#the only time my mom talks to me is to complain or gush about my sisters or ask me to do shit for her or yell at me about work
kenzie-ann27 · 7 months
what's the worst generation to have as parents and why is it gen x
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cameronspecial · 4 months
What if Drew meets the actress!reader' parents and older brother at a family dinner, he would be graciously greeted by their kindness of her family, especially her mother who seems to have a little crush on him. Her father will tell all the funny anecdotes of his childhood and her brother who teases them about marriage of them 😏😅 It's rather embarrassing for her but it's a good night for Drew
Plz can u doing that !?
The Embarrassing Meet
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Actress!Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
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Y/N has brought home boyfriends since she got famous. Other Actors. Authors. Musicians. Even sons of famous people. However, she hasn’t been as nervous about bringing them home as she was about bringing Drew home. She is incredibly in love with him and family meetings always seem to chase her boyfriends away. Not only are they embarrassing for her, but they also make her boyfriends realize that her home life is not as glamorous as they want it to be. Drew holds the passenger’s side door open for her. She smiles at him, dropping it once she sees her family at the open front door already. “Oh my goodness, look how handsome he is. And he is tall too. He could get all the stuff on the high shelves for us and we could have tall grandchildren, Jeremy,” her mother gushes. The older Y/L/N woman comes running to hug the new arrivals. Drew is more than happy to receive it while Y/N crosses her arms at her mom. “We literally just got here, Mom. Do you have to lay it on so thick?” she asks. Drew smiles at Emily, “It’s okay, Y/N/N. I’m honestly flattered that I’m already making a good impression and I would love to grab anything you need, Mrs. Y/L/N.” Emily’s face warms up and she hits Drew’s bicep playfully. “Please, call me Emily. We have a shelf that needs hanging if you are okay with being put to work,” her mom offers. “I would be more than glad to help out with that.”
Drew and Jeremy stand in front of the wall. The shorter of the two reaches up high with his hands to approximate how high they want the shelf. Y/N sits on the sofa with her mother while her brother makes dinner, watching the two men do the work. Her father tries to lift the heavy shelf they are going to put up, but he freezes and holds his hand to his lower back. Drew holds a hand out to the older man and takes the slab of wood from him. “I’ve got it, Jeremy. I see the nice woodwork you have on the other shelves. Is that what this shelf is for?” Drew questions, using the pencil to mark where he needs to put the screws. Jeremy beams and picks up one of his pieces. He shows drew the wooden duck, “Yes. I’ve been doing it since I was in high school. My best subject was wood shop. I made this duck for Y/N/N when she was little. She would refuse to take a bath unless it was beside her. If it wasn’t near the tub near bath time, then she would run around the house naked looking for it.” “Ugh, Dad! Do you have to tell that story? It’s so awkward,” Y/N complains, burying her head in a pillow. Drew chuckles and takes the duck into his hand, “What are you talking about? I think it’s an adorable story. Might have to make you another duck if it that’s how you react without one. Plus, I would love to spend more time with your dad while he teaches me.” Drew’s laughter increases as he catches the pillow that is whipped at his head.
Jeremy and Emily stay at the front door to wave the couple off whilst Gideon follows his sister and Drew to the car. He leans against the open car window to formally say goodbye. “Okay, so I expect a wedding invitation within a year. You got me, Starkey? You are too good for this family to let go of,” Gideon orders with a finger pointed at the male in the driver’s seat. Drew glances at Y/N with a grin before looking at Gideon, “I got you. I would be crazy to let your sister go.” Gideon slaps the car door in satisfaction. “Good. I knew I liked you for a reason. Okay, bye you two. Drive safe.” He straightens up with a wave and steps back so Drew can drive off. Y/N sinks lower into the seat at the sound of her family very loudly wishing them goodbye one more time from outside of her car. “I hated that so much. I didn’t know I had so many embarrassing childhood stories.” Drew chortles, “What are you talking about? I loved it. I think I made a great impression with my future in-laws. I can’t wait to see them again.”
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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vioartemis · 1 year
I'll die with you (part 6)
(Tara Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: After your mom's death, you were ready to kill Ghostface. Whoever it was. At least that's what you thought, before realizing it might be one of your friends Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 Warnings: Ghostface stuff, death of a character (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
Tears were rolling down your cheeks as Gale's body fell to the ground.
You got up, shaking, and punched the button as hard as you could, letting out a cry of despair. The mechanism finally decided to work, and the glass wall started to go upwards.
But it was slow. Too slow to allow you to rush to your mom yet.
As the wall went up, Ghostface looked at you and whipped his blade before turning on his heels, removing what held the stairwell's door closed and running away. You couldn't wait any longer and crawled under the glass.
At the moment, chasing the killer was the last thing on your mind.
You knelt next to your mom and applied pressure on her wounds. But the cut on her throat was deep. Way too deep. Despite all your efforts, blood continued gushing out of the wound.
"I-it's okay... you're gonna-"
"Y/n..." the tone of her voice broke you, and her weak smile didn't help "I'll tell your dad you say hi..."
"Wh- no no no no...! You can't you- don't leave me too..."
Tara was worried about you. Since your mom died, you weren't the same. She could understand that, of course, but you didn't say a word to anyone, including her.
She tried to talk to you, only to be met by dead eyes staring into the void. You weren't responding, even when she kissed you. Sam ended up telling her to leave you alone for the moment, and they both exited the room you were sitting in.
Everything around you was blurred, nothing mattered anymore. Both your parents were attacked by Ghostface, and each time you couldn't save them.
Was continue trying even worth it? You were all going to die anyway. You, Mindy, Lexi, Sam, Tara... Tara...You couldn't stand seeing her suffer again. She was the only thing you had left. The only one.
You couldn't let him take her away from you. Not her too.
The grief you were experiencing since your mom's death was replaced by an overwhelming wrath.
He was not going to hurt her in any way. You would do everything in your power to prevent that from happening. Even if it meant killing him yourself.
Especially if it meant killing him yourself.
Loud voices in the hall made you snap out of your 'trance'.
"I told you it wasn't going to work! Her theory was bullshit, not everything revolves around her!" it was Lexi's voice
"At least she tried to find a plan! What did you do huh? N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Oh no, sorry, you couldn't stop complaining about how you didn't to be the bait! How useful." Tara defended you
"You know damn well that's not true! I tried to tell you all that was a shit plan, that we should- You know what? I don't care. I'm leaving. She can die alone, just like her father."
That sentence made your wounds burn and your rage build up.
Before you could realize it, you were storming out of your room and grabbing the blonde by the collar, pinning her against the wall with force.
"What the fuck did you just say?" you said, teeth clenched
"You heard me perfectly."
You would have punched her on the spot if it wasn't for Tara to put her hand on your arm gently.
"Y/n, she's not worth it..."
You looked at your girlfriend for a second, before releasing the other girl.
"Oof, thank you Tara. Your crazy girlfrie-"
She didn't get to finish her sentence, cut off by Tara's fist meeting her face. She looked offended but didn't try to fight back and simply turned to Mindy.
"You coming with me or...?"
The brunette started following her girlfriend but turned around and mouthed you 'I'll try to convince her', leaving you alone with Tara.
"I thought you said she wasn't worth it"
"Well, I was wrong. Who does she think she is to talk about you like that?" she mumbled
You grabbed her hand gently, thumb brushing over her red knuckles.
"Thank you for punching her, it was satisfying to watch" you said, lips curling up slightly
"Where are Mindy and Lexi?" Sam asked, arriving with coffee in her hands
"They left"
"Lexi wants to leave Woodsboro. Mindy said she would try to convince her that it's useless" Tara explained
"And you let them go? Splitting up is the worst thing to do right now!"
"I don't know." you started "Maybe staying only the three of us is the best option."
"What do you mean?"
"Our plan was good; it should have worked. He had no reason not to follow us."
"Are you trying to say that-"
"He knew."
The two girls looked at you with wide eyes.
"He knew...?"
"He knew what we wanted to do. He tampered with the mechanism. He even blocked the doors! That cannot be a coincidence!"
"But how?" Sam questioned
"Someone might have heard us. Or... or one of us is Ghostface"
"Maybe that's what he wants us to believe. He makes us doubt each other and then... He gets us one by one." Tara suggested, way too quickly to your taste
Why did she react this fast? She didn't have that kind of scruples when she accused Damian to be the killer. Why was she being so defensive now...?
You looked at her, eyebrows slightly furrowed. She wouldn't... she wouldn't be Ghostface, right? No, she was with you during every attack.
Which gave her a perfect alibi, said the little voice in your head, speaking for this tiny little part of yourself that thought it might be her.
You were on the verge of slapping yourself for thinking that it could be your girlfriend. It couldn't be her. You hoped it wasn't her.
And if it was her... you preferred not to think about it.
Your phone ringing in your pocket made you snap out of your thoughts. It was a text from Mindy: 'I have a plan. Meet us at the old house near the hospital at 6.'
At the agreed time, Sam, Tara and you were in front of the house, wondering what could possibly be her plan in such a place. The house was decrepit; no one had lived here for a long time.
"Are you sure we're at the right place?" Sam asked
"Yes, there's no other 'old house near the hospital'"
"Couldn't she find a better location...? This house's creepy"
You shrugged. There were rumors in school saying it was haunted by its former owner's ghost. You never believed it, but you had to admit the atmosphere wasn't pleasant.
Maybe five minutes after, Mindy and Lexi arrived, soon followed by... Damian?
"They let you out?" the blonde asked the boy
"I told you I was innocent..." he simply replied
"We still don't know that." Mindy intervened, eye siding him, before turning to you "Why did you brought us here?"
You gave her a confused look.
"What? You're the one who texted me to meet you here!"
"I did not? Tara messaged me half an hour ago telling me to come here at 6" the brunette said, confused
You turned to your girlfriend with a questioning look on your face.
"I didn't text you?"
"Yes you did"
Mindy took out her phone and showed the text. It was indeed from Tara.
"I got the same" Damian added, showing his phone too
You showed them what you received too, more confused than ever.
Just when you thought things couldn't get weirder, someone else arrived. Sidney Prescott, your 'aunt'. Why was she here? Wasn't she supposed to stay with Mark and their daughters?
"Sidney? What are you doing here?"
"Your mom texted me. She said you would need my help here and that without me it wouldn't work"
Your heart sank at her words.
"When did she text you...?"
"Maybe two hours ago. Why?"
Your eyes widened and your heart started beating faster.
"W-we need to get the fuck out of here..."
"What? Y/n what are you-"
"She can't have texted you"
"Because I killed her."
The voice made you all jump. You turned around, only to be met by a tall, black figure standing in front of you. Ghostface was here.
It was a trap. There was no way out, he was in front of the garden's exit. The only option you had was going in the house. Into his trap.
He had planned everything; lured you here and blocked the way out so you were forced to go inside. You couldn't escape.
When the killer took a step closer, knife out, you all ran in the house, except for Sidney who took out a gun and tried to shoot him. You didn't know if she got him of not, but she soon followed you inside.
You slammed the door shut as soon as Sidney got in, and Tara and Sam pushed a cupboard against it, keeping it close. Damian took out his phone and dialed 911.
"Shit, there's no network here..."
"What do we do then? We can't call the police nor go outside!" Lexi complained
"We try to stay alive" Sidney said calmly
"And we kill him." you added
"No more 'we arrest him'? Now you want to kill him? May I remind you that last time your plan failed miserably."
If Sidney and Damian hadn't held you back, you would have punched her way harder than what Tara did earlier.
"Y/n calm down, now isn't the time to-"
Sidney got cut off by Ghostface, bursting through the door on the other side of the room and throwing a chair at her. The three of you bent down to dodge the flying object.
From your position, you saw Tara and Mindy running away through the right door. Sam and Lexi tried to follow them, but Ghostface stood in their way, forcing them to go somewhere else.
Damian grabbed your hand and pulled you with him, away from the killer. You tried to pull Sidney with you, but she didn't move, gun in hand.
You followed the brunet across the house, trying to sow your pursuer. You stopped after a minute, out of breath.
"I- I think he's not after us..." the boy said
You nodded, hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath.
You hoped none of your friends was getting killed. At least they were in groups of two... Which could be deadly if one of them happened to be the killer.
What weird groups now that you thought of it. Tara didn't try to get to you like she did before. Mindy and Lexi didn't try to be together either.
Sam and Lexi didn't have the time to get to them, but Tara and Mindy were the first ones to run. They had the time to go with whoever they wanted. Why didn't they try to go with their girlfriends?
Here it was again. The little voice in your head telling you that Tara might be Ghostface. And again, you tried not to think about it.
Damian got cut off by the second door opening itself, revealing Ghostface. Maybe he was after you. As he rushed to you, you grabbed the nearest object, a lamp, and threw it to him.
It was your turn to grab Damian's wrist this time, pulling him out of the room and running away. You had no idea where you were in the house. Everything looked the same.
At one point, you end up at a crossroads. You could hear Ghostface running behind you, you had to think fast.
"Go left" you said
"Go left, I'll go right. He should come after me"
You didn't let him time to think and pushed the boy to the left, preventing him from getting cut by Ghostface's knife. You sprinted to the right, hoping the killer would follow you.
And he did. He followed you to the end of the corridor. A dead end.
Shit, you thought.
You didn't even get the chance to get to the wall. You felt the blade sink in your back. He was already on you.
You thought he would kill you right away, but instead, he grabbed your hair harshly, knife still in your back.
"Now stop running, will you?"
"What do you want?" you asked, teeth clenched
"You'll see in a minute. Be patient. And stop struggling, I wouldn't want to kill you before the big reveal."
With that, Ghostface guided you to the living room. Six persons were already there. Five of your friends, and one Ghostface.
Someone was missing.
So I was right... There was a mole among us the whole time.
a/n: I'd love to have your thoughts about who you think is Ghostface after reading this chapter, I'm really curious 👀
[Previous part] || [Next part]
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burrowbaddie · 1 year
Joe Burrow x Female Reader
Series Summary: Childhood friends to lovers to nothing. You and Joe had history, you were each others first and then you were nothing. Years later, you guys rekindle the flame but with more obstacles in the way this time.
Chapter 2 Summary: You and Joe decide it’s time to be selfish.
Word Count: 7.2k
Warnings: Afab!reader, smut, swearing. Oral (female & male receiving), vaginal fingering, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, cheating! (You are the side girl, sorry.), mild violence (small fight scene).
Series Masterlist
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Joe flips through the photos while you pace your kitchen. He places the pictures down with a long sigh.
"Maybe someone is just being funny."
"Joseph, nothing about this is funny. They know where I live. They personally dropped this off."
"What do you want me to do? I hire a bodyguard and-"
"No. That will draw more attention. I don't know. If this gets out-"
"Cheeks, look at me. I won't let anything happen to you. I will find out who did this. They have nothing here."
"They have a photo of us kissing. You're publicly dating everyone's favorite news anchor. If this gets out, I will be the one whose name gets dragged through the mud. Not yours and not Nicole's. You said you would break up with her."
"And I am. Her mother is really sick. I don't want to be an asshole." Joe takes a deep breath realizing how that sounds right now. He pulls you in a hug and kisses your forehead.
"We should stop. This isn't good."
Joe doesn't let you go. He knows it's wrong, and he knows he should end the affair, but Joe doesn't want to lose you again. He won't.
"We will figure it out."
"You should go. I'll call you later. I have to do this thing with my mom and about Thanksgiving. Just forget I asked. My dad will understand."
"Stop. I'll come. Remember how we used to spend Thanksgiving: my family and your family? Game boards and watching our dads argue over a simple game." Joe kisses your lips and grabs his keys, leaving you to your thoughts. Mya comes over a few hours later to cheer you up. You have no one to confide in right now, and you're close to spilling everything to her. She hands you a glass of wine.
"Talk to me. I can see the wheels turning in that big head of yours."
"I'm in love with some I cannot have." You confess.
"Why not? You're a gorgeous independent woman; what idiot wouldn't want you?" Mya laughs, throwing her head back. You stare into the glass of red wine.
"He has a girlfriend."
"Oh. OH!" Mya puts her glass down and turns her complete attention to you. You're about to gush on everything when her phone rings. Mya groans and grabs it, answering a call from her mother. You down your glass and pour another glass while waiting. Mya returns, jumping down on the couch and smiling.
