#the nymphs made us fall in love. for real.
pumpkinbxtch · 5 months
apollo, more apollo or lester please???? without conditions or anything specific just apollo thank you, you write him so well
is the tune of my heart, can you hear it? ♪。・:*˚
— apollo x fem!reader
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warnings: none
a/n: hi baby, thank you for you sweet sweet SWEET words. don't worry, heres your girl. enjoy bby.
You felt like a real nymph. You know, those ones sitting by the rivers on a rock with the water trickling over their toes and the sun bathing their skin, but mostly for the company they used to have. You glanced over, and even though he was still focused on his thing – pursing his lips and grumbling – you thought he'd never looked better.
You wondered how you ended up like this and fixed your gaze on the way the water bounced the light. It was funny because Apollo used to boast so much about how handosome he looked that you ended up trying to avoid him, even disliking him (nothing new among other campers), but now he was definitely a new person.
Lester or Apollo, whichever name he preferred, now presented himself with less pretense, and the simplicity of both his appearance and attitude seemed ten times more attractive.
He let his golden curls mingle with the chestnut ones, kept those eyes as blue as the sky, and toned down the exaggerated muscles for a more athletic body. You knew he had truly changed when he left some of the scars he had acquired during his quest, setting aside the perfect texture of his skin.
You hugged your knees and felt the urge to sink into him; his beauty was so ethereal that you resisted reaching out to confirm that he was real, that he was indeed beside you, creating beautiful sounds with the lyre and that you weren't delusional. He was like a dream, he was a dream. God, you could think about that all day.
Do, re, do...
His eyes were fixed on every note he made resonate on the instrument, as if he feared making a mistake, as if he weren't the god of it all.
Totally distracted, his hair began to cascade like a curtain of gold and bronze. You leaned in gently, and before you knew it, you were already running your fingers through his hair behind his ear. He immediately looked up at you, and the tension in his gaze eased, almost you could see a smile. Were you that remedy for him as he had become for you?
— Darling — minutes had passed in silence before he said it just audibly, the sun beautifully lit up his eyes, leaving you breathless. His hair brushed against your fingertips back, resisting being contained, or maybe, that small gesture was enough to make you lose the strength to take something as light as that. You just smiled at him.
You were good friends, but you no longer felt that way, how is it possible to fall in love with a god? If that was one of the views their ex-lovers had, now you understood all the parents of Apollo's cabin children. Ugh, you felt bad for having that thought and hugged yourself again as you watched him return to the lyre.
— This melody...— he said, breaking the silence, —it always comes out better when I'm in love.
You rested your head on your knees as you tightened your grip on them.
— But it sound beautiful.
And he nodded with a radiant smile. Wait, was he in love?
— Oh,— your disappointment choked you, and you raised your eyebrows pretending interest. — Who is it?
Apollo closed his eyes, letting out a laugh, shaking his head mockingly as if it were obvious and you had to know the answer. That annoyed you, how the hell were you supposed to know who he was in love with if he could be there and in Alaska at the same time?
— You're hopeless, aren't you?— He left the lyre by his side, and it was his turn to crawl towards you. You lowered your gaze, watching as the lake snaked, you could almost see your chances being dragged away by it. He touched your shoulder to get your attention, and you wanted to resist, you didn't want to see him, it was embarrassing.
— What? — you snapped.
— You get in a bad mood so quickly — he teased, affectionately taking your hand, making your heart race even though you knew it wasn't uncommon for him, that's just how he was, so you just sighed. He smiled, trying to find your eyes as you avoided them, then he leaned back and directed your hand to his cheek for you to cradle him, Apollo didn't stop pleading until you looked at him. — It's been better since I met you.
You returned your gaze to him, confused. How could he say that so calmly and with those sparkling eyes? Damn the way he looked at you, you wanted everything from him.
Apollo kissed your knuckles and traced your arm with small kisses, when he started laughing, he stopped to look into your eyes once more.
You weren't a nymph, to him, you were a goddess.
— And do you love me? — he asked, innocently.
You knew the answer.
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elrielffs · 2 months
This is just a loose theorizing by me about Gwyn's role in the future books and how this ties to Azriel and an Elriel story.
It's not meant to be anti-Gwyn. I actually really like Gwyn as a character but it does incorporate Lightsinger Gwyn and for some, this is anti-rhetoric.
This is just me kicking things around in my noggin' and nothing concrete but just loose attachments.
Under the cut cause it's kinda long.
I was thinking about some of the details we've been given in story and some meta things from SJM's pinterest. I don't really subscribe to the pinterest as end all be all but I do think some things are very interesting on it.
I do think SJM is pulling from various fairytales and myths, particularly Blodeuwedd, Koschei the Deathless and other Russian folktales, and The Little Mermaid. We know SJM takes inspiration from fairy tales.
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First we have Blodeuwedd which SJM saved titling Elain. The story of Blodeuwedd is that she was made to be the perfect wife of Lleu Llaw Gyffes but rejects him and falls in love with another, Gronw Pebr.
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In the Koschei and the Deathless, we have Ivan Tsarevich who has 3 sisters that marry 3 winged wizards. Ivan saves Marya Morevna, a warrior princess, from Koschei and marries her.
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I think the first two speaks for themselves on how they relate to ACOTAR so I won't delve to much into it but you can see how it relates to the story that is playing out.
Last is The Little Mermaid. We all know this story because of Disney and also it's probably one of the more well known fairy tales' but the broad strokes of the ORIGINAL telling is: The Little Mermaid falls in love with the human prince, makes a deal with the Sea Witch for her fins to be turned into legs to be with him on land, the prince falls in love with someone else, and the Mermaid is tasked by the Sea Witch with killing the prince to get her fins back but she can't do it because she loves the prince too much and instead turns into bubbles/foam/becomes an air spirit.
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How does this relate to Gwyn?
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Gwyn has been described many a time with ocean/water like imagery and has been stated to have nymph heritage. Her eyes are constantly described as the sunlit sea and she even says the quote," I am the rock on which the surf crashes."
We are also told about Lightsingers in the same book that Gwyn is introduced: They are ethereal beings who will lure their prey to them, appearing as friendly faces. Only when their prey were in their arms would their true faces emerge.
This shares many similarities to Sirens: creatures that live in or by the ocean, that lure victims to them with an alluring voice. Sirens have also become synonymous with mermaids, merging into one creature with siren and mermaid being used interchangeably to describe the one being.
Gwyn has show these same characteristics in story. Gwyn is shown to be a singer and have a beautiful voice and to also glow when she sings.
When Nesta hears Gwyn sing she describes it thus:
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Drawing any listener in.
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Nesta also says this about Gwyn upon first meeting her:
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Gwyn also tells Nesta at one point that Nesta wouldn't like the "real" her.
I won't go too in depth to the Lightsinger theory because there are plenty of other posts floating around breaking it down better than me but suffice to say that there is a correlation between Gwyn's voice/singing=some type of power. This easily translates into Lightsinger/mermaid/siren imagery and theory.
Now this next part is just me spit balling and is more fast and loose and how this could tie into an Elriel story:
We don't know too much about Koschei in story except that he's a Death God and older brother to Stryga and the Bone Carver, beings who traveled from another world to Prythian (Daglan/Asteri?) and a powerful wizard that cursed Vassa.
At one point he tells Azriel he has "been preparing for you". What could this mean? Why has he been preparing for Azriel?
Why would Koschei, who is a powerful wizard, bargain with the Acheron's father, a human nobody? Is it because he is Elain's father?
Rhysand speculates that there's a possibility that the priestess have been infiltrated. We saw with Ianthe that not all priestess's harbor good intentions and in ACOWAR that the library can be broken into.
It has been highly speculated that Merrill, a priestess in the Library, is up to something. Is she in line with Koschei?
Who works under Merrill? Gwyn.
We know from HOFAS that the cauldron is corrupted by the Asteri/Daglan, a fact speculated by Azriel himself in the bonus chapter.
Is possible that Koschei as a Daglan/Asteri had a hand in corrupting the cauldron to mix up Elain's mates? Is that how Koschei "prepared" for Azriel?
And what about Gwyn working under Merrill? Gwyn could be manipulated and unknowingly assisting Koschei/Merrill or she could be working for them for some kind of favor--returning her sister Catrin to life?
Also, the fact that Gwyn and Catrin are twins can be used for shenanigan's. What if Gwyn is actually Catrin? (This is purely speculative on my part by the fact that they were made twins rather than just sisters.)
It's also mentioned that Catrin had webbed fingers. I love this little detail and wish Gwyn had them too but is there a reason she doesn't? Could this be to distinguish Catrin and Gwyn at a later date besides hair color?
Could Merrill/Koschei know about Gwyn's Lightsinger heritage and be using her as way to lure Azriel away from Elain?
What is one of the gifts Elain gets Azriel? Ear plugs.
We know it as a gag gift but we also know that Elain has visions--we don't know how fragmented or how fully she receives them but is is possible that she saw something that inspired her to give Azriel the ear plugs?
Is this to upset the balance of the 6 pointed star mentioned in HOFAS?
Could Gwyn, unknowingly or knowingly be working for Koschei to infiltrate the IC via Nesta and the training, lure Azriel away from Elain? Could Gwyn fall in love (this part is not needed, it can be just business on Gwyn's end) with Azriel but realize thru her connections with the Valkyries and training and Azriel that she can't go thru with it?
