#the only thing I was able to draw woops
obsmiechujek · 1 year
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Do you think the Enderman gifts cute blocks it finds to it's Enderman partner???
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doggone-devil · 6 months
How (Not) to Lose Your Soul: Chapter 2
Hello, dear readers! I'm back with Chapter 2! I apologize for how long this took. I ended up getting a job interview (spoiler alert, I got the job) so I didn't have as much spare time to write this as I wanted. But, here it is! I hope you all enjoy! It's a bit longer than I anticipated.. (over 3,000 words...woops). Pairing: Alastor x fem!Reader Warnings: mentions of unaliving oneself.
To the average sinner passing by, the haunting sounds from the tower above would sound like some rampaging monster. Growls, groans, and things crashing about sending any curious onlooker scurrying away in fear they'd be the ones that rage is unleashed upon. Yet to Charlie, her eyes casted up in worry and concern, knew what resides above the hotel lobby.
Sighing, she lays her head on her forearms, leaning onto the bar counter top. Vaggie lays a comforting hand on her back, but the soothing rubs do nothing to ease her troubled mind. "I just don't get it," she huffs. "I thought he'd be happy to be back in Hell after being topside so long! I mean, it's Al, right?" Charlie looks to Husk for confirmation, knowing the cat demon knows Alastor best. Husk only rolls his eyes, setting down the glass he had been cleaning.
"I've seen that man upset before but this? This is a whole temper tantrum. I don't know what happened up there but it's got his antlers in a bunch and I for one am staying clear of it," Husk states, turning his back to focus on the bottles lining the bar shelves. Charlie pouts and turns to her girlfriend, the ex-angel pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Maybe a deal went wrong? I mean, that's why he got summoned, right?" Vaggie asks. "Though why someone summoned him is beyond me."
"Maybe." Charlie hums in thought. "I don't think so, though. He looked so distraught when he came back. You should've seen him, Vaggie." Charlie recalls the way Alastor had looked when he finally returned to Hell. She had been shocked when Alastor was summoned, scared even as she watched his body practically disappear in front of her. She'd heard of mortals summoning demons before but never really witnessed it first hand until then. Most demons talked about how horrible it was, enslaved to a human's whim and only able to leave once the deal was completed. Knowing Alastor, she would've thought he'd return that same day, but as the day passed, then another, she knew something was wrong.
Tears well up in her eyes. Alastor had returned with an expression as if he had lost his life all over again, almost like he had died twice. There was pain in his eyes despite that permanent smile and she just wanted to hug him tightly, but before she could, he had sunk into his shadows. That's when the sounds started, up in his tower. Sounds of metal ripping, glass shattering, crashes and bangs. Charlie's brows draw tightly together, determination on her face as she stands, fists clenched.
"I'm going up there," she declares, walking away from the bar. Husk shakes his head, mumbling about how it's her funeral while Vaggie reaches out to her.
"Charlie, wait!" Her hand just misses Charlie's arm as the blonde demon continues up the stairs and towards the entrance to the radio tower. She was going to figure out just what was going on.
"It's not here." Rubble is kicked to the side, dust clouding upward from the sudden movement. "Another dead end." Two hours. You have been searching through this abandoned house for over two hours and absolutely nothing. You angrily scan around the room, eyes hoping but not finding the item you're looking for.
Veronica huffs loudly from the other side of the room, standing upright. "Maybe it got stolen?" she offers. You shake your head.
"Owners must've sold it or they still have it. Either way, it's not here." You turn and head for the front doors. "Waste of time," you mumble under your breath, exiting the large house and returning to your car. It was becoming the same end result. Promises of an item or book that would help you connect to Hell, and then nothing. Every location you've stopped at and searched proved to be useless. It was almost like you were one step behind every single time, something or someone dangling hope in front of  your eyes before yanking it away once you were close enough. It was starting to wear you down, starting to make you angry.
"Maybe we'll have better luck at the next place," Veronica suggests as she steps outside behind you. She pulls out the list, checking for the next location, but you're already walking to your car. She calls out your name in question but you can feel it, deep down. Despair.
"It's no use," you whisper. Tears are forming, hot and angry. "I'm never going to see him again." Veronica, now at your side, places her hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, come on now. You did it once before, we can do it again. We just have to -"
"Have to what?" you bark out at her. "Without his book, I can't summon him. Without any book, I can't summon any demon at all! There's no way I can get to him, not with these fucking angels intercepting at every chance they find." You kick the tire of your car, shouting in frustration. Veronica stands silently as you continue to repeatedly abuse the tire. You turn to her, "Is it so wrong to want to love him? To want to be happy?" Your voice breaks, the tears heavier now as your begin to sob. Your curse under your breath, wiping them away as you hide your face behind  your sleeve.
Veronica steps towards you, pulling you in her arms. Your head comes to rest on her shoulder where you bury it against her, letting the emotions you've bottled pour out. She strokes your head and lets you cry. "It's going to be ok, girlie. I mean, you already know where he's at and he can't leave there. Even if we can't find anything now, once you've lived your life and passed away, you can just go to Hell and -"
"Wait," you pull away, eyes wide.
"Repeat that again."
"He can't leave Hell?" she asks.
"No, no. The last part."
"Once you've lived your life, you can just go to -"
"That's it!" you cut her off again, a small laugh bubbling up. Why didn't you think of it before? The answer had been in front of you this entire time.
"What's it?" Veronica narrows her eyes at you, unsure. You smile wide, grabbing her shoulders.
"I just have to go to Hell!" You giggle and run to the driver's side of your car, grabbing your phone from the mount where you had left it. Veronica remains in place, confused as she watches you.
"Um, girlie, there's just one problem? You're alive?" You practically skip back over to her, thumb swiping the screen as your search through google results.
"Exactly!" you exclaim, turning the phone around to show her. "But what if I wasn't?" Her eyes widen as she looks at the list of nearby satanic cults.
"Oh no. No, no, no!" She begins to look horrified, taking your phone from your hand. "Are you insane?!" You raise a brow at her, your turn to be confused. "Girlie, you're straight up crazy! I'm not letting you do this."
"What do you mean?" you snatch your phone back.
"Wha - What do I mean? You're not about to go and kill yourself as some fucking offering to Satan!" she shouts at you.
"I'm not offering myself to Satan," you reply, rolling your eyes. "That's ridiculous." She sighs in relief. "I'm offering myself to Alastor." You walk to your car as she throws her hands up in the air.
"That's not any better!" She watches as you climb in, the car roaring to life. She calls out your name again. You roll down the passenger side window, leaning over to look at her.
"You coming or not?" You expect her to sigh and climb in, to tell you that this is a crazy idea as she comes along, but she doesn't move.
"You're actually doing this?" she asks, arms crossed over her chest. You pause, thinking. It was a bit of a long shot, having some cult kill you in the name of your demon lover just so you could go to Hell, but at the same time… You've decided. He was more important to you than your life.
"Yes, I am," you answer firmly. Veronica's arms drop.
"Then I'm not coming."
"I'm not going to watch my best friend quite literally throw her life away," Veronica states, tears falling down her cheeks. For a moment, you genuinely feel bad, like maybe you're not making the right decision. Even she had said you could just live the rest of your life and then die, but there's no guarantee you'll actually go to Hell after. Sure, you could just sin like crazy, but you're not even sure which sins are legit enough to secure damnation and you're not about to commit murder. No, this was the only way you could see working.
You leave the car running as you step back out, walking over to Veronica. For a second, she looks relieved, like you changed your mind. You hug her tightly. "This is goodbye, then," you say to her. She doesn't hug you back and you don't chance looking at her as you climb back into your car. She has her phone, she has money, she can make it back home without you. Still, you forward the list of cults to her so she can retrieve your car and things after the deed is done.
Glancing one last time towards her, you steady your nerves and reverse out of the driveway. As you drive away, you start to feel your nerves calm down, a sense of happiness washing over you. You begin to smile, your lips stretched wide. In exactly one hour and forty minutes, you'll arrive at your destination. In exactly one hour and forty minutes, you'll finally have the chance to be reunited with him, forever. You just hope this cult is as legit as the reviews say they are.
Pink. It's fucking pink.
You stare at the building google maps led you to, the street lined with townhouses on other side. You're parked in front of the only one that has a pentagram above it's door, it's very bright, yellow door. You frown. The whole house is colorful from it's shingles to it's windows. None of it screams satanic to you as you walk up the steps to the porch. Even the outdoor chair is some pastel color and is that duck print? You squint, looking at the pillows on it. Yep, those are ducks.
"What the fuck," you sigh, approaching the front door. You recheck google one last time, just to make sure you're in the right place. The red pin on the map says you are so you pocket your phone, taking a deep breath before knocking on the door. A high pitch voice responds from the other side as footsteps approach, fast, almost as if they're running to answer. The door flings open and you're immediately pulled into a hug.
"Hello! Blessings to you! I'm so happy to meet you, sister!" the young woman greets you. You tense up immediately.
"Uh, hi?" She lets you go.
"I am Sister Beth." She looks up at your with a big smile. She's slightly shorter than you, blonde hair braided into a thick fishtail with little petals and leaves tangled throughout it. Her clothes are bright, reminding you of hippies from the sixties. Definitely not what you were expecting.
"This is the House of Lucifer, right?" You look around. "Did I get the wrong house?" Beth giggles again, grabbing your hand.
"Of course not, silly! You're in the right place." She tugs you inside, bringing you through a foyer and into an equally colorful living room. What you thought would be black candles, skulls, and cobwebs turned out to be lava lamps, beads, and bean bag chairs. She plops you down into one, taking seat opposite you with her legs crossed. You sit for a second, trying to take everything in. Was it possible to get whiplash from this? You sure felt like.
"So what brings you here, sister?" she asks, leaning forward. You sink into the chair, partially to lean away from her and partially because you're sinking.
"Uh, well, I was hoping to use your services." You didn't actually plan this through, now that you think about it. What were you suppose to tell her? You've come to be used as an offering to some random demon? Might as well tell her you're the Pope.
"Oh we have all kinds of services! Which ones? I could do a blessing ritual, read your fortune, contact lost loved ones - oh there's so many!" Her bright demeanor was starting to give you a headache.
"None of those," you say. "The one I have in mind is less…" You trail off, unsure what to say. Friendly? Cheerful? Legal? "Known." Beth tilts her head in confusion, almost like a dog, before her eyes widen.
