#the martínez twins
crossdreamers · 1 month
The fusion of two sisters into a single woman suggests that human identity is not in our DNA
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El País reports on the biologist Alfonso Martínez Arias who argues that genes do not define the uniqueness of a person, citing the example of Karen Keegan, who has two genomes.
Two eggs fertilized by two sperm coincided in a uterus and, instead of giving rise to two sisters, they fused to form a single person: Karen Keegan. 
Her very existence is challenging the conventional understanding of human identity.
The procedure involved merging their nervous systems, resulting in a single consciousness shared between them.
This event raises profound questions about the nature of identity, suggesting that it is not solely determined by DNA, but rather emerges from the intricate interplay of neurological processes.
El País reports:
Martínez Arias, 68, argues that the DNA sequence of an individual is not an instruction manual or a construction plan for their body, but a box of tools and materials for the true architect of life: the cell. The Madrid-born biologist argues that there is nothing in the DNA molecule that explains why the heart is located on the left, why there are five fingers on the hand or why twin brothers have different fingerprints. Cells are what “control time and space,” he proclaims. They are the ones who know where right and left are, and where exactly a person’s foot or an elephant’s trunk should end.
The implications of this discovery extend beyond the realm of science, touching upon philosophical and ethical debates about individuality, autonomy, and the essence of being human.
More here.
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just-a-pole-sir · 9 months
Any clue who the hot ginger twins are? Are they actually twins or just two guys that look incredibly similar?
Iosu and Julen Martínez and yeah, they're twins :)
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donotpush · 2 years
Prompt: A pregnant gynecologist has been in labor all day but continues to perform exams. Finally with her last patient her water breaks and she needs to push. She has the patient move off the exam chair so she can climb into the stirrups to birth, while instructing her half naked patient how to help her deliver.
This ask was sent a while ago, and it's an amazing idea, anon! Sorry for taking so long, but if your seeing this, here goes a little story for ya!
Anna knew her craft.
Her eyes closed shut, hands gripping the armrest of her chair, and another exhale escaped her lips.
"Dr Brown?" Alice, the shift nurse, peeked her head through the door. "Next patient is here."
Anna knew her craft. She was in labor. And she knew she should have taken maternity leave quite a while ago.
But she was sure, well, more hopeful than sure, that those babies were gonna stay there at least until the end of the day.
She knew her craft. She knew that labor could take days.
"Yes. Thanks." With a hand under her gravid belly for support, Anna stood up from her desk with a groan.
She was so heavy lately. Heavy, hot, and bothered, and sensitive everywhere.
"Be good for mommy and stay in there, you two" she muttered, rubbing her tight stomach.
Inside her, her twins kicked, causing her to whimper. They're impatient today.
"Have we dropped already?" the annoying voice of Dr Bloom called, making Anna turn around.
From behind, her huge belly was unnoticeable, but as soon as she turned around, her state was painfully obvious.
The view was almost comical, to watch her waddling along the halls, so heavy and so full that the honorable Dr Brown was reduced to a shameful expecting mommy.
Since she got pregnant, everyone lost respect for the image of the cold and arrogant Dr Brown.
"Not yet, Dr Bloom".
Anna didn't like him.
From the first day she got pregnant, the inappropriate and unwanted attention this man gave her became more and more. And increasingly annoying.
He had to learn to mind his own business.
As she rolled her eyes, her knuckles turned white as she gripped the clipboard in her hands, a particularly hard contraction taking over her.
Oh, uh.
"Ah, oh…" She breathed, looking for her next patient in the waiting room. "Rosa Martínez. Come… in… please."
A woman, as gravid looking as Anna herself, waddled into the consulting room.
Once again, the view was almost comical. Her belly was as big as her patient's, hanging low in front of her as Anna waddled into her office.
The door closed behind her with a click. When Anna sat down at her desk, a small gasp escaped her lips.
The weight of one of the babies sliding down her pelvis took her by surprise.
Anna knew her craft, and she knew that wasn't a good sign.
But she knew and loved her craft —a workaholic for some— and you really can't argue with an addict.
She could, she was going to, ignore all the signs to stop and continue with her day. Nothing could go wrong.
She was in a hospital after all, and she knew her craft.
"Oh, damn…!" cursing under her breath, Anna's eyebrows forward as she leaned against the counter of reception.
Her stomach tightened with another contraction, her back arching as her hips rocked slightly in the air. Looking around for a moment making no one saw her like that, Anna took a deep breath.
Her contractions were becoming more intense. Closer and faster.
"Everything alright, doc?" Alice raised a questioning eyebrow, staring down at her boss.
"…yes." Anna lied, a slight smile on her lips as she looked straight into her eyes, both her hands moving to the underside of her belly, looking for relief. "Just come cramps. I must have… ah.. ate something bad."
Alice, totally not convinced —who would believe her? Anna looked ready to pop any second now, those babies ready to get out of her any second— nodded, letting her know that her next patient was ready.
When the contraction finally went away, Anna let out a relieved sigh and stood up. "Let her in."
Sitting down was another experience that became uncomfortable. Anna was unable to find any comfort in those hospital chairs, her back was always killing her and her belly was always pressing against her desk, no longer able to sit comfortably in her own office.
Her white robe couldn't hold her enormous belly anymore, so a while ago she just gave up trying to look that professional — not that the buttons would have allowed it without popping — but today, she regretted wearing such a tight shirt under her uniform.
Was it always that tight? Or today her breasts were just too sensitive and her belly was that tense?
She wasn't sure. She only knew that she was hot and uncomfortable, unable to sit straight without feeling an awful pressure in her pelvis. And if she could, she would strip down right there, right now.
"So…" Anna breathed, typing away at her computer. "Any weird stuff happening lately?"
"Nothing out of the ordinary," her patient smiled, rubbing her belly before pointing at Anna's belly. "You know how it is."
“Oh, yes, totally…!" Her words drifted off as a contraction hit her, a whimper escaping her lips loud enough to make her patient frown. "Oh, I definitely…. know."
As she tried to catch her breath, her babies didn't give her a moment of rest.
The feeling of one of the baby's heads so, so low in her pelvis, as if it was a minute away from falling out, made her let out a small moan.
"Dr…?" Her patient asked, furrowing her brows. "Is everything alright?"
"…ugh…yes. Yes, don't… worry." Anna huffed, trying to stifle a moan behind a smile. "Just cramps."
Her patient nodded, reaching out to search for something in her bag, and Anna was glad that the other woman couldn't see her face. Because as soon as Anna moved to accommodate in her seat, a gush of water soaked her pants when her water broke.
She let out another small moan and covered her mouth, leaning back in the wet chair.
