#the level of care and love i have for this anime i swear to god
acidsaladd · 4 months
speaking of haikyuu i cant fucking wait to go watch the movie guys im so excited i think it will change my life possibly
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a-killer-obsession · 3 months
I know it's no smut but i would really enjoy some Hcs about them as Daddies. 🥰
A rare SFW request, how can I say no?
Now presenting:
☠️ Kid Pirates ☠️
As Dads Headcannons 🧑‍🍼
Okay jk this came out a little NSFW with kink mentions, so
🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
Oh god the breeding thing was just a kink HE DIDN'T MEAN FOR IT TO REALLY HAPPEN
Would be absolutely freaking the fuck out when you tell him you're pregnant but he'd come around after a little and then be thrilled
At the base level, a pretty good dad. He's gonna always do whatever he can to help, even if he has no idea what he's doing. He's trying his best to learn though!
Kids love him for some reason? Maybe its in the name, or maybe its the cool metal arm
Absolutely swears around the kid, don't be surprised if their first word is fuck
Doesn't understand no matter how many times you or Killer tell him that a gun is not an appropriate birthday present for a three year old
His kids would be just as wild and fearless as him, aka a fucking nightmare for everyone else
He's 100% the fav parent cos he never says no
Good luck getting him to change a nappy, he'll present you with that stinky baby like its radioactive
He's not gonna say it, but he wants to suck them milky tiddies 👀
Shell-shocked when you tell him you're pregnant but very quickly excited
Will tell anyone who'll listen how excited he is, and will immediately start calling you mama
There to attend to your every need and whim during the pregnancy
So fucking scared to hold the baby when they're born because these hands have killed so many, how can they hold something so small and innocent?
That kid is getting spoiled rotten, but he's also reasonable when it comes to saying no to them, and so very patient when they have tantrums
Owns every baby and parenting book the Grandline can offer
Really great at seeing when you need some alone time, he'll whisk the kid away for "dad time" at the slightest hint of exhaustion on your face
You better believe that kid is getting his wild blond mane, and he's so very careful and diligent taking care of it. He'll braid flowers into it, and when they're old enough to learn to braid he'll let them do the same, so sometimes they'll just both appear covered in matching braids and beads and flowers
That kid is his pride and joy, he'll teach them to read and write himself, teach them too cook (they love baking together!) And you better believe you're getting breakfast in bed on mother's day with a carefully arranged platter and card definitely made 100% by your kid and okay maybe daddy helped a littleeeee bit 🤏
Insists on changing every nappy, because you're already working so hard
Absolute helicopter parent, to the point you have to tell him to cool off sometimes
Takes a good three to five business days to wrap his head around it when you tell him you're pregnant. Hes not upset just... surprised
He loves your swollen belly though. Would absolutely want to try your breastmilk and would absolutely be a fucking pervert about it
No fucking clue what he's doing but takes to it so naturally. Never has to be told when something isn't age appropriate, instinctually knows what baby needs
Hates saying no to them but knows its for the best, even if those puppy dog eyes almost kill him. He WILL cry about it later though
Easy and wordless distribution of tasks with him when it comes to childcare. You don't have to ask him to do his part, he's already doing it
His kids would be kinda quiet and reserved, but oh so sweet
It melts his heart when his baby touches his scarred face. Absolutely cries the first time he holds them
Spoils the kid but in a very tender way. He's always making them little hand whittled animals and flower crowns and finding things they can do together, like colouring. You better believe the shared fridge is covered in his kid's art and if you try to remove it he will set fire to everything you own
Loves to give piggy back rides and let his kid climb all over him. Their giggles are his favourite sound
Not a helicopter parent but definitely attentive
Gags when he changes nappies but he'll do it anyway
Yeah, that's not his baby, he got his tubes tied at like 19 years old
Oh but you really want to adopt this little orphan? Sounds like a you problem
Seriously hates kids, it ain't happening
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sidekick-hero · 7 months
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(steddie | 1.8k | mature | tags: werewolf!Steve, human!Eddie, domesticity, soft boys being soft, bathing together | @steddielovemonth prompt Love is saving the last bite for them by @acasualcrossfade | Part 2 to Safe Haven | AO3)
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It turns out that even their shared body heat and Steve's elevated body temperature are not enough to withstand an extended make-out session out in the snow.
Buck naked.
If he was in his fur it would be fine, but then he couldn't do that to Eddie with his tongue. Or grind in his lap with Eddie's calloused fingers gripping his waist, leaving marks on his flesh.
"You're shivering, Stevie." Eddie says, his big hands rubbing up and down his back and arms to warm him. Steve's wolf purrs at the gesture, as does his human side, for once in complete sync when it comes to his human.
His mate.
Too soon, Harrington. Too soon.
"We should get back inside, warm you up." Eddie adds, moving to sit up, but Steve shakes his head and pushes closer to Eddie, hiding his face at the junction of his neck and shoulder. He doesn't want this moment to end, because what if Eddie changes his mind as soon as Steve lets go of him? Steve can't risk that.
Not now.
Not after losing everything.
Not after just finding Eddie.
Eddie laughs indulgently at his behavior and takes him in his arms again. "You're being ridiculous. Come on, sweetheart, let's go inside. You're still recovering, you can't get sick. Let me make you some breakfast, okay?" And when Steve still makes no move to let Eddie go, Eddie whispers in his ear, "I can still feed you with my hand if you want."
This makes Steve lean back and look at Eddie with big eyes, and Eddie must think it's because Steve is horrified. He hastily backpedals. "I mean, uh, that was... a joke? I don't have to -"
Steve kisses him, partly to cut off his nervous ramblings, mostly because Eddie just offered to feed him. Not the injured wolf he found in the woods, but the human Steve. To continue their routine, to keep Steve so close to him. Eddie may not know what sharing food like this means to his kind, but his inner wolf doesn't care.
It also reminds him that he has brought a gift to his mate. Steve has provided for his mate and he can't wait to show it, even if it means getting out of Eddie's arms and off his lap.
"Come on, I brought you something," Steve says, rising to his feet. It brings Eddie's face to eye level with his cock and Steve would be lying if he said it didn't make him feel smug to see Eddie's eyes widen and his tongue flick out to lick his lips.
"Eddie?" He asks coyly, the grin on his face giving him away. "You comin' or what?"
"Huh?" Eddie asks, sounding dazed before his eyes snap up to Steve's and color rushes up his throat and onto his pale cheeks. "Oh God, yeah, um, I'm comin', yeah, of course I'm comin'," he stutters, scrambling to his feet as well.
Steve turns and leads Eddie to where he left the deer, his hips swaying in a way he knows makes his ass look even better, and he swears he can feel Eddie's eyes on him the whole way.
Eddie's gasp when they finally reach the carcass comes late, proof enough for Steve that Eddie had his mind on something else instead of where they were going.
"Steve, did you...?" Eddie asks, his eyes fixed on the dead deer. Suddenly Steve isn't so sure Eddie would appreciate him doing this because he said he hated the thought of hurting an animal. But they need to eat, and meat is the best way to do that during a winter as long and hard as this one.