"You mean our secret services?" she whispers. You nod. She looks around, then stands, grabbing  your hand again. "Only Mamma Edith can do those." You gulp, not liking the way she said that.
"Mamma Edith?"
Beth shakes her head. "Mamma Edith is the one who started this house! She takes care of all of us and provides to us the word of Lucifer!" Oh no. The one cult you chose to visit and you got the one that was a legit cult. Why couldn't you have chosen the one where they wore black robes and turned out to be thirty year old men still living in their mom's basement?
"So she can help me?" you ask.
"Most definitely!" Beth leads you down a hallway and you can't help but notice all the duck décor. Figurines, paintings, even the fucking wallpaper was ducks. God, what was with the duck obsession? This was suppose to be a satanic cult, right? Where was the blood, the eerie ambience of tortured screams? Had all the horror movies lied to you?
Beth suddenly stops and your attention comes to a giant, ominous, black door. Ok, that was more like it.
"Mamma Edith is just through here, but I can't go in," she states, pushing you towards it.
"Wait, if you can't, how come I can?"
"Cause she's waiting for you!"
"What? How could she be -" You don't have time to question her as the door slowly creaks upon. Beth turns and runs back down the hall, leaving you to stand alone as the door opens, revealing a black abyss inside. You start to miss the colorful interior of the living room. "Um, hello?"
"Enter." You shudder at the voice that answers, stern and powerful. You don't get the chance to respond as your feet take you inside, almost as if compelled to. The door slams shut behind you, submerging you in the darkness. You gulp.
"Um, I'm here to -"
"I know why you're here." You try to look around, but nothing is visible. "You seek to commune with the Other World, to contact those of which you can not begin to fathom." In any other scenario, you'd roll your eyes at the dramatics, but right now, it's working. You're scared.
"Y-Yes?" It comes out as more of a question than an answer. You jump as lights begin to flicker on. Little by little, the space around you becomes clear and all you can see is … "Ducks." There's so many ducks. The whole room is like a shrine to them, every inch covered in nothing but the color yellow and ducks.
"Welcome, child," a woman greets you and you turn to face her. She's sitting at a round table, auburn hair pulled into a bun. She's older, much older, but her eyes are youthful as they take you in. "I am Mother Edith, but you can call me Mamma." Yeah, not happening.
"Hi." You wave your hand, unsure what else to do. She motions for you to join her and you sit at the table.
"Lucifer has told me of your arrival," she says.
"He has?"
"Yes." She pulls out a black mirror, placing it down flat on the table. Her hands hover above it. "He has told me about you, how a girl would arrive asking to be a ritual sacrifice." Damn, news traveled fast. Did that mean he was watching you? How did he know about you? So many questions swirled through your thoughts, making you dizzy.
"Then, if you know why I'm here, will you help me?" you ask. You start to explain your story but she silences you.
"Lucifer has already given us his answer. He says," she pauses, hands waving over the mirror. You wait with bated breath. "Fat chance." Huh?
"Ain't gonna happen." Edith drops her hands, leaning back in her chair. You blink.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, you're shit out of luck. Lucifer denies you, won't accept you. Not for him, not for any demon," she explains. Your fists clenched. What the fuck?
"What the fuck? What do you mean he won't accept me? It's not even him I'm sacrificing myself for!" You stand from your chair. This was bullshit.
"No," Edith replies, her demeanor calm, "but he is the one who oversees any and all activities related to Hell. Nothing we do here happens unless he allows it. That includes sacrifices."
"Then I'll just find someone else."
"They won't do it, either."
"Any and all persons who follow under him have now been told to deny you."
"So what? I'm like, banned from Hell now?" Edith nods. "Oh, fuck you." You don't hold back as the anger builds. "Fuck you and your stupid little rules. You know what? Fuck him, too!"
"Watch your tongue, child," Edith warns, but you're on a roll now. On a mission.
"Isn't he suppose to be some powerful fucking being, evil beyond human comprehension? I'd be just another soul for his collection anyways, right? Another mortal claimed by Hell to rub into God's face?" She doesn't reply and you continue. "Sounds more like a pussy to me. Probably can't even fucking do half the shit the bible says he can." You look around, needing to throw something. To break something. You spot one of the ducks.
"Don't -" Edith tries to stop you, but you've already done it. The figurine hits the floor, shattering. You huff, feeling slightly better. You turn to give Edith more of your anger, pausing when you see her body go slack. A chill runs up your spine, the air turning cold. The lights flicker. Shit.
"You come into my house, uninvited," Edith starts, but it's not her voice. This voice is deeper, darker as she stands from her chair. "You badmouth me in my own home and then have the nerve to BREAK MY THINGS?" You flinch and squat down as the voice shouts loudly, a flash of bright light blinding you for a second. You peek open an eye. Standing where Edith just was is a man, red eyes narrowed towards you. His skin is pale white, blonde hair tucked back under a hat. Large, red horns protrude from his forehead, fire crackling between them. Your eyes go wide as you realized who it is standing before you.
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taglist - @i-like-potatoes12533, @girl-nahh-two, @mcntsee, @projectdreamwalker, @sassmasterxx, @alsemain, @yunimimii, @noraunor, @justneo11, @dragonlover123a, @falsemain, @ephemeralxv, @theshello, @wonderlandangelsposts, @weirdflower2024, @yourworstgf, @youroneandonlysimp, @alastorstandard, @florelll, @nyxnightshade7656, @rinitachan, @saccharine-nectarine, @nyxnightshade7656
Masterlist ... Ao3
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ganondoodle · 10 months
im pretty sure i mentioned all these things before but its too late to start drawing anything and each time i see someone talk about totk i just get sad and frustrated again
literally by FAR the biggest problem about totk is that it REFUSES to connect to botw in any way beyond reusing the same map and character models, and even taking the things botw had established and ruin them entirely
ancient hero? BAM weird sonau dog thing that remains completely unexplained and out of nowhere eight heroine myster- BAM just some guy long gone sonau peopl- BAM here they are and they have zero connection to the ones of botw mystical dragons gracing the skies with their presence- BAM probably some dude who ate a magic pebble once strange mystical nature god you could rarely encounter in one specific spot and the area was made to feel utteraly unsettling but also divine- BAM now hes everywhere and only serves you as a shorthand for man pointing at cave the strange energy all shiekah tech was powered with with certain locations being ones where alot of it was concentrated including beneath hyrule castle clearly stating that somethings up with that- welp theres evil guy donw there but he has zero connection to all that lol
the whole shiekah tech thing, i just- WHY???? LIKE THAT??? there was so much stuff in botw that seemed deliberately placed that there IS more to it and now it all vanished and nothing of that mattered??? i saw a video of someone comparing certain places directly and on some where towers literally broke away tons of debris where just like .. sanded back down like nothing ever happened???; the fuking mechanism of how the towers and shrines and the pillars around the castle worked AND WHAT THE BOTW BOSS ARENA WAS ACTUALLY FOR?? its all gone and replaced with dirt; tHE ANCIENT FUCKING FURNANCES UTTERLY GONE AND REPLACED WITH ROCKS HUH???? so nothing of all that talk about their mystery and mechanism mattered???? the luminous stoens and its connection to spirits and how concentrated spiritual energy might have been what powered the tech- like you could connect things, and they made SENSE, so much sense that that seemed like it was intentionally setting up- only for it all to be just GONE?? to literally say lol it all vanished and that we shouldnt worry about it- like what the FUCK (and it also AGAIN doesnt make sense in itself bc WE SEE GUARDIAN PARTS in the towers, and some parts of them too are made of clearly shiekah tech stuff so it cant all have vanished- all their mystery doesnt matter bc idk it just works i guess lol and its not even called shiekah tech at any point either its just there and also not lol-)
(and even the smaller things like .. where the fuck does link live if everyone treats him like a goddamn stranger in the town you had to buy a house in botw for it to not be demolished and now that house is there but its not yours and noone knows you??? sth i personalyl found strange too that dumsda, the guy you help build an entire town, taburasa, had a very specific talking quirk i loved, and its all just gone in totk too, he talks like any other person all of the sudden
also at the end of botw finally being reunited with zelda and giving you the taste of being in the game WITH her at the same time in the intro to totk- WOOP away she goes! shes your pretty prize at the end and nothing more, what a way to disrespect her and her character..)
imagine if majoras mask didnt have the opening like it has and it otherwise stayed the same and they tried to tell you that its a direct sequel happening exactly where ocarina of time happened in the same world, zelda who?? ganondorf who??? things seem weird and off? lol dont worry about that :)) that would be weird and not make any sense at all now would it??
... sorry going on another rant again, ill just never be able to accept everything from botw didnt actually matter, and despite what some people might say, its pretty hard to ignore totk bc i LOVE botw, and as much as i hate it, they are connected in canon, even if it makes no sense
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 month
Please tell me about your ocs!! IM HUNGRY GRRR
helloow omg ! im so honored you want to know more about my ocs aaahhh!! :D my moot @kovu-bunnbunn also wanted to know more so i figured i could do it now !!
i have a bunch of ocs but I’ll just talk about my main oc ryoko right now !!
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her full name is ryoko ‘007’ aizawa. I’ll explain the 007 in a minute !! she’s aizawa’s adoptive daughter.
her parents (her dad more specifically, her mom was more of a bystander) are both from very wealthy families and merged. Her parents had an arranged marriage and after some chatter to get to know each other they’re conversations take a little bit of a turn..and inbetween bonding about their favorite movies oop! A lil comment about how the world would he better off without heroes..oh you think so too ? Well look at that, we have so much in common!! long story short they both decide that the want to create something that will be able to take down all might and the entirety of hero society and it’s restrictions,,and I’m pretty sure you can guess what that something was ! nine months later ryoko is born yipeee…!
during her entire pregnancy ryokos mom went through some quirk experiments (sponsored by doctor garaki 👍) because they knew that with both their quirks alone they wouldn’t be able to create a super weapon. (ryokos dad has an overhaul type quirk, and her mom has a healing sort of quirk) so they did some experiments hoping something would change in the womb, and when she was born the kept on doing experiments until she started manifesting a quirk w no attributes from her either of her parents and manifested a fully different quirk than she was originally meant to have,
since she had those experiments done ryokos body adapted to be able to handle her quirk, but it’s not perfect unfortunately.
