#the next girl i hook up with is getting asked if she wants her deductions itemized im SO srs
jj-5656 · 2 years
Say It Like You Mean It With; Anthony Lockwood
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A/N: Hello again! We’ve begun a new obsession, I am absolutely hooked on this show. And if there’s no renewal announcement in the next month, or at all, I’m fighting. @sunshineangel-reads​ provided some suggestions in the inbox, so I figured I’d tag <3. All right, hope you enjoy!
Summary: The one where you meet the newest addition to the agency, and insomnia strikes again
IMPORTANT: All characters are aged up. I wouldn’t be comfortable doing so if they were played by minors, but that’s not the case here. Just wanted to make that clear before we begin. 
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“She can’t just go taking two at once like that.” 
“the rule is each member of the agency can only take one biscuit at a time in a strict rotation. Keeps things fair.”
“E-each member of the agency?” 
“Assuming you are still interested in the position?” The front door opens just as Lockwood’s finished. Three heads snapping toward the mud room as you shuffle in, arms weighed down from grocery bags.
“Of course she’s still interested!” To Lucy’s relief, it’s a female voice that sounds before you appear in font of them. Tufts of hair spilling over your face at the exertion of errands. The two boys are immediately at your side, ridding you of all baggage and heaving it toward what she assumes is the kitchen.
“Lucy,” Lockward calls out behind him as he descends the staircase along George. “Meet y/n y/l/n, another associate.” You scoff, extending a hand with a kind smile. Undoubtedly the most welcoming so far. “She’s most sensitive to sound, much like you. Not bad with a rapier, either.” 
“I hope they haven’t irritated you too much so far.” You beckon her to follow the boy’s path with you. “Please tell me you didn’t use the bloody toothbrush cup.” 
“Of course not.” Lockwood taps his nose with his finger when your back is to him, a silent beckon for your potential hiree not to snitch.
 The kitchen’s just down a flight of stairs, where you get unloading items into their designated spaces as George works on cooking. 
“We call this the thinking cloth,” Lockwood taps onto the wooden table after tossing you a box of pasta to put away. “We jot down memos, theories, trains of thought-”
“Cheesy love confessions.”
“Shut up, George.” The redhead misses the inside joke, brows furrowing with confusion as Anthony continues on. “I located the bones of the Fenchurch Street Ghoul by sketching out the street plans here at three in the morning over cheese on toast.”
“When a case goes badly an we’re not talking to one another, it’s good for exchanging insults too.”
“Ah, and how often does that happen?”
“Almost never.” You butt in, giving her your most genuine expression despite the white lie. You’re so eager to finally have another girl around, it’s only fair you promote the job as much as possible. 
“Now, basement. Follow me.” Lucy does as asked, sending a quick look of concern your way before she disappears down the stairway. 
“She’ll never last.”
“Oh c’mon George, I was more than welcoming when you came along.” 
“That’s because my natural talent was evident.” 
“Is that why you screamed like a little girl during the test?” 
“I wasn’t expecting the gunshots from the knife, alright?”
“This was my bedroom when I was little, and y/n’s for a while. You can use it, if you’d like. Unless you have other sleeping arrangements?” 
“Yes...No-I mean-”
“Of course, we’d deduct the rent from your wages. Nothing too steep. Just enough to cover the bills. I’m a very reliable landlord.” 
“Jesus, Anthony. Give her a second.” You tear open the blinds, smirking when Lucy takes a moment to admire the view at such height. Something tells you the pair of you will get on just fine. She hesitates, then. Looking Iver to you with confusion. 
“Do you sleep elsewhere?” There’s a sudden silence between the three of you. Lockwood clearing his throat as he pulls at a the tuft of hair at the nape of his neck. He studies the newest employee with a twinge of anxiety, presumably understanding how things might seem...Unprofessional. Granted, it’s a business run by an 18 year old, but an official one nonetheless. 
“We share the bedroom downstairs.” Is all you manage, blush adorning your features as her jaw slacks in understanding. 
“I’d like to make it clear,” Anthony looks over your frame, smiling fondly. Then back to Lucy. Who seems to hold no judgement despite her obvious contemplation. “Y/n and I attended academy together, she was with me when this all began.” 
“In other words,” you finish for him. “We were sleeping together before he became my employer.” The closed-off girl huffs a laugh for the first time since you’ve met her, though your boyfriend twinges pink with an abashed smile. Diffidence is awfully rare on him, though it's quite adorable. It’s then Lucy decides she’s fond of you already. 
“Please excuse my girlfriend’s lack of filter. I suppose George’s rubbed off on her.” He's only teasing, Lucy knows that when you shove at his shoulder. The pair of you are not overly affectionate, you don’t seem like the types anyway. Of course, she’s only caught a glimpse of your relationship, there’s an undeniable glint in her potential boss’ eyes as he looks at you. 
“Like Anthony said-” 
“Lockwood, please.” Though he interrupts you, he’s only looking at Lucy. She comes to understand you may be the only one unwilling to refer to him as such. It almost twitches a smile to her lips. 
“This used to be my room, before Anthony begged for my hand.” 
“Was that before or after you professed your undying love for me?” Said boy backs up toward the stairs, noticing the inklings of a friendship beginning to form between the two girls front him. 
“Before then, but definitely after you pleaded to kiss me when you drank the better half of MY whiskey. Which was a gift, by the way. An expensive one.” 
“From that muppet at academy?” He scoffs, wiping an invisible stream of dust off the banister. “Horrid flirt.” A grimace sets upon his face. Josh Collins was a right prick, you had to admit. Though it was an obliged graduation gift. 
“Don’t speak so poorly of yourself, sweetheart.” Lucy can’t help but really smile this time, features immediately dulling once she realizes she’s been caught. You pretend not to notice.
Lockwood sends a half-assed glare your way, holding his tongue in lieu of the new company. “This has got it’s own bathroom. There’s a bigger one downstairs, but that’s mean sharing with George. And I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.” A beat of silence after you nod in agreement, cringing at the flashbacks. “Right, well, we’ll leave you to unpack. Settle in. That’s assuming-”
“Those newspaper clippings on the wall...”
“Oh. You saw those. Not very modest, is it?” 
“But definitely on brand.” You mutter what you think is to yourself, smiling innocently when they look your way. 
“Should really take them down.” 
“No, it’s more...It’s just. Well you haven’t said anything about...I mean, who are you guys?” 
“Plenty of time for that. You should rest. Get some sleep.”
“That’s...If you’ll take the job?” You hope you don’t sound as desperate as you are, voice tilting with anticipation as you wring your hands together. 
There’s a couple, agonizing beats of silence that feel like hours. Finally, the girl nods, “yes.” 
You all but shout, fighting jumping up and down at the confirmation. Anthony shakes his head at you with a fond roll of his eyes, sending Lucy hopeful smile. “Well then, welcome to Lockwood and Co.” You squeeze her arm gently in congratulation, taking hold of your boyfriend’s chin to press a swift kiss to his cheeks. Unaware of his skin flushing with heat as you descend the stairs in an elated hurry.
“Georgie, she said yes!!”
It’s dark when you wake, rolling over in search of warmth that isn’t there. Unsurprisingly, Anthony’s not beside you. You huff a sigh, cursing your boyfriends’ relentless insomnia before wrapping the quilt folded at the bottom of the bed around your form and stalking down the hall.
He’s in the library, of course. The bright fire pops into the silence of the night, illuminating the room in a tantalizing warmth. Lockwood runs a finger over his bottom lip as his eyes remain trained on the book in hand. Up until a weak floor board gives your presence away with a groaning creak.
His lips curl into a tired, yet no less pleased smile at the sight of you. Shifting the couch so you’ll fit perfectly into his side. “Why are you awake, dove? It’s late.” He pushes a stray strand of hair from your face, brows furrowing when you scoff at the irony.
“Could say the same for you. Can’t sleep again?” He hums, elaboration not necessary. Hurt tugs at your heart strings as your thumb trails over the dark skin just below his eyes. A hand wrapping around your wrist to kiss your doting ones away.
In the solitude of these hours, you’re both able to find comfort in your gentle affections. It’s much easier alone, sometimes. There’s an unspoken ease in the solitude of it all. In these moments, Lockwood can feed into the delusion it’s just you and him in this house, in the whole world.
“Close your eyes and get some rest.” He wraps an arm around your sternum. Your back to his chest as he continues reading. A pout adorns your features, eyes narrowing.
“But I’m not tired.”
“Yes. You most definitely are,” the corners of us eyes crinkle with his knowing smirk. “You just don’t want to make me feel bad for making you feel obligated to stay awake with me.”
You envy his ability to read you more often than not. Pulling the quilt further over the two of you so as to seem inconspicuous. Failing miserably when a yawn tears through you. Long lashes fluttering over your cheekbones as you blink slow, gazing up at him. Anthony feigns stoicism under your gaze, though you’re just about the only person to make his heart race with just a look. The one you’re giving him right now is particularly cruel. Pleading, soft, all things sweet and alluring. He figures you’ve perfected the craft of drawing him in, unknowingly or otherwise.
“I’m wide awake, actually.” Is all you manage. Voice rasped with sleep as your nails run over the exposed skin of his forearm. Sending chills down his spine. The arm resting over you pulls slightly back, just enough to enable his hand to hold the side of your face. Fingers smoothing over your warm skin to lull you further.
You’ve always been naturally much warmer than him. A personal furnace, he regards you. Seeing as he’s always too cold for his liking.
It makes sense. You’re all things sweet and painstakingly kind. There’s not a soul who’d be able to repay half the debts you deem mere favors. You’d give the shirt off your back to anyone who needed it, especially those you care for.
You’re everything Anthony Lockwood is not. And sometimes, most times, he hates himself for it. Hates he’s too selfish to let you go and award you opportunity to find someone much more worthy of your heart.
“Hey. Where’d you go?” He’s stopped his ministrations, seizing your attention from the cackling fire and back to him. He offers a small smile, one you read right through. Here he is again, pulling away and closing off in the moments you’re both most vulnerable. It’d hurt, at first. The beginnings of your relationship...Friendship, even. Had often been strained by Anthony’s reclusive  habits. You’ve shared just about every piece of yourselves to one another, yet he still manages to find more fear in love than fighting the dead.
Over time you’ve developed patience. Reveling in the small moments of softness he’s awarded you in all the chaos. They’re worth it. Knowing him, learning how to love him, has been worth it.
“I’m right here, love. I’m always here.” He presses a gentle kiss to the crown of your head. Pretending to get lost in the pages afront him once more.
“Come to bed.” You’re so quiet he almost misses it, folding the book against his chest to meet your gaze. Doing his best to ward off your obvious puppy eyes. (though he lacks lacks the best track record with this)
“Just one more chapter? Then I’ll take you to bed and pretend to sleep for the next few hours.” You frown at his teasing, swatting away his poke to your sides in search of a smile.
“You’re not funny, Lockwood. All i want is for you to rest. Really rest, for once.” Rapier-calloused fingers card through his hair, eliciting a gracious sigh.
“I’m only joking. I do rest much easier with you around,” a swift kiss to your lips. “Sleep better when you’re beside me,” two more against your cheeks for good measure.
“You’re awful.”
“Awful!” A hand collides with his chest, chastising. “Being sweet so I’ll stop worrying. It won’t work. I’ll always worry about you.” And there it is again. The agonizing clutch at his heart at your compassion. Unable to resist the notion there are so many others much more worthy of your affections.
“I know.” It’s a whisperer, forehead pressing against yours. “You should probably start saving that for a bloke who deserves it.” There’s no self-pity to it. No trace of malice or fish for reassurance. So succinct and matter of fact you want to tackle him into an embrace in lieu of willing away every deprecating thought that intrudes his conscience.
“Anthony Lockwood.” You’re stern, then. Maneuvering upward so your head can rest on the arm of the love-worn couch and better face him. “If you’re mean to my boyfriend one more time, I’ll ensure my spirit is tied to you. Haunting you with love and affection for the rest of eternity.”
“I feel like that’s supposed to be a threat...” Cold fingers trace over your collar bone, peeking out from under his dress shirt you’ve stolen. “Though it’s almost endearing. I’d quite like to be stuck with you for the rest of time, I think.” A blush flushes your features, worsening when it elicits his cocky smirk at the observation.
“I hate you.” Hands concealing your abashed face with the muffled whine.
“Say it like you mean it, Darling.” He stretches under you, nudging at your forearms with the spine of his book. “Will you uncover yourself now? I’d like to see you again.” You oblige, hands falling atop your thighs and against his stomach. Anthony’s gasp startles you, features taught with confusion. “My God, it’s happened again!”
“You’ve gotten prettier! Just now, I swear it!” A groan sounds as you press your face into his chest, shaking along with his rumbles of laughter. 
“Just read your book, Lockwood. I like you better when you’re quiet.”
“Just one more chapter. Then we’ll head to bed.” He straightens, getting ahold of himself as he obliges. Eyes meeting yours once you tap his elbow.
“Read to me?”
“I thought you liked me better quiet?”
“I like you best complacent.”
“Noted.” And with that, he begins.
You stretch over him as he begins, his shirt on you rising just enough to expose your mid drift. Greedy fingers take the opportunity to run themselves over your soft skin. Cool rings giving eliciting goosebumps. He does it mindlessly, which makes you heat even more
“Stop blushing, you’re distracting me.”
Lockwood squints as the curtains are torn open with a cruel screech. George stands a-front him, hands on his hips. You’d never managed to make it back to bed, both having fallen asleep in the sam positions as the hours before. This particularly apparent when Anthony raises his head from the back of the coach, wincing at the soreness in his neck. 
“You know, I may as well take the master bedroom if you’re never gonna use it.” 
“Quiet down, George. You’ll wake her.” The curly-haired boy rolls his eyes when his colleague cuffs his hands over your ears, shielding you from the noise. 
“Good. We have work to do.” 
“Our first official case as a team of four.” Your boyfriend beams brightly despite the morbid information in hand. Passing it along so the rest of you can be caught up. 
“Mrs. Hope...Looking to rid her house of a Problem following the demise of her late husband.” George adjusts his glasses as he sums the story to you and Lucy.
“Cheeky.” The girl deadpans, taking a sip of her steaming cup of tea groggily.
“Pay grade. That we desperately need.” You shrug, doing your best to make light of each job despite their implications. 
“George, you should get a head start on the research while we pack the bags. Lucy we have to learn plans A-F, as well.” The three of you nod along, Lockwood tilting his chin upward to allow you better room to adjust his tie, Pulling away so he can offer the portion of buttered toast and chopped fruit he’s plated for you. You only take a strawberry, a polite shake of your head when he pushes it forward once more. 
“Later.” You note, running your fingers under his collar to smooth it out. 
“You should eat.” He’s stern, pulling away his steaming mug you reach for with furrowed brows. “Can’t have tea on an empty stomach, you get all shaky.” Your jaw slacks in half-serious offense at the notion, the pair of you turning your heads toward your colleagues sat at the table, 
“You’ll have to get used to their old-married-folk tendencies. It’s quite insufferable at first, but becomes increasingly tolerable over time.”
“Oh shut it.” It's in unison, only aiding in your flushed demeanors as their grins grow. 
“Told you.” The bastards’ irritatingly smug as he motions toward you. “I’ll be off to the archives, I’ve reached my morning’s capacity of affections.” Anthony’s arms cross with a scoff, eyes trailing over to you and face igniting in a mischievous smirk. Your brows furrow, about to question his sudden change in attitude before he’s on you. Making a show of grabbing the sides of your face and littering kisses all over your face. Pushing so you have to step backward toward a horrified George, hands over his ears as he attempts to escape the treachery. 
Lucy can’t help but laugh. Overcome with the realization of all the agencies in London, she’s likely ended up with the best one. 
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Too Hot To Handle
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word count: 5.9k
YOU: It's day two in this villa! I was excited but I just now remembered that I can't actually do anything that I had planned so...
"Good morning," Lana chimes. "I'm pleased that there were no rule breaks last night. Today is your first full day in the retreat, and the weather will be sunny with highs of 86° Fahrenheit, and there'll be zero chance of sex."
Mason lets out a sarcastic laugh from across the room. "Nice one, Lana, really funny."
"She's got a bit of lip on her today, huh?" Harry chuckles.
"Yeah, you could say that," Mason replies.
Rhia laughs. "Zero chance of sex. She's fucking amazing."
HYUNJIN: Obviously last night was a huge cockblock. Me and y/n just had a little bit of pillow talk before we went to sleep and I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty nice. I think I'm starting to really like her already.
Getting ready for the day seemed a lot more challenging than it should've been when you're surrounded by hot, horny women.
"So," Layla begins. "Who do we all think is gonna break the rules first out of the boys?"
"Hyunjin. Definitely Hyunjin," Rhia says.
"Rhia!" You shout, a small grin on your face at the thought.
"Oh, come on, y/n. The boy is already hooked on you. He's not gonna be able to leave you alone for more than five minutes."
"You think so?" You ask, a small blush rising up to your cheeks.
"Yes, I do. But that doesn't mean you should go off and prove my point."
"Yes, mother."
You hear a scoff from across the table and immediately know it came from Layla.
"I think Hyunjin has some self-control actually.," she comments, surprising you. "Either that or he just hasn't found the right girl in here."
Rhia laughs. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, hun."
Over by the pool, Hyunjin and the other boys are already fixed up for today and are discussing the prices of different actions.
"So, kissing. How much do you reckon that's gonna cost?" Patrick asks.
"Well, I think if I kissed someone and it was like a petty little peck," Hyunjin says. "That would be like ten bucks."
"You never know," Mason says.
Hyunjin continues. "But if it was like a full-on, grabbing them, affectionate make-out kind of kiss, it could be worth a hell of a lot more than that."
"So, we're grading sex too? Like was it- did she moan? Did she scream?" Jack comments.
"Well imagine if it's like, head banging against the wall, legs everywhere. I reckon, ten grand." Harry declares, earning a laugh from the group.
JACK: This is a retreat full of the sexiest girls I've ever seen and you expect us not to kiss or touch? So all we've got to do is just keep our pants on. [chuckles] Not happening.
"If I'm gonna take a risk, I'm gonna make it worthwhile," Patrick says. "If I'm gonna make a deduction causing us to lose money, I'm gonna kiss, have sex, look, I'm gonna make it worth it. So, definitely-"
He's cut off by Hyunjin. "When I get told I can't do something, I want to do it more, you know? And having y/n next to me in bed does not help my situation." he laughs.
As if it were your queue, you and the girls all walk down to the poolside and join the boys, each of you sitting down next to the partner you shared a bed with the previous night. Well... most of you.
"What are we talking about over here?" You ask. "You all seem very interested."
"Just the prices of different shit," Jack says. "Harry thinks sex is gonna be ten grand."
"Ten!?" Rhia exclaims. "If it is, we're fucked."
"All I'm gonna say is this," Mason begins. "I'm watching you all,. We have a chance to win one hundred grand here and I'm not letting the chance slip away from me. I'm gonna be like the sex police up in here."
"So boring, then?" Layla asks, a disgusted look on her face.
"No," he says. "Just responsible."
The next few days at the retreat were a huge struggle for you and Hyunjin. You had people all around you making the prize pot decrease every single day and resisting the urge of one another was a completely different ballpark. As time went on, the tension between the two of you just kept getting tighter and higher. It was ready to snap.
Today was the first workshop of your stay and you were not expecting what you were all faced with.
You walked down the steps, Rhia on your left and Hollie on your right and say Hyunjin and the boys stood around five different what you assumed were mattresses.
"What's up, everybody!?" the woman shouted at you all, you looked up at Hyunjin as his arm slung around your shoulder.
You all cheer.
"I am here to teach a workshop on Shibari. My name is Shan and I hope you guys have a great time," she begins. "Have you guys ever played with bondage, with handcuffs, with restraints?"
The majority of the group raised their hands, you included. It shocked you, however, to see that Hyunjin had never done anything like that before. Oh well, there's a first time for everything.
"You ready for this?" Hyunjin asks you, a small smirk on his face.
"No," you chuckle.
Hyunjin picks up the rope. "Do you wanna tie me up or is it my turn to have some control here?"
You giggle at him; you have been a little more on the dominant side with him lately, stopping him whenever he came in for a kiss because of the rules, telling him what to do. Hyunjin did kind of like it, but he wanted his way with you too.
"I suppose I could let you take over from here," you smile, biting your lower lip and staring up at him.
"Don't look at me like that," he whines.
You both laugh at how easy it was to rile each other up.
"Now," he says. "Turn around and put your hands behind your back.
"Yes, sir."
Hyunjin works the rope around your hands before pulling it around his waist and therefore pulling you close to him. Your hands rested just above his package and a small part of you wished he had put your hands just a tiny bit lower.
"Is this okay?" Hyunjin whispers in your ear, wrapping the rope around the two of you, connecting you in any way possible.
"Yeah," you reply, staring at his hands as they work.
Unfortunately, the fun you two were having was cut short when Shan announced that you needed to untie each other and head back to the retreat.
"Before you guys leave," she says. "I hope you all trust each other and can now start developing a deeper connection now that you have this tryst. This was obviously your first-ever workshop so, did you enjoy it?"
"Yes!" You shouted, along with Hyunjin, Rhia, Patrick, Layla and Harry.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that so many of you did. It was really nice meeting you all and I hope you have fun during the rest of your stay here!"
You say goodbye to her and follow Hyunjin back up the steps and to the pool to cool off, Rhia following closely behind you along with Patrick.
"So, guys," Rhia says. "How did we find the workshop?"
"It was great, you smile.
"You could say that again," Hyunjin laughs.
"Yeah, I saw you too, getting freaky," Patrick jokes, making you cringe a little at his choice of words.
"It was really fun, to be fair," Rhia laughs. "You two looked like you were having a nice time."
"I mean I couldn't feel my fingers after a while but apart from that it was definitely something that I wouldn't mind doing again," you hint, looking over at Hyunjin.
He chuckles at you. "Just you wait."
"Hold your horses guys, we're still here," Rhia jokes.
"Or not, I wouldn't mind," Patrick laughs, not getting the reaction he was hoping for from you though.
"I'm fine thanks, Pat."
HYUNJIN: I can't believe this guy. I mean, I know he's only joking but sometimes he just takes it a little too far.
"Hey Hyunjin," you say, walking over to him and sitting down at the bar beside him.
"Hey," he smiles.
"Whatcha doing?" You ask, dragging the 'o' out.
"I was about to get up and have some strawberries if you wanted to help me eat them?" He asks. "You know how I struggle."
You laugh at him. "I would love to help with this oh-so-difficult task."
Hyunjin gets up and walks over to the outdoor fridge, grabs a small portion of strawberries and places them in a bowl in front of you. He picks on up and removes the green from the top, putting it in the trash and then placing the strawberry halfway past his lips.
"I see where you're going with this," you chuckle.
You both lean closer towards one another as you take a bit out of the part of the strawberry that wasn't in his mouth, the juices spilling down your chin and towards your chest.
Hyunjin licks his lips as he pulls away from you, his eyes landing on the droplet of strawberry juice that is slowly rolling down your bare skin.
"I'll get that for you."
Expecting him to just take a piece of tissue and wipe it off, you were surprised to see him stick out his tongue and lick the sweetness off of your body, following it from just above your tits to the very top of your neck.
That should not have turned you on as much as it should have.
"You guys finished over there?" A voice calls from behind you.
You turn around to see Layla, Hollie, Brooke and Jack sitting on the sun loungers, their eyes all on you.
YOU: Oh my God that was so embarrassing but it was also kind of hot at the same time. I wonder what else Hyunjin can do with his tongue if you know what I mean [winks]
It was the time of day for you to all gather at the cabana to see what damage had been done to the money yet again. Nobody ever wants to lose money, especially when it is a life changing sum such as one hundred grand.
"What does Lana have in store for us tonight, I wonder," Rhia says, adjusting herself as she sits down beside you.
"Hopefully nothing, her voice is giving me a headache," Hyunjin laughs.
"Hyunjin!" You laugh. "That's not very nice."
The dreaded chime rings out.
"Hey, Lana, sweetheart," you speak.
"There has been a breach of the rules and money has been deducted from the prize fund."
"What?" Harry says.
"Again?" You ask. "Seriously?"
"For fuck sake, man," Mason says. "Whoever has broken the rules, you know what you've done so it's honestly just best to confess now before Lana outs you."
"You have lost $3000," Lana announces.
"Alright, so someone's kissed!" Hollie yells.
"I don't mean this in like a bad way, but, you know y/n and Hyunjin, you guys were eating strawberries before, like, do you think Lana took that-?"
"No," Hyunjin says. "Our lips didn't even touch."
"They didn't touch?" Layla confirms.
"Not at all," you say.
"Patrick, was it you?" Hyunjin asks.
"It wasn't me," he says. "You can't look at me. I actually promise it wasn't me this time."
"Maybe it was you two," Jack says, leaning over and looking at Harry and Hollie.
"I hate to be accused," Harry says. "I think that's probably one of the things I hate the most."
"I think you guys are holding something back," Layla comments.
"Girl, what?" Hollie says.
"Harry, when you pulled her into the dressing room late last night, you're telling me that no rules were broken?"
"I don't need to do anything sexual to validate a relationship," Harry says.
"Why are you so defensive? If you honestly didn't do anything?" Layla continues.
Harry rolls his eyes. "Believe what you wanna believe, we didn't do anything. I came here with my guard up. I don't think I'm gonna leave here in a relationship. I don't think I'm gonna leave with love."
YOU: Someone needs to take this shovel away from Harry because he's digging himself a big ass hole here and if he's not careful, Hollie is gonna push him into it and leave him there for good.
"The prize fund now stands at $91,000," Lana says.
"Better than zero, better than zero," Patrick says.
"It's better than zero but if we don't know who's done it then how do we know who to watch and keep an eye out for?" Rhia adds.
"The most important thing here is being honest and to admit and own up to when we fuck up," you say. "If it isn't Harry and Hollie, it isn't me and Hyunjin and it's not Patrick and Rhia then who is it?"
"I'm fucking over this. I can't," Layla says.
"Yeah, Brooke says.
"Do you wanna go?"
Brooke giggles. "Yeah, let's go."
"What if they fucking kissed or some shit?" Patrick asks himself as Layla and Brooke stand up with their drinks.
MASON: I legitimately think that if there's anyone I can't trust, it's Layla and Brooke. The most manipulative person in this retreat is hanging out with the most mindless human on Earth. What could possibly go wrong?
You and Rhia are sitting on the beach with glasses of what you think is white wine, Hyunjin and Patrick chilling in the water not too far away from the two of you, and you're talking about what has happened so far.
"I'm glad that Patrick fixed the little rivalry he had going with Hyunjin. I'm loving the group we've got going on here." You say, looking over at Rhia.
"Me too, it just gets a little frustrating being around them with all these rule breaks going on. There's been three in what, four days?" Rhia replies.
