#the little vampire fanfic
howdoicommittothis · 6 months
A Little Bat In Need
I was sat on the couch in the dark, the moonlight peering through the half opened curtains being the only thing dully lighting the room aside from the television. It was very late, or rather quite early in the morning, and I hadn’t gone to bed at all. Restless until lack of sleep started to take its toll, I dissociated into the background noise of the random, long forgotten movie.
An aggressive, instantaneous thud broke me from my trance.
It sounded like someone had thrown a weighted baseball point-blank at my house! What a horrible day to live alone.
I shot up from the cushioned crease I had been making in the couch, almost tripping myself in the process of dashing to the window to see whoever was trespassing, in the name of curiosity (I wasn’t about to confront anyone, for safety’s sake). Throwing myself on the window and opening the curtains fully, I scanned as far as I could see out into the dark. No one. There was no one!
Unsatisfied and possibly forgetting self-preservation skills, I opened the window and leaned out, peering down to try to see what had been thrown.
I gasped at the sight of a bat lying on its back in the grass to the right of the window. It wasn’t moving.
Empathy overriding anything else, I almost stepped out of the window to scoop the bat up right then and there. Remembering at the last second that picking up a wild animal with bare hands was not a smart idea, I backed up and ran to the kitchen to grab a small towel before returning.
The little creature put up no fight as it was loosely wrapped in the towel and picked up, being brought into my home. Holding it in one hand, I closed the window with the other then walked over to the tv to pause the movie. I needed to be able to hear signs of life!
“Little bat?” I whispered tentatively. Cautiously I turned the mammal around in my hands so I could look at its face.
To my surprise, unreadable red eyes met mine. The bat was alive! In shock, but alive.
I sighed in relief and smiled softly at it.
“Don’t you worry, little bat, you’re safe.” I carried the bat over to the side table in my living room, setting it down gently. It didn’t move. It didn’t make a sound. I kneeled on the floor in front of the bat to get a good look at my unexpected guest.
“You’re not from around here, are you?” I spoke softly. “I don’t think bats are native here. You’re far from home.” Sympathy passed over my features. The poor baby…
“You have a leaf nose.” I observed. “The only kind of bats I know about that have a leaf nose are vampire bats. Not that there aren’t other bats with leaf noses, there might be, but I don’t know.” I thought aloud to the bat, who was still seemingly paralyzed by its sudden collision.
I blinked, leaning away with realization as the adrenaline of the situation wore off.
“Oh! Are you hungry? I’m not being a very good host, am I? You get all banged up and here I am just… blabbing to you about nothing.” I laugh humorlessly.
“Sorry,” I move to stand. “I can get you blood, if you can be patient.” I know that’s what vampire bats eat. They feed off cows and pigs and other livestock!
I go to step out of the room, before turning back briefly.
“Please stay there!”
“Little bat?”
I knew it was ignorant to think a wild thing would stay put, but I had really hoped it would. The drive down the hill to the gas station wasn’t too long and admittedly I had been speeding. I had rushed to buy a gallon of pigs blood.
Now I scanned my empty-looking living room, a saucer of blood in hand.
Sighing, I brought the saucer over to the table I had left the bat on and set it down, hoping the smell of food would draw the little creature out of hiding. It had to still be in the house, right?
I left the living room, going over my entire house to make sure there weren’t any windows left cracked open that the bat could’ve used to get outside. The bat wasn’t in the bathroom, in the tub, sink, or clinging to a towel. The bat wasn’t in any bedroom, under the beds, dressers, or in the closets. The storage room was also vacant, the shelves and totes mammal free.
I went all the way to the far side of the building with no luck and turned to head back. But when I stepped back into the living room to cross it, to get to the kitchen, I froze.
There, standing in front of the table in my living room, was a boy. He had pale skin, his lips and under eyes an unhealthy light bluish-purple. His unruly dark hair stuck up in tufts. He was somewhat tall for a child, but his face was rounded, like he had yet to loose his baby fat there.
His face. My eyes were almost stuck at his face, just barely skimming the fluffy, old-timey purple clothes he wore. His eyes were red, wary. He had the nerve to look a bit shocked at my arrival, as if he wasn’t entirely sure of his own actions, before a small hesitant smile graced his face.
“M-May…” He tilted the saucer sheepishly in his hands, revealing it was now without trace of blood, like it had been licked clean. His tongue darted out to wet his lips.
“May I please have some more?”
His voice sounded a little rough. Any other person may have accused him of breaking in, maybe screamed at his appearance.
A child is a child. This poor baby needs fed.
“Sure, little bat.” I whisper.
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candycat17 · 2 years
So, just wanted to let everyone know that I publish chapter 1 of “Wildest Dreams” on Wattpad!
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littlespace-imagines · 7 months
Imagine more monster Cgs
(Once again super short blurbs, not proofread)
Contains: Monsters, Cg/L dynamics, established relationships, fluff, littlespace, honorifics (mommy and daddy) used
**Ageregression and littlespace will never be sexualized on this blog**
Your ghost mommy using her invisibility and ability to walk through walls to always catch you breaking the rules, giving you a playful smile as she gently reprimands her pouting baby.
