#the new one just doesn't have the same vibes but we shall see...
parkersloths · 2 years
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I decided to remake the first tog/Nicky fanart I made and the difference is pretty intense XD
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absolutebl · 4 months
Love Sea - A Trash Watch Smolder
Well my BLabies, do you have your drinks ready?
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Are your smores stabbed on dildos, ready to roast over the stinking flames? (Or whatever one prods smores with, I missed that weird American tradition in my misspent youth.)
Can you smell it in the air? The smell of burning trash?
Let the dumpster fire begin. Another Mame offering is upon us.
The Background
The Mameverse tends to interlock, but all signs point to these being entirely new characters. (Click on that link if you want my thoughts on this author/producer and what I feel she does well and poorly.) Meanwhile, here's the brief:
FortPeat - established couple from previous Mame offering Love in the Air AKA LITA (trash watched here).
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How do we feel about them? We likie. They a great pair. Steady, established actors, good a promo, but not too good. Bit one note but can't ask for too much when it comes with such great chemistry.
What do we know about them as actors? Fort is legitimately in Engineering (hilarious). Peat and he started in the industry around the same time with bit parts, but Peat is 4 years older. They do high heat and they do it well. They were quite popular after their first series and have received sponsorships. So they wisely stayed branded and it's nice to see them on our screens again.
Love Sea
While travelling a writer has a one night stand with a very irritating man.
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iQIYI (AKA icky)
To what degree?
Stick your thermometer into that fire, we gonna find out. 102°C I expect.
Episode One - That's An Outfit We'd All Wear to a Tropical Island
Here’s the thing. Icky has decided (in its infinite wisdom) that it will no longer allow screen caps on mobile devices. Which means you’re going to get my loquaciousness on this dumpster fire with no respite from the unmitigated madness via photos of pretty boys saying stupid things.
So. Read at your own risk.
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I have a bottle of sake and a maple doughnut (don’t knock it 'til you’ve tried it) so let’s get started!
Hold onto your dildo smores BLabies we are in Mame Country. And apparently that country has its very own baby drone to film with now. (Look, the one thing BL rarely needs more distance shots. That’s not what we’re here for, people. Certainly not from FortPeat.)
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Rak, baby, I'm loving the all-black western meets goth-rocker look but that eye make-up is the true star. This is how I shall dress when I visit Thailand next. (Oh, you think I'm joking? Gotta work on my smokey eye.)
Meanwhile, if your suitcases are that expensive, why aren’t they matched?
P'ABL asking the important questions for once.
Speaking of important questions:
Why are siblings always trying to pimp each other out in Mame’s stuff? Does anyone else find this creepy? I think it’s odd to be your sibling's wingman when he's chasing tail. It’s edging into the incest taboo. Oh dear, I said edging and incest in the same sentence, I’m probubly giving Mame ideas.
I’m getting Hometown Cha Cha Cha vibes from Mut.
Rak is such a cat, very picky and stand-offish. Mut is such a puppy. Very conflicting personalities. Not a bad combo. Also Rich/poor. Country/city.
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The "let’s get it on" music is hilarious. But at least Mame doesn't use egregious sound effects in her shows. Well, not as many as GMMTV. Small mercies.
I will say, FortPeat do hurt/comfort very well. Peat is good at prickly fragile baby-girl. Fort is good at cocky arrogant prick. They are good at bouncing off of each other and still showing desire. Frankly, chemistry is not one of their problems. They’re fine little actors. It’s just the story is going to betray them. Characters are going to be inexplicably evil for no good reason. And we are going to feel manipulated as a result.
But right now?
It’s fine.
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And that's it, that's how I feel about Love Sea.
All in all, I’m quite drunk and it wasn’t warranted.
Waste of sake. Not a waste of a maple doughnut. No such thing. Maple donuts are always put to good use.
Okay, so Mame? Just keep it on this level and we'll remain fine. Some light terrorizing and stalking, a smidge of breaking and entering. Nothing more offensive, okay?
But that’s my eternal optimism (and the sake) talking.
Right now I’m not feeling very strongly in any direction about this show. I haven’t been whipped into a verbal frenzy.
This has been a lackluster start.
Kortord tukorn
(sorry all)
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This trash watch has started off as more of a dumpster smolder. A light recycling. (Like Mame and her character archetypes.)
We smokey rather than flaming (Like Rak's FANTASTIC eye makeup.)
Oof, I feel faintly ill. I think that is the sake, tho, not the eye make up. Which was on point! Although when he started to cry, it should’ve started running down his face. Life has very few stand out moments of glory apart from an adorable young man with eye makeup running down his face.
Catch ya next week. More sake, less doughnut.
su su na
Episode Two - Rack's Green Knit Shirt is Kinda Cute
I seriously cannot fault FortPeat's chemistry. And the opening sequence for this ep was intriguingly full of banter and then...
Surprise, BJ!
I do hope that beach is private. Starting with a BJ is very unusual in a BL. We certainly lick live in interesting times.
I feel like I haven't quite been warmed up to a sex scene yet. Kinda came out of nowhere. I mean it IS quite gay, making the prick front and center before the relationship gets going. But I was oddly indifferent to this start.
I'm on gd roll tonight apparently.
You know why? (Well, I'm me, but also...)
I feel like I have license. This show is kinda rude. Is that the word I’m looking for? Yes, rude. It's not very sexy, and it's not quite dirty, it's something else. Rude.
I’m not upset about it. It’s just odd. Like Thailand is trying on some Japanese button pushing for size.
I’m not mad just mildly confused.
Meanwhile, the GL sides are a "whipping girl" trope? Not sure I’ve ever we seen that combo before. Gay mean girls or something?
On an entirely different note, BL universe, I just thought I'd tell you that’s not where a gay man of Rak's caliber puts his perfume. Just FYI. 
I love claiming.
I love a public claiming!
I don’t care if this is Mame.
Also, I am very much enjoying MutRak banter. Actually, I’m pretty much enjoying this episode.
OOOO, I typed too soon.
The second half is kinda dull.
Mame's little moment of "Author insert" was awful ham-handed and on the nose. On the prick? On the ego? She compared her own rampant mischaracterization and audience manipulation to the presence of dragons in a fantasy world? Basically saying: in BL my characters don’t have to be consistent, because that’s part of the genre.
I assure you, sweetheart, there are plenty of BLs and plenty of authors who have honest characterization that stays consistent throughout, and GASP actually bolsters faithful stories and drives plot with a conflict sourced in that consistency. Wandee Goodday... to pluck a randomly contemporaneous example out of thin air. You should try it sometime.
Ooo, now I'm salty.
Episode 3 - But Now, I'm Bored
Before we start....
Linguistics Corner!
Because I got an Ask here's a bit on these two and their pronouns! (We can see if my predictions are correct during the course of this trash watch.) We are in the realm of adult characters not school setting or friendship groups so Rak is using chan/nai and khun with Mut. There is a class & wealth difference with them, + Mut starts out as a kind of employee, so chan/nai makes perfect sense. It's an old fashioned but polite way of speaking that dodges age negotiations. Rak likely doesn't know their respective ages (he could be the older one). To even begin the discussion implies a willingness to use more intimate language so Rak likely doesn't wanna open that can of worms pronouns. He is using both chan/nai and his lack of flexibility around their use as a distancing tactic. Probubly instinctively. Pom or own name would be both intimate and status lowering for him to use. With most adult characters, phi/nong takes longer to establish (if ever), particularly if they start out as strangers. Also, it has much more intimate connotations. And by that I mean: emotional vulnerability not sex. It's fun to pay attention tho, because when these two pronoun shift (and they will) it's likely to be a significant moment in their romantic arc. If I'm lucky we will get a negotiation but that's not really a Meme thing so I suspect Mut will soften his language first. Because of Mut's characterization, and in order to ramp up the romance, I would actually expect these two to (eventually) parlay into rao/ter instead of phi/pom or guu/mueng. But I am looking forward to finding out how it's handled.
And now onto the episode.
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Over a quarter way through and I have absolutely nothing to say. I apologize, this muse be a very boring trash watch. (Imagine how I feel?) I’m too tired to drink but even if there were alcohol in my system, I still think I would have nothing to say. 
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Oh. Is that? Do I sense.... *GASP*
Traumatic backstories for our characters?
From Mame? Who seems to believe that no character can have depth without suffering?
Say it isn't so?
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OK we’re now halfway through this episode and apparently there’s been a Time-lapse of some kind? A couple of weeks?
So this little cat & dog game they’ve been playing has been going on for a while?
I had a huge grin on my face at the moment Ja showed up. I guess I really miss him on my screen. Hi tall drink of water.
Oh, hydration.
Back to the show.
Just two boys with abandonment issues learning how to turn a vacation fling into a relationship mistake.
Also it’s a bit too early for that level of confessional. Isn't it? Well pacing-wise for a BL it feels that way. Are we now about to turn into a country mouse narrative?
On an entirely different note, it’s fascinating to have FortPeat and MosBank airing to high heat BLs at the same time. Especially as they're running on about the same release schedule. I’m enjoying watching 2 pairs both like in chemistry.
I sense a parody coming on.
Two branded pairs, both alike in chemistry, In fair Thailand, where all the cute boys yearn, From ancient grudge to suffer new Mame, Where trash watches make dumpster fires burn. From Fort the fatal loins of these two hoes (I HAD TO). A pair of branded pairs take on the heat; Whose narratives will oft include no clothes, Do with their smooches fight Tumblr critique. Such shameful usage of the dub-con trope, (Contrasted to others thirsty scenes,) Which, but for Mame's brand, all would say nope, Is now 12 eps of angst upon our screens. To wit, if you want sex without my diatribes, Give this a pass and watch Sunset X Vibes.
Thank you thank you. That is for the 3 people reading this who care.
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Where was I?
Or right, no fault to FortPeat. Both pairs are working with the characters and scripts that they've been given.
But right now the sexitimes in this show just feel a lot more service and a lot less genuine (for lack of a better word) then Sunset X Vibes. Now, I know that the characters, narrative, and production company preferences are completely different, but the consummate interplay between surrender and hunger and consummation are oddly similar between these pairs, and yet they're reading (from this side of the screen) completely differently.
I don’t know where I’m going with this.
I just think we have an interesting study in heat and chemistry airing double down right now. And I wonder is anyone else is sensing what I'm sensing.
Writing that sonnet (or whatever) has utterly exhausted me. Nighty night. Don't let the guy-who-took-a-copy-of-your-hotel-key-and-broke-into-your-room bite.
Episode 4 - And Now, I'm Bored & Annoyed
I rushed back from the wilds of foreign climes to trash watch what exactly?
All this time spent establishing Mut as a
pillar of his community
really important lynchpin for oceanic conservation work
striving for his independence
building local friendships and surrogate family
the de facto mayor of this island
And he just leaves for Bangkok to be a boy toy?
And they JOKE about it?
Is the stuff between Mook and Mut supposed to be funny? It's not.
I got so bored I started looking up ways to organize my sunglasses.
Why is Mook so worried about Rak? He’s clearly an asshole who can take care of himself.
What is Mut doing with his life?
What am I doing with mine?
Too early in the series for an existential crisis.
I definitely need to start drinking again for this one.
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Episode 5 - In which I simultaneously got even more bored & more annoyed
This time I armed myself with both booze and sugar. Unfortunately, there are some things even alcohol and chocolate can't cure. Mame is one of those things.
