#the museum of alien life
hiyutekivigil · 1 year
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LIFE BEYOND II by Melodysheep
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why yes, voices in my head, i Will take a nap at 3 pm
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wehavehadtoday · 2 years
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jade-island-lives · 1 year
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So, I’ve had a day.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 5 months
Alright so one of the DCxDP Aus:
It's vaugley inspired by another post I can't find where Amity jumps around the country and sometimes field trips turn into week long road trips. Only vague because I saw: Fentons make the school buses turn into alien invasion shelters and brain went burrrrrrrr.
Anyways, so Superman is fighting off against aliens who have kryptonite. He's trying his best but he's failing, he can't get up.
Meanwhile, a school bus full of kids are watching. Amity Park, after their own world nearly killed them all being led by the GIW who managed to convince everyone ghosts were evil, had displaced itself and now bounces around dimensions. Usually it stays for a week so it's safe enough for trips but this time it didn't. No big, Danny can sense a portal in a city called Gotham so they were on their way when BANG invasion.
Danny thinks it's fun and frankly so does everyone else but Lancer who is exhausted.
Then they see Superman being hurt and…
Danny’s Obsession is both Protection and Space. They know Superman is an alien. He is the Ghost King and the class has become his Fraid through time. They all feel the need to protect.
So they do.
Danny bursts out of the bus first as Phantom and starts blasting. Sam is next, vines erupting from the ground to grab and drag aliens away, one of which she drags to Tucker so he can steal their tech to start hacking. Paulina is out with teeth bared and breathing fire, scales appearing. Dash is using his enhanced strength as Kwan using his super speed. Other kids pour out fighting. Then Star shouts: “KRYPTONITE IS HARDENED ECTOPLASAM! WE CAN EAT IT!”
The kids start snatching and chowing down as other heroes arrive. There are no adverse affects so they let the kids have their fun as they help Superman stand up.
At the end of the invasion, Mr. Lancer (who had come out to with a Blastor in hand) sighed. “Is there paperwork? We were trying to get to a portal in Gotham.”
Que: What?
Danny: “Yeah our home town we had to displace from our him dimension after they wanted to experiment on all of us. Amity pops up in a lot of universes and it's fun!”
Star: “Sometimes our field trips end with us finding the nearest portal though. Danny can find them.”
This just gets questions but like, Lancer is filling out paperwork and the teens are chatting with heroes happily so it ends up they just kind of roll with it.
The conversations are weird though.
Danny: “Ranking for this world?”
Sam: “Top ten. Not higher then Faerun.”
Tucker: “You just liked how you got involved in that one cult and helped summon a Nature God to murder a bunch of polluters.”
Sam: “And?”
Paulina: “I like that one world where everyone had some sort of power. That Midoriya kid was cute. To bad we got caught before we could sneak him on the bus.”
Lancer: “No kidnapping anyone to Amity!”
Tucker: “I liked the time we ended up on that one planet- Palaven? That was fun.”
Danny: “Yeah it was!”
The kids move on and Batman escorts them to Gotham. The portal turns out to be the Lazarus Pit (oh joy) and then life moves on.
Until a month later when Flash sees the kids at a Museum and learns Amity Park came back. The city begins hanging around more and we discoverAmith likes this dimension. It eventually settles near Gotham and Metropolis. Sometimes it vanishes but it always returns.
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traveling-paradise · 1 year
I spend a lot of time wondering what life out there could be like, this film probably comes close ✨👽
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Your thoughts?
Personally, I'm kinda sick of museums being required to cater to kids so much. If you're going to do this open air exhibit, kids who don't know how to keep their hands to themselves just shouldn't be allowed in. The glass is there for this very reason.
Actually, I'm with the museum on this one. Is it unfortunate that the vase was broken? Yes. Was the vase a valuable piece of the past? Also yes. But I think the museum did something very cool by not having the artifacts behind glass and are handling this with good grace and the sense to make this a learning opportunity.
Sometimes we overlook the fact that museums often attempt to arrest or freeze artifacts in time. They are kept in controlled conditions to prevent them from deteriorating and even treated to reverse damage. Many things on display on museums are elevated beyond their original value, alienated from their original purpose, and closed off from interaction.