"Well… that's all…" Anna breathed, one of her hands moving to rub her belly as the other gripped around the arm of her chair. "…for the day. I'll see you next time, Rosa."
It was an agonizing slow minute as her patient gathered all her stuff, put on her jacket and stood up to leave for the door.
Every step that woman gave increased Anna's desire to let herself scream, moan, breathe, anything that could help her with her contractions.
When the woman finally closed the door behind her, Anna throw her head back against the chair and let out a loud moan. Her hands reached inside her pants and her soaked panties, sliding inside her to check her dilatation.
Oh, those babies were so close.
Another sharp pain shot through her body, and Anna feigned to stand up, but the door opened as soon as she tried to. Another heavily pregnant woman peeked at her, before quickly shutting the door after walking inside.
Anna was still holding her breath as her patient sat down, apparently unaware of the whole situation the doctor was going through.
Without pleasantries, the woman in front of Anna raised an eyebrow. "Shall we start?"
"Mhm…God…" Anna muttered under her breath, before looking up at her patient from her chair. "Well, everything… fuck… looks great here."
"Alright," the woman, with her legs up in the stirrups and busy with her phone, nodded. "Great"
Anna moaned, wiping away the sweat accumulated on her forehead and biting her lip.
The baby was so, so low, almost starting to crown.
She could feel the head on her birth canal, pushing against her vagina, stretching her lips slowly by the second.
She was trying so hard not to push, she only had to keep it together until this patient left and then she could… oh, fuck, she was pushing!
Fuck, shit!
Biting her lips as hard as she can she thought she would draw blood, Anna tried to keep herself from pushing. But as soon as the contractions hit her, her body would do it without consulting her first.
"Mrs Williams?" Anna breathed, standing up with shaking legs. "For our next step, I will…. need you to… mhnm… get down from there."
With terrible slowness, the woman in the stirrups made her way down, landing heavily in front of her doctor.
"Fuck", Anna panted, bending over as another contraction hit her. "Fuck, God…!"
Anna rushed to swap places with the woman, letting out a loud moan as she made her way up the small steps that led to the examination table.
Mrs William stared at her with a frown, confusion written on all her features.
"Mrs William… I'm gonna… ughn!" Anna moaned, bringing her chin to her chest as she moved to take her pants off the best she could. "I'm giving birth. And I… fuck! Please, help me!"
Her patient mouth fell open, staring at Anna's crowning vagina, legs up in the stirrups and her contracting belly now uncovered, letting little detail to the imagination.
Mrs William stammered, shaking her head as she shrugged. "I… I don't know!"
"Please, ma'am…!" Anna groaned, letting out a shaky sigh as another contraction came.
But Anna couldn't wait, neither the first of her babies, because once again her body was pushing and with a moan and Anna's collaboration this time, the head of the first baby started to crown.
"Ahhh, God. Fuck! Mhm!" Anna groaned, breathing loudly and pressing her chin to her chest as she pushed. "Just… ughn… catch the head!"
As much as Anna wanted to not have this baby here and now, it was coming here and now. It was all happening too fast, her body was pushing against her wishes and the head was crowning quickly.
And Anna always thought that she would have a slow birth.
"Agh!" with a whimper and another push, the head finally came out of her, and Mrs Williams' hand was there to catch it.
Anna couldn't really mind, because her mind was filled with the urgency of pushing this baby out. Two more pushes, a low grunt and a moan, and the shoulders were making their way out.
"You're… you're doing good…?" Mrs William encouraged, her hand still holding the baby's head in shock.
"Tha… ugh… nks" Anna grunted, taking a deep breath. "Thanks. Just one… more… big push…"
"And it'll be done!"
With a groan, Anna pushed with all her might. A small cry was heard as the baby landed on her chest, brought by the careful hands of Mrs Williams.
Breathing deeply, Anna looked down at her newborn.
"It's a girl…" Mrs William muttered, staring at her hands now covered in birth fluids "…I think so."
"Yes…" Anna breathed. "A girl. Sorry… for… this, Mrs Williams." the doctor sighed, shaking her head as she lifted her blouse to let the baby cling to her engorged breasts.
"Yeah, sure…"
Anna was about to say something else when another contraction stopped her. The head of her second baby was starting to crown, way faster and more urgent than their sister.
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askkirbyocs · 5 months
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My other blog is called @asktadckrew
Check out my AO3 account: Manxwashehe
There's a lot of lore there
Story names:
Into the Mirror (btw Into the Mirror is cringe af so yeah but it's important also not canon anymore) 17+
The Scuttlebug Club 17+
The Scuttlebug Club: THE WAR OF SUCCUBUS 17+
Beyond the Døllhouse (first episode just came out) 17+
Our Favorite Søldier (not posted yet) 17+
Cosmic Frontiers (not posted yet) 13+ (Marx says a swear word)
Fun Facts!!:
In Our Favorite Søldier, there are two AUs intertwined so you gotta specify which AU you're asking
Meta Knight's last name is Martínez
Proto is obviously a self insert please don't bully me for that
The Dreamy Gear Kirby is an adult
Taranza got remarried
Bandee and Susie have a daughter named Lumie
There's a difference between Magolor and Magolør (Magolør is Dreamy Gear)
Dreamy Gear Meta Knight is transgender
Marx has had 4 1/2 exes
Darx is non-binary
Jecra's fling/Knuckle Joe's mother's name is Juliette
Magalie is transgender! Male to Female (She/Her and They/Them please!)
