#the moment i finished watching the finale yesterday i wiped my eyes and then grabbed my laptop to add like 4k more words
mosshook · 2 years
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read on ao3 rating: teen & up / word count: 11k relationships: reigen & mob; reigen/serizawa characters: reigen, mob, serizawa, reigen’s parents, reigen’s sister, dimple, the rest of the spirits and such kids additional tags: fragmented format, time jumps, post-canon, pre-canon, panic attacks, character study, healing
my love letter to reigen arataka and, by extension, mob psycho 100.
reigen grows to know both life and love. otherwise known as, there’s a lot of stories about men at the end of the world.
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keyofjetwolf · 4 months
So I ran the 5k this weekend.
By which I mean I walked the 5k.
This was my first "race". I signed up in January-ish, as a way to help motivate me to get my shit together, healthy-speaking. It didn't work. Or, rather, I didn't work.
I've fallen way off my path toward some modicum of health and fitness. I missed some major goals and was furious with and disgusted in myself. Rather than use that as a stick to encourage me forward however, I beat myself into the ground with it. HI HELLO WELCOME TO OUR SAME OLD TIRED BULLSHIT THIS IS ALWAYS SO HELPFUL TO US. But I varied it up! Since I no longer really have the luxury of being a perpetual sad sack, dragging my failures up on stage to consistently, cruelly, delightfully abuse myself with and about, I shoved it all into a box in the corner and ignored it. Problem solved!
Except of course that included focusing on, you know, SOLUTIONS. Ignoring a thing literally never solved the thing, and I knew that, and kept resurfacing and poking and needling, but I am like Olympic-level procrastination sometimes, and kept punting it down the road. "That's a problem for Future Jet Wolf, and I hate that cunt, fuck her!" is a joke I make often and laugh at always, but of course eventually Future Jet Wolf becomes Now Jet Wolf and there's no more road, just a big ol' ball of problems kicked right smack in the middle of my confused, startled gob. What?? Who could have possibly foreseen??!
So it was when the 5k arrived. I didn't want to do it. In the days leading up, my brain -- cunning hateful bitch she can be -- started whispering all the extremely logical and justifiable reasons excuses to not. "Yeah," I agreed, "but we gotta."
The whisper reached full on panicked crescendo yesterday morning. I don't know if it was self-sabotage, or just the universe having its usual fun, but everything went wrong. I couldn't find my shirt and shorts, buried somewhere in the piles of clean clothes I have yet to put away (another club wielded with great effectiveness before the day was out). By the time I dug up replacements, I was late in the shower, thus late out the door. I grabbed my watch and my headphones, but despite never having difficulty before, could get neither to work. I drove the wrong way and twisted myself around getting to the park where the race was to start. When I finally arrived, I couldn't tell where we were to gather. There were participants everywhere, walking about, but no central gathering that I could see. Signs were posted, but sporadically, and to my eyes, random and contradictory. The race was moments from starting.
I want to say I brushed all this aside without effort, that I bravely and confidently pressed onward and sorted things out. I want to say that. What actually happened is I found a quiet and -- jesus wept, I hope it was -- hidden spot and cried for a minute. Maybe two. Reasons Excuses formed on my lips and they tasted sweet. Hell, if I spun this right, it would be HILARIOUS. Another "Oh, that Theodore Nickels!" story. We would tell it around the Shabbat table and have a grand laugh.
I've not yet found my way to any point of pride in this overlong and deeply unflattering tale, but if I get there, it's likely in this moment, where I wiped my face on my shirt, pushed away from the wall, and resumed my search for the starting line.
Then I was there. The race was to begin at 9:45, not 9:30 like I thought, so I had a solid ten minutes. Got my watch rebooted. Found the headphone manual online and successfully powered it up. When the race began, I took one step forward, then another. 51 minutes later, I crossed the finish line. I had completed my first race.
I was deeply, violently disappointed in myself. The vitriol began immediately. What a pathetic effort. Humiliating. Barely a fraction of what what Doc and Mike accomplished, and done excruciatingly poorly at that. Shameful, laughable, grotesque, thesaurus.com etc etc blah blah blah. On and on, all goddamn day, until I found it as boring as I did upsetting.
PLUS SIDE: the more it goes on, the easier it gets to ignore a constant hateful drone.
LEGIT HILARIOUS ATTEMPT AT BONUS POINTS: my brain seized my lack of creativity in ongoing self-abuse and added that to the evidence list of my suckage BABYGIRL I CANNOT TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY RIGHT NOW ARE YOU FOR FUCKING REAL
Right, then, so what the fuck? If it were literally anybody but myself, I'd be cheering them on. YOU DID THE THING. Doing the thing is objectively more accomplished than NOT doing the thing. What did I realistically expect? That I'd take top prize in the first race I'd ever done with a preparation level I'd managed to sink into the negative? And would that have even mattered? What result would have appeased? What achievement would translate to victory?
24 hours later, I still don't really have answers. It might be pent up derision at myself for that previous goal-failure and backslide which I'm now directly confronting instead of ignoring. It might be some weird twisted preservation thing of the "you can't fail if you don't try" flavour of bullshittery. It might be the desperation of a destructive streak unwilling to allow improvement without a vicious bloody battle. All of this? At the very least, I think, some.
I forget, sometimes, more times than I'd like, that the meds don't fix everything, they simply keep the shit I can't control at bay so I can focus on the work. Work's still gotta be done, kiddo. That's on you.
Last night, I registered for my next 5k.
I'll definitely remember how to turn on my headphones. One improvement, NAILED. Not sure what #2 will be, but I've got three weeks. Time for work.
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sillygooseness · 8 months
You Give Me Something To Hold Onto
My greatest pride and joy is finally finished after like a year in my drafts!
Trigger warnings: Alcoholism, Addiction, Mental Health Issues, Relapse,,,, yeah lister relapses :( but it's okay! because it's part of the journey :)
Title is from the song High On You by Sam Fischer and Amy Shark
Jimmy is startled awake by the sudden motion of Lister jolting across the bed, frantically tearing the duvet off of his sweat soaked body in a panic. Jimmy knows exactly what is happening before the sleepy fog clears from his head.
“There’s a bin by your head,” Jimmy croaks, as he hurries to be by his boyfriend’s side. He’s gotten over just in time to grab Lister’s lengthy light brown hair as he doubles over the bin. One hand is pushing the fringe from his forehead, the other holding the long strands behind his neck, letting his nails move soothingly along his skin. They’re both sitting on the side of the bed, Lister clutching the bin like his life depends on it as all of the alcohol and regret comes back up.
“Let it out, you’re okay.” Jimmy moves his hand from his neck down to rub comforting circles on his back. 
As Jimmy continues to hold him, the memories of yesterday come flooding back to him. The panic he and Rowan had felt to their core when Lister had disappeared from the flat, and the jumble of despair and relief that washed over them when they realized Lister had forgotten to turn his phone’s location off so that they quickly saw that he was at the club across town. His old favorite. And they were very much too late. Retrieving him and dragging his severely intoxicated body back home was still a blur, which is probably for the best. Jimmy doesn’t want to relive that anxiety. 
The sound of Lister dry heaving into the trash bin pulls Jimmy right back into the present moment. He’s groaning as his abdomen continues to spasm. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Lister moans repetitively as his muscles begin to calm. He can’t stand the stench as he hovers his face over the bin, but he’s too ashamed of himself to bring his head up to face his boyfriend. He’s let him down, and he doesn’t deserve this care he’s receiving from him. 
“It’s okay. You’re okay,” Jimmy repeats.
“I don’t deserve you.”
“Don’t be silly, Lis.” 
Jimmy pulls Lister’s head up by his cheeks and grabs a tissue from the bedside table to dab at the corners of his mouth, then the sweat from his forehead before kissing him there. 
Lister can’t meet Jimmy’s eyes. 
“I feel like shit.” A tear falls down Lister’s cheek that seems to open a floodgate as his eyes squint shut and more come pouring down, all of which Jimmy wipes away with his thumbs. “And I’m really dizzy.”
“Here, drink some more water.” Jimmy reaches a hand over to the bedside table to grab the glass he’d left there a few hours before. Lister drinks it all very slowly before shifting back into Jimmy’s embrace.
“Let’s get your teeth brushed and go back to bed. It’s still dark.” Lister nods at this.
Jimmy stands up first, grabbing Lister by his hands and pulling him up with him. He wraps his arms around the taller boy’s waist, walking him to the bathroom. When he turns the bathroom light on, Lister winces, so he turns it back off and sets up his phone’s torch on the counter instead. Jimmy watches him from the door. He finds it hard to keep his eyes open as he leans against the doorframe, and the yawn he finally lets out makes Lister feel even more guilty for causing his boyfriend to be up at this hour. 
Lister dares a glance at the shadow of his own reflection, but he can’t stand to look at the ghost in front of him. He barely gets a glimpse of the dark circles under his eyes and the emptiness behind his gaze before quickly diverting his focus back down to the sink as he finishes brushing his teeth. Jimmy notices and spreads his arms wide, eyes still half closed, and opens and closes his palms to gesture for Lister to join his embrace. Of course he obliges, and Jimmy raises to his tiptoes so that he can easily wrap his arms around the taller boy’s shoulders, letting their cheeks brush lightly before burying his head in his boyfriend’s neck. They stand in the doorway holding each other for a long moment, reveling in the safety of their warm embrace that keeps the both of them still before the chaos they both know will ensue tomorrow. Finally, Jimmy begins to walk them back to bed. Once his boyfriend is under the covers, Jimmy grabs the empty cup on the nightstand and the trash bin before disappearing out the door. 
When he reappears with an empty trash bin and full glass of water, Jimmy finds Lister curled up in a ball under the sheets. He crawls in behind him and curls his arm over his abdomen to hold him close. Lister clutches Jimmy’s arm to his chest as if it is his only anchor to reality, so Jimmy pulls him even closer against his chest. Even though Lister is bigger than him, he loves being the big spoon sometimes. It makes him feel like Lister’s protector, especially in this moment.
“Do you hate me now?” Lister asks in the smallest voice he’s ever heard.
Jimmy could cry right there. After everything they’ve been through together, it baffles Jimmy that Lister could still think that’s plausible. “Of course I don’t, darling. I love you. I knew exactly what I signed up for when we started dating.” 
“I know I just-“
“Do you stop loving me when I have panic attacks?” Jimmy interrupts. He doesn’t know where Lister is going with that sentence, but he knows his heart wouldn’t be able to take it.
“Of course I don’t.”
“There you are then.” Jimmy states, as if his point is that simple.
“It’s not the same,” Lister insists, still mildly confused about how his incessant alcoholism equates to Jimmy’s panic disorder.
“How is it not the same? You love me through all my anxiety and dysphoria. I love you through your addiction, when you’re sober and when you relapse. We both deal with each other’s shit, that’s the deal.”
“I guess,” Lister sighs as Jimmy kisses the back of his shoulder. “Rowan is mad at me though.”
“Rowan isn’t mad.”
“Yes he is.”
Jimmy begins to move his fingers that are splayed out on Lister’s chest in a soothing motion across his skin. He still can’t really move the rest of his hand because of how tightly it’s being held. That’s fine by him, though.
“I promise you that he’s not. We were both just worried, that’s all. We want you to be safe,” Jimmy squeezes him impossibly tighter against his chest, hoping that Lister can feel his sincerity through his tight hold.
Lister just hums in response and settles himself further into Jimmy’s embrace. Of course he doesn’t believe him, but they could go back and forth until the sun cracks, so he stays quiet. 
They don’t say anything more after that, and Lister can tell that Jimmy has fallen back asleep when his fingers cease their movements on his chest, and he feels Jimmy’s breath slow down against the back of his neck. He is grateful for his dizziness for the moment because if it weren’t for the spinning room rocking him to sleep, he’s sure all of the self-deprecating thoughts echoing around his head would keep him up for at least three days. 
Jimmy is the first to wake back up a few hours later. They’ve both shifted from their original positions, so he turns onto his side to make sure his boyfriend is still sleeping, and frankly, still breathing. He’s relieved to see his chest subtly moving up and down. Tears prick at his eyes as he stares at his boyfriend’s face, reliving the relief at knowing he is safe. Jimmy finds himself worried most of the time, but nothing compared to the distress of not knowing if his boyfriend was safe. Or even alive. Again. He wants to reach out towards his face and just hold him, relish in the feeling of his chest expanding against his, but he knows better than to wake him up. He knows that as soon as Lister wakes up, he’ll be miserable. Not just physically, but he will also be beating himself up for relapsing. This isn’t the first time this has happened since he first decided to get sober, but it is the first time they are going through it as a couple. Jimmy doesn’t think this adds to the stress of the situation, as he’s always loved Lister and cared deeply about his well-being. That feeling just takes up a different space now. And now, he can hold Lister through his hangover, kiss him, tell him he loves him through it all. 
He hasn’t always been good at comforting others during stressful times, but his confidence has grown with Lister. Lister is actually pretty easy. He just needs lots and lots of words of affirmation, as well as lots of cuddles. So that is fully how Jimmy intends to spend their day.
Jimmy is pulled from his train of thought when he notices Lister starting to wake up. Even though the boy’s eyes are still closed, his face twists, and he lets out a groan. 
“You’re okay,” Jimmy whispers, finally reaching his hand forward and stroking Lister’s cheek.  Lister immediately moves his hand to intertwine his fingers with Jimmy’s and keeps the back of his palm against his cheek. Jimmy’s touch on his face is the only thing that feels good right now. 
“I don’t feel okay.”
“What hurts?”
“My head. And my stomach.” Jimmy tries to pull his hand away, but Lister keeps it pressed to his face.
“I’m just grabbing your water and painkillers.”
Lister sighs and lets him go, pulling the sheets up to cover his face. “Can you close the curtains, too, please? It’s too bright.”
Jimmy does just that and when he comes back over to the bed, he rests his hand on Lister’s back to support him into a sitting position. 
“Open,” Jimmy instructs, tapping Lister’s chapped lips with his thumb. He complies, and Jimmy places the pill on his tongue then holds the water to his lips. 
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” After Jimmy kisses his forehead, Lister eases down so that he is laying on the bed with his head laying in Jimmy’s lap. They’re quiet for a while, Jimmy mindlessly playing with Lister’s hair, but he has so many questions. They have to talk about this.
“Lis,” he starts, and he feels his boyfriend tense in his lap. Maybe from the noise, but maybe because he can sense his serious tone. Jimmy adjusts his volume to a whisper when he continues, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
He just shrugs in response. 
“You’ve been so… off. Were you thinking about drinking that whole time? Or was it just impulsive?”
Another shrug.
“I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s going on.”
“If you could tell something was wrong then you could have said something, too,” Lister finally grumbles.
“Would you actually have been honest with me if I had?”
Jimmy audibly sighs and rethinks his strategy. This isn’t going anywhere. 
Their relationship is not tumultuous by any means, but communication is still their biggest issue as a couple. Talks like this are still rare since they’d both rather internalize their feelings rather than expose their vulnerability, but now that it’s reached this point, this talk is inevitable. They’ve both been through enough therapy at this point that they both have the tools to have this conversation, so Jimmy is determined to get the truth out of his boyfriend.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything,” Jimmy starts again. “I guess I wanted to think that you would work it out. Or maybe enough cuddles would make our problems go away.”
“If only,” Lister forces out a chuckle, but it quickly triggers the lump in his throat. He’s choking up, but doesn’t want to start crying again, so he starts talking instead. “I just felt so pathetic for even thinking about it after all this time. Like, I should be all fixed, but I’m still this mess. And I still get so worried that you’ll realize it and-” 
“Lister, you’re not- I’m not-”
“But now I’ve made it worse,” he continues to ramble. And he has started to cry. Double whammy.  “And now I have to start this whole fucking sobriety thing all over again, which honestly feels impossible. And I feel even more worthless.”
Jimmy lifts up Lister’s head so that he can shimmy down to lay in front of him on the bed. He grab’s Lister’s face in both of his hands again, letting his thumbs wipe away his tears in a way all too reminiscent of the way he did last night. Lister forces himself to look into Jimmy’s eyes, and when he does, Jimmy’s heart drops. He feels his own eyes well up again because of course they do. Jimmy is the one who cries all the time, not Lister, and seeing him so broken feels so very wrong. 
“You are not worthless. None of this dictates your value as a human being. Doesn’t make you any less kind, or passionate, or brave, or completely lovable. It doesn’t take away your good heart.” He’s gripping Lister’s face firmly now, letting his fingers play with the hairs falling in front of his ears. Lister’s fingers are fidgeting with the hem of Jimmy’s shirt. 
Lister shifts his eyes from Jimmy’s again. He knows Jimmy believes these things about him, but in moments like this it’s almost impossible to think of himself as anything more than terrible inside and out. Jimmy is not having this, though. He ducks his head down to force him to look into his wide eyes. Lister can’t really take the glare seriously though, because he can see right through Jimmy’s own red eyes swelling with tears. It makes him feel worse knowing that he’s in this state because of him. Those big brown eyes will always be Lister’s kryptonite.
“As for me; you know our deal. As soon as you stop trying, that’s when I tap out.”
Lister just nods.
“You have people in your life who want to support you. But you have to let us in so that we can do that.”
“So my therapist tells me,” Lister grumbles.
“When are you seeing her next?”
Lister sniffles while he tries to remember what day it even is today. “Um, in a couple days I think.”
Lister moves his forehead to rest against Jimmy’s. They just breathe together for a moment. 
“I love you,” Jimmy breaks the silence once more before planting a firm kiss to his lips. Maybe his words are going in one ear and out the other, but he can show his boyfriend how wonderful he is through every spark in his touch. Through every kiss. 
Jimmy only pulls away to place kisses on Lister’s cheek, then his forehead, his nose, and the corner of his mouth. Usually when Jimmy does this, Lister’s face would scrunch up in a giggle. It may lead to a tickle fight, more teases, more kisses. Today is different; Lister feels much too nauseas, but the soft pressure on his face does make him forget about his pounding headache for just a moment. 
“I love you so much,” Lister whispers as he leans into his boyfriend’s soft kisses, gently holding onto his biceps. 
“You’d better.”
Lister smiles faintly because Jimmy isn’t usually one for sass. He moves his face ever so slightly so that the kiss meant for the side of his mouth lands right back on his lips, and both of them smile a little bit, before Lister sighs and buries his face in Jimmy’s neck. 
“I’m really knackered today, Jim. Can I pick up with the trying tomorrow?” Lister groans, earning a slight chuckle.
Jimmy responds by planting a single kiss on Lister’s temple, making him scrunch his face up cutely. Jimmy holds his boyfriend gently, bringing his hand up to play with his hair again. There’s a lot left to unpack, but this will do for now. He hopes that Lister will be more honest with his therapist.
“The bin on your side of the bed is clean if you start to feel sick again,” Jimmy reminds Lister gently.
“I think I’m okay for now. Stay tuned, though.” His voice is muted against Jimmy’s skin, and he simply hums in response.
Moments like these are so gentle. Maybe because of how rare they are. If Jimmy is glad for one thing out of all this mess, it’s that this happened during a stretch of days where they don’t really have anywhere to be. Things will pick up soon, though, and they will have to make sure Lister is ready to pretend that nothing ever happened as they embark on a new round of press tours and performances. That’s days away, though, so for now, they can rest.
Their comfortable silence is broken by a knock on the door. Jimmy calls out for Rowan to come in while Lister lets out a guttural, albeit muffled, groan. Rowan opens the door slowly, and Jimmy almost laughs at his wide eyes looking like he’s sussing out the room.
“I just wanted to check in on you, Allister,” Rowan starts slowly, only to receive another loud groan in response, his face still nuzzled into Jimmy’s neck. “Right. Well, I was going to offer to make pancakes. Can’t take painkillers on an empty stomach.”
“You up for a pancake party in bed?” Jimmy nudges him after a beat of silence.
“As long as it’s quiet,” he grumbles.
“Right then. I’ll be back with pancakes.”
Sure enough, Rowan reappears within the hour, somehow balancing three plates of pancakes like some experienced waiter, before handing them off to his friends and shoving his way onto the giant bed.
“I’ll try not to third-wheel too hard,” Rowan teases, earning a swat from Jimmy, who had to reach over a wincing Lister to do so. 
“Thanks for the pancakes, Ro.” Lister mumbles after they’ve eaten their pancakes in silence for a few moments.
Jimmy hums to second the sentiment since his mouth is full of pancake. Rowan simply pats Lister’s leg in response as he munches away at his own plate. It’s quiet for a while as they all eat their breakfast, Lister eating very slowly in an attempt to not throw it all back up. One of them has put on an old 90’s film to play quietly as they eat.
After finally finishing his plate, Lister seems to feel a little more like himself. He decides to make it known by opening his big mouth.
“If I had known that all it would take for a pancake party was to relapse again then-”
“No, Allister!” Rowan exclaims at the same time that Jimmy scolds, “Don’t even joke!”
“Ow, ow, too loud!” Lister whines as he moves his fists- which are still clutching his knife and fork- to protect his ears. “No joking about relapsing, got it.” 
As they quiet down, Jimmy leans over to try to help detangle the bit of syrup that got into Lister’s hair. 
“Seriously, though, I don’t deserve you two. Thank you,” Lister speaks again through little winces when Jimmy accidentally pulls at a clump of hair a bit too hard.
“Would you please quit it with that” Jimmy mumbles with clear exasperation. “He’s been saying this shit for hours, Rowan.”
“I’m serious,” Lister insists. “I’m going to do better this time. I won’t let you down again.”
Jimmy and Rowan share a seemingly telepathic glance, the kind that Lister used to hate.
“I think we both appreciate the sentiment,” Rowan finally responds, “but I seriously don’t think you’ll get very far if you’re only worried about disappointing us. Stay sober for the sake of yourself, yeah?”
Lister just sighs. He doesn’t quite know how to do that. Even after all of this time working on himself. But Jimmy and Rowan have already worried about him enough these last 24 hours, so he decides to just give them what they need to hear for now.
“Yeah. Yeah, okay.”
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Love In The Time of Covid: Chapter Two
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pairing: frankie morales x f!reader
chapter rating: M (talk of Covid/early pandemic, one racy picture, dad!frankie, talks of lockdown, mentions of a previous addiction, i think that’s it?)
word count: 3.6k
authors note: this story is set literally right before the world was sent into full lockdown (march-ish), hence why Frankie is still hanging out with Santi. also, as a swiftie i know Folklore came out in July of 2020 but we’re gonna pretend like it came out in March instead bc i can’t get enough of folklore!frankie :)
series masterlist
Today was the first day after Frankie’s two week quarantine, the negative test result sheet in his hand bringing a smile to his face as he left the clinic to head back home. He had a very busy weekend ahead of him, but before he could enjoy it, he had to break down and clean up his now trashed apartment.
The first thing he did when he got home was fix himself a bowl of cereal, devouring it in record time—something he never seemed to unlearn after his time in the military. After he was finished, he turned on his speaker and connected his phone, his music shuffling until he landed on his favorite song at the moment, singing out the lyrics unabashedly.
“SWEET TEA IN THE SUMMER, CROSS MY HEART WON’T TELL NO OTHER—“ Frankie was in the middle of scrubbing the pile of dishes in his sink when his phone stopped playing music, his ringtone blaring instead. Wiping his hands on a paper towel, he walked over to it on the table and grabbed it, seeing his ex’s name on his screen. With a sigh, he slid the green arrow and lifted the phone to his ear. “Hello?”
“Hey, you’re supposed to have Alondra this week.” He rolled his eyes at her tone.
“Okay…so…where are you? I’ve got shit to do, Frankie. Can’t wait around all day for you to decide to pick up your daughter.” Frankie lifted the phone from his ear and flipped the screen off before bringing it back.
“I’m cleaning my apartment up, Viviana. I’ll be at your place in a fucking hour. Is that fine? Can your shit wait until then? Or would you like our child to come back to my dirty apartment?” He only heard a sigh in response before she ended the phone call, tossing his phone back onto the table and pressing play. “PACK YOUR DOLLS AND A SWEATER. WE’LL MOVE TO INDIA FOREVER.”
He shuffled around his one bedroom apartment with purpose, excited to not only have Alondra back in his arms this weekend, but also because of the park date he and Mariposa—a nickname he so lovingly bestowed upon his new love after learning that she had not one, but five different butterfly tattoos (though he had yet to learn their locations)—set for the next afternoon.
Walking into his bedroom, he scratched his head as he took in the boxes of un-assembled furniture—a crib, a changing table, and a dresser. He let out a huff and rubbed the hair on his chin, feeling that familiar itch to soothe his stress with illegal substances. He shook his head at the mere thought of relapsing and turned around, heading into the kitchen to grab his phone, ignoring the urge to call Mariposa up—he didn’t want their first date to be assembling furniture—and instead choosing Santi’s contact.
“Look who it is!” Santi beamed through the video call, Frankie chuckling at his enthusiasm. “You covid-free finally?”
“Yeah, I’m picking up Alondra in a half hour, but I still need to put together the furniture I got for her. You get tested recently?”
“Yeah, me and la novia went yesterday because we’ve got a flight to Texas coming up this week.”
“Could I possibly steal you away from her and get some help tonight?” Frankie asked with his best smile, Santi groaning dramatically. “C’mon, I have beer.”
“Oh, sure then, yeah. I’m down. Come pick me up after you secure the bebé.”
“Alright be there in about an hour.”
“Frankie,” Viviana greeted him with a glare, arms crossed over her chest as she stood in the doorway. “You’re late.”
Frankie looked down at his watch, brows furrowed.
“I’m three minutes late.” He argued through his mask, only receiving an eye roll before she was walking him inside the home he used to share with her.
It hadn’t always been this way with Viviana. When they first met five years ago, she was a carefree grad-student studying to be a veterinarian. Kindness and affection radiated from her, catching his eye immediately at some house party Benny dragged him to. What began as a coked-up fuck in a strangers bathroom soon evolved to a full on relationship full of a lot of ups and downs—mostly downs—until the surprise conception of their baby girl. Now, all he could see when he looked at her were the many red flags he chose to ignore right up until a few months ago when she made the choice for him—and thank god she did.
