#the line 'you can sink to the bottom of the sea but don't go without me'
newlyy · 2 years
im closer to my family than i am to any friends just by virtue of shared history and living together. when im doing really badly, i only go to my family, when i need help i go to my family first, my anxiety is lowest around my family, etc etc. family is significant for me, which makes me afraid of getting older and losing it. idk who i’d be without my core four-person family and our home base. im about to cry just thinking about it, i NEED them, I am them, they are me
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chenziee · 10 months
The Stubborn
This story was written for the amazing @zosanauzine!! You can find it as a part of the main zine :D
It's also a part of the Obstacles soulmate AU verse 👀
This is actually a little bit of an extend version because I needed to cut a scene out for the zine because of word count 😭 there's also a few minor changes because I wrote this way before The Markless so I had to do some edits to make the timeline fit together but shhh
The zine's aftersales are open right now, so don't miss out!! 👀
[ Read on AO3 | Obstacles series | Ko-Fi ]
They say that everyone has a soulmate out there somewhere. There will always be a person matching the mark decorating your skin, you simply have to find them.
Sounds easy enough.
But nothing is ever as easy as it seems when the world is separated into five seas, when it’s nearly impossible to travel through freely unless you have government permission to cross the Red Line and a Navy warship to get you through the Calm Belt. Only the strongest—or absurdly lucky—go wherever they want and survive.
And, even if you overcome all those odds and are able to travel across all the seas to find that person, there can be other obstacles to stand in the way. 
Blank skin is one.
Stubbornness another.
“You seriously don’t have a mark?” Usopp asked doubtfully.
Sanji sighed before he lit a cigarette, taking a long drag. Only after a ring of smoke left his mouth did he bother to look at Usopp to reply, “Seriously. And good thing too, it gives me the freedom to love all the ladies.”
“Uh-huh,” Usopp hummed, raising an eyebrow. A person without a soulmate—or at least without a soul mark—wasn’t completely unheard of but they were usually people like Luffy, people without a single ounce of interest in romance or dating. Not… Sanji.
Torao may have put a tiny dent in that theory but the point still stood.
Usopp knew there had to be a catch. Either Sanji was lying, or his mark was so subtle that he mistook it for a regular birthmark. There was simply no way that—
“Ah, crap,” Sanji cursed when he dropped a spatula.
And then, Usopp could only watch as Sanji bent down, the hem of his shirt riding up on his back and exposing a little bit of skin.
It felt like Usopp’s jaw hit the floor when his mind processed just what he was looking at. There was a mark. The mark. The exact soul mark that Sanji claimed he didn’t have. And its shape was—
Usopp had to rub at his eyes to make sure he wasn’t seeing things but no. It really was three crossed swords, the one in the middle suspiciously resembling Wado Ichimonji.
Immediately, Usopp’s mind flashed to all the times their local Three Sword Style expert pointedly ignored any and all questions about his soulmate. He remembered all the fights that used to abuse the Going Merry and that still continued to abuse the Thousand Sunny to this day. He could practically see the face Zoro made everytime Sanji would go off to hit on yet another random, beautiful woman.
And suddenly, it all made sense.
Gulping heavily, Usopp bit hard on his bottom lip to keep his voice level as he addressed Sanji, who was now scrubbing his dropped spatula in the sink. “Hey, Sanji,” he started slowly. “There’s something on your back.”
Sanji paused at his words, turning his head to look at Usopp, then craning his neck to see his backside. He struggled for a few seconds, even reaching with his hand to blindly try and brush the non-existent dirt off of himself, completely misunderstanding what Usopp had meant.
“I can’t see, can you get it for me?” Sanji asked, frustration clear in his voice.
And Usopp… had to struggle very, very hard to not start laughing as he complied, making a show of ‘cleaning’ Sanji’s shirt.
This was seriously getting better and better. Not only had he learned some wonderful, sweet information that Nami would pay good money for—maybe even forgive the interest on the money he had borrowed from her if he played his cards right—but Sanji also didn’t know about any of this because he couldn’t see his back.
The peaceful days on the Sunny were about to get a lot more interesting.
Zoro didn’t understand. It was as if overnight, the rest of the crew had collectively decided to become a complete pain in his ass. He could simply be training and minding his own damn business, and suddenly, Nami would start loudly complimenting the cook’s new pants, saying how well they fit him. The stupid love-cook wasn’t able to form a single sentence the rest of the day; the only things that came out of his mouth were incoherent mumbles and sighs of ‘Nami-swan’, which only annoyed Zoro more. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to cut Sanji or Nami for that.
Or he could be sitting in the kitchen, trying to eat his late breakfast in peace when Robin would walk in. She’d look at Zoro, then Twirly standing at the stove and smile, only to note how ‘sweet’ the atmosphere was. 
Zoro had nearly choked on his rice.
One time, he was even asleep when Franky had decided to loudly drop one of his creations right next to him. Zoro had startled awake, thinking they were under attack but then Franky’s laughter filled his ears.
“Hey, Zoro! You look super tired!” he said. “You should get some sleep, man.”
“Shut up,” Zoro replied with a yawn. This guy, seriously; what did he think Zoro was trying to be doing?
Franky grinned with a suspicious spark in his eyes, like he was dying to make fun of Zoro further but desperately trying to hold back. “You should ask Sanji to help you sleep.”
Zoro’s eyebrows shot up. What the fuck was this cyborg even saying? “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked finally, after what felt like an eternity of them just staring at each other, trying to gauge each other’s thoughts.
“Who knows?” Franky shrugged, his teasing grin only widening. “But Sanji’s our super cook and he spent two years learning new recipes. I’m sure he can whip up something nice especially for you.”
Zoro blinked, giving Franky one last blank look before deciding to ignore this entire exchange and go back to sleep. There was no point pursuing this further; he was sure he wouldn’t get anything else out of the shipwright that would make any sense.
But there were many more instances like this; Usopp noting how ‘amazing’ Eyebrows was at random times. Brook telling him to cherish his soulmate after reminiscing about the time he had spent with his own. Jinbe earnestly wishing him good luck for no reason. Nami threatening to charge him if she was ever ‘subjected to hearing things’, whatever that meant.
There was something off about the whole thing. It was as if…
No, it couldn't be. There was no way the idiots had somehow learned about Zoro’s soulmate… situation. After all, he’d made both Luffy and Chopper swear to not blab out anything stupid and he always made sure to wear his haramaki to keep his mark perfectly hidden. After all, there was no need for anyone to know, no need for anyone to see the stupid spiral on his hip—least of all, the shitty cook it belonged to.
Closing his eyes, Zoro cursed internally; the universe really had a sick sense of humour. Of all people, of literally all the people in the world, his soulmate just had to be someone infuriating. The only saving grace was that the idiot was too stupid to realise.
Seriously, it was ridiculous. Who even missed something like a soulmark? How did that happen? He might have expected something like that from Luffy but not the cook; he might have been absolutely maddening but he wasn’t dumb. He had saved the crew several times by using his brain before but apparently, finding something on your own skin was a more challenging task than outsmarting the navy headquarters at Enies Lobby.
Zoro startled at the chuckle that easily passed his lips at the thought. Stupid Mr Nosebleed making him feel all these things. It would have been so much easier if he was just an annoyance or just an endearing idiot but no, he had to be both. Making Zoro want to kill him and kiss him and then kill him again all in the span of five seconds just by breathing and it was driving Zoro absolutely insane.
“You’d think I’d get used to all this by now,” Zoro growled, ruffling his hair in frustration.
“Is this about Sanji?” A soft chuckle accompanied the words just before someone sat on the barrel next to him.
Zoro sighed. “Why do I get a feeling no matter what I say, you’re not going to believe me?”
“Because you’re not a very good liar,” Robin laughed, crossing her legs and leaning back against the railing behind her.
“Shut up,” Zoro could only grumble before looking away. At least he could confidently say he was still better at it than Luffy. It was just that nothing seemed to get past this woman.
“You two are so cute. You do know you could just talk to each other, right?” Robin was quite obviously holding back laughter as she asked, even having to raise her hand to hide her mouth when Zoro shot her a glare.
“As if I could just bring that up!” he snapped. “What would I even say? Shitty cook doesn’t even know.”
Robin smiled at him gently. “Doesn’t he?”
Zoro froze at her words, but before he could so much as ask what that was supposed to mean, Robin continued, “The connection doesn’t appear for no reason. It doesn’t have to be that difficult, you know.”
Zoro didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t like she was wrong but it didn’t seem right either. They hated each other. They couldn’t say good morning without it turning into a fight. And yet, this woman was basically saying it was all in his head.
“Easy for you to say…”
Letting go of a deep sigh, Zoro let his head fall back. He couldn’t help but note what a beautiful day it was. Almost too beautiful. They must have been close to a spring island.
If only everything was as simple as the cloudless blue skies.
“I’m off! I’ll make sure to pick out only the best ingredients for you, ladies.” Sanji bowed before he turned around to leave.
The Sunny had docked at a spring island earlier that morning and after some preparations—namely Luffy insisting on getting his pirate lunch-box before going anywhere—the crew was ready to go check out the port town. It didn’t really matter to Nami what any of them did there, as long as Luffy didn’t manage to set the town on fire before lunch but…
As funny as the whole thing was at first, she was also getting a little tired of it.
“Sanji!” Nami called after their retreating cook. “Take Zoro with you!”
Both Zoro and Sanji froze, whipping around to stare at her with open mouths.
“Why would I want to bring the idiot mosshead?!”
“Why would I want to go with the idiot love-cook?!”
Nami sighed deeply before pointing at Zoro. “Because I don’t want you to get lost and—” she paused to point at Sanji— “because I don’t want you to get distracted.”
It was a lie, a transparent one. It wasn’t like this was the first island, the first city where they would each go their separate ways with no idea what the rest were doing. As much as she was right about Zoro’s sense of direction and Sanji’s tendency to chase after women, she had never gone out of her way to force them to stay together for no apparent reason. But if she didn’t step in, they would never get anywhere and she was done watching these two dance around each other like a couple of idiots.
“Oi, Nami,” Zoro hissed but a single stern look from her was enough to end the argument before it even began.
They were going to go together and talk and there was nothing either man could do about it.
Automatically grabbing the bag that was handed to him, Zoro wondered why he had even agreed to this. He wanted to say it was because of the kindness of his heart, because he took pity on the cook, because he had nothing better to do. He didn’t want to admit it was because he was scared of Nami or worse, that he wanted to spend time with Curly. Absolutely not.
But there was a damn limit, alright?
“Hey, Cook,” Zoro growled when he was handed yet another bag. “Just how much stuff do you want me to carry for you?”
Brow raised, Sanji put down the apple he was examining to look at Zoro instead. “What else are you here for? Don’t tell me this is too much for a muscle-head like you.”
“That’s not the point! You carry something, too!” Zoro snapped back because really, it wasn’t like it was heavy but why was he carrying all of the thirty shopping bags?
“Why should I? Plus, I need both hands to choose the highest quality food for Nami and Robin.”
Sanji’s snarky tone softened as soon as he thought of the girls and Zoro hated how much that change irritated him. Why did he have to get stuck with this womaniser for a soulmate? “It’s always about the women,” Zoro muttered bitterly.
“What?” There was a mix of annoyance and honest confusion in Prince’s voice and somehow, that only made Zoro angrier.
“You heard me,” he said curtly, looking straight at Cook in a direct challenge.
There was a moment of silence while Sanji stared back, then wordlessly lit a cigarette. Closing his eyes momentarily, he took a moment to blow out the smoke before he glared at Zoro. “Are you picking a fight? Who do you think all the rice is for, huh?!”
“For me, so the razorblades have flavour!” Zoro shot back, already reaching for Enma despite all the bags in his hands.
“You asked for those!” Sanji’s foot was on fire now, slowly rising up to return Zoro’s attack… but then it froze in mid-air, the flames dying as Browgoro blinked, his mouth falling open, cigarette dropping. “Wait, you actually ate that?”
Suddenly, it felt like the flames from Sanji’s attack jumped over to Zoro’s face; he wasn’t sure why he was embarrassed—he had been very proud back on Punk Hazard for managing to digest those, just like he had claimed he could…
So, why did he feel like disappearing off the face of the earth now?
He couldn’t even look at Dart-brow when he replied, his voice a quiet mumble, “We can’t waste food, right?”
Grave silence settled over the two of them at his words; it was like everyone at the market had disappeared, leaving only Sanji, Zoro, and his increasing sense of mortification.
It felt like several long, agonising hours later that Sanji finally let out a long-suffering groan and buried his face in his hands. “Why did I have to get stuck with this Marimo for a soulmate…”
Immediately, Zoro’s good eye widened.
“You knew?!” he asked in horror. Curly had always claimed he didn’t have a soul mark, that he was ‘free to love all the ladies’, so what the hell was he saying right now?!
Sanji visibly froze; he obviously didn’t think before speaking, was probably just as shocked as Zoro to hear his own voice forming the words.
They stared at each other for a moment, both too stunned to even blink. It took a laughing child crashing right into Zoro to get time to move again… only it felt like it sped up a little too much. Zoro’s head was spinning. He barely knew what was going on anymore, only that he needed to do something. Anything. But… He was never one to think too deeply about things.
That was what Sanji was there for and look where that got them.
Clenching his jaw, Zoro decided.
Fuck it.
He took the two steps that separated them, grabbing Sanji’s arm without a word to drag him away. He didn’t know where he was going, he didn’t know what he was going to do…
But if, at the end of it, he finally learns what Sanji’s lips taste like, that was perfectly fine by him.
“How did it go?” Usopp asked casually when the two of them got back.
“We got everything for your special tangerine sauce, Nami!” Sanji called, completely ignoring Usopp in favour of waving to the navigator. No surprise there.
Zoro clicked his tongue at the cook’s antics, simply walking by while carrying all of the many shopping bags. “Sanji, I’m gonna drop these in the kitchen. Put the shit away yourself.”
“As if I’d let you mess around my kitchen anyway!” Sanji snapped back immediately.
Yep, nothing’s changed. Usopp wasn’t surprised Nami’s plan didn’t work; if forcing them to be alone was enough, then they wouldn’t be—
“Did you just call him ‘Sanji’?!”
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babygurltash · 2 years
Character Songs Tag
Thanks for the tag @sillyliterature~! <33
Game Rules: Choose one of your characters and list songs that fit them.
So, I'm going to do this for my main Shepard, Aria!! I've pretty much taken the songs from her POV on my Shrios playlist <3 Under a cut for length!
End of the Earth by Marina
Love can never be What you want it to be But I'd still follow you down Slow motion no sound To the edge of the world
// But I'll give my love, I don't care if it hurts Cause I'll love you 'til the end of the Earth
High Enough by K.Flay
I don't like anyone better than you, It's true, I'd crawl a mile in a desolate place, With the snakes, Just for you Oh I'm an animal, hand me a tramadol, gimme the juice You are my citadel, you are my wishing well, My baby blue
I used to like liquor to get me inspired But you look so beautiful, my new supplier, I used to like smoking to stop all the thinking, But I found a different buzz. The world is a curse, it'll kill if you let it, I know they got pills that can help you forget it, They bottle it, call it medicine, but I don't need drugs
Cause I'm already high enough You got me, you got me good I'm already high enough I only, I only, I only got eyes for you
Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe and FINNEAS
And if the sky falls from heaven above Oh I know I had the best time falling into love We've been living on a fault line And for a while, you were all mine I've spent a lifetime giving you my heart I swear that I'll be yours forever, Till forever falls apart
DIVING BELL by Starset
Oh, this wasn't in my plans Abandoned ship and heading for the sand Oh, the albatross crash-lands I've got the sinking feeling that I never can go home If I stare into the abyss, will it stare into me? [x4]
// In my mind, Endless sea, Calling from the bottom, But you don't hear me Send your line Down to me Meet me on the surface I will never leave Stuck in time, Stuck in me, Broken on the bottom like a refugee
The End of the Dream by Evanescence
I found a grave, Brushed off the face, Felt your light, and I remembered why I know this place. I found a bird, Closing her eyes one last time And I wondered if she dreamed Like me
As much as it hurts, ain't it wonderful to feel? So go on and break your wings, Follow your heart 'til it bleeds As we run towards the end of the dream
Under the Water by The Pretty Reckless
Lay my head under the water Lay my head under the sea Excuse me sir, am I your daughter? Won't you take me back, take me back and see? There's not a time for being younger And all my friends are enemies And if I cried unto my mother No she wasn't there, she wasn't there for me
Don't let the water drag you down [x3]
Broken lines across my mirror Show my face, all red and bruised And though I screamed and I screamed Well, no one came running No, I wasn't saved, I wasn't safe from you
Otherworldly, otherworldly, I come alive when you are with me Otherworldly, otherworldly, Far away from all the mayhem Otherworldly, otherworldly, At the speed of light and beauty
I wanna become lucid Clear just like a window I tried too hard to open up And show you what's behind it But you didn't need to hear me, 'Cause you were supraliminal Knew me without an uttered word You always seemed to know me
How Not to Drown by CHVRCHES ft Robert Smith
I'm writing a book on how to stay conscious when you drown And if the words float up to the surface, I'll keep them down This is the first time I know I don't want the crown You can take it now
You promised the world and brought me it hanging from a string Stuck it in my mouth, into my throat, told me to sing That was the first time I knew you can't kill the king And those who kiss the ring
Tell me how It's better when the sun goes down We will never escape this town I wasn't scared when he caught me, Look what it taught me Tell me how It's better if I make no sound I will never escape these doubts I wasn't dead when they found me Watch as they pull me down
I'm writing a chapter on what to do after they dig you up On what to do after you grew to hate what you used to love That was the first time I knew they were out for blood And they will have your guts
Warm Water by BANKS
Looking you over and you don't know my name yet But by the time you looked away, already knew I couldn't fake it I got this need for you, forming in my beating heart I knew the meaning right away, We only yesterday were worlds apart
I think I may love you If you give me some time Maybe you'll love me too I got this thing for you
The Killing Kind by Marianas Trench
I roam these halls, search the night In hopes that I may see A remnant trace, a glimpse of you, I stare into the deep Singing I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know my love can be- The deep stares back, Sings to me, "I know my love can be The killing kind."
What if I was wrong by Never moving on I, Didn't realize who's gone The ghost in me was true but You were haunted too, just Didn't see it all along Nevermore to leave here Nevermore to leave here You should never be here I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I know my love can be The killing kind
There's loads more on that playlist, but in the interest of not making this post ridiculously long, I'll leave it there!
No-pressure tagging: @megatraven @gehaktbal @ahhhnorealnamesallowed @jillfizzart @vespersposts @missydiabolical and anyone else who wants to do it, you can just say I tagged you! :D
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rcksmith · 3 years
Beautiful - Kaz Brekker.
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Requests: “Also, the image of Kaz comforting with soft aftercare sobbing hot tears reader after being immensely physically and emotionally overstimulated - lives in my head rent free. Just saying. 💁💁💁”
“29 smut and 4 fluff with the Kaz AU please? Your writing style is ✨immaculate✨”
“hey there! may i request a smut fic on Kaz Brekker x reader with 43, 48 and 54? obviously everything else is your choice :)”
Fluff prompts:
4. “Sweetheart, you’re my entire world”.
Smut prompts:
29. “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
43. “When we get home I’m cuffing you to the bed and going down on you all night until my jaw is sore.”
48. “I only want to please you.”
54. “Come sit on my face, let me show you how much I missed you.”
Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Fem!Reader.
Warnings: swearing, explicit smut, nsfw, dirty talk, overstimulated, Kaz!soft dom.
Word count: 2k.
A/N: All smut requests for Kaz must follow these rules.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake
Requests are closed. Love you❤️
— — — —
Your chest rose and fell frantically, your mouth half-open in a moan or silent scream, your head thrown back on the black pillows, one hand clutching the sheet with the despair of a shipwrecked at sea. The air was hot and heavy and sizzling, the scent of sex and lust had long time flooded the room and now the fragrance only deepened.
His hot tongue licked your most swollen and quivering spot, his lips closing on your absurdly wet crest and sucking with sensual hunger. The electrifying sensation made you want to close your legs for the pleasure and pain of overstimulation. But Kaz kept both hands firmly on your thighs, separating them precisely, allowing him to eat you like a starving man for years. As if he hadn't already fucked you intensely minutes ago.
“Sir!” You moaned loudly, your back arching and hot tears streaming down your eyes.
You sobbed, the sounds already mingling in your stuttering mouth, reducing you to a tearful mess. But Kaz didn't give you relief. His mouth dipped deeper, his lips eating you adoringly, his hands curling around your thigh and pulling you closer. As if it were still insufficient.
“F-fuck-! S -...” Your incoherent scream was lost in throat, sounding absurdly submissive, innocent and desperate.
Brekker chuckled a little arrogantly. The vibration of his laughter hitting your walls so swollen and wet was enough to push you over the edge. The explosion of artifice behind your eyelids make your heart to pound wildly in chest.
Kaz lifted his mouth minutely, looking up at you, his cocky smile still gracing his lips swollen and wet from your orgasm. “ I didn’t know you were so sensitive."
It was a mockery, of course. And you would have rolled your eyes at that bastard if you had the strength. But you were just a mess that was pushed to the bottom of the well, so you just ran your fingers through Kaz's hair, the tears still flowing and the breath coming in a gasp from your lips.
Brekker has always had an overwhelming hunger, especially for you. He already had a controlling and dominant personality, always seen in the highest positions of command, always the boss, and being able to bend you at his feet was such an intense feeling that you never thought it possible for anyone to feel. He was careful at the beginning of the relationship, testing the limits, asking if you were okay and giving you the security password. But as time went on, when Kaz realized that your limit line was too far away, that you loved being tearful mess for him, things got really intense.
And you loved every second. And that's why you provoked so much tonight.
Your smile was mischievous, filled with that facade of fake innocence and prickly puppy dog ​​eyes. Your dress was tight and silky black, hugging your curves the way you knew Kaz couldn't control himself.
You were excited to overwhelming levels. Kaz had been traveling on business for the past three days and you felt much more needy than usual. And he had rules, explicit rules that involved you not can’t to touch yourself alone, your orgasms were his, so seeking relief with yourself wasn't an option.
And now he had arrived and needed to prioritize what the Crows were telling him about what had happened while he was gone. Normally, you would have understood. Kaz was an absurdly busy man, but you couldn't wait any longer. When he called you saying he was arriving at the crow club, you dressed immaculately and went to wait for him there, like just a like a girlfriend who was missing him. Not like a little devil who had much more impure intentions.
You realized that had successfully carried out your plan from the way Kaz looked at you the second he saw you. With hunger, visseral desire and sinful lust. He looked at you like he wanted to devour you. Brekker and you tried to keep up appearances for the rest of the gang, in a fiery game that only the two of you knew. But his hand was glued around your waist the entire time, in a possessive touch.
You had even been distracted a little more by Jesper's jokes when a voice, warm and sinful, whispered huskily in your ear: “When we get home I'm cuffing you to the bed and going down on you all night until my jaw is sore.”
The two of you already lived together, and Brekker lavished himself on that luxury by banging your back on the door when getting home. In an aggressive kiss, permeated with lust and longing, your body was already hot and you could feel panties wet without him even touching you right.
"I missed you." You whimpered into his mouth, your arms wrapped around his neck as you purposely pressed your breasts against his male chest. "I only want to please you."
"You have no idea how much I missed you." His mouth dipped into your once more, his hands roving possessively over your body.
“I doubt.” You stubbornly teased, just because you wanted more attention. More attention from him.
Kaz smiled that dissolute sideways smile, bringing a hand up to your throat and giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Come sit on my face, let me show you how much I missed you.”
He had already made you come three times. Fucking you and eating you like an insatiable man, never feeling satisfied to see his own cum ooze out of you or feel you cuming.
"Fucking good slut." Another slap was delivered to your left thigh, followed by a possessive squeeze.
Kaz was on top of you again, slamming his mouth into yours in a fierce way, making you taste your own taste. It wasn't a pretty or elegant kiss. Tongues danced at once and your cum mixing with saliva. You sobbed loudly, your hands on his chest, the tears running hot and mixing with your smudged mascara. You were a tearful mess, exuding that submissive innocence. And the way you were vulnerable and at his mercy only fueled his hunger.
Kaz Brekker wanted more.
"Are you going to take my cum inside you like a good girl?" His voice was warm and lusty.
You stuttered, your breath burning in your chest and your pussy swollen with aching clit.
"D-daddy." You whimpered “I-I don't know if I c-can.” Your waist moved to his, and a broken moan escaped as your rubbed against his throbbing cock.
“Oh my poor baby.” His mouth was on your again, his cock rubbing against slippery entrance and swallowing your moans and sobs.
You two had a security password, and Kaz knew damn well you remembered and were perfectly lucid to say it. But the truth was, you didn't want to. You liked hunting, you liked the game, you liked being helpless in his arms and being used like a doll. And you knew Kaz knew that.
"Can't you handle my dick?" He tasted you, the tip of his cock pressing into your entrance.
You threw your head back, a moan along with a loud sob escaping your mouth and hot tears flowing in a steadier rhythm. Your hands were trembling against his chest, breasts rising and falling desperately with your panting breath. You shifted your waist, and Kaz used it to sink deep inside you.
Your scream came broken and fighting breath. Brekker bit his lip hard for the overwhelming pleasure it was to see you like this, feel you like this, enter your pussy and feel you throbbing strongly and sucking his cock inside.
"Fucking hell!" It hit your G-spot, and you felt a sob choke in throat.
Kaz hit again and sank down as far as possible, touching the tip of his cock to the mouth of your uterus and pouring all the hot cum there. For the second time that night.
"Fuck- Daddy!" You squinted your eyes and the scream was caught in your throat by your panting breath.
You pussy burned from overstimulation, her clitoris extremely sore and swollen. The hot tears flowed continually, and you buried your face in the crook of Kaz's neck, whimpering.
"My little princess." Kaz's warm arms encircled you, tracing lazy circles with his thumbs across your warm skin. “You did so, so good. Taking it all like a such good girl.”
You hiccuping. Your legs and hands trembling, your pussy swollen and throbbing. You breath burned in chest and you could have sworn your womb felt filled with Kaz's cum. As if the deep he poured into you, as deep as possible, had reached his goal and filled you up. Completely.
Kaz pulled his dick out of you gently, but pulled your panties back between your legs to keep his cum from leaking out. A realization that made you both moan softly.
“We don't want it to drain do we?" He sprinkled a little kiss on your trembling lips, his right hand wiping the tears from your cheek and holding your face sweetly. “Will you hold my cum inside you like a good girl?”
Even weak and sobbing, you nodded, bending your head to his touch and rubbing your cheek in his hand. Kaz lay down beside you, wrapping his arms around your shivering body and pulling you lovingly into his chest, brushing the strands of sweat from your forehead and wiping away your hot tears with his thumbs.
"My beautiful girl."
Kaz ran his hands over your body in a tender, gentle touch, soothing the trembling in your legs. Pampering your warm skin with loving sweets, splashing a few kisses on youd cheeks and gently nuzzling your hair.
"Sweetheart, you’re my entire world" a kiss to the bridge of your nose was poured "You know that don't you?"
"I know, Kassy." Your voice was low and tired, breathing starting to settle.
You and your body both protested when Kaz got up from the bed and picked you up. His warm arms accommodated you like they were the best refuge in the world, and you were already dozing off when you realized you had been placed in a tub filled with hot water.
You let out a loud moan of complete satisfaction, and Kaz laughed.
“Yeah, I thought you might like that." He played with you and you chuckled softly.
Your eyes remained closed throughout the process. Kaz's hands slid the soap over your skin with such care and affection that you felt a huge wave of love settle in your chest. He kept going through the process, shampooing and creaming your hair and placing his flap-shaped hand over your eyes, preventing the water from falling out when he rinsed the products.
You opened your eyes a few seconds after your hair was clean, and his gaze shifted to your face.
“Hey you.” Kaz smiled and you smiled back.
“I love you.” It was the only way you could find to express everything you were feeling right now.
Kaz sensed the intensity of your feelings by your gaze, and dropped a small kiss on the tip of your nose as he said, “I love you too, Dear. Now let me dry you.”
A/N: what can i say? i am a whore. HAHAHAH anyway, besties, i've opened the tag list now so let me know if you want to be added. Requests are closed. Love you.
Tagged: @glowingatdawn
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mimisempai · 3 years
A love deeper than the ocean 1/3
Mobius, unsuccessful writer, jaded by life, no longer believes in the fairy tales his mother used to tell him. One night, as he sinks into the ocean, at death's door, a strange merman saves him and becomes his friend. Will this encounter be the one that will change Mobius' life? What secret does the mysterious green-eyed merman hide?
I've never written this kind of story in my life. I hope you will enjoy it.
These two beautiful fanart from Natendo inspired this story. Merman Loki Merman Mobius
Rating G
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"Once upon a time..."
Mobius loved it when his mom started her stories like that, because it meant it was going to be about a magical creature, fairy, prince and princess. He snuggled into his soft pillow, cozy under his comforter, and listened to his mom's soft voice tell him the story.
"Far out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the most beautiful cornflower, and as clear as crystal, where it is so deep that nothing could sound it, dwells the Sea King and his subjects. One should not imagine that at the bottom of the sea there is only yellow and naked sand. No, in fact, the most peculiar flowers and plants grow there, colorful and sparkling, undulating with the movement of the water. Fish, large and small, glide between the branches, as birds fly between the trees here on earth. In the deepest place of all is the castle of the Sea King. The Sea King had a daughter, she had long, black hair like ebony and-"
"Mom," Mobius interrupted her, "can it be a boy this time?"
His mother kissed him on the forehead, a fond smile on her lips, "Sure honey, let's go for a boy this time."
She continued her story, "The sea king had a boy who had long black hair like ebony, green eyes like emerald and there was no more beautiful merman in the whole kingdom.  But he was lonely and sad because he had no one to play with. He would often come up to the surface of the ocean and look to the horizon, dreaming that one day the sea would bring him a playmate."
Little Mobius listened as his mother told him the story of the merman who met a human prince, fell in love with him, and gave his beautiful voice to the witch for legs. But the story did not end well.
"The merman raised his glorious eyes to the sun, and felt them, for the first time, fill with tears. On the ship where he had left the prince, there was life and noise; he saw him and his beautiful wife looking for him; they looked sadly at the pearly foam, as if they knew that he had thrown himself into the waves."
Mobius interrupted his mother, "No mom, I don't want the merman to end up all alone, without his prince!"
His mother asked him gently, "You want to tell me the ending then? I'm listening, honey."
"The prince saw in the distance the glittering hair of his mermaid man whom he thought was lost. He turned to his fiancée and apologized because he didn't love her and he would rather die drowning in the arms of his beloved than live unhappily without him. In front of everyone, the prince dived into the sea and swam towards his beloved. The merman saw his prince swimming towards him, went to meet him and took him in his arms. They declared their eternal love and embraced each other, sinking into the water. Still entwined, they did not notice the prince's legs turning into a mermaid's tail. Love had turned the prince into a merman and they lived happily ever after and had many merman children.
Little Mobius looked proudly at his mother with his arms crossed. She laughed softly and as she tucked him in she said, "Your ending is much more beautiful than the one I knew."
Mobius nodded as he fell asleep, "Yes, I am the prince and one day I will find my merman."
"Pff I'll find my merman... nonsense," Mobius muttered, jaded as he looked out the window of his small seaside cottage, "... unfortunately I'm not a prince and the kingdom of the seas does not exist."
He stared at the line separating the sky from the sea for a long time before returning to his desk to resume writing his novel. It was amazing that it was only in his books that he was able to make the characters happy while his life was only loneliness and disappointment.
After ten minutes, seeing that inspiration would not come, he got up, put on an old vest and went out. There's nothing like the ocean air to clear the head.
Mobius walked for a while and then sat down on the sand, arms around his knees, eyes fixed in front of him. Now that night had fallen, he could no longer see the boundary between the sky and the ocean, an impression of infinity passed through him and for a brief moment he wondered what it would be like to walk towards that infinity without stopping. Would anyone miss him? Would his books become posthumously famous? Who would live in his cottage?
Realizing that all the answers to his questions did not matter to him, he stood up and as if hypnotized, he walked straight ahead, indifferent to the level of the rising water.
After a while his feet no longer touched the sandy ground and he floated with the movement of the water, indifferent to where the ocean was carrying him.
Suddenly he felt something brush against his leg and instinct made him move. But what seemed to be a slimy seaweed wrapped around his foot and seemed to pull him down. The instinct to survive was strongest and Mobius struggled, but with nothing to hold on to he felt inevitably swept away and before he was completely underwater he had just enough time to take one last gulp of air.
Knowing that struggling would cause him to consume more oxygen, he did not resist.
Until the inevitable moment when he had to breathe, the pressure on his lungs was unbearable.
The last thing he remembered as his eyes closed was the flickering of green colors as a voice that wasn't his own shouted at him to hold on.
