#the lemony stuff
lemony-snickers · 2 years
"you are the only one who's ever broken me open."
"do not scream god's name, scream mine."
"please don't make me say it if you aren't going to say it back."
"your heart is beating so fast." "because i'm happy."
"i want to draw a map of your scars so i can always find my way back to your heart."
"i don't believe in such nonsense." "i'm not asking you to. i'm simply asking that you believe in me."
"is that good? that's all i want, to make you feel good."
"it reminded me of you. but then, sometimes i think everything reminds me of you."
"what a fragile thing, that love can so easily turn to violence."
"why are you doing this?" "because i love you."
"it didn’t feel right when I was always thinking of you."
"i would have felt like the luckiest person on the planet."
"are you gonna take that off or should i keep guessing?"
"i wanted this to be special."
"i can't believe... after all this time... i should have known it would be you."
"i want to be wildly, deliriously happy.  wildly, deliriously loved."
"i try always to be too much for you."
"the sooner i leave, the sooner i will return and we can begin again."
"i didn't die." "you were dead to me."
"i don't care if other people see us together, you do."
"and you say i'm the one who should be resting."
"i'm sorry." "for what?" "that you got stuck with me."
"what makes you happy?" "lots of things." "and what makes you unhappy?" "lots of other things and some of the same ones."
"i wish i could give you the world." "the world is not enough. but you are."
"i have never needed anything so much as i need you. and i hate you for it."
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laurrelise · 7 days
currently fucking sobbing over lemony snicket quotes in the context of five and delores
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lemony snicket what is wrong with you. do me a favor and stop writing the most devastatingly beautiful love poems to ever exist on god’s green goddamn earth
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titan-god-helios · 2 years
y'all executive dysfunction sucks ass. THE ENTIRE DAY, all that's been going on in my head is a series of things that i reallyreallyreally want to do but i just c a n t. i wanna read ? nah not allowed to, stuck compulsively scrolling through youtube shorts i wanna write ? i have tons of motivation for writing ? so many ideas ??? all i need to do is walk a couple steps n pick up pen and paper and sit down but NO, i must play this game even though the prospect of writing is so much more appealing at this very moment ITS SO FUCKING STUPID and the fact that executive dysfunction occurs so frequently and not just for things that sound so boring or tedious or anxiety inducing and make my brain want to melt and my eyes gloss over BUT ALSO FOR THINGS I really WANT TO DO I JUST
d u d e .
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greenokapi · 1 year
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Some eepy gays for @themask-maker which is amazing and you should read by the way!
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dark-soul-stuff · 16 days
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The sad truth is, that the truth is sad
-Lemony Snicket
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arachnidsgrippysocks · 9 months
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You 8etter get ready to run, 'cause here we come!!!!!!!!
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itsplasma · 2 months
reading all the wrong questions and why the hell did lemony snicket ask for a bowl cut i'm going to have to draw that when drawing him and it is going to make everything so unserious
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cygninae · 6 months
I was just stalking through all of my old WIPs, and so here's a comprehensive list (that no one asked for) of all the ASOUE fanfictions I scrapped:
A character study on Quigley Quagmire, focusing on his upbringing, him being a 'problem child', him being diagnosed with ADHD and depression, etc.
A character study on Quigley experimenting with gender roles: a sort of 5 + 1 thing of them coming to terms with gender non-conformity
A Quiglet oneshot of Violet doing Quigley's makeup.
A character study/Quigley-centric fic that focused on his insomnia and how he'd already discovered the tunnel system under their house from his late-nights wandering the mansion
A dunklaus fic where Duncan was covering a story about Klaus, a reclusive artist who gifted his art rather than selling it. Duncan gets a little too involved.
A dunklaus AU fic where Duncan took a job as the Baudelaire's gardener
A dunklaus + Quiglet + Beamony AU set in WW2
A Viodora fic that was just a collection of Isadora's poetry written across the time she got to know Violet
A dunklaus au where they were both university professors
Dunklaus fake-dating AU where they pretend to date to get Violet off Klaus' back about getting over Fiona and finding love again
A Quiglet one-shot character study from Quigley's POV, him moving on from Violet
A Dunklaus AU taking inspiration from Anne of Green Gables (1800s setting, academic rivals, accidentally starting VFD)
A dumb modern Quiglet AU where they meet at a concert, Violet realises Sunny has run off, and her and Quigley have to find her. They bicker a lot because they disagree on which album is their favourite artist's best one
A Dunklaus post-canon fic where Klaus becomes a famous author under a nom de plume and Duncan stumbles across one of his books that is about him
Quiglet post-canon fic where the Baudelaires find Quigley after he failed to save his siblings
(Actually finished, just never posted it because it's rubbish) Dunklaus sorta reincarnation oneshot where Duncan works in a museum and Klaus is an immortal being who consistently is his muse in every lifetime. One of Duncan's favourite marble statues in the gallery was actually created by him, for Klaus, hundreds of years before but he doesn't remember until he sees Klaus again
Dunklaus oneshot where the whole group attended an actual boarding school. No olaf or anything. Just a wintery plot-less thing
(Also finished, also too shit to post) Modern Dunklaus one shot where Duncan runs a record store with his siblings and Klaus comes in one day. Literally just everyone teasing the two for 6k words straight. (favourite excerpt: '“So, why didn’t you ask him out?” Isadora asked, probably aiming for casual, except the way she was leaning on the wall like she was posing for an 80s boy band poster, and the way her voice was just a bit too high pitched, meant she wasn’t being very convincing.
