#the olive fairy book
thefugitivesaint · 4 months
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Henry Justice Ford (1860-1941), 'The Blue Parrot', ''The Olive Fairy Book'', 1907 "In The Blue Parrot, King Lino, who has recently come to rule a small Arabian kingdom, falls in love with an image of Princess Hermosa, daughter of the Swan Fairy who rules the neighbouring realm. He sets off to woo her, but his interest is discovered by a nearby magician and King of the Isle of Lions, Ismenor, whose daughter Riquette has also fallen in love with King Lino. Ismenor determines to thwart Lino's interest and ensure that he marries his own daughter, and swaps his groom and Lino's bodies, so that the groom sets off to the Isle of Swans, where he is incredibly rude to Hermosa, raising her mother's suspicions.
The Swan Fairy takes out an enchanted mirror which allows the viewer to see the truth of a person, and sees that Lino is imprisoned in Ismenor's castle, while the man who appears to be him is in fact the magician's groom. This drawing depicts this moment, as she shows Hermosa what has happened to her prince. The Swan Fairy plots Lino's escape, but Ismenor finds out, and turns her to marble, Lino into a blue parrot, and Hermosa into a tree in the forest. They live like this for several years until Lino as the parrot befriends the wife of a wizard who is intrigued and eventually discovers what has happened. He sets about reversing the spells, and Lino and Hermosa are finally reunited." Source
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thehobbitchronicles · 2 months
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Hello August 🌿🌻🧺
please be kind to me. fill all my days will happiness, smiles, laughter, good luck, excitement, blessings and love xo
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lepetitdragonvert · 2 years
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From the Tower Window of my Bookhouse
Edoted by Olive Beaupré Miller
Chicago, the Bookhouse for Children Publishers
Artist : Donn Philip Crane
Far away within the wood a troop of Fauns and Sa’tyrs were dancing in a round, while old Syl-va’nus, who was their king, slept in a shady arbor. Gay, rustic, wild-wood folk were these, with horns upon their foreheads and shaggy legs of goats.
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necronomi-kun · 2 months
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The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen
Illustrated by Mariel Wilhoite for The Magic Garden (1947)
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Hallucinations have always had an important place in our mental lives and in our culture. Indeed, one must wonder to what extent hallucinatory experiences have given rise to art, folklore, and even religion. Do the geometric patterns seen in migraine and other conditions prefigure the motifs of Aboriginal art? Did Lilliputian hallucinations (which are not uncommon) give rise to the elves, imps, leprechauns, and fairies in our folklore? Do the terrifying hallucinations of the night-mare, being ridden and suffocated by a malign presence, play a part in generating our concepts of demons and witches or malignant aliens? Do “ecstatic” seizures, such as Dostoevsky had, play a part in generating our sense of the divine? Do out-of-body experiences allow the feeling that one can be disembodied? Does the substanceless of hallucinations encourage a belief in ghosts and spirits? Why has every culture known to us sought and found hallucinogenic drugs and used them, first and foremost, for sacramental purposes?
  —  Hallucinations (Oliver Sacks)
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turquoiseskye · 2 years
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Lang’s Fairy Books ~ Paperblanks Journals in Violet and Olive
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iphigeniacomplex · 10 months
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have apropos of nothing in particular decided that i actually love college and being in it and never want to leave this campus and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the availability of a physical copy of the aarne-thompson index that i can just check out from the library
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bkenber · 24 days
'The Watchers' Movie and 4K Review
The following review was written by Ultimate Rabbit correspondent, Tony Farinella. “The Watchers” is the feature film debut of Ishana Night Shyamalan, daughter of M. Night Shyamalan. M. Night Shyamalan is one of the most polarizing directors of the past twenty-five years.  He caught lightning in a bottle early on in his career, and for the most part, he hasn’t been able to recapture that magic…
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trialbywombaat · 1 month
“One more chapter, Papa?” Ivy asks. 
Tommy closes the book and places it on her bedside table. “We already did one more chapter, remember?” he reminds her gently. 
He knew the question had been coming, and his answer is the same every time. In the past, getting Ivy to move on would have been a bigger struggle. But they've been working on their nighttime routine for a while now, and she’s getting the hang of it. Her question, and Tommy’s answer, are both part of that routine, and he knows she finds some kind of comfort in it.
