#the ones who can blast music and create masterpieces
tothepointofinsanity · 11 months
your new art is my new favourite work of yours for sure
btw I don't know if this has been asked yet but what songs do you associate with Sayaka a lot?
you've used some songs as inspiration for some of your art of her and I was wondering if you had any music that makes you think of her when you listen to it? maybe those songs you used as inspiration, or maybe not? I'd like to hear your thoughts if you don't mind
Thank you, I am happy to hear you like my new artwork. ^^
Ah, sure, I don’t mind at all. Most songs reminiscent of Sayaka to me are mainly vocaloid based, or are Japanese songs in general. Here are some songs essentially attached to Sayaka for disorganised reasons that are arbitrary, ranging from the song’s title, its tune, or its message:
Maretu — Packet Hero, Girl Eraser, Magical Doctor, Brain Revolution Girl, White Happy, Umitagari/Disillusioned, SIU (Suck It Up), Koukatsu, Miseenen, Aishiteitanoni
[Maretu songs are a source of inspiration to me when Sayaka is concerned, although I have previously made a Namida PMV using my original characters. A dose of soliloquy and lots of exciting instrumentals. I listen to these when I want to draw Sayaka being edgy, which is…almost all the time. Recommended.]
Mitski — A Pearl, Liquid Smooth, Your Best American Girl, Nobody, Francis Forever, This Is A Life, Washing Machine Heart, Love Me More
[Songs that are more love centred, often unrequited, confusing, or unfulfilling.]
Miscellaneous/others — Kalmia Dolls, Anemone Glitch, Sentimental Heroine (Hanabie), Love Love Nightmare, Lost One’s Weeping (Neru), Hansel (Sodikken), Secret World (Rinse & Repeat), Aishite Aishite Aishite (Kikuo)
Antonio Vivaldi - Four Seasons (Winter segment), Cessate omai cessate RV684, Stabat Mater dolorosa, “Vivaldi’s sacred vocal works”
[I find that energetic classical music portrays the spontaneous personality of Sayaka best at times, which is given granted her outfit and motif is literally orchestral works.]
The music I listen to for inspiration for Sayaka art doesn’t strictly follow this list since it’s expected that I also listen to whatever comes on sometimes. Music can also be distracting and even detrimental to the process of drawing for me, so I don’t listen to music a lot when I am in the right mind and circumstance for drawing. But these are songs that remind me of the character when I’m listening to the songs casually. I am unfortunately the type of artist who needs to sit in his room with total silence to draw anything; although with the way art is, most days I can’t even draw because of the way I am.
Thank you for the ask and patience! 🙇‍♂️
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wordbreaker · 1 year
Strings ✷ Eddie Munson
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Words: 2k
Description: If there is one person that can piss Eddie Munson off, it’s the new neighbour… or the three times Eddie Munson ends up angry and how it stopped. 
( SILÉAS says ... ! ) I wrote this last year when season 4 came out. It's not a masterpiece⏤I don't even write for ST anymore⏤but it's fun and I wanted to share it with you.
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THE FIRST TIME Eddie wants to kill his new neighbour, it’s a Wednesday night and it's long past midnight. He knows she's the one making all that noise because it's not like Max Mayfield to blast her music for the whole neighbourhood to hear. The little redhead is far too glued to her walkman for that.
So there's only one other option he can think of.
A new trailer had been sold a week before, the one right in front his. If Eddie hadn't seen anything interesting in this event, he had no idea that the removal of the "for sale" sign would be the beginning of Hell.
He doesn't know what she looks like, the new neighbour, he just knows that she has an annoying tendency to think she's alone. 
In itself, she's not doing anything wrong, and he should even be happy that she's blasting AC/DC and not some shitty music at this hour. However, he has a D&D campaign to prepare for the club’s meeting next week, so he has no time to waste. The shorties—by which he means Sinclair multiplied by two, Henderson and Wheeler—have been bugging him to create a new one since the memorable end of the previous one. 
D&D is serious (at least for him), and Eddie won't be able to concentrate if he has to listen to that damn guitar one more minute. 
The last straw is the Highway to Hell solo.
While another neighbour shouts a totally useless "stop this shit!", Eddie opens his door with a bang—surely waking up Uncle Wayne in the process, or not because he too has to put up with this nightly concert—which slams brutally against the wall of the grey trailer.
From his doorstep he cannot see any light filtering through the curtains of the one opposite, but he does not trust this image: the neighbour is there and more awake than ever as Back in Black begins along its famous chords.
Three big steps to the trailer, three big breaths to calm down and three big knocks to call the neighbour. 
Not even a second later, the door opens and gives way to her, the one he is meeting for the first time. 
His words fade into his throat before he can utter them, the sight before him leaving him speechless. A cigarette in her mouth, barely hanging on, she looks at him with a blasé look, probably in a hurry to get back to her business.
Wisps of smoke form their hazy arabesques and intoxicate him, or perhaps it is the creature that has just appeared in front of him. To be honest, he doesn't know if he's dreaming or if it's reality, but the woman watching him seems to have come straight from his imagination. 
Tattoos blacken and decorate her skin in a constellation of ink that he wants to admire but can’t—maybe he does sneak a peek—because they're hidden by a big Iron Maiden shirt that falls over bare legs. He swallows. 
Why is he here again? 
That's exactly the question the neighbour asks him. Her voice is low and hoarse, damaged by tobacco and probably other substances. It seems to have collected dirt, sown by something called Life. In any case, the neighbour seems to have seen and done some shit. 
Eddie tries to answer. However, he can't take his eyes off the guitar hanging around her neck. It's simple, black but decorated with a few stickers that remind him of its owner's tattoos, and it's beautiful. Here's another point in common. Less so than his sweetheart, obviously, but it is metal, her guitar, almost as much as the one who holds it. 
So, she was the one playing. 
"Could you turn down your amp? I'm trying to get my campaign ready for my D&D club."
She scoffs, before muttering a "nerd" that he hears perfectly well despite the lowered tone. He thinks she did it on purpose. He doesn't really care. The word isn't said as aggressively as when Jason does it. It even sounds affectionate in her nicotined mouth (which he wants to taste but that's a detail for later, preferably tonight, late at night, and alone). 
"Don't worry, I'll turn it down." 
And without a goodbye, she slams the door, leaving him speechless from this encounter and perhaps, the mere sight of her. That night she keeps her word and Eddie can finish his campaign in silence. 
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THE SECOND TIME Eddie wants to kill his neighbour is when he is himself strumming his guitar one night to try to master the recently released Master of Puppets. The chords frustrate him because he can't string them together smoothly.
If that's the beauty of the art —the failure, the determination, the practice and ultimately the success—it's fucking annoying as of right now. And on top of that, he has to deal with his neighbour's solos, which are much better than his own. It's humiliating, and it doesn't help him to concentrate.
He lets out yet another grunt, a clear sign of his irritation, when at the other end of the path he hears Master of Puppets performed to perfection. She got to be kidding him. She must’ve perfect pitch, he thinks. Nobody can learn a song that fast, especially one like that.
She's beautiful, she's charismatic and she's a better guitarist than he is. It's him, only better, and just thinking about this makes him start to hate her as a string threatens to break under the pressure of his bloody fingers.
Or maybe it's not annoyance but rather misplaced frustration at his ineptitude to dare to ask her out. 
"Nice solo!" he hears from his open window. 
He thinks he's dreaming, but no, when he looks up, there she is, on the other side of the road, her guitar in her hand.
Tonight, she smiles and even waves at him. It's a nice change from last time. Her face lights up and becomes more beautiful. No cigarette between her lips either, although there is smoke coming out of the window all the same. It is far too thick to be from any Marlboro. The smell reaches him—Hawkins has been trapped by the wind for several days—and gives him the answer to the question he dares not ask.
It's weed.
An unhealthy jealousy takes hold of his body. He wasn’t the one who sold it to her. 
His thoughts wander and he imagines himself smoking with her, both of them lying in her room, a metal vinyl ripping through the restful silence. His hand would caress her soft thighs, while she would play two or three chords and they would kiss two or three times. 
"You've got good taste, Munson!"
She knows his name. He doesn't. That's enough to snap him out of his stupor. 
"Thank you..!" he yells and waits. 
Strangely enough, he doesn't care that she makes noise if it means she answers him.
It's a nice name, almost too much so when it's said in such a broken voice. But at the same time, it makes the sound addictive.
Eddie wonders what his name would sound like in her mouth, when she's underneath him, and his mouth ventures down her throat, her stomach and even lower...
Stop. She may be beautiful and talented, but she's still fucking annoying. 
"I'm not bothering you, am I?"
He should say yes, because of course she's bothering him with her chords flowing perfectly while his are jerky, but with those big eyes looking at him, how could he say anything but no? 
"No, don't worry. I think you could teach me a few things, even.”
"I heard you, though, Munson. You’re good with your fingers." 
He nearly chokes as a sudden wave of heat travels down his spine and goes straight to his lower abdomen. It’s an innuendo; it has to be. And yet, the girl's expression remains innocent, almost too much so in his opinion, but he's not thinking straight. 
Fuck, he really needs to stop with the neighbour. Besides, it's a cliché, "the neighbour". It sounds like the pitch for some cheesy movie Harrington sells in his crappy shop, and Eddie's never been one for cheesy romances. 
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THE THIRD TIME Eddie is frustrated with the new neighbour is when she turns her amp up to max and plays another Metallica solo.
Immediately, Eddie is on his way, as he was that first night, to knock on her door.
He's exhausted.
The teachers are giving him a hard time about a diploma he won't get, Jason's critics have multiplied in the cafeteria, and above all, Henderson won’t stop making fun of him and his embarrassment when he talks about the neighbour.
According to the boy, he has a crush on her. This is ridiculous, and it pisses him off. No matter where he goes, even to the high school where she doesn't go and therefore where no one is supposed to know her, he can't escape her.
Everything brings him back to her. 
So, this guitar solo is too much. He drums more than he knocks on the door, shaking the flimsy walls of the trailer. Immediately the music stops, and she appears in front of him. She has a joint in the corner of her mouth. The smell intoxicates him—or is it her fruity perfume?—but he maintains his stance. He won't let it happen this time. He's determined to tell her what he's thinking. 
“It took you long enough.”
She takes him by the hand and pulls him inside. The decoration is basic, it's the posters of different bands that make her personality shine. It's much neater than his house, though, he must admit. 
“You? Huh? What?” he stammers.
“I've been trying to get your attention for days, Munson. Days. My fingers are bleeding because you don't have the balls to come here. Seriously, you couldn't have put me out of my misery sooner? I mean... better late than never, but... Fuck.”
Eddie doesn't understand. It must show on his face. His eyebrows are furrowed, his eyes are wide, his mouth is half-open, and his arms are flailing. Everything about him is in disbelief. Y/N sees it perfectly and sighs, exhaling smoke with it. Tangible frustration. She massages the bridge of her nose, as if this gesture will give her the courage to put up with him and his inability to think. 
“I like you, Munson. I thought that was obvious.”
The neighbour, she pisses him off. She's beautiful, she's more metal than he is, she's a better guitar player than he could ever dream of being, and now she's even got more balls than him. That's the last straw.
“Oh no! No! No! No! I was supposed to say that! Fuck! It's bad enough that you've mastered Master of Puppets while I'm still struggling and now you're the one taking the reins and deciding that you have a crush on me. Hell no! I'm the one- humph!"
She seals their lips, kisses him, and that brief but obvious moment makes his heart beat a thousand miles an hour. Eddie thinks it's more to tell him to shut the fuck up than anything else but he indulges in the moment.
As she bites his bottom lip and leaves the taste of weed behind, he allows himself to tighten his embrace, his hands closing over her, touching the grain of her skin from the small of her back to her neck. Her lips are much sweeter than he thought they would be.
“Can you please shut up, Munson?” she finally says, exasperated. At least that's what she's trying to sound like, but she's far too cute as it is. Her hair is tousled, her lips swollen, her eyes sparkling and her cheeks warm to the touch. He can't help it: he steals another kiss from her, which she promptly returns. 