“Oh hey, man. Nice to finally meet you.” Frankie’s jaw clenched as he spotted his replacement sitting at the kitchen table he helped pick out feeding his daughter with a casual smile. Frankie turned to Viviana, whispering to her with his back turned to her boyfriend.
“I asked you to not bring him around—“
“You’re not around, Frankie. I needed help.” She spat, Frankie scoffing at her argument.
“I was sick. With fucking Covid. Remember? The shit going around killing people that we know like nothing about?” She breezed past him, ignoring his valid defense and lifting Alondra from her high chair. Frankie accepted his daughter into his arms gladly, kissing her cheek through the cotton of his mask a few times before looking down at her, her grin growing wide until she let out a laugh. He kissed her forehead again, having missed the sound of his happy baby girl more than he’d ever missed anything.
“Remember, she’s allergic to bananas so look at all the labels before—“
“I know, V.” He shrugged on her diaper bag, allowing his ex to say goodbye to their daughter before the two were on their way.
“Hola cabrón!” Santi greeted Frankie with a smile, slipping into the passenger seat and patting his shoulder before turning around to look at Alondra in the backseat, reaching to pinch her foot. “Hola, muñecita.”
“We gotta stop at the store so I can grab some baby shit.” Frankie was still tense after his not-so nice reunion with the mother of his child, Santi quickly taking note of his attitude.
“Didn’t go well?” He asked carefully, Frankie looking over at him with an unamused look.
“She had her guy over. Fucking feeding Alondra like he’s her dad.” He shook his head, keeping his eyes on the road as he drove to the nearest Target. “And V was finding any fucking reason to make me feel like shit. I never realized it back when we were together, but she’s so fucking…annoying.”
“Yeah, we all caught onto that pretty early on.”
“And yet no one thought to tell me?” Santi couldn’t help but chuckle at the question. They all very much had told Frankie about their distaste for Viviana, he just never listened.
“You’re ridiculous,” he chuckled again, shaking his head as he looked back at Alondra squawking in the backseat. “Que pasa, niña? What’re you squawking about?”
Frankie’s phone lit up as it rested on the dash mount, Santi chuckling and teasing him as he read the contact name, “Mariposa 🦋”.
“Who’s that, huh? Frankie’s got a girlfriend?” He teased, nudging Frankie’s side with a shit eating grin, Frankie rolling his eyes and chuckling against his will.
“It’s the delivery girl,” he told him your name and Santi ooo-ed at the blush on his friends face. “Can you stop smiling like that and be useful? Open it for me, man.”
“Sure thing, pal.” Santi kept his grin on as he lifted the phone off the mount and opened it up, his eyes going wide at the sight of a racy photo on the screen. “Jesus, Fish!”
“What?” Frankie looked over at caught a glimpse of the picture, quickly snatching it from Santi’s hands and locking it. “What the fuck man?”
“What the fuck to you! You told me to open it!” He laughed through his defense, Frankie’s cheeks now flushed red.
“I didn’t know that…I—fuck off.” Santi looked back at Alondra, getting the baby girl to join him in his laughter.
“Papá tiene una novia, mija.” Alondra giggled without having a clue what he was saying. “Yeah, that’s funny, huh?”
“I shoulda called Benny.”
You weren’t exactly sure what came over you.
Frankie had been a complete gentleman the entire week that the two of you had been talking, never once pulling anything or pushing you into the typical sexting shit that men usually tried this early on. He was consistent and honest, interesting and funny—checking every single box you had, which wasn’t an easy feat.
Somehow, your appreciation for him turned into horniness which then turned into a mini-photo shoot in front of the full length mirror in your bedroom, eager to reward him for his very gentlemanly behavior and possibly get a glimpse of what he was like beyond it.
Your modesty was covered only by a skimpy thong and your arm over your breasts, your makeup and hair done up more than it would usually be on a Friday afternoon. You took a few different photos from different angles, but landed on an angle that showed off your curves best, pressing the blue arrow without second thought so that you wouldn’t lose your nerve.
“What the fuck did you just do, idiot?” You scolded yourself as you laid face first on your mattress. The last thing you wanted was to scare him off or come across as a creep who only wanted to fuck.
Thirty minutes had passed, your hands busy baking copious amounts of banana bread to keep the anxiety at bay. You felt like shit, ruining the first genuine connection you’d felt in a long time because you were horny? Idiot.
Right as you stuffed the next few loaf tins in the oven, your phone buzzed on the counter, your heart sinking to your feet at the sound. You almost didn’t want to look at it, your hope far too high to be let down by someone else’s name on the screen, but you couldn’t keep your curiosity at bay. Reaching for the phone, you gasped at the sight of “Rocketman ✈️” gracing your screen, your nickname for him after the two of you watched the film together over Zoom a couple days ago.
F: Mariposa, you’re so fucking beautiful. You trying to give me a heart attack in Target?
You giggled, looking around you at the mess of your panic baking as you thought up a witty response.
M: No heart attacks until you see me in person.
F: Deal.
F: What kind of wine do you like, bebita? I’m getting stuff for our picnic tomorrow.
You melted onto the counter, groaning at his sweet thoughtfulness.
M: Are you real?
F: Unfortunately yeah
M: I like you a lot, Rocketman. And anything pink, please!
F: I like you, Mariposa. A shit ton. My friend is here laughing at me as I type this because of my stupid fucking grin.
F: And you got it, anything else you want? Fruit, sweets, cheese? You name it, bebita.
M: I’m blushing like a fucking idiot, Frankie. You’re too cute. And no, your company and a glass of wine is perfect.
F: Sounds good, sweetheart.
A half hour passed before your phone buzzed again, Frankie’s contact on your screen again. You bit your lip as you opened the message, chuckling when you read it.
F: Hey this is Santi, Frankie’s real novia. Here’s your man.
Tumblr media
M: Tell the guy on the right he’s hot
F: He’s blushing
F: Now he’s trying to take the phone awafbdhsu
F: Santi is an idiot, sorry you had the misfortune of talking to him, Mariposa.
M: Sounds like I’m gonna have to share you 🤨
F: He wishes.
F: I’m driving right now, but I’ll call you later on, pretty girl. Miss your voice 💞
M: Miss your voice, too. Be safe, pretty boy. 😘
“Did you hear they’re talking about forcing everyone into fucking quarantine? Like shutting shit down?” Santi asked as he and Frankie sat together on his sofa, Alondra bouncing in her playseat while the boys drank beer and watched Frankie’s current comfort show, Nathan For You. “Can you imagine? Not being allowed to see anybody, having to stay in your fucking house all day long?”
“Sounds like what I’m already doing,” Frankie shrugged.
“No, puto. You wouldn’t get to hang out with me or the guys, wouldn’t get to see your girl, and I’m sure it’s not gonna make your split custody situation any easier.” Frankie turned to him with a concerned look. “Hey, but it’s all just talk for now. I’m sure it’s not gonna get that bad.”
“Let’s hope,” Frankie turned back to the screen, lifting his beer to his lips before pulling his phone out of his pocket. The realization that there might come a day soon that he wouldn’t have physical access to Mariposa made him all the more excited for their date tomorrow. “Hey, I’m gonna go down for a smoke. Can you watch Alondra?”
“Sure thing, Fish.”
Frankie made his way downstairs to the parking lot of his apartment complex, taking a cigarette out and lighting it as he waited for her to pick up his FaceTime.
“Hi, Rocketman.” Mariposa beamed at him through the screen with a playful grin.
“Hey, Mariposa,” he smiled back, leaning against the bumper of his jeep. “Are you busy?”
“No, just finishing up a paper. What are you up to? Is Alondra settled in?”
“Yeah, she’s inside with Santi. We just put together her crib, her changing table thing, and now we just have to finish up with the dresser.” He took an inhale of his cigarette and breathed it out, eyes fixed on her undone state, blown away that she somehow looked even better like this—hair in a bun, reading glasses on, an oversized sweatshirt with a stain on it. “Santi, uh, he just killed my mood a bit. He’s pretty good at that, you’ll come to realize when you get to know him.”
“What did he say?” She asked with a furrow in her brows, tone laced with concern.
“He just reminded me about the fact that we might all go on lockdown soon. Gonna make it a bitch to see Alondra…and to see you.” Mariposa gave him an empathetic smile, tilting her head at him. “If that happens, you know, mandatory quarantine or whatever…I guess I just wanted to let you know that I’m not going anywhere. You know? Even if we can’t see each other in person for a while, I, uh…I really like you, so—I guess I just wanted to tell you that I’m here. I’m in it.”
“I’m in it too, Frankie,” she beamed again. “Seriously, I…haven’t ever connected like this with someone before. So…a little lockdown isn’t gonna change that.”
“Good,” he chuckled shyly and nodded, eyes bouncing across her features adoringly.
“So…about that picture I sent earlier,” she bit her lip and looked away from the camera as she chuckled. “It wasn’t too much, right? I don’t want you to think that’s all I’m after or anything. I just…was in a mood, I guess and you’ve been such a gentleman, I just got a little…worked up over the thought of you.”
“Worked up, huh?” Frankie smirked and looked around at the empty parking lot before speaking again. “No, bebita, it wasn’t too much. Believe me when I say I’ve been thinking about it since you sent it.”
“I could…send another? If you’d like?” She gave him a hopeful smile before biting her lip again, Frankie having to calm his lower half at the sound of her voice turning just a bit more sultry than usual. As much as he wanted to see more of her, he also wanted to take it slow, not rush into anything and ruin the good thing that they were building.
“Mariposa, I’d love to see more of you, but what do you think about us taking it slow for now?” She looked shocked by his response, his heart rate speeding up as she went speechless. “Trust me, I want to see you. You’re so beautiful, baby, but…I’ve jumped into a lot of shit in the past really quickly and I don’t want this to be rushed like that, you know?”
“No, I get it,” she nodded, her eyes meeting his again. “I’m just not used to men treating me as good as you do, Frankie. Gonna take some getting used to.”
“I just care about us creating something lasting, Mariposa. I like you too much to risk ruining it for sex,” she smiled at him, all trace of her earlier disappointment gone. “So…on another note, tomorrow we’re gonna have a third wheel, I hope that’s okay.”
“Well, it depends on if it’s Santi or Alondra. Santi—not okay. Alondra—very okay.” He chuckled and asked out his cigarette, smiling at the thought of Mariposa and Alondra together. If Viviana was going to have her partner around their kid, he no longer felt guilty over the thought of his new love meeting his daughter.
“Bebe, I can promise you, I wouldn’t subject you to Santi this early on.”
“How’d you two meet?”
Frankie sat outside for another half-hour talking to Mariposa about his past in the military, how he met Santi and the rest of the boys, how he ended up here in Florida. It wasn’t until Santi came walking over with Alondra in his arms that he realized how long he’d been gone, suddenly feeling incredibly selfish for leaving his baby girl with his friend for so long.
“She made a poo-poo,” Santi whispered, handing over the stinky baby to his friend.
“Is that Santi?” Mariposa asked and Frankie sighed.
“Yeah,” Santi looked full of mischief as he plucked the phone out of Frankie’s hands and ran through the parking lot, knowing that his friend wouldn’t try to chase him with his daughter in his arms. “Well, hello there,” Santi greeted with his winning smile. “Nice to finally meet you.”
“Did you just kidnap me?” She asked with an amused smirk, eating popcorn.
“Yeah, he’s keepin’ pretty mum about you besides the blushing and grinning. So I guess I gotta figure out if you’re a killer or something myself.” Santi watched as Frankie walked at a careful pace towards him. “You collect dead animals or anything like that?”
“No, no dead animals, unfortunately. Just one live one.” Santi watched as the camera was flipped around to show off her cat that Frankie had already come to love, Miles.
“Frankie’s a dog guy, babe. It ain’t gonna work.” Santi shrugged, unimpressed.
“Oh yeah? Frankie says otherwise.”
“Well, yeah, he’s trying to butter you up. Trust me, sweetie, daddy knows him better than you do.” She laughed at that, Santi taking it as a green flag that she was so at ease with his teasing.
“Are you daddy?” Frankie reached him in time to hear her question, giving Santi a confused smile and a head tilt.
“She keeps calling me daddy, I don’t know where it’s coming from.”
“Yeah, right.” Frankie heard her scoff as he took his phone back, shaking his head into the camera, watching proudly as her eyes lit up at the sight of him. “I’m so glad you’re back. I think Santi’s trying to scare off his competition.”
“Yeah, he’s obsessed with me.” Frankie pushed Santi away from him playfully as they reached the stairs up to his apartment. “Mariposa, I gotta finish up this dresser so that I can send Santi back home and out of my face.”
“Okay, tell daddy and Alondra I said goodnight.”
“He’s not daddy. Don’t—that’s gonna go straight to his fucking head. Already too big,” Frankie chuckled and set Alondra down on her playmat. “Goodnight, mi Mariposa. I’ll see you tomorrow at 10?”
“Can’t wait, Rocketman.” With that, Frankie reluctantly hung up and tucked his phone back into his pocket, feeling a little better about his lockdown panic knowing that she was on the same page as him. It didn’t feel like they had a ticking countdown on their budding relationship anymore, both in it regardless of how often they got to see each other in person.
“I like her,” Santi spoke up as they started back on the dresser.
“Shut up.” Frankie was used to Santi’s sarcasm, not once hearing him genuinely compliment one of his past girlfriends aside from their looks.
“No, seriously. I like her. She’s funny, she seems like she’d be cool to hang out with. Nothing like the girls you usually go for.” Frankie smiled to himself, his friends approval meaning more to him than he’d ever care to admit.
“She just like…gets me? And likes talking to me? It’s wild.” Frankie focused on twisting the screw into place as he spoke to prevent a boyish grin from creeping onto his lips. “Just feels like her and I could sit and talk forever, you know? Haven’t had that kind of connection before. Like…Viviana? That was just sexual and coke-fueled, but I swore it was love. This isn’t like that, and it’s really nice.”
“Does she know about all that? The coke and shit?” Santi asked, dropping his typical playfulness to have a real conversation.
“Yeah, told her about it the first night we talked.” He set down the allen-wrench and looked at his friend with a smirk. “She was so understanding. Her parents were both addicts so, she gets it, ya know? And, anyways, it just makes me want to not slip back into all that even more. I don’t want her to have to deal with that shit from me.”
“That’s good, man. I’m glad you’re with someone who brings out good shit in you rather than…well, whatever Viviana brought out.” The boys stood up to lift the dresser upright, moving it from the living room and back into the bedroom. “Also doesn’t hurt that she’s hot.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Frankie chuckled and rolled his eyes.
Mariposa was hot. And nice to talk to. And fucking funny. She was the total package and there was no way he was letting his ghosts or a little bug going around ruin that. He wasn’t about to let something this good slip from his fingers. He’d cure Covid himself if he had to.
frankie taglist: @joelmillerscoffee @ajeff855 @wildemaven @axshadows @sherala007 @browneyes-issac @tooflef @mariasabana @tae27 @kimm4710 @stxrrylunatic @sara-alonso @paulalikestuff @jbh-castaway @oceandolores @mandomover @chxpsi @auberosier @mashomasho @vanemando15 @wickedmunson @marvel-sw-lover @jediknight122 @harriedandharassed @star-wars-fan-2005 @alwaysdjarin @jalobro @trickstersp8 @mccn-bcys @manuymesut @trinkets01 @tanzthompson @jlmaddinson @hopeamarsu @fanofverymanythings @lovesbiggerthanpride @pinkything @fireproofmarta @littlenosoul @tryonmyworld (please let me know if you’d like to be removed/added to future frankie content!)
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like-a-bantha · 1 year
Busted Hyperdrive
Chapter Four: Camping
Summary: Tech just loves his schedules. But a good ol' vacation never hurt anybody, right? Is vacation the right word for it? Either way, it's a good time for new experiences and opening up to your new friends.
Pairing: The Bad Batch & Gender Neutral Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Brief mention of dead parent
Word Count: 6.1k
A/N: Another chapter I've been hoarding. Yikes! Sorry it's taken so long, I hope you enjoy! <3
Read on AO3 | Masterlist
You should make a mental note that if you ask Tech for an efficient schedule, he’s expecting you to be as fast as a droid. Sure, the workday is flying by – and this was your idea – but, kriff, your whole body is aching. Although, when you’re all finishing your workload by sunset, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t impressed he managed to plan the entire day to a T.
The last task on your list was fixing a credit pusher game that seems to have been out of commission for a while. The credits inside were almost as dusty as the inner mechanics of the machine, and you’ve spent the last hour or so coughing and sneezing as you rewire and solder it back to life. Just as you finish up and start to emerge from beneath the machine your name is called loudly enough to startle you, causing you to bump your head on the panel above you. Bringing a hand up to not only wipe away the thin layer of sweat, you absently rub your now aching forehead. The footsteps accompanying the eager call of your name come to a halt and you look up to find Omega and Wrecker standing over you, each of them holding a crate and beaming with excitement.
“What’s up?” You ask, pushing yourself to stand, still absently rubbing your forehead.
You’ve opened the floodgates, their excitement finally spilling over. “It’s ready!” Wrecker booms, you nod at him to continue but it seems that’s all he can manage at the moment.
“The surprise!” Omega chimes in. “From yesterday, it’s ready now!”
You smile and glance at the crates, just as you’re about to ask what it is Wrecker puts a hand over the already closed lid. “You can’t look in here, we were gonna set it all up earlier but Echo said we shouldn’t break into your ship.”
“You know where it is.” Wrecker just gives a loud laugh and follows his sister, who’s already waiting at the door, to the exit. You make your way to the nearest booth, letting out a tired chuckle, watching the two interior decorators sprint up the stairs as you collapse into a seat.
There’s no harm in resting your eyes, so you stay right there, content as your head rests in your folded arms. You’ve barely drifted off when you hear the hiss of the office door opening and the quiet conversation of possible upcoming work between Hunter, Echo, and Cid. It’s only when you hear someone set something on the table and shuffle into the booth across from you that you open your eyes, immediately greeted by a cup of caf.
“You cannot sleep here.” Tech says as you take a sip of caf.
“I know,” you laugh into the warm mug, “but I think it’s gonna be a little while before we can get to my ship and head out.”
It doesn’t take him long to put the pieces together. “That explains the distinct lack of shouting.”
“No food on the ground, either.” You laugh, taking another sip of caf before you set it down. “Thanks. For the caf, and pulling through on the schedule.”
He simply nods before grabbing the datapad from his belt. “Speaking of which, I wanted to ask for your input on tomorrow's schedule, as it was your idea.”
“Oh, uh,” your brows furrow, suddenly realizing you’ve been so caught up in your tasks you forgot to think of any plans for tomorrow, “let’s just play it by ear. See where the day takes us, y’know?”
Tech stares down at his datapad, his typing coming to a halt. When he looks up, slightly puzzled, you start to feel the guilt setting in. “Very well, we will start with the basics. How far from the city will we be setting up camp?”
You gaze up to the ceiling in thought, pondering his question. “At least far enough from the city to really see the stars would be nice.”
He’s silent for a moment as he types something on his datapad. “And what time would you like us to wake up?”
You hum, thinking for a moment, “I think, since we’re taking the day to relax and all, we can say a soft 0930. Maybe 10? I’m sure I’m not the only one who’d wanna sleep in.”
He nods, taking note. “If given the chance, Wrecker will sleep all day, may I suggest 0900?”
With a nod, and a laugh, you agree.
“And how much time will we need to prepare before leaving tonight?”
Mentally taking inventory of your ship, you take your time to consider what they might need to pack. “I think I’ve got most of what we’ll need on my ship, blankets and stuff, that one’s up to you.” He begins typing, eager to make another detailed schedule. You tilt your head, gently making a suggestion. “And how about, after we get there we just schedule as we go?”
He thinks about it for a moment before meeting your tentative gaze. “Very well.” Your face softens into a smile which he quickly returns before shifting his focus back to the datapad in his hands. You take a sip of your caf and you both sit in a comfortable silence until Echo and Hunter join you in the booth and Cid retreats to her office.
“Hey,” you greet them, sliding further into the booth to give Echo a place to sit, “you guys all done, too?”
“Just got done talking with Cid,” you hold back a laugh at the way Echo can barely conceal his exasperated sigh, “ready to head out?”
“Yeah, but I’m having some work done on my ship.” You motion vaguely to the exit with a smile before looking back to Echo, “They did ask me first.” He lets out a quiet chuckle at that, simply nodding his head before taking a sip of his caf.
Hunter nods towards your own nearly empty mug, “You gonna be too tired to set up camp?”
Shaking your head, you finish off the last of your caf before placing the empty mug on the table, “Nah, I’m used to it. Back home I’d leave one job to go to the next, then walk back to my ship to make some dinner and do it all again the next day.”
“Sounds fun.” Echo quips.
“Yeah it was great,” you laugh, matching his sarcasm, “you guys are gonna get the full Tatooine experience. Minus the heat and the work, of course.”
Hunter opens his mouth to reply but is interrupted by your comm, the static distorting Omega’s voice slightly.
“We’re almost done!” You not only hear her smile, but heavy footsteps on durasteel as Wrecker joins the call.
“Come check it out!” The volume of his request makes it sound like he’s right there in the parlor with you. Echo and Hunter are already sliding out of the booth, Tech following suit without looking up from his datapad as he heads for the exit.
“We’re on our way.” You stand from the table, stashing the comm in your bag before heading up the stairs.
It doesn’t take long to reach the landing bay and once you arrive at your ship you’re met by Omega running over to the four of you, eager to show off her and Wrecker’s work.
“Close your eyes!” The girl commands, grabbing your hand and leading you to the ramp of your ship. You, of course, comply, shutting your eyes and covering them with your free hand for good measure. “Don’t open them yet!”
“I won’t.” You laugh as she carefully guides you up the steps. Once you’re fully inside the ship you hear her whispering something to Wrecker, you can’t quite hear what she said but you can hear him agree.
“Okay, you can open them on the count of three.” His wide smile is audible, “Ready?” When you nod, they count down in unison. You remove the hand from your eyes, you take in the sight with a surprised grin, nearly speechless. The most you can get out at the moment is an almost silent wow as you turn to take it all in. They’ve hung strings of lights that cast a warm glow over the common area. The cold metal bench seats at the table are now cushioned with blankets, they even added two throw pillows. The table itself now holds a small silver vase, a few delicately placed wildflowers of unknown origins perfectly contrasting with their metal housing.
Your gaze finally settles on the two clones awaiting your feedback with bated breath, though it’s evident on your face how grateful you are. “Guys, this is…” You can’t seem to find the words to describe your delight.
“Do you like it?” Omega asks, your smile now bubbling over to a laugh as you eagerly nod.
“I love it!” Before you finish your sentence she’s already bringing you to the ladder, that same warm glow radiating up from below deck.
“There’s more!” You step back allowing the two to lead the way.
“I probably shouldn’t close my eyes for this one, that okay?” You laugh, keeping your gaze fixed in front of you as you descend the ladder, not wanting to spoil their surprise.
“Yeah, just don’t turn around yet.” Wrecker calls from behind you followed by the sound of the two of them shuffling around. Finishing touches, you presume. “Should we count again?”
Omega laughs, her voice closer now, “You can look now.”
You turn under that same warm glow from up above, the viewports on either side of you are now covered with curtains and somehow the walls don’t seem nearly as bare. There’s another vase of wildflowers fixed to the countertop of your kitchenette, the shop rags you’ve been using as dishrags have been replaced with soft, pale blue towels. You peek into the ‘fresher to find they’ve fixed the rod that once held a shower curtain that you never bothered repairing yourself, they even replaced the shower curtain; its bright red hue leads you to believe Wrecker picked it out.
“This is my favorite part.” You turn back to the two of them standing by the door to your bunk, Omega’s hand hovering over the button as they wait for you to join them. The second you approach, the door hisses open and your smile grows in awe of their work. That same warm glow now replaced the harsh fluorescent lighting, a throw pillow matching the ones above settled atop a plush blanket covering your existing one to combat the cold of space travel. You can’t contain the giggle that escapes when you notice they’ve even tucked your beloved Jama into bed.
You take a step back, glancing around the room again, unable to wipe the smile from your face. “I don’t know what to say. This is incredible. Thank you guys so-” he second you turn back around to face them you’re cut off by Omega hugging you and, before you could respond, Wrecker joins the embrace, effortlessly lifting both of you into the air. It’s a struggle at first but you manage to thank them through your laughter before he sets you both down.
As the three of you head back up to the common area, you can’t help but ask, “How did you guys afford all this stuff? I mean, the lights alone must’ve been a fortune!”
“You can make money playing holochess!” The instant she said it, you remembered Echo’s warning during your game of sabacc, Omega really is a shark.
You join Hunter, Echo, and Tech in the common area, Omega takes the seat next to Hunter and proudly announces, “They said they love it!” To which Wrecker happily nods in agreement, joining his siblings at the table. Hunter looks at you sporting an amused smile and a raised brow.
“I really do,” you gladly affirm the girls claim, still unable to wipe the smile from your face, “these two really do have an eye for design. It actually feels like home now.”
Wrecker and Omega share a giddy laugh at the compliment, high-fiving across the table. Echo’s eyes are closed, but his smile betrays his ‘asleep’ act. Hunter smiles at his sister’s glee, the look reminds you of your own father.
Your hands come to rest on your hips as you quietly sigh though your smile, “Alright, we ready to go?”
Hunter nods, the both of you glancing around the rest of the group for confirmation. “Ready when you are.” 
“May I assist you in navigation?” Tech offers before you turn to head to the cockpit.
“Of course,” you nod towards the cockpit in acceptance, “got two seats up there for a reason.”
As you take your respective seats, he turns his datapad to show you its glowing screen. Momentarily abandoning the process of starting your ship to find what appears to be another schedule, he answers your question before you have a chance to ask. “I have compiled a list of necessary information as well as a training schedule. Since you will be joining us on future missions it would be wise to study these topics.” You reach out a hand to scroll through the list, scanning each category without expanding any particular one as you assume it will unfold into a full lesson. “You have proven to be a potential asset to our squad. Should you choose to study these topics carefully, which I do highly recommend as you have one day to train before probable combat, I am positive you will not have any issues going forward.”