"I killed it as quickly and painlessly as I could, I promise, Eddie. I know you didn't want to hurt a living thing, so I did it for you. So you didn't have to."
The silence that follows Steve's statement makes the fear settle heavily in his stomach. What if his mate rejects his offer? What if his mate rejects him?
It would finish the job the hunters couldn't.
"Stevie," Eddie starts and then stops, the anticipation building inside Steve until he's ready to snap, to fall to his knees and beg Eddie. For what he doesn't even know. Forgiveness? Love? Forever?
He's pulled out of his spiraling thoughts by warm arms wrapped around his waist and Eddie's scent enveloping him. "You went to hunt when you're still healing? For me? Just because I said I didn't want to kill?" And when Steve nods, Eddie takes his face between his palms and kisses him.
Deeply. Decisive. Devoted.
Eddie kisses him as if he knows what this means to Steve.
Like he wants it, too.
God, Steve hopes he does.
They keep kissing until another shiver, this time more violent, runs down Steve's body where it's pressed against Eddie's.
"Come on, let's get this inside and I'll make us some breakfast before I deal with this."
"I can help you," Steve insists and Eddie kisses the tip of his nose.
"I know. Later. Right now I need to know that you're not pushing yourself any more than you already have."
And Eddie is right, Steve feels the events of the last few hours catching up with him. The hunt, dragging the heavy carcass back to the cabin, the shift. So he lets Eddie pick up the body and sling it over his shoulder in a display of strength that makes Steve's stomach flutter.
Steve's mate is not only kind and caring, but also strong.
His wolf purrs.
His heart flutters.
His cheeks heat up.
Eddie reaches for Steve's hand, twines their fingers together, and they walk back to the cabin, hand in hand.
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Inside, Eddie disposes of the body at the bottom of the stairs to the cellar before making them breakfast, while Steve finds something to wear in Eddie's closet. It smells like Eddie, and Steve's wolf preens at the thought of smelling like Eddie and putting his own scent on Eddie's clothes.
They eat wrapped in a blanket on their mattress, the roaring fire and their shared body heat warming Steve to the core. He runs hot anyway, and Eddie has already stripped down to his underwear under the blanket, claiming it will help Steve warm up faster.
Steve doesn't complain, not if it means he gets to feel Eddie's skin on his own after he follows suit and loses his (Eddie's) shirt as well. Skin on skin, of course, helps him warm up faster after all.
When they're done, they both silently agree to lie down for a while, exhausted from all that has happened. Without having to talk about it, Steve lies down first and Eddie presses himself against his back, his arms wrapping around him and pulling him against Eddie's front. It's the same position they've been sleeping in for weeks.
Only now Steve can feel Eddie's lips against his nape and he can lace their fingers together to press their joined hands against his chest, right over his heart.
It's the safest he's felt since his whole life went up in flames. It's safer than he ever expected to feel again.
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As he promised, Steve helps Eddie pull the skin off the dear and cut it up so they can rub it in salt and preserve it. Steve has done this a thousand times at home and knows what he's doing, so after assuring Eddie several times that he feels better after their nap, Eddie takes a big chunk of the fresh meat and goes to work preparing their dinner.
He turns it into a hearty stew with carrots and potatoes and other root vegetables.
By the time Steve is done putting the last of the meat away and cleaning and preparing the skin so they can use it later, he's exhausted again but feels a deep sense of satisfaction.
As the stew cooks on the stove, Eddie joins him to admire his work.
"Wow, Stevie, you did a great job. It probably would have taken me all night. Wayne's usually the one who does this kind of stuff."
Eddie sounds sad when he mentions his uncle and Steve thinks, not for the first time, that something might have happened to him in town. He thinks that soon Eddie will want to go there and check on him, and he will go with him. Even if it terrifies him.
"I heated some water, so how about we let the stew simmer and you go upstairs and take a nice hot bath? You kind of smell like a slaughterhouse."
"Are you saying I stink?" Steve demands in mock offense.
Eddie walks up to him and brings his mouth close to Steve's ear. His hot breath makes Steve shiver as Eddie says, "I'm saying I want to give you a bath if you let me."
It's a losing battle not to run up the stairs to get into the tub.
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In the end, Steve convinces Eddie to join him in the small tub. It's a tight fit, but Steve doesn't mind. They clean each other with gentle hands that soon become adventurous.
The smell of their shared pleasure makes Steve's inner wolf roll over with joy, contentment radiating from him. Steve shares the sentiment as he lies in Eddie's arms, sated and happy.
Afterwards, they both change into clean clothes and sit back down at the table to enjoy their dinner.
It's delicious, and soon Steve is finishing his third plate.
Only Eddie's amused chuckle reminds him that Eddie is probably not used to a wolf's appetite. He blushes as he realizes that he has just inhaled the food Eddie has so painstakingly prepared for them like a ravenous animal.
"Oh God," Steve groans in embarrassment and buries his face in his hands.
"Hey, no, don't look like that. I take that as a compliment, Stevie." Eddie assures him as he pulls Steve's hands away from his face so he can look him in the eye. "It makes me very happy to know that you like my food."
Steve gives him a tentative smile and says, "Too bad it's gone," only half joking.
Eddie's answering grin is delighted, dimples carved deep into his cheeks and wrinkles forming at the corners of his eyes.
"Oh, but it ain't. I saved you the last bite, baby."
With that, Eddie gets up from the table and walks over to the stove, pulling one last piece of meat out of the pot with his fingers. Turning back to Steve, he walks back to the table, but instead of sitting in his chair, he sits on Steve's lap.
"I promised to feed you, didn't I?" he says, his voice deep and his tone hungry as he lifts the meat right to Steve's lips. He doesn't let go of it immediately when Steve tries to take it from him, but rather pushes his fingers into Steve's mouth so that Steve can lick the remaining sauce off his fingers.
Steve only lets them slip out of his mouth when the last trace of meat and sauce is gone.
"Fuck, I could eat you alive," he says as he stares up at Eddie in awe.
Eddie smirks down at him. "What are you waiting for, big boy? You can always have the last bite of me."
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captaindysdexic · 2 months
My problem with Twisted Wonderland
As someone who used to consistently play every single day for months, I've got a lot of issues. Let me preface this by saying I know nothing I'm saying will change the game and how it runs, I just want to come here and rant about the game I used to love.
Rant below the cut
My biggest problem is how grindy the game is, especially as a strict f2p player.
As someone who's never spent money on the game, it is so easy to tell how much of a cash grab the game is. The people that work on the game care about it I'm sure, but it is so hard to do anything in this game.
It's hard to get SSR cards, not only because the Gacha system is hella fucked up, but because it's hard to get enough gems to get pulls. Yeah we've got weekly and the logins, but that's so not enough unless you save for a card months in advance.
When you're a new player they give you some leeway, lots of free stuff because all the easy missions are meant for that, but as you get further and further into the game it's extremely hard to get even a 10 pull unless you're on the game basically 24/7.
As someone who is rank 72- and again, played almost religiously for months- it's hard to enjoy the game.
And I know as the story goes on it's meant to be harder, but because of how little they give you it's hard to get past the story as it goes on. It's hard leveling cards up, especially the spells.
