#the new avenger
doble-j97 · 6 years
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Al fin dibujo algo “decente”
Lo dibuje porque me volví a ver Homecoming
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imagine-mcu · 7 years
The New Avenger: Ch. 7
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Word Count: 2124
The weeks that passed by were kind of monotonous. Every day was the same. You woke up, ate breakfast, trained with Nat, and worked out with Thor. Granted, you did get the rest of the day for free time for yourself. Usually you spent your free time reading, video chatting with Amber, or getting to know your teammates.
You and Nat, being both neighbours and training partners, had become pretty close. She was still a little closed off, but she could relax around you. You and Thor also had also bonded pretty well. The two of you surprisingly had a lot in common, and you shared the same type of humour. Tony was charming as ever, but you made it obvious that you wanted to keep things platonic for now. Nevertheless, that didn’t stop him from keeping his flirty ways.
While it was good that you had become more friendly with them, that still left Clint, Steve, and Bruce on your list. Bruce was always in his lab, Clint was usually out running errands, and Steve was always busy with something or other. Needless to say, you hadn’t really gotten the time to chat it up with any of them yet.
“I’m so super jealous,” Amber sighed one day. You were sat at your desk, video chatting her with the Stark laptop Tony provided. “Your life sounds like so much fun!”
Fun. Right. You decided not to mention the fact that your back was sore from this morning’s training when Natasha judo-flipped you twice. Or the fact that your arms were jelly from Thor’s push-up challenge. That might ruin the mood. “I guess,” you said. “But it’s a lot of work, too.”
Amber perked up. “Oh, right! I almost forgot to ask you. How’s practice with your powers going? Did you learn anything cool?”
“Sort of.” You twirled your finger in the air in front of you, and a mini flurry of snow appeared. As you concentrated, a small palm-sized snowman assembled itself. Its arms and facial features were made out of small pieces of ice, since, unfortunately, you couldn’t control coal or sticks. Building tiny snowmen wasn’t exactly the most useful thing to know for combat, but you were working your way up on the whole summoning thing.
“That is so cool!” Amber exclaimed. On the screen in front of you, her face enlarged as she tried to see better from her side. “You’re like a real-life Elsa, or like a Jack Frost. Can you make it move?”
“Sadly, no,” you chuckled. “I can’t bring inanimate objects to life- only freeze them.” You made a dismissing motion with your hand and the snowman evaporated, leaving behind a small breeze of fresh winter air.
Amber shrugged. “But you can still kick frozen ass. Speaking of, have you gotten your first assignment yet?”
You bit your lip. “Uh, actually, no. Not yet.” You could see her excitement dim just a little. “The others have been on quite a few since I came, but they want me to stay here and train for the time being.”
She crossed her arms. “Wow, that really sucks! You’ve been training for a long time, now, (y/n). You totally deserve to be out there.”
“Too bad it’s not my decision.” You tried to sound nonchalant about it, but you were pretty bummed out that you haven’t gone on a mission yet. “Steve’s the one who usually organises those kinds of things.”
As soon as you said his name, Amber perked up. She had a crush on Captain America even before you left for the Tower. It started ever since he saved her and a group of people from the Chitauri during the Incident last year. “Steve? I wish I could meet him,” she said longingly. “But if he’s as nice as I think he is, you should totally talk to him. He’d let you get out there in the field.”
“He is pretty nice,” you commented. Not like she didn’t know already, since most of the time you talked to her she would ask about him. “But it’s kind of awkward since we don’t really see or talk to each other much.”
It was a shame that Amber wasn’t here with you, since she’s always talkative. She’s super friendly around new people, and having a buddy with you is always a plus. Sure, you could always ask Nat, but it just wasn’t the same since she was already friends with the super soldier. Actually, the more you thought about it, the more you realised that inviting Amber to the compound was a good idea. It was a win-win situation; she gets to meet her heroes, and it would be a good excuse to get the team together for something other than a mission.
“Um, hellooo?” Your former roommate waved her hand over her camera. “Earth to (y/n)? You still there?”
You unfroze. You didn’t realise you were staring blankly into space. “Uh- sorry. I was just thinking. Say, Amber, how would you like to come visit the Avengers Tower?”
Her jaw dropped. She didn’t move for so long, you almost thought the connection died or something. But suddenly her eyes lit up and her mouth broke into the largest grin you’d ever seen. “Are you kidding? I’d love to!!!”
Two days later, you and the other Avengers were gathered around in the common room. It took some convincing, especially with Steve, who didn’t want to miss leg day, but eventually they agreed to meet your old roommate. After all, they appreciated the civilians who supported the Avengers.
You stood by the elevator to meet her as soon as she got off. At 1:00 pm exactly (wow, these guys were punctual), the doors opened. Amber spilled out, her eyes as wide as plates. She looked like she just downed a trenta Starbucks coffee, since she was basically jumping up and down with excitement.
“(Y/n)!” she squealed. She gave you a rib-crushing hug. You supposed it was to make up for the lack of hugs ever since you left. “It’s so good to see you in person! Not that I didn’t enjoy video chatting, of course. It’s just not the same. Hey, guess what? They flew me here in a helicopter, just like the one that picked you up! It woke up poor Mrs. Most in 32B, but I suppose that’s karma for vacuuming at 2 in the morning. The pilot wasn’t very friendly, though, and wouldn’t respond when I tried talking to him. Oh well! Hey, did you know there’s a floor in here called the Snake Pit?”
She said all of this in one breath in about ten seconds. Speed talking was her super power.
“Yes, we do have a snake pit. No, I do not recommend visiting it. It’s literally just a pit full of snakes.” You cleared your throat. “Anyways, we can talk about that later. Guys, I’d like you to meet Amber. Amber, say hello the the Avengers.”
You gestured behind you to the six of them who were watching you both with amusement from the couches. Amber bit back another squeal, just now noticing that they were there. “H-h-hello!” For once, she was at a loss for words.
Tony was the first to get up. He walked over and kissed her hand, like the gentleman he wasn’t. He grinned slyly, “Why hello there. (Y/n)’s told us so much about you.”
Amber looked like she was about to faint from the attention. Nat merely smacked him on the arm and ordered, “No flirting with the visitor, Tony.”
