#the marchioness of hexham
theremarkablemrshall · 9 months
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"𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑀𝒶𝓇𝒸𝒽𝒾𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝐻𝑒𝓍𝒽𝒶𝓂, 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒞𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝒢𝓇𝒶𝓃𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓂, 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝐿𝒶𝒹𝓎 𝑀𝒶𝓇𝓎 𝒯𝒶𝓁𝒷𝑜𝓉."
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ok ok ok concept: a murder mystery à la Clue, but the manor it's happening in is either Downton Abbey or one of the smaller houses we see.
Colonel Mustard is Robert in his season 2 uniform. I know he wasn't a colonel, but a lord lieutenant. Doesn't matter. He's in uniform for some reason.
Mademoiselle Rose is Mary, who keeps attracting every man around without meaning to.
Mrs White is either Daisy or Mrs Patmore.
Professor Plum can be Molesley, although he's just a teacher.
Dr Olive is Dr Clarkson.
Mrs Peacock is either Lady Violet, or the Marchioness of Hexham, or Sybil herself, who was blue-coded at some point.
The catch? the murder to investigate is the death of Mr Pamuk, who actually just got a heart attack. Everyone is trying to hide proof anyway because the place where he got the heart attack is very conspicuous.
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butterflyintochains · 4 months
Royal and Noble Addresses
Just a little bit of writing advice for writing a fictional kingdom or empire. Regarding how a royal or noble is meant to be addressed.
Any senior most religious figure (pope, high sage, high priest etc.) are 'Your Holiness' or 'Your Eminence'. So, the current pope is: ''His Holiness, Pope Francis.'' as is the Dalai Lama.
An Emperor or Empress is always ''Your Majesty''. So, they'd be addressed as ''His/Her Majesty, The Emperor/Empress''.
A King or Queen is normally also ''Your Majesty''. But, you can also get away with ''Your Highness'' or ''Your Grace'' if you're going medieval. Sire and Madam afterwards. So, in real life, King Charles of the UK is 'His Majesty, The King.' names aren't usually needed.
Princes and Princesses are always ''Your Royal Highness'' or simply ''Your Highness''. Sire and Madam also apply. In real life, Prince William is 'His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales'.
A Duke or Duchess is ''Your Grace'' never ''Your Lord/Ladyship'' or 'My Lord/Lady''. Sir and madam can also be used. 'My Lord Duke' or 'My Lady Duchess' can also be used verbally.
A Marquess or Marchioness is ''Your Lordship/Ladyship''. Sir and madam also apply here. Also ''Lord/Lady x' can be used. So, in Downton Abbey, Bertie and Edith are the Marquess and Marchioness of Hexham, and can be called 'Lord and Lady Hexham'.
An Earl or Countess is ''Your Lord/Ladyship''. Sir and madam can also be used. As can 'Lord/Lady x'. Also in Downton Abbey, Robert and Cora are The Earl and Countess of Grantham, and can be called 'Lord and Lady Grantham'.
A Viscount or Viscountess are 'My Lord/Lady'. Sir and madam also apply. As can 'Lord/Lady x'. Anthony and Kate in Bridgerton are the Viscount and Viscountess Bridgerton, so can be called 'Lord and Lady Bridgerton'.
A Baron or Baroness are 'My Lord/Lady'. Sir and madam follow after the title, and 'Lord'Lady x' apply as well. Dickie and Isobel in Downton Abbey are Baron and Baroness Merton, so are called 'Lord and Lady Merton'.
A Lord or Lady is simply 'My Lord/Lady firstname'. Again, sir and madam follow. But, anyone simply titled as a lord or lady is addressed by their first name only. So, in Downton Abbey, Mary is not 'Lady Crawley' or 'Lady Talbot', she is 'Lady Mary'.
Knights are always 'Sir'. A Dame (if used as a female knight title) can be 'Madam'.
Regular people are the usual 'Mister', 'Mrs', 'Master', or 'Miss'
If you wanna add someone into your court who is the chief magic user in the realm, you can go for Archmage or something similar, and have their address be 'Your Eminence' or something like that.