“Does this mean you're going to stop playing at three in the morning to piss me off?”
“We could play together? After you explain the rules of D&D to me,” she offers.
His heart misses a beat, and he smiles. 
That's the last time he's angry with the neighbour. 
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wildesqdreams · 2 years
how to lose a guy in 10 days
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pairing - vinnie hacker x fem!youtuber!reader
summary - a story about a girl who is determined to film a new video, about her losing a guy, so she doesn't lose her subscribers on youtube, and a boy who is determined to prove to his friends, that he still can make a girl fall in love with him, even though he gets nervous while talking to women. what can go wrong?
warnings - nothing really, just my bad writing and maybe some cringe stuff? oh, and u have a best friend named avery !
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a/n: yes, yes, YES, this was so totally inspired by the wonderful film "how to lose a guy in 10 days". but c'mon, u can't blame me, it's a masterpiece!
! this is just part1 of i don't know how many parts, but i will be informing you about the next part and stuff, so i hope u enjoy !
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youtube is the second most popular social media platform. it's known for the free shared videos, that people watch for their entertainment.
entertainment. a word that means something different for everyone.
some would say that they find enjoyment in comedy videos, some in gaming, but for some, it's just simple music.
but for y/n y/l/n youtube is so much more, than just fun. it's her job. her life. her passion.
the girl is known for her videos, where she talks about the most random stuff, that for teenage girls is just life. but she wasn't adored and loved just because of her channel, but because of the light and energy that she created and showed through the screen. every single video that y/n had created, whether it was about confidence, love, boys, or just about mental health, people, watching it, always felt a smile appear on their faces when the girl appeared on the screen.
and when the people had seen on her instagram story about the next video that she will be posting, they lost their shits.
"how to lose a guy in 10 days" was one of the most unique and entertaining topics that they had seen. the complete opposite of what teenage girls usually watched. but that's why y/n y/l/n was so interesting. she differed from others with her creativity.
but to be honest, the idea didn't just appear in her head...
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"it's not that bad y/n/n," y/n's best friend, avery, said, sitting beside her on the couch.
"it's been a month! a month, since i have posted, av!"
it's been weeks since her last video was published on youtube and since then the girl had lost her spark.
remember the creativity she had? well, that's long gone.
losing motivation and inspiration isn't something bad, life happens, but for y/n it's hell. she felt like shit. not only because of the lack of ideas but also because her socials have been blasting with questions about where she has gone.
not only that, but the girl also noticed that there were people who unsubscribed from her channel because the number was smaller. that made her feel sick.
of course, she didn't do youtube only to gain fame. it was so much more than that. y/n enjoyed putting smiles on people's faces and enjoyed seeing their happy eyes when she met them in public.
but it was her job. and her supporters helped her do it, helped her fulfill her dream. but, unfortunately, life can't always be happy and magical.
"it's over," she let out a frustrated sigh, as she leaned back into the couch.
"just make a video about love tips or your crushes or stuff."
"yeah, it would be great, but 100 other youtubers will be doing the same things."
the trick of being a successful person was doing something different, and unique. and y/n y/l/n knew better than to make some videos about cupid's love, especially, when valentines day was coming up.
"okay, well then make something about the opposite of love and relationships."
"like, how to get dumped?" the girl let out a laugh, as she looked at her best friend.
avery smiled, "no, more like, how to get rid of a guy. it would be something new and really helpful for the ladies that are dying to get out of a relationship."
"again, av, their are lots of video's about that."
"then make it interesti- I KNOW!" the blonde got up.
at the movement, y/n sat up straight and looked at the girl in front of her, "oh no."
"oh, yes," a smirk appeared on her best friends face, "you need something entertaining? meet a guy, get him to want you, and then lose him in 10 days!!!"
this was the best of all of the ideas that she had already taught about. but she still wasn't sure if it would be good enough, not to mention y/n's ideas didn't include other people, and especially not where she would use them.
"i don't know... that sounds cruel. like, what if he really, really liked me, and then one day he came across the video on youtube, and then after watching it he realized he had been used? i jus-"
avery sat back down beside the girl, facing her, "trust me, if you will do everything that men hate, he will be done fast."
the idea wasn't bad. it was great! the girl just didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but her best friend was right. if she would get on the guy's nerves he would be done sooner or later, and her fans would get a fun video.
"okay," y/n gave a small smile trying to not overthink it.
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"what about that one?"
after y/n's meeting with avery, she already let the fans know about the next video. everyone was excited, not only the girl had returned, but also she will be coming out with a new video.
so here she was with her best friend at a club. looking for the boy, that unfortunately will get hurt. "if you will do everything that men hate, he will be done fast," y/n reminded herself now and then, but still, the anxious feeling didn't leave her body.
"no, he's too-," the man that the blonde had pointed out picked his nose and brushed his fingers on his t-shirt. both girls felt disgusted watching him, "yeah, definitely not him," the other nodded in agreement.
sighing, they turned around.
"i'm thinking that we will have to find a girl instead, you know, they're a lot of hot ones here."
y/n chuckled at the comment.
although the place was crowded with young people, there wasn't any luck in finding a someone. even though y/n wasn't extremely excited about the idea, she still wanted to do this with a guy, who she felt good with, not with some disrespectful boy.
she led herself to the bar.
"could i get some water, please?" the bartender nodded, while the girl sat on the stool.
y/n y/l/n wasn't one of the drinkers, and especially now, when her head felt like exploding, it didn't seem like a good idea for ordering something stronger.
"this is stupid" the words circled in her head.
the bartender slid her a glass of water on the counter, "thank you."
she only had been in one relationship and even that ended with the guy leaving her because he didn't feel it anymore. so this all just seemed impossible.
not to mention that she hasn't spoken to any guy after her breakup. after her heartbreak, y/n felt stupid and embarrassed. she gave her all and in the end, he just walked away like the girl meant nothing. like their relationship was nothing.
and now she will be filming a video about her trying to get a guy to leave her. horrible. even though the boy will probably be disgusted by her in the end, it still will be horrible. and what if the guy doesn't want to leave her? what if he likes her so much that he will accept her "weird" side? and what if y/n y/l/n falls in lo-
"hey," a voice interrupted her thoughts.
the girl turned her head and saw a guy.
after hours of her trying to get the attention of other boys, this was the first time tonight that someone had approached her. not to mention that it was a really attractive guy with dirty blonde curly hair.
"hi," she responded. he radiated such a good aura that it was impossible for the girl not to smile.
"i'm y/n," she offered her hand, which he gladly took.
"vinnie," he gave her a small smile, that made her body go warm.
"so what brings you here?" y/n found herself wanting to know about him more.
she could feel that the boy was nervous. she could tell by his body language, the way he was fidgeting with his rings. her eyes also saw some tattoos, which made her interest in him grow even more, "you like it here?"
"not really, no... you?"
"nop, i'm not a big crowd person."
meeting her supporters and meeting people who don't really know her wasn't the same. while she felt comfortable talking to her fans and interacting with them, meeting people who don't come to her just to talk for a few minutes and take some photos, made her nervous. and even though she was a youtube creator, people weren't y/n's thing.
she could feel that vinnie wasn't a talker too, so the girl wasn't surprised when the silence fell between them.
as the bartender came and took the empty glass, the boy spoke, "you wanna go somewhere else?"
the girl's head turned towards him, and her eyes locked with his brown ones, "like to a café?"
a small smile yet again appeared on her face, "yeah, sure, i'll just be right back," she said, getting up.
"i'll wait by the door."
"okay," y/n replied, as she walked past the people towards her best friend, who had been singing and dancing.
"there you are!" avery wrapped her hands around the girl, giving her a tight hug, "where were you?!"
"i found one," she whispered.
her best friend pulled back from the hug, slightly confused, "what?"
"i found the guy."
the blonde girl started looking around, "WHAT, WHERE?!"
"by the door, but just don't look, don-," but it was too late, because the next thing she knew, was her friend looking at her with wide eyes, "babe, he's HOT!"
"yeah, well, still need to see if he's the one."
"and if he is?"
"then you know," she sighed.
y/n still wasn't fond of the idea of making a boy fall for her, just to make him leave her in 10 days. especially, when vinnie seemed so nice. but at the end of the day, she couldn't let her career go downwards, and in a few days, she and vinnie won't have to see each other ever again. or that's what she thought.
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"so what do you do for a living?"
"i'm a content creator. i film tiktoks, stream, and just do social media stuff."
of course, he is.
they were sitting in a café, where y/n used to come often. it wasn't a famous place, that's why it was great for people, who are famous in public. so, when vinnie suggested the place, she had a feeling that he was one of them.
it wasn't a bad thing or something.
the problem wasn't that he is recognized among the people. she didn't find him like a threat or a competition. nothing like that. she was just scared. let's just say it wouldn't be the best idea to use a boy like vinnie for her upcoming video.
"uh, yeah."
vinnie saw how the girl grabbed her phone and went on tiktok. she started writing his name, but he immediately grabbed it, "okay, no need for that," the boy let out an awkward laugh.
y/n was a little confused about why he didn't want her to see his videos, but she decided to let it go.
"so, umm, what do you do?" he put her phone down, between them.
"i film videos for youtube."
"so i guess we will have to be careful so others don't see us together."
she slightly furrowed her eyebrows, at his comment, as she tilted her head to the side, "what makes you think that there is gonna be an "us"?"
"you wouldn't be sitting here if you wouldn't be interested."
"and here i was thinking that you're one of the shy guys."
"i'm full of surprises."
that intrigued her and terrified her at the same time.
she hoped that there won't be any surprises, that will cause them to blow up on socials. that's the last thing she wanted. the last thing she wanted was for him to know, what she will be doing these next few days. and she certainly doesn't want his supporters to know about it too, then her life will become a living hell.
her eyes were brought back to him, when she heard him let out a small laugh, "god, no. if i'm being honest, i'm actually bad with people, especially with women."
vinnie hacker came off as a confident guy, the tattoos, jewelry, sharp features, and his eyes. god, y/n felt like she could melt when their gazes locked. and she hated that.
she hated the feeling that a guy could make her feel like she once did. it wasn't like she was falling in love or something, she just hated the way he looked at her like she was the only girl in the world. that gave her deja vu from her past relationship, the one where she had been left standing in confusion about why her past lover suddenly didn't have feelings anymore.
the girl was surprised when he mentioned that he's not good with females, "women?"
"yeah, um... i probably didn't have to say that."
she sensed that he got a little embarrassed, as he ran a hand through his hair, "no, no, it's okay, i'm actually not quite good with men."
vinnie's eyes met y/n's again and she found herself continuing, "there was this one time, when a boy gave me a flower and i got so nervous, that i hit him with it on the head."
the boy started laughing, "but i promise, that was only one time, and i was like 11 then!"
there was no need for her to tell him that story, but like always she found herself saying things she shouldn't have. it was a bad trait of her's that she couldn't get rid of. talking with new people makes her nervous, which causes her to overspill, but seeing vinnie's smile made her lip corners slightly turn up, "so i guess no flowers then?"
"nop, for safety reasons," the boy let out a laugh again.
"but how about a phone number?"
the girl met his eyes that were already on her, "yeah, yeah, that can do," and with that, they both swapped phones and wrote their numbers in them.
when y/n was done she put down vinnie's phone and looked at the boy in front of her, who was still typing. he's the one.
she tried not to think about the video too much, because, at the end of the week, he won't even want to be near her. after all, she will be on his nerves, so it's not like the girl is gonna break his heart.
but little did she know that it wouldn't be so easy of getting vinnie to leave her...
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"vinnie hacker?! tik toker?!"
y/n was getting ready for her and vinnie's meeting, while her best friend was yelling all over her apartment out of shock.
"it's not a big deal," she brushed her hair in the bathroom, as she looked at her friend, who was sitting on her bed.
"not a big deal?!" avery got up and entered the bathroom that was connected to y/n's bedroom, where the girl was getting ready, "he's THE vinnie hacker. THE influencer with who every girl is obsessed."
