#the last three months of 2008 and first three months of 2009 were the best stretch of my life
andromeda3116 · 2 years
for some unfathomable reason, i've been thinking a lot lately about this insane comedic original story i started when i was first at college and didn't have internet, way back in 2008, and i went back and tracked it down (on Ye Olde LiveJournal, which hauntingly still exists in the aether) and like. i still kinda have a fondness for it. it's ridiculous and extremely 2008, both in terms of being dated and in terms of who i was a person then, but i still kinda wish i'd ever finished it. the idea has milled about in my head of actually handling the concept now, as an adult, but tbh, i don't think it would really translate into my style now. it just exists as an artifact of my sense of humor circa age seventeen.
i can still remember being the person who wrote it, sitting in that dorm at that desk on that dinosaur laptop and you know, sometimes i still miss her.
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crosbyism · 24 days
"but then again this is the guy who’s publically known for loving to eat ass so"
I'm sorry, I thought Nate eating ass was fanon. Are you telling me this is an actual canon fact??
god i love when people don’t realise how much “fanon” around sid and nate is actually canon. it’s like heroin to me. also bc it’s like. 90% of the stuff in fics (which is probably why people assume it’s fanon but. oh boy it’s not. there’s shockingly little fanon around these two, mostly because canon is so abundant).
yes, nathan mackinnon is a known ass-eater. let me direct you to this post, anon. you’re welcome.
other nate (and sid) facts you might not have realised are canon:
nate is a known advocate for therapy. he’s been seeing a sports therapist since 2017
they wear matching clothing all the fucking time, sid has said publicly that he started wearing white sneakers and updated his wardrobe due to nate’s influence (iirc nate might’ve even bought him his first pair of white sneakers? either that or it was a “he told me i need to so i did” situation). they share a tailor. unfortunately i now have to bring your attention to the fact that since they have an alarming amount of matching clothes that they’ve bought for each other, that means that they in fact have to know each other’s clothing sizes off by heart. they also low-key share clothing btw
their families celebrate canada day together and their dads are best friends. in-law behaviour goes crazy
nate did in fact stalk his way into sid’s heart (got the same personal trainer and agent at age 13; built his house next door in 2017; they’ve been spending every day in the summers together since at least 2015. sid cooks for them daily, or at least did pre-pandemic. sid refuses to use nate’s gym tho so they always use sid’s).
nate used to have a fan twitter account more or less where he rooted for the pens. it was active until 2017.
sid and nate regularly go to summer weddings together as each other’s dates. they have done this since, once again, at least 2015
nate has confirmed that he used to have a poster of sid on his wall as a teenager (he didn’t confirm he used to jerk off to it but frankly. i think that’d be saying the quiet part out loud)
when sid won the cup in 2009 and held the parade in cole harbour, nate stood by the side of the road watching it. he was about to turn 14, he was already working with sid’s trainer and agent, and he was about to start attending shattuck (sid’s junior high). due to old pics we also know that this was RIGHT before nate had his first growth spurt and hit puberty. i’m not saying seeing sid with the cup kickstarted nate’s puberty and gave him his first boner but i’m not NOT saying it
nate dated vanessa morgan of riverdale fame in his rookie year. she’s now good friends with elias petersson from the vancouver canucks (this means nothing but i do think it’s a very funny coincidence).
nate schmidt, formerly of the VGK, once failed a drug test (it turned out to be a testing-fuck-up); when nhl players were asked about it natemack iconically said “i don’t think he was sticking a needle up his ass” (i just like this one)
when he was a kid, the one other thing sid wanted to be was a hairdresser. nate, on the other hand, “didn’t have a plan B”
nate is canonically possessive of sid (see: the asg 2024) and sid is canonically delighted by this and into it
they go on so many lunch dates in the summer my dude. they go grocery shopping together. like there’s so many pics of them in grocery stores or out having coffee or weird green shakes
oh i almost forgot, they went on a roadtrip through ireland last year. they’ve been on holiday together multiple times over the years though. done some eurotripping together and stuff. in 2015 they spent three months together, three weeks of which were spent living in sid’s santa monica condo together just the two of them
sid has put up a picture of every stanley cup winning captain in his basement since 2008, when the pens lost in the scf to DET. apparently this serves as motivation for him to win the cup. he notoriously does not watch the playoffs after the pens are out
however, he partied so hard at nate’s cup party he actually closed down the party with his dad. nate is the only non-teammate sid’s ever been seen supporting for a cup run (he’s also never been to his teammates’ cup parties afaik so. there’s that)
also they talked on the phone daily and between periods during nate’s cup run. they also canonically have almost weekly phone dates that can run multiple hours. quote nate “i can’t talk to anyone else the way i can talk to him”
they each have pictures of the two of them together framed in each other’s houses
there’s rumours they’re building adjoining houses on neighbouring properties in cape breton next to a golf course bc apparently being neighbours in halifax isn’t enough or something. this one is as yet unconfirmed by reputable sources though
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tgmsunmontue · 2 months
Online & Anonymous 16/16
Hangster. Explicit. Years before they meet in person Bradley and Jake strike up a friends-with-benefits relationship online. And then something more like an actual relationship.
>>Bradley chatting (bold and italics)
>>Jake chatting (italics)
2005/2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019-redux
Many thanks AGAIN to @celandinebergerac, @phisworld14, @redfurrycat and @nevergettingoverit for being my sounding boards as I hashed this out. First chapter was 2nd April, and four months later it's all done. THANK YOU.
                The last year has been good. Bits of it absolutely great and he no longer keeps second guessing or waiting for something terrible or bad to happen. Maybe he’s finally used up his allotted lifetime amount of bad things. He and Mav have mended their relationship, definitely helped along by Penny, Amelia and Jake, carrying conversation and easing lingering awkwardness when it happens. Then Mav had asked him to be his best man at his wedding to Penny and that had been a whole other experience. It had been a December wedding, their leave period finally not getting sabotaged by new assignments or natural disasters. Instead they’d found themselves working together at the Hard Deck for two weeks while Mav and Penny had a honeymoon and then spending their first Christmas together.
                His morning coffee cup now has a photo of his original morning coffee cup on it. Everyone had thought it was a gag gift at Christmas, but it hadn’t been. A picture of a cup just says I’m thinking of you, Wish you were here, I’m sorry, I miss you. It covers a multitude of things and it’s one of his most prized possessions. Jake’s family has become his family; Mav, Penny and Amelia are an extension of that for Jake as well. Amelia has helped stop Jake almost hero-worshipping Mav at least, calling Mav out on his stupid shit and then looking to Jake for back-up, clearly not expecting it from Bradley. Despite the fact that Bradley agrees with her all of the time his relationship with Mav still feels a little too fragile to withstand constant poking and prodding like what Amelia seems to take joy in.
                Amelia and Susie get on almost too well, something that terrifies Jake. Amelia had said she’d always wanted a sister; Bradley had been dumb enough to ask if she’d ever wanted a brother. She’d just rolled her eyes, asked why she’d ever want one of those and he’d shut his mouth, ignored the silent laughing coming from Mav’s corner of the living room. Why indeed. His life feels full to brimming, and he cannot wait to get back to them now, but especially Jake.
                Although he’s a little confused and more disappointed that Jake isn’t there to meet him when he gets off his flight, but he’d told Bradley he’d be waiting for him at home. He’s tired, has missed him and cannot wait to crawl into bed with him. He doesn’t care if it’s for sex or sleep right now, although he does hope it’s sex and then sleep. It’s been a three-month separation, definitely not the longest they might be apart, but definitely the longest so far since they started afresh with all cards on the table and no more secrets between them. Or simply things they’ve never mentioned, like names.
                He drags himself toward Jake’s condo, his own house filled with Daggers. They’re still a squadron, however they’re often used in training exercises now and split in half as and when needed. He’s been in the middle of the Atlantic along with Phoenix and Bob, Halo and Omaha and Fritz. He knows his next deployment is with Jake and he cannot wait, and it’s not only to prove to the higher ups that their relationship isn’t of any more concern than Javy and Natasha’s, or Bob, Rueben and Fritz. Although he’s not sure if the higher ups are aware of that one or are taking a very firm head-in-sand approach because they don’t have the forms and paperwork that would encompass what they have. Not his problem he reminds himself as he turns the key and pushes the door open.
                Jake is standing there in his dress whites, looking absolutely fucking gorgeous, well rested and suddenly every nerve in his body is wide awake, sloughed off and away with the sight in front of him. They’ve talked about this, not recently, but in the last year it’s definitely been raised, usually when they were apart, but sometimes when they’ve been wearing them, Jake has given him a slow sly look. The fantasy of fucking in their dress whites, well, more Jake being fucked while wearing them. He thinks he might have swallowed his tongue, ability to talk completely gone as he takes in the sight; he’s into it more than he thought he would be, the time since he’s been with Jake definitely adding to his arousal. He’s not in his whites, definitely not his blues, just his khakis, but Jake knew that and he’s pretty sure Jake doesn’t give a fuck about what Bradley is wearing, it’s all about him.
                “Welcome home.”
                The door swings shut behind him as he steps forward and drops his duffle, the peak of Jake’s hat bumping his head and they’re kissing, hands grasping at each other with the desperation that only separation or danger brings. Holy shit it’s just as well he didn’t come and pick him up, they’d both have ended up under review and facing disciplinary action for ungentlemanly behavior. Fucking your boyfriend in public is definitely not allowed.
                “Fuck. Don’t need to tell me twice.”
                His cock is already half-hard, and if he’s developing a conditioned response to seeing Jake in his whites then that’s going to be a terrible problem for future-Bradley. Then Jake drops to his knees, his mouth already pressing against the fly of his pants and Bradley groans. He takes off Jake’s hat and tosses it toward the sofa, and they’re definitely going to need to pay special attention to cleaning everything later but right now there are more pressing matters at hand.
                “What do you want?”
                “Going to get you hard with my mouth, then I want you to bend me over the sofa and fuck me. Okay?”
                “Yes sir…” Bradley says with a smirk, because Jake’s acting all demanding but nothing he’s said is a hardship in any way. He is so onboard with everything, and Jake isn’t going to have to work to get him fully hard at all. “God I’ve missed you.”
                Jake’s crinkling eyes tell him he’s smiling against his cock, his fingers working the zip of Bradley’s fly down and Bradley works at his belt buckle, carefully pulling it free and undoing the button, shoving his pants and underwear down, his cock springing free and Jake simply opens his mouth and starts sucking. No tease, no finesse or any slow introduction. Not that he needs or wants it, more than okay with Jake directing the show, just runs his fingers through Jake’s hair and lets himself enjoy the hot tight suction for what it is; a means to an end that Jake has been fantasizing about for years. It’s not even a couple of minutes before Jake in rising to his feet, his hand curling around Bradley’s cock and he’s leading Bradley by his cock toward the sofa. He can’t help the little laugh, loves that they can be silly with each other like this, his awkward shuffling walk because his pants are still on, although they’re slowly falling with each step.
                He takes in the throw over the back of the sofa with a smirk, already knows it’s there to cover up stains and to stop more stains. Like they already know exactly how the height of the back of the sofa is perfect for being bent over, a happy coincidence considering Jake’s sister had bought it. Jake is reaching for something, coming back with lube but no condom. They still use them occasionally, have stashes of the latex-free type in the glove boxes of their vehicles, wallets, bathroom, bedroom… he’s probably never without one except when he’s in his flight suit now that he thinks about it. At home like this though…
                “We making a mess Jake?”
                “Yes. Yes we are. You leave those pants around your ankles. I want it hard. Want to feel it later.”
                “Yeah?” Bradley asks, and his cock jumps at the thought and Jake’s hand squeezes around him in response.
                “Yeah. Think you can manage that? Not too tired?”
                Bradley rolls his eyes, reaches to slap him on the ass over his pants but then grabs a cheek firmly, rubbing his palm in a circle and then grabbing again and pulls him in closer
                “Never too tired for you.”
                Then he’s pushing his hands under the jacket to get to Jake’s buckle, flicks it open and reaches his hand inside, runs his fingers over the hard flesh of his erection, rolling the underwear down slightly. Steps forward to capture Jake’s mouth in a filthy slide of lips, wants to get in as much kissing as he can while they’re facing each other like this, Jake pushed up against the sofa but not yet bent over it. Then Jake is spreading lube on his cock and Bradley groans, feels the head of his cock rub against the rougher fabric of Jake’s pants and god he must really not care about getting them messy. He pulls them down carefully, easing the tailored fabric over the bulge of his erection and swell of his ass cheeks. Jake rolls his hips and Bradley shifts forward, wraps his hand around Jake’s erection and his own, encourages Jake’s fingers to do the same and swallows the gasping breath made against his mouth.
                He’d prefer to be naked, to have Jake naked, but he is also all about fulfilling all of Jake’s wants and needs. Is glad Jake’s not holding back going for what he wants and knows it’s because they’ve got a decade of open and honest communication as a foundation even if their few later years of communication weren’t quite up to the same standard. He thinks they’re both there now. He runs his other hand over Jake’s ass, glad it’s bare now, runs a teasing finger between the cheeks, fully expects to feel lube but more surprised by the feel of firm silicon. A plug. He groans and pushes on it, feels Jake’s body jerk against him, his smile against his lips.
                “Oh my god Jake…”
                “Told you. Want it hard.”
                “Yeah. Okay. Fuck. Turn around.”
                He pushes Jake so he’s bracing himself on his forearms, ass sticking out, a strip of flesh framed by his jacket on his torso and covering his flank and most of his ass, the pants tight around his thighs where Jake has spread his legs to stop them from falling but also to give Bradley some room to just look. The plug is dark blue and he taps at it, wonders how long Jake’s has had it in. Waiting for him to come home.
                He tugs on the plug, pulling it so the broadest bit is stretching Jake’s hole, then he pushes it back in, rubs his cock against the swell of Jake’s ass cheek and swallows roughly.
                “Fuck you’re gorgeous like this.”
                “Want to be gorgeous on your cock, come on…”
                He huffs in amusement but he’s achingly hard now, wants to press into the tight heat and give Jake exactly what he wants. Just because he needs to, for his own peace of mind, he drags the plug all the way out and then pushes it back in, over and over, watching with hypnotized fascination as Jake’s body opens and then closes around it, all while Jake swears at him and thrusts against nothing. He grabs the lube, uses it on the plug and spreads more on his cock, isn’t going to give Jake any warning.