Marx is intersex
Meta Knight's nickname is Alexander so he's Meta Knight "Alexander" Martínez
Martínez Family: Garlude, Meta Knight, Proto, Sirica, Sailor Waddle Dee, Kirby, Kit, Poyolicious, Comet (formerly), Persimmon (deceased), Bellatrix (formerly), Lotus
Koshkin Family: Beelzebub (Magolor's mother, not the deadly sin), Hyness, Zan Partizanne, Magolor (Zan and magolor are twins), Flamberge, Francisca, Wyllo, Freya (Francisca and Flamberge's daughter) Madeline, Nova and Cosmo (Marx and Magolor's kids. Nova is a girl Cosmo is a boy), Sleep-zee (Magolor and Marstella's daughter)
Koshkin family cousins: Vividria, NESP
Astrea Family: Marx, Nova and Cosmo, Shadow Kirby, Suīka (suīka is a boy), Lemon and Lime, Blinx
Florabelle Family: Taranza, Sectonia (formerly), Magnolia, Nectar, Marmalade, Rosie, Lunaria
Haltmann Family: Susie, Bandee (kinda) Lumie
The other Martínez Family (Galacta's side): Galacta Knight, Callista, Sniper Knight, Gooey, Galaxy and Callisto, Ceres, Sirius, Astra and Cyclone, Phillip aka Pip
The Skielar Family: Marcī, Hennry, Angelica (AKA Magalie! Magalie is transgender woman), Eliza, And Jazzmynn! Proto (he's their sibling too)
King Dedede's kids: Bandana Waddle Dee, Scribble, Doodle
Sweet Family: The Confection King, Sugaree Sweet/Artzy, Sir Chip, Mon Roll
The sweet family belong to @browniboxx
Korn Family: Carrie, Kathy, Trikk & Treet
Cosmia Family: Queen Cassiopeia, Princess Andromeda, Max (he's a pet but he counts anyway)
Dreamy Gear Meta Knight and Dreamy Gear Magolør
Dreamy Gear Kirby and my OC, Praline
Bandana Waddle Dee and Susie Haltmann
Sniper Knight (oc), Galacta Knight, and Callista (another oc)
Sir Dragato (Galahad) and Sir Falspar
Waddle Dee and Tiff (WADDLE DEE IS A PEDOPHILE AND I FUCKING HATE HIM pls don't support this ship I just want to make my readers mad) (haha the Skielar sisters killed him)
Taranza and Magnolia
Gryll and Prince Fluff
Jecra and Juliette
Proto, Meta Knight/Alexander, and Garlude
Marie and Magolor (arranged marriage)
Kandyland Cast:
These characters belong to @browniboxx
The Confection King and Queen Cassiopeia
Sir Chip and Kandi Sugarose
Plutø and The Seven Dwarfs:
Plutø (Fae Goddess yass)
Star (AKA Proto/Cry-Baby)
Moon (AKA Taranza)
Crystalline (AKA Magolor/Amulette)
Sky (Her real name is Dream but ew. AKA Marstella/Melatonin)
Aeon Hero and The Seven Heavenly Virtues:
Aeon Hero
Pazienza (Patience)
El (Temperance)
Lucretius (Charity)
Millie (Kindness)
Miralax (Diligence)
Phoebus (Chastity)
Hortensia (Humility)
Marcī and The Seven Deadly Sins:
Marcī (Queen of Succubus)
Vesperrolii (he's literally bootleg Fizzarolii and he's also Asmo's boyfriend)
Satan (Wrath)
Beelzebub (Gluttony)
Mammon (Greed)
Leviathan (Envy)
Belphegor (Sloth)
Asmodeus (Lust)
Lucifer (Pride)
Suqarplxm (She was Proto now she's Cry-Baby)
Cookii (Yin)
Creme (Yang)
Cascade (Crystalline)
Aurora (Marstella)
Beyond the Døllhouse:
Cry-Baby (Proto)
Hyacinth (Yin and Yang)
Melatonin (Dream/Sky)
Amulette (Crystalline)
Molly McDolly (She's not a rebirth but she's got Cry-Baby's powers)
Melanie (also a fae)
Øphelia (another fae)
Brittany (she's secretly an orphan also another fae)
Luna (Taranza's daughter)
Kelly (little bitch she's not a fae)
Kittie (also not a fae. She copies Cry-Baby)
Mirror World Counterparts:
Darx (Mirror Marx)
Dark Meta Knight (Dreamy Gear)
Shadow Dedede (only in the Dreamy Gear AU)
Shadow Kirby
Corrupt Kirby (Mirror Shadow Kirby)
Marziepan (Mirror Marcī)
Shadow Bandana Waddle Dee
Skippy (Normal DMK)
Shadow Kirby (Dreamy Gear)
Proto (Mirror Magolor, formerly)
Shadow Spinndle
Dark Taranza
Parallel Susie
Marcī (kinda)
Magolor (formerly)
He was crushing on Magolør but nope
Dead Peeps:
Marstella (cause of death: drowned in the ocean)
Yin and Yang (cause of death: hung by Uma and HyperGlitch)
Persimmon (cause of death: shot with a pistol in the thigh at 3 years old)
HyperGlitch (cause of death: Proto beat her to death with an axe)
Lotus' unborn sister (cause of death: unknown)
Waddle Dee (cause of death: The Skielar Sisters ripped him apart)
Grape Gang:
Marx (leader)
Marx (leader!! Disc User: MamaMarx)
Eugene (DatPinkPuffball)
Maritza (MariTheGrapist)
Dark (MyTwo)
Marcī (GrapeyYoshī)
F.R.I.T.Z (aka Fritz. RoboticJester84)
Neebee (FluffysHusbando)
Fluffy (FluffysAdventure)
Meta Knight (ImmaFaerie)
Darx (MirrorMarxy)
Corrupt Kirby (MustyMang0)
Magolør (Evil!Magolør)
Plutø (SnøwWhite)
Violyte (VibrantEchoes64)
ButterScotch (LiceLicker)
Philippa (PippaPipKin)
Magolor (StaleBaguette!)
Francisca (IceKween)
Zan Partizanne (ThunderBringer)
Proto (SuqarplxmPARIDA)
Suggestive asks are allowed (Sniper Knight would love them)
Don't be a bigot
Don't be weird towards the minorz
The grapes make very offensive jokes so don't be offended by them pls
Be safe and have fun!!
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marlesbian · 1 year
How i perceive Marlene Mckinnon
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art by olowka.pdf on ig
disclaimer: this one is the one i'm projecting the most with my headcanons, so if you don't agree with them pls stfu because all of these mean a lot to me (also i'm exposing myself a bit)
- Marlene Martínez McKinnon
- she/any
- born april 24th 1960
- Butch Lesbian
- Argentinian
- genderfluid, doesn't care when people use other pronouns but is still under a femine gender identity.
- Gryffindor
- Has ADHD and severe anger issues.
Life, family and history:
- Her father is a muggleborn named Sergio and the Mother who came from a wizard family, named Helena. She has a brother older by 9 years named Daniel.
- They moved to the UK right after Marlene was born. Marlene is fluent in spanish because they only speak spanish in the house.
- Kind of a troubled child, she was always putting herself in some sort of fight (physical), as she got older she stopped resorting to violence but sometimes it as bigger than her.
- She grew up very close and sheltered by her dad, he didn't know how to deal with girls so he raised her like he did Daniel, teaching her how to do everything, like: carpentry how to use tools, how to fix things how to play football, how to fix car related things, he wanted herto be independent. Her mother always complained because she wanted a perfect well behaved ladylike daughter, so they had a rocky relationship her entire life.
- After she grew up, both of her parents resented her a bit because of how butch she was, she wasn't what they wanted. She would never be that delicate feminine girl no matter how much they wanted to. Alas, she was still their daughter, even resenting her, they still talked to her, they were just a bit passive agressive about it, complaining of how she dressed and acted but she was always invited for family events and they visited each other a lot during the war. She still went to her parents house a sunday a month for her dad's asado.
