#the only sofia i remember is the one they thought was sol
iridescentis · 2 months
question: on the SL wiki it says Matteo has a sister called Sofia, but I don’t remember that?? and when I looked it up nothing comes up
is it just fandom wikis being wrong or did I miss smth??
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mimiiis · 1 year
El Sol (pt.3.2) (Namor x Latina!Reader)
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(photos are not mine)
Summary: Namor showed you his home, you give him a piece of your heart.
Warnings: !! Reader is heavily implied/mention to be mexican— Mexican Spanish was used!! Hunger/fatigue (?), some angst, mention of the blip, that’s abt it me thinks !!Not Proofread!!
Series. Prev. Next.
Word Count: 11.8k
A/n: Regular posting schedule??don't know her 🤗 ANYWAYS... hello... Not my best work but i kinda like it. I hope you all enjoy, after 2 months 😭🤲
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The Ocean. Big, blue, beautiful. The last time you saw it in daylight may have been over a month ago— under different circumstances too. The last you saw it, you were with friends. Smiling, having fun and planning on what to do for the night and coming days you were to be in Cancún. But now, you were walking to an unknown village, with unknown children in an unknown area.
No song. You still couldn’t believe it. Peace and quiet stayed in your mind. Your thoughts were yours, purely yours. Nothing loud and screaming, overtaking every nerve and inch of your body as you stared at the sea. Your skin, mind, and body were your own. Not belonging to the ocean and that unknown far off force. You felt whole. You can’t remember ever feeling like this.
But why was it suddenly quiet? Was it your location, the people you were with? Maybe you have been here before. The way the sun felt against your skin and how the sand dug into your thighs felt like a warm embrace you had long forgotten. Memories wanted to swarm and flood your brain but it had felt like something was holding them back, everything in the back of your mind. Blocked out by the hunger, thirst, and confusion you felt.
You really should be on guard, noting where and how far you were going but you kept drifting off. Staring at that open blue water. The light of the sun shining like crystal diamonds on its surface, luring you in closer and closer. Though you didn’t hear its song, the urge to get out of the heat made you wish for the cold relief of the water. With each step, you lean farther and farther to the left, closer to the water. You couldn’t help but try to see if it held the answers to your questions.
You weren’t sweating as harshly as before, only a few droplets formed on the edge of your brows as you walked. Sofia didn’t seem to mind or care, she never let go of your hand despite the sweat and humid feel of skin against skin.
It had almost been 10 minutes since you started walking, yet her smile didn’t fade. The bright red on her round cheeks didn’t cease as she kept looking back at you every few steps you took.
Her friends stayed a few feet behind. They hadn’t oppose her bringing you along and back to their home with them, but you could tell they did not like it, or for the very least very unsure. They stayed quiet, glaring and catching each movement and breath you took.
The two girls were older than their small friend. One taller and come into her features, a teen. Long golden wavy hair with deep brown eyes, almost black. Her gaze burned the brightest as she stared where your hands interlocked. The other was more anxious— scared— than intimidating. Shorter in height, small shoulder length curls hung from her head and wide hazel eyes looked back and forth between you and the friend she walked with.
You should be a responsible adult, ask them if this was alright, tell them what you really came here for. But the drag of your feet along the sand, heavier with each step and the shoes you wore, you didn’t seem to care anymore. Your thighs continued to rub against each other, the dull ache made worse with the sand that had gotten caught in between when you had fallen and sat in the sand.
You began to feel unsure of how much longer you could last standing or walking anymore. The heat, exhaustion, and hunger came at your body all at once and wrecked you as if you had been hit by a truck. You tried, you really did, to continue walking.
But you began to pray you were close to wherever this child was taking you, praying for the sight of someone or something that wasn’t neverending sand and water.
You were lost in your mind, eyes drooping lazily, blinking away the sweat that had slowly begun to build more and drop down onto your lashes, until the pulling of your arm became more intense.
Your hand was pulled forward, body jolting forward at the sudden and immense orce you could remember from before. Your eyes widened, looking down to the girl who held it, only to see her practically hauling you to that big bush of trees that had stayed in your line of vision for the last few minutes.
Only this time, the trees had an opening. And you finally noticed where she was pulling you.
Small colorful boats lined up against the tall green trees, tied against the trunks. They all pointed in one direction— towards the tables and chairs spread across the sand covered tall man made umbrellas,and tiny firepits scattered across the beach. Signs of life. Human life.
There was a man and a woman working at a small hut which looked to be a bar style restaurant, shouting at each other as music poured loudly through the small area you were in. They held colorful decorations in their hands, pink and green and blue party streamers. Fairy lights and small balloons were tied to the posts of the huts roof. Banners of white with colorful writing hung from the tin ceiling and confetti scattered along the table top of the large table in the middle of the area.The scent of food lingered in the air, filling your nostrils and lungs. You mouth water and you could practically taste what they were cooking.
“Don!” Sofia suddenly yells, pulling you harder and harder with each step. She lets go of one of your hands, waving her now free one in the air. The long fingers practically flew everywhere from how fast she waved her arm.
The man she called out for turned around from where he stood. The woman next to him turned her head as well.
Sun kissed and old wrinkled faces turn in your direction. At first, they lit up with joy. A soft type of kindness you yourself showed whenever you saw a family member. But those welcoming faces soon turned to muted ones of shock and fear as they took you in.
Nerves began to build up in your belly, the fear and worry you had previously been holding at bay taking over as the reality of a strange child finding you stranded and bringing you back to her home was not at all “normal”.
You bit your lip, your best attempt to hush yourself and try to ease out the anxiety and slowly build. You could feel it in your toes and fingertips, curling them with each step closer to those people the little girl seemed to know.
“¿Sabes dónde está mi abuela? ” Sofia asks them. So sweet, so innocent. Do you know where my grandma is?
The two adults stare at her. Their eyes moving back and forth between her, you, and each other. Their mouths opened slightly, creating an ‘O’ shape. The women's brows were almost raised up to her forehead, her face painted in shock and hesitation as she looked at the man on what to do. It seems he didn't know either, though his expression wasn’t painted on his face as clearly as hers. You could still see the shock in his deep set eyes, the way they widened only a bit, before he looked back at the woman and back to you.
A few beats passed, though they felt like an eternity, and he finally let out a deep sigh. A low whistle escaped his pursed lips, and he now pointed to the trees behind him.
“A la mejor está en su casa, pero no te lo juro.” He says. His voice was deep, dry and scratchy as if he needed a drink of water. It was tired as well, slurring slightly at each end of his words. Hopefully she’s in her house, but i don’t swear by it
You look towards where he points and there, standing in a small clearing between two tall palms, lay what you could tell to be a cement pathway. A way into the village. From here, you could see the distant brightly colored houses. You could have more children laughing, a mixed genre of music and more people shouting, blending together into one as the lapping of the waves filled the back of your mind.
“¡Gracias Beto!” Sofia yells. She looked back at you for a second, smiling even wider if now possible, before running ahead.
You looked at the man once, Beto, finally making eye contact. He looked you up and down, weary of who you were and what you are no doubt. But hunger struck once more, the growls and roars bursting through as you smiled slightly to him before following the little girl.
The change from sand to a sturdy dirt ground was greatly welcomed as you walked up to the small ledge that parted the two lands from separating.
But you couldn’t help but stare at your dirty and bruised legs before taking a few steps , wondering if you should actually go through with this plan. What’s stopping you from going back? Who’s to say Namor is coming for you? What if that voice and feeling were all in your head?
But hey, at least you’ve gotten this far.
The village was small, various cement houses of bright blues, yellows, and pinks spread out far but close enough to create a square. A small plaza of benches and a gazebo with papel picado hanging from lines lay in the center of it all. The streams connected go the edges of each house and all gather towards the center of that small golden building. It wasn’t grand, the small town could be considered dull with only what looks to be a corner store and a restaurant.
You saw children running through the streets, the clacking of sandals across the floor heard with the loud laughter of older kids and the crying of the younger ones filled your ears as you walked past them. Men and women sat in the middle of the plaza, laughing, gossiping, fighting, listening to music. People lingered on sidewalks, chatting and talking with others who poked their front halves outside their home windows.
The scent of food grew stronger, you could practically taste each ingredient and spice that had been added to that delicious smell. It smelled like birria. Rich and spicy, it reminded you of your mothers as you swallowed the building saliva in your mouth.
The sun didn’t seem as harsh anymore, the shade of the tall palm trees surrounding the village was welcomed greatly— along with the gentle breeze you felt with each house you passed, the fans from the inside being kind enough to expel some air outside as well. The harsh drag on your feet due to the sand wasn’t there anymore as you stepped on the rough concrete, though still a jagged and rocky— it was greatly welcomed.
As you looked around the small village, you began to feel as if you had been there before. The way the light hit the small golden needle at the top of the gazebo, you swore you had seen it before. Whether in dream or reality, it felt oddly familiar. Every step you took you couldn't help but glance at it— the feeling of being young and running through your family's rancho with your friends without a care in the world filled your heart.
Sofia continued to pull on your hand, yanking at it each time you slowed down to give your chafing thighs a break.
“Ya mero!” almost
You rolled your eyes and let out a sigh of relief, a smile rising from the corner of your cheeks. She talked to you as if you were family, reminding you of younger cousins and niece and nephews the way her tone changed when you did something she didn’t seem to like. Most children held back, she did not. You liked it, her boldness.
You soon came to a stop in front of a white house. Tall with a spanish tile rooftop, the curved brick complemented by rich dark brown window sills. Though the house was made of rough and hard cement, the wooden windows were slick and shiny, unlike the other houses where their wood was dull and dusty. Those you could get a splinter but here, the sanded round edges wouldn't allow that. You admired the fine craftsmanship of the house, noting that whoever owned this house cared for quality. What you could tell, every little plant and decoration this person had on the exterior was fine and crafted with precise work. Everything but a small wind chime of blue shells and crystals that hung outside the one window in front of the house— if caught your eye, and that familiar feeling inside of you grew.
“Queda te aquí, ahorita regreso.” Sofia says, but you don’t look away as she stepped inside that house. You could see the shiny porcelain floor reflecting light from the corner of your eyes, but the way the crystals and glass that hung outside shone more beautifully than anything.
Specks of light danced in circles with each other around its wooden surroundings. The window was wide enough you could see the layout of the room it lay outside of. The rich blue and white colors of the pillows and blankets inside neatly blended into the chimes light blues and greens. The shells that hung from the chime reminded you of ones you had once seen on the beach of your family's home. Ones you had picked up and carried in a small blue sand pail.
