#the last mrs. parrish
anabelldimitrova · 2 years
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Daphne Parrish
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brittanybwrites · 25 days
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Rich People Moider, my favorite thriller to read.
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paigeypaige19 · 1 year
“His weapons were kindness, attention, and compassion—and when victory was assured, he discarded them like spent casings, and his true nature emerged.”― Liv Constantine, The Last Mrs. Parrish
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spookyblazecoffee · 2 years
This is literally called “Bye Cam...” in my Google Docs prepared to be sad.
There are two definite times Liam will visit his older brother's grave. Sometimes he’ll go without planning on going that day, but most of the time, he goes on his birthday and Camden’s birthday. Some years, if he finds something that he thinks Camden might’ve liked, he’ll find time on Christmas day and put whatever he found on the grave, after putting stuff in it, or on it, to weigh it down of course.
The first Christmas without Camden
Liam snuck out of the house after everyone had opened their gifts. The cold air hitting his face as he walked towards the cemetery, stuffed bear in his hands. The fishing weights he had sewn into it made him almost drop it multiple times, but it was worth it because his older brother would get a Christmas gift.
After he reached the cemetery he looked for the grave he hadn’t been to since the funeral. When he found it he walked over to it and set the bear down.
“I had mama and David buy him, but I sewed him up myself after I put the weights in him. Mama said I did a good job. I have to get going before they realize I’m gone, but… I wanted you to get a gift.” Liam said to the grave in front of him. “I miss you Cam. Bye.” he added, before walking away.
Camden’s 21st birthday
(Mid Summer)
“I had to mow a ton of yards to get enough money for all of this.” Liam said as he sat down in front of the grave, putting the container with a slice of chocolate cake down on the ground in front of him. The warm sun shining on his face. He put the candle in the cake and lit it with one of the matches he brought. 
“Happy birthday, Cam Cam.” he continued, before blowing the candle out himself, tears spilling past his eyes. He got the plastic forks out of the bag he brought with him, “I know you don’t like to use plastic utensils, but, I couldn’t find anything else.” Liam stated putting one of the forks on the bear he put there last winter.
“Dad would kill me if he saw me crying.” he choked out putting the first bite of the cake in his mouth. Once he finished the piece of cake, he pulled one last thing from his bag. It was a small tiger plush that Camden had growing up. “I found this at a Goodwill, apparently dad had donated her after you died. But look, she’s the exact same one. See? She has the initials C.L. embroidered at the back of her neck. I made sure not to cut over that when I put the dancing weights I got from Lori in her.” Liam said proudly, “Lori told me I could take her old dancing weights when I asked her and Brett if they had anything to weigh something down enough, and mama said I’m getting better at sewing, maybe I’ll be able to make you a gift next time.” he added.
After a little while of Liam talking to the grave he stands up. “I don’t want to go, but I told mama and David that I’d be back by lunchtime.” he told the grave sadly, “I’ll try to come back before dinner though.” he continued, as if trying to cheer up his older brother.
He didn’t have the time to come back that day.
Two weeks before Liam’s 11th birthday
(Late Summer)
Liam ran to the cemetery after school ended, he didn’t get there as soon as he thought he would, but when he did he practically fell down in front of Camden’s grave. “Sorry I’m late. I didn’t think it would take so long to get here.” he said out of breath as he got out his notebook, “I hope it’s okay that I do my homework, I probably won’t have any other time today since Isaac and I are staying at dad’s house tonight. He’s been really different since you died, meaner, angrier, stuff like that y’know?” he added, starting on the social studies homework he got.
“I don’t have much homework, but I still like doing what I do get as soon as I can.” Liam stated after a few minutes of silence.
A red-headed girl and her parents walked around the cemetery until it looked like they found the grave they were looking for. “I wonder if she knows Izzy, she looks around his age, don’t you think so?” Liam asked the grave in front of him, before looking down at his watch, “I have to get going, mama and David are gonna take me and Iz to dad’s house soon.” he added.
“Bye Cam. I miss you.” Liam said after he stood up.
Liam’s 11th birthday
(Early Fall)
“I know it’s my birthday, but, I brought you some flowers.” Liam stated, putting the chrysanthemums on the grave in front of him, “They’re your favorite flowers, Cam.” he added.
“I really miss you.” Liam said, his eyes starting to sting. “Dad started to drink more, he hit Isaac last time we were over there. He yells more too… I don’t like it when he yells, I never have. I wish you could be here to hug me and tell me it will be okay like you used to.” he continued, tears falling from his blue eyes.
“I have to get going now. I’ll come back as soon as I can though.” Liam said, standing up and wiping away the tears.
The second Christmas without Camden
“I couldn’t find anything that you would like at any stores, but I wanted to come anyway.” Liam started, “Sorry I couldn’t come sooner, I was really busy with school and dad doesn’t let Isaac or I leave when we’re at his house. He hit me when I asked to go to Mason’s house with Brett and Lori, I’ve learned to not ask to go anywhere.” he added.
After a while of talking to the grave Liam stood up, “I have to go, mama and David are probably going to get worried soon. David’s sister and her son are joining us this year.” he said, “I really want you to come back Cam Cam.” he continued before turning around and leaving.
The day after Isaac’s 14th birthday
(Early Spring)
“Grandma came over for Izzy’s birthday yesterday, it was nice seeing her. She said that I remind her of you.” Liam said, tears falling down his face, “I miss you so much, and I want you to come back.” he continued, sobs making him shake.
Liam sat there, crying as much as he wanted to, knowing that no one could see him. After a while he stopped crying and just sat there quietly. He felt someone sit down next to him and wrap their arms around him. When he finally looked up he saw his grandma.
“Hey sweetie.” she said softly, “I miss him.” Liam whispered, “I know baby, we all do.” she responded, “And, it’s gonna hurt… for a long time, probably forever. But, he would want you to be happy. Okay?” she added, Liam nods, “Good, now get up, if you’re out here any longer your mom and dad are gonna get worried.” she stated, standing up.
That was the first time someone ever said David was Liam’s dad out loud, and it wouldn’t be the last.
Camden’s 22nd birthday
(Mid Summer)
“I couldn’t find the same type of cake as I did last year, but I got a slice with sprinkles!” Liam said when he got to the grave, “Sorry I took the bear from Christmas back yesterday, but I had the idea to put your initials in the back of his neck and I just had to do it.” he added, putting the bear back in its original spot and lighting the candle.
“Happy birthday, Cam.” he then blew out the candle like he had the year before. He took the first bite of the slice of cake.
“The cake is really good, I think you would like it, Cam.” Liam stated when he finished the slice.
He pulled another stuffed bear from his bag and put it in his lap, “I made her myself, mama said I did a really good job when I showed her. Her name is Isla, y’know, like grandma.” Liam said smiling, “I hope you are okay with me naming her.” he added, setting the bear down next to the one that has been there since the first Christmas without Camden.
“I just remembered, I forgot to tell you the first bear’s name.” Liam said suddenly, “His name is Calum, I thought you would like that I named him after mama’s dad and that I named the other one after mama’s mom.” he added, giggling a little.
A while later he stood up. “I have to leave again, but I’ll visit soon.” he stated before leaving.
The last day of summer vacation
“I’m starting 6th grade tomorrow.” Liam said as he sat down, “Dad, David not y’know, said he might take me here if he gets off of work in time tomorrow.” he added.
“I got a new history book, it has a lot of stuff about different mythologies, I really like it.” Liam states after a bit.
He talks to the grave for a while longer until he has to leave. “Bye Cam, I’ll try to come back tomorrow.” he repeated.
Liam’s 12th birthday
(Early Fall)
“Dad’s sister and her son came over last week.” Liam said, hoping that Cam would understand that when he says dad recently that he means David and not their father, “It’s nice having a cousin, even if we aren’t related.” he added.
Liam sits and talks to his brother for a while, even reading one of the stories from the book he told Cam about the last time he visited.
“Mason, Brett, and I are hanging out next week. It’s nice to have friends that understand everything going on since you died.” Liam said before he left.
The day before Halloween
“I thought I’d visit you today.” Liam stated, sitting down in front of the grave, “I called David ‘dad’ to his face yesterday, I’ve only called him that when talking to you, he was so happy.” he added, smiling.
“I brought you another stuffed animal. I put your initials in the same place as the others too.” Liam said, pulling a small bat out of his backpack, “I told Lori, Brett, and Mason that I visit you a lot, they said that they might join me next time. I also told them about me bringing you stuffed animals, Lori asked me to name the next one after her, so here you go, a stuffed bat named Lori. I’ll probably bring a similar one named Brett next time, if he bothers me enough about it.” he added, laughing a little and placing the bat down next to the tiger.
Liam sits and does his homework until the sun starts to go down. “I have to go, but I’ll try to visit you tomorrow while trick-or-treating.” he commented, before turning and leaving.
The day before Isaac’s 15th birthday
(Early Spring)
“Hey Cam.” Isaac said, “I know it’s been a few weeks since I visited outside of work, but I wanted to come here.” he added, sitting down in front of the grave, looking at the stuffed animals he knows Liam left there. The bears, the tiger, her name is Chrys named after Cam’s favorite flower, and the two bats, all placed so that it looks like they are sitting against the headstone.
Isaac chuckled to himself, Liam had obviously been there recently given that the second bat was new. “I don’t know how he got that other bat. All the stores are out of Halloween themed things.” he stated.
“Liam’s doing fantastic in school. You’d be proud of him.” Isaac said, “He looks so much like you, he doesn’t think so though… He still doesn’t wear his glasses, no matter how much mama, dad, and I ask.” he continued.
“I still laugh at Li’s stupid jokes, but not as much as I should. I laugh like me again though, and h-he laughs like you.” he commented after a few minutes of silence, “Our father has gotten worse, but… as long as he isn’t hurting Liam, y’know?” he whispered, tears starting to roll down his face.
“I have to go, Lacrosse practice… Bye Cam.” he said, getting up to his feet and leaving.
Camden’s 23rd birthday
(Mid Summer)
“I got a chocolate cake slice exactly like the one from two years ago!” Liam exclaimed when he sat down, “Happy birthday, Cam.” he added, before blowing the candle out like he had the previous two years.
Liam reached into the bag he brought with him and pulled out a stuffed lion. “His name is Mason, mostly because Mase wouldn’t stop bugging me about naming a stuffed animal after him, but also because I know how much you loved hanging out with all of my friends. It felt fitting that you hang out with stuffed animals named after them… even if you aren’t here anymore.” he stated, tears slipping past his eyes.
“Why’d you leave me?” he asked, after he sat and cried for a while, “I know that you didn’t want to, but, I miss you so so much. Please, come back.” he added.
Liam cried for a while before standing up. “Bye Cam…” he said then left.
