#the magical old timey bathing suit that lives in the Himalayas
friend-myth-kill · 3 months
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Friend: befriend them Myth: mythologize them/worship them/they can't kill me if they aren't real Kill: kill them
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lesbianjennybrown · 1 year
Ballad of Klimpaloon supremacy truther. Love Händel put their Love Handussy into that.
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I’m so Klimpaloon coded
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nothernghostbat · 1 year
Last doodle of my page has nothing to do with anything, I was just listening to his ballad and got a lil silly
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anonprotagging · 2 years
I’m online too much because little things annoy me I think sdljfhskdjf
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es-3 · 7 months
ladies if he’s:
-old timey
-a bathing suit
-lives in the himalayas
that’s not your man, that’s klimpaloon
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Oh hey, also the bully in Phineas and Ferb is never beaten to death with the nearest heavy object that Baljeet could find. I thought that was another thing that you demanded to see happen in children’s cartoons, and if it DIDN’T then it was immediately on your Hate List, right? Or am I thinking of somebody else not related to you at all??
Sitcom Anon, I believe you're thinking of Klempaloon-The magical old timey bathing suit that lives in the Himalayas.
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Does anyone remember Klimpaloon the magical old timey bathing suit that lives in the Himalayas????
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fairyysoup · 1 year
sorry i can't be her (klimpaloon, the magical old timey bathing suit that lives in the himalayas)
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monotremeinafedora · 4 years
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“He’s got broad stripes and savoir-faire. He’s out of place almost everywhere since 1883.”
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liquidstar · 5 years
kin list: 
klimpaloon, the magical old-timey bathing suit who lives in the himalayas
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nogoodninny · 3 years
Rewatching Shows you loved as a kid is such a trip, because you think about things that didn’t bother you when you were, like, ten. For example, an exchange between Candace and Phineas in S2 E37…
Phineas: okay everybody, keep an eye out for Klimpaloon.
Candace: Klimpaloon?
Phineas: Yeah, Klimpaloon. The magical old timey bathing suit that lives in the Himalayas.
Candace: You’re making that up!
Phineas: Come on Candace. Does that sound like something someone would make up?
And he has a point! How could someone make something like that up. And that’s true for so many plot points of this show!
But my question now is. Did Dan or Swampy make that up, or did one of them actually run into a magical old timey bathing suit somewhere in the Himalayas? Maybe they just had really freaky dreams when they were kids
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lesbianjennybrown · 1 year
I think we should talk about him more
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Things that still I can’t believe actually happened on Phineas and Ferb:
* Candace became a vampire and then was exposed to sunlight and turned into dust.
* Candace also once became a fly with a human head, a male version of herself, the queen of Mars, the mayor of Danville, and a blues singer.
* Candace beat a crocodile in a wrestling match.
* There’s a talking zebra who occasionally appears to talk to Candace and calls her Kevin.
* Phineas and Ferb helped an alien named Garbog use a robot of their mom to study the human female parental unit.
* Baljeet became an evil genius and almost removed the Earths atmosphere so that it would be easier to study space.
* Major Monogram ate so much cheese that he swelled into a Michelin Man looking creature who wants high fives.
* Doofenshmirtz became the cutest being in the universe, and in a separate episode, so handsome that a mob decided to make him the mayor.
* Doofenshmirtz turned himself into a platypus.
* The reason Doof and Charlene got divorced was because of a hand puppet called Mr. Tomato who, unsurprisingly, looks like a tomato.
* Karl went to a squirrel convention where people dress as squirrels and do squirrel things.
* Klimpaloon the magical old-timey bathing suit that lives in the Himalayas???
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forgottenpnffacts · 4 years
What episode was Klimpaloon - the Magical Old-Timey Bathing Suit Who Lives in the Himalayas - introduced? Do we learn anything about where it came from or how it exists?
Klimpaloon was first introduced in "Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs to You!" when the gang crashed in the Himalayas! 
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Although his exact origins and means of continued existence are a mystery, we found out from “The Klimpaloon Ultimatum” that the fashion he was created/based on was from around 1883 (implying that he’s been alive since then), 
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he was discovered by an explorer named Sir Alvin Shackleberg, 
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he’s made out of wool, 
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and that he lives in a remote cave (indicated by a personalized tree marker)! 