It's incredible that this jar survived as long as it did—and its age is what makes it special—but at the end of the day, it is still a jar. It has now experienced the thing that happens to pretty much every jar that has been or will be. After all, decay is an extant form of life. (If you want to read a very well written and interesting take on decay and archaeology, check out this article by Caitlin DeSilvey.)
The article I linked above provides some important context and the update that the museum is planning on using this as an opportunity to teach about the conservation process. The jar's story is not over; it is being pieced back together and in this next chapter in its life it will be able to tell two stories: one of its life and the other of its rebirth. The museum's approach embraces that, exactly like the Japanese art of Kintsugi.
I also agree with the museum's decision not to punish the child or his family. Things go wrong in museums all the time despite their highly controlled environments, and this is why they have artifacts insured. Sometimes the thing that happens is a child, and by and large museums do not seek damages.
I would encourage you to rethink your stance on museums and children. Museums are for everyone. Children have a right to experience museums and what they have to offer just like anyone else. There are also many studies that discuss how going to museums benefits children.
In this case, perhaps the exhibit design was slightly flawed, but the four year old boy accidentally knocked the jar over because he was curious about what was inside and wanted to investigate. Curiosity is exactly what museums should be encouraging. In an ideal world that curiosity would have been channeled into some other kind of engagement, but the folks who work in museums have a lot on their plates and cannot plan everything perfectly all the time. Even if they could, they often do not have the resources to do so.
Finally, the AP article mentions that the boy and his family were visiting the museum to get away from Hezbollah rocket fire. Regardless of your opinions on the current conflict, everyone deserves to have a safe place to exist. That museums can serve as those spaces is an honor.
I commend the Hecht Museum and the people working there. They 1) successfully provided a place of learning and refuge, 2) opted not for a punitive approach—which is often the default Western model for justice—but a compassionate one, and 3) are using this twist of fate to create programming that will further engage the public.
@museeeuuuum and @museum-spaces would you care to comment?
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hiyutekivigil · 1 year
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LIFE BEYOND III by Melodysheep
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Okay, serious discussion about s5e7 of wwdits. I have a lot of mixed feelings about it. The creatures fell into the uncanny valley, why did they choose the donut lady as a plot for nadja when it could've been with the guide, etc. HOWEVER, what I do appreciate about this episode is the meta commentary on how Nandor's culture is simultaneously erased in history classes and then mocked by museums. His culture, his writings, his garments.. almost everything about his history is completely misrepresented by the museum and all of his artifacts were stolen. He literally sees a pair of his underwear on display! He is looked at as an object, a relic of the past. The museum portays him as being unintelligent and frowns upon his writings. And that's based on their narrow understanding of him, Al Q, and his culture. The historians do not know Nandor of course, but they view him through a lense that chooses to only see him and his culture as unintelligent, subhuman even- because why else would someone write something like this? Or wear something like this? Or use weapons like this? It reminds me of those TV shows that theorize the pyramids were made by aliens. Because how else could the Egyptians have been capable of creating the pyramids? Surely they can't be intelligent enough! *eye roll*
Idk someone could probably use better words to communicate what I'm trying to say here, but I wanted to bring it to the table anyway. Oh, also Colin becomes the center of attention by acting like the stereotypical white professor who is more focused on feeding their ego than actually educating his pupils. And this ends up in Nandor being pushed out of the conversation. A literal metaphor for how whiteness obscures and diminishes other cultures and immigrant communities. Of course Colin did that just to feed off of the students. Because then he ends up replacing the museum display with a more accurate representation of Nandor (albeit for comedic effect). And then by taking back his horsie necklace. But.. everyone listened to Colin! And ignored Nandor! Lots to think about in terms of erasure, white washing, forced assimilation, how museums profit off of stolen artifacts and skewing history, etc.
Nandor is an immigrant to Staten island and he was forced to assimilate. Imagine how he must feel when he sees all these stolen artifacts in the museum, and plaques that inaccurately portray his culture and history. And people gawking at the clothes and weapons he proudly wore/still wears. This is a reality for many native and immigrant communities here in America and abroad. Being forced to view your culture, your way of life through the lense of the oppressor.