                On the next pull out he presses in with his cock, feels the resistance give way to slick tight heat and he moans Jake’s name as he pushes forward, fingers digging into Jake’s ass, little circles of white looking like halos around each fingertip as he just keeps pushing and pushing. He pulls back slowly, controlled, and Jake lets out a shuddering breath that is partly his name. He presses forward again, leaning forward with his entire body so he can kiss the side of his head, whisper into his ear.
                "Going to mess you up…"
                He moves firmly, not slow and soft, but it’s also not as fast as Jake likely wants, not yet. There’s a difference between hurting him and making sure he feels this later though. He curls one of his hands in Jake’s hair, the other squeezing an ass cheek possessively, Jake’s legs spread as far as they can within the confines of his pants, probably stretching the limit of the cotton holding the seams together. He knows Jake probably won’t care if the pants rip a little, not at the seams. Those can be mended.
                It’s only five or six firm slides, his pelvis pressed tight against Jake’s ass, balls catching on his bunched up pants than Jake jerks and presses back with more force, little grunting sound the tell that Bradley was waiting for. He’s glad Jake can’t see the smug grin on his face, wouldn’t at all work in his favor right now. He pulls back and snaps his hips forward, knows that this is what Jake was angling for, digs his fingers into the flesh of his ass and hips, pulls him toward him as he thrusts forward. Knows he’s likely leaving little bruising marks, that’s also part of what Jake wants.
                He lets himself lose it a little, the feeling of Jake around him and under his fingers, the sight of his cock sliding into his ass and the ass almost hidden by the crisp white fabric, doesn’t know if he’s imagining the smell of starch used to make them stiff, the sound of flesh slapping but also muffled by the fabric. His khakis are sticking but he doesn’t care, can feel his orgasm approaching in the tight twirling sensation in his gut, building heat. Sex with Jake always makes him feel so good, glad to be alive all over again and that they found each other.
                Jake is making little gasping sobs, none of the half-formed words he’s managing are coherent. He’s dropped to his chest against the back of the sofa, pressing his ass back and Bradley knows he’s close, his body taut with pressure. He's gorgeous. His. He moves faster, pace increasing as he watches and feels Jake’s body tighten, tighten, tighten. He moves a hand around to Jake’s chest, presses his fingers into the ribbons there. He pulls back and thrusts in deeper, repeating the movement, using the full range available without pulling out completely.
                “Bradley… ah…ah…"
                “Come on Jake. Make a mess.”
                He increases his pace, can see Jake’s arm jerking, meaning his hand is working his cock, pumping furiously, and then he's coming, hand still moving as he comes and Bradley doesn't stop, keeps thrusting as he watches Jake’s body jolt and twitch and then feels the sudden crest of his own orgasm wash through him and he groans loudly, presses against Jake and moves in slow grinding circles as it shudders through him. He kisses the side of Jake’s face, wraps an arm around him and he smiles, lets them have the quiet for now. Know the snark will start back soon enough, although if he’s fucked Jake well enough he might be spared a few hours or even a day.
                “You know, if this is the welcome I get every time I get back from being deployed I’m going to start looking forward to leaving you. Only so I get to come back to you.”
                “Mmm,” Jake says and Bradley grins so wide he has to smash his lips together to hold back the little bubble of laughter that wants to escape.
                “Sleepy huh?”
                “Yeah. I’ve been looking forward to that for weeks and been fantasizing about it for years.”
                “Oh… sorry I made you wait so long. You think we should invest in a set of uniforms solely for fucking around in?”
                “No. I want you to look at me and know you’ve fucked me in it.”
                Bradley groans, his groan echoed by Jake as he slowly pulls out. He steps out of his pants after toeing off his shoes, feels weird being half-dressed. Then he rubs his hands down Jake’s back and thighs, gathers him up and directs him toward the bedroom. Yeah, he’s definitely going to end up with a conditioned response to seeing Jake in his whites.
                “I might need to invest in some sewing lessons.”
                He bullies Jake into the shower with him, amused that he’s so soft and tired, kisses him and lets his hands roam everywhere under the guise of getting clean. It’s nice and reaffirming after their months apart and feels like a type of homecoming.
                “Thank you…” Jake murmurs, forehead resting against his neck and Bradley doesn’t hesitate in kissing him again.
                “Mmm, such a hardship. You really put me out having me do all that.”
                “That was so good.”
                “Come on, bed…”
                They dry off, and he’s well aware that there are pieces of various uniforms strewn through the house, but it’s a tomorrow problem. He lies down and pulls Jake into his arms, lets himself be bullied into rolling so Jake can spoon up behind him and hold him, reaches over to turn off the bedside light.
                “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you,” Jake says quietly against his neck, voice so quiet like he doesn’t want to wake him. As if he’s ever fallen asleep that quickly.
                “You literally just thanked me…” Bradley says, amusement lacing his voice because Jake gets loopy when he’s tired and he’s not the one who has been deployed.
                “Shut up. I’m being serious. I mean back in the beginning. Like when we first started chatting online. I’m thanking you for that.”
                “Yeah. You were… nice. And good. You made me feel less alone in the world. So thank you.”
                “You’re welcome,” Bradley replies quietly, because they’ve spoken about it obviously, often and it’s something that they sometimes fall back on, writing things down when they’re feeling especially vulnerable. Written words carry more meaning for them, heavier with more thought and intent. Their tempers making spoken words too harsh, spoken too quickly. They know this about each other now and it fills him with confidence that they can overcome anything and everything thrown their way.
                “You look really good in your dress whites.”
                “Mmm. So do you,” Jake says and Bradley has to grin again, because he wasn’t even wearing his whites.
                “Thought you didn’t have a uniform kink.”
                “I don’t. I have a you kink.”
                “Oh. I see. Good to know.”
                “Next time we’re both in our whites will you fuck me again?”
                He groans, yeah, definitely going to have a conditioned response.
                “You don’t want to fuck me instead?”
                “I don’t care, just… can we?”
                “Of course. You know that.”
                God, he’s never going to be able to say no to him.
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a9saga · 1 year
I started typing this whole thing on mobile and couldn't figure out how to put a break in and I refuse to update the app. Fuck it. You are scrolling past this whole damn thing. Unfollow me. This is all I'm gonna be talking about for the next two weeks.
Exo needs to break up. They have needed to break up. That was my hot take I had been saying I'd eventually share but I never got around to it, and now it's a lot more apparent. Not that I thought this was going to happen. I thought that when I finally posted this, someone might be mad about it, but in wake of CBX's lawsuit I don't think anyone's going to be surprised to hear it.
I was sure exo members were done suing SM entertainment a long time ago. It's been 9 years since Kris and Luhan filed their lawsuits, both of whom won. It's been 8 years since Tao's hiatus, and almost 8 since he filed his lawsuit months later, which he ended up losing despite never rejoining exo. I became a fan of exo during Call Me Baby promotions when Tao was still dancing with a broken leg. I was 15 at the time, about to turn 16. EXO scandals were extremely fresh and ongoing. But those three are so far in the past now. Lay quietly decided not to renew recently, but he hadn't been able to appear with the group for 5 years so, yeah. No surprise. But I really thought it was all done when EXO-M was done for.
Well, I can tell you why I'd been thinking for a while EXO should break up. It's because they're really a thing of the past, and essentially after Love Shot, it felt like there was nowhere to go from there.
That felt like the last breath of their 5 year long prime. Don't get me wrong, it was awesome. EXO have hit after hit after hit, think of the absolute best most addictive song by your favorite pop artist, and EXO have a discography of mostly those. But they haven't grown and changed artistically or commercially as a group. They've been around 11 years, they're in their 30s now, and I don't even think most of them have the heart to revitalize their prime like Super Junior did after their military hiatus was over. Maybe a couple of them have it in them to do the pop star thing for their entire careers, but I didn't think that like, Sehun or Chanyeol were necessarily passionate about creating new music for the rest of their career. Chen has a family now and that's also something I'd like the rest of exo to afford without their huge commercial group getting in the way of that. The only one I felt for sure would not be done anytime soon was Baekhyun. I thought he'd be the new Kangta of the group, sticking around when EXO were dormant and fizzled out. I never thought SM would actually let them break up, like H.O.T did when I was a baby. But yeah, Baekhyun leaving shocks me the most. Not that I blame him. I do fully believe the allegations made in the lawsuit as SM have had such a shady reputation.
Looking at SM's pre-EXO boy groups, one might say EXO were the main successor to Super Junior, because, obviously, both groups debuted with 12 people. Large groups like that weren't really a thing in kpop before Super Junior debuted. Additionally, Han Geng of Suju was one of the first Chinese kpop idols. In 2008, two more Chinese members were added to the sub unit Super Junior-M, which released Mandarin versions of pre-existing and original Korean Super Junior songs. Hm, this sounds familiar. I only just built up a better case for the EXO/SJ argument. Diana and I talk about this sometimes though; I once made an argument that I think EXO was more a successor to TVXQ/DBSK (Tong Vfang Xien Qi/Dong Bang Shin Ki), which I would have forgotten saying if she never brought up that one time i said it ever again.
In July of 2009, JYJ threw the first brick at SM Entertainment I mean TVXQ's members Kim "Hero" Jaejoong, Park "Micky" Yoochun and Kim "Xiah" Junsu filed a lawsuit against SM for contract termination, claiming they had been coerced into slave contracts as minors. They were 22-23 at the time, TVXQ having debuted on December 26th, 2003. The three of them won the lawsuit, signed to C-Jes Entertainment and formed the new group, JYJ, of just the three of them. It was assumed the original five piece was dead by that point, but surprisingly, in 2010, Jung "U-Know" Yunho and Shim "Max" Changmin chose to stay at SM and continue TVXQ as a duo.
This whole thing is arguably the most significant scandal in the 30-year history of SM. TVXQ had been SM's biggest success to date and some argue they and Boa still are. Your faves wouldn't have cracked Japan without the efforts of those two, and if kpop didn't reach Japan in the early 2000s, the entertainment industry in a small East Asian country wouldn't have become huge across the entire planet---and frankly, if TVXQ hadn't been big internationally, they'd have been done for because SM had them blacklisted from Korean television for a decade.
Han Geng of Super Junior actually did file for contract termination shortly after JYJ did, also for mistreatment. As did Luhan, Tao and Kris as we've already acknowledged. But all four of them could move to the entertainment industry in China. Sure, you're always going to lose something by leaving as big a group as EXO, Super Junior or TVXQ, but SM hasn't been sued by its Korean idols since JYJ. Baekhyun, Xiumin and Chen know that they're putting at least as much on the line. And now, like TVXQ, more than half of EXO are no longer in the group, and the majority of the run for the both of them has had this cloud of mistreatment over their reputations. They were also both so unstoppably huge and popular.
I was in elementary school for DB5K's prime, and there were fans of kpop in the west but I can't tell you what their success across Asia looked like as someone who wasn't there. But I can tell you, between 2015-2016 when kpop gradually started to become very big, EXO for a time were bringing in more people to kpop than A Particularly Famous Group in the West I Have No Interest in Naming Because I Don't Want Their Fucking Fans Derailing My Post With Unrelated Discourse While I'm Not Even Talking About Them. Just believe me there was a time when EXO were way more popular in the west than Said Band I Decline to Specify, the eclipse that happened was gradual, and to my understanding EXO continued to be the biggest thing in Asia despite that another one eventually cracked America more and I'm not denying that they did. Point is, EXO coming first was important to all of that, because I and several others wouldnt have heard of the one kpop group if EXO didnt get us all into kpop first from 2013-15/16.
That all said now, this was all very much not how I'd wanted EXO to actually end. This is crashing and burning. Much like TVXQ, EXO is not going to be able to have a reunion after this, because they'll never receive SM's blessing to work together. I mean, EXO-M never would. 12 member EXO hardly lasted for two years though and their prime was very new when people started leaving, so to be honest, I don't know if the kids getting into EXO in the 2020s would really care to see Luhan, Tao, and Someone Sitting In Prison Whose Name I've Uttered More Than I'd Like To.
But in a similar vain, while DB5K originally split into two, JYJ are all off in different directions now. Yoochun was fired. Junsu left C-Jes and made his own label. Jaejoong did the same recently. Could you tell I listen TVXQ? But yeah, now that there are more than 3-4 people departed from EXO, they've got former members going in a lot of different directions. Someone already said it but I hope Xiumin follows Luhan back now. Back in my day Xiuhan were so cute.
Also, since I managed not to slip this into the post anywhere.... these guys have been showing up to work. Every damn day they've been showing up to work, that's another reason why it's so shocking. Chen dropped a song days ago and Baekhyun has been doing shows, posting dance practices, EXO have been appearing together for their 11th anniversary and supposed upcoming comeback. Whaaat a slap in the face. I support CBX 100% though and you should too.
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jeffhirsch · 9 months
January 2024 Almanac: Historically Solid, But Weaker in Election Years
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January has quite a reputation on Wall Street as an influx of cash from yearend bonuses and annual allocations has historically propelled stocks higher. January ranks #1 for NASDAQ (since 1971), but sixth on the S&P 500 and DJIA since 1950. January is the last month of the best three-consecutive-month span and holds a full docket of indicators and seasonalities, our Santa Claus Rally ends on the close on January 3, the First Five Days early warning system reports on the close on January 8 and the full-month January Barometer at month’s end.
DJIA and S&P January rankings slipped from 2000 to 2022 as both indices suffered losses in 13 of those 24 Januarys with three in a row in: 2008 to 2010, 2014 to 2016 and then again from 2020 to 2022. January 2009 has the dubious honor of being the worst January on record for DJIA (-8.8%) and S&P 500 (-8.6%) since 1901 and 1930 respectively. Covid-19 spoiled January in 2020 & 2021 as DJIA, S&P 500, Russell 1000, and Russell 2000 all suffered declines in 2020. In 2021, DJIA, S&P 500 and Russell 1000 declined. In 2022 surging inflation, that reached multi-decade highs, stoked fears of higher interest rates. Fears were ultimately validated as a bear market ensued.
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In election years, Januarys have been weaker. DJIA and S&P 500 slip to number #8 and DJIA average performance dips negative. NASDAQ slips to #4, but average performance remains respectable at 1.7%. Russell 2000’s average performance of 0.8% is the result of all five advancing Januarys gaining over 4% which offsets the losses in six other election-year Januarys.
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bearkunin · 1 year
Just a bit of a microhistory on Obama's supposed squandered supermajority. I think this is important to clear up, because it still gets referenced to this day to cast the Democrats as no-good do-nothings.
