#the legacy of a trinity of journeys
sporkberries · 1 year
Yeah, the whole thing on bio kids and adopted kids and the approach towards legacy is really gross. Especially since it obvious that DC is trying to have their cake and eat it too. All those stories about found family with adopted kids gets thrown out the window the instant a bio kid shows up. Cass can't be Batman because that's reserved for Damian, Chris Kent is removed as Superman's son and becomes evil when he shows up again, etc.
It's especially weird with Damian in my opinion. because i feel like sometimes DC really markets him as the heir and bruces "real" son but also they keep behind the scenes trying to make him evil or just doing the weirdest shit imaginable there. Then there is shit like DCeased that make him Batman that are awful and also ship him with cassie sandsmark. this whole "bio kid problem" started with Damian yeah but with the Damian story it had something to say. When Damian(10 and traumatized) kept trying to prove himself as the real son the point was that he was wrong. and his journey in healing and stuff made him into a healthier person and also made him not want to be batman. I think DC really saw damian and was like oh man we should do a bio legacy character(completely ignoring any of the damian nuance) and made Jon Kent which... yeah. I'm not super into a lot of the superfam fandom but of my mutuals/pals that are I've seen that a lot of them don't like the lasting affect Jon has had on the superfam( and also HATE the erasure of Chris Kent)
This mixed with the now revealed Trinity leads to my main problem which is DC's marketing of these characters. With playing into them inheriting their parents legacies, and centering them as succesors ignoring like... everybody else.
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hey so if i released a few FF7 central playlists to make you sob your eyes out how would you guys feel lol
and for context here are the ones I’ve been working on:
The Halves That Left the Hole [devotion to the point of devastation]: a playlist dedicated to the fall of Angeal and Genesis. Tragic, melancholy, with tints of violence
The Trinity (Of Tragedies and Flights) [the love that tore the world to shreds]: a playlist dedicated to the three original Firsts, the sad and lost love story of Angeal, Genesis, and Sephiroth. Slow, indulgent, incredulous but loving
The Star-Crossed [when you left I became your legacy, but I tried to leave myself behind]: you guessed it, a playlist for Zack and Cloud and their missed opportunities. A little upbeat in some places, but overall an undertone of unspoken love and hopeless romanticism
The Trinity (Of Flowers and Reunions) [the love that saved the world]: Dedicated to Tifa, Cloud, and Aerith, and reminiscent of their journey around the world together. Mostly upbeat, a more joyful playlist for the time they spent together with the bittersweetness of looking back on something you can never have again
Lieutenant Colonel [to lead is to be lonely]: Dedicated to Zack’s promotion to First and his simultaneous losses of…all three of his lovers. And then being thrown into a war. It’s a WIP but it’s coming out about as bleak and tragic as it sounds.
The Halves That Left the Hole is by far the most complete playlist so it’s probably the one I’ll put out first lol. If you guys are into that ofc :)))
EDIT: IT’S OFFICIALLY UP!! I have it pinned on my page if you’re interested :))
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opinion247 · 8 months
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Due to this year's Felabration music festival themed 'Question Jam Answer,' which started on 9th and will be ending on Sunday, 15th October, 2023. I decided to pen down this commemorative piece for the musical icon.
In this piece we will discuss about how the musical festival started and the brain behind it, we will also have brief background of the music icon and information about his career and achievements.
In 1998 Felabration was conceptualized by the late Afrobeat music legend's daughter, Yeni Anikulapo-Kuti just to remember his father's legacy. How he used music as a tool to speak about bad governance , exposing the hidden skeletons in the cupboard of corrupt politicians and religious institution leaders.
The music festival is hosted once every year for seven days and people comes from different states in the country, some from different countries to celebrate the Music icon at Afrika Shrine, Ikeja, Lagos State.
Brief Background of the Music Icon
 Olufela Olusegun Oludotun Ransome-Kuti Popularly called 'Fela Anikulapo-Kuti' was born on 15th October, 1938, in Abeokuta, Ogun state, into an upper middle class family.
The Late, Chief. Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti was the mother of Fela. She a very popular feminist activist during the anti-colonial movement and first woman to drive a car in Nigeria back in 1951, while his father, Reverend, Israel Oludotun Ransome-Kuti, was a school principal and first president of the Nigeria Union of Teacher.
Later Fela Kuti removed 'Ransome' from his name and changed it to 'Anikulapo' meaning "He who carries death in his pouch or hands".
This will bring us to one of his hit track, that I love so much titled 'Colo-mentality'. In the song he talked about how the British sold their culture and language to us. we took everything and abandoned ours which makes us original.
In the song he said;
" If you say you be colonial man. You don be slave man before. Them don release you now. But you never release yourself. in another stanza he said;
"Dem go proud of dem name. And put dem slave name for head. No be so?… "
This can be linked to his decision to change his English name ' Ransome' to a Yoruba name 'Anikulapo'.
Fela Kuti is a cousin to the Popular writer and laureate Wole Soyinka (a Nobel Prize for Literature winner).
Brief Music Journey
Base on my research , I found out that the Music Icon was actually sent to London to study medicine just like his brothers; are all medical doctors.
He got to UK enrolled at Trinity College London where he studied classical music and became exposed to different musical sounds by playing piano in jazz and rock bands.
However, in I960s he returned to Nigeria and formed a band ' Koola Lobitos' just as he played when he was in London and Afrobeat sound started from that group through experiment and practices.
That is why he is refered to as the King of Afrobeat which is Jazz, Funk, Ghanaian/Nigerian High-life and psychedelic rock infusion.
Most of the top Afrobeat stars in the world like; Burna-Boy who claimed that his style of music is Afro-fusion. This is inspired by Fela Kuti and he affirmed to it.
During his life time while doing Music in Nigeria, he used it as an instrument to talk c on themes like; freedom, injustice, corruption and any other social vices within the country.
Due to his doggedness and ability to withstand pressure from the Military government in power, they were looking for reasons to find him guilty and jail him.
He declared himself the head of his communal compound, which he named the independent 'Kalakuta Republic'. The place got many attention due to use of drugs, indulgence in sex, polygamy support ( he married 27 women ).
It was said that 1000 soildiers raided his house,' Kalakuta Republic' in Lagos. Thy destroyed his properties and beat up everyone in there.
During the raid Fela, 's mother, Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti, was thrown out from the window. She sustained serious injuries and died at the General Hospital in Lagos on April 13, 1978 and most National Dailies reported the incident with the headline; “Fela’s Mum is Dead" or " Fela's House Burnt ".
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This didn't make him stop his musical career or compromise his stand. He dropped more hit tracks like; “Zombie,” “Beasts of No Nation,” “Upside Down" and “Monkey Banana,”.
In his hit track " Zombie" he said; "Zombie no go walk unless you tell am to walk", Which Ironically, he was referring to the military or soldiers who doesn't do things they wish to do but they act base on order or instructions from top ranking officers.
This still remind me my days in Enugu, while still a kid, any time my mother is singing this song, just know you are suppose to do something and you haven't done it. (Smiles African parents still the best).
I referred to him as a prophet in this piece because his music his ever green. Everything he said when he was alive is still happening and even getting worse.
His music stirs ones mind to reflect on life unlike the the artist today that centers their music on sex and flamboyancy. Fela also sang about sex and having good time.
I am not against this kind of music everyone has there style of music and decision to choose what to sing about but once in a while they should use music as a tool to stir-up consciousness.
I dance and sing to the new style of songs, the artists are putting Africa in global map, Everyone is trying to identify themselves as an African but they should also remember that music is an art and should be used to convey message to educate and inform. It shouldn't be for entertainment purpose only.
I do appreciate Singers like; Falz, Tekno, Idris Abdul Kareem, Daddy Showkey, Late Sound Sultan, et-al .
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scribe-of-ariel · 4 months
We’re in charge of the next legacy of Kain …..what would your approach be?”
Thank you for sending me this.
I cannot speak for anyone else, but if I were in charge, it would be a total remake. I would give it the LAU treatment. It would essentially be the same story, with the same characters, but updated. A reimagining.
Take the story back to the start and remake it with today’s tech, upgraded physics, controls, fight mechanics, new puzzles, the entire works.
But the most important thing is that it feels like a Legacy of Kain game.
For that you’d have to use the same rich aesthetic with deep, jewelled colours of the original series. Not the washed-out, grey-brown AC/Skyrim style palette that was all the rage in the last decade.
Remaster the soundtrack with strong leanings into the original themes.
Ideally enlist the help of Amy Hennig with the script and direction. She’s still out there, making games. I’m sure she’d love to remake and finish what she started. Allow her to tell the story she wanted to tell without interference.
