#the master of mischief au lore
themasterofmischief · 6 months
future harries... why is yana and harold like they are?
. . . War. . .
When... Harrison regenerated into Yana, he was filled with fear, sadness, regret, guilt, love, and a lot of trust towards the Doctor, who had come to rescue him, despite the fact that he'd tried his best to keep him away... all of that... that's what made Yana, he was fear, and trust, and love, and when the Doctor became the War Doctor...
Eight told Yana, "my next face will love you even more than I did..." and he was right... but that love, it turned into obsession, possessive obsession, I remember him telling Yana that he belonged to him, that Yana was his, that... that we could never leave him...
He trusts him fully, because that makes him Yana, so whatever he tells him, he will believe until someone makes him doubt him, and... well, when something happens, War will just make sure he doesn't do it again.
Yana has Stockholm Syndrome, to a degree, and yes, your worries about his memory and just who is causing it are... correct, but, he'll never see that, not until it's all over.
Yana managed to get therapy once it was over, Ten took him after he found him, it helped with a lot, but... well, with the constant memory alterations, the being obsessed over, the lack of beng allowed to even leave the TARDIS, the war, the... well, everything, I suppose, it all left it's mark on Harold.
Harold is like that because of all of this... something else also occurred due to all of this with Harold, which is why he speaks French rather often, it's... well, Eleven knows how Harrison felt with Eight, let's just leave it at that.
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prisonofgold · 6 months
so ik theres a bunch of timelines and from what ur saying theres a lot of different stuff, r u of any particular master's future on this site or r u ur own thing...?
Oh, yes, ours is certainly different than the usual timeline, I know, I believe mine has deviated from the main timeline by now?
I believe the account I was using then was codemagister?...
Yes, that sounds right... :)
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kaiaden · 9 days
My Ninjago Au’s
I have lots of Au’s, and the name’s basically spell them out, but if you find interest, pick which one you want me to delve into first! I’ll go from most to least voted :3
The deep dives will include lore, character designs, and concept art
Small summary of each au before you vote!
Decayed Au: The ninjas have been killed, but their souls remain in their bodies basically a Michael Afton au kinda TW for basically major character death and some gore
Spirit Au: The ninjas are all spirits who have been worshipped since their demise, but when Lloyd’s spirit goes missing, the others seek the help of two teens to try and get him back
Guardian Au: The ninjas are guardians of their tribes, their mantel has been passed down to them after generations of elemental masters. When Guardians begin to fall, the other ninjas try their best to protect the remaining tribes, but Sora, a new arrival to Ninjago, and Arin, a boy whose tribe fell while he was gone, investigate just what happened to his guardian, Lloyd
Streamer Au: The ninjas are all popular VTubers, join them, as they face paying bills, paying taxes, buying groceries, all while facing doxing threats
Jays other mother Au: a Prime Empire Au where Libber was one of the first people who got sucked into the game along with Scott. Jay meets his mother, and he can’t figure out how to proceed with this info
Lightning and Energy brothers Au: Jay gets adopted by Ed and Edna, and a few years later, a tiny baby is also dropped off with a note. Jay takes it upon himself to help protect his baby brother, Lloyd, from the other kids, who point out Lloyd’s inhuman behavior
Stray Cat Au: All of the ninjas are living in a rental and are trying to pay for college, when they hear what they think is a cat rummaging through their trash, and run out to find a blond boy, and despite better judgment, they take the kid in
Grandma Mystaké Au: In which Misako decides to call in a favor, and Mystaké agrees to raise Lloyd while Misako tries to find a way to save her family. Mystaké trains Lloyd to control his Oni powers and abilities early on, and the two get up to lots of mischief together
If you want to be notified when I post the deep dive of ur chosen Au, or whatever ones you want, reblog this and just tell me which one/s you want to be tagged in so you get to see it!