If it were anyone else, you might’ve taken that as an insult but from Tech it seems like high praise. You smile, retracting your hand and returning to powering up the ship. “Thanks, Tech. I think I have an old datapad around here somewhere, would you mind sending that to me?”
“No need,” you look up from the control panel to shoot him a confused look but he’s already pulling a second datapad from his belt and handing it to you, “I had to confiscate this from Wrecker. He somehow managed to bypass my own substantial intrusion prevention system and can no longer be trusted with the holonet.”
You take the clearly well-used datapad, resting it atop the control panel after studying it briefly with an almost surprised laugh, “What happened?”
“He opened a pop-up advertisement for a virtual pet the user cares for digitally, and with it several viruses.” He sighs, truly exasperated, and you assume it isn’t the first time this has happened. “I have explained the dangers of malware to him many times, but Wrecker will do what he wants.”
“It sounds like he wants a fake pet.” You laugh as you begin your ascent. Tech just sighs. Behind you, you hear the man in question explaining his artistic choices to Echo, who you assume is still resting his eyes. Omega joins in, recounting the array of pillows the market had to offer.
The flight over Ord Mantell is peaceful. You sit in a comfortable silence with Tech, flying low enough to spot a good place to set up camp for the night. The setting sun grows ever closer to the horizon before you, casting a warm glow over the rocky terrain. Your eyes fix on a canyon not far ahead, the perfect size to block the bright lights of the city behind you. Slowly descending as you approach, just enough to scout the location, you’re met with a reflection of the glimmering sunset dancing across a lake.
You shoot a hopeful glance to your co-pilot. “What do you think? Good spot?”
“It appears to be safe.” Tech states plainly, scanning the terrain outside of the viewport.
“Alright.” You grin, beginning your descent before excitedly announcing to the others, “I think we’re here.”
The second your ship touches down at the lakefront you’re practically sprinting off of the ship. Omega is quick to follow you while the others take their time descending the ramp. The closer you get to the water the sandier the ground beneath you becomes. You’re used to sand, of course. You’ve been surrounded by nothing but sand all your life. There’s just something about the way this sand acts as a transition from solid ground to a vast, glistening lake that makes you stumble as if it were your first encounter with the uneven terrain. Your sprint pauses just long enough to kick off your shoes, tossing them haphazardly to the side, forgotten in the wake of the body of water before you as you bound towards it once more. The sun’s warmth lingers in the shallow water, the force of your feet hitting the water in an abrupt stop sends up a splash that reaches high enough to wet your shirt with tiny droplets. You hastily roll up your pant legs before walking further into the welcoming water as it ripples around your calves. The sound of smaller splashes behind you draws your attention, you turn to see Omega wearing a smile just as wide as yours. The experience leaves both of you speechless, you can only seem to laugh as you wade through the water. It isn’t long before her brothers catch up to you both, seemingly unphased by the wonder before them as they opt to stand at the shore rather than join you.
“This is amazing!” Omega calls to her brothers, attempting to wave them over.
“It is a lake.” Tech states, looking around unperturbed before his focus returns to his datapad.
“Oh, come on, it really is incredible!” You kick your foot out, sending a few droplets up as you laugh at the tiny waves the movement creates.
“Have you never seen a lake before?” Echo hesitantly asks. You’re unsure if the question is directed at you or Omega, but the way you both shake your heads draws a laugh from the man.
Hunter appears to be deep in thought, staring out across the lake. Just next to him, Wrecker is crouched in the sand picking up rocks that look comically small in his grasp. He carefully assesses each one, either tossing them into the water with a little plop or holding them in his other hand for safe keeping. You’re about to ask what he’s doing when Hunter, who’s focus has once again returned to the scene around him, looks to you with a suggestion. “We should set up camp before it gets dark.”
Back to reality, you nod in agreement. “Yeah, that’s smart. I’ll find some rocks and start a fire.” You make your way out of the water, the cool air hitting your wet skin draws a shiver from you as you adjust to the temperature.
Omega reluctantly follows you, when Hunter notices her slumped shoulders and quiet huff he carefully reminds her, “It’ll be here tomorrow.” He bends to pick up her discarded shoes before leading her back towards the ship.
After a sorry attempt at brushing the sand clinging to your wet feet you give up, accepting your sandy fate. You walk over to Wrecker, still crouched as he combs through the sand. “Whatcha doing?”
He opens his hand, revealing a pile of small flat stones. “Gettin’ rocks.” When his obvious answer draws a laugh from you he eagerly joins in.
You crouch beside him, picking up rocks to aid in his hunt. “I can see that.” You pause for a moment, checking the small handful you’ve gathered before offering them to him. “How come?”
He picks each stone from your open palm one by one, tossing a few into the lake without explanation before holding up a smooth, flat one with a grin. “Now that’s a keeper.” He adds it to his collection. “They’re skippin’ rocks.”
Using your now empty hand, you begin searching for similar stones. “What’s a skipping rock?” 
“Y’know, skippin’ rocks. The flat ones that bounce on the water when you throw ‘em.” You find what you think matches the description, holding it out for Wrecker to inspect. He plucks it from your fingers with a triumphant laugh. “Keeper!”
“So,” you contemplate his statement for a moment, brows furrowed as you absently comb through the sand, “they float?”
At this, Wrecker lets out a loud laugh before he stands and walks close enough to the shoreline that water quietly splashes against his boots. “You get down real low, like this,” he widens his stance, crouching as he just was a moment ago, “and you take a rock and hold it like this.” You stand to meet him at the waterline for his demonstration. “And if you throw it right, it jumps across the water.” He draws his arm back, taking aim before expertly launching the rock. It glides from his gentle grasp and, just like he said, bounces across the top of the water five times, each hop leaving a ripple in its wake. After the fifth jump it loses its momentum and disappears into the water. He turns to you with a proud smile that only brightens when he sees your eyes wide in awe. “Like that.” When you let out a quiet ‘whoa’ he picks a stone from his hand and extends the offering to you. “Wanna try?”
Hesitantly, you accept the smooth rock, turning it in your hand as you reflect on his lesson. “I’ll try but I don’t know if I’ll be any good.” You laugh, lowering your stance and winding your arm back, mimicking his earlier movements as closely as you can. “And just bring it forward…” you mutter, practicing your toss once before you glance down at the rock one last time and reassume your stance. You bring your arm forward, releasing the rock, and with a flick of your wrist it flies from your fingers, bouncing across the water’s surface twice before sinking with an audible plop. You let out a shocked laugh and turn to Wrecker, still sporting that proud grin, who immediately holds up a hand for a high-five that you eagerly reciprocate. When your gaze returns to the lake where your stone now rests you realize how low the sun has dropped, your wide smile fading only slightly. “Wanna help me find some bigger rocks?”
Wrecker stashes the handful of pebbles in an empty pouch on his belt and you both begin your search for stones. It doesn’t take long at all, just a few minutes thanks to your combined efforts; you manage to find not only an armful of stones but a sizable amount of kindling before joining the others. You make a ring of stones and toss some kindling in the center before pulling the fire kit from your pack, soon enough it’s burning steadily. Echo takes over your position as fire watcher, allowing you to gather some dinner. You rummage through the cupboards of your kitchenette, pulling mismatched cups and utensils, a cooking pot, and some cheap instant terrine. When you return, Echo is sitting alone at the fire, Wrecker has returned to his search for pebbles while Tech shines a flashlight down at the sand for him, reading something off of his datapad that Wrecker is not paying any attention to. Omega seems to have dragged Hunter to the shore once again; only this time they sit and watch the water, it seems like a peaceful moment until the girl starts piling handfuls of sand atop Hunter’s outstretched leg. His shoulders sag with a visible sigh, but, even in the fading twilight, you know he’s smiling. When you look back to Echo you find he’s shaking his head, sporting his own tired smile. You join him, setting up the dingy pot in the campfire before filling it with the rest of the water in your canteen. When you sit back your own sigh slips through your lips, content in the silence of the crackling fire as you lean back against a boulder. You don’t even realize you’ve shut your eyes until Echo lets out a huff of a laugh next to you, wordlessly stoking the fire.
“Long day.” He says, not even a question as you both know the answer. Your eyes remain shut but you can hear the smile in his voice.
You laugh, cracking one eye open to look at him. “I’m taking a page out of your book.”
“Better get some real rest soon, I hear Tech’s got you training tomorrow.”
“Yeah, it’s great. I have school on my day off.” You joke, leaning forward to check the water. “I told him we can play it by ear, but he said something about combat earlier. Does that happen a lot?” Your gaze shifts from the pot to him, a warm glow cast over his weary smile. “Combat, I mean.”
At this, Echo lets out a mirthless laugh. “You want the truth?” He catches your nod out of the corner of his eye. “Being on the run from the Empire, it’s not easy. This mercenary work isn’t a bad gig, the pay’s decent enough, but if you’re gonna be working with us you gotta be ready for a fight.” When he turns to meet your gaze to find your head cocked inquisitively to the side but clearly afraid to overstep, he sighs but obliges, his focus now locked on the fire. “When the war ended our service didn’t, but we couldn’t stay. Especially not with the kid, so we defected.”
“Wrecker told me about your brother.” Your voice is quiet, gentle enough to draw his attention away from the fire long enough for a tentative glance in your direction. “He thought he didn’t have a choice?”
“Not exactly.” His heavy sigh was enough explanation. You don’t ask any more questions, the crackling fire filling the silence between the two of you. Echo stares into the fire, poking at the embers every so often, while you watch the water in the pot slowly but surely come to a steady boil. Removing the pot from the fire, you empty the packet of dehydrated stew into the water and stir it around a bit. The second the smell of it wafts over to the man sitting beside you his face contorts with disgust, dramatically bringing his hand up to fan the stench away to no avail. You hand him a cup full with a laugh, he peers into it before so much as reaching to take it from you. “What is that?”
“Terrine.” You toss a spoon into the mug, gesturing for him to take it from your hand. “I used to live off this stuff, c’mon it’s not bad. You’ll like it.” After he hesitantly accepts the mug, you whistle to the others, waving the ladle in the air to beckon them over. Echo simply stares into the mug, unsure of your meal of choice, as the others slowly gather around the fire. Hunter seems to share Echo’s opinion, but accepts the mug regardless. Tech and Omega, unphased, grab a cup without question. Wrecker, to no one’s surprise, enthusiastically welcomes the foreign dish and after one whiff he forgoes the spoon you’d included in favor of tipping the mugs contents directly into his mouth. When he asks for seconds, you happily oblige. Everyone seems to enjoy, or at the very least tolerate, the mushroom dinner; when you stand and ask for their mugs to do the washing up, each one is empty. Hunter stands and offers his assistance, he barely waits for you to accept before grabbing the empty cooking pot before he follows you aboard your ship. You figure he’d help even if you’d turned away his offer.
As you approach the ladder leading down to the lower deck you realize it’s been a very long time since you’ve carried more than one dish down with you. Sensing your trepidation, Hunter extends the pot. “Put them in here, I’ll pass it down.” You flash a grateful smile before doing just that, and after you reach up to take the pot you expect him to rejoin his siblings outside but, to your surprise, he follows you down the ladder.
“Oh, I can take care of this if you wanted to head back out.” Hunter only chuckles as he follows you into the kitchenette. “I don’t mind.”
“I believe you.” He smiles before silently rinsing out each mug, passing them to you to load into your meager sonic dishwasher.
“Not used to so many dishes.” You laugh, leaning against the counter after sealing the door and starting the cycle. “I don’t think this thing is either.” The machine shakes and grates, only stopping when you give it a light kick. Hunter watches on with a bemused grin that grows to a chuckle when you shrug, surprised that your gently blow seemingly fixed the problem.
“I can see that.” He sighs as he leans against the adjacent countertop, arms crossed over his chest.
“Stole it from my old house before I moved out. It works when it wants to.”
“So you haven’t always lived on the ship?” You look up from the shabby durasteel floor, somewhat surprised by his question.
“My parents had a place when I was a kid. It was in the city and it wasn’t much, but it was our home.” You hum, Hunter silently asks you to go on. “I stayed there with my mom mostly. When my dad had work on Coruscant he’d always take this ship. He came back when my mom got sick.” Your gaze falls back to the cold floor. “He disappeared after she died. Left me the ship so I’d have a place to stay. Apartments are, like, really expensive.” You try to joke, ease the tension, but your laugh sounds hollow. “I took everything that wasn’t bolted to the floor – which, to be fair, wasn’t much – flew outside the city and got to work. I knew I couldn’t stay on Tatooine after that.”
You go quiet for a minute, chewing your lip in thought. “Is that why you’re looking for him?” Hunter asks, his voice faint enough that if the dishwasher was just a bit louder you wouldn’t have heard him.
After a few moments of contemplation, you shake your head, gaze still fixed on your shoes. “I don’t know. Never really thought about why, just…” you trail off, trying to find the words for a feeling you’ve never spoken about, “I had this feeling, like if we’re together, it’d all be okay again?” You say it like a question that neither of you know the answer to. He nods in quiet understanding, and when you finally look up you’re met with a sympathetic smile.
“I hope you’re right.” Hunter’s expression softens, you know he’s not only thinking about your separated family.
“Me too.” You nod, hoping that one day soon neither of you will have to mourn loved ones that are still out there. The tender moment is, of course, interrupted by the loud buzz indicating the end of the cycle. You jump at the noise and Hunter fails to stifle his laugh at your shock. “Yeah, ha ha,” you retort, grabbing one of the new towels and tossing it in his direction, “back to work.” After drying the dishes and returning them to the cabinets, you begin collecting the many blankets and pillows scattered around your ship before joining the others around the fire. Echo offers to take first watch, if it were any other day you’d object and insist they all get some rest but after a long day’s work you happily lay out your blanket and settle down. You stare up at the stars, and just as you’re drifting off to sleep you learn that Wrecker snores. Quite loudly, too. When you turn onto your side to face the fire, hoping the crackles and pops of the wood will act as some form of noise cancellation, you lock eyes with Echo who flashes an apologetic look. You manage to catch the amused glint in his eyes before your body decides it’s time to rest.
The sun rises slowly beyond the canyon, lighting the sky while your campsite rests for just a little while longer in the darkness. You wake to something nudging at your arm, realizing that lazily swatting at the disturbance isn’t working you crack one eye open to find Tech crouched next to your previously sleeping form. When you open the other eye, confused, you glance down at your arm where his datapad rests mid-nudge, only retracting the device after he confirms you’re awake. With a quiet grunt, you roll onto your back and gaze up at the sky.
Your brows furrow and now you’re really awake. “I thought we said 0900, Tech. Sun’s not even up yet.” After yawning and wiping the sleep from your eyes you glance at your chrono. 0504. You let out another groan.
“Yes, for the others. You have scheduled training.” He hands you the datapad you’d left on the ship's console before standing. “We will begin in sixteen minutes.”
Sitting up with a defeated sigh, you take a deep breath of the cool morning air. “Did you make caf?”
“Yes.” He gestures to a mug next to your pillow. “Though it has cooled significantly, as it took nearly five minutes for you to wake up.” You pick up the warm mug and burn your tongue as you take a sip. Another, more cautious, sip reveals the resident genius somehow managed to burn instant caf. You thank him anyway, burnt caf is better than no caf at all.
The morning schedule consists of physical tests; timing your running speed, then again with a backpack that you can only assume has been filled with rocks, and basic hand to hand combat. “I know how to fight, Tech. I thought the lessons were gonna be, I don’t know, like reading up on those thermal detonators or whatever.”
“The physical training assessments are done for now.” He scrolls quickly through the schedule. “You may take a short break while I wake the others.” You jump at the opportunity to retreat to your ship and hide from the heat of the morning sun. Practically falling into the pilot’s seat, you flip on the cockpit life support and bask in its cool breeze, and when your stomach lets out an angry growl you’re struck with an idea.
Tech finds you aboard your ship; he really meant it when he said ‘short break’, it’s barely been ten minutes. It seems as though it was supposed to be much shorter, as you pull a case from a small locker, he types frantically on his datapad. “Now, we have fallen slightly behind, but I am sure I can alter the schedule enough to put us back on track.” He takes a seat across from you at the table, still too focused on his datapad to notice you open the case on the table. “We will begin with basic hand signals followed by common tactical formations.”
“Can we break for an hour or two? I’m starving.”
“You may eat during your lesson, a break longer than five minutes is completely unnecessary.” Tech counters; too focused on the device in his hands, hell-bent on readjusting the times on his meticulous schedule, to see you pull an old rifle from the case and begin taking it apart to clean. “It seems I should reiterate: I’ve planned out your training and lessons fully. Given you are a novice it may seem that these lessons will be simple or even unnecessary, but I assure you-” you look up when he suddenly stops speaking, “I certainly was not expecting that.” He returns to his datapad, frantically adjusting the schedule once again.
“This can be training, right?” You ask, carefully cleaning the rifle. “Lesson one: Lunch.”
“That,” Tech sounds like he’s about to argue, but his typing ceases for a moment as he looks up from his schedule, “is not a bad idea.”
“Yeah? Got anything about what’s safe to eat on there?”
“Obviously.” You think he might’ve taken offense to that question, but he briefly abandons the schedule in favor of pulling every file he’s logged on the local wildlife. “Training, however, is still top priority. We will begin your first lesson on hand signals once you reassemble your weapon.”
Your attempt at a dramatic sigh is useless, the smile on your face gives you away instantly when Tech wordlessly slides the extra datapad across the table and into your view, ‘Intro to Hand Signals’ written in bold letters on its glowing screen. He puts down his own device, the two of you enjoying the quiet moment while he watches you work.
A/N: Thank you for reading! <3 I've been thinking about opening my inbox for suggestions, if you'd like to send one over I'll give it a shot!
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yourkimjaejin · 2 years
To Us #3
This is Moxy's sections of the video!! I was finally inspired to finish this after seeing 127 yesterday. Somehow I love these boys even more!! Enjoy!
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Moxy walked into the shot and stopped at the wall of quotes. One making her laugh
“I’ve finally found my place” ~Moxy
“I can’t believe that was me! So cheesy.” Moxy walked over, grabbing the folder of messages to her. She flipped through the pages  the videos editors flashed some of the messages on the screen for fans to see
‘Sometimes I think I’ve seen everything Moxy can offer then she just surprises me again.’ - Taeil
“One of my biggest regrets is not getting to know Moxy at first.” - Mark
“She’s someone I look up to. Her passion not just for the business but for performance is admirable.” - Haechan
“I always want her by my side.” - Doyoung
“She’s my little sister in the best way. I want to keep her safe but also want her to spread her wings soaring high above me.” - Johnny
Moxy read Johnny's statement out loud, her voice cracking from holding back tears at the ‘soar high’ part. She then inched towards the pictures lining the shelfs to the right. The first photo to catch her eye is of herself asleep backstage in one of her Cherry Bomb costumes. 
“Aigoo!” Moxy picked up a picture of Johnny, Doyoung and herself after their first stage of Limitless. They were huddled together, Moxy wrapped up in the arms of her older brothers. “We were so little then.” A soft laugh escaped her lips. 
“I guess I have a video to watch now.” Moxy put the photo back on the shelf, making her way to the couch. She plops down, adjusting herself into a comfortable position before reaching out to press play. Her hand hovers over the spacebar preparing for what or who she may see. 
Doyoung pops up on the projector. 
“Si-si yah! It’s been a year for you hasn’t it. You’ve accomplished so much with AG this year. With every step forward you four have made, we’ve all been so proud. I see- We see the work you put in.”
Moxy starts blinking, holding back tears. She takes off her shoes before drawing her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them and resting her chin there. 
“When I think back to how the three of us met, I think it was fate. I don’t have a little sister and over the years you’ve become so precious to me. I find myself wanting to stand by your side just to absorb your light just a bit more. I thank the heavens for having met you. Thinking back, I thank my younger self for standing by you back then. To be the person you leaned on……I’m glad you could trust me.”
Moxy wiped away a stray tear with her thumb. She changed tactics to keep from crying, now rocking side to side. 
“You’ve grown so much. You don’t need me as much. As the years go on, that need may diminish even more. I want you to know that oppa is ok with that.” 
Doyoung is edited to be sitting in the chair to Moxy’s right. As he leans forward, Moxy glances at the chair, eyes watering more than before. 
“Nothing makes me more happy than to see you grow and spread your wings. Just know whenever you need to land and rest. Doyoung oppa and Johnny oppa always have room and time for you. Saranghae Migyeong-ah.” 
As the video ends, Moxy buries her head in her arm as the tears finally fall. In the video it’s quiet but translators catch her whispering “Saranghaeyo oppa.” Eventually Moxy takes a deep breath, leaning back against the couch. She laughs incredulously. The rapper takes a couple more moments to compose herself and makes her way to the chair to film her video to the next member. 
Jungwoo takes time walking around the room reading the messages on the way, the kind words left to him by his other members, reminiscing by the photo wall. Jungwoo sits on the couch, immediately presses play to be greeted by his younger member. 
“Jungwoo oppa! If I seem spaced out, it's Doyoungs fault for making me cry. Make sure to scold him later for me *chuckles*. Over the years we’ve grown together but somewhere along the way you grew faster than I did and I couldn't be prouder. Pride fills my heart when I look across the stage and I see you shining like the star you were meant to be.” 
“When I think about you and I, we’re very similar. We both joined this group adding extra wheels to the train, helping the train go further. Reach new heights. After you joined I decided right then that I would be there for any hardship you ever had. To be your shelter when the weather gets rough. Looking back, your presence is so needed with us. You're kind and loving. You do your best to take care of everyone. Make them smile. Make them laugh. I can’t count how many times you’ve had me crying from laughing so hard.” They both laugh at that. 
“When I go through the scrapbook of our lives together I’ll remember the quiet times most of all. Staying up sheltered in my room talking about anything and everything. Out of all our members you know and understand me the best.” Moxy pauses, thinking of her final words. 
“You shine so brightly, Jungwoo. Never let that light fade. Stay happy. Stay healthy. Love yourself oppa. Cause I love you. Bye-bye.” Moxy gets up to turn off the camera. As she walks out the room you can see her still wiping tears away. Jungwoo, left in the room, stretches, leaning back against the couch. 
“Our 127 pumpkin. She's a member I lean on. She’s someone who even when I can’t see her she’s always there. I cherish our friendship so much. Even as she scolds me for not feeling the best about my performances, she’ll always take the time to monitor them with me.” Jungwoo tries to keep going all he can do is smile, “Saranghae pumpkin.”
Moxy literally lying on her side curled up in a ball watching Taeyong's message to 127
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matbaerzal · 3 years
the early stages | M. Mount
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This is part 3 of all the small moments series: Part 1: the guest speaker Part 3: so hot you're hurting my feelings Prologue: the night we met
Summary: As you and Mason get to know each other you try to figure out what the two of you need to make things work. Reader info: student!reader, she/her A/N: thanks for all the kind words on the first part :) It wasn't mentioned in the first part because I honestly didn't plan that far, but the reader is studying something sports-related (like physiotherapy or sport psychology) at St. Mary's University! Warnings: uni stress (?), swearing, smut; unprotected sex. Words: 5K
After Mason gave you his number you’d agreed that he’d pick you up later for your date, giving you both some time to take a much-needed shower. He’d picked out a low-key restaurant, sending you the details beforehand so you could study the menu as you got ready.
Sitting at the table across from him felt strangely formal, compared to your other two encounters at least. You weren’t sure how to act at first but the longer the two of you talked and got to know each other, the more comfortable you got.
You smile at the waitress and thank her as she places your food in front of you. The conversation you’d been having dies down a little as you take the first few bites of your food. His brown eyes looking at you softly to catch your reaction, he silently asks you what you think as he chews his own food. You nod instantly, humming to let him know you like it.
“Amazing,” you say as you’ve finally swallowed.
“Mmm- You’ve gotta try this too,” Mason says, his hand in front of his mouth as he hadn’t finished chewing before he spoke. Gathering the essential parts of his dish on a fork and offering it to you over the table. You take a quick sip of water before leaning over the table a little, meeting his eyes as you accept his offer. He holds the fork for you as you take the bite, and your cheeks flush with warmth at the intimacy of the gesture.
“It’s my favourite,” he says, watching you intently, and you notice a faint blush on his cheeks.
“It’s really good- do you wanna try some of mine?” you offer. Before he’s even said yes, his fork has reached over the table and grabbed a bit of your dish making you laugh at his eagerness.
He then picks up where you’d left the conversation before your food arrived, reminding you where in your story you were. Your heart picks up at the level of attention he’s paying you – it’s minimal effort, but an effort not a lot of guys show. The way he’s looking at you as you speak, hanging onto every word, makes you realize how wrong you’d been in leaving that morning.
“So-” he begins after you’ve finished your story, not yet knowing how he wants to word himself.
“Mhm,” you say, wiping a napkin over your mouth delicately.
“Yesterday morning” he arches a brow a little sheepishly, the way he says it sounds like a question.
You were far from the first girl he’d taken home, but no one had ever walked out before he woke up. It left him caught off guard – he surprised himself as he felt disappointed that the bed was empty next to him. Sure, the sex had been great, really great, but honestly, you’d intrigued him from the first moment you met by the bar. You were funny, sweet, and you had really kind eyes.
You feel a little embarrassed, making you avoid his gaze for a moment as you collect yourself. All day yesterday you’d tried to convince yourself that leaving before he woke up was the right thing to do – that it saved you both trouble and you were unlikely to see each other again anyway. But when you saw him this morning it was like the universe was telling you how wrong you had been.
“I guess I freaked myself out a little” you don’t know how else to put it.
“How come?”
You huff out a breath, “the morning after is always awkward, right?”
He scrunches his nose a little and nods.
“And I made some assumptions-” you take a moment to think, choosing your words carefully, “-about you. Which I realize wasn’t fair, but in the moment I figured I’d save us the awkwardness of you trying to get me to leave”
He lets your words sink in for a second – you didn’t need to tell him what assumptions you’d made, and he couldn’t really blame you either. Sure, he’d normally at least offer his overnight guests tea to be polite, but he rarely had intentions of seeing them again. You had no way of knowing that he didn’t normally talk and smile and laugh as much as he had with you.
“I’m sorry,” you say, making him smile
“No, it’s ok, I understand” his eyes are genuine before he smirks, “you missed out on a hell of a breakfast though, not to mention tea.”