He reaches down to switch on the night-light. It’s one of those moon ones Evan saw online and had insisted they buy for her, along with those glow-in-the-dark star stickers that he’d always wanted as a kid. There are stickers everywhere in Ivy’s room, actually - and not just the nice wall decals you can find on Etsy, but the cheap shitty stickers she brings home from school or begs for every time they go to Target. There’s fairies on her bed frame that Tommy knows he’ll never be able to remove, and sticky residue all over her desk from the fire truck stickers that she’d picked off one by one instead of doing her homework. Tommy and Evan hadn’t grown up in the kind of households where kids were able to put stickers on the walls, or play with paint or glitter, or make mud pies, and every time Margaret’s eyes fall on one of Ivy’s marker covered dresses and she smiles one of her cool, polite smiles, Tommy feels a tiny flash of victory that he doesn’t bother to hide. 
“What are we gonna dream about, tonight?” he asks, taking Ivy’s hands in his own. Maddie taught them this routine years ago, when they were first trying to get Ivy to sleep in a ‘big girl bed’, and it’s managed to stick.
“Unicorns,” Ivy answers quickly. It’s always unicorns, and has been for months. Tommy’s quite sure that unicorns must be in every dream she ever has, because they are ubiquitous in all of their lives now. She has a unicorn backpack with a unicorn pencil case and a unicorn lunch box, and no less than seven stuffed unicorn toys in bed with her at this very moment, tucked under the unicorn comforter where she is lying, wearing unicorn pyjamas. Even Tommy dreams of unicorns - just last night, he had to ride a unicorn into a wildfire while carrying buckets of water in both hands.
But he still closes her hand into a fist and squeezes it tight before kissing it. “Unicorn dreams it is.” He pulls her in close for a hug. “I love you to the moon and back.”
“I love you all the way to Pluto,” she says back to him, because Oliver Jeffers taught her that the moon is a one year drive away and Pluto is an eleven thousand year drive away, and Ivy is both decent at maths and eager to get the last word. 
He kisses her softly on the forehead then pulls back, ready to get up and turn off the light. But Ivy tugs on his sleeve, so he crouches down next to the bed.
“What is it, baby?” he asks her.
“Do you still love Daddy to the moon and back?” she asks, her voice small.
Tommy suppresses a sigh. God, kids are perceptive. 
“I still love your Daddy all the way to Pluto,” he promises, trying to reassure her. 
“Why are you fighting, then?” she asks. 
Tommy strokes Ivy’s hair. “Sometimes people who love each other still fight sometimes,” he explains. “Like when Bandit and Chilli built the swingy chair.”
Ivy’s face is screwed up in concentration. “And then they were happy again?”
“That’s right,” Tommy says. 
She doesn’t look mollified yet, though. “Will you ever stop loving each other? Like Sarah’s mum and dad?”
“I don’t think so,” Tommy says truthfully. “There’s too many things I love about him.”
“Like how he always gets the voices right?”
Tommy laughs. Evan is very good at reading stories. It’s always seemed to come naturally to him, whereas Tommy never manages to get the voices quite right.  “Yeah, like that,” he agrees. “And how he makes me laugh all the time, and how he knows so many different things” -  he hears Ivy’s door creak slightly, and feels two sets of eyes on him now, both watching him intently - “and how he cares so much about helping other people, and how he never gives up.”
He looks up to see Evan smiling softly at him.
Tommy stands up. “It’s time to sleep, now, Ives,” he says, and this time she doesn’t protest. 
“Night Papa,” she yawns sleepily, curling in on herself and hugging one of her many toy unicorns.
Tommy turns out the light as he exits the room, then grabs Evan’s hand and pulls him silently towards their own bedroom. 
“Evan,” he says as soon as they enter the room, his voice quiet so that Ivy shouldn’t be able to hear them.
Evan cuts him off before he can say anything. “I’m so sorry, Tommy. I really am.”
He’s said that so many times the past few hours, ever since Tommy met him at the hospital that afternoon, and suddenly Tommy feels so guilty for making him feel like he has to say it.