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tell me about your ocs 🫣🫣 i liste
thank you for unlocking my side quest. this is probably definitely going to be a very long post
okay, so i've got five time lord ocs, but the main one is Fox (short for foxilquinn, because of course i had to give him a weird time lord name)
so he kind of started out as the kid in a doctor/master child au type story, and hes not not that anymore, but also he's got much more lore than just that now
to start off at the beginning he was born (or loomed i should say) on earth during the third doctor's era. i still haven't figured out why or how they had a loom, but they had one. the unfortunate thing for fox is that this loom was mildly broken so that leads to some problems for him (mainly his hair color will stay the same across all regenerations (which isn't really a problem but whatever, and its also where he got his name since the hair color is about the same as the color of a red fox's coat), he doesn't have a typical injury/stress threshold for regeneration, he has to literally be dying or he can't regenerate (this ends up with him losing a leg and an eye during his first regeneration, but it doesn't kill him so he doesn't regenerate from it), and he's really time sensitive to the point that being near anything paradoxical or too out of sync with the time line just kind of makes him pass out)
(also side note, fox is trans, it isn't like a big part of anything but i just like making my characters trans)
anyway when he's like six the cia show up and are like 'hey we're going to take your kid and put him in the academy on gallifrey' and then basically kidnap him. and since he's still got two years before he's initiated into the academy they stick him in the care or brax because a) he's the doctor's brother and therefore closest available family member on gallifrey and b) i thought it would be funny to stick brax with a child, he does not seem qualified for that
fast forward a bit and he's at the academy doing academy stuff. this is mostly uneventful, he does some mischief, but nothing big happens here. he does end up being in like the same year/class as romana though because this is my story and i like romana so she can be in it if i want her to.
after graduating fox steals a tardis and runs away because hes seen what gallifreyan society is like compared to the rest of the universe and he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in that society not being able to do what he wants.
anyway he kind of just travels around for a while until he one day runs into the doctor and romana and him and romana have a fun little reunion and he travels with them for a while.
after romana returns to gallifrey fox starts sneaking in and out of gallifrey to see romana. this gets a cia agent assigned to his case because he's now a threat to security (he isn't really all that much, his main goals other than seeing romana are to not get arrested and being annoying to gallifreyan government officials that aren't romana). of course this cia agent is narvin because he's one of my favorite time lords so he goes in the story as well
anyway things happen, romana gets captured by the daleks and imprisoned on etra prime. fox goes looking for her, does not succeed but does get blown up and has a building fall on him, resulting in him losing most of his right leg and left eye (also he builds himself a futuristic prosthetic leg and also uses forearm crutches that can fold up really small (like fit in your pocket small) because that's something i desperately want to exist so i'm giving them to him and just calling it time lord technology instead of finding a way for it to make sense) (forearm crutches are so inconvenient to bring anywhere if you're not actively using them and also sometimes when you are)
after romana gets back she gets a bit concerned about fox just running around the universe and getting into dangerous situations because of the events mentioned in the previous paragraph and basically goes 'why don't you teach a class at the academy' so she can make sure hes not out there somewhere getting himself killed
he agrees and ends up teaching a small class of students that (maybe they know this through like matrix prediction or something idk) are all probably going to be renegades. the goal of this class is basically him teaching them how to not die out in the universe (the high council also make the rule that if he's going to be employed on gallifrey he needs to stay there and try to take his tardis from him, but he basically tries to fight them about it (i like to think he tries to bite one of them) and they let him keep his tardis as long as he doesn't go on any unplanned trips)
(there's other stuff about him, like he survives the time war because i don't want to kill him off and theres a few regenerations here and there, but i've already said so much about fox so i'm going to talk about my other ocs now)
the other four are all fox's students who i actually just made up to be placeholder characters for like a scene then i got attatched. they're Azdran, Ensil, Jerex, and Maxin
Az is probably the one i have the most stuff for, they're from the house of oakdown and their parents really want them to be like some kind of politician, but they just want to get off of gallifrey and live a normal life without the expectations of their house behind all their actions. they're nonverbal and use a data pad that they modified as an aac device, this data pad is pretty old and it's a miracle that it still works, but az manages to keep it functioning somehow. they're also the only one of the students that survives the time war, they fall through a rift in time and space opened by the war and end up on earth (something something that rift in cardif)
I honestly don't have much for ensil, hes arcalian (the others are all prydonian) and finds the whole time lord society thing stifling and wants to not deal with that for the rest of his life
Jerex was raised by tardis engineers and likes tardises more than people. he already is bonded to a tardis by the time he enters fox's class and would prefer to spend his days working on upgrading and fixing it rather than having to do classes. if it weren't for the time war getting in the way of things he probably would have just settled himself on a quiet planet with his tardis and helped with repairs on the tardises of renegades who stopped by. i think he still ends up as a tardis engineer/repairer during the war because its what he's good at, but he'd rather not be involved in the war
Last there's Maxin. she's the daughter of maxil and i honestly can't remember if she started out that way or if i made her design and then named her and went 'yeah that could make sense'. anyway because of that she often disregards a lot of rules because her father has like some power and can get her out of things. she also definitely breaks into his office and looks through things she shouldn't be. after the academy she ends up joining the military and pretty quickly climbs the ranks (all of them graduate pretty close to the start of the time war so the gallifreyan military is actually like a relevant thing that does stuff at this point). once the war actually starts though it doesn't take her long to figure out that she a) kind of hates rassilon and thinks he's just making everything worse in some sort of power play against the daleks and b) she can't actually do all that much of what she wants or thinks is best in the military both because of it's structure and because, even despite her rank, she isn't often taken seriously since shes pretty fresh out of the academy, so she defects and starts helping the resistance
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axel-the-goat-guy · 8 months
Step right up!