Orc daddy who’s hulking size truly makes you feel tiny and safe, he adores letting you climb all over him wile regressed.
Small vampire coven that absolutely adores their precious baby, always fussing over your food and sippy cups, rediscovering humanity again thanks to their little human mate.
Harpy mommy that’s so eager to bring you to her nest to care for you, always adding new things she thinks you’ll love so hopefully she can care for you forever.
Dragon daddy who loves letting you use chalk and anything else to decorate the walls of the warm cave he’s slowly stealing furniture for, his tail lazily trapping you in as he uses his body as a massive playpen for you.
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kingprinceleo · 15 days
hi its fic time let me rizz you guys up to read it
Based on this art piece !!!
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fandoms--fluff · 7 months
Hi I was wondering if you could do more Damon and Stefan Salvatore x teenage sister reader you’re so great at writing and I loved the other one you wrote <3
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Flufftober, October 21st
Teenage Salvatore sister reader x Stefan Salvatore x Damon Salvatore
Warnings: swearing
"What are you doing?" Stefan leans against the doorway of the kitchen. You're mixing cookie dough in a bowl, except the dough has some strange lumps in it.
"Baking" You look up at him before frowning at the weird consistency in the bowl. The rest of the countertops are a mess, covered with flour, sugar, and some chocolate chips that haven't made it into your mouth surprisingly.
"Are you sure about that?" Stefan raises an eyebrow. "Shut up" you grumble before pushing the bowl away.
"How about setting a place in rule for y/n to never use the kitchen. Ever" Damon walks into the room.
"Hey!" You exclaim, crossing your arms. "He's not wrong" Stefan winced at your stone cold face. "Fine! Have fun cleaning up" you walk out of the kitchen.
"What if I just grounded her" Damon takes the cloth and begrudgingly starts to wipe the counter. "There's only one thing you haven't considered about that" Stefan throws the contents of the bowl into the trash.
"Oh? And what's that" he raises an eyebrow to his younger brother. "She spends ninety percent of her time in her room" Stefan tells him while putting some ingredients away in the cupboards now.
"Right. She hates being around people. Which makes it the perfect punishment" Damon smirks, a plan clearly starting to take place in his mind.
"She's going to kill you" Stefan yells to him as he walks away.
Damon just shrugs as he makes his way up to your room.
Without knocking he enters your room. You're laying in your bed, one of Stefan's diaries in your hands. "Reading one of our brothers private things I see" Damon sits on the foot of your bed.
"Oh please, like you haven't read them all either" you fix him with the same look and place the diaries to the side. "Fair enough."
"I have a surprise for you. Not the best, but maybe it'll teach you a little lesson. And maybe a bit of people skills" Damon stands and walks closer to you. "What are you ta- hey! Put me down, Jackass" you yell as Damon lifts you up into his arms.
He carries your squirming body all the way downstairs, and makes his way to the front door. "Really, Damon?" Stefan sighs as he walks in to the hallway, not thinking he would actually follow through.
"Yep, brother" Damon smirks, reaching for the doorknob. But before he could, you swung one if your feet and smashed it against his arm, pushing yourself out of his grasp. You quickly then kneed him in the gut and swiftly snapped his neck with your hands.
Stefan slightly smiled, knowing Damon had it coming for him as he walked into the livingroom and sits on one of the couches.
Not long after you join him. You sit beside him and cuddle into your big brother's side. "Damon's mean! He tried to make me go talk to people" you pouted before nuzzling your head into him.
"I know, he's horrible isn't he?" Stefan played along, smile resting on his face. "Mhm" you agreed, pout still playing on your lips.
You stay snuggled up next to your big brother until your other big brother wakes. Then you hild km tighter to Stef and use him as basically a personal shield when the times come.
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starssighting · 6 days
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“You with him?”
ASSAD ZAMAN as ARMAND - Interview with the Vampire S2 EP3 “No Pain”
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izharmilgram · 8 months
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the little thorn. draw me after you by @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger, read chapter 55! <3
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cancerian-woman · 2 months
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Hi! A new update is here!
dear little witch| klonnie au: Bonnie Bennett has held plenty of titles. A daughter, friend, teen witch, and a former wife. The most important one to her now was mother and business owner. She earned this life for herself and would be damned if she lost. A witch’s premonition is nothing to ignore. Bonnie values her life away from Mystic Falls and returning wasn’t likely for her until her daughter’s safety was compromised. The Salvatore Boarding School would change everything for the Bennett witches. Secrets will unfold and time can only tell what’s to come next. Hope Mikaelson won’t be the only one with her world turned upside down. Family is forever, whether anyone likes it or not. Everything is done in the name of family. -an au of TVD/TO post season 8 & 4 of TO.
You can also read my new update on Wattpad or FFN!
You may remember this AU from past posts see here
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daguerreotyping · 1 year
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Tintypes of two stylish gentlemen in stovepipe hats playing a hand of cards and getting a little handsy, c. 1880s
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natalievoncatte · 8 months
cw: violence
Lena checked her watch. She only had a few minutes to pull this off, and had to time it perfectly. Lex was across town meeting with an investment consortium from Japan.