Tommy pulls him closer, puts a hand on the small of his back and another on his shoulder, as though they’re going to dance instead of talk. “I know, love.”
“You- you know I love you and Ivy more than anything; that I always want to come home to you.” His right hand is clenched tightly, and Tommy grabs it and unfurls it gently, running a thumb over the fingernail marks Evan has unwittingly left there. 
“Evan,” Tommy says again, and finally Evan stops and looks at him. “You don’t have to apologise. I’m sorry I made you feel like you do. This is my fault, not yours.”
“No, but I - I keep doing this dangerous shit, and-”
Tommy doesn’t like to cut Evan off. But he doesn’t like watching him beat himself up either, so the decision isn’t hard.
“You can’t help it,” he says firmly. Because he’s figured it out.
It was an old habit he’d fallen into, a retread of the arguments they’d had early on in their relationship, when Evan just couldn’t seem to get it into his head how important he was to Tommy. How he didn’t get to sacrifice himself anymore, because he had someone who needed him, who was waiting for him at home.
Instinctively, when Tommy had gotten Bobby’s call today, he’d assumed that it was the same thing, that Evan had forgotten about it again, and to be honest, it had hurt. That they still weren’t enough. 
But he’d realised his mistake when he was getting Ivy ready for bed that night. When she’d run from the bathroom to her bedroom after he’d clearly told her not to, and had slipped to the ground because her socks hadn’t had enough grip. 
“It’s about performance, not knowledge,” Ivy’s occupational therapist had explained to Tommy and Evan once, shortly after they'd found out that she has ADHD. “She knows exactly what she’s meant to do, and if she could do it, she would.” It was why explaining the rules to Ivy has never really worked, because she already knows them all. She knows she isn’t meant to call out in class, or snatch toys away from other children, or go to the bathroom without asking the teacher - she just doesn’t have the impulse control to stop herself.
And Evan knows that he needs to come home to Tommy and Ivy. If he could stop himself from going ‘full-Buck’, he would.
Which is why it’s Tommy who should be apologising. 
He moves his thumb in little circles against Evan’s shoulder, knowing that Evan finds the movement soothing. “You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just how your brain works.”
Evan’s breath catches a little, and Tommy doesn’t know if it's relief or something else until he speaks. “I don’t know how to stop it,” he says.
Tommy brings him close, squeezing him tighter. “You don’t have to, love,” he says, heart aching at the words. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way.” He leans back again, and places his fingers under Evan’s chin. “I love your brain.”
Evan leans forward, and rests his head against Tommy’s shoulder. “Just my brain?” he asks.
Tommy pretends to consider it. “I guess your spleen is pretty great, too.”
Something for @bucktommypositivityweek. I know it's a day late now, but this one is for Day 1 - What they both love about each other.
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psikonauti · 8 months
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Kate Baylay (British)
Illustrations for "The Olive Fairy Book" by Andrew Lang, 2012
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wise-blue-cookies · 2 years
So for Halloween, Will and Nico decide to go as Percabeth.
They plan this for atleast two month's back, Will let's his hair grow, its past his collar bone. Nico is on the costume design i.e. his job is to steal an outfit from Percabeth which isn't really that hard and they don't even notice and to get a sword which looks as similar to Riptide as possible and some blueprints and architecture books and a blue Yankees cap and a skateboard. Drew getting roped into doing their make up and hair( actually she demanded they let her do it or else she'll curse their clothes to be two size smaller for a week).Lou Ellen and Kayla incharge of rating the accuracy of their costume.
On Halloween, Will and Nico as Annabeth and Percy, go to Percabeth to surprise them, only to be surprised themselves when they see Annabeth with flip flops and first aid kit and hair which was glowing because she painstakingly wove ( yeah I read that, gave myself MOA flashbacks) gold fairy lights in her hair. And Percy with floofy hair and skeleton tshirt with an oversized aviator jacket and a skull ring and black painted nails and olive complexion makeup.
Solangelo and Percabeth:
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Everyone else ( not excluding the gods), watching them : Oh my Gods (Me)! My OTPs are merging!!!!
