#the news were on and they were talking about a really big international cartel doing people trafficking and he snorted and said
mxwhore · 8 months
theres so much to hate about this man im
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booksandchainmail · 1 year
Pale 9.2
That was the awful part of life where it didn’t matter how smart you were.  It just sucked to do and maybe if you were rich you could hire someone to handle it, sure, but she had no real interest in being rich.
being rich can be exchanged for not having to deal with boring parts of life!
She was a problem solver.  She was dumb in some areas but she was good at that, especially if she had her friends at her back.  Verona thought of Bristow.  Sometimes she was too good at that.
Something that's come up a bit thinking back on Bristow is that Verona escalates beyond her intent or ability to handle.
In another country, retracing steps from blacked out days, weeks, or months, learning you had, ahem, dates with a string of washed-up celebrities, tipped the initial domino in felling an international drug cartel, and seeded a new religion, with one or all events commemorated with brand new tattoos.
so a normal shadowrun session
Charles’s entire tone was almost as if he wanted to die, talking about it. Like he was deathly tired of the subject or something.
I wonder why Charles is so annoyed by talking about the barrier. Just tired of having to reexplain it? Or does he not like the reminder that he can't practice anymore
“If I may interrupt,” Matthew said. “Sorry, we can’t dawdle or chit-chat too much."
This is the second time Matthew's cut Verona off from talking to one of the newer Others this meeting. She is getting off topic, but I wonder if he's mainly trying to keep the girls isolated.
It felt a bit like the new Others had been told things about them that had poisoned the waters.  Like the first impression had been made for them already.  Verona frowned.
yeah. The question is, by who? I could see Crooked Rook being wary of practitioners in general, but I'm more inclined to think this was some of the original Kennet Others, probably Matthew and Edith. They would be able to speak about the girls in specific.
"You can decide how you want to handle patrols for the rest of summer.” “And after summer?” Lucy asked. “We’ll see, I guess."
I am in a paranoid state of mind here and wondering if Matthew isn't planning for after summer because he doesn't think the girls will still be around then
“There’s no way to argue this point without sounding like an asshole,” Lucy said.  “I don’t even care that much about the gifts but I do care that I’m being put in this position.  We didn’t ask, Montague offered.  And now we’re being made to look like bad guys for even entertaining it.  This sucks, you guys, and it sucks because you’re making it suck, and I don’t know why you’re doing that."
Matthew has gotten a lot more openly hostile
“I’d like to formally announce my intention to do the familiar ritual with Snowdrop.  I know it’s not the best shortcut to power, but if it keeps her around for longer than the usual four or five years of an opossum’s lifespan then I think that it’s something I really gotta do.”
hopefully this will defuse things a bit.
“About Raymond, we talked about him earlier, he wants to meet Charles. And about Zed, and about Nicolette, and even Jessica Casabien. We’d like to stay in touch with them. I’d like to get the okay to invite them to Kennet.  We can get them to agree to stay quiet, I think, and not interfere.  But when it comes to stuff like the wards, or finding the Others, I think they could be big helps.”
hmmm. So this is obviously not going to go over well. And honestly I'm not sure it's a great idea (though there are obvious benefits for getting more power and help). I wouldn't want Ray getting involved: I like him, but he didn't object to the things Alexander and Bristow did. He's also well established in his power and authority: I could see him, with good intentions, taking some level of control over Kennet. And he's so well-connected that anything he lets slip can travel far.
Zed and Nicolette... that's a mixed bag. They're both good people, but they'd come at Kennet from a practitioner's angle. And Nicolette stepped up during the coup, but I think with people (like the Kennet Others) she doesn't particularly know or care about, she'd put her own safety and future first. Zed is more ethical, but he's also very investigative, and I could see his sense of morality backfiring if he feels compelled to intervene.
Honestly, of all these people, I'd pick Jessica as the one to invite to Kennet. She's already an outsider to practitioner society: she seems to dislike most practitioners and isn't attached to their worldview. And she doesn't seem like she'd be overly interested in any of the Others who want to keep a distance. If Kennet could help her with her cousin, I could see her being a really solid ally.
Verona was really curious what had prompted Avery to bring that up.
wanting to build something, beyond just the three of them?
“The difference is the Others knew of you before that meeting.  Came to terms with you, discussed you.  For us, you were an afterthought.”
and you were in their power, unAwakened human children, not young but growing practitioners
In the back, Snowdrop chattered at Tashlit, “I don’t even get to be an honorary goblin.  They’re so mean to me, they don’t share any of their snacks!”
“We have people we care about just as much as you care about Chloe or Faith,” Lucy said.  “If something happened to them… that’s nightmare material, as far as I’m concerned.  If someone like Chloe hurt them…  just about everyone in Kennet’s precious to someone, like that, aren’t they?”
ghouls really seem like a terrible situation. No ethical way of keeping up a reliable food source in any volume. A quick google says that Canada has around 8 deaths per 1000 people per year. Even assuming every single corpse goes to feed ghouls, you'd still need 6,500 people to keep one fed. Which could work out, with small numbers of ghouls in cities, but really can't be sustained in a town the size of Kennet.
Verona looked down.  Looked around at the grass, which needed a bit of mowing, had some weeds.  A few divots where something like groundhogs had dug through.  A few trees stood at the back.
if Avery takes Snowdrop as a familiar, then it's Verona who'll be taking a Demesnse. So it's really her decision here
"It’s big and it would be yours, if you want it. The amount of space you start with is pretty important.”
true, though I think ideally you'd have a building, not just a vacant lot. Can you build a mundane house to use as a base once the Demesnse is already set?
Settling down, locking an area down as her own for life, taking on that as a responsibility and investment… it felt like a lot, somehow.  Heavy.
Verona seems like the least of the three to want this
Tashlit gave her a thumbs up.
could Tashlit move in, if Verona has a Demesnse? Seems like it might be easier to weatherproof than just a shack.
Permanence was scary.  The steps they couldn’t take back. Bristow. The things they couldn’t undo.
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khoicesbyk · 3 years
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Dark Pleasure.
A/N: This AU is between my two all time favorite books Bloodbound and The Royal Romance! It is the crossover to end all crossovers.
A/N 2: This fanfic will be dark! And sexy! And violent! And delicious! And will quickly become your guilty pleasure.
Rated: Mature. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Tristan Rys (LI) and Latisha Tucker (MC) x Adrian Raines and Tiana Reynolds-Raines | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 1,210 words. (more or less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Prompt Time! Today I’ll be using @wackydrabbles prompt #87 “No offense, but I'm not interested.”! It’ll be in bold in black.
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
Series TW: drug use, violence, murder, mentions of torture, prostitution.
This series is rated Mature. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
Chapter 1.) Into The Shadows.
Tristan Rys has everything any man could ever want. Money, power, cars, girls, homes you name it, he’s more than likely got it. As President and Chairman of Rys International Group, it’s his job to provide his clients with every luxury their hearts desire. After all he’s known all around the world as The King Of Cordonia.
His late father Constantine started the company with just one small hotel and when he turned the business over to his youngest son, Tristan turned it into a powerhouse that rivals Marriott and Hilton. He has his Le Roi de Cordonie hotel group, his Lotus spas and The Underground nightclubs all over the world.
And now he’s looking to expand to the US. After scouting possible headquarter locations in California, New York, Miami, Boston and Chicago, he settled on Washington D.C. He took a liking to the busy city vibe. With D.C. being the home and hub of American politics and the potential growth of his client list, he was sold on the location. Because what better way to grow his true business than to be in a city that thrives?
What is his true business you ask?
Tristan isn’t just the owner of Rys International Group, he’s also one of the biggest drug lords in the world. No one has ever been able to touch him.
And right now he’s about to have the biggest investment meeting of his life. If he’s able to make this deal it would mean he’d truly be unstoppable.
He’s about to meet with Senator Adrian Raines.
Adrian has known Tristan since he was a kid. He and Constantine were great friends and eventually Adrian became one of Rys International’s biggest clients. After all, they hosted Adrian and Tiana’s wedding. So when Adrian heard that Rys International was coming to D.C., he had to see what brought Tristan to town. Although Adrian doesn’t run the day to day of Raines Corporation he was still willing to meet.
Both arrived to an empty Ocean Prime Steakhouse for their meeting.
“Adrian! It’s good to see you!” Tristan said as he stood to greet Adrian with a handshake.
“It’s good to see you too Tristan. It’s been a long time. I haven’t seen you since you were a kid.” Adrian replied, returning his handshake.
“Thank you for meeting with me, Senator.”
“Please you know you can always call me Adrian.”
“I know but I want to respect you and your new position.”
“Thank you. What can I get you? Scotch?” Adrian asks.
“Whiskey if you don’t mind.” Tristan replies.
Adrian signals for the waiter to bring them a couple bottles and glasses.
“Now before we get down to business, I gotta ask…how’s that spitfire wife of yours?” Tristan asks.
Adrian snickered.
“You know how she is about you. She won’t shut up about the new spa you opened up in New York. I can’t keep her out of there.” He replies.
“Yes I know. Still the best sex I’ve ever had.”
“You’re a liar but I’ll take the backhanded compliment anyway.”
The two shared a laugh as the waiter brought them two bottles of whiskey.
“I don’t know about you but I’m starving! So shall we order?” Tristan asks him.
“Of course let’s order.”
They placed their orders and while they waited for their food to be delivered, they started to discuss business.
“So let’s get down to it. Why am I here Tristan?” Adrian asked.
“I have a business proposal for you Adrian.”
“Oh? And what is this business proposal as you put it?” Adrian asks.
“Consider it a bit of a ‘you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours’. I’m new to town and I know how cutthroat D.C. can be. And I’m a small fish in this very big pond.” Tristan replies.
“Meaning?” Adrian asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Meaning you give me protection here in D.C. and I fund your entire senatorial re-election and future presidential campaign.” Tristan replies.
Adrian scoffed.
“No offense, but I'm not interested.”
“Come on Adrian! You can’t seriously be passing this up!”
That’s when their food arrived.
“Need I remind you that you are one of the biggest drug dealers in the world? You’re a danger to my campaign!”
Tristan shrugged.
“Suit yourself Senator. I was actually looking forward to working with you but I’m sure your opponent in New York will be happy to take the deal.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh no? Why not? Because you’re an old friend of both me and my father?” Tristan asks.
Adrian smirked.
“You’re an asshole. You do know that right?” Adrian asks.
“High praise!” Tristan replies.
“If I agree to this, what do I really get out of this?” Adrian asks.
“Like I said, a fully funded re-election and future presidential campaigns. On top of the perks of being a valued member of Rys International’s platinum club and a few other personal perks and favors, of course.” Tristan replied.
“All while you get to set up shop here in D.C. and run your legal and illegal business, correct?” Adrian asks.
“A win-win situation if I do say so myself.” Tristan replies before pouring himself a drink.
“And how would we go about this…business?” Adrian asks.
“Very simple. Your head of security Jax will meet with my head of security Drake Walker and coordinate.” Tristan replies.
“Jax won’t agree to that.”
“Why not?” Tristan asks.
“Jax doesn’t like working with people.” Adrian replied.
“Neither does Drake. Unless it involves sex and liquor.”
“Oh well in that case, they’ll be great together. They’re both brooding, moody and love liquor and women.”
“Now you’re getting it.”
“What about your brother Leo?” Adrian asks.
“Simple. While all that happens my brother will work with Raines Corporation on the business side of things.”
“And what about us?”
“Just two old friends working together to make sure that you are re-elected and my business flourishes here in America.”
“And no one will know about your cartel?” Adrian asks.
“Nope. Hell I’ll even throw you a cut of the profits…and a few of my finest girls.” Tristan replies.
Adrian sat back and thought about Tristan’s words.
“Come on Adrian. I know you’re considering it.”
“You’re an egomaniac!”
“And you’re the vampire who is married to the most powerful woman in the entire universe. And together you and I will become the two most unstoppable men on the planet!”
Adrian just shook his head then grinned.
“Damn you’re good…”
“That’s the nature of my business. So what do you say? Do we have a deal?” Tristan asks.
“This goes against everything I have believed in! I am better than this!” Adrian hissed. “And yet…this is too damn good for you to pass up.”
Adrian took a deep breath and Tristan rolled his eyes.
“Just say that you accept the damn deal old man!”
“Fine! You’ve got a deal! I can not believe I’ve been talked into this.”
“Wonderful! I’ll have my legal team contact yours and we’ll hammer out all the fine print.”
“You truly are ruthless, Tristan.”
“Jay-Z said it best. I’m not just a businessman, I’m a business…man.”
Adrian snickered.
“Here’s to a very lucrative partnership.”
The two toasted to their new deal.
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
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(Does he not look like he should be scaleing a damn window?!)
Pairing: Hitman Hoseok & Mob Boss OC
Genre: Mob/Mafia/Organized Crime/Drug cartels/Established/unofficial but lowkey official couple...
WC-10K (A good 3-4 of it is smut btw) 
 “I’m going to fall a fucking part, and so will my families empire and then what!? WHO the fuck are they going to blame then!? Huh? Definitely not my damn brother, he’s too coked out to even tie his fuckign shoe laces neverthless run the family business!”
Note- This is old...I have a TON of mob/mafia-related “Pilot” chapters as I call them..stashed in my google Docs! This is a heaverier/ agngisterst read by the way, not a downer but just heavy ya know? It works just fine as a stand alone, but by the end of it you can tell that when I initially wrote it I was setting it up to be a series! One that would eventually involve the other boys as well, so there is some backstory!
Hoseok;s tatted, and just radiates soft dom energy…and tbh that’s all we need in this world
The OC is stressed, and needs a damn hug...the end!
Warnings: (Nonsexual- Strong language, mentions of guns, drugs/drug use and addictions, violence and mentions of chronic illness..not pertaining to Hoseok though)  
Warnings- Soft Dom Hoseok, breathe play, slight pain kink(very minimal prep before sex...by choice) overstimulation, handjobs, light come play, spit play, chill dirty talk....unprotected sex.Semi public sex-ish(in her office while the guards are outside the door...)
Hibiscus island, Miami Florida 8PM 
‘Alright, so I’m looking at about, a half kilo of snow, hmmm, maybe a little over a quart of skag and a couple hundred Tabs of Molly…”
The line went dead on the receiving end causing the man in question to attempt the phrase again…maybe his connection was bad?
“Helll-lo? Boss I said I-”
“I heard you. Was there a an actual question in there somewhere or where you just letting me know your eyes still work?” The level of just…. dry...that fell from his tongue just now….
“Well I-umm no.No...I just wasn't told exactly what was being retrieved from the plane so I just wanted to make sure this was accurate and noth-”  The scoff that rung through the other end was borderline humiliating, as if to imply there's no way in hell he could even think this was “accurate”.
“No Mark, it’s far from accurate, but what you see in front of you is what’s there…”
Ahhh, so that explains his happy go lucky sunshine personality at the moment.
“Okay, well I’ll have this sorted and get the plane sterilized, am I sending this down to the west wing for a quality check first or is this just being disbursed to the runners?”
A deep agitated goan rattled in his throat, god whyyyy does everybody have so many questions today!?
“Just-just put it in one of the storage units for now, I’ll deal with it later” Hanging up the call before any more questions could be rendered because he honestly didn't have the patience to even pretend like he cared right now! The minute the call dropped his phone buzzed indicating he’d receive about his 8th text in a row from a person he’s a second away from releasing a full barrel face on! 
It took every ounce of self control not to just let the phone slip out of his hand and shatter against the patternized stone walkway swirling beneath his feet!
Clearly,Hoseok’s not in a good mood, like, at all...there’s just so much floating through his mind right now he’s practically running out of space to even breathe! 
He’s tired, Irritable, that earth-shattering smile of his is nowhere to be found, instead it appears to have been replaced by a semi-permanent snarl. Oh, and the best part, Germany, yeah that was a complete and utter shit show. It was supposed to just be a simple negotiation in regards to you guys expanding to a new territory. Yet he feels like the last thing he did was actually talk, I mean fuck palms still feel as though they’ve been damn near rubbed raw at this point.  Hours, that’s how long it took to rid his otherwise delicately stealth hands of their custom crimson overlay! And to make life even better, he’s the one who has the pleasure of sitting down and debriefing the whole failed mission to you! 
So yay, he loves that for himself...truly…
 Everything just feels heavy, his head, heart hell, even his spirit at his point! Feet dragging through the opulent Medetriann style courtyard as if they weigh more than he did. The only thing that somewhat has Hoseok in a decent mood was you, the fact that he’d be able to see you in person after what felt like 6 years, which in all actuality was a little shy of 5 days! 
Easing his way through oversized dual french doors, into an area that essentially acted as the east wing's  “Lobby” if you will, panes of white walls, and thick black arched windows framed the entryway. The dim lighting hanging from the cast iron chandelier gave the effect that the stark white walls were almost glowing against the moonlight peeking in. My point? The atmosphere appears calm at first glance, warm..inviting...everything Hoseok needs it to be right now because again he’s NOT in the mood for bullshit. All he’s dealt with over the past 120 some odd hours was bullshit! Hint’s why your European connect is a good, meh, four soldiers down at the moment!
I can’t say Hoseok had a specific…”Greeting” in mind upon strolling back into the compound tonight…..
However, what I can guarantee is the soundtrack that is you going full hulk mode in your office, while your guards stood outside looking like bats outta hell, definitely wasn’t high on his list! The men stationed at the security desk were already whipping their heads around before he even pulled the door open. Ah the beauty of cameras, at this point they weren’t sure what was worse. You, playing whack a mole behind the wall or Hoseok’s reaction once he put two and two together! 
It takes all of 3 steps before another piece of something glass and undeniably expensive shatters against the wall. Accompanied by a loud grunt on your behalf, voice breathy and fragile, which lets him know you’ve been at this for a while. 
The level of just, exhaustion he could hear heaving from your throat is what had him more alarmed than anything else. The fact that you clearly didn’t have the self-control to tell your body to stop…which isn't like you at all! I mean fuck, how long have you been in there?! Hoseok’s heart was beating so loud he could hear it pulsing through his ears! 
“What the fuck did you guys do?!” The first and only thing to leave his lips as he huffs towards the control desk. The guard initially stationed in front of the camera’s, rolled his seat to the far left within seconds. Allowing his superior the space to do whatever he needs, they heard Hoseok’s mouse make about 1 good click before…
“Fuckkkkk” Cursed from his lips with enough depth to bounce off every surface in the room. There was an additional gruffness laced within his tone due to lack of sleep.. which almost made the sound more initiating, borderline animalistic. Hoseok’s voice actually broke towards the end, the growl dying on his tongue before it even started. Head bowing towards the monitor as he rocked forward, attempting to re-center himself. Keyword there….”Attempting”
Precipitously, there’s another sound rattling the air and no, it’s not another object flying against the wall ,it’s Hoseok’s fist...right into the marble desktop! Yup, there are no cameras in your office...why? Because you and the man in question have no fucking self-control...which suddenly he’s really, really regretting! Well, actually, there are cameras, however they can only be turned on from inside the office,and he already knew you turned the feed off! That’s why he’s on 10 because he can’t see you..at all! You could be hurting yourself in the process and he’d have no idea! The entrance to your office is camouflage for obvious reasons, to naked eye one wouldn't even know there was an office!
Even as your consigliere Hoseok didn’t ask for much, never has, not a big fan of relying on others to handle his needs...hmm wonder why he got to that point. Still, an unspoken rule of thumb when he leaves..is it’s every mother fucker's job within the compound, hell even the damn birds that frequent the garden! Everyone, needs to do their part to make sure he dosen’t come back to this..especially with the way things have shifted internally as of late! 
And by “This” I mean you having a mental breakdown in your office, because you aren’t one to just break shit for shits and giggles! This isn’t how you deal with a transaction going south, or a distributor sending over a bad strand of coke.. something’s wrong..really fucking wrong! 
Silent, dead silent, that's what Hoseok was, and that was utterly terrifying, your men knew to give him his space, that he’d address them when he’s ready. All the while carefully observing the way his fingers twitched anxiously next to one of the soldier’s guns, before wrapping his hand around the trigger. Teeth grinding together hard enough to crack a molar, repeating his initial question…
 “What. The. Fuck. Did you guys do?” Gritted through clenched teeth as he paced the gun between the three men standing in the lobby. Not even remotely concerned that he was outnumbered because they all looked petrified...as they should….clearly patience was the very last thing he had tonight. 
“Ugh, nothing we-” Click….there goes the sound of the safety, all of three words and a staggered pause in….
Hoseok’s stance never faltered, eyes blazing into the youngers with such intensity it took everything in him not to divert his gaze away from his superior. Head cocked to the side, jaw clenched painfully tight, you can actually visibly see it twitch. The slight arch in his brow let the guard know that was the wrong damn answer and this wasn’t multiple choice, it’s fill in the blank! So he’s got about one more try before this gun goes off, and suddenly you lot will have yourselves a red accent wall! 
“Hoseok, I swear we really-” Coyly swaying from behind the desk, edging his way closer and closer, to the dumbass that still hasn’t figured out how to properly answer the question. Connecting the gun to the side of his head, shoving the lackey against the wall in the process, there was an oddly calming aura radiating off his body right now. Which was clearly in strong contrast to what was currently taking place...and that’s because this..isn’t new to him anymore. The act of taking one’s life doesn’t weigh on his heart the way it used to and maybe that makes him a monster or..maybe it makes him damn good at his job. 
This was simple honestly, if they're not the reason for said breakdown then tell him what is. Not excuses as to why it wasn’t them because clearly that won’t get him any damn where now will it?
“Fuck-...she-she went and saw her dad!” Bingo! He all about choked on that…
 “ ...and she’s been like that ever since...I swear! I swear!” Hands above either side of his head,  shaking like a leaf in the wind, Hosoek could practically see his Adam’s apple bobbing against this throat, as he backed away. 
The shift within the air was palpable, they could’ve gotten whiplash from how quickly his eyes inverted, from pure rage to pain and concern. Shoulders slouched in on themselves as he released a shaky breath from his lungs, staggering backward as he ruffled his fingers through his jet black locks. Almost appearing somewhat winded by the update that he already kinda braced himself for honestly. 
“Fuck”  The word hushed from his lips so faint he doubts any of the men even heard him. Eyes fluttering shut briefly, his opposite hand rested on the bridge of his nose. Squeezing unnecessarily, tight, intentionally re-inflicting the pain he felt maneuvering through his chest!  It wasn’t even a full 30 seconds before he heard something else shatter into pieces, instantly snapping him back to reality, forcing him to reroute his thoughts. 
“How long…” There was a sudden dryness laced within his delivery as if he really didn’t want to know the answer.
“About a hour...or so….” 
“And I’m assuming she insisted on going alone?” No even bothering to make eye contact as a hushed “Yes..” fell from the guards lips. A low hum rang in the back of his throat while his eyes outlined the patterns within the marble, silently trying to pull his shit together before he made his next request….
“Override the security, and buzz me in….” The guards couldn’t help but feel a little shell shocked at how, monotoned, and emotionless his delivery was. One minute they could feel every once of his frustration without Hoseok even opening his mouth! Suddenly, it was like he’d completely removed himself from the entire conversation. Initially, his lack of patience steamed from other bullshit but now, none of that mattered, Germany, the drug deal, none of that even scratched the surface, all that matters right now is you. 
“Boss I don’t thin-”
Gaze slowly rising from the desk, cold, and somewhat feral, not quite sure why he’s being questioned, but right now, but it's definitely not the time! Bringing his nine back level with the guard in question, Hoseok didn’t have to say anything, his middle finger caressing the trigger said it all, expression blank. Gaze daring him to do anything but, buzz his superior in as he asked..nothing more, nothing less. 
Within seconds the center wall which at first glance just looked like a block of white Statuario marble started to shift, exposing all the shattered pieces of decor on the ground. Not even attempting to warn you first because he knew you’d tell him to leave. So instead, he took a deep breath, dropped the gun back onto the desk, cracked his neck a couple times, braced himself, and stepped inside. 
Ya know, if circumstances were different the site in front of him could actually be somewhat comical. You, standing in the middle of this obnoxiously large gilded office, all dolled up in your heels, tight little LBD, dawning every curve on your body. A wrist full of Cartier and Bvlgari,hair curled...looking like you’re ready for a night on the town. Yet, instead of sitting in the middle of some 5-star restaurant drinking aged Scotch your in here. Angry, winded and breaking shit...really expensive shit at that! 
However, there was nothing even remotely humorous in regards to the reason behind your sudden rage. Honestly, it broke his heart to see you like this! Yes, the heart that most barely believed he truly had, but that’s neither here nor there, the people that matter know it threw and threw. Hoseok could feel the anger radiating off your skin even from where he stood. You were ablaze, nothing but utter rage, doused from your pores, but what made it even worse was the blatant desperation underneath it all. 
Every scream just seemed more and more broken...sure maybe he’s a hypocrite, he breaks shit all the time when he’s angry, hell people and objects included.  But you....this wasn’t you..and this wasn’t a healthy way for you to cope! To be real the only reason he stood there so long was because he needed a second to pull his shit together! The longer he stared at you the more his chest tightened, eyes burned like hell. His fingers twitched at his side trying to resist the urge to just come grab you, but he knew better. 
Sure, in most people's eyes, and by most I mean 99.9% of the population, you’d be the farthest thing from an angel! You lost any ounce of purity yearsss ago, still, in his eyes..there’s no one more untainted then you where it counts! And that’s, all that mattered because he knows better than anyone that you have a heart made of 24kt gold. A heart that needed to be protected at all cost, and clearly at the moment that’s not happening, because he can see it! Shattering all over the place along with very pricy china! 
Chest rising and falling painfully hard against itself, you were damn near blacked out in rage. So much so you didn’t even notice your office doors opening or closing. You, the woman that trained her ear to hear the faint hum of an elevator in an upscale hotel. 