"He's not married, so I don't see the harm. He's the one in the wrong, not you. It's not your relationship, so who cares." She encourages you to make yourself happy and keep seeing the guy. You met Mya during your first year in residency. She was a couple of years older than you, but she reminded you of Quinn. After a few more glasses and a pep talk, you are feeling yourself. Mya heads to the guest room to sleep, and you take the time to send Joe risky photos. In recond time, Joe is facetiming you. You fix your robe and sit on your bed.
"Hello, Joey," You grin, holding the phone up, only showing your face.
"Stop playing with me. Put the phone down."
"What?" You can't hold your laughter when you place the phone on the bed. You hear Joe groan, complaining about you. Standing up, you drop your robe to the ground and pick up the phone. This time letting Joe get the full view.
"Fucking hell, Cheeks. I'm not even home right now." Joe groans, rolling his eyes.
"Where are you?"
"Reviewing plays and watching old footage at Tee's place. Half of me is ready to leave so I can fuck-"
"Yo J, we're going to order late-night take out you in?" Ja'Marr calls. Joe mutes his phone and puts it down. You pout and put your robe back on. Joe returns to the phone, frowning.
"I gotta go. This game Sunday is-"
"I get it. Go ahead." You nod your head and end the call without a goodbye. You decide to drink some water, take some pills, and let sleep do the rest. In the morning, you spend a good chunk of the day in bed trying to catch up on the Netflix show "You." Your phone starts ringing, and you see it's a facetime from Quinn.
"Quinn, what's up."
"I can't get married! Like, think of how hot I am. To be tied down but one extremely hot and wealthy man? He is so lucky!" She shouts. You laugh at your friend and sit up in bed.
"He is fortunate to have you."
"Fran told me you and Joe are on speaking terms. I'm glad to hear that. Have you been okay? Sorry, I'm such a shit friend."
"No. Stop. You're busy, and I understand. I am also busy. I'm doing okay. With everything."
Quinn gives you that look, the look of "I know you are lying." look. You take a deep breath.
"I will uninvite him to my wedding," Quinn states, making you laugh again. She always knows how to cheer you up.
"It's fine. Joe is your friend just as much as he is mine. We're okay. I promise."
"I worry about you. I don't want you to spiral down because of that prick."
"You and I both know Joe isn't a prick."
"Hurting my best friend makes anyone a prick. I could use a more vulgar word if you want."
"I'm fine. I swear. And we don't see each other often, so it's okay."
You stay on the phone with Quinn for another hour before hanging up and deciding to visit your parents. Your mom immediately starts nagging you about settling down and giving her grandkids. You have no plans to have children anytime soon. Leaving your mother, you decide to go downstairs and spend time with your dad before dinner.
"Is Joey boy coming to Thanksgiving dinner?"
"He has a girlfriend. I'm sure he will spend it at her house with her family."
"How did you mess that up? You guys were attached at the hip before."
"Dad. We mutually ended things. I wanted my career, and he wanted his."
"I know. But you were sad for a long time. I was really worried about you. I am proud of you—my beautiful little doctor." He kisses your head just as your mother calls for dinnertime. You stay at your parent's house pretty late. When you get home, Joe is sitting on your steps. You unlock the door, and he follows you in. Your mind tells you to kick him out, but when he touches you, your sense dulls, and you become putty in his hands. Joe places you down on the bed and kisses you softly. He whispers how much he loves you with each kiss, starting from your lips and working his way down your body. You pull Joe back up to kiss him—just a simple kiss. Joe starts down at you with some much love in his eyes. You look away and push him off.
"I'm tired." You whisper, wiping your tears. Joe pulls you close to him, and you both drift to sleep. In the morning, while getting ready for work, Joe sits on the bed, watching you with a grin.
"You look so hot in your doctor uniform."
"Joey, it's 4 am. Cool yourself down, boy."
"I can't!" He pouts, turning on the tv. You sit on his lap and kiss his soft lips. Joe sneaks his hand into your pants, slowly rubbing you through your panties. You look down at him, and he is wearing a big smile. Joe uses his index finger to slip past your panties into your drenched folds. You arch your back and moan as he rubs your clit in circles. Your body damn near shuts down when you hear Nicole's voice coming from the tv. All at once, you pull his hand out and stand up, fixing yourself. You can see the large strain on Joe's sweatpants. Joe stands up, adjusts himself in his pants, and turns off the TV, not before sucking on the finger that was just in your cunt. You shudder and walk away. You go your separate ways, and it's hard making it through a long shift when your mind is stuck on this morning. All you can think about is getting off and going home, calling him over to fuck you into oblivion. But that doesn't happen; in fact you and Joe don't see each other until Thanksgiving, when he shows up with his family and his girlfriend.
"It is so nice to meet you. I feel like I'm meeting a celebrity." Your mother gushes over Nicole as you push food around your plate. Joe won't even look your way. He knows how fucked up this is, but Nicole asked to come with the family at the last min. He couldn't say no.
"Pass the mashed potatoes, sweetie." Your dad shouts down to you. You pick it up and pass it to Joe's mom. Joe kicks you gently under the table. You don't look up. You refuse to look up at Joe.
"Omg, Joey babe! Is that a photo of you? Look how little you were, omg!" She points at the photo of you and Joe during your 8th-grade dance.
"Yeah, it was our dance for 8th grade," Joe confirms.
"You guys went together?"
You don't speak, and neither does Joe. Nicole's smile slowly turns into a straight line as she puts things together.
"Did you guys date?" She finally asks. You don't speak. Joe doesn't talk. Your parents look at Joe's parents.
"Freshmen year of college. But they broke up when he went to LSU." Your mother breaks the awkward silence. Joe coughs as Nicole stares at you.
"The best friend that broke your heart. I thought you meant that in a funny way. But I get it now. Bathroom?" Nicole gets up, and your mother takes her to the bathroom. Joe's mother looks at you and then at Joe.
"You didn't tell her you used to date? Joe, that was a bomb. She looked totally caught off guard."
"I'll go talk to her. I didn't think it was important." Joe says, standing up to chase after his girl. You start biting on your lip, trying not to let his words get to you. You're not important; those were his words.
"I have to take this call." You say barely above a whisper. You go to your bedroom and answer the call. Thank the heavens you are on an on-call shift because you are needed at the hospital right now. You say goodbye to everyone except Joe and Nicole. Joe excuses himself from the family game to follow you to your car.
"Not important." You swing your door open, waiting to hear what he has to say.
"Cheeks, you and I both know I didn't mean it like that."
"Right. Not telling your current girlfriend anything about your ex makes perfect sense. Especially since you're still fucking that said ex." You get in the car, ready to slam the door, but Joe grabs it.
"Everything okay?" Nicole asks, standing on the steps of your parent's house. You look up at Joe, asking him to let go of the door. Joe nods his head and closes your door. You pull out of the driveway, leaving them behind. Nicole crosses her arms, waiting for Joe to speak.
"Let's get home. I'm tired and want to look over some footage." He takes her hand, leading her back inside.
You and Joe avoid each other for the next few weeks, but that stops when you both attend Quinn's New Year's Eve wedding. You smooth out your emerald green satin bridesmaid dress and take a deep breath. The long slit going down the left leg gives little to imagine. Quinn is insane for designing this dress for a wedding. You take a look at the cleavage and shake your head. Insane.
"Quinn, this dress is way too revealing for a wedding. Like my tits are almost popping out."
"That is why it is an adult-only wedding. I wanted my bridesmaids to show some leg show some tits! Be free! Look at my wedding dress! The girls are popping out as well."
You just shake your head and laugh. The door opens to Francis, Quinn's twin brother, and two other bridesmaids.
"Don't you look absolutely stunning?" He pulls you into a hug.
"I told you, you looked amazing. Ladies! The countdown begins." Quinn claps, getting everyone's attention. Your nerves are running a bit crazy because you know Joe will also be here, even though Quinn said she would uninvite him because of you.
"Alright, we have to get going. See you down the aisle." Francis pulls you and the others out of the room. You stand lined up, ready to start the ceremony. The doors open, and it begins. The ceremony is 30 mins long, followed by the reception. You did your best not to make eye contact with Joe during the ceremony, but he now sits directly across from your table during the reception. The best man stands up and makes his speech, and you know you are up next as the maid of honor. You down your drink to give yourself some liquid courage and stand up. Everyone's eyes are now on you, but the only pair that matter are the baby blue eyes piercing your heart.
"I have had the pleasure of knowing Francheska, aka Quinn, for 14 years. We have been through Hell and back. Quinn is the sister I have always wanted. She is always in my corner just as much as I am in hers. Watching her grow into this amazing woman has been my pleasure. Thank you for allowing me to be on this journey with you. Nico, thank you for loving her unconditionally. When you asked me to help you find a ring, I could barely contain my excitement. But I knew she deserved you just like you deserved her. I want to wish both of you happiness and love always. To Quinn and Nico." You raise another glass and toast. Quinn wipes her tears and stands up to hug you.
"That's my best friend. It's so funny because me and Francis always thought it would be her and Joe getting married first. I beat you guys!" Quinn shouts. Joe claps and laughs, and you shy away from the attention. Throughout the night, you are happy people keep Joe busy with conversations. That is until Fran pulls you, Joe, and Quinn, into a private room.
"Sorry, Nicki girl, this is a friend zone. Just the four of us." Quinn says, closing the door on Nicole. You sit on the couch away from Joe, who is leaning against the door. Fran starts pouring shots.
"To us! 14 years later and still hanging strong! One down, three to go! Fran hands out the shots. You clink glasses and throw them back.
"I know Joey can not get plastered, but let's take a few and enjoy this night for me!" Quinn shouts. After three more shots, the guys leave. Quinn grabs your hand as the door closes.
"What's wrong? Are you going to be sick? Last night at the bachelorette party, you seemed spaced out talking to me."
"I've been sleeping with Joe for the last few months. Last month we had a small fight and haven't done anything since. We haven't even talked, but seeing him here again. I feel dizzy."
"I knew it! Fran owes me $20. You know Joe was acting super weird too, but Fran didn't know what was up. This is too good!"
"Quinn, what do I do? He has a girlfriend. He's moved on. It's not fair for me to keep seeing him." You pour another shot, trying to drink yourself into a reason. Quinn hugs you again.
"Talk to him. I'll be back." She leaves, and you sit on the couch; as time passes, you start pacing. When the anxiety is no longer bearable, you grab the bottle and return to the party. Nicole is pinned to Joe's side. There is no way you can grab him to talk, so you force yourself to have fun and forget him. This is your best friend's big day, after all. After many rounds of dancing and drinking, you take a break to use the bathroom. As you're about to close the door, a hand stops it. You stumble back and look up at the man you've been avoiding all night. Joe closes the door locking it behind him. He looks at you up and down, biting his lip. Without another word or second, Joe is scooping you up and kissing you heavily. He sets you on the vanity. Your hands are fumbling with his belt as he kisses on your neck.
"You look so fucking amazing tonight. Do you know how hard it was for me to hold myself back all night?" He whispers against your neck. You successfully get his belt loosened and pants down. Joe easily rips your underwear off and stuffs it into his pocket. You spread your legs allowing Joe to finger fuck you on the sink. Your head hits the mirror as you throw it back, moaning in his ear.
"Please." You beg. You knew both of you didn't have any time to waste. Joe pulls down his briefs, and your mouth practically waters, watching his cock spring out, hitting his stomach. Joe gives your pussy a few taps with the tip, running it up and down your slits to get natural lubricant. When he slides in you, try everything to suppress your moans.
"Don't do that. It's fine. No one can hear us. I want to hear those pretty noises you make for me, Cheeks." He groans in your ear. Your walls break, and you're giving Joe exactly want he wants. You a complete mess, moaning and crying out his name. His thrusts speed up as he battles his wall. You're cumming, unable to hold back anymore.
"Don't stop," You cry out, holding on to Joe for dear life. Joe had no plans to stop. His head was buried in your neck as he continued to give you deep and long strokes fucking you through your orgasm. And when it's Joe's turn to cum, he doesn't bother pulling out, emptying every last drop into you. Sweaty, breathing, heavy, and in pure bliss, you start a clumsy messy make-out session.
"I missed you so much." Joe pulls away and cups your face. You look up at him softly, nodding your head. Joe kisses you again on the lips, then your forehead.
"Hey! I need to pee!" A guest bangs on the door. Joe helps you down and regain your balance. Both of you quickly freshen up and leave the bathroom. Joe follows you into the room from earlier. He sits you on his lap and begins rubbing your leg.
"I'm going to break things off with Nicole. I know I keep saying it, but I am this time. I just want to know where that will leave us." Joe looks up at you with puppy eyes. You kiss his lips.
"Joey, I've never stopped loving you. I want to be with you again."
"I'll work things out. Can I see you when we get back home?"
"Of course." You smile into the kiss. Joe lays you down on the couch and begins feeling your body up and down. He's holding back this time because if he doesn't, Joe will take you again right here on the couch, not caring that he left his girlfriend alone. It's you that breaks away from temptation first. You return to Quinn's side, who gives you a sly smile. You made it just in time for the NYE countdown. As the clock ticks down to one, you turn to see Joe and Nicole share a kiss. Your heart sinks a bit, but you know what Joe said. After tonight he would end things. But, of course, fate has other plans.
When you arrive back home, you're tossed into a hectic work schedule. You hear from Fran that Nicole's mother passed away. Joe doesn't leave his fragile girlfriend; he continues to have both of you. You should know better. You should stop this relationship. But you can't. You can't help but fall into his arms. Joe can't help but to call and look for you whenever he needs you. You two become comfortable again.
Joe kisses your back and rolls over. He's going to the Superbowl, and as soon as he arrives home, he drives straight to your place to celebrate. Last night, Joe practically fucked you everywhere in the house. You run over, smiling at him, and kiss his lips.
"How are you feeling, champ?" You ask, playing in his hair. Joe pulls you on top of him, and you feel his erection.
"I am on top of the world right now. I'm going to the Superbowl. I got to wake up to this beautiful woman. I'm about to fuck her again and-"
You place a pillow over his face giggling. Joe is insane if he thinks your body is ready for another session. He tosses the pillow and flips you over. Joe pushes your legs against your chest, putting you in a mating press. Before he can begin his morning routine, his phone rings. Your mood falters because of the ringtone. Joe lets you go and reaches over to the nightstand for his phone.
"Where are you? The guys are already home."
"I had to stay at my parents' place. My dad wanted to celebrate. I didn't want to bother you because I know you had an early shoot." Joe sits on the bed, watching you limp to the bathroom. Joe relentlessly fucked you all night, and your legs still felt like jello. Your body is covered in his kisses, and his covered in scratches and your kisses. He follows you into the bathroom, putting the phone on speaker as you brush your teeth. Joe starts playing with your pussy making you squirm at the sink. He smiles and winks at you through the mirror.
"Really? I'm at your parent's house now." Nicole crosses her arms staring at Joe's mother. Joe takes it off speaker and leaves the bathroom. You turn the shower on and climb in, letting Joe deal with his problem. A few mins later, he joins you after brushing his teeth.
"Who did you lie about being with this time?" You ask, grabbing your blue loofah.
"I told her I was with Marr, which isn't a complete lie. I'm going there after this." Joe turns you around and lifts you.
"All night into the morning and again? I don't think I can handle you," You whisper against his lips. Joe was ready to slide in again, but this time interrupted by your phone. It was the hospital. He put you down and quickly let you finish your shower. You rush to your phone and return the call. After getting dressed, you kiss him goodbye and tell him to lock up. Joe follows your instructions, and after feeding Peaches, he leaves your house, going straight to Ja'Marr's house.
"Really? You were at my house? My girl called me bitching me out about covering for you." Ja'Marr rolls his eyes and follows Joe to the game room, where other teammates lounge around.
"Messy, man. You know our girlfriends are in a group chat together, right?" Von says, shaking his head.
"So, who is she? I've heard of having mistresses in other states, hell, even other cities, but having your side right here in the same city as your wifey. It's insane, my man," DJ Reader laughs, sitting on a recliner. Joe picks up a pool stick, ignoring them.
"She is his childhood friend slash ex-girlfriend. She's fine as fuck. Look at her Instragram." Ja'Marr passes his phone around, letting the guys check you out. Joe snatches it away.
"How do you have her Instagram? It's private."
