#the first image always takes me tf out because WHY do they look like that lmaoooo
peppermint-turtles · 4 months
favorite thing in 03 is when they have a shot of the turtles from a distance because they always look so so silly.
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not a thought behind those eyes <3
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sketches4mysw33theart · 4 months
Dead Poets Society: Some Thoughts and Analysis
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Essentially a stream of consciousness I had while rewatching the movie today. In chronological order as I was making notes!
✒️ Charlie talks so much with his eyebrows
✒️ Todd is tasked with taking minutes of the meetings, but I don't believe we ever see him actually do so (although it would have been nice if he did)
✒️ Cameron looks so much like a fisherman when he's smoking his pipe
✒️ Cameron's distaste for Charlie (and often for the rest of the boys) is evident super early on (e.g. when they walk out of Mr Keating's first class and Cameron says "do you think he'll test us on that stuff?" And, when he gets shut down, he throws a very angry look at Charlie and the poets. This happens several times, but as far as I remember we never see Cameron retaliate.) From this, while I don't like it, I understand why Cameron did what he did at the end of the movie because I think he felt undermined by the others and he was considered 'useful' and 'smart' for the school
✒️ Also, I do not accept that Cameron's name is Richard Cameron, he's pulling a Zendaya and goes by one name only
✒️ Mr Keating looks so disappointed in Charlie when saying "Thank you, Mr Dalton, you just illustrated the point"
✒️ I think Knox kissing Chris at the party, while somewhat gross, is necessary to show that Carpe Diem isn't always the right thing to do, as is Charlie putting the article in the paper  - i think maybe Chris not ending up with Knox would have hammered this home, especially because she seems perfectly happy with Chet. Of course, Chet's response to what happened at the party isn't fair, but it is definitely what I can see a teenage boy on the high school football team in the 50's doing. Don't choke on the bone, Knoxious!
✒️ Is Charlie trying to get thrown out of school? With the article in the paper stunt, he must have known how serious the repercussions would be, so maybe already he was considering getting out of school because he felt it wasn't the right path for him
✒️ "You made a liar out of me, Neil" - Mr Perry, I hate you
✒️ Did all of the poets, minus Neil and Knox, really squeeze into Keating's car?!
✒️ Neils little face when he comes out of the curtain, and how quick it falls when he sees his father - he's like a little kid showing a finger painting to a parent who insults it, he just wants his Dad to be proud of him
✒️ Mr Keating's face when Neil drives away after the play - I think he had an idea what was coming
✒️ That zoom in on Neil's face when his father's saying "more of this acting business, you can forget that"- he knew, then, that his dad would never change and what he was going to do
✒️ I want the doorknobs in the Perry house, specifically Neil's
✒️ The first time I watched this movie, I was so on edge when Neil was standing in front of the open window, thinking he was going to jump, and when he didn't I was like 'phew', and then the thing happened and my blood sugar spiked way up
✒️ Mr Perry saying 'my poor son' - i don't know, it rubs me up the wrong way, he has a name, he is not simply an extension of you
✒️ Cameron isn't there when the poets tell Todd what happened to Neil
✒️ The lingering image of Charlie with a tear down his face is so beautiful
✒️ Knox just clinging to Todd in the snow
✒️ The comparison between the deleted scene of Neil and Todd running lines by the lake when it's sunny and Todd running towards the lake screaming Neil's name 💔
✒️ Similarly, the comparison between Todd not wanting to speak at all in the meetings, and then the deleted scene where he reads a poem after Mr Perry takes Neil away
✒️ Charlie not singing during Neil's assembly
✒️ Ave means farewell in literature, and Charlie closing his eyes when it's sang is beautiful
✒️ Charlie carries on smoking when Cameron's coming into the attic meeting - he either knows it's Cameron or doesn't care who tf catches him doing anything bad anymore
✒️ I don't think Cameron ever actually 'believed' in Mr Keating, definitely not to the extent the others did - he never called him captain, for example, except when he realised everyone else in the common room was, and air quotes the word 'captain' in the attic. So, it raises the question why he went along with everyone even so?
✒️ While I do somewhat sympathise with Cameron, that is one of the most satisfying punches in movie history
✒️ I think Todd's parents weren't that different from Neil's, Todd's dad is clearly very authoritarian from the minute or so he's on screen (and the fact that Todd signs the paper) and his Mom says nothing in his defense, but the way Todd mouths 'Mom' breaks my heart
✒️ In what universe does acting = what Neil did? All those theatre kids and their evil, satanic rituals, forcing our kids away from school 🙄 I hate you, Mr Perry and Mr Nolan
✒️ Todd's the last one to stand up when Nolan walks into Keating's classroom
✒️ Mr Nolan complimenting Mr Pritchard's introduction is so ridiculously funny to me considering what Keating made them do to it
✒️ Mr Keating's smile to Todd through the door in the classroom has the same energy as "All my love to you poppet. You're going to be alright."
In conclusion, I adore this film.
Robin Williams, O Captain, My Captain 🫡❤️
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shepscapades · 9 months
So the part 5 thing huh? Welp IT'S GOOD I LOVE IT
Because X is my blorbo I just wanted to point out some things here
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MMMMMMMM HE HAS LONG HAIR??? I mean *looks at my posts* long hair fits him absolutely [Still not sure if he has long hair or not but looks like he has his hair tied in a ponytail or in a bun, I don't know it just looks like it on the second image]
[oh and also he called him "Doc" again, instead of Docm which I don't know what could mean in this situation yet, but one day it'll probably make sense as we get more parts]
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This Etho right here looks either terrified or confused, and I think it's because
X is going to go absolutely crazy and he's scared that X is now in control [based on the "you dropped your crown king'' caption that might refer to Etho who isn't the attacker anymore but could also refer to Xisuma which I'll explain later]
2. He finally snapped back into his senses
3. he sees X without his helmet for the first time and his good 'ol computer brain is like '??????? Who tf is that"
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"you dropped your crown king" could also refer to X as his helmet got destroyed in process [being the crown] and from what I know, we don't know the reason for why X wears helmet in this AU. The most popular headcannon for his armour and helmet is that he's a voidwalker and can't breathe in the overworld, we don't know if it's a thing in this AU but if it is that could mean that now he's powerless, he "dropped his crown" - he became weaker, powerless against his enemy. Also Doc looks kinda scared, or maybe just surprised after seeing X's face for probably first time. [if he's scared, then he's probably aware of Xisuma's condition when it comes to air]
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But also poor Doc he looks horrified
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*looking for lore through old posts* huh these seem familiar... WAIT
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[it's in Polish sorry, but it says 13th October]
SO THE COMIC HAS BEEN SKETCHED OUT SO EARLY?? Damn those really take long to do, I mean I was aware of that fact but It's been like 3 months since those sneak peeks have been posted and WOW THAT'S A WHOLE LOT OF MOTIVATION YOU HAVE HERE SHEP
[also only now noticed how in this panel Etho's body sketch is red as a sign that he's the danger in Doc's eyes and Xisuma's is green/blue. Oh and in the first sketch X didn't have his hair visible in the visor hee hee ]
So yes, loved it, even if there were only 3 images I still think it's amazing ! We got to see your Xisuma a bit [he- he handsome -makes big eyes]
Sorry for the long ask again!! just!! excited!!
Now I'm going into my drawing cave as I'm full of inspiration already bye bye <333
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(also also to reiterate, I have no idea how long part 6 will take since I just kinda have rough storyboarding for the rest of the comic, and classes just started up again— this is my exhibition semester so most of my drawing energy will be prioritized for my grad gallery… we will wait to see how much energy I have left by the day for destruction :3)
ALSO ALSO ALSO! “You dropped your crown king” was absolutely me trying to find a silly caption for what’s supposed to be a serious/dramatic part of the story while also referencing the fact that Xisuma’s helmet shattered/fell off— there are many conspiracies and clues to be had here but I just wanted to clarify that that line is not one of them SFKDFGHJ
I will therefore also not directly respond to anything else being discussed here BUT thank you as always for sharing your theories and analysis!! It always makes my day >:D
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nectardaddy · 2 months
'88 Ford | Kita Shinsuke
chapter seven | stupid
no smau parts in this one, she's long
track seven . . . tourniquet
cw/notes: hurt/comfort (it's zach bryan's fault blame him), shit gets real country too oof, excuse me while I write a self indulgent blurb of how a father should be :'), nostalgic feelings, I proofread to the best of my ability
a very, very, very special shout out: thank you @mollyrolls @causenessus @froyaoya for listening to me talk about this WAY too much and letting me bother tf out of you guys over it. not to get sappy on main but genuinely thank you for all the comments, tags, and loving it as much as I do!!! I am forever in your favor for this
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"Because you're important to me." "You're just saying that, Shinsuke. There's nothing important about me at all." "Everything about you is important to me."