Then the blackness engulfed him, comforting calm. It was all over.
Then why was he thinking?
Do you think when you are dead?
Am I dead?
Huh? Who's talking to me?
"These humans... open your eyes you idiot!"
Mobius slowly opened his eyes and realized that he was in a cave that seemed to be... underwater, or rather surrounded by water, then his eyes fell on the owner of the voice and nothing else mattered.
Mobius just thought that if he was dead, this must be heaven.
Before him stood the most beautiful man or creature he had ever seen.
Black wavy hair fell on his almost naked shoulders, just a small braid fell on his forehead, he had green eyes like emerald and reflected the green of the veil of scales that fell on his shoulders like a small cape. His ears were thin and delicate and stretched out in small points. Mobius' eyes quickly glanced at the torso, which was drawn like that of a Greek god, to see that he had... legs. Mobius looked surprised because he expected to see a mermaid's tail.
He heard a small laugh in his head and looked up to meet the merman's eyes. He laughed but no sound came out of his mouth.
Seeing his surprise, the merman put a finger to his temple and Mobius heard a voice in his head again, "I have legs but also..."
Mobius saw the merman cross the wall of water and as his legs went into the water as well, they turned into a beautiful mermaid tail. It was black with a beautiful pearly green sheen and ended with green swirls that reminded him of the green shade of the merman's eyes. Mobius could hardly look away, fascinated by the movement of the tail that followed the movement of the water.
The voice echoed in his head again as the man transformed as he turned back to Mobius.
"My voice is the price I had to pay for the right to cross from one world to another." He stepped forward and held out his hand to Mobius, "I am Loki, ex-prince of the seas and mischievous merman. Do I have the right to know the name of the man whose life I just saved?"
Mobius grasped the slender, delicate hand then shaking it, he replied softly, "I am Mobius, failed writer and probably having a daydream."
Motioning for him to follow, Loki continued to speak into Mobius' head, "Haha, I assure you this is not a dream. But I'm curious, is it because you're a failed writer that you decided to throw yourself in the water?"
Mobius swallowed, not understanding the compulsion that made him want to spill the beans to this man he had only just met.
Loki had opened a small door at the back of the cave and Mobius was surprised to find himself in a room that was almost as big as his cottage. He looked around in wonder. In one corner, a lamp diffused a warm glow that was reflected on all the cushions that littered the floor covered with a shimmering carpet, in another, was a small armchair surrounded by bookcases filled with books, which immediately gave Mobius the desire to curl up and read.
He didn't have time to look any further, Loki led him to the corner with the cushions and made him sit down.
"I'll get us some tea, maybe that will make the discussion easier."
Mobius sat down on the soft cushions and followed Loki's lanky figure with his eyes as he headed for a door that led to what appeared to be the kitchen. Loki emerged a few minutes later with two steaming cups. He handed one to Mobius before sitting down elegantly in front of him.
He said nothing and simply waited.
Mobius blew on his hot tea before taking several sips to get his thoughts in order.
With his eyes fixed on the ground he did not see Loki's hand coming towards him and resting on his forearm to get his attention.
"Take your time."
Mobius smiled slightly, "Excuse me but I'm going to start with a question that is probably absurd, but... How come I'm dry?"
A mischievous smile appeared on Loki's face as he twirled his hand. Out of it came a beautiful green wisp as his voice echoed in Mobius' head again, "Maybe because I can do a little magic."
The answer didn't even surprise Mobius, who still felt like he was living in a waking dream.
"So Mobius, failed writer, they say when you save a life you are responsible for it, so tell me, what made you do it."
Mobius swallowed again before beginning his tale in a hoarse voice. He told Loki about everything, about his books that were not as successful as he had hoped, about his sadness and loneliness, about his desire not to be alone anymore but also to find THE one, about his childhood dreams.
Loki had gone to fill their cups twice and the day was beginning to filter through the well of light in the middle of the room when Mobius came to the end of his story, the story of his life.
Loki had listened, asked questions when he wanted to know something, had held his hand when emotion made it impossible for Mobius to speak.
Now that he had finished, that he had told everything to a man who was a stranger only a few hours ago, he felt empty and light. Everything was still there though, his unsuccessful books, his loneliness, his sadness, but there was one person who knew everything.
Loki respected his silence before getting up and going to one of the bookcases to pick up a book and return.
He handed him the book and resumed his place in front of Mobius.
To say that Mobius was shocked when he found out what book it was would have been an understatement.
He looked at Loki and stammered, "It's... but... it's my..."
"Yes it's the first volume of your saga."
As he gazed at the cover of the book titled, My glorious purpose is to love - Vol.1 , Loki's voice continued to echo in his head, "The first time I read this book, I wondered if the author really believed what he wrote in the introduction."
Mobius opened the book and traced with his fingers the words of said introduction
Loki continued in his head, "I believe in love. I believe it transforms,
transports, and transcends. I believe it refines goodness, solidifies strength, ripens resolve, eradicates rage, eases pain, and increases empathy. It is the story of such love that I will tell you now."
Mobius realized that Loki was actually saying the words of the introduction by heart, and his heart began to beat faster.
"But... how? I mean you..."
Loki took the book out of his hands, took his hand in his own, and Mobius heard his voice in his head again, "Maybe it's my turn to tell you my story."
Chap 1 - Chap 2 - Chap fin.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story 🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Lokius oneshots list : here
Lokius masterlist : here
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
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Tan Lines
Beyond the Checkered Flag series
WC: 685
Rated: M
Chapter Tags: nudity, implied sexual content
A/N: yeah so i realized there is a terrible accidental pun about Niki getting sunburnt so please forgive meee
You sink your toes in the sand and toss your head towards the sky. The blazing Ibiza sun warms you to your core. Beside you Niki places your towels and bag on the ground. He wasn’t a huge fan of the beach, sand gets where it shouldn’t he’d say, but he went because you wanted a vacation.
Laying out your towel next to his, you pull out a bottle of sunscreen. You aren’t so concerned with yourself, but your husband is pale and gets sunburnt easily. He removes his shirt; you pull off your sundress to reveal the bikini underneath. Motioning for him to come over, you slather it on him in globs.
“A bit much?”
“I don’t want to hear you whining when you burn, Niki,” you laugh. He knows you’re right.
You hand him the bottle and face away. “Don't forget to put it under the straps, too.” The cool lotion hits your skin where his strong hands begin to massage it in.
Tugging the skinny strap tied around your back, Niki asks “when did you buy this?”
“Why? You don’t like it? It's all the rage,” you toss over your shoulder. He doesn’t answer. Instead, his finger traces down your spine to the top of your swim bottoms. I’ll take that as a yes. Niki can’t see your smirk. When he finishes you kiss his mismatched lips in thanks.
You take a moment to really take in the sea and sand and people around you. Niki has already laid on his towel, his aviators blocking the sun from his chocolate eyes. The beach is not packed by any means, but you notice several women that are sunbathing without their tops on.
Elena had once mentioned that she herself would remove her covering sometimes - no tan lines, you should try it, Catherine!
When in Rome, or Ibiza, you suppose with a shrug.
Laying on your stomach, you adjust until you get comfortable. You glance at your husband, but he isn’t paying you any mind. Reaching back you untie the scraps of fabric that hold your top in place around your neck and back. The sound of waves crashing lulls you into a dazed state.
After some time the heat against your back becomes too much. Rolling over, you pull the loosened covering off your breasts and drape it over the bag you brought. Normally you were not this brave. Going topless in public? Even during your sex-drugs-rock’n’roll phase you had kept your clothes on. You sigh, content as the sun warms your nipples, the cooler ocean breeze causing them to peak.
Niki has apparently finally noticed your clothing, or lack of, rather, “what the hell are you doing?”
You crack an eye at him. He is sitting up, staring down at you like you’ve grown a second head. “Hmm?”
“Where is your top? Everyone can see you.” His gaze flits around as if looking for a culprit.
“It’s not like it covered much anyway.” You aren’t wrong, the skimpy bikini only just covered your breasts. “Besides, I don’t want tan lines.”
“Catherine.” He sounds positively exasperated.
You match his tone “Niki.” Opening your eyes fully to look at him, you see he is still watching you with an intense expression. “Are you jealous Niki?” He narrows his eyes at you. Niki wasn't usually a possessive man, but Christ you loved it when he got this way. “Don’t worry, my love, I only want you.”
Finally tearing his eyes from you he brings one leg up, bent at the knee. The opposing arm lowers to rest on his hips. The look on his face is somewhere between sour and the way he looks at you in the bedroom. Or the garage…. or shower... the kitchen… backseat of his sedan…. you bite your lip at the thought.
You look down to his arm. The not-so-subtle bulge in his swim trunks is obvious. Oh.
As much fun as it would be to tease him, you can feel your own growing need. You sit up. “I think I’ve had enough sand for today. How about we head to the hotel?”
Niki is standing with your bag packed, his shirt pulled over you, and his hand grabbing yours before you’ve even finished your sentence.
Tag list: @ay0nha @apparrio @livvyshmiv @fictionlandslanddreams @vinylrosess @typical-bistander @ntlmundy @mymagicsuitcase @anteroom-of-death @somethingthatsaysbubbles @lieutenantn @multiversemarielle @trashbin2 @whatawildone @metalbreakfast @laura-naruto-fan1998 @greeneyedblondie44 @godidontevenknowwhat @marchingicenotes7 @loliissmut
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kerie-prince · 4 years
We're Worlds Apart (2)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj!reader
series m.list | general m.list | previous chp
warnings: light cursing, mentions of death, angsty Draco
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
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(gif not mine)
The surrounding neighbors have been very nice; one elderly couple walked up to Draco’s door with an apple pie, quite the American staple, and he seemed to appreciate it. They seemed normal and sweet. Much unlike the feeling he had for his neighbor. Y/N. He hasn't made any attempts in the month that he's lived in the small suburban neighborhood to see her. He avoided her like she was a deadly plague.
Albeit, it was probably harsh and extremely childish. The whole point of him becoming a new person was changing his views he had been taught in adolescence. Or else why did he help Harry Potter all those years ago when he swore he hated him?
It was currently around 3 in the morning, he was standing in his backyard and made sure no one would be awake as he sent his owl to send a letter to his best friend, Blaise. He was the only person who still contacted Draco on a regular basis besides the occasional letter from Theodore. Gregory cut all contact with Draco after the Battle, especially since Vincent had died that night in the fire in the Room of Requirement. Pansy was living her life somewhere, and although the Golden Trio had forgiven Draco for his actions, it didn't start any friendships. But Draco was fine; Blaise and Theo had been there for him in more ways he cares to admit.
He never mentioned a word about Y/N to Blaise until now when he asked what Draco’s American neighbors were like. Majority of the letter contained contents of how work has been, the differences in not only culture but also how things are called, and just his own well being. He did say something short for the elderly couple, but when it came to Y/N he had a lot to say.
These muggles are far different from the ones in England, Blaise. They know things about the magic world but input a fantasy in their heads. They believe they can actually practice witchcraft and wizardry, calling themselves “Wiccan” or whatever rubbish it is. Bloody hell, they even have films and tv programs of them. My neighbor is one of these and she does the most ludacris things in her house. Quite laughable, really. If Salazar was alive today to see this happening, I’d bet he’d curse the whole lot.
She had been lingering in his mind since that day of his discovery. It was annoying him. Every night, he would catch her in her room doing whatever the hell she was doing and he felt as if the universe was mocking him. This is what people think what you really are was the message he got from it all. Draco never thought something like this would make him feel like a freak. But he did. This act of hers was an indirect insult of what he was capable of. And she had no idea.
It was a fine autumn morning. The shop was closed today, so you had lots of time at home to catch up with cleaning. You stood over your bathroom sink brushing your teeth and saw from the reflection of your mirror your cat stretching herself before walking into the bathroom to rub herself on your legs. “Good morning, Aurora,” you cooed at her. She purred in response and ran off to her tower in the living room.
After getting changed into some comfortable clothes, you walked up to a closet in the hallway that had collections of crystals, oils, sage bundles and more. “Let’s see, where did I put the angelica root?” you asked out loud to yourself. Going through the shelves, you pulled some sea salt, ground lemon balm, ground angelica root, and a feather. You carried the items outside in a bowl to your backyard and set them at a small garden table. Walking over to your garden, you pulled some elderberry flowers and started your cleansing spell.
You sprinkled the salt onto a censor dish and placed a charcoal dish on it and lit it up. In the bowl you had used to carry the items out, you started mixing the herbs together as you waited for the charcoal to burn red. Once it did, you sprinkled the herbs on top, creating a cleansing incense. You picked it up from the bottom of the censor dish, picked up the feather and made your way steadily to your front door, lightly wafting smoke towards it. Reaching your front door, you drew a pentagram over it with the feather and smoke,
“Be gone negativity,
Here now blessed be.”
You repeat your incantations throughout the house until you have finished and walked back to your living room, drawing one last pentagram. You placed your feather and censor dish on the bare floor, stood up and tapped your foot three times,
“By my will, so shall it be.
Sealed now shall this cleansing be.”
You sat on your couch and turned on the television, waiting for the incense to burn out so you could scatter it around your backyard. After a couple of hours of watching a guilty pleasure of yours, you decided to get some actual cleaning done. First thing was to do some trimming and gardening outside, so you grabbed some gloves and headed out back to your yard.
Before grabbing your garden scissors, you looked up and saw something rather strange. There was an owl in your neighbors yard. In broad daylight. From the backyard, you heard a car pull in and peeked over the fence to see that it was your neighbor coming home. You ran to the front leaving a dirt trail in your house and ran out the front door.
He hadn’t walked in yet, so you started waving your arm, “Hello! I’m Y/N!”
He had just nodded his head and walked a straight line to his door. Not wanting to lose this chance of having a conversation with him, you yelled for him one more time, “There’s an owl in your yard!” His eyes widened and without a word, he ran into his house in a panic. From a distance, you heard him say 'shit' before closing the door.
Building up confidence, you walked up to his door and knocked a few times and patiently waited. You fixed your hair and stood surprised as he hastily opened the door. “H-hi! It’s so nice to meet you, I'm Y/N,” you stretched your hand out to shake his hand. He looked at it and had a displeased look, causing unease within you. Looking at your hand, you noticed you still had your gardening gloves on with dirt on it.
“Oops, sorry!” you chuckled as you took it off and reached out again.
Again, he just looked at you with a straight face for a couple of seconds before finally speaking, “Look, I’m really busy, so if you don't mind.” He shut the door without giving you any chance to say anything back. You stood there in shock, replaying his British voice in your head. And as you stood there, you wondered why it is that he doesn't want to talk to you. The Charles couple across from your house were able to introduce themselves, and even got a smile from him. But for some reason, you could never get the same treatment.
Ian had proposed to Draco a housewarming party during lunch. Of course Draco had never been to one, much less hosted one.
“It’s alright, boss. I can fix all the arrangements up. All you gotta do is relax,” Ashley proposed. To say that Draco is extremely happy is an understatement. He had friends that actually enjoyed his company and not his influence. Not that he had much of that anyway.
America was really working out for him; work was great, people were nice, and the area he lived in was peaceful. Yes, he didn't like his neighbor, but she wasn't ruining his life in this new country. He just didn't like what she did.
“Thank you, Ashley. And you know you can just call me ‘Draco’.”
“I know,” she replied. Ashley grabbed her Blackberry phone and started drafting up an email, asking for his address so she could let people know where it would be. “Is this Friday a good time?”
“Yes, that should be fine. I don't have any plans that day.”
“Great, it's sent out to everyone in our department. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an attending to watch over for a surgery. See you guys later!” Draco, Blaine and Ian waved at Ashley as she left.
Blaine left soon after, leaving Ian with Draco. “Alright man, how’s it going on your street? Are you finally settled in?”
“I finally got the last of my things delivered from London yesterday. I was a bit nervous though. That mugg— I mean No-Maj neighbor of mine saw my mum’s owl in my yard. Thankfully, she didn't ask any questions,” Draco said as he cleared his lunch tray.
“Wait, you still use an owl? Ha, I didn’t think people still did,” Ian chuckled. “Well, of course I do. Do you not?”
“No, most wizards here in the States just use the usual ground post that No-Maj’s use. Things are a bit more modern around here. Speaking of your neighbor actually, have you ever spoken to her?”
Draco shrugged nonchalantly and said a simple ‘No’ when he really wanted to scrunch his nose and eyebrows in disgust and say ‘Fuck no.’ Ian, however, is gifted in Legilimens. He heard what Draco really meant but kept to himself. I guess things are different in the UK he thought.
“Hello my dear baby, I just wanted to call and give you a heads up; your brother and I are coming for Thanksgiving. He’s bringing Stephanie so do me a favor, please no witchy stuff.”
The voicemail played out loud in the kitchen. Please no witchy stuff. Your mother had repeatedly explained to you that she was okay with ‘it’ all, but growing up you never really got on the same page with her. And you knew it was because of your practice. Your younger brother would say comments every now and then when you grew up, but he always stood up for you when other people called you a ‘satanic freak’. But never once did you regret starting the Craft. You enjoyed it and it made you feel whole.
It had been a week since your encounter with your, now known British, neighbor. It bothered you a lot that he didn’t seem to want to get to know you. You were lost in your thoughts that you almost didn’t notice the doorbell going off. You answered the door and saw your neighbor.
“Hi dear, do you think you could help me and my husband with something?” Mrs. Charles smiled sweetly at you. “Of course, what can I do for you?”
“My grandson is coming in from Vermont, would it be alright if you could give us a ride to the airport? I’d ask Draco but he’s always busy at work and I don’t want to be a bother.”
Draco? “I’m sorry, who’s that?” you had a confused look.
“Our new neighbor, dear. I thought you had met him already. You two are the same age after all,” she informed you. Draco. How unique. You instantly recognized the name from the star constellation. It was nice to finally put a name to a face. Distracted again, Mrs. Charles waited for your answer, “Y/N? Can you do it?”
“O-oh, sorry. Of course I’ll help. Frankie was his name, correct?”
“Yes, it’s Frankie. Thank you so much. His flight comes in on Friday. I’ll see you then,” you wished her a good night and looked out your window to make sure she crossed the street safely. The rest of the night consisted of you and and your cat laying on your couch watching TV, but what was on the screen didn’t have your attention. Draco did. And you had no idea why.
“Dude, why do you not have a TV?” Blaine looked around Draco’s house and studied the arrangements he had. It was quite plain, almost minimalistic. Looking around, Draco couldn’t help but think how different it was from the Manor back in London. Instead of grand chandeliers, moving portraits of the Malfoy’s before him, and intricate designs on the walls, he had simple white walls with just one moving picture of him, Blaise and Theo a couple minutes before a Quidditch game against Ravenclaw. He had a bookshelf full of old school books from Hogwarts and some small relics he liked from the Manor.
“I’ve never had one growing up, and once I moved here I just never gave any second thought of it. Besides, what would I even watch?” Draco replied. Despite having one letter off from being the same name as his best friend, Blaine reminded Draco of Theo. They were both funny and outspoken. He would’ve loved for them to have met. They’d probably get on.
A few moments later, Ashley and Ian knocked on Draco’s door. The door was unlocked for them to be able to open the door. They looked around the living room before settling onto the couches. “Okay so I was thinking that we can just have some trays of snacks and desserts with some champagne. Does that sound good to you guys?” Ashley suggested. They just nodded along to whatever she said. She had gone to the store with Blaine to get everything prepared before the party tonight.
Ian looked at the pictures of Draco with his friends and one of his mother that laid on top of a chimney. “Do you still have lots of friends from Hogwarts?”
Draco thought about it, “You know, I actually didn’t have a lot of friends back in school. Back then, I only hung out with probably six people. But now it’s just two.” He sounded a bit sad, but figured that two were better than none.
“Do you think of what happened a lot?” Ian implied about that day at Hogwarts. He had been the only one that Draco trusted enough to tell. “Sometimes,” Draco gave a short reply. The action of opening up was still new to him, but he knew he shouldn’t wallow in it. Plus he’d rather have a friend instead of a doctor to talk about it.
Ian really felt bad for Draco. It must have been really traumatizing for someone to go through something like that at just the age of 17. Sure, Draco wasn’t the best person at the time. Who is he kidding, he was probably the biggest git in the whole school. It didn’t necessarily mean that he had to go through what he did. He lost one of his friends in a fire, and one left him after said friend died. Another left for no apparent reason. And another wanted something different in her life. Those things affected Draco, and probably will for the rest of his life.
He didn’t pity Draco, but was feeling sympathetic. “Well if it makes you feel any better, I don’t have much friends from Ilvermorny. It sucks now, but hey, down the line you get new ones.” Ian held a fisted hand out, waiting for Draco to bump it. It made him laugh as he bumped Ian’s fist.
Outside, Ian looked out to see a certain neighbor walk to her car. “Hey, is that that chick you were talking about?” Draco looked out the window and saw you grab some things out of your trunk and into your house. “Yeah, that’s her.” Ian never really pressed on Draco to explain why he didn’t like his No-Maj neighbor like he did the elderly couple across the street.
“Well, I gotta say. She’s a sight for sore eyes for a weirdo.” She’s a what? Beyond the nightly activities he had caught you doing on occasion in your bedroom, he never really looked at your face. Or really just at you. But now that Ian mentioned something, he started studying you. She’s not so bad looking— wait, what are you thinking?
By accident, Ian snorted at the words Draco thought. “Did… did I say that out loud?” Draco asked with suspicion in his voice. “No, I’m sorry. I don’t really mean to be invading your mind or anything. It runs in my family,” Ian laughed nervously.
“It’s okay. My godfather was also good at Legilimens and Occlumency. I’m pretty sure he’s heard worse during his classes. Come on, I’ll give you a full tour of the place.”
“If the other rooms are anything like the living room, I’m sure I’ve seen the whole place then,” Ian joked.
“Piss off.” As Ian walked towards the bathroom, Draco looked back outside to see you again. He watched as you helped the Charles couple in your car and drove off to Merlin knows where.
The party was rather fun. It lasted until almost 1 in the morning. He thanked Ashley for handling everything and spent the night talking and laughing with his colleagues. Once everyone left, he changed into comfortable sweats and a plain black t-shirt. Out on his bedroom window was Blaise’s owl with a sealed letter. He quickly opened the window, grabbed the letter and looked out to make sure no one was watching. Your room was dark and it seemed as the drapes were down. He guided his friends’ owl with his hands to a small, make-shift owl post against the fence that separated your yards. It had food and was enchanted to be at a comfortable temperature. His owl laid on one side of the post, resting as Blaise’s owl joined it.
Draco opened the letter and read its contents to himself.
Well mate, I’m glad you’re having a good time in America. There’s not much going on here in London. I’m just working at Gringotts until something opens up at the Ministry. Not really sure what I want to do, but I’ll figure it out. Anyways, I think you’ll be pleased to hear that Theo and I are going to be joining you for the holidays. Theo got a hold of a couple American muggle films and he figured that if the women there were as fit as the actresses, then you must be living the best life and he wants to join. As for that muggle neighbor of yours, I can’t wait to see her in person. We’ll see you, Malfoy.
From the corner of his eyes, he saw lights turn on in your room and your shadow walk around before turning off once more. Sorry Blaise, but there’s no way in hell you’ll meet her.
Frankie’s flight was delayed, causing you to get home so late. You were extremely tired and your feet and back were sore. Usually, you’d take a bath with some salts and oils to relax yourself, but tonight you were really lazy. So lazy that you just shook your shoes off and plopped yourself on the bed.
The second you hit the mattress, you dozed off. Your mind was wandering and found yourself dreaming.
You sat in your backyard in a pretty sundress. There was a slight breeze in the air and you held a cup of coffee in your hands. Someone sat at the chair opposite you and blocked the sun’s light in your face. You looked next to you and saw your friend smiling at you.
next chp
(っ◔◡◔)っ taglist: @beiahadid @malfoy-styles-wife @fivenightslaughter @juneballoon999 @leydileyla
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angloie · 3 years
Beach trips and I'm Falling in Love • 2.5/2
When Annabeth meets a strange boy on vacation, she doesn't expect for their relationship to grow much. He's... terribly sarcastic. Cocky. A not-so great match for her witty self. But after learning he visits the same beach every year she does, their strange friendship blooms into something more.
Their realtionship isn't the only thing that blooms over the yearsー that meaning a certain raven-haired boy.
genre ; childhood friends to lovers, fluff, strangers(?) to lovers, exchanging letters au, percabeth mortal au.
warnings ; swearing, suggestive(?) themes.
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That night, Annabeth can't fall asleep.
(Percy can't either, because he can't stop thinking about Annabeth and how he thinks he saw her back there.)
What is Rachel to him?
Annabeth thinks. Her mind is something like a broken recordー stuck playing the question on repeat. 
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Not that she could judge, however, if Percy enjoyed her company more than hers, then that would be... Fine. Just fine. Rachel was probably more close to him after all these years unlike the blonde; who has been away for six years.
When Annabeth turns on her side to look at the shell seated stop her bedside table, she grimaces.
"You better make sure to return it!"
"I'll be waiting!"
Why does that make her frown?
The morning comes slow, slower than Annabeth would like, when the birds start chirping and evening comes to dawn after her sleep-deprived thoughts. 
She knows that Percy's curled up inside his bed, (though certainly not the cabin he used to occupyー there's no one next door) snoring like he always does. She knows that Percy doesn't know that she's here, and Annabeth also knows that he'll be asleep until promptly one in the afternoon.
Annabeth thinks she'll meet him around sooner or later.
The lull of waves crashing across the shore gives her chills. Mornings, she now realizes, are the best part of the day.
The rose gold sun comes down in tiny slivers along the sand.
Percy is loyal. He's a great friend, much more than Annabeth deserves, witty and sarcastic.
Percy is not hers. He never was in the first place, really; him with his cocky smile and his big heart. That heart of his can only hold so much, can't it?
She starts to wonder if she's in there.
The shell in her pocket suddenly feels heavy when Annabeth reaches for it, the chipped and cracked coat somehow still intact. She'll give it to him when the time comes of course. Just not now. Annabeth couldn't even muster up the courage if she wanted to. 
So, sandaled feet dug into the sand, she scans her surroundings.
At first glance the beach is beach is deserted, aside from a few lingering beach-goers that occupy the waves on their surfboards and the sand with their umbrellas.
It's quite tranquil on her ownー  under the morning sun and all. She's been to beaches near her house back home,e but nothing can really beat this view.
Her eyes dart towards the ocean, where the surfers ride on the waves, laughing and cackling whenever one of their friends falls face-first into the cold waters. She laughs a bit, too, the scene reminds her of how she always used to fall when she was learning to surf.
Speaking of the surfers... They all look like they're having a blast. You know, Annabeth might start to think that the raven-haired guy looks like Percy, that he has the same smirk as him, but that's just illogical.
It's only until that they lock eyes is when Annabeth freezes.
Same sea green. Same sparkle.
Same Percy.
And it's only until he freezes, eyes widening and stopping to stare, is when she thinks Oh shit.
Then he's starting to come over, and her legs start moving on their own. 
Away from him.
This can't be happening. It can't be. Not when she's not ready, when she's too nervous to even muster a word, not when Annabeth can't even look at him without her heart racing like never before. 
She starts to walk faster. Not so fast that it looks suspicious, but fast as to escape his gaze and go back to her cabin.
Annabeth can hear him saying he needs to ‘do something' to his friends. Annabeth can also hear his surboard digging into the sand, as well as his footsteps getting closer and closer. So close, that she thinks it'll only be a few steps longer until he reaches her.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, Her thoughts get even more rapid, Can't the universe just wait for a second?
Annabeth completely shuts down when someone grabs her wrist.
It takes so much to not year away, to not run, to not speak. It takes so much to turn her head and look at him, more, though, when his tone is the most heart melting thing she's heard in a long time. (good timing, really, and just when she's been trying to get all the feelings she holds for him.)
"Percy." She breathes out, eyes widening when she finally gets a good look of him.
He's... Grown. 
His shoulders are broader. His hair, once unruly and messy, is exactly like in the previous pictures he's sent: Perfectly perfect and endearing. Annabeth notices that he towers over her figure quite a bitー what happened to the scrawny little Percy? Back then, she could easily look over him; but now? It's quite the opposite.
There’s an air around him, too, one that makes Annabeth gulp and her thoughts race.
Holy fuck.
Before she can let out a single word, she's engulfed into a bone crushing hug.
Thats pretty much when it all hits her.
Sure, he's wet and damp and smelling like saltwater and sweat, but she can't really pay any mind to that. Percy's warm. His touch is soft, gentle, just as Annabeth remembers. 
Why was she avoiding him in the first place?
Just when she thinks that it's fineー that she will not tear up over something like thisー her body betrays her and she starts to sink further, further into the hug.
Is she tearing up right now?
"I missed you," Percy mumbles against her head in a way that makes her heart pound dangerously against her rib cage. “So much.”
So just like that, Annabeth nearly falls for him all over again.
"You dumbass!" She pushes him off, hands fumbling through her pockets. "I m-missed you more." Hands come to wipe at her fresh tears. 
“H-here!” Annabeth sniffs as she hands him the one thing her mind has been lingering on non-stop: the shell.
He, blurry eyed and open mouthed, looks taken aback. For a second she thinks that he might be angry. That is, until he smiles.
“You kept it?” Percy asks. It's almost like he can't really believe it, like he didn't really expect her to keep it. 
"Of course I did, seaweed brain,” She gives a lopsided toothy smile. It doesn't really match her flushed face, but who's paying attention to that? 
When he looks at it fondly in his hands, Percy smiles to himself. “Its been too long, wisegirl." He looks her up and down. “You’ve changed."
She raises a eyebrow. "Like in a bad way?"
“N-no!” He's quick to correct himself. His looks the other way, trying to discreetly hide his blush. "No. Like i-in a... uhm- fuck." Percy covers his face.
"You've changed too.” Annabeth grins. “In a good way."
They smile each other for a second before someone from the shore line calls out Percy's name. He whips around, scowl growing on his face.
"I'll be back soon!" Percy rolls his eyes. He then turns to her.
"We should catch up," he says frantically, thoughts running on overdrive, "Have you been downtown yet? I'm staying at a new cabin a while away from hereー I'll take you there soon. Oh! And have you been to our spot? We can visit there later if you want.”
Annabeth cringes when the words fall from his lips. Our spot. She chews on her bottom lip. She can't really blame him for taking someone up there. Not even if she wanted to.
The rest of the day, and the next day after that, is bittersweet.
"I-Id be happy to.”
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The sweetness is seeing Sally again. It's eating her famous blue cookies with Percy wearing bright smiles and her sporting the new sweater Sally crocheted. It's surfing for hours on end, it's playing with their dogs and meeting Mrs. O'Leary.
The sweetness is being with Percy once again; even if she does cringe when they go to their spot again.
The bitter, on the other hand, is meeting her.
Don't get her wrong. Annabeth was never much of a possessive or jealous person; and she still is not. She's level-headed, logical, and observative. Rachel is... Fine. She's crafty, Annabeth can tell by her paint-stained clothing and wry smile. She's pretty cool too. Rachel doesn't seem to have much of a problem getting along with her, so why does she feel so off about her?
"I'm Rachel," Annabeth remembers her smile quite clearly: It didn't quite reach her eyes. Or maybe Annabeth was just over-analyzing things? "It's nice to meet you, Annabeth!"
"Likewise." Annabeth gave a small smile. “Percy’s told me a lot about you."
“Oh, has he?” She giggled, "Well, I hope it's all good things." Rachel gave a teasing look towards Percy. 
Now thinking about it, Annabeth might have been a teeny-bit judgy. 
Percy, munching on a blue cookie, looks at her from his spot in his room. He narrows his eyes at her.
"I couldn't help but notice," He starts, as if reading her mind. "That you were a little on edge about Rachel.”
"Was I now?” She lazily questions, head hanging off his bed. 
“I think so." Percy hums.
"I was not," Annabeth scoffs. “I was just... Cautious."
"What's there to be cautious about?” He asks, spinning three times on the chair near his desk. He pauses to let the dizziness swirl his vision before coming back to look at her. the dog beside him, Mrs. O'Leary wags her tail lazily.
She sighs. "Nothing, I guess? It's just... Y'know what? Nevermind.”
"Spit it out.”
“I’ll make you a container of blue cookies for the next three days?"
"...Fine!" Annabeth breathes after a beat.
She stretchesh her arms high above above her head. “What... W-what is she to you?”
Percy freezes, and she instantly goes into a panicky state. “Actually- Ignore that. Thats a stupid question so you don't need to answer, I just really-”
“Aww, is my little Annie jealous?" He unironicaly coos, “Don’t worry about it. Rachel's great."
Annabeth notices that Percy says her name in a intimate way. She notices how heat instantly flushes her face. She also notices that how he never answers her question in a way she'll understand.
Now that she's left hanging, Annabeth really can't stop more questions from flowing in her mind. 
Annabeth thinks that she's really been underreacting about Percy and his air of coolness. or maybe likeability?