"I followed her on my backup account. Relax. Me and Cheeks are kinda best friends right now." Ja'Marr takes his phone and sits down with a wide grin.
"So, are you going to end things with Nicole? I need to know the game plan since she's best friends with my girlfriend." Sam speaks up, this time earning a nod from the other guys. Joe scratches his head.
"I plan to break up with her."
"But?" Sam sits up, waiting for the next part.
"Every time I'm ready to end things with Nicole, something comes up. Her mother dying. Right now, she is still on bereavement from work, so I haven't found the right time to end it. But I will, and it won't blow back on you, Sam." Joe takes a seat looking at a text from Nicole.
"Listen, we all need to get our heads in the game. Stop thinking about women and side dishes-"
"Stop calling her my side dish or mistress."
"I mean, that's what she is—realistically speaking," DJ speaks again, earning some head nods.
"We're going to the Superbowl! Fuck everything else!" Ja'marr claps, bringing the group back to the main focus. Joe doesn't say anything else for the rest of the gathering. He is pissed off and doesn't want to cause friction, but at the same time, having anyone disrespect you doesn't sit right with him. So, Joe lets it stew all week, and it's not his fault, either. DJ keeps taking shots at him as well. Joe left his phone at your house and called you from Ja'Marr's phone. You arrive at the facility and sit on the sidelines, waiting for training to be over. During a break, Joe leads you to the locker room.
"Joey, not here. And you're all sweaty and gross." You yelp as he wipes his sweaty head on you.
"You can be sweaty and gross too." Joe kisses on your neck. You give him a shove.
"Behave. Here's your phone. Call me later?"
"Of course." Joe smiles and slaps you on the ass as you walk away. After practice, he is eager to visit you.
"Off to see that side piece of yours?" DJ laughs, throwing a towel at Joe. Joe takes a deep breath.
"Watch your mouth." Joe tosses the towel back. DJ stands up and gets in his face.
"Or what, pretty boy."
"Uh, Oh!" A teammate shouts, egging the situation on.
"Why don't we focus on the game? Why I do off the field doesn't have shit to do with you." Joe doesn't back down. His jaw clenches as he stares DJ down with the same firey expression.
"Cool." DJ turns around mid-way and stops.
"But once you're done with your side bitch, why don't you send her my way for a few rounds." DJ laughs. Joe snaps and throws the first punch. DJ quickly recovers and tackles Joe to the ground delivering a few punches. Ja'Marr and Sam jump in, separating the fight before it gets out of hand.
"What the fuck is going on? Get up now!" The coach yells while Ja'Marr holds Joe back and Sam holds DJ.
"I don't know what the fuck has gotten into the two of you, but it's showing on my fucking field! I don't care what goes on in your personal lives, but when you're here in my uniform, you act accordingly. Knock it off."
You swing your door open, surprised to see Joe standing there with a black eye and busted lip.
"Jesus! Are you okay? Is this from practice?" You ask, pulling him inside. You take him to the kitchen and give him an ice pack.
"Yeah. It's from practice. Dinner?"
"I ordered out. I didn't know you would be coming over, so-"
"It's fine. I won't stay long. I just needed to see you." Joe wraps his arms around you, surprising you. You hug him back, unsure of what to say.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. You know I love you, right? No matter what anyone says. I love you with my entire being."
"Yes. Where is this coming from? What's going on?"
"Nothing. I just needed to know that you knew that. Will you be at the Superbowl?"
"I couldn't get off. I'm sorry. But I promise to watch it."
Joe kisses your forehead and says his goodbyes. Nicole is waiting for Joe in the bedroom when he arrives home. She immediately touches his face. Joe explains practice got a little rough. After eating dinner, they sit on the couch watching tv. Joe's mind slips back to you. He wonders how different life would be if he had stayed in Ohio.
"I'm so proud of you. I know how stressed you've been about the Superbowl. No matter what happens, you will still be you, Joe." Nicole kisses his lips and climbs onto his lap.
A few days later, they attended the Superbowl luncheon. Joe and Ja'Marr take some photos and greet others. Nicole sits with the other girlfriends, gossiping.
"No, because if you think about it, he doesn't call you at all when he's in Buffalo. Girl, he's cheating." Amber, Sam's girlfriend, says, shaking her head. Nicole continues to scroll through texts, not really listening to the conversation.
"Look at the wives. Sitting separately from us like they're so high and mighty. They can get cheated on just as easily as us. They probably get cheated on more." Jessica, Tee's girlfriend, speaks up this time. Nicole puts her phone down with a chuckle.
"What's so funny?" Jess asks.
"I don't have to worry about any of that nonsense."
"Oh, right, because not all guys can be like your sweet Joe." Jess rolls her eyes. Eliza, Ja'Marr's girlfriend, downs her drink and giggles. Ja'Marr has told her on multiple occasions how Joe is fucking someone else. In fact, She has covered for Joe a few times, including last week.
"Do you think Joe is going to pop the big question soon? I mean, imagine he wins his ring and then asks you!" Sam squeals, thinking about the idea. Nicole blushes and fixes her hair.
"I don't know. We'll see what happens tomorrow."
Joe makes his way through the crowd greeting people. At one point, he sees DJ pull Nicole from the group to talk. A reporter is asking him questions, so he cannot leave immediately.
"Excuse me for a second," Joe finally gets a chance to catch up to them. Nicole turns, smiling at him.
"Everything okay?" She asks, fixing his shirt.
"Yeah. What are you guys talking about?"
"Just about the excitement for the game. DJ was also asking me to hook him up with a friend. All my friends are taken but your friend from college. She is single, right? A doctor too. I've only met her twice, but I think maybe you two could hit it off."
Joe stares at DJ, clenching his jaw.
"She is single. But I don't think she's into footballers," Joe laughs it off.
"Well, we won't know that until you give me a chance," DJ says, patting Joe's back extra hard.
"How about we set up a double date? Joe will let you know the details." Nicole walks off to find Amber. Joe smiles until she is out of earshot. He shoves DJ in his chest hard.
"What the fuck is your problem?"
"Hey, I asked for her to hook me up with a friend. Not my fault she brought up Cheeks." DJ winks and walks off. Joe runs his hand through his hair and looks for Ja'Marr.
"You look like you're about to kill someone," Ja'Marr jokingly says, handing him a drink. Joe declines the drink and runs his hands over his face.
"Fucking DJ talked to Nicole. Now they want to do a double date with Cheeks."
"He's such an ass. Don't let him get to you, though. Right now, he is our teammate. We need to focus on tomorrow and get this win."
Joe knows he's right. So, as much as it kills him, he sucks it up. The next day his head is on straight, and his mind only thinks about one thing. Winning. But right before taking the field, you facetime him.
"I just wanted to say good luck. And show you that I'm watching! See!" You point to the TV showing highlights of the conference game. Joe smiles, wishing you were here with him.
"I love you. Thank you, baby." Joe blows you a kiss. You hang up after saying I love you back. Leaning in your chair, your turn to your computer to enter some reports. Unfortunately, the Bengals lose to the Rams. You don't hear much from Joe for the next few days. You knew he must be taking the loss really hard, so you gave him space. Your parents invite you for dinner at the Burrow's place, and you accept, hoping to see Joe. Joe is there with his girlfriend. Of course, he is; what did you think would happen?
"Cheeks, Am I allowed to call you cheeks, or is that a Joe and you thing?" Nicole asks. You shake your head, allowing her to continue.
"You're single, right?" She asks, causing your mother and Robin to peek over at the two of you at the counter.
"I, umm, am."
"Great! How about a double date? Me and Joe and our good friend. He's a great guy and asked me to hook him up with a friend. Since you and Joe are so close, I figured it would be okay."
"Sure. That's okay. Who is it?"
"DJ from the team."
"Oh wow. I guess that would be fine. Excuse me; I have to take this call." You pull your phone out, walking away—a double date. There is no way you can handle that. Joe spots you in the hallway. He rubs your arm.
"You look like you've seen a ghost. What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm more worried about you." You reach up to rub his face, and Joe leans into your touch. You start to play with his ears.
"I feel like a failure."
"Joey, it's one game."
"The most important game."
"You're not a failure. Nothing close to that. You lost. It happens. yOu have to pick yourself up and go harder next season. I know you can do it."
Joe tries to kiss you, but you block it with your hand.
"Our parents are here, and so is your girlfriend, who asked me to join on a double date."
"What? She what? With fucking DJ. This fucking guy. I swear I'm going to beat the shit out of him."
"Why? What's going on?"
Joe shakes his head and walks away. Dinner was less awkward than Thanksgiving but still uncomfortable. You thank them for dinner and head home. When you arrive home, your door is cracked open. Your place is completely trashed. You call out for Peaches, who comes running towards you. You find photos of you and Joe scattered all over your kitchen. Your face is scratched out with the word "Whore" written on it. You put the cat down and try to calm your nerves. With shaking hands, you dial Joe but quickly hang up when Nicole answers. You're scared to call the police but too scared to stay there. You pack Peaches up and go to a hotel for the night.
"Hey?" Mya touches your shoulder, scaring you.
"Sorry, I didn't hear you come up. I will be in the Emergency Department all day if anyone needs me." You grab a clipboard and start working.
"You're jumpy today. Didn't get enough sleep?"
"I've been staying at a hotel for the last few days, so no."
"What? Why?"
"Someone broke into my house."
"Omg! Are you okay? Did they take anything?" Mya asks, following you. You pull her into a storage room.
"I've been sleeping with Joe. They have photos of us together. Intimately. It was all over my apartment floor when I came home."
"Burrow." You whisper. Her eyes widen.
"I knew it! I knew you were seeing someone from the Bengals! Fuck he's so hot. But omg Nicole. Nooooo, not my Nicole!" she pouts.
"Someone has been following us, and I need to tell Joe, but-"
"Listen, if you need to stay with me, my home is open to you. Fuck I can't believe you're sleeping with Joe fucking Burrow!"
"Sorry. It's going to be okay. Don't let it get to you. Whoever this person is obviously has no plans; otherwise, you would be on TMZ right now." Mya reassures you. But as days go by, you become more paranoid. It doesn't help that you receive a letter from this secret person telling you to keep everything to yourself. So, you do for Joe's sake. No one likes a cheater. He could lose a lot more than you. So, when the night of the double date comes up, you do your best not to look at him.
"You're gorgeous. I can't believe someone hasn't wifed you up." DJ smiles, making you giggle.
"Work keeps me too busy to date." You reply.
Joe sits back in his chair, staring at the both of you. It feels like he is burning holes in your faces. Nicole leans her head on his shoulder, returning him to the conversation.
"I'll get the check." Joe stands up, leaving the three of you to talk. You exchange numbers with DJ and end the night on a good note. He offers to take you out again. Joe is once again burning holes in the side of your face. DJ walks you to your car as Nicole pulls Joe towards his car. Dj kisses your hand and bids you goodnight. You drive to Mya's place and park in the driveway, reading Joe's text. Before you can respond, he calls you.
"Did he go home with you?"
"I'm on my way over now. So, if he's there, he needs to get the fuck out. Right now. I'm not even joking."
"Joe. I'm not home."
"Did you go to his place?"
"I have the right to see who I want to see, Joe. You're not my father, and I'm a grown adult."
The line is silent, but you know he's still there because he's breathing hard.
"I need to see you, so just tell me where you are." Joe pleads. He sounds broken and hurt. You give him Mya's address. She's working a double, so you should be safe right now. And when Joe arrives, he quietly follows you into the guest room, scooping you up and kissing you softly.
"Go away with me for a few weeks."
He pulls you out of your dress quickly. Joe's eyes scan over your body. You become shy under his gaze.
"I need you. I only need you. Let's getaway. How much vacation time do you have saved up?"
"A lot. But I need a more extended notice." You sit up on the bed, unbuckling his pants. Joe comes out of his pants and boxers. You take him into your hand and slowly stroke his dick. Joe watches you intensely as you kiss the tip swirling your tongue around.
"Fuck." Joe groans once you start deep-throating him. He throws his head back and bucks his hips. You pull his cock out with a pop and lick from the base to the tip again. Joe shakes his head.
"I want to cum inside of you." He pushes you back and tosses your underwear. Joe is quick and is between your legs, devouring your cunt. You wiggle and squirm as he holds your hips down. Joe sits up, pushing your legs to your chest, putting you in a mating press as he slides in easily. Both of you moan at the new sensation.
"I love you. I swear you're the only thing that matters to me in this world. You're mine." Joe whispers against your lips. You're so fucked out of your mind that you can't respond. Your mouth hangs open.
"Too deep." You cry out. Joe was hitting your spot, sending your mind into a dizzy spell. Joe releases your legs and holds them up in the air by your ankles. He watches his cock slide in and out of you while you cum. Your body jerks up when he starts snapping his hips faster, overstimulating your sensitive body. Joe lets go of your legs and spreads them wide to get a better view of everything. He reaches down to rub your clit, and you moan incoherently.
"Wait! Joey! Wait! I can't!" You cry out as he pulls out, and you squirt on his abdomen. Your body shakes, and Joe leans down, coaxing you through your high. He whispers how pretty you look right now.
"I don't want you to be with anyone else—only me. I want to be selfish with you. I want to be the only one making you cry like this. I want this pussy to be filled with only me. Can you let me be selfish just this once?" He begs. You nod your head, feeling him rub your thighs. Joe turns you over and enters you again. You find the strength to get on your hands and knees. Joe digs his fingers into your hips, watching your ass collide with his pelvis. Skin slapping skin, moans, and grunts fill the room with every thrust. Joe presses you down on your back, causing you to give him a more profound arch.
"Such a good girl." Joe bends down to kiss your spine. You start whimpering as he returns to his position and continues pounding away. Your knees and arms give out, and you collapse onto the bed, letting Joe have his way until he came. Joe pulls out and flips you over, spreading your legs to get a look at his cum leaking out of you. You shiver and whine when he pushes it back in.
"I want to get you pregnant. I'm not even joking. Can you imagine how beautiful you will look carrying my baby?"
You cover your smile at his words. Joe leans over to kiss you.
"I love you so much, Joe. If you give me a few weeks, I will take that vacation with you, but there's something I need to tell you."
"Is everything okay?"
"Someone broke into my place. They had photos of us again and-"
"Are you okay? Why didn't you call me?"
"The person threatened me, which is why I don't want you to take any actions. I can handle it myself."
"They've been in your house. You're not safe there. You have to move. I'll find you a place close to my house for now and stay with your parents. I'll hire security and-"
"Joseph, I said I can handle things. If you get involved, it will only make things worse. Until you end things with her, we can't. No one can find out about us." You cup his face forcing him to look directly into your eyes. Joe mumbles a yes and buries his face in your neck. And three weeks later, you find yourself in the Maldives with Joe.
A/N: Omg, I can't believe so many people like this fic! The title is called Second Strings, and it is a series. I linked the master list up top. If you want to join the taglist I have linked it here as well! But there is a limited amount of people I can tag. Thank you for all the love messages comments and reblogs! It motivates me so much. I know this was such a long chapter, but I had some time! Things will get more interesting as we continue!
Tags: @joselyn001@savii999@lostaurorax@simpgirl-lat@edenhess@blinkloverx3 @dboanalooaa
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djljpanda · 1 year
Could you do a amity x fem reader *platonic*
Reader straight up punch odalia then grabs amity while saying “stay away from my child”
And she supports amity in everything she does *amity having anxiety attack whenever she does something wrong or fails, but r wants to show amity the love she deserve and always encourage her even when she suceed or fails*
Amity introduce luz to her and is worried r will hate her but r happily welcome Luz *but she does do the shovel talk. I mean she loves the girl but she protective of her sunshine child*
*this request is totally based on me. I Low-key officially adopted amity as my precious sunshine child that must be protected back in season 2 and I still call her my sunshine child. I even call Hunter sunshine child 2.0. seeing her mom made me upset and I was ready to throw hands at a fictional character😂. I either totally see r either being a mom or older sister figure/mentor to amity*
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You remember when the small blight girl had entered you Library asking for a job and all was history.
You had known the blight family since you had gone to school with both her siblings. And your parents went to school with hers so it was easy for her to get a job there.
The two of you would switch shifts or work on the same one. You had even shown her a few secret rooms you found and granting her one. You even fangirl together about Azura together.
But you do remember times where she had tried to give you an attitude and just simply ignored her making her apologize in her own way at the time by talking about Azura and you would just smile and talk with her again after a week with no conversation.