Leaning down until your face was flush with the desk, gripping the edges so hard Hoseok could hear the floor creak. He couldn’t help but notice how flushed your knuckles looked, bouquets of bruises already blooming along the smooth surface. The moment of silence only lingered about….half a second, just long enough for you to recharge and grab something else to hurl at the wall. Voice-breaking before the hiss even fully rolled off your tongue, and that  “Something” was a set of Tiffany’s champagne glasses that you utterly adored! Well aware that wouldn’t go over well once this was all said and done so he figured that was his cue. 
“Y/n…” His voice wasn’t loud enough, abrasive enough, and frankly, you were far too absorbed to even hear him on such a neutering level! Sooo, he tried again. Slipping seamlessly into his…”Boss man”  tenor if you will, adding a dash of base to his voice that you could not only hear..but feel! 
You startled upon hearing the endearment, head snapping around, body staggering until you fell back onto the corner of the desk. Bracing yourself with one arm, so you didn’t actually fall, chest heaving in short staggered breaths, as you gazed back at him, though it was clear initially you really weren’t looking at him.  
“Don’t!” He could see your body starting to curl in on itself as you shifted under his gaze which currently felt like an uncapped bulb in the middle of an integration room. The warning was too half hearted for him to even acknowledge!!
“Fuckkk''  Cursed from your lips only loud enough for you to hear once you gazed up at the clock through swollen eyes, not even realizing how late it was. Far too consumed in anger to remember that Hosoek was even coming home tonight, infuriating yourself even more because this was the last thing you wanted him to walk in on.  You didn’t want to burden him with the task of having to put you back together again, you’d been doing it just fine yourself for the past 5 or so days since this has secretly become routine as of late! You cry, you break shit, you touch up your makeup, and then you walk out of your office like nothing happened and continue running this 9 figure empire.
 “Just-go-go, back outside….” You were trying to sound strong, determined like you weren’t falling apart, and you were failing...miserably failing, you weren’t in control you were practically begging. The concern in Hoseok’s eyes was more than evident and that made shit even worse. Yet no matter how bad his palms were aching to touch you, he didn’t dare to reach for you yet, he knew your limits, and right now still wasn’t it…He could physically see you shudder as if it  wasn’t a solid 75 degrees outside right now.
The silence was too much, way too much, it felt as though it was ripping you apart, or maybe you were ripping yourself apart? Maybe it’s just harder to hide from yourself when you no longer can drown out your thoughts with the sound of you screaming and breaking shit…
“Fuck, this is about Germany right? Or Amsterdam? Whatever it is, whatever you need from me. You can have it...we can talk I promise, but right now,  I need you to leave…” Trying your damnedest to hold is gaze but it felt impossible because you knew he saw straight through you!
The pause was long enough for him to say something and still...nothing...it was like he was trying to push you enough to finally admit what you really needed from him.
“I just need a minute...t-to pull my shit together and then I’ll be fine, then we can talk.” You were practically whispering, your voice was so trashed and distressed. Forcing yourself to drop an octave, removing any texture from your tone  in order to properly “convey” your message yet he still didn't budge! 
“Hoseok, don’t make me ask again...just-” Shoeing your hand towards the door to replace the word you couldn’t quite get to roll off your tongue. 
Everything about you was contradictory because now you wanted him, your eyes were pleading in agony for him to hold you and make everything disappear. Yet, your tone was dry, removed, as if he was some low-level soldier on the totem pole, not to mention you legit just told him to leave. But oh how your emotions betray you when it comes to Mr. Jung! No matter how much bullshit you just spit out, you really only said one thing...and he heard it clear as day. 
Hoseok already knows, he knows you like the inside of a VP9 Veterinary pistol, no matter how cold your delivery was it didn’t stop him from easing off the wall and invading your space. You could feel him before he even got in within 10 ft of you, his aura already starting to infiltrate your little bubble! His stride was slow, confident, making up for all the things you currently lacked because that’s what a good partner does! 
He could see how hard you were clinging to the table as if you were using that to ground you, afraid of how lost you’d get once he got in arm’s length. This man had a soul that outweighed yours by miles and that was one of your favorite things about him, how deep he could go in more ways than one.  Hoseok didn’t stop until he was standing directly in front of you, close enough for you to taste the speirment on his tongue. Still, he hasn’t touched you and now you really needed him to touch you! The sweet musky scent of his cologne filling your lungs, you could practically feel the heat radiating off his body, god why weren’t the two of you in bed right now? Not even having sex nesicarilly,  just naked, skin on skin...you just wanted to feel him. It’s actually disgusting, the amount of control he has over your entire sense of being at this point. The way even just the slightest touch can completely throw all of your senses out of whack or back in whack I guess I should say.  
“Hmmm, a minute is all you need yeah….” Not even attempting to phrase it as a question because he knew it was all bullshit anyway!  So you didn’t dare respond, not trusting your voice anyway, just keeping your eyes trained on his...getting lost in how bright they looked in contrast to yours. Spreading your legs on instinct so he could get even closer, shifting slightly on top of the desk. 
Hands braced on either side of your frame to give him leverage as he tilted forward. “Well, it seems as though you’ve had….many minutes, hours even..” Eyes wandering around the room observing the mess you’d made, yeah the maids gonna need a bonus after this!  
“It doesn’t appear you having time alone has done you much good so try again baby…”Hoseok had a tenor that was meant for your ears, and your ears only. The typical bright almost giddy little accent to his tone was always replaced by a calmer, warmer one. An underlying element of sensuality that exuded just the right amount of calculated…. control….an effortless sense of dominance if you will.
Staring down at you through hooded lids thoroughly, reading for any ounce of discomfort! Once he didn’t find any... finally, you felt his hands take a firm grip on your waist. Your body tensed initially, hoping to counteract how hard you were still shaking! Hint, you failed, you were practically vibrating against him at initial contact!
“Breathe y/n...” 
“I am, trust me that’s the only thing I can do right now…” There was still a slight bite rolling off your tongue, no matter how winded you sound. However, in Hoseok’s eyes sass is better than silence so carry on! 
Nosing along the side of your neck, right beneath your ear, next to your windpipe, letting him feel how you truly felt, which was unbalanced and a little lost. Your heart rate per 15 seconds was probably double what it was on an average day and yes, Hoseok knows how many times your heart beats per minute on an average day! 
“Baby...” Cooed from his lips almost sympathetically as he slowly started painting a trail down the side of your neck with his lips. 
“Hoseok, I-god-I can’t-” You “can’t “what exactly?  Relax? Give in? Shut your brain off? What “Can't” you do? 
“Yeah, yeah, you can, let me turn shut your brain off for a minute , let me take care of you.” Hands gently ravishing your body, effortlessly sending goosebumps down your spine with every feather-like touch. 
“I’ll give you any, and everything you want, but I won’t leave you alone right now…” The words fanned against your skin making your shiver against him, no matter how calm his tenor was the dominance was clear as day! You didn’t have a say in the matter….
Reclining your neck on instinct giving him more room to work as you tried to clear your mind of any and everything that wasn’t Hoseok as you let your eyes fan shut. 
“Hoseok…” Staggered out heavily feeling like you were choking and he only offering a hum in response, not letting up from his current mestractions….”Fuck, yeah, okay just- just keep touching me...please” You weren’t typically a beggar even in bed but right now you needed him, not int he mood to be sassy or play hard to get, to be honest, you just didn’t have the energy. 
“I’m not going anywhere baby..I’m right here..all here for you..always…in any way you need me…” Palms soothing down your thighs, reaching under to smoothly wrap them around his waist, bringing his hips flush to yours. Once he felt you secure your ankles he reached for your hands, kissing along your knuckles before sliding them under the back of his shirt. Knowing how skinship puts your mind at ease, and the second the pads of your fingers graze his skin...you’re already finding  yourself digging your nails into his shoulders. Ripping a low growl from his throat, as he rocked his hips forward, re-positioning his arms on either side of your body so his forehead was flush to yours. 
“All here for you, in any way you need me..” That seems to hold a lot more weight as of late and no matter how much you’re trying to rid your mind of those thoughts..you can’t, you fucking can’t. Suddenly you’re clawing at his shoulders for a different reason, and it hurts, and not the fun kinda pain either…he hears a faint whimper leave your lips, as you clung to him even tighter.
“Y/n….” He exhales, voice shaking eyes glazed over, welting full of tears he’s praying don’t fall because he needs to be strong for you right now. “Baby” There was a blatant plea laced within that and you...
“I know, I know…” it’s unsaid...though it’s clearly not unsaid because you know...youuuu know, the two of you avoided that word. Maybe because if you said it that makes the idea of losing each other even worse. So for now, you’d just prefer to endlessly show it…....
Talking would just suck ass right now, so you opted for the later and leaned in, it wasn’t soft or delicate..you kissed him hard. Until he was gasping through his nose to breathe while, almost stifling forward,letting your hands wander up his shirt to thread into his hair.  Tugging at his scalp until you heard him moan against your tongue, taking that as your invitation to lick your way into his mouth which he accepts willingly. Reclining his jaw letting you have control because he figured you could probably use that right now.  Your lips moved with such emotion, and just pure passion that you don’t know if you’d ever felt so weak under him..yet powerful all at the same damn time! You almost feel lightheaded, the more you kiss, tongues meeting with such desperation your chest feels like it’s burning. Teeth clashing, nails clawing so hard into Hosoek’s skin it hurts but he doesn’t give a damn.
You tilt your head back giving him free access to do as he pleases and he bites. Hard. Until he rips a moan right off your tongue and it sounds so damn good….Nipping licking and sucking over every inch of skin he can reach. Feenin to hear you moan over and over again...until your lips find his and your clawing at his v-neck for dear life. Yanking at the neckline until you hear it rip, lifting and tugging it until he finally takes the hint….
“Come take what you want.” Pulling back to allow you to yank it over his head, exposing mounds of warm and toned honey-coated skin, covered in trails of articulately placed ink. A combination of new-aged back and white with hints of watercolor paint his skin, telling an array of stories that you know like the back of your hand at this point!
Tugging him back by the nape of his neck so his chest is flush to yours, the warmth radiating through the fabric of your dress, which didn’t cover much, to begin with. Rolling your hips up into his for slight friction until your moaning back against his tongue again, hands moving down to help you grind at a steady rhythm. The contrast of the rough material of his jeans, against your clit was really fucking you up right now.  
“Baby” He countered in a way that had your curls trying to curl under the pad of your heels! 
“Fuck, Fuck me,” You whispered against his lips intentionally whiney, and he froze instantly, not that he didn’t want to because fuck he wanted to he just...Hoseok’s big on talking shit out. Not one for hiding or aiding emotions, and clearly there’s something wrong here!
“I really,need you right now”  You whisper again, nipping at his bottom lip and now it’s hopeless because this man knows he can’t deny you a damn thing. He hasn’t been able too since the two of you met in Paris, initially as strangers stood on a roof with your Colt Pistols aiming dead in each other’s faces.
You could feel the frustration growling from his throat but still, he kissed you deeper, harder, rocking you against the desk so your laying on your back. Rolling his hips against you slowly just to hear you moan against his tongue. ‘Hoseok!” Yeah, your whiny, and yeah your inpatient…
‘God, the shit you do to me…” Leaning in to steal your breath away with another deep brusing kiss.There was a hint of frustration and disbelief, lingering within that, and you can’t help but smile up at him, soothing your palms down the smooth planes of his chest. Nails idly outlining the array of cherry blossoms painting his skin, framing his collarbone perfectly. Not even trying to hide how much you loved knowing you had the same effect on him, which in laymen’s terms just means your both helplessly and endlessly whipped! 
Being in this deep, with someone within your world is dangerous, even more so when they’re actually in the field,  not hauled up in a castle, like some modern-day Repunzel. It can make you vulnerable, irrational, hypersensitive, but on the flip side, it can also turn you into the most lethal version of yourself where enemies are concerned. Your need to ensure no one stands in the way of whatever you deem your “Happy Ending” to be, becomes insatiable...you’d set cities ablaze for that man and he’d do the same..in a heartbeat! 
Considering that’s the first, and only smile he’s seen from you in days he can’t help but lean down again. Leaving one more lingering kiss against your lips sighing out in content at how laxed and pliant you feel under him, you already know he’s smiling, you can feel Hoseok's teeth against your lips. Tentatively he untangles himself, not before leaning down a good three or four more times to kiss you again. As if he's going far, hell as if your ass was going any damn where to begin with even if he was. 
Smoothing his hands up your thighs, hiking your dress around your waist in the process, hissing at the fact you opted against panties today. The minute he eased your legs apart not only could he smell how much you need him but he could see...the need dripping from your lips. Wiggling your hips a little, as your arched even further onto the oversized glass desk, shoving the mounds of files to the side, your heels gave you the perfect angle to completely spread out. Putting yourself on full display, the slight elevation on your lower half had your hips tipping slightly forward, giving him  access to everything he needed! Your gaze was far  too innocent for his liking as you batted your lashes in his direction. Easing your hands up your body.. taking a little detour to caress your breast in your hands before letting them get lost in your hair. 
An all-knowing smirk playing on your lips as you watch his eyes slowly unravel every inch of your body. If you didn’t know any better you’d think his mouth was watering, stealth fingers digging into your skin hard enough to leave a mark. Dropping to his knees..
“I don’t-”
“I know, I know”  Leaning forward until his lips were flush with your inner thigh, eyes trained on yours daring you to look away, jerking slightly when he bit you, then a low moan fell off your lips as he sucked on the spot. 
“You sound so fuckin good” Slurred against your skin, teeth sinking into your thigh even harder this time leaving a larger bite mark. Not pulling back until you squirmed from under him, his name husking off your tongue. 
What you meant earlier was you didn't want him to fully prep you tonight, you wanted the pain, the feeling of him stretching you open around his cock instead of his fingers. The delicious burn that almost makes you feel like your on the brink being split open! But I mean, fuck, look at you, he can’t just..not taste you, right? I mean no he HAS to taste you…
Resting his head against your inner thigh, thumbs kneading your skin while he started to kiss  his way around your bikini line. There seems to be no rush and at the moment you were just enjoying the warmth ghosting off his lips so you laid there content. Then, he leaned forward, placing his lips flush against your clit, leaving an array of solid lingering kisses all the way up your lips. And yeah they were somewhat chaste at this point,but you were feeling real needy  right now so even that had you squirming beneath him. 
“Hoseok” Sighed from your lips as you felt goosebumps spread through your body, gently massaging your nipples through your dress, somewhat teasing yourself instead of giving direct contact. Just allowing your touch to ghost over, until you’re arching into your own hand, pinching even tighter but still not giving your body the full sensation . 
“Y/n” Hoseok replied, calm as ever, a smirk playing on his lips as he watched you “God, your so damn sexy…” Slowly his tongue fell from his lips and landed right around your clit, sucking it into his mouth with a moan that shot through every cell in your body. He sucked, and slurped you between his lips so hard, and you damn near smothered him with your thighs on accident. Your body's first instinct was to pull away, there was so much pressure and stimulation being applied to literally the most sensitive region of your body. And it was steady, once he had you wrapped around your tongue that's where you stayed.
“Holy shit-babyyy” Eyes squeezing shut, trying to remember how to breathe!
 Your mind and body weren’t on the same page, thighs practically vibrating on either side of his head and the minute he felt your legs close in, he nipped the skin between his teeth.Forcing you to arch up and away instead of clamping down, a broken cry of his name falling off your tongue as you tried to desperly keep your legs apart. 
He knew you needed a distraction, leaning forward, grabbing your hand and burying it into your hair, making sure you had an almost painfully tight grip on his scalp! You were damn thankful because holding him like this gave you some sense of ground, instead of you feeling like your about to plummet through the glass.
Hoseok always touched you like he wanted too, like he was the one getting off which prompted your next question once the air resurfaced to your lungs. 
“Mmm, fuck your hard for me already aren’t you? Just tasting me get’s my baby hard doesn't it?” You knew the answer but damn if it didn’t feel good to hear him moan it out anyway.
Nipping at your thigh again, this time a little harder “You fuckin, known, what you do to me, I could come right now if I didnt need to feel you come all over my cock” You moaned so loud at that, gripping his scalp even tighter. “That’s it baby, keep me where you want me.” So you did just that. Pushing his head down so he had nowhere to go but your clit, however the smirk you could feel resting against your thigh should've warned you that he was about to rip you apart.
Hoseok circled his tongue around the very tip, meriscally, his strokes were deep and languid, and they ripped you apart. There's no other way to describe the way he’s volleying your pussy around his tongue, right now! The only comparison I can give you is he’s kissing your clit, and every crevice between your lips, as if he was thoroughly exploring every inch of your mouth . He was loud, and messy, in his pleasure where your concerned, the almost primal sound of his lips, and spit smacking against your folds. Low, needy moans vibrating against your skin as if you were the best damn thing he’d tasted all day. Pulling back to spit directly on your entrance, pursing his lips, and blowing , directing it to fall straight in and your body clenched hard. Fuck you needed, him to inside you…. nuzzling his face between your thighs until his nose was flush with your clit. He knew better than to work you open with his fingers so he opted for his tongue. Picking his own lubricate back up with the tip of his tongue and swirling it around the entrance. Moaning at the wall your body naturally started clenching around the muscle. You were a moaning mess beanthe him, hips rocking against his face.
You’re getting antsy now, wiggling your hips harder, you felt like you were close from this alone and that;s not what you wanted “Fuck Hoseok, baby just fuck me…”  Yanking his head until he pulled away, dragging his lips down to meet yours, chin glistening with all traces of you. The kiss was hard, messy,your essence was all you could taste against his tongue, moaning out as he rocked his hips into you. Leaning forward so he could reach into the Hermes gift box which was kinda decoration kinda used to store lube and other shit you really should have in an office! 
The minute he grabbed the bottle you ripped it from his hands, this was the least you could do,plus you just loved how heavy he felt in your palm. Hoseok almost growled as he deepened the kiss, more teeth and tongue than finesse,the kiss is hard, it feels like your both gasping for air the entire time but neither of you want to pull apart. Pulling at his belt with nothing but a whine until he gets the hint and smacks your hand out of the way, within seconds you feel him hit your stomach. Hot, hard, and heavy, and god if you didn't clench so damn hard, he’s literally twitching  on top of you right now.
“Do you even have the slightest idea how fucked up I am for you?  How hard I am and you havent even touched me yet?” 
“Mmm, I don’t know baby it’s been a minute since I’ve seen you...” Your whispers seductive yet taunting,kissing at his jaw and his neck, smiling against his skin at the low moans that spill from his lips. “Tell me..
Digging your heels into his back as you uncapped the bottle, taking an obscene amount in your hand before reaching between your bodies. Ripping a shaky moan from Hoseok's throat once you laced your fingers around his cock. Squeezing just enough to let all the acces lube drizzle down his shaft and land on his balls, he’s just throbbing in your palm right now and your not even moving yet. “Does it make you feel good to know you got me wrapped around your finger? Knowing- I’d- fuck-” Now, your moving,  hand working his shaft, flucuating the way you distribute pressure, loosser at the bottom and tighter twoards the head  becuse thats his sweet spot. Lube just running down your fingers, it’s so damn messy and you love it,he's straight up whining into your mouth right now. Breath fanning against your face as he nuzzles into your skin...lips parted.
“Knowing that you’d what baby?”  Tugging his bottom lip between your teeth, feeling the way his hips twitched above you , so you slow down your pace, and tighten your grip. Hoseok's brows are furrowed chest flushed…..he looks fucking beautiful.
“That I’d kill anyone in a heartbeat for you, that i’d never let a damn thing happen to you” He can't help but rock into your fist even harder, eyes struggling to stay focused but he refuses not to look at you.. “Does that get to you the same way it does me? Because I still get hard thinking about the way you went toe to toe with Jin’s father about me that night in Italy.” Trailing his tongue down the side of your jaw nibbling ever so slightly “That,was-fuck-the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.”
“God, I-...” Licking your way back into his mouth as you continued working him in your hand, moving your thumb over his tip, smearing the mounds of precum into the excessive lube .“Yeah, fuck yeah, it turns me on wayy more than it should. I shouldn't want you to be reckless when it comes to me but god if it's not sexy as all hell knowing you would be…” 
“And I would” he responds with zero Hesitation….
The sudden passion somewhat catches you off guard honestly, and the fire burning through his eyes as he said that is….stifling to say the least. 
“You’d go to war with me baby?” You didn't intend to shift the mood this heavy, yet you couldn't help the way it just vomited off your tongue. Maybe it’s your subconscious talking right now, still trying to fight it’s way through regardless of your current surroundings! 
Reaching up to cup your jaw, tilting your chin upwards, placing the most fragile kiss along your lips . “With you, for you, anyway you spin it the answer is yes...a hundred times over baby it’s yes…” The ache you currently felt coursing through your veins for this man right now...
“I need you in me. Now. I promise will go slow...please let me do this” 
Hoseok held your gaze for a moment before responding, searching your eyes for any hesitation “‘And you’ll tell me if it’s too much..” Grip firm around your waist, not even bothering to phrase it as a question because it wasn’t one...
‘Promise…” Placing the tip right at your entrance,and Hoseok can feel your heat trying to pull him in but he retreats. Giving you full control, keeping your eyes trained on his, well aware that’s what he needed to make sure, he could gauge our pain whether you wanted to admit it or not. Initially, nothing happened neither of you moved, just the faint suction of your very neglected pussy trying to suck him in.
 “I said I wanted you to fuck me...you know my body better than I do..make me take you…” 
‘I-” Yeah. Hoseok.Exe stopped working because he definitely wasn't expecting that, thinking you’d just rock yourself down, not that you wanted him to gauge your restience! Nails raking down his back as you roll your hips against him, making sure he can feel how warm and wet you are, how ready you are..positioning your lips to moan right against his ear.
“Fucking come’re” Hosoek leans forward smashing his lips against yours so hard it hurts, grabbing your legs, bracing them on either side of his shoulders. Sliding your hips forward until the backs of your thighs are flush with his chest, and your red bottoms are facing the ceiling. Gripping his length, teasing the head up and down your folds, as he left a trail of open wet mouthed kisses down your jaw,behind your ear, over to your neck. Ending with his lips nuzzled against your ear…returning the gesture “Missed you, touching you,” Exensuating each word with a kiss “The sound of your voice, waking up to you, being inside you...” Rocking his hips against yours deep, and hard.
You can’t even help but moan at just the mention of him being inside again after what feels like months “Want you, need you....” You’re in rare form tonight, yeah, your always a little submissive with him but not to this extent. 
“Your really tryin to break me today huh?” Tugging your lobe between his teeth before suctioning his lips around your jaw, at this angle Hoseok had the fronts of your thighs colliding with your chest. If he even considers  bringing you back this deep once he’s in you...it’s game over…”You ready?” 
“God yes” Soothing your hands up his stomach once he pulled back, skin hot to the touch and initially nothing happens, just the pressure of Hoseok's tip. Wiggling your hips playfully gives him a little incentive, so he starts to rock forward, and suddenly play times over! Your body freezes dead in its tracks...Hoseok's eyes stay trained on yours the entire time and your jaw clenches at the exact moment your pussy clamps down around his tip. As if you're trying to reroute the pressure elsewhere…A slight whine spills form your lips which lets him know there is still some pleasure laced within all of this.
‘Touch me, keep touching me baby….” Somehow Hoseok appears to be offensively calm regardless of the vice like grip you currently have around him! The request was more for you than him, knowing how much you needed his warmth right now! Clearly your not even close to being settled enough for him to come down flush level yet. So, this will have to do,taking your hands in his, guiding them down his body leisurely. Leading your fingers on a little field trip, sighing contently once you feel how warm and toned he is, how strongly his body reacts to your touch. The way every muscle twitches as you ghost over it, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. Subconsciously you found yourself leaning towards his touch, hissing out once you shifted a little too much for the moment.
“You still with me baby?” 
Nodding slowly as you try to focus, steading your breathing as much as possible, you wanted, no, needed to feel him like this! He can see the pain coursing through your body as the two of you still hold each other's gaze, which is the only thing keeping you grounded right now. Resting his head against your inner thigh, kissing along your skin once he feels his tip breach your quivering entrance. And it’s tight , fuck it’s tight, your body feels like it’s buring from the inside out once you swollow the swell of his head between your lips. Your jaw slacks open and nothing comes out, he’s not even sure if your breathing right now but what he does know is your eyes are still open and focused on Hoseok. 
“Goddamn” Hoseok groans deep and low head lulling back and finally he sounds just as fucked up as you,hand taking a bruisingly hard grip on your hips. He’s actually trying to shift back a little, so he can rock back in, but he can’t. You won’t let him go,“You gotta-shit, you gotta  let me breathe a little baby….fuck” He’s winded and using every once of self control he has to stay stationary, even though your applying a dangerous amout of pressure to the most sesentive regin of this mans shaft. The tip, that's all that's suctioned between your heat and your squeezing him like your trying to break him, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.  
 So you try, fuck you try, exhaling then inhaling then exhaling again, attempting to get all your msucles to relax. Only problem is your not even clenching around Hoseok’s cock, you just have him trapped. Your just clamped tight, so tight it hurts, on both ends! He can feel your thighs shaking around him, pulling inwards as if your bodies trying to curl in on itself , and he knows this isn't going to work! He’s hissing hard too, nails digging into the swell of your ass, and thankfully once the two of you make eye contact yours are daggering into him with a silent plea. And he already knows what you want! The real issue is there’s way too much swirling around your head mentally for you to have full control over your senses right now. So, that's when you render him full control of any and every inch of your being to do as he pleases in order to give you what you need.
“Ho-Seok...fuck just-” 
 Reaching out for one of your hands so you can squeeze his as hard as you need, kissing along your knuckles.”Yeah?” 
“Yeah!” Tilting your head back with a beathy whine, squeezing his fingers even tighter….
 “You trust me?” Nodding without hesitation “I need you, to keep your eyes open, and focus, can you do that for me baby? ”  It’s a lot but Hoseok knows your limits and if it was truly too much he’d pull out, you can take it, all of it. Shifting your thighs so there now wrapped around his waist as opposed to above his head.  Pouring an obscene amount of lube on the remainder of his shaft, not even bothering to rub it in, just letting the excess drip onto the table. 
“And if you can’t get your colors out?” 