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heres a simple little chart of how it works ! (BTW I DO NOT DRAW LIKE THIS ANYMORE THIS IS OOOOLLLLDD😭😭😭😭)
her quirk is a lot like neijires as in she uses her own energy and converts it into power ! The amount she uses shows in her hair :3 ryoko tho, unlike neijire can do multiple things from sending blasts, to powering herself up to make parts of her body stronger, to making it hard objects like stepping stones she uses to navigate and weapons like dual swords or chains to restrain ppl !! she can also drain other peoples energy (and from her surroundings, but thats only in 100% mode ! ) because of the fact that her body had been modified, ryoko can carry more energy into herself than regular people which is why she can drain energy without any major drawback to a certain extent ! However, her drawbacks are way more severe, overusing her quirks makes her sleepy and drowsy, it gives her nosebleeds and very worse case scenario if she were to have too little or too much energy she could die :0 !!
(ALSO !! I lil extra tidbit: ryoko is capable of sensing peoples energy’s if she concentrates hard enough, it works better if shes seen them before, but she can sense all the energy in humans in her surroundings or if she has a picture, tho it’s slightly weaker and is limited to one person at a time. This is a form of remote viewing that i gave her bc of my obsession w stranger things i had !!😭)
its a pretty powerful quirk that her parents and other scientists knew they could use well, but unfortunately for them ryoko ended up liking heroes (she was barely educated, so she had no idea that she felt admiration for heroes and especially all might, she was alsovaguely aware that she was taught to do the wrong things, because she’d be forced to use her quirk on robots/ small animals in some cases.)
her parents weren’t supposed to feel any affection towards her so they decide to just give her a code name 007 :D which i realized a little too late was the same as james bond..woops😭
anyways fast forward to the biggg “earthquake” incident, shes rescued by a group of heroes, eraser head included :D unfortunately shes detained in tartarus since her being in a constant state of panick set her quirk off and she couldn’t stay in a regular hospital so ryoko has canonically been to tartarus as a inmate at the age of 4 😭! Oh forgot to mention this, but ryoko got her quirk veryy early due to the experiments done before her birth and after.
since ryoko cant control her quirk an aizawa can cancel them, they’re a pretty good matchup !! Fast forward some more and shes living with him ! he adopts her and lets her go to school, where she meets izu n katsuki and they quickly become friends because. Of COURSE. My main ocxcanon ship is a CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS ONEEE😭😭😭😭will i ever stop. raise your hand if you’ve ever seen that one comin
lmk if you want to know more about her or other ocs ! I didn’t wanna ramble TOOO much so this is all the basic info!! plus some drawing of her
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two of them r completely credited to horikoshi cus i used ochaco n hagakure as a base !! I accidentally have two in normal mode and two in 100% or overdrive mode as she calls it (tho one of them is a soul eater au :3) ! Both made by me :3
Much luvvv xxxx!!! And thank you Sooo much for your ask again💗💗💗💗
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wolfcake101 · 1 year
more fun facts about spark that i didnt put in the last one bc i became occupied with explaining spark's mental issues lol!
Spark loves Mezzo Melodyland
spark and winston are close friends, yeah? funny thing, spark had to beat up winston THREE TIMES. bc this is what happened when i actually played ttcc......it was because my friends kept needing help fighting him bc winston greened em. anyways spark sobbed during each time and on the last one she just laid next to winston and apologized to him
yeah spark has like, a cog uncle named Vendyn Masheen, haven't really posted much about him here woops
originally, spark's design featured her leaking oil out of her mouth 24/7! this was because she uh. ate cogs a few times
spark is the reason we dont hear bout fruity the fisherman anymore
spark would make winston watch the fnaf movie
spark actually has four tails!!! but usually im only able to fit 2 on drawings of her
Spark's house is very bare (besides from a sick gamer setup) because she like. usually goes outside a lot. and also sucks at interior design lol
off topic but. anybody with a winston ask blog..............please give me permission to annoy you with spark's blog...........yes i know about @/ask-winston-byrd that blog is owned by my friend lol but i swear dude there is SUCH a lack of winston blogs.......unless if tumblr just refuses to show me
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crappyyuki · 6 months
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Not Zenonia 3 this time. Thank Argos.
It's the squad! Regretism if you will. Regret mitosed! Kidding. He didn't. Sorta.
Pretty sure I already explained why there's four Regrets in another post. But to summarize, Regret kinda fractured his essence so that Shaturu wouldn't be able to get all of his power.
Does that mean that Shaturu has some of his power? Absolutely. But without the Ladon power part. Ladon's power is passed on to the next Regret trying to save the world because he would be dead without it. So in this case, Slayer Regret has it.
I also nicknamed them. Druid is Drew, Ranger is Ray, Blader is Blade—so creative I know—and finally Slayer as Adas because of reasons.
Did I mention that Drew is from loop 1? And that loop 0 Regret is also a thing? And that he's half of all Regret's existence? And how that means that the Regret squad is only using half of their power and splitting it apart because they don't want Shaturu to absorb all of them? And that means that Slayer is just a quarter of Regret? If not, here ya go!
Wonder how the dark power is balanced when Regret isn't whole? Hmm...
Oh yeah. Drew has a bone mask while Ray has a fedora. Didn't draw them because I was lazy. I also apparently forgot Adas' scarf. Woops. That's why Blade was looking more detailed than the others. My bad.
I imagine Drew being the mischievous lazy one. He likes pranking people and trolling Shaturu when he gets a bit close to finding him. He's not active that much in his run because he doesn't really know what he's doing yet. He's trying to find the opportunity to strike and thinks that he can take Shaturu on his own but uh, that didn't work out too well. He got caught. So he cut up his leg to get away from Shaturu.
While Drew is devious and arrogant, Ray is not. He's a bit more calculating and solemn. He's the quiet type to contemplate on what to do next. Too much in fact that Anya almost got killed. So, finally being decisive, Ray decides to sacrifice himself so Anya can escape because she's their only hope now. He gets tortured. Very badly. Hence why he's asleep, again.
Blade is serious. Very serious and very reckless despite being the monotone constant poker face one. With Ray being indecisive, Blade is the impulsive one. Rushing through things and destroying the Mark of Ladons quicker than the others. He's getting sick and tired of the loop and so is Shaturu. Everyone is killed. Shaturu gets the taste of Blade's fury. The whole shebang.
Now Adas. Uh. He's a mess. Being a quarter of yourself plus with every other Regret's memories (read: trauma) showing up in fragments does a lot to your mental state. While every Regret did things solo, he accidentally gets adopted by the Royal Knights and is held captive (affectionate). He gets to make connections and friendships so when he fails to defeat Shaturu, he gets help not only from Chael but also from Ruira and Haz because they aren't commanders for nothing. Much like Drew and also Ray, he doesn't know what he's doing. More than that, he doesn't know what's going on most of the time. He just knows that he has to kill something, save people, and live. He's just vibing most of the time. In constant panic. Like a chihuahua. That's probably why he got adopted.
So to recap, devious overconfidence, calculating indecisiveness, impatient frustration, then panic confusion.
What a lovely friend group.
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amajorartattack · 1 year
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My General ROTTMNT Donatello Headcanons:
- He’s the tallest at 6′6″, alright. Like the longer neck of a softshell turtle my guys, is what gives him the height over Raph, if he didn’t have the long neck, he’d be the second tallest. - Longer snoot, not always able to see on forward facing shots cuz of perspective. His brothers always boop it, and when they first started doing so it annoyed him to all hell and back, but he’s used to it now.      - Sometimes presses his nose against his brothers, Splinter, or April, to show his affection (Kinda like a headbutt...kinda.) - He often paints his nails, usually purple, or black. But he’s painted them other colors, usually they would be some variant of blue, orange, or red. - Alright, I saw a post...pin thing on Pinterest, and it was where Leo and Donnie had heterochromia, and shared one of the colors, and I absotively posilutely loved it. So yes, he has heterochromia, and shares the red with Leo.      - Also fucking Disaster Twins my beloveds. - Unable to control when his tail wags, but it usually happens when he’s working on something and it’s all coming together, when he’s proud of himself or others, or excited for something. - The fastest swimmer of all of them, and likes to swim, especially when he was younger. - Gamer Boi (yes I know this is technically canon, but.) He streams, and makes videos of him gaming, and there has been many Donnie rage compilations going around (totally not made by Leo) - When he was younger he rarely spoke, and when he did everyone made sure to be quiet and let him do so. - When he gets really overwhelmed, he rarely speaks, or goes completely non-verbal. - Is the second best artist, he needs to be able to draw up designs for his tech, this is one of the main ways that him and Mikey bond. This also is a way that he can communicate if goes non-verbal. - Huge horror fan, especially in game form, but still absolutely gets scared. But that’s the point of it. - Overworks himself, and stays up very late. He has insomnia, but doesn’t always do anything to help with it.       - Splinter has gotten him melatonin gummies, that are safe for Donnie to consume, and he has them in a drawer by his bed. (It’s still a little more than half full.) He only eats them if he’s unable to sleep when he’s already in bed. - He is genuinely great with kids, but claims to not like them. He has said this while a kid was doing it’s damnedest to use Donnie as a jungle-gym, and he did pretty much nothing to stop it.      - Like; April: Donnie, you should come help me with work at *insert random restaurant that is catered to kids*, it’ll be fun.        Donnie (letting a kid mess with his claws): Now why would I do that? I don’t like kids.        April: You’re-but. EH?! - He is the older twin, and has used it to his advantages against Leo. He’s like two minutes older. - For as much as he likes pizza, his favorite food is actually ramen, especially seafood ramen. He knows all of the ramen places in New York, and has them labeled from best to worst. (He cries a little inside whenever he sees that the top most best place is closed.) - Knows all new slang, but chooses to not say it, or claims to say it ironically. Also has more than likely created a new slang word without knowing. - Woops ass in Mario Kart, and always plays as Bowser. Claims he’s the best character to play as because of his high speed stats, even if he has a lower acceleration stat. - Honestly to me, this guy is Demisexual/romantic, he’s gotta be able to trust and feel trust before making any claims about a relationship. - Genderfluid, most often he feels like he’s a guy, and uses he/him pronouns. - Also wears contacts, and if he doesn't have any (even though he typically always keeps a good stock of them,) he wears glasses. - Connecting the 7th and 11th lil hc thing, Donnie does not stream or record videos of himself playing horror games, because he knows that his brothers will see them, and he doesn’t want his videos to be the source of any of their nightmares.