Her arms flop down, and Mrs. O'Leary woofs.
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Whatever it is, anyone can tell that Percy's much more than the dorky lame kid that used to be.
The group of girls that giggle and twirl their hair as they stare at him from their spot under an umbrella can surely see that, too.
It's not even those girls (who for the fact are pretty, much prettier than Annabeth) that can see that. Her neighbours talk about the 'handsome and nice young man that helped me carry my groceries'. (Guilty as chargedー the one and only Percy) or the 'Attractive boy who surfs early in the morning'.
The grannies at downtown's farmers market even gossip behind his back and treat him like some sort of Greek god with a perfectly structured jawline with a fit build and coy smile.
Oh, and did she mention he's as hot as the fucking sun?
(Which he, Annabeth thinks, owns up to.)
(She's really whipped for him.)
But he's respected her boundaries so far, so she'll keep her M rated thoughts to herself. But it's so fucking hard to not stare when he, clad in nothing but loose swimming shorts, shows up to her room at the crack of dawn.
"Looks like you're the talk of the town," Annabeth says teasingly as they settle into the sand. The umbrella provides the cool shade desperately need, to which Annabeth relishes in. “Is seaweed brain..." She feigns a fake gasp. “Actually likeable now?”
Percy threatens to shove a handful of sand down her throat, and she shuts up.
"Whatever," He mutters under his breath, eyes looking away from hers. For some reason he's avoiding looking at her. Annabeth thinks he's just embarrassed, but the way Percy steals glances at her when she's not looking, says otherwise.
"So where's Rachel?” She absent-mindedly asks. Not that she genuinely cares, or whatever, but theres really nothing else that occupies her mind. 
“Around,” He replies. "She told me she's going shopping in the next town for some swimsuits. Or something.”
A seagull screeches from above.
“Wanna see who gets in the water first?"
Annabeth already jolts upwards into a sprint towards the shoreline. "Hey! No fair!”
So the next while is spent with nothing but firendly smiles and secretive glances from Percy, surfing and swimming and having the most fun they've had together in a while. Annabeth grabs his ankle from under the waves, and she thinks that that might be the loudest scream she's ever heard.
Percy, mind stuck with thoughts on revenge, tried to come up with a scare of his own, until his lame scare comes out as throwing a peice of seaweed on her forehead.
 “Lameass!" She laughs, popping her head above the water.
“Smartass!” He yells back, eye twitching and tone sarcastic.
It isn't until the sun sets and the crabs crawl back into their caves is when they both flop back into the sand. Tired. Exhausted. Muscles sore and skin sunburnt.
For a solid thirty minutes it's just comftorable silence as the waves set the soundtrack. Along with the occasisonal him of the ocean, or even the cries of the cicadas back where the beach grass is.
For a solid thirty minutes, Annabeth thinks that she couldn't be more happier.
For a solid thirty minutes, all is calm, all is well, and nothing could be more perfect.
She closes her eyes for a minute thinking that she can spare one nap. Thinking that Percy will just wake me up, so it's fine if I snooze off, right? 
Annabeth dozes off with thoughts of him.
When she wakes up, Pery isn't beside her.
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Nor is he on the beach.
For a hot minute Annabeth freaks out, squinting through the darkness to search for his figure. The lantern her doesn't really provide much light, let alone three feet away from her.
But then she sees that his surfboard isn't wedged into the ground, and his things are still there.
So where is he?
Oh. Annabeth thinks lamely to herself when she spots the figure swaying with the waves atop his surfboard. There he is.
It's illogical, really, for her to go after him.
If you don't go, that Rachel girl's got him forever, her head prods, you'll lose him forever.
It's even more illogical when Annabeth grabs her surfboard with a determined look; sandy hair and all.
The waves are calm tonight. No huge crashing of the chilled water, no raging seas or bitterly cold air. The clouds enclose the pale moon, only tiny beams managing to escape. She thinks it casts a blue hue to everything.
Using her arm to paddle her way over, Annabeth catches a glimpse at the stars.
Gods, the stars.
They're brightー brighter than the city that isー and bigger, too. They shine in a way that leaves Annabeth breathless.
Percy hums when she closes in next to him. His limbs dangle off of the surfboard and into the cool waters, occasionally shifting to keep steady. She hums back in reply.
A small wave laps across the shore.
 “That's Perseus.” Annabeth says lazily. She lays down, too, hair splayed across the board. "The constellation, I mean.”
“Perseus, huh?" Percy follows where she points: diagonal from the pair. “Like my name?"
"Like the Greek hero Perseus.” She murmurs quietly.
“You've told me about him." He recalls, "He slayed Medusa and saved Andromeda, right?"
"Mhm," Annabeth nods. "He also had a happy ending. That is, for most Greek heroes.”
She smiles to herself, and Percy can't really think of anything more beautiful than her.
Believe it or not, Percy is good at hiding things. 
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Like when he hides the secret stash of snacks under his bed from his mom, (for three years straight and running) or when he hid Mrs. O'Leary when she was just a pup in his closet.
He likes to think that he's good at hiding his feelings too.
Feelings about Annabeth, of course.
Not that he really has anything for herー it's just that whenever he sees her he gets a fluttery feeling in his stomach, his voice gets all awkward, his mind instantly goes to how fucking gorgeous she looks, and how she practically radiates coolness and calm.
Okay. So what if he's head over heels for her?
Percy thinks it started a while ago.
He thinks it started when Rachel first called him seaweed brain.
“-Seaweed brain,” it falls from her lips on a warm spring day, when they're sitting in his room while it rains. 
Percy freezes to look at her. "What?"
“I said It raining cats and dogs out there,” Rachel repeats, “Seaweed brain."
When she catches the slightly shocked look on his face, she frowns. “Something wrong?”
"No,” He murmurs, looking down. "Actually- kinda. that nickname just threw me off a bit, I guess.” Percy give a lopsided smile.
Annabeth only calls me that, he thinks. It feels weird when you say it.
“Oh." She deadpans. “Should I not call you that then? I saw that Annabeth girl call you that, like, a ton of times in one of her letters.” Her eyebrows raise, and Percy reels.
“You were reading my letters?" He frowns. “...Whatever. The nickname- its kind of a personal thing. You know, between me and, uh... her. It'd be cool if you didn't say it.”
“Oh. Okay.” Rachel huffs.
Somehow, Percy never labeled it as love.
Percy didn't label it as love when Annabeth became the ‘nothing!' that came out of his mouth when Sally asked why he was smiling so much. Not when he couldn't stop staring at her in her swecause fuck, she looks so good. Not when Percy was confused on why his love for her became something more.
But that night, that one single night, when Annabeth came to join him under the stars, is when he thought otherwise.
With sunkissed sunburnt skin, 
lips cracked and dry,
moonlight against her face,
The last day of Annabeth's vacation comes on a sunny humid day with the clouds nowhere to be seen. 
He did label it love.
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There isn't an air of despair, however, Annabeth'll be back next year for a solid week in winter. College would be a pain, so she'll have one last vacation with her family before she starts her career.
For some reason Percy isn't sad when the news comes to him on her college. New Rome, a prestigious school in the middle of both their cities. All he gives is a coy grin; she can't wrap her mind around hit quite yet.
 "You got plans tonight?” Percy asks suddenly, his voice echoing through Annabeth's room. 
“No.” She tilts her head. “Why? Got something planned?"
“Yeah, actually.” He grins. “We're going to a party of a friend of mine.”
“What?" Annabeth nearly falls off her bed, eyes widened and mouth agape. A party? Tonight? 
“Yup! You better get ready, 'cuz we're leaving in...” Percy checks the clock on her bed side table. "Two hours. See ya!" Is all he says before he hopes out of her window. 
Annabeth nearly screams, but remembers that he's been climbing and jumping out of her window for years now. she lets out a ragged sigh of relief.
"Fuck you!” She yells out to his figure, already dashing away. He turns around, sly smirk on his face.
“Only if you watch!" 
And then he's gone, leaving Annabeth with a red hot face and a flustered mess.
The next two hours is- um, well...
Just plain chaotic.
Her who closet is thrown into her bed in a contemplation what to wear. Light or dark? Whats the occasion? How much people are attending? What's the setting?
You're overthinking things again, Annabeth's mind jolts. Just throw something on!
Along with chaotic, she would also describe the scene as a fever dream. 
She opts to wear a black bodycon dress with stringy ties and a loose and light jacket. Annabeth can't really deceive the rest of her look- her mind is all gushy and mushy.
So here she is, standing in front of the booming house, (Percy didn't even bother to drive here there, the jerk) hands fidgeting like she can't stop.
(She can't.)
Annabeth takes a deep breath. She won't be here for a while, so whats she so afraid about? Sure, there's somone puking in a bush that she wants no part in, and there might be concerning sounds coming from inside the huge building, but who's paying attention to that?
Before she can back out, a voice calls out her name.
"Wisegirl!" Percy beams, “Hey!”
“Seaweed brain.” Annabeth crosses her arms as a her bottom lip juts out. "We're were you?"
“Lets not focus on that." He nervously laughs. “But c'mon inside. I want you to meet a few people.”
The house is just as bad as she thought.
Red Solo cups everywhere, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes especially strong near the kitchen and couches. Bodies bump into her here and there like some sort of mosh pit. They don't even apologize, instead murmuring something with a tipsy tone.
"Grover!" Percy calls a guy over. "Don't you remember Annabeth?”
"Annabeth?" Grover, what she can assume is his friend, looks over to them. His eyes light up when he meets her gaze.
"It's been a while!" Annabeth smiles. Grover! It's been a minute since she's seen him, back when they were all kids. She fondly remembers beach trips with him back then, eating popsicles on her cabin stairs and all.
“It certainly has,” He sighs happily.
Percy then introduces her to many others: Hazel, a bright girl with a even brighter smile, Frank, a towering guy with a friendly touch, Jasonー a blonde guy with a oddly stapler shaped scar on his lip, Piper, a bubbly girl with a flirtatious smile. 
She'd go on about more of them, but at that point Annabeth would be rambling.
"Have you seen Percy around?" Annabeth asks to Grover when she loses him in the bustling crowd.
He nods his head no, and someone tugs on her arm.
“C'monnnn," A girl she met earlier drunkenly tugs harder, “We’re playing truth or dare downstairs!"
She wants do pull away, say no, but then Annabeth spots him in the crowd with people slung around him.
By the looks of it, they're flirting with him, words forming and lips ruling into flirtatious smiles. They touch him in ways that make her cringe. 
Annabeth hates herself for frowning and continuing to stare. The worst part, thinks, is that he's not trying to pull away. Nor is he denying their actions. In fact, he's indulging in it. 
Shit. She shouldn't be thinking this way. Percy's popular and nice. He's bound to attract a few people, and he's not hers.
Annabeth was never the jealous type, but for now she can let the horriblefeeling in her stomach slide just this once. 
She accepts the girl's prodding with a feignged smile.
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araviera · 3 years
Mermaid AU
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"My parents are coming tomorrow and how am I going to explain to my mom that there's a merman in my bathroom?"
"You can hadle it. I know this, Wisegirl."
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Annabeth helped Percy get to the bottom of the beach to free him. After he managed to fend for himself, the merman looked at her and said something that Annabeth could not hear thanks to the earplugs she wore. Considering the time they spent together in the bathroom and the endless conversations, she took off the earplugs, trusting him, and smiled.
"It was a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty," she joked.
Percy smiled back, and Annabeth soon regretted taking off the protector. She saw, through his eyes, lines of evil that told mermaids stories. He started to sing.
Annabeth struggled, fought, but failed to overcome the spell. Percy sang and called her deeper, further out to sea. He said that everything would be fine, that it wouldn't hurt, and she knew it was a lie. Annabeth's body obeyed without reluctance. Her mind watched everything without doing anything. Annabeth, the real one, panicked. It was sinking deeper and deeper. She felt algae and corals at her feet. The rising tide was pulling it harder and harder. She was no longer able to touch the floor when she took Percy's hand.
Annabeth cursed him with every possible name in her mind. She had been careful at all times, she hadn't trusted him right away, and yet she had failed. She had been foolish to think that even though she knew a little about him, he would not betray her.
Soon, the ground disappeared. Her body was no longer able to stay above water. Percy pulled her down from time to time.
Annabeth submerged.
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The pressure and suffocation of the water brought her down. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to avoid the salt water. Automatically, she held her breath, before the merman speak with her.
"Open your eyes, Chase. Look at me."
His melodious, sweet voice made her obey him. Annabeth exhaled and looked at him. Percy was beautiful, there was no way to disagree. His skin shone under the moonlight under the water. Her hair floated like black algae. The blue interior of his eyes, which in humans are red, shone brightly.
Annabeth was beginning to despair. "He's going to kill me. I'm going to die. I'm sorry, mom. I'm sorry, dad. Forgive me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
Percy came over, ready to bite her, but she saw him hesitate. He looked at her, and before she lost consciousness, he looked away.
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He would never be able to say what exactly went through his head to give up the idea of ​​killing her. Of course, in addition to liking her, since they had spent a few days together and she had been a true friend (something he never had), Percy had the impression that there was something wrong.
But it was already too late.
Annabeth was dying, he knew. He had done this many times before. Her face was losing color, water was entering her lungs freely. There was not much to do for her. For a human.
Percy couldn't kill her, couldn't let her die after the last few days - he decided. He leaned over and pulled the blonde's head hard towards him and kissed her.
He had never done that before, but his studies at the Palace provided knowledge like that - which, honestly, Percy thought that all hybrids should know.
The girl's limp body shone brightly and stretched. Percy felt her skin turn into scales, sprout fins and thin her waist. He felt the girl's clothes disappear in his embrace, with nothing he could do.
When the metamorphosis passed, Annabeth was breathing weakly.
Percy lost his breath when he saw her.
"Gray?" He thought aloud.
Lines of magic, created by the brightness of the moon, descend from the eyes to the body. Her tail was encrusted with shiny stones.
Percy hoped she would turn into a random mermaid, but gray... Gray was an extremely rare color, and that was worrisome.
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Annabeth could sum up that week as a nightmare. The last thing she remembered was being under the spell of Percy's Singing. She was drowning and, then, darkness. Only darkness. Annabeth woke up with a tingle throughout her body. She looked everywhere, but didn't recognize where she was.
Then, she saw Percy.
Percy was standing on the end of the bed, watching her. He wore a robe that covered part of his body, as well as an alternative crown on his head.
At first she thought she was dreaming. Then, started to scream.
"Annabeth! Annabeth! Calm down!" he tried.
"Calm me down?! Get away from me! Monster! Treacherous! Traitor! I trusted you!" she screamed, but her voice was affected, and only then she realized that she was under water, that she was breathing, and that she was undressed.
She screamed even more.
"What did you do ?! Percy! What did you do?" Annabeth felt her throat tighten when she looked down.
Her legs weren't there. A tail stirred back and forth unconsciously.
"Annabeth, listen" he tried again. "I'm sorry-"
"NO, DON'T FEEL" she fumbled for the nightstand looking for something she could use for defense.
"-but I needed to do this. You were going to die" Percy approached.
"No!" she hid her fork behind her and asked for distance between them. "Don't talk to me! If you hadn't betrayed me, I wouldn't nearly have died!"
His shoulders withered.
"Wisegirl, I ..."
Then Annabeth decided that hitting the prince of the kingdom would be a good deal.
After that - Percy almost dying with a hit in his heart, the royal family locking her in her room, discovering she would never see her family again, crying, breaking furniture and other tantrums - Annabeth felt more alone than before. Percy, whenever he could, went to visit her, but she never let him in or talked about it. She was devastated.
Her mother must have been in tears thinking that her daughter had died.
She would never be able to see her family again...
Later, Percy appeared at her door and threatened her.
"Annabeth, I don't want to have to do this, but today there is dinner at the Herbal Garden and you will be my mate," he said. "A maid will leave your clothes here, and I will come and get you. If you aren't, you will be thrown to the sharks."
And left her alone, terrified at the thought of being killed.
Annabeth didn't trust him or his family, but she had to trust her enough not to fall.
And that was what she was doing at that party.
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"You see? I can swim on my back"
"Pff, look behind you, Percy"
And, thats it. Mermay finally ends :"(. It was so cool do a Percabeth au underwater. But maybe i should explain some points:
1- Percy is immortal bc he is Poseidon' son (duh) and he is the prince and heir of Throne (Sally is a mermaid too).
2- Percy has few friends, and, usually, Poseidon doesnt give him permission to hang out with them. There is all the pression at him, so Percy never can be himself.
3- Zeus was a merman from an important royal family, and Athena too (cause she is his daughter, duh/2), but they decided living on mortal realm and left all behind. Athena never told this to Annabeth, but she alwals said to her to stay away from sea.
4- Poseidon, Sally and Percy, first, didnt know who was she, but they "addopted" her because she was from an important family.
5- Annabeth finally talked with her mother. Athena said how worried she was, how happy she was to Ann was alive and how sad she was about Annabeth transfomation.
6- After this, Annabeth and Percy became friends. They hang out together and Poseidon let them hang out with Percy's friends.
7- Annabeth met Rachel and Grover, and she loved them.
8- Annabeth became known as Prince's Wife and as Princess before they know they like each other. The gray tail became famous in the "City that never sleeps"
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furymint · 4 years
misfit. getting out of bed too soon, insisting they feel much better, and collapsing / passing out.   Because I’m a sucker for this trope
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wc: 992 | rest prompts
L'selle smacked the bottom of the hammock, flinging Rothe's legs up towards the berthdeck ceiling. "Poor bugger," he spat, shaking his head. The tips of his ears dragged across the wood as he circled the seasick wayfarer. "Two suns on a ship o' this size and you go dead man on me. I'd take your share of grub if it wasn't its own punishment to swallow."
Rothe opened his eyes to madness. The waves sloshed beyond all sense, constant and brutal, pelting the sides of the ship without order. His ears rung with the shriek of the pulleys, and his lungs seized under the musty, humid air of the cabin. People hauled crates from somewhere aft to revert the deck into a haphazard common area. The haze of morning seemed as impenetrable as as the thick taste of salt that lingered on his teeth.
L'selle continued. "You keep where you are, then you can start counting the seconds it takes for the rest to wrap you in that sheet and stow you in the orlop. Less jumpy there."
Rothe covered his eyes and moaned. "The hell is that? Aught's better than here, you bastard."
L'selle stomped his feet. "So far below as you can go without crossin' waves. Might spy some barnacles yet though, so don't hold your breath until it's scuttle-check time."
"You say this nonsense on purpose."
"Glad you noticed. Now get up afore you're tarred; I know you got the cards to know what that one means."
The hammock strained against Rothe's weight as he leaned to the side to free himself. It creaked, adding to the incessant complaints of the ship, and he hated himself for contributing to the same racket that tortured him. His body rebelled, but he forced it from the clinging tarp.
The ceiling beam clipped his forehead as he dropped the yalm to the floor. L'selle, lucky enough to have the very limit of height to stand unperturbed, watched Rothe writhe up from the floor and throw his hand out for help.
L'selle reeled him up, patted him on the back, and watched him hit his head and sink back to the dark floorboards.
"You're a bad case, bucko. Let's get you up top."
"Yeah, yeah." Rothe struggled back to his feet. His socks skid against the layer of oily brine, and as he hobbled for his shoes, a bottle rolled into his ankle. He stared.
"Ain't mine," L'selle shrugged. He tore down the hammock, bundled it with the rest, and moved to support Rothe to the ladder.
The sky was cerulean above. Covering their eyes from the scathing glare, they tumbled into a cover of fresh spray. Water rained across the deck in unpredictable spurts. People tramped about, adjusting tack and lines, shouting over the winds. Despite pressure from the elites, uniforms had fallen quickly from favor; Alliance and Resistance members worked independent of direct orders to keep the peace. Maelstrom ship or not, more than red-clad hands were needed to sail it, and desperation was the best advocate for fellowship.
Besides, it took at least five Ala Mhigans to tell the full story of their goal--not because they each had variations of the tale, but because no one (especially a Gridanian) would believe a ghost city of lights and steam existed a week's journey off the coast. To hear them tell it, salt pillars gated any ship from entering, but lost and sea-turned sailors could wash through the bars at night, and find themselves in the company of knowledge unmet by the years. The granite floor tiles were separated by a grout made of polished gold, and chimeras of every beast and make would trudge passively by, unjudging. A monk even trained amongst the gardens, where trees bore fruit year-long with the calm silence of the grave.
It sounded Allagan-y enough to check out. If naught else, they could claim it was a team-building exercise.
Rothe navigated to the rails, rubbed spots of water from his face, and apologized for the trouble with the same mix of revolt and gratitude he'd shown towards the bag of "chakra rocks" L'selle gifted him a year back.
"I heard you didn't see my tomato growing in the seaman's quarter when you visited," L'selle said, leaning his back into the rail. His head tilted back to the sky, but he kept his gaze trained on Rothe. "Bet you'd've liked it."
"One of your bird friends probably up and carried the first bulb on it off."
"Then what?"
"It took the tomato back to its mates, and squaked about how some dude just left it on a shanty rooftop when it's much more useful in his belly."
"Damn. Bird must've spent too much time on the shore of Thanalan. Any brain's like to rot when all they see is sand and barely a ratio of water against it."
The blue-gray waves hurled across the horizon, hiding the final consistent thing in the world behind the sea's tyranny.
Rothe inhaled and stood taller. "And what's a brain do when there ain't any sand?"
"Drown," L'selle said simply. "But you're right about the tomato. Food's only worth something when it's eaten. You gonna join me to lock up the cook or not? We can use the biscuits he turns out as bricks, and the gravy like mortar, and build a hovel for him like that with the promise of some cooking sherry. I read it in a book once."
Rothe wheezed. "What else your reading teach you?"
L'selle frowned. He was static as chaos incarnate swirled behind him, and he blinked as yet more spray hit him on the back of his head. His lips puckered in thought. Then, severely, he moved from the railing, confident in the value of his life knowledge. With a grave pause, he said, "That you're a little bitch" and took off down the deck.
Rothe screamed and sprinted after him. As he leapt over storage crates and shoved through crowds, his body seemed his own again, and the pitch of the water seemed to be in his blood, ardent.
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neoculturetechxgot7 · 5 years
WayV// The Flight Journal:
|| Lucas ||
gang!au (can't tell yet but it's coming in the next chapters:)
pairing: Lucas × Reader
words: around 2k
warnings: suggestive, language
summary: Lucas left lovebites on your neck and bruises on your heart.
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[00:02 AM]
Your cheek lays flat against his back, the leather jacket cold and rough, infused with his dark aura and musky scent. Lucas' red Ducati rolls smoothly on asphalt to have spring wind lick at your skin and leave a trace of midnight behind as your hands stay wrapped around his torso.
"Why can't I come with you?" He catches your sulky tone but absolutely misses to see the little shards of hurt in your voice.
He is about to disappear, again, like he's been doing ever since you met him and unknowingly dived head-first in the pit of a painful love. You hate it. Hate every cold moment without him that makes it seem like you live days in the shade of an despaired eclipse, until he comes back.
His kisses blow stars into your lungs, his touch inks maps of the universe on your body, as if he means to claim your skin to infinity. Every night with him drowns loneliness in the sea of his warmth. You're sure Lucas is the only one that can lift you up to the high heavens, a destiny carved from the same dust that stars and planets are made of.
"You just can't."
But he also crushes your heart and leaves you bleeding love and broken promises after getting a taste of his absence.
"When are you coming back?" You try to hide the slight tremble in your voice, fail nonetheless
"l don't know, baby."
You always wonder if that answer is a lie. You always wonder many things, like where he goes when ne rides that damn motorcycle and leaves a void on your bed and a knife in your chest. Each time you dare to speak that question out loud though, you are faced with a wall, thick and sturdy with his secretive nature.
You even wonder if he truly feels anything or if you're just a trophy solely to decorate his nights with breathy moans and forbidden kisses.
But the way his eyes peer into yours, lovestruck, even through the secrets, will never let you believe that.
[00:29 AM]
The bike abruptly comes to a halt on gasoline stained concrete and an indiscreet smell makes your nose twitch. Lucas swiftly takes off his helmet and jumps to the ground, his skin tainted drunken crescent from the gas station's neon sign. With eyes that seem darker than night itself, luring you to unravel the mystery behind them, he leans close and meets your impatient lips under the stars. It's a hasty peck but his softness never fails to make the blood in your veins boil, heart skiping one or two beats at the contact
As he pumps gas in the almost inaudible music coming from the store behind, you stand observing the empty country road, its faded white lines setting an uncertain melancholy in your chest. You can hear a clock ticking faintly in the back of your mind, counting crooked seconds to the moment you'll wake up alone on one side of the bed, the only remain of him being the dip his head left on an empty pillow
Thinking about it, you can never find the right words to describe your relationship.
What you have with him is indefinable. It is him texting you he's away and then shutting you off, ignoring every call, every message, as if you don't exist in this world and he's solely a memory to you. It is him showing up on your doorstep 2 weeks later later, spilling out the sweetest part of his soul and caging you in a searing embrace until your heart's wounds are all healed. It is meaningful midnight conversations and slow, passionatee goodbye kisses; you never know how long these goodbyes will last though... Dusk finds you soaked in his intoxicating scent and dawn finds tears pooling on your sheets.
It is you, giving your absolute everything and Lucas, hiding an entire life, fleeing away for days and then coming back to trap your breath in a million thirsty kisses. He never tells you anything about him, never shares more than what you're unsatisfied with, never let's you take a glimpse of what his reality is like, only makes sure yours is filled with thoughts of him and his bittersweet taste on your lips.
"What are you thinking about?" His voice pulls you back to now.
You turn on your heels and watch him lean away from the motorcycle to stand before you within a few steps.
"Nothing." You nonchalantly answer, a lie.
Eyes locking yours like he's trying to pin your spirit to his own thoughts, an endless abyss holding you captive, he sneaks one arm around your waist. Cool fingertips caress your cheek so lovingly, leaving trails of moonlight behind and for a moment you wonder if all of this is the haze of a dream
But it's not, it's real, he is real.
Tender lips brush over yours like so many forsaken times in the past, only that this once his kiss feels bitter and makes an ache arise in your chest. It means he'll leave again, you can tell by the way his tongue is desperately trying to save your taste.
A pitiful act of a lover that doesn't want to forget.
"Let's go home then." He says and you break to pieces, knowing the irony behind this one sentence.
[02:39 AM]
Your bare back is flush against his chest hearing Lucas' heartbeat and feeling every breath as the pad of his finger paints a little masterpiece on your stomach with soft strokes. The air is steaming with the fumes of late night and whatever's left of your love making, sheets damp and heavy over your exhausted bodies.
He leaves a golden kiss on your shoulder, something precious, and you turn on your side to find his gaze skim your body with icy touches and him, biting a plump lip like a sinner.
"I could do this forever." He says and your response comes out as a genuine chuckle.
"You sounded like an asshole."
Lucas sprinkles two gentle pecks on your forehead and you can feel his smile on your skin, making you delirious.
"I wasn't talking about sex." His eyes are deep, the nest of all the angelic grace. "I meant laying here, with you."
Maybe he lit a fire on your sheets with those words or maybe the heat of the moment is unbearable, but either way, an overwhelming warmth starts spreading from the bottom of your chest to your fingertips, so comforting.
You can do this forever too. Stay tangled under white cotton and sweat, bodies stuck skin to skin as if you melted into each other long ago, and hold on to that orange euphoria only his presence can bring you. Feathery touches, dirty whispers, drunk confessions and the purest of love.
Maybe this can be your future and spend every night sinking in those moments of affection, two souls intertwined.
But this can never happen, can it?
You hum, hurtful thoughts letting their venom seep into your mind, and lay back into the plush mattress. Your fingers squeeze his palm, a silent prayer to those above to let him stay by your side, to cut the flow of time so that you don't have to see your heart ripped out brutally again, like countless times before.
He shuffles around and tightens his grip on your bare waist.
"I hate leaving you." His voice echoes, cutting the silence deep, as if your thoughts had reached his ears.
"W-What?" You hesitate to believe, every word falling on the messy bed like a missile, because there is no way he means that after all those nights he allowed miles to separate you
"I said, I hate leaving you."
A knot ties your breath to your throat and you swallow, as if that will make the suffocating tension a little lighter, feeling your heart racing.
"Then why do you leave me?"
The weight of every memory without him pushes traces of tears to gloss your eyes, threatening to spill and release everything you've been holding deep inside with them.
Lucas keeps silent. His gaze can't bare to linger on you anymore, moving out the window, to the dome of night sky where stars shine a dull white.
"Because l have to, baby."
You can feel agony nip at the edges of your brain, struggling to find words to plea him, make this night different.
"Just this once, don't." Your whisper caresses him like a ghost.
Lucas kisses you, deep and burning with hidden emotions, his lips like two unstoppable serpents, their only mission being to drink every last drop of you. His thigh props between your legs, allowing him to hover above you like a saviour, fallen from heaven, his halo lost after loving you so passionately. Your lungs are drained of oxygen, pulsing with red and blue flames that he breathes into you with this kiss, as if he's the only who can truly give you life. And maybe he is, since the world is long forgotten when his arms eradicate the last bits of distance between your bodies and he slips under the covers one last time.
[09:10 AM]
You wake up, head banging with the daze of a flowery dream, last night's deeds tattooed on every curve of your star painted body in purple, his hoarse voice staining your memory. Sun's beams wrap around your hair, as you slowly flutter tired eyelashes open, vision still blurry with sleep's last breaths, as your hand reaches to the side. Only to grasp morning air and icy sheets.
He left. Again.
You're all alone in the eternal emptiness of your room, and thank god for that, because no man could ever bare to hear the sad, ominous crack of your heart as it breaks down into a thousand sharp shards scattered all across the floor, waiting for a breeze to lift them and lead them back to him where they belong.