- Her brother was the one who taught them to play quiddich, since he learned in school and became a professional player after graduating.
- When Marlene was 5 years old she met James in diagon alley and they became instant friends, they were inseparable, they were always at each others house, which was easy since both lived in Godric's Hollow (GH), their families became friends so they were raised like brother and sister.
- Her dad was obcessed with football and so was Marlene, they even went to Mexico watch the 1970 World Cup (they even took James)
- She taught james to play football and they played it together all the time. Once when they were 12 james helped her play with some muggle boys, disguised as a boy herself.
- She loved their house in GH it was like a farm, big and full of light, lots of rooms and a huge garden.
- They had a dog named Harpy, she was the cutest black lab. It was a family tradition to go watch every world cup (football and quiddich, the Potters usually went along)
- When marls was 9, Peter came to live in GH and became an essential part of the trio.
Hogwarts years:
- She and Mary instantly bonded by being latinas and easily became friends. She was beyond happy when all her friends ended up in the same house.
- She entered the quiddich team in 2nd year with James. She played as a beater. In third year when Sirius entered the team and played with her nobody could stop the dinamic duo they were, their connection was unmatched, they always knew where the other was.
- Their friendship with lily though was different. Lily meant the whole world to her, they were best friends, twin flames. nobody could explain it, they just understood each other, they could speak without words, they would do anything for one another. Their friendship was platonic and romantic at the same time, Lily was the first girl she kissed.
- Marlene fell in love with Mary the second they met, but she only became aware that is was a crush in the end of second year. They were absolute best friends, Mary was one of the only other girls just as obcessed with football as she was. Mary introduced her to brazilian music. Mary and Marlene were both in love with one another at some point in their lives, but never at the same time.
- Lily was the first girl she kissed, her first friend, her closest girl friend. They met on the train before Lily separed herself from the boys with Snape, for some reason Marlene did go with Lily and they just talked for the entire ride, with Severus watching and making some comments, he was never marls' cup of tea, she didn't like the way he treated Lily.
- After Snape called Lily a slur in fifth year, Malene punched him square in the face.
- a quote to define her friendship with Lily "is it romantic? is it platonic? who cares baby, it's homosexual!"
- Marlene loved Lily and Mary so much, but in different ways. The three of them were inseparable. They didn't hang out much with the other girl in their dorm, Greta Catchclove, because she was always with her twin sister on the Hufflepuff common room.
- Marlene was James' biggest deffender, whenever Lily complained about him or treated him badly, she was always deffending him, saying he was the best person they knew.
-Dorcas is the love of her life. They were quiddich rivals in school (Dorcas Slytherin keeper). They were together through the war, both stronger together. They never distrusted one another.
How i perceive her:
Physical appearence;
- Bonde, white, very tall and muscular, had huge biceps.
- She kept her hair long up until she turned 14, then she cut it to her shoulders, in a wolf cut. On 7th year she shaved it to the scalp and then never let it grow out again. Always kept it ver short.
- Marlene was usually very masc presenting, liked to wear traditional boys clothes, but they had some very rare femme days, on those days she wore lots of eye make up, skirts and fish nets.
- She always raided her dad's closet after flannels, oversize shirts and shorts.
- She wore many sleeveless tanktops, button up shirts, bermudas (longer shorts). Loved wearing big belts and shirts that showed of her arms.
- Marlene was just so warm, she was always making her friends laugh, they were extremely loyal, fun, dedicated and smart.
- Marlene loved reading but never really talked about it with other people, she didn't really study either but always got great results.
- Marls was very sceptical, didn't believe in god, in divination, in signs on anything. She only believed magic was real because she lived it every day.
- Marlene was that person that was just effortlessly good at everything, so that made her a little bit cocky but at the same time she was very insecure and anxious. Marlene was extremely competitive and hated losing, she always kept a straight face when she lost but would later cry herself to sleep, because he always took too much responsability and blamed herself for every failiure.
-She was very energetic and could not keep her mouth shut, she was always talking, singing, making jokes and jumping around. Marlene talked with her whole body, she talked moving her hands, her head, her arms and his face was very expressive.
- But that's not to say marls was perfect, oh no she was far from it. She had severe anger issues, she always kept calm to a certain point and then she completely freaked and became agressive andlashed out on whoever was closer, her words shoot to kill when she was mad, sometimes she even punched things around her until she calmed down. her anger was explosive, it was always in the back of her head itching to come out, and that made her feel like a monster, like a terrible person, like this evil was inside of her all the time and one day she feared she might not be able to contain it.
- Marlene struggled a lot with comphet and with that chronic need for male attention. Deep down she always they were a lesbian and would never love a boy
- She over sexualized herself, for some time when she was still young she tried hooking up with different random men at parties, forcing herself to feel something she knew wasn't there. Untill she finally kissed Lily and everything changed, that was the feeling she searched for her whole life. After that it was quite easy to accept herself. After years of crying themselves to sleep for being different, for being broken, for not being able to love a man and feeling like that would make her less worthy, because that would solidify that she was the family rotten dissappointment. She didn't want to be hated by her family, her mind was debating wether to be her true self or to be loved by her father. In the end she chose herself and she didn't regret it in the slightest.
- She embraced being butch, her masculinity and feminity both as a simultaneous intrinsicate part of her. They embraced the beauty that was loving and being loved by women.
- Marlene used a spell to hide her breasts in certain clothes bc sometimes she liked them, sometimes she hated it.
- Marlene loves the sea. It's his place, his safe heaven. her name having sea in it is the most fitting to her personality bc that is who she is.
- Marlene is the sea, she is strong and powerful, beautiful wild and dangerous, but she is also calm, relaxing and free, he is like water, everything in her is fluid, nothing is forever, she is always changing with the tide, she can be sunny and she can be a storm.
- She loved the outdoors, loved going camping, trekking, running, loved any and every activity in nature. Always promoted a match of beach volleyball.
- James called her marley
- Their love language (giving) is touch, she is ways touching people in some way, anytime she sat next to them she put a leg on their lap, holding her friends' hands, walking arm in arm, putting a hand on their shoulders. Receiving is words of affirmation.
- Marls is the best friend anyone can wish for, they are always there for her friends, always helping them, making things for them to get better when they're sick, trying to make them laugh when they're down.
- Marlene was so strong, both physicaly and mentally, sometimes it became a lot to handle, but she always shared it with James, they were both each others shoulders to cry on.
Random headcanons:
-Marlene was always flexing his biceps at her friends, all the time they were just 'bam!! look at those biceps how amazing'
- She borrowed James' clothes all the time, as he did hers, their wardrobe was shared.