Welcome to Al's Alakazam Attraction! Home of chaos, mischief, and, to be frank, some dumb shit! I, Axel, will be your host on this little adventure! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!
However, before you're allowed in we have some ground rules: #1: No racism, sexism, bigotry, etc. #2: No toxicity. We're here to have a good time. #3: This is a Pg-14+ blog, as in adult themes and stuff will ocasionally be talked about, but nothing explicit. #4: Don't be an asshole. #5: These are the basic rules, if I need to add more to this list I will. (I also likely have forgotten some as well. :/)
Now I'm not exactly "new" to this whole Tumblr thing, but I... Well let's just say there was some "funny business" and move along.
Overarching lore and plot for Al and the "Alakazam Cinematic Universe" (I don't have an ACTUAL name yet...)
Characters in the official ACU (Again I need an ACTUAL name lol): Al (wip post) Shadow (wip name and wip post) Juno
You can call the mod Axel or "Axel the Showhost" (please dont call me "Al" or "Al the Showhost")
Al is my OC and talks in character like this.
Please donate to help with the flooding...
Various other stuff under the cut
Al lore master post (wip)
Also also, I have this wall of text thing idk
Tags: #from the ringleader <- in character #from the showhost <- from the mod #showhost thinking out loud <- various stuff from the mod #circus crew <- various anons or friends or mutuals who are a part of "Al's Alakazam Attraction" #Al the ringleader <- General Al related stuff/posts. #before the alakazam attraction <- lore posts about Al
And without further ado...
Welcome to the show!
(Another Side Note: @twisted-rune <- My Deltarune AU WIP project/idea/concept)
Note goal thingamabob
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cl0ckworkpuppet · 2 years
MagiQuest Ensemble Stars!! AU - MagiStars
i'm cringe and i'm proud
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
welcome to me throwing two completely incompatible hyperfixations together and attempting to make them work!
there are five clans:
woodsy, the largest clan, once in charge of crafting wands and other tools and weaponry. very focused on being in tune with and preserving nature
warrior, protecting the land and defeating anything that jeopardizes its safety. very into combat and dueling, obviously
trixter, the clan full of silly jesters and jokesters. just a little >:3 group of guys. spreads joy and mischief wherever they go. unhinged
majestic, once rulers of the entire realm, now merely elegant (usually elite) people who take on the responsibility of healing magic. either sons of bitches or the best people you've ever met. has the blessing and allegiance of the royals
finally, shadow, the clan that hides in the dark and by far the most misunderstood and stigmatized of the clans. spends a lot of time in dark places, using dark magic, etc. not bad guys at all, very chill, just very quiet and mysterious
magi can also become master magi if they so choose to master every spell and ascend the ranks. this comes with a special title, special rune (stones or jewelry that represent spells), and a lot of respect in the kingdom. not many people become masters, meaning those that do are among the most dedicated.
join the enstars cast as they navigate this world, divided into adventuring parties called "units", and i cry writing 500k words that nobody will read and attempt to draw for this au and fail to do so!
note for MQ lore experts: yeah. i know. a lot of this is a very poor representation of the lore. i know this is not perfectly canon compliant. i'm bastardizing both sources in order to indulge on my autism. i apologize for being jordan itkowitz 2 in terms of wrecking the canon, but i dont care because im not the gwl creative director okay mwah mwah bye
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ladystormcrow · 10 months
Ten First Lines Game
Rules: Share the first line of ten of your most recent fanfics and then tag ten people. Don't have ten? Not to worry, just share what you have.
Oh wow, thank you for the tag, @les-gnossiennes-fantomatiques! And @a-partofthenarrative too!
In The Lonesome October
(POTO, rated G. Erik recruits a grieving Madame Giry to help him with some Halloween mischief.)
The skies over Père Lachaise were ashen and sober as Antoinette Giry made her way down the cobbled path.
Trio Sonata
(POTO, rated M. Post-canon AU: instead of leaving Erik behind after she returns the ring, Christine asks him to leave the lair with her and Raoul in order to save him from the mob, and all of their lives take an unexpected turn. Starts out mostly Raoul/Christine, but the endgame is Erik/Christine/Raoul, with some Daroga/Madame Giry on the side.)
Christine Daaé knew she must not look back. 