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the-evil-clergyman · 2 years
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The Princess saves the White Fox, from The Comb and the Collar for Andrew Lang's The Olive Fairy Book by Henry Justice Ford (1907)
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lepetitdragonvert · 2 years
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Through Fairy Halls of my Bookhouse edited by Olive Beaupré Miller
“How the Waterfall came to the Thirsting Mountain”
Artists : Maud and Miska Petersham
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necronomi-kun · 2 months
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The Knights of the Silver Shield
Illustration Donn P. Crane for The Magic Garden (1947)
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agroteraa · 8 months
The Wrath of the Stag
Chapter one
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Oliver Quick x f!Reader
My fic masterlist
Part 3.1.
Part 1: Actaeon
Part 2: Artemis
Part 3.2: The Wrath of the Stag (ch.2)
Warnings: smut, voyeurism, masturbation, mentions of sex, almost?onesided!Felix.
Word Count: 4,3K
The summer went on. June and July were already more than happy months, but August gifted you with completely new feelings in your life.
Two weeks had passed since the events of the karaoke night. During this time, you and Oliver became even closer, but it was only known to the two of you. In public, you tried to behave the same way, but as soon as no one was around, Oliver stole a kiss from you every now and then, and this was just the beginning of the list. Winking at him while playing tennis, almost riding him in the library chair, flirting by the pool while no one was watching and caressing each other underwater, passionately making out on Saltburn garden benches late at nights, luring him into your bathroom while no one was nearby, holding hands in the dark in the "back row" in the cinema room while watching some TV or film all together. And endless glances at each other that lasted almost forever.
And not to mention all the hot, sleepless, though as silent as possible, summer nights that he gave you when he sneaked into your room. Of course, your rapprochement was seen a little more in public than before, but no one seemed to notice anything. Or say anything. Except Felix, who sometimes seemed to frown if you and Oliver talked about something for too long, forgetting about him.
This summer was like a thrilling fairy tale that was supposed to end beautifully with Oliver Quick's birthday.
While Elspeth and James were planning the party, the costumes, the guest list, you were thinking about what you could gift your dear one. During a trip with Venetia to the city for shopping and searching of an outfit for the upcoming event, you went to a local bookstore. Walking past the shelves and looking through the many options, you stopped at something that such a sophisticated and well-read person like Oliver would appreciate. A large thick dark green book about ancient Greek mythology in a gift edition, with gold lettering, on the cover there was Icarus falling away from the sun. His wings and sun were embossed in gold and were slightly voluminous. Excellent, you thought to yourself, running your fingers over the cover. That was it.
Returning to Saltburn after a trip on a hot day, you and Venetia decided to swim a little, and then take a rest and sunbathe near the windows of the house. Having spread out colorful blankets, both of you lay down on them in swimsuits, drank soda and lazily chatted about something of your own.
Oliver was smoking at the time, lying in his bathtub and enjoying the thought of how he would bask in attention on his birthday. How he would bathe in Y/N’s attention. After leaving the tub, he was waiting for water to drain and slowly walked over to the window. Oh. You were there, lying in a swimsuit. You were relatively far away, but he could perfectly imagine the droplets of water and sweat evaporating from your hot body. You turned over on the blanket, gracefully bending and swinging your legs, talking to Venetia.
Ooh. He had missed you so much already. He remembered how this body, which was now turning on the blanket, writhing under him last night. It was so beautiful. He began to feel aroused again. Oliver's hand reached down for the rapidly hardening cock. He was lazily puffing on a cigarette and looking at you from the window, stroking his manhood. It felt so good. He felt like a king in his domain right now.
"Hey, Ollie, I..." Felix entered the room without knocking, thinking that Oliver was in his room and not in the bathroom, "What the fuck?"
Quick took his hand away in fright and jumped a little away from the window, putting out his cigarette.
Felix went to the window and followed his gaze, "No, what the fuck? Are you wanking to my sister? Or… Y/N?!"
Oliver started to stutter, "Um...I..."
"No, I want to know that. It's creepy, man!" Felix insisted.
Not knowing which answer was the most or least acceptable to Felix, Oliver decided to say "both".
"Huh?" Felix was still confused, standing frozen for a moment. But then shook it off, laughing, "I get it, buddy, it seems someone has a complete lack of girls. Don't worry, we'll go back to Oxford, I'll help you get laid."