If Amy wasn't available, at least stay true to that original tone. One of the most applauded things about Legacy of Kain is the Shakespearean-style dialogue, and that can’t change. Or it just won’t feel like Legacy of Kain.
Recast with some of the new exceptional voice talent out there today. Don’t be hung up on ‘you can’t recast this role’ - it’s been done before in other series and worked amazingly well (God of War, for example). I’ll save my ideal LoK recastings for another post.
Start with Blood Omen. But keep the third-person action adventure style of the Soul Reaver era.
Re-write the story with diverse characters.
Don’t fall into the Trinity trap. The rule of thumb in writing circles is this. If your female character can be replaced by a signpost for your male protagonist to learn from and surpass without changing the story, then she wasn’t a ‘strong female character’ after all.
Disclaimer - Ariel is not a strong female character, but she was never meant to be. Someone had to play that role, be it male or female. That doesn't mean there cannot be others. But I’d rather have no representation than bad representation.
Gender-bending a few of the brothers would be one way to do it. Or re-instate the sorceress content. But no nudity, and no modern swearing. Sex is great, but if all you have is sex appeal, strip that away, it’s still a bad game. Sex appeal is just unnecessary window dressing to a story like Legacy of Kain.
Don’t use poor treatment of a female character to motivate your male protagonist. Raziel didn’t need female trauma dangled in front of him as motivation, and neither should Kain, or anyone else, for that matter.
Bodyshock is fine. It's always been part of Legacy of Kain, but again, don’t take a pregnant woman and turn her and her child into some kind of abomination. Female trauma for shocks is cheap. If you’re going to do that to a female protagonist (say, Ripley, for example), then at least you’re not taking away her agency. But if you’re doing it just to motivate your male character, it takes away her agency and becomes highly misogynistic.
Above all, finish the story. Don’t let Raziel heal the scion of balance and then say, ‘Oh well, part three was the end of the story’ - make his journey and sacrifice mean something.
Allow your protagonists to jump around in time, but their personal journeys must have a beginning, a middle, and a meaningful, satisfying end.
What do you think? How would you do it? Let me know your thoughts.
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fugandhi · 10 months
Candlestick of God
by Adam Kenichi Wekarski
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As one who has been completely fascinated by the actual reality of Nuclear Warfare (since my childhood), I have always found the creation of the Atomic Bomb to be the most important moment in all of human history (with exception of the actual beginning & origin of humanity & all of existence itself).
Christopher Nolan’s perfect film, “Oppenheimer”, is a significantly honorable & highly-sophisticated masterpiece that provides a cinematic insight into the individuals who were instrumental in the real life happenings of the theoretical design, creation, and eventual utilization of atomic power (as a means to an end) in one of the most defining moments in all of history. 
Julius Robert Oppenheimer (portrayed Perfectly by Cillian Murphy in his finest performance) is the main focus of Nolan’s awe-inspiring cinematic achievement. Often considered to be “The Father of The Atomic Bomb”, J. Robert Oppenheimer (known commonly among his peers, family, and friends simply as, “Robert” and/or “Oppie”) was born in a Jewish household in New York City, New York, U.S.A. on April 22nd, 1904. 
Born of a painter (Ella Oppenheimer/Mother) & textile importer (Julius Seligmann Oppenheimer/Father, respectively), J. Robert Oppenheimer is portrayed in the beginning of Nolan’s work as one who has an inherent appreciation for the beauty of artwork (in a somewhat subtle manner), showcased in a rather pensive moment in the beginning of the film (a moment slightly reminiscent of the end of the museum sequence in the American classic, “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”; perhaps a deliberate cinematic nod). While the initial years of Oppenheimer’s life are not the main focus of this picture (Written & Directed Perfectly by Christopher Nolan), the film itself is based off a biographical book entitled, “American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer” (a monumental literary undertaking in it’s own right; championed by Martin J. Sherwin & Kai Bird, respectively).
Although the book is based on Oppenheimer’s life’s work (among other things), the film is a three-hour-epic which tells a tale of various meanings: 
Firstly, the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, which picks up in this film at the time of his initial years of his scientific legacy, as a student at The University of Cambridge (in Cambridge, England). In his academic years, Oppenheimer was not regarded with favor on the behalf of his scientific community. He had humbling beginnings in the scientific field, regardless of his inherent genius (which he would continue to enthrall himself in his own time). A particularly disturbing, yet accurate, moment in the film occurs when Oppenheimer actually attempts to poison his own instructor due to his considerable dissatisfaction of his experiences at Cambridge (without spoiling the story, this obviously does not come to fruition).
What does come to fruition, however, is the continual movement of subatomic & atomic particles working within the inner-structure of the mind (and overall being) of one J. Robert Oppenheimer (while he continues his pursuit of higher learning & his genuine love for all things astrophysical & theoretical science). Christopher Nolan’s film has a perfect ability of providing a visual interpretation of various scientific theories (whether it be conceptual or experimental) all-the-while providing a visual display of the deeply conflicted characterization of Oppenheimer himself throughout the entirety of his journey (via Murphy’s award-worthy performance). The cinematography of the film Oppenheimer is absolutely perfect (showcasing the undeniable superiority of film versus digital photography). The beauty of the picture is matched by moments of visceral intimacy (going in and out of focus at times with confidence) as well as larger-than-life & monumentally jaw-dropping imagery (especially during “The Trinity Test”). The musical score composed by Ludwig Göransson is a true work of genius as it creates an experimental (and highly profound & meaningful) atmosphere that helps shape the cinematic world within the film “Oppenheimer.” Göransson’s score is a refreshingly beautiful balance of symphonic & orchestral instrumentation while incorporating a tasteful implementation of electronic & synthetic instrumentation to balance the overall structure of the film. As Oppenheimer’s innermost thoughts & flashes of brilliance are scattered across the picture throughout the entirety of the story (with visual flair & editing mystique in a nonlinear method, indicative of Nolan’s directorial style), the musical score accommodates the plot & picture perfectly with a sincerely divine grace & power.
While speaking on power, the notion of atomic & nuclear power is the driving undercurrent of the film’s main protagonist as the story unfolds. As the theoretical possibilities are literally astronomical within the understanding of Oppenheimer’s significantly educated mind (as he displays a fascination for existence at cosmological proportions) - the threat of nuclear weapons being constructed and crafted by the dark forces of Fascism (by Hitler & The Nazis) halfway across the world is the other driving undercurrent of the film’s plot and main characters (all of whom, in real life, did actually place their lives on the line for the sake of our world). The known reality that the Nazis of Germany & Austria (of old) had already devised their own plan to have the ultimate weapon to command their own will over the will of others (as their invasion of Poland was merely a first step in their agenda) was not far from Oppenheimer’s mind as well as the many key individuals of whom had not only shared time with him in his life, but had become spiritual warriors of the cause to stop (once and for all) the unGodly atrocities birthed from the minds of actual evil in Nazi-era Germany.
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Key individuals had indeed entered Oppenheimer’s life; individuals like Isidor Rabi (portrayed gracefully by David Krumholtz in his finest performance on screen to date), Ernest Lawrence (portrayed very impressively by Josh Hartnett in his finest performance yet), Lewis Strauss (portrayed masterfully by one Robert Downey, Jr. in his greatest performance since “Chaplin”), Jean Tatlock (portrayed strongly by Florence Pugh in a highly provocative & deeply off-putting performance), Leslie Groves (portrayed incredibly by Matt Damon in my favorite on-screen performance by him since “Good Will Hunting”), Katherine “Kitty” Harris (who would later become Katherine “Kitty” Oppenheimer in real life and in the film; portrayed Perfectly by Emily Blunt in one of my favorite performances in the entire film), as well as many, many other key individuals who played significant roles in the organization of the atomic bomb in order to end what had become known worldwide as “The Axis of Evil” in [accurate] historical documentation.
The countless individuals who shall remain in the history books as having been directly associated with the formation of the U.S. Military effort (not to mention Canada and The United Kingdom, respectively) to create the Atomic Bomb are represented with dignified refinement in Christopher Nolan’s masterwork, “Oppenheimer.” The ensemble cast is enormous, and no one single performance can be understated by any other performance. Every performer on camera honorably captures an accurate portrayal of the manner of which these real life individuals had lived (granted with a dramatic tone mostly reminiscent in any major motion picture’s cinematic retelling of any major historical world event to connect an overall thought to anyone of whom views the picture).