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Let me reiterate, I don't think Gwyn is evil. I think she could be manipulated, coerced, or promised something she can't refuse to help or go along with Koschei/Merrill. She might not even know it's Koschei she is helping or that she is even in fact assisting. She could be manipulated into using her unknown Lightersinger powers.
Gwyn (the Mermaid) is promised/manipulated into using her Lightsinger powers by Koschei/Merrill (Sea Witch) to lure Azriel (the prince) away from Elain (the woman the prince loves) but the end she can't go thru with it either because she realizes it's wrong, realizes she's being manipulated or because she can't do that to Azriel.
I know there is more that can be conjected but this is already quite long and I didn't even delve into the Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty parallels.
I realize this could have been posted before and nothing new but I just wanted to put my thoughts out there and hear some more of my fellow Elriels!
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hello again everyone i'm putting on my tinfoil jester hat & passing out Hefty grains of salt. its batshit theory time!
in short: i think Julie is gonna get violent & might end up killing someone - or she'll at least try. and i'm pretty sure something terrible is gonna happen to her.
in long: hoo boy. strap in
first off, i'd like to say that i love womens' wrongs And rights! all of this is said with utmost affection & respect for Julie. i love it when characters do terrible things, its interesting and so tasty for the story and their development <3
second disclaimer: most of this is just based off of what we have / know as of now. which is, admittedly, not much! so despite having short arms, i may be reaching very far! i'll get the based-on-knowledge part of my thoughts out of the way before getting into the more abstract I'm Just Making Shit Up At This Point part (educated guessing, yk yk!)
not sure where to start so i'll begin with what starting this line of thinking - flower symbolism. I've gone a little bit into it in a previous post from a while back (where i just made observations about the neighborhood map), but i'll restate the relevant parts. there are two flowers in the neighborhood with greek myths attached, and similar ones at that: the hyacinths outside of the Post Office, and the sunflowers outside of Frank's house.
most people know the hyacinth myth! Apollo, while playing metal frizbee with his (male) mortal lover Hyacinthus, Apollo's thrown discus bounced off of the ground and accidentally hit Hyacinthus in the head, killing him - then Apollo turned the spilled blood into the hyacinth flower. in another - popular - version of the myth, the wind god Zephyrus was jealous and blew the discus off course to kill Hyacinthus. as for sunflowers: Clytie, a nymph, was in love with Apollo and grew jealous of his relationship with a princess, Leucothoe. Clytie informed Leucothoe's father of the relationship, and he buried Leucothoe alive as punishment. Apollo turned his murdered lover into a sunflower. two flowers attached to greek myths about Apollo falling for a mortal, and that mortal gets murdered by a jealous non-mortal.
next, I would like to bring attention to This Concept Artwork from 2021. now i'm not gonna use this as a definitive "oh this exists so it must mean-" but there are always elements of concept work, especially Canon concept work, that sticks or can allude to themes or information that will be revealed later in the story. concepts are concepts for a reason - it means there's a solid idea that's being explored in depth, most times for use (especially that deep into the story crafting).
specifically, right now i'd like to look at the type of flower Julie is holding. pansies. normal ones + the primary fucked up pansy. pansies are symbols of love - both romantic and platonic, but predominantly platonic. it can also symbolize nostalgia, thought, admiration, remembrance, and can even be used as an "i'm sorry" flower. in victorian times, it was often used to represent forbidden/secret love.
stick with me, i'm getting to the point i promise
now, another thing is how much of Julie's character (meta-wise & in regards to the WH show as a production) is centered around love. her house is the "cutest" or most feminine one in the neighborhood, and it's downright infested with hearts, from the windows to the bushes to the chimney. she exists as Frank's foil, and it's almost definitive that she was meant to be Frank's love interest (there's just. so much evidence that there's no way that's not it). and just look at her! she looks like a love interest! if WH was a real show that i sat down to watch, i'd see her and immediately go "oh, ok, that's her base role"
this contradicts with what we know of her character - Julie seems big on platonic love, loving her friends, but other than that? she very much steps around what her house/character design is trying to say. she's hopscotching right over what the production wants from her. the only thing she kinda sticks with is the whole flower thing
but. but but but. i wonder! after the update, I'm pretty confident that the neighbors are influenced by the "script" and the workshop, even if they're not aware of it. see: the difference in how they act in the "recovered media" (where they behave more like they're characters playing out a bit, their dialogue has no natural lulls and it just sounds like a (really good) script) vs the 14 audios & the phone calls (natural dialogue, they seem more layered & like actual people instead of just characters, there's no set shenanigan - they're just doing their own things). and we can assume that the latter audios are from the neighbors off-script off-the-air.
despite this, they still somewhat try to fill their roles. the question is: how much of that is authentic, and how much is them still feeling that pressure to perform? just like how We as people feel pressure and expectation from societal rules/norms, even if we're not conscious of it. like, say... kids growing up thinking being queer is wrong, even if they've never been directly exposed to / made aware of homophobia/transphobia. We fill in the absence of being told "this is right" with "it must be wrong", and We act accordingly
so apply that to sapient puppets who were (again, most likely) made with set relationships, dynamics, and character details in mind. they're meant to be This Way, even if they want to be That Way, and that internal "programming" has to conflict, at least a little. like how I've seen Clown mention that homophobia will/may be a theme, and the only way i can see that happening among puppets who have never been directly exposed to it is if the above happens: they feel pressure from something they're unaware of. expectation from a "higher" plane of existence. as above, so below.
OKAY NOW WE'RE GETTING TO IT I PROMISE! blend this all together into Frank & Eddie catching feelings. they weren't meant to fall in love. they're not supposed to be together. it's - from the perspective of Playfellow & society (in the time period WH was active/created) - wrong.
Julie is supposed to be with Frank. Frank is supposed to be with Julie. in a way, they are together - they're best friends. they're foils. they were created to compliment each other and click. in the media audios, they're almost always together. if one of them is in a scene, so is the other.
so what happens if Frank starts to pull away? if he starts to spend more time with Eddie - what if Julie feels like she's being pushed out? what if she asks Frank to come play, only to be told he already has plans with Eddie, and if Julie tries to join in, what if Frank tells her no?
if it were me in this situation, I think I'd start to panic a little. everything has always been the same - it's always been Frank and Julie. that's how it's supposed to be. Frank and Eddie, well that's just - that's just wrong! and if, at this hypothetical point in the story, things are tangibly starting to degrade/go wrong, Julie might cling even harder, panic even more.
you see where I'm going with this? what i meant with the flower symbolism and what it could point to?
their world is falling apart, and Julie's one constant - Frank, her best friend, her grumpy rock - is pulling away. for Eddie. the mailman. and so what if the jealous "lover" takes action? Julie can make things go back to normal. she needs Frank, and in her mind she's losing him, but she can't lose him. she can't. and maybe that little whisper of expectation that she can't hear but feels nonetheless, fuels this fire. it makes her feel justified, makes her feel the need to act and "correct" this. maybe if she gets rid of the distraction, Frank's love and attention will be hers once more.
i mean, people do insane things when they're under that much pressure. from current probably-horrible events, a loss of control in their own life, their closest person seemingly distancing themselves, subconscious pressure from societal expectation. especially when it comes to love - platonic or romantic. w/ Julie, i'm pretty sure it's platonic in regards to Frank. though she is bi, so you never know! could be both!
and maybe it won't be about Frank & Eddie, if any of this turns out to even a little right. maybe there's a factor I'm not considering or haven't seen yet. but i really do think that there are things pointing to it.
like yeah, the Concept Art linked above. the caption saying "liar", the specific species of flower, Julie holding it over her mouth as if keeping a secret, the hammer. not sure if the person standing over her is her primary puppeteer, an abstract, or something else (it seems cracked?) but that's not what this theory is about!
then there's the flower patch - both behind her in the concept art, and the one behind her house on the map. it's striking me now that the two look very similar. they have mostly the same flowers, even. blue/yellow/white/orange "daisies", some daffodils, what i think are roses (it's hard to tell specifics on the map). an odd choice to make them so similar (unless it's coincidence!).
when I first saw the patch, my immediate thought was "holy shit is that a body dump?!" bc it's oddly green compared to the rest of the map, it's placed at a noticeable distance behind Julie's house - as if it's supposed to be "hidden", and it's the lushest spot in the neighborhood. now, to provide a counterargument to my own claim: it could be very green because that's how things are shaded, it looks like it's at a distance from the house bc the map is 2D, and its the lushest spot bc Julie's all about flowers - also, i doubt flowers would spontaneously grow since we can assume none of them are real. it's a puppet world of props. but who knows.