You laugh, a small weight lifts off your shoulders from his joke about it and you smirk back – “I’ll believe it when I see it”
“Well, are you free this weekend?” he quips, hoping to get a chance to prove himself.
“Yeah” you bite your lip.
— — —
You were late.
For the first time, you were late for your class. The tables had turned, and Riley was having too much fun pointing it out to you in your text messages.
You’d ended up seeing Mason again during the weekend. He’d had a match on Saturday, but he picked you up after to take you back to his place, where he made you both dinner. You ended up on the couch after, putting on a series which you both ignored, too caught up in each other’s lips. Inevitably you ended up in his bedroom, where he had you moaning out his name in pleasure, coming on his tongue and then his cock as you rode him. The next morning, as promised, he made you breakfast, which you ate in bed, along with a cup of tea. Then he had to go to training for a bit, but he told you to make yourself at home while he was gone. You took a shower in his absence, unable to help yourself from snooping at what kind of products he had. Then you got comfortable on his couch, continuing the show you’d “watched” the day before until he came back. He had the rest of the day off, and he kept telling you to let him know when you wanted to go home. He knew you had a lecture the next day – how could he forget? But you didn’t want to leave, and before you knew it, it was late. He was the one that noticed, urging you both up off the couch so he could drive you home.
You’d gotten back to your place at a reasonable-ish time in the end but he’d occupied your mind completely, and at one point you gave up even trying to sleep because you didn’t feel tired at all. Instead, you’d put on your favorite series and watched who knows how many episodes before sleep finally took over your body. One too many snoozes to your alarm the next morning had left you scrambling out of bed when Riley called you. She knew you must’ve slept in or something when she didn’t get a text from you before class. You’d thrown on the first outfit you came across and ran out the door – breakfast be damned.
You were out of breath when you walked into your lecture hall over half an hour late, avoiding the stares you’d attracted as you walked to your seat. Riley moved her bag out of your seat, and slid a breakfast muffin and a coffee over to you, “coffee’s probably cold, but-” she whispered with a shrug.
“Thank you” you sigh out in relief.
You hastily pull out your laptop and notebook, but as you flip open your notebook you’re quickly reminded of how the next few hours will play out for you. His handwriting stares back at you before you flip the page over to an empty one, lifting your eyes to the desk at the front of the room. The desk where you and Mason had fucked only a week ago. Riley looks at you, and bites her tongue – you’d told her, of course – maybe one day she could joke about it without you turning into an embarrassed mess.
You lose count of the number of times your thoughts wander, having to physically shake your head out of it. Having an essay due in a few weeks, you can’t keep going like this. He was going to make you fail this module at this rate – no, it wouldn’t be fair to blame him, you think. But you couldn’t afford to let a guy come before your studies, no matter how perfect he seemed. And, you’d only known him a couple weeks.
You need to set some rules for yourself – you can still meet up with him, but you do have to prioritize your education. So after he texts you after your lecture to see if you’re free on Wednesday evening, you tell yourself you have to turn him down. You suggest the weekend instead, but that doesn’t work out for him. And that’s how it goes the following week too, neither of you finding a time that fits into your schedule. With your deadline coming up you’re getting more and more stressed, leaving his messages unanswered for hours as you turn your phone off to study. You feel stupid using the same excuse over and over, there’s only so much you can blame your studies before it becomes repetitive. And you don’t want to bother him too much with the fact that you’re stressed either, he definitely has more important things to worry about.
— — —
Four days before your essay’s due Riley begs you to take some time off and message Mason to see if he has time to meet up. She convinces you to let go of the books for an evening, but your hopes aren’t high as you send a text to Mason. You’re surprised when he says yes, but he lets you know he only has a few hours to spare so he suggests he drives over to your place in Twickenham. You both settle on getting a coffee and going for a little walk by the Thames. You have a little over half an hour to make yourself presentable as he said he would drive as soon as he could.
Time goes by in the blink of an eye, and before you know it he’s calling you to let you know he’s found a parking spot and is waiting outside. You grab a coat and let him know you’ll be right down as you give your two roommates a nonchalant wave when you walk out the door.
“Hi” you breathe out when you see him, a little out of breath from rushing down the stairs of your building.
“Hey” he greets you with a brief hug.
Having not seen him in what felt like so long, the ice that had been broken between you felt like it had frozen over again – at least just a little bit.
“There’s this cute café right around the corner, coffee’s really good” you nudge your head in its direction.
“Lead the way,” he smiles.
You make small talk as you wait for your coffees, catching up but only scratching the surface really. You try to steer the conversation over to him because the only thing you’d been up to lately was burying yourself in books and articles and you’d rather not think about that right now. He opens the door for you as you walk out, following your lead as you made your way to the trail next to the river.
“Enough about me, how have you been?” he takes a sip of his coffee, making a hum of approval when he tastes it.
You breathe out a laugh, trying to mask the stress you’ve been under – “I’ve been alright” you try.
“Yeah?” he’s asking you to elaborate.
“There’s just a lot to do right now,”
“Yeah, I figured. How’s your essay going?”
You take a sip of your coffee as you think about how to answer him – “honestly, It’s really stressing me out” you decide to admit.
“Yeah, I feel like I’m so behind on everything. I’ve got one essay due in four days, and another one a week after that, and then there’s work placement. And I feel like I don’t have time to do anything else between all of that. And then there’s you- I’ve felt so bad for not making an effort, and I know how it must look – like using the same excuse over and over-“. You notice how long you’ve been talking as you reach the river, suddenly feeling embarrassed at your outburst. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to ramble on like that”
“Hey, no.” he shakes his head, turning towards you, reaching out to put a caring hand on your shoulder, “you don’t have to apologize for rambling.” he gives you a stern but soft look. “and you don’t have to feel bad for being busy, if anyone knows how life can get in the way sometimes, it’s me”
You take a deep breath as you look into his eyes – it’s like his gaze warms you up from the inside out.
“Now, do you want to talk about it, or do you want a distraction?” He smiles.
There’s no doubt in your mind when you answer him – “a distraction, please”
He rests his arm over your shoulder as you start walking down the path, and as he sets off on an embarrassing story from his childhood, your hand finds a place on his back. He’s already successfully taken your mind off it because all you can think about is how nice and natural this feels. His hand on your shoulder, his thumb brushing back and forth, squeezing it slightly whenever he laughs. His whole body leaning into you whenever something’s particularly funny.
Eventually, you turn around and walk back the way you came, and as you walk down a narrower part of the path a lady with her dog is coming to pass you. The dog stops by you and Mason removes his hand from your shoulder as you both give the dog a cuddle. It’s a brief interaction as the lady gives you a smile but continues on her way and calls for her dog. Your hand brushes against his as you start walking again, and just as you think about how much you want to hold it, his fingers intertwine with yours.
“I’d really like to see you again soon,” he says as you get closer to your place again.
“Yeah, me too” you smile, squeezing his hand gently.
“How about – after you’ve submitted your essay, of course – we have dinner at my place. You can stay over again if you’d like”
“Yeah, that sounds perfect” You smile.
— — —
You ended up going to Mason’s the day after you’d submitted your essay. He had training in the evening, so it did get a little late but you insisted it was fine that the two of you just watched a movie or something. You could go for brunch together in the morning and have dinner some other time.
You were actually grateful that you ended up staying in, feeling perfectly content in your comfy clothes cuddled into Mason’s side on the couch – with your head resting on his chest, his arm wrapped around you had found its way under your hoodie tracing circles on the skin of your back. You’re both wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, the cold weather outside calling for cozy attire.
“Ahh, don’t go in there” he comments on the scary movie you’d put on, pulling you closer to him as one of the characters goes into a room they shouldn’t.
You let out a small laugh at his reaction, feeling his body tense up a little under you – “are you scared?” you tease him.
“No” he scoffs only to flinch at a jumpscare a second later, making you fully laugh at him.
“Mhm, very convincing” you smile.
“Finding this funny, are you?” he arches a brow as he looks down at you.
“Yeah, it’s good to know who’d be saving who if it ever came to it”
“Oh yeah?” his fingers tickle your side, and despite your best effort to hide it, your body reacts, trying to shy away from his touch. He quickly moves you both so you’re under him, using both hands to tickle your sides now.
“Mason!” you stammer through your laughter, trying to push his hands away before you surrender, covering your face with your hands, trying to wiggle away. He stops tickling you, a smug smirk on his face when you look at him again.
“So you’d tickle them to death?” you know it’s not the best idea to poke fun at him again, but you can’t help it. The look he gives you almost makes you regret it, but as he pins your hands over your head and puts his weight on you, you really don’t.
“Yeah, I’d tickle them to death,” he says sarcastically, as he moves your hands slightly to adjust his grip to one hand. His free hand finds your waist, where he’d tickled you earlier, you tense up, expecting him to tickle you again. Instead, his fingertips ghost your skin making you shiver. You spread your legs, biting your lip as you feel him against your core.
You forget all about the movie and your teasing as his lips find yours. He frees your hands to support himself above you, you don’t waste a second before threading your fingers through his hair. As he adjusts his positioning he rubs against you, and despite the layers of clothing between you two, you can’t help the moan you let out against his lips. He smirks into the kiss as you wrap your legs around him, urging him to do it again. Grabbing your hip with one hand he starts grinding against you.
“Mason” moments earlier he’d had you saying his name in protest, but now it’s nothing but a plead.
“Yes?” he’s got that smug look on his face still as he grinds against you even firmer than before. You feel him hardening against you as you start to move your hips to match his movements. His hand sneaks up under your hoodie again, and he knew you weren’t wearing a bra but he still can’t help but smile as he feels the bare skin. As he palms your breast, his thumb brushes over your hard nipple. Your body leans into his touch, a whimper falling from your lips.
“Mase” you try again, you want more, need more, but the words don’t come out.
“Tell me what you need baby,”
You gasp quietly as he lifts your hoodie to reveal your chest. It’s the first time that word has left his lips, you realize. Baby – it sends a wave of warmth through your body, it’s like you can feel his gaze on you as his brown eyes take you in. He’s watching you intently as he waits for you to answer,
“More, I need more”
“Yeah?” he smiles before leaning down to kiss your neck. He nips at your skin before moving down, leaving a kiss between your breasts, his hips stopping. as his lips wrap around your nipple and his thumb continues to play with the other, you don’t know if you’re whimpering at the loss of friction or from the way his mouth feels on you. The little noises you make are like music to his ears.
“This what you wanted?” he speaks against your skin, looking up at you as he continues to suck on your nipples.
You lift your hips, missing the fiction. You shake your head – “need you”
“M’ right here, baby”
Baby – there it is again. You know you’ve soaked through your panties at this point.
You claw at his hoodie, urging him to take it off – the second after it lands next to the couch he’s lifting your hoddie over your head as well. Your hands travel down his back as he captures your lips in a kiss, your fingers sneaking beneath the waistband of his sweatpants as your tongues meet. You push the material past his bum along with his underwear. He hums into the kiss as he helps you remove his clothes, lips not leaving yours once as he kicks the material off his legs.
“Lemme taste you,” he says as his hands urge your sweatpants off too, You’re nodding as you lift your hips for him, making it easier for him to pull them down. He leaves your panties on, smirking as he sees the darkened, glistening fabric between your legs.
“Look at you” he coos.
You sink into the couch as he makes himself comfortable between your legs. He bites his lip as he grabs the crotch of your panties, sliding the fabric back and forth to tease you making you buck your hips up.
“Stop teasing” you thread your fingers through his hair and he kisses the inside of your thigh as he slides your panties to the side. You gasp as his tongue licks through your folds, flicking against your clit before he closes his mouth around it working his tongue against you just how you like it. He quickly breaks away to remove your underwear, his mouth is back on you the second your last item of clothing is off. He hums against you as you grip his hair again, tighter this time. He nuzzles into you as he pins one of your thighs to the couch, grabbing a hold of the other. Your chest rises and falls with every breath you take at the pleasure he’s giving you.
“Want you to cum on my tongue” his voice has grown rougher, the short glimpse you get of his swollen pink lips has your hips chasing after his touch.
His mouth is back on you in a second, the vibration from his hums making it hard to keep your eyes open – you throw your head back feeling the knot in your stomach tighten. You say his name breathily, you want to tell him to keep going, that you’re almost there, but he knows. He repeats the pattern of his tongue on you until your toes are curling as pleasure takes over your body, running through you like a wave. He works you through your high, moaning as he tastes you, when you pull him off you by his hair he rests his forehead against your stomach. He smiles against your skin, leaving a kiss there before he moves up your body.
“Hi,” he says cheekily when he’s level with your face. Your eyes blink open, a lazy smile on your face when he leans in for a short kiss. “Hey” you murmur, your hand scratching softly through his stubble. You feel his hard length against your thigh and lick your lips as your mind runs, trying to figure out what you want next. You talked about it briefly the last time you spent the night, and the thought of getting off the couch to search for a condom really wasn’t tempting.
“Wanna ride you,” you say.
“Yeah?” he bites his lip, his head turning to locate the nearest condom, but you turn it back to look at you.
“Wanna feel all of you” you feel shy as you say it out loud.
He has to keep himself from groaning as he searches your eyes, swallowing it down to double-check if he’d heard you right – “are you sure?”
“Yes,” you push on his shoulder to signal him to sit down on the couch so you can straddle him.
His eyes darken as you take your seat in his lap, grabbing the base of his cock as you lift your hips up. He runs his tip through your folds, tapping it a couple times against your clit before he leads it to your entrance so you can sink down on him. You go slowly, grabbing his shoulders, gasping as you take him inch by inch.
He throws his head back – “shit-” he runs a hand through his hair “fuck, you feel good”
You lean your forehead against his as he picks his head back up, taking a moment to savor him. His hands grab your hips as you wrap your arms around him over his shoulders. His fingers sink into your skin as you start to move. You lean back again, making it easier to find a good pace as you ride him – whimpering at how deep inside of you his bare cock is, how it feels. You grind on him, just the way you’d found out he likes, the way that leaves him a groaning mess underneath you. He uses the grip he has on your hips to help your movements, so tight you can feel his nails biting into your skin.
“Look at you baby, taking me so well” he moans, biting his lips as he watches the way your pussy takes his cock before looking up at you through half-lidded eyes. You nod, nails scratching at his chest softly – “love how you feel inside of me”
You feel yourself nearing the edge again, brows furrowing as he hits all the right places inside of you when he starts to move his hips to match the way you move. He moves a hand to rub his fingers against your clit, desperate to see you cum for him. He takes deep breaths as he feels your pussy flutter around him, holding off his own orgasm as he fucks you through yours. You look unbelievable on top of him, skin glowing, pleasure painted across your face.
“I’m gonna-” his voice breaks, “where do you want it?” he manages to let out.
You lift your hips and he slips out of you, your weak legs manage to move so you’re between his legs to take his tip into your mouth as your hand wraps around his length. It doesn’t take him long until he’s spilling into your mouth with the way you’re working your hand and mouth on him. As his warm load fills your mouth you swallow around him, looking up at him, watching his rosy chest rise and fall as he catches his breath. When he comes to, he cups your cheek, urging you back up so he can kiss you. It’s soft and breathy, interrupted by smiles and small laughs.
You leave him on the couch to make a quick trip to the bathroom. When you come back he gets up from the couch, grabs your hand, and leads you to his bedroom. After you both get ready for bed and get comfortable under the sheets it doesn’t take long for the two of you to fall asleep
— — —
You both have a slow morning, waking up and falling back asleep a couple times before you get out of bed. You decide to go straight for brunch, having a quick snack with your tea instead of making breakfast before getting ready. He brings you to his favourite local café and gives you a couple recommendations from the menu as you wonder what to order.
As you eat he asks you about your studies, hoping to get on the topic of your stress again to see if there was something he could do to ease your mind.
“I do have another essay coming up pretty soon” you give him a half-assed smile. “Haven’t started it yet but I think I know what I want to write about.”
“Do you get stressed out, like you did last time, for every essay?” he says from a place of worry.
“More or less” you laugh, but it’s humorless.
He gives you a familiar look, the same pointed but soft look he’d given you after you’d apologized for rambling to him when you went for a walk. “Ok, so-” he starts, pausing to make sure you’re listening. You are, of course, you hang on to every word he says. “I don’t care if you have to write or study or whatever, I’d just like to see you more often – I promise I won’t distract you” he smiles, reaching a hand across the table to hold yours. “Well, I’ll try not to” he adds with a laugh.
“I’d like that” your cheeks feel warm under his gaze.
“I might be of some help too, y’know,” he says smugly, “in one of your subjects, at least” he winks.
“Nothing personal, but you’d do more damage than good then,” you admit.
“Oh?” he laughs.
“I can’t even concentrate in that lecture hall because of you”
“Because of me?”
You nod.
“If I remember correctly, you’re the one that dragged me in there and asked me to lock the door” he teases you.
“Yeah, yeah” you brush him off, unable to keep the smile off your face. “I’m just saying I don’t need more images of you teaching me in my head,” you say before thinking.
“Not into roleplay then,” he smirks.
“Shut up” you slap his hand.
He clears his throat, his smile softening before he speaks again – “no, but seriously if you need help studying I could at least try to help out”
“Thank you”
As you finish eating, he feels a little more at ease, knowing that you now knew that you didn’t need to isolate yourself whenever you got busy with university – knowing that he might be able to see you more often. You feel a little more at ease too, knowing he doesn’t expect you to drop everything so you could see each other, you don’t expect that from him either. It wouldn’t be easy to find the time all the time, but with a mutual understanding, you have a chance to make it work.
— — —
Next part >
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landinoandco · 3 years
An Unlikely Grand Prix
Daniel Ricciardo x reader
Warnings: flufffff
Word count: 2.1k
Requests are open :)
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The Belgium Grand Prix was one that was highly anticipated - not only did it mark the end of the summer break and start to the second part of the season but it also promised some quality racing with its high speed corners.
You and Daniel were sitting in your hotel room on Sunday morning, a drink of coffee in your hand and a vitamin smoothie in his, your laptop open in front of you as you made some edits to the latest version of your book. You were an author and about to finish the final edit of your new novel.
“Have you seen the weather forecast for today?” He asked, leaning onto his forearms. You looked over your laptop lid and nodded, taking off your glasses.
“I have, you better be careful. It was bad enough in qualifying yesterday - “ You paused, saving your work and closing your laptop down. “I don’t care what people say - wet races always make me nervous. They shouldn’t have sent you out in Q3, it was hard to watch.”
A silence fell between the both of you, Daniel watched with a softness in his eyes. He knew exactly how you felt and he loved how supportive you were of him. You were his biggest fan and he could not be more thankful for it - you were there for him every weekend through rain and sunshine and through good races and bad races. You knew him better than anyone.
“I will be as careful as I can -” He reached across the table and took your hand in his. “I really feel like I’m getting somewhere though - P4.” He exclaimed, a smile flashing across his handsome features. You brushed your thumb over his hand.
“It was a really good lap - especially given the weather.” You agreed.
You moved your gaze to the window - the steady sound of rain hitting the hotel window filled the room.
“It’s definitely going to be a tense one.” Daniel muttered, pushing his chair back and getting up. You followed and made your way to the door, shrugging on your coat as you went.
The rain was pouring down as though the heavens above had opened - Daniel held an umbrella above both of you, sheltering you from the downpour. Members from different teams raced around the paddock to dry shelter - the buzz of conversation could already be heard from the grandstand in front of the pitlane. You admired the dedication of the fans; it was far from just a shower and for those exposed without even the slightest of cover would be drenched to the bone even by now and the grand prix was far from starting.
You looked over to Dan, his eyes twinkling and a spring in his step told you that he was looking forward to today’s race. His eyes flickered down to meet your gaze, bumping his shoulder into yours causing you to chuckle.
It was incredible to think about all of the things you two had managed to fit into 3 (going on 4) years. You met each other on the top of Table Mountain in Cape Town, you were there plotting for your next novel and Daniel was there hiking with his friends…
You were sat on a rock, looking out to the city of Cape Town tucked away under the mountain range - you were out in South Africa on an escape from the cramped conditions of London. You had a deadline quickly approaching to come up with a plot for your next book and as of that moment you still weren’t any closer to coming up with the next bestseller. Sure, you had ideas but they were yet to set a light a fire of motivation in you.
You had zoned out, your gaze attached to a bird soaring across the landscape ahead of you when a sudden voice pulled you swiftly out.
“Whatchu’ writing about?” The man asked, his tone was bright and as you looked over at him you saw the beaming smile stretched across his features. His eyes showed a confident but kind manner, brown curls stuck to his forehead and the beginnings of a beard covered the bottom half of his face.
“If I knew, I would tell you.” You quipped back, turning to face the man in order to see him properly. He had a muscular physique, no doubt a sportsman - you had thought at the time - an explosion of colour seeping out from his shorts caught your eye as you clocked the tattoos; they weren’t the only ones either as little drawings were littered over his hands and arms.
“Nice tattoos.” You complimented, nodding over to him. If it was at all possible, his smile grew larger and he put his fist out.
“I’m Daniel, by the way, Daniel Ricciardo.”
The rest was history - an adventure packed history. One filled with enough adrenaline to last you for the rest of your existence. The introductions had also prompted your next plot idea so the following week when you had returned to London you turned it into your agent - who had immediately loved the outline you had presented.
A few hours later and the start of the Belgium grand prix was approaching but still the track was resembling more of a spa - ironically - than a safe and functional track. Dan walked in from the drivers parade and shivered - his coat having provided no cover.
Frowning, you got up and handed him a towel, “What are the conditions like?” Nerves laced your tone. Dan sat down, shrugging, “They’re what we expected them to be like but it’s really rough. If we can even see 6 feet ahead it would be a miracle.”
A miracle was something they were all desperate for and before they knew it the race had been red flagged - deemed too dangerous to race so all of the teams were in their garages coming up with ways to entertain themselves.
You had made your way out of the McLaren garage to join Daniel who was wandering up and down the pitlane looking for a way to cause havoc.
You crept up to him and grabbed his shoulders and shouted: “boo,” in his ear causing him to jump up in shock and scream. You and many witnesses were doubled over in laughter as the Australian held his hand to his chest.
“I just came to say -” You started, “That you looked like you were about to do something mischievous and I wanted in on whatever your plan was.”
Dan looked at you with complete adoration in his eyes, a lopsided grin formed on his face. At that moment, he had never loved you more. It was a strange feeling that he couldn’t quite describe - it was just one he felt warming up his entire body. One thing he had always adored about you was the way you understood him - at the beginning of the relationship he knew you had found it hard to deal with his childish, devil may care attitude. As soon as you relaxed more around him, you two became more comfortable with one another - you decided to try his way of living. Letting fate take you to your next adventure and enjoying the unpredictability of it all. From your first adrenaline seeking adventure Dan had managed to persuade you to join him in - he knew he had found his partner in crime. Most importantly, Dan had taught you a way of living that was more enjoyable, a way of living that allowed you to get more out of life and push your comfort zone right to the limit.
“I have a few ideas.” He smirked, then grabbed your hand twirling you around as though you were ballroom dancing.
“What are you doing?” You giggled, the corners of your eyes crinkled as he pulled you into his chest, guiding one of your hands to rest on his shoulder as he grasped the other in his and held them up as though you were dancing the waltz; finally placing his hand on your waist.
“I don’t suppose you would have seen it but in 2015, the American qualifying was cancelled due to rain and to pass the time I danced with my teammate. I figured I would make a tradition of it.” He explained, twirling you around again.
“Did Lando not want to dance with you?” You questioned, the corners of your lips quirked up. Daniel stopped and took a step back. For a moment you thought you had said something wrong but then a spray of water splashed up the front of your coat. Gasping, you wiped the water from your face and Daniel’s smug smile came into focus. You looked down to where he was standing and saw a gaping hole that had now filled up with water.
“You little-” You had begun, a smile betraying you entirely as it crept upon your features. You wanted to pretend to be angry but he had caught you off guard.
“I thought that you would be a nicer dance partner - but apparently not.” He retorted, biting down on his lip in an attempt to stifle his laughter at your facial expressions. You looked at him and then down at the puddle, back at Daniel and then decided what your next move would be; before you could however he had picked you up over his shoulder, spinning around happily.
“Daniel-” You protested, having to close your eyes to avoid feeling motion sick. You heard him chortle then give in as you felt your two feet touch the ground once again. You pouted at him, strands of hair now stuck to your forehead - it was a sight to behold. Daniel’s heart skipped a beat, his breath becoming shallower as he brushed the loose strands of hair from your face. He had decided at that moment that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, he was ready to start the next chapter of his life with you. It would be a brand new adventure and probably the scariest yet.
“Marry me.” He mumbled, brushing his thumb over your cheek. He froze, an idea sparked, turning on his heel he fled in the direction of the McLaren garage.
Your eyebrows drew together in confusion, your heart thumping against your ribs. Drawing your lower lip between your teeth, you glanced around you only to realise the whole of the pitlane and grandstand of fans had fallen silent - watching on in anticipation. Had they heard what he had said? How could they have, Daniel had muttered so quietly even you had struggled to hear the words that tumbled from his lips. Little did you know, a camera had caught every moment and you were now the sole focus as you waited for Daniel to come back.
Moments later and he was running out of the McLaren garage, something in his left hand. You squinted to get a better look, from where you were standing all you could see was a flash of blue - but as he came closer you realised what he was holding was in fact a Haribo packet.
Your hands flew to cover your mouth, you knew exactly what he was about to do. You were fighting back tears of joy as he opened the haribo packet and pulled out a gummy ring, got down on one knee and said: “Marry me. Our new adventure, just you and me. My partner in crime.”
Tears ran down your cheeks as you nodded fervently, words appearing to fail you. You flung your arms around his neck. There was an eruption of cheer from around you, as fans whistled and clapped and fellow teams called out in congratulations.
You placed a hand either side of Daniel’s face, tears shone in his eyes. To most a gummy ring would seem immature - laughable even but to you, it confirmed to you how much you loved the man standing in front of you. The gummy ring he had presented to you meant so much more than being a Haribo. It represented you both as a couple. A love that was unconditional and would never get old and yet whilst you both would age - the love you had for one another would stay youthful, unpredictable and exciting.
