#the one bright side is that presumably like-minded people will stay away. but like. Come On
crimeronan · 4 months
there's a place in my neighborhood where a lot of kiddos hang out because there are a couple cheap restaurants & convenience stores open late without any bars/age-restricted venues nearby. it's extremely well-lit and by several busy roads and one of the safest places i've gone when walking at night & the kids have always been extremely chill towards me. so i was completely flummoxed today by a review of a business there that says it's in a """sketchy area""". until justice pointed out that it's definitely BECAUSE the kiddos are there that this random asshat thought the area was sketchy.
.......if you are genuinely afraid of a bunch of sixteen-year-olds minding their own business in an incredibly well-lit parking lot. then like. i truly do not know how to help you.
Git Gud....????
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anderstrevelyan · 9 months
Oh gosh, I have to ask about Viconia
Viconia DeVir, my beloved!! (answering questions about my WIPs here)
This one comes out of my early decision to play my Dark Urge as her son—the one she can have with Gorion's Ward at the end of bg2. That version of her epilogue slide also kills her off. Possibly my most surprising and dramatic game moment ever actually, when Valas made it to Baldur's Gate and was confronted with his presumed dead mother!!!
So this piece is me reconciling that: how Viconia could have gone from having fled the Underdark after refusing to sacrifice a child, to having a child of her own, to choosing to sacrifice a child's future to Shar. It's a very zoomed-out character study kind of thing.
Here's a bit of her meeting and falling in love with Valas's father, Feron:
But something about Shar spoke to Viconia’s heart. The lady of darkness and loss, for someone born in the darkness, made from it, who lost everything she’d ever had or ever hoped for.
It should have been enough, this new faith, as she fought to survive such a bright world. And it was, until she made it all the way south to sunny Amn. She wasn’t surprised, when the self-righteous saw under her cloak and decided to put her to flame—but she was angry, and fought with everything she had as they tied her to wood and shouted about the supposed evils of the drow. That’s when Viconia saw him: gray eyes meeting hers across the crowd, black hair past his chin, and a face she remembered, a little, from the stories and from the siege. He spilled blood that day, that Bhaalspawn, but not before trying to talk her tormentors down, and not for the endless thirst of the god who made him—but for her. For what’s right, he’d told her later, after inviting her to join his disparate camp. I know what it’s like, for people to assume the worst from you on sight. She tried not to trust him, too, this surfacer, this stranger, this male—this Feron. Did her best to keep him away, with sharp glares and a sharper tongue, but he’d stayed curious. Calm. Persistent, in his honest words, even when hurt clouded his face. So she’d sat with him, by campfire’s light or in tavern’s corner, and told him about her life, all the things she’d never given voice, until candor turned to longing, to lust, to understanding—and trust began to grow despite herself. He called it love, the feeling that beat in her heart and clouded her mind when she looked into his face. She called it weakness, the ache that swallowed all else when he wasn't at her side. Yet somehow, somewhere between the night she spent merely wrapped in his arms—breathing, satisfied, safe—and the day he spurned the chance to become a god, she started to call it love, too.
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laceswan · 2 years
Headcannons for Tenya Iida x new money!ballerina!reader
(As someone who comes from new money)
Meeting and Confession
⁃ They met at a nutcracker show. Tenya was there with his family, but he stayed behind to meet the dewdrop that caught his eye. They exchanged numbers that day, and became friends.
⁃ Fun fact, Tenya saved her in his phone as Dewdrop, and it ends up being her nickname.
⁃ Both of them have very busy schedules, so in-person meetings are infrequent.
⁃ The feelings became apparent when there was a villain attack across the street from her company building. She was in rehearsal, which paused to watch through the window. She saw his costume zipping around and helping people, and then he disappeared inside the building.
⁃ She didn’t see him again before the smoke started digging up her field of vision. The villains had presumably started a fire, and as a precaution in the case of it spreading, rehearsal was cancelled and firefighters were called.
⁃ Most of the dancers went home, assured that the heroes would take care of it, and the company wouldn’t be in any danger. And that was what happened.
⁃ But (Y/n) stayed behind. There was a group of civilians gathering behind the barracks to watch, most of them watching to see if their loved ones survived, and she joined them.
⁃ The sun had set, but the fire kept everything just as bright.
⁃ Eventually, the smoke began to clear a bit, and she saw a familiar costume make its way through the smog.
⁃ People cheered, asked for autographs, journalists asked questions and pointed their cameras, but (Y/n) stood behind, waiting for the action to die down.
⁃ Once it did, and Tenya was clearly fatigued, she called out “Ingenium?”
⁃ He turned around, with a sudden change in demeanor, back to the heroic persona he embraced for interviews. That is, until her saw her.
⁃ “(Y/n)… why are you here?”
⁃ “I dance across the street.”
⁃ “A-are you hurt? You should be seeing a doctor, or going home if it’s not bad-“
⁃ She placed her hands on his arms, needing to stretch them out rather far, and in all honesty, he probably couldn’t feel it through his armor.
⁃ “Tenya. I’m fine. I’m came here to see if you were alright. Are you hurt?”
⁃ “Only a little. I’ll patch myself up when I get home.”
⁃ She shook her head a little and pulled on his gloved hands, leading him away from the crime scene that was not being cleaned up.
⁃ “Do you need to go back to the agency? Where do you keep your costume when you don’t wear it?”
⁃ “The agency. Why? Where are you leading me?”
⁃ “My car. You said you’d patch yourself up. That’s not happening. I’ll drive us to the agency, and then I’ll patch you up. Patching yourself up all alone is just so sad.”
⁃ He was too tired to refuse.
⁃ The car ride was silent. They got the agency, he took off his costume, and in his office, she found his first aid kit and began to clean and bandage his wounds. They said nothing.
⁃ The whole time, both of them were immersed in deep thought. Coincidentally, drawing the same conclusions.
⁃ As she finished the final wound, (Y/n) finally broke the everlasting silence.
⁃ “Tenya, I’ve been thinking.”
⁃ He turned his head to look at her.
⁃ “Hmm?”
⁃ “I was so worried when you disappeared into the building and didn’t come out. I didn’t think I could worry that much about someone. I’m so scared or losing you… and I think I know why.”
⁃ His mind toyed with the idea that it was what he had come to realise as well.
⁃ “What is it?”
⁃ “Before I tell you, promise you won’t run away?”
⁃ “Dewdrop, just tell me.”
⁃ She dropped her head, leaning into his shoulder a bit.
⁃ “I think I like you. A lot. And not just as a friend. If you don’t, we can still be friends, that ok. I-If you’re not ok with that, I guess-“
⁃ Now it was his turn to place his hands on either side of her, clutching her arms. She bolted upright to look at him.
⁃ “(Y/n). I’m not going anywhere. And I think I like you too.”
⁃ Her eyes widened, and she began to smile, which he soon followed. Soon it turned into cry-laughing, as (Y/n) returned to leaning into his shoulder.
⁃ “I was scared too. When I saw you there, there were so many questions, so many scenarios ran through my head and I… (Y/n) I want to keep you safe.”
⁃ Her laughing became more like crying, wetting the fabric on his shoulder.
⁃ “Dewdrop, what’s going on?”
⁃ “Nothing, is just been an emotionally taxing day. I’m tired.”
⁃ His hand reached up to remove the bobby pins and hairnet, and then brush through her hair with his fingers.
⁃ “It’s ok, you can relax. Sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up.”
⁃ She lifted her head to look him in the eyes.
⁃ “You should too. You’ve had a hard day, you need to sleep.”
⁃ With no words, he stood up and walked over to the couch by the window of his office, pulling her along with him. He laid down and pulled her to lie on top of him. They fell asleep quickly, finally resting.
⁃ (Y/n) woke up that morning to the sound of typing. The light of day was still a pale blue, and she was alone on the couch, missing the warmth she fell asleep next to.
⁃ The office was neat, everything was organised and looked exactly in its place except for some bobby pins, a hairnet, and a hair tie which were placed at the corner of her desk.
⁃ She could see his back, wearing the same shirt as the night before, typing at his computer, presumably paperwork or answering emails.
⁃ “Tenya,”
⁃ Her voice was quiet, but he heard it loud and clear. He turned around in his chair.
⁃ “You’re awake.”
⁃ She nodded with a little smile.
⁃ “I don’t want you to feel unwelcome, but you should probably go home. That way you can change and all that before you need to go back to rehearsal.”
⁃ She stood up, gathering her things and making her way to the door. He walked her to her car, and like a gentleman, opened every door for her on the way. Before she got into her car, he gently tugged on her hand.
⁃ “(Y/n), I meant what I said last night. I’d love to take you out to dinner sometime.”
⁃ “That sounds wonderful.”
⁃ She left him with a kiss on the cheek and a bright smile.
As a Boyfriend
⁃ Tenya was a perfect boyfriend, mainly because he tried so hard to be.
⁃ He always made an effort to be there for her, support her career, plan regular dates that never became mundane.
⁃ But there was one thing that was hard for him.
⁃ He was naturally a bit stiff, it was hard for him to relax unless he truly didn’t have the energy to maintain his usual rigidity.
⁃ And through that, he rarely confided in her. Almost never did he look to her for comfort, as he always wanted to be the one there for her, the one keeping her safe.
⁃ She did eventually confront him about it, and it wasn’t an immediate change, but he began working on it.
⁃ Cuddles with him were incredible. His body runs warm, and he’s got a rather large frame, meaning that whenever they cuddled, (Y/n) would end up nestled into him. Even if he understood cognitively that she could handle herself, it made him so happy to be holding her, keeping her safe.
⁃ In terms of gifts, they would run on the expensive side. He runs a hero agency, he’s wealthy, as is his family.
⁃ Whenever (Y/n) mentioned something that interested her, regardless of price, he’s find a way to get it. Within reason of course, but that reason included designer items.
⁃ This was a shock to her, it made her feel high maintenance and vain. And she told him that, to which he assured that it was his choice, not something he felt obligated to do.
⁃ One time, he paid for a new pair of pointe shoes, custom dyed so that she wouldn’t have to lose half a bottle of foundation to make it match her skin tone. That was probably the sweetest gift her got her.
Meeting the family
⁃ Tenya’s family is rich, and it’s been like that for a long time. There are traditions, some of which have been left in the past, and others that are maintained, whether they be explicitly stated or not.
⁃ For example, his parents don’t super care who he ends up with, so long as they aren’t a gold digger, and have a moderately successful life.
⁃ (Y/n) made jokes about coming from money, but her upbringing never would have prepared her for the family she met.
⁃ They didn’t have an estate or anything like that, but it was certainly a mansion.
⁃ His family was nice, but there was an undercurrent of caution throughout the dinner.
⁃ When they were alone, (Y/n) asked what was going on.
⁃ “Almost everyone in this family has, at one point or another, been the object of false affection because someone wanted the money we have.”
⁃ That had never even occurred to her. No one had ever warned her about that, she’d never had experience with that, largely because she didn’t flaunt her wealth much. She wore nice clothes and carried herself well, but never did she think that someone was interested in her because of the life she had.
⁃ But it certainly made sense. After that conversation, (Y/n) tried even harder to show that her intentions were true, and that she really loved Tenya.
⁃ The family legacy was another thing she found a bit jarring when she got closer to the family. Family was a big part of his life, taking on the mantle of Ingenium mattered perhaps more than anything else to him.
⁃ Even though they didn’t say it outright or mean to, she could tell the pressure came from his parents.
⁃ When he was having a bad day, there were a bunch of little phrases she would say in the midst of comforting him.
⁃ The one that always made him melt and love her more than ever was:
⁃ “I feel so safe with you, Ingenium or not.”
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rhinestone eyes
PAIRING: Rich Boy!Eren x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS [present+future]: infidelity, dubcon, gaslighting, manipulative and toxic behavior, toxic relationship, sexual content, yandere tendencies, suggestive hand-holding
part one
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There's a sneer on Eren's face as green eyes behind Versace aviators glide over your form, staring you up and down. His gaze is so penetrative, it makes your teeth chatter. Maybe he was just checking you out. Maybe he was scrutinizing every blemish.
You suddenly feel so very small in your tennis skirt, the tight collared shirt stretching over your breasts, and wished that today out of all days wasn't when you decided to dress a little more stylish.
"Fancy seeing you here." His voice is nonchalant but there's a tone of humor that accompanies his brisk words. How long would it be until he laughs at you?
He scowls, "Are you mute or something? Why aren't you greeting me back properly?"
"Eren," You took a deep breath, "What are you doing in Paris?"
It occurs to you that you've never seen him out of his uniform before. He's wearing a light blue button-down, half the buttons left unfastened, polo shorts, an expensive black watch glittering on his wrist, silver rings on his slender fingers, and a thin silver chain dangling around his neck.
He's also acquired a new piercing, industrial, judging by the bar across his ear. The silver glints harshly under the sun.
"Are you done burning holes through me?"
You blush, embarrassment coloring your cheeks: "No, I'm just surprised." You tucked a loose lock of hair behind your ear, "Didn't expect to run into anyone I knew in another country."
You were just taking a pleasant walk in the acclaimed Champs-Élysées, the avenue every bit as a picture-perfect postcard as it had been described.
"Have you eaten?" The question is spoken with a sigh like he couldn't believe he was asking you this, and you couldn't either.
"Oh, um, no?" You responded, bewildered.
He runs a hand through his dark hair, which reached the nape of his neck by now: "I know a cafe around here. Let's get brunch. We'll talk there."
You don't know what possessed you to nod but you did so, trying to match his quick and long strides. The walk was silent, presumably because the two of you were saving your burning questions for the cafe.
He rolls his eyes when you stutter through your French. He raises a hand, and simply tells the waiter his order and dismisses him. His French is flawless and you're tempted to ask him how it's so good, but you already know the answer. Probably had hordes of tutors to help him.
Merci Monsieur
"Wait," You remark to Eren, "I didn't order."
"I ordered for us. Pain au chocolate, savory crepes, eggs, and ham. Coffee after. For me. Hot chocolate for you because you don't drink coffee."
Oh. That actually sounds good. How did he know your beverage preferences?
He fishes out a cigarette from his pocket, skinny and hand-rolled, "So what are you doing here? No offense but you don't exactly seem like you can afford a vacation to France. "
Now is your turn to sigh. You've nearly forgotten how blunt he could be: "Here on an internship. For art" You supply.
"I assume you just regularly come to Paris every summer?"
He doesn't deny or verify your statement, "Something like that."
"So you're staying at a hostel or?" He asks, exhaling a thick cloud of smoke that makes your nose wrinkle.
The waiter comes by with food, and you turn to Eren with a sour look, "I sincerely hope you're not going to smoke while we're eating."
To your utter surprise, he ashes the cigarette. You were expecting a witty and mean retort at the very minimum, not silent compliance.
You pick up the earlier conversation, "Well, I'm actually staying with my boyfriend." You mummer the last word quietly but the viridian-eyed boy's ears are keen. You don't notice how his grip on the knife tightens.
"You're staying with your boyfriend?" He repeats.
You nod, "Yeah, he's an art student too."
The rest of the meal is completed in sparing small-talk and lengths of silence. But it's not awkward. It's weird. On one hand, having brunch with Eren Yeager in fucking Paris, heir to a billionaire pharmaceutical company should feel surreal, but it's strangely peaceful. You feel more at peace sitting across from him in France than you did when he sat next to you in homeroom.
When it's time to pay the check, Eren looks amused by the very notion of you digging into your purse.
"What kind of gentleman would I be if I let the lady pay?" His words are spoken with a teasing smile.
You roll your eyes but can't help a glimmer of a smile from peeking through on your lips, "Didn't take you much for a gentleman."
He tosses his black card on the bill, "You'd be surprised."
What's there left to do now? Is it time to part ways? There's a part of you that craves more but life has taught you to not be greedy when you already have so so much.
You dabble the corner of your lips with a napkin, "Well, this has been fun-"
"Wait, uh, do you wanna check out the Louvre? Since you're an art student and all, you might uh enjoy it."
You stare at him. Is he tongue-tied?
"You've probably there been a million times already."
"Yeah...but you haven't been, right?"
You blink before breaking into a smile that Eren is sure is going to give him heart palpations, so sunny and bright.
"I would love to!"
You guys check out Mona Lisa for the sheer novelty, and you're bouncing around the museum, oohing and ahhing at the chiseled statues and Renaissance paintings. There is so much history here, it blows your mind.
Eren finds himself watching you more than the paintings. You have this veneer of snark that you wrap around yourself like a protective gauze (maybe that's how you maintain your survival in a world of hyenas) but you're different now.
You're yourself. Watching you here come alive in unbridled enthusiasm, eyes widened in passion, makes him reach out to his pocket and fish for his disposable film camera. He doesn't know if he's ever seen anyone in his vapid life look like the way you do, so filled with a zest for things that are greater than themselves.
He wants to burn you into his memory, praying to all the gods that you won't notice when he takes a picture of you admiring a bust of a goddess. He slyly tucks his camera back into his pocket.
The world seems to stand still when you tug his hand to show him a painting, an expression of unadulterated wonder on your face. But when you realize you pulled his hand, you immediately drop it like hot coals.
Why do you look so worried? Why do you look so scared?
"You can hold my hand if you want. It's-it's okay." He can't believe he's gotten the words out.
You're taking too long, your hands still hanging limply by your side, an indiscernible expression on your pretty face. Eren doesn't understand why it makes him so mad, why your sudden hesitation grated his nerves. Deciding to make your choice for you, he grabs your hand, squeezing your palm as he flashes you the charismatic smile that's got him out of countless incidents.
He doesn't like the expression of worry marring your features. Where did the happy jovial girl go? Just a few seconds, you were poking him with sparkles in your eyes, "Look at this Eren!" and "So beautiful, right?"
He forces another smile: "Show me the painting you wanted me to see." Maybe it was meant to be a request but it comes out as a demand.
You cast a glance at your joined hands, his grip borderline painful. "O-okay."
You lead him across the floor, and Eren can feel the stares of people around him. They are smiling. An older woman utters a "Un si charmant couple."
You take him to a grand painting. It's haunting and dark, swirling with so many shades of dusty red from vermillion to scarlet. A pregnant woman lies reclined, arm hanging and head lolling. She appears to be asleep, and there is a cacophony of men around her portrayed in varying degrees of stress.
"Death of a virgin", you breathed.
Such a macabre name, Eren thought as he gazed longer into the painting. He loosens his grip on your hand, testing whether you would pull away.
You don't.
It's raining outside and you're giggling.
"Fuck" Eren swears, "I'll call a cab."
You're a vision drenched in rain. Your clothes are soaked, and he could see the outline of your bra from your thin shirt. But it seems like you don't even care.
"Let's just enjoy it!" You cry out. There are thick droplets stuck in between your eyelashes, and you smell like rain too. It's dangerous, he can see chords of purple lightning flash the sky, thunder booming, and it's like you're dancing, the way you move so effortlessly.
You hook his hands in yours, "Doesn't this feel good?"
He feels like all his sins are being washed away, all the impurities and muck that clung onto him after nineteen years of existence. His heart nearly jumps out of his throat every time he looks at you.
He cups your chin and kisses you. When he feels the threadbare resistance, he kisses harsher, tongue and teeth swallowing your protests, coaxing your mouth open with a skillful pinch to your nipple. He pulls away just before you feel like all your breath has been robbed.
You're stunned speechless, "Eren...I...h-have a boyf-"
He kisses you again. And this time you kiss back, holding nothing back.
taglist: @candy-hime @cinnamon-n-roses @forwardpair
inspo: @candy-hime's rich boy!shoto. the iconic golf club one <3
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sugurizz · 3 years
The house is yours
Pairing : Zeke yeager x reader
Rating : explicit
Word count : 2,5k words
Summary : as a broke student, finding an apartment is not easy. But the cute owner decides to help you with it, in a way that you both get to benefit.
Warnings : soft dom! Zeke x sub!fem! reader, oral sex (fem receiving), fingering, nipple play, slight spit play, vaginal sex, slight breeding kink, daddy kink
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(Credits to the owner. I don't own the fanart)
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After months of looking through ads, websites and even newspapers. finding a decent, comfortable and cosy appartment near the university was a dream coming true. After calling the owner and fixing a date to meet toghether and check the place, your roommate wasn't able to make it to the appointment so you had to go there on my own.
Being already anxious for the meeting, you put a pair of black jeans, a grey t-shirt, a hoodie and your white sneakers before taking your backbag and going there.
After ten minutes or so, you were at the spot you agreed to meet at. You couldn't see anyone particular so you got your phone out of your pocket, ready to call the owner again in order to spot him.
It was then when you saw a tall, broad and handsome man- probably in his late twenties- picking his ringing phone from the pocket of his elegant beige trench coat.
A black turtleneck hugging his visibly muscular chest and arms left your mouth nearly open. That's definitely him - you thought to yourself - feeling your face already heating up, you swallowed hardly, prayed that you weren't really blushing,  took your courage and crossed the road walking towards the little coffee shop he was standing next to.
Standing directly in front of him didn't help at all. You were so overwehlmed by him. and to be frank, you didn't really know where to look. His whole presence was doing things to you, is it His charming glance? his icy grey eyes, ornamented with a set of thick blonde lashes shinig softly in the feeble sunlight? Or is it those silky soft blonde locks, joined in a nice haircut making his enchanting appearence even more perfect and complete?
"Hello, I assume you're the new renter. Very nice to meet you. I'm zeke yeager ."
"Likewise, pleased to meet you mr yeager. I'm y/n ".
You tried your best to keep calm and professional by greeting him. But the trembling handshake you gave him was showing the complete opposite.
"Shall we go see the appartment ? This way please."
Were you too infatuated by such grace? Or is he really such a sweet, soft and courteous gentleman? You couldn't really tell.
You took a quick glance at his gorgeous profile side. And you completely wished you could take a screenshot with your eyes. His prominent cheekbones added to his manly features. And his fine silver glasses gave him that elegant intellectual aura.
The silence was broken by a deep, gentle :" so.. you're both students.. right?"
" yes. good thing the house is around 10 minutes from the university. That should save us plenty of time ."
" glad to hear that, I actually studied there for more than 6 years, that was before I finally graduated and decided to move to (city name) ."
" I see. May I ask.. why did you move? " you demanded.
" haha don't worry. It hasn't to do with the apartment. It's just that.. You can say I'm an adventurous man." He answered with a bright smile.
" right. I guess it's always tempting to move and see something new..."
You never thought a conversation with a total stranger could be this smooth, warm and relaxing. It unexpectedly didn't feel like a forced out, awkward smalltalk at all. But more like a nice and slow getting to know each other.
"We're finally here." He opened the building's door, Letting you inside and pressed the elevator button.
" I see you like the place already.." He affirmed, a soft smile graced his features, leaving you bewitched.
"Y-yes .. it's pretty welcoming." You added.
Getting out of the elevator, the cute owner took the apartement keys out, opening the door and letting you in.
After checking all the house's functionalities and facilities and discussing the period of your rent. You were ready to pay the first month of the stay until you got surprised by the deposit price. You were so shocked that you had to pay around two thousand five hundrend dollars along with the actual rent.
" I'm not sure we can actually afford that.. " I said, feeling somehow disappointed and lost.
" I know, a lot of people complain about the deposit price. I wish I could make an exeption but the price is fixed by the building's owner. He has the majority of control over that."
" and.. I guess it can't be payed in installments. can it ?"
" i'm afraid not." He retorted, quite concerned by your defeated aura.
" that's really infortunate. I was looking forward to settle here. But anyway, it was good getting to know you mr Yeager."
Hiding your frustration, you were ready to leave when his calm, reassuring voice stopped you . " maybe , we can help each other out after all..."
You turned back, looking for a further explanation when he carried on :" I can get to pay the deposit for you. And you'll have to give me a service in return.."
"okay.. and the service is ...? " you asked, being both curious and excited.
The blonde walked to the door and locked it, his silver eyes never leaving yours.
"Mr yeager..."
" Oh can we stop with the formalities now little one. If we finally agree to make a deal we should get more familiar to each other. Shouldn't we ?" He let out in a deep virile voice, causing your heart to throb numerous times.
Walking closer towards you, he stood and leaned over, whispering in your ear : " If I said I'm feeling sad and lonely today, Would you agree to entertain me ?"
He was so close you could barely register his request. Close enough to notice his irises fixed on yours, staring at your soul and then travelling a little downwards, presumably staring at your lips. You were ready to explode when his big hand landed on your chin, long slender fingers carressing it and driving you so crazy you started babbling some nearly inaudible nonsense.
" i mean.. I.I could ... I don't know.. I-"
" shh, no need to get confused, I'm here with you". a calloused thumb landed on your lips, caressing them with a gentle yet insisting motion.
Your mind shut down, leaving you comptelely blank. God, you got lost in his eyes again. You kept staring like an idiot, letting his thumb make its way through your lips and next thing you knew you were feeling his finger on your sensitive tongue. You never did this before. But why did it feel so natural with him ? Why didn't you resist at all ? How did you agree to this ?  Questions kept bringing on other questions inside your crushed mind. The betraying heat kept rising to your cheeks by the minute, and you couldn't control your intense breathing anymore.
You felt like a fragile leaf caught in a storm. Your consciousness stopped reacting when his face started closing up to yours.
" I believe we got ourselves a deal then? "
" i.. I mean-"
The blonde's delicious lips crushed on yours in a swift motion, his huge hands left to pull you closer pushing you against his large warm chest and making you feel so small and helpless.
It didn't take long for you to feel his soft warm tongue playing with yours. His refreshing minty breath was mixed with a faint hint of cigarette. You couldn't help but enlace your arms around his neck, trying to regain some balance. The sloppy wet kiss  you shared ended with your mouths parting in a wet noise, a glistening string of saliva connecting his dark red tongue to yours, Leaving you breathless.
"You're rather shy and blushy princess... I like it." Zeke leaned close to your sensitive neck, started peppering kisses from your cheeks down your neck and all around your clavicle . His warm breath on your exposed chest made you shiver, feeling your wetness already pooling between your legs. You started rubbing your thighs toghether in a search for some relief. The sudden thought of the rent crossed your mind again.
" Zeke .."
" yes sweetheart, say my name "
" what about the rent ... what should I do now ?"
"little pumpkin is still afraid." You trembled when he leaned over to lick your earlobe before carrying " consider this house yours, princess " .
You couldn't hide your relief after hearing his words. You looked back at him, the perfect pale skin of his cheeks turned into a lovely shade of pink. His cute ears were so red you thought they were about to blow off. His glasses were threatening to fall off the cute tip of his sharp nose. And you felt so proud seeing the mess you left at his golden strands. Some of them falling sexily on his eyes.
" I need this off" he tugged at your shirt , raising your arms gently and sliding it up your shivering body. It was so embarrassing you instantly hid your face. Letting out some insatisfied whines.
"gorgeous" he lets out, eyes contemplating your breasts, still hidden behind your bra. Still closing your eyes, you felt yourself being lifted in a bridal style. Zeke's strong arms placed you on the comfy couch of the living room. He stood up and took of his coat, throwing it away. His black pullover was next, revealing his toned chest, shredded abs and prominent V line . You wished you could keep this addictive view in yout mind forever. His godly body hovered around you like a shield. You leaned back , staring at the enchanting male before you, unbuckling his belt.