He pouted. “You’re no fun.”
“I’m Natasha,” she introduced. “But they call me Black Widow. And this is Clint, Hawkeye; Bruce, the Hulk; Thor; Tony, Iron Man; and Steve, Captain America.”
Sitting all the way at the far end of the couch, Steve waved. Amber’s cheeks flushed almost as red as the shirt she was wearing. “H-hey, Captain America.”
Steve smiled warmly. “Just call me Steve.” He stood up and shook her hand, but she was too busy freaking out to move her limp arm. It was almost humourous seeing them side-by-side, since he was twice her size.
“So!” You clapped your hands loudly, hoping to snap her out of her star-struck trance. “Guys, Amber’s a big fan of the Avengers.”
Clint snorted. “I can tell.”
You ignored him. “So she has a lot of questions for you guys. I’ll-uh- go get snacks while you guys talk.” 
You hoped she would be okay on her own while you went to the kitchen to pour chips into a bowl. Just as you reached for the dip in the fridge, you heard a chorus of laughter from the other room. Yup, she was definitely doing well on her own. She’s been here, what? Five minutes? And she already got them to laugh harder than you ever did. She had that effect on people.
“I hope that laughing wasn’t about me,” you joked as you returned with the snacks.
Steve laughed. “Actually, she was just telling us about the time you tripped down the stairs holding groceries.”
Oh, yay. They were talking about you. How did that come up so quickly? But you had to admit that you were actually grateful that she said that, since it seemed to make Steve comfortable enough to joke around with you. “Hey, the elevator was broken! And in my defence, I was carrying a lot of stuff.”
It went on like that for a while, the eight of you taking turns telling stories about each other. Thankfully, Amber kept her embarrassing stories about you mostly to herself after that. It was nice actually sitting down and getting to know them. You knew it wouldn’t have gone nearly as smoothly if Amber wasn’t here. She knew exactly what to say when and kept the mood light and happy. You were... well, less of a smooth talker. You learned that Clint once landed and crushed a hot dog cart, which is why his suit has little stains of ketchup and mustard on the butt. After switching back to human, apparently Bruce’s purple shorts don’t switch with him. You thought that part was particularly funny. Once, Steve threw his shield into the lake at Central Park, and had to dive in after it. Thor dropped his hammer onto Fury’s car and blamed it on a rogue attacker. Nat had to pretend to be Tony’s secretary at one point. Everybody had a good laugh at that, even Tony.
Eventually the bowl of chips and dip disappeared. It had been three hours, at least, and you knew that the others had work to get done. While it was fun, it was time to disband.
“This was so totally fun!” Amber grinned. You hadn’t seen her this happy since she discovered caffeine. “We should do it again sometime!”
“Totally,” you agreed. It had been fun. You got to catch up with your old roomie, and you got to bond with Clint, Steve, and Bruce better. “I’ll see you later?”
“Of course!” She hugged you. “Don’t forget to FaceTime me!”
You watched as she hopped into the elevator. She waved goodbye as the doors closed.
There was only one thing left to do. While you were all still in a good mood, you decided to ask Steve about letting you go on an official assignment.
“Hey, Steve?” you asked. He was the only one left in the common room. He stayed behind to brush the chip crumbs off of the couches.
He stopped when he heard you. “Hm?”
“So, uh, I’ve been wondering if- well, if you think I’m ready to go out on the field. It’s just- I’ve been working really hard, and all. What do you think?”
Steve considered this. “Well, you are still kind of new, (y/n). A little more training wouldn’t hurt.” You were about to tell him that you were doing your best, but he continued without pausing. “But I have noticed that you’ve been progressing rapidly.” He stopped to think. “... There is a major weapons bust coming up. I suppose I could ask Fury if you can shadow us, but no promises-”
But that was all you needed to hear. “Thank you thank you!” you said happily. You hugged him in excitement, which surprised him. He stumbled back a few steps before chuckling.
“No problem, (y/n),” he said as he patted your head.
You knew Fury placed his trust in Steve’s decisions- if Steve thought you were ready, then that meant Fury did, too. It was practically official then. After all of the training and preparation, you were finally going to work alongside the Avengers on a real mission!
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thatwasawesome · 9 years
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The New Avenger. 28.7.17. 
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10camilinho · 9 years
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Pequeño conteo de lo que sabemos del chico nuevo del barrio. Al que recién le vimos la cara, pero que aún tiene más especulaciones que certezas a su alrededor. A countdown from the things that we know about the new neighbord. Now we see his face, but we have more speculations than certainties around him Lee más de esto/ Read more about this : El Aether !
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avengersmemes · 9 years
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Even buzz was in the avengers. Spider-Man doesn't like this.
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imagine-mcu · 7 years
The New Avenger: Ch. 6
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Word Count: 1957
You headed down to the gym with your new workout buddy, Thor. He was whistling an unfamiliar tune as the elevator descended, resting his hammer over his shoulder. Did he take that thing everywhere he went? It’s not like anyone could steal it, anyways. It must be a pain to lug that thing into the bathroom.
You snapped out of your thoughts as the doors opened into the gym. Steve was the only one inside. He was occupied on a treadmill, running almost at full speed, but there wasn’t a drop of sweat on his forehead. Perks of being a super soldier. He waved to both of you as you walked in before turning back to the treadmill.
“What shall we do first?” Thor asked. He scanned the room until his eyes landed on the weightlifting benches. “Aha! Bench pressing. How strong are you, (y/n)?”
“Uh...” You glanced down at your arms, then to Thor’s. His muscles were ripping even without him flexing, while yours were... less defined. “Average, I guess?”
Thor grinned. “Not a problem! We shall start with the weights first!” He marched over to the benches with empty bars over them. He glanced at the different sizes of weights that hung along the wall nearby, and finally settled on a few 250 kg* weights. He picked them up with no problem and put one on each side.
“Something easy for you!” He announced cheerfully. He patted the bench.
Your eyes widened. “Uh, you know, I think I’ll stick to the dumbbells. You can... you can go ahead and claim that bench for yourself.”