You remember that pail, why you got those shells and exactly why they stood out in your memory.
The memory of dragging your sister and brothers to the small walkway of the town, out onto the open sea just so they could help you gather sea shells and glass to create a piece of work for your aunt flooded your mind as you continued to stare at the small bundle of strings and beads. That piece of artwork was actually a wind chime you recalled. In fact, it looked exactly like the one you saw before you.
The realization only hit after you heard the clacking of sandals behind you. You swiftly glance in its direction, and are greeted by eyes that look like yours.
They were old in age, crows feet and wrinkles sagged around them but you could see and feel the life and fire that burned inside of them. They were your grandmothers— your mother once said to you she had only ever seen her, you, and her sister have eyes like that. That they were unforgettable, a thing that could always linger in the back of your mind even if you never saw them again.
And she was right. They were absolutely unforgettable.
The breath of your lungs escaped you slowly as you stared at your Tia, who was now holding the small hand of the little girl beside her, Sofia.
Now you finally realized she felt so familiar. Why she had said you looked like her grandma.
“Tia-�� You tried to begin, managed to take a breath of air. But she ran to you before you could even finish the word, shoving you into her arms.
Her hold was tight, strong hands burying themselves in your hair as she tightly held your head against hers. She breathed you in, nose tucked in between your curls and lips gently kissing your cheek before she finally managed to say your name. She said it so quietly. But even then, the feeling like you were home washed over you.
You hesitantly lifted your arms up, scared to embrace her back. Scared that if the second you were to touch her, she’d vanish the moment fingertips reached her back.
But she didn’t. She was real, the grasp and feel of her thin shirt between your fingers was real.
You closed your eyes, relishing in that feeling she brought to you. You close your eyes tightly, just enough to keep those small tears of relief from dripping down your cheeks.
(Spanish will be written in english from this point forward)
You practically swallowed the food in one bite, gulping down spoonful after spoonful. You barely chewed, like a feral animal who hadn’t eaten in weeks and was now presented before a feast, though it was hardly anything extravagant. The smell of birria from before had come from her house, the smell still making your mouth water even as you ate the meat in front of you.
You almost moaned at the taste. You had gotten sick of fish and fruit from the small cave. The sudden burst of flavor and different texture was greatly welcomed, you could hardly even believe it was happening. When you were told you could find food in the small village, you did not think it would be a family recipe- didn’t expect to taste a memory from your childhood. Didn’t think to end up in your favorite place in the world either.
You licked the remaining broth from your lips, wiping small red dots left on the corners of your lips away as you sighed in relief. You placed your hands on your stomach, now full and no longer aching. A smile formed on your lips, the sunlight that poured in from the open window warmed your cheeks as you felt your Tía’s food warm your stomach.
“Thank you, Tia.” You finally say, taking a swig of the water she gave you. It was sweet, made of piña and had chia seeds inside. The flavored lingers on your tongue as you chew the small remaining pulp from the fruit.
Your aunts eyes—your eyes— gazed at you with all the kindness in the world. Though you could see a small mask of disbelief covering them, you knew you would have to make up an excuse as to why exactly you were here sooner or later.
Your Tia Beatrice, whom everyone called Betty, was one of the nicest women you can ever recall meeting. She was your mothers older sister, but seemed more youthful than all of her siblings. Her hair was a dusty brown, similar to that of Sofia’s, and her skin was tan with sun kissed freckles scattering all across her arms and face. She wore it in a neat bun, hair swooped back as small brightly colored pins held it back into place. It had been a few years since you had seen her last, but that kind and fiery personality lingered in everything she did. Her skin had sagged a bit, her shoulders fallen inward, and her back wasn’t as straight as before, but the energy that she radiated would make you believe she had not aged at all.
Every movement and word she spoke, it reminded you of why you had always admired her.
“It’s not a problem mija.” She says sweetly, her voice smooth and tender- just how you remembered. It made chills run down your spine as she grabbed your hand and placed it into hers. Soft wrinkled hands wrapped around your dry and calloused ones. Her fingers were slim and long, though knobby and hugging her bones, they looked as if they had never worked a day of hardship. You knew otherwise though, for if you looked close enough, you could see tiny white scars lingering across her hands
They reminded you of Namors, you thought. Though his hands were larger than hers, much thicker, and skin tanner as well, his hands were full of those tiny white scars as well.
Strange- how a God and a woman from nowhere can share a small similarity. Both led two different lives, had two different reasons for the scars, different healing times but nevertheless— those scars meant they were real.
You stared at her hands as you thought about him. A slight surge of panic creeping up from the back of your mind as you finally remembered him. That he was here with you as well.
You lifted your head slightly, not too quickly as to not surprise your tia but still fast enough. Lush green plants surrounded the window, blocking a few corners of your view outside into the world.The village was by no means large, memories of being here as a child slowly rising now that you weren’t so famished and could think properly. Everyone knew each other here, every neighbor knew every child, adult, cat, or dog here. So if Namor were to suddenly arrive, you would no doubt be able to tell if he did.
But it looked the same, nothing changed from the scene you arrived to. Children played and ran along the middle of the plaza, adults strolled on by, and the sound of music hadn’t stopped. Everyone minded their own business, not a sign of something new and strange appearing.
You sigh, looking back to your tia with a shy smile before standing up and asking where the sink was to wash your plate. “I’ll show you.” She says, standing up and leading you through the beaded curtain next to the dining room and into the kitchen.
The kitchen was simple. You spot the white tiled walls with small blue accents everywhere, reminding you of mediterranean styled ones. More blue and yellow accents continued in the decorative plates and fruit, making the room blend into one.
You spot the sink and go up to it. Grabbing the damp and still soapy sponge, you turn on the water and begin. As you do so, Betty begins to speak as well.
“Mija, I have no problem with you being here- and you know this of course! But I just have to ask, why are you here?” The words stun you. Even though you knew she would eventually ask and you would have to make an excuse, the words still shocked you. “I know that your mother and I aren’t as close as we used to be, but I do think she would have called me. So you can understand why I’m so curious, yes?”
She stands behind the small bar styled counter next to you, leaning forwards and looking right at you. You don’t dare to look at her, fearing that she might see the hesitation in your eyes to answer such a simple question. Though I suppose to you, it was a hard one.
You gulp, feeling small drops of sweat fall onto your brow as you softly and slowly brush the sponge over your plate. The red specks of the remaining broth smudge across the white porcelain you held between your pointer and thumb. You held it tightly, whether for the slippery water or for a way to relieve the tension you wanted to place in your jaw, you could not tell.
“C’mon, think of something!” You tell yourself. “It isn’t even that hard.”
You rush throughout your mind, hoping to find some lame and vague excuse for the time being, something to build a lie upon, but you were cut off. The sound of a voice came from the door.
“Ama!” The voice yells, and you recognize it instantly. Your eyes shoot wide as you turn to face the beaded curtain as soon as she walks through it. Her eyes look to her mother first, seeing her bent over the countertop and facing something else, she turns them to you.
Those big hazel eyes from your childhood stare right back at you, the same that Sofia has. You had no idea why you didn’t make the connection earlier— if your eyes were unforgettable, then what were hers? Shock ran throughout your body strong enough that you let go of the bowl you held in your hands. It fell and softly clattered on the tin walls of the sink as a wide and stupid grin formed on your face.
She screams, running to you faster than you could even comprehend. She nearly sends you flying back, your soapy hands wrapping around her exposed back for leverage and sobs begin to leave her mouth.
The jolts and sounds of her cries shake you to your core, your own eyes tearing up as you bury your head in the spot where her shoulder and neck meet. Tears fall onto her skin, as you both begin to laugh— you and your cousin, Yessenia. Sofia’s mom.
“God! Just look at you!” She shouts, pulling back and holding you by the shoulders to get a good look. “I haven’t seen you in years, what happened?” She asks, the wide smile on her face not budging an inch.
“Well y'know, shit happens.” You laugh, raising your hands to meet her own shoulders, steadying yourself from the small shake she gave you. Your still wet and soapy fingers dig into her plush arms, but she doesn’t seem to care.
“I bet!” Yessenia laughs as well, patting your shoulders before suddenly remembering something.
“Oh, and speaking about shit happening,” She turns back to Betty, the smile on her lips fading for a moment, her tone going serious,she finishes, “There’s a man at the door.”
You knew exactly who it was the moment the word man left her lips.
It hadn’t even been an hour, maybe half since you had been apart, but you had almost forgotten how beautiful he was. And in the sun? You swore you could stare at him like that for a lifetime.
You lingered in the small doorway that seperated the entrance of the house and the dining room, peering your head slightly around the small bend as Yessenia held your arm as if to hold you back.
“I saw him walking on my way back here from the main road. Said he was looking for someone here but I’ve never seen him before.” Your cousin begins to explain, her own head peeking out to see him as well. “Since you’re the newest thing here, I assume that's you prima. Was bringing him to my mom so she could point him in the right direction but it seems as if I ended up doing that myself, yeah?” She nudges your shoulder as she watches you look at him.
There’s no doubt she could see something in your eyes as you continued to study that faint but radiant glow that radiated off his skin. The thin layer of sweat that had built on his skin made him look fresh and dewey— and with the top of his shirt slightly unbuttoned? You could’ve fallen to your knees.
“Yeah, I know him.” You said quietly, half afraid those pointed ears might have some kind of super hearing and would pick up on how breathlessly you said the words. With all his other abilities, you wouldn’t be surprised if he did.
“So? Cmon introduce us.” Your cousin teases, pulling at the arm she held. You hiss, furrowing your brows at the slight pain the tugging caused.
“Aye!” You groan, turning to her and lightly punching her own back. She lets out a whine in response. Turning to Betty like a child, she asks her mother for help. Your tia rolls her eyes, chuckling and shaking her head at the two of you.
“She’s right though, are you going to introduce us?” Betty asks, a sly grin making its way onto her lips.
“You too?” You sigh, shaking your head and fighting the smile that wants from your lips as you turn your head back to the door.
In the few moments that you had your head turned, you had obviously expected nothing to change. You expected to turn around and see Namor standing there, doing nothing and talking to no one as the sun continued to shine on his skin, but you were wrong. Sofia now stood in front of him, having come from nowhere.
She stared at him with wide eyes, now full of wonder, sparkling with the rays of the sun as she stared and studied at every dent and wrinkle in his skin. They wandered from the tip of his nose to the ends of his pointed ears. Namor only stared back, his face disinterested and calm as he looked down at the small child.