She knew what he was planning. She just lacked the proof she needed. Once she had it, she would go to the media through her best friend and confidant, Kara Danvers. She had eyes on Lex right now as he met, in secret, with a Kasnian agent, the same one who'd help him orchestrate the theft of a prototype Lexosuit; that had been one of the first times that Superman had shut down one of Lex's schemes, and earned his undying hatred.
Lena needed the final piece of the puzzle before she involved Kara and pulled her into the danger of her private little war with her brother. This was so far beyond anything Lex had attempted that Lena knew now was the time, she had to stop him now, today. The line had to be drawn here, and no further.
The secure lab was deep in the bowels of the Lexcorp Tower in Metropolis; Lena made the excuse of a meeting with some of the research team working on battery enhancements for the upcoming line of Lexmobiles. (Lena had spent hours genuinely trying to talk Lex out of that god-awful name, and actually call them something marketable, but his towering ego was as immovable as it was monumental)
Lena's heart was racing as she stepped out of the elevator, carrying her briefcase under one arm. She strode down the hall like she owned the place (she did, actually- or half of it, anyway) and made sure anyone watching on the security feeds would pay her no mind. She'd worked here for years; even though she'd moved to National City to lead her own division, away from Lex, Superman, and all the drama, she was not an uncommon sight in this place.
Maybe here.
Lena stopped at the door, a heavy steel slab six feet wide and eight feet tall. Breath catching, she slipped her hand in her pocket and slid her finger through the ring she carried there. When she pulled her hand out, an image inducer created a perfect replica of Lex's hand around her own, projecting the unique contours and ridges of his palm and fingertips while simulating his pulse and unique vitals.
It was either going to work or it wasn't. She pressed the false hand to the sensors and waited. It beeped twice and turned a healthy blue.
The door let out a rush of cool air as it slid silently aside, its motion mirrored by an inner door of the same dimensions sliding in the opposite direction. Lena stepped through and removed the ring; the doors slid ominously closed behind her, latching with a heavy thunk as wrist-thick steel bolts slid home, anchoring them in place.
She knew that not only was the entire room lined with lead, but the lights could instantly switch to a red wavelength and the long sliding panels on the wall would open to reveal K-Radiator emitters. This room was designed to be a death trap for Kryptonians, should one be foolish enough to enter. That was why Lena had to do this alone.
Supergirl would rush in where angels feared to tread, and given the chance, she'd barge through those doors and end up helpless on the floor, at Lex's mercy to murder without witnesses. Or worse.
The lab was smaller than she expected, and Spartan. Despite her brother's notorious, arrogant grandiosity, he could be relentlessly practical when needed, and at heart was utterly ruthless. Lab benches lined the walls, and the computer was no different, visually, from any other workstation, though it was connected to a vast private database and would have very difficult encryption and security protocols that no one in the world could crack.
No one but her.
The far end of the room was dominated by a peculiar machine, resembling an incubation chamber of some kind, roughly human-sized and surrounded by thick steel cables and tubes, with several dozen monitors rigged up all around it, displaying all sorts of information.
Including biorhythmic data and vital signs.
Lena ran a hand over the steel of the external pod. It was warm.
Her throat tightened. This might be worse than she thought.
Turning to the terminal, Lena sat down on the stool and took from her bag a small portable drive and connection cable, setting them on the desktop in front of her. Lex had one of those drinking birds dunking placidly away at a glass of water on the desk, another bit of his peculiar humor. She'd once loved that about him, before his joking took on a mirthless, cruel streak.
Letting out a slow breath, Lena wiggled the mouse and woke the computer. It demanded a password, pass phrase, and passkey. The two she had, the latter was what the drive was for.
She typed BUCEPHALUS in the password field, then THY FEARFUL SYMMETRY in the pass phrase field, then clicked the cursor into the last box and plugged in the drive, and waited.
The program loaded automatically. If she made an attempt to brute-force the passcode, it would set off the alarms and possibly even trigger a deadly trap in this room. Lena had to crack it without cracking it; it took her months to create this algorithm, with the secret and begrudging help of Querl Dox at the DEO. He'd been concerned about it falling into the wrong hands; he was right to fear that, as it could crack virtually any system in seconds.
It did exactly that, filling in the require passcode. Lena clicked the LOGON button and let out a soft cry of relief as the screen lit up with Lex's desktop.
He had a series of folders waiting, just sitting there ready to be opened. The folders had names like LEXOSUIT, PARTICLE EMITTER, BINARY FUSION GENERATOR, SPATIAL DISTORTION CANNON, POINT-TO-POINT TRANSMATTER... and PROJECT GALATEA.
Lena opened that folder, and found a series of video files. She opened the first one, dated over a year ago.
Lex' face appeared, the man himself seated in this very lab.
"Mother stole Supergirl's DNA and used it to breach the Fortress of Solitude. She walked those hallowed halls, and didn't invite me! Not only that, she took only one device, when Superman's precious armory was right there for the taking! Is everyone a fool? Am I doomed to be surrounded by incompetents?"