"It's not the people breaking the rules that annoys me. It's the fact that I am being so careful with Hyunjin and trying my best to make sure that we don't break a rule for the benefit of everyone else but nobody notices that. I want nothing more than to be able to kiss Hyunjin all day and get down and dirty with him but I want this money just as much as everyone else here and it's just so frustrating that my effort isn't taking me anywhere."
Rhia nods along as you admit your feelings to her. "I understand how you feel y/n. I know how much you like him, we all do. I think you need to take matters into your own hands from here on out, though. If nobody else is going to follow these rules, then why should you?"
"I like your thinking," you smirk.
Before you can say anything more on the matter, Hyunjin sneaks up behind you and shakes his wet hair all over your body, shocking you with how cold the droplets are.
"Oh my God, Hyunjin!"
You try and push him away from you but as his arms are caging you against him, there's no way you can fight him off.
"Stop! Stop! It's so cold!" you shriek, laughing at the same time.
Hyunjin's laugh echoes through your ears and he finally stops, the sound making you feel like you've just entered Heaven.
"Okay I'm done now," he says, calming down a a little and sitting next to you on the sand.
"What were you two talking about anyways?" Patrick asks, drying his hair on a towel.
"Oh nothing special, just trying to figure out who kissed last night," Rhia says, covering up what your actual conversation was about.
"We should rule out who we think it definitely isn't," Hyunjin suggests.
"I can promise you, it wasn't us," Patrick says.
"Right. So you two didn't do anything and neither did me and Hyunjin."
"Yeah," Rhia says.
"Harry," you say.
"Look, I want to believe him so bad but, I mean, they went in the middle of the night," Hyunjin says. "I'm not gonna rule them out."
"Who else is there?" You ask.
"Don't put anything past Layla," Rhia says.
"She was sitting at that fire pit last night and she was smirking and whispering to Brooke the whole time," you explain.
"Yeah, Patrick says. "You know what I find most interesting is that Brooke was so , like, vocal."
"But who would she kiss?" Hyunjin asks.
"Dude, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Brooke and Layla made out."
"Oh, I didn't think of that," you say.
"I don't see anyone here lying except for those two," Patrick finishes.
The day was slowly coming to a close and it was getting later and later and you still had to talk to Hyunjin about what you and Rhia had discussed earlier.
You were walking around, scanning the retreat and looking for him when you spotted him sitting with Layla having what seemed to be a very serious conversation.
"Look, Layla, you're a sweet girl and all but I'm just really not interested in having you as more than a friend, I'm sorry."
"But why, Hyunjin? Y/n surely can't be as good as you're making her out to be. You two haven't broken a single rule in almost a week, you're just gonna get bored of her soon enough anyways," Layla replies, trying to convince him to choose her.
A tear rolled down your cheek. What was happening?
"You have no business in what I do with her. Maybe if you actually tried to connect with Mason you would understand," Hyunjin snaps. "I'm done having this conversation with you."
You watch him as he stands up from the chair and walks away to the bar, opening a bottle of beer and taking a long swig.
Slowly, you approached him and placed your arms around his waist. You could tell he was annoyed.
"You okay, Jinnie?"
"What?" he asks.
"I asked if you were okay."
"No," he says. "What did you call me?"
"Jinnie?" you say.
He smiles softly. "I like that."
" I'm glad you do. Now answer my question," you say.
"I'm fine," he says. "Just a little annoyed with some people in here."
"So am I," you say, looking up at him. "I actually came over to talk to you about something but I'll leave it until you're a little calmer if you want."
"No, it's okay, you can talk to me now," he says.
"Alright," you say, taking a deep breath. "I just wanted to make sure that you were happy with what we've got going on right now, especially since we haven't broken any rules yet."
Hyunjin furrows his eyebrows at your question. "Why wouldn't I be happy, y/n? I have the most beautiful girl in the retreat right here with me, I have nothing to complain about."
You smile. "I know you say that but I know there are other girls not just in here, but out of the retreat too that would be able to provide you with so much more stability than me. I haven't kissed you in almost a week and it's not like I don't want to, because I do, I'm just scared of disappointing everyone else."
"Look," Hyunjin begins. "I understand that you're worrying about us but I don't blame you for wanting to save as much of the money as you possibly can. I would do the same thing if I didn't have so much of it already."
"That's the thing, though. I don't want to save the money anymore," you say, confusing Hyunjin.
"You know how me and Rhia were talking at the beach while you and Patrick were messing around in the water?" You ask.
"Yeah..." Hyunjin replies.
"Well, Rhia made me realise that there's no point in avoiding a good kiss or two with you out of respect for the others if they have no respect for anybody else anyway," you explain. "I'm not saying that we should just go around and break every single rule in the book but I want to be able to share something g with you before I regret it and-"
Hyunjin cuts off your rambling by pressing his lips against yours, his hands wrapping themselves around your waist and pulling you closer to his body. You melted into him as your lips worked against his, the two of you completely lost in the moment. Unfortunately, Hyunjin broke the kiss and rested his forehead against yours.
"I forgot how good of a kisser you are," he chuckles, catching his breath.
You laughed at his words and buried your head in his chest, your cheeks reddening.
"Don't go hiding yourself now," Hyunjin jokes, pulling your head up with his fingers. "You're too pretty for that."
"Stop it!" You say, attempting to hide your blushing face.
YOU: I can't even begin to explain how good it felt to finally kiss him again. I know this isn't going to go down very well with some of the others but I hope most of them can recognise how much we both needed that.
It was time to gather at the cabana once more and this was the first time you felt genuinely nervous in a very long time.
"Okay, we all know why we're here again," Mason says. "I have to get to the bottom of this. It's all just about openness, honestly. Whoever did it, this is your opportunity now to have just an inkling of honesty because otherwise it's gonna come out in a much different way, which is only gonna make you look bad.
YOU: Preach, Mason, preach girl!
"Unless I slept-walked and fell into someone's vagina, I know it's not me."
You laugh at his wording of the situation.
"Patrick has spoken to me open-heartedly so I know it's not him. I know it isn't Hyunjin either."
"Damn straight, " Patrick says, fist-bumping Hyunjin.
"To be honest with you two," he points at Harry and Hollie. "I would never have guessed you went in the middle of the night alone. Like, to me, that's like jumping into a flame and hoping you don't get burnt. I did question what decisions you two made in there but I'm choosing to believe you."
"Thank you," Harry says.
"The only other two people that I don't know at all, who have openly admitted to more than enough alone time-"
Mason is cut off by Brooke. "This is ridiculous. Do not fucking talk to me like that. This is ridiculous."
Everyone gives each other strange looks, trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
"I feel like I'm the easiest person to come at," Brooke continues.
"Brooke," Patrick says. "Did you do anything that would cause a $3000 reduction with Layla?"
"No, I did not kiss Layla," Brooke says, strangely defensively.
"Alright," Patrick leans back, gesturing over to Mason.
"Should we ask Lana," Mason says.
"Yeah, we should," you say, excited to see the result of who it actually was.
"That's the fairest thing to do," Hollie says, sitting up from being against Harry the whole time.
"See what Lana has to say," Hyunjin says. "She knows."
Lana chimes.
"Lana!" Harry cheers. "What you gonna tell us?"
"Hello. How are we all feeling today?"
"On edge," you laugh.
"Lana, we have a question for you," Mason says.
"Yes, how can I help?" She says.
"Was it Harry and Hollie who broke the rule yesterday?"
A small amount of time passes and we are all sat in silence. How typical of Lana to add some tension to the already present tension.
Some of us clap for the two of them and Patrick leans over to high-five Harry.
"Well done, dude."
"Lana," Mason begins yet again. "Was it Jack and Layla?"
The same silence passes by.
"Yes!" Jack exclaims. "I'm off the hook for once."
"You are not the father," Hyunjin jokes, earning a chuckle from you.
For the final time, Mason asks the question.
"Lana... was it Brooke and Layla who broke the rules and kissed last night?"
"Negative," Layla says, trying to get some of the pressure off her shoulders.
The suspense drags on and on.
"God, this is killing me," Rhia says, leaning her head back on the sofa to regain some strength.
Everybody gasps and stands up from their seats, pacing around the room in shock.
"Oh my God!" Rhia yells. "I didn't think it was true!"
"So you lied about it and then you denied it," you say, scoffing at their behaviour.
"You lied to our faces," Patrick says. "And how are you laughing right now, Brooke?"
"I don't understand why you'd lie," you say.
"Oh my God, you blow my mind," Mason scoffs. "You actually blow my mind."
"Alright, that's enough," Brooke says, standing up and looking over at Layla. "Come with me?"
"It's the walk-off!" Harry shouts. "It's the walk-off!"
"See you later, girls!" you shout as they walk away.
"They're off to the showers!" Hyunjin laughs.
BROOKE: I'm glad this all happened, I still don't like these people. If anything, I'm glad I fucked them over so hopefully they'll stop talking to me and stop bothering me.
As if the night couldn't get any worse, Lana has another announcement.
"I am not finished here yet," she says. " There will be two new arrivals coming to the retreat tomorrow and they have both picked one of you to take away on a date."
We all gasp.
"What? No," you say, praying that Hyunjin hasn't been picked.
"The new girl in town, Sonya, had chosen..."
"Sonya? That sounds very foreign, I like it," Patrick says, earning a slap on the arm from Rhia.
"Watch it," she snaps.
"Hyunjin." Lana finishes.
YOU: Are you fucking kidding me? I literally just managed to get Layla out of my way and steer clear and now this Sonya girl wants to fuck with my man too
HYUNJIN: I really do not want to go on this date at all. I'm perfectly happy with y/n thank you very much.
"Come the fuck on, Lana," you groan, throwing your arms up in the air. "Give me a break."
"The second newcomer is Malcolm and he has chosen..."
YOU: Please don't be me. please don't be me. Please don't be me.
"Oh my God it's like the ultimate couple test," Rhia says, shocked out of her mind.
"You will have to be ready and at the beach at 12:00, no later. Goodnight and good luck."
With that, Lana leaves with her melodic chime and nerves set into your body right away.
Hyunjin looks down at you and sighs, pulling you up by your hand and walking away with you, not uttering a word to the group. He takes you into the bedroom, sits you down on the bed and stands in front of you.
"Look at me, y/n." He says.
You stay glaring at the floor beneath you, ignoring him.
"Y/n," he says. "Come on, sweetheart look at me."
You give in to his pleas and slowly lift your head up and meet his eyes.
"I know you're scared but trust me when I say this, I am not gonna go behind your back. I appreciate what we have so much already and I'm not gonna give that up for some girl I've never met before." Hyunjin speaks, comforting you. "I promise that nothing will happen between me and her as long as you can do the same."
"I promise," you say, grabbing his hands.
"Good," he says, "Now stop crying and give me a hug."
The next morning was a huge struggle for not only you but for Hyunjin as well. He had never managed to commit to a full relationship and as much as he wanted to convince himself that he could stay loyal, he knew that if this Sonya girl was his type, he might have to break the promise he made to you.
You applied a light layer of makeup, not wanting to put in too much effort for someone who you weren't going to pursue anything with. Rhia decided to choose your outfit to avoid your overthinking and to be honest, you don't think she could've chosen a better thing.
You wore a yellow sundress that hugged the top half of your body but flew out at the bottom past your waist. It was really pretty. You just wished you were wearing it for somebody else.
It felt like only seconds had passed before Lana chimed in.
"Hello, y/n."
"Hey, Lana," you reply, sounding sorrowful for yourself.
"You do not sound very excited about your fast-approaching date with Malcolm," she says.
"To be honest," you say. "I don't want to do it."
"Well, either way, you have no choice. Malcolm has already arrived and is waiting for you. you must head to the beach immediately."
With that, Lana deactivates and stops talking.
YOU: Well she was fucking helpful, wasn't she?
"Hey there, beautiful," the man who you suspect was Malcolm says as you approach him, a glass of champagne already poured for you.
"Hi," you reply, painting a fake smile on your face.
"I'm Malcolm, nice to meet you," he says, standing up and kissing your cheek, a hand placing itself on your waist before he sits back down and you follow suit.
"So, tell me about yourself," he says.
"Uh, well, my name is y/n and I've been at the retreat now for about a week, I'm 21 and I currently live in Seoul."
"Cool," he says. "What do you do for work?"
"Uh, I help choreograph an upcoming K-pop girl group," you answer.
"You into that shit?" He asks, a frown coming upon his face.
"I mean, I don't listen to it all the time but I do have a fair few songs on my playlist, yeah," you say, confused as to why he made that out to be an issue if you did.
"I really hate that kind of music," Malcolm says. "I just don't understand why people would want to listen to a language that they don't speak."
"Well I do speak Korean so..." you say, making it a little awkward.
This wasn't going well.
"Uh, anyways," Malcolm says. "What do you think of me? Because I must say, you are gorgeous."
"Thank you," you reply. "I'm actually already seeing someone in the retreat and I'm really happy with him so I don't want to ruin that."
"Oh come on. What he doesn't know can't hurt him, right?" Malcolm asks, trying to push you for a kiss.
"There's also another reason that nothing physical can happen between us," you say.
"In this retreat," you being. "There's no sexual activities allowed: no kissing, no hands, no sex, nothing."
"You're kissing," he says. "So I've been put on a date with the hottest girl I've ever seen and I can't even touch?"
"Exactly that, yes," you say.
"Fuck that."
YOU: I already don't like this guy. I just get a weird vibe from him and I can tell he isn't going to leave me alone until he gets what he wants. I just hope Hyunjin's date is going just as disastrous as mine.
Hyunjin and Sonya were both sitting next to each other on the picnic blanket, their glasses both empty and the strawberries half eaten.
"So, in this forbidden retreat," Sonya begins. "Do you happen to have a partner in there yet?"
Hyunjin pauses for a little. "I do."
"How serious are you guys?"
"We've kissed a good few times and she does make me happy," Hyunjin says.
"I could make you happier, you know," she says. "Just one kiss and you'll find out."
"I'm not going to risk a stable relationship for one kiss, Sonya. I'm sorry."
When you arrived back at the retreat, you were walking beside Malcolm, his arm around your shoulders. The two of you had talked a little more and had agreed to remain friends (you had forced him to back off).
"Hey girl!" rhia shouts over all the cheers as you leave Malcolm to find his own way and sit over with the girls.
"Hey," you say, sitting next to Hollie. "Has Hyunjin come back yet?"
"No, you're the first here," Layla says.
You waited impatiently for Hyunjin to return which felt like hours when, in reality, it had only been about ten minutes before he and Sonya walked over the sand dune and into the retreat.
You stared at them as Sonya had her arm interlinked with his. Your heart dropped. Had he realised that she was much prettier than you? You didn't realise how close the two of them had gotten before you snapped out of your trance.
"Hi girls, I'm Sonya, it's really lovely to meet you all," she says, finally parting her arm from around your man.
All you could do was grin at her slightly, your eyes still locked onto Hyunjin. He eventually looks at you and takes your hand, excusing the two of you and walks you over to a private area, where you could talk.
"So," he says. "How did it go for you?"
"Awful," you replied, your voice monotone as you thought he would be leaving you.
"Mine too," Hyunjin says, shocking you. "She kept trying to get me to be with her but I told her about you and eventually she gave up."
"So how come she had her arms practically wrapped around you," you say.
"I couldn't just be an asshole because she wants me and I don't want her," Hyunjin says. "And I'm sure Malcolm had his arm around you at some point, did he not?"
You sat in silence for a moment. "He did. "
"Look, I'm sorry," you say. "I just thought that you would leave me for her."
"Why would I ever do that, love?" Hyunjin asks, making a small heat rise to your cheeks.
"She's a lot prettier than me."
Hyunjin scoffs. "Nobody could ever be prettier than you, y/n. You are honestly the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes upon. I never thought I could feel this way towards someone but you make me so happy and I would never leave you for someone like her."
You smiled at his words. You had never felt this way about someone before either and you wanted to feel this way forever.
"Hyunjin," you begin. "I think it's time we did some rule-breaking."
A/N: This isn't as long as I hoped it would be but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging... again.
Taglist: @velvetmoonlght
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hearts1ckness · 2 years
mild asher early access spoilers under cut + tags
TAX SEX JOKES?!?!?!?!?!
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14 notes · View notes
lepusrufus · 3 years
Double edged scalpel ch. 1
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It's finally here fellas. 
Mandatory warnings: blood, gore, medical stuff and procedures (like...a lot), all the canon typical good and bloody stuff, past abuse and alcoholism, eventual nsfw, strong language.
Gold, red and white. With black outlines. A delicate floral pattern carefully embroidered, firm but not rough underfoot. Covering the better part of the room's dark, ancient looking floorboards. 
Memorizing every minute detail of the carpet she was standing on was probably better than to dare meet the piercing golden gaze of the castle's matriarch. At least Nicole hoped as much.
Lady Dimitrescu was sitting in front of her, the size of her chair making it look more akin to a throne, and took a long drag of her cigarette. Her eyes fixated on the girl in front of her, almost as if she could measure her worth by glance alone. And in all honesty, she probably could. After a long, drawn out exhale of smoke, the Lady finally spoke. 
"You do seem to have an...interesting set of skills that could prove itself useful. That is, assuming you're being truthful." 
Nicole's eyes went wide, shock thankfully hidden by her long fringe. She had no documents on her, no way of proving anything about her past. Trying to remember the whereabouts of at least her passport only brought forth a vague memory of drunkenly stumbling in a hotel room that made her cringe internally.
She was about to stammer an excuse, a convincing one she hoped, when a small chorus of giggles came from beyond the closed door. The sound proved to be more interesting than her existence, as the Lady turned her gaze towards the door and waited. Waited for three other women, all in long black robes, to enter the room. 
The redhead and brunette seemed to be bickering amongst themselves, while the blonde made a beeline for her mother and passed her a sealed envelope. 
"Oh thank you. I will take a look in a moment." 
"Who's that?" The redhead, Daniela she deducted, finally took her attention off her sister long enough to notice the room’s other occupant. 
"Our newest maid, dears. I was just thinking about what task to give her." 
Daniela's eyes gave her a once over and Nicole gulped slightly. "Oh, mother! Have her clean the library!" 
"There's already a maid assigned to that," the eldest, Bela, pointed out. 
"I have a better idea." Cassandra finally spoke up, before her mother had a chance to intervene in her daughters' back and forth. 
The brunette leaned down slightly, close to her mother's ear and whispered something that Nicole could never dream of deciphering. But if the smile that soon followed on red painted lips was of any indication, the middle daughter's idea was brilliant. Or dreadful, depending on your perspective. 
"Very well. But you'll supervise her, you know that part of the castle is off limits for the staff." 
"Gladly," was Cassandra's response, voice full of mirth. 
"Just one thing," Lady Dimitrescu said, opening a drawer from the desk next to her and pulling out a key. "The key to your chambers. For after you've completed your duties."
Nicole took the key with a slight bow and a thank you, my Lady, and unceremoniously shoved it in her pocket, hoping it wouldn't fall throughout the day. 
Well that seemed to have gone well, as far as interviews for a job at a castle full of horrors go. Though she really had hoped not to deal with the daughters so soon, let alone be stuck following the family sadist down long corridors to who knows where, only stopping to ask another maid for cleaning supplies along the way.
Beautiful hallways, ornate with priceless paintings, gave way to more barren ones, where the wallpaper had peeled ever so slightly in places and the floor, now stone, had an occasional red stain that whoever was in charge of cleaning this part of the castle did not bother with. They walked until reaching a set of heavy double doors. Despite the slight state of disrepair of the hallway leading up to them, the doors looked extremely well kept. Not a speck of rust on the metal frame nor the lock. The wood looked sturdy and polished, if not for a few almost imperceptible scratches. And the Dimitrescu crest, cut through the middle so half of it was on each door, the flower petals shiny in the low light and beautifully detailed. 
Cassandra rummaged through a hidden pocket for a couple of seconds and pulled out an old fashioned key. With a grin, she wasted no time in unlocking the doors and pushing one of them open, enough for the two of them to pass through. Then, just as quickly, the doors were locked again with a click. 
The pair descended on a precariously slippery set of stairs, Nicole praying that she wouldn't drop the bucket of water she was now carrying, until they were deep within the bowels of the castle.
She was sure they were headed towards the cells, just slightly out of view across a short dark corridor, but then Cassandra took a sudden right turn. She looked downright giddy. Like a little girl on her way to get her favorite ice cream, walking ahead with a spring in her step. Except her steps turned into menacing echoes, encompassing them in an almost suffocating manner. 
At the end of the hallway, Cassandra threw open a smaller set of doors, doing a dramatic spin in the center of the room.
"Welcome to my little… work room. It's quite lovely, but unfortunately a pain to keep clean." The sadness in her expression was nothing more than a poorly concealed act. An act that she didn't care much for keeping up, as she went into a fit of giggles right after finishing her sentence. 
Said room was decently sized, a long desk running across one of the walls, while the opposite one had a wide variety of weapons in varying degrees of dirtiness. On another wall various devices that looked very much for torture and very much well used were hanging from hooks or long nails. And finally-...oh.
On the far side of the room, two autopsy tables were lined, head end against the wall, their metal surface glistening slightly under the blood -both old and new- splattered on them. 
And Nicole was supposed to clean this bloody mess. 
"I want every tool in this room sparkling clean, including the tables," the brunette said with a wicked smile.
"Of course, my lady." With a slight bow of her head, Nicole started with the weapons. 
A sword, a dagger, a very old looking scythe, another sword but this one made to be welded with two hands and countless more. All with various amounts of blood dried on them. Blood that was surprisingly easy to clean off, aside from a couple more rusty blades. Whatever cleaning products they used, it was clearly very effective at cleaning gory messes. Shocker.
After finishing that portion of the room, Nicole moved to the adjacent wall, where the torture devices were hanging. She started wiping a vaguely human shaped metal frame when she heard light shuffling. It took a decent amount of self control to stay focused on the task at hand and not flinch when Cassandra was suddenly behind her, leaning down next to her ear. She was so close that her brunette hair was lightly brushing against Nicole's cheek, in an annoyingly ticklish manner. So close that Nicole got a faint whiff of roses from the perfume most likely applied earlier that day. It would have been nice if it weren't drowned out by a familiar metallic scent. To the brunette's defense though, it was hard to tell whether the blood scent was from her or from the room itself. 
After a few eternally long seconds of just hovering there, Cassandra finally spoke.
"This is one of my favorites." She caressed the metal surface the same way one would a puppy’s head. "We strap men to this, cut their wrists open and let them bleed out." The sentence was finished with a sinister cackle. 
It would have crept Nicole out too, if it weren't for the one thought that immediately jumped to the forefront of her mind. That's so ineffective. She weighed her options, with Cassandra still hovering over her shoulder in a position that couldn't have been comfortable given their height difference, and spoke tentatively. 
"Wouldn't the femoral artery be more efficient…?" 
The other girl froze for a second, narrowing her eyes and then scoffed, finally raising back up. 
"Who wants efficiency? The point is to prolong their suffering." 
She then dramatically plopped down in a chair, occupying herself with sharpening the curved blade of a sickle. She threw the occasional pointed look at Nicole each time she moved from one device to another to see if it would get a reaction out of her. It didn’t.
The devices were clean and it was time for the autopsy tables. Muscle memory kicked in and the metal surface was expertly wiped, blood and bits of flesh cleaned from every nook and cranny. After that she bent down to pull out the drainage tanks in which blood and bodily fluids accumulated. A piece of advice from what felt like an eternity ago screamed in her mind. When in doubt, hold your breath! And she did. Being used to the smell of decay did not mean being immune to it, and gagging in front of your new employee was quite the bad first impression. Luckily, it wasn't nearly as bad as she expected. Aside from some old stagnant blood, the tanks were otherwise clean. She washed both in the sink nearby and put them back in place with a content smile, hidden by the fact that her back was towards the other girl. When she turned around, Cassandra was scowling, sickle abandoned in her lap in favour of angrily drumming her gloved fingers on the desk's surface. A cold shiver ran down Nicole's spine, sure that she was about to get impaled by that very sickle in the next few seconds. When the brunette rose to her feet, she made peace with the fact that that was how she was going to die. In the humid basement of a medieval castle, on the first day of her job there. But Cassandra didn't approach her. Instead she paced around the room, scrutinizing eyes going over each and every instrument and, finally, on the now reflective surface of the tables. Her golden gaze then zeroed in on Nicole and, with a hint of a growl in her voice, said: 
"Alright. We're done here. Follow." 
Without sparing her another look, she unceremoniously threw open the doors and started walking down the corridor they had previously traversed. Nicole almost had to do a light jog to keep up with Cassandra's long strides, the glee in her posture now completely gone and replaced by frustration.
After exiting the dungeons and getting back to the more populated areas of the castle, Cassandra called out for the first maid that crossed their path. 
"You. Show this one to her quarters," she ordered and took off before the girl even had a chance to finish her yes, my lady.
Nicole and the other girl stood there for a couple seconds, until Cassandra's form dissipated into a swarm of insects and disappeared around a corner. Then the air seemed to be lighter, the threat of death no longer looming over their heads but reduced to a whispered reminder at the back of their minds. 
The pair strolled in silence down hallways that Nicole tried to commit to memory, until they reached a set of doors, modest, yet as elegant as the rest of the castle. Beyond them was a large room, with sofas and coffee tables for the staff to gather around with the central space left open. The large windows, occupying the better part of the wall to their left, sported beautifully intricate patterns of tinted glass, held together by heavy iron frames. Nicole mentally scoffed, realizing that she was looking at over glorified window bars and followed the other maid inside. 
"Do you have the key to your room?" 
Nicole pulled the key from her pants' pocket, pants that were now stained and dirty. Could've at least let me change, sheesh. The other girl took one look at the number engraved on the key and motioned for Nicole to follow her down one of the two corridors that opened up on the far side of the room. 
It almost reminded her of the hotels she and her family stayed at during her childhood. Dark hallways with doors on each side, the occasional person scurrying to their room and the big communal area. Except this looked far older and, in a weird way, cozier. 
Nicole came close to crashing into the other maid when she abruptly stopped and opened one of the doors, revealing a small room equipped with the necessary furniture for one person. 
"Well, look on the bright side: you get your own room." The other girl hummed, handing her the key. "I should get you your uniform. Size?" 
"Uh..an S please." 
In the five minutes it took the other maid to return, Nicole had time to take in her new home. She also noticed that someone had already placed her duffle bag near the bed. A sigh of relief left her lips at the small consolation that at least the few belongings she brought with her were here. Including her phone. 
"Huh. I thought they'd take it-" she had a better look at the screen. "Ah. No service. Of course." 
Not that she needed service for anything. The whole point of being there was to be as far as possible from anyone, but being able to check the news would've been nice. 
"Here you go!" She was snapped out of her thoughts by the maid’s way too cheerful tone. 
Nicole rushed to help with the stack of clothing and, once they were safely on the bed, the other girl spoke.