But there are times where you change from the big sister to the mother as Amity walked straight passed you and right away you knew something was wrong. After enough convincing Amity told you about how a girl made her lose that start she has been wearing. "Let me guess you don't want to go home huh?", Amity just looked away from you. From what the twins tell you is that their parents are the worse with a emotionally abusive mother and a father who doesn't pay any attention to his own kids. All you did was sit there and listen on how she vented about her home life. "Can I hug you?", Amity only nodded as you hugged her tight. But sadly you cant really do anything as a teen yourself. But you had always been there when she needed you and you would never complain.
On more of happy note Amity would could a gush about Luz you even took a step back asking if that was the same girl she had tried to fight. But the way she talked about her and you even meeting Luz yourself you knew she was a good match with Amity. You even squealed when you learned that the two are now dating but not without questioning Lux even taking her to the back of the Library calming all you victims are still being looked for.
Even during the fight with Odalia you had been the first to truly attack Odalia wanting to not waste no time on talking to the women. As you attacked her you screamed that this was for Amity and also her siblings I guess.
But you were a bug role on helping Amity and her friends to go save Luz. As when you heard from King that her and the others are now on Earth you started to cry for the facts that she was safe and you might not never see her again.
Buts when they all did come back you had been on of the people Amity tried to look for but had found out you are with her mother as you are "playing" with the collector along with King. Giving Amity more of a reason to fight the collector. She will do anything for her big sister who had helped her and even saved her.
You are just a good sister.
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ghosttotheparty · 1 year
love me softly p17
part 16
Linda is already hugging Steve by the time Eddie gets to the front door.
Steve is laughing softly, hugging her back as she gushes to him, Eddie won’t shut up about you, you’re all he talks about, and Eddie lingers back, his face flushing with heat. Steve’s eyes meet his. They’re shining brightly.
“Hi, honey,” Eddie greets softly when Linda finally lets him go. She goes back to the kitchen, sending them a fond look as Steve approaches Eddie.
Steve drops his backpack to the ground and falls against Eddie, hiding his face in his neck. Eddie hugs him gently, sliding his arms around his neck.
“You okay?” he asks softly.
“‘M tired,” Steve mumbles. Eddie tightens his arms.
“Let’s go to Gareth’s room. His floor is comfy.”
“Is that the floor you were laying on when you hit your head on his bed?”
Steve lifts his head, smiling, and he reaches up to touch Eddie’s cheeks, tilting his face down so Steve can kiss his forehead gently.
“C’mon,” Eddie says softly, kissing him chastely before he takes his hand and leads him down the hall.
“Hey, lovebirds,” Gareth greets from his desk.
“Hi, Gareth,” Steve says lightly, watching Eddie collapse onto the floor and sit against Gareth’s bed. “What‘re you working on?”
“Statistics. I wanna die.”
Eddie snorts, holding a hand up to Steve, and Steve takes it, setting his bag aside and sitting next to him.
“You have Murphy?” Steve asks.
“Yeah.” Gareth turns around, straddling the back of his chair and looking at them, his arms crossed over the top of it. “He’s such an asshole.”
“He really is,” Steve agrees. “I don’t think he should have gone into teaching, he doesn’t know how to work with kids.”
“I think if anyone told him that, he’d a conniption.”
“Yeah, his head would explode.”
“Are you good at statistics?” Gareth asks as Eddie is pulling a notebook out of his backpack.
“No, I’m shit with numbers. Tommy’s better than me.”
Gareth sighs heavily.
“Never woulda thought I’d be desperate for Tommy Hagen to show up at my place.”
Steve laughs quietly. Eddie looks over at him, flipping his notebook open, and his eyes flick across Steve’s face. His smile is soft, his eyes just barely sparkling, and the light from Gareth’s overhead light is dim, but bright enough to make him glow a little bit. Steve looks at him.
Eddie shrugs.
“‘M in love with you.”
Gareth groans obnoxiously as Steve smiles, and Eddie looks up at him. He’s dropped his head to his arms, his hair falling down like a curtain.
“You guys are insufferable,” Gareth says, looking up.
“Bigot,” Eddie says dryly as Steve snickers next to him.
“I’m not a bigot, I’m single.”
Steve is laughing now, giggling beside Eddie. Eddie just sticks his tongue out at Gareth.
Eddie leans against Steve as he works on his homework, tapping his feet on the floor and humming along with the music Gareth has playing from the cassette player.
Steve plays with his hair while he works, his fingers combing through it carefully. Somehow it helps Eddie focus, like Steve’s fingers are tugging his thoughts from his skull. Steve and Gareth talk a little bit, misting bitching about Murphy.
Eddie only looks up when he hears Tommy’s voice in the doorway.
“Hey, uh. Your mom said I could just come in.”
“Oh, thank God,” Gareth says dramatically, and Tommy blinks.
“Not the reaction I was expecting.”
“I’ve been third wheeling this whole time,” Gareth complains. “I’m in physical pain.”
A laugh bursts out of Tommy, and he looks over at Steve and Eddie. Eddie grins.
“My purpose in life is to be annoying.”
“I’m aware,” Tommy says dryly.
“Also Steve said maybe you can help me with statistics,” Gareth adds.
“Oh, yeah, sure.”
Gareth moves to the floor as Tommy rummages through his backpack, and Eddie sits up as Gareth explains what he’s stuck with and complains about Murphy’s lack of teaching skills.
Eddie sets his notebook and pen on his lap and stretches his arms up, groaning quietly before he lets one of his arms drape over Steve’s shoulders, pretending to be subtle. Steve laughs quietly and leans against him.
“You okay?” Eddie asks quietly, pulling Steve’s hair back. Steve nods, letting his head fall to Eddie’s shoulder.
“‘M tired.”
“I know, baby.”
Steve sighs, shifting closer, his eyes fluttering shut. He draws his knees up, curling into a ball against Eddie, tucking one hand between them and setting the other on Eddie’s belly, holding his shirt in a loose fist. His head shifts to Eddie’s chest, and Eddie carefully pulls his necklaces out of the way.
“You gonna take a nap?”
“Maybe,” Steve mumbles.
“You’re gonna fall asleep to Twisted Sister?”
Steve exhales sharply, too tired to laugh.
“‘M gonna fall asleep to your heartbeat.”
Eddie blinks.
“Oh.” His throat gets tight. “Okay.”
He keeps working as Steve dozes off, and he can feel the moment Steve falls asleep, can feel his body relax and go heavy, can feel his head shift as he nuzzles into Eddie’s chest. Eddie wants to tell him he loves him, but he wouldn’t hear it. (He probably would say it anyway if they were alone.)
Steve’s hair is soft between his fingers, and his breathing is steady, and even as Eddie works slowly through short answer questions and listens to Tommy explain statistics to Gareth, he feels like he could cry with how in love he is. Steve feels warm beside him, and small, like he shrinks down every time he lets himself be vulnerable like this, small enough to fit in Eddie’s chest.
Eddie sets his notebook aside when he finishes, and he carefully slides his hand over Steve’s. Steve sighs, pressing closer, his arm sliding farther across Eddie’s torso.
“Jesus, that makes sense,” Gareth says, his voice dripping with awe. “You ever think about being a teacher, Hagen?”
Tommy laughs lightly, shaking his head.
“Professor Hagen,” Eddie quips quietly. “Gotta ring to it.”
Tommy and Gareth both look over and find Steve asleep, cuddled against Eddie.
“How is he asleep right now?” Tommy asks, wide-eyed.
“He’s used to me playing metal all the time,” Eddie says fondly. He rubs Steve’s forearm gently. It’s soft.
“Are you turning him into a metalhead, Eds?” Gareth asks fondly. Eddie grins.
“He likes Judas Priest.”
“What’s Judas Priest?” Tommy asks hesitantly. Gareth looks at him and grins excitedly, which makes Tommy recoil slightly in fear, but he still watches curiously as Gareth dives for the basket of tapes that’s stored under his desk.
Linda comes in as Gareth and Tommy are looking through the tapes.
They all look up at her. She’s holding a bowl of fruit.
“I thought you were doing homework.” She raises an eyebrow at Gareth, who blinks.
“We finished?”
Her eyes find Eddie and Steve, and her expression changes, softens, before she places a hand over her heart.
“Ain’t he pretty, Mrs Gareth’s Mom?”
Tommy mutters Mrs Gareth’s Mom under his breath, and Gareth complains, “He’s been calling her that for, like, five years.”
“Very pretty, Eddie,” Linda says lightly. She flicks a grape at Gareth, who lets out a quiet indignant noise, catching it against his chest.
“Finish your homework,” she tells him.
“I did,” he says adamantly. “Tommy helped me with statistics.”
She looks at Tommy with grateful relief.
“Aye, thank you.” She tosses him a grape too.
“Your mom’s pretty cool,” Tommy says when she leaves.
“She’s something.”
Tommy keeps looking through the tapes, murmuring band names to himself. It occurs to Eddie that Tommy has had zero exposure to any of this except the Satanic stereotype, and that he doesn’t look particularly judge-y right now. Just curious.
“Megadeth?” he says after a while, raising an eyebrow. Eddie grins. “That sounds ridiculous.”
“Steve likes them,” Eddie says.
“He does?” Gareth asks, raising his eyebrows.
“Yeah, we made out to Peace Sells once.”
Gareth blinks, and Tommy looks at Gareth, probably because he doesn’t know how to react.
“How?” Gareth says, clearly judging. Eddie shrugs as best he can without moving Steve.
“We were distracted.”
“Alright,” Tommy dismisses, tossing Gareth the Megadeth tape. “Show me.”
Gareth beams.
They listen to music for a while, talking and laughing and teasing each other, and Eddie listens happily. After a while Steve stirs, pulling Eddie closer, pressing his face against him, and Eddie looks down at him, murmuring a soft, “I got you.”
“Wha’s time?” Steve mumbles sleepily. Eddie runs his hand down Steve’s arm and lifts his hand a little bit, looking at his watch.
“Almost seven.”
Steve groans, pushing his face against Eddie before he sits up.
He squints over at Tommy and Gareth talking, smiling softly before he squints started Eddie. Eddie touches his chin.
“You okay?”
Steve just looks at him for a moment, his eyes shining with an odd sort of blankness that Eddie doesn’t think is just his sleepy state. Eddie tilts his head, runs his thumb over Steve’s skin.
“‘M fine,” Steve says quietly before Eddie can ask again. He looks at his watch, pulling away from Eddie, and Eddie drips his hand. “Should probably go.”
“Can I walk you to your car?”
Steve seems to hesitate before, “Yeah.”
Tommy and Gareth say goodbye, and their eyes linger on Steve as he leaves. They seem to see it too.
Linda stops Steve on his way out, and he inhales as he turns to look at her, like he’s steeling himself, but she just puts a Tupperware container in his hands and tells him he can come back any time.
Steve looks at the container as he heads outside.
“That’s how she shows love,” Eddie says. “Feeding people.”
Steve smiles softly.
Eddie watches as Steve puts his bag in his car.
“Hey,” he says quietly. Steve looks at him. He looks tired. The setting sun is golden on him. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Steve says. Eddie looks at him.
“I’m fine, Eddie.”
Eddie blinks, almost startled. It’s not like he said it meanly, or angrily, but he still… snapped.
Eddie looks at the ground awkwardly, not knowing what to say, or what to do. Steve is quiet, and Eddie almost expects him to just get in his car and leave, but after a moment, Steve’s fingers find Eddie’s.
Eddie looks up at him, and Steve looks back almost intently, lacing their fingers and squeezing tightly like he’s trying to tell him something he can’t say out loud. Eddie squeezes back.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Steve says. Eddie nods. He wants to kiss him, but just holding his hand is risky out here. Steve’s eyes flit across his face. “I love you,” he says softly.
“I love you too,” Eddie whispers. Steve stares at him, leaning forward slightly before he stops himself, taking a breath, and Eddie smiles, squeezing his hand.
Gareth is sitting upside down on his bed when Eddie goes back inside. Tommy looks up at him.
Eddie sits in the floor again.
“Is Steve, like…” He pauses, looking up at Tommy, who looks like he knows what Eddie’s going to ask. “Okay?”
Tommy sighs.
“Yeah, he just… gets like that when his parents are in town.”
“Tired,” Tommy says. “All the time. Distant, kind of. He won’t talk about it, but after they leave he goes back to normal. Gets better.”
Eddie nods and looks down, touching the carpet on the floor.
“He’s gonna be okay, Eddie,” Tommy says gently.
Eddie nods again.
read the whole thing on ao3 tagging: @thehumblefigtree @seths-rogens <3 comment to be tagged in part 18 :)
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brokenjere · 2 years
seventeen going under (j.f) (part 3)
seventeen going under: a jeremiah fisher love story
a/n: thank you guys so much for reading and i hope you're enjoying the series so far! id love to hear your feedback and if you liked it, follow so you're notified when i update and reblog to share with your friends
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catch up here
They did everything together, and in turn, I did everything with the boys. We walked back from the bus stop together when we were in middle school. Jeremiah always carried my backpack whenever I complained too much. Conrad always teased him for it, saying he couldn’t believe his little brother was already whipped for a girl at only twelve, but I think he just did it to shut me up and I think Conrad was just jealous no one loved him the way Jeremiah and I loved each other. 
My dad and Mr. Fisher were not nearly as close as our moms but sometimes they went golfing together and grabbed a beer. Dad would come stumbling home late at night smelling like cigars adn whisky. Sometimes when all seven of us would have dinner, they'd talk and laugh out on the back patios while they grilled or hovered around the TV talking about football. It all seemed like friendly banter, though. I don’t think they were actually friends. 
My dad and Mr. Fisher were not nearly as close as our moms but sometimes they went golfing together and grabbed a beer. Dad would come stumbling home late at night smelling like cigars adn whisky. Sometimes when all seven of us would have dinner, they'd talk and laugh out on the back patios while they grilled or hovered around the TV talking about football. It all seemed like friendly banter, though. I don’t think they were actually friends. 
I liked Mr. Fisher. Not as much as I liked Susannah but he's always been nice to me. I always wondered why he didn’t spend much time at the summer house but neither did Laurel’s husband. My dad always comes. He loves my mom more than anything. When I was fourteen, I asked my dad if he missed having Mr. Fisher around during the summer and all he said was, “why would I miss him when my best friend is here?” That’s when I realized I didn’t need a boyfriend or a big group of friends, as long as I had Jeremiah. 
That was the same year Jeremiah started to play football. He talked all summer about trying out for the team in the fall. I never understood how he could enjoy his summer when he was so focused on the future, but his eyes lit up when he talked about it so how could I not have let him?
We were freshmen in high school and Conrad was already the best player on the team. He spent that summer at a football camp with their dad. That’s all I remember. Conrad being gone, Belly moping, Jeremiah gushing. I don’t know what he did during football camp, but I know he came back stronger and tanner than he was before. 
Jeremiah spent most of that Fall on the bench. I went to every game, though. I sat with Susannah in the bleachers and cheered them both on all night long. Susannah was sick that year - diagnosed with breast cancer. She still came to every game though even if it was too cold. She bundled up with blankets and hats and I always brought her hot chocolate and the two of us were louder than anyone else in the audience, but at every break, I ran down the bleachers and talked to Jeremiah. He never had much to say but he always smiles when he saw me. I think sitting on the bench made him sad, especially when Conrad was on the field, getting praise from everyone including their dad. Mr. Fisher never said much to Jeremiah. He stood on the sideline, yelling at Conrad, cheering him on. He barely glanced at Jeremiah some nights. 
“Why are you even on the team if you don’t get to play and hate it?” I asked him one Friday night. I was on my bed, a magazine sprawled across the comforter. Jeremiah was sitting on the floor under the window he just climbed through. He was still a little sweaty, not showered yet from the game. He said just sitting there in the gear sometimes was hot enough. 
“My dad wanted me to,” he said. I looked at him. He had rosy cheeks and was looking down at his lip. “He wants me to be like Conrad. Maybe I’ll get more time next year.”    
  “Maybe,” I said. My parents never forced me to do anything I didn’t want to. Classes, sports, and after-school activities. Sometimes I wish that they did push a little harder. I was nothing except Jeremiah’s friend. He always told me that wasn’t true, though. 