You were more than ready to start the next chapter of your adventure with the man you loved most.
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bensolosbluesaber · 3 years
Returning a Favor (Zemo x Reader fic)
TFATWS Ep. 4 Spoilers!!
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Summary: When your old friend, Sam Wilson, needs your help in Riga you drop everything and go. You knew they broke Baron Helmut Zemo out of jail, but you didn't expect to bond with the villain. (AKA: I thought getting hit in the face by the Shield would at least leave a bruise. Here's how that would go down with a fourth person.)
CW: Blood, wounds, some creepy behavior (not from Zemo), a few Y/N inserts
No smut yet, just cute cuddles and taking care of each other. Maybe smut in the future though! Let me know if you want a Part 2 or added to a tag list for potential future fics! I think the reader can be any gender; I tried to write it that way and be inclusive, but please tell me if I messed up!
If you know me in real life, no you don't:) I write most of my fics on @aurora521 and write on AO3 and fanfiction.net under the same name. Please don't come for me about finding Zemo attractive.
Hope you enjoy!
Returning a Favor
Meet me in Riga. -S
That was the text you received from Sam Wilson, your old military friend, yesterday. And now here you are, outside the Riga airport walking toward Sam in traditional undercover superhero attire- a baseball hat and sunglasses.
“Thanks for coming,” he greeted. “We have a little problem.”
“Is his name Baron Helmut Zemo by chance?” You asked, following him to a jet black sports car.
You were very aware of just what type of trouble Sam was getting himself into since you, a SWORD agent, still had access to all kinds of classified information.
“See for yourself,” Sam muttered, gesturing to the back door of the car and climbing in the driver's seat himself.
You hesitated for a moment, then opened the door and slid into the back. And yes, Zemo was there, lounging back with legs spread. He’s wearing a long coat with fur lining, a deep purple shirt, black pants, and shiny leather shoes. He nods to you and smirks ever so slightly. Bucky Barnes, who you had only heard about but recognized immediately, turns from his spot in the front seat and smiles at you.
“I’ve heard a lot about you, Y/N,” he says.
“And I you,” you respond.
Sam pulls out of the parking lot with a screech of tires. The ride is mostly silent, Sam and Bucky bickering occasionally. That made you smile, knowing that as much as Bucky annoyed Sam, this was the type of relationship he craved. Zemo watched you the entire drive, sizing you up.
The home they’re staying at is obviously the Baron's. He’s comfortable there, leaning against the counters, rifling through cabinets, lounging on the couch.
“So what am I doing here?” You finally asked.
The three men interact easily, and either Sam or Bucky is always watching Zemo. There’s no real need for a fourth person to get involved, at least not in your mind.
“Someone needs to babysit the Baron,” Sam explained with an annoyed sigh.
Zemo shrugged with a smirk so innocent it’s sinister. He’s still wearing that ridiculous coat.
“The two Avengers can’t handle him?”
“I believe your friends find it challenging to be around me,” Zemo answered for Sam.
“You shot a man in the head yesterday!” Sam snapped. “You antagonize Bucky at every turn. Forgive us for needing a break from whatever is happening in your fucked up head.”
Zemo tilts his head as if agreeing with everything Sam had just said.
“Anyway,” Bucky interrupted. “We have a lead on Karli. You can sleep off some jet lag while we’re gone, but starting tonight it’s your turn to keep track of him.”
You settled into a small bedroom. The moment your head hit the pillow, you fell asleep. At home it’s nearly ten at night; here it’s midday.
The trio is back all too soon, heralded by a slam of a door, and you force yourself to wake up to adjust to the time change as rapidly and effectively as possible. As you open the door to the living room, Bucky is stalking toward Zemo. He grabs the teacup from Zemo’s hand and hurls it against the wall.
“You wanna see what someone can do with leverage?” Bucky growled, staring at Zemo with an unnerving glint in his eyes.
“Take it easy. Don’t engage him,” Sam jumped up and grabbed Bucky’s arm. “He’s just gonna extort you and do that stupid head tilt thing.”
Bucky’s face softened slightly. Zemo stops tilting his head.
“Let me make a call,” Sam says and walks away.
“You want some cherry blossom tea?” Zemo offers Bucky with a mocking tone.
“No. You go ahead,” Bucky hissed, and after a moment of staring, he followed Sam out of the room.
You had watched Zemo for that entire exchange, noticed the slightest flinch and hint of fear when Bucky had grabbed that cup. The moment the other two men are gone and Zemo thinks he’s alone, he pours himself another cup. His hand is steady, but he draws a sharp, unsteady breath.
You move out of the room, and Zemo looks up at you from his spot on the couch. Without a word, you walk into the kitchen, taking a roll of paper towels and carefully picking up the shattered glass.
“I can do that,” Zemo says, speaking directly to you for the first time.
His voice is calm, accent thick.
“It’s alright,” you answer, then gasp sharply as a piece slices your pointer finger from tip to palm. “Fuck.”
You set the bloody piece with the pile of glass and hold a paper towel to your hand. You used the other hand to wipe tea off the wall and floor before picking up the glass piled on a paper towel and placing it in the trash, carefully tucked in other garbage.
“Let me.”
Zemo’s voice behind you makes you jump. You eye him for a moment wondering if there is some ulterior motive, some way he could hurt you or hold you hostage. Nothing comes to mind, not with Sam and Bucky so close, so you hold out your bleeding hand. He clicks his tongue at the wound.
When he takes your hand in his, his fingers are soft and warm. He moves your wound under a faucet and lets water run, rinsing the blood down the sink. He squeezes the wound a bit, and you wince as it begins to bleed more.
“We bleed to clean our wounds. It is the body’s way of protecting itself,” he says and presses a towel to your finger as he shuts off the water. “Ironic isn’t it. The very thing meant to protect us from future danger, often kills us first.”
“I’m not here to debate the ethics of superheroes with you.”
“Hold that,” he lets go of your hand and opens another cabinet. “I know how I feel about enhanced humans. There is nothing for me to debate.”
Zemo takes your hand back in his. You watch his face as he works. He uses his mouth to remove the wrapping from a butterfly bandage. The bleeding has slowed, and he uses the bandage to pull your torn skin back together. The cut isn’t terrible, certainly not the worst injury you’ve ever had, but it will scar. He adds two more strips, then places an absorbent pad over it and wraps it all in gauze.
“When we get back, I’ll change that for you.”
“I’ll hope you don’t get killed then,” you offer with a grateful smile.
He doesn’t respond but gestures to you to join on the couch. You do, keeping what you feel is a safe distance between the two of you. Zemo hands you a cup of warm tea, but as you grab it, he doesn’t let go. Your undamaged fingers brush his for a long moment and he chuckles.
“Promise not to take after your friend James? I quite like this tea set.”
Your eyebrows knit together as he smiles at his own joke and finally surrenders the cup to you. That’s the last words you two exchange, and when Bucky and Sam return ready for the next part of the mission, they find the two of you sitting in silence sharing a pot of tea.
When the three men returned, Sam and Bucky held an unconscious Zemo between them. You jumped off the couch, the book you had been reading discarded, and let them lay Zemo down.
“What happened?”
“John Walker,” the two men answered in the same disgusted tone.
You leaned over Zemo, finally seeing the blood and bruise on his right temple.
“This one disappeared for a few minutes, shot Karli-”
“Didn’t kill her,” Sam interrupted, sounding relieved.
Much like Sam, you sympathized with Karli’s motives if not her methods. And much like Sam, you were glad she hadn’t died.
“Then Walker knocked him out with the shield,” Bucky finished.
There was no jab at Sam this time for which you were grateful.
“Which is the only useful thing he did,” Sam added. “Zemo destroyed the rest of the serum, so right now he’s above Walker in my book.”
You looked down at Zemo, blood had dripped down his face and neck, though most of it was dried now. His eyelids twitched as he slept.
“Are you two okay?” You asked as you walked toward the bathroom.
“Fine. We ditched Walker, but we’ll need to get out of here as soon as we figure out what to do with Karli,” Sam answered, collapsing on the couch with a heavy sigh.
You dampened a washcloth in the bathroom and on your way back to the living room, grabbed the first aid kit Zemo had used on you earlier.
“What are you doing? He’ll be fine,” Bucky muttered.
He was sitting next to Sam now.
“Returning a favor,” you answered as you knelt at Zemo’s side.
You dabbed at the drying blood with the cloth, wiping it off his cheek, out of his hair. Somehow the coat came out unscathed. Sam and Bucky were talking about something behind you, but you were entirely focused on the unconscious man.
Zemo had a handsome, aristocratic face, and he walked like royalty, like he was untouchable. This was evidence he wasn’t.
You moved to the actual wound next. The cloth was soft, unreasonably so. A large hand wrapped around your wrist, squeezing tightly. You inhale sharply and shift your gaze to Zemo’s hand then his eyes. When your eyes met his, he seemed to relax, releasing you and letting his hand fall at his side.
“Apologies,” he grunted, mouth twitching with pain.
“It’s alright,” you answer calmly, very aware that the other men had stopped talking and were fixated on a potential threat. “Turn your head please.”
You put a hand on his cheek and turned him to face you to get a better look at the wound that was still seeping slowly.
“The new Captain America might force me to reconsider my stance on superheroes. I would enjoy seeing Sam and James have a go at him,” Zemo said as you prod the wound.
You wiped the cut with antiseptic, and Zemo hissed a bit at that but said nothing. Then, just like he had done to you, you placed three butterfly bandages on the cut. It wasn’t deep, just long and jagged.
“You’re my new favorite,” he joked with a little grin.
You laughed and walked to the kitchen for some ice. There were no packs, so you grabbed a bag of frozen peas, wrapped them in a towel and set it gently on Zemo’s temple.
“I can’t have you dying when I need this changed tonight,” you said, holding up a finger.
When you turned around, Sam and Bucky had both stretched out on the couch. They both wore annoyed expressions that Zemo got a whole couch and they got one to share. Bucky bumped Sam’s foot with his own, much to your amusement and Sam’s annoyance. He kicked his partner back, and you decided not to interrupt their little couples spat. Instead, you move to sit on the ground.
Zemo grabbed your wrist again, this time gently. He tucked his legs up, folding them into a V, and motioned you to share his couch. And you did, sitting in the same spot you had earlier, this time near his feet still clad in shiny black leather shoes.
“Hey, you two,” Sam called. “What’s this cozy little couch situation going on here?”
“You two could have a cozy little couch situation too if you’d just talk to each other,” Zemo shot back.
He didn’t even look at Sam, just held the frozen vegetables to his face, eyes closed.
“Y/N?” Zemo asked after a moment. “Can you get me an Advil? Or better yet, some sort of alcoholic beverage?”
“I’m not your servant, Zemo,” you sighed but stood and poured him a glass of some expensive alcohol from a bottle with Sokovian writing.
He sipped it, setting it on his chest between sips as he lounged on the couch with you. Bucky was watching you out the corner of his eye, and you were watching Zemo. Every few sips he would grimace, his lips pressing together and chest catching. Then he’d relax, exhale softly and shift the peas back into place. Eventually you picked up your book and began to read again.
Sam left the room to take a phone call a few hours later and came back shaking.
“Karli threatened Sarah, my nephews. I have to meet with her. Alone.”
“I’m coming with you,” Bucky jumped in, already on his feet. “Walker will be there, and you can’t handle the Super Soldiers and Captain Propaganda on your own.”
Zemo was either asleep or doing a good job pretending beside you. The pea bag had been returned to the freezer. He’d discarded his coat and was now wearing only his black pants and a deep purple shirt with shoulder holsters.
“You got him?” Sam pointed to the sleeping man.
“That’s what I’m here for,” you answered, setting the book aside and watching them prepare to leave.
Both men donned their costumes, Sam strapping his wings on, Bucky ripping the sleeve off of yet another jacket so his metal arm could move freely.
“Call me- us if you need backup,” you shouted after them, knowing full well they would do no such thing.
“If we aren’t back in two hours, take his ass back to jail,” Bucky called back.
Baron Zemo woke up the minute the door slammed shut, which made you doubt he’d been sleeping at all.
“And now it is only us,” he said in that thick Sokovian accent. “I will cook us something for dinner.”
He moved into the kitchen, boiling a pot of water while you watched. You perched yourself on the counter near him as he searched through cabinets. When he noticed you, he paused and chuckled before returning to the cooking. You watched in silence, keeping a close eye on him when he picked up a knife and began chopping tomatoes from a can.
He handed you a bowl of thin noodles with a thick red sauce. It smelled delicious.
“A traditional and simple Sokovian dish, a comfort food you might say,” he explained and joined you on the counter. “I made enough for Sam and James. Call me an optimist.”
Zemo didn’t talk much, you realized, as you enjoyed the food in silence. It was delicious, a bit like pasta. Suddenly, the back door clicked open. You glance around nervously, realizing just how wrong this felt.
“They shouldn’t be back yet,” you say quietly. “And they wouldn’t come in the back.”
“My old associates must have found me,” Zemo jumps off the table, and you notice the same nervousness as when Bucky threw the cup. He cannot know about James or Sam.”
You can hear a single person strolling toward the kitchen in heavy boots.
“I’m going to kiss you,” Zemo whispered, and before you could even process the words, he was standing between your legs and pressing his lips to yours.
His movements are slow and careful, trying not to be invasive as he moves his hands to your back, sliding one up to the back of your head. You wrap an arm around his waist and slide the other hand up the front of his purple shirt, splaying your fingers across his chest. His lips are soft and warm as they move against yours. His hand keeps you from pulling away, not that you’d want to.
“I heard you were back in Riga,” a new voice chuckled. “I had to see for myself.”
Zemo pulls back, feigning surprise, but kept an arm protectively around you.
“And as you have undoubtedly noticed, I am quite busy,” he replied. “Perhaps you could come back tomorrow? I’d prefer not to discuss our business in front of…”
Zemo nods to you. You were staring at the man who you recognized from work files. He was a former Shield agent. When Shield fell, he used the chaos for his own advantage, working for neither Shield nor Hydra and killing anyone who stood in his way. You suspected, but couldn’t be sure, that some of your best friends had been killed by him. Fortunately, you had enough self-control not to shoot him. His mere presence made you tense and uncomfortable.
“Of course, Baron,” he grinned and look at you in a way that made you shift closer to Zemo. “I’ll see you tomorrow, noon. The usual place.”
He gave the two of you one last look and left with a wink to Zemo. Even when the other man had gone, Zemo’s hands were still holding you against him.
“We will have to be gone before noon tomorrow,” he said looking down at you.
For some reason, you were both still wrapped around each other.
“You know who he is?” Zemo said, a statement masquerading as a question. “I am sorry.”
Your face was only inches from him, and you could smell his cologne. Zemo used the hand on your head to pull you against his shoulder. You set your head there, face turned into his neck, and inhaled deeply. And there he sat and you stood, hugging tightly for no real reason except that no one else was there.
Zemo pressed a soft kiss to your head, and rather than protest you let his lips linger. Finally, his head fell on your shoulder. After a moment, he slid you off the counter, took your hand, and led you back to the couch. Without asking, the two of you settled together on the couch, so close your sides pressed against each other. He pulled a gun out of his shoulder holster, and you froze until he set it down on the table, smirking a little.
“I don’t make a habit of shooting people I’ve just kissed,” he chuckled and raised an arm for you to lean against him.
You raised an eyebrow at him, surprised at the forwardness. You shouldn’t be, after all, he had just kissed you and held you on the counter of his kitchen. Helmut Zemo made no sense to you, but in the end, you curled against him. He shifted to lay on his back, head propped on the pillows he was laying on earlier while you tucked yourself beside him, head on his chest.
Zemo wrapped an arm around you. You put a hand on his chest, fingering the purple shirt. He was warm and soft, and you had to remind yourself that you could not fall asleep while you are supposed to be watching him.
“Why are we doing this?” You whisper. “Why are you doing this?”
“Why are you?” Zemo turns his head toward you.
“I haven’t had someone to do this with in a long time,” you answer slowly, cautiously, knowing full well this was a man who could turn on you on an instant or hold onto information until the moment it was advantageous to him.
“Neither have I,” He replied. “German prisons don’t allow much physical contact. Besides, I hope that with enough time perhaps I may kiss you again.”
You tilted your head up to see a grin tugging at the side of his lips, lips that had been on yours a few minutes ago.
“Maybe with enough time,” you answer and brush a lose strand of hair out of his eyes, letting your hand trail over the bruise on his face.
He caged your hand in his, bringing your joined hands back to his chest and holding them there. You felt the rise and fall of his breaths and it soothed you. When they grew deep and steady and the tension seemed to fall from his body, you realized he was truly asleep, not faking like earlier. Soon and against your better judgment, you were dozing off in his arms tossing a leg over his so your limbs tangled together.
Your last thought before you fell asleep was how warm and comfortable you felt with Helmut Zemo, and how completely ludicrous such a thought was.
It wasn’t long before the door opening woke you, still secure in Zemo’s arms. You tried to move, sit up so Sam and Bucky wouldn’t see this little arrangement. You failed. Bucky came in first, stopping in his tracks as he saw the scene on the couch.
“What are you doing? Keep walk- what?” Sam ran right into Bucky’s back then froze.
Their eyes were wide as they stared. Zemo shifted awake beneath you, and you could imagine the smirk on his face. Bucky’s metal fist clenched, and Sam, ever the peacemaker grabbed his arm and opted for a more amicable approach.
“One of you better start talking.”
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Scarred - Zuko x Reader
REQUEST: zuko x reader where the reader is the last one to forgive zuko at the western air temple bc he accidentally hurt her in the crystal catacombs and than zuko goes to her tent, begging for forgiveness and she shows him the scar he gave her and it’s super fluffy:33
"Y/N. . . what do you say?" All eyes landed on you, waiting for your response to Aang's question. However, there was only one pair of eyes in particular you glared back at; and if looks could kill, the recently renounced Fire Nation prince in front of you would've surely met his demise right then. But Zuko knew how to hold himself in front of those who wanted to intimidate him. If there was anything his father taught him, it was that much.
Despite your fiery stare and previous threats from the first time he pleaded for forgiveness that you'd "knock him on his ass" if he ever came near you again, he kept his composure. There was no doubt in his mind you'd stay true to that warning, which is why he made sure to keep enough distance between the two of you.
There was a hopeful gleam in his eyes, so far Aang, Sokka, Katara, and Toph had agreed to let him join the team, albeit some more hesitantly than others. If everyone else found it in their hearts to forgive and forget, surely you could as well. Wrong.
You saw the last bit of hope fizzle from his eyes as defeat weighed down on him, causing his shoulders to sink and his head to drop. "I know you don't trust me, I don't blame you. I've done horrible things, hurt you and your friends-"
"You can't even begin to imagine the amount of pain you've caused me!" Your words held a venomous sting, yet your tone was strained, calm almost.
"Y/N," Katara stepped up behind you, her voice was soft. You could barely feel the hand she'd placed on your left shoulder, thick and itchy bandages blocking her attempt at comfort. "I don't like it either, but Aang needs to learn fire bending."
"I really believe he's changed, give him a chance to-"
You cut Aang off, finally breaking your gaze from Zuko to face the young monk. "He's already had too many chances!"
No one could admit that you were wrong, not even Zuko. Because every time he'd faught against your little group of rag-tag heroes, you'd given him a chance. Even while the rest of team avatar faught the exiled prince, you never threw a single blow that wasn't defensive or to save your friends. Instead, you'd offer him a chance to join the right side. Of course, he never accepted, but you saw the benefits of your kindness when he'd began to show a sense of mercy against you. There was something in your head telling you he was more than just a villain.
But that mindset changed when you and the gang faught against him and his sister in the crystal catacombs. When Aang almost died. When he chose the Fire Nation's side. When he'd made sure to leave you a permanent reminder of that day.
After a few moments of tense silence, you let out an impatience scoff. "Leave, Zuko. I gave you my answer, the least you can do is respect it."
Reluctantly, he nodded, mumbling out an apology before turning on his heels. He only got in a few steps before Aang interjected.
"Zuko, stop."
He did, glancing over his shoulder, ready to hear what Aang had to say.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, but Zuko is staying. I need need to learn fire bending and he's my only option. I really believe he's changed for the better."
"You don't have to forgive him, but Aang's right, we need him," Sokka added in, to which Toph agreed.
You took in their words, it was obvious they weren't up for debate. You hated that they were right, you all did need Zuko, no matter your current opinion on him.
"Fine," you sighed, looking at Zuko, who was now standing awkwardly with his hands behind his back. "But stay away from me."
Over the next few days, Zuko had somehow managed to gain the complete and utter trust of everyone, even Katara. Everyone except you. Then again, you hadn't had your "life changing field trip with Zuko" that made everyone seemingly forget about everything he'd ever done to them. Field trip or not, earning your trust wasn't going to be that easy. You didn't care how many times he made everybody tea and told cringey jokes.
"Where did you learn to make so many different types of tea?" Aang inquired, causing everyone to look at Zuko, wanting to hear his answer.
Zuko returned to his seat around the fire between Toph and Aang, finally finished handing out small cups of tea. "My uncle, it's his favorite thing to make, he even owned a tea shop at one point."
"You mean the one you betrayed," you deadpanned coldly. You flicked your eyes up from the warm cup of tea in your hands to Zuko, wanting to see his reaction.
His smile faultered, and katara shot a disapproving look at you. For a second you felt guilty, maybe that was too far. He looked genuinely hurt by your comment, but soon another emotion took over his features. You could see it in the way he clenched his jaw and sat up straighter.
"Yeah. That one." His tone was one of poorly restrained bitterness, you'd definitely struck a nerve.
You hummed in response, refusing to break eye contact with him, like you were challenging him to say something equally as cold, but he didn't take the bait. Instead, he took a deep breath, just like his uncle taught him.
"I don't get it," He asked, frustrated and fed up with your snarky comments and side eyes. "Everyone else trusts me, why can't you?"
"You really have to ask?"
Katara could feel the tension and awkwardness of the impending argument hanging over everyone. This wasn't the time nor place to be having this conversation.
"I think now would be a good time for another healing session," she interjected, giving you a look that informed you she wasn't exactly asking. With a frustrated huff, you stood up and made your way to your tent, not even waiting for Katara to follow.
You plopped down onto your sleeping bag, sitting with your left side towards the opening.
Katara was there in a few minutes, holding a medium sized bowl of water in her hands. She gently set it down on the ground, taking a seat on your sleeping bag as well, facing your left side.
You tugged your left sleeve down so you could free it. With your shoulder now exposed, she carefully removed the bandages that covered your shoulder and the side of your neck, revealing the red and scarred skin hidden underneath.
"How does it look?" You asked, attempting to ignore the itchy feeling of the fresh air hitting your wound.
"It's healing, slowly" she answered as she conjured the water from the bowl and molded it with her hands. She purified the liquid, causing it it glow. Slowly, she lowered it until the cool water molded over your injured skin. You clenched your teeth and whimpered at the sudden sting the contact made, but then Katara started making circular motions with her hands, beginning the healing process. The stinging pain soon morphed into a comforting cold and relieving sensation.
Katara had done this for you and Aang multiple times since the gang escaped from that wretched crystal catacomb. As much progress as your skin had made in healing, you couldn't seem to wipe the painful memories of how you'd recieved such a wound from your mind. You could remember the events so vividly it was as if they'd happened yesterday.
You were stalling, Zuko and Azula knew that, yet they didn't seem to mind. If anything, Azula enjoyed watching you struggle to give your friends more time. You needed to stall them long enough for Aang to fully enter the avatar state, that's all.
"Come on, Zuko, you know what needs to be done!" Azula coaxed.
"No! You still have a chance Zuko, you can still make this right!" You could see the conflict rising in him as you and Azula tugged at his morals.
There was a moment, a single second where his emotions betrayed him, where you could see how badly he wanted to go with you and the gang. But it was gone just as fast as it came.
"I will kill the avatar and restore my honor, as well as my rightful place beside my father!" He launched into action, sending overpowering blows your way.
He kept you distracted and unable to help your friends long enough for Azula to strike down Aang. Your head snapped towards Katara's screams and you saw him laying there, completely unconscious.
You were distracted, and Zuko impulsively took advantage, sending a blast of orange and red flames towards you.
In all honesty, he expected you to dodge it, you always did without fail. But this time you were too distracted, too concerned with Aang, and he caught you completely off guard. You didn't even realize you were being attacked until the flames painfully scorched your skin.
You let out a horrifying scream as you crumbled to your knees, your shaky hand hovering over your left shoulder as you tried to control your instinct to grab it, knowing it would only hurt worse. You clenched your teeth together, biting back tears as you whipped your head around go see Zuko.
He looked shocked, remorseful even, but that didn't stop anger from edging its way into your glare.
You shuddered at the memory and tried to shake it from your head completely.
"You're all done," Katara said, maneuvering the water back into the bowl. A dull ache returned to your wound, but it felt significantly better than before.
"Thanks, Katara," you mumbled.
"Do you need help rewrapping the bandages?"
You shook your head, preferring to be alone and do the difficult task by yourself. Katara seemed to understand, because she didn't push the issue like she usually would. Instead, she left you with a few words.
"What you said was too far tonight, you should really apologize to Zuko, he is trying you know?"
She didn't wait for a response, not that you planned on giving much of one anyway, but soon you were alone, relishing in the peaceful silence.
But your silence didn't last long, just a few minutes after Katara left there was a whispering voice just outside your tent. It was unmistakable who'd come to visit you, and with great reluctance did you let him in.
"What do you want?" you asked, annoyance filling your voice. You refused to make eye contact with the boy, opting to stare at the mess of tangled bandages in your hands.
Your question was met with silence, that only seemed to worsen your mood. Really? He invades your tent just to ignore your one question? This guy was just unbelievable!
You could feel yourself loosing your temperature once again. "I said, what do you-" Your head snapped up at Zuko, ready to tell him off. But you froze when you saw his gaze, and how it held your figure. His jaw was slack, and his eyes swam as tears pooled at his lash-line. But his eyes never met yours. No, his focus was completely on the uncovered scar that graced your left side.