Terrifying is what he would be called by many other children. The big, strong, and scary man that girls and boys would see from 10 feet away and scattered away at the intimidating aura around him. But not to her, no. You had no idea where she had come from, the last time you saw her being when she led you to your tia. Even if you had just met her today, you could already understand his child has a way of doing the unexpected. Much like her mother, there was a wide and curious smile on her lips as Sofia asked him for his name.
Your eyes widened and you found yourself walking towards the two the second you saw her mouth open to speak.
“Hey!” You shout, practically racing out the door the last few steps.
Sofia nervously backs away, doing the opposite of the man in front you who takes a small step closer.
Namors eyes widen, softening for a mere second as you come to a stop in front of the two. You smile at him, nodding your head in a small greeting, and a bit inside of your belly builds with nerves. The reality that you would have to introduce him soon hitting you like a truck. Your palms slightly begin to sweat, you tap your foot softly against the dirt of the floor, blinking fastly as you try to stutter out some words to say, wanting to rid of the silence you had just caused.
But the anxiety stops when he calls your name. Like a cool bucket of water has been dumped on you, every restless inch of you calmed down.
“I have been looking for you.” He tells you, the words smooth and softly hitting your ears.Your heart flutters at the sound.
“I’ve been waiting.” You respond, a shy smile creeping up on your lips.
You've seen him smile brighter than how he is right now, but it was something in his eyes that made the ones from before completely dull to how he did in that moment. Only the very corners of his lips lifted, not fully reaching his eyes which showed his true emotions. They were inexplicable, but you— you understood them. That tug in your soul you felt from before soothing your heart strings. You smiled back.
But your calm heart soon went haywire, stunning and shocking you as you felt Yessenia brush past you without warning.
“Sofia!” She shouts, reaching down for her daughter. The girl, who had been focused on you and Namor, turned to her mother. Sofias face lit up immediately, her chubby cheeks glowing red and arms widening as she ran to her mother.
They embrace each other, big arms wrapping around a small body as smaller arms wrap around a much larger one. She buries her face in her daughters neck, stuffing her nose in her daughters neck. As if it had been a while since they last saw each other.
You step aside, moving closer to Namor. You instinctively reach for his hand, and he grabs it. He gives you a small squeeze, and you do it in return.
You smile, heart warming as you watch your cousin and her daughter talk—about how their day went, what they saw, who they met. Sofias head tilted back towards you when that was asked, her bright eyes landing on your face and taking you in. You’re not sure if your Tia had told her what you were to her, but you had a feeling she knew. Though her eye didn’t stay on you for long, for they quickly moved to Namor. The grin on her face carving itself into more of an ‘O’ as curiosity began to make its way back into her face.
Yessenia noticed, immediately turning her own brightly hazel eyes to him. They studied his face for a few beats before wandering down. To where both your hands met. They widened, her own face mimicking that of the child still in her arms
You stiffened, shoulders squaring as your cousin lifted herself from the floor.
She and Sofia almost looked identical like this. The way the curves of their cheeks lifted, the wrinkles caused from the slight grin in their lips, hair a puffy mess due to the heat. Mother and daughter.
“So uh,” Your cousin begins, “Would you like to come in?”
You sat at the edge of the table, an orange in your hands as you peeled the sticky and bitter peel off. Its leftovers curl into one large peel of its own, falling over your hands and onto the table.
Namor sat next to you, a spoon in his hand as he slowly and deftly ate a bowl of birria your aunt served him. The red broth spilling and staining the corners of his lips as it did to you. You had eaten with urgency unlike him. So calm, so out of place he was.
His hardened and intense features against a light and calm background, like a bull in a china shop. Though he was elegant in every move he made, almost diplomatic and composed, you had somehow forgotten he was a king. You wondered if they did things differently in Talokan, but you didn’t have time to think of that right now.
Your aunt stared daggers into him. She sat across from him, arms crossed and lips tight as she studied every spoonful and breath. Every twitch, every movement of his fingers, she knew and wrote down in her mind.
Your cousin sat next to her, her body the opposite of her mothers. Whereas Betty's posture was firm, back straight and head tall— Yessenia’s shoulders caved in, her hands in between her knees, and her brows raised high as she continuously glanced between them like a scared child, no doubt anxious of what her mother might say
Sofia sat next to you, her long legs having fallen into your lap as she lay her head on the table, observing the adults around her
Everyone sat in an uncomfortable silence, the only sound being the soft tearing of the orange from its skin and the occasional clunking of spoon against porcelain.
You teeth clenched, jaw tight as you tried to focus on the fruit you were peeling— trying to stop your hands from trembling.
You couldn’t explain why you would begin to tremble if you did, you just knew you would.
You believed it was for the questions your Tia may ask, about who Namor was, and how she would ask why you were here again. But you had done nothing wrong, right? You know your mother and aunt aren’t as close to each other as they were when you were growing up, but even then. Family would tell family when one went missing right?
Your stomach churned, thinking about how maybe your mother had called them. Maybe she has told them you disappeared, that you may have been kidnapped. Maybe they thought he had stolen you. (though he technically did-)
Your breath hitched, chest caving as the idea of all those possibilities came rushing in. You almost banged your hands on the table when your Tia suddenly moved, placing her hands on the table and leaning forward, only by an inch. But enough that you could tell she was trying to intimidate the man next to you.
She never backed down from a fight, you knew that. Your mother would tell you stories of how many fights her older sister had gotten into when they were younger. How Betty always came home with cuts and bruises, a bandage on her face every week from a new fight. And she fought for a reason, she liked to look out for those she cared for. Many picked on your mother growing up, their younger brother, and Betty’s friends. She didn’t hesitate to throw a punch.
But as she grew older her short temper faded, but that didn’t mean she had left fighting behind. She was passionate, a fire always burned in those eyes of hers— those eyes that belonged to you as well.
Even in her age, you knew she would fight Namor if he had done something truly terrible. Whereas many women fought with words, Betty liked to use both. And even if she knew he was a King— the serpent god K’uk’ulkan— she would still fight him.
She placed her hands on the table, fingers playing with the small table mat they had landed on. She stared right at him, eyes like a calm ocean that could explode into a sea of chaos if ticked off.
“So,” She suddenly spoke, her voice loud as it broke through the silence, “Why are you two here?”
The same question from before.
You looked at Namor, eyeing from the side and nudging his foot.
‘What do I say?’ You wanted to ask him. You tried to shout down that invisible string, your heart and soul crying out towards him as your hands squeezed the orange you held. Juices began to spurt, as you waited for an answer.
‘Whatever feels right’ The words came quickly, like a caress to your bones as they arrived.
You turned your head to find him look at you, eyes soft. That was enough to give you the courage to finally speak.
“My friends and I came to México for a trip, but I ended up running into him.” You began, nodding your head towards Namor as you said the last word. “He’s a friend of a friend, told me he was heading over here and I told him I had family in these parts. He offered to bring me to you all but that it might take a while to get here because he had other stops, I told him that was okay.”
You stopped for a beat, trying to study your aunt and cousin's face as the words left your mouth. Yessenia looked convinced, though still wary of her mother’s reaction. Betty did nothing but listen, lips still firm but less tight than to how they were. A sign she might be believing you.
“When we got here, the car broke down. Just a few ways down the main road, we missed our stop, so we got off. We waited for some cars to pass but saw none, I started to get hungry so we trekked off into the woods, trying to look for a path here. We ended up getting lost, I fell down a hill and that was when Sofia found me.” You finished, voice going soft as you said the last few words, looking at the girl next to you. She smiled, but her eyelids were heavy— sleepy from the activities of today no doubt.
The two women in front of you said nothing. Blinking as they looked at each other, and then back at you two.
Namor had finished eating, hands in his lap. He stayed quiet, calm and steady as he had been before. You wondered how he felt about all this, you almost wanted to ask how he would feel if it was him in your situation.
“Ah.” Your Tia simply said, nodding her head.
You turn back to her.
She believed that?
“You both are welcome to stay for as long as you would like,” She continues, “It’s one of our friends birthdays today, so tonight we will be having a feast, you are not obligated to come but it would be greatly appreciated.” Her eyes shift from Namor to you, gaze softening and the fire in her eyes almost vanishing instantly. She says your name, tender and sweet compared to how it was mere seconds ago, edge and intimidation still lingering in the whispering rasps. “I know there are a few people that will be happy to see you back, mija. You may not remember them but they surely remember you.” A smile appears— it seems as if she’s done with your companion.
Yessenia calms herself as well, stiff muscles going soft at the sight of her mother at ease once more. She turns to you as well, hands shooting across the table to grab your own sticky ones.
“Ouu, you’re going to love everyone! You might remember the kids we would play with all the time but everyone else is practically the same- oh my god you need something to wear!” She rambles, the words spilling from her mouth seconds before she could even finish her first thought.
She stands, coming around the table and practically hauling you off of your chair. Your knees buckle, almost falling as she pulls you to her.
You yelp, reaching towards the table, towards anything for stability, and you feel a hand on your back.
Namor holds you up, hands enveloped around your hips and sides to keep you from falling. You look back to see him standing, face firm and concerned for you.
Your face heats, your heart practically begins to pound out of your chest. You stare into his eyes, so intense and ready to protect. Because that's what he said he’d do, protect you.
“Are you alright?” He finally speaks. After minutes of silence, his words are meant for you and only you. As they were when you spoke at the door.
You smile, cheeks rising at the question. “I’m alright.”
His hands loosen from your body at the words. He nods, not doubting your response before backing away gently.
Your cousin only stares and watches the interaction. Take a note of it. Mischief swirls in the depths of her eyes, only for a second, before apologizing and beginning to speaking again.
“C’mon Prima, we’ve got lots of catching up to do.” She lets go of your hands, patting your shoulder and finally setting off to go deeper into the house.
You watch her go, giggling at the carefree woman. If you had not known about Sofia, you wouldn’t have ever guessed that she was a mother.
But before you leave, to turn back to Namor, “Will you be fine on your own?” You ask, not knowing how he might act or feel in an unfamiliar environment.
“I’ll be alright. There are some things I need to do, but I will be back later. I won't leave you. Will not.” He tells you, voice firm and sincere.
“Okay.” You respond, voice soft and barely a whisper as you nod, a shy smile on your lips.
You try to leave, but your feet won't budge. You keep standing in front of him, as if you were unconvinced with his words, almost afraid to go. A gut feeling like if you do, you might not see him again. Your heart cries out again as it did before on that beach. But an answer comes once more.
