#the old guard anniversary
maarigolds · 1 year
Happy third birthday to the best movie ever made!!! To celebrate I did a thing
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zairaalbereo · 3 months
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Come back to me!
I know, I know. This has been done. Many times. (Hell, I have done it.)
But there’s a reason why that moment in movie history meant so much to so many of us. And four years later, it still means so much to me.
Because The Old Guard didn’t just do the bare minimum and acknowledge that gay people exist, it gave us immortal warriors. It made Joe and Nicky that couple — soulmates with an epic backstory of falling in love with your enemy. It let them be deeply and passionately in love. On screen. In the most romantic and badass way possible.
And then it gave those roles to Luca and Marwan, who gave it their all and managed to bring that to life in so many small, yet impactful, ways. I will forever be grateful for that. Nothing comes close.
So happy birthday, TOG fandom! 💗
(And let’s hope next year we have one more movie to celebrate. 🙏)
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starchyeah · 2 months
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Now you're runnin' out of power // Leave you mangled and winding away
(portrait vers. under cut)
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available on inprnt!
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chicalepidoptera · 1 year
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Happy 3d anniversary of The Old Guard! 😁💜
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Happy 4th Anniversary 💕
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not-xpr-art · 1 year
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Nile Freeman - MS Paint sketch ~
nile was the only member of the old guard who i hadn't drawn which is a TRAVESTY so here she is!! ms paint's brushes give such a fun and textured look which i felt suited nile perfectly!
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goldheartedsky · 3 months
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All and More
I have absolutely nothing to say for this except the horny brainworms took over. Please enjoy the art (and PLEASE open cautiously. It’s a LOT.)
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isabellehemlock · 1 year
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I like to consider August 6th my fandom anniversary because that's when I posted my first fic on AO3. I definitely lurked before then, did some OC rping on other sites, but yeah like making creations in fandom spaces?? Yup, only three years ago 🤗
I've celebrated that anniversary in various ways (writing prompts, drawing prompts, memes, reflection posts, etc etc). And this year I thought it might be fun to ask for some feedback, so here's the poll 😎
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silverwingwashere · 1 year
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"Of all the wars I have waged
To propel my nations might
For this I'll be remembered
From now 'till the end of time
If To the victor goes the spoils
I may die an impoverished man
For in the end irony
Has dealt the cruelest hand"
- Waterloo by Iced Earth
On this day, 208 years ago, the battle of Waterloo was fought. This engagement was part of the Hundred Days campaign, in which the newly returned French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, attempted to regain control of France and secure his reign. Fearing another attempt by Napoleon to conquer Europe, various European nations formed the Seventh Coalition.
At first, the tides of war seemed to be in Napoleon's favor as he defeated a Prussian force in the battle of Ligny on June 16. Meanwhile, on that same day, Marshal Ney, commanding the left wing of the army, defeated an Anglo-Dutch force at the battle of Quatre Bras.
Napoleon would then detach the right wing of his army to pursue to retreating Prussians, while he and the army reserves joined Marshal Ney's left wing to pursue the Anglo-Dutch force. This latter force, under the command of Sir Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington, would eventually halt their march on a ridge south of the town of Waterloo. There, Wellington, a commander who is a master of defense, decided to hold his ground and prevent Napoleon marching on to Brussels.
On June 18, the battle of Waterloo would be fought. During the day, Napoleon desperatelt tried to break through the Anglo-Dutch lines. This resulted in many famous engagements, such as the fight to capture the farm house at Hougoumont, the charge of the British heavy cavalry, the fight for the La Haye Sainte farm house, and the charge of the French cavalry against the British squares.
However, by the afternoon, a new force was approaching the battlefield. It turned out to be the Prussians. Managing to outmarch the French army's right wing, the Prussian force followed the sound of the guns and soon began to outflank Napoleon.
In one last bid to break the Anglo-Dutch lines, Napoleon threw in his Imperial Guard, which included his veteran and elite Old Guard. (Contrary to popular belief, the Old Guard did not directly engage against the Anglo-Dutch lines and just acted as a reserve behind the Middle Guard)
The Imperial Guard was Napoleon's last chance to secure victory, or at least a draw. But it failed. The Guard failed to break the line and Napoleon had to be persuaded to abandon the field, as Anglo-Dutch and Prussian forces closed in on his disintrigating army.
It was over for Napoleon. Eventually he would be caught and would be exiled to the lonely Atlantic island of Saint Helena.