Obama was inaugurated to work with the freshly minted 111th Congress. It was well known that Republicans had already decided that they would be the party of ‘No’ and wouldn’t give an inch, no matter the issue or the policy ramifications for the country.
But it did not matter, right? Because Obama had 60 votes! A supermajority! Well, no.
In the November 2008 elections which elected Obama, Democrats gained 8 seats, taking their total from 49 seats to 57 seats.
There was also two independents elected who would caucus with the Dems: Joe "too rightwing to be a Democrat" Lieberman and Bernie "too left-wing to be a Democrat" Sanders.
That’s 59 votes in the caucus, not 60, (assuming you could get independent Joe Lieberman (and the likes of anti-abortionist Ben Nelson!) and independent Bernie Sanders on the same page, which is no easy feat).
Also, that 59 includes Al Franken, who was not seated at the start of the 111th because of the recount and subsequent appeals in Minnesota.
So, really, on the afternoon Obama was inaugurated, Dems had, at most, 58 votes - again, counting McCain-endorsing Lieberman and socialist Sanders.
And that only lasted a few hours. Sadly, during the celebration, already-ill Ted Kennedy had seizures and, during the following months, would only be available to vote sporadically. He went months without casting a single vote.
On April 28, 2009, Arlen Specter became a Democrat. He openly admitted that he was doing this to avoid “the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate” and would “continue [his] independent voting”. Apparently, Joe Biden also played a part in him crossing the aisle, so good job there.
Still, Specter was certainly no liberal all of a sudden. For instance, even after the switch he openly opined that "There's still time for the Minnesota courts to do justice and declare Norm Coleman the winner [over Al Franken]." So now we are counting Republican supporting Specter and Lieberman in our "supermajority."
But Kennedy was not the only Democratic Senator with health issues. Robert Byrd was in hospital from May 15 through to the end of June.
So now, Dems have at best 59, if you can get Specter, Lieberman, Nelson, Sanders, and everyone else on the same page and Kennedy and Byrd could be somehow healthy enough to cast a vote, which they mostly were not.
On July 7, 2009, Al Franken was finally seated. His election was close and recount was entirely called for, but the delay in seating him was entirely political.
And that is 60, on paper. But in practice, Byrd and Kennedy were not voting.
Although no longer in hospital, Byrd did not return to the floor of the Senate until July 21, 2009.
The Senate was also busy with the pressing business of confirming Sotomayor, the first Dem SCOTUS nominee in 15 years, opposed by many on the right (Wise-Latina-Gate!) to the Senate. A vote that Kennedy missed altogether and Byrd attended in a wheelchair.
On August 25, 2009, Ted Kennedy passed away. Of a potential 270 votes in the first three-quarters of 2009, he was able to participate in just 9 of them.
Even on an interim basis, Kennedy wasn’t replaced for a month, and not without a fight. Legislation was passed restoring the governor's power to make interim appointments to serve until the special election stipulated. On September 25, 2009, Paul Kirk was appointed to the seat, only after a Republican lawsuit seeking to block the appointment was thrown out.
So now you are back at 60. This includes Byrd, who missed more than half the votes during this window. And, again to stress, too-rightwing-to-be-a-Democrat Lieberman and too-leftwing-to-be-a-Democrat Sanders.
January 20, 2010 - Scott Brown (R) was elected. Ending even any discussion of supermajority.
Between September 25, 2009 and January 20, 2010, you have 117 days. Not senate in-session days. Total days. That was really the only time they had 60. And that 60 was contingent on getting every single vote: Dems, Independents (both left and right!), interim, infirm, Byrd, Bernie, Spectre and Nelson and every Senator who knew voting with Obama meant sealing their electoral fate.
There are two lessons that should be taken from this:
1. What matters is how left the 60th most-rightwing Democratic vote is. Replacing Bernie Sanders or, say, Chuck Schumer, with Joseph Stalin himself doesn't matter. What matters is getting, and keeping, the Arlens and Spectres and Liebermans of the world as left as possible.
2. Where safe blue seats do matter and can make a real difference is in regards to gerontocracy. It matters less that Byrd or Kennedy were super progressive or super moderate but if they could turn up to vote at all. The fact the US is going through this again with Feinstein is embarrassing. Young blood is important beyond just fresh ideas.
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pensandlakes · 10 months
Letter #3! Thank you, Tay!
Happy thanksgiving @taylorswift!
Just want to get out there that I am so thankful to live in the same lifetime as you. Your music has been such a crutch I heavily relied on as I navigated life all throughout these years.
From the first time I heard Invisible, Tied Together With A Smile, Mary's Song (Oh My My My), and I'd Lie (sorry Tay, I really thought that was an official release -- my 14 year old self never knew!), I gravitated towards you! Life was hard (or so I thought) as I teenager, and having you write these songs that perfectly encapsulated what my heart feels but my mouth can't exactly speak? It was just a blessing! I still remember crying to Teardrops On My Guitar for months because that bridge just nailed right through my bone!
When I finished high-school (technically 10th grade in US school system) in 2009, I distinctly remembered listening to The Best Day bawling my eyes out cause it just spoke to me a ton. I wrote the bridge on my parents' card during our tribute right before I walked the stage to receive my diploma that day.
There is a video I found From back when I was three You set up a paint set in the kitchen And you're talking to me It's the age of princesses and pirate ships And the seven dwarfs And Daddy's smart And you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world.
It still makes me cry!
In 2012, in the midst of my first real heartbreak, you released All Too Well and The Moment I Knew. I broke myself, and yet again, I leaned on to your music to somehow get me through that darkness.
And maybe we got lost in translation Maybe I asked for too much But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up...
Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it I'd like to be my old self again But I'm still trying to find it...
God knows I did try to find my old self, but I wasn't able to. I completely revamped myself after that. And coincidentally, you went through the same thing around the same time, and then 1989 was born in 2014!
You also had a monumental effect when it comes to my academic journey as well! I used to ace my English exams, write outstanding papers, and my vocabulary building game was strong! I even made it to our school's paper as Assistant-Editor-in-Chief. I truly think it was you (and Harry Potter) who galvanized my love for words and literature. The world insurmountable? When I head that in The Lakes, I honestly just guffawed the shit out of my self cause that particular word has been one of my favorites to use since around 2008. Oh Tay, I wish you'll end up writing books (in whatever genre you love -- fiction, biographical, a cook book even), cause I just know I'd devour that and make it my whole personality (like I already do with all of your works).
So much happened between 2014 to now. You lost your reputation but came back stronger. You found love. Reputation. Smashed records. Reputation Stadium Tour. Lover. Pandemic. Folklore/Evermore. Smashed records once again. Fearless TV. Red TV. The legendary Eras Tour started. Lost love. Speak Now TV. Found (possible) love again. 1989 TV. All while beating records and winning awards left and right!
I had my fair share of an eventful life as well -- not as eventful as yours though. I never really thought I'd make it to this decade of my life even. I'm just thankful that I decided to stay because had I given up, I wouldn't have been able to witness the new heights you've propelled yourself to! I cannot imagine not getting to hear the lyrical masterpieces in Folklore and Evermore! Nor would I have been able to hear all the freaking vault songs!! That would've been such a tragedy! Reputation could've been my last Taylor Swift album.
There were so many moments in my life wherein I wanted to just bow it out, and the only thing that kept me from cutting the thread of my own life is the exact thought: "You got to stay, Tay has more albums to release." And boy am I glad I pushed through! See. You kept me alive and breathing!
So yes. I am thankful and grateful for you. More than you can ever comprehend. It's not just because of your songs, but just you... yourself. I really don't get why people hate you, Tay. You just radiate "good person" energy. You don't deserve all the crap they throw at you. Yes, you're imperfect, but you definitely belong to the better people category in this Earth. I wish they can just stop. Why can't we all just live in love and peace, right?
Anyway. Once again, Thank You! I hope you'll have a good Thanksgiving! I know things are not so great right now. I do pray to the forces up there to keep you safe and surround you with love.
Love you, Taylor! Forever and always! I absolutely have been having the time of my life fighting dragons with you!
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titanfan8 · 1 year
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For the month of June i have chosen defensive line and linebackers as the Titans position group to look back on….
In the first round of 1999 NFL Draft the Titans signed DE Jevon Kearse who went on to win NFL defensive rookie of the year and had 14.5 sacks a rookie record that still stands.
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As far as i'm concerned and i bet a whole lot of Titans diehards feel the same way there has never been a better linebacker that played here besides Keith Bulluck.
Bulluck was drafted in the year 2000 and played an entire decade for the Titans.
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The team has had some good linebackers through the years but none quite as good as Bulluck.
The 2000 Titans defense was first in yards allowed,second in points allowed and third in rushing defense.
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In 2000 the same year Bulluck was drafted the Titans brought in Randall Godfrey in free agency from Dallas.
Godfrey ended up playing in Tennessee for three seasons and played well here.
In 2001 DE Kevin Carter signed with the Titans in free agency.....
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In the first round of the 2002 NFL Draft the Titans drafted DT Albert Haynesworth.
Rocky Boiman and Rocky Calmus were drafted in 2002 as well.
In 2002 the Titans had were 10th in yards allowed.
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In 2002 and 2003 Titans had the NFL best run defense mainly because of Kevin Carter and Albert Haynesworth.
Kevin Carter played four seasons with Titans and racked up 23.5 sacks.
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In 2004 the Titans drafted DE's Travis LaBoy and Antwan Odom as well as DT Randy Starks.
In 2005 the Titans signed Kyle Vanden Bosch in free agency.
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Boiman played four seasons for the Titans before signing with Indy in free agency in 2006.
In 2006 David Thornton signed with Tennessee in free agency.....
In 2006 in the fourth round the Titans drafted Stephen Tulluch who played every game and played well during his four years in Tennessee.
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In 2007 and 2008 the Titans defense were top ten in nearly every category including run and pass defense as well as yards and points allowed.
In 2007 Tony Brown begins his first full season with the Titans and was previously with 49ers.
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In 2008 the Titans drafted DEs Jason Jones and William Hayes.....
In 2009 in the second round drafted SenDerrick Marks and in fourth round the drafted Gerald McRath and he played three seasons.
Never seen one defensive player cause as much disruption and devastation to opposing offenses like Haynesworth did in 2007 and 2008 he was truly dominant.
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Haynesworth played his last season in Tennessee before leaving in free agency and becoming the first 100 million dollar defensive tackle.
With Titans Big Al had 272 combined tackles,60 tackles for losses,42 QB hits,24 sacks,20 passes defended,6 forced fumbles,3 recoveries.
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In 2009 Keith Bulluck played his last season for the Titans.
Bulluck with Titans had 1078 combined tackles,61 tackles for losses,18 sacks,19 INTs,15 forced fumbles,12 recoveries and scored 6 TDs.
Vanden Bosch also played his last season for Titans in 2009 and in five years had 270 combined tackles,82 QB hits,47 tackles for losses,38.5 sacks,14 forced fumbles,3 recoveries.
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In 2010 DE Derrick Morgan was drafted in first round.
2010 Titans sign Jason Babin and Will Witherspoon in free agency.
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Babin has 12.5 sacks in 2010 for the Titans....
In 2011 the Titans drafted DT Jurrell Casey in the third round.
In the 5th round in 2011 the Titans drafted the scrappy DT Karl Klug and he played six seasons for Tennessee.
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Akeem Ayers was drafted by Tennessee in the second round in 2011.
In 2012 the Titans drafted Zach Brown in the second round.
In 2014 Wesley Woodyard was signed in free agency......
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In 2014 Titans drafted DaQuan Jones.
Avery Williamson was drafted in the fifth round by Tennessee in 2014.
In 2015 Brian Orakpo was signed in free agency by Tennessee.
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Jayon Brown was drafted in fifth round in 2017 by Titans.
In 2018 the Titans drafted ILB Rashaan Evans in the first round and OLB Harold Landry in the second round.
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In 2018 Titans were 3rd in points allowed and 8th in yards allowed....
In 2019 the Titans drafted Jeffery Simmons in first round of NFL Draft.
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In 2019 Tennessee drafted David Long in sixth round.
Long played four seasons with Tennessee before leaving for Miami in free agency in 2023.
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In 2021 DE Denico Autry was brought in free agency.
Around this time Jurrell Casey retired.
Casey in his career with Titans had 493 combined tackles,115 QB hits,84 tackles for losses,51 sacks,8 forced fumbles,5 recoveries.
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In 2021 Titans were 6th in points allowed by defense.
The 2023 Titans are celebrating their 25th anniversary and it been a long but exciting journey from 1999 through the present day.
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🦢🔥 Day Six: Actors AU or Social Media AU // “I haven't ever really found a place that I call home, I never stick around quite long enough to make it” 
Emma Swan and Neal Cassidy have one of the most sweetest relationships in Hollywood. The kind that actually make you believe in true love. They even share the same birth year and might even seem fated for each other, having crossed paths in the past more than once even before The Thief Who Stole My Heart. The pair constantly made headlines for all the right reasons, given that they’re not only insanely talented, but also incredibly smitten with one another. 
Here’s everything you need to know about the adorable pair! 
Eleven years ago, Emma made a cameo in Neal Cassidy’s hit show, Neverland. She appeared in the last episode. However, they did not meet on set. 
They finally met in 2008 on The Ellen DeGeneres Show where both were promoting their own shows. Neal explained what ran through his mind when they first met. “I met her and I was so nervous. I was like “Oh god, I think I’m going to fall in love with her”.
In 2009, both attended the Golden Globes Awards, where they sat next to each other and were both awarded on their own category, they even shared a few moments on stage, the pair walking together felt like a foreshadowing of flames to come. Years later Emma said that her reaction wasn’t all that different “At some point we were alone at the backstage and that was it. He just stood there and made me laugh. I kind of knew right away”. 
Neal Cassidy and Emma Swan were confirmed to star in the movie, Once Upon a Time in 2011, the first time they would officially work together! The reports also revealed that Neal decided to work on the film because Emma was going to do it! Once Upon a Time became known for Emma and Neal’s on-screen chemistry despite the plot calling for them to relate to each other through a monitor. Fans wished for a project that would allow them to film more scenes together in real life.     
The movie premiered in September 2012 with a good reception. The movie surpassed all expectations and the couple shared on social media their celebrations. Dating rumors began soon after Once Upon a Time as the couple spent a lot of time together at promotional events. Around this time, Emma posted a lot of photos with her co-star on Instagram. 