If your monarch is a bit messed up in the head, and declares themself a God on Earth, so a God-King or God-Emperor, you can opt for 'Your Radiance' or 'Your Worship' or something to hammer the point home.
It's also worthwhile to note ; many people with one of these titles, often have a few lower on the hierarchy. If your Prince is also a Duke, his senior most title as Prince takes precedence. As does his Princess' as Duchess.
Hope this helps! Happy writing!
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adoracora-elizabeth · 2 years
We have been happy, haven’t we? Chapter 9
Cora and Robert walked into the dining room that was now a filmset. The staff that was already seating, quickly got up. Robert urged them to sit down again, they were actors now. Quickly he and Cora joined the rest of the family behind the cameras.
Cora smiled at Mary and Edith, who gave her a worried look. She touched both their arms, to reassure them. Suddenly there was a loud screech in the room. And they heard the voice of Molesley.
"Do you want to marry me?" his voice sounded.
"Yes, Mr. Molesley." Baxter's voice sounded.
When they entered the dining room there was applause coming from everybody. Cora quickly grabbed Baxter's hand. She was overjoyed for her.
They were all quickly sussed down by the crew, filming was starting.
Robert handed Cora a glass and set down next to her. They were sitting in Cora´s sitting room. The library was crowded, filming had finished, and they all had a little celebration. Robert noticed Cora was getting quiet, he suggested to take a drink in her sitting room, for a little bit of rest. The rest of the evening would be long enough, with the buffet dinner.
"I am glad that the filming is over." Robert sighed.
"Life is almost going back to normal." Cora briefly touched Robert's hand. "The proposal this afternoon made me think of our girls’ weddings."
"I am sorry, we never been there for Sybil's wedding." Robert said softly.
Cora smiled at him, but before she could say anything Marigold and Sybbie came into the room. "Here you are." Sybbie said.
"What is it." Robert said a little bit annoyed that they were disturbing them, he felt Cora's hand on his leg.
"We will be back in a minute darling; Grandmama needed some rest." She said. The girls turned around and left them alone.
"I am so glad Edith was able to get her back and keep her." Robert said.
Cora raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Do you really?"
Robert took her hands in his and turned towards her. He loved the winkling he just saw in her eyes. Her grandchildren had a special place in her heart. His Cora had always loved their own children, but for the grandchildren there was even more love. "Yes, I am really glad Marigold is with Edith."
Cora lowered her eyes, she blamed herself for everything that happened. Edith had not felt safe enough to confide in her. She had failed Edith. "In the end it is all good, but Edith was in a horrible situation, and we did nothing."
"We did not know; how could we have done anything?"
Now Cora looked into Robert's eyes. He was still looking at her and the look in his eyes made her want to wrap her arms around him and kiss him, but she kept herself from it. "If I were more attentive to Edith during her younger years, she would have known she could tell me about her pregnancy. Now she was all alone in Switzerland, giving up a daughter she did not want to give up."
"She was not alone, she had Rosamund. Cora, do not blame yourself for this." Robert squeezed her hands.
"There is nobody else to blame. I still feel ashamed I did not see what was happening. I never realised how much Michael meant for her." Cora felt silent, she felt a lump in her throat.
"But now she is with Bertie, and he makes her happy. Little Peter is a wonderful addition to the family." He saw Cora's lips curl up in a smile. He knew Cora never forgave herself for what happened with Edith, but she should not be so hard on herself. Yes, Edith had slipped their attention and they never saw her potential. But luckily Mama and Rosamund finally told Cora the whole story and she arranged for them to be together here at Downton. And now look at her. The Marchioness of Hexham. She outranked them all.
"What are you thinking?" All the sudden Cora's face was really close to his.
"How Edith's life has changed and how amazing she is doing right now."
"All our children did amazing." She pressed her lips against Robert's. "Let's go back to the rest, it is almost dinner time."
Robert sighed. "Dinner in the library, it is a good thing Mama is not coming down to witness this."