“If you insist!” he said cheerily. He lay down and immediately started to bench press. It barely took him any concentration, like it weighed the same as a chair. You couldn’t help but notice how toned his arm muscles were, how his chest heaved with every breath...
You shook your head to snap out of your trance. You went over to the dumbbells and selected a matching pair. Within the first five minutes of curling, however, you were really starting to feel the burn in your biceps. Damn. This was worse than that time you had to take gym class.
You continued to workout, switching from machine to machine. It wasn’t long until it felt like all of your muscles were melting. On the bright side, Thor was super encouraging the whole time. It was nice to have such a supportive buddy along with you, especially when you wanted to pass out. But it was also kind of unnerving when he did 300 push-ups in a row without breaking a sweat.
“Alright!” Thor announced after a while in the middle of a sit-up. He jumped to his feet. “Workout for today is over, (y/n)! You can stop now!”
“Oh thank god,” you wheezed as you let the weights on the leg lift machine drop with a CLANG!. You tried to get up, but your legs were like jelly. “What’s next? Stretches?”
“Hm, right,” Thor studied you for a moment. “I forgot your mortal limbs need stretching. Very well.”
For a 1.9 m tall 90 kg* thunder god, he was pretty flexible. He could easily reach his toes when he stretched, while you had to struggle to keep up. At least your muscles felt somewhat better after stretching. It still hurt to stand up, though.
“I could really go for a smoothie,” you said absent-mindedly as you wiped the sweat off of your face with a towel.
Thor considered this. “I know of a good smoothie establishment nearby,” he said. “I would like a frozen blended fruit drink as well! What do you say we go together? It is not far from here.”
“Sure,” you agreed, although you were already dreading the walk. But the thought of a refreshing drink made your mouth water.
He smiled. “Great! Let us go.” You both hopped in the elevator and took it all the way down to the ground floor. You still weren’t used to your ears popping from the change in air pressure from being so high above the ground.
You both were still in your workout clothes as you left the Tower. Thor’s hammer hung from a belt loop and swayed as he walked. Were his pants worthy? The hammer didn’t pull them down, at least. As you pondered this, you were all-to aware that you were staring at his ass the whole time. You quickly diverted your gaze before he could notice. It’s not like you meant to on purpose, at least.
After three blocks of torturous walking, he finally stopped in front of a humble smoothie shop. “After you,” he said like a gentleman as he held the door open. You thanked him and walked in.
The shop was colourfully decorated in pinks, blues, and greens. There weren’t a lot of customers in the shop, and there was (thankfully) no line. Hey, you were thirsty! When the young high school part-timer behind the bar saw Thor, he immediately perked up.
“H-hey,” he said in an unusually high-pitched voice. Ah, puberty. “Wel-welcome to Sydney’s Smoothie Shack. Can I get you something, uh, sir?”
“Yes! I would like... um... a strawberry and banana beverage!” Thor smiled.
You glanced at the menu. “And I’ll take... uh, one (y/f/smoothie).”
“S-sure,” the employee stuttered. He reminded you of yourself in the good ol’ days, when you worked at Starbucks.
Thor pulled out a wad of cash from his sweatpants pocket, not even bothering to count it, and slapped it on the counter. “Keep the change.” The guy’s eyes widened as he accepted the money. Though your smoothies cost maybe $7.25 total, Thor must’ve forked over at least $30.
You raised an eyebrow. “That was pretty generous,” you commented. He shrugged, like it was no big deal.
In no time your drinks were ready. You grabbed yours off of the bar and were about to head out when suddenly a rush of people came tumbling through the glass doors.
“Ah, not again,” Thor muttered as he noticed the surge of people. Most of them had cameras or cell phones in hand; some had microphones. Oh, no. Paparazzi.
You were suddenly self-conscious of your work out clothes as the mob of people snapped photos of you and the thunder god. You hadn’t really thought about it before, but you supposed being a super hero does make one kind of famous.
“Thor! Thor!” one reported shouted. “Taking a break from training, hm? What do the Avengers have planned for the future?”
“Yes, yes,” he said, not paying attention. “Excuse us. We are trying to leave.” He was so calm and level-headed. He must have gotten used to the whole paparazzi thing.
At least for the most part they were focused on him. You thought you were in the clear until someone’s voice rang out, “What about you? Didn’t you come here with Thor?”
Suddenly all attention was on you. You had microphones shoved in your face as the reporters eagerly awaited your response.
“Um...” you said blankly. How charming of you.
Thor tried to intervene, bless him. “Sorry, but (y/n) will not be answering any questions.”
“(Y/n)? (Y/n),” The crowded muttered amongst themselves. Oops. There goes your secret identity, if you wanted one.
“What is your relationship with this Avenger?” one bold reporter asked.
“We’re just acquaintances,” you replied automatically.
Another reported stepped forward. “How did you become acquaintances with Thor?”
You looked at your buddy, looking for some kind of confirmation that it was okay to talk to the press. He just shrugged, like it was up to you. “Uh, well, I’m kind of a trainee at the moment.”
There was collective muttering as they absorbed that news. “Are you going to be the next Avenger?”
“If all goes well,” you said.
Then everyone started talking at once. “What makes you so special?” “Does Captain America know about your training?” “Can you give us the inside scoop about what goes on inside the Tower?” “Is Tony Stark your sponsor?” It was too many questions all at once.
“That is enough,” Thor exclaimed. “(Y/n), come on. We should be heading back.” He grabbed you by the hand and pushed his way through the crowd. At least no one was stupid enough to try to stop him.
You kept your head down the whole way back. You didn’t think your first encounter with the press went that bad. It could’ve been worse, right?
When you got within the confines of the Tower, Thor said, “I am sorry, (y/n), because I should have warned you about the news people.”
“It’s okay,” you replied.
“At least you handled it quite well. Better than I did when it first happened to me.”
You looked at him with curiosity. “Oh really? What happened?”
“I may have called upon lightning and fried their cameras,” he said sheepishly.
His story made you laugh. Okay, so it could have definitely been worse. You were about to make a joke out of it when suddenly your phone buzzed in your pocket. It was a text from Tony.
“Who is it?” Thor asked.
“It’s Tony,” you said as you read his message. “He wants me to head up to the lab. He says my suit is ready.”
