#the least those kinds of people can do is properly educate
ohsalome · 7 months
the intention of comparing the reaction to Palestine vs Ukraine is typically not to criticize Ukrainian victims of war. The criticism is directed at American spectators, because the people in power here are insanely anti Palestinian but have made overtures to help Ukraines resistance efforts despite comparable situations. Regular citizens also mostly support Ukraine but many hate Palestinians. People are just comparing palestine to Ukraine as a point of reference to try to make those people understand.
As kindly as possible, I do not think you can educate people out of islamophobia by appealing to their conscience, at the very least because if they had one they wouldn't be islamophobic in the first place.
And when it comes to people in power, appealing to their empathy in the case with Palestine is fruitless because the help Ukraine got wasn't motivated by emotion either. I do not expect you to know the history of current russo-ukrainian war well, so you probably don't know that the western world was perfectly happy to watch russia roll all over us punishment-free as long as they felt that other "properly european countries" won't be involved. Russia has been butchering us since 2014, and nobody gave a fuck about it. Even during the first few weeks of the full-scale invasion NATO refused to send us any military help, because they expected us to fall and were okay with it.
The current support we have did not fall on us from the sky by the graceful kindness of "our american overlords" - it is a consequence of the cumulative effort of our diplomats, pre-existing agreements with NATO countries, and the economical ripples the full-scale war caused (Ukraine being one of the major world exporters of grain being one of the most relevant).
This is why, sadly Palestine cannot follow the Ukrainian scenario of foreign support. The surrounding circumstances of both of our wars are way to different, and while it is easy to ignore them while making simplistic quick-dopamine-hit posts on hellbr dot com, they do influence the real-world situation on the ground. Which is what posts like the one I replied to do - they create a no-nuance misinformed image of the war in Ukraine. Which amplifies the problem even more, because even though "most americans" can agree on a generic "war in Ukraine bad", their idea of what is going on here is hugely misinformed as it is. And this has harmful real-life consequences on which our very survival depends.
Look. I understand that the war between Palestine and Israel has been going on for decades. I understand that there are many contexts that are obvious to the people in the respective countries that I am oblivious to by the virtue of never being there and not speaking arabic nor hebrew. I understand that there is a lot of propaganda that I may accidentally spread out of my ignorance, and therefore I try to be careful to avoid doing so, out of respect to the people living there. So why is it too much to ask you to give the same respect to us?
Like I have said before, the biggest issue with that infographic post is that it spreads misinformation. In the simplest of terms, misinformation is bad. People are trying to do any smallest thing to help Palestinians - who are currently barely surviving in inhumanely horrifying conditions - and out of ignorance they are spreading anti-ukrainian propaganda. Downplaying the number of ukrainian victims (and, as a result, making russian war crimes look "not as bad") is anti-ukrainian propaganda. Making it seem as we are getting "too much american help" is anti-ukrainian propaganda, because USA is our biggest military exporter, and getting less ammo/vehicles/etc will have catastrophic effect on the amount of death.
Which is why am not staying silent on this, even if your collective intentions are noble and good. Because, I will repeat myself again, your intentions do not matter if the consequences of your actions are harmful. And if (a) comparing Ukraine and Palestine is uneffective; (b) it portrays your ignorance of either one or both of the wars; and (c) simultaneously with spreading support for the palestinian cause you are spreading harmful anti-ukrainian pro-russian propaganda, I do not think it is too much to ask you to stop.
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matan4il · 6 months
To the lovely American Nonnie, who told me that all antisemitism is bad, but leftist antisemitism is the worst because "they are being protected and celebrated. By media, pop culture, and academia. With no middle ground," I agree. The anti-Israel type of antisemitism is, without a doubt, the most socially accepted kind. It's the only kind that someone can spew, and get publicly applauded. The only kind where someone can celebrate the massacre of Jews, and either there are no consequences to that, or there finally are, and then that person and their supporters can pretend they're a martyr, being "persecuted" for being "critical of Israel," when in reality legit criticism of Israel is a very different thing to bias against the only Jewish state, and that person is just another Jew hater.
But I don't think it's just that.
I think it's also the fact that most antisemites are at least honest about hating Jews. The anti-Israel type of antisemitism tries to pretend it's not Jew hatred. So you'll get the hypocrisy of wishing Jews a Happy Hanukkah, a Zionist holiday, while attacking Zionism, and claiming it's incompatible with Judaism. Or you'll have people telling you how important it is to them to combat antisemitism, then they'll turn around and spit out leftist antisemitic conspiracy theories, that instead of saying Jews use the blood of non-Jewish kids to bake matzos, claim the Jewish state only sent a field hospital to Haiti after the earthquake, to harvest human organs. Or they'll proudly announce they're not antisemitic, and to "prove" it, they'll tokenize Jews, which is an antisemitic act in itself. And the worst is when they won't even listen to Jews who tell them that they're being antisemitic, or worse, they'll claim Zionism is antisemitic, which would make 90% of Jews, as well as the Bible itself, antisemitic. It's gaslighting Jews and non-Jews on what is Judaism and what is antisemitic. Other types of antisemites don't do that.
I also think this kind of antisemitism is particularly infuriating, because of the deep discrepancy between the values the left is supposed to stand for, and how they abandon those values when it comes to Jews. "Believe all women!" suddenly isn't applied when Israeli Jewish women are mass raped. "Violence is never the answer! Taking a human life is always wrong!" Then suddenly when Israeli Jews are massacred, and we get explanations on why violence is legit if people are occupied, even when it's translated into mass murder.
And lastly, there's the discrimination, because the left would never treat any other marginalized group the way it does Jews. "Don't speak over a minority group! Listen to their lived experiences!" Then a Jew tries to explain why anti-Zionism is antisemitic, and suddenly all the non-Jew leftists are bigger experts than us on Jewish history and and hatred of Jews, and we're not listened to when we talk about our persecution in the Middle East pre-modern Zionism (meaning the persecution and repeated massacres of Jews in the Middle East is being denied, in a way no one on the left would dare deny, for example, that the transatlantic slave trade happened), or how much anti-Zionism threatens non-Israeli Jews. "Educate yourself" is a common call, but no one feels the need to properly educate themselves on Jewish history, identity and native rights, or worse, they read propaganda from anti-Israel sources only, and think that's the same as educating themselves, as if when they're about to write about any other marginalized group, they would only take in the "education" of those that the group says hate it. "Ethnic cleansing is the worst!" the left says, while chanting slogans that, at the very least, call for the ethnic cleansing of Jews from the Jewish ancestral homeland, and no one gives a damn about us when we point this out. "None of us is free until all of us are free!" goes the intersectionalist call of the left, but Jews are excluded from that. No one cares about modern Zionism being our liberation movement, and we are sometimes physically removed from spaces that are supposed to be dedicated to marginalized groups, as was done to my friend at the Chicago Dyke March, when she wanted to hold a Jewish pride flag, under the claim that the Jewish pride flag makes Palestinians at the march feel unsafe... How safe did queer Jews feel in that moment, or when learning about that incident? But no one cares.
Sending lots of hugs from Jerusalem to you, in the US! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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neurosharky · 3 months
The Parts of ASPD That You Don't See
This post will only contain my personal experience and opinion. It may not be applicable to every other person with ASPD and may likewise be relatable for people who do not have it.
This post aims to educate, provide insight and contribute to the diversity of ASPD experiences. It is not gonna try to excuse any harmful actions/beliefs, nor does it want to encourage others to imitate those.
Once again, this is just my own experience and does not speak for the whole community, nor is it a reflection of my actual current actions or how good of a person I am.
ASPD = Antisocial Personality Disorder
In my time as a mental health (and specifically ASPD) educator on instagram I have published a total of 65 ASPD themed posts and have written countless answers to peoples questions and rambles on my story and in my direct messages.
If you would read most of that, you would have a pretty good understanding of my ASPD symptoms and ways this condition affects me, but you would still be missing quite a bunch of things.
So this my attempt at showing you some things I have not talked about (at all or much) yet, in order to contribute to more accurate representation, as well as practising vulnerability:
1. Whenever I am confronted with someones suffering, misery, hurt, etc. my first thought is not kind or pleasant. Even if that person is my friend, my family member, or someone suffering from something I equally suffer from. My first thought will always be mean, insulting and full of blame towards the other person. In my head I will scream at you to be less sensitive, that its all your fault, that I wish you'd stop whining and bother someone else with it. If I do not feel like engaging with it at all, my next few thoughts will be equally mean and I will rationalize not having to help you or engage with you, until it looks like the most logical way for me to proceed.