“I don’t know why I do it, YN. My dad wants me to. He seemed so happy when I made the team. He seems so happy every Friday night.” I didn’t have the heart to tell him that he was smiling because Conrad won the game and not because he watched his youngest sit on the bench all night so instead I got off my bed and sat next to him on the floor. “I just want him to be proud of me like he is Conrad.” 
“He is proud of you. I’m sure of it,” I told him. I wasn’t sure of it. I wasn’t sure of anything at fourteen except that I wanted to make him feel better. 
He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. He smelled like B.O but I didn't say anything. He held out his other hand in front of me, his pinky erect. I wrapped my own around it and he twisted our wrists, kissing my thumb and I kissed his back. “I hope so.” 
Mr. Fisher spent that entire fall training the boys. I felt like I didn’t see much of Jeremiah at all because he was always playing football with his dad and Conrad or at practice or sleeping because he was so tired. Susannah boasted about how proud she was of them and next year they’ll both be stars. 
The summer before our sophomore year, Jeremiah went with Conrad to football camp. It was only one month out of our three-month vacation, but it was half of our time in Cousins. He spent the Fourth of July with us that year, though. It was always everyone's favorite holiday. I made sure to feed him extra cake and keep him in the pool for a little bit longer than we intended because I couldn’t imagine how much I would miss him. 
The night before he left, we sat in the grass in my backyard and looked up at the stars. He was leaning back against his palms, the muscles that were slowly developing in his arms were protruding out and I couldn’t help but stare at them. “I’m sorry I have to go,” he told me. 
“Why are you sorry?” I asked, looking up at him. I was laying on my back, my hands were folded over my stomach and I started picking at the skin around my nails absentmindedly as soon as he started talking. 
“Because you’re gonna be here alone.”
“I have Belly and Steven,” I reminded him. Jeremiah chuckled a little bit and nodded his head before leaning forward and grabbing my hand. He entangled his fingers around mine and held them softly. 
“It’s not the same.” He was right, it was never the same when he wasn’t around. 
 I spent most of that summer with Belly, laying by the pool and tanning our legs. She was so excited to have a friend for the rest of the summer. She kept saying, “like a real friend, that can go shopping with me and stuff.” Which made me feel sad because I always thought Belly and I were real friends, but maybe Jeremiah was my Laurel and Belly was my Mary. 
We got close that summer, though. We spent nights in each other’s beds, staying up late and reading magazines and dirty books that we snuck from our mother’s rooms. That was the summer Belly told me she loved Conrad and I wish I would have told her I think I loved Jeremiah, but maybe it was just his new muscles. 
“Why do you love him?” I asked her. We were under the covers, cocooned in a fort of heavy-duty blankets and a flashlight shining so we could see each other’s faces. 
“How could you not? He’s so dreamy,” she gushed. “I like how his glasses sit on his face. Have you learned about infinity yet?” Conrad didn’t shut up about infinity when he learned about it. He talked about it for days and days and it felt like his obsession with it would last for infinity. I nodded my head and her smile grew, exposing her braces. “He taught me that. I think I’ll love him for infinity.” 
I don’t think I’ve ever hugged Jeremiah as hard as I did that fall when I came home. Mr. Fisher took the boys back to Boston after camp. I begged and begged Jere to come back to Cousins. To end summer with me, but his dad said no. He said he needed more time with his boys. Maybe if he was home, he’d have more time, I thought to myself but I never said it out loud. 
Mom barely had the car parked before I jumped out and ran down the driveway. Jeremiah was waiting for me on the porch, a bag of ice cream in his hand. He dropped it to open up his arms to me, catching me. I was running at full speed but somehow, crashing into his arms felt like resting my head on a pillow. You know, when you’re really tired and your eyes shut before you even hit it. 
“Whoa, there,” he chuckled. He spun me around before setting me back on my feet but I didn’t let go. I had my arms wrapped tight around his neck and I didn’t dare let go. Jeremiah didn’t fight it, either. He kept his arms wrapped around my waist and I inhaled the smell of sunscreen and ocean breeze shampoo. “You miss me?” He asked. 
I just nodded my head ferociously, not bothering to respond with words. There were no words for how much I missed him. It felt like we had never been apart for that long, which wasn’t true, but since we started going to Cousins over the summer, it kind of was the new normal. Jeremiah by my side all the time. 
“Tell me all about it,” I tell him as I pull away. He kept his hands on my hips and he squeezed twice before reaching down for the bag. 
“Over ice cream?” He tilted his head, already knowing the answer. “Mint chocolate chip, your favorite.” 
Sophomore year was my favorite year. Although I didn’t want to, my mom and Susannah convinced me to join the cheerleading squad. I partly said yes to make Susannah smile but the other part was because I could spend more time with Jeremiah during his football season. He was finally off the bench and playing for real and he was so good. I loved watching him play. Sometimes, my heart swelled at how proud I was of him. 
Susannah went into remission that year, too. Her chemo was finally finished and she was getting her energy back and I wanted to give her something. Something she’d be proud of me for. So I put on a stupid little skirt and cheered on the football players every Friday but I had to admit, my favorite part was getting to wear Jeremiah’s jersey during the day. 
It was normally a boyfriend and girlfriend tradition, but Jeremiah said he didn’t care. He wanted everyone to know I was his girl, even though we weren’t dating. “You’re mine, forever,” he said to me as he handed me the folded-up jersey. It smelled just like him and I wore it every week and the girls gawked at me and I could tell they were jealous but I didn’t care. Because Jeremiah was mine and I was his. 
The next morning, I feel like my head is going to explode. I don’t think I even drank that much and thankfully the cops delivered us to the Fisher’s house and Laurel answered the door. After scolding us, she told me she’d keep it a secret if I went home and straight to bed, so that’s what I did. 
My mom’s sitting at the kitchen counter when I come downstairs. It takes all my effort to smile at her. “Rough night?” She chuckles a bit as I sit down next to her. I grab her hot cup of coffee and drink from it. 
“Something like that,” I mumble. She smiles at me and smooths down my hair that’s still all tangled up from my sleep. 
“Your father is at the grocery store. If you want anything, text him. Me and the girls are going shopping later, fo you want to come?” She sounds hopeful and her eyes are wide. I used to always want to go shopping with my mom and Susannah. Girls’ days were always the best days. 
“Not today,” I tell her. The pounding behind my eyes is getting worse. “I don’t really feel that good.” Her face falls and I don’t know if it’s because I said I don’t feel good or if it’s because I’m not coming with but either way I feel guilty. 
“Then I better not see you with Jeremiah in the pool later,” she teases. “What are they up to today, anyway?” 
“I’m not sure. I haven’t heard them since last night. Conrad got really wasted,” I tell her. She sighs and shakes her head. 
“I wonder what’s gotten into him lately. You know Susannah knows about all the weed he’s smoking, right? Does he think he’s sneaky?” I shrug my shoulders and she pushes herself away from the counter, the squeaking from the chair making my head hurt. “What’s going on with him? He talks to you.” 
She seems so concerned, it’s hard for me to tell her, “I don’t know.” Lies. Lies. Lies. “He’s been weird since after Christman. Might be something with Mr. Fisher, you know he’s been gone a lot more lately.” That part is true and it comes out of my mouth a lot easier. I hate lying to her. It makes my throat dry. 
“Well, I hope he gets it together. For his mother’s sake.” I wonder what she means by that but before I can ask her, she tells me to go back upstairs and she’ll bring me my own cup of coffee and I do what I’m told. 
Jeremiah calls me after I’m curled up under the blankets. When I answer, I can hear the engine of the Jeep in the background. “How are you feeling?” He laughs. 
“I wasn’t that drunk,” I remind him. “Where are you going?” I ask. 
“Work,” he tells me. The country club. I nod even though he can’t see me. “You slammed those beers pretty fast.” 
“Yeah, well.” There’s a silence between us and I can hear his music faintly in the background. I bet his hair is a mess. A blonde mop on the top of his head. I want to run my fingers through his curls but I settle on speaking instead, “can I come see you later? At the country club?” 
“Yeah, yeah, of course.” He sounds surprised that I asked but I can tell he’s smiling. “My lunch is at one if you want to come then?” I agree and he says, “God, I can’t wait.” 
Jeremiah talks the rest of his drive to work. He tells me how hungover Conrad was this morning and that he had to make him his “special hangover smoothie” which was always a good cure despite it not tasting that great. “I thought the man was dead on the couch.” 
“He was pretty wasted,” I comment. Your hair is like a little kid's, always so messy. “Do you think he even remembers it?” The fight. Belly. Belly. “How’s Belly? Does she have a black eye?”
“Conrad remembers everything when he drinks, you know that,” he says. “And Belly is good. She’s got a black eye but she’s a survivor. I think she spent the morning with Cam Cameron.” I tell him I’m going to go see her today and he tells me he thinks that’s a good idea. 
“Why did he get so mad at that guy?” I ask Jeremiah. 
“I don’t know. He’s been angrier lately. He’s not the same.” His voice matches mine. Quiet. Soft. Afraid to say something we can’t take back. 
“Has he heard from Aubrey?” Aubrey is Conrad’s ex-girlfriend. They dated most of his senior year and broke up right before spring break. I don’t know the whole story except they were too different and life is too hard. I don’t think that stuff really matters when you’re in love but I don’t think Conrad really loved her, either. 
“Not sure. I just got to work, so I’ll see you at 1?” Jeremiah asks on the other side of the phone. I tell him yes and he hangs up the phone, a gentle beep rings in my ear to tell me he’s gone.
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azulsluver · 2 years
I've thought about something and haven't noticed anyone mentioning it. So everyone know Azul has self esteem issues that involves him eating less to slim down. I feel like Azul would really care about his s/o looks almost to the point of Vil. Especially if he was to take Mc away to or near his home. He would want to mc to wear tight fitting clothes, have their hair alway done, expensive jewelry, etc as a way to show his former middle school classmates "You bullied me about my looks, but look at me now, and my wife/girlfriend to show it!" The worse it could get id if he was to lower their food portions to keep her a certain weight.
tw. yandere, starvation, unhealthy relationships, gaslighting/manipulation, pressured into marriage, self-harming mention
lets get into it
Ok, so just because Azul has self-esteem I don’t think he’d technically put all of his problems on you, emotionally that is. Personally for my yandere Azul would be the fact he loved you for you, he couldn’t bare the idea of seeing you in him. You’re special and unique in your own way, but I can see him putting you on diets if you ever complain about wanting to lose weight. 
Azul would spoil you constantly, if only you gave into him and vow to be his wedded. He would corner your emotions to depend on him, seek out for him because you’re not sure what harm he’d bring to himself and others. That way Azul can pressure you into marriage at the fact no one but you can help him have his happily ever after. Bonus points since he would do it in public too, and that you won’t be financially stable without his help.
To sum it all up Azul would weaponize his trauma on you, guilt tripping you until you cave in. Such as starving or even self harming himself. Because he wants you to feel bad that you can’t cooperate with him and be a decent couple. If not stopped by now he’ll actually pick up the habit to the point he might die. Azul is a pathetic man because he’ll sometimes let his emotions get over him, he knows he can’t run from the past and bottle up his emotions. But because you were there it just bursted open uncontrollably.
His mom is chubby argue with the wall, his mother would gush over you. Happy her son was able to find a partner who can take good care of him. Right? Oh, and she’s so sweet to you too, expecting wedding plans and talking about future grand babies. It’s enough to make you consider. Anywhere you go that included events as such is probably the reason why you’re dressed up so nicely. Tight or not, Azul loves the way the clothes stick to your figure.
Also I wanted to say Azul looks up to Ursula! He thinks her benevolent kindness was the reason she was famous, so that’s why I’d disagree with the whole weight part. I do understand the tight clothes, expensive jewelry with perfectly done hair. You’re so perfect in his eyes that no matter what people say about you couldn’t compete their standards, it’s his that matters. And because Azul prizes you so much he would fume if anyone would bad mouth you in any way, making sure to remember their face and feature to look through later. A man who would change his attitude and style just for you to be charmed.
Vil however… but that’s for another time tho:)
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echantedtoon · 7 months
A Champion Time For The Heart Ch23 Battle Gym Leader Raihan
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Safe to say you were not in a good mood at all. Any good feelings you previously had coming to Hammerlocke thanks to Mr. Orange Bandanna. Still holding onto Silver you entered the girls tent and inside found Gloria already inside laying on her sleeping bag and watching something on her phone. But she looked up when you came on in cradling Silver in your arms, not that the water type was complaining. He seemed more confused than annoyed as you set him down before plopping yourself on your side of the tent and groaned tiredly. A sigh of relief escaping you as you could finally relax.....For now at least.
"What happened to ye?," Gloria asked noticing your tired look, "An' what took ya so long?"
You took your time taking off your pack and placing it somewhere before replying, "Sorry. I ran into a ....'problem' I had to work a way out of, but everything's good....For now at least." You pointed at her to change the subject. "Did you get all the supplies?"
"If by supplies ya mean clearin' out the entire vending machine again, then ya!,'' she nodded and you smiled.
"What about the stadium? Get a date for a battle yet?"
She shrugged. "Not sure. Hop said he wasn't in town when he asked so I guess we'll have ta wait."
"Oh he's here alright," you mumbled scowl coming back onto your face as you laid down on the tent floor. Gloria rose a brow at your reaction. The gears turning in her head before it dawned on her.
"Ya saw 'em?"
You huffed crossing your arms as you laid on your side scowling off at nothing as Silver crawled him way over to your backpack without you noticing. "Oh I did MORE than just 'saw him'." You rolled your eyes as gloria set down her phone, turning towards you with an arm supporting her head. "The guy actually tried to score a dumb date out of me!!"
Her brown eyes widened at your words. "NO!"
"YES!!" You flipped onto your back as your hands flew up to rub your face. "He had the nerve to walk up to the stupid table and sit next to me too!" You shivered. "I felt like the canary the cat caught!"
"....The what that caught a what?" You groaned and flopped back down onto the ground. You didn't want to mention the rest as it was embarrassing but Gloria seemed very interested. "What did ya say?"
"NO of course!! He's not my type! Like....At all! I've only met him two times but I already dislike him!"
Gloria seemed gobsmacked. "What? What's there not to like about him?" She asked listing off qualities. "He's strong. He cares about people so much and does so many charity events. Leon speaks very highly of 'em!" Her face blushed a little as she continued but you kinda expected that like a fan gushing about their favorite movie actor. "He's handsome! And...And...And a whole bunch of other stuff!!"
"Well...For one he comes off WAY too strong, and yeah it can be 'confident' but to me it's just too pushy!" You held up fingers as you talked. "He didn't seem to take a hint, I felt like a small sobble under the doofus, and he just....I dunno. Comes off WAY too flashy. Like the whole 'I take selfies a lot' is....not really something I would've looked for in a partner. Not that I am looking for one." You sighed rolling a hand. "I'm a bit focused on traveling at the moment. But even if I was it probably wouldn't be someone so...different. The whole 'opposites attract' thing isn't true for me? I mean there's more to it than just looks and fame."
Gloria had stared off in thought listening to you and a pause of silence followed before she nodded. "I guess yer right." She shrugged. "Not everyone wants a ton o' eyes on 'em. ...But out of curiosity what would ya want in someone?"
That made you pause. ....And the question bounced around in your mind. What...would you want in someone? You had never thought about that before. Most of your time was consumed by either studies or work with some spare time for hobbies in the middle when your mom wasn't looking. You supposed that might've came up sometime in the future but you had been too consumed to think about something like that....You shrugged it off. Well it's not like you would worry about that anytime soon anyways being trapped in a video game world.
"Hmm...I dunno. Never thought about it much." Your brows furrowed. ".....But if I would have to say what I'd want...Someone who's understanding. And patient. Oh! And maybe someone who'd have the same hobbies! That'd be fun." Gloria nodded as you went along thinking hard. You'd want to be around someone who...wasn't your mother- You scowled again. "Someone who'd be easy to talk to, and chill most of the time. Someone positive and strong..yeah." Someone oppoeite of your mother. "That's who I'd like." You looked to her. "What about you? Any crushes?"
Gloria huffed. "Yeah right! As if....But I think I'd want someone like that too! But they'd have to keep up with me if they can!"
You laughed, possibly for the first time that day, and sighed. "I bet you'll find someone like that one day."