“That is most exciting!” He grinned. “I would join you, but I have other matters to attend to.”
You were a little disappointed, since it was fun hanging out and getting to know him. But you simply responded, “No problem.”
You both returned to the elevator once again. Thor got off on the office floor, which left you alone on your way up to the lab. When you arrived at your destination, Bruce was waiting for you. His glasses were crooked, and his breath smelled like coffee.
“Ah, welcome! Sorry for the mess.” He gestured towards the scraps of cloth, sheets of paper, and various writing utensils on the ground. “If you’ll follow me.”
He lead you to a back room, where Tony was waiting. When he saw you, he jumped to his feet. “Ah! While you were out doing... whatever,” he motioned to your outfit, “Bruce and I completed your new suit. Every one of us has one, after all.”
“Wow,” you exclaimed, impressed. “You finished this while I was out training?”
“Technically I started as soon as you arrived,” Bruce stepped in. “Tony just helped with the finishing touches.”
Tony snorted. “And by ‘finishing’ touches, he means I made it look cooler.” He walked over to a bulky-shaped object in the side of the room. It was covered by a cloth, but you could guess what was underneath. “Without further ado, ta-da!”
He yanked off the cloth, revealing a well-dress mannequin. The outfit it was wearing had a distinct colour-scheme: light blue and white. Probably to symbolise the colour of ice. The outfit was composed of simple light-blue pants accented with a white line down the side. A plain white shirt lay under a light-blue biker jacket. It looked like something you’d wear every day, except in completely different colours. It didn’t exactly look like it could withstand an attack.
Bruce read your expression. “I know it doesn’t look like much,” he said, “but it’s actually fortified. It can withstand the force of a normal bullet, and is comprised of the same material Cap’s suit is made of. I won’t get into the specifics-”
“Since nobody cares,” Tony mumbled.
“- but it’s the stylish equivalent of standard armour.”
You walked around the mannequin, admiring it from all sides. You could definitely imagine yourself stepping into battle wearing that. You would look so badass. Your mouth broke into a large grin, “I love it!”
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idratherbespiderman · 9 years
Teen Wolf Spider Man
http://marvel-movies.wikia.com/wiki/Spider-Man_%282017%29_rumors “Spider-Man: The New Avenger“ Dylan O’Brien “might” become the new Spider-Man in 2017.
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gingeygotsoul · 12 years
You May Be Useful Part One
I want people to read this so bad it isn’t funny.
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SHIELD doesn't have all of the answers- time to get them. Not curious? You should be. Eventual Loki x Oc
She's not Mary-Sue and this has plot
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imagine-mcu · 7 years
The New Avenger: Ch. 3
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Word Count: 2478
Time could not pass any slower. It was 11:58, and the Avenger representative was supposed to come at 12:00. You had woken up early to pack all of your important belongings into a tiny suitcase, with the help of Amber, of course. You were prepped and ready to go. All that was left was the wait.
“You have to send me pictures of what it’s like,” Amber said to pass the time. “FaceTime me so you can give me a tour of the tower!”
“Will do.” You smiled.
“Text me every single day,” she instructed. “I want to know what fun stuff you’re doing! Actually, not every single day- that’s a little excessive. And what if you’re on a mission or something? I’d hate to mess things up and stuff. I wouldn’t want to-”
You held up your hand, and she stopped talking. You laughed, “I’ll make sure I keep in touch, Amber. You’re my best friend, after all.”
She looked like she was about to cry, she was so happy. “And you’re my best friend, too, (y/n). I just- I still can’t believe you’re actually going to become a superhero!”
“Me either,” you muttered, more to yourself than to her.
Then she did something surprising; she leaped forward and hugged you. “I’m going to miss you so much,” she said into your shoulder. She may not look very strong, but being hugged by her was like being squeezed by a cobra.
“I’m going to miss you, too.” You managed to choked out. When she pulled away, she rolled her eyes up and fanned her face, like she was doing her best not to cry.
You glanced at the clock one last time. “It’s noon,” you pointed out. “I wonder when-?”
Suddenly you were interrupted by the loud noise of a helicopter cutting through the air. The noise only grew in intensity as it landed on the roof of the apartment building. If your neighbours weren’t awake before, they definitely were now.
Amber blinked. “Well that was a little too punctual,” she noted. She had to shout over the sound of the helicopter. “Do you have all of your stuff?”
You patted your suitcase by your foot. “I think I got it all.”
“Let me help you get to the roof!” Amber didn’t wait for your response and grabbed your suitcase for you. You both rushed out of your tiny apartment, but before you left you took one last, long look inside. It might be a while until you come back, after all.
You basically had to sprint to catch up with your roommate, who was excited to meet whoever was there to send you off. She went up the stairs two steps at a time, which was pretty impressive considering she was holding your heavy luggage and the roof was three floors above.
Once you made it to the top, you were pretty out of breath. But you forced yourself to quickly snap out of it.
A half a dozen men and women in sharp-looking business suits, black sunglasses, and earpieces waited patiently by the chopper. You were somewhat disappointed; you were hoping one of the Avengers would be here. That’s when you noticed who was in the pilot’s seat. It was his purple shades that gave him away: Hawkeye!
“This is so cool!” Amber half-whispered to you. She handed your suitcase over to one of the grunts, who put it in the helicopter. “Look! Hawkeye’s at the controls!”
“I see,” you said excitedly. You turned to her and gave her one last hug. “I guess this is it, Amber. I’ll miss you!”
“Back at you!” she smiled. “Don’t forget to text me!”
“I won’t!” You let one of the men in suits help you into the helicopter, and within moments the blades started up again. The other grunts piled in and the door closed. As you started to lift off, you gave one last wave to Amber who was still on the rooftop, her hair blowing wildly in the wind.
The ride wasn’t as exciting as you thought it would be. The people in suits made absolutely no sound at all, and hardly looked at you when you tried talking to them. Huh. You tried introducing yourself to Hawkeye, but he was wearing pilot’s headphones and couldn’t hear a word you said. So you spent the ride in mostly silence, and decided to take a nap instead.