"There's seven uniforms, one for each day. Laundry is done on Mondays. Two pairs of flats and…" She trailed off pointing at a small wooden basket she had brought with the clothes. "Some toiletries and essentials. There's a perfume and broche with the family crest in there that I advise you make use of. The Lady likes her staff at a certain standard." 
Nicole nodded along and sat on the bed, finally letting exhaustion settle into her bones. The last few weeks had been a blurry hell. Everything from running away, to traveling, to coming to the village and finally the castle. She felt ready to curl up under a blanket and sleep for two weeks. But alas, she couldn’t afford the luxury of such rest. She almost forgot that she wasn’t alone in the room, until its other occupant spoke up.
"Oh by the way, what's your name?" 
"Nicole," she answered, extending a hand. 
"A pleasure to meet you. Anita," the other girl shook it with a warm smile.
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sugas-sweetheart · 4 years
hi sofia!! i’m so excited for your halloween event hehe!! can i request kirishima for masquerade ball and “please tell me that was you!” maybe mutual pining? and a drabble pls!! thank you 🥺💖💖💖
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Ruby Red || Kirishima Eijirou
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A/N: YES THIS IS FROM HALLOWNEEN AND THIS ENDED UP BEING LIKE 1.8K WORDS WHAT IT WAS MEANT TO BE A DRABBLE- I apologise PROFUSELY at how long this took me though and bye its not even that good i just procrastinated hgdsjkfgj😭 thank you sm @deephasoceanmagic for helping me finish this djsjdskdj this got kinda hard to write after I had left it bc I lacked inspiration and here we are and I’m sorry its not the best work I’ve done asshdjsjdjs although the Denki and Sero thing is one of my favourite things my head has made up.
Requested prompts: 1. masquerade ball + 3. “please tell me that’s you!”
Pairing: Kirishima x Fem!reader
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The yearly UA Halloween party had arrived once again; it would be your final one at the school and to make it special the third years were allowed to organise it. One of the girls in 3A had brought up the idea of a masquerade ball to add to the mystery, which was instantly taken very well by the committee organising it.
The class didn’t exactly have dates, it was more of a “dance with whoever, whenever” agreement. Although, people in the class could clearly predict who was going to be dancing with who, and that included you and a certain fake, red head.
The months prior to Halloween rolled around quickly and the third years were allowed a day off from their usual lessons to relax and get ready. The 3A dorms had been split, the girls getting ready on the third floor, while the boys were kept downstairs.
Excitement bubbled in the whole class, the whole year even. It was a night for them to act like teenagers instead of soon-to-be pro heroes and that was greatly appreciated.
The chattering and squealing from the girls was almost never ending as they complimented and helped each other with makeup, hair and dresses. It was a joyous little bubble that they were in and nothing could break down their morale.
If the girls didn’t praise each other constantly when taking selfies or group photos on a normal day, then it was an eternal compliment battle when getting dressed up formally together. Mina broke the chatter with a question directed towards the whole room. 
“So, who does everyone want to dance with?” Although she directed it at the whole room, she sent you a knowing glance and a shoulder nudge. The teasing you had received from a portion of your class this week was almost never ending, and each time you were bombarded with these inquiries, the spiky haired male sent you a small and unknowing smile from the other side of the classroom. 
Meanwhile, the boys were attempting to look their best, and were holding a similar conversation with each other. But it was Halloween night, and that meant some sort of trickery needed to happen for them, and it was basically in the form of dying their hair as to not be recognisable with their normal styles and contact lenses. Most of them opted for a black spray to temporarily colour their locks for the night and match their dark shirts, suits and masks. (Bakugou, a little begrudgingly, let Kirishima and Kaminari colour his hair) 
“Kiri, you ready to dance with her?” similar to what Mina did, Sero gave him a nudge and he received a wink from the tape and electric quirk holders who were busy spraying his hair back to its natural colour. 
Bakugou took this moment to scoff and join in as he fixed his orange tie, “Took his sweet time to do something if he does.” 
“You’ll twirl her, and dip her, and sweep her right off her feet” The comedic duo that were Hanta and Denki, threw their spray cans onto the bed next to them, joined hands and started re-enacting the scene they created. 
“And end with a kiss!” Sero had dipped Kaminari and they leaned in making childish kissing noises before collapsing onto the bed in a fit of laughter. 
Kirishima was brought out his thoughts with a blush across his features, even if his mask covered it, as he recalled antics from earlier. Fairy lights hung from the ceiling, emitting a soft, warm light and candelabras flickered along the tables. Mini pumpkins and cobwebs were scattered across each table’s centrepiece, but the only thing on his mind was the small handwritten note addressed to him that he had found at his table seat. 
“Meet me on the roof at 8:30, I hope to see you there x”
No one seemed to be looking at him and no one but Bakugou was near him, he had no idea who would have left it, but he hoped it was you. Taking a look at the clock he realised it was 8:15pm and well, there’s no harm in being early is there? 
All of 3A’s eyes - bar one pair - discreetly followed him to the door that would allow him access up to the roof. The class gave each other a quick look before going back to chatting and joking. 
Upon nearing the 3A girls table, you spotted a note next to your name card. The excitable pink haired girl next to you stepped forward, plucking the note from the table and read it with wide eyes under her sparkling mask.
“Oh my god, maybe it’s from him!” The excitement she felt for you was clear in her voice.
“What does it even say?” She immediately pushed the note in front of you in response to your question.
Messy handwriting had scrawled “meet me on the roof at 8:30, I hope to see you there x” along the card. Glancing at the clock you realised there were only five minutes until you were meant to meet this mystery person on the roof.
“So, are you going to meet them?”
“Mina, of course I am. If I die you’ll know where I last was”
As she dragged you towards the door, she claimed that you would be fine and that it was probably just some admirer.
The acid quirk holder observed you as you started making your way up the stairs. Giving the members of 3A knowing glances, she made her way back over to the group of girls you had originally split from.
A few meddling friends - aka Mina, Denki, Sero and an unwilling Bakugou - had organised the whole ordeal happening before you; this was obviously unknown by you and the boy awaiting on the rooftop.
Upon reaching the door that led outside, you paused to take a breath. You hoped Kirishima was waiting for you on the other side of the door. If it wasn’t him, then you’d just have to be polite as you didn’t really want to lead anyone on after this night. 
On the other side of the door, Kirishima stood waiting and staring at the scenery around him. The rooftop was lit by fairy lights and the moonlight that shone down; a small table placed a few feet away held drinks, a speaker plugged into an iPod - that looked a lot like Jirou’s - that played music softly. A small vibration from his back pocket brought him from his thoughts and he went to check the phone notification. It was a simple text from Mina that stated “Ask her to dance when she comes up”. It was then, that he knew his friends had something to do with this whole setup and an admirer did not in fact ask him to come up themselves. 
A heavy click pulled his gaze away from the phone screen and over to the door that was opening a few metres away.  His view was flooded with red material as a second click followed, signifying the door had closed and it was now time for him to speak and not make a fool of himself. 
“Uh, would you like to dance with me?” stammered the boy before you. 
Luckily for Kiri, his mask covered the rouge that was coming to his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck in anticipation of a response. A light nod was given from you in return, stepping forward to grab his other hand, which was outstretched for you. While the secrets were intriguing, the poor attempt to hide his identity and your need to find out if he was truly behind the mask was overpowering, and before you knew it, you had blurted out a statement that would have saddened the boy in front of you had your deduction not been correct. 
“Kirishima, please tell me that’s you”
He let go of your hand to slowly peel off his dark mask and reveal a flushed, but hopeful, face at the thought of you wanting it to be him.
“I guess the disguise didn't do much then?” he looked down towards his mask as he spoke, avoiding eye contact with you now that his face was exposed. You pulled away your own mask before speaking up again. 
“Not really, but a hair colour change can only do so much when you have ruby red eyes” 
He gave a soft chuckle at the defining feature that you had pointed out and his confidence increased with the knowledge of it being you that was forced up here by his friends. 
As a slower, steady song played from the speaker he outstretched his hand once again to ask for a dance and this time wasn’t interrupted by an inquiry from you. Taking his hand and placing your other on his shoulder, he moved his other hand to rest on your back and you both tried to find your way dancing together for the first time. 
The next hour was mostly elegant, apart from the toes that were stepped on when dancing, and filled with laughter at small jokes told to ease the initial awkwardness of being set up. He was easy to speak to, he was gentle and caring, and as the night continued you ended up sitting together, staring at the luminescent specks that were scattered throughout the sky. 
Halloween was coming to a close and the moments you shared that night would be cherished  for a long while. Being the gentleman that Eijirou was, he offered to walk you back to your dorm room, despite his being a level below yours. You sneaked down and out together before everyone started leaving to avoid the hustle and bustle of it all. With your right arm hooked in his left, a small, tired smile was plastered across your face the whole walk back and while you were sad about the night ending, this sparked the relationship you would hopefully soon share with the red head. 
As your door came into view, the both of you slowed your steps. There was a slight awkward tone in the air, were you to just say goodbye and leave? Should you kiss? Was he going to say something? 
The few seconds of silence that felt like hours was broken when the both of you opened your mouths to speak and promptly shut them with a laugh to let the other go first. 
He looked at you expectedly, waiting for you to speak first.
“Well, thanks to our friends, this night was a lot better than I anticipated so thank you.” a shark tooth filled smile gleamed with glittering eyes, because he was filled with joy at the thought of you enjoying the night with him. 
“I really enjoyed my night with you, so i'm glad you think the same! I’ll see you in class tomorrow?”
“Mhm!” and in those final seconds looking into his eyes, your mind had made a decision. You pressed a kiss to his cheek before pushing the door open and once inside leaning your back against it, just knowing the heat that was rushing to your cheeks.
Kirishima stood stunned and wide eyed outside of your closed door for a few moments and softly touched the spot on his cheek that you had kissed. Upon hearing footsteps and chatter from fellow classmates, he decided to make his way back to his own room where he slept well with thoughts of what he would say to you tomorrow. 
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Taglist (open): @justamultifandomfan16 @shoutamajiki @meliorist-midoriya @goopyartiste @yee-harr @bizzoldmann-08 @katsushimaa @hannahalanib1 @boosyboo9206 @derpeedoo @mystic-helena @spookykiri @vhskenma
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
To Be Continued - Part 7
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Summary: As an author, you had created Brian Kang for your current trilogy series to represent the ultimate man that everyone would love, along with Charli Evers - your female protagonist. What you hadn’t expected was for him to find a way out of the story and begin shaping up your world instead
Pairing: Brian Kang x female writer (ft. Park Sungjin)
Genre: writer au / romance / fantasy
Warnings: fictional characters coming to life / a bit of angst here and there / Sungjin as a cop (or does that only affect me?) >_>
Word count: 2198
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Epilogue
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It was as if you were writing a new novel. Instead of focusing on how Charli Evers would finally get with her battered beau, you were at the peak of experiencing all the emotions and excitement that came from a new romance. You were enjoying playing the main protagonist for the first time in your life as well.
“What are you doing?” Brian asked with a hint of amusement in his tone. You leaned in even closer, already entangled together on the couch after watching a movie, and lifted your index finger.
“Counting what?”
“How many lashes I gave you,” you murmured, your gaze honing in on one eye. You let out a whistle when you finished. “I gave you so many! Why are you this perfect?”
“I don’t see myself as perfect at all. You sure made a point of that in my creation, too.”
“How? You’re handsome, protective, honest, playful, charming, sensitive, and did I mention handsome?”
Brian’s lips curled up some from your description. “I think you might have said it twice.”
“Because you truly are that good looking!” you surmised, and Brian chuckled.
“Is being handsome all that matters to you?”
“Well, no.” You blinked a couple of times whilst trying to come up with an answer that didn’t make you feel shallow. The truth was, you really did enjoy looking at him a whole lot.
Over the past two weeks, that was what you had done an awful lot of. No matter what mundane task Brian did, he looked exceptional doing it. His laugh was music to your ears, and his voice made your heart flutter constantly. Any time he smiled, you worried your knees would give way, and on the rare chance they actually did, the way he caught you so easily with his strong embrace had you swooning further.
You wondered if this was all a dream. Instead of Brian coming out of your laptop, and your novel, perhaps you had died from your illness. That would explain why everything lately had felt so heavenly at his side.
Either way, you didn’t want to wake up or move on to the next realm. This was where you wanted to remain forever.
Especially when he kissed you. Leaning in to break you out of your reverie, Brian’s luscious lips pecked yours twice, a chuckle vibrating out of him when you realised you had zoned out again. “You’re too adorable.”
“If you keep calling me handsome, I’m allowed to call you how I see you.”
You sighed heavily and attempted to pull away from the man. “I don’t want to be just adorable if you’re handsome, Brian.”
“What do you mean?”
“Charli Evers is beautiful! She’s stunning and successful and has a body that would make any male swoon over her. She’s a goddess, and I’m just adorable.”
“You’re really adorable when you’re jealous,” he mused and shook his head, reaching out to pull you back in close to him again. “Charli isn’t real like you are.”
“What if she comes to her senses and finds out that you’ve left that world. She could come here, and it would be no competition between us!”
“You’re right. It wouldn’t be. Because I’d choose you over her every time.”
You scoffed loudly and pulled yourself away again, going over to the kitchen to get a drink of water to cool down. It was hard enough having insecurities as a person, and when you had lived alone, you barely thought of them, too busy up in worlds like Captivated to truly care. Your flaws, at points, made good fodder for some character traits, but you never wrote yourself fully into a world. You had come close in Destined, but even the main protagonist there was far more charming than you were to hook Park Jinyoung as she had.
Brian’s arms slipped around your waist, and he dropped his chin onto your shoulder. “It’s all about perception. You see Charli as superior to you. But she’s the type of woman you see in a magazine. Flawless, beautiful, and whilst you no doubt have made her relatable to your fans of the series as a person, as she does have a good soul, you are real. You aren’t sculpted to perfection. You aren’t going to star on the front cover of any Vogue or Marie Claire. Instead, you are starring as my leading lady.”
“I’m not sure if I’m flattered or not,” you mumbled, turning around to face Brian. “Maybe I want to be on the front cover.”
“It’s not in your personality to stand out like that. You much prefer this lifestyle. Domestic and homely and comfortable.”
“So she’s sexy, and I’m homely,” you deducted, whilst Brian groaned loudly.
“Can’t we go back to the part where we were thinking of just us? I don’t like you comparing yourself to someone else.”
“I’m sorry,” you admitted, lowering your gaze from his. Brian had a habit of making sure you were always looking at him, and he easily fished out your gaze again, smiling gently when he caught your eye. You sighed. “I guess whilst I made you to be the dream guy for me, and those who read my series, I never quite realised the impact you would have on my world if I actually had you.”
“If I have to make a point of telling you how much I appreciate and adore you daily, then so be it.”
“You shouldn’t have to though,” you pointed out, going around him and heading into your office. Brian followed you and leaned against the threshold as you sat down in your chair.
He nodded his head. “No, I suppose I shouldn’t. But isn’t that what makes a relationship work? I support you, and you support me. When one of us feels lower than the other, then it’s important to make sure they feel cherished and loved.”
“Loved?” you repeated, your eyes widening at his choice of words. Brian cleared his throat noisily, looking around your room as opposed to keeping eye contact. You smirked. He was cute when he was embarrassed.
“Isn’t it time to write, Miss Writer?”
“Perhaps I just got some inspiration for my starting point of Eternity. I mean, in the story, Charli Evers is cherished and loved by Brian Kang, isn’t she?”
“Have your fun at my expense.”
“It’s all those good lines I breathed into you. No wonder you make the world swoon, Brian. You’re full of the perfect lines to make any girl weak at the knee,” you told him as you opened your document for the final piece in this story. Admittedly, it was blank and had remained that way for some time. You knew it was because you were too busy with Brian in person that you couldn’t possibly think about writing about him as well.
However, you had received notice from Lily earlier in the day about your next deadline, and so you had promised after one movie tonight, you would end your evening with starting the next novel.
Glancing over at Brian who was still in the doorway, you smiled, and he nodded. “As long as you know it’s your knees I want to make weak every time. Have a good session, my love.”
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However, two days later, you were still staring at a blank page. It wasn’t without trying, of course. You wrote, only to erase the sentence immediately. You told yourself to just let the words flow out and not edit them until you were done. Except nothing but a trickle of nonsense made it onto the document each time and after every gruelling session, you found yourself exhausted, mentally, and from simply staring at a blank page.
In all your years of creative writing, you had never been as stumped as you were now. It made no sense! You were living and breathing your own romance in life. Surely, the amount of affection Brian poured over you would easily inspire you enough to write it out. And generally, when you stepped into your office to write, it came from feeling inspired and uplifted to write about a world where love conquered all.
As soon as you were in front of your laptop, however, words failed you.
You had tried everything, from changing your writing schedule to practising with unrelated scenes. That had you hopeful. Every time you wrote a drabble about something outside of this series, you were capable of penning an entire world. In fact, you had now written a series of short stories about random characters and scenarios with relative ease. The success you felt from doing these was short-lived as soon as you opened Eternity, however. Nothing formed, nothing came to mind.
“Maybe it’s because I don’t want to share Brian with Charli,” you wondered out loud, immediately shaking your head. Whilst the Brian you were falling for fast, was that of the same Brian Charli would risk her all for, inside your literary world, you felt no need to keep him to yourself. You wanted Charli and Brian’s story to wrap up with a neat bow after their final tribulations of proving their love would outshine the obstacles in their way. You were determined to gift your readers what you had planned all along for the star-crossed lovers. And you needed to send Charli off on her merry way with a confirmed end.
Whilst your story with Brian continued.
“Just write something, Y/N!” you instructed yourself to do, poising your fingers above the keys.
It was a struggle, but they began to move, and you hoped this time would be the official start of your novel.
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“So, what do you think?” you asked cautiously, staring at Lily as she read over what you had sent her.
Your editor didn’t say a thing, and sometimes that was a good notion. You had rendered her speechless yet again.
However, you knew better than that. She wasn’t speechless, she was in disbelief. Lily finally looked at the web camera on the video call and blinked several times. Pulling off her glasses, she wiped at them before placing them back over her eyes. And then she screamed incoherently.
“Lily, I can explain.”
“You better, and fast,” your editor stated back, trying to recompose herself. “This isn’t your writing.”
“Well, it is,” you told her, attempting to smile. Her laser glare wiped it off your lips, and you groaned. “So I think I’m having a writer’s block.”
“But you don’t suffer from writer’s blocks, you overcome them before they get to that level. What have you been doing for the last month that this is all you can turn in for me to look over?!”
“I’ve been a little preoccupied,” you announced, rocking back and forth in your chair. “And it’s sort of been hard to write.”
“I don’t buy it. You love to write.”
“I mean, I have been writing,” you agreed, grinning sheepishly. “Just not on what I’m contracted to be doing.”
“Y/N!” she whined, and you sighed heavily. “How are you going to make up time if you don’t even have a first chapter formed?!”
“I don’t know exactly, but do you think delaying the third story, especially since my second one is only at the publisher’s now preparing to print, can happen? I’m sure we don’t need to bang this series out one after the other. The hype from the wait will make it only more worthwhile for the fans!”
“Not if you plan on producing this type of rubbish! There’s no life in this part you’ve sent me! It’s as if Brian’s soul was sucked clear of this world and only Charli remains.”
You choked on the drink you had reached for, and this alerted the man in the adjacent room, your hands waving him off inconspicuously before Lily saw him.
You didn’t know what your editor’s reaction would be to find out your writer’s block stemmed from you dating someone. And you certainly didn’t want to find out either.
“That’s it, I’m coming over!”
“Lily, that’s unnecessary. You don’t have to!”
“Oh, but I do. My star writer is fumbling around and not focusing enough on what she needs to be doing. Boot camp is on its way.”
“I could help her,” a new voice added to the conversation and you clamped your eyes shut as you heard the wind being knocked out of Lily entirely. Brian crouched down at your side and smiled at the camera. “Lily Morton, correct?”
“You know my name.”
“Of course. You’re an important figure in my life.”
“I… I am?!”
“I mean, you help Y/N with her stories a whole deal, so that’s a special role to have.”
“Y/N, who is this person? He looks far too familiar and yet I feel I haven’t quite met him in the flesh before.”
“It’s a--” Catching yourself from your stalemate sentence, you smiled. And for some reason, you felt compelled to introduce him properly to someone. Before you even realised it, the words fell from your mouth.
“You’ve kind of met him already, Lily. This is Brian Kang, the star of our series.”
Part 8
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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shyvioletcat · 4 years
ITT Drabble?
HERE IT IS! Last one on my 1200 follower Fluffy Prompt-a-thon. (Masterlist for that here)
This takes place just before Chapter 27 of It Takes Two. Masterlist for that if you needed a refresher.
Rowan stepped out onto the street after finishing his shift at the gym. Even though it was close to 7 o’clock the street was still busy. It was late night shopping and people were stepping in and out of shops along the street. Which was good, there were a few things Rowan needed to buy for Aelin’s baby shower and this was his last chance to get them before it on Saturday. He already had something for Aelin in the back seat of his truck, but he wanted to get a few things for the baby.
Yesterday on his way to work he had stopped at the shopping centre he had gone to with Aelin and went to one store in particular she had taken him to. He bought her the blue floral wrap dress she had tried on to demonstrate to him exactly what a wrap dress was. She had looked lovely in it and he could tell that she wanted to buy it, but hadn’t because of the price. So, wanting to get something for her and only her, Rowan had bought it. He desperately hoped it was the right size, because he had got it on sale with a no return or exchange policy on sale items the shop assistant had told him. He’d cross that bridge if it came to it but he had a feeling Aelin would be at least a little impressed that he had managed to get it at such a good price.
With Aelin’s gift done Rowan now needed something for the baby. A bit clueless, he had done a little bit of research on useful baby gifts. It didn’t take long for him to get overwhelmed, but he had a few ideas. He had fully intended to give what he bought to the twins so they would take to the shower. But Aelin had asked him to come, insisted that he come now that they had come to their new understanding. She had said she wanted him there. Something about that had made his heart beat a little faster. They were moving forward and Rowan was excited to see where it led.
He didn’t go to his car, instead he started walking up the street. There was a baby store a little way up that he had driven past and had been looking in the window as he went by. Rowan had seen something the other day, well he thought he had seen something at least. It only took him a few minutes to get there and he looked in the window. He had been right.
There in the window was a mobile, a single halo of flowers with animals and a few more flowers hanging from it on decorative strings. But they weren’t just any kind of flowers. The door opened and Rowan moved to hold it open for a pregnant woman and who he assumed was her mother. They thanked him as they passed and Rowan nodded and smiled in return before he went inside. This store was more of a boutique than anything else. It didn't stock a large range of things, but what they did looked like they were good quality. 
Rowan started to browse, looking at some of the toys and the tiny clothes. Towards the back of the store was some furniture – he could see cots and bassinets and rocking chairs – but he was making his way towards the window. The mobile was hanging there, the flowers small blooms of kingsflame, like the one that he had seen on Aelin’s dresser. They of course weren’t real but they looked as if they were the next best thing. The only thing that was putting him off were the elephants that hung from it. He didn’t think Aelin would particularly like the elephants, not that she would have anything against them but… Rowan had noticed what she decorated her room with and the little knickknacks she had around the house. He knew she liked deer, it had something to do with her family lineage. An old sigil of the Galathynius was a white stag and Aelin seemed to follow along with that imagery. But hopefully he could at least go along with something more woodland-ly.
“Can I help you?” 
Rowan turned to see the shop assistant behind him, smiling politely. 
“Yeah, actually,” he said and then pointed to the mobile. “By any chance does this come with other animals?”
“It does actually, it’s one of our customisable mobiles. I’ve got a book of the options at the front counter.” The shop assistant started walking towards the counter and Rowan followed. It didn’t take her long to find what she needed and soon Rowan held a large magazine in his hand. “When did you need it by?”
“Saturday actually,” Rowan said as he started to flick through the pages. 
The assistant sucked in a breath. “I don’t want to get your hopes up, but let me know which one you like and I’ll see what I can do. We don’t have all the options in stock at the moment but they can be ordered in.”
Rowan nodded and continued looking. There were horses and foxes, some weird looking dogs. He was hoping there would be deer but he didn’t see any. Maybe the foxes would have to do… But it turned out there was another option. He’d almost missed it because he was flipping the pages so fast in his frustration, but there on that almost missed page was the answer he was looking for. Rowan had always liked hawks, and birds of prey in general, so when he saw the little felt hawks in the book he had already decided.
“Do you have these?” Rowan pointed to the picture of the felt birds.
“Hmm,” the shop assistant said, her lip pursing thought. “We might. I’ll have a look out back for you.”
“I’ll just keep looking around,” Rowan said and the shop assistant nodded and left him to browse.
Rowan wandered around the store, curious about the products on offer. He stopped by a rack of clothes, flicking through the onesies. He pulled one off the rack and held it up. Dear gods, it was basically the length of his hand. Were babies really that small? Gripped by a mild sense of panic Rowan put the onesie back and kept looking. The next section he reached was the stuffed toys, an antique looking bookshelf crammed full of them. Peeking out between a rabbit and a teddy bear was the head of a little deer. Rowan couldn’t help but pick it up to look at it. Its brown coat was speckled with white, the hooves made of a velvety material and it had large fluffy ears. Rowan didn’t put it back down, deciding that Aelin would very much like it. 
“Good news!” Rowan heard the shop assistant call out and she was approaching where he stood. “We’ve got the hawks.”
“I’ll take them,” Rowan said without hesitation.
“I can put them on the mobile if you like?” She offered kindly.
“That would be great,” Rowan said with a polite smile.
“I’m assuming you’re shopping for a girl?” She asked Rowan nodded. “We’ve got some new dresses over there,” she nodded to her left. “Just if you were interested.”
The shop assistant headed for the front window where she pulled down the kingsflame mobile and took it over to the counter. Rowan went over to the clothes again with renewed interest and looked at the teeny tiny dresses. A blue one caught his eye, almost the exact same shade as the dress he’d bought Aelin as far as he could remember, just without the flower pattern on it. It came in a few sizes, and reading the tags he was a bit lost as to what they meant. He soon worked out the more zeros there were the smaller the item was. Still not really comprehending the exact size of babies he thought going with a 00 might be safest and hung the hanger over one of his fingers. 
By now he had pretty much looked in all the sections of the store except the furniture. Just before the furniture Rowan stopped at the display of bedding. Ignoring the sheets he looked at the muslin wraps, which there were piles of. From his very cursory searches he deducted that these were an essential item, with many uses apparently. He glanced through the stacks, seeing if any caught his eye. He paused on one that looked to have a floral pattern on it with some little critters too. Easing it from one of the stacks he saw that the critters were in fact little fawns. He added this to the growing pile in his arm. 