The bullying GL subplot is just BAD.
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I’m getting an overall EPIC SQUICK from the fact that the two rich privileged characters are essentially taking advantage of the two lower class poorer characters. It’s not a power dynamic I enjoy at all. Ever.
So... everyone in Rak’s family is an extreme bitch, including him? Okaaay.
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I mean Rak is pretty and all but I fail to understand the appeal. Maybe Mut just likes bitches? Maybe the sex really is that great?
I tell you, I wouldn’t put up with it.
ARGH. I'm just I’m not finding any of the character dynamics appealing in this show. I never thought I’d say this, but I wish I were back in LITA territory. 
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I’m honestly sorry this trash watch is so bad.
This show isn’t inspiring me into anything but a general feeling of mild annoyance and slight fury.
It's like this rash I had in Stockholm one time.
Startlingly unpleasant, not what one might hope for, but also it could be worse, I suppose.
Episode 6 - In which I get very upset about jealousy
Tonight I'm combining my sugar with my alcohol and drinking chocolate soy milk with chocolate liquor in it. I'm aware that I have a child's taste in booze. The secret is I don't actually enjoy alcohol, I simply need it to survive Mame.
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OK let’s do it.
Rich boy shops when sad.
Frankly, that always makes me feel better too. I prefer the snack aisle myself.
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Oh. Goodie. You get to now watch ABL completely losing an entire brain due to raging at the machine because of one sentence.
Chapter 6: Jealousy is a Sign of Love
Jealousy is a sign of love?! You absolute fuckers. Jealousy is not a sign of love, jealousy is a sign of possession, insecurity, insanity, and often abuse. Jealousy is a sign to dump that shithead as quickly as possible.
I mean, we all understand the story beat: in BL possession is revered and admired and used to drive plot when all other avenues have been exhausted. But you can’t just say it as the title of an episode! That’s too blatant.
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Returning to the traumatic backstory. 
No, actually. Let’s skip that part.
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I do like it when Rak gets all bossy. I love it when a spoiled boy manipulates his man's body to be his bolster pillow. Taiwan is particularly good at this.
Should I just go watch We Best Love for the 1millionth time instead of this show?
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Too tempting.
Where was I?
It’s not even halfway through and I’ve already finished my drink in desperation. And am day dreaming of better shows.
Honestly, I have had many feelings about Meme over the years, but I don’t think I’ve ever been this bored with any of her stuff. I’d rather feel something than nothing.
Meanwhile, the GL moves on from bullying to outright manipulation and gaslighting. Cute. Added French for flavor.
I do like a smile kiss. And a lap sit. And so forth. So Fort.
Yes these two do sex scenes very well.
Give me something more.
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On the bright side... so far... no singing.
Episode 7 - I'm Too Drunk for This
This time, I decided to pre-game. So I went in tipsy. I’m hoping this improves my mood.
Look, I'm doing my best for you here. (Or am I doing my floppyest for you? Eh, same difference.)
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Frankly, what’s really annoying me is that I am neither upset nor pleased with this flipping show. Turns out, I like to be driven one way or the other by Mame. But this show? Nada. It's a VOID.
At this juncture I'd prefer to feel rage than indifference.
I gotta say that thinking about this purely as a soap opera makes me understand it more. I don't like it any better, but I get what's going on. These are the Days of Our BL.
Oh hey, I know that convention center! Best food in the biz.
The revenge bit was fun I guess?
Ooo. Now I kinda wanna rewatch Shelter. It’s been ages. Such a great movie. 
Where was I?
Oh, right, the crazy cousin character. I don’t understand what’s going on with her. Why do we need her? Why is she here? What’s her motivation?
I’m too drunk for this shit.
I'm going to bed.
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Episode 8 - I'm Not Drunk Enough for This
(I detect a theme)
Okay so the hotel wifi is not awful, we gonna try watching icky with it. Always a challenge. Wish me luck!
Wouldn't it be fun if Mut has been conning Rak with this good guy persona the entire time and he really is just after money? I kinda love the idea.
Sadly, I think this is way more boring.
Rak is just a bitch, not even a sublime bitch, but a boring bitch. That's worse than a basic one.
The drama with the dad just seems manufactured. I mean what does the dad want except to be evil?
I mean I know what Mame wants, an excuse for Rak to break Mut's heart.
And now, I'm annoyed and hungry. Imma eat hotel snacks and disappointment in equal measure.
Episode 9 - Perhaps I'm the problem?
I did this already and then tumblr ate it so this time around it's not as witty. Trust me that in the first assessment I was all charm. Now I am all sarcasm.
I enjoyed the random fight scenes. At least something happened. Also the collapsing in his arms was very dramatic.
I can see why Mame reused this pair for this show, because Peat is so good at being broken & fragile (see previous role).
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But also… I feel like I’ve seen all of this before. Oh right, the psychotic breakdown scene in TharnType. The fragile broken uke from Love By Chance. The seme with a heart of gold and fists of steel from… all of them. 
I find this exhausting.
Is anyone else exhausted?
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They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again (AKA watching Mame) and expecting a different result. I must be certifiably bonkers at this juncture.
Second half of this show I begin to wonder one thing. (Well my mind wanders a lot but this particular thought bubbled to the surface.) 
Is this show actually an okay Thai BL?
Wait! Hear me out.
If this were ones first Meme, would it be… fine? In other words, if I didn’t have this storied (or lack of story, nash) history with her creative endeavors, would this bore me this much?
Is this actually just an average mildly enjoyable high-heat Thai BL to others, who are coming to her stuff for the first (or maybe the second) time?
Is it over-exposure or the has traumatized me in this way?
Am I corrupted through overindulgence?
Is this all my own fault?
Should I be taking a break from her? Should I not watch the next 3 productions that she does, and then return to her with fresh feelings of openness and amenable temper?
Is it me who is the problem? 
Yet the act of asking that last question makes me feel like I’m in the same kind of abusive relationship with Mame that Rak was with his father.
Then I feel like I need to drink more. Or see a therapist.
So that’s enough philosophy for one evening.
And then, at the very very end A THRILL DESCENDED UPON ME.
Watching the stinger for next weekI was all… 
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Is this a 10 epper? Oh my God it is! Fantastic. Next week is the last one! I SEE THE LIGHT. 
Episode 10 - The Lingering Scent of Disappointment
Today I am drinking a soju cocktail. Which I can highly recommend. If you're a lightweight but you like vodka, Fresh Soju is actually a pretty decent substitute with a lower alcohol content. 
This has been your bartender lesson for today, moving on.
If the Maa could’ve fixed this all along by throwing the Dad in jail, why didn’t she? Why did she put her kids through all of this bullshit with stalking and abuse? Also the mom character was basically a deus ex machina, except she didn’t even happen on screen. It was action taken to solve what little plot there was... entirely off screen. How weird. I don’t even have a term for that. Bad writing? Recon explanation? Of screen resolution?
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OK, Fort is acting so well in the breakup scene. I adore that “how much do I need to pay you to fall in love with me” parrots the original “how much do I need to pay you to sleep with me”. I must give props for that level of emotional manipulation in a romance drama of this type. 
That said, I feel for Rak, it’s rough to learn that someone else is playing a long game with feelings while you were playing a short game with d**k.
Meanwhile... I have run out of alcohol and I am now eating brownie bites. Because life (and d**k) is too short and so is my patience. 
Why is that tattoo so absolutely terribly obviously fake?
Someone take tattoos and wigs away from Thailand. Just strip them out of all wardrobe departments in the entire Thai film industry. Clearly they can’t handle that level of POWER. It’s giving me trauma.
I do like that the solution to the drama of the break up was an actual sincere and abject apology. Very mature and grown up of you Mame. 
I wish they’d woven the number 8 throughout more of the show, like into the pattern of Rak’s shirts and maybe an earring or cuff.
Did they entirely forget about the GL side not-plot? Or is it just me not paying attention because I’m distracted by brownie bites? 
Regardless, I genuinely let out the biggest yawn during the very ending scene. It’s nowhere near my bedtime.
And… that’s it I guess.
I’m going on the record at this point. I don’t think I can do a trash watch of Mame again. It’s exhausting. And also is it really worth my (or your) time? This screed was so lackluster.
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Final thoughts? 
This is probably a solid 8/10 show but I’m mad I wasn’t madder at it, and mad I was so bored throughout.
So It gets a 7/10 and let us not speak of this again. I’d like to simply forget about it.
Conclusion? I’m left residually upset that FortPeat and all their talents are wasted on Mame. That seems unfair to them. And to us, quite frankly. 
All my trash watches are here:
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toon-tales · 2 months
Here it is! Part three! Omg, I'm so excited for this!
Let's begin!
Ok, so, I know a lot of people say that Poppy hasn't changed a lot in the third movie but let me stop you right there!
Here's our girl, our happy-go-lucky queen cutely dressed and if I may, waiting for her boyfriend to compliment her looks like he always does
But then she notices something is wrong
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You can see in the third pic, she was thinking how to approach the matter, because this, after all, is her boyfriend's old home, where he used to live with his grandmother. And in the fourth pic, her brows are even more furrowed
And here, oh my gosh this scene:
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Can we look at Poppy, PLEASE?!
She's paying her full attention to Branch. She wants him to talk, to open up to her. HER EYES ARE FILLED WITH HOPE SHE'S ENCOURAGING HIM TO TALK TO HER
Skip, skip, skip, skiiiiiip, annnndddd here:
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"I'm not hearing no!"
Branch doesn't look sad, he doesn't look mad, he doesn't look scared, he doesn't look uncomfortable, and most importantly, he doesn't look forced
True, Poppy was all "We are so in!", but unlike in Twt, she actually listened to Branch when he wanted to talk to her, and Branch actually talked when something he didn't like was going on. Do you even see how much they've grown?
Now, Poppy knows how hard life is without a sibling, and she doesn't want her boyfriend to just take his family for granted. Her heart was in the right place, people
And Branch didn't say no! He didn't refuse! They talked, different opinions and different thoughts and different mindsets, yet they worked things out
And yeah, I know Branch was probably thinking 'what have I gotten myself into' in this scene
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But the entire movie was just Branch having issues and dealing with them. And Poppy was trying to help him. Also, in case you haven't noticed, things do not work out the way Poppy has imagined, just like in Twt, but the difference? Later, she didn't leave Branch alone to go save Floyd, she went with him. Now, I hear you saying: she went because Branch didn't say anything to her, while they fought in Twt, that's why she left him
Let me remind you that Branch lied to her, kept things from her, kept his feelings from her, didn't open up, and literally was being sarcastic and you can see she was hurt in this scene
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And they're in a new relationship which Branch is already beginning with hiding stuff, yet she put all that behind because -I'm not gonna say boyfriend - the man she loved, needed her. So, yeah. She's changed
Takes a deep breath
Now, let's move on, shall we?
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I just wanted to point out how Poppy was looking at Branch when he was trying to yet again hide his feelings. She knows what's up
Moving on to this scene:
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The way she's telling them to include Branch? The pure happiness and excitement on her face for him! PLEASE?! May I remind you that SHE WASN'T SINGING WITH THEM BUT WAS THIS HAPPY FOR BRANCH?!