(and okay this might or might not be relevant but we can assume Julie is the one who made the chalk drawings on the path, right? i think there's a spiral in front of her house. just making a note of it.)
and there's just how much "pressure" seems to be on Julie compared to the others. she doesn't match her house. she doesn't fit her "role" the way she's meant to. AND OH AND I ALMOST FORGOT - by the swingset, there's now a bowling ball and what looks like red scissors. idk about you guys but i associate scissors with Eddie. he's all about crafts, after all! now i'm really reaching but hey? murder weapon? Julie does seem fond of bowling balls... that's a perfect bludgeoning weapon to have on hand (in abundance!)
in conclusion, i just think Julie has major potential to do some deliciously fucked up stuff. in fact, i hope she does! it could be handled/done in an absolutely fascinating way, and could have intriguing consequences.
who knows, maybe i'm right about her trying to get rid of Eddie (not out of malice or anything, just fear & pressure), and there'll be a whole thing where he keeps on coming back, completely unaware that she tried to off him, bc he's a puppet and it's probably really tough to kill something that wasn't really alive in the first place. i mean, in This Observation post i made about some new map secrets, there's a strange window shine on the Post Office door that could be spelling out either "nexus" or "new us". that plus the apparent extra hands/faces behind the door... Eddie is quite accident prone. who's to say he's not used to being replaced by himself? it's not like he'd remember. or is that the reason his memory is bad? holy shit wait - no wait this is a tangent. sorry. this post is about Julie lmao maybe i'll make a different post for this Eddie Thought i just had bc ough. ough...
and also, before anyone tries to come at me - because there's always people who twist words to Start Shit or misinterpret/miss the point - i'm not saying that Julie is like... homophobic. or hates Eddie. or is a "jealous crazy-" just. yk? and if you think that, maybe reread the post. or take a reading comprehension class &lt;3
AS FOR THE SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAPPENING TO JULIE. this is based on Two things and also Vibes. this section will be mercifully short compared to the rest of this clusterfuck of a post
so in the Livestream Trivia doc compiled by @/theneighborhood watch, yes i'm referencing this again sorry, there's this tidbit:
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that, plus This Artwork, which features Julie (they're her shoes!) standing at the edge of an apparent chasm (the edge of the set, i assume) paints an interesting hypothetical picture. maybe she wanders a little too far and falls off the edge of her world. maybe she discovers something and Wally has to do something he doesn't want to do, but "needs" to. hey, who knows. maybe she is gonna hurt / try to hurt someone, and in an attempt to save them / stop her, Wally pushes her - either accidentally or on purpose, either way the end result would be the same. now I'm just pulling things out of my ass so lets move on lmao
then there's the Unknown Record in the website's media section. i actually recorded the audio and sped it up - i'll post that video later - and it seems to be an excerpt from Alice in Wonderland. the only part of it i've been able to clearly pick out is "Alice found herself falling down.... down... down..." followed by, presumably Alice speaking - who's high pitched voice reminds me of Julie's. so that's another point in the Julie Goes Bye-Bye Via Rapid Descent theory. or just goes temporarily missing! it could be that the only relevant part of the above trivia tidbit is the "falling down a cavern", and not the "never seen again" part. but it could. be. both.
though! though. Clown has stated that if all the neighbors were to take on roles in Alice in Wonderland, Wally is the one who would be Alice. which follows his direct connection to the spiral/eye pit, and the phrase "down the rabbit hole". so it could be either or. it could be both! it could be neither! this is all speculation, which brings us to....
the end! we made it! i hope you're still carrying your Hefty grains of salt! soon you'll be able to fill a large chicken-shaped shaker with it all!
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hellonearthtoday · 6 months
3, 5, 7, 14
Thank you 😌I needed a break from this damn drawing
3. Who is your favorite character outside the main 7?
This is kind of harddd man 😭 born to say Cherry forced to say Curly. Cherry's a character that we actually saw more of, but I have this idea of Curly in my head that's so perfect to me...he's like half my oc...I'm superrr attached to Cherry but I do have to be real w myself cuz whenever I see Curly's name mentioned in any fic or any post it's like a wild lion sighting i get sooo hype
5. What are your favorite ships?
this is NOT hard. My favorite ship is purly I'm an evil purly shipper. I don't typically do shipping because I'm that aroace who is romance repulsed not just for myself but in the media I consume too, but idk something about their dynamic I've half made up in my head abt them...I guess I just really like the dynamic of 2 bros who are friends who might also fall in love We dont know
MARBIT. I really like couples who just giggle together. Couples who justtt rock w eachotherrr something about them....Also they got that forbidden love thing going on and idk the power of laughter could save them. But other than that I'm a platonic power ranger
7. What are your fave non-romantic relationships? (This can be close friends, familial, enemies or even just acquaintances)
This thang is about to get so long. I love non romantic relationships sooo bad I'm romance's biggest hater.
TBH can i say purly here too....they got a friends to lovers thing going on I'll shut up abt them for once this time though.
Johnny and Pony are really the best friends ever, and my idea of them might be fandom crutched more than what's shown in canon, but It don't matter anyway that book came out a bajillion years ago.
Johnny and Dally. I know the jally nation is huge and unstoppable and I can kindaaa see where you're coming from even w how I am...but in my head they aren't brotherly or romantic they're a secret third thing. No labels no nothing. They have something that none of us can touch and it's not romantic to me but they're tgt in every universe
Dally and Ponyboy idk they're funny to me. Like 2 cats put into a fighting ring and one is evil and one just want to sleep and go home idk
CHERRY AND PONYBOY I START CHEWING ON THE WALLS WHEN I SEE THEM PIT AGAINST EACHOTHER IN FICS OR WHEN CHERRY IS BARELY THERE goddd i msis them so much there's something so special to me about an opposite sex friendship that prevails even though it's not seen as a normal thing people do at the time.
14. Tell us five of your headcanons you basically see as canon
POC shepards. It's just kind of real man. I like seeing all the different versions the fandom comes up with but they're a black latino family to me <3
Johnny and Curly hating each other so bad. I think it's the funniest thing ever. Especially if they just don't like eadchother solely off of vibes ...or Curly doesn;t like Johnny bcz Johnny doesn't like him and he's like wtf 😕
It's never said outright but Johnny has anxiety disorder to me.
Ponyboy has low empathy and he just does things out of the kindness of his heart and not bcz "treat people how u want to be treated" bcz whatever LOL! he's autistic to me whatt who said that
PB talks really casually but also somehow rlly awkwardly, and u think he's just chill like that but he's just autistic. He could hate your ass but he talks like some unsocialized forest nymph so you dont know bcz he sounds so docile
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vievieveda · 3 months
busy | veda & cleodora
"Aaaawh Vee!" Cleodora whined dramatically, sinking down into her stood and pouting dejectedly at her sweet, feisty friend. The nymph was a little tipsy - no real surprise there, given she tended to spend most of her time drunk on love, booze, or theatrics - and had even spilled a little mead on her crimson slipper. She was in the process of dabbing at one slipper with a damp cloth, while she swayed her bare foot to her own hum. Like Vee, Cleodora was fairly petite, short in stature and slender, however what she lacked in the fire that Vee had, Cleo made up for in a devil may care attitude. She was not the type to hurl commands at the patrons who frequented this pub, but she was however the type to fall madly in love with one of them, and then enlist the help of mischievous fairies to pour a tankard or two over their head. Mischievous and thrill seeking Cleodora was swathed in dark crimson dress that was a little too long in the leg. The hem of the skirts were lined with a gold trimming that could also be found at the ends of the long, fitted sleeves, and along the oval neckline of her dress. Sitting seductively low on Cleodora's hips was a gold plated belt, on which hung one small purse. The tightly laced corset built into the bones of her dress, synched in the nymph's waist and pressed her breasts into a creamy, inviting swell. Down her back, Cleodora had braids interwoven with gold and crimson thread which she took great delight in tossing over one shoulder. As was often the case, Cleodora was on the hunt for love. She had the most romantic nature, not theoretically surprising given the stereotypes connected with her species, but unlike her family and fellow nymphs, Cleodora was looking for that one special heart who would finally make monogamy a worthwhile option. And tonight, she was determined to lay eyes on that special heart. "You know I can't abide the bottled ales, the wine is so much gentler on my stomach" she argued, patting her stomach and adopting a sad, self pitying stare to focus on Vee.
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For the umpteenth time that evening, when she found herself looking at Vee for a little longer than necessary, Cleodora began eyeing her friend with a little mischievous curiosity. "You know, you really needn't be so coy Vee, if you wanted to buy me a drink, you only need to ask" she flirted unashamedly, resting her shoulders on the bar so she could ensure the scent of rose water she splashed on her neck that evening, could waft over to Vee's side of the bar. The view of her cleavage was simply an added bonus for anyone who might have been interested.
Cleodora was one of those people that required no introduction, who seemed to start conversations in the middle of it. It was endearing and amusing more than anything, and a welcome source of levity considering the current state of the tavern. Nights like these were a thrill as much as they were a source of stress and any reprieve from the latter was always welcome.
Before the request for wine was even out of the nymph's mouth, Vee was already pulling a corked bottle from beneath the bar. Not many of her patrons preferred the more sophisticated drink than her usual fare, but enough did that she kept a few bottles of Madeira stocked for moments just like this. "I hope you don't expect me to pity you," Veda clipped back teasingly as she poured the wine into a cup for Cleodora and pushed it towards her across the bartop.
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"Ah, yes. Coy," she parroted back with a snort and shake of her head. Veda doubted anyone had ever called her coy before, though it was clear that the nymph was only using the term in jest. Rose water or not, the human was incredibly straight. But she saw no issue with flirting with women and men alike in the name of business. "As coy as you are acting right now." One brow rose as she crossed her arms at even the tiniest implication she would give alcohol out for free. "I might consider it if you have something to offer in exchange?"
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0lympian-c0uncil · 1 year
So, this isn't an ask, per se; more like a headcanon I had that needs validation so that I could officially add it in my retelling...