You were probabely too distracted by his beauty to notice the huge tent that was forming in his pants. His hand reached beneath his boxers, freeing his massive cock from it's confinements.
" like what you see ?" He winked at you, leaving you speaking gibberish again.
" zeke...it- it's not gonna .."
He cut you out, taking off your jeans in a quick move, leaving you in your black laced panties. " already soaked aren't we? What kind of a slut gets her pussy that wet just from a damn kiss?"
He rubbed his fingers against your clothed cunt before swiping your panties to the side. your clit was swollen and flushed, desperate for attention. The handsome male leaned until he faced your pussy. He spread your legs even wider, adding to your growing embarassment.
" goshh, look at how much slick is between your pussy lips,..filthy.." he slid his fingers between them.
Never leaving your innocent eyes, he puckered his lips, opened his mouth and spat on your naked pussy. You nearly passed out when he started french kissing it. Looking at it with such hunger and lust, he slid his longue tongue in your fluttering hole, driving his index and middle fingers in the process. His thick and now wet beard felt so good stinging your plush thighs.
" zeke ahhh, wait... omg zeke it feels.. Ahhhh " your moans started getting louder and louder. 
"Whine for me baby.."
His experienced fingers massaged your spongey insides, hitting spots you never knew your pussy had. You were drooling like a dumb baby, eyes rolling to the back of your head and breath hitching in your breast.
"Zeeeeke.. uh- i'm ahh i'm gonna cum, it feels so good... so good i'm cumming .."
"Yes baby, cream on my fucking tongue."
It wasn't long until you released all over his hand, his tongue was painted with cum. He shamelessly swallowed it, licking his fingers passionately as if he was tasting an elixir. He leaned to kiss you again, cum and drool still running down his messy beard. Its cute hairs tickling your cheeks and chin made you chuckle.
He took your dripping panties away, threw them somewhere across the room and slid his hands below your back, unclasping your bra.
" I need to take it off, but I really do like the cute ribbons though..." he complimented your cute bra.
" t-thank youu.." the shyness creeped inside you again. But it was replaced with surprise when he buried his head deep between your breasts like a starving baby. growling and grunting, the vibrations sent shivers down your spine. He kept lapping at them, looking at you with burning lust, taking a nipple between his teeth and flicking the other under his fingerpads.
"Are you ready, sweet pie? Wanna take my cock for me ?"
"Yes who ?"
"Yes daddy ."
"It's daddy from now on, little one"
Feeling yourself , yu bent over for him, giving him a perfect view of your bare cunt.
" hurry daddy, I can't wait anymore..."
"As you wish, princess"
Within seconds, you felt his hands settling on your hips, his firm cock sliding slowly past your hungry hole.
" it hurtss, daddy .. it hurts..."
" shh, it's ok princess, you're too tense.. relax for daddy.."
The pain suddenly turned into a pure bliss as he bottomed down, making you moan his name like a lullaby.
"I'm going to move baby.." he said, cupping your cheek in his soft palms. 
His cock was ramming inside you so deliciously you felt your drool dribbling again, his strong silhouette leaning on you, hugging you with one arm and caressing your stomach with the other. Seeing his bulge through your tummy, you felt so full and loved by him.
" look baby, look how deep i'm inside you"
" please cum inside me daddy, I want it pumping in my stomach ."
your words sent him to the edge; hitched breath, loud growls and harsh slaps landing on your ass. It felt so good your tears started gushing along your face.
" hnnghhh wanna take ... fuck ahhh .. take daddy's seed inside you ? Tell me slut " he squeezed your face between his large fingers, earning a whine from you.
" mmhmmm ... ahhhh"
" use your words when you talk to me"
" I want your cum deep inside me, daddy"
His thrusts became hysteric, making you shake. both of you moaning loudly, not caring about anybody hearing.
"Ahhhnghhh shiiiit , fuck yeaaah" the golden daddy came in thick white strings inside you. Shoving it all up your womb. You give up, letting your orgasm wash over you in a shameless moan. All your juices mixed with his sticky huge load, starting to spill from your greedy cunt.
Unable to move anymore, you collapsed on the couch. Trembling and breathing heavily. Zeke doing the same, he went to catch his neglected coat and wrapped it around your naked body, along with his strong arms around you, nuzzling his head in your neck.
" I guess having an expensive rent has its perks after all". He teased, laying a soft gentle kiss on your forehead.
" yup, you get to have a daddy for free". You whispered.
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Note : I would really appreciate the feedback on my work so feel free to comment down.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
A Year Gone By | dark!Bucky Barnes x reader
happy birthday @nsfwsebbie​!!
it was supposed to be a surprise but then I couldn’t stop myself from telling you I was writing something, I managed to keep most of it under wraps though!  I hope the suspense pays off.  
idk if it’s weird that i made it a doctor reader when you’re not a doctor but listen...half the fun of reader insert is getting to vicariously live through a cool career right??  the other half of the fun is the obvious thing.  and it seemed a little creepy if i made the reader exactly like you but if you want it to be more accurate i will totally write you something with actual you in it lol
ANYWAYS I hope you enjoy it and most of all I hope you have a lovely, relaxing, fun birthday.  and i hope it makes you h word lmao.  ily darling <3
warnings: noncon, dubcon, stalking/kidnapping, ddlg, loss of virginity, bondage, oral sex (m and f receiving), anal sex, d/s, pet play, degradation, painful sex/pain kink, cockwarming, breeding, somnophilia (slightly), spitting, pregnancy mention, breeding kink, mention of drugging... I think that’s everything.
word count: just over 15.5k (YIIIIKES my bad)
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Bucky always looked forward to appointments with you.  It wasn’t just because he had a crush on you, honest; you really were the best doctor he ever had.  Then again, between chain-smoking Brooklyn doctors who handed out morphine like candy and cruel Nazi or Soviet scientists, you weren’t competing with anybody too incredible.
“It’s not so bad,” he bluffed, but he couldn’t hide the wince when you touched his bruise.
“You’re not a very good liar, Sergeant,” you told him with a smile.  God, he loved when you called him that.  He hoped his body wouldn’t react to it in any uncomfortably obvious ways.  “Honestly, I’m a little worried about the bones.  I want to do an X-ray, if you don’t mind.”
“Go ahead,” he shrugged, “but you’re probably worrying too much.”
“You plan to walk off a compound fracture?” you scoffed.
“Bet I could, if you kiss it to make it better,” he smiled.  He was expecting you to giggle a little at the casual flirtation, which you did, but he was surprised when you bit your lip at the end of it.  That made it impossible to stop his cock from getting a bit interested, but thankfully it was still easy enough to hide.  Clearly his casual flirting was starting to get to you, and it made him especially impatient but he tried to stay calm.
“I’m a good doctor, but I’m not that good.  A prescription will do more for you,” you replied as you wrote something in his chart-- presumably that he needed to go down the hall for some x-ray work.
“If you say so.”
“Anything else bothering you?” you asked him.
“Oh, no, I won’t waste your time,” he dismissed.
“I’m getting paid, don’t worry,” you laughed.  “I don’t have any more appointments until after lunch.  Is there anything else going on?”
He shifted a little, the paper on the examination table crinkling as he did it.  “Um… it’s nothing, I just--” he glanced up at you but then looked away again, still embarrassed to admit it-- “I’ve had a little trouble sleeping…”
“Nightmares?” you pressed.  “Or general insomnia?”
“Um, nightmares,” he finally admitted, “not as bad as normal.  The meds helped.  Just… I still get them sometimes.”
“How many nights a week would you guess?” you asked.  But you didn’t look to his chart like it was a quiz or something, you kept looking at him with patience and compassion.  That was what really made his heart melt.
“Probably 2 or 3.”
“So we’re down from 6 to 7,” you remembered from what he’d said before you’d given him the medication he was on now, “that’s good.  That’s progress.  But, maybe we need to up your dosage if you haven’t seen better results after 4 weeks.  You haven’t missed any doses, have you?”
He tried to fight his embarrassed smirk but it was too late.
“Bucky!” you scolded playfully.  “I can’t up your dosage until you’re actually being consistent on the amount you already have, okay?  I know it can be easy to forget but you have to stay on it.  Set a timer on your phone or something if you need to.”
He nodded, but the problem wasn’t forgetting to take them as much as it was being ashamed that he needed them at all.  But he’d stay on them if it made you happy.
“Anything else?  Headache, twisted ankle, burns when you pee?”
He laughed and shook his head.  “No, I think that’s everything.”
“Great, then I’ll let you get to your newly-booked X-ray appointment.”  You handed him a sheet of paper for him to take to the X-ray office which informed the nurses there what angles you wanted on his ribs.  “Just know that you can call me if you need anything, alright?”
He took the slip of paper but suddenly couldn’t respond, too lost in looking at you and wondering if you’d felt that same jolt of electricity when his hand brushed yours.
“What are you looking at me like that for?” you asked, breaking the silence.
“You take care of so many people,” Bucky pondered aloud, “I just wonder if someone takes care of you.”
He could tell by your face that you didn’t like the way his tone shifted, but he refused to backpedal.  Just this once, he wanted to see you squirm a little bit.  
“Wanna lollipop?” you asked him nervously as you handed him the plastic-wrapped red sucker in offering, but he waved it away.  
He spent the rest of the afternoon thinking about how you would look with the cherry lollipop in your mouth: the way it would push your cheek out from the inside, stain your lips and tongue bright red, make your mouth taste like pure sugar.  
Of all the things he’d imagined before, that was the one that made him realize it couldn’t just be a fantasy anymore.  Thankfully, he hadn’t just been thinking of all the filthy things he wanted to do to you; he’d also been coming up with a plan.
The first thing you perceived when you woke up was the smell.  It didn’t smell like your room.  Such a simple difference, one you hadn’t even realized you would notice, but one that stood out instantly.
You opened your eyes and instantly spun your head around when you saw the grey cement room you were in.  The bed underneath you creaked, unlike your bed, and you looked down at it as if you somehow expected to be in an unknown room but still be in your own bed.  
It was then that you realized you were restrained with, of all things, satiny pink rope which pulled each of your limbs to the nearest bedpost.  There was enough slack that you could wiggle around some, but it wasn’t exactly roomy either.  Your heart raced as you pondered who could have possibly done this, and why.
You startled when you heard the door open, but relaxed when the menacing form suddenly struck you as familiar.
“Bucky,” you sighed with relief, “oh thank god you’re here-- quick, help untie me.”
As soon as you said it, though, you realized something wasn’t right.  He didn’t look concerned at all, or confused.  And that should be a good thing because it meant he had answers, except that you were suddenly realizing this was more complex than you were prepared for.
“Bucky… where are we?” you asked him, quieter, as you realized that he was not going to untie you immediately.  Even still you were coming to terms with the possibility that it wasn’t really a matter of where we were and where, specifically, you were.
“Somewhere safe,” he answered simply, stepping closer.
You didn’t exactly believe that.  
“Please, help untie me,” you requested again.
“I will,” he assured, “but I want to explain something first.”
Your heart sank straight through your stomach.  You didn’t understand what was going on quite yet, but you were getting the gist enough to know that this was really fucking bad.
“Bucky,” you pleaded as he sat down beside you on the bed, “please let me go.”  You felt very aware of how thin your pajama set was, how if he tried hard enough he could see your nipples hardening underneath your top for no apparent reason.
“Don’t get upset,” he soothed, “everything’s fine.  I’m not going to hurt you-- nobody will anymore.  You’re gonna stay here, with me, and I’m gonna take care of you.”
Your eyes burned with tears you couldn’t fight anymore.  “Don’t do this,” you begged, “I’m your friend-- we’re friends, remember?”
“Of course I know that,” he sighed, “but that’s not enough.  Couldn’t you tell I’d fallen in love with you?”
You shook your head, trying to process everything you were hearing.  “This is insane.  This is not what you do when you have feelings for somebody, Bucky.”
“What, you’re saying I should’ve just asked you out?”
“Well, I wouldn’t have been able to say yes-- because you’re my patient--”
“See?  That’s what the ropes are for!” he smiled, like he was actually proud of his problem-solving skills.  “You would’ve said yes if you could, I know.  But you couldn’t.  And now you don’t have to.”
You resented that he was right, that you would’ve dated him in a heartbeat if it wasn’t an ethical violation.  You got the sense there were going to be even more severe ethical violations in your future, though.
You continued to beg him to stop, but it fell on deaf ears as he reached under the elastic waistband of your pajama shorts and pulled them down slowly.  He gasped when he saw your pussy and you wished you could just disappear, turn invisible or, best of all, teleport out of here; anything to avoid this humiliation.
“Baby, you’re wet,” he observed.  You weren’t sure if the first or second half of the sentence made you more uncomfortable, but either way, you couldn’t stop the shivers from dancing up your spine.  “This all for me?  Do you like being tied up?”
You refused to answer, looking to the side as if the concrete wall was suddenly fascinating to you, but he grabbed your jaw and turned you to look at him.
“I know you don’t know all the rules yet, but here’s the first one, and maybe the most important: answer me when I speak to you.”
It was cold but not quite threatening; still scared you senseless, though.  You nodded.
“Do you like being tied up?” he repeated.
“N-no,” you answered.
“Answer honestly,” he specified.
You had, but you realized it was going to be safer to do what he wanted, so you cleared your throat and spoke again.
“Yes,” you whispered, “I like… being tied up.”
“That’s it?” he pressed.  “It’s not me being here, is it?  You never got wet when you saw me in appointments?”
This was going to be a lot harder than you anticipated.  It seemed like there was no right answer.
“Didja ever get wet for somebody else?  It was Steve, wasn’t it?”
“No!” you instinctively answered.  “Um, I like Steve.  But just as a friend.”
“Aw,” he smiled, “I knew you were the loyal type.  Remember just a minute ago when you were begging me to stop cause you were my friend?  I think you were lying then too, doll.  You didn’t want to be just friends with me.”
“Whatever you’re going to do, just do it,” you grimaced.  “I’m getting irritated.”
You yelped when he slapped the inside of your thigh, trying to pull away but only making it easier for him to dip under your leg so that he was between them, sitting back on the bed in front of you.
“Respect gets you a long way with me,” he promised, pulling a knife from a strap on his thigh and using it to quickly cut off the shorts.  “Sass does not.”
You winced as he slipped a finger into you-- metal, and it was cold, too.  Soothed the burn a bit, at least.
“Oh god,” he sighed, “just one finger and it barely fits…”  You watched realization pass over his face as his gaze moved to your eyes.  “Baby, are you a virgin?”
You closed your eyes because you knew they would reveal the truth.  In all honesty it was probably better that he knew so there was at least some chance of him going easy on you, and yet you were still embarrassed for him to find out.
“Oh, you’re going to spoil me,” he grinned.  “You really are too good to be true.”
A second finger pushed into you and a bite to the lip suppressed your moan.  
“I’ll warm you up first, don’t worry,” he cooed.  “I don’t wanna hurt you.”
“Then why did you tie me up?”
“That’s for your safety, baby.  I don’t wanna have to hurt you,” he clarified.
A third finger, immediately after you had adjusted to the second.  You had never had so much inside you before and it made you feel a bit dizzy.  His thumb grazed over your clit and you nearly jumped right off the bed as your hips bucked suddenly-- since when were you so sensitive?!
“Oh, poor little baby, you need it so bad,” he faux-pouted.  You couldn’t tell if it was a mockery or genuine concern.  “You’ll get it angel, don’t worry.  Daddy’s gonna take care of you.”
That word made you feel a little sick.  No wonder he needed to kidnap girls to get his rocks off, clearly this was the kind of stuff a normal date wouldn’t agree to.
Then again, it was Bucky Barnes.  He could probably get any girl he wanted, even if he had some weird tastes.  You still didn’t understand why it had to be you, specifically.  
His thumb stayed on your clit, the pressure moving from teasing to firm to nearly too much.  You tried to angle your hips away but the ropes stopped you (of course), and you were forced to take every sensation he gave you.
“You’re trying so hard to stay quiet, just let go,” he encouraged.  “I wanna hear how good I make you feel.”
“Maybe I’m just naturally quiet,” you bluffed, but even just those few words were strained, and surrounded by panting as you failed to catch your breath.
“Oh, we both know that’s not true.  I’ve heard you when you thought you were alone, doll.”
You knew what he must have meant, but it still made you whimper when he leaned in to whisper in your ear: “I heard you touching yourself.”
Your face was burning and you were sure you’d never blushed so hard in your life.  You couldn’t be sure how much he’d heard, but just the way he smiled down at you made you sure he must have heard the times that his name passed your lips as you reached your peak.  
Of course he couldn’t just let you stew in that, he had to mock you even further.
“Oh Bucky,” he recalled, raising the pitch of his voice a little, “please let me come, I’m so close, please…”
“Stop,” you begged, tears sliding down your temples.  The fingers twisted inside you as both of you groaned.
“Yeah, it’s not a very good impression,” he sighed, “it’ll sound better when you do it.  Don’t you wanna moan for me again?”
“You stalked me,” you realized aloud, “you spied on me at night, you kidnapped me--”
“And now we’re both getting what we want.  I know you wished it was my fingers instead of yours.  Doesn’t it feel good baby?  Admit it.  Tell me it feels good.”
You were determined to resist until he pulled his fingers out and used the metal hand to slap your pussy, both of you gasping at the wet noise it made.  He did it again and your hips bucked wildly even as you were trying with everything in you not to react.  One more and you finally moaned, the pain brief but strong while the pleasure never seemed to lessen.
“Just be honest,” he demanded, “I know you love it.  I just need you to say it.”
One more spank and you were finally willing to cut your losses.  “It feels good!” you exclaimed.  You cried out when he hit you again, not having seen it coming at all since you’d done as he asked.  “Say it again.”
“It feels good, Bucky, your fingers feel good,” you whimpered.
He finally seemed to calm down, giving you an oddly friendly smile.  “Was that so hard?”
You shook your head, just trying to appreciate the stillness while you could.  
“One little thing though: you don’t call me Bucky anymore.  My friends call me Bucky; you’re so much more special than that.  You’re my perfect little angel, and you call me Daddy.”
You saw it coming, but it didn’t make it any less awful.  You squirmed a bit as he pushed up your top, biting his lip when he got a glimpse of your breasts.
“Oh, when did these get hard, huh?” he smiled as he tweaked your nipples between his fingers.
“It’s… cold in here,” you explained uncomfortably.
“Uh huh,” he pretended to believe you.  “Don’t worry, we’ll find a way to warm you up.”
He let go of your tits so he could pull back and start undoing his belt; you swallowed dryly, not wanting to watch but unable to look away.
Of course he was big.  It explained his personality, and you’d had your suspicions (and/or fantasies), but now all it did was scare you.
“Will it hurt?” you asked weakly.  He smiled as he pulled off his shirt from behind his neck, tossing it aside.  
“No baby, I stretched you with my fingers so you can take me.  Might be a little bit of an adjustment at first, but we’ll go slow, okay?”
You couldn’t decide if it was sweet or patronizing.  A little of both, perhaps.
He leaned over you, resting one hand beside your head as the other guided his cock to rub through your folds.  You struggled again, barely able to process that this was actually going to happen, that you were going to lose your virginity tied up in some creepy sex dungeon to an obsessive patient who demanded you call him ‘Daddy.’  This wasn’t exactly the situation you had been saving it for.
“Ready for me, baby?  Want me to make you mine?” he asked with a look of excitement, even vulnerability.  Your body craved more after he’d left you dangling on the edge from his fingering, but your brain was thankfully still functioning properly.
“Please don’t,” you whimpered, “you can stop now, and I won’t tell anyone, and--”
“Baby, don’t talk like that,” he frowned.  “This is it, okay?  Us.  Just us.  Nobody else to get in the way.  You’re not gonna tell anyone ‘cause there’s no one to tell.”
“You can’t,” you denied, “I have a life-- people who care about me, who are going to notice that I’m gone--”
“No, babygirl, stop-- you’re not listening to me,” he growled.  “Stop fighting.  You’re mine.  You’re finally where you belong.”
“This is crazy,” you spat, “you’re crazy!”
“Baby…” he looked dejected, crestfallen.  “You’re the only one who’s ever helped me feel normal again.  If I’m crazy it’s only because I love you so much; I need you, doll.”
“You need intensive psychiatric care!”
Sadness shifted to anger as he sat back and stuffed his cock back into his trousers, even though it barely fit now that it was fully hard and leaking from the tip.
“I realize now I’ve given you more than you can handle.  I knew you liked me back so I figured you would understand a little sooner but… I should’ve known you need more time before you really admit to yourself that you need someone to take care of you.”
Your relief shifted to fear when he stood back up off the bed and stepped away.
“Wait, don’t leave me here,” you squeaked, “untie me, please.”
Instead he knelt down and pulled a box out from under the bed.  You couldn’t see what was inside when he opened it, but he seemed to find what he was looking for when he pulled out a vibrator and shut the lid.  It was thin and a little curved, so when he roughly shoved it into you it hit right on your g-spot.  You tried to squirm away but he held your hips down and turned it on to a setting that strobed the vibrations, teasing your spot but never giving you enough to get very far.
“I’ll come back when I think you’ve learned your lesson,” he informed you quickly as he started to leave the room.
“Bucky-- Bucky wait!” you called after him.  “There’s no food or water you can’t leave me here wait don’t go BUCKY!”
But he was long gone.  The door slammed behind him and echoed around the room; only when the sound was completely dead were you sure that he wasn’t coming back any time soon.
You had no way of knowing how much time had passed, but it felt like an eternity of you wiggling against the ropes, trying to either knock the vibrator out of you somehow or get it to move enough that you could at least come and feel some relief.  Trying to push it out with your muscles was useless since the curved shape kept it inside of you, and you couldn’t arch your back enough to press it into the bed-- and if you could, you weren’t sure what good that would do.
Every once in a while the vibration would echo through your clit and it made your eyes water.  You sobbed and bit your lip, hoping he would come back soon.
It was at least twice as long before he did, and at that point your voice had gone hoarse from calling out to him.  You cried out for Bucky at least a hundred times and got nothing; but when you called for ‘Daddy’ just once, he suddenly appeared.
Somehow his return didn’t bring much relief, because you weren’t exactly safe with him around… but at least you weren’t alone.
He reached between your legs and turned the vibrator off, though he left it inside of you.  You took a deep breath and appreciated the stillness, though your body panged with hunger from so much pleasure with no release.
“I hated doing that to you,” he breathed deeply as he sat beside you on the bed, “but it had to be done.  You were behaving so poorly.  I’ve gone easy on you up until now but I can’t tolerate any more rebelliousness, alright?”
You nodded slowly, feeling the weight of his disappointment sink over you.  
When he pulled out the vibrator, the tip of it grazed over your abused and sensitive g-spot and you bit back a groan.  He set it aside and admired the mess you’d made; you couldn’t see it, of course, but you could tell that there was a wet patch of arousal beneath you on the sheets.
“Your body is ready for me, but I’m not sure your mind is right yet,” he explained, steely gaze finally meeting yours.  “Are you going to be good, little girl?”
You were too exhausted to notice the nickname, or even to speak your reply.  You just nodded again, watching him as he started unlacing his boots and slipped them off, then took his socks, trousers, and underwear off along with them.
Shit, you’d nearly forgotten how big he was.  You swallowed with a dry throat and closed your eyes, just hoping it would be over with quickly.  
“Open your eyes babygirl, I wanna look at you,” he murmured, running a finger across your cheek.  You reluctantly obeyed and saw him hovering above you.  He pressed a gentle kiss to your lips and it felt so wrong, so empty and peculiar.  It was a weak facsimile of what a kiss was supposed to be like.  He closed his eyes and ran his fingers into your hair, and it had all the trappings of the kind of kiss you’d share as a goodbye after a first or second date, but without any of the stuff that mattered like positive feelings or consent or not being in a creepy cement sex dungeon-- or whatever this was supposed to be.
He pulled away and looked down at you again, anger just starting to brew in his eyes.  “Kiss me back,” he demanded.  This time when he pressed his lips to yours, his tongue slid between them and it made you feel a little sick but you did your best to reciprocate.  You found yourself trying to reach up to put your hands on his hair or neck but of course, the ropes made it impossible.
You felt his cock pressing between your thighs, rubbing up and down slowly, and your heart began to race.  One hand slid between your bodies to guide his cock towards your entrance and he said something but you couldn’t hear it because your ears were ringing.  
As soon as he pushed into you, your body jolted, trying to squirm away, but he just kept going, sliding into you in one long stroke.
Physically, it wasn’t painful.  The vibrator had helped relax your walls, even numbed them a little bit.  And yet, even without pain it was so much.  You felt like the wind had been knocked out of you, like you were so full you couldn’t even breathe.  
When he was fully seated inside you, Bucky moaned deeply, kissing your neck and mumbling something about how perfect you were.  But all you could focus on was his cock pulling back only to slam home again.  
“Fuck!” you yelped.  You had no idea anything could be so deep inside you.  
“Watch your language, angel,” he purred, biting at your earlobe.  “You promised to be good, remember?”
The hand that had been gripping your thigh suddenly moved to rub your clit and you choked on a moan.  
“It’s okay, it’s supposed to feel good,” he encouraged.  “It’s okay to come, baby.  I know how bad you wanna come for me.”
You were embarrassingly close as he had observed, a side effect of having been left on the edge for so long.  You could feel your walls rippling around him, and you wondered if he could feel it, too.  Every thrust stroked parts of you that you hadn’t even realized existed, and when he pushed as deep as he could into you, the tip of his cock hit something so sensitive that you genuinely couldn’t tell if it was painful or pleasurable.  
“Are you close?  I don’t know how much longer I can last, you’re so tight,” he groaned.  “Fuck, you want me to fill you up don’t you?  Wanna be full of Daddy’s cum?”
Before you could even consider ignoring his question, he wrapped his left hand around your neck.
“Yes, Daddy,” you croaked through the weight on your windpipe, “fill me up, please.”
Talking like that made your heart twist with shame but somehow pushed you even closer to your peak.  You knew he could tell that you were turned on by it from the way your muscles tightened around him.
“I will baby, I promise,” he smiled.  “Do you wanna beg to come, like you did when you were by yourself?”
You moaned because it was like a fantasy come true, in a monkey’s paw sort of way.  This is what you had wanted, right?  Just… in a way completely different from how it was turning out?
“Daddy, please,” you answered, so quiet and heavy with embarrassment that it was barely above a whisper, “please let me come.”
“Oh fuck,” he responded hoarsely as his thrusts came faster, more ragged.  “Come, princess.  I wantcha to scream for me.”
As you started to fall over the edge, you felt like you had lost control over your body; your arms and legs tugged at the ropes as jolts of pleasure coursed through them, and your mouth was spilling moans and whimpers and even his name.  His real name, specifically, though he thankfully didn’t seem to mind.  He kissed you again as he came, moaning into your lips and still inside you.  