Now, I've already talked about the scenes I'm going to talk about now in the analysis posts, but I'm gonna copy-paste them here because I don't want you people going to those posts, then return to this one and lose your focus and vibe
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You have Branch, whose brothers' return has reopened scars he's been trying to close for so long, and has just found out his brother is being held captive, and is now in a rescue mission to save him and sing the perfect family harmony, the same thing that they failed miserably at the last time so they walked out and never talked to each other again, comforting his girlfriend. Poppy needed time, needed him, and he was ready to give her all the time she needed and stay with her. Proof? He didn't move until she has left first, ensuring she was ready to leave
Then we have Poppy, who has just found out her boyfriend has been hiding secrets from her, and watched as he reluctantly agreed to reunite with his brothers, and discovered she had a sister that she knew n o t h i n g about, and that this sister was so afraid to leave her safe place and go with her, deciding to go help Branch save his brother. She took one last glance at the walls separating her from Viva, then walked towards Rhonda, silently signaling she was ready to leave.
They were both dealing with stuff, needed time to open up/stay, yet each one thought of the other
Then this scene was SOMETHING ELSE-
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"Where are you going?"
"To save Floyd, alone. I didn't need them growing up and I don't need them now." He didn't even look back when he said, "What are you doing?"
And the look of disbelief on her face. "What do you mean? I'm coming with you!"
He literally gave her a blind eye, didn't look at her. He didn't want to get weak. "Why bother? Aren't you gonna leave me eventually anyway?" He was certain. He didn't wait for any reassurances because he didn't want to hear any and live a lie again. "Everyone else does."
But despite that, Poppy did NOT give up on him
"I have been by your side from the moment we've met, and you've been by mine. Let's give each other some credit here."
'and you've been by mine' this wasn't about her, but about THEM. This line has so much depth and meaning for their relationship
"You're right, I'm sorry. Thank you."
He started with the apology because he knew what he just said was WRONG. He knew she wasn't leaving, they've always been there for each other. And I don't think he thanked her for coming, maybe for reminding him? I mean, that's Branch we're talking about, he would surely have thoughts and insecurities about people leaving him
But Poppy's always there to remind him that she's always there
His mission is her mission. She was willingly going for an insane rescue mission, and face people BRANCH HIMSELF didn't know anything about, all the while trying to deal with the separation between her and Viva. But she was going with him. Because that's just them
All they wanted was for the other to be happy
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And in the end? It worked out just fine
So, to sum up this post, and the previous two: no, Branch isn't perfect like we claim, nor Poppy is, too. Hiding things? Sure, that happens. Lying? Happens as well. Disagreements? Oh, yeah, lots of those. But in the end of the day? They work things out
Branch is perfect for Poppy, and Poppy is perfect for Branch
That's just love, and it doesn't have to be perfect all the time
Sooooo, that's it? Omg that was fuuuun!
Anyway, as usual, feel free to add or comment on anything!
Part one
Part two
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gayometer · 2 years
Hi! Sooo, I was browsing the # of snv/ror x reader and found your blog. - I loved! I was wondering if I could get some headcanons for Gods and Humans w/ a strong personality y/n? Like the idfg y/n, pls. Sorry for my bad english & kisses from Brazil! ^ - ^ [ btw, could you please tag me if you do? My Tumblr aren't showing me notifications those days T v T ]
Not tired, just doesn't care
Glad you like my blog! Your english is fine! Kisses from P.R. ❤
💚 @msnightmare777 💚
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POSEIDON who tries his best to not show his frustration, how dare a mere human like you be so casual about him? It takes him a while to understand it's not disrespect it's friendship and you just have a strong personality, tough love if you will.
HADES who sees so many similarities between you two yet so many differences, you're not mean you can be pretty caring. But the way you so casually talk and even slap gods is amusing to him.
ADAMAS who tried to be all angry and grumpy with you but ended up being the biggest puppy. He comes to you when Hades isn't available, he doesn't know what it is but you kinda remind him of his big brother.
ZEUS who pokes fun at you just cause he knows you won't do anything, he doesn't try to "break" your facade and annoys you the same way he does Odin....by making you babysit him and essentially give him scary dog privileges.
APHRODITE who tries to get any reaction out of you, she isn't used to someone looking at her and not at least smiling.
HERMES who pokes you just for fun, he says it's to get a reaction out of you but we all know he does it for the funsies.
HERACLES who rants to you about anything that comes to his mind, he likes your strong personality and how you so casually talk to him, it's a breathe of fresh air.
ARES who started off with seeing you as a disrespecting mortal to then come to the conclusion that you're a glorified babysitter taking care of beings much older then yourself, including him.
LOKI who bugs you on a daily to try and get a reaction out of you, he obviously fails miserably but at least give him points for effort. He hasn't had this much trouble with a mortal since Jack bamboozled him about tea.
THOR who doesn't pay much attention to you, he doesn't mind your "attitude", high chance it's Forseti causing more noise about respect then Thor himself.
ODIN who much like Thor doesn't mind all that much about hoe indifferent you are however, unlike Thor he has limits. His crows are still the ones causing way too much noise about respect and shit, but if he does eventually get bothered by the "disrespect" he'll just get up and leave. He's not a child and can leave places if he feels like it, so shut up you two bird brains.
SHIVA who can and will make you join him and Rudra dance. He also tries to break your facade but that doesn't work. Shiva is pretty chill about most things but is still slightly irked that you have absolutely no reaction to being face to face with a god that uses the earth as his animal crossing island.
BUDDHA who just vibes under a tree with you, you both don't talk and just enjoy being close to each other.
ZERO who is basically your unofficial child, he's the only one who can make you break away from the tough love and "indifference" just by being himself.
BEELZEBUB who tries to keep his distance from you since he's afraid he'll get attached. He doesn't hate you, he just doesn't want to kill his new friend.
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SASAKI who's normal cheery and laid-back attitude made you gravitate to him. His grandpa vibes give you more then enough comfort.
QIN who is adamant in making you his friend, no you can't escape him and the power of friendship shall be blasted upon thou.
ADAM who has the same nature and therefore doesn't mind, you're his child and that's that.
TESLA who took your silence as the greenlight to go on a rant about science and his latest inventions, you two have an odd friendship, he rants and you listen.
LU BU who normally wouldn't go out of his way to befriend some, but he hasn't had someone who doesn't run or worship him immediately in a while. Can you fight? Cause he wants to fight you.
RAIDEN who takes his time to stare at you, he yaps your ear off but he's also staring at you without blinking to make sure you don't "make a cute face" without him seeing....apparently it's not fair Thrud can see you crack a smile or giggle.
JACK who would normally stick to himself will try to socialize with you, he ended up enjoying you silent company and is one of the few who managed to get a smile and full sentence out of you.
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redxx95 · 3 months
Thoughts on the VR game scene in ep 8 of the cherry magic radio drama
that is one long ass title
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Hello dear friends, this will only really interest like 5 of you but I shall ramble about this surprisingly thought out scene nonetheless.
For the uninitiated: There's a (in my opinion) fantastic chinese radio drama adaptation of cherry magic, which you can find right here. The person translating this adds a new episode every wednesday and it's currently at 8 episodes (out of 13). If you enjoyed the manga, you will really enjoy this adaptiation, I promise.
On to my rambling now tho.
Disclaimer: I haven't watched the whole rd yet, so I might be mischaracterizing them a little bit (maybe). Also some of the things I'm saying might be a bit of a stretch but oh well 😌
So the scene I'm talking about is actually made up of two parts: the wait for the VR game and the actual game.
Pre-VR game, they're both standing in line and immediately we're met with a deviation from the manga: Kurosawa gets a number and suggests to play this rhythm game while they wait. Adachi doesn't end up playing but he does put the headphones for the game on Kurosawa, who points out how loud they are. I thought it's kinda weird that Adachi's the one putting them on him (cuz like, couldn't he just do that himself?) but if you see it in a more symbolic way it makes a lot of sense. Adachi's line "Now you can sing all you want" while Kurosawa's happily humming to himself, coupled with the fact he's blissfully unaware of the mean girls chattering about them in the background, makes me think this is symbolism for Adachi "shielding" him from the outside world and giving him a space to be himself, free of judgement and harsh words. The rest of the scene plays out pretty much the same as in the manga, with Adachi getting into his head and subsequently slapping Kurosawa's hand away.
So then they both get ready to play the VR game, which is actually just one big metaphor for their relationship. They both get told they'll first have to "adjust to the VR vision" -> adjust to their new relationship Kurosawa: "We'll fight side by side" "Don't shoot me before the round starts" -> "We're finally together!" "Don't write me off before I've even had a chance to prove myself a worthy boyfriend" The game starts and they both can't see each other, tapping around in the dark. -> This relationship is new to both of them, for Adachi because he's never been in one, and for Kurosawa because it's the first genuine loving relationship he's ever been in. Adachi gets really in his head about how the date is going, same as in the manga. While he does that, Kurosawa is repeatedly calling out for him in the real world. -> They're both trying to make this work and stumbling, Kurosawa not getting through to Adachi with his spoken words, yet so desperate to reach him. Kurosawa: "Adachi, say something back" -> Kurosawa craves acknowledgement, pre- and post-getting together. Then finally Kurosawa touches him and that's when Adachi finally responds, Kurosawa going "Found you" in his thoughts. -> Adachi is touched, literally and metaphorically, by Kurosawa and his thoughts, his positive influence pulling him (here only briefly) away from his negative thoughts. The staff instructs them to stand apart, while Kurosawa's surprised at this. ("Aren't we on the same team?") -> I think the staff is supposed to represent the judging eyes of society in this metaphor, telling them they're meant to be apart, as they don't fit together (just like the gossiping girls at the beginning said). (This might be a stretch but it also gives heteronormativity vibes, as in, you're supposed to be apart, you're both "on the same team" (same gender)) Staff: "But if you two get too close during the fight, you might accidentally hurt each other." -> If we drop the staff=society metaphor here, this sentence really just represents their entire early relationship dynamic of trying to do what they think is best for the other, but ending up hurting each other instead, without meaning to. The closer they get, the more friction their differences create. Kurosawa being the one who acts first: "Is this much distance alright?" -> Of course he would be the first to try to accomodate these new restrictions, always trying to take up as less space as possible to not be a source of trouble for Adachi. Eventually the actual game starts up and they play, Kurosawa telling Adachi that he'll "cover for him", but ultimately failing at this ("I said I'd cover for you but I only ended up slowing us down") -> Kurosawa trying to do more than he's capable of and messing things up for both of them is kind of a running theme with him. (shameless plug to my essay about this here lol) Adachi performs poorly in the game because he couldn't focus. Kurosawa immediately asks if they want to go again, but he doesn't feel like he can do it, ending the scene there. -> Adachi worrying too much about how others see him/them is not only how he loses the game but also how he "fails" the date, losing all hope that him and Kurosawa are meant to be together at all, even though Kurosawa is very willing to try and make it work.
The rest of the episode plays out very differently from the manga, so I can only really analyze that when I finally get to watch the next episode. 👍
Hope yall enjoyed this long ass read 🫶
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satureja13 · 2 months
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First Witch: "When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain?" Second witch: "When the hurlyburly’s done, When the battle’s lost and won." Third Witch: "That will be ere the set of sun." (Lines above are the opening of Shakespeare's MacBeth)
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Noxee arrived at Hummelshain Castle ere the sun fully rose up over the ocean. She left Moonwood Mill before Greg woke up or otherwise he wouldn't have let her go. They just had a few hours together after he returned from training the Boys beyond the Veil. Since Noxee is co owner of Strawberry Cake Fashion, she picked some clothes from the new pack and this outfit was one of the very few pieces she liked. (There are so many talened creators out there, why do we get such ugly clothes? for a romance pack at that. And if there's something nice, the colors are so ugly.)
