#the only other one i can think of rn is like
chrisrin · 3 days
hi so i got diagnosed with adhd like 6 months ago after continuously insistently denying i had it to everyone who swore up and down that i did have it. then a psychiatrist was "yeah you have it bro" and i've been re-evaluating everything in my life. anyways. that's context, and with that re-evaluating i've realized something about my hyperfixations and i want to know if:
a) people with adhd relate to it. b) how do you. deal with this. because i think it's somewhat ruining how i interact with media.
anyways, under the
i've come to realize a pattern with media i consume that i get fixated on. typically this happens with longer media. so stuff like homestuck, and currently with one piece. stuff that i cant binge in an evening or two. (i am on chapter 170 of one piece at the moment of writing this, i read 40 chapters yesterday)
i obviously can't be consuming the new piece of media i'm into every second of my day, in fact, that sounds exhausting.
i have other things i need to get done and, in fact, i NEED to be doing other things because even with something i'm hyperfixated on, my brain will get bored and needs to bounce off other types content. however what this does mean is that every thought i have IS still hyperfixated on the piece of media which means i will still seek out that content even if it's not me reading the original source material.
what this MEANS is that i have all these video essays recommended to me about one piece because youtube has caught on that i am liking and enjoying ONE PIECE (same with twitter. my entire twitter for you page is completely consumed by one piece. i dont know who 2/3rds of these people are please im still in alabasta what is happening) and i Want to Watch them all but i'm in the stage rn where Everything Is A Spoiler so i CANT watch the video essays so ill instead watch them RIGHT UP UNTIL im in the danger zone of being spoiled (sometimes actually risking/getting spoiled) or watching random out of context one piece clips and my one piece friends are all telling me i am just like icarus and flying too close to the sun but i also feel like i can't help the compulsion in some ways? it also means i cannot help but talk about it in every conversation i have with everyone but that seems like, minorly connected to all this.
it's crazy because in my head this is the Worst Stage of the hyperfixation, where i can Only consume the media itself and not all the fan stuff around it. but that's Insane because this should be the best time because i'm literally experiencing the cool media i like for the first time. i feel insane. does anyone else relate to this. how do you deal with it?
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shakingparadigm · 3 days
In a modern au I think the wagyein would be like one of those gaint ass crocodiles that Ivan gets away with keeping because its technically a service animal. As long as its on a leash its all good and not a threat to the public!!
Ivan being rewarded with a more expensive and unique kind pet like a whole fucking crocodile honestly seems pretty in line for him 😭 especially since it adds a new "chic" flair to his photoshoots and his general aesthetic. Imagine Ivan's new photoshoot drops and he's in a suit posing with a fucking crocodile. Insane.
I really like the imagery of this large, scaly and dangerous looking reptile being tamed as Ivan's pet, something that could help boost his image and push that luxurious, enigmatic vibe. You know, like how stereotypical evil lairs have sharks or other rare and dangerous animals guarding the entrance or simply acting as accessory. That kind of vibe. I also like the imagery of this sharp creature being forced into submission and captivity. Forced to become a good, obedient pet, holding in its urges and keeping its teeth hidden. A being taken from the ruthless, grimy darkness, cleaned and maintained to perfection, forced to perform for the cameras. Ivan can empathize, he knows what it's like.
"Technically a service animal" is fucking hysterical. Ivan going Hello, sir! Please excuse my emotional support 12ft crocodile. Don't worry, he's very well-behaved.
I actually think Ivan would get along very well with his hypothetical crocodile. Just like the wagyein, he'd feel connected to it in a very personal way. Also just like the wagyein I think Ivan would be the only person it would never harm. In my head I have the mental image of Ivan petting and cuddling it as if it were a puppy.
#if ivan owns a crocodile luka would own a snake. like those unique kinds that could probably kill you#mizi would own jellyfish in a large aquarium....#i mean. in a modern au these people would literally be the nepo babies of high class rich people. endless possibilities#also you know that one interpretation of ivan and the wagyein where it's like#ivan embracing the wagyein symbolizes him embracing the idea that he is a “monster” (in his own eyes)#he can understand the wagyein on a deeper level because he is so fundamentally different from everyone else#the wagyein doesnt hurt him. even allowing him to rest in its maw unharmed#while it hurt till enough for him to literally be laying on the ground bruised in the og black sorrow storyboards. it frightens mizi too#thinking about ivans close relationship with danger. how he views himself as someone who can only hurt others#or someone who isnt even deserving enough for the pain he causes to matter to anyone (“you don't care about me”)#i think ivan embracing dangerous creatures while till fights back against them says a lot about both of their personalities#ivan is embracing and giving love to the part of himself that he knows would scare other people away. sharper. raw. intense and uninhibited#something that he has to hide or mask in order to be accepted. just like how the wagyein has to be hidden away from everyone else#SORRY MIGHT BE OOC im not in the best mindstate rn#this is just yhe thoughts in my head atm. no polish. my bad#alnst#alien stage#alien stage ivan#alnst ivan#asks
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 12 hours
What Are You Too Hard On Yourself About?
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So my camera that I usually take pictures with is not accessible rn so I'm going to be using a different approach to doing pick-a-pile readings. I'm taking inspiration from other tarot readers on tumblr and use aesthetic photos that I find on pinterest and tumblr. let me know if yall like this more than the photo approach!