Three days ago - without a word since.
The woman sighed as she looked in the mirror, smudged with finger prints and specks of dust. Taking in her reflection with blurry eyes; the image of a woman with black and blue staining her right eye staring back at her. Swelling gone down from a bag of frozen peas, god forbid they had a real ice pack, still left on the kitchen table and forgotten about entirely.
It was stupid. A worker started something, she finished it. They swung first, though being thoroughly provoked, and she ended it. Winding herself up so tight from the conversation days prior, she found herself more standoffish than normal. Constantly thinking about it, never a waking moment without the words "you're important to me" haunting her. Racking her brain so much as to why he stopped talking to her since, her head hurt from the thoughts that pounded her skull.
So, it truly wasn't her fault the skin of her knuckles were bruised and busted, and her eye tender and discolored. It was his - goddamn Kita Shinsuke. At least that's what she told herself, shifting blame because it felt better. Because it ate her alive every glance he still gave her, despite his lack of words; always locking eyes for a fraction a second before he broke it with a nervous air about him.
Anger was easier to swallow than dejection. It was hot and fluid, boiling through shallow veins easily and bubbling over; while sadness was the lack there of, uncomfortable, and made her stomach turn. She'd rather feel the singe of rage than the emptiness of sorrow.
A door slam caught her attention, gaze snapping towards the sound; thoughts ceased as she watched the figure of her father near the bathroom door. Propping herself up by her hands on the sink, she closed her eyes and sighed once more; expecting the inevitable scolding.
"Did they deserve it?" An unexpected question that made her reopen her eyes, seeing him in the doorway with a ghost of a frown.
"Did you win?"
"Of course I did."
There was a pause. A length that lingered a bit too long, hearing the sink faucet drip water into the old porcelain, until he let out a sigh. Shoving his hands in the pockets of his work jacket, he turned. Stepping away from the bathroom door and into the small hallway; she followed.
"You gonna' tell me what's going on? Or are you gonna' keep skulking around here with a stick up your ass?"
"Rude," rolling her eyes at his words. "Nothing's goin' on." She crossed her arms over her chest, as if to guard herself, to keep the thoughts that wanted to flow out of her locked deep within. Unfortunately for her, he saw right through it. A bad habit of picking up more twang in her words when she lied, always becoming defensive to the point her accent was the focal point of discussion.
"You never were a good liar," he nearly chuckled at the woman in front of him. "You sound like a hick." He added, "so are you gonna' fess up? Or keep pickin' fights with workers?"
"They had it coming." A snarkiness shining through as she huffed out a breath; moving past him in the hallway as to further herself from the conversation. "And pickin' fights sounds pretty fun to me, honestly."
"Yeah? Well it ain't fun seeing my daughter with a black eye." His comment made her falter, stopping mid step just before the quant living area. Another sigh left her lips. It wasn't as if she didn't want to tell her father, it was bringing up the sickly feelings that came along with it. Admitting that it hurt, caused an emptiness, and made her ill to think about it.
"It's stupid."
"It ain't stupid if it has you out here raising hell."
Another pause, and feeling her father's worry made her want to wretch. To heave and slink right back into her skin; feeling all the more worse that she caused him panic in the slightest. She turned back to look at him a moment - she frowned, crumbling right there on the spot. Maybe it was her father's eyes swimming with concern, or maybe she just couldn't keep it in anymore. Which ever it was, she felt her heart fall to the pits of her stomach and she swallowed hard to fight the lump in her throat.
"Shinsuke said I was important to him and now he won't talk to me anymore, dad," voice cracking as she took a step towards him. She watched as his features fell through blurry eyes, and for a moment she believed she said the wrong thing. Tears slipped down her cheeks as she stood in front of him; he sighed.
"C'mere," holding out his arms to which she wholeheartedly obliged. Hugging him like her life depended on it - crying. Haven't shed a single tear in years, refusing to feel such hollow and empty emotions, it poured out of her. Shaking, clinging to her father, as she finally let her emotions swallow her completely.
"I'm in love with him. And I feel so fucking stupid because he doesn't even love me back; he won't even speak to me."
"I remember when he first got here," conflicting the tone of the conversation all together. "I never in my life thought you'd fall for someone so quiet." A seemingly random thought, but he continued all the same. "But then I saw how he looked at you and I realized why you liked him so much."
"What the hell are you talkin' about?"
"Maybe you don't see it, through that black eye and angst you have goin' on, but that boy is in love with you."
"He's not in love with me."
He pulled away from the woman slowly, looking in her eyes with a care that was meant for only her, but a seriousness that was as deadly as a heart attack. Holding her gently by her shoulders, he gave her a sad smile. "I don't like arguin' with you, you give me hell for it every time. But you're wrong."
She stood there a moment, looking at her father through foggy eyes. Features wet and tear stained, a numbing pain singing the right side of her face; irritating her bruised eye further. "Well, if you're so smart, why isn't he talkin' to me?"
He saw the puzzled expression on her face and couldn't help but laugh. "Because men are stupid." A statement he told her often, one she always laughed about, but held onto like a lifeline now. After every fight, every argument, and every failed past relationship; always telling her 'men are stupid. Don't let their stupidity stop you from doing shit.'
"So what should I do about it?" Breath stopped in her throat at the thought of the man actually being in love with her. A sickly sensation swirling in her stomach that didn't feel like the cliché butterflies, it felt like spiders. The feeling slowly caught up to her as her tears leisurely stopped. Eating away at her until she caught herself being frustrated all over again.
"Don't let it stop you from doing shit," he chuckled. "Tell him to stop being stupid."
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taglist under cut
@wyrcan @chizunata @seroh @chemiru @froyaoya
@h3xi2g0n3 @localgaytrainwreck @mollyrolls @causenessus @diorzs
@rory-cakes @phoenix-eclipses @pattys-got-cakes @girlkissersco
@jaynawayna @aliensstolemyheart @le000xxgrd @cherrypieyourface @miliondollagirl
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
you once tweeted about touya not being the one who needs to change and like “overcome” his obsession w endvr bc his reactions are valid. i wanted to ask how you feel about hawks and his obsession with endvr tho, him literally always putting himself down (esp in the new chapter with saying his wings are dirty for example) to put endvr on a pedestal (still calling him a figure of hope??) so he can basically still look up to him and not face what shit endvr did. do you think he needs like a reality check and face that his idol did or is it just hori not caring
I definitely do not think it's a case of Hori not caring. I'll explain why, but first I want to kinda just explain my take on what Hawks said this chapter about his wings, and his reaction to Endeavor when comparing it to Touya's.
My answer to your question is yes, Hawks needs a reality check. Touya needs a reality check but in a different way. His dad does not define him, and I am fully confident that Shouto's role is making Touya realize that, however that necessary realization does not cancel out that he also deserves to have and see his dad love him and give him what he wants.
Hawks on the other hand, imo, just needs to wake up. There is not real validation or affection from Endeavor he needs in order to move on with his life. Endeavor did not raise him. Hawks is attached to an Endeavor that never existed, while Touya is attached to the real Endeavor with ALL of the ugly parts included. Even with all of the horrible things Endeavor did....Touya still loves him and craves his attention and presence in his life.
Hawks ignores the ugly part of Endeavor. He straight up refuses to acknowledge it for what it is. He knows, he's aware, and yet he remains unphased and puts Endeavor on a pedestal and latches onto him, secretly wishing Enji was his dad and if we ever fucking get to this payoff of Hawks's build up, I'm sure we'll see some jealousy of Touya. Can't imagine a better reason for this image to exist:
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Which, I don't think I need to really explain this but---it's irrational and ridiculous of Hawks to want these things. Is it understandable on a psychological and emotional level? Absolutely. 100%. His reaction is valid, even if very frustrating. Does that change the fact that the entire situation is ridiculous? Nope. It's ridiculous to us (me) as readers because we know all of the information.