You felt cold and sticky and humiliated as he sat up and pulled out, admiring the way your hole leaked out his seed and flexed involuntarily around nothing.
“Oh look at you,” he praised, “my perfect little girl.  You’re even more amazing than I dreamed, doll.”
You tried not to listen or watch him as he got off the bed, coming back with boxers on and a damp washcloth to clean you.
“I’m gonna untie you now, okay?  Promise you won’t kick me or anything?” 
You quickly nodded, willing to promise anything if it meant getting untied.  “You’ll just do more harm to you than to me if you try anything, angel,” he reminded you quickly as he started work on your right ankle.  The ropes were silky so they hadn’t been rubbing your skin too raw, but there was still soreness from the tight knots.  You were a bit surprised when he gave your ankle and foot a brief massage once he was done untying the rope, and did the same to your other foot, and then your wrists and hands.  It helped a lot with getting the blood flow back to normal, and you almost considered thanking him but that would’ve been ridiculous.  ‘Hey, thanks for the foot massage, next time don’t tie me up and rape me first but, otherwise 10/10.’  
Bucky was so impressed with the progress you’d made in a week.  Only two escape attempts and you’d taken your punishment quite well both times.  He had expected a rocky start, he’d understood what he was getting himself into, so none of it really came as a surprise.  You’d managed to get a good crack at his nose once, kicking him straight between the eyes before making a run for it.  Yes, it hurt like a bitch and took a few days to heal, but it had actually been a blessing in disguise; that day you’d made it out the front door and realized that you were in the middle of nowhere.  When he’d caught up to you, you were standing barefoot and half-naked in the snow, not even running anymore because, apparently, you’d realized there was nowhere to run to.  
“I built this place for us, for you,” he explained.  “Somewhere far away, all to ourselves.  Nobody for miles.”
“How many miles?”
He chuckled a bit to himself.  “Baby, it’s a really big number.  You’re too little to understand.”
Normally you resisted that sort of talk but this time it shut you up.  Hopefully you were beginning to properly realize that this was your new life.
“Are we in New York?” you asked, quieter.
“I’m not sure if I should tell you that yet.  I don’t want you to get any complicated ideas in that pretty little head,” he cooed, kissing your forehead for emphasis before leaving you behind to start cooking dinner.
“I’m not eating with these,” you announced firmly as he set your place at the table with a set of pink, rubber-coated utensils.  
“It’s too messy to eat with your hands,” he frowned.
“Do you honestly not realize that I want to eat with normal utensils?  Or are you just trying to drive me insane?”
Bucky set your plate down a little too firmly, making you and the food on top jump.  “Don’t talk back to me.”  
“I just… it’ll take me forever to finish an adult-sized portion of food with child-sized utensils.”
“Then maybe you’re not ready for an adult-sized portion,” he threatened.  That seemed to get your attention, but you stayed quiet.  “Maybe you’re not hungry at all?”
“I’m hungry,” you denied.  “Please, I want to eat.”
“And I want to eat with you.  But this roundabout is getting on my last nerve, doll.  Now are you gonna be good and eat your dinner?”
“...yes, Daddy,” you sighed.  He smiled and sat down across from you.  You were learning.  Slowly, but surely.
Bath time was always a fight, though.  You still had some ridiculous notions about ‘privacy’ and ‘autonomy’ and crap like that, and it meant that you were likely to act up and refuse to be washed.
“I can do it myself!”
“But you don’t have to, don’t you see?”
“I want to.”
“The world doesn’t revolve around what you want, angel.”
“Let me guess: it revolves around what you want?” “No,” Bucky shook his head and tried to summon some more patience, “I have to take care of you.  Sometimes that means doing things you don’t like, because I know what’s best for you.”
“I hate you,” you mumbled as you turned away, and that really broke his heart.  He knew you didn’t really mean it, but it still hurt.
“Baby… don’t say that,” he pleaded as he turned your face to him.  “It hurts Daddy’s feelings when you say things like that.”
“Yes, that was the idea,” you hissed.  “I just want to take a shower, alone.”
“Any chance you had at that is long gone,” he grimaced.  “What you’re getting is a bath, with me, and if you quit this attitude now you might still be able to avoid getting a spanking as well, do you understand?”
Your shoulders slumped as you nodded.  He knew your poor little bottom was still sore from the last spanking, and as he helped you undress for the bath, he could still see a few welts along the skin.  He kissed them quickly, a reminder to both of you what he was capable of, before helping you into the water and slipping in behind you.  It was spacious, so there was ample room for the two of you, but he still held you close and pressed your back into his chest.  
He had a lot of ideas about what you two could do in this bath, but he knew that now was not the time.  Still, he let his mind wander and smiled to himself when you gasped from his erection pressing into your thigh.
He helped you wash your hair, and for that moment where your head was nearly submerged and he was using his fingers to massage out the shampoo, you looked so peaceful.  He normally only got to appreciate this look on your face as you slept, but you were almost smiling this time, and it made his heart sing.  A week of tantrums was worth it for just a few quiet moments like this.
“I’m gonna let you finish up on your own, okay?  I trust you not to do anything dangerous…” he decided as he stepped out.  
“Really?” your face instantly lit up.  Sure, you’re never supposed to leave them alone in the bath, but he was feeling extra generous and he sympathized with your desire for control.  Freedom could be good for you, in moderation.
“Of course.”
“T-thank you, Daddy,” you awkwardly responded.
He dried off and dressed, and waited nearby in the living room, listening to you drain the bathwater and start a shower.    
You emerged wrapped in a towel and looking slightly lost.
"Honey, where are your clothes?" he asked you with a furrowed brow.
“I don’t have anything to wear,” you informed him.  Oh, right.  You were being resistant to wearing the clothes he had picked out for you.  Apparently you found the overwhelming presence of baby pink to be tacky, and you hated that everything was cute and tiny… he couldn't understand seeing something cute and tiny and not liking it.  After all, you were the most adorable thing he'd laid eyes on and it made it impossible not to like you.  You just needed clothes to match.
“I have clothes laid out for you,” he explained.
“I’d rather be naked than wear what you pick for me,” you snarled.
“Hey, I wouldn’t complain,” he shrugged, trying to suppress his frustration.  “Don’t come bitchin’ to me when you’re cold, though.”
You sat next to him on the couch, defiantly naked and confidently ignoring him.  He admired your stubbornness, or at least he found it amusing.
“Do you wanna watch a movie now?” he asked, but he knew you had figured out that this was a mandatory activity.
“Don’t see any reason to wait,” you smiled sarcastically.
Of course, when he got up to show you some DVDs so you could pick what you wanted (Wall-E; he knew you didn’t actually want to watch that since your typical fare was horror and action movies, but it was your favorite of the options), he quickly turned down the thermostat.  Perhaps a comfortable 55 Fahrenheit would help you remember why it’s important to take what Daddy gives you.
He hadn’t seen Wall-E before but he found it oddly relatable.  A robot, built for someone else’s purpose, abandoned in a filthy, empty world… it brought back some old feelings that he managed to press back down.  
Regardless, he was distracted from it when he could literally feel you shivering from across the couch.
“Are you cold, darling?” he asked presumptuously.
“No,” you denied, barely managing to suppress the chattering of your teeth.
“Do you want the clothes?” 
“Shut up.”
He just laughed a little to himself, ignoring your rude language and turning back to the TV.
It did kill him a bit to have to pretend he didn’t care when you were obviously uncomfortable, but you would’ve been even more irritated with him if he’d held you down and forced you to put the outfit on.
This fucker was smart, you’d give him that.  Or maybe it was just that you were stupid.  Not stupid, really, but having no sense of self-preservation.  Why had you chosen this hill to die on?  You couldn’t even remember why you’d put up a fight at all.  You were so cold that you couldn’t even understand what could’ve ever compelled you to reject an offer of clothes.  Didn’t help that you knew he was so close, that if you cuddled up to him you would be warm, but that it would mean the loss of your last shred of dignity.
Only a week and you were starting to completely lose your sense of yourself.  You searched within and couldn’t find any of the fight you’d had so many times before.  You remembered that time you kicked him right in the face, and where you once found pride at the memory, you found guilt.  You felt guilty for hurting him, after everything he’d done to you-- why?
“B-bucky…” you finally relented not even an hour into the movie, stammering from the force of your shivers.
“I want… I want the c-clothes.”
He smiled a little, in an insulting way.  “Ask nicely, doll.”
“P-please, Daddy,” you whimpered.
He came back with the clothes in hand, but when you reached out for them, he shook his head and motioned for you to stand up.  You sighed but obeyed, your entire body shaking with violent shivers as your bare feet hit the cool concrete floor.  
He knelt down, holding the lace panties open for you as you shyly stepped into them.  He pulled them up to your hips and let the elastic slap your skin a little as he let go, making you jump.  He did the same with the fuzzy pink pyjama pants, running his hands over soft fabric for just a second as he stood up, helping you into the loose grey sweatshirt.  It was the least feminine thing he’d ever let you wear, noticeably absent in anything pink or fuzzy or girly or adorned with bows.  You only realized as it slipped over your head that it was his, because once you plunged into darkness inside of it, you were overwhelmed with the smell of him.  You wouldn’t have known that you could recognize his smell, but now that you were in it, it was undeniable.
You were almost surprised to see him when your head popped through the neckline, somehow.  It’s not as if you had forgotten he was there in the three seconds you couldn’t see him, just that he looked so different to you now.  He had this stoic, nearly stern look on his face as he helped you get your hands through the sleeves, and the way he caressed your fingers as they emerged from the cotton was so upsettingly tender.
“Daddy…” you mumbled, and he looked back at your face.  
“Is this better?  Are you warmer?”
“My feet…” you realized, looking down at them.  
“I’ll get you some socks, baby,” he nodded, dashing away for a moment.  You felt colder with him gone.  It couldn’t be loneliness, could it?  Even knowing he’d only be gone less than a minute, you were unduly anxious for his return.
He came back and held your feet up by the ankle one at a time as he rolled pink fuzzy socks-- with lace at the ankle, of course-- over your feet.  You wiggled your toes into them, finally feeling like you’d be able to get warm again.
“Let’s finish the movie, okay?” he suggested, rubbing his hands on your arms.  You nodded, allowing him to guide you back to the couch and finding yourself cuddling into his side as he laid an arm over your shoulders.
You barely managed to pay attention as you felt his hand slip lower, resting on your waist.  Then your hip, then your thigh.
Something about the way the lace panties rubbed against your pussy made you feel so oddly sensitive, and even the inside of his sweatshirt was just rough enough to make your nipples react every time you adjusted your position.
You figured he realized your condition pretty quickly, but he didn’t react until a moan, so quiet that you were sure he wouldn’t hear it, passed your lips.
“Everything alright, doll?” he asked, failing to hide the fact that he clearly knew the answer.
You didn’t respond, distracted by his other hand reaching over and stroking your thigh.  You were caged in his embrace now, and your heart raced in a way that was oddly lacking in fear.
“Tell me what you’re feeling,” he demanded, watching your nervous reaction to his intensity.
“Daddy I… I feel tingly,” you murmured, feeling yourself blush.
“Where, baby?”
“D-down there,” you admitted as you forced your eyes shut, too embarrassed to look him in the face as you said it.
“You need Daddy’s help?”
“Please,” you whispered, hating yourself a little for needing him but too desperate to really care.
In one motion he’d already turned the TV off, pulled you onto his lap, and started kissing where the baggy neckline of the sweatshirt exposed your collarbone.
You were rubbing yourself on his thigh and you didn’t even know how to stop.  It felt so good.  It made your skin warm up even faster as you recovered from the cold.  
He slipped his right hand into your pants as the other pulled you closer until your face was buried in his neck.  If there was anything worth appreciating about Bucky, it was how good he was with his fingers.  He knew your body better than you did at this point-- but then again, he had spent so much time exploring it in one week that he was probably competing with you already in terms of practice time.  
“Oh my god,” you moaned as his fingers moved faster and firmer, making your hips jerk forward unexpectedly.  
“It feels good?” he asked in that way that made it obvious he knew the answer.
“Yes, Daddy, it feels so good,” you whimpered.  You’d gotten pretty good by now at appeasing him by performing the role he wanted you to play… so good, in fact, that it was starting to feel very real.
Just as you were grabbing onto his shoulders to hold you steady through your orgasm, he was pulling out his hand and reaching for his own pants instead.
“Need to be inside you,” he explained quickly as he pushed them down and revealed his hard, leaking cock.  “I need to be inside you when I make you come.”
He helped you slide off your pants and underwear but pulled you back into his lap the absolute second they were discarded.  He slid you down onto his cock with a groan, and your face was so hot as you processed how wet you were, how easily he entered you.  Your joy halted, though, when he held your hips down.  You tried to wiggle around for some friction but he was so strong that it was a complete waste.
“Daddy,” you mumbled with confusion, “what are you doing?”
“You’re mine, baby, ‘m gonna use you how I please,” he reminded you darkly, “and right now I want you to stay still and wait.”
He slapped your ass harshly, and you whimpered but decided not to put up much more of a fight.
All the while as you tried to stay still, he was kissing your neck and jaw and cheeks, murmuring praises and leaving the softest bite marks every once in a while.
“Please let me move,” you sobbed against his shoulder, having to fight everything in you not to start grinding on him like your life depended on it.
“I’m not ready yet,” he denied.
“I’ll be good, I promise,” you whimpered.  “I’ll do anything.  I just need to come, and I need to make you come, please…”
With a hand on either side of your hips, he started to move you on top of him, excruciatingly slow.  Your head fell back from how wonderful just that felt.  
“Anything?  You’re gonna spoil me talking like that, doll.”
“Oh god, anything, just move a little faster, please,” you begged.  Of course you knew it was a bad idea, and you figured you were going to regret saying it, but your need was surpassing your sanity at the moment.
He grabbed your face and pulled you down until your lips were almost brushing his, but not quite.  “Keep riding my cock, babygirl.”  You nodded, finally free to pick up the pace to where you wanted it, and you bit your lip as his cock stretched you exactly how you needed it to.
“Daddy, you feel so good inside me,” you moaned.
“I can tell,” he smiled, “you’re making those perfect noises, it’s killing me not to flip you over and fuck you so hard right now.”
You were much more inspired by that mental image than you expected to be.  Those few times he’d gotten really rough with you, it had made you so wet you thought you might get dehydrated.
When he spoke again, his voice was so low that it sounded like a growl, echoing in his chest and making shivers run up your spine.  “I know what I want you to do for me.”
You swallowed and braced yourself as he pulled you even closer, looking right into your eyes.
“Tell me you love me,” he demanded.
You gasped, tears starting to burn at the back of your eyes.  It was the last thing you expected, but it also tracked.  Of course that was what he wanted.  But now that you were trying to form words and nothing would come out, you were kind of wishing he’d just said he wanted anal.
“D-daddy,” you stammered, distracted by him grabbing your hips and moving you even faster on top of him.  He was practically throwing you up and down on top of him, and somehow doing it effortlessly.
“Just say it,” he whispered.
“I love you,” you whispered back.  He smiled and pulled you into a deep kiss, swallowing every moan as you felt yourself barrelling towards your peak.
“Please, I’m about to come-- can I come, Daddy?”
“Almost,” he nodded, “say it again, babygirl.”
“I love you,” you panted, “Daddy, I love you, please--”
“One more time,” he grunted, watching your face. 
“I love you!” you yelped, unable to hold back your orgasm any longer and feeling your walls flutter as sensation washed over you.  Thankfully he wasn’t far behind, only thrusting up into you a few more times before he spilled himself with a groan.
He kissed you long and slow, staying inside you even as his cock began to soften a little.  When he pulled away, he looked up at you with an expression that brimmed with restrained excitement.
“Oh, doll, you have no idea how good it is to finally hear you say that,” he beamed.  “We’re gonna be so happy here together… just me and my best girl, right?”
“Right,” you smiled, but as soon as you blinked a tear was rolling down your cheek.  He wiped it away with his thumb.
“Don’t cry,” he soothed, “everything’s finally the way it’s supposed to be.  You’re finally where you belong, with me.”
You nodded weakly and felt whatever grip you had on your sanity loosening.  Dreams of escape faded as he carried you to bed, holding you in his arms all night long.  You were beginning to embrace the simplicity of just letting life happen to you.  For every time you felt belittled and patronized by his coddling, there was another time that you secretly felt protected and loved.  The truth was, even though you had experienced so much that you couldn’t begin to describe in the past week, you had been relieved of so much of the stress you dealt with before.  As you drifted to sleep, you only hoped that you could manage to hide that truth from yourself just a little bit longer.
He was honestly proud of himself for managing to keep his hands off you while you slept all this time.  But it wasn’t too much longer before you woke him up with your stirring.  At first he was just going to give you a quick hug and then get back to sleep, but then as he pulled you closer, he realized you were dreaming.  And when you moaned quietly in your sleep, he realized it wasn’t just any dream.
He smiled to himself as he kissed your neck gently, wondering if you would wake up or not.  It was sort of a win-win either way for him.  He let his hands slide down your body, listening to your breathing as it began to pick up.  Your mouth fell open and it made your sounds even more apparent as he carefully opened your legs.
“Oh baby, you’re drenched,” he murmured to no one in particular, admiring the way your pussy glistened in the low light of the room.  This was one of those times that he really appreciated his choice to make you sleep naked almost every night.
One metal finger sliding through your folds made you shiver.  He wondered if it was from arousal or if the metal felt cold on your warm skin.  Your clit was swollen, and apparently extra sensitive from the way your sleeping body erupted in goosebumps when he drew lazy circles around it.
Suddenly lacking in the patience more foreplay would require, he found himself shoving down his boxers and stroking his cock, preparing to push into you.  If that didn’t wake you up, he’d be slightly concerned… but he wasn’t sure if he’d be concerned enough to stop fucking you.  Thankfully he didn’t have to face that dilemma because the second he was pressing his head into your opening, your eyes flew open.
“Daddy!” you yelped, your voice sounding a little strange as you were torn from your sleep.
He bottomed out and groaned softly, relishing how tightly you wrapped around him.  “You looked so beautiful, baby, I couldn’t help myself.”
You mewled but said nothing, only wrapping your hands around his biceps as he pulled back to thrust into you again.  
“What were you dreaming about?” he asked firmly.
“N-nobody-- I mean, uh, nothing,” you stumbled over your words.
“Oh, you can’t lie to me very well can you?  It’s okay doll, you can tell me, but if it’s someone other than me I’m probably gonna kill him.”
He felt you tense up a little and he knew he’d scared you.  He sort of wanted to do it again, because he loved the way your cunt tightened in that moment, but he decided against it.
“Aw, I’m just joking,” he dismissed, though he wasn’t quite sure if he actually was or not.  “Go ahead, tell me what you were dreaming.”
“Y-you were there,” you explained, “but it wasn’t just you.”
“Is that so?”
“Um, yeah,” you deflected nervously.
“Go ahead, spit it out,” he hissed as he started to thrust into you a bit harder.  
“Well, uh, Steve was there too,” you finally admitted.  A lot of emotions hit him at once when he heard you say that.  Of course jealousy was prominent, but it was different than it would’ve been before... you were home now, and nobody could take you away.  Both of you knew that.  So it might have been a slight blow to the ego, but he didn’t see Steve as a threat.  What he did see was an opportunity to make you squirm, which he was always looking for.
“Was he watching us?” Bucky pressed.
“Uh, sort of…” you trailed off.
He leaned down, putting his lips right against your ear.  “Was he fucking you?”
You whimpered but he could tell you were turned on.  He reached down and roughly rubbed at your clit.  “Be honest, darling.”
“He wasn’t,” you explained, “you were; you said he wasn’t allowed to… but I gave him a-- a blowjob.”
As much as Bucky wasn’t exactly the sharing type, he was intrigued by the mental image of you stuffed with cock at both ends like that.  Even more so he was intrigued by the fact that it apparently turned you on.
“Is that what you want, huh?  One cock isn’t good enough for you?  Who knew you were such a fucking slut.”
“‘M not!” you denied.
“Then why are you soaked from dreaming about choking on somebody else’s cock while I fuck you, huh?”
“I didn’t mean to!”
“And how did you feel when I told Stevie he wasn’t allowed to fuck you?  Even in your sleep you know your Daddy owns you.  That this is my hole and I decide everything that happens to it.”
You moaned so loud that he was afraid he would come right then and there.  You sounded like heaven.  He thrust into you as hard and deep as he could, slamming into your cervix and hitting your clit with his pelvis with each brutal motion.  You cried out and dug your nails into his skin.  
“Fuck, you like it rough don’t you?  Of course you do.  ‘Cause you’re Daddy’s needy little whore.”
“Yes, I’m close!” you yelped.
“Doesn’t matter, I’m not gonna let you come until you beg for it.  Seems like you need to remember that I’m the only one for you.”
“Just you, Daddy, I only want you!” you reassured, but he wasn’t buying it.
“I’d die before I let you get on your knees for another man, do you believe me babygirl?”
“Yes, I know Daddy, I’m yours, there’s nobody else.”
“If you wanna come you better start askin’ really nice,” he growled.
“Please, Daddy, I want you to make me come!  It feels so good, please…”
“Keep going.”
“You’re amazing, your cock feels amazing, I wanna come for you so bad--”
“Fuck, baby, beg me to use you.”
He knew you were flustered by that.
“I-- I don’t know how,” you protested.
“Oh come on, you’re dumb but you’re not that dumb,” he grinned.  “Just how I said it.”
“Use me,” you murmured in defeat, “please.”
“That’s it,” he praised, “just like that-- come for me, doll.”
You were so obedient, tightening around him and nearly screaming with pleasure the moment he commanded you to.  He wasn’t far behind, succumbing to the perfection of your wet heat and filling it with his climax.
“Fuck!” he groaned when he hit the peak of it, trying somehow to focus entirely on both the way you felt and the way you sounded.
Normally he cleaned you up after this but right now he wanted his come to leak out of you all night, make your thighs and the sheets sticky.  Apparently you had some sort of implant or something which kept you safe… he was trying not to count the days until it wore off.  He figured you would totally lose it if he told you that he wanted to get you pregnant, and yet, he was surprised that you hadn’t asked him about getting your implant replaced.
You knew that life was unpredictable and all that, but if never in a million years would you have expected for the Winter Soldier to be painting your nails.  But there he was, focused intently on each stroke of the tiny brush as he held your hand still.
“This’ll help you stop chewing your nails,” he gave as his excuse.  It was almost believable, except that he did your toes too.  Amazingly enough, you’d never chewed on those.
They were actually sort of pretty, if you were being honest.  You admired them a little, as they dried.  It wasn’t a perfect paint job by any means, but much better than you expected from Bucky and honestly, a bit better than you would’ve done it in all likelihood.  The baby pink color was a little nauseating as always, but it admittedly did look nice with your skin tone. 
“What do you say?” he prompted.
“Thank you, Daddy,” you smiled.  “It looks nice.”
“You’re welcome, angel.  I think so too.  We’ll take ‘em for a spin when they’re dry.”
You swallowed.  You had a pretty good idea of what that would entail.
Next was your hair.  Pigtails, the way he always did it.  You never quite understood what he liked so much about turning you into a girlier, more childish version of yourself, but you were finally embracing the things that you liked about being in this role.  He certainly pampered you, which was hard to complain about.  In your whole time here (you struggled to keep track but it must have been over a month now) you'd never cooked once.
After lunch he had you on your knees, looking up at him while you started to unzip his fly.  You found yourself salivating a little as you pulled his half-hard cock out of his boxers.
“Baby, your hands are so small…” he noticed reverently.  “Barely fit around it.”
“It’s not that they’re small, it’s that you’re so big,” you replied, more honest than you were used to being with him.
“You flatter me,” he grinned.  “Do it some more.”
You felt put on the spot, but feared disappointing him.  “Daddy, your cock is… so big,” you improvised, still stroking him as he got harder for you, “I can’t believe it fits inside me.”
“Hmm, it almost doesn’t,” he recalled.
“But it feels so good when-- when I get used to you and, um, your cock… stretches me…”
He groaned a little, and you moved your hand faster.
“Fills me up so good, Daddy,” you moaned, getting more into it than you had intended to.  “Your cock feels so fucking good, it’s like it’s made for me--”
He cut you off suddenly by pushing you back onto the mattress, hovering over you as a muscular hand wrapped around your throat.
“Got quite the mouth on ya, doll,” he growled.  “Do I need to wash it out with soap?” 
You shook your head; he wasn’t choking you hard enough to stop you from speaking entirely if you had really wanted to, but you were too stunned to say much.  His attitude could flip on a dime like this, and you could never see it coming.  The fear made your heart race; the anticipation made your thighs clench together.  
He smiled as he pulled back, letting go of your neck and reaching for his cock instead.  “I can tell you’re worked up.  Go ahead, touch yourself.”
You hesitated because typically that would be an infraction, but he nodded for you to continue as you nervously reached between your legs.   
You gasped softly when you touched your clit: it was swollen, and especially sensitive.  You hadn't realized how turned on you really were.  Slowly, you started to rub circles around it as your hips rocked with your movements.
"Does it feel good?" he asked, and when you looked up at him, he was stroking himself as well.  You nodded quickly.  "'M gonna come on that pretty face, little one.  Beg me for it."
"Daddy…" you murmured in shock, "I… want you to come on my face, please.  Wanna be covered in it."
"You're not a good liar," he grinned.  "I know you really want me to fuck you."
He wasn't wrong, so you nodded again and watched his hand speed up as it moved up and down his length.
"You poor thing," he cooed.  "I fuck you daily and you're so disappointed to be going without, to just be getting my come on your face like the dirty little whore you are."
His words stung but your hand was moving faster between your legs.
"You're getting close, aren't you?  Wait until I'm ready," he ordered.  You swallowed dryly but slowed down a little to buy yourself some time.  
He grunted a bit and you really hoped it was signalling an orgasm because you felt yours building unstoppably.  You didn't even think you could pull your hand away from yourself if he asked you to, you needed to come so bad.
"Fuck, open your mouth baby-- stick your tongue out," he commanded quickly, stepping forward until his cock was casting a shadow over your face.  "Oh god, just like that… ready baby?"
You nodded one more time and heard yourself panting loudly through your open mouth, your moans only interrupted by a wince as his come spurted forward and painted your face and exposed tongue in hot stripes.  Your orgasm hit just in time, embarrassingly spurred on by the degrading position you were in.  
When he was done-- which seemed to take forever because he came so much-- he started to catch his breath before slipping his softening cock onto your come-coated tongue and into your waiting mouth.
"Mm, you look so good like this," he praised, "I'm not sure I wanna let you wipe it off."
A flesh thumb moved down to your cheek and rubbed a stray drop of spend into your skin.  
"My perfect little cum dumpster, huh?" he said proudly, as if it was an award or achievement or something, and not a sick, insulting term.
Weird thing was, you felt proud of yourself, too.
He’d been working outside all day, chopping firewood in preparation for the upcoming winter.  Sure, the cabin had heating, but he had a lot of ideas about cuddling in front of the fire, or maybe making love beside it.  