Astrology: Virgo, Capricorn, Leo
Cards: The Wheel of Fortune, The Tower, King of Pentacles, En Caul
Song: Queen Of This Shit by Quay Dash
Vibes: ❤️🎂🚗🫖🥊☕️🍎🎲🎸🎹🍒🚑🍅⏰🍉✉️🍓🤍🌶.⚾️🥩🍰
Hello, pile 1! You seem to be hard on yourself for things that aren't even your fault, my friend. I think when you were young a lot of things were blamed on you so now you take responsibility when anything tragic happens. The thing about you is you are the one person that holds together the best in tragedy. It's only after it's all happened that you start feeling like you are to blame. You are not the cause of the wheel turning. Life is a series of up's and down's on the wheel of fortune. I hear you saying things to yourself like "I'm better off not being around" but my friend the wheel would still turn if you weren't. You being in the general vicinity does not make you at fault. You keep the ride on that wheel semi-stable, my dear. Please be kinder to yourself. You are so intelligent and you have the abilities of a seer. You know what to expect from the rollercoaster that life is and you are fantastic at preparing for it. Do not beat yourself up for existing. Do not beat yourself up for making simple mistakes. Accept yourself at every part of life. Love yourself at your best AND your worst.
Astrology: Pisces, Gemini, Libra
Cards: The Hanged-Man, Page of Swords, Two of Cups, Lady of the Lake
Song: I Wish I Never Met You by Oh Wonder
Vibes: 💙❤️🦋🌹❄️💥🫐🍒💎🧲🧿🪓🌀🧯♿️🧰💦🍄🐳🎒🧢👠🧵🧣🌎
Hi, pile 2! You are hard on yourself for 2 things that work in tandem with each other. You either really struggle to find partners or you struggle to build romantic connections with the sexual partners you find. You have a very pixie-like energy which makes me think this is rooted in ADHD. You get extremely distracted by your interests and your experiences. This makes it difficult for you to find romance with anyone. The people you find connections with don't understand that you need patience and understanding. They don't understand that your ADHD isn't just a disability. Your ADHD is a PART of you and if they can't accept and love your ADHD along with you, they don't even deserve your attention and love anyway. I see that there is trauma connected to you feeling useful. Because you have been rejected for the way your mind works you think all you are good at is sex. You have fallen victim to people-pleasing behaviors all because you are allowing people to shit on an entire facet of your personality. Please stand up for yourself instead of being hard on yourself for how others view you. Their opinions do not matter if they constantly put you into a state of distress and self-hatred. Do not beat yourself up because of other people's ableism. You deserve a lover that understands you and accepts every part of you. When you finally stand up for yourself you will have completed a really tough cycle and your new energy will reward you greatly with a true romantic partner that will most likely be sticking around longer than the others.
Astrology: Taurus, Sagittarius, Aries
Cards: The Empress, Strength, 8 of Wands, The Rainbow
Song: No Drug Like Me by Carly Rae Jepsen
Vibes: 💛🎺🏅🐝🐱👑👙🍯🥧🥞🧀🌸🍋🍌☀️💫⚡️✨🌻🌼💐🕯💰🛍
Hey there pile 3. Your energy is so light but somehow very rich as well. You have such a lovely energy that people love to be in. This can be a blessing and a curse for you. This is because you aren't too attached to anything or anyone. You are the type of person who people get addicted to but you often leave as quickly as you arrived. You are too hard on yourself about how this makes people feel. You feel as if you have left a string of broken hearts behind you. I see you feeling very guilty because of this. Don't be harsh with yourself about your true nature. You need room to travel from person to person. You aren't the kind of individual to get attached to concepts you experience as temporary. Human connection isn't meant to be permanent for you anyway. You shouldn't try to save feelings by moving away from your authenticity. You are meant to be independent and follow your heart where the wind takes it. Let the broken hearts leave your mind. Let the guilt slide off of you like water off a duck's back. Those people will find new beginnings with people who are meant to settle down. You will forever be a free spirit. If you tried to tie yourself down out of a sense of guilt it wouldn't end well for anyone. Your authenticity should be your main priority, not saving the emotions of people who have paths to walk you can't follow. What they think about you doesn't matter if it's your time to dip again.
Astrology: Scorpio, Cancer, Aquarius
Cards: The Hanged Man, 2 of Pentacles, Ace of Swords, Cosmic Ocean
Song: Greener by Kid Quill
Vibes: 💚🤎🐸🦇🪲🦂🍀🍂🥝🥥🍈🍹🧩🛖✅⚰️♻️🧺🇵🇸🚪🤑🪑💸🕯📗
Hey there, pile 4! You need to be easier on yourself for your indecisiveness, my friend. You are a very interesting combination of compassionate and intelligent. This is what makes it so hard for you to make decisions fast. It's not that you are bad at making decisions. You are smart enough to consider the different paths that could happen when making a decision. You understand that your actions have consequences and you can predict them very accurately. You are also kind enough to consider how those consequences affect the people around you. You are actually REALLY good at making decisions but it takes time to consider all of the possibilities. People have given you a hard time about indecisiveness for a long time but that's because they can't see the gears turning in your head. They don't see that you see every possibility. They can't even fathom the experience because most of the people giving you a hard time are only thinking logically or are only thinking compassionately but you see both perspectives which gives you more intel to contemplate. Be a bit nicer to yourself when you make decisions slowly. The people critiquing you don't even know the half of it.
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arandomnerd810 · 1 day
personal TADC character analysis
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uh wanting this is long lol
autism time let’s go (/not in a negative way i have autism) stretches hands * I’ll go in order of the character episodes cause why not we have it (see below) i’ll put periods but it will just be to make it more readable not to be intimidating lolll
btw im completely open to interpretations of characters changing throughout the series this is just for fun
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Gooseworx has said this series is mostly focused on characters rather than lore, and from what we know, i truly believe it. I don’t think any of the current characters will abstract because of this.
