#i had a vase right in front of me and i kinda blacked out and imagined myself smashing him in the head with it
mxwhore · 8 months
theres so much to hate about this man im
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harrywavycurly · 11 months
Eddie Munson x Not A Genie!Reader Part 2: Do you like it?✨
Part 1: Here
Tag List: @storiesbyrhi
A/N: I’m not sure what to call this series/story because you’re not a genie in this series because you don’t grant wishes BUT you do live in a bottle and help Eddie out whenever he needs it, but anyway enjoy!
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To say Eddie is overwhelmed is an understatement as he looks around his living room. When he left for work this morning he had a sad excuse of a sofa, a coffee table that was one bump away from collapsing and a normal sized television that sat on an old dresser he used as a tv stand. But when he opened his front door after a long shift at the garage he all of a sudden had a brand new couch that looked more comfortable than his bed, a coffee table with random magazines and a vase full of flowers on it and a tv stand with a giant television sitting on it along with your bottle that had the lid off it letting him know you were somewhere in his apartment.
“Oh good you’re home!” Your voice is bubbly as you walk out of the kitchen with a cup of iced tea in your hand. “How was your day?” You ask as you hand him the glass and begin taking off his jacket for him so you can hang it on the coatrack by the front door.
“Uh it was good.” He answers making you smile as you grab his free hand and lead him into the kitchen. “You’ve been uhm…busy I see?” Eddie feels his eyes go wide when he looks at the table and sees its full of all his favorite things to eat.
“I didn’t want to seem useless while you’re at work and your couch wasn’t very comfortable so I replaced it but then it didn’t go with your coffee table so I had to replace that as well and next thing I knew your whole living room was…uh well what it is now.” Eddie doesn’t know what to say as you pull out the chair so he can sit down. “Do you like it?” Eddie hears a hint of nervousness in your voice making him turn his head so he’s looking at so you can see him nod his head and give you a smile.
“Yes it’s uhm…it’s great I just…how did you do all of it?” He asks as he watches you begin to make him a plate, that’s when he looks around the kitchen and notices your redecorating didn’t just end in the living room, he has a brand new refrigerator and oven as well as a whole new black plate and bowl set.
“I just make things appear…I figured you like the color black so picking the colors for your new dishes was easy…I almost picked pink but didn’t want you to be upset.” Eddie knows you’re joking by the way you giggle to yourself as you scoop some mashed potatoes onto his plate. “Just wait till you see the bedroom.” Eddie raises an eyebrow as he takes a sip of his tea you handed him when he walked in the front door.
“You redid the bedroom?” You just smile and nod as you put a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on his plate. “What does your bedroom look like?” He doesn’t know why he asked but he’s been curious as to what the inside of your bottle looks like since you appeared in his living room two days ago.
“Oh uhm…that’s kinda private.” Eddie can’t help but enjoy how your cheeks go a little pink as you politely tell him to fuck off, in your own way of course. “Maybe one day I’ll give you a tour.” You add, worried your previous answer was too rude.
“That would be cool…uhm so mashed potatoes and a peanut butter and jelly with a side of…Mac and cheese huh?” You grin as you put his plate in front of him and take a seat in the chair next to him.
“I also made apple pie and chocolate pudding for dessert.” Eddie can’t help but feel a sense of joy as he looks at you, it’s as if your emotions are so strong they overflow into whoever you’re near and right now you’re extremely happy. “Oh I’m sorry…let me just get that for you.” Eddie rolls his eyes as you reach over and begin cutting the crust off his sandwich.
“You don’t have to do that.” He mumbles but he knows it’s useless because you enjoy doing things like this and he for some odd reason wants to keep you happy so he just sneaks a look over at you and smiles when he sees the look of pure joy on your face all from cutting some crust off his sandwich.
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drthighs · 1 year
"is it?" d.r
wedding!daniel ricciardo x reader
attending to a wedding alone was not on your plan, but the guy in dark green tuxedo made it all more fun
wordcount: 2.4k
warnings: kinda cheating trope
A/N: this fic is based on the movie "the worst person in the world", it took me so long to finish it and im still not satisfied with the result but i wanted you guys to read it! also it is inspired by @mignonricciardo, @vroomvroommbtch, @silverstonesainz and @monzamash amazing writings. i hope you enjoy it <3 english is not my first language.
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weddings were one of your favorite plans, celebrating other people's love while  dancing, eating and having some drinks was always fun. you enjoyed everything, looking for dresses, getting your makeup done and all it took. but this time was different and it wasn't as exciting as other times. your boyfriend was on a family trip so would have to attend alone to a place where you didn't know anyone but the bride and the groom. they were good friends of yours, jack was your coworker and after a year you had bonded so well with him and his fiancé, you went on double dates and had a blast every time it was the four of you, but a couple of months ago your relationship with your boyfriend started to collapse, leading to fights almost everyday for any reason so when he told you that he wasn't coming to the wedding you felt some relief, you wouldn't have to be pretending the whole ceremony, but it was a whole new experience, out of your comfort zone. 
the ceremony was beautiful and you arrived just in time so the other guests wouldn't see that you were alone and it was a good idea because you didn't have to talk to anyone, stayed quiet and didn't miss any detail. the bridal veil, the rings, the vows and the kiss, it looked like a perfect movie scene with the sunset behind them and all their families and friends. 
the party was another story, the part when everybody started to socialize was about to start so before facing all that you went straight to the bar and asked for a martini, knowing that it’ll give you the confidence that you were lacking to confront the night. 
you were looking for a gloss in your purse when you heard “sorry to bother but do you know where the bathroom is?” looked up and saw a guy in front of you, trying his best to go unnoticed but it was kind of a hard mission since he was the only one wearing a cap, a lilac hoodie, black sweatpants and vans plus a backpack on his right shoulder and a hanger covered with a bag on his left hand. 
“i think it is that way” you said while pointing to your right and drank the coctel. he thanked you and walked to the signed direction.
The hall was beautiful, it was very nicely decorated with fairy lights on the ceiling and the tables decorated with a flower vase with garden roses, lisianthus and eucalyptus and the number three on top indicating the number of the table, the tableware tidy and some lighted candles. 
after finishing your drink you went to your table. there were four people sitting and chatting when you stepped forward, greeted and sat two chairs away from them, wanting to be far away from the conversation and avoiding any type of questions. in matter of time another two couples seated on the left chairs leaving an empty one beside you, at first you thought that they must forgot that your boyfriend wasn’t coming but when you were looking for someone to tell them about the error but suddenly the guy from before was taking a seat next to you, now dressed in a dark green tuxedo, his curls wet and the same pair of black vans that he was wearing before, you smiled at that, a couple of minutes ago you had thought that he was part of the staff but now he was sitting in the same table as you, looking so different. 
he cleared his throat and lean closer to you “i hope not everyone notices that i'm wearing vans on a elegant dress code wedding”
you smiled at him. now under more lights you could see how handsome he was, his eyes were big and brown, but not dark and had long eyelashes, dimples on his cheeks, a couple of days beard and mustache. but his nose was what made his face so unique and attractive. His hair was also a great factor, shorter at the sides and long brown curls on top. you were kind of amazed by him. 
“i think that gives the touch to your outfit” said quietly so the others couldn't hear.  he laughed and was about to say something else when the music started making you look at the entrance. 
after the bride and the groom danced the vals, the first course came in and while eating the man next to you poured you some wine and started to talk with him. Now being more relaxed about being alone you opened up to him a little. “wait, you weren't  supposed to be here alone tonight?” he asked, you shook your head and swallowed the food, he raised his eyebrows and swallowed the liquid in his mouth “and why is there only you here?” “my boyfriend is away on a family trip so i had no choice other than come alone and make friends here” he smiled and you sipped from your glass “well, if it makes you feel better i'm kind of in a similar situation” he pricked the food with his fork “because of my job i travel a lot so it was a coincidence that i was here for a little of time and  the plane tickets were sold out so my girlfriend couldn't come”. 
later that night you found yourself  so fonded at the man beside you, he wasn't only good looking but he was so funny, anything that you'd say he would find a way to turn it into something unexpected and funny. 
don't really know how you ended up taking a masterclass of wine with him while everyone else was dancing, but by now you had learned that he had released a couple of wines and was a good taster, so you followed all the steps he explained to you, the right way to open a bottle, how to serve it, how to drink it, what to taste and his favorite part how to swirl the glass. “how do i look?” you said as you moved your glass on the table “good, you're fast learner” he said now taking a sip of his own “well thanks, but i think i like the part when we drink it more” he raised the glass in a way of agreeing with you. 
the tension between you started growing. for you it was the way that his adams apple kept moving as he explained things to you and how his lips would turn into a smile showing perfect teeth and his dimples on his cheeks. maybe the alcohol was having an effect on you. and you could say it was mutual, because you didn't miss how he had checked you out and he smiled proud of his jokes every time you laughed
after the wine glasses and talks he was now your best friend. now seated in bar stools , looking for new cocktails to try and playing a new game he had teached you. 
throwing assumptions and judging the people by their movements and looks 
 “i think she works in a pet shop store” you said serious “no she doesn't” he said frowning , “of course she does, look at her hair, she's has those tiny ponytails that they do on sharpays” and he laughed so hard that some people around you turned to you making you giggle. 
“its your turn now” you said looking at him, the still stranger was looking for a new prey. now while he was concentrated you took a look at him, with the color lights from the dance floor reflecting on his face and his hands scratching his beard concentrated watching how the guests danced at the djs music, he looked beautiful, and now you knew that it was the alcohol effect mixed with you falling out of love with your boyfriend. 
while looking at him you reached your hand to grab the cup but unintentionally dropped it making a mess on the high table, your legs were covered in sticky vodka, tonic water and red berries. the cold made you gasp and he turned fast to look at you and helped you by grabbing some tissues and putting them in your thighs, looking down at the liquid running thru your legs you couldn't help but stop wiping the table and look at his hands on your skin, his hands were big and his fingers long,  had a little 3 on his little finger, and was wearing a horse shoe ring on his index. the feeling of his touch on your inner thighs and the amount of alcohol that you had drank made you laugh, he raised his head and looked at you confused with a smile on his lips “i think i should go to the bathroom”, “yeah sure, i'll go with you i have to wash my hands” he said not before grabbing the beer bottle and walking behind you.
the bathroom was occupied so you were in a narrow hallway waiting for your turn to go in. standing before him and close to his body, face to face. 
the music was low making everything more intimate and you wanted to check if he was actually on the same page as you, “nothing’s going to happen” he shook his head “no, of course not”. “i’m in love with someone” you said, looking into his eyes. “me too” he agreed and continued “and i cant stand cheating. i’ve been there. never again” you nodded “right. cheating is…” “no good” he followed.
less than a meter between you and you asked “but where do you draw the line?” he smiled and shook his head before answering seriously “you can feel it”. “if i do this…” you got closer to him and took the bottle from his hands taking a sip in front of him while he looked straight into you “is that cheating?” you returned it to his hands and he held it “no” he said now drumming the glass of the bottle with his fingers, you stood there “what about this?” he got closer, making you lean on the wall behind you still looking into his eyes with your hands on your back. your faces inches away, you held your look into his eyes “no, that's permissible” you said smiling “is it?” he asked now as he raised his right hand to caress your bare shoulder. you weren't expecting it so you stood straight and he parted. 
you were playing with fire now.
you were still looking at his eyes when the door opened and a girl walked out of the bathroom. you make a few steps when you hear him behind you “is it cheating if i go inside with you” you laughed and held the door open for him to come inside, he left the bottle of beer on the counter and turned to look at you as you pulled down your panties and sat on the wc “there's nothing sexual about this” he said still looking at you, “not at all, is just a little awkward” you said now taking your hands to your face and trying to contain the laugh. he doesn't even try and suddenly your laughs are bouncing off the walls. 
you were both now on the dance floor, dancing to some old hits. he had great moves, not the best ones that you've seen but not the worst ones either. 
you raised your arms to the ceiling while singing when you felt his hands on your waist, getting you closer to him “is this still cheating?” he said closer to your ear so you could hear. “i dont think so” you rounded his neck with your arms “is this?” you whispered and he shook his head making you smile and swing with him and you stayed there with your head laying on his shoulder. 
the bride had dragged you to the dance floor, gathering all the ladies for the bouquet toss and while everyone else was on the first row, fighting for the best place to catch the flowers you stood on the back looking at the man in green in a green tuxedo, you were shrugging your shoulders miming at him “i'm not ready for this” when the bouquet fall right in front of your heels and the bride went straight into your arms hugging you so hard. He started clapping and you could only hear his laugh louder than the music
“congratulations, you're the next to walk down the aisle” the man said walking by your side in the backyard under the moonlight. “im sure im going to be the last one between everyone else” he put his hands on his pockets, you hugged your arms because of the cold weather and took a seat on the wooden bench leaving the flowers on your lap “you never know” you smiled and looked at the white flowers when he took the bouquet and started to cut some tiny flowers and putting them on your hair, you turned to him, now sitting in front of each other closely, you cut one and put it on top of his right ear. “the purple matches your eyes” you caressed his soft curls and he put one of his hands on your thighs while looking at you. “i think you're so cute with this crown made of flowers” he led his hand to your cheek and got closer to you, making you feel the warm breath at the corner of your lips but the sudden noise of some drunk guys made you part, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth.
after saying goodbye to jack and his now wife you were both walking on the street side by side in silence, but it wasn't awkward it felt natural to you. once on the street corner he said “i'm going this way” pointing to his right and stopping his steps “okay” you said in front of him, but not moving anywhere, not wanting to leave him “what's your name?” he bit his tongue “y/n” you left out and he nodded “im daniel. daniel…” “dont say it” you shook your head “why not?” he said confused “ill find you in social media and…” “good thinking” he kept his eyes on you “okay” he smiled “bye” you said. “bye” he replied, turning around and taking a few steps but then stopped and looked at you again. “we didn't cheat” he said loudly “no” you were walking to the left“not at all” he was crossing the street “no” shook his head “bye” you said before walking slowly to your car, leaving daniel behind.
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zhongrin · 2 years
ok but now aine pointing out that hot af art:
You give Mafia boss Li the blowing of his life, he tells you to stay in his office, he'll be back once the job is done.
hours. you wait for fucking hours for what should have been a simple hit job.
Li eventually comes back, covered in blood, kinda feral look in his eye, turns out he went and took out the mark himself because he was so pumped after your service. proceeds to shuck his bloody coat, throw you over his desk and ehehehehehohohohoho
you're kidding me you're spoiling me you're feral and unhinged and i am supposed to be chilling here on Friday night drinking my goddamned osmanthus tea and snacking on strawberry chocolate matcha-
ps. tumblr hates me and i had to rewrite this so if some parts feel weird it's probably because of that lskdjflsjdlfkjsdf
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the heavy door which you had trouble opening at the start of your negotiations hours ago slams against the wall, making you jump and spill some wine onto your shirt.
you don’t have half the mind to worry about the spreading stain on your garment, however, seeing as the state of morax’s own shirt is way worse. there are splotches of dark reds marring the pristine white cloth, which are unbuttoned enough to display his chest, teasing what lies under. his amber eyes are glowing as he finds you sitting on the seat he regularly sat on, and at once he’s stalking towards you like a predator that has found a most delectable prey.
his black coat haphazardly crumples against the leather sofa, and within seconds he’s right in front of you, hands slamming against the armrests on your either side. the slight sheen of sweat against his arms reflects under the grand lighting of the luxurious office, and though he’s of a leaner size you’re suddenly aware of his muscles, reminded of his authority and the regality of his aura.
with a squeak, you sink further into the seat and stare downwards at your lap. but the man follows, leaning in even closer so that you can feel his breath against your forehead.
“how bold of you,” one of his fingers tilts your chin up to meet his eyes, “to sit on my chair. drinking my wine. when you have yet to fulfill your payment for your pesky client.”
“wha-but i did-”
“my, did you? why don’t you recite what i said regarding the payment.”
you try to rack your memories; with him so close, the scent of blood and his stupid cologne that fits him so well was so overpowering, your brain decided to turn into mush and remind you of how his seed tasted on your tongue, heavy and heady and-
“y-you said,” your breath hitches, “um… ‘if you can satisfy me, i will consider that as your payment instead’….?”
morax hums. his grip on your shirt tightening was all the warning you got before he ripped the material off your body, lips mashing together, tongue inviting yours into a dance. he tastes of iron and fragrant tea and the sinful thoughts of all your wicked desires that had grown immensely ever since you took his cock into your mouth. the glass of wine previously balanced within your grip thuds against the plush carpet, forgotten, and you moan against the kiss as the man pulls you even closer.
you almost don’t even realize that you’re lifted up the chair onto the wide desk until you feel them against your back. the size of it is absurd, just as everything else in this room; the chandelier, the vases, the paintings, the dragon sculpture, his girthy-
his hand trails up your inner thigh, and you shudder.
zhongli’s gaze rakes all over your body, his gloved hand faithfully following right behind it. you’re about to ask him whether you’re the most interesting paperwork he had to do on this desk, but the question dies before you could even utter a word, because while he’s keeping one of his hands on you, he’s biting on the other to slide them off, revealing his hands and the veins which run at the back of his palm.
he makes the action look like some kind of an art.
you don’t even realize that you’re whining at the sight of him taking them off in such a manner until his eyes lock onto you, with the leather still hanging between pearly white teeth (god, you’ve felt it from the kiss, but those little fangs are driving you crazy). the corner of his lips twitches as he gently places the material aside on the desk.
“i must have forgotten to tell you,” his bare hand tenderly swipes the lock of hair from your face and yet the expression on his face suggests that his next course of actions will be anything but gentle, “i am a man who can hardly be satiated by normal means.”
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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saw this post and it reminded me of a snippet I wrote for a crack-ish Kas!Eddie AU idea i had a while ago ft. nobody knowing Steve has demobat venom in him that tells other democreatures he's a friend:
Imagine Eddie coming back as an undead vampiric bat person thing and he's all "oh how you left me behind" and shit and he's surrounded by demodogs and demobats and they're poised ready to strike at his command and -
"Eddie?" Dustin whispers like his heart's been broken. Steve's grip on the nail-bat (he still refuses to give it a name because it's not a person, Robin) falters but he steels himself - the kid is gonna be vulnerable, now more than ever and he's gotta keep him safe.
"Oh Henderson." The thing wearing Eddie's face grins the same way Eddie grinned, with a promise of chaos at his fingertips. "Not anymore."
So Eddie sets the democreatures to attack and Steve shoves Dustin behind him while he tries to fight them off but they overpower him until he's on the floor except -
The scratches and bites aren't happening. He's just - drowning in slobber? And very weird bits of flesh just, like weirdly pushing at him oh god, this is so weird. Steve squints one eye open and sees all the gross creatures nuzzling at his arms and chest like they're just innocent mutant hellbeasts who didn't mean to break the vase.
"Wh - I said attack, dipshits!" Kas yells out and that seems to just...make them nuzzle harder? Steve doesn't know, okay, he's been through a lot and he's just tired. So tired that he doesn't even register how one of the demodogs bumps his hand up onto its closed head (a phrase Steve doesn't and will never fucking like) or the fact that he just...pets it like it seems to ask. The other beasts apparently all really like that and run over each other trying to get under his hands.
"What's up Henderson?" Steve tries not to laugh as one of the littler creatures topples upside down after it tried climbing his leg. He sets it right side up and gives it a big long pet along its back, holding back his shiver at the slimy skin. "Y'know when they're not trying to eat you, these things aren't half-bad."
"You always manage to fuck things up, huh Harrington?" Suddenly Kas is right in front of him, pushing him back onto the ground harshly with a hand on his throat. Steve idly wonders if the guy has a thing for necks. Maybe Steve just has a very targetable one? "You ruin everything, don't you?"
He then wonders if it's the high from not being ripped apart coupled with the excess adrenaline in his veins. There should definitely be a stinging in his chest from the words but he's just...god, he's just so tired right now. The other creatures are making weird, pitiful noises around the two of them.
"There there," Steve chokes out, raising a head to pet at Kas' very angry head. The vicious eyes go blank. "You just needed some attention, huh?"
Steve thinks he hears Dustin spluttering somewhere but his vision is already blacking out. Shit, he's supposed to take care of Dustin. Nope, no time to black out now. The hands, kinda claws really, around his neck loosen and Steve blinks the big splots of darkness out of his head just to open his eyes to Kas or Eddie or whatever staring at him with like...it's kind of what Steve thinks he looks like when Dustin tries explaining his latest strategy for a campaign. Incomprehension? But funnier because Eddie doesn't look like he's trying to understand, he looks like his head is just totally empty, no thoughts. Scratch that, this is hilarious.
"Doing alright, Munson?" Steve coughs out, his voice wrangled from the...wrangling. He continues to pet the hulking figure above him, moving his hand behind Eddie's ear. "Am I getting the right spot?"
The blankness in Eddie's face turns into a bright purplish blush (that means he's still got blood in him, right? or is it some kind of Vecna juice? Ew gross, no, don't think about that) and he scutters back away from Steve, who's once again surrounded by the various monsters as they yip or whatever the fuck sound monsters make. He finally manages to sit back up, no thanks to Henderson, the little shit just watching the whole thing in a corner with a fucking notepad are you kidding me -
"D-don't come any closer!" Eddie holds a hand out as Steve gets himself on two feet, his back against the wall like Steve's the one who was strangling him, oh fuck you Munson. "I have - I'll bring a parade of pain on you, Harrington, I swear it!"
Steve snorts as he pets one of the demodogs, hoping to god it doesn't eat his hand. "Yeah, okay, Kas, sure. You wanna do that now or after you give these guys a bath?"
And Eddie is basically half-angry because NO HE IS KAS HE IS A GENERAL HE WILL BRING HELL UPON YOU ALL, half-smitten because omg hiiii stevie wow do you feel a connection right now because i definitely do i think this is like fate or something
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sethrollinsgirl · 2 years
Title: The Way I Loved You
Summary: Stefan Salvatore has been dancing around his feelings for you, all that comes to a halt when he finds out you have a date with Matt Donovan.
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Stefan and you always had a complicated relationship. You were friends but there were always some unspoken feelings between you two. You always thought he would make the first move but he never did. You had got it in your head that maybe Stefan just wasn't into you like you were him. So you decided to move on, lucky for you Matt was interested. He had asked you out on a date tonight, The two of you were gonna meet up at the grill. So here you were with your best friend Caroline at your house trying to pick out an outfit for your first date with Matt.
"What about this dress Care?" You asked her as you held up a blue one-shoulder runched-up dress.
"It's ugly, how about this one? This one is so cute! Plus it makes your boobs look great." Caroline said handing you a black dress that showed a lot of cleavage. She wasn't wrong the dress did make your boobs look good.
Grabbing the dress from her, you mumbled a quick thank you before going to try it on.
"Okay, how do I look for my date with Matt?"
"You look stunning! Matt won't be able to keep his eyes off you. Do you want me to drop you off? I don't mind, I'm passing by there."
"You mean" you paused, faux shock written all over your face before continuing "you aren't gonna hide behind the booth behind our table and make sure our first date goes well?"
"No! I'm not a meddler" your laughter cut her off.
"Caroline Forbes you are many things, and a meddler is one of them. Besides you are the one who pushed Matt to ask me out."
"Yeah, only because you were so upset about Stefan. Matt and you would make a great couple. He's nice, he's hot and I dated him so I know he's a good boyfriend."
You laughed at that. Caroline and matt went out for a short amount of time before she got with Tyler. Caroline and you had been friends since the fourth grade. You were always shy and it was hard to make friends but Caroline kinda annoyed you into a friendship. You were forever thankful for that.
