#the man was besotted
echoesofcamelot · 2 years
No, but you don't understand. Arthur looked at Merlin like this:
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And like this:
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And also like this:
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And like this, too:
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Like this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this:
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You can see him falling over and over through the seasons.
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edorazzi · 3 months
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I almost forgot it was Sunday, eek! 😱
Page 20 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! In which Adrien comes to terms with the past Ladybug and Chat Noir despising each other, but has questions about Felix's strange loyalty to the Miraculous! 👀💍
Index | Start | Prev | Next
Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon, and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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No but the way you can literally see the ever-present crease between Anthony’s eyebrows disappearing as he kisses Kate, it’s real soulmatism
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tielmamon · 6 months
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if there's one thing you need to know about me as an artist, is that im going to draw Geralt as inlove with Jaskier as humanly possible every chance i get
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casualavocados · 3 months
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Why did you use your body as a shield for me? Because you always do the same for me. At first, I thought you did it because you were quick-tempered and reckless—even felt a little annoyed by that. It never occurred to me that you actually did it to protect me. Says who?
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patolemus · 4 months
Just Stiles casually being obsessed with Derek's hands and one night when they're in bed Stiles sleepily runs his finger tips over the back of Derek's hand and fingers. An equally sleepy Derek asked why he was doing that and Stiles doesn't reply with nothing but a mumbled 'beautiful' and casually falls asleep while leaving Derek a blushing confused mess, end tweet :>
Sorry if I'm overstepping dear anon but this came out of nowhere so here you have a small snippet??
Stiles has a certain appreciation for Derek's hands. They're big, veiny and bigger than Stiles'. Where he has slender fingers, Derek's are bigger, no callouses on the pads because he's a werewolf and werewolves don't get callouses despite all the hard work Derek does with his hands. His nails are trimmed short, and Stiles knows Derek trims and buffs them every day because they grow back a little every time Derek uses his claws and Derek doesn't like it.
Stiles likes Derek's hands. He likes Derek's fingers, too. He likes them when they're spread across his back, or holding his waist, or grabbing his own hand, or slipping in an out of him when they're having sex. Derek's hands are beautiful, a work of art, really, just like the rest of him. And Stiles loves to hold Derek's hands, loves it when they're walking around town with their fingers laced together, or when they're sitting on the couch and Derek lets Stiles play with his hands. He loves it when they're in bed together and Derek sneaks an arm around him to hold him close and Stiles gets to trace paths on his free hand as he doses off.
"What are you doing?" Derek asks in that infinitely fond voice of his that is reserved only for Stiles. It's clear out, sunlight filtering through the curtains, but they're both on the verge of falling asleep. Stiles is tracing the bones in Derek's hands with his fingertip, touch featherlight as he makes his way across the index finger to the wrist.
"Hmm," Stiles merely hums, not really having a reason for doing this other than he likes it. His mind is numb with sleep, and he doesn't want to stop what he's doing. "Beautiful," he mumbles at last, a suitable explanation. He falls back asleep almost immediately after, hand on top of Derek's as Stiles snuggles deeper into the werewolf's embrace.
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firehose118 · 5 months
tommy having a loud and unconventional entrance to the madney wedding….
that man is gonna fly a helicopter there
probably to deliver chimney
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warpedpuppeteer · 6 months
It's how Buck was surprised Eddie was there but automatically smiled softly before going ?? again
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(credits to @buck-eddie for the gif)
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akai-anna · 6 months
it's been a while on my rewatch, but i'm watching the fake wedding case and... can we just talk about how shinichi's reaction is so different in the anime compared to the manga?
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bland. boring. WHERE IS THE FEELING IN THIS. just. No.
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bonus: shinichi peeking at ran with a blush on his face at this bit (and ran blushing too, pretty please)
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We Were Robbed.
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thehecklingmouse · 9 months
Ik the actual reason alhaitham doesn't have kavehs card in his deck is bc it doesn't exist yet but I think a funnier explanation is that alhaitham doesn't want his beautiful princess getting hurt to he refuses to use kavehs card
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Hello hello hello!!! This was born because I needed more Nando being besotted and Lance getting some deserved rest, no other reasons. Thank you for reading. Enjoy 💜.
Fernando was starting to feel some not so vague sense of annoyance at himself.
He and Lance were supposed to go on a date, the first one in a while, because their lives were chaotic and busy as hell.