It would be nicer if they gave you more materials or gems, that would make all the grind worth it, but that's not how it is. Hell, even events barely give you any pulls and yet they expect you to spend hours doing lessons to unlock the chapters and leveling up the free cards. Someone who's f2p (in my and my friends experience) will find it hard to get motivation to continue playing.
I want to continue playing, I love the characters and the story, but it's so hard to level up cards, or get pulls, that it breaks my heart and makes me want to not continue because I know I won't ever get that card I want, that I won't be able to get past this chapter, that I won't be able to finish an event fully because of the system.
It's so obvious they don't care about f2p's because reruns and even some event banners are strictly p2p things. Rerun banners require special keys that are pay-walled, event banners like the anime expo ones or special non-event related ones are pay-walled, THEY'RE ALL PAY-WALLED.
To me it is extremely frustrating to know that the developers don't seem to care about the fan base at all.
I mentioned earlier about the Gacha system, which I find really, REALLY dumb. 100 pulls for a guaranteed SSR? 200 needed for the event SSR? That's so dumb! Even if you were p2p you'd have to have some extreme luck to get an event card before at least 70 (which it's hard to get if you're far in game and f2p). In my experience, all the event cards I have that are SSR's (WHICH IS 2 BTW, ive been playing since idia's groom event and only have TWO EVENT CARDS EVEN WITH CONSTANT GRIND) I had to do over 70-80 pulls for and spent weeks grinding for. Not to mention pity doesn't carry over to other banners.
Speaking of events, I swear to god the events are getting shorter and shorter every time. The Stitch event that just passed? I swear it only lasted 3-4 weeks, banners ended way too quickly for any f2p that wasn't saving to pull without extreme luck to get any SSR card, got forbid the event exclusive ones. I got like 25 pulls during that event and 10 of those were because it was Kalim's birthday. It's extremely dumb and next thing you know it events will be lasting only a week or two and you're probably fucked over.
Anyways, that's basically all I have to say. There are a lot of things that frustrate me, like how they do events and some characters stuff, but I can't bother to put it here because I'm not as pressed about that stuff as I am about the stuff I did talk about.
I'm aware that people probably won't read this, but it's nice to get off my chest y'know? I'm going to continue to play the game, but I'll never play as constantly as I did when I first started because it's so hard to play and find motivation for it anymore.
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gingerjunhan · 7 months
xdinary heroes on valentines day
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☆彡 happy Valentine’s Day everybody!! Sending you all so much love❣️
word count: 1019 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: eating, pet names (pretty, baby, beautiful), “the rizzness,” a single swear word, drinking, lmk if I missed something!
goo gunil
way too excited (pt. 1)
Gunil is pouring his love out to you in literally any way imaginable
like, look me in the eye and tell me this man wouldn’t put his jacket over a puddle for you to walk over 👁️👁️
fancy dinner
the works
it’s over the top in a romantic way, not in the decor and hearts type of way
“I love you every day, you know that right? Not just today.”
holding your hand across the table and looking lovingly into your eyes SISNSKSND hold me down
gets you an extravagant gift that you insist that he shouldn’t have gotten you but he literally does not care
showers you with compliments and affection 🫶🏻
he’s been planning this for weeks, it has to be perfect
he shows up at your door, flowers in hand
and when you open the door to greet him he just
“You look… stunning.”
he can’t keep his eyes off of you
he’s head over heels, falling in love all over again
kim jungsu
Jungsu strikes me as the type to love love, so he’s so so so happy
he finally has an excuse (not that he needs one) to shower you with so much love and affection that you feel like you’ll be sick of him by the end of the day
really thoughtful date!!
if this is your first Valentine’s Day together, maybe he’ll take you back to the spot where you had your first date together 🥹
the sweetest softest boy ever!!
matching outfits are a must
“You look so pretty, baby!!”
the brightest smile when he looks at you
you know the one he gets when his eyes sparkle?
yeah, that one
keeps you close all day
like, don’t lift a finger because he’s doing everything for you
gotta show his baby how much he loves and appreciates them!
cheesy couples photos
cute gifts
lots of chocolate and sweets
Jungsu goes full out on Valentine’s Day and you can’t tell me I’m wrong
kwak jiseok
Jiseok is a little nervous because it has to be perfect
if he messes something up today, it’s over 💀
stresses the whole week beforehand to get everything planned
but when the day comes, it’s nothing short of perfection
dinner at your favorite place
a cute couples activity
like pottery painting or something
the smile never leaves his face
he feels so lucky to be spending this day with you, and he won’t let you forget that!
“I’m so glad we can do this together. I love you so much.”
sneaking kisses any time he can
and then giggling afterwards
he is at your every whim
you want ice cream? let’s go right now
getting out your wallet to pay for dinner? it’s on him
your wish is his command
Princess Treatment™️ all day for suuure
cute little gifts like a stuffed animal and some flowers or chocolates
at the end of the night, he lets you know how much fun he had!
god, he loves you so much he thinks he might explode 💥
oh seungmin
bro is cranking up the rizzness to levels you’ve never seen
the epitome of being a gentleman
fancy restaurant reservations
fancy outfit
hell, he probably bought you your outfit as a gift (your first of many today)
huge bouquet of flowers
if I could describe the evening in one word: expensive
bro is not cheaping out on this day
no no no
“Only the best for my baby.”
he PAMPERS you
soft gazes and gentle smiles
whispered praises whenever you get a moment alone
intertwined hands at any moment
if he doesn’t tell you he loved you or remind you how beautiful you are at least 10 times today he’s failed
multiple expensive gifts just because he can
someone help this poor man’s bank account
after your fancy date, things die down a bit
a relaxing evening at home
maybe a couple of drinks
face masks? why not
light some candles, pour some wine, and turn on a movie to finish up the evening
han hyeongjun
believe it or not, he’s feeling confident!!
it would be stereotypical, but the day would go smoothly
a sweet, handwritten card
a small bouquet of flowers
a box of chocolate
you can go to dinner if you want
or he could make you dinner! it’s up to you
I feel like Hyeongjun would shine in the gift department
like,, you are definitely getting something handmade!
he would make you a card out of crayons, construction paper, and glitter glue and you better LOVE IT 🫵🏻
sorry I got excited
he struggles a bit with showing affection, so he would use Valentine’s Day to make it up to you in a way?
does he follow the typical setup of the day? yes
but do either of you mind? no!
“I know it’s not much, but I just wanted to show you that I care about you.”
he sticks close by all day, trying his best to be a little more affectionate than normal
he would try to pack in the complements too
he tries his hardest, and it’s great!
overall, you have a really nice day full of love and thoughtful messages and gifts
lee jooyeon
way too excited (pt. 2)
cheesy decorations
giant teddy bear
rose petals
way too many candles
the works
he would definitely be the type to fill your bedroom with heart-shaped balloons and cover your bed with rose petals 💀
it’s cheesy, but he doesn’t care because he loves you
gives you all the sweet little treats a person could ask for
he would attempt (keyword: “attempt”) to bake you a cake
it’s the thought that counts, right? 🫶🏻
he gives me stay-at-home date vibes!
all your favorite snacks and candies are laid out for you, and your favorite movie/show is already cued up for you to watch
“I got all of my favorite person’s favorite things!”
he’s clinging to you
like, you might as well be wearing the same shirt
it’s a very chill evening full of sweet kisses, warm hugs, and lots of love 🫶🏻
taglist: @dazzlingligth , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , @somethingaboutcheese , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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astrito · 1 year
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I start the day lying and end with the truth That I'm dying for the knife Shaplin belongs to @m-chromatic !! I have a LOT to say about this, man!! If you wanna read all about it, it's under the read more.