In March 2013 (Neal’s birthday month) an online post about the couple surfaced claiming that Emma and Neal had been seen traveling together in New York, and even dinned together with Emma’s parents. A photo of the couple grocery shopping together also circulated online. However, the rumors were denied, with claims that it was mere coincidence for the two to be in the same place, that both were just really good friends.
A few months later they showed up for the first time in public after the rumors. When they were chosen to be ambassadors of the same brand!     
In 2014, fans rejoiced as Neal and Emma were confirmed for a new project together: The Thief Who Stole My Heart. The series premiered worldwide in December 2015 and instantly became a massive hit. The couple’s romantic plot line stirred dating rumors again. The show’s finale with Emma and Neal looking like a happily married couple, was too good for viewers not to wish it was true.   
Following the release of The Thief Who Stole My Heart, both won Best Lead Actor and Actress in a Drama/Comedy Series at the Emmy Awards. Ss the show kept winning all sort of awards. On New Year’s Day of 2017 a popular magazine claimed that Neal and Emma have been dating for about eight months. The couple confirmed the news with a sweet post on their social media’s accounts. 
Emma Swan and Neal Cassidy were engaged less than a year after they confirmed their relationship, with Neal proposing in Tallahassee. “She did cry after I cried and we cried and everyone around us was crying” Neal told Access Hollywood of the exact moment he proposed to her “at the end of the day, she said yes, which is great. It’s a big part of the whole thing” 
In 2018, Neal and Emma tied the knot in a very private ceremony on the beach. 
Nearly three years into her marriage with Neal, Emma opened up about their relationship on the cover of Elle “Meeting Neal really changed my life, when I feel his support, I feel invincible. There’s someone behind you on your good days and in front of you on your bad days”. 
The pair became parents on August 2020, welcoming their son Henry into the world. Neal choose Twitter to excitedly share the news. 
The couple appeared again after two years to attend the SAG awards, where both were nominated for their respective project. That night was important since Emma was nominated for the first time as a Director.   
Last year Neal confirmed that he and Emma would be working together again. On a project that he wrote and Swan will direct. Unsurprisingly, the internet went wild for it. We can’t wait to watch their new movie.  
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twentythousandvolts · 3 years
Skrillex From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search Skrillex Skrillex in 2011 Skrillex in 2011 Background information Birth name Sonny John Moore Born January 15, 1988 (age 33) Los Angeles, California, U.S. Genres EDM[1]brostep[2]dubstepelectro houseEDM trap moombahtonpost-hardcore Occupation(s) DJrecord producermusiciansingersongwriter Years active 2004–present Labels AtlanticBig BeatOWSLAAsylummau5trapSumerian Associated acts From First to LastJack ÜDiploDog BloodBoys NoizeForeign BeggarsEllie GouldingHikaru UtadaZedddeadmau5IncubusJustin BieberPoo BearTHEY. Website skrillex.com Sonny John Moore (born January 15, 1988), known professionally as Skrillex, is an American DJ, record producer, musician, singer and songwriter. Growing up in Northeast Los Angeles and in Northern California, he joined the American post-hardcore band From First to Last as the lead singer in 2004, and recorded two studio albums with the band (Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has a Body Count, 2004, and Heroine, 2006) before leaving to pursue a solo career in 2007.[3][4] He began his first tour as a solo artist in late 2007. After recruiting a new band lineup, Moore joined the Alternative Press Tour to support bands such as All Time Low and The Rocket Summer, and appeared on the cover of Alternative Press' annual "100 Bands You Need to Know" issue.[5]
After releasing the Gypsyhook EP in 2009, Moore was scheduled to record his debut studio album, Bells, with producer Noah Shain. He ceased production of the album, however, and began performing under the name Skrillex, distributing the My Name Is Skrillex EP for free download on his official MySpace page. Subsequently, he released the Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites EP in late–2010 and More Monsters and Sprites EP in mid–2011, both of which have since become moderate commercial successes. On November 30, 2011, he received five Grammy Award nominations at the 54th Grammy Awards, including Best New Artist and won three: "Best Dance/Electronica Album", "Best Dance Recording", and "Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical".[6] On December 5, 2011, the BBC announced that he had been nominated for their Sound of 2012 poll.[7] On December 12, 2011, he was also named MTV's Electronic Dance Music Artist of the Year.[8]
Skrillex has won eight Grammy Awards, more than any other electronic dance music artist.[9] Skrillex has collaborated with Diplo and Boys Noize to form the groups of Jack Ü and Dog Blood respectively. It was announced on Moore's 29th birthday, he reunited with From First to Last and released a single named "Make War". In 2017, Skrillex produced and mixed 8, the eighth studio album by rock band Incubus.[10] In July 2017, Skrillex released another single featuring debuting solo artist Poo Bear.[11]
Contents 1 Early life 2 Career 2.1 From First to Last 2.2 Dog Blood 2.3 Jack Ü 2.4 2004–2007: From First to Last 2.5 2008–2013: Solo career and extended plays 2.6 2014: Recess 2.7 2016–present: Collaborations and return to From First to Last 3 Influences 4 Personal life 5 Discography 6 Filmography 7 Awards and nominations 7.1 Grammy Awards 7.2 Kids Choice Awards 7.3 MTV Video Music Awards 7.4 Annie Awards 7.5 DJ Magazine top 100 DJs 7.6 Electronic Music Awards 8 See also 9 References 10 External links Early life Moore lived in the Highland Park neighborhood of Northeast Los Angeles,[12][13] but was brought to the Forest Hill neighborhood of San Francisco at the age of 2, where he attended elementary school. At the ages of 9 and 10, Moore attended a boarding school in the Mojave Desert LV, but eventually moved back to Northern California. Both of his parents were Scientologists.[14][15] He was adopted at birth by family friends of his biological parents and did not find this out until he was 15.[16] By the time he was 12,[citation needed] his family moved back to his birthplace of Northeast Los Angeles. There he enrolled in a private academy school specializing in arts, the school used some of L. Ron Hubbard's teachings.[17] Later he was home schooled at the age of 14 due to bullying. In 2004, he learned he was adopted[18] and dropped out of the program when he was 16.[19][20] While a young teenager in Los Angeles, Moore would attend punk gigs in Mexican American neighborhoods in East and South Los Angeles, and later at electro club raves in the downtown's Silver Lake and Echo Park neighborhoods.[21][22]
Career From First to Last
Skrillex's logo Main article: From First to Last From First to Last is an American post-hardcore band based in Los Angeles Area and Tampa, Florida. The band is composed of lead vocalist Moore, lead guitarist Matt Good, rhythm guitarist Travis Richter, bassist Matt Manning, and drummer Derek Bloom.[citation needed]
Dog Blood Main article: Dog Blood Dog Blood, a side project by Skrillex and Boys Noize, was formed in 2012. Their debut single, consisting of the songs "Next Order" and "Middle Finger", was released on August 12, 2012, on Beatport and iTunes. The song "Next Order" managed to top Beatport's Techno chart.[citation needed]
Jack Ü Main article: Jack Ü Jack Ü is a duo made up of Skrillex and Diplo. Jack Ü's debut performance took place at the Mad Decent Block Party in San Diego on September 15, 2013, which is a nationwide tour that record label Mad Decent puts together to showcase different artists signed to the label.[23] Diplo announced the project by releasing the Mad Decent Block Party lineup with Jack Ü playing at multiple stops on the tour. After some guessing by many of who Jack Ü was, Diplo finally came out to reveal that "Jack Ü ... means Skrillex and Diplo together".[23]
2004–2007: From First to Last
Sonny Moore in 2008 In 2004, Moore contacted Matt Good of From First to Last about playing guitar for the band on their debut album. After flying out to Georgia, Moore was heard singing by three studio producers, Derrick Thomas, Eric Dale, and McHale Butler, and was then made lead singer, with Good playing guitar. In June 2004, Epitaph Records released the band's first full-length record with their new bandmate, Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has a Body Count. After performing on several successful tours, two being the Vans Warped Tour and Dead by Dawn tour, they began recording their second album, Heroine with producer Ross Robinson. The album was released in March 2006 on Epitaph. With high record sales once again, the band found themselves part of many successful tours, until Moore started suffering vocal problems, causing the band to resign from several tours. After going through a successful vocal surgical procedure, Moore informed the band he would be permanently resigning to work on a solo career. FFTL's last show performed with Moore was in their hometown of Orlando at The House of Blues while touring with Atreyu.
Moore announced he had left From First to Last to pursue a solo career. He then launched a Myspace page displaying three demos ("Signal", "Equinox", and "Glow Worm"). This led to Moore's first performance since his leaving From First to Last. On April 7, 2007, alongside harpist Carol Robbins, Moore played several original songs at a local art building. After months of releasing demos via Myspace, Moore played on the Team Sleep Tour with a full band. The tour also featured supporting acts Monster in the Machine and Strata. Moore made several demo CDs available on this tour, limited to about 30 per show. These CDs were tour exclusive and were packaged in "baby blue envelopes", each with a unique drawing by Moore or bandmate.[24]
2008–2013: Solo career and extended plays
Skrillex in 2012 In February 2008, Alternative Press Magazine announced the second annual AP Tour, with All Time Low, The Rocket Summer, The Matches, and Forever the Sickest Kids, as well as Sonny Moore. The tour started in Houston, Texas on March 14 and went through North America, ending in Cleveland, Ohio on May 2, with the majority of the shows being sold out. All bands playing the tour would be featured on the cover of Alternative Press Magazine's annual 100 Bands You Need to Know special, and would be interviewed on the Alternative Press Podcast. During this tour, Moore's line-up consisted of Sean Friday on drums, Christopher Null on guitar, and Aaron Rothe on keyboards. On April 7, 2009, he released Gypsyhook, a digital EP, which featured three songs and four remixes. Also included was "海水" ("Kaisui"), a Japanese version of "Mora". Physical copies of the EP were available at his shows. After going on tour with Innerpartysystem and Paper Route and opening for Chiodos on their European tour, Moore performed at Bamboozle on May 2. He performed on Bamboozle Left's Saints and Sinners stage on April 4. He toured with Hollywood Undead in April 2009 performing under the band name Sonny and the Blood Monkeys, with Chris Null (electric guitar), Sean Friday (drums, percussion, and beats) and Aaron Rothe (keyboards, synthesizers, programming, and turntables). Moore has stated that the album Bells will not be released.[25]
In 2008, Moore began producing and performing under the alias Skrillex at clubs in the Los Angeles area.[26] The name, according to Moore, has no meaning and was "a stupid old online AOL screen name".[27] Previously, he had been known on the Internet as Twipz.[28] On June 7, 2010, Moore released his official Skrillex debut EP, My Name Is Skrillex as a free download.[29] Moore provided programming and vocals for UK metalcore band Bring Me the Horizon on their third studio album, There Is a Hell Believe Me I've Seen It. There Is a Heaven Let's Keep It a Secret.[30] Later in the year, Sonny began a nationwide tour with deadmau5 after being signed to mau5trap recordings and released his second EP, Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites.
(L to R:) Porter Robinson, Zedd, and Skrillex performing at SXSW on March 16, 2012 Moore kicked off the "Project Blue Book Tour" in 2011 with support from Porter Robinson, Tommy Lee and DJ Aero as well as appearances from Sofia Toufa for a new song, "Bring Out the Devil". Skrillex unveiled several new songs on this tour including "First of the Year" (formerly known as "Equinox"), "Reptile", and "Cinema" (remix of a Benny Benassi track). "Reptile" was featured in the TV commercial for Mortal Kombat 9, and "First of the Year (Equinox)" is featured on More Monsters and Sprites, his follow-up EP and remix companion to Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites. In April 2011, Spin premiered "Get Up", an exclusive new track from Korn that was produced by Skrillex. Korn made the track available for free download via their Facebook page.[31] On April 15, 2011, KoRn joined Skrillex on stage for his set at Coachella 2011. On April 18, 2011, Sony Computer Entertainment (SCEA) development studio Naughty Dog released a trailer[32] for the multiplayer component of their PlayStation 3 game Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, featuring "Kill EVERYBODY" from Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites.
In June 2011, "More Monsters and Sprites" was released on Beatport, an EP consisting of three original tracks, including "First of the Year (Equinox)" and two versions of his original track "Ruffneck". The track "Ruffneck Bass" had been leaked on the internet months prior which used the same sample as in the new "Ruffneck" tracks on the EP. Skrillex released a music video for "Rock n' Roll (Will Take You to the Mountain)" on his official YouTube page on June 20, 2011.[33] On August 17, 2011 Skrillex announced his label, OWSLA.[34]
Skrillex performing live at the 2011 Ottawa Bluesfest "The label's first releases will come from Bristol-based dubstep producers KOAN Sound, electro-house newcomer Porter Robinson from North Carolina, singer-songwriter Alvin Risk, and San Francisco-based M Machine (formally Metropolis)."[35] Skrillex released a music video for "First of the Year (Equinox)" via Spin.com on August 19, 2011. In late August 2011 it was released that he would be appearing Knife Party's first release, collaborating on "Zoology", a Moombahton style track. A preview was released on YouTube. In late September 2011 he created the track "Syndicate" as promotion for the video game of the same name. Kaskade's 2011 album Fire & Ice features "Lick It", a collaboration between Kaskade and Skrillex. The video for Skrillex's song "First of the Year (Equinox)" appears on the first episode of the Beavis and Butt-head revival.
On November 8, Skrillex stated that he intended to release an album, Voltage. Skrillex gave fans more info about Voltage in RockSound Magazine after a photoshoot for the cover and doing an extensive interview on his tour.[36] For unknown reasons, however, the album was never released, however on December 21, 2011, Skrillex unveiled the Bangarang EP for a Beatport release on December 23, then on August 12, 2012, his new side-project formed with Boys Noize called Dog Blood released an EP called Next Order/Middle Finger. On November 6, 2012, Skrillex released a limited edition triple vinyl box set.[37] Skrillex composed the song "Bug Hunt" for the 2012 animated film Wreck-It Ralph, as well as making a brief cameo as a DJ in the film's first act, and in December 2012, "Make It Bun Dem" is used in as a looped variant during the single-player mission 'Kick the Hornets Nest' in the video game Far Cry 3. He composed the score for Spring Breakers with Cliff Martinez.
2014: Recess Skrillex confirmed at a show in January 2013 that he would release a new LP in the summer.[38] On January 2, 2013, Skrillex released his 7th EP, Leaving, on the OWSLA subscription service, Nest IV.[39] He later released the single "Try It Out" with Alvin Risk.