Imprints In Time
(POTO, rated T. Prequel to my other two POTO fics, exploring an origin story for Madame Giry: her childhood in a Romani caravan, her rise through the ballet corps, how she met and lost her husband Jules, and most of all, her long and complicated relationship with Erik.)
Anna Reinhardt was admiring her earrings for the third time that day.
(The Dark Crystal, rated T. Seven years after the Great Conjunction, the surviving urSkeks discover a new threat to both their world and Thra. They must return to Thra in the hope of seeking answers from their dead comrades, which also means once again facing Jen, Kira, Aughra, and all the peoples of Thra they harmed in their former lives. Features a lot of Jen/Kira, who are expecting their first child.)
The light was every bit as bright as they remembered.
I'll Keep You
(The Dark Crystal, rated T. Silly, fluffy oneshot involving skekLach reluctantly getting a makeover in Ha'rar after her clothes are ruined on the tithing journey. SkekLach/skekOk, and also features some of my headcanons about Gelfling wedding customs.)
“I still don’t see why I have to be there.”
Agony and Ecstasy
(The Dark Crystal, rated M. Oneshot featuring a night of BDSM sex between skekZok and skekSa, in which the Ritual-Master can finally drop his austere image and enjoy being on the receiving end of pain and torture. Established skekZok/skekSa.)
“Ah, some happy news!”
(The Dark Crystal, rated M. AU oneshot where, instead of declaring war on the Gelfling after Lore's attack, skekSo tries to strengthen his alliance with the new All-Maudra Seladon by proposing marriage. Seladon moves to the Castle, gets in touch with her inner Skeksis, and eventually takes matters into her own hands to get her new husband's attention. SkekSo/Seladon.)
For once in his life, Emperor skekSo listened to moderation.
A Prophecy Reclaimed
(SWAT Kats, rated T. Prequel to the episode "Bride of the Pastmaster", featuring a teenaged Queen Callista, her grandmother Oriana, and how their family's troubles with the Pastmaster first began.)
"The king is dead.”
Tagging @cornistasiathecoblinking @nientedal @undynedevotion @theawkwardarchaeologist @reikiajakoiranruohoja @chaifootsteps @margoteve @apileofpans @garnet-xx-rose
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uraharashouten · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
Tumblr media
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  As closely as I can! I admit to some gaping holes in my knowledge -- I never really read all of the Fullbringer arc or the Thousand Year Blood War. I think I have the gist of some of the novels; some I lean into more than others. But I try to stay true to the Urahara Kisuke of the Bleach manga, and borrow from the anime, movies, and novels when it’s fun!
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.   Urahara Kisuke plays the part of the humble (and handsome!) shopkeeper of Karakura town, though his résumé includes head of secret police and prison warden, Gotei 13 captain, scientist, and Special War Power. He is talented in problem-solving, psychology and tactical thinking, and despite his protests to the contrary, he’s always scheming something. In addition to his mental prowess, he is an expert swordsman, hakuda master, and a proficient kidou user. A consummate tinkerer, inventor, and maker, his favorite thing to make is mischief, and he will bend the rules and push his luck as far as he can, much to the chagrin of his associates. But he means well, usually.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  Move along folks, nothing to see here. These days he’s just a simple candy store owner... You’re not buying that? ---Well, the truth is that he is a bit of a home-body. Never mind what you’ve heard about him turning up when you least expect him; he’s more likely to remain backstage than at the heart of the action. And he knows more than he’s telling; you can never get a straight answer out of him, and it’s maddening. You won’t get anywhere interacting with him, I promise. Complete waste of time.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  When I was new to Bleach, tumblr, and roleplay, I settled on Kisuke because he seemed so... avuncular. He’s not quite responsible enough to be your dad, but he cares like your dad (and sometimes more). He’s full of pranks and sage advice, and you’re never certain which you’ll get, or some combination thereof. He runs the gamut from nutty uncle to creepy godfather, and I’ve found him to be an incredibly versatile character to play.
What keeps your inspiration going?  He still fascinates me.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO. (I’m more likely to write meta! For me, the line can blur -- but I rarely come up with a headcanon that isn’t in some way supported by canon.)
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. (very occasionally!)
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO. (You know, it’s funny. When I first started roleplaying Kisuke, I thought about him constantly, almost to the point of method acting. These days, I’m relieved to have my own headspace back.)
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  I’d like to think I’d be big enough to accept some well-meant constructive criticism, and I do like to have outright mistakes corrected. I mean -- it’s not a good feeling, and I’m usually embarrassed -- but I’ll be grateful if they’re pointed out sooner rather than later, and especially if you’re kind about it! Just please remember that in order for it to be constructive, criticism must be specific and positive -- tell me what to do, not what not to do.