"Okay, you are right. Matt's a good guy. To answer your question though, no I don't need a ride. But thank you for offering."
"What are friends for! Okay, my work here is done. I'm gonna go. I'm supposed to be meeting Elena to talk to the creepy professor Shane, who Bonnie is so entangled with."
"Okay, good luck! I'll text you the details about the date after carebear."
"You better!" She told you over her shoulder as she left.
A couple of minutes passed and you were gathering your things to put in your purse.
"Alright, Phone... Check. Wallet... checks. Keys.... Keys." You looked around the room before spotting them under the bed. You quickly grab them and put them in your purse. "Keys check."
You were interrupted by a knock on the door. Figuring it was just Caroline, you grabbed your purse before going over to the door and opening it.
"Did you forget something care?" You asked as you opened the door. The shock was written all over your face as you saw Stefan there with a bouquet of Roses in his hands.
"What.. what are you doing here? You aren't supposed to be here."
"I know, I just wanted to talk. These are for you" he told you holding out the flowers to you. You grabbed them.
"Come in. I have to get a vase for these."
He followed you inside as you started to search for a vase for the flowers.
"You look beautiful by the way."
You found a vase running it under the sink tab filling it with water and setting the flowers in it. You moved so your back was leaning against the sink.
"Why are you here Stefan? I have to leave soon. I have a date to get to."
"That's actually why I'm here." He told you moving closer so that he was now standing in front of you. You two were so close to each other. Even if he wasn't a vampire, he would still be able to hear your heart beating fast.
"Don't go on that date."
"You know why."
"Say it."
"Because Y/N, I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified."
"You can't do this. Not now. I waited months for you to confess your feelings and right when I try to move on.... You tell me you love me? Stefan you just can't do that."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I just thought I'll tell you before it's too late. Is it?" Stefan asked you. You knew it wasn't too late. All you wanted was for Stefan Salvatore to admit he loved you and here he was standing in front of in all his glory doing just that.
"You were terrified? Why?" You finally gather corsage to ask him. Your hands were starting to sweat a little.
"You're human Y/N. I didn't want to get you involved with all of this but I can no longer fight my feelings for you. I love you. But I understand if you want a normal human life. Matt would be good for you."
You made a decision. Yeah, maybe getting involved with a vampire as a human was dangerous but Bella swan did it and she turned out fine for the most part. You knew you loved Stefan and for you that was enough.
"I don't want Matt, Stefan. I want you! I don't need a normal human life to be satisfied. I just need you. I love you. If dealing with all this supernatural craziness means I get to be with you, that I get to love you, and be loved by you then I would gladly deal with it. Besides Normal is relative." You told him.
"I love you Y/N. Let me show you just how much."
He put his hands on both sides of you trapping you in his vicinity before leaning down to kiss you. Your hands wrapped around his neck as you deepened the kiss. You pulled back grabbing his hands and slowly moving towards the inside of your dress.
"y-you're not.... w-wearing anything under that are you?" Stefan asked you slightly pulling back.
"Nope, you want to take this upstairs?" The only answer you got in return was him picking you up and carrying you to the bedroom.
He set you down on the bed before ripping the dress off of you.
"Stefan! I loved that dress." You wined as he looked at you sheepishly.
"I'll buy you another just like it." He promised you as he started kissing your neck and grabbed one of your boobs flicking his finger with it. He started slowly kissing down your body as he stopped at your inner thigh. Sucking on it, leaving a hickey.
"This is all for you so just relax and let me take care of you." Stefan told you right before he buried his face in between your thighs. His tongue moved in a quick fashion. Swiping up and down. Your hands gripped the sheets as he continue your movements.
"Fuck, Stefan don't stop." He didn't, he went faster with his tongue as you could feel yourself about to cum.
Stefan pulled back slipping two fingers in you as he moved them and out. He started off slowly but as your breath hitched he picked up the pace.
"Stefan, baby I.. I'm about to cum."
"Cum for me sweetheart"
He went faster and harder with his fingers inside of you. You couldn't take it anymore and you came all over his fingers.
You slowly sat up and grabbed his putting his fingers in your mouth and releasing it with a pop looking him straight in the eye.
"That was amazing." You told as you let go of his hands to pull him into another kiss.
"Yes it was." he replied pulling back from the kiss.
Your phone ringing downstairs interrupted you both.
"Shit, Matt! Oh god, what am I gonna tell him."
"The truth. I'm sure he will understand."
You signed before nodding and standing up to grab some clothes so you can go downstairs and call him back.
Stefan grabbed your hand pulling you back down on the bed.
"I'm not done with you yet. You can call matt later."
You giggled as he started assaulting your neck with kisses.
(A/N I don't own anything but the plot. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it)
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lovelybarnes · 2 years
meeting cats- b. barnes
pairings: bucky barnes x reader warnings: creepy date, some angst, rejection, ghosting, sad reader, duck the dog is not a warning but i want to let you guys know duck the dog is in this one about: requested!! Could you write something kinda angsty, bucky is occupied but reader thinks he ghosted her. maybe he has a dramatic reentry like he sees her at a bar on a new date or somethin a/n: this is called ghosted in my files but i decided fuck it and called it what it was
the click of your door as it locks seems to echo the one that settles in you, a comforting sort of satisfaction blanketing your warm shoulders, blurring the sharp lens with which you live; it makes edges kinder and worries fall away. a deep sigh escapes your lips, eyes squeezing shut as your lips bite back an even wider grin than the one you sport now.
your lips still tingle from the kiss your date had pressed against your lips, head in a daze as you bring a predictable finger up as if you would feel the prickling through the pad of your index. your lips pull into the curve you tried to help, teeth sinking into the skin of your fingers as you let yourself sink into the sweet honey of your excitement.
your dog cocks his head at you from his bed in the living room, murmuring a soft aroo in question, as if asking you what was wrong.
“oh, duck,” you whine, pulling yourself away from your door, eyes opening again as a shaky breath leaves you. “i think i’ve met him. i know i’m going to sound insane after a few dates—” duck blinks at you and pushes a small whimper past his throat. “but oh my god, he’s wonderful.”
duck finally hops off of his bed to bound up to you, stretching before pawing at your leg as you fill up a glass of water.
“he’s funny and sweet and kind and so beautiful,” you ramble, bending down to pick up your dog. “he makes me shy but not in that unpleasant ‘i can’t breathe or speak in front of him’ way. he held my hand and brushed away the hair from my eyes and told me i looked beautiful, and—” you pause, carrying duck over to the dining room table, hoisting him up as you point at the flowers in a vase.
“he got me flowers. my favorite, somehow, and told me they were from this flower shop he goes to every week when he gets a bouquet for the animal shelter.”
duck aroos in approval.
“i know,” you exclaim exasperatedly, hugging him close to your chest. “and he has a cat. and he talks to her too. he said she approved of me because she bonks his hand and purrs when he says my name now. how does this man exist?” you ask, bouncing gently on your feet.
duck’s ears flop. “i know it’s too soon but we’ve been on three dates and they’ve all been magical and he called me ‘his girl’ today. i blacked out for a moment, i think.”
duck nuzzles his head against your shoulder, comforting you.
“i really like him, duck,” you admit in a terrified whisper, meeting his large eyes. “oh, shit.”
your nail rests between your lips, teeth grazing at it in frustration as you glare at your phone innocently lying on your dining table. duck nudges your hand with his nose with a sad little huff.
“he hasn’t called,” you whisper. “why hasn’t he called? it’s been almost five days now.”
swallowing, you lower your eyes to your lap, beginning to rub circles into duck’s temples.
“he said he’d call. he told me he couldn’t wait to hear my voice again while i was standing right there.”
there’s a burn in your eyes that makes your lids flutter, the movements of your fingers faltering in your disappointment. “i’m so stupid,” you groan sadly, bottom lip jutting out. you scan the unread messages you’d sent him over the last few days.
“did i send him too many messages? i only messaged him twice…” you contemplate. “what did i do wrong?”
your mind runs over the events of the best dates you’d ever had, scrutinizing the way you smiled—too wide?—and laughed—too loud?—even doubting the lame puns he’d laughed at anyway.
“maybe it’s work,” you reason with yourself, fiddling with your nails. you stop suddenly. “he does work—” you pause when you realize your defense is something you’ve made up. “i don’t know what he does.” duck cocks his head at you. “i assumed… he kept mentioning the shelter and how his favorite subjects were math and science when i asked, but he never…”
duck coos, nudging you with his nose.
you blink as realization crashes into you. “i don’t know anything about him. i don’t know what he does or if he even has friends because he keeps referring to ‘stevie ‘as was, and he avoided family questions, and…” you drift off, face hot as it falls into your hands. “he could be a serial killer and i would have no idea… what did we even talk about?”
you poke around in your brain for helpful information, but the only thing there are the sweet childhood stories he’d confessed through laughter and kind eyes, mumbles of stevie through a frustrated shake of his head, and the antics of his cat explained through smiles. you come up with a few other names and recall his mother’s apple pie recipe and beloved garden, but no workplace or job, not even a last name or an i live around here.
“this is so embarrassing,” you groan. “was he not sure about me during our first dates and was this one just the dealbreaker?” you wonder aloud, shame prickling at your skin. the saccharine high you were still riding from your date becomes sour, and as you remember the dates, the moments that you’d fawned over become overexposed, concentrating on the smudge of your eyeliner and the crinkles of the dress you’d fallen in love with, the stray hairs you’d dedicated time to setting in a specific place suddenly too messy, bucky’s laughter tinged faked, the pull of his smile strained.
the truth of your dates smears enough that you can’t tell it apart from what you’d made up, and you glance at your phone again, excitement curdling as you eye bucky’s contact name.
“two days?” you ask duck, finding his large eyes already on you sympathetically. your lips push up at him, your hands cupping his little face. “two more days and then he’s for sure ghosting me,” you confirm, kissing duck’s head.
you sigh softly, nuzzling your face against his fur. “i really hope he messages back,” you mumble, observing the already wilting flowers bucky had gifted you. the vibrant colors have dulled in the days, petals surrounding your vase. “please don’t be ghosting me,” you beg quietly.
your phone vibrates, and chagrin pricks your nose at the excitement with which you check if it’s bucky. your friend’s offer to go out tomorrow stares back, disappearing after a few seconds and leaving only yours and bucky’s conversation—or, really, your unread messages underneath yours and bucky’s conversations. 
you push your tongue against your cheek, nails tapping gently on your phone. “two days and one more text,” you decide.
you’ve never been ghosted before.
or, more accurately, you had never been ghosted before. but you suppose it’s a ritual, although you wish it hadn’t been by the one guy you can’t seem to stop thinking about.
you sent him two text messages.
the first had been typed and sent in a frenzy of drunk panic where your brain had convinced you he was near death in a hospital somewhere and you’d sloppily composed can you please just tell me if you’re okay? i’m getting worried. and sent it out.
no response, but the gray read underneath it did said enough.
then, an okay lol composed in your embarrassed daze, sure he’d blocked you already. it was a weak attempt at another chance that you didn’t want to admit you were dying to give him, desperate for him to take it.
sent still reads underneath it, and you heave a sigh, rubbing your eyes. “wonderful,” you mumble.
you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and remember your glittery buzzing when you would get ready for your dates with bucky, your excitedly nervous smile as you winked at yourself and admitted that you were looking forward to seeing him again.
you straighten your shoulders and raise your chin, taking a deep breath.
“don’t be pathetic,” you instruct. you groan loudly and slap your cheeks. “don’t be dramatic.”
you dive for your phone when it lights up with a message, only to come up disappointed when you realize it’s one of your friends, boasting about a man she met at her job and insisting on how much you had to meet him.
your fingers have acted in muscle memory and typed out a refusal before you can think twice, but your eyes meet your reflection in the mirror just before you press send, nose raising, face hardening. you delete the message and decide that if bucky doesn’t want you, you don’t want him either.
your friend schedules your date for tomorrow and you sigh, already beginning to feel the regret trickling in as you remember the awkwardness of first dates, trying to not let the amount of time it took you to find someone as easy to be with as bucky get to you. your eyes drift to the wilted flowers on your counter—new ones, a few colorful ones that you bought yourself in effort of cheering both you and your apartment up, but they’re enough to remind you of the ones from bucky that you’d thrown away.
you square your shoulders and remind yourself that the messages you’d sent bucky still sit in his inbox, unanswered.
huffing at his imagined offense, you move to pick out your outfit for tomorrow.
it only takes you three minutes of nodding weakly at the egotistical ramblings of your blind date for you to wish you’d never agreed to it.
too long of your life in, and it’s frustrating to realize exactly how much you’d liked bucky. he’s there, behind your date’s shoulder, behind the bar—everywhere—cocking his head and raising an eyebrow at you as if to say him?
yes, him, you want to snap. and then maybe you want to kiss him.
you can’t help but think back to the dates you’d had with bucky, compare the place you’re in and the flowers that this date apparently thinks ridiculous. you begin to mold your boredom into angry words that you’ll send your friend after this date is over, and then eye the clock, trying to convince yourself that this man cannot possibly talk about himself for that much longer.
the universe is determined to make your love life as miserable as possible, though, and you discover that he can.
quietly, fired up from the leftover frustration, your brain curses bucky.
you don’t bother to hold back a grimace once your date moves on to his spectacular ex-fiance, only continuing to sip your water, regretting it wasn’t something stronger.
bleary-eyed now, you skim over a familiar chiseled face behind your date, but your eyes snap back immediately when you realize who those defined features belong to.
blue crinkles in excitement when it meets your eye, beginning to take confident strides toward you, only for eyebrows to pinch in confusion as he eyes the situation. 
bucky stutters to a halt in the middle of the bar as he takes in the drink in your hand and the man in front of you, whose fingers begin to inch toward your thigh suggestively.
“oh no,” you whisper, lips parting gently as you look at anything but bucky. you can’t help but think how unfair it is that the moment you try to move on, the reason for your attempt walks right in and gazes up at you with the most innocently confused eyes you’d seen.
your date doesn’t notice your troubles, which makes the hand crawling up your leg all the more acrid. you clench your jaw and stop him with a thin smile, not noticing as bucky shakes himself out of it.
“i don’t think this is going to work out,” you push through clenched teeth as your date takes your rejection as encouragement, squeezing your thigh sharply. “please don’t touch me.”
“c’mon, just a good time, then?” he offers, leaning closer.
you back up. “no thanks.”
his eyes catch on something behind you, brows joining as he follows something that drapes heavily on your shoulders. you want to be startled, but the smell of bucky snaps something familiar in you, urging you to relax into the crook of bucky’s arm before you can be startled that you can recognize him without turning to look at him.
“there a problem here?” he asks.
“no,” your date—you’re sure he had a name—answers curtly. “at least not until you showed up. we’re on a date here, buddy.”
bucky purses his lips. “i don’t think you have a date with my girlfriend, pal.” his arm brings you closer, glinting in the light. your date—mark!—catches sight of it and stammers, eyes flickering from bucky to you to his arm. “will you give us some alone time now?” there’s a mocking edge to his words, bladed with thinly-veiled threat.
mark agrees with a nod, sliding off his chair and slinking out the door.
you stare at your feet once there’s no reason for bucky to keep his arm around you, itching to remove it before the little progress you’d made was erased completely.
“thanks,” you say finally, forcing yourself to slip underneath his arm and off your chair. you open your purse to get your wallet out to pay for the drinks mark left unpaid, only to get outpaced by the quick way with which bucky opens his wallet and slams money down on the counter. you huff, meeting his eyes frustratedly before you put down your own money, nudging his toward him. “i can pay for my own drinks, thanks.”
bucky’s brows knit together, lips parting when you turn abruptly to walk out of the bar. he takes a second to realize what’s going on, grabbing what you’d laid on the bar to hand it back to you. “are you mad at me?” he asks once he’s finally caught up with you.
“oh, am i not being sunshine and rainbows enough? is that what it was?” you retort, scoffing. “sorry.”
“what?” bucky wonders, speeding up when you do. you push open the door and step out, leaving it to slam on bucky’s face, but you grab onto the handle at the last moment with an annoyed crease between your brows. he huffs as he jogs to catch up, wrapping loose fingers around your arm. “wait.”
“why should i?” you ask him, finally turning to meet his eye, but your gaze is cold, unlike the last time he’d seen you.
“because—” he cuts himself off, nose crinkling as he has some sort of realization, his hand falls away. “why am i explaining myself? i should be mad at you.”
you stare at him incredulously, scoffing loudly. “excuse me?”
bucky nods indignantly, his eyes boring into you. “last thing i remember is you kissing me at the end of our date, tellin’ me how much fun you had and how much you wanted to see me again, and now you’re on a date with someone else?”
your features pucker, eyes slanting. “yeah. and last i remember is you telling me you’d call. or text—just, anything.” you jam a finger into his chest, upset. how dare he? “you told me ‘i can’t wait to hear your voice again’ when i was closing my door!” you do a poor imitation of him, crossing your arms and scrunching your brows, your voice dropping exaggeratedly as you bob your head mockingly. “and then no contact for a week!”
“hey now—” bucky starts, extending a hand, but you stop him, your parroting dropping into disappointment, anger fizzling into sadness. his eyes search you worriedly, beginning to reach out to you.
“you told me you wanted me to meet your cat,” you remind sadly, unable to stop the pout that pinches your lips. “and then you… ghosted me. didn’t even open my messages.”
bucky stares at you blankly, blinking in confusion. “i do want you to meet my cat,” he insists.
“sure. that’s what you’re saying when you ghost people,” you retort humorlessly, beginning to turn again, but he holds you back gently.
“you keep saying that—ghosting? what is that? when did i do that?” you move to scoff again, but the honest confusion draped across his face catches you off guard.
“you’re serious?” he nods. “it’s all over the internet—it’s when someone just cuts off all communication with someone without reason or warning. for example, leading someone on with wonderful dates and promising to call and then never contacting them again—or replying to their concerned messages to check if they’re alive.”
“i didn’t—i didn’t mean to do that. to ghost you. i was… on a work trip,” bucky explains, fingers vining down your arms.
you roll your eyes. “really? i thought that at first, actually, but then i realized how little you actually told me. like, what is it that you do exactly, because i never quite caught it on our various dates.”
“it’s…” bucky pauses uncertainly. “complicated.”
“stupendous,” you cheer sarcastically. “what about your friends? do you have any friends? where do you live?”
“that’s…” he struggles to find the words.
“complicated?” you finish for him, nodding. “of course it is. i’m leaving now.”
you’ve walked through the door before he can intercept you again, but bucky sidesteps in front of you just as you spot your car. “please don’t leave. i honestly didn’t mean to do… that… to you and my life is…” he frowns. “uncertain and complicated all the time. you’re not. i didn’t—i don’t want to force you into this because you didn’t know who i was when this started and i liked that, but—”
“what are you talking about?” you ask in disbelief, your annoyance burning at the bottom of your stomach. as if it wasn’t bad enough that he ghosted you, he was now forcing you through a faux explanation to make himself feel better.
bucky’s lips contort with internal struggle until his shoulders slump, shutting his eyes for a second before he speaks up.
“my name is bucky barnes. my best friend is steve rogers. i work as a sort of… agent. i live in the avengers tower because i help them out sometimes. i was away on an impromptu mission last week and that’s why i didn’t answer you or see your texts.”
you stare up at him for a few moments, eyes flickering between his features. finally, you huff. “steve rogers is stevie? captain america? the avengers tower—a mission?” you repeat, shaking your head disappointedly. “how stupid do you think i am?”
“i don’t think you’re stupid,” bucky tells you.
“so what you’re saying is that you’re what? an avenger whose bestie is captain america?” you retort.
“well, i wouldn’t say it like that.” bucky shrugs. “i’m not an avenger, but i’ve known steve my entire life. will you just give me a chance to prove it to you?”
you frown, scanning him, arms crossed defensively. “how?”
“to start with—” he reaches around you to grab your phone, wagging it in front of you. “why not consult google? great app.”
you settle a glare at him, plucking your phone away from his fingertips. “i don’t use google. privacy and all that.”
still, you type something in, clicking your screen until your eyes bore into it, gaze flickering from your phone to bucky. he attempts an awkward smile.
“wow, that’s really not edited,” you remark, holding your phone up to your face. his forced grin drops unamusedly, gently lowering your wrist. his face softens, his thumb rubbing shapes into your wrist.
“do you believe me now?”
your eyes drop to the floor, tongue pushing against your cheek. “so you were really on a mission?”
“got the bruises to prove it.” a cold index finger rises to tilt your chin up, urging to to look at him.
“what about leaving me on read after i asked if you were okay?” you point out.
“i’m not supposed to have my phone on missions. i opened it to answer you but then i got shot at,” bucky explains, and then tilts his head at you. “i’m sorry i didn’t tell you anything. you didn’t know who i was, somehow, and i liked that. i didn’t want to risk things with you, and that was selfish of me.” he purses his lips, fingers falling away. “there’s still… a lot.”
“do you mean the winter soldier?” you ask, words careful, attention hesitant.
his eyebrows furrow. “i thought you didn’t know who i was.”
“i didn’t know his face,” you explain. “i’ve only read about him and i’m aware that he is a different person than james buchanan barnes. i’m not dating the winter soldier, i’m dating bucky.”
he eyes your face for a moment before cracking a small smile, looking cheeky. burly and huge as he is, you can tell he’s flustered too, but he smothers it with a teasing nudge of his shoulder. “so we’re dating, huh?”
you grin sheepishly, looking away from him. “if you want.”
bucky smirks at you, pulling you to him by the wrist he was still holding. “yeah, i want.” you can feel his lips curl sweetly underneath yours, fingers tucking in the money you’d left into your back pocket. when he pulls away, it’s with glittering ocean eyes and crinkles next to his eyes. “so when can you meet my cat?”
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hellfireslut · 2 years
Unwind and Relax - part 3
paring : eddie munson x bimbo!fem!oc
word count : 1.6k
part 1 , part 2
warnings : mentions of sex, mention of virginity, bit of angst mostly fluffy though, she/her pronouns used!
summary : Stephanie and Eddie have a heartfelt conversation about moving their relationship forward.
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Eddie pushed open the door to Stephanie’s bedroom and was greeted by a barbie dreamhouse. Walls filled with baby pink and off white stripes that danced across the walls of her room. The scent of vanilla cupcake and fresh linens swarmed his nostrils. A bed full of plushies and stuffed bears coated her comforter. His eyes danced across the bedroom admiring how her room translated so well to her personality.
“Wow, it’s very um… pink.”
He said surprised. Eddie had imagined the typical girly and ditzy room of Stephanie’s before, he didn’t expect his hypothesis to be correct.
“Well of course, you know pink’s my favorite color.”
She giggled walking toward her vanity. She flicked the light switch of the mirror up, lighting up the once dim mirror. Eddie walked around her room, admiring the trinkets and photos across her dresser. He picked up one of the roses that swam in the eggshell white vase.
“ ‘This one of the roses I got you for our first date? Glad to see they’re still alive.”
“Oh yeah! I just love them, they’re kinda starting to welt though. More of a reason for you to get me more.” She said turning towards him, smiling as a rouge grew across her cheeks.
Stephanie got lost in his stature as he picked up the other dresser items, fiddling around with them as the metal of his rings clanged against the objects. He was so different from her. Dark and rough. A leather jacket with pins of band memorabilia. A black and white handkerchief that flowed out the back of his right jean pocket. To others- their looks, and personalities clashed. But to Stephanie she admired how though they didn’t seem like the ideal pair, they were perfect for each other.