This one is my absolute favorite I swear to everything ahhh!!! I wasn't planning to make a drawing, or even an animation of her because I thought: "damn baby. you draw her almost daily and you're gonna give sib with another shap???" ...But I got so god damn silly. Terribly silly. Sillyness levels overload. I got the idea from a tag saying that one of her songs is Working For The Knife! Honestly the first time I heard it I cried DSJKJHKSK :C A little because of her but... it reminded me so much of my friends that could not get to pursue their passions, and it reminded me that at one point, I thought I was gonna be like that. I'm glad it's not like that for me, but it still hurts that it's like that for people that I care about... I didn't plan to make this an animation either. It was going to be a still, but when I drew the knife circle from the background I felt like it was going to feel incomplete if I didn't give it life. This is one of the few projects I saved the thumb for! Here it is:
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she looks even sadder here damn!!!!! im sorry babybird........
If you didn't notice, the papers on the back of the animation have drawings in them!! These papers are meant to be the exact same papers as the ones on this drawing.
I did some searching, because if I get anything wrong about her on a piece that had such amount of effort put into it I was going to combust. Die. On the spot. Just like that. That search was for drawings of m-chromatic's interpretation of Spamt​o​n N​E​O, and I think (and hope) I did a decent job of drawing it, and animating the boiling lines effect. It was not hard, but neither was it necessary and I believe it made a significant difference over just a single image, y'know? I also saved that one, as a gif:
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I think I made the torso too short now that I look at it again, but it doesn't really bother me since you aren't meant to be able to see the torso anyway. /lh
For some reason Moho doesn't like clipping masks, and/or gifs. It was kind of a pain trying to incorporate it into the papers... Understandable since one should be animating 80% of things on one software but (white guy who's douchy voice) damnnnnn :/ Another, very fun, very exciting problem /s I had with Moho was trying to rig her... If you saw me cry about not being able to rig an eye on the month of July, that was me crying about her eyes. Which by the way, the rigging problem got solved. How? NO IDEA. IT. IT JUST HAPPENED. I wasn't about to complain though lmfaooo The last thing I want to say is: overall I loved working on this!!! It was so fun and I'm really proud of where my effort led me, I really love Shaplin wahh (this would be the second project I put a significant amount of effort into that's about her... autism man!!! autism!!! /lh) With nothing more left to say, I bid you adieu, dear reader!!! /lh and thank you for, well... reading, by the way!!! aheem aheem
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quinloki · 9 months
The anime was everything I wanted. What a beautiful first episode. I am so excited, I haven't been this excited for AGES.
Gods I love the comic and seeing it animated is just filling my soul.
I needed this, I love One Piece and I am certainly not leaving it or anything wild like that, Solo Leveling is not - for me - a source of fan fic inspiration, but I love the story.
I love the world building
I love the execution and the ramp up.
Even if the anime falls short at some point I'll always have the OG comic, but GODS TO SEE THEM MOVE was beautiful. The music was on point, I love the style.
I cannot express clearly how delighted I am and I swear if you have anything negative to say about the comic or the anime, just don't say it to me. I don't care. I love it. It gives me joy.
I need joy.
We need joy.
Shit though it was just wonderful - and yeah there's more when you've already read the comic I'm sure, but damn it stood up so well on its own. I cannot wait for this to get a couple more episodes in and shift from world-building to abject Gate-Slaughter.
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noemilivv · 7 months
I was waiting for an opening as I saw you had match ups available and would love to see who you'd put me with.
Preference for male characters from Hazbin Hotel
About me: You can call me Claire. I'm AFAB she/her, 5'3", panromantic demisexual. I'm Tim Burton pale, brown eyes, messy curly bob brown hair, glasses with glasses chains usually, chubby but strong, dress either romantic gothic feminine or butch cryptidcore, like no in between, never wear make up because sensory hell.
Some type of neurodivergent but not diagnosed specifically. I tend to know a little about a lot of things due to jumping from focus to focus. Queen of Dad jokes, rather blunt since I'm not subtle. Aside from English can speak Latin, some Gaelic, some Spanish, a little bit of Turkish/Arabic, Church Greek and Slavonic, and random phrases in Russian, German, and Italian. I'm ENFP, Ares cabin from PJO if that means anything.
I teach preschool, love children as they're so fun to be around and the possibilities they have ahead are wonderful. I also bake, sew, knit, read tons of books, collect rocks and other nature stuff, tend to the gardens, I sing in my choir, and like to listen to music. Not specific music genres that I care for, more vibes, but been into some Bauhaus lately, along with SJ Tucker and The Dead South.
My faith is important to me, I even am considering pursuing becoming a religious sister at a convent, like a nun.
I do love horror, romantic gothic poetry (Think Poe and the like), analog horror(DOAI, Mandela Catalogue), Dr. Who, bad b movies (think Redletter media level bad), animation in general, HB HH, stuff like that, I read everything and anything so long as the narrative is interesting or the subject is a hyperfixation of mine, such as Religions, Mythology, History relating to late Medieval to Elizabethan, textiles, fantasy, or speculative biology (like thought potato on youtube). I also do dress in character for the Renaissance Festival, people assume I work there as I have season passes for the last 5 years and attend all weekends from open to close.
I tend to be a sweet tooth, love any chocolate, baked goods with richness or chocolate flavors, drink lots of coffee, tea, sweet red wines, mead, rum based cocktails or dark malty beers if we're going alcohol, though I tend to be the driver if I'm going to party somewhere. My giving love language is touch and words, along with acts of service. My receiving love language is words, touch, and gift giving. I love to cook or make gifts for others, usually don't expect it in turn.
I'm loud, maternal, weirdly dark yet wholesome, and able to lift a toilet with my bare hands up two flights of stairs. I tend to talk either like a southern grandma or terminally online weirdo with random swears. When friends have a bad breakup I'm like do you want a hug or does someone have to die?
In relationships I can be very talkative, but also in a sense the less dominant partner. Like, I handle the day to day, but not great at organizing the dates, the stuff like that's more romantic. I'd hope my partner could handle that part. I'm also romantically easily flustered. Like squeaking and burning red in the face from genuine good flirting.
So hope you can find someone right for me, God Bless you dear.
hello claire!! i decided to pair your with…
Lucifer !!
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First of, he loves your love of kids, and let’s be real, he probably has a love of kids as well, as much as Charlie is an adult, he would probably eagerly introduce you to her after finding out this tidbit of info
Honestly, to him, you give off very strong, emotional support wifey vibes and honestly he is all in for it haha
Lucifer doesn’t mind that you can be very talkative, infact, he enjoys it.