(Imma more than likely just add onto this when I think of more shit to add. This is mainly because I posted this at 4 am, and I was really tired, and so now that I’m more awake I’m thinking of other things to add.)
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sharkwing · 11 days
hey man i have a gravity falls themed confession, sort of. i'm telling you about this because you're the only mutual i have that's been posting about the book of bill, and i'm not up to date with any gravity falls specific fandom confession blogs? not telling you which mutual this is though. sorry. anyways <3
i'm. really really behind on the times and didn't actually look up who chappell roan was until a super duper recently? within the past month i think? so my confession is: the first time i heard good luck, babe! was in a bill cipher animation on youtube, and i'm incapable of separating the association between those two in my brain. that's bill's song now! woops!
Anon, not only do I know exactly which animatic you’re talking about (probably), that’s the same thing that motivated me to finally get off my butt and start listening to Chappell Roan too. The conclusion I’m drawing from this is that Bill is real and he wants you to listen to The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess.
Seriously though, if the shoe fits! I personally haven’t been able to stop thinking of After Midnight as a Bill Song, especially the version of Bill from Wasting Away Again in the Goldilocks Zone by ckret2. Do all the lyrics fit him perfectly? No. Can I picture him vibing with it? Yes! Sometimes you can’t control which characters get which songs, best to just let em have them.
also tell me which mutual this is dangit, unfair
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tigerunknown2468 · 3 years
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Woop woop! My computer’s water cooling broke. I cleaned it up, put a new one in, and turned it on. Except, it didn’t turn on, no signs of life. I tested my power supply, that worked. I got worried that my motherboard got damaged when the water cooling broke. I ran out of ideas so I took it to the doctor. Good new is, they were able to turn it on! Bad news is… It caught on fire. Graphic’s card is 100% busted. I’m not surprised because the water cooling liquid spilled onto it. But my computer is 6 years old, so the parts it needed to be replaced are no longer being produced. R.I.P.
I’m in the process of getting a new computer, I think the only thing I can reuse from my old PC is the ram and my hard drive. Bleh. For now, I can’t use my drawing tablet. I thought I wouldn’t be able to draw anymore but I found this ancient technology, I think it’s called pāper. Apparently it was something people used before drawing tablets were invented, weird. I definitely need to get better at drawing on this pāper thing. This was the only good thing I managed to draw.
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spicycheeto · 2 years
you wanted an ask so here we go! don’t know if it was answered already, but could you evaluate on all of the hagreeves kids? like what are your opinions on them, if you like their character development throughout the series and what are you expecting to come for them in the new serie? thanks for the answer, I’m really curious!
Oh here we go! If a little of my obsessiveness towards whatever comes through... than woops. You didn't see it.
Luther. At first I kinda hated him. Now, I'm indifferent. I think he's a nice guy. I think his heart is always in the right place. I think he grew a lot from season 1 to 2. He made mistakes, and I'm sure he has a lot of regrets stored away.
I think Hargeeves played on his weaknesses as a child so much to the point it drove him to literally see no other purpose in life other than to be his lapdog. Luther was always the closest with their father than the rest of the siblings, and I think this is for a reason. He played on Luther's insecurities a bit, I believe. We know how abusive and manipulative Hargeeves was as a father. I don't need to go into that.
I do think all of the siblings are well rounded, and it's difficult to see it when there seems to be a lot more obvious flaws in a character than strengths. He may not be a perfect leader, and I think this was partially Hargreeves' fault. Luther is, honestly, just a sweet guy. I definitely do think they could've used him for more in season 2. He seemed kind of sidelined.
I don't really have many extraordinary thoughts about him. I try not to think about him, to be totally honest.
Diego. Okay, I have some things to say. I think he's been played with as Number Two by Hargeeves enough as a child. It's led him to the exact superhero complex discussed in the show countless times.
He's seen as this big macho vigilante type in season 1, but seems to be quite the opposite in season 2. It's clear from the beginning he is kind and caring, though through a rough exterior. Both Lila and Patch brought that out in him, which I liked a lot. He's a mommas boy, who was seeking Grace out and protecting her in both timelines, and I belive he will try to do the same in season 3. Most of all, he loves his siblings, no matter how much they annoy the hell out of him. Though, I think almost anyone with siblings can atest to that.
I think in season 3 they're gonna be exploring a bit of his "parenting" side. Have you seen the stills of him, Klaus, and Javon Walton's character? Maybe I'm drawing too much from one picture, but I actually think Klaus and Diego are gonna be fighting over who gets to parent this kid through the entire season. I think it's a nice idea.
Allison. Now I have mixed feelings about her. Mostly, I like her. She's one of those characters where I know there's something about her I don't like, but I can't put my finger on it.
I love where she went at the end of season 1. I know that seems morbid, but I liked the idea of her neck injury. I wasn't upset when her injury healed. I'm just glad it didn't seem like they rushed it. They didn't show her recovery, but it was clear for a bit of time she was mute and was slowly recovering to get her voice back. Her goodbye with Raymond was gut wrenching, and I am glad she was given a second chance at a happy marraige. So glad she will hopefully be able to reunite with Claire for the next season, if only for a little bit.
Following the trend of the seasons, it looks like she'll be the one of season 3 to have a big obsession. Maybe it's Claire? I saw this theory somewhere else, but now I'm starting to believe she'll turn from her siblings in season 3. Maybe she'll join the Sparrows, in exchange for Sloane to join the Umbrellas. I actually do like this idea.
Klaus. Oh baby, my favorite. I think he still has a lot of potential. I think there are many directions they can go with all of the characters. But Klaus, Five, and Viktor particularly, there's just so much they can unfold and work with.
One of the directions I hope they don't go down is somehow bringing Dave back into the equation. We barely got anything of him in season 1 to actually be attached to him (aside from Klaus' own feelings). And seaosn 2 made it very clear Dave wanted nothing to do with Klaus, and he died in Vietnam just as always. I think it would be a good opportunity to explore how Klaus is dealing with this in the future world, and maybe just move on entirely.
I know there are a lot of his comic powers the directors still have to unpack, and I know one of them is fire related. Don't really know how fire works in with death and the afterlife, but there we are. I know he has some arsonistic powers from the comics. It was possibly hinted at in season 1 when he destroyed the briefcase after coming back from Vietnam and the case went up in flames. But I know he still has a lot to unpack, and I think it will happen next season. I'm excited for what they have in store for him.
Five. My other darling favorite. There's so much to work with here. First of all, he is a 60 year old man in a 13 year old body. He has the mind of a borderline elderly (yet is still sharp as the axe he murdered the board of committees with). It's clear his love for his family is a superpower all in its own, though he's rought to show it. He's like Diego in that way.
There's not a place for romance with him. And that's okay! That's great! I hate it when producers are led to believe everyone must have a romantic partner in order for the story to still succeed. I would be perfectly okay with none of the siblings iNteRMinGLing, but that's just me. Five is gonna be a loner, for the time being. Not for the next ten years, at least. And even then, it's gonna have to seem like a sugar-relationship type deal. Or like that one couple on tiktok (you know who I'm talking about). As his body ages, I do believe his mind will start aging along with it. We don't know for sure how that all works, since he hasn't actually had the opportunity to age since he came back from the future. But it seems like that would be the easiest and most explainable solution, yes?
I'm so glad they're actually giving Five a break this season! He actually gets to take a nap! He's in a hotel bath robe, he's chilling in his old man clothes, he's living his best life. I sincerely think Five will go full Luther-route from the beginning fo season 2 and say "figure this out on your own, suckers lol" and just peace out of there. Lord knows the man deserves it.
Also, can we please let there be an actual time skip for him. Five has been dealing with these 2 (maybe 3) apocalypses back to back with zero time in between. His siblings have had years to recover and recharge their superhero batteries. Meanwhile, Five is also aging physically. And we can tell from the trailer. Aiden is 18 playing a 13 year old. And the thing is... Aiden looks his age. He cannot pass as a tiny child much longer. He's maturing and growing like a stalk of corn.
I saw one funny theory that was through all of season 3, Five is just gonna be in the background of every shot or sititng down. That'll be the only way they'll be able to disguise how tall Aiden has gotten. Well, I gotta agree. It's not looking great. I feel like they would have planned an seen it coming that their main character (who happens to be a teenager) is gonna age a lot quicker than how his character's timeline is moving. Over the past 2 season Five has aged barely 3 weeks. Aiden aged 5 years.
I didn't think Five would actually be the longest explanation I would do. I thought it would be Diego or Klaus. Oh well.
Ben. We really don't know much about this funky little guy, do we? Everything we know about him is left up to headcanons.
He was my favorite for a hot second, then I just remembered Klaus and thought "yeah, this one's a little better". I think simply cause we've been allowed to have more of a connection with anyone else in the family than we have with Ben.
I think Sparrow Ben is gonna be EXCITING. I really think I'm gonna like the direction they're taking him in. And that's all I have to say about that.
Viktor. Now I don't know how they're gonna handle the transition from Vanya to Viktor. They could just never address it, and he's been himself forever. Or he actually comes out, and you see the transition as the season is going on. I think the second one makes more sense for them to go with. It would be a little jarring if for two seasons he was someone and then BOOM, no no he's someone else. That would be a little confusing for someone who hadn't been following Elliott. Also, continuity wise, they need to stay steady.
Anyway, I can imagine Viktor just going up to Klaus and being like "so, gender". And Klaus is like "omg broski SAME". And it's just a cute sibling bonding moment.
Thanks for this! It took me a While, but here. I was straight up working on it for a solid two hours straight!
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kaistrex · 3 years
2021 Fic Year in Review
I won't be finishing anything else before the year is up, so I thought it was time for this. No one tagged me but it looked fun so here we go 😂 Edit: Now tagged by @raisesomehale! 🥰
Personal ramblings ahead!
Total number of completed works
Total word count:
161,800+ 😱
Fandoms written in:
Teen Wolf
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected?
Considering at the beginning of January I didn’t think I’d write a goddamn thing or be involved in fandom at all, a helluva lot more haha. This is the most I've written in a single year ever, easy.
What’s your own favorite story of the year?