Stephanie opened the door of the white, sparkled vanity pulling out a box of makeup removing wipes. Pulling out a single wipe from the package she began to remove the mascara, lipgloss, and other cosmetics from her face. She looked up in the mirror as she watched Eddie make his way to her bed. Sitting down, he moved the stuffed animals out of the way putting them near the headboard. He admired her natural beauty as took off her makeup. “God, she’s beautiful.” he said to himself. Her eyes glowed as she noticed Eddie’s brown eyes meet hers through the vanity mirror, in love with what he was seeing.
“I’ll be right back, I’m going to go wash off my face. Oh and, while you’re sitting, could you tuck in my plushies?” Her eyelashes fluttering softly as her eyes softened at the thought of Eddie and her stuffed animals.
“Sure thing, sweetheart.”
Eddie stood up leaning over the satin comforter lifting it up from underneath the baby pink pillows. Stephanie walked in her personal bathroom across the hall as the butterflies in her abdomen awakened. “Sweetheart.” she thought. She loved the pet names he called her. The way they were genuine as they fell from his soft and plush lips. Reaching for the sink she began to run a lukewarm stream of water from the faucet. As Stephanie was splashing water across her face, Eddie finished tucking in her toys. He smiled to himself as he walked over to her vanity, taking a seat in her quilted chair. Playing with all the cosmetics and knickknacks on her dresser waiting for her to finish in the bathroom.
Stephanie walked back through the doorway of her bedroom. She softly patted her face dry with the pink towel in her hands.
“Tada, all done. They’re nice and snug for you.”
“Aww, thank you Eds.” She walked over to him giggling, as she hugged him tightly from the vanity chair.
Stephanie stood in front of him gazing at him. Though he looked out of place in such a bright barbie pink room, she felt as if it belonged to him as well. She stared down at his anxiously waiting for him to get up from her seat, not wanting to ask him thinking it would be rude.
“You should sit, finish taking off your makeup.”
“Uh- on your um… lap?”
“Yeah sure, why not. I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just thought it’d be nice to sit with you while you do your thing ‘ya know?”
“Oh I- it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just we’ve uh, never done that before.”
He could tell she was nervous. Stephanie was always awkward with things like this. The pair had only kissed twice. She was shy when it came to his love language. Physical touch, words of affirmation, all of it. It was all new to her. She began to chip at the soft pink nail polish that covered her nails. In an effort to remove her anxiety she walked towards his lap. Hovering in front of him, he leaned back spreading his thighs slightly. She sat down on his lap, letting out an aspirated sigh. Eddie leaned over the side of her left right shoulder looking at the picture of them in the mirror. His hands slowly snaked around her waist.
“You look beautiful, doll.” He placed a kiss on the crook of her neck.
Stephanie softly chuckled at the pet name, reaching for a cotton round. Moving around on his lap searching for items to use for her nightly routine. The squirming around of his lap made something arise in Eddie’s jeans. He began to grow hard as she naively shimmied around on his groin. Using his hands that were around her waist, he pulled her to a halt in her movement. Stephanie moved around on his lap to get a look at his face. Slightly perplexed she asked,
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, uh” he sighed softly looking at her lips as he bit down on his own bottom lip. “You’re just moving a lot that’s all.”
Stephanie’s innocence got the best of her most of the time. Her lack of sexual experience and physical experience with men put in her a spot of misunderstanding.
“Oh well, I’ll try my hardest not to squirm.”
“Alright then.” Eddie began to slowly slither his hand down the ruffles at the seem of her silk pajama shorts.
Stephanie’s eyes grew wide at the cold sensation of his ring clad hand, unintentionally swatting his hands away. Eddie took this as a sign of discomfort as he turned to look at her.
“I’m sorry, was that too much. I know how you aren’t into all the touching.”
“It’s not that I’m not into it,” her bottom lip pouting out towards him. “It’s just that, this is all new to me, Eds.”
Eddie lifted her up off his lap carrying her towards her bed. She yelled at the sudden jolt giggling all bubbly and bright for such a late evening. He softly placed her onto her bed. He walked to the other side of the bed as he began to get on top of it, laying down beside her. Stephanie flipped over to her side, her head resting in her hand as she looked at him with large doe eyes cocking her head in confusion.
“Babe, how about we do this. Let me kiss you. If I go too far, or you’re not ready, just tap me and I’ll stop right away.” He looked at her with genuine love in his eyes.
She nodded her head slowly, agreeing to his proposal. She loved how he was so willing and open to her innocence and ill experience of physical touch. How he agreed to take it slow and not freak her out. It’s she didn’t want to be intimate with Eddie, she was simply saving her self for that special moment. Her innocence also came with her ditzyness. Stephanie was a bit of an airhead and everyone knew it. Always asking, “What’s that?” or “Huh?”. But what she admired most was how, despite her naive manor, Eddie never took advantage of it.
Eddie’s hand slowly cupped the side of her face, kissing softly at her pink lips.
“Strawberry? I like it.” The pair giggled in between the kisses. He slowly peppered kisses down her neck as she softly moaned out his name without realizing so. His hand trailed up her shirt stopping just before her breasts. She nodded her head, signaling the “okay” for him to continue. Softly gripping at the material of her cotton bra he slowly to kiss down her neck. She lifted her shirt off throwing it over her stuffed animals to shield their eyes from the steamy scene. Eddie softly giggled at the action.
“I’m glad you’re letting me do this.” he said pulling from her lips. He grabbed her hand slowly rubbing his thumb across the top of her knuckles. Stephanie pulled him back in, continuing the moment. Eddie’s hands reached behind her back as they continued to kiss. He began fiddling with the clasps of her bra. Stephanie’s eyes opened widely as she tapped him on his arm repeatedly. His hands pulled away from her back as he pulled away from her face as well.
“Too far?” He asked staring at her. That loving look was back in his eyes. Never did he want to push her before she was ready.
“Yeah I’m sorry, I just didn’t want it to get that far. I’m not ready yet and this is the farthest we’ve gotten though!” She giggled bubbly.
“As long as I’m with you, I don’t care how long we wait okay? I’m not going anywhere.” Stephanie stared into the glowing brown orbs of his as she was lost in his love.
She pulled him back into her lips as they crashed together. “I’m not going anywhere.”. His words replayed in her mind as they continued to kiss. Forever mine, Eddie Munson.
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starligtgalaxy · 1 year
06: Therapy, who's she?
"wait, it has 18 seasons!?" i look at the article on her phone.
"How do you think I feel, Wukong is everywhere. I can't go anywhere without Monkey King this, Monkey King that" Albino rat complains.
"wanna watch it and see how bad it is?" I offer, holding up the remote.
"How can I refuse that" Albino rat gets up from the chair. She sits down to the bed, she lifts me up and put me down on her lap, wrapping her arms around me.
I turn the Tv on and select Zetflix. I scroll through the options and after a bit I found it. I click on it and it begins playing.
The screen turns black and the narrator begins talking about Monkey King's origin.
a stone appears, it begin to slowly crack before it Burst opens revealing an animated monkey.
"Hey Albino, did you know Monkey King's origin story?" I ask my mentor.
"Well one, that info wasn't really public back then and two, do you think im interested in how that flee eater came into this world" Albino rat scoffs.
"oh right..."
A knock at the window catches both of our attention.
"who would be here at 12 PM?" Albino rat removes her arms from me so I could check.
"no idea, maybe it's Mei" I open the window to see no one. I look down to see a yellow rose.
I grab it and retreat back into my apartment.
"A yellow rose?" Albino rat grabs the flower from my hand and inspects it.
"Do you think someone left it there?" I grab a vase and fill it with water.
"ooorr you have a secret admirer" Albino rat jokes.
I put the vase down on the table. I grab the rose from albino and put it into the vase.
"I don't think it's an admirer, yellow roses symbolizes friendship. And secret admirers usually tries to win the affection from a distance but not friendship"
"You don't even know this person and you are in the friendzone" Albino rat chuckles.
I roll my eyes and sit back onto Albino rat's lap.
"I'll just buy some flower food tommorow"
"have a nice day" the worker waves.
"you too" I reply.
I walk out of the flower store and over the sidewalk.
"I'll buy groceries, while im out here" I think out loud to myself.
I accidentally bump into someone, making my drop my bag.
"Oh my apologies, let me help you" a soft but cold voice apologizes.
I look up to see a young girl, seeming the age of 12. She was holding her hand out for me.
With a bit hestitation, I grab it and pull myself up. A snatch my back from the ground.
"thanks" I turns around, ignoring my gut feeling that something was wrong.
I stop when I notice a missing poster of the girl, I turn back to see the girl gone.
I sigh "I need to get more sleep"
I walk out of the grocery store with a bag full with products.
some flies onto my face, blinding me. I grab and inspect it.
'hm, a shadow play. It's over a few days, it's worth checking out'
I look at the two figures on the poster. One of them reminding me of the mysterious stranger I found two days ago.
He had dissapeared before I woke up and he apparently stole my favorite hoodie. Jerk
I fold the poster and put it in the bag. I walk home, trying ignoring the intens alarms going off in my head.
I pull out my keys and open the front door.
"Albino, I'm home" I put down the bag.
I look around the corner to see Mei and Albino rat talking.
"What!?" I yell out.
Im still trying to figure out the timeline, cuz it's kinda confusing
Soooo i have watched the Chinese dub of season 4, i dont understand the half the plot.
And today I watched for the future (the owl house) and im so excited for the last episode
Anyways, have a nice day <3
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l4verq · 3 years
sundays | b.b
bucky barnes x reader
in which you buy him furniture
warnings : fluff
fic : one shot
Tumblr media
it was a joke at first.
horrified when you’d learned he slept on the floor, had one tv that would turn on three out of five tries, you’d bought him a rug right there in that little run down shop.
it was the fuzzy, plush kind that your body just sank into.
see this? it’s a rug, people use this to decorate their houses.
to which he’d rolled his eyes, i’m fine with how i’m living.
but he let you stuff it in his bag anyway.
send me a picture of it.
he lazily reached into his pockets, taking out a flip phone?
he’d snickered at your shocked expression as he waved it back and forth.
you were surp- no, you were just disturbed.
apalled. confused.
see this? you have to press these buttons to use it.
you’d flicked him off, rolling your suitcase around to leave.
it’d been two long weeks undercover and all you wanted was to get home to your bed.
that night bucky couldn’t sleep.
he couldn’t decide just where to place the rug.
maybe he should sleep on it? but it also looked nice at the doorway.
his phone chimes as he settles on sleeping on it.
ᄊᄊ did you place it??
oh wait you cant see the emojis
no, it’s hideous.
- bucky
he falls back on his pillow, hitting send.
the rug was pretty comfortable.
:( it’s not
and ur doing it again -.-
right, the name thing.
sorry, old habits
where was that damn colon.
the next afternoon, he’s standing in front of a porcelain vase, floor covered in package filler.
it’s murky black with little ridged patterns running across.
why is an amazon prime
delivery at my house
he sets it next to the tv, scarfing down a bowl of oats for lunch.
technically it was breakfast for him cause he just woke up.
but he can’t focus on watching tv cause something’s off.
it’s too empty, the vase.
so he reluctantly gets up, stares at it one more time before reaching for his jacket.
fishing out crumpled notes from his pockets, he counts them.
how much did flowers cost nowadays?
the gifts started coming in weekly.
fake plants, a hanging mirror, a frame with a picture of a cow dancing.
each time he’d come up to you with that same look on his face.
a baking tray? what am i going to do with that?
“bake?” you shrug, flaunting your sparkly acrylics at him, “pretty, right?”
after that one nasty brawl in romania, you’d been walking around with sad, ugly nails beds for far too long.
“we’re literally leaving for the quinjet in an hour,” he sighs, taking a seat next to you, “you’re gonna break them again.”
you pull your lower lip, “all i want is pretty nails.”
he pouts too, “life’s so hard, isn’t it?”
“you don’t know the pain i go through when i have to literally fish them out from the ground.”
he chortles, eyes wide.
“you mean, when you force me to look for them too?”
“that’s what friends. are. for.” you punctuate by poking his hand with your nail.
“we’re co-workers.” he gruffs, nodding to the pages sprawled on the table.
it was the day you two dreaded most, writing mission reports.
“i wrote most of it last time so it’s your turn now.” he slides over a pen.
“co-workers? i thought we were besties by now.” you cross your arms, narrowing your eyes at him.
“you’re not my bestie.” he rolls his eyes at the onset of just pure offense on your face.
“who is it then? sam? john?”
you knew just how to annoy him to the point raynor’s rules flew out the window.
but god were you endearing with that little smile peeking through.
“i’m a hundred and nine years old. i don’t have besties.”
of course you’d get him to say that godforsaken word twice in ten seconds.
and he saw it every sunday now, on a new delivery like clockwork.
when your sunshine’s (me) not around
- bestie xx
he grabs the exacto knife, he’d gotten specifially for opening said packages and slits through the taped sides.
it’s a bedside lamp, an old man sleeping soundly on the packaging.
he cracks into a smile, something he’d been doing every sunday recently.
setting it beside the rug, he looks around his apartment.
he could barely recognise it now.
it looked... homey?
it’s a slight pause before sam replies with a suspicious hey back.
“how’s.. your day?” he crumples his face in cringe, hand clenched over his forehead.
he hears a chuckle.
“what do you want?”
“why would you assume i’m calling you because i want something?”
“because this is the first time you’re calling me.”
okay, fair enough.
he slowly phrases his question, “hypothetically speaking, if i were to get something for someone, a woman, what should i get her?”
“what does y/n like?”
he furrows his brows, “how do you know it’s for her?”
“she’s been sending you furniture for two months now, i think it’s long overdue.”
“i don’t know what to get her.” he sighs, tilting his head back against the wall.
he’d tried but everything he thought you’d like just ended up in the spare room.
“maybe you don’t get her something, maybe you do something, put that apron to use.”
he rolls his eyes, “you’re not making any sense.”
sam has to physically hold in a tiny scream.
“i’m talking about a dinner date, you do know how to cook right?”
bucky frowns, “date? i’m not gonna ask her on a date.”
he’d never see a day without you teasing him if he ever asked you out.
“why?” sam asks, flatly.
bucky shrugs, “i don’t know, what if she says no.”
“well, have you tried asking?”
countless times but he’d always back out the last second.
kinda what he’s contemplating doing right now as his finger hovers over the send button.
did you have dinner?
it’s an agonising ten minutes before your reply pings.
it’s 11 in the morning!?
fuck, he just sounds like an idiot now.
haha i meant breakfast
he groans, sinking into his couch.
also, you like the lamp?
he looks over at it propped up next to his sleeping... situation.
it looked perfect.
it clashes with the
if only i knew your
house’s color palatte :(
i could describe it
his heart races as he types.
or you could come over
time seems to slow down as he waits for that ping!
why did he listen to sam? you probably think he’s stepping over the lines.
no, you’re probably crafting a sarcastic rejection right now and it-
like a date?
super casual dinner
he smiles at the little colon and bracket, how could two random symbols be so endearing.
a/n : idk how i feel about this one lol🥴🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
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yee-fxcking-haw · 3 years
•Love Me Tender•
Summary: After waiting, watching, and wanting, Tamaki finally has a way to get to you. He's willing to do use some questionable methods, make deals with shifty friends, whatever it takes. He'll have you.
Pairing: Pro Hero Tamaki Amajiki x FemReader (both 18+)
Warnings: Yandere behavior, stalking, coercion, sabotage, manipulation, hard dom Tamaki, slight brat reader, mostly sub reader, unprotected sex, virginity loss, oral sex (female receiving), tentacle play (oral, vaginal, anal, gagging), bondage (with tentacles), mild dumbification, degradation, spit play, cum play, wittle bit of bloodplay, creampie, marking, possession kink, collaring. Kinda-sorta dub-con (not really imo but warning just in case)
Word Count: 11,576
A/N: Jesus fucking christ I did it.
Part One: Porcelain Obsession
   Tamaki awoke painfully this morning, body aching and covered in dried sweat. It wasn't a feeling to be proud of, but it was a feeling he cherished. 
   Your stolen underwear is clutched in his hand still, like a lifeline. It still smells just a little bit like you… but not enough. He couldn't feel you or taste you or hold you. He had to figure something out, quickly. He had to find a way to make you his. 
   Luckily, Tamaki knows exactly how to make that happen…
  You hang up your apron with a deep sigh, wiping sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand. Thank god it's only a half day, you finally have an afternoon off, a day to spend by yourself. 
   You bid your coworkers farewell and head out of the shop. You wander home, earbuds in as you try to drown out the noise of the city. Once you're home, you notice a small box on your doorstep. 
   It's a pretty little gold box with purple ribbon, a tiny note is attached to the top. The scribbled writing reads,
   "I thought this would look pretty on you, I'm sorry about the weird exit last night. I'd like to take you to get some coffee to make up for it, if you'll let me." - Tamaki
   Your heart flutters a bit at the note, you had deduced you were nothing more than a charity case. Him walking you home was just what he felt was fair in exchange for the use of your phone, he didn't really… like you? Did he? 
   His exit was just a little bit strange, he seemed almost panicked. You wanted to ask if everything was ok, but figure it best to stay out of a hero's business. Who knows what door you'd be opening if you started to ask too many questions.
   Beneath his note is a phone number, obviously his. You can't call him right away, it might seem desperate, but you can open the box. 
   When the lid comes off, you gasp quietly at what's hidden inside. On a delicate silver chain sits one lovely little pearl. You stand there, amazed and confused. Wondering why on earth somebody like Suneater would leave such a precious little gift for you. 
   You called the number left on the note about an hour after receiving it. As soon as Tamaki picks up the phone your heart leaps into your throat. 
   "I didn't think y-you'd call." He laughs afterwards, but you can hear traces of genuine anxiety underneath. 
   "Well, what kind of an asshole would I be if I didn't call back the hero that saved me from a lonely walk home?" Your face crinkles up at your horrid attempt at flirting. 
   He doesn't seem to mind, though. He gives you a sweet laugh, putting some of your nerves at ease. 
   "So, uh- coffee?" He wonders. 
   "I'd love to, I just got off work, but I imagine you're busy doing hero stuff. We can-"
   "No I'm not busy." He says quickly, his urgency makes you smile. He's almost boyish in his approach, and it's very charming. 
   Somehow, between the two of you suffering your way through the conversation, you set a time for coffee.
    Tamaki makes a quick stop before meeting you, visiting a horrid friend of his in an alleyway a hero should never be unless he's kicking someone's ass. 
   His "friend" turns out to be a little more than your average criminal. He's a wicked looking man, with a mess of black hair and an abundance of scarring littering his body. 
   They call him Dabi. 
   "So what's the plan here? Am I just scarin' the poor girl or do I get to have some real fun?" His smile is devilish, and his eyes are telling. 
   It makes Tamaki's skin crawl, he stares daggers at the man leaning against the brick of the alleyway. 
   "If you touch her, I will gut you like a fucking fish." Tamaki says, he's full of rage, but he says it so calmly, so matter of fact. 
   "You can try." Dabi laughs, "You forget how easy it is to cook seafood." 
   Tamaki stands there for a brief second, watching the villain, weighing his options. 
   "I'm not here for banter, can you do the job or not?" His words are clipped, strangely articulate compared to his usual stutter. 
   "Yeah whatever, I got nothin' planned for tonight, and I do love making little girls scream." He tilts his head back against the wall as Tamaki turns to stalk away. 
   "Hey, Suneater." Dabi calls out with a lazy voice. 
   Tamaki freezes and keeps his back to Dabi. He turns his head to the side and waits for him to speak. 
   "Send her my way when you're done with her." If Tamaki had less of the public eye on him, he would have slit Dabi's throat then and there. 
   Instead, he swallows his rage as he tosses a hefty wad of cash over his shoulder. 
   "Don't be late." 
   "You always just drink it black? Not even a little bit of sugar?' You ask, astounded by Tamaki's ability to drink the bitter liquid without any sweetener.
   "Sugar is kind of useless for me, I try to eat things that'll help me with m-my quirk." He explains, his deep eyes wander while he talks, like he's watching for something. 
   That must come with being a hero. 
   "Does coffee help your quirk?" You ask, a smile playing at your lips when you see him frown at his drink. 
   "No, but it helps me focus."
   You nod playfully before taking a sip, the cafe he's brought you to is incredibly charming. It's not an overly hip establishment, it's just a sweet little hidden gem. Tucked away into a forgotten street, it gives the impression that it's a well kept secret between two best friends. 
   "Do you feel like people ask too much of you?" You question. It slips out so quickly, running away from you after launching out of your lips. 
   Your hatred for small talk gets the best of you and you jump the gun, as always. You want to hide, but not before you apologise a thousand times for being too straightforward. 
   Tamaki looks at you thoughtfully, his eyes show that he's shocked, but not offended.
   "Sometimes. It can feel like people expect me t-to be the…" He pauses for a moment, mentally grasping for the right word. 
   "It feels like people expect Heroes to be this ultimate, universal band-aid. In a lot of ways, we are, but we're still h-human… I-I'm still human…" His voice slows down by the end of his sentence, like he's realized he might be over sharing. 
   But, you asked him, you wanted to know. You actually care about him? Every bone in his body is screaming at him to grab you, throw you over his shoulder and run away. He feels some carnal desire to just keep you. Hide you from every selfish asshole that would take advantage of the starstruck look in your beautiful eyes. 
   He can't, though… not yet. 
   "S-sorry…" He whispers. 
   And then, you reach across the table to take his hand in yours. He feels the contact all the up his arm, into his chest, into his heart. 
   So you do want him too. 
   "Please don't be sorry, I liked listening to you talk." You say quietly. 
   You did love it, you loved it because you've felt so unheard, so unseen. Being able to provide somebody else with a pair of listening ears serves as a kind of relief for those feelings. 
   "Can you tell me more?" You test, hand squeezing his own a little more. 
   He looks almost elated, thrilled to be seen, excited to be heard. Most of all, he's itching to finally have you. 
   The date was nothing short of wonderful, filled with cute little fumblings of words, hands brushing but never holding, and sharing bits and pieces of yourselves with each other. 
   You flop onto your bed, reminiscent of a teenager who's just had their first kiss. You didn't kiss him goodnight, you chickened out of that. But you did press your lips against his cheek for a brief moment, which seemed to have quite the effect on him. 
      His breath hitched, his fists balled at his sides, acting like he'd never been touched so tenderly. It made you wonder, is the Hero as lonely as you are? 
   You glance over at your night stand, seeing the pretty little necklace sitting in its box. You're washed with guilt as you realize you forgot to wear it to coffee, knowing he must have wanted you to. You take it out of the box carefully before pulling it around your neck and hooking it into place. It fits like a choker, snug against your skin, but it feels good to have it so close.
   You're ripped from your musing when you hear the unmistakable sound of breaking glass. 
   Inside your house. 
   Your blood chills, hair stands up on the back of your neck and you rise from your bed slowly. You try to talk yourself down, kill the first nerves that consume your chest. It was probably a poorly balanced vase… except, you don't own any vases. It could have been a picture? Nope, not a picture, it was just glass… like a window breaking. 
   There's a gun in your office, but you're in the bedroom. You scan the room for something, anything that could be used for defense. Of course, nothing but a damn notebook. 
   The police, you should call the police. Your heart clenches when you hear the threatening sound of heavy footsteps falling down your hallway. 
   They're heading straight for your bedroom. 
   You lunge at the door, hand landing on the doorknob just as it begins to turn. Desperately, uselessly, you try to lock it. It's too late, though, it's already opening by the time your thumb lands on the lock. 