At the very back of the back of the store was the alcove with furniture set up. Rowan wandered through it, looking at them casually. The other day Aelin had been browsing baby things on her laptop and he’d caught a glimpse of the screen as she’d put it down on the couch as she got up. She had been looking up bassinets, and she had also sadly muttered something about baby things so expensive as she walked away. Aelin was adamant that she would wait until after the baby shower to start buying things just in case anything she needed was given as a gift. She was an efficient shopper and knew how to cut costs, it was probably why her bookstore did so well. 
Rowan started looking around intently, trying to remember what kind of bassinet she had been looking at on her computer. Maybe he could buy this for her so she didn’t have to fork out the money for it herself. It was an essential item so he could give it to Aelin as a gift for the baby shower, and besides that he wanted to. Gods, he’d been exercising so much self control to not buy everything that caught his eye. He was excited and he wasn’t ashamed to admit it.
Looking at the bassinets Rowan was getting a little overwhelmed. There were different styles and some looked like they had different features, but what they did exactly Rowan had no idea. He passed one that was suspended from the roof by a large hook. The longer he looked the sicker he felt. All that was holding it up a fair few feet from the ground was some rope and a hook. There was no way in Hellas’ realm was his baby being put in one of those.  Rowan turned away from the whole sight before he had a stress induced stroke just imaging the thing falling down with a baby inside it and went to look at the others. He saw one that looked similar to what Aelin had been looking at. It was a simpler design, a white bed and a timber base. This one looked much more secure with the base on the ground, and Rowan liked this one because it looked a bit taller than the others. Some of the others he had passed had barely brushed past the middle of his thigh. It would be a long way down if he was putting a baby in one of those.
He turned around and saw the shop assistant was at the counter. “Excuse me?”
She looked up and smiled and came over to him. “What can I help you with?”
“This bassinet here,” Rowan said, tapping the rim of the bed basket. “What can you tell me about it.”
“Well, this is one of the most popular designs on the market,” she explained. “First of all there’s no tools required for set up, you just attach the pieces together. Then looking at its features, it has six height positions, anti-reflex base positioning to help baby sleep if they’ve got reflux. This here,” the shop assistant pointed to the zipper, “folds down for easy and safe co-sleeping and it fits on just about any bed. Mesh ventilation is on all sides for added breathability. Just about everything is removable and machine washable, and the mattress is included.”
Rowan did not understand half of what this woman had just told him, but it all sounded good. Important, even. 
“Can I attach a mobile to it?” He asked.
The assistant nodded, “You’ll need to buy a mobile arm for it but yes, you can put a mobile on it.”
“Great,” Rowan said. He was decided. “I’ll take that too. Can I pay for it now and pick it up on Saturday? It’s… it’s a surprise.”
The shop assistant nodded enthusiastically then led the way to the register. “Absolutely. Did you want to leave anything else with it?” 
“I’ll take these things with me,” he nodded to what was in his arm. “But I’ll leave the mobile with the bassinet.”
“Perfect,” she said and entered some things into the computer at the register. Rowan put the items he was carrying on the counter and it only took her a few moments to scan those in too. “Would you like these gift-wrapped?”
“That would be great, thanks,” Rowan said. His wrapping techniques were atrocious. If he ever bought a gift for anyone he usually just took the receipt out of the bag and handed it over. 
The shop assistant got to work wrapping the dress, deer and muslin wrap, quick and efficient. Rowan was about to pay when he saw a book on the counter. 
What to expect when you're expecting
Rowan grabbed that too. “You don’t need to wrap that,” he added.
The book was for him. If he was going to be part of this and help Aelin through the rest of her pregnancy he would like to know what was going on. The more he knew the better prepared he would be for whatever was ahead of them. Because they were in this together. 
“Ready to go,” the shop assistant said and Rowan paid. She put the book and wrapped items in a bag and handed them to him. “Thank you so much.”
Rowan gave her a small smile and nod in return and left. He was almost to his truck when it dawned on him what he had just done. He had just bought Aelin  a bassinet for their baby. What if Aelin didn’t like it? What if there was another one she had been looking at that she wanted? What if he had just completely over stepped and this would upset her? This was a big thing to buy and maybe she wanted to be part of it...
Rowan rubbed at his face as he opened the driver’s door and got in his truck. If Aelin didn’t like it it would be easy to return. If he’d overstepped Rowan would apologise and hoped it went smoothly. But he hoped she liked it just as much as he did. He carefully put the bag on the passenger seat then pulled out his phone. There was a text from Aelin from about half an hour earlier letting him know she was going to bed and not to worry about dinner for her because she’d eaten some leftovers. Rowan didn’t reply in case he woke her up and was secretly glad she’d gone to bed. It meant he could get his purchases into the apartment without any prying questions. It took Rowan a few minutes but his thoughts settled and he was finally quietly confident with his purchases. He didn’t waste anymore time and put the keys in the ignition and drove home.
He’s so cute, right?
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favefandomimagines · 4 years
Soul Surfer 2
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AN: if your username is crossed off, that means Tumblr couldn’t find it & wouldn’t let me tag you! since the desktop version of tumblr is saying my email doesn’t exist, i have to do all my editing & posting on my phone so if there are format issues, that’s why!
Tag list: @outerbxmalia @hockeyschmockey @allie-mcginn @prejudic3 @sexualparkour @k-k0129 @iamaunicorn4704 @milamaybank @jj-maybabe @diverrdown @sweetwatermelonsugar @alexa-playafricabytoto @aaleksmorozova @fandom-phaser @lulbabes @princessmugglecup @infinityspacesuniverse @teamnick @frankiebcanon @srirachabi @starxdame @holadrxrry @lopineapples @belledutchess @floridabornandraised @obbx-tings @x-lulu @hopelesswritingxd @darylvdixon @prettyboyspence @junkiemuppettxx @madison071 @shawnssongs @theloxersclub @99sxuxii @jeyramarie @miliefayy @rudths @y0ungandfuckingdumb @outrbank @thebendslikebendover @xealia @hotel-colson @likealotofpeople-younotsomuch
Violet was standing in front of her mirror, assessing the outfit she was going to wear to the party. Did she feel like she needed to make a good impression? Absolutely.
Though JJ has reassured her that Kiara already considered Violet her best friend.
JJ and Violet had been texting nonstop since he sent her that first text.
It gave her a sense of belonging. She had one foot in the place she felt like she needed to be.
On the Cut, John B and JJ had picked up Sarah before they went to get Violet. “Guys, my brother won’t stop talking about some new girl in town. Apparently her dad’s some really good surfer. He saw her at the country club yesterday.” Sarah told the two boys.
JJ and John B shared a look, JJ’s eyes growing wide in fear. “What? Why do you guys look like that?” Sarah asked. “That’s Violet. We met her this morning and JJ has fallen head over heels in love with her.” John B answered, earning a punch on the shoulder from JJ.
“Well, better make sure Rafe doesn’t make her his next victim.” Sarah said. “Is that where we’re going now?” She added. “Yeah, she lives in that house on the edge of the Cut.” JJ answered. “The big one? The biggest house on the south side?” John B asked. “Yeah. Her dad didn’t want to be around the stuck up Kooks. He’s pretty chill like that.” The blonde explained. “And how do you already know all of this?” Sarah asked.
“I met her dad earlier.” JJ answered simply. John B and Sarah gave each other a knowing look, both seeing how enamored he already was with the girl.
John B pulled up to the house, all three teens noticing the various surfboards leaning against the porch railing, tiki torches set up in the front and noticing Violet and Rob standing on the front porch unloading boxes.
Violet wanted to help her dad carry some last minute boxes inside before she went to the party. She lifted one off the ground but didn’t get far when JJ got out of the van and took it from her arms.
“Let me help.” He said, once he took it. “Ah, JJ! Good to see Vi hasn’t scared you away.” Rob commented. “Okay, that’s rude.” Violet said to the man. “Thanks for helping me.” She added, talking to the boy. “No problem. Oh! And I brought John B and his girlfriend Sarah.” JJ said.
“You suck at introducing people.” Sarah said, approaching the two. “Hi! I’m Sarah! Kie has told me all about you.” Sarah added, hugging the brunette. “Hi, I’m Violet. It’s really nice to meet you.” Violet replied. “Where does this box go?” JJ asked. “Oh don’t worry about that. You go enjoy your party.” Rob interjected, taking the box.
“Dad, are you sure? We can help get the last few.” Violet asked. “Yes, I’m sure. Now go.” Rob said. “And have her home by a decent time, understand?” He said to JJ. “Yes sir. You don’t have to worry about that.” JJ said. “Bye dad!” Violet called, walking with the three teens to the car.
The four talked, filling Sarah in on what she didn’t already know about Violet. This time around, JJ was more subtle as he observed Violet as she talked. How she was so genuine when she answered Sarah’s questions and never once did she look uncomfortable. She was fitting right in with JJ’s small group of friends.
They arrived at the Boneyard, Kie and Pope greeting them excitedly. “Violet! I’m so happy you came!” Kie exclaimed. Violet happily hugged the girl back and went willingly as she was pulled towards the keg.
Pope and John B followed JJ’s line of sight and both began to chuckle. “What?” JJ asked. “You got it bad, bro.” John B answered. “You’ve known her a day and you’re already changing your ways.” Pope added.
JJ rolled his eyes, not believing his friends, until some touron girl approached him. “Hey.” She greeted him with a flirtatious smile. “Bye.” JJ said quickly before leaving her alone.
Violet found it nice to be able to hang out with friends. It had been a while since she was able to do that. Back home, people were prone to only hang out with Violet because of her dad. She only really had two close friends who liked her for her. Not because her dad was a legend.
“Hey, I’m going to get another drink.” Violet told Kie and JJ before getting up from her place around the fire. Violet got to the keg and began filling her cup when a voice alerted her.
“Hey. You’re Violet, right?” The boy said. Violet looked in that direction and saw a boy about a couple years older than her and who stood at about 6’2. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, that’s me and you are?” Violet replied. “I’m Rafe. It’s not everyday we get a celebrity here on the island.” Rafe answered. “I’m not a celebrity. And you don’t look like the kind of guy who surfs.” The brunette told him.
Rafe chuckled lightly at her comment before speaking. “And what kind of guy do I look like?” He asked. “Well, you’re wearing polo, khaki shorts that are way shorter than they should be and don’t even get me started on the hair. You’re one of those rich kids. I may be new here but I’ve been told about the Kooks.” Violet explained.
From the otherside of the beach, Sarah saw Violet talking to her brother and nudged JJ with her arm. “Go get her before the charm kicks in.” She told him.
JJ clenched his jaw when he saw Rafe talking to Violet and looking at her like she was his next meal.
“Hey, Vi.” JJ greeted her, throwing an arm over her shoulder. “This is who I told you about.” He said in a hushed tone. “That explains a lot.” Violet muttered. “She can make her own deductions, Maybank.” Rafe said. “I’m surprised you know what that word means. You know, with all the cocaine you do. Bound to kill a couple thousand brain cells.” JJ rebutted.
“Violet can decide who she wants to hang out with.” Rafe fired back. “Not if she doesn’t know when they’re complete psychopaths.” JJ said. “Okay, can we stop with this dick measuring contest?” Violet interjected. “Rafe is right. I can decide who I want to hang out with,” She started.
Rafe shot JJ an almost evil glare, acting like he won some kind of contest. “But, Rafe, that person is not you. Or anyone from your side of the island. People like the Pogues are real people. You and your friends are the complete opposite of the people I want to hang out with. I’m sorry.” Violet finished, walking away from the boy.
JJ tried to stifle a laugh as Rafe stood there completely shell shocked by the verbal diss he was just given. The blonde went to go find Violet, wanting to praise her for what she said to Rafe.
He walked down towards the water when he saw the girl sitting right before the water hit her feet. He stopped short for a few seconds, furrowing his eyebrows before going to sit next to her.
“I was wondering where you ran off to.” He told her. Violet laughed lightly, her gaze still on the breaking surf. “What are you doing here all by yourself?” JJ asked. “I don’t know, I just needed a breather from all the people.” She answered.
“Do you miss it?” He questioned, referring to her home in Oahu. “Yeah. I mean it’s only been a week since we left, but yeah. I think I’ll always miss it.” She explained. “Hopefully there’ll be something about the Outer Banks that’ll make it worth it.” JJ said. “There already is.” Violet said, looking at JJ.
JJ looked over at her, Violet giving him a wink and a smile before standing up from the sand. “Come on, Maybank. Everyone’s gonna think we snuck off to hook up.” She added, holding her hand out for him. “Hey, would that be so bad?” JJ joked as he took her hand.
Violet gave him a look that he couldn’t quite comprehend as she helped him stand up.
They stayed at the beach for a few more hours before JJ realized he had to get Violet home. Violet was surprised that JJ actually remembered what her father had told him. They said goodbye to their friends and JJ grabbed Violet’s and walked with her off the beach.
“You really didn’t have to walk me home.” The brunette told him as they walked along the road. “I wasn’t going to let you walk home alone. Especially now that Rafe Cameron has made you his next target.” He replied. “I think I can handle Rafe myself.” Violet said. “When he’s on drugs, he acts like he’s the incredible hulk or something. I just don’t want you to get hurt.” JJ said.
“Aww, are you worried about me?” Violet teased. JJ laughed along with her before nodding his head. “Yeah, believe it or not I am.” He said. “Well, I appreciate it.” She told him.
They walked up Violet’s driveway, tiki torches still lit from a few hours prior. JJ and Violet stopped at the stairs leading her to the front porch before Violet looked down at their still intertwined hands.
“Thank you for today. I had a lot of fun with you, JJ.” She told him. “Thank you for the surfing invite. I haven’t had fun like that in a long time.” He said.
The two looked at each other for a moment, Violet swearing she noticed JJ lean in so she followed his actions. But before anything could happen, the blonde boy pulled away.
“Um, I’ll, uh, see you tomorrow?” He stammered letting go of her hand. Violet tried to mask the hurt on her face with a plastered on smile. “Uh, yeah, Kie invited me to go boating with you guys.” Violet answered. “Awesome, perfect, that’s great. Uh, goodnight, Violet.” JJ replied, slowly backing away from her.
“Goodnight, JJ.” Violet replied, before she watched him turn around and begin walking away. Violet swallowed the lump in her throat before going inside for the night. JJ turned back around to see if she was still standing on the porch, but was let down when he saw she wasn’t.
Leaving JJ to quietly curse at himself for not doing what he wanted to do all day.
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mca-attack21 · 4 years
Words Unsaid
AN: This is loosely based off of The Final Problem and is Sherlock x Reader. There is violence and death, so consider yourself warned. I hope you enjoy and as always feedback is appreciated. 
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Emotional Context. Sherlock had once been able to deny its importance, instead, governing himself with logic and reasoning. However, his connections with his friends and the people who cared about him had started to change his mind on such matters. This came with both benefits and negatives as it had opened him up to new vulnerabilities and pain, especially now. As it was during this time that he discovered that his sister was more than just a suspicion. In fact, Eurus was a secret that scared his dear brother Mycroft more than anything else. 
Sherlock struggled to retrieve any memory of her. That was at least until the name “Redbeard” was brought up. He had loved Redbeard his faithful dog and childhood best friend. He couldn’t remember what had happened to him, at least not until Mycroft filled in the gaps. Since that discovery, he, his brother, and John had left to check in on Eurus’ security. Sherlock and John wanted to prove that she had left multiple times once impersonating as a girl that Sherlock met during a case, and once as John’s new therapist. Mycroft was insistent that this was impossible, so they went to settle the matter once and for all. What they were not expecting was for it all the be a trap.
They were soon captured and forced to complete trials that tested personal morality and will power all centered around Sherlock. It seems that Eurus was fascinated by her brother and wanted to better understand him. It didn’t help that she had previously formed an alliance with Moriarty and knew more about Sherlock than he did her. But that was all Mycroft’s fault now wasn’t it? The first challenge forced Sherlock to choose either John or Mycroft to shoot an innocent man in order to save his wife. Both inevitably refused and the man in a last-ditch effort took his own life in front of them. Eurus didn’t hesitate to kill the wife, questioning the three whether or not keeping their hands clean costing two lives was any better than taking one life and leaving one to survive. She then ordered Sherlock to collect the gun, which now only had one bullet, and continue.
The next trial was equally grim. Sherlock was forced to deduce which of three brothers was a murderer provided only the gun and three pictures. To add to the suspense, she presented the three brothers hanging over the ocean tied up with weights. If they dropped they would inescapably be drowned. Sherlock made the correct deduction much to everyone’s relief, but Eurus dropped all three explaining that the life of an innocent weighs no less than the life of the guilty.
The third trial was where it got personal. There was a small wooden coffin. It was nothing special about it. Sherlock quickly deduced that it was built for a woman, one with no close family, one who was sensible, one that- he was interrupted when Mycroft brought over the lid which had a mere two words on it, “Words unsaid”. 
“Whatever does that mean?” John asked.
But deep down Sherlock knew and he feared what was about to happen next.
“It’s Y/n,” he replied.
“Y/n? What does she have to do with this?”
“Why quite a lot Mr. Watson, and very good Sherlock. Now then, this ought to be fun. In a moment, I am going to give her a ring. She’s alone in her apartment which is hooked up with explosions. Now then brother, you will have two minutes to get her to say the magic words. The catch? You can’t say them yourself, you can’t give her any indication that you or she is in danger. Just play your mind games like you used to,” Eurus grinned.
“What are the magic words?” Mycroft asked.
Sherlock’s face fell into a pained expression as he considered the task at hand.
“He has to get her to tell him that she loves him,” John realized.
“Yay! Now that everyone is on the same page, let’s give her a ring.” Eurus cheered, “Oh and for added fun,” she clicked on the tv showing video of you in your flat.
Sherlock studied the video feed, you looked horrible, something had clearly upset you. He could tell that you had recently been crying. As the phone rang he prayed that you would answer it. The clock seemed to loom over him as it continued to click down. He watched as you slowly retrieved yours and glanced down at the name answering it almost immediately.
“Ah, Y/n, I-” he started.
“I ought to kill you for giving me such a scare. Baker street exploded it’s all over the news and I’ve been trying to get ahold of you ever since. Are you okay? Is John okay? What happened?”
“We’re fine, just a little accident,” Sherlock replied calmly.
“I thought you were dead, the least you could have done was sent me a text” she whimpered.
“Oh come on now, you know I’m more clever than that, besides I’ve been busy, you know how it is” he mused.
“Y/n, do you remember the phone call we had just before Reichenbach, right as Moriarty had begun his master plan?” he asked feeling rushed.
“Of course I do, I still have nightmares from that call,”
“Well, I need you to tell me what you said that day,”
“There’s no way in hell,” you replied. Sherlock was able to see how much this upset you and clenched his eyes shut feeling the pressure.
“Please Y/n, I really need to hear it,” he begged softly.
“Sherlock, is everything alright?” you asked concerned at his unprecedented demeanor.
Eurus warned her brother to remember the rules. 
“Everything is fine, I just need to hear you say it,”
“Why? This better not be one of your experiments,”
“It’s not, I promise. I wouldn’t do that, not to you,”
“I don’t get the big deal,” 
“Please Y/n,” 
“I-I can’t”
“Why not?”
“Because you didn’t say it back,”
“If you meant it then, if there is any chance that you mean it now, please say it again,” he begged.
“Sherlock,” you pleaded
“Please Y/n, please tell me what you said that day on the phone, our last call together before the fall,” he said with such sincerity and emotion.
“You called me to tell me that everything had been a lie, that Moriarty was right. You told me that  you only had one choice left. I begged you to stop, to wait until I could get to you, that together the two of us would figure something out. But you said it was too late,” you recalled tears streaming down your face.
“And then…” he prompted.
“And then I pleaded with you not to do it,”
“Why? What was your reason?”
You hesitated for a moment, “ because I cared about you,”
“That’s not what you said Y/n, what exact words did you say?” His own eyes were betraying him at this point.
“I told you that I loved you, that fake or not, I would still love you” you cried, “And you didn’t say it back.”
Just then the phone clicked off as Eurus ended the call. 
Sherlock redirected his attention to Eurus’ screen, “Okay Eurus, I won. I made her say it. What now, what happens next?”
“Funny isn’t it? I don’t recall her actually saying the words ‘I love you’. She said ‘I loved you’ and ‘I would still love you’ and while close, I just don’t think that cuts it for me.” 
“Wait!” Sherlock screamed launching forward as Eurus hit a button and he was forced to watch your apartment explode. All that Mycroft could manage was staring in shock as the tv quickly cut to black. John went to his friend who had sunk to the ground staring vacantly.
“You didn’t tell her before Reichenbach and now you’ll never be able to, tell me Sherlock, are all those complicated little emotions worth it? Because to me it seems that the emotional context is what destroys you. Now pull yourself together as the next challenge is even more enduring.”
She paused for a moment before adding, “take your time,” and shutting off her screen. 
Sherlock rose to his feet and John and Mycroft hesitantly went towards the next door, turning back when they heard him whisper “no” before aggressively attacking the empty coffin taking out his rage and immediate grief. After annihilating it, he sat back against the wall. 
Regretting that he could not properly console his friend, John forced himself over to Sherlock handing him the gun saying, “I know this is beyond difficult and you are being tortured, but you have to keep it together, we have to keep moving”
“This isn’t torture, it’s vivisection, we are experience science from the perspective of lab rats,”
“Right now, we are soldiers who just need to survive, this is not the time nor place for mourning,” John said firmly.
“Alright,” Sherlock agreed and John helped him up.
The three men continued to the next room where Sherlock was tasked with choosing whether to kill John or Mycroft. He made his decision, Eurus’ game was over, and he pointed the gun under his own chin taking a calculated risk.
When he awoke, he was alone in a small cell plastered with pictures from his childhood. He quickly called out for John and Mycroft. John answered explaining that he was in a well, but otherwise seemingly fine. There was no response from Mycroft.
Sherlock quickly figured out that he was not actually in a cell but rather in a collapsable structure outside his childhood home. Eurus tasked him with discovering the location of Redbeard and upped the stakes as she started filling the well that John was chained to the bottom of. Sherlock racked his brain trying to solve the same problem who’s solution had evaded him as a child. That was at least until in an escape attempt, John solved an important piece of the puzzle.
Redbeard was never a dog.
Sherlock suddenly remembered his childhood best friend Victor Trevor who his brain had so cleverly disguised to help preserve his psyche. With this new information, Sherlock was able to figure out the Eurus’ song corresponded to the gravestones with the weird dates. He quickly deciphered the message and went to free John who was running out of time.
Outside of the well, he discovered his sister, “I’m so sorry Eurus,” he spoke sincerely.
“You needed me and I abandoned you, I could have saved you,” he added.
“I just wanted my brother,” she replied childishly.
“I’m here now, and we can fix this, just free John, don’t make the same mistake you made with Victor,” he pleaded.
“I don’t want to quit playing the game, I don’t want you to leave me again,”
“I’m not going to leave, I’m going to save you,”
Not knowing how to respond she simply stepped back and allowed Sherlock to save his friend. He dove into action turning the water off and then retrieving a key carefully tossing down to John so that he could free his ankles. He searched for a moment to find what Eurus had used to get John down there to begin with and found some rope that he leveraged against a tree and tossed down to his friend. 
It was as John was climbing over the side that the police cars and helicopters arrived. Mycroft’s people were there to collect Eurus, who went with them peacefully. Sherlock and John were both checked over by the EMT’s and given shock blankets. They were informed that Mycroft was safe and simply left back in Sherrinford. Once he regained consciousness, he his people and sent them in helicopters to take care of Eurus. But then? Who called the police?
“William Sherlock Holmes” you yelled slamming the door to Greg’s station car.
John and Sherlock had never turned around so fast in their lives. How were you here? Hadn’t they both watched your apartment go up in smoke? Or, was that merely another one of Eurus’ tricks?
“You’d better have a good explanation for-”
“I love you too,” he interrupted shocking both you and John.
“What?” you asked in disbelief.
“I said I love you too, I wanted to say it during that call two years ago, and I wanted to say it earlier today. I promise I will explain everything, and I understand if you no longer fill the same way, I’m sorry for not saying it before,” he confessed. 
You stared at him in awe, taking a step closer still staring at him. You closed the remaining gap between the two of you and smoothly connected your lips with his allowing them to communicate for you. After an instant of shock, Sherlock reciprocated allowing the blanket to fall off of his shoulders as he pulled you in closer. When he pulled away, both of you were slightly dazed and smiling. 
“You have a lot of explaining to do,” you whispered.
“That I do,” he answered.
From there, Greg dropped John and Sherlock off at John’s place where he happily greeted Molly and wasted no time collecting Rosie. The next day the three of you would meet up at 221B Baker Street and begin cleaning and repairing that flat as Sherlock did as promised and explained everything. After two weeks the renovations were complete and John and Rosie moved back in with Sherlock who had decided to utilize space in 221C for experiments to keep Rosie away from them both for her safety and his sanity.
You became more than a frequent visitor and eventually moved into one of the bedrooms of 221C however you spent far more time in Sherlock’s bed than in your own. You watched Rosie as the boys went out on cases and would occasionally tag in for John. Being in a relationship with Sherlock was interesting to say the least, but you wouldn’t trade a second of it. 
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oscars-wifeyyy · 5 years
The Innocent (Oscar Diaz Fanfic)
I just want to see if this is a good start lol I kinda just wrote this cuz it just came up in my mind
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In middle school and freshman year of high school, Elizabeth Hernandez was a girl that had braces and acne all over her face. Before summer came she was accepted into the same writing camp that Monse got accepted in and didn’t have to pay a thing except for the transportation. The school year ended and the class of 2018 was having a party to celebrate the end of high school so the crew went to look at the party. The crew went to hide behind the wall to watch the party as it progressed into the night until everyone decided that they wanted to get a beer so Cesar snuck into the party to get everybody beer.
Ruby, Monse, Elizabeth, and Jamal stood watching the scene unfold. The girls were looking for Cesar, Ruby was looking at the girls, while Jamal was freaking out over the football players that stood by the house.
“Do you see him?” Monse asked, crossing her arms. 
“I don’t see him,” Elizabeth went on the tips of her toes to see if she could get a better look.
“Something bad is gonna happen. I can feel it,” Jamal freaked out.
“Take a xanny, J,” Ruby glanced at Jamal, “We just can’t see him, ‘cause he’s being stealth,”
“Yeah,” Monse agreed, “besides, when has Cesar ever let us down?”
“Fourth grade. Kickball tourney,” Jamal looks at the group, “we lost,”
“That’s because I picked the kid with no skills,” the group turned, “and I would do it again. Loyalty trumps victory, compa,”
Elizabeth took the beer being offered to her, “got that right, salad,”
Cesar stood up behind the wall, “take it in, guys. This is about to be us. This is high school,”
The five took a sip of their beer and made a face of disgust, but continued drinking out of the can with the bitter-tasting liquid.
“Ruby,” Monse said, “you think Mario is gonna marry Angelica?”