I’ll be right here.
The words cause a shiver to run down your spine. But you knew it to be true, felt it.
You nod your head, finally turning to follow your cousin.
The sunset colored the rooms white walls in orange and peach colors.
Your damp hair fanned out onto the sheets as small wet strands continued to cling onto your neck while your cousin brushed her hair from its tangles on a chair near her dresser. The scent of sea salt and citrus blew in from the window as the sounds of distant and muffled music played. You shut your eyes, trying to take your mind off the somewhat itchy fabric of the dress your cousin had lent you.
Most of the afternoon was spent with you and your cousin catching up, chatting and laughing about old and new memories before getting ready for the party you were invited to.
You had spoken about your friends, how your mother and siblings were doing. How you still loved the ocean and swimming. She spoke of her life in return, about those years you missed and what she and her mother did for a living.
You both reminisced on the times of when you were children. Being in her room brought up memories of your old sleepovers, how you would paint each other's nails and braid each other's messy hair. The way you would throw sand at each other and wrestle in the water, always sharing raspados on especially hot days and couldn’t find enough money to buy one for each of you. Though Yessenia had grown, changed her bright pink walls and girly bed sheets, you still noted the small painting you had made together hung up on her mirror.
In fact, when she spoke about Sofia and how she changed her life, she told you that the girl kept her young. That she let the small unhealed part of her childhood free to roam, that it made both her daughter and herself happy. She said she couldn’t be more grateful for that little girl.
The sun continues setting ever so slowly. A glare of light suddenly flashes in your eyes. You groan, throwing your hands in your face and lifting yourself up slowly to get away from the ray of light’s new home.
You sigh, shaking your head as you try to wake your mind from the small nap you tried to take. You stand, arms reaching to the ceiling as you stretch and the door to the room opens.
Sofia runs in, her hair wet and with a new outfit on, Betty following close behind.
You smile, sitting yourself back down on the edge of the bed, Sofia grabbing her mothers brush from her hands before asking you to do her hair.
“You know I used to fo your moms hair when we were little, she could never get the braids right. They always came out lumpy or crooked.” You told the girl who had sat inbetween your legs, parting her hair into three separate strands, brushing out small knots as you did.
“No, you just have a weird head shape.” Your cousin replies, turning her head to you from her seat.
You roll your eyes, snickering before going back to the task at hand. As you did, you felt the side of the bed sag a bit. Your tia had sat down near you, watching and peering over your shoulder as you combed your fingers between her granddaughter's golden locks.
“I could never do hair either- it was your mother who taught me you know.” Her voice was calm, soothing and soft compared to how it was earlier.
You smile, “Do you think it’s too late to teach your daughter?”
You both snicker, cheeks rising and teeth showing from the small comment.
“Ugh, whatever!” Yessenia rolls her eyes, turning back to her mirror, flipping her hair dramatically as she does. Her jewelry jingled with each wave of her hand, clinking softly as she swiped a faint color of lipstick on her lips.
“Actually, I have a question,” She continues talking, calling your name at the end.
“Yees?” You hum, not too worried about what she was to ask as you focused on carefully parting Sophia's hair into brains. But a light churning in the back of your mind caused the tiniest whirls of anxiety to stir.
“What’s up with him?”
“Huh?” Your head immediately jolts up at the words, peeling your eyes at her. You had known they would have questions about him (i mean who wouldn’t), and you had tried to mentally prepare yourself for them but as before, it was still a shock when it finally happened. Anxiety coursed through your veins and you felt the inner workings of your stomach fully stir.
Your fingers tighten on the strands of hair you held, trying to ground yourself in front of your family without making it obvious. But the child before you grunting in pain, truly bringing you back. You quickly apologize, going back to the task at hand to try to calm yourself before asking what she meant.
“I mean he was just so.. intimidating. The way he looked at my mom and I as if we were some kind of threat sorta threw me off , yknow? Oh- and the ears, the piercings too. I know we don’t go into the cities often but those threw me a bit more off.” She explains. Coming to sit down next to you, grabbing her sandals and bending over to put them on.
“Ah.” You simply say, biting your lip nervously.
“She’s right. I did not want to say anything but it bothered me quite as well.” You Tia agrees, her gaze shifting from your fingers to your face.
Worry crawls up your skin and bones as you try to ignore and push back the pressure suddenly placed on you. All the secrets and things you have seen, never to be spoken.
Namor trusted you. Had shown you Talokan. Had brought you back to your family.
You had not known how long you were in your own mind, but by the time you had blinked the ends of Sofias braids were being tied into small rubber bands.
And the pressure and tension still lingered in the air as the eyes of your cousin and aunt did not leave your face.
You gulped. The least you could do was keep a secret.
The humid air caused a thin and sticky layer of sweat to build onto your skin, but the soft and salty breeze of the ocean helped calm your burning skin. The smell of sweet agua fresca and rich food filled your nose as you finally sat down on the large rectangular table.The ache of your feet lingered from earlier before as you scooted yourself back in.
The walk to the “party” was short, taking place on the beach in front of the small restaurant style bar you had seen that man and woman decorating earlier as Sofia guided you to your aunt. They were introduced to you as Maria and Hilberto (though everyone called him Beto) , and had apparently recognized you from before but were unsure if you were real. You smiled as they spoke to you of how they remembered you as a child, gap toothed and pig tails always full of sand.
They helped introduce you to everyone else in attendance as well. You formally met Sofia’s two friends from before, Lucia, known as Luz, and Clara. Luz was Maria and Beto’s granddaughter, the same pair of black eyes from the girl her grandmother both looked at you. Ones with delight and nostalgia, the other with uncertainty and anxiousness.
Clara was the niece of Yessenia’s friend. She seemed more worried and confused than anything, her brows arched upwards as her plush fingers gripped yours in a handshake.The shy girl clung to Luz— whose birthday was being celebrated. The two seemed close, linking their arms together and sitting at the farthest away from everyone, whispering things to each other as Sofia , who had wandered off to them, listened closely
It had taken almost 15 minutes to formally greet everyone, each person stopping to hold your hand and tell you how much of a free spirit you were as a child, how much Sofia reminded them of you. You can’t recall ever visiting your Tia’s home so often as a child but, you surely must have made an impression. Kind faces asked about your sisters and mother, how your grandmother was, and if you still loved the ocean. You answered accordingly to the first two questions, changing a few details and adding more to keep the conversations fresh. But the last, you simply smiled and nodded your head.
You let out a sigh of relief as the sounds of people talking and laughing surrounded you, finally not at you anymore. The sounds drowned out around you as you turned your head to the dark ocean to your left. Its waves a loud crashing and the only color from its foam lapping against the dimly lit sand.
You breathe in deeply, an attempt to soothe yourself and the tiny nerves from your fingertips slowly riding and building with anxiety at the fact there was still no song. It was so strange, too strange. The scenery felt so familiar too, your heart aching and almost crying out. You wanted to know why. Why now?
“I remember you.” A voice suddenly says. The words scare you. You jump slightly before you turn your head. Dark eyes and light stare at you, a familiar pair next to you. Sofia, Luz, and Clara.
Your cousin’s daughter sat next to you, her arms splayed on the table as she smiled and looked back and forth between you and her friends. The two older girls sat across from you— Luz directly in front and Clara to her side.
You stare for a moment, surprised at the fact she was talking to you. Her previous looks towards you were so.. condescending (probably not the right word)? You hadn’t gotten close enough to her to truly feel how she felt towards you, but her looks of suspicion were enough to make you stay away so as not to bother her. You were a visitor in her home, or at least that’s what you told yourself.
“Do you?” You curiously ask, turning your body to face her.
The stern look on her face falters at your words. Surprise flashed in her wide eyes, her guard let down. Something about her and her friend throwing a small side glance at each other said “She’s talking to me.” A hint of red on her cheeks as she continues to speak.
“I doubt you remember us though.We hardly ever spoke to each other, my mother never allowed me to be near the older kids- but you always seemed so fun. So genuine. But I remember you. I remember at the campfires all the kids would follow you and hear your stories.” She stutters over some words, her speaking hardly put together as well as her tough facade which was now gone.
She says the next words so softly. “Though we never spoke, they’re some of my favorite memories.
You don’t say anything in response as you look at you. The innocence of childhood twinkled in her eyes as she recalled the memories she spoke of, her face now seemed less sharp. Her almond eyes were less sharp, the dark of them seemed to have brightened.
You smiled at it.
“So, how old are you? You seem pretty young, I can't seem to remember seeing you the last time I was here.” You ask, leaning into the table to hear her response. The loud chatter of the adults filled your eyes, the heavy bass of the speakers near you strong enough that you could feel it in your teeth.
“I’m actually supposed to be as old as you.” She says. The words shock you, eyes widening in the few seconds it took to realize what she meant.
“Oh.” You say. “You as well?”
“Almost all of the children in the village actually. Clara and I were the oldest, everyone else was only under 10 years old. It went quiet that day, I was gone and back in less than a second.” Luz explains, her gaze intense as she spoke. But her eyes soon drifted to Sofia a few seconds after speaking.
“All but Sofia. She was the only small child left, having to grow up on her own. It surprised me today when we found you today. I can’t recall her ever meeting you, you were gone and so were we. But the way she simply just walked up to you as if she’s known you her whole life, it really… “ She struggled to finish the sentence, biting her lip as she looked down at the small plate of food in front of her. Her hands scratched as the flimsy and thin table cover, the plastic ripping beneath her fingertips.
“Hey,” you whisper, reaching your hand towards hers, gently pressing down on it in an attempt to stop her anxious fidgeting. “It’s okay. I understand.” You reply. And you did. The second you saw Sofia it was like something inside of your soul knew she was family, knew she would bring you somewhere safe. Even in a haze of hunger and dehydration, that air and familiarity of everything made you feel safe. It was only when you ate and spent the afternoon with your cousin that the memories began to flood back into your mind.
Clara had been quiet the entire conversation, her round face painted with interest but her lips almost trembling as she looked like she wanted to say something. Her leg bounced up and down, her eyes shifted to the small crowd of people dancing in a circle only a few feet away from the tables. She bit her lips as if in anticipation. Luz looked at her. Then at you.
You shrugged your shoulders, your hand leaving hers and going back onto your lap. You opened your mouth to ask the girl what was wrong, but the words seemed to bust through her lips as you did.
“Do you like to dance?” She asks suddenly, eyes going wide and a smile appearing on her lips.
“What?” That was definitely not what you thought she would ask.