(I put a version of this in the glitch inn discord theory thing so if you recognize it that’s why)
Pomni: we already know her deal pretty well, as we’ve already had her episode. uuuh if anyone’s going to do something important lore wise it will probably be her as she’s the main character but can’t rlly tell what that may be. to review ep 2 though she’s an outcast who has felt like she was nothing and is a logical thinker.
(Kinger and Zooble will there their focus episode but i put it in order of who was revealed to be the ep 3 focus first)
Zooble: From their design (the entire motif is it can be changed at any time) and the fact she doesn’t know his gender, we’re dealing with some pretty clear identity issues. Friends with Gangle seems cool excited for next episode to learn more about them!
Kinger: One of the most interesting characters so far. I feel like we will get to learn more about abstraction though Queenie, the X-ed out door that looks like a female version of him. If i had to guess, since Gooseworx said they were not siblings, they were a couple. (Also judging by his age and the fact he could have been married, he may have been a father yeowch imagine that) I can see the common theory of the insect collection implying he was a coder before getting trapped, but i could also see him being some random guy who just likes bugs lol. He seems like really sweet guy behind his constant anxiety and disassociating.
 Gangle: (My faveorite human rn) Her mask design can be interpreted in a lot of ways but it’s clear that the happy mask isn’t her real personality. My take on it rn is she doesn’t wana bother people with her stuff so she pretends she’s happy? She seems easily embarrassed and def has self esteem lower than the last circle of hell. What’s interesting though is she’s willing to stand up for herself from time to time, even though she’s easily shot down after.
Ragatha: Waaaay too nice for her own good. Also probably has self esteem lower than the last circle of hell and bases her self worth of others approval.  Though she’s been here the second longest, she seems a lot more normal than Kinger. Makes me question how long apart their introductions have been. Probably copes via escapism.
Jax: I can see why everyone is very interested in him cause me too. He seems like the only fourth wall breaky guy (unless you count Caine cause of his intro at the pilot)which is rlly interesting how did he figure out more than everyone else? what’s with the keys? i have no clue lmao. He’s an asshole who makes the best of his situation by torturing everyone else. At the end of the day though, he’s a human and was sad at kaufmo’s abstraction but he probably isolates himself so it would probably be the same for anyone
but waAitTt a moment
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that’s 6 humans but Gooseworx said we would look into 7 (cause of the “other” part) in her twitter post talking about the character focus timeline so we know our fav character won’t be left behind ⁉️⁉️⁉️ I hear you not asking well my dear hypothetical person, who better to fill the 7th character than Caine?
Why you did not ask? Too bad i’m info dumping. First, he’s the main antagonist and alongside Pomni, the commercial face (or lack their of haha teeth and eye joke) of the series. he’s an important character and loved by many. (and hated equally if not more aside the point lmaooo)
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Yes, gooseworx can lie about stuff but I think she’s smarter than to lead this heavy into Caine depth/ angst territory if there wasn’t going to be anything On top of that, the entire purpose of the timeline post was so we know our faveorite characters weren’t getting treated poorly. It’s unlike for a character based show to suddenly drop such a major character for some random other guy were introduced to later or smth. i mean cmon there’s three episodes after all the humans at least one of them has to be focused on my boy.
Caine: I believe he really does have good intentions and wants to help but just does not understand people at all. This means he’s like an anxiety disorder; it wants to help, solves some issues but creates 500 more. Judging by the Tumblr post, loneliness may play a big part in what’s to come? I’ve always had a feeling his front was extremely fake and his VA saying “breaks keyfable” (an act that pretends it’s true) supports that theory. Episode two gives some insecurity vibes when Zooble didn’t want to go on the adventure. I find that pretty interesting cause he didn’t care at all if people went on the gloink adventure or not. Maybe he puts some adventures over others and he could have been proud of the candy adventure cause more time and care was put into it and he made a new AI. Why did he blue screen? i feel like he could have some blockages on what he can say built in though im not sure why he was blocked then if he even was. one of the biggest questions i have ab him currently tbh. what’s with him grabbing his cane like that in ep 2? if i had to guess simply be nervous = that. His VA also knows some depth to him even though his focus episode is likely going to be at least one of the last 3 episodes, which they have not gotten to recording yet. You know what this means Caine angst solidarity club? Sad Caine so more fan angst appetizers before the main cannon feast let’s friccin go‼️‼️⁉️⁉️
(try to guess my fav impossible /j)
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toothkariya · 3 days
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* the eyes of eden exist to relieve spirits trapped upon the point of no return, returning their lost light to her side, perhaps you should've held your moths' hand more firmly when passing through the orbit's last gate so they don't get lost somewhere... new.
* short summary - you, a local veteran skykid lost your moth babies on earth. chaos ensues.
CHARS; malto family & bumblebee
TAGS; gn!reader, fluff/crack, headcanon & imagines, can be read as platonic and romantic, rusty writing┆really long post, reader is an adult veteran skykid, reader is a single parent with three overly curious and energetic moths, all of the moths are referred with they/them pronouns
NOTES; you don't understand— I NEED to put my comfort media(sky:cotl) to any media that I'm currently invested/fixated with, and earthspark is one of those media rn *head in hands* thinking... Should I do this crossover au further for indulgence? Hmm what will be the au's name? thinking thinking.
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Excited squeal and chirps filled your ears as you reach the Orbit. The children had let go off your hands, together they made their way across the damp field, water streams across their knees as they continuously jumping and kicking the water at each other. You take your time walking upon the light flower path, emitting warm light whilst it brushes against your feet.