"well, yeah, it is a little risky, but-"
"A LITTLE?! it's a death wish! his supporters will go crazy if you will get caught and-"
"well, that's a good thing we won't. and besides, he will be running away from me soon, maybe even today," she put her hairbrush down and checked herself in the mirror, before walking into her bedroom.
it was the next day and they were going to be going to a skate park because vinnie likes skateboarding and he suggested for her to come with him since his friends can't today.
and as for the losing thing. y/n's plan was to act all clingy, which guys don't like, especially if they have just met. maybe even embarrass vinnie, somehow.
"and maybe even today you will both get caught?" the blonde followed the girl, "i mean there's a bunch of people at skate parks. it's enough just for someone to recognize you both and take a picture, and then BOOM, it's all over the internet."
y/n looked at the girl, "relax, it's gonna be okay. we're going to a skate park, where there aren't a lot of people," she gave her friend a small smile, "so, please, stop stressing, or you're gonna make me nervous."
avery nodded giving her a small smile, "this was a stupid idea."
"it was your idea."
"yeah, a stupid idea."
"speaking of the devil," y/n saw her phone light up on the dresser.
the girl picked up the phone and put it to her ear, "hey, vinnie boo." her best friend put her hand to her mouth, trying not to laugh, at how her friend talked.
y/n was met with silence before vinnie cleared his throat and finally spoke, "yeah, hey, i, um... i'm outside by the way."
"awwww, babbbyyy, you missed mee??" the room filled with her sweet voice and the girl herself put her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh.
silence. again. "well, um, i said that i will be here at 5 pm."
"vinnie boo, my superman," her best friend let out a laugh and walked out of the bedroom.
y/n heard the boy awkwardly laugh, "yeah."
"well i'll be down in a minute, don't miss me too much, vinnie boo," and with that, she hung up.
if she would have to name the most embarrassing thing that she has ever done, this would be it. y/n already felt how humiliating it will be to act like a total creep. she pictured vinnie and how he must've felt. definitely shocked and that made her let out a chuckle.
the girl entered the living room, where the blonde was laughing, "that was bad, so so SOO BAD."
y/n smiled, "great because that was so embarrassing," she sat down on the couch to put on her shoes.
"poor, vinnie boo, feels so confused and lonely now" her friend teased.
the girl glared at her.
"okay, okay, sorry, just keep up the work, and he will be gone in no time."
"I hope so because i despise this," y/n got up and went to the door, "well, okay, wish me luck, love ya!"
"have fun! love you too," avery stayed seated on the couch as she watched the door close. the girl leaned back, "this is just gonna be great."
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ok its me again hi AAAHHHH this is so nice i feel so warm im lying on my bed kickin my lil legs i cant believe this thank you for being nice omgggg now im on a roll im gonna say things about julian hkdhjgdgjf
only one song really that i scanned the whole tag looking for to see if anyone said it before and i was so surprised that i didnt find it and i went to check the official playlists on spotify cause maybe its on there already and thERE ISNT ONE WHAT???? i had the muriel one liked on here and id never checked any other ones out lmao but like i swear there had to be one?? like maybe they made it first and its somewhere separately??? julian is like the most popular one how the hell does he not get a spotify list is that how this tag was created?? *gasp* am i discovering the ~fandom lore~
(just gonna say you dont actually need to answer any of that in detail dont waste your time gksgkydgjf im just screaming into the void cause i was so flabbergasted after those 3 whole minutes of research i put into this)
ANYWAY the actual song would be House of Wolves by our lord and saviour MCR! its so good for him with his whole Woe is Me drama king vibe lol and the plaguey thematicssss mmmm delicious TELL ME im a BAD BAD BAD BAAD MAAAAN aight you lil masochist i see u and the "you better run like the devil cause they never gonna leave you alone" you get it caUSE HES A FUGITIVE DO YOU GET THE DEEP UNRAVELABLE METAPHORS DO YOU GET IT DO YOU G aight shut up hkhfjtdy anyway
ok i lied jystfhte heres another one i just remembered i really wanted to put here its not new but just in case somebody hasnt seen it yet lmao its such a masterpiece ill do anything to give it its due here ya go
and the other thing im really glad to have seen people mention here is musical songs cause thats one of the things i love about him the most like yass we love a thespian king slay grl so then anytime im binging a musical there always come the intrusive thoughts of "aw hed love this one" and "oh hed be great for this role" like i went to see f-ing swan lake with my f-ing grandpa and one of the major takeaways i got from the experience was (UH IM GONNA PUT A SPOILER WARNING HERE? I GUESS? IN CASE ANYONE CARES HELLO JULIAN BAD ENDING SPOILERS AHEAD DO MOVE ALONG NOW IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT AVERT YOUR GAZE CITIZENS LMAO LIKE YOU HAVENT SEEN FANARTS N ADS ALREADY ALRIGHT ALRIGHT) "omg jules would be so perfect as that bird guy villain IN HIS BIRD GUY SHAPE TOO OMG WITH THE WINGS ON STAGE THIS IS AWESOME WHY CANT I DRAW GOOD GODDA-"
anyway hed love hadestown (hed at least try to cast muriel as hades cause hes perfectly intimidating for it but theres way too many lines which okay Maybe but AND he has to sing???? nah hes out bkgdhkdt) i dont know what hed think of pierre natasha & the great comet cause its maybe a little eccentric i suppose but i think hed appreciate the cultural roots of the vibe with him being fantasy ruso-slav-ukrainian-whatnot heritage i reckon and hed definitely have a blast at a live performance and hed ABsolutely join in with the actors in between the rows at some point and theyd ABSOlutely let him cause hes that good and game recognize game cmon hes gonna show you amateurs what a real kazotski looks like
i can also see him enjoying sweeney todd, for its delightful edgyness, maybe even some themes relatable for him, and his sappy ass would SO memorise Pretty women to whip it out at an opportune serenading moment khgdturshc im so cringe and loving it
well i cant think of any more shows to throw him together with so thus ends my soliloquy wow i cant believe thats how you spell that anyway i hope anybody who knew what the hell im talking about enjoyed all that jgfztits see you in another 20 minutes when i come back like "AND ANOTHER thing-
Yay, it's the character song essays anon!! :D
I'm glad to see you back, and I will once again be re-linking the song you shared below and adding your suggestions to the tag ^.^
And frankly, I'm 76% certain that one of Julian's love languages is theatre, especially musical theatre. That could be tickets, that could memorizing the lines from one of this favorite scenes and reciting it back to him, it could be showing up to every single performance he's involved in :)
I'm glad to see you back in my inbox, friend, feel free to message me if you ever want to obsess over the characters together! Cheers -
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concerthopperblog · 1 year
Dethalbum IV: Last Call with Dethklok
On August 6, 2006, Brendon Small and Tommy Blacha had a vision to create an adult animated television series on [adult swim] that would be centered around a melodic death metal band named Dethklok. The show featured fictional band members: Nathaniel Explosion – voiced by Brendon Small (vocals), Skwisgaar Skwigelf – voiced by Brendon Small (guitars), Toki Wartooth – voiced by Tommy Blacha and Mike Keneally (guitars), Pickles – voiced by Brendon Small (drums), and William Murderface voiced by Tommy Blacha (bass). Brendon Small wrote the music for the show and it would serve as vital pieces in many of the animated scenes throughout the show’s history. The show would instantly be a hit on [adult swim]. So much of a cultural phenomenon, that Brendon Small would go on to release The Dethalbum in 2007 featuring songs like “Murmaider”, “Awaken”, and “Bloodrocuted”. The album would be produced by Ulrich Wild, who was known for producing albums for bands such as Pantera, Static-X, Stabbing Westward, Deftones, and Breaking Benjamin.
Brendon would enlist the help of metal veterans Gene Hoglan (drums), Mike Keneally (guitar/backing vocals), and Bryan Beller (bass/backing vocals) to help with touring as Dethklok. Currently, the touring band now consists of Brendon Small (guitar/lead vocals), Gene Hoglan (drums), Pete Griffin (bass/backing vocals), and Nili Brosh (guitar). Dethklok as a band has released a total of four LPs with their latest release, Dethalbum IV, on August 22, 2023, by Water Tower Music. So, let’s talk about Dethalbum IV and what to look for when you hear it!
The very first (1) track, “Gardener of Vengeance” begins with a brutal assault of thunderous double bass drums from Pickles/Gene Hoglan (Death, Testament, Dark Angel, and Strapping Young Lad) with some crunchy riffs courtesy of Brendon Small. When Nathan Explosion/Brendon comes in with his bloodthirsty vocals, the listener is once again transported to a land that is all so familiar. The land of brutality that is Dethklok. “Gardener of Vengeance” is the perfect track to kick off this album.
The second (2) track, “Aortic Desecration”, is also the first single released from Dethalbum IV to the public. Well, they picked a great single to get old and new fans alike eager to hear the entire album. “We’re all going to die!” will go down as one of the brutal beginnings of a metal song. I feel some Morbid Angel influence interwoven in this vicious track. I cannot wait to see Dethklok perform this song live and sing “Aortic desecration. How could I be so wrong? Disemboweled publicly. This is the dying song”.
Track four (4), “Mutilation on a Saturday Night” showcases Pickles/Gene Hoglan’s abilities to bring out some guttural thrash beats as the band creates another Dethklok metal masterpiece. One of my favorite tracks off Dethalbum IV is track ten (10), “SOS” is an epic 4:39 minutes’ worth of Dethklok’s ability to formulate a barrage of crunchy riffs mixed between double bass blast beats and Nathan/Brendon’s vicious lyrical accompaniment.
Track eleven (11), “Murmaider III”, closes out the unforgettable saga of Dethklok just as it began with “Murmaider” on The Dethalbum. Dethklok (allegedly) closes out their discography with the following quote, “The Murmaids sing/The Blackened fire/The blazing sky/The pluming ink/The sea beast cry/His final sleep/But we survive”.
While knowing that this might be the swan song for Dethklok, you can take solace in knowing that this entire album owns up to this enormous task. Dethalbum IV from start to finish is a testament to Dethklok’s growth and maturity in recording new material. From The Dethalbum to the latest Dethalbum IV, the evolution of their technical production and prolific songwriting is brutally illustrated with songs like “Gardener of Vengeance”, “Aortic Desecration”, “SOS”, and “Murmaider III” off Dethalbum IV. For 17 years, Dethklok has captured the attention of metal heads across the globe and now before the possible final chord is played on their current tour in Los Angeles, they have cemented themselves in the halls of the metal pantheon. Brendon Small had a vision with Tommy Blacha that spawned a movement in comedic callousness and extreme metal.
You can still order/save Dethklok's new album, Dethalbum IV, and listen to "Aortic Desecration" by following this link today!
Track listing
1. “Gardener of Vengeance”
2. “Aortic Desecration”
3. “Poisoned by Food”
4. “Mutilation on a Saturday Night”
5. “Bloodbath”
6. “I am the Beast”
7. “Horse of Fire”
9. “Satellite Bleeding”
10. “SOS”
11. “Murmaider III”
  Don’t miss DETHKLOK on The Babyklok Tour with BABY METAL!