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negotiumcrucis · 1 year
Happy third TOG anniversary ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ I just wanna say I adore your serial killer Nicky hur hur hur. That might be unpopular choice but it’s such a refreshing gem! Also taking a moment of silence for the writers and artists that’s left the fandom for one reason or another — may the sequel bring them back! Soooo what are some of the fanworks from these retired TOG creators would you recommend? Maybe a tag will tickle them to comeback 🥹🥹🥹 anyway, you are an integral part of TOG golden age — thank you!
awwww nonnie happy anniversary to you too!! 🥳 God, can you believe it has been this long?? So here to the next three years and more 🥂 ...hopefully with the sequel coming WAY before that, right?
I'm so glad you liked of course, a garden, really, I never expected that fic to get any attention given all the dark themes and I know most readers are probably too shy to comment on it, but well, all those hits don't lie, so thank you! 💐
and yes, yes I have to agree. One of the things I'm most excited about the sequel coming is to (hopefully) see some of my fave writers/artists inspired to create for tog again! and yeah, of course, I can definitively recommend some fanworks, but not today because ao3 is currently down and I wanted to reply to this while it's still the 10th on my end. I will come back with a rec-list asap, promise! 💖
ps. omg "golden age", that's so adorable, thank you! 😘
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lovelikedestiny · 2 years
Two years ago The Old Guard made me muster the courage to write my very first fanfiction in English. I can't believe "Safe and Sound" already celebrates its second anniversary!!
Thank you with all my heart for your support on my journey and the deeply cherished motivating and moving comments, reblogs, and messages. I couldn't be more grateful💙
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zairaalbereo · 1 year
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Nicolò and Yusuf as ‘Sea Riders’ (but make it crusades era).
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Inspired by Ludwig von Hofmann’s “Reiter am Strand” ca. 1890 — (look at that and tell me it’s not Nicky!) Ludwig von Hofmann was a German artist (1861-1945), and he sure liked his nude riders… (Seriously, there are dozens…) Looking at his art, I couldn’t help but imagine Nicolò and Yusuf riding and playing in the surf like a pair of boys.
And that’s why you have Yusuf, too… 😘
PS: Happy birthday TOG fandom!! 🥳🥳🥳
If Netflix won’t give us flashbacks, we’ll make our own.
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lavenderspence · 24 days
A runaway kitten | A.H.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader
Content warning: fluff, cuteness overload to be honest. 
Word Count: 1.5K
Summary: A troublesome kitten prompts quite the meet-cute
Request: May I please request a meet cute with Hotch? Maybe they become new neighbours or reader has a child jacks age and they meet like that? I honestly don’t mind I just love the cuteness that comes from first interactions 😫💛
A/N: for once, I'm not really sure what to say...except, I forgot this blog's three-month anniversary, so...happy over 3 months? writing's been a bit hard recently, but I do hope it's going to get easier. enjoyy
Request are closed!
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“Olive?” You called out, setting his water bowl down. You clicked your tongue a few times, hoping he’d come out of hiding to drink some water, or at the very least, show you he was slowly acclimating to the new space. 
Olive was your very pretentious, borderline-dramatic, six-month-old kitten. You’d found him near your old apartment building 3 months ago, cowering in fear and shivering because of the rain.
One look at him, and you knew, this little fella was your new roommate and cuddle buddy. You’d brought him inside, bathed, fed him and the rest was history. 
But Olive did have a flair for the dramatic, at least that had been the case for the last three and a half weeks, ever since you’d moved into your new apartment. 
The moment you’d opened his pet carrier after moving in, giving him a chance to look around and get familiar with the space, he’d turned his small head around a few times, hissed, and walked back into the carrier. 
He’d spent most of his time inside, venturing out for only a few minutes to investigate the space, and then making it inside again. He did slip into your bed every night but still refused to explore the space or get used to it.
He started looking around more the last few days, sometimes spending some time in your closet or at the back of the couch, but that was about it. 
“Olive?” You looked around. He might hate the space, but he always showed up when you called for him. No meows, no movement, and no kitten in sight made you worry a bit. You checked the places he usually visited, if for a little while, and then you checked everywhere else just in case. 
No sight on him, not a peep anywhere. And that’s when you saw it - your bedroom window was open. You ran towards it, head ducking outside to check. You looked around frantically, looking for any sight of him, and finding none. 
But there was a small ledge outside the window, running around the whole building, and any neighboring windows. It was a big enough ledge for Olive to walk across and make it to your neighbors’ apartments. 
You closed the window and ran towards your front door, straight to apartment 123. The lady who lived there always greeted you with a smile, and this time was much the same. But a frown, and a sad one at that made its’ way onto her face when you told her about Olive, and she replied with a shake of her head. 