He jokingly hit Oliver in the shoulder, he shriveled a little, and nodded, pursing his lips, responding with a weak "yeah, great".
"I just came by to tell you that my mom has found you a birthday outfit and wants you to come up to her now. You should like it," Felix said, turning around and leaving the room, his face becoming gloomy and broody again.
* * *
Two days later, you were reading a copy of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" by the pool, the weather was wonderful and you were enjoying the August sun. Felix came to the next lounger, wearing only swimming shorts.
"Hey, Y/N, can I join your sunbathing?"
You said yes, surprised that the owner of the house suddenly asked you for such permission. He sat down and looked at you, smiling. He was squinting slightly from the sun, the freckles on his face were beautifully scattered over his summer-tanned skin.
"Oh, you've almost finished the book... And I'm stuck in the middle, I still can't get through it, the chapters got tedious."
You laughed, "Well, yes, you've never been a big fan of books."
"It's true," Felix grinned and continued, hesitating, "Y/N, can we talk about something?"
"...yes?" you answered, surprised, putting the book on your lap and sitting up on your lounger.
"What are you... thinking about Oliver?" that question turned your stomach over. What did he mean, did he know something?
"Um, well, he's a good guy. And interesting one. Better than I thought of him when I saw him at Oxford. More precisely, I wasn’t thinking about him at all then, it's more correct to say so," you muttered nervously.
"So are you thinking now?.. Anyways, I don't know, Y/N, sometimes he seems a little strange to me."
"What exactly is it?"
"It doesn't matter," Felix frowned, "The important thing is that I don't really want you to get close. I can see that something is going to happen, between you too. I don't know. Intuition or something. You better not get too close to him."
Oh. It began to dawn on you, and a hot feeling of indignation rose to your throat.
"Listen. I remember Venetia saying that Felix doesn't like to share his toys, but Oliver is a living person with freedom of choice. However, if you don't like it so much that he started communicating more with me than with you, then okay, let's figure something out, but still..."
"No," Felix interrupted you, "It's not about him, it's about you. I don't want to share you. And no, not "share," for God's sake, what a stupid word. And I'm not even talking about the "toy", Venetia is not a five-year-old child..."
You were sitting on a lounger, completely frozen. No.
"...and still she talks about me like I don't want to share a toy train or something," he continued, "So, Y/N, I've been thinking a lot about you, seeing how happily and enthusiastically you are spending time with Oliver. And I thought... that I've also spent so much time hanging out him this summer and basically over the past year, and not only with him, while I could have spent more time with you. Sorry about that."
No, no, no, no. No.
Felix looked expressively at you, raising his eyebrows above his brown doe eyes, and then looked down, smiling warmly and a little shyly.
Your eyes started to fill up a little bit with tears. Felix Catton, what were you doing? Where were you three years ago, two years ago, and even almost a year ago?
That summer when your parents brought you to Saltburn flashed through your mind, you saw Felix for the first time since your almost childhood games. He grew up a lot, became very tall, his voice became deep and velvety, and the slightly angular teenage beauty finally turned into the impeccable beauty of a young man. You fell in love with him those days. But along with these changes, his personality also began to transform. He was still kind and sweet, but a slight harmless arrogance and childish mischief not so rarely began to manifest themselves as selfishness, whims and some kind of narcissism. He had reached an age when the girls' former teenage crushes had turned into insanity and a struggle for his attention. Felix began to bask in the countless girlish admiration.
It upset you, although you were still his friend, his girlfriend's status didn't seem to shine on you, no matter how much you or even your parents, especially your father, wanted it. But you never told Felix and he never knew. You gave hints, but he was so unobservant and self-absorbed that he didn't notice any of this. It also negated your feelings.
The last hope was the moment when you entered Oxford together. You thought this was the right time to get serious, think about your priorities and start learning to live on your own, but it seems that for Felix this was just an excuse to finally break away, disappearing at all the parties in the area, charming the entire campus, taking advantage of all the opportunities and all the girls that life provided him.
This all finally put an end to your last feelings for him, and you moved on, arranging your academic and personal life without his participation and hopes about it. You finally felt absolutely fine and calm, especially having Oliver in your life now.