Do you like questions which help you explore your character?  Sure! ....I may not answer them right away... or... ever... Anything that makes me stop and think risks sending me off onto a research and reflection tangent from which I may never return! But I will appreciate the question!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  Yes! Why? WHY do you disagree with my headcanon? Do you know something I don’t? Spit it out, because I have to know what you do! (And then if we have the same knowledge and still disagree on the interpretation, I’ll probably stick with mine, but I’ll at least consider yours.)
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  Disagrees with my --- what does that mean? I like to think I’d be reasonable if someone thought I wrote something out-of-character, and brought it my attention. Hey, it happens, and goodness knows I’m not always ‘on.’  I don’t mind being questioned or corrected about that. But if someone disagrees with entire aspects of my interpretation --- go... write your own version, then? Or find someone else who’s more your cup of tea? There are as many interpretations of a character as there are people. I like seeing them all, and I would be interested to see yours!  I’m not offended that you don’t like mine. (But I will be hurt if you decide you don’t like me because of it; this is fiction and that’s just petty.)
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  I mean... there are reasons to hate him. If you tell me yours, I’ll probably be sympathetic. He’s a (bad) liar; he can be ruthless; he’s got an awful track record of using child soldiers and crossing consent boundaries with women -- and you’re allowed to hate him for that or any number of other things. I like him in spite of himself, though, so that won’t change. (Just don’t hate on me because I write him, because again, this is fiction, and that’s just petty.)
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors? Yes, please tell me right away so that I can correct them before too many people see them and I embarrass myself!
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   Well... more than I used to be. I think I’m friendly and easy to get along with, and very difficult to offend, and I’m almost never neurotic about roleplay anymore! Haha! I won’t pester you to reply (certainly not when it can take me anywhere between a day and several months). ...I can be a bit of a perfectionist sometimes, and I’m my own worst critic. I don’t go around correcting other peoples’ grammar anymore, though, because I realized... this is fiction, and that’s just petty.
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by:  @hirako5hinji [[ Thanks Anna!! ]] and @xyuuken​ [[ Thanks Eli! Glad you’re back. ]] Tagging: Who hasn’t done this yet?
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ithilthebard · 3 years
Supernatural Universe - Fae
So I’d like to give a shout out to @theclockworkkid for their Golden Wind Merman AU. I made an OC; Indigo Bianca. Separate post coming later.
My natural DM instincts kicked in and I must make extensive lore even though I only created one character to exist within that universe. Indigo is fae and to the unaware is no different from a human upon first glance. Fae parallel the Pillar Men.
Fae Abilities
Teleportation - Must be a place they have been to before and have an emotional anchor of sorts.
Flight - Fae possess dragonfly-like wings (in appearance). Technically speaking they are not used for flight (as a bird flies) but are more so a conduit for their flight magic. Damaged wings will heal over time but until then the fae will be grounded.
Keen Senses - Fae are more in tune with the inherently supernatural and are thus often responsible for keeping the secrecy, small scale infractions are allowed and romantic relationships (with proper filing).
Shapeshifting - This is where changeling lore comes into play, children are not swapped at birth but some of those with fae blood may alter their appearance. Most have the ability to some degree, what most would consider glamorous or party tricks. The more inclined can appear as someone else entirely and few can even take on different forms. Some choose a druidic path and replicate different beasts while others explore the societies of other mythical creatures. The changes are not actively maintained. That is to say changes are permanent unless changed otherwise but there is always the “natural” or “base” state.
Magic Resistance - Unless willingly allowing it fae can rarely be affected by other’s (non-fae) magic. This is another reason why they are the keepers of secrecy.
Magical Affinity - Most supernatural species are capable of some degree of magic; the degree and range drastically vary. Fae are more inclined to broader types and strong extents. Some are generalists but most have an elemental specialty.
More detailed Lore below.
Gender is largely arbitrary to the fae and is mostly a preference of physical form. Hence Lord/King Kars and Queen Esidisi. Detailed records of breaking secrecy. Relationships (romantic/sexual) between different supernatural beings are reasonably commonplace but things must be taken into consideration when humans get involved. There aren’t fae courts, there is a singular ruler and all fae are loosely connected. Individuals are free to do as they please but many affiliate themselves with the crown because despite their mischievous nature the fae are known to be peacekeepers between various conflicts and the keepers of secrecy. And while primarily fae, other supernatural species also maintain secrecy but the keepers are typically more localized. The singular kingdom also relates to how they are few in number. There are few full blooded fae left, the royal family being a small example and while many carry fae blood it is recessive. Pure blooded fae are believed to no longer exist but full blooded are considered such if both parents were fae. The percentage of blood is arbitrary; a child with a fae ancestor from eons ago is just as likely to be fae as one with a fae grandparent. Though things can get complicated with other supernatural beings involved. Some couplings create hybrids but with the fae you either are or aren’t. If both parents possess fae blood the odds drastically increase unless other stipulations apply.