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The girls are still busy. Noxee decided to wait in the kitchen and make some Churros for their meeting. She will need all the good vibes she can get ö.Ö' Noxee knows how much Ms Coombes hates Jack...
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Churros are the only meal Noxee can cook and she hopes they will meet the taste of the girls. Noxee loves her kitchen at the Bunker, but this one is just amazing. It makes her almost wish she could really cook ^^'
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The girls are done with their seance. First Witch Ms Coombes: "Ach, these Boys!" Oh oh, Ms Coombes doesn't seem to be in a good mood... I wonder what she saw in her crystal ball ö.ö And poor Noxee has to try to convince her and the others that Jack and Kiyoshi can be mates, just mates...
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At least Francine greeted her cordially. Since Francine is Jeb's grandmother and Saiwa is Noxee's 'Baby', they are quasi family :3 (They are utterly convinced that Sai and Jeb will find their way back together again - and if they are, who am I to question it ^^') Dtui is Kiyoshi's mentor. And she's also Ms Coombes fated mate. They even have the same hairstyle today... So she will be on Ms Coombes side as it seems ö.ö
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Ms Coombes looked at the Churros: "As sparkly and glittering as the cook who made them." Is this meant as a cut-up or intended to be funny - or as a compliment? Noxee, always on the bright side of life, goes for a diplomatic: "Thank you, I'm glad you like them."
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Ms Coombes: "I know you want the Boys to be happy. But we have to think of the future of the Resistance. We never had a diety within our rows. And Kiyoshi hasn't even reached his full potential yet. All the good he can do for all of us. We can't let Callahan drag him down. He will keep his distance to Kiyoshi." Noxee: "Kiyoshi worked himself sick at the Temple and as a mole for the Resistance. He even had to leave the Temple. He already did a lot of good for all of us - until he broke." Ms Coombes: "It was Callahan's fault Kiyoshi had to leave the Temple! He asked to much of Kiyoshi, wanted him all for himself with his groundless jealousy and paranoia. He almost killed Kiyoshi! And himself! Noxee, you've seen yourself how broken Jack was. These two are not meant for each other. Fate must have made a terrible mistake." Spoken this, thunder roared over the castle. Dtui: "Rita, you know that's not true. Jack is Kiyoshi's fated mate and Kiyoshi failed him because he believed he had to make it up - for all the wrongs his family did." Ms Coombes: "We never asked anything of Kiyoshi, all he did for the Resistance was of his own free will." Noxee: "I think we all agreed to not overly mess with their lives. They are all grown up and they should be allowed to make their own decisions. It's not on us to tell them with whom they should hang out and with whom not. They don't have to listen to us anyway." Ms Coombes proofed Noxee wrong and showed her the contract: "Oh, they have to when it interferes with the guidelines of the Resistance. They all agreed to this, see? Kiyoshi is an important member of the Resistance and Callahan puts his powers in jeopardy."
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Francine: "Let's all calm down, hm? Kiyoshi did so much better with Jack around. And the sad truth is that Kiyoshi wasn't of any help for us for months. He might never fully return to this realm and only drift further away." Dtui: "And Kojin likes Jack." Well, that's a knockout argument. Kojin is Dtui and Kiyoshi's diety, the one who saved their lives at their execution. Without Kojin, there would be no Kiyoshi - and no Dtui either. They owe him. Dtui: "And I know of a certain couple *she looked at Ms Coombes* who also dated against the will of the Resistance back in their days. They stated, a roughneck like you, Rita, would drag me, the Resistance's Golden Child, down. And look how strong and powerful we became together, hm?" Ms Coombes stopped Dtui before she spills more of their tea: "Ach, fine! Let them be mates, just mates or whatever!" Phew - Ms Coombes drives a hard bargain. But in the end, she agreed that Kiyoshi and Jack can be mates, just mates (or whatever). Francine chuckled. Just like herself, Rita and Dtui are also loyal receivers of the spicy monthly subscription boxes of Ye Olde Magick Shoppe.
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After these exhausting negotiations, and to reward herself, Noxee so needed to go shopping. She went to Moda Capoliveri. Her favourite shop at Tartosa. Here she gets inspired by the latest fashion trends for Sai and her online store Strawberry Cake Fashion. And she also hopes to find some hot dessous - to reward Greg.
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Noxee stays at the castle over night and just returned from the bathroom, where she took a long, hot shower and tried her new, hot outfit on. Back in her room, she found Greg waiting for her! Noxee: "Greg! What are you doing here?"
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Greg: "Gods, you look gorgeous!"
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Greg: "I missed you. Didn't want another night without you." And then he kissed her.
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Greg: "This outfit is so, so hot. Do you think the gems will stay in place when we..." Noxee: "There is only one way to find out."
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They did stay in place.
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Greg seems to sense that Noxee has something on her mind. But she had promised Jack not to tell Greg about his condition after the bolt hit him in his chest. Greg: "I won't push you." Noxee: "I love you."
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Greg: "This glue is just like magic. If the gems survive another round, I'll order it for my shop." Noxee: "Another round, hm?"
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Spoiler: After thorough testing, Greg ordered the glue for his shop ;) (So Greg seems to have a jewelry shop in the real world too, not just ingame. Tiny Can being very accurate again ^^)
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'See, don't ever set me free I always wanna be by your side Girl, you really got me now You got me so I can't sleep at night
Yeah, you really got me now You got me so I don't know what I'm doing, now Oh, yeah, you really got me now You got me so I can't sleep at night' You really got me - The Kinks
Now I know where Jeb has it from ^^'
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From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Here comes the Sun' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 23-28
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kanmom51 · 2 years
JK's Weverse live 2 Feb 2023
JK man, what did you do to us?
4 hours of JK. 4 friggin' hours.
Before I dive into the abyss I will say that this post is based on multiple trustworthy translation accounts, seeing there is no official translation nor will there be for quite some time now (4 hr. live, lol). I will update if any changes need to be made (after the official translation comes out).
Also, This is a long ass post, so breach yourselves, get yourselves your favourite snacks sit down and enjoy the ride. So so much to come.
Starting with his:
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Knock knock, cheeky JK.
Let's sum up the 4 hours of the live shall we:
JK did the live in Brunnan.
JK's hair is long.
JK loves Bammi.
JK talked about his tattoos.
JK drank more beer than I could ever in one seating. Or maybe even 2 or 3 or 4...(I am a lightweight though).
JK was tired and still continued the live.
JK isn't working on his album at the moment, he's at home not doing much, well not working in any case.
RM commented a lot.
Tae commented a lot and got JK to do a live on IG that turned out to be pretty short, just surpassing his 7 min. live a few days back.
JK sang. A LOT.
JK sang Vibe. Twice. After calling JM cool, then adding Taeyang is cool too. He also gave us a little dance move.
Ooh, and we got JK singing Sam Smith's Unholy.
That's 4 hours in a nut shell I guess.
End of post.
Nah, gotcha.
We have tons to cover, so let's get it:
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JK starts the live telling us he's not really supposed to be doing a live, I told you, cheeky boy.
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JK moves on to tell us he's not working on his album at the moment, and actually not doing much of anything at the moment.
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I'm all for it. After 10 years of working practically non stop, throughout his youth, he deserves this time off.
JK does say he's spending time alone, at times hasn't left the house for 6 days in a row.
And as the introvert that he is, and as the introvert that I am, I get him. Totally. I could stay at home for days and feel totally content.
Doesn't mean he's not doing anything though. He's doing what he wants to do as opposed as living by a schedule. Taking the time to watch shows, videos, clips he wants to watch is one of those things he told us he does. I just do hope he's in a good mind space. The past couple of years were not easy. The not knowing not easy. Knowing MS is around the corner not easy. Jikook having to adjust to the new reality not easy. He needs this rest and I'm happy he's getting it.
Makes me think though about those stories told of him going out on the town like going skiing or snowboarding or spending time with Tae all the time (I literally have an ask in my inbox telling me just that). Dunno, perhaps it's time for many to finally start questioning these unsubstantiated stories?
Now don't come at me. Not saying JK and Tae aren't close friends. They might be both meeting up occasionally and/or playing online games together all day everyday. What I'm saying is that I'm sick of unsubstantiated stories someone sprouts on Twitter turned into facts without any actual proof.
And it's always the TKK side of things - believing until proven wrong. Because when the shoe is on the other foot, aka JKK, the knee jerk reaction is to not believe until proven true.
Just a thought...
After JK talks about how long his hair has grown, and damn, it has grown so long, Bam makes an appearance. Bammi. How we missed him so.
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I truly think Bam deserves a whole post of his own, and I will give you one. I promise. Cause so many cute Bamkook moments, including a lethal Bam kiss.
JK's asked about Jin and says he thinks he's doing well and that he's in touch with them occasionally in their group chat. That same group chat many fans forget they actually have to communicate amongst themselves and not via their public IG accounts. That is when they don't communicate personally with each other privately.
JK brings up not seeing "Yoongi marry me".
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Next JK started with the karaoke. We got to enjoy JK's flawless voice throughout his live. But he started us off with Vibe.
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JK singing and dancing vibe on his live - all I've been living for the past couple of weeks, lol - singing it TWICE.
This too deserves a whole separate post, and it probably will get one.
Saying that, JK with singing Vibe (do I have to remind he did it twice?) has now performed 7 of JM's songs while live or recording content.
JK continues to sing several songs by TXT, New Jeans, Seventeen, RM, etc. Like I said, karaoke night full blow (filling up the 4 hour live).
A list of his songs throughout the live can be found here:
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JK was asked if he has a tattoo on his back, to which he said he doesn't, only on his right arm.
We had a little JK-Army flirtation going on, as per usual, lol.
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Mr. Jeon Jungkook also thinks maybe he's the next to get appendicitis. I sure hope he's wrong.
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And that at 25 yo he's getting old.- everything hurts. Why am I not surprised (man cannot do anything half way).
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RM popped in to visit JK's live, a little drunk perhaps, lol.
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And JK...
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Next comes the thing everyone has been literally waiting for...
The tattoos.
I know this will be twisted and turned and I feel sorry for the accounts with their anons open, cause this, not surprisingly, is turning into to a shit storm...
There are a few translations out there, most not full ones, and others pretty unreliable.
So, I'm still on the lookout for a reliable full translation for these. I've found a couple that feel like they have an agenda.
I did find this one, a full translation that seems to be more or less on the up and up - lines up with all the bits and pieces I've found in the accounts I do trust.
One specific tattoo JK neglects to talk about is the eclipse tattoo. Unintentional you think? I think not.
So, let's get down to what we really came for, eh? His hand tattoo. The talk of the town.
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I know JK said the J is for JK. JK and Army.
Loud and clear, right?
But is it?
Is JK sharing the whole story with us?
Why then on the ring finger?
Why over the M?
Why not allow anything come between the two?
Also funny, as @jaksal pointed out, how for JM's birthday in 2021 for some reason the J and M were kept apart, distanced, quite like the J and M on JK's finger. Apart but not parted (mostly).