- Her favorite bands were Blondie and The Runaways, she also loved Janis Joplin, Fleetwood Mac (Stevie Nicks was her goddess), Queen, Heart and ACDC.
- HUGE Star Wars fan, Princess Leia got her drooling dying on her knees
- The best curse breaker in the order, she and Caradoc worked together on it.
- She was named Harry's godmother along with Sirius.
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spooky-flowerwolf · 2 years
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(School au)Alec Martínez(Fan-Last name)
Nationality:🇨🇱Chilean-American🇺🇲(no Canon)
Sexuality: gay (not out)
He likes: ?
Lan(Dad )
Meg(Mother )
Hazel(Younger sister)
Alexander "Alex"(Twin brother)
Description of his family:
A family that tries to be perfect, where the mother creates several rules and reads several books on how to be perfect, the two children Alex and Hazel being the children that went right, and Alec the one that went wrong.
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hinotorieats · 1 year
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» MEANING: Anier [ Spanish (Caribbean, Rare), Spanish (Rare)]; Schütz [German meaning "rifleman" or "shooter", or in older terms originally connoted "archer" before the advent of the rifle. It also occasionally occurs as a surname, or as Schütz, as in the opera Der Freischütz. The word itself is derived from the German word schützen, meaning to protect, or to guard. It was originally used for archers as they protected castle walls, and is the German equivalent to Sagittarius, the mythical form which held bow and arrow.]
VERSES: Paratime, Night Shift, The Meaning of Forever
AGE: 28-years old.
DATE OF BIRTH: 21st of December 1994, day time; he shares birthday with Quirin.
PLACE OF BIRTH: New York, New York.
OCCUPATION: Vlogger, foodie, traveler. Anier likes anything Japanese and named his channel HINOTORI EATS, hinotori means “pheonix.”
ORIENTATION: Pansexual, panromantic.
GENDER: Cisgender male.
POWERS: His super charm...
WEAKNESSES: He’s too kind...
STRENGTHS: Independent, Loyal, Open-minded, Energetic, Generous.
WEAKNESSES: Emotional, Obsessive, Stubborn, Selfish, Detached. 
FACE CLAIM: Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio.
HEIGHT: 5′ 11″ [ 180.3 cm.]
WEIGHT: 165 lbs. [75 kg.]
BUILD: Athletic.
» TATTOOS: Various. details to be added.
HOMETOWN: Berlin, Germany.
RESIDENCES: Berlin, Germany.
NATIONALITY: German/American.
ETHNICITY: Caribbean.
EDUCATION LEVEL: Some college... 
DEGREES: Finishing up with his degree in film making.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: German, Hangul, French... Ironically, he speaks very little Spanish but he is learning.
PARENTS: Biological parents unknown, unknown if deceased or alive, names to be added. Adoptive father is Dr. Gunther Schütz. The Doctor’s wife passed away when Kai was very young.
SIBLINGS: Two older brothers, Kai, the doctor’s only biological son and then Hari; Quirin, Saem and Luna.  
CHILDREN: He has no children.
PETS: None.
SIGNIFICANT RELATIONSHIPS: He is very close with his brothers and sister.
» TBA.
FAMILY HISTORY: Anier doesn’t know anything about his biological family although his adoptive father supposedly had information about them. He is not interested in knowing anything about them because he felt that he was abandoned therefore, they didn’t want him so why waste time on them. The only connection Anier has with his biological family is his first name which is also his last name. His adoptive father decided to keep the name as his first name as he wasn’t given one before he was adopted by the scientist. Anier came to Dr. Schütz ‘s home the same time Quirin was adopted. They grew up together and are very close...More to be added.
ROMANTIC HISTORY: He’s been linked to several people but he has nothing serious going on at the moment. 
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS: His best friend is Quirin and calls him his twin brother as they share the same birthday.
PHOBIA(S): Bugs.
MENTAL DISORDER: Depression, anxiety.
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diarioelpepazo · 4 months
El nativo de Caripito un paso a la vez fortufuca su rol como utility de infield del mánager Dave Martínez Harold Capote Fernández Bajo los estándares actuales, Ildemaro Vargas se graduó llegó a Grandes Ligas relativamente tarde, a sus 25 años y 348 días en la temporada 2017 con los D-Backs de Arizona; pero lo más importante es que desde ese entonces, así sea con el sorbo de un cafecito, el venezolano ha estado en el máximo nivel de modo ininterrumpido hasta hoy en día. Luego de su estadía en las serpientes del desierto, estuvo con los Twins de Minnesota, Cachorros de Chicago, Piratas de Pittsburgh, regresó a D-Backs, cumplió un segundo periplo con los oseznos y desde hace un par de años forma parte de los Nacionales de Washington. Con los capitalinos el nativo de Caripito en el estado Monagas, forma parte del róster principal y se espera se mantenga para el día de apertura el 28 de marzo, fecha en la que visitarán a los Rojos de Cincinnati. Mientras se trabaja para dar forma y fondo a ese objetivo, el infielder que en la Liga Venezolana de Beisbol Profesional (LVBP), es uno de los principales caballos del Cardenales de Lara, se pronunció a través de su cuenta en la red social antes denominada Twitter. En ella escribió: “Que bien se siente cada día de mi vida poder contar con la bendición de ponerme un uniforme y poder salir al terreno y hacer lo que más me gusta… recuerda no dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer HOY”. Estas fueron palabras del todo cónsonas con su propia trayectoria en el sistema MLB; por ejemplo, en sus dos primeros años solo estuvo en 12 y 14 partidos en las Mayores, mientras transitó 115 más 138 en Ligas Menores. Situación similar ocurrió en 2021 cuando participó en 34 duelos mientras que a nivel de granjas fueron 57 mientras en 2022 fueron 63 por 53. Sin embargo, la constancia le rindió frutos y en 2023 logró su segunda mayor cantidad en un torneo del Big Show, 86, estableciéndose como jugador reserva y utility de infield para el mánager Dave Martínez. Ildemaro Vargas se blindó, aprendió a tener paciencia y un paso a la vez solidifica su carrera en el principal escenario del deporte de los bates, guantes y pelotas. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Meridiano
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saviochristi · 5 months
Apresentação do autor (com as mais recentes versões do YouTube) / Author presentation (with the most recent YouTube versions) / Presentación del autor (con las más recientes versiones de YouTube)
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Muitíssimo obrigado, minhas amigas / Thanks very much, my female friends / ¡Muchísimas gracias, mis amigas Marihá Barbosa e Castro, Hairan Zuchelli & Anne Barbosa e Castro!