Regardless, even super soldiers tire and must rest after working.  He decided to head inside and heat up something warm to stave off the cold.  You were still sleeping last he’d checked, exhausted from a long night-- yes, that kind of long night.  He almost felt guilty for putting your body through so much…  you were so delicate, sometimes he forgot you couldn’t always handle what he could.  However, you were stronger than you realized, and such a perfectly obedient little girl; he smiled at the memory of your skin under his fingertips, your fragile form writhing and whimpering beneath him as he’d taken you for hours.  As he daydreamed and began to enter the kitchen, he was torn from his imagination by a sound from your room.  At first he wondered if he’d misheard it, but when he heard you cry out again, he assumed you were hurt and nearly tripped over himself to run to you.  His heart was racing and he almost considered reaching for his sidearm-- there was no way someone could’ve broken in and tried to hurt you, right?
But as he flung open the door, instead he found you alone with your hand between your legs.  You jumped up when you saw him, but it was too late.
“The fuck are you doing?!” he exclaimed, climbing onto the bed and trapping you before you could crawl backwards away from him.
“I-- I was just--”
He cut you off with a quick slap to the face.  Not to hurt you, just to get you to focus on him.
“You know you can’t touch yourself without my permission.  Did you forget?”
“No…” you murmured ashamedly.
“If you knew it was wrong, why did you do it?”
“I… I just missed you…”
“Why didn’t you call me for help?  I can’t take care of you if you don’t ask.”
“I knew you were busy, I didn’t want to bother you--”
“Show me what you did,” he growled, watching you sheepishly spread your legs again to reveal your wet pussy and swollen clit.  “Oh doll, you really did a number on yourself.  Did you come without me?”
You looked away.
“Don’t bother lying.  Did you make yourself come with your fingers?”
You were hiding something.  He almost didn’t want to know the entire truth because it was breaking his heart to know you’d disobeyed so severely, but he had to know what happened if he was going to discipline you properly.
“Was it more than once?”
You shook your head and his blood went cold upon the realization that you were hiding something worse.
“What were you thinking about?” he asked you slowly.  He could hear your breathing quickened and he was sure he might die if you said what he was afraid of.  “Answer me.”
“I was thinking about… being fucked…”
“By who?” he asked.  You opened your mouth instantly but he cut you off.  “Don’t lie.”
You spoke but it was so weak that it wasn’t even a whisper.  “What was that?” he pressed.
“Sam,” you finally relented, “it was Sam.”
He was livid, but at least it wasn’t Steve.  
“Go stand beside the bed and kneel,” he commanded firmly.  You nodded weakly and slithered out from under him to do as he asked.  
He took a deep, slow breath hoping to calm himself a little.  He had heard that you shouldn’t punish little girls when you’re angry.  But he needed to nip this in the bud.
He got off the bed and approached you after a moment, running a finger under your chin and guiding you to look up at him.
“You understand you’ve been very naughty, don’t you?” he asked with a cold fury tinting his voice.
“Yes, Daddy,” you answered.  Clearly you were trying to be extra good and dutiful, hoping that strict adherence to the rules from here on out could save you some pain.  You weren’t wrong, but he wished that you would’ve had that attitude a little sooner.
“And if I don’t teach you a lesson, that would be unfair to both of us.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
He sat down on the edge of the bed and opened his belt and fly, pulling out his cock.  He sensed that you were compelled to lean forward and take it in your mouth, but you stayed still; you knew he would tell you exactly what he wanted you to do.
As he stroked his cock to full hardness, he glared at you so intensely that you couldn’t keep his gaze, looking up briefly but always glancing back down to the floor shamefully.  
“I-I’m sorry, Da-” you began weakly.
“You’ll speak when spoken to,” he interjected harshly.  Finally, he held your jaw with one hand, the other holding his cock forward as he plunged it between your lips.  He moaned a little when you swirled your tongue over it, doing your best to coat every inch of it in wetness.
As quickly as he had pushed in, he pulled out again.  He slapped his cock on your face, smearing your own spit on your cheek.  He rubbed his tip over your lips in a circle, but when you opened up your mouth for him, instead he leaned forward and spit into your open mouth.
“Swallow it,” he demanded through his teeth, and you did though it made you shudder with disgust.
Only then did he shove his cock in again, and with brutal force as well.  He used fistfuls of your hair to pull your face up and down on his cock, ignoring your whimpers of pain.
The room was filled with the sounds of your choking and coughing, until those extended periods of silence when his cock was shoved all the way into your throat and you couldn’t even get enough air for that.  It was the sexiest thing he’d ever heard in his life.
When he pulled you off of him to look at your face, he grinned proudly.  “Doll, you look like a fuckin’ mess.”  And it was true; spit and pre-cum dribbling down your chin and onto the floor, red nose and puffy eyes from crying… truly a sight to behold.
He gave you one more slap for good measure, the fist in your hair preventing your head from spinning to the side.  
“Gonna fuckin’ come in your throat.  You’d better swallow it all, bitch.”
He could feel your whole body jerk when he said it, and it only served to make your throat even tighter around him.  
“Fuck,” he groaned, “just like that, choke on me, fuck, oh god, fuck--”
He came with a stuttered moan and the sounds of protest you tried to make were lost as cum filled your throat and mouth.  
He smiled when you swallowed quickly, determined to obey.  He wasn’t even done coming yet and you were swallowing it.  Probably a good strategy; he had been pent up for a while now and he probably could’ve filled your tiny mouth until it was leaking.
When he was sure every drop of come had been spilled and swallowed, he pulled out and gave you some reprieve.  You gasped for air loudly, coughing a few times but mostly maintaining your composure like the good little slut you were.
He watched you shift your hip uncomfortably and realized you must be quite agitated yourself.
“If you want something from me, just ask,” he encouraged.  “That’s the whole point of this, isn’t it?”
“Please fuck me,” you whimpered.
He wagged his finger disapprovingly.  “I don’t know if you deserve it.”
“Please!” you yelped, and he yanked you off the floor and into his lap quickly.
“You get so dumb when you need me,” he growled into your ear.  “So desperate that you don’t know how to think about anything else but cock.  Isn’t that right?”
You nodded with a gasp.
“You’re my dumb little baby, aren’t you?  Say it," he hissed in demand.
“I’m your dumb little baby,” you repeated breathlessly.
“Get on your hands and knees and get that ass up.”
You obeyed quickly, almost eagerly, and he grinned at your obedience.  You really needed it bad, and he was helpless but to oblige you.  As soon as he was on his knees behind you and lining up with your sopping entrance, he was shoving his cock into you all at once.
You yelped at the brutality of the intrusion; he stayed still for a moment, relishing the feeling of your warmth, before pulling back out again.
“Wh-?” you began to protest in confusion, but he was a step ahead of you.
“That was just to get my cock wet, baby.”
One metal finger slipped into your puckered hole and you yelped.  “D-daddy, not there!”
“Shhh, just relax,” he soothed.
“It’s gonna hurt,” you whined.
“That’s sort of the idea,” he explained.  “I know what you can handle, doll.”
“And I can handle this?”
“I never said that.”
And with only one more finger and a few more minutes of hasty preparation, he was pushing his cock into your tighter hole.
“Shh,” he soothed when he felt you clench around him, but still pushing forward, indifferent to your hiss of pain.  
“It hurts!” you sobbed.
“I know baby, you’re just gonna have to take it.  This wouldn’t be happening if you had just asked me to help you.”
You pouted and it was equal parts adorable and pathetic.  “I’m sorry!”
“I’ll tell you when it’s time to apologize.  Right now you just need to be quiet.  Don’t you wanna be a good little girl?”
He started to move his cock inside you and you shivered under him.  
“Please come,” you begged weakly after a few more minutes of thrusting.
“You wanna get it over with?  Don’t like it?”
You nodded and he did feel bad for you, but he knew it was what you needed.
“I’ll come when I’m ready, doll.  Just take Daddy’s cock, ‘s all you’re good for anyways, right angel?”
You nodded and bit back another sob, blissfully unaware of his adoring gaze; you looked so cute crying for his cock.  He liked being strong enough to hurt you almost as much as he liked being strong enough to protect you.
“My perfect little crybaby,” he cooed.  “Don’t whine too much or I’ll have to stuff that filthy mouth with a paci, alright?”
He watched you bite your lip and try to stay calm.  Out of pity, he moved a little slower than he wanted to, giving you some more time to adjust.  Eventually he felt you relaxing, though you still yelped a little when he pushed in all the way.  It was hard to choose between watching your face or watching his cock stretch open your hole.
“God, you’re takin’ me so well,” he praised.  “Who knew you were such a whore, huh?”
Before you could deny it, he reached down and swiped his fingers through your folds quickly, groaning when he felt how swollen and wet they were.  “Fuck, baby, you’re drenched.  You like getting fucked up the ass; such a dirty little slut.”
“Just for you, Daddy,” you informed him with a weak voice.  He was still angry with you, of course, but he was so proud of you, too.  He could remember all those times you’d tried to run or fight, now you were just laying there and taking it like a champ-- no restraints, no threats, just the desire to be good for him.  You were everything he’d ever dreamed you could be and more.
The thought spurred his orgasm ahead sooner than he expected, but he still wanted to hold back.  You needed more to learn your lesson, and he wanted to savor this feeling as long as possible.
His fingers had been digging into the supple flesh of your hips and ass, hard enough to bruise, but you felt too warm and too soft, so he gripped the sheets instead in his attempts to stave off his rupture.
But it wasn’t much longer until the tightness of you, the heat of you, the sweetness of your sobs all became too perfect to ignore.  His cock was aching for release, and if he denied himself much more, he figured his balls would never relax from their tightened state.
“I think you’re ready to apologize now,” he groaned.
“I’m so sorry, Daddy,” you sobbed.  “I swear, I’ll never touch myself without your permission again-- and I’ll never think about anybody but you!  I only want you, I swear!”
“You sure, baby?  You don’t think Sam would treat you better?” he mocked.  Sam definitely would be nicer to you, but there was no way he could treat you better than Bucky did.  Maybe you wanted a guy who was sweeter, more traditional, but this was what you needed and only your Daddy could give that to you.
“I’m sure!  I only want you, please!  Please, please come.”
“Is that what you want, angel?  Want me to come in your tight little ass?”
“Please,” you whimpered.
“Please, Daddy.”
And he came, though it was a little more physically taxing since it was the second of the night.  You whimpered a little but he could tell you were relieved it was over.
You didn’t put up any fight at bath time that night, just curled into his arms and let him wash you as you whispered more apologies.  
“Shh, it’s alright,” he soothed as he washed your hair, whispering right against your ear before giving it a little kiss.  “You did good, baby.  You made a mistake but you’re gonna learn from it and we’re gonna be better than ever.  You took your punishment so well, darling, you should be proud.”
Today you'd woken up to an empty house, with a note on the kitchen table:
Gone for groceries, I'll be back in the afternoon.  When I get home, greet me at the door wearing what I've laid out for you in your closet.
You figured it wasn't going to be something conservative by any means, but you were still taken aback by finding a tail, collar, and cat-ear headband.  The collar was pink leather with a tiny bell and a little heart-shaped steel tag with your name on it.  The realization that he had this custom-made sent a shiver down your back.  On the back of the tag was another engraving:
You were a little concerned about wearing only a collar, ears and tail… especially when you realized how the tail was intended to be worn.
Still, you had become thoroughly obedient, and you trusted that this would make him happy which was all you could hope for.  You fought past your hesitation and changed out of your pajamas into the outfit (if it could even be called that when it contained no actual clothing).
He had the biggest grin on his face when he opened the door to find you on your knees just outside the entryway.
“Oh look at you, kitten,” he beamed.
Being naked on the floor was cold and awkward.  You crossed your arms to cover your chest, frowning as you tried to avoid his penetrating gaze.  “This is stupid.  I feel stupid.”
“You are stupid," he smiled.  "But you look great!  Now behave or you’ll have to eat out of a bowl on the floor until you’ve learned to love being Daddy’s pet.”
Your eyes went wide.
“You’re gonna behave, right?”
“Y-yes, Daddy.”
He smiled and curled his finger, motioning for you to come closer.  You awkwardly crawled towards him on your hands and knees, biting your lip absent-mindedly.  When you were on the floor in front of his legs, he knelt down a bit and grabbed a handful of your ass.  It made the plug inside you shift and you whimpered.
“Mm, this tail looks lovely on you,” he praised.  “And the ears… you’re a natural.”
“Thank you, Daddy,” you shyly accepted the compliment.
"I bet you got wet putting this on, huh?" he presumed.  You nodded as he moved to rub two fingers through your folds, proving himself right.
When he leaned back and pulled his cock from his jeans, you were surprised at how hard it already was.  Clearly the kitten thing was working for him.
"Go ahead kitty, I know you want a taste," he encouraged.
You leaned forward and gave, fittingly, small kitten licks to the tip of his cock and he groaned.  “Just like that, fuck.”
You hummed when you tasted his pre-cum on your tongue.  You’d gotten so accustomed to it that you actually enjoyed the flavor now.
Hesitantly, you wrapped your lips around the head and suckled on it gently.  Apparently, he didn’t care much for the slow-but-steady method; he slipped two fingers under your collar and used it to pull you down further until you choked.  
He continued to guide you forward and back, moaning every time your throat accepted the leaking head of his cock.
“You don’t want me to come in your mouth, do you?” he asked with a grunt.
You shook your head.  
He grinned knowingly, pushing you back until your mouth was empty and free to respond.  “Where do you want it?” 
“In my pussy.”
“Full sentences only, please.”
“I want you to come in my pussy, Daddy, please.”
“Hmm, you did ask very nicely,” he smiled.  “But I have something else to do first.  Go get on the couch, kitten, hands and knees.”
You almost stood up but realized he wanted you to crawl again.  As soon as you’d done it, he was behind you, humming contentedly as he ran his rough hands over your skin.  You mewled when he started to kiss along your back, down your ass and between your thighs until he was licking long stripes through your folds.  Both of you moaned when he sucked your clit into his mouth, even allowing it to graze against his teeth which nearly hurt but made you gush with wetness anyways.
"Please-- I'm close, Daddy, can I come?" you whimpered.
"Go ahead," he mumbled before returning to his work, knowing exactly how to use his tongue to take you apart in mere minutes.  Your hands grabbed desperately at the back of the couch for stability as your legs began to quiver with the force of your orgasm.  You yelped and bit down on your lip as it crashed over you; sometimes when he ate you out, he wouldn't stop after you'd came and keep going until you were begging for mercy, but he was apparently feeling generous today and stopped once you'd finished.
That, of course, did not mean he was finished with you.
He pushed his jeans down to his thighs and laid back onto the mattress, cock so hard that it was pressing into his abs.
“Come on kitten, ride me,” he grinned, motioning for you to climb on top of him.  The moment you did he was rubbing his cock against you, pushing it upwards for you to sink down onto it.  You moaned as it stretched you open, and when your hips met his, the tip of it brushed against the deepest places inside you.  You yelped and tried to move back up but he suddenly grabbed your legs and held you down.
“Nuh-uh, kitten, no running away.  You’re gonna take all of me.”
“It’s too deep,” you protested weakly, even though you felt your walls throbbing with pleasure.
“Not at all, angel; you’re made for me, so you fit me perfectly,” he explained.  “If I let you go, you’re gonna ride me properly, take my whole cock, right?”
You nodded and he eased up his grip.  You felt your legs shaking as little as you pushed yourself up only to drop back down, wincing as he filled you so completely once again.  You repeated the movement over and over, picking up pace and moaning every time.  You could feel his cock moving the plug inside your ass, and each bounce on top of him made your collar jingle a little.
You did your best to keep up the pace, but to lift yourself required use of a muscle that you clearly hadn't been getting much exercise for; it wasn't more than a few minutes before you were faltering, your moans of pleasure accented with the struggling groans of exhaustion.
"Oh kitty, are you too weak?  Too wimpy and small to ride my cock?  Baby… that's pathetic," he moped.
"I'm sorry, Daddy," you pouted.  "I'm just tired…"
"Just a little longer, kitten, just ride my cock a little more then I'll help you out, okay?  I know you can do it.  I know you can be a good girl."
You hoped he was right.  You nodded weakly as he looked at you expectantly, before slowly beginning to move again in spite of your sore thighs.
Soon, as he'd promised, he pulled you down and wrapped his arms around you, thrusting up into you.  Your moans echoed against his skin when your face was shoved into the crook of his neck.  When his cock slammed into your most sensitive spot, you bit him there as a way to stifle yourself and he slapped your ass.
“Only bad kittens bite, doll.  I thought you were going to be a good kitten for me?”
“Feels so good,” you tried to explain though it came out slurred, “please don’t stop.”
“I’m not gonna stop, baby.  Not gonna stop until that pussy is full of my come.  That what you want?”
“Yes,” you pleaded, “oh god, yes, please…”
He moaned loudly as his thrusts lost all rhythm, his cock moving so fast inside you that the sensation became one hot blur against your walls.  Finally, as he groaned and gripped you tight enough to bruise, he spilled inside you. 
As he let out a long breath and his body relaxed under you, he smiled softly.  "You really are perfect, pet."
"C-can I take off the ears now?  And the tail?"
"Hmm, not yet," he grinned, "we need to take a few pictures of you like this first."
He was working in the kitchen when he heard your footsteps approaching.
"Don't come in here!" he ordered you.  "Wait for me at the dining table."
"Why, Daddy?" he heard you respond from the hall.  He smiled just to hear your sweet voice.
"It's a surprise, babydoll," he explained.  "It's almost ready-- just wait, okay?"
"Okay, Daddy," you answered dutifully, your footsteps moving to the dining area as he'd requested.
Stepping back and admiring his work, he lifted it and turned out the door to deliver your surprise: a cake, with pink frosting and one pink candle.
Your eyes lit up when you saw him holding the cake stand, being careful not to tilt it or get the flame of the candle near his long hair.
He smiled and set it in front of you, looking to your face for a reaction.  Suddenly he felt self-conscious about it, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.   "Um, I made it myself.  Sorry if the decorating isn't that nice…"
"It's beautiful, Daddy, and I bet it'll taste great, too," you beamed.  "What's the occasion?"
"It's our anniversary," he replied, his voice suddenly low and dark.
He saw recognition cross your face, though you looked confused as well.  The meds he'd given you throughout the year had disrupted your memories, and probably distorted your perception of the passage of time as well, but it was all necessary to get you compliant.  He hoped reminding you of that somewhat violent first day wouldn't set back any of your progress.
"I've… been here a year?" you asked weakly.
"We've been here a year," he corrected, sitting down beside you and wrapping an arm around you, "but that's not what we're celebrating."
The hand on your shoulder slipped down to the underside of your arm, stroking it slowly.
"We're celebrating that a medication somebody gave you a long time ago, before we were together, is finally worn off," he explained slowly, a grin creeping across his face. "We're celebrating that the next time I come inside you, I'm gonna get you pregnant."
He didn't fuck you for three days after that, loving the way you were clearly on edge as you waited for him to make good on his promise.  And he didn't blame you for being nervous about it, even if you seemed to understand that any protest from you would fall on deaf ears.
So, he was quite taken aback when you came onto him one night, bedtime cuddling quickly turning into something more as you rubbed your ass against his crotch.  He hadn't even realized that you would want it all on your own.
God, you were so fucking perfect he couldn't stand it.
"What are you doing, angel?" he asked you with a growl as he grabbed your hips and forced them to still.
"Nothing, Daddy," you answered coyly.  He grinned and nipped at your earlobe.
"Are you horny, babygirl?  Because you're acting like a whore."
You nodded and gasped, shivering under his touch.
"Want Daddy's cock inside you?" he pressed, voice getting darker.
"Yes, please!" you begged.
He sat up and flipped you onto your back, caging you in with his arms as he hovered above you.
“You wanna have my baby?” he asked in a husky whisper.
“Yes,” you nodded your head quickly.
“Want me to knock you up, doll?  Right now?”
“Please,” you whimpered.
He leaned down, almost close enough to kiss you, as his gaze wandered over your face  “I don’t want it to be like the other times.  None of the crazy shit, nothing rough.  If I’m gonna get you pregnant--”
“Whatever you want,” you pleaded.
He kissed you suddenly, deep and slow.  “I love you,” he told you quickly as he pulled back, breathless but confident.  
“I love you too,” you answered without even questioning it.
He was gentle, and thorough, and patient.  It was love-making in a way that was out of character for him.  He lifted your legs to wrap around his hips, pushing into you as deep as he could but with a contemplative slowness; he cradled your face in his hands and kissed all over it as he praised you in whispers.
My pretty girl, my perfect little girl, gonna fill you up, gonna make you mine.
You were only moans and sobs, your arms wrapping around his neck to pull him closer.  
The first time you came was unexpected, building slowly but crashing into you all at once, judging by the way you went from softly whimpering to nearly screaming in seconds.  The second was quieter, more subtle, but he could tell by the way your walls tightened around him.  The third left you in tears, beyond overstimulated and broken down into a babbling mess.
“Please,” you cried, “please I need you to come-- come inside me.”
He struggled to resist that offer, but he didn't want it to be over too quickly.
“Soon,” he promised, “I’m close.  You feel so good.”
You wrapped a hand around the back of his neck, pulling him close for a kiss but stopping as his mouth brushed against yours.
“Please, Bucky… please come…” you whispered.
He moaned, his thrusts getting a little more erratic.
“Need it so bad,” you whimpered, “need you to put your baby in me--”
“Fuck,” he hissed, “‘m gonna, promise.”
“Now,” you demanded through your teeth, “I need it now.”
“Not until you come one more time,” he responded.  You whined and he knew you were questioning whether it was possible.  “I know you can, just gimme one more.”
His angle shifted and he stayed deep within you, grinding his hips on yours just the right way to rub your clit with his pubic bone.  Your back arched but he held you close, barraging you with the sensation and pressing his forehead to yours.
Your hands gripped his shoulders for dear life, as if you were afraid to fall.  He smiled and kissed your neck, feeling your walls flutter around him once again.
“That’s it,” he praised, “I know you’re close.  Just let go.  I’ve got you.”
Tears streamed down your face as it tore through you, hitting you so hard that instead of moans it was just silence.  He watched your face intently, breathing through his teeth as he summoned all his willpower to hold on just a little longer.  
"Daddy!" you yelped, and he couldn't take any more: with a high-pitched, stuttered moan, he felt his cock flexed as he came harder than maybe he ever had before.  Knowing that you were fertile made it all so much more intense.  Normally, his orgasm just meant the end of sex-- maybe just for a few minutes on a good day.  But now?  Now it was the beginning of something.  His perfect little angel was going to finally fulfill her final purpose and give him a baby.  He'd waited so long, dreamed of it every day for years, and finally it was going to happen.  
He refused to pull out or let you move until he was sure it would take; he killed the time by kissing every part of your face and neck that he could reach.
He hadn't even gotten you pregnant yet, technically, and he already couldn't wait for more children.  He'd always wanted to have a big family, but he gave up on that dream years ago; meeting you had brought it all back, and made him realize that all this time he'd just been waiting for the perfect wife to start it with.
You were well worth the wait.
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
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meet clay, he knows how you'll die.
intro filler chapter sorry
☾ pairing: dream x reader
☾ cw: interact at your own risk; contains graphic depictions of various character death and violence, suicide, blood, gore, and other triggering material. angst, language, guns, adult content, mentions of sex, slow burn friends to lovers
☾ wc: ~4100
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Clay pulled the strap of his backpack further on his shoulder as he wove through the mindless sea of college students, eyes scanning the crowd for you, his best friend and the only person he could stand at the early hour. His knuckles flashed white as he sighed, taking the blunt impact of someone walking into him. He removed one of his headphones, mumbling a quick apology and swatting off the enthusiastically apologetic sophomore girl. All he could focus on was how much she bit her lip as she stammered on about not seeing him. It wasn’t alluring to him when most girls tried to sway his affections by looking at him with a puppy dog expression; all his mind drifted to was the dead skin across the body of her lower lip.
He finally nodded and reinstated his headphone, turning on his heel and heading for the front of the building. He received a few greetings from his peers as they crossed his path, people who shared past lectures with him and who had cheated off of him during exams. He wasn’t popular by any means, but he stayed out of people’s business and didn’t express his opinions loudly, so people tended to like him. The autumn breeze picked up as he stood in the dwellings of political science majors on the front lawn, acting as if they hadn’t seen one another in years when it had been only a few days. Clay absent-mindedly looked down at his cellphone, flipping through music as he leaned against the cool brick of the hall’s facade, waiting for you to find him.
Clay’s usual brooding manner was often off-putting to outsiders, with the careless-hollow look in his eyes giving bystanders the impression that he was nothing but a machiavellian. But you always saw the brightness in him; the side that you always experienced was specifically for you, and he made sure to keep it that way. You had wedged herself into his life and he was ever grateful for the love you had given him.
Despite the understood truth between the two of you that nothing was to be left unsaid, Clay still found himself keeping one of the most important aspects of his character unknown to you. His bloodcurdling secret was his own curse, something that would only be poison for another soul to know.
“What’s up, stud?” Somehow a flush of relief rippled through Clay’s body as his eyes locked to yours, pulling him from his isolated shell. Your hair looked brighter today against the dark hoodie peeking out from beneath an all too familiar bomber jacket. The wind fluffed your locks slightly as you continued towards him.
His eyebrows perked up as if to signal he was attempting to downplay his excited demeanor. “Stud, huh?” You smirked at his response, taking one of his headphones and putting it in your own ear, her face angled up to Clay as you waited to recognize the song, swaying slightly.
He chuckled as you shrunk away from him after muttering the song’s artist disappointedly and rolling your eyes, pulling on his hoodie pocket to follow you. As chaotic as his life often felt, he could always rely on the consistency of you. You usually attached yourself to one of his backpack straps, handles, his belt loop, or ended up under his arm, wedged against his side. It had gotten to the point that he felt naked if you weren’t within arm’s length of him, which was rare for the two of you. “So, I have something for you.” He smugly looked down at you, green eyes masking a hidden sparkle as you handed him a can of root beer, making him chuckle.
“Aren’t you sweet?” He popped the tab, taking a sip as you waved at a group of girls passing the two of you before slipping your hand against the crook of his elbow where his hoodie sleeves were pushed back.
“Actually, I was hoping it could be payment for later. I need to head over to the cemetery for some rubbings. History 270 has me getting into some weird shit, huh?” He laughed again at you, offering you the drink.
“And you need wheels?” You nodded and smiled politely at him, beaming at his words. “Yeah, alright. I have to sketch something for art anyway.” He thought about the week’s assignment and then about your little project he had dealt with the prior year. You had acted like the two of you hadn’t been to the cemetery on a regular basis, but he was grateful that you wanted him to come along with you.
You quietly jumped once. “You are my hero in faded denim, Clay. You know that, right?”
The two of you parted ways to your select destinations, one of Clay’s least favorite parts of the day, which was only solidified as he sunk into his seat and attempted to look equipped for the lecture. He spotted an unfamiliar kid shaking his knee in a distant section of the classroom. In any other circumstance, he wouldn’t have thought twice, but the sie of the class had given him the pleasantries of getting his own personal curse out of the way on the first day.