I made a conversation of a character explaining this.
“You also applied genetics to your mythology.” “Well a logical reason for there only being one kingdom on a global scale would be that the fae were scarce.” “But I don’t understand your ridiculous punnett square of if a child may be born a fae!” “One; it’s not a punnett square and two; it’s not ridiculous. You either aren’t a fae, have fae blood, and you may be a fae. If both parents are fae the child will be a fae. If other supernatural DNA is apparent then that will be dominant over the fae blood unless a parent is fae (possibility that either may occur). If there is fae blood from both parents the odds drastically increase but not if the other rules still apply.” “Why don’t you listen to some examples?” “Ella - 90% Human 9% Fae 1% Centaur & Frederick - 90% Human 9% Fae 1% Centaur, despite there being fae blood from both parents since centaur DNA is apparent the child will become a centaur if it is not human (most likely human). Anna - 99% Human 1% Fae & Arthur - 99% Human 1% Fae. One would expect a .01% chance of having a fae child but since there is no other supernatural DNA in play here and there is fae blood from both parents the odds are closer to 1% that might not be much but that’s still 100 times more likely than what one would expect. Indigo - 75% Human 25% Fae & Sirona - 75% Mer 25% Human, it is most probably for their child to be Mer but children could also be human or fae.” “But how does that work if being fae seems to be recessive?” “It isn’t. One could very much call it a roll of the dice, but I’m a Dungeon Master so I don’t care. But we don’t necessarily care about the percentage of fae blood. Generations will continue being fae no matter how diluted the blood is as long as both parents are fae. Genetics here work as a lineage rather than half of your 23 human chromosomes. Another example; 50/50 Human/Fae & 50/50 Human/Fae have a child that is fae. The child is 50/50 Human/Fae, just because the child is fae doesn’t mean they lose their human DNA. Hypothetically ‘half’ could be 5/45 Human/Fae from both parents resulting in 10/90 but this is fantasy, humans (usually) ruin (most) everything. Random chance does not get to fix their mistakes. And to whom it may concern the large majority of humanoid species are all compatible with one another.”
Faeries are not pixies. Pixies are small creatures known for mischief and pranks; they are also tiny, butterfly sized. Fae can use magic to make themselves small but are naturally humanoid sized. Kars can be a bit of an asshole but fae are largely keepers of order and peace despite a natural inclination to chaos (for their own amusement).
Also working on stands for the Ace Attorney characters.
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 7 years
The Gladiator
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2zfLbmP
by Maiden_of_Asgard
Stranded alone and nearly-powerless on Midgard, The God of Mischief finds that his fate is in the hands of the small, unassuming mortal girl who now owns him.
Words: 3114, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Thor - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), OFC, Thor (Marvel), Frigga (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Amora (Marvel), Loki (Norse Religion & Lore)
Relationships: Loki (Marvel) & Original Female Character(s), Loki/OFC
Additional Tags: Canon Divergence - Pre-Thor (2011), Pre-Thor AU, Ancient Rome, Trickster Loki (Marvel), Historical Canon Divergence, Gladiators, Master/Slave, Mildly Dubious Consent, Drama & Romance, Warning: Loki, Gratuitous liberties taken with historical accuracy
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2zfLbmP
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themasterofmischief · 6 months
... I'm not quite... sure what that means... but I don't think that sounds nice.
... He's keeping me safe, he found me almost dead in my TARDIS, that's what he said, that they left me to die... and... I suppose that makes sense, he doesn't want to lose me...
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prisonofgold · 6 months
did u steal a body or two to stay alive after ur regenerations ran out?
Oh, no, I won a petition for a second regeneration set, it was a very drawn out battle, but in the end the High Council owed the Doctor a... lot... of favours and... well...
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ao3feed-frigga · 7 years
The Gladiator
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2zfLbmP
by Maiden_of_Asgard
Stranded alone and nearly-powerless on Midgard, The God of Mischief finds that his fate is in the hands of the small, unassuming mortal girl who now owns him.