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13thdoctorplease · 6 months
Hiii, I was wondering if you could do headcannons for the doctors and having an affectionate/cuddly s/o? My fav doctors are 9 & 10 but any doctors are fine <3
your favs are 9&10 and mine are 11&13... so why just dont go with all of them? here you go, anon!
9th: At first, he gives you some weird looks. You grab his hands while walking, and he shoots you a side-eye, but he lets you. Whenever you need him, he's there. When you let him go, he steps back. He doesn't like it when you tap his head or cup his cheeks; he'll pout until you're laughing and wrapping your arms around his neck. Eventually, he gets used to holding you with an arm around your shoulders, letting you rest your head on his chest. Strangers often mistake you for a long-term couple, but in reality, you're just clingy, and he... well, he just can't say no to you.
10th: He's not really expecting it when you run into his arms just because you're excited about the planet you're both visiting, but he immediately accepts and hugs you tight. Later, he realizes he really enjoys physical contact when your hand is always on his arm while you talk. You hug him from behind when he's turned to the console, and he doesn't let you see his smile, but his hands are over yours anyway. You're affectionate, but he's needy. He likes holding hands, and eventually, he starts initiating contact too. It's nice, and you blush when people say you two would make a beautiful couple, especially when he agrees.
11th: He's the one who starts it. He has a hand on your back while you two explore an alien museum, and you take the chance to melt onto his body. He looks at you but says nothing, and now this is simply your thing. You like to be in his arms and to kiss his cheek, and he reciprocates by letting his chin rest on your shoulder/head (depending on how tall you are) and kissing your forehead before you go home. He's soft and goofy, and sometimes he doesn't let you get out of his embrace.
12th: He's not a hugger, and you respect it, but there are plenty of other ways to show your affection. You run your fingers on the back of his neck when sitting next to each other and always play with the collar of his shirt. He tries to pull your hands away, but you come back every time until he gives up and kisses your wrist, letting you do whatever you want. Sometimes he doesn't respond to your touch, but the look in his eyes already says everything you need to know.
13th: She loves everything you do and doesn't seem to notice when you tangle your fingers together. She holds your hand in hers as if it were usual, and that's pretty much it. She's obsessed with hugs, and it's kind of hard to find a moment where she isn't all over you. You couldn't imagine a happier life.
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suzukiblu · 2 months
WIP excerpt for Derpsheep; a fake cryptid and a real romantic. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“Does Superboy still think you’re actually an actual cryptid city spirit thing?” Steph says, staring incredulously at him. “Did he think that when he made you the diamond? The heart-shaped diamond?” 
“. . . uh,” Robin says, still wincing. “He kind of just . . . showed up with it? Like. We never, uh, actually met before that? But uh, he knows the Bats kind of . . . stalk people, sort of, so I think he thinks it’s like our love language or something, so, uh, he was doing that? Apparently? And then he stopped Catwoman from robbing a museum and dropped her off on me and, uh. Had the diamond. And, uh. Gave it to me.” 
Steph stares at him a lot more incredulously. Then she grips his arm so she can shake him, just a little. Or a lot. 
She maybe nearly knocks over their froyo, but not the point, okay? 
“Robin, is Superboy a monsterfucker,” she demands. “Robin, you have to tell me if Superboy’s a monsterfucker. You can’t not tell me if Superboy’s a monsterfucker!” 
“I don’t know!” Robin hisses at her, sounding mortified. “I mean, maybe?! But like, considering some of the people who Cadmus has made and employed over the years and the fact Supergirl is literally protoplasmic goop with a personality and he’s half-alien, I don’t actually know how to judge that, okay? Maybe he just doesn’t automatically expect people to look human, I don’t know! He looked right at the Batman while he wasn’t bothering to pretend to have bones and didn’t even get weirded out or anything! And he made me a diamond specifically because he figured birds like shiny things and he offered to make me a nest when he found out I sucked at it and he caught Nightwing and called him ‘ma’am’ when Nightwing told him he was a ‘ma’am’ and he stalked me because he thought I’d like it!  And like, I managed to convince the Batman that he’s not a new Robin but I think now he maybe thinks he’s a stray cat or something? He called him a kitten. And like, scritched him. And Superboy didn’t even get weirded out by that!” 