He carefully watched the boy speak smugly to a few of the more athletic kids in the room. One of the athletes pointed to the general direction Clay was sitting in and they all moved towards him. He, yet again, took out his headphones, knowing full well that they would be talking to him for the rest of the class.
“Oi, Shaman,” one of the main guys greeted Clay like they always did: a strange pattern of slapping and shaking his hand. He was thankful he had gotten all of their first impressions months prior and didn’t have to worry about getting their scenarios again, but he geared up to meet the new kid.
“How are you, Punz?” Clay took a deep breath as the new kid was gestured to and brought into the light.
“This is Mark. He’s a transfer from one of the commuter campuses. Mark, this is the mastermind you pay for notes.”
Clay sarcastically smiled at Punz. “My, you flatter me more than any girl. Nice to meet you, man.” As soon as he touched Mark’s hand, Clay’s mind flashed to a dingy-looking barn out in the middle of nowhere before an older man in his mid-thirties came into view with a lever-action rifle in his hand. In another flash, Clay was in front of the man, now kneeling with the gun in his mouth, red, blurry eyes looking straight through Clay. A pang of guilt broke open in Clay’s stomach as he pushed against the handguard lever and pulled it back into place, squeezing the trigger and sending Ckay back to the class. He let out a sigh and fought to plaster one of his less absent smiles.
“Speaking of our lovely girls, Mark here has a question about her.” Clay’s head tilted towards Mark, not exactly squaring up to him, but sending him an amused look as if to warn him not to cross a line, knowing full-well this conversation would somehow involve you. “We all know that no guy would ever intrude on her without your blessing, but Mark sat near her on the bus before his first class and was thinking about asking her out.”
Clay bit back a laugh, feeling like the Vito Corleone. “Well, you know her, Punz, and you know she would be mortified if I told some guy to fuck off, so I would just ask her yourself?” Oh, how desperately Clay wanted to bash Mark for not even telling Clay himself and the fact that the boy before him was nowhere near your type, but Clay knew better than to burn bridges and he felt bad for the way Mark would meet his end.
Nobody, not even you, knew about Clay’s gift. In the going-on-five years of knowing you, he came breaths away from letting his secret slip but has always kept it hidden, hoping to bury it with him after being married to you for forty happy years.
The visions started around his fifth-grade year, beginning with vivid dreams of dying in the midst of the Civil War, feeling the warm gushing of blood leaving his system, and the stabbing pain of being shot multiple times beside a woman who oddly looked enough like you that he almost called out your name. He had lived what he presumed to be his death in the life before this one several times, each vision taking him a few clicks further.
Soon, he found himself catching glimpses of others’ deaths before they happened as soon as they touched him, but thankfully it was usually over with no time passing and he only endured the visions once for each person, fate having already sealed itself. The only person who seemed to mix him up was you.
It was love at first sight for him, but as soon as you touched his arm, bleak snapshots of a boating accident raced into his mind, only to have to re-experience the scenario a few months later with you stepping in front of a train. Even as a measly high school freshman, he promised himself that there was no way he was letting you die in the gruesome manners being predicted to you. He didn’t think changing fate was possible until he witnessed you in action. He hated seeing you so young in each of the glimpses, tearing him to shreds as he knew time and time again that there was no way he could change what was meant to be.
There were even times when he quietly promised you that he’d die by your side if he couldn’t stop it.
As his lecture let out, Clay found you tucked into a corner of the library, smiling to yourself silently as knew you had finally found what you were looking for in one of the massive books before you. There were many moments like this that Clay wished he could pause and remember for the rest of his life. He was proud that you were there for him even though you could have left instead of playing your own little game of library scavenger hunts.
Since knowing you, he had taken note of how you treated other boys, usually as first dates and never true pick-ups. You didn’t care if they called you the next day or not and he was sure you had never even been kissed before. Something about your guys’ relationship gave others the nod to leave it the fuck alone, and that your heart truly belonged to Clay; a responsibility he wished didn’t plague you with. Despite this, he couldn’t bring himself to be with you, only worried that what you had would be destroyed because he knew that as soon as he told you about his gift, you might leave.
You always brought a bag of marbles and a bouquet of flowers to the cemetery. You loved to find the tombstones that looked neglected or ones with older dates, knowing that the possibility of having family members who remembered the person was lower. The trees in the graveyard were reds and yellows with the changing season, leaves scattered over the grass, naturally piling in large masses. This was your favorite for how neglected it seemed to always be. You had a knack for making inanimate objects and lost souls feel loved; Clay often feeling like he was one of these disembodied figures.
Clay leaned his back against one of the massive trees a few paces from the tombstone you had picked, smiling as he watched you carry out her routine. He flipped to a clean page in his sketchbook as you sat cross-legged in front of the great stone resting place, pulling the long-dead flowers from the concrete gauntlet and replenishing a few flowers in their place while setting an equal number of marbles along the grass line of the stone. A daisy was tucked behind your ear as you ran her fingers against the worn chiseling of the dates, smiling slightly. He began to sketch you out. Your eyes drifted to him before the corners of your mouth curled up into a smirk and you returned to her previous position, straightening your shoulders. “Who is it?” He asked, blending a rough edge with the pads of his finger as you tilted your head at the script carvings.
“George McAfee. Born 1926. Died 1963.” The wind picked up, blowing your hair away from your face as you pulled your jacket closer around you. “What was happening in 1963?” You turned your head to him momentarily before looking back at the lucky man. “I mean besides Beatlemania and JFK’s assassination?”
Clay outstretched one of his legs, swallowing as he thought, his eyes fluttering from the page in front of him to you. “Well, Alcatraz was shut down, Studebaker stopped production, the USSR sent the first woman into space…” he trailed off, watching you as the gears began to spin in your head.
“Do you think he died in the Coliseum explosion?” You wet your lips and he couldn’t help but smile at you.
“Maybe he died in the USS Thresher sinking?” He was thankful that he could capture your thoughtful gaze in this picture.
“You’re smart, Dream. Have I ever told you that?” He chuckled at the sigh in your voice. He detailed the bomber jacket you were wearing---which you’d stolen from his closet god knows when---a bit as you placed a piece of paper over the engraving and rubbed a crayon against the stone, his name coming to life on the paper as you came to life on Clay’s. It didn’t matter why you two would be in the cemetery, you always had a type of bond with the dead, surprising Clay due to how bright you were and your power of holding onto so much compassion. He threw his sketchbook into his backpack and slug in over his shoulder, moving to help you up. You decided to give the rest of the flowers to George as Clay stood next to you, gazing down at his grave.
A high-pitched moan startled the two of you, snapping your heads to look over the hedges separating your section of graves and the one beside it. Clay’s eyes widened as they fell to a girl in all black with porcelain skin propped on top of one of the tombstones. You clasped your hand over his mouth pulling him onto the ground next to you as you peered through a hole in the bushes. His mind noticed your arms first. One of them was secured over his chest and the other wrapped around his shoulder from beneath his arm, holding onto him as he steadied himself in the weird crouching position. “Are you enjoying this?” He jeered, looking over his shoulder slightly as he heard you snicker. The girl began to ride the stone harder.
“How many times in your life are you going to see a girl humping a gravestone? Honestly, Clay, how many?” He shook his head as you both looked at the girl, giggling to yourselves. You dug her face into his shoulder trying to stifle the next laugh trying to rip through your body as the gothic girl moaned, letting out more labored breaths. Clay’s face contorted into a twisted look of disgust as the girl tugged on her own hair. “Oh, do you think that hurts?” You took the words out of his mouth, tightening your arms around him as he shrugged.
“I doubt it’s any rockier than sex with a human.” He bit his lip, a hollow sound interrupting him quietly laughing at his own joke as you thumped him in the chest. The girl moaned louder. “Alright, she’s climaxing. I’m uncomfortable now.” Clay stood and Willow popped up next to him, lacing your fingers with his, bringing color back to his cheeks as you slipped the remaining marbles into his pocket.
“Oh, hi!” In the midst of holding hands with you again and trying to slink back to his car, he hadn’t even realized that the moaning had stopped. The girl now stood near the two of you in what seemed to be a black slip. Clay found it hard to make direct eye contact with her. “Are you guys looking for someone?”
“We were, but we couldn’t find him so-” you began, gesturing for Clay’s car and pulling him next to you.
“Well, I can help. Who are you looking for?” A thousand sarcastically vulgar comments ran through Clay’shead but his eyes flickered from her face to the tombstone she was on previously.
“Uh, my grandpa. His name was Rupert Daniels,” Clay managed to choke out. Your nails dug into his arm while your hand squeezed his. The girl looked around at the surrounding stones.
“I don’t see him right now, but I can look?” You both shook your heads quickly and muttered various responses before finally slipping away from her and getting into his car. Neither of you said anything as you pulled off the gravel driveway until crossing the railroad tracks when Clay burst out laughing.
“Do you think she even knew who it was she was gettin’ it on with or did she just pick somewhere random?” Clay laughed harder at your stunned response. “I’m serious. Clay, what the fuck. How can someone even get off in a cemetery?”
“I don’t know, man. Would you hook up with someone in a cemetery?” Clay quipped, wiggling his eyebrows at you, causing you to laugh. You dug into his console, pulling out a bag of M&Ms you had stashed in there last week, popping one in your mouth.
“Only if it was you.”
He giggled. “Excuse me, what?”
“There are just some things you do with certain people, Dream. You know what I mean.”
“I don’t know if I should be flattered I’m the only one you would have sex with in a cemetery, or like, disgusted?” You laughed at his reaction.
Within ten minutes the sun had begun to set and Clay sang loudly with you to the song playing over the radio as Clay sped along one of the county roads near your apartment complex, not wanting the night to end. He loved these moments with you. You turned down the radio and threw your hair back into a ponytail. “So, what do you think of that new kid, Mark?” Something in Clay shifted, taking away the free feeling he had recently possessed next to you. He thought carefully.
He chewed his bottom lip. “Depends on what you think?”
“Well, he seems like a wannabe Punz. And he asked me out. Naturally, I said ‘yes’ because maybe he’s different?” Clay chuckled at your sarcasm, putting his car in park on the side of the street your flat was on and getting out with you. The radio still hummed in the air lowly. “He insisted on Friday, though.” Clay dramatically acted like you had stabbed him in the heart, even though it did hurt. Friday night was their night. It had been a running tradition for movie night every Friday since your freshman year and you had never canceled on Clay for a date. “I know, I know. But I figured that I’d tell him I had diarrhea when it hit eight o’clock and be over at your place with an extra pizza? Your roommate’s working right?” He chuckled with a nod, walking you up the first three steps to your place as you made it to the concrete landing. You turned to him. “And he said he was taking me somewhere fancy, so I’ll snag you some breadsticks.” He tilted his head at you as you winked at him.
“Nah, don’t worry about it. Wanna be Punz might be fun. Maybe I’ll call up Minx and hang out with her?” He joked. Minx was a friend of yours that hung out with the two of you sometimes. He had never really liked her, but she was friends with you and thus he was always civil.
“You’re still my number one, babe.” You pushed him slightly as you climbed a few more steps, leaning on the railing as he waved to leave. “Hey, Dream?” He turned on his heel as you forced yourself to make eye contact. He stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets. “You could kiss me, you know? For science.” You smiled softly at him from where you were perched. He wet his lips as his heart hammered in his chest. He wanted to scale the steps and close the space between you, to knock you off your feet and show you just how much he was in love with you.
He hated himself. “A first kiss should have more magic in it than just for science. As a romantic, you should know first hand.” You smiled at the ground in front of you.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” The two of you seemed to shake off the serious moment as you stuck your tongue out at him and slipped inside your house as both giggled.
“I love you,” he murmured as you left, punching himself in the shoulder as he got back into his car.
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Clay’s heartbeat pulsed in his ears, making him truly believe he was going to pass out. He had lost his gun at least a mile back. He was running mindlessly now, not knowing how long or where he was going. He trudged through the forest, hearing dogs barking and gunshots erupting around him, the ringing in his ears building with every step he forced himself to make. He wanted to rip open the front of his jacket to release the body heat drenching his collar, but he didn’t move other than propelling his body further and further away from the soldiers. You ran beside him, holding your skirt up while your hair danced around your shoulders like a great waterfall. As soon as his body felt like it might just give out, he would look at you and somehow find more of a drive to pull forward. His breaths were brittle and hoarse as he drew in borrowed oxygen. His lungs felt shallow like they were giving out on him.
You reached back, grasping his hand and pulling him into a sharp corner, hoping to lose the group. You both had managed to weave into the forest, but the dogs were somehow still picking up on your scent. The pair of you finally came upon a clearing and kneeled down out of sight, spotting a house in the middle of a glen. Bullets were streaming through the air. The forest was catching fire and cannons were echoing through the distant air. You squeezed his hand tightly, looking at him with terror in your eyes. He had gotten the two of you into this mess, but he was glad he was beside you.
He pulled you to your feet as the pair of you sprinted for a distant house. A sharp pain stabbed into Clay’s back, making him drop to the ground. How did he not hear the gun? You dropped to your feet, your eyes welling with tears, ripping at his jacket, but he pushed you off, telling you to leave quickly. He leaned forward, eyes locking on the soldiers in gray coming towards them, reloading their rifles. He groaned, pushing himself up, but only having the same stabbing sensation two more times in his chest. He heard you scream, but he couldn’t see you.
His hands were going numb as he touched where the bullets entered, feeling the warm and sticky crimson substance seep between his fingers. The soldiers reached you before you had made it to the house, pulling you to the ground next to him. You were crying heavily as you looked at him. Everything began to run quiet as you held onto him tightly. You were saying something to him, but he couldn’t hear you. He was only aware of his jacket soaking with blood. He coughed, wanting to tell you he loved you one last time, but you were tugged away from him, pressed to one of the men in gray. He raised a hand to you as you fought against the man. And then everything went dark.
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Dream Tag List: (hopefully this works)
@karlkitten @pluto-dizzz @more-like-reyna @honk-izzie-was-taken @marrymetheonott @froggyy06 @ghoulandghost @savingpluto @marshmallow-babe @drunkpumpkincake @unstableye @tinyegg @behzzyboo @twist3dtinkerbell @sparkletash @shroomieissmall @clubfairy @camerondiaz48104 @victory-is-here @rat-poisin @alm334 @acidluvs @pachowpachowbucket @bbigbbrainn @cdizzlevalntyne @idiotinnit @generallysleepdeprived @sacvf @phsychopathetic @froggerrrr @robinslie @essencee @jemalovesmarvel @sbi-is-my-onlysanity @jenlouvre @victoria-a567 @miilliiie @bunnylotl @thegirlwhowritesawksh-t @carlyferrell @dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @nyxieahh @quivvyintheclouds @sarcasticmichelle @book-of-anarchy @millavalntyne @lightdreamy @baddiesforcorpse @sunnynapp @fantasy-innit @rat-poisin @wreny24 @deepestofwaters @exenestea @indecisivehusky @fallxnly @alm334 @skaratjung @punzcanrailme @sap-naps @denki-exe @angeltears18 @silvemistxe33 @andreamalik6 @kris-stuff @sun-fiower-seed @where-thesundoesntshine @dilfdream @esmegregory04 @itsparasocial @mlqcool @mcgoddess404 @rinatdawn @chaoscait @peppermintkisses @libbynotfound @speedrunningtherapy @lunxramour @aoonai @loraleiix @ghoulpixiie
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folkloreguk · 3 years
🍒Cherry Ice Cream🍒
A/N: Happy July! I planned this almost a year ago and finally got around to writing it...I hope you like it! As always, I appreaciate feedback a lot! Hope everyone has a lovely day <3
pairing: optional bias (male) x reader (gn)
words: ~ 3.7 k
genre: fluff, comedy, lifeguard!bias, reader is the most awkward and chaotic person ever (are we at the public pool or the circus?? seriously I’m so second hand embarrassed for her lmao), bias is the hottest man in existence, the universe has something against the reader apparently (rip)
PART 2 (nsfw, both parts can be read independently)
You approached the front entrance of the public swimming pool. Everything was still going by plan. Ever since the weather had gotten warmer, you’d had swimming on your mind. And every single person in your life had been made aware of it. Despite the friendly asking and the occasional begging, you still hadn’t found anyone to accompany you to the public swimming pool. You had heard all the reasons: Work, already planned vacations, a sick pet, a hatred of water, a hatred of people, you name it. After all the searching you had come to the conclusion that you were tired of waiting. Nothing could possibly rob you of your excitement about swimming pools. You’d go alone and have a wonderful time. It would be a relaxing day with loads of time just for you. So you had told yourself. But let’s face it, nothing could have prepared you for the utter chaos you were about to walk into.
It began before you had even set both feet into the facility. Your steps were light, and you beamed, ready to enter after you had paid. The strap of your sports bag had caught in the turnstile in the entrance area. Stubborn as you were, you yanked on it, instead of turning around and manually freeing the fabric from the steel contraption. You had put your entire weight on the line, tugging and pulling, when the strap finally came loose from the turnstile. As expected from such antics, you tripped and struggled in your flip-flops, blundering into the compound like a baby giraffe walking for the first time. By the time you tried to compose yourself to look cool and relaxed after such a mistake, you noticed him.
He, who looked like a Greek god blessing you with a visit on earth. He was all tan skin, red life-guard swim trunks, perfectly sculped shoulders, pushed back hair, a smile that put the sun to shame and sunglasses sitting on top of his head. Instantly you thanked yourself for not seriously injuring yourself. The young godman crossed the lawn, presumably to take his seat by the pool, watching out for the visitors. Only he made it look like he was strutting on a runway at Paris fashion week. All you could do was pray that he hadn’t seen you entering his workplace headfirst like some impatient six-year-old.
As people passed you, you realized you were standing in the same spot where you had almost fallen a minute ago. Manifesting that this was just the silly beginning to a perfect day, you paraded into the shaded grassy area to find a spot to set up your things. Countless groups of friends, families, and lone visitors like yourself had already settled down, but you managed to find a fine spot. It was the superb balance between sunny and shady and not too far from the swimming pools and water slides. In seconds you had shed off your clothes to reveal your swimsuit underneath. Although you could barely keep yourself waiting, you decided it was best to stay there a short while before you threw yourself into the waves. Just until the sunscreen had absorbed into your skin. Meanwhile, you would unpack the catchy book you had recently begun to read.
Now and then you raised your head and peeked at the cute lifeguard. You seriously had no intentions of coming across like a creep, but you couldn’t stop yourself. The way he patrolled the side of the large pool had more coolness than the prettiest shot of a hot movie star in a film. You allowed yourself a few seconds, then you’d go back to your novel. The sounds of summer floated through the air – children laughing, water splashing, birds chirping above you – and the scent of the sunscreen catapulted you straight on cloud 9. It felt like your own small piece of paradise. Little did you know, the universe had so much more in store for you.
You hadn’t been buried in your book for even 10 minutes when a group of kids ran by. They were passing a water ball from one to the other and giggling uncontrollably. You saw it coming in your peripheral vision but had no time to react. As they had reached your level, one of them punched the ball especially hard. And instead of catching it, the dark blue ball bounced off one child’s hands and straight into the side of your face. It knocked your sunglasses off the bridge of your nose, but more importantly gave you the fright of your life. You dropped your book while the children’s mother scolded them from the side. After the initial surprise you couldn’t accept their apologies quickly enough. Anything if it could spare you from even more attention from random guests around you. Impulsively, your eyes searched for the cute lifeguard. But he was looking into the opposite direction. At least fate had saved you from embarrassing you in front of him. The last thing you wanted was to look like more of a clown than you had when entering the facility earlier. But against your expectations, the train of unfortunate events was only beginning.
Surely things would be more peaceful in the water, you had thought. When you finally entered the cool pool, it felt like heaven on earth. Fearing a case of recurrence, you avoided the shallower areas, where the children crowded and went straight for the deeper waters. Finally experiencing some form of relaxation, you swam and dived a few laps around the pool. Now and then you caught a glimpse of the lifeguard on the far end of the pool. Just to make sure he was still there. Just to make sure he’s still as handsome as when you first spotted him. And you weren’t disappointed. Gesturing kindly, he helped an elderly woman find directions to the restaurant on the far end of the site. From up closer, his smile and his jaw were even prettier – even though it had seemed impossible for him to become even more perfect.
After a while, your limbs became tired and you retracted into less busy waters, close to the exit and entrance area of the swimming pool. As you paddled your way through bodies, a bug startled you. It had by all appearances chosen you as its victim, as it took direct flight into your face. Even when you swat it away and turned around to change directions, it kept chasing you and only you. Like some crazy, obsessed stalker, it followed you to the edge of the pool. Eventually, you became tired of running and turned to it. If some random flying beetle wanted to fight you, so be it. To the untrained eye, you might have appeared like a lunatic, fanning the air, and squinting against the bright sunlight. But it was war, and you would square up against the most annoying of bugs. After a while, you realized that you were waving off the air – no more bug in sight. Only then you noted the little girl laughing in your direction from the poolside. You were way too mortified to turn into his direction at first, but when you found the lifeguard, he was conversing with one of his co-workers. Once again, you were safe.
Your next approach at a good time was the colorful waterslide close by. Certainly, these heights would not include micro-aggressive bugs. Instead, they included something far more unsettling. Considering there were toddlers going down the waterslide, you deemed it safe and fun. Your mind changed in the first sharp turn, when you tumbled over and hit your elbow from the sudden change of direction. Maybe you should have just stayed in the ring with the bug instead of choosing this more than violent escape. But it was too late. Once on the slide, you had to make it through to the finish line – more or less in one piece. Your grand finale composed of a semi-somersault off the edge of the waterslide into the pool. Although it wasn’t intentional, you still hoped it looked somewhat graceful to the audience at the bottom. Hint: No, it didn’t. You looked like a baby monkey that had been sent down a self-constructed-waterslide in someone’s backyard. It was a disaster.
Feeling over-heated and exhausted from the sun and your embarrassing antics, you found a drinking fountain by the showers to refresh yourself. Patiently, you waited in the short line until it was your turn. As fate wanted it, the next messy incident wasn’t long in the coming. In fact, it only took four sips of water before you accidentally inhaled some of it. You stepped back, choking, coughing, and gasping for air all at once. A helpful woman showed mercy with you and your awkward behavior and softly pat your back. “Are you okay, dear?” she asked. Unable to speak just yet, you smiled and nodded gratefully. Great. Maybe you should add “clown” onto your previous professions in your CT. By now, half the visitors probably knew who you were – a walking safety hazard to yourself.
After retreating to your bath towel set-up in the shade for a while, you had almost found new hope that the universe wasn’t against you that day. You managed to lie there, for a whole hour, without any issues. But then, slowly, another idea crept up on you. After all, what was summer without ice cream? By chance, you happened to know the little ice cream truck next to the yellow waterslide sold your favorite brand of ice lolly. So off you went, money in hands and wild determination in your head. The visual of the handsome lifeguard lingered in your mind even after you had passed the chair he was sitting on by the poolside. You acquired your ice lolly successfully and ripped the wrapper right away. It tasted like summer in food format, and you reveled in the cold treat for a while, as you strolled back in the direction of your bath towel.
Fully aware that you would have to walk by the insanely cute lifeguard again, you tried your best to look cool, next to the large pool. In your imagination, you were glowing in the sun, hair slightly flowing in the warm breeze and steps bouncing happily. You were the personification of summer bloom and radiating everything good about the season. For a moment, you closed your eyes and actually indulged in the warmth on your face. That was when the next mishap struck.
You didn’t even understand what was happening at first. Someone accidentally bumped into you – or did you bump into them? Upon the impact, you opened your eyes. Your ice-cream had vanished from your hands. Turns out, you had dropped it and it had landed only two feet from you. Out of balance, you stumbled ahead even after the impact. And of course, only a second later your foot stepped directly onto the ice lolly. Inevitably, you skidded and struggled to stay on your feet by means of flinging and waving your arms in the air. As if you were some stranger, trying to attract the attention of an aircraft whilst stranded on a desert island. One thing was for sure, you had everyone’s observance tied to you. With an involuntary but comedic performance of theatrical extent, you fell and hit the water surface.
The cool hit you so suddenly, you had swallowed a gulp of water before your instincts had time to set in. Quickly, your limbs began paddling to get you back to the surface. At that instant, a pair of arms suddenly linked under your armpits and swooped you up from underwater. Your brain processed what was going on. Without a doubt, someone had jumped after you and was pulling you out of the water. Stubbornly, you tried to avoid the idea of the cute lifeguard helping you out. Christ, that would really be the peak of all your embarrassing moments. No, it was probably the person you had run into, or someone who had already been in the water.
When you were placed by the poolside and blinked against the blending sun, your worst concerns came to pass. There he was, so close you could have touched his face. His worried expression changed when you opened your eyes, and he smiled, relieved. “Is everything alright?” he asked. You’d think this would make you into the most shamefaced person on the planet. And yet, all you could wonder was how two people’s genes could combine so flawlessly, so beautifully, to create such a man. When he got no answer from your moonstruck figure, he furrowed his eyebrows in alarm.
“Oh my- my god,” you stammered. “Yes! I’m fine, I’m sorry!”
You weren’t sure why you were apologizing. For worrying him? For inconveniencing him? For causing another scene? Either way, he grinned, and you felt your cheeks heat up terribly. You had to get away from there before something cringy came out of your mouth. Although you weren’t sure there was any way you could have made this more awkward than it already was.
“Make sure you have no injuries, okay?” he asked, helping you up. “If you need any medical assistance, just let me or one of the other lifeguards know.”
“Um…okay,” you said. Wow. That was no way to flirt with the most attractive person you had ever met. With all this drama you had gone through on that day, the universe could have at least blessed you with a romantic, your-life-savior-realizes-he-just-met-the-love-of-his-life moment. But no. The movies really were one massive hoax.
“It’s probably best you take a little break from the surprise, before you go back into the water,” he advised you. “And don’t hesitate to ask, if you need any more help.”
If only he knew how many times you had already tried to take a break from the surprise after everything on that day. You stood on your feet safely but felt like a cat that had fallen into the bathtub. At last, you managed a smile in the lifeguard’s direction. “Thank you.”
Funny enough, the stares people gave you bothered you only slightly as you walked back to your spot under the trees. Maybe you had used up all your embarrassment for the day. Nothing could intimidate you anymore. That meant, whatever happened from now on, it couldn’t get worse. Somehow after the pinnacle of chaos, you finally felt some inner tranquility. You went back to your novel, now and then keeping an eye out for potential water balls coming your way. But everything was calm. As time went on, you lost yourself completely in the story line and forgot about everything around you. Maybe this was all meant to happen. Perhaps it was a message, that you should have waited for your family to have a free day, or for your friend to come back from vacation. Would the same things have happened? There was no way to tell. Just as you reached a specifically exciting scene in the novel, a figure suddenly appeared in front of you. You couldn’t believe your eyes.
“Hey,” the handsome lifeguard stood there, smiling kindly. Wide-eyed, you straightened up and greeted him shyly.