The deep call from one of the moths rings loudly and catches your attention, three of them had reached the last gate with their retrieved wings from the spirits, hands holding each other as one of them rise their hand up high to wave at you and other continuously chirping their calling. You huff a soft breath, weary smile etched upon your lips, footsteps becoming little faster to catch up on them that start walking out to the gate together, after all this adventure today, perhaps it's the time to return to Aviary Village and bring the kids back to your nest for long well-deserved rest.
Keyword: perhaps. Because you one hundred percent sure that Aviary Village does not have forest and large trees as its surrounding to begin with. The village supposed to be surrounded by white large clouds, buildings functioning with darkstones, other skykids' nest and family, and ancestor spirits wandering around.
... Where's your moths?
Twitch: Woah! What are you guys?
Twitch is the first to encounter three curious little moths while going baby fox hunting at night with her siblings.
She doesn't know what to make of them with their glow in the dark self, bright pair of eyes under a mask covering their entire face, it's the first time she sees these things, and they seem pretty harmless - very cute too.
Communication is impossible for her with them, as they only answer her words with bird's chirping noise and occasion beeps, one she squeals over the cuteness. She's trying her best! She swears! But they're way too cute in her eyes.
When Twitch try to leave them be flying away in her alt form, afraid she'll make the same incident as the bear cub in the past. She's not prepared to see them following her - flying along her, nonetheless.
She needs to hold down another squeals to fall from her dermas as she watches them holding hands while flying.
Here she is now, with three baby glowy birds (she dubbed them) on her side, refuse to let go as she landed in front of her siblings, clinging to her like moths to the flames.
Like Twitch, others found these little glowy creature adorable, all of them look exactly identical with one another, it's hard to tell who's who with their similar appearance is. Fortunately, their chirping noise has quite distinct tone from each other.
Hashtag tries to find any information online about what exactly their species, while Nightshade thought their books—as Twitch suggested they're probably a bird species from the noise they are making, unfortunately it bears no fruits, other than leading them into website about old stories about long lost cloud people.
In the morning, Robby, Mo and the Terrans introduce baby glowy birds to their parents, curiously asking Dot if they are a species of birds that almost look like human in shape (it's pretty uncanny valley for them). No, they are not, for the kids' disappointment.
Not knowing what to do with them, they decided to take care of them until their guardian come to pick them up someday - if they have guardian to begin with.
Now the problem is, what exactly these baby glowy birds eat? They don't want to starve them by accident.
They try to offer any food available, but the baby glowy birds just shriek and throw up at any organic food given, cave water is it then? Ah, no it doesn't do anything to them. The Malto kids just watched as them playing on the puddle of water, soon joined after.
They'll watch as they poke at nearby candle in the house and pull a red candle from their chest, the kids panic over them, afraid they'll hurt themselves but soon calm down as a small particle of the candle they lit instantly absorbed to their chest isotoxal star... I guess that's how they eat?
One thing they noticed is how almost weightless they are, in a sense—they're easily can be tossed by a simple gust of wind and send flying, Nightshade and Twitch try to catch them that get tossed up high in hurry and fear of them getting hurt.
one thing for sure that's an experience, and they keep tight grip on the baby glowy birds if there's another particular wind coming on their way home.
A butterfly they noticed, flutter its tiny wings to their side in such curiosity, leaving trails of glimmering light dust upon its tail catching the kids in awe of its appearance, never they had seen the butterfly in the book their mother had offered or one in the wild.
Their attention suddenly taken away after hearing a branch snapped somewhere near them, optics and eyes gaze upon the shades of trees in the distance, only to be met with a masked stranger making their way out under the tree's shadow and out from the bushes.
Twitch unsheathed the weapon strapped behind her seeing as the stranger does the same by grasping their staff behind their back in response, waiting for one another to make the first move. Her optics trails all over the stranger's feature until her optics landed upon their familiar star shaped light emitted from their chest.
"Chirp! Chirp!"
"Wait— Hashtag, Nightshade! Put the baby glowy birds down."
The baby glowy birds' continuous chirps and wriggling from their grasp would be the last piece she needed to know who the masked stranger might be are. She watches as the little creatures' chirps and skip on their steps toward the stranger as the masked person themselves seems relieved seeing the baby glowy birds and bring them closer in a hug, speaking in a language they can't understand.
The sight brings relieve to the kids seeing their glowy friends find their parent - they finally identify you as the baby glowy birds' parent, seeing as you're pretty glowy too but a little dimmer in comparison than the young ones.
they have so many questions to ask you, seeing you can speak fluently in Earth language or the very least understand basic English to be able to speak to them - not like your moths that still has a hard time to make other noises other than chirps and beeps.
you watch the curious children, human and the Terrans and you know, you have a habit of adopting moths you passed by the realms for candle run supplies, and indeed it took a strong instinct in you to adopt them as your own.
they scored another parental figure!!
you'd hold their hands when they need something to ground themselves, your envelope them in a hug when they need it, you'd let them ride your shoulders - they're was taken back as you easily carry them, and even with them stacked on your shoulders.
Hashtag/Jawbreaker: am i weight anything to you???
you: ... it's like lifting a couple of grapes, it's okay sweetie.
it's not helping their confusion with your nature as you're almost the same weight as your moth babies as they tried to lift you once - almost weightless.
please forgive Hashtag if you ever sit on her shoulder - her offer and just got yeeted in the process by the strong wind as she roller skate her way down the street, you're so light she forgot you're on her shoulder not a moment ago.
please forgive the kids shenanigans by accidentally throwing an object to your face while playing fetch and them hearing very loud "DING!!!" coming from you while you're send flying once again, Dot tells them to apology immediately with disappointed face.
you become part of their family not long after you're around, so it's no wrong if you make a small nest for you and your kids in the barn, right? You asked permission beforehand from Dot and Alex, of course.