“Pinch you...I’m good, I know you got me...”A lazy smile tugging on your lips as you just try to stay calm.
“On the count of three, take a deep slow breath through your nose...and don't exhale until I tell you too” Hoseok cups your cheek and you nuzzle into it, kissing the tips of his fingers, you can feel them trembling though he’s trying to appear at ease.. 
“K” Yes wide, but focused, determined...a  little stubborn but hell you've already started right? 
Hoseok's eyes flutter shut briefly, taking in a deep slow breath of his own, making sure he’s in the right headspace to guide you through this. Once those big brown eyes of his creek open and your gazes meet again it’s heavy. Hosoek’s eyes are blown out, half lided, already glazed over, he just looks like sex...and he looks like hes about to break you in all the right ways! 
Adjusting his grip on your hip, steadying himself, thumbing at your side, “Count with me….1” God, the textures in this man's voice where unreal, he just sounds so damn smooth, the hushed command had so much control, and warmth wrapped up in all of 4 words.
He rocks forward, barely...just to see if you’ve loosened up and you still haven’t budged... Flicking his chin in your direction indicating he wanted you to continue…
“Two…” You’d be lying if you aid your heart wasn;t hammering in your ears as you let a deep breath start to fill your lungs.
“Three” Whispped through clenched teeth and he didn’t hesitate, rocking back just a little so he has better leverage tilting his hips upwards and he watches your eyes widen..thighs tense but he doesn't stop. Redirecting all of his weight into his abdomen, grinding down with a deep, heavy roll of the hips, you can feel every muscle in his back within this first thrust. Your fingers twitch in his hold, eyes glazing over relatively quickly, but your still looking at him, barely but you are. Even Hoseok’s breathing a little shaky, brows furrowed, but he's in, his tips fully past your entrance “Let it out baby….” 
And you do, whimpering hard, as a choked out breath hippicus through your chest, initially you were expecting him to pause. Give you a minute to adjust to the initial stretch…..Nope…
He doesn't stop, he's still rolling forward and now your gasping and whimpering all over again, even louder this time! Hoseok’s thumbs bruising the hell out of your hips but you don’t have him stop, you can’t! Your mind and body needs this right now, the tension the burn,all of it! 
“That’s it…” Even though his restricted breathing you can hear the fondness dripping off his tongue. “ Focus on me, I got you” The more he breaches his way through your heat the more the wind gets knocked out of your lungs but it’s good, it’s soo damn good! You manage to somewhat choke out his name and he just hums in response, biting down on his bottom lip in concentration. Untangling his hand from yours to brace both on either side of his head. Hoseoks pushing through steadily now,morphing his way through your heat that’s still trying to fight against him but he doesn't stop.No matter how hard you pulsing around him, Hoseok's shaft drags forward until his balls meet the swell of your asss. And finally he’s right on top of you, your bodies trembling beneath him so he gently lowers himself. Bringing his chest flush to yours letting your wrap your arms around his neck. Clawing your way down his back, intentionally releasing some of the tensions coursing through your veins. Licking his way back into your mouth, kissing deep, and messy until your light headed and desperate. Endless Moans richoching against one other, his palms soothing down your thighs. 
Everything pauses for a while, neither of you move, your both panting hard into each other's mouths while you adjust and Hoseok's not rushing you either. Wanting you to relax a little so he doesn't come after all of 2 strokes, idily  tracing patterns against your skin. Finally able to feel your breathing even out, muscles becoming more laxed beneath him!
“You ready for me baby?,”
All you can do is moan in response, still so overwhelmed, squeezing your legs around his waist as hard as you could so he at least knows your still with him. 
So he does, pulling out and pushing back in, and your eyes automatically roll back at the feeling. It’s still tight as fuck but he’s somehow managing to weave his way through. .
“Hurts?”  He can’t help but ask since your thighs are still shaking a little, and you nod honestly.
“Good pain? Good enough to make my pretty baby come?” More of a statement than a question, you can hear the smirk in his voice, as he kissed down your jaw. Trying to distract you a little,sucking a couple bruises along the front of your neck . Edging his way back and forth building up a steady tempo, and finally Hoseok can feel the shift. He’s able to breathe within you a little better, your letting him wade in a little deeper! 
You exhale shakily and nod again, feeling him shift off of you, repositioning your legs on either side of his shoulders.Leaning forward pressing all his weight into his arms until your thighs are flush to your chest. 
Your mouth opens and closes, kinda like a fish outta water, you do it a few times but not shit comes out.
“Baby…” Kissing up your inner thigh as he gently rocks forward , slowing down a little so you can feel the slow drag of his cock pull you apart. Back arching ever so lightly, moaning out low and wanton “Your so, sexy, doin so good for me” Nuzzling against your skin, nipping lightly at your inner thigh. 
“Your deep” The word barley leaves your tongue “Fuck, faster..”
Before you can even respond he snaps his hips forward and you almost scream, nails digging into his disciples as he stares down at you with a smirk that’s..real concerning considering the position he has you in. So he does it again, pulling his cock halfway out and rocking forward, 
“That’s it, that’s what my baby needed,” Hoseok whispers and thrust forward even harder this time, rocking up on the heels balls of his feet as if he’s aiming for your damn ribcage. 
Your mouth falls back open, looking like you wanna moan but you can;t every exhale gets cut off by another deep roll of the hips,repositioning himself so he braced with one arm. Running the other up your face, into your hair, before cradilling your jaw, thumbing at your bottom lip which you nip and suck into your mouth. Humming out contently, as you lick a stipe up his index and middle finger, not missing the way Hoseok’s cock twitches at the added stimulation. 
“Look at you…..” Eyes trailing down your body agnoniziling slow, taking in each and every detail as if it’s the very first times he's ever seen you like this. And still, you can’t help but shutter at the genuine astonishment burning through those lust filled eyes of his. Which eventually land on the site that his is cock dissappring between your wet and swollen pussy, lips just sprawled over his balls just the way he likes “ My baby's so good for me hmm?
“Always…” you whisper eyes rolling back,,completely glazed over, as his fingers fallback from your lips, every inch of your skin feels like it’s on fire right now.
Hoseok gets lost for a minute, watching the way your so pliant and trusting with him, eyes squeezed shut just letting yourself get consumed by all things Hoseok! Pulling back just enough to spit directly on your clit. The texture has your eyes flying open the instantly rolling shut once he brings his thumb down to work the bud at a swift steady pace. 
“Fuckkkk” Whimpering loudly in repsonse “Don’t stop, fuck harder..” And that he does, harder faster every thrust has his balls smacking against your ass. “Fuck, yes! Fuck, you feel so good…” 
“Yeah, yeah...your right there...come on baby…” He can feel you pulsing even harder against him. Not that you ever fully stopped but the tensions different now, more constricted…..he starts thrusting home hard! Spitting an even bigger wad on your clit, mixing it with the extra lube dripping down his balls as he continues ripping your nerves wide open. 
“Fuck, kiss me!” Whiney and bossy as per usual!
Smacking his hand away, exchanging it for your own so you can drag him down and take what you need, placing  your index and middle finger straight to the clit, which was rock hard. Applying as much pressure as possible, until the friction almost burns. Feeling your release dangling right in front of your face.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come...” You whisper out  all of a sudden slowly rocking your hips forward trying to meet his thrust though it’s  kinda hard in this position. 
“Yeah? You gonna come all over my cock? Then let me fill you up until I’m dripping down your thighs...” The kiss is messy more tonuge and teetht han skill, he can feel you, your right fucking there, thrusting into so hard it almost hurts.
Your eyes widen, brows furrowing to the center of your face, breath shuttering in your throat, mouth just parted against his, then your eyes squeezed shut. Fingers still working your clit, and your coming, silent at first until your crying out, voice shattinger , nails dragging from the nape of hoseok's neck down his back! He dosen’t stop fucking you, not even for a second, going just as, and fast as he was before, while you whitherbenathe him. The second he feels you try and pull your hand away he drops his hips even lower, restricting any movements. 
“Don’t fucking stop! Keep coming until I do, I'm right there,ride this out with me baby” He all about growls at you, and you don’t even dare to disobey, to be honest you don’t wanna stop. Body almost working on autopilot to chase the buzz running through your body, running towards it as much as your trying to run away…it’s too much but it’s soo good!
He’s thrusting into you as hard as he can but fuck if his biceps aren’t on fire and he just can’t finish the way he wants...the way he needs. So he pulls out, fast, barley giving you time to whine nevertheless realize what's going on and he slides over next to you. Lying back on the desk and grabbing you within seconds, sinking you back down onto his cock in one swift notion. Nails digging into your hips as he fucks you down onto him, hard, short thrust rip through your body, not making you do a damn thing but try and hang on for the ride! Your gasping hard, tossing your head back once you reconnect your hand with your clit. Attempting to roll your hips down and meet the pace he’s set but it's merciless… and he’s picking up speed quickly. 
“jesus-fuck-Ho-oseok!” Your nails are raking into this man's chest so hard you wouldn't be surprised if you broke skin but he’s groaning deep and that’s only egging you on! 
His honey coated complexion’s just dripin, brows furrowed, eyes barley ajar, Hoseok seems to be returning the favor. His thumb is about a second away from leaving a permanent indentation and it hurts but you need it. Not even a question as to if you guards can hear you or not your loud! Voice trashed, and very swipe of the hand has you jerking and twitching above him because your clits sentive as all fuck, but goodamn if he dosen’t look good, forhead sweaty  jaw slacked. 
“Y/n, Y/n, fuckk” He’s whining high and needy, heats rashing over his body, and you feel his balls tighen against your ass, and now he turly is right there. You can feel him twitching hard inside you.
“Come onnn baby, you know I fuckin want it, you know I wanna be fu-” There’s a choked out tear rolling down your cheek your bodies spazing so damn hard, it’s painful. Before you can even make sense of what’s happening your crying, and your clenching and coming all over again, your bodies completely spent. Toppling on top of him, instantly because...what the hell just happened?? 
 You clamp down tight around his cock unintentionally, body just luid, and spasming above him and you both moan and that’s when he comes, hard. Eyes open, and locked with yours, a low goan of your name falling from his lips as he spills into you. Hoseok’s shaking beneath you but he doesn't even try to pull out, reaching up to gently brush the tears off your cheek. Taking your hand in his, and sucking those same two fingers into his mouth, eyes locked with your as he does so, and your too damn spent to even react properly. Slowly he still continues thrusting into you, leaning up to press a couple soft kisses against your lisp, humming contently as you taste yourself.  Adjusting his grip so he has one hand, caressing the back of your neck and the other wrapped around your waist. Rubbing slow soothing circles down your spine, as he cards his fingers through your hair, your chest heaving together in unison as your bodies slowly come down. 
“Hi” The words hush off your tongue with a lazy, and utterly exhausted smile, eyes too heavy to open until you feel his teeth pressing against your lips. Letting you know he's smiling too and I mean, fuck, who are yuo to declien a front row seat to to watch the sunrise!
“Hi baby…”  Leaning up to press another linger kiss against your lips as his hips to a halt, just letting you simmer around him. Even the slight stimulation was enough to have both of you moaning out in overstimulation...
The comedown was always slow between the two of you so it’s not a surprise that your bodies and tongues stayed tangled together long after Hoseok came. Eventually, the desk got a little uncomfortable, Hoseok's damn near stuck to it ,there's so much heat radiating off his skin.  So he wraps you in his arms and plops the two of you down on the couch. All the while , his cocks still bured between your lips, your dress is still flipped over your ass and his jeans and hanging low against his thighs! 
“How you feelin?”Pressing delicate kisses all over your face, hands rubbing your inner thighs because he knew they were burning by now.
“Tired” You pouted, mumbling slightly...
“Well, I guess I did my job then huh?” A faint smirk tugging on his lips, as he kissed down your jaw….
Once the two of you settled on the couch Hoseok waits a moment, opting to see if you’d want him to pull out though he should’ve known better, the two of you fall asleep like this more times than not! Gently stroking his fingers down your back in hopes it would coax you into talking without him having to pry it out of you!  The longer you lot sat in silence the faster your heart rate got, Hoseok could actually hear it echoing throughout the room. Leaning down to press a flurry of kisses into your scalp trying to ease you in anyway he could. Eventually, the T-rex in the room was starting to feel a little suffocating sooo...
“He’s just not...doing well, like…. at all…” Tone flat, as if you were trying to remove yourself from the situation at hand. Purposely nuzzling into the side of his neck, bussing yourself with the chains dawning his collarbones. The lack of eye contact wasn’t because you were embarrassed it’s because you just really didn’t wanna cry. You came wayyyy too hard your body can’t handle shit else! 
“I know-I know we’ve known this for a while…” There was this really thick lump hammering in your throat that really didn’t want to leave, the stability within your tone was swiftly heading south. Hoseok could hear it too, no matter how muffled you sound, suddenly more kisses were being pressed into your scalp.
“I guess, I was just fucking naive because he was doing soooo damn good earlier in the year ya know? ” Eyes fluttering up to meet his tentatively, your lashes fanning his skin gave that away, and he gazed down instantly. A dry chuckle leaving your throat, shaking your head as if your the butt of your own joke, but didn’t find it funny nor did he find it naive. 
Holding you even tighter, if that was possible…Those big brown eyes of his were soft and so damn fond of you it was actually ridiculous. If only your enemies could see you now, two of the most notoriously cutthroat people in the industry, throwing googly eyes back and forth! Looking like a couple in some cheesy Netflix romcom! Leaning down to press a lingering kiss on your lips, not pulling back until you released the breath that apparently only he knew you were holding. 
 ”Listen to me baby, there’s nothing naive about being hopeful, there’s also no handbook on how to handle your father dying. Even if you know it’s coming sooner than later..doesn't make any of this shit easier...”
“I know but...fuck…” Shifting slightly so your sitting more upright arm propped on the cushion behind his shoulder. “It’s just a lot, because I feel like I can’t fully do my job because if I do, I’ll miss something. Maybe I’ll miss...it, I mean Germany for fuck’s sake! That’s totally something I’d typically go on..instead, I forced y-”
Leaning down to press his lips against yours again, hoping you’d get the hint “In case you forgot..I volunteered, you never asked...you didn’t have too. And my job, for the record, is whatever you need it to be!” There was nothing but fire blazing into your eyes right now, he needed you to feel that, that he’s here for whatever you need..whenever you need it...however you need it! 
“I know, Seok-baby I know, and I appreciate that more than you’ll ever know” Reaching out to cup his jaw, melting at the way he instantly nuzzled into your palm before giving it a kiss. 
“However, I’m suppose to be in charge, I’m suposed to be in control, and I’m not.. I’m already falling apart and he’s not even gone yet…” That sentence alone had you feeling like you wanted to throw up! “I mean can you fuckin imagine how much of a wreck I’m gonna be?” Hoseok could hear how agitated you were getting so he opted to just stay quiet until he was sure you were done talking…
“Seok, I’m going to fall a fucking part-” You tried to turn your head before the tear rolled down your cheek but you failed, voice breaking off before you could even continue your thought. Hastily whipping your face as if you were mad at yourself for being so emotional right now. Nails daggering into his but he didn’t pull away, he let you be, he’s felt way worse. 
“This empire, his, empire is going to fall, apart, and any legacy my family ever had will  go up in flames! And who’s fucking fault will that be!? Huh? Not my brothers, Nothing’s ever his fault, how the hell does that work out!?” Your voice was hammering so hard in your chest it almost sounds as though your speaking straight into an industrial fan!
“ The one who fucked up everything gets to just ease by like nothing ever happened! Cause lord knows he’s too too damn much of a junkie to even tie his fuckin shoes nevertheless run the family business! It’s not that I didn't want this, I just don’t think I’m ready...nobody asked me if I was ready, my own fuckin brother never even offered to help like-I-fuck!” 
And now your crying again, great, great…..your first instinct was to get up, get away, move, break more shit I don’t know! Just anything, but sitting in this man’s lap, those assassin reflexes though, Hoseok caught your thigh before you could completely ease off the couch. Shifting your weight again, helping you pull out, you were far too gone to even react to the slight sting you should’ve felt. Slamming you back down so your hips were flush against his pelvic bone, holding you so your body hovered over him. You knew the position was so he could look straight through your damn soul but you couldn’t handle that right now….eyes fluttering down to your lap instead. 
“Y/n” No, he needed you to look at him, gently reaching down to cup your tear-stained face, eyes, and nose rivaling a blowfish!  
“And I say again…you don't have to do this alone anymore. I’m here for you, for you my baby, in any, and every way you need. You wanna regroup and brainstorm as to how I can help more let’s do it, if you need me on the field more let’s fuckin do it! Whatever you need to make this easier just tell me .” His pause was intentional holding your gaze, making sure you felt that. Allowing you to search his eyes for any hints of uncertainty that he already knew you’d never find. 
“And if you fall apart guess what!? I’ll be there to help put you back together time, and time again...and this empire will be fine. Stop, stop thinking everyone’s gonna leave you, you’ve been acting as your father’s second in command since you were 19! More importantly, you’ve been running shit with very little delegation for well over a year and if anything this operation flourished. Give yourself more credit, everyone here thinks highly of you, and not because they have too...it’s because your someone worth being admired. Regardless of how dirty our work may be, you and I both know there’s still a way to run this with some heir of dignity! “ 
Reaching up to grab you by the nape of your neck, bringing your forehead down to rest against his own...hoping it would ground you a little “You got this baby..and you got me...I’d burn down the world for you in a second if need be and you know it! Imma get you through this...I promise!”
You let your eyes flutter shut briefly, trying to calm down, you could feel him pressing light kisses against your tear stained cheeks and you couldn't help but smile. Yeah, it was small, definitely did not reach your eyes but it was something...
“I know we aren’t the most honorable people, and he won’t get some fuckin gold plaque like the Mayor when he dies but my dad was a very honorable man for the work he did. And I’ve always tried to do the same, I just..fuck I just want him to be proud of me….I mean at least that.”  Your face hurts you were trying so hard not to cry anymore, a shaky breath ghosting off your lips. 
“He’s already never gonna see me, grow old or walk down the aisle or-.fuck..”  Shit…Hoseok look’s utterlly terried as to where this is going....
“Fuck, he’s never gonna see me walk down the aisle one day” Eyes wide, panicked I guess this was the first time you’d had that thought...the first time you’re really thinking about all the things you’d have to do without him. You've always promised yourself that regardless of how crazy your world is...eventually once you're settled you’d stop denying your heart of its desires! 
Having someone to endlessly love and share this empire with is something you’ve always wanted...and something your father always told you, you deserved and would have one day! 
“Hes nev- holy shit what if I have ki-oh my god.” Every word felt as though it was strangling you, as it hiccups from your chest “ Oh. My. God ” Now this was a lot, this was pain strong enough to split you in half, all the thoughts you’d been avioding suddenly rushed to the surface! 
Your full blown sobbing into the side of his neck … and Hosoek’s heart hurts , fuck it hurts. slouching down into the couch, engulfing your body into his arms which only made you cry even harder. Ya know what makes it even worse? Is that there isn’t a damn thing he can do about this kinda pain. There’s no one he can shoot or stab to make it go away and it’s fucking gut-wrenching, as your body breaks apart above him . 
“Shhh,your okay baby, it’ll be okay….” Even Hoseok didn’t believe that, he didn’t have the slightest idea as to how he was going to get you through losing the first man you ever loved! But fuck if he wasn’t going to try! 
“Listen to me, stop, don’t do that to yourself” Gripping the sides of your face tight enough in his palms to force you ro focus on him and only him. “Let’s get you home alright? Will talk about work and all the other bullshit later you just need-”
“Y/n! Y/n!” 
Who the actual hell...
The sound of someone squawking your name like they’d lost their damn minds had both of you rerouting your attention. Completely shattering the moment causing your body to tense on command. Your brains been wired for so many years to just cut off emotions at the blink of an eye it almost happens on autopilot now! Zoning in on the chaos that appears to be unfolding outside your door and within seconds your pain becomes old news! Which is….just great for your mental health but carry on! 
You could hear your guards all standing outside the door trying to calm whoever this person is with a very clear death wish down. However, they didn’t seem to falter.
“Y/n, open the damn door now! This is serious you can’t just shut me out like this!!” 
But wait, wait, wait, random’s don’t just get acess into the compound so there’s only so many options…
Then, you start to recognize the tenor...and so does Hoseok, and he’s fucking livid. You could literally feel every muscle in his body tense from beneath you. Reaching down to snatch you off his lap, and tucking  himself back into his pants so damn fast you almost got whiplash. If he wasn’t soft before he definitely was now! 
“You’ve gotta be shitting me!” Striding over to your desk to grab your Glock34 from the drawer. 
“I fuckin told him not to come here today...” Growled through gritted teeth, as he reloaded your gun, spinning the barrel. 
”Yn! YN! We need to talk about what’s going on with dad!” The slow-motion drawl said it all, he’s high as hell and it’s your fucking brother…
“Ohhh, he wants to talk about your father?!” Tone loud and Exaggeratedly cheerful as they leave his lips sing song esque “Of fucking course he does!” 
“Hoseok-” Yeah, this wasn’t ending well, swiftly readjusting your dress back around your thighs. Though your thighs felt like a damn slinky you still ran over to barricade yourself in front of the door! The door that your brother was still banging on like a fucking idiot!
“Jason. Leave!!!” Praying the distress resonated through the pans of marble, your just now realizing how gone your voice truly is, honestly you don’t even know if he heard you. But for his sake, you hope it did, because it Hoseok gets through this door...
“Nooo,Jason stay!” 
“Hoseok…” Bracing your hand firm against his chest, pushing him away from the door. The warning laced within your tone was clear as all hell, no matter how brittel it was .
“Nah, he wants to talk, let’s fuckin talk! He’s the last thing you need to be worrying about right now, considering he only gives a fuck about you when he’s tapped out of his monthly allowance! What? All of a sudden he cares so deeply about your father?” Brow arched knowingly “ Let him even fix his mouth to say the word “Will” and I will buss a cap so far up his asshole, he’ll cough out all the coke he’s been sniffin’!”
“Y/n, I can have him escorted-”
“One second Spade!” That mans been around since you were in middle school. You know the sound of his voice anywhere, yeah even muffled through a marble wall.
“Comere” Tone dropping to a purr, that you knew wans’t fair but fuck it, no matter how angry he’s on you in seconds, like I said...he can’t deny you anything. 
Leaning forward to wrap your arms around his waist and you can feel how tense his body is initially...yet he still instinctively lets his hands find their home right on the swell of your ass. The edge of the glock resting against your waist…..
 “Baby, I know your angry, and I know that’s mostly because of me, hell I was just chewing him out a second ago. But at the end of the day he is my brother and that is our dad...that’s damn near on a fuckin resperator. I know how to keep him at arms length... I don’t have the mental capacity for this right now. But, I’m gonna open that door, and see what the hell he wants, and I need you, for me...to just chill. If he gets outta line I’ll have him escorted out.”  He physically growled at that, Hoseok would much rather handle this on his own.
Leaning up to card your fingers through his hair, acting as if you didn't even notice his little tantrum “I really need you by my side tonight, and I need you to stay calm,because I’m far from it. Let’s hear him out and if he steps out of lines he’s out.” 
Wrapping his hand around the one you have laced within his hair “You already know I can’t say no to you!” He’s pissed about it too, long gone are the days when he could just do what he pleased regardless of who it affected. 
“But I swear to go Y/n, if and when he steps outta line-fuck-you just better make sure,  your boys are ready to throw his ass out ...because if I do it...he’s gonna end up in the ER for more than just wirthdrawls!”
It’s clear the OC’s brother will probably/definitely be an issue, in more ways then one! As well as her father is obviously going to die, like, within the first couple of chapters.
Her family’s association is called “Grim” and she’s commonly known as “The princess of the Grim clan”. 
There is a 2nd member set to be introduced in part 2 that will eventually work for the OC...hint it’s a makane! He tries to robe one of their local establishments and well...clearly that probably won’t end too well…
Jin is a mob associate...his family's Forbes ranked multi-million dollar empire was founded with blood money! Sooo, he���s a mutual between “Grim” and “The King Tapian’s”.
3 of the other members are in another association overseas called “The King Tapian’s”. A name she’s heard of, as they have one hell of a rep but they’ve never “officially” crossed paths. That is, until another death within the mob world which brings a new territory on the market! One that her fathers been eying for years over in Europe! (Another hint, they kinda join forces and eventually agree to co-inhabit the area in efforts to shove another “shysterier” gang out, which in turn starts a little war if you will!) The other members would be a sub-focus however It was undecided as to how big of a part they’d all play!
 Lastly, the final member is a freelance hacker/hitman that knows Hoseok very well, so much so the pair used to fool around back in the day so yes that would make him BI! 
I was also undecided if I wanted to incorporate another member sexually or not...as I’d dabbled with the idea of them being in an open relationship! There was also the possibility of making the “King Tapian” Boys lowkey poly! Either solely male on male or maybe throw in the idea of a minor female character who i’d name so there’s no confusion! 
The overall gist of the story was essentially the OC finding her footing after her father dies. Making her own path as one of the only women in charge on the black market! While also creating some allies and gaining of course some enemies along the way! Regardless this would also be a Hoseok centered series with the possibility of semi regular OT7 guest appearances!
  Love you as always,
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1zashreena1 · 4 years
Diego Requests an Audience -1
18+, m/f, technically OCxDiego Jimenez [Power]
Summary: Princess gets the rich bad boy equivalent of a call the next day from what she thought was a fairy tale of a one night stand.
WARNINGS: Ridiculous descriptions and 'the code is more like guidelines' outlook on grammar. Is it OOC if the character was given essentially zero development in canon???
Mentions of drugs/alcohol use, no actual smut in this one but references to multiple forms of sexual activity with m/f dynamics, plus size woman+fit man, early stage sugar daddy vibes, bad boys with too much money and not enough impulse control, secondary OCs, excessive swearing (???), illegal business dealings... I mean, its DIEGO
A/N: Princess took on a life of her own and has essentially become an OC. There are infrequent mentions of her description (specifically as plus size) and her actual name in later pieces (its Bicki). She started as self-insert so she looks like me. If that is not your thing, I totally understand. And do not feel obligated to read this, I will not be offended!