Ruby shrugged, “No idea. Mario tells me jack,”
“What about that time he said Angelica had a dangler?” Jamal chuckled as Ruby tried to shut Jamal up, “what? He said that,”
“In private!” Ruby exclaimed, “time and place, dude. Oh, guys, check out Huerita at 9 o’clock. Monse, Eli, if you were a girl-”
“We are,” Monse interrupted.
“But if you were a girl like that, would you wear any underwear?” Ruby stared dreamily as Elizabeth turned to look at Ruby in disgust.
“Oh, my God. I’m gonna die. I’m gonna die. I’m gonna die,” Jamal said.
“Why are you gonna die, J?” Elizabeth asked Jamal.
“See those guys over there?” Jamal pointed towards the guys in football jerseys, “they play for the ‘ridge. Did you know that last year alone a quorum of kids-”
“Died playing football?” Monse butt in, “you’re stuck on repeat,”
“So don’t play, sweets,” Elizabeth chuckled.
“No choice,” Jamal said, “Pops was a legend. It’s a family tradition. I’m dead,” Jamal jumped off the platform with Monse and Elizabeth.
“You’re not dead,” Monse said.
“Football spiral?” Cesar asked as he got down to help Jamal calm down, “Jamal, CTE is not in your future,”
“Guys, check out my game,” Ruby turned, “Heurita gave me the nod,”
A bald guy popped up and grabbed Ruby’s shoulder, “Eyeing my girl, cabron?”
“No, God, no. I’m not into blondes,” Ruby tried to get out.
“Easy,” Cesar said, “he does your mother’s taxes. Mrs. Guzamn, right?”
“Three thousand dollar refund. Schedule C, line 30. Home office deduction,” Ruby said.
“Seriously,” Monse looked at him in disbelief.
Another cholo came over the wall to see Cesar so he nudged the bald guy, “Yo, homes. What are you doing, ese? That’s Spooky’s lil bro, dawg,”
The guy let go of Ruby, “I didn’t realize it was you, homie. Hey, listen, man, tell Spooky Sad Eyes sends his respects,” Cesar nodded as the two cholos left the crew.
“Thank God for your brother,” Ruby rubbed his shoulder.
“Nah, thank God for better things,” Cesar shook his head as gunshots rang out and everybody crouched down.
“.357!” the crew yelled out after the 5th shot.
Soon they were in Ruby’s place, Jamal and Ruby were spying on Mario and Angelica arguing outside while Cesar, Monse, and Elizabeth were sitting on the couch. Elizabeth took out her phone to tell her mother she was fine and in Ruby’s house until Ruby and Jamal ran to the couch, “Mario’s coming!”
Elizabeth didn’t bother listening to Mario so she just put on her earbuds and looked at him as if she was listening, but when she thought he was done she took it out. Mario came back and said, “don’t bone Elizabeth and Monse,”
Everybody started laughing as Monse said, “Who would even wanna do that?”
The next day Monse and Elizabeth went to the coach station to catch their bus to the camp. Summer was spent writing in the middle of nowhere with activities and amenities provided for the students so Elizabeth was able to start working out, losing the acne, and lost the braces. A few months later, they were back and on their way to Ruby’s house.
Monse wore simple jeans and a shirt that showed a little cleavage while Elizabeth wore a blue destroyed  with a burgundy bralette and ripped jeans that covered her legs. Smiles were on both faces, happy that they lost the metal prison that held their teeth captive. Both had grown breasts which attracted a lot of unwanted attention from the ice cream man as he was selling. They walked a little faster until a voice was heard that they recognized.
“Angelica, once I’m gone, I’m gone! There’s not gonna be a Christmas break hook-up! You know why? ‘Cause I’m gonna be hooking up with other chicks!” Mario took a pause, “white chicks!” another pause, “I don’t know why I’m saying that. It’s you! Talk to me, boo!”
“Maybe she’s not home!” Monse called out as Mario turned.
“Oh. Hey, guys,” the three met on the street, “how was camp?”
“Terrible. Mildly life-changing,” Monse shrugged.
“I can see that,” Mario looked down at their chests.
“Shut up, Mario,” Elizabeth rolled her eyes as a blush came on and tried to hide her newly found breasts.
“You can? How?” Monse asked confused.
“You just...look, I probably have to go before traffic hits,” Mario changed subjects.
“No prob. Good luck at Cal,” Elizabeth waved.
“Thanks,” Mario sighed, “and you two, keep an eye on Ruby? Don’t know what that kid’s gonna do without me,”
Monse and Elizabeth arrived at Ruby’s house and to his now own room, “we’re back!”
“Can you guys move that side table?” Ruby pointed at the table.
“No, seriously, don’t make such a fuss. We’ve only been gone all summer but really, it’s no big deal,” Monse glared at the boys.
“How was camp?” Ruby reluctantly asked.
“Camp was fine. Notice anything different?” Elizabeth and Monse smiled wide.
“Both of you got boobs,” The boys said.
“You can wait for Cesar to help,” Elizabeth glared.
Jamal stood up, “then we’ll be waiting a long time,”
“Why?” Monse asked.
“Where is Cesar?” Elizabeth asked.
“We’re not talking to him,” Ruby shrugged.
“Y’all in a fight?” Monse asked, crossing her arms.
“Well, it wasn’t really a fight. More like…” Jamal started but Ruby cut him off, “we’re not getting into it. Trust us, Cesar’s not cool,”
“Well, I’m not cool being not cool,” Monse crossed her arms, “and why aren’t you at football?” Monse asked Jamal.
“We should really get to orientation,” Jamal changed subjects as he stood up, “before those lines get too big,”
“Yeah, I don’t want to get too sweaty for my ID. Like Mario said ‘it’s all about the right first impression,’” Ruby said, straightening his clothes.
“And sticking together! You’re definitely deflecting this whole Cesar sitch,” Elizabeth rolled her eyes, “so stop being bitches and tell us,”
“Right!” Monse agreed.
Now they were on their way to school and Monse was continuing to pester the boys while Elizabeth gave up and let Monse deal with that. However, it was kind of a backfire for Monse because the boys’ gave her the silent treatment.
“What happened with Cesar?” Monse threw her hands up, “this silent treatment will only last so long. I will break you,” a pause went by, “come on! There is no way Cesar did anything on purpose to destroy our crew,”
“He’s the glue of our crew!” Elizabeth added.
“That was then, this is now,” Jamal shrugged.
“Yeah. Cesar ain’t shit,” Ruby agreed.
They turned the corner to see the Prophets so Elizabeth alerted the crew, “shit, Prophets!”
Everyone was searching their clothes to see if there were any colors that would set off the gang members. Ruby took off his hoodie but messed his hair up a little.
“Damn it. Did I just jack my do?” Ruby pulled out his phone to see how it looked until he saw Jasmine, “code dread, code dread, code dread. Approaching on your six,”
“Yo! You guys going to orientation?” Jasmine’s voice popped up, “hey, you know my cousin, Berto, the fine one? Hey. His daughter, Letty, said it ain’t nothing unless you can’t spell your name and then you hold up the line and people get mad,” Jasmine ranted, “hey, why you guys walking so fast? You know I got asthma,”
“Sorry, Jasmine! We’re having a private convo,” Monse called out, “real sensitive stuff,”
“That’s what you always say!” Jasmine yelled but took a deep breath from her inhaler and began running after the crew.
They finally lost her after a few minutes and they breathed out a breath of relief not seeing Jasmine behind them anymore.
“Man, she is relentless,” Ruby shook his head.
“Nice save,” Jamal appraised Ruby,
“Oh, you’re not safe,” Monse interrupted.
“You’re threats aren’t penetrating, ok?!” Jamal said, “I’m not telling you what Cesar said,”
“Aha!” Monse turned to them, “so he did say something!”
“Jamal!” Ruby yelled, “do you need a muzzle? Monse, no offense, but you’re a loose cannon. We’re not telling you for your own protection,”
“My protection?” Monse leaned closer to Ruby, “eat a dick,”
“Case in point,” Ruby said, “you don’t even know and you’re at Defcon Solange,”
They continued walking and as they were walking past an alley they saw a guy getting jumped into a gang. Monse and Elizabeth began staring at the actions happening, but Ruby and Jamal took each of their arms.
“Don’t look,” Ruby grunted, “keep walking,”
“Why would anyone wanna get jumped on 19th street?” Jamal asked, “I’d join First Street. Only one second of pain,”
“Agreed,” Ruby said, “besides, who would want a lifetime commitment at our age?”
“Apparently neither of you,” Elizabeth chuckled.
“Lack of commitment seems to be a noticeable trend in this friendship,” Monse shook her head, “as does lack of space,” Monse pushed the boys away.
“We can’t tell you what Cesar said,” Jamal said.
Rap music was being played from down the street from a red Impala, “fine then. I’ll ask myself. Eli, let’s go,”
Monse walked in front of the car as a head stuck out of the window, “Hey, you crazy?!”
Monse and Elizabeth walked over to the driver’s side and leaned down, “we just wanted to let Cesar know that we were back in town,”
“And looking like some fine ass hynas,” the mystery cholo smirked.
“Underaged hynas,” Monse snapped.
“Not for some,” the cholo stared at Elizabeth, “it’s all good. You just look a lil different. What is it?”
“My boobs,” Monse deadpanned.
“Nah, you got your braces off,” he laughed, “and who are you, hermosa?”
“Elizabeth,” she blushed.
“Cool. Spooky,” he drove away as the girls went back to the boys on the sidewalk.
“When did Oscar get out?” Monse looked confused.
“Six weeks ago,” Ruby answered as they covered the girls cleavages with their sweaters.
“Now it makes sense! Whatever Cesar said, he said to impress Oscar. Cesar’s terrified of his brother,” Monse smiled.
“Along with everyone else,” Ruby said.
“Then who cares what he says,” Elizabeth shrugged.
“Oh, just drop it!” Jamal raised his voice.
“Do we look like we can just drop it?” Monse asked.
“Actually you do. You just won’t,” Jamal shrugged then a body jumped out from behind them.
“Tax time, bitches!” Latrelle said, “hands up, money out,”
“How can we take out money out with our hands up?” Elizabeth asked.
“I know you bookheads got that back to school gwop,” Latrelle scowled.
Monse started talking, “actually, it’s orientation day. Technically, we’re neither in school nor out of school. We’re…”
Ruby covered Monse’s mouth, “we don’t have any money,”
Latrelle gave a look to Jamal, “what about that 20?” Ruby groaned and handed Latrelle his 20.
Elizabeth, Monse, and Jamal were walking from orientation and were now in front of Cesar’s place that was filled with Santos. Monse and Jamal were going back and forth on the situation, but Elizabeth was stuck on the sight of “Spooky” working out as his muscles constricted when he lifted the weights. Slowly, she came back to reality and the bickering between Jamal and Monse.
“...but he would never join the gang. He’s an outlier so whatever is going on it isn’t that,” Monse snapped at Jamal.
“He isn’t the same,” Jamal said, “he dumped us,”
“But we weren’t here so it’s not official,” Monse looked across the street.
“If someone breaks up with you over text, is it official?” Jamal asked,
“Consider me the text,” Jamal clicked his tongue, “Ding! You’ve been dumped,” Elizabeth and Montse rolled their eyes and started going over there, “wait! Please don’t go. Please, you’re not… you’re not safe,”
“Why?” Elizabeth asked.
“Because…” Jamal looked at their newly developed chests, “both of you blossomed,”
“Blossomed?” Monse asked.
“Popped. Busted out. Puffed your party pillows. Whatever you wanna call your new cha-cha-bingos,” Jamla pointed towards the cholos, “these new homies he’s hanging with are thirsty,” Jamal threw his hoodie onto Monse, who tossed it back as Elizabeth and herself walked to the other side of the street, “Ok. don’t worry, girls! I got your back…”
The two approached the exiled friend as the other Santos turned to stare at the two walking up to the younger Diaz. Monse stopped in front of Cesar as Elizabeth, coincidentally, stood in front of Oscar, who was staring at her. The leader’s eyes felt like it was burning holes through Elizabeth’s face, but she didn’t make it look obvious even though there was a blush on her cheeks.
“I need to talk to you,” Monse said firmly.
“I’m listening,” Cesar stayed seated.
“Privately,” Elizabeth whispered as the Santos turned to stare at them longer.
“Yeah. We can go inside,” Cesar’s older brother cleared his throat, “but, uh, if you both wanna sit on my face, y’all gotta put those mouths on pause so I can concentrate,” Laughs were heard from the cholos so Monse quickly bailed and went back to Jamal; however, Elizabeth felt a wave of burning anger in her so she pulled her fist back and punched Cesar on the mouth. He groaned as Elizabeth leaned closer to whisper into his ear.
“Do not try to come back and get along with me until you make things right with Monse. I know what y’all did so I’m only doing this for her now,” Elizabeth said, “come near me and I will punch the shit out of you again,” Elizabeth left as Cesar looked at her with slight fear in his eyes and the cholos stared at her in lust after the action was taken by her. Her cheeks burned red at the attention especially from the certain leader that sat next to Cesar. Oohs were heard from the porch, but Elizabeth paid no mind to it as she went back to walking with Jamal and Monse.
“Cesar is dead to us!” Monse yelled.
“Told ya,” Jamal said as he ran to the back of the bushes.
“He doesn’t get to break up with us,” Elizabeth rolled her eyes, “we’re breaking up with him,”
“Sit on my face? Who says that?” Monse stuck her hands out.
“Chairs who can talk! And buttholes!” Jamal called out from the bushes.
“I wouldn’t put dumb crap like that past Oscar, but Cesar?” Monse asked in disbelief, “what happened to him?” Jamal was rolling around when Monse came into an idea, “Cesar’s gotta be hitting the pipe. Right? right!”
“Could be?” Elizabeth shrugged as Jamal jumped onto the next patch of grass. “That was totally out of character,” Monse shook her head, but realized what Jamal was doing, “what are you doing?”
“I’m getting into character,” Jamal sprayed water onto her armpits and clothes, “hey, pops. Say nothing and go with my flow,”
“Monse! Eli! Welcome back, babies. Ready for the new year?” Dwayne hugged both girls.
“Bound to be a lot of surprises,” Monse shrugged as she reciprocated the gift already.
“How was practice?” Dwayne asked his son.
“Yeah, how was practice?” Elizabeth smiled as Jamal threw his gym bag at her.
“I don’t know. Ask those D1 scouts who were all up on me,” Jamal pulled on his jersey.
Dwayne chuckled, “that’s my boy!” He pulled Jamal into a man hug then walked away with an extra pep to his step and back to his gardening.
“Did you quit the team and not tell your dad?” Monse asked.
“No,” Jamal looked at Monse, “yes. Look I suited up first day, and I just wasn’t feeling it,”
“Wasn’t feeling it?” Elizabeth threw the bag back at Jamal.
“Yeah. Wasn’t feeling like breaking my neck,” Jamal threw the bag down on the ground, “listen, everybody that knows me knows that I suck, except my pops. And he keeps thinking that I’m just gonna wake up one day and be him, and...I’m not him,” Jamal sighed, “I just need the right time to tell him,”
“How ironic that a guy that can’t keep a secret is keeping the biggest secret of his life,” Monse smirked, “I’m gonna rat you out to your dad,” her smirk fell, “unless you drop the 411 about Cesar. What did he say?”
“No!” Jamal denied.
“Yes!” Monse said, “Mr. Turn-”
Jamal covered Monse’s mouth, “Cesar said you let him hit it before you left for camp,” Jamal said in one breath.
The two girls were fuming and decided to do a group call later with Ruby to find out the context and how he said it, but Elizabeth had work that night so she couldn’t participate, settling on telling Monse to keep her updated. A long six hours of working, she got off at 10pm and checked her phone to see a text from Monse telling her to meet at Dwayne’s joint at five to chop it up.
The next day came around and Monse and Elizabeth were at the joint with Jamal as he and Elizabeth worked. Elizabeth sometimes worked for Dwayne to earn a little extra money to prevent herself from asking for money from her mother because her mother was already deep in debt and Elizabeth was doing anything in her power to help her out.
“That’s the eleventh text,” Monse sighed, “Ruby’s almost 2 hours late,”
“He said he’ll be here, so he’ll be here. Trust me,” Jamal gave the customer his order.
“Yeah, Mon. Chill,” Elizabeth smirked.
“Said the guy pretending to play football?” Monse stared at Jamal. 
“Maybe my pops won’t notice,” Jamal hoped.
“I don’t think that’s possible, J,” Elizabeth motioned towards the countless photos of Jamal playing football.
“Where the hell is Ruby?” Jamal put his hand on his head.
After a few minutes, Monse and Elizabeth decided to go to Ruby’s house to see what was going on. The two rushed in through the door to see Ruby standing on top of a table, wearing a pink dress, and Abuelita was hemming it.
“What the hell is going on ?” Monse asked.
“I think it’s pretty obvious,” Ruby rolled his eyes.
“Great,” Monse rolled her eyes, “so, walk me through the moment Cesar said what he said,”
“Don’t worry about it,” Ruby looked at Monse.
“There you go again,” Monse crossed her arms.
“There you go again what?” Ruby looked confused.
“Keeping things from us,” Elizabeth stood by Monse’s side, “stop withholding things from us,”
Monse pulled Ruby outside onto the porch, “Monse, wait! Monse! We need to go back inside,”
Monse faced Ruby, “what did Cesar exactly say? And how did he say it? We need context, tone. We need to know, Ruby.”
“Y’all know what I know,” Ruby insisted, “what I don’t know is why he said it. But he said it. We tried to get him to take it back, but he wouldn’t. So what can we do? Drop it,”
“I can’t,” Monse looked down.
“Why not?” Ruby asked.
“‘Cause I’m still figuring out if I still hate him. You heard what your brother said. How are we gonna survive high school without Cesar?” Monse said.
“Mario’s not some sage. Don’t take his words to heart, it’s just words,” Ruby tried to persuade Monse, but she wouldn’t give up.
“If that’s true then why should we take Cesar’s words to heart?” Monse turned the tables, “they’re just words,”
“Sometimes, it’s not what you say, but how you say it. And Cesar said it like he meant it. But things could be worse,”
“What’s worse than losing a friend?” Elizabeth asked.
“Entering high school with a rep,” Ruby said, “you’re smart enough to know that a rumor could ruin your life,” Monse and Elizabeth nodded, “but it’s contained.”
“You’re right. No one knows,” Monse sighed.
Jasmine rode by Ruby’s house with her scooter, but she stopped to talk to the three, “hi! Damn, Ruby. I see you! I see you! And I’m down with it,” Jasmine winked at Ruby, “I like the freaky, just like Monse,” 
“What are you talking about?” Elizabeth asked.
“Y’all ain’t gotta be shy with me,” Jasmine smiled, “I know Cesar and Monse be getting it in,” Jasmine humped the air.
“No one knows?! Really?” Monse scoffed, “I officially hate the traitor, and now I’m gonna kick his ass,”
“Girl, I’m coming with,” Elizabeth growled.
“Monse! Eli!” Ruby ran back inside to take the dress off as the two girls got closer to the Diaz residence.
The two girls arrived at the Diaz house to see Cesar riding his skateboard and Oscar chilling on the wall. When they saw the suspect, Monse marched her way to Cesar and pushed him off of his skateboard.
“You little bitch!” Monse yelled as she began hitting Cesar.
“Damn, that hyna’s wild. Must be a freak on all fours,” a cholo said.
“Shut the fuck up, cabron. Before you’re gonna be like little homie over there,” Elizabeth snapped at the nearest cholo.
“I fought for you. I had your back. For what? For you to impress your puto friends and humiliate me?” Monse continued hitting Cesar as he tried to shield his face from the enraged girl on top of him.
“Hermanito, you better back up before you get smacked up,” Oscar smirked.
Elizabeth turned to the leader, “Callate, puto. You aboutta be smacked up like tú hermanito,”
“Watch it now, nena,” Oscar winked at the spitfire sophomore.
“Monse! Eli!” Jamal yelled as Ruby and Jamal pulled Monse to the sidewalk.
Elizabeth glared at the leader of the Santos as she walked back to her group of friends to listen to what they had to say.
“This is why we didn’t want to tell you guys!” Ruby yelled.
“Y’all goin’ crazy!” Jamal added.
“Crazy? We’re crazy?!” Monse yelled.
“Calm down. Breath,” Ruby tried to calm Monse down.
“Don’t you patronize me!” Monse pushed Jamal, “I don’t need you! Any of you! I was just trying to keep our crew together, but since Eli and I are the only ones who cares, y’all are dead to me! I’ll survive on my own,” Monse walked off.
The three stood completely dumbfounded by the afrolatina’s rant, but began walking home until a certain voice stopped them.
“Elizabeth,” The three turned to see Oscar standing on the steps of the porch, “come here,”
Jamal and Ruby looked at Elizabeth, asking if they should stay with her, but she knew that they were scared to even stay another minute, “it’s alright. I’ll text y’all when I get home,”
The two boys nodded and rushed to get home and avoid the feared leader so Elizabeth turned to walk towards the now empty porch. Oscar stood on the porch with a strong pose that oozed power and a smirk showed proudly upon his lips.
“Y-y-yeah,” Elizabeth stuttered.
“Let’s go inside so we can talk,” Oscar turned to the door to open it for her.
“No, gracias. Podemos hablar aquí,” Elizabeth blushed.
“Por qué eres tímido ahora? You were just talking real big, bebita,” Oscar smirked at the sudden shy girl in front of him.
“I w-was just heated i-in that moment,” Elizabeth put her arms behind her back and looked down when she felt the leader’s stare on her face.
“Alright. Let me see tu teléfono,” Oscar held out his hand.
“Por qué,” Elizabeth looked at him confused.
“Let me just see it. I’m gonna give you my number,” Elizabeth handed him her phone, “you can text me whenever and call me. If you need anything then hit me up, hermosa,”
“Oh, o-ok. Gracias, Spooky. Call me Eli. I kind of don’t like my name,”
“Oscar. Call me Oscar and no problema, princesa,” Oscar winked, “let me walk you home. Where do you stay at?”
“A few houses that way,” she pointed to her right.
“Alright. Vamos, hermosa,” Oscar walked down the steps, holding his hand out to help Elizabeth down the stairs, “so why haven’t I met you yet?”
“estaba en la prisión when I started hanging out with the crew,” Elizabeth shrugged.
Oscar nodded, “well, I find you muy hermosa. Let me get to know you,”
They were in front of her house as she leaned on the gate with Oscar leaning his hand next to her body and the other hand in his pocket, “we’ll see, Oscar Diaz. Buenas noches,”
“Buenas noches, hermosa,” Oscar smirked at the girl that walked under his arm to go inside the gate.
She had to work the next day so she immediately did her nightly routine then fell asleep in her bed with dreams of the big bad leader that live a few houses down. Her dreams carried her away and into dreamland until 7 am and her alarm blaring and telling her to get up. Elizabeth groaned as she slammed her hand down on the alarm and got up to get ready for the day. Once she was dressed and ready to go, she started cooking breakfast for herself and her mother since her dad was at the hospital still so she settled for eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns so she wouldn’t be late to the bus.
Elizabeth closed the front door and made her way to the bus stop with her earphones pushed into her ears with music blasting to keep her distracted from her surroundings. After a short five minute walk to the bus stop, a red Impala pulled up in front of it, but Elizabeth didn’t pay any mind to it until the driver had honked his horn. She looked up fast and saw the familiar bald head and bicep tattoo.
“H-hey,” Elizabeth smiled.
“Where you headed?” Oscar raised an eyebrow.
“Some of us have to work and can’t lead a gang,” Elizabeth chuckled.
“Where is it at? I can drive you,” Oscar leaned over to open the door.
Elizabeth thought for a second before getting in, “it’s in San Bernardino. Amazon warehouse,”
“Why are you working there?” Oscar began driving the car, “don’t you gotta have your diploma for that?”
“Yup, but I have some connections and they let me work there. They pay well and I got enough saved for the future,” Elizabeth sighed.
“Whatchu savin’ up for in the future?” Oscar glanced at the young girl.
“That’s gotta be at a later time,” Elizabeth shrugged, “if y-you even s-stick around,”
Half an hour passed with small talk between the two until they finally arrived in front of the warehouse building. Elizabeth gathered her stuff and opened the door to get out until a hand touched her forearm, 
“Mamita, what time you getting off?”
Elizabeth turned with her cheeks ablazed, “3. Bye, Oscar. Thanks for the ride,”
It was the end of Elizabeth’s shift and she made her way out after clocking out and as she opened the door, she saw the familiar Impala with a familiar body leaning against the front. She walked up to the body with red cheeks that seemed to always come when he was around.
“W-what are you doing here?” Elizabeth cleared her throat.
“What does it look like?” Oscar smirked, “picking you up, bebe,” Oscar opened the passenger door for her so she got inside and fiddled with her fingers as Oscar went around to get into the driver’s side. When he got inside, Elizabeth quietly thanked him for taking her to work and picking her up, 
“Gracias, Oscar, for picking me up and dropping me off,”
“No problema,” Oscar looked straight ahead at the traffic and a comfortable silence followed. “You’re very shy pero you have a fire in your eyes that you won’t let out. Por que?” Oscar questioned her as they got closer to Freeridge.
They were getting closer as Elizabeth thought about her answer until they reached her place, “some things...are meant to be kept inside,” she opened the door and got out, “bye, Oscar,”
The two went separate ways as the days went by and it was the first day of school. Elizabeth’s alarm went off as she groaned and slammed the snooze button to rub her eyes. At that moment, her mother came in and sat on her bed with a small smile at the sight of her daughter waking up, reminding the mother of the past times her daughter woke up.
“Mi amor, time to get up. It’s time for school and I made breakfast before I have to leave for work,” Leticia Hernandez smoothed down Elizabeth’s hair.
“Gracias, ma,” Elizabeth smiled before it dropped, “how is papa?”
“Tu papa es bueno pero still the same,” Leticia teared up, “things will be ok, mija,”
“I know, mama,” Elizabeth kissed her mother’s cheek, “I paid the phone bill and the internet bill so don’t worry about that,”
“Mija, don’t do that,” Leticia slightly frowned, “you should keep that money for you. I got the bills,”
“I know, ma, pero it’s fine. I have enough for myself. I just wanna help relieve some stress from you,” Elizabeth pouted.
Leticia’s eyes began overwhelmed with tears as it began running down her cheeks, “I don’t deserve a daughter like you,”
“Yes you do, ma,” Elizabeth hugged her mom, “you deserve the world with how hard you’re working. Now get to work so you’re not late and so I can get ready for school,”
“Wait, before we do that. I got something for you in the mail,” Leticia pulled out a letter, “read it,”
Elizabeth took the envelope and saw “UCLA” on the corner, when she saw it, her heart pounded in her chest and she began to get nervous, “open it, mija,” her mother softly said, Elizabeth’s hand shook as she opened the envelope and took the paper out. Her eyes skimmed over the letter and stopped at the first few lines of the letter seeing the “congratulations.”