In addition to the enormous ensemble cast is the enormous production design of the film. It’s particularly astounding to observe how Oppenheimer had become involved in the most important government protocol known to modern society, and then had the most important responsibility of practically producing a space within the nation to run highly-classified government operatives & lead numerous scientists (of both men and women) to create something that had never been physically manifested before by anyone. Cillian Murphy’s charming on-screen dynamics with his peers & colleagues (even among some of the most fascinating & completely serious situations; i.e. The personal politics becoming an element of interference & conflict even among the very people who worked as a team to construct the nuclear solution to the atomic problem; the complete classification of his work due to the priority of the U.S. Military; the priority of national security; his overall personal relationships while putting a new team of scientists together to perform the most massive scientific undertaking in a race against evil) - is just as organic as it is compelling to observe on film.
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The reality of Oppenheimer’s associations with the Communist Party (as well as his own family members and friends) are presented very clearly throughout the entire film. Regardless of the numerous verbal warnings from fellow scientists such as Ernest Lawrence to keep politics outside of the laboratory (due to Oppenheimer’s rather open and highly vocal political opinions in favor for the Communist ideals with an intensely pro-worker stance), Oppenheimer continued to struggle to find the balance between his own personal convictions & morals as an individual as well as working within the functioning realm of national loyalty & honorable servitude. As the film continues into the development of Oppenheimer’s leadership as an instructor for his own students (which continues to increase in numbers), he eventually calls upon the brightest and most capable minds within his field to join the cause of stopping the world from being totally annihilated by the forces of darkness (as the Nazi army had continued to murder & genocide countless innocent lives in Europe on a daily basis and intended on dominating the world by total violence & mass genocide).
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With a newly formed team and his continued work alongside Leslie Groves (a true man of the cause; a decorated Engineer of the U.S. Military who did his service to his country with much Pride & Honor) to build a physical location to perform what would later be referred to as “The Manhattan Project” (which was a perfect recreation in terms of production design of the classified military operation in Los Alamos, New Mexico, U.S.A.), Oppenheimer’s vision had come to fruition in the most tangible form (with the relentlessness of Groves throughout the entirety of the nuclear arms race). After the painstaking search for the perfect team to create the most destructive force known to humankind was completed (even with a briefly elusive encounter between Oppenheimer & Albert Einstein [portrayed by Tom Conti with awe-inspiring perfection & grace] in the beginning of the film when Strauss extends an invitation to Oppenheimer), the increase of scientific gravitas becomes ever more present with each scene in the film and each additional scientist of whom helps construct “the weapon to end all wars.” With each additional individual who presents more & more ideas to the table (so-to-speak) on how to successfully achieve the most effective scientific results (during an intimate look inside the American think-tank that constructed the weaponization of atomic power), the collaborative efforts put forth by the men and women who built the atomic bomb was frequently rife with conflict & tremendous disagreement due to the meeting of massive minds (often harboring massive ideas & massive egos to boot). 
The potential security threat that Oppenheimer’s Communist ties initially raised had been dissolved by Leslie Groves due to his concrete belief in Oppenheimer’s intellectual abilities as a Scientist. This clear confidence, regardless of personal reservations, is what prompts Robert Oppenheimer’s brother, Frank Oppenheimer (portrayed respectably by Dylan Arnold) to join the highly classified government operation to defeat the Nazis in the race for atomic power (regardless of his clear ties with the Communist Party). The cause had become greater than us all as our personal politics and personal reservations regarding who did [or did not] pose a potential security threat to our nation had been placed as a postponed priority during a race against time (and an actual race against evil). Just as it has always been (in regards to the most important moments in human history), desperate times called for desperate measures. This is the compelling beauty of the unified cooperation & sincere teamwork that had actually happened in real life with real human beings who truly did save the world from the further influence of the destructive forces of darkness (and our absolute end as an overall existence). Regardless of differing political ideologies, many individuals came together for the common cause to stop the world from succumbing to the most sinister darkness ever known to be (by collectively constructing a proverbial candlestick of God to bring forth from the heavens the ultimate force of light).
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Secondly, “Oppenheimer” is a picture about the tragic betrayal & political persecution of J. Robert Oppenheimer despite his awe-inspiring commitment & loyalty to The United States of America as a government and as a nation (as well as the entirety of humanity and existence on Earth). The second act of this three-act work of art is primarily focused around the McCarthy-era “Red Scare” that occurred in America that followed the aftermath of the end of World War II in the following decade. The Red Scare had essentially been a witch-hunt in contemporary America for anyone who was a Communist, held affiliations with the Communist Party, or was suspected of having potential connections and/or ties with any individual(s) or organization(s) associated or in some way, shape, or form, and/or of having any relations with Communism as a whole (very reminiscent of another important socio-political picture focused on the era of McCarthyism in America entitled, “Good Night and Good Luck”). 
Regardless of Oppenheimer’s complete commitment & sincere dedication to the cause of our great nation, he was still held under a severe amount of scrutiny and political punishment for his past associations with the Communist Party. In addition to a public hearing which had placed his entire scientific credibility & honor as a man under an unnecessary humiliation that attempted to destroy his life, family, and career - He also faced a significant amount of antagonistic questioning on a daily basis regarding a tapestry of arbitrary & meaningless questions that were implemented more severely & viciously with each passing day in order to further diminish, attack, and otherwise destroy his character (regardless of him & his family’s sacrifice for the greater good).
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The second act is duplicitous in the sense that it’s nonlinear in it’s presentation (similar to the earlier work by Nolan, “Memento”). Act two is primarily in black & white, a clear indication of the nature of the duality of Oppenheimer’s scientific & humanitarian achievement in that he was once an exciting figure full of potential in the first act (with a sense of hope & color & adventure), and now the second act has him facing questions (in a stark contrast to act one) regarding his own character and his associations (in addition to the very achievement he was called upon in order to save the world from total annihilation, by the very people who asked for his help). The second act happens simultaneously with the first act which is a stroke of genius in the direction, writing, and overall production quality of the film. Without revealing too much in order to preserve the quality of the picture, the second act is a complete torment on Oppenheimer’s character and his actions and overall judgment calls (as the man responsible for having a scientific team working for the U.S. Military & U.S. Government that actually had Russian spies and double-agents infiltrating classified U.S. intelligence during The Manhattan Project and The Trinity Test). The truly unfortunate reality is that Oppenheimer, while being a genius who worked alongside many, many brilliant & wise individuals, still managed to succumb to the double-cross of individuals of whom were trusted with the highest security clearances in our own U.S. Government (while covertly operating within the means of international political subversion & government espionage).
While I will not indulge further into the premise regarding the socio-political plot-related themes of the film, I will indeed acknowledge the Kubrickian fashion in which Nolan has immersed his direction in this particular film (in all of it’s 70mm glory). Without spoiling the story for anyone; there is one scene during Oppenheimer’s questioning where the film provides a visual representation of how deeply each question had cut Oppenheimer as a person (and character). What would seem to be a completely gratuitous sex scene during Oppenheimer’s questioning (courtesy of Florence Pugh & Cillian Murphy, both in a highly artistic light), is actually an astonishing symbolic gesture that showcases the real suffering that was not only endured by Julius Oppenheimer (having been known for his illicit affairs), but also his wife, Katherine, during one of the worst times in Oppenheimer and his family’s life (which fed into Kitty’s alcoholism despite her own intellect & genius in real life). The questions of Oppenheimer’s commitment to our country, and to the greatest cause in the world, and the questioning of his personal affairs in order to smear his good name was discovered to be a deliberate method of private interest (facilitated by an individual later revealed in the film).
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Oppenheimer’s credibility & worthiness had been completely tested, challenged, and disgraced regardless of the fact that he utilized his intellect (and the intellect of countless individuals in his immediate life that had all worked together) in order to bring an end to the forces of darkness by using the most powerful form of light: Atomic Power. 
Thirdly, Christopher Nolan’s monumental cinematic achievement is, symbolically-speaking, about the Greek tragedy of the Titan known as Prometheus (originally based off of Hesiod’s ancient mythological poetry, “Theogony”; as well as the 5th Century [B.C.] epic trilogy written by Aeschylus, “Prometheia”; a trilogy of tragedy consisting of “Prōmetheús Desmótēs” (a.k.a. “Prometheus Bound”), “Promētheus Lyomenos” (a.k.a. “Prometheus Unbound”), and “Promētheús Pyrphóros” (a.k.a. “Prometheus The Bringer of Fire”). In the calculated words of Oppenheimer, himself, as he identifies with the paradigm of which confined Prometheus before him, “…I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds…” (taken from Eastern Philosophical Sanskrit spiritual text; quoting Vishnu of the Hindu faith; Bhagavad Gita, approximately 4th Century BCE). As Oppenheimer’s ability to “bring fire” to humanity (a cinematic similarity of the mythological tragedy of Prometheus), having stolen fire from Zeus and having given it to Humanity (in addition to civilization & science & knowledge from the heavens), the mythological being’s tale had become an obvious parallel to Oppenheimer in his actual waking life (when he was indeed alive on this earth and did aim to wield the power of the universal light). Regardless of Oppenheimer’s world-changing achievement (and the further harm it would prevent on a mass level), he was still able to intellectually determine his own profound understanding of the bloodshed & death that would be the result of his scientific creation (despite the necessity to stop the seemingly unstoppable armies of Germany & Japan at the time). Oppenheimer, like Prometheus before him, had successfully managed to reach for the stars and pull the light down from the heavens, and bring it to humanity on earth in order to prevent Zeus from completely obliterating and destroying humanity as a whole.