Liam’s 13th birthday
(Early Fall)
“I brought you some chrysanthemums. I’ve grown to love these flowers, I know I didn’t love them as much as you did, but they are really beautiful.” Liam said, sitting down in front of the grave.
“Isaac’s been doing really well at Lacrosse, I want to join the team when I get into high school, so does Brett.” he stated after a while, “I miss our road trips. I don’t think I’ll be able to go on one for a while, maybe never again.” he added.
He sat and talked for a long time before he knew it was time to go home. “Bye Cam, I’ll come back soon!” he said before he got up and left.
 A week after Isaac’s 16th birthday
(Early Spring)
“Our father’s dead, and Isaac has been acting really weird lately… it could be something to do with the death, but he was acting weird before his death so… I don’t know.” Liam said to the grave in front of him, “I wish you were here. No one knows how to comfort me… B-Brett isn’t friends with Mase and I anymore, and I know that sometimes you lose friends a-and there is nothing you can do to st-stop it, but… he’s been friends with us since we were two.” he added, wiping away his tears.
“Bye Cam.” Liam said and walked away.
Almost a week after Brett and Lori die
(Late Summer/Early Fall)
[Liam has visited a lot in between the last visit I wrote and this one, but I didn’t want this to be too long.]
“Hey Cam, sorry my visits have been irregular recently.” Liam said, crying as he sat down, “Brett and Lori are dead. They have been for almost a week. Mason isn’t even doing anything to grieve them, and if he continues not doing anything, he’s going to break down in the middle of a fight against the hunters… and I don’t want to see him like that.” he continued.
Liam grabbed a few rocks from his bag and placed them in front of the grave. “You might be wondering what I’m doing.” Liam stated, “Do you remember the pact Mason, Brett, Lori, and I made when we were younger? Y’know, the one where we said that when any of us died the others would find a place of significance and place rocks in front of it?” he asked, “Well, this is a place of significance, according to all of us, not just me. Mason has his own place in mind, he didn’t forget.” he added.
“I don’t know what to do without you or them, or anyone that I love and care for… I’m scared, Cam. I’m so scared.” he stated, “Scared that Jordan might die. Scared that Mason might die. Scared that everyone that I love will die, and I will be the only one left. I don’t want that to happen. I don’t want to be alone, I hate being alone. I need you to come back, just for a minute, I need you to tell me I’ll be alright.” he continued, as it started to rain.
The tent someone, probably Isaac, set up protecting the stuffed animals from getting wet. Liam looked at all of the stuff he made, or bought, and left there with teary eyes.
“I want my big brother back. I want my friends back.” Liam said.
He stood up when he got a text. “I have to go again.” he stated, “Mama texted, I’ll come back when I have the time. Bye Cam…” he added, picking up his bag and leaving.
A week and six days after the zoo, the day before Liam’s 17th birthday
(Early fall)
“Hey, this isn’t like last year, I can’t do anything to save anyone. I tried killing someone the other day. I can’t control my anger no matter how hard I try, and I’ve been having these nightmares. I can’t sleep because of them.” Liam said, “Only one person can help me with my anger, and I don’t even like him. D’you remember me telling you about Theo Raeken? Because apparently, he’s the only one who can help me. If you were here you could help, so please come back… please Cam.” he added.
“I don’t want to be in this town anymore. I don’t want to be anywhere anymore.” Liam stated after a few minutes of silence. Tears start to run down his face and silent sobs make his body shake. There was a sound nearby and he immediately jumped up.
“Hey Liam.” Theo said, “Go away, Theo.” Liam yelled, “Not this time.” the older one retaliated, “Why not?” the shorter asked, “Were you following me?” he added, “Yes, I was. I’m sorry.” the taller answers, stepping closer to the other.
“Go away. Please.” Liam started, backing away, “You didn’t let me tell you why I won’t.” Theo stated, Liam stared expectantly, “You are clearly upset, and I don’t want you to be sad.” he added, “Why are you sad?” he asked.
Liam stayed silent for a while.
“My friends are dead, I couldn’t protect them, a-and I’m scared that everyone else that I love and care about is gonna die too. So I came and cried in front of my brother’s grave! Okay?” Liam yelled, “Okay.” Theo responded, “I’m sorry I yelled, I’ve been trying to work on that.” Liam said, “I know, Liam.” Theo stated.
Liam sat back down, and Theo stood behind him not sure what to do. “You can sit down if you want. I don’t care.” Liam uttered after a while.
Theo sat down next to Liam silently.
“I’m pretty sure my sister is buried here.” Theo said after they had been silent for a few minutes, “Almost everyone who lived and died in this town is.” Liam responded, “Oh yeah?” Theo asked, “Yup, I spent most of my childhood here, I would know.” Liam answered, “Most of your childhood. How much do you visit your brother?” the taller questioned, “A lot, but I also spent a lot of time here because my father owned it.” the younger replied.
“If you want I could point out a few graves. Maybe even your sister’s.” Liam said after almost an hour, “Really?” Theo questioned, “Yeah. It would distract me from everything going on.” Liam answered, “Go ahead then.” Theo replied.
Liam stood up and Theo followed suit.
Liam walked over to the grave that he knew was the one he saw the red-headed girl and, sometimes, her parents had visited multiple times since he first saw them.
“Lorraine Martin…” Theo said, “Lydia’s grandma, I saw her and her parents visiting a couple times growing up, her parents don’t come as often as she does though.” Liam stated, walking over to another grave.
They walked around for another thirty minutes before they heard a police car pull up. “Shit.” Liam said, “Get out of the cemetery, it’s closed!” a voice yelled, “One minute Jordan!” Liam yelled back.
A few seconds later Jordan Parrish ran up to them. “Liam? What’re you doing here?” he asked, “I was originally visiting Cam, but Theo was following me, so I told him I could find his sister’s grave. We already saw it, but I need to do one more thing.” Liam answered, “Okay, be quick, I don’t want to get in trouble.” Jordan responded.
Liam walked over to the grave he was sitting at when Theo found him. He placed a stuffed animal at the headstone. “I made him, named him after Mason’s boyfriend, thought you might want to get to know him before we all die. His name is Corey. Bye Cam...” Liam said.
As they left Theo made sure to catch a glimpse at the stuffed animal Liam had set down. It was a chameleon. Theo chuckled to himself as he drove Liam back to his house.
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ramblingromance · 6 months
Book Roundup: The Last Mrs. Parrish and I'm Glad My Mom Died
I've been meaning to come on here for awhile and do a little write up of these books, but time got away from me. Better late than never I suppose, and honestly, at this point, I'm kind of just keeping this as a place to keep track of the books I read within a year.
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I picked this one up at last year's rainbow festival in this cute little book van that was parked there for the event. It's actually written by two sisters, and Live Constantine is their pen name. This one is also a part of Reese's book club, and apparently getting adapted into a netflix series.
I suppose this falls under psychology thriller in a way, and honestly, I was entertained throughout. It wasn't my most favorite book I ever read, but I liked it enough to check out the movie/series if that ever truly gets made, and I'd be willing to check out more from the writer(s) as well.
This is a very all that glitters is not gold sort of tale, and there's also mentions of domestic violence, as well as marital rape, so carry on with caution.
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This month in book club, it was Nonfiction, and this is the novel that was picked. I was honestly super relieved with the choice, because I tend to have a hard time getting into nonfiction at times, but this one had always interested me. Jennette is a great storyteller, and I was able to get through her heart wrenching tale of her abusive mother, as well as the darker aspects of being a child actor.
The timing of me finishing this was a bit weird, because it was like right after that the Quiet on Set documentary came out, showing us an even darker look into the makings of children television.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Melissa x Teen!reader - mother to you
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Could I please request a Melissa McCall x orphan reader who is in the pack, struggles with depression, and Melissa notices the depression symptoms and helps the reader through an episode, with the reader not being used to maternal love and Melissa being that maternal figure? If that’s ok <3 - Anon💜
You had stopped by the hospital to check up on Stiles, you knew he’d come here earlier but you hadn’t seen your friend all day and you were starting to get worried about him.
“Mrs McCall, have you seen Stiles?” You asked.
The woman looked up and nodded her head.
“Yes, he’s fine don’t worry, he’s just sleeping right now.”
“Ah, okay. Can you let him know I left some work for him with his dad?”
“Of course I can.” Melissa smiled.
You gave her a small smile and stuffed your hands in your pockets as you awkwardly looked around before shrugging your shoulders a little.
“I’ll be going now.. thanks again…”
With that you walked away and Melissa frowned a little as she watched you leave.
Your hoodie was dirty, and you were trudging slowly out of the hospital, avoiding anyone that came a bit too close to you.
She didn’t see you for a few days, but Scott told her that you were doing well, though you were skipping some classes in school.
You were crashing in an abandoned building when you heard walking around, and you could see the lights from a few flashlights shining about the area.
“Are you sure they’re even in here?”
“Yes Parrish, I know (Y/N), they’re prone to this neighbourhood.”
Sighing, you picked up your bag and walked around from the boxes you were camping behind and raised four hands as you avoided the sheriffs gaze.
“We’ve been looking for you for hours.” Stilinski sighed.
“Sorry…” you mumbled.
He walked over and lowered your arms, guiding you out of the building and towards the car where he helped you into the back seat.
He spoke to Parrish for a moment before he walked back over and sat in the back of the patrol car with you.
“(Y/N) this is the third time in two weeks you’ve ran away from the home, Stiles told me you sent him and Scott a message saying that you were going to leave town in the morning.”
“Yeah.. and…?” You grumbled.
“Where were you going to go? Do you know how dangerous that is?”
You gave a small shrug and looked away, and Stilinski sighed as you looked at you.
You looked exhausted, like you hadn’t slept in weeks, you were covered in dirt and he heard your stomach rumble through the silence.
“When was the last time you had something to eat?”
Again you shrugged.
“Didn’t you eat at the home before you left?”
“No… they padlocked all of the cupboards and the fridge because kids kept sneaking food…”
The sheriff frowned but nodded his head.
“I’ve got to take you to the hospital for a check over, but we’ll figure something out while we start an investigation against your home, okay?”
“Yeah whatever…”
You were quiet the whole ride to the hospital, and you said nothing as Stilinski led you inside.
You lightly clutched the back of his jacket, letting him know that you hadn’t run away while giving yourself some comfort that whole you were holding his jacket he wasn’t going anywhere.
You weren’t paying attention to anything he was saying to the woman behind the front desk, you were too busy staring at the floor.
You looked up to the Sheriff and let go of his jacket so he could turn around and he placed a hand on your shoulder.
“They want to keep you in for a few hours, okay? I need to go because I’m still on duty but I’ll check up on you after my shift ends okay?”
You just nodded and watched as he left and the nurse smiled at you.