“Oh my god, what is your life,” Steph marvels, putting a hand over her mouth as she grins in disbelief. This is the funniest friggin’ comedy of bullshit errors that she has ever even heard of. “You and the monsterfucker teen idol superhero you pulled by being a creepy little fake cryptid weirdo. When I’m your best woman at whatever freaky alien/cryptid-themed wedding you have, I’m telling this story in my toast. Fuck that, I’m telling the tabloids.” 
“Please do not,” Robin groans, hiding inside his wings again. “Look, he’s really–he’s nice, okay? He just has no idea what normal people are like and he’s also, like, trying to deduce what city spirit bird cryptids would think was, I don’t know, romantic specifically so he can hit on me and it’s just–it’s a lot, okay?! It’s just a lot!”
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newyorkthegoldenage · 6 months
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Edward Hopper, From the Williamsburg Bridge, 1928. Oil on canvas.
In this painting, Hopper depicts the austere facades of four apartment buildings and reduces the steel suspension of the Williamsburg Bridge to the margins. Completed in 1903 and connecting Brooklyn with Manhattan, the structure is indicated only by the unobtrusive railing rising at a slight diagonal along the bottom of the canvas. As opposed to focusing on the bridge that facilitates movement in and out of the city, Hopper creates an image absent of noise or motion. He emphasizes the alienation and anonymity of urban life by including a single figure: a woman sitting alone in a top story window.     
—Metropolitan Museum of Art
Photo: Wiki Art
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vikkirosko · 5 months
Could you do the Sinclair brothers with a goth/emo reader that seems really mean but is actually a huge ray of sunshine
Headcanons A ray of sunshine
🧢 Bo Sinclair x Reader 🧰
Ambrose had almost no residents. Just the three Sinclair brothers and you. You stood out from the image of a quiet and peaceful southern city. You were wearing dark clothes and dark makeup all the time. Every tourist who saw you could safely say that you seemed to be superfluous in this city, but Bo had a different opinion. For him, your presence was perfect, because you were together and he didn't want you to leave him
Those who didn't know you at all might decide that you were gloomy, withdrawn, and even intimidating. However, despite your gloomy appearance, you were completely different. You were probably the kindest and brightest person Bo knew. You were like a living ray of sunshine that illuminated his life. Next to you, he wanted to be at least a little better, even though he knew that you loved him for who he was, accepting his flaws and even the fact that he killed people
Sometimes Bo thought you were opposites. He attracted people's attention with his appearance, but his character did not match his appearance. At the same time, you could alienate others with your appearance, but you were so kind and sweet. Bo didn't want to admit it, but sometimes he was even glad that tourists were in no hurry to communicate with you, because then he would really be cruel because of his jealousy
Sometimes Bo thought you should have run away from Ambrose a long time ago. You were too good for him. He would understand if you ever ran away. Of course, Bo would be furious, but he would be able to understand why you left. But you stayed by his side. You continued to illuminate his life no matter what
🕯Vincent Sinclair x Reader 🎨
Vincent was someone who usually didn't go out in public. He stayed in his workshop when there were tourists and even when there were no strangers in the city, he remained in the shadows. You were the only one who often kept him company. You and Vincent were dating and that's why you stayed in town despite what was going on there. When there were strangers in the city, you looked after the museum and no one would even think of anything else. Tourists basically tried to avoid you because of your gloomy style
You always wore mostly black clothes and dark makeup. Because of this, the others got the impression that you yourself were gloomy, withdrawn and uncommunicative. However, Vincent knew that you were completely different. You were kind, sociable. It was like you were a sunbeam, warming others with your warmth
Vincent liked the fact that you kept him company in the workshop. You couldn't help him create wax sculptures, but you could just keep him company. He hoped that you would be safer in the workshop than if you were in their house or just in the city. The last thing he wanted was for some tourist to hurt you
Vincent was glad that no matter what, you stayed by his side. You didn't support him making wax sculptures out of people, but you didn't stop him. You didn't want to lose Vincent, and he didn't want to break up with you
🐕 Lester Sinclair x Reader 🛻
You and Lester have always been on the sidelines of the murders that his brothers committed. He didn't want you to get involved in this, so you mostly kept him company when he was driving. Usually, when tourists saw you, they were in no hurry to communicate with you. Lester repelled them with his rustic appearance, and you with your style
You wore dark colored clothes and dark makeup. Lester liked your appearance and especially liked your character, which was very different from your appearance. You were kind and considerate towards him, even in spite of the reality in which you lived
Lester often called you a ray of sunshine. You shone even though your style didn't match your character. Lester loved that about you. He was warm and cozy next to you, despite what happened during the day. Even if he was tired or upset, he knew that he could always come to you and feel better
Lester was grateful to you for sharing such a life with him. He was sure that you could have had a completely different life, but you stayed with him anyway. He loved you and was grateful to you for everything you did for him
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gtinthepot · 4 months
Disclaimer, I have not looked up everything on this list and most of it was suggested from others. I cannot promise the accuracy of the content. Suggestions for the list are more than welcome, leave a comment on the post for people to browse through after checking to see if its on the list already :)
I’ll be editing and adding to it here and there, so some reblogs of the post might be outdated. I suggest clicking on the source /main post to get the newest version. The old list can be found here.