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creepersx35-blog · 7 years
A sleek British sports car talks directly to us in a          pixilated, garbled video. He's OUT OF BREATH. Crates are          visible behind him. We're in the shadowy bowels of a steel          room.                                                  LELAND TURBO           This is Agent Leland Turbo. I have           a flash transmission for Agent Finn           McMissile.                                  SUPERIMPOSE OVER BLACK: WALT DISNEY PICTURES PRESENTS                                                  LELAND TURBO           Finn. My cover's been compromised.           Everything's gone pear-shaped.                                  SUPERIMPOSE OVER BLACK: A PIXAR ANIMATION STUDIOS FILM                                                  LELAND TURBO           You won't believe what I've found           out here.                                  He angles our camera view, reveals a PORTHOLE through which          we can see flames rising in the distance.                                                  LELAND TURBO           This is bigger than anything we've           ever seen. And no one even knows it           exists. Finn, I need backup. But           don't call the cavalry - it could           blow the operation. And be careful.           It's not safe out here!                                  ANGRY VOICES O.S. Time for Turbo to go.                                                  LELAND TURBO           Transmitting my grids now. Good           luck!                                  Coordinates appear: 40 6.80' N - 172 23.84' W                                  TITLE CARD: CARS 2                                                          EXT. SOMEWHERE IN THE NORTH PACIFIC - NIGHT                                  A TINY CRAB BOAT (CRABBY) crests over massive swells.                                                  CRABBY           Alright buddy, we're here. Right           where you paid me to bring you.           Question is, why?                                  A metallic blue sports car, circa the `60s, emerges from the           2.                                                          shadows. Cagey, smooth, he'd turn heads driving through any          intersection in the world. Meet FINN MCMISSILE.                                                  FINN           I'm looking for a car.                                                  CRABBY           A car? Hey pal, you can't get any           further away from land than out           here.                                                  FINN           Exactly where I want to be.                                                  CRABBY           Well I got news for you, buddy.           There's nobody out here but us.                                  Suddenly, a HORN -- a COMBAT SHIP, the size of most cruise          ships. FINN quickly backs into the shadows, out of sight.                                                  COMBAT SHIP           What are you doing out here?                                                  CRABBY           What does it look like, genius? I'm           crabbing!                                                  COMBAT SHIP           Well turn around and go back where           you came from.                                                  CRABBY           Yeah? And who's gonna make me?                                  A laser sight hits Crabby between the eyes.                                                  CRABBY           Alright, alright! Don't get your           prop in a twist.           (as he turns to leave)           What a jerk. Sorry, buddy. Looks           like it's the end of the line.           Buddy?                                  ON CRABBY'S DECK: Finn is gone.                          CUT TO:                                  FINN - He HANGS off the side of COMBAT SHIP, clandestine.                                  We're with Finn as the ship continues on, cuts through the          darkness with purpose. Suddenly small flames appear, perhaps          a knot or so away. Then WHOOSH!!! A flame rises above Finn,          the ship. It illuminates an OIL DERRICK.           3.                                                          THWAP! Finn fires a GRAPPLING HOOK to the derrick and SWINGS          toward it. He's going to SLAM into the side with brute force                         WHEN ---                                  --- HIS TIRES sprout a magnetic exoskeleton. He STICKS to the          derrick and now DRIVES VERTICALLY UP UP UP...                                  From this vantage point, hundreds of derricks appear.                                  EXT. PLATFORM - OIL DERRICK - MOMENTS LATER                                  Finn approaches a loading bay from above, hides. He watches          as GREMLINS, PACERS and assorted other cars scurry about.                                   FINN (INTO RADIO)           Leland Turbo, this is Finn           McMissile. I'm at the rally point.           Over.                                  No response.                                   FINN (INTO RADIO)           Leland, it's Finn. Please respond.           Over.                                  AN ACCESS DOOR OPENS LOUDLY below. A boxy, monacle-wearing          German car enters. This is PROFESSOR OTTO ZUNDAPP.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           (in German and English)           Too many cars here. Out of my way!                                                  FINN           Professor Zundapp?                                   PACER (O.S.)           Here it is, Professor.                                  Zundapp approaches a NOSY PACER who idles next to a CRATE.                                                  NOSY PACER           You wanted to see this before we           load it?                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           Ah, yes. Very carefully...                                  A forklift opens the crate -- inside is a TV CAMERA, packed          carefully in foam. Finn SNAPS PHOTOS FURIOUSLY.                                                  NOSY PACER           Oh. A TV camera. What does it           actually do?           4.                                                                          PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           This camera is extremely dangerous.                                                  FINN                          (TO HIMSELF)           What are you up to now, Professor?                                  Finn, angling for a better view, FIRES SUSPENSION WIRES ---                                  --- which sail clear to the other side of the derrick ---                                  --- THOK! They hook tightly onto a steel girder.                                  Finn slides out ONTO THE WIRE like an acrobat, then expels          another cross-wire for support.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           This is valuable equipment. Make           sure it is properly secured for the           voyage.                                   ��              NOSY PACER           You got it.                                  Finn LOWERS HIMSELF. He snaps more pictures.                                   GREM (O.S.)           Hey, Professor Z!                                  Zundapp turns as a CRANE LOWERS A CAR-SIZED CRATE. GREM and          ACER, an orange Gremlin and a green Pacer, flank it.                                                  GREM           This is one of those British spies           we told you about.                                                  ACER           Yeah. This one we caught sticking           his bumper where it didn't belong.                                  Finn PRODUCES SEMI-AUTOMATIC GUNS from his side, readies          himself for a tag-team spy fight with his buddy Leland.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           Agent Leland Turbo.                                  The crate is lifted, revealing a CRUSHED, CUBED Leland Turbo.                                  Finn's eyes go wide. Suddenly --- WHOOOSHHH! Another derrick          flame rises behind him, casts a Finn-shaped SHADOW over the          Professor. He looks up.           5.                                                                          PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           It's Finn McMissile! He's seen the           camera! Kill him!!                                  Finn UNLOADS with bullets as he starts to retreat --- He                         STOPS:                                  BAD GUY CARS are waiting for him on the catwalk where he just          came from - BLOWTORCHES ready.                                  Finn, stuck in midair, notices an angry CRANE. Finn GRINS,          having just found his escape.                                  THWAPTHWAPTHWAP!!! Finn releases three of his four cables,          swinging, Indiana Jones-style on the last one TOWARD THE                         CRANE ---                                  --- where he lands on its BOOM, drives UP and LAUNCHES OFF IT          where he LANDS - MOVING - onto another deck!                                  Finn now DRIVES, spraying oil and screeching around corners.          A GREMLIN in pursuit hits the oil patch, loses control ---                                  --- and PLUMMETS OFF the side of the rig!                                  The Gremlin FALLS... it's like an eternity...                                  He smashes into the water and breaks into a million pieces.                                  ON FINN - Now set upon by 20 or 30 MORE pursuing cars. He has          nowhere to go but UP UP UP a ramp toward the helipad. He          spies some GASOLINE BARRELS, fires a SINGLE BULLET which cuts          through its leather straps, sending barrels DOWN the ramp,          PAST FINN ---                                  --- PAST the pursuing CARS ---                                  --- to the bottom where they EXPLODE in a CHAIN REACTION back          UP THE RAMP, taking out at least 15 CARS!                                  ON THE HELIPAD - Finn blasts into view, pulls to a stop. No          more road. Nowhere else to go.                                  The 20 BAD GUY CARS that are still in pursuit surround him,          fire up their blowtorches. About to pounce.                                  Finn GRINS. The second time we've seen this grin. It means          he's got something cooking.                                  Finn's REVERSE LIGHTS appear. He DRIVES BACKWARD off the edge          of the helipad to the SHOCK of the other cars.                                  Finn falls. He turns himself so he's grill first, cleanly          cutting into the water.           6.                                                          He EMERGES, now sprouting HYDROFOIL and speeds away.                                                  GREM                          (NONPLUSSED)           Get to the boats.                                  THE BOATS - an army of combat ships quickly DROP into the sea          and CHURN WATER with unprecedented fury as they quickly make          up the distance between them and Finn, FIRING BULLETS as they          do so.                                                  ACER           He's getting away!                                                  COMBAT SHIP           Not for long.                                  The LEAD COMBAT SHIP quietly drops a TORPEDO into the water.          It skips along, connecting with Finn in his rear and          EXPLODING with such force that water skyrockets into the          night clouds.                                  UNDERWATER - McMissile SINKS. Then, he blinks. He GRINS.          We're starting to like this grin and what follows it. He now          CONVERTS into a submarine. From his trunk he releases four          DECOY tires which float to the surface like body parts.                                  ON THE DERRICK - Professor Zundapp watches it all from far          away.                                   GREM (OVER RADIO)           He's dead, Professor.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           Wunderbar. With Finn McMissile           gone, who can stop us now?                                  EXT. RADIATOR SPRINGS - DAY                                  TOW MATER, a rusty tow truck, putters into view.                                                  MATER           Mater. Tow Mater, that's who... is           here to help you!                                  He approaches a broken-down sedan on the side of the road. He          drives around to the front, catching OTIS' face for the first          time.                                                  MATER           Hey, Otis!           7.                                                                          OTIS           Hey, Mater. Gosh, I'm so sorry. I           thought I could make it this time,           but...           (he tries to start his           engine, stalls)           Smooth like pudding, huh? Ah, who           am I kidding? I'll always be a           lemon.                                  Mater hooks his friend and starts towing him.                                                  MATER           Well dadgum, you're leaking oil           again. Must be your gaskets. Hey,           look on the bright side: This is           your tenth tow this month, so that           means it's on the house.                                                  OTIS           You're the only one that's nice to           lemons like me, Mater.                                                  MATER           Don't sweat it. These things happen           to everybody, Otis.                                                  OTIS           But you never leak oil.                                                  MATER           Yeah, but I ain't perfect. Don't           tell nobody, but I think my rust is           starting to show through.                                  Mater and Otis drive past THE RADIATOR SPRINGS WELCOME SIGN.          It has been amended to say: "Home of Lightning McQueen."                                                  OTIS           Hey, is Lightning McQueen back yet?                                                  MATER           Not yet.                                                  OTIS           He must be crazy-excited about           winning his fourth Piston Cup.           Four! Wow!           8.                                                                          MATER           Yeah, we're so dadgum proud of him.           But I sure wish he'd hurry up and           get back `cause we got a whole           summer's worth of best friend fun           to make up for. Just me and --                                  Ahead of them, a half-mile off, a RED RACE CAR is visible.                                                  MATER           --- McQueen!                                  Mater FLOORS IT, dragging poor Otis behind him.                                                  OTIS           Uh, Mater? I'm in no hurry. You           don't need to go so fast!                                  Boom! They hit a bump. Otis catches air.                                  EXT. RADIATOR SPRINGS - DAY                                  Lightning McQueen is surrounded by his hometown friends.                                                  LUIGI           Oh, Lightning. Welcome home.                                                  FLO           Good to have you back, honey.                                                  FILLMORE           Congratulations, man.                                                  SARGE           Welcome home, soldier.                                                  SHERIFF           The place wasn't the same without           you, son.                                                  LIZZIE           What? Did he go somewhere?                                                  MCQUEEN           It's good to be home, everybody.                                   MATER (O.S.)           McQueen!                                  They all turn around, see Mater speeding into town, with Otis          swerving behind him.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater!           9.                                                                          MATER           McQueen!                                  Mater skids into main street and in one swift motion,          slingshots Otis forward ---                                                  OTIS           Woaahhhhh!                                  --- right through Ramone's front door ---                                  INT. RAMONE'S - CONTINUOUS                                  --- where he lands perfectly on the hydraulic lift. Ramone          lifts him up, routine.                                                  RAMONE           Hey. How far'd you make it this           time, Otis?                                                  OTIS           Halfway to the county line.                                                  RAMONE           Not bad, man.                                                  OTIS           I know, I can't believe it either!                                  EXT. RADIATOR SPRINGS - CONTINUOUS                                                  MATER           McQueen, welcome back!                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater, it's so good to see you.                                                  MATER           You too, buddy.                                  Mater and McQueen do an ELABORATE TIRE BUMP (fist bump          style).                                                  MATER           Oh, man. You ain't gonna believe           the things I got planned for us.                                  Everyone watches as the tire bump continues.                                                  MACK           (to Lizzie, an aside)           These best friend greetings get           longer every year.           10.                                                                          MATER                          (TO MCQUEEN)           You ready to have some serious fun?                                                  MCQUEEN           Well, actually I've got something           to show you first.                                  INT. RADIATOR SPRINGS MUSEUM - DAY                                  CLOSE ON THE PISTON CUP. It has now changed, been adorned          with a small likeness of Doc. It says "Hudson Hornet Piston          Cup."                                                  MATER           Wow. I can't believe they renamed           the Piston Cup after our very own           Doc Hudson.                                  McQueen and Mater are alone, the museum closed to the public.          McQueen approaches a "Hudson Hornet" wall with Doc's three          Piston cups, framed articles, other racing ephemera.                                                  MCQUEEN           I know Doc said these things were           just old cups, but to have someone           else win it just didn't feel right,           you know?                                                  MATER           Well, Doc would've been real proud           of you. That's for sure.                                  McQueen takes this in.                                  EXT. RADIATOR SPRINGS - LATER                                  McQueen and Mater exit the Doc Hudson Museum.                                                  MCQUEEN           Alright, pal. I've been waiting all           summer for this. What've you got           planned?                                                  MATER           You sure you can handle it?                                                  MCQUEEN           Come on, you know who you're           talking to? This is Lightning           McQueen. I can handle anything.           11.                                                          EXT. RADIATOR SPRINGS - DAY                                  Mater and McQueen roll on an old train track, their tires          off. They're on their rims.                                                  MCQUEEN           Uh.... Mater?!                                                  MATER           Just remember, your brakes ain't           gonna work on these!                                  As they head INTO A DARK TUNNEL ---                                   MCQUEEN (O.S.)           Mater!                                   MATER (O.S.)           Relax, these train tracks ain't           been used in years!                                  From inside the tunnel a loud TRAIN HORN. The two friends          emerge, going as fast as they can on train tracks, uphill,          with no tires.                                                  MCQUEEN           Come on, come on! Faster, faster!                                  Moments later a harmless GALLOPING GOOSE appears, oversized          horn visible, cackling and laughing at his prank.                                  EXT. FIELD - OUTSIDE RADIATOR SPRINGS - LATER                                  An ENORMOUS EARTH MOVER sleeps. McQueen and Mater sneak up.                                                  MATER           This is gonna be good!                                  They blow their horns and he TIPS OVER, tractor-tipping          style. They LAUGH at the gag, but soon realize the earth          mover's GIANT EXHAUST PIPE is directly above them.                                                  MATER           Uh-oh. This ain't gonna be good.                                  The exhaust pipe BELCHES. McQueen and Mater are BLASTED out          of view.                                  INT. RADIATOR SPRINGS - DUSK                                  The sun sets. McQueen and Mater roll into town. McQueen looks          exhausted. Mater is still full of energy.           12.                                                                          MATER           Boy, this was the best day ever!           And my favorite souvenir?                                  Mater proudly shows off a dent.                                                  MATER           This new dent!                                                  MCQUEEN           Boy, Mater. Today was, uh...                                                  MATER           Shoot, that was nothing. Wait til           you see what I got planned for           tonight.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater, Mater. Whoa. I was kind of           thinking of just a quiet dinner.                                                  MATER           That's exactly what I was thinking.                                                  MCQUEEN           No, I... I meant with Sally, Mater.                                                  MATER           Even better! You, me and Miss Sally           going out for supper.                                  McQueen pulls around in front of Mater, stops.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater, I meant it would be just me           and Sally.                                                  MATER           Oh.                                                  MCQUEEN           It's just for tonight. We'll do           whatever you want tomorrow.                                                  MATER                          (DISAPPOINTED)           Okay.                                                  MCQUEEN           Thanks for understanding.                                                  MATER           Yeah, sure. Y'all go on and have           fun now.           13.                                                                          MCQUEEN           Alright, then. See ya soon, amigo!                                  McQueen drives off. Mater watches him go.                                  EXT. THE WHEEL WELL - NIGHT                                  It's been converted into a white-tablecloth restaurant, with          cars dining al fresco and a hopping gastropub inside.                                  MCQUEEN AND SALLY have a prime table with a view of Radiator          Springs and the starry night sky.                                                  SALLY           This is so nice.                                                  MCQUEEN           I can't tell you how good it is to           be here alone. Just the two of us.           Finally, you and me ---                                   MATER (O.S.)           Good evening.                                  Mater is at their table, dressed as a waiter.                                                  MATER           My name is Mater and I'll be your           waiter.                          (TO HIMSELF)           Mater the waiter. That's funny           right there.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater, you work here?                                                  MATER           Well yeah I work here. What'd you           think, I just snuck in here when           nobody was looking and pretended to           be your waiter, just so I could           hang out with you?                                  McQueen and Sally exchange a look.                                                  MCQUEEN           Oh, yeah. How ridiculous would that           be?                                                  MATER           Now, can I start you two lovebirds           off with a couple drinks?           14.                                                                          MCQUEEN           Yes. I'll have my usual.                                                  SALLY           You know what? I'm going to have           that too.                                  Mater blinks.                                                  MATER           Uh, right. Your usual.                          CUT TO:                                  INSIDE AT THE BAR - Fillmore and Sarge watch as Guido mixes          drinks, ala "Cocktail." Mater arrives.                                                  MATER           Guido! What's McQueen's usual?                                                  GUIDO           (in Italian, subtitled)           How should I know?                                                  MATER           Perfect! Give me two of `em.                                                  SARGE           Quiet! My program's on.                                   MEL DORADO (O.S.)           Tonight on "The Mel Dorado Show"!                                  ON THE BAR TV - "THE MEL DORADO SHOW," a cable talk show,          begins with file footage of MILES AXLEROD, a sleek SUV.                                   MEL DORADO (ON TV)           His story gripped the world! Oil           billionaire Miles Axlerod, in an           attempt to become the first car to           circumnavigate the globe without           GPS, ironically ran out of gas and           found himself trapped in the wild!                                  We see images of newspaper headlines, search crews.                                   MEL DORADO (ON TV)           Feared dead, he emerged 36 days           later, running on a fuel he'd           distilled himself from the natural           elements! Since then he's sold his           oil fortune, converted himself from           a gas-guzzler into an electric car,           and has devoted his life to finding           a renewable, clean-burning fuel!           15.                                                          Images of oil derricks torn down; Miles Axlerod getting          converted to electric; lab scientists testing chemicals.                                   MEL DORADO (ON TV)           Now he claims to have done it with           his Allinol.                                  Images of fields, rivers, vegetables, and mountains all          combining to form the Allinol logo.                                   MEL DORADO (ON TV)           And to show the world what his new           superfuel can do, he's created a           racing competition like no other,           inviting the greatest champions           from around the globe to battle in           the first ever World Grand Prix.           Welcome Sir Miles Axlerod.                                  SIR MILES AXLEROD arrives, parks across from Mel's desk.                                   MILES AXLEROD (ON TV)           Thank you, Mel. It is very good to           be here. Now listen to me: Big Oil.           It costs a fortune. Pollution is           getting worse. I mean, come on.           It's a fossil fuel. Fossil. As in           dead dinosaurs. And we all know           what happened to them. Alternative           energy is the future. Trust me,           Mel, after seeing Allinol in action           at the World Grand Prix, nobody           will ever go back to gasoline           again.                                                  MATER                          (TO FILLMORE)           What happened to the dinosaurs,           now?                                   MEL DORADO (ON TV)           And on satellite, a World Grand           Prix competitor and one of the           fastest cars in the world,           Francesco Bernoulli.                                  Across the screen: LIVE FROM ROME, ITALY. We meet Formula          race car FRANCESCO BERNOULLI.                                   FRANCESCO (ON TV)           It is an honor, Signore Dorado. For           you.           16.                                                           MEL DORADO (ON TV)           Miles, why not invite Lightning           McQueen?                                  Mater, collecting his drinks, looks up, half-intrigued.                                   MILES AXLEROD (ON TV)           Of course we invited him. But           apparently after a very long racing           season he is taking some time off           to rest.                                   FRANCESCO (ON TV)           Lightning McQueen would not have a           chance against Francesco!                                  Mater doesn't like this.                                   FRANCESCO (ON TV)           I can go over 300 kilometers an           hour! In miles that is like, uh...           way faster than McQueen.                                   MEL DORADO (ON TV)           Let's go to the phones. Baltimore,           Maryland, you're on the air.                                   CALLER (ON TV)           Am I on? Hello?                                   MEL DORADO (ON TV)           You're on. Go ahead.                                   CALLER (ON TV)           Hello?                                   MEL DORADO (ON TV)           Go ahead, caller.                                  Dial tone.                                   MEL DORADO (ON TV)           Let's go to Radiator Springs.           You're on, caller.                                   MATER'S VOICE (ON TV)           Yeah, that Italian feller you got           on there can't talk that way about           Lightning McQueen. He's the bestest           race car in the whole wide world.                                  Fillmore and Sarge look around. Mater is visible in the back          of the bar on an office phone.           17.                                                                          SARGE           Uh-oh...                                   FRANCESCO (ON TV)           If he is, how you say "the bestest           race car," then why must he rest,           eh?                                   MATER'S VOICE (ON TV)           Cause he knows what's important.           Every now and then he prefers just           to slow down, enjoy life.                                   FRANCESCO (ON TV)           Ah, you heard it! Lightning McQueen           prefers to be slow! Of course, this           is not news to Francesco. When I           want to go to sleep I watch one of           his races. After two laps I am out           cold.                                  Audible RXNS from the bar. A crowd has been forming ever          since Mater started talking.                                   MATER'S VOICE (ON TV)           That ain't what I meant.                          CUT TO:                                  MCQUEEN AND SALLY - They hear the commotion inside.                                                  MCQUEEN           Hey, what's going on over there?           CUT BACK TO:                                  THE BAR - Sally and McQueen push through the crowd, see that          they're watching Francesco on the television.                                                  MCQUEEN                          (TO SALLY)           Oh, it's that Italian Formula car.           His name is ---                                                  SALLY           Francesco Bernoulli. No wonder           there's a crowd.                                  When Sally says his name, she enunciates each part, as if          Italian were her mother's tongue.                                                  MCQUEEN           Wait, why do you know his name? And           don't say it like that. It's three           syllables, not ten.           18.                                                                          SALLY           What? He's nice to look at. You           know, open-wheeled and all.                                                  MCQUEEN           What's wrong with fenders? I           thought you like my fenders.                                   MATER'S VOICE (ON TV)           Well let me tell you something else           there, Mr. San Francisco ---                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater?                                   MATER'S VOICE (ON TV)           McQueen could drive circles around           you.                                   FRANCESCO (ON TV)           Driving in circles is all he can           do, no?                                   MATER'S VOICE (ON TV)           No! I mean yes. I mean he could           beat you anywhere, anytime, any           track.                                  On McQueen - he looks at Guido who gives a nod over to ---                                  --- Mater, turned away from the crowd, still on the phone.                                   FRANCESCO (ON TV)           Mel, can we move on? Francesco           needs a caller who can provide a           little more intellectual           stimulation. Like a dump truck.                                  ON MCQUEEN. He doesn't like this at all.                                                  MATER           Ha ha! That shows what you know.           Dump trucks is dumb.                                  Suddenly, Mater is YANKED from the booth and replaced by          McQueen.                                   MCQUEEN (INTO PHONE)           Yeah, hi, this is Lightning           McQueen. Look, I don't appreciate           my best friend being insulted like           that.           19.                                                           FRANCESCO (ON TV)           McQueen! That was your best friend?           This is the difference between you           and Francesco. Francesco knows how           good he is. He does not need to           surround himself with tow trucks to           prove it.                                                  MCQUEEN           Those are strong words from a car           that is so fragile.                                   FRANCESCO (ON TV)           Fragilé!? He calls Francesco           fragilé? Not so fast, McQueen!                                                  MCQUEEN           "Not so fast." What is that, your           new motto?                                  Francesco goes ballistic in Italian. They cut his mic.                                   MILES AXLEROD (ON TV)           Well, this sounds like something           that needs to be settled on the           race course. What do you say,           Lightning McQueen? We've still got           room for one more racer.                                                  MCQUEEN           Well, I would love to. The only           thing is my crew's off for the           season so ---                                  A sound O.S. McQueen turns to see Fillmore, Sarge and Luigi          flank a tablecloth which is hanging off the bar. Ramone backs          away, having spray painted "TEAM LIGHTNING MCQUEEN" on it.          Guido quickly uncorks three wine bottles.                                                  GUIDO           Pit stop.                                  McQueen turns back to the phone.                                                  MCQUEEN           You know what? They just got back.           Deal me in, baby. Ka-chow!                                  The place ERUPTS IN CHEERS.                                  MOMENTS LATER - General excitement as McQueen exits the phone          booth where Sally waits. Off her look:           20.                                                                          MCQUEEN           I know, I know. I just got back.           But we won't be long and ---                                                  SALLY           Oh, no, don't worry about me. I've           got enough to do here. Mater's           going to have a blast though.           (off McQueen's silence)           You're bringing Mater, right? You           never bring him to any of your           races.                                  McQueen turns to the bar where Mater privately tries their          drinks, hates it, spits it back in the glass.                                                  SALLY           Just let him sit in the pits, give           him a headset. C'mon, it'll be a           thrill of a lifetime for him.                                  Mater arrives.                                                  MATER           Your drinks, sir.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater.                                                  MATER           I didn't taste it!                                                  MCQUEEN           How'd you like to come and see the           world with me?                                                  MATER           You mean it?                                                  MCQUEEN           You got me into this thing. You're           coming along.                                                 BEGIN MONTAGE:                                  - McQueen is given a new paint job and headlights by Ramone.          Mater, now sporting a "Team McQueen" emblem, seems psyched as          well.                                  - An airport DEPARTURES SIGN advertises the next flight:          Tokyo, Japan.                                  - Mater waves goodbye with his hook alongside McQueen, Guido,          Luigi, Fillmore and Sarge as ---           21.                                                          --- the rest of Radiator Springs watches them board a plane.          Red bawls.                                  - IN THE JET, LATER. McQueen and Mater are the only ones          awake, watch an insane Japanese game show.                                  - JAPAN AT NIGHT. A stylish Tokyo cityscape of neon, glamour,          scrolling billboards, vending machines and high-tech          skyscrapers.                                  - INSIDE A SOUVENIR SHOP loaded with McQueen toys: Mater and          McQueen enter. A tourist sees McQueen and faints.                                  - A KABUKI THEATER. Team McQueen watches a methodical dance.          Mater, dressed in Kabuki makeup, arrives. He looks insane.                                  - A SUMO MATCH - Two SUZUKI SAMURAI CARS wrestle over a          parking space. Mater, now in his element, cheers.                                  The MONTAGE ENDS on this high note as we CUT TO ---                                  EXT. MUSEUM - TOKYO - NIGHT                                  ---- TEAM MCQUEEN, as they roll up the red carpet. Press is          held at bay behind ropes. WORLD GRAND PRIX and ALLINOL logos          are strategically placed for maximum press exposure. RACERS          are interviewed by press behind the red-carpet ropes.                                  INT. TOKYO MUSEUM - NIGHT                                  Team McQueen enters via a second floor landing which          overlooks a massive indoor party in a converted museum. As          they roll down a ramp to the party, they are awed.                                                  LUIGI           Guido, look! Ferraris and tires!           Let's go!                                                  MCQUEEN                          (IMPRESSED)           Hey, look at this. Okay now Mater,           remember: best behavior.                                                  MATER           You got it, buddy. Hey, what's           that?                                  He sees something, peels away.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater!                                                  LEWIS HAMILTON           Hey, McQueen, over here!           22.                                                          It's fellow racers JEFF GORVETTE and LEWIS HAMILTON. McQueen          now has no choice but to let Mater go.                                                  MCQUEEN           Hey, Jeff. Lewis!                          CUT TO:                                  MATER as he approaches a GLASS-ENCLOSED ROCK GARDEN where a          pitty RAKES rocks with precision. He knocks on the glass with          his hook.                                                  MATER           Hey! You done good! You got all the           leaves!                                  People turn at the noise he's making.           CUT BACK TO:                                  MCQUEEN, JEFF and LEWIS.                                                  JEFF GORVETTE           Check out that tow truck.                                                  LEWIS HAMILTON           I wonder who that guy's with?                                                  MCQUEEN           Will you guys excuse me just for           one little second?                                  He zips over to Mater's side, quickly pulls him out of sight.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater, listen. This isn't Radiator           Springs.                                                  MATER           You're just realizing that? Boy,           that jet-lag really done a number           on you.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater, look -- things are different           over here. Which means maybe you           should, you know, act a little           different too.                                                  MATER           Different than what?                                                  MCQUEEN           Well, just... help me out here,           buddy. I ---           23.                                                                          MATER           You need help? Shoot, why didn't           you just say so? That's what a tow           truck does. Hey, looky there, it's           Mr. San Francisco!                                  FRANCESCO is visible across the room, holding court.                                                  MATER           I'll introduce you.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater, no.                                                  MATER           (already on his way)           Look at me -- I'm helping you           already!                                  On FRANCESCO - MOMENTS LATER. Mater approaches, giddy.                                                  MATER           Hey Mr. San Francisco, I'd like you           to meet ---                                                  FRANCESCO           Lightning McQueen! Buona sera.                                                  MCQUEEN           Nice to meet you, Francesco.                                                  FRANCESCO           Yeah, nice to meet you too. You are           very good-looking. Not as good as I           thought, but you're good.                                                  MATER                          (TO FRANCESCO)           Excuse me. Can I get a picture with           you?                                                  FRANCESCO           Anything for McQueen's friend.                                  As Mater poses for a photo with Francesco:                                                  MATER           Miss Sally is gonna flip when she           sees this. She's Lightning           McQueen's girlfriend.                                                  FRANCESCO           Oooh.           24.                                                                          MATER           She's a big fan of yours.                                                  FRANCESCO           Hey, she has good taste.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater's prone to exaggeration. I           wouldn't say she's a "big" fan.                                                  MATER           You're right. She's a huge fan. She           goes on and on about your open           wheels here.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mentioning it once doesn't qualify           as going "on and on."                                                  FRANCESCO           Francesco is familiar with this           reaction to Francesco. Women           respect a car that has nothing to           hide.                                                  MCQUEEN           Yeah, uh...                                                  FRANCESCO           Let us have a toast.                                  McQueen doesn't like where this is going, covers.                                                  MCQUEEN           Let's.                                                  FRANCESCO           (raising a drink)           I dedicate my win tomorrow... to           Miss Sally.                                                  MCQUEEN           Oh, sorry. I already dedicated MY           win tomorrow to her. So if we both           do it, it's really not so special.           Besides, I don't have a drink.                                                  MATER           I'll go get you one. You mind if I           borrow a few bucks for one of them           drinks?           25.                                                                          MCQUEEN           (could kill him)           They're free, Mater.                                                  MATER           Free? Well, shoot, what am I doing           here?                                  Mater ZIPS OFF.                                                  MCQUEEN           I should probably go keep an eye on           him. See you at the race.                                  McQueen starts to leave.                                                  FRANCESCO           Yes, you will see Francesco. But           not like this.                                  Francesco does a 180, so his rear end now faces McQueen.                                                  FRANCESCO           You will see him like this, as he           drives away from you.                                  Francesco wears a bumper sticker that says "Ciao, McQueen!"                                                  MCQUEEN           That's cute. So you had one of           those made up for all the racers?                                                  FRANCESCO           No.                                                  MCQUEEN           Okay.                                  He rolls off.                                                  MCQUEEN           He is so getting beat tomorrow.                                  INT. PARTY - MOMENTS LATER                                  Lights caress the main stage where a crowd has formed.                                                  VOICE           Ladies and gentlecars... Sir Miles           Axlerod!                                  MILES AXLEROD drives through an infinity fountain, appears.           26.                                                                          MILES AXLEROD           It is my absolute honor to           introduce to you the competitors in           the first-ever World Grand Prix.           From Brazil. Number eight...                                  ON FINN MCMISSILE. He appears from the shadows, keeps a          careful distance from the stage. He ZEROES HIS GAZE ON ---                                  --- THE WORLD GRAND PRIX TV CAMERAS which roll, catching          Miles Axlerod's speech for publicity and posterity.                                  Finn's ONBOARD COMPUTER ANALYZES each one, compares to the          photos we saw him snap on the oil platform. Each one is "NOT          A MATCH." His view is suddenly disrupted by A BEAUTIFUL          SPORTS CAR. She approaches Finn. Meet HOLLEY SHIFTWELL.                                                  HOLLEY           A Volkswagen Karmann Ghia has no           radiator.                                                  FINN           That's because it's air-cooled.                                                  HOLLEY           I'm Agent Shiftwell, Holley           Shiftwell from the Tokyo Station. I           have a message from London.                                                  FINN           Not here.                          (LOUDLY)           You must try the canapes on the           mezzanine!                                  He moves her onto an elevator. The doors close on them.                                  IN THE ELEVATOR, GOING UP.                                                  FINN           So the lab boys analyzed the photo           I sent? What did they learn about           the camera?                                                  HOLLEY           It appears to be a standard           television camera. They said if you           could get closer photos next time,           that would be great.                                                  FINN           This was London's message?           27.                                                                          HOLLEY           Oh -- no, no. No sir. Um, the oil           platforms you were on? Turns out           they're sitting on the biggest oil           reserve in the world.                                                  FINN           How did we miss that?                                                  HOLLEY           They'd been scrambling everyone's           satellites. The Americans actually           discovered it just before you did.           They placed an agent on that           platform, under deep cover. He was           able to get a photo of the car           who's running the entire operation.                                  The doors OPEN and they exit onto the Mezzanine.                                                  FINN           Who is it? Has anyone seen the           photo yet?                                                  HOLLEY           No, not yet. The American is here           tonight to pass it to you. He'll           signal you when he's ready.                                                  FINN                          GOOD ---                                  Finn suddenly STOPS COLD.                                                  FINN           Oh no.                                  