Cora got up and pulled Robert also up. "Come on, the modern world has come to Downton, and we should embrace it."
When they walked into the great hall, there was Bertie helping Miss Dalgleish to a plate.
They could not hear the whole conversation, but suddenly Bertie said rather loud. "Where is your ghastly accent." And everybody felt silent. Cora quickly walked over; she had a proud smug on her face. She took the plate from Bertie and gave him a warning look.
Robert chuckled, that was one of the looks, you did not want to get from Cora. She could really kill with her eyes. Quickly Bertie made himself out of the way and Cora filled Miss Dalgleish's plate. But she reclined and went downstairs to say goodbye to the staff. Robert stepped closer and whispered. "Now, I know what you and Miss Dalgleish had been doing."
Cora gave him a proud look, put some more asperges on her plate and went into the library.
When everybody was done eating, Thomas came to Robert and Cora announcing that Dr. Clarkson had arrived.
Quickly they followed. Just before they would great him, Robert took Cora's hand. "Whatever he will tell us, we will make the best of it."
Cora wrapped both arms around him and pressed her face against his chest. "I love you darling." Still with her arms wrapped around his him, she looked up.
Robert pressed a kiss on her forehead. "You are my everything."
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redrum-my-dear · 5 years
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The Marchioness of Hexham comes back to Downton.
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Downton Abbey movie headers - The Marquess & Marchioness of Hexham
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bonhughbon · 2 years
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Robert and Cora Crawley, Earl and Countess of Grantham and Edith Pelham, Marchioness of Hexham || Downton Abbey: A New Era (April/May 2022)
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
Downton Abbey: 2022 Halloween Special
This is a response to the Anon that sent in the question of if I’m doing a Downton Abbey Halloween special this year. Sorry, the ask feature on my blog is all kinds of messed up, I don’t know what’s going on with it. 
As for your answer ... 
Set in 1936, Lady Edith Pelham, Marchioness of Hexham, has arrived in Hollywood to negotiate the film rights to her novel that she wrote based on her granny’s time in the South of France and her romance there with the Marquis De Montmirail in the 1860′s. With the huge success of the novel, there has begun a bidding war between several movie studios trying to lure Edith into selling them the movie rights by giving her the big Hollywood welcome and show.
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Accompanying Edith is her brother-in-law and close friend, Tom Branson. Supportive but downcast, the owner of the thriving “Branson & Talbot Motors” has come to Hollywood with two goals. The first being that one of the stipulations to Edith’s negations is that her beloved niece Sybbie - a rising star in English Cinema - is to be given a chance to star in the film and portray her Great-Grandmother of whom left her the house that inspired Edith’s novel. Tom is to represent the interests of his break-out young teenage starlet of a daughter. However, Tom is also there to reconnect with his estranged wife Lucy who, nearly eight months ago, left in the night with a suitcase and has since resurfaced in Los Angeles, living with George and Thomas - working as their secretary and assistant.  
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Meanwhile, across town, George Crawley, Thomas Barrow, and Lucy Branson, are engaged by several Mexican-American farmers whose neighbors and family members have been ritualistically murdered by a seemingly supernatural being of local folk lore. Knowing his stellar reputation as a master detective - and notorious for being labeled a vigilante - the leaders of the small farming community have come to George and Thomas’s private detective office to beseech the famed George “The Comet” Crawley to investigate the murders of their loved ones and stop this ‘demon’ before it kills again.   
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 What isn’t the studios telling Edith? Why has Lucy come to Los Angeles? What vile beast stalks and haunts the citrus fields outside Hollywood? And how does it all tie in? 
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You’ll have to find out for yourself dear readers in ... 
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gospelofme · 2 years
I like Downton Abbey, I’ve seen all the episodes with the exception of the first movie and, this might be an unpopular opinion…
I hate Lady Mary. Like I really, strongly, earnestly hate her. Every time I think I can learn to like her, or start to sympathize with her, she does something so horribly cruel and uncalled for towards Edith. Every. Single. Time. And it’s all when Edith is feeling good about herself or seems to have some chance at finding a husband.