"Yeah....Oh hey. That reminds me. I wanted ta ask ye somethin'." You hummed turning back to her. "Can I borrow Dri-...I mean Silver 'gain?"
You blinked. "Silver? You mean you want to use him to battle again?" She nodded. "Why?"
Her hand pointed up. "Hammerlocke's stadium is way different from any other. It's the only gym without any audience seats cuz the entire place is filled with pounds n' pounds of sand and completely encased in a dome."
....You blinked. "Say what now?"
"Yeah. He uses the environment to create these giant sandstorms to blind his challenger, so no audience is allowed in for safety reasons. Hop n' I have been thinkin' 'bout what pokemon we can use to get past him. Steel type can ignore sandstorms so me corviknight is an obvious match being part steel 'n all. But I've seen the way Silver battles and the bloke's got some good skill I'd really appreciate using again........." She blinked as you stared. "Uh....Y/n?"
You had heard what she said but it hit you like a ton of bricks as. You. ....REMEMBERED!! YOU REMEMBERED RAIHAN'S GAMEPLAY FROM BACK IN THE GAME!! YOU REMEMBERED A SANDSTORM COVERED BATTLE BUT YOU DIDN'T PIECE IT TOGETHER UNTIL NOW!! .....An evil smirk spread across your face as you chuckled, making Gloria raise a brow wondering what was so funny. OH!! This was great! You may not have experience actually battling in real life despite having Silver, but thanks to your outsider's experience as you remembered more and more including his Gym's Challenge for the trainer...You realized something. You all had the upper hand here. You now remembered like a smack to the face Raihan's entire gameplay. Which meant you could avoid him trying to make a bet to go out on a date!! With a bright and cheery smile you sat up and turned to Gloria. About to give her the ultimate advantage!
"Hey. Would you like to know what the gym's challenge this time's gonna be? I found out what it was while in Hammerlocke." Which wasn't a lie. You DID found out what the challenge was when you were in Hammerlocke in the game. So this truth wasn't meaning you were lying at all while not drawing unwanted attention to yourself. And you also remembered while in Hammerlocke too, so there's that.
Gloria immediately perked up and sat up as well with a bright smile on her face. "HECK YEAH!! That'd help out loads to prepare me!"
You paused...moving to get up and out towards the entrance. A thought crossing across your mind too. "Let's go tell Hop an' my bro too. I'm sure they'll be able to come up with all kinds of strategies too."
Gloria didn't complain about that and merely followed you outside where you found the boys still out. Only this time Victor seemed to be making a safe fire pit, and Hop seemed to be letting his wooloo run around to get some fresh air. But you called them over and when they heard what you had to say....Well they didn't need much convincing to agree to listen to what you had to say. In fact they seemed completely ecstatic to learn what you had to say.
"Alright you three. Listen up now!" You placed your hands on your hips and looked down on them determined like you were your old gym teacher at the football game. But you weren't doing this to sabotage Raihan. While you disliked the guy, you didn't want to deliberately sabotage him either. And you still didn't want to mess with the game's events as so far everything's been going exactly as in game with the exceptions being the obvious real world wrench tossed in with it! You were doing this to get home. That was your goal and if Raihan being one of the top leaders was the obstacle then you were going to do what you could to help them get through. "Ok. Do you three remember Ms. Opal's challenge back in Bellonlea?" They nodded. "Raihan does the same thing. But instead you're all going to have to battle three trainers he personally trained in double teamed battles."
"WHAT?!," Hop asked eyes going wide as Gloria's jaw dropped.
"There's more," you cut him off before his shocked self could speak again, "Luckily for us I found out what pokemon they use so you guys can figure out the best way to beat them." Having their full attention you held up a finger. "The first guy's gonna have a pelipper and sliggoo." A second finger was put up. "The second guy's gonna have a ninetales and a turtonator." And you held up a third finger. "And the last guy's packing an abomasnow and a hakamo-o." You looked at them and were pleased to see that the gears in their heads were already turning. Especially Hop no doubt with that big brain of his as he held one hand to his chin.
"Hmm.......That must be a deciding factor in how he scores so many wins," Hop mumbled, "Battling three trainers and then enduring himself and the sandstorm the gym's environment provides both wears down the trainer and their pokemon as well as blinds them."
You nodded. You didn't doubt that was probably a deciding factor in how he won, but by how much Raihan battled Leon by himself and everyone else, he must've still been strong enough to stand his own ground. Which lead to round two of explaining. "That's probably a factor but I also noticed a pattern with Raihan's battling." They looked at you and you continued. "His battling is just basically two rounds. His starts out with two pokemon in a tag team battle. Usually his gigalith and flygon but if one of them faints he sends out his sandaconda. From there you have to take down both pokemon and then dynamax against his duraludon. Doesn't sound easy having to focus on two pokemon at once during a sandstorm."
".......That's exactly why it's so hard!!" All three of you turned to Hop as his golden eyes widened. "From all the videos I've seen of Raihan battling Leon he was always focused on his one pokemon he used to battle....But he never ever battled Lee in a double team match despite it being his specialty and what he's known for. Only one at a time....I wonder why that is?"
You paused too thinking. ...Hop was right. Even in your dream with Raihan and Leon battling it only ever showed them each using one pokemon per round. Maybe those rules concerning double team battles only applied to his gym? "I'm...Not sure. Haven't they ever done it outside battling for the Champion title?"
Hop shook his head. "Lee tells me about every battle they've had and not one was a tag team battle..Hm. Come to think of it, that is a bit strange for him not to do that outside his gym. Wonder why?"
"You know...,"you all perked up as Victor spoke, "From the blurry camera's they use to record his battles it's hard ta tell but....I don't think he ever does combo moves with his pokemon."
And it was then it was like the bulb in Hop's brain was smacked to light up brightly. "OF COURSE!! He's always giving orders to both his pokemon during the double battles, but he does so in a way that's like he's doing two individual battles at once!" Hop snapped up to Victor with a smile. "VIC MATE!! YOU'RE BRILLIANT!!''
....Victor blinked. "I am?"
Hop made a fist with one hand and slammed it into his palm with his other. "Of course! That's his weak point! He rarely ever if he does at all use combined attacks with both pokemon. Raihan's pokemon are both powerhouses so they can hold their own. Especially against already tired pokemon in the cover of a sandstorm! But if say two pokemon work on one of his while defensing against the other-"
"We could have a chance of beating him with that opening!," Gloria piped up pointing at them, "Especially if the type advantages and fighting styles are played against him."
"And don't forget," Hop added pointing to her, "While the sandstorm blinds us it also blinds him as well. Hmm...That could also be the very reason why he doesn't do combined attacks! After all if you can barely see your opponents yourself, it just might be easier for him to divide and conquer using his brute strength to power through instead of combined skilled attacks unless he's battling one on one."
"If that's the case," You added Hop now having you thinking, "That might be why he doesn't usually battle people in tag team battles! Because he's not used to actually coming up with combo attacks on the fly without the shield of a sandstorm to cover his tracks. After all you two battled Kabu who's also super strong using your brains against his strength and won." You pointed. "And I bet you if he personally trained those trainers then he might've taught them the same thing unintentionally! We just need to use our brains to our advantage again and figure out what it takes to water down that dragon's flame!"
Then with the chess board laid out. You all played your first piece. Now it was just a matter of time, thinking, and seeing how Raihan would play against your moves. Hop and Gloria began discussing ideas among themselves and while they were doing that Victor pulled you to the side and handed you your share of the food supplies. Which you gladly accepted and brought back into the tent with you to put away. Finding Silver already passed out asleep on the ground. Which you followed. After all tomorrow was going to be a big day for all of you. Might as well prepare for it by getting a good night's sleep. And that's exactly what you did. Falling asleep with a smile on your face just imagining what tomorrow was going to be like for you. Sometime after Gloria fell asleep as well and your camp fell silent retiring for the night. When you awoke the next morning it was to Silver helping himself to some of your food rations Victor had given you the night before. Safe to say that you spooked him into stopping. By the time you had gotten dressed and out of the tent yourself, you found yourself faced with Victor and both gym challengers dressed in their white uniforms. ....And it was blinking at them that gave you the bright idea that would pay off later.
"Y/n!," Gloria greeted waving at you while holding a half eaten jerky bar in her hand. "You're up early."
You gestured to Silver who slunk around yourself dragging your backpack behind him. "Well I was kinda forced up by Mr. I'm Always Hungry here." Silver gave you a frown but you ignored him in favor of them. "What about you guys? Eat already?" They nodded and Gloria gestured to the jerky still in her hands. You nodded. "Good. You'll both be needing that energy for the match...But there's one important detail you guys should know." You pointed at them. "Whatever you do, don't let Raihan know that you both have been traveling buddies."
They looked confused for a moment, and before you could explain that it was because you had the idea that Raihan might take on two battles if he thought they were both seperate parties (therefore you could leave Hammerlocke faster-) but Victor interrupted your thoughts. "She has a point." You blinked towards him. "Since you two came up with similar strategies it might be better to not let him catch on that you two know each other so he doesn't suspect anything."
Oh....Well that works too. But Gloria spoke up. "But he already knows that both Hop n' I are both endorsed by Lee."
"But that doesn't mean he knows you're both travel buddies?," you explained with a sly grin. "Trust me. This'll be worth the effort. And isn't Victor going to battle him as well?"
They looked hesitant but with Victor agreeing with you they agreed. "Alright. But we'll still need Driz- I mean Silver."
"An' I'm plannin' on battlin' the bloke after both of 'em. Got me own plan in mind, and it'll be good experience to watch them first and see how he battles."
You nodded. "I got him in his pokeball. Then we'll need to head to the Vault."
"The Vault? Dontcha mean the stadium?"
"Nah. You'll see once we go there."
The three looked confused but you didn't elaborate more returning to your tent to retrieve Silver inside his pokeball. Wasn't too hard to convince him to get into his pokeball this time and give him to Gloria who held out her hand expectantly. You weren't sure what their plan was but were excited to see what it was. It was a good thing you were camped right outside the Vault, of course having to show their badges again to get in with that Hammerlocke rule, before procceeding to that double door entrance you remember Raihan opening. Stopping before the two doors where you were SURE Raihan was waiting for you all (more specifically Hop and Gloria-) before gaining enough confidence to push open the doors and waltz in. If you had a problem then you had to deal with it head on just like you were doing with all your other current problems. No flirty dragon boy was about to get between you and your only way home at the moment. Walking down the hallway with the others following you, you ended up in the same trophy room and the same woman sitting behind the computer gazed up at you as you much more confidentially than you felt, put your hands on the counter with a determined look in your eyes.
"My friend is here to challenge, Mr. Raihan," you politely told her gesturing to Gloria and then to Hop, "And this other challenger wants to battle him too." You told truthfully but in a way that wouldn't allow the woman to connect the dots. "Where is he?"
The woman blinked but soon recovered and looked back to her computer screen typing something down......before nodding with a hum. "Oh yes. Someone asked about him yesterday." She must've meant when Hop went to the stadium the other day. "Mr. Raihan's been expecting you..But I'm afraid he can only take one trainer at a time. One of you will have to wait another day-"
"Oh that won't be necessary," a voice purred out. You yelped, jumping up and spinning around....only to then scowl at who it was standing in the doorway to the stairs leading up to the Vault's tapestries. Well speak of the devil eh? Raihan was standing there not even looking up from his phone as he leaned against the wall coolly. "I'm sure I have time in my schedule for two gym battles today...Considering that they both got all the other badges and can defeat my challenge up stairs-...." Raihan paused. Looking up and suddenly seeing you. After an awkward moment of silence you crossed your arms and frowned and he calmly smiled. "Oh....Well now things have gotten really interesting today huh?"
"Dude. Just don't," you groaned out.
"Wasn't expecting to see you here, Sassy," he happily stated pointing his phone at you, "Did you change your mind about my offer?~"
"HA! You wish! I wouldn't go on a date with you if you were the only guy left in Galar! And there's still no way I agree to that ridiculous bet so don't get any crazy ideas!" You pointed to Gloria's amused expression at you as Hop and Victor watched in a mixture of confusion and surprise. "She's gonna be walking away with your gym badge anyways. So is the other challenger here for you too!"
He hummed finally looking to both the challengers by you. "Ah. Your friend again, and another lil guy I haven't seen." He nodded. "Sure. I'd be happy to take them on. But I can only take on one at a time. So who's going to take on my challenge first?"
Gloria stepped up. "I am!"
Raihan nodded and gestured to the stairs behind him. "We'll Lil Miss, why don't you just follow me and we'll get this challenge started? The other challenger of mine can wait here while she competes." He paused looking over you again. "You can come watch your friend if you want, but you'd have to stand off at a safe distance with me-"
"I can wait right here in the waiting room, Mr. Raihan," you stated firmly but politely making it a point to walk on over to the nearest chair and sit yourself down in it. Oh you would remain nice for now. Wouldn't want to make any gym leader angry, and he seemed to find your anger more amusing than irritating, but you'd play it safe for now. "But thank you for the offer. It was very....nice of you."
He smiled amused at your annoyed form but shrugged. Turning around as his hands returned to his pockets. "Alright then. Your call. Whelp! Let's get this show on the road shall we?"
Gloria blinked but jogged after him both disappearing up the stairs towards the Vault. After a moment of silence Victor and Hop both joined you sitting down in the waiting chairs until Hop spoke up. "SO....When did you talk to Raihan? It seems you get to talk with all the gym leaders."
You groaned. "Do I have to tell you?"
"I mean...We don't have anything else to do while we wait for Glory do we?"
".......Fine I guess."
And you did albeit reluctantly and you shot Victor a scowl when he laughed at some parts, but Hop thankfully seemed more intrigued about how your interactions went. From somewhere above you can the faint sounds of someone battling, muffled by all the walls. You briefly wondered why anyone would allow Raihan to even use the Vault for his gym challenge. Weren't the tapestries in danger of being destroyed if that happened? Oh well. It wasn't any of your business since you weren't going be back here anyways after you leave at the end of the year after the Championship match. You three sat there for what seemed like forever when in reality it was only maybe an hour and a half before Gloria reappeared. Walking down the stairs looking slightly winded was Gloria and right behind her looking just as he did when they left.
"Hey!," you smiled at her perking up, "How'd it go?" You already knew the answer but felt smug seeing her smile.
"I passed 'em so fast they're still tryin' ta wipe the dust from their eyes!," she stated proudly.
Raihan nodded as he smiled. "Your friend here's not lying. Not gonna lie I'm pretty excited to take her on in battle. But I think there's one other person who's here to take on my challenge first?" He turned his gaze to Hop who stood up and what looked like a flash of realization came over him. Hm. You supposed he might've recognized Hop since he and Leon looked a lot a like. "Hmm....Well well. A very surprising day it is." He turned to you as you stood up to meet Gloria. "If you want, the both of you can head on over to the stadium to wait for me there. Or you're welcome to come watch-"
"Thank you, but I think we'll head on out and wait for you to come to the stadium instead," you strained a smile, "But it was very nice of you to offer."
He huffed a chuckled and barely gave you a glance as he turned to Hop. "Well, Kid. I dont suppose you're ready are you?" Hop nodded a determined look on his face. "Alright. That's the spirit. My team's taking a small break but it won't be too long until you can fight. Follow me, Challenger."
He turned and like previously walked away with Hop in tow, Hop and Gloria exchanging a knowing smile and you watched them go...before turning to Gloria and crossing your arms. "So how'd it go?"
"It was jus' like you said it would be!," she confirmed smiling, "None o' 'em made any combo attacks and it was like any other battle."
You nodded. "Come on. We should go wait at the stadium like Raihan said." You turned to go but paused when an idea hit you. "...Let's stop by the pokemon center first though. It wouldn't hurt to let Nurse Joy patch up your pals before the big show."
Bidding good bye to Victor who opted to wait for Hop, you two left the Vault and went on your way towards the pokemon center. You should have plenty of time to sneak a heal at the pokemon center before Raihan noticed anything. Cheating?..Hm. Maybe, but then again, no one said it was against the rules anywhere. Someone would've said something by now.
"Hey...Do ya think we shoulda said somethin' 'bout the trainers of Raihan's bein' too tired for another battle so soon?," Gloria asked as you reached the pink building and walked in.