Professor Zundapp is visible below them. He talks with a few          Pacers and Gremlins. Finn quickly retreats into the shadows.          Holley follows suit.                                                  HOLLEY           What is it?                                                  FINN           Change of plan. You're meeting the           American.                                                  HOLLEY           What, me?           28.                                                                          FINN           Those thugs down there were on the           oil platform. If they see me, the           whole mission is compromised.                                                  HOLLEY           No, no. I'm technical, you see. I'm           in Diagnostics. I'm not a field           agent.                                                  FINN           You are now.                          CUT TO:                                  MATER as he grabs a drink, keeps moving.                                                  MATER           I'll take one of them.                                  He snatches it, drops it in the back where we now see a large          assortment of drinks balanced.                                                  MATER           Never know which one McQueen'll           have a hankering for.                                  He approaches a sushi bar.                                                  MATER           Hey, what you got here that's free?           How about that pistachio ice cream?                                  He refers to wasabi, of course.                                                  SUSHI CHEF           No, no. Wasabi.                                                  MATER           Oh, same ol', same ol'. What's up           with you? That looks delicious.                                  The chef starts to carve a small scoop aside for Mater.                                                  MATER           Uh, a little more, please.           It is free, right?           (the chef adds more)           Keep it coming. A little more. Come           on, let's go, it's free! You're           getting there... Scoop scoop!                                  The chef gives in. Scoops a baseball-sized ball out.           29.                                                                          MATER           There you go. Now THAT's a scoop of           ice cream.                                                  SUSHI CHEF           (in Japanese, subtitles)           My condolences.           CUT BACK TO:                                  MILES AXLEROD - He's now nearly done with his intros.                                                  MILES AXLEROD           ... and now, our last competitor ---           Number 95, Lightning McQueen!                                  MCQUEEN approaches the microphone, flashes his headlights.                                                  MCQUEEN           Thank you so much for having us,           Sir Axlerod. I really look forward           to racing. This is a great           opportunity.                                                  MILES AXLEROD           Oh, the pleasure is all ours,           Lightning. You and your team bring           excellence and professionalism to           this competition.                                  As if on cue, Mater arrives with a piercing scream of pain.          Everyone turns as he charges head first toward the stage,          making a bee-line for that FOUNTAIN.                                                  MATER           Somebody get me water!                                  He laps up water from the fountain like a diabetic cat.                                                  MATER                          (LAPPING WATER)           Sweet relief...                                  Miles Axlerod is shocked. The crowd can't believe it.          Francesco cackles. Mater, now sated, approaches the mic.                                                  MATER           (to the crowd)           Whatever you do, do not eat the           free pistachio ice cream. It has           turned!                                                  MCQUEEN           Sir Axlerod, I can explain. This is           Mater.           30.                                                                          MILES AXLEROD           I know him. This is the bloke that           called into the television show.                          (TO MATER)           You're the one I have to thank.                                                  MATER           No, thank you. This trip's been           amazing.                                                  MILES AXLEROD                          (TO MCQUEEN)           He's a little excited, isn't he?                                  TILT DOWN to reveal a pool of oil beneath Mater.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater!                                                  MATER           But wait, I... oh, shoot.                                  McQueen quickly pulls Mater aside, out of earshot of Miles          Axlerod and the others. McQueen is beside himself.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater, you have to get a hold of           yourself. You're making a scene.                                                  MATER           But I never leak oil. Never.                                                  MCQUEEN           Go take care of yourself right now.                                  Mater drives off.                                  ON MATER - MOMENTS LATER                                  He drives through the party, frantic.                                                  MATER           Coming through! Excuse me, leakin'           oil. Where's the bathroom? Thank           you. I gotta go!                                  Someone points Mater down a hallway. He whips around the                         CORNER ---                                  --- and STOPS. Finds himself in front of TWO BATHROOM DOORS,          neither of which clearly indicate MALE or FEMALE.           31.                                                                          MATER                          (CONFUSED)           What the...                                  Mater chooses one, drives inside. A SHRIEK is heard and Mater          zips out.                                                  MATER           Sorry ladies!                                  He heads into the other door ---                          CUT TO:                                  INT. MEN'S ROOM - NIGHT                                  Mater rolls in, still `holding it in' like a kid.                                                  MATER           I never leak I never leak I never           leak...                                  He sees someone leaving a stall. He heads in.                                  IN THE STALL - Mater enters, looks up.                                                  MATER           Wowee...                                  The stall is a complicated apparatus with buttons and lights.          High-tech Japanese. It suddenly GRABS MATER, hoists him up as          if he's going to get an oil change.                                                  MATER           What in the---                                  A Japanese style cartoon CARICATURE appears on a TV MONITOR,          followed by images of waterfalls and rivers.                                                  MATER                          (GIGGLING)           Hey, that tickles.                                  The caricature starts talking in Japanese. Suddenly WATER          FIRES UP underneath Mater's undercarriage, goosing him. He          freaks out.                                  OUTSIDE THE STALL - With Mater's yells audible we see a          GREMLIN enter, furtive. Suddenly, inexplicably, his frame          BREAKS APART like an egg, revealing an AMERICAN MUSCLE CAR          underneath. The pieces of the Gremlin disappear under him,          clearly his disguise. This is ROD REDLINE - American Agent.           32.                                                                          ROD REDLINE           Okay, McMissile. I'm here. It's           time for the drop.                                  INT. PARTY - SAME                                  HOLLEY, rolls along by herself. Nervous. DING! Her rearview          monitor springs to life.                                   HOLLEY (INTO RADIO)           The American has activated his           tracking beacon.                                   FINN (OVER RADIO)           Roger that. Move in.                                  INT. BATHROOM - SAME                                  Rod Redline, waiting at a sink, feels a presence behind him.                                  GREM and ACER have entered, hesitate briefly when they see          Rod Redline.                                  Rod Redline, careful, slides a gun out of his tire. He is          suddenly CHARGED by the AMCs --- Rod SPINS AROUND and gets a          shot off but is SLAMMED HEAD FIRST. A TIGHT, CLOSE-QUARTERS          FIGHT begins ---                                  IN THE STALL - Mater, still TRAPPED, is now being SCRUBBED as          if in a car wash. He is helpless.                                  OUTSIDE THE STALL - Rod is being pulverized. Just when he          scrambles away from one car, the other one takes over.                                  IN THE STALL - Mater is mercifully released, but when he          backs out ---                                  --- Rod Redline is THROWN INTO MATER'S STALL DOOR, crunching          it and sending Mater ---                                  --- BACK INTO THE CLUTCHES of the insane toilet.                                  INT. PARTY - SAME                                  Holley isolates the tracking beacon's location in the party.                                                  HOLLEY           Oh, you've got to be joking.                                                  FINN           What's the problem, Shiftwell?                                                  HOLLEY           He's in the loo.           33.                                                                          FINN           So go in!                                                  HOLLEY           I can't just go into the men's loo.                                                  FINN           Time is of the essence, Shiftwell.                                  INT. BATHROOM - OUTSIDE THE STALL                                  Rod Redline is in bad shape. He backs away, betrays a look of          concern. He's in trouble here.                                  ACER burns rubber, ready to finish him off. Just as he shifts          into DRIVE ---                                  --- MATER'S STALL DOOR KICKS OPEN, knocking ACER out. Mater          jumps out, face-to-face GREM.                                                  MATER           (out of breath)           Whatever you do, I would not go in           there.                                  The door SWINGS shut, revealing the pulverized Acer.                                                  MATER           A Gremlin and a Pacer!                                  Rod Redline, now behind Mater and sensing an opportunity          here, quickly produces A SMALL DEVICE.                                                  MATER           (to Grem and Acer)           No offense to your makes and           models, but you guys break down           harder than my cousin Betsy after           she got left at the ---                                  Rod Redline, surreptitiously attaches the device to Mater's          undercarriage.                                                  MATER           (as he's goosed)           --- altar!                                  He spins around, sees Rod Redline for the first time.                                                  MATER           Are you okay?                                                  ROD REDLINE           I'm fine.           34.                                                                          GREM           Hey. Tow truck.                                  Mater turns back to Grem and Acer.                                                  GREM           We'd like to get to our private           business here, if you don't mind.                                                  MATER           Oh, yeah. Don't let me get in the           way of your "private business."           Oh! A little advice: When you hear           her giggle and see that waterfall,           you best press that green button.                                                  GREM           Thank you.                                                  MATER           It's to adjust the temperature.                                                  ACER           Got it.                                                  MATER           Remember it's in Celsius, not           Fahrenheit.                                   GREM AND ACER           Get outta here!                                                  MATER           Alright then.                                  Mater exits, leaving Rod Redline to a now even angrier Grem          and Acer.                                  EXT. BATHROOM - MOMENTS LATER                                  Holley arrives at the door. She takes a breath, is about to          enter when Mater EXITS.                                                  MATER           Excuse me, ma'am.                                  He passes her, expelling some exhaust in the process.          Holley's rearview tracking confirms that the device is on          him.                                                  MATER                          (TO HIMSELF)           Dadgum pistachio ice cream.           35.                                                           HOLLEY (INTO RADIO)           This cannot be him.                                   FINN (OVER RADIO)           Is he American?                                                  MATER           (driving off, to himself)           Look out, ladies. Mater's fittin'           to get funky!                                   HOLLEY (INTO RADIO)           Extremely.                                   FINN (OVER RADIO)           Then it's him.                                  It's settled. Holley takes one more nervous breath, quickly          closes the distance between her and Mater, cuts him off. He          is forced to STOP.                                                  HOLLEY           Hello.                                                  MATER           Well, hello.                                                  HOLLEY           A Volkswagen Karmann Ghia has no           radiator.                                                  MATER           Well of course it doesn't. That's           `cause it's air-cooled!                                                  HOLLEY                          (RELIEVED)           Perfect. I'm from the Tokyo Station                          OF THE---                                                  MATER           Course, Karmann Ghia's weren't the           only ones. Besides the Beetles you           had your Type-3 Squarebacks, with           the pancake motors...                                                  HOLLEY           Yeah. Okay, I get it---                                                  MATER           ... And before both of them,           there's the Type-2 buses - my buddy           Fillmore's one of them.           36.                                                                          HOLLEY           Listen! We should find somewhere           more private.                                                  MATER           Uh, gee. Don't you think that's a           little, uh ---                                                  HOLLEY                          (NERVOUS ENERGY)           You're right. Impossible to know           which areas here are compromised.           So, when can I see you again?                                                  MATER           Well, let's see. Tomorrow I'll be           out there at the races.                                                  HOLLEY           Got it. We'll rendezvous then.                                  INT. PARTY - MOMENTS LATER                                  Mater returns to his team, lost in thought.                                                  MCQUEEN           There you are. Where have you been?                                                  MATER           What's a rendezvous?                                                  LUIGI           It's like a date.                                                  MATER           A date?!                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater, what's going on?                                                  MATER           Well, what's going on is I've got           me a date tomorrow.                                  Guido makes a crack in Italian.                                                  LUIGI           Guido don't believe you.                                                  MATER           Well, believe it. My new girlfriend           just said so. Hey, there she is.                                  Mater points out Holley, who's within earshot.           37.                                                                          MATER                          (YELLING)           Hey! Hey lady!                                  Holley, caught in plain view, DRIVES OFF.                                                  MATER           See ya tomorrow!                                  Guido makes another crack in Italian.                                                  LUIGI           Guido still don't believe you.                                  EXT. SHIPYARD - THE DOCKS - TOKYO NIGHT                                  An industrial dock, outside of the city proper.                                  INT. SHIPYARD - NIGHT                                  Rod Redline dangles from a car magnet. He's been beaten up,          clings to consciousness.                                   GREM (O.S.)           I gotta admit ---                                  Grem, Acer, and a bunch of nasty looking troublemakers look          up at Rod amidst crates and shipping containers.                                                  GREM           --- you tricked us real good.                                                  ACER           And we don't like being tricked.                                  Rod Redline laughs to himself.                                                  ACER           Hey, what's so funny?                                                  ROD REDLINE           Well, you know, I was just wearing           a disguise. You guys are stuck           looking like that.                                  This doesn't help him. They DROP HIM onto a TREADMILL, lock          him down. A container is wheeled forward and Rod is plied          with Allinol brand gasoline.                                                  ROD REDLINE           Allinol? Thanks, fellas. I hear           this stuff is good for you.           38.                                                           PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP (O.S.)           So you think.                                  The Professor emerges from the darkness, behind Rod.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           Allinol by itself is good for you.                                  Zundapp hits a button and the TREADMILL starts Rod's wheels          spinning at a high rate of speed.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           But after microscopic examination,           I have found that it has one small           weakness. When hit with an           electromagnetic pulse, it becomes           extremely dangerous.                                                  GREM                          SMILE ---                                  Grem pushes a World Grand Prix CAMERA - the same one that          was in the box back at the oil derrick. He points it at Rod          Redline.                                                  GREM           --- for the camera.                                                  ROD REDLINE           Is that all you want? I got a whole           act.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           You were very interested in this           camera on the oil platform. Now you           will witness what it really does.                                                  ROD REDLINE           Whatever you say, Professor.                                  Acer pushes a TV MONITOR toward Rod. On it, surveillance          footage from the party. Clearly, they were watching and          recording him there.                                                  ACER           You talked up a lot of cars last           night. Which one's your associate?                                                  ROD REDLINE           Your mother. Oh no, I'm sorry. It           was your sister. You know, I can't           tell them apart these days.           39.                                                                          GREM                          (HAD ENOUGH)           Could I start it now, Professor?                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           Fifty percent power.           (to Rod Redline)           This camera is actually an           electromagnetic pulse emitter.                                                  ACER           (re: a girl on the TV)           What about her? Did you give it to           her?                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           The Allinol is now heating to a           boil, dramatically expanding,           causing the engine block to crack           under the stress, forcing oil into           the combustion chamber.                                  Rod Redline's engine starts to CRACK and BREAK.                                                  ACER           (re: a guy on the TV)           How about him? You talk to him?                                                  ROD REDLINE           (to Professor Zundapp)           What do I care? I can replace an           engine block.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           You may be able to, but after full           impact of the pulse, unfortunately,           there will be nothing to replace.                                                  ACER           How about him? Does he have it?                                  The monitor reveals MATER, rolling out of the bathroom and          down the hall.                                  Rod Redline, seeing this, does the world's most subtle double          take. We caught it, but there's no way anyone else in the          room could have ---                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           That's him. He's the one.                                                  GREM           Roger that, Professor Z.           40.                                                                          ROD REDLINE           No!                                  As Grem turns up the machine even MORE, the Professor makes a          call.                                   PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP (INTO PHONE)           Yes sir. We believe the infiltrator           has passed along sensitive           information.           (beat, listening)           I will take care of it before any           damage can be done.                                  The Professor hangs up, turns to the room.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           The project is still on schedule.           You will find this second agent ---                                  Zundapp kicks the camera's power into the RED.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           --- and kill him.                                  On the MONITOR - With Mater's frozen image on the screen we          see Rod EXPLODE in the reflection.                                  EXT. JAPAN - DAY                                  Over television pre-roll of Japan:                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           Japan. Land of the rising sun.           Where ancient tradition meets           modern technology. Welcome to the           inaugural running of the World           Grand Prix.                                  ON OUR ANNOUNCERS as they introduce themselves:                                                  BRENT MUSTANGBURGER           I'm Brent Mustangburger, here with           racing legends Darrell Cartrip and           David Hobbscap. There's never been           a competition like this before.                                  SHOTS OF THE PITS as the racers fuel up.                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           First, Allinol, making its debut           tonight as the required fuel for           all these great champions.                          (MORE)           41.                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.) (CONT'D)           Second, the course itself, and it's           like nothing we've ever seen.           David, how exactly does this           competition work?                                   DAVID HOBBSCAP (V.O.)           Well, Brent, all three of these           street courses are classic round-           the-house racetracks.                                  OUTLINES OF THREE RACE COURSES are shown. They're labeled          Japan, Italy and England, and are different in shape and          size.                                   DAVID HOBBSCAP (V.O.)           This means that the LMP and Formula           cars should break out of the gate           in spectacular fashion.                                  SHOTS OF THE RACERS as they weave up the track, practicing.                                   DAVID HOBBSCAP (V.O.)           Look for Francesco Bernoulli in           particular to lead early.                                  SHOTS OF Francesco, featured in an inset.                                   DAVID HOBBSCAP (V.O.)           And with a series of technical           turns throughout ---                                  MORE SHOTS of the course, now highlighting the tech turns.                                   DAVID HOBBSCAP (V.O.)           GT and Touring cars like Spain's           Miguel Camino should make up some           ground but I doubt it'll be enough           to stop Francesco from absolutely           running away with it.                                   DARRELL CARTRIP (V.O.)           Woah, now just hold your           horsepower. You're forgetting the           most important factor here. That           early dirt track section of the           course! The dirt is supposed to be           the great equalizer in this race.                                  GRAPHICS OF THE COURSES now isolate a stretch after the first          couple turns, label it "DIRT SECTIONS."           42.                                                           BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           French Rally car Raoul ÇaRoule is           counting on a big boost headed           through there.                                   DARRELL CARTRIP (V.O.)           And don't forget Lightning McQueen!           His mentor, the Hudson Hornet, was           one of the greatest dirt track           racers of all time. In my opinion,           McQueen is the best all-around           racer in this competition.                                  BACK IN THE STUDIO                                                  DAVID HOBBSCAP           Really, Darrell, I think you need           to clean your windshield. You're           clearly not seeing this for what it           is: Francesco's race to lose.                                  EXT. STARTING LINE - DAY                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           It's time to find out. The racers           are locking into the grid ---                                  Engines rev as everyone gets ready to go. Everyone's bright          eyed and alert except for McQueen who we find in the back of          the grid. He CLOSES his eyes.                                                  MCQUEEN                          (TO HIMSELF)           Speed. I am speed.                                  A LAUGH O.S. McQueen opens his eyes. Francesco is next to him          on the grid.                                                  FRANCESCO           Really? You are "speed"? Then           Francesco is triple speed.           (closes his eyes)           Francesco. Is. Triple speed.           Francesco likes this, McQueen. It's           really getting him into the zone!                                                  MCQUEEN           He is so getting beat today.                                  The starting lights click down from RED to YELLOW to GREEN.          The race begins. Francesco quickly grabs the lead. He's          pulling away within seconds.           43.                                                          ON PIT ROW - We TRACK PAST as the various Crew Chiefs on          their crash carts bark orders to their racers. We end on Team          McQueen. No Crew Chief, just a solid looking team.                                                  SARGE           His suspension stats look good.                                                  LUIGI           Tire pressure is excellent.                                                  FILLMORE           He's got plenty of fuel.                                                  MATER           And he's awesome!                          CUT TO:                                  The same view of Mater but now THROUGH A TELESCOPIC DISPLAY.          Reveal Finn and Holley watching from high above in a downtown          office building, behind reflective glass.                                                  HOLLEY           Why is he in the pits? He's so           exposed.                                                  FINN           It's his cover. One of the best           I've seen, too. Look at the detail           on that rust. It must have cost him           a fortune.                                                  HOLLEY           But why hasn't he contacted us yet?                                                  FINN           There's probably heat on him. Be           patient.                                                  HOLLEY           Right, of course. He'll signal us           when he can.                                                  FINN           And then we find out who's behind           all this.                                  ON THE TRACK - VARIOUS SHOTS OF THE RACE through Tokyo as          Francesco extends his lead and McQueen attempts to make up          ground.           44.                                                          IN MCQUEEN'S PIT - Mater watches the monitors, sees them          approaching the dirt section.                                                  MATER           McQueen! It's time to make your           move. Get on the outside and show           'em what Doc done taught you.                                   MCQUEEN (OVER RADIO)           Ten four, Mater.                                  ON THE TRACK - Francesco hits the dirt section and loses all          control. He SLAMS to a halt, his tires getting no traction.                                   DAVID HOBBSCAP (V.O.)           Francesco is brought to a           screeching halt!                                  MCQUEEN skids into view, turning right to go left, passing          Francesco, followed by other cars ---                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           Lightning McQueen is the first to           take advantage. And just like that,           folks, Francesco's lead is left in           the dust.                                                  MCQUEEN           Nice call, Mater. Keep it up!                                  McQueen now leads the pack, zooming out of the dirt now          starting to relax.                                   DARRELL CARTRIP (V.O.)           Who-hoo! Man, McQueen looks happier           than a rollbar at a demolition           derby!                                  ON PAVED ROAD AGAIN - MOMENTS LATER                                  The field of cars thunders into a tunnel.                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           Everyone's jostling for position as           we hit the asphalt again.                                  Francesco crests the hill, in last place. He bites down,          determined, then CHASES.                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           Francesco lost a lot of momentum in           the dirt. He's got some serious           work ahead of him if he wants to           get back in this race.           45.                                                          VARIOUS SHOTS OF TOKYO as the racers move through the Rainbow          Bridge. Bit by bit, Francesco ekes his way toward the front,          toward Lightning McQueen as we CUT TO ---                                  --- A ROOFTOP, and a VIEW THROUGH THE WGP CAMERA LENS. Grem          and Acer are manning this one. They focus it on the racers as          they approach.                                   PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP (OVER RADIO)           It is time.                                                  GREM           Roger that.                                  ON THE TRACK - A racer (Miguel Camino) suddenly PLUMES WITH          SMOKE and skids out.                                   DARRELL CARTRIP (V.O.)           Oh! Miguel Camino has blown an           engine!                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           Very unusual, Darrell. He's been so           consistent all year.                                  Camino quickly pits, passing McQueen's pit where Mater is          visible.                                  ON GREM AND ACER, watching from above.                                                  GREM           You gotta be kidding me.                                                  ACER           What is it?                                                  GREM           It's that tow truck from the           bathroom.                                                  ACER           The one from the bathroom?                                                  GREM           Yeah, the one the American Agent           passed the device to.                                                  ACER           What about him?                                                  GREM           What about him? He's in the pits!           46.                                                                          ACER           Not for long.                                  Acer exits, with purpose.                                  ON FINN AND HOLLEY, still in their office hideaway. Holley's          onboard computer flashes an ALERT.                                                  HOLLEY           Hold on. I think I've got           something.                                                  FINN           What is it?                                                  HOLLEY           The Pacer from the party last           night.                                  She's spotted Acer, moving swiftly forward.                                                  HOLLEY           Cross-referencing with the photos           from the oil derricks... Yep. His           VIN numbers match.                                                  FINN           Anyone with him? He won't be alone.                                                  HOLLEY           Conducting analysis on the target.                                  The computer finds more and more bad guy Pacers and Gremlins          are in the crowd.                                                  HOLLEY           He's not the only one here.           Three... five... they're           everywhere. And they're all closing           in on... oh no.                                  We PAN OVER to see it's MATER.                                                  HOLLEY           Finn? Finn, where are you?                                  She turns. He's GONE, leaving only an open window.                                   FINN (OVER RADIO)           Get him out of the pits now!                                  IN MCQUEEN'S PIT. A car WHIPS BY O.S.           47.                                                                          MATER           Wow! Some of them fellers is really           loud.                                   HOLLEY (OVER MATER'S RADIO)           Can you hear me? Over.                                                  MATER           Uh, what?                                   HOLLEY (OVER MATER'S RADIO)           Get out of the pit now. Do you hear           me?                                  Mater realizes this girl has somehow broken into his radio.                                   MATER (INTO RADIO)           Hey, I know you. You're that girl           from the party last night. You           wanna do our date right now?                                  ON THE TRACK - McQueen boxes out Francesco, holds his slim          lead, but barely.                                                  MCQUEEN           Guys, a little too much chatter.           Let's keep this line clear.                                  BOOM! A racer behind McQueen suddenly expels black smoke,          skids out of control.                                  ON GREM - laughing. That was clearly his handiwork.                                  IN MCQUEEN'S PIT - SAME                                   HOLLEY (ON MATER'S RADIO)           There's no time for messing about.           You've got to get out of the pits.                                                  MATER           Is there gonna be cable where you           is so I can watch the rest of the           race?                                  ON HOLLEY - Watching from the downtown building.                                   HOLLEY (INTO RADIO)           You're running out of time!                                   FINN (OVER RADIO)           They're coming, Shiftwell.                                   HOLLEY (INTO RADIO)           Yes, I know.           48.                                                           FINN (OVER RADIO)           Get him out of there.                                                  HOLLEY                          (TO FINN)           I'm trying.                          (TO MATER)           Get out now!                                  We CUT BACK TO ---                                  --- MATER. He gives in, exits the pit.                                                  MATER           Well, all right but I usually like           to have a proper detailing done           before I meet a lady friend.                                  He moves toward the back PIT DOOR, is about to open it.                                  OUTSIDE THE PITS - ACER and another Pacer approach McQueen's          pit door on the other side. Ready to pounce. The doors OPEN,                         REVEALING ---                                  --- Finn, holding a fire extinguisher.                                                  ACER           Finn McMissile? But you're dead!                                                  FINN           Then this shouldn't hurt at all.                                  He empties the extinguisher in their eyes, speeds past. They          try and follow, but have been blinded. One of them crashes          right into a COP.                                  ON FINN - Already on the move, along a side street.                                                  FINN           Miss Shiftwell?                                  ON HOLLEY - Tracking everything on a grid map. Mater looks          like Pac Man, weaving through the streets as bad guys close          in all around him.                                                  HOLLEY           I've got him in the back alleys           east of the garages. Multiple           assailants are closing in quickly.                                   FINN (OVER RADIO)           Keep him moving. I'm on my way.                                  ON MATER - He turns a corner, sees a flower shop.           49.                                                                          MATER           Hey, new lady friend? You like           flowers?                                  ON THE TRACK - McQueen, hearing this, is taken aback.                                                  MCQUEEN           What?                                  ON MATER - Slowing at the flower shop.                                   HOLLEY (OVER RADIO)           No! Don't go 'in' anywhere. Just           keep moving.                                                  MATER           Stay outside. Gotcha.                                  ON THE TRACK                                                  MCQUEEN           Outside?                                  McQueen drifts outside allowing Francesco to slip past!                                                  FRANCESCO           Grazie and arrivaderci!                                   DARRELL CARTRIP (V.O.)           I cannot believe what I just saw,           Brent. That was a bonehead move.           You don't open up the inside like           that!                                  IN THE BACK ALLEYS - As Mater moves on he's followed by          Pacers and Gremlins. Suddenly ---                                  --- CABLES whip in front of them, pulling over flower vending          machines and sending the shop's owners into a frenzy. They          direct their attention to the AMCs, who try and explain.                                  ON FINN, admiring his handiwork as he appears. Just as he          turns to leave he's BROADSIDED and pushed INTO A DARK ALLEY.                                  IN THE ALLEY - Finn finds himself boxed by two Pacers and          pushed toward ---                                  --- ACER, who now holds a FLAME THROWER.                                                  ACER           This time I'm gonna make sure you           stay dead.                                  He hits the flame. WHOOOSSSH!!           50.                                                          ON ANOTHER STREET - Mater clicks along, still looking for          Holley. Just as he passes the alley entrance where Finn          stares down death:                                   HOLLEY (OVER RADIO)           You're doing brilliantly. Now just           stay focused.                                                  MATER           What's that? You want me to head           toward that ruckus?                                  Mater turns INTO the alley.                                   HOLLEY (OVER RADIO)           No! Don't go down that street!                                  IN THE ALLEY - Finn, now nearly pushed completely into the          flame thrower, leaps into the air. He FIGHTS BACK, using his          wheels, axle, indeed his entire car frame as if he were          human, kicking and tossing and shooting his enemies.                                  Mater witnesses the whole thing.                                                  MATER           Wow! A live karate demonstration!                                  ON THE TRACK - McQueen, now playing catch-up again, scowls.                                                  MCQUEEN           Stop it, Mater. Just sign off.                                  IN THE BACK ALLEY - Finn polishes off the AMCs by firing a          bullet into a gas main line, causing an EXPLOSION that tosses          Acer through the air where he lands in a NOODLE SHOP'S SIGN.                                  ON THE TRACK - The end of the race is nigh ---                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           They're bumper to bumper as they           approach the finish line!                                  The Formula car gets there first.                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           Francesco's the winner, McQueen's           number two!                                  IN THE ALLEY - Finn heaves breaths, surveys his damage.                                                  MATER           That was cool! Hey, can I get your           autograph?           51.                                                          Mater approaches when a MASS OF RACE FANS burst out a door,          momentarily blocking Mater's view of Finn. Once the fans have          past, Finn has disappeared.                                                  MATER           Hey, where'd he go?                                   HOLLEY (OVER RADIO)           Our rendezvous has been           jeopardized. Keep the device safe.           We'll be in touch.                                                  MATER           Dadgum, did I miss our date?                                  EXT. PRESS STAGE - LATER                                  Post race press conference. Francesco is center stage.                                                  DARRELL CARTRIP           Francesco, over here! Hey, what was           your strategy today?                                                  FRANCESCO           Strategia? Francesco needs no           strategy, it's very simple. You           start the race, wait for Lightning           McQueen to choke, pass him, then           win. Francesco always wins. It's           boring.                                  McQueen, waiting in the wings, rolls his eyes. He suddenly          notices something O.S.                                  McQueen's P.O.V. - It's MATER, appearing from a side street,          moving toward the pits, oblivious of the press conference.                                                  DARRELL CARTRIP                          (TO FRANCESCO)           I gotta tell you, dude. You were in           trouble for awhile. That dirt track           section had you crawling!                                  As McQueen SNEAKS AWAY ---                                                  FRANCESCO           To truly crush one's dream, you           must first raise their hopes very           high.                                  IN MCQUEEN'S PIT GARAGE - Mater looks around for everyone as          McQueen approaches.           52.                                                                          MCQUEEN          Mater.                                                  MATER          Hey McQueen! What happened? Is the          race over? You won, right?                                                  MCQUEEN          Mater, why were you yelling things          at me while I was racing?                                                  MATER          Yelling? Oh, you thought... that's          funny right there. Nah, see that's          `cause I seen these two fellers          doing some sort of karate street          performance. It was nutso. One of          them even had a flamethrower ---                                                  MCQUEEN          A flamethrower? What are you          talking about? I don't understand.          Where were you?                                                  MATER          Going to meet my date.                                                  MCQUEEN          Your date?                                                  MATER          She started talking to me as a          voice in my head, telling me where          to go ---                                                  MCQUEEN          What?                                                  MATER          Wait a minute -- I didn't screw you          up, did I?                                                  MCQUEEN          I lost the race because of you!                                                  MATER          Well, I'm sorry. I didn't mean ---                                                  MCQUEEN          An imaginary girlfriend,          flamethrowers. This is exactly why          I don't bring you along to these          things.           53.                                                                          MATER           Maybe if I, I don't know, talked to           somebody and explained what           happened I could help.                                                  MCQUEEN           I don't need your help. I don't           want your help.                                   PRESS (O.S.)           Hey, there he is!!                                  The press finds McQueen, swarms him. Mater is pushed          backwards as the questions fly again.                                                  PRESS           - McQueen, you had it in the bag!           - Yeah, what happened?                                                  MCQUEEN           I made a mistake. But I can assure           you, it won't happen again.                                  On Mater. He takes this badly.                                                  MCQUEEN           Look, guys. We know what the           problem is and we've taken care of           it.                          SMASH TO:                                  OVER FOOTAGE OF FRANCESCO and various other highlights:                                                  BRENT MUSTANGBURGER           Lightning McQueen loses in the last           lap to Francesco Bernoulli in the           first race of the World Grand Prix           and three, count em, three cars           flamed out leading some to suggest           that their fuel, Allinol, might be           to blame.                                  FOOTAGE OF MILES AXLEROD, speaking to an aggressive press. He          must SHOUT over the press.                                                  MILES AXLEROD           Allinol is safe! Alternative fuel           is safe! There is no way my fuel           caused these cars to flame out!           54.                                                          IN THE TV STUDIO - Darrell, Brent and David talk to camera.                                                  DARRELL CARTRIP           Well the jury may still be out on           whether Allinol caused these           accidents, but one thing's for           sure: Lightning McQueen blew this           race.                                  Off a FROZEN IMAGE of McQueen crossing the finish line, a          look of severe consternation across his face ---                                                  BRENT MUSTANGBURGER           Team McQueen can't be happy right           now.                                  --- MATCH CUT TO ---                                  INT. AIRPORT - JAPAN - DAY                                  --- McQueen's SMILING FACE, on a Team McQueen poster.                                  REVERSE to reveal Mater looking at it, sadly. He drives on,          passing (but not noticing) ---                                  --- GREM and ACER.                                  AT THE SECURITY CHECK - MOMENTS LATER. Cars take off their          tires, move through the metal detector. Mater waits in line.          A SECURITY CAR approaches Mater.                                                  