So imo yes Hawks is due for a reality check. And I don't think Hori is ignoring it. I will admit to feeling some level of frustration lately with him showing Hawks looking batshit insane when Twice shows up, getting ready for the emotional gut punch of a life time with the set up, and then for some reason spending like 20 chapters trying to get AFO tf out of Gunga and having Hawks and AFO banter repeatedly and completely fucking stalling the story's progress. I'm a little over it and ready to move on, but I don't think anything is going to go on forever ignored. If I've learned anything, it's that anytime we think something will be forgotten or casually slid under the rug, Hori always busts it out later with a vengeance. I do pretty much fully trust Horikoshi at this point, as he has not let me down yet no matter how frustrating the weekly pacing of the manga is at times. Hawks does not have anything good coming his way anytime soon, as Twice and Toga are still there and Touya and Endeavor are still playing duck duck clown. So I'm not worried.
Hawks putting himself down....well, there's layers to this. Maybe Hawks shouldn't have a self-deprecating way of thinking, but Hawks also isn't exactly the pinnacle of hope in BNHA land right now, and he's LONG overdue for feeling some sort of doubt or guilt about his own beliefs and actions. His wings are dirty because they carried out a murder in the name of heroism--which is just incorrect in BNHA's definition of being a hero. And then, Hawks relating Endeavor to anything hopeful is also just not good. I know Endeavor's redemption arc is clear cut and happening, but the climax of it hasn't happened yet, so I feel like as long as Hawks is jumping the gun at praising Endeavor for his redemption that hasn't happened yet, all the while running away from his own heinous act, we shouldn't be taking Hawks's whole word for things on what's hopeful and what's not. Hawks said some questionable things this chapter that have an ominous vibe to it all, and it really just kinda keeps me of the belief that he's got a storm coming.
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shina-moon-art · 8 months
Not going to lie Ann with a side braid looks really cute why do I have this image of Kuzan braiding her hair or she being one of the rare few who can pet his hair like he gets really defensive about it and if he's had a bad day he likes plopping his head on her lap as she pets him
Idk maybe I’m just weird but I hate it when people pet my hair, it feels weird and it usually pulls especially if the persons palms are sweaty. I feel like they’re kinda the same tbh. Ann only let like five people mess with her hair: Rouge, Buggy, Sabo, Shanks, Ace <—in order of who she’d go to first. To me I feel like Kuzan’s hands would be too cold near her neck and he’s also one of those guys that never learned how to braid so when she finally teaches him how it takes like a million years (I still can’t ask my brother or dad to braid my hair, I’ve taught them how like a million times, they always forget). Rouge gets mommy privileges with her hair she could do whatever tf she wants to it and Ann wouldn’t care (Roger never got privileges bec he [somehow] burnt her hair the one time he tried. Buggy because he slays obviously, sabo bec it feels like somethjng he’d do and be good at, shanks can do it pretty well exclusively because buggy bitched and whined the whole time he tried doing Ann’s the first time and buggy forced him to do it until he got good. Ace has little brother privileges, but not in the same way my little brother does (my little brother fucks it up every time but I still keep it until the day is over or it falls out). Ace has little brother privileges in that every once in a while (god it was so rare, for him to actually ask for something) he’d ask to play with her hair, and she never asked but she knew it’s because she had their moms hair. So no matter how many times he fucked it up she’d let him do whatever he wanted and eventually he’d done it so many times that he just got good at it. Tbh she always, always asked ace first. The only reason he’s last is because of his own refusal to do it. Luffy tried a couple times but every single time without fail he managed to tie his fingers into her hair (it wasn’t even Ann who put a ban on it, it was Ace and Sabo😭😭😭)
But yeah, maybe it’s something they work up to eventually but I personally don’t see them playing with each others hair or anything. Sorry 😭
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meili-sheep · 2 years
How do you think their friends would react to The Detective Club? Personally, I'm the most interested in Inazuma and Sumeru, but Monstadt and Liyue could be fun too.
I don't think they would expect it. At all.
(When I write the nations, I mean the vision holder/characters who know the people of the Detective Club from that nation)
Monstadt it so used to Diluc's "cold" behaviour and distance that him working in a team, WILLINGLY, is just. Unimaginable.
Liyue is a bit suprising, because neither Yanfei nor Yelen are known to work together with others on multiple cases.
Inazuma is, weirded out. It's known that even if Heizou is the best detective, he can't work in a team. His methods and personality are too unique for most other people and they don't like to team up with him if it isn't neccessary. So seeing others wreak havoc with him, not even batting an eye at his antics is just. Stange.
Sumeru just lets it go, because why tf would they oppose the General Mahamatra anyway. Tighnari is the only one brave enough to ask why he keeps hwnging out with a bunch of foreigners and Cyno's just like, why not?
(Alhaitham doesn't care, but he would be brave enough to ask if he wanted to.)
So in Mondstadt, Diluc would absolutely advertise the Detective club. as taking a lot of "missing items" (or missing cats) requests from Jean's plate would make the knights more efficient.
And no one expects this Detective Club to be run by Diluc and a weird punch of characters from different nations. It's also a shock that Diluc is so patient with the group, and it's almost like they are looking a bit at the old Calvary captain. While the people might be surprised at first and think the people of Mondstadt would love the Detective club. There is absolutely a fan club. Because you have the kind and perfect gentleman Diluc, the fun and playful Heizou, then the serious and mysterious Cyno, and top it all off, the incredibly smart and hardworking Yanfei. It's like dating sim.
As for Liyue, no one is surprised Yanfei is part of a detective agency. They are surprised when it's made of people outside of Liyue. But everyone loves the services. Of course, Yanfei is the best at her job, and they quickly learn the others are just as good. It's a rumor Lady Ningguang has used their services before so that makes them very popular. And both Yelan and Ningguang have used the Club before and those jobs are always Heizou's favorite because they are always never about what Ningguang and Yelan say that are.
Inazuma was shocked at first because, well, Heizou. But also it's a strong competition Bantan Sango Detective Agency. But once people see the Club is much more than Heizou. And it probably ends up like Mondstadt and their ends put being a fan club and Yae absolutely has someone writing a mystery novel about the Smevat Detective Agency
Yeah Yae sued her.
But people deeply appreciate that Someone has a leash on Heizou.
Now Sumeru. NO ONE can wrap their head around that General Mahamatra is not only in s club but a Detective club. And let me tell you this. Diluc absolutely laughs at Cyno's jokes. Diluc has the driest sense of humor, and Cyno's delivery would kill him.
And now I'm imaging
Tighnari: Why would you hang out with these people?
Cyno: Watch this.
Cyno: Diluc?
Diluc: Hmm?
Cyno: Why did the scarecrow get promoted?
Diluc: *snorting* Why?
Cyno: Because he was outstanding in his field.
Diluc: *holding back laughter*
Cyno: *to a confused Tighnari* They have a sense of humor.
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kinocomix · 7 months
Devlog 16: capturing the magic of living indoors
The script for TSTW is around 7 scenes long so far. At the beginning every story needs time to introduce its characters, movies get away without this by structuring the plot itself around meeting the characters in some way– think about how you always hear about having to “challenge” your characters or how they “evolve”. When a story has lower stakes it can be a bit more difficult doing this without boring the reader, so I've been putting some extra care into carving out the first section. in any case…
Hopefully the title of this devlog gives off the correct vibe which is “ew how tf”. Here's one of the central ideas I want to put across in the killouette project and I'm going to illustrate it with an anecdote. Some years ago, I bought a used notebook from a bookshop. I unfortunately don’t have it on me right now to be able to share pictures of it but it looked something like this:
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(this image is not the notebook, this is from google)
to clarify, this notebook is USED used, this was someone’s diary in the 40’s or something. it didn’t have anything too earth shattering– i’m not about to find some hidden treasure any time soon, however it still was really fascinating. This fascination is why a lot of stories are told in the form of  “found media”. it’s not necessarily because the narrative is trying to be passed off as legitimate, it’s because a lot of times, the way you tell a story is equally as important as the contents of the story itself. here’s an example. compare texts A and B below:
the boy fell unconscious and had to be taken to the hospital. the paramedics answered his phone and told his mom.