   You can hear your blood rushing when the door swings towards you, a large black boot planted on the other side to force it open. 
   "Sorry 'bout the window, sweetheart. I tried the front door, but it was locked." The intruder chuckles as he invades your bedroom. 
   You stumble back as you take in his sewn together form, a mess of black leather and scars. Wild, electric blue eyes devour your trembling form as you press yourself back into the wall. 
   "Oh, hon, you're shakin' like you're in danger. I ain't gonna hurt you, I'm gonna do the opposite." He stalks towards you, somehow moving in slow motion but with incredible speed all at the same time. 
   Your phone sits on your night stand, only feet away but all too unreachable. You're caged in by his arms as he towers over you, filling your nose with some horrid, smokey smell. 
   "P-please, you can have anything, j-just don't-" 
   Your words halt when a long, pale finger traces over your collar bone. 
   "Don't what? 'J-just don't' what?" He mocks you, eyes lit with a sadistic amusement. 
   Your heart rattles in your chest as tears prick your eyes, you can't fight him, he's huge. You don't have your gun. You don't have your phone. You're fucked. 
   "Cryin' already? What's the matter, doll?-" The hand traces your collar bone moves up to wrap around your throat, "Not a fan of villains?" 
   Your hands paw at his wrist, you will yourself to sputter something out, any kind of objection to whatever he has planned. You try to whimper out a 'stop', but when your mouth finally forms the word, the voice isn't yours, but it's familiar.
   It's low, clipped and dangerous as it barks out the warning. 
   Suddenly, as if he's being yanked to the heavens by the Gods, your assailant is torn away from you. A large, red tentacle captures him by the waist and throws him across the room. You collapse to the ground instantly, curling around your legs as you hear the muffled sounds of a violent fight. 
   You hide in your own little world, trembling and clenching yourself. You take one peak from between your arms, just to see Tamaki place the intruder in a chokehold before barking some profane threat at him. 
   The villain is smiling the whole time, he even winks at you. 
   "If I ever see you near her again, you won't walk away with your life." Tamaki snarls as the stranger breaks away from his hold.  
   "She's not worth the trouble." He laughs, raising one hand before sending brilliant blue flames blasting towards Tamaki. 
   You scream involuntarily, reaching out for the Hero as he jumps away from the flames. Once they're gone, the villain is gone as well. Like some cheap magician disappearing off stage. The room is almost entirely untouched by the burst of fire, at most, the tip of your comforter is singed. 
   The second the fire is gone, Tamaki is walking towards you urgently, pulling you to your feet so he can cradle your face. 
   "Are you ok? Did he touch you? What happened?" His inky eyes search your face frantically. 
   You don't answer, you just stutter, clinging to his hands until you can finally squeak out, "I'm ok." 
   His shoulders drop as he sighs, hands loosening their grip. His eyes flicker down to the necklace, his gaze softens when he sees how pretty it looks on you. 
   "Y-you… Do you like it?" He asks timidly, glancing up at you. 
    You breathe for a moment, slightly taken aback by the sudden shift in attention. 
   "I love it." You say quietly, still trembling. 
   He just saved you, really saved you from a real villain who was planning God knows what, and he's worried about your necklace? 
   "It's so pr-pretty on you…" He reaches down to touch it, leaving one hand on your cheek. 
   You take the moment to breathe, remind yourself that you're safe, that you're with a hero now. You observe Tamaki's almost casual appearance, a dry fit shirt and simple tactical pants. It almost helps you relax, seeing him like so… at ease? 
   His fingers play with the pearl, deep eyes transfixed. Something nearly uncontrollable swells within his chest. It burns and aches and eats at him. You're so close, you're so warm, so soft. He could have you, he could just take you. 
   "Tamaki?" You prod gently, your own chest stirs, and something pulls you towards him.
   His eyes snap up to yours, and something shifts in the air. It feels sticky, heavy, too hard to breathe. His gorgeous form towers over you, pressing you back up against the wall as his eyes devour your trembling body. 
   "Thank you f-for saving me." You whisper.
   He nods earnestly, his breathing is shaking, his hands feel like they're holding back. 
   "Anything. Anything for you." 
   That line, that makes you ache.
   How long have you felt so lukewarm, so overlooked and forgotten? Too long, far too long. Now, with Tamaki looking down at you like you're priceless, you feel fiery, you feel seen and remembered. 
   Your hands grasp at his wrists, your eyes flick down to his parted lips. You're not sure what you want to happen next, but you want him as close as you can get him.
   "If you let me start, I will not stop." His voice drops and it makes your breath catch. 
   He feels it too, then. 
   Is it the high of what you've just gone through? Is it just your body trauma bonding with the man that just saved you? Or do you really, really want him so bad it hurts? 
   His tone is warning and his eyes are frantic. 
   "Please." Is the only thing that falls from your quivering lips. 
   Consequences be damned, motives especially be damned. You need him, and he needs you. That's enough explanation for tonight. 
   He consumes you much like the villains flames, his lips are on yours almost too fast, his hands are greedy as they hold your face to his. 
   While you feel similar to a lovesick girl getting kissed for the first time, Tamaki feels like a prisoner finally set free. He feels like a lion that was held in a cage and taunted with a piece of meat. He feels like the door has finally been opened, and he can finally sink his teeth in. 
   "I wanna feel you." He brings his mouth away from yours with much reluctance, leaving his forehead pressed against yours. 
   You flounder for a moment, with your mouth feeling dry and your limbs feeling heavy. 
   "Where?" You choke out, searching his face for any tell. 
   "God, everywhere." It's a broken request, said like a secret. 
   "Take it. Whatever you want." Your boldness surprises you both. 
   You're hooked on the exhilaration, you're craving more, you want to feel something. Even after just a walk home and a coffee date, you want to feel it with Tamaki. 
   "Don't give me that…" He shivers as he presses his body against yours, making it very evident how much of an affect you're having on him. 
   "I'll ruin you." He whimpers when you grind back against him, your hands tug at his shirt and you look up at him with wide eyes. 
   "Who said I don't want that?" 
   You both stand there frozen, waiting for the other to move, to prove that this isn't a dream. 
   His hands descend from cradling your face so they can wrap around your neck with the most gentle grip. 
   He watches you intently, feels your breath quicken, cherishing the way you bite your lip when his fingers tighten slightly. 
   Internally, Tamaki is fighting the most challenging battle he's ever had to face. He's had to take on a wide variety of formidable enemies, but right now, nothing seems more formidable than having to hold himself back when he finally has you in his arms. 
   He wants to take and take and take, for as long as you'll let him… maybe even longer. 
   She's mine now.
   Something shifts in his gaze just then, making him look almost primal. It makes your chest feel frozen, makes it difficult to breathe or focus. 
   His hands shift around your neck, they feel almost… slippery? Their texture is different, their movement is more fluid. Then, you feel it, the distinct sensation of a suction cup latching against your skin. 
   Tentacles. He's made each of his fingers a tentacle.
   Your eyes stay locked on his, both of you in a heated trance as you watch how the other responds. 
   One slick tendril crawls up to latch onto your chin, he turns your head upwards and to the side with a thoughtful look. It's almost like he's sizing you up, appraising you. 
   After a thick moment of silence, he finally speaks. 
   "I'm going to make you cry." It's a depraved promise, beautifully whispered with no shame. 
   You stand there, held by him, captured by him. You're helplessly entranced, all rational thought is long gone as you reel over the implications of his statement. All you can know for sure, is you want more. 
    Despite every red flag, regardless of any common sense, you want more. 
   "I dare you." You say back to him, the desperation to feel anything other than mundane spurs you onward.
   He receives the words like it's a smack to the face, some shock evident in his eyes. He didn't take you for a brat, but he can certainly roll with it. 
   "You're gonna make this fun for me, aren't you?" He questions, his tentacles grip you tighter now, reminding you who has the high ground. 
   The air shifts, something heavier takes over the mood, it settles in your ribs and wraps around your heart. 
   He guides you away from the wall, shepherding you around until your back is towards your bed. He starts walking you backwards until your knees buckle once they hit the mattress. 
   You sit there, gazing up at him, held still by his quirk, transfixed by the power he exudes as he towers over you. 
   "Has anyone ever had you before?" He asks, finally returning his hand to normal so he can cradle your cheek. 
   The question has your stomach burning with nerves. 
   No, nobody ever has. 
   You shake your head, looking down, cheeks burning as you try to hide your embarrassment. 
   His reaction shocks you immensely, his whole body shutters and he drops to his knees. His hands settle on your waist as he moves between your legs. 
   "Th-this is… all mine then?" He asks, he rubs his thumbs over the bottoms of your ribs affectionately. 
   His eyes are wide and reverent as he waits for your answer, looking like you're some anointed goddess. His eyes skate over every feature he can, and he cherishes each one. 
   Your confession nearly knocks the wind out of him, especially with how sweet you look, all blushing and embarrassed. It makes his need to rip you apart even stronger. 
   "Please...let me give you everything…" His hands tighten on you and you feel them shaking.
   You study him for a second, at a complete loss for words, he seems so… devoted. It pulls on your heart, clouds your mind and lights your body up. How could you possibly say no to him? How on earth could you turn someone away when they’re looking at you like you’re placed on an altar ready to be worshiped. 
   Carefully, like you’re trying not to frighten a beast, you reach out and touch his face. He moves into your touch like a lonely cat, desperate for affection and recognition. 
   “Please…” You breathe. 
   And that’s all it takes. 
   His breath leaves his lungs in a harsh rush as he moves forward like a leopard, lean and precise as he forces you onto your back. 
   Your blood rushes so quickly you swear you can hear it, your mouth goes dry as he stares you down. He’s suddenly less reverent, now he’s ravenous. A dangerous, carnivorous look dances in his dark eyes. His judgement is clouded just like yours, only it fuels him, while your state is much more terrified. Any spunk you had in you is thrown out the window as he leers over you.
   You shrink into the mattress as he hovers above you on all fours, heavy eyelids and parted lips giving him a nearly drugged look. 
   “When you say everything-” He whispers, moving so he can settle on his knees between your open legs, “Do you mean this too?” He drops his hips as he questions you, pressing something very hard into your thigh, something very intimidating. 
   He watches your eyes go wide, a wicked grin spreading across his face when you gasp after he rolls his hips. His arms cage you, a strong hand placed on either side of your head, the position makes you feel so pathetic, so helpless, but it gives you an incredible rush. 
   “Don’t look so scared, it won’t hurt.” He dips down to press his hot, open mouth against your neck, tongue lapping at your pulse. A dark chuckle leaves his chest, “Not much, at least.” 
   Then he’s definitely less reverent, he’s no longer worshipful, he’s a wicked, unleashed best. His hands are selfish as they remove your clothes, his mouth is voracious against your skin. He has you panting and twitching in seconds, musing at you when your reactions are particularly strong. 
   It’s when he snakes down your body, wetting your skin with his tongue, settling between your breasts so he can suck harshly at the heated skin, that you finally feel something break within you. You arch into his touch, fisting your hands in his raven hair, whimpering so beautifully for him as he works you up. 
   He knows what he’s doing, he’s skilled, well equipped for pulling you apart. He’s already descended into some debauched state of being, and he’s pulling you down with him. 
   “Nobody’s ever tasted this sweet little cunt before, have they?” He asks against your skin, latching his mouth back to the spot he’s focused on marking, but looking up at you with inquiring eyes. 
   You try to swallow, shake your head, do something, but all you can do is lay there naked and gasping.
   He laughs again, a wicked thing that leaves his chest like a wisp of wind. He slides a hand up your body, he flicks over your nipple with his thumb on the way up, pulling another whimper out of you. 
   His hand latches onto your jaw, then he shakes your head for you, doing what he knows you can’t. 
   “Oh baby…” He sighs, “You saved it for me?” He teases, hips grinding against you, the cloth of his pants creates a strange kind of friction against your clit, not unpleasant, but not pleasurable. Where the hell did the sweet, stuttering hero go? If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he looks deviant… almost villainous.
   “Tama- please.” You shiver, not sure what you’re asking for, but certain that you need more. 
   “Good girl, talk to me.” His hand slinks down your throat before he rises to his knees. 
   Your eyes lock on the tightness of his pants, trying not to panic at the sheer size of the imprint he’s making on them. 
   His shirt is pulled over his head, messing his hair in the most handsome way, and the breath is ripped from your lungs. 
   He’s stunning, broad and strong looking. He’s all porcelain skin over well trained muscle. Built perfectly for the work he does. Built perfectly for ripping apart poor little girls like you. 
   “I liked the look you got when I had my tentacles on you.” He sighs, letting a hand fall to your bare stomach so he can trace lazy circles against you. 
   “Did you like that? Do you want me to use my tentacles to play with you?” He questions. 
   His voice is low, it’s rich and warm and dripping with seduction. Nothing like the tentative, wobbly tone he usually has. It rips the ground out from underneath you, leaves you panting and blinking like a brain dead fool as you gawk up at his prowling form. 
   “Just a yes or no, if you can manage it.” He smiles sweetly up at you, splaying his hand across your quaking abdomen. 
   You breathe deeply, trying to steady yourself, trying to catch up with what he’s said. 
   “Y-yes.” You whisper, barely audible, hardly heard over your labored breathing. 
   His other hand mirrors the one he has on you, sliding around to hold you by the waist, a gentle cage meant to establish dominance. 
   “Yes… what?” He prompts, pressing his thumbs down. 
   You falter then, your tongue feels heavy, your mind slows and you’re suddenly void of all vocabulary. Were you really really about to let one of the most well known pros wreck your body with his quirk? Were you actually laid out for him like this? You know so little of him, your only information gathered from small talk, but something about that had you buzzing. 
   You could be whoever you want to be, you don’t have to be the floundering virgin. You don’t have to be so damn shell shocked. 
   “Yes, D-daddy.” You test, hoping to God or whoever is listening that you got the right name. 
   By the way his eyes flutter closed, the way his grip tightens, the way his body tenses, you sure as hell did. 
   “That’s it.” He sighs, “-and what about you?” He wonders, his hold going gentle again. 
   You? What about you? 
   Tamaki watches you carefully, barely containing the raging storm inside him, barely holding back the carnal urge to turn every limb to a pretty purple tentacle and stuff you until you’re crying for mercy. 
   Not yet, don’t fuck this up. 
   “Princess? Darling?” He asks, lowering himself back down to kiss down your stomach, looking up at you through his thick lashes. 
   “Whatever you want.” You answer. Your sweet, sacred submission makes him close his eyes and breathe in. 
   Hold it. Not. Yet.
   “You’re like an angel.” He breathes, making you shiver under the weight of the high praise. 
   He notices your reaction immediately, smiling to himself. 
   “So that’s it.” He presses a long kiss just under your belly button, bringing attention to how naked you are, and how naked he is not. 
   Your thighs squeeze together and your arms come up to cover your chest, suddenly overwhelmed by the urge to keep it all out of view. 
   His hands are on your wrist and his body is crouched over yours again before you can blink. He pins your hands beside your head, looking down at you with some wild, unbridled kind of look in his eyes. 
   “You do not get to hide from me.” His shoulders flex as he pushes your wrists down into the mattress, earning a whine from you as the pressure starts to ache. 
   “You’re mine. That means I get all of you.” He bites the words off, but keeps his voice quiet. 
   You should be scared, crying even, but the only thing you feel is exhilaration, the ache between your legs and the fluttering of your heart as he overpowers you with just the look in his eyes and a few harsh words. 
   “Do you understand me?” He eases up on your wrists slightly, looking more stern, less unhinged. 
   “I-I do, I’m sorry.” You whimper out. 
   He considers you for a brief second, eyes growing softer as he watches the way your pretty lip trembles. 
   “It’s ok.” He releases your wrists and speaks gently, “You’re ok.” 
   The reassurances makes you dizzy, especially in contrast with how rough he just was. 
   "Hold still for me, angel." Then he’s back to mouthing at your skin.
   His teeth meet your collarbone and your hands reach for his messy hair. 
   “There?” He asks against you, a smile in his voice as he lets his teeth gather your skin again. The spot he finds makes you dizzy, you feel the heat spread across your cheeks and the tips of your ears. 
   Tamaki is still stuck in his own chains, fighting against them as he focuses on the way you twitch for him, the way your body rolls when he bites harder. 
   So she likes it.
   Your body heats up, it's all so overwhelming. It's so different from anything you've ever felt, and you can't believe it's with him. 
    Then his kisses get more sloppy, his teeth are sharper against you. He leaves you shining with his spit, painted in blooming purple and red bruises as he begins his journey down your body. 
   "Da-addy." You sniffle when he bites into the underside of your breast. 
   It doesn't feel loving, it doesn't feel passionate, it just feels rough. 
   "Hush." He mumbles against you, "If you can't take this I might as well stop now." He looks up at you, challenging you. 
   "I can t-take it, I can." You breathe, nodding, looking at him with begging eyes, "Please, don't stop." 
   He honest to god growls against you. You couldn't possibly know what you do to him, how sweet your willingness sounds, how beautiful you look laid out for him. He knows he should take his time, and he resents that fact. He almost resents you for being so sweet and needy. With all the things he wants to do to you, he almost, almost, wishes you had at least some experience. This makes you his completely, though, and he wouldn’t trade that for anything. 
   His hot mouth moves lower and lower until he's tonguing at your hip bone, pulling the skin into his mouth so he can work his teeth against it. He will mark you wherever he can, as long as you'll let him. 
   Your hips roll up against him, making him smirk at how needy you're acting. 
   "Ask for it." He whispers, hungry hands slide up the outsides of your thighs, "Ask for what you want." 
   His fingers dig into the meat of your thighs, sending the breath from your lungs as he glares up at you. He lets his wet tongue loll out to give a teasing flick against the crux of your thigh. 
   You take a deep breath in and cling to the sheets for dear life, "Please, use your mouth on me." 
   He smiles so sweetly then, looking mildly amused. 
   "Here?" He goes back to that same spot, sucking and teasing, looking all too pleased with himself. 
   "Be specific, angel, tell me where you need me." 
   Tamaki knows for a fact that he didn't have to spend his time making you ask for things, he knows what you want, he knows how to give them to you. He could take whatever he needs, probably without much a fight from you, but what fun would that be? He would miss the pretty blush creeping across your skin, and the sweet little tears in your big eyes. No, he wouldn't be missing this, not for the world. 
    "I wanna feel your tongue, please, use your mouth on m-my cunt." You shiver, timid and uncertain about your phrasing. 
   It seems to do the trick though, because Tamaki's eyes nearly roll to the back of his head. 
   He answers with a low moan before grabbing you by the insides of your thighs so he can spread you open. Once the air of the room hits you, you're made painfully aware of just how soaked you are. 
   It makes Tamaki look like a wild man, all blown out pupils blushing cheeks. 
   Almost in slow motion, he presses his tongue into the spot right above your clit, making you whine and buck against his mouth. 
   "Needy little thing." He says, giving your thighs a gentle squeeze, "But I suppose I have teased enough." 
   Then he's on you, and the second his tongue meets your weak spot you know you're ruined. You know that not one person will ever hold a candle to Tamaki Amajiki. 
   He pulls away for only a second, just to whisper praises up to you, "Your cunt tastes like everything I've ever needed." 
   You huff at him in disbelief, not knowing what to say or do, heart soaring because of his confession.
   Then he dives back in, and he gets sloppy with it, setting a pace that feels so good it aches. The heat spreads through every limb, and settles somewhere deep in your chest. Everything tingles and burns, and breathing seems nearly impossible. 
   Internally, Tamaki is raging. He’s so close to losing it, he feels himself slipping, your taste spreads across his tongue is the culmination of months of watching and waiting and wanting. He wants to drown in you, he wants to rip you to shreds. No more watching you through windows, no more fucking his fist while he wishes with everything he has that it was your precious little pussy. He has you now, spread open and vulnerable. He knows he could shove your face into the pillows and let loose on you, stuff every hole with an invasive tentacle, the thought makes him even more feral, it makes him work even harder as he eats you. 
   Every roll of his tongue against your clit makes you throb and buck, which makes him growl and push you down against the mattress. He's loud and messy, slurping and moaning, letting it drip down his chin and his throat, never once letting up. 
   Your head is thrown back against the pillows, eyes drilled shut. You know damn well if you saw him, you wouldn't last another second. He builds you up until your thighs are trembling and you're a whiny little mess. 
   Suddenly, the texture of his tongue changes drastically. It's much more slippery, and much thicker. Your head shoots up, and you nearly sob at what you see. Tamaki, with his eyes wild and his jaw dropped, is letting a wicked looking tentacle hang from his mouth. 
   His quirk. 
   He smirks up at you as the tip of it writhes against your clit, flicking and circling as he watches the tears start to fall from your face. You can't possibly keep up, you didn't know anything could ever feel this good. 
   You watch the suction cups ripple as he moves the muscle against you, then he does the unthinkable. He latches one of them onto your clit. Your eyes cross and you bring a fist to your mouth so you can bite on it and muffle your screams. 
   He hates that. 
   With another rumbling growl, he lets his hands turn to tentacles as well. You watch helplessly as he snakes them up your arms, ripping your hand away from your mouth so he can pin both limbs to the bed. The tentacles are strong, surprisingly warm, and so damn slippery. 
   It's hard to tell if you're close to the edge, it's felt that way the whole time, everything feels so hot and tight and good. 
   He smiles as you cry out and thrash against the bed, full of admiration for the usefulness of his own quirk.
   “Too much! D-daddy, it’s too much.” You sniffle out as you feel a stinging feeling in your cunt, it’s not necessarily an unpleasant sting, but it’s too much.
   He ignores your objection, choosing to simply suck harder at your overstimulated sweet spot. He revels in your pitifully low threshold, planning to do so much worse to your poor, inexperienced body. 
   The ache in your cunt continues to push the tears from your eyes, and eventually, drool from your mouth. The suction cup works dutifully against your clit, making you feel so overwhelmed you don't know if you can cum. 
   Then you feel the prodding at your entrance. 
   Then you really scream. 
   Holding that one little suction cup to your clit, he snakes the tip of his tentacle into your dribbling hole. He furrows his dark brows and moans against you when he feels how tight you are, desperate to feel the velvety walls around his cock.
   "Holy fucking shit." You gasp. 
   He watches the dramatic rise and fall of your quaking chest, your baffled eyes trying to keep track of everything happening to your body, and he swears he falls even more in love. 
   You're so willing, so compliant, so at his mercy. 
   He crooks the tip of the tentacle towards himself just a bit, and it's like you've been struck by lightning. You cum hard, harder than you ever have. You're a mess of twitching limbs, shivering as your cunt clenches so hard your feel it in your fucking chest. You sob into the air, broken and tearful as he works you through it. 
   You feel the hold on your arms tighten as your body arches away from the mattress. As you feel every inch of you ignite, you know that you're ruined for everyone else. 
   As soon as you lower yourself so you're flat to the mattress, the tentacles around your arms slip away and turn back into his hands. 
   The one between your legs still plays with you a little bit, prodding at your clit, lapping up your mess. Tamaki laughs as you jump and twitch, whimpering and gasping as he milks your body for every after shock you can give him. 
   You watch him pull the tentacle back into his mouth, flicking it over his lips to gather your release before disappearing into his mouth. You watch his eyes flutter shut, you watch him shiver and you hear the sweetest little moan in the back of his throat. 
   “You’re pretty when you cry.” He mumbles, looking up at you with the most tender look in his eyes. It’s a harsh contrast with all the cum dripping down his chin. 
   “You move a lot, too. It’s fun.” He states, almost like some kind of twisted review, “I don’t mind holding you down like that.” 