He tries to make it fairly easy when it comes to planning dates for you, so most of the time, you both just stay in
Also, Luci is definitely someone who gets flustered easily, so you both just end up giddy and smiley at eachothers shy little flirty comments and it’s the most heart warming thing
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kookies2000 · 10 months
When I was a kid, and I saw those Pixar bloopers, I created a fantasy world where animated films are films in an animated world, and all the characters are actors in that world. Like a Chip and Dale or Roger Rabbit situation.
And ever since Trolls 3, I revisited that world I created. I told myself that the Fairy Godmother actress is Velvet and Veneers' actors actual godmother, and she got them a role in a Dreamworks film. She trained them personally on how to sing a cover that is as good or better than the original, how to dance, and present themselves on stage. And because she loves her god children, she made a few calls and got some people who worked on the Shrek 2 performance to help out on Trolls 3. And Velvet and Veneer, who are actually very sympathetic, kind and care a lot about their god mothers legacy, were nervous to perform. Because they didn't know if they would be able to live up to their godmothers villainous legacy.
As in love as I am with Trolls, its hard to believe Trolls was THE ONE to reach a Shrek 2 level performance. So many other animated films have tried and tried over and over again to get that level of stimulation, hype, and creativity. But they all haven't even come close to touching Shrek 2 I Need a Hero. Not even Shrek 3 and 4 could do it. So for Trolls 3 to be the one that did it and be on the same level? The creativity was insane. The way they moved the roads, the stars were rotating, the pitch black sky and foggy effect in the sky, only being illuminated by the shine of the red road and lights of the building. And the way the roads were rotating to the beat of the song. The way the twins were stomping to the rythem. The sounds of the cars, cheering, the sound of the dimonds rolling, amazeing! Even Veneer simply opening his hand to see Viva trapped him, the sound and the way he opened it to the rythem, and Velvet trying to stomp on the trolls and falling on her back TO THE BEAT of the song!!! It was all too beautifully done!
They had to have some kind of help from the Shrek 2 crew. I swear!!!
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leportraitducadavre · 11 months
okay, I’m not a gatekeeper. I swear I’m not. But I genuinely cannot help but be irked when I see a hinata fan latch themselves onto characters like Neji or Sasuke. Pretending like they ~totally~ understand their characters while also horribly misrepresenting them and characterizing them like they’re from a fanfiction. Talking about how noo sasuke would love hinata if he really got to know her! He’s just so cold and unfeeling that a character like hinata could really bring out a nice side to him!1!1!1 Neji is a victim of this too but in a slightly lesser degree as most hinata fans don’t bother to ship them openly as they’re related. But that won’t stop them from characterizing Neji as someone completely and utterly obsessed with hinata to the point he grovels at her feet and is possessive of her like a “big brother.” Because if hinata called him her big brother when he died then that totally makes them siblings! Who cares if neji considers himself that! Hinata said so1!11!1!
god I dunno. Maybe I’m just being selfish in the idea I just want hinata Stans to stay tf away from Neji and Sasuke because if you like hinata and her character, there is absolutely zero chance you will be able to understand Neji or Sasuke.
Well, I don't see an issue with liking a character by itself and proclaiming yourself a fan of the rest (I'm a big fan of Ino Yamanaka and Sasuke Uchiha, two characters that stand in opposite corners thematically), yet this can be sustained as long as we respect their canonical characterizations and understand that not everything about a character is "good" or has to be justified. As for the core of your complaint, I agree, as many of these arguments are sustained on the premise of giving Hinata more relevance (romantically or politically); something that she canonically does not possess and that neither of the two previously mentioned male characters are interested in giving her.
Hinata's sole purpose as a character was based on being Neji's polar opposite during his arc (the Chünin exams are relevant to Neji, not Hinata, who is a supporting character to him) and being Naruto's admirer on certain occasions. That's it, at no point was she even mentioned or observed by Sasuke, and any narrative weight she might have carried disappeared when Neji himself was no longer necessary for Naruto's growth.
Neji's problem isn't just with Hinata (I'm surprised to have to clarify something specifically mentioned in the manga and anime), but with the entire main Hyüga family; which is why his arc doesn't close until Hiashi (not Hinata), apologizes.
As for Sasuke, I wouldn't spend any more time thinking about it since the sole reason for his involvement lies in a desire for romantic reciprocity from the most attractive and powerful character in the manga (at the thought of an offspring with both Byakugan and Sharingan, despite the fact that the Sharingan is infinitely superior to the Byakugan). If with Neji's arc, Hinata possessed almost zero thematic relevance, with Sasuke - with whom she not only never interacts but in his eyes, she's part of the caste he seeks to eradicate, then her incidence is extremely nil.
I've never written a post about SasuHina/HinaSasu, and in part, I refuse because their canonical possibility really is nil, so there's nothing more to analyze than headcanons and fanfictions that have their own rules, which have little to do with Kishimoto's material.
Perhaps in the future, I'll dedicate a post to that pairing discussing some of its more famous theories; like how Hinata, being a character considered by the fandom as "sensitive", could understand and help Sasuke despite the fact that she was never seen comforting or trying to understand any character other than Naruto; going as far as to dismiss her cousin's emotions in order to put herself as a victim of the system on the same level as her cousin, whom her father enslaved.
Hinata being shy is not the same as her being "good" or "sensitive", Sakura used to be shy during her childhood and was bullied for it, yet Hinata stans don't usually consider Sakura to be a good person...
Here are some posts about Hinata and Neji's relationship:
Hinata endorses slavery. A quick explanation of why.
NejiHina or the possibilities of the pairing.
The Hyuga clan. And the Caged Bird Seal. Plus:
Sorry, no, Hinata never hit Pain.
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jacenotjason · 1 year
Can we just get some rambles about your AU, like nothing specific, just like little details you haven’t had the ask or idea to express artistically? I just love any little details about this AU (Howdy’s little finger beans)
AAAAA oh my god YES here’s some rambles from the depth that is this AU! Random factoids and snippets and hehehheheh
(Oh hey and checkout the AU itself!)
Hiding this under a ‘readmore’ becasue FUCK I WENT ON A RANT HAUIDA- i tried to stop i swear
I HAVE PLAYLISTS FOR ALL THE CHARACTERS!! Ive been thinking about how to share them for awhile bc I LOVE these playlists and they help my brain rot on this AU but mm! Just wanted to get that out there im holding onto these
Something people didn’t catch was that in this animation, which is supposed to take place around the time Eddie moved into the neighborhood, he had his mail hat! But, currently, he doesn’t! That’s not because he lost it, Howdy actually stole it! Howdy immediately attempted to scam Eddie when he first arrived, stealing his hat and trying to sell it back to him, but he did not know that Eddie would not give a fuck. Howdy thought Eddie cared way more about his job then he actually does. So, Eddie’s hat is still currently decaying under Howdy’s desk.
All the characters have trauma or something depressing about them… except Julie! I’m not sure why but I just.. never came up with something reasonable for her backstory. I came up with a lot of ideas, but a lot of them seemed to cliche and controversial? Like, one of my ideas was some sort of sex working trauma, but I thought oooh of course you gave the most feminine character the sex working backstory! Another idea was eating disorder trauma, but again, ooh i gave the fem one the ED! The same thing happened with SA trauma, it all just felt so… cliche. And I felt like I would get a lot of backlash if I tried to implement this. So.. im still working on it!