2. If I do feel like engaging with someone who is suffering, or if I have to, in order to socialize, make friends, keep friends, etc. it takes a lot of effort and work for me to do it right. You will never see that effort and work, you will never be able to appreciate it and for that I despise you, even if its not your fault or responsibility. It makes me irrationally angry if people do not thank me properly for doing the bare minimum and do not appreciate me helping them, being kind and being a good friend. Being kind, for me, is keeping my ASPD at bay, like a rabid dog on a chain and doing the exact opposite of what my brain is telling me to do. I have to choose to do that every single day in every single moment, every single interaction, time and time again, while desiring a level of appreciation for it, that no one can ever fulfill. This makes it even harder to choose kindness again, because it does not give me what I yearn for, yet I do it, because at least I'll get something in return, even if it will never be enough.
3. I am not always able to handle my money responsibly. If you would leave me alone in a casino and I would start playing a game, I would not stop until I lose everything, because I already cannot stop myself from doing that in online games with game currency. Next to that I am incapable of stopping myself from buying something once I decided I want it. If I want something, I'll get it and I'll bad talk everything else, just so I get what I want. I can rationalize any purchase, so I actively have to avoid things where I know I couldn't control myself, as well as constantly remind myself that luxury isn't needed, even tho thats all I desire. ASPDs impulsivity, irresponsibility and the disregard for everything else, make it hard to keep myself in check and I despise not being in control of myself. On top of that it makes me irrationally angry to see people criticize the lifestyle I wanna have, despite knowing that they're theoretically right about the base thought.
4. I am angry at myself for being scared of things, for being incredibly soft at times, for needing a specific level of care, for needing help, for not being able to live entirely independently, for not having been more careful with my choices years ago, for having let people hurt me, for still being affected by my trauma, etc. In short I am angry with myself, for not actually being that cold ruthless genius my ASPD tried to make me. I feel as if I failed my own brain & by extension myself, by not even properly becoming what it wanted me to be. My brain tried to protect me and I couldn't even let it do that, because I just had to be a soft little baby and cling to certain parts of my childhood & personality. Part of this hatred is internalized ableism, but part of it is also just an inability to accept, that its okay to be like this now, because there is no longer a threat I need to be protected from and even if there was, I can do it on my own now.
5. Being in recovery and having moved on from some of my more harmful behaviours, beliefs and views, as well as being a little more responsible & knowledgable about social rules, also means, that I now get to look back on my childhood, teens and early adulthood and get to see all of the mistakes I made, that I previously could not see. I get to see all of the bad decisions, all of the ways in which I may have permanently harmed people and in their eyes I will forever be that person. I can't feel sorry for what I've done, I can't have emotional empathy with them, but I can still wish I had not done those things & fuck I wish I hadn't. I hate that for most of the people who have ever known me, I will be the villain in their story and I hate that if any of them were to ever publicly call me out, they would never be able to understand why I did what I did, how much I have changed and that none of it was ever personal (as well as that some things where I broke social rules were never even intentional). It partially terrifies me and partially makes me me wish I had known better (next to wishing I had never been damaged enough to do it in the first place).
6. It makes you feel so far removed from being human, when you just cannot do what everyone else does. I wish I could form deep bonds, I wish I could cry more, I wish I was emotionally moved by sad scenes & people passing, I wish I could love deeply, I wish I could be really passionately involved in fandoms, I wish I could feel happiness for others, I wish I could experience deep levels of guilt & shame so I know what its like to feel remorse...I just really wish I could be that deeply connected with other beings around me. I know its not always fun, I know its exhausting and I know it hurts and on most days I am glad I don't have to go trough that, but on some days I just crave being that level of human and wish I knew what its truly like, because no description will ever suffice. I know that I am still human, even if I have ASPD, but it just doesn't feel the same when you don't have access to a huge majority of the human social features, that are supposed to define us. Its lonely, its othering and it just sucks, even tho I can appreciate my brain trying to protect me.
That was just six things and I am running out of space, so heres an incomplete bullet point list with little to no explanation:
• the constant fight between survival & what it could be like if I truly tried to thrive
• receiving disgusted or weird looks in every conversation, because you are just so obviously different when you socialize and switching between being angry about it & terrified by it
• having way too many "well that could have hurt/k*lled me" moments, because little danger awareness & care for urself
• denying yourself parts of life, because your brain thinks they make you "weak" or you said you didn't care about them and now you can't let people see you care, because you know they'll make fun of it/you, which is why you developed a no care attitude in the first place
• people describing people like you as lazy, immature, not deserving of good things etc. and having that fuck with your progress, self esteem & identity
• knowing that people will always believe others over you, because you are the lying manipulating cunning guy, even when you tell the truth & knowing you can't do shit about it
first posted on my insta account (same @)
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sciderman · 3 months
Currently reading through the spiderpool blog and just finished the civil war era. That alternate timeline where Pete is an assassin, of course we know Ben is alive but what happens to that version Ben and May? I wonder if they know what he is doing and if they are still even apart of his life.
oh, anon. anon... it's a sad little tale,, it's a sad little story. i do imagine that this specific peter parker pursues his career of fame and fortune, and becomes vain and horrible. a real "talk to my agent!" kind of asshole.
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and initially, he still cares for uncle ben and aunt may. they're the only two people in the world who loved him properly. but... but. fame goes to his head. the old cliché. he's making bank, and – there's less urgency for him to stay to support aunt may because uncle ben's still around, so, peter kind of goes his own way. very quickly he can afford his own apartment by doing tv deals and very quickly he's signed on for a movie deal. he is hot shit.
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of course all of that fame and being so busy and being so secretive and spider-man's identity still being a secret to the public and to ben and may means that he ultimately grows distant from may and ben. he skips school to pursue fame, doesn't think he needs it. and i mean, the guy hates high school. it's a living hell for him. he's given an out - of course he'll take it. he doesn't graduate high school. doesn't get a college education. doesn't tell uncle ben and aunt may because obviously they wouldn't endorse him dropping out of school.
they wouldn't get it. they wouldn't understand. he becomes a mystery to them. they don't know where he goes, what's going on with him. he's barely home and then he, so very quietly, moves out with all the money he's made.
fame is fickle, though, and - spider-man doesn't capture peoples hearts for the long-term. spider-man doesn't inspire heroism in this world. he doesn't waste his effort on selfless deeds. he doesn't become a heroic figure. hence why wade doesn't join weapon x.
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the spider-man of this turn of events doesn't amount to more than a quick cash-grab, and the people are over him so quickly. people who worked with him realise he's kind of a jerk, and isn't even pulling in money anymore. spider-man becomes a has-been before he even reaches his twenties.
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so, this spider-man lives alone - can't face uncle ben and aunt may because he's quickly realising that yeah. he made the wrong choice. he dug his grave, and he has to lay in it. he's a drop-out, and he feels like peter parker is entirely worthless. he can barely look at himself in the mirror. at least as spider-man he has some power. some reputation. something. peter parker? peter parker disappeared off the face of the planet some years ago, and nobody knows who or where he is. peter parker is dead and neglected. there's no future for peter parker. so he builds a life with the skills that he has, as spider-man. he does what he's good at. becomes hired muscle. becomes hired muscle for anyone that can pay his rates. those are usually bad guys.
he falls deeper and deeper into that rabbit hole. and the further he falls, the harder it is for him to conceive he could ever come back to uncle ben and aunt may and have them welcome and accept him, with all the mistakes he's made.
unfortunately, in this particular timeline - as bex and i'd plotted it out for the alt!verse fic where wade winds up trapped with this sad, isolated peter parker - it still takes uncle ben dying to destroy peter's barricades and have him finally reach out to aunt may, in his way. first distantly offering her financial support before he, after months, eventually gains the courage to face her. and she can see the scars on his face.
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i think it kind of universally takes uncle ben dying for peter to learn "great power great responsibility" - not as peter interprets or misinterprets it, but... the loss of uncle ben meaning peter recognising he has a responsibility to the people around him. he can't disappear from it. he can't isolate himself from it. when uncle ben passes, he finds out he has a responsibility to aunt may. that's kind of the whole thing, that's what great responsibility is. him filling uncle ben's shoes.
i think that's something i'm obsessed with - that peter knows that the loss of uncle ben means he needs to step up and fill ben's shoes, but he's still not entirely sure what it means. what he has to do to be able to fill that void that's left empty by ben's absence. what ben meant. what manhood means.
great responsibility is about manhood, and looking after the people you love. it's not - it's not about what you owe the world.
i think peter unfortunately has to learn that lesson the hard way, every time.
but, eventually, at some point, peter comes home.