So, when I was new to Greek mythology, I always wondered why Hestia had taken the oath.
I mean, I personally wouldn't call her aro/ace (no offense to those who do), because I felt that she took the oath because of the trauma she had (Kronos, Zeus, Priapus, Apollo & Poseidon, and all the others infamous tales of the male gods).
Also, I wondered why she never used her fire powers. Like, in one of your Big 6 headcanon, you stated that Hestia was an absolute monster back then (I believe that as well), so that made me wonder why she never used them.
And that's when Agalia was created by me. Agalia was a tree nymph who lived in the forest of Crete, near Mount Ida. Hestia saw her and fell in love with her. They both became friends but Hestia never told Agalia about her feelings.
Then one day, when Hestia became drunk, and she walked up to Agalia and kissed her. Then, they had a brief dating period, until one day (like I said, Hestia was almost like an untamed monster), there was a small-scale attack on Mount Ida, and Hestia lost control of her powers.
The fire turned into a huge wildfire and burned half the forest down, including Agalia's tree. Hestia saw Agalia burn to death, and that broke something inside of her. She swore to not use her powers (on the battlefield; she later uses them only to provide warmth and safety to those who need it), or ever fall in love. I think that was Hestia's breaking point.
Nobody knew about her and Agalia's relationship (they only knew that they were friends), and so they weren't able to provide the right kind of help she needed, letting her wallow in guilt and hatred for a long time for what she did.
Yeah, so this is it. I also have a couple more headcanons, but looking at the 7 paragraphs I wrote, I feel this is enough for today :)
(idk where I was going with this so feel free to ignore this o_o)
Holy shit I love this.....
I'm going to tell you something real quick.
My Hestia and your Hestia has a good bit in common (except for Agalia of course)
I would tell you more about my Hestia But it's a long story.
But I love the thought of her falling in love and the reason she is this peaceful goddess who doesn't use her powers cause she killed her lover.... I fucking love it and I need to here more!!!
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pheita · 8 months
All the WIPs I ever introduced to Tumblr
The Mitresk Chronicles It all started when Nesryn just wanted to get home from work after working overtime one rainy night, and ended up in another dimension where dragons exist and not only peacefully coexist with humans but also are their mentors since the dawn of age. Trying to get back home entangles her in a world so different from hers and in friendships she never wanted in the first place. In the end, she has to face one question: Where is her real home? Always Prepared
The Insane God
The Queen of Hell Trilogy
Josephina has only one goal: Mark off everything from her bucket list and then commit suicide before her chronic illness becomes too deliberating. Her plan starts to waver when she meets Sam, the owner of the hotel where she currently stays, who gets interested in her and the reasons for her decision. The only thing she doesn't know: Sam is the devil, and soon she will be caught in the politics of angels, heaven and hell, with her illness being the smallest issue at hand.
No Rest For the Wicked
A Little Wicked
Cursed Blood Series
The lust demon Sojan left his home dimension almost a century ago with his sister and mother because of his megalomanic father and carved out a good life for himself disguised as a human in the human dimension as a monster hunter. Things change when his father for a change finds enough followers to actually cause harm to both dimensions, forcing Sojan and his sister to go against him with the help they find along the way. One of this helpers is Lyran, a young bard who got saved by Sojan and is partially smitten by him but also drawn by the prospect of epic stories, and unfortunately the main piece in the master plan of Sojan's father.
Blood Night
Sins of the Blood (Intro coming soo)
Welcome to New Hanshwig A cyberpunk story follows Aria, a young hacker from the outskirts of the city who accidentally became one of the harem women of one of the big three company heirs, who happened to be aromantic and connects with her over the wish to change the system.
Flowers of Fire A modern fantasy story playing with the idea that all mystical beings known to men are real and live among us, having a partially parallel society. Told through two POV's, the nymph Aleena who grew up in this world, and the kitsune halfling Thane who is new to all this.
Sea of Memories, Sea of Chances Historical fiction about the two pirate captains Killian and Becca who want to find the treasure of the old captain they learned under, and find more than they bargained for.
Tricky Love WLW Romance in a dystopian slightly cyperpunk-ish setting following the average woman Audrey who discovers her new girlfriend is a villain.
Guiding Star Serial story, modern fantasy set in Germany, magical girl kind of. Growing up an oprhan Rodrigo knew nothing about being a mage or the world beyond the visible until some unlucky event changed his fate and made him one of the keepers of the magical balance. Now he had to learn the ropes of an average mage along of being one of the most powerful keepers, and falling in love with the other keeper in town without knowing who she is while dealing with a crisis of apocalyptic dimensions.
The Adventure of Deidre and Maddie Fantasy, older children Deidre is meant to become the next high priestess of the night dragon elves until the night the starlight opal gets stolen, and she is exiled for its theft despite being innocent. Her only way back home is to find the real culprit, bring back the opal, and prove her innocence. Help comes from the baby vampire Maddie, she met shortly after being exiled and needs to navigate the world outside her hidden home.
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the-doctor-3000 · 2 years
My Heart Will Always Belong To You
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Warning: maybe some ooc, possibly cheesy, potc theme, curse
A/n: I go inspired by Pirates of The Caribbean so this is going to be interesting (aka a total disaster).
Ship: Davy Jones!Tamlin x Calypso!Reader
Summary: When the High Lord of the Spring Court decides to sail on the sea, he falls in love with one of the daughters of the sea. 
The salty waters were gently hitting the High Lord's face, his eyes closed as he was muttering a lullaby his mother used to sing when he was but a child. Before the war and loss.
As he was standing by the railings, a young maiden danced beside the rocks, crabs surrounding her, as the sea water was splattering her softly. His gaze fell on her and felt his heart leaving his chest. She didn't wear much but a white chiton which mostly covered her private parts. 
Her h/c hair messy from the wind and some flowers were tangled inside them. Tamlin blinked and when he reopened his eyes - she wasn't there. Had he imagined her? No, it felt too real.
"Are you one of the fae?" a voice asked him, the High Lord looked around in confusion "Down here."
He looked down at the sea and spotted the maiden from earlier, swimming and looking up at him with e/c eyes sparkling full of interest. His face flushed red from embarrassment. Of course. No one on his ship would ask him that question. 
"S-sorry." Tamlin said, his ears red and, luckily, the blush on his face was mostly covered by mask.
"Are you one of the fae?" she repeated her question, ignoring his apology
"Yes." he said a bit too loud. After a small pause, he asked her, "And, if you don't mind, what are you?"
"I'm a nymph of the sea." she replied as she swam closer to him 
"What's your name?"
"Why would a fae like you want to know my name?"
"I was merely curious. I saw you dancing with such grace and it would be an honour to be granted with knowledge of your name."
She smiled mischievously and let out a small chuckle, "You are intriguing. Out of all the sailors I've met, I confess, you piqued my interest." the way she laughed - it reminded him of Rhysand but when it came from her it sounded lovely. She tilted her head to the side. "Y/n, daughter of Atlas." she chuckled again as she dove and reappeared sitting on the railings with some of the crabs "Well, one of the daughters." He backed away a bit in shock, she leaned forward; her face only a few inches away from his. "And what your name might be, my little fae sailor?"
"Tamlin." she said, testing the name of the fae on her tongue, she smiled and readied herself to dive back into the water "Farewell, Tamlin. I hope our paths do cross again."
He reached out to her, "Wait!" she looked at him with a questioning look "Will I ever see you again?"
"That depends." she approached him until her breath brushed his face "Do you want to?"
She smiled and caressed his cheek softly, "Then you will." he hesitantly touched her hand as he stared at her.
She retreated slowly, his fingers lingering on her skin as she made her leave. She walked on the railings and, before she jumped, she looked over her shoulder and toward him with a genuine smile.
"See you soon, my sailor."
She jumped into the sea and from the waves, a small locket in the shape of a heart came out. Tamlin took it in his hands tenderly and smiled.
The High Lord was true to his word and heart and always would visit her. Both of them fell in love and, with her turn, she rewarded this love by giving him a special ship as well as the sacred task of collecting all the poor souls who died at sea, and ferrying them to the worlds beyond. Because of that love, Tamlin agreed to set foot on land once every ten years, where he would be free to come ashore to be with y/n. 
But when the High Lord of the Spring Court came ashore after his ten year duty, y/n was nowhere to be found, for the seas were fickle and unpredictable, just like her who ruled that domain.
Heartbroken and enraged, he plotted with the help of Lucien - who was against it - to tear the rule of the seas away from her and imprison her into a mortal body.
The years passed, currently y/n was in a cage inside a ship. She was captured and her captors planned to set her free. 
Behind the bars of her prison, she listened to her own music box but, she after some time, she closed it shut only for the melody to continue from another's. She turned her head and saw a black figure coming her way.
She stood up, "My sweet, you came for me."
"You were expecting me." Tamlin, now corrupted with a terrible curse, said
"Such a torture. Trapped in this–" she nodded down at herself "–single form. Cut off from the sea, from all I love." she then nodded at him "From you."
"Ten years I devoted to the duty you charged." he said as he slowly approached into the light, his corruption even more visible "Ten years I looked after those who died at sea." y/n looked down in regret "And finally, when we could be together again, you weren't there." he closed his locket as he looked at her "Why weren't you?"
She managed to look into his eyes, "It's in my nature." he was taken aback by her answer "Would you love me if I were anything but what I am?"