Where the Real Beasts Are (yep, I’m still banging on about it 😂) because I persevered with it after 4 years of writing and wrote my first 100k+ fic 🤗
The runner-up is Home though. I’m really proud of the plot idea for that fic ^^
Did you take any writing risks this year?
I think signing up for the big bang was a risk, even though I didn’t realise it at the time! I think in my sign up application, I estimated my fic would be in the 20-30k range, but then it grew and grew to 2-3x that length. I realised around the end of June that the daily word count goal I set just wasn’t going to cut it, so I had to double it to 1k a day, and for the month of July, all I did every evening was sit in front of my laptop and slave away. I’m not built for that kind of level of production haha
I ended up getting it finished and self-betaed (a process which took like 10 hours 😂) 30 minutes before it was due to be revealed to everyone on my posting day. It was not a fun time, and I actually kind of grew to resent the fic haha woops~
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year?
I’d really like to get my Lonely Stiles fic off the ground. I’ve added another plot thread to it that has turned it into a longfic from the long oneshot I’d planned because there was something missing, so it’s well on it’s way to taking shape. I’d really love to be able to write the whole thing and then post it to a schedule because that’s something I’ve never done before.
I did intend to use it for my big bang piece if I sign up again, but now it’s going to be chaptered, I really don’t want to have to post it all at once per the event rules, so... we’ll see!
Most popular story of the year?
Probably Cloaked in Gold? I’ve never had such a strong reception to a fic before which was especially mind-boggling considering I thought I was just sending it out to die because it had to be posted all in one go.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Home. The reception for the fic even now it's finished has been pretty soft (the Secret Santa fic I posted 3 days ago is already on it’s way to eclipsing it via kudos by the end of the week 😂) On the other hand though, in the 5/6 years I’ve been writing Sterek, I’ve never had such incredible comments as I got on that fic which I still think about even now, AND it inspired someone to draw art so I really have nothing to complain about 🥰💖💖💖
Most fun story to write:
Probably Lemon & Ginger or The Hand-me-down. Generally when I write, I'll always hit a section where I think I just want this bit to be dooooonnnne, but both of these were short and mostly written over the course of a day, so they came to me pretty easily. They just felt right 😊
Biggest Disappointment:
I’d completely forgotten about this, but now I’m laughing remembering when I ‘un-privated’ a fic I hate because people had been asking after it and sharing pdfs anyway, thinking I’d just do it quietly and it would be there for the people that wanted it and I wouldn’t have to think about it ever again, only to discover that it sent out a notification to HUNDREDS of my ao3 subscribers. That was... unfortunate to say the least 🤣 Does that count?
Biggest surprise:
The reception to Cloaked in Gold. I was blown away by the response to it. I keep getting comments on it with regularity even now, even though usually once something's posted, comments dry up after a few days.
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purplylinos · 3 years
akrasia ♡ kim seungmin
♡ genre; fluff, slight angst, soft romance, best friends to lovers
♡ pairing(s); kim seungmin x fem!reader; felix appears for like .5 seconds
♡ word count; 1.2k
♡ description; akrasia (n) ... lack of self control - to be fair, there had always been some form of flirting between you and seungmin, but you knew your limits, what to expect and what not to expect. what you sure as hell didn’t know was coming was the impromptu confession in the parking lot.
♡ notes; first seungmin work here woop <3 so sorry it took so long for me to put one out!! i will be uploading more frequently once school is over, i’m really burnt out due to cramming these past few weeks. with that being said, i hope you enjoy some fluffy, blushy seungmin content <3
seungmin looked gorgeous.
his hair was dyed a fresh blond color, a white, fuzzy beret sitting atop his head. a blue, cropped sweater hung over his frame, his stomach being covered by a white undershirt, all of it being paired with black slacks and white converse. the gentle make-up the boy had decided to put on only enhanced the way he looked, making your heart skip a beat.
“we match,” he noted as you reached his spot, which was in front of the high school doors. you scoffed quietly with a smile, holding onto your wallet with a small hum.
“do you not remember planning that out?” you teased light heartedly, tilting your head slightly as you replayed the previous memories through your mind.
you and seungmin had gone to a local boutique after reasoning with him that everything you currently had was in no way, shape, or form acceptable for the home coming dance, especially considering the fact that the two of you were seniors. “we should match or something,” seungmin’s voice rang out, drawing you out of your thoughts as you stared at a rack of clothing.
“what made you think of that, minnie?” you questioned, not missing the way the boy’s ears turned red. “i wouldn’t think you’re the type of person to suggest that.”
“i’m not,” seungmin grumbled, folding his arms over his chest. “it’s just the fact that it’s our senior year, i would have thought that you would have liked to do something special this year, you know? especially because-”
“minnie,” you interrupted, giggling softly. “you ramble a lot, you know.” seungmin rolled his eyes playfully, prompting you to continue. “i’m fine with the idea, i was just teasing. what color were you thinking?”
seungmin thought for a moment, furrowing his brows before his eyes lit up. “blue. the sweater i’m thinking about is a really pretty blue color.” pressing your lips together, you returned your gaze to the clothing rack, grabbing an off-the-shoulder, pale blue dress that stopped at around your knee caps. “pretty,” you heard seungmin mumble, however you decided not to comment on it.
“i like this one. i have a good condition cardigan at home that i can bring with me if it happens to get cold.” you returned your line of vision back to seungmin, smiling brightly. “we can check out, then let’s go get that ice cream you were talking about earlier.”
“yeah, yeah, whatever,” seungmin responded, bringing you out of your short mind-movie. you could see him take a deep breath before offering his hand out to you, his cheeks dusted a gentle pink. “senior year home coming, are you ready?” you cocked an eyebrow at the hand the boy had offered out to you, but decided to take the offer before he could change hismind and potentially get more flustered.
“as ready as i’ll ever be,” you answered. taking note of how nicely his hand seemed to warm yours. he flashed a grin at you before opening the door, allowing you to step inside the school first before leading you down to the gym. it was almost as if the night would go by smoothly.
but what was the universe to be on your side?
you stepped into the gym with seungmin, your hand still tightly holding onto his. “there’s a lot more juniors here than i would have thought there would be,” you mumbled softly, gazing around the room before a certain pair of eyes catches yours. 
your breath hitched, sinking your teeth into your bottom lip as you gently shook seungmin’s hand. “what’s wrong?” he asked lowly, making sure he was loud enough for you to hear him over the music and people chattering nearby. 
“he’s here,” you responded weakly, feeling your legs turn to jelly as said boy approached the two of you.
to be fair, felix was a nice kid. he was smart, kind, and one hell of a flirt.
“y/n!” his deep voice called out, his eyes shining with an emotion you couldn’t quite decipher. “you didn’t tell me you had a date to the dance.” your breath hitched in the back of your throat, you could feel seungmin tense up next to you. 
“it’s not like that, felix,” you answered as flatly as you could, pressing your lips together.
“then why did you reject me all those times?” you could hear the slight hurt laced in his voice, sending a small pang to your heart. you let go of seungmin’s hand and folded your cardigan over your chest, suddenly feeling extremely cold. 
“i’m sorry, felix.” you answered once more. you turned and left the gym, leaving both seungmin and felix dumbfounded without any answers. 
you exited the school and let the chilly october air hit your chest, feeling queasy and full of guilt. not being able to process any emotions, you sat down on the side walk and planted your feet next to the space where your car was parked, gripping your wallet tightly. “y/n?” you heard a warm voice call out, squeezing your eyes shut.
“i’m sorry” was the first thing that flew out of your mouth, being answered with a warm hand carressing your cheek.
“open your eyes, dummy.” 
following instructions, you opened your eyes and searched his, they were still sparkling, more so than when you had encountered him earlier. he stared at you for some time before closing the miniscule gap in between the two of you, pressing his soft lips onto yours. you froze, confused for a moment before gently kissing the boy back, allowing a hand to let go of your wallet and grasp onto his sweater instead. seungmin tasted faintly of cinnamon and brown sugar, like what autumn itself would taste like. he was the first to pull away, his face a tinge of pink and his lips swollen.
“i guess you can tell what i wanna say to you.” your eyes searched his again, looking for some sort of doubt or hint of lying. but you couldn’t find any. it was all genuine, innocence, pure. it felt like the wind had just been knocked out of your lungs, but in a good way. your hand moved from his sweater to his cheek, smiling slightly.
“i think i wanna hear you say it anyway,” you whispered in response, noticing how his face went even redder. 
“i’m in love with you, that’s what. i’m sorry i tensed up like that when felix called us a date, it’s honestly what i’ve been thinking of this as to calm me down when it came to senior home coming and-”
“minnie,” you interrupted, giggling softly when the boy rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. he looked up to meet your gaze with a slight tilt of his head, his eyes catching the reflection of the near by streetlights. his lips were far too inviting for you to deny the urge to kiss him, so you did exactly that.
after nearly two minutes of fully enjoying his taste, his warmth, the happiness that radiated off of him, you pulled away again, causing him to tilt his head. “you remember that one word that the english teacher told us about the other day?” he asked suddenly, causing you to furrow your brows.
“um... akrasia?”
“yeah. they should add something to the definition of that.”
it was now your turn to tilt your head, silently asking for clarification.
“see also, kim seungmin.”