 Wed-Aug-30-23 - Houston, TX- 713 Music Hall
Thu-Aug-31-23 - Dallas, TX - South Side Ballroom
Sat-Sep-02-23 - Orlando, FL - Orlando Amphitheater
Sun-Sep-03-23 - Atlanta, GA - Coca-Cola Roxy
Tue-Sep-05-23 - Nashville, TN - Nashville Municipal Auditorium
Wed-Sep-06-23 - Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre
Fri-Sep-08-23 - Pittsburgh, PA - UPMC Events Center
Sat-Sep-09-23 - Wallingford, CT - Toyota Oakdale Theatre
Sun-Sep-10-23 - Alton, VA - Blue Ridge Rock Festival
Tue-Sep-12-23 - Philadelphia, PA - The Mann Center
Thu-Sep-14-23 - Boston, MA - MGM Music Hall at Fenway
Fri-Sep-15-23 - New York, NY - Hammerstein Ballroom
Sun-Sep-17-23 - Sterling Heights, MI - Michigan Lottery Amphitheatre
Mon-Sep-18-23 - Toronto, ONT - RBC Echo Beach
Wed-Sep-20-23 - Grand Rapids, MI - GLC Live at 20 Monroe
Thu-Sep-21-23 - Chicago, IL - Byline Bank Aragon Ballroom
Sat-Sep-23-23 - Louisville, KY - Louder Than Life Festival
Sun-Sep-24-23 - Milwaukee, MN - The Rave/Eagles Club
Mon-Sep-25-23 - Minneapolis, MN - The Fillmore
Wed-Sep-27-23 - St. Louis, MO - Saint Louis Music Park
Thu-Sep-28-23 - Omaha, NE - Steelhouse Omaha
Sat-Sep-30-23 - Denver, CO - Fillmore Auditorium
Sun-Oct-01-23 - Salt Lake City, UT - The Complex
Tue-Oct-03-23 - Vancouver, BC - PNE Forum
Wed-Oct-04-23 - Seattle, WA - WaMu Theater
Sat-Oct-07-23 - Sacramento, CA - Aftershock Festival
Sun-Oct-08-23 - Las Vegas, NV - Pearl Theater at Palms Casino Resort
Tue-Oct-10-23 - Phoenix, AZ - Arizona Financial Theater
Wed-Oct-11-23 - Los Angeles, CA - YouTube Theater
Thu-Oct-12-23 - Los Angeles, CA - YouTube Theater
 Curious about Concerthopper? You can find more music-related articles, interviews, various photo galleries, indie music reviews, our ‘Bars & Bites’ section, our exclusive “She Said, She Said” column, or become a Concerthopper at www.concerthopper.com. Sign up for our monthly newsletter by following this link: The Setlist! Please ‘Like’ our page on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to stay up to date in 2022, on all music-related events/festivals such as Relix Presents Yonder Mountain String Band, Railroad Earth, and Keller Williams and The Keels: Live at The Eastern, AmericanaFest (2023), Ghost RE-Imperatour U.S.A. with Amon Amarth: Ascend Amphitheater, The BabyKlok Tour: BabyMetal & DethKlok @ Coco-Cola Roxy (Atlanta), Celebrating 20 Years of Ocean Avenue: Yellowcard @ St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview (N.Y.), Sweet Oblivion Tour - Baroness: Live at The Masquerade, The Used: Live at Buffalo Riverworks, Elder w/ REZN & Lord Buffalo: Live at The Earl,  Twins of Evil Tour: Boris & The Melvins @ Variety Playhouse, Beast in Black: Live @ Exit/In, It Still Moves Anniversary Show: My Morning Jacket @ Fox Theatre, and Nth America Tour: Wolfmother @ The Eastern following us on all social media formats: Concerthopper on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  You can also follow my concert hopping on Facebook and Instagram for even more photos not available on Concerthopper.com.
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February 6th 2023: Birthday Bashes, Possible Promotions, and Creating Controlled Chaos
Dear endless void that is the internet, so much for posting once a week huh.
It’s been 12 days since I posted and much has happened in those days. This past weekend I went to the keys to celebrate my best friend's birthday, we have this little “not so private” beach we go to when we visit the upper keys and we spent the day inebriated, swimming, and eating. Of course, cause underage drinking is frowned upon by the law, we hid our drinks in our reusable Starbucks cups and called it a day. Personally, I used strawberry acai with lemonade mixed with Alani Nu Breezberry and watermelon-flavored malibu.
Now, before I disclose the following information, I feel the need to mention that the drinking took place from around 10:30 in the morning till about 2 in the afternoon. Also, I had eaten before drinking and stopped before I had lunch. So throughout three and a half hours, I consumed about thirteen ounces of malibu on my own along with some sips of soju.|
We had lunch at this small burger place called M.E.A.T eatery and taproom. What made us decide to spend our money here wasn't a photo of the food or even the fact it was featured on "diners, drive-in, and dives", but a shirt we saw on Instagram that said, "You can't beat our meat."
Now I am an adult turning 20 in late March. I make monthly car payments and insurance payments ahead of time. In addition to this, I am a full-time student and work almost full time and am in line to get a promotion. I'd say I am responsible. However, there is a little part of me that I can only describe as a 14-year-old boy who has to laugh at things like that. "You can't beat our meat." God damn was the right. Those burgers were so good. On top of that their smoked potato salad has me drooling just thinking about them.
Overall we had a blast, we donned cowboy hats and played country music and what my cousin likes to call "old white people music". This consists of music such as that of Jimmy Buffets' "Margaritaville". We got back to my cousin's house, and dinned on pizza, soda, and slutty brownies while watching "Crazy Rich Asians". To say I love that movie is an understatement. It was a fucking masterpiece. Just absolute gold. From the script to casting to costume and set design. A solid ten out of ten.
Now today has been crazy. I woke up late and missed my first class, what a fucking joy, my only other class for today is my journalism class. This, my dear void, is where I sit and type up what you're reading. This is funny because we are on the topic of different media formats and my professor mentioned blogs and social media. She asked who has a blog and I raised my hand. Technically I have two, this one and another one on this same hell site but It's a fanfiction blog. She asked how many followers and what type of blog.
Did I answer honestly?
Of fucking course I didn't, at least not completely.
I said it's a blog where I test different concepts I want to write on and different writing styles and that I had somewhere between 900 and 1000 followers. Which is all true. What I left out was that it is a fanfiction blog mainly catering to the shows supernatural, sherlock, and marvel. I am a junior in college majoring in psych and pre-med. I do not need my cohort to learn that I am a fanfiction writer. It's not something I am ashamed of, but I know the jokes (usually are made lovingly) would never end, and that not what I need.
Some might think "pre-med and psych? Why are you taking a journalism class?" A shocker for many people (including my father), people actually have hobbies. Mine is writing. So I like to learn of all forms and styles. Creative writing, journalism, creative writing, academic research. I want to know all of it and everything that there is to know. I've published a book, won writing contests, and still run a blog, and post my ramblings onto this public forum as if it's a private diary as a way to vent. To say I like writing is an understatement. Speaking of liking things and hobbies. I like...No. I love variety. I had to rinse and repeat and I love the spontaneity of life. I also need to keep to a routine so I don't spiral out of controll and lose track of life. Recently, I've felt almost that my life has become stagnant again. I cannot put words to the way I hate stagnation.
Yes, I know people need to rest after making progress to recharge and restock energy and resources before continuing on tackling long-term goals. But I hate to stay still for too long. Usually, I need to do something small to change up my day and its scratches the ich until I find my next footing. This time it wasn't as simple as changing the scenery while doing my homework. I almost impulsively went for a walk in the forest area near my house.
Is this the type of activity that causes a person to die in a horror movie?
Was I aware of this?
Did I do it?
I got a call from my boss.    
For the past year or so I have been trying to become a shift manager at my job. Not only for the five-dollar pay raise but also due to the fact it would look great on my resume and offer me experience that would do me good in the long-term future.
 It got to the point where I've been frustrated with my job. I've been trying to move up the ladder and haven't gotten anywhere but getting fewer hours. Granted it has been the slow season for our industry and job but still. It's aggravating.
Then an angel shines down upon me and stops me from being a stereotypical dumbass horror movie character and my phone rings. My manager tells me about the opening, how to apply, and what the application and interview process looks like. Any idea of venturing into a body of woods by myself evaporated faster than it spawned and I applied to the position as fast as possible.
Now the chaos I've been looking for. The new energy flow in my life. Trying to land that position. Aside from trying to get straight A's this semester and taking a break during the summer, now I have this. Especially since I'm taking almost four months off from school and have open availability with my job. At 20 an hour, for a 60-hour paycheck, I'll make more than my monthly expenses. I'll make more in that paycheck than I do currently in a month.
I have earned this promotion, I've busted my ass and done anything and everything I can short of trying to seduce the higher-ups, and I set standards in life that prevent me from doing so.
Now I depart from this post and I am off to use the restroom and head home as my professor is ending class. Have a great day and stay safe. Till next time.
  -your blogger
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utsavatime · 7 months
Happy Holi Short Essay & Facts in English & Hindi
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Happy Holi : Color Your World With Joy Holi, also known as Utsav, is a wonderful festival which is loved by people all over the world. Rooted in Hindu traditions, it is not just about colors but a vibrant expression of happiness, unity and good feelings that are not so good. So, let's take a tour of the colors of Holi. In this article we are going to discuss about, Utsava, Who, What, Where, when, Why, Which, Whose, How, some important facts about Holi. Holi Date in 2024:- Mon, 25 Mar, 2024 Utsava: Unveiling the Essence of Holi Utsava, sounds fancy, right? It's the Sanskrit word for festival, and it's like the soul of Holi. Imagine spring bursting into colors, and that's exactly what this celebration is all about. Quote on Happy Holi Festival  :arrow: "Lets the colors of Holi spread the message of peace and Happiness" Who Takes Part in the Festival?  Guess what? Holi doesn't care who you are. It's everyone's party! Kids, adults, grandparents, even that neighbor who never smiles – everyone jumps in for this epic celebration. What's the Scoop on Holi's Rituals and Traditions? Okay, the heart of Holi? Picture this: throwing colorful powders, water balloons flying, and everyone's laughing. It's like a giant paint war where the only rule is to break down those social barriers with every splash of color.  You Can Read About:-  Happy Holi Wishes, Quote, Shayari, Message Images Happy Holi Short Essay in English
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Holi Essay in English Where's the Holi Party At? Holi is not just an Indian thing; it's a global sensation. Streets of Mathura, the heart of India, to the bustling cities of New York and London – Holi is rocking the world, and everyone's invited. When Does the Color Explosion Happen?  Holi doesn't stick to a calendar; it's a March thing, usually when the moon is in a good mood. The anticipation of not knowing the exact date adds a bit of spice to the celebration. Why Does Holi Get the Spotlight? Holi is more than just a paint party. It's a cultural blast, celebrating the victory of good vibes over bad ones. It's like a giant bonfire of hope, warmth, and fresh beginnings, all rolled into one. Which Colors Make Holi Pop? Colors aren't just colors during Holi – they tell stories. Red shouts love, blue is divine, green is pure happiness, and yellow? That's all about knowledge and learning. Who knew colors could be so deep? You Can Read About:- Holi Puja Rituals, Vidhi & Material Guide Happy Holi Short Essay In Hindi 
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Holi Essay in Hindi Whose Stories Make Holi Extra Special? Holi isn't just about us; it has a touch of Hindu mythology. Picture this – Lord Krishna and Radha playing Holi in the magical land of Vrindavan. Now, that's some divine charm added to our color fest. How Do We Holi Now? Sure, the old traditions are there, but Holi has a groove of its own now. Music festivals, cultural events, and big community gatherings – it's not just about colors; it's about creating memories. Let's Uncover Holi's Fun Facts and History Jumping into Holi's past is like unwrapping a gift. From ancient texts to cool regional twists, the festival has evolved, but its essence, that joyous core, has stuck around. Conclusion:   And there you have it, the magical journey through Holi – a festival that's not just about colors but about embracing the kaleidoscope of traditions, stories, and shared laughter. As we bask in the vibrant hues of Holi, let's not just see the colors but feel the unity they bring.It is more than a festival; It is a celebration of happiness, diversity and simple yet goodness that, no matter our differences, we can all live in harmony with.So, grab your colors, join the celebration, and let the radiance of Holi brighten your spirit. After all, in this festival of colors, every splash is a stroke in the masterpiece of shared joy.  You Can Read About:- Holika Dahan Short Story Important Facts About Holi Festival :arrow: Festival of Colors: Holi, also known as the Festival of Colors, is a vibrant and joyous Hindu festival celebrated primarily in India and Nepal. - :arrow: Date of Celebration: Holi usually takes place in March, marking the arrival of spring. The exact date varies each year based on the Hindu lunar calendar. - :arrow: Symbolism: The festival signifies the triumph of good over evil and the arrival of spring, with people celebrating the victory of the mythical Radha and Krishna over the demon Holika. - :arrow: Rituals and Traditions: Celebrations involve smearing colored   gulal (powders) and spraying colored water on each other. Social standards are loosened during this period, and people gather to celebrate and deepen their relationships. - :arrow: Bonfires: The night before Holi, bonfires are lit, symbolizing the burning of evil spirits. This event is known as Holika Dahan. - :arrow: Sweets and Special Foods: Traditional sweets like gujiya and drinks like thandai are prepared and shared among family and friends during Holi. - :arrow: Inclusive Celebration: Holi transcends social barriers, bringing people of all ages, castes, and backgrounds together in a spirit of fun and frolic. - :arrow: Cultural Significance: Holi is not only a religious festival but also holds cultural importance, promoting unity and the spirit of brotherhood. - :arrow: Modern Celebrations: In addition to traditional festivities, Holi has gained popularity worldwide, with people of various cultures participating in the colorful celebrations. - :arrow: Water Conservation Concerns: In recent times, there's been a growing awareness about the environmental impact of water usage during Holi, leading to initiatives promoting eco-friendly celebrations. Happy Holi Essay in Hindi Language / हैप्पी होली निबंध हिंदी में होली, भारत में बड़े उत्साह और रंग-बिरंगे के साथ मनाया जाने वाला पर्व है। यह हिन्दू धर्म का प्राचीन त्योहार है जो अच्छे बुरे के संघर्ष की जीत और वसंत ऋतु के आगमन का प्रतीक है। होली के आसपास, सड़कों और घरों में तैयारियों की हलचल होती है। लोग मिलकर रंगीन गुलाल खरीदने जाते हैं, जिसे "गुलाल" कहा जाता है, और पानी की बॉलून्स। होली के दिन, लोग अपने कपड़े सफेद में पहनते हैं ताकि उन पर फिर रंग आसानी से दिखे। यह त्योहार पूजा और रीतिवाली के साथ शुरू होता है, जिसके बाद रंगों की खेलने की उत्साही शुरुआत होती है। हंसी भरी हवा में दोस्त और परिवार के सदस्य आपस में गुलाल लगाते हैं, जिससे एकजुटता और सौहार्द की भावना बढ़ती है। पानी के बॉलून्स इस उत्सव को और भी रोचक और मस्तिष्कवर्धनी बनाते हैं। होली समाज में विभिन्न वर्गों की दीवारें तोड़ता है, सामाजिक नर्मों को तोड़ता है और एकजुटता और मैत्री की भावना को मजबूती से बढ़ाता है। होली के इस समय, अंतर फर्क मिटता है और लोग खुशी और हारमोनी की भावना के साथ एक साथ आते हैं। पारंपरिक मिठाई और स्वादिष्ट विभिन्नताएँ आपस में आती-जाती हैं, जो एक साथी भावना की और बढ़ावा देती हैं। होली बस रंगों का त्योहार नहीं है; यह जीवन, प्रेम और आत्मा की नवीनीकरण की बड़ी उत्सव है। जो विभिन्न इंशियतियों और अनुभवों की विविधता के लिए एक गुलाल की तरह है। जब होली का सूरज अस्त होता है, तो संयुक्त सुख और सामंजस्य की एक साझी भावना रहती है, जिससे एक दिन जो रंग, हंसी और समृद्धि से भरा होता है की यादें बनती हैं।  You Can Read About:-  Basant Panchami Facts & Short Essay   Read the full article
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30 years / 30 songs
As of 2:26 AM Latvian time, I am thirty years old. Originally, I was going to try and summarise my life in 30 sentences, but everything I wrote felt like it was an incomplete attempt at trying to capture my existence. Then, I thought I could try to reflect on these thirty years of my life by having a song per a year on being on Earth, with a little element of my life being associated with a certain song. This is the playlist that came about.