I'm not a fan of "plot" so be aware that most of this series is just meandering through their relationship, angst-fluff-smut whiplash style. But with dick jokes.
Constructive criticism is always welcome. I'm an old timer at Fandom but a baby content creator.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read @chelsfic Princess pieces first, that is the beginning.
Last thing before Murder Panther, I promise!
Huge, tremendous, throbbing THANK YOU to @chelsfic​ !  My fanfic creator mommy, I could not and would not have done this without you or your devious reverse psychology  You're gonna have to thwack me super duper hard with a rolled up newspaper to get rid of me because ily.
Massive shoutouts to @symbiont13​ @rosee-sensuelle​ @bunnykjm​ @mandoplease​ @nicke0115​ (y’all know what you did)
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You're sitting in your car on your lunch break listening to the same song for the seventh time in a row because that is a thing that you do. When you like something, you like it. The song has pounding bass, if you close your eyes you can almost imagine being in a club. You never did get to do much of that, your twenties were spent working two jobs and sleeping in your car sometimes, so your just passed birthday weekend escapade was really something else. You've never done anything like that before and it was-
Your phone chirps with a text message from an unknown number. You peer at the screen with a furrowed brow, I don't know anyone in California, must be a wrong number. You open the message cautiously, who knows what kind of weirdness it might be. 
Good morning Princess
What. No. There is no way. Absolutely not possible. Un uhh. Nope.
You should come back to NYC. I want to have you again.
Holy fucking shit. Its really him. It's Diego. Its Diego of the big brown eyes, even bigger hands, and absolutely the biggest cock you have ever seen. Diego viciously-gorgeous stupefyingly-rich incredibly-dangerous exhaustingly-insatiable Jimenez. 
Whom you most definitely did not Google upon your return home only to discover that he is an international criminal. Yeah, he's criminally hot.
You really do wish that little voice in the back of your mind was helpful. 
Yes, but he was nice to you. Really not helpful. How many times did you even come that night? There was the bed, the floor, over the back of the sofa, the kitchen counter (which he referred to as 'snack time' because he ate, and wasn't that adorable), and then that kiss/invasion of your oral cavity before you left. After he made you breakfast. And gave you a pair of Ugg boots that were magically in your size because it was cold out. Okay, so he was REALLY nice.
Wait. I didn't give him my number, what the fuck.
Hi Diego
And you hit send before you can stop yourself. What in the actual fuck am I doing?
I knew you remembered me. 😉Come up here this weekend. I want you
He wants you. He said it himself. Oh my god oh my god oh my god. Like, want-want? He saw you naked in broad daylight so he definitely knows what you look like. I want you, your mind just keeps repeating it. Hold up, is an international drug lord, cartel boss, top ten FBI most wanted man texting you with emojis???
I hadn't really budgeted on another trip so soon
Is that too much? Are you revealing your pathetic poor-ness and he definitely will not be into that?
Please🤚 Do you want to come?
Oh lordy, but he knows exactly how to word things. 
… I mean, yeah. Preferably repeatedly
Okay, yes, you've always been a pervert but something about this man only encourages you. Surely it wasn't how he laughed every time you made an innuendo. 
Then I've got you 💵😙 Princess👑
Do you want a hotel or stay with me?
Harrisburg is your nearest airport, yes?
Never before in your life have you had cause to use the word 'Baller' but here you are. Is he seriously going to fly me to him? Am I seriously going to go? What level of booty call is this?
Penthouse. Spoil me 😏
And yes Harrisburg. What are you going to do, fly me up there?? Lol
At this point you might as well see how far you can milk this. Also, apparently he knows where you live?
...yes. I have a private jet. I'll text you the info. We're going to have fun little girl😈
Well damn. 
You send the entire conversation to Lisa in three screenshots. She calls you at 4:37 while she knows you're still in the car and you spend the entire drive home screaming together as best friends do. 
"I can't believe him! A private jet? Oh my god girl, you better bring home some stacks!"
"I know! Like, what the fuuuuuuuuuck! Lisa, Lisa, oh my god, Lis, what the hell should I pack?! Oh no, oh shit, I don't have any sexy pajamas!" Your high is coming crashing down. Its Tuesday, so you have two whole days to figure this out.
Her laughter is so loud it makes your speakers crackle. "After what you told me from that first night it sounds like you better pack a case of lube and an ice pack!" She dissolves into hysterics.
Well, she's not wrong. "Dude! I was so sore, I couldn't walk for days. This shit is BYOIP: Bring Your Own Ice Pack!" Lisa shrieks while you howl with laughter. 
"Okay, okay. Meet me at Macaroni Grill and we'll formulate a strategic plan of attack over carbs. We have to go to the Frederick's of Hollywood outlet." Lisa is already crafting a plan. 
"See, this is why you're my BFF!" You proclaim before you whip across three lanes of traffic to change course. 
You take way more clothing than you could possibly need for a weekend but better safe than sorry. The private jet looks like it came straight out of a music video, you're afraid to even think about how much this costs. Hell, he even paid to have your car valet parked in the only locked and guarded parking garage at this tiny regional airport. There are all kinds of snacks and drinks on the plane, there's even a tiny galley and what looks like a daybed. Noted for later.
The driver who picks you up at the airstrip in New York is Bastian and he is pleasantly surprised that you talk to him. You're pleasantly surprised at how nice Escalades are on the inside. The last time you were in this vehicle you were a little, ahem, distracted.
Diego is extraordinarily pleased to see you wearing the Ugg boots he gave you. The man is all growly innuendo and (mostly) gentlemanly manners, the contrasts are mind-meltingly hot. The weekend passes in a blur of a good time; orgasms, a stroll through some really expensive stores, more orgasms, two clubs on Saturday night, another set of orgasms (Did I really let him finger me in a VIP booth??), your first time trying weed, a sleepy orgasm in a jacuzzi tub (Wet Diego, so gorgeous), the best brunch of your life, another first by having orgasms while on top of a man, and, just before you leave on Sunday evening, a very nice Brahmin purse that you gawked at in one of the stores on Saturday. 
Yet again, Diego corners you by the elevator and attempts to climb down your throat before you're allowed to leave. You have no complaints.
The very next Monday you get an extremely sweet text very early in the morning thanking you for coming (all puns intended). Wednesday brings a cookie bouquet to your front door with a note stating that you don't seem like a flowers kind of girl. Incredibly early on Saturday morning is another text, he sounds like he might be a little drunk, confessing that he wants to do it again. 
You forward the message to Lisa with your own addition:
Look, all I'm saying is I'm gonna take this top shelf dick and all the gifts that come with it for as long as he wants to give it to me
It only progresses from there.
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imjusthereforbatfam · 4 years
Never-Ending Encore, ch.2
Chapters: 1 2 3 4
Chapter Summary: Cookies make everything better, right? RIGHT!?
Warning: minor swearing, minor panic/anxiety attack
Chapter 2:
“You planning on staying like that all night or…?”
Eden silently cursed herself, the world, and everything in it. Some small part of her still hoped whoever it was wasn’t actually talking to her. Just… somehow magically right next to her without noticing her. And... talking to someone else on her fire escape. Yeah.
Eden quietly huffed at her own idiocy and slowly began to move. She scooted back onto the metal stair, shifting her weight off her aching toes. For a moment she just stayed like that. Praying for… she didn’t know what. Some kind of miracle. Then, with a gulp, she finally inched her head in the direction of the voice. 
A man – a huge man – leaned casually against the metal railing of her fire escape. He wore a full red helmet that obscured his every thought and intention from the world. His arms were crossed as he, apparently, observed her.
"What, nothing to say?" he asked, his voice somehow modulated to sound almost robotic.
Eden just stared at him. The white “eyes” of his helmet were forever etched into an angry sort-of look that made her nervous.
Well... more nervous. She was already struggling with the fact that he had suddenly, magically, appeared on her fire escape on the 9th freaking floor. And with the fact that he was a thick, 6-foot-something mass of muscle who could probably snap her in half if he wanted. And that he had a pair of pistols holstered to his hips. And that this was happening in Gotham City; the place filled with not only violence and corruption on every corner, but actual, real-life, will-kill-you-for-funsies villains.
Needless to say, it was a lot to take in.
“Unless you wanna risk getting shot,” the man said evenly, apparently choosing to ignore her silence, ���you should go inside now. Shit’s about to go down out here.” 
“Are you a good guy,” she blurted in a high, fearful pitch, “or a bad guy?”
The man said nothing. After a moment, his helmet shifted very slightly to the side.
A stream of curses ran through Eden’s mind. She was so dumb. Why was she so dumb? Why was she like this? Why couldn’t she just keep her damn mouth shut? She knew, logically, that she’d eventually be fine no matter what – she always got another encore – but that didn’t mean she had to help dig her own grave, damn it!
The man shrugged and, after a moment, said, “Depends on who you ask.”
“I asked you,” she shot back, then blanched at her own brazenness. This was no time to be Louanne Smith’s daughter. “Sorry,” she said dropping her head. “I, uh— I meant… I asked you,” she tried sweetly. “Um, sir.”
A short sound came out of him. It was too distorted to know what it was meant to convey, but Eden desperately hoped it was amusement.
“As long as you’re not working for any drug cartels or mob bosses, you should be fine.”
“Oh, darn!” she said snapping her fingers. “There goes my five-year plan!”
The man didn't say anything. His head shifted back slightly. Eden had no idea if that was a good thing or not.
An actress needs to know how to read their audience, and Eden usually considered herself pretty good at it. But with Mr. Ominous Angry Helmet, it was impossible to tell what he was thinking. He could be amused; he could think she’s an idiot; he could be thinking about shooting her. She just didn’t know. That only made everything worse.
Anxious, jittery energy shot through her limbs, jerking her into motion. She swung her body away from the unnerving man, picked up the plate at her side, and turned back to him in one quick, unbroken movement. Her blanket fell off her shoulders with the action and the cool night air felt like knives against her hot skin.
“Would you like a cookie, sir?” Her voice was up a few octaves and moving fast. “They’re snickerdoodles. Homemade. My mama’s recipe. Fresh from the oven and still–” she lifted one trembling hand, hovering it over the few remaining cookies “–yep, still pretty warm.” She lifted the plate closer to him. “Do you want some, Mister, uh–” she glanced down at the symbol on his chest “–Red Bat, sir?” 
The man’s silence was deafening.
Eden stared at the cookies, hating her brain, questioning her sanity, and cursing herself internally. She didn’t want to die tonight. More importantly, she didn't want to be shot tonight. Or ever again, really. Being shot hurt. If she were never shot again in her life, it would be too soon. And yet, here she was. Probably about to be shot again because she couldn’t shut her goddamn flap. 
After what felt like an eternity, the man finally asked, “Did you really just offer me cookies... and call me Red Bat?”
“Yes?” she squeaked. Then, unable to stop herself, a slew of words spewed out from her. “I’m really, really sorry if I offended you, sir, but I only just moved to Gotham a little while ago, so I still don’t know who all the important masked people in the city are, and, in my defense, there are a lot of important masked people in this city, and honestly, I still don’t even know all the good guys from the bad guys yet, which is why I was asking you earlier, but I really don’t wanna get shot either way, so if you could maybe just consider sparing me this one time, I swear I’ll figure it all out and just forget this whole thing ever happened and move somewhere far, far away, or I could start a fan club for you or something if you really wanted me to, or maybe even—”
“Whoa, whoa!” Mister Not-Red-Bat said putting up his hands. “Easy there!” He knelt down, making himself far smaller. “I get it. You’re new in town.” His distorted voice wavered, like maybe he was either trying not to laugh or not freak out himself. “Calm down and take a breath before you pass out, alright? It’s no big deal.”
“Oh. Okay. Good. No big deal. Good to know.”
“Breathe,” he reminded her.
“Right. Sorry. Breathing. Important. I should do that." 
The man nodded along, urging Eden to do that. 
It took a few tries, but eventually, she was actually able to take a full, deep breath. The man breathed with her, moving his whole body with the motion to guide her. His movements were so exaggerated Eden couldn't help but feel like she was on a stage with him, performing in front of an invisible crowd. She watched him, following his slow lead as her nerves began to settle. 
Eden turned away, letting out a long, even breath before doing it on her own. 
“Better?” he asked.
“Yeah... Thanks." She looked at him again, wondering why in the world he even bothered to help her in the first place. "Are you... one of Gotham’s vigilante people?”
He nodded. “Yeah, Red Hood.” He reached behind his helmet and lifted a red hood attached to the back of his leather jacket for her to see. “Hood,” he said again. “Not bat.”
She smiled at the action. “Hood, not bat,” she repeated. “Got it. Sorry about that."
“It's fine. You don’t have to keep apologizing.”
He lowered his head in her direction. She could almost feel him giving her a "Really?" look. 
"Uh— I mean—” Her cheeks burned against the cool night air. She offered up the plate of cookies again. “Snickerdoodle?”
Red Hood shook and lowered his head as a small noise escaped him. “I’m good.”
Eden's brows lifted up in surprise. She was almost positive he was amused.
“No, really, I insist!" she said quickly. "This is going to be burned in my brain as one of the most embarrassing moments of my life anyway,” she admitted with playful ease, “I’d at least like to know I compensated you for your role in it. Beautiful performance, by the way, Mr. Hood. Very well done. Excellent timing.”
Red Hood leaned forward again, clearly snickering this time.
“And besides,” she continued, excited now, “you’re a vigilante in Gotham City, of all places! That’s a tough gig, Mr. Hood. You deserve to be rewarded for your troubles! And what reward could be better than homemade snickerdoodles by a random civilian? I mean, really now, I ask you.”
He shook his head minutely as she waved a hand around the plate of cookies like a showgirl. She wiggled her eyebrows at him.
“Alright, alright,” he conceded, sounding like he might be fighting back a laugh. He grabbed a small handful of snickerdoodles and tucked them into a coat pocket. “Thanks for the reward, random civilian.”
She smiled up at him. “You’re more than welcome, Mr. Hood.” She took a cookie for herself, pleased to find it tasted better than they had a bit ago.
“You really should get inside now, though,” he said getting serious again. “I doubt your neighbors,” he nodded toward one of the buildings not far from her apartment, “will be as willing to share their goodies with me when I come knocking.”
Eden stopped chewing and stared at the building. Part of her was a little in awe. She knew she was in a not-so-great part of the crime capital of the world, but she hadn’t imagined anything vigilante-worthy was actually happening on her crummy little street.
She looked back at Red Hood a moment, processing the information, then quickly finished her cookie and started tossing her things into her apartment.
“Okay, well, good luck, Mr. Hood!” she chimed climbing through the window. “Have fun, or whatever you’re supposed to tell a vigilante before they go, uh…” She frowned and quirked a quick brow at him. “Vigilanteeing?”
With one foot resting atop the wrought iron railing, Red Hood looked as big and threatening as he had before, but Eden wasn't afraid this time. He was a good guy. Ready to jump off into the night and bust some bad guys. But he didn’t. He just stared at her.
He tilted his head. “Vigilanteeing?” he teased, undeniably amused.
Eden turned away from him, her face heating up. “Whatever you call it! Do good deeds, don’t get shot — all that fun stuff. Have fun vigilante times or whatever.”
Red Hood made another sound – laughing at her – and Eden stared at the floor, hating her big mouth and wishing she could just phase out of existence. When she gathered the courage to look up again, she was surprised to find her fire escape empty.
A bit foolishly, she poked her head back out the window. She looked in the direction of the building Red Hood had indicated, but there was nothing to see. No Red Hood, no thugs, no nothing. Just an unusually quiet night on her even-less-safe-than-she-thought street.
But somewhere in the shadows, a vigilante was about to make things a little better. Eden was glad to know that, and glad to have thanked him for it in her own small way. She knew how hard a life like that could be and had nothing but respect for the people who chose it.
Eden, however, didn’t choose a life like that. She was perfectly happy being a totally random civilian, thank you very much. So she shut and locked her window, put on her headphones, and tried to have as much of a totally random civilian evening as possible.
She cleaned the dishes, studied her script, and went to bed early. Just like any normal person might. She ignored the sound of gunshots that managed to pierce through her music. She ignored the red and blue lights that eventually flashed outside her window. She ignored the voice in her head that told her she should've offered Red Hood her help – which was stupid for many, many reasons – and desperately fought off the thought that kept drilling into her head — that if he died tonight, it would be her fault.
When she got up in the morning, haggard and ill-rested, she went to the window straight away. There was nothing in the light of the day to suggest anything vigilante-worthy had happened on her street in the night. It was as dirty as usual, with the usual suspects mulling around their usual spaces. Everything was in its grubby, crummy place. The only difference was the yellow line of police tape and the few broken windows in the building Red Hood had nodded to.
Eden sighed, wondering about the vigilante and what had happened to him. She started to shut the window again when she noticed a folded scrap of paper sticking out from one of her tiny pots of herbs. She plucked it out and carefully opened it. 
‘Thanks again for the cookies. They were really good. - RH’
Eden smiled and let out a breath, the night's worries instantly lifted from her shoulders. She re-folded the little note and went to find a safe place for it — completely and totally ignoring the bloodstain along the paper's edge. 
Yup. Totally ignoring it.
Chapter 3
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Laredo Part 2
Week 1
Hey friends,
After a long travel hiatus, as some of you may already know, I am back in Laredo, Texas. I’ll be here for about 3.5 weeks working with shelters to support recently arrived asylum seekers at the US Mexico border. I was here 2 years ago doing the same thing, you can go through the laredo tag on here to get some more background about what is going on here and to read about my experiences in 2019.
I have been here already for about a week and have been so exhausted I haven’t had the energy to write anything, but here is more or less what is going on.
So since Fall of 2019, the border was closed to all asylum seekers thanks to 45’s cruel Remain In Mexico policy, which forced asylum seekers from Central America to wait along the Mexican border for an undetermined amount of time until they could get an immigration hearing. In the past asylum seekers could wait with their families in the US for their court dates (it can be a long wait). Waiting at the border in Mexico, a country they are not from, left folks vulnerable to human trafficking, kidnapping, gang violence, and extortion from the cartels operating along the border. During COVID folks were living in makeshift tents along the border with no running water and were left vulnerable to exposure, flooding, disease, dangerous wildlife, and the millions of other dangers that come from being outside in 113 degree heat with no water. There was no international aid brought in and support was limited to the few aid workers allowed to cross the border, which was very dangerous given the amount of gang violence on the Mexican side. One shelter director in Nuevo Laredo was kidnapped and murdered last year.
When Biden was elected, he reversed the Remain In Mexico policy just a few weeks into his presidency. Meaning that asylum seekers could now enter the US after surrendering at the border and being held for indeterminate amounts of time in ICE detention centers. Once they are released from there they are given a court date in wherever their final destination in the US is, but are left on the street with nothing.
Most folks are illiterate, none speak English and some only speak indigenous dialects. All of their possessions and money have been taken by either cartels or by ICE. Most havent eaten in days and many are seriously ill. None of them know where they are or how to get where they’re going. ICE will drop them off at random towns along the border after releasing them from detention, sometimes hundreds of miles from where they crossed. They just have a name and phone number memorized of a friend or family member in the US that is sponsoring them and who they are planning to stay with.
The vast majority of folks are from Central America, they are fleeing cartel violence , government persecution, extreme poverty, and natural disasters caused by climate change. The instability in these countries (Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and El Salvador) was caused directly by US intervention, but that’s a whole other topic I won’t get into now. Folks must show a credible proof of being threatened or persecuted in their home country to even be granted the status of asylum seeker and to be given a court date.
Shelters in border towns do what they can to support folks being released from detention. They help them make phone calls, provide translation, help them buy bus and plane tickets, give them food, water, medical care, showers, clean clothes, toiletries, and a safe place to sleep until they are able to make travel arrangements to their final destinations.
During the last 2 years under the Remain In Mexico policy, no one was being admitted and so shelters lost a great deal of funding, staff, and volunteers. They turned more towards community work, which was especially needed during COVID.
Shelters are in a difficult position now though, folks are allowed to enter now which is good news but shelters are having to meet even more extreme needs with far fewer resources than they had pre-COVID.
For a long time the shelter I worked with before, La Frontera, was closed due to lack of funding; but only very recently reopened again. I have been spreading my time between La Frontera (run by Catholic charities) and the other shelter in Laredo, Holding Institute Community Center, which is a community center run by the Methodist Church. Both of these shelters have 2-3 paid staff members, a revolving door of volunteers from around the country (the majority of them nuns), are entirely donation based, and receive 200-300 new people every single day.
About 20-30% of each busload of people that ICE drops off are infected with COVID. ICE refuses to test folks that they detain for COVID because if they knew they had positive cases they would have to provide healthcare and a place for them to quarantine. Instead they lump everyone together in cramped conditions and COVID is allowed to run rampant in these detention centers.
In detention folks are kept in overcrowded rooms, communicated with almost exclusively in English, are provided limited food and toiletries, and are kept in refrigerated rooms (65 degrees) with no blankets. These places are called the ‘ice boxes’. Sometimes folks are separated from their families here as well.
Lately there has also been a dysentery outbreak due to the fact that the city of Laredo does not currently have drinkable water, residents are advised to drink only bottled or boiled water, which asylum seekers do not have access to until they reach the shelters.
When folks reach the shelters, they are given on the spot covid tests by a team of nurses and public health officials. There is no room for them at the hospitals, even if there were room hospitals wouldnt accept them because they have no insurance. The city government has offered bottled water to the shelters but thats it.
After being tested for covid, the health team divides folks into 2 groups, positive and negative. Folks who test positive have to quarantine for 10 days in an empty warehouse next door to the shelter or if they’re lucky and the shelter can afford it, a motel. Yesterday the shelter bought out a motel because there were 200+ covid patients who arrived. We have two small classrooms at the shelter that have been converted into sleeping areas for about 40 covid patients. The medical team leaves boxes of food and clothing outside their door, and once a day they are taken to shower and then the entire bathroom is sanitized.
Those who test negative are immediately vaccinated on site, and then taken to get clean clothes, food, and a shower. They sleep on cots outside under the trees in the fenced courtyard of the shelter.
For the first few days I’ve been here, I’ve been working at Holding only because I didn’t know La Frontera had reopened. I was mainly working on sorting and organizing clothing and helping folks find clothes that they need. Last night though 200+ covid positive patients arrived and we had to stop allowing people in the building to pick out clothes, and today we moved to just putting together kits of different sized clothes to give directly to them.
I was feeling a bit frustrated the last few days because the staff member in charge of organizing donations was being extremely critical of me and it was very frustrating and degrading to be around. I was yelled at a number of times by her. For example, I saw a pile of 200 towels on the ground and folded them. I was told that I did it wrong, to unfold them and fold all of them a different way. Or I started organizing toiletries and was just told ‘no, you’re messing it up, don’t touch that’. I understand that I’m new but no one took the time to introduce themselves to me, orient me, or show me what to do and I was trying to be helpful. I also understand that folks are stressed and under pressure but please don’t take it out on people trying to help you. Most everyone there is extremely nice it was just one of the staff members in particular that was acting this way. I was told I wasn’t allowed to give water or shoes to people who needed them because “I didn’t know how to do it” and because “if you give water to one person, everyones going to want it, and i don’t have time for that”. I didn’t come down here to sit inside doing nothing next to a giant case of bottled water and be told I’m not allowed to give it to the thirsty person in front of me.
So I walked out and I left the shelter in the middle of the day to go drive around town and take a breather, because everything I did seemed like made someone upset. When I came back I inserted myself into the kitchen crew and ended up making 200+ sandwiches for dinner. I also had a long talk with one of the nuns who assured me that that staff member is like that with everyone and has a lot of control issues due to the amount of pressure she is under, and not to take it personally. She told me that La Frontera had reopened and so ever since then I started dividing up my days between the two shelters. This has made a big difference and I feel a lot better and more useful.
I also connected more with some of the nuns here and they invited me to dinner tonight which was nice. One of the sisters is writing a book based on narratives of folks passing through these shelters and is interviewing people she meets. It was fascinating to talk to her. She has worked with undocumented immigrants and DREAMers from around the country for 28 years, and wrote another book based on those experiences called Silent Voices In The Shadows (Paula Schwendinger), which I just finished reading and highly recommend.
Oh, also it has been raining really hard for the past day or so with 95% humidity and constant thunder and lightening, which has made things even more interesting.
I will try to keep posting semi regularly while I’m here.
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catlordewrites · 4 years
Between Rivers: Chapter Five
A Mandalorian can't show their face to anyone - with the exception of immediate family. Although they haven't known each other long, there's definitely something growing between them. But is it enough? When an ex-spy must look beneath the helmet to save Din Djarin's life, there's only one option that allows him to continue following his Creed. Marriage.
This story can also be found on Ao3 and Fanfiction.net
First Chapter - Previous Chapter - This Chapter - Next Chapter
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Chapter Five
Din wasn’t at all surprised when she suddenly seemed to materialize on the Razor Crest. The bounty was in carbonite. She appeared just as the fog from the machine cleared, apparently having seen the act of leaving the ramp down and hatch open as an open invitation to join him; which it was.
“Nicely done,” she said approvingly. 
Din’s chest puffed out a little, but he didn’t otherwise acknowledge the compliment. He folded his arms across his cuirass and leaned against the carbonite freezer. “Is this a local job?”
She shook her head. “Two systems over. Dafin III.” She rummaged in her coat and came away with a tracking fob, which was blinking frantically.
Din’s head tilted. “You carry your own fob?”
She shrugged. “Some hunters get ahead of themselves.”
“I’ll try to keep that in mind,” he said lightly. “What about the Guild?”
“It’s not a Guild assignment.” She turned the fob over in her hand. “I have connections. One of them has the authority to distribute wanted bounties for the client. Clemint Vahst. He’ll vouch for you if anyone asks. But there shouldn’t be any questions about you bringing me in, anyway.”
“Good.” He accepted the fob and tucked it into his belt. “Who’s the client?”
“Redin Deedi. He’s a big figure in the Dafin underground. Bit of a local warlord, just influential enough to be annoying.”