On March 7, 2014, an App titled "Alien Ride" was put up on Apple's App Store which contained a secret folder with 11 hidden objects and a countdown ending March 10 at 6:30EST. Moore's website was updated with the App's picture on the front page and it was later revealed the folder contains Google Play and iTunes url's which eventually were revealed to be 11 new songs available to stream that comprised his debut LP, titled Recess. The album was made available for pre-order at midnight and was released on March 18, 2014.
2016–present: Collaborations and return to From First to Last Skrillex was getting into the K-pop industry by collaborating with the girl group 4Minute. On January 25, 2016, Cube Entertainment released the tracklist and individual teaser images for the members. The first track, "Hate", was composed and arranged by Skrillex.[40]
On January 15, 2017, Moore tweeted "Happy Birthday" with a link to a new From First to Last song which featured Moore on vocals.[41] He later joined the band in Emo Nite LA for the first time in nearly a decade.[42] In 2017, he released the songs "Chicken Soup" with Habstrakt, "Would You Ever" with Poo Bear, "Saint Laurent" with DJ Sliink and Wale and "Favor" with Vindata and NSTASIA.
In July 2018, Skrillex teased fans by collaborating with Missy Elliott on a snippet nicknamed "ID", a release date for the single has yet to be announced.[43]
On October 8, 2018, Skrillex uploaded a photo to Twitter showcasing a collaboration between him and English DJ and producer Joyryde, later posting a video teaser of the song to Instagram.[44][45] The collaboration, "Agen Wida", was officially released on October 19, 2018.[46][47] On October 24, 2018 on Instagram, he previewed the song "Arms Around You", a collaboration featuring XXXTentacion, Lil Pump, Maluma and Swae Lee. The full single was released on October 25, 2018.[48]
Skrillex, Poo Bear, and Japanese-American singer-songwriter Hikaru Utada collaborated on "Face My Fears", an opening song for the video game Kingdom Hearts III. The single was released on January 18, 2019.[49][50]
On July 18, 2019, Skrillex released a two-track EP, Show Tracks, consisting of "Fuji Opener" featuring Alvin Risk and "Mumbai Power" featuring rapper Beam.[51][52]
Influences Moore has cited Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails[53] and the Doors[54] as early influences. Moore stated in an online interview that he is a longtime fan of Warp, a label whose roster includes notable electronic artists such as Aphex Twin and Squarepusher.[55] In an interview for Daft Punk Unchained, a 2015 documentary about the French electronic music duo Daft Punk, Moore said he was first exposed to electronic dance music after attending the duo's highly praised 2006 Coachella set.
Personal life In a 2015 interview, Moore stated that although his parents practiced Scientology, he does not. He explained that music consumes most of the time he could theoretically devote to religion.[14] His mother died in June 2015.[15]
Discography Main article: Skrillex discography Studio albums Recess (2014) Filmography Let's Make a Spaceship (2014) Moore partnered up with Red Bull to produce a documentary titled "Let's Make a Spaceship". It premiered on October 11, 2014, at 10 p.m. CT at the ACL Festival after his headline performance.[56] His performance and documentary, and others' performances are available for stream at Red Bull TV's website.[57]
Awards and nominations Grammy Awards Year Nominee / work Award Result 2012[58] Himself Best New Artist Nominated "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites" Best Dance Recording Won Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites Best Dance/Electronica Album Won Benny Benassi featuring Gary Go – "Cinema (Skrillex Remix)" Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical Won "First of the Year (Equinox)" Best Short Form Music Video Nominated 2013[59] "Bangarang" Best Dance Recording Won Bangarang Best Dance/Electronica Album Won Promises (Skrillex & Nero Remix) Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical Won 2016[60] "Where Are Ü Now" (with Diplo and Justin Bieber) Best Dance Recording Won Skrillex and Diplo Present Jack Ü (with Diplo) Best Dance/Electronic Album Won 2017[61] Purpose (as a featured artist, producer & engineer) Album of the Year Nominated "Purple Lamborghini" (with Rick Ross & Beat Billionaire) Best Song Written for Visual Media Nominated 2019[62] "Midnight Hour" (with Ty Dolla Sign & Boys Noize) Best Dance Recording Nominated Kids Choice Awards Year Nominee / work Award Result 2017 Himself Favorite DJ/EDM Artist[63] Nominated MTV Video Music Awards Year Nominee / work Award Result 2012 "First of the Year (Equinox)" Best Electronic Dance Music Video[64] Nominated Best Visual Effects[65] Won 2013 "Breakn' a Sweat" Best Visual Effects[66] Nominated 2015[67] "Where Are Ü Now" (with Diplo featuring Justin Bieber) Best Visual Effects Won Best Art Direction Nominated Best Editing Nominated Song Of The Summer[68] Nominated Annie Awards Year Nominee / work Award Result 2013 Wreck-It Ralph Outstanding Achievement, Music in an Animated Feature Production[69] Won DJ Magazine top 100 DJs Year Position Notes Ref. 2011 19 New Entry [70] 2012 10 Up 9 2013 11 Down 1 2014 9 Up 2 2015 9 No Change 2016 9 No Change 2017 16 Down 7 2018 21 Down 5 2019 21 No Change 2020 15 Up 6 Electronic Music Awards Year Nominee / work Award Result 2017 "Purple Lamborghini" (with Rick Ross) Single of the Year[71] Nominated See also List of Billboard Social 50 number-one artists
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geckosong · 4 years
Anime Recommendations
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Noragami (2014)
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Haikyu! (2014-Present)
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The Devil is a Part-Timer (2013)
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The Promised Neverland (2019-Present)
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Toradora (2008-2009)
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My Rating: 9/10
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Hypnosis Microphone: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima (2020)
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My Rating: 6/10
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Kamisama Kiss (2012)
High schooler Nanami Momozono has quite a few problems of late, beginning with her absentee father being in such extreme debt that they lose everything. Downtrodden and homeless, she runs into a man being harassed by a dog. After helping him, she explains her situation, and to her surprise, he offers her his home in gratitude. But when she discovers that said home is a rundown shrine, she tries to leave; however, she is caught by two shrine spirits and a fox familiar named Tomoe. They mistake her for the man Nanami rescued—the land god of the shrine, Mikage. Realizing that Mikage must have sent her there as a replacement god, Tomoe leaves abruptly, refusing to serve a human. Rather than going back to being homeless, Nanami immerses herself in her divine duties. But if she must keep things running smoothly, she will need the help of a certain hot-headed fox. In her fumbling attempt to seek out Tomoe, she lands in trouble and ends up sealing a contract with him. Now the two must traverse the path of godhood together as god and familiar; but it will not be easy, for new threats arise in the form of a youkai who wants to devour the girl, a snake that wants to marry her, and Nanami's own unexpected feelings for her new familiar.
My Rating: 7/10
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My Roommate is a Cat (2019)
Subaru Mikazuki is a 23-year-old mystery novel author, major introvert, and an awkwardly shy person. He would much rather stay home to read a book than go outside and interact with others. Further exacerbating this life of solitude, his parents tragically died in an accident many years ago, leaving him alone in the world. One day, while giving offerings at his parents' grave, Subaru runs into a small black and white cat named Haru, which he ends up taking home with him. Subaru, however, has never taken care of anyone else in his life—can he even take care of a cat? Haru is grateful toward Subaru, as he gives her all the food she wants—a luxury for a cat who is used to a rough life on the streets. But she notices that Subaru can't even seem to take care of himself! Will she be okay with this dunce?
My Rating: 7/10
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KITTIE Announces Band Lineup For Reunion Shows
Canadian all-girl metallers KITTIE have confirmed the lineup of the band that will perform at Las Vegas's When We Were Young festival this fall. Joining vocalist/guitarist Morgan Lander and drummer Mercedes Lander will be guitarist Tara McLeod and bassist Ivana "Ivy" Vujic.
A member of KITTIE singer 2005, McLeod told Premier Guitar about her role in the band: "On the creative side of things, Morgan and I are very comfortable with each other because we're both naturally very shy. We just don't feel any sort of embarrassment showing each other an idea. And that makes for a much more relaxed writing session."
Morgan stated about Tara: "Tara is such a fabulous guitar player and is so invested in her instrument, and she also likes all different genres of music. She's one of my best friends. When she joined, it added a really amazing element that I think was lacking. It can get stagnant after a while, people with the same ideas. I think it was integral to the evolution of the band."
Vujic joined KITTIE in 2008 and appeared on the band's fifth studio CD, 2009's "In The Black". She also wrote and recorded bass for KITTIE's sixth album, 2011's "I've Failed You".
When We Were Young will be held on the Las Vegas Festival Grounds on the Strip on October 22, October 23 and October 29.
Officials said the "emo" festival will feature the same lineup on all three dates, with the exception of Alex G replacing Wolf Alice on October 29, and La Dispute will not perform on October 29.The lineup also includes MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE, PARAMORE, AFI, THE USED, BRING ME THE HORIZON, TAKING BACK SUNDAY, DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL, ALKALINE TRIO, MANCHESTER ORCHESTRA, THE ALL-AMERICAN REJECTS, AVRIL LAVIGNE, WOLF ALICE, STORY OF THE YEAR, JIMMY EAT WORLD and many others.When the lineup for When We Were Young was first revealed, KITTIE said: "Thanks for your patience with our silence friends. The truth is we've been in full on crisis mode the past week and weren't sure if we’d actually be able to make this happen but it's true and we'll be there to melt your face off and we hope you got your tickets."After the third When We Were Young date was announced, KITTIE wrote: "Third show added! Super stoked that @whenwewereyoungfest has decided to add yet another date! October 29th 2022. We'll see you there…tickets on sale January 31st".
KITTIE has not performed since its reunion show at London Music Hall in the band's native London, Ontario in 2017, celebrating the group's documentary "Kittie: Origins/Evolutions".
Earlier this month, the original lineup of KITTIE — Morgan, Mercedes, Fallon Bowman (guitar) and Tanya Candler (bass) — reunited for an online chat to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of its gold-certified 2000 debut album, "Spit".
Candler left KITTIE after the release of "Spit" in order to finish high school and was replaced by Talena Atfield.
Bowman exited KITTIE in 2001 and started her own industrial/electronic project, AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT.
After KITTIE completed the touring cycle for 2011's "I've Failed You" album, the band entered a long period of inactivity during which Morgan focused on a marketing job for a chain of fitness clubs while Mercedes worked in real estate and more recently at a software company. The group also began work on a career-spanning documentary, "Origins/Evolutions", which finally saw the light of day in 2018 via Lightyear Entertainment in North America.
Last May, Morgan told Pierre Gutiérrez of Rock Talks that KITTIE was still "on hiatus." She explained: "Since the documentary was filmed and has been released, there's been some changes. We are no longer a signed act. So if we were going to make new music, it would be released independently. But we do still have a number of legacy-type projects that we are going to be releasing and working on for the future. We love to be able to pay tribute to the things that we've done in the past. And I know that a lot of people are even just excited for re-releases of old stuff and whatnot. We're always looking for ways to reintroduce people [to KITTIE's music] and whatnot. So we do have a couple of things coming down the pipeline. I can't really give too many details yet, but there will be announcements and it will be awesome and it should be pretty fun. But no new music as of right now."
"I've Failed You" sold 3,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to debut at position No. 178 on The Billboard 200 chart.
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I Need You
Pairing: Calum Hood x Reader
Summary: The relationship through the years
Requested: No
Warnings: Swearing, just a lot of fluff, mentions of anxiety
A/N: This is probably the longest fic I’ve ever written I got a bit carried away so I apologise - sorry if any of the times/ages are wrong! Just go with it! I’m kinda exhausted writing this so I was trying to do the kinda basic maths in my head and it just gave me a headache but please excuse any issues with age that there may be! Also I’m actually really happy with this one and it made me hella soft writing it so I hope you enjoy! Please remember to like, comment, reblog, send asks and just let me know what you thought of it!
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~~ 2008, Age 12 ~~
Y/N’s face was scrunched up with nerves as she waited for the bus to arrive. The previous two days her mother had driven her to school, Y/N too nervous to get the bus in. But then the boy who lived down the street had asked her during school why she didn’t get the bus to school like he did.
Y/N had shyly admitted to the boy - Michael, that was his name - that she was nervous about it.
“You came!” Michael’s grin was wide when he arrived at the bus stop. Y/N’s lips up into a nervous smile and she nodded mutely. “Here!” He thrust a bottle at her. “My mum gave me two orange juices and told me to give the other to Cal but you can have it instead,” Michael gave her an innocent smile and Y/N took the bottle.
“Thank you,” she said nervously but she clammed up again the moment the bus pulled into the stop. 
Michael bounded onto the bus before her, leaving Y/N behind.
“You coming, love?” The bus driver asked, a kind smile on her face. Y/N looked around her, noticing that she was the only child who had yet to get on the bus at her stop and gave an embarrassed, awkward nod of her head.
Her steps were shaky when she stepped onto the bus. She flinched as the door shut behind her. 
It was the typical kind of school bus, the exact same formation as it had been like at her old school at her old home town - the youngest pupils at the front and the eldest at the back.
Y/N was just going into year 7, as was Michael, so she knew that she ought to sit at the front but she didn’t know where.
It was the start of spring term, Y/N having moved house late in the year meaning that she didn’t know anyone other than Michael.
There were some empty seats next to other year 7s but Y/N wasn’t sure whether they’d allow her to sit next to them or not.
“Y/N! Come sit here!” She was relieved to hear Michael’s voice calling to her from one of the three seaters, where he was sat in the middle seat with a friend next to him at the window, an empty seat on the aisle. 
Y/N practically fell into the seat next to Michael, giving him a thankful, exhausted smile.
“This is Calum! We’ve known each other since primary school!” Michael introduced.
“Mike said he gave you my orange juice,” Calum said, looking to Y/N with a hurt expression and her eyes widened, her jaw slackening and she was quick to hold out the juice to him, not wanting to make any enemies in her first week. Calum looked at the bottle before his face broke into a wide grin, shaking his head. “I was just joking.”
“Y/N just moved here,” Michael informed Calum who nodded.
“You’re in my History class, right?” He asked and Y/N’s eyes flashed with recognition and she nodded.
“Yeah,” she confirmed timidly.
“You should sit with me!” He told her and Michael frowned.
“Why aren’t you ever that excited to sit next to me?” He accused his best friend and Y/N couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her.
~~ 2009, Age 13 ~~
“Everything sucks and I want to die,” Y/N looked at Michael for a moment in silence before nodding.