^ originally Franks backstory was going to be completely SA related, but I changed that. Still not spoiling how, though.
^^ also I really liked the sex working idea! Because I think it would be interesting if thats how Eddie and her met. Not that Eddie bought sex from her, but that they like worked together and slowly became friends! Eddie kept her safe n stuff, beat the shit out of ppl that didnt pay yknow? Explored a deeper level of understanding between them
Ive been daydreaming about attempting to make my own little bootleg “play fellow exhibition” not nearly to the extent that Clown did, but just some sort of fake “restored” things! Maybe even fake interviews with those that remember the show! Ive even recorded some lines, of my own voice, of fake voice clips restored from the show. I haven’t had the confidence to post any of them just yet aa. I think my Eddie impression is IMPECCABLE though. Maybe bc I have a southern accent
^ also if this isnt obvious this AU is still a show being restored by a team, the show is just the adult parody ive created here. Ill be sure to specify if i ever post something restoration-lore-related!
The number of fingers they have is inconsistent, and that is not lore related! I am just an idiot! You might notice that sometimes they have 5, sometimes they have 4. I.. have no actual reason for this. I literally just.. forget! Im literally currently drawing a piece with Julie and Sally where they both have 5 fingers. Why?? Bc the reference I used was of two human girls so!! Just wanted to put it out there, that is not on purpose
I hide a lot of secrets in my art. Bc its fun. If you ever see something in my art thats a little too dark, feel free to up the brightness and see what you find. Does something sort of look like Morse code? Feel free to try it out! I’ll give you a hint, I have used both of these techniques to hide secrets in my art already. The Morse code one is really hard to find, though, so props to you if you find it!
I like to think that the AU’s show is like Rick and Morty. It started out this comedic, very clearly adult-humored show, but slowly the characters had lore! People started watching not for the humor but for the interesting characters. Like when Rick was revealed to have a depressing story with his wife and all that, it was the same as when ppl first found out about Frank’s strange amnesia and PTSD. Like “?? Who put lore in my funny adult comedy??” Yknow what i mean
^ i like to think there was some mind-bending moment where it was revealed Frank doesnt remember anything about his childhood and everyone watching was like :O
Originally in the show, (like season one), the characters were the way they are to make fun of those things. Confusing, but what i mean is that Poppy was a trans woman to make fun of trans people, Eddie and Frank were to make jokes about gay ppl, etc. but SIKE once the show got more seasons and got lift off they became actual characters instead of just jokes! The creators just wanted to make ppl love the show before they made the gay characters actually have personalities, so they couldn’t get cancelled prematurely! HA SUCKERS!!
FFUck okay i think i got it all out of me?? Idk feel free to ask again in like a month maybe more shit will have accumulated in my brain
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kcuf-ad · 6 months
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Aight bet- I’ll start off with some things I like you may already know XD
Well written female characters given equal amounts of flaws and development in both character and strength depending on the type of media to the male characters, that’s given for almost any show I like really
MONSTROUS CHARACTERs. I’m not taking about like oh cute petite anime girl/boy with like a tail or some horns I’m TALKING MADOKA MAGICA WITCHES THOS GIANT WEIRD THINGS IN EVANGELION. I WANT MONSTERS THAT LOOK LIKE THEIR AN EXSTENTIAL NIGHTMARE!! It’s so gender envy ngl ✨💕 wish that were me
Also Father son duos are a treat for me, but I love father daughter duos more on a personal level (Haha daddy issues go brrr xDD)
SNAKE THEMED CHARACTERS! I know that you know I love snakes Fran XD
Symbolism in character design, the backgrounds, abilities names, I’m a sucker for shows and medias that have me over analyzing everything I could in terms of a character as a whole as well as their Morality, Psyche, biology, etc. just any character or moment I can just daydream about breaking down to their rawest moments and just analyze it til there’s nothing left for me to analyze over
The protagonist has flaws, and genuinely doesn’t win everytime (Yes even though I love Yusaku I mean this whole heartedly) XD
Angst bait and whump bait characters ig XD, I want to fall in love with a tragic character and immediately start hunting down angst and whump about them or just make my own ximssjsm
Also characters that I just wanna coddle and adopt XDDD
Bratty or cocky characters, that have utter fear of god instilled into them or absolutely gets knocked down their pedestal and it’s EMBARRASSINGLY AGONIZING FOR THEM, I’m not a sadist I swear :D
Theirs probs more but I can’t think rn and it’s already at ten I think that’s enough XDD
Oh~ This is such an interesting list, and I am actually pretty sure that Bleach has almost all of these.
Yeah, that is pretty much of a given. Orihime wants to protect her friends, but something happens to her powers and she feels horrible about it, she has real flaws that any girl would have.
Espadas, Just the Espadas. More specifically, Ulquiorra Cifer and his Ressureccion looks like a genuine devil in Bleach.
WE HAVE THAT! WE HAVE KENPACHI ZARAKI AND YACHIRU KUSAJISHI! And it is actually so cute, because this menacing beast of a man that loves to fight to death,
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has a tiny little girl on his shoulder, 24/7. And when he is angry, he just doesn't even think about harming her at all, he just thinks about the people he is about to fight.
4. If you count Isshin and Ichigo, then yeah, we have that. They are a perfect duo. Legit hilarious and Isshin actually loves his son and will protect him.
5. Yup! Cyan Sung-Sun
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6. Yeah it does have that with pretty much every character in this show, even the jokey characters like Asano Keigo. There are hundreds of videos just talking about these characters.
7. Ichigo gets his ass kicked like every arc, at least. Not to mention, the internal battle that he has with his inner demon, both literally and narratively. This guy has more layers than an onion.
8. Pick one. You want angsty antagonist? Coyote Starrk. Angsty protag? Ichigo. Angsty female character? Rukia Kuchiki. Angsty side character? Uryu Ishida. It is filled with angsty characters.
9. Rukia, Yachiru, Yuzu, Karin, Nel, Toshiro, Momo, pretty much, anyone that won't kill you, but knowing you, you will adopt all of them.
10. Renji FUCKING Abarai, this boy is the most hilarious boy on the planet and I love him for that.
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Soooo~ Interested?