“Give me a minute I’ll find you a room. Is there anyone I can call for you?” She smiled.
You shook your head and waited for her to turn back to her computer.
When she had you slowly started to backup towards the entrance, and turned around only to freeze in your spot, face to face with Melissa.
“Were you really gonna leave without saying hello?” She chuckled.
You said nothing and she sighed a little bit.
“Noah told me he was bringing you in. What’s going on?”
Again you said nothing and she gestured for you to follow her so you did.
She quickly spoke to the nurse that was supposed to be dealing with you, and she led you to one of the empty rooms and let you sit on the bed while she closed the door.
She pulled the chair over in front of you and sat down.
“What’s going on? No one else might have noticed but I sure have. The messy clothes, uncaring attitude, you look like you haven’t slept for a few days at least, and Noah said he could hear your stomach growling in the car. What’s going on sweetheart? Talk to me.”
“There’s nothing going on… it’s fine…”
“Is it though? Because I know you like your clothes, I once watched you wash a hoodie straight away because stiles spilled some soda on it. Let me help you.”
You said nothing and simply turned away from her, laying on the bed as you stared at the opposite wall.
Melissa sighed, and you heard the door open and close, as far as you knew she wouldn’t be coming back any time soon.
A few minutes later the door opened and closed again and Melissa walked around, setting a small bag in front of you.
You looked up at her in confusion.
“I brought some dinner in, but I didn’t get a chance to eat it. It’s just some curry and some snacks as well, and I got you a soda from the vending machine. If you don’t want to talk that’s okay, but will you at least eat?”
You nodded your head and sat up, taking the food from her you grabbed the paper plates she had brought up and split the food in half, handing her half and taking half for yourself.
Melissa smiled to herself and sat down on the edge of the bed with you as you ate in silence.
“I’m.. struggling…” you whispered.
“With what sweetheart?”
“Everything I guess…”
Melissa nodded her head and set her plate to the side, shuffling around a little bit so she could face you properly.
She reached out and held out her hands and you furrowed your brows a little before slowly raising your hands and placing them in hers.
She gave your hands a gentle squeeze before smiling at you.
“It’s going to be okay, we’ve just got to take it one step at a time, okay?” She whispered.
“We?” You asked back.
“Yes, we. I’m not going anywhere, okay? Neither is Noah, Scott or Stiles. But if you don’t want the boys to know then just me and for legal reasons Noah, okay?”
You gave a small nod and she stood up, grabbing your bag she slung it over her shoulder and tossed the trash away before gesturing for you to follow her.
“Where are we going?”
“I’m taking you back to mine, I’ve been given the okay by the sheriffs department to so, if you’re okay with that?”
Again you nodded and followed behind her, you weren’t used to this.
You weren’t used to someone being so nice to you, so caring. She was acting motherly towards you, and you weren’t used to that.
Melissa of course knew this, and she wanted you to know that no matter what she was also going to be a mother figure for you, and she was going to treat you exactly like you were her own
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The full list of characters in the Bracket!
The full list of characters who made it into the tournament are listed under the readmore.
Ada Paige- Rhythm Doctor
Adam Parrish- The Raven Cycle
Adora- She-Ra
Aki Hayakawa- Chainsaw man
Alfred Pennyworth- Batman
Almond Cookie - Cookie Run
Angela- Lobotomy Corporation
Anthy Himemiya- Revolutionary Girl Utena
Arthur Lester- Malevolent
Aymeric De Borel- Final Fantasy
Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce- MASH
Bucky Barnes- Marvel
Buffy Summers- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Burgerpants- Undertale
Carmen Sandiego- Carmen Sandiego
Carol Hathaway- ER
Charlie Magne Morningstar- Hazbin hotel
Chip Revvington- Toontown: Corporate Clash
Cliopher "Kip" Mdang- The Hands of the Emperor
Commander Peepers- Wander Over Yonder
Dana Scully- The X Files
Danny Fenton- Danny Phantom
David Jacobs- Newsies
DC/GOV- Welcome to the table
Dean Winchester- Supernatural
Dick Gumshoe- Ace attorney
Doppo Kannonzaka- Hypnosis Mic
Dot Campbell- The Wilds
Dr Charlotte Dubois- Falsettos
Emma Perkins- The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
Five Pebbles- Rain World
Ford Pines- Gravity Falls
Fu Hua- Honkai Impact 3rd
George Karim/Cubbins - Lockwood and Co
Gilgamesh "Gil" Wulfenbach- Girl Genius
Gordon Michael Schwinn- A New Brain
Gregor Samsa- The Metamorphosis
Guillermo de la Cruz- What We Do In The Shadows
Harrowhark Nonagesimus- The Locked Tomb
Hera- Wolf 359
Homura Akemi- Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Hunter- The Owl House
Isabelle - Animal Crossing
Izzy Hands- Our Flag Means Death
Jaehee Kang- Mystic Messenger
Jafar- Twisted
Jamil Viper- Twisted Wonderland
Jean Gunnhildr - Genshin Impact
Jeremie Belpois- Code Lyoko
Jess Jordan- Succession
Jonathan Harker- Dracula
Jonathan Sims- The Magnus Archives
Jotaro Kujo- Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Keito Hasumi- Ensemble Stars!
Kento Nanami- Jujutsu Kaisen
Kevin Kandy- Spooky Month
Kim Dokja- Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Kim Kitsuragi- Disco Elysium
Kiyotaka Ishimaru- Danganronpa
Kunikida Doppo- Bungo Stray Dogs
Kurapika- Hunter x Hunter
Kusuo Saiki - The disastrous life of saiki k
Laerryn Coramar Seelie- Critical Role
Lamplighter/plight- OneShot
Larry- Pokemon
Larry Needlemeyer - The Amazing World of Gumball
Ling Wen- Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official’s Blessing)
Link- The Legend of Zelda
Lisa Cuddy- House M.D
Lisa Wilbourn- Worm
Logainne Schwartzandgrubenierre- The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
Loid Forger/Twilight- Spy x Family
Lucifer- Obey Me!
Lucretia- The Adventure Zone
Luisa Madrigal- Encanto
Maedhros Feanorian- The Silmarillion
Mafuyu Asahina- Project Sekai/Colorful Stage
Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Miraculous Ladybug
Marsh- Mistborn
Matthew Venn- The Long Call
Merlin- BBC Merlin
Miles O’Brien- Star Trek
Miss Pauling- Team Fortress 2
MK- Lego Monkie Kid
Molly Blyndeff- Epithet Erased
Mrs Doyle- Father ted
Munkustrap- Cats 1998
Nicholas Benedict- The Mysterious Benedict Society
Nishida- Yakuza
Obi-Wan Kenobi- Star Wars
Olruggio- Witch Hat Atelier
Pandemonica- Helltaker
Parsley Botch- Smile for Me
Peppino Spaghetti- Pizza Tower
Percy Jackson- Percy Jackson
Peregrine Mendicant- Homestuck
Ponder Stibbons- Discworld
Raphael Walt/Sirius Dieke- My Next Life as a Villainess
Ratchet- Transformers
Reagan Ridley- Inside Job
Reim Lunettes- Pandora Hearts
Retsuko- Aggretsuko
Riza Hawkeye- Fullmetal Alchemist
Robin- Smash Legends
Rory Williams- Doctor Who
Ryotaro Dojima - Persona
Sara Chidouin- Your Turn To Die
SecUnit- The Murderbot Diaries
Shang Qinghua - Scum Villain's Self-Saving System
Shota Aizawa- My Hero Academia
Sips- Fool’s Gold
Squidward Tentacles- Spongebob Squarepants
Stanley- The Stanley Parable
Steven Alen Starphase- Blood Blockade Battlefront/Kekkai Sensen
Steven Universe- Steven Universe
Super Mario Bros.- Mario Series
Susan Taxpayer- Susan Taxpayer
The Cabbage Merchant- Avatar the Last Airbender
The Captain- BBC Ghosts
The Elsen- Off
The Manager- The Hotel Podcast
Touta Matsuda- Death Note
Trafalgar Law- One Piece
Twilight Sparkle- My Little Pony
Vera Oberlin- Monster Prom
Walter Pensive- Hello from the Hallowoods
Will Graham- Hannibal
William T Spears- Black Butler
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schoolnerdateen · 2 years
Teen Wolf Movie: Review
*Spoilers please be aware!*
• First of… no Stiles in this movie. We knew that, but I was hoping for a surprise cameo to happen. Unfortunately it didn’t. They mentioned him a few times though.
• We got Malia and Parrish as a couple, which I did not expect. I don’t like it, I have mixed feelings.
• I wished they had some type of location subtitle in the beginning. You know how some scenes will say “New York” and the next scene it will say “Peru?” That is what I wanted.
• It didnt take place in New York of Peru….or at least not peru that I know of
• The evil fact that we get to keep Allison (I do love her no offense) and not Derek is totally unfair!
• I literally cried at that scene. I will get to said scene soon
• coach saying Scott was Greenberg to win the lacrosse game was a good one. Coach is always funny. We stan coach on this account.
• Allison slowly and then all at once remembering everything from Lydia’s wail.
• The Jeep is still iconic. I love Eli hotwiring the Jeep.
• side note: I always joke about hot writing a car but never done it. I also don’t have the mechanical skills for that. Also cuz the scene in stitch the movie where they hot wire a car or plane thing.
• Sad that Jackson didn’t use his abilities. Would’ve been fun to see them again.
• Mr Harris (the old chemistry teacher that was used as a sacrifice in season 3) as the villian-besides Nogustine of course-was not who I expected.
• I thought it be Kate or Gerard. Or someone at least in the argent line.
• The funeral scene had me in tears. As someone who also lost my dad, I felt that pain. We also got coach at there too.
• Oh! I did not like Scott’s buzzcut/shaved hair. Unpopular opinion, but I hate Stiles’ shaved head in the beginning. Honestly, it’s a terrible look in general.
• We didn’t have Kira, but we had a new girl kitsune, which didn’t do a lot in the movie. Not like lazy, but more “not enough scenes” of her. Not a lot of character or story to her.
• My favorite part of shows moving to streaming is that they can curse. Unlike Criminal minds, they didn’t do it a lot. Oh, someone on here mentioned it felt unnatural and weird for the characters, which I agree. Some moments probably deserved it, but others didn’t feel right.
• Probably not new, but if Argent is scared then you know somethings up.
• Liam is still my favorite beta.
• I’m trying to remember everything in the last 2 hours…
• Edit: I totally forgot about Nogustine being like a werewolf hybrid! Which totally didn’t make sense. Apparently Scott bit him but I personally don’t remember anything of that happening in the movie or show.
• In a way, the ending gives off an actual spin off. I know there’s wolf pack, but that’s not a spin off. It’s just directed by Jeff too. It’s an adaptation of a book series apparently. I hate it when the articles say it’s a spin off where in reality it’s just directed by the same person.