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In Nolan’s masterpiece, as Prometheus had learned the ability to seize the power of fire could indeed be harnessed from the heavens, Oppenheimer had learned the ability to seize the atomic power that could actually be harnessed from existence itself (as the molecular structure of all existence as we know it is indeed a physical result of atomic activity combined with spiritual energy [individually & collectively]) within an interaction between the tangible & intangible forces of cosmic energy & matter & waves of sound.
As in the tale of Prometheus, after having brought fire to earth from the heavens, the following punishment was the eternal torture & torment of Prometheus (condemned by Zeus). Prometheus was shackled to a boulder, as his immortal liver was eaten on a daily basis (having the ability to regenerate each day) by an Eagle (typically identified as the emblem of Zeus). In a contemporary context, an eagle also identifies as a symbol of State Power; Authority of The State; Government Power. Zeus, in Nolan’s cinematic interpretation, has a much more fascinating and complex representation via two different major political figures (both Adolf Hitler as well as President Truman; the inherent duality of state power). Without giving anything away - The brief cameo of President Truman (as he and Oppenheimer meet) is an encounter similar to that of when Peter Finch’s ‘Howard Beale’ meets Ned Beatty’s ‘Arthur Jensen’ in the film “Network” (albeit more brief). While Oppenheimer’s brilliance and complete concern over the social responsibility of striving for a world where we no longer need to use any such weapons in order to remain a functioning society - President Truman (portrayed masterfully by an actor who shall remain nameless to maintain the integrity of the picture) shows the true nature of the political world by declaring the contrary and asserting a further implementation of research & development to deter any further international threats (regardless of Oppenheimer’s clear concern of any government having such access to such extensive means of weaponized methods of power on the nuclear level).
It’s a truly fascinating & monumental statement to have applied the cinematic telling of one of the most important moments in human history while simultaneously bringing forth poetic symbolism of a Greek tragedy (utilizing the most powerful form of cinematic triplicity; particularly with the utilization of Einstein who plays more like a force of nature rather than a man). The third act of the film releases Oppenheimer from his proverbial rock of eternal torment in his own modern Tartarus, as he is released by the help of the every-day scientist, David Hill (portrayed perfectly in a minor, but completely effective role by Rami Malek). As Heracles before him, Hill’s presence sheds new light on an intriguing internal development within the scientific community which not only shows the duplicitous nature of the second act, but also the duplicitous nature of the individuals of whom had called upon Oppenheimer to help create the atomic bombs that would be dropped on the civilian cities of Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Japan (respectively). Rami Malek’s brief, but significantly important role in the film is the pivotal turning point that grants Oppenheimer, his family, and his associations (both past and current) freedom from previous prejudice & extreme ridicule (in a gratifying on-screen showdown that brings forth the most important message of the entire film).
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Lastly, and most importantly, the overall message of Nolan’s masterpiece is about honoring the people who deliberately rise to the occasion in order to save the good grace of humanity & the sanctity of life as we know it (regardless of prior or potential political affiliation or one’s professional ego or private interest). The importance of speaking up on the behalf of the ones who do good in the world, and celebrating each achievement in order to propel the individual (and the collective) further into the future is essential in all industries (not just the scientific field). The ones who literally step forward to save & preserve the fate of humankind & our world (by intellect, spirit, or body) should be awarded for their good faith (not punished or tortured or removed by exclusion due to the absurdity of bureaucracy or envious competitors or kicked back into the world merely as paupers, or as the film refers, a “Lowly shoe salesmen”). 
In conclusion: The elusive moment between Einstein & Oppenheimer (which comes back around full circle from Act one through Act three) is a highly powerful moment on film that provides an insight into the purity of true genius & brilliance (more importantly & above all else: a wisdom that burns inside within the spirit of Oppenheimer as it had in Einstein; a candlestick of God’s light from within: All-Knowing, regardless of the tumultuous path ahead of the man that became known as “The Father of The Atomic Bomb”). The beauty of the film is not one individual’s achievement, but the collaborative achievement of the goodness of humanity as a species in order to stop the darkest evil known to humankind. It was one individual who lead a team of individuals (with unmeasurable personal & professional sacrifice on everyone’s behalf), a true human being alongside other noble human beings who did what was necessary to preserve the sanctity of life as we cherish it to be.  Considering the known reality that the relevance of an actual threat of nuclear warfare still exists in our modern time (approximately one century after the real atomic bomb had been created by the most important team of individuals who placed, not only country above party, but humanity above it all), perhaps Christopher Nolan’s cinematic echo of the past will allow us all to consider the priority of humanity’s future as we look towards a better time, not just for a certain few, but for ALL of us as an entire world (now & forever).
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shisonika · 9 months
Exploring the Mystique of Lord Shiva: The Supreme Deity
Exploring the Mystique of Lord Shiva: The Supreme Deity
In the vast and intricate tapestry of Hinduism, one deity stands out with unparalleled mystique and reverence - Lord Shiva. Often referred to as the "Destroyer" within the Holy Trinity of Hinduism, Shiva is a captivating figure who embodies a multitude of qualities that both awe and inspire. Let's embark on a journey to uncover the essence of Lord Shiva and the profound significance that this divine entity holds in Hindu culture.
The Many Faces of Lord Shiva
Lord Shiva is a complex and multifaceted deity. His visual representation is iconic - with blue skin symbolizing his vastness, a third eye on his forehead representing wisdom, a snake coiled around his neck as a symbol of transformation, and a crescent moon adorning his head. His attire, consisting of tiger skin and ashes from a cremation ground, underlines his renunciant nature. He is often depicted with a trident, the symbol of his power.
Dance of Creation and Destruction: The Tandava
One of the most captivating aspects of Lord Shiva is his cosmic dance, known as the Tandava. This dance represents the eternal rhythm of the universe, where creation and destruction are inseparable. The Tandava is a powerful and dynamic dance that signifies the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth.
The Ascetic and the Family Man
Lord Shiva's paradoxical nature is evident in his lifestyle. He is both a profound ascetic, often seen in deep meditation in the Himalayas, and a loving family man. His consort, Goddess Parvati, embodies the feminine energy that complements his masculinity. Together, they represent the harmonious balance of masculine and feminine energies in the universe.
Destroyer of Negativity
While Lord Shiva's role as the "Destroyer" may seem ominous, it is essential to understand that he destroys negativity and ignorance to pave the way for new beginnings. Devotees turn to him to seek liberation from the shackles of ego and desire, finding solace in his transformative power.
The Power of Lord Shiva's Name
The very utterance of Lord Shiva's name holds immense significance in Hinduism. Chanting "Om Namah Shivaya" is a revered mantra that invokes his blessings and helps in the journey towards spiritual awakening and self-realization. The vibration of these sacred syllables is believed to resonate with the cosmic energy.
Lord Shiva's Timeless Legacy
In a world filled with complexity and uncertainty, the timeless legacy of Lord Shiva serves as a source of solace and inspiration. His symbolism, his dance, and his philosophy remind us of the eternal cycle of life and the importance of balance in our existence. The word "Lord Shiva" evokes a sense of reverence and wonder that transcends religious boundaries. It represents the embodiment of profound spiritual truths and the enduring quest for enlightenment. Whether you are a devout follower or a curious seeker, exploring the depths of Lord Shiva's mystique can lead to a deeper understanding of the universe and our place within it.
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fantomcomics · 1 year
What’s Out This Week? 1/4
Thank you all for an incredible 2022! We hope you had amazing holidays, and we can’t wait to spend 2023 with you!
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Children Of The Black Sun #1 -  Dario Sicchio & Letizia Cadonici
"It is not difficult to be happy under a blue sky. But it takes a lot of courage to be strong even under a black sun."