“Oh, I’m sorry! It's just the song playing is my favorite, but do you?” Her voice was soft, but loud. Energy and light poured through her as she finally let go. Her hair swayed in the gentle sea breeze to the beat of the song, bounced up and down as she rocked her body lightly to the beat of the song.
It had no doubt taken you by surprise, but that’s what the three girls around you seemed to be special at. Surprising you.
Three girls. one who had never met you, two you can’t recall meeting- all a mirror of
“I do!” You smile, giggling as Luz nugged her friend in the side. Her face painted wigh a look that resd ‘Dont be rude!’
“Would you like to?” She asks after rolling her eyes as the girl beside her, extending her hand for you go take. Her plush hands were chipped, callosues and dry spots around the edges. Her nails short but with a thin coat of polish on top. Her makeup wasn’t the neatest, specs of mascara littered the apples of her cheeks but her eyes burned with a fire grander than you’ve seen before. Like a beast in a cage, waiting to be freed.
You look at Sofia, her eyes sparkling too as she practically jumped in joy to the beat of the song currently playing. That was enough of an answer.
The water was almost freezing as it lapped against your burning skin, you almost swore steam was rising off of you. A thin layer of sweat covered your body, now being chilled and dried by the wind that blew through the trees. Hair stuck to your forehead and cheeks as your chest continued to heave from your previous activities.
You remember flying everywhere as the thumping of music rang in your ears. People jumped and sang loudly around you as you did with them as well. You had held the hands of the girls from before, the four of you spinning in circles and holding each other close and laughing loudly as your hips swayed to the song. Clara danced the most, not stopping even after the rest of you broke away from the crowd for a break. Her short hair bobbed up and down as she danced without a care in the world, moving from person to person as her spirit gave the party life.
You smiled, giggling to yourself as you cupped the water from the rushing waves into your hands to clean the sand that had stuck to your skin.
It had been so long since you last danced, truly danced.
You had left the crowd a few minutes ago, having worked up a sweat and burning lungs. Aching knees accompanied you on your silent walk to the shore.
You sighed, letting yourself truly breathe for the first time today. The day you have spent with your family was one you could only have dreamt of, and thinking about it actually made you realize that this was time you had been alone since the morning. You could hardly believe that just a few hours ago, you were still inside that cave. That the sun still had yet to touch you, that you had yet seen another human without that blue skin.
You plop down onto the sand, huffing and catching yourself with your hands as you cross your legs.
The crunching of sand is heard next to you, and instinctively, you look back to where it came from. Your heart almost sank in your chest as you stared at the dark and tall figure beside you. It almost began to beat out of your chest, rising and thumping in your ears. But that figure only sat down besides you, and it stopped.
Your breath finally catches again, and you roll your eyes at him.
“What?” He asks, taking note of your huff. You shake your head and look away from him, scooching your knees closer to your chest and grasping the shawl you wore tight.
“I can’t believe you.” You try to say seriously, giggles escaping between syllables.
“What?” He pleads, voice becoming more concerned. He leans in closer to you, tilting his head and furrowing his brows.
You continue to laugh. “What!” He keeps insisting.
“Did you know?” You finally manage to ask.You had looked back at him, a stupid smile on your face.
Namor looks shocked, but soon enough, a smile of his own appears. A real smile. It was soft, the corners of hips lips rising, cheeks lifting just enough to reach the bottom of his eyes.
“Know what?” He asks, shoulders nudging yours as he scooches in closer to you.
“That I had family here. I feel like you must have.” You reply, doing your best attempt to stare him down. “You creepy, crazy stalker.” You joke.
His eyes widen, jaw going slack, before howling in laughter and throwing his head back. You explode in giggles as well. The sound of the music, waves crashing, the rustling of the trees, and your laughter; it all felt so familiar. Like you’ve been here with him before. Like home.
When it finally died down, you both fell into a comfortable quiet. The cold of the air sends shivers down your spine, your hands going cold and hard as you tried to wrap your fingers in the thick shawl you wore. It didn’t work as well as you wanted, but Namors body heat certainly helped.
He hummed a tune you couldn’t quite place as you listened to the far off music still blaring on the speaker. It felt peaceful. The waves weren’t crashing and fighting each other for dominance as they did the night you left. The moon was out, no clouds hiding it from the endless sea below it. Something about the calm made you feel vulnerable. Like you wanted to tell the man sitting beside you every trouble you've ever faced.
You tilted your head to him, shifting your gaze from where the moonlight met the water and to him.
The profile you had grown to love in the time you had known him was there to greet you. And your heart went soft.
“You know, when I first got here, I didn’t even know where I was.” You suddenly began to tell him, the words escaping you before you could even process them.
“Oh?” Namor hums in response. What do you mean?
“When I fell, I didn’t know who that girl was. What beach I was on. I only knew that it felt like I’ve been there-here! before. And then I saw my tia, I ate her food. And everything came rushing back to me.” You explain, your cheek squished against the knee closest to your chest.
“Do you remember how I said there was always this.. song in my head when I was near the ocean?”
He nods, face stern and serious.
“Well, I always thought it was always there. On a constant loop like a broken record. But… being here made me remember it stopped once. It was a long time ago, the last time I had been here in fact. Which is…,”You sigh, thinking about the past time before resuming, “I had been walking along the shore at night, trying to resist that call from jumping into the water and trying to calm myself and sense— my own body that had been betraying me— until it went quiet. It was so sudden that I didn’t even realize until a few minutes after.
“I remember feeling such relief— such joy at the silence and peace. I couldn’t believe it was happening. I ran to my mother immediately, and cried in her arms as I repeatedly said ‘it's gone! it’s gone!’.” Your eyes began to burn, the corners blurring as you continued, “ She held me until I slept. But only when I woke up did it come back— there’s nothing I can say to describe my disappointment and sadness when it came back.”
You pause, catching your breath and composing yourself. Your voice did not waver, you spoke clearly, but the sudden weight that had lifted from your chest shook you to your core. You can’t remember the last time you told someone that, and at the same beach and ocean you stood before when it happened. Your fingertips buzzed and skin covered itself with chills as it remembered that past sadness and the sudden feeling of vulnerability.
“There’s something about this beach, about this sea in front of me, that makes it stop. And i would give anything to find what it is.”
Namor stays quiet, his eyes gone dark and serious. pain flashed behind those eyes of his as his jaw went tight at your words. you sniffled, turning your head back to the sea before you.
Silence built around you. It surrounded the place in which you sat, the cloudy feeling almost letting you sink into your thoughts if it were not for the warmth of his skin against yours. Shoulder to shoulder he finally speaks.
“And the song? How long has it been there?” His voice was gruff, as if clogged and pained. Almost like that lump that clogged your throat before crying had taken hold of him.
“Since I can remember actually, but it's been quite ever since I met you. When I saw Talokan, I heard it. But it was different then. It didn't call for me, didn’t beg for me to go find it and make me want to rip my skin off of my bones. But instead it welcomed me almost. It sang brighter, more beautifully. Those strings in my mind that played on land were coarse and rough, but beneath the water and in that blue light it was smooth and enchanting. I don’t think anything can compare. If that is what was waiting for me, I would always go back.” You tell him. Your voice is light and friendly, but you were the most serious you have been since you met him.
Namor only looked at you. Eyes misty and full of some kind of pain you knew you could not describe. A pain and longing you could only feel and know to be older than time itself. That tug inside your heart and soul told you he knew, that he wanted to say but couldn’t. That he could explain everything but can’t. There’s a key to his heart, the one he wants to expose and let you hold so badly but cannot. Not until he’s ready.
You see it. The way his lips twitched into a small smile as the pain that flashed in his dark eyes got pushed back into those depths it rose from.
Namor was not one for words. Or at least not with you.
You’ve seen him talk with ease and a confidence that you knew suited the title of Serpent God. His booming voice was loud and strong as he spoke to the women who took care of you in that cave. He was always so serious and stern when you saw him work, words flowed quickly and smoothly from his lips without missing a beat . But when it came to you, his words seemed to fail. As if everything in his mind went blank at the sight of you and the only way to express understanding was touch.
Touch. His favorite thing.
His large hand reaches towards you. Fingers combing through yours as they stilled from their curling action. His calloused hand held yours in a firm grip and held on tightly. You let it happen.
His touch, his body, his air, and mere presence warmed your once shivering body underneath that cold moonlight. The expanse of the endless sea before your eyes didn’t seem so big anymore, at least not with him there with you.
The beating of the waves and the music your family played only got louder— a familiar tune reaching your ears and you almost jumped.
You turned your head to the distant light of people still dancing.
“What’s wrong?” Namor asks, a bit stunned at your sudden movement.
“I love this song.” You simply respond, a smile on your face as you look back to him.
“Do you?”
You hum a quick yes.
“Tell me, what is it about?” He requests, voice so gentle and quiet, you wouldn't have been able to hear if his lips were not so close to yours.
You gulp, staring into his eyes.
You've probably stared into the eyes of thousands of people, but with him— it made you realize how truly intimate it is.
“It’s uh- about a man. He hears a woman's voice on the radio one night and falls in love with her. And he spends every day looking for her, clicking through every station every day in hopes to hear her voice at least once more. He’s desperate , says he looks to the sky and stars for her. Sleepless. Desvelado.” You tell him.
“Like you and the song from the sea. Only you’re searching for the end.”
His reply shocks you. But there’s a faint knowing twinkle in his eye. That look from before.
“I think I may have found it.”
You both smile one last time. Your head leans into his shoulder— his own falling atop yours soon enough— as you fall back into a comfortable quiet. Your arm hugging his as the warmth of his body seeps into yours.
You dreamt about him that night. Recalling how your hearts burned brighter than the moonlight, brighter than the sun.
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Taglist: @cypherpt5fttaehyung @euphrosyn3 @mariaxxxxx @papsboo @omgsuperstarg @deliciousfestsalad @spacenerdpascal @lilchickensworld @ethereal-athalia @anolddayslover @nyksgoddesofnight @emililanaroj @lumenseal @starwars-edits @matcha-bird @sirenascales @strwzz @redmadsstuff @p1nkch3rries @duckwithsunglasses @queenofangrymoths @leoniexdxd @blushsage @im-sorey @damnzelsoul @lilikan @reneki @zeeader @lysssaaas-world @pinkpantheris @slutforcoffein @venus-the-sad @hypnobeautyinillustration @lizzystardust @littlecrisisworld @xxmilli @strangerdangerwrites
(Names in white/black did not appear when tagging- please tell me if i got your user wrong— sometimes the profiles are hidden and i can't tag you properly) ask if you want to taken off or added !