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Also, Klimpaloon's individual threads can move on their own/can sense where Klimpaloon’s main body is and return to it.
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authenticcadence18 · 4 years
ok so. I’m gonna talk about a certain non-canon PnF ship I dislike for a bit.
(and by a bit. I mean for far longer than I intended.) 
And. Ok. I’m just gonna preface this by saying:  I am not seeking to tear down the ship in question. If you ship it, if it makes you happy, I am not trying to step on your toes and make you feel bad at all!!! I’m sure there are plenty of great reasons to ship these two characters, I just don’t agree. And that’s fine! 
I simply want to talk through a certain scene in Phineas and Ferb that fans of this ship usually point to as a pivotal moment between the two, point out another scene between a DIFFERENT ship that is often overlooked, and compare the two. 
analysis/rant will be below the cut
(this post is about Ferb*lla, btw. in case you hadn’t guessed.)
Ok so. Recently I watched a video where someone talked about shipping Ferb and Isabella and why they did so. (I’ll also say I did NOT seek out a video about this specific ship, it just happened to be a brief topic of discussion in it. And I stopped watching the video after this.). I don’t want to say which video it was because I’m not trying to attack any given person here! But I wanted to give y’all context for why I’m writing this. 
Anyway. The infamous “hand-holding” scene from “When Worlds Collide” was used as the main evidence for this ship. The person in the video claimed that “Isabella instinctively grabbed Ferb’s hand” and that they looked at each other and “had a moment” and went on about how they shipped Ferb and Isabella because Phineas was just “so oblivious.” 
Now. I understand being frustrated with Phineas’s obliviousness. Been there, done that. And I understand how some would want Isabella to be paired romantically with someone who registers and reciprocates her feelings.
But this take on that scene is just, well, not right. (I suspect the maker of this video had not viewed said scene in quite some time and it was just a vague memory.) In this post, I’m going to go over what actually happens in that scene, compare it to a Phinabella scene with a similar vibe, and then just talk about Phineas’s treatment of Isabella in general and how their dynamic is so much more than “pining girl/oblivious to a fault boy.”
PART 1: “When Worlds Collide” 
(you can run! wait...wrong show) 
Ok so. In this episode, there is a scene towards the end where Isabella reaches out for Phineas’s hand but ends up grabbing Ferb’s instead. Ferb pats her hand and assures her that everything will be alright, and Isabella immediately pulls her hand back and curiously glances over at an aloof Phineas. 
In the video in question, the speaker claimed that Isabella “instinctively” reached out for Ferb. 
But that’s not what happened. 
Isabella deliberately reached out for Phineas’s hand. You can tell by the way the shot prior to the handholding bit is staged. 
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Phineas is clearly on Isabella’s left while Ferb is on her right. (From our perspective as audience members.)
In the very next shot, Isabella smiles and reaches out to the left, where Phineas should be
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In any world other than that of a cartoon, she’d have grabbed Phineas’s hand. But because of cartoon shenanigans, Ferb is inexplicably standing directly to her left in the next shot, so she grabs his hand instead.
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As SOON as Isabella realizes she’s holding Ferb’s hand and not Phineas’s, her smile disappears and she pulls her hand away before glancing over at Phineas, confused.
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CLEARLY this scene is just a gag. Isabella wants to hold Phineas’s hand, but whoops! she holds Ferb’s instead. Phineas being oblivious isn’t even a part of the joke, it’s just 100% the universe being against Isabella 🙃. And Isabella shows no romantic affection towards Ferb whatsoever in this scene.
Now, one could say Ferb’s reaction to Isabella holding his hand indicates at least a one-sided crush on his part. But I disagree. From Ferb’s perspective, Isabella grabbed his hand because she was worried, and he reassured her like any good friend would do before returning to his former position once Isabella pulled her hand away. He wasn’t offended by her pulling her hand away, and he didn’t make a lovestruck/disappointed face when she pulled away.