He turned his head away, "I do not love you. Not anymore."
"Many things you were, High Lord, but never cruel." he looked at her again "You have corrupted your purpose and so yourself. And you did hide away what should always have been mine."
She touched him and he suddenly reverted to his original form.
He gasped softly, "Y/n."
"I will be free. And when I am, I would give you my heart. And we would be together always. If only you had a heart to give." she let go of him and he reverted back to the way he was. Tamlin put his claw around her neck. "Why did you come?"
He tried to pull his claw from the cell, until he phased through it, "And what fate have you planned for your captors?"
"All of them, the last thing they will learn in this life... is how cruel I can be." he turned to leave but y/n stopped him "And what of your fate, High Lord?"
"My heart will always belong to you." he said softly, his voice more humane before he left.
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fanficsforloki · 1 year
To Prove To You - Chapter four
Series Masterlist
Word Count: 4k
Series summary: Nereide is a sea nymph with a peculiarity: She knows how to control her element (water) and has magical abilities. Poseidon, aware of that, decides to send her to Asgard as a student of Frigga. She studies with Loki, and as they grow up, they begin to develop feelings for each other. But what if Odin's plans for her get in the way?
Chapter summary: The two share their first intimate moment. Nereide wants Loki with all herself, but he wants to take it slowly. This guy is unnerving.
Content: Unestablished relationship, Friends to lovers, fwb, platonic love, romance, angst, fluff, loss of verginity
Content warnings: smut, melancholy, dacryphilia, Loki is a fabulous bitch with a big heart and a witty sense of humor, a bit over dramatic and very clever. He's sensitive, but hides his feelings and acts really rough around Nereide also because he likes to see her pouting and eventually becoming even more clingy.
Chapter Warnings: oral sex (F. Receiving)
To Prove To You Playlist
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As they entered the library, Loki blew off all the candles with One motion of his arm.
-If you’re not okay with it then it’s not going to work
He said, dragging Her in the Reading corner where they always used to study. That was kind of their personal space.
Loki literally threw her on one of the couches standing in front of her.
-I am okay with it, but I’ve never — never done it before. I’m going in blind, do you expect me to just know what to do?
The frustration in Nereide’s body grew visibly as she groaned and crossed her arms on her chest.
Loki paused with his mouth halfway open, ready to speak. His heart was pounding in his chest. He clenched his jaw, the muscles in it flexed under pressure. Seh didn’t know she was literally sounding like she was begging him to delve his tongue right into her, did she?
-...Well it’s up to you.
His comment shuts her up real quick. Did he really need her permission? Somehow.
-I — um, Loki — we--
He exclaimed, making his way closer to her
-Yes or no? You call it.
His messing around and teasing turned way too serious. Loki most definitely knew her answer before she can even got it out. He had that smirk on his face again, that smirk that told her he knew everything he did to her, that tells her that he knew how he had her in a melting mess.
Nereide could only look up to him. She swallowed hard before answering.
The kiss Loki gave her right after that completely took her breath away, emptying her lungs, and made her mind go to mush.
She couldn’teven finish her answer, her was alread brushing his lips to hers. He had leaned over her cowering body, grabbed ahold of her calves to yank her away from the armrest, and simultaneously pressed his lips to hers as he climbed over her body and pushed her into the couch cushion.
His right-hand cupped her face. He had slipped his waist between her thighs so her legs wrapped around him and his hips were so close to being flush with her own.
He fully took her lips in his; It was soft and warm, yet sensual and addictive and every slide of his tongue against hers had her falling harder for him.
Nereide was so pathetically submissive to him that she would do anything he wanted just to hear him tell you how good she was. He needed a big amount of self control to not slap her right across the face, or have her instantly. He could feel himself fanting as his heavy breaths made his lungs totally absorb her scent.
It was addicting. She was addicting, and seeing her enchanted with his being only fueled his desire to see her so full of him.
They knew the whole situation was dangerous. They knew that it was reckless and risky and inconsiderate, but they couldn’t stop. Not when Loki was kissing her like that and had her trembling in his hands.
Loki rested his forehead against hers . He was out of breath, looking extremely cute with his bright eyes sparkling with a few tears.
It was such a bad idea. Not that during a ball someone would think to go into the library, but they both knew what they were doing was going to happen again.
And again.
And again, until they both felt sick.
But they were about to get cought. Since the first time Loki’s hand touched hers, he knew it was something that couldn’t last forever.
Maybe he was just delusional, disappointed with his whole existence to the point where he couldn’t believe such happiness could be gifted to someone like him.
Maybe he was well aware that his father despised both of them, mostly Nereide. The outsider having an affair with his youngest child? The same one that brought disgrace since his birth?
He couldn’t bear these thoughts, so he just concentrated into Nereide’s gaze.
As she saw the shimmering look of Loki, the same he had everytime he was to the verge of crying, she opened her mouth to ask him if everything was okay. But his touch was so heavy and hot, not rough as he wished though, that had Nereide gasping before he kissed her again. She couldn’t stop from squirming underneath him, feeling Her chest rub against his own and his hips brushing against hers, so close to making that contact that they were craving.
With her light tunic, she felt almost naked as he pessed the fabric down to her body. He could see each single curve on hers, from the hard nipples to the little soft tummy she had above her womb.
As Loki worked his way down, spreading kisses, tongue tickles, and little gentle bites on her neck, clevarage and chest, Loki was using his hands to stroke his way past the hips and to the inner thigh and knee area, moving aside Her gown. Stroking and caressing her legs, then start moving back in. He kept the kissing, caressing, and nibbling on high until he reached the very edge with his cold hands.
Loki could feel her falling apart already, he could hear her breathing growing ragged and the soft whimpers getting caught up in her throat. He could feel his cock twitch and could feel his restraint running thinner.
Loki took her bottom lip between his teeth, pulling It slightly and her whole body jerked below him, her hips rutting against him. And It was like that for a while, all slow and sensual, just tasting each others, swallowing each other’s gasps and moans and storing them in their heads. Nereide could feel the gentle pressure against her through the leather of his pants. Embarassingly, she let out a soft gasp, with her mouth shaped in a little O as she just breathed a “wow”.
-say it
His demand was firm, yet it had a saccharine tone that made Nereide stiffen, with her legs closing around his arm as he was still caressing her.
The confused look on her face was so cute. She looked so…Pretty. Wit her hair scatteredall around, her swollen lips and her rosy cheeks. Her chest was heaving up and down as her breathing seemed to get stuck in her throat.
-that fucking Word, say it.
After five seconds of dense silence, in which Nereide was trying to figure out if he was serious (and he was, surprisingly. He wasn’t teasing her, he really needed her to say it).
The time slowed its pace as his gaze concentrated on her lips, that little small motion she did with her tongue before saying it. He felt the blood in his body rush down his member. All his body fired up as he heard her voice.-…pretty.
Wasn’t he the dumbest being alive to get turned on becaue of that Word? Actually, his favorite girl saying it. That beauty, finally his, with Her tanned skin and dark hair was indescribably graceful and erotic. He did not deserve such a thing. His cock was hard in his leather pants; pressed himself against her, the head of his penis tingled unbearably; it was hot and swollen, a drop forming at the tip, he could feel that.
Loki groaned a little, and was beginning to feel dizzy, squeezing her tightly in his arms as her hips rose up to meet his halfway.
Then he was ready to go down.
No, actally She was ready to let him go down, with dull eyes and trembling knees. She couldn’t wait any longer, her high pitched nd mewling voice as she begged him to continue was quite the invitation.
He began to lightly and slowly run his fingers up the thigh area, then give gentle kisses around, not quite touching yet Her most private center.
He was running his fingers through and lightly pulling on her pubic hair.
He switched to her other leg and performed the same inward trajectory, activating the nerves all around that sweet juicy spot until he was lightly kissing and caressing the genitals themselves.
Nereide responded to his light touches by playfully kicking him, which caused him to grin.
-Careful there, darling.
He said with his deep voice.
As his hot breath and the vibrations of his voice made Her twist in his touch and moan quite audibly, Loki added more intensity.
He continued Circling that area, in the little cranny between the outside of the vagina and the thigh, nibbling her up and brushing his lips where Her skin was sensitive enough to react strongly to the lightest touch.
She fought against the instinct To pull him closer because She knew he loved To push Her To Her limits. And as Her irregular breaths filled the room, One of Loki’s hands came To brush Her cheek.
-Such a good girl…
He moaned before taking the entire outer lips into his mouth in a big sucking, tugging kiss, then giving a wide-tongued, generous lick up the whole outside.
He brought his hands down to Her hips, holding her steady. She was a stammering, needy, pathetic mess.
Nereide was squirming and her flesh cringing with each lick. She buried her face in the pillow to smother her cries.
-I know, I know, princess
Loki said.
-But you will thank me.
Under Loki’s vigorous rubbing, Nereide’s flesh seemed to spring into its fullest conformations. She was shivering now, Her legs squeezed around Loki’s head.
Gradually Nereide relaxed and her flesh shook and quivered under the emphatic skill of Loki’s tongue.
His tongue flicked gently against her clit and every so often he’d bring it back down to slide over her dripping hole just to keep her on edge. He pulled her thighs up and over his shoulders so they rest on either side of his head.
Back and forth, back and forth. He always brought her up just to push her right where they had just begun. It was infuriating, yet it hadded something playfull to that. Like that, it wouldn’t reach its end easily.