When you woke up, you realised that it was quiet. The helicopter must have landed. Out the window you could see that you were in some kind of hangar- probably underground. The helicopter probably landed outside and the ground must have lowered into the large chamber you were now in. Workers milled about, doing routine maintenance on the chopper. You noticed Hawkeye wasn’t in the pilot seat; he was busy instructing some guy to refill the helicopter with fuel. You sat up just as the door opened, and three people stood formally on the other side. You snapped wide awake once you realised who they were.
Captain America, dressed in khakis and a T-shirt, stood front and centre. He was a lot bigger in person, you noticed. Next to him was the Black Widow, who looked like she just stepped out of a beauty salon. Her black leather jacket and black pants made her look both beautiful and deadly at the same time. On Captain America’s other side was the billionaire Tony Stark. He was wearing red-tinted sunglasses- seriously, what is it with these people and sunglasses?- and what was probably a thousand dollar suit.
“Welcome to the Avengers Tower, (y/n),” Captain America greeted warmly as you hopped out of the copter with your bag. “I’m Steve Rogers. This is Natasha Romanoff, and this is Tony Stark.” He gestured towards his friends.
“Hey,” Natasha smiled. It wasn’t really a smile, though- it was more like a smirk. Her green eyes glinted, and that’s when you realised something. You’d seen those eyes before. You examined her again, and that’s when you got it.
“You were that lady at Starbucks!” You exclaimed. “The one with the black hair.”
She smirked again. “Guilty,” she said. “I was just... checking up on you.”
Before you could ask questions, Steve cut right to business. “First thing on the agenda is the tour. Nat, if you would-”
“I think I’ve got this one,” Tony butted in. Literally, butted. He hip-bumped Natasha out of the way and flashed you a dazzling smile. “It’s not like we get new recruits everyday, you know. Especially not ones that look like this.” He lowered his glasses as his eyes inspected every inch of your body.
“Um, thanks?” you said, somewhat uncomfortably.
Natasha rolled her eyes. “Don’t mind him, (y/n). He’s just... well, he’s dumb.”
Tony made a face at her and stuck out his tongue. “And yet who’s a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist who just happens to be Iron Man at the same time? Oh right. Me.”
Steve interrupted with an obviously fake cough. “Well, since Tony insisted, I guess he’ll be giving you the tour of the place, (y/n). Unless you’d rather have somebody else, of course.”
“I don’t mind,” you said honestly.
“Great!” Tony grinned and threw his arm around you. “You’re going to love it here. After all, I built this place.” He took your suitcase from you, like a gentleman, and threw it to Steve, unlike a gentleman. Steve barely caught it before it could smash his foot. “We’ll see you and the rest of the team later!” With that, Tony ushered you to the elevator at the end of the room without looking back.
“I assume you have many questions,” he said once the elevator doors were closed. “Probably about me, the team, and me-”
But you were hardly paying attention. “How many floors does this thing have?” you said as you gaped at the sheer number of buttons. They weren’t numbered; rather, they were labelled according to what each floor held in a neat, tiny font. One said LAP POOL, another said TRAINING ROOM, one had MOVIE THEATRE, and the very last button was labelled SNAKE PIT. You didn’t want to know how or why there was a snake pit in the Tower, but it was cool nonetheless.
Tony blinked. He was visibly disappointed that you didn’t want to learn about him. “Uh, 93 to be exact. But I’m not going to show you every floor; that’d be ridiculous. I’ll just show you a quick version of the most important ones.” He pressed a bunch of buttons, and they lit up under his touch. A robotic voice spoke through the speakers, “Hello, Mr. Stark.”
Tony grinned at you. “Pretty soon the AI will recognise you, too,” he said. The ground jolted momentarily, and the elevator took off. “His name is J.A.R.V.I.S. J.A.R.V.I.S., say hello to (y/n).”
“Hello, (y/n),” the voice repeated back. Okay, that was kind of cool.
You studied the lit-up buttons a little closer. “’Hot tub room and suana’?” you wondered aloud. “’Bowling alley’? ‘Petting zoo’? I thought you said you were only showing me the important rooms.”
“Duh, these are the important rooms!” he replied, as if it were obvious. “Are you telling me you don’t want to see the snake pit?”
“Uh... hard pass,” you said. “What about the training room? Or the dorm rooms?”
Tony waved you off. “Yeah, yeah, I’m getting there. All in good time, (y/n)!”
And so you waited to get to the good stuff as he showed you the various commodities the Tower had to offer. Unfortunately, the actual important rooms were near the top of the Tower, aka at the end of the tour. The elevator started and stopped periodically as Tony showed you what each floor contained. You had to admit that the hot tub floor was pretty awesome; it was literally just a bunch of personal hot tubs with a large steam room in the back. He continued to show you the different storeys starting from the bottom, and with each floor the elevator went higher and higher. Your ears popped from being so high up. You could see the ground slowly shrinking away from you through the glass wall of the elevator, and soon you were getting pretty lightheaded from looking down, so you stopped.
“This is where I test my suits,” he said proudly as the doors opened to a new floor. From his tone, you were supposed to be impressed, but all it looked like was a messy car garage complete with various explosion marks.
“... Cool,” you commented. “Next?”
He showed you the pool, the offices, the gym, the hangar and helipad, and finally the training room. The training room looked somewhat like you expected: the floor was littered with gym mats, punching bags hung from the ceiling, martial arts dummies were seen here and there, and a boxing ring stood in the corner of the room. In the opposite corner was a wide room with glass walls so outsiders could look in- the indoor shooting gallery. Racks of various weapons and firearms stood along one wall.
“The training room,” Tony introduced unnecessarily. “Get used to it, because you’ll be spending most of your time in here learning how to fend for yourself.”
You took it all in. You were so excited, you almost didn’t notice the coldness seeping from your hands. Sometimes when you felt strong emotion, like excitement, your powers escaped you a little bit. But once you noticed the glass frosting up, you immediately snapped out of it.
Tony raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything. The doors closed and the elevator shot up once more. “And finally, last but not least: the common room and bedrooms.”