“I’ve heard of him.” Din was already going through his mental files on Deedi. “What do you need from me?”
“I need you to actually take me in.” Her voice was serious and earnest. “He has a grudge. I need to be on my feet. If I were carbonite, I don’t trust him to not just leave me in it. Keep me for decoration.”
Din nodded. It lined up with what he already knew about Deedi. Making an example of traitors was fairly common. “So, unlocked cuffs. A few hidden blasters. But...” He cocked his head. “Deedi’s facility is a fortress. How do you plan to get out?”
She fixed him with her pale blue stare. “You take me in and walk away with the reward. The rest is nothing you need be concerned with.”
“Right.” He was making her suspicious, which was the last reaction he wanted from her. “I can help, though. If you... need it.”
Din internally cringed at himself. Was he really that desperate? 
Her head tilted minutely to the side, considering him. Her expression was unreadable. He had to fight to not fidget under the weight of her stare.
Finally, she seemed to relax, saying, “I appreciate your concern, but I have a plan, Mando. And it’s already in motion. This is the last piece of a puzzle. The rest is taken care of.”
Din wasn't sure why, but it felt like rejection. It stung. He bit back his disappointment. “Right. Good. Then we should go.” He straightened up. “Are you ready?”
She flashed him her wolffish smile. “Always.”
~0~0~0~ . . ~0~0~0~
This time, she rode with him in the cockpit. Din was acutely aware of her presence just behind him, lounging in the seat to his right with her feet propped up on the console. 
He tried to make a point of not looking around - of not speaking, despite how much he wanted to. He didn’t talk much - not anymore, at least, having learned early on that it was easier not to, easier to say exactly what needed to be said and to do exactly what needed to be done. No more, no less. 
And his previous blunder was a keen reminder of just how awkward he could be when he didn’t abide by those emotional barriers, of why it was better to just stay quiet and get the job done. 
He was a professional hunter. A Mandalorian warrior. He had a reputation. A code.
But just like how she’d gotten him to subvert the Guid Code, she was encouraging him to do the same to some of his personal ones. Except without bribery and credits.
Din didn’t know what to think.
“How are… the olfdo?” He tried carefully. She’d been happy to discuss them at length, last time, so he hoped that it was a safe topic. 
“They are well,” she said cheerfully. “Queen whelped at the end of summer. Three pups. Two male, one female.”
“Which one was Queen?”
“The alpha. A silver female. The biggest in the pack.”
Din nodded, vaguely remembering being stared down by a massive silver wolf. “I bet Nana likes having new pups to babysit.”
She smiled. “Yes, she is. It’s been… oh, four years since the last brood. And she likes being useful. I had to give her an orphan mucdat to care for so she would stop trying to baby my pit droids.”
Although realizing that she’d had droids without him noticing set his teeth on edge, he didn’t comment on it. 
“A mucdat? I’m not familiar with that species.”
She hummed. “They’re wildcats that roam the high mountains. Sometimes they come down and are killed by hunters or predators.” Her tone became wistful. “There are so few left, that when I come across an orphaned one, I’ll save it if I can. And the olfdo don’t mind them so much, especially if they were raised with the pack. There are five that haunt my woods, now. Six, when the new one is grown.”
“Huh,” was all Din had to say. “I… never saw them… during my visit.”
“They’re very shy,” she explained. “As elusive as they are, the Movetian government will not register them as a threatened species. They say that they’ve already been wiped out, and no more can be done… so now… it’s mostly just me.”
Frustration had crept into her voice. She pursed her lips to try and hide it, but Din was intrigued to stumble on something she cared deeply about. 
He turned his head to look at her more fully. “You... care a lot about your home.”
She didn’t elaborate further, and he didn’t want to press his luck. Din turned back to the controls, watching as hyperspace flashed and whirled past. The silence they lapsed into was easier than before, more contemplative than tense. 
For a while, Din was content to just sit and enjoy her company, but as Dafin III grew nearer, he had to break the silence.
“Who exactly does Deedi think I’m bringing in?” He asked, glancing at her over his battered pauldron. “Last time, you were Ena Sma. What’s the name on the puck?”
“Ah, I didn’t say?” She dropped her feet from where they’d been resting on the console and sat up a little straighter. Her accent switched again, just as dramatically and flawlessly as it had the last time she’d done so. 
This time, it sounded like she’d come straight from the Core. “Noa. Noa Enti. I’m a Coruscanti analyst from the Empirical Data Corps. I traded crucial information on Imperial patrol formations in exchange for safe harbor in the Dafin III Underworld.” 
She smirked, settling back into the seat again before adding. “Unfortunately, the flow of information goes both ways. Deedi forgot to account for that.”
“Noa Enti,” he echoed. “And what exactly happened to Ena Sma?”
She clucked her tongue ruefully. “Ah. I heard she met her end when she drove a speeder over the edge of the Festiv cliffs on Nefididi. Seven spice cartel guards followed. Gruesome. So sad.”
Din couldn’t stop the bemused puff of a laugh that caught in his modulator at her bright, matter-of-fact tone. He shook his head and turned back to the view screen. 
“You must be one hell of a spy,” he mused. “Ena. Noa. Are either of them even your real name?”
As soon as he said it, he wished he could take it back. If asking about her escape plan had made her suspicious, asking about her true identity would surely turn her away for good. And rightfully so. 
Our secrecy is our survival. 
How would he feel if she’d asked for the location of his covert? 
Not very trusting, to say the least. 
Shockingly, she didn’t recoil. She raised her eyebrows at him expectantly and rested her arms across her chest. 
In her Core accent, she said, “What do you mean? My name’s Noa. I told you that.” She laughed humorlessly. “And a shit spy, thanks for asking. All I did was look into a few files that I shouldn’t have. And then they abduct my partner to get to me. Deedi needed a way in… and I…” Her voice cracked, she looked away, blinking back tears. “... I didn’t know what else to do…”
And damn, she was good. Her delivery was perfect. If he hadn’t known any better, he would’ve taken her story at face value. 
But she knew that he knew it was fake. So why bother? Why not just tell him to fuck off?
Then it clicked. She wasn’t telling him to drop the subject of identities. She was making a point. 
She wanted him to work for it. 
That he could do. 
“And… Ena Sma…” Din started slowly. “She is… was… a spice smuggler that leaked information to the Empire.”
She nodded. “So I’ve heard, anyway.”
He was starting to understand; she was doing more than letting him figure out her real name, she was letting him get a glimpse at her mentality, at how she operated.
Din felt oddly privileged.
“And the woman who lives in the cottage on Movet,” he said finally, “the one who cares for olfdo and rescues orphan mucdats, what’s her name?”
Noa Enti, a Core worker who had probably never even been to Movet, somehow knew the name of a very specific woman hidden away in the North Mountains. Weird, huh?
“Nenana,” she said lightly. “Nenana Orze. Though, she’s been rumored to have been dead for… oh… some twenty years, or so.”
Nenana Orze. 
“That’s a shame,” Din admitted softly, turning to face the controls as the Navcom started blinking to signal their imminent drop from hyperspace. “I liked her.”
“Mmm, yes,” Nenana hummed. He didn’t turn to look, but he could hear the smirk in her voice. “She liked you, too.”
The breath caught in Din’s throat. He refused to look around, but could picture her clearly in his mind’s eye; lounging on his jump seat, streaked with the deep blue light of hyperspace. “Yeah?”
~0~0~0~ .
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alexsmitposts · 3 years
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The Nasty Truth About America’s Love Affair with Narcissism and Self Pity
Column: Society Region: USA in the World
📷There is a saying, “the crazy people have taken over the asylum.” They did that in the United States in 2016, a nation ruled by grifters, petty criminals and the delusional.The sane and decent became the “silent majority” as the not just America but the world learned that the darkness of the American soul depicted so often by Hollywood is not fiction at all and that a reality TV actor had tapped into a cesspit of sewage that has seeped into every American community.Then came 2020.By sheer luck along and, yes, the votes of 81 million Americans lucky enough to survive voter suppression and intimidation financed by a worldwide organized crime cartel, the insane are now out of power.The new “captain’’ of America’s “ship of state” may well, however, have something on his hands worse than the Titanic. The Titanic had the courtesy to actually sink while America, under this analogy, drifts lifelessly along.Extremism is big money in America, climate denialism, race hatred, social discord and civil war, hate is both a product and an addiction.It is also one of America’s biggest businesses. There would be no social media, no Google, no news organizations, no underbelly of device driven ecstasy, without fear and hate being marketed like cigarettes and CBD gummies.Roots of America’s Politics of Fear and Hate 2.0American extremism is not the result of poverty or oppression. It originates among the privileged, the “haves” who adhere to insane beliefs driven by boredom and generalized dissatisfaction at lives the rest of the word would envy, overpaid jobs, gas guzzling cars and trucks and fast food laden with fats and poisonous additives.If you asked many millions of Americans to define “reality,” their brains would grind to a halt. Reality is based, not on experience or observation but on “beliefs” and strongly held “opinions” which are invariably those scripted for them.Beliefs and opinions untested by the feedback loop of life has created a generation of Americans who are, essentially, living in a video game. This makes Qanon a AI program.Collective delusion has become the norm for many, and by “many” we mean up to 150 million lost souls, caught in an RPG game or, for some, a “first person shooter.”What does it make those who play? But then we have seen all this before, just without a population softened up to this degree by chaos theory conditioning. Some background:The Roots of Fascist AmericaIn 1940, Adolf Hitler was Time Magazine’s man of the year. The parents and grandparents of Trump’s supporters, following Huey Long, Gerald L.K. Smith, Father Coughlin and Charles Lindbergh sought to establish a “whites only” America based on the German model with carefully selected military leaders run by Wall Street pulling the strings.There is something magical, even today, about being “white folks.” That magic originated in the 18th and 19th centuries with the “Sturm and Drang” movement. Extremes of emotion and subjectivity were exalted above rationalism.Childish temper tantrums became a philosophy and eventually a political movement.The movement, which failed in Europe, found fertile ground in the United States in a society that increasingly defined itself though ritualized slavery and degradation and oppression of “coloured races.”This was a society built on the genocide that wiped out millions of indigenous peoples with the survivors now living on “reservations.”Imagine land where nothing grows, and no one could live. This is an “Indian reservation.” From time-to-time oil is found or minerals or there is a need to build a pipeline. Then even the worst land on earth is taken away.This was done in South Africa. It was done in Rhodesia. It used to be called “colonialism.”By the 20th century there were no indigenous people left to imprison. America then turned to warring against the freed slaves and millions of “undesirable” European immigrants, Catholics and Jews in particular.Curiously, this war was centered on banking issues, blocking trade unions, sustaining child labor and controlling farm prices. This created the alignments that
exist today, the strong tie between Wall Street and homegrown extremism built of bigotry and race hatred.You see, too many of the undesirables that fled autocratic Europe found that the long hand of international banking that maintained serfdom for millions, even in supposedly advanced Western Europe, had institutionalized the same in the United States under the guise of representative democracy.Leading the way was the resurgent Ku Klux Klan.By the 1920s national membership was estimated at over 8 million. Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and a dozen other northern and western states were governed by Klan controlled politicians who used the state militias and National Guard as a private army and local police as armed enforcers.Behind it all, the banks that brought Hitler to power and the American corporations that made millions financing Nazi Germany’s war machine, General Motors, Dupont-Remington, Lockheed, Alcoa and General Motors.Even Hitler Would Cringe…The new American revolution, driven by Donald Trump and his televangelist backers, is the result of as social anthropologists note, generations being allowed to live the life of spoiled children, steeped in narcissism and self-pity.The events of January 6, 2020 and how it tied to many American religious leaders has emptied churches across the US, with millions finding themselves humiliated with having followed “false prophets” in support of hatred and tyranny. From Salon:“…these religious figures (Trump’s powerful televangelist backers) and the institutions they led (have become) hyper-political, the outward mission (has)seemed to be almost exclusively in service of oppressing others. The religious right is not nearly as interested in feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless as much as using religion as an all-purpose excuse to abuse women and LGBTQ people. In an age of growing wealth inequalities, with more and more Americans living hand-to-mouth, many visible religious authorities were using their power to support politicians and laws to take health care access from women and fight against marriage between same-sex couples. And then Donald Trump happened.Trump was a thrice-married chronic adulterer who routinely exposed how ignorant he was of religion, and who reportedly — and let’s face it, obviously — made fun of religious leaders behind their backs. But religious right leaders did not care. They continually pumped Trump up like he was the second coming, showily praying over him and extorting their followers to have faith in a man who literally could not have better conformed to the prophecies of the Antichrist. It was comically over the top, how extensively Christian right leaders exposed themselves as motivated by power, not faith.”Jerry Falwell Jr., who introduced Donald Trump to America’s evangelical Christians, is himself an enigmatic figure.Falwell is typical of America’s religious leaders and stories such as this, from Fox News, are daily fodder for Americans:“Jerry Falwell Jr. allegedly played games with his wife Becki where they’d rank Liberty University students, they most wanted to have sex with, according to one pupil who claimed to have been intimate with Becki.The ex-student — who claims Becki initiated oral sex with him 10 years ago — told Politico that she bragged about playing the sex-ranking game while walking around the Virginia campus with her evangelical-leader husband.‘Her and Jerry would eye people down on campus,’ the former student of the conservative school told the outlet.Social Engineering Through PandemicAnyone who really lives in America will make this perfectly clear, this country has turned into a lunatic asylum. Our previous president told us COVID was a hoax, allowed over 40,000 from China enter the US while the threat of COVID was well known and turned his back while, today’s figure, 570,264 Americans died. Experts now cite that Trump was personally responsible for over 400,000 of those deaths. He is quite simply a mass murderer.Do remember that only 900 died in Australia. Canada lost 23,000. 35 died in Vietnam. 440 died in
Cuba.One might wonder how a Hitleresque figure such as Donald Trump could have millions of followers while the legal mechanisms in the US are amassing evidence for both criminal and civil prosecutions which quite probably will never come to bear.Groundhog Day, an Unending NightmareLet me tell you how I began my morning. As a journalist and intelligence briefer, I review incoming material, both open source and private intel. The big story overnight involves a revelation on a religious talk show involving theories on COVID 19 and vaccines.The show is by Jim Bakker, an important religious leader and political advisor. In 1989, Bakker was sentenced to 45 years in prison for mail and wire fraud but served on 5 of those years. He has stolen tens of million of dollars from his congregation to support a wild and lavish lifestyle of utter debauchery.In this area, he is typical of America’s evangelical Christian leaders.The guest on Bakker’s show was Steve Quayle. I know Quayle as an advisor to President George ‘W’ Bush on Middle East affairs. I know of no qualifications for this post.I do know of Quayle. After 9/11 he approached my staff in Amman, Jordan offering them generous payments to “launder” otherwise sourceless intelligence on Iraq into the Bush White House to justify an American invasion of that nation.Two million people died, maybe many more, due to fake US intelligence on Iraq. No weapons of mass destruction were ever found.Groundhog Day TwoLet us take the clock back a few years. I remember traveling to Kentucky, then and still a very backward area of the country, in 1956 to visit relatives. This was a presidential election year, and my father was working for Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic candidate that was opposing Dwight Eisenhower.Even I, at a fairly young age, was flabbergasted at the dinner table discussion that day as my “hillbilly” relatives expounded on their political opinions and version of historical fact. This is how they laid it out:We should support “Ike” because he killed Hitler personally after storming Berlin. They described a sword fight. What they described reminded me of the death of the Sheriff of Nottingham played by Basil Rathbone in the 1938 film Robin Hood starring Errol Flynn. They then went out to describe how the US beat both Russia and Germany who were at war with the US. It seems Russia did not fight Hitler at all but was actually Germany’s ally. My father, a reasonably educated person and longtime friend of Russia, found this somewhat disturbing. Next, we heard about how “godless communists” were going to take away our freedoms and destroy our standard of living. I might remind you that my relatives in Hazard, Kentucky had no electricity or plumbing. One of my cousins lived in an abandoned car parked in a slag field.During that trip, we visited my grandfather, a retired coal miner. He lived in a shack covered with tar paper along a railroad track. I loved my grandfather.Life Lessons Do not Come Over the InternetOver the next 60 plus years, I had shared tea with farmers in Vietnam, military veterans living in a small shack in the Khyber Pass and everything from heads of state to struggling farmers all over Africa and the Middle East. None would have guessed that there are Americans that live in not just utter poverty but steeped not only in delusional ignorance but far worse than that.A current obsession with American “conservatives” is the fear of being overrun with transexuals, who, according to many, represent a threat to our freedoms. I have never met a transsexual. From what I understand, up to 10,000 currently serve in America’s armed forces.Back during the 1960s when I served with a Marine combat unit in Vietnam, we probably had no transexuals, only gay or “homosexual” Marines and Navy. Absolutely nothing was thought of it as these individuals invariably served with honor and courage.They existed in significant numbers.Today aging “conservatives” who avoided military service in Vietnam continually harp about saving the rest of us from “homosexuals in the military.”Voting and
“Jim Crow”Let us take another look at efforts by the Hitleresque racists and bigots to save the rest of us from ourselves, against our will of course. In Georgia, the legislature recently passed a law that makes it a felony to offer water to someone waiting in line to vote.Water is an issue because, in Georgia and many GOP (Trump’s party) run states, polling places in areas where people of color vote have been closed causing day long lines. In 2020, volunteers offered food and water to those who would otherwise have either collapsed or left without voting. Now offering food and water can lead to being executed by racist police, quite literally, or spending 5 years in prison.In 2020, voters in many key urban areas were threatened by armed neo-Nazi militias or openly threated in emails from Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, organizations deemed terrorist in Canada and now citied by the US Department of Justice as trying to overthrow the US government.In January, during a US Senate runoff election in Georgia, 364,000 voters were challenged by the GOP in Georgia as “illegal.” All of them were African American. All 364,000 were qualified to vote and their votes were eventually counted, giving Georgia two Democratic US Senators.The Federal Elections Commission is now investigating that this effort to rig the Georgia senate elections was secretly financed by illegal contributions from members of organized crime.Groundhog Day ThreeI live in a rural and primarily Republican area. I parked my car less than 30 feet from the door of a polling place, a local church, and voted in less than 3 minutes with no lines or ID check.In order to limit mail voting, Trump ordered mail sorting machines destroyed with sledgehammers and over 40,000 mailboxes picked up and junked as scrap metal. Mail service in many cities simply ended. One letter I sent to Washington DC from Michigan took 45 days to arrive.Hundreds of millions of pieces of mail, starting in late September 2020 simply disappeared, not just votes but government checks, Christmas presents and medications from pharmacies sent to Veterans.All of this was not just publicly known, things are far worse than that. Those who so many decades ago believed the United States fought Russia in World War Two, would raise children and grandchildren with no respect for human rights, no understanding of democracy, no ethical norms nor any remote understanding of right or wrong.This is the reality for those living in America, a reality that those who watch America from afar through the distorted lens of Google Corporation and the press, can never fathom.Ah, but things are so much worse than that. It is not just having spent 4 years with a president who told us you could cure covid by drinking bleach or eating flashlights. It gets worse.Groundhog Day FourA few days ago, former Trump advisor Cirsten Welcon claimed that President Biden had been paid billions of dollars by China to let them test their newest “weather weapons” on Texas. Power outages there, now attributed to corrupt backroom deals by Republican politicians, led to many deaths and considerable suffering.Little did any of us know of the role of the magic Chinese weather machines.In another vignette, it has been a years since Trump advisor and televangelist Kenneth Copeland stood before a television audience raving like a lunatic. He then pursed his lips and blew at the television camera, the “wind of god” which he claimed destroyed COVID forever.This effort by Reverend Copeland, who has millions of followers and a vast financial empire, led President Trump to announce that COVID 19 was going to disappear.ConclusionSome would like to believe that the institutionalized insanity of America’s right is restricted to the “Untermensch” substrata of rural poor whites. However, for decades now, the most radicalized and extremist elements of America’s society, the most ignorant, the most warlike yet cowardly, have gained control of the US military through service academies which espouse their conspiracy theories.With the onset of Trump, they gained much
more than a foothold in American politics, they now control many states “lock, stock and barrel,” and are involved in not just voter suppression but a general quashing of human rights and free speech.The door to this turn of events began well into the 19th century. Laws, still on the books, are now being employed against Donald Trump, from CNN:The Democratic chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee has filed a lawsuit against former President Donald Trump that cites a little-known federal statute that was first passed after the Civil War.The complaint, filed Tuesday by Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, accuses Trump, his attorney Rudy Giuliani, the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers of violating the 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act. The lawsuit accuses them of inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol riot to prevent the certification of the 2020 presidential election.These same extremist elements and calling them “extremist” insults al Qaeda and ISIS (banned in Russia) who are moderate in their beliefs and practices in comparison. These statements might sound extreme in themselves were it not for so many Americans, religious and military leaders, members of government and business leaders calling for wholesale murder of their political opponents citing their personal communication with a non-corporeal authority they said is “god.”Americans hear this all day every day, the emails are unending, TV networks like Fox, OAN or Newsmax say little else, and that message is carried not just through media but lawn signs dotting the countryside.Hundreds of thousands of American homes are festooned with paraphernalia espousing murder of public officials and their families. Americans see it every day driving to work. What they ask themselves when they see things like this is how many others hold these beliefs but keep it to themselves?What if academics wrote papers on the issues, we discuss here? What if the BBC produced a documentary? Would things get better? The problem dates back not just generations but centuries.It is not a moral problem; it is not a political problem. It is one of degeneracy. At some point we may be required to reassess our definition of sentience.
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Lion’s Heart
It was supposed to be a joke.
Just speculation.
It wasn’t supposed to be taken seriously.
That illusion was shattered with the first spray of blood and a glint of cold emerald eyes.
Corleone Izuku was in interesting boy, somewhat of a mystery to the school with his constant bodyguards and his knowledge on what seemed like everyone in UA, but was nonetheless a very likeable and kind person. He was funny, smart, a hard worker, and genuinely cared for his fellow classmates and the other friends he made in other classes. The class had warmed up to him quickly, despite the interference from the bodyguards, but the older men had warmed up to the class and the class to them eventually. They had even seemed to be more lenient on leaving the boy alone when in the company of the class as time wore on. One such occasion was when the class had gone to the mall…
It had been a regular day. The class had little to no homework to do and it was the weekend, so they were free to relax and spend the day as they pleased. With that, the class decided to go to the mall to enjoy themselves, even if they weren’t going to buy anything. Walking around the mall, the group of students chattered about their day and groaned about the next test that Aizawa was surely cooking up for them.
“So what do you think of UA, Izuku?” Uraraka asked, smiling at the boy beside her. Said boy was looking around in fascination at the mall and all the different stores. It was similar to the other malls he had seen, as that never really changes, but also bizarrely different with what they were selling.
“It’s amazing! I really enjoy the teachers and learning from them is very educational.” He said politely, smiling at the girl. Uraraka nodded enthusiastically.
“Right?! They’re all such amazing Heroes and they’re teaching us! It’s an amazing opportunity and they’re such great teachers!” she chattered enthusiastically, Izuku smiling and also talking about what an amazing opportunity it was to be attending the most exclusive and prestigious Hero school in the world and how they were enjoying the classes. In that time, they had managed to get separated from the rest of the class and they stopped their conversation in order to look for them, glancing around the area, but not spotting them.
“Hmmm…. I don’t see them.” Izuku said, looking around at the crowd. “Do you think we should call them?” he asked, turning his attention back to the girl only see her standing completely still, a look of slight fear in her eyes, and an inconspicuous looking man standing behind her and smiling pleasantly.
“You will be calling no one, boy.” The man muttered softly in what was familiar English. Izuku immediately tensed, glaring lightly at the man.
“What have you done to her?” he hissed back in English, but quiet enough to not gain any attention from the surrounding people.
“Nothing much, boy. Just a Quirk to keep her still and quiet for a while. But I can assure you that worse things may happen if you and the young lady here don’t come along quietly.” The man replied, voice low and smile still pleasant. Growling lowly, Izuku gave a subtle nod. Smiling, the man gently took the girl by the arm and led the way out of the mall, occasionally glancing back to see if the boy was following behind them. The man kept smiling as he led the way out and to the parking lot where an expensive looking black car was running. The man opened the back door of the car and quickly shoved the girl in, smiling and gesturing for Izuku to get in as well. Shooting a glare at the man, Izuku ducked down and entered the car, surprised to see that the interior was a dark warehouse. Looking behind him, he saw the man’s smiling face once more before the door closed, leaving him in the dark of the building.
“I-Izuku? Where are we?’ a female voice called shakily from behind him. Turning around, he saw that Uraraka had finally snapped out of her paralyzed state and was now looking around the area in alarm. Izuku simply shook his head.
“No idea. They used a portal Quirk to get us here, so we could be anywhere right now.” He answered, holding his hand out to help her up. Taking it, she pulled herself up and looked around. It was a rather small warehouse room they were stuck in with only one door out. They were leading them somewhere.
“Wh-why were we taken?” she asked the boy and Izuku looked at the door, a harsh scowl marring his usually softly features.
“I have an idea.” He muttered. “Come on. Stay behind me and if they’re there, don’t talk to them.” He warned and headed toward the door, taking a breath and glancing behind him to make sure Uraraka was following before opening it slowly, revealing a very plush looking office with three men at the front. As soon as they walked in, the door slammed behind then and two more men and restrained them, securing their arms behind their backs.
“Welcome, Izuku Corleone. Or I guess I should say Corleone Izuku since we are in your mother country.” The man in the middle spoke in English. Izuku looked him over and his frown deepened. He knew this man. He had met him before during a meeting in New York.
“Don Leo Alfonsi. What a surprise to see you here.” Izuku replied coolly, his face settling into his trademark poker face. “I had thought that the next time we met, it would be under more…hospitable circumstances.” He remarked and the older man smirked, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“I wouldn’t get cocky, brat.” The man growled. He made a certain hand motion which caused the guard holding Izuku to drag him forward in front of the Don. Said Don then sat back in his chair, looking more relaxed.