Duncan gave her a flat look. “I have had two conversations with him,” he said, turning back to the receipt he was marking and ignoring the look she was giving him, which solidly said stop being purposefully obtuse.'
Post-canon Violet-centric Quiglet one shot. Just Violet reminiscing and moving on
Dunklaus AU where the Baudelaires are exchange students from France to Prufrock Prep. Extremely angsty and absolutely nothing happy happens. Just wanted to exercise the French Baudelaires headcanon
(Alot of this one was already written) Dunklaus AU where they're partnered up for a VFD mission
Quiglet magical AU where Quigley is a magical creature that lives in the woodland behind Monty's house where Violet and Klaus move after they're orphaned
Dunklaus and Quiglet (but not the main focus) - AU where the Baudelaires leave with Lemony after the fire at Hotel Denouement and become increasingly morally grey. When they reunite with the Quagmires a year later, they're practically unrecognisable from what fighting both against and with VFD has done to them
Violet and Klaus character study on how they deal with their grief; there was a little bit of Viodora and Duncan and some funny antics. The only WIP on this list entirely in French. Never posted it because there would be no interest and it didn't have a plot particularly
I'm pretty sure there are more that I just can't find or deleted but yeah...God there's a lot. These span over several years of being obsessed with asoue and ships in the fandom that I fell in love with that had (and still have) a painful lack of attention online, so I made my own content
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ashterblaster · 4 months
On another note: I listened to audiobook of 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' hoping that it would lull me to sleep.
Instead I stayed up too wrapped up in the nostalgia of the first book and crying at certain parts.
I realized while listening that I found this book at a time in my life that I was so deluded I was "happy and content" and yet, I think a part of my brainwashed self knew that I was drawn to this book for a reason. And not just because I enjoyed dark humor and like, spy/mystery novels.
Anyway I'll always hold that series close to my heart and tbh I might re-read them just for fun's sake if I have the time. But I also just wanna get back into reading in general bc I've been spending WAY too much time drowning in the YouTube hole of like... non-educational stuff lmao.
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lemmyface0w0 · 1 year
i haven't been drawin too much sidez the daily objectz i do and personal doodlez so juzt pozting the lemon daily object cuz thiz waz the mozt characterz i've drawn for one yet!
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the referencez are listed there but i'll list them nywayz
Lemo - no reference, the original character for that prompt
Lemony - VOO/Village Of Objects
Lemon Demon - ..Lemon Demon(the like, music artist)
Lemon - Shovelware Braingame on Roblox
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and Lemongrab - Adventure Time
who got hiz own thing cuz he wazn't object enough to be on the main canvaz
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somewhat-bored · 2 years
After the events of atwq, Ellington vowed to ruin Lemony’s life through destroying the only thing he deemed incorruptible, untainted by the treachery surrounding every aspect of his life, the only thing that made him happy:
Rootbeer floats.
She put an absurd amount of effort into this.  The diner Lemony goes to solely for the rootbeer?  She shut it down after anonymously reporting several health code violations.  Every rootbeer bottle Lemony gets from the store?  Thoroughly shaken by Ellington.  His ice cream?  She takes it out of the freezer and lets it melt, or if she’s feeling particularly evil she eats all of it and sticks it back into the fridge.
Lemony thinks that this is the behavior of other volunteers, ones who have no regard for the possessions of others.  It’s not until the Baudelaire mansion burns to the ground that Ellington reveals herself.
“Your suffering brings me great joy.”
“You... you killed Beatrice?  You left their home in ashes just to get back at me.”
“What?  No, who are you even talking about?  I’ve been preventing you from having decent rootbeer floats for the past fifteen years.”
“If I was going to kill someone, it would be you.”
“My rootbeer... how could you?!”
“You don’t deserve rootbeer!”
“Ellington, that’s like saying you don’t deserve coffee!”
They proceed to have one of the most petty arguments recorded in history.
“And you know what?!  Your sister’s been helping me get my revenge the whole time!”
“Just because I killed your father?!  Does that warrant such atrocities?!  What did my rootbeer ever do to you?!”
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
dear body: when I complained about being So Very Tired for no reason, what I meant was that I wanted to wake feeling rested after a long night’s sleep, not that I wanted you to wake me up at 2:30 am and keep me awake.
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finally got around to reading ATWQ 3 and holy moly does lemony get his ass kicked a lot. Like three times. Daniel Handler truly understands that children crave Violence.
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asouefanworkevent · 2 years
it’s me again ~ i hope your winter is going well!!
i’m back at it again (at krispy kreme) with another interest check for another asoue fanwork event. is anyone interested in doing an asoue fanfic/fanart exchange, where you sign up to make a fanwork for someone, and in return, someone else makes one for you? you would have almost all of february and march to work on your fanwork, and then post at the beginning of april.
sound doable? sound fun? sound ~xylophone~??? reblog this post and let me know! (likes do not count!)
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greenokapi · 1 year
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Hands you bee(rahim)
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tjisntnice · 3 months
my writing style is kinda like Lemony Snicket and im so desperately trying to change that but when i do revert to that its sooo refreshing
i love it when authors interact with the readers in the story so yall just have to deal
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