Your shoulder had taken most of the impact, just shy of being completely colored with a dull red scar. But the wound didn't stop there, covering a decent portion of your shoulder blade. The red marking also stretched up in a jagged stripe, narrowing to a point on the side of your neck, just barely marking your cheek.
You hated how you shuddered under his gaze, and had to look away. Your fingers moving faster as your tried to unravel the tangled bandage. You wanted to cover the burned area as soon as possible.
"I- I did that." It wasn't a question. He spoke purely in matter-of-fact statements, he knew exactly where you'd received your mark from.
"Yeah." You said sharply, picking up the bandage and moving to re-wrap the large wound.
"I . . . I am so sorry-"
"You've said."
Re-wrapping the affected area was proving to be more difficult than you'd thought, especially in your heightened state or frustration. Usually Katara did this part, and you were starting to regret sending her away.
"Please, let me help you," Zuko pleaded, reaching a shaky hand out to grasp at the bandage in your grip. You immediately flinched away from him, the sudden movement sending a sharp pain through your left side.
"Stay away from me!" You bit at him.
Zuko immediately pulled his hand back from you, as if he'd burned you unintentionally for a second time. "I'm sorry," he impulsively spilled out.
"Would you stop saying that? Stop apologizing, nothing is going to make me- ow!" Your own pain cut your sentence short, the sharp pain returning, sending another shock wave up your side at your frustrated movements.
"I'm so- just, please, let me help you and then I'll leave you alone, I promise."
You took a moment to think about the offer, and as much as you didn't want his help, the promise for him to leave is what enticed you to agree. So reluctantly, you handed him the bandages and positioned yourself closer to him, allowing Zuko to access your wound and wrap it with ease.
With slow movements, Zuko began wrapping the burned area. His touch was suprisingly gentle, even more so than Katara's, something you hadn't thought possible. But even with his feather-like touch, your skin still twitched as his fingers and the bandages made contact with the more sensitive areas. Zuko muttered out small apologies each time you flinched, despite your earlier message to stop that. Though the skin had begun the early stages of scarring, it was still sensitive.
"Uh, d-did I ever tell you how I got my scar?" Zuko asked suddenly, not even bothering to look up from his task. You knew what he was doing, he'd been doing things like that since he got here, trying to make small talk with you to cover up the awkward tension. You usually never entertained it, but for some reason tonight you felt intrigued by his question.
"No." You answered shortly, trying your best not to show your growing interest. You'd always been curious about the scar.
"My father gave it to me," he stated, oddly calmly. It was almost mindless the way he told the story as he continued to carefully wrap up your injury. Like the memory had become second nature to tell.
"Oh," you whispered out softly, your mind buzzing with a million different ways to respond to him, yet none of them felt right.
"I spoke out of turn during a meeting, over a general. They wanted to sacrifice an entire division of fire nation soldiers to gain the advantage. But I-," He swallowed thickly. ". . . I thought that was wrong so I spoke up."
You nodded ever so slightly, letting out a soft hum, showing that you were still listening and waiting for him to continue. At this point Zuko had finished wrapping the bandages around your burn, allowing you to turn your body to face him fully.
"My father was furious with my disrepect towards the general. He said that the dispute would need to be resolved with an agni kai, and I accepted. And when the day came I thought I'd be fighting the general I interrupted, but then my father walked out, my agni kai was to be against him."
With each word you felt your heart grow heavier and ache for the boy you swore you hated. You were beginning to question whether you genuinely hated him or if what you truly felt was left over betrayal and anger.
"How old were you?" You finally asked the question that had been bouncing around your head since he began the story.
"Thirteen, not long before I was banished."
You felt yourself boil with anger, but for once it wasn't directed towards the boy in front of you. No, you were furious with the Fire Lord. Who could do that to someone? To a child. Zuko must not have noticed the way your jaw clenched and your fists tightened into balls, because he continued the story as if he hadn't just made your heart drop into your stomach with his answer.
"I didn't want to fight my father, I couldn't. But he took my refusal as another sign of disrespect. I begged for his forgiveness, but he wouldn't hear it. He claimed that I would learn my lesson through suffering. He raised his hand just in front of my face and then he-"
His voice caught in his throat with a crack as he visibly grimaced from the sheer memory of the event. Instinctively, you reached out for his hand, placing yours over top of his much larger one. Now it was his turn to flinch at the sudden contact.
"Zuko, it's okay, you don't have to tell me this, I understand-"
"No! I do! I need you to understand that I never meant to hurt you! I need you to know that the last thing I wanted was for you to feel the same pain I did. After what my father did, I never wanted to inflict that on anyone. I knew that pain and yet I still hurt you . . . the one person who actually believed I could change!"
His hands flew into the air as his frustrated yells of regret were lost to the silent night. He then exasperatedly brought his arms back down and dropped his head into the palms of his hands. His body shook as he took in deep breaths, trying his best not to shed any tears. He was just so frustrated with himself.
"I thought you would dodge it," His muffled whimpers poured out. "You always dodged it."
It was then that you realized how cold you'd been to the boy. You were so caught up in your own hurt and anger, only concerned with making him feel as horrible as you had with your hurtful words. Not once had you considered that he was already kicking himself ten times harder for the pain he'd caused you. He really hadn't meant to hurt you.
And that's when you did something unexpected. In an impulsive attempt to comfort him, you threw your arms around his neck, pulling him in to a hug. His breath hitched, obviously shocked by the gesture, his body going stiff.
"I understand now, I forgive you, Zuko."
At those seven words he melted into your embrace, returning it as he wrapped his arms around your figure. His chin now rested on top of your good shoulder, as he was being extra cautious as to not press on your burns.
"And I'm sorry, for what I said about you and your uncle. He'd be proud of you."
His grip on you tighten, mumbling out a 'thank you,' in the process, finally feeling as though he could fully begin healing from all the wrong he'd done.
TAGLIST: @theepartygetsmewetter  
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when you’re crying over something... somewhat silly
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Tsukishima Kei, & Kozume Kenma, all with a Fem!Reader
Warnings: subtle mentions in Iwaizumi’s that Y/N might be having her period, but fluff otherwise! Also, I very much so didn’t look over this much and kinda rushed the idea so I’m sorry for any inconsistencies or mistakes!
A/N: these are totally made up situations and definitely not situations based on me and my real life period moments when I cry at everything LOL (a nice thank you to my IRL boyfriend for putting up with my shenanigans haha). Also thank you @thisnoodlewritesao3​ for coming up with the idea for Kenma’s! I hope you all enjoy!
Haikyuu Masterlist
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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Iwaizumi was going to kill Oikawa. He wasn’t sure how or why, but he got the sense that the tears in your eyes were because of that idiot. He had only just arrived at your place and you had seemed totally fine earlier when he called to make sure it was okay for him to swing by. So what had happened between then and now?
“Why’re you crying dear?” Iwaizumi’s voice was soft as he climbed into your bed with you, opening his arms and letting you crawl into his lap.
“C-Cause Oikawa and I were sending each other things through Instagram and he showed me this post that said that penguins mate for life. And the male will go around looking for the s-smoothest rock he can find to give to his mate so that they can make a nest together,” you hiccuped, inhaling shakily as you retold the not-so-sad fact.
Iwaizumi just stared at you. He didn’t want to be that guy but he knew the signs. You had specifically been craving your favourite chocolate bars this week and even snapped at him the other day for breathing too loud. You had complained yesterday about your shoulders and back hurting, even after he had helped rub out any tight spots.
He knew it didn’t matter whether you were having that or not, your feelings were all valid, but it definitely explained why you were crying like someone had just died.
“Isn’t that good?” He asked you finally, kissing your forehead gently as he wrapped his arms tighter around you.
You just nodded and sniffled in his arms, clutching his shirt, “Y-Yea.”
“So why are you crying, my love?” he asked with a soft chuckle and you looked up at him with a tearful smile.
“Cause... would you give me a pebble if we were penguins?” 
Iwaizumi couldn’t contain his laughter, pressing his head to yours as he hugged you even tighter, “I love you,” he finally said with a grin. “And yes, I’d give you a pebble.”
Your tears cleared up after his answer, smiling to yourself as you thought about you and Iwaizumi’s as penguins and building a nest together.
But it didn’t take long for your tears to start again when Iwaizumi picked up a nice smooth and pretty looking rock on your evening walk together and handed it to you, asking to be mates for life. He apologized profusely as you cried but you tried to insist that you were happy and held the little rock in your hands like it was the most precious thing in the world.
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Tsukishima pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing as he closed his eyes in annoyance. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into you recently but he knew that him yelling at you was probably just going to make things worse.
Your sniffling only irked him more though. He hated knowing you were crying over something easily solvable but refused for it to be fixed.
“Stop looking at me like that,” you whined when he finally opened his eyes and give you a slight glare. “I just want snacks!” Your eyes were filled with tears as you hugged your knees to your chest, pouting to yourself on his bed.
“I told you, we can go get the snacks then. You just have to get out of bed,” Tsukishima told you for what felt like the 50th time.
You shook your head stubbornly, wiping your tears from your eyes quickly, “No! I don’t wanna leave! I’m comfy! If we leave, I have to come back and no longer be as comfy!”
Tsukishima breathed in slowly, trying to remember that he loved you and he had known you were going to be this difficult when he first asked you out. You were stubborn and stupid and annoying but he loved it and he found you oddly amusing. Except for right now maybe.
“Okay, so I’ll go get the snacks. Just let me get ready-” he stood up from the bed, already planning the mini trip in his head.
But your hand grabbed his and tugged him back on the bed, shaking your head yet again, “No! I don’t want you to leave!” You insisted, hugging his arm. “Don’t go!”
“How do you expect me to get you snacks without leaving, Y/N,” he groaned, flicking your head with his free hand. “You gotta pick. You either come with me and get snacks, let me go get the snacks, or live without snacks.”
You didn’t like either of these three options and just whimpered some incoherent noises, grabbing a pillow and stuffing your face into it with some more sounds.
Tsukishima sighed and glanced at his phone and the clock next to him. His fingers tapped lightly on the screen before pulling you close to him and curling up next to you in bed. “Come on, put on that dumb anime you like.”
You whined out some more noises, still upset there were no snacks for you to eat while the two of you hung out, but you complied and just watched your shows with Tsukishima. He was just glad he was able to distract you long enough while Akiteru ran to the store and got you the snacks you had been craving and brought them over.
You had only just stopped crying and probably forgotten about the snacks, when Akiteru came knocking with his arms filled with everything. You started crying almost immediately out of happiness and Tsukishima felt so embarrassed with how tightly you hugged him in front of his brother (though he likes making you happy, even if you’re happy while crying).
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Kenma wasn’t sure what to do, finding you on the floor of your room in tears with your headphones in your hands.
“What’s wrong with them?” He asked you quietly, kinda annoyed that you had asked him to randomly come over tonight, but also still kinda happy to see you. 
You looked up at him with tears in your eyes, holding them up to him as he stood next to you, “It’s too loud.”
Kenma stared at you blankly for a moment, “Just turn down the headphone volume.”
“But then it’s too quiet!”
The boy wasn’t quite sure what you wanted him to do about this, and wondered why he had dragged himself out of a game just to see you. 
Right, I love her, he reminded himself with a sigh, plopping onto the floor next to you. “Why don’t you just play without headphones then?” He asked, glancing at the game that was currently paused on your tv screen.
“Cause I don’t wanna bug everyone else when it gets louder,” you pouted, curling up in a ball and hiding your face from him. “I’m sorry, Kenma, I didn’t mean to bring you here over something so stupid,” you mumbled, knowing that tonight, Kenma had wanted to try and finish the level on his game he had been stuck on for weeks now.
“It’s fine. If I didn’t want to see you, I wouldn’t have come,” he shrugged, reaching over and patting your head slightly. “Don’t cry though, it’s not worth your tears,” he insisted, going to your game options and changing the settings of how loud the game itself was. “Here.”
He moved to put your headphones back on your head, glancing at you every time he rearranged the settings to see if you liked it better or worse, “Is that okay?” He asked after a moment.
You nodded slowly, a bit embarrassed that you hadn’t thought about it. Kenma was sure to get annoyed with you if you kept pulling shit like this. He’d get bored with you like he did with games he had already played. 
“Can I play with you?” He asked suddenly, grabbing the second controller that was lying on a nearby table. 
You looked up at him in surprise, “You want to stay?”
He gave a small nod, eyes still fixated on the game on the screen, “I’ve never played this game with two players. Plus I’m already here and you’re the only person I like to play 2 player games with. Kuroo gets too loud and annoying,” he explained, already setting up the game even if you hadn’t officially said yes yet.
But the two of you got comfortable real quick, Kenma guiding you through all the cool easter egg parts of the game, a small smile on his face when he glanced down at you to see how intrigued you were by the game.
“I like playing with you,” he said after a moment, randomly.
You watched him with wide eyes, measuring the genuineness of his words by the expression on his face (though Kenma never seemed to say anything he didn’t mean). “I like playing with you too,” you whispered, tearing up again. Kenma quickly tried to distract you with the game as he noticed the tears, but soon realized that cuddles worked just as well. 
haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added!)
@al0ehas​ @aurumk​ @devilkittymusic​ @thisnoodlewritesao3​ @satan-ruler-of-hells​ @trashy-simp​ @jeppiet​ @tobi-momo​ @darkvadeeer​ @haikyuutothetop​ @livy384​ @babyshoyo​ @jesssobs​
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jungwonenthusiast · 3 years
This is my first time here so I'm new but 2 & 15 Jay prompt (hard dom) female reader😣 Jay would say it...
A/N: I’m not really satisfied with this one, I feel like it isn’t good enough but I hope you still enjoy it. I also made Jay more of a soft dom bc I thought it fit the concept more but I tried to add a bit of degradation here and there :)
Warnings: unprotected sex, oral (f recieving), very slight degredation
Word count: 1.9 k
Tonight was the night, you could feel it. You’ve been dating Jay for a while and of course you’ve fantasized about it a lot, but you never felt like you were truly ready until now.
You’re watching a movie in your room when you lean over to peck his jaw. This earns no reaction so you move to his neck and kiss down until you reach the collar of his shirt.
“What’s up with you today?” he chuckles as you struggle to get his attention.
“I missed you.” you say and kiss him softly on the lips.
“I saw you yesterday.” he smiles.
“Still.” you kiss him harder this time and he finally gets the notice.
He pulls you onto his lap and sets his glasses on the nightstand.
You’ve made out before but it was usually more playful and just a way to show affection. This time it’s passionate and it’s evident that you both want something.
Your breathing gets a little heavy when his lips find your neck. He bites you softly and you giggle.
His hands sneak up your top and gently rub your sides.
He tastes like a woodfire and lust and you want him so bad that you can’t help but rock your hips against his. He smiles against your lips.
“This is new.” he says quietly and you giggle.
You feel a bit nervous and giddy but even more than that, excited.
“I think I’m ready.” you tell him and he cocks a brow.
“For what?”
“You know what.” you shove his shoulder a bit.
His eyes light up. “Really? Are you sure?”
You giggle again. He makes you very giggly. “Mhm.”
“You’re not just saying that because you think I want it right? I mean I do want it— a lot— but you know what I mean.”
You’ve never seen him nervous like this before. “Yes I’m sure. I’m saying it because I want it too.”
“Okay good,” he pecks your cheek. “Let’s continue shall we?”
You laugh and nod before crashing your lips against his.
He keeps one hand on your waist and the other on your chest, groping and massaging you.
After giving you a light hickey he flips you over so your back is on the bed. Just him doing that sends heat between your legs. You look so gorgeous displayed under him it gives him an instant hard on.
He kisses you and slides his knee between your thighs. Your breath hitches.
His hand trails from your chest up to your throat where he squeezes lightly. You let out a small moan and he smiles.
“I had a feeling you’d like that.” he says and kisses you again.
His knee has been pushing up on you for a bit, but now you’re craving something more. You grab his hand and place it at the band of your shorts.
“Do you need something?” he asks and you roll your eyes. “Don’t give me attitude, tell me what you want.”
Your sass is put to an end right away. You cave so easily under him. “Touch me please.”
“Attagirl.” he smiles and slips his fingers down the thin fabric.
Your whole body tenses once you feel him. It’s such a foreign feeling, having someone else touch you like this.
“Relax baby,” he kisses your neck. “I’ll make you feel good.” And he does.  
You moan at the first circle to your clit. You grip his wrist hard.
He smirks. “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
“Stop it.” you whine and he chuckles.
“It’s cute.” he says and kisses you with zeal.
He pulls the collar on your shirt down so he can place a hickey on your collarbone.
How can he multitask so well? You ask yourself.
It’s soon when your thighs begin to tremble.
“Not yet, not yet baby.” he says and settles himself between your legs. Oh. Your knees fall together right on que and he laughs. “Stop that.”
“I’m shy~” you complain.
“Since when,” he says. “You’re usually so bold.”
After some words of encouragement he finally gets your legs spread.
He tugs your shorts off leaving you in just your underwear. He snaps the band. “These are nice.”
You laugh and kick him in the shoulder. “You’re ruining the mood.”
“I’m just being myself.” he says and kisses your thigh. The kisses get messier and open mouthed as they travel down.
He runs his tongue on the lining of your underwear and at this point you're on the verge of begging for it. You squirm under him and he nips at your skin.
“Patience.” he says and gives you a few more kisses before finally sliding your underwear off.
He pulls away to admire you for a moment. “Such a pretty cunt.”
You feel your cheeks burn red and you resist closing your legs again.
He holds you tight before dipping his head down and licking one stripe up your pussy. Your thighs tense. It was just one touch, how does it feel so good.
He feeds off your pleasure and continues to lick agonizingly slow circles on your clit, paying attention to when your thighs would clench and when you would tug at his hair.
Your sounds are so intoxicating he could swear you’re a siren luring him to his death. But if he were to die by making you feel like this, it’d be worth it.
Soon you're a shaking mess, grabbing at the sheets and rolling your hips over his mouth. And you’re seconds away from finishing when he pulls away, You have to hold yourself back from socking him in the jaw.
“What was that for?” you whine.
“What?” he tugs his shirt over his head. “Do I make you feel that good?”
What a prick. A really hot one, but still a prick.
“Yes,” you admit. “Please keep going.”
“Hold on sweetheart I have something better planned,” he unbuttons his jeans “now just lay there and be pretty for me.”
He pushes your thighs up and rubs the head of his cock against your clit.
“Fuck,” you whisper and he kisses you. You taste yourself on his lips; sweet and treacly.
He kisses your neck. “How bad do you want it?”
You nod. “Really bad.”
“I don’t believe you. Convince me.” he teases and of course, you fold.
“Please fuck me, you know I need it.”
You saying that makes him lose his mind a little bit. “That’s more like it.” he lines himself up with you before slowly pushing in.
After being edged for so long, you nearly cum from the feeling of being filled up.
“So fucking tight.” he growls into your neck.
He lets you adjust to his size before slowly thrusting into you. You grab at his back and let a moan escape your throat.
“Feels good huh?”
You nod pathetically and cover your face with hands.
He takes them off. “Don’t do that, I wanna see your pretty face.” you listen to him and try to ignore how exposed you feel. You’re comfortable because it’s Jay but it still feels so new.
You cling onto him and curse into his neck. “Keep going please.”
He smiles. “What a good slut, so desperate for this cock.”
Your eyes roll back as his tip hits your g-spot over and over again.
He kisses you before pounding into you, holding onto the headboard for leverage.
You let out a sultry whine and he groans.
“Touch yourself.” he says to you. “Show me how you like it.”
It makes you feel shy but you listen to him. Your fingers travel down to your clit and with him fucking you like this, you almost go insane from how good everything feels. Every touch and every word sends you into a euphoria that you’ve never felt before. You’re almost embarrassed about how he could get you like this.
“How long have you thought about me fucking you like this?” he asks.
“So long,” you say softly. “You’re so good.”
“Naughty,” he kisses your neck. “I never knew you were so bad.”
You start to feel the fire grow hotter and hotter in the pit of your stomach and you hold on to his arms as hard as you can.
“Fuck,” you whimper. “Please make me cum.”
“Close already?” he chuckles “You’re easy to get off.”
“Please?” you ask with more desperation in your voice.
He smirks. “Does my baby need to cum that bad?” his hand finds your throat again. “Are you that much of a needy slut?”
His fake sympathy just makes you wetter. So wet that you can hear it every time he slams into you.
“Yes Jay, just please make me cum.” you beg him. The look in your face is so hopeless and enticing that he has so choice but to comply.
“Alright princess, only because you asked so nicely.” he starts to thrust into you faster. You can hear the bed frame rattling. “Keep rubbing your clit baby, that’s it.”
He’s so gorgeous with that fierce look in his eyes and his black hair hanging over his face. You hold tight onto his wrist as you start pulse around him.
“Fuck,” he moans quietly. “Cum on this cock, I know you can.”
You push all of your worries to the back of your head and stay focused on him. His cock thrusting in and out of you, the sound of your wet pussy, your juices being rubbed on your clit, the squeeze on your neck, and dirty words being whispered into your ear.
“Look at you all spread out for me like this like a little fuck doll.” he says and just like that, you're crying out, cumming so hard that you're on the verge of tears.
“That’s it,” he whispers to you. “What a good girl.” he kisses you slowly, wanting to give you his love in a way that can’t be communicated with words. You feel his love. It fills your chest with a golden light. He watches your face contort in pleasure and that alone sends him over the edge. “Fuck,” he groans.
He pulls out and wipes away the tears that started to spill out of your eyes. “Are you okay baby? Was I too rough?”
“No no,” you shake your head and giggle. “It just felt really good.”
“Your thighs are shaking so much.” he points out which you didn’t even notice until he did so.
You look away, blushing.
“Damn I guess I am good.” he says with a smug look on his face.
You roll your eyes. “Fuck off you ass.”
“What? There’s physical evidence.” he points at your legs. “I am a sex god.”
You fall back onto your back, laughing. “You’re such a goof.”
“And a sex god.” he says and you kick him.
“Quit it and go get me a towel.”
“Fine fine,” he backs off with a grin.
He tugs his clothes on before heading out the door.
You nearly pass out when you hear him say. “Yo Sunghoon guess what I just did?”
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thetoadghoul · 3 years
Volunteering: (Ohtani x Reader) <333 (Part - 2)
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part 1!
plot: Wednesday’s game arrives which Ohtani invited you to, some bonding time before the first pitch <3 slowwwburn, long cause idk details are fun lol
Wednesday quickly arrived, made much faster by the crazy amount of work you were required to do for your ‘actual’ job. The last three days had been spent with you running around the LA area, as well as cyberspace, to serve your role as interpreter. It was hell, for more reasons than one. The biggest of all being that even though you were not in Japan at the moment, you were still required to wear a proper suit. That meant a tight navy skirt, stockings, and some blasted heels. Sexist men, long meetings, and endless paperwork aside, you enjoyed your job for the most part - but this aspect really wore on you. However, the pain in your feet wouldn't damper your excitement for tonight’s game. Today you were not actually volunteering at the Angels stadium.
The day before yesterday, when you were actually volunteering, a bashful Ohtani had tapped you on the back while you were picking up baseballs from the batting cages. When you turned around the giant man was holding out a lanyard with an attached document, marked ‘VIP Guest of Player’. It took all you had not to let your hands shake with nerves as you reached out and grabbed it gingerly.
“Uh, see you on Wednesday.” The man looked to the side awkwardly, running a hand through his hair.
“...Yeah.” You responded with a small smile, feeling stupid, but it was all you could think of.
“Well, uh, I better go...” He motioned behind his back with a lazy thumb, staring to jog backward.
You nodded quickly, rushing to go back to picking up balls before you said something super lame, or weird.
It wasn’t till you were on the way home did you take a look at the back of the stadium pass. It read ‘Guest of Shohei Ohtani’. So he had put in the request for you, that was just like him, so kind. It would be an understatement to say you weren’t excited for tomorrow.
Currently, your heart was still racing, but for another reason other than a certain super cute and insanely talented baseball player. It was because it was almost three-thirty in the afternoon and you were running around your company-provided apartment, trying to get ready as fast as you could. Ippei let you know you should get there around four-thirty, by then the team would have been done warming up and starting to enjoy a pregame meal while the away team got the field to themselves. From that point onwards, pretty much everyone was free to relax in the clubhouse till just before the first pitch.
With little time to consider, not even enough time to take a shower after having just got off work, you went with an oversized red T-shirt, baggy jeans, and some cool Jordan’s. This was your go-to, and it was comfortable. You don’t have many clothes anyway, living out of a suitcase.
Right as you were about to run out of the door you remembered to grab your standard Angels cap, it had been provided to you as part of your volunteer uniform a while back, slipping it on over your tight work bun. You would let your hair down later.
All right, everything was in order, Uber scheduled, lanyard secured.
It took about half an hour to arrive at the stadium, and once it came into view, you instructed the driver to let you out in front of the ballpark entrance. It had been a long time since you got to go through the gates as a member of the audience, it actually gave you a wave of nostalgia seeing everyone in their gear, so hyped up for the game, tailing gating outside for what was probably hours.
Once you were through, you started walking through the concession stands and various other stalls, dodging around the fans that were already inside watching the warm-ups, as well as hanging out drinking and eating. There were pictures of Ohtani everywhere, people taking turns snapping pictures of each other in front of the various cutouts of him. The air was buzzing with energy, and it seemed like all for that guy. Honestly, you had worked for a couple different teams over the years, but you had never seen hype like this. It was surreal, seeing a legend in the making.
You smiled, gripping the lanyard around your neck, making your way through the stadium. Shohei was super nice to do this for you, really, you should show him your support. Maybe a quick peek in the team store would do? Plus, you deserved to spend some money on yourself. After all, this was the first time you had really been ‘out’ in the almost three months you had been in California. Your free time was either working, volunteering, video games, or sleep.
You took a couple moments in the Angel's merch shop, quietly perusing the aisles, keeping an eye out for any Ohtani-themed items. Unfortunately, there weren’t really that many, probably sold out by the fans. What was there, was way too small for you.
“Y/n, you here to watch the game?” A young voice sounded.
When you turned to see who addressed you, a familiar girl was standing there grinning.
“Hey Jordan! I didn’t know you were working tonight.” You grinned back.