As if on cue, the doors opened. This time Tony got out, and you followed him. The common room looked like a rich person’s living room. The centre of the room was lowered into a mini-pit, ringed with couches. A glass coffee table stood in the middle. There was a fully-stocked bar to one side, and stairs leading up to the second level and balcony across from it. Next to the bar was a small opening in the wall, which lead to a hallway. Another grouping of couches and tables was placed in the corner. The far wall was made entirely of glass, allowing a breathtaking-yet-dizzying view of New York.
“The kitchen’s behind the wall behind the bar.” Tony pointed. “And your room is down that hall. C’mon; let me show you to your new home away from home.”
You couldn’t help but stare open-mouthed at how amazing this place was. Your entire apartment times ten could have fit into the Tower easily. You followed Tony down the hall, half-absorbed in your own thoughts. You didn’t see that he had stopped in front of a room and accidentally bumped into him.
“Sorry,” you mumbled.
“Someone’s eager,” he chuckled. He raised his arm and stepped through the doorway to let you see. “And voilà, here’s your room.”
You had to admit that honestly, your room was pretty underwhelming compared to the other floors of the Tower you’d seen. The walls were plain white and empty, just begging for you to come and decorate them. A sleek modern-looking bed occupied one corner of the room. A desk was sat next to the doorway, and an empty bookshelf stood tall next to that. There was a closet to your left, and a dresser to your right; that was pretty much it. The wall across from the door frame was also made out of glass, which you pointed out to Tony.
“Hm? Oh, right.” He scratched the back of his head. “It’s one-way glass; don’t worry. You can see out, but nobody can see in.”
“The room is so... plain,” you remarked. Then you broke into a smile. “I love it.”
Sure it looked like nobody’d ever lived in here, but you were glad that you could add your own personal touch to the room. You were free to decorate any way you wanted to, and that’s how you liked it.
He grinned. “I’m glad you like it. Also, you should probably meet your neighbours.”
You watched as the door on the opposite side of the hallway opened, and Natasha popped out. “Hey,” she greeted nonchalantly. “I take it the tour went well?”
You nodded. “Yeah! It was fun.”
She eyed Tony, like she expected him to have ruined it or something. “Really? Well, it’s good that he didn’t scare you off.”
“Hey!” he protested.
Nat ignored him. “Well, now that the tour is over, it’s time for orientation! Everyone’s waiting in the training room. Ready to meet your new teammates, (y/n)?”
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imagine-mcu · 7 years
The New Avenger: Ch. 2
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<< Previous Chapter | Chapter 2 | Next Chapter >> All Chapters
Word Count: 1632
The many sacks of groceries on your arms were doing their best to weigh you down. It took you forever to get them all to fit through the creaky elevator that led to your apartment. As you struggled to fish the keys in your pocket, you thought you heard voices inside. It was probably the TV; your roommate, Amber, rarely had people over.
Amber was on the short side for her age, and always wore her strawberry blonde hair in a bouncy ponytail, making her look even younger than she actually is. She’s... energetic, to say the least. She was quite the talker. At times, she was even borderline annoying. But she was also your best friend. She was like a little sister to you.
“I’m home!” you shouted as you finally managed to unlock the door. Pushing it open with your shoulder, you hauled the bags through the door and headed for the kitchen. You didn’t even notice the second figure sitting on the couch.
“Ahem!” Amber, in the other room, coughed loudly. You hardly looked up from unpacking, so she coughed even louder. “I said, ahem!”
This time she got your attention. “Hm?” you said, still focused on the groceries. “What’s up?”
“What’s up? What’s up?” Amber shrieked impatiently. “Do you not see who is sitting on our couch?!”
You sighed and set down the carton of eggs on the counter. “Amber, if this is one of your jokes-” You stopped short when you saw what she was talking about.
“Hey.” A tall, bald man with dark skin and a freshly trimmed beard was relaxing on the couch across from your roommate. He was sipping a cup of tea nonchalantly, like he lived here. He was wearing a long black overcoat (even though it was pretty warm in your apartment) and a lanyard for something hung from his neck. But the very first thing that caught your attention was the eye patch that covered his left eye.
The first thing that you thought was, This guy looks like a wannabe pirate crime lord. You didn’t say that out loud, of course. “Uh... hey?” you said. “Who are you?”
The man chuckled to himself and sat up. He set his cup on the coffee table and turned to you. “Director Nick Fury.” There was the smallest hint of an amusement on his face. “Of S.H.I.E.L.D.”
With his back turned, he couldn’t see Amber frantically gesturing behind him. Check it!!! she mouthed, eyes wide. She pointed to her eye and threw her hands out. It’s real!
She must be referring to his eye patch. How long were they alone together just waiting for you to get home? Also, Nick may be all mysterious and intimidating, but you still wondered how he managed to put up with Amber’s rambling for so long without making a run for it. Usually you were the only one that could.
She was still freaking out behind him when he finally turned around. She put her arms down and sat rigid as a board, like she’d been sitting still the whole time. Pfft. “S.H.I.E.L.D.?” she exclaimed. “That is so cool! I had an uncle who works for S.H.I.E.L.D. Well, worked. Never did figure out where he disappeared off too...”
She sat there lost in thought for a second before shaking her head. “Huh. Weird.” But her moods never lasted very long. Instantly she perked up again. “So if you’re the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., do you, like, know the Avengers and stuff?”
“Know them? I direct them,” he scoffed. There was a hint of pride in his voice. “It’s in the name.”
“Oh, right, right, silly me.” Amber pretended to cross her eyes for a second. “So do you know Captain America? Or Tony Stark? Do you think you could get an autograph from-”
You cleared your throat loudly. “Uh, Amber? It looks like Mr. Fury’s had a long day.”
Her eyes widened. “Ah, right, sorry. I can ramble on sometimes.” She shrugged innocently, like who would have thought? Fury just sat there, unblinking.
“’Mr. Fury,’” he repeated with a scoff. “It’s either Nick or Director Fury. You can pick.”
“Ok... Nick,” you said warily. You left the bags on the counter and walked over to the couch opposite him. “Why are you in my- our- apartment?”
Nick picked up his tea and took a sip before answering. “Actually, I came here to talk to you, (y/n).” He glanced at Amber, who smiled nervously back. She didn’t get the hint. “I came here to talk to (y/n) alone,” he said a little louder.