SECURITY CAR           (in Japanese and English)           Come with me please, sir.                                                  MATER           But I'm gonna miss my plane.                                  IN THE ADMIRAL'S LOUNGE - MOMENTS LATER. The Security Car          leads Mater inside.                                                  SECURITY CAR           Right this way.                                  As they move past us the Security Car covertly drops a BALL          BEARING which rolls into a corner. The ball bearing then          sprouts MECHANICAL LEGS, tripods itself and IRISES out,          revealing itself to be a tiny CAMERA.                                  IN THE MAIN ROOM - ADMIRAL'S LOUNGE - CONTINUOUS                                  Mater follows the Security Car in, nervous.           55.                                                                          MATER           Doggone it. This is about my hook,           isn't it? I know I should've           checked it, but I can't really,           look -- it's attached to me.                                  ZWAPPPPPP!! The Security Car suddenly DECLOAKS himself,          reveals himself to be Finn McMissile!                                                  MATER           Hey, I know you. You're that feller           from the karate demonstration.                                                  FINN           I never properly introduced myself.           Finn McMissile. British           Intelligence.                                                  MATER           Tow Mater. Average intelligence.                                                  FINN           Who are you with? FBI, CIA?                                                  MATER           Let's just say I'm triple-A           affiliated. You know, I know some           karate. I don't wanna brag or           nothing, but I've got me a black           fan belt.                                  BEEP! Finn's rearview alarms. His camera has picked up Grem          and Acer. They've just entered the lounge, are right around          the corner.                                                  MATER           Hey, you wanna see some moves I           made up?                                                  FINN           You're being followed.                                  Finn quickly turns, fires a tiny GLASS CUTTING BEETLE at the          window. As Mater talks, oblivious, the beetle cuts out a          round hole.                                                  MATER           This first one I can reach into a           car's hood, pull out his battery,           and show it to him before he           stalls. I call it, "What I           accidentally did to my friend Luigi           once."           56.                                                          Mater does his best (worst) karate moves as Acer and Grem          turn the corner.                                                  GREM           There he is!                                  The glass drops away, leaving a car-sized hole.                                                  MATER           (eyes the clock)           Look, I probably ought to go. I'm           about to miss my flight.                                                  FINN           Don't worry.                                  Finn HOOKS Mater from behind. He YANKS HIM forward ---                                                  FINN           I've taken care of that. Hang on.                                  --- and LEAPS OUT THE WINDOW!                                  EXT. TARMAC - AIRPORT - JAPAN                                  Finn pulls Mater down HARD onto the tarmac, towing him away          from the terminal.                                                  MATER           This is First Class service. You           don't even have to go through the           terminal.                                  ACER and GREM appear, chasing them. Mater, who is facing          backward as he is being pulled along, faces them. They're          about a hundred yards back.                                                  MATER                          (TO FINN)           Your karate partners are back here.           They kinda look like they're trying           to catch up!                                                  FINN           Drive forward. Whatever you do,           don't stop.                                  Finn SKIDS around, whipping Mater in a 180 so that Mater is          now towing Finn.                                  Grem produces a ROCKET, lines up Finn as his target.           57.                                                          Finn, without hesitation, fires a MINI ROLLING-JACK. The jack          DRIVES ITSELF toward Grem, anchors itself under his frame and          flips him like a turtle but not before Grem gets the rocket                         OFF ---                                  THE ROCKET - it flies toward Mater and Finn.                                  FINN aims and launches a MISSILE back.                                  THE ROCKET AND MISSILE COLLIDE IN MID-AIR, EXPLODE.                                                  MATER           (only hearing this)           Is everything okay back there?                                   SIDDELEY (O.S.)           Finn, it's Sid. I'm on approach.                                  A GULFSTREAM JET wings into view overhead. This is SIDDELEY.                                                  FINN           Roger that.                                  Mater looks up: ACER screeches into view up ahead, dragging a          long row of luggage carts in Mater's path, attempting to          create an accident.                                                  MATER                          (TO FINN)           You remember that whole thing about           me not stopping no matter what?                                  Just as it looks dire --- RATATATATATATAT!!! SIDDELEY          descends, hawklike, fires bullets and blows the luggage carts          sky-high. Mater and Finn burst through them, luggage now          raining down from above.                                                  MATER           I knew I should've done carry-on!                                                  FINN                          (TO SIDDELEY)           Thanks, old boy!                                  Siddeley LANDS HARD on the tarmac ahead of them. No time to          stop, he DROPS his back open, revealing HOLLEY.                                                  MATER           Hey, doggone it. It's my imaginary           girlfriend!                                                  HOLLEY           Come on! Get in here!           58.                                                          Mater SPEEDS UP toward Siddeley's ramp, Holley.                                                  MATER                          (TO HOLLEY)           Boy I tell you what, you really do           want this first date, don't ya?           That's a no-quit attitude right           there.                                  Just as Mater's wheels touch the ramp, BULLETS PING around          him in a spray. Siddeley is HIT, a tire BLOWN. He yells in          pain.                                                  FINN           Hold on, Sid!                                  Siddeley peels off the runway onto the grass.                                  A gunfight ensues between Finn and Acer. Finn SHOOTS ACER'S          TIRE, blowing it and throwing him off-course.                                  Acer CAREENS out of control, drives up and THROUGH A JET ---                                  --- OUT THE OTHER SIDE where he lands in an oil tanker.                                  ON SIDDELEY - He's headed toward the edge of the tarmac,          where the grass and runway meet WATER. He HITS THE GAS, his          only hope.                                                  SIDDELEY           Finn, it's now or never!                                  Finn BRAKES, 180s and grabs the ramp just as Siddeley gets          air.                                                  SIDDELEY           Hold on!                                  Mater, the only thing not in the jet, dangles and recedes          from our view as Siddeley climbs toward the clouds. As he's          PULLED in through the back hatch:                                   MATER (V.O.)           By the time you read this, I will           be safely on an airplane, flying           home.                                  INT. LOBBY - HOTEL - TOKYO - DAY                                  CLOSE ON a handwritten (er, tire-written?) NOTE in childish          scrawl. We don't see all of it, only a bit. Mater's voice          O.S. begins the note with the first sentence, but we DISSOLVE          into McQueen's voice.           59.                                                                          MCQUEEN           "I'm so sorry for what I did. I           don't want to be the cause of you           losing any more races. I want you           to go prove to the world what I           already know - that you are the           greatest race car in the whole wide           world. Your best friend, Mater."                                  McQueen takes this in.                                                  MCQUEEN           I didn't really want him to leave.                                                  LUIGI           Wait, there's more here.                          (READS)           "P.S. Please tell the hotel I           didn't mean to order that movie. I           thought it was just a preview and I           didn't realize I was paying for it.           P.P.S... That's funny right there --           PP."           (to the others)           There's a few more pages of P.S.'s           here.                                                  MCQUEEN                          (TURNING BACK)           Well, at least I know if he's at           home he'll be safe.                                  EXT. SKY - DAY                                  SIDDELEY breaks through some cloud cover, flies with purpose.                                  INT. JET - DAY                                  A well-appointed spy jet. Various computers line the walls.                                                  FINN           Now that's how I like to start the           day! You never feel more alive than           when you're almost dead.                                                  HOLLEY                          (SCANNING MATER)           I hope that device didn't fall off.                                                  MATER           That's the closest I ever been to           missing my flight! That was ---           60.                                                          With a ROBOTIC ARM, Holley grabs the THE DEVICE that Rod          Redline hid under Mater. She yanks it out with a GOOSE.                                                  MATER                          (JUMPS)           Yow!                                                  HOLLEY           Still in one piece, great.                                  Holley drops the device into a mainframe computer. It starts          "ANALYZING."                                                  MATER           I gotta go to a doctor. I keep           getting these sharp pains in my           undercarriage.                                                  HOLLEY           Downloading the photo now.                                                  MATER           Hey, lemme introduce you two.                          (TO HOLLEY)           This here is Finn McSomething-or-           other. He's a First Class VIP           airport whatchamacallit. And Finn,           this here's my date.                          (TO HOLLEY)           I never did get your name.                                                  HOLLEY           Oh yes, sorry. It's Shiftwell.           Holley Shiftwell.                                                  MATER                          (TO FINN)           It's Shiftwell. Holley ---                                  DING! The computer is done analyzing. The cabin lights dim.                                                  FINN           Finally. Time to see who's behind           all this.                                  AN IMAGE is blasted between the three of them. It's of a          photograph, a complicated melange of metallic parts stuck          together.                                                  HOLLEY           (to Mater, expectantly)           What is this?           61.                                                                          MATER           Well, that's one of the worst           engines ever made. It's an old           aluminum V8 with a Lucas electrical           system and Whitworth bolts. Shoot,           them Whitworth bolts is a pain,           tell you what. Them ain't metric,           they ain't inches...                                                  HOLLEY           Yes, OK, right. But who's engine is           this, Mater?                                                  MATER           Well, it's kinda hard to tell from           this picture, ain't it?                                                  HOLLEY           But you're the one who took it.                                                  FINN           Holley.                                                  HOLLEY           Oh, right. Yes, of course. "A good           agent gets what he can, then gets           out before he's killed." Sorry.                                                  MATER           Agent? You mean like insurance           agent, like,                          (SINGS)           `Like a good neighbor, Mater is           there'? Wait, you mean secret           agents. You guys is spies!                                                  FINN           Holley, in how many makes and           models did this type of engine           appear?                                  Holley has these stats in seconds. Kid's play.                                                  HOLLEY           It was standard in seven models           over a 12-year period. At least           35,000 cars were made with this           engine.                                  Mater MOVES HIS SEAT FORWARD, through one part of the          hologram so he's face-to-face with Holley.                                                  MATER           You're pretty.           62.                                                                          HOLLEY                          (ANNOYED)           Yes, alright. Thank you.                                                  MATER           And so nice.                                                  HOLLEY           Just pay attention.                                  She moves the engine photo so it's now blocking Mater again.                                                  FINN           This seems like a dead end. If           there were something in the photo           that could narrow this down a bit           I'd be a lot happier.                                                  MATER           You might not be happy, but I bet           this feller is. See how he's had           most of his parts replaced? And see           all them boxes over there? Them's           all original parts. They ain't easy           to come by.                                                  HOLLEY           Rare parts.                                                  FINN           That's something we can track.                                                  HOLLEY           Exactly!                                  Holley drops her screen down.                                                  FINN           Well done, Mater! I would never           have seen that.                          (TO HOLLEY)           I know of a black-market parts           dealer in Paris, a treacherous           lowlife. But, he's the only car in           the world who can tell us whose           engine this is. Mater, what would           you say to setting up an informal           task force on this one?                                                  MATER           Wait, what?           63.                                                                          FINN           You obviously have plenty of           experience in the field.                                                  MATER           Well yeah I live right next to one.           (thinks about it)           I don't know, Finn. I ain't exactly           been much help to anybody recently.                                                  FINN           You're helping me. Please, Mater.                                                  MATER           Well, okay. But you know I'm just a           tow truck, right?                                                  FINN           Right. And I'm just in the           import/export business. Siddeley?                                                  SIDDELEY           Yes, Finn?                                                  FINN           Paris. Tout de suite.                                                  MATER           Yeah, two of them sweets for me           too, Sid!                          (TO HOLLEY)           You know, I always wanted to be a           spy.                                                  HOLLEY                          (SMILING SWEETLY)           Really? Me too.                                                  SIDDELEY           Afterburners, sir?                                                  FINN           Is there any other way?                                  EXT. JET - MOVING                                  Siddeley HITS THE JUICE, they kick forward like a mule as we          CUT TO ---                                  A MONTAGE OF PARIS: Mater attempts to merge into roundabout          traffic; mimes annoy tourists at the Eiffel Tower; a painter          works his magic on an unattractive couple; a couple kisses on          the most romantic spot in the world; we might even catch          GASTOW'S RESTAURANT.           64.                                                          The charming, low-key introduction ends with a SWEEPING VISTA          of Paris's center from far away as we CRANE DOWN INTO ---                                  EXT. STREET - DAY                                  --- a dirty street in the 1st Arrondissement. Finn and Holley          drive along together as Mater, playing "spy," darts back and          forth behind them from doorway to dumpster, "hiding out."          He's having a ball.                                                  FINN                          (TO HOLLEY)           Once we're inside, stay close.           Don't bother checking VIN numbers           for criminal records, they're all           dodgy here.                                                  HOLLEY           No VIN scans. Got it.                                                  FINN           Don't talk to anyone. Don't look at           anyone. And absolutely, positively           no idling. Are we clear?                                                  HOLLEY           Yes, right. No idling. Yes, sir.                                                  FINN           Mater?                                                  MATER           Yeah, Finn?                                                  FINN           We're not here to go shopping.                                  As Finn and Holley and Mater turn the corner...                                                  MATER           Shopping? What do you mean? Why           would I ---                                  Mater turns the corner and enters a massive Les Halles-          inspired Parisian market filled with car parts. A tow truck's          dream.                                                  MATER           Dadgum.                                                  MERCHANTS           - Parts for sale, Monsieur!           - Monsieur! Parts for sale!           65.                                                          IN THE MARKET - MOMENTS LATER                                  Mater rolls along, impressed by the goods for sale.                                                  MATER           You gotta be kidding me - they've           got everything here. Look at them           hoods! I could use a hood.                                  Mater continues on though, heeding Finn's advice.                                                  MATER           Sorry fellers, I gotta go.                                  INT. ENCLOSED MARKETPLACE - DAY                                  Mater, now out of sight of Finn and Holley, passes a darkened          stall. He STOPS, peers in. There's someone in there.                                                  MATER           Excuse me. What are you selling?                                  It suddenly OPENS its headlights revealing... EYES!! In          French, the mutant car pitches his wares to Mater. Mater          FREAKS OUT, speeds off, TERRIFIED.                                  AROUND THE CORNER - FINN AND HOLLEY                                  A few car lengths ahead of Mater. They roll along, looking          for... Aha! Finn and Holley recede into the shadows.                                  In FINN'S SIDE MIRROR: TOMBER, a three-wheeled parts dealer,          argues with a French customer.                                                  FINN           There you are.                                  Mater suddenly turns the corner, sees Finn and Holley.                                                  MATER           Man, there are some great ---                                                  FINN           Mater, get back!                                  Too late. Tomber sees Mater, then notices FINN, reflected in          a hubcap. He BOLTS. Finn and Holley give chase.                                                  MATER           Hey, wait for me!                                  Tomber, skidding away, kicks a tent in Finn's way. Holley          quickly pivots RIGHT and disappears. Where did she go?           66.                                                          Finn, hot in pursuit, leaps another obstacle and loses ground                         TO ---                                  --- Tomber who turns a corner and finds himself grill to          grill with HOLLEY. He whips to the left but TURNS OVER,          rolling sideways and CRASHING to a stop.                                  Holley ZAPS him with ELECTROSHOCKERS. Finn suddenly arrives,          stops her.                                                  FINN                          (TO HOLLEY)           Have you lost your mind?!                                                  HOLLEY           But I thought ---                                                  FINN           Mater! This chap needs a tow. Hook           him up.                                                  MATER           Sure thing.                          CUT TO:                                  MOMENTS LATER - Mater tows Tomber, following Finn and Holley.                                                  TOMBER           You rusty piece of junk, get your           dirty hook off me!                                  INT. A SMALL GARAGE - MOMENTS LATER                                  Finn throws open a door. Cars scatter like cockroaches.                                                  FINN           (to the cars)           Allez! Maintenant - vite!                                  Mater unhooks an angry Tomber who spits in French. Finn pulls          the door down. As it LATCHES TIGHT ---                                                  TOMBER                          (TO FINN)           Electroshock! Are you kidding me??                                                  FINN           Easy, Tomber. This is her first           field assignment - she didn't know           you were my informant.                                                  HOLLEY           Informant?           67.                                                                          TOMBER           A rookie, eh? I never liked new car-           smell.                                  Holley FUMES with anger.                                                  FINN           Tomber was doing 20 to life in a           Moroccan impound the first time I           saved him, if I recall correctly.                                                  TOMBER           Speaking of recalls, you're getting           up there in mileage aren't you,           Finn?                                                  HOLLEY           Alright, we get it. You both know           each other, you're both old. So.                                  Holley shoots a HOLOGRAPHIC PHOTO of the engine in front of          Tomber.                                                  HOLLEY           There you go, informant. Inform us.                                  Tomber eyes the photo. He recoils, unimpressed.                                                  TOMBER           That is the worst motor ever made.                                  Suddenly, Tomber narrows his gaze.                                                  TOMBER           Wait. That oil filter... those           wheel bearings.                                                  FINN           Do those parts look familiar,           Tomber?                                                  TOMBER           They should. I sold them.                                                  HOLLEY           To whom?                                                  TOMBER           No idea. He's my best customer, but           he always does his business over           the phone. I was always wondering           why he needs so many parts. Now I           know.           68.                                                                          MATER           Well, a lemon needs parts. Ain't           nothing truer than that.                                                  FINN           "Lemon?"                                                  MATER           Yeah, you know. Cars that don't           ever work right. Lemons is a tow           truck's bread and butter. Like them           Gremlins and Pacers we run into at           the party and the race and the           airport.                                                  FINN           Holley, pull up the pictures from           the oil platform. I want to know           what other type of cars were out           there.                                  Holley complies and suddenly PHOTOS OF CARS FROM THE OIL          PLATFORM hang suspended in the air in front of them.                                                  HOLLEY           Right. Let's see. There were Hugos.           And Trunkovs.                                                  FINN           Mater, are these cars considered           lemons?                                                  MATER           Is the Popemobile Catholic?                                                  HOLLEY           Finn. Everyone involved in this           plot is one of history's biggest           loser cars.                                  Holley refers to the ENGINE PHOTO, which now rises forward as          the prominent picture, perhaps the only one in view.                                                  FINN           And they're all taking their orders           from the car behind this engine.                                                  TOMBER           This explains it!                                                  FINN           What, Tomber?           69.                                                                          TOMBER           Gremlin, Pacer, Hugo and Trunkovs           never get together. But they're           having a secret meeting in two           days.                                                  FINN           Where's this meeting taking place?                                                  TOMBER           Porto Corsa, Italy.                                                  MATER           That's where the next race is!                                                  FINN           Then there's a good chance our           mystery engine will be there too.                                                  TOMBER           Your chances are more than good. I           just sent him a new clutch assembly           yesterday... to Porto Corsa.                                                  FINN           Holley, contact Stephenson and have           him meet us at Gare de Lyon. Good           work.                                  EXT. FRENCH ALPS - NIGHT                                  STEPHENSON, a THREE-CAR LUXURY BULLET TRAIN speeds along a          snow-covered mountain in the dead of night, its halogen          headlight cutting through the darkness. It DIPS into a                         TUNNEL ---                                   MATER (O.S.)           Boy, I'll tell you what. That three-           wheeled feller had to be right           about a big meeting.                                  INT. SPY CAR - MOVING - NIGHT                                  Mater, Finn and Holley scroll through surveillance-style          photos of TRAFFIC on an Italian street. They're in the front          train car, which doubles as a luxury seating area and          intelligence command center.                                                  MATER           You never see this many lemons in           one town. Unless there's a swap           meet, or something.                          (TO HOLLEY)                          (MORE)           70.                                                  MATER (CONT'D)           Hey, how'd you get all them           pictures?                                                  HOLLEY           Well, I remotely reprogrammed Porto           Corsa's red light cameras to do           recognition scans.                                                  MATER           Wow, not only is you the prettiest           car I ever met, but you the           smartest too.                                                  HOLLEY           Thank you. I think.                                                  MATER           That's a familiar sight.                                  Mater refers to a photo of VICTOR HUGO, the HUGO Lemonhead,          being towed by an EASTERN EUROPEAN TOW TRUCK.                                                  MATER           A Hugo being towed. But he looks           absolutely perfect.                                                  FINN           Of course. They must be the heads           of the lemon families.                                                  MATER           Makes sense. If I was rich and           broke down every day, I'd hire me           to tow me around all the time too.                                                  FINN           We've got to infiltrate that           meeting. It's the only way to find           out who's behind all this.                                                  HOLLEY                          (EYEING MATER)           Hang on a minute.                                                  MATER           What?                                                  HOLLEY           Hold still.                                  Holley SNAPS Mater's picture, temporarily blinding him.                                                  MATER           Ahh!           71.                                                          Holley turns back to her monitor. Mater's face appears on          screen. She quickly GRAFTS it over the Hugo's tow truck's.                                                  FINN           Good job, Miss Shiftwell.                                  Holley isn't sure what surprises her more: the compliment or          how pleased it makes her.                                                  HOLLEY           Thank you, Finn.                                                  MATER           Boy, I sure wish my friends could           see me now.                                  EXT. SMALL TOWN - ITALY - OUTSIDE PORTO CORSA - DAY                                  A quaint Italian piazza. A pristine MASERATI FOUNTAIN,          complete with ancient trident, looms in our view.                                  Luigi and Guido roll into view.                                                  LUIGI           Guido, your eyes do not deceive           you. We are in Italy. We are home!                                  Sarge, Fillmore and McQueen exit a WGP transport truck.                                                  FILLMORE           Hey, Luigi. Which way to the hotel,           man?                                                  LUIGI           What? No friends of mine will stay           in a hotel in my village. You will           stay with my --- Uncle Topolino!                                  UNCLE TOPOLINO, a distinguished 1937 Fiat Topolino, rolls          forward. He greets them warmly with affectionate Italian          salutations as word of Guido and Luigi's arrival spreads. The          square FILLS with family and friends.                                  EXT. PIAZZA - DUSK                                  A festive homecoming party. Lights strung across the square.          Music and dancing. Fillmore and Sarge are at a dining table.                                                  SARGE           How do they do it? These are the           same ingredients as back home, but           it tastes so good.           72.                                                                          FILLMORE           It's organic, man.                                                  SARGE           Tree hugger.                                  LIGHTNING MCQUEEN rolls along the periphery of the square,          seems lost in thought.                                   UNCLE TOPOLINO (O.S.)           Race car.                                  Uncle Topolino beckons McQueen over.                                                  UNCLE TOPOLINO           You look so down, so low. Is like           you have flat tires.                                  MAMA TOPOLINO, a hefty Italian grandmother pipes up, a mile a          minute then drives off, now a car on a mission.                                                  UNCLE TOPOLINO           She said you look like you're           starving. That she's going to make           you a big meal, and fatten you up.                                                  MCQUEEN           No, Mama Topolino, please. You           don't need to make a fuss!                                  Too late. She's disappeared inside her kitchen.                                                  UNCLE TOPOLINO           Capisco. I understand. Is a           problem, yes? Between you and a           friend?                                                  MCQUEEN           How'd you know that?                                                  UNCLE TOPOLINO           A wise car hears one word and           understands two.                                  McQueen takes this in, impressed.                                                  UNCLE TOPOLINO           That, and Luigi told me. While Mama           cooks, come and take a stroll with           me.                                  They amble forward, Uncle Topolino setting the pace.           73.                                                                          MCQUEEN           I brought my friend Mater along on           the trip. And I told him he needed           to act different, that we weren't           in Radiator Springs.                                                  UNCLE TOPOLINO           This Mater. He's a close friend?                                                  MCQUEEN           He's my best friend.                                                  UNCLE TOPOLINO           Then why would you ask him to be           someone else?                                  McQueen considers this - a realization.                                                  MCQUEEN           What did I do? I said some things           during our fight...                                                  UNCLE TOPOLINO           You know, back when Guido and Luigi           used to work for me, they would           fight over everything.                                  IN THE SQUARE - Guido dances with a girl. Luigi suddenly CUTS          IN. They begin to ARGUE.                                                  UNCLE TOPOLINO           They fight over what Ferrari was           the best Ferrari; which one of           them look more like a Ferrari...           There were even some non-Ferrari           fights.                                  Guido now LIFTS Luigi, cuts BACK in.                                                  UNCLE TOPOLINO           So I tell them, va bene. It's okay           to fight. Everybody fights now and           then, especially best friends.                                  McQueen takes this in. Seems to take some small comfort.                                                  UNCLE TOPOLINO           But you gotta make up fast.                                  McQueen's comfort quickly evaporates.                                                  UNCLE TOPOLINO           No fight more important than           friendship.           74.                                                          Guido and Luigi now dance together with the girl and her          friend who has just arrived. All having a great time. They          dance past us, crossing in front of MCQUEEN AND UNCLE          TOPOLINO. We STAY WITH them.                                                  UNCLE TOPOLINO           Chi trova un'amico, trova un           tesoro.                                                  MCQUEEN           What does that mean?                                                  MAMA TOPOLINO                          (ARRIVING)           Whoever find a friend, find a           treasure.                                  Mama Topolino drops a tray of food in front of McQueen.                                                  MAMA TOPOLINO           Now, mangia! Eat!                                  ON MCQUEEN, distant, taking all of this in, lost in thought          as, in the background, Uncle Topolino and Mama Topolino talk,          then argue, then make up (all in Italian) all while we stay          on McQueen's pensive face ---                                  INT. TRAIN TUNNEL - LATER                                  Stephenson glides along, all business.                                                  STEPHENSON           Finn, one hour to Porto Corsa.                                  INT. TRAIN - MOVING - LATER                                                  FINN           Thank you, Stephenson.                                  Finn watches as HOLLEY attaches a new EMERGENCY LIGHT on          Mater's roof. It looks exactly like his old one.                                                  HOLLEY           That should just about do it.                                                  FINN           Perfect.                                                  HOLLEY           So Mater, it's voice-activated. But           you know, everything's voice-           activated these days.           75.                                                                          MATER           What? I thought you was supposed to           be making me a disguise.                                                  MATER'S COMPUTER           Voice recognized. Disguise Program           Initiated.                                  ZWWWWAT! A HOLOGRAPHIC disguise suddenly umbrellas out,          emitted from Mater's roof. It drops a clean cloaking image of          the EASTERN EUROPEAN TOW TRUCK over Mater.                                                  MATER           Cool! Hey, computer. Make me a           German truck!                                                  MATER'S COMPUTER           Request acknowledged.                                  ZWATTTT! Mater suddenly wears lederhosen and a German hat.                                                  MATER           Check it out. I'm wearing           Materhosen. Make me a monster           truck!                                                  MATER'S COMPUTER           Request acknowledged.                                  He's transformed into Dracula, complete with fangs.                                                  MATER                          (ALA DRACULA)           I vant to siphon your gas. Now make           me a taco truck!                                                  MATER'S COMPUTER           Request acknowledged.                                                  MATER           A funny car!                                                  MATER'S COMPUTER           Request acknowledged.                                  Finn suddenly pushes a button, stops the madness.                                                  FINN           The idea is to keep a low profile,           Mater.                                  Mater, chastened, moves on.           76.                                                                          MATER           So I just go in, pretend to be this           truck.                                                  FINN           And leave the rest to us.                                                  HOLLEY           Now hold still.                                  Holley turns back to her work. The disguise's cloaking is          larger than Mater. As a result, Holley must dial it back to          fit his body. As she carefully calibrates the hologram:                                                  HOLLEY           I have to do the final fitting on           your disguise.                                  Holley STOPS. The 3D disguise is now flush with his frame,          but dents SHOW THROUGH.                                                  HOLLEY           Oh dear. That's no good.                                  She deploys A BONDO SPRAYER on a robotic arm, moves it toward          one of Mater's DENTS. Mater pulls away.                                                  MATER           Hey, what are you doing?                                                  HOLLEY           The disguise won't calibrate           effectively without a smooth           surface to graft onto.                                                  MATER           Oh. For a second there I thought           you was trying to fix my dents.                                                  HOLLEY           I was.                                                  MATER           Well then no thank you. I don't get           them dents buffed, pulled, filled           or painted by nobody. They're way           too valuable.                                                  HOLLEY           Your dents are valuable?                                                  MATER           I come by each one of them with my           best friend Lightning McQueen.                          (MORE)           77.                                                  MATER (CONT'D)           I don't fix these. I want to           remember these dents forever.                                                  HOLLEY           So you were being serious in Paris?           McQueen isn't just part of your           cover?                                                  FINN           Friendships can be dangerous in our           line of work, Mater.         ��                                        MATER           But my line of work is towing and           salvage.                                                  FINN           Right. And Miss Shiftwell's is           designing iPhone apps.                                                  MATER           No, I meant for real. I ---                                                  HOLLEY           It's okay. Say no more. I'll work           around the dent.                                                  FINN           In the meantime...                                  Finn hits a button. The walls transform into a MASSIVE          WEAPONS CACHE.                                                  FINN           You look a little light on weapons.                                  Off Mater's RXN ---                                  EXT. ALPS - DAWN                                  --- STEPHENSON EMERGES LOUDLY from a tunnel. He powers          forward, starts his descent into Italy ---                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           You are looking live at beautiful           Porto Corsa, Italy, on the Italian           Riviera. What a magnificent setting           for the second race of the World           Grand Prix.                                  EXT. PORTO CORSA, ITALY - DAY                                  Over sweeping helicopter BEAUTY SHOTS:           78.                                                           DAVID HOBBSCAP (V.O.)           Well Brent, they call this place           "The Gem of the Riviera," and it's           easy to see why.                                  A local fishing boat chugs through an idyllic waterway,          beneath bridges that connect hillside villas.                                   DAVID HOBBSCAP (V.O.)           With its secluded beaches and           opulent casinos, Porto Corsa truly           is a playground for the wealthy.                                  A long line of RICH-LOOKING YACHTS in the harbor.                                   DAVID HOBBSCAP (V.O.)           And everyone who's anyone is here           today.                                  Rich SPORTS CARS drive past pricey shops.                                   DAVID HOBBSCAP (V.O.)           From the ultra-rich and super-           famous, to world leaders and           important dignitaries.                                  THE POPEMOBILE, visible in a crowd, drives through town.                                   DARRELL CARTRIP (V.O.)           You aren't kidding, David. You           can't do a three-point turn around           here without bumping into some           celebrity!                                  HELICOPTER SHOT of the Casino.                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           Welcome everyone to the second race           of the World Grand Prix!                          CUT TO:                                  MUSTANGBURGER, HOBBSCAP and CARTRIP in the control booth.                                                  BRENT MUSTANGBURGER           The big news continues to be           Allinol. Sir Miles Axlerod spoke to           the press earlier today to answer           questions about its safety.                                  FOOTAGE OF THE PRESS CONFERENCE - Miles Axlerod, at a podium,          addresses the press throng. He looks a bit exasperated.           79.                                                                          MILES AXLEROD           An independent panel of scientists           has determined that Allinol is           completely safe. Okay? Safe! There           it is.                                                  BRENT MUSTANGBURGER           So the race will go on, folks.                                  RACE GRAPHICS show Francesco with 10 points at the top of the          race standings.                                                  DARRELL CARTRIP           But the question everyone is           asking: Will the real Lightning           McQueen show up today?                                  ON THE TRACK - As the racers begin to get into position on          the grid.                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           Well, he better. Talk about a home-           track advantage. Francesco           Bernoulli grew up racing on this           course.                                   ITALIAN TRACK ANNOUNCER (V.O.)           Signore e signori, in the pole           position, numero uno...                                  The crowd is cheering already, knows who this is.                                   ITALIAN TRACK ANNOUNCER (V.O.)           ... Francescoooooo!                                  The Italian crowd roars and chants for their hometown hero.                                                  FRANCESCO           (to the crowd)           Bellissima! Thank you for your           support.                          (TO MCQUEEN)           And your big mistake, McQueen!                                  McQueen missed this comment. He approaches his grid position,          lost in thought.                                   ITALIAN TRACK ANNOUNCER (V.O.)           In the secondo position. Numero           novantacinque. Lightning McQueen!                                  Cheers (not so thunderous, obviously) from the crowd. McQueen          doesn't seem to notice.           80.                                                          IN MCQUEEN'S PIT - His team exchanges looks, worried.                                                  LUIGI           McQueen? Is everything okay?                                                  FILLMORE           If you're worried about your fuel,           man, don't. It's perfectly safe.                                  BACK ON THE STARTING GRID                                                  MCQUEEN           No, guys, I just really wish Mater           were here.                                   FRANCESCO (O.S.)           Francesco understands, McQueen.                                  Francesco parks next to him, grinning.                                                  MCQUEEN           Oh, great. Here it comes. What've           you got, Francesco?                                                  FRANCESCO           For famous race cars like Francesco           and well... you, to be far away           from home is not easy.                                                  MCQUEEN           I think you forgot the insulting           part of that insult.                                                  FRANCESCO           Is no insult. When Francesco is           away from home, he misses his mama           just like you miss your tow truck           amico.                                                  MCQUEEN           Gee, I maybe misjudged you, because           that's exactly how I ---                                                  FRANCESCO           Of course, I am at home. And my           mama is right here.                                  Francesco refers to his MAMA who sits in a special box in the          crowd, cheering him on, blowing him kisses.                                                  FRANCESCO                          (YELLS)           Mama! Don't worry, Mama!                          (MORE)           81.                                                  FRANCESCO (CONT'D)           McQueen is very sad! I will beat           his cry-baby bottom today!                                                  MCQUEEN           And there's the insult we were           missing. Grazie!                                  THE LIGHTS - CLICK FROM RED TO GREEN ---                                  THE RACERS TAKE OFF!                                  