Thank you for reading <\3!! Comments and reblogs are v much appreciated! If you have any insights please leave them kindly!!
A/n: this chapter was kinda mostly reader and her family and the end was kinda ass but yah 😭 cannot say when the next chapter will be at ALL but i do think it will take long due to me making them 7k+ words. I want to finish my series of course but also do not want to rush and lose hope and motivation for it that is why I am taking my time. I thank all those who understand my slow but sure process , I thank you all for waiting and I really do hope you enjoyed :) 🩷🩵
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00katrinka00 · 1 year
Landcaster Legacy Gen 7 Update #27
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Dear Diary, First date with Janie went well, but her mother is making her live with her dad in Mt. Komorebi over break, it feels like Gianna all over again. Also, Lacy's been in the bathroom for who knows how long, and I have no idea why. Maybe she fell in, I should check -Violet
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"What's going on in there, Lacy" Violet called into their shared bathroom "Nothing," Lacy yelled back as she hesitantly studied herself in the mirror "I have to get ready for school as well" "C'mon, just do it" Lacy muttered to herself. "You can dye it back once the show is over"
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It didn't take long for Lacy to dye her hair. She didn't know how to feel, pink hair just about defined her. She'd had pink hair for a long as she could remember, but opening night was in a few days, and she could live without pink hair for a week.
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"Come on Lacy!" Violet called again. "You're going to make both of us late for school." Lacy was silent on the other side of the wall. "LACY!" "We have dress rehearsal today," Lacy finally said. "What does that have to do with hogging the bathroom?" "Want to see my costume?"
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"Yes!" exclaimed Violet. "Yes, yes, yes!" "You switched up real fast," Lacy smirked to herself in the mirror after changing into her Luna outfit.
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"Ta-da!" Lacy posed outside their bathroom door. "Oh, my watcher!" exclaimed Violet. "You look amazing, so good. Oh, I can't wait to see the play on Friday." "I can't wait to perform in front of an audience again," Lacy admitted. "Wait, what happened to your pink hair?"
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"Well," Lacy started to explain before getting cut off by Violet. "Could the watcher not have looked for new CC?" "She didn't feel like it," Lacy told her. "So, we made it work with what she already had installed. It's only for a week and then I'll dye it back."
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"Violet, can you come in here for a minute," Mads called right as Violet was headed to school "I'm going to be late, what?" "I was just wondering, since Lacy will be at her dress rehearsal, and Ethan said he'd stay home with Rosie. Would you want to do something together tonight"
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"Like what?" "I was thinking we could get our nails done, maybe our hair too, go shopping," Mads told her. "I just want to spend time with you, maybe hear more about your band, and your girlfriend." Violet thought for a moment, "honestly, mom, that sounds like a lot of fun."
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Leo met Sofia in the library before school, and he decided to get some extra credit work done while she talked. "And then my Dad said-," Sofia stopped talking abruptly. "Are you listening?" Leo wasn't. "LEO!" Sofia yelled warranting a shushing from the librarian.
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"I swear I wasn't trying to ignore you," Leo defended. "It's just, extra credit, valedictorian. I've been slacking in the homework department and need to step up my academic game. I'm about to fall from an A to a B!" "Oh please," Sofia snapped. "You were thinking about Nat."
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"Sofia I-" Leo was cut off. "You know what," said Sofia. "I'm so done with being second to Nat here, Leo. I'm breaking up with you."
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"Ready to get your hair done?" Jenna, who was the amateur hair and makeup artist, asked Lacy. "Absolutely," Lacy quickly changed into her costume and let Jenna do her thing. She'd forgotten how much she enjoyed sitting in a hair and makeup chair.
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"And done!" Jenna exclaimed. "You look great!" "I know," Lacy smirked. "You know," Jenna suggested. "I have a social bunny account where I post hair and makeup looks, one day I hope to do this in Del Sol Valley. If you'd let me, I'd like to practice on you more" "Sure, why not."
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"Is she ready yet, Jenna?" Owen asked clearly irritated "Yes, jeez. Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Jenna said before exiting the room "Are we good?" Lacy asked sitting down next to Owen "Why wouldn't we be good?" There was still an edge in Owen's voice.
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"The tone of voice you're using doesn't sound like we're good," Lacy pointed out. "I like you, and I want us to stay friends." "You reject me, with a terrible cliche explanation, but you want to remain friends?" Owen asked genuinely confused. "Exactly," Lacy said a little unsure.
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"You know what," Owen said deciding to keep things professional. "We should head on stage to start the dress rehearsal." "But-" Lacy started. "Let's go," Owen said, and with that he got up and left the room leaving lacy no choice but to follow.
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skysailor90 · 3 years
La Sombra y Su Sol
Summary: This is a concept I’m playing with. I’m  a HUGE Pedro Pascal fan and I love his character Javier Pena from Narcos. I thought it would be fun to play with the idea of a female led cartel that Pena has to investigate and ultimately takedown. This is my FIRST attempt at any kind of creative writing so constructive criticism is welcomed! I hope you at least enjoy the read!
Word Count: Little over 2,500 (whoops)
Warnings: Soft drug reference, language, sexual reference...
                                             Worlds Apart
7:16PM: Peña  
It was a long fucking day. After an even longer fucking week. Being promoted to the lead DEA Agent on this new case was the last thing he wanted. Javier Peña had not recovered from the last time he led a major case, and he had a feeling that this was one going to come with strings. Strings he was not willing to be manipulated by again. This week only confirmed his suspicions. He needed to figure out a way out of this before things got too carried away again. He finished his last cigarette as he pondered a way out of this when he heard a knock at his door. 
“Hey boss, Dan and I are going down the street for a drink. You in?” Peña looked up from his distracted gaze to see Fiestl hanging by the door looking beat. Luckily, Peña was able to assemble his team. He instantly brought on the two guys that helped him bring down the Cali Cartel. Dan Van Ness and Chris Fiestl were good guys. Guys he could trust. Trust was hard to come by in this business. Before he could politely turn down the invitation, Fiestl argued his case. 
“You know you need something after this week. We all do.” He shared and Peña  couldn’t lie to him. Despite feeling exhausted he knew he would not be able to sleep. Too much to work through. Too many doubts that would surely keep him up. 
“Sure. I’ll meet you guys there. Need to finish up a couple of things here.” He replied and Chris exited the doorway walking down the hall. Peña  waited until he was all the way down the hall. He sat back taking another cigarette from his suit pocket and lighting it taking a deep inhale. He leaned back in his chair exhaling. He needed to sit there a little bit longer before putting on a brave face for those guys. He couldn’t let them see that he was already contemplating leaving them high and dry for their own good. 
8:20PM: Sombra
I had been sitting in my car for about 10 minutes before I decided to walk in and wait for him. I would be lying if I wasn’t excited about tonight. I rarely put myself in such risky situations. It was a life saving practice for the leader of the fastest growing cartel anyone had ever seen. The greatest gift to my success was the anonymity I had so carefully created for myself. Although, I understood that this recklessness was putting so many things in jeopardy I had to meet him in person. It was almost like a predator stalking his prey. I needed to understand what I was up against to succeed where others hadn’t. DEA legend Agent Javier Peña  was a formidable opponent. One I had not had in some time and it sounded like the perfect opportunity to have a little fun. 
You see, I have always been a survivor. Growing up in an orphanage and jumping from foster home to foster home, it was all I knew. It might have felt lonely at first, but just as they say you get used to anything if you give it enough time. By the time I met Emilio, I had settled on the idea that company was for a purpose. For advancing something in your life otherwise it wasn’t worth the compromise. He was my safety. Being attached to a drug lord came with risks, but I wasn’t afraid of taking risks because I know that you have to take risks to achieve greatness. I admit I was still naïve. I was after all only 22 years old when this 38 year old drug lord swept me off my feet. He was charming, but mostly he was powerful and I saw potential in this power. Little did I know just how much that power would shape my future over the course of almost a decade. 
My intel informed me that Peña  and his men frequented this bar. His team of two other male DEA Agents  Daniel Van Ness and Chris Fiestl, were his small but effective team. I waited down the street having a hunch I would get an opportunity to see what I was up against. I saw Ness and Fiestl walk in shortly after I parked. They looked exhausted, and I smiled as I felt that this might be the perfect time to gather my own intel. I sat back a bit longer waiting to see if Peña  joined them. As I waited I  recalled the file I read on Peña  . DEA’s Golden Boy for some time. He was integral to the take down of Pablo Escobar and later led a tactical team that took down the Cali Cartel. Digging a little further, Peña  compromised a lot of his so-called “integrity” by working with Los Pepes. This resulted in an innumerable amount of deaths. It was a massacre and based on his involvement in that, he must have not left Columbia the same man. He later led a team with Fiestl and Ness to take down the Cali Cartel. It is my understanding that things also got messy there. However, in each he was successful in breaking an empire enough that a shift in power was forced to take place. This left a struggle for power for some time. Emilio was a small player but biding his time. Until, it became my time. 
I glanced at the door and saw Peña  walking into the bar. He paused to smoke a cigarette before entering the bar. Interesting. My curiosity got the best of me. I quickly called Julio, my right hand and head of security, and informed him that I would not be needing him for the rest of the evening. He paused but he knew better than to question me. 
“Claro, señora.” He responded and I know he hated this but I felt like this was going to be a lot easier than I originally thought. Plus, I knew how to take care of myself if need be. It was time to test how effective my other intel was. I quickly primped myself in the mirror before exiting my car and headed towards the bar. I got butterflies as I got closer. The hunt begins. 
  8:33PM: Peña  
Javi entered the bar and immediately saw Ness and Fiestl at their normal table. They were in the middle of laughing when he pulled up a chair. 
“Guys, what did I miss?” Javi asked as he took a seat and waved at the bartender to bring him his usual. 
“How did you survive Wednesday’s debriefing?” Ness asked. 
“It was brutal. Wasn’t it, Javi?” Fiestl asked. Javi let out a sigh as a double whiskey neat was placed in front of him. 
“I tried to imagine I wasn’t there. That I was anywhere else really but there.” Javi responded. Javi had decided it was all a waste of time.  A lot of nothing but you would swear that the intel they had was a godsend. It was all bullshit. It had zero backing and also was missing so many aspects of this case. So many things didn’t line up. So many names from unreliable sources. But he was instructed to chase down every lead he was given, and that already was suspicious. 
“Well, all I know is that we are getting fucked already.” Ness said half amused, half genuinely frustrated. They all nodded in agreement and drank. Javi saw Ness and Fiestl look up at something behind him.
