#the minoan tarot
necroticpixies · 26 days
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it will all change, and there's nothing you can do about it.
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cookinguptales · 5 months
*the longest, most adhd sigh*
I forgot about the tarot last night... lmao. I got distracted with chaptering out that fic.
I actually don't have that many left in my inbox, so I think if you sent me a request I'll probably get through it today. If anyone else wants one, requests close tonight. Let's say midnight EDT, so a little over 10 hours from now.
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30 Days of Deity Devotion
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Day One : Basic Introduction of The Deity
Αριαδνη (Most Holy)
✦ Domains
The Labyrinth
Life & Death
(SPG) Heartbreak
✦ Duties
Consort of Dionysos
Princess of Crete
✦ Personality (UPG)
She is kind and bubbly in the most bright way. She is the grandchild of Helios (the sun) and it shines through with her personality. She is joy, but only the kind of joy you find after a long period of pain. She is generous but not naive. Her worlds are genuine and true but dont take that for granted. She knows what she wants and never speaks without knowing. She is in love with humanity and in love with the world. A helpless romantic with the scars to prove it. If she is angered she has the feminine rage of a thousand ancestors, she has felt the grief and heartbreak of the world and uses it in her defense.
✦ Appearance (UPG)
She will appear to everyone differently and every myth has a different perspective about what she looks like.
To me she has sun tanned olive skin, littered with freckled showing her favor from Helios. Her eyes glimmer golden from her divine heritage. Her black hair is full and curled, she usually wears it in the traditional Minoan style along with her clothes. However she never wears shoes and her hands are covered in callouses from her adventures. Her body is lean as she is/was a dancer. She wears a crown of stars given to her by her husband.
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✦ Epithets
The Keeper of The Labyrinth
The Most Holy
Princess of Crete
Consort of Dionysos
The Heartbroken
The Abandoned
The Hero
✦ Mythology
✦ Symbols
Naxos' Oranges
Winegrapes and Vines
Olive trees
Crete's Thyme
Cretan Zelkova
The Stars
Purple / Black / Red / Blue / Green / Gold
Water / Earth / Stars
The Star
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infjtarot · 5 months
Hierophant. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords Divine instruction. Initiation. Connecting heaven and Earth. God and man. Teaching. Speaking and listening. Holding the keys. Insides and outsides. Exoteric. Threshold between realms. Bridge-making. Priesthood as mediation. Institutional structures—church and school. Astrology/Element Behind the initiatory energy of spring comes the planting and the plow, with our second sign Taurus, the bull. The constellation Taurus shows the front end of the bull only and is presumably followed by a plow. As a fixed earth sign, middle of the spring triad, it shows the stable, fertile part of the season. Like all fixed signs, it is connected with a royal watcher star, Aldebaran, which means “the follower (of the Pleiades).” The Pleiades, a star cluster of seven sisters (a reference to Venus, Taurus’s ruler) is a star cluster in the bull constellation, associated with reaping when it rises in the east and sowing when it sets in the west. Taurus is also home to the cluster of the Hyades, or seven daughters of Atlas. Aldebaran is the star of the “eye of the bull,” and the Royal Watcher of the East, bearer of the power “to keep silence.” Royal stars confer glory if their nemesis is overcome. Aldebaran’s challenge is to avoid greed and cultivate integrity, especially in business. The glyph of Taurus looks like the head and horns of a bull. The moon is exalted in Taurus and the glyph shows the circle of the full moon and the crescent of the new moon, showing the sign’s fecundity. The motto of Taurus is “I have” and has an association with resources and materiality, but also sacred bonding with the land. The bull is a symbol of strength and fertility. Bull worship was significant in Egypt, as the prime god Osiris was sometimes depicted with a bull’s head, and the priests carefully selected living bulls to represent the god on earth. Mythology/Alchemy The word hierophant is defined as an interpreter and priest of arcane and sacred knowledge, especially pertaining to the priest of the Eleusinian mysteries. Taurus is ruled by Venus (Demeter), and the Eleusinian mysteries were initiation rites of worship and sacrifice, the famous secret spring rites of the agrarian cult of Demeter and Persephone in ancient Greece. The rites were in a threefold cycle, which represented Persephone’s abduction: the descent, the search, and her ascent and reunion with her mother. The mysteries involved visions and explorations of the state of the afterlife, and they are postulated to be induced through the use of psychedelic drugs, with the priest handing out the entheogens and interpreting the visions. The priest filled two vessels, pouring one toward the east and one toward the west, as the worshipers looked to sky and earth and shouted, “Rain and conceive!” In the subsequent ritual of the divine child, a child was initiated from the divine hearth fire, and it was proclaimed that Potnia (“Mistress”; a Greek term of honor used to address revered females and goddesses) had born a great son. At the high point of the ritual, an ear of grain was cut in silence. The mysteries were intended to elevate man from the mundane realm to that of godhood by linking him with divinity and conferring immortal status. Some scholars also link the mysteries to a Minoan cult—a reference to the mythical King Minos, of the labyrinth and Minotaur story. In the legend, King Minos’s Queen Pasiphaë, a sister of Circe and daughter of Helios who was worshiped as an oracle and diviner and practitioner of the magical arts, was cursed by Poseidon to love a white bull and thus conceived the half-man, half-bull Minotaur. Susan T. Chang
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-The gods
So the premise of the world is that there are gods which are the personifications of tarot cards and their concepts, the minor arcana are less powerfull than than the major arcana and embody more specific concepts. These arcanas are the sources of all magic that exist in this world. The arcana do not necessarily follow the human concept of morality and their base behaviour is to simply act on their own nature and make sure that their vassals in the physical world obey their orders.