The scene when Mary got told off and called a jealous bitch by Edith had me cheering. Mary deserved to hear every single word. Her apology attempt was utter bullshit anyway. It was all an attempt on her part to save face.
At the point where Edith and Bertie are discussing getting married, he is the new Marquess of Hexham. Which means, Edith would become Marchioness of Hexham. This would put her above Mary in status, which I think infuriated Mary. I don’t think she could stand the idea of having to curtsy to Edith. Instead of being happy for her younger sister, she intentionally sabotages her.
Now I do understand there are times were Edith isn’t nice to Mary. Moments were Edith strikes out first with the insults. But frankly, I see this as her giving Mary a taste of her own medicine. It has likely been few and far between where Edith gets the courage to say something snarky first. Mary has destroyed two possible marriages for Edith (and nearly a 3rd), she insulted Edith’s fashion choices, she gets an edgy new haircut to show off and draw attention to herself when Edith is mourning, and she constantly has nothing but insults to say about her sister towards others.
Honestly, whoever is a huge fan of Mary has ignored the constant, toxic attacks she has thrown at Edith for no reason other than she is the younger sister and easiest to pick on. While I can understand this behavior coming from a child who might not know better, it’s fucking childish and pathetic behavior coming from an adult and someone who wants to run the estate.
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mercurygray · 2 years
For the askbox meme: Downton Abbey + Sarah Maddox? Please and thank you!
She'd never been to the big house before.
Her father hadn't held with such things, even when her mother would gush about having Lady Cora in the shop to try on a new hat, and compliment her work. "They don't care about you, Mabel, and they never will. Not until they pay you what those hours are worth." It would probably kill him, now, if he knew where she was interviewing. Sarah Maddox, come cap in hand to the Crawleys. She could hear him say it, even now. Small blessing, then, that he didn't remember much, these days. And that was why she was here, wasn't it?
There was a fortune on these shelves - she was just admiring the gilding when someone spoke. "I can help you find something, if you like. My father always liked it to be more of a lending library."
The woman who was speaking was blonde, and well dressed - certainly not a maid but also certainly not Lady Mary. And the way she said 'lending library' made Sarah believe she ment a joke by it, a covert jab that she wasn't supposed to be here. "I've come about the secretarial position, ma'am. I believe I'm supposed to speak to Lady Mary." She looked around the room, and knowing how it might have looked, added, "I was told to wait here."
"My sister," the blonde replied, almost bored. "She left your CV on her writing desk. You've been a teacher before - and a writer."
"Yes, ma'am," Sarah said, trying to determine whether it was a condemnation or a congratulation. There had been three Crawley sisters - one of them had died. Was this Sybil or Edith? She couldn't remember. All of thier faces ran together.
"Rather an impressive list of publications. Why take this job at all? With your credentials you could do much better than what she's paying."
Sarah paused. What to say that would not get her immediately caught? She could hear her father's voice now, speaking as he would at one of his union meetings. Don't give them anything they can use against you. "I like a writer's freedom, but steady pay isn't bad, either." Not a lie - but not the whole truth either. Steady pay, yes, but also being close to Dad, and to Fred and the girls - and far away from Nigel.
The blonde nodded, appreciating a practical approach, but she said no more, for another woman had arrived, all ramrod straightness and dark hair. "I think I can be trusted to do my own interviewing, Edith," she said cuttingly, before turning back to Sarah. "Miss Maddox, I assume. You have the honor of addressing my sister, the Marchioness of Hexham. I hope she hasn't been giving you too hard a time." She made a gesture to the pair of couches in front of the fireplace, a small writing tablet in one hand.
"She's been the very model of decorum," Edith said, saving Sarah from having to give an answer that would make an enemy of one sister or the other. "Best of luck, Miss Maddox. And if she doesn't give you a job," she said, her hand on the library door. "Come and see me."