Over the years, a black sun has risen twice. A dark dawn whose rays have done terrible things to people's minds, driving them to all sorts of horror. Twelve years have passed since the last time and the world still fears the return of that inexplicable phenomenon. But fear is not the only legacy of those terrible days. All the women who got pregnant under the influence of the black sun have given birth to babies with some... peculiarities. White hair, ashy skin, abnormal proportions, and eyes as red as fire: the Children of the Black Sun. Brightvale is a small town like many others. 
Here the Children of the Black Sun are treated with particular contempt, especially in the days leading up to the anniversary of the two disasters. The hatred of their fellow villagers, terrified of a possible return of that horror, will push these kids to unite and embark on a hallucinatory journey to discover themselves and their true nature. But is the black sun really about to return?
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Gangster Ass Barista #1 -  Pat Shand, Renzo Rodriguez, Conor Hughes, & Fin Cramb
Trinity used to live a life of crime, but now she has left behind her old life and works at a coffee shop. Unfortunately, making ends meet isn't easy to do with a minimum wage job. Not to mention the fact that customers are beginning to get on Trinity's nerves, and it's getting harder and harder to not let her old tendencies take control.
When Trinity's past comes calling, it's like the famous quote: "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!"  
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I’m Kinda Chubby And I’m Your Hero GN Vol 1 -  Nore
Honjiro is a rookie actor trying his best to land a breakout role, but he fears that his weight stands in the way of his dreams. One day, he's surprised by fan mail full of sweets. The package came from Konnosuke, a local pastry chef-Honjiro's first major fan! As Konnosuke supports Honjiro's work and gives him new confidence to face the stage, will their relationship grow beyond just aspiring star and fanboy?
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Mosely #1 (of 5) - Rob Guillory & Sam Lotfi
In the hyper-technological world of the later 21st century, Mosely is a bitter old janitor on a mission from a higher power-to unleash holy Hell upon the "too big to fail" Tech Gods. Can one man bring down the corporate powers who've used their vast influence to oppress an all too complacent human race (and hopefully win back the favor of his estranged family while he's at it)? Mosely's taking up the Holy Hammer and you better believe he's gonna smash some $h!t until he sets mankind free!
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Potions Inc TP Vol 1 - Erik Burnham, Stelladia & Natasha Alterici
The call of adventure always seems to hang up whenever Randelgast Jones tries to answer it, leaving him facing the dull future of working in his family's successful potion shop. But when a powerful artifact is stolen from his parents and puts them under a terrible curse, Ran finally gets the quest he's been after his whole life. He and his siblings set off to find the missing artifact - and its trail leads them from their homeland of Primaterra to the very strange realm of... Seattle, Washington. 1992.
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Spy Superb #1 (of 3) - Matt Kindt
It's John Wick meets Wes Anderson in this mystery-thriller about a secret organization that's developed the perfect spy. Who is the perfect spy? A spy who doesn't even realize they are a spy. AKA the "useful idiot." This particular useful idiot is named Jay. Jay is sent on missions without even realizing he's on a mission. Until he picks up the wrong phone with the wrong secret intel and now Russian hit-squads and elite assassins are after him. But Jay believes he was a sleeper agent-and really is the "spy superb". His complete obliviousness and lack of survival skills may be the only thing that saves him in this globe-trotting espionage tale . . . where nothing is what it seems . . . but also . . . kind of actually is what it seems.
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Trojan #1 (of 4) - Daniel Kraus, Marco Lesko, Laci & Jeff Dekal
Once upon a time, we lived alongside Legends. Creatures of myth. Centaurs, fauns, gorgons, kelpies, gnomes, and more. They were spectacular. Majestic. Powerful. Peaceful. Pure. In comparison, we were ugly. Weak. Warmongering. Rotten. Is it any wonder we could not live alongside them any longer? After driving these Legends to the fringes of society, an uglier form of mythos takes shape in the form of rumors of live snuff shows for dark web high rollers. When a mysterious young woman, Nessa, enlists the help of a hacker to take a tour of the grisliest corners of the Dark Web, she sets in motion a war between those who peddle to mankind's darkest fantasies and a world that transcends imagination. Trojan is fantasy thriller full of wonder and horror in equal measure.
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The Ward: Welcome To The Madhouse TP -  Cavan Scott & Andres Ponce 
St. Lilith's is a secret hospital for supernatural creatures. The personnel are overworked, the facility is underfunded, and all operations must be kept hidden from the public. A place, and a life, Dr. Nat Reeves thought she left behind. Until a wounded woman (with a tail) appears on her doorstep.
Whatcha scooping up this week to start the new year right, Fantom Fam?
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thxnews · 4 days
King Approves New Bishop of Exeter
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The King of England has given his approval for the nomination of The Right Reverend Mike Harrison as the new Bishop of Exeter. Currently serving as the Suffragan Bishop of Dunwich in the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, Bishop Harrison is set to succeed The Right Reverend Robert Atwell, who recently retired from the post. The momentous announcement coincided with the celebration of Devon Day on June 4, 2024.  
The appointment of Bishop Harrison marks a new chapter in the rich history of the Diocese of Exeter. With a strong background in mission, evangelism, and engaging with youth, he brings a fresh perspective and a wealth of experience to the role. As the spiritual leader for the Anglican community in Devon, Bishop Harrison will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the Church in the region.  
A Spiritual Journey
Mike Harrison's path to becoming the Bishop of Exeter has been marked by a diverse range of experiences and a deep commitment to his faith. After completing his undergraduate studies in Mathematics & Statistics at Selwyn College, Cambridge, he worked as both a Management Consultant and a Social Worker in London. This unique blend of analytical thinking and compassionate service laid the foundation for his future ministry. Answering the call to serve, Mike trained for ministry at Oxford and began his clerical journey as Assistant Curate at St Anne and All Saints, South Lambeth in the Southwark Diocese. During this time, he also pursued a PhD in Doctrine at King's College, London University, further deepening his theological understanding.  
A Heart for Mission and Ministry
Throughout his career, Bishop Harrison has demonstrated a keen focus on mission, evangelism, discipleship, and cultivating vocations. As Chaplain at Bradford University and Bradford and Ilkley Community College, he also served as Diocesan World Development Advisor and completed an MA in International Development Studies at Bradford University. This global perspective has undoubtedly shaped his approach to ministry and his understanding of the Church's role in the world. As Vicar of Holy Trinity, Eltham in the Diocese of Southwark, Bishop Harrison also served as Rural Dean of Eltham and Mottingham. In 2006, he moved to Leicester Diocese as Director of Mission and Ministry, further honing his skills in leadership and pastoral care.  
A New Chapter for Exeter
Bishop Harrison's nomination as the Bishop of Exeter comes at a significant time for the Diocese and the county as a whole. As Devon Day celebrations on June 4th highlight the rich cultural heritage and traditions of the region, the Church of England also recognizes the importance of spiritual leadership in fostering community and promoting the common good. With his wife Rachel, an Occupational Therapist, and their four adult children by his side, Bishop Harrison embarks on this new journey with a sense of purpose and a commitment to serving the people of Devon. As a passionate supporter of Bolton Wanderers, a beekeeper, and a baker of cakes, he brings a well-rounded perspective and a genuine love for life to his new role. As the 10 Downing Street announcement on Devon Day underscores, the appointment of Bishop Harrison represents a new era for the Diocese of Exeter. Building upon the legacy of his predecessors, including the recently retired Bishop Robert Atwell, he will undoubtedly leave his own mark on the spiritual landscape of Devon.  
A Legacy of Faith
The Diocese of Exeter has been blessed with a long line of distinguished spiritual leaders, each contributing to the rich tapestry of faith in the region. The last 10 Bishops of Exeter, spanning over a century of service, include: Bishop Years of Service Robert Atwell 2014-2023 Michael Langrish 1999-2013 Hewlett Thompson 1985-1999 Eric Mercer 1973-1985 Robert Mortimer 1949-1973 Charles Curzon 1936-1948 Lord William Cecil 1916-1936 Archibald Robertson 1903-1916 Herbert Edward Ryle 1901-1903 Edward Bickersteth 1885-1900   Final Thoughts As Bishop Harrison takes up the mantle, he stands on the shoulders of giants, ready to lead the Diocese of Exeter into a new era of faith, hope, and love. With his unique blend of experience, compassion, and vision, he is poised to make a lasting impact on the spiritual life of Devon and beyond. The King's approval of Bishop Harrison's nomination is a testament to his character, his dedication, and his potential to lead the Church of England in Exeter with grace and wisdom. As the diocese embarks on this new chapter, the people of Devon can look forward to a future filled with spiritual growth, community engagement, and the enduring message of the Gospel.   Sources: THX News, Wikipedia, Catholic Hierarchy, Visit Mid Devon, Devon City Council & Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street. Read the full article
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flairyourtrip · 2 months
Your Perfect Georgia Itinerary for 8 Day's
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Day 01: Dubai Departure - Arrival at Tbilisi Start your journey with a smooth transfer to Tbilisi International Airport from Dubai after a delightful breakfast. Upon arrival in Tbilisi, our friendly representative will greet you at the "Arrivals" section, holding a board with our company logo and your name. You'll be escorted to your hotel for check-in, allowing you to unwind and recover from jetlag, preparing for an exciting adventure ahead.