“-hey, do you know anyone by the name of [name]?
-yes, it’s my son, who is this?
-M’am, your son is currently passed out. we’re taking him to the hospital right now.”
Both of these texts say the same thing. it could even be argued that B says less because it doesn’t mention that the mom knows she’s talking to a paramedic. However, B is less boring to read because it frames it within the context of “something is happening” instead of “let me tell you that something is happening”. In games this is called immersion and it’s vital to your enjoyment of any piece of media. This is why when a story breaks the 4th wall too many times it becomes hard to be invested in its narrative. Even deadpool knows that there’s a limit to this and you’ll notice that when the authors of deadpool want you to take it seriously, they stop fucking around.
going back to the notebook i bought, you can now sort of see why the act of reading someone’s mundane thoughts is way more interesting with the right framework. This is the framework that Diary of a wimpy kid  is built around.
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now I already know that I want to do this for killouette as well, but I want to dial it up a notch. Killouette is going to make her diary a fully illustrated comic, basically reenacting things panel by panel. this makes the animal designs diegetic if done correctly and gives us the chance to do something else that’s really cool, which is to have her pass her notebook around to all her friends and have them write things in it as well. So effectively, what we’re really making isn’t just a notebook, it’s an entire folder of documents and papers compiled by these kids. this could include stuff like schematics, pictures, sheet music, another smaller book, handwritten notes by people, annotations by the kids, etc. etc. 
there is an added value by deciding to give the book this treatment. First, it gets rid of the annoying “all seeing reader” element. In TSTW and Almost Home, seeing everything makes sense because the camera is meant to highlight the emotion of the scene and not spoon feed you information. think about how in this scene in Almost Home, I never actually show or tell you what happened to Adelaide in detail. You just know it from her saying something about it. I didn’t show you because it’s meant to be inferred. Here, showing more would have been spoon feeding you a sad story which I didn’t want to do. 
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In contrast, I wrote an entire chapter to tell the reader that someone is afraid of being poor. The reason I did that is because I thought the scene after it where you see the same person being a jerk regarding money would be more impactful knowing the journey they took to get there. 
the second thing this decision helps with is production. As long as the end result look pretty and was made ethically, it really doesn’t matter how short the production timeline was. A comic book drawn by a child would be best done on an actual ruled notebook using whatever a child would have access to and scanned. If you’ve ever doodled comics with a big pen before, you know those don’t take much time at all. this would give more time to work on the more complex aspects of the project like making the sheet music, the pictures, putting the whole thing together… you get the idea.
now let’s go back to the title real quick. In the story, Killouette can’t leave her house (we’ll be talking about that in a later devlog). What this formatting of the book needs to do is show you the mental goings on of this child. The mantra of “show, don’t tell” applies best here. I don’t have a lot of interesting set designs to show you cause it’s just going to be the inside of her room. What I can show is the inside of her brain.
next week we’ll be tackling some of the themes.
devlog updates on tuesdays.
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ways that hero society hurts pro heroes headcanons
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does anyone wanna hear the shit i think that heroes go through and why i feel they’re victims? no? ok
firstly i headcanon hero society as having extremely fucked up beauty standards where heroes face the same sort of scrutiny for their bodies as celebrities do in our world, like if a female hero is too muscular there will be men complaining that she looks like a guy and if a male hero isn’t muscular enough he’s lazy etc
i bet you anything that it was not only the fact that media interferes with hero work that Aizawa chose to stay out of the spotlight i bet in some subconscious way he was afraid of the intense scrutiny that comes with being a hero
not only that but heteromorphic people are always chastised and rarely do well in hero ranking if they don’t appear attractive or fit within the public’s view of heroes, i’m thinking of gang orca for example who is ranked number 1 in looks the most like a villain like for someone who fights villains for a living and has probably been harmed by them first hand that’s bound to take some psychological toll. that moment always bothered me and i think it’s really unfair for heroes to be categorised like that when they’re dedicating their lives to try to be useful. you just know that people with quirks like shoji will find it harder to succeed no matter how great or compassionate a hero he is.
i know it’s common in fan fiction for Hawks to have to hide aspects of his quirk that are unappealing but let’s think about that with other heroes as well like Mirko, i imagine she’s grown up with agents and superiors telling her it’s annoying when her foot won’t stop thumping or weird how she eats carrots or Mic being told to keep it down constantly-i’m sure there are loads of heroes who are made to be ashamed of aspects of who they are and have to hide them in order to sell an image and be more profitable and likeable.
i also imagine that they’re all terrified of aging and that perpetual fear of losing their spotlight is probably a huge part of their psyche as from a young age they feel they have limited time to be successful like when hawks is talking about his prime calm tf down your life has barely started.
heroes are objectified so much by the commission being treated like weapons makes them feel like their bodies are what make them useful-just look at hawks’ reaction to losing his wings calling himself crippled and pathetic because he can’t be as efficiently used despite still being able to achieve so much with his intelligence, determination and physical skill alone. Mirko may not have the same self deprecating attitude towards her injuries however her dedication to continue fighting by whatever means she can is a testament to how heroes are taught to act with no thought for their own safety if they want to be useful. this is what makes AFO scary to the heroes, the fact they can lose their quirk and therefore their usefulness is terrifying. i like to imagine that many heroes felt or still feel about AFO as korra did about amon in s1 of lok.
furthermore heroes are expected to give their lives at the drop of a hat, mirko lives every day like it’s her last because for heroes their is no safety net or garuntee that they will survive they can’t just give up or protect themselves in the face of certain death or they literally wouldn’t be doing their job. you saw how disposable Lady nagant was to the president of the HPSC clearly they don’t have any care for the lives of even the heroes they work closest with. Mirko and Aizawa cut off their own limbs without blinking because they have to and they’ve been trained this way and it’s horrific how ready to die all of the heroes are without a second thought despite how young they are. arguably it’s admirable but if i learnt anything from she-ra it’s that they need to find a bit of self worth and need to be treated as people who’s lives and well being should be a priority rather than disposable weapons to be used with no regard to their safety.
and it’s fucking beautiful that All might chose to live, the man who has been through the most and given pretty much all there is to give. He’s given up his whole life, his bodily health, his self esteem, his friends, his image as a natural born hero and so much more just to protect people. All might was able to break the cycle of death be choosing to live rather than give his life up and Deku will break the cycle by choosing to save rather than defeat or kill.
i just think that being a hero is so exhausting and must take so much out of you, it’s important to remember how much they are victims of the system
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
So we've seen how renren and moth text but how do the rest of characters text? Do they have any quirks-- because I noticed that renren doesn't worry about spelling when we texted him for the first time XD it was adorable to say the least
✦゜ANSWERED: This ended up getting a bit long lmao
Ren: Their way of texting is very passive, soft, and "uwu" personified. He overuses the "^^" and ">////<" emoticons to make himself seem cuter, and hardly ever uses full stops or proper punctuation. Only ever texts like this when it involves you.
"*attached image* saw this cloud on my walk today and it made me think of u ^^", "u forgot to close ur window last night! i wouldn't want you to catch a cold >///<", "yeah!! cool! okay!!! i can do that for you, angel!"
[REDACTED]: You'd be lucky to get more than one word from him. He specializes in leaving people on read and replying with the absolute bare minimum. Rawdogs everything (no punctuation, emojis, tone indicators, etc.) and gives zero fucks. They only text like this to people who aren't you though.
"cool", ":/", "hows that my problem", "*read: 2:14PM*",  "? no?", "why are you texting me? tf", "*read: 5:34PM*", "thats cringe", "k", " 37°49′N 25°45′W <- this u?"
Violet: Overuses the plant emojis but it somehow makes her seem more endearing. Not that much punctuation usage either, and she unknowingly slips in a bit of twitch/streamer lingo without realising it.
"I'm taking 🎍 Glenda 🎍 out for a walk, want to come? 🌷", "Oh! That's pretty pog!" "I can smell burnt food again… Anyare? LUL", "My hydrangeas started blooming! 🌼🌸 Here, I'll send you a pic"
Elanor: It's like she's writing a personal, handwritten letter to you. Lots of thought goes into her texts, as well as proper grammar and punctuation. She doesn't really use emojis, but when she does, it's mainly used in lieu of fullstops.