7 deadly sins
A bug's life
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (some episodes)
Adventure time
Alice in Wonderland
Alvin and the chipmunks
Amour de poshe (the girl in his pocket)
Animorphs: #24
Ant bully
Ant man (1 and 2)
Archies weird mysteries (one ep)
Army of darkness
Art Attack
Arthur and the Invisibles
Athena complex (webcomic)
Attack of the 50 foot cheerleader.
Attack of the 50 Foot Woman
Attack of the puppet people
Barbie and the nut cracker
barbie movies (look up specifics)
Barbie Thumbelina
Beatle juice
Big man japan
Bottle Fairy
Bramble the mountain king. (video game)
Brave little tailor (mickey mouse)
Bugs life?
Captain America: Civil War
Card captor sakura (one ep and some scenes)
Christmas Stories: The Tin Soldier is a good one.
Clifford the big red dog
Cuphead: Don’t deal with the Devil (mostly with certain bosses)
Darby o’gill and the little people
David the Gnome
Dr cyclops
Dr who (one ep: into the dalek)
Dragon ball
Dungeon meshi (a few chapters)
Ella Enchanted
Elusive people.(video game)
Ernest and Celestine (more of a mini-giant/doll-sized tiny size dynamic)
Fairytale: a true story (1997)
Fantastic Planet
Fantastic voyage
Final space episode 5
Frame arms girl.
Futurama (some episodes)
Gelias and the giant
Gen V
George shrinks
Gods of Egypt
Grandpa in my pocket
Gravity falls (one episode)
Grounded (video game)
Guardians of the Galaxy (vol. 2 more so than the first one)
Gulliver's Children (webtoon)
Gullivers travels (1939, 1977, 2010) as a well as a mini-tv series
Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child: Aladdin
Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child: Season 2, Episode 2 thumbelina
Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child: The shoemaker and the elves
Help I shrunk my friends
Help I shrunk my parents
Help I shrunk my teacher
Here come the littles
Honey I blew up the kid
Honey I shrunk the audience ride at Disneyland
Honey I shrunk the kids
Hornby sets
How to Keep a Mummy ( Miira no Kaikata)
Inch high private eye
Invincible (Some episodes)
It takes two (game)
Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story
Jack the giant slayer
Jackie Chan Adventures (one episode)
Jaimes and the giant peach
Jitsu wa watashi wa (mostly the 4th episode)
Journey 2 The Mysterious Island
King kong
Kubo and the two strings
Land of the giants
Lilo and Stitch the series (two episodes)
Little (Grrl) 
little nightmares 1 and 2 (game)
Lord of the rings
Macross sequel shows (-anime-)
Mars attacks!