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kaimactrash · 3 years
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Okay first and foremost: if this flag is wrong lemme know! I have been googling but obviously, it can only go so far in trustablity since pages can be boosted.Anyway, heres my crew of lesbian OCs,
realise I have very few gay men ocs bc I've been in a real drawing fems mood lately, but theres a few there
info below on the ocs
other than Lith none of these women were born on earth, or even lived on it, so they don't have the exact same gender and physical sex rules we do, so this is more the closest term that fits all of my ladies who love ladies&enbees.up in the top left we have Lottie, she's not really into sex that much, but shes all about the romance, shes a very loving person, but deeply scared from several events leaving her with intense PTSD. She's a Frenrar native would was recruited as a demon, she was much more anthro as a human, but lost some of it on the transition to demon. She starts her story being rescued, while greatful, within a few months of world trecking she realised that this isn't what she wants to do anymore, she decides to hang out at Valentino, Skye, and Pipers traveling bar, called The Turkeys Tail. There she studies endlessly to solve a few magic issues on Franrar with the help of Valentino, it takes time but she ends up being the demon to be able to break the Elders curse, in the form of cuffs binding all lower (Hokey) demons, which prevents them running of flying away. She's a pacifist & would really like if there were no wars going on, but since she can't stop them herself, she tries to do so with her experiments. She's growing a lot as i write her and get to know her which is cool, I love when you can just almost hear a character coming together in your mind. all the inspo! Sorry for the ramble! it's good to get this stuff down when I'm in brain storming mind! Across from Lottie, top right, is lith! If you've followed me for years you know lith a bit, she was once a middle aged woman from earth, she made the transition over to demon at the end of a long fight with respiritory illness. Shes very busy lady being one of the two first primary protagonists, while she has some time to adjust to demon life, it didn't come with its own issues, and she ws soon through into a resistance for a place she arrived in not that long ago, she works it out over time. She also works out her sexuality, as a human, she pretty much burried her sexuality but the freedom of a while new world, one filled with many more queer people like her, haha.below her the giant elder Galo stands, due to her bullish attitude and hard headed focus, she struggles with this and the power battles in the Demon realm, often failing to see the wider issue as rilo refocuses her everytime she get close to figuring them out. Shes a bit new so a little under developed but shes going to be apearing quite a lot at the start of the story, then return later, so I'll have some time to get to know her. that tiny lil green triclops like thing, is Shihosu, my most precious and special baby, I wanna protect her even thou i'm the one writting the conflict in her world. She actually dies before she even apears, but shes brough back by octo ( the gold and purple octomaid lady.) and this essentially makes her speicies see her as some blessed chosen one, she has a big repuatation and after seeing and hearing other members of her speices die, she goes on the hunt for octo to find out why she was chosen...she has plenty of fun nights out during  this, so she has a good life work balance.   Shihosu is checking out Elviras butt. Elvira is basically an effigy brought to life by her father Emesh, She's a romantic at heart and can't help but coo and awe at any acts of love. Her father is very over protective and it takes a long time for her to be given true free reign of her life, shes thousands of years old by that point, so she gets out and finds the area outside her home is a semi-apocolyptic waste land filled with strange speicies and creatures, she quick decides she has left because she's to help. Her father is actually aware that he was to let her go off on her own as soon as she'd ask. He was inspired to create her while tripping hard, and the voice told him how to make her, and why he should....*mystery music.*Lastly we have the aforementioned Octo, and her wife, Beefy. By the time we meet them, they've been married a few years and they are obnoxiously in love. Beefy was earth child some how snatched onto Frenrar, she doesn'y know who did it, why, or even how, even though she meets others like her over time, none of them seem to know who did this, and no one on frenrar seems to know who could even do that. She was found in a box in the woods, no older than a year, and the Fleetfoots, a rabbit like spieces with multiple varients across frenrar, the spieces are known for strength, mentally and phsyically, hardiness, and determination, which ended up feeling perfect for Beefy, until Octovar arrived, Not immediately though. Octo was there over a summer at her father request, as she had gained a reputation for making scenes at big public royal family events, so as it is so oftem the rebelious princess is sent off out of daddys way, while he does his old boring bussiness. Beefy spent a lot of her time building and training physically, and Octovar would often be around. She's very curious as someone who lives mostly in the sea, being so far from the ocean, the lifestyles felt completely alien to one another. Over time awkward stares and little comments evolved in to longing looks and full on flirting. Always very opinionated, Octovar opened up to beefy about why she was here, why she was fighting them, and why she needed to leave before her father came back to collect her, Beefy agreed and talked about a Fleetfoot called Piper who had been here, but left after a visit from a powerful mage, beefy had kept contact via letters, so was now aware, Piper was an active member of the resistance. Beefy said her goodbyes, their culture never saw one set of parents, everyone raised everyone basically, so it was scary, but the elders reccomended beefy go try it out, reminding her, her burrow will always be there for her when or if she ever comes back.While we meet them at wives I'm 100% planning a prequel comic on them from meeting each other, to when they meet lith landon and the crew.OOf woops sorry these are meant to be silly cute lil pieces but I get all focused on lore! I'm still planningon doing more even though pride is over, I'm planning on doing one with gay men, then aro/ace. I may also do one with other mspec idnetities, but I do not have many ocs in those categories, YET! I will defo have more as more characters are created, I gotta make a whole planet of people. so theres gonna be variety.I may try and put all my trans characters together for a trans flag, but i may use the art I already made of them! Happy pride Lesbains*! (*and all the groups simailir or under that lable)        
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skylyknightly · 4 years
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I shouldn’t feel like this, for gods sake he’s my brother!  Maybe not biologically but this...this is so wrong but why does it feel so fucking right?  Damn you Jack Mercer, Damn you to hell where we’re both going after tonight! Walking into the house I’ve come to know as home I tug my friend Manda in while looking around to see if anyone was home-thankfully it didn’t look like it.  “Looks like we’re good, you won’t have to worry about Bobby being a creep today.”  Sighing in relief Manda stepped in behind her best friend and looks around blinking slowly and raises an eyebrow. “Wow you weren’t kidding, the place looks like a little old lady lives here, but I’m sure she’s sweet if she’s changed your nasty attitude.” Grinning, Manda nudges her friend and walks around the house slowly as Krystal sighs softly and tugs off her jacket and lays it up on the hook before following after her friend.  “If you’re trying to look for a drink or something you’re in the wrong place.” Krystal leans against the doorframe to the kitchen while watching Manda, who is looking at her brother's pictures that are hanging up on the wall.  Manda grins when she stops on Jack and looks over at Krystal and winks, “Hey if he wasn’t your brother I would definitely shoot my shot with Jackie Kryss, he’s yummy on a different level.  You’re so lucky, all I have at home is my parents and my older sister.  Not as exciting.”  Manda walks over and grabs a water from the fridge and sits up on the kitchen counter watching Krystal expectedly.  “Sooo when are you going to tell me what happened between you and said brother?  Everytime I ask you turn bright red and try and change the topic.”  Krystal chokes a tiny bit form the water she just so happened to start to chug and she groans as she bangs on her chest to stop herself from coughing and looks away from her friend.  “I-I guess now….you’re such an asshole Manda. So my night started off fine…” Walking home from that house party probably wasn’t the best idea but whoever said I was smart was a liar.  I toss the cigarette I was inhaling when I finally got back to the house and kicked some snow onto it so Evelyn doesn’t see, she’d kill me if she found out I picked up their bad habits.  Woops.  I nudge the back door open and poke my head in looking around before sliidng inside and kicking my boots off by the door and almost trip on them in the process.  Giggling like an idiot I shed my jacket off and toss it on the back of one of the hooks and trudge my way upstairs, messing with my hair to make it seem like I was asleep.  With a face of barely-there- makeup.  And maybe some normal clothes that you don’t just sleep in.  now that I think about it the only one that’d fall for it would probably be Angel, the guy’s barely here.  I roll my eyes and sneak down the hall after making it upstairs and slide into my room and gently shut the door. Weird, why does my room smell like marijuana and cologne?
All jack wanted to do when he got home was have a beer, a cig, and a good rub off seeing as he can’t ever bring a girl home because of the guys.  Sighing to himself, Jack walks into his room and plops down on his bed and rubs a hand over his face rubbing away the insecurities that keep popping into his head every second of every minute.  He sheds off his jacket and shirt while he opens the little mini fridge next to his bed and grabs one of the beers Bobby left for him for his birthday that was last week and cracks it open.  Taking a long swing from it he lays back on his bed and kicks off his boots and looks around the room, fingering the can he lays his head back on his pillows and tugs his belt buckle loose and stares up at the ceiling.  Krystal’s been sneaking out a lot lately, wonder if she was able to get a guy before he was able to even get a girl to look at him.  She’s pretty so it wouldn’t really surprise him if that’s why she’s been gone.  He’s just hoping she doesn’t sneak out for the same exact reasons he used to.  Shivering at the thought, Jack finishes off his beer and lets it roll out of his hand as he shimmies his cock out of his boxers, wincing at the coldness of his room.  Why he keeps forgetting to tell Evelyn about the broken window is beyond him.  “Fuck…”  Jack whispers as he runs his thumb over the tip of his cock, smearing the pre-cum over it as he catches his bottom lip between his teeth and shuts his eyes.  After a few minutes of teasing himself he grips the shaft of his cock and slowly starts pumping it as he lays his arm over his eyes, letting out soft pants every once in a while.
I turn around after being confused about the smell of my room and completely freeze up for a moment.  I am DEFINETLY not in my room.  The first immediate thing I see is Jack, MY ADOPTED BROTHER, his cock in his hand and letting out the most adorable pants i've ever heard.  Nibbling on my lip softly I sneak over to the side of his bed and tilt my head watching him for a second before slowly kneeling down next to him, getting eye level with his cock.  Glancing over at his face I grin a tiny bit and quickly take his hand off his cock and lean over it, engulfing it in my mouth while letting out a little moan at the taste.  He taste so good, better than the honey glaze he puts on the damn ham we have during christmas.  
Jack rips his arm from his eyes and stares down at Krystal taking his cock in her mouth and immediately grabs her hair on her head and twitches biting on his lip hard to keep in a loud moan that was threatening to come out.  Krystal glances over at Jack and moans around his cock when he grabs at her hair, obviously thinking he likes it she slides up onto the bed, keeping his cock in her mouth, and starts going for it.  She’s running her tongue up the underside of his cock, fisting what she can’t fit in her mouth and using her other hand to slide down her own body and running her finger over her clothed clit under her skirt and moans softly around his cock again.  Jack juts an eye open and nearly bursts at the sight of her playing with herself as she’s going to town on his cock.  She’s actually enjoying this?  With a burst of rare confidence he nudges her from his cock and quickly grabs her by her arms and tugs her up a little and slides down and tugs down her panties as he becomes eye level with her dripping sweetnes.  He licks his lips and looks up at her as he leans up a little running his tongue over her opening and rolls his eyes at the taste.  “Ja-Jackie!”  Krystal grabs a fistful of his hair and throws her head back letting out a soft moan that coaxes him to slide his whole tongue into her.  Jack tugs her down onto his face more as he rubs his nose against her clit and lapping at the inside of her walls.  “ T-too hot, FUck Jackie too hot please!” Krystal tugs off her shirt and tosses it away from her and looks down at him whimpering softly as she starts to fidget above him and yelps gripping his hair tighter as Jack’s met with her ecstasy filled end, he laps it all up as he kisses her clit softly and grins up at her sliding out from under her and sits up holding her down into his lap and tilts his head to the side. “What caused all this to happen?”  Krystal whimpers shrugging a little and tugs at her bra getting it off and slides her arms around his neck, “I-I don’t know or care just fucking kiss me.”  Tugging him to her she smushes her lips against his, tasting herself on him as they both groan in usion.  Jack quickly slides the zipper to her skirt down and tugs it down off her legs and tosses it away as he gets up off the bed, effectively breaking the kiss and tugs his jeans and boxers down freeing his cock completely.  He then leans over to the nightstand and grabs a packet for a condom and rips it open before Krystal snatches it from him and tosses it away. “Hey what the hell was that for?”  She rolls her eyes up at him and kneels up on the bed and tilts her head staring up at him with a small pout, “I’m on the pill, trust me.  I’m not getting pregnant anytime soon Jackie so just quit fooling around and fuck me already.”  Krystal nibbles on her lip for a second before flipping over onto her stomach and nudges her hips up into the air and looks over her shoulder up at him as he stares at her backside for a moment, appreciating the view of her bending over and presenting her beautiful sex to him and slides her panties down. 