Another question I can't help but ask is since when does J stand for JK? Really. Please tell me when was the first or last time JK ever referred to himself as J.
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Jungkook calls himself JK. He is referred to by others as JK. When he writes his name in Roman letters he writes JK. Never J.
On top of that, why not put the J over the A? Would make more sense, J + Army from the start...
And if he decided to put the crown over the A, which he did, then why not put the J over any other finger other than the actual ring finger that happened to make a lovely clear and constantly touched up and darkened JM?
Could JK share the whole story with us even if he really wanted to?
JK in essence debunked the story that Army were living for since 2019 - that Army with the J stood for all the 7 members of BTS. The A inverted standing for V.
Yes, he said the J is for JK, but could he say he added the J on his ring finger over the M to make JM? The only one out of all of the members he decided to tattoo onto his skin, have on his hand for all to see?
Telling us J over the M on his ring finger stood for JM would be literally outing the two as a queer couple. No ifs ands or buts.
And you can't say the same about him telling us army is army. Because admitting army was for all the members wouldn't put him in a queer relationship with one of the members, all while having JM on his ring finger would seal the deal on that.
So what did JK do talking about his tattoos? He omitted the JM, and the eclipse - the two specific known tattoos that can link him directly to JM (and if the eclipse had nothing to do with JM why not talk about it too?).
Oh, and I know what comes next -
Being asked "are you calling him a liar?"
Heck no.
But telling a necessary untruth, or embellishing the truth, or omitting some facts, or perhaps the right way of seeing it is giving us the acceptable excuse.
Nope. Not lying. But all the above... yeah, that.
Seriously, take a second to think clearly. What was he supposed to do? Really? Admit that the J and M are connected and mean JM?
I've been seeing people talking about how JK didn't realise what he was doing. That he didn't see the placement came out like JM. Please give me a break. Do they really have such low regard for JK?
The man that came up with this:
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Wouldn't realise the J placed over the M makes JM - Jimin. Ha-ha-ha.
With or without the next paragraph, JK knew what he was doing.
But if we do trust this specific translation, JK points out that he placed the crown over the A. Thoughtfully. Intentionally. Do we really think he wouldn't have had the same thought process with the J?
Please don't insult JK's intelligence.
And if you wonder what K-JKKs are thinking:
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And being harassed and bullied and bad mouthed for speaking their minds. How familiar...
Oh, and just in case we forgot, during the live JK made sure we'll remember how he refers to Jimin... starting to actually say the actual name and then intentionally changing it up to JM. See for yourselves.
And if you are even interested to know what my 21 yo army non Jikooker daughter's reaction was to the whole Army and J tattoo explanation (you're getting either way)...same daughter that told me the army stood for all members and we argued about it many a times.
You know what she said to me?
"Well, what do you expect him to say? That it's JM? Of course he can't say that".
He can't say it.
So, if I haven't made myself clear by now I'll say it once more with feeling:
The combination of the J and the M on JK's ring finger stands for JM.
Again, I don't think JK is lying. But he's omitting.
The J could definitley be there to not only mean JM but him as well, which would make it even more romantic, if you will. The J and the M, JK and JM marked on his ring finger. If that's not commitment idk what is.
Then Tae joined the fun.
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So, JK started the live.
Full untranslated live here (couldn't find a reliable translated one on YT just yet):
JK getting up mid live, to get something?
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comes back and still talk for a few minutes, to each other (?) and that's it.
Not much was going on there.
Not gonna say the D (disconnected) word, cause y'all gonna come down my throat.
What was kind of obvious is that no, they no bumping knees. Two mates talking. To each other, next to each other, sometimes the first, sometimes the other.
When you are asking to have a live but then reduced to play with the filters cause the convo, it just ain't flowing, all to end the live after around 10 minutes (I think only around half of that was them talking to each other)...
I'd say reach your own conclusions.
The apartment
Before moving on let's talk a little about the apartment shall we?
We know who is on the lease of Brunnan.
We know it's furnished with some of the dorm's furniture (I'm not 100% sure, but that lounge sure looked like the dorm lounge).
Walls bare.
Clothes rack empty.
What looked like his coat maybe lying on the lounge next to him.
This time he was prepared with a chilled beer glass (after the tea cup wine drinking debacle, lol).
Let's get real here.
Could he be living there? Sure he could. Spending days on end in a bare, cold, lifeless apartment with zero character.
Could he be living elsewhere, let's say somewhere where we aren't even shown anything other than the tv screen? Sure he could. But not on paper. Not officially.
Could two grown men that literally aren't allowed to be in a queer relationship starting the second they enlist need to have official/public known separate addresses, and perhaps there is another place, kept secret, where they can spend most of their time together their privacy guaranteed? Knowing there are still queer couples in SK that live that way, my answer to that will be yes.
Do we know for sure? Heck no. And that, my friends, is the whole idea. We're not supposed to know, as much as our curiosity kills us.
Just a couple of more things and we're done. Phew...
We had this:
JK likes cute
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Just in case we weren't aware of it, once again JK confirms that his type is cute. Since forever.
Cute has JK giggling.
Cute has JK drooling.
Another one that deserves it's very own post. So much to do...
Note to self: you asked for Jikook content, don't complain now that you got some.
Sam Smith's Unholy
I'm going to end this long ass post with some JK singing and dancing to Sam Smith's Unholy.
Because how better to end this with a diva JK?
Of course he'll know the choreo.
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strangedreamings · 4 months
S3E1 (spoilers abound)
Already saw the first 5 minutes on Tudum. I'm firmly in the "Colin didn't see Penelope when he arrived, he was too busy looking at her house" camp. It's sweet that Pen as LW singles out the new debutantes and tries to prop them up.
I love that one of the debutantes is deaf, more diversity on this show is a good thing.
Ah, Francesca's been in Bath since the beginning of S2, thank you, Violet.
"If I can be at ease in the chaos of our home, surely I shall find my way in the Season." Truer words never spoken, Frannie.
Francesca's not the Diamond? WTAF?
Those fucking sheer gloves. I hate them SO MUCH. Long gloves were for modesty, making them sheer makes them pointless. Somebody fetch me the costume designer, I just want to talk.
So Eloise is already "friends" with Cressida and it looks like she is trying to protect Pen from her. We'll see how long this lasts.
Can we nominate Jessica Madsen now for the Emmy for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series? I always hate Cressida but if, as rumored, we're going to sympathize with her this season, then I'm sure Jessica will knock it out of the park.
I love that Violet and Kate are getting along so well. I'm also thrilled that Violet doesn't approve of Eloise being friends with Cressida.
"I will move into a dower house as soon as I find one." Oookay, 15 minutes into the first episode and we have our first error. Dower houses aren't something a dowager FINDS, it's a (relatively) smaller house on an estate that the family already HAS. What Violet is looking for is a TOWN house in London since the Bridgertons should already have a DOWER house at Aubrey Hall!
Shonda, please, hire me as a script doctor. I assure you I'm affordable.
Lady Danbury: "Lady Bridgerton." Violet and Kate: "Yes?" I love that and I'm sure Agatha did it deliberately, it's cute.
Colin, dearheart, what in the actual fuck are you doing? Flirting shamelessly is only going to get you in trouble.
Lady Cowper is a bitch but we already knew that. I wonder if she took as long as her daughter to find a husband.
Wow, Portia really has given up on Pen finding a husband. This is giving me "Like Water for Chocolate" vibes (I hated that movie, so it's not a compliment).
Error #2. Unless I'm wrong, this is Spring 1815. (According to Wikipedia, Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story had Princess Charlotte dying in November 1814, three years before her real-life counterpart.) Emma wasn't published until December 1815. Yeah, we're talking about only a few months and the book does match what El is going through, but still.
Great, another El & Pen fight. El, you can pretend all you like (and you're not even doing a good job) but you are MISERABLE without your best friend. Someone El respects needs to tell her off so that she'll finally grow the fuck up.
Benedict took care of the estate while Anthony and Kate were on their honeymoon? Um, Anthony, WHY DON'T YOU HAVE A STEWARD?! You know, a person you PAY to look after the estate for you instead of asking your brother to do it for free! It gave him something to do, which I'm sure was Anthony's intention, but still!
The Mondriches have just joined the nobility! Well, their eldest son has. Oh boy, Alice is not happy. I don't blame her -- her stress level just increased a hundredfold.
I need to do a @regencyama post about titles, specifically inheriting them. With the Featheringtons and now the Mondriches having a son inheriting from his mother's bloodline, I need to emphasize how rarely this happened in real life. Good on Shonda for including the concept but really, did it have to happen twice in the same episode?
NEWTON!!! Bestest boy ever!
I know that ballroom! Lady Danbury's ballroom either is or is inspired by the Marble Hall at Kedleston. I'd know those columns and the lines of black-and-white panels anywhere.
Pen, honey, your entrance would go better if you didn't look FUCKING TERRIFIED. Albion is a sweetheart, he's the best brother-in-law for Pen (well, on her side). Oh good, she's finally smiling. Portia! How can you think that's a bad color for her? Is she a little color blind? That would explain SO MUCH.
Suddenly get thirsty there, Colin? LOL He has no idea what's coming.
Some of the (presumably) eligible men are finally noticing Pen. How long before Colin steps in? Oh, Pen, you are so awkward around people you don't know well, glad to see that hasn't changed (yet).
El and Cressida talking to some of the new debutantes while Pen is still being awkward with the men. Forget flirting lessons, she doesn't even know how to just talk to men. And El, lowkey making fun of Miss Hartigan for liking embroidery. Grow up, El. At least this girl is true to herself, unlike someone I could name.
Fife is giving off the CREEPIEST vibes as he talks to poor Frannie. What do you bring to the table, good sir? A title? Look around -- titles are a dime a dozen. Surely you can do better than that.
That's what sets Fran off? This scene was one the clips that Netflix released early. I assume the gentlemen had said something offensive but they simply asked her who she is beyond her hobbies. Well, she has been doing nothing but practicing the pianoforte for what, two years now? Maybe she feels there really isn't much to her than that. Well, she's what, 17 now? She's got plenty of time to find herself.
I love how sympathetic and sweet Pen and Frannie are to each other. They're like sisters already.
Cressida with a steel chair! Seriously, there would be a small room off the ballroom reserved just for mending dresses -- tears happened all the time, as well as melted wax dripping from the candles in the chandeliers, spills, etc. But back to Cressida -- she must think very lowly of herself if she truly cannot abide any competition at all.
Too little, too fucking late, El. Choke on your apology, it's neither needed nor wanted. (I love El but haven't liked her for a long time, if that makes sense.)
Another scene Netflix gave us early -- Pen confronting Colin about what he said about her the end of S2. She was already having a bad night and Colin being all smiles was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Uh oh, Pen's writing a new LW column without even getting changed first. Honey, you're writing this in anger, you're probably going to regret at least half of it.
Portia's sweating now with that phony document about the title being questioned. Oh, this guy is threatening her, in that so very English way.
Ooo, are we finally seeing the real Cressida?
A whispering bench! Sorry, I have the tiniest landscaping nerd inside me.
Looks like Kanthony will have a three-month-old with them the beginning of the next Season.
Colin comes the morning after to apologize. Good boy. Still clueless, but good boy.
The Mondriches at their new house and their eldest boy is addressed as Lord Kent. I'm horrible at guessing children's ages but I think this kid is a preteen at most and his life just changed forever.