This time she got it. “I think, uh, the cockroaches are calling me from the bedroom,” she said quickly. She got up and, just before shutting the door, gave you a reassuring thumbs up.
“Alright, I’m listening.”
Nick took a deep breath. “Get comfy, because we might be here a while, (y/n). I’m here to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative.”
“Wait wait wait, so let me get this straight.” You furrowed your eyebrows. “So you want me to... join the Avengers?” Your head was still spinning after that twenty-minute talk you just had.
He nodded. “Exactly,” he confirmed. “One of my top agents, Agent Romanoff, personally recommended you, (y/n). We know what you can do.”
Suddenly without warning, Nick splashed the hot tea contents of his mug at you. You didn’t even think and let your reflexes kick in. You threw up your hand as if to shield* you and willed the tea not to touch you. It obeyed. In a fraction of a second, the liquid froze in midair just before it could splash against your hand. It looked as if someone stopped time, just for the liquid.
Nick smirked, satisfied. “Hm. Not bad,” he said, mildly impressed. He set down the mug once again and tapped the frozen tea with his finger. It made a little clink clink sound against his nail, but stayed suspended in the air. “You have quick reflexes and enhanced abilities. With a little training from the team, you could achieve a lot of good things.”
“Enhanced abilities?” you repeated. “Oh! You mean my mutant powers.”
He blinked. “Right. Your enhanced powers.”
You stared at him. Was this some sort of technical term or something? “Yeah. My mutant powers. Because I’m a mutant.”
“Yes. Your enhanced powers. Because you’re an enhanced individual.” Nick stared at you.
“Oookay...” It was weird. Almost like something was preventing him from saying the word ‘”mutant”**. You decided to ignore it for now. “So what if I join your team of heroes? What about my friends, my family? I can’t just leave them behind.” You self-consciously stole a glance at the bedroom door. It was open just a crack, and you could see one of Amber’s gold eyes peeking out from it. As soon as you made eye contact, however, you heard a small yelp and the door slammed close.
“Most of the team decides to live at the Avengers Tower in downtown. Your food and board will be paid for there. I know Captain Rogers has an apartment of his own down in Washington, where he stays sometimes. You could do something like that, if you want. And you’re free to see your friends and family whenever you’re not training or out in the field. It’s not like we’re keeping you prisoner or anything, (y/n). You’ll still be your own independent person. Just... you’ll be out there saving the world aside from that.”
Wow. This was a lot to process. “I... I need to think about it,” you said. For most people, the choice was obvious. Become a superhero, duh! But were you really prepared to give up your old life? You had finally gotten Timmy at Starbucks to call you the right name after three months of working with him. Were you really ready for this?
As you sat there deep in your thoughts, the bedroom door suddenly burst open. Amber came rushing out. “Okay, I know I totally just spied on your super secret conversation and everything, but I had to come out and tell you something, (y/n).” She grabbed you by the cheeks, interrupting you from your thoughts, and stared into your soul. Just kidding. But she did stare into your eyes intently. “You’re an amazing person, and look what you can do!” She gestured towards the frozen tea display. “When you first told me you were a mutant, the first thing I thought was, ‘Like that group of superheroes we learned about in history class!’ Well, (y/n), this is your chance to become a superhero that kids will learn about in history class. You can’t pass up this opportunity! If you do, I’ll, like, be mad at you forever.”
She let go of you. Maybe she was right. When you saved that woman a few days ago, there was a certain rush that you got afterwards. It was an exhilarating feeling, one that only comes from doing good and helping others. Were you really destined to be behind the bar of a Starbucks for eternity?
“O...Okay,” you said shakily. Your mind was made up. “I’ll... I’ll join.”
Nick Fury smirked. Somewhere deep down, you had a feeling he knew you would say “yes”. He stood to his full height and brushed off his clothes. “Alright, then. It’s settled. I’ll have someone come pick you up tomorrow at noon sharp. They can show you around, too.” He smiled. You almost didn’t think he knew how to smile, since pretty much all he did was smirk. “Welcome to the Avengers, (y/n).”
Feedback or comments would be lovely if you have the time! ♡ ✯
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imagine-mcu · 7 years
The New Avenger Masterlist
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
[Discontinued :(]
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imagine-mcu · 7 years
The New Avenger: Ch. 1
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Chapter 1 | Next Chapter >> All Chapters
Word Count: 1714
You glanced at the clock. 5:56 pm. Your shift at Starbucks ended at 6:00, and your foot tapped impatiently at the prospects of getting back to your apartment. One last customer, one last customer, you repeated in your head, like a chant. Your hands flew across the bar, picking up this, mixing that, pouring this into that. It was almost automatic.
“One venti caramel frappucino with whole milk, extra whip, extra caramel for Ashley,” you shouted, finally finished. You set the drink on the counter and turned back to the register to serve the next customer, but “Ashley” stormed up to the bar.
“Did you say whole milk?” the lady demanded. “I asked for low-fat milk!”
You noticed the lady’s short-cropped blonde hair got caught in her too-red lipstick when she shouted. You tried not to show your disgust as spit flew from her mouth. “A simple mistake ma’am, my apologies. I’ll make you a new drink right away.” You moved to take the cup back, but the lady snatched it from your hands.
“I don’t want a new drink,” she sneered. “I want to talk to your manager!”
Great. All hopes of you getting out of work on time were gone now. You glanced at the clock again: 5:58. You sighed; you’ll never be able to leave. Some dark part of you wanted to show this woman who you were- what you were truly capable of. Your fingers actually twitched with hunger. But you bit down your pride and nodded. “Yes ma’am,” you said, trying to keep your voice even. “I’ll get my manager right away.”
You were just about to head to the back room when a new voice spoke up. “Hang on, I don’t think that’s necessary.”
You turned to see the next customer in line, a pretty lady with short black hair and startling green eyes. “The barista apologised and said they’d make you a new drink. I don’t really see why you need the manager to come out here.”
Inwardly, you screamed. This customer was a gift from heaven. It’s not like anybody else in line was standing up for you, anyways. But Ashley crossed her arms and faced the black-haired woman. “I don’t remember asking for your opinion,” she said coldly. She pointed at you, “Get your manager! I’m not paying for this drink.”