Bo Burnham - 30 Inside came out in 2020. I believe that no work of art captured the sense of isolation and desperation,while being saturated with content, and dealing with historical reckoning and loneliness at the same time, better than Inside. After turning 18, 30 is the next big milestone. It comes with a lot of pressures around romantic, professional and general life milestones. Burnham's 30 captures a sense of youth slipping away and realising that you might be losing touch, and being taken aback by that realisation.
Talking Heads - Road to Nowhere This was the first song I blasted from my North London balcony in 2021 as the fireworks echoed in the distance. This is one of my all time favourite songs, mainly because it embodies a certain positive nihilism. 'There's a city in my mind/ Come along and take that ride / and it's all right, baby, it's all right' Death is the only certainity, so why not enjoy the journey on the way?
The Flaming Lips - Do you realize? When I was 18, I wanted to tattoo the lyrics 'Let them know you realize that life goes fast / It's hard to make the good things last' I have seen The Flaming Lips twice and both times I have come out, feeling an immense sense of joy and love for other humans. Everything is tempory so every moment of joy and happiness is worthy to hold onto.
Pulp - Common People I love Jarvis Cocker, this song is a storytelling masterpiece and Different Class is a perfect album. Common People is one of the wittiest songs ever written, while being an absolute banger.
Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A-Changin' I always think of Bob Dylan as my first 'serious' musical love so I had to include this. As I became more interested in music, I remember creating a certain canon to explore. Dylan's revolutionary and political songs spoke to my 14-year old maximalism. The maximalism has faded, but Dylan manages to return.
Eels - Beginners Luck It was 2009 and I discovered Hombre Lobo through a radio show, I was 15 and discovering Eels felt so special. Like walking through my hometown and having this cool alt-rock playing in my ears, and feeling like I had discovered a secret. Years later I read Things the Grandchildren Should Know. It's one of my favourite books, mainly because of how honest and no-bullshit it is, while showing the way in which art can pull you out from the darkest hellholes.
Patti Smith - Because the Night I spent my teenage years going out to bars in the oldtown, and dancing till the first public tranport could get me home at 5 or 6 am. Because the Night was the most passionate and sexy song to let go of any worries and just dance the night away.
The Kooks - Do You Wanna? As a kid, I listened to a lot of mainstream pop as that was what everyone was listening to. The Kooks were the first 'indie' band (whatever that means) that I encountered. Me and my friend would walk around quiet areas of Ventspils and drink cheap red wine stolen from our parents and listen to the Kooks, and we felt so cool. I don't think I've ever felt as cool as I did when I wore vans, ripped jeans and listened to the Kooks.
Janelle Monae- Screwed Janelle Monae's Dirty Computer is a masterpiece. It is a meaningful artistic statement and it is about taking up space. It's a reminder that we have the agency to act and change the world in a way that we desire.
Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) This is included for the little Alina, who loved watching VH1 Top 10 after school and was obsessed with this song.
Joy Division - Shadowplay This is for the angsty teen, who could not get enough of the bass line on Shadowplay.
Bērnības milicija - Ārā The Latvian band that made highschool bearable, the songs of which were the most beautiful poetry, so much so that I ended up analysing their lyrics in a state exam.
The National - Slow Show 'A little more stupid / A little more scared / Every minute a bit more unprepared' I could not have a playlist without a band that has become such a big part of me. This was the first song, I genuinely felt captured something true to the way I existed in the world.
Arctic Monkeys - Cornerstone Would I be proper millenial if I didn't have an AM phase? Cornerstone was my first song of theirs I really grew to love, which led to listening to the first two albums, and a few years later seeing them live in Stockholm with my dad, which is a memory I hold dear and close to my heart.
Avril Lavigne - Anything But Ordinary Let Go was the first album I remember listening to ad nauseum. I was going to write her a letter, when I was 10, but never got round to it. Avril embodied a girlhood that seemed appealing to me, a tomboy-ness that felt almost revolutionary in a world that kept saying that girls were meant to be a certain way, a way which I did not resonate with nor resemble.
boygenius - Not Strong Enough A band that has had such an impact on my life over the past year that I cannot exclude them.
Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows For the disilliusioned part of me that feels like the world is a unchanging clusterfuck of suffering and there is little that can be done about it. Also for the 18 year old version of me, who loved Pump Up the Volume and a young Christian Slater
Bon Iver - Holocene For the 17 year old who felt this album was so beautiful and the video for this song so awe-inspiring that she started crying in central Riga as it played in her earphones.
Elliott Smith - Waltz #2  My big love for many years, whose albums I replayed again and again, as I attended my classes, hosted a radio show rather badly and felt like no one wrote more beautifully than Elliott Smith.
Nick Drake - Time Has Told Me More beauty that surrvives the test of time.
Sufjan Stevens - Mystery of Love One of my favourite love songs ever written, composed for a film that I absolutely adore.
Angelo Badalamenti - Twin Peaks theme My mom says she watched Twin Peaks when she was pregnant with me and she always loved the opening credits. I watched it when I was 17 and it is one hell of a soundtrack to the work of fantastic film maker.
Bruce Springsteen - I'm on Fire A reminder of a time, when I was playing a dj set at my favourite bar with my friend and a man commented that he approved of our Bruce choice. Still one of the sexiest songs to exist.
The xx - Night Time I still haven't found an album that feels as intimate and gentle as the xx debut. It was a special moment in time as I listened to it for the first time in my bedroom, late at night, before going to bed and I remember being completely taken aback by the fact that something like that had been created.
Pete Doherty - For Lovers Positivus 2015 was my first music festival, it opened a whole new world to me and was a key event of shaping the person I am now.
Alise Joste- A Thousand Questions Alise made music that soothed my troubled soul and her concerts always felt like wonderful intimate affairs, in a world that felt like it was rushing and making you fall behind.
Lucy Dacus - A Map on the Wall
'But I feel fine
And I made up my mind
To live happily, feeling beautiful beneath the trees
Above a ground that's solid at the core
Oh please, don't make fun of me
Oh, you know I get frightened so easily
When I'm all alone and the floorboards creak
It's those noises in the dark'
28. Mazzy Star - Fade Into You A reminder of the Alina that bawled her eyes out at Primavera Sound, aged 18, and captivated by Hope's magical voice.
29. Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah The most beautiful cover and a man, whose musical ability blew me away, when I first heard Grace.
30. Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen Forever valuable life lessons. The words were actually written by Mary Schmich, which I only learnt this year.
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ayodya-mga2023mi3459 · 10 months
Week 8 - Using AI as a design and learning tool
This week was an absolute blast in the MGA lab... Mr. Nuwan and Mr. Indika took us on an epic adventure into the realm of AI. They showed us the ropes on how to craft the perfect prompts that AI can get its virtual brain around. And let me tell you, we unleashed our creativity and made some mind-blowing creations using AI. It was like having a digital genie granting our every artistic wish.
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Let me spill the beans about my grand adventure with this story about a fabulous female pianist.
There was this female pianist who pursued her passion for music against her parents' wishes. Her name is Clara Schumann. Clara was born in 1819 in Germany and showed exceptional musical talent from a young age. However, her father did not support her musical ambitions and wanted her to focus on household duties. Despite this, Clara continued to practice and perform, eventually becoming one of the most renowned pianists of the Romantic era. She faced numerous challenges and obstacles, but her determination and love for music allowed her to overcome them and establish herself as a successful pianist. Clara Schumann's story is an inspiring example of following one's passion, even in the face of opposition.
So, picture this, I had this genius concept to show the story of Clara in my head, but when I unleashed the powers of AI, things went a little wonky. The art just didn't quite hit the mark, and I was like, "Wait, what?!" But hey, that's the beauty of creativity, right? It's like a rollercoaster ride of surprises and unexpected twists. Oh, you won't believe the rollercoaster ride I went on to create my AI art. It was like a wild adventure filled with twists, turns, and a whole lot of "what in the world?!" moments. But I did not back down. I persevered through the struggles and somehow created an AI art closer to the idea I had in my mind.
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So as for the assignment, I had to combine all the AI arts from my talented classmates, and threw in my own prompt for good measure. And voila! The result was a mind-blowing masterpiece according to me.
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End of Week 8....
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karaokesoftware · 1 year
Make Your Own Karaoke Tracks Easily with Karaoke Maker
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Karaoke is a fantastic way to unleash your inner singing superstar and have a blast with friends and family. But what if you want to take it a step further and create your own karaoke tracks? Enter the world of Karaoke Maker, a tool that empowers you to craft personalized karaoke experiences. In this article, we'll explore the ins and outs of using Karaoke Maker and how to make your own karaoke tracks effortlessly.