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tmntjester · 1 year
Who’s your favorite turtle and least favorite
I'd have to say my least favourite turtle is 1987 Leo, I love him, but good gods he needs to get a personality X3 I can thoroughly appreciate and respect his ability to be a leader that his brothers feel confident enough to follow with little to no question or push-back (I only remember 1 episode where his brothers said they didn't need Leo as a leader and thoroughly found the fuck out, lol) and he has episodes of growth and over-coming obstacles and fears, but at the end of the day, I swear that boy has the personality of a saltine. (With maybe some silly cheese on top cause he likes to make silly ass puns and jokes, lol)
I honestly don't feel like I can pick a favourite simply because I feel like every turtle has their very unique and individual qualities about them that I absolutely adore and appreciate, honestly I was struggling to figure out a least favourite turtle, too, hahahah, so I'm just gonna pick my favourites from each series (and it's gonna get a bit repetitive cause I'm a simple bitch with simple pleasures🥰)
1987: Michaelangelo: He was my favourite from the get-go, I've always admired his skills with his nun-chucks, his general demeanor and just how caring he is. I think my favourite parts are when someone genuinely pisses him off and shows that he knows his ninjistu and his weapon all too well and you really don't wanna fuck around and find out with him because of that. He's a sweet soul and while I think he's terrible with kids in the series is till think he's a got a very genuine and kind soul as he constantly tries to bring in animal companions and pets (and in one of the comic series during this time, it shows just how sensitive he is and all he wants is community, love, and understanding). I can relate to him on the level of indulgence in medias such as TV, music, etc. (As it is with all Mikey's of course) But I don't think I could ever match his love for pizza (I think only 2012 Mikey could genuinely compete 👀).
2003: Mikey: Now Mikey in this iteration really hits home for me simply because I was probably one of the most, if not, THE most annoying kid you could've come across and encountered in your entire life. I belive it's because of that I was not well-liked and was heavily bullied and, because of this, I felt an immediate kin-ship with Mikey and you can pull it from my cold, dead hands. I've later come to understand that the way his brothers (namely Raph) interacts with him is simply how they, as brothers, show their brotherhood/brotherly love..or something like that (I still don't quite get it, honestly) and because of that my ADHD and RSD go into overdrive everytime I see someone interacting (seemingly) negatively with him, it's almost like a punch in the gut, y'know? I think it's because of this, my love for him is pretty much solidified.
2012: Leonardo: Now this one was actually a bit of a surprise to me, I kept trying to think which one I genuinely liked between the four of them in the '12 vers. and I thought Mikey, but I just like his psychy, then I thought Raph, and yeah, he comes in at a close 2nd, but I think I more-so really like what his relationship with Mona brings out of him. But with Leonardo, his autistic ass has some of, if not, THE most personal growth and development among just about anyone in the '12 series to the point I was practically at the edge of my seat to see how he grew and developed as the show progressed. I never really thought I'd be this invested with any Leonardo, but even through a screen his leadership qualities permeate and make the viewer feel like they can do just about anything they set their mind, heart, and soul to because you get to see Leo struggle time and time again and still come out on top, he's not perfect by any means or lengths, but by the gods grace he's fuckin trying and I genuinely think that's why he's one of my favourite turtles.
(although I REALLY like future Raph in this series 👀✨️)
2018: Donatello: I honestly haven't finished rottmnt yet, I'm almost done with the first season and while I love them all and find leo in this vers. annoying as hell, I can still see his leadership qualities popping through even if he's not seated directly in the leadership position. Donatello, though, has little to no interest in being a leader and more so just looks to improve himself technologically-speaking, he's genuine in his self-expression, (and I swear to the gods I just love all the autistic/adhd bitches around here alright).
Thank you so much for asking, this was really fun to think about and try to put into words, my brain kinda goes a million miles a second sometimes and can be hard to keep up with and put onto paper(let alone verbal words, lol) but this was really enjoyable, thank you ^-^💖✨️
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hyperray · 8 months
Just watched the finale and...
I almost feel nothing. I feel weird. I am both excited from the cool moments, and dissapointed by the cringe moments. Its like the cool matter and cringe matter met and they annihilated eahc other to zero. My mood swings about the finale is comparable to the infrared wavelength. Actually let me visualize this by showing the peaks as + and cringe moments as - +Vox laughing at the hotel's preparation -Vox swearing (Actually I'm giving a minus to all the swearing, which OH MY GOD!! There is so much of it, I have an extremely hard time to find this cool and interesting. Viv, STOP IT, PLEASE!) +General Pentious +Charlie's speech +The whole scene where everyone is enjoying themselfes before the fight -Besides Pentious expressing his feelings for Cherri (Which I do ship) the whole concept is rushed, she only appeared one time and when they are eye to eye the ship thing if forced quickly, and she only starts considering him after Angel tells her that he might have two dicks. Like, hmm, that would make it a very one sided relationship -The Charlie and Vaggie song having the same style as the Charlie and Lucifer song makes this all feel somewhat incestious. Am I the only one who feels that way? -Lute is being uncharacteristic with how she is swearing, feels a bit like the Striker treatement +I love everyone's battle outfits! I think Charlie's shield might be a reference to that one christian folklore how someone was using a shield made by Lucifer himself which later broke from another holy weapon +Alastor's shield -Yeah it is pretty weak how the angels can be killed with their own weapons, though I also find this interesting, maybe their own weapons can kill them not out of holyness, but from power-level essence, you get me? +++Besides the swearings and the Lucifer vs Adam fight, this battle was AWESOME!!! Especially Adam vs Alastor -Vox' hard on, or his entire appereance in the episode and Alastor swearing. I really hoped Al would be outside the swearing curse --"Vagatha!" "Not my name" I really feel like this is Viv's spiteful way of saying "Fuck you guys, the way I name my characters is completely fine and stop whining like there is anything wrong with it." +Angel Dust protecting the Egg Boi ++Pentiou's build up of attacking Adam and manning up to kiss Cherri ----------Pentious being casually whiped out by Adam in one pew and everyone imemdiately mourning for him. Seriously WHAT THE FUCK!!! That was the most UNDERWHELMING SHIT I've ever seen! +Razzle and Dazzle becoming Dragon and Vaggie vs Lute fight, as well as her speech to humiliate Lute +Charlie and Adam's fight and interaction +Lute ripping her arm out --The entire Adam vs Lucifer fight and interaction. Okay I expected there to be a large power gap between those two, it is Lucifer after all, but it felt too one sides, and I got second hand embarrasment for Adam by being so casually humiliated by all these silly animal transformations and insult ---Also did Lucifer really sleep with Eve too? That makes the whole view on the Morningstar family relationship so wrong. Luci and Lilith supposedly were deeply in love, but if Lucifer must've slept with Eve too it must've been soon after he met Lilith too, and Luci was trying to be a sort of prometheus figure to Eve, what a massive downplay on so many things! Though I hope he wasn't serious about it and just wanted to get under Adam's skin ----Lucifer saying "I'm going to fuck you" to Adam was the MOST VRINGE INDUCING thing here! --Adam's true face. Look I don't care if this is suppose to reflect his actor's face, why is he this white boy hill billy? Jeez, does Viv even care about the Bible lore and trying to make it more accurate than just the surface level stuff?Would it have been so hard to just make him more lore accurate? I'm seriously starting to think Viv might have a kink on that.
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emgene · 1 year
Enhypen and Minecraft
I wrote this on my phone while at a 3rd of July party. Inspired by a dream I had about Jay cheating at Minecraft.
warnings: swearing, not edited, rip doggy
Heeseung likes plain survival. He can't build for shit so he lives in the mountain. He's really good at finding gold but says that it's useless so he tosses it in lava. Killed his minecraft dog once and built a grave for it (2 gravel and a sign saying "rip doggy, no match for water". He doesn't like playing with you, but you're usually the farmer bc he forgets to eat.