The two cheered and jumped around with tears going down their eyes, but soon embraced each other in a long hug. After a few minutes, they went their separate ways to continue with their day as Leticia left the house to go to the hospital for her shift as a registered nurse. Elizabeth went down to eat her breakfast, but was able to finish half of it so she packed it to put it in the fridge then did her morning routine. Once everything was done, she put on her denim shorts and a black v-neck t-shirt with checkered Vans slip-ons that adorned her feet. When she grabbed her backpack from next to her bed, she left her humble abode and to the Diaz house to meet with the gang.
“‘Sup, guys,” Elizabeth yawned, “we waiting for Diaz?”
The group nodded as the sound of a door opening caught their attention even more when Cesar walked out and to the group. Everyone looked at each other then began walking to school to start off the new year.
“I can’t do this,” Jamal said, “I can’t keep secrets! It’s gonna make me implode! I don’t know why anybody keeps secrets,”
“There is something I need to tell you guys,” Monse said before gunshots rang out.
“.44!” Everyone yelled with a smile for the feel of things going back.
However, that was when a car pulled up next to them, “Cesar,” Oscar called out as he got out and pulled the seat to allow enough space for Cesar to get through.
Cesar looked at the group then went into the car with his older brother and gang before Oscar pushed the seat back and got in himself, sparing a glance towards the crew. He drove away as the group followed to stand in the middle of the road looking at the back of the Impala.
“What were you going to say?” Ruby asked as he turned to Monse.
“Cesar,” Monse turned to the remaining group, “we need to save him,”
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Amphibia Reviews: The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers/A Day at the Aquarium
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Last full episode before hiatus! The Kids have a sleepover in the castle that starts like the Princess Diaries 2 and ends in unspeakable horror, while the Plantars try to spend one final day together without getting sad. Sort of like everyone these days without the final part. One last ride under the cut. 
Whelp it’s the end for this batch of episodes which is sad, and i’ll genuinely miss covering these every week. Yeah I have other coverage incoming with Ducktales coming back, eeeee, and current Loud House coverage.. but it was still nice to have something to cover this summer and something to watch every week during this blighted year, as i’ve mentioned before there weren’t any BAD episodes just hard to cover ones and I think by the end I figured out how to do that.. mostly by stopping straight up recaps for more condensed ones. Point is I had fun, grew as a reviewer, and it was a good way to kill a few saturdays, sundays and one or two mondays, and that ain’t bad at all. So before we come back for halloween, let’s send off weekly amphibia coverage in style for now, unless it comes back in November and I look stupid, with this week. Let’s go. 
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The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers
Well this one took a turn. It was also an excellent one as we got more insight into Marcy and Anne’s friendship with Sasha, and some truly excellent horror. Yes, horror.  The Plantar kids head to the castle for the evening for a Sleepover. Turns out the king finally did find something, as did Marcy who’s playing coy about what they found in the hidden library I forgot to mention last time because I was covering 4 episodes at once. Anyway King Keith David has a meeting with them tommorow. So the kids are staying with Marcie to have a fun night together while Hop Pop has a night without the kids to get something head to toe.. it’s better not to ask. They also annoy Olivia who goes off to drink.. juice. Yes the hard juice that comes with a lemon wedge and speedoed servant newt. 
It’s also our ambigously gay duo’s first sleepover without Sasha, but their confident they can do this themselves while Sprig is hoping i’tll be good as his first sleepover (And has a creepy closeup about formative memories) Cue a fun montage of everryone annoying olivia and getting into hyjinks round the castle from sillys tring, which is shot from critters, to painting moustaches. It’s fun stuff.  Then we go from fun stuff to...
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As , in order to stay awake, as being the bastion of pleasantness she is Sasha refused to let them sleep till sunrise, Marcy and Anne initate a SCARE DARE! A SCARE DARE! is a scary dare where the person who dosen’t complete it goes in the book of losers. Which of course was Sasha’s idea, both in general concept and the dares done. What a well adjusted young lady!  So naturally our heroes go into the basment they were told to stay out of. They get pass Lady Olvia because she’s passed out drunk on hard lemonade, living the dream as it were. ,Anyway they.  find a bunch of tombstones, and then Marcy and Anne taking a selfie (Say desecration) wakes the dead... all because they were both playing chicken. One has to imagine how the kids talking with hop pop would go
So yeah the ghostly horror terrors chase the kids, who somehow end up in Marcy’s room. So she just has a passage from a floating graveyard contaning horrifying eldtirch ghosts to her room.. a room the king put in for her. Someone protect this child. 
So our heroes soon have to deal with the ghosts but luckily sprig’s mirror catching it reveals the mirrors, which were foreshadowed earlier by a hall of mirrors leading into the corpse room, making the ghosts solid and allowing our heroes to fight htem back. Our heroes are exausted, Marcy and Anne reveal that they also chickend out on the scare dare so it’s okay, and Oliva arrives. It’s go time.  Final Thoughts: A fun episode that quickly pivots into a great and nightmare inducing one perfect for spooky season coming up soon. I do generally wonder just WHAT those things are, and it’s great setup for whatever’s abotu to come. And while I didn’t mention it in the recap we also get sprig finding some sort of painting and it being of the king, a toad and a frog.. we don’t get to see it clearly so it could be someone else.. but.. it’s clear the king likely has ties to what happened before. But what DID happen before? what are those ghost things? what’s the king’s angle? 
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Yeah I have no answers for now on what the king’s plan is, or how inocent he is or if that’s his dad, just that something’s clearly wrong. And the omonious chess metaphor told us that.. yeah I do think that bit was kind of a mistake as otherwise while we’d probably still question the king, we would be more conflicted as evidence piled up versus “yeah something’s clearly wrong. “ Then again we genuiely don’t know what his motives or plan is or how well intentioned he is or anything other than he SEEMS nice, and that said game could be a necessary evil for all we know. We just don’t have enough information, even with the ominus bits, to truly know what’s going on and what kind of villian the king is. If he is one at all the show could pull a massive swerve on us.. I mean I doubt it he probably is evil, but I wouldn’t put it past the show. For now let’s move on so I can do more wheel spinning and what not...
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Day at the Aquarium
So it’s time for another audience with the king. Turns out he and Mar-mar found out a LOT. Or Marcy did at least, as the above makes clear the king may of known ALL OF THIS already, and just needed Marcy and Anne to think he didn’t long enough for his evil plans. But we do learn a LOT about the gems, the box, and what it does as well as how to fix it... 
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So let’s not waste time since some of you probably don’t have episode acess this early and want to know: Turns out the calamity box is an interdimensional travel device, and, as far as the king tells us anyway, the king’s ancestors went around from world to world as explorers, possibly the group seen in the picture and just as likely the king himself hiding his role in things. Now how much of the explorer part is TRUE remains up in the air, especially since history also painted Columbus an explorer, including when I was in school, and not you know.. an idiot and a colonizing bastard. History is written by the winners after all so it’s hard to know what’s true, only that the book is likely real: While the king COULD’VE planted it to lead marcy, or had one made up, a fake would’ve been spotted immeditly as we’ve established Marcy is a master detective with batman level deductive skills. Or Elongated Man but I wanted most of you to get the refrence and his adaptation versoins so far haven’t been the kindest to ralph. Anyways, point is that con wouldn’t work on her so the book IS real, as is it’s info on the box.. i’ts just hard to tell what was left out or if this was written before utter diastaer and apocalypse insued. After all Gravity Falls Journal 3 is all fine and dandy about bill before the giant passage about bill not being trusted written in blood and Ford going into a paranoid tailspin after realizing his friend is actually a horrifing monster, literally and figuratively, so we don’t know WHAT could’ve been hidden in a nother book the king could’ve removed at any time before  Marcy got there or while she was away on a mission.  But yeah while we know there’s probably more to it this is sitll big information, the box connecting to 4 other worlds other than amphibia, which not only opens up the story possiblities but the fan fiction, and that each of the gems can be recharged at three temples, each one of the gems responding to a diffrent trait judging by the symbols, each representing our girls; Purple is strength, and thus sasha, Blue is Heart, Anne, and Green is Brains, Marcy. I do like thisd as it tells us more but only raises further questions, hooking the audience more. It’s great stuff. But our heroines now have a goal.. but unforutnately the Plantars need to go back and Anne can’t go with as Marcy wants her close. It’s harvest season soon and the Plantars have been away long enough. So they have one last day, though both marcy and the king are apologetic and the king offers them a large tissue and upon getting no response just gives it to them as next time we see them with it. it’s both a great gag, and a nice show of kindess from the king and possible diabolical mastermind. 
So the Plantars decide to spend their final day with Anne at the aquarium, as it always cheered her up. This goes south as eveyrhting from the eels to the giant kraken to the coral reminds them of their past and leaves the poor group sobbing. Even a water show goes sideways as Sprig sees an eel, but it does lead to the group fighting off the stingrays at the show in an utterly stunning fight sequence. Not the best i’ve seen this month.. but only because I binged what I missed of rise of the tmnt this month and that show’s final figh tis an utter showstopper, as are most of it’s fight, but this is easily on par with most of them. Fluid, well done and emotoinal. Our heroes get thrown out of course, but the thought counts and they decide one last throughly them memory is better than nothing.  The final scene is naturally an utter gut punch as we get tearfull goodbyes (sprig and anne forever). Their crying, i’m crying we’re all crying and Hop Pop promises they’ll see each other again. Because family always finds each other. My heart.. it’s too full. here have an apporiate song...
Let’s see how i’m doing. 
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Yeah so two things: I’m not going to be able to stop sobbing thinking of this scene so let’s move on and how have I only NOW refrenced gilmore girls on this blog?
But yeah the scene is utterly moving as the Plantars leave and Marcy realises something. She likely was keeping Anne close because she just got her back... but realizes she’s being selfish. It’s not SAID on screen but it’s clear both in Hailey’s voice acting and from the animation what’s going through her head. It’s utterly captivating stuff. So she tells Anne to go with them.. offically because they should have someone they can trust keep an eye on the box, which is a good idea honestly given just giving it to a royal messenger is just asking for it to be stolen. So Marcy will stay behind and prepare, and since she mentioned it before likekly try to find Sasha as she earlier stated they HAVE to find her.. and given what we see with the recharging that’s both because she misses her friend no matter what she’s done, and because she’s vitally important, while Anne goes with the Plantars to get the box and have some more time before they say goodbye forever, with Marcy coming to wartwood to pick it and anne up for the first temple. Because nothing terrible’s ever happened when a plucky youth with a sword went to three seperate temples, especially involving a guy with a beard and full plate armor. 
Marcy stares off, sad her friend and possible crush is gone.. but unederstanding that this is what she needs, and that she can’t hold her here.. Anne needs to see her family off.. and we get a tearful reunion as Anne chases after them, passing her friends from “Scavenger Hunt”, and reunites with her family. But of course we can’t end on a happy moment, as we cut back to Marcy whose utterly sad.. and the King who says he has a proposition for her, one she’ll find most agreable. 
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But yeah we end on that bit of ominus as we close till october. 
Final Thoughts: Yeah if it wasn’t obvious this was a great one. Great plot progression, great animation, great emotional hook, good jokes which I dind’t get into for time, and tons of stuff to leave fans wanting more just before the break, but without a HUGE cliffhanger. Sure we don’t know what the King’s planning, but that aside our heroes are still together outside of marcy, and we haave a lot to look forward to whenever the show gets back. I’m hyped. Your hyped. IT’s a good note to go out on, especially since last weeks eps were also excellent and it looks like things are about to pick up. When next we meet it’s an inconsequential, probably, anthology episode, though it should be fun, then whenever new episodes return, wether it be just in november or more likely in February, our heroes return to wartwood! And we’ll find out what everyone’s been up to. Hopefully Ivy didn’t leave sprig. We’ll see. Until then, you can check out this blog for more recaps, as I said i’m covering ducktales as it comes back monday and loud house whenever I can get my meat hooks on the new episodes, and until then say safe and go team venture!
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takonei · 4 years
Beta AU - Main story, Chapter 5, deadly life (Part 1)
Note of the author: Surprise, fuckers. Investigation is earlier than expected!
Chapter 5: An oath to one’s lost humanity - Deadly life
"Ding dong, dong ding!"
"A body has been discovered!"
Not again...
"Everyone, please gather in the ultimate weapons maker's research lab!"
Shuichi could only stare at the unmoving body in front of him.
Ryoma... Committed suicide...?
But why?
They were so close to ending this game, they had a strategy, they knew full well how they were going to fight Monokuma and the exisals, so why?
Why restarting the killing game?
Shuichi tried to detach his eyes from the corpse.
The others were as in shock as he was, but the moment his gaze landed on Rantaro, he could immediately feel something was wrong.
The medic was staring at Ryoma with an unreadable expression.
It wasn't fear, shock, nor sadness.
Not a single emotion could be seen on his face.
His eyes were locked on the unmoving body of his former friend.
Perhaps he hadn't yet realized the reality in front of him.
His partner, the one he trusted the most, was dead.
Kirumi and Shuichi glanced at each other.
It was like both realized what was going to happen.
Rantaro had already gone mad from the supposed betrayal of Ryoma during the last trial, he was already slowly crumbling under the pressure of leading a continuously dying group, so to think Ryoma broke their promise to fight against Monokuma and ended his own life...
What was left of Rantaro now that the plan he carefully crafted in details was shattered to pieces by his most trusted friend?
"My! My! I was almost worried you guys would actually not kill before the time limit!"
Shuichi couldn't even look at the bear.
"But it looks like we're finally getting another trial! How exciting!"
Kaito slammed his fist against the nearby box. "What trial is there to hold?! Ryoma committed suicide!"
"Uh-uh! The rules of a class trial always remain the same!"
"Once a murder takes place, all surviving students must participate in a class trial."
"Only accidental deaths don’t deserve the luxury of getting a class trial, so if the victim and blackened are one and the same, a class trial will still be held!"
Miu was also furious. "You're not even denying it! There's no point in organizing a class trial if we already know Ryoma is the one who ended his own life!"
Monokuma was stirring the cocktail he was holding. "I didn't *say* he committed suicide, I said that *if* he ended his own life, a class trial would still take place! Now shoo! You have a crime scene to investigate!"
"What's the point?"
Shuichi felt his heart skip a beat. He turned to the source of the voice.
Rantaro was now facing the bear.
"We'll come in the courtroom and then start the vote immediately. Since none of us have done the deed, you will not execute anyone, and we'll go back to our rooms as if nothing ever happened."
The medic slowly marched towards Monokuma.
"Or maybe you are hinting on the fact that Ryoma didn't commit suicide, and in that case, you are giving an advantage to the spotless, which means you are taking sides, and this isn’t what the objective judge you claim to be would do. This trial is already unfair, if you ask me."
He narrowed his eyes at the bear.
"Unless there is something you want us to find out during the investigation?"
The bear started sweating. "N-No, not at all! This is definitely a fair trial and you definitely have to solve this case in its entirety and vote for the real blackened!"
It felt like Monokuma was lying. Or at least he was hiding things from them. But what would he want them to find in their investigation? What is there to investigate, even?
"A-Anyway! Now shoo! I have important matters to take care of! Like finding this freaking kid I swear..." The robot muttered the last part.
Shuichi frowned. "What did you say?"
"I said I have to find my missing cub!" he yelled, then put both of his paws on his mouth. "Oops! Did I say that out loud?"
... What?
Obtained truth bullet! Missing Monodam
"Here! Have the Monokuma file and get to the investigation already!" Monokuma exclaimed before leaving.
It was too late.
The six who were still alive were left in the lab, a hanged corpse right next to them.
They all looked at each other.
"What... What do we do?" Kokichi asked, visibly unsettled by the situation. "The answer is right here..."
"But Monokuma was hinting that it may not be a suicide..." Shuichi muttered.
"And yet the supposed other killer wouldn't have anything to gain from this. Unless they were willing to kill because of the time limit, but then again, it doesn't make sense that they would disguise the death as a suicide." Kirumi added.
She had a point. To survive alone would be pointless.
And Shuichi just remembered something.
Ryoma's lab was always locked with no other way to enter than the main door, and he would respond to Rantaro only. That's what he learned from the past few days.
Obtained truth bullet! Locked lab
"But still, Rantaro, you said Monokuma wanted us to find out something?" Miu turned to the medic.
"I was just throwing out theories and it looked like I was right. But the question is, what does Monokuma want us to find that even he couldn't find." he replied.
That was very odd. Monokuma always seemed to know everything that was happening in the academy.
Perhaps Rantaro was wrong, but...
It really looked like Monokuma wanted to flee their interrogation and make them investigate.
Maybe there was indeed some truth in Rantaro's theory.
It looked like he was focused on the case the second Monokuma appeared, which was... Not the reaction he expected, to say the least.
What does Rantaro even have in mind?
"Do we... start the investigation anyway? Maybe we'll find out about what Monokuma was talking about..." Miu suggested.
"That would be following the orders Monokuma gave us, but if we do not take any risks we'll never know what he is hiding." Kirumi continued. "I suggest we investigate but keep our deductions to ourselves, just in case."
"If we find out a truth that not even Monokuma could find, then we’ll have the high ground."
Shuichi nodded. "I agree, but... What can we even investigate?"
"It's just like Tsumugi's case..." Kokichi muttered. "We don't even know what to do."
"Shouldn't we investigate Ryoma's lab?" Kaito asked. "I mean, we've been together the entire day, if someone tampered with a certain room we would have known."
Shuichi perked up. "Hold on, when did Ryoma even die?"
"He could be dead for several days for all we know!" Miu exclaimed, shocked by her own statement.
"Except Ryoma made our weapons for the failed raid of the hangar yesterday. Your argument doesn't add up." Kirumi crossed her arms.
"Besides, the body is still fresh. I would say he died several hours ago at most." Rantaro noted.
Shuichi took out his monopad. "Perhaps the Monokuma file indicates more information?"
Turning the item on, everyone looked at their screens.
Monokuma file #5
The victim is the ultimate weapons maker, Ryoma Hoshi.
The victim's body was discovered in the ultimate weapons maker's research lab.
The time of death is unknown.
The cause of death is strangulation.
No other injuries were noted on the victim's body.
Obtained truth bullet! Monokuma file #5
"This doesn't help us at all!" Kaito exclaimed. "Everything written on this file are things we already know!"
Shuichi glanced at Rantaro to try and guess what he was thinking.
The medic was staring at the file, unreadable as always.
He turned off his monopad without a word and approached the control panel.
The others could only look at him wondering what he was up to.
After pressing a few buttons, he lowered the hook to the ground.
He placed one foot on it, wrapped his arm around the chain, and gripped it firmly.
"Can someone make the hook go to the highest point so I can reach the beam?"
Kirumi stared at him. "What exactly are you planning to do up here?"
"I want to lower Ryoma's body so I can inspect it. I can't exactly do an autopsy on a hanged body."
The mercenary walked towards the panel and stared at it for a moment. She pressed a button and Rantaro started going up.
Once he was next to the beam, he climbed it with ease and walked on the narrow path as if it was completely normal.
He sat down in front of the knot. "Can two of you hold onto Ryoma while I cut the rope?"
Kirumi raised an eyebrow. "And how exactly are you going to do that?"
He thought for a moment. "... Hand me one of your knives. I know you have them."
Shuichi saw the others turning to the mercenary with looks of concern.
"Why the fuck do you have knives on yourself?" Kaito asked.
The young woman sighed. "I'm a trained fighter. What exactly did you expect."
Kirumi reached under her skirt and took out one of her sharp knives. She stepped backwards and threw the weapon up. Rantaro caught it mid-air easily.
She walked back to Ryoma and put the chair away. Miu swallowed before following her.
The two girls wrapped Ryoma's arms around their shoulders and Rantaro started cutting the rope.
After the weapons maker was freed from its deadly grasp, Kirumi and Miu laid him down on the floor.
Shuichi approached the control panel to bring Rantaro down.
The medic stepped down and faced the dead body in front of him.
The silence was deafening, and Shuichi couldn't even begin to understand how Rantaro was feeling right now.
"... I'll make the autopsy. You guys can investigate the rest."
It was clear from his voice he wanted to be alone.
"Hey, didn't we say we should investigate this lab?" Kaito asked, who visibly didn't catch on to what Rantaro was trying to say.
"I doubt we will find hints in this lab only. I don't know where, but perhaps we should leave Rantaro to his job for now." Kirumi already started walking towards the exit.
Miu shot a glance at Rantaro, who was still staring at the dead Ryoma.
"Should... Should one of us stay behind?"
Shuichi didn't know if this was a good idea, but because of how silent Rantaro was, it was hard to tell if he minded.
They looked at each other for a moment, worried about how the medic really was holding up.
He thought he had moved on pretty quickly, but that clearly wasn't the case. He simply wanted justice for Ryoma, to get to the bottom of this- and whatever Monokuma was hiding about his death.
"Maybe we should leave Rantaro alone, for now." Shuichi muttered.
Kokichi briefly looked at the medic. "You're probably right."
The group finally made their way out.
Shuichi closed the door behind him and turned to the others.
"What... What do we do now?"
No response. They had hope that they were finally going to end this game, and the moment they were about to do so, another death they didn't think about occurred, and it was Rantaro's best friend of all people.
The one Rantaro seemed to have talked to in secret multiple times, even going as far as to communicate in morse code to make sure no one would successfully catch on to what they were saying.
To investigate what was clearly a suicide because of what Monokuma was supposedly hiding from them...
Nothing made sense anymore. That was just torture.
"... I'll try to find Monokuma. Perhaps I can get answers out of him." Miu started walking away.
Kaito immediately followed. "I'll go with her."
Shuichi was left with both Kirumi and Kokichi.
"Do you... have any clues on what we could investigate?" Kokichi nervously asked.
Kirumi leaned against the wall. "I want to know what the blackouts were all about. Although I am not sure how we could investigate these."
There were exactly two blackouts, as far as he knew.
"I mean... The first blackout was yesterday, right?" Shuichi said. "It was at least a few hours long..."
"It happened while we, aside from Rantaro and Ryoma, were all in the warehouse. I don't think any of us could even remotely be accounted responsible." Kirumi continued.
"And it was just in the main building! The hangar wasn't touched at all..." Kokichi added.
Obtained truth bullet! First blackout
"I do think the two blackouts are related, although I fail to understand what was the purpose of this move." Kirumi pondered.
"Maybe we'll find info somewhere? There must be a way to investigate..."
"Isn't there a computer room? I don't know much about computers but maybe it can give us a hint..." Kokichi suggested.
"This entire building is the victim of the blackout. Even if the computer has info, I doubt it will be functioning in this current situation." Kirumi noted.
He didn't think about that detail.
"Then I'm out of ideas..."
"I mean, our current blackout isn't that different from the previous one, right?" Kokichi asked. "We didn't realize there was one because we were in the dorms, so it only touched the main building again."
"The thing is, we were not here when it started. It could have started right before we entered the building just like it could have started hours ago." Kirumi added. "We know the beginning of the first blackout but not the end, while for the second blackout, we do not know either in the slightest."
Both blackouts were still a mystery, then.
Obtained truth bullet! Second blackout
Would it really help with Ryoma's case? Probably not. But just as Kokichi said, it was like Tsumugi's case. They didn't know what they were searching for.
The group stared at each other.
"H-Hey..." Kokichi muttered. "I don't want to doubt any of you but..." he trailed off.
"What is it?"
"... What if it wasn't a suicide, somehow?"
Shuichi almost jumped.
The mercenary narrowed her eyes for a moment. "We were all together the majority of the day, so most of us didn't even have time to do anything unless it was at nighttime, which I doubt is the case since Rantaro mentioned Ryoma's death was several hours ago at most. Miu was absent this morning and Rantaro was absent for most of the day, but that's it."
However, that still left those two as suspects...
A part of him prayed that this was indeed a suicide, as harsh as it sounded.
Obtained truth bullet! Kirumi's account
And now they were left again in silence.
"I do not have a single clue on what we can investigate because of the blackout. This is frustrating." Kirumi crossed her arms.
Shuichi hummed. "I mean… Ryoma’s lab really is the only place where we could find hints… Should we still go there?"
Kokichi glanced away. "I… I know that after H-Himiko’s death I… I wanted to be alone, so I don’t know if t-this is a good idea…"
"Except we don’t have a choice. Miu and Kaito left to get Monokuma and we don’t know what place could even give us hints about what Monokuma is searching for." Kirumi noted.
"Perhaps we should investigate as quietly as possible…?" Shuichi suggested. "I know to disturb him would be disrespectful, but maybe he would understand?"
The three stared at each other.
"Ryoma’s lab it is."
The trio went back to the room, quietly opening and closing the door. They forgot about how dark the lab was.
Kirumi immediately started going to the back of the lab, but the moment Kokichi and he started to follow her, she gestured them to be quiet.
For a moment Shuichi forgot about the other two being incredibly stealthy- for different reasons.
Once the workbench was in view, Shuichi noticed Rantaro was reading what was written on a blueprint. It looked like the autopsy was already done.
However, he would not do the same mistake twice.
"M-Maybe we should tell him we’re there? I don’t think he would react well if he noticed our presence and didn’t tell him…"
Kirumi glanced at him for a moment, like she just remembered what he told him a few days ago.
"You’re right."
She stood up and approached the workbench, still illuminated by the flickering light that started giving Shuichi a headache.
The sound of her heels echoed loud enough for Rantaro to notice and turn around.
"You’re back."
"Sorry if we’re interrupting anything, but there isn’t much to investigate outside of this lab."
He put back the paper on the table. "I never said any of you had to leave. I just said you guys should investigate something else other than Ryoma’s body."
One day, maybe, he will cease worrying Shuichi.
Had he even taken the time to process his death?
"A-Are you sure?" Kokichi hesitantly asked. "We can investigate quietly if you want…"
"It’s fine."
Shuichi swallowed.
"Isn’t there a flashlight or something to help us? This place is so dark…"
The moment he finished his sentence, the room went entirely black.
He simply heard something small falling on the table, then the ground.
"This has turned into a difficult situation."
Rantaro's voice echoed through the lab.
"Get over here. We cannot investigate properly in those conditions."
"Hey! Hey! I am not a servant nor a maid! There is someone here to help fulfill your desires!"
The robotic voice came from behind, the sound of his light footsteps getting louder as he approached them.
He could not see it, but Kirumi was definitely rolling her eyes at the bear.
"If those are the conditions of your investigation, then so be it!"
Shuichi could hear someone turning around.
"Which means the blackouts are not accidental. Someone is responsible for them. That is one new confirmation, thank you."
"May I ask, is it because you don’t want to repair the blackout or because you can’t?"
"I’m taking it as a ‘I can’t.’ Thank you for the answer. Which does confirm that you are not the one who provoked it to mess with us, and it is indeed one of us who has done the deed. Now-
"Enough! Just take these and investigate for real already! That’s not how an investigation works!"