EXT. PORTO CORSA - DAY                                  SHOTS of the racers making the first few turns through the          city streets. We PAN to the CASINO DI PORTO CORSA. The Beaux          Arts-style architecture towers atop a hill, overlooks the          course.                                  EXT. THE CASINO - MOMENTS LATER                                  A group of thuggish HUGOS - ugly Eastern European cars - wait          impatiently at the front. A LIMOUSINE-STYLE car carrier rolls          up to the roundabout.                                  An esteemed, elderly GREMLIN rolls past with a group of          GREMLIN THUGS who usher him into the casino.                                                  ALEXANDER HUGO           Gremlins. Man, those are some ugly           cars. Look like someone stole their           trunks.                                  The THUGS all SNICKER.                                                  HOLLEY           Scusatemi, tutti! Signori!                                  Holley arrives, sporting a decent Italian accent.                                                  HOLLEY           Mio nonno, my grandfather, has           broken down. If one of you would           help I would be so thankful.                                  IVAN, AN EASTERN EUROPEAN TOW TRUCK (the one Holley and Finn          prepped Mater to impersonate), drives forward.                                   IVAN THE TOW TRUCK           Sounds like you need some "roadside           assistance".                                                  ANOTHER HUGO           She was talking to me, Ivan.           82.                                                           IVAN THE TOW TRUCK           Oh really? Prove it.                                                  HOLLEY           No, no, don't fight over me.                                  Holley directs her interest toward Ivan.                                                  HOLLEY           Signore Tow Truck, per favore?                          CUT TO:                                  MATER - He watches this from a safe hiding spot around a          corner.                                   FINN (V.O.)           Get ready, Mater.                          CUT TO:                                  FINN, at an outdoor cafe on the casino grounds.                                                  FINN           You're on any moment now.           CUT BACK TO:                                  MATER, now looking a bit nervous. He backs out of sight.                                                  MATER           I don't know about this, Finn.           What if I screw things up?                                   FINN (OVER RADIO)           Impossible. Just apply the same           level of dedication you've been           using to play the "idiot tow truck"           and you'll be fine.                                                  MATER           It's just that them guys look           pretty tough and --- Wait, did you           say "idiot"? Is that how you see           me?                                   FINN (OVER RADIO)           That's how everyone sees you. Isn't           that the idea? I tell you, that's           the genius of it. No one realizes           they're being fooled because           they're too busy laughing at the           fool. Brilliant.                                  While Finn talks, Mater takes this in. He catches his own          reflection in a nearby window. Seems to be seeing himself          with new eyes.           83.                                                          ZZZZATTT! Mater jumps at the sound, turns in time to see Ivan          SHOCKED UNCONSCIOUS by Holley's ZAPPERS.                                                  HOLLEY           Why aren't you in disguise?                                                  MATER           I, uh---                                                  HOLLEY           Come on, there's no time. Go!                                                  MATER           Okay, okay. Computer: disguise.                                                  MATER'S COMPUTER           Request acknowledged.                                  EXT. AROUND THE NEXT CORNER - CONTINUOUS                                  Mater, now disguised as Ivan the Tow Truck, approaches the          Hugos. Another LIMO CAR CARRIER arrives.                                                  ALEXANDER HUGO           It's the boss! He is coming!                                  The carrier parks and the back opens. VICTOR HUGO waits.                                                  VICTOR HUGO           Ivan!                                  Mater realizes Victor is talking to him. He hops to it.                                                  VICTOR HUGO           Ivan, why do you insult me so by           making me wait?                                  Mater, now with Victor hooked, tows him in the front doors of          the casino.                                  ON FINN - now joined in the cafe by Holley who monitors          everything and SEES EVERYTHING MATER SEES on her display.                                                  HOLLEY           He's in.                                  EXT. RACE COURSE - PORTO CORSA - DAY                                  McQueen and Francesco battle for first place ---                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           The racers are now making their way           around the hairpin, and headed           downhill toward the casino bridge.           84.                                                          INT. CASINO - DAY                                  Cars play craps with FUZZY DICE; slot machines with odometers          for jackpot numbers; cigarette girls sell car items.                                   CIGARETTE GIRL CAR           Air Freshener, antenna balls,           sparkplugs...                                  ON MATER - He tows VICTOR. They are flanked on all four          corners by Hugo thugs, ala a presidential motorcade. The          largess of the interior design seems to finally snap Mater          out of his funk.                                                  MATER                          (WIDE-EYED)           Wow, this place looks like it's           made out of gold.                                  The Hugos on either side of Mater exchange a look.                                   HOLLEY (OVER RADIO)           That's because it is, Mater. Now,           be careful what you say.                                                  MATER           Why is that? What do you mean don't           talk to you?           (more talking from Holley           which we cannot hear)           So you want me to stop talking to           you. Right now?                                                  ALEXANDER HUGO           You are acting strange today, Ivan.                                                  MATER           I have no idea what you're talking           about...                                  MATER'S P.O.V. - A digital readout isolates the Hugo and          starts to scroll reams of information alongside.                                                  MATER           ...Alexander Hugo, aka "Chop Shop           Alex."                                  IN A WIDER SHOT we realize this display is invisible to all          but Mater. Some of Alex's other alias' include "Alexander Hu-          Don't Go" and "Alexander the Not-So Great."           85.                                                                          MATER           Hey, you got a lot of aka's, Alex.           But I guess that makes sense           seeings how you's wanted in France,           Germany, the Czech Republic...                                                  HOLLEY           (cutting in to his                          DISPLAY)           Mater! Stop it!                                  Alexander Hugo, unaware of Holley's interruption, whispers to          Mater as they turn a corner.                                                  ALEXANDER HUGO           Okay, okay. Keep your voice down.           You're gonna make me arrested.           (to the other Hugos)           Don't mess with Ivan today. He's in           a bad mood.                                  EXT. CASINO - DAY                                  Holley, hearing this, can't believe it.                                                  FINN           He's so good.                                  INT. CASINO - DAY                                  Mater tows Victor inside a private room, where inside are the          WORLD'S WORST CARS including VLADMIR TRUNKOV, TUBBS PACER and          J. CURBY GREMLIN.                                                  VLADIMIR TRUNKOV           Victor!                                                  TUBBS PACER           Hey, Victor!                                   J. CURBY GREMLIN           There you are.                                                  VLADIMIR TRUNKOV           Come in, come in.                                   J. CURBY GREMLIN           Victor Hugo. I'm J. Curby Gremlin,           from Detroit. It's good to see you.           Now we can start.                                                  VICTOR HUGO           Is the big boss here yet?           86.                                                                          VLADIMIR TRUNKOV           No, not yet.                                                  TUBBS PACER           He's supposed to be here any           minute.                                  WHAM! A DOOR is thrown open O.S. Everyone turns, now silent.                                  ON THE DOOR - It sits open. No one enters.                                  The room of Lemons watch, nervous.                                  ON MATER - Nervously watching too.                                  EXT. CASINO - CONTINUOUS                                                  FINN           Here we go.                                  INT. PRIVATE ROOM - CASINO - CONTINUOUS                                  A car finally appears. It's Zundapp.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           Guten Tag!                                  Everyone looks disappointed.                                                  TUBBS PACER           It's just the Professor.                                                  VICTOR HUGO           Zundapp, when is he coming?                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           He's already here.                                  MONITORS descend from the ceiling. On them, an image of AN          ENGINE - the same bloody engine from the photo. But this is a          LIVE image. The car is being worked on.                                                  VOICE           Welcome, everyone.                                  The VOICE is garbled, scrambled. No way to determine who.                                                  ENGINE VOICE           I wish I could be with you on this           very special day but... my clutch           assembly broke. You know how it is.                                  The Lemons all nod in understanding.           87.                                                                          TUBBS PACER           Been there.                                   J. CURBY GREMLIN           Forget about it.                                                  VLADIMIR TRUNKOV           We know how you feel.                                  EXT. CASINO                                                  FINN           Descramble that voice!                                                  HOLLEY           (already on it)           I'm trying... It's too           sophisticated!                                  INT. PRIVATE ROOM - CASINO - CONTINUOUS                                                  ENGINE VOICE           We are here to celebrate. Today all           your hard work pays off. The world           turned their backs on cars like us.           They stopped manufacturing us,           stopped making our parts. The only           thing they haven't stopped doing is           laughing at us. They've called us           terrible names...                                  On VICTOR HUGO.                                                  ENGINE VOICE           Jalopy. Rustbucket.                                  On TUBBS PACER.                                                  ENGINE VOICE           Heap. Clunker.                                  On J. CURBY GREMLIN:                                                  ENGINE VOICE           Junker, beater, wreck.                                  On ZUNDAPP.                                                  ENGINE VOICE           Rattletrap.                                  And finally back on the monitor. The ENGINE.           88.                                                                          ENGINE VOICE           Lemon. But their insults just give           us strength. Because today, my           friends...                                  The monitors switch to LIVE RACE FOOTAGE.                                                  ENGINE VOICE           ...that all ends.                                  On the VIDEO SCREENS - CARLA VELOSO'S ENGINE BLOWS ---                                  EXT. RACE COURSE - CONTINUOUS                                  Veloso swerves, attempts to mitigate a crash ---                                   DARRELL CARTRIP (V.O.)           There's smoke! On the casino           bridge!                                   DAVID HOBBSCAP (V.O.)           Oh no.                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           It's Carla Veloso, the Brazilian           race car.                                  She skids into a wall, hard.                                  EXT. CASINO - CONTINUOUS                                                  FINN           What just happened?                                                  HOLLEY           (analyzing the data)           I'm working on it.                                  INT. PRIVATE ROOM - CASINO - CONTINUOUS                                  The lemons are CHEERING. Mater is freaked out.                                                  ENGINE VOICE           They laughed at us. But now it's           our turn to laugh back.                                  BOOM! Another racer blows an engine. Mater JUMPS again.                                  EXT. RACE COURSE - SAME                                  As the racer smashes into the railing ---           89.                                                           DAVID HOBBSCAP (V.O.)           Another crash! It's number nine,           Nigel Gearsley.                                   ENGINE VOICE (V.O.)           Embrace your inner lemon! Let it           drive you!                                  EXT. CASINO                                                  FINN           Holley?                                                  HOLLEY           I'm detecting an extremely strong           electromagnetic pulse.                                  Holley replays that last crash. The OUTLINE OF THE BEAM is          seen hitting the racer. Holley TRACES THIS to its source ---                                  --- a WGP CAMERA, which Grem and Acer have pointed at the          racers from a tower position.                                                  HOLLEY           Finn, it's the camera!                                                  FINN           Where?                                                  HOLLEY           On the tower.                                  Finn TAKES OFF, speeding toward Grem and Acer ---                                   ENGINE VOICE (V.O.)           This was meant to be alternative           fuel's greatest moment.                                  EXT. GRANDSTANDS - RACE COURSE - CONTINUOUS                                  Angry fans knock over cans of Allinol. One drives over an          Allinol sign. They're fed up with it.                                   ENGINE VOICE (V.O.)           After today everyone will race back           to gasoline.                                  We RACK FOCUS to reveal another fan as he RIPS an Allinol          banner down angrily.                                  INT. PRIVATE ROOM - CASINO - CONTINUOUS                                  The video screens are now filled with ONE IMAGE - of the OIL          PLATFORMS in the Pacific from the beginning of the movie.           90.                                                                          ENGINE VOICE           And we, the owners of the world's           largest untapped oil reserve, will           become the most powerful cars in           the world!                                  EXT. STREETS OF PORTO CORSA - CONTINUOUS                                  Finn ducks, weaves, speeds, and pushes his way through                         BYSTANDERS ---                                                  FINN           Get out of the way! Andate!                                  He speeds furiously through town.                                  EXT. RACE COURSE - PORTO CORSA - CONTINUOUS                                  McQueen and Francesco FLY PAST US.                                  INT. PRIVATE ROOM - CASINO                                                  ENGINE VOICE           They will come to us and they will           have no choice, `cause they will           need us.                                  ON FINN - He SPEEDS up a road, Grem and Acer visible ahead of          him. He LEAPS over the crevasse toward the AMC cousins ---                                  Suddenly, FINN FREEZES. He's immobilized in mid-air!                                  He looks up. A CHOPPER with a LARGE MAGNET hovers over him.                                                  ACER                          (TO FINN)           We figured you might stop by.                                   ENGINE VOICE (V.O.)           And they will finally respect us.           So hold your hoods high. After           today you will never again be           ashamed of who you are!                                  Grem and Acer turn back to the camera. They line up Shu          Todoroki, who's a bit further along now.                                                  FINN           No!                                  INT. PRIVATE ROOM - CASINO - CONTINUOUS                                                  ENGINE VOICE           Long live Lemons!           91.                                                          EXT. RACE COURSE                                  Grem ZAPS THE RACER.                                  Flames burst from Todoroki. He loses control.                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           Number seven is loose! Shu           Todoroki!                                  Shu takes down three more cars with him and others follow          suit. It's a nightmare pileup.                                  EXT. CASINO - SAME                                  Holley sees Finn being flown away by the chopper.                                                  HOLLEY           Finn.                                  EXT. FINISH LINE - PORTO CORSA - CONTINUOUS                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           Bumper to bumper as they approach           the finish line.                                  McQueen NOSES out Francesco for a win, both oblivious to          what's just happened.                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           McQueen's the winner, Francesco's           second. And they have no idea what           happened behind them.                                                  MCQUEEN           Yeah!                                                  FRANCESCO           Dah! This is impossible!                                                  MCQUEEN           That's what I'm talking about.           Kachow! Hey, where are all the           other cars?                                                  FRANCESCO           What is going on?                                  They see the pile-up from an overhead monitor. Sirens blare          as a MEDIC CHOPPER flies to the scene of the pile-up.           92.                                                                          MCQUEEN                          (REALIZES)           Oh no.                          CUT TO:                                  MILES AXLEROD - LATER. He's near the casino. He's completely          surrounded, 360 degrees, by press. He's drowned out by a          blizzard of questions.                                                  BRENT MUSTANGBURGER           Sir Axlerod! Is the final race in           London still going to take place?                                  PULL BACK to reveal we are watching this on monitors in the          PRIVATE CASINO ROOM with the Lemonheads, Zundapp and Mater.                                   MILES AXLEROD (ON TV)           I suppose that... Look, "the show           must go on" as they say. But now is           not the time to talk about...                                   J. CURBY GREMLIN           I can't believe this is really           happening.                                                  VLADIMIR TRUNKOV           Shh, quiet!                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (ON TV)           And Allinol? Will you require all           the racers to still run on Allinol?                                                  VLADIMIR TRUNKOV           Here it comes.                                  On Miles Axlerod: He's devastated.                                   MILES AXLEROD (ON TV)           I cannot in good conscience           continue to risk the lives of any           more race cars. The final race will           not be run on Allinol.                                  WILD WHOOPING CHEERS fill the room. Lemonade corks are          popped.                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (ON TV)           There you have it. A clearly           devastated Sir Miles Axlerod           announcing that he will not require           the cars to use Allinol for the           final race.           93.                                                                          PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           A toast! To the death of Allinol           and alternative fuel forever!                                  EXT. CASINO - CONTINUOUS                                  Holley is already on the run. Speeding away.                                                  HOLLEY           Mater. Abort the mission. They've           got Finn. Get out of there. Get out           of there right now!                                  She turns a corner and STOPS.                                  Her escape is now blocked by the same HUGO THUGS she tricked          before. Another vehicle appears BEHIND HER, LOOMS.                                   IVAN THE TOW TRUCK           How is your grandfather?                                  INT. PRIVATE ROOM - CASINO - CONTINUOUS                                  The Lemonheads celebrate, chant "Long live lemons!" Mater,          scared, turns to leave. He's stopped by ALEXANDER HUGO.                                                  ALEXANDER HUGO           Isn't this a great party, Ivan?                                                  MATER           Oh yeah, it's unbelievable.                                                  ALEXANDER HUGO           You are not leaving, are you?                                                  MATER           Uh, of course I ain't leavin'.                                   MCQUEEN (O.S.)           I'm just in shock like everybody...                                                  MATER           McQueen?                                  He turns, sees that McQueen is being interviewed on the          monitors.                                   MCQUEEN (ON TV)           Crashes are part of racing, I know.           But something like that shouldn't           ever happen.           94.                                                           DARRELL CARTRIP (ON TV)           They're letting you choose your           fuel for the final race. Do you           have any idea what it's going to           be?                                   MCQUEEN (ON TV)           Allinol.                                  The excitement suddenly DRAINS from the room.                                                  LEMONHEADS           - What?! - Did he just say           Allinol? After today?                                   MCQUEEN (ON TV)           My friend Fillmore says the fuel's           safe. That's good enough for me. I           didn't stand by a friend of mine           recently. I'm not gonna make the           same mistake twice.                                  On Mater. He takes this in.                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (ON TV)           So a surprising revelation from           Lightning McQueen...                                  Zundapp is already on the phone with their Big Boss who,          based on his angry O.S. voice, sounds ticked off.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           Yes, sir. Of course.                                  Zundapp hangs up, turns to the room.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           Allinol must be finished for good.           McQueen cannot win the last race.           Lightning McQueen must be killed.                                  Mater's eyes open wide.                                                  MATER           No!                                  Mater backs up, KNOCKING his emergency light against one of          the monitors. ZZZZZAT! His holographic disguise flickers away          then quickly SCROLLS THROUGH all of his previous disguises,          finally revealing rusty old Mater.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           It's the American spy!           95.                                                          The thugs DRAW TERRIFYING WEAPONS.                                                  MATER           Dadgum.                                                  MATER'S COMPUTER           "Gatling gun" request acknowledged.                                  WHIRRRRR! GUNS roll out of Mater on each side.                                                  MATER           Shoot. I didn't mean ---                                                  MATER'S COMPUTER           Request acknowledged.                                  Mater SPRAYS BULLETS into the crowd.                                                  VLADIMIR TRUNKOV           Get down!                                                  MATER           Whoa!!                                  The Lemons and Lemonheads hit the deck and RETURN FIRE ---                                  Mater is THROWN BACKWARD by the force of the guns, back          through some double doors and onto a BALCONY.                                                  MATER           Wait wait! I didn't mean that kind           of shoot!                                                  MATER'S COMPUTER           Correction acknowledged. Deploying           chute.                                  WHOOM! A PARACHUTE BURSTS out of the back of Mater, he          catches air and is YANKED INTO THE SKY!                                  The Lemonheads watch him float away, amazed.                                  ON MATER, out of the frying pan but still toasty. He looks          around, notices:                                  LIGHTNING MCQUEEN, far away, leaving the press podium.                                                  MATER           McQueen!                                  Mater looks down at the harbor, over which he flies. He spots          a MOTORBOAT. Mater WHIPS his hook down, steals a ride behind          the boat TOWARD MCQUEEN.           96.                                                                          ITALIAN MOTORBOAT           Aspetti!                                  The motorboat isn't happy about this, tries to shake him.          Mater is THROWN INTO A "HOTEL" sign, then SMASHES down          through a Francesco souvenir stand. As he CRASHES onto the          ground hard, we SMASH CUT TO ---                                  EXT. SECURITY CHECKPOINT - WINNERS CIRCLE                                  --- a barricade. Separating the press from the public,          ITALIAN SECURITY TRUCKS stand guard.                                                  MATER           Lemme through! Lemme through!                                  MATER barrels around a corner. He's now covered in Francesco          memorabilia and palm leaves. The word `HOT' now dangles off          him like the world's biggest bling. He looks INSANE.                                                  MATER                          (TO SECURITY)           You gotta let me in! I gotta get           through to warn McQueen!                                  Security eyes one another. This is serious.                                                  ITALIAN SECURITY #1           You cannot come through here. Back           up, signore.                                                  ITALIAN SECURITY #2           (into a walkie-talkie)           We have a lunatic at Gate Nove.                                                  MATER           No, listen! I was disguised as a           tow truck to infiltrate this           Lemonhead meeting and my weapons           system misinterperated what I was                          SAYING ---                                                  ITALIAN SECURITY #2           I repeat. Lunatic at Gate Nove.                                  Mater spots McQueen far off in the distance.                                                  MATER           McQueen! McQueen!                                  JUST OFF THE PRESS STAGE - McQueen is led toward the exit.                                                  PRESS LIAISON           Right this way, signore.           97.                                                           MATER (O.S.)                          (DISTANT)           McQueen!                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater?                                  McQueen looks up but can only see A SEA OF VEHICLES,          flashbulbs, cameras, TV trucks with those tall satellite          antennae things that spindle toward the sky...                                  BACK AT THE SECURITY BARRICADE - Mater, like a nimble running          back, dances around to avoid capture by security.                                                  MATER           McQueen!                                                  ITALIAN SECURITY #1           Back up, sir. Stop moving! Stop!                                  Mater head fakes them and pushes through, into the crowd ---                                                  ITALIAN SECURITY #1           Oy! Stop! Ferma li!                                  IN THE CROWD - Mater shoves his way through. He's still far          in the back.                                                  MATER           McQueen!                                                 ON MCQUEEN                                                  MCQUEEN           That really sounded like Mater.           Mater?                                                  PRESS LIAISON                          (TO MCQUEEN)           Signore...                                  ON MATER, getting CLOSER...                                                  MATER           McQueen, they're gonna kill you!!                                  ON MCQUEEN - Okay, he's positive that was his friend, but          where is he?                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater?!                                  McQueen spots a TOW HOOK, moving through the crowd toward          him, "Jaws"-like.           98.                                                                          MCQUEEN           Excuse me.                                  McQueen disappears into the press crowd.                                                  PRESS LIAISON           No, no, where are you going?           Please, Mr. McQueen!                                  McQueen pushes through the press.                                                  MCQUEEN           Scusi. Mater! Scusi...                                  McQueen tracks the tow hook, gets closer. He pushes through          the last few vehicles ---                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater, I'm so glad to see you. I'm           so sorr ---                                  It's NOT MATER. It's IVAN, the Hugo Thug's tow truck.                                   IVAN THE TOW TRUCK           Lightning McQueen! I am a huge fan.                                                  MCQUEEN                          (CONFUSED)           Oh, I'm sorry. I thought I heard---                                   IVAN THE TOW TRUCK           Yes, but that was me. I said, "You           killed out there today." You're           the best.                                                  MCQUEEN           What? Oh. I mean, thanks.                                                  PRESS LIAISON           Right this way, signore ---                                  Now the Press Liaison and his assistants are pushing McQueen          back in the other direction ---                                                  MCQUEEN           (as he's pulled away)           I really thought I heard my friend.                                  As he's pulled away, press and onlookers start to come          between him and Ivan, who hasn't moved.           99.                                                           IVAN THE TOW TRUCK                          (TO MCQUEEN)           In England you'll be finished. At           the finish line.                                  Ivan is now obscured again.                                                  MCQUEEN           Wait, what?                                  The ITALIAN PRESS being to swarm.                                                  PRESS LIAISON           Please, the world press is waiting.           You come with me, please.                                  McQueen is pulled back ---                                  EXT. STREET - PORTO CORSA - MOMENTS LATER                                  --- just as Mater, now BOUND and with HIS MOUTH TAPED, is          pulled away and thrown into the back of a transport vehicle.          He lands hard on his side, spits out his TAPE.                                                  MATER           Let me go!                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           You actually care about that race           car. A pity you didn't warn him in           time.                                  As the doors close on Mater --- PHHHHHSSSSSSTTTTTTT! A          thick, noxious gas starts to fill the truck.                                  On MATER as the knockout gas works its magic. HIS EYES CLOSE.                          CUT TO:                                  BLACK SCREEN.                                   MATER (V.O.)           Idiot? Is that how you see me?                                   FINN (V.O.)           That's how everyone sees you. I           tell you, that's the genius of it.                                  FADE IN on Mater, back at the Casino, eyeing his reflection          in the glass window. It's the same moment from before except          now we are watching it from a DETACHED, FLOATING PERSPECTIVE.           100.                                                           FINN (OVER RADIO)           No one realizes they're being           fooled because they're too busy           laughing at the fool.                                  - IN THE KABUKI THEATER IN JAPAN - Again, from before. Mater          makes a spectacle of himself, WHOOPING AND HOLLERING in the          stands with the face paint on.                                                  MATER           Domo arigato!                                  McQueen, Fillmore, Guido, Luigi, Sarge and patrons eye Mater,          embarrassed and angry.                                  - IN THE JAPANESE MUSEUM - The moment of Mater banging on the          Zen rock garden's glass. Except that now we see all sorts of          disappointed and eyebrow raising reactions.                                                  MATER           You done good! You got all the           leaves!                                                  JEFF GORVETTE           Check out that tow truck.                                                  LEWIS HAMILTON           I wonder who that guy's with?                                                  MCQUEEN                          (HUMILIATED)           Will you guys excuse me just for           one little second?                                  We now REVEAL that this FLOATING, THIRD PERSON PERSPECTIVE is          MATER. He's INSIDE his past, watching it from others' points          of view. He doesn't like what he sees.                                  - ON MATER, now at the sushi bar.                                                  MATER           Now that's a scoop of ice cream!                                  Mater swallows the wasabi with one big bite. He SCREAMS! The          sushi bar patrons blanch with revulsion at his wail.                                  - ON THE FOUNTAIN, as Mater peels into full view of everyone          else at the party. As Mater laps up water from a fountain:                                                  MCQUEEN                          (EMBARRASSED)           Mater?!           101.                                                          ALL THE RACERS, with FRANCESCO front and center, guffaw at          Mater.                                  - On MCQUEEN, now scolding Mater moments later.                                                  MATER           I never leak oil. Never.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater, you have to get a hold of           yourself. You're making a scene!                                  - IN MCQUEEN'S PIT GARAGE, after the Japanese race.                                                  MATER           Wait a minute. I didn't screw you           up, did I?                                                  MCQUEEN           I lost the race because of you!                                                  MATER           Maybe if I talked to somebody, or---                                                  MCQUEEN           I don't need your help. I don't           want your help!                                  - Now BACK AT THE PARTY, a moment we didn't see before but          which presumably happened. Mater is BANGING a ceremonial          GONG, to the horror of Japanese guests.                                                  MATER           Bang a gong, get it on!                                  GONNNNNNG!!! ---                                  On the PARTYGOERS, RACE CARS, PARTY STAFF - they're all          laughing at Mater as McQueen's final words blend in, making a                         DISSATISFIED CACOPHONY                                                  MCQUEEN           Listen, this isn't Radiator           Springs. This is exactly why I           don't bring you along to these           things!                                  Off the GONG at the party ---                                  INT. BIG BENTLEY - DAY                                  --- to the GONG of a CLOCK.                                  CLOSE ON MATER as he OPENS HIS EYES.           102.                                                          All around him, all he sees are GIANT PIECES OF MECHANIZED          CLOCKWORK.                                  HOLLEY and FINN are here too, strapped bumper to bumper in          the divots of large clock movements.                                                  MATER           Holley! Finn! Where are we?                                                  FINN           We're in London, Mater. Inside Big           Bentley.                                  EXT. BIG BENTLEY - CONTINUOUS                                  The BIG HAND finishes ADVANCING one minute. It's 3 PM.                                  INT. BIG BENTLEY - CONTINUOUS                                  Suddenly Mater DROPS QUICKLY down toward ---                                  --- whirring, scary machinery.                                                  MATER           Woaaaah! ---                                  WHAP! The chain yanks to a STOP.                                  Mater, instead of being 30 feet from death, is now 20.                                  Finn and Holley are only a few clicks closer to being crushed          themselves. The clock ticks to 3:01.                                                  MATER           This... this is all my fault.                                                  FINN           Don't be a fool, Mater.                                                  MATER           But I am, remember? You said so.                                                  FINN           When did I... Oh. Mater, I was           complimenting you on what a good           spy you are.                                                  MATER           I'm not a spy!                                  This echoes throughout the clock.           103.                                                                          MATER           I've been trying to tell you that           the whole time. I really am just a           tow truck.                                  Finn and Holley take this in.                                                  HOLLEY           Finn, he's not joking.                                                  FINN           I know.                                                  MATER           You were right, Finn. I'm a fool.           And what's happened to McQueen is           `cause I'm such a big one. This is           all my fault.                                  GREM and ACER arrive on a lift, roll into view on a catwalk.                                                  GREM           Good, you're up!                                                  ACER           And just in time!                                                  GREM           Professor Z wanted you to have a           front row seat for the death of           Lightning McQueen.                                                  MATER                          (HOPEFUL)           He's still alive?                                  Acer whips a sheet away, revealing the WGP CAMERA, turns it          toward the clock face.                                                  ACER           Not for much longer.                                  He pushes the camera through an open small window, turns it          toward the course. Mater DROPS down again ---                                  FINN and HOLLEY CLICK FORWARD.                                  EXT. LONDON - DAY                                  Big Bentley's big hand CLICKS ahead another minute. But we're          a bit farther away from it than before.                                   SALLY (O.S.)           We came as soon as you called.           104.                                                          INT. MCQUEEN'S PIT - LONDON                                  Sally, flanked by Red, Flo and Ramone, are in front of ----                                  --- McQueen and the rest of the team.                                                  MCQUEEN           I called to talk to Mater. It never           occurred to me that he wouldn't be           there.                                                  RAMONE           Sheriff is talking to Scotland Yard           right now.                                                  FLO           And Sarge is in touch with his           friends in the British military.                                                  SALLY           You just need to focus on the race.                                                  MCQUEEN           I know, but Sal, with everything           going on I'm not sure I should---                                  A HORN O.S. Someone's entering the pit. Everyone parts,          revealing MILES AXLEROD.                                                  MCQUEEN           Sir Axlerod.                                                  MILES AXLEROD           I'm sorry to interrupt.                                                  MCQUEEN           No, no, it's all right.                                                  MILES AXLEROD           I just wanted to come down here and           personally thank you. Because after           Italy, I was finished. And then you           gave me one last shot.                                                  MCQUEEN           Listen, I ---                                                  MILES AXLEROD           And I probably shouldn't be saying           this at all but... I hope you win           today. Show the world that they've           been wrong about Allinol.                                  McQueen takes this in. He looks at Sally.           105.                                                                          SALLY           Mater would want you to race.                                                  MCQUEEN           All right. For Mater.                                  EXT. THE STARTING GRID - MOMENTS LATER                                  TIRES SQUEAL ---                                  MCQUEEN, FRANCESCO and the other racers PEEL OUT ---                                  We PAN UP to reveal the LEMONHEADS watching from a VIP box.                                  EXT. RACE COURSE - LONDON - DAY                                  McQueen leads Francesco as they approach Big Bentley...                                  INT. BIG BENTLEY - LONDON - CONTINUOUS                                                  GREM           Here he comes!                                  Grem turns up the juice to the HIGHEST, DEATH-INDUCING LEVEL.                                  Holley and Finn watch, helpless. Mater closes his eyes.                                  Grem ZAPS MCQUEEN.                                  EXT. RACE COURSE - LONDON                                  McQueen SPEEDS PAST Big Bentley, unharmed. Oblivious to what          was supposed to have just happened.                                  INT. BIG BENTLEY - LONDON                                  Zundapp suddenly SQUAWKS over the radio.                                   PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP (OVER RADIO)           What happened!?                                                  GREM           I don't know, Professor.                                                  ACER           What did you do?                                                  GREM                          (TO ACER)           I didn't do nothin'. Shh! I'm           talking to the Professor---                                  They're all talking at once and for a moment we cannot          understand what is being said.           106.                                                                          ACER           You broke it.                                                  GREM           Quiet!                          (INTO RADIO)           I understand, sir. Yes.                                  Grem hangs up.                                                  ACER           What'd he say?                                                  GREM           We go to the backup plan.                                                  MATER           Backup plan??                                                  GREM           We snuck a bomb in McQueen's pit!                                                  ACER           The next time he makes a stop,           instead of saying "ka-chow," he's           gonna go "ka-boom"!                                  They LAUGH. Mater shudders, upset.                                                  GREM           Don't feel bad, tow truck. You           couldn't have saved him.                                                  ACER           Oh, wait. You could have!                                  Grem and Acer laugh. As they board the elevator:                                                  MATER           Dadgum lemons.                                                  MATER'S COMPUTER           Request acknowledged.                                  Suddenly, Mater's GATLING GUNS rotate out again - a surprise          to Mater. But they SPIN IN PLACE, empty.                                  Grem and Acer just laugh more.                                                  GREM           What, you didn't think we'd take           your bullets?                                  Mater NOTICES SOMETHING.           107.                                                          CLOSE ON WHAT MATER SEES: A small piece of his ropes have          been shaved away by the Gatling.                                  He carefully rotates his guns BACK IN, pretending like he's          seen nothing.                                                  ACER           That's right! You got nothin'.                                                  GREM           (as the elevator descends)           Who's the lemon now, huh?                                  They're GONE.                                                  FINN           Nice try, Mater.                                                  MATER           Dadgum!                                                  MATER'S COMPUTER                          REQUEST ACK-                                  The guns ROTATE OUT AGAIN, SPIN. Mater watches as the          spinning barrels SLICE INTO the ropes, do some damage.                                                  MATER           Dadgum! Dadgum! Dadgum!                                  The COMPUTER responds with each "dadgum." The barrels          continue to SPIN, CUTTING THROUGH the ropes.                                                  MATER                          DADGUMDADGUMDADGUMDADGUM ---                                  PING! The ropes BREAK AWAY and Mater FALLS --- right toward          the whirring machinery!                                                  HOLLEY           Mater!                                  Mater QUICKLY WHIPS his tow cable around, hooks a pipe and          tosses himself to the ramp with a heavy THUD. He doesn't                         HESITATE:                                                  MATER           I gotta get you all out of there!                                                  FINN           There's no time. McQueen needs your           help, Mater.           108.                                                                          MATER           But I can't, I'm just a tow truck.                                                  FINN           It's up to you. Go to the pits and           get everyone out. You can do that.                                                  MATER           What about you guys?                                                  FINN           We'll be okay.                                                  HOLLEY           Go and get some more dents, Mater.                                  