Day 02: Tbilisi-Mtskheta (NS-Tbilisi) Embark on a fascinating journey starting at 9:00 AM, meeting your guide and driver in the hotel lobby. Explore the iconic Jvari Monastery, a majestic architectural wonder perched atop a cliff overlooking Mtskheta, the ancient capital of Georgia. Marvel at the harmonious blend of nature and architecture as you take in breathtaking views of the Mtkvari and Aragvi rivers. Continue your exploration to Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, steeped in rich history and religious significance. Delve into the legacy of Georgia's past rulers and the enduring spirit of Christianity. In Tbilisi, immerse yourself in the city's charm, visiting Metekhi Church, the historic Rike Park, Narikala Fortress, and Sulphur baths. Experience the vibrant atmosphere of Meidan Square, adorned with quaint cafes and souvenir shops. Conclude the day with a visit to the Chronicles of Georgia, offering picturesque vistas and insights into Georgia's cultural heritage.
Day 03: Tbilisi-Gudauri-Kazbegi (NS-Tbilisi) Embark on an enchanting journey along the Georgian Military Highway, venturing towards the Russian border. Witness the beauty of Jhinvali Water Reservoir and Ananuri complex, adorned with ancient churches and towers. Experience the mesmerizing spectacle of two mountain rivers merging in vivid hues, and savor the purity of mineral springs in Mleta. Arrive in Gudauri and traverse the Cross Pass, pausing at the "People’s Friendship" viewpoint for panoramic vistas of the Caucasus mountain range. In Kazbegi, ascend to Gergeti Holy Trinity Church via a rugged four-wheel drive, soaking in the awe-inspiring views of Mount Kazbegi. Return to Tbilisi, reflecting on the day's adventures.
Day 04: Tbilisi-Kakheti-KTW-Bodbe-Sighnaghi (NS-Tbilisi) Embark on a delightful journey through Kakheti, starting with a visit to a traditional winery in Paterdzeuli. Explore the sacred Bodbe Monastery, believed to be the final resting place of Saint Nino, who introduced Christianity to Georgia. Discover the enchanting town of Sighnaghi, known as the "City of Love" and a pivotal stop on the Great Silk Road. Wander through its fortified walls, adorned with 23 towers, and savor the charm of its cobblestone streets and panoramic views. Conclude the day with a return to Tbilisi, enriched with memorable experiences.
Day 5: Tbilisi-Prometheus-Martvili (NS-Batumi) Embark on a scenic journey to Batumi, commencing with a visit to the verdant Batumi Botanical Garden, boasting a diverse array of flora from around the world. Explore the vibrant city of Batumi, renowned for its captivating architecture, palm-lined promenades, and vibrant nightlife. Stroll through Europe Square, marvel at the Alphabetic Tower, and admire the poignant sculpture of Ali and Nino. Ascend the Batumi Ferris Wheel for panoramic views, and immerse yourself in the lively ambiance of Piazza. Conclude the day, leaving with cherished memories of Batumi's allure.
Day 6: Batumi-Local Tour-Botanical (NS-Batumi) Embark on another day of exploration in Batumi, beginning with a visit to the renowned Batumi Botanical Garden, a haven of biodiversity spanning 111 hectares. Delight in the diverse flora from nine phyto-geographic regions, curated by eminent botanist Andrey Krasnov. Explore the vibrant cityscape of Batumi, brimming with architectural marvels, lush greenery, and cultural gems. Discover Europe Square, the Alphabetic Tower, and the poignant sculpture of Ali and Nino. Ascend the Batumi Ferris Wheel for panoramic views, and immerse yourself in the charm of Piazza. Conclude the day, captivated by Batumi's unique blend of nature and culture.
Day 7: Batumi-Uplistsikhe-Mtskheta (NS Tbilisi) Embark on a captivating journey to Uplistsikhe, the ancient rock-hewn town dating back to the first millennium BC. Explore the labyrinthine caves and structures, witnessing traces of Georgia's rich history and cultural heritage. Journey to Mtskheta, visiting the iconic Jvari Monastery and the revered Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, both UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Immerse yourself in the spiritual ambiance and architectural splendor, culminating in a deeper appreciation of Georgia's cultural legacy.
Day 8: Departure Conclude your memorable journey with a leisurely morning in Tbilisi, savoring the last moments of your Georgian adventure. After breakfast, check-out from your hotel by 12:00 PM, leaving your luggage in the lobby for convenience. Bid farewell to the enchanting city as your driver escorts you to Tbilisi International Airport for your departure flight.
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trinityfh · 2 months
Funeral Home in St. Albert for Traditional Services, Cremations, & Memorials | Trinity Funeral Home
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Trinity Funeral Home is a compassionate and respected funeral home dedicated to providing support to families in their times of grief. As a trusted funeral home near St. Albert, Alberta, we offer a range of services, including traditional funerals, cremations, and memorial services, tailored to meet the unique needs and wishes of each family. Our experienced team of professionals understands the significance of creating meaningful farewells that honor the lives and legacies of loved ones. At Trinity Funeral Home, we are committed to guiding families with empathy and respect as they navigate the challenging journey of saying goodbye to their dear ones.
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christianschools · 3 months
Get a Dedicated Christian School for Your Child!
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Our best Christian schools in Wake County embrace this legacy, offering pupils with an immersive atmosphere where trust is woven into every facet of their education journey. By incorporating faith teachings into their strict curriculum, learners receive teaching that not only encourages their intellectual development but also boosts their moral compass as well as character. Get in touch with Trinity Academy!
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jawaharlalnehru · 3 months
Jawaharlal Nehru Essay Writer: Explore the Legacy with Simplified Free Online Tool
Jawaharlal Nehru Essay Writer
Unravel the visionary leader with Simplified Jawaharlal Nehru Essay Writer. Craft informed essays that express insights through creativity with our free online tool. Simplified presents a seamless writing experience, allowing you to explore the legacy of Jawaharlal Nehru effortlessly. Jawaharlal Nehru, often referred to as Pandit Nehru, was a prominent Indian politician and statesman who played a crucial role in the country's struggle for independence from British rule. Born on November 14, 1889, in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, Nehru was the first Prime Minister of independent India and served from 1947 until his death in 1964.
Nehru was born into a wealthy and influential family. His father, Motilal Nehru, was a prominent lawyer and a leading figure in the Indian National Congress. Nehru received his education in England, where he studied at Harrow School and later at Trinity College, Cambridge. During his time in England, Nehru was exposed to various political ideologies and became deeply influenced by the ideas of socialism, nationalism, and anti-imperialism.
Upon returning to India, Nehru became actively involved in the Indian independence movement. He joined the Indian National Congress and quickly rose through the ranks of the party. Nehru's charismatic personality, eloquence, and commitment to the cause of freedom made him a popular leader among the masses.
Nehru played a pivotal role in shaping the vision of independent India. He firmly believed in the principles of democracy, secularism, and social justice. As Prime Minister, Nehru implemented a series of progressive policies aimed at modernizing the country and improving the lives of its citizens. He focused on industrialization, infrastructure development, and the expansion of education and healthcare facilities.
One of Nehru's most significant contributions was his emphasis on scientific and technological advancement. He established numerous scientific research institutions and promoted the development of nuclear energy. Nehru firmly believed that science and technology were essential for the progress and prosperity of the nation.
Nehru was also a staunch advocate for peace and international cooperation. He played a crucial role in the Non-Aligned Movement, which aimed to maintain neutrality and independence from the Cold War superpowers. Nehru's commitment to peace and diplomacy earned him respect and admiration on the global stage.
Despite his many achievements, Nehru's tenure as Prime Minister was not without challenges. India faced numerous internal and external conflicts, including the partition of the country and the subsequent violence between Hindus and Muslims. Nehru worked tirelessly to maintain unity and harmony among the diverse population of India.
Nehru's legacy extends beyond his political career. He was a prolific writer and a gifted orator. His writings, including his autobiography "The Discovery of India," reflect his deep understanding of Indian history, culture, and philosophy. Nehru's eloquent speeches and writings continue to inspire generations of Indians.