-The history
100 years circa before the events of the main storyline three major arcana misteriously go missing, this event messes up the natural order of the phisical and spiritual world. This basically means that the seasons are all weird, the land hardly produces any food, many species of animals go extinct, people stop having dreams, the souls of the dead have trouble reaching the other side so a lot of them remain as echoes of the people they once were and a sort of corruption starts forming these monsters that try to attack anything that's alive.
-The cities
Because of this the human race has closed themselves off in cities sorrounded by walls and magical wards, these cities are basically small replicas created by mages of the ecosystems that once existed before that allow humans to live in a relatively comfortable way.
All the cities are either on the shores of the ocean, on islands or near the mouth of rivers because the only remaining safe way of travel is sailing since the monsters can't swim and just sink to the bottom, of course navigating shallow waters is generally avoided. Also harbors are protected by walls on each side to prevent the monster from entering the cities.
The inside of the cities is very similiar to the strutture of the city-palaces of the Minoan civilization mixed with whatever ecosystem the city contains.
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For reference this is the map of the palace of knossos.
Generally in each city there are temples dedicated to the arcana, some that celebrate all of them and some that celebrate just the few that are sacred to the city.
These temples are the seat of many mystery cults that hope to bring back the missing arcana with many types of sacrifices, sometimes even human.
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elhoimleafar · 3 years
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The Celtic Cross Layout, in practice with the beautiful 'Minoan Tarot Deck' created by Laura Perry (@lauraperry.artist), and personally, one of my favorite decks ever 😍❤️
#Minoans #MinoanTarot #Minoanart #Tarotdeck #Tarotcards #Celticcrossspread #Tarotreader #Tarotreading #Tarotreadersofinstagram
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gefdreamsofthesea · 7 years
The Minoan Tarot (Laura Perry) First Impressions
I just talked about the packaging but how is the actual deck?
The first thing I notice about the deck is that there are a couple borders instead of just one. There’s a colourful border around the image itself as well as a pale yellow border. I mean, it looks nice, but as a tarotist I can’t help but feel that it’s a little excessive.
The Fool is both 0 AND 22 so you can put him wherever you want in the deck.
Major Arcana name changes: The Magician is the High Priest, the Hierophant is the Adept, the Hermit is the Labyrinth, the Wheel of Fortune is Fate, the Hanged Man is Sacrifice, Temperance is Balance, the Devil is the Minotaur. I can see myself being confused by the High Priest and the Adept. I think it would make more sense for their titles to be swapped. Also the Sacrifice card looks more like a Death card (it depicts a cow tied up on an altar). The Death card is an actual tomb. I think I would have preferred the Balance card (which depicts a bull leaper) as the Hanged Man, but that’s just a personal preference.
Now for the minors, here is where I’m going to respectfully disagree with the creator who says on her website that they are fully illustrated. IMHO they straddle the line between “scenic minors” and “pips”. The suit symbols are very prominent in the image. However, they also don’t repeat the way most pip decks do. How do I best explain this? They don’t just add another suit symbol but keep everything the same, but to me they aren’t really “scenes” the way the RWS cards are “scenes”. However I think there’s enough here that I’m not completely lost.
Suits are Daggers (Fire), Rhytons (Water), Horns (Earth), and Labryses (Air), near as I can tell, Labryses are Swords and Daggers are Wands, so Wands/Fire and Swords/Air is the way the deck seems to be going (although personally daggers look like mini swords to me).
Court cards in order: Youth, Maid, Lord, Lady, Priest, Priestess, all with their own associations.
There are a couple spreads, the Celtic Cross is one of them, bleh.
I really like the backs: two labryses on a sky blue background. It’s very calming. 
I’m thinking of writing up a comparison between this deck and Ellen Lorenzi-Prince’s Minoan Tarot. Would anyone be interested?