“Now, boy. Let’s talk business. The Corleone Family, your family, have been encroaching on our territory for far too long. As they were before, my family could do nothing against this breach or your family. The Corleone family had no weaknesses. But the big and powerful family has a weakness now.… You.” The man said, standing up slowly and walked around the room, feeling confident enough to even turn his back on the two Heroes in training. “You are the precious son and heir to the Underworld’s throne. With you as my hostage and pawn, I can make any demand at all of the Corleone.” He said sinisterly, his previously impassive face curling up into a cruel grin. Chuckling to himself, he lit up a cigar and turned around again to meet the boy’s cold eyed stare.
“And there’s nothing you can do about it either, now can you, boy? Powerless as you are and with a hostage in our grasp.’ the man taunted. Stepping closer to the restrained boy, but the teen gave away no emotion.
“What makes you think that there will be no retribution from us or our allies?” he asked calmly. “Once news gets out that you have turned your back on the Corleone and have made hostile moves against us, what makes you think that you will not bring a Mafia war down upon your head?” he asked, but the Don only smiled in reply, taking a long puff of his cigar.
“What makes you think that once the Corleone are beneath our thumb, that any of the other Families will make a move against the new kings of the Underworld?” the man swaggered.
“What do you mean by that?” Izuku asked, suspicious. Alfonsi’s sinister grin melted into one more resembling a satisfied cat, inhaling more smoke.
“What I mean is that I already have some of your supposed allies on my side. Several of the Mexican Cartel families and Yakuza have sided with me in this. Once the rest of your Allies see that they have turned to my side, there will be no stopping them from joining me!” the man bragged, taking in a long puff of smoke, much to the teen’s distaste.
“Don’t smoke in my face. And no ally of ours would ever side with an arrogant old man like you.” Izuku retorted. The Don just smiled egotistically and stepped closer to the boy.
“Tell that to the Yukishiro and Pruda families.” He chuckled, blowing a large puff of smoke in the boy’s face, but instead of being mad at the actions of the Don, the teen simply smiled, disarmingly charming and light despite the situation.
“Thank you very much for your cooperation. That was all we needed to know.” He said sweetly and before the Don or the guards could do anything more than look confused, there was the sound of glass shattering followed by a large thump on the floor. A brief moment of shocked silence followed before the room erupted into complete chaos. Izuku wrenched free from the now slackened hold of the guard behind him, quickly whipping out his hand and the daggers that had been hiding in his sleeve lodging dead center into the heads of his and Uraraka’s captors. At the same time, there were two more sounds of breaking glass as the bullets entered the bodies of the two other guards in the room. Finally, after what seemed like years of deafening noise, there was nothing left but loud silence. Crimson pooled on the luxurious carpet and green eyes scanned over the forms on the ground for any movement. Once he was assured that there was nothing but stillness, he held up his wrist, revealing an inconspicuous metal bracelet. Pressing a button, the bracelet lit up and came to life, the buzzing sound of voices coming from it.
“Young master!”
“Are you alright!?”
“Has everything been dealt with?!” the voices asked frantically and Izuku sighed internally. Always so worried about him…
“Yeah. I’m fine. Just some smoke inhalation. They didn’t hurt me at all.” He reassured the men and he could practically feel the relief radiate form the men. Looking down at the now dead Don, Izuku sighed.
“Get the cleaning crew down here. Clean job, but I’d rather not take any chances.” Izuku ordered and there was a small commotion on the other end of the line before confirming that his order was carried out. Nodding, Izuku let out a sigh, thinking back to the Don’s plans.
“Also, call my dad. I have some bad news.” He said softy and there was a solemn murmur of affirmation.
“We will be there soon, young master.” The man murmured.
“Thank you, Giovanni.” Izuku said and pressed the button again, the voices dying down. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he felt his lungs catch as a voice that he hadn’t heard since this all started speak softly.
“I-Izuku?” Uraraka asked. Turning around, Izuku could see that the girl was shaking and looking around the room in absolute terror. Specks of blood were spattered lightly on her cheek, but she didn’t seem to notice. She was frozen in place and cold only watch in fear as the boy she thought she knew scan over the fallen bodies, small specks of blood on his face and a merciless glint in his eyes. Wincing, Izuku stopped in place and sighed. This wasn’t going to be pleasant to deal with.
“Let’s go.” Izuku said softly, slowly reaching out his hand and gently taking her by the arm and leading her out of the room through a different door, being careful to keep her eyes off of the bodies. Once they were outside, he felt the girl give a jerk and he let her go without protest. At the influx of fresh air that erased the smell of copper, it seemed to knock Uraraka out of her daze and she quickly doubled over and leaned against the wall, feeling the bile rise up and spilling over. Izuku looked away politely and waited for her to finish, keeping an eye out for his body guards or for any of the Alfonsi family that my still be on the property.
“I-Izuku…” she said softly as she gasped for breath, form still trembling, turning her terrified eyes to her classmate. Izuku simply shook his head.
“Not here. Once we’re here safe, then you can ask me anything.” Izuku said firmly, not quite able to look her in the eyes. Before she got to say anything, agreement or otherwise, a black car pulled up and the three men that Uraraka recognized as the boy’s usual band of body guards got out, looking around cautiously. Izuku sighed in relief as he saw them and told them rapidly of the basics of how he and Uraraka had ended up there in quiet Italian. They nodded in understanding, weary lines pulling at their faces at the news and they gestured for the two students to get into the car.
“Uraraka. Come on. We have to go.” Izuku called out, startling the girl out of her daze and holding out a hand for her to take. She looked at him warily, her eyes darting from the blood on his cheek to his outstretched hand. Could she really trust him? Well, right now, she had to. She didn’t know where she was or how to get back and she had neglected to bring her phone with her on her trip. Cautiously, she took his hand and let him lead her to the car, sliding into the seat while the rest of them followed behind, sliding in with them or getting into the front. Izuku sighed in relief as he slid into the seat of the car. He felt himself relax slightly as he felt the car take off and the comforting presence of his men surrounded him. He let himself relax for that moment but pulled himself out of it a moment later. He still had something else to deal with. Not to mention talk to his father later about all he had learned, but for now, Uraraka took precedence.
“I’m sorry you got caught up in all of this.” He apologized softly, turning to look at her and he saw her flinch slightly at the movement. Izuku sighed and at a gesture from one of his guards, he took an outstretched handkerchief and cleaned himself up, wiping away the stray blood and straightening out his clothes.
“And I’m sorry again for scaring you. I never meant for any of you to find out.” He muttered softly, looking down and Uraraka let out a small whimper.
“Wh-who are you?” she whispered quietly, terror in her voice. “A-are you a Villain?’ she choked out and tears welled in here eyes at the thought.
This was a thing i wrote with/for my cousin, but he abandoned it, so i did too. So now it’s here.
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sparklyjojos · 4 years
CARNIVAL DAY recaps [6/13]
Today’s recap: A memory of a great magician, the Sophists unmasked, and the apocalypse drawing near.
12 Apr 1997 — 18 Apr 1997
On April 5th, a Mossad spy is about to be publicly hanged in Baghdad, but just after the noose is tightened, all the other people gathered at the scene suddenly start suffocating and dying one after another. The bodies all have marks of something that had been wound around their necks. The spy is unaffected and survives. A skull of the Billion Killer is found between the bodies.
On the same day, the Billion Killer investigation makes a leap forward. The US government asks the world to organize an international search for someone who has been missing ever since the start of the Crime Olympics, and who might help uncover the Billion Killer’s secret—the famous magician David Copperfield.
Several of Copperfield’s illusions are interesting in the context of the Billion Killer cases. Making the Statue of Liberty disappear, floating over the Grand Canyon, walking through the Great Wall of China, the Bermuda Triangle special, the Niagara Falls stunt, the escape from an exploding building…
Copperfield never hesitated in performing spectacular challenges. It’s perfectly fine to do small magic just for the sake of brief entertainment and joy of others, but when one attempts to truly move people’s hearts, to give them an unforgettable emotional experience, it is necessary to focus on conveying a plot, a theme through the magic. Copperfield’s illusions were constructed for this purpose; for example, he made the Statue of Liberty disappear to convey how precious liberty is and how easily it might be lost.
Out of the thirty-four Billion Killer cases so far, five happened in places Copperfield used for illusions (Statue of Liberty, Grand Canyon, Great Wall of China, Bermuda Triangle, Niagara Falls), and four had to do with destroyed buildings (JDC, Empire State, Greenwich, St. Mark’s Clocktower). Copperfield also made an Orient Express car levitate and disappear—compare the Trans-Siberian Express briefly flying through the air once it derailed. Walking through walls could perhaps be how that mysterious man in the cartel shooting case managed to escape the locked room. Copperfield once had a show in the Osaka Castle, and surely would know how something like the New Berlin Wall could be made to appear and disappear. The magician’s ability to make big objects float could be how the stone spheres of Costa Rica were moved.
That seems like an awful lot of coincidences. Even if David Copperfield wasn’t the Billion Killer, he could have been kidnapped and forced to turn over his magical secrets that would be then used for evil.
As Nemu watches the news, she realizes just how powerful a rumor can be. In the eyes of the public, David Copperfield quickly changes from a kidnapped innocent, to a member of RISE, to its leader, to the Billion Killer himself. The media never actually accuse him outright, but street interviews show what people think: “I can’t believe he’s the killer”, “I feel betrayed”, “I hope he realizes the error of his ways”. Humans are so quick to judge without even having the information necessary to make the decision. Perhaps that’s what Black meant warning them against “skim-reading”.
Yesterday’s enemy is today’s foe and vice-versa; yesterday’s hero is today’s murderer. Like a ridiculous, mad carnival dance led by the media.
Nemu, Otohime and Hyouma talk about the news. Hyouma only now understands what Kakuusan Kanke told him when they were in New York together—that the Billion Killer was probably an American person with a name similar to hers. What she meant is that her nickname Kappa sounded like the beginning of the name Copperfield.
In the end, they can’t decide whether Copperfield could be the Billion Killer or not, but discussing magic makes Nemu and Otohime recall a certain magician they knew when they were young, and they talk about their memories—about Juku’s father Saimon Ryuusui. As those memories reach over fifteen years ago, they’re quite scarce and blurry.
Saimon Ryuusui lost his life in the Saimon Family Murder Case that lasted from 1979 to 1980. He was a man of a magnificent and dignified posture, with swept back hair and a thin kaiser moustache, wearing a tailcoat on a daily basis. His policy was that a magician didn’t need words, and so he never spoke; not even his wife or Juku have ever witnessed the magician utter a single word. Instead he would write or gesture when necessary, and his wife could apparently understand his thoughts pretty well. Perhaps this devotion to silence was in itself the magician’s greatest illusion. Though never too popular, Ryuusui was widely recognized for his flexible creativity and practiced skill.
Ryuusui had lost his left hand in the Pacific War and used a prosthesis. It was hard to notice at first sight, as he always wore white gloves, even when sleeping. Sometimes he’d take off the prosthetic hand and make it float or crawl on the ground, and the spectators could inspect it freely afterwards. While simple, the Left Hand Magic is apparently famous as one of the greatest illusions of the Showa period. The secret method behind it is still unknown.
Nemu and Otohime weren’t quite Saimon Ryuusui’s family and so didn’t really know him, having only met him a few times. The image of the man they held in their minds was mostly created based on tales they had heard from Juku.
Juku also told them about the Miraculous Illusions, a set of thirteen pieces of magic that still hadn’t been finished by the time Ryuusui died. Juku was the only one who was ever shown them, and only once. Even he couldn’t figure out the methods behind them at all, and stated that if these illusions were to be perfected, perhaps it would lead to an omnipotent, all-purpose magic of sorts.
This certainly seemed like something that could be abused to create the Billion Killer crimes. Ryuusui has been dead for almost two decades now, but he left several apprentices, so maybe one of them got their hands on the illusions, perfected them, and decided to use them for crime.
19 Apr 1997 — 25 Apr 1997
Due to a sudden increase in yeti sightings in the Himalayas, a special investigation team is sent to the mountains, their movements recorded and watched by their companions back at camp. On April 12th, as the team is climbing K2 to get to the yeti standing above them, the creature removes its costume and reveals itself as a half-naked Asian woman in her mid-twenties, who’s somehow unfazed by the freezing cold. She’s saying something they can’t quite understand. At that moment a giant avalanche starts and sweeps the team away.
When their companions later search for the bodies, they find a skull of the Billion Killer. Footage analysis reveals the woman’s words were “the next case will happen in the highest place”, which must mean Mount Everest.
On April 19th, as another team is climbing Mount Everest, a mass of rocks shoots out of the wall and pushes them off so they fall to their deaths. Later, investigation finds a skull of the Billion Killer in the exact place where the rocks came from, as if the skull somehow appeared within the wall and pushed the rocks out.
...or at least that’s how the media portray it, but Nemu can’t help but feel this all seems fishy, like a carefully directed horror movie. Then again, it’s not like she has the information needed to make any judgment on whether it’s real or not. The Billion Killer’s greatest trick is showing people things that should be impossible.
Nemu thinks about the Miraculous Illusions a lot.
26 Apr 1997 — 02 May 1997
On the same day as the Everest case, Nemu, Otohime and Hyouma are told by Black that they themselves will take part in the next Billion Killer case. Nemu and Hyouma are going to serve as Dots, while Otohime will stay behind in the Sanctuary just in case the other two try to escape.
Black leads them to the “laundry room”, which turns out to be a small place with a water bed in the middle. A helmet connected with a strange machine is lying nearby. The room doesn’t look like a laundry, but Black explains that what they wash here is brains. All the Dots and Dogs undergo brain washing.
Black encourages them to lie down and put the helmet on to feel what it’s like, which Hyouma does against his better judgment. The result is a maddening moment of complete sensory deprivation that seems to last for ages (actually fifteen seconds) before Black helps him take the helmet off. Apparently half a day in that condition is enough to make a person forget who they are, and two weeks of it combined with a guiding voice from the speakers will create a loyal new minion.
Seeing their horror, Black assures them that RISE isn’t going to brainwash them (not now, at least). But if they were to undergo the procedure, they would hear instructions in the synthesized voice of someone especially close to them for the best results. Here’s who RISE determined to be “someone close” for each of them. For Hyouma: Yuu, Fuyuka Kasumi, and Ajiro. For Nemu: Souya, Juku, and Jounosuke. For Otohime: Hikimiya, Juku, and Jounosuke.
What this list implies is that RISE has been spying on them for a long, long time. And yes, Black knows that Hyouma and Ajiro are half-brothers (and now that he said it, Otohime and Nemu know it too).
Asked about Yuu, Black states the following: the Yuu who Hyouma met with during the Locked Room Lord case and who died was the real Yuu (who nevertheless was controlled by RISE), and the one who he drank with last year and who lives as a Dot is an imposter. That very convenient traffic accident that killed real Yuu was of course RISE’s doing.
While Hyouma is fuming with frustration, Nemu asks why on earth her “someone close” list started with Souya, considering they were simply coworkers. Black answers that the results were based on observation and analysis, and in Nemu’s case, the one to create the list for her was Yellow Bishop, Ajiro Souji. Nemu almost says something, but stops and gets lost in thought.
Asked about whether the Rainbow Sophists really are the S-detectives, Black says that the truth will be revealed after the next Billion Killer case. Right now he can only tell them that Dot-Nakamoto is the real Nakamoto, while Dot-Yuu and Dot-Unomaru are both imposters. RISE did get some use out of the real brainwashed Unomaru, but he’s already dead by this point.
Even more explanations follow. In order to spy on Dokuson and Hanto Maimu, RISE has planted several Spiders in JDC (Spiders are undercover spies, called that because “spy there” = spider). Unomaru looked like a great candidate for a Spider, so RISE snatched him from the sinking ship. However, Unomaru must have hit his head and sustained memory loss during the incident. He didn’t remember anything and was fully convinced his name was Marion. RISE tried to make him remember his real name with brainwashing, but no matter how many times he was told he was Suzukaze Unomaru, he stubbornly insisted his name was Marion. A full two weeks of the brainwashing procedure failed completely.
There had to be a reason for this unusual power of resistance. The Doctor believed Unomaru was subconsciously, instinctually sensing danger and protecting his hidden core memory as he could. RISE is able to manipulate everything in the “upper levels” of human memory, but anything that has been locked up behind the barrier of amnesia is hard to touch. Even if the brainwashing was successful, the locked memories would still remain and Unomaru could spontaneously revert to his real self one day.
In the end, they decided to perform this sort of temporary brainwashing, spending another full two weeks on the procedure, successfully convincing Unomaru that he had no name at all. He soon served as a Dot in the Loch Ness case. Then he and his two companions were told by RS to go to the Sanctuary’s dark room. While there, the other two had their heads blown off, which was enough shock for Unomaru to snap out of it to some degree.
Unomaru managed to flee the Sanctuary afterwards, and Black pursued him to make sure no troubles would follow.
By the way, Unomaru’s real name was a very plain Yamashita Saburou. His mother was Japanese, but his father Elfi Geppen came from Java, and half-Japanese Saburou faced a lot of bullying in his younger years. He quickly learned to hide his identity; in fact, his almost unnatural patriotism for Japan, speaking and acting like a samurai, taking on a more traditional sounding D-name, were all tragic efforts to make himself seem as Japanese as possible.
Black found Unomaru on Java, where he now worked as a rickshaw driver under the name of his father. After questioning him thoroughly, Black decided that Unomaru didn’t actually get his memory back, and his escape had been simply caused by fear after his fellow Dots died. However, Unomaru still could subconsciously recall information like his father’s name.
When the Borobudur case happened, Unomaru took the Billion Killer’s skull away from the scene, but before he could really hurt RISE’s case, he was killed in riots in Jakarta.
This was already a lot to digest, but Black then takes the detectives to another room to show them one other thing.
“Cold storage” turns out to host a bunch of pods with people in cold sleep. Black shows them a pod that he claims contains one of the Spiders, and the detectives are shocked to see it’s their good friend Christmas Mizuno.
A day before the next Billion Killer case, Hyouma, Nemu, and four Dots go through a security check to get to the heavily guarded Earth House, a fallout shelter in Idaho mountains.
The Earth House is a place popular with survivalists where anyone willing to pay can stay for two weeks, or even buy a right to evacuate there if a disaster strikes. The shelter is so big it’s basically an underground city. Soldiers are patrolling it at all times.
The group is split into two rooms. One party consists of an unknown male Dot, Hyouma, and fake Unomaru, all pretending to be ”the Yamashita brothers” (respectively Ichirou, Jirou and Saburou). The other group are “the Kawakami sisters”, Yuu (the fake Yuu), Nemu (Nemu) and Mii (an unknown female Dot).
The Dots are barely any company, considering they keep silent and still almost the entire time. Hyouma tries to question fake Unomaru about who he actually is, but the Dots say his questions make no sense (they are always who they need to be for the current mission), and they don’t recall having any real names before. Their utmost goal is to participate in Billion Killer cases, and they’re always observed by “R” or “Ra”, the Eye in the Triangle, which Hyouma as a not-Dot wouldn’t be able to understand. Hyouma asks a tricky question (“it’s only the Dots that are monitored? So you’re saying this whole almighty Ra somehow isn’t able to watch me at all?”). Nervous “Ichirou” starts stuttering in response, and all of a sudden his head explodes.
There’s a knock on the door, but thankfully it’s only the female Dots and Nemu. The Dots say that their unfortunate companion incurred the anger of Ra, but these things happen, there’s no need to mourn anyone stupid enough to go against Ra, and the mission will still go as planned.
Hyouma points out that the three got here with suspiciously perfect timing; even if they claim they didn’t know this would happen, it’s possible that the Dot’s death had been planned somehow. Nemu thinks that the Dots might have explosives implanted in their heads. Hyouma notices that fake Unomaru didn’t really seem surprised at the time of the explosion, like he’d seen that happen before. The Dots claim they’re safe as long as they don’t speak against Ra, but dead Dots were constantly found in Billion Killer cases, so is that really true?
Hyouma continues to jab the Dots with questions and make them uncomfortable, but stops once trembling “Mii” has her head blown up as well.
On April 26th, a colonel working in the Earth House apparently goes insane, kills many of his fellow soldiers, breaks the computer system so the entrance cannot be opened in any way, and sets the arsenal to explode. At exactly 1 PM, everything inside the shelter is destroyed in a ball of fire. Four hundred people die.
03 May 1997 — 09 May 1997
[Let us backtrack a little to before the Earth House mission, and see what Hyouma and Nemu managed to learn from Black about what had happened with Yaiba Somahito.]
The boy that Yaiba kidnapped was found to have ties to the Locked Room Lord case. His name was Amano Jan [the first name coincidentally written 雀, so just like suzume]. After the train crashed and Yaiba and the boy were saved, an extensive investigation and questioning led by Dokuson himself revealed some surprising things.
Back when Yaiba was normally working at JDC, he got a mysterious call from someone who sounded exactly like his dead little brother Amato, and who told him he was going to die in the upcoming Crime Olympics. This was enough to upset Yaiba so much that soon he collapsed from stress. When he was hospitalized, a coworker brought him a nice set of blue polka-dot pajamas, and for some reason this was the point at which something inside Yaiba broke.
Not even Yaiba himself had been really aware of it, but Dokuson helped him realize an important fact: many years ago, Amato had been wearing similar blue polka-dot pajamas just before he committed suicide. When Yaiba saw a similar piece of clothing in the hospital, his traumatized mind was brought to a vulnerable state prone to manipulation and suggestions from Amano Jan. As the pajamas were brought with them on the train, Yaiba continued to stay under the spell. In a way, he wasn’t the kidnapper; he was the one kidnapped.
The boy later confessed to everything. However, it was obvious that a child couldn’t have come up with such a complicated plan. Yaiba’s coworker who brought the pajamas to the hospital went missing the day the train crashed, but all the investigative threads led from them to the JDC detective Yakuma Suzume.
Once Hyouma and Nemu get through the Earth House case unscathed, Black gives them some more explanations.
RISE plans on hosting seven “guests” in all:
Ryuuguu Otohime
Tsukumo Nemu
Amagi Hyouma
Christmas Mizuno
Diana Hosey
Hanto Maimu (and Kuraimu)
Yaiba Somahito
The detectives had already guessed there would be more guests, because their entire goal in the Earth House was finding Diana Hosey and bringing her to the Sanctuary. To their surprise, Diana had been investigating there along with Kakuusan Kanke, so they got Kanke to run away with them too. Mere minutes before the place would explode, fake Unomaru led them to a secret elevator that let them escape in the brink of time. Once outside, Hyouma and Nemu had to say goodbye to Kanke for now and take Diana to the Sanctuary, but at the very least they knew their fellow JDC detective was safe and sound.
Around the same time the Earth House is destroyed, a strange deja-vu incident takes place: Hanto Maimu and Kuraimu are kidnapped by Christmas Mizuno, who then escapes to China and boards the Silk Road Train.
Dokuson decides to entrust chasing them to Yaiba as a chance for him to clear his name and face the past. A week later Yaiba is successful in meeting Christmas and convinces him to go back to Japan with him, which should be the end of the story—but then both detectives, Maimu, and Kuraimu all disappear without a trace during the next Billion Killer case.
On May 3rd, the entire 600 km of train tracks from Samarkand to Ashgabat are suddenly replaced with checkered flooring made of black and white tiles, causing many trains to crash.
The Silk Road (shiruku-roodo) has turned into a black-and-white road (shiro-kuro-dou).
When Yaiba and the rest are on the Silk Road train, Christmas casually tells them he’s RISE’s Spider, and that they are going to be RISE’s guests. A few people in black suits show up to ensure they’ll follow.
Once they get to a giant underwater fortress known as the Sanctuary, they’re led to a meeting room where several other people are already waiting. There’s Hyouma, Nemu, Otohime, a girl who later introduces herself as Diana Hosey, and… another Christmas Mizuno? The moment Yaiba notices that something’s wrong here, the Christmas that just brought him there has his head blown off his shoulder. (The Dots clean up quickly, but still, Jesus Christ.)
Yaiba and Maimu (and little Kuraimu) join everyone at the table and get some very confusing explanations from their friends. Then a guy wearing all black and a mask shows up accompanied by a group of Dots and introduces himself as Black Rook or the Sanctuary’s Master (and from what Hyouma explains, the guy looks exactly like Jounosuke under the mask). One of the Dots resembles Suzukaze Unomaru. Yaiba honestly doesn’t understand what’s going on anymore.
Black Rook states that the seven guests will now have a chance to each talk with one of seven executives of RISE. The set order is as follows: Otohime will talk with Red Knight (Sullivan), Christmas with Orange Knight (Meiru?), Diana with Yellow Bishop (Ajiro?), Yaiba with Green Knight (Frau D?), Nemu with Blue King (Zerofini Roi?), Hyouma with Violet Queen (Ronely Queen?), and Hanto Maimu & Kuraimu with “Soft White”.
Everyone is escorted by Dots to the rooms where the executives of RISE are waiting for them. If the detectives are honest with themselves, they all quietly pray that the Sophists are the real S-detectives, because it would mean that Ajiro Souji is still alive.
Otohime already knows that Red Knight is Lemuria Sullivan, so she asks about his reverse reasoning. Sullivan says it’s not prophesying, but a logical process that lets him know the future; for example, he knows that Otohime is going to ask about Jounosuke, her family, and the other Rainbow Sophists. As for that last one, Sullivan can give her a straight answer: except for him, none of the others are S-detectives.
Hyouma immediately demands that Violet Queen tells him her real identity, so she removes her mask. It’s not Ronely Queen. Instead it’s a dark-skinned woman with beautiful eyes, and he has absolutely no idea who she is.
Nemu faces the Blue King. If it really is Zerofini Roi, then the nickname is quite fitting, as roi means a king in French. But why would Nemu be chosen to talk with the world’s greatest detective? So the first thing she says is, “You’re an imposter, aren’t you?” 
“As expected from Juku’s sister,” the woman laughs. “Calling me an imposter before I can even open my mouth.”
“Well, are you?”