Mickey and the bean stalk
Micro Machines
Micro Ventures
Militsioner (Video game)
Minami-Kun no Koibito (2015)
Minish cap (video game)
Modest Heroes Kanini and Kanino (Short film)
Monster (video game)
Monsters Vs Aliens
My hero Academia (some episodes)
My Little Lover
My Miniature Manual (webtoon)
My Monster Secret (specifically one character)
natsume yuujinchou
Night at the Museum
Nils holgersson
Ok Ko! lets be Heroes season 3 episode 9 Planet Vacation
One Punch Man (some episodes)
Onward (a few scenes)
Osmosis Jones
Ozzy and Drix
Pans labyrinth
Paper mario sticker star (Video game, two levels)
Peter pan
Pikmin 1, 2, and 3 (game)
Pokemon sun/moon anime second season (one ep)
Rainbow Magic
Rick n morty (one episode)
Robotech (-comic series; new ones-)
Robotech (season one/The Macross Saga) (-anime-)
Robotech Remix (-comic series-)
Super Danganronpa 2 (video game, final boss)
Shadow of the colossus (video game)
Small blessings (webcomic)
Small Lands Survive The Wilds (Video game)
Small soldiers (1998)
Smurfs lost village
Spirit of wonder: The shrinking of miss China
SpongeBob SquarePants (the wumbo episode)
Steven universe
Stormlight Archive (-book series; has tiny fae people-)
Strange days at blake holesy high (one episode)
Strange magic
Stuart Little
Sugar apple fairy tale.
Super giant robot brothers.
Tales to Astonish (comics)
Ted Hughes
Tentacular. (video game)
The 3 worlds of gulliver
The 7th voyage of sinbad
The amazing colossal man
The bee movie
The bfg 1989
The borrowers (1973, 1993 1997, 2011)
The Borrowers (Arrietty)
The Borrowers exhibition at the Hancock Museum
The Boys (some episodes)
The dwarf and the giant 1901
The Fantastic Planet
The hobbit
The hulk
The incredible shrinking man
The incredible shrinking woman
The Indian in the cupboard
The iron giant
The iron man
The Journey.
The Last Guardian (video game)
The Last of the Huggermuggers by Christopher Pearse Cranch
The Little Bits
The littles
The magic school bus
The nut cracker
The owl house (one episode)
The phantom planet
The Rescuers
The return of the Borrowers 1992 and 1993 tv series
The Secret of Nimh
The secret world of Arrietty
The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde
The simsons (one episode)
The storyteller (one ep)
The Suspicion and #42
The Sword in the Stone
The tale of the princess kaguya
The ultimate avengers (1 & 2)
Time loader. (video game)
Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue
Tinkerbell and The Pirate Fairy
Tinkerbell movies
Tinykin. (video game)
Tom and Jerry
Tomb thumb
Townsmen VR. (video game)
Toy story
Transformers (old series)
Troll hunter
Troll in central park...??
Trolls band together
Ultraman cosmos
Unravel. Porcelain tales. (video game)
Valkyrie Drive Mermaid (one episode.)
Village of the giants
Violet Goes to The Beach (webtoon)
VR Giants. (video game)
We’re Back! A dinosaur story
When the Dolls Woke (book)
Wild Kratts
Wild, wild planet
Wrath of the Titans (one scene)
Wreck it ralph
Yarn (video game)
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dem-obscure-imagines · 6 months
Nice to Meet You
Jaime Reyes x Reader
Fandom: DCEU
Summary: You and Jaime have been kicking ass together for years, but you’ve never seen his face before. Hell, you don’t even know his name. That changes one night when he shows up on your doorstep, injured.
Notes: So I had a dream last night that I was in a Miraculous Ladybug situation with Jaime, so have this fic hahaha. Also I have never seen Miraculous so…idek where it came from.
Warnings: Mentions of injuries
Word Count: 1.3k
Reader is: Female, Apollo’s champion
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Being a superhero and a normal person with a normal-ish life was not for the faint of heart. You spent your days working in the local history museum, your afternoons getting whatever sleep you could, and your nights sitting by the police scanner, waiting for news of some rogue giant robot or guy with a freeze gun. As it was, you were in no position to expose your identity. Not even to your partner.
Your mission partner, that was, the Blue Beetle.
You’d been fighting crime with him for the past three years, a few times every week. It had started as an accident. He’d show up to the same crime scenes you did, helping evacuate people out of burning buildings, stopping rampaging mutants from the questionable labs popping up around town, redirecting a plane with a broken propeller. It was admirable. He was admirable.