Karaoke has always been about singing along to your favorite songs, but what if you want to be the star of the show? Karaoke Maker is the answer. With this powerful tool, you can turn any song into a karaoke track by removing the vocals and adding lyrics, making your karaoke experience truly unique.
The Power of Karaoke Maker
Karaoke Maker is a versatile software that allows you to customize and create karaoke tracks from existing songs. It's an invaluable tool for aspiring singers, party planners, and anyone who wants to have a personalized karaoke experience.
Getting Started with Karaoke Maker
To begin your karaoke-making journey, you'll need to download and install Karaoke Maker. It's user-friendly and compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems.
Selecting Your Favorite Songs
Choose songs that resonate with you. Karaoke Maker supports a wide range of audio file formats, so you can pick from your music library or purchase tracks online.
Removing Vocals from Songs
One of the standout features of Karaoke Maker is its ability to remove vocals from songs. This leaves you with instrumental tracks, ready for customization.
Adding Lyrics and Syncing
After removing vocals, add your own lyrics or import them from existing sources. Karaoke Maker allows you to sync the lyrics with the music precisely.
Customizing Your Karaoke Track
Personalize your karaoke track by adjusting settings like tempo, key, and effects. Make it sound exactly the way you want it to.
Recording Your Karaoke Performance
With your customized karaoke track ready, it's time to record your performance. Use a microphone and your computer's recording software to capture your singing.
Sharing Your Creations
Once you've recorded your karaoke masterpiece, share it with friends, family, or the world. You can upload your performances to platforms like YouTube, social media, or karaoke communities.
The Joy of Karaoke Making
Karaoke Maker not only lets you sing your favorite songs but also provides a sense of accomplishment and creativity. You become the artist and producer, crafting your unique karaoke tracks.
Karaoke Maker opens up a world of possibilities for karaoke enthusiasts. Whether you want to sing a song that's not available in karaoke versions or add your personal touch to a classic, this tool makes it all possible. So, get started, make your own karaoke tracks, and let your musical talent shine.
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bslack12 · 1 year
End of Week 2 and Montmartre
As someone who had not been an enthusiast of the arts for much of my young life, I am quite content that I have nurtured a continued growth for all things artistic over the past five years or so. I used to think that going to the art museum with mom would have been the worst punishment in the world, but just before we left we went to both a museum and a botanical garden in a week span.
I think I can trace this shift back to a trip to Washington D.C. in 2018, when beforehand I had complained about museum travel, but then fell in love with the Smithsonian and all the different areas with which the museum had a dedicated section. I also remember the National Gallery, where a da Vinci, one that no one really revered or cared about other than the fact of its author, connected me to the rest of the world. It was not just paintings, as architecture, music, botanics, and many more of the humanities other than pure history had suddenly begun to grasp my attention. I think I had strayed away for the longest time because I was very bad at art and music, and did not want to spend time with things that I was not the best at. However, as I matured, I realized that I could appreciate these beauties while also being content in the fact that my talents lied elsewhere. I began to take classes on art and music that focused more on the history of the subjects, and I loved being able to have a new repertoire of facts to immerse myself in.
Flash ahead to this month and I find myself in the capital of the arts world. Everywhere I turn and there is something new to marvel at and lose myself in thought if I give myself the chance. While the museums have been great and I think that I explain them deeper in other posts, I think my favorite art of Paris is what surrounds me all the time. The city itself is a masterpiece, with each street, building, lamp, gate, doorway, etc. giving itself to a new detail of the work. The architecture is just absolutely stunning and I still can not get over the beauty with each building I look at brings me. From the wonderful palaces to the uniquely Paris apartment buildings that come to their peak at the corner of a triangular block straddling two streets, there is always something wonderful that makes Paris the city that it is. One of my biggest gripes with America is the absolutely eye-wrenching design of most of the country for the sake of commercial interests. Square, plain buildings exist in large spaces with nothing but parking lots surroundings, creating eye sores wherever you look. It has been so nice to just appreciate what civilization can look like with effort, a care for history, and the eye of design at mind.
Moving on to today's events, I had finally recuperated from my Bastille Day adventures to attack another day in Paris. I decided to get another check off my list, going to the Hôtel de la Marine after breakfast. I had my interest piqued during Week 1 after I saw an advertisement for an exhibit with the tagline "Quand l'Anglais parlient français". I had been wanting to make it over for some time, so I ventured over to the Concorde and began my tour. It was like the museum of the future, with self-service kisoks, guided headsets that played recordings based on location, and dark rooms with special lights. The permanent collection included anceint works from around the world, while the temperary exhibit, on loan from the Victoria and Albert, was a cool look into medieval England and its relation with France. The rest of the building was decadent, as there were halls colored in gold, beautiful salons, and a great view of the Concorde.
It was then time for class at Montmartre, where some of the best views of the city were seen. Sacre-Cœur was stunning (another great example of architecture in the city), but I really enjoyed the old village of Montmartre, with the tiny, cobbled streets that went up and down with the hills. These moments are the ones where I feel blasted into the past and just relish the amazing society around me.
The day was not done quite yet, as stops at the Place Vendôme and Pond de l'Alma added some great sights and walk to the day and checked off a few more boxes on what seems like a growing list of things I want to do in my remaining days in Paris.
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
Idiot academia and Dark academia: People truly question the friendship. How is someone who seems so smart friends with someone who seems so clueless? In reality, there’s a very tight knit friendship entirely based on some oddly specific subject. Both high achieving people but don’t put much effort into their work. They both save mysterious lives to everyone else but the idiot academia person is more approachable. People think they’re secretly dating as the dark academia person can tolerate only the idiot academia person. A lot of classical subjects. English lit, history, classics, some languages. Intense discussions over classics and arguments over history. Which revolution was more significant. They have Henry and Bunny vibes (but better) from the secret history.
Idiot academia and idiot academia: this is clown to clown communication. No one understands what’s going on. People know them as the weird kids- you want to know the etymology behind a certain word? These kids probably can tell you. They’ve probably attempted to drink a neutralisation product because technically speaking it should be ‘safe’ to consume. They’re funny people, they do dumb things that make you laugh until your insides hurt; often times you wonder what on Earth they were thinking. They hyper obsess over things and are very very caring. Reading scholarly articles on subjects they aren’t even taking so they can talk to the other about it. Going out at 3 Am drives to McDonald’s and talking about philosophy or the terrible physics in films.
Light academia and romantic academia: These Two are definitely dating. People get sick from how cute they are. Quoting poetry for each other. They’d encode secret places to meet up within their favourite pieces of literature. Falling asleep in the others arms while they read classical romance novels. They ace English exams- but sometimes are told in their essays to stay on topic because they ramble so much about other masterpieces. Calm and collected around the public but chaotic near their S/O. Classical music in the background, offering their hand to the other for a dance. Stepping on each other’s toes and letting out small giggles as they try and dance. Giving each other flowers every time they meet.
Witchy academia and dark academia: people are scared of these two. Their vibes are the ultimate power up. Meetings in dark corners, crumpled notes being slipped into the others pockets. Lots of homoerotic tension between the two, people can never tell if they’re dating or not. Intense and passionate arguments. Committing small misdemeanours for the other. Stealing a pentagram necklace for the other. Classical literature and old, ancient languages. Old leather bound books that they nick from one another. Red wine that tints their lips or stains their clothes. Talking about cults, joining or creating cults together. Making blood pacts for each other. Wearing vials of each other’s blood around their necks.
Theatre academia and chaotic academia: Loud, loud people. Singing songs at the top of their lungs. People acknowledge their performing talents. Always are in lead roles for school plays or musicals. Quoting Shakespeare plays for fun. Insulting others with Shakespeare because they are both so used to having to learn it. Dancing to classical music and then blasting musical songs. Playing classical instruments together. Cello and violin. Piano and singing. Watching plays together, mumbling all the lines under their breath because they already know them. Meeting up in the middle of the night to read a play together while they drink wine and watch the stars. Re enacting favourite scenes from each other’s favourite plays.
Arabic academia and dark academia: these two are dating. No doubt. Dark kohl underlining the Arabic academic’s eyes and eyeliners under the dark academic’s. Early mornings, still quite dark drinking red tea. Reading in foreign languages to each other, always trying to impress the other with learning a new word or phrase. Secret kisses. Trying to teach the other something and getting distracted by them. Late nights talking to the moon together. People think they are mysterious but alluring. Bookshelves full with books. The Arabic academic with Arabic poetry sitting open, with a translation being written underneath for the dark academic. Handwriting love notes to each other in new languages, not understanding what the other wrote. Keeping a box of said notes and trying to learn the phrases.
All of these, combined: hands down, the ultimate friendship group. Late night trips to libraries. Drinking wine in gardens while the sun sets. Teaching the others to cook traditional foods. Silences filled with them pouring over their books. Humming and singing because they hear their friends doing it so often. Classical music always in the background. Knowing random facts. Cigarettes sitting next to abandoned glasses of bourbon, all sitting on top of an expensive piano. Fingers dancing across the keys, at night. Exclusive parties for themselves. Tight knit friendship group, trust is in the air.
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spiked-tea-writing · 3 years
and they were roommates?!
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Summary: Imagine being in love with your roommate, couldn't be you.
Pronouns: She/her
Warning: Swearing
Word Count: 2.3k
A/n: I don’t watch or know anything, I just like these people and I had a concept. Also, he and Dream aren’t roommates in this for the sake of I can’t figure that out. Also also, my timeline is probably fucked but who cares
The dynamic in the apartment was...interesting to say the least
In the two years of living together, it had shifted a lot
In the beginning, you and Sapnap had been... less than cordial to each other
Both eighteen, fresh out of high school, off to college thinking that you knew everything.
There was lots of fighting, to say the least.
All of the “No it’s your turn to vacuum”, and “I swear to god Sapnap I will punt you halfway across the world if you eat my pineapple again”
The only reason you didn’t slit each other’s throats was that if the other person was dead, who would pay rent?
It was the summer before college started at the time, and you were working long hours minimum wage so coming]’/ home to an annoying prick caused a crap ton of conflict
After a few months of being little bitches to each other, y’all got piss drunk in the apartment and it all just sorta fell apart
Got that good drunk therapy, spilling your deepest secrets
(y’all were underage but shhh)
So by the time college started, the two of you had become actual friends and started enjoying each others company
A few months into the friendship, you encouraged him to post the video of “Minecraft, but it’s Raining Cats and Dogs” on a whim
Lmao little did you know what you had created (we’ll get to that later)
You mocked his train of thought constantly, laughing at the timing of it all.
“Ahhh yes, I am Sapnap, the genius who thought it’d be great to become a YouTuber while in my first year of college.”
He’d always just laugh and roll his eyes, playfully shoving you while stealing your chips.
The next few months were a haze of studying, work, and him.
It was truly a friendship of convenience since you guys were so busy, him starting his youtube career, and you working restaurants, then school on top of that, it was just easy to find friendship in your roommate.
Of course, he had his close friends which he spoke to over the internet, and you had your friends from back home, but as for college, it really was only him.
You guys had a fun time just hanging around the apartment, and it became so easy to be friends with him
And it WAS truly platonic (we’ll get back to that as well)
The best thing he brought to the friendship was his animals
You got on fabulously with Cash and the cats
They were all so cuddly and honestly loved you more than him lmao
You guys were just trying to get degrees and not be too stupid, was that too much to ask???
Well to a certain 2020, it was
The beginning of that year was great.
He was sorta realizing that he liked putting himself on social media, but on top of that, it seemed like a great start to a year.
February brought him to twitch, which you loved
You found it hilarious how he would just sorta play games and have people watch him live.
But you were incredibly supportive, as a friend, of course
He really liked it so, you tried to ignore the shouting at three am, and the loud anthems at night
Sure you’d give him hell in the morning, but why kill his fun?
March started great, as it was his birthday.
You got him a glittery lighter as a gag, but it was the perfect gift for a broke-ass college student
Then a certain pandemic came a-knockin’ on y’all’s door
It was a hard hit on both of you.
An executive decision was made that you two would stay put, but being away from your families was incredibly tough.