“This is why we don’t talk too much,” she informed him and Michael scoffed.
“So not the reason,” he grumbled.
“No the reason is that Y/N has other friends,” Y/N couldn’t stop herself from smiling when she heard Calum’s voice and she turned around, watching him take the final few steps towards them in the lunch hall.
“I still sit with you guys on the bus every day,” she pointed out and Michael pointed at her with his fork
“Good - don’t you fucking dare forget your roots,” he said through a mouthful of food, making Y/N wrinkle her nose in disgust and she looked over at Calum to see a similar expression on his face. “I’m the only reason you have friends here,” he insisted, shovelling more food into his mouth,
“I forget why I sat with you today,” Y/N said to him.
“Because you knew I’d be here?” Calum offered with a cheesy grin.
“Because we were your best choice since Sandy’s being a bitch?” Michael offered instead and Y/N stuck her tongue out at her friend. “How mature.”
“Fuck you, Mikey.”
“You were nicer when you were anxious all the time.”
Y/N was friends with Calum and Michael - for the first half of term that Y/N was at the school the boys essentially took her under their wing, showing her around the school and introducing her to new people. But after that Y/N made her own friends, a group that ran in similar circles to Calum and Michael but they weren’t one group. 
Despite that, though, they still sat together on the bus every morning and evening and her and Michael still walked to and from the bus stop together. Michael’s mum still provided Y/N and Calum with a bottle of something to drink on the bus in the morning and the three of them did still hang out together, just not as often as they had when Y/N was still a new student.
“Heard you’re planning on trying out for the football team?” Y/N mentioned, looking over at Calum, who had just taken a bite from his sandwich and he nodded, his eyes bright.
“Yeah! Next week!” 
“That’s amazing, Cal!” 
The fluttering in their chests was inevitable, really. 
~~ 2010, Age 14 ~~
Calum looked up, surprised when Y/N slid into the seat next to him on the bus. 
“Mike’s ill,” she said awkwardly. “It’s... I’m still okay to sit here, right?” 
“Of course it’s okay,” Calum laughed and Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at how adorable he looked when he smiled. “Has he just never been sick since you started here?” He questioned and Y/N shrugged.
“I guess so.” 
Silence fell between the two friends for a moment and then Y/N nodded towards Calum’s headphones.
“What’re you listening to?”
“All Time Low,” there was a pause before Calum asked: “want to listen?” 
“Is that okay?”
“You’ve not been this nervous around me since we first met,” Calum informed her and Y/N smiled, moving over into Michael’s usual seat, close enough to Calum so that they could listen to the music together.
“I like this album,” she admitted quietly.
“If you didn’t we’d have serious issues.”
Y/N smiled, glancing at him from the corner of her eye.
“Thanks for letting me listen,” Y/N said when they pulled into school and Calum shrugged.
“I saw you haven’t have yours for a while.”
“Yeah - the dog chewed them up,” she saw Calum’s eyes light up at the mention of her dog.
“How is Alan?” He asked as the two of them got off the bus.
“Misses you, Cal,” she assured, giggling.
“I miss him,” Calum sighed longingly.
“You can come over any time and see him,” Y/N pointed out. Calum smiled at her and nodded.
“I might take you up on that,” silence fell between them as they walked together towards the school.
Normally by this point in the morning Y/N would have left Calum and Michael to seek out her other friends and the two boys would go to the music room or Calum would have an early morning team meeting for football.
But this morning was different - this morning, neither of them wanted to leave the other.
Without Michael there, it was easier to get wrapped up in one another’s presence.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” Calum’s hands were playing nervously with the straps of his bag, refusing to look over at his friend.
“Would you maybe wanna see a movie together, or something?” 
“We’re going to see one with Mike this weekend,” Y/N pointed out, laughing a little. “You already asked me, Cal.”
“No! No, i mean... one without him?” Calum offered awkwardly, clearly feeling he had gone too far now to go back on his question. “Like... just the two of us?” Y/N stopped in her tracks, staring wide-eyed at Calum.
“Are you... Cal, are you asking me on a date?” He looked up at last to meet her eyes, anxiety dancing in his. Y/N began to feel her own anxiety building up in her stomach, which was strange, she hadn’t felt nervous around Calum since the day that they first met. “Because... Because if you were,” she spoke again when she realised that Calum wasn’t going to clarify what he meant. “I’d... um I’d like that.”
~~ 2011 Age 15 ~~
“So you’ve found a drummer now?” Y/N asked from her seat in the music room, where she was watching Calum, Michael and their friend Luke tuning their instruments.
“Yeah - Michael found him,” Luke confirmed, giving a shy smile to Calum’s girlfriend.
Luke had been introduced to Y/N a few months ago by Michael and Calum as the guitarist in the band they were forming and yet the two of them were still painfully awkward around one another.
Not for Luke’s lack of trying, he was putting a lot of effort into befriending Y/N but she was constantly nervous when it came to talking to new people, even those who had been so highly talked of by her boyfriend and Michael.
“He’s called Ashton,” Michael supplied before looking to Calum with an unimpressed look on his face. “Don’t you tell your girlfriend anything?”
“No,” Calum shrugged, a smirk growing on his face. “All we talk about is how fucking annoying you are,” Calum looked over at his girlfriend when she snorted with laughter, her hands flying to her mouth in shock from the noise she had just made.
Calum bit his lip to stop himself from laughing and shook his head, affection evident in his actions.
“Well when we hang out we just talk about how much she regrets saying yes to your date,” Michael countered, challenging Calum.
Luke looked over at Y/N.
“Are they...?”
“Yeah,” Y/N filled in nodding with a sigh. “They’re always like this.” 
“Only because Mike’s bitter that I asked out Y/N before he could,” Calum gloated arrogantly and Luke and Y/N burst out into laughter at the look of disgust on Michael’s face.
“Should I be offended that you’re that against dating me, Mike?” The young boy rolled his eyes.
“Whatever - girls have cooties anyway.”
~~ 2012, Age 16 ~~
Y/N was sat on Calum’s bed, watching him pack.
He was chatting away happily to her, eager to tell her all of his plans for exploring London while he was away. Telling her all about the plans that the band had for their debut album that they were planning on recording since their first single and EP had been such a hit.
His eyes were bright and sparkling with excitement as he continued to go on about all of his plans.
Y/N just watched and listened, nodding her head and making noises of agreement whenever it seemed appropriate.
Calum paused for breath, his cheeks flushed with excitement and he turned to face her, his smile so heartbreakingly wide.
“Isn’t it insane?” 
Y/N nodded her head, trying to muster up excitement. Because she was excited. Of course she was excited both for Calum and the rest of the guys.
She had known Calum and Michael since they were all eleven and being in a band, recording albums, touring was all that they had ever dreamed of and now two thirds of that was already coming true and they were only fourteen, fifteen and sixteen.
“I’m really happy for you, Cal,” Y/N confirmed, her voice gentle and a little sad. Calum’s face dropped into a frown and he sat next to her on his bed, his arm resting around her shoulder.
“Everything okay?” 
“Yeah I just... I’m going to miss you,” she admitted, resting her own head on his shoulder.
“We’re not going to be gone for long,” he promised her.
“Come on, Cal, you have to realise by now that you guys are gonna be big, right?” Calum snorted a laugh at that.
“Yeah, well, we’re never going to forget our number one fan.”
“You can’t, Liz is going with you,” Y/N deadpanned, pride filling her chest when Calum started to laugh.
“It’s going to be weird not having you there,” Calum mused. “Who’s going to tell Michael that he sucks on the daily?”
“It’s okay, Cal, an ocean isn’t going to stop me from ensuring Mike’s head doesn’t get too big.”
“Well there’s a relief.”
~~ 2013, Age 17 ~~
“That’s amazing!” Y/N congratulated, amazement and pride filling her chest.
The previous two months had been interesting for them to say the least, with Calum in London with the band song writing and collaborating with other, UK-based artists. 
Y/N missed him - of course she missed the band as well, the three boys who she had become close with since the band had formed and she had met Luke and Ashton, and Michael who she had seen every day since she was twelve - but she wasn’t ashamed to admit she had missed Calum the most.
It was strange. They were so young and yet, they had spent nearing three years of their lives calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend. Too young to know about love and yet... that was what this was. Love in its purest, most innocent form.
“I can’t quite believe it,” Calum admitted and even with an ocean between them on a crappy phone connection Y/N could hear his smile. See his expression.
“I’m so proud of you.”
“Want a confession?” Calum asked, just a hint of guilt in his voice but amusement being the overlying tone.
“I haven’t told my parents yet,” silence fell over the line for a moment before Y/N burst out laughing.
“I’m sorry!” 
“Don’t tell them that you told me first or they’ll be so offended!” 
“I promise,” Calum chuckled.
“You’re still coming home next week, right?” Y/N asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen between the two teenagers.
“Yeah,” Calum confirmed. “And on the tour we’ll be playing in Sydney and the One Direction guys promised that they could get you a good ticket.”
“Man... I can’t believe you’re touring with One Direction,” Y/N reiterated and she heard her boyfriend release a long breath on the other side of the line.
“Neither can I,” his voice was a whisper.
“Hate to be that bitch but... I told you you were going to be big.”
“Mum did always say that I should listen to you,” Calum teased, causing Y/N to let out a gentle laugh.
“You can repay me by getting Louis’ autograph.”
Y/N had been joking at the time, but she wasn’t particularly surprised when Calum returned a week later and brought out a prototype shirt for the ‘Take Me Home’ tour which had been signed by all five members of One Direction.
~~ 2014, Age 18 ~~
Y/N’s arms were around Calum the moment he stepped out of the airport gate. Her boyfriend laughed, dropping his bags to the ground and wrapping his arms around her waist, nestling his face into her neck.
“Shit, you’re really here,” she mumbled and Calum’s arms tightened a little. If Y/N didn’t know any better she would have thought he was crying.
“I’m really here,” he confirmed. Y/N went to pull away but Calum wouldn’t let her. “Just give me a second,” he pleaded.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t want the fans to see I’m crying,” he admitted bashfully and Y/N laughed.
“Calum Hood? Crying?” She teased and Calum laughed, pulling back but only so that he could kiss her for the first time in months.
“Fuck off,” he mumbled, resting their foreheads heavily together.
“I like the hair by the way,” Y/N added. “Very punk rock.”
“You know what I didn’t miss you,” Calum said decisively, pulling away from her, but the smile on his lips contrasted his words entirely.
“I wasn’t joking! I do like it!” She promised, her hands reaching up to gently comb through the curls. Calum’s face softened and he ducked down to kiss her again.
“I’m so glad I’m home,” he confessed and Y/N laughed a little into his mouth.
“I am too - but I’m sure your family is as well,” she pointed out.
When Calum went to go greet his parents, Joy pulling him into a bone crushing hug, Michael’s arms slipped around Y/N’s shoulders, pulling her into his chest.
“Miss me?” He asked and Y/N laughed, turning around to hug her friend. 
“It’s so good to see you all again!”
“Is that us included?” Ashton piped up, looking over to Michael and Y/N with raised eyebrows.
“Not you.” Ashton giggled and walked over, wrapping his arms around Y/N and Michael, who were still hugging. Luke was swift to join in. “You guys stink!” Y/N groaned, wrinkling her nose in distaste.
“Bloody rude,” Ashton commented as the three bandmates released her.
Calum reached over and interlaced their fingers, pulling Y/N back to his side.
“You two ready to go for food?” Joy asked, a knowing look sent to the couple. Calum pressed his lips to Y/N’s forehead and nodded.
~~ 2015, Age 19 ~~
“I’ve missed this,” Calum admitted, the two of them walking down the road, their hands linked together, swinging slightly where they hung between them. Y/N’s dog, Alan, was bounding down the road in front of them, knowing the path to the park well, able to quite contentedly lead the way, the couple following him.
“Yeah? You over your rockstar life already?” Y/N teased, squeezing Calum’s hand and he let out a soft laugh at her question, shaking his head.
“You’re really annoying sometimes, you know? Like, honestly, every time I even try and be cute you have to go and ruin it.”
“You trying to be cheesy and cute makes me uncomfortable because you’ve always been a bit of a shit to me,” Y/N told him, a serious expression on her face, which cracked the moment Calum shot her an offended look.
“It’s one hundred percent the other way around,” Calum grumbled.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Y/N scoffed.
“You and Ash have been taking the piss out of me ever since you first got introduced,” Calum claimed.
“Yeah - thanks for introducing us, by the way. I love Ash,” Calum burst out laughing at her tone, tugging on her hand to bring her closer so that he could kiss her temple.
“I’d say ‘you’re welcome’ but I do think that it’s the dumbest move I’ve ever made.”
Silence fell between them again as they followed Alan into the park. The outing made both Y/N and Calum feel somewhat nostalgic - walking Alan together around the park was something that they had done as dates since they got together and before they were together Michael would also join them after school.
Of course, all the band had tagged along at some point or another when Y/N went to walk her family dog but it was Calum’s favourite thing for them to do as a casual date - Y/N was insistent that it was because he preferred Alan to her, to which Calum never responded to other than to laugh.
“I’ve missed this too,” she finally confirmed, gently squeezing his hand again. “Walking Alan’s just not the same without you.”
~~ 2016, Age 20 ~~
“I’m so in love with you,” Calum’s words were whispered into Y/N’s hair. Calum’s arms were wrapped tightly around her, keeping her safe and secure, as close to him as he could physically manage to keep her.
A secret between the two of them. So much of his life now was public, had been since he was sixteen. Y/N and their relationship was the one thing now that felt private, that made him feel safe.
Even his friendship with Michael, the one he had had for as long as he could remember, was in the public eye, no longer with the privacy of inside jokes to hide behind. 
He wasn’t sure what he’d do if he lost Y/N.
And he almost had.
Or at least, he thought he had.
Y/N had flown out to stay with him and the other guys on tour, having just finished university for the year and having the whole summer to do whatever she wanted, until she had to go back for the start of term in late September.
It was the first time she had been with him for anything other than the Australian leg of the tour and the two of them had been looking forward to it, planning it for months.
But it had all come crashing down so quickly.
Y/N wasn’t used to the same lifestyle as Calum anymore. She was used to the paparazzi following them around home occasionally, fans coming up and asking for pictures when they were together but nothing could have prepared her for tour.
Everything was publicised, all the time. Nothing felt private anymore. Y/N had never felt so exposed in her whole life and she despised it.