The kids (Dot and Alex too) would watch with fascination as you made a nest - one similar to weaver bird nest, but now they're looking at the much larger size as you are collecting the much-needed necessities to make them from the forest, hanging upon the barn ceiling and its support.
They'll coo and squeal as they watched their moth friends snuggle and cuddling inside the nest you made, huddling to each other like a big ball of fluff.
Don't be surprised to find pictures of your moths on Hashtag's iPads, there's dozens of them, and it confirmed your suspicious how they can't resist the moths's charms as well.
you're something new for him, as he is to you. His optics would follow your dark greyish hands reaches forward to take off the mask covering your face in front of the Malto's family to introduce yourself.
He noted the markings adorning your face and how your own eyes glow the same as his own optics, thought physically you look like human in shape, it is clear how you're also not with your appearance.
yourself would look at his frame up and down in curiosity, how it reminds you of the giant robot back in the office, but how he also so different he is in exterior, you're drawn to your own natural curiosity to learn more of the giant robot - Cybertronian the kids corrected you as they introduce you to the Scout and their mentor.
As you're curious of him, as he is to you, it becomes a little study section to teach one another, mostly it just throwing questions and then answering them to one another to satisfy curiosity.
Sometimes when the kids all tuckered out, he would curiously follow you to the forest as you invited him. He was surprised how easily you mapped the forest surrounded the area and found a lake without habitual. It's becoming both of you private relaxing spot.
he found himself bond easily with you through the children as you have your own under your wings, sharing struggle being a mentor and guardian for energetic bunch of kids.
when he first held you in his servo, for reason one of your moths find themselves stuck up high a cliff and doesn't want to come down without you down waiting, it just an offer to help you as he insists.
He doesn't expect you to be warm - a fiery candle gently embraces his frame such the one you emitted; he can feel your gentleness in your movement as you coo softly toward your scared moth, said warm travel through his frame and make him shudder, through your small EM field you weren't aware of. he needs time to cool off because he's not used to the feelings yet.
He admires you for your compassion and patient when dealing with the kids, how even though you look tired, you continue to indulge them with their activity or interests.
When you're tired, Bumblebee insist to look over your moth babies, not realizing what he signs himself into as they're more chaotic then the Terrans combined, please send help.
you're touchy one, scratch that, you're very open with physical affection, it always the first thing he learn about you as you surrounded with the Maltos kids, but you start to do it with him too, subtle brush of your tiny fingers against his servo or cadulen, or you fly into his shoulder plate and just make your sit there as both of you spend time on the lake.
rare occasion when he woke up from quick recharge, he will find your body curl up on top of his chassis - exactly like how cat would curl around their body while you still asleep peacefully, body rise and fall each breath you took (he swears he heard you purring).
if both of you ever get in relationship, it'll start with the Terrans being wingmen, and of course it'll be the kids pulling out every method under their sleeves to get you two together.
You're curious of earth give him a change to show you off around, riding through Witwicky with you in his alt mode, sitting comfortably on his passenger seat was something he would never expect enjoy this as he watches you admire the world through the tinted window, beaming with questions and looking at him with bright curious eyes, it sends him reeling when you gaze at him with awe as he told everything he knew about earth, your adorable expression absolutely stays deep in his processors.
having you tucked inside his alt-mode is different from human, your body emit warmer temperature, he could see you glowing and your light gracing his interior, it's something completely foreign for him to feel this level of comforting warm from someone presence.
though he doesn't understand you when you speak in your language while talking to your kids, something how your voice just sings in gentle tune make him drawn to you more.
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+ bonus
"Chirp! Chirp! Chirp! "
"... What exactly are you little ones?" Megatron mutter, two little creatures standing - one is sitting down with their legs tucked under and hidden from view with their chocolate wings on his servo, three bright little pair of eyes staring up at him with curiosity and wonder.
It's already coming to a surprise how easily this little being comes toward him without a second thought, without fear in the matter despite the size difference, they step closer before they surprise him again with suddenly flying to his offered servo in his panic of them accidentally hurting themselves.
He was meant to take a small relaxing walk upon the forest clearing, away from G.H.O.S.T. for a while to take what the humans called a breather, suggested by Optimus much to his dismay, but here he is with curious little creatures he had never seen in his servo.
"Chirp! Chirp! "
"I'm afraid I don't understand you, little birds."
Megatron can't help but found the little beings in his servo endearing, how they're so curious of him, rather than feeling threatened of his presence. He cannot help but give a gentle pet upon one of them with his digit - seeing as his servos is bigger in comparison of their size, they chirp and nuzzle their head eagerly to it, jumping up and down even with the heavy weight on top of their head. A small smile etched upon his face at the little one enthusiastic response.
He doesn't register the light and fast footsteps drawing near him before it's too late, before he could properly look toward the source of the sound, a being - almost similar like the ones in his servo, flying straight in front of him in high speed, swooping the three little beings into their arm with little chirps of protests from the young ones, before they made their way to the sky - hiding between the clouds in hurry with constant gibberish chirping.
Ah. He guesses that's their guardian. according to their reaction.
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[more Sky:CotL glossary terms] ← term used mostly in players' perspective
[sky language] ← because why NOT
[art © Tom Zhao's Sky worldbuilding illustration; Orbit area 3]
my skysona shenanigans:
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*Deep Call: The maximum call; a call that big enough to be heard for farther area by other skykids; call used to interact with other sky Kingdom's being (eg. butterfly and crabs).