• Edit: speaking of the ending, I didn’t like much of it. There wasn’t a lot of aftermath scenes. I’m not one of time jumps, but I did wish there was a small jumó to see how everyone is doing afterwards. Like 3 months after or something small of that sort.
• I can’t think of anything else right now
• Overall, I did like it, but at the same time, I didn’t. Someone mentioned the plot line was good, but execution wasn’t….at least paraphrasing it. And that’s what it was. Plot line: really great, Execution: not so great. So i can’t say I loved unfortunately, but it was good. But bad at the same time.
• it’s like the percy movies. Adaptation wise: terrible, outside of adaptation: really great. I love the movies. On their own it was so good, but as adaptations, not good. That’s how I feel about the movie.
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jaynovz · 9 months
I think the last thought for the night is about the power of threes --
1.1-- We hear from Dr. Howell that a crew member of the name Mr. Duffy got shot in the leg during the raid on Parrish's ship and as a result had to have it amputated. He didn't survive due to the loss of too much blood.
1.4-- Randall is trapped beneath the Walrus trying to rescue Betsy the cat. Silver is the one to throw the meat cleaver to Flint so Flint can perform an emergency amputation. Randall survives this ordeal but ends up killed later in s2.
2.10-- Hm. Well. 😮‍💨😩
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karatekels · 7 months
Mediation - Chapter 3 - TIGmas Day #9
I SAID I'D GET IT TO YOU TONIGHT AND I DID (well, it's the same day in my timezone, at least).
Please rate your experience of reading Cash on a scale from zero to Max Parrish, and post your answer with an explanation in the replies! :P
Previous Parts: Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Investigation
- One month later –
Reader’s POV:
Your footsteps crunch loudly at the gravel underfoot as you push yourself to run even faster.
You’re in hot pursuit of a suspect, running through the junkyard where you had caught him scrounging around for scrap metal. You’d been tailing him and his associates for quite awhile; taking from junkyards was one thing, but these guys had been breaking into warehouses and autoshops in the city, stealing copper wiring, catalytic converters, anything they could get their hands on that they could quickly turn around for a profit.
“Stop! Police!” you command loudly, though you know it’s a futile effort. The perp doesn’t even falter, turning to run around the corner of the abandoned warehouse and out of sight. Cursing under your laboured breath, you sprint as fast as you can, not wanting to lose sight of him long enough for him to escape.
As you approach the corner, you hear the sound of impact and a sharp, pained cry. Rounding the corner, you see your perp flat on his back at the feet of a tall man, his face concealed by a welding mask. You stop in your tracks, briefly bending over with your hands on your knees as you try to catch your breath.
“Thank…you…” you wheeze up at the man, moving to stand in front of your suspect. “You, roll over onto your stomach – hands behind your back.”
The man, still dazed by his surprised attacker, obeys your instructions, as though afraid the masked man would knock some sense into him if he didn’t. You quickly cuff your perp, pulling him to his feet.
“Happy to help, little lady,” comes the teasing reply from behind you.
You shouldn’t recognize his voice so easily after just one brief meeting, you know you shouldn’t, but your mind had latched on to that one conversation and run wild over the past month. Cash Ewing had, for some infuriating reason, been far too present in your thoughts and your dreams since you saw him last, and now he was appearing during your work as well, apparently.
“What did I say about calling me that, Cash Ewing?” you hiss over your shoulder. To your extreme annoyance, he has pulled off the welding mask, revealing sweaty hair, flushed cheeks, and a wolfish grin, sending an indecent tingling through your veins and a blush to your face.
“Awww, I’m surprised you could recognize me without seeing my pretty face,” he leers, his words echoing back to your last meeting, and you can’t help but wonder if he’s been thinking back to your conversation as much as you have been. And you were only doing that because you were so concerned with how to get him and Terry to mend their relationship; that was all.
Rolling your eyes, you march past Cash without dignifying him with a response, rattling off the Miranda Rights spiel to your suspect as you walk him back to where you’d parked your squad car. To your immense irritation, you can hear the crunching of gravel as he follows after you.
“Can I help you with something, Mr. Ewing?” you snap at him, refusing to turn around or slow down for him.
“No,” he replies casually, quickening his pace until he has caught up with you. “Where’s your partner?”
“On vacation for the week, renovating the farmhouse,” you answer in a clipped tone, before stopping you and your suspect suddenly, frowning at what you’d let slip. Somehow, it was far too easy to fall into comfortable conversation with the man; you choose to blame it on Cash’s utter lack of decorum and how it takes you off guard. “You’d better not misuse that information, Ewing.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he says innocently, giving you some space as you approach your squad car.
“Should I leave you two alone?” your suspect cuts in snarkily, though he pipes down when you and Cash both turn your gazes onto him.
“Shut up, get in the car,” you snap at the suspect, shoving him into the back of your squad car and slamming the door with more force than necessary. Leaning back against it, you cross your arms across your chest, glaring up at the other man. “And what are you doing here?”
“Working,” he replies as though it were obvious, and you notice for the first time that he’s got a bag of equipment with him, the welding mask protruding from the top. Excellent detective skills, Officer L/N, you chide yourself in your head.
“You’ve been hired to do welding at a junkyard?” you ask skeptically, and he gives you a patronizing look.
“No, I’m looking for some spare metal to use; we’re a little short on it these days with all the break-ins,” he shrugs his broad shoulders before raising an eyebrow at you. “I’m glad to see the police are finally trying to do something about it,” he teases.
“Well, I’m glad you’ve found something productive to do with your time; Terry hasn’t given me any reason to believe you’ve gone and bothered him.” You’re determined to ignore his incessant flirting and bring the focus to Terry; it’s the only reason you bothered speaking with Cash in the first place.
“Oh, I’ve thought about it. Someone said they were going to help me, after all.”
You sigh, your shoulders slumping. “Cash, I told you: Terry needs time. And he needs me to be someone he can trust. I can’t keep pushing him on this, or I’ll lose him too. But I haven’t given up, okay? He’ll get there.”
Cash nods curtly, his own arms folded as he stares you down. You arch a brow at him challengingly, unimpressed at his attempt to intimidate you, if that is indeed what he’s doing. Again, you barely know the man; he could just be pouting.
“So, they have you working by yourself while McCain is gone? No offense, but you didn’t exactly seem in control of the situation before your perp ran into me.”
You scowl at him, offended. “Well I’m sorry my work isn’t being done to your satisfaction, Cash,” you snarl. Sure, you weren’t as physically strong or fast as Terry, but you had a bright mind and excellent intuition. “Still, seeing as I’m the only one of us currently employed by Chicago PD, you’re unfortunately going to have to deal with me getting the job done, at least until Terry’s back. Now, don’t let me keep you from your important digging through garbage!”
The last insult was a little immature, sure, but you can’t find it in yourself to regret it as you turn up your nose at him, stalking over to the driver’s door and throwing it open.
“Feel free to give me and the boys in blue a call if you need more help, big guy!” you say cheerfully, giving him a mocking salute as you hop in and drive off with your perp.
The next morning, you’re awoken abruptly by the sound of someone pounding on your front door. Forcing yourself upright and peeling your eyes open, you stare at the alarm clock. It’s 10:30 in the morning, and you had only gotten to bed just before 9:00, having survived your first solo night shift. You’re exhausted, and need to sleep this morning to adjust your sleep schedule before doing it all over again tonight. The first few days of a shift change were always the worst.
This had better be good.
Throwing a robe on over your pyjamas, you stumble out of your bedroom and over to the front door. Standing up on your toes, you take a peek through the peephole to ascertain who is harassing you at this hour; you aren’t one to take chances. Seeing who it is, you let out an aggravated huff, unbolting the door. Before you can even reach for the doorknob, Cash has swung the door open, barging in without waiting for an invitation.
“Cash! What the hell are you doing?!” you whine at him, your hands at your temples. You are far too tired to deal with this overgrown buffoon invading your home. You watch him take a quick scan around your quaint apartment before he moves to a table, setting down a tray carrying two cups of coffee and some brown paper bags.
“Morning, Sunshine!” he greets you cheerily, his voice far too loud for this time of day. “I brought breakfast. I didn’t know what you liked, so uhh… here!” he announces, rummaging through the pockets of his jeans and producing a variety of creamers and sweeteners that he forces into your hastily cupped hands. You follow him awkwardly back to your kitchen table.
“Coffee and doughnuts, Cash? Seriously?” you tease with a snort, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Old habits die hard,” he murmurs solemnly, biting into a powdered doughnut. You roll your eyes, but quickly grab one of the travel cups of coffee, quickly making it to your liking and taking a long sip. Your need for sleep was clearly going to have to wait.
“What the hell are you doing here?” you ask tiredly, barely moving the cup away from your lips as you speak, immediately taking another drink.
“Ah, not a morning person, I see,” he says, looking down at you with amusement. You’re sure that between the bags under your eyes and your tangled mop of hair that you make quite the picture.
“I did first and third shift yesterday, Cash; the Captain needed to make a switch. I had just started sleeping when your noisy ass showed up.”
“Sorry,” he apologizes, looking sheepish, and it’s a bit strange, watching the massive man hunch in on himself. He feels so much smaller, even as he continues to tower over you. Your gaze softens at his seemingly genuine remorse, before the caffeine starts to work on your sleep-deprived brain, jolting you to a sudden realization.
“Wait a second – how do you know where I live?”
He straightens to his full height, giving you a cocky grin before moving to make himself comfortable on the couch.
“Just because they took my badge doesn’t mean I stopped knowing how to be a cop. You were easy to track down.”
“So what, you’re stalking me now?!” you ask, outraged, stomping over to him. Cash appears completely unbothered, not moving an inch as you approach him.
“Sweetheart, if I wanted to stalk you, do you really think I would come knocking on your door?” he asks airily, and his ability to look so casually arrogant as he lounges on your couch has you seething. “With breakfast, mind you, which you haven’t so much as thanked me for.”
“Okay, that’s it. Get out, now!”
He makes no move to follow your instruction, giving you a look of exasperation as though you’re the one inconveniencing him right now.
“I’m here to report a crime, as a concerned citizen.”
“I don’t give a shit. I’m off the clock, go to the damn precinct if you’re so concerned. If you want to wait until tonight to harass me, fine – at least then I’d be getting paid for it!”
He purses his lips, looking at you with an unfathomable expression.
“I really bug you, don’t I?”
“Just catching onto that now, are you?”
“Then why don’t you hear me out so I can get out of your hair?” he asks with a cheeky smile. You let out an aggravated sigh, running your hand down your face.