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makeste · 8 months
BnHA Volume 36 - Reaction Journey Part 2
continuing on our journey following yesterday’s volume 35 post! some more out-of-context random bullet point reactions taken from my reaction posts for each chapter. the full reactions for each chapter will go up eventually once I finish my manga catch-up marathon (currently at chapter 367).
spoiler warning: just fyi, this post will obviously feature spoilers for chapters 350-362, BUT it will also include a couple of stray spoilers from chapter 403 as well, so just a heads up for that if you aren’t fully caught up!
Chapter 351
friends, we are about to embark upon the most dramatic, theatrical, Shakespearean disaster of a fight this series has ever witnessed. brace yourselves
yes Shouto, that’s just cuz he literally doesn’t feel pain and doesn’t care if he lives or dies :’)
actually come to think of it, he hasn’t attacked once so far. not even the usual giant ice wall opener move. he’s definitely got something up his sleeve. but my god man in the meantime this is hard to watch
sorry Touya, but as justified as your grudge against Enji might be, your grudge against Shouto? not so much. I get it, life handed Shouto the keys to your dream life and he had the audacity to say he didn’t want to drive. but Shouto is allowed to make his own choices, and want his own things. for that matter, so are you. but you’re just stuck. gah. it’s so frustrating and yet the psychology of it is so incredibly compelling
“I might not have the clearest sense of my own identity, but at least I didn’t kill 30 people” fjdsjd gottem
“phosphor” is such a next-level attack name. pretty sure it has more to do with light than fire/heat, but with as white-hot as this attack looks to be, I get it and it definitely works
Chapter 352
love that Kaminari’s instinct when seeing this giant flaming X on Shouto’s chest is to immediately poke it. repeatedly. while Shouto just stands there and vibrates uncomfortably
finally!! a proper half-cold-half-hot ultimate supermove!! though I still don’t quite understand how “making fire that doesn’t actually burn things” is going to help in a battle in any kind of way. BUT I CAN’T WAIT TO BE PROPERLY EDUCATED
he’s thanking Deku. for helping him start to discover his true self all those eons ago. what a sweet sweet boy
omg here it comes ULTIMATE MOVE YESSSS
fuck. okay, yeah. if you give me a shounen character reminiscing over his hard-earned personal growth, and feeling profound gratitude toward his friends who helped him get this far, and then you suddenly hit me with the crying little kid panels to remind us of who these two characters really are, at the end of the day, once you strip away all the rest of it. you show me little baby Touya who’s just desperate to be loved and validated and acknowledged. and you show me little baby Shouto who understands his brother’s feelings completely, and doesn’t want to actually be here doing this, but knows that he has to because there’s no one else who can. if you go ahead and show me all of that!! well then!! I mean, good fucking job!! you knew exactly what you were doing!! well done!! you got the tears again so well done to you!! lmao
Chapter 353
okay is every single person here trying to jinx themselves now?? you guys do realize how absurdly lucky you are that Shouto finished his epic battle in the span of only 2 chapters? are you trying to draw more misfortune to yourselves??
“hey guys! great news, Todoroki already finished his fight” fdfklskf Kacchan’s gonna fucking lose it lmao. to say nothing of poor Deku who’s still busy hurtling across the Pacific
lol what. he’s wearing a shirt collar and suit jacket as pants. and he’s got weird carpet hair and a disquietingly sexy face. AND FLOWER POWER?? who, is this, and why has it taken us 353 chapters to meet him. OR HER??? GENDER-AMBIGUOUS ON TOP OF EVERYTHING ELSE. YOUR FIGHT BETTER BE COOL AS HELL YOU WEIRDO
how is Spinner actually TWENTY FEET TALL NOW??? like, that earlier panel wasn’t actually a fluke or something, that was actually happening?? you smashed a bridge to pieces?!? somehow you’re a Kaijuu now???
this seriously cannot be it though, especially since Iida didn’t even get to do anything. and I really, really, really fucking hate how nervous it’s making me noooo whyyyy
Chapter 354
there is no possible way anything Endeavor tries here will actually work. he’s giving off so many dead man walking vibes right now and I am not okay
Hawks is shouting at him lol. “remember what happened to All Might in Kamino!” for real though! how do they keep falling for it??
oh my god what a sickening realization. to learn that the reason you never found your child was that he was taken. not killed, but taken. that it was never even an accident at all, but deliberate. he was targeted and hurt and taken because of you. and the man responsible for it is standing right here in front of you
what’s AFO even going to do to them lol. I would love to see AFO stumble around and try to come up with some big intimidating weak-point-attacking speech for Tokoyami “The Darkness Is Where I Make My Home” Fumikage. he would probably love it. just sit there hungrily lapping it all up. “no but please keep telling me more about how tormented my soul is, this is great”
Chapter 355
I can’t believe Jirou and Tokoyami are about to fight god
I love Tokoyami and Hawks’s relationship so, so much. there’s just so much trust between the two of them. like on the surface it might seem like Hawks keeps underestimating Tokoyami every step of the way. but in reality it’s more that Hawks, being a former child soldier himself, is extremely reluctant to subject someone else to that, regardless of whether the circumstances are the same, and regardless of how capable Tokoyami keeps proving himself to be. yet another example of Hawks being continuously forced to walk a razor-thin line between decisions that he can live with, and decisions that will actually keep him alive. Tokoyami is a phenomenally powerful fighter, and his presence here absolutely helps tip the scales in their favor. but it’s also an insanely dangerous place for him to be, and so of course Hawks doesn’t want him here
meanwhile on Tokoyami’s end, he started out simply wanting to prove himself to Hawks, but once Hawks opened up to him, his exasperation almost immediately gave way to admiration and respect. and then he almost lost him at Jakku, and I think that really did a number on him, and so he’s so attached to and protective of him now. and I think that in turn has caused Hawks to try and keep his distance a little more, both because he has no idea how to deal with that emotionally, and because he doesn’t want Toko getting hurt. it’s such a delightfully complex relationship and I want to hold it and protect it with everything I have
lol he is REALLY cheesed about her showing him up in the previous chapter. definitely took it personally
I’m getting so many Bakugou vibes from this. legit getting chills over here. “shut your stupid mouth already.” she recognized the small dick energy a mile away
Chapter 356
it’s okay to admit you just suck and are getting your ass whooped by Hawks and the sixteen-year-olds
what are you, a Zelda boss?? so he’s got a fucking phase 2 now?? WHY ARE YOU THE MOST ANNOYING MAN
anyways, wow. after getting COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY shown up by newly minted main character Jirou Kyouka, Endeavor got his moment after all. whatever else he may be, he’s a damn good fucking hero. and if anyone deserves to get punched so hard they burst into flames, it’s AFO, so yeah
Chapter 357
what a sassy little birb. like how he now has the sexy soon-to-be scar as well! you are now officially a Todoroki
fff Endeavor please don’t die :|!!!!
please zap AFO’s other hand!!! I am getting so freaking anxious right now. he’s either gonna win it all here or else something terrible is about to happen
Chapter 358
did TomurAFO really just slap a huge chunk of the iconic U.A. school building to pieces with his disgusting infinityhands all unceremoniously just like that. is nothing sacred anymore. what are you gonna do next?? kill off the most popular character??
“so anyway here’s 1000 words on why me becoming a despot is actually a good thing” dude just shut up and get back to slapping shit already
magnificent. inspired. I can’t believe this child is going to be fucking dead like three chapters from now (˘̩̩̩ε˘̩ƪ)
Chapter 359
is this dude actually livestreaming the battle
bitch he’s going toe to toe with the final villain while you’re down in the basement making a Tiktok. you are not the same
his arm is literal splinters right now and all he cares about is that TomurAFO wasn’t impressed with his new cluster move :’’’’) it’s okay. it’s okay this is fine
this is literally Aizawa’s worst nightmare. greatest fear come to life. one of his students is hurt and in danger and he can’t do anything. Shirakumo all over again. Bakugou is about to die right in front of him and he’s so fucking desperate but he can’t do anything
omg. what a goated fucking chapter. Bakugou angst! Aizawa angst!! Aizawa Being Terrified Over An Imminent Threat to Bakugou’s Safety angst!! and to top it all off, “YOU’RE CLOSER TO MIDORIYA IZUKU THAN ANYONE AND THAT’S WHY I’M ABOUT TO MAKE YOU SUFFER” angst. hoooooooooooly shit
Chapter 360
so he’s literally just. torturing him. just fucking around. wow
Studio Bones is gonna have to utilize some sort of AI program to autogenerate these hand things for all their fight scenes. I feel really sorry for that AI and I just hope that it doesn’t somehow develop sentience and take revenge on us all. it would be within its rights to do so
why was this man not our vanguard. why, when we lost our trump card in the first ten seconds of the fight, did it not occur to a single person that, WELL HEY, SINCE IT LOOKS LIKE THE DEKU THING MIGHT NOT END UP WORKING OUT. WHAT IF WE JUST, YOU KNOW, MIRIO
welp. if anyone needs me. I’ll be in my room crying over fictional characters
Chapter 361
why do I feel like Mirio also got the strange, fleeting impression that he was talking to someone else other than TomurAFO for a moment there? he looks like he’s WEIRDED OUT AS ALL FUCK, but also genuinely sorry for offending him lol
I know I sound like a broken record here but Tamaki, not allowed to die, etc. etc. just so we’re clear Horikoshi. I don’t trust you to remember!!