EXT. BIG BENTLEY - LONDON                                  Mater SPEEDS out the front door, a bat out of hell ---                                  INT. BIG BENTLEY - LONDON - SAME                                  On Finn and Holley, now closer to death.                                                  HOLLEY           So we'll be "okay"? Really?                                                  FINN           He wouldn't have left if I'd told           him the truth.           (re: his death trap)           Being killed by a clock. Gives a           whole new meaning to "your time has           come."                                  At this mention Holley seems to perk up, gets an idea.                                                  HOLLEY           Time. That's it!                                  She spies a GEARBOX below them, at least 20 feet down. Holley          FIRES HER ELECTROSHOCKERS ---                                  --- but they miss their target. She recoils them back.                                                  FINN           What are you doing?                                                  HOLLEY           Trying to turn back time. If I can           just reverse the polarity...                                  She FIRES them again. Direct hit!           109.                                                          Holley JUICES the gearbox with HIGH VOLTAGE. The CLOCK STOPS.          It reverses itself.                                  Finn and Holley's wheel now rotates AWAY from danger.                                                  FINN           Good job! Quick thinking, Holley!                                  EXT. LONDON - CONTINUOUS                                  BIG BENTLEY, visible from street level, now moves BACKWARDS.          Fast. CRANE DOWN TO ---                                  --- Mater, speeding toward the track, unaware.                                                  MATER           What's everybody on the wrong side           of the road for?!                                  INT. BIG BENTLEY - CONTINUOUS                                  Finn and Holley are now moving in the opposite direction,          toward ANOTHER GEAR! And it's going MUCH FASTER. They're          seconds from a crushing death...                                                  HOLLEY           Oh no!                                                  FINN           Drive!                                  They both DRIVE, fast as they can with FULL FORCE ---                                                  FINN           Burn rubber!!                                  They drive HARDER, separating bumpers with just enough room          for the descending gear to SNAP THEIR ROPES!                                  Their tires spinning, they both LAUNCH off in opposite          directions, LAND HARD on opposing platforms. As Finn squeals          around to Holley's side of the clock:                                                  FINN           We've got to get to the course.           Calculate the fastest way to ---                                  Holley pops WINGS out of her side.                                                  HOLLEY           Done.           110.                                                                          FINN                          (IMPRESSED)           Miss Shiftwell.                                                  HOLLEY           They're standard issue now.                                                  FINN           You kids get all the good hardware.                                  They turn to leave when they STOP, see SOMETHING. It's an AIR          FILTER on the ground.                                                  HOLLEY           Oh no. That's Mater's.                                                  FINN           I knew his escape was too easy.                                  EXT. BIG BENTLEY - LONDON                                  Finn BURSTS out the front doors of Big Bentley, speeds off as          HOLLEY SMASHES through the clock face, careens into view          flying over the traffic ---                                  INT. PIT ROW - TRACK SIDE - DAY                                  Mater bursts through the security gate with aplomb, tears          through the pits and stops at MCQUEEN'S.                                                  LUIGI           Mater!                                                  MATER           Everybody get out! Get out now!           Y'all gotta get out the pits!                                  The ENTIRE RADIATOR SPRINGS GANG is here.                                                  MATER           Hey, what are you guys doing here?                                                  SALLY           We're here because of you, Mater.                                                  FLO           Is everything okay?                                                  MATER           No! Everything's not okay! There's           a bomb in here! Y'all gotta get           out! Now!           111.                                                                          EVERYONE           - A bomb? - Huh? - Woah.                                   FINN (OVER RADIO)           Mater!                                   MATER (INTO RADIO)           Finn! You're okay!                                  EXT. LONDON STREETS - CONTINUOUS                                                  FINN           Mater, listen to me. The bomb is on           you.                                  ON HIS REARVIEW DISPLAY: We can see that a BOMB has been          detected, anchored to Mater's air filter.                                                  FINN           They knew you'd try to help           McQueen. When we were knocked out           they planted it in your air filter.                                  INT. MCQUEEN'S PIT - CONTINUOUS                                  Mater SNORTS, blowing his air filter cover off. Cross-eyed,          Mater sees the explosive device attached to him. He looks up:                                  An ALLINOL CONTAINER hangs ominously over his head.                                                  MATER           Uh-oh.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater! There you are!                                  Mater turns. McQueen enters Pit Row, 100 yards away and          closing in FAST.                                                  MATER           Stop right there!                                                  MCQUEEN           Oh man, I've been so worried about           you!                          CUT TO:                                  The view of this scene through the window of a luxury box.          Reveal Zundapp in the window's reflection. He's watching from          inside. He's poised to push a DETONATOR BUTTON.                                  As Zundapp's front tire approaches the detonator ---           112.                                                          INT. MCQUEEN'S PIT - CONTINUOUS                                                  MATER           Don't come any closer!                                                  MCQUEEN           Are you okay?                                                  MATER           No, I'm not okay. Stay away from           me!!                                  Mater PEELS OUT BACKWARDS, out onto the track.                                                  MCQUEEN           No, wait. Wait!                          CUT TO:                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP - He hesitates, can't believe it.                                  TV FOOTAGE OF MCQUEEN CHASING MATER                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           Hold everything. A tow truck has           just raced onto the track. And he's           driving backwards!                                  IN MCQUEEN'S PIT                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater, wait!                                  He breezes right through his pit, goes after Mater.                                   DAVID HOBBSCAP (V.O.)           Normally an emergency vehicle on           the track means there's been an           accident.                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           Wait, wait. Lightning McQueen is           chasing him!                                  EXT. TRACK - DAY                                  Mater drives up the track. McQueen gains, fast. Because          Mater's going backwards, they're face-to-face (but still with          some distance between them).                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater, wait!           113.                                                                          MATER           Stay back! If you get close to me,           you gonna get hurt real bad!                                                  MCQUEEN           I know I made you feel that way           before, but none of that matters           because we're best friends!                          CUT TO:                                  TV FOOTAGE OF MCQUEEN CHASING MATER                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           And McQueen seems to be having a           conversation with the tow truck!                                   DARRELL CARTRIP (V.O.)           I don't know who that truck is,           Brent. But I'll tell you what, he's           gotta be the world's best backwards           driver.                                  REVEAL ZUNDAPP is watching this footage from his luxury box.          The closer McQueen gets to Mater the farther his tire ROLLS          onto the detonator. But he holds back ever so slightly so as          not to jump the gun.                                  ON THE TRACK - McQueen gains on Mater.                                                  MATER           McQueen, you don't get it. I'm the           bomb!                                                  MCQUEEN           Yes, Mater! You are the bomb!           That's what I'm trying to say here.           You've always been the bomb! And           you'll always be the bomb.                                                  MATER           Stay away!                                                  MCQUEEN           No! Never!                                  ON ZUNDAPP. He watches as McQueen SPEEDS UP.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           Almost there...                                  ON MCQUEEN. He's had enough screwing around. Here he comes.                                                  MCQUEEN           I'm not...letting you...           114.                                                          He's going to catch him now.                                                  MCQUEEN           ...get away again!                                  McQueen JUMPS FORWARD, in an attempt to grab Mater's HOOK ---                                                  MATER                          (TO HIMSELF)           Gotta keep away from McQueen.                                  McQueen hooks Mater with his bumper JUST AS ---                                                  MATER'S COMPUTER           Request acknowledged.                                  TURBINE ROCKETS slide out of Mater.                                                  MCQUEEN           Oh my gosh!                                  BAWHOOOOOOM!!!!! Mater JOLTS forward with a rocket blast and          disappears, taking McQueen with him.                                  ON ZUNDAPP. He now freely PUSHES the detonator, but it says          "OUT OF RANGE."                                  Zundapp can't believe it. He FLIPS OUT.                                  FARTHER UP THE TRACK - Francesco speeds along. ZHWAAAAAP!!!          Mater and McQueen ZING PAST HIM with a RED BLUR.                                                  FRANCESCO           What is happening? It's a bad           dream.                                  NOW EVEN FARTHER UP THE TRACK - Mater takes a turn, SMASHES          THROUGH A FENCE and skids around a corner out of sight. A          white, smoky JET TRAIL is all that remains.                                  IN MCQUEEN'S PIT - All of Radiator Springs watches the          television monitors, dumbfounded.                                   BRENT MUSTANGBURGER (V.O.)           And Lightning McQueen just blasted           away, hooked to the now rocket-           propelled tow truck.                          CUT TO:                                  EXT. STREETS OF LONDON - DAY                                  Overhead P.O.V.: Mater and McQueen swerve through the          streets.           115.                                                          INT. LUXURY BOX - CONTINUOUS                                  Zundapp is still furiously hitting the button as Holley drops          into view just beyond the glass.                                  Freaked, Zundapp does a 180 and SMASHES out a plate glass          window, lands on a ridiculously large balloon tethered to the          ground, and speeds off ---                                  INT. ADJACENT LUXURY BOX - CONTINUOUS                                  The LEMONHEADS watch, baffled, as Zundapp drives away.                                   J. CURBY GREMLIN           The Professor's on the run.                                                  TUBBS PACER           Someone's gotta get McQueen.                                                  VLADIMIR TRUNKOV           Get McQueen!!                                  Grem and Acer are already out the door ---                                  EXT. SIDE STREET - SAME                                  Finn speeds into view, in time to see Zundapp turn a corner          out of sight.                                                  FINN           Holley. I'll get Zundapp, you help           Mater.                                  EXT. TRACK - SAME                                  Holley, still in the air, turns ---                                                  HOLLEY           Got it!                                  FARTHER UP THE TRACK - Holley THUNDERS past Francesco and out          of sight.                                                  FRANCESCO           What is happening?!                                  EXT. STREETS OF LONDON - SAME                                  Finn screams around a corner, sees ---                                  --- Professor Zundapp, speeding toward docks along the Thames          where a COMBAT SHIP waits.           116.                                                                          COMBAT SHIP           Hurry, Professor!                                  ON ZUNDAPP - With Finn gaining fast, he accelerates. Suddenly          --- WHAP!                                  He's been TETHERED by Finn with tensile cables now attached          to his rear end. Zundapp SCREAMS like a little girl.                                                  FINN           Do you really think I'm going to           let you float away, Professor?                                  Finn reels him in. Zundapp spins his wheels, caught.                                  Suddenly Zundapp miraculously, inconceivably, GAINS TRACTION!          Now it's FINN'S WHEELS that are spinning.                                  ON THE COMBAT SHIP - the ELECTROMAGNET has been turned          outward and switched on. He's PULLING ZUNDAPP AND FINN IN          with the magnetic force. He pulls out a laser, TARGETS it at          Finn's windshield.                          CUT TO:                                  EXT. LONDON STREETS - SAME                                  Mater, still towing McQueen, rockets around a corner, zips          down another street ---                                                  MATER           McQueen, let go!                                                  MCQUEEN           Never!                                  They pass a Gremlin with a headset.                                  ON GREM AND ACER - Down another side street. They get this          message, take off in the opposite direction.                                   CUT BACK TO:                                  EXT. DOCKS NEAR THE THAMES - CONTINUOUS                                  FINN, tires squealing, loses more and more ground to the          boat. Zundapp, the "rope" in this tug-of-war, buckles under          the tension.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           Give it up, McMissile!                                  Finn releases a mess of bullets, grenades, and other weaponry          into the air ---           117.                                                          THE MAGNET SUCKS it in quickly like a black hole ---                                  THUNK! It all sticks to the magnet, right next to Finn's          bullets. They're BOMBS, GRENADES, ROCKETS and one little          detonator with a flashing, beeping light.                                  Off the boat's RXN ---                          CUT TO:                                  ANOTHER PART OF LONDON, AT STREET LEVEL                                  KA-BOOOOOOM! A distant explosion (miles away) festoons into          the air, visible over the rooftops. Holley suddenly WINGS          into view. She sees ---                                  Mater and McQueen, speeding up the street.                                                  HOLLEY           Mater, stop!                                                  MATER           No way! You could get hurt!                                  Then she looks over, catches a glimpse of GREM AND ACER,          bearing down on them from a side street. They're going to          broadside Mater and McQueen.                                                  HOLLEY           Oh no.                                  ON MATER AND MCQUEEN - They're not aware of the impending          impact.                                  Holley DROPS FROM THE SKY, hits the pavement, SKIDS into the          path of the AMCs and DEFLECTS THEM. They FLIP OVER Holley,          Finn and McQueen and sail ---                                  --- INTO A PUB ---                                  --- where they skid across the room and SLAM into the bar,          knocking a ROW OF BEER MUGS to the ground.                                  IN THE PUB - MOMENTS LATER                                  Grem and Acer are pulverized by the bar patrons.                                  EXT. LONDON STREET - MOMENTS LATER                                  Holley, McQueen and Mater are now stopped.                                                  HOLLEY           Mater, we've got to get that bomb           off you.           118.                                                          She's already SCANNING the bomb, working away.                                                  MCQUEEN           Bomb?                                                  MATER           Yeah, they strapped it to me to           kill you as a back-up plan.                                                  MCQUEEN           Back-up plan? Mater, who put a bomb           on you?                                   PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP (O.S.)           Ahhhhh!                                  Professor Zundapp suddenly ROLLS to a stop next to (a now          totally freaked) McQueen, entangled in grappling hooks care                         OF ---                                  --- Finn, who has him leashed.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP                          (TO MCQUEEN)           You. Why didn't my death ray kill           you?                                                  MCQUEEN           Death ray?                                                  FINN           Turn off the bomb, Zundapp!                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           Are you all so dense? It's voice-           activated. Everything is voice-           activated these days.                                                  MATER           Deactivate! Deactivate!                                   BOMB'S COMPUTER VOICE           Voice denied.                                  The BOMB suddenly TRANSFORMS into a TIME BOMB, now complete          with a countdown mechanism from 4:59... 4:58... Mater GASPS.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           Oops. Did I forget to mention that           it can only be disarmed by the one           who activated it?                                  Holley immediately shoves a GUN in Zundapp's grill.           119.                                                                          HOLLEY           Say it!                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP           Deactivate.                                   BOMB'S COMPUTER VOICE           Voice denied.                                  THE BOMB'S TIMER: It loses a full minute! Goes from 4:48 to          3:48 to 3:47... Mater GASPS.                                                  PROFESSOR ZUNDAPP                          (GRINNING)           I am not the one who activated it.           Would anyone else like to try?                                  ZZZZZZATTT! Holley shocks him unconscious.                                                  FINN                          (TO HOLLEY)           You read my mind.                                                  HOLLEY           He was getting on my nerves.                                                  MCQUEEN           What do we do?                                   VICTOR HUGO (O.S.)           It's very simple.                                  VICTOR HUGO blocks the entrance to a side street. He's          surrounded by Hugo relatives.                                                  VICTOR HUGO           You blow up.                                  The four streets surrounding them are now blocked by each of          the Lemonheads and their families.                                                  MCQUEEN                          (TO MATER)           I'm gonna go out on a limb here.           These are the guys that want me           dead, correct?                                                  VLADIMIR TRUNKOV           It's nothing personal.                                                  MATER           (to the Lemons)           Fellers, listen.                          (MORE)           120.                                                  MATER (CONT'D)           I know what you're going through.           Everybody's been laughing at me my           whole life too ---                                  McQueen turns to Mater - he wasn't expecting that.                                  The Lemons all eye each other, considering Mater's words.                                                  MATER           --- but becoming powerful and rich           beyond your wildest dreams ain't           gonna make you feel better.                                   J. CURBY GREMLIN           Yeah, but it's worth a shot.                                  WHOOM!!! He's BROADSIDED by a blast of water from O.S.                                  It's Red! He's sitting outside an underground entrance,          followed by Sally and the rest of the Radiator Springs gang.                                  ALL OUT WAR ensues between the LEMONS, RADIATOR SPRINGS along          with FINN and HOLLEY.                                  FINN attaches his four-way cable hooks to the thugs and          springs high in the air, crushing the four of them together.                                  HOLLEY SPROUTS her wings, and knocks out two cars on her          side.                                  VARIOUS SHOTS OF RADIATOR SPRINGS KICKING BUTT:                                  Guido pulls some LEMON tires off with his air gun. In seconds          he has a stack of lugnuts next to him.                                                  GUIDO           Pit stop.                                  The two Pacers' tires all FALL OFF.                                  Flo hits VLADIMIR TRUNKOV with her high-beams, BLINDING HIM.          Sheriff BOOTS him.                                                  SHERIFF           Not today, boys!                                  Guido pushes away his tireless thug, YELLING AT HIM IN          ITALIAN.                                  Mater KARATE CHOPS lemons, three and four at a time.                                  Ramone SPRAY PAINTS a lemon's windshield.           121.                                                                          TUBBS PACER           Retreat!                                  A few Lemons turn back the way they came. BLOCKING THEIR PATH          are a line of BRITISH MILITARY VEHICLES clad in digital camo,          led by SARGE.                                                  SARGE           Thanks for the help, Corporal.                                                  BRITISH CORPORAL           Anything for one of pop's mates.                                  And in the middle of all of this craziness we CUT TO ---                                  --- MATER. WRENCH BITS are strewn all around him as Guido          tries wrench after wrench to take the bolts off. No dice.          Guido gestures wildly, spits Italian a mile a minute.                                                  MCQUEEN           What's he saying?! What's wrong!?                                                  LUIGI           None of his wrenches fit the bolts!                                  This is a light bulb moment for Mater. He eyes the bolts.                                                  MATER           I get it. I get it! I know what           needs to be done.                                                  MCQUEEN           Then do it!                                                  MATER           What? No, I can't do it. Look,           nobody takes me seriously. I know           that now. This ain't Radiator           Springs.                                                  MCQUEEN           Yes it is.                                  Mater looks at McQueen. It is?                                                  MCQUEEN           You're yourself in Radiator           Springs. Be yourself here. And if           people aren't taking you seriously,           then they need to change. Not you.           I know that, because I was wrong           before. Now you can do this. You're           the bomb.           122.                                                                          MATER           Thanks, buddy.                                                  MCQUEEN           No no no, you're the actual bomb.           Now let's go!                                                  MATER           Oh, right! Hang on!                                  Mater HOOKS McQueen and they're off.                                  They SHOOT PAST FINN, who's in the middle of battling lemons.                                                  FINN           Where's he going?                                  ON MATER AND MCQUEEN - Flying down a side street.                                                  MATER           Computer!                                                  MATER'S COMPUTER           Yes, Agent Mater.                                                  MATER           I need that thing you done before           to get me away from McQueen!                                                  MATER'S COMPUTER           Request acknowledged.                                  The ROCKET THRUSTERS kick in. They head right for a WALL.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater...                                                  MATER           Now I need you to do the chute, the           second kind not the first!                                                  MATER'S COMPUTER           Deploying chute.                                  Mater's chute POPS OPEN, catching air and sending Mater and          McQueen SAILING INTO THE AIR.                                  Mater starts to steer them the direction he wants. He and          McQueen are FLYING OVER LONDON.                                  EXT. BALCONY - BUCKINGHAM PALACE - DAY                                  The QUEEN, her attendants, assorted dignitaries are here.           123.                                                                          QUEEN           Who's winning the race?                                  Mater and McQueen drop from the sky. They land and skid to a          halt just before the Queen's guards who DRAW THEIR WEAPONS.                                                  QUEEN'S GUARD           Back up! Back away!                                                  QUEEN                          (STAR-STRUCK)           It's Lightning McQueen!                                                  QUEEN'S GUARDS           Get back!                                                  MCQUEEN           No, no, it's okay! Tell them,           Mater. Explain.                                                  MATER           Okay! Somebody's been sabotaging           the racers and hurting the cars and           I know who. Oh wait... Your           Majesty.         ��                        Mater BOWS to the Queen. In doing so, the TICKING TIME BOMB          angles into view. The clock's at T-minus 1:53.                                                  QUEEN'S GUARDS           - Bomb! - It's a bomb! - Everybody           down! - Look out!                                   FINN (O.S.)           Hold your fire! He can't disarm it!                                  Finn dives onto the platform and rolls between the Queen and          Mater.                                                  FINN           Mater, I don't know what you're           doing but stand down now!                                                  MATER           (aside, to McQueen)           This ain't nothing at all like           Radiator Springs.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater, just cut to the chase!                                                  MATER           Okay.           124.                                                          He turns to Miles Axlerod.                                                  MATER           It's him.                                                  MILES AXLEROD           What? Me? You've got to be crazy.                                  Everyone exchanges confused looks, including Finn and Holley.                                                  MATER           I figured it out when I realized           you all attached this ticking time           bomb with Whitworth bolts. The same           bolts that hold together that old           British engine from the photograph.           Holley! Show that picture.                                                  HOLLEY           O-kay...                                  Holley projects the much discussed PHOTO OF THE ENGINE.                                                  MATER           And then I remembered what they say           about old British engines - "If           there ain't no oil under `em, there           ain't no oil in `em."                                                  MILES AXLEROD           What is he talking about?                                                  MATER           It was you leaking oil at the party           in Japan. You just blamed it on me.                                                  MILES AXLEROD           Electric cars don't use oil, you           twit.                                                  MATER           Then you're faking it. You didn't           convert to no electric. We pop that           hood we gonna see that engine from           that picture right there.                                  Mater moves toward Miles Axlerod to pop his hood.                                                  MILES AXLEROD           This lorry's crazy. He's going to           kill us all!                                  Miles Axlerod BACKS UP to the edge of the stage.           125.                                                                          MILES AXLEROD           Stay away!                                                  HOLLEY           But Sir Axlerod created the race,           Mater. Why would he want to hurt           anyone?                                                  MATER           To make Allinol look bad so           everybody'd go back to using oil. I           mean, he said it himself with that           disguised voice.                                                  MILES AXLEROD           "Dee-sguised voice?" What are you           talking about? You're nuts, you           are!                                  The QUEEN'S GUARDS have had ENOUGH. As has the PRINCE.                                                  PRINCE WHEELIAM           This is going nowhere fast. We           really should go, Grandmother.                                                  QUEEN           One moment. I'd like to see where           this is going.                                                  FINN           Mater, he created Allinol.                                                  MATER           Yeah, but what if he found that           huge oil field just as the world           was trying to find something else?                                  Mater sticks his ticking bomb-nose into Miles Axlerod's          grill.                                                  MATER           What if he came up with Allinol           just to make alternative fuel look           bad?                                                  MILES AXLEROD           "What if?" You're basing this on a           "What if"?!                                                  GUARD           Okay, that's it.                                  And the QUEEN'S GUARDS spirit the Queen and Prince Wheeliam          out of there FAST ---           126.                                                                          MILES AXLEROD           Wait! Somebody save me! The lorry's           crazy!                                  Now it's just Miles Axlerod, Mater, McQueen, Finn and Holley.          Miles Axlerod's back tires slip on the edge of the podium as          he is cornered by Mater.                                                  MILES AXLEROD           Keep away, you idiot!                                  00:00:08...                                                  FINN           Mater!                                                  HOLLEY           Mater!                                  00:03...00:02...                                                  MILES AXLEROD           Someone do something!                                  Everyone FLINCHES, DUCKS or DIVES FOR COVER except McQueen,          Mater and Axlerod ---                                                  MILES AXLEROD           You're insane, you are!           Deactivate!!                                  The bomb FREEZES at 00:01.                                   THE BOMB'S COMPUTER VOICE           Bomb deactivated. Have a nice day,           Sir Axlerod.                                  General shock all around. Miles Axlerod realizes what he's          done, looks terrified. Police surround him.                                  Mater FLINGS Miles Axlerod's hood open with his hook,          revealing AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE, oil dripping from          all sides. It MATCHES the photo.                                                  FINN           The engine from the photo.                                                  HOLLEY           It's a perfect match!                                                  MILES AXLEROD           How did the tow truck figure it           out?           127.                                                                          MCQUEEN                          (TO MATER)           It's official. You're coming to all           my races from now on.                                                  MATER           Now you're talking!                                  Tire bump.                                  EXT. BUCKINGHAM PALACE - DAY                                  A massive crowd packs the adjacent streets and parks.                                  INT. BUCKINGHAM PALACE - DAY                                  Mater does the requisite "silly faces" in an attempt to break          the composure of a Buckingham Palace Guard. It isn't working.          McQueen approaches.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater, let's go. You're on.                                  INT. QUEEN'S CHAMBER - BUCKINGHAM PALACE - DAY                                  The Queen sits in attention at the front of the Main          Ballroom. As Mater and McQueen approach:                                                  LORD STEWARD           Your Majesty. May I present for the           investiture of honorary Knighthood           of the British Realm. Tow Mater of           Radiator Springs.                                                  MCQUEEN           Go get `em, buddy.                                  McQueen joins his friends from Radiator Springs. Mater rolls          forward. He bows, as if he's practiced it all day.                                                  QUEEN           I hereby dub thee "Sir Tow Mater."                                  Applause from all around.                                                  MATER                          (LOOKS UP)           "Sir?" Shoot, you can just call me           Mater, Your Majesty. I don't wanna           hear none of this "Sir" business.           By the way, have y'all met each           other? Queen? McQueen. McQueen,           Queen. McQueen? McMissile.                          (MORE)           128.                                                  MATER (CONT'D)           McMissile, McQueen. Queen?           McMissile.                                  He continues introducing everyone as we CUT TO ---                                  EXT. RADIATOR SPRINGS - DAY                                  The town sign now reads "WELCOME TO RADIATOR SPRINGS - HOME          OF LIGHTNING MCQUEEN AND SIR TOW MATER."                                  EXT. FLO'S - DAY                                  Cars surround Mater and McQueen. The rest of the Radiator          Springs gang is here too, watches. VAN and MINNY are front          and center.                                                  MATER           So there I was: rocket jets going           full blast, McQueen hanging on for           dear life when suddenly them two           nasty lemons come out of nowhere,           guns drawed. We was goners. But           then out of nowhere, this beautiful           spy car swoops in from the sky to           save us!                                                  MINNY           That's a very entertaining story,           young man.                                                  VAN           Oh, Minny, please. Come on, none of           this happened. Rocket jets? Flying           spy cars?                                                  HOLLEY           No, you're quite right. It does           sound a bit far-fetched.                                  The crowd turns, sees HOLLEY, wings out, swooping in. FINN is          right below her, driving up the street.                                                  MATER           Holley! Finn!                                                  HOLLEY           Hello, Mater. It's so nice to see           you again.                                                  MATER           What're you doing here?           129.                                                                          FINN           Our satellites picked up an urgent           communique.                                                  LUIGI           So you got my e-mail.                                                  MATER           Oh, man. Y'all is gonna have a           great time. Everybody! This here's           Finn McMissile. He's a secret           agent.                          (WHISPERS)           Don't tell nobody. And this is           Holley Shiftwell. She's ---                                                  HOLLEY           I'm Mater's girlfriend. It's so           nice to meet you all.                                  Everyone is shocked. Including Mater. Guido's jaw drops.                                                  LUIGI                          (TO MATER)           Guido believe you now.                                                  FLO                          (TO HOLLEY)           Whoa, honey. You got a nasty dent           there.                                  Indeed, Holley still wears the dent from when she saved Mater          from Grem and Acer.                                                  VAN           (already crushing on her)           Was that from when you swooped in           and saved them in London?                                                  MINNY           Van!                                                  VAN           What? I'm just asking.                                                  FLO                          (TO HOLLEY)           Don't you worry, sweet pea. My baby           Ramone can get that fixed up for           you in no time.                                                  RAMONE           Yeah, sure thing. No problemo. Just           let me go get my tools.           130.                                                                          HOLLEY           Oh no no. I'm keeping that dent.           It's way too valuable.                                  Mater takes this in.                                                  LIZZIE           A "valuable" dent? Oh, she's as           crazy as Mater.                                                  MACK           Those two are perfect for each           other.                                                  MCQUEEN           You know, there's one thing I still           don't get. The bad guys hit me with           the beam from the camera, right? So           why didn't I, you know...                                                  MATER           Explode in a fiery inferno?                                                  MCQUEEN           Yeah.                                                  FINN           We couldn't figure that one out           either.                                                  HOLLEY           Our investigation proved that           Allinol was actually gasoline. And           Miles Axlerod engineered it so that           when it got hit by the beam it           would explode.                                                  MCQUEEN           Wait a second. Fillmore, you said           my fuel was safe.                                  McQueen turns to Fillmore. Everyone does.                                                  FILLMORE           If you're implying that I switched           out that rotgut excuse for           alternative fuel with my all-           natural, sustainable, organic           biofuel just because I never           trusted Axlerod, you're dead wrong,           man.                          (RE: SARGE)           It was him.           131.                                                                          SARGE           Once Big Oil, always Big Oil. Man.                                                  FILLMORE           Tree hugger.                                  EXT. MAIN STREET - LATER                                  A banner says "Radiator Springs Grand Prix."                                  SHERIFF rolls up the street.                                                  SHERIFF           The Radiator Springs Grand Prix is           about to begin! All spectators           clear the starting line!                                  MCQUEEN heads up Main Street, other racers following.                                                  LEWIS HAMILTON           Man, I can't wait to get rockin'.           This is gonna be wicked.                                                  JEFF GORVETTE           Yeah, we should do this every year.                                                  MCQUEEN           I just figured, we never found out           who the world's fastest car is.           Plus: no press, no trophy. Just           racing - the way I like it.                                                  FRANCESCO           Francesco likes it like this too.                                  McQueen SEES Sally. He and Francesco approach her.                                                  MCQUEEN           Francesco. I'd like you to meet ---                                                  FRANCESCO           Signorina Sally. It is official:           Lightning McQueen is the luckiest           car in the world.                                                  SALLY                          (SWOONING)           Why, thank you ---                                                  FRANCESCO           Which he will have to be to have a           chance against Francesco today.                                  Francesco turns to leave. As he's moving away:           132.                                                                          FRANCESCO           See you at the finish line, Mc---                                  Francesco STOPS.                                                  FRANCESCO           What is that?                                  McQueen has a new bumper sticker: "Ka-ciao, Francesco."                                                  MCQUEEN           It's just something I had made up           for the occasion.                                                  FRANCESCO           Is good, McQueen. Very funny. It           was funnier when I did it, but           it's very funny. What are you going           to do next? Are you going to take           off your fenders? Try it. You'll           like it.                                  Francesco leaves. We stay with McQueen and Sally.                                                  SALLY           So he's not so good-looking.                                                  MCQUEEN           Yeah. Nice try.                                                  SALLY           I'm serious.                                                  MCQUEEN           That's why I love you, Sally.           (as he leaves)           Wish me luck.                                                  SALLY           You don't need it!                                  He drives off. Flo approaches Sally.                                                  FLO           Mmm-mmm. That Francesco is fine-           looking.                                                  SALLY           And those open wheels.                                                  FLO           I'm gonna have to go get myself           some coolant.           133.                                                          EXT. MAIN STREET - LATER                                  The racers at the starting grid. ON THE TRAFFIC LIGHT in the          center of town. It goes from RED to GREEN!                                  The RACERS SPEED OFF, tearing up main street and out of town,          blazing past tourists ---                                  EXT. WILLY'S BUTTE - DAY                                  As the racers, led by McQueen and Francesco, take the wide,          sweeping turn around Willy's Butte we CRANE UP to see MATER,          FINN, HOLLEY, and the Radiator Springs gang watching.          Everyone CHEERS.                                                  MATER           Go McQueen!! Whoo-hoo!!!                                  Holley gets an alert.                                                  HOLLEY           Finn, time to go. Siddeley's           gassed, geared and ready to fly.                                  Finn starts to back up.                                                  MATER           You're leaving already?                                                  FINN           We've got another mission, Mater.           Just stopped by here to "pick           something up."                                  They both eye Mater, expectantly.                                                  MATER           Something tells me you're not           talking about souvenir bumper           stickers.                                                  FINN           Her Majesty asked for you           personally, Mater.                                                  MATER           But I told you all before. I'm not           a spy.                                                  HOLLEY           We know.           134.                                                                          FINN           Spy or not, you're still the           smartest, most honest chap we've           ever met.                                                  HOLLEY           Don't forget massively charming.                                  Mater looks over at Holley. He looks touched.                                                  MATER           Well, thanks. But as much fun as it           was hanging with y'all, this...                                  He looks over to his friends who watch the race, CHEER          MCQUEEN ON.                                                  MATER           This is home.                                                  HOLLEY           That's alright, we understand. But           I'll be back. You still owe me that           first date.                                                  FINN           If there's ever anything I can do           for you, just let me know.                                                  MATER           Well, I sure appreciate that, thank           you.                          (THINKS)           Actually... there is one thing.                          CUT TO:                                  EXT. RADIATOR SPRINGS - MOMENTS LATER                                  MATER, blazing forward fast.                                                  MATER           Whoo-hoo!!!                                  He ROCKETS FORWARD, through the whole town. In doing so he          GRABS A BROKEN DOWN OTIS, hooking him ---                                                  OTIS           Whoa!!!                                  --- and TOSSING him right into Ramone's.                                   OTIS (O.S.)           Thanks, Mater!           135.                                                          ON THE "RACE TRACK" - Mater flies past ALL the racers,          including Francesco ---                                                  FRANCESCO           Impossible!                                  --- until he approaches MCQUEEN.                                                  MCQUEEN           Mater!?                                                  MATER                          (KEEPING PACE)           Check it out. They let me keep the           rockets!                                                  MCQUEEN           I'll see you at the finish line,           buddy!                                                  MATER           Not if I see you first!                                  McQueen and Mater peel away from the rest of the racers, lead          them off the road and into the dirt for another lap. The two          friends are side by side when we FADE OUT.
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