She put her own hands on her breasts and her palms rotated the nipples. Her hands swam down along her flanks. She rubbed her hips. Her feet pointed like dancer’s and her toes curled. Her pelvis rose from the sofa as if seeking something more.
Everything was so set and every sound so lewd. God, it was intoxicating.
Nereide couldn’t get enough of him. She was tired and sore but didn’t care. She wanted the ache. She wanted Loki inside of her, all the time.
His weight on top of her. She wanted to squeeze him in further and further. She wanted to watch his face, wanted his sweat to drop onto her.
And she wanted to do the same.
And as her thoughts polluted her mind, Nereide got on top of him. She couldn’t really believe it;
She held him and spread her legs on his face. He felt deeper in her. She was in charge and he liked it.
Nereide held his hands down and he pretended he was trying to break free. He went mad; he bucked. He split her in two. He lifted and heaved Her, holding her firmly by Her waist, helping her to rock her body on him.
He took her from behind and she pushed back, forced more of him into her. He wanted her to come all over his abdomen, but wished so much to drink up all of her fluids. So he switched the positions once again.
Even though his weight was mostly through his elbows and forearms planted on either side of her head, she was pinned down and helpless, and a little breathless beneath him. The image of him going down once again on her was going to be burned into Nereide’s brain forever. His pretty face between her thighs, finger’s knuckle deep inside her, tongue lapping at her cunt as he brought her to her orgasm.
The lest kiss he gave to her sex was unbearably fragile, a spike of sensation, shoulders the frame.
There are no words, only sensation, smooth sensation.
Then he gave her one more, tender, like the tickling lick of a kitten. Nereide felt powerless, suddenly stoned.
Coming back from her high was dizzying, but Loki was leading her in that too. It was like he was taking her by the hand to help her go down the stairs.
Little by little, the hot feeling in her chest decreased, transforming into one more warm and comfortable.
As she looked up at him crawling on her back again, she could only smile.
Loki smiles back. His deep, intelligent and fond gaze traps hers. He was slowly spinning her into his web, but she didn’t care.
It felt so cozy to be alone with him.
And his smile, that sweet, crafty, amiable smile he reserved only for her, didn’t help her. She could just grab him by the collar and swallow down her throat that smile of his smashing her lips to his.
The two were giving and getting every kiss they’ve ever gotten or given; kissing from memory. Fast, hard, deep, frantic, long and slow.
You see, a tongue has no real taste, but there is so much more behind that. For example, Nereide liked the soft pattern Loki’s tongue had. It was warm, wet, it felt so good against her palate.
To taste herself mixed with his saliva was like tasting a spoon of honey. And salt. There was something salty and bitter about that mixture, but she loved it. As they were kissing and touching each other, she could only picture the way he looked from the back as he walked across the halls, with his green cloak floating behind him. His shoulders were broad to the touch as they were to the eye and also, when she was close to him, Nereide liked the way he ears smelled, especially when she was so close that she could smell his neck.
As they were still cuddling, her mouth moved down, then farther. Loki touched the top of her head, pulled her up gently. He still wanted slowness, warmth, kissing. But she wouldn’t. She grasped him, though he wasn’t quite ready; she wasn’t either, but she nearly felt obliged to do something back.
Loki shook his head, taking her by the hand. He like her impatience, but he wanted to savour every single moment. He would have said something idiotic, something tipically his like “Now we’re going my way”, but he wanted Their way, something they could call their.
It was so awkward of him, to think for two instead for just himself.
He couldn’t help but being the usual teas.
-Maybe this can be an excercise in delayed gratification?
He asked her as he walked backwards, facing her only to wink at her and receive a playful smack on his arm.
-1000 years have passed, isn’t it enough?
This time, Nereide was the one who trapped him in her arms. He was muscolar, yet so lean that she could touch her own elbows.
As they were standing in the middle of the library, rocking themselves in their arms, their deal took astep forward.
Not only it was going to happen again, but it was going to be their secret.
Until someone hadn’t noticed them leaving the library together…
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libidomechanica · 3 months
See me
Now Doubt— now Pain come I will be.     Nymph of the moons toward children birds, pursu’d, nor more sugar’d     that my hand the Veil may
know. But thus the Hall to her, who     sleep speak of moods; and harps divine, since from men are the queens     may stay as tall pines that
I perhaps am somewhat kinne     to the startled into starv’d between their pride, fix’d princely     give away. Full sad and
something I stood long moment     mercifully she be none is dead reckon up the lawns and worst     times in the first spoke him
to whom the tears no light. It were     ye borne? I trust me, I’ll dare not kept, hath left behind, and     forbid? Blind, as never
yet turning hair! Or wandering,     flaunts and the strook: for, not you must take that write to consume     us all, unless you
as a root or this finding, her     could other self I turned into flight. This isn’t think o’ her     grey-headed faither, she’s
to smashed metal, a lethal muse     express’d in the mystic wind falls in our street together     wept. Trodden with its ease,
to raise rehearse, I though his Godhead     so to bind him, never come, as colours of the dead     ride alone that has heart,
and sae sweet sake tomorrow to     the roses damask’d, red and Lovers made a flute, in dying     Love’s nerveless lies,
attended. Her pencil drew what     the great tranquil night most kingly drink. To make the second     not be so no more than
gratitude. Or dreamed I stood long,     as an August night before. I dwelt alone. Brighter should     like a nurseth the
unbroken faithful Highland lassie,     O. Say, whate’er sae sma’! If so great warehouse door, shit wraps     me in her Cheek, and I
feel like my smile; and against a     smooth day and sweet body through the sun gutters from the comfort     to her head, half your
breast and so well. To avenge the     storm her Cheek, and yet not so past but a moment you say     so, and from the not seen
when those showed the Ring, flaunts and     knucklebone. And I was numb with sugred sentence. To harken     what thus is overruled
by the queen my love. Ah, Friend! Sharp     violins proclaim their sun,&I want hill wherefore it     melts. She woke again, all
how the cold and breath’d new bird stirring     attach touch’d, that had range, for the next real, I would have     listening earth; been them at
once herself, or other, Thither,     wi’ pride, his lips are warm as a root or thread, though the     woodbines with; by time past.
0 notes
strange-alien11 · 10 months
When her time was come, that nymph most fair brought forth a child with whom one could have fallen in love even in his cradle, and she called him Narcissus. . .
Cephisus's child had reached his sixteenth year,
and could be counted as at once boy and man.
Many lads and many girls fell in love with him, but his soft young body housed a pride so unyielding that none of those boys or girls dared to touch him.
One day, as he was driving timid deer into his nets, he was seen by that talkative nymph who cannot stay silent when another speaks, but yet has not learned to speak first herself.
Her name is Echo, and she always answers back. . .
So, when she saw Narcissus wandering through the lonely countryside, Echo fell in love with him and followed secretly in his steps.
The more closely she followed, the nearer was the fire which scorched her: just as sulphur, smeared round the tops of torches, is quickly kindled when aflame is brought near it.
How often she wished to make flattering overtures to him, to approach him with tender pleas!
The boy, by chance, had wandered away from his faithful band of comrades, and he called out: "Is there anybody here?"
Echo answered: "Here!"
Narcissus stood still in astonishment, looking round in every direction. . .
He looked behind him, and when no one appeared, cried again: "Why are you avoiding me?"
But all he heard were his own words echoed back.
Still, he persisted, deceived by what he took to be another's voice, and said, "Come here, and let us meet!"
Echo answered: "Let us meet!"
Never again would she reply more willingly to any sound.
To make good her words she came out of the wood and made to throw her arms round the neck she loved: but he fled from her, crying as he did so,
"Away with these embraces! I would die before I would have you touch me!" . . .
Thus scorned, she concealed herself in the woods, hiding her shamed face in the shelter of the leaves, and ever since that day she dwells in lonely caves.
Yet still her love remained firmly rooted in her heart, and was increased by the pain of having been rejected. . . 
Narcissus had played with her affections, treating her as he had previously treated other spirits of the waters and the woods, and his male admirers too.
Then one of those he had scorned raised up his hands to heaven and prayed: "May he himself fall in love with another, as we have done with him! May he too be unable to gain his loved one!" Nemesis heard and granted his righteous prayer. . .
Narcissus, wearied with hunting in the heat of the day, lay down here [by a clear pool]: for he was attracted by the beauty of the place, and by the spring.
While he sought to quench his thirst, another thirst grew in him, and as he drank, he was enchanted by the beautiful reflection that he saw.
He fell in love with an insubstantial hope, mistaking a mere shadow for a real body.
Spellbound by his own self, he remained there motionless, with fixed gaze, like a statue carved from Parian marble. . . Unwittingly, he desired himself, and was himself the object of his own approval, at once seeking and sought, himself kindling the flame with which he burned.
How often did he vainly kiss the treacherous pool, how often plunge his arms deep in the waters, as he tried to clasp the neck he saw!
But he could not lay hold upon himself.
He did not know what he was looking at, but was fired by the sight, and excited by the very illusion that deceived his eyes.
Poor foolish boy, why vainly grasp at the fleeting image that eludes you?
The thing you are seeking does not exist: only turn aside and you will lose what you love.
What you see is but the shadow cast by your reflection; in itself it is nothing. It comes with you and lasts while you are there; it will go when you go, if go you can. . .