Chapter 362
oh my GOD WHY DOES MY HEART ALREADY HURT SO MUCH aaaaugh I’m not going to survive this am I. Kacchan we’ll die together
Jeanist’s eyes are so wide and he’s using his quirk and telling Katsuki to stop. he knows. what tipped you off. was it the “take care of everyone” while standing up with sudden terrifying purpose even though he’s already half-dead. was it that. it was that wasn’t it
that’s it. it’s over. Horikoshi’s won. it’s all fucking over we never stood a fucking chance in hell
Kacchan’s face, when he’s not scrunching it up in a glare, or a frown, or grinning like a homicidal maniac, never ceases to just effortlessly slip past every last one of my defenses. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, he just looks so freaking young. like the schoolboy he in fact is. far, far too young to be caught up in a war and facing his own imminent death
seeing him like this now, in his own mental landscape, where he’s free to be himself, and seeing how much of a difference it makes in his demeanor almost immediately, just hits me real fucking hard. he was just way too hard on himself. and he never let himself ask for the autograph because he never felt like he fully earned it, and now it’s too late (or so he thinks), and just. guh
Kacchan dying with that much regret in his heart is not fucking okay and I wanna fight a man about it even though it didn’t even actually wind up happening sob
I love, and hate, that every single other hero there actually did try to stop it. they just weren’t fast enough. god
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the-travelling-witch · 2 months
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Name: Cheron von Blocksberg
Homeland: Hell
Dorm: Diasomnia
Class: 3-C
Age: 18(ish)
Height: 192 cm w/o horns
Club: Had trouble picking but ended in the Science Club
Best Subject: Ancient Curses & Practical Magic
Hobbies: Studying magic, reading, fashion
Pet peeves: His wings getting caught on door frames… just build more arched gateways, mortals
Favourite food: The souls of the damned… just kidding, it’s lasagna
Least favourite food: Anything too sweet and tacky
Talent: Getting under people’s skin (without the teachers noticing)
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Cheron von Blocksberg, the Prince of Hell, cuts an imposing figure befitting his position. Even if his height doesn’t manage to impress, his leathery wings and the pair of thick horns crowning his head, paired with his sharp claws and fangs, are enough to have people backing away from him. The crimson ends of his dark hair, reminiscent of hell fire, and the blazing intensity of his ruby and golden eyes do not help in making him more approachable. One look at him makes it apparent why he was sorted into the dorm based on the Thorn Fairy’s spirit of nobility.
Coming to Night Raven College is more of an excuse to leave the bleak and lifeless planes of his home. Considering his status, his education growing up was already pretty all encompassing, so his life at NRC is more about entertaining himself by toying with the living souls around him and seeing what he can tempt them into. Cheron’s not exactly hostile but some of their reactions are just so funny, he can’t help himself at times. Before coming to NRC, he wasn’t quite sure how much the living would differ from the damned but it turns out you can talk circles around them all the same; all the better for a silver tongued demon like him.
Unlike others, he doesn’t go around flaunting his power, though he will put people in their place if necessary. Besides, it’s not like he has to go around making people more aware of how threatening he can be; his title, high grades and the gossip going around campus do that for him. Despite his charming and easy-going smile, most people like to keep him at arm’s length, just like his housewarden. However, unlike Malleus, Cheron is actually present around campus and his mood can be rather unpredictable behind that amused expression of his, which makes people as wary of him as of Floyd.
Still, it’s not like he’s completely heartless, putting in some effort, especially for those who’ve earned his respect, and joking around most of the time. No, no, he is taking this seriously, trust him. After all, he is here to meet new people and build connections, and humans fascinate him. In his free time, he’s quite fond of researching old magic and even experimenting with altering and creating new ones. Some students have also reported seeing him pour over fashion magazines or with his nose stuck in a book.
“Hm? Oh you’re the Ramshackle Prefect, aren’t you? I’m Cheron, nice to meet you! Say, you must have some interesting stories to tell, I wouldn’t mind lending you my ear over a coffee some time. Just call me when you’re feeling chatty~”
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Relationship with other students:
Riddle - If there’s someone Riddle has to resist collaring as often as Floyd or Ace, it might be Cheron. Sure, in front of the teachers, the prince is a model student; always properly dressed, never late and on top of his coursework. But Riddle knows better. Calling Cheron an angel is like trying to convince him the sky is red. Yet, the Diasomnia student isn’t technically breaking any rules, always operating through some kind of loophole, which frustrates the Heartslabyul housewarden even more. Still, he’ll give credit where credit is due and silently commends his meticulousness and will to study.
Leona - If Leona had horns he could lock, it would probably happen more often than anyone would like. In a way, Cheron ticks him off more than the other lizard by the sole fact he has to see his face more often around campus. While Malleus is annoyingly oblivious at times and many of Leona’s taunts fall on deaf ears, Cheron returns them with interest each time. The lion prince isn’t sure if he prefers that, so he settles for not meeting the Diasomnia student more often than necessary.
Azul - At first Azul thought he might have struck big. Another Diasomnia prince from a distant land? One far off from living society? Perhaps if he was as clueless as Malleus or naïve as Kalim… In his conversation to test the waters, however, the octomer soon learnt he’d get burnt if he tried anything funny and has made a berth around Cheron since. Whenever he sees the demon with one of the tweels, he can feel a headache incoming.
Kalim - Cheron has seen more than enough souls who had to pay the ultimate price for their greed in the end, so when he heard the heir of the Al-Asim family would be joining NRC, he couldn’t help but be sceptical. Yet, he would admit, Kalim surprised him. Despite all of his wealth, greed was one of the least fitting words to describe him and Cheron could respect that. If you could fault Kalim for anything it was his naïveté but that was hardly a sin. So Cheron found himself being much more genuine with the second year than with others, no matter how distrustful Jamil was of him.
Vil - Vil tried not to get ahead of himself when he met Cheron the first time. Sure, he carried himself with grace and elegance befitting his position but he knew from experience with Leona and Malleus, that didn’t have to mean anything. Yet, the blond was positively surprised when Cheron maintained his pristine appearance and showed off his manners. And against all odds, the demon hit it off with Vil surprisingly well after commenting on the magazine the model was studying. Then again, Vil is one of the few people who have earned Cheron’s respect, so maybe it’s not so surprising after all.
Idia - Listen, Cheron gets it. Being from a gloomy environment and expected to take over the family business himself, he can sympathise with Idia, almost to the point of leaving the fellow fiery-haired guy alone. Almost. However, the Ignihyde housewarden is just so much fun to tease. The first time they met, Cheron had to stop himself from grinning too hard as Idia nearly fell over backwards, stammering out an excuse to get away. As one of the first interactions with the living, it had a pretty forming impression on him. Still, he makes sure to cut the poor guy some slack… every now and then.
Malleus - As the heir apparent of Briar Valley and his housewarden, Cheron obviously treats Malleus with respect, though his tone is laced with playful teasing most of the time, which usually results in Sebek popping a vein. Malleus does not pick up on it. People sometimes wonder if Cheron is jealous of the other prince for snatching the housewarden position but those are just rumours. Sure, he doesn’t shy away from metaphorically locking horns with the dragon but being a housewarden sounds like a hassle and Cheron’s not about that. His gargoyle-esque appearance does net him some points with Malleus though, who was terribly disappointed to learn he was, in fact, not a sentient gargoyle.
Jade - Octavinelle’s vice housewarden has always taken to studying the behaviours of those around him, either to learn more about them or to learn from them. In the case of Cheron, it’s both. On one hand, Jade finds great amusement in watching him interact with students around campus, an air of sly aloofness surrounding him. One the other hand, there are so many rumours surrounding him without enough proof to match them, which fascinates Jade the same way a good puzzle would.