Jordan worked at the store as a stock manager, she was close in age to you so the two of you often hung out. You had invited her over a couple times, both bonding over your love for crappy reality TV, beer, and of course, baseball.
“Yeah it was last minute, a girl was feeling sick and there wasn’t anyone else cept’ me.” She sighed.
“Bummer, text me if you need help?” You offered, to which she waved you off.
“Nah, you enjoy being here and NOT working.” She chuckled, walking over to organize a messy shelf.
“So, you looking for something in particular?” The girl glanced over her shoulder.
“Uh yeah, you recommend any cool Ohtani stuff? Or is there any at all... seems wiped clean in here.” You said while looking around.
“Ohtani? You here to cheer him on too then. Wanna catch his eye.” She teased.
“Don’t say it like I’m just here for my like, prince charming.” You snapped back playfully, but, maybe a little too fast.
“Aren’t you?” She pressed with an eyebrow.
“Okay, I’m leaving.” You pouted, fake walking away.
“I’m just kidding, actually, stay here for a second I might have something you’ll like.” Jordan yelled as she jogged off to the back room behind the counters.
You did as you were told and when she came back there was a large white Angels jersey in her hands.
“Ta-da!” She grinned, twisting it around to show the player’s name on the back.
“Oh, it’s in Kanji? That’s cool, I didn’t know these existed?” You questioned, running your finger over the ‘tani’ character of Ohtani.
“It’s the last one on the floor, had to grab it off the mannequin. Hope it’s not too big? It’s XL?” She questioned, passing it to you to hold.
“Nah it’s perfect, can’t you tell.” You joked holding the jersey next to you, while you showed off your oversized clothes.
“Figured it'd be fine, wanna get rung up? I’ll give you that ‘good good’ employee discount. But, don’t tell anyone.” She smiled, heading to the register, to which you nodded and jogged after her.
After you finished your purchase and waved bye to Jordan, it was time to head to the clubhouse. It was around five, so you were later than you planned but Shohei usually practiced batting in the cages a little while longer while everyone headed in. Slipping the plastic shopping bag into your purse, and ripping the tags off your new jersey, you slipped it on over your T-shirt, smoothing out the material as best you could. It felt great to finally have some real merch from the team, and part of you sort of wondered what Ohtani would think when he saw you. Hopefully, it wasn’t too much to just show up in his gear after he pretty much randomly invited you, let alone in the stadium-specific one, as you just learned from your colleague.
After you got to an employee-only doorway, you pushed on it hoping it was actually open. Ippei had also let you know via text that it would be unlocked for you. Another kindness of Shohei, not just inviting you, but making sure you had access to all the catering and AC inside the resisted area of the building. You slipped in and locked the door behind you, not wanting to encourage some intoxicated fans to follow. The hallway was empty and cool as you started making your way to the clubhouse.
You were admittedly a bit nervous by the time you got to the doors, feeling a bit awkward about strutting in as anyone other than a volunteer for the first time. Carefully you pushed open the door, making sure not to hit anybody. The room was full of chatter, some players eating, some playing cards, others watching TV on the room's monitors. You looked around for Ohtani, but he wasn’t there yet apparently. No matter, you strolled in and went for the snack area. Truthfully you hadn’t eaten since that morning, and that was just a toasted bagel. Turning your back to the rest of the room, you began filling up your plate with cocktail shrimp and grapes.
“Nice jersey.” Ippei said, coming up next to you, grabbing small sandwiches for his plate.
“Is that sarcastic?” You questioned with a smile, finishing your plate.
“Nah, I’m sure he likes it.” Ippei jerked his head to the left.
He? You leaned back to see around the man, meeting Shohei’s surprised face almost immediately. Had he been standing there the whole time? He had obviously been staring at your back, at his name, bashfully looking up to your face when you moved, blinking a couple times to clear his eyes.
“I uh, got it ten minutes ago.” You grinned awkwardly, pointing your thumb proudly at the jersey, hoping he wouldn’t think you were a weirdo.
The large player didn’t say anything, blinking more slowly this time before opting to just nod gently, with a quick “thanks for your support”, hurriedly leaning forward to start filling his plate with all kinds of foods.
Once everyone had their food the three of you found a place to sit while you ate, it was at the back of the room away from the noise, and where the two usually sat before a game anyways. A small conversation started while the three of you ate calmly.
“Why... do you only have grapes, and shrimp?” Ohtani questioned suddenly, looking at your plate baffled. You looked down at it as well, pausing for a moment trying to find out what was so weird about that.
“Uh, well, it’s because... these things are... super expensive in Tokyo. It’s like a rich person food to me.” You smiled, eating a couple shrimps happily.
“Wow. That’s so sad.” Ippei chuckled before taking a bite of his sandwich.
Shohei on the other hand burst out laughing at your response, making you laugh a bit too at your pitiful confession.
“Seriously, I feel like a mega-rich, and very posh, Ginza lady right now - eating nothing but shrimp and fruit. So fancy right? ” You exclaimed, popping a grape in your mouth.
The Japanese player laughed even harder, tears building up as he wiped his eyes.
“Those people wouldn’t touch that stuff with a three-meter stick.” Ippei stated, letting out a small laugh.
“Just let me have my moment.” You pouted through a smile, shoving more shrimp in your mouth.
The other man calmed down finally and was now sitting there smiling while he ate.
“So, fancy y/n, are you okay to sit in the dugout tonight. Not too unrefined for you?” Ippei questioned with a smirk.
“That’s, allowed?” You asked, surprised.
“Yeah, if you want to. Can’t stay there the whole time, but.” The man responded nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.
“It’s the best place to hear, ‘the surprise’.” Shohei added, food in the process of being shoved in his mouth.
“Well, doesn’t seem like there’s any other option.” You smiled at the player, who nodded in acknowledgment.
“He’s batting first tonight, you won’t have to wait long.” Ippei spoke, starting on the next sandwich.
“Hope me being in there won’t be bad luck.” You joked.
“You believe in that?” Ippei smirked.
“My family ingrained it into me, wasn’t allowed to watch a single super bowl game in the living room till I literally moved out.” You frowned, stabbing a grape.
“Harsh.” The man smirked with a small laugh under his breath.
“You will be good luck, for sure.” Shohei leaned forward in a hunch to take another bite of food, smiling sincerely at you as he looked up from his food.
“Then, I will see to it that will become a very good omen. Please believe in me.” You responded in the highest form of keigo you knew, bowing rigidly from your seat for comedic effect. Since you never studied that level of grammar, it was really freaking bad, causing the two men to laugh again.
“You’re funny.” Ippei chuckled.
“Yeah, and your Japanese is so good though?” Shohei exclaimed, eyebrows raised, eyes wide.
“Nah it’s pretty bad, I fell off the study wagon a long time ago.” You laughed awkwardly, waving a hand in front of your face.
“You’d be there forever if you stayed on.” Ippei chuckled again, while Shohei nodded in sullen agreement.
“Writing would be nice though, having to look up every other kanji at the doctor's office, or like city hall makes me literally sweat, like, a lot. Buckets. But when I look around, I'm the only one.” You giggled.
“You’re so honest.” Shohei chuckled, wiping his mouth with a napkin, still leaning forward in his chair, you grinned back at him. Your eyes locked for a while, you had never noticed, but his eyelashes were sort of long.
At that moment Ippei had to take a call, letting the two of you know he’d be back in a bit, walking off. The two of you looked away and finished eating in silence.
When you looked up from your empty plate, the large player was now staring at you with a soft expression. The warmth in his eyes made you blush, he didn’t even break his gaze once he was caught like he usually did. You responded back to him simply with a shy smile, before being the one to avert your own eyes to the floor again.
Thankfully at that moment, a group of Angels came over, slapping the Japanese man on the back, starting up a conversion. They were going over strategies for the game and overall just getting hyped up. You didn’t have much to input, so you just kind of sat there enjoying the excited chatter. Shohei smiled merrily the whole time, inserting little jokes, completely affected by their excitement. The way he carried himself really reminded you that the essence of baseball was really just about having fun with your teammates and giving it your all. He looked simply happy to be there, and it made you smile too, just watching him goof off. It was charming to see his duality of being a just big kid with endless laugher, versus the super-serious, and seasoned player he was on the mound.
You were really trying hard not to but, you were rapidly developing feelings for Shohei. The last three months of volunteering here, you of course thought he was really cute and kind, classic boyfriend material. A simple crush, like many of the girls working around him, surely had as well. However the possibility of you two actually dating had always been a foreign concept, one which stopped you from even considering it, at all, you just didn’t know if you even could. With you both traveling for work, how would there be time? Plus, what about the media? His family? Yours? All those things seemed unscalable walls, that is, until this moment, when you could feel his gentle eyes on you once again.
Maybe, there was something? Or maybe, he was just a super nice guy, and you were treated no different than anyone else.
When you snapped out of your thoughts, Shohei was starting to stand up, grabbing everyone’s empties plates. He reached his hand towards you, asking for the one in your hand with a tiny nod of his head, to which you thanked him, stood up, and handed it over.
Either way, you were so screwed.
Hope you enjoyed! <3
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jeonfiles · 3 years
better left unsaid - jjk
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genre: angst, rebounds
pairings: jungkook x reader (ft. namjoon)
warnings: arguing, alcohol, profanity, break ups, light smut, use of drugs, jungkook is a fucking dick, jungkook has major attachment issues, toxic relationships, oc cries a lot, namjoon has a heart of gold, unrequited love
synopsis: you knew you shouldnt have given him that second chance, not the third or the fourth either. no matter how much you try he always slithers his way underneath your sheets, arms wrapped around you.
word count: 2.7k
music: into your arms, so it ends?, you will fade, thinkin bout you, julia, my insecurities not yours, fuck u, goodluck, my dear i will think of you
note: uhh ive never written a y/n fic so bare with me, if u listen to the music you’ll be able to feel the story a lot more so yeah if u have time u should, not proof read
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Light coming through the cracks of the blinds, making you squint your eyes when the daylight beams into your eyes, head resting on the kitchen island Looking up, you saw the clock ticking on the wall, 11:32 am.
You had stayed up till 5 am, waiting for him to come home, but seemingly, he never did. Reaching for your phone, you saw 4 missed calls from the one and only,
Jeon Jungkook, saved in your phone as “Koo <3″, Rows of messages too, all from the same contact.
Koo <3 [05:34 am]
baby pkck me up pleseee
im so wsated
Koo <3 [06.46am]
dont be mad at me jsut pick me up
i dont knw hewere the fuck i am
i love you
Koo <3 [07:31 am]
i got a rde home i’ll be home by 12
i need to talk to someone frsit
im sorry if i woke ypu dont be worried
You took a few moments to collect your thoughts, but there wasn’t much to collect. This whole thing, was a routine by now.
Standing up to make yourself a cup of coffee, you could literally not feel your own backside, you were so sore from the barstool you had been sitting on all night, and it made you groan in pain.
Two coffee cups right beside the kitchen sink, which you couldn’t bring yourself to clean up, because it was from the last time you had coffee together, which was 2 weeks ago.
The inside of the cup had a coffee crust at the top, and both your lip tint marks on the outside.
When you finish your cup of coffee while watching a bad telenovela, you go sit in your favorite chair and pull out a few books from the backpack hanging on the chair next to you, getting ready to get some studying done.
For a few seconds you imagine Jungkook hanging over your shoulder laughing at the way you write your A-s and R-s, or the way you always sign your homework at the bottom of the page.
And when you open them, there’s no one there. The only sound is from the refrigerator, making refrigerator noises.
You had met Jungkook 3 years ago, when you were at college orientation, senior year of high school. He also wanted to attend Yonsei, just like you.
And when he whispered to you about how bored he was, you couldn’t help but giggle, and then you got yelled at.
It was worth it though, because everyone was jealous of you afterwards,the  Jeon Jungkook had talked to you.
Jungkook was an all-rounder as they called it; great physique, intelligent, charismatic and great at sports.
And god, he had a beautiful face, and such a filthy mouth, and it didn’t go long before you gave in to his seductive ways and slept with him. The morning after, he wasn’t in bed with you, and your heart sank.
Luckily, he was in the kitchen making you breakfast.
It was all bliss from there, showering you with love, gifts and kisses for two years, and you even ended up moving in together.
And now? You barely remember what he sounds like, smells like and is like.
A distant memory, just as distant as him.
Your train of thought was suddenly interrupted as you heard 3 knocks on your door. The exact same way he had always knocked when he had forgotten (or lost) his keys.
And even though you should have let him suffer a little, you rushed to the door to open it, and in front of you, was your biggest nightmare.
It was your love, crying his eyes out, bleeding from one of many cuts on his face, looking nearly dead. He collapsed into your arms, and you could only utter a few words, along the lines of:
“How could you do this to us?”
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As he was laying curled up in a ball on the couch, face plastered up, ice bag on his knee, wrapped up in a blanket, you realized. this was your que to cry.
So, you did. You cried in silence, sitting across the room from him. You weren’t mad at him for coming home late, or getting in another fight, probably the 5th just these past months, you had gotten used to that by now.
There was a whole other reason that made you cry.
He smelled like Victorias Secret Bombshell, you recognized the scent because it used to be your favorite,  however, now you’ve moved onto something less sweet, and more elegant, like Caroline Herrera.
He smelled like someone who wasn’t you, his girlfriend.
He smelled like another girl.
It didn’t hurt as much as you thought it would. Maybe because the Jungkook that had come home to you that morning wasn’t your Jungkook.
Your Jungkook was varsity jackets, star of the american football team (which your school was known for), selfless and humorous, and he would always take care of you.
Your Jungkook was not ungroomed hair, cigarettes and worsening grades. He was not cold and lifeless, and he would never make you cry.
Despite this, you were carding your fingers though his hair, thumb wiping away the blood on his lips while he was sound asleep as you slowly fell asleep next to him.
Maybe it was time to let him go. 
You woke a few hours later from your phone vibrating.
Kim Namjoon (school) [07:01 pm]
Hey Y/N! Have you started working on the statistics assignment?
If you haven’t, would you be interested in meeting at the library tomorrow? You’re really smart and i’m kinda struggling ://
You [07:03 pm]
i finished it yesterday, but if you buy me coffee i’ll come help you hehe
Kim Namjoon (school) [07:04 pm]
You’re the best, I’ll bring you a machiatto!! :D
Maybe it would be nice for you to get out of the house, even though you hate the thought of it, and you would much rather just swim in your own sorrow.
But you did go out the next day, and you helped Namjoon get a decent grade, enough to pass with good margines, he thanked you by taking you out for ramen at a convenial store not too far away.
You thanked him for the ramen with a trip to the museum, and he thanked you for the museum trip with a picnic in the park at night, which led you to crying over Jungkook in his embrace, telling him every single little detail.
He made you realize it was time to let Jungkook go and make room for new people to enter your life.
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You went home that night, and you found Jungkook passed out on the couch, and you could genuienly feel your chest tighten. Soft features which stood out under the moonlight glow, disheveled brown locks which hung down in his eyes.
He was gorgeous, until you saw the credit card on the table next to three bottles of soju and an empty beer can on the floor. And you knew what he had used the credit card for, though you didn’t want to say it out loud.
You cleaned everything up, and you threw the residue of the white powder right in the trash can, and you recycled his bottles and cans before finally, nudging him to wake up.
“Jungkook, wake up.” You spat coldly, or at least you attempted to.
He groaned, rubbing his eyes before opening his eyes, and s huge smile on his face. “Y/N, you’re home!” He reached to kiss you, but you backed away.
“Y/N?” Jungkook questioned, he didn’t quite understand what your intentions were.
“Don’t try anything Jungkook. This was your last chance, and you fucked it up, again.” The room turned ice cold. “I’m getting you help Jungkook, you need help. And then...”
He understood what kind of help you meant, and since he had now sobered up, he agreed, nodding. “And then...?” 
“And then.” Your words were ludged in your throat. “And then I’m leaving you.”
His whole face dropped, smile turned into the frowniest frown you had ever seen, and it was all silent before his lower lip starts trembling, and his eyes start turning glassy.
“It’s alright. Sorry for burdening you.” Was all he could say before tears rushed down his cheeks, and he started shaking.
So you did what you always had done, and you wrapped your arms around him, head resting on your chest as he sobbed.
“Is there anyone else?” he cried out before another wave of sobs hit him.
This exact question made your stomach hurt, and your throat burn. You really had no idea.
Or you did, but you didn’t want to.
You loved Jungkook so much, but you couldn’t be with him in this state. So you did what every rational person would do in this situation.
You lied.
“Oh ok. I don’t have the right to be mad do I?”
You shake your head no.
“I love you Y/N. I’m sorry I’m so messed up.”
“It’s ok.” was all he said before he fell asleep in your arms again.
That night you slither your way out of his embrace and you pack your suitcase in the dark, bringing all your essentials, trying to be as quiet as possible so you didn’t wake Jungkook.
Packing enough for two weeks or so, you make the bed and leave your t-shirt “accidentally” in the bathroom, and you make sure all his clothes are folded, and then you sort his pencil case, throwing out old pens and worn out erasers.
You leave a grocery list on the counter, and you tuck him in good under the blankets after you took his jeans and socks off so he could sleep comfortably.
You placed his vitamins and medicine by the refrigerator so he’ll see it when he goes to grab something to eat. 
Puffed up pillows, a pair of sweatpants, t-shirt and underwear is now placed neatly on his bed. Then you walk into the kitchen again, and you see Jungkook still sound asleep, sniffling a little still.
There’s one last thing, and it makes you cry. It makes you sob so loud you cover your mouth and muffle the sound you make. Sinking to the floor, your whole body is in contact with the cold tiles.
Only a year ago you could never imagine yourself even shedding a single tear over something as small as this, but here you were, on the edge of a panic attack.
Two worn out, matching couple mugs still placed by the counter. one if the first things you two had bought together, as well as the necklace hanging around your neck.
Finally, you stopped crying and started cleaning the mugs, lip trembling as you dried them and placed them in the back of the cabinet.
You unhooked your necklace and laid it down on the counter, and the biggest lump formed in your throat.
Actually, there’s a little detail you forget. 
You kiss Jungkook on the forehead and leave a note on the coffee table.
“Dear Jungkook,
If you want to make this up to me (this does not mean a new chance!!) you call the number at the bottom of the page. No matter what happens, I’ll always have room for you in my heart. You even have your own little VIP lobby in there. And - if it’s urgent, call. I still care for you, and I always have. You were the best boyfriend I’ve had, but good things always come to and end, don’t they? Anyways, I’m tired so this letter fucking sucks, but deep down you know how much I love you. Remember to get groceries, shower, get fresh air and study. If I forgot something you can keep it, as long as you call the number and tell them you’re my friend. They’ll help you love. Try and get a part time job too, your student loan and your dad’s money won’t last forever. Good luck Koo. Hwaiting!!
-L/N Y/N <33″
You cringe when you think of the letter’s contents, before you roll out your suitcase out of the front door, whispering a faint “Goodnight Love.” as you close and lock the door behind you.
Standing by the elevator, you cry again. This time, louder, but you still reach for your phone and type out a text to the newly edited contact in your phone.
You [02:13 am]
coming outside now, im a crying mess and im super cold, is your car heated?
sorry for making you wait btw :((
Joonie <3 [02:13 am]
dont worry about the crying part, i’ll hold you. and yeah car is heated, so waiting here wasnt all that bad. you ready for this?
You  [02:14 am]
i have no idea but i cant stay here any longer and i trust you sooo
lets start our new chapter. eh?
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4 months later...
He had been good to you, great even.
You had been on expensive dates, picnics, had heart to heart conversations, and he’d been so understanding.
Today, it was your 2 month anniversary, and he had asked you on a magnificent date, which he had planned every second of.
At the end of the day, you told him how you don’t love him. He said it was alright. Namjoon loved you, so much, yet he understood you needed time.
You went to sleep that day, warm in Namjoon’s embrace, wondering how Jungkook was doing. 
You felt bad, but you missed Jungkook.
You were both with someone new now, and you knew he was in good hands with someone stable enough to care for him.
Before your eyes closed shut, you shed a few quiet tears and hoped that you’d fall in love with Namjoon soon, and deep down you knew you would.
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Strawberry Lattes
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Summary: He always needs his morning caffeine to wake him up for his morning classes. He never knew what it feels like wanting to come back to a particular place again and again solely for one reason, until he met you. You were a full time barista and a part time university student. Despite the stress you get almost every week, your two friends have always been there to support you. What happens when your friends come to visit you at your workplace one day, only to find out that they were friends with the same boy who not only is your eye candy, but also your regular customer?
Genre: Super fluffy
Pairing: Kim Sunwoo x GN Reader
Word count: 5.5k
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It was another dreadful morning after only 2 hours of sleep due to staying up all night hoping to finish at least 50% of the assignment. But this wasn’t an excuse for you to call in to work sick or unable to come for your shift. Hence, the reason why you were now forcing yourself out of bed to freshen up and get ready for work. You were a full time barista at a local café downtown just around the corner from your apartment, and also a part time student at Yonsei University.
The reason why you chose this path was because you wanted to further your studies but also earn a monthly allowance in order to pay for your school and house bills since you were living alone and didn't have the time to search for a roommate.
Despite the stress load you get every once in a while, you managed to cope and tried your best to pass each module. Today was no different, as you got ready for work and was out the door by 0730. You arrived at the café only to find your manager already preparing the coffee machines and restocking the cakes in the fridge beside the cashier. You greeted him good morning before he smiled at you.
You went into the back room to put your bag down and took your apron. Proceeding to head to the front where the cashier and coffee machines were.
“Did you get enough sleep yesterday?” Kihyun asked.
Before you could reply, a yawn left your lips as you used the back of your hand to cover your mouth slightly.
“Nope. But I’ll be fine.” You said. You could hear the heavy sigh that left his lips when he closed the fridge door and soon turned to you with a frown.
“(Y/N), you know you have to get some rest. It’s not good for your health.” Kihyun said, but you nodded.
“I know Ki, but I can’t fail this module.”
“Just… know when to take a break okay?”
With that, he went to the back room to settle some paperwork while you stayed by the counter, refilling the powders into the containers. After you were done, a few customers had entered to buy their morning caffeine doses. 4 orders and 5 minutes of silence later, you leaned over the counter top with one knee resting on the stool in front of you that was hidden from any customer in plain sight.
You supported your head on your palm, slowly finding yourself drifting to sleep when the doorbell chimed, catching your attention. You looked up to see a guy walking into the café looking just as tired as you were but he had more life in him.
“Dang he’s cute.” You thought to yourself as you quickly wiped the pout off your face and soon replaced it with a warm smile.
“Good morning, may I take your order?” you greeted him.
He flashed you a soft smile before glancing up at the menu boards hanging above your head.
“Do you have any recommendations? I feel like trying something new.” He finally looked back down at you, only for you to feel as though your airflow got sucked out of your lungs.
“Personally I really like the Iced Matcha Latte with soy milk if I want a non-caffeinated drink. But if I want that espresso kick to start my mornings, I really love the Strawberry Latte, with two pumps of syrup and a light dash of strawberry sprinkles. It’s not too strong and it definitely gives you a sweet tangy balance to the bitter coffee taste.” You ended your speech with a light giggle after you realized how long it was.
The male only smiled fondly at you during that whole minute explanation but it was worth it. “Great, can I get the exact order for the second one then?” He said. You looked quite surprised but nonetheless smiled as you began to key in the order
“Choice of size?”
“Regular please.”
After you were done, you took the regular size takeaway cup and a marker, looking at him to ask for his name or initials.
The corner of your lips tugged upwards, writing down his name before setting the cup to your left beside the coffee machine and soon charged him for his order. After he was done paying, you returned him his change and gave the receipt before telling him to wait at the collection point. You made the drink exactly how you would make it for yourself. Smiling happily upon seeing your creation being prepared for not yourself, but this time for a customer.
After you had sprinkled the strawberry powder on top of the foam surface, you took the lid and secured it close before you went to the collection point and called out softly.
“Strawberry Latte for Sunwoo.” 
He walked forwards as he took the cup, not forgetting to give you a smile. 
“Thank you-” His eyes darted towards your name tag pinned to your apron before he looked back at you. “...(Y/N)”
You bowed to him slightly as you watched him leave the café. After he left, he didn’t forget to spare a quick glance into the café, only to see your smile soon disappeared. Replacing it with a small pout when you let out a sigh. Sunwoo chuckled as he continued walking to campus that was just 2 blocks away.
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For some reason, he couldn’t stop thinking about you even after he made it to his first lecture. The small smile gracing on his lips didn’t go unnoticed by his friends as Kevin began to nudge Sunwoo’s elbow the minute he came to sit beside the former.
“Aye, why are you smiling like an idiot huh?” Kevin asked.
“Maybe he just sniffed a smiling gas.” Younghoon said.
“What the hell is that?” Jacob asked.
“I was being sarcastic you nimrod.” Younghoon said, making the former one growl.
“I’ll tell you guys later.” Sunwoo said as he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. 
2 hours passed and they were now heading to the food hall in the main building, when Hyunjae slings his arm over Sunwoo’s shoulder.
“So? Why were you smiling all morning today?” He asked, causing the rest to focus their gazes on him as Sunwoo sighed knowing he couldn’t run away now.
“Ahh, it’s nothing… I went to get my morning coffee and there was this really cute barista who attended to me. That’s all.”
A series of “ooh”s were heard as the boys got noisier by the second.
“Jeez, can y’all shut up? You’re embarrassing me.” Sunwoo said as he quickened his pace, only for Younghoon to grab hold of his backpack and pulled him back.
“Oh please, you should be thankful we even gave reactions to what you say.” Younghoon said, making Sunwoo scoff. 
A few weeks later, you were just handing a customer her plate of pasta and a cappuccino at one of the tables when you heard the doorbell chime. The customer you were attending to, thanked you for bringing her orders to her, smiling and replied to her.
“Your welcome. Enjoy your food.”
With that, you began to walk back to the front counter when you saw a group of guys gathered in front of the cashier. Right when you were just about to walk past them to head behind the counter, one of them glanced towards his right only to lock eyes with you. It was Sunwoo. The same regular customer that came every morning before his classes. The same guy who you may or may not have a tiny crush on.