Blue King removes her mask. She really is a woman in her thirties, but not Zerofini Roi. It’s someone Nemu already met and who she would never expect to see here.
Yaiba has never met Frau D before. He only knows that Frau D was a master of data analysis and that he allegedly died during the Crystal Nightmare. But when he meets Green Bishop, he gets a feeling like he’s facing an old friend.
“Have we met before?” he asks.
“We know about each other, but this is our first proper meeting,” Green says and removes his mask to reveal a face very similar to someone Yaiba knows.
Christmas knows some things about Firannu Meirunesia from Amagoi, who told him stories about their investigations. He’s not sure why he’d be chosen to talk to Meiru, and why now, when he’s still weak and groggy from a period of cold sleep, and right after he witnessed a guy looking like himself explode.
Even in his confusion, he gets an impression that he knows Orange Knight. Forcing his mouth to work, he asks about her identity. She answers that they know about each other’s existence, but haven’t met until now. Under her mask is a face uncannily similar to someone Christmas knows.
Diana hopes that Yellow Bishop really is Ajiro Souji, because then there would be a chance that Ronely Queen didn’t actually die back then, when she protected Diana in the Statue of Liberty case. Unfortunately, Hyouma was the one sent to talk with Violet Queen, while Diana is to possibly meet Ajiro, despite being the only guest who doesn’t know him at all.
“It’s been a while, Diana,” Yellow Bishop says laughing in a very familiar way before taking off his mask.
When Hanto Maimu enters the room, Soft White seems to be paying more attention to little Kuraimu in her arms. He says that it’s a hard job to raise a child alone and that Maimu will need help and understanding. Oh, and that he’s not actually the real White Rook, just acting like him right now. He’s very good at mimicking others, see. He once called her in Ajiro Souji’s voice, pretended to be the Yellow Bishop a few times… and he had the role of little Kuraimu’s father too.
Maimu almost walks out in anger at what must be a horrible joke, but then the man’s voice suddenly changes to the one she knows so well and calls her back.
“It’s a long story,” Maimu’s husband Tanna Sazen says as he removes his mask.
And so, the executives of RISE have their identities revealed.
Red Knight is Lemuria Sullivan, as everyone already knows.
Orange Knight is Joyeeta. Christmas doesn’t know her, but she looks very similar to her sister Tierra, who he met on Easter Island and who later died in the Great Pyramid case.
Yellow Bishop is Theodore Hosey, Diana’s father and the serial killer known as Deep Cut, who disappeared from his jail cell a while ago.
Green Bishop is Aleksandr Uryakov. Yaiba met his brother Drexel Uryakov on the Trans-Siberian Express and was told that Aleksandr was dead, but that was apparently not the case.
Blue King is Pacha Palermo, the same woman who served as Nemu’s guide and translator during her trip to Peru, and who gave her a hint about investigating in Russia next.
Violent Queen is someone called Fabian. Hyouma has never met her, but apparently she was that witness who saw Yemon’s escape from the cartel shooting case.
The one impersonating White right now is Tanna Sazen, Hanto Maimu’s husband and Kuraimu’s father. Usually, he and Theodore Hosey both act in the same role of the Yellow Bishop, switching places depending on the circumstances.
Secret identities aside, Otohime asks Sullivan about what’s going to happen once the Crime Olympics reach their end on August 10th—on Carnival Day.
“The fate of humanity depends on the Cosmic Bomb,” Sullivan says. “If it falls on August 10th, everyone including RISE will be wiped off the face of the planet. If it doesn’t fall, the history of a new human race will begin. The deciding factor to our fate is Black Rook, who holds the key to the Cosmic Bomb.”
They have three months before the fate of humanity will be decided.
[>>>NEXT PART>>>]
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dxnnyboi · 4 years
⌠ DARREN BARNET, 24, MALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, DANIEL ‘DANNY’ ISHIDA ! according to their records, they’re a THIRD year, specializing in LINGUISTICS, CULTURE & ASSIMILATION + COVERT OPERATIONS; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (a white, perfectly charming, crooked smile; finger guns across the hallway; loose laces in his shoes). when it’s the (taurus)’s birthday on 5/17/1995, they always request their FRENCH TOAST from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. 
Tumblr media
He was born right outside of Boston amongst big houses, expensive cars and fine jewelry.
The youngest of the Ishida boys. There’s four of them.
He’s the not-so-happy accident in his family, which isn’t exactly a secret and it’s clear on plain sight, when you find out his siblings are 12, 13 and 15 years older than him, so there wasn’t much relationship with them, nor her parents. Danny has always been the neglected boy in the family. He’s tried to impress them many times, but at some point he simply gave up.
That did not mean he didn’t get anything material. It was the way his parents would compensate for the lack of attention and amusement. Danny had everything every young kid would’ve dreamed of. He got his first Mercedes Benz at the age of sixteen (crashed it merely three days later only to get a replacement after a week long punishment of driving a simple Ford).
Let’s get a little bit into his family. His father was always busy, if you could call drinking, gambling and doing drugs such thing. That’s on the surface, what everybody knows of Mr. Ishida. What not many people know, and he would like to keep that way, is that the Ishida family are the head of a mob organization with ties to drug cartels and prostitution rinks. Just. Very illegal stuff.
Mom... Mom just likes to take antidepressants with a bottle of champagne in very expensive silk robes.
Danny has known of the family business since he was old enough to comprehend the things he could and could not say, but before that, Danny basically grew up alone. Raised himself with the very few examples he saw in his life, which surprise, weren’t exactly the best, but he learned to be sympathetic too. Most of his life lessons though, came from movies. And he was a fan fo romantic comedies. 
Fast forward to him being seventeen and in high school. His father had been recruiting new girls, and he wanted Danny to learn. Sure, he was kind of neglected, but every now and then daddy felt merciful of his youngest son and wanted to give him a sense that they had some sort of bonding.
Dad said not to talk to any of the girls. Just fix their documents, since most of them were illegal, don’t ask names, or lives, but there goes sympathetic Danny, ready to disobey his father. 
Long story short, he fell for a girl named Lucia. She was the prettiest girl he had ever seen, and even though he was quite the ladies man in school, she was his first time, his first love, his first anything. It was all a secret, of course. His father could not find out, but of course he did. 
Danny was in the midst of a heated make out session with Lucia when his oldest brother saw them, and went and told Mr. Ishida about it. 
Long story short again... Lucia did not make it, which Danny did not take well, but he had to hold it all back, or things would not have ended well for him either. And ever since, Danny has been trying to find a way to get back at him for it. 
Just like the rest of his brothers, Danny had an automatic pass into Yale. He hated it, but he convinced himself this would be the end of it. That he would get a good major, a good career, a good job somewhere far far away from his family and that the nightmare would be over. 
But it wasn’t. His father’s plans for him weren’t over, and since he was the one with the least interest in following the family business, Mr. Ishida sent his youngest son to a place where he would learn how to do things on the low, to be secretive and lethal all at the same time and what a better place than Blackthorne. 
Danny almost rebelled and escaped, but upon thinking about it a couple times, he realized it could play against his father too. He would learn everything he needs to learn, be the best secret weapon as he can be and eventually shoot his shot, end with this fucking bullshit life they had. 
Despite the internal angst in Danny’s life.... his personality is far from what could expected. He’s not broody or dark. He’s more of a fuckboy with a warm smile and a wit word to charm as many as he can. Or annoy the fuck out of them. He’ll find enjoyment in both. This gif is literally the most Danny thing you will ever see. 
Selfie enthusiast. Bonus points if they happen at the gym. Definitely self absorbed. 
He loves movies, loves books, and will quote them every now and then.
He’s really smart. Borderline brilliant. School comes really easy to him as well as other sort of activities. He doesn’t brag about it, but he’s quite proud of his intelligence, because high key, his parents never really mention it. So if someone has to hype him up, it better be himself.
He speaks English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, some Korean and is trying to learn Italian, simply because it’s hot.
He’s a sensitive child. He will cry with good songs, and some animal videos on Facebook and TikTok. He won’t deny it. He’s very proud of his emotions but will be a dick about it every damn time, and call himself a damn good person, as if.
He’s a party boy. Usually organizing them, bringing in the party goods and favors. What are his father’s connections for anyway?
On that matter, he ain’t a drug dealer and would never call himself that. He does like to share his own stuff, though. But won’t sell. Anything else illegal? Fake IDs? He’s your guy.
He always gets what he wants so he falls on the manipulative side. He will fake being your best friend, will fake having a crush, will do it all just to get what he wants.
He can be a pretty good boy too, though. Sensitive, attentive, loyal, responsible (for the most part) but be sure to always question his intentions.
Fuck boy calls for hook ups, friends with benefits, and one night stands. Give me some. Unlimited amount. 
Sum fucks he could have had in Blackthorne too. Where my queer boys at.
Exes? He kind of runs away from actual love and opening up, but I could see him trying to be a little bit serious. Of course it did not work. Could be him breaking your child’s heart or the other way around. 
Besties. He’s the bro kind of guy. Loves his friends a lot. Extremely loyal. Would lie, fight and kill for them. 
Someone who’s actually had eyes on the Ishida family. This is a school of spies, some families are in the government or agencies who could already be trying to dismantle the whole organization. 
Enemies. Just people who can’t stand him. 
Old friends who had a fall out after something?
Former roommates who hated him. He’s annoying, messy and is always shirtless and working out. Could have liked him too tbh.
I suck. Give me anything pls.
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toonpunk-game · 4 years
Fluff Updates 4: Some Core Concepts
Well, it’s time for another one of these. We’re going to do a little housekeeping, first and foremost: we’re going to show you the currency of the world--the rainbow-colored Chromatic Dollar; the inkbloods, whose condition of is spoken of seldomly and somberly; and, rather belatedly, Toonpunks themselves! What is a ‘toonpunk’, how is it different from a ‘cyberpunk’ or a ‘steampunk’, and why would anyone want to be one? Read on and find out!
The Chromatic Dollar
If you’ve been in the open population for any length of time, you’ve probably seen or heard about the Chromatic Dollar—usually called “CDs” or “Hands”. This is the currency of the world today—not the only one, of course, but definitely the most important one. Almost everywhere you’ll ever go, hands are the preferred legal tender: you’re going to get paid in them, and odds are you are going to steal quite a few. So, for those of you who don’t already know, time to get yourselves learnt!
The CD is an asset-backed currency—which means that in theory, each bill represents a fixed quantity of ink. However, it’s not quite so simple as that (get used to that phrase, newcomers). Rather than being directly traded at a depository for ink, most CDs contains ink in themselves: each dollar is woven out of fabric, and tinted by being immersed a watered-down mixture of colored ink. When submerged in cold water, this ink can be drawn out of the bill, leaving it blank. As you may recall, inkish life needs a regular infusion of ink to survive. What this means is that chromatic dollars are, in fact, literal meal tickets: normal civilians can immerse them in cold water to bleed the ink out of them, creating a mixture that is substantial enough to maintain an inkish life form, but is not strong enough to be classified as a hazardous material.
Of course, even that is not quite so simple. Of the 7 CD denominations of CD—White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Red, and Black—only 5 actually contain ink within them. The white and black CDs do not actually contain any ink at all, due to respectively being worth very little and being worth a really great big bunch. White bills are the “single unit” denomination—they represent precisely one “CD”. They are not actually dyed, and are simply desaturated colored bills. Their value comes from the fact that they can be traded in bulk to the Morbux cartel reclamation facilities in exchange for bills of greater worth. They are often used as a baseline currency for small transactions—specifically as tips in retail or service industries.
Yellow bills are the smallest denomination which actually contain ink. They each contain approximately 1/1000 of a milliliter of ink, and are worth 500 CDs. Other denominations are Green (1000 CDs, or 1/200 of a milliliter); blue (5000 CDs, 1/100); purple (10000 CDs, or .2 milliliters); and red (50000 CDs, or .5 milliliters). Black bills, like white bills, do not contain any ink in themselves; but unlike white bills, are worth such a ridiculously high amount that it is actually impossible to store that much ink in a single bill. Specifically, a black bill is worth an entire liter of ink, or 200,000 green bills—a whopping50 million CDs. Black bills are basically never put into circulation—they were only invented so that governments and mega-corporations would have an easier time arranging bulk ink transfers between each other. Instead of physically procuring and delivering ink en masse, they could simply transfer bills (or credit for a bill, more accurately) and redeem them with their bank of choice.
History of the Chromatic Dollar
The Chromatic dollar was introduced into circulation by Black Sea Banking in 2090, 2 months after the Frontier Development Bill permitted the production and exchange of company-owned currencies. While frontier companies were the primary beneficiaries of this provision (since it allowed them to reestablish the “company store” of bygone eras) BSB was the first major company to introduce private bills for widespread circulation. A limited run of black, red, and (now-defunct) orange bills were distributed to several of BSB’s partners in lieu of liquid ink; and then, after this initial success, BSB allowed its inkish employees to receive a portion of their salary in CDs instead of their normal currencies. The option proved enormously popular, since it allowed inkish persons to sustain themselves without making trips to dedicated ink depositories. Demand steadily grew, until an inordinately successful write-in campaign garnered 16.5 million signatures imploring BSB to introduce the CD into public circulation. After drafting the exchange rates, BSB began printing chromatic dollars for public use in 2092—and it was all uphill from there.
Now, just over 200 years later, the CD is the most common currency in local space. It’s traded on all civilized worlds, and a number of the uncivil ones as well. Wherever electronic infrastructure exists, the CD will soon follow—even to places as remote as Pluto. The only place it has not found purchase is on the frontier worlds, where efforts at civilization are often bowled over by six-pack wars, or other even more unpleasant things…
In most materials, elemental ink is sparse—less than 0.002% of the total composition.  In the Saskatoon municipal area, this number can go as high as 0.006. In human beings, this number skyrockets to 0.65%—the highest concentration outside of ink-based life forms. While this might not sound like much at a glance, it must be understood that even a small amount of ink carries enormous potential: differences of as little as .05% blood-ink-concentration have been shown to increase life span, muscle growth, and cognitive capacity by tremendous amounts—upwards of 20%, in many cases.  Naturally, there is a tremendous temptation to use it as a performance enhancer—and it is here that inkbloods enter the equation.
An “inkblood” is any meatman who has a BIC of 2% or higher; and has maintained such for longer than 24 hours. The human liver can filter out small quantities of ink, much as it can filter out alcohol or other substances; but there are some people who deliberately maintain a high BIC for an extended period of time, for several reasons: at a glance, inkbloods are more physically able than most humans—the ink within their bodies swells their muscle mass to considerable proportions, and they often enjoy sharpened senses and longer lives. Furthermore, they often display an enhanced aptitude for illustration and inktek. However, there is a damning dark side to this: all inkbloods will, with time, invariably descend into utter raving insanity.
First among the inkblood degenerations, both in severity and in order of onset, is an immutable compulsion towards self-flagellation. Over the course of their derangement this will increase from such relatively benign things as discomfort with their hairstyle, to the wholesale removal of fingers, limbs, and eyes. While these compulsions never drive the inkblood to suicide, they will leave them hideously disfigured: while the ink will regenerate small portions of their bodies over time, any limbs or large internal organs removed will usually have to be replaced.
As of writing, no medical consensus explaining this phenomenon has yet been reached. Potential explanations range from acute derangement resulting from over-acuity of the senses, to a form of cognitive decline no more remarkable than mercury poisoning; but there are others on the fringe of the medical community, who whisper of a spiritual dimension to the ink--one which reacts poorly to prolonged observation...
What is a “Toonpunk”?  Most of you reading this will already know—but those of you from very isolated areas, or those of you who have just incarnated, may be unfamiliar.  The word shows up often enough to return billions of search engine results; and it’s such a common talking point that a whole 3.5% of all current news articles feature it as their primary subject (according to Billiun analytics from 2302). It is a recognized word in over 500 languages as disparate as Russian, Urdu, Japanese, Quenya, and English.
Vernon Vernacular’s Living Dictionary defines Toonpunk thusly: 1. Noun. A person, most commonly young and/or of inky description, who commits criminal actions including theft, assault, vandalism, arson, murder, and jaywalking, as a form of protest or self-expression. 2.Adj. Slang.  Of or referring to anger or disdain towards large corporations, incumbent governments, The Inkquisition, capitalism, or functioning society as a whole.
“Toonpunk” is a stylistic movement that began in the year 2045, though its roots trace back to a year earlier.  During The Rabbit’s I-day gag spree, billions of people were astonished to learn just how much devastation had been wrought by one animal in the name of slapstick. Among them were numerous working-class meatmen, many of whom were disillusioned with the dehumanizing day-to-day existence of a late-stage capitalist world.  Knowing that the single greatest act of vandalism and destruction in history was committed “because I wanted to” captured the imaginations of people who had very little power of their own.
As Bloody March carried on, the tension very rapidly became unmanageable.  Nearly every country on Earth was struggling under the weight of an unprecedented refugee crisis, and a slew of freak environmental disasters.  Many governments employed violent and reactionary measures  which often only compounded the issues—most famously during the P-K massacre in Russia.  By the end of the month, wide-scale riots were commonplace throughout most of the civilized world, and would not simmer down again for almost 3 years.  
It was during this period that the first Toonpunks began appearing. Shortly after The Rabbit disappeared, a number of disparate gangs began emulating his unique brand of terrorism: prioritizing vandalism, property destruction, and public visibility over material gain.  This form of high-risk-low-reward crime was described by many of its practitioners as a form of rebellion or self-expression against an increasingly bizarre and stifling world.  This was most notably espoused by High Noon and the Longcoat Gang on April 1, when they defaced the side of the Thunder Tower Office Plaza and publicly lynched Thomas Thunder’s 2 youngest sons.
Toonpunk didn’t become a popular movement for almost 3 decades.  After the Thunder Tower incident, it was generally regarded as a form of neo-terrorism; and it did not receive its Robin-Hood-Style grassroots support until 2084, when the new meatman generation spawned a vocal anti-Inkquisition counterculture.  Nostalgic for their forefathers’ liberty of expression, the Confederacy of Classic Culture lead a brief but eventful series of public demonstrations.  When the Ministry forcibly disbanded them three months later, its supporters were forced to adopt a more unconventional and direct form of protest—and so the modern Toonpunk mythos was born.
Today, Toonpunks are often regarded in the same way that hacktivists were in the 21st century, and beekeepers were in the 22nd—as a small minority working outside the law for the good of the people; and they are often romanticized in movies, television, and music.  In the common parlance, “Toonpunk” is often mistakenly used to refer to any inkman criminal or gang, regardless of their ideology—much to the chagrin of its devoted supporters.
That’s enough about the philosophy side of things, though—how does this affect you? If you’re reading this, you are most likely a Toonpunk—or one of your friends is, or you stole this from one. Judging by the company you keep, we here at Electric Eye can tell a few things about you:
-You’re probably broke. According to our own research from 2300, 65% of self-identified Toonpunks and Toonpunk sympathizers exist within or just above the poverty band—with the remainder primarily coming from middle-class arcology families. 25% of those polled reportedly spent between 1500 and 2700 hands a month on food, with most of the rest going towards rent; and 70% reportedly have no form of personal motorized transportation. A small but notable minority of toonpunks exist within the upper strata of society—most having identified their lifestyle as a “gilded cage”.  
-Your job is probably terrible. Most lower or middle class toonpunks in our poll were working temporary or menial jobs—usually as factory hands, miners, construction workers, data entry clerks, personal assistants, or retail employees. 60% were working part-time, while another 34% were working as day laborers; and 43% were additionally pursuing higher education on top of their job and illegal enterprises. Many from the upper salary bands described themselves as “not in employment, education, or training”—which has by itself lead to the stereotyping of upper-class toonpunks as either spoiled, bored sociopaths; or misguided activists.
-You could be doing this for basically any reason. When we asked our subjects what originally drew them to the toonpunk lifestyle, we received numerous different answers. Most of these fell into one of a few categories. 24% of those polled stated that they had been laid off or fired from their legitimate employment during a time of financial stress—commonly cited reasons were mortgage, children, or medical care. 22% did it for themselves, stating they liked it, they were good at it, and they truly felt alive. 16% stated that it was simply the way of life they had always known; and a further 16% maintained that they had no additional attraction to the toonpunk life, and were merely lashing out at a corrupt and unjust world.  
8% were pursuing some form of revenge against an estranged friend, family member, or co-worker; and 7% took it on as a “one-time-thing” needed to pay a debt of gratitude, blood, or actual debt.  6% cited an intense criminal compulsion due to mental illness, or that they were simply drawn that way. 3.7% maintained that they were victims of one or more shadowy and malevolent conspiracies with city/world/solar-system-changing implications; and finally, 1.3% stated the belief that they were the pawns of extra-dimensional beings, for whom the whole of our universe is a work of simulated misery they created for their own twisted entertainment.
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musikfurfreiheit · 5 years
Second Chance (10/10)
It was calm, so unusually calm, and Merel loved it.
It was her day off. She hadn’t seen Floor all day. No one had knocked the door to pick up anything. It was just Merel and Vincent, just like it had been all day. And Merel absolutely loved it.
The television showed the menu of the game she’d been playing. It had been fun for a few minutes, but it hadn’t been long before it bored her. She no longer felt the anger and rage she used to play the game with. A few months ago the shooting game had been Merel’s way to get rid of all the negative feelings in her lives, and now there was nothing left of them. Her chest no longer tightened when she thought about Alissa, her heart was filled with nothing but love now.
A new burst of butterflies woke up in Merel’s stomach by the thought of Charlotte. The redhead had claimed such a big part of her heart, and she’d managed to do so in only a few months. Every text message, every kiss, every touch even made her fall in love with Charlotte more. And Merel was sure that tonight would be no different.
Only four more hours until she would see Charlotte again. Or so she thought.
A knock sounded on the door, ending Merel’s calm day for herself. Gently she lifted Vincent from her lap and placed him on the couch. The cat didn’t even seem to care. He just started purring again and opened his eyes just enough to see who dared to disturb his quiet day.
Merel opened the door, a smile growing on her lips when she saw who it was. She couldn’t help it. Seeing Charlotte always made her smile, even if their meeting was unexpected.
‘Hey Charlie!’ Merel smiled before planting a kiss on her girlfriend’s lips. ‘What are you doing here? I thought we were meeting this evening?’
‘We need to talk.’
It was then that Merel noticed Charlotte wasn’t smiling. It was so unlike her. Charlotte always smiled, and her now serious look immediately worried Merel.
‘Eh, okay.’ Merel stepped aside so Charlotte could walk in, but she refused.
‘Not here.’
The worry grew. What was wrong with talking in the apartment? Merel didn’t even dare to ask. Instead she just grabbed her jacket and joined Charlotte in the hallway. They walked down the stairs in silence and left the building. Merel noticed two police cars parked across the street, some men standing around the cars and eyeing her and Charlotte when they opened the door. Charlotte looked up at the men, then quickly looked down again.
The police didn’t worry Merel, she’d seen them around so often in this area, but Charlotte’s behavior certainly did. The redhead didn’t smile, didn’t look at her, didn’t allow Merel to hold her hand. Merel was desperate to know what was going on, but Charlotte didn’t say a word. They just walked, and Merel internally panicked.
It was only when they were at the park that Charlotte stopped walking. She sat down on one of the benches near the entrance of the park, and carefully Merel sat down next to her. Finally Charlotte reached out to her. She carefully took Merel’s hand and sighed.
‘I haven’t been honest with you.’ Charlotte stated. ‘I have been keeping a lot of secrets.’
‘Like your job?’
‘Yes, like my job.’ Charlotte said, and then finally looked up at Merel. ‘Merel, you’re not going to like what I’m about to tell you. This wasn’t supposed to happen, and I never had any intentions of hurting you. I swear that what we have is real, and that my feelings for you are real, even though nothing else is.’
None of this made sense. What had Charlotte’s job to do with her relationship? Maybe this wasn’t about Charlotte’s job at all. What the hell was going on with Charlotte?
‘What are you talking about?’ Merel asked confused.
‘I’m a police officer. I’ve been chasing a big drug dealer for nearly a year now, and I needed to get closer. That’s why I took lessons from you, you were my cover and that was supposed to be it. But then I learned that you’re interested in women, and I saw it as a chance to get even closer. I wasn’t into woman, or at least I thought, but Merel… Falling in love with you was never part of this plan, but I did. And I let you fall in love with me because it was the only way to get to your roommate. Floor is the head of one of the biggest drug operations we have ever seen. Those people that came over to your apartment all the time were mostly dealers picking up drugs.
‘Merel, I know this sounds scary, but we arrested Floor this morning. My colleagues are at your apartment right now, searching the place for evidence. That’s why I had to take you out of there. And yes, technically you’ve been helping a criminal, but I can protect you. You didn’t know what Floor was up to and what was in those boxes, right? Merel, you have to promise me you had no idea.’
Merel just stared at Charlotte in disbelieve. Slowly the meaning of her words sank in, and she could no longer stand the feeling of Charlotte’s hand holding hers. Charlotte had used her, and broken her trust. Even after she knew what Merel had gone through, the other woman had chosen to keep using her for her own personal goal. She had betrayed her, just like Alissa had done.
Slowly Merel pulled back her hand. The worry in her chest was replaced by pain. The one person she’d trusted to never hurt her, and yet here she was. Charlotte had broken her trust, and apparently also taken her home. And now she was just supposed to thrust her? Merel got up from the bench, completely ignoring Charlotte’s begging face.
‘I can’t even look at you anymore.’
With those words Merel broke her own heart and walk away from the woman she loved. Even though she had nowhere to go.
Not once in her life had Charlotte been this nervous.
The glass of water in front of her was slowly warming up. She’d taken one sip, but the nerves seemed to be closing her throat. Her leg was bouncing up and down, the minutes seemed like hours.
Charlotte had lost count of how often she’d unlocked her phone since she sat down. By now she was 100% sure this was the right bar and this was the time they’d agreed upon. And yet she found herself unlocking her phone again.
Trying to distract herself Charlotte opened her facebook app, only to close it again a few seconds later. The news about the trial of the biggest drug cartel in years was everywhere, and Charlotte was more than sick of it. She’d spent so much time into that case, and eventually it had paid off. Sort off.