Floyd - Putting Cheron and Floyd together can either lead to a catastrophe or… well, a catastrophe. Their moods either clash and they are ready to go at each other’s throats -Cheron hiding it significantly better than Floyd- which spells trouble for those in their vicinity. Or, they get along splendidly, egging each other on and terrorising the poor souls around them. Either way, avoiding them together might be the smartest option.
Trey & Rook - As his clubmates, they regularly interact with Cheron outside of normal classes. And while Trey sometimes still sweats bullets seeing both Rook and Cheron around certain chemicals, he learnt pretty soon after the prince joined the club that he was very well read and much more responsible than the whispers about him would suggest. Rook just holds a general fascination for the demon and enjoys bouncing ideas off each other.
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quinloki · 1 year
God this kink game is both entertaining and educational! its so fun lol
can I request Katakuri, Heat, and Cavendish, the kinks being Food play, Feather play (I think thats what its called) and Shibari
Oh thank you \o/ I'm feeling pretty pumped, so I'm knocking a couple of these out tonight before I dive into other writing.
Feather Play would fall under Sensation Play - which is kind of a general term for things like temperature play (wax and ice cubes are the common ones), sensory deprivation/overload, etc.
As for Food Play - there's a few variants: Sitophilia - which is sexual interest in eating food off one's own body or another's (or using food for sexual gratification like what happens to quite a few well-shaped eggplants, I'm sure.)
There's also Sploshing - which is the use of food during play. Sometimes referred to as WAM (wet and messy) XD
I'm going to go with an assumption here and stick with the "basics" of whipped cream and chocolate syrup.
Also new guys! I think this is my first time getting Cavendish \o/ (and only my second time for Heat!)
Alright, we'll do this alphabetically ♥
Feather Play - FUCK Yes - Despite his powerful need for attention, Cavendish can give it. Tickling your senses, or having his own tickled, with something as delicate and light as a feather is right up his alley. He is skilled, even if he has to be motivated to show it properly, and so you'll be amazed at what he can do with a feather or two.
More likely though, or at least on a 50/50 vibe, you'll be giving as much as receiving with Cavendish, and if you're more of a dom than a sub, he'll be happy to "bend" to your will. (Cavendish is 100% a bottom though. >.> )
Food play - No - I cannot see Cavendish enjoying anything that would cause a mess. No matter how careful you try to be food + kink = mess. He's practically a pillow princess, imo. (Nothing wrong with that, but he's not risking food in his hair.)
Shibari - receiving FUCK Yes / Giving - Sure - there's an elegance to Shibari, and since it's elegant it suits Cavendish just fine. He's not as good at tying someone else up as he is at being tied up, but he does find enjoyment in it in either situation. Not only is clean, and beautiful, but it's also very quiet. There's time to talk, to tease, to touch, to bond. Even with his impressive arrogance and desire to be in the spotlight, he does like having the chance to assure you you're appreciated.
Shibari is low key enough to provide the opportunity. (So is feather play, but there's usually a focus on gratification with that, that isn't something that happens quickly with Shibari (if at all). ).
Feather Play - Yes - There's a softness in feather play - by it's very nature, and Heat enjoys that. There's also a special level in hell for people who purposefully tickle you every time you're nearly at the climax of your pleasure from a feather, and Heat is likely destined for that specific location. You're sure to be praising him and begging him during such a session, and that's only going to drive him to want to tease you and please you more.
Food play - FUCK Yes - Sex should be messy. A good meal should be messy. The Kid Pirates all kind of revel in the idea that fun entertains some level of mess. Sure, you can be gentle, and soft, and quiet, and those moments are important too, but a food fight could turn into a group orgy in the mess hall without a whole lot of effort, I'm just saying.
But yes, Heat can smother you in icing or whatever, and spend forever licking you clean. Probably even in places you didn't get any icing...
Shibari - Oh god you don't even know - Not only do you end up at his mercy by the end of it, but you'll look even more beautiful than usual when he's done. Heat's shibari skills are solid, he's not as good a rigger as Kid is, and he's not as meditative with it as Killer is, but he's by no means lacking in either department.
In a modern AU, you and Heat might make a pretty penny by posting/selling Shibari pinups. Maybe guest star on Kid's OF a time or two. >.>
Feather Play - FUCK Yes - The feather is absolute assurance that Kata cannot accidentally harm you. He can give you pleasure without hardly a single concern, and the moans and soft giggles he pulls from you are music to his ears. The only downside might be how much you'd have to mewl and beg to get him to finally touch you directly, or give you release. He could easily spend hours just watching you twitch and gasp and moan for him.
Food play - Oh god you donut even know - ahem. Look I'm just saying, there's canonically something there already. I mean, I'd let that tongue lick me clean of frosting and sprinkles >.>
The more serious answer is, it's a testament to your relationship that he combines something he loves - but is hyper aware of - with someone he loves. It's honestly a huge showing of trust, and if you lay yourself out on one of those big donuts and embrace his desire to combine food and kink, he'll be deliriously thrilled.
Shibari - Yes - It's quiet, it takes focus and skill, and it's long moments spent together with you. There might be the occasional gasp (depending on how you feel about being tied up), and it's a little more hands on than feather play so Kata gets a little nervous, but that future sight helps put him at ease a lot.
He enjoys making decorative looping patterns, and tying things juuuust tight enough to leave little red lines on your skin afterward. He'll kiss those marks so tenderly that you certainly don't mind them at all.
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Hi 👋🏻 can I request headcanons for Father Dio x daughter reader and Father Jonathan x daughter reader (separate pls) with how they would be as fathers.
Thankyou 🤗
Dio Brando and Jonathan Joestar as fathers (separate)
Platonic! Daughter! Reader
Warnings: grammatical mistakes, fem! Reader, kinda toxic parenthood, mentions of bullying, PB spoilers
Notes: OMG it's my first request, thank you SO much!!💓 Also I'm gonna assume that they are both from Phantom Blood, so if you also want SDC! Dio feel free to request again
Dio Brando
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Listen, I'm not saying he's a bad father
He will probably read books about caring for children - what to feed them, what to wear, etc.
And he will have everything a child needs
Maybe if she's well behaved he can buy her some gifts
In material terms, he is quite an ordinary parent, just with lots of money to provide high-quality things
But let's just admit, he wouldn't be the best for a kid
Most likely he will have high expectations
He doesn't want you to grow up like the rest of the plebs (in his opinion) around him
Expect many hours of teaching from your father himself before you even go to school
He will also teach you good manners, but at the same time achieving your goals whatever it takes
If you are bullied at school for the first time, he may threaten the bullies (they will remember it for a lifetime), but when you get older, he will insist that you do something about it yourself as he taught you
He's not very good at comforting. Perhaps if you break down in public he will take you aside and tell you not to expose yourself in such way in front of others
Things are better at home, you can cry in peace
I think Dio might say something like "you deserve better", "you're better than all this garbage", "you'll take your pedestal", etc. during this
Maybe he'll bring you tea with your favorite food
Most likely he will initiate physical contact (something like hugs and such) only for a public, at home he practically doesn't do this
If you link it to the PB lore, Dio will most likely turn you into a vampire, or at least take you with him
Jonathan Joestar
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Best JoJo time
Most likely, he will also read books about caring for a child, but will very often confuse something
Ultimately, he will ask for advice from people around him
When you were a baby, he almost dropped you three times on the floor, he was scared to death
Unlike Dio, Jonathan buys gifts for his daughter even when she misbehaves
He simply collects these gifts and gradually gives them when the situation gets better
He wants you to be properly educated, including physically
(I know it might have been frowned upon in those days, but Jonathan wouldn't care, he'd want his daughter to stand up for herself)
Will definitely read bedtime stories and roll you on his shoulders until you're at least 7 years old (keep in mind that he's really strong)
Maybe he can teach you what he knows about hamon and even train you
If you get bullied, then he will most likely talk to the parents of the bullies, but if this doesn't help, then he will have to talk to them personally
You will both go grocery shopping in the town and discuss something along the way
But the most important thing is that he will teach you to treat this world with kindness, not to hold a grudge against people and be at peace with yourself
He is better than Dio emotionally
You can calmly cry even in public and he will give you the comfort you need
If you are not against physical contacts, then he will hug you and lightly pat on the shoulder
"We'll break through this", "things will get better", etc. could be heard a lot from him
Definitely will make you your comfort food
Also something tells me he wouldn't mind if you walk in trousers. He doesn't care about reputation and the like, he doesn't see anything wrong with your preferences
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hot-take-tournament · 11 months
Goncharov shouldn't have been as big a meme as it was. The Goncharov meme is bad, especially for anyone with any unreality issues. Dead serious.
Yeah, you do make a valid point. Unreality memes are fun, but there are people with genuine unreality issues that were affected by the Goncharov trend.
