#the old police house
leona-florianova · 2 years
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The three lives and deaths of Blondie the Courier 6
The Mayor, The Robobrain and The Ghost
After a close encounter with death, where NV mayor Blondie lost their left eye and another piece of sanity, they dedicated their life to finding a way how to keep their body and mind alive no matter what. This lead her on a path of obsession not too dissimilar from how Mr House tried to preserve himself and The Strip.
One of the steps to immortality was once again removing their brain in the Big MT, with the idea that even if their body got destroyed, their consciousness would survive within the brain.
And once again, once removed, but this time moved into a robobrain, the brain itself didnt really see “eye to eye” with its previous body. It reached its own immortality after all. So when the body pleaded for them to get the help of the Think Tank to make an AI copy of their consciousness, it they booted the body out of the Big MT, never letting them back again. The brain then spend their time talking science with Doctor Mobius, keeping the Tink Tank occupied, and doing some light adventuring on their own
Back at the Strip, brainless mayor Blondie didnt feel satisfied with their brain being safe in the Big Empty...They tried make a functional thinking AI of themselves which would then strenghten their policing of the strip.  But since the brain was in the Big Empty and refused to communicate, they had to try and repair an old copy of their consciousnes from an old project. A glitched out and broken scan of their personality and old visage .. locked in a loop and useless. Working only as a reminder..ghost of youth long gone.
Before the personality scan could have been turned int o a proper AI, mayor Blondie found their death by falling down the stairs at the Lucky 38..at the age of 70.
After this, the “rights” to The Strip fell into the robotic claws of the Robobrain, who didnt want to do anything with it, and told Yes Man that he can do whatever he wants, but preferably that he should  leave it to The Followers of the Apocalypse.
Which... he did
Yes Man had mayor Blondies body burried in the Graveyard in Good Springs..
The broken AI was locked in the computers of the lucky 38, untill somebody wanted to teach Mr New Vegas some new songs and somehow accidentally deleted the ghost.
The robobrain still roams the wastes, sometimes returning to the Big MT to check on the Think Tank...Their brain.. slowly deteriorating.
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formulapookie · 2 months
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the three guys in your block who definitely ARENT DEALERS
(they are) (they have the best weed you’ll ever try but it costs next to nothing)
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widowshill · 16 days
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— Are you sure Burke wants to buy Collinwood? — Yes, he said so. I'm just afraid it's only the beginning of what he wants.
#76.#➤ roger collins & victoria winters & burke devlin. ┊ to know how it ends‚ and still begin to sing it again.#gifs.#➤ edits & art. ┊ the evans cottage art gallery.#➤ roger collins. ┊ I and my ghosts want a drink.#➤ victoria winters. ┊ because she’s lost and lonely. because she looks in shadows.#➤ re: burke devlin. ┊ I am stranded in a hungerland of great prosperity.#I just think about Lou’s acting choices a lot.#the little pleading pout he gives her … the yearning after her... the fussing that she's talking to burke in the doorway...#and the way vicki holds eye contact with him ... hhhh.#and this is sandwiched between talking to her on the cliffs and taking her out to the blue whale !! (i think all the same day?)#it's just so... impactful. that this is blocked in the threshold.#lingering between burke and roger; the drawing room and foyer; pulled to either side by two versions of what happened ten years ago.#roger tugging (forcefully) at her loyalty to the collins family and her gratitude for giving her a home and family;#burke tugging her sympathies because he also wants a home; roots; a big house to raise his kids in — he's alone in the world like she is.#[heathcliff] is more myself than i am!#and you can see the realization on his face that should burke tug her too far;#roger's cord of communion will snap and he will take to bleeding inwardly.#vicki by nature of her character not only responds to truth with her favor — but; conversely; by giving her favor creates truth.#when she likes and trusts and wants to spend time w/ roger he fares very well: a breakfast date where she supplies him with an alibi —#a dinner date that covers up his perjury meeting. vicki's good opinion is indispensable for his survival —#the very minute he loses that — when she is certain he's bill's murderer — she turns on him and so does everyone else and he immediately#loses his freedom (albeit only temporarily held at the police station rather than 5 years in prison)#she's not literally taken laura's place with them — but it's remarkable how much her romantic intentions influence the outcome of that#decade-old case; in just the same way that laura choosing roger as her husband and supplying truth through her testimony lead to#burke's condemnation before. it's much the same game roger is playing at this point in the story (at a significant disadvantage#to last time; because he can't offer vicki — penultimate Good Girl — a ring)#vicki's heart; affection; attraction; tied up fundamentally in Justice. and her position as narrator#making it all the more compelling that she writes Truth as vicki is navigating who *very literally* holds the Pen.#burke's story or roger's story? burke's [redacted] or roger's [redacted]?