I will say the portrait of Edmund and Violet is very good. (I assume it's an actual painting and not a photo that has undergone Photoshop or whatever.) Have the writers made Francesca aro? Or at least demisexual? It'll be interesting to see where this goes.
I fucking told you you'd regret that column, Pen. The funny part is that she's not wrong about Colin, but she's certainly not nice about it.
Colin, for fuck's sake, MARINA AND ELOISE RUINED THEMSELVES! If LW hadn't said anything, things actually would have gone a lot worse for Marina, El, your whole family, and especially you, so shut the fuck up.
Four whole minutes of end credits, seriously?
Well, that was certainly an interesting start to both the Season and the season.
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vmpkai · 4 months
in honor of pride month i ended up making queer headcannons of the main hamilton characters because i like making everything queer so
lgbtq+ hamilton headcannons
disclamer: yes some of the sexualities are weird because i like weird identities, i use weird identities, and sometimes it just makes sense. not a fan? close the door on your way out. also this is sponsored by 3 am thoughts and lack of sleep. anyways, shall we continue?
alexander hamilton
- he / they
- bi + polyam + trans guy
- a fanfic gave me the poly idea and i absolutely love it
- also alexander is just a trans name and he has that tboy swag
- has a thing for both john ( he finds all of his friends to be very attractive and flirts with them all )
- very obnoxious about his identity ( as he should )
john laurens
- he / him
- demisexual + gay + cis
- it just works for him
- knew he was gay from birth he just needed some boys to kiss
hercules mulligan
- he / him
- bihet or unlabeled + demiromantic + cis
- makes and sells pride flags + has several pride stickers
- doesn't really care all that much, but find himself having a preference for women
- does have a major thing for laf though ( is way too shy to talk about it )
marquis de lafayette
- all pronouns
- pan + genderfluid + non binary
- so obnoxiously gay and it's wonderful
- definitely does drag in their free time ( and fucking slays it each time )
angelica schuyler
- she / her
- pan + aroace + trans woman
- if you even think anything queerphobic she will tear you a new one ( kicked a transphobe in the teeth cuz of a comment they made towards her )
- such a girlboss about it
eliza schuyler
- she / they
- bi + polyam + asexual + cis
- polyam idea also from a fanfic ( it was really good )
- alex helped her realize she was polyam
- has a big fat crush on maria lewis
peggy schuyler
- any pronouns
- lesbian + genderfluid
- blames all of her problems on homophobia ( as she should )
- the most lesbian to ever lesbian tbh
- reminds me of one of my irl friends tbh ( both give off the same vibes )
maria lewis ( reynolds )
- she / her
- bi lesbian + trans girl
- doesn't talk about her sexuality a lot cuz she hates explaining ( mood )
- eliza was lesbian awakening, alexander was bi awakening, james made her realize she did NOT like men. well cis men at least ( just like me frfr )
thomas jefferson
- he / him
- bigay + aromantic + cis
- label depends on the day, really
- flirts with everyone ( more or less to get what he wants cuz he puts his pretty privilege to use )
- secretly does drag and denies all accusations ( he'd make a fabulous queen )
james madison
- he / him
- gay + demiaroace + trans guy
- nobody actually knows he's trans aside from those with the transtuition
- in a qpt relationship with thomas
aaron burr
- he / him
- hetero + aromantic + cis
- he's a quiet ally who supports his friends
- does not have a queer opinion at fucking all ( as per usual ) #certifiedfencesitter
george washington
- he / him
- hetero + cis
- doesn't understand but he tried his best
- ( at pride with all his kids the revolutionary set ) stranger: "how many genders are there?" washington: "i dunno man, i just got here."
king george
- nameself pronouns / neos / he
- gay + cis
- is 100% both a drag king and drag queen ( he's just so cunty )
- has that roly west of energy ( please tell me that someone can see the vision )
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foone · 2 years
Idea: 1950s B-Movie scientist who transitions using ATOMIC Power! (a cross post from Twitter under the readmore)
We open in a laboratory scene, in black and white. Tesla coils and Jacob's ladders arc in the background. There's a big machine with lots of lights and dials, including a prominent one with two settings: X and Y.
A group of journalists mutter "rhubarb, rhubarb" as an elderly man with white hair walks in, wearing a labcoat.
"Gentlemen, I've invited you all here today to witness the first application of my new invention, the Atomic Gender Manipulator!"
The rhubarb increases in intensity.
"As you all know, the difference between men and women comes down to chromosomes. Men have XY, while women have XX." he says, while gesturing to a chalk board with some outlines of men and women on it.
"And for centuries this is just how it's been... But what if we could change that? What if we could rewrite that Y into an X? Many have said it's impossible, and... It is."
The rhubarb stops momentarily
"But that's not the end of the story! Recall the development of the airplane. Many ingenious scientists spent years trying to replicate the flapping wings of a bird, and got nowhere. But how many of you flew here today? Clearly flight is possible!"
"no, it was only when we realized that we had to stop aping the natural world and think differently about solutions to our problems that the Wright Brothers built their first plane, or Dr. Braun built his rockets. And so the same strategy must be applied to gender!"
"I ask you... What would happen if all the Y chromosomes in your body were destroyed? Well, your body would try to heal, of course. DNA is miraculous in its ability to repair damage. Your broken chromosomes, now all merely X, would join back up together, forming XX strands."
"and this is why all our attempts to rewrite a Y into an X have failed. It's not rewriting that will create the XX we need, but destruction. Remove the Y chromosome, and your body will naturally heal, forming XX chromesomes using the only remaining material."
"But professor!" one journalist pipes up, their notepad still for a moment. "Doesn't that mean you can't reverse the process? You can't turn back into a man."
The professor smiles. "That's true, and an inevitable limitation of the technology."
"if you were to try to turn back, the machine would destroy all your X chromosomes. As a woman, that's all your chromosomes, so there would be nothing left for your body to heal. You would merely die."
One journalist, a handsome man with some real Protagonist Vibes, looks up from his notebook, a concerned look on his face. "professor, I have another question. What if-"
The professor waves his hand dismissively. "I'm sorry gentlemen, we're running behind schedule."
"it's time to demonstrate my device. As the first test on humans, the only ethical subject to use would be myself. I shall see you in a few moments, transformed!"
He steps inside a chamber, all metal with a leaded glass viewing window.
His assistant flips a switch, and the hum of turbines increases in volumes.
"I am now targeting the professor with carefully tuned atomic rays, which will only affect his Y chromosome" he explains in a Russian accent.
Indicators show levels increasing. The professor looks uncomfortable though the window, grasping his head and torso. The assistant throws a final lever, and the chamber fills with steam, obscuring the professor from view.
The gathered journalists look uneasy, but say nothing, watching intently.
The assistant turns off the machine, and there's the sound of rotors spinning down. The chamber's porthole only shows swirling clouds of steam.
They walk over to the door, release a safety latch, and pull it open. The steam billows out onto the floor, slowly dissipating. The journalists rush forward, eager to see the results, whether success or failure.
In the chamber stands a beautiful woman. Inexplicably the machine has given her a new hairdo and applied makeup.
The journalists rapidly ask questions, all blurring together. The professor raises her hands to silence them, and explains that she'll be happy to answer any questions later, but for now she's tired from the procedure and needs to change out of this ill-fitting labcoat.
She walks out, as the journalists write rapidly in notepads and discuss with each other. The protagonist-looking one walks over the forgotten assistant, and asks him a question.
"say, Ingvar, I had a question. The professor explained how targeting Y in a man turned him into a woman, and that trying to target X in a woman would kill her. I can assume targeting Y in a woman would have no effect, but that leaves one possibility:
what would happen if you targeted X in a man?"
The assistant looks nervous, and maybe a little disturbed by the thought.
"well, that would destroy the X, leaving them with only Y. The healing process would kick in, and result in YY chromosomes."
"my science classes were a long time ago, Ingvar... What's a YY chromosome give you?"
"nothing that God has created in his earth. That would be a new form, a new gender... There's no telling what would happen."
The journalist walks off, eager to return and interview the professor tomorrow. He's got many questions for her.
Naturally during the course of the movie, someone does get turned into a YY, and seem fine... At first.
Then they start transforming, becoming what's basically a werewolf. Bigger, stronger, hairer, more violent, able to shrug off bullets.
The professor and protagonist finally manage to stop them, but the professor dies in the process (that's just how these movies go, sorry.)
Then as the journalists look on at the remains of the lab, in flames, they voice one of those end-of-movie speeches. She tampered in God's domain, learned too late that man was a feeling animal, etc.
The scene is carefully shot so we only see the silhouettes of the journalists, and then only as a mass of people.
The camera cuts to the final shot, facing the journalists, and one of them offers to take the rest out for drinks, they've earned it. The protagonist wipes the blood and soot off her face and asks if anyone has a light?
Then patting where her double-breasted suit pocket would be, smiles. "and a cigarette?"
There's a rustling of purses, and she's offered plenty of both from well-manicured long-nailed hands from off screen. She laughs, and the film fades to black.
Directed by Ed Wood.
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nellie-elizabeth · 4 months
Grey's Anatomy: Blood, Sweat and Tears (20x08)
Full disclosure, I watched this episode with constant interruptions so my brain is even more scattered than usual as I try and remember everything that happened.
Simone and Lucas just really isn't doing a lot for me. I wanted to be moved by Simone's speech at the end: "I'm a better Doctor because of you." I think the two of them have just caused each other too much pain, and not like... juicy, interesting, dramatic pain, just... two people acting really poorly, kind of boring and yet somehow simultaneously stressful to watch. So they hook up, and then the next day at the test, Lucas is avoiding Simone's eyes... come on. How many more rounds of pointless hesitation are we going to be on with these two?
This Amelia and Monica thing is pretty fun. Nothing much has actually happened so far, but I'm excited for it to start happening. "I've seen your hands" is such a delightfully bonkers thing to say to a professional colleague, I don't think Amelia was at all off base with the vibe she was picking up. At least we get the (scarcely needed) confirmation that Monica is queer, as she drops the news that she's going through a messy divorce with her wife. I like what they're doing with Monica's character, she has a sort of no-nonsense attitude but she's so wonderful and affirming with her patients. I think it's that thing where if you talk to kids like they're human beings capable of knowing their own minds, they'll really respond to that. And the story about the young trans girl was really moving. When she revealed she was anxious about surgery because of people seeing her naked body, I teared up a little!
Dorian... holy shit, that was stressful as fuck, I thought they were going to kill him! This guy cannot get a break. As much as Lucas has annoyed me with his attitude about all of this, I do like the concept of it, the way Lucas has externalized his stress and bad feelings onto his patient, and actually has a pretty unique insight into how bad his time in the hospital has been accordingly. I hope Dorian doesn't take this setback too hard. I want to see this guy get to leave the hospital by the end of the season, please!
I actually liked Owen and Teddy's story in this episode if you keep it isolated: I have the feeling that it's going to cause more stressors between them based on the promo we saw for next week, and that already fills me with a sense of ennui. But for what this was all on its own? Yeah, I liked it. The two of them working together in the field to save lives, their day off interrupted by work but the two of them working well and not getting too fed up with the situation, this was all good stuff. I liked Owen's epiphany that they should invest in teaching people how to stop a bleed the same way they teach people to do CPR, and how this might save so many more lives. The daughter of the man who was injured had a really insightful point when she said that what Owen told her to do wasn't difficult, it was just that she didn't know what it was she should do, until someone told her.