They were both in Canada, Lance staying home, relaxing after a rough start of the season and some previous commitments, while Fernando was there for some sponsor event that absolutely required his presence, not at all having begged for something to do in Canada, granting him an excuse to be near the other man.
But he must have prayed a little too hard, because not only the event had run later than programmed, but it was followed by a long wait in the car due to the heavy traffic.
While he was sitting in the car, he started making a mental list of all the things he would have to do to make it up to Lance.
The young man had been so happy about finally having some time off together. Despite being visibly tired, he had made some plans, and the promise of more to come once they were back home.
It was strange to think about a manor in a forest as a home for Fernando, but it wasn't home, not really, just like his own house in Monaco wasn't. It was Lance that made every single building that they were in a home.
But right now, he had to think on how to apologise, because Lance must have been mad as hell.
Usually, when Fernando was late, Lance would write him a text every 10 minutes until he arrived. It was his way of annoying him and still making sure he knew he cared.
Now, it had been radio silence the whole evening. He prayed Lance would let him in, even if just to take a change of clothes.
When he finally arrived, he parked the car and went to the front door.
It was strange, because it was getting dark, but he couldn't see any of the lights on.
He started feeling worried. What if Lance was so mad he left? What if he fell and knocked himself out?
He took a deep breath and opened the door.
First things first, he turned on the lights, and he was going to scream Lance's name, when he finally saw the Canadian.
He was lying on his very comfy sofa, asleep and without his shirt on, because on his chest was napping a peaceful looking blonde baby, thumb in her mouth, wrapped in a blanket, that he recognised as Lance's favourite, and protected by Lance's arm around her. Her cheek rested on his naked skin, seeking his warmth and lulled by his heart beat.
This tender moment, the softness of niece and uncle bundled together and asleep in the safety of a house Lance promptly opened to Fernando, it was getting to him.
He could almost see Lance with another baby, their hair brown as their eyes, grins mischievous and big smiles, crawling slowly on this same parquet, then running on some sandy beach, speaking fast English then Spanish then French then Italian, their pale skin easily turned red by the sun.
He could see them starting karting, or playing hockey, or maybe wanting nothing to do with sports.
He could see them graduating, moving out, having a family of their own, while he and Lance grew old and grey, happy and satisfied and together.
Together. It seemed impossible, but maybe it wasn't, after all.
The thoughts of a home somewhere quiet, a ring and a child filled his mind, and he softly smiled at a future now lying sleeping on a couch.
At that exact moment, the baby girl started waking up, moving her little arms and softly whining.
He could see Lance starting to wake up as well and decided to intervene. He smiled at the baby, picking her up and gently rocking her. He bent over his lover, and left a kiss in his hairline.
"Keep sleeping cariño, I got her" he whispered, melting at the sight of Lance relaxing once more and mumbling something along the lines of "safe with you".
He rose up and walked to the kitchen. There was already a bag for the baby full of clothes and diapers and baby bottles.
"Are you hungry, mi amor, or you didn't agree with waking up, uh? Your uncle is the same, don't worry" he said, while waiting to understand what she needed: that was pretty clear when she put her whole fist in her mouth.
"Hungry it is. Just give me five minutes, and don't eat your hand" he laughed softly, before sitting her on the high chair Lance had stressed over while buying.
He quickly heated up the milk, making sure it wasn't too hot before feeding it to the girl.  She hungrily took it, and made her way through it, almost finishing it all, before pulling away.
Fernando took her up, and started walking, gently tapping her back until she burped. He then cleaned her up, and returned to the living room.
The moment her eyes were on Lance, the baby tried to reach for him.
Fernando giggled and re-wrapped her in the blanket, depositing her once again on his chest.
Instinctively, Lance put his arm around the baby, and their breaths soon synchronised.
Fernando was left once again the only one awake. He decided to wait for Lance to wake up, sitting on the armchair near his head, just at touching distance. He started passing his hand through the younger man's hair, and was rewarded by a deep sigh of happiness.
Date night could wait, when they had a baby to take care of and some well deserved rest to look forward to.