That being said, I do think that a lot of the fan works - art, writing, shitposts, etc. - inspired by that meme were really fun, and clearly took a lot of effort - and the results were super impressive. So I think the fact that it served as a creative outlet for so many people shouldn't be discounted either.
But you're right, it wasn't a great experience for people with those issues with unreality - but my takeaway from that was the importance of content warnings and tagging things properly, not that the meme itself - or just unreality content as a whole - was bad.
I followed the Goncharov tag when it was at its peak, and I constantly saw people begging other users to tag their posts as #unreality - and while plenty of people were doing that, it felt like just as many weren't.
I don't believe for a second that people were seeing those posts and just choosing to ignore them, because one thing I have learned over the past 3-4 years is that the vast majority of people on this website do genuinely care about the wellbeing of others; and I know that for a fact because a) all you guys have been so supportive of me up until now (<3), and b) because I spent so much time in my shithead teen years sending fucking horrific abuse to those same kind, genuine people, and the way everyone rallied around each other against my scumbag ass is a testament to that kindness.
So I think it's far more likely that they simply weren't seeing those posts, and just didn't know that unreality content can be a trigger for some people - because I genuinely didn't either until the Goncharov meme came around and people started talking about it. It's the same way I didn't know until I started this blog that the things I originally wrote in the master post were triggering people's OCD to the point where they had to blacklist the URL.
At the time Goncharov was a thing, a lot of people were saying that people making content for it should've just 'educated themselves' and then they would've known to tag stuff '#unreality', so it was their fault their work was affecting people with unreality issues - but personally I think that just wasn't fair, because honestly you can't know to educate yourself on an issue that you don't even know exists in the first place. You first need to know what it is you don't know before you can actually learn about it and fill that gap.
I have no idea if any of that answered your question because I'm drunk out of my fucking mind, so I don't know if any of this made sense, and I probably won't remember it in the morning - so:
tl;dr - I don't agree that the Goncharov meme was bad, but I think it did highlight the importance of content warnings and tags.
...unless you thought the meme was just unfunny, which is a different issue - that's an entirely subjective opinion, but I can totally respect it. And that's coming from someone who learnt last week that they apparently Goncharov'd themselves on at least three separate occasions, and has yet to fully recover from that revelation.
Anyway, I hope that all made some kind of sense...
...you guys want a poll?
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brightgnosis · 10 months
I think a major misconception about Master Gardeners is two-fold.
First, for those that aren't aware of what we are, people tend to think (based predominantly on the name of our organization alone) that we're hyper-knowledgeable about plants; literal "Masters", if you will. Which is, admittedly, a misconception that I myself had before I actually met a couple Master Gardeners myself and finally learned what they properly are.
Some are more knowledgeable than others in our ranks, absolutely; you're going to get that with any group of people- and each of us brings in unique focuses and specialties (I'm an Herbalist and a prior Civilian Conservationist, for instance; another member of our group owns a Tree Farm!) ... But we're not hyper-knowledgeable or actual gardening "masters" of any sort. We're all just Extension Office Volunteers in the end. Our job, as Volunteer Workers, is focused around education dissemination and community outreach and aid. While most of us are avid gardeners and this leads us to become Extension Volunteers in the first place, there's no real level of knowledge required to actually become a Master Gardener*.
Secondly, for those that are aware that we're just Volunteer Workers, they make the mistake of believing that means we have no real knowledge- which isn't true, either. Hence the asterisk in the above statement. Because to join the Master Gardeners, you do have to take an education course through an appropriate University, which is taught by legitimate field professionals and Professors- at the end of which you do have to pass a qualifying exam ... But honestly, it's just a basic / foundational education program. And while the quality of that education varies from State to State, County to County, and from University to University- as does its focus (Oklahoma, for instance, focuses heavily on Agricultural education in our training)? You do still have to undergo it in the first place.
So we're not unknowledgeable just because we're Volunteers ... You just don't have to be a learned professional, some kind of plant savant, have any kind of prior experience, or any of that prior to signing up. You literally just have to like plants and want to volunteer in your community- and be willing to fork over the cash for the training in instances where the courses are paid (not all are; those that are, are often relatively inexpensive for the amount of training and materials you receive, all things considered).
I paid $120 for my course last year, for instance. The incoming class this year will pay $150 instead. For us, in our particular program, that money goes towards paying for the books you need, additional printouts given to you during every class (plus a thickkkkk binder to keep those printouts in), travel expenses for the professors and professionals who guest lecture, and for the lunches they provide us during class.
While I haven't recently had the greatest time as a Master Gardener myself specifically because of a couple members of my community that I'm not a fan of the behavior of (which says nothing about the Master Gardeners themselves as an organization; only my local community members who have chosen to join) ... I do still really wish more people not only knew about the program, but also at least gave it a chance; there are so many people who take our training courses but rarely actually join the Master Gardeners here- and I'm sure other Counties and States have similar problems. But we could really use the hands to shake things up. Especially people of younger ages who are out of school, maybe in College now, but who don't have the commitment of a family just yet.
This is an opinion piece as a currently active Master Gardener, and is based directly in Research, Training, and Experience. If you found this helpful or interesting, please consider Tipping or Leaving a Ko-Fi (being Disabled, even $1 helps); you can see my other "Original Content" here.
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Fakie, from listening to you speak I'd like to be honest. In my eyes looking at Gray, he looked like a very tsundere person.
But don't panic. These are just words that I'm joking about. When I meet this kind of person.
Fakie You know, it almost made me think that Gray looked like a parent. who are tired of having to meet Those children who harass him.
Oh my God, my brain is full of teasing words. And I can guess Gray isn't funny about this.
But that's okay, I'll keep my mouth shut without letting Gray know. 🤐
( 🖤 )
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"Well, to be honest, yes, he looks like a parent and this role suits him more than me"
"It's even strange... He does not get along only with the older younger clones, but with the smaller ones he is much kinder and merciful to them, he is more willing to stay with them, even though he complains about their stupidity and noise. But they are less intrusive than the big ones"
"And I don't have the slightest idea about education, I just parody the behavior of the PizzaHead, I take an example from him, and even more so he instilled this behavior in me, and to disagree with him is equal to a crime"
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"In the sense of very similar?! They are completely different, starting from the color of the hair, ending with the color of the clothes!"
"But so without jokes, it's very funny to watch that we are the only ones who can distinguish each other, and others get confused in us"
"For this reason, PizzaHead still doesn't know that Gray survived after I blew his pipe-"
"..It doesn't matter"
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"I was inspired to cook by the original Peppino, I was carried away by his passion and interest in his own business! And to be honest, it suited me perfectly, as if I had been cooking pizza for several years and even ran my own business.Everything was very familiar to me!"
"And about them.. It is very surprising for me, but there is a feeling that we are different people, absolutely, they have different interests and hobbies, someone is interested in cooking pizza, someone is something else.I didn't teach them cooking, they chose what to be interested in and do"
"I didn't know about the assistants, but then I will teach and train those who, like me, are passionate about cooking pizza more"
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"You mean the original Peppino?"
"First of all: PizzaHead informed us that he would make his plan only the day after tomorrow, which means Peppino will appear the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow we will only have a joint meeting"
"Secondly:I would have heard it from someone, or at least I would have heard some blows and just noise from the first floor, albeit softly."
"Because of such noises, I can't sleep properly..."
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"Who did I tell all this to before? If no one listens to me anyway...I hope you're just new, and not the soul that ignored or didn't listen to me at all.."
"I met Noisette like everyone else when PizzaHead pulled me out of a monotonous strange room. I remember Noise saying, "Of course he's a freak," and Noisette slapped him on the cheek and said, "Are you normal?! Are you going to be insulted right away? A normal creature, the more he gets nervous if you don't see." Then she came up to me and apologized for him. Then I don't know how, but we started a conversation and so we found some common interests and were able to make friends."
"It has been since this meeting... How much? Almost two weeks?"
"So long ago?! Wow..."
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"Noisette will find a common language with everyone.Well.. Maybe... But I think she will be happy to find new acquaintances"
"Our relationship with her is quite good, she is positive at least she tries to be like that, sociable, sometimes she stood up for me when SOMEONE started throwing accusations at me, brave.She is quite modest and tries to improve her skills, which is why she reminds me of a girl I was in lo- "
"But she also has problems. Although she is friends with everyone, but she has a negative relationship with PizzaHead. Or rather, she's afraid of him, just like me. He sent her threats intentionally and unintentionally, told her gratuitous insults and just hurt her. Why is it very hard for her now. She shares this with Vigilante and with me, but not with Noise because she fears for his safety. I don't know the exact reason for all this, and she herself doesn't know why he does this, but I'm very scared for her life.."