The actress who plays Jules is lowkey one of the best performers this show has ever had. I think her character tends to be sort of muted compared to some of the bigger personalities around her, but when she gets her little moments, they really are affecting. It was so sweet for Yasuda to give up scrubbing in for a surgery in order to help Jules study. The moment when Jules is crying about how she just freezes up in front of the test and how she doesn't want to get fired and lose her job... that was so touching! And the two of them falling asleep together was sweet. I'm not saying I ship it, but honestly let's just go ahead and make this new MAGYK gang a polycule, shall we? I wouldn't be mad.
I heard the news recently that Schmitt will be leaving the show sometime in the next season, and that bums me out in a major way. I guess we'll have to hold on to every moment of him we do have left... and I liked the Jo and Levi moments in this episode, where Levi is confused and annoyed by Jo's apparent lack of investment, but when Jo reveals her anxiety about her patients, Levi immediately switches modes and reassures her that she's doing a great job!
That's all for this week. I'm definitely missing some little details given the scatter-shot way I approached this episode, but I thought there was a lot of promise here.
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tarotmundomonde · 10 months
Name : Simran
Sun sign : Taurus ♉
Moon sign : Leo ♌
Venus sign : Gemini ♊
I choose : 3- Them about you.
Context about this person:
His initials : E C
Sun sign : Aquarius ♒
I'm 19 (f) and he's 22 (m). We met on an app (not a dating app) and initially our convo was just casual but later it escalated and we started sexting. This was my first time being on any such app/sexting. I've shared some pics (not exactly nudes) with him but nothing beyond that. He got cheated on in a relationship by someone he thought was the one for him, and I've seen how his views about relationships have somewhere been affected even if subtly. He's single but sexts other girls too He's shared few things with me, where he works, his fam but nothing deep which is understandable. I've known him for 7 ish months now and it was fine earlier but from the last 3 or so months I've realised how much I like him (I don't wanna say love but I won't deny there's an urge to say that.) We've not had any 'serious' convo but I've expressed my liking towards him and that I have a crush on him. He lives in a different country and I don't even know if we'll ever meet? But we're both adults and it's not impossible either. I've asked him if he would date me to which he says yes but I think that's not cus he likes me but as a 'why not I'm attracted to you so I can give it a shot' kinda. I recently started talking to another guy (same country but different places, we plan on meeting if things work out. The guy likes me but I've told him how I'm not ready for anything yet although I won't deny I do have a crush on him.) and told EC about him, to which he said "congratulations" and I could see him being distant with me but I couldn't handle it. There's some jealousy but idk if it's coming from a place cus he likes me or cus ofc we're sexting partners and friends so..? I wonder what's on his mind.
I'd say I like him and if there's a possibility for us, I'll wait even though I realise it's stupid cus it's all online and I understand the problems with it but some guidance would help me get over this situation.
Tbf the only reason why I want this reading is because it will help me bring some conclusion to the situation that I constantly think about. I understand that tarot reading is not the ultimatum but I'd still be grateful for the guidance. I'd like to know where this situation might lead me in the future because this is the second time I've felt so much for a person and I really wonder if it's worth putting that much energy into it? Last time I did it, I lost hopes for love to a certain extent.
Gif for us :
I can imagine us being like this. Me sharing about my life with him and him comforting me cus I'm his friend and he cares for me. He'd be so close to me but not close enough.
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Gif for you :
Although I'm new here, I get the vibe of you being mature, kind but straightforward. The blog itself is very chill and I like it. Someone I'd definitely listen to and ask for advices from. Wouldn't let them be dependent on you but still guide them.
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Hello Simran, let's dive into your reading, shall we?
First of all, what comes to his feelings for you, he isn't trying to push you away. He feels like letting you have your way. In general his heart space isn't much open, but with you he has lowered his defences. However, he is not fighting for this connection. He feels like things are changing and he doesn't know what you two will become.
He sees you as an opportunity. He does find you to have some good qualities in you. He knows you are offering him a door to open. But the connection in itself doesn't seem to mean much to him. He only sees it as two people having a small talk. Just chatting. And he doesn't intend to do anything. He just will be who he is and just be there and people know, where to find him, if they are interested. But he does want to be wanted! He just doesn't feel like giving anything nor wants to make changes. On top of that, he wants to keep you a secret! He wants you two to be an online thing. If you have someone else, he doesn't want them to know about him. Also, the cards are saying he likes to "watch", as in he likes his eyes to be entertained 👀🫠
Action-wise, it seems he is connecting with multiple people. He wants people to compete over him, to fight for him and for his attention. The strongest shall be the winner. There is a sense of free will, like he is saying it's your choice, if you choose him, if you want him, if you get involved. He is saying he is not responsible for anything. Also, he really takes pleasure in everyone trying so hard to have him. It makes him feel ever so powerful. He likes it, how everyone catches feelings for him, how everyone wants to have a new beginning in love with him. He loves to see, what each of the females can come up with it: tactics, communication, etc. He enjoys the competition, how everyone is trying so hard to be chosen by him and how everyone wants to get through to him. And in his eyes, you are one of the females, one of the participants in this love competition.
ps. feedback is always appreciated.
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arainmorn-art · 1 year
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A test task I've done right when I got sick, four days ago, so it feels a bit like a fever dream, how I was maniacally drawing, modelling and texturing 3 days in a row. And the final piece has this feverish vibe, I think x) So, the theme was a retrofuturistic dieselpunk+atompunk bomb shelter's atrium leading to living rooms. I didn't know there is a whole genre called atompunk, but apparently good old Fallout series is a part of it. And also it was told that the main focus would be the wall, ceiling, floor and railings design. You have 3 days to make it using any medium. I've decided to use my 2D-concept art skills + modest 3D Blender somewhat skills + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand my new passion, making procedural textures in Substance Designer, which I've started to learn and use about a 1,5 month now. I thought, let's mix useful and pleasurable, shall we? The best way to learn something is learning it on the field. Come on, I've learned Photoshop while drawing my first picture book in uni, it works.
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First thing first is to find the whole vibe. I'm by far not an architecture expert, most of my life I've been drawing characters, but the thing I've learned about it that there should be a pleasing repeated pattern of shapes to look at. As it doesn't suppose to look natural\organic, there should be a decent amount of straight lines, so it will look manmade. And it's freakin' hard to find this fine line between atompunk and regular sci-fi and I don't think I've managed it. But that's the thing with test tasks, what matters is: • the amount and diversity of variations you provide • your desicion making to show what you as a professional think works best • your ability to turn any variation into a project • your determination to finish it Even if your choice might not fit the project one employer has in their mind, other potential employers will see your work too and might find it fitting for their projects.
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My idea was to create a wall of doors that will also be a tileable wall texture that I'd do in Substance Designer. I was so thrilled about it as I was so inspired by so many tutorials on Youtube and Artstation how it would be fun to do my first sci-fi panel...
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...and oh my friggin' gosh it took me 6h in one sit to make it. I was so focused I think I've rarely breathed, my shoulder was aching and burning form tension, it was about 01:00 am and I was slightly panicking if I could finish everything else. It was the end of a day 2, I've spent 1.5 day on concept arts and this door. But still I was determined, as having a clear idea what to do (concept-art) and a tile that will cover 1\3 of the final piece (doors) is already a lot. Everything else can be improvised on the go. I've tested my door texture in Blender, was relieved it works and went to sleep. And I was also getting slightly cold and coughing a little, but I haven't thought about it.
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When I have a goal, I even wake earlier than usual. It's a day 3, I must put everything in it. So after a really challenging for a texture novice like me door creating a floor tiles was like walk in the park. It was fun, not painful and done before the noon, so I was confident in myself. And I've began my blocking in Blender. It is not by any mean a sophisticated 3d-modelling as a true 3d-artist would do. If any professional 3d-artist looks inside my Blender kitchen, their hair would turn grey. I do the same when I model my scenes for Deciphering comic: if it looks right, than it works for me. In game development production it's also the case that concept artist's models are only a reference for 3d-artists, so if you are a concept artist you can just don't bother about how technically disasterous and wrong in terms of wireframe and polygons your models could be.
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Slightly unreasonable tangent: Blender, why are you such a bitch when it comes to spiral stairs?! WHY? Why, you caprisous shmack, what the matter with you, why can't you do a decent spiral stairs in the first try?! Why every time I'm doing the spiral stairs I have to pull my hair from the head, dance with drums and shout curses at you, and you still do it through you digital asshole?! So... yeah. My initial idea with a solid staircase went to the trashbin as I couldn't handle mine and Blender's temper and there've been not so much time left, it was around 8 pm. So I was thinking on my foot how I could turn it into something that looks like a designer desicion and not rushed last minute one, but yeah, I've failed it. I've also find out that I got sick and had a high body temperature. Yay!
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By the way, stained glass looking texture on walls was an accident. When I was testing my door texture, I've made a mistake an applied it on the whole bloking area. It stretched across everything in an ugly way, but... this screen pattern looked good. Surprisingly good. It would be a crazy idea to have a glass walls in the suposed bomb shelter, but... damn it looked interesting. So I've created a new texture just for this part. Yeah, design over functionality, that's how it gets born, that's how it goes. Just some happy accidents.
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Then I've figured it would be a right time to do a fast concepts for railings... but my tablet decided to not respond. I've tried to install new drivers, checked eveything, lost an hour on it and decided: f*ck it, I'll finish it with my mouse if I must. Luckily I still had my Samsung Galaxy tablet so I quickly doodle some designes for railings. But composing the final concept art was still going to be done by mouse.
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This is when I've accepted that this is more a steampunk-ish train station with a bit of 60s than a bomb shelter and let it go. We have high ceilings? Let's have polls to the roof. No, let's also have a balcony under the roof. Let's have an elevator with glass and metal ornaments. Let it be more retro than futuristic! Can you hear I had a high temperature and feverish determination? I've made several Eevee shots as they were fast to render and compose.
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And a Cycles engine one for a better presentation. As my tablet died, there wasn't much I could paint over it, but I've tried to hide a couple of rendering mistakes. Mostly it was just about composing rendering maps, masks and filters in Photoshop - and I also was close to my limits as it was 02:30 am when I've finished it.
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It looks a bit as this whole location is underwater, but it's fine. Brings some mystery to it. Next morning I've send and still haven't received any answer. But it's alright, if they don't find it fitting, and decline. It's actually happened to me several times, when my test tasks for one company is liked by other one. That's not the main case I'm talking about. Every now and then an artist should do some kind of challenge, as only challenging yourself you learn something new. It's a never-ending journey and that's the beauty of art, it's not just a job, it's a way of life. And gee I've learned several things during this one! It may look like a screenshots from 2000s oldschool videogame, but hella I love old school videogames. It may not lead me to a new job in a short run, but in the long one it feels like a one of a millions steps in my art journey and I'm strangely inspired to create more of this obscure kind of environments.
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And thanks for reading!