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anxiouspotatorants · 9 months
Just in case nobody's come up with it before me: Literati AU set to French Kiss (1995) where Rory is an anxious airplane-taker flying to London to get her cheating fiance (Logan or Dean, you decide!) back and happens to sit next to an American-turned English con artist named Jess.
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eosomit · 5 months
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running-in-the-dark · 6 months
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chesacakeripper · 1 month
Still thinking about the interaction I had over the weekend (where there was genuine right wing unrest in my city waheyy) where I popped a message onto my colleagues-but-we're-friends-we-go-for-drinks-and-dinner-sonetimes chat to make sure ppl were staying safe (many of us are of various minority groups) and I get a bit salty about how the police were mostly being shit and harassing the counter-protestors and one person pipes up with 'I don't subscribe to the acab thing sorry 😂' after talking about how many police were injured in other unrest and like.
I had to fully disengage myself because I work with and am friendly with these folks but sometimes you get smacked in the head with an opinion and suddenly lose the trust and respect you'd been building for someone over the last year huh
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kath-artic · 3 months
today has instilled a new zest for life in me. oh god things could be so so much worse!
#was hanging out w friends yesterday and my one friend got pulled over going through a toll booth near my house#turns out his registration was expired and he didnt know and they towed him car#he had the cops take him to my house bc the dmv doesnt take walk ins. stayed over. we took him to the dmv in the morning#2 hours in there to fix the registration + another 2 to get his parents to transfer him money for it#go to the towing place and they cant release his car bc theyre a private company that works for the state#(he was pulled over on the parkway so it was a state trooper)#and they need a release form from the state police who are located at an unmarked building off the side of the parkway#like its not on the map#we go. finally get an officer to come out. officer comes out. says he cant give him the form bc his license is suspended#because he got a ticket 1 year ago and had a court date but he had just moved and the courts had his old address#so he never received his summons and the court just assumed he was ditching them#PLUS. once the state trooper found the actual ticket my friend remembered that he had gotten pulled over bc his phone#was in his hand but he was using it as a GPS bc he was new to the area. and the cop wrote up a ticket but never gave him one#so he didnt even know he had been written up#so now his car is stuck in south jersey. he has to take the train up to north jersey. beg the brooklyn courts to let him appear online#and then somehow get back down here and get the paperwork to get his car. meanwhile its also $250 every day the tow people have the car#i just cant believe how this didnt all happen at once. how it was quite literally one thing after the next in a straight line of disaster
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vanishingsydney · 2 years
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Balmain Watch House (1854). One of the very oldest buildings still standing in the Inner West. Designed by Chief Colonial Architect Edmund Blacket and built of Sydney Sandstone. Original top storey replaced in 1881. Remained a police lock-up until 1925. Then became the home of the local Police Sergeant until 1944. Later fell into dereliction and badly damaged by fire and vandals; earmarked for demolition before being saved and restored by local community groups in the 1980's. Now an exhibition space for hire. Heritage Listed. Balmain.
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coloursofaparadox · 1 year
okay adhd story time. i just fucking went to the auto insurance broker because it turns out that when I got new plates on my car months ago, I only changed out the back one?? and just?? FORGOT that there were two plates on the car that needed changing. so I realized last night that my front plate was different than my back plate and spent a good hour looking through all my insurance documents and house to see where the hell I could've left the second plate if it wasn't on my car???
