lit up.
Finally getting him into the car, you helped put his seat belt on, and you drove your way back home.
Out of nowhere, Filly starts shout-singing to the music playing on car stereo. You laugh and sing along with him throughout the drive home.
And at 5 in the morning, Filly could be found puking up all of last nights party.
But as the amazing girlfriend you are, you're there beside him, helping him through his hangover.
Afterwards, you both end up sitting on the bathroom floor, scrolling on your phone and showing him all the videos and photos the beta squad boys sent you about last night. Including Filly's outburst.
The man in front of you just laughs, but then takes a hold of your hands in his.
"You know, I meant everything I said last night. You are the love of my life, The things you're doing to me to make me feel this way are actually insane."
You smiled and went over to hug him, "You're the love of my life too."
"So you meant everything you said last night, excluding what you said about your girl having to kiss you back?"
"No, I meant that too." He laughed and leaned in to kiss you regardless of your reaction, but he was glad that you accepted it this time and returned the kiss.
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Taglist: @b4tasquad @p3drii @n1kodl @elora-k @slutforpablogavi @enhacolor @amwife @distantfromu
Mutuals Taglist: @b4tasquad @p3drii @vctrvn-ls @allygatcr @slutforpablogavi @kennysboxergf @n1kodl @amwife
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kinq-sleazee · 1 year
18+| tw!bullying , coercion?, implied dubcon, college au
Bakugo Katsuki is a bully. Your bully to be specific.
From the very beginning, he noticed you— all timid and meek. You stuck out like a sore thumb in the brashness of Yuuei. Most non-heroes jumped at the chance to interact with the graduating class “A” student but you always seemed to jump in the opposite direction.
He liked that. Making you nervous. Something about those cute watery eyes behind those glasses that made him want to do mean things you. Nothing too crazy, he is a hero after all.
“oi, transfer”.
Your back stiffened, hands clutching your book close to your chest. There weren’t too many people that’d be in the university library this late on a Friday night, but there also weren’t many people that took their coursework as serious as you and Katsuki Bakugo.
“hah ? ignoring me now ? i thought we were friends, kouhai?”
His hands were on you now. Big, powerful, hands. Registered weapons were casually resting on shoulders while he slotted his body behind you.
You could feel the condescension in his tone. In his grasp. It wouldn’t do well to upset him. Not when he was in one of his calmer moods.
“n-no bakugo-senpai, i was just distracted with this” you say, pulling the book into view.
Katsuki hummed, he expected as much. You were such a little nerd. Always with your head buried in a book. He knew exactly where to find you when he wanted to play.
He took the book from your hands, lazily thumbing through the pages while his chin rested on your head.
“y’know this theory is pretty tough. probably even harder for a quirkless to understand. I’ll help you when i get some free time”.
That was upsetting. You snatched the book to your chest and pulled away.
“I understand just fine. Thank you”.
You attempted to walk away but he spun you back towards your chest. He brought his hands to your cheeks, pressing your lips into a pout. His slowly palms heated against your face making your eyes widen.
“what a rude little kouhai…what’s with the attitude? m’just offering to help. is this how you treat your senpai, no your friend on his birthday?”
He didn’t actually want an answer. You could by the way his grip tightened. The smell of molten sugar singed your nostril as his palms grew hotter. He could sense your discomfort but he didn’t care when his dick was so hard.
“c’mon, kouhai. how bout we take this back to my place. m’pretty sure you don’t want to give me my gift in the middle of the library, right quirkless ?”
Silent tears flowed down your cheeks. It always ended like this. There was no point in fighting it. But, did you really want to ?
You shook your head as best you could and rose to your tip toes making the blonde smirk. He knew what you wanted and he wasted no time smashing your lips together.
Katsuki may be a bully. But he’s your bully.
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weird-dere-writes · 1 month
Ichigo Kurosaki could not be a pillow prince to save his life sobs
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He just can't control himself when he feels so connected to you.
Try as you might to tell and remind him to be still, because a little treat was much deserved on his part for being so so good to you, after a minute or two he will be schmoving.
Mans has to really focus on remaining still when he's inside you, if you request it. Like you will be riding him, and his grip on you will be bruising as he tries not to move his hips. He is biting the fuck out of his lip, smoldering up at you, honey brown eyes deep, encapsulating, devouring.
You swore, if you didn't have the goal of making him feel good, that look alone would make you explode.
When his senses inevitably diminish, the more he sinks into pleasure, he is not thrusting hard by any means. He is not trying to break you up and out of your rhythm. He is not trying to take control of the situation.
If you want to be leading the way, you've got it.
He's moving with that soft suggestion of thrusting. That subtle, needy humping that has his hips trying to meet yours each time you come down on him. Enhancing the whole experience by gently nudging at that delicious spot inside you.
His heart beats for you and his hips don't lie.
Though it does make you ever so slightly want to pout, you can't truly be upset with him for it. After all, it is lovely and such a privilege to have a man who so easily falls into sync with you when you're intimate.
It's just crazy because he can still be at any other time.
When he's down between your legs, savoring every note composing your nectar, he has absolute focus on you. Despite how hot he gets doing it, he barely thrusts into the bed or tries to relieve himself. It's all about you and your pleasures.
And yet, the moment it is his turn, that restraint just *poof* disappears. The switch turns off in his brain and he just wants to feel you as much as you'll allow.
Y'may at some point just have to start a conversation asking if you could try tying him down 👀.
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