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cacadoradeartemis · 3 years
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Marchioness Edith Pelham & Herbert Pelham, 7th Marquess of Hexham.
I am currently rewatching “Downton Abbey” and Edith is one of the characters who got a WONDERFUL development and finale.
My mom says I resembles her in terms of personality.
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ircnwrought · 3 years
FULL NAME : sybil cora crawley
NICKNAMES : sybbie
HEIGHT : 5′5
AGE : 20s-40s (verse dependent)
ZODIAC : aries
SPOKEN LANGUAGES : english, french
HAIR COLOR : dark brown
EYE COLOUR : blue verging on brown
BODY TYPE : thin,  graceful
VOICE : a unique mix of both light/high and gravelly/low tones that meet in a song-like cadence
POSTURE : straight and proper
SCARS : none
TATTOOS : none
BIRTHMARKS : a small tan spot on her right oblique
FEATURES : expressive eyes,  dark ringlets down her back,  ski slope nose,  rosy cheeks
PLACE OF BIRTH : yorkshire,  england
SIBLINGS : lady mary talbot,  lady edith pelham,  marchioness of hexham,  and an unnamed unborn brother (deceased)
PARENTS : lord robert crawley,  7th earl of grantham and lady cora levinson,  countess of grantham
OCCUPATION : socialite,  nurse in the voluntary aid detachment (VAD)
CURRENT RESIDENCE : downton abbey,  downton,  yorkshire,  england
CLOSE FRIENDS : her family,  anna smith-bates,  tom branson,  thomas barrow
RELATIONSHIP STATUS : single or married (verse dependent)
FINANCIAL STATUS : extremely affluent
VICES : alcohol
LIBIDO : average
TURN-ONS : listening,  playing with her hair,  tracing her skin with fingertips
TURN-OFFS : bigotry,  misogyny,  belittling behavior
LOVE LANGUAGE : quality time and acts of service
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES : soft whispers,  hand holding,  intense but passionate love
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG : dawn by dario marianelli
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME : reading,  writing letters,  walking in the garden,  attending political rallies
NEUROLOGICAL : idk what this means lmao
PHOBIAS : none
tagged by: @bloodpures <3
tagging: steal it from me i dare you (triple dog,  can’t turn that one down)
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twyllodrus · 5 years
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Laura Carmichel as Edith Pelham, Marchioness of Hexham in Downton Abbey (2019)
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Top 10 Female Characters
Rules: Name your top 10 favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
Tagged by @pchberrytea​, with many thanks!
Okay, this is going to be good. Let’s see here... this is not and could never be an exhaustive list, but here are ten of my faves off the top of my head. (Warning, may contain *spoilers* for their respective franchises.)
1. Commander Susan Ivanova (Babylon 5)
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Second-in-command of the Babylon 5 station. Suffers no fools whatsoever, especially not gladly. Proudly Jewish, Russian and bi. I love everything about her, not least the fact that she’s played by the gorgeous and talented Claudia Christian. Perennial fave of mine. Needs more GIFs of her, there are never enough.
2. Judge Cassandra Anderson (Dredd)
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Played by the magnificent Olivia Thirlby, newbie Judge Cassandra Anderson demonstrates to her badass boss that you can be strong, capable and compassionate and that there is no true justice without mercy. Reads minds, kicks ass, passes the Bechdel Test. Even capable of rescuing herself. What more could you ask for?
3. Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)
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My zombie-killing heart belongs to Jill Valentine. She was the star of one of my very first favorite games and I just adore her. Strong, smart, just, compassionate and lovely in every way. I will incidentally ship her and Carlos for all eternity (Chris Redfield who?)
4. Morticia Addams
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Bewitchingly beautiful, morbidly lovely, full of style and grace. Adored and worshipped by her husband, Morticia is a woman of many talents. She fences, paints, writes, plays the violin, tends to a conservatory of carnivorous plants, makes black the new black, harnesses the forces of darkness, crushes the whole “being a mom” thing, and dances like nothing you’ve ever seen. 100% iconic.