Jack steps closer to her holding his cock in his hand and slides it into her folds, hisisng softly he grips her hips tightly squeezing his eyes shut and grins a tiny bit when Krystal shoves her face down into his bed letting out a loud squeak.  Jack stands still behind her for a few moments so she can get accustomed to his cock before he proceeds to move his hips.  “You’re so soft and tight, sh-shit Kryss.”  Groaning low Jack bows his head and squeezes her hips tightly thrusting deep inside her and starts to quicken his pace.  “J-Jack fuck! Y-you feel so gmmgood! Pl-please go faster, I-I can take it!” Krystal looks over her shoulder at him tearing up a little and whimpering softly.  Jack nearly cums as he looks her in the eyes and hisses a little gripping her hips tighter before thrusting faster.  The action makes her roll her eyes back and bite her lip muffling a loud moan and keeps her head back moving her hips back against him when he thrusts into her.  After a few moments Jack grabs a fistful of her hair and pulls her bcak up against his chest and starts thrusting into her at the new angle.  He leans into her ear kissing it softly and groaning low into it lightly. “Fuck princess your squeezing my cock so tightly, I feel like you’re about to cum, are you?  Well kryssy?  You going to cum for your adopted brother? C’mon princess, cum for me.”  sliding a hand that was holding her hip down to her clit he starts rubbing figure eights on it quickly drawing her to her orgasm.  Krystal squeaks softly reaching back grabbing Jacks hair and bucks against his cock and his fingers.  “J-JAck!”  With a shout, Krystal clenches as she rides through her release on Jack’s cock.  Jack praises her gently as he continues to thrust inside her and thrusts up deep holding her down against his cock letting himself cum inside her as he buries his face in her hair panting softly.  After a few moments when he’s finished, Jack lays them both down on his bed gently and holds her into his side keeping his face in her hair and mumbles softly, “Kryss...dunno if it’s stupid to say it now but...I do love you, more than sibling such…”  Giggling softly Krystal shimmies around and looks up at him trailing her fingers over his chest lightly, “I love you too Jackie...and it isn’t too late.”
Manda stares at her friend wide eyed and throws the empty water bottle at her and jumps down off the counter racing over and hugs her tightly, “oh my fucking god Kryss that’s the sweetest, hottest thing I’ve ever heard in my life!”  Krystal hugs her friend lightly giggling into her shoulder, Yeah, definitely the hottest thing she’s ever done in her life.
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kbstories · 4 years
de·con·struc·tion (n.) The act of breaking something down into its separate parts in order to understand its meaning.
To Trafalgar Law, trust has never come easy.
(Or: Luffy does his thing and Law recovers.)
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Trafalgar Law Needs A Hug, Recovery, Nakamaship, Luffy Being Luffy, Minor Canon Divergence
Set between Dressrosa and Zou but Sanji is there because the author mixed up the canon timeline woops. Content warning for references to suicidal ideation (in the context of Law’s plan).
The coffee is good, Trafalgar Law thinks as he follows the wood grain pattern of the Sunny’s dining table with zero interest. His eyes itch like there’s a sandstorm raging between cornea and lid; Law is certain they’re swollen something fierce too, and can’t bring himself to care. Fuck, his head hurts.
Another sip, and Law’s lips twitch into a frown. Scratch that, the coffee is fantastic, and isn’t that another entry on the ridiculously long list of things-to-resent-Luffy-for. Admittedly, this particular dose was administered by Strawhat’s cook. Luffy-by-proxy, then.
Never let it be said that Trafalgar D. Water Law can’t be both a master strategist and a petty asshole.
Cigarette ever-present between his lips, Sanji regards him with something-like-sympathy. The look doesn’t stick around, there and gone while he prepares enough food to be considered a light lunch on the Thousand Sunny, and a veritable feast anywhere else.
Sour mood or not, Law can appreciate the space he’s given. Unlike a certain someone, most Strawhats know to leave him the fuck alone when Law asks for it.
With a porcelain click, a plate is placed next to his half-empty cup of coffee: It carries a colorful assortment of cut fruits and two onigiri, perfectly shaped. The portion is small enough not to challenge the loveless marriage Law has with his appetite, and the glass of water that follows is served sans the usual snide commentary.
So much for that.
Law glowers at Sanji but the cook has already moved on to the dozen other dishes in varying stages of preparation, and to have a staring contest with Sanji’s back would be, well, childish. And unproductive.
The past few weeks – and yes, it’s weeks and not years or decades as his overtaxed nerves will have him believe – have taught Law a great many things. How much he appreciates wonderful concepts like privacy and personal bubbles, for example, and that the Sunny is a parallel universe where those things simply do not exist.
Oh, and also that food is not to be wasted, or else.
Thus, Law doesn't. He eats, and a quiet breath makes it out of his mouth that is only partially the annoyed sigh he intended. Because the food’s fucking delicious, and his stomach decides to stop hating him because it’s his favorite, and the headache that’s been shadowing his every step since he woke up eases just like that. Suddenly, the mother of all emotional hangovers dims and for the first time in hours, Law can think.
Sanji smiles like he knows it, too, the bastard.
Weeks of this bullshit and he’s at his limit, defenses shot, walls badly patched up and crumbling regardless. Law blinks and groans, presses tattooed fingers to closed lids in a desperate bid for the moisture building there to fuck off already.
And he’d thought he’d cried himself into a desert just yesterday. A naïve assumption to make, on a ship populated by sentimental idiots.
“Luffy finally got to you, huh?”
Oh, Law does not want to talk about it. The crux of the problem is that he wasn’t raised among thieves – at least, not entirely – and with the empty plate in front of him and the pleasant tingle of caffeine in his system, politeness dictates some form of reciprocation. Bepo would be oh-so-proud of him, if…
Well. That thought is added to the pile of others he pushes far down to be able to function.
So Law mumbles, “That’s one way to put it”, a fleeting glance over the rim of his cup ensuring that yup, that damnable glint of kindness is back in Sanji's eye and this time it's going nowhere. Law’s shoulders draw up so tight they might as well be made of granite, as rigid and unyielding as he wants to be. Strawhat made quick work of that illusion, too.
“Listen, cook–”
“You really think you’re the only one?” Sanji interrupts him calmly, a statement-turned-question for Law’s sake, and Law shuts up and watches the other smoke for a few, tense seconds.
Tense for him, at least. Sanji looks like he does this every fucking day, leaning against the counter with his back straight and his legs crossed at the ankles and his words piercing past all pretense like he’s the one known to wield swords, not the other way around.
Law just gives him a look. Sanji chuckles and turns his head to blow out the smoke away from him; in return, the doctor spares him the comment about deadly habits that he’s probably heard from Chopper a thousand times anyways.
“Well, you’re not. Luffy pulled that shit with every single other person he’s decided to befriend, so we’re all – pardon the pun – on the same boat here.”
Even Zoro? is the real question here, because Law can imagine pretty much every Strawhat losing it eventually (they’re an overly emotional bunch even on a good day) but somehow his mind blanks at their first mate. And Nico Robin, while he’s at it.
There’s a particular sort of glee in Sanji’s gaze, then. “Everyone. Captain’s a charming little shit, and he hates seeing someone being sad on his ship. With that fucker Mingo gone and”, he gestures casually at Law’s… everything, and Law glares, “it was only a matter of time, really.”
“I see”, Law says but he doesn't, not really. Even after sailing with him, fighting with him, bleeding with him, Luffy remains an enigma and ultimately unpredictable. Law taps a rhythm against the edge of the table, catches himself doing it, stops.
“I don’t know how you stand it.”
What he means is the incessant laughter, the constant interruptions, the Hi Traffy! and What are you doing, Traffy? and Traffy, play with us! and You’re funny, Traffy! – yet all he thinks of are intense brown eyes and a starburst scar and Luffy’s voice, quiet with sudden sincerity:
Don't you know? You deserve to be happy, Law.
Law misses the flippantly dismissive tone he was aiming for by a nautical mile and then some. He winces, looks away with a huff; there’s no way Sanji can miss the rough honesty in Law’s voice, obvious and crimson-red like a target sign, pointing to the parts of his soul left aching and raw.
All Sanji does is shrug as if to say, you get used to it, and he extinguishes his cigarette and picks up the plate and leaves the cup with a pointed look. The cook returns to his craft and just like that, Law is off the hook again.
His coffee is cold by now but he finishes it anyway, downing the rest like a shot of liquor. Carefully, Law returns the cup to the counter next to Sanji’s elbow, and his murmur of thanks is accepted with an easy-going smile.
Law’s motivation to step outside and face the day is fractured and hazardously taped together at best. There is no reason to delay it any further: It’s a miracle the galley hasn’t been invaded already, especially with the smell of grilling meat wafting all over deck at this point. Law will take whatever his pitiful sense of luck will grant him.
That is, until he taps his hat in parting, opens the door and promptly stumbles over Monkey D. Luffy, captain of the Strawhat Pirates and recently-assigned commander of an extensive fleet, as he loses balance and rolls into the room with a dumbfounded look of surprise on his face. Law stares as it is swiftly replaced by a delighted smile.
“Oh, hey Tra–!”
With a flash of blue and the dull flop of a book on wood, Law disappears.