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goodjourneystarot · 6 years
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My interview with Laura Perry is now up on YouTube. Hop over and check it out today. https://youtu.be/hNUsqE3RDCI (the link will also be in my profile) #tarot #tarotreader #tarotcards #minoan #minotaur #theminoantarot #lauraperry #schifferpublishing https://www.instagram.com/p/BtKaPaYHCwK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fcjehkp8z3ct
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deafilia · 2 years
I did a tarot reading for you this morning! If you're into that kind of thing, I hope it helps provide some insight and guidance 𐛄
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the-wild-hunt-news · 6 years
Pagan Community News - Our Weekly Roundup!
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You’re looking for the latest in Pagan news - we’ve got it! This week we look at:
* The first Awen-inscribed Veteran’s headstone at Circle Cemetery (did you know Pagans have our own national cemetery?) * Starhawk’s Call to Action in response to the Kavanaugh hearings * A new book on Minoan religion and culture entitled The Cultic Life of Trees in the Prehistoric Aegean, Levant, Egypt and Cyprus gives you more insights into the mysteries of Minoan culture
PLUS! We spotlight both the Gardner calendar and Witches’ Almanac, spotlight another book called Gatherer of Souls, and give you some insights into upcoming Pagan events in NYC and the Northwest.
Stay in the Know by Clicking to read all the latest news today!
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pagansquare · 6 years
Is Spring Here? Or Just Around the Corner?
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Merry meet! Today as you might know is Imbolc, also called Oimelc, an ancient Celtic festival celebrating the beginning of spring and the traditional date on which ewes and other farm animals gave birth. You may also be familiar with the festival’s modern equivalents such as Candlemas, Groundhog Day, and St. Brigid’s Day. Whether you mark it as the midpoint of winter or the beginning of spring it’s generally been regarded as the time when the cold begins to thaw and life renews itself.
We’ve gathered all of our relevant articles from the past month as well as a bunch of other interesting stuff from around the web. We hope you have a very pleasant spring!
— Aryós Héngwis
Imbolc Posts:
Steven Posch. "How Much Ground Would a Groundhog Hog"
Bee Smith. "Imbolc as the Cailleach Leaves"
Agnes Toews-Andrews. "Imbolc and the Goddess Brede's Personal Messages"
Karen Clark."Imbolc Mystery"
Danu Forest. "Lá Fhéile Bríde"
Jen. "Stillness and Strength"
Steven Posch. "Wolf Guard"
Birth, Life, and Death Posts:
Steven Posch. "The 3 Births of Yule"
Arwen Lynch. "Sometimes the Tarot Weirds Me Out"
Spring Posts:
Erin Lale. "February and March 2019 Heathen and Asatru Holidays"
Laura Perry. "The Minoan Sacred Year"
Nimue Brown. "Signs of Spring"
Steven Posch. "Soul Walker"
Winter Posts:
Nimue Brown. "Celebrating the Willows"
Steven Posch. "The Cold from between the Stars"
Leni Hester. "The Heart of Darkness"
Diotima. "Karmic Chickens"
Laurie Novotny. "Strange Serenity"
Cool Stuff We Found:
The 25 Most Powerful Moms in Marvel
America’s Love-Hate Relationship with Marie Kondo and Our Clutter
An Artist's Vast Collection of Images of Women Giving Birth
A Costa Rican Sense of Luck
Happy Imbolc, Witches!
How to Effectively Harness Your Nesting Energy
Like A Mother
Old Gods and New Gods Prepare for War in New Trailer for American Gods Season 2
Rare Snow Has Turned Greek Ruins into a Winter Wonderland
Rekindling Your Hearth & Home for Imbolc
The Resilience of Small Things
The Spanish Women Who Are Opting Out of Motherhood
The U.S. Needs More Midwives for Better Maternity Care
The Way We Take the Pill Has More to Do with Religion than Science
What Makes Lunar Chinese New Year Distinct from Christmas?
A Winter Scene
Why Cold Weather Doesn't Mean Climate Change Is Fake
Top image by Cephas.
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flowersforgods · 6 years
Every time I start researching a pantheon, I want to start worshiping the gods too. There are so many cool gods out there! Usually that feeling goes away pretty soon. I say usually because the Minoan deities have not gone away. Just the opposite actually. I’ve had dreams and meditation visions of them. But I can kind of fold that into Religio Romana so... it’s fine! 
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It makes me feel like a deity collector though. Is that a bad thing?
It looks like I worship a lot of deities from just the Roman pantheon alone but most of that worship is just a nod to certain deities. I don’t have a deep relationship with all of them. Like, I honor Janus at the lararium every morning and night because that’s tradition. He’s the god of new beginnings and doorways (protector of the home). But I don’t have a deeper connection to him and I’ve never had a dream or pulled out the tarot cards for him.