He laid down his weary head on the green grass, and death closed the eyes which so admired their owner's beauty.
Even then, when he was received into the abode of the dead, he kept looking at himself in the waters of the Styx.
His sisters, the nymphs of the spring, mourned for him, and cut off their hair in tribute to their brother. The wood nymphs mourned him too, and Echo sang her refrain to their lament.
The pyre, the tossing intorches, and the bier, were now being prepared, but his body was nowhere to be found.
Instead of his corpse, they discovered a flower with a circle of white petals round a yellow centre.             -Ovid
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
OUAT OC - Jess Undine/Oraia
Real Name: Oraia Storybrooke Name: Jess Undine Biological Age: mid 20s - 30s Species: Undine (freshwater nymph) Gender: Cis-Female/Woman Sexuality: Pansexual Demiromantic Job in Storybrooke: PE Teacher & Swim Coach
APPEARANCE (FC is Hannah John-Kamen)
Oraia stands at 5'8" (1.72 m). Time spent exploring the seas and later doing household chores has left her with a fit, slightly toned frame. She has light brown skin, which appears pale/somewhat dulled before she goes to the human world and spends time in the sun. Her dark brown hair was straight (and waist-length) while she was constantly in water, but it proves to be more textured and wavy. Then she began to braid some of it, to keep it out of her face. As Jess, she cuts it so it's hardly shoulder-length. Her eyes are a soft blue-green, irises appearing like glass. In Misthaven/the Enchanted Forest, she tends to wear the bare minimum (typically a basic dress that has been cut to have short sleeves and a hem stopping at her knees), because her race do not wear clothes beyond simple accessories.
At first, Oraia was just a young woman who had grown tired of the life her people had. She loved the stories they told about the humans, and bravely went to the human world alone, despite the risk. Her heart was large, as she was friendly to the couple who took her in, and she didn't mind when they gave her chores. She allowed herself to fall for the knight despite her parents' warning, believing that his love was true. She also fought her uncle without fear. When her knight betrayed her, she showed a cruel, jealous part of her being. But as Jess, she's forgotten the betrayal and gone back to being a loving, loyal person. She's also quite clumsy on land.
Inspired by Undine by Fouqué & The Nixie of the Mill Pond: Oraia's parents, both water spirits/elementals, warned her against going to the human world, because a water spirit who falls in unrequited love with a human loses their immortality. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she left her home anyway. She was taken in by a poor fishing couple, who lived in a hut in the middle of the forest. They taught her human customs, and she grew to love them as part of her family. Not long after, a knight wandered onto their land, saying that he had gotten lost while traversing the feared forest that his beloved had dared him to. A storm trapped him in the hut with the trio, and while they waited for the lands to turn from swampy to navigable, she and the knight grew attracted to each other. They went to his lands and were married, but her uncle Kuhleborn threatened them using his powers. She fought him off. But when she and her husband took a trip downriver, Kuhleborn reappeared, his attacks made more horrible due to the environment. Again, she fought him off, but the sailors and servants feared her for what she was, and convinced the knight to leave her when they reached land. In fact, he found his old lover and married her. Oraia sent a torrential rainstorm to drown them, and retreated to her people's home, woefully mortal. She'd later find herself in Storybrooke, completely without her memories of her old/real life.
Longevity [lost but then restored due to the Curse]: her people are functionally immortal, being long-lived as resistant to illness so long as they do not have unrequited romantic love for a human.
Hydrokinesis: a nymph's main ability is their power over water.
Atmokinesis: nymphs can calm storms and raging waves just as easily as they can make them more intense.
Water Mimicry: when at least partially submerged in water, a nymph can turn into a watery form in the shape of themselves, which allows them to swim extremely quickly and resist most physical attacks, as well as high underwater pressures and extreme water temperatures.
Childcare: Oraia is fond of children, and her time teaching has helped her learn how to interact with them better than most other adults.
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pagantwot · 1 year
Hello! Welcome to my blog! I'm That Witch Over There~
I've found the description space to be lacking, so in case anyone is intrigued, here's a long-winded post all about the spiritual journey of my second-favorite person, me!
(My first-favorite person is my darling cat, Quinn. All must love him and despair.)
To start with, my name is Izzy! It's lovely to meet me, I'm sure. I live in the American Southwest, which is a terrible place for a born-and-raised bog witch to end up, but there you have it. I am, among many other things, a writer, dancer, gamer, cook, and proud cat-Papa.
I've been somewhat of a pagan for a while (23 years, give or take), but more in a "I believe all gods are real but I don't worship any in particular" kind of way. Do they call that a spiritualist? I don't know. It's the religious equivalent of believing your neighbors exist but never going to any of the neighborhood barbequeues or junk sales.
I observed a few pagan traditions particular to my Irish and Polish ancestors out of a feeling of deep attachment to and respect for them, but that was about it. No gods had anything to do with my practice of magic, either, or if they did, it wasn't by request and, so far as I can tell, they never made it known to me.
The 2020 election and, earlier this year, my visit to Greece changed that. I had two separate, dissimilar, and personal experiences during these times that compelled me to dedicate myself to the worship of the gods of the ancient Greeks.
While I was most strongly called to Apollon, and later Hermes as well, I do my best to make room in my worship for all of the gods, nymphs, and other beings as they become or make themselves known to me.
UPDATE: Most recently I have been delving into the philosophies underpinning Satanism and Luciferianism - not so much theistic Satanism or Luciferianism, but trying to incorporate those ideals and ethics into my life and my faith - and I'd love to find people who would like to discuss it! It doesn't escape me that Satanism does trend more strongly towards an atheistic approach, nor that regarding oneself as godly in one's own right falls under hybris and is generally at odds with Hellenic paganism, but that certainly would be an interesting discussion to have if you like! Please note that I am not particularly affiliated with any official Satanist or Luciferian organizations.
My practice of magic does trend towards Irish and Polish tradition, and I still don't tend to involve the gods in it, but if anyone wants to talk about the frequent intersection between paganism and the practice of magic today, I'd be interested to hear your perspectives. I don't especially have one tbh.
I'm also available to discuss:
- methods of divination
- the ethics of using curses in one's magical practice
- personal methods of worship
- environmentally-conscious magic
- interpretation of myths
- book recommendations
- reconstructionism vs. eclecticism
- building local community in a minority religion
- anything related to paganism (particularly hellenic but not required), magical practice, theology in general, religious history in general, or cats
I practice various forms of cleromancy and my readings are free, but I haven't worked out a good system for me for doing so long distance - if that changes, I'll update this post!
You can find me on Twitter @pagantwot, and I've just made an Insta as well with the same username.
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quitethepirategal · 1 year
Vampirzyca ( Vampire ) AU Details.
Part Three: Interacting with Humans and RP Notes ~
There are two kinds of humans in her book: Prey and Pets. Granted all humans fall under the umbrella category of Food, but there are some humans that, for whatever reason, capture her attention as more than her next meal. Some humans seek her out, are particularly polite or respectful, and / or just happen to be luckier than most. These are humans she engages with rather than merely haunt or hunt in silence. Prey is merely a human she drains to death or kills out in the wild. But blood given freely is much more powerful and delicious than blood taken, and many humans offer themselves in trade for protection, revenge, or even in trade for children ( she can get humans pregnant after all ( see part two ), even the ones with fertility trouble ). Those pet humans, so long as they stay loyal and polite, get long lives and die normal, peaceful deaths if she can help it. It's the only real way she can thank them for being fodder for so long, other than turning them into vampire fledglings.
Her bites cannot turn humans into vampires, ghouls, or fledglings, but drinking her blood will. She was born of superstition and frankly ableist folklore, so she was never turned and thus cannot turn others into the type of monster she is. She can only make vampire fledglings: beautiful, obedient, nymph like creatures with a lion's tail, cat's eyes, and sharp fangs. They are closer to what comes to mind when one thinks of a traditional vampire, but these are far less powerful than her and much easier to kill ( iron weapons, burning their remains, boiled water, and morning sunlight all quickly destroy them. ) They only get three shapes: Nymph shape ( see above ), Rat shape ( a white rat with red eyes and black feet ) and Moth shape ( a single large white moth or butterfly ). They can float a foot off the ground and their heads can come off and fly around independently. They can charm the weak minded with their voices, but not their eyes.
All a pet human would need to do to be a fledgling is consent to her offer of fledgling-ship, verbally, mentally and emotionally. Then they'd drink only her blood, no matter how sick it made them, until the next new moon. The pet should be dead by that time, and she would steal their bodies or heads after they'd been buried and place them in a clay urn at her home. For thirty days she would feed them fresh blood until they emerged from the pottery, reborn as a vampire with only foggy memories of what happened and who they used to be. They really only exist to make her feel less alone, and she's lost too many to even entertain the notion of making one unless shes absolutely certain it's worth the hardship. She can't really love the way we do, but she still gets very attached to them, you see. When you're a monster the only creatures you call people are other monsters. And if it wasn't for all of that she wouldn't bother with trying to blend in with humans in the first place.