“I couldn’t help but notice how happy you were about that ice cream earlier,” he said. “But then you…lost your ice cream.”
“What an interesting way of saying I stomped on it and made an absolute fool of myself,” you smirked. He chuckled.
“However you want to put it, I thought maybe you could use some cheering up,” he went on. “So I got you a new one.”
He pulled two ice-lollies from behind his back. “One for you, one for me.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. “You bought me this? I don’t want to sound rude… but aren’t you supposed to be looking out for the next victim to repeat my foolery?”
“I’m on my break,” he laughed. His eyes crinkled up cutely when he smiled, and it only made your stomach flutter more. “If you want me to leave, I will. I’m not trying to be weird or obtruding. Just making sure you’re okay, because I noticed you’re here alone.”
“Oh. No! Feel free to stay here for as long as you want!” you said, and now maybe you were the one sounding obtrusive. You scooted over and let him take a spot on your bathmat. You thanked him for the ice cream and gleefully unwrapped it. “My friends and family weren’t available today. But I really, really wanted to come here today. Maybe not my brightest idea.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve seen way worse plunges than yours. You were lucky, really. You got away with a small shock and nothing more. It was pretty impressive, actually.”
“I’m glad I have entertaining qualities, at least.”
“I’m just messing with you,” he laughed. “I’m glad you’re fine. This place gets a little wild during the afternoon, especially on weekends.”
“You don’t say,” you chuckled.
“I recommend coming here in the mornings or late evenings, if you want a little more peace and quiet.”
“Thanks, I’ll probably consider it. Do you work here full time?” you asked.
“No, this is just a summer job,” he said. “It’s great. I get to swim for free and be outside a lot. Not to mention this is one of my favorite places in town.”
“You love swimming too?” you asked and regretted it right away. A lifeguard who hated swimming made no sense, after all. But he didn’t seem to think your words were silly.
“I do! I come here a lot to swim, when it’s not as busy and I don’t have to work,” he said. The thought of seeing him again when you came back in a few days – which you already knew you would – made you feel some sort of way. You had been embarrassed, but his sweet words had appeased you. You could definitely get used to seeing his face all summer long. The two of you talked for some time, while you both finished your ice cream. You learned his name, which was just as beautiful as its owner, and that he thought you had actually looked pretty cute (!) when you fell into the pool. You swore he wasn’t even real. Perhaps he was merely a hallucination, a product of your imagination, to cheer yourself up after your messy day. Either way, your head was up in the clouds as long as he was sitting there, next to you, with his perfect shoulders and charming voice. Soon, he had to excuse himself, though. His break was over and as he had put it, he needed to prevent any more ice cream-murders from happening.
After your conversation, the universe had apparently shifted in your favor. You spent the entire rest of your day without any more misfortunes. Like you had talked to a lucky charm who had done miracles for you, you had a fantastic time. You were even brave enough to face a few more go’s down the ever-so-threatening waterslide. As it got later, more people went home, and just as he had predicted, things calmed down. And you were convinced you would stay until the bitter end. Only when a female voice announced over the speakers that the swimming pool would close in 30 minutes, you slowly started to pack up your things.
As you approached the exit, you scanned the area for your favorite lifeguard. But he was nowhere to be found. You assumed he had already finished his shift and gone home. But as luck would have it, as you neared the bicycle stands to retrieve your bike, you saw him already there. His eyes beamed when he noticed you.
“Wow, you held out a long time,” he said. “Had fun?”
“I did,” you said. You could only be grateful your ice-cream massacre was the sole of your antics he had witnessed that afternoon. Who knew how he would look at you if he had experienced your full chaotic capacity? “Thank you again, for making sure I was fine. And for the ice cream.”
“It was no big deal,” he said. “It’s what I’m here for.”
“To buy random girls ice cream?” you teased.
“No, only the special ones get the ice cream.”
“Define special.”
“To be honest? I was genuinely concerned you would feel down. I’ve seen you almost trip over when you first came in, you got hit in the face by a ball, I’ve witnessed your little quarrel with that bug and your somersault from the waterslide looked pretty rough. After all that you choked on water and then ended up falling into the pool and losing your ice cream. I supposed you could need some serious cheering up.”
Oh my god. If only you could have opened a portal straight to hell, you would have taken the chance on the spot. All this time he had been watching you? It couldn’t get more mortifying than this.
“Sorry, I sound like some creepy stalker,” he said. “I didn’t mean to stare. It’s just you-“
“I looked like a clown in a neon suit?”
“You’re really pretty,” he said. Your cheeks warmed up and you could have yelled out loud.
“But you have to admit, at least the clown part is true.”
“Maybe,” he joked. “Don’t be embarrassed. I thought you were – are – adorable.”
“Thank you,” you managed to say. What the hell were you doing? The most handsome guy was complimenting you. You had to take your chance. “Maybe sometime I could buy you some ice cream too? If you feel like it-“
“I’d love that,” he smiled. It was only the beginning of summer, but it was a glorious one. You already knew it could only get better. Instead of cursing the universe, you had to say your thank you’s now. Without your string of bad luck, things would have never led this way. Perhaps fortune was on your side, after all.
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silky-stories · 3 years
Hi!! Maybe headcanons or some kind of literature with either vampire garcello x reader or mermaid garcello x reader?? You could do both or one or the other. You're the one writing it after all. Thanks!
Oh. Ohohohohohohoho, now we’re talking >:)
Anon I am going to let you in on a little secret, so anyone who isn’t anon look away >:(
...okay now that it’s just you and me, one of your suggestions kind of predicted a oneshot I’ve been working on that I’m going to be posting soon. So because of that I’ll be going with the other option. Hope you enjoy ;3
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Parched. {Vampire Garcello/Reader}
Genre: Suggestive
Words: 2027
Related Song: Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know { slowed + reverb}
Summary: When your boyfriend gets home from a long day, it’s only polite to fix him a drink, don’t you think?
Disclaimer/s: Steamy content, swearing, blood
Notes: Garcello speaks in red this time, Reader speaks in blue ;) [Also, monster character x reader or character x monster reader is my absolute jam, feel free to send in requests like this more often-]
Your boyfriend was, to put it lightly, a little bit on the odd side.
He work dark clothes on hot days, didn’t like the sun very much, had an uncanny sense of smell and hearing, and liked his meat pretty rare. To the outside world he was a weird shut-in that was probably goth, but you knew a hell of a lot more than that.
The two of you had met late at night in a rougher part of the city. You were on your way home from picking up a few essentials at the nearby 24-hour convenience store when you heard some rustling coming from an alleyway. Then some banging. Then some yelling. Then silence.
Well that was ominous as hell.
Time to investigate.
You made your way down the dreary alley, groceries in hand, preparing yourself to see a murder scene or something of the like and...
...you honestly weren’t that far off.
You found yourself watching as a man pinned a guy to a wall, his head lowered to his neck. At first you felt yourself getting embarrassed, figuring that you had walked over and unintentionally interrupted a passionate moment. You quickly realized that wasn’t the case when you watched the guy go limp in the arms of the larger man.
After a few moments of you being the quietest you’ve ever been in your life, standing and staring in shock, not knowing what would even be the right course of action for a situation like this, he pulled away. The guy that had previously gone limp slowly slid down the brick wall, deep red trickling down his neck and pooling in the crook of his shoulder. The aqua-haired man let out a sigh as he wiped his mouth with his gloved hands, still unaware of your presence.
Your mind was blank when you spoke up, it had to be for you to do something so bold yet stupid.
“Is he dead?”
The man flinched, hard, and whipped around to lock eyes with you. You were met with two bright red dots staring back at you, stunned, you began to unintentionally study his face.
The dark crimson that you had seen on the possibly-dead man’s neck was also identifiable as a smear on this guy’s face, starting at his lips and trailing off along his cheek where he had tried to wipe it off. His lips were slightly agape, revealing a set of sizeable fangs, as well as other teeth that seemed sharper than a regular human’s teeth should be. Looking down further you noticed that his gloves were fingerless, presumably to allow the sharp claws of nails that he had to stick out.
Other than all of that though he looked like a pretty normal guy. A pretty normal guy with very pale skin, but normal nonetheless.
“I... huh..?”
You were so busy taking in his clearly inhuman appearance that you actually forgot what you had initially asked for a moment, but restated your question when it came back to you.
I mean, what was there to lose at this point? It’s not like running seemed like a very smart option.
“Him. Is... is he dead?”
You pointed at the man that was currently almost falling over in his slump to emphasize your point. The man in front of you took a double take between you and what may have been a dead body before responding, clearly taking in the absurdity of the situation, similar to you.
“He’s... no he’s... passed out I...”
He paused, blinking a few times as he tried to process what was even happening. You took the moment to look at the body a little more critically and, surprise surprise, noticed that he was actually breathing.
“I didn’t... I didn’t take much so he’s just...”
Didn’t take much?
Oh shit.
Suddenly the whole ordeal just clicked in your brain as you finally understood what it was that you were looking at.
“You’re a vampire!”
The words left your mouth before you could stop them, shocked and questioning, almost accusatory as your eyes went wide.
He didn’t seem to like that though. His brows pulling together tightly in sudden concern as he frantically looked around for any other possible witnessess. When he reinitiated eye contact he appeared quite a bit more panicked than before, more like someone that had been caught doing something arguably wrong. He looked threatening for the first time throughout the encounter.
“You... what do you plan on doing..?”
Plan on doing? Like what you were going to do after this? Knowing that vampires did in fact exist and at least one lived in your city?
“Do you... ever kill them?”
He shook his head warily.
“Then... I don’t... think I care?”
He was surprised to hear that, to be fair though, so were you. You figured you would care more about catching a literal vampire in the act but... he wasn’t killing anyone so was it really any of your business?
“You... you don’t care that I just drink some of his blood???”
“I guess not?”
You let out a chuckle of disbelief at your own statement, any ounce of a threatening or intimidating expression had left his face.
“He’s not gonna, like... turn into a vampire or die of disease or something later, right?”
“No that’s uh, not how it works...”
“Then just like... I don’t know, make sure he gets cleaned up and home safe and this stays between us I guess.”
He let you know that that’s what he did on a regular basis and after a few more awkward moments you were on your way.
That definitely wasn’t your last interaction though.
He didn’t trust you to keep your word, you honestly couldn’t really blame him, and you ended up catching glimpses of him watching you from alleyways or tops of buildings at night. It was kind of worrying at first but eventually it got to the point that you would just smile and wave if you saw him.
Eventually he would wave back.
Sometime down the road and you learned his name. Months later and you found an odd friendship forming, starting with you asking him to come in on a particularly rainy night.
Even later and you found yourself developing feelings, getting to know who he really was. His personality, his struggles, his fears. He really wasn’t a bad guy, he just had no other choice since regular food did nothing for him.
After half a year of your strange friendship you found yourselves together, he had happily moved into your apartment and you had started to acquire blood bags for him to use instead of people. That didn’t stop him from drinking straight from the source every now and then... although, the source he used had definitely changed.
“I’m home.”
You leaned out of the kitchen to smile at Garcello, he returned it with a warm grin, shucking off his coat and tossing it to the side to land on your shared couch.
“Welcome back! How was your day?”
You greeted him with open arms as soon as he meandered into the kitchen, he swiftly took up your non-verbal offer and swept you into his strong arms. He buried his face in the crook of your neck and inhaled, sighing deeply through his nose as he melted into the embrace.
“It went fine, certainly not my job of choice but I think the interview went alright.”
You hummed in acknowledgment and nuzzled your head against his, pleased to have him back in your arms after half a day without him.
“I made sure to get bread and milk like you asked.”
You chuckled as you spotted the brown paper bag he had set on the counter.
“Thank you.”
He continued to hold you like that, peppering your cheek and jawline with a few kisses as he told you more about his day. Although, there seemed to be a shift in his attitude somewhere along the way. He suddenly went from sweet and giddy to much quieter, giving shorter answers when you asked him a question as he let you lead the conversation.
You decided to bring it up, just in case there was something wrong.
“Hey, are you alright?”
“You just... you went kinda quiet so I just wanted to make sure.”
He was perfectly silent as he thought over his answer.
“Yes, but... are you... working on anything right now?”
His tone was anticipatory, eagerly awaiting your response. You found yourself suspicious of his intentions.
“Well, no, I was just putting away some dishes that I was washiNG-!”
You were caught off guard by his tongue dragging across your neck in a smooth motion, tightly taking hold of the back of his t-shirt as he did so. You felt him smirk against your neck afterwards.
“That’s good... you see, I have a bit of a problem.”
You flinched as he brushed one of his fangs against the top of your shoulder.
“The thing is, I’ve had a bit of a... craving today.”
One of his claw-like nails came up to trace along your sternum...
“It’s been just... driving me mad.”
Your collarbone...
“Itching the back of my brain...”
Your sternocleidomastoid muscle...
“Funny, right?”
Stopping and hovering just above one of your carotid arteries.
“Yeah... f... funny...”
His smirk grew in response to your reactions, nuzzling your neck affectionately with a huff.
“I guess what I’m trying to ask is...”
He tilted his head up to whisper in your ear.
“...would you mind if I had a little taste?”
Your eyes fluttered shut as you leaned into him, not even having to speak for him to know what your answer was. He had waited for that cue though, just like usual he would never drink from you unless he was certain that you were fine with it. Even then, you both had a very clear safe word that you had used in the past if anything went wrong or you changed your mind.
You didn’t really have to worry about that though. You knew you were safe in his hands.
He purred in response to your willingness, slowly walking you back and gently pinning you to the wall.
“God you smell good right now...”
He lowered his head back down to your neck, finding the spot that he had traced up to and licking a small stripe along it, pinpointing the location of your pulse.
“...bet you’d... taste even better though...”
He was gentle as always when he bit down, it only felt like a pinch until the aphrodisiac kicked in, immediately erasing any sense of pain you had. Being guided by one of his hands that had tangled itself in your hair, your head lolled to the side as he drank from you. A gentle moan erupted from your lips as your grip on his shirt went slack, your arms falling limp beside you as bliss took hold of your thoughts.
“F... fuck...”
He purred louder as you gave clear indication of your enjoyment. The hand that he had propping himself up against the wall fell and came to rest on your hip, gripping tightly as the hand he had on the back of your head made soft contact with the wall instead.
He cut himself off a little bit sooner than usual, pulling away just enough for you to watch him lick his lips and fangs clean.
He chuckled as the hand that raked through your hair slid down to cup your cheek.
“...I was right, you taste amazing...”
His expression didn’t lose it’s smugness though, usually when he was done he would take a much softer turn and patch you up immediately.
“Although, I think I might have put a little too much aphrodisiac in your system sweetheart...”
He was right, you felt like a rag doll right now, nearly putty in his hands as the only thing keeping you standing at the moment was his grip on your torso. Your eyes had glazed over slightly and you were practically panting at this point.
“...let’s do something about that, hmm~?”
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ttuesday · 3 years
How would the VDL gang members be around their pregnant SO?
hello my dear anon who won’t tell me who they are, I hope you are having a blessed day <3 if you aren’t having a good day then I will gladly give you another slice of bread
Arthur is absolutely shocked when you first tell him. He can barely look after himself, how the hell's he suppose to help you look after a baby now too? He doubts himself and his ability to be a good father a lot.
Although the baby's not even born yet (and it'll be a few years before they even learn how to read and write properly) Arthur buys a new journal and keeps it in a chest under your bed. He says he's gonna give it to the baby someday.
He likes spending time with you away from camp. Arthur brings you to many different places but always makes sure there's a good view for the both of you to enjoy. He loves it because it's spending quality time with both you and the baby.
Arthur will ramble on about how ye should both enjoy sleeping throughout the night and not having to change dirty diapers just yet. He'll keep talking about how challenging but fun life's going to be once the baby arrives.
Dutch has always been very hot and cold with his affection. Some times he's all over you and other times he's too preoccupied planning all different types of robberies. 
When you get pregnant, Dutch tries his best to be there for you... Maybe he becomes a little over-bearing but he's doing it because he wants to make sure you and the baby are happy and healthy.
Throughout your pregnancy, Dutch will keep buying new things for the baby. By the time the baby arrives, he's bought 2 prams (Dutch said ye can use one in the summer and the other in the winter), a cot that's full of blankets, a lot of toys and of course, he especially bought the baby it's own designer outfits. 
... yes, he bought all of this with the money from the donations box
Charles has everything sorted. He stays cool, calm and collected for your entire pregnancy. Even in moments when you freak out, he keeps his composure and helps calm you down.
Charles holds back your hair when you get morning sickness and happily gets you a glass of water and some crackers for you to cautiously nibble on.
If that baby ever starts to kick too hard or decide it'll do a couple of somersaults in your stomach, Charles will hold you and soothe you through it.
A month before you're due to give birth, Charles surprises you with a wooden cot he's made for the baby. It has intricate and detailed carvings of animals out in a grassy meadows and flowers going up the side.
John really wants to help. The only problem is, John is terrified of messing things up. When you're pregnant, John sees you as being as delicate as a flower.
Sometimes he'll actually get scared to touch you in case he hurts you. John knows that it sounds foolish but he's still scared.
If you mention that you’re in any pain, John will presume you’re going into labor. One time when this happened, John ran out of the tent to go get help and before you could tell him you were fine, John fainted.
You wouldn’t think John is the type of person to faint a lot but the second he thinks the baby’s coming, he gets so overwhelmed that he just blacks out. He finds it amazing that you don’t pass out at the thought of it and he genuinely believes you’re one of the strongest people he’s ever met.
Micah becomes so SO protective of you after you tell him you're pregnant. He was protective of you before, always starting bar fights if a drunk tries to flirt with you but now he reached a new level of protectiveness.
Micah will try his best to convince you not to go out on jobs, saying they're too risky. Yes, You've broken Micah Bell. He now actually thinks about how dangerous a job is.
He doesn't even want you to do chores around camp in case they tire you out. Literally, Micah just wants you to sit there and not do anything for 9 months. And if Grimshaw says anything about you not doing any work, Micah will snap at her to mind her own damn business.
And if you want to go into town for supplies, Micah will insist on joining you. If you talk to Micah about how protective he's being and tell him to back off a little, then he might. He's actually very scared something will go wrong so he'll only back off if you give him a lot of reassurance.
Bill has absolutely no idea what he's doing. At the start of your pregnancy he was clueless and didn't know what to do or how to help you. And even months into your pregnancy, Bill's still clueless.
When your bump started to show, reality hit Bill. He realized that this was actually happening and he loved every second of it.
He comes up to you at random times during the day and starts talking to the bump, not to you, but to the bump.
When you both go to bed, Bill will keep on of his hands gently wrapped around your stomach. One night while he had his hand resting there, the baby kicked. Bill got so excited he started to cry. 
When the due date started to near, Sean suggested ye do a practice run of what to expect during labor... but in this situation, Sean wanted to be the one giving birth while you showed him what he’s supposed to do and how he has to help 
Sean also decided to carry around a watermelon for a day to practice being gentle... yes, Sean really did compare your baby to a goddamn watermelon. He tried his best and surprisingly, Sean only broke 4 watermelons in the day.
He broke the watermelons because he kept throwing them up in the air and failed miserably at catching them. On the bright side, at least Sean now knows it's a bad idea to do that with the actual baby.
Some times when he thinks you're asleep, he'll start talking to the baby. He woke you up doing it one time because he was singing to the baby but was completely out of tune.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
Wolfie darling.... Doctor Geralt and mayhaps a girl he knocked up or something, but they keep making eyes at each other, and jaskier turn up alone one day (yes this is literally the summary you gave before but i crave it so i will send it becasue aahh) and there is such tension but Geralt doesn't want to break up Jaskiers presumed relationship, and Geralt is their doctor, and Jaskier is technically not the patient so they end up baning against the wall, please and than you! <333
Me: I will keep prompts short.
Also me: Here have 1.6k
This is based off the song 'Bad Idea' from Waitress
CW: pregnancy, cheating (geraskier both have partners), sexual content but not explicit.
Bad Idea
Jaskier wiggled in his seat as he sat next to Priscilla in the waiting room. She was six months pregnant with his child after a one night stand that had gone wrong, and because he was a good guy they’d decided to give a relationship a go. His mother had been pressuring him to propose to Pris every time they spoke, which would have been a grand idea if they were in any way suited to each other. But they weren’t. Pris wasn’t even sure she wanted the kid but it was too late to turn back and Jaskier certainly wasn’t ready to be a father.
If he were being completely honest with himself then he’d admit that the only reason he even came to these appointments was because of the very hot Doctor Rivia.
Jaskier always found a way to stay after the appointment, which really had started out innocently but ended up with Jaskier being pressed against the wall, Geralt’s lips crashing into his.
One kiss.
That’s all it was.
And Geralt had practically thrown him out the room after. It was obviously a mistake that wouldn’t be repeated, so why was he so nervous? His leg bounced and he couldn’t sit still, a rush of energy making his hands shake and the world seemed all too loud and too bright around him.
The rest of the waiting room sat in silence between coughing or the odd sound of a child talking to their parent. The whole place stank of cleaning products and old people… so it was just even more humiliating that Jaskier was fighting to keep his dick under control.
Really he couldn’t be blamed, not when Geralt looked like that. He was tall, muscular, smart and yet such a fucking dork; just Jaskier’s type. Oh and let’s not forget unobtainable. They were always unobtainable and Geralt was no exception. He was happily married to a beautiful successful businesswoman and had the sweetest little daughter, or at least that’s what Jaskier assumed judging by the photographs in Geralt’s room.
Why hadn’t they been called yet?
“Jask?” Pris asked, startling him from his inner turmoil with a light touch to his arm. “I need to go to the bathroom. If I get called, can you let Doctor Rivia know?”
Jaskier nodded, chewing on his lips as he tapped out a rhythm on his leg. “Of course, dearest.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
He’d been counting on Pris being there as a barrier between them, and of course as soon as she was out of sight the intercom pinged calling Priscilla to Doctor Rivia’s room. He didn’t even have time to panic as his head started to spin and all the blood rushed from his face. Jaskier swallowed and stumbled to his feet, walking in a daze towards Geralt’s room.
It was as if there was no oxygen left in the hospital, and he could swear he could feel the heat of everyone’s gaze burning into the back of his neck. His mind kept drifting back to the few blissful seconds of kissing Geralt, a passionate, desperate collision of lips, tongues and teeth. The memory seared into his brain, into the very cells of his body. If he lived for a hundred years he would never forget that kiss. He just couldn’t help himself. Geralt was a flame and he was the moth, the compass pointing to Geralt’s north.
Iron filings pulled towards the magnet…
“Nah, that’s shit,” Jaskier muttered to himself as he ran his fingers through his hair before taking a deep breath and knocking on Geralt’s door.
A shiver went down his spine as he heard Geralt’s gruff, incredibly sexy voice say “Come in.”
God, what Jaskier wouldn’t do to have that voice whispering all sorts of dirty things into his ear…
He licked his lips as he pushed open the door, fighting the blush that was no doubt painting his face as he met Geralt’s eyes. The doctor frowned as he raised an eyebrow at Jaskier, then smirked, cocking his head as he spoke.
“Priscilla, welcome, take a seat.”
Jaskier snorted, flopping down onto the table. “Oh haha, very funny Geralt- Doctor Rivia.”
“Geralt is fine.”
“Geralt,” Jaskier mumbled, unable to take his eyes off of Geralt, golden eyes dark as they dropped to Jaskier’s lips.
It felt as if they were bonded together, an invisible tie from Jaskier’s soul to Geralt’s, pulling them together. Jaskier’s heart was racing in his chest and he fell into Geralt’s arms before he’d even realised he was moving. Their lips pressed together for one amazing, mind-boggling second, Geralt’s hands cupping his face and holding him close. He tasted like sweet, delicious coffee and smelled like heaven; addictive, sinful… so very tempting.
A demon sent to claim Jaskier’s soul.
And then they stumbled backwards, both plastered against the wall on opposite sides of the room.
“Jaskier,” Geralt groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “It’s a bad idea; me and you.”
With a nod, Jaskier bit his lip, hands tugging at his hair and making a complete mess of it. “I know, I totally agree.”
His heart didn’t stop racing and he had to grip onto the wall behind him to stop himself from launching back across the room. Geralt seemed to be having a similar struggle as their eyes met again, his face was flushed and there was barely a speck of gold left in his gorgeous, haunting eyes.
“It’s a bad idea, me and you,” he repeated, his fingers shifting from his nose to press against his forehead but neither of them could keep their eyes off each other for long.
Jaskier’s eyes flicked to the door where Priscilla could enter at any moment, licking his lips as he turned back to Geralt. He wanted to move closer but couldn’t leave the wall for his own sanity, so he ended up circling the room opposite Geralt. Both drawn to each other, neither allowing themself to give in.
“You have a wife,” Jaskier pointed out, as if he didn’t already know that.
“You have Priscilla,” Geralt agreed, and both of them spared another glance to the door.
The unlocked door…
Gold eyes met blue and then they both lunged for the door, dancing around each other in the middle of the room so they wouldn’t touch. The game would be over if they got too close, unable to separate with the torch that burned bright between them, melding their hearts and souls together.
Jaskier bit his lip, locking the door before turning to face Geralt once more, his back pressed against the hard wood behind him. “You’re her doctor,” he mumbled weakly but the protests were dying with every breath.
This was a losing battle and they both knew it.
“You’ve got a baby coming.”
There was a beat of silence where they both just stared deep into each other's eyes, searching for answers to unasked questions. Jaskier couldn’t seem to calm his breathing and his heart was beating so fast that he thought it might fly out of his chest. His hands were shaking in the effort to keep them from reaching out to Geralt. He wasn’t sure what it was about the doctor but he needed Geralt more than he needed the oxygen in the room.
“It’s a bad idea…” Jaskier muttered one last time, before his lips pulled into a smirk and he winked at Geralt. “Let’s just keep kissing until we come to?”
Geralt growled and they met in the centre of the room, Jaskier half kneeling on the examination table, his hands splayed on Geralt’s chest as the doctor held his face with a tenderness that surprised him. Their lips ghosted together, a breath away from touching, but before they could kiss Geralt pressed their foreheads together.
“Let's face it, making mistakes like this, it’ll just make it worse.”
“And it’s already pretty bad,” Jaskier sighed, his fingers gripping Geralt’s white coat tightly. “Just hold me close whilst we think this through?”
“Don’t have much time,” Geralt muttered. “Where’s Pris?”
It was torturous, being so close to Geralt but not having what he truly desired, which was, to be blunt about it, to get fucked on the damn table before Pris could come back and find them…
But they really didn’t have much time.
Did they?
Jaskier’s phone buzzed in his pocket and he reluctantly pulled it out, unlocking the screen with his other hand still holding onto Geralt lest he disappear from Jaskier’s life forever.
I can’t stay in the bathroom forever, be quick about it. - P x
A laugh bubbled up and escaped his lips. She knew. The fucking bastard, he was going to buy her the most lavish present he could after this. He fucking loved her, just not in the way his darling mother wished.
Geralt looked at him, eyebrows raised as he cocked his head, his hands still pressed against Jaskier’s back. So Jaskier just grinned and showed Geralt the text.