Floor Jansen would never be a free woman again. She’d spend the rest of her life behind bars, just like several other of the dealers that worked for her. Charlotte was proud of that, but the price for this result had been so high.
She’d lost the one she loved. Not once had she seen Merel again, not even at the trail. Marco had made sure that she wouldn’t be punished as an accomplice, but instead got protected as a witness. She was safe, and that had been the most important thing.
Charlotte looked up when the door of the bar opened again. Her heart immediately started beating faster as she finally saw the person walking through the door, and nearly knocked over her glass when she stood up.
The person noticed her, and joined her at the table just a few seconds later. Charlotte didn’t know where to start.
‘I’m glad-’
‘Sit. And listen.’
Charlotte didn’t say anything and just did as she was told. She just sat, and listened.
‘I’ve been thinking, a lot. Mostly about you. You hurt me a lot, but I think you’re aware of that. I opened up to you, and you betrayed my trust just like others had done before you. But, at least you never lied, and you did care about me, and you were sorry.’
‘I still am.’
‘I know. And that’s why I’m here. I can’t stop thinking about you, Charlotte. As much as you’ve hurt me… I can’t get you out of my head. And If what you said was true, that what we had was true, then… I think I want to try it again. But this time with the real Charlotte. I want to know who you really are, no more secrets. I want to start over completely, as if nothing has ever happened between us.’
‘I’d love to.’ Charlotte answered.
This was so much more than Charlotte had even dared to hope for. She could almost cry of relief, wanted to hug the other woman so badly. But instead she watched her get up and walk out of the bar again, only to re-enter 5 seconds later.
She walked towards Charlotte again and smiled when she sat down across the table again.
‘Hi, I’m Merel.’
‘And I’m Charlotte.’
And she was not going to mess up this second chance.
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trashbinbackyard · 4 years
4-6, 11, 16, 19-20, 22, 26-27, 30, 40, 45 for jame, ipes and let's say wolfgang
Newer dudes
4. What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient?
Growing up terenlasi is already strict as hell. But it only got worse when he was assigned to military. He personally didn’t mind as it kept most things going smooth and efficient and everyone knew their roles
Wasn’t overtly strict, neither lenient. Her parents really didn’t care and she pretty much grew up on her own
Pretty lenient, as the middle brother of three his antics most of the time escaped the eye of his dad, not that he was a bad kid, but it requires some sense of leniency to let your boy become a bounty hunter
5. Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered?
He was pretty sheltered from the outer world and raised to be a good solider and doctor. He doesn’t know his parents like is the custom for many terenlasi, and his teacher and higher-ups molded his worldview before he was sent out into it
Her parents were both addicts and didn’t have the energy to overbear Ipes. Not that she would’ve wanted them to, she was a quiet kid and learned to avoid trouble on her own
He has a big brother who looked over him when their dad would be too busy with work. They both were bit overbearing but the brother also shoved him into lockers in school so. Their little brother had two older brother and a dad to helicopter parent 
6. Did they feel rejection or affection as a child?
Kinda neither? A sense of purpose more like, that he was needed and appreciated 
Rejection, neither her mom’s seemed to actual want to keep her around and cps probably should’ve been called but eh, she was good for doing housework when the two of them were getting high
Affection, even though his dad was a busy man he still did the best he could for his three boys. All four of them lived in a three bedroom shack but it was decent life.
11. How do they see themselves: as smart, as intelligent, uneducated?
Smart, he’s educated and a quick learner, an idiot would’ve not been able to climb the ranks while hiding ill intents 
Intelligent for sure, also a math savvy, not really a people person but can sweet talk people to her side, very aware of her set of skills
He’s not that educated but could pass as street smart, very good with people when need be even though he’s a bit reserved himself
16. What does your character do for a living? How do they see their profession? What do they like about it? Dislike?
He’s currently a medic on marax, but if some other ship has more need for temporary medic he’s open to freelancing. He likes it, he gets to use his skills as a doctor without having an entire government breathing on your neck and telling what to do. Only dislikes he would have if his crewmates are being insufferable and putting themselves in unnecessary danger
She runs a nightclub as a face for a drug cartel that spans most of the living territory of the outer rim. She sees it as doing a favor for the people there, it’s miserable compared to rest of the galaxy and she’s there to provide drinks and drugs for those needing an escape. Sees it as bit of a revenge for her moms to get other people addicted and miserable as well. She likes being in control at last
He was an active bounty hunter for a decade before retiring to do his job behind a desk, investigating and writing contracts for those still active, kinda the middleman between the police and the bounty hunters, also acts as a mentor figure for Josephine who is still pretty new in the business.
19. What were your character’s deepest disillusions? In life? What are they now?
When he was younger he never questioned authority, he was raised to always trust those above him and he did so blindly. Now he knows better, and nowadays he barely trusts himself as he’s afraid of slipping back into that mindset
That she’s doing everyone a favor. She doesn’t see her actions as morally bad as the law would. And at the end of the day no one is getting hurt if they pay their debts before she sends her enforcers to collect
He likes to think himself as cool and level headed, but there’s slight optimism in him. When he’s at the motel he feels like “well things can’t really be This bad can they”, he lived a relatively privileged life even if it was with a single dad, and later dead best friend
20. What were the most deeply impressive political or social, national or international, events that they experienced?
Witnessing the shift from communist government to a total authoritarian regime, being part of the military he was in the front lines of the enforcements, and as a high ranking officer he heard many plans that would’ve ended bad if he hadn’t intervened
As she too has eyes and ears everywhere on the rim, hearing of the death, and then not death, of the of so mighty judge made an impression on her
When the cult headquarters blew up, bonus points if Josie’s dad died because of the shockwaves and falling rubble on the area
22. Who are their friends? Lovers? ‘Type’ or 'ideal’ partner? 
He considers his crewmates as automatic friends, Ihn is still in touch with his former medic. If he happens to click with some other ship’s crew, it clicks. Been in the business long enough to probably know Mhairi as well. As for romantic interests.. Be level headed, dutiful, not too much tomfoolery
She has so few people she lets close to her she could count them with only one hand. Those are her enforcers, and even then not all of them she consider friends. To be her type you have to match her wit and be ok with her business, also be shady, goody two shoes don’t excite her
His fellow bounty hunters were his friends, the closest one was Jesse, Josie’s dad. Now he considers Josephine and Leah his friends. He hasn’t really had a serious relationship since.. ever, really, couldn’t really bring anyone to the crowded home, then he was travelling and putting himself in danger too much to get interested in anyone. At this point he’d just want a companion to not feel so lonely, someone to peacefully share a space with, doesn’t even have to be romantic
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
His quarters are spotless, well-organized and has everything a medic needs. He’s a minimalist and that shows in both his quarters and work clothes. Keeps his head shaved as well. He’s bit more built than your average lean terenlasi
It’s a bit of a contained mess, she never makes her bed, her papers are all over her desk, her leg is somewhere in there, but she seems to always find what she’s looking for. She has this almost goth style of mostly black with some eye catching accessories. Her hair is dark brown but in the middle she has it dyed blue, that if she was to wear her hair loose and parted in the middle it would appear blue. She’s tall and thin with a prosthetic leg right above her knee on the right
It’s simple, and pretty humble, he keeps it mostly clean but there are some pizza boxes laying out sometimes. He hasn’t really developed a unique personal taste but enjoys darker, thicker clothes. He shaves all of his hair and lets it grow out before doing it again. He seems to always have at least five o’clock shadow if not full stubble, and scars on his left cheek and lip
27. How do they relate to their appearance? How do they wear their clothing? Style? Quality?
He just wears whatever’s practical and appropriate, when he’s off duty he might get spicy and wear a tacky shirt to go see Dagon
She has the income to get some high-quality shit. Despite her messy work she somehow always look impeccable
He really does just look like your average brooding gamerbro protagonist
30. Are they holding on to something in the past? Can he or she forgive?
He has nothing to forgive, as the people responsible for his upbringing have not apologized
The neglect she experienced as a child, it’s hard for her to let people close and even then she doesn’t really open up. She feels grudge to the people around her in her youth who saw what was happening to her and did nothing
The death of Jesse hit him pretty hard, and not knowing who really is responsible for that makes him loose sleep, but it’s getting easier by the day, slowly accepting that sometimes unexpected shit just happens
40. How is their sense of humor? Do they have one?
If it even exists, it’s very hidden under all that terenlasiness
It’s quite morbid, to be honest, she finds her enforcers stories of all the curious ways they’ve collected money most entertaining
He does, and no one expects him to. Likes to keep his hobby of saxophone playing a secret for full effect
45. Is your character pragmatic? Think first? Responsible? All action? A visionary? Passionate? Quixotic?
Very much think first, evaluate the situation before rushing in.
She likes to think herself as a visionary, maybe she didn’t actually create her drug empire from scratch but she’s made the most of it and expanded. She rarely takes any part in action but when she does she manages to talk till she has the situation figured and moves to her next action
He’s pretty pragmatic, he sees things as they appear to be and makes his plans from there, works best with teammates.
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Omen 6
A/n: no warnings 
Link to Chapter 5
Words: 3,739
Pairings: Gabriel x Reader
“So I guess I'll see you, I'll see you around. I'm spinning while I'm falling down. Now you know why I'm begging you, I'm begging. Cause I can't stop it now. Its so amazing how, I know I can't, I could never walk away.” ~Cartel
After your nap, you went downstairs with Gabriel. It was painfully clear that Michael wanted nothing to do with either of you! Instead of talking to Gabriel, the eldest archangel simply glared at that two of you. Gabriel shrugged it off like Michael's behavior was no big deal.
You however, glared right back at Michael. The last thing that you wanted him to do was get comfy. You wanted him to know that you didn't like him. He had taken so much from you and the last thing that you wanted was for Michael to think that you had forgotten any of it!
Gabriel's eyes were looking between his brother and you. He heard every cold thought that you were shooting toward Michael.
“You have take so much from me. I don't care what universe you came from! You took my twin brother from me. I will never forgive you for what you have done to Gabe either! I want you to remember my face mother fucker because it will be the last thing that you see one day.”
Gabriel was worried how Michael would react to that one. When Michael didn't move a muscle and only starred at you, he felt better. Gabriel reached up pulling you onto his map.
“That's enough.”
He whispered longingly to you. All it took was a couple of kisses to completely have you like butter in the archangel's hands. Gabriel always knew how to make you forget what you were pissed at for the moment and focus on those talented lips of his.
Gabriel meanwhile, glanced at his brother who was busy watching the two of you make out. Michael's face showed nothing nut pure disgust. He stood a moment longer before storming out onto the porch.
Michael noticed Jack sitting on the porch.
“So what Gabriel and Y/n are doing...does this happen often?”
Jack looked up. His frowned before answering his uncle.
“You mean have sex quite loudly?”
Michael winced at his nephew's bluntness.
Michael replied trying not to gag on his words. Jack meanwhile, nodded with a smile.
“A couple of times a day. My suggestion is to invest into some good earplugs. They are happy so I am happy.”
Michael groaned.
“Of course you take up for Gabriel and her.”
Michael's tone turned negative at the word “her.” Jack looked automatically offended but didn't move to get up.
“Well they help take care of me. You however, are stuffy”
Michael, realizing that he wasn't going to get anywhere with his nephew, walked back inside with a growl.
He froze again at the sight of Gabriel and yourself making out even more. Looking down, he smiled seeing Jody's decorative throw pillow on the couch. Michael raised an eyebrow before picking up the pillow and looked at the back of his brother's head. He slammed the pillow into the back of Gabriel's head.
It took all of two seconds for Gabriel to turn to face his brother.
“The hell was that for?”
Michael scowled at Gabriel.
“I don't want to see you with your tongue down her throat! Married people don't act like that.”
Gabriel chuckled.
“Jokes on you ass hat! We aren't married. Second, I'll put my tongue down her throat or other places anytime I damn well please.”
Michael looked like he could vomit! He had thought the two of you were married by the way that you were asking. That had been another part of his hostility to you. The last thing that he wanted was for his brother to be married to a dirty human!
“You mean that the two of you aren't married and acting like this? This disaster keeps getting worse!”
Gabriel smirked before looking back at you. He was glad to see that you were silently laughing at Michael.
“So sugar, want to marry me so Mr. Holier than thou doesn't have an aneurysm?”
You laughed ruffling Gabriel's messed up hair before standing up.
“You are so funny, Gabriel.”
He frowned looking up at you.
“I was serious.”
He said in a low displeased tone. You, however, knew better! Gabriel would never ask you to marry him. That as too much of a human thing! From the moment the two of you got together you immediately had the vibe that Gabriel wasn't the “settling down type.” Sure, he would stay with you as long as he could in addition to keeping you young and healthy but marriage? It wasn't happening.
You figured this behavior was just him trying to antagonize Michael.
“The day you marry me is the day I become an astronaut.”
You replied with a smile. Michael, meanwhile, looked between the two of you with almost a confused expression.
“Angels can't marry humans.”
He replied after a moment. Gabriel glowered at his brother.
“I do what I want.”
Michael rolled his eyes. He could see through Gabriel right now. His younger brother was beyond offended! He clearly expected you to say yes when he asked you to marry him. When you shot him down thinking this was just another one of his tricks, he was livid.
“Gabriel, we need to go see if we can find alternate me. As much as I enjoy witnessing you two and your domestic fluff, I have bigger fish to fry.”
You stopped in your tracks before turning to look at Gabriel. He stood up and was clearly having a silent conversation with his brother. Gabriel yanked on his leather jacket before turning to face you. He new right away you were panicking!
Gabriel was at your side in an instant and pulling you into his arms.  
“Y/n, please don't make this difficult. I will be home in a few days.”
You shook you head.
“I don't want you going anywhere with him.”
Michael frowned.
“Oh jeez, don't go anywhere with Michael! He's crazy!”
You nodded.
“At least you can admit it. Gabriel, please don't do this. You know I can't stand the thought of you going off anywhere with him. We just talked about this!”
Gabriel sighed.
“Y/n, I have to keep psycho Michael from coming here and hurting anyone. Its going to come down to this Michael and I to take care of the situation. Babe, I can handle myself. If it makes you feel better I will take Jack. You of all people know he can handle this.”
You nodded. If you trusted anyone to join that fucked up hunting party, it would be Jack. He could put Michael in his place quick!
You muttered, looking down coldly. Gabriel pushed a strand of your hair away from your face and pressed a tender kiss to your forehead.
“I promise you I will be home soon. Trust me, okay?”
You nodded, still not feeling very trusting. Gabriel knew that you wasn't trusting a damn thing about this situation and it was dumb to ask for your trust. It was like him stabbing you in the leg and asking you not to bleed.  
“Maybe when I come back I can talk you into marrying me?”
You looked up at that. Gabriel's face was dead serious and it was making you wonder why he kept trying?
“Yeah, we'll see.”
You replied. Gabriel stepped closer tilting your chin to his face. His fingers traced over your cheek.
“I mean it baby. I want you to be mine forever.”
He pressed his lips to yours, kissing you hungrily. Gabriel had quickly realized the seriousness of the situation. He savored the moment, the way you felt against his body, and how you nibbled on his bottom lip.
“Enough lover boy.”
Michael snapped. Gabriel pulled away from you slowly.
“Stay here and don't go hunting”
Gabriel said calmly. He and Michael vanished before your eyes.
“And the nightmare continues.”
You said before going to the couch and laying down.
2 days later...
“Easy does it, Dean.”
Sam hissed as Dean carried you into Jody's living room. Dean looked over at his shoulder.
“Sam, I know how to handle this! I'm not going to drop her on the floor!”
Jody hand dropped the dish that she was watching before rushing in. Her face was immediately worried as she looked at you.
“What happened?”
You smiled down at your foot that was over Dean's shoulder.
“Vampire got a little handsy.”
You said with a grin. Jody quickly walked to the couch fixing a space as Dean sat you down. Jody carefully inspected you foot while Sam explained the whole situation. Had you not tried to be brave and rescue Sam, this may not had happened. You didn't care though. A hurt foot was better than your brother being dead!  
“Sweetie, I really think that your ankle is broken.”
You grumbled angrily. Now you knew that you were in for it! Not only were you injured but now you had no angels to heal you at the moment. That mean that Gabriel would find out that you were hurt! Cas had went to join his brothers. Jack was with them as well...you were screwed! Hopefully Cas or Jack would show up first so they could fix you up before Gabriel turned up,. You could already see the disapproving expression on your lovers face and already expect the lecture that you had coming!
Later that night, Gabriel, Jack, and Cas appeared in the living room near midnight. Gabriel smiled when he saw you curled up on the couch. Your face was snuggled into a pillow while clutching a soft blanket the way you held onto him at night.
Sam was passed out on the other couch while Dean sat beside you. He was half asleep while watching some western movie. Gabriel rolled his eyes and fought the urge to call Dean an old man. However, the urge to tease Dean stopped the moment that he saw the orthopedic boot on your right ankle.  
As soon as he was about to say something, your eyes fluttered open. You immediately smiled seeing him.
You said his name sleepily. Jody had given you some strong pain medication to knock out the pain in your ankle. Little did you know that you had no tolerance for hard core pain medication. It put you out like a light!
Gabriel raised an eyebrow before giving you that smile on contempt that he wore so well when you did something stupid. You internally winced knowing that he was well aware of your injury.
“Hi sugar, why don't you come kiss me? I've missed those pretty lips of yours.”
You sat motionless for a moment. Gabriel gave you a quizzical expression before tapping his foot. It was all over! You luck had ran out on you! Deep down you had been wishing that it was Cas that came home first so he could heal you really quick but nope! There stood you very annoyed looking archangel of a boyfriend looking at you with that all knowing expression.
As slowly as possible you gingerly stood. You made sure to put as much of your weight as you could on your good foot before limping your way toward Gabriel. His golden eyes immediately went to your bad foot.
“What happened?”
His voice was calm and even. Dean was looking between you two with wide eyes as you started to mumble your words together. Gabriel meanwhile, was busy playing dumb.
“What was that lovey? I can't hear you.”
You sighed.
“Its a funny story...I kinda...went hunting and a vampire broke it. He was big mother too! Bigger than Sam...if that gives good visuals. Well anyhow, that big mother fucker was bashing Sam into the floor. Just look at his handsome face! So I gave the big mother fuck a fist full of don't mess with my family. Mistakes were made and he snapped my ankle but don't worry the rest of me is good.”
Gabriel didn't smile. His face remained totally annoyed.
“You went hunting?”
You nodded, looking like a child who was about to be scolded by their parents. Gabriel sighed.
“Didn't I ask you not to go hunting?”
You nodded.
“I was bored and I missed you.”
You were trying to think of any sweet thing to say so that Gabriel wouldn't completely go bat shit. Gabriel chuckled.
“So getting your ankle broken by a vampire is what you do when you miss me? Y/n go upstairs and wait for me while I speak to your brothers.”
You quickly walked to the stairs saying “ow” after every step. Gabriel snapped his fingers and the next thing that you knew, you were on the bed. You wished that you could be listening to what Gabe was saying to your brothers. Part of you, however, knew that you really didn't want to!
Gabriel was glaring at Sam and Dean. Both of the Winchesters sat casually like they had done nothing wrong.
“What part of don't take her hunting baffles the two of you so much?!”
Dean shrugged.
“Shes a grown woman, Gabriel. Y/n knows how to hunt. Gabriel, you can't be with 24/7 to make sure that she doesn't harm herself!”
“Like hell I can!”
Gabriel snapped. Dean's looked a little creeped out at Gabriel's comment.
“Dude, that as kind of creepy. I don't like the idea of you watching my sister's every move. One word: Stalker.”
Gabriel blinked.
“Two words: Fuck you.”
Gabriel vanished immediately. Sam groaned before laying back down on the couch.
“I think you offended him.”
Dean rolled his eyes, not giving a good god damn!
“I don't don't care. I hate the idea of that son of a bitch with or sister. I just have to deal with it because she is happy!”
Sam smirked. He knew that Dean flinched every time that he say you and Gabe together. But he put his feelings in the closet so you could have your happiness.  
“What are you going to do when he asks her to marry him?”
Dean choked on his drink.
“Sam that will be the day that I die.”
You sat on the bed, not daring to move. Not only did it hurt too much but you knew Gabriel would be even more annoyed when you left the room. He had clearly put you here for a reason.
Gabriel appeared in the room after about 10 minutes. His face was still furious as he walked to you. “Let me see your ankle.”
You slowly put your foot out wincing as he took the boot off. Gabriel gently ran his fingers over the swollen purple bruise.
“Its definitely broken. Sugar, why do you have to keep putting yourself in danger?”
You was quiet a moment.
“Its because danger is kind of part of my life, I guess.”
Gabriel looked up at you sadly.
“I don't like this. Any time I am away from you this happens. I don't like seeing my girl hurt.”
He was kind of right there. Any time that Gabriel was away from you for any length of time and you went hunting you were getting hurt. Possibly you were getting hurt because your head really wasn't in your job. Your mind was off wondering where Gabriel was and missing him, which was clearly bad as a hunter!  
You reached down running your fingers over Gabriel's cheek. He looked like he could purr from the moment of contact alone.
“I'll be more careful. I love when you call me your girl.”
Gabriel smiled before healing your ankle.
“Because you are my girl and if I have to spend eternity healing your boo boos and ouchies I will.”
The next morning while you were still sleeping, Gabriel went downstairs to make sure that Jack had gotten back in one piece. Gabriel walked into the kitchen only to be met with Dean half screaming at him.
Gabriel raised an eyebrow.
“No, why are you yelling? Its too early for that shit.”
Jack poked his head up happily.
“We are planning Y/n's birthday party!”
Gabriel's master plan came right back as he smiled gleefully. Cas looked up from the table as well.
“Come plot with us.”
Gabriel sat down crossing his arms over his chest.
“I know what I am doing already.”
“Well tell us what it is.”
Sam replied. Gabriel shook his head. The last thing that was going to do was reveal his secret.
“Nope. You will have to wait and see. Its too epic to share.”
Dean rolled his eyes.
“Whatever! Anyhow, where were we? Jack what are you getting her?”
Jack grinned happily.
“She was telling me about her locket that her father got her and how it got broken in a hunt. I fixed it myself. I like to make her smile.”
Dean looked at the boy with a proud smile.
“Good move. Y/n will definitely smile. She will love that.”
Jack was clearly pleased with Dean's comment and went back to the book that he was  reading. Gabriel was proud of Jack on that one and also slightly confused. You had never told him about a locket.
“So what you two mutton heads getting her?”
Sam and Dean looked instantly proud of themselves. Dean grinned evilly.
“I got her a new gun. For her to use when we go hunting together.”
Gabriel looked totally pissed after that one. Sam quickly started talking to avoid any showdown's between Dean and Gabriel.
“I got her a sapphire bracelet that Y/n has had her eye on for sometime.
“I got the matching ear rings!”
Cas said suddenly as if he too was wanting to prevent his brother and Dean from fighting too. Gabriel smirked.
“Well that's nice Cas. Good job.”
Sam and Dean had arranged to make the party the day before heading back to the bunker. Dean had convinced Jack to take you out to watch some pretend monster. Once you were out of the house, Dean started getting everything ready. Bobby, Charlie, and Marry showed up an hour or so later.
“Glad you all came now. She just left a bit ago.”
Sam said showing them into the house while Cas walked into the house carrying the cake that Sam had ordered. Dean let go of of his mother and nervously looked at Cas.
“Cas man, please tell me that you didn't have them write, “Its your birthday” or something else odd.”
Cas frowned, looking highly offended.
“I had them write the usually Happy Birthday. I thought that was the standard message.”
Dean looked relieved at that.
“Good job. I was worried there.”
Cas gave Dean a glare before stalking off to help Jody with the snacks. He turned seeing Gabriel sitting on the couch looking very “un Gabriel” like.
“Is something bothering you?”
Cas asked calmly. Gabriel shook his head. He didn't turn to look at his younger brother. Cas knew the response coming before he even said it.
“Gabriel, don't tell me no. I am not blind.”
Gabriel turned looking at Cas now.
“I have a lot on my mind that's all.”
How was Gabriel supposed to tell Cas everything what he was feeling. He would never understand. No one in the house would understand! Michael sure as hell would never understand! Not one soul in the WORLD would understand what he was going through mentally.
An hour or so later you walked in with Jack behind you. You were indeed shocked when everyone started yelling surprise. Jack wrapped his arms around you eagerly. When he let go Sam and Dean group hugged you.
“I'm going to kill you two. I said no party!”
You giggled. Dean shrugged.
“We don't listen.”
“Every girl needs her birthday.”
Sam said with a smile. Jack quickly reached out grabbing your hand.
“Come open your presents!”
You chuckled at Jack's eagerness. Someone watching from the outside would have thought that it was Jack's birthday.
“Wait, where is...”
“Right here, sugar.”
You relaxed the moment that you heard Gabriel's voice from beside you. He smiled at you but something in his eyes was worrying you. Jack quickly handed you a box. After a few minutes of opening you were beyond happy with your new gun (even though Gabriel looked less than amused), the bracelet that you had been trying to justify buying and the matching ear rings. You had almost cried all over Jack when you saw that he had given you the locket that was a gift from your father. Jack looked rather proud of himself that he made you that happy.
“I fixed it myself!”
He said gleefully.
“Well you did amazing!”
You said tearfully as you put the locket back on. It had been of the few tender moments that you had shared with your father. One where he saw you as his daughter not as a third boy
Gabriel stepping in front of you made you look up.
“My turn.”
He said with a small smile. You didn't know what to expect from your boyfriend. Gabriel had to be the most unpredictable person that you had ever known! Gabriel held out a hand helping you out of the chair. You frowned becoming worried w hen he simply stood looking at you for a moment.
“You know I love...”
He began. Something inside you began to snap. Was this a break up?! Was he permanently going off with Michael? The other stuffy archangel stood across the room looking less than interested.
“Gabriel, what are you doing?”
Gabriel took a breath.
“Something that I should have done a long time ago. Y/n will you marry me?”
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