The woman stepped in once again. She sighed, “I’ll pay for that drink, if it’ll get you to shut up. Can’t you see you’re holding up the line?” She gestured towards the ever-growing line behind her, and, as if on queue, the customers all groaned. Someone even through a napkin.
“Hmph!” Ashley stomped her foot and slammed the drink on the bar. “You can pay for this trash,” she declared, like it was her idea. “I’m going to a different Starbucks!” She picked up her oversized bag and stormed out of the store.
“Thanks a lot for that,” you smiled. “You don’t really have to pay for this, you know.” You threw the cup in the garbage. As you were turned around, you also noticed Timmy, who was supposed to relieve you of your shift, donning his green apron in the back room. Technically you could go home now, but you felt responsible, like you had to take the black-haired woman’s order for helping you out.
Once she got her drink, you traded places with Timmy, took off your apron, and grabbed your messenger bag. After saying goodbye to your other coworkers, you clocked out and left through the back door. The phone on your clock read: 6:05. Nice. You were only slightly late for your weekly Walking Dead night with your roommate.
You barely made it out the door, however, when you heard a high-pitched woman’s screams.
In the alleyway behind the back of the store, three figures were huddled around a scared woman. Her brown hair was a frizzled mess, and mascara ran down her cheeks from crying. She was clutching an expensive-looking handbag to her chest, and one of the figures was trying to pry it from her hands.
“No!” she cried, a mixture of fear and terror. “Please, no!”
“Shut up!” The hooded person in the middle pulled something shiny out of their pocket- a knife. The other two on either side of the woman did the same, but only the person in the middle pressed it against her throat. “Give. Us. The. Bag.”
You were in shock. You couldn’t just stand there- you had to do something. The Walking Dead could wait. You had powers for a reason, right? A long time ago, you told yourself you would refrain from using them, since all you did was create more confusion and chaos. Using them on a rude customer was a no-no. But saving somebody had to be an exception, right? So you decided to take action.
“Hey!” you barked. You hoped whoever was under the hood didn’t hear your voice crack. That wouldn’t be very intimidating. “Get away from her!”
The guy in the hood- it was definitely a guy- turned around slowly, but didn’t move the knife from the woman’s throat like you had hoped. “What’re you lookin’ at?” he sneered. He had a thick Brooklyn accent. “Scram before you get a piece ‘a me!”
You tossed your bag to the side. “Yeah? And what if I want a piece ‘a you?” You tried to sound tough, like in the movies, but you immediately winced at how wrong that sounded. Luckily, the thug wasn’t very bright and didn’t catch on.
He turned his attention away from the woman and pointed his switchblade at you. Behind him, the woman immediately grabbed her purse, shot you a quick thank you look, and made a run for it. In the back of your mind, you prayed she would be okay. Step one was down at least: you rescued the stranger. Now all that was left was the street thugs.
“You must be extra dumb, ‘cuz there’s only one ‘a you, and three of us.” He grinned, revealing crooked yellow teeth. You fought the urge to gag. “Bobby! Jack! Help me out here!”
His two buddies took a step forward; each had an ugly blade and an equally ugly smirk. “This’ll be fun,” one of them said. “I wanna know what’s in that bag!”
Before you knew it, all three of them charged at you. Seeing all of them with shiny knives made you have second thoughts about what you were doing, but it was too late now.
The first one swung at you, but you leaned back far enough out of the blade’s reach. Another lunged, but was too slow. You sidestepped him and used his momentum to push him forward. He fell to the ground with a groan, but he immediately started to get up again. Your reflexes might be sharper than most people’s, but these guys were malicious, and you were a simple Starbucks barista, not a trained fighter. You got lucky the first two times. So when the third guy in the hood came at you, you did the only thing you could think of: you raised your hand.
Immediately you felt a familiar chill emanating from your palm. A blast of fresh snow seemed to shoot out of your hand with enough force to knock your attacker backwards. He landed a few feet away on his butt with a cry.
“What the hell?!” he shouted. He had been hit so hard that his hood flew off his head, revealing an unpleasant-looking face. He looked down in disbelief. White snow decorated his front like he’d just been hit by a snowball.
“Ricky!” Jack said, surprised. You assumed he was Jack anyways, since he was still wearing his Shoe Outlet employee name tag on his shirt. Pfft. Amateur. He pointed at you shakily, “You! You’re-you’re a... a freak!” You almost winced when he said that, but after all, you’ve been called worse things before.
The other guy, Bobby, and Jack looked at you warily, but didn’t move. They were waiting for Ricky, who was obviously their leader, to do something. Ricky attempted to get to his feet, but you pointed at the ground in front of him. A bolt of ice escaped from your finger and turned the ground around him slick with ice. Shocked, he lost his footing and fell back down again, this time sending his switchblade scattering.
Sensing your opportunity, you held out your hand patiently. You were never really good at creating objects from ice, but you did your best to summon a spear. A long cylinder of solid ice seemed to grow in your hand until it was at least five feet long. It looked more like a gigantic icicle than a spear, but you could work on that later. It scared the goons, anyways.
Now the thug’s leader was defeated on the ground and unarmed. You pointed your icicle spear at him. “Scram.”
Ricky almost slipped a third time trying to get up and away from you. You were really hoping that Bobby and Jack would give up after seeing their leader make a run for it, and thank god they did. You were counting on it.
As soon as they left, the alley went quiet. You willed your “spear” to break, and suddenly it shattered into a hundred pieces. You motioned your hand downwards, and the pieces melted with incredible speed until nothing was left but a puddle of water. You waved your hand in the direction of the icy ground, and the ice disappeared. Finally, you retrieved the switchblade and threw it in the dumpster leaning against the wall. It’s not like you needed one, anyways.
Besides the new puddle, it looked like nothing had happened. Satisfied, you picked up your bag and headed for home once again.
High above, a woman with short black wig was perched on the adjacent building’s roof. She set down the binoculars she was using and pulled off the wig, revealing a head of wavy red hair. She fished a phone from her pocket, dialed a number, and waited for the person on the other end to pick up.
“Nick?” she said, smirking. “I think I found you a potential recruit.”
Feedback for chapter one would be lovely if you have the time! ♡ ✯
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