Olive hadn’t made it to her apartment, all her windows were closed. 
You made your way to apartment 121 and knocked on the door. Your heart was pounding, worry overtaking your senses. Thoughts, about whether he’d made it to apartment 121, or if he’d fallen down. Thoughts about him missing and you trying to find him and failing. 
Deep in thought, you didn’t hear the lock click, or even the door getting opened, until a man stood in front of you.
He was handsome - black hair sprinkled with a touch of grey, chocolate brown eyes. Dressed in jeans and a fitted polo shirt, his hair was messed up like he hadn’t expected any company. He was fit, not overly so, and his posture was a little guarded. 
You remember seeing him, once or twice just in passing, but he hadn’t been dressed that casually. No, he’d been sporting formal attire - a suit and tie, dress shirt, and slacks. You’d barely glanced at each other then, but now standing at his door, you could fully take him in.
You watched him arch a brow, waiting for you to speak up. You shook your head the tiniest bit. 
“Hi.” You started with a small voice and equally a small smile on your face. 
“Hello.” His mouth barely moved, but you caught the small lift of his lips.
“I know this is going to sound very strange. Do you, by any chance, have a grey kitten that showed up out of nowhere, possibly getting in using any of your windows?” You were fidgeting, picking at your cuticles as you waited for his reply.
He relaxed a little, an actual smile making way for a row of white teeth, and the most adorable dimples you’d seen. He chuckled. “Well, I may have an even stranger answer for you. Why don’t you come in?” He moved aside and pulled the door open. 
Upon walking in, you took in the place. It was tidy, with minimal decoration, but also full of personal touches. Throw pillows and a blanket over the couch, pictures on the walls, and photos neatly arranged on the bookshelves. A blond woman, beautiful, smiled in one, her eyes striking. 
A photo of a small, adorable boy, no more than three, holding a small plush koala decorated another shelf. A small carbon copy of the woman. 
A chest of toys sat close to the bookshelf, and a lone toy truck was on the coffee table. 
“Sorry about the mess.” There was no real mess, to begin with, just a laundry basket full of clothes waiting to be folded and put in their rightful places. “This way, please.” He led you towards the back of the apartment, his strides small. 
The hallway was well-lit. A child's drawings were framed and put up, making the space homey. 
You made it to a half-opened door, “Jack, buddy?” Your neighbor called out, pushing the door open. On the floor next to the bed sat the same, cute boy from the picture in the living room, and close to him, lying on his back, paws in the air, was Olive. 
“Oh, Jesus.” You laid a hand over your heart, willing your heartbeat to slow. The little troublemaker was okay. 
“Who’s this daddy?” The boy, Jack, asked as he reached to pet Olive’s tummy gently. 
The man turned towards you, opening his mouth, but you beat him to it, “Hi, I’m Y/N, your neighbor. And this bad boy you have there is Olive.” You missed the soft look the man gave you when you introduced yourself to his son.
“Oh, he’s yours?”
“Yes, this little devil is indeed mine.” You shook your head with a chuckle.
“Why did he walk through the window then?” He asked, expression earnest and sweet. This might just be one of the cutest kids you’ve ever seen. 
“Jack!” The man, whose name you had yet to learn, crossed his arms and shook his head, sending you an amused look.
“Well, I left the window open, and he’d been very vocal about not liking the new apartment much, so he decided to go on an adventure.” You kneeled, getting to his level where he still sat on the ground. 
He looked like he was thinking for a second before he smiled, “He’s been liking my room, maybe he should stay here?”
A choked laugh fell from the brunette behind you, “Jack, no. You can’t say stuff like that.” 
“It’s okay.” And it really was, because Olive was still flat on his back, looking at you in boredom. 
“Worth a try.” He grinned back at you, one of his front teeth missing. You laughed in earnest, overcome by his cuteness.
“We better get going, we’ve taken enough of your time…” You trailed off. 
“Aaron.” He reached his hand forward, offering it for a handshake. 
You accepted his handshake with a timid lift of your lips, watching as his big fingers enveloped your smaller hand. You swore a small spark went through you at the contact - the feel of his skin on your own. Like a zap, an electric current - even your heart skipped a beat. 
There was something about his touch, maybe him as a whole, that you reacted to. A nice reaction. 
“Nice to meet you, Aaron.” You said, repeating your name to him too. 
His eyes shined just a tiny bit in wonder, he wanted to know more about you, to get to know you. As his new neighbor, he hadn’t paid you much attention, any at all. But now? Stood in his son’s bedroom, in search of a troublesome kitten and speaking softly to Jack as if he was the most precious thing ever? He felt a small piece of his heart crack, making space for a new person to enter - a new person to get to know better. 