5. Ellen Ripley (Alien, Aliens et al)
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World’s best space mom and cat-lover. Wasn’t trained for any of this, but since nobody else was capable of saving the day, she stepped up and made the Alien Queen her bitch. Interplanetary problem? Call Ripley. She’ll kill it with fire. (The franchise did her wrong and we all know it, but she will always be the best.)
6. Rose DeWitt Bukater (Titanic)
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A bit of a spoiled brat, I know, but my favorite poor little rich girl was born into an incredibly restrictive lifestyle that she never asked for, or wanted. The hell with table manners and tea parties and privilege - Rose wanted to be free to ride horses, fly planes, and do whatever the hell she pleased, instead of being married off to a jerk-ass millionaire against her wishes to save her mother’s sinking social status. Ironically, the only person for whom traveling on the Titanic was a literal lifeline. Faking her death and starting over so she could live the life she actually wanted is just #goals. (And so, incidentally, is her wardrobe.)
7. Empress Emily Kaldwin (Dishonored)
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Empress, assassin, heir to her mother’s throne, and the product of a doomed love affair - Emily is a fascinating young woman, passionate in every way, trying to walk the line between the call of duty and the lure of adventure. Although I usually play as Corvo, who is Getting Way Too Old For This Shit, I love a good playthrough of Dishonored 2 and seeing all the cool stuff that our favorite Lord Protector taught his badass not-so-secret daughter to do in defense of the realm - and herself. We learn along with Emily that her caring and dutiful mother had something of a wild, romantic streak (she hated her own iconic hairdo because she preferred having her hair loose and flowing, and would much rather have been off in a rowboat for a picnic with her beloved bodyguard than sitting through tedious matters of state), and as we get a good look at the young woman who now has to fight for control of her own damn Empire, we can kind of see where she got that passionate, rebellious streak from.
8. Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire)
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So you thought Sansa was a spoiled princess who only cared about dresses and sewing and boys? Well, she was at first. Unfortunately she was in for a very rude awakening, and since she isn’t a trained killer like her little sister, Sansa is forced to make etiquette her armor and play politics in order to survive. She endures (amongst other things) forced marriage, political imprisonment, the deaths of most of her family and friends, her own aunt attempting to murder her, a fucking zombie apocalypse in her own back yard, and having to put up with some very creepy bullshit from an older guy who had a crush on her mom (eww). Frankly, giving her a kingdom of her own to rule after all that was the least they could do. Long live the Queen in the North.
9. Edith Pelham (née Crawley), Marchioness of Hexham (Downton Abbey)
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Poor Edith! She’s always getting kicked around by her big sister, ignored or taken for granted by her parents, and being disappointed by suitors, who have an unfortunate habit of dying, running away, already being married - and in at least one instance, all three. Fortunately, she learns how to hold her own in the high society “scandal and quiet female rebellion” stakes. Over the course of the series, she eventually finds her own voice and vocation, and ends up bagging the best husband of them all... and she was cemented as my forever-fave when she finally snapped and told Mary what she really thought of her. Good for you, Edith.
10. Mothra (Mothra, Mothra vs. Godzilla, Godzilla vs. Mothra, Rebirth of Mothra trilogy, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, et al)
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No list of my favorite female characters would be complete without the Queen of the Monsters! Sometimes she’s on Godzilla’s team, and sometimes she has to show him who’s boss, but no matter how and where she appears, Mothra never fails to steal the show. A literal goddess. Last on this list only because she’s 10/10.
Tagging: @avaleon​​, @itsmesaberaltered​​, @falsenostalgia-sundries​​, @ladynyxeris​​, ​@tess-etc​​, @solesurvivorkat​​, @scorpio-skies​​​, @pchberrytea​, @theartofblossoming​ and @sharonaw​​​!
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bonhughbon · 2 years
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The Chaotic Crawleys (or what could've been)
Lady Mary Josephine Talbot
Edith Violet Pelham, Marchioness of Hexham
Lady Sybil Cora Branson
Alexander Isidore Crawley, Viscount Downton
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