Words: 1573, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Thor - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), OFC, Thor (Marvel), Frigga (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Amora (Marvel), Loki (Norse Religion & Lore)
Relationships: Loki (Marvel) & Original Female Character(s), Loki/OFC
Additional Tags: Canon Divergence - Pre-Thor (2011), Pre-Thor AU, Ancient Rome, Trickster Loki (Marvel), Historical Canon Divergence, Gladiators, Master/Slave, Mildly Dubious Consent, Drama & Romance, Warning: Loki, Gratuitous liberties taken with historical accuracy
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2zfLbmP
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ao3feed-thor · 7 years
The Gladiator
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2zfLbmP
by Maiden_of_Asgard
Stranded alone and nearly-powerless on Midgard, The God of Mischief finds that his fate is in the hands of the small, unassuming mortal girl who now owns him.
Words: 1573, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Thor - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), OFC, Thor (Marvel), Frigga (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Amora (Marvel), Loki (Norse Religion & Lore)
Relationships: Loki (Marvel) & Original Female Character(s), Loki/OFC
Additional Tags: Canon Divergence - Pre-Thor (2011), Pre-Thor AU, Ancient Rome, Trickster Loki (Marvel), Historical Canon Divergence, Gladiators, Master/Slave, Mildly Dubious Consent, Drama & Romance, Warning: Loki, Gratuitous liberties taken with historical accuracy
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2zfLbmP
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themasterofmischief · 4 months
The Deep Vortex is uncharted for a reason.
1.7k words CW: Themes of the Deep Ocean.
He was slowly piloting his TARDIS through the Vortex when it happened, a loud crash, followed by the lights flickering as they went tumbling off course, gravity stabilisation losing control and sending him across the floor, into the wall, then over into the air, before restabilising and leaving him slamming back into the floor face first.
“What the…”
He huffed as he slowly got back up, dusting himself off and slowly walking over to the dimmed Console, when the lights flickered into a mauve, before flickering down into the dim emergency lighting.
His steps grew faster, until he slowed to an abrupt stop, and he gripped the side of the Console, frantically tapping at the screens to figure out what had gone wrong, only for dread to settle in his stomach as he read the pop-up.
His taps grew faster, until he was left simply gripping the monitor, his face frozen in an expression of horror as he simply stared, then flicked the outside camera on, staring more at the revealed deep darkness…
The Deep Vortex… the place left untreaded, uncharted, untouched, where TARDISes refused to go… and for good reason too.
Dark… dark… so very, very dark…
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no…” He moved around the Console, trying to get out of there when…
He slowly turned to stare at the door as the sound began, dull and hollow.
Thump… Thump.
Dread filled him as with a slow creek the door was pried open, and in peered what looked like an angler fish… that was to say if an angler fish was the size of a shire horse.
Its fingers, ending in a point, claws, curled around the edge of the doorframe, its arms the same shade of scaly black as the rest of it, it’s eyes a milky white, its lure glowing a faint blue, illuminating its face, and its rows of razor-sharp teeth.
It moved awkwardly, pulling itself inwards, revealing legs just as horrifying as its arms, the joints bent in odd angles, allowing it to quickly breach the gap between them, even as Haraldr flung himself backwards, away from it.
“What… what are you, what do you want?” His words came out fast and desperate as it began circling the Console, before it tilted its head.
“Oouuttt,” Its words were harsh, grating against his ears, but he pushed on.
“For… for what?”
It looked at him and Haraldr swallowed in nervousness as its teeth were aimed at him.
“Eevverrytthiiing diieesssss,” It hissed. “Maakee iitt nooww… Notthhiiinngg tto waiitt for.”
“So… so you… what, you want to leave the Vortex to kill everything?”
It nodded and Haraldr took several deep breaths, steadying himself as he glanced at it, and how it was looking at the Console… it obviously had no idea how to operate the TARDIS… good…
Haraldr turned and ran, into the hallways, he could hear it suddenly take chase, hear as it gained on him, he covered his arm and knocked a button on the wall as he ran, the security system’s gas quickly filled the hallway, making it incredibly difficult to breathe, and yet…
It seemed completely unaffected by it, instead catching up to him and digging it’s clawed fingers deep into his shoulder.
He let out a scream as it tore, chunks of his shoulder coming loose, along with his shirt as he struggled away from the creature, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw as the entrance to the vents grew just large enough for him to fit, and without a moment’s hesitation, he dove for it, right as the thing that was now loose in his TARDIS aimed for him once again.
Slipping into the vent, crawling backwards, he watched as its arm tried reaching him, clawing at the inside of the vent, its body far too large to fit…
… He could see his blood dripping off its fingers, smearing against the vent walls, and he sighed, wincing as the pain in his shoulder started aching a whole lot more now that the adrenaline was crashing, and he slowly crawled his way to the medical bay to get it sorted… and stash some supplies in the vents… just in case…
Three months passed in a fashion of living in the vents, ducking into and out of the workshops, kitchen, and bathroom when needed, avoiding the beast… an After Beast, as it called itself, testing out weapons on it, testing out ways to get it to leave to no success.