"Hello MC! I just read your text. Yes, I can cover your shift tomorrow. If you are feeling unwell then please get some rest!", "Please ignore my last text! Those pesky kids got a hold of my phone while I wasn't looking. Do you know how to delete messages?", "Good morning MC 🙂"
Moth: Good luck trying to decipher whatever it is they're saying. 99% of the time it's purely keyboard spam, tiktok/twitter lingo, or cursed meme reactions they scoured off of the internet.
"lKFJSF BABE WAKE UP NEW WEBTOON CHAPTER JUST DROPPED", "my brother in christ u NEED therapy soooo bad /j /lh", "ok but like… it's giving stalker vibes :)" "submissive and breedable??? in MY Christian minecraft server???????"
Leon: Your average texter. He uses somewhat enough grammar and punctuation, as well as tone indicators to avoid any potential misunderstandings. Will always respond to your texts before changing the subject.
"I'm gonna block you fr /j", "Want me to pick you up after work? I'm On My Way! to the libary rn", "Hey do you like this jacket? I can buy it after practice if you want. Figured it was your style :D", "Corporate wants you to spot the difference between me and this crab I found in my bag (hint: one of them is cuter) /lh"
Teo: Vice CEO of leaving people on read, alongside [REDACTED]. He also never seems to respond to the current topic, and instead likes to make it all about whatever is on his mind. Will 100% ask if you want to play 8-ball directly after finding out you just came out of a coma.
"wyd?", "what are you wearing right now?", "I'm bored… come keep me company? 😈💦", "come smash in some taillights with me 🥺 leon and jae already bailed", "🔥🔥🔥" "DELETE THAT LAST IMAGE. DON'T OPEN IT. IT WASN'T MEANT FOR YOU"
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razzle-berry · 4 years
I had these head cannons on my mind for a minute. So I would love to request Bakugo, Sero, Hawks, Aizawa, and Gang Orca with an s/o that has a gorgon quirk. She has snakes for hair but when they’re in a dormant state, her hair looks normal and she can style it without hurting them, but when she’s angry her snakes hiss and bite (she hisses as well). When her eyes glow as she glares at someone she can turn said target to stone as long as she maintains eye contact but the set back is if she stares too long she’ll temporarily blind herself so her snakes will be her extra eyes. She even has a forked tongue, slit eyes, and can even extend her jaw like a snake but she’s hella cute and her face always looks like “:3”. I’ll randomly throw in that she can communicate with snakes and sheds her skin once a month rather than having a cycle.
(Holy All Might, I’m sorry this was so long 😣)
This is a really interesting quirk idea! Thank you for for sharing! Also, what if she stare at themselves in the mirror? Would she blind herself? 🤔 These are the questions anon
Warnings: Talk about discrimination, temporary blindness
Character(s): Gang Orca, Sero, Hawks, Aizawa, Bakugo
Note: Reader is the same age as the character being depicted!!
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Gang Orca/Kugo Sakamata
First off, this man is hella protective over you
Having a mutant type quirk, no matter how small, seems to be really stigmatized in the canon bnha universe
Having a mutant type quirk himself, he is intimately aware of this and is NOT fucking around with anyone trying to come for you
Congratulations you have 25/8 bodyguard
He finds your hissing cute
He likes looking into your eyes a lot and you have to be careful to not accidentally use your quirk on him 
If you manage to blind yourself, he’ll freak tf out 
Please take care of your eyes, he’s sensitive
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Hanta Sero
“Boop the snoot”
^^Words he lives by, expect your nose to get booped all day everyday 
If you hiss at him or stick your tongue out after he does this he’ll melt
Finds you adorable and loves seeing your quirk in action
Get ready because this one will use every snake based pet name he can think of (or find on google)
Likes to do random hairstyles when your hair is dormant and then see what they would look like when your snakes are out
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Hawks/Keigo Takami
Animal based quirk squad let’s go!
You call him your pretty bird and he calls you his danger noodle 
If you’re a pro like he is, he’ll defend you from the media talking bad about you 
“They look like a villain!” Hawks: “I see you’ve chosen death :)”
Will sometimes provoke your hair snakes into biting him 
Sometimes your skin sheds at the same time his feathers molt
It’s a mess
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Shota Aizawa
(tell me why I typed Eraser and a bunch of images of him came up, but when I typed Eraserhead and it was all strangely satisfying gifs 😭)
You hissed at him once and his immediate instinct was to pet your head because you reminded him of a cat 😹
If he catches you talking to snakes, he’ll find it adorable but will call you weird 
When your skin sheds, he helps you feel comfortable and won’t ever make you feel bad about yourself
You once convinced him to use your quirks on each other to see which one of you will get the other first 
It did not end well 
Carries around some extra eye drops for you when you’re out together just in case 
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Katsuki Bakugo
Heard someone talking shit about you for how your quirk makes you look and his reaction was the gif above ^^
Likes to play with your hair snakes 🥺
You two will be cuddling on the couch and suddenly his hands are in your hair
Since he runs warm, I'd imagine that the snakes like him too
Finds your quirk badass and makes sure to tell you every day
If you ever blind yourself in training or something, he'll be so doting until you get better
Then immediately call you a dumbass for overusing your quirk like that
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seriouslysnape · 4 years
Home for the Holidays
Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff! Reader
Warnings: None.
(Edit - A/N: Now why tf did I post this in February...)
Word Count: 1,840
“I’m just a Hufflepuff.”
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“Draco, I’ve got to go to class!” You shrieked through giggles as the blonde headed boy peppered your neck with kisses.
“Just five more minutes.” He protested, continuing to attack you with tickles and kisses.
Another round of laughter bubbled out of your chest, a sound that made his heart flutter. Draco had a knee placed on either side of your hips, keeping you secured down to his mattress. 
“You said that last time and I missed the entire class. I’ve got to go.” You persisted with another giggle, trying to wiggle out of his hold, but to no avail.
“Are you saying that you would rather spend your Friday in class rather than with me?” He questioned, knowing you’d prefer to stay in bed all day.
“Well, I’d clearly love to stay here all day, but I have an Herbology exam that I can’t miss,” You announced, your chuckles dying off as Draco stopped tickling you; “Professor Sprout is already on to me for missing class last time.”
“As if Professor Sprout would actually punish one of her Hufflepuffs.” Draco sneered down at you.
“You’re just upset because she doesn’t hesitate to take House points away when it's you.” You fired back. 
Draco looked off out the window with a laugh, because you definitely weren’t wrong. While he was distracted, you got out from under him and pinned him down on his bed. He fell back onto his pillows with a surprised grunt, smirking as you straddled his hips. He grinned up at you.
“I quite like this view...” He purred, his hands trailing up your waist.
You playfully smacked his shoulder, rolling off of him and his bed. He watched as you threw on your robes and grabbed your books. Draco had Potions first, but he never really cared about being late. You were scuttling around the room so quickly that you didn’t even catch Draco’s sudden shift in demeanor. He sat up, leaning on his elbows.
“[Y/N], we need to talk about Christmas break.” Draco said, causing you to completely freeze. 
You gave him a look, really wishing he hadn’t brought it up. You sighed heavily.
“Not this again.” You warned.
He got off of the bed, following you as you continued to gather all of your stuff. 
“I want you to come spend Christmas break with me and my family.” He stated as you had previously talked about before.
“I already told you no.” You argued, shoving your quill into your bag. 
Draco had mentioned in passing a few days ago that he was making arrangements for you to spend Christmas break with him at the Malfoy Manor. He thought you would be on board with it, which was why he didn’t bother asking you first. Christmas break was only three or four days away, and time was of the essence. He was surprised, though, when you had such a negative reaction to the idea. 
“I don’t want you to spend Christmas alone here.” Draco admitted.
It was true, you had spent all five of your Christmases at Hogwarts. Your family situation was...complicated. Needless to say, you’d much rather stay at school during the break. If only you could stay during the summer too.
You had multiple reasons for being weary of spending Christmas with the Malfoy family. You’d love nothing more than to spend Christmas cuddled up with Draco by a cozy fire, but it was his parents that you were more afraid of. You had never formally met either of them, but had heard stories that made you shudder in intimidation. 
Lucius was a powerful man. Draco was a spitting image of him, and acted like him at times as well. Lucius Malfoy was known for being refined, formal, and serious at every possible moment. He absolutely terrified you inside and out.