i gave up. resigned myself to paying the fee to just get new plates. got to the broker today, brought in the remaining plate, and told them that i lost one of the set. absolutely did not try to explain how or why because it would make me sound absolutely bonkers. we're sitting there chatting as the supervisor comes over to help out, etc etc, it's taking a bit longer than I thought so I start fiddling (adhd) with the plate sitting on the counter in front of me. do a double take. dawning horror sets in as I look, very closely, at the thin outline of a ridge around the outside of the plate that's been on my car the last few months. stuck my thumbnail into the ridge and pried it open, popping out the second plate i was reporting lost onto the counter in front of us.
apparently, when I was replacing the plates the last time, I'd just screwed both plates stuck together onto the car. since there was no second plate in front of me to do anything with, my brain marked the task done and moved on. the people at the insurance desk were very nice about it, if obviously confused, as they cancelled the whole transaction. i apologized profusely and put both plates back on the car and now i need to go lie down for a while.
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realkaijuhavecurves · 5 months
Having a weird one tonight
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magicallarynx · 5 months
I really wish the parent(s) of the children across the street would teach their children about the boy who cried wolf, wrt “screaming as if you are actively being murdered” bc I thought this child was being skinned alive. It may be a very long summer if these kids are home all day.
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manofmanymons · 8 months
#mom said it's my turn on the tags vent#so like#sometimes i trick myself into thinking#i cant have any mento iwness#i do well in school#bc despite me jokingly referring to whatever tf is goin on with me as the Mental Illness#im not like#diagnosed with literally anything#not even like anxiety despite the constant sense of dread that never leaves me and the Frequent Panic Attacks#like officially on paper i am 'normal'#but i digress#i really gotta stop using how im doing in school as an indication of mental health#cuz ive come to accept that im just a person who happens to be Good At School#baby sam living through The Horrors? still did good in school#fuckinnn 9 years old having cps and the police showin up at my house askin me a bunch of weird questions#still did good in school#height of my 'actually i fucking hate all of you' phase where i was constantly in the office for getting in fights#STILL did really good in school#completely gave up on life and legitimately believed i would never be happy again bc the only person who unconditionally loved me—#and was always there for me fuckin died#still got all a's in nearly all ap classes#deeply traumatized from almost dying during the pandemic to the point where i couldn't go outside without hyperventilating instantly?#would ya believe it i still did good in school#so i should#really stop going#nothing can be that wrong with me if im getting through school#bc even during times where shit was objectively severely wrong with me#it had 0 impact on how i did in school#lowkey don't even know where to start unpacking whatevers goin on up there tho#where would i be if my parents had listened to my doctor when i was younger who said they should take me to a psychiatrist i wonder lmfao
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tachyon-omlette · 1 year
I will get to the Phantos and Eda interactions, I promise, but let me ask you in return; what does Eda think of Maelstrom, Viceglide, Posthaste and the crew?
Eda is somewhat wary of Maelstrom, and not entirely because she's a mnemosurgeon. She radiates her classic morbid curiosity often enough to set off Eda like a Geiger counter; she reminds him of Quintus, and not in a good way. Chances are that he'd take measures to avoid her whenever possible, which might only make her more curious, to his dismay. It's ironic, in this context, that his neck is one of the few weak points in his armor - but then again, it'd be near impossible to get that close.
Viceglide, in contrast, he can understand to some degree. Eda does not deal with or trust Cybertronians any more than he has to - and neither, it seems, does Viceglide. They are both odd sizes for the worlds in which they exist, albeit in opposite directions. They both know the allure of zealous scientists and have in their own turns succumbed to it. Eda does not particularly like him, but he might tolerate Viceglide to a higher degree than he does any other Cybertronian, even if Viceglide does not trust him.
Posthaste gives him hope. All newsparks do, no matter how many times that hope has been shattered before. Even at a distance - because I don't imagine his creators would let Eda get too close - he can tell how much Posthaste is loved. He is glad for it, but so too is he envious.
The other members of Phantos, to him, are simply more Cybertronians to deal with. Though he would not make overtures to gain their favor, neither would he reject any attempts at conversation - though as soon as anything remotely resembling you should join the Decepticons slips out, he's leaving.
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dawntheduckrb · 10 months
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Sometimes my dog likes to stare at me in a power stance
I don't know why he does this
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noven-warsh · 1 year
Everyone's trying to solve the ARG meanwhile I'm wondering where tf Argbur was during his first appearance
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