   The drop in the tone of his voice makes a chill creep up your spine. 
   “In fact…” He lifts himself up so he can start to crawl up your body, “I really, really enjoyed it.”
   You gasp for words, wind stolen from your lungs as he presses his messy mouth against your sternum. 
   “Something tells me you did too.” He whispers. 
   Your voice is finally found, somewhere deep in your chest, hidden and nearly forgotten, “What makes you say that?” You ask timidly. 
   He pulls his head up to look down at you with a confident smirk, “The mess you made.” 
   To prove his point, he swipes two fingers through your folds, gathering your creamy release before holding it up to the light. He looks so damn proud, like he’s showing off. 
   “Messy girl.” He smiles, as you watch him bring his coated fingers to his lips, sucking the sin off with a greedy pop from his lips. 
   “Oh, how selfish of me.” He sighs before grabbing you by the chin, “I should share.” 
   He pulls your mouth open then slowly leans over you so he can push the mess back through his lips. You oblige like a robot, stunned by the debauchery, letting him guide you through this act. He lets it fall from his lips slowly, creating a long string from his mouth to yours. The second it hits your tongue, something clicks for you. Something dark and smokey settles in your gut, something all consuming and blinding. It rids you of boundaries and reservations, it fills you with nothing but the man in front of you. 
   He watches you with a pointed gaze, shutting your jaw for you so you can swallow what he gave you. 
   “What do you say?” He asks. 
   You feel the burn in your chest, the embers in your skin, “More, please.” 
   “Fucking hell," The words tumble out as a breath mostly, "You want more?" He questions, grabbing you by the wrist so he can place your palm just above the waist of his pants. 
   You nod up at him, vision blurred by the heat of his skin against your palm. 
   "Then take it." He leans down to say it, biting off the words. 
   A challenge. 
   You can't possibly disappoint him, you can't possibly leave him wanting. Take it? How are you supposed to take it? 
   In a wild moment of confidence, mostly your body moving without the permission of your mind, you wrap your legs around his lean hips so you can flip him onto his back. 
   Your eyes lock the second you feel him pressing against you, hard and thick, and terribly intimidating in length. 
   He watches you for a moment, then hastily grabs you by the back of the neck so he can pull you down for another kiss. It's hot and needy, full of wicked want and unabashed selfishness. It tickles your ribs, creeps up your neck, and secures itself greedily around all of your common sense. 
   Tamaki had no intentions of letting you take anything, it's a game to him. He'll let you have your moment, let you feel like you have the reigns, but he'll take it right back. His has you under control, he vows that he always will.
   Your chest flutters with a clawing, aching feeling. 
   More more more. 
   "Fuck me." It's a prayer, whimpered against his delicate lips, "Please, fuck me." You dig your hands into his hair, cherishing the sweet noises they leave him as you beg. 
   Under control.
   "Tell me you need it." He sighs, answering your prayer by sending his hands down to work urgently at his belt. 
   "Tell me you need me." 
   You bring your face back from his just enough to look into his dark eyes, and you see tears welling in them. 
   He needs to feel needed.
   "Please, I need it, I need you, Suneater." 
   Everything freezes for a brief second, the air thickens and his eyes darken as you wait with a held breath for his next move. 
   Then, everything is flying around you. You feel the bite of fingertips against your waist, your stomach hits the mattress, possibly the sound of his pants being taken off. Your senses are dulled by the raging swirl of emotions beating inside you as your hips are lifted up, and a hand shoves your face into the pillow. 
   "Who's your hero?" His voice is rough, his hand gathers your hair and cranks your head to the side, "Who is your fucking hero?" He's barking the words out now, harsh and demanding. 
   And holy hell does it get you going. 
   "You are! You're my hero, Suneater." You cry out, craning your neck to look at him. 
   You expected furrowed brows, a straight mouth and furious eyes. What you're met with is nothing of the sort. A soft pink blush across his cheeks and the tips of his pointed ears, tears wetting his cheek, and a quivering lip. 
   With your eyes on him, he makes a show of sliding his hand down his front so he can grab at his length. He lets it fall against your ass, heavy and painfully hard. 
   "Don't forget that." He says simply, sliding his thick head down through your slicked lips. 
   The contact makes you both shudder deep in your souls. 
   "Daddy, please." Your voice is pitiful as you fist the sheets and press back against him. 
   "So slutty." He muses, releasing your hair so he can run his nails down your back, "Poor thing, never been fucked, needs it so bad, doesn't she?" 
   You nod fervently and fuss as he presses his head against your tight hole. You tense and shiver, not at all prepared for what's to come. 
   "I need it, I need you, please please please." You have one thought now, no reservations, you need him. 
   "I'm gonna ruin this little cunt." He says, a warning tone in his voice. 
   The hand that was tracing your spine suddenly feels very cold and wet. 
   His damn quirk. 
   He takes his time, letting the thick tentacle slither around your waist. It wraps around you twice, teasing you with the pops of the suction cups, leaving pretty purple circles all over your abdomen. 
   He lifts you easily, pulling you up so your back is pressed against his chest. 
   "Ruin it, please, it's yours, I'm yours." You sniffle, looking down at your trapped position. 
   With a low, menacing growl, he sinks his teeth into your neck, and his cock into your heat. 
   Tamaki holds his breath, willing himself not to fill you up right this second. You're too damn tight, so warm and velvety. You're so perfect, and so completely his. 
   You sob into the air, hands reaching out to hold the headboard as you feel like you're being ripped apart. 
   "Oh don't scream, Angel, people might think something's wrong." His voice is shaking now, and the hold on your waist tightens. 
   You focus on relaxing, letting your walls lose their tension, but it's all fruitless. He's too big, he fills you too well, and all you can do is take it. 
   "Here, let me give that mouth something to do." 
   His other hand comes around to hold your throat, turning each finger into a tentacle again. It leaves you reeling and gasping as he presses further into you, wrapping what would be his middle finger around your throat. He wraps it around twice, like he did with your waist. The appendage comes up to rest its tip on your bottom lip. 
   The sensation makes you dizzy, especially when it finally snakes into your panting mouth. It doesn't really taste like anything, it just feels wet and slick, the texture of the suction cups is the strangest thing about it. He rocks his hips so gently, squeezing you tighter everywhere he's holding you. 
   You don't feel like a moth drawn to a flame, you feel like a moth caught in a spider's web. All tangled up, not willing to fight to escape, not even wanting to. 
   "You're so damn tight." He stutters out, pressing his hips flush against your own. 
   You cry out and gag against the tentacle stuffing your mouth, digging your nails into the headboard as he chuckles behind you. 
   "You're such a pretty little mess for me. Your cunt's already dripping." 
   You don't doubt it, it has to be with how badly your core aches around him as he stretches you. 
   Your thighs start to tremble as you wait for him to move, sniffling as the tears fall from your eyes and the drool spills from your lips. 
   A pretty little mess indeed. 
   Slowly, he drags his hips back with a hiss before pushing back in. He takes his time with it, building an agonizing pace that offers you no release. There's only the pressure, only your clit screaming for attention, only the maddening tease of his head against your sweet spot with every torturous push in. 
   "Fuck angel, I gotta break this pussy in, don't I?" His words pull another pitiful moan from you, nodding and whining is all you're capable of. 
   His picks up speed just enough to make you tense even more, still painful, still mind numbing. 
   "You look so fucking pretty on the end of my cock." 
   His words pour over you like hot wax, heating you up, making you drip. The heat seeps deep into your skin, making you squirm and clench. 
   He speeds his thrusting up slightly, then more, and more, and more, until you’re shrieking and choking against the tentacle stuffing your mouth. Your hands fly up to claw at it, wanting to tell him how it feels, wanting to thank him for the way he’s fucking you. 
   It’s still painful, each thrust splits you open with a sting, but it’s so damn good. The sharp stretching is absolutely spectacular, and it sends your brain into somewhere dark and smokey, it leaves you with a wide open feeling in your chest. It leaves you wanting more. 
   “What’s the matter, sweet thing?” He taunts, “Tell me about it, then, how’s Daddy make you feel?” He turns each tentacle back into a finger slowly, pulling out of your mouth, leaving you a gasping mess. 
   Through spit and tears, you praise him, words spewing out between moans as your body jolts from each punishing snap of his hips. 
   “So fucking good! You make me feel so good!” You cry, clinging to his forearm as he brings you closer to his chest. 
   The tentacle around your waist starts to slither down your stomach, “This isn’t even half of what I’m capable of doing to you,” The tip of it gives the hood of your clit a teasing flick, “-and you’re already such a slut for me.” His chuckle is dark and full as the tip of his skilled tentacle zeros in on your sweet spot, rubbing and wriggling against it until you’re screaming. 
   “Say it. Say you’re my little slut.” His words are a harsh demand against your ear, leaving no room for disobedience. 
   “I- f-fuck- I can’t! I ca-an’t!” You sob, not able to catch your breath between thrusts. 
   Tamaki eats that right up, swelling with pride as he fucks you speechless, delirious with the fact that he finally has your cunt gripping his cock. 
   Before he can bark another order at you, you finally pull the words out of your closing throat, "I'm your slut," You gasp as drool rolls down your chin, "I'm your little slut." 
   He throws his head back and throws everything he has into every thrust, his moans are obscene, high pitched and broken as he feels how hard you squeeze him when he speeds up the tip of his tentacle against your clit. 
   "Give it to me, I feel that greedy cunt tryin' to milk me, give me that fuckin cum." He huffs against your ear. Your entire body seizes up, shaking violently as ribbons of pleasure shoot through you. You pulse around Tamaki almost violently, earning some very rough sounding moans from him as he works you through it. 
   Your orgasm lasts for what feels like an eternity, you shiver with every throb of your walls. It possesses that same almost painful pleasure, and it's everything you've ever wanted. At some point, the tentacle around your waist turns to a hand, still absentmindedly rubbing you as you come down. 
   He lets your torso fall forward, leaving you bent over and exposed for him. His hands smooth over your ass, and you realize he's still so fucking hard. 
   "Can you take more, angel?"
   You nod against the tear soaked pillow you've pressed your face into, not sure that you even can, but willing to try. 
   "Good," He bends down to press kisses into your spine as he pulls out, "'Cause you're going to." 
   He pulls out, almost full of regret, wanting to live the rest of his life buried inside you.
   Now he can have some fun, mind cleared slightly by finally feeling you come undone around him. He's still hazy, still slightly frenzied, but less ravenous, less of a starved man waiting for his meal, more of a well fed man waiting for desert. 
   His hands hold your waist gently so he can guide you onto your back. You oblige, more than willing to let him have his way. 
   You finally get a good look at him, and you're astounded by just how pretty his dick looks. All pale and pink, swollen and shiny, it makes you dizzy with admiration. 
   "You're terribly beautiful." He whispers, cradling your waist so he can worship your stomach with soft kisses, "I don't believe you're even real." 
   Sweetness oozes through your tingling limbs, pouring over you like warm honey. His tender mouth brings you back down, soothes you into a state of catharsis. Your body settles, but your heart picks back up when his lips are on your hips. 
   Your eyes meet his, and you share the sentiment that he just might not be real. He pears up at you through a mess of indigo hair, eyes full of what you can only describe as devotion. 
   He explores your body with his hands, dipping his thumbs into every crook he can, palming handfuls of your plush thighs. He seems to have a soft spot for your hips though, pulling at your love handles, letting his breath speed up each time until he's panting against you. 
   With every pull of his hands, you bend for him, push into him, work with him. You both find a rhythm, falling into an easy dance of grabbing and needing. 
   "I want to keep you." He breathes, placing a hand on either side of your waist so he can lift himself over you, "I want to have you." 
   He gathers your legs while he speaks, hooking his hands under your knees so he can fold you up. 
   "You have me." You whisper, reaching out to lay your fingers on the sides of his ribs. 
   You watch his skin twitch under your touch, you watch his eyebrows sag into an almost heartbroken look. 
   He looks down between your bodies, quivering when he sees his heavy cock resting against your stomach. He feels so incredibly proud of you in that moment, for taking him so well, and asking for more. 
   She's mine. She said I have her. 
   The concept brings another wave of primal desire crashing down on his self control. 
   His fingers dig into your skin, biting at the flesh, spreading you open for him as he puts his weight on your legs. 
   You clench in anticipation, teased by the pressure of his hot length resting against you. 
   "I can take it." You say quietly, sliding your hands up his lean body so you can lace them into his inky hair. 
   He melts into your touch, stunned by your gorgeous submission. 
   "Fuck, angel." His words are shattered as they fall from his lips. 
   You reach down between your bodies and wrap your hand around his weeping tip. He trembles and hiccups as you push him down so he's lined up with where you need him. 
   "Please, I want all of it." m. 
   “Careful.” He pants, looking down at you with a warning in his eyes. 
   It doesn’t create hesitation in you though, only curiosity. 
   “We’re being careful now?” You tease, sliding him up and down your slit. 
   “You little devil.” He hisses, grabbing your wrist harshly, “You think you’re cute, don’t you?” 
   You freeze and blink up at him, once again shocked by his quick change in temperament. 
   “You wanna act like a tease now?” He questions, bringing your hand up so he can press it into the mattress with his. 
   “Did you find yourself a cute little attitude?” His voice drips with venom, it bites at your insides and melts your skin. 
   “That’s ok, angel.” He lets your hand go so he can press on the backs of your thighs again, successfully folding you completely in half, “I’ll fuck it out of you.” 
   Before you can breathe, blink, or respond, he’s splitting you open with a brutal pace. He laughs deep in his chest when you cry out, he mocks you when your hands fly to his abs in an attempt to slow his assault. A wicked smile spreads across his pretty face when tears stain your flushed cheeks once again. 
   “Cryin’ again so soon? Is it too much, baby? You need Daddy to slow down?” He’s testing you, only thrusting harder as he taunts you for your sobbing and moaning. 
   “No!” You gasp between tears, “Don’t stop, please, fuck me like that.” 
   “That’s my girl.” 
   His thrusts are ruthless, sharp, unforgiving. He rocks your body and the bed with each plunge in, headboard crashing against the wall. Each drive into you is enchanting, it teaches you something new, opens new doors, shows you a new, brilliant world of depravity. The way the pleasure shoots all the way up your spine with every drag of his cock, it’s something you want to feel until you die, you’d even be happy if this is the way you die. 
   You watch him disappear inside of you over and over, pulling out just as quick, covered in slick and sin. Tamaki is in his own feral world, watching your lovely face crumble and pout as he fills you. His hands are angry against the back of your thighs, nails digging in hard enough to bring little pearls of scarlet to the surface. 
   When you start to whine from the sting, he flashes you a lazy smile before stuffing his fingers into your mouth. He presses the blood covered fingertips into your tongue just enough to make drool spill from the sides of your mouth. 
   “Hush, you’ll learn to love it.”
   His smile turns wolfish when he watches your eyes roll back. It’s all so black-hearted, it’s everything you’ve kept yourself from, it’s everything you’ve ever wanted. 
   You both throb and cry then, your bodies smack as they meet, obscene and wet as you chase your undoing. Tamaki knows he’s not going to last much longer, and he curses himself for it. He doesn’t want to stop, especially when you wince so sweetly when his thrusts are a little too deep. He wants to watch you suck his fingers forever, crying against his palm as he turns you into his perfect little slut. 
   “You’re gonna give me one more, aren’t you, angel? You owe me that, I saved your life after all.” He slides his fingers from your mouth, dragging your spit down your chin before grabbing you by the throat, “Answer if you can, I know it must be hard to speak when you’re getting fucked this good.” 
   His words drown you in lust, your hands claw at his back, painting angry red lines down the pretty porcelain canvas, “Take it! Fuck- Take it, Suneater, take it all.” 
   It’s not a demand, it’s a plea, it’s a craving formed deep within your freshly corrupted heart. 
   Your begging pulls desperate, whiny sounds from him. With his eyes screwed shut he lets the hand on your thigh manifest the tentacles in place of his fingers. He throws all of his energy into that, trying to stall the twitching of his dick as your hot insides massage him with their relentless pulsing.   
   “Are you sure about that?” He tests, letting the tentacles snake around your thigh before slithering down to where your bodies meet. 
   Immediately, one starts flicking at your clit, making your back go rigid as he grins down at his good work. 
   You wail his name, nails biting at his skin even more but he pays no mind. He has a mission, he’s going to take all of it. 
   He focuses on making his tentacles grow, two long enough to reach up your body and tug at your nipples, and one other snaking down through the mess you’re making to prod at your asshole. Your eyes widen with shock as your body ignites, it’s too much, it’s all too much. Every sensation is heightened, every poke and flick and thrust sends shards of pleasure flying through you, piercing you from every direction. 
   You let yourself cry completely then, throwing your head against Tamaki’s collar bone before sobbing into his chest. You know you’re cumming, you can feel it somewhere amongst all the other stimulation, but it’s nearly drowned out, and Tamaki is still fucking you just as hard as he was when this all started. 
   “More, you have more for me, I fucking know it.” He huffs as he finally pushes into your ass with the tentacle. 
   The ones on your nipples latch on with their suction cups as he fills you more and more. 
   “Give it to me, angel, give it all to your hero.” 
   That’s the final push, the last thing you need to send you into the most frenzied orgasm you’ve ever experienced. Your vision goes white as your body convulses, ripped apart by the flames of euphoria that turn everything you’ve ever known to ash. Somewhere in the distance you hear Tamaki praising you, telling you how tight you feel, how beautiful you look, how good you are for him. 
   It’s lost in the fray, though, all blurring together as you shake violently around him. The only thing that brings you back slightly, is the break in his voice when he sobs, “I’m gonna stuff that little cunt with my cum, I’m gonna make you mine.”
   Your hand is at the back of his neck instantly, pulling him down for a messy, aimless kiss. His moans spill into your mouth as his hips falter, turning to slow, stuttering thrusts as he starts to pump his release deep into you. 
   “I’m yours - I’m yours I’m yours I’m yours.” You chant it against his lips as his tears fall to your cheeks, mixing with your own as you both shatter for each other.
   Coming back down isn't easy at all. It's slow and needy, your hands still pulling at whatever skin they can grab, hips rolling against each other, trying with everything you both have to prolong that rapturous feeling. 
   Frantically, painfully, he pulls himself out of you. He slides his hot mouth down your body, nipping and sucking as he descends to your messy cunt. He spreads your legs wide so he can bury his face between them. He teases your clit briefly, but moves quickly to press his open mouth against your hole.
   Your skin boils as you watch the nasty show. His eyes cross sinfully and flutter shut as he tongue at your well used pussy. When he pulls back, his chin is covered in some wretched mixture of your combined releases. He moves back up your body like an animal stalking its prey.
   He grabs your jaw and you open so willingly. His mouth is on yours instantly, pushing the warm liquid onto your tongue with his own. It’s a spunky, intense flavor, almost overwhelming as he spreads it around your mouth. It creates a dark, blurry feeling in your chest, though. It makes you feel alive, it makes you want more.
   He pulls back slowly, a thick string of saliva and sin connecting your lips as he pants down at you. 
   “You’re such a good little girl.” 
   His lips are everywhere, pressing against your cheekbones, your nose, your forehead. His hands return to normal so he can cradle your face. You both lay there, still joined, catching your breath. 
   The tenderness in his voice pulls you back down to earth, and when you open your eyes, you find yourself lost in his. It’s a harsh but marvelous contrast with the sharp edges of his previous behavior.
   "Does anything h-hurt?" He asks timidly. 
   The stutter is back, the anxious look in his eyes, the restlessness in his hands. 
   You reach out to hold his face like he's holding yours, "Tamaki, no, nothing hurts. You made me feel so good." 
   You don't ever want to be a source of hesitation for him again. You want to make it better. He's brilliant, he's brave, he saved your damn life. He doesn't need to be so scared around you. 
   "You're my hero, Suneater." You pull him down for a soft, intimate kiss. 
   He breathes out against you, more of his tears wet your cheeks but you don't mind. 
   He's allowed to feel this, he earned this. 
   When the kiss breaks he searches your face, waiting for you to laugh at him, to push him off, to change your mind. 
   You don't, though. 
   You stay there with him, loving him and full of him. 
   "And you're mine." 
   You both settle there, kissing skin that hasn't been kissed before, finding ways to make each other fall even more. 
   Tamaki tells himself he did the right thing. You don't ever have to know why Dabi chose your house to break into. You don't ever need to be told that he spent endless nights watching you from the window, because he has you know. 
   It would be wrong of him to tell you, you wouldn't understand it. It would break your heart and ruin everything. Then, it would get messy. You might try to run away, and that would mean he'd have to keep you in different ways. 
   He shakes the thoughts from his head. He can keep you like this, laid out and blushing for him, so soft and beautiful. 
   You belong to him now, and that's all that there is. 
   "Can I take care of you?” He asks softly, playing with the necklace he gave you as he gives you a shy glance. 
   “You just did.” You let yourself laugh a little as you play with the hair at the nape of his neck. 
   “No, not like that.” He smiles softly, dipping down to kiss your neck so softly you almost can’t feel it, “Like this.” 
   He presses his lips against a mark you didn’t know he made, lingering for a moment as his eyes flutter shut. 
   “These say that you’re mine.” His thumb traces over one of the circular bruises on your ribs, “They say you have someone protecting you.”
   The prospect makes your heart soar. He’s right, belonging to him means you’ll always be safe, you’ll always have somebody willing to fight for you, maybe even somebody willing to stay with you. 
   “This says that you belong to me.” He loops a finger around the delicate pearl on your necklace, pulling gently, not enough to make you go anywhere, but enough to make you feel the metal tug against the back of your neck. 
   ‘You do belong to me, don’t you.” He asks, a wild, fearful look in his eyes. 
   You do, you just told him so, you just cried to him and vowed that you were his just moments ago. 
   “I do, I belong to you, I swear.” You reassure him, pulling a deep sigh from his chest. 
   You don’t understand the way he aches for you, the way he’s addicted to you. He was already hooked, from just glances and flighty touches. Now, having felt your soft skin, the tuck of your waist, having seen you cry and heard you call his name, he’s willing to admit his obsession. 
   He does take care of you, he does it beautifully. He carries you to the bathroom where he sets you on the edge of the tub. He fills it with warm, soapy water before picking you up bridal style so he can settle into the water with you in his lap. 
   Neither of you bother to turn a light on, content with the glow of the moon shining through the skylight. Tamaki paints your shoulders with soft kisses as he rubs soothing circles into your back. He takes his sweet time, wiping away the sweat and the tears, mindful of the tender spots on the back of your thighs. 
   “Beautiful, you’re so beautiful.” He sighs, “An angel, nothing less.” 
   You melt into him, lost in his praise, blinded by his devotion as well as your own. 
   Tamaki is just as lost, if not more, only becoming more possessive with every gentle touch, with every whispered adoration. 
   This is how it’s meant to be, and you don’t ever need to know how it all fell into place. He did the right thing, after all. This isn’t a problem, he’s in love. He’s in love and now he has you. 
   He intends on keeping it that way.
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
The Language of Flowers - Toji Fushiguro
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Who is ready for Toji Fushiguro fluff? This is a flower shop au + a kinda mafia au, so let’s see how it turned out, shall we? Gender neutral reader and no warnings :)
“Welcome in!” Fifteen minutes after opening your shop for the day, you got your first customer. It wasn’t uncommon for someone to come in so early, usually a senior citizen or a shop owner looking to spruce up their place with a fresh bouquet. But the person walking in as you rounded the corner didn’t look like the typical type of early morning client.