Of the two, Narcissa was the one you were less afraid of. According to Draco and other sources, she wasn’t always an unpleasant human being. However, she was proud to have married into the Malfoy name. She took pride in her wealth, and her pureblood family. She believed in having pristine manners, and being your best all the time. She sounded like a crazy possible future mother-in-law.
Fortunately, you had the fact that you were a pureblood on your side. Realistically, Draco never ever would’ve even given you a second thought if you hadn’t been. You knew that his family would be pleased with your blood status, but that fact that you were a Hufflepuff was concerning.
They were all proud Slytherins. They donated impressive brooms to Slytherin’s Quidditch team every year, and money to wherever else they felt it was necessary. You were petrified of what they would say to their Slytherin son dating a Hufflepuff girl. 
“I don’t understand. Why don’t you want to meet my parents? We’ve been together since last January, almost a full bloody year!” He screeched, the tips of his ears turning red with frustration.
“I know that, D. It’s not that I don’t want to, I just-” You stopped off, almost letting it slip.
But Draco was observant. He caught your quick pause, seeing the way you stopped short because you were afraid to tell him something. That was one thing Draco never ever wanted. He never wanted you to be fearful to tell him something, but he was still irritated.
“You’re being selfish. I just want you to have a nice holiday and you won’t even accept it.” He snarled.
You didn’t want to tell him. You were more afraid of what he would say about how his parents would react to you being a Hufflepuff. Him acting this way wasn’t helping. You slung your bag over your shoulder, ducking out of his room before he could stop you.
“I have to go.” You said, rushing out of the Slytherin tower.
Draco went to chase after you, but decided to let you go. He’d get to the bottom of this. One way or another. He knew if you didn’t come home with him for Christmas, then you’d be stuck at school by yourself, because all of your friends would be home. He hated the thought of you spending Christmas alone. If you wouldn’t come with him, then he was going to stay with you. However, he still wanted to know why you were so apprehensive about meeting his parents.
You couldn’t focus on Herbology for the life of you. You kept thinking about how disappointed Draco looked when you told him no. You didn’t want to ever hurt his feelings, but the thought of spending two weeks with his parents was far too frightening. 
You avoided Draco for the rest of the day, thinking about how you were going to respond when you did finally have to have that conversation. You were quiet during dinner at The Great Hall, refusing to meet Draco’s stare that you could feel from a few tables away. He had been itching to talk to you since you had left him that morning, and he was afraid you were going to make official plans to stay at school over the break. Then you really wouldn’t be coming back home with him. 
You booked it out of The Great Hall once you were dismissed from dinner, hoping to sneak back to your dorm undetected. You sighed in relief when you made it to the Hufflepuff common room, continuing your commute to your room. You had originally planned on spending the night in your room alone to figure this all out, but your plans changed when you saw a familiar face sitting on your bed, like a puppy waiting for its owner to come back.
Draco was sitting with his legs folded, and his head perking up when you walked in. You had left dinner in such a hurry that you were quite shocked that he had gotten here before you. You weren’t sure if he was still angry with you, so you approached lightly.
“Hey. How’d you beat me here?” You questioned.
He gave a proud smirk.
“I’m quick like that.” He bragged.
You gave a soft laugh, comforted that he didn’t seem to be angry anymore. You knew he had come to talk. You supposed that now was as good as any other time. He extended his hand to you, requesting that you sit with him. You shrugged off your robes, before taking his hand and joining him on your small bed. Your room was quiet, his hand cupping the side of your face and stroking your cheek with his thumb.
He leaned forward a little, looking into your bright eyes that he loved so much. He could see the anticipation behind them.
“Kiss me.” He whispered.
You met him halfway, kissing him gently. You had missed him today, in all honesty.
“I didn’t see you all day...how was your Herbology test?” He asked after he pulled away.
“It was fine,” You said, getting right to the point; “I’m guessing you didn’t race me back here to talk about Herbology.”
His fingertips danced over the material of your skirt. You knew him so well.
“No, I didn’t,” He admitted; “Darling, why won’t you come back home with me?”
You averted your eyes to everywhere but him.
“You come from wealth and prosperity...your parents are very well known.” You began.
Draco nodded, but didn’t say anything yet.
“You’re all pureblood Slytherins and I...well...” You paused; “I’m just a Hufflepuff.”
Draco’s eyebrows furrowed in puzzlement. He shifted closer to you.
“’Just a Hufflepuff’? You’re not just a Hufflepuff,” He corrected; “Do you think that my parents won’t accept you because you’re not a Slytherin?”
“Are you saying that they will?” You asked, suddenly looking at him.
Draco sighed heavily. He wouldn’t lie, the thought had crossed his mind. He was curious to see their reaction, because they always assumed he’d bring home a Slytherin, or maybe a Ravenclaw. He didn’t want you to be ashamed of your House.
“If they don’t, then they’re going to have to learn to,” He said, kissing your hand; “Because I’m not giving you up for them.”
You gave a short, but rather unamused laugh. You were still worried. 
“Do you think they’ll like me? Aside from being a Hufflepuff?” You asked.
Draco smiled proudly, leaning in again so his lips were close to yours.
“Darling, they’re going to love you,” He said honestly; “If nothing else, I want to spend the whole holiday snuggled up with my favorite girl.” 
You sheepishly laughed, a smile appearing on your face. You loved the sound of that.
“There’s that stunning smile,” He added; “So, what do you say? Will you come home with me for Christmas?”
You pondered for a moment. While you were still nervous, you realized that the important part would be spending Christmas with Draco, regardless of what his parents thought. You had to admit, it’d be nice to actually have someone to spend the holiday with. 
“Yes. I will.”
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skania · 3 years
The Final Stroke: Thoughts on Haru's conflict (+Rin)
Okay so reading all the summaries of The Final Stroke Part 1 has left me with A LOT of thoughts. About Haru, about Rin, about Rin & Haru and how all the different character conflicts will be tied together in Part 2.
BUT since I have been waiting YEARS for Free! to feed me some juicy Haru conflict, of course I'm sinking my teeth into that first because peeling off Haru's layers has always been my favorite Free! sport.
It's been a long while since I've tried to get into Haru's head AND I haven't even watched the movie yet so I'm probably wrong, but here goes nothing. As per usual, it will be long and image-heavy because I can't keep things short and sweet to save my life.
Also, it's heavy on spoilers about The Final Stroke so please do not read without reading Fencer's summary first!
AND since it's basically impossible to discuss Haru without discussing Rin and vice-versa, please do also expect a healthy dose of RinHaru.
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Utsumi: Indeed; it’s a path Haruka never would have chosen himself. But despite claims that he doesn’t care about winning or losing or scoring certain times, he’s always been attentive to Rin’s presence. [x]
Please assume there's a huge "IMO" attached to this whole post.
In Season 1, we saw Haru struggle to understand that the reason for his emotional turmoil was quite simply that he wanted to swim with Rin again.
In Season 2, we saw Haru struggle because he wanted to follow Rin into the Pro world, but he felt like he didn't deserve to do so because he didn't have a dream and thus, no strong feelings about competitive swimming itself.
Needless to say, there's a pattern.
In Season 3, the series kind of took a detour. Still, it did plant some seeds, the most important IMO being the following:
"After I hit 20, I will be..."
"If you ask me what lies ahead of me, I..."
"You can't survive without throwing something away. I didn't want to throw anything away. But I lost."
"Maybe I don't deserve to compete at the global level."
Road to the World adds some extra layers to all that by showing us just what else is connected to that fear of Haru's.
Because, what do we see after Rin tells Haru that no matter what wall [Rin] faces, the one thing that doesn't change is his desire to keep swimming with [Haru]?
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We see the moment Rin tells Haru "aim for the world with me, Haru!". Then, the moment Rin asks Haru what his dream is—right when Haru finally felt free after achieving the dream he had that season, that of swimming with Rin again. Lastly, we see the moment Rin asks Haru "what will you do?" when it comes to choosing between swimming in a recreational pool, or the one used by the National Team.
Every single one of these moments brought Haru closer to his dream—and Rin is the common factor in them all. So when Rin tells Haru,
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It's obvious by those flashbacks alone what Haru's answer is. He, too, wants to keep swimming with Rin in that world.
But before the thought can fully form in Haru's mind, Albert flashes through it. We immediately see Haru's disposition change, and the result is the most telling of all.