That spring was the birth of The SMP.
It brought him so much joy, which in turn made you happier.
The rest of the school year was a blur of zooms and test
Nick nearly killed you on multiple occasions when you made fun of the fact that he was learning computer science over the computer or made him help you figure out what the fuck zoom was since it was tangentially related to his major
Yall got more than a handful of noise complaints shhhh
That summer was fill was spent trying to fill the time in weird ways
Note to self, he can’t cook (which you learned the hard way)
Yall spent so much time trying to cook and bake, then sweating off the calories working out with The Fitness Marshall lmao
As sucky as the situation was, that summer was so incredibly fun for the both of you, and truthfully the only arguments were about what music to blast
“Y/n I swear if I listen to Cosmicandy one more time I will drown you.”
“Well if I hear American Idiot one more time someone’s knee caps are getting harvested.”
(that argument was settled with Elton John.)
When school started up again that fall, something shifted
After a year of actual friendship, you guys were no longer just friends, and the tension was so thick it could be cut with a knife
You had watched every single one of his streams since day one, but within 2 seconds of his Love or Host, you felt the need to hurl for some peculiar reason
It was bizarre because there was no way you could ever like him, of course not.
Within the apartment, you guys suddenly got a lot more touchy, but only because it was getting cold with winter and all that jazz.
It wasn’t because yall were secretly in love, what is this, a romcom?
The number of times you guys woke up on the couch, definitely not cuddling was too many to count
You started sitting in his room while he streamed, definitely not watching him with heart eyes because of how excited he got
He always had a pot of coffee full and a 6-pack of monster in the fridge since he knew you ran on spite and caffeine, and definitely not so that he could spend more time with you in the early hours of the morning.
The laundry started getting all mixed around, resulting in just sharing any sweats, hoodies, or socks.
The same thing went for food.
No longer was anything labeled with a name, if it was in the fridge, it was fair game (unless there was a post-it because come on, yall weren’t monsters)
But no, y’all were just roommates, not dating, lets make that clear.
Feelings? We don’t know her.
This entire time, his friends have had to hear about you rip.
But they got front row seats to your relationship development
“OMG my roommate is the worst she ate all of the frozen strawberries”
“Y/n kidnapped Storm all day while she studied and I thought I lost the fucking cat asjvdk”
“I had to run down and talk to the landlord because we dropped a pot of pasta sauce all over the carpet and couldn’t get the damn stain out.”
“She is so nice in preparation for a family dinner zoom, she ran out to the local Filipino food place and pick stuff up.”
“Sorry I’m late I overslept and didn’t want to wake up Y/n.”
They weren’t stupid, and could clearly see how whipped he was.
Dream and Geroge teased him about it constantly.
“Woah, calm down Sap, you should probably tell her you love her before you propose.”
“Yeah Dream’s right, it’s kinda weird that you’re living together before ever dating.”
He always flushed and denied it with a shake of his head.
He wasn’t into you, are they crazy?
Quackity and Karl messed with him in more unorthodox ways
There are a solid number of clips where they are fake crying over how he’s cheating on them, and even more tweets to match
It only got worse when you met them accidentally.
He was chatting post-stream on a video channel with George, Dream, Karl, and Quackity, and just his luck, you came into his room.
Like of all the times you could walk in, it was the time he was with his five closest friends but I digress
“Yo I got some extra tips yesterday so I picked up some extra Red Bull if you want to do one of your weird all-nighter streams.”
“Y/n I’m on channel.”
“Oh shit sorry my b. Catch.”
All the guys heard was a thud and a groan from Sapnap as the six-pack hit him in the chest.
Dream was the one to recognize your name.
You could hear Dream’s voice through his headphones
“Sap… who is that?”
“No one. I’ll be out in a sec to help with dinner.”
You could hear a British voice come through.
“Oh so we are no one now, huh.”
Another voice piped through.
“Common... ¿Qué intentas ocultar?”
You cut in.
“Your headset it shit my guy. I can hear everything. I’m down to talk to them.”
He let out a groan.
“Fine. But you’re gonna have to do the dishes tonight.”
“Deal. Now move.”
“What? No.”
“Fine bitch.”
You collapsed onto his lap, plucking the headphones off of him.
“Hello, Sapnap’s friends. I am Y/n. A pleasure to meet y’all. Can you hear me?”
You heard a series of laughs through the headset, and a voice came through.
“Yes, we can see you too. I’m Karl, it’s so nice to finally meet his girlfriend.”
A blush rose on both of your faces, and another voice came through.
“Yeah, we’ve heard lots about you. Plus we can’t see your face in that picture Sap sent us. I’m Quackity”
That remark stopped your embarrassment in its tracks.
“What the fuck? How do you guys know me? I’m not even his girlfriend? And what picture?”
Sapnap grabbed your arm to calm you down as another voice cut in, but his one you recognized as his friend Dream.
“Hey, it’s okay. He just talks about you a bit, and the picture I believe was of you holding like three cats with like a red bull can on your head.”
“Jesus fucking christ why do they have that photo??”
He looked guilty but chuckled.
“Because that photo is a damn masterpiece.”
Karl’s voice came back in with a giggled.
“Soooo, Y/n we’d love to hear about you. Specifically anything funny or embarrassing that you have learned by living with him.”
Sapnap let out a groan from behind you as you went off.
“WELL lemme tell y’all, he has no cooking knowledge, well I mean, now he does, but one time, about a year ago, I had I been keeping a pot of water boiling for about an hour, soft boiling eggs, cooing noodles, blanching bok choy, etc. but this fucking genius is like ‘oH tHe HaNdLe Is StIcKiNg OuT. LeMmE mOvE iT wItH mY bArE hAnD.’ Needless to say, he burnt the crap outta his hand and kept the bag of frozen blueberries on it for the entire night. It took me like a solid five seconds to actually help him because I was laughing.”
By the time you had finished that story, you had seen Nick roll his eyes like 5 five times while the rest of the guys were wheezing.
“Yeah, well remember the time you were trying to imitate Rapunzel after we had watched it over Zoom with my sister, and you swung the edge of the frying pan into our head and got a nasty bump on it? At least I moved quick enough to put some ice on it.”
“Ice? It was the damn leftover Slushy that I had been freezing.”
“True, but you got to drink it after, so it was a win-win situation.”
“Sap, I had a bump the size of a golfball coming off of my temple. There was no winning.”
“Fine, you’re just making me sound like such a shit roommate.”
“No that’s not true, you do all of the talking to the landlord, and you at least tried to muffle the noise when you stream.”
“I guess that’s true, but you do like 80% of the cleaning.”
“Yeah but only because you’re working. Plus in the past 6 months, you’ve made coffee every morning, AND made sure I was taking my meds.”
“Those things aren’t that hard and I do it to make sure you don’t die because I lo- care about you.”
You heard Dream’s wheeze laugh and remembered that you guys were still on call.
You both went red, and Sap moved his arm around you to leave the channel.
The next few moments were complete torture, the two of you just sitting in silence.
You were wondering if he meant what he was about to say and he was scared that you had heard it.
He was the one to break the silence. (mind you you’re still sitting on his lap lmao)
“I’m sorry about that.”
You weren’t sure how to respond. Should you ask him if he meant it? Because that wouldn’t be that bad. Or just pretend it never happened. Nah that’d be hella awkward. Or-
“I love you too.”
“You what?”
Wow, okay your brain is being a little bitch rn, but fuck it. Balls to the walls baby.
“I love you, and I have for a while now. I just want you to know.”
You finally looked him in the eye, and he was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
“Thank god. I love you, and nearly fucking told you for the first time in front of my friends accidentally. Damn, I’m smooth.”
You laughed and he smiled wider.
“Can I kiss you?”
After a quick nod he swooped in and holy hell his lips felt great. His arm wound around your waist and your hands made their way to his jaw as he pulled you closer to him.
The only thing playing in your mind was “and they were roommates”
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effeminateboyninja · 3 years
thank you to the anon who requested i do more of these (specifically hidan and deidara)! i added a few more people for fun cause i love music association lol
♡ songs akatsuki members would play for u ♡
hidan | bless his heart, he doesn’t know a lot of romantic songs, but he does his best. one night when you’re alone, he plays them while he distracts you with you many kisses you could hardly hear the lyrics
kiss with a fist
sure as hell not jesus
time of the season
deidara | he thought of you the second he heard them, his muse. and one day he blasts them over a speaker while he creates his latest masterpiece dedicated to you, flashing you that dazzling grin every now and then
feeling this
electric feel
itachi | he thinks sharing love songs is such an innocent display of intimacy, so he picks them out carefully and plays them for you while he holds you in his lap, singing along softly
meteor shower
kisame | he loves the classics, and long drives with the windows down where he can play them over the speakers and listen to you sing along. he always thinks of you when he hears them.
oh darling
i just wanna make love to you
burning love
sasori | he’s hesitant to play them for you at first. romantic gestures don’t come easily to him. but one day he’s listening and you’re sitting next to him looking so perfect, he can’t help but take off his headphones and place them over your ears
give a little love
such great heights
ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 11 second part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Absurdity) 
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Message from the Lan Clan
After dinner the Yunmeng bros go to talk to Jiang Fengmian in his study. They're quiet and respectful here, with no shoulder-shoving or arguing. This scene has such Brady Bunch energy, where Dad's Study is the Man Place where boys come to talk about Serious Things.
The boys tell Dad Jiang about the Yin Iron and he says yeah, I know. This is probably why he let them run off on their road trip without punishing them, but he could have, like, shared data with them so they might have actually achieved something related to the Yin Iron, rather than just wandering around the countryside bonding with Lan Wangji and Nie Huaisang.
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He shows them a letter from the Lans that basically says the Lan Clan is in the shit, and he tells them they've got to go to the Wen indoctrination because otherwise they will also be in the shit. 
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He gives the boys a warning about the Yin Iron, which is that 
1. it can be refined and 
2. if you refine it carefully, it will not control you. 
Awesome tip, will definitely use, thanks pop.
(more behind the cut)
Jiang Cheng wants to argue about going to the Wen party, but Wei Wuxian vocally gets on board, not leaving any opportunity for whining. 
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Wei Wuxian is only sucking up a little bit in this scene. He obviously has a lot of affection for Jiang Fengmian, but WWX doesn't play up to his favoritism nearly as much as he could. Compare, for example, how he leans into Yanli's preferential treatment of him.  
Fight Outside the Cold Cave
Over on the Gusu side of the country province township, the disciples have gathered outside the cold cave that previously none of them knew about, and Su She is freaking out. 
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Most of the acting in The Untamed is naturalistic, but then there are occasional characters who are portrayed with a much more theatrical, broad style. Su She's villainy is not given a lot of layers; he's playing a type, more than a person.
Many of the villains in The Untamed are played this way, but not all. Wen Zhuliu, for example, is a genuinely horrifying bad guy while also conveying depth and ambivalence--despite having hardly any lines. And JGY is a masterpiece of a performance. For Su She, the directors or the actor have opted for "sniveling backstabber" as a type, which is unfortunate, because it robs his final scenes of emotional impact.
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Lan Qiren tells the disciples to get to safety. He rushes forward, gamely getting his ass kicked by human cuisinart Wen Xu.  He's not as effective a warrior as either of his nephews but he's a brave S.O.B.
Hanguang Jun to the Rescue
Before things can go completely pear-shaped, Lan Wangji sails in with his guqin.
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The Blue Steel technique of the Lan Clan
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Like many gifted learners, Lan Wangji's musical abilities are more advanced than his social skills. Here he musically makes the ground literally explode, almost as if it had been specially rigged with incendiary charges.  
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Lan Wangji is very pretty when he's worried, and his affection and concern for his uncle is touching. He's 100% not interested, as we will see, in Lan Qiren's whole "lets all die for the future of the Lan Clan while my nephews hide" agenda. He's on his own agenda of smiting the wicked and protecting the weak.
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Notice how Su She is standing right next to Lan Qiren here, even holding his arm? The next thing that Lan Qiren says is to tell all the disciples to keep up as they run into the cave. Somehow Su She totally does not keep up, and he gets caught outside along with a bunch of other disciples.
