#Go For Broke
nigesakis · 11 months
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Atlanta S01E03 "Go for Broke" (2016)
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Right, back to my usual schedule of rewatching and thinking way too much about random shit.
Do you think it means anything, the slightly differing levels of formality with which Franklin and Crozier refer to each other in their first scenes?
I feel like Crozier is the more distant and formal of the two, even if only slightly:
"Tell Mr. Diggle Sir John and Commander Fitzjames are coming aboard to dine tonight."
Whereas Franklin is more casual in his use of first names:
"Let Francis know James and I will be joining him for dinner."
Could mean nothing I suppose. Just something I noticed just now.
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cinemaocd · 3 days
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Rewatching the Terror and I remember that I fucking hate Sir John and even JFJ a little in the first few eps...just insufferable arrogance and naked insecurity wrapped in terrible, dangerous bravado. They both fucking deserve to eat their boots at that moment...but then somehow after all the bloodletting it changes.
It starts right away in Go For Broke, the first episode: his horrible arrogance in moving David Young, and then to blaspheme at his funeral and talk about glory and hardly a word about the young man who died. He's awful, he uses it as an occasion to grand stand. Gross. And then not wanting to go for Francis' plan despite him actually being the only experienced Arctic captain...In that moment Franklin reads like he just wants to preserve his comforts. But the darkness on his face the morning they are frozen in...the mask of cheerfulness falls for a millisecond and Ciaran Hinds, does some amazing micro acting, just by holding still and moving on his mark. The lighting does all the work. He's the kind of actor that you don't see working sometimes so you don't credit him...I love him as much as I dislike Franklin.
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Notes upon a Terror rewatch, now that I can tell more of these white guys apart:
Episode 1
-Sir John ordering David Young to be brought back to the other ship despite being in dying condition. Saying the cold fresh air will do him good, despite doctors orders otherwise. Lmao great advice boss. Drag the dying guy through hypothermic weather.
-Jopson being like yeah yeah capt i know u hate listening to fitsjames’ stories but more importantly what booze should we have there for u
-Mr Blanky is the one backing up Francis when he says they should not continue into the ice pack. According to fandom wiki he’s the Ice Master which is a rad title. Upon first watch I was like idk he seems like a navigator or something. Interesting to connect this beginning to his end.
-Hickey is the one who climbs down into the grave of David Young to fix the lid on his coffin. He stares at the coffin for a few moments after doing so.
“Sergeant Tozer says it’s not important,” says one of the ships boys, idk who.
“It would’ve been important to that boy’s father, wouldn’t it?” says Hickey. “Hm?”
Interesting character moment for Hickey.
-A fave horror moment is still when they wake up and see it’s ice in all directions as far as the eye can see. Hits the same horror button as reading about how some of the Dyatlov Pass incident people later tried to head back to their tents.
-The final moments of the captains making eye contact across the ice and then the applause flashback and then SILENCE and the shot of the ships surrounded by ice. The cinema of it all!!
-Also Collins in the diving suit, cross cut with the surgery, and the dude underwater in the Jesus T pose. Great cinematography.
-The fact that Collins was (i think?) also the one who knew the name of “that seaman”
-I also still love Goodsir trying to make death sound like a wonderful comforting holy experience with angels and loved ones. And then IT’S FUCKING TERRIFYING and theres a Specter saying to Run
-Good show.
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soupy-sez · 4 months
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Atlanta, S1E3 "Go For Broke"
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nerdsleaze · 1 year
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Manon, Street Fighter 6
Illustrated by Xorjin.
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cruel-intenti0ns · 1 year
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I hope that it was worth it when you searchin’
And you find what glitters ain’t gold ✨
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boanerges20 · 9 months
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1985 "Go For Broke" [Future City Records VHS Video Cover]
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crisperthanthou · 2 years
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“Go For Broke”
Midjourney V4 in the (ostensible) style of Kawanabe Kyōsai (1831-1889) who more or less invented the manga magazine in 1874.
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krastbannert · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
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Alright, let's see here.
Brave Soldier Girl - I absolutely adore this fic, so much. Even if it's hard to write, even if most people who've read it seem to not like it or think it's unrealistic or whatever, even if I went the a more depressing direction at first (which would have, in its own right, been an amazing, glorious trainwreck). I think this story has some of my best ideas and some of my best writing, ever, and even if I haven't worked on it in a while, I'm still immensely proud of it, and I will finish it, even if it takes me a decade to do it.
Go For Broke - At the time I wrote it, this was my second longest fic I'd ever written, and I believe it's still the longest story I've ever completed. And you know what? It's not perfect - there's definitely places where I could have had better writing, better word choice, better characterization. But I didn't write it to be perfect, I wrote it to tell the story of one version of Kanto, in a way that honored a man who was willing to give his life in the greatest cause of all: that others may live. And you know what? I'm damn fucking proud of the result. I wrote the entire thing in about two weeks, and it came out a hundred times better than it had reason to, and I love it still. It's one fic that I will always and forever be proud of.
Sins of the Past - It only has one chapter, but it has characters and a world that I created, entirely on my own, over the course of multiple years. Yeah, sure, it has what will probably turn out to be a rather average plot, but you know what? I don't care. It's a plot and a world that I built from nothing, all on my own. And I will never, ever give up on that being something special.
Sunrise - A slight trip on the wild side, this is actually a Tron: Legacy fanfic. Yes, that Tron, as in the sequel to the not-great-but-actually-amazing 1982 film that helped revolutionize computer generated imagery. It's only a shade over 500 words, but I literally had to write a sunrise from the perspective of someone who'd never seen or felt one - and I actually fucking did it. It worked. How can I not be insanely proud of that?
to die clean - Another very short fic, this one from the Horizon fandom. I feel like this fic, honestly, had more meaning put into it than most I've written, and it's maybe half the length of most of my other stories. And I feel like I gave a lot of depth to a character who, in my opinion, didn't get half the depth and thought she really deserved. I want to write more, and I need to write more, because this fic is one of my shortest - but I think it's also one of my best.
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jtem · 1 year
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I do this a lot
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There's something that always gets me about JCR trying to bypass his translator entirely to speak directly to the Netsilik Hunter.
Ross is caught between not wanting to hear more, but needing to hear it all. "What did Francis say? Aglooka?"
He's so so desperate for information and closure but there's that fundamental disconnect there that means he'll never truly get either. Unable to make the depth of his feeling understood in a language he cannot speak and being unable to understand the full meaning of what is being said to him in turn.
To the best of my knowledge, my good friend Jimmy Ross could speak Inuktitut with a fair degree of fluency in real life, so to make the choice to put him through that extra level of pain and confusion in the show is personally hurtful to me.
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sunshine-zenith · 2 months
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sheena1234 · 6 months
'You could get high or you could get low
You could stay young or you could grow old
Let it go oh
'Cause I'ma I'ma go for broke
You could go hard or you could go home
You could live life or you could just fold
Let it go oh
'Cause I'ma I'ma go for broke'
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soupy-sez · 4 months
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Atlanta, S1E3 "Go For Broke"
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