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Just like always, the imagery is on point. Rin and his desire to swim with him give Haru strength and purpose and Haru clenches his fist—but this time, Albert seeps that strength from him until his fist goes limp. And suddenly, Haru doesn't know what to say to Rin anymore.
Because, what Albert makes Haru wonder, is this:
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From my limited perspective (like I said before, I haven't watched TFS yet), I think that might just be where the heart of Haru's issue in The Final Stroke lies.
I think a big part of why Haru wants to win against Albert so badly is probably because he wants to prove to himself that he does deserve to be in that world—like Rin. That all his friends are right to believe in him.
And he feels even more pressured because he thinks he's running out of time.
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All this pressure to win—not to feel the water better or to be the best in the water he loves so much, but simply to win before he's "ordinary"—does not let Haru swim freely. He doesn’t swim like himself.
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He is probably terrified of his own limits and of how close he might be to hitting them, and this fear and pressure are binding him.
Moreover, while Haru decided that he wanted to swim in that world, the truth is that he doesn’t know what the future holds for him.
He has no long-term, tangible plans. Unlike Rin, who wants to win a gold medal, Haru just wants to swim "in the whole world". This, added to the fact that he thinks he’ll be ordinary by 20 and that he has not managed to beat Albert, makes it so Haru is basically blinded to what the future can bring for him. He can’t see that sight.
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Part of the reason for this, I feel, is that the series has never addressed the big elephant in the room.
What exactly does Haru get out of competitive swimming, besides swimming with Rin? Because "swimming in that world" is nice and sweet and idealistic, but it doesn't cover the fact of racing itself.
I used to talk a lot about why Haru needed to find a reason to enjoy competing even when it isn't against Rin. That he needed to find a reason to want that for himself. I even thought S3 may finally go for it, but it ended without Haru finding meaning in that "world of wins and losses", as he used to call it.
Usually, he’d look at Rin to point the way forward. And it is knowing that Rin (and to a lesser extent, Ikuya) is there fighting with him and aiming for the world as well that gives Haru some reassurance.
However, from what we know from the summaries, Haru isn’t thinking of them when he swims. He is entirely caught up on needing to beat Albert because of what it has come to represent to him.
There’s also the issue of Haru’s competitiveness. Haru spent a long time suppressing it and only indulging in it with Rin. But he has always wanted to be the best in the water—the one who "feels" it best.
It wasn’t that he wanted to win, or that he hated losing; it was just that he couldn’t simply accept that there was someone who could feel the water more than he could. (x)
So when you combine all of this, I feel like Haru has lost sight of the most important thing—that instead of swimming just to win, like it’s a job, he should swim to feel the water he loves so much and, most importantly, for the team (with his friend’s feelings in his heart).
That way, he could swim like himself and the water won’t be sad nor lonely.
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This all sounds like a lot and it is. Haru is all but suffocating under this weight.
So, when Rin comes and tells him that [Haru] will be facing Albert alone—that they aren’t fighting him together, like Haru hoped for—Haru snaps.
It’s not only that what Haru perceives as the biggest obstacle to his dream (Albert) is standing before Haru (alone) and Rin won’t be there to share his struggles, but also that Rin is the reason he’s there in the first place because Rin is the one that made Haru stop wanting to be ordinary.
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He’s the reason why he’s gotten to this point and the reason he came into the global stage and ran into Albert. He’s also the biggest thing Haru will lose if he can’t win against Albert—because if Haru’s dream ends, he won’t get to swim with Rin in that world anymore.
And now Rin’s walking away from swimming free and leaving him alone with this beast of a swimming machine and with [Haru’s] own limitations. And Haru feels trapped. He feels bitter. He feels betrayed. Terrified.
And, of course, lost. Because just like Rin once said, "Without you, I have nothing to aim for, you know?"
So, he snaps.
And by burning bridges with Rin, the very embodiment of "For the Team", the one person that he has always wanted to swim with most of all, the one whose feelings he was still connected to above all—by virtue of swimming together in that world, by sharing a dream—Haru now feels like he's truly alone in the water.
Haru is essentially turning his back on the very reason he swims for—in more ways than one. So, he’s becoming a second Albert. Only there to win, not to have fun.
Because that’s the thing. Haru says he’s doing it for his dream, but since he can’t see that dream clearly, he lacks direction. All he can see is the immediate future and all that stares back at him are his own limitations—embodied by Albert himself.
Albert represents, then, the road Haru must not take. Haru can’t be all about becoming stronger simply for the sake of winning—and he must definitely not do so alone. Like Ikuya said in S3, if Haru isn't gaining that strength for someone else (the team), there's no point.
So, since this is Free!, Haru needs to go back to his roots and truly swim for the team once again. But I feel like he also needs to re-contextualize his dream and truly define what it entails, for once and for all. Which, if we go by everything we've seen so far—should involve swimming with Rin.
Only then will he be able to swim freely again.
There's A LOT of foreshadowing and things from S3 that will most likely play a role in that and I haven't even touched Rin's choice to not swim free anymore, but this has gotten really long and I've run out of image slots lmao so I'll just have to ramble about those some other time 🙇‍♀️
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namjoon-koya · 4 years
Bakugou, Todoroki, Midoriya, Tokoyami and Kirishima reacting to the reader wearing the cheerleader outfit from the sports festival 😳 (the reader is their crush)
(A/N: and I oPe-)
Bakugou, Todoroki, Midoriya, Tokoyami, Kirishima crush wearing a cheerleader outfit
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Okay you’re pissed because you have no idea who ever decided to come up with the idea to wear THAT in front of so many people.
Uraraka and Mina keep telling you that you look fine and so cute, but you can’t help it! You’ve never worn something like this especially in front of so many people!
“I bet the boys are having a big laugh at us.”
You roll your eyes.
“I doubt that look at Mineta and Kaminari.” Mina just laughed.
You could hear Kirishima talking to Bakugo and then his voice just stops.
You turn around and see him blushing while staring at you and you’re just like “SHIT!” And go off to Mina and Uraraka because now you’re blushing too.
“Oi dumbass did you stop working or soemthing?” Bakugo questioned as he stared at Kirishima.
“W-Who let them wear that?!” He shouts.
Bakugo rolled his eyes laughing “let me guess you’re jealous because now everyone will be looking at them?”
Kirishima whimpered “stop! You’re not making me feel any better..”
Kirishima had a crush on you since the first day of school yes it may sound cliche, but it was probably love at first sight.
Now seeing you wear that made him fall even deeper in love with you.
He wants to compliment you but he’s too shy to do it.
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Todoroki.exe has stopped working.
Listen he never got close to anyone he always kept to himself and that’s how he liked it.
Until he met you.
You were so quiet and nice to him, yes the others were too, but something about you made him feel so calm.
So yes slowly through the days he starts falling for you since you both were always together.
So seeing you wear THAT made his brain stop working.
You see him staring and you’re literally blushing so much.
“w-why did he have to see me like this.” You cried to Mina “Y/N itll be okay!”
Worst of all the you all had to CHEER like a cheerleading team.
“Mina which building as the most stairs?”
“Uh I don’t know why?”
“Oh nothing~”
But WILL compliment you saying you look nice in it.
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Dude this boy is going to be yelling and you’re just “BAKUGO SHUT UP BEFORE I CHOKE YOU.”
You’re already blushing at it is and Bakugo being close to you asking why you’re even wearing that isn’t making it better.
He doesn’t want to admit it, but he really thinks you look beautiful but this dude has a ego he needs to keep he can’t be going all “soft.” As he puts it.
Any side remarks Mineta says he WILL punch him he doesn’t care if you two aren’t dating.
His face is red because he keeps blushing so much and every time Kirishima and Kaminari are teasing him about it he’s just yelling “SHUT UP.”
When y’all are doing the cheers that’s when he REALLY loses it because now you’re actually having fun and seeing you smile makes his whole day a lot better.
Glares at anyone who decides to say something bad about you.
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Deku.ExE has stopped working FOREVER.
He’s a blushing mess, stutter so many words, doesn’t even know what to say to Tokoyami when he asks what’s wrong.
Midoriya and you met during the entrance exam and honestly you giving him encouraging words made him fall in love with you.
He was always filled with words that really hurt him, so you giving him that compliment made him finally feel better about himself.