The sound of something rolling on the ground was heard, and Shuichi felt a small object touching his feet.
He bent down to take the item- something that felt like a flashlight. He turned it on and finally he could see in front of him.
Other flashlights turned on as well. Monokuma had given one to each of them before leaving.
Everyone turned to Rantaro.
"… And that confirmed what I just said was true."
Someone among them… Responsible for this? But not many people could have even done so.
He would have to solve this mystery later.
… Now that he thought about it, Miu and Kaito would probably not manage to get anything out of the robotic bear anymore.
Obtained truth bullet! Monokuma’s account
"I think we can go back to the investigation now." Rantaro declared.
Kirumi and Shuichi quickly glanced at each other.
Rantaro seemed to know exactly which questions to ask Monokuma, what would make him stutter and reveal important clues.
Was it something he just knew how to do, or was it deeper than that?
He really hoped he wasn’t looking too much into that.
"A-Alright… I’ll try to investigate what I can…" Kokichi walked away.
"… Then I’ll do the same." Kirumi went the other way.
Shuichi swallowed. If the autopsy was done, perhaps it revealed something else.
"H-Hey Rantaro…"
The violinist approached the body. "Did you find anything else on Ryoma…?"
Rantaro put a knee down. "Ryoma died one or two hours ago at most, and the cause of death is hanging. There’s no doubt about that. Look."
He slightly moved Ryoma’s head to expose his neck, marked by purple spots that gave Shuichi chills.
"The hematomas on his neck are here, so Monokuma wasn’t lying about the cause of death being strangulation. However, if, let’s say, someone tried to strangle him with a rope, a cable, or anything else, those hematomas would be far more pronounced than that."
"There would be also signs of struggle, on both the killer’s body and Ryoma’s." he took Ryoma’s hands to show him. There were slight stains of soot, but nothing that looked like blood.
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Obtained truth bullet! Rantaro’s autopsy
… At least there wasn’t any mystery surrounding this. Which was expected from what is clearly a suicide.
He had enough of dead bodies. Perhaps he could look around for more hints.
Earlier, when the lab went completely dark, he heard something fall near the table. What was that?
The violinist approached the table and tried to investigate near it. And to his surprise, there was a small object on the ground. He picked it up to take a look at it.
The object was a circular magnet, grey with a familiar blue symbol on it.
The one that was also on the hacking guns- Ryoma’s sigil.
Did it come from the lamp?
Obtained truth bullet! Strange magnet
Speaking of weapons, perhaps he should try to find what Ryoma already created.
Shuichi started looking around. If the weapons maker was trying to keep them secure, then perhaps they were locked in one of the boxes.
However, it seemed like both Kirumi and Kokichi were investigating them already, so he should try to look somewhere else.
He went around the lab without any objective in mind. Just finding something perhaps related to the case.
At some point, he stumbled across an object leaning against one of the boxes in the back.
After closer inspection it was… Kaito’s metal baseball bat?
There were a few scratches on it, like someone used it to smash something hard enough to resist it.
Scratches definitely not done the day they destroyed the pool area’s window.
Other than that, the bat was clean. Not shining clean, as it seems to have been dirtied a bit by whatever the person using it smashed, but there were no stains on it.
Obtained truth bullet! Used baseball bat
Shuichi glanced at Rantaro, who was still reading the papers on the workbench.
He approached him to see what these were all about.
"What are these?"
"Blueprints for weapons and tools. Take a look if you want, although I doubt you will be able to understand anything. I know I don’t."
The medic handed him the papers.
There were different plans and sketches on them. Some looked like the bombs they had not actually used a few days ago, and some looked like the hacking guns they had used in the death road of despair. But another one caught his attention.
It looked exactly like the magnet he found earlier. Which meant this was indeed one of Ryoma’s crafted objects.
However, nothing on the paper indicated what it was used for. Simply what materials should be used and how it was supposed to be assembled.
He also found a blueprint for what looked like an overcomplicated lock, for some reason.
There were some other blueprints about different bombs, from explosive ones to electrical ones, and heavy weapons that looked like they could blow up more than just the exisals.
At least Ryoma did try to craft the weapons, but…
… Why suddenly giving up, if you could call it that way?
Obtained truth bullet! Weapons’ blueprints
Shuichi gave back the blueprints to Rantaro. "Thank you… Although I didn’t understand much either."
"No problem."
Somehow, Shuichi wished Rantaro showed at least a little bit more emotion than this.
He started walking back towards the boxes to see if either Kirumi or Kokichi found anything.
The violinist suddenly jumped at a very strange noise in the distance- like a small explosion, or electricity?
He approached the source only to see Kirumi coughing.
"Are you okay?!"
She waved her hand to make the smoke go away. "I’m fine, don’t worry."
He approached the box, although he could not climb it. "What happened?"
The mercenary seemed to have tried to manipulate something. "I’m not sure. All of these boxes have huge locks, so I tried to break one. But the moment the blade of my knife touched the thing, it exploded."
"Oh… But is it okay now to open?"
She shook her head. "It looks like a defense mechanism. I cannot touch it. Although…"
He could not see it properly, but it looked like she was making sure no one was listening.
"I am not sure since I cannot feel pain, but it looks like the lock both creates a small explosion and sends a strong electrical charge to whoever tries to touch it."
"Hold on, I have gloves! Maybe I can try!"
"I highly recommend you not to, Shuichi. One wrong manipulation and you could end up dead."
"I know what I’m doing! Help me get on the box!"
"Get some thicker gloves first, idiot."
Shuichi sighed, approached the workbench once more, and took the pair that was on the table. It seemed to have belonged to Ryoma. They must have been used for his manipulations and looked safe enough.
Kirumi stepped down and approached the control panel. Once Shuichi was firmly holding onto the chain, she moved it up so he could take a better look at what she was inspecting.
After moving it down, she went back and climbed up the chain by herself.
She sat down next to Shuichi. "Here. That’s the lock."
On a closer look, it had the exact same appearance as the sketch on the blueprint he found earlier.
After taking a deep breath, Shuichi placed a hand on the lock, which…
… didn’t do anything at all.
He tried to move the thing around, and his eyes suddenly widened.
There was the exact same magnet as the one he found next to the table.
"I found one of these earlier! I don’t know what they are for, though."
He tried to detach it, but he could not even move it an inch. It was like superglued on the lock.
"… I am not sure how these locks work. Perhaps we should leave them be, it would be safer."
A strange lock indeed, that would definitely secure the boxes from anyone but him.
Obtained truth bullet! Trapped locks
"Hold on, what about Kokichi?! He must be manipulating these locks as well!" Shuichi exclaimed.
"Kokichi also has gloves, mind you. But perhaps we should tell him not to move these too much."
The two climbed down the box and started searching for the smaller boy.
But before they could find him, the door of the lab opened again to reveal Miu and Kaito.
Rantaro, who was done with the back of the lab, approached them. "Anything new?"
The street artist groaned. "Nothing! We searched for Monokuma everywhere to ask him questions but nothing!"
… Perhaps he should tell them about what happened earlier.
"It’s fine. Don’t worry about it."
Kokichi stepped down from his box as well. "I mean… We did get some info out of him so it’s alright… I think."
"Then what about you guys? Did you find anything interesting?" Kaito asked.
"Nothing really relevant to this so-called case." Rantaro crossed his arms. "We've been searching Ryoma's lab through and through for a while now, and the blackened is pretty much established at this point."
And yet it felt like they hadn't found anything at all. Shuichi knew they were not searching for the culprit anymore.
They hadn't even found a 'why', nor what Monokuma was supposedly hiding.
Miu glanced away for a moment. "Say... Have any of you found some kind of will? Or even a letter?"
Shuichi froze. He glanced at those who were in the lab with him.
There wasn't any.
"N-No... I didn't find anything at all..." Shuichi muttered.
"So he just... without even telling us why?" Kaito was just as confused as everyone else.
"... Nothing. I've looked through his workbench about a hundred times already and there wasn't anything." Rantaro shook his head. "Which does surprise me. Ryoma is not the type to make huge decisions without explaining why."
Perhaps it was better to trust Rantaro on this.
"Do you think Monokuma stole the letter? Ryoma could have given us info in it... Maybe Monokuma judged it wasn't a good idea to leave it be, and we know that he can mess with us whenever he wants to..." Kokichi suggested.
"That's a possibility. We'll never know unless we harass him until he tells us the truth."
Obtained truth bullet! Absence of a will
"Should we go back to our investigation?" Kirumi asked.
"It's not like we have anything else to do." Rantaro walked away.
He was way too calm for Shuichi's liking. Was it because he got over his death quickly or because he was hiding his emotions far better than anyone else here?
Each and every single one of his actions terrified him.
But now wasn't the time.
The violinist turned to Miu. "Have you... found anything in your research?"
She sighed. "Not really. I do wonder what the 'missing kid' thing is all about, though."
Kaito frowned. "We saw Monodam like two days ago, remember? He was just walking around when we were searching for the dumbells."
The street artist nodded. "Yeah, I do! But then nothing. I don't remember seeing him even once ever since then."
Obtained truth bullet! Kaito's account
"Strange... But it's not like it's going to help us." Shuichi noted.
"I know, I know... This whole situation is giving me a migraine." The taller man complained.
"God, do I agree."
After telling Kokichi about the danger of the locks, the group went back to their investigation. Miu followed Kokichi and Kaito followed Kirumi and Shuichi since they didn't have any flashlights.
There was a long, uncomfortable silence between them as the mercenary tried to look through the lab.
"All the boxes are locked. There isn't anything to see here." she stood up and brushed the dust off her skirt.
The three approached the back of the lab. Now that he had a better view of the thing, Shuichi noticed the packs of food and water. Those were the supplies he had taken to survive without leaving his lab. Some of them were empty, but that was normal.
Nothing much to see here.
"Hey, what the heck is that?"
Kaito pointed at something that was hidden behind one of the food packs. However, with the darkness, it was hard to tell what it even was.
Kirumi approached it and took out what looked like... a bomb?
"W-What is this?!" Kaito exclaimed.
"Obviously a bomb that was not used. But it's different from the ones we had to raid the hangar." Kirumi noted.
Something about this bomb felt familiar. Was it on the blueprints?
Shuichi went back and started going through the papers until he found the one. "There!"
He tried to read it to perhaps learn a bit about it.
But upon a closer look, he remembered that none of them explained anything about the use of the tools.
"And of course we don't know what this is..."
Kirumi tried to inspect the weapon. "What I'm wondering is why this was out in the open. All the boxes are locked, no exception, and I thought they contained all the weapons Ryoma made. But not this unknown one."
Why the change of pattern?
Obtained truth bullet! Unknown unused bomb
The investigation was confusing- not more than the previous one, but still, in a different way.
This entire time they didn't know whether they were searching for the blackened, something Monokuma didn't find out, a missing monokub, or something else entirely.
Maybe if they continue investigating-
Ding dong bing bong!
The announcement was a bit different. Monokuma asked them all to put back their uniforms correctly as it was a 'requirement for the trial'. They had all changed their outfits to feel more comfortable -and piss off Monokuma-, but now they had to change back, unfortunately.
The three stared at each other for a moment.
"... I guess we have no choice." Kirumi sighed.
"Well we got our answer, so let's just change back, go to the courtroom, vote since this bear forces us to, and then think about what we should do next since there aren't any fucking weapons available now." Kaito started walking away, leaving the two alone.
"I have a bad feeling about this." the mercenary muttered.
Shuichi looked at her. "You mean for the trial?"
She narrowed her eyes. "I feel like we both missed something important and that Rantaro is not going to take this trial well, even though it should be extremely short."
If this was their first trial, Shuichi would have disagreed, but... Now he wasn't so sure.
"Yeah, but... We still gotta go and see, right?"
Kirumi sighed. "I know."
Some of them had to go back to their dorms to change, including Shuichi. He put back the vest and tie and looked at himself in the mirror.
He really wasn't the same person as before the game, was he?
Shuichi could barely recognize himself. Eyebags, messy hair, and of course, the constant expression of fear he could never drop even if he tried.
If only he could go back to the happy version of himself.
To go back to his uncle's house.
To stop fearing for his life.
To stop worrying about making someone react the wrong way.
To stop worrying at all.
This situation was completely hopeless.
He shut his eyes down and left the room. Now wasn't the time to do an existential crisis.
He found the others and the group made their way to the shrine of judgment in silence.
Only six of them were alive now. Every time Shuichi tried to think about it, he could feel himself wince.
Ten of the last survivors of humanity had died in three weeks.
They stepped into the shrine but already had the answer on who the blackened of this case was.
Ryoma killed himself. There was no doubt about that anymore.
Rantaro's autopsy proved it, and no matter what happened outside of it, the outcome was still the same.
The elevator ride was as silent as always.
But something didn't feel quite right. It was like they were going deeper than usual.
The door opened and Shuichi's eyes widened.
It wasn't their usual courtroom. This one didn't have any stained glass, nor a giant clock nor anything. It actually felt like a real courtroom, with wooden decorations, scarlet and gold curtains enveloping the walls, and red carpets on the black and white checkered floor. At least this room didn't give him a feeling of dizziness.
"I remade the courtroom specifically for you guys! After all, this fifth trial promises to be grandiose! I couldn't resist redecorating a little!" the bear exclaimed, laughing.
Everyone took their spots, ignoring him as always.
They would vote and leave.
That was it.
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Monokuma explained the rules everyone knew by heart by now.
However, it wasn't like they could protest.
Shuichi could only hear white noise at this point. By looking around, there were almost only black and white portraits with a bright pink cross on each of them. More spots were taken by the horrendous reminder that they were all dying one by one than actual survivors.
How many trials would they have to go through before being free?
How many deaths would have to occur for the bear to be satisfied?
The courtroom was left as silent as a graveyard, although that was expected from a trial where there wasn't anything to say.
But before he could even think about how to break the silence, Rantaro raised his hand.
"I'm the one responsible for Ryoma's death."
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dweetwise · 4 years
day 18: panic attacks
prompt from: whumptober pairing: felix x ace notes: fluffy angst, idk if this even qualifies as whump but it’s what i went with <3 warnings: panic attack descriptions word count: 1920
Ace is having a rather good day, all things considered. He finishes his second generator of the trial while Feng is still doing a phenomenal job at being chased by the killer, and he even has time to stop and search a chest in good conscience.
He picks up a broken key with a worn brass token, which isn’t ideal but he’ll add it to his ever growing pile of junk back at camp anyway.
In the time it takes him to find a generator, the Nurse has finally managed to down and hook Feng, but someone saves her right after and the chase beings anew. Ace would guess the rescuer was David and that he used borrowed time to make sure the gamer made it out, since he can’t see Felix being stupid bold enough to unhook in the killer’s face like that.
With the Nurse’s distant screeches providing some pleasant background noise—considering it’s not Ace she’s chasing—he gets to work on a nearly completed generator by one of the exits. If he finishes it before the killer comes to check, it marks their fourth completed objective of the trial, and it looks like they’ll have an easy escape provided she doesn’t have the obnoxious totem perk to ensure an instant down after the gates are powered.
At first, Ace doesn’t question why someone would have abandoned the nearly completed machine, but just before he connects the last two wires, he hesitates. Will this be the last generator on this side of the map? Maybe someone wanted to leave it because it’s by an exit?
He gets up to look around a bit, trying to spot any other nearby generators, but then he hears it.
A sob.
Ace frowns in worry and keeps looking around, not seeing any signs of life. Did he imagine it? Feng is the only one injured, and her moans of pain can be heard from halfway across the map. The girl is a lot of things, but quiet sure as hell isn’t one of them.
He remembers the key in his pocket, a normally useless item with an underwhelming add-on that will allow him to see his nearby teammates for only a couple of seconds. But right now, it’s exactly what he needs, and as he channels the item, he eventually makes out a human form cowering in the corner next to the exit gate.
The key’s power dies out but Ace doesn’t care, carefully approaching his distressed teammate.
He should have guessed who he’s going to find just by basic deduction, as Feng is still keeping the Nurse busy somewhere in the Asylum and David is one to push forward through sheer stubbornness. It still takes him by surprise to notice Felix, normally so calm and collected, huddled in on himself with his knees drawn close to his chest and his head buried in his hands.
Ace suddenly feels very out of place, and he realizes he could just slowly back away and Felix probably wouldn’t even know he was ever there.
But Felix doesn’t seem to be just taking a mental break from the trial, he looks to be struggling. His entire body is trembling and he’s taking sharp, wheezy breaths, bordering on hyperventilating.
And Ace might not be the best at offering comfort, but he sure as hell is going to try.
“Hey,” he offers softly as not to spook Felix, but from the way Felix’s head snaps up in surprise, he’s not successful. Shit, he’s never seen the guy so upset, looking utterly broken with tears and snot running down his face and taking short, shaky breaths. It make’s Ace’s cold, selfish heart clench in sympathy and he slowly kneels down on Felix’s level, far enough away to hopefully not feel like he’s cornering him. “How you holding up?”
That’s probably the dumbest thing he could have asked, but at least it makes Felix react, quickly wiping at his face and averting his eyes.
“F-fine, sorry—” Felix starts, but then his trembling voice breaks on another sob and he hides his face behind his hand in shame as another wave of what Ace assumes to be a panic attack hits.
Ace has never been good at dealing with emotions, his or others’, but he’s learned a lot after being swept up by the Entity and trying to keep everyone in their little group happy and healthy. He knows that Dwight needs to be held when his anxiety surfaces, and although that position is usually reserved for Jake, Ace has been the body for Dwight to cling to on a few occasions when others were unavailable. On the other hand, when something triggers Quentin’s PTSD, the boy wants nothing more than to be left alone, and even the smallest touch will send him spiraling deeper into his own head.
“It’s alright,” Ace says, trying to keep his voice calm and even offering an encouraging smile. “We’ve all been there.”
That seems to calm Felix down some, so Ace optimistically deduces that maybe his presence does help after all.
This is a vastly different situation from Dwight or Quentin, though. Where Ace mostly sees himself as a somewhat shitty parental figure to the boys, he’s been openly flirting with Felix ever since the other got here. And despite Felix sometimes awkwardly flirting back, he fully expected their relationship to stay at the casual friendship level.
But this is huge step, and if Ace manages to comfort him without hiding behind shitty jokes and Felix allows himself to be vulnerable, maybe that’s a sign they could eventually be something more.
“Just say the word and I’ll be on my way,” Ace starts. “But I also have a pretty good shoulder to lean on, if that’s something you think might help.”
Felix glances at him and Ace tries to keep the smile on his face despite his own nerves surfacing and mixing with the worry for Felix already there.
“Are you sure?” Felix asks, voice nowhere near steady but at least being able to form a complete sentence.
“Of course!” Ace reassures without even knowing which option Felix is referring to.
And then Felix looks back at the ground and curls in on himself further and Ace tries not to be disappointed. He’s already moving to get up, an apology ready on his tongue, when Felix shuffles along the exit gate wall to make room for Ace to join him.
The grin that forms on his face might not be the most appropriate considering the circumstances, but Felix doesn’t protest, in fact he immediately buries his face against Ace’s shoulder and clasps his arm in a death grip as soon as he takes a seat next to him.
Felix takes shallow breaths against him and Ace doesn’t care that his shirt is getting stained with wet tears and snot, suddenly hit with how intimate the entire situation is. His own nerves resurface and his free hand hovers awkwardly in the air, not sure if it’s appropriate to touch the distressed man.
But in the end, he’s a gambler, and so he gambles, placing a hesitant hand in Felix’s hair as he remembers the other is usually messing with it when he’s nervous.
When the only reaction he gets is Felix gripping his arm tighter, he carefully starts running his hand through the locks, slightly disheveled from where Felix has no doubt been doing the same.
“It’s okay,” Ace says, trying to keep his voice steady and hoping Felix can’t hear his heart hammering in his chest. “You’re okay.”
“I’m going to get crows,” Felix chokes out through the tears.
“Doesn’t matter,” Ace reassures, discreetly looking up to try to spot the birds that should already be circling above Felix’s head. “Feng and David are keeping her busy. She’s got no reason to come here.”
Ace frowns as he realizes can neither see nor hear the Entity’s spies, despite knowing their captor’s rules clearly state the birds should be giving away their location by now.
The key sits heavy in his pocket and he suddenly realizes maybe the Entity wanted him to find Felix. Regardless of how Ace feels about the otherworldly being, he knows it’s not satisfied unless the trial has been what it considers “fair”. Maybe it’s giving them a time-out until Felix is in shape to continue, and maybe that’s why Feng still hasn’t been caught, despite being injured against one of the strongest killers.
“Seems like the crows are on their lunch break,” Ace voices his observation in hopes of reassuring Felix. “We’ve got all the time in the world.”
Not surprisingly, the knowledge that he’s not on a time limit seems to calm Felix down some, and the grip on Ace’s arm loosens as the sharp breaths slowly turn into more deliberate ones.
“That’s it, deep breaths,” Ace murmurs and keeps petting Felix’s hair since it seems to be working, or at least not making the situation worse. “You’re going to be fine.”
He has no idea how long they sit there together, with Felix slowly coming back to himself and Ace offering generic encouraging sentiments he hopes are somewhat helpful, lost in their own little bubble while the trial carries on without them.
When Felix eventually pulls away, Ace feels disappointed, even if he finally gets some much needed blood flow to his arm that has fallen asleep a while ago.
“Fuck,” Felix sighs and leans his head back against the tiled wall with a dull ‘thud’. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“I’m not,” Ace offers with a small grin. “But I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
“I didn’t expect one in the middle of a trial,” Felix says, letting Ace is on the fact that this wasn’t a one-off. “Thank you. You, um, helped. A lot,” Felix says bashfully, and Ace has to resist the urge to pull him back into his arms.
“Don’t mention it,” he says instead, and when Felix just gives him an adorable, tiny smile, can’t resist adding a cheeky “There’s a lot worse ways to spend a trial”.
“I’d say being a liability and making a complete fool of myself isn’t something I’m eager to repeat,” Felix mutters, but he’s still smiling, so Ace hopes he’s not still embarrassed.
“Honestly, I’m surprised I didn’t make the situation worse,” Ace jokes. “Or that my brain didn’t implode on itself from not making jokes or flirting for five minutes.”
“You were perfect,” Felix says so earnestly it takes Ace completely off guard, and he’s not blushing he’s just suddenly really warm okay— “I should get back to my generator,” Felix seems to remember, looking over Ace’s shoulder in the direction of the machine. “I’ve wasted enough of everyone’s time for today.”
“If there’s anything we have plenty of, it’s time,” Ace reassures, pushing himself off of the wall and ready to join the trial.
He offers a hand to help Felix up, and it makes him smile when Felix only hesitates for a split second before accepting the gesture.
“You know, we should do this more often,” Ace says with a grin as he pulls Felix up on his feet. “I mean, preferably without the panicking. I didn’t mind but it didn’t exactly look like you were having the time of your life.”
Felix huffs out a small laugh at the statement, and then he squeezes Ace’s hand that’s still clasped in his.
“I’d like that.”
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twotiredsiblings · 3 years
He made her cry...
SchnibbityMom Sherrie May 19, 2013  · Klamath Falls  
He made her cry...again. 
As a parent, you know you're not always going to make the best choices, but you hopefully try not to make the bad ones.She asked him to the Senior Banquet/Dinner. In the past, I'd have paid for him, then he usually (not always), would pay me back. But this time I demurred, when someone owes you thousands of dollars, you hesitate to put yourself on the hook for even a measly $15 more. 
She decided if he asked to cover the cost, that she would and then he would (hopefully) pay her back. And yes, he asked her...she went and bought the tickets...she told him they were here...he had well over a month to send her the $$. He promised her he would.
One week went by, nothing. Two weeks went by, still nothing. She reminded him on a few of their frequent phone calls, (I've never denied him access, even driving both girls almost 100 miles to visit numerous times over the years, before they were able to drive)themselves. And whenever he called to talk to me about anything, when we were done, I'd always ask, "Do you want to talk to the girls?"
He comes into town & actually calls me, wants to come by to drop off a Mother's Day card for HIS Mom, (who I take care of). Because he is angry with me, he won't even come in the door, she over hears him calling me a bitch in conversation with his Mother. This is between he and I, they don't need to hear this crap. We have souvenirs that we purchased for him when we were on our vacation in March, plus, when he left so abruptly then, he left meds and cords & etc, that have been sitting here. Because he was mad, he wouldn't come get them, so they sat. He actually told me to send them to him. Um...no. The $15?? Not there again. 
She needed info from the VA for college, since he's considered disabled, the VA will help with both girls college tuition. She's been talking to him almost daily about it, he has helped her with the info, she's again requested the money for the ticket. "I'll send it tomorrow, along with the paperwork you need."
Tomorrow comes and she calls me from school, in the middle of the day. Not usual. She got called to the office, there was something for her. Turns out, he dropped off the paperwork she needed, brought it 92 miles into town to give to her, driving his nice Corvette. (The same Corvette that he damaged 6 weeks ago, and within 2 days, took into the body shop to be repaired. Somehow he was able to cover the deductible--oh that's right, he didn't send our money this month again.) He has Dr's appointments in town, makes sense he'd drop it off, we'll give him the benefit of the doubt. The $15?? Not  included.  
She talks to him later that day and for the next several days on the VA info, she again requests the $15, "I'll send it tomorrow." "Mom, what should I do, he keeps telling me, and it never shows up?" I tell her it's best to just wait a bit longer, keep giving him the benefit of the doubt. Why? I don't know... I spent close to 30 years giving him that benefit. It's a hard habit to break. She knows that he & I are having issues, but I tell her that is between the two of us. It does not involve her and her sister. 
She wants to ask someone else, I suggest she wait. Of course, that's what we've been doing all along, waiting. And waiting, and waiting some more.It's been over a month, she's finally decided she's going to tell him she's asking someone else, but she's worried he'll be angry with her. I tell her, "No, he won't get mad, he's a grownup, and you've given him more than enough opportunities to send you the $$."
This is what I tell her, but what I know in my heart is, he'll be pissed, he'll say something awful, he'll make her cry. I'm sure he has no idea how many times he's made her cry, she tries so hard, she just wants him to not be angry at her. I tell her sometimes people get angry, if he does, over something so minor as this, then he's the one with the problem. 
She finally bites the bullet and tells me she's going to call him and tell him she's asked someone else. She's hesitant, she's nervous, but she calls.It's worse than I expected. I hear a suspicious sound and come around the corner and she's standing there crying. "He got mad." "What did he say?" I ask her. She tells him she sent in the military paperwork, they chat about other things, then she tells him because he never sent in the $$ for the ticket, she's giving it to someone else. "So, basically, you sold my ticket?" "Yes, it's been over a month, you could've brought the money in with the paperwork, but you didn't.""I was broke," he says, yet that didn't stop him from buying new computer software, hardware, or going to Madras for the weekend to race his car, or any of the other races that he will be going to throughout the summer."