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How To Convey The Best Psychic Reading Of Your Life
It is a regrettable truth of life now, that interpersonal relations are quite possibly the most important reason for troubles during a persons life. No is actually perfect, and as problems are involved in man's state, it looks like this will forever be the situation. But, by learning out of your errors of the past, we could possibly get over these problems of the past, as it's only via wisdom and perception that you can hope to become better humans. Psychic love Readings is actually a method to realize perception in love and life, utilizing the psychic realm to discover resolutions to the usually mystifying questions which beset this present world. With the phone readings, it has always been the favorite because may so in order to understand just locate the phone and talk to someone who's there to assist you with regards to any problems you are having. Is actually always nice to experience a friendly voice close to the end within the phone and also you can ask them anything. Honestly? Detest to paint any industry with too broad found in a brush, but free psychic readings are almost never everything they search. Why? They basically operate on the bait and switch style selling system.
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Privately, I am an initiated Santero (of the afro-carribean faith Santeria) and yet another Degree Wiccan of the Minoan Brotherhood. I possess a penchant for traditional Craft . I adore all aspects of divination and constantly make that a personal study. Let us take a tarot card reading for instance. The psychic lays out the spread and from the cards reads the energy in you and heart of a single in are keen on. Since everything is energy, including our thoughts and emotions, this is the way the clairvoyant reads the energy of beverages plays a significant. Are love psychics always right? Yes, the real genuine ones are. If these items seek the help of a real online psychic, it's likely very useful to you because you are only for you to do it in front of your hard drive. There are a associated with professional online psychics out there that can help you big time. All you need try out is find them the net. In Alex McCord's Bravo Blog she writes about how maybe the ladies were a little nervous about going with this trip together, disingenuousness, who tortured employees the most on this trip, hanger-gate, Kelly's snarky remarks about Sonja's ex husband and her home and Brad and Jill. Contact one online psychic today and check what include for you today. But remember, email psychics readings leave everything to chance, as exactly what the elders say, do the very best and God will carry out the rest!
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elhoimleafar · 4 years
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@MsLauraPerry #MinoanTarot 🌊 It is time to change and heal, but both ways start inside of you, just like the water trying to flow around the world, to clean and nourish the fields and woods 🌍
💫 Seven of Rhytons • the water comes to clean the roads, just as the rain comes to nourish the fields.
The lies tend to accumulate on top of each other like small rocks in a pond, as long as you don't let the water run from inside the water will not take long to get dirty.
In our environment we are seeing that the force of change is seeking to manifest itself in one way or another, but it requires your visualization, your real intention, and your actions to get it to flow like water, once you take action on those aspects of your environment that you are avoiding to move, the change will flow like the water that comes to clean, purify, beautify.
If, on the contrary, you sit and wait for everything to happen, you are going to be seriously disappointed, the change of a community depends on the specific actions of each of its individuals, like fishes in the pond waiting for new water.
💫 Sacrifice (XII) • everything comes for a reason, everything comes with a price.
Change is mandatory, change implies growth, understanding, evolution, sacrifice of those old patterns of behavior and thinking that are no longer useful to us.
The water nourishes the seeds in the fields to end up forming a great tree, as well as the water that nourishes, everything that comes into your life comes to nourish an aspect of you that needs to grow, and many times it also requires releasing, leaving to go. Sacrifice requires maturity, and sacrifice is made to bring something back.
Neither you, nor your environment, nor your country, will be able to change while you sit and wait for the change to occur. It is time to let go of the old belief that "change comes from outside and we must adapt to it", and seek ourselves to be the change we seek to see.
😌 let the change start from inside out, let the change flows, embrace the change, be the change, be the water that nourish the fields.
#minoantarot #minoantarotdeck #tarotcommunity #tarotist #tarotreader #tarottribe #divination #healingtime #healers
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gefdreamsofthesea · 5 years
for the top 5: tarot decks and dnd classes
Oh wow top 5 tarot decks? You would do this to me??? Okay here I go:
5. Pearls of Wisdom Tarot
4. Crystal Unicorn Tarot
3. Mermaid Tarot (the one by Leeza Robertson and Julie Dillon)
2. Green Witch Tarot/Everyday Witch Tarot (for some reason these two are always linked in my mind I think because a lot of people compare them)
1. Starchild Tarot
Honorable mentions: True Black Tarot, Luna Sol Tarot, Ocean’s Voice Tarot, Next World Tarot, Dark Days Tarot, Dark Goddess Tarot, Minoan Tarot (both of them, but I like Ellen Lorenzi-Prince’s better), Tarot of the Crone, Mythical Goddess Tarot, Animals Divine Tarot
D&D Classes
5. Druid
4. Wizard
3. Paladin
2. Warlock
1. Bard
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calystarose · 8 years
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Minoan Tarot from Clever Manka, ty!!!
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