Asking Uraraka who’s idea it was for all of you guys to wear that and she’s like “I don’t know, but I can see you staring at Y/N.” While knowing his shoulder with hers.
“N-no I’m not! I-I just thought they looked b-beautiful.” He said while turning away.
“You should tell them! Oh Y/N~”
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I think Tokoyami would be more cool about it than the rest.
Yeah he’s blushing, but he has to keep his e-boy image up.
Does compliment you though and he can see you blushing while mumbling a “thank you..” to him.
Dark shadow even compliments you!
“Pretty! Very pretty Y/N!”
You smile and pet dark shadow.
Tokoyami is definitely freaking out on the inside though and dark shadow KNOWS it.
Imagine Tokoyami being like “Na I’m not nervous at all.” And dark shadow comes out and he’s like “yes you are tf you lying for?”
Will have his gaze on you the entire time even if someone is talking to him he just can’t take his eyes away from you.
Even during the cheer his eyes are just following you around.
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verxsyon · 2 years
just as promised, i’ll be making a post analyzing the trailer to the best of my ability. i’m thinking of posting my reactions to a major update like how i did with inazuma last year. might not go too deep because there’s a chance i might bring this discussion up in my next stream on sunday (if you mention it to me through chat)!
there’s so much to unpack here, so if you haven’t watched it yet, the content is under the cut to avoid you getting spoiled.
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the soundtrack hits so hard omfg i was jamming the entire trailer.
kinda bummed that dehya and cyno didn’t make an appearance and weren’t featured in the poster because i was looking forward to see them. however, after hearing that the devs took the feedback about the pace of inazuma by stretching out the main story until 3.2 (4 patches), i’m okay with that. waiting for those two along with the desert region will be all worth it in the end.
the visuals of sumeru are stunning. one of my favorite scenes was nilou transforming transforming what seems to be a dendro crystalfly into fragments of power and spreading them into the land that revealed the landscape of the region is such a sight. another scene was with her dancing in the midst of chaos.
props to the voice actors holy shit. they sound amazing. absolutely in love with tighnari’s, collei’s, nilou’s, dori’s, and nahida’s. al-haitham... hm, i need to get used to it. i’m not too sold on him sounding robotic (eng dub).
“the world... forget me...” that last line? every time i rewatched the trailer, i always get chills down my spine. was it kusanali who said that or was it the former dendro archon?
the lore my god. corrupt scholars? the refusal to acknowledge kusanali as the new dendro archon? the interruption of the sabzeruz festival? we’re gonna steal an object that would reveal something huge and become criminals because of that? man, i can’t wait for 3.0.
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tighnari explained that the akasha terminal is created by the akademiya through the power of greater lord rukkhadevata. then an npc followed it up by saying that we can use it to access the akasha, which i believe is an archive of sorts to find any information we need. after her death, the sages took hold of her gnosis and created that system to ensure that the citizens aren’t questioning their rule. instead of a god having it in their possession, it’s in the hands of humans -- in the wrong hands. at first, i thought it was a headpiece that filtered information that are considered threats to the regime so that may be the case as well.
the sages were against the celebration of kusanali rising up as the new archon of the region, seeing it as confirming that rukkhadevata is dead and declaring that “our archon created the utopia that is sumeru city”. there was a scene that had a bird in a cage. the sages were trapping kusanali and restricting her powers to avoid “destroying” that image of peace for everyone. the scene with an eremite boss and the machine from the desert might have some connection with this.
in the teyvat chapter storyline trailer, dainsleif summarized the conflict of sumeru as “in the city of scholars there is a push for folly, yet the god of wisdom makes no argument against it”. the reason why kusanali doesn’t take action is because she’s basically held hostage by the sages and can’t do anything about it.
also the first line of the sumeru chapter was “the god of wisdom’s enemy is wisdom itself, and the oasis of knowledge is a mirage in the desert of ignorance”. know too much, you’re dead. kusanali wished that the forest and the desert got along. the desert region is a metaphor of truth; they know what tf is going on. however, the forest chooses to remain ignorant and that whatever the desert believes in is a total hoax.
“are you really ignorant? or are you just living in complete denial?” was said as some parts of sumeru city disappeared. the theme of the 2.8 gaa event was mirages, created by the fatui through kusanali’s power and manifested by a person’s memories and dreams. i have a theory that what we see sumeru city as is not real, rather it’s been long gone with rukkhadevata. the sages refused to believe that, hence using the gnosis to create that illusion and keeping that alive through their dreams. that may explain why adults are incapable of dreaming. their dreams may be considered to be threats and were told that the rule of the sages are absolute.
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cheesecake-beech · 2 years
Question: it seems the alot of the Despicable Me villains were influenced to become villains due to a negative childhood/past. Gru was basically neglected by him mom, Balthazars show was canceled, Scarlet was possibly living in poverty and had a neglectful family (atleast from her point of view), and let's face it, Vector possibly became a villain mainly cause it was the family buissness and he wanted to live up to his dad's expectations. Granted, there are probably many who became villains cause 'why the fuck not?', like El Macho, (Honestly, if being a villain was a straight up career path, I would TOTALLY be taking that opportunity), but still. Do you think atleast some of the Vicious 6 had traumatic or negative pasts that pushed them to want to become villains? And while we're on the topic, what was your ocs influences to become villains?
I Think w some of the vicious 6 it could be both, something might've happened and it could also be a "lol fuck you" to society and to get what they want. To show that they're powerful, Like with Jean I noticed he's obviously somewhat anxious at times, when not out of the field, fidgeting and nail biting which are signs of anxiety, his voice cracks. It could just be he's scared of Belle. Maybe he had developed anxiety after smthing or someone then he developed tech to destroy it and now he's just spooked of Belle lmfao idk 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
Wild Knuckles has probably been thru shit cuz, he old. And god damn how is he not dead this dude immortal like tf. And thats why he brought these dudes together to show that they're BETTER AND MORE SLAY 💅🏽✨✨✨ I'd say these guys probably shared a few things and thats why he was so 🥺 when they just kicked him to the curb
Nunchuck...idefk🧍🏽almost sent to hell then was like "I lived bitch" then became stronger than god :^)
Anyways my ocs? 😩😩😩
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Alan Became a villain to make a face for himself, To feel some sense of worth for himself. (before also using his power to shut down brand competitors, did THAT out of petty honestly 🤪) Elliot Became a villain out of rage
and Valerie became a villain because of hatred, she so said fuck it and went with her homies to cause CHAOS.
Alan I'm thinking probably came from a family, of average wealth, his father was probably the money maker and a douche, pretty snarky about it. And I imagine Alan had a difficult time actually getting a job and because of that was probably kicked to the curb all because his dad wanted someone who could make them look good 🧍🏽So they kicked him out. Burned all his stuff. Told him he had no son, unless he made himself a bigger person, a face in this world, then MAYBE he'd let him back into their life. He's very lonely and was probably lost for some while until he found Elliot, which eventually lead them to Valerie. He holds a lot of self loathing, a lot of misery, he just wants to feel something other than hatred and loneliness so he bathes in money.
Valerie was expected to be her mommies and aunts perfect image, to be exactly like them, like some braindead zombie djhfkjdsfhd and she was for years, but every time she stepped out of line she got SOME kind of punishment, and would have to redeem herself in someway, but after just being done with that bullshit she tried to just, y'know walk out. But instead she just got the fking yells n hands pulled out on her. She really tried to save her image she had on them 🤷🏽‍♀️ BUT THEN THAT BITCH RAN. She knows how to run in heels because she slays 💅🏽✨
She holds a lot of resentment, but blowing shit up makes her feel better 🤪🤪🤪
And Elliot, became a villain out of hatred towards literally everyone ✨🕺🏽✨ except his family, this lil dude loved his family with all his big heart 🥺 Wasn't really always a villain, more like an anti-hero? At first? He would fight other crime and even random people for a bounty to bring home to his family, but ig he killed someone he shouldn't have bc one night when he came home and he found his family had been offed. he was just absolutely terrified. Then he was absolutely furious. THATS when he became a full on villain, to take his rage out on absolutely everything. He even built robot droids he calls his babies lol
But one day he stopped after he realizes, maybe this isn't a good way to let out his frustration 🧍🏽(there's more than that tho)
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