“Speaking of getting fucked.” Ness said and Fiestl nearly spit out his beer. Javi glanced subtly behind his shoulder to see a woman walk into the bar. Not just a woman. A gorgeous being that made Javi understand Ness’s reaction. 
“Fuck.” Javi muttered quietly under his breath. 
Javi had never seen her in here before. He would remember seeing her before tonight. She was dressed in a figuring hugging dress that perfectly accentuated her curves. Her curves mirrored an hourglass. However she almost seemed to be trying to hide those curves with an oversized black jacket that clearly did not belong to her. She wore thigh high boots and had long dark curly hair that made Javi yearn to pull on while he did awful things to her. She seemed irritated though. She made her way directly to the bar and sat alone ordering some kind of drink. Javi thought she seemed out of place, but he also saw an opportunity for a fun distraction. As he imagined himself approaching her, he could hear Ness and Fiestl negotiating who would approach her first. Without saying a word to them, Javi stood up and began walking over to the bar. Fiestl and Ness fell silent realizing that Javi wasn’t one to wait his turn. 
Javi approached the bar and stood a couple of seats down from the woman. She was downing the last of her drink and waving to the bartender requesting another. 
“Rough day, huh?” Javi said more out loud than directly to her. She turned to him and Javi got a good look at her. Her dark chestnut hair made her big light brown eyes really stand out. Her piercing gaze took him off guard. It was like she could see right through everything. Her lips pressed into a small smile. Those soft pink plump lips. Javi imagined how it would feel to have those lips wrapped around his cock. 
“You could say that.” She responded before reaching for her next drink. He could tell she wasn’t seeking company but she also didn’t seem to push him away. He took a chance and moved in a little closer. She glanced at him, but did not object. Javi took this as an indifferent invitation. 
“I’m told I’m a good listener.” Javi said, sitting right next to her.  She looked at him again. Her eyes trying to read him and looking for something, but Javi remained cool under her gaze. 
“Well, I usually don’t air my dirty laundry to strangers.” She said. Javi could tell she was fishing for some reassurance. 
“That’s a good rule. I’m Javier Peña .” Javi extended his hand out to shake hers. She shook his hand using a firm but polite grip. 
“Sofia. Nice to meet you Mr. Peña.” She replied. They both held on to each other’s hands for a second longer than necessary but that didn’t seem to bother either one of them. 
“So will your pals be joining us?” Sofia asked as she nodded in the direction to Ness and Fiestl who were caught staring at them from their table. Javi shook his head amused but slightly embarrassed at their gawking display. 
“Oh, those guys? Yeah, I’ve never seen them before in my life.” Javi coyly replied and Sofia smiled in return. Javi asked the bartender for another round and took a sip of his new drink. 
“ So, about that rough day?” Javi asked before taking another sip. He turned to see Sofia once again staring but this time he could see she was processing. He could almost see the wheels turning in her mind looking back at him through her soft brown eyes. He opted to remain silent but didn’t break eye contact allowing her to make her assessment. Javi was curious to see exactly what she saw. 
“Well, Mr. Peña ,” Sofia started and Javi corrected her. 
“Javi, please.” he politely insisted. 
“Right.” Sofia started again and continued.
 “Well Javi, I got stood up tonight.” Sofia answered more annoyed than embarrassed. Javi couldn't fathom who in his right mind would do such a thing to this captivating woman. 
“Bullshit.” Javi spurted out before taking another sip of his drink. Sofia laughed, almost spitting up her drink and Javi couldn't help but smile and feel even more drawn to her. 
“Bullshit? You think I’m lying?” Sofia playfully retorted. 
“Excuse the vulgar language, but you’re full of shit. Was this guy blind or something?” Javi asked, attempting to make his argument. 
“Well, it was a blind date. A mutual friend thought we would hit it off.” Sofia finished the last of her drink before signaling for another round. Javi waved at the bartender and gestured to put her next drink on his tab.
“Oh, that's not necessary. I don’t really need a pity drink.” Sofia tried to object to Javi’s offer, but he stopped her. 
“Not a pity drink, carino. Just trying to buy a beautiful woman a drink she rightfully needs.” Javi explained and Sofia nodded both granting permission and thanking him. The bartender served a fresh round and Sofia took a sip before providing context. 
“Yeah, I mean she meant well, and he sounded decent, but a girl can only wait so long alone at a table clearly meant for two for before sacrificing too much of her dignity.” Sofia took another small sip and turned to Javi. 
“Well, in that case, I say this is a celebratory drink.” Javi raised his glass and nodded encouraging her to do the same. Sofia raised her glass. They met eyes and stayed locked in for a few seconds before Sofia interrupted. 
“And, what are we celebrating, Javi?” Sofia asked but sipped from her glass nonetheless. Javi also took a small sip before responding. 
“Someone’s massive mistake brought you here and now here I am, sitting easily with the most beautiful woman in this place. And now I get to enjoy your wonderful company.” Javi gave her his devilish grin and she held his gaze. It became too unnerving and he reached for his drink. 
“I’m not sure you will feel very lucky later.” Sofia responded. Javi quickly replied.
“I’ll take my chances. Something tells me I won’t regret it.” Javi gave a sly grin and Sofia smiled. 
“I respect your forwardness and the slight arrogant undertone.” Sofia replied. 
“But I need more than a  smug smile and air of confidence to be convinced, Mr. Peña .” Sofia countered before taking the last sip of her drink. Javi couldn’t help but feel like he had met his match. Someone complex enough to  distract his mind while provoking his dark desires. Javi finished his drink before making his offer. 
“Well I’m sure given the opportunity, I can be very convincing.” He smiled and sat back in his seat, awaiting the wheels in her head to start turning. Sure enough, he saw them again. Her contemplation. She was conflicted, and he felt like it was enough for her to be convinced. She rose from her seat and leaned in to whisper into his ear. 
“Outside. Five minutes. Then we will see how convincing you can be.” Sofia gently rubbed her cheek against Javi before turning and walking towards the restroom. Javi watched her walk away left stunned by how this night progressed. He gestured for the check and closed out both their tabs. Whatever came next, he was ready. He quickly signed the check and made his way to the front door. He turned briefly to look back at Ness and Fiestl who were already watching him walk away. Javi shrugged and gave  them a nod. Better luck next time.
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drunkonnjealousy · 7 years
My Reputation Secret Session Experience
(an abbreviated version to keep confidentiality)
I got a DM from Taylor Nation before the London SS had happened, so I honestly had no idea what the “secret event” was. They called me and said the event was in Rhode Island, and I mean the only thing there is her house but I didn’t know what the event entailed. Knowing Taylor, I was like she’s gonna make it so fun and so detailed and so personal whatever it is.
I was not able to focus on anything for two weeks because I was just thinking about taylor and rhode island. I took a train from NYC to Rhode Island the night before. Wednesday October 18, 2017 was such a GORGEOUS day. The water was SO BLUE. THE SUN WAS SHINING. and there was a helicopter hovering in front of taylor’s house which annoyed me but yeah I’ll try to get over that. Fast forward to being at her house. First of all, her security detail is hilarious. They are so nice and funny and were cracking jokes the whole time. The very first person I talked to was none other than Scott Swift, the man the legend, wearing a striped sweater only a dad would buy and his pockets overflowing with 1989 guitar picks. I spent a good chunk of time chatting with him on the deck he’s amazing—we stan forever. Also I legit hung out and excitedly mingled in Taylor’s kitchen so long that I forgot it wasn’t normal to be in her kitchen. There was a huge spread of Chick-fil-a nuggets, pizza, chips, custom Rep cookies and M&Ms, Smart Water and Diet Coke. *side note i’m a vegetarian but if taylor would have offered me a nugget i would have forgotten my vow against meat* I was so comfortable and having so much fun that it just felt like I was at my friend’s house party, which I was. But then like every 30 minutes it would hit me that to the outside world, she was THE Taylor Swift, and I was in her kitchen… Fast forward to Andrea coming down to also hang out and mingle with us. She smelled amazing (so did the entire house). She came up to me and Sol and said hello with a huge smile on her face and then pulled us both into a tight hug at the same time and said “YOU BEAUTIFUL SOULS.” and honestly I just wanted to hug her ten more times and be like THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE MADAM PRESIDENT. Side note, the kitchen has adorable childhood pictures of Taylor and Austin and pictures of the family on the beach and its all v cute. Also I saw the mermaid, I MEAN THE MERMAID that taylor and selena posed by and i was like wow this iconic. ALSO as many of you know i’m not only a taylor stan, but a huge todrick stan, and i have been for years. so i died a little when i realized that i was leaning against the same kitchen counter that they were sitting on during thanksgiving and i was like wow its cool i’m fine we’re fine EVERYTHING IS FINE. Fast forward to Austin also coming downstairs to mingle. He’s adorable and I love him. I didn’t get to chat with him bc it was kind of crowded but he was smiling and laughing and looked genuinely happy to be there. Tree was also floating around the kitchen here and there and let me just say she’s GORGEOUS. (also she was the MVP later when I needed to pee) Okay fast forward some more and it’s time to move into the living room. There are cushions on the floor and I’m sitting with all of my friends, including several of us who are from NYC. There are people setting the room and Andrea, Scott and Austin just look so excited that we’re there and that made me so happy. After what felt like centuries of people opening doors, stomping upstairs and shutting the curtains, it was time for the queen to make her entrance. The door to my right flew open and that tall drink of water in black thigh high boots and blonde curls and a huge smile entered the room and collectively we all made noises that probably sounded non-human. She said “Hi, I’m Taylor” as she sat down in this throne of a chair and crossed her legs that are collectively longer than the great wall of china. She said “you’ve done your detective work right (my detectivey heart fell out of my detectivey ass) and you are at the Reputation Secret Sessions”
**and that’s where the cone of silence comes on and what happened for the next several hours at the secret sessions STAYS at the secret sessions.**
So after I DIED because she obviously played us every track of the album. It was time for picturesssss. As I walked in to see Taylor, I didn’t even make it to her yet before she strutted toward me and scooped me into a hug so tight that I said “hey i’m kelsea” into her hair ;askdjflskfj She pulled away and was like “yeah I know, and you spell it S-E-A right?” AND LEMME TELL YOU i’ve gone my entire 24 years of life with my name spelled wrong, even people I’ve known for years will spell it Kelsey. and I replied to Taylor, “UM YEAH” and she got so excited she fist pumped and then put her hand up for a high five and we literally had the most epic high five of my entire life I’m pretty sure they heard it in Australia. ok. At this point Sol walked in and I introduced her to Taylor too. She loved Sol so much. so so much. Then I asked Taylor if she found me on Tumblr or Twitter, and she immediately replied “Tumblr” with a nod. and then she goes “I KNOW you love TODRICK, and I LOVE that.”  and I’m pretty sure that was the moment my brain short-circuited.
and i was like “OKAY well TN contacted me via Twitter and I was real confused because my handle is  @ toddyownsmyass” and her face lit up, her mouth dropped open, she grabbed my hand and laughed and said “OH MY GOD HAHAHHA”. 