He took a deep breath.
"It doesn't matter. There's enough of what she took left to comprise a viable sample... all I need is time, and I had that in abundance now that I've taken care of that nosy Gotham prosecutor that was working with Superman. He's too busy robbing banks to bother with me, and with the Metropolis police and GCPD in my pocket, Superman and that flying rat of his have nowhere to turn."
Flying rat? What the hell was he talking about?
Lena skipped a few files ahead.
"We'll call her Project Galatea. My initial plan -to create a limited-use drug that would produce Kryptonian superpowers- has been a failure. Nor was I able to successfully create a viable clone."
Lena's stomach sank. Clone? Clone? Had Lex tried to clone Supergirl? Was that was this equipment was for?
"Then it hit me- I could complete the project another way, by filling in the gaps in her DNA, but that still didn't solve all the problems. There was a missing component- I still don't know how Kryptonians actually absorb and process sunlight, for one. Still, that seems to be solving itself. Galatea's cells are absorbing the artificial solar energy that I'm pumping into her maturation chamber at a geometric rate. She might be even more powerful than her mother by the time she matures."
Lena jerked to her feet, a chill running through her body. Mother? Wait, did he mean-
Oh. Oh God.
Lena let the video drone on in the background as she moved back to the chamber. It was encased in steel plating, but it was designed to open. Lena found a pair of goggles on a work table near the control panel and put them on before flipping a switch.
The panels rotated, exposing a human form lying at an angle at rest on a padded platform. A respirator, like a flight mask, was strapped to her face, and she was submerged in thick, bubbling liquid. The chamber would have been too brilliant to look at, if Lena hadn't put on the goggles. It was flooded with brilliant solar radiation.
She'd put the inhabitant between ten and twelve years old, with golden skin and dark hair. Lena blinked a few times; it was like looking at an old picture of herself, actually.
For a brief moment, she just stared.
Then it hit her, and she almost vomited as she shoved the switch and closed the doors over the maturation chamber, stumbling back as she retched.
What did he do?
What did he do?
"I see you've met your niece."
Lena whirled, and found Lex staring her down, standing in front of the lab doors with his hands clasped behind his back, a satisfied smirk on his face.
"How... what... what the fuck did you do, Lex?"
"I think you've already pieced it together."
"Why?" said Lex. "I'll tell you why. Security. The security of a free state, sister. I did it because it had to done."
"This is... this is obscene," said Lena. "This is a violation, Lex. I'm not going to let you get away with it."
He laughed. "Get away with it? What do you mean, get away with it? What are you going to do, sue me for custody?"
"You... this is monstrous, Lex."
"We live in a world of monsters, dear sister," said Lex, stepping closer. "Gods and monsters, and who are we? Men, just men. There's whole universe out there, a multiverse, full of these creatures, and the human race is defenseless against them, and worse, they're being welcomed. They're eating of those Kryptonians' palms, you included, and now there are more of them. The green freak claiming to be a Martian. The so-called Amazon. There's seven or eight of them running around. Eventually it'll be twenty, then thirty, then more. They'll run roughshod over our institutions."
"You're out of your mind," said Lena.
"Am I?" said Lex. "Superman and Supergirl claim they fight for truth, justice, and the American way, right? What if their definition of justice doesn't match ours? What if they decide the American way isn't good enough? What if they decide they need to do more than pull kittens out of trees? Then what? Tell me, Lena, what happens if Superman decides to fly down tomorrow and tear the roof off the White House?"
"He wouldn't do that," said Lena. "I've met him, and I know Supergirl. She's saved my life a dozen times, and I suspect you know exactly what I'm talking about."
Lex shook his head. "Mother's extremism has always been a burden. I've done my best to protect you from her, Lena, and I've been honest about it. That's more than you can say for Supergirl."
"You kept this from me," said Lena.
"Until I was ready. I had to be sure that she was viable before I bring her out of the chamber and introduce you. She's going to be part of the family. Our long lost cousin, who we'll raise as a daughter, knowing that the Earth is truly safe now. That we'll have one of them on our side."
"This... this is Supergirl's child."
"That won't be a problem," said Lex. "It's time for you to grow up and let go of these fantasies, Lena. Supergirl doesn't have any interest in you. You're nothing to her, at best a beloved pet."
"I believe in her. We've worked together."
"I said the same thing about Superman. You know how close we were."
"It's not like that."
Lex's smirk turned cruel. "Isn't it? You've always had a type."
'Fuck you," Lena spat.
He chuckled softly and shook his head. "You're not listening. I guess I have to prove it to you. Computer! Show her."
The droning video log of Lex discussing the problems of merging Kryptonian and human DNA stopped, and another one popped up, taking the entire screen. Lena almost didn't look, but her head turned inexorably and she watched.
Lena watched Kara Danvers walking down a corridor. She stumbled, as something hit her back, twice. Whatever it was tore holes in her cardigan, and she turned around, standing tall. Taller than usual. She didn't move this time; it was as if little puffs of wind were blowing holes in her clothes.