���You know what? Fine. But I’m getting dressed first, so that if you don’t get the hell out of here the second you’re done talking I can kick your ass out my door and all the way down to the precinct to report you for breaking and entering. Don’t touch anything,” you growl – the last thing you want is for him to start snooping around your home.
“I’ll be waiting right here with my hands in my pockets,” he promises, his blue eyes wide and bright with mock innocence.
You storm into your bedroom, hearing Cash’s low chuckle through the door once you slam it shut. You dress quickly, keeping one eye on the door, though you don’t expect he’ll be stupid enough to try to sneak a peek at you changing. You hear the TV turn on, some daytime game show, and when you come back out into the main part of the apartment Cash has made himself at home, lying fully on the couch with one hand behind his head.
“Get your feet off my couch,” you demand, scowling down at him.
“Yes ma’am!” he says, quickly spinning himself to sit upright on the couch. As he does, he grabs you by the upper arms and pulls you to sit beside him. You let out an indignant squawk, kicking him in the thigh as you scramble to the far end of the couch, sitting cross-legged and facing him.
“Your feet are on the couch,” he points out petulantly, and you give him your most piercing glare.
“It’s my couch,” you snap. You’re feeling on edge being so close to him – you feel drawn to him, and the fact that Terry would likely explode if he knew that you and Cash were sharing the couch in your apartment right now is unfortunately only adding to the appeal. Forbidden fruit, and all that.
Cash looks over at you in your tense, tightly wound position, and sighs.
“You don’t have to be afraid of me, Y/N,” he says softly, a pained look flashing across his face briefly. “I don’t want you to be.”
“I’m not scared of you!” you deny shrilly, and he chuckles.
“No? You look like a cornered animal about ready to fight to the death,” he points out, calmly taking another sip of his coffee.
“I guess I can understand why; you’ve only heard about the worst parts of me, and from a very biased perspective at that,” he adds gently, placing his cup on the coffee table. He turns back to you with a piercing stare, and you take in the immense vulnerability expressed in his pretty blue eyes.
He has Terry’s eyes.
“But I don’t want you to be uncomfortable around me; I want you to trust me, given enough time,” he continues, his tone growing increasingly desperate. You fight the urge to reach out and comfort him; you can’t.
But maybe explaining yourself a bit more would help.
“Cash… I’m not scared of you. I find you more annoying than anything,” you joke, happy to see him crack a smile in return. “It’s just… Terry would be really upset if he knew that we were talking, let alone that you’d barged your way into my apartment. And I don’t want to have to lie to him.”
“That’s exactly why you’ve got to help me out, Y/N! And that’s why I’m here. I have an idea.”
“Scarier words have never been spoken,” you reply wryly, and this time he’s the one rolling his eyes at you.
“I think I know where those thieves are taking all of the scrap metal.”
Well, that certainly has your attention and interest. You find yourself sitting up straighter and actually taking the large oaf across from you seriously for once.
“I’m thinking that if I help you take down the crime ring, it would go a long way towards showing Terry that I’m not a bad guy. Plus, y’know, less crime in the city,” he tacks on for good measure. “C’mon, whaddaya say?”
The hope and excitement radiating from him are practically tangible, making your heart melt. He may be obnoxious, but Cash’s earnest desperation to have his friend back in his life was unbelievably sweet.
“Cash, I… I really want to help,” you begin, trying not to wince as you watch his face fall. “But I’m working alone, and Terry is only gone a few days. I’d have to be working around the clock for the next week straight to even have a chance at getting enough evidence together to get a warrant for wherever you’re saying the base of their organization is.”
“I’ll help!” he insists, hopping up on his knees and looming over you like a giant, enthusiastic child. “I’ll do whatever you need, I’ll find intel and give you everything, I can work while you’re sleeping, we can bounce ideas off each other, anything!”
You have to say, you’re a fan of this pleading, needy look on him – it’s giving you a heady sense of power. No, focus. He was giving you an incredible opportunity to demonstrate your worth to the precinct; it wasn’t easy, being a tiny woman in a world of big men, and this would really help prove yourself in the eyes of your colleagues.
“You couldn’t do anything illegal,” you inform him seriously, and he perks up again at the sign of you considering his request.
“Didn’t I tell you it’s not like that with me? Nothing illegal, just legally doing things officers can’t do when pursuing a case. Cross my heart and hope to die!” he promises, and you get the sense he’s barely refraining from bouncing on the couch.
“But what if we can’t do this before Terry gets back?” you ask weakly. It was a very real possibility; sure, you’d been working on this case with Terry for awhile and had some preliminary work done, but this would be a massive undertaking even without the time constraint.
“Then I’ll have to hope that the progress is enough for Terry to consider forgiving me,” he says with a nonchalant shrug, though his eyes are blazing with determination. “But I have to try.”
You know that you’re going to give in, but you still hesitate to the point that Cash assumes he needs to do more to convince you. He slides off your couch and onto his knees before you, quickly snatching up one of your hands.
“Please, Y/N?” he asks quietly, and you’re not sure if he’s intentionally smouldering or if its an unconscious effort on his part. Either way, it takes you completely off guard, and you have to fight to keep your face from flushing or your palms from sweating in his warm grip.
“I would be forever in your debt, regardless of whether or not it works with Terry. Please, please do this for me?”
“Ugh, fine!” you exclaim, yanking your hand out of his before you can dwell on how his skin feels for too long. “Enough with the theatrics, please.”
“YES!” he crows, whooping in his victory as he gets to his feet. “Thank you, Y/N. I promise you won’t regret this. I’ll do whatever you want, whenever you want it done; you’re the boss.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you mumble, trying to appear unaffected by his exuberance. It’s difficult – his happiness is infectious, and you find yourself smiling at him before long.
“Alright, why don’t you go and gather your intel and any information you have and bring it back here? I need a shower.”
“Can I help you with that instead?” he asks coyly, and you scowl at him, refusing to acknowledge the blush you can feel heating your cheeks.
“Don’t make me change my mind about helping you, Cash.”
“Yes, Boss.”
You don’t sleep much over the next week.
Cash is basically living on your couch these days. He sleeps at night while you’re at work, trying to gather as much evidence on the crime ring through the proper legal channels and bringing it home with you for the two of you to work on together. You give him a brief update when you get home in the morning, then crash while he leaves in pursuit of his own intel. He’s always back in your living room by the time you wake up, and the remaining hours of the day are spent colluding, trying to get all your ducks in a row so that you can apply for an expedited warrant to search the not-so-abandoned warehouse that Cash believed their base of operations to be. Then, you head to work, and the process repeats itself all over again.
You’re exhausted, but the thrum of excitement at the rate you’re moving through this case is keeping you going. You haven’t felt this way since your first year working on the force, working with Terry.
And Cash is…
Well, he’s an incessant tease, constantly pushing your buttons for his own amusement, but beyond that, he’s a surprisingly good partner.
He’s focused, he keeps his notes and the case files in order, and beyond that, you’ve woken up more than once to your apartment looking cleaner than it had been when you’d gone to bed.
Still, it had been an interesting few days to say the least…
– Tuesday –
You let yourself into your apartment, the sounds of snoring hitting your ears as you walk inside, carrying a large, heavy box full of case files and notes. Setting it on the kitchen table, you look over to Cash, stretched out on your couch with a blanket far too small for his tall frame; you’ll have to dig a larger one out of your closet.
You can’t help the small smile that spreads across your face as you look over at him, arms curled around one of your throw pillows with his fists tucked under his chin. His brow is still furrowed, even in sleep, and you only hope that it’s still a restful sleep; the poor guy had been through enough these last few years.
You tiptoe around the apartment, hanging up your coat and putting a few things away, but eventually you find your eyes drifting back over to Cash. As your eyes trail up his body, you notice that he’s sleeping in his jeans; that can’t be comfortable.
Your eyes skim past the woven blanket covering most of his torso, up to his face…
…and see his pale blue eyes staring back at you.
“GAH!” you shriek, stumbling back and away from him, feeling your face heat up.
“Enjoying the view?” he asks in a voice raspy with sleep, his hands clasped behind his bed as he surveys you with amusement.
“You almost gave me a heart attack!” you exclaim, pointedly ignoring his question.
“Imagine how I felt, waking up to someone gawking at me like I’m something to eat.”
“I was not!” you insist shrilly, your hands balling up into fists. You feel the urge to childishly stomp your foot, but manage to resist. “I was just amazed by how much more tolerable your presence is when you aren’t talking.”
“Don’t worry, Boss – I forgive you,” he says, standing up and stretching, cracking his neck a few times before he looks down at you with a patronizing expression. “Besides, you’re not a bad sight to wake up to.”
You hiss in anger and he chuckles, ruffling your hair with a large hand as he makes his way to the bathroom. You gnash your teeth, infuriated, and set about making up the couch, pummeling a pillow back into shape with more force than necessary.
Terry might have to forgive Cash at his funeral – at this rate, you are most definitely going to kill him.
“You’re really beating on that pillow, little lady. I bet criminals tremble with fear when they find out you’re after them.”
You whirl around, having not heard him approach.
“Fuck it – get out, now,” you growl, brandishing the pillow against him.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop!” he says, pouting at you through his laughter and raising his hands in surrender.
You manage to land a couple of good hits to his head before tossing the pillow down and laying out the evidence for him.
Just when you thought you had him figured out – namely, that he was a shamelessly flirtatious man-child, he did something to surprise you…
– Wednesday –
You’re cautious when you open the door to the apartment the next morning, determined to not give Cash any reason to humiliate you. However, the apartment is quiet, and you see no sign of him anywhere.
What you do notice is the giant corkboard in the middle of your living room, blocking the TV. Curious, you walk over to it, recognizing snippets of the intel you had brought home the day before. It’s been simplified and organized, with Cash’s notes scrawled on sticky notes and stuck all over the board; it’s clear he’s been busy.
You don’t miss the fact that this is exactly how Terry organizes your thoughts when the two of you are working a case together.
“Oh good, you’re home!” Cash says, barging through the front door. He certainly seems to have made himself at home, and is definitely taking advantage of your spare key. He sets his take out bags and coffee tray on the kitchen table, holding out a bag to you. “I figured you wouldn’t want coffee before bed, but I got you a sandwich.”
You accept the food gratefully; you’re starving, and really didn’t want to have to cook something after a long day at work.
“Thanks. You want to run me through all of this?” you say, gesturing to the board with the brown paper bag. “When did you have time to do all this, anyway?” you ask, sitting down to eat.
“I couldn’t sleep much, so I figured I’d make myself useful. And there’s not much to run you through; this is pretty much all your notes, I just organized them.”
“You work like Terry,” you comment with a small smile, and he rolls his eyes as he sips his coffee.
“I work like him? Please. I taught him everything he knows,” he corrects you, looking proud of himself.
“Do you miss it?” you ask softly, hoping you’re not overstepping. He looks down at you with a sad expression.