*Wing(s): skykid's cape which resembles bird's forelibs and is used for flying
*Dark Stone: Minerals that had the ability to generate a large amount of energy only if it absorbs a light; gave an incredibly strong impetus to the advancement of civilization - they got technology, flying boats, automatic doors, etc; easily powered with Skykid's red candle/fire source.
Aviary Village: a village; hidden refuge forgotten by time; second Home for skykids after Homespace.
*Nest: a personal living space and habitation for Skykid; bed.
*Moth: newborn child; young fallen star that's not matured yet.
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ⓒ toothkariya — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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anulithots · 2 days
off topic but like scattered thoughts:
i don't know if you know this but what they're chanting during the game (龙阳之好 — meaning longyang's interest) is basically a phrase that refers to gay relationships. this has to be intentional. right. right. right. anyways if you'd like you can learn more about lord longyang in this brief wikipedia page
cheng xiaoshi's basketball flashback thing with lu guang is peak queer cinema. casually called him his partner and made a profound metaphor on trust on the spot. no one is doing it like him. icon
the captain's (i think his name was hong bin??) accent changes drastically when he's around his family — i don't live in china so i can't pinpoint which region it's from, but just think of it as the chinese equivalent of a country accent. skfjd just thought that was a cute detail
embarrassing but for like the tiniest moment but with the dramatic sunlight and the gentle music i fr thought that implied that hong bin was chen xiao's first love... my stupidity knows no bounds
when cheng xiaoshi is 'in the body' of another person in the past, how much of his emotions are his, and how much of them are the other person's? ...this calls for a character psychoanalysis
okay thank you for listening to my rant. sfjdskfjkfjsj going to scream into my pillow now
EPSIDOE THREEE THROUGH FIVE ARE SO EMOTIONALLY DEVESTATING, IF NTO THE MOST EMOTIONALLY DEVESTATING EPSIDOES IN ALL OF CINEMA (I'm weak for parents singing lullabies and providing comfort that ends tragically. I never stood a chance.) /pos
OKAY RESPONDING TO YOUR THOUGHTS! (sorry if this seems disjointed I'm going through an 'execuative dysfuntino floaty-float cloud rn... yes feeligns I know how to describe those.)
OHMIGOSH THE GAY CHANT. YES IT HAS TO BE INTENTIONAL. THey just get more queer the more you watch. Their shop literally has their ship name.
The manhua exists.
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If this isn't the most queer platonic/gay thing I've ever seen... I don't know what is.
OOOH and I have to tag @celestialsun123 and @mylee-sketches in this just for that point GAY BASKETBALL CHANT WOWOWOO
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This ep was also just like... very queer. SO queer. the most queer coded thing I've ever watched in my life (they wanted to convince us we were safe, that this would be a fun little gay time travel show.)
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Holy herbs. You know what? The censorship just made them more creative and this is more queer than if it were cannon (just shiguang in general actually... it gets even better as you go on)
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ANd the shorts as wellll... also Qiao Ling literally asks Lu Guang 'so what do you like about Cheng XIaoshi?' Like she's honestly the biggest shiguang shipper of us all.
The accent thing IS such a cute detail yess. The way that entire town was written with so much life and little things, each character having depth and intrigue from the get go... only for... episode five.. . and ... *ugly sobbing*
(Especially Chen Xiao's mom. I've honestly rarely seen parents written as well as they are in link click.)
PFT YES YES I ALSO THOUGHT HONG BIN AND CHENG XIAO were supposed to be queer coded in that scene. It's very vibes.
Theorizing on how Cheng Xiaoshi's emotions work when he's possessing people
with some theories behind it, and lots of notes and anlysis that are... in the works (I'm on my second rewatch of season one but I'm silly and keep rewatching the same scene six times before I watch the next... rinse repeat I've been rewatching for a half a month now.)
LIke the layers and layers and layers in this show are insanneeeee.
Also boba tea:
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and... screenshot collection (It's so hard to screenshot shows holy herbs. I wish the manhua adapatation of the first season - where it's all the same as the show - was available online)
(not goign to include any spoilers)
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....and I reached my image limit.
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a-room-of-my-own · 3 days
Do you think there is any plan macron is playing the long haul with a secret master plan that will turn out okay 😅
Well I have a few options and they’re both risky, for now one is already confirmed :
Macron knows that the threat of having the RN leading the country is not what it used to be. Many people believe the RN isn’t dangerous. So with the 2027 election in mind, the RN could be in a position to win, even if its candidates are mediocre
The left isn’t credible. The socialist party was a little bit coming back into the game thanks to its candidate, Raphael Glucksman, who’s a chameleon like Macron and Sarkozy before him (whom RG used to support). Nevertheless, it’s not enough to win an election.
Since last October, the extreme left party La France Insoumise has only talked about… Palestine, and its leaders have been spewing antisemitic talking points every day. It’s created a huge divide in the left, and the result is that many people won’t vote for the Socialists if they make an alliance with LFI.
Macron was certainly counting on the fact they would try to work together. He was also certainly thinking they believe that even if they unite they won’t win, but they’ll may get more seats than what they have now. That’s the confirmed hypothesis : they announced they would make a joint candidacy yesterday and it’s ✨fucking stupid✨
People on the left won’t vote for them if they have LFI as an ally, they will either vote blank or vote for… Macron’s party. In the process, the PS, that was resuscitating, will be murdered again by Macron for associating with racists.
On the moderate right the parties are still suffering from having been murdered by Macron who stole all their credible leaders years ago. They’re not ready to present a candidate that would be in a position to win enough seats. Their European candidate is good but he’s new. If they were to decide to ally with the RN, something they absolutely never did, many of their voters would feel betrayed and would vote for…Macron’s party.