Except they weren't puffs of wind. They were bullets; Lena could see the muzzle flashes, off camera.
"What... how..."
Kara yanked her glasses off and shook her hair free, ripping the cardigan open, popping the buttons, baring the sweeping crest on the chest of her her blue uniform.
"No," Lena whispered.
"I sent the men who shot her in this recording," said Lex. "Don't worry, I already knew; Mother told me. The alien confessed it to her, before begging her not to tell you. I wonder why."
The video ended.
"This is a trick. She wouldn't... she isn't... she's my best friend."
"No, she's your master and you're an obedient dog, heeling where she tells you, and if you aren't... do you know what happened to the assassins I sent to kill Kara Danvers?"
Lena swallowed. "Shut up, Lex. Stop talking."
He smiled, teeth bared in a wolfish grin. "The martian mind-wiped them. He uses his psychic powers to erase the memories of anyone who compromises her identity."
"Stop," said Lena.
"Ever have any... episodes?" said Lex. "Any of those days, where you were so busy your memory gets a little foggy? Ever find yourself back in your apartment without quite knowing how you got there? Are you sure your own memories haven't been tampered with, Lena?"
"Shut up!" she screamed.
"You've been manipulated, tricked, deceived. She doesn't love you, she never will, and you have nowhere to turn. Help me, Lena. Join me, and we can be a proper family again. We can put things right, and lead a free world to-"
Lena reached into her pocket and pulled out a nickel plated Smith and Wesson Ladysmith revolver with faux-ivory grips bearing Lena's initials. Lex gave it to her on her twenty-first birthday, and went with her to the range the next week to teach her to use it.
"Oh," said Lex.
Lena shot him. The blast was ear-splitting in the confined space, leaving a painful ringing in its wake. Lex crumpled, toppling onto his side as if his strings had been cut. Rolling onto his back, he stemmed the gushing of his lifeblood from the wound just below his ribs and looked at her.
"Didn't think you had it in you," he rasped. "Should have known you'd be the one. You can only count on blood."
Tears stung her eyes, blurred her vision. Lena held out the weapon, her grip trembling as she aimed at his head.
"You'll never stop," she choked out. "You'll kill her. She'll never be safe as long as you're alive."
Lex grinned, the corners of his mouth wet with blood. "Do it."
Lena's finger flexed, but the trigger felt frozen in place. As it shifted slightly, a flood of memories slammed through her- shooting lessons and chess games, strange idle fancies and muted conversations, long rides in the back of sedans. Lena's graduation, Lionel's funeral, Lillian's abuses, Lex standing between their father and Lena with a bruise on his jaw, warning the old man not to lay another hand on her.
A sob tore from her throat. She couldn't do it. She couldn't.
Lex laughed flecks of blood onto the floor.
"Go on, then. I don't need you. I have my own Kryptonian, and she's going to be daddy's little girl."
It was as if the rain suddenly stopped, the sun cracking open the clouds. The gun was terribly loud again, and Lena turned away before she saw the shot connect, looking away from the blood fanning out across the floor as Lex went silent and still.
Shoving the still-hot gun back into her pocket, Lena ran.
Thought I'd share a little bit more from the in-progress Curse of Strahd AU/Crossover!
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candycat17 · 2 years
So, I’ve been thinking about my TLV (The little vampire) au and idk, I just thought I’d make a banner for it
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Chapter 3 is currently being worked on and it should be up by the end of the month (hopefully)
Here’s the link of the fanfic if anyone is interested. (It may be cringe and it’s one of those Gregory x OC fanfics you see)
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spookythesillyfella · 1 month
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man writes a fanfiction . makes art for said fanfiction .
hi yes this is tony lore . and digitaltime . rolled up into one .
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yoonlattesworld · 2 years
Silly daddy
Spoiled little princess masterlist
Main masterlist
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Mafia yoongi x little reader
Synopsis: in which you give him a little scare when he couldn't find you after coming home
Genre/warning: little reader,mafia yoongi, use of the word daddy many times (not in a kinky way you dirty minded people), mentions of gun,slight suggestive,mentions of kidnapping.
A/n: heyyy y'all I'm so sorry i randomly disappeared 😭 i was just feeling so unmotivated but i got this idea suddenly and had to write it! First time writing about little space I'm sorry if there's any mistake!
Taglist (open) ♡ @bunnyrhe @rosquilleta @yoonaasa @creatorspalace @shymagda-7 @raineandskye
Author's pov
Yoongi sighed running his hand through his already tousled hair as he entered the oddly quiet house. But his tired and stressed out brain didn't caught that as he took off his shoes and coat before walking towards the living room. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw the tv on with some Disney movie that he forgot the name of. A quiet, raspy chuckle left his lips when he noticed your one white fuzzy sock lying on the couch "y/n?" He sat on the couch leaning back and rubbed his face, sighing tiredly but not hearing any response, he frowned calling you a little louder "y/n? Baby I'm home!" Again, he was met with silence.