You hummed for a moment walking up to where Nurse Joy was smiling at you both before shaking your head. "Nah. If Raihan says they could battle again after a break we should trust his judgement." You can't believe you said that, but you didn't really want to be a jerk and prevent Hop from battling too. ...And you might've wanted to go home sooner so this would help. "Besides. It gives you a moment to go over your battle plans....What were you planning anyways?"
Gloria smiled slyly as she handed Nurse Joy her pokeballs to heal. "You'll see! Since we got Silver we should head on out of Hammerlocke for a bit while we still got time."
You really weren't sure what Gloria's plan was but followed her anyways once Nurse Joy was finished with her pokemon and out the pokemon center you all went. But to your surprise instead of going to the stadium Gloria instead went to the nearest exit. Still confused you followed her to the outside of Hammerlocke and silently watched as she took out her six pokemon plus Silver, and you still were confused even as she made Silver use water gun.....On her own pokemon....Gently. Obviously with the intent of just getting them all drenched like they went swimming in Hammerlocke's moats. When you asked Gloria why she was using Silver's water gun move to soak her pokemon more than a sponge, she simply chuckled and told you you would see soon. Poor Silver looked even more tired than usual by the time he was done and Gloria put all of the pokemon back into their pokeballs. All soaked and wet like you were when the rain hit you back in Spikemuth. After Gloria reshown one of the workers her badges (dumb rule) and you two were allowed back inside, you both finally headed back over towards the stadium and powerplant. Walking up to the woman behind the counter once you got inside, the two of you were gestured to a small door over to the counter which seemed to be yet another waiting room. But unlike the Vault's waiting room this one looked even more like an actual waiting room, like at a doctor's office. White walls, a few comfy couches, a painting here and there, a small coffee table with complimentary water to drink, and a big TV secured to the wall. You both sat down and waited. But you didn't have to wait for long, as about ten minutes after you all sat down they arrived. The door opened and you both looked over to Victor and Hop waltzing right in and Raihan right behind him but he stopped in the doorway unlike them. You would've greeted the boys if it didn't risk blowing your cover of you not knowing one another. But Raihan made the first greeting upon seeing you and Gloria.
"Oh there you both are!," he greeted with a wide smile and a wave one hand still in his pocket, "Seeing this little dude defeat my trainers like that really pumped me up for some action myself!" He pointed to Gloria. "So. Whatcha say? Are you ready to take on the great and powerful Dragon Type Gym Leader?"
Gloria immediately stood up and nodded. "You bet!"
"Then follow me and we'll see how this'll go!" He gestured to the big TV on the walls. "Your friend and the others can wait here and watch the action safely since only the two of us and the ref is allowed in the stadium during battles." Gloria nodded and he glanced a moment to you who rose a brow before turning. "I'll be sure to put on a good show for all the audience.~"
Raihan turned his back to all you and left with Gloria behind him, and while his back was turned Gloria held out her hand with Silver's pokeball in it and dropped it into Hop awaiting hand as they passed. And both exchanged a knowing smile with one another. What the world were those two even planning? As soon as the door closed behind Gloria you took your chance to raise your brow at Hop who smiled at Silver's pokeball.
"So are you going to make my poor Silver Veil hose down your pokemon too?"
Hop blinked over at you but smiled. "Ah Y/n. You got me, Mate! But how'd ya figure it out?"
"Gloria had him do it before we came to the stadium. But would someone please explain to me what exactly you two are planning?"
"Simple really!," Hop explained holding up a hand. "Camouflage."
".....Camouflage?," you asked confused.
Hop nodded. "Raihan uses the sandstorm to blind his challengers. But everyone knows that sand would stick to any damp surface! Like the sand from a beach if you were done swimming in the ocean! So we figured if we could just make the sand stick to our pokemon since it's already hard to see anyways-"
"You could practically become invisible and use the environment!," you perked up everything finally clicking.
"Exactly! From all of Raihan's previous battles I hadn't ever seen anyone try this tactic before so I don't think he would expect it. Let alone two people in a row using it!" Hop pointed to the door behind him. "I just need to pop outside real quick so I can put my plan into motion!"
You nodded before pausing. "Oh. Hop."
"Stop by the pokemon center first and have Nurse Joy look over your team real quick. It wouldn't hurt to have them looked over before you take him on. Y'know. To make the odds better in your favor."
Smiling Hop agreed. "Yeah! That's a great idea! Thanks Y/n!"
"Hurry back before their match is over!'', Victor called after Hop's retreating form, "Or else Raihan might consider your absence forfeit from the battle!"
You were sure Hop would be back before their match was over. It hadn't even started yet. Well guess what happened five minutes after Hop left? Yep! The TV popped on courtesy of Victor turning it on and the first thing that popped up on screen was the inside of the stadium. And HOLY MOLY!! They weren't kidding when they said the entire place was full of sand! There was uneven piles of it all scattered about and barely any bare floor left to see. This must mean that the battle must be about to start any moment now. And you weren't wrong either. From one side of the stadium came Gloria and from the other came Raihan and another man who looked to be wearing a gym uniform of some kind and eye protection goggles. AH. He must've been the referee for the gym. Both came to meet at the middle of gym, Raihan exchanging a few words with her you couldn't hear exactly, before all three turned and took their places.
"WELCOME TO TODAY'S BATTLE!," said a voice that wasn't Raihan or Gloria. Must've come from the ref. He must've been using some kind of Mic to be heard over the TV. "This battle will take place between the Gym Challenger Gloria and the Gym Leader Raihan! There will be three rounds as per the standard gym! If the gym challenger succeeds in winning two or more matches then they shall walk away victorious! If they end within a tie it will up to the gym leader to decide if they have earned the right to the badge. Round one of the battle shall begin! To your places please! Both ready your pokemon!" Gloria held up both hands. In each one a pokeball, and Raihan held up two in one hand striking some pose with his other hand on his hip. An orange blur suddenly zooming from his pocket and you blinked from your chair realizing it was his rotom. "BATTLE BEGIN!!"
Raihan did some kind of roar pose and you recognized that as his signature pose from his gameplay. Before leaning back and TOSSING both pokeballs out like a baseball. And in a spark of light out came the flygon and gigalith. Gloria doing the same and out of her pokeballs came her corviknight and raboot. Which confused you as you thought she was saving her corviknight for the dynamax battle as he was understandably her heaviest hitter out of her team. Raihan taking that famous stance from his gameplay as you watched..and your eyes widened as a light buzzing noise picked up and ..and...the sand started to blow. The screen instantly starting to blur within a few seconds to the point you and Victor could barely see the blurs of humans and pokemon despite watching it intently.
"Let the winds blow! Stream forward sandstorm!," Raihan yelled out pointing a finger in Gloria's blurry direction. She had reached a hand up to her eyes as her hair whipped around her wildly. "GIGALITH!! LET'S HAVE THEM BLOCKED IN USING YOUR STEALTH ROCK!!" The blurry thing roared out and you barely made out a bunch of tiny blurs out of it's top. A move that surrounded the opposing team with pointed rocks. Causing them damage if they moved. A pretty handy trick for their sandstorm cover. But you had a feeling with whatever was gonna use would be more effective. "FLYGON USE BREAKING SWIPE ON THE TRAPPED TEAM!!" There was a brief but fast blur and you heard the familiar sound of Gloria's pokemon cry out. ....That guy must've used his flygon's swipe to launch it's teammates floating rocks at them. Hmm. So he must've known a few combos after all. "Gigalith! Use your Sand Stream! Let's add a little more smoke cover to our fire!"
"C'mon Glory!", Victor said hands clenched into fists as the screen clouded even more due to the gigalith's sand attack. "Do something!"
"Corviknight! Fly up and away now!" There was a loud roar-caw sound that could've only been from the corviknight as it took off, Gloria pointing forward! "RABOOT USE QUICK ATTACK TOWARDS THAT GIGALITH LIKE HOW I TOLD YOU!!" Fighting against the wind the raboot who was weighed down slightly with the amount of dust clinging to it's fur darted out towards the Gigalith as Raihan smirked pointing towards the raboot as well!
"Hope you know that won't work! USE BODY PRESS TO CRUSH YOUR WAY TO VICTORY!!" With impressive speed and strength you didn't know that thing had, the Gigalith roared out and JUMPED!! High into the air it jumped heading right towards the wide eyed raboot. It's life flashing before it's eyes as the thing slammed down on it...Or it would have. If a sandy-tan blur hadn't grabbed it first. From the sand and wind rose a monster of red eyes and predatory bird. Flapping it's mighty wings and claws outstretched towards it's prey like some unholy eagle.And it's prey it caught. With the gigalith entrapped within it's talons the corviknight TOOK OFF like a bat outta heck and kicked up wind and sand in it's hurry! The trapped gigalith roaring out like a hurt elephant from the suspention in air. Raihan had to throw his arms over his face and close his eyes from the sudden wind and sand thrown to his face as his gigalith was carried off.
"USE TACKLE!!" Raihan finally opened his eyes. Snapping them open when the unmistakable pained yells of his flygon was heard. Choking a wail when the tiny but mighty raboot managed to ram itself square into flygon's stomach successfully tackling the thing to the ground where it would be helpless from the air. "HOLD ON TO IT'S WING TIGHTLY AND DON'T LET GO TIL I SAY SO!!" Just like when raboot had battled against Kabu's arcanine, raboot had latched using his teeth and tiny paws onto the downed flygon's wing, rendering it useless as it couldn't fly if it couldn't use both wings.
"USE BREAKING SWIPE ON IT TO KNOCK IT AWAY!! THEN USE STEEL WING ON THAT CORVIKNIGHT!!" The flygon instantly snapped it's snarl to the fairly scared looking raboot considering it was inches away from a dragon type's jaws. Clearly remembering the skuntank's and arcanine's large fangs. As it didn't look to the flygon's tail lifting back only to quickly swipe-
"NOW!!" raboot let go, instantly dropping as something fast and hard swung just grazing over his nose and instead right into the snarling flygon's snarling face. A sickening W H A C K sound went off as it hit the pokemon square in the head, and from your spot on the chair you couldn't help but cringe. That swing was strong enough to knock out Mr. Rose's copperajah. And while you felt bad for the poor pokemon, you were glad it didn't hit Gloria's much smaller raboot. The flygon instantly went down with another hard slam to the ground throwing up said in it's wake......and there it laid for an agonizingly ten seconds as nothing but the wind filled the silence. Until someone spoke.
"YES!!," you yelled. You couldn't help jumping up and pointing at the screen in excitement at what just transpired. "TAKE THAT DRAGON BOY!!"
The sandstorm around them both settled down to where surprisingly you could semi see kinda clearly and saw that Raihan was pointing his two pokeballs in different areas returning both pokemon too him as Gloria's corvinknight returned to her side all covered in tan dust from the sand sticking onto his dampened body courtesy of Silver. Made sense how it could've carried that giant gigalith considering Corviknights were used to lugging around literal metal cages filled with people. But now with two of his four pokemon out you wondered if he'd send just his sandaconda out second round or both sandaconda and his duraludon too. To your surprise Gloria returned her corviknight, probably wanting to save all the energy he could spare for the final battle. Understandable. But why not return the poor raboot too as he crawled his way over to Gloria winded from the sight of snarling fangs.
"SECOND ROUND FIGHT IS ABOUT TO COMENSE!! PLEASE BRING OUT YOUR POKEMON!!", the ref shouted although you weren't paying much attention to him as Victor attempted to peer around your standing form. "SECOND ROUND BEGINS NOW!!"
And the two of them sent out their pokemon. Raihan his sandaconda and Gloria her roselia and raboot who by now was now standing at full attention awaiting Gloria's orders. But you were confused even as Gloria ordered both her pokemon forward. "Wait. How come she still has two pokemon out?"
"That's the rules of the gym," Victor explained, "Both people are allowed to have two pokemon out during the battles." Oh well that was helpful.
"RABOOT USE QUICK ATTACK AND TACKLE ON IT'S FACE!! BURN YOUR IMPRESSION ON IT!!" With the same speed and agility you've seen the raboot use time and time again darted right at the sandaconda's face. Flames sparking with the sand that also kicked up from his feet, the Raboot still tan from the sand clinging to his fur and you doubted you would've been able to see him if it wasn't his literal dust trail being kicked up behind him...and you could barely make out the blur of some much slower but running non the less running right behind his path.
"USE GLARE TO INTIMIDATE!!" the sandaconda made some kind of hissing noise and a pair of bright light manifested a giant pair of red eyes out for the whole world to see as the raboot still ran forward. You guessed it must've had some kind of fear effect on raboot because all of a sudden a look of pure terror came over him and he tripped. Landing rather hard onto his face into the sand and continuing to role head over heels from the sheer momentum of the speed he had been traveling. Kicking up more sand as the snake pokemon reared it's head back with a hiss as Raihan gave him another order. "NOW USE-"
"STUN SPORE!!" Like the wind blowing a wild leaf, and a flash of green skin covered by sand, Gloria's Roselia struck. Having run up directly behind Raboot to use his dust trail as a cover for what was about to happen. Lunging itself into the air both rose shaped hands sparking with electricity, thrown forward and with a bright sparking light through the blur of sand. Out the sparks shot towards the sandaconda. An unholy hiss-shriek noise bellowed out of the poor thing's throat as it's body sparked alive with that bright lightning strike. "GIGA DRAIN!!" Still shaking the sandaconda shrieked again when a brighter green light surrounded it and then outward towards the roselia's outstretched hands. The sandaconda continuing to shake before falling over onto it's side when the last of the light left it's body and into the roselia's outstretched rose hands. And it was also just after the sandaconda collasped Hop walked back into the room holding Silver's pokeball. 
......."SECOND MATCH OVER!!", the referee shouted out after a moment of the sandaconda not getting up despite Raihan's yelling, "SANDACONDA IS UNABLE TO CONTINUE BATTLE!! THEREFORE SECOND MATCH VICTORY AGAIN GOES TO THE CHALLENGER!!" You and Victor both shared a cheer and high five as Hop smiled, not as excited since he just now returned. This was great! That meant even if Gloria lost against him in the third match she'd still be able to walk away with that badge! And be qualified to go onto the Championship Match at the end of the year! You could practically feel the old covers of your bed back home already. The battlers returned all their pokemon before the referee spoke again. "THE FINAL ROUND OF THE BATTLE BETWEEN GYM CHALLENGER GLORIA AND GYM LEADER RAIHAN SHALL NOW BEGIN!! BATTLERS CHOSE YOUR FINAL POKEMON TO DYNAMAX!!" There is was! The Final match!
Both took out a pokeball and Raihan now with narrowed eyes and a determined face thrusted it out towards her with one hand in one of his most iconic gameplay poses. "It might be impossible to pull off a combo going solo, but it's not impossible for me to still win!"
The sandstorm was slowly dying down to let the lot of you watch the action without a sandstorm finally, as both beheld red energy around there hands. Gloria nearly dropped her pokeball when it suddenly tripled in size managing to catch it just in time. You guessed she still had trouble lifting the heavy ball over her head as her face showed the strain she felt when she heaved it over her shoulders and tossed as hard as she could. It flew through the air and you all watched as it popped open and out came the GIGANTIC corviknight you have come to know as her heaviest hitter within her team. In a flurry of red light and sand covered furry it spread it's wings out flapping them causing more sand to blow around with each flap of it's mighty wings.
"BRING THE STORM!! MY PARTNER WILL SEND EVERYONE IN THE STADIUM FLYING!!" With one hand Raihan held up his pokeball as it grew to the size of a big bowling ball, pausing to smirk with his other hand on his hip so his rotom could snap a picture of him. Before turning and with one hand YEETING it into the atmosphere. You had to admit he had a good throw at least. It soared through the air and in the same fashion the corviknight appeared, Raihan's Duraludon made it's appearance. Soaring upwards to look like a sky scraper...No seriously. The giant Dragon-Steel Type's Dynamax form was literally looking like a sky scraper. It landed on a ground with a giant thud and even where you stood outside the stadium you felt the floor shaking from it's giant form roaring into the sky. "LET THE HEAVENS HEAR OUR VICTORIOUS ROAR!! USE MAX ROCKFALL!!" It roared out and the ground rumbled beneath your feet again. The furniture shaking slightly and the paintings on the wall swinging, as a giant rectangular rock arose from the ground sand falling off it and fell right towards Gloria and her corviknight-
A loud sound that could only be described as a rock being slowly scraped across metal in a high picthed ear hurting wail (Quite literally as you, and the boys literally slammed your hands over your ears) coming straight from the unholy underworld rang out from the corviknight as it suddenly slammed itself down on it's feet letting the entire rock slam it head on in another loud wail leaving it's now gigantic form. More dust absolutely shot out from it's giant feet hitting the cocrete form, The rocking almost making you all fall down, the rock breaking off into pieces as it shattered over the steel-flying type's head. The Corviknight shook his head shaking the rock off himself and locked eyes onto the duraludon letting out another unholy shriek come out from it's throat. An orange light coming out from body wings flared out and sent out an attack in the form of Brave Bird. The Duraludon sent out a roar as the orange light hit him, causing him to take a step back. What was happening!?