Sávio Christi, autor das séries de histórias em quadrinhos (Brasil), (bandas desenhadas - Portugal e Angola) "Albert & Einstein e Sua Turma", "Nina e Zoca", "O Curioso Mundo de Lala e Lila, as Gêmeas (Brasil), ("O Curioso Mundo de Lala e Lila, as Gémeas" - Portugal e Angola), "Dizete e Mazoto" e "O Detetive James Holmes Entra em Ação" e do "Universo Literário Abrangente" / author of the comic series "Albert & Einstein and Their Gang", "Nina and Zoca", "The Curious World of Lala and Lila, the Twins", "Dizete and Mazoto", and "Detective James Holmes Goes in Action", and of the "Comprehensive Literary Universe" / autor de las series de historietas "Albert & Einstein y su pandilla", "Nina y Zoca", "El curioso mundo de Lala y Lila, las Gemelas", "Dizete y Mazoto" y "El Detective James Holmes entra en acción" y del "Universo literario integral".
Personagens retratados / Portrayed characters / Personajes retratados: Albert & Einstein; Cuca, o Detetive / Clever, the Detective / Cuca, el Detective; Cátia, a Fantasma / Kate, the Phantasm / Catia, la Fantasma; Metarfos e Samambaia / Metarfos and Samambaia / Metarfos y Samambaia; o Palhaço Palhoça / the Clumsy Clown / el Payaso Patazo; Cristiane / Christiane / Cristiane; o Gatum Gatuno / the Crook Catt / el Catún Catuno; Antonina "Nina" Moretti; José "Zoca" Rodento; Sheila "Lala" Morales; Liliani "Lila" Morales; Dizete Martins / Dizete Martines / Dizete Martínez / Mazoto Marreiro / Mazoto Marreyro / Mazoto Marrero & o Detetive James Holmes / Detective James Holmes / el Detective James Holmes.
Vídeos / Videos: https://youtu.be/S4ZyRCWZKN4?si=VcnGI83ybJtEMB98 & https://youtu.be/3-yqZaas4E4?si=4jqyEVwcAA5e0_z0.
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docpiplup · 6 months
María Pujalte returns to be Inspector Laura Lebrel in the two-part miniseries, Laura y sus Misterios (Laura and her mysteries). The universe of Laura's Mysteries returns to the grid this Christmas with the broadcast of two new episodes, on December 13 and 20. New cases to solve in which we will once again see Oriol Tarrasón, Laura Pamplona and Beatriz Carvajal leading the inspector's police team. The last we heard about Lebrel was discovered in the TV movie Laura y el misterio del asesino inesperado (Laura and the Mystery of the Unexpected Killer). On that occasion, Lebrel had taken some time off and ran a peaceful rural hotel. Something separated her from the police years ago, an event that also greatly affected her then colleagues. Martín, Lydia and Cuevas are also very different from the series. What happened to them in all this time?
Laura Lebrel's new work
Laura was a master at solving the most complicated cases. But in Laura and the mystery of the unexpected murderer, she did not set foot in the police station. She left her job years ago and moved out of the city to run a rural house during low hours. The twins, meanwhile, studied Criminology at university, following in the footsteps of their mother and father, Jacobo.
The mysteries of Martin
Like Laura, Martín Maresca also left the police, although he does not completely distance himself from the action. He works as a private detective, making use of his skills as an investigator, those that made him such a good couple with Laura, at least at work. The last episode of the series, El misterio del número 17 (The Mystery of Number 17), left the door open for Martín to actually feel something more for Laura: it was revealed that he was DW, passionate about the inspector's cases, although it was never revealed if that was just admiration or there were feelings involved.
What happened to Lydia and Cuevas?
Those who do continue working as police officers are Lydia and Cuevas. Lydia Martínez continues to solve cases, the latest being the murder of Eugenio Ortiz, which she tries to unravel with Héctor, an inspector we meet in Laura and the mystery of the unexpected murderer. We also see Vicente Cuevas at the police station. They both had a relationship in Laura's Mysteries, but the ending left them in a very complicated point: Cuevas asked Lydia to marry him, without knowing that she was pregnant. The identity of the father was unknown. Was it Cuevas or Jacobo, Laura's ex?
A new companion for Lebrel
There is also news, someone who joined the team recently: Héctor. Played by Raúl Mérida, he is a very serious and professional young police officer who will not fit in too much with the group. His way of working and his lack of friendship with others will make him look more like a weirdo. It also didn't help that, in the last case to solve, Héctor treated Lebrel as a suspect in the crime. Will they resolve their pending issues? Everything will be seen in the new episodes.
Mother and daughter
Laura and the Mystery of the Unexpected Murderer continues the story years after the end of the third season, clearing up doubts for fans of the series. It also recovers Laura's mother, Maribel, whom we see converted into a writer of detective novels, as well as a character who appeared in the first season, Sebastián Soto, played by Carlos Hipólito. About mothers, Lydia also has something to say. If in the end of the series we saw her pregnant, now we will see her with her daughter, Valeria. Fruit of the relationship that Lydia had with Jacobo. If you want to catch up, before Laura and her mysteries, don't miss Laura and the mystery of the unexpected murderer.
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simsaustories · 1 year
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The Martínez family has been through a lot since they moved to Willow Creek. Jennifer and Pablo quickly found themselves in a parental predicament. The local principal called Pablo with troubling news, young Sofia and Leonardo were falling far behind in class and acting out. They were warned to get the kids on track or else they would have them taken away.
The two were stressed out by this and wasted no time in making sure the twins had their work done everyday. It was a slow start, but eventually they had found a routine and things seemed to be going well for the two - academically at least.
Jennifer and Pablo were losing their minds over it all. The twins were constantly getting at each other. It didn’t stop at home either as their fights would continue at school and sometimes with the other students.
Things spiraled rather fast after Leo came home angry. Pablo tried to reign the twins in, but they were just too much. Leo swore ate Sofia and she made a mess in his room. He was in the middle of cleaning up their other messes when Jennifer got home. She was outraged and punished both kids immediately before turning her anger to her husband. It was the first of many fights to come.
Leo and Sofia were starting to get worried. They did their best not to upset their parents after, but sometimes it seemed inevitable. For a short time they were able to get along and Jennifer was expecting their third child. It unfortunately ended in a miscarriage. This loss broke them and they ended up getting a separation. 
During the separation the twins finally found a way to be civil with each other. They acted out way less and tried to convince their parents to do the same. Pablo was the one to move out for a while, but after enough time had passed Jennifer invited him back. They were able to talk things out and make amends.
Still wanting another child, they turned to adoption instead as Jennifer could no longer have kids. They were rejected after a long and stressful interview, but they didn’t give up. Finally they found luck in surrogacy. They hired a woman by the name Ahiri Tilo. She was a single woman in her late thirties. 