Now an uneasy feeling started settling inside him when he suddenly remembered that you didn't came running towards him with your bright smile when he came home. But he was too tired to notice that. "Fuck" he mumbled standing up and walking towards the kitchen. Usually you're always in the living room or tinkering around the kitchen for some sweets when he comes home but the uneasiness only increased with a slight fear when he didn't found you there. His jaw clenched and his eyes darkened as his hand found its way to the gun tucked in his belt as he rushed up the stairs and towards your shared bedroom. His heartbeat increased when he found the room empty and suddenly the thought of your one sock lying on the couch didn't felt cute. Did someone break in? His eyes widened at the thought as he opened every single room in the house and frustrated started filling inside him when he didn't found you anywhere. The thought of one of his rival gang hurting you sent him into another level of fury and fear.
"Y/n! Where are you?!" Yoongi yelled opening the door of your play room but his shoulders slumped when he found it empty too. "Fuck fuck fuck" he cursed loudly reaching for his phone and dialing the number of his right hand man, with his another hand gripping the gun tightly. "Hello?" As yoongi was about to respond, his eyebrows furrowed and his movements halted when he heard a soft giggle. "Hello? Hyung?" Walking towards the sound he responded "namjoon I'll call you later" and cut the call, as he entered the bedroom. And only then, did he noticed the bathroom door slightly ajar with the light peeking from inside. His lips parted when he opened the door and he sighed looking down and rubbing his face, with his hand tucking the gun back in his belt before you could see it.
There you were sitting on the floor, leaned against the cupboard with your pink hello kitty headphones over your head and ofcourse with your one white fuzzy sock on. And he could guess that you were listening to let it go while painting your nails into different shades of pink. "Y/n?" He breathed looking at you with tired eyes and you, who noticed someone standing in front of you, looked up with a giant smile on your face which became brighter when you saw him standing there. "Daddy! You're home!" You squealed gleefully, wrapping your small fingers around his much bigger ones and tugging him towards yourself "yes i am babygirl " he mumbled crouching down and kissing your head, causing you to giggle as you proudly showed him your nails "daddy look!" He hummed delicately holding your hand and smiling softly "it's a pretty pink. So good kitten" you smiled at the praise and hummed kissing his cheek and lips softly before placing the nail paint down as he continued staring at you,with his heart still pounding.
"Y/n " "yes daddy?" "What did i tell you about using big girl things when you're small?" You pouted and looked down to avoid his stern eyes and mumbled "but daddy i was big! I even made my own cup noodles but then i became small when i saw these hello kitty nail paint and headphones!" You whined not liking him scolding you causing him to scoff and smirk. Yeah he's created a spoiled brat. "Are you sure you were big when you made your noodles?" He mumbled pulling you on his lap, Chuckling raspily when you snuggled in his chest and started playing with his tie like you always do "yes i promise i was daddy. They were yummy" you nodded laying your head on his chest as he pressed multiple kisses on your head, inhaling the scent of your peachy shampoo.
"Babygirl" he murmured and you hummed "yes daddy" "next time paint your nails and listen to music on the couch yeah?" "Why?" You asked looking at him with big eyes and he bite his lip "hmm so you can show your dolls your pretty nails too. You can't place all of them here right? They won't fit" yes you have many many dolls. You nodded immediately and stood up "yes! I didn't think about my dollies they must be lonely " you pouted starting to walk out of the bathroom. And suddenly, his eyes darkened for a completely different reason when his eyes caught the sight of your favorite blue panties under his hoodie you were wearing. "Daddy should i do your nails too? I'll do yours blue" you chirped giggling and you skipped towards the bedroom door but you gasped and squeaked when he suddenly held your wrist and pulled you back, gripping your hips under the hoodie as he bite his lip, staring at you with hooded eyes "next time baby." He murmured grazing the band of your panty and you gasped when he started pressing wet kisses on the sensitive skin of your neck, whimpering softly when he sucked a small bruise. Your hands gripped his shoulders and you whimpered when he mumbled "you look so beautiful, my pretty baby" you whined and whispered "daddy m' feeling wet" "i know babygirl " he grunted as you moaned out "o-oh yoongi " when he started rubbing your clothed cunt against his hardness. "You back doll?" He murmured picking you up and placing you on the bed. "I-i wanted to paint your nails- oh" you moaned as his fingers rubbed your clit gently "i don't think you can do that any time soon angel. You won't be walking by the time I'm done with you" he groaned roughly taking off his jacket and shirt.
"That's what you get for scaring me like that" he grunted slamming his cock inside your cunt as you held his shoulders, scratching his back ,all the while moaning his name loudly.
Well, if you can get this kind of punishment then you're planning on listening to loud music hidden away in some room every time he comes home-
"Don't even think about doing this again" he growled pounding inside you causing you gasp ,both because of the pleasure and because you think he can read your mind.
You're definitely going to do that again
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fandoms--fluff · 5 months
The Stars Align
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Teen sister Salvatore reader x Damon Salvatore
Summary: Damon comforts you after a nightmare
Warnings: mention of nightmares
Damon's peacefully sleeping until a course of screams wakes him up. He looks over to his clock. 4 am, great. He gets up and starts to walk towards where the screams emitted from and finds himself in front of your room.