“Fuck,” Geralt groaned, and then the dam broke.
Their lips met in a desperate kiss, both of them tearing and pulling at their trousers in a rush to get closer. It was clumsy and messy and possibly the hottest fuck Jaskier had ever had in his life, and when they were sat together after, panting as they tried to catch their breaths, Jaskier grinned dopily at Geralt.
The doctor’s fingers froze on the button of his trousers and his golden eyes flashed up to meet Jaskier’s gaze, looking flushed and completely indecent despite his best efforts. “Hmm?”
“It was a pretty good bad idea, wasn’t it though?”
Geralt chuckled, rolling his eyes as he pressed a kiss to Jaskier’s hair. The electricity between them hadn’t died down in the slightest and Jaskier was feeling completely high off the thrill and adrenaline of the affair. Geralt hummed as Jaskier pulled him into one last kiss before Priscilla knocked on the door.
A pretty good bad idea indeed.
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cursestothemoon · 4 years
A Swish Of Your Wand Away
Requested: yes
Draco Malfoy x Malfoy!fem!little sister!reader
warnings: mentions of death, war, marriage 
Summary: Draco loses his little sister in the midst of battle and can’t help but think the worst. 
i got just a tad carried away but I hope you guys like it :)))
word count: 1400+
“Do it for sissy, Draco.”
The back of his neck exploded in goosebumps as his aunt's hot breath hit his skin. Do it for sissy, Draco knows what she means and his hand trembles at the insinuation. He has to do it, a life for a life, it’s only fair. But why is he starting to lower his hand, why is he struggling? Was Y/n not just as or more important than Dumbledore? Why can’t he just-
“Step aside, Draco.”
It was the low voice of Severus Snape and Draco could hear the sneer his auntie Bellatrix let out. He didn’t want to look at him, he wasn’t strong enough to look at him, not strong enough to ensure the safety of his little sister. And it was with her in mind that he watched the body of his now former headmaster fall over the railing of the tower. How he wished he could take credit for it, his father would be proud, and his family safe.
“Draco, go get your sister. Quickly, and make sure to find us in one piece.” Professor Snape grunted in his face, hand fisted in the lapel of his black suit.
Draco nodded, quick to go find Y/n and get them both out of the school.
That seemed a lifetime ago now, the catalyst of the now war, a distant memory. His breaths were frantic and hands trembling, with each wall that would get blown away or blasted down he’d flinch thinking the worst. It was only her fourth year, she was only fourteen and just barely at that. He remembers when he was fourteen, fourth year being the last year he could bring himself to enjoy. Now his sister, little Y/n, was fighting in a war he had started and she was forced to fight for the wrong side.
Draco had gone to grab her from the horde of Slytherin’s in the dungeons, he grabbed her, Blaise, and Goyle. He shoved them out of the crowd and looked to his sister, telling her to leave, to find their parents and stay out of trouble. He should’ve known she wouldn’t listen, especially when she saw her friends being attacked.
Y/n Malfoy, though young, had always been one for hard work and truth. It seemed people from all houses were quite friendly with her, a luxury Draco was never accustomed to. She was a better person than Draco would ever be, and he was proud of her for it, but in the middle of a war was not the time for her to be a savior. Or worse, a martyr.
He turned down a corridor, or what was left of one, and his stomach jumped at the flash of blonde hair but his hope fizzled out, it wasn’t Y/n. Draco couldn't help but groan, where is she? He had seen her just moments before the fighting got really bad, her emerald green robes were tattered and ice blonde hair blood stained and ashy.
Draco’s feet hurt, blisters and pebbles making themselves known in his once expensive shoes and he couldn’t help but pray to Merlin, and Helga Hufflepuff, and Rowena Ravenclaw, and even Godric Gryffindor that Y/n was still breathing. With a final glance around, Draco turned to go back to the Great Hall and continue his search outside.
He almost missed it, but honestly how could he, the red hair and pinecone wand. Fred Weasley lay under piles of rumble, his head and right shoulder being the only things not crushed by the broken wall. His figure unmoving and unnaturally grey, Draco felt the bile rise in his throat as he realized not only was Fred Weasley dead but George was somewhere out there forced to fight alongside someone that wasn't his brother. Draco feared he’d be next to know what it felt like to lose someone of such importance.
A group had now been gathered outside, silence ringing across the broken and beaten students as the Dark Lord’s previous words hung in the air.
Harry Potter is dead!
Draco, in years to come, would swear that he could feel the color drain from his face. He still hadn’t found his sister and it had been hours, Harry was dead, his sister lost, and faith diminished. No one knew what to do next, how could they move on from this? And Draco kept his eyes down, hoping not to be found by his parents and the Dark Lord just on the other side of the courtyard.
“Draco!” He had been found.
The hatred was clear in Draco’s eyes as he looked at his father calling to him. His feet were firmly planted on the ground, he couldn’t just leave. At least, not until he found Y/n. Not until he found her alive.
“Draco… come.”
It was his mother now. Her voice had an underlying tone of desperation that made him consider walking over to them. Joining them.
Surely someone would stop him, someone had to care enough to show him a sliver of forgiveness. His sister was presumably dead, because why else would he be the only one called to join, and Draco had no use in fighting for any side. He had no use in fighting at all because he had lost the person he was fighting for, his baby sister.
His steps were slow, his feet stuttering as if asking if he really wanted to do this. Draco had taken a total of five steps before he heard her voice.
“Draco, don’t go!”
His head snapped almost too fast for comfort in the direction of the voice, her voice. There she was, her cheekbones high and looking more prominent than ever, she was gaunt and tired and dirty. Her hand was hanging in a makeshift sling, bent at an unnatural angle, but she was alive. Y/n was standing behind George Weasley and Molly Weasley, George’s hand coming out to push her further behind his body at the sight of her father’s angered glare. Not only had his daughter been alive, but alive and with blood-traitors.
Draco would forever be in debt to the Weasley’s, his little Y/n was alive because of them no doubt.
He walked toward Y/n, her breaking out from behind George and Molly to meet her brother half way and grabbed his hand.
“No.” Draco was finally sure he was on the right side. His hand grasping his sisters firmly, they both refused to move.
“Are you nervous?”
“Just a little.”
Draco offered a soft smile, “Don't be.”
The music started to play and Draco watched the doors open, both he and Y/n taking a breath before proceeding down the aisle. The day had come and Draco was more than apprehensive about giving away his baby sister's hand, sure that no one was deserving of her. He had blubbered like a right fool the night she had asked him to walk her down the aisle and give her away.
Suddenly they had reached the end of the aisle and Draco was not ready to pass on Y/n’s hand that was holding his own so tightly. He had always been the one to protect her and now he was just supposed to pass that privilege on to someone else?
Y/n turned to face Draco, her heart racing as she met his eyes pooling with tears. His hands came up, a gentle tremble accompanying them, and he moved the veil from over her face. Her eyes were bright and smile wide, Draco wondered when she had grown so much.
He moved his hands to cradle her cheeks, tilting her head down allowing him to place a kiss to her forehead.
“I love you, Darling.”
“I love you too, Brother.” Her words were quiet but strong and Draco nearly pulled her back when she was brought to stand with the person she was to marry.
“...To the family that has taken my dear sister in as their own, I promise you not only my respect, but my love. Thank you for looking past our name to see the beautiful woman my baby sister has grown into.” Not a single guest had remained dry eyed as Draco continued his speech, turning to his sister.
“And to my little Y/n, you are the reason I have become the man I am today. I made a promise to you, all those years ago when days were dark and war building, that as your brother there was nothing I wouldn’t do to protect you. Now, as I pass on the privilege of being your guardian to whom you are now wed, I make you a new promise. One ensuring that I will always be just a swish of your wand away.”
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
Can you please write something for fenrys? first meeting maybe? And the bond clicks? Thank you 🥺🥺
pairing: Fenrys x reader (throne of glass)
warnings: implied smut, kissing and nudity, lil bit of blood and injuries but mainly pure fluff
a/n: fenrys is my fave and u can tell in the fic omg!! i hope you enjoy it cause it’s probs my fave one i’ve written yet :))) (i also made it a teensy bit ddlg but that’s just cause i want Fenrys to baby me lol)
Fenrys pressed his hand to the wound in his side, feeling the slow pump of blood seeping between his fingers as he stumbled through the woods. He had won the fight. The other guy now lying in the dirt, however not without consequence. And he wasn’t entirely sure he would stay alive unless he could find a healer soon.
He stopped to lean against a tree, breathing heavily as he held himself together. He transformed into a wolf, moving faster, and trying to pick up a scent, any scent, that could possibly help him, when he caught the sweetest smell he ever had. It was a female, smelling like peonies and blackberries, sweet but with an underlying smoky smell. She smelled of long days in flowers fields and even longer nights beside campfires, evenings spent curled in hand woven blankets and mornings spent drinking dark coffee and eating sweet toast.
He whimpered and began running in the direction of the scent. If he wasn’t so focused on not bleeding out he may have stopped to consider why the scent was pulling him in the way it did. He would have considered the direction he was running into, the direction of his future, his past and his present. But he just kept up, going as fast as his injured body would allow, concentrating on the sweet smell and putting one foot in front of the other.
He felt the change almost immediately, the cold snow and rough bark being swapped for cool moss. The pine trees swapped for tall, oak trees teeming with life. The silence of a frozen forest swapped for the rustling of bushes as nocturnal animals moved silently under the guise of darkness. The chill of the snow-covered woods swapped for the warmth of a summer evening. He pushed between two bushes and found himself facing a clearing, in the middle of which stood a wooden cottage, the wood dark and the roof covered in more moss, flowers growing from every surface and ivy peeking out of the crevices in the house. He stumbled down the path to the cottage, turning back into a male and crossing a small bridge over a stream that separated him from the intoxicating scent he chased.
He let out what he could only describe as a bark, calling for the female that carried the scent he was growing addicted to, collapsing onto his knees, feeling his conscious fade as he held to the side of his stomach, searing pain replaced by fiery veins as his head swayed. He barely heard the door open, only noticing the scent get so much stronger. He attempted to look up, the movement making his head spin as he collapsed, the last thing he saw, a girl in the halo of the moon.
Fenrys awoke in a foreign bed. An unbelievably comfortable bed, but foreign all the same. He pushed up on his forearms, gritting his teeth at the reminder of his wound.
The room he was in was dark, not just in light source, but also in décor. The window was cracked open with lacy curtains half closed, there was a tall bookshelf sat next to a desk with leather-bound books lining it, and tall candles flickering and casting the room in a golden glow. The bed he was in was small, clearly just for one, but so soft. He had blankets surrounding him and copious amounts of pillows, some that appeared hand made. In fact, upon closer inspection, a lot of the room looked handmade. Art covering the walls depicting crying women or bloody scenes that he presumed had been done by the owner of this house, given the pallet and assortment of brushed he saw on the windowsill.
And then there was that scent. It was stronger here and he pressed his face into a pillow tentatively, breathing in through his nose as he picked up on the deeper undertones. Fresh picked daisies, melted wax, the pages of old, worn books and something he couldn’t describe. Something so intoxicating he felt tears spring to his eyes, his body reacting in an unheard-of way, so overcome with emotion from scent alone.
He heard footsteps approaching the closed door and hastily put down the pillow, sitting up straight and readying himself to fight whoever it was if they were an intruder. But when you entered he faltered.
Mate. The word clanged through him as he came face to face with an angel. You were wearing a dark brown broderie dress with white hearts lining the hem, your feet bare and toenails painted black. Your hair was falling around your face, messy and untamed, and you had dark smudges around your eyes, makeup that accentuated your features and made you look like a character from the scary books he read as a boy. However right now you looked more like a teddy bear.
He briefly remembered the tail of a witch he had read. An evil witch who lured men into her house with whispered words and sweet kisses, only to steal their hearts and use their blood to keep her skin young and eyes bright. This girl however was no witch, you had elegantly pointed ears and a graceful way of moving that only came from being Fae. He watched as you moved to his side, silent on your feet, putting a tray down beside him before moving an opening the curtains further, letting in more natural light.
“How are you feeling?” your sweet voice interrupted his thoughts. His mind coming to a halt as he heard you speak.
“I- er fine..?” His voice was rough, and you smiled, a reserved smile. Moving to his side and sitting at the edge of the small bed he was on, pouring him a glass of water from a small decanter you had brought through.
“(Y/n.)” you answered his unspoken question.
He muttered a thanks as you passed the glass to him, noting the crystals that hung around your neck and adorned your fingers.
“Crystals?” he asked, and you looked down, playing with the rings you wore nervously.
“My mother taught me about their meanings, they’ve always helped me.” You bit your lip and Fenrys decided he would never meet anyone as cute as you again, it simply wasn’t possible.
“Me too, my mother used to carry them everywhere.” You smiled at him shyly, a beat of silence passing between the two of you as he listened to the birds outside.
“Can I see your wound? I want it make sure it’s healing properly.” You asked and he nodded, pulling the blankets down slightly, grinning as your eyes widened as you took in his physique.
“I’m presuming you’re the healer I have to thank for letting me see another day.” He flirted playfully but you shook your head,
“I’m not a very good healer I’m sorry, but I did stitch it up and it should do the rest itself.” You pressed gentle fingers against the skin surrounding his wound and he glanced down, seeing it was already practically healed.
“You still saved my life.” He said, completely serious and you looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes.
“I’ll let you rest.” You said quietly, standing to walk away and he smiled, feeling more at ease than he ever had since the war, watching his little mate leave.
He woke up again a few hours later, wound completely healed and puckering into a scar. Standing he stretched his arms above his head, not bothering with a shirt as he left the room in search of the girl that had occupied his dreams.
The rest of the house was alike your room, tall candles and worn books everywhere. He passed a kitchen filled with copper utensils and a living room with an old armchair, a half-filled mug left next to it, but still no you. He saw the front door was cracked open and wandered over to it, pulling it open and stepping into the fresh air, barely feeling the chill on his body as he found you kneeling on the moss-covered ground facing away from him.
You were muttering under your breath and as he got closer he saw you were cradling a small bird with a broken wing. He watched as you closed your eyes, the ground and air seeming to still as you called upon your magic, a soft white light flowing from your hand into the bird until its wing was healed and it could flutter away.
“I thought you said you weren’t a healer,” he broke the silence and you turned to him with a small smile.
“I said I wasn’t a very good healer.” You replied, standing with green stained knees, your hair now piled atop your head and lip gloss coating your soft lips.
“What are you then?” he came closer to you, unable to resist holding his mate, even if you weren’t aware yet.
“My mother said we were natural faeries.” You said, looking at him shyly, “we derive our power from the earth, crystals, sea water, dirt, fire, stuff like that.”
He hummed, “So technically you could have any type of magic?”
“I guess, but I’m not very good at magic,” you muttered, hands fiddling with your rings again as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “Fenrys?” you asked, all pouty lips and wide eyes.
“Have you realised yet darling?” he asked, and you bit your lip. He knew he could tell you, but he wanted to hear you say it.
“I- we’re mates I think.” You were practically shaking, and he didn’t know why he suddenly had this burning desire to scoop you into his arms and protect you against the horrible world that was out there. He nodded with a smile, watching as awe took over your stunning face.
“Can I kiss you princess?” he asked, and you felt your face heat up, looking down as he pulled you closer. “Have you ever been kissed before angel?” he asked, his face hurting from the grin that was spreading over his face when you shook your head.
He tilted your head up to his, looking deeply into your eyes as your breaths came out quicker. “Not many people can find our cottage, my mother put up wards when she got ill, our family wasn’t well liked by the king. You probably only got here because we’re mates,” You muttered.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked again, running a soft hand over your head, smoothing your hair away from your face as you nodded sweetly.
He smiled before leaning down and kissing you gently. Pulling away and feeling as smug as a thief when your lips followed his, pouting at the loss of contact so quickly. He chuckled at your put out expression and leaned down to kiss you again, deeper this time, his tongue slipping into your mouth when you gasped against his lips, quickly beating your own in a battle for dominance and taking his time exploring your mouth.
He laid you down that morning and took you for the first time in the soft moss. Then again in your even softer bed. Now you were sitting in his lap, eating strawberries of a bush you had in your back garden as he pressed dizzying kisses into your neck, both of you still as bare as the day you were born, Fenrys having forgot how much he missed skin to skin contact, when you suddenly remembered.
“Fenrys?” he hummed in response, completely enamoured with the feel of your soft skin against his rough calluses. “Why were you hurt last night?”
“I didn’t tell you my job did I angel?” he asked, the pet name making you giggle as you shook your head, “I work for the queen of Terrasen.”
You gasped, “But she was killed!”
“Oh angel, when was the last time you left this cottage?” he asked, worry coming over him as he realised you had been holed up alone for so long.
“Not since my mother died. She said the king was dangerous and that he would hurt me if he found me,” your bottom lip was wobbling and Fenrys quickly kissed it away, shushing you as it dawned on him just how innocent his little girl was.
“No baby, he’s gone now, the new king of Adarlan is a very kind man and the Queen of Terrasen is wonderful,” he promised, “Will you let me take you to meet them?”
You nodded enthusiastically, bouncing slightly in his lap making him groan. He nipped at your ear lobe and you squealed as he pushed you down. You could meet them another day, today he was too busy with his little mate.
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 1 here! / Part 2 Here!
* The flight feels shorter than you remember, maybe it’s because you don’t need to sleep anymore.
* When you land, you expect to see Carmen there, but instead it’s the entire Coven.
* They look like a group of supermodels, and they’re all holding gifts, you see several people staring at them. Every teenage boy’s fantasy no doubt.
* They’re holding balloons, and a woman (the one you believe is Carmen) is holding one of those giant teddy bears. They even have a sign that says “Welcome Home (Y/N).”
* You didn't think vampires could feel embarrassed.
* But here you are, living proof that they’re wrong.
* Tanya brings you into a hug before you can even be worried about being an unwanted addition.
* “Welcome home, we are so glad to have you here”
* “We have an important question for you,” the woman beside her asks, her long straight hair sparkles under the dark sky.
* Kate, you presume.
* “Which do you like more, pink flowers or yellow flowers?”
* The question catches you completely off guard, and when you look down you see she’s holding out a bouquet of sunflowers and hydrangeas towards you.
* You’re not sure if this is all a test, and maybe you’re overthinking all this, but you remember sunflowers mean loyalty.
* “Um... the yellow ones I suppose.”
* “See Irina I told you they would love the yellow ones.”
* Irina rolls her eyes, but she’s grinning. She’s the one holding a bouquet of balloons
* “I bet they like the balloons I picked out better though, they’re a nice touch.”
* “Is everything alright?” Tanya turns to you. Her eyebrows are threaded in concern. “Are you thirsty?”
* You shake your head, you feel bloated if anything.
* You’re happy, you really are. It’s just...
* “I’m just a little overwhelmed,” you admit.
* Back at the castle you did have company, but it was sparse. After you were transformed, you only saw Alec or Jane once every few days, if at all.
* So this much attention, all at once, it’s a lot to handle right now.
* “Let’s give them some space, it’s been a long day.” Eleazer nudges them all away, and towards getting your luggage in the car.
* While they’re all busy taking your things, and arguing about where they parked the car, you’re left alone with Carmen
* Carmen who is holding a very large stuffed bear.
* You gulp. You’ve been so busy worried about Tanya you haven’t thought about Carmen. Her husband disappears after he received a call from his old coven, and then he comes back with some newborn.
* You wouldn’t be happy if you were in her place.
* She clears her throat beside you.
* “Do you like bears?”
* A long second of silence passes as your mind tries to comprehend what’s happening.
* “I-yes I like bears.”
* She thrusts the bear out towards you, and you take it gingerly, balancing the two bouquets the Denali sisters had given you earlier.
* “If there’s ever anything you don’t like,” you whip your head to look at her, her eyes are focused on the horizon, they’re narrowed like she’s picking her words carefully. “Or if you would rather have a lion, or something completely different all together, you can tell me.”
* She turns to look at you, and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
* “Okay,” you smile back.
* It’s a long drive to their home, they live deep in the mountains.
* “We’re here,” Tanya sings from the driver's seat.
* The house is secured by an ivy ridden wall, so high you can barely see the tree branches hang over the ledge
* There’s a large iron gate at the front, and past it, what appears to be a gravel road.
* Tanya cracks her window down, pressing her finger to sensor.
* “We’ll have to add your fingerprints later, little one”
* “Tanya don’t call them that, it’s offensive,” Irina hisses from beside them.
* “Ah, sorry darling,” she meets your gaze from her rear view mirror.
* “No offense taken,” you mumble.
* The house is exactly the opposite of what the Cullens’ home looked like in the movies.
* It’s a four story home, well it’s a mansion, all dark brick, with a rugged face. You can count on one hand how many windows you currently see.
* It looks exactly like somewhere Dracula might live.
* The inside is equally intimidating, there’s actually a suit of armor near the entrance, like this is some Scooby Doo-esque castle.
* Kate leads the grand tour, walking you through their living room, fully equipped with a wall of swords, a 90 inch flat screen TV, and a family portrait hung over a roaring fire.
* She only waves at the kitchen.
* “It’s just for show.”
* She explains the living situation to you.
* “Irina, Tanya and I all have our rooms on the second floor,” she points to each room, all in completely different directions.
* “Carmen and Eleazer use the third floor,” She waves to the right end of the hall.
* “There’s also a movie theatre and another living area on this floor,” Irina adds from her other side.
* You expect to be staying near the happy couple, so they can keep an eye on you.
* You’re surprised when Kate keeps climbing the stairs,
* “On the right is the library, and on the left is a stairwell that leads to the roof”
* “And right here,” Irina grins, “is your room.”
* The second she opens the door you’re engulfed in light.
* It’s so bright.
* When the place comes into focus, you’re amazed.
* The entire room aside from the entrance wall, and the ceiling, are made from glass.
* There’s a roaring fireplace on one side, several cases full of books, a large plush armchair, and a bed.
* It’s like a queen’s bed, with mahogany spirals and creamy white bedding.
* “What’s with the bed?” It adds a nice touch to the room, but it’s not like you need it.
* “Oh well we thought maybe-“ Kate breaks off mid thought, looking to Irina for help who nods.
* “We thought maybe you might want it to pretend to sleep,” she finishes for her sister. Then noticing your confused expression she quickly adds “or as a comfy place to read, or for... other activities.”
* “Irina!” Kate shouts at the same time you cover your face in embarrassment. Sex is the farthest thing from your mind.
* “What? They need to know this is an open household.”
* “What did you mean about pretending to sleep?” You quickly interject.
* “Well you know,” Irina exchanges a look with her sister.
* “You just shut your eyes, and imagine things,” Kate finishes.
* “I did it a lot when I first transformed, helped me feel more human” Irina adds.
* “I still do it every so often, it’s a nice way to relax” Kate tells you.
* “I never thought to do that.” You mumble to yourself, sitting on the bed. The two exchange another look.
* They want to ask you questions, about the Volturi, and about your past.
* But thinking better of it, they decide to leave so you can get settled.
* As soon as they’re gone, you fall back into the bed.
* Pretending to sleep, what a strange thing, the books never talked about it.
* You turn your head to the side, looking out your window walls.
* “It really is a beautiful view.”
* The pine trees sway in the wind, the grey sky beyond it.
* You sigh, you’ll try and give that “pretending to sleep” thing a try.
* You close your eyes and imagine all sorts of things. You imagine being in your old body and doing crunches so that you could get abs. You imagine eating soup on a cold day while it rains outside, and you think about reading in the library with Alec and Jane. How you would sit in the nook, right below the window and bask in the sun.
* You’re abruptly broken out of the dream when you hear your door creak open.
* You sit upright with a start, eyes open, and your head turned to face the intruder.
* All you see is Eleazer shaking from laughter, as he hides his mouth in his hand.
* You turn to look at the clock, it’s 3 in the morning and it’s dark outside.
* “Thirsty yet?” He finally manages to say after a solid minute of laugh at you.
* You are growing a little parched.
* “We’re about to go hunt,.” Eleazer actually grins as he tells you.
* You move to stand and follow him outside.
* Tanya and Carmen are already waiting for you outside, they don’t need to explain much, it seems pretty obvious.
* Stalk the animal, and then kill, totally easy.
* Tanya and Carmen even corner a deer for you.
* You should be able to kill it, you should WANT to devour it, your throat is so dry, even a bit of relief seems nice right now.
* But when you look into it’s eyes, wide with fear, it looks just like a dog.
* You can’t do it.
* But everyone’s waiting for you to drink, how are you going to survive from here on out? There’s no Alec, bringing you a blood bag every few days, you can’t drink from humans and you can’t drink from animals what are you going-
* You’re broken out of your internal monologue by a pained scream, when you look around you, you see Carmen and Tanya kneeling on the ground.
* Crap your powers.
* The deer crumples to the floor, the fearful look in its eyes intensified.
* “I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.”
* And then you run, you climb up the tallest tree you can find and crumple into yourself like a collapsing star.
* What was your end game here? To raise hell on this world? Right.
* How are you going to do that when you can’t even control your emotions or even feed yourself.
* Geez, even Edward managed to eat rapists and murders.
* You feel the branch you’re crouched on shift a bit and look up to see Carmen.
* She instinctively reached for you only to flinch back, your power to reaching her.
* She must notice the look on your face because she smiles and says:
* “Don’t worry I’ve felt worse.”
* Well you don’t have time to unpack all of that.
* “I can’t kill an animal,” you finally admit.
* You’re waiting for her fury, but she just shrugs.
* “That’s alright, you know, I hate pretending to be a student, so I don’t do the school thing.”
* She continues on, “Kate hates going to the grocery store, Irina hates making small talk with the mail man, even Eleazer hates having to deal with their forgery, especially when it’s time to move
* “What about Tanya?”
* Carmen scoffs.
* “Tanya hates having to see Edward,” then realizing you might not know Edward she adds, “One of Carlisle’s coven.”
* You knew in the book Tanya felt scorned, but you didn’t think she hated him.
* “The point is, we all have things we don’t like to do.”
* Ah here it comes, the whole “but we do them for the better of the coven” spiel.
* “So we do them for each other.”
* Well this is unexpected.
* “Eleazer and I get supplies, Kate and Irina handle going to school and keeping our front, and Tanya handles the big picture stuff.”
* She puts her hand on top of your own, you hadn’t realized she had gotten so close, or that you were feeling calm enough to let her get close.
* “The point is, if there’s something you don’t want to do, it’s okay. You’re apart of our family now, and we help each other.”
* You nod.
* “Come, let’s go home.”
* When you get home, you see Tanya and Irina literally draining the blood out of a bear in the kitchen.
* “Ah you’re back! Look what we got you!”
* Tanya says it like she got you a new desk, not that she’s literally draining the blood out of an animal into a reusable starbucks cup.
* “Maybe we should do this for ourselves too, it’s much more convenient, and this way my blouses won’t get dirty” Irina comments, sealing another bottle and putting it in the fridge.