The moment you locked eyes, you could feel your heartbeat stop for just a millisecond later as he flashed you a soft smile. This was enough to make you blush as you smiled back to him shyly before quickly making your way behind the counter.
“Oh great, you’re back. Help me take their order will you? I have to prepare the delivery ones.” Kihyun said simply. You were about to protest but you had no choice since the other part timer was on his lunch break.
So you nodded defeatedly before you returned the tray back at the collection point before you went back to the cashier, only to see Sunwoo standing there alone.
“Hey.” Sunwoo said as his lips began to tug upwards.
“Hey. What can I get you today?” You asked with a shy smile. Your voice sounded much softer than usual. You didn’t miss the little chuckle that left his lips before he spoke up.
“There’s gonna be a bit more than one order today.”
“I can see that.” You joked.
“Can I get one regular iced mocha, two regular double chocolate frappe, one small iced americano, one regular iced vanilla latte, and my usual please.”
You keyed in his orders as he spoke, only for you to look back up at him to confirm if that was all he wanted. Sunwoo gave you a firm nod, proceeding to charge him for the orders and soon told him to have a seat, you will call out to him once the drinks are ready. Sunwoo nodded as he left, not forgetting to smile at you for the umpteenth time that day.
You soon came beside Kihyun and started to make the drinks. Sunwoo on the other hand, immediately got dragged down into his seat by Kevin when they began to make comments about you.
“You were right, they’re hella cute!” Kevin said.
“Do you think they’re attached?” Younghoon asked.
“I don’t know. I mean, they’re quite cute. It’s impossible they’re single.” Sangyeon shrugged.
“Not all good looking people are attached. Even some normal looking ones are attached. We can’t just judge from their looks.” Sunwoo said defensively, only for Changmin and Haknyeon to smirk.
“Or are you just saying that because you want them to be single?” Changmin said, causing the rest of them to agree teasingly.
“Whatever, they wouldn’t date someone like me anyway.” Sunwoo said.
Not long after he finished his sentence, your voice echoes around the café walls as you called his name.
“Drinks for Sunwoo.”
With that, Sunwoo got up and soon jogged his way to the collection point, only to find you standing behind the counter with the tray in hand. You smiled as you pushed the tray gently towards him.
“Be careful. It’s heavy.” You warned.
“Don’t worry.” Sunwoo said, couldn’t help but smile at him.
He soon came back to their table and distributed the drinks. Almost half an hour had passed, they were just talking about random topics when Sunwoo happened to glance towards the counter. Seeing you laugh at something your manager said.
He didn’t realize he was smiling until Sangyeon spoke up. “Sunwoo yah, if they make your heart flutter that much, why don’t you just go there and ask them out?”
Sunwoo whips his head to Sangyeon, almost pulling a muscle while doing that.
“What?! N-No!”
“Why not?”
“The last time I asked someone out, I got turned down harshly in front of everyone. I couldn’t sleep for days!”
“Sunwoo yah, you’re just thinking too much. Just try and ask them out. Who knows they’ll accept?” Haknyeon asked.
“I don’t wanna risk it.” Sunwoo said. Glancing back to the front counter.
“Why must I have a crush on the cutest barista working just two blocks away from campus?” Sunwoo thought to himself as he gently shook his head and went back into the conversation with the guys.
A few minutes passed, some of them were discussing their project work while some were doing their own stuff when Sunwoo saw you left the counter only to walk towards an empty table near the back of the café. Since the café was not so packed, Kihyun told you to eat at one of the tables. So as to not feel cramped in the back room.
You had a transparent cup filled with what seems to be strawberry latte and a plate of sandwich. Sunwoo was caught staring by his friends as Younghoon nudged his arm to gain his attention.
“This is your chance to talk to them.”
Sunwoo saw some of them nod in agreement as he glanced back at you who was just taking a bite of the sandwich while scrolling through your phone.
With much motivation, he finally got up and made his way towards your table. You were just looking at your Instagram feed when you saw a figure come to a stop on the opposite side of your table.
You looked up to see Sunwoo standing there with a nervous smile as he spoke up. “Do you need some company?” He asked. You giggled, locking your phone screen and soon placed it face down on the table.
“Sure, that would be great.” You said. He pulled the chair out and soon took a seat.
“You’re just having that for lunch?” He asked curiously as he looked at the plate in front of you.
“Is that enough to fill you for the rest of your shift?” He asks, genuinely concerned at how little you ate.
“Yeap! Don’t worry. I always get something heavy to eat before my night classes.”
Sunwoo paused only to raise his eyebrows in confusion.
“Night classes?”
“I’m a part time student at Yonsei U. That’s why I’m a full timer here.”
“Wow… Are you able to cope with work and study at the same time?”
“It can be tiring and mentally exhausting sometimes but I persevere.”
Sunwoo was shocked at this new information but nonetheless gave you some comforting words to help cheer you on. “That’s… a lot to take in. I hope you don’t stress yourself out too much. Please get some rest and don’t overwork yourself.”
You hadn't seen this side of him before but it was very sweet of him to even say all those things to you. You ended up chatting for a bit, only for you both to find out that he was a student at Hankuk U, you were the same age, you both loved sushi and many more.
Your lunch break was ending soon but you were dreading to say goodbye. “Well, it was really nice talking to you Sunwoo, but I’m afraid my break time’s almost over.” 
You pouted sadly, only for him to chuckle.
“Do you have class tonight?”
You nodded.
“Hmm, don’t worry okay? I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” Sunwoo said, making you giggle at his disclaimer.
The both of you got up only for him to speak up.
“My friends and I are leaving soon too. I’ll see you tomorrow. Take care, don’t forget to eat before you head to class!” He reminded you. Not forgetting to give him a nod.
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A few days later, you had just ended your night class and you were almost burned out for the day, you could barely keep your eyes open. Only for your phone to ring. It was Eric.
“Hello?” You said into the line.
“Hey! Are you finished with class?”
“Yeah. I’m heading down now. Where are you?”
“At the parking lot. Me and Chanhee hyung decided to wait for you today.”
With that being said, you gasped lightly, unable to digest this information.
“Wha- Eric are you serious? You didn’t have to- omg.”
“No, it’s fine! Besides, me and hyung needed to discuss something anyway. Meet us at the parking lot okay?”
Before you could reply, he already hung up the call, making you sigh. You felt bad for making them wait for you since it was already half past 10 at night. But then again, they did it out of their own will. You arrived at the parking lot, only to see Chanhee and Eric leaning against the side of Chanhee’s car amongst a few other vehicles left just chatting away while waiting for you.
Just then, Eric glanced towards the entrance, only to see a very tired you dragging your feet towards them. You could barely open your eyes as you held onto your bag strap for your dear life. Right when you had just arrived in front of them, your vision blacked out, feeling your head pound against your skull. You let out a soft groan, falling forwards, just in time for Eric to catch you.
“Woah, are you okay?” He asked worriedly as Chanhee and him exchanged glances to one another.
“Mmm, y-yeah… I just blacked out for a bit.” You said, only to hear Chanhee sigh.
“How many times must we tell you not to overwork yourself and get some sleep?” Chanhee said.
“I did sleep...” You tried to defend yourself, but they knew you better than you know yourself. 
“How many hours did you sleep last night?” Eric asked as he narrowed his eyes at you questioningly. You avoided their piercing gazes by answering their question in a hushed tone. 
“An hour and a half.” 
With that, your two friends let out a heavy sigh as Eric looked disappointed in his friend. It wasn’t because he was mad at you, it was because he was growing more and more concerned over your sleeping patterns and your health. You weren't just schooling, you were working as well so it would only be right if you maintained a healthy sleeping pattern and a balanced work/study time.
“That’s it. You’re coming home with me. I’m gonna make sure you get that sleep you so well deserved.” Chanhee said as Eric nodded in agreement.
“What? No, I’m fine. Okay, I promise I’ll sleep tonight.” You said.
“Yeah right.”
“You don’t trust me?” You asked with a pout.
“On this? No, I don’t.” With that, you scoffed as you knew you couldn’t fight back with them. So with that being said, you ended up following Chanhee to his apartment since he lived alone. Once you were back at Chanhee’s place, he told you to wash up. He let you borrow a loose shirt and sleeping shorts.
He told you to sleep in his bed and that he could take the couch. At first you rejected it, saying you could sleep on the couch but he refused. 
Chanhee purposely placed your bag in the living room so that you couldn’t sneakily stay up all night and worked on your assignment. Chanhee’s body clock was never normal to begin with but to him, your sleeping pattern was more important than his.
Hence, the reason why he was still awake at 3am, watching the live broadcast of the World Cup. He was trying so hard to keep quiet to avoid waking you up as he eagerly watched the tournament. Just then, he thought he heard soft whimpers in his head.
“What the-” He mumbled to himself as he continued watching the game.
Just then, the whimper sounded again and it was a lot more distinct this time. With that, he lowered down the volume just to see if that sound would appear again. Not long after, he heard the whimper again and it seemed to have come from his hallway.
Chanhee got up immediately as he went to his bedroom, opening the door gently.
That’s when he saw you shifting uncomfortably in your sleep. He approached you in a rush as he saw you clutching onto the blanket against your chest as you had a frown on your face.
You were mumbling something in your sleep but he couldn’t really catch what you said.
“(Y/N)? Hey wake up.” Chanhee said softly as he placed a hand on your shoulder and lightly shook it. It took him 3 tries to finally get you awake when you jolted forward. Your breathing was heavy as you sat there with cold sweat running down the side of your face.
“It’s okay (Y/N), you’re okay. I’m here. It’s just a nightmare.” He comforted you while grabbing a handful of his shirt.
He pulled you into a hug, feeling your body shiver. They stayed like that for a while, only for him to tuck you back in bed. He pushed your hair away from your face as he looked down at you gently with a soft smile.
“Goodnight (Y/N).”
“Goodnight Chanhee.”
He was about to walk away when you grabbed his hand.
“Thank you… for everything.”
Chanhee could only smile, gently caressing the back of your hand with his thumb and soon spoke up.
“Get some rest, (Y/N).” You nodded only to let go of his hand. You fell back asleep a few seconds after as he went back to the living room, only to turn off the television and went to sleep himself.
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It has been 4 months since Sunwoo first came to the café and you've gotten a lot closer than before. 
However, Sunwoo still has yet to ask you out on a date.
It was a chilly Wednesday afternoon and both Chanhee and Eric promised to visit you after their lecture. The time was 35 minutes past 2 and the two guys had just entered the café, settling themselves into one of the empty tables beside the glass window after they ordered their drinks.
After making their drinks, you made your own drink and took one of the sandwiches from the fridge. Making your way to them for your lunch break.
“Hey guys, one iced mocha and one iced matcha latte for the two sweetest guys I’m lucky to have as friends.” You said, causing the two boys to smirk.
“Just friends?” Eric teased.
“Best friends.” You corrected yourself, only for Chanhee to laugh at Eric’s pained reaction.
“Ouch, never thought I’d be friend zoned this quick.”
You found yourself giggling as you spoke up to comfort your friend while you took a seat beside him.
“I love you, Eric ah.”
He couldn’t find himself being angry at you as he immediately melted and soon became a giggling mess. You were just chatting away, gossiping about the same stuck up girl in their class who keeps acting as if everyone was head over heels for when they’re actually not.
Just then, a familiar voice calls out to Chanhee and Eric from a distance behind you making your heart skip a beat.
“Hey! Hyung! Eric ah!”
Chanhee glanced past your shoulder while Eric turned to look over his own shoulder before they smiled widely and waved eagerly to whoever was behind you.
“That voice…” You whispered under your breath, only to slowly turn around. That’s when you saw Sunwoo walking up to your table along with his usual group of friends. However, you didn’t miss the look on Sunwoo’s face when he locked eyes with you. He was definitely surprised but also confused as to why you were seated with his friends.
“Oh? It’s the cute barista!” Juyeon said innocently. Flashing them a bashful smile. Just then, both Chanhee and Eric turned to look at each other simultaneously only for them to look at you and spoke up in unison.
“You’re the cute barista Sunwoo’s been talking about?!”
With that, Sunwoo gestured a punch to them signalling them to keep quiet. Only for him to look at you and ask.
“You know them?” 
You could only nod as you told him the truth.
“I’ve known them since college.”
The rest of the boys gasped at the newly profound information. They couldn’t believe you were mutual friends with Chanhee and Eric. The 12 of you ended up sitting in two separate tables side by side whilst Chanhee and Eric began to spill the tea about Sunwoo.
“I can’t believe he’s been talking about you all these while.” Eric said.
“If I had known sooner, I would have set you two up on a date.” Chanhee said, causing you to glance at Sunwoo who was sitting opposite you. You cleared your throat and glanced down at your wrist watch before you got up abruptly to avoid any more awkward conversations.
“Oh look, my break time is ending. Nice talking to you guys. Thanks for visiting me today, my babies. More cakes for you? Yes? Okay.” You said in a rush. Quickly leaving the table, earning a laugh from the guys. Thinking that your actions are cute.
“Sunwoo, you really have a good taste don’t you?” Eric teased, making Sunwoo throw a tissue paper packet to Eric’s face, catching the poor boy by surprise.
You were in the back room, having a short break when your co-worker, Mingi called for you from the door.
“(Y/N), somebody wants to talk to you. He said he’s a friend of yours?” Mingi said, making you hum in confusion but nonetheless left the back room.
Only to be met with Sunwoo standing at the collection point.
“Hey, umm, I was wondering… Are you… free, this weekend?” You found yourself blushing as you tried to come up with a quick response.
“Uhh yeah. Yeah, I’m free.” Sunwoo didn’t expect you to say yes so quickly but it definitely made him feel slightly happy that he didn’t get rejected.
“Great. Umm, I’ll pick you up at 8?”
“Okay.” You smiled genuinely.
“Okay… Well, I uhh, better get going. Bye (Y/N). See you.” He said shyly, his ears starting to burn red.
“See you Sunwoo.” You said, only for him to quickly leave before his whole tomato head explodes.
Weekends finally came and it was already 30 minutes past 7 and you were struggling to find a nice outfit to wear. You didn’t know exactly where he was taking you, all he said was to wear nicely. You were nervous to say the least. You haven't been on a date in like what? 2 years?
Ever since your last date where you got stood up, you decided not to go on any more blind dates. You would rather stay single for the rest of your life than being played with and getting your heart broken again and again.
Sunwoo texted you a few minutes later saying he was downstairs so you replied by saying you’ll be down in a minute. You soon left your apartment and locked the doors before heading down the corridor towards the lift lobby. Once you were at ground level, you made your way out, only to see Sunwoo leaning against his car door.
The minute he noticed your figure walking towards him, he looked up only to give you a one over. You stopped a few feet in front of him with a shy smile as he spoke up.
“Wow, you look really stunning.”
“Thank you. You look dashing.” You giggled.
Sunwoo was wearing a dark blue button down shirt tucked into his black denim skinny jeans, a pair of black sneakers and a few stainless steel accessories. He recently dyed his hair to a deep berry colour. He soon opened the door for you. Getting in before he walked over to the driver seat. Once he was in, he buckled his seatbelt and started his car engine.
“Where are we going?” You asked.
“It’s a surprise.” Sunwoo said with a cheeky smile as you could feel your heartstrings pull.
The drive to the destination wasn’t as long as you thought, maybe because the journey was filled with jokes and laughter every now and then. Before you knew it, he finally pulled into a parking lot at what seems to be an outdoor movie theatre.
“Sunwoo yah… This is…” You paused as you got out of the car while he reached over to the back seat to take the blanket he brought to lay it down on the grass. He came back to your side after locking his car, only for you to continue from where you left off.
“So cute. How did you even find out about this outdoor movie?”
He smiled as you both began to walk towards the open space where quite a lot of couples were already seated down on their own blankets.
“My friend told me about this when he went on a date with his girlfriend the other day. So I figured why not give it a try.” Sunwoo said, making you blush.
You managed to find an empty space so he laid down the blanket and soon sat down. While waiting for the movie, you talked about almost anything. The movie soon started as everyone was starting to get excited. Halfway through the beginning of the movie, you were sitting beside Sunwoo with your legs extended out in front of you.
The night slowly got breezy, feeling the cool air blowing on you softly. Just then, he saw you straightening your posture, rubbing your arms to keep yourself warm. He felt bad that he couldn’t give you his jacket since he didn’t wear any.
However, an idea flashed across his mind, making him turn to you to speak.
“Hey, are you cold?” He asked. You turned to him with a small smile before you answered.
“Yeah, but it’s fine. It’s just a little chilly, that’s all.” Sunwoo wasn’t convinced as he saw your teeth clattering, making him chuckle softly.
“You know, I heard from somewhere that close body contact can keep us warm.” Sunwoo suggests indirectly to you, turning your head to him to see a playful smile on his lips.
You giggled as you looked at him with your brows raised.
“Are you okay with it?”
“If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t suggest it would I?” He asked, causing you to mentally facepalm at your ridiculous self.
“Right. You have a point.”
You heard him chuckle when he pat the empty spot in between his legs, gesturing for you to come over.
“C’mere.” He said.
Once you have settled down between his legs, you feel him wrap his arms around your body, trapping your arms. Gently pressing your back against his chest. Warmth immediately engulfing you both as you snuggled deeper into his chest.
“Warm enough?” He asked, only for you to nod.
You stayed like that for the rest of the movie. Sacrificing his back if it meant keeping you warm throughout the 1 and a half hours of the movie. 
After the movie ended, you went to get supper before he sent you home. You agreed to let him walk you all the way to your door. Hence, the reason why you were now standing outside your apartment door. You unlocked the door but then turned around to face him.
“Thank you for today Sunwoo. It was a fun experience watching a movie outdoors for the first time under the starry night.” You said as he smiled.
“I’m glad you liked it…”
“I hope we can do something like this again soon.” At that being said, his ears perked up, staring at you in awe.
“A-Again? Does that mean…?” He paused, causing you to giggle.
“Yes. I’d love to go on a date with you again.” 
Sunwoo couldn’t contain his excitement as he smiled from ear to ear, his adorable toothy grin made your heart skip a few beats. He elicited a soft giggle, biting his lip to stop himself from smiling too much.
Just then, you decided to take it upon yourself by pressing a soft kiss onto his cheek. Sunwoo was frozen in place as you smiled up to him endearingly before you bid him goodbye. You quickly entered your apartment to hide your flushed face when you could feel the embarrassment starting to creep up on you. You leaned against the door. Trying to steady your heartbeat.
After what felt like forever, you finally pushed yourself off the door and was about to walk deeper into your apartment when there was a knock.
You turned around to open it and you were greeted by Sunwoo again, seeming he finally came into senses.
Without any words exchanged, he took one quick step forward, reaching up to cup your face with one hand before he gently pressed his lips against yours. You melted almost immediately when you felt him smile into the kiss. Sunwoo could feel his heart get weaker, snaking one hand around your waist while pulling you closer to him.
Your hands rested on his chest as he pulled away with a soft sound, only for you to keep your gaze on his collarbone. Too shy to look at him in the eye.
Sunwoo gently took your chin in between his thumb and index finger. Tilting your head up, making you lock eyes with him.
“I’m pretty sure that just proves to you how I feel about you, but I still wanna tell you in words. I really, really like you. And I would love to take you out on more dates and be able to call you mine.”
With his cute confession, you couldn’t help but giggle. Wrapping your arms around his neck before you spoke up.
“I like you too Sunwoo. And yes, I would love to go on dates with you, and for you to call me yours.” With that being said, Sunwoo smiled in victory. Kissing you again sweetly.
The next day, you broke the news to your friends as you got happy cheers and excited screams in the group chat. Sunwoo never thought he would date anyone after being rejected multiple times but maybe he was fated to meet you and be the person who orders the same drink every time at the café you worked in. Maybe now he could finally live his love life with more cuddles and Strawberry Lattes.
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tendousthoughts · 4 years
hey! what about kuroo and suna calling their s/o annoying? i love your work by the way!
HQ Boys Calling Their S/O Clingy pt. 2
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Character(s) included: Kuroo & Suna
Warning(s): Foul language (cursing)
A/N: I realized that in my part one I actually had them call them clingy, I really hope that’s what you meant!! I am really dumb and titled it wrong! So imma make this clingy/annoying now- again I apologize! Anything that is with the line next to it (like now) happened the day before, anything normal is present day! This is my first request on here! Thank you so much for all the support on my first part (here). Thank youuu to the writer on this, I’m so glad you enjoy my writing! As always my ask box is open for request, comment, or if you just have some questions! Follows and likes are greatly appreciated! Reblogs help my content get spread so please if you find it good go ahead and do so thank you! Also if anyone wants to rp as lovers- I don’t care about the gender! They can just be meeting or whatever lmao I’m bored.
Song of the day: I was an island
My Masterlist: here
Credit: @/teesumu
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You and Kuroo rarely fought. Almost the perfect couple some might say. But his long nights at his job are getting tough to deal with. With your anniversary coming up, you were ready to just celebrate it together. Yet it didn’t really go as planned.
“Um.. Kuroo you think you can take off of work for like a week. Like two weeks from now?” You smiled thinking of how fun it would be.
“Um.. I don’t know,” he grumbled sleepily as he wrote down some notes.
“Oh okay.. um if you can that would be great be-” he finally turned to you looking dead into your eyes.
“I already said that I’ll see okay? I need you to stop being so fucking clingy and annoying.” He lashed out. He immediately covered his mouth looking at you, realizing what he had just said.
“I didn’t mean to..” he mumbled, rubbing his eyes “I didn’t mean to lash out like that. I’m sorry y/n.” You just stood there and shook your head.
Wiping your teary eyes. It wasn’t like you haven’t ever heard that or even thought that before. But hearing it from the love of your life hurt a lot more. “It’s fine. I’m fine. Don’t worry..” you whisper as you make your way to the bathrooms to wipe down your teary cheeks.
You guys went to bed after that. The only thing that seemed to keep you guys close, were the empty sheets. The thought of you being clingy stuck.
When you woke up you got up and made breakfast for the both of you leaving his on the table while you began to work. You kept thinking back to the night before. God why did it hurt so much. Were you really that clingy? Were you that annoying to everyone? You pushed all that down. Deep down. When he woke up he didn’t feel the best.
“Morning kitty..” he mumbled as his voice sounded like frogs croaking.
“You okay?” You mumble as you type away.
“Not feeling too good.. I might stay home.” He grabbed the food you left for him. “Thanks for breakfast.”
You glanced over and then looked back. “Okay.” He looked a bit confused and walked over sitting next to you on the couch.
“So you wanna hang out today or..?” He chuckles a bit.
“I’m fine, but thanks for asking. I got a lot of work to do but I’ll talk to you later.” You mumbled as you type some more notes onto your email and send it.
He stood there confused, you never said no to hanging out. It was like you were someone different, but at the same time it could just be that you did have a lot of work to do. “Oh okay..” he mumbled, getting up.
A couple hours pass and he comes up to you again as you watch tv. You were at you breaking point when he asked what was wrong yet you tried to contain yourself. He tried to wrap his warm arms around you yet you dodged it and left the room.
At night he came in and looked at you, “Why have you been so distant today..?” He whispered as he poked at you.
You look at him with tears as you finally broke. “I am sorry.. I.. I just was trying to be less clingy for you.” Your voice cracked as you hid your face from him.
He ran up to you wrapping his tight warm arms around you, even trying to be freed; you weren’t able to break through. “Babe...” he whispered softly. “I told you I was being an ass last night. I am sorry, you’re not clingy or annoying and I know you just wanted to hang out. I know you were trying to just be helpful by telling me in advance and I was being a dick babe. I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry.” Hw whispered in your ear as he held you. “I am sorry kitty.. I am so sorry,” he mumbled softly.
You melted in his grasp, “it’s okay..” you mumble. “I just wanna cuddle for a bit if you don’t mind...?”
“Of course baby.. anything for you,” he mumbles just a bit before closing his eyes. “I love you so much..”
“I love you to baby..” you held on tight relaxing just a bit.
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Suna... Suna. He was something, always calm and collected with you. But when he was having a rough day he was quite the opposite. It was like he was a different person.
You clung to him the moment you guys met. Being there with him when nobody else would. Your love language was touch and you couldn’t deny it. Just by holding his hand gave you butterflies.
“Welcome home!” You smiled as he walked in. God, he looked like a mess. He looked tired and sick. “Are you feeling okay?” You clung to his arm.
“Not really..” he mumbled as he made his way to the bedroom.
“Do you wanna take a bath? I can get one started?” You were trying to be helpful, honestly you were but the questions were starting to get on his nerves.
“Uh sure..” he grumbled.
“Do you wan-” he lost it. He couldn’t deal with the amount of questions.
“Can you stop?” He shoved you off. “Just get off me. You’re too clingy, and I don’t need your help with everything. Leave me the fuck alone will you?” You look at him shocked.
“I’m..” you mumble something underneath your breath. “Nevermind sorry for wasting your time, and being so clingy.” You walk off leaving him shocked and feeling like a dick.
You decided to sleep in the spare bedroom that night not wanting to be “too clingy” again.
When you woke up you went to the room he was sleeping in to grab your clothes and head back into the room. When you finished changing you decided to head out and clear your mind a bit.
“Baby can we talk..?” He knocked on the now empty room door. He barely slept thinking about how much of an ass he was. He slowly opened the door. “Ba-” he looked around and assumed you left.
When you walked back into the house he seemed to be waiting for you. “Uh.. welcome back..” he mumbled.
“I guess, you need something or can I just go back to my room?” You look over.
“Uh I was thinking we can talk maybe?” He looked up.
“Uh I don’t know what about but sure.” You sat far away from him looking up at him softly. “So.. what do you wanna talk about?”
He looked over, “I didn’t mean what I said yesterday.. I’m sorry. Please stop being so distant.. I love you” he couldn’t make up a single thought.
“ ‘s okay... I love you baby..” you mumbled softly tears bribing your eyes as you looked up.
“Um.. can we cuddle or - ?” He looked up as your arms tightly wrapped around him. He sighed contently relaxing into your arms. This was all he ever needed, you.
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Follows and likes are appreciated! Please reblog if you enjoyed it so more people can find my work! Thank you all for your support! Stay safe, and have a good rest of your day!
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