It took him a moment to realize it's your door he's standing in front of and he immediately goes into action.
Quickly he opens the surprisingly unlocked door (since you hate it when your older brothers just walk in) and steps in turning the lights on.
The first thing he sees when he looks over to your bed is you thrashing around, still screaming and having tears running down your cheeks. Damon walks over to you, worried since he hasn't seen you like this in a very long time. He's pretty sure the last time was when you were still human, that's what he knows at least.
"Y/n, wake up," he says while shaking your shoulder.
That attempt fails miserably, "Y/n come on wake up, it's just a bad dream" Damon says while shaking you a bit more harshly this time round.
It starts to work, your screams are starting to calm down but you're still trying to thrash around. You can't though because of Damon's firm grip on you to keep you facing one way. He started to shake you again, telling you to wake up.
Slowly it starts to work as time goes on. When it does fully work, you look up at your brother terrified, and start to scoot away from him but don't get very far before Damon stops you.
"Hey, It's okay, it's just me. No one else" He tells you softly.
You look up at him, eyes wide open. You visibly start calming down at the sight of your older brother. "Damon?" You whisper.
"Yeah, yeah, it's me," He reassures you.
You crawl back over to him and he pulls you into a hug. You nuzzle into his neck as he places a hand on the back of your head. His other arm is wrapped around your back, pulling you close to him.
"I'm sorry for waking you up" You mumble. "It's okay, there's nothing to be sorry for" Damon whispers into your hair.
He maneuvers himself into laying in your bed with you cuddled up to his chest. "Just try to fall asleep, I'm here," He tells you before turning off the light from the switch by your headboard.
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The Kind of Human Wreckage That You Love
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Summary: Frank got jumped by a couple of weirdos and as been acting strange ever since. Gerard and the rest of the guys try to take care of him, but to no avail. That is until they get a visit from Pete and Patrick.
Word count:1500
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It all started when Frank got into a fight with some weird guys from across town. He was jumped by these dudes who thought they were from the 1920s or something. Since then he has been acting really weird. Sleeping all day, getting weird cravings, and overall looking really sickly and almost dead. Gerard, Mikey, and Ray were doing everything they could to help him, but Frank was refusing to see a doctor. They were at their wits end until Gerard was approached by Pete and Patrick.
“He isn’t sick, but there isn’t a cure.” Pete told Gerard.
“What are you talking about? Frank just has a really intense stomach flu or something, we have it under control.” Gerard said, defensive over his friend. 
“What stomach flu makes a man look dead? Makes him sleep all day and gives him uncontrollable urges at night? I can already tell you that about this time he has cold sweats, is shaking and vomiting up anything you're trying to give him.” Pete growls, ready to pounce on Gerard. 
Patrick put an arm in front of Pete, holding him back from Gerard before speaking. “We know what's wrong with him, but it’s not as simple as just treating it like a cold.” 
Just then Patrick gets a text on his phone. “Shit, there’s rumors of another swarm that’s been picking people off by Make-Out Point. We have to go re-group with the guys.” Patrick tell’s Pete, putting his phone back in his pocket and pulling out an old beaten up journal. “Here, you're going to need this. This will tell you everything you need to know to help out your friend and to protect yourselves.” 
Gerard takes the journal skeptically, but willing to try anything at this point. He flips the journal open, seeing pages upon pages of recipes, rituals, and other entries. Gerard looks up to question the two, but the strange duo is gone without a trace. 
Gerard takes the journal back to the rest of the guys, showing them the entries and telling them what Pete and Patrick had told him. 
“This thing says to mix holy water, garlic, and human blood and to give it to him, man. I don't know about this.” Ray says, flipping through the pages.
“I read one of them that said we have to have a weekly visit from a priest to come and bless him. Even has a number of a priest that quote ‘understands the situation’ end quote” Mikey says, mocking the entry that he was referring to.
Just then Frank stumbles into the room, covered in sweat and clutching his stomach. “Let's do it.” He says, nearly falling.
 Gerard bolts up, rushing to stabilize his friend and guide him to a chair. “No dude, this is just a bunch of psycho rambling. Whatever you have, we can fix it with some cold medicine and rest.” 
Frank growls, “We’ve been trying cold medicine for weeks now. I sleep all day, there isn’t any more rest I can be getting! ...I’ve been having nightmares when I sleep, they’re all the same. Flashes of me covered in blood, and you guys laying lifeless at my feet.” Frank’s expression softens, “I’m tired of this and I’m willing to try anything at this point.”
Gerard looks at Frank with a sorrowful expression. “Ok.”, he says.
“Wait, seriously? You’re going to go through with this crazy stuff?” Ray says, a little shocked at Gerard’s willingness to comply with the odd manual.
“We have to at least try. If it doesn’t work then we stop.” Gerard says, giving Ray a serious look. 
Ray sighs, “Fine, But i'm not going to be the one bleeding for this, ok?”