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soggypotatoes · 8 months
hello there, it's Pigeon :)
I'm quite sorry for the longer-than-usual delay--life has been busy for me these past days, and I've wanted so much to write to you but...the time has had other ideas. but I'm here now :)
of course I wrote another poem! I'm so glad you like it :)
I'm proud of you for persevering with that pigeon :) I've been having the same struggle with my own art, to be honest, but it's been helping to remind myself that I just created something no one else can create which is rather amazing :)
"and so I shall keep creating. alas"
oh, a question: do you capitalize your name, or do you leave it lowercase stylistically? I want to get it right for you :)
hi pigeon!!! no worries, i love getting messages from u, I don't mind waiting :) Ive been busy too!
you're so right.. I think I'm gonna keep avoiding things that teach me how to make art right, bc everything we make is something only we can make, right? let's push on together and make as much as we can, without like.. giving ourselves a breakdown over it lol. I haven't really gone back to it yet, but I did cut out the middle of a little notebook, made a nest with paper, write some tiny poems and wrap them up to hide in there.. I'm gonna reblog this ask with photos later.. I think, sometimes when youre struggling with art, the best thing you can do is move into something totally new. like picking up something random on the street and painting it, cutting up some stuff and making a collage.. reminding yourself that creating doesn't have to be one thing, yknow?
I went to visit my parents today, they live up in the mountains (well.. Australian mountains, that are relatively flat compared to other countries lol), it's so foggy up here you can barely see anything. I love it. tomorrow I'm gonna try getting some photos of some brown doves that hang out here sometimes.
I hope you can go out and find something nice today. a funny shaped leaf or cloud. maybe give it a name or something >:)
oh and I like lower case cause it has a friendly vibe, but I don't mind either way really!! it was an interesting question to put to me cause I hadn't really thought about it before, but I guess it is a stylistic choice! Ed is an adult who writes emails and makes phone calls, ed is a funny guy you'd find at the local park, yknow? it also gives it a kind of noun vibe, like tree or rock. im not Ed, I'm an ed! :^)
have a beautiful day/night pigeon 🧡🩷💚💛🤎
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Since all the fashion discourse is back I'm gonna throw in my lot on the partnerships. Alltogether I'm not surpised that these brands are keen on employing the power of fandom in the Asian markets as there's been a general sway to expand markets in the Asiapacific regions since around 2019ish, saturated markets in the West and all that. Also the extreme wealth gain in the upper 5% during the pandemic all creates more handholds for luxury goods consumption. Given that BTS is currently operating seperately it gives them great market opportunities to employ this big fandom very broadly, even if only 1% of the rich ARMY buy more of their goods, they might buy from more than one of these brands simply because of fanloyalty to each of the members etc, it's obviously very lucrative for them. One can tell by all the content I have already seen about stock going up, haul videos, and all that jazz from ARMY, who mostly prob know jackshit about these different fashion houses and their styles and really jsut do their usual dick measuring with "oh the prestigue brought to the label by x idols ambassadorship". Yeah that's cute, as if the idols also don't get a nice paycheck with all this. Ah marketing ploys. Well established luxury fashion brands like this know a money making opportunity when they see one. Now outside of all the economic value of all this I think the ambassadorship appointments are from a style point not bad this time around. I do feel that Yoongi seems to have stepped up his personal style recently and from the way Valentino cuts their silouette especially in this years collection suits him and his current style trajectory quite well. Yoongi wears it well, it doesn't wear him. That speaks volumes. Though in my overall opinion proper tailoring skills have been going out the window with these 'top' fashion brands for some years now, such bad structure, but you prob don't care about that. Dior seems to be going for a more relaxed and flowy soft and neural colour palette fit this year from what I've seen and with the more cozy feel that jimins clothes have been havin it might not be a bad fit. We shall see, dior can have some super iconic looks it might vibe well with Jimin. And then JHope with maybe continuing with LV, i think of all of them he is well suited for Lv, he has the right kind of fashion sense for the kind of designs they have going on recently. It might be whacky, but Hobi styles whacky well in his own style. Anyway, I apologise if this is boring to you all this has ignited the intersection of special interestTM categories Fashion, BTS + KPOP and Economic Marketing of my brain and it needed an outlet. To your joy or dismay it has manifested here. Be that as it may. Hang in there in the pits of fandom hell that ARMY is nowadays.
Now I'm wondering if you're the same anon who sent me asks in the past regarding the fashion discourse. Your perspective sounds familiar. Either way, thank you for this contribution. It's important to look at this development through various angles, and not from just a k-pop fan stand because it tends to miss a lot of points. Which I bet you're aware of as well, especially the reactions on social media.
As you said, this new tendency (which started at least a few years ago) to strike deals with K-pop idols and actors makes sense because of the Western luxury brands trying to penetrate other sectors and they're definitely bullish on certain Asian markets due to an economic boom happening in the last few decades, which lead to the rise of extreme wealth and the creation of an upper class that uses these luxury brands in order to establish their status. That's why the LV and BTS partnership was big as well when it happened.
I don't know what you think about the fan/consumer reaction in terms of which idols are chosen. I've also seen some complaints, albeit scarcely, of why is suddenly everyone getting an ambassadorship. To me, it looks like the fan mentality doesn't allow them or they're not keen of looking at it from a broader perspective, specifically as a marketing tool. There's this ridiculous "beef" between fandoms of which K-Pop idol is actually more suited for the brand, which one is able to generate more capital. Case in point, Jimin and Jisoo. What I believe the fandoms fails to understand is that each of these two, along with the other two Korean ambassadors, were chosen for specific purposes and demographics. Fans see it as competition, when in fact it makes more sense for the brands to expand as much as possible because each idol brings their own consumers. Of which most of them are millenials and gen z with a social media presence which in turn promote the brand through their hauls and twitter/IG posts. Also, the percentage of really rich Army may already be familiar with luxury brands as an established consumer, but I think that it will have an impact on middle class fans as well who will think of purchasing because of the name now associated with let's say, Dior. They may look for goods in a "lower" price range (think of the beauty and makeup products). Either way, it's a win for the brand and the brand ambassador, as I've said in a previous post. It's funny how everyone talks about Dior needing Jimin, but the guy will make a lot of money out of this deal as well. Him and the rest of the members with their respective deals.
In terms of style, as much as I also see it as highly relevant, I think it won't matter for the fan/consumer, for all the reasons stated above. The usual fan is too biased to care. They could say that it looks amazing on Jimin, but if it were on someone else, they might as well have a different opinion and would not make that item be sold out. But that's just a bit of a speculation on my part.
By looking at the W Korea photoshoot, the Dior collection does seem a good fit for Jimin. It will be interesting to see how it will pan out in the near future. And by the way, I do love good tailored clothes and I have too noticed how "out of fashion" that is lately. These talks don't bore me at all, I do care about all the aspects.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by. You're always welcome, I like your insights. Come back if you want after Jimin attends the Dior show tomorrow and tell me what you think. It's a pleasure having these conversations.
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Is Dimentio SON of Tippi and Count Bleck's future selves? - Dimentio Bleck
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I think Dimentio is the unborn child of Tippi and Blumiere. That's why he hadn't killed them before the Super Dimentio fight. Because he didn't borned yet, if they die, HE DIES as well. And at the end of SPM I think Blumiere and Timpani teleported 3,000 years into the past. The reason both The Pixl Queen and Dimentio has the power of illusions is because they are siblings. The magician that created the pixls had a wife, a son and a daughter after all.When Timpani and Blumiere sacrificed themselfs they went 3,000 years back to the past. They wrote down they’re entire adventure in a book which people started calling: Dark Prognosticus. But they didn’t knew if the worlds saved or not. They only wrote what they lived and because the rest are unknown to the authors people though no more pages means no more future.According to the game whoever the magician was, he created the pixls by studying the Dark Prognoticus. And since the magician got his hands on the book and isn’t afraid of the book shows the author and the magician might be the same person. And since Timpani is a human, the magicain must be Blumiere/Count Bleck. Which means both Dimentio and The Pixl Queen are Blumiere/Count Bleck and Timpani’s children.
And remember that Carson mentains that while people thought the soul of the Pixl Queen belonged to a demon, it actually belinged to a HUMAN. We all know from experience that humans can't use magic, but ancients can. So, since the husband is a magician he can not be a human. Which shows the wife is a HUMAN. Or should I say, Timpani?
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Carson also mentains Dimentio showed up out of nowhere. Dimentio must have find a way back to the future where he joined Count Bleck and his minions. Carson mentains that he approach and befriended the Count himself. If he is his father than he already knew where to look.
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He doesn't knows who he is? It's one thing to not know someone's past. But no one knows WHO he is? That's a whole new level, isn't it?
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Oh, also, Dimentio gots his smart and determination from his mother. By the way, I'm getting family vibes. during the game:Tippi called Blumiere: SickTippi also calls Dimentio: Physcopath. A reason to hate his mother...
Dimentio's Family Abuse: Dimentio had been throught family a b u a s e. And the reason every single part of his skin is covered in clothes is to hide his wounds. I know Tippi and Blumiere would never do something like that. But his adopted family? If Timpani died in that accident and the magician that created the pixls (Blumiere)'s game was cut short, than Dimentio would likely given to new parents. And I been reading books about the backstories of Disney villains and almost all the villains had atleast one horrible person in their family. Betrayel from the family really changes people. It's possible for Dimentio to be given to a manipulative cruel people (which would show where he learned to manipulate people). Take off the cloak and the mask, and his wounds shall be revealed.
Dimentio's Hatred towards Tippi and humanity:
We all know Dimentio hates Count Bleck. But what if he hates his mother Timpani even more?If we cosider Dimentio's sister Shadoo hates ancients... What if Dimentio hates humanity?Think about it. Dimentio ignores her mother when she sees a deja vu about him in their first encounter during the events of the game. And after he killed Mario, Mr L, Bowser and Peach he gets closer to Tippi and shows her his grudge by saying "You know who I am right? I AM YOUR ENEMY. I serve Count Bleck." The sentence in the middle seems to me like this sentence directed for NOT the team, but rather for Tippi herself. Wouldn't fetting closer to Merlon be a better idea since he is more powerful..? Also, when Tippi calls Dimentio a "physcopath" Dimentio once again shows his grudge by saying "You're the hero! Are you going to let butterfly minds influence your decision?" I know this can be just to convince Mario. But isn't it weird that the more time passes the more colder Dimentio gets towards her? Don't tell me that's just a coincidence. Cause I don't think it is. The creator of this game is a genius!When Dimentio gets his hands on the Chaos Heart, when he sends Tippi, Blumiere and Nastasia to Dimension D, he says that Count Bleck looks pathetic and that he will squeeze life out of him later. But he says doesn't even makes fun of Tippi. He doesn't even bothers. He is like "She is not worth my time"
Tippi jokes about Dimentio's current state while she knows he is about to die. It's as if she enjoys Dimentio's death. "Good-bye now, Dimentio. We'll add a footnote to the prophecy about your failure." When Tippi said the word "footnote" it was actually a pun. This is what Mario and the gang did. They crushed him under they're foot. Not to mentain that Dimentio keeps saying "Remember the name well." So, by saying this Tippi also teases him. This is a way that Tippi says "Don't worry. You won't be forgotton. We'll write one sentence about you. You are just a little detail that no one cares about. This is not YOUR story. Get the hell out of OUR story. GO TO HELL, DIMENTIO."
Or something like that, if she would say any of those outloud she could regret that later.
Carson said nothing else about the son of the magician after the accident. And Dimentio just popped out of nowhere. His mother was also in the accident. Which leads me to believe that the accident is a explosion that created Dimension D.
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