You’d never seen his face. You didn’t even know his first name. You knew his power came from the scarab in his back, an alien symbiote that was bonded to his body. It talked to him sometimes, like a computer, analyzing things. It also served as body armor and a built in artillery of weapons.
The scarab saved his ass a lot, basically. And yours, too. You couldn’t count the amount of times he’d saved you from blows you’d never seen coming.
Which is why you were so surprised to hear a knock on your door, Beetle’s voice on the other side of it sounding…worried.
“Suncatcher? Are you home? I…I…I need some help!”
You were surprised to hear it at all, actually. You didn’t think he knew where you lived.
Also, you weren’t in costume, just in a cropped tee and some sweats, hair pulled back and face bare. Not that your mask covered a lot of your face, but it gave you anonymity. Or at least, you thought it did.
You pushed the thoughts aside when you heard him knock again, preparing for the very real possibility that someone had cloned his voice and was using your public-ish friendship against you.
You lit your fist with power and crept towards the door of your townhouse, peering through the peephole to find…nothing. You pulled the door open slowly and looked around. Sitting on the cement outside your door was a guy with luscious black curls, and, more importantly, a giant gaping wound on his stomach.
“S-Suncatcher?” He asked, meeting your eyes, tears brimming in his own.
“Oh my God.” You dropped to your knees, looking over him. “What happened?”
“It’s me. It’s me. I’m here.”
“I didn’t know where else to go…” He confessed.
“It’s okay, hey, can you stand? Where’s Khaji?”
“Offline.” He groaned as you helped him off the ground. It was clear he’d lost a lot of blood. You closed the door behind the two of you and locked it, lowering him onto the couch.
“How long have you been out there?” You asked, assessing the injury.
“Not long.” He assured you, moving to support the wound.
You took a breath, grounding yourself before tapping deeper into your powers, sunlight lit in your palms, creeping up your arms. “Alright Blue, I need to get in there.”
“Jaime. My name is Jaime.” He told you, pain etched across his handsome features. “Nice to finally meet you, sunshine. Wish it was under better circumstances.”
“Nice to meet you, too.” You replied, too preoccupied to offer your name in return. You gently lifted the fabric from his battered torso, revealing the wound. It was pretty bad, but it wouldn’t be for long. Using the power from your patron, you extended your hand, your glowing sunlight working to close the wound with warmth and precision.
Jaime watched, his eyes wide. He stared at you as you set to work. It tingled, the spot in his abdomen, where he’d been stabbed repeatedly by a guy with a glowing green sword. But it didn’t hurt anymore. And less than a minute later, it wasn’t there at all, completely smoothed over without so much as a scar.
You turned your attention to his face, where there was a cut across his nose, a purpled bruise on his chin.
If Khaji was online, he was sure she’d tell him about his increased heartrate due to your proximity, that focused look in your eye as you soothed his pain away. But she wasn’t. That was a problem he’d have to solve later.
The glow in your palms dimmed and you met his eyes, looking relieved. “Any other injuries I should know about?”
“Nah, I think that about covers it.” He replied, still staring at you. Maybe he’d never stop. “How did you…?”
“My patron, Apollo. The god of…well, lots of stuff, but healing is one of them. I’ll leave him an offering later.” You explained. “He’s pretty chill, as far as deities go. Met him when I got my job at the museum and, well, the rest is history.”
“That’s really cool.” He said, sitting up without trouble. “I didn’t know that.”
“I guess it never came up.” You shrugged. “My name is (Y/N), by the way. Would have introduced myself earlier if I wasn’t so busy trying to prevent you from bleeding out in my apartment.”
“Thanks for that, by the way.”
You smiled. “Don’t mention it.”
He took in your face, seeing most of it for the first time. He smiled, eyes soft and sparkling, voice dropping to a whisper. “You’re really pretty, (Y/N).”
“You’re not so bad yourself, Jaime.” You looked him over, taking him in for the first time. Warm brown eyes, a handsome face, fluffy black curls, toned build. “Can’t believe you’ve been hiding all this under that suit of yours.”
He laughed, sheepish. “We should have done this sooner.”
“Way sooner.” You agreed. “Not the fatal wound part, of course, but…we could have gotten coffee or something.”
“Why didn’t I think of that?” He murmured, leaning closer. “If I’m moving too fast, stop me.”