Jay is a creative player 100%. He can't do parkour, but he loves mining. He'll often go online when he has spare time to just strip mine. He says it's therapeutic. Fights monsters for you and doesn't let you go out alone at night. Your minecraft beds are next to each other.
Jake is a god with redstone. Idk how he does it but every house you has a secret room filled with all your valuables just in case someone (riki) gets on your server. Has the copious dogs mod so he can have Layla. He tries not to play without you, he says it's not as fun.
Sunghoon doesn't play very often. I see him as a gatherer though. Always has food in his inventory. ALSO he's great at finding villages, but he hates villagers. He will kill them on sight, idk why, he just hates them. He fishes a lot, he says it's an easy food source. He only really plays when you are and he plays more when he's on tour so he can spend time with you.
Sunoo is a farmer boy. Specifically takes care of the animals. He has a texture pack that makes everything cuter (as he should) and a mod that adds more foods. Loves going exploring with you, but he has to tame every animal he sees. Refuses to kill animals, so he lives off of baked potatoes and bread.
Jungwon doesn't play often, he prefers to watch you play. When he does play though, he likes to build. He likes Minecraft Comes Alive so you two can get married and maaaaybe have a kid or two. He tried defeating the ender dragon once and failed miserably. Prefers creative mode, but I can also see him liking one block.
Ni-Ki is a speedrunner, he's just not fast at it. His goal is to get to the end and kill the ender dragon. But it IS possible to convince him to live out a calm life with you. He actively seeks out monsters to fight though. Knows exactly what level to find diamonds... he just can't seem to find them. He fucks up your builds, but makes it up to you later irl. Y'all have minecraft dates if you haven't seen each other in a while.
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
I'M HERE and I need to talk about the hybrid!AU with Carlos. I don't want to be too cliché, but I can only think of wolf!Carlos. I don't know if it fits much, but I feel that a wolf defines Carlos a lot.
Carlos is very hairy, a lot, and his shiny black hair has always attracted people, but many don't like the hair on his legs, arms, armpits, and chest because they consider it to look "unkempt," which obviously it's not true. And he also has lots of pubic hair, and all his previous partners told him that it's uncomfortable and he should shave.
So for a long time he shaved and waxed his entire body in order to please others and not look scruffy and unpleasant. But Carlos was never satisfied, because the hair grows in a matter of days or hours, and he feels naked.
When you met him, he really wanted you to see him as a well-groomed person who can take care of you and himself, that's what his instincts tell him. But you see through him, that's why you don't worry when a couple of days go by and Carlos can't shave or wax himself. Yet Carlos is worried, and he gets nervous when you try to have sex with him. You immediately stop all attempts because he seems uncomfortable, and Carlos is apologizing to you and swearing he's going to take better care of himself as soon as possible to be presentable to you.
You stop him at that point, and have a long conversation with him about how he feels about his body and his hair. You reassure him that his body deserves respect as it is, and that hair is part of him, that he doesn't have to worry if others see him as dirty or scruffy, because they're wrong and he deserves to feel comfortable deciding how he wants to look for himself. same. You assure Carlos that with or without body hair, he will be the most handsome man in the world, your world.
Carlos crying? A little, a little too much. He didn't even expect to cry, but he never imagined meeting someone who would make him feel that safe. And you have already shown that you love his tail and his hair, you not only accept but love his hairy body!!!
Every once in a while you help him trim his pubic hair to a level he's comfortable with, but it sure takes hours because he can't contain his happiness and wag his tail and squirm. Carlos loves that you love him and his body so much.
OH MY GOD WOLF!CARLOS. 🌻, you are a GENUIS. This is incredible. 10000/10.
Firstly, a Wolf suits him perfectly. Not only because of his hair, but because he’s protective and loyal and fights for his family and is absolutely a pack animal. He works best surrounded by others, when there are people to support him and love him and who he can protect.
(And yes that does include you, he’s like a herding dog with you)
Carlos has never had a partner completely fine with his body hair. Sure he’s had some who don’t seem to bothered mostly, but there’s always something.
It just breaks his heart when he wants to cuddle with his partner and they won’t put their head on his naked chest because it’s too hairy. He’s perfectly fine with a partner not wanting to give him head because of pubic hair, but so many of them have pressured him into shaving, saying it’s completely unacceptable that he hasn’t.
Some have even refused to cuddle with him outright because he had too much hair. Especially a few days after he shaves, because then his hair starts to grow and it’s all spoken and uncomfortable.
He’s a wolf! He needs a pack! He needs cuddles and skin to skin, especially from the person he’s in a relationship with and so to be denied that for something he can’t control? He’s so sad. All the time.
And then he meets you, and holy fuck he loves you so so much. So much more than he’s ever felt for anyone else before and he has no idea what he would do if you turned him down.
So he always makes sure to be cleanly shaven everywhere. He literally shaved every single day. He refuses to scare you off. He will not.
But then a few days go by and he doesn’t shave. Maybe you and him go away together? You go to a cabin in the middle of nowhere and just cuddle and fuck and talk and cook ridiculous lavish meals and it’s amazing. It’s absolute heaven for Carlos’s instincts to have you all to himself like that.
And he honestly just… doesn’t get the time to shave? He’s with you the entire time, only leaving you to go the bathroom and that’s it. You shower or bath together, taking full advantage of the private outdoor shower.
Then before he knows it, he’s woken up on the third day and his hair is all prickly and starting to grow back. You haven’t woken up yet, and to his shock you’re still cuddled against his chest, seemingly not caring that the hair is starting to grow back.
After breakfast, he’s trying to figure out how to escape to the bathroom for half an hour or so to shave but he has no idea how. And he doesn’t even want to, because he wants to savour every bit of time he has with you.
You walk up behind him in the kitchen, hugging him from behind and slipping your hand under his to press your hand against his chest. You kiss his neck, clearly trying to have sex and as much as Carlos wants to, he’s scared because he thinks you’ll turn him down for the hair.
He’s had so many partners make him go shave before sex, and as much as he wants sex, he actually doesn’t want to shave? He wants to just stay with you, doesn’t want to have to work so hard to make himself presentable, wants to be accepted just as he is.
You stop of course, realising that Carlos is clearly uncomfortable. He doesn’t want to admit what’s bothering him, but he also can’t lie to you.
The next thing he knows, he’s spilling everything. Your heart just breaks when you hear what’s been going on, how his previous partners had treated him.
You love Carlos!! And you would never, ever expect him to change something about himself that he has no control over.
If he wants to shave, that’s fine. But you wouldn’t want him to think he has to for you. All he has to do for you, is be himself. That’s it. That’s all he has to do.
Before Carlos even knows what’s happening, he’s crying and not just a little either. He’s properly crying, throwing himself in your arms, even his tail is wrapped around you.
He still doesn’t quite believe you, and for the next week or so, he keeps on glancing at you as he grows his hair out again. He keeps on waiting for you to say it’s officially too long. Every night he expects you to decide you won’t sleep on his naked chest, won’t let him tangle his legs with yours, ect.
But that never happens. You act like nothing has changed, because to you, nothing has. He’s still your Carlos.
(Also uh… wolf!Carlos and bunny!charles….)
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