Next I told her about our annual NYC July 9th party. I was like listen taylor, the entire reason i met sol is because we’re tumblr friends and we have this party every year at sofia’s apt in the upper west side where we stay up until 1:58 AM listening to Last Kiss and then she was like “AWWWW” and I remember her face just looking at the two of us in pure amazement. OKAY now it was time for pictures and Taylor was like “we’re gonna take a group shot first and then we’ll do individuals ok?” and during our group photo she hugged both me and Sol so tightly. 
She looks at me and I put my hands together and I’m like “Okay, I want to recreate a photo you and todrick did on the couch” and she got so excited she was like “GREAT but I’m not doing the splits again” as she walks over to this gorgeous white couch. and i was like “nah girl i CANT do the splits, i wanna do that back to back one” and she was so invested it was adorable. It took us a few minutes of sitting back to back and discussing our knee placement, our hand placement, and both of us kept turning and looking over our shoulders to make sure we were matching and coordinating our bodies right. and then right before the picture taylor goes “what should we do with this hand? oh i know lets hold hands” and she grabbed my hand and held it so tightly. i’m pretty sure you can see in my facial expression how much that meant to me—i’m BEAMING. out of all forms of social interaction, hand holding is one of the most intimate,it’s not something we do with very many people if you really think about it. after the picture is taken, we are still sitting back to back on the couch, holding hands, and she turns to look at me and goes “that’s the cutest pose i’ve ever done” and i’m all “Awwww thanks!” thinking she’s just being a sweetheart. and then her expression is happy but a little more serious, and she goes “No, I’m being serious, like I’ve never done anything cuter.” and ladies that’s probably the moment I was like “HI I’M KELSEA AND I WELCOME DEATH WITH OPEN ARMS”. It was going to be time to leave because we had already taken our pictures but Taylor grabbed me and Sol again and squeezed us and gushed “you little FLOWER buttons” and at the time my brain was like ???? I thought maybe she was going to say we were flowers, and then halfway through changed her mind to buttons…well ANYWAYS she reblogged that photo of us later and clarified that she believes sol and i embody the aesthetic of tiny adorable little flower-shaped buttons and now i will no longer look at flowers nor buttons the same way and Sol and I text each other randomly “FLOWER BUTTONS” just to make each other cry it’s great. okay moving on… It was time to leave and right before i walked away, I yelled to her “TAYLOR, YOU’RE INVITED TO OUR JULY 9TH PARTY ANYTIME, UPPER WEST SIDE, NYC, SEE YOU THERE!” and i did some mix between dabbing and pointing that can only be attributed to all of the time i spent in college with frat boys. and with this big grin on her face she yelled back “THANKS! LOVE YOU GUYS!” and i stumbled out of the room to pick up the Reputation merch bag Taylor gave all of us (GET YOU A WOMAN). As her security guard let us into a van to be taken back to our car, I asked what time it was and it was so late Sofia and I had missed our train back to Manhattan. We didn’t care. We were stranded in Rhode Island but WHO CARES BC TAYLOR SWIFT LOVES US. Ali from TN was like, “you guys have friends at your hotel right? like you have somewhere to go?” so sweet i love ali– we stan her forever. Sofia and I went back to our hotel, which we had already checked out of mind you, and sat in the hallway, dazed and happy, from 2-4am. Sofia posted a photo of us on tumblr and taylor liked it and i was like wow taylor knows we’re stranded that’s hilarious i bet she’s laughing. We ended up calling a car service to pick us up in rhode island AND DRIVE US BACK TO NEW YORK CITY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. I got back to my apt on the upper east side at 5am and took a nap and then got up for work and tried to be an adult but it was a very sad attempt. This is a very abbreviated account of what happened that fateful day Taylor welcomed me into her home for 8+ hours. A lot of it has to stay secret and confidential until the album comes out on Nov 10. Even more of it will likely never leave the walls of that gorgeous house by the sea. I will cherish these memories always and I know I am forever changed as a person from the Reputation Secret Sessions.
Thank you @taylorswift for EVERYTHING. I’m so proud to call you a friend.
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Why I’m into Sacred Womanhood (and what that means)
Dear sister, 
I wasn’t always rubbing rose oil on my womb, crocheting yoni’s and meditating on the Divine Feminine. In fact, when I first became a woman I hated it. The path of what I label as Sacred Womanhood (i.e. Path of Sacred She) is a path that evolved over many years and for many different reasons. Today, I will share my journey of hating having a female body, finding my way through different feminist expressions, thinking I was a lesbian, then realizing I was not, to finally coming home to my inner Sacred She sanctuary.  
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Photo courtesy Immortal Sol
I remember being 11 years old sitting huddled up in bed with my two best friends. We were whispering confidences to each other. We began talking about a new and strange and scary territory: periods. None of us had gotten it yet and we wondered what it would be like. I felt compelled to share my then most shameful secret. Hair had started growing in places where only adults had hair! I really, really hated this. My friends reassured me it was ok, and that it probably meant I would be getting my period soon. 
As my body became plumper and curvier I looked with envy on my flat, straight 6 year old sister. She was as happy and carefree as ever, not concerned with the horrors of womanhood lurking to catch hold of her one day. I did not want to go through this metamorphosis from girl to woman. The very word “woman”, which in my native language Swedish is kvinna, made me think of cows. Someone who is raised for milk and meat. 
Becoming a woman was a painful process and I think I spent at least 10 years of my life just trying to figure out how to exist and be happy in a woman’s body. 
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Photo courtesy Cecilia Kreuzberger
My first watering hole came in the form of feminism when I was 14. Two female volunteers from Save the Children came to our school to start a girl’s group. The concept was called an Ellen Group. Only 7 girls signed up, and I was one of them. Besides having a space to just talk about the things that then concerned us - boys, looks, what we wanted to be when growing up - the two volunteers also encouraged us to think positively about our bodies and our yonis. I remember being in shock after learning the word ‘lubrication’. In sexual education we had learnt about erection, but no one had told us that something happened at all with us girls when we got aroused. That we could get aroused. That just as boys needed to have an erection in order for that thing called sex to work, so we needed to experience lubrication. I wanted to shout about it from the roof tops.  
I will be grateful to those volunteers and to the creator of the Ellen program as long as I live. 
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This was my introduction to feminism. Over the next few years - my late teens - I became what might be called an “angry feminist”. I was angry at patriarchy, I was angry at the men on the subway who pinched my butt, I was angry at the prospects of a mediocre salary for excellent work, I was angry at my boyfriend because sex was so uncomfortable. The central question for me during these years, and many years to come, was: 
How can being a woman, being myself and being happy all coexist? 
Sister, that’s a tricky one. What is your central question when it comes to yourself and womanhood? How do you answer it for yourself? 
I thought I had found the answer one day at Burger King. I was 16 and with a group of kids much cooler than me. They were a year older and were the friend of my friend. The topic of being gay came up. One girl raised her voice: 
“You’re not allowed to say anything against gay people, because I’m bisexual.” 
I thought this was very impressive, her courage and her openness. I thought: maybe this is the answer. Maybe skip men altogether! After all, what did I really need men for? Having children seemed like a very distant thing, and anyway, there are sperm banks these days. My limited sexual experiences taught me that boys were clumsy at best, aggressive at worst. I decided to explore this area for myself, and almost overnight, I became a lesbian. I started building my feminist, men-free dream community. 
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Me age 18, trying to figure myself out. Photo courtesy Cecilia Kreuzberger. 
Being part of this community was joyful. I learnt alternative, and invaluable, ways to express womanhood. I experienced how deeply and genuinely supportive women can be to one another when there are no men to compete over. The foundation for my future work with sisterhood was laid here. 
At this point of my journey, I had come pretty far. I sort of liked my body. I had built a nice community of women. But there was something missing. It was like when you set a beautiful table, arranging napkins, bringing out the silver and special crystal cups, only to remember that you forgot to make any food. 
What was the missing piece? 
It was like trying to remember a song my mother sang when I was in her womb.  
I was living transformation only on the surface. I had adopted feminist ideals, I surrounded myself with women. I was living “outside patriarchy”. Yet there was no place for my soul to live its mystery. There was no place for my body to be a soul manifest. 
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Photo courtesy Alessandra Lopes
My longing was answered by an ad in a newspaper. On a sunny afternoon I sat on my balcony flipping through a free magazine I had picked up at my local crystal shop. It was filled with ads for juice cleanses and horoscope readings. I read it half-interestedly. Then, my eye was caught by an ad for a school called the Sofia Institute, and a program called the Path of the Priestess (this was later renamed to School of Graceful Living and the Female Leadership Program). I will never forget the sensation in my chest. I was like my soul reached out a hand through my very bones, grabbed the newspaper and exclaimed: I want this!!! 
During my time at School of Graceful Living is when I first came into contact with the concept of Sacred Womanhood. It was also the first time I ever felt truly at home with strangers. I realized that this was the community in which I belonged. Around the same time, I met the man who would become my husband and my world, views and community changed once more.
Immersing myself in Sacred Womanhood was food for my soul. I realized this is where my true calling is. I will make a humble attempt here to define what Sacred Womanhood can be and why it’s important. My definition is the result of me internalizing the beautiful teachings I received at School of Graceful Living and then spending the last few years offering the work of Sacred Womanhood to the world. 
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Joiners for the Women’s Temple. Photo courtesy Ka’imi Nicholson
Sacred Womanhood is when the mysterious creative, life-giving force of women is honored as sacred. When your period is more than just blood. When you dance your life with the moon and earth rhythms. When you find a way to feel your flesh as sacred, seeing yourself as a goddess made manifest. When you know in your heart how sisterhood heals the world. When you listen to the subtle songs of this vast universe, and you listen for the voice of the Great She. 
You may call this path what you like. I name it Path of Sacred She. 
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Mizu Hirmoi being initiated as a Sacred She Yoga Teacher. Photo courtesy Amy Jolley. 
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