Jawaharlal Nehru's contributions to India's independence struggle and his vision for a modern, democratic, and secular India make him one of the most influential figures in the country's history. His leadership and progressive policies laid the foundation for India's development and continue to shape the nation's identity.
In conclusion, Jawaharlal Nehru was a visionary leader, a passionate advocate for social justice, and a staunch believer in the power of education and science. His contributions to India's independence movement and his role as the country's first Prime Minister have left an indelible mark on the nation's history. Nehru's legacy as a statesman, writer, and thinker continues to inspire and guide India's journey towards progress and prosperity.
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hoodoverhollywood · 4 months
Unveiling Hip Hop's Legacy: A Journey Through Fashion, Music, and …
On a vibrant October day, the Men of Color Alliance (MOCA) at Trinity, led by the passionate Xabian Alarcon ’25, opened a gateway to the past, present, and future of hip hop culture. The Prote.C.T. Our Heritage discussion, in collaboration with Our Piece of the Pie (OPP), wasn’t just an event; it was a profound journey through the history, music, and indelible mark of hip hop on modern fashion…
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mmjakir · 5 months
Kumar Sangakkara Net Worth: A Comprehensive Look at the Cricket Icon's Wealth
Kumar Chokshanada Sangakkara, popularly known as 'Sanga,' is a cricket legend born on October 27, 1977, in Matale, Sri Lanka. This retired cricketer has left an indelible mark on the sport, earning recognition as one of the greatest batsmen in the history of global cricket. In this blog post, we delve into Kumar Sangakkara's biography, achievements, and most importantly, his net worth.
Early Life and Cricket Career
Sangakkara began his cricket journey as a wicket-keeper and later shifted his focus to batting, aiming to improve his Test cricket average. By May 2015, he had become the 2nd highest run-scorer in ODIs and the 5th highest in Test cricket. The cricket maestro holds the record for the highest number of dismissals in ODI cricket as a wicket-keeper.
Records and Milestones
Kumar Sangakkara's contributions to Test cricket are remarkable. He holds numerous records, including being Sri Lanka’s all-time leader in runs, average, half-centuries, centuries, and double centuries. The cricket icon achieved several milestones, becoming the fastest batsman to reach 8,000, 9,000, 11,000, and 12,000 runs. His prowess earned him the title of the Wisden Leading Cricketer in the World in 2011 and 2015.
Kumar Sangakkara's Net Worth
According to Idol Net Worth, Kumar Sangakkara's total assets amount to an impressive $21 million or approximately 173.38 Crores in Rupees. This substantial net worth is not solely derived from his cricket earnings but also from various business ventures and investments over the years.
Earnings from Cricket
Sangakkara earned a significant annual salary of ₹ 37,289,000 during his time with the Sunrisers Hyderabad in the Indian Premier League (IPL). Throughout his cricket career, his total earnings amounted to ₹ 199,577,000. As a left-hand batsman and right-arm off-break bowler, Sangakkara secured the 93rd position in terms of salary among all IPL cricketers.
Breakdown of Salary by Team
Sunrisers Hyderabad: ₹ 37,289,000
Deccan Chargers: ₹ 35,189,000
Kings XI Punjab: ₹ 32,403,000
Brand Endorsements
Kumar Sangakkara's influence extends beyond the cricket field. ESET, a leading cybersecurity company, has chosen him as their official brand ambassador in Sri Lanka, adding to his sources of income.
Personal Assets
While there is no specific information about Sangakkara's collection of cars, he is known to have a holiday home in Galle. This retreat serves as a place where he enjoys quality time with his spouse and children during their free days.
Notable Achievements and Retirement
Sangakkara's illustrious playing career includes forming the longest partnership in Test cricket history with Mahela Jayawardene and scoring 624 runs against South Africa in July 2006. He reached 13,000 ODI runs in December 2014, becoming the fourth player to achieve this milestone. Notably, he is the only player to score four consecutive centuries in ODIs during the 2015 Cricket World Cup.
Sangakkara announced his retirement from international cricket on June 27, 2015, after the second Test against India, leaving a legacy that continues to inspire cricket enthusiasts worldwide.
Personal Life
In his personal life, Sangakkara, the son of Kumari and Chokshanada Sangakkara, completed his education at Trinity College, Kandy. Despite initial interest in tennis, he pursued a career in cricket, following the advice of his school principal. kumar Sangakkara wife Yehali and has twins—a daughter and a son. Additionally, he is studying law at the Sri Lanka Law College, following in his father's footsteps.
Kumar Sangakkara's net worth is a testament to his success both on and off the cricket field. From his stellar cricket career to business ventures and brand endorsements, 'Sanga' has crafted a legacy that goes beyond the boundaries of the cricket pitch. His story is one of determination, achievement, and the pursuit of excellence.
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jewelevina · 5 months
Timeless Trio: Crafting Elegance with Lab-Grown Diamond Three-Stone Rings
The charm of lab-grown diamonds meets the timeless symbolism of the past, present, and future in the exquisite world of custom three-stone rings. Combining ethical sourcing, personalized design, and profound meaning, these timeless trios become more than just jewelry—they become a wearable narrative of love and commitment.
The Symbolic Symphony: Past, Present, and Future
The concept of a three-stone ring revolves around a profound symbolism, representing the journey a couple embarks upon together. The central stone embodies the present, flanked by two smaller stones symbolizing the past and the future. This trinity encapsulates the enduring nature of love, making it a poignant choice for diamond engagement rings in NJ.
Lab-Grown Diamonds: Ethical and Radiant
Choosing lab-grown diamonds for a three-stone ring aligns with ethical and sustainable values. These diamonds, created in controlled environments, exhibit the same brilliance, hardness, and beauty as mined diamonds but with a reduced environmental impact. Opting for lab-grown diamonds ensures that each stone is ethically sourced, contributing to a more responsible and eco-friendly jewelry industry.
Designing a Custom Trio: Tailoring to Personal Stories
The charm of lab-grown diamond three-stone rings lies in their customizability. Couples can actively participate in the design process, selecting the shapes, sizes, and settings that resonate with their unique love story. From classic round cuts to more contemporary princess or emerald cuts, the choices are as varied as the love stories they represent.
Versatility in Design: Setting the Stage
The versatility of three-stone rings extends to the design of the setting. Whether set in a traditional prong setting, a bezel setting for a modern touch, or a vintage-inspired halo, the setting complements the chosen diamonds and adds an extra layer of personalization. The choice of metal, whether platinum, white gold, yellow gold, or rose gold, further enhances the ring's aesthetic appeal.
Milestone Moments: Perfect for Engagements and Anniversaries
While three-stone rings are often associated with engagement, their significance extends to anniversary celebrations. Whether marking a milestone year or renewing vows, a three-stone ring made with lab-grown diamonds in NJ becomes a meaningful and timeless expression of enduring love.
Affordability without Compromise: The Lab-Grown Advantage
Beyond their ethical credentials, lab-grown diamonds offer affordability without compromising quality. This advantage allows couples to allocate resources strategically, perhaps opting for a larger center stone or more intricate detailing in the setting, ensuring the ring is meaningful and visually stunning.
Legacy in the Making: Family Heirlooms
Lab-grown diamond three-stone rings have the potential to become cherished family heirlooms. Their timeless design and enduring symbolism make them perfect for passing down through generations, creating a legacy rooted in love, commitment, and ethical values.
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Original Source:https://jewelevina.blogspot.com/2023/12/timeless-trio-crafting-elegance-with.html
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pixoplanet · 6 months
🍎 The Amazing Life and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton
Introduction: Unveiling Newton's Remarkable Journey
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It's December 25th. To quote the greatest science communicator of our time, Neil deGrasse Tyson, "On this day long ago, a child was born who, by age 30, would transform the world. Happy Birthday, Isaac Newton," who was born this day in 1642 in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, England. According to the Gregorian calendar, which the world uses today, Newton was actually born on January 4th, 1643. However, in Newton’s day, England used the Julian calendar, and according to that calendar, Newton was born on December 25th. Mr. Tyson and I (among others) prefer to celebrate Sir Isaac’s birthday on the Julian calendar date.
And so today we celebrate the birthday of one of the most important human beings who’s ever graced our planet. Isaac Newton was an extraordinary physicist and mathematician and is credited with laying the foundation for classical physics and jumpstarting the scientific revolution. He believed and proved that all of nature is governed by universal laws that can be expressed mathematically. Newton’s list of accomplishments are long and profound and continue to shape our understanding of the world. His influence will be felt forever.