The sun is dipping towards the horizon and painting everything in vibrant reds and gold when Law decides to stop avoiding Luffy.
It’s a bizarre amalgamation of factors that leads up to it: Nico Robin’s look of mild curiosity as he appears in the library without warning; the fact Law has already dug up and read every book that is even tangentially related to any of his interests (and those that aren’t, too); a rare sense of yearning to feel the wind on his face and to watch the sea as she tosses and turns playfully against the Sunny’s hull–
The sea is out there, however, and so is Luffy, and were his self-control to slip any further, Law would shudder with the nervous energy that tingles in his veins at the thought.
The truth is that Luffy is brilliant. Perhaps not book smart like Law or as mechanically gifted as his shipwright or his sniper – people and emotions, that’s what Strawhat Luffy knows better than anyone, and it’s fucking terrifying. By his own design, Law is more lies and deceit and meticulous strategy than he is a person; it’s what carried him from being a child-beyond-death all the way to Dressrosa, the island-that-would-be-his-grave. It’s the one element that didn’t change in a plan he revised and adapted a million times over the years.
And then Law shambled Luffy out of the air and Luffy smiled at him and they set sail again and there, with all escape routes barricated by endless blue, the man dedicated a whole week of his life to go look for what’s left of Trafalgar Law in the aftermath and just... No.
A real shame that the ally he chose turned out to be allergic to plans. And common sense, and doing things in reasonable amounts, and– He sighs, a tired little noise that is lost to the uncaring backs of countless books.
Yeah, this is getting ridiculous.
Thousand Sunny can rarely be described as quiet by any definition. Stepping out on the quarterdeck, Law is met with the idle cries of sea gulls high above and the fluttering of the gaff sail as it turns to catch a lazy breeze. The sight of a napping swordsman, a sun-bathing model, and a skeleton delicately partaking in afternoon tea with a reindeer really shouldn’t register as anything other than bat-shit insane. He finds himself immediately losing parts of the habitual scowl he keeps on his face, and once again he has to wonder what kind of forbidden magic the Strawhats wield to simply do that.
No matter. With steady hands, Law tucks the tips of his hair under his hat – it’s gotten rather long, without Penguin around to cut it – and makes his way across deck, side-stepping Zoro’s comfortable sprawl with an ease born of practice.
The same ease with which he ignores the mumbled comment of “Fucking finally”, as much as it makes his stomach churn. The notion that everyone on the ship knows is not a comforting one.
Your crew is waiting for you! Are you gonna give up on them, too?!
You don’t know shit about my crew, Strawhat!
Then again, a screaming match between two captains in the small hours of the night can hardly be categorized as ‘stealthy’.
Framed by the sun, Luffy is a proud silhouette atop the figurehead of his ship. His legs are crossed, hands hooked under his shins as if to limit the amount of excited twitching to be done; boundless energy slips through the cracks like the glow of a firefly held between two hands. Law huffs a breath, shakes his head. A botched attempt at holding back but an attempt nonetheless. He can respect that, at least.
The unwritten agreement among the Strawhats is that this spot, it’s Luffy’s and Luffy’s alone. The man claims no other luxury on his own ship – which contains a captain’s cabin, Law checked with the cyborg on that, it’s just that it’s used for storage because Luffy-bro doesn’t like sleeping alone, you know? – and there hasn’t yet been a situation which required contesting that.
Thus, Law hesitates just outside the invisible circle drawn around the Sunny’s wooden mane. And, while there’s little doubt the other can track his approach, he knows he owes him for the tactical retreat earlier in the day.
Law’s tone is neutral, expression marginally softened by the clear relief in Luffy’s reply of “Traffy!” that comes with a glance over his shoulder. The grin that follows may be the only predictable thing about the guy, and Law can’t find it in himself to begrudge him for that.
“Come up, come up! I wanna show you something.”
For once, he walks instead of using Room. There’s nothing to replace himself with up there except for Luffy’s hat, and (the expected outcome of his big plan aside) Law doesn’t actually have a death wish. Step by step, Sunny’s head reveals a breathtaking view that only a handful of people have seen: From end to end, the line between sky and ocean disappears in the purple-pink swirls of twilight and a world that stretches on to infinity below their feet. Up here, a universe of possibility is within reach for those courageous enough to try.
No wonder Luffy adores it so much.
Law sits next to him with as much grace as he can muster, one knee pulled close to his chest and disregarding the painful twinge from his side where the nerves of his arm have yet to fully reconnect. His gaze remains on the horizon for a while longer, soaking up the sight befitting of a king.
“So that’s why you’re always up here.”
“Huh? Oh, yeah! It’s cool, right?” Luffy snickers, patting the polished wood under them like one would a well-behaved dog. Or lion, in this case. “Sunny’s the best. But that’s not it. Look!”
Law throws him a measured glance to see what he means and gets stuck on the scrap of paper cradled in Luffy’s hand with care, inching straight ahead. “Nami says we’re getting close”, Luffy tells him, voice radiating warmth and giddy anticipation in equal shares. “I can't wait to see them all again!”
Bepo (Bear), it says in Law’s own writing, with a miniscule scribble of the Heart Pirates symbol next to it.
His train of thought is derailed by the sudden longing wrapping around his heart, there and impossible to push aside. Law misses his crew, misses Bepo’s stupid apologies and Ikkaku’s stern reprimands and the hopeless blush Penguin and Shachi share when a woman merely acknowledges their presence. In hindsight, the months without them seem unbearably lonely, bleak and shadowed without the cozy togetherness of his family and the comforting hum of the Polar Tang all around him.
To Law, giving that Vivre Card to the Strawhats was the last bit of reassurance he needed to make his plan a reality – a wordless promise for them to find his crew and tell them it worked, perhaps some final words, if he got lucky enough to utter them. Now, after, it takes all his resolve not to snatch the precious paper away and never let it out of sight ever again.
He snaps himself out of it in time to stay exactly where he is, opening his mouth without the faintest idea where to begin putting it all into words, but by that point Luffy is already showing him his palm, offering Law everything he holds dear without asking anything in return or even a shred of hesitation.
A captain without a crew is sad and lost. Don’t you know? You deserve to be happy, Law.
In that moment, it doesn’t matter how vulnerable and exposed he felt the night before or that Luffy saw– Law takes the Vivre Card back and holds it up to his eyes, barely blinking as the paper wriggles impatiently between his thumb and index, surrounded by the tender colors of dusk.
“I... When? Tomorrow? The day after?”
“Tomorrow”, Luffy nods and it’s the tone he makes promises with, filled with determination and the courage to dream. He leans back on his hands, says, “Told ya we’ll take you home”, the smile on Luffy’s lips now soft with fondness.
It's an unfamiliar comfort, to watch the sun disappear knowing dawn carries with it a brighter future. For the first time in years, excitement bubbles warmly in Law's chest. Humming, he quietly admits, “Yeah, you did.”
Then Law laughs, rusty and a little awkward, and feels freer than he ever has.
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baekuras · 4 years
I wanted to put this in an ask but then I decided to lay back a bit into my pillow and more thoughts hit me every time I stopped one like a marathon so imma get them all out right now
Let me start with that I love talking to you always just...LOOK at all this art that happened Moreso with the griffins than er-au because thats a wholeass long post at this point (yes i still have ideas for that too to draw i can not stop yet oops) all because of some tags on a post about a cat with baby bunnies-it's amazing
Anyhow What do you mean „idk if this is a Aiden lives situation“ of course it is there is no other option Although my brain defaults to angst
which is why i didn't follow the thought of „Aiden doesn't die“ which was followed by „if he does he comes back“ both which can end super badly so i...am leaving that (and the thoughts of now him outliving everyone or coming back wrong and it's all even worse etc etc you know the deal)
bUT my brain continued a bit anyway and with the griffins au I don't even wanna imagine what would happen if Aiden died An emotional witcher and 4 griffins all angry and/or grieving Not a good mix, maybe for revenge but definitley not for everyone else especially if Lambert has to calm 1-4 kids down while being a mess himself probably (yes my brain also did go to „What if they/one of them gets so out of hand Lambert would have to fight them or would run away from that chaos because it's all too much for everyone and ouch)
So right now my angst braincells are only for my ocs (latest I did was hang someone on their ribcage for a bit after torture after experimentation after lovers betrayal so that's good for now (i am so sorry i will let it end well too but woops)
But luckily for us all Aiden lives v-v
Second though interjected somewhere between those ramblings and how I always get whiplash when I actually play the witcher 3 and hear Aiden spelled out (idk how it's said in polish tbh i am not gonna read subtitles only and i refuse to play the game in german) considering how in german the Ai is spelled like...eye and not like, well, uh (h)ey idk how to word things with words
but now to griffins and half the continent of geralts friends/acquaintances being at kaer morhen
imaging everyones reaction to seeing the griffins first is great fun
Lambert and Aiden either arrive as late as possible for dramatic entrance OR are the first there just lounging with 4 griffins around as if that was the most normal thing in the world (which it is for them but come on, they know)
also tfw you are unsure what's weirder, a cat witcher at kaer morhen or griffins at kaer morhen (how about 2 cats vs 4 griffins, someone grab gaetan quick!)
I also like to imagine that at some point the griffin siblings decided to see how long it'd take them to convince someone to pet/cuddle them and whoever gets them to do so fastest wins New game is „Find the buff-witchers/anyone really (thanks GERALT) and see which one tosses them first“ they will still try even having long outgrown that possibility but come on (Letho beware, he is new and now on their radar of „Bother that Witcher“) Look they are Lambert and Aiden's kids I doubt they have much restraint or....anything
also don't refuse them they got a whole family to go and sulk to and they know how to be cute all big eyed and floofy and shit Even if Lamb and Aiden aren't around they WILL find Eskel (they know who is in charge come on) and be all sulky around him because SOMEONE refused to give them food they don't even like and that was probably bad by now!
I also wonder, considering I drew Aiden on the biggest girl, who rode a griffin first (and who else would gain the privilege) I wanna say Aiden, but I wouldn't put it past Lambert ofc but also i am sure one of the kids just...wriggled through the legs of an unsuspecting witcher until they were able to take off, witcher safely on their back
ALSO baby birds and cats are very mouthy (the amount of scratches and bites kittens can give you is insane and some really dont wanna learn that nothing will happen pls play with the toys instead thank you) so....baby griffins must have been a mess in that department as well
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