You clicked your tongue, calling for the kitten again. He turned on all fours, looking bored, and started walking towards you. 
Just when he was mere centimeters from you, he stretched, his whole body shaking. Aaron expected the grey creature to walk up to you, but instead, it stopped at his feet and stretched again.
This time it stretched up his leg, his small eyes widening in plea.
You laughed, and Jack’s small giggle followed. 
“Well, maybe Olive does like it here.”
“Maybe he does,” Aaron added, looking at you. Your kitten may have liked his apartment, but Aaron liked seeing you both in it just as much.
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comments & reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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gzeidraws · 2 months
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Awakening Fates (Remake) #8 Royal Guard
As a belated tribute for FE Fate's anniversary, I'm redrawing some of the old comics from 2016! If you haven't seen these I hope you enjoy them!
[Original version] [Link to previous]
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reasonsforhope · 7 months
"Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo has a lot to celebrate.
The park, which celebrated its 30th anniversary on December 31 of 2023, also shared an exciting conservation milestone: 2023 was the first year without any elephant poaching detected.
“We didn’t detect any elephants killed in the Park this year, a first for the Park since [we] began collecting data. This success comes after nearly a decade of concerted efforts to protect forest elephants from armed poaching in the Park,” Ben Evans, the Park’s management unit director, said in a press release.
Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park was developed by the government of Congo in 1993 to maintain biodiversity conservation in the region, and since 2014, has been cared for through a public-private partnership between Congo’s Ministry of Forest Economy and the Wildlife Conservation Society.
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Pictured: Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park. Photo courtesy of Scott Ramsay/Wildlife Conservation Society
Evans credits the ongoing collaboration with this milestone, as the MEF and WCS have helped address escalating threats to wildlife in the region. 
This specifically includes investments in the ranger force, which has increased training and self-defense capabilities, making the force more effective in upholding the law — and the rights of humans and animals.
“Thanks to the strengthening of our anti-poaching teams and new communication technologies, we have been able to reduce poaching considerably,” Max Mviri, a park warden for the Congolese government, said in a video for the Park’s anniversary. 
“Today, we have more than 90 eco-guards, all of whom have received extensive training and undergo refresher courses,” Mviri continued. “What makes a difference is that 90% of our eco-guards come from villages close to the Park. This gives them extra motivation, as they are protecting their forest.”
As other threats such as logging and road infrastructure development impact the area’s wildlife, the Park’s partnerships with local communities and Indigenous populations in the neighboring villages of Bomassa and Makao are increasingly vital.
“We’ve seen great changes, great progress. We’ve seen the abundance of elephants, large mammals in the village,” Gabriel Mobolambi, chief of Bomassa village, said in the same video. “And also on our side, we benefit from conservation.”
Coinciding with the Park’s anniversary is the roll-out of a tourism-focused website, aiming to generate 15% of its revenue from visitors, which contributes significantly to the local economy...
Nouabalé-Ndoki also recently became the world’s first certified Gorilla Friendly National Park, ensuring best practices are in place for all gorilla-related operations, from tourism to research.
But gorillas and elephants — of which there are over 2,000 and 3,000, respectively — aren’t the only species visitors can admire in the 4,334-square-kilometer protected area.
The Park is also home to large populations of mammals such as chimpanzees and bongos, as well as a diverse range of reptiles, birds, and insects. For the flora fans, Nouabalé-Ndoki also boasts a century-old mahogany tree, and a massive forest of large-diameter trees.
Beyond the beauty of the Park, these tourism opportunities pave the way for major developments for local communities.
“The Park has created long-term jobs, which are rare in the region, and has brought substantial benefits to neighboring communities. Tourism is also emerging as a promising avenue for economic growth,” Mobolambi, the chief of Bomassa village, said in a press release.
The Park and its partners also work to provide education, health centers, agricultural opportunities, and access to clean water, as well, helping to create a safe environment for the people who share the land with these protected animals. 
In fact, the Makao and Bomassa health centers receive up to 250 patients a month, and Nouabalé-Ndoki provides continuous access to primary education for nearly 300 students in neighboring villages. 
It is this intersectional approach that maintains a mutual respect between humans and wildlife and encourages the investment in conservation programs, which lead to successes like 2023’s poaching-free milestone...
Evans, of the Park’s management, added in the anniversary video: “Thanks to the trust that has been built up between all those involved in conservation, we know that Nouabalé-Ndoki will remain a crucial refuge for wildlife for the generations to come.”"
-via Good Good Good, February 15, 2024
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