“Every day,” he whispers longingly, and your heart goes out to the man. He lets out a deep sigh, turning his attention back to the board. “This is all really good work though; I can’t believe you put all this together so quickly.”
“Oh uh…thanks,” you stammer, taking a big bite of your sandwich as you process the thrumming of absolute delight that courses through you at the praise.
“Looks like something good came out of me going away, after all,” he jokes, looking down at you with a lopsided grin. “Chicago’s been in desperate need of a brain like yours on the force for far too long.”
You can’t help the smile that spreads across your face at the compliment; it feels sincere, not like his usual ridiculous flirting that he does just to rile you up.
“Careful – don’t want your ego getting so big that little body can’t support it.”
And we’re back.
But then he would go back to being a pain in your ass, making you question your sanity for willingly working with such a big, dumb idiot…
– Thursday –
“Cash, are those my spring rolls?!” you ask, having scoured the boxes of takeout that scatter the table in search of them. It was your lunch – his dinner – and the two of you had ordered a bunch of Chinese takeout, too focused on working the case to worry about cooking. You’re making really good progress, your evidence showing that the businesses the thieves were hitting all converge around the warehouse. There’s a good chance that you’ll actually be able to justify the expedited warrant on time for the bust to take place before the week’s end and Terry’s return.
Cash freezes, looking over at you for a moment, before stuffing the spring roll into his mouth.
“Maybe,” he says, voice muffled through his mouthful of food.
“What the hell?! I asked you what you wanted before I ordered!” you complain, scowling at him. Cash swallows before giving you a bright smile.
“Oops. Sorry, Boss!”
“Don’t ‘Oops’ me, Cash Ewing. You ate them on purpose!”
“Do you have any evidence to support that accusation, Officer?” he teases, looking utterly unrepentant.
“How about the three days straight of you pissing me off as evidence, you neanderthal?” you snap, grumpy at the loss of your favourite treat.
“Yeah well, you snore,” he retorts, sticking his tongue out at you.
“Only when I’m dead tired! And whose fault is that, again?” you hiss, crossing your arms as you glare across the table at him. “And what does that have to do with anything?”
“I thought we were sharing stories about the other person being annoying,” he jokes, and you huff and pout for all response. “It’s frankly a wonder that I get any work done with you sounding like a chainsaw in the next room.”
You refuse to engage with him, sulking silently in your chair.
“Oh, stop your pouting. There’s still one left,” he says, holding the box out to show you. You perk up, practically lunging across the table for it, but he pulls the box out of your reach. “Ah ah ah! What’ll you give me for it?” he asks, leering at you.
“Are you seriously trying to make me barter for my own food?” you ask, positively infuriated. It’s truly a miracle you haven’t murdered him…yet. You’re unsure if Terry would be proud or disappointed at your patience.
“Maybe, but if you’re not interested…” he trails off, slowly bringing the roll towards his mouth. You whine wordlessly, sounding like a petulant child, and he laughs, tossing you the spring roll. You snatch it out of the air, cradling it gently in your palm.
“Did Terry ever have to put up with this shit when you two were working together?” you ask grumpily, taking the bite of the spring roll and savouring it.
“Terry wasn’t nearly as fun to rile up.”
Eventually, you decide to just stop trying to figure him out or anticipate what he’s going to do. You choose to just be in the moment and let whatever is going to happen, happen…
– Friday –
Cash’s hands are everywhere as he holds your body close, his lips exploring the side of your neck thoroughly and making you moan needily for him. He starts to pull away, and you whine in protest.
“No, wait!” you plead, trying to clutch his head back in place, your fingers tightly gripping his short grey hair. You hadn’t expected being with him to feel quite this good.
He laughs, and it’s a familiar sound, but it doesn’t belong to Cash.
You blink, and now it’s Terry looking down at you as he lowers you to the couch, his dark hair tickling your cheek as he leans down to pepper kisses all over your face. What is going on?
“Y/N,” Terry groans your name huskily, nuzzling into your hair as he kisses your temple affectionately. “Y/N!” he repeats your name urgently, and you find yourself tangling your fingers in his curls, tugging him up so you can look deeply into his pretty eyes.
You bolt upright in your bed, your eyes flying open and your head nearly colliding with Cash’s as he looks down on you with concern. You freeze for a moment, your eyes darting around the room and trying not to linger on him as you catch your breath.
“Sorry,” he says curtly after a moment of silence, getting up from his seat on the edge of your bed and running a hand through his hair. “You sounded like you were having a nightmare.”
Well, the nightmare had started now that you’d woken up. What was that dream?!
“Oh… sorry,” you say awkwardly, trying not to feel flustered about Cash being in your bedroom, especially after the dream you’d just had. You can’t even look at him right now; you’re worried your face is flushing as it is.
“I hope you don’t mind me coming in here to check on you. I just thought a neighbour may have gotten annoyed with the snoring and snuck in to kill you – I figured I’d come in and thank them.”
“Caaaash!” you whine, considering throwing one of your pillows at him, but you decide against it. A pillow fight was far too flirtatious, especially in your current state of mind.
“I’m going back to sleep. You probably want to get out and close the door before I deafen you,” you joke, and his lips quirk in a smile.
“Fine, send me out to do the work while you sleep the day away,” he sighs deeply, making his way to your bedroom door.
“Sweet dreams, princess,” he coos, giving you a wink and slipping back out, closing the door after him. You flop back onto the mattress, clutching a pillow to your chest.
You don’t manage to wipe the smile off your face before you fall back asleep.
But ultimately, dealing with all of this – whatever this might be – is worth it, as you rush home early Saturday morning to give him the good news…
– Saturday –
You practically kick your own front door in in your haste to get the door open, sending it slamming into your wall with a thud. Cash whips around quickly at the noise, relaxing once his eyes land on you.
“Cash, I got it! We got it!” you shriek, throwing the door closed and kicking off your shoes.
“The warrant? Already?!” Cash clarifies, watching with unconcealed amusement as you struggle to take one of your boots off.
“Yes!” you say, tossing the offending footwear carelessly to side. “We did it!” he cheer, rushing him and throwing yourself at him. He takes a step back, bracing himself to take your weight as you wrap your arms around his neck, his own coming around you quite naturally.
“I can’t believe it,” he whispers in disbelief, his voice an octave lower than usual. You repress a shiver at the sound, at how comfortable and natural it feels being in his arms like this. He sets you on your feet after a moment, stepping away from you and running a hand through his hair. You’ve picked up on it as one of his nervous habits over the past week, and wonder what he’s thinking.
“So, uh… when’s the bust?” he asks, moving to the ever-evolving cork board and surveying it.
“Tomorrow, early afternoon,” you say, looking at the back of his head instead of the work you’d done together. Why was he acting weird? Why were you feeling weird?
“I’ve put a team of a half dozen guys together – we’ll get them,” you continue, trying to push past the awkwardness. “Then you can do your precious welding in peace!”
He looks over his shoulder to give you a sad smile before turning back to the board, fingers brushing a photograph of the warehouse.
“I wish I could be there with you…” he says quietly, and the longing in his voice is enough to make your heart ache. It does feel unfair – he’d handed you this case on a silver platter, worked tirelessly (for free, no less) for an entire week, and now he didn’t get to see it through to the end.
“But I guess that’s what McCain is for, right?” he asks, giving you a tight smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “He’s back tomorrow?”
“That’s what he said,” you say weakly, somewhat sad that your time together was coming to an end. You’d developed quite a strong connection over the past week, and you don’t know when – or even if – you’re going to be able to be around him like this again. It would all depend on Terry.
“I’m not sure what time he’s back, though. Hopefully after the bust is over and done and all that’s left to worry about is paperwork. But I’m gonna make sure this is done right and that Terry knows how much of it hinged on you, Cash. I promise.”
He gives you a fond smile, before abruptly pointing at your bedroom door.
“Off to bed with you, young lady. You need to be well-rested for your mission tomorrow!” he orders you, and for once you obey him, heading off for a power nap.
When you wake up, a few hours later, Cash and all of his stuff is gone. Your apartment has never felt so empty.