And now he was telling you all this?
"It was a wonderful summer, I was so happy to spend it with you as much as I could. And I'm already looking forward to returning to Oxford in the autumn, where we could hang out more often."
He smiled shyly, looking into your eyes.
"What about... all the girls?" that's all you were able to say at this moment.
"To hell with the girls. I've been hanging out enough, what haven't I seen there? They're different every day, but they're all the same in the end. And you're the same every day, yet so… different."
At these words, goosebumps ran through your body, and you almost started crying.
"I'm... sorry, it's all kind of sudden. I do not know what to say..." you would have refused another person right away, but you were not able to refuse him here and now, whether it was because you did not have the recourses for this conversation, whether the remnants of old feelings for him woke up in you, or you did not want to offend him, you didn't know yourself. Also, it was not a direct proposal for date or something, after all.
Felix looked at you anxiously, fidgeting on his lounger.
"O-of course, I'm sorry. No pressure, I'm sorry, Y/N. You don't have to answer me right now, I just wanted to tell you how I'm feeling now, that's all."
You nodded and, throwing a towel over yourself and holding back tears, went into the house. Catton Jr. sadly watched you go with a puppy dog look.
* * *
Fortunately, this situation did not manifest itself in any way later. Felix had been acting almost as if nothing happened for several days, and just in case, you decided not to display any special joy when you were communicating with Oliver. What was gotten into him? Probably, after all, he was jealous of his friend for you, because he invited you both this summer, and instead of communicating primarily with the young owner of the house, you and Oliver began to hang out much more with each other. His old and faithful friend and his new friend, whom Felix was very interested in and wanted to help in some way. Yes, perhaps this was really not quite fair, you decided, and began to search for a balance in communicating with both of them.
However, the balance was maintained during the day, but at night the scales often tilted to one particular side. But that wasn't the kind of thing Felix or anyone in this house should know how and with whom did you spend your restless nights.
* * *
"Happy Birthday, Ollie!" you kissed the guy softly, gazing lovingly into his eyes. He looked back at you with adoration. "Ollie." He loved that name when you said it. You were sitting on his bed in his room, it was a beautiful sunny day, the light played on your faces and was especially brightly reflected in the azure eyes of a man who became a year older that day.
"Thank you, my dear Y/N," said the birthday boy, "What is it?"
"If you open it, you'll find out," biting your lip in anticipation, you teased him.
"Oh," he breathed, tearing up the gift wrap, "I do love the culture and history of Ancient Greece, especially its myths. That's fantastic, thanks, Y/N. Although you should know that this is not your most important gift to me."
"Then what is it?"
Oliver moved closer, covered your hand with his and kissed you gently. Then he took you in his arms, getting out of bed, and began to spin you in the air while you were laughing loudly. Dust motes in the air were spinning and dancing with you too, which were revealed now by your movements and by a bright light shining through the windows of the old manor. You both wanted this moment to last forever.
"And now excuse me, Y/N, I need to get ready – Felix has prepared some kind of surprise for me, we will be back in the evening. See you at the party! I'm looking forward to seeing you in your party dress," Quick winked at you.
* * *
"Felix, look, Felix, please, let me just explain…"
"I think the best thing is that you go home after your party… It is just weird… You’re fucking liar, Ollie! Why would you lie?"
He would tell him why. To attract Felix's fading attention. He wouldn't have seen the need to lie to you about it separately, but since it happened that way…
"Oh, Ollie, poor thing..." that was the first time you called him that when you heard his terrible story. The only time before Saltburn. Your watery eyes, raised eyebrows, worried look. You hugged him comfortingly. For the first and only time before Saltburn. At that moment, he realized that he was ready to come up with a hundred more lies so that you would look at him like that again, so that you would hug him like that again. It was worth it.
"I just wanted to be your friend."
"Look, let’s just get through tonight."
"Can you not tell your family, please? And... Y/N" Oliver looked at Felix pleadingly.
"Of course not. I don’t want her to be disappointed. Fucking hell! It is dark enough as it is!" he replied, retreating deeper into the house.
* * *
You didn't know when they returned, that Oliver went straight to his room, where, crying and screaming into the sheets all his pain, confusion and frustration, he spent the rest of the evening.