And Ferb also misread her gesture. Because Isabella wasn’t worried. She was awestruck, amazed, and wanted to share the moment with the boy she has feelings for. I suspect if she’d grabbed Phineas’s hand, he wouldn’t have misread her gesture.
(Well. Ok. He WOULD have misread it but in a different way. Isabella and Phineas hold hands a lot in the show, so it wouldn’t have been unusual to him. In his mind, Isabella’s his best friend and sometimes they hold hands! I suspect he might have glanced at her for a moment before returning his gaze to the sky, smile never faltering, because who better to share such a special moment with than his best friend?)
I also personally like to think of Ferb and Isabella as having a sibling-like relationship. Ferb teases her about her crush on Phineas AND acts as her wingman on multiple occasions, which are 100% things a sibling would do. And they genuinely are friends! I love their friendship. And so that’s how I characterize this scene, as Isabella being confused and Ferb just trying to be a good friend. It’s not romantic: it’s first and foremost a joke. And on a deeper level, it’s a moment of Ferb expressing platonic affection towards a close friend.
Part 2: “The Klimpaloon Ultimatum”
This episode came out a little less than two years after “When Worlds Collide,” when Phineas and Ferb was a bit on the decline in terms of popularity. Neither episode is a mainstream one, but this one is definitely the less well-known of the two. 
This is a shame. Because it’s a fantastic episode. AND because it contains one of my favorite Phinabella moments. 
Just to set up the scene: the kiddos have been captured and learn of Mittington Random’s nefarious deeds. He’s been conducting inhumane experiments and trying to create “living” swimwear with no success and plans to take Klimpaloon--the magical old timey bathing suit that lives in the Himalayas himself--apart to do so. Isabella expresses distress at his evildoings before they even come across Klimpaloon, and when they DO come across Klimpaloon and learn the extent of Random’s plan, Phineas is right there....
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They don’t even have to LOOK at one another. Phineas can just SENSE Isabella’s distress, and Isabella reaches out for him to comfort her without even thinking about it and he DOES.
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I mean!! LOOK AT THEM. This is Isabella realizing what’s happened! She didn’t reach out for Phineas intentionally, it just happened!! They were totally in sync!
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and LOOK HOW CONTENT SHE IS NOW. even amidst the horror of the villain’s plan, just being close to Phineas comforts her. Or at least momentarily cheers her up. (And ok I know this moment is also primarily a gag but IT’S IN ISABELLA’S FAVOR THIS TIME. Instead of leaving her confused and without Phineas, it leaves her with a dreamy grin on her face and in his arms. Bless Season 4.)
And AND. The next shot is of Random speaking for a few seconds, and then we get a shot of all the characters...
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AND ISABELLA AND PHINEAS ARE STILL HOLDING ONE ANOTHER. Although it looks like they’ve gone from hugging  to just holding hands, which means even if they didn’t want to keep hugging they DID WANT TO KEEP HOLDING ONE ANOTHER I JUST AHHHH. 
So. Let’s review. 
In the first scene, Isabella accidentally holds Ferb’s hand. She doesn’t need to be comforted, she just wants to share a moment with Phineas and is confused when she realizes she isn’t holding his hand. Ferb comforts her because he’s being a good friend and thinks she is concerned. He misreads her needs. So like, he means well, he’s her friend! But it’s not romantic. And they hardly hold hands at all. (And, come on, this scene is mostly meant to be a gag.) 
In the second scene, Isabella is definitely distressed, and without a word (or even having to make eye contact), she and Phineas reach out to hold one another without thinking about it. Somehow, Phineas knows Isabella needs to be comforted and Isabella knows Phineas will be there for her. And they STAY HOLDING HANDS into the next shot. 
Isabella does not instinctively reach out for Ferb’s hand in the first clip. 
Isabella and Phineas instinctively reach out for one another in the second.
Need I say more? 
Part 3: In Defense of Phineas and the Phinabella Dynamic
So. Yes. Phineas is oblivious to Isabella’s romantic feelings for him. Painfully, painfully oblivious to them. (And he’s painfully oblivious to his own feelings for her because COME ON. “Night of the Living Pharmacists” alone proves he almost certainly had feelings for her when they were kids, he just had no idea.)