So with this whole operation Macron could in fact get back his majority in parliament that he lost during the last elections. The RN would get many seats, and would be positioned as its only credible opponent, but would act as a scarecrow, getting Macron’s party reelected in 2027.
So that’s option 1.
Option 2 : it doesn’t work and the RN wins by a landslide. The new prime minister is from the RN and now they can rule the country for the next two years.
Macron knows they’re not capable of ruling the country and that they will be extremely impopular.
Many of the things they promised they won’t be able to implement, just like other extreme right politicians in Europe. They will be exposed as being liars
The country will be in extreme turmoil and by contrast Macron’s rule will be seen as a golden age of rationality and proper governance
In 2027 people will vote for Macron’s party to restore peace and order, and he will have successfully murdered the RN.
I think that’s how it’s supposed to work, and it could work but also backfire in unpredictable ways. In any case we’re either going to have a horrible 3 weeks or a horrible 3 years. It’s extremely cynical.
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cyriite · 2 years
I see a lot of loser x cool person ships but loser x loser is soooo much better especially if they both think they’re the cool one -s&o
THISSS loser x cool person is so overdone like loser x loser slays this is literally asa and denji to a T like they both think theyre the coolest person alive but theyre both losers and i love them
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bacchuschucklefuck · 29 days
okay unironically I love so much that porter is like this world SUCKS its BAD here and it HURTS you why do you care abt it!!! and literally every single bad kid is like ngl we just hate ur ass it does not matter what ur philosophy is
#dimension 20#fantasy high junior year#not art#fhjy spoilers#its!!! gods I will Be My Ass in the tags rn. but thats so like. deliciously setting typical#like porter's desire is to transcend and his contempt for the world he's in feels. idk Real#like he plays the game bc he wants to win and be done with it. how do I word this#yknow. being a god would like. be his win state. when he gets that happening thats it his story is done he checks out#meanwhile the bad kids do actually just like playing the game lmao. like they love adventuring!#theyre so solidly Of This World. they carry the values that can only be born of it and they like having mastery over it#its a meta angle that I think is very fun specifically for d20 being in such a unique position in the zeitgeist when it first started#the rat grinders are from DnD Writ Large. porter wants to escape. but this is the bad kids' home its Their Actual Play Show#which makes it so fucking excellent to me that porter's question is somewhat of merit! its their show and it tries very hard to punish them#and they just straight up dont listen to him here lmao bc they hate him but! since the moment the academic track ended its been clear#that they save the world bc they Like Playing. With Each Others#thats what riz thinks the core of adventuring is! thats why fig stayed! and I also think thats why this hovers over elmville now and#a dead god is coming back in the school gym. porter is a shit evangelist but even if hes a good one I dont think it wouldve worked like he#wants it to. the only way he couldve escaped is if he'd not involved elmville at all. thats where the bad kids met dude#its a shitty place that fucks with them but they all come back here bc they wanna play with each others#and in that regard I think thats what the stress tokens ultimately means. Is This Game Still Fun To Play. ITS A RAGEQUIT LIMIT#Im literally running from one end to another of this conspiracy board Ive pulled out of nowhere#Ill draw after this I just wanna get this out. gods this episode has done nothing but furthering my delusion of grandeur actually#Im the hottest smartest manthing on earth Im king fucking midas over here. anyways uh! great ep!
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snekdood · 7 months
so uh
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for 1. most people are gonna take advantage of black friday and wont see your specific niche tumblr post, I hate to say it
2. the us isnt running out of money for war any time soon, so...
3. this is just antisemitism???????? all we need is some (((echoes))) around the us and israel and then I'd have no reason to suspect otherwise from op...............
#why in tf do you think they care that much about getting your money rn and not before in any other war?#does it. mayhaps. have something to do w jewish people being involved now?#our tax dollars go to the govt regardless and has been for years and we already have an obscene amount of funding for military shit#preeetty sure they're not concerned about getting a couple hundred tumblr users money...#and also pretty sure one could only believe that if they're paranoid about jewish ppl.................#hard not to put two and two together and figure out op is prolly antisemitic and hopefully they just dont realize it#i say hopefully they dont realize it bc thats better than someone who knows and is pretending to be a leftist still.#if anything this pause happened bc its thanksgiving and biden doesnt wanna think about it over the holidays. thats p much it.#thats the only amount of conspiracy theory im willing to believe in this situation lmao.#but that ^ still assumes that biden has some sort of control over this that he really doesnt#and i dont think netanyahu cares that much about thanksgiving tbr...#it sounds more like to me that op is seeing this from a very american centric pov and assumes everyone celebrates thanksgiving#or cares enough about it to remember the dates.... i dont think this is as planned as op is making it out to be and any insinuation#that it IS planned sounds like conspiracy theory talk to me personally. i dont think biden is hittin netanyahu up and going#'hey thursday is thanksgiving and would be the perfect time to pause so we can (((get peoples money))) out of them#asiftheUSdoesnthaveplentyalready' like i just really dont think that convo is happening lmao.
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narugen · 13 days
LOVE his kansai dialect so much huge shoutout to his seiyuu (kengo kawanishi) here’s 34 seconds of it from the new episode
(also whilst confirming that i wasn’t saying the wrong shit i found a thread on how his dialect gets translated in the manga from an official translator!)