So you're going to let your Mother run your life for you? I see, you've made your decision...goodbye." Of course, now it's my fault, even though I had nothing to do with her decision. She couldn't stop crying, I've gotten very good at being used as a kleenex. Sad to say, but true, and any words of solace & comfort sounded completely hollow.
At 18, she is more of an adult and more mature than he'll ever be. I've tried so hard over the years to maintain an even keel between him and I, strictly for the girls sake. After all of the detritus that came after he divorced his older girls mother, I never wanted him to have that type of strained, angry, drama filled, tumultuous relationship with his younger girls. He continues to make it harder and harder for me to do this. 
These are beautiful, talented, smart, loving and engaging young ladies who want a stable father figure in their lives, I think they deserve that much. 
But he made her cry...again.
UPDATE---Wednesday May 19th. 2021
Hard to believe it's been 8 years since I posted this. I've been mostly off FB lately, just haven't felt the need, except to post birthday wishes and like a few posts. 
The fact that this has become a (once again) thing, only different circumstances, makes me angrier than ever. The kiddos are older and, yes, wiser. They talk to him on a fairly regular basis, he won't answer my calls or texts; as a matter of fact, the only time he has in the last 6 months was after his daughter (my step-daughter) Cathy was hit and killed on NYE, and then again when Mom died. 
After Cathy died, he came up and stayed with us (which he does whenever he comes up), we went to the funeral together, I was there to support him however I could. He was devastated to lose the 2nd of his three older daughters and I was there for him. After Mom passed, he expressed his condolences, but never came up for the memorial, even though Mom always considered him a son, even after our divorce. 
The fact that he owes literally thousands in alimony and I can't attach any of it because he's considered disabled, he's a veteran and he's on SS. I drove down to Lakeview twice in 2019 when he was lost in the Lake County desert and almost died and each time I stayed in a hotel and never asked him for a penny. And believe me when I say, it really isn't about the money. If he just followed through and kept his word, it would mean a world of difference. In trying to be a good human and help family, I think I've been more than gracious over the years. 
But, this post, from 8 years ago, this...has me throwing up my hands in defeat. When I remember just this one incident of many and see how he's continued on with his selfish ways to this day, it used to make me cry. No more. I'm tired of his conceited, narcissistic, childish behavior. 
I know I'm not perfect...far from it. But I just can't. Not anymore. I'm done.
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sabraeal · 4 years
Through the Wringer
Go For Broke | Previous
Obiyuki AU Bingo Mystery AU
“So let me get this straight.” Suzu heaves a sigh like a pair of cement shoes, nose pinched between a pair of fingers so long and spindly that if he moved them together with the other eight, spiders would start jawing on about his fine set of gams. “You just...gave her the paper.”
“Gave is a strong word.” Obi kicks his heels up, dirt crumbling right onto the placard that reads SUZU EASON, ADJUNCT. “I showed her the stuff, and she took ‘em.”
Right out of his hands too, so quick he’d hardly had time to blink. That Nowakoski girl had some fight to her, that’s for sure.
“And by ‘she,’ you mean our murderess,” Suzu snips, waving his hands. “Get your boots off my desk! This is-- this is an academic institution, not some-- some speakeasy or something.”
He slants his smirk the way he knows will drive his favorite almost-professor crazy. “They don’t let you do it at bars either.”
“Then I cannot fathom why you think you can do this here, to my very own desk!” Suzu frowns down at the worn desktop, running his fingers over the grooves of the hundred despairing adjuncts that came before. “I just got the thing, Obi, I want to keep it nice for at least a little while.”
He gives it to him, dropping his soles back down to the dirt. The egghead looks like he could use the break.
“And stop smiling!” Suzu huffs, brushing the clay and gravel off after him. “You just let a murderess take our only proof that Kain Wisteria may have died of something other than an unlucky break in Amiens.”
Obi waggles a finger at him “You’ve been hanging around that fussy grouch box and his rocks, haven’t you?”
Suzu puffs up, using all six foot, four inches of him to be just as intimidating as Raggedy Andy. “Professor Lata is a tenured professor.”
Obi doesn’t have the heart to tell him that’s not as impressive to all the non-eggheads outside.
“And he’s the geology chair,” he continues, as if that’s helping matters. “So his opinion--”
“Ah.” Obi fishes a wrapper out of the trash, the spicy scent of hot pastrami still thick on the air. “He bought you lunch.”
Suzu deflates, eyes skittering away from Obi’s grin. “I don’t see what that has to do with anything.”
“Seems to me like you’re taking pages out of his book,” he says as Suzu snatches the paper out of his hands, crumpling it back down into the trash. “Being a real grouch, I mean.”
“I’m not-- I’m not being grouchy!” he hisses, mouth pulled thin. “Do you know how much trouble I could get into for all this? You told me this would just be a little favor and now--” he throws up his hands-- “I didn’t even ask Shidan for permission! We’re sitting on a-- a ticking time bomb of a theory that you just gave to a murderer.”
“Oh come on.” He shrugs beneath the weight of his trench. “She didn’t kill anyone.”
Suzu’s as pale as they come in this city, so it’s a real light show when he gets hot and bothered. Which he is right now, if Obi can tell his colors.
“And which head made that deduction?” he grits out. “I’ve practically staked my career on this-- by accident-- and now our only proof is in the hands of--”
“Hey.” A head sticks around the corner, wearing a face so cute someone could slap it on a doll and it’d sell like hotcakes. “So this is where you’re hiding out.”
“Oh!” Suzu presses a hand to his chest, clutching at the cotton of his button-down. “It’s just you, Yuzuri. Can you tell Obi that he can’t just--”
“I’m not here to get involved in your lover’s quarrel.” Her hands hook on her hips, right where her sweater meets the swell of a decent pair of hips. “Shake a leg, mister. You’re needed down in reception.”
Suzu blinks. “Wha?”
Yuzuri’s mouth purses, sour, accentuated by the vibrant blush of her lipstick. Most earthly creatures could only aspire to be in Haki Arluleon’s league, but the department’s secretary certainly comes closer than most. “Kihal Guerreiro is down there reenacting Sunrise Over Okinawa.”
Obi tilts his chair back, mind grinding through his memories like a freight train through a signal gate. “Isn’t that the one where the girl burns down--”
“Sure is.” She fixes Suzu with a glare. “And it’s your fault.”
Ah, the girl’s got spunk. No wonder Suzu’s so stuck on her.
The aforementioned adjunct gapes. “M-me? I’ve never met her in my life! I don’t know anyone famous!”
Yuzuri cocks her hip in a way that clearly says, yeah, pull the other one, too.
“Okay, well,” he hedges, “I did see Rita Hayworth having an ice cream once. But that’s it, I promise!”
“I don’t care if you saw Hedy Lemarr dancing naked on Rodeo,” she snaps. “That woman is down there kicking up a real fuss because of you.”
Suzu goes whiter than a sheet that’s shook hands with Clorox. “You haven’t-- you haven’t told Shidan, have you?”
She barks out a laugh. “I didn’t have to. She’s down there reading him the riot act as we speak.”
“Oh.” Obi’s seen poltergeists with more solidity than this post-doc. “Oh no.”
“So you better get down there lickity-split,” Yuzuri tells him, “or else I’ll tell her where you live.”
She turns on her heel, real neat, like some of the flyboys did in their birds, showing off that long seam up that back of her nylons before she slams the door behind her, hard enough to rattle a diploma off the wall.
“Oh hell,” Suzu breathes, hands digging runnels through his hair. “Oh hell, I’m in for it now.”
“You know,” Obi muses, gaze lingering on the door. “I like that dame.”
Suzu sighs. “You would.”
Reception’s never been a quiet place; the secretaries are always typing away like gunfire, writing up the department’s next magnum opus or fielding calls that have them cradling their receiver like another appendage, but today it’s certainly, well--
“Listen here, Mister.” The words ring off the walls like an air raid siren, spoken from the diaphragm with true talent. “My friend has been calling your office for days, and she hasn’t heard from a single person who can give her an answer for this.”
Obi rounds the corner just in time to see Tinsel Town’s rising star shove a paper right into the professor’s chest, blue eyes blazing with a fire that would put Dresden to shame.
She’s dynamite up close; an Amazon straight off the isle with the stilettos she’s wearing, staring Shidan straight in the eye without having to crane her neck. Every inch of her is as dangerous as the femme fatales that have made her a household name, but still--
He’s hardly paying attention to her. Hard to, when her shadow’s got hair so red it practically blazes.
“My apologies, Miss Guerreiro,” Shidan soothes blandly, gaze hooded with the kind of weariness only a chair could muster. “I would normally be happy to answer any questions one of the public may ask, however--” his mouth pulls thin-- “I wasn’t even aware that one of my fellows had undertaken such an investigation.”
Suzu stiffens beside him, knuckles white where they grip the corner. “Well,” he breathes, backing away. “That’s my cue--”
“Why look.” Shidan’s gaze snaps over his shoulder, fixing Suzu as thoroughly as formaldehyde. “Here’s my fellow now. Suzu--” his teeth flash as quick as gun cotton-- “why don’t you come over here and explain yourself to this nice young woman.”
Suzu gulps, throat making a hollow thunk. “Ah...of course, Professor Weise.”
Obi’s not the kind of guy that leaves a man behind, but as Suzu shuffles his sad-sack self into the fray, he finds himself diverting from the flight plan, circling right around to where a high-necked blouse and Mary Jane bobs worriedly in Guerreiro’s wake.
“Well, well, well.” She jumps, turning those big eyes toward him, green as any of the arsenic bottles in the lab’s cabinet. “If its isn’t our winsome Wisteria heiress. Funny seeing you here.”
Her mouth pulls thin. “Oh. It’s you.”
“It’s me,” he agrees, slipping up beside her. She smells nice, something floral and vanilla that clings to her hair and makes him think of cookies at grandma’s. “I gotta say, Miss, for a humble war nurse, you sure got friends in some very high places.”
She huffs, arms crossing over her chest. “For your information, we met long before she got into show business.”
“That so?” he hums, hiking up a brow. “Now that you mention it, she was in one of Kain Wisteria’s flicks, wasn’t she? That one about the South Pacific.”
“She was in three,” the little miss corrects primly. “But the one you’re looking for is Sunrise Over Okinawa.”
He snaps his fingers. “Right, it came out just as I...”
She turns, all question.
“Ah, never mind,” he coughs. “Seems like Wisteria sure liked her work, if he kept using her like that.”
“Mm.” Her face crumples with the shadow of concern. “He did. He told her that with a little more work, she could be his muse.”
“Hah.” Obi lifts his hat, scratching at the back of his head. “That man liked his muses.”
Her knuckles blanch where they grasp her elbows. “He sure did at that.”
“You know, I’m surprised he didn’t try to put you in one of his flicks.” He grins down at her. “You might not be no Veronica Lake, but you got that Judy Garland look.”
Something happens to her face, so quick he can’t catch more than a ripple of it before it’s gone. She turns to him, shoving a paper into his hand.
“Here’s your report back,” she says, the words trembling. “You might want to be more careful where you leave these things.”
She glances at him, and he hears loud and clear: or who you leave them with.
“Right.” He glances down, catching the coroner’s letter head, stark and official under the university’s warm light. “Hey, ah, if you’re having trouble, I could get you in to see my friend.”
The girl whips back to him, wide-eyed, staring like maybe he’s missing a couple of sandwiches from his picnic basket. “I...appreciate the offer, detective.”
“Obi,” he offers, giddily.
“Obi.” Her mouth parts just slightly, uncertain. “But isn’t he right there? I could just ask him myself.”
“Well, sure,” he wheedles, “but that’s no guarantee he’ll talk to you. You know these egghead types. Insular.” He leans in, flashing a smile that could charm the hose off a Hepburn. “But me, I can put a good word in for you.”
She hums, hose still snug. “That so.”
“Sure thing.” He nods toward the charlie foxtrot happening hardly two yards from where they’re standing. “I could go up there right now and ask for you. I’m sure he’d be happy to do me the favor.”
“Of course he would,” she huffs. “He’s having a strip torn off him from both sides. Thank you very much, Mister...Obi, but I think I can wait.”
“Not at all.” He grins so wide the Cheshire Cat would go green with envy, and he’s rewarded with a look so wary that Wisteria’s pet cop would slap him in irons just to head him off. “Good thing for you, Miss, I don’t have any shame.”
She blink. “What? No, you can’t--”
He steps right up to the Western Front, marked by Guerreiro’s sharp elbow and says, “Hey, Suzu, this is the girl I was telling you about. Miss Nowakowski. She’s got some questions about that report you gave me.”
Suzu goggles at him. “Ah, sure, pal.” His mouth pulls into a rictus grin. “I’d--I’d love to meet her. Why don’t we all just go up to my office--”
“No need.” The red head shoulders through, nearly knocking him off his feet. She might be a tiny thing, but she stands shoulder to shoulder with the rest of them like she’d the tallest personality in the room. “I only came here to say that I’m giving permission to exhume the body.”
Shidan chokes. “I-- I’m sorry? I don’t think I heard that--?”
“I’ve already put in the request at the precinct,” she explains, shoulders square she she stares them all down. “But I want to come down here as request personally that you do the toxicology report, Mr Eason.”
“Oh, I-- I don’t-- I’m not--” Suzu pants, hand hooks in his sweater vest-- “I don’t have the authority for that, Miss.”
“But I do.” Shidan stares down at the lot of them, his mouth in a thin line. “I think we should be discussing this in my office. Come this way, Miss Nowakowski, Miss Guerreiro. It seems I’ve missed a few crucial conversations.”
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Exactly How To Attract 999 Of Women 5 Alpha Male Tricks
Hey individuals. Beardy as well as Kay, right here from Mantello agents. And also today we're talking about just how to be a lot more attractive. If you have actually ever before asked yourself exactly how to make a lady crazy for you, these techniques will collaborate with 99.9% of females individuals. It's true. Have you ever before seen a guy with a woman that's method a lot more eye-catching than he is, and also you're left damaging your head, attempting to identify exactly how he landed such a stunning partner.
You tell on your own. Oh, he's probably rich or something, however that's not the fact. The reality is he's possibly discovered just how to bring in females using these techniques. We're about to share with you. If you have actually been striving to increase your level of tourist attraction, yet aren't getting any type of outcomes. You're possibly doing one thing that guys assume make them much more eye-catching, however actually repulses most ladies.
And also at the end of this video, we're mosting likely to share that a person Impressive fail you ought to stay clear of in any way prices. Number five, the pull as well as push. You're questioning exactly how to be a lot more eye-catching as well as obtain your crush to like you. Well, it all begins with what you're stating, as well as I don't imply with your mouth fellows. There are some attempted as well as proven body language methods to make her chase you.
As well as I make sure you have actually listened to the majority of them before stand up straight and tall point your feet in the direction of the girl you have an interest in as well as square your shoulders. These are conventional alpha male body movement strategies that everyone understands. However right here's what you might not know after you have actually revealed that you're solid as well as confident using your body language as well as have actually acquired her passion.
Attempt this masterful alpha method to truly establish the hook it's called the pull as well as press. It's kind of like a trickery except for the last minute fraud, yet it's the excellent type of secret method that the sexiest of hot males make use of to gain control of any kind of flirtatious scenario. Right here's how it works. So you're talking with a woman that you simply met and also you're both nervous as well as there's a lots of stress after a couple of conversational exchanges.
Strike her with a spirited compliment, or if you're really feeling actually certain and endure, a scheming sex-related innuendo, attractive teasing is complicated, but not constantly off restrictions, if you can implement it well, which implies happily in the ideal setting. As well as without coming off as weird, if you're not confident making use of sex-related innuendo, maintain it PG 13 with a lively compliment.
And afterwards. Here's the critical component. Simply go down the mic and also walk away. Now here's the other extremely essential item to executing this flawlessly. You have to casually walk away to a location where she can adhere to, since the main goal is to get her to follow you. And currently you have her chasing you as opposed to vice versa.
So don't walk away to the men's restroom or to your intimidating group of person buddies rather had somewhere neutral, like the bar counter or an alcoholic drink table and also remain approachable. The technique is to leave her. Somewhat puzzled, but with the door wide open so she can conveniently approach you. Number 4 outfit to thrill and spark conversation.
No trick scenario is that she doesn't follow your Lea right away, guys. That's flawlessly okay. Because the alternate outcome is that she's returning to her. Good friend's a little confused and also entertained by your habits. While you maintain on your own close by open readily available and also very friendly. She's going to rate laughing back to her good friends with exhilaration concerning the mystical guy that sort of hit on me.
Then just walked away. O M G I'm so baffled right now. And her close friends are gon na ask, Oh, mg, what person? As well as she's going to claim that individual right over there putting on the that's why this next component is so indisputably vital. The following words out of her mouth should not be. This type of homeless looking man over there and also the hooded sweatshirt.
Instead, you desire her to be able to define you in a more favorable light, and that's why dressing well is a no brainer. As well as if you go to all interested regarding just how to look a lot more appealing by clothing, well, you reached start on the ideal foot as well as you can do that with today's sponsor Thursday boots. You've all heard us state it in the past, yet women always check out it individuals footwear, right?
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Number three, be the casual alpha. Possibly you're not just asking on your own, exactly how can I look extra attractive rather? Maybe you're asking yourself, how can I look extra Jak poderwac dziewczyne przez messengera eye-catching than every person else, men, this is just one of the age old methods to obtain women to chase you. And also it will definitely assist you maximize your appearance as well as one of the most effective method that admittedly takes.
Some method to master is the casual. Alpha, the nonchalant alpha man does all points alpha. He's a ruthless Dewar kind of a go getter. He's confident. As well as most importantly, he couldn't offer to ShipWorks about what other people think of it and fellows that's the key. Yes, you have to function faithfully to be your most appealing self, but trying also hard is shateringly apparent as well as comes off as being hopeless as well as clingy.
Being chronically uncaring is so efficient at making women nuts concerning you for a difficult mess of reasons. But the major factor is that everyone wants what they can't have, and everyone is mystically fascinated by that, which they can't manage and fellas, that's why being a bad-ass loose could not care.
Less alpha male is so damn irresistible. Oh, you know, what else is irresistible key, manly expertise, proven to obtain women to stress over you, yet the most detailed old Sanskrit degree wisdom regarding the artist's deductions completely worthless. If you do not recognize the main factors women believe you desire attractive, yet Hey, do not flip out due to the fact that I'm going to share a few of that valuable details with you at the end of the video clip.
So hang tough up until the end to figure out exactly what the majority of guys are doing to transform 99.9% of women away. Second, obtain her done. Of all the extremely practical pointers for males to look eye-catching. This one is probably one of the most possible. When we think of attractive guys, we believe tall, good-looking, physically fit, symmetrical face functions as well as stuff like that.
As well as while it's all real, the art of tourist attraction goes well past those standards. One of things that alpha individuals do that females can not stand up to is that they seem to be really effective day. Get shit done day in day out. And here's why women find this so appealing having the ability to handle a job or an obstacle and persist shows that you understand how to take advantage of your possessions, to achieve an objective, an irrefutable sign of leadership, to squash your ability to remain focused, to obtain her done as a sheriff fireplace.
Trigger you prospective to be not only a successful individual, however a successful partner as well. And that fella's is how you make a woman promptly. Like you. Leading, prioritize your interest. The very best of all the ideas to look a lot more attractive has nothing to do with any individual but on your own. As well as due to that, you remain in complete control of this one.
All cooled Camille wants roadway without passion, male is a plain unrealized force and also possibility without your interest, you're simply an intricate biological meat puppet, but with your passion for something nature and the outdoors, a sport, a price, whatever it is. You immediately end up being bigger than on your own.
And that is something you're squashed will not be able to disregard something. 99.9% of ladies find resistible. It's what makes you one-of-a-kind and establishes you in addition to the remainder? So if you're unsure what your passion is, or if you've simply been disregarding it recently, see to it you get it back on the front burner and also make it a priority today.
Do not bury on your own. Academic studies of destination are numerous and the extent is extremely wide, yet there is one item of common ground that scientists continually find concerning the legislation of attraction. And that is that also in the 21st century of online dating and also social media folks often tend to come to be brought in to those they're around and interact with routinely.
Like classmates colleagues or colleagues one huge and all too typical blunder alpha men often make is to cut themselves off from opportunity while they're out there in the world, kicking ass and also taking names much lesser guys are scooping up the single women simply because they're present in quest of their passion and obtain shit done.
This, they neglect to require time off to put themselves out there, which leads us to our last verdict. The fastest way to drive females away is to be chronically preoccupied with your daily grind and ultimately inaccessible. So bear in mind. Quit working so hard periodically, it is very important to pause and put on your own out there to develop an opportunity for your crush to notice you.
Or if you don't have a crush after that to go find one in the first place, gents, today, we're revealing you 12, purely instinctive, absolutely subconscious indications that a woman likes you by this point. You recognize, it's not always easy to understand if a lady is actually interested. Is she playing games or is it genuine?
What could be chemistry field flirtation for one lady? May only be standard run of the mill kindness for an additional. Which's why today we're showing you 12 subconscious indications of tourist attraction and also the one shateringly obvious indicator that a girl is most definitely not brought in to you. Number 12, she breaks from her besties.
Hey, have you ever before saw exactly how girls constantly start the night out by only dancing with each other? The reason for that is due to the fact that they feel most comfy with their closest friends. Which in many cases is other girls, yet it's a legislation of nature. A girl in her team are hard to divide. Not just are they usually friends, yet they likewise act as kind of bodyguards for each other by keeping away any type of undesirable attention.
So what are we getting at women stick together at the very least semi unconsciously out of a feeling of safety and security. And also what that suggests is that if a lady you're talking with separate herself from her squad to socialize with you alone, you far better think she's interested due to the fact that not just is she leaving the enjoyable crew that she was available in with, she's also revealing her buddies that she recognizes she remains in excellent hands with you.
And also they don't have to worry. Number 11, the following in the huge, large bulk of instances, body movement, isn't only non-verbal, it's additionally mainly non-conscious. As well as most of the moment it informs you every little thing you need to know. So, what should you try to find first? One of the greatest, many fundamental body language giveaways, when it involves tourist attraction is to merely lean or fall in towards the other individual.
Think about it. The women fall in to obtain closer to men. They do not such as possibly not. To make sure that indicates if she's literally leaning in your direction, even if it's from a considerable range. She's probably feeling your ambiance. Number 10, answer seeking. Right here's something to remember the following time you speak with a woman prior to you obtain a possibility to state anything, that girl has actually instantly unconsciously developed a story about you in her mind.
However the only thing exists are unavoidably some components on the story that are missing out on. Now, if she doesn't appreciate the missing out on parts, she'll carry on and will not seem fascinating. Yet if she's interested. The only point entrusted to do is to obtain some of those inquiries responded to. So if you're speaking with a girl as well as she keeps looking for out more regarding you, that's virtually most definitely due to the fact that she's allow her interest lug her away towards view number 9, face exploration, as you recognize, well, over fifty percent of communication is entirely non-verbal as well as ground zero for that quiet and also subconscious communication is what takes place through facial expression.
Just like a woman will certainly constantly find a way to obtain her inquiries answered regarding you. She'll also be exploring your face to discover as high as she can. And the reason is easy. While your words claim one thing, your facial expressions speak on a different degree. And in a lot of cases, a more honest one. So if she appears focused on your eyes and mouth and also your nose as well as cheeks, it's not since she's attempting to make you stress over nose hairs or that area is cutting today.
It's simply her naturally attempting to discover your quirks. You understand, the little things she actually likes about you as well as how you truly feel. Number 8, she's a soft group. Here's a real age, old examination of subconscious destination. Next time you're with a lady, claim something, you know, is in fact sort of stupid, not clearly stupid, but just a little, you recognize, low initiative.
If she giggles immediately, you recognize, she enjoys you, you may've noticed this with other individuals, a woman laughing as well as smiling at a person that actually hasn't stated anything. All that amusing. Well, right here's the thing regarding making a lady laugh. A lot of the moment, what you claim does not even require to be unbelievably amusing or perhaps that original, since 9 times out of 10, below's, what's truly occurring behind the scenes.
When a girl laughs at something you claim it's usually driven by the truth that she's enduring purposely strengthening the tourist attraction. That's currently there. Basically. She currently suches as, you intends to make fun of right stuff you claim to see to it she remains to like you. No, as with everything in life, there are exemptions to the policy, yet if she's simple to get a laugh out of, that's commonly good information.
Number 7, stoke matching. Almost the only point far better than speaking with a woman you like is to talk to a lady that's equally excited to speak to you in the dating video game. That's, what's known as chemistry and all chemistry begins and also upright an entirely subconscious level. So exactly how can you tell if a girl is thrilled to chat?
Well, there are a couple of means. If you message, she texts back rather swiftly. If you see each other in public, she does not wait to find up as well as say hi, and if you approach her, she makes a few adjustments to her position, her hair, or her clothing. Exhilaration takes lots of types, gents. However if you pick up that she's eager to speak or amazed by your attention, that's what you want to see.
Number 6 sensory override touch is among those things that's driven by a pretty primal part of the brain before we ever before also talk. We learn how to communicate with get in touch with first and not just do people require to be touched, they likewise need to touch so much. So actually, That when our restraints are overwritten by something like claim solid destination, we'll touch without also thinking of it.
Now as a whole, our culture has a tendency to be rather touchy about touch and for good reason, due to the fact that also for ladies relatively innocent touching can be high-risk. Generally, girls are on high alert and also totally mindful about how they literally involve with others. All to say that if a woman is touching you, it's because her natural need to get closer is outweighing a rather engaging need to be careful.
Hey people, if you like my knowledge, keep watching because we have actually obtained 5 more signals that a lady unconsciously likes you. As well as at the end of this video clip, we're going to show you one extremely misinterpreted signal. That individuals generally miss out on. All right, allow's start. Number 5. Conceal off for the same reasons why women might hold back on touching a person.
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They such as, she may also maintain her faces from handing out her tourist attraction. Generally women camouflage their interest by sort of squashing out their expressions, straight lips, neutral eyebrow line, marginal movement all around, you understand it, when you see it. And also it becomes part of the reason why. Some women get the online reputation of being a little cold.
In some cases it's simply how it is. So what does that mean for you? It implies that if a lady is smiling, raising her eyebrows, making eye get in touch with, and essentially lifting up her facial expressions with the timeless signs of overlooked passions. It's due to the fact that she's determined that you're a hero. She can rely on sufficient to let her safeguard down.
Number 4, the auto look. All right currently. This one's a classic while repeated as well as extended eye contact is clearly an excellent thing. There's one other, widely known absolutely subconscious free gift that a woman sent to you modify is the laugh and appearance or what we such as to call the vehicle appearance. Right here's exactly how it works.
The next time you're in a group of the woman. See if you can find where she looks, when something amusing takes place, if it's you who she's checking out, that's her naturally choosing you to share that enjoyable moment with this is a body movement sensation. That's quite well-documented by psychologists. People in a group,
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