For nine months the family healed and bonded as they prepared for the new addition to the family. Jennifer was home alone with Ahiri when she went into labor. It was stressful. The labor lasted several hours. Thankfully Jennifer was able to help her deliver the baby, a boy she lovingly named Brandon. 
Brandon was born completely blue, making Jennifer worry that something was wrong. Ahiri knew that he was completely healthy though and reassured of such before running off. Everyone was baffled, but glad nonetheless to have little Brandon in their family. Only a day later the family received some heartbreaking news, Ahiri had passed away to unknown causes. There was no way now to find out more about Brandon.
Time went by fast it seemed. The family had recovered and found a new happiness in caring for Brandon. The twins got a long much better in their teen years, though still had a few bad habits of picking on each other. 
Sofia was still hot headed, but didn’t let it affect her grades. She had straight A’s all through high school. She made fast friends with Jayden Price who took her prom.
Leo on the other hand was doing poorly for a bit. His grades had dropped from A to D. He was just stressed out from school all the time, so much so that he started ditching it sometimes to hang out at the park. 
One of the days he ditched he met a girl named Kyra Nouvel. They got off on the wrong foot, but he managed to somehow turn things around. He opened up to her after a while about his home life and how things were just too much for him sometimes. She was there for him and encouraged him when he felt low. Soon enough his moods were better and he was back to getting A’s like Sofia.
He asked her to be his girlfriend and she accepted so long as he promised to go to prom with her instead of skipping.
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thunderstruck9 · 2 years
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Alfredo Ramos Martínez (Mexican 1871-1946), Las gemelas [The Twins], c.1930. Oil on canvas, 38.25 x 46 in.
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reportwire · 2 years
Former Boston Red Sox slugger David Ortiz lone inductee into Baseball Hall of Fame as Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens miss again
Former Boston Red Sox slugger David Ortiz lone inductee into Baseball Hall of Fame as Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens miss again
With the process still tainted by the steroid era, David Ortiz was the lone player elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame this year, while others like Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens were shut out. “Big Papi” was the only player to clear the required 75% threshold, according to results of this year’s voting by the Baseball Writers’ Association of America. Ortiz finished with 77.9% in becoming the…
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diyeipetea · 3 years
INSTANTZZ: Fabrice Martínez “Twins” invite Vincent Peirani (28ème Jazz à Junas / Carrières, Junas, Occitanie -France-. 2021-07-21) [Galería fotográfica AKA Fotoblog de jazz, impro… y algo más] Por Joan Cortès
INSTANTZZ: Fabrice Martínez “Twins” invite Vincent Peirani (28ème Jazz à Junas / Carrières, Junas, Occitanie -France-. 2021-07-21) [Galería fotográfica AKA Fotoblog de jazz, impro… y algo más] Por Joan Cortès
28ème Jazz à Junas Fecha: miércoles, 21 de julio de 2021 Lugar: Carrières (Junas, Occitanie -France-) Grupo: Jean Rémy Guédon, composiciones Fabrice Martínez “Twins” invite Vincent Peirani -composiciones de Jean Rémy Guédon- Fabrice Martínez, trompeta, fiscorno y dirección artística Vincent Arnoult, oboe Emmanuelle Brunat, clarinete bajo Clément Duthoit, saxo tenor y soprano Nicolas Fargeix,…
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
Match made in Hell : Prologue
A/N : Well this series will be hella angsty. Hope you like this. Feedbacks and suggestions are always welcome.
Pairing : Mob! Tom Holland x Reader
Summary : you always wanted a simple life but to be born as the daughter of a dangerous mobster turned out to be a curse for you. Everything changes when your father gets your lover killed and forcefully marries you off to another mobster as a part of a deal. You hate your father and your husband the only thing you seek is now revenge. Will you ever be able to fall in love again or this burning hatred inside you will consume you?
Warnings : 18+,mentions of blood, murder, death, misogyny, implied sexual theme.
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It’s the middle of the night as you sneak out from the backside of the dingy motel you and Ethan chose to hide for two days before catching a bus to Virginia. You were headed to the NY port bus terminus as you cautiously walked through the dimly lit alleyway. Both of you carrying a duffel bag in your hand as you briskly walk down to the main street.
"Ethan come on'' you whisper yell looking back to your boyfriend who was walking right behind you with whom you have planned to elope and start a new life away from your father's clutches who happens to be the mafia king of Northeast United States and wants to forcefully marry you off to another mobster of Europe to expand his territory and grab hold on their turf.
"Y/N are you sure your dad will not find us trying to flee right under his nose?" Ethan asks nervously. You smile softly as you put down your bag. Your hands reach up to his face cupping it gently.
"Don't you worry honey. I have a friend over there who has made all the necessary arrangements. In a few hours we will be in our paradise far from all of this. Just you and me, baby."
"But what if your dad already knows about us and sent his men to kill me."
"By the time daddy will come to know about us running away he will have nothing to do. He has no power in the southern states so we will be safe." You press your forehead on to his before stepping away from him and are about to turn around to resume walking but then the inevitable happens.
BANG! a gunshot was fired from a near distance.
You flinched at the deafening sound and felt something graze past you as some viscous liquid splattered on your face. You run your hand through your face to find blood stains and look at Ethan with horror in your eyes, a bullet has punched it's way right through his chest causing a hole in its wake as blood oozed out, his white shirt slowly turning scarlet red.
"Ethan!! oh my god!!" you gasped and rushed to him. Ethan felt dizzy, his vision going blurry as his body began to collapse. You quickly hold on to his weight slowly crouching down to kneel on the pavement placing his head on your lap.
"No! No! No, This can't happen!" You didn’t know what to do as you franctically pressed your hands together on the wound on his chest trying to stop the bleeding, tears running down your cheeks.
"Mija" your throat went dry at the deep voice. You turned your head to find your father standing all tall and powerful, face expressionless with his hands stuffed inside his pockets and right by his side is your step brother Julian. In no time his hunch men surrounded the area.
"Daddy he's dying do something please." you sobbed.
"You shouldn't have tried to run away Mija or else poor Ethan would have been alive to see tomorrow's daylight."
"C'mon now get up." He reached out his hand to you.
"What? No! Daddy please help him. He'll die. I'll do whatever you say, marry whoever you want but please save him." You begged him as fat tears rolled down your cheeks.
"It's too late for that Mija. You should have known well that after your engagement you are just a safe-keeping of the Holland's for us. Son-in-law is really upset with your behavior. He is the one who helped us track you down."
"Jules at least you try to understand." You turned to your step brother in despair.
"Enough sister we have to go, we don't want the whole NYPD chasing us for a petty collateral damage." he says sternly.
"You already are a big disgrace to the family. Thankfully my step brother-in-law is very generous to accept you even after all this."