Well, now it was time to try on your roles.
You chose a Hermia costume from a Midsummer Night's Dream – a light mint-colored dress just below the knee, baring your shoulders, a crimson fabric passed through your body, which went behind your back and joined in the back area. You had sandals with small heels on your feet. Twirling around in front of the mirror, you left the room satisfied. You headed on to the party early hoping to talk to Oliver, but you met Felix in the hallway with a bottle of tequila in his hand. It seems he was already somewhat drunk.
"Y/N!" he said, "Ah, you look amazing."
Who would say – the guy himself was an angel in the flesh. Literally this time. Golden wings peeked out from behind his back and gave him a festive look, although the rest of his clothes was more than casual - a white tank top and blue jeans, he looked stunning nonetheless.
"Where are you going? The party is that way," Catton Jr. laughed.
"I wanted to find Oliver, I need to talk to him, I haven't seen him since this morning..."
"Listen, don't," Felix's face darkened, "Just don't, let's go have some fun."
"What do you mean..." you started, while Felix, gently putting his hand on your back, led you to the nearest patio bench. He lit a cigarette and began his speech, "Y/N, do you think some people can... keep an eye on others? And to behave strangely in general, not like... all other normal people... not like us."
You didn't understand what he was leading to. Felix slowly exhaled cigarette smoke and continued.
"Do you remember... that TV show, Big Brother? Farleigh got me hooked on it after all. And so, I thought after that, maybe we are also being watched ... sometimes more than we can imagine?"
"Felix, I really don't understand what you're talking about, just tell me directly."
"Don't communicate with Oliver. He's on his own weird mind and generally..."
"What? Felix, it's not funny, please don't talk about Oliver like that just because we started communicating with each other more than with you. And even more so if..."
Felix covered your hand with his and looked at you with a speaking gaze that clearly insisted on his position. You pulled your hand back.
"I like Oliver. He's a good guy."
"Oh my God, Y/N! He wanked at you with Venetia!" the combination of alcohol and cigarettes made the guy more emotional than usual.
"Yes, I saw it myself, as he stood in the bathroom, with a cigarette in one hand and his junk in the other. He was looking at you and Venetia when you were sunbathing under the windows, and he told me himself that he was staring and doing… it... at both of you. I just wanted to go in and tell him that mom was calling him to try on a suit..."
The story seemed both true and not to you, you froze, unable to realize it and even more so to believe it.
"I told him that he had a lack of girls in his life, and that we would fix it when we returned to Oxford. He kind of agreed."
Your lips were shaking, you were barely able to control your trembling and coming up tears. An image of Eddie popped into your head. A guy from last summer, another Felix's friend from Oxford, whom Felix invited to spend the summer in Saltburn. Everything was fine, and you were all chatting nicely, when suddenly they quarreled with Felix because Eddie slept with his sister. You didn't even know it was developing this way until it happened, and it was too late for everyone. And you even thought at one point that Eddie might like you. God, are you such a blind fool? All these events seemed painfully familiar to you right now, but you didn't want them to happen again for real. Not with him. Not with your Ollie.
"Tequila? " Felix suggested, and you silently grabbed the bottle, taking many big sips, "Hey, take it easy..."
Felix patted you on the shoulder, and then tucked a stray lock behind your ear, "Don't get upset about this weirdo, Y/N. He'll come and go, but you and I are here forever. Forget it."
He put his hand on yours again, looking at you with his gleaming brown eyes. But you were not up to it, you pulled your hand out for the second time and ran away with quick, sharp steps, taking the bottle of tequila with you.
At that moment, Farleigh sauntered up to Felix from the other side of the courtyard. He sat down next to him and lit a cigarette. "And I've told you that this Oliver is a little. Damn. Freak," he said, gesturing with the cig in his hand, "Have never been wrong about my antipathies."
Felix, not even particularly surprised that Farleigh had heard everything, only replied, "Yes, maybe you were right...", but he did not say about the main Oliver’s lie. Felix had promised. And he kept his promises. At least some of them.