Smartly dressed in a suit with a large double breasted overcoat hanging off broad shoulders, the man that walked in had a much more serious demeanor than you were used to. Inky black hair with strands hanging in his face, a prominent scar on the edge of one lip and half-lidded eyes that seemed to stare right through you as they landed on you.
“Hello.” Even the smooth, deep timbre of his voice was out of place as he walked past tables full of bright orchids and petunias. He moved slowly, all the time in the world at his fingertips as he approached the counter.
“How can I help you today?” There was something unnerving about him but you pushed it away, gripping the edges of your apron so he wouldn’t see your hands slightly tremble.
“You make bouquets, right?” Looking over his shoulders a few times, his eyes settled on a few pictures on the wall of past arrangements. “I need one for a funeral.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Don’t be, he had it coming.” Chuckling to himself, the man tapped his chest a few times.
“O-oh.” Blinking away your shock, you gestured to the flowers on display. “Any particular flowers you’d like?”
“Lilies are funeral flowers, right? A handful of those and some glitter should be fine.” Digging in his pocket, the man pulled out a wad of cash and placed a few bills on the counter that separated you. “This should be enough.”
“This is more than enough, I can’t-” He’d put a few hundreds on the counter, all crisp and clean like they were freshly printed.
“Don’t worry about it.” Waving off your apprehension, he pushed the money closer. “Think of it as me repenting.”
“What do you need to repent for?” Slowly taking the money, you regretted asking as the man chuckled again.
“I’m the reason this funeral’s happening.”
Ten minutes later, the man - who’s name you’d learned was Toji - was walking out of the door with a fresh bouquet of white lilies. He didn’t say anything further while he was there, mainly because you hid in the back room as you worked. You could hear his dress shoes clicking against the worn hardwood as he perused the shop and every once in a while he stopped to sniff a flower.
The rest of the day went by without incident, your regular customers came in and you were able to forget about the man that had occupied the space in the early morning. Only when you emptied out the register and saw the money sitting at the bottom did you think about him, which brought a light flush to your cheeks. As intimidating as he was, you couldn’t help but find him a bit attractive.
A week and a half went by until you saw him again. It was a surprise to hear him come into the shop at the same time as last, wearing another suit with the heavy coat on his shoulders.
“Another funeral?” You asked when you saw him and your question made his lips stretch into an unexpected laugh.
“Not this time! I’m going to a wedding later.” Toji’s laugh warmed your cheeks, it was a rich sound that came straight from the barrel of his chest.
“Are you getting married?” Your eyes darted down to his ringless fingers.
“Nope, the boss’ youngest daughter found love.” Fishing a phone out of his pocket, Toji showed you a picture of a girl clearly ecstatic with her lover and a very large ring on her finger, a few men that looked like bodyguards lingering in the background.
“How precious! What’re the colors for the wedding?”
“Beats me, I’m not in it.” Shrugging his shoulders, Toji gestured to a few pink roses. “I think she likes pink, so maybe a bit of those.”
“You think or you know?” You snorted, rounding the counter and going over to the flowers. “Weddings are a really big deal, she might not like it if you clash.” Toji opened and closed his mouth like he was going to say a witty retort, but instead he bit back a sigh and nodded curtly.
“Pick whatever you like then, I just need a bouquet that goes well with a stack of cash.” Holding his coat away from him, Toji flashed a white envelope tucked inside his inner pocket, along with the tell tale handle of a gun resting in a holster to his side.
“I’ll see what I can do.” Licking your lips nervously, you fought to keep your eyes steady and not look at the gun. Turning back to the flowers, you mulled over them longer than necessary to avoid facing him. “You said she likes pink?”
Thanking you once again for your service, Toji left with a large bouquet in his hands and a congratulations card he had you write. He even promised to come back and show you pictures of the wedding and while you appreciated the returning patronage, the man before you was starting to make you quite uneasy.
“You still open?” It was five minutes to closing time and the bell above the door alerted you to another customer, the sound of the voice telling you exactly who it was.
“Toji, you really came back.” It was a bit of a shock to see him twice in one day. He was a little more disheveled, the coat on his shoulders was gone and he didn’t have a suit jacket on, with the black button up he had underneath clearly wrinkled and coming untucked at one side.
“Yeah, the wedding was in the afternoon, and I only had to stay until the newlyweds left.” Running a hand through his hair, Toji checked the watch on his wrist as he grabbed his phone. It was nearing eight and the sign on the door clearly stated you were going to close soon, so he had to make this quick.
Sliding his phone wordlessly onto the counter, he gestured toward the pictures on the screen. The wedding was massive, a lot of money had clearly been spent to give the smiling bride everything she wanted.
“Toji, she’s holding my bouquet!” Walking down the aisle, arm in arm with who you assumed was her father, the bride was carrying the bouquet that you’d made.
“Hm? Yeah, guess she is.”
“She didn’t have her own?” If you had known she would be carrying it down the aisle you would have made it more extravagant and lush.
“She did, but she liked yours so much she took it.” The statement brought a silly smile to your lips and Toji laughed to himself, swiping through more photos. Every single one had jovial people but you couldn’t ignore the men in dark suits with stern looks on their faces in the background and flanking the bride's father in a few pictures.
“Do you really need that many bodyguards at a wedding?” Looking at the bride more closely, she wasn’t recognizable to you as any celebrity or daughter of a politician.
“When you do the business we do, yeah.” Coming to the end of the pictures, Toji tucked his phone away. Giving him a curious look, you began to untie the apron around your waist. The clock hung on the wall rang eight and it was time to close up shop.
“What kind of business?” You pressed, slowly starting to turn off the lights to the shop and ushering Toji out as you walked to the front.
“Honey, I don’t think you want to know.” Standing on the sidewalk as you locked up the shop, Toji grinned as he looked over the street and saw the other small businesses closing up for the night as well.
Narrowing your eyes briefly at him, you did a once over of Toji. He was quite broad, with clearly defined muscles on every slope and curve of his body. There were a couple scars on his hands to match the one on his lip and you could see the outline of a gun tucked into his hip clear as day. It wouldn’t be that hard to guess, but did you want to take that leap?
“Well whatever it is, it’s certainly keeping me afloat.” Shrugging your shoulders, you gave the doors one last tug before putting the keys away and beginning to walk away. “It was nice seeing you, Toji.” It was nice seeing more of his body and talking to him, having his attention solely on you.
“Take care getting home, (Y/N).” Giving you a quick wave, Toji fished a cigarette out of his pocket. “I’ll see you around.” Waving back at him, the two of you went your separate ways with the heat of the day dissipating in the air and masking the light flush on both of your cheeks.
Coming to work the next day, the scent of Toji’s cologne still lingered in the air as you walked in. Putting your apron on and starting to prep for the coming day, you found yourself waiting at the fifteen minute mark to see if he would come in with another request. But the only one that came was a delivery man holding a bouquet of sunflowers.
Thanking him, you quickly snatched the card that was attached and read it.
How often does a florist get flowers? Can’t imagine it’s a lot. These are a thank you from me and the boss for that bouquet the other day, it was a big hit.
- Toji
P.S. These aren’t nearly as bright as your smile but they come close, don’t they?
A warm blush invaded your whole body as you read the last line, giggling to yourself as you reread it a few times and looked at the sunflowers. They were indeed a bright and vibrant yellow and as you transferred them to a vase, your mouth refused to let go of the large smile stretching your cheeks wide and it stayed for the whole day.
The next few days were slow, the weather had taken a drastic turn and rain pelted the streets and drowned out any potential customers. There was even the low, distant rumble of thunder rolling in as you began to close up shop one day.
“Shit, it’s really coming down.” Standing at the front door, you watched small rivers of water flow down the street. The street was empty save for the few people running past to get out of the rain. Worrying your lip, you were at a standstill. Your bus stop was only a five minute walk away, but the reality of having to wait in the rain and get your shoes utterly soaked was keeping you rooted in place.
“Maybe I can wait it out.” Mumbling to yourself, you closed the door and flicked off the open sign. There was probably some prep you could do for the following morning while you waited for the weather to hopefully ease up a little, a bouquet you could get started on a little early or plants that might need a little sprucing up.
Sweeping aimlessly, touching up a few displays, double and triple checking the incoming flower deliveries - all of it took less than thirty minutes to complete and the rain seemed to be coming down even harder now. Wandering to the backroom, you were just about to rearrange another drawer when the wind whooshed by and shook the front door in its frame.
“(Y/N)? You in there?” Except it wasn’t the wind and that was certainly Toji’s voice. He was standing at the door, cupping his face against the glass and peeking into the shop. Rushing to open it for him, he was dripping big puddles onto the floor as he came in.
“What’re you doing here?” For once he had his large overcoat on and properly buttoned up and his hair was clinging to his face with fat water droplets streaking down his skin.
“I was in the neighborhood.”
“Why?” Grabbing a few paper towels, you cast him a curious look.
“Well…” Dabbing off his face, Toji took a glance at you before closing his eyes and wiping off his hair. “Just wanted to check on the shop, ya know, make sure it was holding up in this weather.” Toji’s cheeks turned a bit rosy and he wiped at his face a little more.
“I would say it’s holding up pretty fine.” Shrugging your shoulders, there wasn’t much you could do against the weather outside.
“Great, that’s...that’s great.” Toji trailed off, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as he looked around the shop. A loud crack of thunder broke the steadily growing tension, making you jump and shuffle a bit closer to him.
“This weather is awful.” You mumbled. Your fingers just brushed against the material of his coat and you wanted to cling onto it, have Toji open it so you could snuggle close to him and drown out the sounds of outside.
“Do you have a ride home? I notice it’s a bit past closing time.” Taking a glance at his watch, Toji looks at you with a raised brow.
“No, I ride the bus. I was hoping the rain would ease up so I could leave soon.”
“The bus? You can’t take that in this weather.” Shaking his head, Toji dug around in his pockets. “Wait here, I’ll give you a ride.”
“But you-” There was no car parked outside the shop and as you followed Toji to the door you didn’t see any waiting either.
“I parked around the corner. Lock up the shop and wait for me.” Patting the door frame a few times, Toji ducked his head and ran down the street. Watching him for as long as you could, you hurriedly turned the lights off and closed the door right as a shiny silver sports car pulled up.
Running out, you practically dove into the passenger's seat as soon as the door was opened. Toji had the heat cranked up, chasing away the nipping cold air that had followed you in. It smelled even more of Toji’s cologne in here, a scent you hoped would linger far after you left the car.
“Which way home?” He asked, pulling out into the street.
“Take a right up here and then go straight.” Doing as you said, Toji fiddled with the radio and let the low sound of music fill the air along with the rain. Driving down the slick roads, Toji came to a slow stop at a red light.
“Would you have seriously taken the bus if I hadn’t shown up?” Making a face at the weather, Toji clicked his tongue when he watched you nod.
“Or I would have just slept in the backroom.” Your comment made him laugh, an abrupt bark that came from his stomach and had him leaning forward a little.
“Really? Made a pillow among those pretty flowers?”
“I’m sure they’d be quite comfortable.” Laughing as well, you looked out the window as he began to drive again. As the laughter turned to soft chuckles, you felt the urge to speak again and keep the conversation going. It was easy to talk to Toji and despite your apprehension upon first meeting him, you could see yourself becoming friends with the man.
“Well this is just great.” Coming to a grinding halt, Toji let out a soft groan and gestured to the traffic filled road ahead of him. “Did people forget how to drive in the fucking rain or something?”
“Maybe…” Leaning around in your seat, you could see the tell-tale flashing of emergency lights. “I think someone got into an accident up there, I can see an ambulance.”
“They had to choose tonight to fuck their car up?” Rolling his eyes, Toji sunk into the driver's seat, drumming his fingers against the wheel and taking a peek in the rearview mirror. “Seems like we’re stuck here, there’s too many people to turn back now.”
Turning over your shoulder, you blanched at the sight of all the cars suddenly behind you. The road you were travelling on wasn’t particularly busy to begin with but it seemed the inclimate weather had other plans.
“Guess we wait then.” Sinking down to match him, you watched the rain smatter against the windshield. The soft jazz Toji had chosen fit the atmosphere nicely and the heat coming from the vents kept any chill away from you. The longer you sat in the comfortable quiet, the more tempting it seemed to close your eyes and take a nap.
“Hey.” A hand curling around your knee and fingers digging slightly into your leg jostled you awake. Taking a sharp, sudden inhale of the cologne scented air you jolted upright and blinked away the sleep in your eyes.
“W-what?” Looking around, you had made a significant distance on the road and it seemed you were past whatever was blocking you.
“You fell asleep on me, sweetheart.” Toji chuckled, letting his hand slide from your leg and back to the steering wheel. “And I kinda need your help to get you home.”
“Right, sorry.” Quickly clearing your throat, you pointed down the street. “Uhm, at that next light you can take a right.” With just a few more turns and straightaways, you successfully guided Toji to your home without falling asleep again.
“Hurry inside, don’t want you getting soaked.” Turning to you as he put the car in park, Toji flicked his chin toward your home.
“I will.” Smiling at his concern, you gathered your things and put a hand on the door handle. Taking one last whiff of his cologne, you nodded to him. “Thank you so much Toji, I’ll see you later.”
“See you.” Waving you off, Toji stayed until he saw you go into your house and close the door, only pulling away when he was sure you were settled inside.
That night you listened to the radio station Toji had on as you took a bath to wind down from the day, curling your own hand around your knee and imagining what it’d be like to take a bath with him instead of alone.
As you walked to work the next day, avoiding big puddles and dripping eaves, it was embarrassing to admit that Toji was still on your mind. A silly crush on the scarred man was blooming in your chest and making you more and more giddy with every step.
“Special delivery!” At midday, a delivery driver waltzed into the shop with a massive bouquet, all sorts of pinks and purples and reds filling your field of vision as they approached.
“I’m sorry, are you sure you have the right place?” The arrangement looked too extravagant to be something Toji would give you on a whim.
“Are you (Y/N)?” Showing you the postage, clear as day it had your name on it.
“Oh, yes that is me.” Signing for the flowers, you struggled to hold them in your arms. The petals tickled your cheeks as you smelled them, plush against your skin and soft to the touch.
Putting them in a vase, you made sure they were prominently displayed at the counter for all to see and every so often you would stop to look at them, letting a gentle sigh of happiness leave your lips.
Another bouquet came the next day as well, just as big and beautiful as the first, and attached to it was a note.
Hope you like the flowers, (Y/N). I got called away on a business trip, so I thought I’d give you something so you wouldn’t miss me too much while I’m away.
- Toji
Tucking the note into your apron as a few customers walked in, throughout the day you took it out to reread it and look at Toji’s messy handwriting scribbled onto whatever florist shop he’d bought the notecard from.
Everyday without fail, for nine days straight, there were flowers delivered to the shop. You weren’t always there to collect them but your neighbors certainly were, gawking openly at the multitude of flowers in vases now crowding the store and threatening to push out your actual inventory.
On the final day there was a note attached to the bouquet as well, this time a dozen red roses with the thorns snipped off.
I’m coming home today, keep the shop open for me? I promise I won’t be too late.
- Toji
This note was clearly typed out, it didn’t have the familiar scratchy lines and jagged edges that you’d memorized from Toji’s previous note. Glancing at the time and looking around the shop at all the vases, none of the happiness that getting them brought you could compare to the feeling threatening to burst your chest open at knowing you’d see Toji soon.
All day you kept an eye on the clock, working faster than you ever had before just to make sure you had no customers waiting in case he came in early. Sweeping and dusting a hundred times over, you’d practically mopped a hole in the floor as you counted the seconds down until you could lock up the shop.
Locking the door and sitting eagerly at the counter, you tried to make yourself look busy. There wasn’t anything you could possibly do, no papers needed to be straightened up and there certainly wasn’t anything to clean, so you waited what felt like ages for a knock on the door.
Walking around in circles in the backroom to try and stave off the anxious energy building inside you, you jumped nearly two feet in the air when there was a loud knock at the door. Wiping your sweaty palms on your apron, you took several deep breaths before rounding the corner and laying your eyes on Toji.
“H-hi.” Opening up the door in record time, there was a harsh heat burning your face as you let him in. You could barely meet him in the eye and instead looked at his bloody knuckles as he stepped past you. “What happened to your hands?”
“Don’t worry about it, I fell on the way here.” Taking out a handkerchief, Toji wiped the blood off his hands and as you took a look at him you noticed there weren't any traces of dirt or dust on his clothes.
“Come wash your hands at the sink.” Guiding him over by the sleeve to a sink at the corner of the shop, you got a whiff of the cologne you loved so much. Watching Toji wash his hands, you were aware how close you were standing to him, pressed snugly against the counter while he lathered.
“How’ve you been, doll?” Toji let a smirk stretch his lips and he glanced at you, his own cheeks getting a bit pink.
“Good.” Looking out at the shop and all the flowers he sent, you let out a little laugh. “Really good.”
“You liked the flowers?” Turning around, Toji leaned against the edge of the sink and chuckled at the sight before him. “Looking at it all now, I think I might have gone a little overboard.”
Your arms were pressed against each other, Toji’s clearly more muscular and much larger than your own. He didn’t have an overcoat on or even a suit like he usually did, he was dressed in a pair of loose pants and a very fitted black t-shirt, one that you had to keep yourself from ogling as it clung to his body.
“You know why I sent them, don’t you?” He asked, cutting through the silence and your daydream. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out why he was sending you so many flowers but you felt too nervous to say it aloud in case you were wrong, so you only nodded.
Fiddling with his damp fingers, Toji bit his lip and grabbed onto your hand with both of his. Engulfing your hand, he squeezed it and brought it up to his chest where you could just barely feel the rapid beat of his heart.
“So, if I asked you out on a date would you say yes?” Speaking with his lips pressed against your hand, Toji peeked at you from the corner of his eye. You stood there, locked in a staring match as both of you refused to even breathe too loudly and break the tension.
“Yes, I would.” You finally spoke, nodding your head and trying to calm the shaking in your body. Breaking out into a full smile, Toji let your hands go and clutched at his chest.
“Geez, you had me fucking worried there for a moment!” Taking a few deep breaths along with shaky laughter, Toji shook his head and forced himself to calm down, square his shoulders and look at you properly. “(Y/N), will you go on a date with me tonight?”
“Yes.” Only able to meet his eye for a moment, you giggled bashfully and put a hand over your face in embarrassment. There was a moment of silence filled with only your giggles and Toji’s relieved sigh, and then he snapped his fingers and tugged on your sleeve.
“Alright, get your stuff and lock up, I’ll grab the car.” Fiddling with the keys in his pocket, Toji quirked a brow when you gave him a curious look. “What’s wrong?”
“I thought you walked? You said you fell on the way here...” Walking slowly to grab your things, you felt even more confused when Toji laughed.
“Yeah I fell and some idiot was lucky enough to catch my fist on the way down. Now let’s get going, there’s a ramen shop I wanna take you to.” Getting to the door, he leaned against the frame and waited for you to walk up before fully exiting the store.
“Toji, did you get in a fight?”
“A fight? What? No way!” Waving you off, Toji began to walk down the street to where he parked his car. “A fight implies that the other guy even stood a chance!”
“What?” You shouted back, surprised he could say something like that so casually.
“Don’t worry about it, honey, it’s all in the past.” Stopping and turning on a dime in the middle of the sidewalk, Toji gave you a grin. “(Y/N), I should get you flowers for our date, shouldn’t I?”
“I never thought I’d say this but no Toji, I don’t want flowers for our date.” Laughing at the absurdity of the question, you watched Toji pretend to think about what you said for a moment.
“Right, anyway, I’ll stop at a florist on the way.” Nodding to himself, Toji began to walk away again. “Another dozen roses sound good, maybe I’ll make ‘em pink this time.” Looking over his shoulder, Toji winked at you. “And maybe I’ll get a kiss too.”
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fivelakesinwriting · 3 years
The Other Woman {Ward Cameron}
Author's Notes: Ward has a mistress - but part of me also feels like Rose was the mistress at another point in his life. I have a feeling this story is very niche, but I wanted to write it. So..here we go. Please let me know what you think if you have a moment! xoxo
Warnings: Cheating, obviously. Character is very much of age - I'm thinking mid 30s.. Drinking, Sexual tension - sexual references/innuendos
Requested? Nope, kinda think this is just for me.. Requests for OBX are open.
*My work is not to be transferred, copied, translated or reposted to any other sites without my permission. Please see my masterlist for all other works and warnings. Thank you! xoxo
His house was quiet, and that wasn't very common. For a man with three children - all within their teen years- it wasn't often that he had his grandiose home to himself.
Ward Cameron sat at his large, well polished desk and looked out the bay windows at the expansive property he had worked so hard for. He reached into the crystal vase upon the desk and pulled out a cigar, running his fingertips over it as he thought about the time he had to himself.
He placed the cigar delicately back on the desk and then reached for his cell phone. He opened up his contacts and scrolled through to find her name, then hit the dial button.
The phone rang, rang and rang. She liked to make him wait despite the way he had told her, many times, he didn't like to be kept waiting. He tapped his fingers impatiently against the wood of his desk as he approached the sixth ring, her voicemail about to pick up.
"Hi." Her voice sang on the other end of the voice, out of breath.
"Where were you?" Ward asked gruffly as he placed his cigar back in the crystal vase. He wasn't ready for it just yet.
"I just got finished working out, Ward." She breathed out.
"Yoga or Pilates today?" Ward inquired, his voice low.
"Treadmill. I'm sweaty and disgusting." She replied, that cocky smile and eyebrow raise beyond evident.
"Good. Don't change. I'll be over in 15 minutes." Ward stated as he stood up from his executive seat, and reached for his keys at the edge of his desk. He hung up the phone and made his way quickly from his office at the corner of the house and out to his vehicle, still warm from the setting sun.
He made it to her home in record time. The small house that could fit inside Tannyhill almost three times over sat between The Cut and Figure Eight - No Man's Land - as his wife kindly called it. There wasn't a lot around, not even other houses, but he knew that's why she liked it.
Ward parked his car, his shiny black SUV a sore thumb in front of her home. He clicked the lock button on his fob twice, to be sure, then made his way towards the front door.
"A 7p.m booty call? Man, you are old." She smiled as she opened her front door, and leaned against the frame to watch him as he made his way up the steps of her porch.
"Well, some of us don't have the luxury of living alone. Do we?" Ward asked as he ascended the stairs and made his way over to her, slow but with intention.
"Where is our friend Rose tonight?" She questioned as she pushed her body of the door frame to stand in front of him, her eyes scanning his body. So perfectly dressed for every occasion.
"At a meeting for the Women of Outer Banks Ladies Who Lunch Event." Ward grinned, his hands in his pocket.
"That's disgusting." She grimaced as she stood on her toes to wrap her arms around his neck.
"Ladies need lunch." Ward replied with a shrug while he removed his hands from his pockets to place them on her hips.
"I wouldn't know. I don't get invited to those types of events." She replied as she placed her hands on his shoulders, then slid her hands down to his chest.
"Yeah. Well, you don't want to be around those women anyways." Ward mumbled , his eyes looking just passed her and into the small home.
"Come inside, Ward. I'll make you a drink. Something fun. You've been drinking straight from the bottle for too long." She smiled as she removed her hands from his chest to take his hand and pull him inside.
Ward let the woman lead him inside her home, his eyes all over the objects inside as he familiarized himself with everything once more. He closed the door gently behind him then made his way up behind her as she looked over her small collection of bottles on a small bar cart.
"I always keep just a tiny bottle of scotch here for you, even though it's disgusting. I think you should have something fun, with lime or something. But it's your choice." She stated as her back was to him, the bottles clanking together as she read the labels.