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kenobihater · 4 months
of all the star wars movies, which of them do y'all 1) enjoy the most 2) consider the best quality and 3) think you've rewatched the most. add your answers in the reblogs or replies, i'm genuinely curious how much of an overlap there is within everyone's three answers. mine don't overlap at all! they're revenge of the sith, empire strikes back, and the force awakens :^)
#len speaks#star wars#revenge of the sith#empire strikes back#the force awakens#not tagging more films than that bc i cant b bothered. incoming tag ramble ahead bc i have sw brainrot rn and im making it everyones prob❤️#i rlly struggled 2 remember if id watched tfa or aotc more. i went w/ tfa bc it was formative to me as a teen and ive seen it probably 6ish#times? whereas aotc was the first sw movie i remember (specifically the scene of obiwan serving c*nt in the bar lmao) but i've only seen it#for sure 4.5 and maybe 5.5 times. the .5 is from when i got bored after obi-wan's scene ended and ran off to go play in the mud or smthn 😭#i'm sure tfa will eventually get surpassed in number of rewatches by aotc and rots bc i don't fw the direction of the ST but that's my#current ballpark estimate of my total number of rewatches#as an adult tho if i just wanna watch a star war i'll go with aotc bc it's fun and ends semihappily and i can turn my brain off for the#spinny lightsabers. it's great background noise or for if you're sick or whatever. rots on the other hand? i won't talk through that unless#i'm quoting it with my brother and i am LOCKED IN 100% entirely entranced by it all#i almost picked rogue one for the best quality answer but i think the character writing is weaker and the facial cgi is creepy. esb beats#it by a hair imho bc of that. the vader hallway scene goes hard tho!!!#also i'm not covering shows or games or books or anything else in this post - simply the films. might ask abt shows later but that might#also give me hives bc so many of the shows suck ass and i don't rlly want ppl extolling the virtues of t.bb in my notes 💀#and yes i do think one's enjoyment and one's opinion of quality are two things that often overlap. but sometimes you just like something#bad and that's awesome. like rots is the best of the prequels by a large margin and i adore the opening and characters and many of the#scenes but that doesn't mean it's the best star wars has to offer ykwim? it's my specialest most favoritest sw movie but that doesn't blind#me to the dialogue lmfaooo
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marblerose-rue · 1 year
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click for better quality!
whaddaya think makes tracks like that? / needletail and violetpaw
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freakinator · 6 days
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new leo yippee
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lovecoredeity · 28 days
fun scene idea that I’ll probably never get around to drawing: someone grabbing a wanted poster from a board or wall only to reveal a missing persons poster featuring the same person as on the wanted poster underneath it (also the reward for them as a wanted person is higher than the reward for returning them when they were missing)
#basically this is something fun I imagine for my oc cashmere#as of right now she’s simply missing (presumed to be kidnapped at least that’s what the family she is from told people)#as of rn in her story she isn’t wanted for anything but that can change I’ll probably have her (attempt to) commit treason against her#own family or something#I think it would be fun that her family is willing to spend less when she’s missing than when they’re mad at him and want him back to be#punished for angering them#I have attempted to draw this out before but was like#it would be better as like an animation tbh but#I can’t animate I’m not going to animate my tablet does not even have the storage for me to animate#maybe a quick animatic if anything but like#idk#it’s more of a fun idea than anything#I imagine what leads to cashmere committing treason is that upon being back in the hands of their family they begin to realize that they#can’t lie to theirself anymore their family is terrible and the reason they died in the first place and snaps#i feel like they found themselves in a situation where they attacked someone out of fear and rage and blah blah that is seen as treason#it would probably be his dad that gets attack im ngl conquest deserves it#or they accidentally hurt them out of fear#I am unsure#*shrug emoji* I’m just making up shit for cashmere as I see fit and per what I find most interesting and fun <3#also cashmere is my only oc rn who would have both a missing and a wanted poster#sure most of my ocs would find themselves wanted for one reason or another or targeted by others#but some cashmere is useful as a tool to their family and having a runaway child is bad for their reputation they’d ofc want her back to#keep her quiet and keep people from finding out that she ran away#they also still think she’s sickly and wouldn’t want anyone to find out who she is that she’s sickly and for word to spread#basically they want cashmere back so their reputation isn’t damaged and so they can go back to using her as they please#I put a lot of suffering into this character#and I will continue to do so because as my favourite this is what happens#sorry I’m babbling
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guinevereslancelot · 3 months
a koi pond for your dash:
❀ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 ༄ ❀ 𓆝 𓆟 ༄ ❀ 𓆞 𓆝 ❀ ༄ ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌
#our pond thawed so i sat beside the water today and watched the fish#i wish everyone as beautiful and peaceful a moment as that today ♡#i dont have a koi pond btw judt a farm pond that a neighbor put goldish in like twenty years ago#they thrived tho and they're pretty like koi fish#im planning to add water lilies to it this year and maybe some other pretty ornamental plants around it idk#also a bench hopefully bc rn you have to sit in an uncomfy rock lol#anyway#still a nice place to hang out im just planning to make it nicer when i have the money for landscaping#im considering adding some actual koi to it bc i read they can coexist w goldfish really well bc they're both carp#but idk i assume they eat more so maybe they would outcompete the goldslfish#also they eat the baby goldfish so maybe not :(#they should crossbreed tho#i think#so maybe i'll just grt one or two koi and see what happens#anywayyy#they're so pretty and peaceful to watch 😌#my only complaint is its a bit of a hike to the pond#either like five minutes down a suuuuper steep hill or twice as long walking around the hill and back up by the road which is less steep#also you cant really see the pond from the house bc its far away and surrounded by dense brush#alas#these are good problems to have tho#and for safety reasons its good actually that the pond is far from the house and a bit annoying to get to#bc little kids could def have a terrible accident if it was just in the yard or something#bc its really deep#im not the best w these emojis but i wanted to make something cute
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