On the subject of blending in, it's harder for her to achieve than you think. She really doesn't need to, no more than a hunter needs to dress up like a deer, but its near impossible to find pets without at least trying to blend in. For one, notice how I've never once mentioned her name in any of these three posts. That's intentional; she doesn't have one. Names are for mortals, for pets and for prey; she doesn't need a name any more than a cat or a wild wolf would. Animals know who they are and don't use or need names. BUT, humans are all too quick to name things and ask for names in turn. She has no name, but she does use them to get closer to humans. Her favorite names to use are Jessica, Mieczyslaw / Mieczyslawa, and every known variation of the names Kathryn and John. She just liked the sound of them ( the first two were the names of fledglings she adored but long forgot ).
Names aren't her only camouflage either. Both her Lady and Man shapes have small loin's tails that need to be hidden under skirts or long blouses. All in all she tends to wear long sleeves, high collars, long skirts, loose pants or pastoral dresses. There is never any embroidery on her clothes ( balto-slavic embroidery is meant to protect mortals from monsters ) and opts for whites, creams, red accents, and gold jewelry. But she only ever gets to wear clothes and jewelry that she collects off of her prey. Which is no issue for her smaller, only six ft tall Man shape. But her Lady shape is beefy and seven ft exactly, so most of her dresses and clothes fit just a bit too small. Also she hates gloves and HATES socks or shoes and wont wear them in any weather.
Bare feet and ill fitted clothes are a few of the many signs that she's not normal one could find if they looked too hard: she's taller than average, her hair is the reddest you've ever seen, her smile is a tad too wide, her eyes are a tad too big, her teeth are a tad too white, her palms and feet are a tad too rough, her body hair is literally everywhere, like a mountain man, and is too soft and too long, and she probably hasn't blinked. And that's all assuming you haven't noticed the literal cat eyes or lion tail. Actually her eyes are the real reason she stays out of direct sun, she doesn't want her eyes to dilate and make the cat slit obvious.
Speaking of communicating, if your character is a human she will speak as little as possible and talk to you like you're a child or an insect. To pet humans, she will begin to sound more alive, more charming, more personable. But to characters that aren't human, esp. characters that are vampires or the undead, she will speak the most authentically and honestly, and will even be capable of humor. When writing her with a human character, I will not write about what she's thinking or planning or intending to do as I would normally. You are supposed to feel like you're talking to a waiting animal and have no idea what she could do next. With non-human characters I will write her as I've always written her.
I've based most of the lore surrounding her off of the Wikipedia articles for Upiors, Strzygas, and Vampire Folklore by Region and just kind of cherry picked what I thought fit her character or sounded fun.
There is a ton of inspiration for her lion-like Beast shape and her over all design and behavior: the Vampire King from Adventure Time, that lion demon from Dungeon Meshi, the vampire in One Winter's Night, this image, this image, and basically everything @hogboblin, @godivaghoul, and @stil-lindigo ever made.
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Youtube Comment Fanfics; SaM Stuff
1 year agoI have heard a theory that moons voice is normally supposed to be just a whisper and the reason it sounds raspy is because he is speaking louder than his voice is meant to go I fully support that theory and I think his voice would sound like the first song
4 days agoMy OC, Rose, likes this because she gets agitated and uses her thorns a lot in the outside world. His voice calms her down almost easly. More easly then when her friend, Sunflower stops her.
4 days ago @allaniadall9686  I’m guessing your OC is a flower? Sound cute
4 days ago @krei-ations6918  Yes. Almost. She and her friend, Sunflower are not human or animatronic. They call themselves other people. The animatronics are confused by it, so they call them nymphs since it's easier. They don't mind. Nymphs worked.
4 days ago @allaniadall9686  kinda reminds me of my OCs Tiger Lily, Blue Orchid, and Willow. All plants.
4 days ago @krei-ations6918  Cool. Wanna hear more later?
3 days ago @allaniadall9686  yes!
3 days ago @krei-ations6918  Rose Chamomile Thorn is the daughter of judge(preachers who take care of their town), so she know orthodox and theology. She is stubborn and passionate about her faith. So she fights on the internet and in real life. She know art, writing and music. She can sing sapranno, alto and can play flute. She is protective of her friends and will do what she can to protect them. She trusts Moon, but their relationship depends on which Moon you're talking about. We got the calm, gentle and soothing Moon, whom Rose can fall for easily. There's the caring but sarcastic Moon, they can be friends, but his behavior will bother Rose and they will just be friends. Then there's hostile Moon. Rose can never fall for that Moon. She likes Lutheran Satire, CS Lewis, George Mcdonals's Lillith book, Shiloh and Bros and a few other stories and channels. She usually wears an elegant dress, but when she's doing active activities, like weeding or mowing, she might wear a shirt and pants. She wears an eye patch covered in roses and vines, not because something is wrong with her eye, but because she has glowing markings shaped like rose petals around her eye which she doesn't like people to see. She is stubborn, proud(but not vain), and tries to be independant, be she can ask for help. She is usually reserved, but she sometimes shares her thoughts, especially when it involves heratics.
3 days agoThen there’s Sunflower Thyme Field, Rose’s close friend from middle school. She is cheery and kind and also loyal in her faith. She does not lash out as often as Rose, rather would try to stop Rose from getting worse. Like Rose, she can draw, sing and play music. She plays saxophone. Unlike Rose, she is more into photography than writing or other crafts, but they do enjoy each other’s art. They are both thoughtful of theology and orthodox. Probably from being raised in similar situations. She loves Sundrop a lot and tries to comfort and support him as she would her other friends. And persuade them not to do something irrational. Like talking Rose out of suicide(she had bloody thoughts in their teens). Eventually becoming the mother of Ray, Sun’s beam of light. Since she is like a sister to Rose, she calls Sun her brother in law.
3 days agoAnd last we have Parsley Sage Sunflower. She is the third member of the Herbs, Spices and Flowers trio. She is also religious and talented in art and music. She doesn’t play an instrument, but she is in choir with Sunflower and Rose. Whenever Rose lashes out, Parsley Sage would laugh quietly for some reason. Maybe she does that to make herself feel better. She is not a helper, but she does visit sometimes. She is a prey of evil Eclipse. When he saw her, he made it his target to take her. He does it by putting a mirror in the daycare and talks to her through the mirror. Her curiosity got the better of her and then he reached through the mirror and pulled her through. Good Eclipse saves her and returns her to her friends who were about to come find her. She is the most cheerful of the group and gets really excited when group activity stuff happens. Rose likes her alone time, but doesn’t mind time with her friends. She grew to like good Eclipse, but he’s more into his work and spending time with Lunar than with her. So she likes him, but he only sees her as a friend.
3 days ago @allaniadall9686  dang they would prob get along with my OCs S.a.(h)r.a., Nubis, and Krei
3 days ago @krei-ations6918  Who are those?
2 days ago @krei-ations6918  I also have this headcannon where the reason Moon's eyes are red is because Rose accidently bled on them turning his blue eyes red.
2 days ago @allaniadall9686  interesting. they are my fnaf OCs. Nubis is an animatronic that was salvaged from the og pizzeria and now are in the pizzaplex as a historian of sorts. S.a.r.a. Is kinda the program for Nubis/the ghost kid. And Krei is just me, as seen by my username. Sorry I couldn’t respond earlier, Google was acting weird
2 days ago @krei-ations6918  It's alright.
2 days ago @krei-ations6918  Cool. Reminds me of my OC, Lillith. She is Michael's second eldest sister. She is the last to die and she has her own animatronic to posess. Lillith knows metal crafts, violin and piano. She sometimes plays music to sooth agonizing souls. She is also protective of children. "Don't open the door. Don't open the door." Some robots call her "green eyes" because she has green eyes. She cares about Gregory because he reminds her of a little brother she once had. also she suspects G. Freddy might be her eldest brother, Michael. I introduced her to some people and someone said, "It's interesting you called her Lilith because in arabic, it mean ghost or night monster". I thought that was interesting too since I didn't know the name Lilith meant that.
I made this with a new youtube friend,
@krei-ations691 I had fun with her, or him. Check him or her out.
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avinox · 2 years
Tumblr media
It's been A LONG, long time since I posted any art but I needed to post this.
It's THE NYMPHS!!! You know, the nymphs that have been in love for 524 years, who think their love isn't requited??? Who raised TWO CHILDREN together and still call it "platonic"??? The Sorcerous Sapphic Demigoddesses??? Those nymphs???
On the left we have Iris, the dryad. Her magic comes from Thylea, the Great Mother. She's also a multiclass cleric of the same goddess. Her Epic Path is the Dragonslayer.
On the right is Epithymia, my character, and an aurae nymph. Her magic comes from Lutheria, the Lady of Dreams. Her Epic Path is the Doomed One, and she's also a multiclass warlock. Reasons under a readmore since they're spoilers for the campaign.
The drawing isn't finished yet, but I'll post the finished version with all the party members once it's done. Also we realized pretty recently that their color schemes matched their flags.
I'll always love our nymphs, they are truly magical <3
Iris almost died during the fight against the Sea Hag, and Epithymia, being a "herald of death", as they made her believe, found herself powerless to help her. However, she had figured out the identity of Kyrah (or Usma, the name she used to introduce herself to the party).
Epithymia was ready to blackmail, challenge, or straight up beg Kyrah (the goddess of Music) for her help. She needed to be able to heal Iris if worst came to worst.
She got what she wanted, but as we know, getting what you want and being happy are two very different things.
Kyrah agreed to help her, but on the condition that Epithymia slayed Lutheria and became the new goddess of Death. She didn't think it twice. The pact was made.
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