Ward closed the distance between them, his chest pressed to her back as he stood directly behind her. He took hold of her waist and turned her around. A small smile passed his thin lips as she gasped at his firm touch. His rough fingertips smoothed over the curves of her body, catching on the material of her clothes.
"You're not that sweaty." Ward mumbled as his hands reached beneath the waistband of her shorts to gently touch her skin.
"It took you forever to get here." She quipped with a smirk, a small shiver running down her spine at the feel of his hands on her.
Ward chuckled at his lover's impatience. The drive from Tannyhill to No Man's Land was less than 15 minutes, 10 with the way he drove. He rolled the waistband of her tight workout pants down, showing off her hips. He pressed his forehead to hers and let her unbutton the first few buttons of his shirt.
"How do you feel about going for a ride on the boat next weekend?" Ward asked as he pressed a kiss to the side of her face, his hands firmly on the sides of her ass.
"You want to take me out on your yacht?" She questioned as she pulled back to look up him, a smile crossing his face.
"I wouldn't call it a yacht, but yes." Ward grinned, a hand removed from her backside to reach up and push a piece of hair behind her ear.
"What about -"
"Rose and the girls will be out of town for some sort of bonding trip. And Rafe will be, well. I don't know where Rafe goes, but he won't have the boat." Ward replied with a soft sigh as he placed his hand on the side of her neck.
"You know, you're too hard on him. You were a 19 year old boy at one point your life, too." She stated as her fingers continued their trail down his shirt, undoing his buttons.
"Well, when I was 19 years old I was working three jobs and paying my own way through school. Not asking for handouts on top of allowances. He and I, we're different." Ward sighed as he removed his hands from his lover, slowly backing away from her.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring that up. I know that he's kind of an issue for you right now." She replied, as she ran her hands over her face.
As Ward opened his mouth to reply, he touched his pocket, a deep sigh rumbling in his chest. He pulled out his phone and brought it to his ear.
"Hello, sweetheart." Ward greeted, pasting on a beaming smile despite how his eyes looked so sad over at his lover.
"I'm just at the office finishing up a few contracts. Do you need me now?" He asked as he placed his other hand in his pocket, pacing the small living room.
"Okay. I'll be there in about 20 minutes, meet me in our usual pick up spot. Love you too, Wheezie." Ward ended the conversation with his youngest, then placed the phone back in his pocket with another heavy sigh.
He looked across the room at her again, his eyes apologetic. He took the few steps over to her and wrapped her in his arms again, placing a small kiss to the top of her head.
"I have to go." Ward mumbled as he pulled her close.
"It's okay. Guess I'll just shower without you." She replied, a small smile on her face as she pressed a kiss to his chest.
"I suppose so. But next weekend I'll be here early in the morning to pick you up to take you out on the water, okay? I promise." Ward stated, a smile of his own crossing his lips.
"Whatever you say, Ward." She shrugged as she placed her hands on his sides, under his unbuttoned shirt to keep him close.
Ward leaned down to press his lips to hers, the whiskers of his beard tickling to soft skin of her face. As quickly as his lips were there, he pulled away. He took his hands off of her to begin buttoning up his shirt once more. He pulled his keys out of his pocket and slowly made his way towards her front door again, his fingertips touching his lips before he turned back to her.
"9am. Saturday. I will be here and I expect you to be out front waiting for me." Ward stated firmly, a small smile on his bearded face.
"Yes, sir." She replied as she brought her hand to her head for a salute.
Ward pointed a finger at her with warning before he tossed her a wink and walked out the front door towards his car, which he was always surprised was still there. He got in the car and drove off of No Man's Land, his hopes alive for the chance to come back on Saturday to take her for a ride on his boat.
Please let me know what you think if you have a moment - perhaps a sequel for a boat ride, if there's interest? Thank you!! xoxo
Requests for OBX are open!
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translytherins · 3 years
The Date With An Intruder
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Pairings: Kageyama Tobio x Male! Quiet! Pansexual! Reader
'Everything's going to be fine... You can do this! You're just going on a date with you're cute classmate... That might hate you if something goes wrong...' Kageyama thought to himself, trying to calm himself down as he stood in front of (M/n)'s front door with a bouquet of flowers he was hiding behind his back.
Kageyama took a deep breath before he ringed the doorbell.
He heard (M/n) shout from inside before the door opened and let me tell you... Kageyama once told Sugawara yes Sugawara that if (M/n) got any cuter than he already is he might die... Well... Looks like he's dying today. (M/n) was wearing a zip up t-shirt and black jeans. There was also a black stripe going down his sleeves.
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(A/n: Here's a picture for reference also this drawing isn't mine so credits to the artist)
"Y-you look very beautiful today (M/n)-kun..." Kageyama muttered, looking at (M/n) with a bright blush on his face which worsened when (M/n) let out his cute giggle. Kageyama can now pass away peacefully.
"Thanks you look good too Kageyama-kun" (M/n) replied with a small smile on his face.
Kageyama, who finally managed to compose himself, took the bouquet of flowers that he was hiding behind his back and held it towards (M/n).
"Are these for me?"
Kageyama rapidly nodded his head which made (M/n) smile slightly before he took it from Kageyama.
"Thank you Kageyama-kun... I have an empty vase right now and was planning to buy some but it looks like I don't have to now... Come on... I wanna put it in right now so I don't accidentally loose it..." (M/n) said as he grabbed Kageyama's hand and brought him inside his house.
(M/n) led Kageyama towards the kitchen where an empty vase stood on the kitchen island. (M/n) let go of Kageyama's hand and carefully placed the bouquet of flowers into the vase.
"What do you think Kageyama-kun?" (M/n) asked while holding up the vase that now has the flower Kageyama gave him.
"Gorgeous..." Kageyama muttered making (M/n) perk up before he placed the vase back on the kitchen island Kageyama wasn't talking about the flowers.
"Let's go now shall we?" (M/n) asked Kageyama who nodded in return before leading (M/n) to a nice cat cafe that he liked going to when his isn't dead set on volleyball and yes I know very cliche but I couldn't think of anything else.
"You have no idea... How much I adore you right now Kageyama-kun..." (M/n) said as he looked at the cat cafe that Kageyama had brought him too.
"So you like it?"
"I absolutely love it! Come on! Come on! Let's go in!" (M/n) shouted, which made Kageyama surprised because (M/n) very rarely talked rather loudly, let alone start shouting so the fact that he got to see this side of (M/n) made him feel all bubbly and giddy inside.
Kageyama smiled at (M/n) slightly as (M/n) dragged him by the hand inside the cafe.
After the bought their food, they decided to sit down on the left side at the cafe and nearby a window. As they sat down, a cat that was kinda similar looking to Kageyama's hair color immediately jumped onto the table and sat right in front of (M/n). (M/n) and the cat stared at each other for a few seconds before (M/n) started scratching the cat's head making it pur as the cat leaned into (M/n)'s touch as Kageyama just watched fondly and was feeling slightly jealous at the attention (M/n) was giving the cat instead of him.
"Look Kageyama-kun... This cat looks like you're hair" (M/n) said as he carefully picked the cat up and held it right next to Kageyama's head as he laughed slightly.
Kageyama glared at the laughing (M/n) playfully before he saw a [hair coloured] cat that looked like (M/n)'s hair and gently picked it up before showing the cat to (M/n).
"Well this one looks like you're hair"
"Touché" (M/n) said as they both bursted out laughing slightly before they agreed to switch cats and started chatting with each other as they ate the food that K̶a̶g̶e̶y̶a̶m̶a̶ they bought, the cats in their laps napping peacefully.
"Hey isn't that the King?"
"You mean Kageyama? Seems like it... Wonder who that chick is... You think their on a date?"
"No idea but I'll go find out right now!"
"Sh*ttykawa get back here!" a male with brown hair shouted towards his "best friend" but he was ignored l̶i̶k̶e̶ a̶l̶w̶a̶y̶s̶ by said "best friend" which made him sigh and shake his head as he silently contemplated why he hasn't changed school yet and cut off all contacts with this bimbo.
"Yahoo! Tobio-chan! What are you doing here on this gorgeous day with this stunning person!" the male, Tohru Oikawa, said as he gestured towards (M/n).
"It's none of you're business..." Kageyama grumbled, his happy mood now spoiled because of his annoying ex-upperclassmen interrupting his date with (M/n).
"Oh come on Tobio-chan! Don't be rude!" Oikawa said happily before turning his attention towards the annoyed (M/n) which is never a good sign.
"It's a pleasure to meet you beautiful! My names T-"
"Tohru Oikawa. Volleyball captain of Aoba Johsai. Kageyama-kun's ex-upperclassmen. Aoba Johsai's playboy and "prince". Correct?" (M/n) said nonchalantly as if he didn't just figure out everything about Oikawa with one glance.
Oikawa and Kageyama just looked at him with wide eyes. Oikawa was the first to snap out of it and smiled at (M/n).
"Correct! You must be a fa-"
"No... Kageyama used to complain about you a lot through the letters he gave me... Can you leave now please? You're interrupting mine and Kageyama-kun's date" (M/n) said not giving Oikawa a glance and was just staring at Kageyama with an adoring look on his face making Kageyama flustered.
Oikawa pouted but he left and went back towards his teammates who were either laughing, annoyingly waiting for him to come back or already sitting at a table eating because that's what they came here to do before their captain got sidetracked.
"I'm sorry about him (M/n)-kun..." Kageyama said as he grabbed (M/n)'s hand that was on the table and rubbed the back of his hand with his thumb.
(M/n) smiled slightly at Kageyama before he pecked Kageyama' s lips.
"It's fine Kageyama-kun... Now what were we talking about?"
It's safe to say that the date went splendidly well and they were both smitten for each other.
A/n: I'm not fully back but I promised @i-h4venolife that I would make a sequel like a month ago I think and didn't want to delay anymore... Also @lonsleep wanted it too so... I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day!!
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
Prompt: Michael's s/o wishes they could go out to a restaurant for a nice dinner date but can't because Michael might be recognized so she makes a candle lit dinner for the both of them to enjoy
I'm sorry if its bad this has been in my mind for a little bit lol also you're so great and wholesome your writing makes me smile so much!
Anytime someone compliments my writing my brain melts and I gain motivation so thank you! This got kinda long very fast, but I hope you enjoy!
Prompt: Reader makes a candle lit dinner date for her and Michael
Warnings: An overwhelming amount of cuteness and some nsfw content at the end
You had desperately wanted to have a nice date with Michael, even if it was something as simple as a dinner date. But you also knew that Michael couldn’t give you that even if he wanted to. Anyone might recognize him and you would never want to risk losing him because of that. So instead, you had decided to improvise. You were going to get the date you had been wanting for so long one way or the other.
While Michael was out doing whatever it is he occupies himself with during the day, you had used all that free time as an opportunity to go all out. It had been somewhat tricky to time everything right considering Michael never abided by any sort of routine or schedule but you had managed. After spending all that time over the hot stove making all of Michaels favorite foods, you decided you ought to get yourself fixed up as well. Tonight was going to be perfect, you were sure of it.
Now it seemed time had gotten away from you. Scrambling about you made sure all the little touches were in place. Candles were lit on the dining room table, you threw cookies in the oven so they’d be ready after dinner, and you made sure to straighten your outfit and make sue your hair looked fine. You took one last look in the mirror at the entryway before deciding you looked fine when you finally heard the door open.
Michael immediately stopped in the doorway when he saw you, eyes unashamedly roaming over every part of you. Something about you getting all dolled up for him drove him crazy and he was completely ready to skip over the dinner part of tonight. However, those thoughts were quickly shoved aside when you ran up to him, giddy with excitement. You pulled him down for a kiss and he quickly took his mask off so that you could do so.
“I’m glad you’re home! I made you all of your favorites, come on!” Michael allowed you to pull him to the dining room amused by your excitement. However, he paused when he saw that you really had went out. There were fresh flowers in a vase on the table and the room was illuminated by the numerous candles you had meticulously placed around the room. Once he was done taking everything in, he looked back down at you who was now blushing and suddenly seemed almost nervous.
“Sorry if it’s a bit much I just-,” he cut you off with a quick no which then caused you to pause. It was rare for Michael to ever say anything, so your happiness was quick to return. Once again you were full on beaming at him. “Well, I’m glad you like it. Here, sit. I’ll be right back with the food.” You quickly sat him at the table before scurrying off to the kitchen..
Michael sat in the silence, looking at all the little details you had included. His mouth began to water as the smell of food drifted in from the kitchen. Mainly, he smelled the cookies, which is what he was most excited about. You had really put a lot of effort into making this night perfect and Michael wasn’t sure how to feel about it. Everything was catered to him from the food, the way you fixed his hair the way he always liked, you even wore the outfit he had told you he thought you looked sexy in one time.
“Here you go. All of your favorites! I hope everything turned out all right,” you told him as you set his plate down in front of him. You set yours down before muttering under your breath. “I almost forgot something, I’ll be right back.” When you returned you were carrying an expensive bottle of wine. You grinned as you uncorked it. “I know wine isn’t exactly your favorite but I decided to kinda treat myself a little. You have no idea how hard it was to resist opening this while I scrambled around the house like a crazy person.”
There were certainly no complaints from Michael. The food you cooked was amazing and he enjoyed listening to you ramble on about your job, your family, and anything else that came to mind. Michael felt he owed it to you to give you small responses, which only encouraged you to continue talking, Even once both of your plates were empty you continued to talk, making Michael real size it had been awhile since the two of you had spent this much time together.
You only stopped once you smelled something begin to burn. “Oh shit, I forgot about the cookies.” Michael followed you to the kitchen, watching you pull out charred black circles. Yeah, those definitely weren’t edible. “I’m sorry Michael,” your voice sounded so upset that it made Michael frown, “I just wanted tonight to be perfect.”
When you turned around he was grinning, something that was almost scary for Michael. Before you could speak he picked you up and Ossetia you over his shoulder and hurried upstairs. “Michael what in the world are you doing?”
He threw you down on the bed and smashed his lips against yours before you could protest. His hands wandered up under your dress, quickly slipping it over your head. In the same way you were determined to have a dinner date, Michael was determined to have dessert, one way or the other. And since you had put so much time and effort into tonight he thought it was only fair to absolutely ravish you. Michael was usually never a very giving lover, but that night he focused on making you completely fall apart beneath him.
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shreddedparchment · 4 years
A Wife For Thor Pt.01
Arrivals and Departures
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader          Word Count: 6,990
Warnings: language, talks of death, angst, talks of sex,
A/N: This is seriously...I mean, I don’t even know where this came from. Credits to @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​ because Roo gave me the idea and I kinda ran with it. Like omg, y’all. Blame Roo. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo Dialogue from Thor Ragnarok has been used in the beginning of this story.
Please do not REPOST my stories anywhere. Reblogs are most welcome!
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He stands with his arms crossed in what appears to be a small sitting room with a large window that opens to the sublime sight of the black space beyond. Sterling silver, radiant red, and brilliant blue stars twinkle into infinity.
This is a sight that Thor had seen many times before and yet, for the first time in an age, he felt hopeful for the future.
His fight had ended. With Ragnarok, his journey had reached an end. Not the end, but certainly that of a chapter I which his battles might rest.
He imagines that this might be how his father felt when he had taken charge of the nine realms.
However violent that takeover might have been, his father had lied about many things—his sister for one—it had been the beginning of a quieter reign. A new formative time for his father. He may not have been a perfect man, but he’d grown wiser in many ways. Still not the best father, but his father, nonetheless.
Thor can almost picture his life on Earth, a time of peace. A time to rebuild. He will be able to give his people a good life there and he’s certain that his friends will appreciate having him closer. Friends from work they may be, but friends.
“Do you really think it’s a good idea to go back to Earth?” Loki asks, standing beside him with his hands held gently at his front.
Thor looks at him, waiting a moment to allow him to finish speaking.
“Yes, of course.” Thor assures him. “The people of Earth love me. I’m very popular.”
Loki takes a breath, looking out the window as he quickly accepts his brother’s reasoning while simultaneously realizing he must word this differently to get his point across.
“Let me rephrase that.” Loki begins, “Do you really think it’s a good idea to bring me back to Earth?”
Thor knows that Loki has a point. His history with Earth is…not perfect. To say the least.
“Probably not, to be honest.” He admits, noting Loki’s apprehension.
Loki smiles, a little knowing.
“I wouldn’t worry, brother.” Thor tells him, both turning back to the void outside. “I feel like everything’s going to work out fine.”
The moment seems endless, the two of them waiting as if the something should or might happen after Thor’s optimistic sentiments.
Then the moment passes and Loki sighs.
“Right, well, I’ll start rounding up the people who will be of the most use once we arrive.”
Thor gives his brother one parting smile but doesn’t watch him leave.
Thor doesn’t know exactly what has changed in him, what makes him so confident in this decision, but he knows it’s the best decision he could have made. And if he’s honest, though he’d never admit it out loud, the possibility of finally being on the same planet as Jane…well, he’d be a fool not to consider the possibilities.
Something feels different today.
As you wake, turning onto your side to stare across the small room at the blinking line on the blank word document on your computer screen, you can’t quite put your finger on what is making you nervous.
Your stomach is rolling, making you queasy, despite the fact that you have no reason to be anxious.
Yesterday was like the day before and today will be just like yesterday. Nothing in your life ever changes, and that’s become so much of who you are that whenever you have even a doctor’s appointment your heart begins to race in dreaded anticipation.
With trembling hands you clutch your blanket, trying to find a reason behind this mood. Your breath quickens as your heart panics, your mind scrambling to make sense of these emotions but nothing comes to mind.
So, you get out of bed. You get dressed choosing a simple knee length black dress that fits loose enough to keep you comfortable throughout the day. Then you head into the kitchen and start the coffee pot.
Halfway through the brew you shut the machine off and rush to dump out its contents into the sink.
You sigh, realizing you should really invest in decaf coffee for morning just like this.
“Tea. Tea is better.” You rationalize and pull your kettle off the warmer and fill it in the sink.
You replace it in its dock then turn your back to it, hands gripping the edge of the counter as you lean against it.
Your fingers stroke the smooth and unvarnished wooden countertop, suddenly going rigid around the lip as your heart goes frantic again.
The island counter directly in front of you is made of the same unvarnished wood, a slightly mismatched chair on the other side, tucked in beside the open shelving that holds your pots and pans. Along the center of the island sits a small vase with nearly completely withered flowers.
You’re filled with relief as your hands are given new task and you hurry forward and take the clear glass vase, toss the flowers—which crumble as they hit yesterday’s empty cereal box—dump the water in the sink and quickly refill it.
Setting the vase aside, you pull open a drawer and pluck from an array of contents a small packet of flower food, a pair of small pruners, a long piece of twine, and head out the back door to your modest backyard.
There isn’t much in it, and it’s unfenced. A large tree at the back-left corner provides shade and pecans. In the center of the yard sits a set of antique iron work garden furniture. Twisted and shaped into what reminds you of lace. Two smaller chairs and one long bench with curved backs.
You’ve been of a mind to buy cushions for them, but you haven’t found an excuse to justify the expense.
In between the garden set sits an outdoor coffee table made of wood and painted white. It’s fading and will need a new coat soon but again the expense can wait. At least until you sell another story.
Apart from this set and a small wooden shed beside the pecan tree, your yard is mostly overgrown grass and carefully cultivated flowers lining the length of your narrow back porch.
You smile, noticing the length of your grass, grateful for another something to keep you busy today. Something to keep your mind off this mysterious and anxious premonition of something to come.
Quickly you move to a large blooming bush at the end of your porch and cut from it several bunches of pink and blue garden phlox.
You admire the shade of the blue flowers. The color reminds you a pair of blue eyes you’d once seen on a woman who’d come to your school as a child.
She’d been beautiful and kind, but she hadn’t picked you. Still, you’d never forgotten the color of her eyes.
The pink is pastel at the edges of its petals and vibrant magenta at the center.
As you head back in, the kettle only barely beginning to steam, you quickly arrange the bunches you’ve picked and wrap them up with the twine. You set the bushel aside and with the vase pulled close, you tear the packet of flower food with your teeth and pour it in.
Replacing the flowers, you give the kettle one more look before you race back into your bedroom to pick out a more appropriate outfit for cutting the grass.
You decide on a pair of jeans and a plain yellow t-shirt. Pulling them on, you pause with your shirt hooked around your arms as your eyes find your laptop screen, annoyingly black still.
With a groan you pull your shirt on and from the kitchen you hear the whistle.
Breakfast is simple. A store-bought muffin and a cup of breakfast tea do the trick and while you’re still chewing your last bite you head out to cut your grass.
It doesn’t take you too long and you lament the last bit as you cut it, the machine vibrating violently in your nervous grip.
No matter how much you try to distract yourself, this feeling of something terrible coming will not go away and you’re about to go out of your mind when a shout from your back door pulls your mind from it.
Standing there is an older man with an unconventionally handsome face. His lips are thin, cheekbones prominent, brown eyes sunken, and his nose long and defined. His dark hair slicked and parted, neatly kept to match his crisp navy suit.
“Aren’t you a little overdressed?” You shout at him as the whirr of the machine dies into silence.
The man moves towards you, a smile brightening his face.
“I was just at a meeting.” He explains.
“Do you ever stop working?” You wonder, pushing the lawn mower towards the shed as he follows.
“Only when I’m on vacation.” He tells you, amusement in his voice but subdued and you only hear it because you’ve known him for years.
“You don’t take vacations.” You sputter, almost laughing.
“Precisely.” He agrees.
He waits for you to shut the door and when you turn, he greets you with open arms.
“How have you been?” He asks, holding the hug for longer than you’re used to which only adds to the anxiety you’ve been feeling all morning.
What’s going on?!
“Hey, you okay?” You ask him, ignoring his question in favor of satisfying your curiosity.
He doesn’t answer but holds the hug a moment longer before pulling back to look at you.
“We have to talk.” He tells you, making your heart pound.
“Okay. You want some breakfast?” You offer, and swallow hard as your fear mounts.
“Sure.” He says and follows you inside.
You make him a full breakfast. Eggs, bacon, breakfast sausage, and buttered toast with a cup of coffee. Just because you can’t stand the idea of being hyped up on caffeine today doesn’t mean David won’t.
He digs right in while you stand on the other side of the island, sipping on your second cup of tea in hopes that it will ease your frayed nerves.
For a few minutes he gobbles down your food but when you shift on your feet for the fourth time, he clears his throat, takes a drink of his coffee, then puts his fork down.
“It’s not exactly bad news.” He assures you, easing you a little but something tells you that you still won’t like it.
“Just tell me, David.”
“As your lawyer,” He begins, sitting back in your old wobbly chair. “It’s my duty to inform you when there are developments with your family’s estate.”
“Right.” You agree, remembering the day he’d found you when you’d turned eighteen to tell you that you weren’t exactly as poor as you’d thought.
You’re not really rich either. You have a little money that your parents set aside for you. Old money that you hadn’t really touched. You use it mostly for bills when you can’t sell a story fast enough and most of your wealth is in this cottage. A family home that you’d had no idea was yours until David brought you here.
Finally, a home, after living in that school all those years.
“Well, I think it might be time to reveal a little more of that estate’s history.”
“Why?” You put down the floral porcelain cup and wrap your arms around yourself, afraid of what he’ll say.
How did you know that something was coming? What kind of sixth sense do you have?!
“After all this time, why would it matter?” You sigh, moving to pull out the second chair to his right on the shorter end of the island.