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Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Epilogue
Master List Here
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self-made-cages · 2 years
Morgan's 2023 Reading List ✨📚 
Jan 2: Truly Madly Guilty - Liane Moriarty (1 star)
Jan 4: True Biz - Sara Nović (4.5 stars)
Jan 15: Spare - Prince Harry (4 stars)
Jan 20: Blood of Olympus - Rick Riordan (re-read) (3 stars)
Jan 23: This Time Tomorrow - Emma Straub (3.5 stars)
Jan 25: The Last Thing He Told Me - Laura Dave (3.5 stars)
Feb 2: Beartown - Fredrik Backman (5 stars)
Feb 5: The Hawthorne Legacy - Jennifer Lynn Barnes (4 stars)
Feb 6: The Final Gambit - Jennifer Lynn Barnes (3.5 stars)
Feb 19: Iona Iverson's Rules for Commuting - Clare Pooley (4 stars)
Feb 19: The Unsinkable Greta James - Jennifer E. Smith (2.5 stars)
Feb 28: Where’d You Go, Bernadette? - Maria Semple (5 stars)
Mar 15: A Court of Thorns and Roses - Sarah J. Maas (4 stars)
Mar 20: A Court of Mist and Fury - Sarah J. Maas (5 stars)
Mar 23: A Court of Wings and Ruin - Sarah J. Maas (4 stars)
Mar 25: The Quarantine Princess Diaries - Meg Cabot (2.5 stars)
Mar 26: A Court of Frost and Starlight - Sarah J. Maas (4 stars)
Mar 31: The Mutual Friend - Carter Bays (4 stars)
April 5: From Blood and Ash - Jennifer L. Armentrout (3.5 stars)
April 9: A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire - Jennifer L. Armentrout (4.5 stars)
April 15: The Crown of Gilded Bones - Jennifer L. Armentrout (3 stars)
April 19: The War of Two Queens -Jennifer l Armentrout (3 stars)
April 23: The Reading List - Sara Nisha Adams (3 stars)
April 30: Lessons in Chemistry - Bonnie Garmus (5 stars)
May 6: Happy Place - Emily Henry (4.5 stars)
May 10: Everything Beautiful in Its Time - Jenna Bush Hager (not rating)
May 13: Well Met - Jen DeLuca (3 stars)
May 21: The Last Mrs. Parrish - Liv Constantine (2.5 stars)
May 25: The Displacements - Bruce Holsinger (4 stars)
May 27: Rock the Boat - Beck Dorey-Stein (4.5 stars)
May 31: Damn Few - Rorke Denver (not rating)
June 14: A Court of Silver Flames - Sarah J. Maas (2 stars)
June 25: Prisoners of Geography - Tim Marshall (not rating)
June 27: A Court of Mist and Fury - Sarah J. Maas (reread)
July 2: Pineapple Street - Jenny Jackson (4 stars)
July 5: Once More With Feeling - Elissa Sussman (2 stars)
July 13: It All Comes Down to This - Therese Anne Fowler (3.5 stars)
July 15: Mad Honey - Jodi Picoult & Jennifer Finney Boylan (4 stars)
July 27: The Secret History - Donna Tart (3 stars)
July 29: The Comeback Summer - Ali Brady (4 stars)
July 30: The It Girl - Ruth Ware (4 stars)
August 5: The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern (4 stars)
August 6: Educated - Tara Westover (not rating)
August 9: The First 90 Days - Michael D. Watkins (not rating)
August 11: This is How it Always Is - Laurie Frankel (5 stars)
August 20: Demon Copperhead - Barbara Kingsolver (4.5 stars)
August 27: A Soul of Ash and Blood - Jennifer L. Armentrout (1.5 stars)
August 30: The Alice Network - Kate Quinn (3.5 stars)
September 4: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - V.E. Schwab (4.5 stars)
September 15: This Is How You Lose the Time War - Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone (4 stars)
September 17: Hotel Laguna - Nicola Harrison (2 stars)
September 24: We're All Adults Here - Emma Straub (5 stars)
September 26: A Bend in the Road - Nicholas Sparks (1.5 stars)
October 5: The Celebrants - Steven Rowley (2.5 stars)
October 8: Anxious People - Fredrik Backman (3.5 stars)
October 9: Born a Crime - Trevor Noah (not rating)
October 14: The Wishing Game - Meg Shaffer (4 stars)
October 16: Counting the Cost - Jill Duggar (not rating)
October 18: Love and Other Words - Christina Lauren (2.5 stars)
October 22: Rules of Civility - Amor Towles (4 stars)
October 29: Maybe You Should Talk To Someone - Lori Gottlieb (not rating)
October 30: Troublemaker - Leah Remini (not rating)
November 2: Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen (3.5 stars)
November 7: Good Girl Complex - Elle Kennedy (1.5 stars)
November 23: Modern Lovers - Emma Straub (2 stars)
November 25: Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarros (3.5 stars)
December 3: Daisy Jones and The Six - Taylor Jenkins Reid (2.5 stars)
December 6: Know My Name - Chanel Miller (not rating)
December 10: Girl in the Blue Coat - Monica Hesse (2.5 stars)
December 15: The Circus Train - Anita Parikh (2 stars)
December 20: Catch and Kill - Ronan Farrow (not rating)
December 22: Today Will Be Different - Maria Semple (4 stars)
December 27: Iron Flame - Rebecca Yarros (4.5 stars)
December 29: Vampire Academy - Michelle Mead (1 star)
December 30: Percy Jackson: The Chalice of the Gods - Rick Riordan (5 stars)
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anabelldimitrova · 2 years
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Amber Patterson
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anika-ann · 2 years
Protect and Serve - Pt.1
Ch1: The Meet and the Cute
Type: multichapter, Teen Wolf post s06-A, slight AU
Pairing: Jordan Parrish x reader  Word count ch1: 2600
Summary: In a need of change of scenery for a while, you stabbed your finger into a map and ended up heading to Beacon Hills to start anew. You cared little for obscure blog posts claiming the town had a reputation – house prices were a miracle and there was a job opening at local high school.
And if the population was half as nice and pretty as certain Deputy patrolling the streets, you were going to be just fine. ...right?
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Warnings: fluff and cutesy, cops?, serial killer mention, language
A/N: Title (besides from the obvious) from s05e09: “I'm a very good deputy, and I'd like to stay that way. Flipping over jeeps and attacking colleagues doesn't exactly fit with protect and serve.” (J.P.)
A/N2: not sure anyone will even read this since it’s kinda niche AND so late to the party but... ah well. Was itching to write this. There’s not enough JP x reader out there. Divider by firefly-graphics
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One glance – that was all it took. Just one glance and all hope was lost at last, even as you knew the end was long time coming.
“No! No, no, nooooo,” you whined, watching the screen turn dark, the company logo flickering up once more before your phone died completely, your gaze snapping back to the road. “Dammit!”
Scanning your surroundings, you found the nearest place to stop – a simple task, truly, since Beacon County was apparently nothing but woods – and pulled over, killing the engine.
You deserved this; you knew that. That’s what you got for postponing basic things like buying a new charging cable – something you had meant to do weeks ago. But between packing, filling in a mountain of paperwork, calls with Mrs. Martin and goodbyes to your few friends, you felt too exhausted to do a single piece of work extra. Such as purchasing a silly piece of electronics.
It was karma, really. Bitchy karma who left you with Beacon Hills at your fingertips and a dead GPS. It wasn’t that you hadn’t looked up the map of the place before; you just succumbed to the sin of modern times and didn’t care much to actually remember where the school was in position to your new home, relying on a piece of technology instead.
It was the cop’s fault anyway. Your phone was supposed to last, you should have already been in Beacon Hills, waiting for the appointment with Principal Martin, but apparently the Beacon County Sherriff’s department was taking their job a little too seriously when directing traffic. Deputy Whatshisname had held you up too long when checking the papers, making you blow into the stupid breathalyser and walk a straight line despite your reassurances that you had not been drinking and driving. He just had to check your first aid kit and other obligatory equipment too; and now your phone was useless. You hoped karma was about to bite Mr.Deuty in the ass too.
“No use crying now…” you muttered under your breath, cursing when you realized you couldn’t even call your future boss and apologize for probably being late.
Plugging your phone in, toying with the pitiful excuse of a cable for a bit, you slowly started the car again, mentally crossed your fingers and hoped for the best.
You reached Beacon Hills in barely two minutes with no problems – it was the town itself which posed a challenge.
Half past eleven in the morning, the roads were nearly free of cars. A good thing, truly, because with how slow you were going, eyes sharp as your gaze trailed over every sign, trying to spy names of the streets and hoping for something to spark a memory, you might encounter some serious road rage of other drivers otherwise.
Instinctively, you tried to head towards the town centre, sure you were doing a decent job, until you found yourself on the edge of the town again, quickly making a U-turn and heading back.
Maybe the blog posts were right about this town: there was something strange going on. Maybe it was a labyrinth. Maybe it was like a Bermuda triangle. Hell, maybe it didn’t even exist in the same realm as the rest of the world, floating in some parallel universe-
You scoffed and eyed your watch. You were already late. You might as well stop by the coffee shop you had passed five minutes ago – if you’d be able to find it again. Maybe there would be someone with a functioning charging cable willing to lend it for a small coffee and cheesecake bribe too.
Resigned, you added coffee shops and bakeries to list of things to keep an eye out for as you slowly followed the road, watching people on their lunch break filling the streets. You really didn’t want to stop and ask for directions like an idiot, but you promised yourself that unless you found your way in the next three minutes, you-
The sudden blare of a police siren made you jump in your seat, dull pain in your chest following the startle in your heart. Jesus. Before you could try to find the source, the red and blue flashed in the corner of your eyes in your rear-view mirror.
Along with the flashing sign asking you to stop.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
This wasn’t karma toying with you anymore. This was God’s fucking punishment.
And the Beacon County Sherriff’s department definitely already hated you.
With a sigh, you pulled over at the nearest opening, grateful for the siren instantly falling silent, quickly followed by the flashing lights dying out as the door of the police car opened.
Fine. Fine. So you’d have your papers checked twice in one day, whatever. But you swore if they would test you for alcohol again, you’d throw a fit. It was already midday. You were supposed to be at the school at the moment and you would have, hadn’t it been for the self-important prick in uniform you encountered less than an hour ago.
You pulled your window down and dug into your glove compartment in search of the documents for the second time that day, throwing them on the passenger seat. Looking for your driver’s licence next as you heard the officer stop by your door, you started talking, willing yourself to be nice despite the world not returning the favour today.
“Okay, officer, I’m sorry and I mean no disrespect, but could we deal with this really fast? I swear I have been pulled over for checking papers two towns over, breathalyser and walking included, and I know for a fact that I haven’t done anything wrong now and I was most definitely not speeding, so please just let me show you the papers and we’ll be on our way, because I’m already late, okay?” you blurted out in one breath, finally finding your prize.
The police officer addressed you with a surprisingly low level of irritation in his voice, but you felt a pang of shame anyway as you gathered all the documents.  
“I’m sorry, that was rude, but it was also the truth and it would really help me, so here-“
The moment you turned to hand your papers to the poor man who was just doing his job and looked up, your brain came to a screeching halt – and refused to work in anything but simple short sentences.
Oh. He’s young.
Oh, he’s pretty.
Oh god, he needs a bigger uniform. The sleeves are definitely too tight. His arms-
Speaking of arms. And shoulders. He had a patch on the uniform. He wasn’t an officer. He was with the Sherriff’s department, after all. He was a Deputy.
A really, really handsome deputy.
With a light-brown ruffled hair and cute wrinkle between his brows as his bright green eyes roamed your face with misplaced but entirely genuine concern, the corners of his lips lifted in a careful but friendly smile.
You were fucked. You would also like to be fucked. By him. He could use the handcuffs that were no doubt fastened on the back of his belt if he wanted. On you or on him. No preference. Jesus. Your mind was definitely not supposed to head into the gutter so fast, but here you were.
This must have been karma paying you back for your grief. She sent Deputy Parrish to make your day better. You didn’t know whether to climb him like a tree or pinch his cheek first – that was how attractive and absolutely entirely cute he was. Especially when he frowned a little harder.
Be still my foolish heart.
“Ma’am? Are you okay?”
“Yes! Sir.” you blurted out, letting go of the papers at last. “I’m fine.”
And so are you.
You couldn’t believe he was addressing you as ma’am. Then again, you couldn’t believe you just called him Sir. You needed to get a grip.
On him, your brain helpfully supplied and even as you completely agreed, you willed to remind yourself you were an adult and not a screeching horny teenager. Which was slightly difficult since the Deputy’s lips curled up in an easy smile.
“Good. And you’re right, you weren’t speeding,” he assured you, completely ignoring the documents you handed him, eyes firmly on yours.
They really were pretty. But momentarily not enough to distract you from what he said. Go adulthood.
“I’m pretty sure I was going on a snail pace.”
“Exactly,” he confirmed, his smile growing along with your bewilderment.
He wasn’t checking your papers, still. He didn’t pull you over because you were speeding – quite the opposite, it seemed. Huh? What were you missing? It was your turn to frown.
“…you pulled me over because I was going too slow?” you asked, slowly, pondering over every syllable, because even as you said it, it made no damn sense.
“But this isn’t a free-way! There’s no limit, is there?” you questioned. Wait, was there? Was that a California thing? A Beacon County thing you failed to research? “...I probably shouldn’t admit to this, but I’m so very confused right now.”