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shrike-sorokoput · 6 months
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The last few days have been… interesting, to say the least. I had an opportunity to help the Clay Coalman (with my fists, no less) - the poor thing got robbed by some horrible people. I encouraged him to get an education. I think he will benefit from it. But aside from that, the treatment of those like himself is shocking, though not completely unexpected. People dislike those who are not like them in every manner. My master is like that, too, but I will be as bold as to disagree with him on this account. He would really hate hearing this, but he will not read these pages, will he? And so, perhaps it is time to word these feelings at least here…
My dreams here, in London, are much different from those I had on the surface. I used to dream about fire, about it being so close to my skin, about inhaling its punishing heat - and waking up to my master’s voice. I used to think they were memories, but my master thinks that it is just my brain coming up with things when I get lazy. Here, though? Sorrow-spiders? Have they made such an impression on my mind? They are a disturbing sight, for sure, but I have seen much, much worse things. Some of them are properly terrifying, though. I can hear a voice whispering the word “North” sometimes, and it sends chills down my spine every time…
On the mildly gruesome note. My urchin friend has a family. I wanted to say, lucky him - but he was abandoned. I will do my best to help him. I guess I see myself in him, too. Had he been from the surface, my master would have taken him in, just like he did me. He could have been my little brother…
Oh well.
On the brighter side, I have finally got some information on the Vake. Looks like that thing is more dangerous than I thought. I wonder what kind of creature it is: people never seem to have any coherent answer when asked, and it’s a hassle to get them to cough up even the vaguest of answers, but I am making some progress. Perhaps this could be over quite soon?
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brothersgrim · 1 year
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@asteraex​ asked:
🍐- Taker
🍐  :    how intelligent is my muse overall?  are they smarter than the average person,  or less than?  are they primarily self-taught,  or did they acquire most of their knowledge in school?  are they more street smart or book smart?  
Oh, he’s a smart guy. He's had to be. He was fourteen when he stopped receiving any kind of formal education, mostly because he was dead. Also because he was a slave. That didn’t help. 
But he’s smart. 
Like, let’s just look at all the things he, canonically, knows how to do. First off, he’s a carpenter. Yes, he makes coffins and caskets, but there were other projects in the workshop WWE gave him, including wagon wheels and furniture. Given that that’s HIS workshop, those are also HIS projects, so it stands to reason he just makes all sorts of things. I like to think he handles most of the carpentry/repair jobs in the Valley. (This actually has historical basis, too. Most carpenters were also undertakers back in the day, and vice versa. That was the case in my home town, anyway.) He’s also a blacksmith. A lot of people forget this one, but he is - he works a forge in some of the late 90s promos. He makes most of the hardware for the caskets and his other projects himself. He also repairs his own tools. 
Speaking of repairs, he fixes bikes. He has a wide collection of them, and he’ll repair them, or even sometimes build them from scratch, on his own. It’s his favourite hobby, outside of working out and fighting, and he considers it almost a form of meditation. His bikes are his babies. 
He can also draw, and, from the brief glimpses of his work we see, he’s a pretty talented artist. We mostly just see the blueprints he makes, but the anatomy is clean, the lines are crisp, and it seems to have a slightly cartoon-y style, which is oddly cute to me. I dunno. 
Anyway, he's also a practising mortician. He does the whole embalming, dressing, and clean up process on his own, especially when Paul's not around. That requires a lot of knowledge of human anatomy, chemistry, and colour theory, among a lot of other things. It takes a LOT.
He’s canonically at least bilingual, speaking both English and Ancient Gaelige. (The second is mostly in his Ministry Era, but he does speak it on multiple occasions - including the chants in the Ministry theme song.) 
He’s a great fighter, which requires strategy, problem-solving, and a knack for quick thinking. If you can’t make plans, you can’t fight, simple as. If your opponent can outthink you, you’re going to lose. And he’s a damn good fighter. 
He’s also pretty people-smart, which surprises a lot of those who know him. There are a few examples of this. First off, again, he’s a funeral director. He has to know how to talk to grieving families, and if he does a bad job of that, the home goes under. Second, he’s really good at handling Kane. Yes, he loves his brother, but there’s more to it than just that. The way he talks to Kane - and I know I’ve said this before - is actually exactly how therapists recommend talking to people in abusive relationships. It’s not your fault, it’s okay, you’re safe, I’ll be here for you no matter what, you don’t have to choose between us, so on and so forth. When Kane messes up the Last Ride in their match against Kai and Tai, instead of getting mad at him, Taker pauses the match, shows him how to do it properly, and makes a point of expressing pride and approval when Kane gets it right, because he knows that’s what his little brother needs. Even outside of Kane, the other guys in the locker room have a tendency to listen to and respect Taker, and even go to him for advice. This is most obvious during the American Badass era, and even more so during the Invasion era. Vince, Chris Jericho, and a bunch of other guys say that they need Taker in meetings for anyone to take them seriously. This even extends to other eras - in the mid 2010s, Team Smackdown can’t agree to work together, so, after Edge and Jerry Lawler fail to get them to play nice, they call in Taker to make people behave. 
It works. 
Yes, he threatens to murder them, but it works. He deals with different people different ways. 
The last example I can give of this is how he deals with Shawn during the feud with Triple H that lead up to the infamous cage match. This is a brutal thing that mostly involves Hunter gaslighting the fuck out of Shawn to pit him against Taker. Interestingly, Taker in this feud mostly retaliates by trying to build Shawn back up. Hunter convinces Shawn that Taker is shit-talking Shawn behind his back. This drives Shawn to yell at Taker, retaliate to how he thinks Taker is talking about him, and Taker doesn’t yell back. You can tell he’s annoyed by the whole thing, but he keeps it pretty reeled in, all things considered, and tells Shawn that Shawn should know him well enough by now to know he would never talk behind anyone’s back - but Hunter would. This culminates later in a face-off between Hunter and Taker, with Shawn standing by. Hunter was trying to get in Shawn’s head again, Taker comes out, and gives one of my favourite lines of his  - “Remember when I said that Shawn was better than you? … He is.” And leaves at that. It’s great on both ends, because he knows that’s what Hunter hates most, he knows Hunter’s insecure as hell behind the front he puts on, and more than that, he also knows it’s what Shawn needs to hear - and saying it in front of Shawn means Hunter can’t say it didn’t happen. 
He’s a manipulative bastard when he wants to be, that deadman. 
But, yeah. All this to say, he’s clearly demonstrated high intelligence in a number of different areas. As for where he learned it all, in most fields, he’s largely self-taught. Mortuary sciences, carpentry, smithing, he started to learn that from his parents, yeah, but he was twelve when they died. He got a lot of hands-on experience, he watched them his entire life, but again, he was twelve. He only had so much time, and there was only so much his parents would let him do at that age. Motorcycle repair, that’s self-taught. The Gaelige, he started learning that from his mother, picked it up later from some residents of the Yard (and the Morrigan, who is only there sometimes and doesn’t fully count). The fight smarts, that’s self-taught. It had to be. You either learn to fight, or you wake up in the crypt again. And his people smarts, I think it’s a mix of self-taught and learned. Some of what he’s working with, you can’t be taught, you have to just be the right person for it. Some of the kinder aspects, again, he learned from watching his parents. He learned from watching them with each other, with him and Kane, with the grieving families the home served before the fire. Some of it is, again, just who he is under all the emotional armour. The mean stuff… Well, that’s the same way. Except he learned it from Paul. He learned it from Paul, and Ted, and even Vince to some degree, and the people they dealt with. 
He learned a lot from them. 
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alphaman99 · 1 year
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Richard Ruggiero
The Discussions We're NOT Having (And Will NOT Have) About School Violence
It's the things we DON'T talk about that reveal the savage dishonesty of our times. We DON'T talk about why public schools have these horrific shootings, and private schools do not. We DON'T talk about why so many students who attend these schools FEEL like doing horrific things. Graduates of private schools -- Catholic, Jewish, Christian, Montessori, secular -- rarely, if ever, want to do these things; yet on a regular, reliable basis, students at government-run schools do. What are the differences between government-run schools and other types of education which could explain this? Isn't it worth investigating? Isn't it worth researching? Or at least thinking and talking about? We do NONE of these things. And I'm not only talking about the politicians. I'm talking about the parents, who stupidly and dangerously think that you can keep doing the same thing over and over again -- sending your innocent children into these dangerous settings -- and expecting different results.