Y/N had panicked. They had gotten separated in a crowd of fans and Y/N had had a full blown panic attack, which Calum hadn’t seen happen because he was the other side of the crowd, taking photos. Ashton had found her and brought her safely back to the bus, where she had sat shaking with nervous energy, waiting for the boys to return.
Calum was the first through the door to the tour bus, rushing over to his girlfriend, eyes wide with worry as he tried to get a grasp on her mental state.
Y/N had assured him she was fine and Calum hated himself for dragging her into this kind of life, which she had never asked for.
“I love you too, Cal,” Y/N promised, nuzzling closer to him. They had taken themselves off to their bunk early, wanting to recover from the stress of the day. Normally they would at least pretend for a little while that they would be sleeping in separate bunks to avoid the teasing of their friends but they were both unwilling to leave the others side after the previous events.
“But... are you sure this is what you want?” Y/N rolled over so that she was hovering on top of him and if Calum hadn’t been caught up in his own thoughts and fears about their relationship he would be astounded by how gorgeous he thought she looked.
“Cal, I’ve loved you since we were thirteen... I’m not... of course this is what I want,” she settled on, leaning down to kiss him gently. “You’re what I want.”
“But this... this isn’t what you agreed to when we first started going out,” he pointed out, gesturing with his free hand around them at the tour bus and he watched as Y/N just shrugged.
“No - but it’s what I signed up for now, Cal... you can’t get rid of me that easily.”
~~ 2017, Age 21 ~~
“It’s nice that you’re finally taking a break,” Y/N mentioned, watching Calum bustle around his kitchen from her place sat on top of the breakfast bar.
Y/N normally did most of the cooking when they were together - she would joke about the only reason Calum inviting her down to spend her holidays with him was because she would cook for him.
But this morning, Calum had insisted on cooking her breakfast. Y/N had put up little fight and allowed Calum to do as he pleased, deciding on cooking pancakes for the two of them.
“Yeah - it gives us the time to actually properly think about this album, you know?” Y/N nodded in understanding. She knew how hectic the past few years for Calum and the band had been and she knew that they weren’t necessarily with all the songs they released as they could be had they just had a little more time.
It was also nice for them to be taking some extra time off and to themselves because it meant that she got to see Calum more with him flying himself to her university, her being able to get to LA and it was nice being able to see him so much.
“Okay, so I know it’s early to be asking this,” Calum stated, turning around with two plates of pancakes in hand. He stopped short though when he saw where Y/N was sat. “Can’t you just sit at a chair like a normal person for once in your life?” He sighed and Y/N laughed, moving off of the counter and taking a plate from Calum, pecking his lips.
“Thank you for breakfast,” she responded, sitting at the table. Calum rolled his eyes and sat opposite her.
“As I was saying,” he went back to his previous train of thought, shaking his head a little at his girlfriend’s antics, adoration swimming in his eyes. “I was thinking about us,” Y/N froze. She knew those words were almost never good. Calum picked up on her sudden nerves and reached over the table to grab her hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of it as he knew always soothed her. “Nothing bad, baby, I promise. Nothing bad,” he prefaced and Y/N nodded, letting out the breath she had been holding.
“If you say it’s nothing bad and now break up with me I’m going to kick your ass, Hood.” She mumbled, listening to Calum start to laugh.
“What I was going to ask is if you want to move in together when you’re done with uni?” Silence fell between them for a moment and Y/N nodded hesitantly.
“I do...”
“Is there a but?” Calum asked, his heart sinking at her expression. Y/N grimaced a little.
“I’m... where would we live? I... I’m not sure I want to live in LA, Cal.” 
Calum moved his hand in hers so that they were holding hands more properly and he squeezed it gently.
“Hey, that’s okay - we’ll figure it out, yeah? Reach a compromise?” Y/N nodded again, a nervous smile forming on her face.
“Then yeah - lets do it.” Calum beamed, leaning right across the table so that he could kiss her.
The couple were broken out of their bubble by the sound of Calum’s apartment door opening and gasps of delight coming from his band members, who just regularly invited themselves around.
“Nice! You made pancakes!”
~~ 2018 Age 22 ~~
Y/N shifted from foot to foot in front of Ashton’s house, waiting for him to answer the door. 
She had gotten a call from Calum about an hour ago during work, imploring her to come over the moment she was finished because he missed her.
Luke had taken the phone from him pretty quickly and insisted she bring alcohol with her as they were running out at Ashton’s house.
As Luke spoke to her, Y/N could hear Calum complaining in the background, which had made her laugh. 
Calum always was a clingy drunk.
“Oh thank fuck you’re here!” Michael exclaimed, reaching out of the door and pulling Y/N inside.
“You good, Mike?”
“Cal’s being complaining about you not being here for hours,” Michael groaned, dragging Y/N behind him into the kitchen.
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at the scene in front of her. It had turned into a small party in Ashton’s kitchen. Calum, Luke, Ashton and Michael all had dazed looks in their eyes, their smiles slightly dopy and their laughs just a little too hysterical.
Sierra and Crystal were also in the kitchen, sat at Ashton’s bar with drinks in front of them, watching the band members in amusement.
“It’s literally half past five and they’re hammered,” Y/N stated, joining the two girls, who laughed, nodding their heads in agreement.
“They were smashed after the first video,” Sierra contributed.
“Well... Mike and Luke definitely were,” Crystal mused. “I think Cal and Ash hung on until the second.”
“Y/N!” Calum’s voice broke through the room and Y/N turned around, raising her eyebrows at her boyfriend, who had raised his arms, eyes bright in delight as they fixed on her.
“Cal you’re in the middle of filming!” Y/N pointed out.
“I don’t care! Come here!” He pleaded but Y/N shook her head.
“Not drunk enough for that, babe,” she told her and Calum’s eyes slipped over to Sierra and Crystal, pointing at them seriously.
“Get her drunk so she’ll come on camera - need to show her off,” Calum took another drink and Y/N turned back to the girls.
“Okay at what point do we need to cut them off?”
~~ 2019 Age 23 ~~
“You okay?” Y/N asked when Calum flopped onto the sofa next to her on the tour bus, resting her free hand in his hair as she continued to scroll through her phone.
“Yeah,” Calum sighed, nuzzling closer to her. “Glad you’re here.”
“I promised, didn’t I?” Y/N pointed out, gently running her fingers down his cheek. “Couldn’t let you spend our anniversary alone,” she teased.
“I’m sorry we’re stuck on the bus for it,” he sighed but Y/N just shrugged.
“I don’t mind, Cal - plus, lets be honest, even if we weren’t stuck on the tour bus, the guys would find a way to crash our plans. They always do.”
It was true. Calum and Y/N had never managed to have an anniversary where it was just the two of them. Every year at least one of them would crash it and invite themselves along to whatever it was that the couple were doing. When they moved in together they had been hopeful of spending a quiet anniversary together at their home with just Duke for company.
It had been a vain hope and both Luke and Ashton had invited themselves along to their movie night.
By this stage, Y/N and Calum were pretty much certain that they just did it to annoy them.
This year, Y/N had booked off two weeks from work months in advance so that she could join Calum on tour and Calum when he was looking at the dates for the tour had done his best to ensure that they could spend their anniversary in a hotel rather than on the move so that they could go on a real celebration to a fancy restaurant.
Unfortunately, at the last minute there had been a change in the tour and more dates had been added, meaning that they were spending the night of their anniversary on the tour bus, Calum having spent the day doing promo with the band and the Chainsmokers.
“Yeah I know,” Calum sighed. “Guess I just wished this year had been different,” he admitted. Y/N’s smile softened and she put her phone to the side, ducking down to kiss him.
“Nine years, Cal - that’s quite a while,” she mused and Calum nodded in agreement. “Having any doubts?” She teased and Calum reached his hand up to curl around her neck, ensuring that she remained close enough for him to kiss her again.
“With you? Never.”
~~ 2020 Age 24 (almost) ~~
Calum’s arms wrapped around her from behind, his face nestling into the crook of her neck.
“What’re you doing up?” He mumbled.
“Jet lag,” Y/N sighed, relaxing back into his arms a little bit.
They had only recently flown back home to their LA apartment (Y/N had given in to his pleads for them to move to LA, understanding that it was where Calum needed to be) from spending the time with their families in Australia.
“Could’ve woken me,” he told her and Y/N chuckled lightly.
“I know - but you need sleep, Cal,” she turned around in his arms, wrapping her arms back around him. 
“I need good sleep - I only sleep well with you,” he told her, not a hint of untruth in his voice, just telling her what he honestly felt. “Been an issue since we first shared a bed when we were sixteen.” 
“Sorry to ruin your sleep like that,” she giggled when she heard Calum’s breath against her neck, laughing.
“What were you doing anyway?”
“Just on Instagram,” Y/N shrugged. “Looking through my tagged.”
“Anything interesting?” Calum asked, practically dragging Y/N over to the chair situated on their balcony, sitting down first and pulling Y/N on top of him in an attempt to keep himself warm.
“Everyone wishing us happy anniversary,” Y/N told him.
“Our anniversary was months ago,” Calum pointed out, blinking his bleary eyes to focus them on her screen.
“I haven’t been on in a while,” she admitted. “Stalked you for a bit as well.” She mused. “Liked the post you put up for our anniversary,” Y/N added and Calum chuckled.
“You really haven’t been on in a while.”
“It was cute,” she told him, turning around and cuddling closer to his chest.
“Thought you were gonna hate me from putting up photos from when we were fourteen.”
“As Mike would say,” Y/N cleared her throat. “I would never forget my fucking roots,” she said, a poor imitation of Michael’s accent sending Calum into fits of laughter.
“That was awful,” he told her as he tried to catch his breath aain.
“It made you laugh,” Y/N shrugged, looking up at him, a softness in her eyes that was reserved purely for him.
Calum felt privileged in the knowledge that it had been for him and only him to see ever since they were fourteen. To know that no one else had ever seen that look directed towards them.
“That’s all I ever really want to do,” she promised.
“I love you so much,” Calum whispered. He took her hand and placed it over his chest. “This beats for you,” he brought the hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss to each finger and went back to kiss her ring finger again. “We’ve been together almost ten years and I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”
“This isn’t an official proposal,” Calum prefaced, shaking his head. “Not yet - the ring isn’t ready yet,” Y/N’s eyes widened and Calum’s lips perked up at the reaction. “Didn’t you think I was going to propose?”
“I mean, I guess,” Y/N shrugged and Calum kissed her, their lips moving together in a way that was so comforting and normal for them.
“So it’s not an official proposal until I get the ring,” their foreheads were pressed heavily together, breathing into one another’s mouths. “But I just needed - need - you to know that I want to marry you. And...” Calum trailed off, seeming to loose some confidence.
“Whenever you’re ready, Cal,” Y/N vowed, kissing him again. “Whenever you’re ready to ask, I’m ready to say yes.”
Before you go: If you enjoyed this fic and want some more of it, check my blurb masterlist under 5sos blurbs and there you can find any spinoff blurbs I have done for this fic :)
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Hulu New Releases: April 2021
While the first day of spring technically belongs to March, everyone knows that it kicks into high gear in April. To celebrate the changing of the seasons, Hulu is finally bringing back its signature original series for April 2021.
Season 4 of the multiple Emmy award-winning The Handmaid’s Tale premieres on April 28. It’s been awhile since we’ve seen June and her dystopian world. In fact, it’s been so long that our own world decided to endure its own dystopian pandemic in the meantime. Hopefully this series’ return will mean we can keep our political and social collapses on television where they belong.
Aside from The Handmaid’s Tale, Hulu isn’t brining much else to the table in terms of originals this month. Thankfully, the one other original that Hulu has in store for April sounds completely righteous. Sasquatch, the latest docuseries from the Duplass brothers producing team, will cover exactly what the title promises. This three-part series heads off to the Pacific Northwest for a tale about an elicit pot farm and the possibility that three men were viciously murdered by Big Foot on it. Sign us up!
Library titles for Hulu in April 2021 are also pretty thin. But April 1 does feature the arrival Mad Max (1980) and Die Hard (1988). Then April 28 sees the arrival of…well, Arrival (2016). Those aren’t bad streaming options in case the weather in April decides to not be spring-like.