* “Tanya I’m sorry about before, I-“
* “There’s nothing to be sorry for little one,” she cradled your face in her blood stained hands. “I am sorry, I thought you seemed uncomfortable, but I thought it might be the thirst.”
* You nod slowly, they’re being so kind to you. You don’t know how to handle it tbh.
* “Tanya! We talked about this, you can’t call them little one, it’s condescending.” Irina hisses, and Tanya sucks her teeth.
* “Ah yes, sorry darling, you are just so young.” She pats your cheek, and then grins. “More importantly, you are so powerful!”
* Tanya’s beaming like a pageant mom who’s child just won first place.
* “You should have seen it Irina, she had me AND Carmen on the ground! It was incredible!”
* “I’ve never seen anything like it except with-“
* “Except with Jane,” you finish.
* The similarity had been noted by Aro, the type of power that only came once a century.
* Tanya’s expression darkens for a moment, Jane had been the one to carry out the order to kill her mother.
* Then it’s gone, her eyes fill with warmth once they settle onto you once more.
* “Eleazer, what is their power?”
* You hadn’t even realised he had come into the room
* “It’s an aura” he says it all matter of fact, like everyone in the room should know what that means. Upon noticing the confused looks he elaborates.
* “Basically whatever emotions they feel are felt by those around them, right now it seems to be a limited range of emotions.” He meets your gaze, he must mean the despair you feel.
* “But given time, it can extend to all emotions.”
* Well this is news to you, does that mean one day... you might be able to give happiness to others as well?
* You take a sip of the blood and have to hide your cringe.
* It’s disgusting, what the hell was that bear eating.
* “Delicious” you murmur, taking another disgusting sip.
* “Fantastic! This finally gives us an excuse to stock the fridge!”
* Irina opens the fridge to show several bottles full of blood.
* Great.
* The next few days pass in a haze, you “dream” every so often, drink the disgusting bear blood, and read.
* Oh and you also spend a lot of time with your new family. Getting together for a morning run is compulsory
* The only cringe worthy thing is drinking that gross blood.
* If you had to describe the taste, you would say it had a rich flavour at first, but it’s masked with a game-y aftertaste, it only gets worse over time, developing into a straight up skunky after taste.
* You sit on your bed, looking out your many windows/walls, to the frost covered estate.
* You wonder if humans taste that bad when you find them at random, it makes sense why the Volturi’s main racket were wellness retreats, three days of cleansing the blood with vitamin rich food.
* And then you’re struck with an idea.
* “Hey Carmen, you said I could ask if I need something right?”
* “Yes of course.”
* “I was wondering if I could have the far most corner of the estate?”
* She shrugs.
* “Sure.”
* You spend a few days making the fence, sanding down the wood.
* It’s actually pretty easy when you never get tired, or need a break, or when you’re not afraid you might get hurt.
* And, because Alaska is known for cruel weather, you make a barn with Kate’s help.
* “If I knew you were building something out here I would have asked Esme to draw something up for you.”
* “Nah, I wanted to do it myself.”
* Between the two of you, it’s pretty quick work, but it’s basically a rickety poorly built box.
* But it will do.
* It’s a good parcel of land, at least a quarter of an acre.
* Now comes the hard part.
* You’ve finally cornered a deer, probably the same deer from a few weeks ago.
* “Do you want to be friends?” you hold out an apple, and it watches you with a curious glance before running away.
* Well, it’s not a dog, it’s not going to follow you home because you just because you gave it food.
* You repeat the process with several other deer, but you don’t make much progress.
* You repeat the process for a few days, until you finally get the deer to eat the food you offer, and another several days until one will follow you back into the pen.
* You’re not really sure why it did, it’s trembling and afraid, but you guess it’s probably close to starving at this point.
* “Here,” you give it a healthy meal, before leading it to the barn you’ve sloppily built.
* You’re about to go inside, but noticing that it’s still trembling in fear, you decide to spend the night with it.
* “Dreaming” isn’t any different in your bed than it is in a creaky, poorly built barn.
* After that night, you and the deer are closer.
* “I think I’ll name you Henrietta, that’s a good name don’t you think.”
* You get a few more after that, but none of them like you as much as Henrietta.
* They’re mostly following you for food, well at least they won’t die as long as they’re with you.
* And so three days pass, you deer have healthy nutrient rich blood flowing through their veins.
* “Hey Eleazer?”
* He hums in acknowledgement, his hands are busy nailing in the nail on his birdhouse.
* “Do you think Carlisle might visit sometime?”
* Eleazer’s hands stop moving.
* “Do you want him to visit?”
* Well of course you do, he’s the only person you know with any kind of medical experience. He has to show you how to -hygienically- extract blood from your deer without killing them or contaminating the blood.
* “I think we were making a lot of progress with my powers before we stopped.”
* Eleazer nods.
* “I’ll give him a call soon.”
* Another few days pass, time seems to move differently now. You can’t tell how much time has passed, even the nights and days start to blur together, after all the nights are so much longer here in Alaska.
* And yet, it’s peaceful, you read books, and drink your disgusting bear blood. You watch Irina and Tanya play chess, and Kate sharpen her sword. Carmen likes to embroider when she can, and Eleazer enjoys wood work.
* It’s nice here
* You’re reading in your room when you hear them, Carlisle’ss soft gentle voice from down stairs.
* You haven’t seen him in so long, you convince yourself you’re rushing to greet him because you’ll always be grateful for what he did for you.
* But you know it’s actually because you miss him.
* He was the first person to show you true compassion.
* You get to the bottom of the stairs expecting to see Carlisle, and you do, but there’s someone else.
* He’s tall, at least he’s taller than you.
* His hair... it’s -what’s it called-, not quite red, not quite brown either.
* Auburn.
* Auburn hair as thick as a lions mane, hangs around his face, deep gold eyes, and a splatter of freckles across the bridge of his nose.
* This is actually the first boy vampire around your age you’ve seen. Alec was close, but he was younger than you by a handful of years.
* If your heart could beat, you’re sure it would be drumming.
* He’s beautiful. Chiseled cheekbones, and full lips.
* You’re suddenly starting to feel very conscious of the baggy sweatshirt and leggings you’re wearing
* His eyes meet yours, and they stay there, narrowing into a glare.
* Well that’s rude.
* Carlisle doesn’t seem to notice, pulling you into a hug.
* “You look well,” he says, his eyes are so warm as they gaze down at you that you can’t help but smile. “How are you handling the transition?”
* You know he really means to ask if you’re happy now, if you’re free.
* You nod, this is more than you could have ever hoped for.
* His smile widens.
* “I’m glad to hear that,” then noticing he hasn’t introduced you yet, he looks over his shoulder.
* “(Y/N), this is the son I told you about, Edward.”
* This is Edward?
* You turn to look at him again, this amber eyes narrowed.
* It’s not a glare, it’s concentration.
* He can’t read your mind.
* “Edward, this is (Y/N), my friend from Volterra.”
* Carlisle says it in such an easy way, like he didn’t meet you in the brink of despair, when you were pleading him to kill you.
* You gulp as Edward lifts his hand, and you gingerly take in yours.
* “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
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theepisceswriter · 3 years
Prompt 47 and 49 with Armin please if that's okay. Also congrats on 300 girl! 🧡
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Prompt #47: “you sound so pretty when you moan” + Prompt #49: “I’m going to put a baby in you tonight.”
♡ TW: I didn’t proofread so if you see any typos shhhh, public sex, breeding kink, mature things duh, 18+, MINORS DNI or I’ll bite your ankles 
♡ WC: 1.8k cause I got carried away besties 
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You weren’t quite sure what to think when Armin woke you up earlier than usual for the two of you with his bright blues staring directly into your eyes and a smile wide enough on his lips to show off the small dentition that he had on the right side of his cheek, easily missable if you hadn’t spent most of your time observing his soft beautiful features on his face.
“Come on, get up and get dressed and meet me in the car in like twenty minutes. We’re going to the beach!” He spoke up once he felt that you were at a conscious enough level to take in his words, not even staying a second longer after those words left his mouth, but jumping off of the bed and heading immediately to what you presumed to be the direction of the car. You had no choice but to protest against his orders or complain about the good slumber he had woken you up from. Instead you followed his directions and got dressed with nothing to go off except for the fact that the two of you were going to the beach.
Curses slipped past your lips underneath your breath constantly throughout your whole routine and even throughout the duration of the car ride; Armin’s overtly bubbly mood this early in the morning causing confusion upon confusion, but still you smiled from ear to ear as you watched him sing his heart out to the cheesy pop song on the radio, enjoying the subtle serenade he was giving you and even joined him towards the end of the song. Giggles and jokes from the both of your terrible singing filling up the car. Your semi sour mood from earlier already being pushed to the back of your mind. 
The sunshine that kissed your skin when you stepped out of the car moments later filled you with a warmness all over and it was then that you were grateful Armin decided to force you out of the house today.
“Are you finally going to tell me what we’re doing here?”
“A picnic!” He answers you in a sing song voice as he makes his way around the car to the trunk where he removes all the needed supplies for your rendezvous, handing the picnic over to you once his hands got too full. 
“A picnic?”
“Yeah, there’s nothing wrong with that I hope?”
“Not at all,” You’re quick to answer him with the shake of your head and soon a smile creeps its way onto your features, “I’ve just never been on one before.”
“Well, I’m honored to be your first.” Though his tone is teasing, his smile is wide enough to crease the corner of his eyes letting you know that there was some genuity in his words. 
The two of you took your place on a spot where the concrete sidewalk met the sand, deciding that you didn’t want to be directly in the sand just incase it got in the food you two had packed with you which consisted of sandwiches, strawberries, a mini charcuterie board, and even champagne to be more on the boujie side. The choices of food showing that Armin had planned this out thoroughly and put quite some thought into it. Not to mention that few people occupied the space where you two were at, too early in the morning for people to come flocking to the beach.
Laughs, reminiscing, and conversations about everything and nothing filled up a good portion of your picnic. The warmth and breeze of the beach adding to the feelings of security and comfort you felt by Armin’s side, the glances his blue eyes would give you making you feel loved and appreciated without him even having to open up his lips, but still he does: “You’re so beautiful. I can’t believe I got lucky enough to get someone as beautiful, kind, and smart as you in my life.”
His words left your cheeks warming up and not from the harsh rays of the sun, each one of his words hitting you in your gut and leaving your stomach fluttering with butterflies. Before your lips could even open up to request a stop to his compliments his lips are on yours in an instance, molding so perfectly against your like they always did, like they were made exclusively for yours like he claimed so many times. What started off as a sweet passionationate kiss in the sun quickly switched gears to something more sensual. Armin’s tongue sliding past your lips and teeth to gently swirl around yours, the remnants of the strawberries and champagne on your buds warranting a soft groan out of his mouth.
Before you knew it, the soft padding of his hand is travelling up your thighs and spreading the soft flesh with his palm, gripping it lightly but not moving another inch just to mess with you. But the moment you wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer into the kiss he gives in, hand disappearing underneath the fabric of your sundress and immediately allowing his middle and index finger to travel up to the thin fabric of your underwear and massage your clit. 
“Armin,” You pulled away with flushed cheeks and a breathy moan to scan the environment around the two of you. Though there still seemed to be no people around except for a few strangers scattered far away at the waters of the ocean, there was no telling how it might change in the next couple of minutes. Because there was no stopping your lover once he got started. 
“Don’t worry about anyone around us. Focus on me.” Though his tone was sweet and soft as ever, the action of his fingers moving your panties to the side to give his middle finger access to run up your slit was the complete opposite. And focus on him you did indeed, face trying to remain stoic as ever and even going as far to tuck your bottom lip between your teeth to hide the moan that dared to escape from your lips when you felt the pressure of his middle finger entering your cunt with ease. 
“You’re so wet for me already baby, did I do this to you, hm? I got you this wet?”
You nod in an attempt to keep your mouth closed knowing the next time you opened it a moan would slip out with ease and possibly catch the attention of those at the water despite their distance from you two, but he wasn’t having any of that. His index soon followed his middle one, curving up against the soft spongy part of your insides that he knew got a reaction out of you no matter what and he was right because a stifled moan left your lips soon after. “That’s my girl,” He praised, fingers beginning to move in a constant beckoning motion inside of you, “Give me some more moans, come on. I want to know that I’m doing a good job.”
Bullshit, he always knew he did a good job. No one, not even you, was able to work your body the way that he did. Get reactions out of you that you didn’t even know you had in you and make your body do things that you didn’t even know that you could do. 
“Y-You always make me feel good.” You finally let out, lips connecting back to his to silence your moans once more, but he only allows you to kiss for so long before he’s pulling away, your head resting in the crook of his neck to hide the expressions of pleasures that find its way onto your features and to muffle your moans so only he can hear them. 
“You sound so pretty when you moan for me. I wish all these people here could hear how pretty you sound for me, know how good you’re feeling.” It was these words that finally brought you to your orgasm, eyes shutting tightly, toes gripping on to the blanket underneath them, and walls clenching around his fingers as he purposefully pumps them into you quickly to let you ride it out until his fingers were soaked with your orgasm.
He gives you no time to recover from the orgasm you only experienced seconds ago before he’s tapping at your hips for you to lift them as he moves to remove your underwear from underneath your dress and placing them inside of the picnic basket you brought along with you. In those few seconds you decide that missionary would be too obvious even with the few people that surrounded you, so you make the decision to push Armin on his back and take a position where you;re straddling him from above. A smug look on his face as he watches your nimble fingers work at unzipping his jeans, hips lifting to allow you to pull his boxers down enough for his erection to come smacking against his fabric clad stomach, the tip flushed and pink with precum leaking from it showing that he had been wanting just as much as you had for the last few minutes.
“Fuck, y/n,” An airy grunt leaves his lips when he pushes his hips up against yours and slides deep inside of you with one swift motion, hands going to your hip to hold you in place with each deep long stroke he sent up in you. 
“Just like that,” You let out the prettiest sounds that are music to Armin’s ears from below and encourage him to buck up into you faster at a pace that has your tits bouncing against his face, his hand going up to pull the top of your dress down to expose them and mouth opening to catch one of your nipples into it. “Your cock feels so good, Armin.”
“Yeah? Yeah?” He breathes out, hand dropping underneath your dress to rub at your clit in sloppy circles trying to get you as close to your orgasm as he is right now. You feel so good and warm around him and the way you clench around him has his eyes rolling to the back of his head, he can’t help but allow that warmth in the depth of his stomach to accumulate more and more with each thrust up into you. 
“I’’m going to put a fucking baby into you tonight, y/n, but you’d like that wouldn’t you? You’d like to grow round with my seed and be my personal breeding toy, wouldn’t you?” With each word that leaves his lips makes his thrusts harder and faster at the thought and it’s the only warning you get before warm strings of cum are shooting up into you. Instead of pulling away and letting the two of you gather yourself and get clean Armin holds you in this position for a while, face planted in your chest as he heaves against it coming down from his orgasm.
 “Let’s stay like this for a while.” He suggests in between a breath, adjusting his head so he’s looking back up at you, sly smirk on his features, “Make sure my cum stays inside of you and so you can keep my cock nice and warm.”
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blanknamed · 4 years
trial and error pt. 3 [senku x reader]
I had a lot of issues writing this chapter for some reason. I think I ran out of creativity for a good few weeks so I kinda struggled trying to keep Senku in character. I really just wanted to get the third chapter out though so I hope you like it!
PREMISE: [Name] had always known Senku was a little bit of an oddball but that’s what made him so interesting to her as children. Now in the Stone World, he’s only even more interesting what with his claims about shooting up to a million years worth of technology back, but some things never change with him; specifically on the concept of love. As a way to get him to think about it as something other than “disgusting feelings” she proposes for him to think of it differently, though it seems to be going in a direction she never expected.
He was standing near his base by the time [Name] was done. From the looks of it, he had tried to dress up as well, even if it looked like the littlest effort was made. His hair stayed as big as it was, but what seemed to be a makeshift bowtie was settled on his neck (albeit lopsided, but [Name] didn’t really expect much from him in the first place).
“Jeez, who dressed you up, the local village boys?” She asked once she was within hearing range with Senku.
Scowling, Senku only shook his head. Flicking the strip of rag around his neck, he said, "Chrome and the bumbling fools of guards obviously haven't gone on dates before."
"I don't think you have much room to talk. Besides I’m pretty sure that was obvious," [Name] replied humorously, remembering when Ginro couldn't even look her straight in the eye during her and Senku's first few months at the village. "Why would you ask them of all people anyways?"
Senku raised his eyebrow, as if finding the question peculiar. "Who should I have asked?"
"Oh, I don't know, maybe the married men in the village?" [Name] suggested, watching as Senku furrowed his brows even more. Giggling, she shoved his shoulder. "So much for being a genius. What, were you so nervous to go on this date with me you forgot something as simple as retrieving data from the most obvious people?"
Senku rolled his eyes. "I'm busy with other things--saving the world from going back another thousand years in society, being one of them.” He reasoned as he turned his head away from her.
[Name] only laughed at him, pushing him to forward so they can start walking towards the woods. “Let’s just get this date other with, shall we? You didn’t forget to plan, I’m presuming?"
“Of course I didn’t. Do you take me for some idiot or something?” Senku asked as he peered at the younger girl, who only gave him a knowing look. Instantly, he shook his head. “No don’t answer that. It was a rhetorical question.”
“Oh, I don’t know…” [Name] trailed off. “Remember when you were so caught up in one of your projects you ended up putting too much laundry detergent in your washing machine?”
That day had been burned into her memory--it had probably been the only time she’d seen Senku visibly panic over something so mundane. They were helplessly watching the washing machine shake violently and become a soapy mess in it’s little area for almost an hour until Byakuya came home to a disgustingly sweet smelling hallway and two elementary school children covered in bubbled up laundry detergent from head to toe. 
“Don’t remind me; I smelled like laundry detergent for two months.” Senku muttered.
“It was funny, though. Definitely took thoughts away from my dad and brother.” [Name] replied happily. She didn’t need to turn her head to see that Senku had immediately spun his head toward her at the mention of her father.
A warm silence followed between them, no doubt Senku was thinking of something to say--should he say something about it? Should he brush it off? Senku had known [Name] enough to know that, while he never took anything like emotions too seriously, she wasn’t exactly emotionally attached to much either. He didn’t doubt for a second that [Name] thought about her family during those late night preparations she partook with him when Kohaku or Chrome couldn’t stay up past the 20th hour like they did.
He also didn’t doubt that she had done the same thing he had done once she thought her family over--understand the probabilities of seeing her mother and finding her father and brother’s grave were most likely slim and choosing to focus the task at hand: saving the world from total chaos at the hands of Tsukasa and his wildlings. So, she kept it silent, just like she always did.
Should I even mention anything about that? He wondered to himself as he helped her walk down a narrow junction between some large trees. They’d known each other long enough to understand each other without much verbal communication. Even after not having much contact once Senku entered middle school along with the whole thousands of years of being petrified in time, they still had a weird connection with each other. Maybe that was why he decided to free [Name] of her stony confindes; no one else could read his mind or understand what he’s thinking like she does.
Whatever route he took, it wouldn’t be awkward, he finally concluded when they reached the river. He let [Name] hop on the rocks that stood above the water before following suit. “Right, that was the day they got into that car accident.” He stated once they reached the other side.
[Name] hummed. “Mom was stuck at the hospital all day and wanted to take me with her; I couldn’t bear the smell there. It was too clean. So I went to your place thinking you might need something since you’re so useless--OW!” She rubbed her head as she glared over at Senku, who looked the other way, acting as if he hadn’t just slapped the back of her head so hard it made her hair flip over her head. “Anyways, I thought you needed me for something and apparently you did, but I don’t think an eight year old could have done much if a ten year old couldn’t do anything except stand around and watch the mess. It was funny, though. Mom and I laughed about it after a few years.”
“Glad to know my endless suffering and pure shock brought joy.” Senku said sarcastically, though [Name] could pick up the light heartedness behind it.
Elbowing him lightly so he can turn to look at her, [Name] smiled at him. “Well just so you know every time I think of the dad and brother, I also think of you with a bubble beard right after.”
Senku, for a moment, felt something turn before he wrinkled his nose. “Did you just family zone me? During a date?” He asked disgustedly. It was his turn to get a slap on the back of his head.
“Seriously? That’s what you took away from that?” [Name] asked, irritated. She decided to look forward as they kept walking, however it seemed as though they walked mindlessly through endless amount of trees. “Where are we going anyways?”
“Just a few more feet. There’s a clearing close by; I think you’d like it.” Senku said as he nudged her forward.
[Name] covered her eyes as she began to notice leaves becoming lower and lower to the point that she had to duck and sometimes even squat to get through some spaces. Man, if I knew this would happen, I would’ve worn something besides this kind of dress, she thought reluctantly as she watched the ends and edges of the dress get dirtied. Still, she persisted as she had been curious as to what the clearing had looked like. She hadn’t gone so far in terms of exploring for the past few weeks; winter was coming and Senku needed every available person possible to help prep the village for the freezing season. She spent hours lining and sewing furs onto their cloaks and coats to the point that she left little prick marks on her hands permanently.
“Okay, we’re here.” Senku announced once they both managed to stand again. Shaking a few leaves away from her head, [Name] looked up to see a green clearing, like Senku said. However, he never said how… Ethereal it was. Wild flowers, ones she vaguely recognized to be new versions of flowers from the past, spread across the spanse of the field. Lightning bugs flicked and glowed every now and then, being the main source of light besides the makeshift lantern Senku was currently crafting beside her.
“Whoa,” was [Name]’s only response. “Don’t tell you found this last minute just for a date, Senku.”
A snicker followed right after. “No. I found it a few months ago when trying to collect foxtail millet for the noodles. Let’s keep walking, though. This isn’t what I wanted you to see.”
It’s not? [Name] thought as she let Senku lead her further past the clearing, walking around the flowers as best as possible. The walk was silent, which surprised [Name] since Senku sometimes never did keep his mouth shut when it came to his little experiments. Could it be he's taking this date more seriously than she expected? She let that thought cross her mind as she watched him walk ahead of her. Not possible. If anything, he might just be keeping things a secret since I'm the test subject. [Name] thought to herself. Why would he even take this seriously in the first place?
"Look I know this is a date and all, but could you not glare at me?" Senku finally piped up, looking at his companion warily. "You look like you're about to plot my murder?"
"Who said I haven't already?" [Name] quipped, finally shaking herself from her thoughts. "Anyways, where did you take us, Casanova?"
She laughed as she watched Senku's face scrunch up in disgust at his nickname. He opened his mouth, ready to spew an insult before he stopped himself, staring at the shorter girl. Sighing, he just waved a hand forward. "Look above you."
"Above…?" [Name] questioned as she craned her neck. She sucked in a breath as she looked at the lightened sky above her. Of course, she's had plenty of nights where she stood outside to marvel at the stars and sky--she had never seen it so bright pre-petrification. She had thought that was the brightest and clearest she'd ever seen when she was in Senku's observation tower. 
That is, until today.
"It's so… So…" [Name] started, but couldn't quite put her words together. She felt Senku brush up against her shoulder as he finished for her.
"Beautiful." He complimented as he stared up as well. 
The sky was littered with various shades of purples, pinks, and blues. There wasn’t a coud in sight, which allowed the stars to litter across the dark plain above them. Faintly, she can make out certain constellations, pointing out the ones she wasn’t too sure to her companion, who nodded in confirmation to all of them.
"Who knew we'd get to see the sky as non-polluted as this." Senku said as they continued to keep watch over the sky.
"You took the words right out of my mouth." [Name] laughed. "I thought the observation tower was something else, but you really outdid yourself here, Senku. I didn't even expect you to walk this far without having you get carried by Chrome or something."
"Killing the mood." Senku replied, flicking her forehead, though [Name] made sure to take notice of his shortened breath he tried to hide. She pretended to feign ignorance even further when she let him walk behind her, catching his breath behind some bushes and then shuffling around until he finally brought a basket out.
"Suika should've given better instructions on where to find this thing." The spiky haired scientist said. "It looked like it got buried under a bunch of dirt instead of sitting plain out in the open like she said."
Senku opened the lid, raising an eyebrow as he pulled out two bowls of his notorious green ramen, wrapped tightly in large leaves to keep it from spilling. With it came a makeshift picnic blanket (though, it just looked like old scraps of dresses sewn together over the years; no doubt Suika had asked one of the older village women if she can borrow it). Together, they worked to keep the blanket down, placing heavy rocks at the corners to keep it from flicking upward since the wind picked up a little stronger from where they placed themselves.
"This ramen tastes gross." Senku groaned once he settled down, though it didn't stop him from continuing to eat it. [Name] only rolled her eyes as she ate it herself (though she did have to agree with Senku; the ramen was gross, but she put up with it anyways), basking in the windy air.
“I’m surprised you haven’t said anything yet about the information you’ve gathered for this date,” [Name] said. “Usually you relay the data to me once you get it all down."
“Can’t exactly tell the subject about the data I’m gathering about them.”
“Oh but you’re dying to tell me, aren’t you?” [Name] pushed. Truth be told, she was more curious on just how exactly he thought of the experiment. Sure, she had been the one to suggest it, but she had zero idea on what his plans are--what were his variables? Was he gathering information? Was he including numbers or was all of this just pure observation? There was no doubt in her mind that someone was observing them as well; most likely Kohaku since she’s better off at hiding and watching without being noticed once.
“Maybe. I’ll tell you after I’m done with this whole experiment.” Senku replied as he took a sip of the water packaged with them before handing it off to her. [Name] took it graciously, taking a few sips as she thought about his wording.
Quirking up her eyebrow curiously, she asked, “Wouldn’t that be tonight?”
“No,” Senku confirmed. “You think one night will determine this whole thing? It might take more days actually--a few weeks even. I’ll gather all my information, relay it to you, and then confirm whether or not love is just a construct of emotions for me. Which it will be, from the information I’ve gathered.”
[Name] watched him in disbelief. There was no way she actually heard that correctly. Weeks? How’s that going to work? Would I even last a few weeks managing to go on more dates with this idiot? She questioned. “Wha-- I-- Don’t you have a grandiose plan that requires all your time and attention?”
She only received a shrug as an answer. What the hell does that even mean? She questioned herself as [Name] watched Senku stretch. He was the one repulsed by the idea of going on a date. Why would he extend this to weeks? She let herself wonder, pulling all the probable possibilities as to why he decided it so suddenly. Sure, Senku was right about not being able to gather enough information from just one date, but he could have easily just done one or two more nights of their little experiment dates instead of presuming it down to a matter of weeks.
Finally it finally hit [Name]: he was hiding something. What it was exactly, she’s not entirely sure, though she knew Senku was probably planning something stupid that could most likely put him in danger, or worse killed, which in turn would cause her to intercept and talk him out of it. He was probably using this date shenanigans to distract her from his death inducing plans.
Squinting her eyes at him, she decided to hold back on her on findings. After all, if he isn’t bothering to tell her what he’s gathering on her, she’ll do the same. Instead, she sighed, opting to make it seem as if she should have known. “You’re unbelievable.” [Name] replied.
“Oh, I know. That’s what gets you on your toes right?”
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