“You’re not.” You replied, a hand cupping his face as you pressed your lips to his. He melted at the contact, arm settling around your waist and tugging you closer to him. “I’ve been waiting to do this for…so long.”
He rested his forehead against yours. “That makes two of us.”
At the museum, a few weeks later, you sat at the guide desk in the center of the lobby, typing away on your laptop, researching an ancient relic Apollo was interested in, a necklace he’d gifted to the Oracle of Delphi that had gotten into the wrong hands.
Someone cleared their throat. You looked up to find Jaime there, a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
“Is this where I find the pretty tour guide? If she’s not too busy, that is.”
“Jaime!” You leapt to your feet, walking around the edge of the desk and straight into his arms.
“Hey, sunshine. Thought I’d come brighten up your day.”
“My day has been brightened.” You assured him, pressing a long kiss to his soft lips.
“Khaji, not now.” He murmured, cheeks burning red.
“Hi, Khaji.” You whispered.
He chuckled. “She says hi.”
“This must be Jaime. I’m (Y/N)’s coworker, Jess.” Your favorite coworker introduced. “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too. Is it alright if I steal her for a bit? I’m excited to finally see the place.”
“Oh, of course. You two have fun. I’ll put those in water for you.” Jess said, taking the flowers with a careful hand and a knowing smile.
Jaime took your hand and you led him proudly through your workplace. You loved getting to know the real him, without a mask in the way. Finally, your two lives had combined into one and you couldn’t be happier.
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hs-transfusion · 7 months
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HEMO: Fuchsia (#99004D) TROLLTAG: ariolatesAftermath [AA] SIGN: Piari, Sign of the Vengeful STRIFE: 2x2dentkind MODUS: Sacrifice LUNAR SWAY: Prospit MYTH. ROLE: Sylph of Doom LAND: Land of Glaciers and Ruins
AA: there is n()thing the v()ices have been inc()rrect ab()ut as ()f yet
Once upon a time, Aradia was a worthy candidate for the ALTERNIAN THRONE. That was before she was SACRIFICED to her lusus B'AHBLAHK as part of a VICIOUS REVENGE CYCLE. She now roams Alternia as a GHOST, diligently working to SET THE EVENTS OF SGRUB IN PLACE, along with a few detours to PETTY ACTS OF REVENGE.
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At present, Aradia has NO INTERESTS beyond being a COSMIC PLOT POINT. Before her ill-timed demise, she had a strong passion for HISTORY, working hard to maintain her PERSONAL MUSEUM of STRANGE ALIEN RELICS. She also had a fascination with THE WORLD OF THE ETHEREAL, knowledge that has served her well in her LITERAL AFTERLIFE.
Aradia's SACRIFICE Fetch Modus requires her to sacrifice a NEARBY ITEM to retrieve something from her sylladex. Thankfully, her WORN-DOWN PALACE is filled to the brim with RANDOM CHUNKS OF RUBBLE she can use as cannon fodder.
Aradia's lusus is dubbed B'AHBLAHK, BRAYER OF THE BLEAK. A massive, curled mass of TENDRILS AND HORNS, this eldritch sea-goat threatens to extinguish ALL EXISTING TROLL LIFE should its voice be raised too loud. It is said that anyone naive enough to MAKE A DEAL WITH IT will get whatever they wish for, but at a much steeper price than expected.
The Land of GLACIERS AND RUINS is an arctic area, covered in DECAYING RUINS OF AN ANCIENT CIVILISATION of consorts. Though they may have lived to see The Sylph through her personal quest, it seems denizen THANATOS didn't see fit to maintain a world for a player that has ALREADY MET THEIR END. Or perhaps that's just a defeatist attitude on his part...?
Aradia's ancestor is known as HER IMMORTAL OPULENCE, otherwise known as THE IMMORTAL. Though most fuchsiabloods live for FREAKISHLY LONG TIMES, HI() has lived longer than any other empress by a landslide. In fact, unbeknownst to many, she has walked the soils of Alternia on its VERY FIRST DAYS, witnessing each and every significant event in ALTERNIAN HISTORY personally. Alternia's bloodthirsty environment was influenced by her for nothing more than SHEER ENTERTAINMENT VALUE.
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