Giving Up
Wen Xu and his men kill most of the other caught disciples, and then threaten Su She, asking him how to get into the cave. In fear for his life, he tells them. Not cool, Su She, but possibly forgivable. Although when you voluntarily join a, you know, battle cult, physical courage is kind of an important qualifier.
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But this shit here...
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They didn't fucking ask about the books, douchebag.  
Su She was there in Lan Qiren's house when the two heads of his clan knelt to each other, each claiming the right to be the one to stay behind and die. And he heard Lan Qiren say that the ancient books are the foundation of the clan and that only if LXC and the books survive, will the clan continue. By giving up both men, and pointing out the book situation, Su She has totally earned his expulsion. 
Lan Wangji Takes a Stand
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Lan Wangji decides, for the first but not last time, to openly defy his uncle...and it's got nothing to do with Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji is a hero, who follows the dictates of his conscience. His conscience is extremely filial and extremely orthodox, but he’s got a growing open-minded streak.  This is going to cause a whole lot of conflicts for him over the next few years.
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This time, however, he manages to skate out from under the whole disobedient, unfilial thing by citing Lan Yi's directive, which means Lan Qiren has to accept it because she's his predecessor and elder relative (She is probably not a literal ancestor, since she spent her life in a cave putting fucking headbands on fucking rabbits which probably didn’t leave time for having babies).
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This is a pretty extraordinary moment for Lan Wangji and for Lan Qiren, because Lan Wangji just asserted his own form of authority to do the exact opposite of what Lan Qiren wanted, and Lan Qiren just sucked it up and let him.
It's also very different from western stories involving a holy McGuffin such as the Yin Iron. Lan Wangji's solution of "fuck it, just let the bad guys have it, it's not worth so many people dying for" is refreshing and surprising to me, a westerner raised on The One Ring, the Grail, the Death Star Plans, etc.
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Lan Wangji steps out of the cave and uses a sword blast to save Su She, the ungrateful bastard, from getting stabbed by Wen Xu. Then he surrenders, and they break his leg to slow him down. This does not actually incapacitate him, because he is Lan Fucking Wangji, already a BAMF at like 17 years old. When they whack his leg, his chunk of Yin Iron falls out onto the ground.
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That thing was in a magic bag of holding before. So...it just falls out when you whack him? If they whack him again will his guqin fall on the ground? What about candy?
Archery Practice at Lotus Pier
Meanwhile, back at Lotus Pier, the brothers are enjoying some quality time together before they head to the hostage-taking indoctrination.
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Wei Wuxian is such a great cultivator that he can hit a distant target even when he jerks his bow upwards as he releases the arrow.
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Jiang Cheng seems fairly pleased, and proud of his brother. He's competitive and fundamentally grumpy but not, at least here, a sore loser.
Club Ruohan
We go over to Da Club, where Wen Ruohan is yelling at Wen Qing for letting Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian go. He names them both, so they're becoming more and more known to their enemies. Which is not a good thing.
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He menaces her with the zombie mosh crew, having them kill a dude in front of her and then saying her baby brother will be next in the circle of zombies if she tries any more stunts. Neither of them can imagine how much zombie ass her baby brother is going to kick, later in his (un)life.
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Side note: What is up with WRH’s hair? Why bother pulling your hair up over your ears if you're going to leave an enormous curtain of it over your face? It's because he knows there's a wind machine next to his throne, isn’t it?
Leaving Lotus Pier
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Jiang Cheng: when I ran off earlier in the year on my road trip you didn't pack a goddamn thing.
Wen Indoctrination
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Is it even possible to stand next to this much active volcanic shit and not, uh, die? I live in the tornado part of the US so I don't know much about lava (yet. 2020 still has 2 months to go). But it seems like it would be hard to breathe the air. Also they appear to build houses on lava piles, which seems imprudent.  I say that even as someone who plays The Elder Scrolls Online, which is full of lava towns and nonsense like “ash farming.”
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Nie Huaisang is adorable at all times, but particularly here, when he's so happy to see his friend who *didn't* fuck his gege and then abandon him without an explanation. 
Nie Huaisang: I'm so glad I can count on Wei-Xiong to be consistent and not vanish for months, or become a traumatized shell of his former self, or, like, horribly die.
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Jin Zixuan isn't quite as happy to see Wei Wuxian.
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Wen Chao enjoys the sound of his own voice way too much, and is malevolent and boring. On the plus side, he likes to stand with his hand stuck out in the air, which is fun for your resident photoshopper.
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Nie Huaisang is so miserable every time he's holding a sword, or blade, or whichever we're supposed to call this. He's got his fan tucked into his belt, which is sweet. He is happy to give up his sword but don't you dare try to take his fan.
Meanwhile Wei Wuxian is worried about Lan Wangji, and Jiang Cheng isn't.
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Lan Wangji shows up under guard, and takes his position at the front of the line, but without any extra disciples. The Wens let him change into snowy white robes after breaking his leg which will go well with arterial blood spray. He's focused and is determined not to interact with Wei Wuxian in this public context.
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When I was little, I would sit near my best friend at church on Sunday, but not be allowed to talk to her until church was over, and it was exactly like this. She was good at churching and I was hyper and hated church. We are still best friends and these things are still true.
This interaction is like a thumbnail for the whole dynamic of these three boys: Lan Wangji outwardly ignoring Wei Wuxian while having many interior feelings about him; Wei Wuxian demanding attention and creating a bit of a scene, due to his very genuine caring; Jiang Cheng telling him to leave that boy alone for fuck's sake.
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Lan Wangji: Stop trying to talk to me Wei Ying, I’m busy composing a song in my head about the two of us and our love for each other. 
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rebellionbeach · 3 years
Here’s my ranking for all the tracks on Come Taste the Band by my own personal preference:
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9. Drifter - Let me just preface this, there are no bad songs on this album.  Drifter gets the lowest spot here just because I feel the chorus is a little boring and compared to the rest of the tracks on this album, it doesn’t hold up so high.  However, I will say that I absolutely adore Paicey’s change in tempo going into the main chorus, I think it really adds to the entire song and his drumming really is just incredible in this album.
8. Dealer - This is another song that ranks somewhat low compared to others however there are lots of aspects to this song which are incredible.  First, Glenn’s little interlude part before Tommy’s solo is absolutely brilliant, Tommy and Glenn just absolutely complement each other so well and that’s shown with the next element.  Tommy Bolin is an absolute beast throughout this album however his solo in Dealer is one of the greatest and memorable parts throughout this whole album.  Dealer is absolutely worth listening to just for his part which ends the song as well in a beautiful finish.
7. Comin’ Home - The opening track and truly a banger.  I know, I’m sorry if the modern terminology turned you off but that’s just the perfect way to describe this song.  It’s absolutely a song you would blast while traveling throughout a freeway or, as the song states, going home.  Full of energy and vivacious attitude, it’s an incredible opening song showing off the talents of all members of the band.  Coverdale is a solo act on this track and he does phenomenal at the part, it’s really incredible the range he expresses throughout this album.  Although he’s mostly known for his bluesy, lower range, he can absolutely take some high parts and give them justice as he does throughout this track and really throughout the entire album.  It would be a dishonor to not mention Tommy’s solo which is just as full of energy and really shows off his capabilities to anyone who would doubt this new lineup.
6. Lady Luck - This song is another Coverdale solo track and it definitely shares many similar themes to what he would produce later on.  It’s also probably one of the most fun songs on the album.  This is David’s song and he has so much fun with the vocals with the rest of the band accompanying him.  The chorus is undeniably catchy and has been stuck in my head several times.  It’s also the shortest track on the album and I feel has a perfect length so that it doesn’t become too repetitive making it a perfect track before the next track.
5. Gettin’ Tighter - Probably the most well-known track on the album and Tommy Bolin’s personal favorite as well, it definitely has his influences.  From that opening lick you’re already blasted with any preexisting assumptions of a Blackmore clone to be treated to an absolute funky, soul, and hard rock masterpiece.  This song was actually created between Glenn and Tommy and, let me tell ya, you can tell.  They both absolutely dominate this song with Glenn’s vocals being some of the best that he’s shown off.  You can tell how much they both adore this piece of music.  What makes the song however is the funk solo in the middle of the song which just is full of that distinct Tommy Bolin sound that really no other guitarist can achieve.  This song is a beautiful track that really encompasses ,what I feel, should have been the Mark 4 experience.  It’s the most funky track on the album and it totally rocks it in a way that I feel many people can enjoy regardless of taste.
4. I Need Love - When I first started listening to this album, this song always stuck to me for some reason.  Actually, that reason is probably the melody.  David’s vocals are just so incredibly catchy and appealing to my tastes, especially how he edges onto the chorus and then going down with the main ‘I Need Love’ part of the song.  Tommy is also incredible in this song as well and it really just has such an appealing melody that I can never get out of my head.  It’s definitely one of my favorite Coverdale performances, he really gives his all throughout the song and really it shows.  Not also to mention the funky portions of the song that abruptly cut back to the chorus, overall just an incredible well-written and composed song that stands as a highlight in this album. 
3. Love Child - Top 3 and boy do these songs really deserve it.  Starting with Love Child, that starting riff just pulls you into that melancholic mood that stays throughout the entire piece.  Then Coverdale comes in and, oh boy, does he come in strong.  The highlight of this song is no doubt his vocals, David just puts so much emotion into his voice that he moves the entire song.  It’s strange as David is usually known for his much more lower bluesy voice but he really goes out of his comfort zone and just goes for it, putting out vocals like he really has never done before.  The opening verse of this song will always stay with me as one of the highlights of this album and is definitely a song worth listening to just for that moment.
2. This Time/Owed To G - Many people would agree with these two being at the top and for good reason as well.  I’m not one to usually agree with general opinion but this two piece song right before the finale really is a work of art and stands as a pivotal point in the album.  The shift from that funky rock attitude to Glenn’s soulful ballad about life and really what he was experiencing at that time really catches any listener off guard and makes them really start to listen.  This is only further amplified through the incredible instrumental piece which is just bursting with emotions from all spectrums.  The other day in fact, I was listening to this album with my mother and she commented how different this song was.  It would also be a crime to not acknowledge one of Glenn’s greatest performances in his time with Deep Purple.  He’s shown in the past to be a vocalist of many talents, being able to burst into brilliant soulful and hard rock verses while also being able to sing melancholic ballads and this is truly highlighted with This Time Around where he uses his signature soprano voice to deliver an emotionally-driven ballad that can sink through any listener’s heart.  It’s really a treasure and I would say the greatest however there is one song left that I believe truly encompasses Mark 4 at their finest.
1. You Keep On Moving - I mean, what else did you expect?  This song truly just sticks out throughout the entire album as something incredible special and thoughtfully made.  To me, it’s almost like This Time Around and Owed To G mashed into one beautiful song.  It’s got that soulful ballad along with those astounding instrumental sections that really just make a complete package.  I’m always a sucker for David and Glenn’s harmonies and You Keep on Moving is again a beautiful example of how well they compliment each other.  The verse as well is some of the most beautiful songwriting I’ve seen.  One of my favorite parts has to be, “You dance across the seasons to a place where no one goes, where angels fear to tread.”  Just that final phrase where they harmonize on, “where angels fear to tread” never fails to shake me.  I truly believe that this song is not only the best piece of music in this album but also one of the greatest songs produced by Purple.  I know, it’s a hard title to earn but it truly does deserve it for its versatile style that highlights the beautiful elements that the Mark 4 lineup had to offer.  Often an overlooked period in the band’s history, I hope that many will listen to this phenomenal album as a brilliant piece of Deep Purple’s history that holds up just as strong as the day it was released.
Anyway, that became a pretty long post.  Thanks for reading this far and if you’re interested, I also recommend listening to some of Tommy Bolin’s solo albums which are brilliant in their own right.  I really have been enjoying Mark 3 and 4 recently and the energy that they brought to the band and I’m really grateful just how versatile Deep Purple is with each lineup since it really has introduced me to so many great artists who I’d never know beforehand.  In my opinion, that’s what makes it one of the greatest bands to exist.
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