“I’ll do it.” Mikey says, everyone turning towards him. “I’ll supply the blood. Luckily it doesn’t seem like we’ll be needing that much.” Gerard gives his brother a thankful smile.
“Ok.” Gerard says, “Let's get to work then.”
With that Ray, Mikey, and Gerard get to work following the instructions in the journal. Gerard calls the number in the book and informs the priest of the situation, Mikey starts the concoction that they are to feed to Frank, and Ray starts collecting all the crucifixes he can find. By 11 PM the priest finishes blessing Frank and the other preparations have been finished. 
“Here, we go, Frank. Now this probably isn't going to be pleasant.” Gerard says, bring the cup to Frank's mouth, letting him sip the mixture. As soon as the liquid touches Frank's lips, he starts coughing violently. Gerard pulls the cup away and rubs Frank’s back, trying to sooth his friend. 
“I told you this was a bunch of horse shit!” Ray says, “This entire journal was just some weird, sick prank from those guys! Just some freaks that-” Ray stops at the sound of Frank chugging the liquid. The three turn back to Frank, who is now standing, the bottom of the cup in the air as he swiftly gulps down the mix. With a loud sigh, Frank finishes the ghastly drink, crushing the plastic up in his hand. 
The three men stare in disbelief. Frank, who was nearly a corpse mere seconds ago, is now standing strong before them, looking as youthful as ever. Frank uses his sleeve to wipe the residue from this mouth, leaving a bloody streak across his face. “That’s better.” He says, dropping the cup to the ground.
“You were saying?” Mikey says, turning back to Ray. 
The four men read through more of the journal, following all the instructions to a T. Preparing more mixtures and rituals to help keep Frank stable. They even found a number to a blood bank that had shady practices so that Mikey wouldn’t have to keep bleeding for the holy water mixture. The group stayed up until 5 in the morning making everything so Frank could be comfortable. About an hour before sunrise, they got a knock on the door.
Gerard answered the door, a wooden stake and crucifix ready. He slowly creaked the door open, revealing Pete and Patrick. The two immediately notice the items that Gerard is holding, Pete hissing at the sight of the crucifix. 
“So, you actually followed my instructions.” Patrick says, a slight smirk on his face. 
Gerard put away the crucifix. “So, you knew what was wrong with him because he’s also one of them.” He says, motioning towards Pete. “And you're trying to hunt all the other ones to reverse it all, right? That’s why you had all those instructions for weapons in there too.” 
“That’s right.” Pete says.
“So now what, you’re here to take out Frank too?” Gerard says, clutching the stake in his hand.
“No, no. Nothing like that.” Patrick says, raising his hands. “Your friend is safe. So long as you keep his urges under control, then we have no reason to come after him.” 
Gerard lowers his weapon, feeling a sense of relief. 
“But, we could really use you guys, if you're willing to help. We’re always looking for more people on our side. The more of us there are, the quicker we can go through the bad ones and get our friends back to normal.” Patrick says, hopeful.
Gerard thinks for a second. “I’m sorry, but we can’t. Frank never has been one to have very good control. If we go out and try to do what you guys do, I'm afraid that he’ll get carried away and cause more trouble than help.” He says, with an apologetic expression. 
“No worries, we understand.” Patrick says, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a slip of paper. “But if you ever change your mind, or if you just need some help, give me a call.” 
Gerard takes the paper and stuffs it in his pocket. Pete and Patrick turn away and begin to walk off, but before leaving, Patrick stops.
“Oh, and if you hear anything about any attacks or turf fights, don’t hesitate to call!” Patrick says, calling over his shoulder. With those final words Patrick begins walking off into the night. Pete lunges into the air and jumps rooftop to rooftop, disappearing just before the sun rises. 
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~A couple weeks after Gerard’s last encounter with Pete and Patrick.~ 
“Any word from the hunters?” Mikey asks his brother. 
“Nothing. I’ve tried calling and texting, no answer.” Gerard says. There has been a spike in activity around their side of town, more and more lurkers at night, making it hard to get supplies for Frank.
The four men jump as there is a knock at the door. The group ready themselves with weapons, crucifixes, and holy water as Gerard opens the door. Standing before them are the hunters, only this time they’ve changed, moonlight reflecting off their fangs. 
“We’ve hit a bit of a snag in the extermination process.” Patrick says, his own pair of fangs hanging in his mouth.
“Let’s get training then.” Gerard says, allowing the group to enter their dwelling.
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petrifiedforests · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Clone Trooper Boil/Clone Trooper Waxer (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Boil & Clone Trooper Waxer (Star Wars) Characters: Clone Trooper Waxer (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Boil (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, 5+1 Things, Vampires, vampire!Boil, instincts, Waxerboilmonth, week 4, Fix-It, Umbara Arc (Star Wars: Clone Wars), ARF Troopers (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), Waxer Lives (Star Wars), Blood Drinking Series: Part 10 of The grumpy one loves the sunshine one Summary:
Five times the things that changed for Boil made themselves known and one time it was Waxer's turn.
A vampire AU
Written for week 4 of @waxerboilmonth and the prompt hurt/comfort
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