We're only allowed to consider and discuss one hypothesis: Because guns are legal, these shootings happen. If guns were no longer legal, and if the government confiscated guns from law-abiding citizens only (since criminals will not comply), then the shootings will stop.
It's not only treated as a hypothesis. It's treated as a self-evident fact. Suggesting or even implying that other explanations or factors -- aside from guns being legal -- are in play is tantamount to suggesting or implying, "There is no sun in the sky"; or "The earth is flat"; or "The vaccine hasn't been properly tested yet." All are greeted with the same ferocious hurling of insults, threats, and intimidation.
The media will only discuss one thing: WHEN will guns be outlawed? What will it take? Can Joe just send Beto out into the country, and take care of the gun problem? HOW to end gun violence is equated with HOW to confiscate everyone's guns. No other explanation for school violence is considered, or even permitted. That's the definition of propaganda: The conclusion is taken as self-evident, and no mention of a debate is even recognized. Bias is different. Bias is when the media says things like, "Some people say outlawing guns will not solve the problem, while others say it's essential; it seems that gun control is now essential." Propaganda is when ONLY one point-of-view is articulated, and it's taken as self-evident. We used to have media bias; today, we have intellectually destructive propaganda.
You have to wonder, since these shootings never used to happen at all in the past, and they happen with regularity in the past two or three decades. What has happened to public schools in the past two or three decades? Why didn't any public school students do this kind of thing before, say, 1980 or 1990? And why do ONLY public school students become so despairing, and so depraved, that they feel compelled to do such a thing? The family? The teachers? The content of what students are taught? What their celebrities in the media are telling them about life, people and reality? Are those factors AT ALL? Or can it ONLY be guns?
If making a blue collar "redneck" give up his gun makes you feel good because you see it as humiliating him, then you should just admit that THIS is your primary motive. Because, you leftists out there, we know this is your primary motive. You do not care about children, and you do not care about stopping violence. If you did, you would let us have a discussion about what's REALLY going on here.
- Michael Hurd
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cripplerage · 1 year
Sex ed starts far too late in a child's life, in my opinion. School systems rely too heavily on the concept that a kid's parent will pick up the slack in education on far too many areas.
Idealy I'd love to live in a world in which sex ed occurs in Grade 1 all the way through to Grade 12; each year reminding, increasing and building upon last year's content.
At the very least, children of all ages should know about consent, boundaries, hygiene, the basic anatomy and names for genetalia, the basics of lgbt+ stuff, and childrens rights and where to go if those rights are being denied.
By grade 10, I'd love for kids to be properly educated on queer identities and history, nonmonogamy, porn, sex work, masturbation, sex toys, kink, sex (inclusive of various genetalia combinations and disability inclusive,) STDs, pregnancy, abortion, protection and sexual assault. In no particular order. Grade 11 and 12 would be for revision, discussion, and Q&As. (Where I live, grade 10 is when kids can drop out which is why that's the cap)
I also think everyone should be taught about symptoms or situations that you might not talk about because you assume it's normal, or you're embarrassed, or you just didn't notice it, and what to do if you do notice it. (UTIs, STDs, intersex things, PCOS, endo, etc.)
And no, I don't mean we should be teaching kids everything about everything.
For example, teaching about kink can just be "This is the definition of kink. There are lots of diferent kinds of kink. Communication, consent and boundaries are very very important, here are some warning signs of what might be an unsafe kink environment or partner. Also, here are some relatively common kink things that can potentially be harmful (e.g. strangling) this is what you need to know to make an informed decision and to make it as safe as possible, if the time ever comes."
Teaching about sex toys can just be "These are the diferent kinds of sex toys and what they do, make sure to clean them regularly."
I think if this gets seen by more than like, 3 people, I could get a lot of heat for this but as someone who was raised in a bunch of scenarios in which this kind of education would have been almost lifesaving to me, I don't see why everyone seems to want to teach kids as little as possible. We all know that teens and young adults are learning and doing this stuff, but we all seem to want them to learn from tik tok or something. Anyway, I'm happy to elaborate on anything and I'm very interested in discussions.
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pktearsoftazmily · 1 year
really ridiculously detailed character stats.
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FULL NAME: Lucas Andrews NICKNAME(S): Luke, [0406] - L AGE: 15 years old MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE: INFJ BIRTH DATE: April 20th ETHNICITY: White PLACE OF BIRTH: Unknown, but is Canadian/Greek GENDER IDENTITY: Male PREFERRED PRONOUN(S): He / Him / His SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Ace, Demiromantic RELIGION: N/A OCCUPATION: Paramedic, investigator, PSI therapist FACE CLAIM: N/A
PARENTS: Flint and Hinawa SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S): Ness CHILDREN: N/A LEVEL OF SEXUAL EXPERIENCE: N/A STORY OF FIRST KISS: Refuses to reveal A SOCIAL PERSON? He can be, yes. Though, Lucas would much prefer to keep to himself. He feels like he has enough friends in his life, not to mention the facility doesn’t exactly have any activity places to go to
HOW DO THEY THINK OTHERS PERCEIVE THEM? Scary. Also a doormat. However, some do think he’s a kind being, though it’s only a few
HOW DO OTHERS ACTUALLY PERCEIVE THEM? His friends think he’s a really good guy to hang with, but most of the other subjects in the facility are nervous of Lucas, due to being a “Hyper PSI Soldier”. Those who are lower in ranks often are afraid of making him angry in case he attacks, but he’s actually extremely chill and has full control of his powers. The only time he’s using his PSI is training or out of the facility with the police investing strange persons, such as one of Giygas’ kind
EYE COLOR(S): Icy Blue HAIR COLOR(S): Blond SKIN TONE: Pale White HEIGHT: 5'0 WEIGHT: 100 lbs BODY BUILD: Thin, with little muscle mass GLASSES? CONTACTS? N/A STYLE OF DRESS/TYPICAL OUTFITS: Plain clothing, special clothing under high risk PSI jobs. Does have a training suit for protection for the training simulator in the facility
JEWELRY? TATTOOS? PIERCINGS? Lucas has his code name as a tattoo on his shoulder. Not his choice, though
ATHLETIC? Very, he has to be for when he’s needed to help combat the invading alien species HOW DO THEY WALK: Properly, having no issues with walking HOW DO THEY SMELL LIKE: Like a freaking hospital, and he hates it so much WHAT’S THEIR POSTURE LIKE? Straight, focused, tall
PHOBIA(S): The Giygas cells taking over his body. He also has a phobia of losing his PSI power MENTAL ILLNESS(ES): Anxiety, PTSD PHYSICAL ILLNESS(ES): N/A WHEN WAS THIS DIAGNOSED? When he was much younger
LEVEL OF EDUCATION: Home taught by the teachers in the facility. From being taken from his family since a small child, he has gone through a lot of education to be where he is today LEVEL OF SELF-ESTEEM: Medium, higher than his canon-self’s GIFTS/TALENTS: His PSI, literally. It’s extremely strong that the facility staff couldn’t work out how he had so much power as a child. Lucas would say it’d be his smile
SHORTCOMINGS: Too calming, can be sensitive to people and their emotions that make him feel the way they do, which can be a bad thing if it’s a highly charged moment STYLE OF SPEECH: Formal? Soft, perhaps? Sounds like he knows a ton of stuff
“LEFT BRAIN” OR “RIGHT BRAIN” THINKER: Right brain ARTISTIC? Very! Art actually makes him feel good, so it can be a super helpful way for him to cope with intense emotions MATHEMATICAL? Oh god. NO. Lucas would rather N O T MAKES DECISIONS BASED MOSTLY ON EMOTIONS, OR ON LOGIC? Depends, though he does think carefully on stuff MOST SENSITIVE ABOUT/VULNERABLE TO: Traumatised people, people who speak highly of what it’s like to have a family, insulting him over his choice of partner, his orientations OPTIMIST OR PESSIMIST? Optimistic! It’s rare for him to be a pessimist, but when he is, you know he’s deeply upset over something EXTROVERT OR INTROVERT? Introverted
NIGHT OWL OR EARLY BIRD?: Early bird LIGHT OR HEAVY SLEEPER?: Light sleeper, sadly FAVORITE FOOD: Omelettes, fruits, nut bread LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: Isn’t keen on burgers, or sushi, definitely dislikes porridge and custard COFFEE OR TEA?: Tea, always CRUNCHY OR SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER?: Smooth peanut butter LEFTY OR RIGHTY?: Right FAVORITE COLOR?: Blue, yellow, violet CUSSER?: Under high stress, yes. Otherwise, not really, though he can SMOKER? DRINKER? DRUG USER?: N/A PETS?: N/A, but would LOVE to have a dog
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