* * *
You went to the party in the main hall, where people were already hanging out and music was playing. The bottle in your hands was almost empty and helped you not to cry this evening. Although perhaps your sadness was growing into more of an anger, because for the second hour straight you had been scrolling in your mind through the images of previous and this summer in your head. Eddie, Venetia… Oliver… Venetia… You also remembered how nice and quite lively he was with her, especially at first. You thought it was just a courtesy to the daughter of the owners of the house, but now you were very unsure about it. Moreover, you remembered how, somewhere in June, Farleigh hinted that he saw them together at night under the castle window, but there was no confirmation of this, and the situation was forgotten. Or maybe he was right all along? Oh, stupid you.
You walked through the crowd, smiled briefly and nodded to Lady Elspeth, who was dressed as Titania. A beautiful look, but you were not in the mood to approach and compliment her right now, even Sir James's knight costume, which completely did not match the fantasy outfit of his fairy queen, stopped making you smile. Taking a cocktail from the waiters, you stood against the wall, looking at the people sulkily. Venetia was dancing somewhere in the crowd. You wanted to approach her terribly, but you didn't know at all how or what to start a conversation with her. Everything seemed stupid and pointless.
And loneliness
A familiar song started playing, the lines of which were now especially bitterly perceived by your clouded mind. Happiness... was it really there? There were so many questions running through your head. How dared he peep on you, on you and Venetia, and maybe not only, and what was he doing at the same time… You were furious and frustrated at the same time.
Happiness seems to be loneliness
And loneliness killed my world
How could you guess, when you're only thinking of yourself
And how you look to other girls?
The bass dropped, and the hall exploded with a powerful electronic bridge. At that moment, Oliver entered the room from the other end. He was wearing a dazzling white suit with beautiful oak leaf embroidery, the jacket barely concealed his bare torso, as he was shirtless. He had antlers on his head.
He walked deeper into the room with a slow, confident gait, as if he was looking for someone. Purple, pink and blue lights from the spotlight danced on his face, and he himself was periodically disappeared in the rays of the strobe light as he pierced through the crowd.
Happiness seems to be loneliness
And loneliness killed my world
How could you guess, when you're only thinking of yourself
And how you look to other girls?
Yes, he was looking for you. Your legs almost carried you to him on their own. But you didn't want to come over. You just decided to stand against the wall, watching what happens next. And you shouldn't decide to do that, because he found some girl in the crowd, bent down and whispered something in her ear. They began to dance slightly to the rhythm of the song. Something moved inside you. But you were already drunk enough to, instead of frustration, angrily come up to the waiter near the "lovebirds" and defiantly start drinking two shots in a row right there.
Oliver, seeing you, exclaimed "Y/N!", immediately recoiling from this girl.
"Oh, you noticed me! Must have been looking for me for a long time?" you remarked venomously.
"Sorry, I wasn't looking for you right now."
Your heart sank into your heels.
"Then who is it?"
"It doesn't matter. We'll talk later, please," Oliver said gloomily, looking you up and down, but saying nothing more.
He went on into the crowd, and you remained standing, deafened by the sounds of screaming music about happiness and loneliness. Soon enough, you saw that Oliver had found Venetia, and she hugged him while he started talking in her ear. She shrugged cheerfully, throwing her arms over his shoulders, and began swinging her hips next to him. Your heart was almost broken. You drank another shot, grabbed from the waiter's tray, and headed in the other direction, noticing that Felix had entered the hall.
"Y/N, how are you? I hope you're having fun. Oh..." the guy exclaimed joyfully, realizing that you were taking his hand and leading him through the crowd to the exit. The crowd did not end both inside and outside the manor – everything was filled with people shouting, dancing, drinking and kissing to loud music. You were drunk too and didn't even fully understand what you wanted to do, but you knew for sure that you needed to go to a place where there would be silence and no one around.
And so you had reached the maze.
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thefaeriefolk · 1 year
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The Fairy Books by Andrew Lang
You can read them here:
The Blue Fairy Book
The Red Fairy Book
The Green Fairy Book
The Yellow Fairy Book
The Pink Fairy Book
The Grey Fairy Book
The Violet Fairy Book
The Crimson Fairy Book
The Brown Fairy Book
The Orange Fairy Book
The Olive Fairy Book
The Lilac Fairy Book
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