The Deputy – Parrish, his nametag read – chuckled, flashing a perfect white line of teeth in the process, his left eyebrow arching almost playfully.
“Don’t worry, you didn’t do anything wrong. I just don’t remember seeing your car around before and given the fact you were on the opposite end of the speed limit, I was wondering if you needed any help?”
Your confusion hit an entirely new limit. You understood every word he said, but it seemed like they made no sense whatsoever when woven together like this. You blinked several times, but the image of a handsome and apparently an overly helpful deputy didn’t disappear. Not even when you tilted your head. Weird.
“…you pulled me over because I looked lost and you thought I might need help…?”
He grimaced, even as the amiability still shone from his eyes. “It does sound pretty strange now that I think of it, doesn’t it?”
It did.
It also probably sounded a little creepy.
And maybe it should scare you, especially since the guy was a pretty face – a devil with a face of an angel, you heard all about those, the charming serial killers – but something told you that you could trust him. If not for the strangely intense gut feeling telling you this guy did not have a single mean bone in his body, then for the fact that there was another person in the car waiting for him. Surely, they couldn’t both be serial killers. Right?
And there were a few people around who could be potential witnesses in case these two planned to Ted-Bundy you in the nearby woods, so you were going to be fine.
But mostly, Deputy Parrish was emitting such a warm and kind aura, with his boyish smile – a little self-deprecating now, bless his heart – making his bright green irises crinkle, that you simply couldn’t but trust him.
You hoped it wouldn’t bite you in the ass. Though you’d have nothing against him biting-
You cleared your throat.
“A little…” you admitted at last, a smile spreading your lips as well as the tips of his ears seemed to grow slightly red, “but truth to be told, I am lost and you look like the kind of a cop who’s really dedicated to the whole ‘protect and serve’ thing, Deputy Parrish. So… thanks for the care, I guess.”
“All the same.” He gave you back your documents without sparing them a single glance, his free hands now occupied by resting on his belt. “Where you headed?”
High school. The simple and most adequate answer was high school. But the sincerely curious tone in Mr. Handsome Deputy’s voice just flipped a switch in your brain, leading you to share way more than necessary.
“Uhm… I have meeting with the principal of local high school. I’m gonna teach there, starting next week. English and Spanish.”
“Oh! Welcome then,” he greeted you warmly, seemingly pleased by that information for some reason. “High school’s easy enough. Just follow us.”
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. He was joking, right?
He did not look like he was joking.
In fact, he seemed perfectly relaxed – even if still standing tall, shoulders squared -, the easy smile still on his lips, he reciprocated your gaze with more patience than you probably deserved.
Instinctively, you looked over your shoulder, finding the Deputy’s companion waiting in the car, playing with his phone. From the distance, he appeared completely unbothered by the world around him.
You head snapped back to Deputy Parrish, not missing his slightly amused tone or the change in addressing. One corner of his lips lifted, you noticed he was slightly leaned forward to you. If you had even a little bit higher opinion of yourself, you’d say he was flirting. And he was on the job – a job he clearly took very seriously. Definitely not flirting. Right?
“But you-- he… really?”
Well. That actually sounded great. Lord knew you were already spectacularly late. You’d take your chance – as surreal as this whole encounter had been so far; you might as well make the most of it. Especially with a willing and maybe flirty eye-candy like Deputy Parrish.
Leaning onto the frame of the window, you gazed up at the man, eyes narrowing in playful suspicion.
“Is this a trick? Are you actually arresting me? I mean… surely you have better things to do than help a teacher with a dead GPS find her way...?”
His gaze flickered to the console to your phone and the excuse of a charger, the root of all trouble – trouble you were barely worried about momentarily, since he gave you a sympathetic smile.
“I promise we’re not arresting you. The school’s less than ten minutes away. It’s no trouble, really,” he said, shrugging it off.
The choice was easy then – with one little detail.
“Thank you… but you will not turn on the siren, right? And the flashing lights?” you pleaded, only half-joking. He quirked one corner of his lips. “‘Cause I would never get away with telling the class to be quiet if I make that much noise just arriving at school for the first time.”
You were well-aware it was past midday – but you’d swear that when the man laughed, because of something you said with an intention to make him laugh, the sun only had just finally come out. It was a blinding sight; and your smile widened of its own volition at the joyful sound.
“I will not turn on the lights nor the siren and I’ll stop a few streets over so you don’t make a spectacle on your first day,” he promised, still chuckling, so absurdly sunshine-like you truly were tempted to put your sunglasses on. And maybe a facial mask to hide just how hot your face felt under his appreciative gaze.
“Bless you, Deputy.”
“Hey, it’s protect and serve, right?” he echoed your earlier words, grinning.
For some inexplicable reason, the best reaction you came up as he was turning to leave was to mimic a salute.
You groaned in embarrassment as soon as you believed him to be out of earshot and sight – but still, you were sensible enough to check the side mirror to catch a glimpse of him leaving.
You were not disappointed. The sleeves were not the only part of his attire that was a little snug. Bless the Deputy, indeed.
As you eventually pulled up at the school parking lot, the police car disappearing in the distance, you found yourself still smiling wide despite regretting some of your choices; the memory of the attractive Deputy fresh in your mind, you couldn’t help but feeling an imprint on your heart too, his wholesome persona and contagious smile leaving you giddy and ready to face your fresh start.
Even if you were a little late for it.
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Next part // Series masterlist // Complete masterlist
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Thank you for reading 💕
As I mentioned, this is probably going to be pretty niche, so perhaps more than ever, I’ll be happy for any comments/reblogs - we breathe for interaction here ✨ 
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paigeypaige19 · 1 year
“Everything had begun with such promise. And then, like a windshield chipped by a tiny pebble, the chip turned into deep cracks that spread until there was nothing left to repair.”― Liv Constantine, The Last Mrs. Parrish
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erisenyo · 10 months
Tag 9 people you'd like to get to know better, tagged by @leantailean (like over a month ago let's not talk about that part...)
Last Song: Bad Idea by Gunnar
Favorite Color: Turquoise!
Currently Watching: Naruto, in as much as chipping my way through it a few episodes a week counts as 'watching'
Last Movie: The Barbie movie, if we are talking about watching the whole thing
Currently Reading: The Last Mrs. Parrish for bookclub and it is 2/5 so far :/
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: How could I choose?? Savory if I had to but that's very much a current-mood thing
Relation Status: single
Current Obsession(s): Zukki apparently lol, interior design as I try to figure out what specifically I think is off about my living room setup, fun blazers and jackets and boots, and holiday shopping for all my people. I have 23 people to get gifts for and 15 left to go...
Last thing I Googled: [redacted] college men's basketball team 2011 roster (trying to ID someone I went to school with lol)
Currently working on: Editing Part 8 of my Zukki week series (the last installment), noodling on a prompt someone sent in on tumblr, and chilling with the cat
Tagging: @ash-and-starlight @haroldtea @lizardlicks @fanfic-gremlin-ft-trauma @chitsangenthusiast @sword-and-stars @allgremlinart @chiptrillino @ssreeder
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Watched the Teen Wolf Movie. Took Notes.
Okay Liam randomly moved to Japan with a Kira stand in
and keeps the nogitsune in a box..on a shelf...in a restaurant
Guy wants to set the nogitsune free...obvi bad idea but you do you boo.
So the firefighters let a civilian go into a collapsing building instead of just tranquilizing the dog? 
“no, like a wolf” brilliant writing Jeff truly. (sarcasm)
I do like the intro art at least
“I’ll have kids one of these days”..dude your like 26 chill out
Also...your 26, you don’t know what the word wistful means? mr, SAT?
of course there’s a handy ritual that has to be done before the next full moon
You think Lydia wouldn’t triple check her work before handing it off to someone? 
make one of the two black characters a cop? 
we’re putting the dirt in...a handkerchief? no has a ziplock or something? also who carries around a handkerchief?
i know the nematon is magical or whatever but surly someone could hop on google maps?
so they don’t know how to do the ritual?
didn’t they turn jackson into a werewolf? why does he still have a tail and venom?
i must say jackson is killing it with the quippy one liners
so eli can’t shift? is this a plot point?
what the fuck. i did not need to see malia and parish fuck. what the fuck. is this necessary to the plot. what kind of whiplash writing
wait. so chris is the nogitsune?
Deaton had a plan to release the nogitsune from argent...but not a plan to catch it? seriously?
the sword...disappeared into the tree...that happened
oh and now it’s glowing
has eli said anyone’s name this entire time? 
uhh why are allison’s nails painted?
of course the one cop left at the station is a kitsune...how handy
there just happens to be an outfit that fits allison in the weapons bunker?
don’t you dare say divine move without stiles you bastards.
derek shouldn’t be having trouble beating up allison. like...he’s a wrewolf
does derek not heal anymore? 
that is the worst fake gun noise i have ever heard
why does peter just have a blowtorch?
also, the man was set on fire..twice you think he’d be that comfortable around it? really?
why the fuck is it always raining
why did the cars blow up? there wasn’t anything to light the gasoline
she didn’t have any arrows in her quiver during her fight with eli...but suddenly has a bunch after scott shows up
i have to say, argent, peter, and mamma mcall is a great teamup. 
give me a buddy cop movie of these three solving supernatural crimes
whelp there goes liam and the kira stand in
did deaton just pull out a taser wand? 
it’s nice that everyone dissapears slowly enough to say once last thing to their loved one
“i can do this”...immediatly gets stabbed
it’s daylight now? and they’re on a cliff apparently?
what the fuck is peter doing. 
rowan trees...why does jackson know what rowan trees are and what they smell like?
scott keeps a picture of alilson in his wallet? like, buddy move on
didn’t derek have to like burn wolfsbane and put the ash into his wound? 
was the nogitsune always so...growly sounding? 
eli obviously spends time with stiles..no one is that sarcastic without spending time with him
scott bro seriously move on
the chemistry teacher? with no explanation to his aliveness?
coyotes came into the house? what the fuck kind of story is that? 
so jackson doesn’t heal?
so the entire plan hinges on lydia’s pain over STILES???
“that’s greenburg” goddamit coach is killing it
what is with no one keeping their supernatural abilities up to par?
okay the fact that it took Lydia saying allison’s name and not scott to remember her life was a nice touch
geez i think one arrow to the heart was enough 
he was much creepier with the wrappings on
why does he have green blood?
did parrish just send derek to hell? or like cremate him really quickly? how does his fire thing work exactly?
“from that moment on we were brothers”...except the part where you turned him in for murder?
so the jeep is a metaphor for derek now?
are we forgetting that eli doesn’t have a license? they stated that at the beginning of the movie
“remember who you are” okay mufasa
well that was an experience.
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