"No I'm not going with you anywhere, either you shoot me like him or else I'll do it myself." You scrambled up back on your feet and with a swift move snatched the gun from the holster of one of his men standing near you. You pointed the gun to  your head holding onto the trigger.
"Y/N Martinez enough is enough! Drop the gun now!" your father commands agitated.
"No!" you shakily press the trigger a little more as tears pricked your eyes.
"You'll not do that Y/N." your father warns again.
"Oh hell I'll do if I don't get to live with the love of my life then you will not get what you want." you spat trembling in rage.
"Y/N no.. No" Ethan croaked in pain, the angry demeanor you had softened at his voice.
"Ethan, honey.. " you dropped to your feet kneeling beside his weak body.
"if you die then I die too." You sniffled. Ethan threaded his fingers to yours.
"No, Y/N you - you have to live. For me. Promise me."
"No" you whimper.
"Promise me Y/N, this-this is my last wish" He took large gulps of air while he spoke. You screwed your eyes shut feeling helpless at the given moment.
"I-I promise Ethan." Your voice quivered.
"I love you Y/N.." he smiled weakly as his voice trailed off as it was becoming difficult for him to breathe.
"I love you too baby." You sniffled. Ethan's eyes were droopy as he struggled to stay awake. He was barely breathing.
"No, no Ethan, stay with me please." you clutched onto his hand desperately. He swallowed his last breath of air before succumbing to eternal sleep in your arms.
"Ethan?" you shake his lifeless body. "Ethan wake up!!" all was in vain as Ethan's limp body lay on the pavement.
"Ethaaan!!!" you wail.
"Take care of the body. I need to handle my ever rebellious daughter." your father ordered.
"Okay boss." one of his capos obliged.
"Now c'mon and let's get you prepared for your husband." your father grabbed on to your arm.
"No,no,no" you try to grasp onto Ethan's lifeless body. Your father ripped you apart from his body forcing you to stand up on your feet.
"It's your last week with us anyway, spend some time with your mother, make some happy memories, she will miss her only daughter the most."
"Happy memories?! You took every ounce of happiness from my life, you are a monster! You all are! I hate you!" you screamed struggling hard to free yourself from your father's firm grip.
"One day you'll know everything your daddy did was for your own good. So stop fighting and do as you are told like a good girl" Your father and brother Julian dragged you to the car. You were a walking dead when you reached your home which seemed a prison to you now. Your mother came rushing to you.
"Oh sweetie you're safe. Thank god I was so worried." she wrapped her arms around you in a hug.
"Mom.. Ethan.. He's gone." You broke down in her arms.
"It's ok sweetie. Don't worry everything will be fine. You are my strong girl I know you will get through this" she cradled your face pecking your forehead trying to console you.
"Ask your daughter to stop acting like a brat and learn how to be a good wife to her future husband and tend to his needs. Don't want the Holland's point fingers at us saying we didn't raise our daughter right."
"Why did you do this Victor?"
"After so many years are you questioning your husband Rosette?"
"No, I'm questioning a father and how could he do this to his only daughter?"
"She brought it upon herself." your mother was about to say something but was cut off by your father.
"No! I don't want to hear anything more about this. Just do what I said." he says sternly.
"The Martínez's will arrive in a week, start making all the necessary arrangements."
"Once the deal is done you will be taking over our family business son are you ready to sit on this throne?" The senior Holland asks his eldest son Tom in the presence of his younger twin sons Harry and Sam and Tom’s future consigliere and best friend Harrison as he stood in the middle of the spacious conference room patting on the big leather chair placed right in the middle of the wooden round table from where he has been running this empire all these years commanding men to do all his dirty work and sealing fate of people who didn’t comply by his wishes.
"Always ready dad." Tom stood tall.
"I know you are, my son. This is the day I have been waiting for all my life."
"Okay now enjoy your last few days of freedom of a bachelor before you are a married man." he pats his shoulder proudly and was about to leave the room but turned to him again.
"One more thing you need to keep a tighter hold on your woman from now on Tom. Her carefree days are over, she needs to be made aware of her responsibilities including giving the family an heir."
"Yes dad."
As his father leaves with the twins Tom slumps down on one of the chairs with Harrison beside him. He lets out a long sigh taking out his phone.
The first thing he does is open your Instagram page and go through your pictures which has turned out to be a habit for him for the last three years. Harrison was sitting beside him as he saw your pictures too. Some were with your college friends, some you attending one of your dad's galas in the prettiest designer dresses and some bikini clad sunkissed aesthetic pictures of you on vacation on some exotic island. Tom thought you looked unearthly in every picture but his mood would go sour seeing the comments below of several guys objectifying your body. He felt like hunting them down and chopping off their fingers with which they typed such lewd comments.
Though he himself wasn’t a man of high morals either drinking, gambling, bringing in girls every night in spite of being engaged to you though each night he wished it was you on his bed, not some random hooker he picked up from the bar. He is well aware that you don’t like him and despise this whole marriage. But he has nothing to worry anymore now because in a few days you are going to be his for lifetime. And he is confident that he will win you over eventually.
"I see why you are hell bent to marry her, she's a siren." Harrison remarked snarkly, breaking Tom from his thoughts.
"Hopefully she sounds like one too" Tom chuckles.
"But you really want to spend the rest of your life with her? She doesn't seem to be the one to follow rules."
"She's always been a wild horse since childhood that is why I like her even more and trust me wild horses are more fun to tame Haz. I can assure you in no time she'll be roaming around like a puppy around me."
"And how do you know you'll be able to tame a headstrong girl like her?"
"That will not be an issue because once I make sure that my child is inside her she will have nothing to do." He smirks. "Motherly instincts, you know how that works. After all, she's a woman. How much ever she hates me she will never separate her child from his father."
"And once I will have her father removed from the picture and taken over their empire she will have nowhere to go."
"You know she'll hate you more than she already does after you kill her father."
"Her father is no less than a monster. I will be doing her a favor actually." Tom once again glances at a portrait picture of you.
"Princess your kingdom eagerly awaits your arrival." he mutters to himself with a smug grin on his face.
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 years
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Through the Years → Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark (634/∞)
3 February 2022 | Crown Princess Mary of Denmark together with Crown Prince Frederik and the twins, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine and their older sister, Princess Isabella, seen at, the opening of the exhibition "H.K.H. Crown Princess Mary 1972-2022" at Frederiksborg Museum of National History in Hillerod, Denmark. In connection with the official opening, a new portrait of the Crown Princess by the resident, Spanish-born artist Jesús Herrera Martínez will be unveiled. On Saturday, 5 February 2022, HRH The Crown Princess turns 50 years old. The Crown Princess's 50th birthday will be celebrated with a number of events in the beginning of February. (Photo by Ole Jensen/Getty Images)
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