Hulu New Releases – April 2021
April 1 Amy Schumer Learns to Cook: Complete Season 1 (Food Network) Caribbean Life: Complete Seasons 18 & 19 (HGTV) Chopped: Complete Season 44 (Food Network) Chopped Sweets: Complete Season 1 (Food Network) Christina On The Coast: Complete Season 2 (HGTV) Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives: Complete Seasons 34 & 35 (Food Network) Doubling Down with the Derricos: Complete Season 1 (TLC) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition: Complete Season 1 (HGTV) Guy’s Grocery Games: Complete Season 22 (Food Network) Naked and Afraid XL: Complete Season 6 (Discovery) Say Yes to the Dress: Complete Season 19 (TLC) Tournament of Champions: Complete Season 1 (Food Network) Undercover Billionaire: Complete Season 1 (Discovery) UniKitty: Complete Season 3 (Cartoon Network) Vegas Chef Prizefight: Complete Season 1 (Food Network) Worst Cooks in America: Complete Season 18 (Food Network) Higurashi: When They Cry: Season 1, Epsiodes 1-12 (DUBBED) (Funimation) 2012 (2009)    28 Days Later (2003)   A Hologram for the King (2016)         A Low Down Dirty Shame (1994)       A Simple Plan (1998)  The Abyss (1989)        Before We Go (2015)  Bug (2007)      Bulworth (1998)          Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)  Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter (1974)        Changing Lanes (2002)           Chappaquiddick (2017)           Chato’s Land (1972)    Cheech & Chong’s Still Smokin’ (1983)           Cohen and Tate (1989)           The Color Purple (1985)         The Dead Zone (1983) The Devil’s Double (2011)      Devil in a Blue Dress (1995)    Die Hard (1988)          Die Hard With A Vengeance (1995)   Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988)          Dude, Where’s My Car? (2000)          Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) Frankie & Alice (2014) Friends With Benefits (2011)  Garden State (2004)   The Gift (2000)            Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003)          Guess Who (2005)      Hancock (2008)           The Hunting Party (1971)       In The Mix (2005)        Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport (2000)   Lady in a Cage (1964) Larry The Cable Guy: Health Inspector (2006)           Life Of Crime (2014)   Live Free Or Die Hard (2007)  Mad Max (1980)         Madea Goes To Jail (Theatrical Feature) (2009)        The Man Who Could Cheat Death (1959)      The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)   Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2004)  Monster’s Ball (2001) Motel Hell (1980)        Napoleon Dynamite (2004)    Never Back Down (2008)        New in Town (2009)   Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (2009)       The Out-Of-Towners (1999)   The Pawnbroker (1964)          Platoon (1986)            The Polar Express (2004)        The Preacher’s Wife (1996)    The Program (1993)    Ramona and Beezus (2009)    The Replacement Killers (1998)          Rio (2011)       The Sandlot (1993)     Scary Movie 4 (2006)  Sex And The City (2008)          Sex And The City 2 (2010)       Shaft (2000)    Shrek 2 (2002) The Skull (1965)          Sleeping With The Enemy (1991)       Sliver (1993)    So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) Star Trek: Generations (1994) Step Up Revolution (2012)     The Sum of All Fears (2002)    That Thing You Do! (1996)      The Upside (2017)      Vanilla Sky (2001)       Virtuosity (1995)         Waiting to Exhale (1995)        War (2007)      Warriors of Virtue (1997)       What About Bob? (1991)        Where the Heart Is (2000)      Young Sherlock Holmes (1985)          
April 2 WEWORK: OR THE MAKING AND BREAKING OF A $47 BILLION UNICORN : Documentary Premiere (Hulu Original) Law & Order: Organized Crime: Series Premiere (NBC) Manifest: Season 3 Premiere (NBC) The Moody’s: Season 2 Finale (Fox) Real Housewives of New York City: Complete Season 12 (Bravo)
April 3 Hysterical: Series Premiere (FX) Blair Witch (2016)       
April 5 Girl (2020)       
April 7 Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World: Season 1, Epsiodes 1-12 (DUBBED) (Funimation)
April 8 Home Economics: Series Premiere (ABC)
April 9 Everything’s Gonna Be Okay: Season 2 Premiere (Freeform) Rebel: Series Premiere (ABC) The Standard (2020)   Stars Fell on Alabama (2021)
April 10 The Day I Became a God: Season 1, Epsiodes 1-12 (DUBBED) (Funimation) Desierto (2015)           Knuckledust (2020)     
April 12 Paranormal Activity 4 (2012)  Spontaneous (2020)   
April 15        Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Complete Season 10 (Bravo)
April 16      Fly Like A Girl (2020)   Songbird (2020)
April 17      Modern Persuasion (2020)     Thelma (2017)
April 20   Sasquatch: Documentary Series Premiere (Hulu Original)
April 21  Cruel Summer: Series Premiere (Freeform)
April 22   GRETA THUNBERG: A YEAR TO CHANGE THE WORLD: Documentary Premiere (PBS)
April 23        The Place of No Words (2020)           
April 25       Wild Mountain Thyme (2021)
April 26   The Oscars Red Carpet Show: Special (ABC) The 93rd Oscars: Special (ABC)
April 28   The Handmaid’s Tale: Season 4 Premiere (Hulu Original) Arrival (2016)  
April 30      The Judge (2014)
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Leaving Hulu – April 2021
April 27 Our Idiot Brother (2011)
April 30 50/50 (2011) 9 to 5 (1980) Affliction (1998) Article 99 (1992) Beloved (1998) Bloody Sunday (2002) Blow (2001) Body of Evidence (1993) Changing Lanes (2002) Chato’s Land (1972) Cocktail (1988) Cohen and Tate (1989) Crimes Of The Heart (1987) Damien – Omen II (1978) Devil in a Blue Dress (1995) Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988) The Dukes of Hazzard (2005) Escape from Alcatraz (1979) Everything Must Go (2011) Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell (1974) From Hell (2001) G.I. Jane (1997) Garfield (2004) Gargoyles: Wings of Darkness (2004) Happy Tears (2010) The Haunting In Connecticut (2009) The Haunting In Connecticut 2: Ghosts Of Georgia (2013) Hitman’s Run (1999) How Do You Know (2010) The Hunting Party (1971) The January Man (1989) Jennifer 8 (1992) Jumping The Broom (2011) The Last Waltz (1978) Mad Max (1980) Madea Goes To Jail (Theatrical Feature) (2009) Mafia! (Jane Austen’s) (1998) The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2004) Motel Hell (1980) Mousehunt (1997) My Best Friend’S Girl (2008) Never Back Down (2008) Ninja Assassin (2009) The Omen (1976) (1976) Only God Forgives (2013) Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2009) Platoon (1986) Pretty Woman (1990) The Prince Of Tides (1991) The Replacement Killers (1998) Sands of Iwo Jima (1950) Shaft (2000) The Shootist (1976) Sideways (2004) Strategic Air Command (1955) The Taking Of Pelham 1 2 3 (2009) Teresa’s Tattoo (1994) That Thing You Do! (1996) Two Weeks (2006) Waking Ned Devine (1998) Walking Tall (1973) Warriors of Virtue (1997) What About Bob? (1991) The Whole Nine Yards (2000) Wonder Boys (2000) X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) Young Adult (2011)
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sharesneakers1 · 3 years
Jordan Shoes, Attire & Accessories
In 2011 the Air Jordan VII noticed releases within the "Orion" and "Bordeaux" colorways. The shoe was retro-ed in 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008–2012, and 2015–2017.
The Air Jordan XI is certainly one of the hottest Air Jordan in the sequence and has released almost ritualistically each December since 2008, selling out in minutes. With the Air Jordan XI being one of the in style Jordan, provide is very limited and would cause followers to line up outdoors of shops earlier than releases. Air Jordan III1988Originally launched in 1988, in 2009 the Jordan Brand reintroduced the highly sought after Air Jordan III in the True Blue colorway. It was an international-only launch, which means they were not sold within the US. In 2011, the model released a Black History Month Air Jordan III colorway in commemoration of the thirty fifth anniversary of Black History Month. Also, the identical yr saw the release of the "True Blue" III on June four. This pair options "Nike Chi" branding on the heel, changing the normal "Nike Air" branding.
This was the first design by Tinker Hatfield, athlete and architect turned sneaker taste-maker. The OG Air Jordan, this was the very first Nike shoe to be sported by MJ on the court docket and the only one you’ll discover with the Nike Swoosh—two reasons why it’s indisputably one of the best Jordan footwear in existence. Throughout the remainder of his profession, Michael Jordan continued to inspire the world.
The Air Jordan IX has been the shoe chosen to adorn Jordan's toes for his statue exterior of the United Center in Chicago. Air Jordan V Air Force One FusionThis package is the only original colorway of the Air Jordan V model that was not launched within the last round of re-releases. Like the Air Jordan V model, the outsole is a mix of black and clear rubber; there is not any seen air sole unit in these sneakers. The shoe a rubber loop within the back, middle upright cotton jumpman, rubber tongue, and the lace lock first was brought in an infrared colorway. Air Jordan XXI2006The Air Jordan XXI mannequin of footwear was designed by D'Wayne Edwards and impressed by sport touring vehicles. The shoe options lower-foot air grilles, double-overlasted Phylon midsole, a carbon fiber shank plate and a seamless diamond-quilted booty.
The AJ IX was released during a period when MJ was taking his first of three breaks from basketball, trying his hand at minor league baseball instead. The XV was the final sneaker to be designed by Tinker Hatfield and whereas MJ by no means truly wore it on the court, it stays a notable addition to the footwear line. The hottest colourway of this model is the Last Shot, a black-red combo immortalised when MJ wore them for his winning shot in Game 6 of the 1998 NBA Finals. With these nods to high-end trend , this unique sneaker was one of many first to straddle the worlds of sportswear and the pink carpet. The Air Jordan II can undoubtedly be worn with a tux and can be out there as a pair of low prime Jordans.
Some of the most popular collaborations to date embrace Virgil Abloh and his model Off-White, Don C and his brand Just Don, Supreme. Air Jordan is well known for reaching out to music artists, having them help create a novel Air Jordan to name their very own. These embrace celebrities like DJ Khaled, Eminem, J Balvin, Justin Timberlake, Drake, and Joy from Red Velvet. After a collaboration with Nike on its Air Force One in 2017, rapper Travis Scott partnered with Jordan Brand to design Cactus Jack iterations of the Air Jordan 1, Air Jordan 4 and Air Jordan 6. Nike owns not certainly one of the factories where Air Jordans are produced and contracts the work to varied manufacturing facility house owners. However, Nike dictates production phrases and requirements to the contractor, typically without questioning labor or safety practices.
The shoes received extra media exposure when Jordan wore the Air Jordan XI mannequin within the 1996 animated film Space Jam. These footwear were finally launched in 2000 and re-released in 2009 with the nickname "Space Jams." The harmony purple was changed to royal blue for the released variations of the shoe.
Some of the colorways released in low version are buckets, Chicago bulls, UNC, and infrared. Air Jordan XIV1997Inspired by the Ferrari 550 M which Michael Jordan owned, the Air Jordan XIV was originally launched from 1997 to 1999. It was re-released in 2005, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2012 and 2014–2018.The Air Jordan XIV co-styled by Hatfield and Mark Smith was made race ready and equipped with the Jordan Jumpman insignia on a Ferrari shaped badge. In addition, these shoes embrace breathable air ducts on the outer sole. Jordan wore the Air Jordan XI on the best way to serving to the Chicago Bulls claim the 1995–96 NBA Championship. He additionally wore the XI white Columbia colorway in the 1996 NBA All-Star Game and was selected MVP of the game.
The first-ever pair of Air Jordans had been released to the general public on April 1st, 1985, following a partnership between Nike and now world-famous basketball icon Michael Jordan. The XXXV DNA options the brand’s exposed Eclipse Plate 2.zero, which extends up into the shoe’s higher, offering energy return, stability, and cushioning.
It additionally has a tenable I.P.S. suspension system that lets the wearer select between Zoom and Encapsulated air. It was retro-ed in 2008.The Air Jordan XXI was launched on television by the "Second Generation" commercial.
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plcstic · 4 years
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The popular Disney Channel TV series Mona Dakota chronicled the adventures of a teenage girl who moves from New York City to Malibu, California, and lives a double life as a pop star. The show helped make a star of Chloe Love, who played Chloe Lawrence and Mona and was a zeitgeist in the second teen-pop invasion. Mona Dakota’s -- and Love’s -- success was reflected on the charts: The show's soundtracks, which included 2009's Best Of Both Worlds and 2012's Mona Dakota: The Movie, made her the youngest performer to have four chart-topping albums (15). On songs such as the multi-platinum hit "The Climb," she bridged the pop sound of her Disney contemporaries with nods to her country and rock roots, a perfect fit for her already powerful vocal chops.
Chloe caught the acting bug in 2004 after seeing a production of Mama Mia!, and made her debut with a supporting role in Aquamarine (2006). That year, she also snagged a lead role in the Andrew Fleming film Nancy Drew followed by 2008′s Wildchild. With her mother acting as her manager, Love connected with agent L.A. Reid, who helped her score auditions for projects including Mona Dakota. She won the lead role in the Disney Channel TV series, and Mona Dakota became an instant hit when it debuted the following March. The show's first soundtrack appeared in October 2009, around the time that Love hit the road with another Disney pop act, the Cheetah Girls.
Over the next few years, Mona Dakota's popularity continued to grow. In June 2009, the show's theme song, "The Best of Both Worlds," was released as a single that peaked at number 92 on the Billboard Hot 100 Singles chart that August. The second Mona Dakota full-length, Mona Dakota 2: Nobody’s Perfect, appeared in June 2010. It reached the top of the Billboard 200 Albums chart a month later, marking her second number one album in a row. Later in the year, she embarked on the Pumpin’ Up The Party Tour. The concert film Pumpin’ Up The Party Tour and its soundtrack appeared that December, with the album reaching number three on the Billboard 200 Albums chart. A year later Love was shooting Mona Dakota: The Movie. Mona Dakota: The Movie was released in March 2012 and its soundtrack peaked at number one on the Billboard 200 Albums chart, making the 15-year-old Love the youngest performer to have four chart-topping albums. Meanwhile, the soundtrack's lead single -- the country-pop ballad "The Climb" -- became one of the year's most omnipresent songs, giving Love her second multi-platinum hit. In 2012, Mona Dakota filmed its final season, and Mona Dakota Forever followed in October of that year.
Mona Dakota: Best Of Both Worlds is the soundtrack album for the first season of the television series Mona Dakota. The program itself premiered through the Disney Channel on March 20, 2010; after becoming an immediate commercial success, production on its soundtrack began the following month. The soundtrack was promoted during the Cheetah Girls’ Party’s Just Began Tour, for which Chloe served as an opening act, and her own Best of Both World Tour. 
Mona Dakota 2: Nobody’s Perfect serves as the soundtrack for the second season of Mona Dakota. The album was further promoted by her first headlining concert tour, the Best of Both Worlds Tour as well as the Pumpin’ Up The Party Tour. The soundtrack debuted at number one in the US, with first-week sales of 325,000 copies.
Mona Dakota: Pumpin’ Up The Party Live is a concert album released alongside the tour DVD for the accompanying tour. The album debuted at number 3 on the Billboard 200.
Mona Dakota 3: Supergirl is the soundtrack album for the third season of Mona Dakota. The soundtrack received generally favorable reviews from music critics, who appreciated the combination of upbeat tracks and mid-tempo ballads. It debuted at number two on the Billboard 200, selling 137,000 copies in it’s first week.
Mona Dakota: The Movie is the soundtrack for the film of the same name. The soundtrack received generally favorable reviews from music critics, who appreciated the combination of upbeat tracks and mid-tempo ballads. It debuted at number two on the Billboard 200, selling 137,000 copies in it’s first week. Love performs twelve of the songs on the album, seven of which are credited to Mona Dakota, including “The Climb” which would become a signature Love song.
THE CLIMB: #4, 5X PLATINUM, 12,735,000 WW
HOEDOWN THROWDOWN: #18, 2,455,000 WW
Mona Dakota Forever is the soundtrack album for the fourth and final season of Mona Dakota. Although the show was projected to last for up to six seasons, Chloe’s relationship with Disney began to sour and she lost interest in continuing the show. Love allegedly didn’t show up for the album’s cover shoot which is why the soundtrack cover work is the only from the franchise without her face. Due to Love’s uncooperation to promote the new material the album debuted at no. 11 on the Billboard 200; an all-time low for the artist, as no previous album of new material released by Love had failed to reach the top ten. First week sales for the album were projected to be around 28,000, which is over 109,000 less than the previous year's release.
20,822,000 ALBUMS SOLD WW
31,713,000 SINGLES SOLD WW
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