From his early years at Cambridge University to his later role as President of the Royal Society, Newton's impact on scientific thought cannot be overstated. Sir Isaac Newton's contributions to physics, astronomy, and mathematics are unparalleled. His theories and laws revolutionized our understanding of motion, gravity, and light. Through his meticulous observations and rigorous experiments, he laid the foundation for modern science as we know it today.
So let’s celebrate the life and work of this extraordinary man and explore how his insatiable curiosity led him to unravel the mysteries of the universe. Let’s uncover the stories behind some of his most iconic discoveries, such as the laws of motion and universal gravitation and see how his relentless pursuit of knowledge forever changed our perception of reality.
Prepare to be inspired by Sir Isaac Newton's unwavering dedication to unraveling nature's secrets. His legacy continues to inspire generations of scientists and serves as a testament to what can be achieved through relentless pursuit, unwavering determination, and an insatiable thirst for knowledge.
Let’s now embark upon this fascinating journey and unveil the remarkable life and contributions of Sir Isaac Newton – a true pioneer in the annals of scientific history.
🍎 Early Life and Education: The Formative Years
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Isaac's father unfortunately died two months before he was born. His mother remarried when he was three. Isaac’s stepfather died when Isaac was 12, and he was immediately pulled out of school to help run the family estate. Isaac seemed to show little promise in school anyway. His teachers described him as idle and inattentive. And Isaac soon showed he had no talent or interest in managing an estate, either.
An uncle persuaded Isaac's mother to let him go back to school. This time he must've shown some promise because after he graduated from primary school, the school's headmaster convinced Isaac's mother to send him to college. Isaac entered Cambridge’s Trinity College in 1661 at the age of 19 and began studying philosophy, science, and mathematics. He returned home in 1665 when Trinity College closed down due to a bubonic plague pandemic. Free to study whatever he wanted to while at home, he gobbled up all the mathematics texts he could lay his hands on. During this time, Isaac developed calculus and different theories on optics.
When Isaac returned to Cambridge in 1667, his newly-developed mathematical prowess was evident to all. His professors marveled at his ability to grasp complex concepts with ease and solve intricate problems effortlessly.
But it wasn't just his exceptional mathematical abilities that now set Isaac apart. His insatiable curiosity drove him to delve into fields of knowledge well beyond the confines of the classroom. He voraciously consumed more books on science, literature, and philosophy, expanding his horizons and developing a well-rounded understanding of the world.
🍎 Universal Laws of Motion: Revolutionizing Physics
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The Universal Laws of Motion that Newton formulated have revolutionized the fields of physics and mechanics. These laws provide a fundamental understanding of how objects move and interact with one another.
The First Law of Motion, also known as the Law of Inertia, states that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will continue moving at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This concept has paved the way for our understanding of momentum.
The Second Law of Motion is known as the Law of Acceleration. It introduces the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration. It states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting upon it and is inversely proportional to its mass. This law enables us to calculate how much force is needed to accelerate or decelerate an object.
Lastly, the Third Law of Motion is known as the Law of Action-Reaction. It states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This principle explains why objects exert forces on each other when they come into contact.
Newton's Universal Laws of Motion have shaped our understanding of physics and have truly revolutionized our comprehension of how objects move in space. And they continue to have practical applications across numerous contemporary scientific disciplines such as engineering, robotics, and space exploration. They serve as a foundation for designing efficient machinery, predicting celestial movements, and even explaining everyday phenomena like walking and throwing a ball.
🍎 Universal Law of Gravitation: Unlocking the Secrets of Celestial Bodies
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Newton’s development of the three Universal Laws of Motion led him to formulate his Universal Law of Gravitation — a groundbreaking theory that has revolutionized our understanding of celestial bodies and their interactions. This law describes the gravitational force between any two objects in the universe, enabling us to unlock the secrets of planetary motion and other cosmic phenomena.
Through its elegant simplicity and yet immense explanatory power, the Universal Law of Gravitation transformed our perception of gravity and its influence on celestial bodies. Newton theorized that a smaller object doesn't actually orbit around a larger object, but that the two bodies orbit around their common center of gravity. With this realization and ever-more precise measurements of the sun and planets, his model of the solar system has continued to become more and more accurate over the years.
One of the most famous anecdotes associated with Newton is, of course, the story of him watching an apple fall from a tree as he was gazing at the moon. It’s said that this event sparked Newton's curiosity about why objects fall towards the Earth, leading him to develop the Universal Law of Gravitation. This simple observation paved the way for a profound understanding of how gravity not only governs our everyday lives, but also shapes the movements and behavior of every object in the universe. It serves as a testament to human curiosity and ingenuity in uncovering nature's secrets while reminding us that even seemingly ordinary occurrences can lead to extraordinary discoveries.
Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation continues to be a cornerstone in astrophysics and cosmology, guiding our exploration and expanding our knowledge of the cosmos. By comprehending and applying this law of nature, scientists through the years have been able to unravel mysteries surrounding planetary orbits, predict astronomical events with precision, and even explore outer space.
🍎 Optics: Shedding Light on the Nature of Color
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Newton's groundbreaking experiments with light have played a pivotal role in unraveling the mysteries of optics and color. At the time, scholars hotly debated the subject of whether or not color was an intrinsic property of light. Newton settled the debate in 1665 when he invented the prism and discovered that white light is composed of a spectrum of colors. By passing a beam of sunlight through a prism, Newton observed how it refracted into its constituent colors, creating a beautiful display which we now call the color spectrum.
This experiment revolutionized our understanding of light and demonstrated that different wavelengths correspond to different colors. It not only shed light on the nature of color but also paved the way for further exploration in the field of optics. His own continued experimentation led Newton to construct the world's first practical reflecting telescope in 1668.
The discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton about the nature of light have been instrumental in expanding and enriching our scientific knowledge. They continue to shape scientific advancements and inspire scientists and researchers to delve deeper into the intricacies of optics and its applications.
Our understanding of how light interacts with various materials has led to the development of innovative technologies like lasers and fiber optics. These inventions have had a profound impact on numerous fields such as communication, photography, lighting design, and even art. By comprehending how light behaves and how colors are perceived by our eyes, we’ve gained valuable insights into how we can manipulate these elements for practical purposes and creative expression in various aspects of our daily lives.
🍎 Mathematics: Pioneering Concepts Still Used Today
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Sir Isaac Newton’s contributions to the field of mathematics are nothing short of remarkable. His groundbreaking work in calculus has had a lasting impact on the field and continues to be used today.
Newton's development of calculus revolutionized mathematical thinking and provided a powerful tool for solving complex problems. His concepts, such as differentiation and integration, laid the foundation for modern mathematical analysis.
These pioneering mathematical concepts are still widely in use in various fields from physics to economics. They allow us to understand and model intricate systems, make predictions, and solve real-world problems. His contributions continue to shape our understanding of the world around us and serve as a testament to the power and beauty of mathematics. When sending a probe to the outskirts of the solar system, NASA scientists don't rely on Einstein's relativity to work out the math – they use Newtonian physics equations.
🍎 Legacy and Impact: How the Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton Shaped Modern Science as We Know It
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Sir Isaac Newton has unquestionably secured his place in history. He's widely regarded as one of the most important people who's ever lived. His contributions to science have left an indelible mark on our understanding of the natural world. His groundbreaking work in physics and mathematics continues to shape modern science as we know it, as many of his ideas still hold true and his equations are still in use today.
One of the most significant aspects of Newton’s legacy is his influence on future scientists and thinkers. His Universal Laws of Motion and Gravitation, along with his invention of calculus revolutionized the fields of physics and mathematics, providing a solid foundation for subsequent scientific discoveries. Newton's rigorous approach to experimentation and mathematical reasoning set new standards for scientific inquiry, inspiring generations of researchers to follow in his footsteps.
Furthermore, Newtonian physics has had a profound impact on technology advancements. From the Industrial Revolution to space exploration, his work has provided the framework for engineering marvels that have transformed society. Scientists and engineers continue to apply the principles derived from Newton's work as they make further advancements in various modern fields such as aerospace engineering, robotics, and telecommunications.
Newton was revered during his own lifetime as the culminating figure of the Scientific Revolution and has since gone on to inspire and influence many scientists who have stood upon his shoulders to see even farther — Edmund Halley, James Clerk Maxwell, Ernst Mach, Albert Einstein, Edwin Hubble, Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and on and on.
It’s truly remarkable how Sir Isaac Newton's ideas continue to shape our present and future. His intellectual prowess and dedication to scientific pursuit have paved the way for countless breakthroughs that have propelled humanity forward. We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to this brilliant man whose legacy will forever be intertwined with modern science and technology. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese
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