The only things that seemed to have any effect on it were sharp objects stabbing it, blunt objects smacking it, or things that shot at it, such as guns, and even then, it was only a temporary effect, causing it to leave him alone for just a little while.
The one relief Haraldr had in this entire situation was the fact that it needed him alive to get out of there…
... However, that didn’t mean it needed him unharmed…
Which was exactly why he’d decided to risk heading to the Console room, to send out a single transmission in the hoped that the Doctor… Theta would receive it, one single transmission… just in case he didn’t make it…
He stood there, for several long minutes, simply typing it all up, before staring at it, then sighing, manually turning off the emergency power saving mode his TARDIS had slipped herself into to send it out, watching as it sent, then turning the emergency mode back on, freezing as he heard clanking coming from the hall.
He stared at the door for a moment, before making a beeline to the vent that he’d exited from, pulling himself up and into it, the movement straining his still healing shoulder a bit, but making it just in time to see the After Beast peer around the corner and into the Console room, then out into the Deep Vortex that was visible, thanks to her damaged door…
Start transmission.
This is the Master, commonly known as “Haraldr” on Earth, I am sending this transmission out three months into this… this thing… I am currently stuck in the Deep Vortex, uncharted areas… My TARDIS has been occupied by… something, and I am currently fighting for my life against it… if I had to describe the creature I have encountered, it’s… I’d say an anglerfish, one the size of an Earthen Shire Horse, it has arms and legs, much like my own, except its joints are oddly shaped and warped, allowing it to crawl along the ground at incredible speeds on all fours…
It talks sometimes, mostly growls, clicks, and purrs, but it has informed me of its desire… it wishes to use my TARDIS to escape into the Universe at large, to destroy all life, something about everything dying eventually, and how it might as well happen now… my TARDIS has managed to alter the layout of her vent systems so that I fit inside and can traverse her using them, and her food replicator has also been moved into the vent systems, I sleep and eat in here, leaving as few times per day as I can…
I am attempting to deal with the issue, however my TARDIS is keeping her power in a power saving mode, leaving me with only the Emergency lighting to guide me… in the event that I do not make it out of this… I just… Theta… I want you to know that I love you, and I love our children… and tell Vera that… that I’m sorry…
End transmission.
One year…
It had been one whole year since he’d gotten stuck in this nightmare… It had taken him eight months to figure out that the After Beast was made from some form of pure energy, hence why nothing seemed to truly harm it, and another four to figure out a way to convert whatever it was made from into pure electricity… or so he was hoping.
The tiny cube that he’d built over several months of breaking in and out of his own workshop that he now held in his hand was his last hope before he’d cut his losses and… make sure that it could never get anywhere meaningful…
Haraldr heaved himself out of the vents, his hair and beard were unkempt, as he’d never had long enough in the bathroom to make sure he still looked presentable, only to make sure neither grew too long.
He stood shakily, palming the cube into his pocket, then banging loudly on the walls to gain its attention…
… And he didn’t have to wait for long…
It came thundering down the hall, fast… faster than it had any right to be, it’s lure glowing eerily, and teeth gleaming in the dim lighting, eyes locked on him as it charged right at him.
Clink, clank, clink, clank.
He moved, adrenaline pushing him forwards, he pulled the cube out and aimed it at the beast, pressing a button as it drew so close that he could feel its breath blowing his hair.
A light shot out of the cube and the creature screeched, the sound echoing harshly across the halls, like a fork on a chalkboard, it grated on his ears painfully and he winced, even as he held strong against it.
Its clawed hands grasped out at the air and it growled.
“Yyooouuuu… yyoouuu… wwoouullddd…” It howled, the sound pained and haunting. “Kkiiillllll mmeeee?”
Haraldr didn’t get a chance to question what it meant as its body froze up, before with a loud popping sound, it burst into smoke, which then quickly became pure electricity, like a lightning storm inside of his TARDIS, it quickly disbursed, and he was left staring at where the After Beast had once stood.
He lowered the cube and raised an arm to his shoulder, to the scar left by it, then glanced around at the hall, at the indents and the torn up carpets and sighed, making his way to the Console room, to the Console, where he simply glanced at the door for a long moment, at the darkness outside, then over to the Console, slowly tapping the screen, turning off the Emergency mode and inputting the coordinates to U.N.I.T… to the Doctor… to Vera… to home…
And with a harsh creaking sound, they were off, finally leaving this living nightmare behind.
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prisonofgold · 6 months
opinion on tecteun?
That vile woman who experimented on the Doctor when he was a child?... I broke her nose twice and it wasn't enough, the fucking bitch... >:(
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