“Don’t panic.” He tells you, reaching over to place his hand over yours. “Let’s keep our heads. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”
“You say that, but why do I feel like that’s not exactly true?” You sigh.
He blinks, gathering his thoughts before he nods.
“I think I’ll tell you all at once. Like ripping a band-aid. Might be the easiest for you.” He realizes.
You don’t disagree.
“Your family comes from a very small people in Europe. Their origins are hard to trace but we know that they travelled between France, Norway, Denmark, Romania, Belgium, Sweden, Austria, Greece, and even spent a large amount of time in hiding in the United Kingdom.”
“I get it, they were nomads.” You sigh, your mood taking a turn from the anticipation of clarity.
“Yes. Nomads.” David agrees, patting your hand in an attempt to calm you. “I only mention it because there are many questions as to where they had originated from. No one seems to know. Unfortunately, I don’t think that question will ever be answered as all records before their stint in France have been lost.
“What we do know is that your ancestors, your bloodline are royalty.” David says, as easily as if he were telling you your age. “Even though the titles have long since been lost, you are technically—though you have no country to rule over—a princess.”
Slowly his words sink in and your face begins to relax. You look down at his hand over yours and without warning you laugh once. Then again, and again, until you’re leaning on your chair, head thrown back as your whole body shakes with it.
“What is so funny?” David asks, unamused but he goes back to eating.
“This is a joke, right? You’re pulling my leg.” You gasp, breath shallow.
“Not one little bit.” He shakes his head. “If we knew what country your ancestors came from, you would very much be in some palace or castle, reigning over your people. Your parents, were they alive, would have been King and Queen.
“You may not think it possible, but that is your legacy, Y/N. You are of royal blood.” David insists which sobers you a little, but you think it’s so silly that this is what you’d been so scared of.
This is what you’d been dreading?
“Okay. Fine. I believe you. But what does it matter? You said that if I still had a country then I would be princess, but clearly, I don’t. So, I’m not. What’s the point of telling me this when it makes absolutely no difference to my life?
“I don’t feel any different and it’s not like that makes me any richer? I’m still sitting on a decently sized fortune to assure that I don’t want for anything at least until my forties. What could this possibly change that you felt it necessary to tell me?”
David wipes his mouth with his napkin, finishing up the last bit of his coffee before he gets up and with his dirty plates moves towards the sink.
“Leave it, David. I’ll clean up later.” You watch him, sitting up a little straighter as that anxious feeling begins to grow again with his extended silence.
He washes the plate and as he does, your nerves begin to fray again. You anxiously pick at a small splinter in your island, waiting for him to speak.
He turns towards you as he finished washing his plate, then meets your eyes.
“You weren’t just revealing my heritage, were you?”
“No.” He shakes his head. “I felt I needed to reveal your heritage because someone has reached out with the hopes of setting up a meeting with you.”
“Why would anyone wanna meet with me simply because they know of my lineage?” You wonder, slouched, hands moved to your lap to rest limply as you stare at David, fear increasing with every moment that passes.
“May I ask you a personal question?” He says, moving to stand closer as he dries his hand on your dishtowel.
“David, you know everything about me.” You sigh.
“Why haven’t you ever had a boyfriend? Or girlfriend? I’m not sure I’ve ever asked if you-?”
“To be honest, I don’t know either.” You shrug. “I’ve never really thought about it.”
“Not even as a child?” He wonders.
“I was too busy wishing for parents as a kid.” You clarify. “I didn’t have time for crushes or any of that stuff.”
“Are you opposed to a relationship?” David asks, dropping the towel then moving around to sit back down in his seat.
“Opposed?” You ask, shaking your head. “Not exactly opposed. I’ve just never known anyone worth caring about like that. I’m mainly here at home. I do go into town when I need to get my packages but there isn’t anyone there that…I don’t draw attention like that.”
“You’re a pretty girl.” David tells you, reaching over to tug on your sleeve. “When you aren’t sweaty and covered in grass clippings.”
You scoff, shaking your head.
“It’s not something I really worry about.” You admit.
“Would you ever want to get married?” David asks, and your heart is suddenly pounding.
The idea of being someone’s wife had crossed your mind once or twice. Mostly when you’d been jotting down ideas or plotlines for your books. In the end, because you didn’t think you had enough insight, you’d opted to remove all romance. You write mysteries.
“I don’t know that I’d be any good at it.” You confess. “I’m not…I can’t exactly picture myself being someone’s wife.”
“Why not?”
“Because I…I don’t even know what I’d be like in a relationship, sharing space and time, much less sharing an entire life?” You shake your head. “I’m not saying that I haven’t thought about it but it’s only ever been in passing.”
David goes silent, tapping his index finger against the island.
“David, please. You know I can’t take the suspense.” You plead.
“Yes. I’m sorry.” He nods then reminds himself, “Band-aid.”
You take a deep breath and turn to face him a little more in your seat.
“Well, you are aware of our planet’s newest inhabitants?”
“Th-The Asgardians in Norway?”
“Yes.” David nods. “Well, as a sign of good faith, to ensure that they will abide by Earth’s laws and to assuage any ideas from panicked world leaders that they might try and overtake the planet and make it their own, they have decided that marriage to someone from Earth might be the best way to do that.
“The Asgardian known as Brunnhilde has reached out to all families of royal blood and asked to meet with any eligible women, preferably—as she so tactfully put it—maidens.” He explains. “Which I take it you are?”
You swallow hard, your lungs rubbed of oxygen and yet you somehow manage to quietly acknowledge, “Yes. I’m a virgin.”
How can you not be after spending your whole life unconcerned with romance?
“You don’t have to do it, Y/N.” David suddenly says; however, you can see the ‘but’ in his eyes. “But if you don’t and the Asgardian king cannot choose from the women he does meet, you will probably be hunted down and forced to meet with him anyway.
“All world leaders are in agreement that this is the correct and only way to ensure the safety of the planet. They will not give up until every woman meeting the Asgardian’s requirements have been given the chance to meet with Thor.”
“Thor?!” You gasp, rising to your feet as hundreds if not thousands of images flash through your mind of the Thunder God and the Avengers fighting side by side.
“Yes.” David affirms, rising to his feet with you. “With the death of his father, he is now King of Asgard.”
Of course, Thor is going to be King. You already knew this. It’s common sense.
For some reason though, the confirmation made out loud, vocally…how the fuck are you supposed to marry Thor? An Avenger? That’s not…this cannot be real life!
“David,” You begin, apprehensive.
“I know. I know it is a lot to ask but as I said, I don’t believe we have much of a choice. He might very well not pick you.” David adds, rushing to comfort you and point out how unlikely you’d be the one Thor chooses to wed. “There are plenty of other women that he’s already met with. Women that are more suited to life in a palace than you are. The Hungarian princess is so eager to be Queen of Asgard that she’s been sending the other women bribes to try and convince them to refuse.
“It won’t make a difference, since they cannot refuse should Thor choose them.” David admits.
“A-all I have to do is meet with him?” You stutter, heart in your throat.
“Just a quick one-hour meeting. He’ll ask you questions. Get to know a bit about you. See if you are suited for life as Asgardian queen and then it’s over.” David assures you.
“I’m…There are lots of other women better for it, right?”
“Loads of them.” David promises.
New fears begin to take hold in your heart and mind.
It conjures up the last time you’d seen Thor, strutting from a massive spaceship docked over the ocean by New Asgard. He’d risen from its depths all wide shoulders and biceps. Heavy steps thudding as he’d stopped at the end of the massive ramp, waving at the cameras as his people had filed out behind him.
His hair cropped short as opposed to the long tresses he’d had when he’d last been on Earth, one eye missing with a sleek black and gold metal patch over it the absence.
You’ve never been threatened by him before. He’s a hero. But the prospect of being his wife and having wifely duties...
Your mind flies into panic as it shifts that large body over you, crawling towards you with his hands prying your legs open. The years of sexual experience radiating off of this fantasy Thor and all of his bulging muscles.
You almost want to throw up at the prospect of having to consummate a marriage. You haven’t exactly been eager to be with anyone since you haven’t met anyone special, but you’d at least imagined something more intimate. More personal.
“David I-they won’t choose me though, right?” You reach out for him because your legs are suddenly weak.
He takes hold of your arms and helps you stand still.
“They won’t.” He tells you, sounding convinced. “There are better candidates. Women with actual titles.”
He’s right. Of course, he’s right. He has to be right.
“It’s just a quick meeting.” He promises. “Then it’ll all be over, and you can come back to your cottage and live just as you have been, with no one to bother you.”
Leaving your little place is difficult. After spending years without a home to call your own, now that you have your cottage, tearing yourself away from it is like pulling splinters.
You like your little yard. You like your flowers. You love your bed and its white sheets, little pink and yellow flowers printed on the soft fabric.
You’d made it more feminine. You’d brought flowers back and frills and lace. You’d made it everything you thought a cottage at the edge of a wood should look like and as time had gone by you’d brought in more personal touches.
After several years, your home is finally completely you.
This place, this massive Asgardian structure is less gold and more wood, stone, and iron. Silver steel polished so bright it gleams even in moonlight. This place is not you. It’s him. It’s Thor. His home.
Right now, with the day almost over, the palace takes on a warmer tone. The wooden structures and gray stone pillars are bathed in orange light, giving the place a pleasant glow and despite yourself, you can almost picture Thor meandering through these Nordic halls, a long crimson robe around his thick form.
It isn’t an unpleasant image now that you’ve given yourself some time to get used to the idea of him.
When you arrived you were greeted and seated in a large round room, the lower quarter of the sturdy walls made of ornate stone brick, the rest of the wall beautiful dark oak. The floor is also stone, massive carpets underneath several pieces of obviously Norse inspired furniture.
Well actually, the Norse was probably derived from Asgardian styles. There’s a difference in them that you can see but don’t understand. The coffee table in front of you has ornately carved legs, golden embellishments, and a black coat of paint.
The sofa you’re sitting on is mostly wood, painted gold, with plush and soft satin covered cushions in wine red.
There are two other tables around the room, a collection of books on one and an array of fruits, foods, and drinks on the other. There are several different statues and stands. Lamps that look as if they should have flames instead of the electric bulbs they now hold.
Small touches of modern design filter through the room complimenting the more traditional décor.
“Hello there.” Says a lilting voice.
You recognize it and turn to find Loki, slipping through a narrow opening in the large set of doors you’d been escorted through almost half an hour ago.
He’s dressed in a black suit with a plain white t-shirt underneath dressing the look down.
“H-Hi.” You stammer, surprised by his appearance.
You stand, knowing well that he may not be King but for Asgard, Loki is still a prince.
“No, please. Do not get up on my account.” He gestures at your seat and you settle back in as he crosses to the table with all the books. “I forgot some papers in here, I only came to retrieve them. Do not mind me.”
You avert your eyes, afraid to see something you shouldn’t and sit just as stiffly as before, hands fisting the royal purple dress you’d chosen to wear. It’s simple, quarter sleeves, high neckline with a small V at the center. Just above your knees in length, it rises as you grip it.
“Nervous to meet my brother?” Loki asks, stopping by the doors as he eyes your tight grip.
“This whole situation is a little stressful.” You admit. “I’m…I live in a small house in the middle of nowhere. I don’t even know why I’m here.”
“Ah, you’re the one with the lost lineage.” Loki realizes, moving closer with interest. “A hidden princess. You could have refused to come, you know?”
“I would have been forced eventually.” You point out. “There are a lot of people who want this marriage thing to happen.”
“True.” Loki agrees, “My fault, I’m afraid. I make them nervous.”
“You did very nearly destroy New York.” You point out, remembering the carnage reported that day. The aftermath had taken forever to clean up.
“I did.” Loki agrees. “Do you fear me?”
“No.” You admit. “If you weren’t safe, Thor wouldn’t have brought you back here.”
“He could just be too trusting.”
“Maybe.” You agree. “But with the fate of his entire people tied to the successful acclimation of Asgard and Earth, if you were really a threat, I think he’d have cut you out before coming back.”
Loki’s lips slowly curl up into a smile before breaking apart into a toothy grin.
“What is your name again?” He asks, a sparkle of something in his eyes.
“Y/N.” You tell him. “Why?”
“No reason. This has been very illuminating, Y/N. It was lovely to meet you.” Loki says then with a quick bow of his head, he leaves you to your solitude.
Confused, you sit there completely at a loss for what just happened.
Had you taken too many liberties with Loki? What had that smile meant? You’d been made aware that Loki was also involved in recruiting women of royal blood into marriage meetings for Thor, but you hadn’t expected him to know you by the description of where you live.
Maybe because it’s so unlike anyone else’s?
You sit there stewing for another twenty minutes, wondering if maybe you’re being stood up when the large doors open once again.
You shoot up onto your feet, so damn nervous your body reacts without your permission. Through the door this time comes the man of the hour. The massive Thunder God dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and a plain gray t-shirt crosses over to the table with food and pours himself a stein of what looks like beer from a sloshing brown pitcher.
“Estrid, is this from the new batch of ale?” He booms loud enough that he can be heard even outside of the room as he takes a quick sniff of the liquid.
His voice is so deep.
Licking your lips, you watch him drink the entire stein without taking a breath or waiting for an answer, and then refill it before grabbing it and taking an apple with his other hand.
He turns, holding the fruit up to his mouth and freezes with it pressed to his lips as he meets your eyes, realizing he isn’t alone.
You’re not exactly sure what to say or what to do, completely taken aback by this strange and sudden exposure to candid Thor. Both of you unprepared to see each other despite the fact that you’ve literally been waiting nearly an hour for him.
His confusion mounts as he lowers the apple, looking around as if expecting an explanation or to see if he’s in the correct room.
“What time is it?” He suddenly asks, meeting your gaze again.
“N-Nearly six.” You tell him, and his one good eye goes slightly wide.
“Oh!” His lips curl up into an easy smile. “I did not think it was that late.”
His smile makes you feel a little more at ease, but you’re still on edge.
“You’re my meeting.” He tells you, as if you don’t already know that. “Y/N? Y/L/N, right?”
“Yes.” You nod, then before you can stop yourself… “You’re late.”
Thor blinks. Startled it seems or maybe just surprised, but then he smiles again. “Oh. I’m sorry.”
“I mean, you can be as late as you’d like. This is your meeting. Sorry. I didn’t…I don’t know why I said that.” You rush to say.
“No, no.” Thor turns to put down his stein of beer and the apple replaced in its bowl. “You’re right. I am late. We were supposed to meet at five, weren’t we?”
When he turns back to you, you nod.
“I’m sorry. I’m sure you have much you could be doing.” Thor says, moving towards you and gesturing at the spot you’d been in before sitting down at the other end of the sofa.
“No.” You confess. “Not really. I’m actually one of the only people that probably doesn’t have much to do. Well, I mean, I could be writing. Or cleaning house.”
“They tell me that you had no knowledge about your lineage before Brunnhilde reached out to your lawyer?”
You nod. “It’s not really important. Or…no. That’s not the right-what I mean to say is that it isn’t significant to my life.”
“Don’t you want to know who your family is?” Thor wonders.
“I know who my family is. I had a mom. And a dad. Both died just after I was born. That’s my family.” You explain. “Apart from getting to meet you, the news that my family was once royalty doesn’t change it in any way. I’m still just as insignificant today as I was before.”
Thor narrows his brow, watching you for a long torturous moment as he considers what you’d just said.
“Tell me about yourself.” He suddenly says, turning to lean back against the arm, his own thrown over the back, right leg bent up onto the sofa.
“There isn’t much to tell.” You admit. “I was born, my parents died in an accident. I was taken to a school for orphans where I grew up and aged out. On the day I had to leave, Mr. Valis found me and gave me my inheritance which is a good amount of money and a small house. I’ve been living there ever since.”
“You didn’t take any additional schooling?” Thor asks, relaxing. “All the other young women I’ve met have made it a point to tell me about the universities and colleges they’ve attended.”
“I took a few correspondence classes.” You tell him, “But I’ve only ever wanted to write, and I didn’t feel that I needed a higher education to do it. I mean, it would probably look better on my resume, but my writing should speak for itself.”
You can’t really tell what he’s thinking with the way he’s watching you, his hand playing with a thread on the back of the sofa.
You take it as a good sign that many of the other women have a degree of some sort. They must want someone respectable with a good education, right?
“How do you feel about political marriages?” He asks, and you’re stunned for a moment.
“Be honest, please.”
“I guess I don’t like the idea?” You admit. “Being forced to marry someone you don’t love because duty demands it? Feels archaic. If you love someone, whether they fit into whatever political standards are being demanded or not should not be a reason to get married.”
Thor sits up, shifting a little closer as he leans towards you.
“If you were asked to go along with a political marriage in every way but the heart, could you?” He wonders, much more interested than before.
“What do you mean?” You ask, confused.
“Well, let’s say for example, you and I were to marry. We’d be expected to have children. You’d be bound to do your duties as Queen of Asgard, but you would not be required to love me. Would you be able to fulfill these requirements?”
“You don’t want to do this, do you?” You realize, seeing the eagerness in his eyes. His shoulders slump. “If you don’t want to get married, why don’t you just say something?”
“I must do what I can to ensure the future of my people.” Thor says, sighing deeply.
“I’m guessing there’s someone else you do love that you can’t marry?”
“Not that I can’t but won’t. She isn’t ready for marriage and I don’t feel right making that kind of demand from her when she clearly has other things she’d like to be doing with her life. And…yes, maybe a little bit can’t. A royal marriage would make the most sense. I need a Queen.” Thor says.
You can’t find the words to tell him how fucked up this all is so instead you sit in silence.
“I know this is not ideal. I’ve tried to find other ways of assuring Earth of my commitment to this planet but nothing I’ve suggested is good enough.”
He needs a Queen. This gives you solace. No one is less of a queen than you are.
“I’m sorry.” You finally tell him. “It’s not fair. But I’m sure you’ll be able to find someone who checks all those boxes for you. I hear the Hungarian princess is pretty eager.”
Thor ignores you, stroking his beard as he watches you. “What do you want from a marriage? Let us say it’s many years from now and you have found someone you love beyond all reason. You two decide to get married. What does that look like?”
You’re a little surprised by the question but you humor him and take a moment to really think about it.
The man you picture has no face. There is no one you care enough about to imagine. So…because he’s the only option, you take Thor’s face and give your imaginary husband a face.
“We’d be partners.” You tell him. “Open about everything important. We would respect each other’s individualities. If something is troubling me, I would like to know that I could turn to him and if he had something on his mind, I’d hope that he could turn to me too.
“We’d be honest about even the unpleasant aspects of our life together. If we disagreed, we would talk about it openly. We wouldn’t hide from each other. We’d spend as much time as we could together and always make time for each other.”
You picture Thor sitting at your island in your comfy cottage. He’s so massive that he’d take up so much space. You’d have to squeeze past him, and he’d turn to wrap his arms around your waist as you pass.
He’d trap you there, not letting you move.
“We’d make breakfast together. Cramped up in my little kitchen, it would turn into play.” You smile. “We’d lounge around the house, reading and listening to music. In the evenings we’d move out to the backyard and watch the sun set then watch the stars until I’d fall asleep on his shoulder.”
As if you’re caught doing something you shouldn’t be, you startle yourself out of your daydream and feel your neck heat up.
You’d crossed from rational marriage into sentimental and you’re a little shocked at the detail in which your mind has gone.
You’re also a little startled by the pleasant feeling that picturing Thor in those situations has given you.
For someone who has never had a crush, you’re startled by the butterflies it gives you.
“But I’ve never been into anyone like that before.” You tell him, looking away from his intense gaze. “So, even if that’s what I picture, it’s not like it’s ever gonna happen.”
“It might.” Thor says, sounding as if he might be trying to comfort you.
“It won’t.” You assure him. “I hope your girl changes her mind.”
There’s a bitter ache in your chest as you say it, and you’re certain it’s only there because of the little fantasy you just allowed yourself to have. You should have picture someone else.
“I hope they relax on the royal blood thing and let you marry someone you love instead.” You hope.
“You say that as if you already know that I won’t pick you.” Thor observes.
You smile wide, laughing even as you bite your lip. “Well, I’m nothing like the girls you’ve met with. I don’t have endless amounts of money. I don’t have a prestigious education or extensive family. I don’t know anything about being royalty. The others have been doing it their entire lives. I’m the least likely candidate. I don’t fit the requirements, except for the bloodline thing.
“I only agreed to meet with you because I knew that the likelihood of you picking me was almost non-existent.”
“Ouch.” Thor says.
“No!” You rush to say. “You’re very…I mean, you’re kind from what I can tell and honorable. You’ve saved Earth a couple times and you’re a little self-centered but only in a superficial way that doesn’t change the fact that you’re a good man.
“I honestly don’t know why your girl won’t marry you but I’m not right for this.” You nod. “I wouldn’t make a good Queen for you.”
Thor nods slowly, thinking for a minute before he straightens up and turns to rise, slapping his hands on his knees before he moves back towards the table of fruit and beer.
“You’re probably right.” He agrees, and for some reason, you’re disappointed.
Not so much that he isn’t picking you, but rather that he sees you aren’t enough. You’re lacking in some way. Which you already knew but…knowing he thinks that makes you feel a little lousy despite that being something you wanted.
“I suppose I’ll just have to pick someone more suitable. Someone who knows better about ruling a people. All the same, thank you for coming.” Thor says, dismissing you.
He picks up his stein again and turns to look at you as you rise.
“It was a pleasure to meet you.”
You nod, “Likewise.”
After a moment of hesitation, you give him a wave and move for the doors, trembling hands reaching out to yank the doors open and make your escape.
It’s been weeks since you met with Thor and you’ve completely forgotten the whole thing. Life has gone back to normal and even though you now know that you’re from royal stock, nothing, as you expected, has changed.
The only plus that has risen from this whole situation is that you can now picture marriage a little better, however inexperienced and cliché it might be, you can make something up now.
Your little fling with the idea of Thor had given you fuel to slip a little romance into your writing and your fingers are flying across the keyboard of your laptop as you type up a new and promising mystery about a set of lovers and the body they discover in the attic of their new home.
You hate to be interrupted during a writing session, but you must have forgotten that about yourself because your phone starts to ring.
Normally you mute it before you even sit down to write.
With a growl you reach over and take a quick look at the number.
David flashes on your screen and quickly you swipe to answer.
“Hey, can I call you back in like an hour? I’m in the middle of a chapter and I’m on a roll.” You plead, fingers still flying across the keys.
“Y/N, Thor chose you.” David’s voice says and your fingers freeze.
There’s a pounding in your chest and your head is full of white fuzz. Your legs are numb, and your stomach is swirling with both flutters and nausea.
You can’t have heard that right.
“What?” You ask, voice shaky.
“Thor. He chose you. I just got off the phone with Brunnhilde and she wanted to let me know so that I could call you and let you know that she’ll be by tomorrow to pick you up.”
This can’t be happening.
“She said to pack only what you absolutely need. Everything else will be provided for you.”
“David…I…I can refuse, right? I don’t have to marry him.” You plead desperately.
“Y/N…” David sighs. “You agreed to this before you went to see him. I’m afraid the time to back out has come and gone.”
“But I can just not do it.” You argue. “They can’t force me to do it.”
“The government will seize your assets if you refuse.” David explains. “They want this done. I’m sorry, Y/N. There’s no backing out of this now.”
“But…But he loves someone else.” You tell him and even though your mind knows that this should be the last thing to concern you, it should not be the first reason you can think of why marrying Thor is a bad idea, it is.
As your eyes focus on the little blinking line of your word doc, your heart gives a painful ache knowing that your husband will be loving someone else.
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