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memendoemori · 1 year
I fully understand and appreciate all of the "Gortash is the worst person ever" discussions, and I do think he is in fact the worst most godawful weasel imaginable, but that's what makes it so fun to think about him being down so utterly horrendous for the Dark Urge that he'd let that freak do whatever they wanted to him
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keicordelle · 4 months
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Momo confirmed: there can never be a Banri-centric three:vale
And actually, his logic behind this is really interesting. Because at it's heart, the difference is that with Banri, Momo could never have formed the same sort of codependent relationship that he does with Yuki. Banri is capable of taking charge and taking care of himself, and so Momo wouldn't feel the need to step forward and try to help him.
Hell, it's only after he realizes that no one's taking care of Yuki that he reaches out to him in the first place. Momo establishes very well in Re:member that he needs to feel needed and useful to feel loved, or to express his love, and Yuki lets him do that in spades. Banri, though. Banri doesn't need someone to dote on him (or at least so judges Momo) and therefore Momo's acts of service (his declarations of love) are unwarranted at best and unnoticed at worst.
Whether or not this is actually true is a whole separate question. Banri does seem to rely on Momo when he's helping them out backstage (Momo valiantly kills the dreaded spider for him) -- but he does it in a moderate sort of way, taking the time to make sure Momo's not overexerting himself (ie, when he's lugging around more equipment in one trip than he probably ought to be) and that he is generally taking care of himself as much as he's taking care of others.
But Momo seems to want someone who relies on him too heavily. He needs to devote himself fully and completely to another person (perhaps because he feels he can no longer fully devote himself to his own dreams, so he seeks some other outlet, someone else's dream to latch onto to replace that). He gets drawn in by Yuki's sopping wet meow meow nature and the fact that Yuki so clearly needs someone to take care of him, because Yuki is the only one who enables him to express his love in the way he wants to. Needs to, perhaps. Regardless of how (un)healthy that expression and the resulting relationship is.
That's why MomoBan won't work with just each other. That's why they need Yuki to draw them together: Momo needs someone who he can devote his everything to, and Banri can never be that person for him.
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mvpgiannacarletto · 5 months
Thanks @nico-di-genova for tagging me❤️❤️❤️
The Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post and share one or two sentences (or lines for artists) from your most recent unposted WIP with zero context.
He bent over his lover, and left a kiss in his hairline.
"Keep sleeping cariño, I got her" he whispered, melting at the sight of Lance relaxing once more and mumbling something along the lines of "safe with you".
Little sneak peek of something I'll post in a few days.
I really don't know who to tag, so anyone who reads this, feel free to answer and tag me.
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
hi dio i have a clarkson first sentence for you because ofc i gotta make you write about the old men again 🙃
It was around 2am when Wayne found himself smiling like a lovesick teenager at the contents of his lunchbox: hidden among a whole array of delicious, freshly prepared sandwiches was a note that read "I hope you'll like my hummus-cucumber sandwiches as much as I like you."
anna!!! clarkson!!! how wonderful to see you both 🥰🤍 thank you for this, i hope this is a vibe, my friend 🤍🌷
It was around 2am when Wayne found himself smiling like a lovesick teenager at the contents of his lunchbox: hidden among a whole array of delicious, freshly prepared sandwiches was a note that read "I hope you'll like my hummus-cucumber sandwiches as much as I like you."
He couldn’t help the smile that immediately came over him — a smile that turned into a happy little hum the longer he looked at the words written in Scott’s neat handwriting —, and he reached for the pen in his breast pocket like he always did, writing his own little note in much more scrawny letters: Still like you more :-)
The smiley face felt a little much, but so did the smile on his face and the way his heart fluttered in his chest — it’s all a little much, and still not enough, and just perfect. Eddie always said it had to be a little ridiculous to be worthwhile; and worthwhile it was.
He dove in, humming at the deliciousness of Scott’s hummus-cucumber sandwiches, already looking forward to the end of his shift in a few hours, when he could drive home and have breakfast with his favourite men before driving Scott to school, basking in the way he would talk about the sunrise in wonderment — he always did, and Wayne couldn’t even imagine ever getting tired of it.
As he enjoyed his late-night lunch, thinking about his sweetheart rambling on and on about sunsets and morning dew and his favourite students and his least favourite parents and the way they’re inevitably linked most of the time, Wayne could feel his thoughts drifting off to the ring in a little blue box sitting at the bottom of his sock drawer, and the smile stayed on his lips until the end of his shift and beyond.
send me an ask with the first sentence of a fic and i’ll write the next five 🌷 continuation welcome
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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Edgar Bradley The Murmuring (2022)
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