But. He can’t be blamed for this. He is a CHILD, for goodness sake. When I was younger his obliviousness definitely got on my nerves, but like....he IS just a kid. He was never obligated to return Isabella’s feelings (...that should sound familiar to some of y’all). Phineas just wasn’t thinking about romance relating to himself when he was younger. He was oblivious to it, and that’s okay.
And you know what he’s not oblivious to in the show proper? How much he cares for Isabella as his friend. 
Phineas LOVES being Isabella’s friend. Like. She’s his best friend. (Vincent Martella himself said so!!) 
He goes out of his way to help her earn patches and overcome other problems (like an incurable case of the hiccups!). 
He consistently compliments her athleticism and skills and cuteness (in his own unique way, of course😂). 
Although he expresses distress when Baljeet expects him to go a day without inventing in “Bully Bromance Breakup,” he is more than happy to spend the day alone with Isabella and suggests having a regular ol’ picnic when she mentions being hungry in “It’s No Picnic.” AND he is excited to take that picnic and make it even better for Isabella once Ferb returns (because Phineas probably thinks Isabella would rather have a big picnic as opposed to a small one! He’s doing that for himself but also for her!).
He partners up with her for inventions over Ferb sometimes and is willing to put big ideas for the day on hold if she can’t participate. 
He planned surprise after surprise for her birthday (and presumably for her birthdays before that!) and felt the need to “make it up to her” when the final surprise didn’t go as planned.  
He was DEVASTATED when separated from her in “Night of the Living Pharmacists” and claimed he’d “never forgive himself” if she was infected, and once being reunited with her, he didn’t leave her side and held her hand and made sure she was alright. And he SACRIFICED HIMSELF FOR HER IN THE END. Like. At that point Phineas could’ve let Isabella get infected and stopped the invasion himself. BUT HE DIDN’T. HE SACRIFICED HIMSELF FOR HER. He both cared enough to give himself up and TRUSTED her to save him. LIKE. LIKE. 
Come on. Maybe Phineas doesn’t know Isabella has a crush on him in the show proper. But GOSH. He cares so, so, SO much about her. 
To claim Ferb is a better match for Isabella simply because he’s more aware of romance in general is just a disservice to the close friendship she and Phineas share. 
Did Isabella deserve better during the show? I mean. Yeah. (I wrote a whole fic because of that, lol.) But it isn’t really Phineas’s fault that he never found out about her feelings. So many times, Isabella’s plans to confess or spend time with Phineas were ruined by circumstances totally out of her control (aka: the b-plot’s inator of the day. aka: the writers maintaining the status quo.) If it weren’t for Doofenshmirtz, Isabella would’ve confessed to him in the main summer the show takes place in. 
And you’ll notice! Even in episodes where Isabella is frustrated with Phineas’s obliviousness, their friendship remains in tact. Isabella is TICKED at Phineas during the “do I know romance or what?” scene in “That Sinking Feeling.” But then in the next scene they’re both in, Isabella is at Phineas’s side and smiling! His obliviousness hurts her sometimes, but it doesn’t outweigh the friendship and sweet moments they share. It doesn’t define their dynamic.
Phineas is oblivious. But he still loves Isabella in his own unique way. And Isabella loves him and loves being his friend even though he’s oblivious. 
(And also FERB SHIPS PHINABELLA. He steps away to let them spend time together, he sends them off to get ice cream together at the end of “Happy Birthday Isabella”. He 100% supports Isabella and Phineas and wants them to be together. And there’s no jealousy there either! He’s just supportive and awesome and I LOVE FERB OKAY.) 
So. In Conclusion.
If you ship Ferb and Isabella. That’s great! I do not want to step on your toes, and I’m sure you’ve got your own reasons for doing so. I know firsthand just how wonderful a favorite ship can make one feel, so I’d never want to take that from anyone. 
But just. Please. PLEAAASE. Please don’t belittle Phineas in shipping them. And don’t disregard the moments he and Isabella share. 
Phineas cares for Isabella. So very much. In his own unique, wonderful way. And there is so much more to meaningful relationships than romance. 
Thank you. 
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