"DURALUDON!! USE MAX STEELSPIKE QUICKLY!!" The corviknight roared in fury and pain as an unholy amount of giant steel spikes ran across the field and hit the corviknight dead on with a flap of his wings sending more sand over to Raihan's side of the field. ...But he did end up doubling over in pain caw-hissing in some unknown fury at them for some reason. "AGAIN! MAX STEELSPIKE TO THE EXTREME!!"
The same move of shiny giant metalic steel spikes happened over again but instead of just roaring again, the corviknight made a giant high pitched squeal of pain at it hit...and in bright red light flashes started decreasing in size. Down, down, down the bird pokemon went until it disappeared from sight. And the only sounds left were the sounds of like static from the tv for a good solid ten seconds...before the same shrinking effect happened to the duraludon as Raihan returned him. The dust cloud slowly settling enough to show everyone at the field. Duraludon at it's normal height by Raihan's side, and Gloria on her knees holding her obviously unconscious corviknight's head in her arms. The silence continued on before Raihan did something you three weren't expecting. Raihan practically ran over to Gloria who looked up at his form jogging up her. Once he got close enough to her he kneeled down and one of his hands came out to grab her shoulder. You three could only watch frozen and in shocked confusion over what was happening as it looked like they exchanged a few words. Eventually the gym leader stood up and the corviknight disappeared a moment later obviously returned to his pokeball. The man offered a hand to her and after a moment of sitting on her knees, reached a hand out to Raihan who nicely pulled her up to her feet. As Gloria dusted herself off Raihan turned to the ref and waved an arm. And the referee spoke.
Relief flooded over you, body deflating into the nearest chair, and releasing a breath you didn't know you had been holding. Man..the things you went through this year. The two turned to one another and looked like they exchanged a few more words before it looked like he handed her something and the two shook hands. 
"SHE DID IT!!," Victor cheered watching the TV intently as she began walking off the battle grounds and Raihan returned his pokemon. "That means she gets to go onto the final rounds in the Championship matches this year!"
"Alright!," Hop agreed smiling as widely as one of his best friends. "All that's left is just for me to catch up and be on our way to the championship matches together!"
"Don't you think you should slow down and focus on one thing at a time first?"
As the two spoke, you got up. Turning and walking towards the door. Might as well meet Gloria at the door...Only you were sorta beat to it yet again. As you opened the door and turned your head towards the stadium's entrance. Only to catch Gloria, all dirtied up now with her uniform full of sand stains speaking to a young boy around her age.
"You've collected all the gym badges? Then at last it's time for the Chamion Cup," the boy complimented her, "I look forward to seeing how you all do in battle."
Gloria smiled at the boy. "Thanks, Sebastian! You n' your sisters put up a great fight too! Raihan must've been a real good teacher eh?"
The black haired boy with glasses and light grey eyes smiled slightly and nodded. Sebastian?..OH! He was one of the trainers Raihan personally trained. Gloria and Hop battled him as a part of Raihan's challenge. He didn't look much older than Gloria. "Yes. Mr. Raihan may look like a cheeky and vain man, but he's actually very caring and an amazing teacher as he is a strong gym leader."
Gloria chuckled and nodded. "I can certainly see how! Ya were a real challenge fer me ta get through!"
Sebastian blinked surprised. "R-Really? You....think so?"
Uh oh- Gloria smiled brightly full of happiness and enthusiasm and Sebastian blinked. "Of course! I neva' knew someone who could make a sliggoo attack so fast! If it's true Raihan's trainin' ya to take over the gym one day then ya would make a great one!"
Sebastian blinked for a moment at her before he turned clearing his throat a small pink hue on his face- OH NO!! "Gloria!" You called to stop her obliviousness nature before yet another member was added to the 'Gloria Is My Crush' Club and she perked up seeing you waving her over.
"Y/n!" She happily turned and bounded up to you which you were relieved to see. She didn't look too shaken up over what happened on the field and she proudly held up a small golden-bronze gym badge in her hands with the symbol of the dragon gym's logo. "I DID IT!! I mean it was kinda scary when I slipped up on the end there but I can finally go to the finals!"
You smiled genuinely proud of her. "That's fantastic! I knew you could do it.." You paused looking her over. "But are you alright? Nothing hurt?"
She waved a hand. "Nah. Just a bit of dust, but the stadium's locker rooms have a shower I can use to clean up!"
You nodded. Opening your mouth to speak- "Hey Gloria!" A male voice called out and you both looked behind her. Blinking in surprise when Raihan of all people walked towards you both with something felt-y under one of his arms. he held up a hand as he approached. "Sorry to hold you up, but there was something I forgot. First off as a sign of my respect. Here." Reaching his free hand back into his pocket, he pulled out what you could only recognize as his League Card. Gloria gasping and accepting it with starry wonder in her eyes as he handed it to her with a fanged smile. "Signed by yours truly as well. And secondly, here's the dragon type gym uniform." He took the clothes from under his arm and Gloria's eyes widened more. Ah. So that's what he was holding. "The mark of true strength."
"NO WAY!!" Gloria happily accepted it as well with him chuckling as she hugged it to her with a smile. "THANK YE SO MUCH!!"
Raihan chuckled more returning his hands into his pockets with a smile. "Number Four Challenger Gloria." Gloria blinked back up at him. "You've completed the Gym Challenge." he nodded. "Good on you, Kid. Now prove your strength to the whole region at the Champion Cup."
You blinked at his genuine compliment but yet again you were interrupted before you could even talk. "Raihan!" You three turned and Hop was standing in the doorway to the waiting room with a determined smile. "I'm here to see just how good you are!"
Again Raihan chuckled in a nice way. "Ah. There you are, Leon's Little Brother. Don't worry. I'll give you a battle that'll make you want to quit the Gym Challenge all together."
"I've tried out lots of different strategies, and I've made up my mind about how I want to battle. I'm not gonna lose! I'm gonna beat you, and Gloria, and even Lee!!" Victor groaned behind him.
Raihan smiled. "Certainly! But it'll have to wait until later today."
Hop's expression immediately dropped. "Huh!?"
"My team needs a small break after the battle I just had. But come back around six and I'll have a battle with you then. Ok?" Hop nodded politely and Raihan smiled. "Good. I'll see you later today then. "I'll be seeing you, Gloria. Let's have another epic battle someday! If you're feeling up to it, you might want to go train hard in the Wild Area!"
With that he turned and to your surprise just walked off without even a word or glance towards you. Not that you were relieved cuz you were absolutely. Just that you weren't expecting it. Maybe your disinterest finally made it through that thick head of his. You were thinking you'd have to use Silver to beat the guy off with his water gun......Your eyes widened. OH RIGHT!! SILVER!! HOP STILL HAD HIM!!
You snapped to Hop and he blinked when you held your hand out to him. "Hey. Can I have Silver back now?"
"Oh. Sure!" He happily dropped the pokeball into your hand.
You didn't hesitate to throw open the pokemon and in a flash of bright sparkly white he came back out. The Drizzle at first acted normal when he shook himself out and squeaked looking around for a moment. Eyes landing on you....before he walked on over...and literally faceplanted himself onto the floor. Arms, legs, and tail sprawled all about....The four of you exchanged confused glances before you blinked back down to Silver slapping the floor by your foot over and over again. It took you a good moment to realize what he wanted but scowled.
"Oh for the love of mike!" you said annoyed before bending down and literally lifting the lazy water type into your arms. Silver lazily flopped onto your shoulder. "I swear you're more spoiled than a baby.''
"He might be tired," Hop suggested, "He did use water gun a whole lot for us. It wouldn't hurt for you to swing by the pokemon center to have him looked at."
You nodded. "Not really a bad idea. I'm pretty hungry myself too." You looked over at them. "Anyone wanna go back to the cafe with me?"
Hop shook his face. "I'm not hungry right now. I think I'll hang around here until it's time for my battle and go back over my strategy plans. I'll probably catch up with Glory's battle too to get more ideas."
"I'm gonna stay with Hop," Victor answered. "I've still gotta talk with Raihan after and scheduale my own battle with him."
"I'll meet up with ye there!," Gloria confirmed. "But I think I'll stop by the locker room first and the center afterwards."
You nodded. The four of you once again split ways with the boys returning to the waiting room, Gloria heading off towards the stadium's women's locker rooms, and you carrying Silver all tired and lazy like out of the building and towards the center. Nurse Joy was a little surprised when you just carried Silver into the center and plopped him down on the table in front of her. But when she checked him over, the only things wrong with him was that he was tired and his throat was a little sore, but it would've been cleared up in a couple days. Great! At least you didn't have to buy any medicine or try to get him to eat it. And you left back to the cafe you all ate at yesterday, carrying Silver under your arm all the way back to the cafe and walked right in. ..And sighed. It was the same peaceful quiet as yesterday, the scents of sweet cakes and spicy curries wafting from the back kitchen and on display in the glass cases by the counter were lots of sweets on display. The small bell over the door jingled alerting the cafe owner to your presence as he looked up, and smiled at you.
"Hi there, Young Lady!," he greeted happily, "What can I do for you this fine day?"
"Nothing really. I'm just gonna wait for a friend."
He nodded. "Alright. Feel free to call me for anything if you change your mind."
You opted to sick at a table near the register with a few magazines you could look through on it placing Silver in the chair next to you and he splayed his arms out on the table placing his head on it. Obviously bored but you let it slide as he was tired. You grabbed the first magazine closest to you and opened it to a flurry of pokemon fashions and make up products for sell. Makes sense sense since it was a fashion magazine. With Silver practically almost falling asleep and you half way just flipping through the magazine neither of you noticed Raihan walking in, but just like yesterday he noticed you almost right off the bat. And smiled at you. Only you didn't look up until Silver hand tugged on your hand and gave a curious noise, pointing a pink hand over to the counter.
"Hungry again? Well I guess you would be hungry after all you went through," you hummed putting down the magazine. "Y'know we're supposed to wait for Gloria...But I can get you a bunch of water." He chirped lifting his head up from the table. "You used a lot of water so it's only fair you get some more-" You froze as the chair on your other side was pulled out as someone sat there....and you turned your head. .....And frowned. "Again? Really Dude?"
Raihan chuckled in his chair as he held his head in one hand and smiled that fanged grin at your deadpanned totally not interested please leave me alone frown channeling your inner bored drizzle face. "Yeah. Well you were sitting here by yourself-"
"Silver. Stand by with water gun."
Raihan's face dawned the same small eyed and open mouth frozen smile look when Silver immediately stood on the chair and narrowed his eyes at Raihan, giving an intimidating warning chirp. He immediately held up his hands. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa there, Champ! I come in peace!" You crossed your arms eyes narrowed. "No! Really I do! Peace! Peace!"
"Give me one good reason not to have my baby soak you to the bone?"
"Because.....You don't want to make a scene in a nice place like this and get kicked out?," Raihan asked nervously.
And you paused for a moment...and nodded deciding he had a point. "Ok. Silver stand down. But keep on stand by just in case." Silver looked to you..then to Raihan with narrow eyes before slowly sitting back down. "Ok. You have one minute and don't get any ideas. Silver's pretty protective of me and can spot things before me."
Raihan chuckled nervously looking between yours and Silver's glares before clearing his throat and speaking normally. "I just w-wanted to say Hi!"
"Uh huh." You really believed him. "Aren't you supposed to be taking care of your pokemon after the battle?....What even happened out there anyways?"
"Oh. Camilla's doing that."
"One of my personal trainers. She helps take care of the pokemon I have when I don't have them with me. Oh you must mean with your friend's corviknight right?" You nodded. Yeah. What even happened out there? "Oh. She accidentally slipped on the field and got in the pathway of the rockfall. I think her giant friend took initiative of what happened and stepped in to make sure she wouldn't get hurt."
"Oh." Thinking back on it now, that would explain why she was all covered in sand and was clutching onto her bird pokemon when the dust settled. "Well that explains that." And you pointed with a suspicious look to you. "But then why are you here now?"
"I always stop by this cafe when I'm here," he said casually with a shrug, "They make my favorite cakes and cappuccinos! Besides, they're the only ones in town who makes pokemon friendly donuts. My team loves 'em. After a rough battle like that they deserve a small reward for a good job don't they?" You didn't answer at first thinking it over. ...Well it's not like Raihan could've read your mind and known you were here, and you doubted he followed you. So you guessed he was telling the truth. "Hey. Why don't I buy you lunch while I'm here?" ....AAAAnd you were back to your deep scowl and narrowed eyes at him. "As a peace offering!" He clarified as Silver stood up seeing your scowl. "As a peace offering and an apology to show there's no hard feelings."
Your stomach grumbled at the mention of food. And Silver WAS hungry after all.....And free food was tempting. Plus it meant you wouldn't have to pay any money for your own meal. BBuuutt- "You DO realize if I agree to let you buy me food...It does NOT. NOOOTTT!! N. O. T. " You stressed pointing at his blinking face. "It does NOT mean I'm going 'out to lunch' with you! It doesn't mean I'm accepting any dates. I will accept it as a peace offering and nothing else. Not a date or anything of the like. And I wouldn't owe you anything since you're the one who offered to buy it."
"I fully realize that," he casually said smiling normally instead of that flirty or smug way. "I really meant it when I said I wanted to apologize." He held out his hand. "So...How about we start over? Hi. I'm Raihan, and I'd like to pay for your meal!" He smiled wider. "What's your name?"
You rose a brow a moment ....but you decided to be the bigger person and attempt to bury the hatchet. If not just for your sake, but for Gloria and Hop's. After all just like with Piers and Mr. Rose, you didn't want any bad blood between the officials and challengers. So after a silent moment you reached over to shake his hand. "Hello Mr. Raihan." You greeted professional as if you were in a job interview. "My name is Y/n L/n. And I hope you're ready to pay for two meals."
He blinked. "Two?"
You answered by pointing to Silver still eyeing him down. "He'll be less likely to hose you down if he's fed and watered."
"Ah." he nodded. "I see." Smiling he turned and waved a hand to the store owner. "Hey. I have two more things to add to my order!"
The owner blinked but smiled and nodded. "Sure! You want them to go too like the other three?"
"Three?," you asked raising a brow and he nodded.
"Yeah. For the triplets. Gotta keep the kids under my care fed." At this your eyes widened in surprise. He chuckled at your response and rose a brow. "Surprised?"
"...Yyyeah. Kinda." You blinked pointing at him. "I didn't know you were a...Dad?" That certainly wasn't in game or any other media you knew. Was it because this was a different world than yours? Did you just forgot and not remember?! To your surprise raihan laughed. Not like Piers smooth laughs, his was more boisterous and loud like that of a dragon. But it didn't seem bad.
"Nah! I'm not their dad," he clarified looking back to you chuckling, "But I guess you can call me that." He shook his head. "Nah...The triplets just happened to be some kids who were down on their luck and let's be honest. I'll need someone to take over the gym when I decide to retire one day in the distant future."
"Are their parents alright with it?"
He shrugged. "I wouldn't know really."
"They were arrested for stealing shiny pokemon from a nature reserve a long time ago," he said casually chuckling at your shocked expression. "Hey. You did ask. Besides, I didn't like the thought of any of my hometown's kids being sent to the orphanage." He went oddly quiet for a moment looking at his hand...before smiling again and shrugging. "But hey. It works out for all of us in the end then. What did you want to eat, Ms. Sassy?"
You stared at him for a long moment and only really snapped back to reality when Silver smacked your arm making you flinch. "Huh?! OH! R-Right? .....You know what? How about just an instant noodle curry for me and a Sweet Boiled egg one for Silver?..And some water for him too."
He smiled and pointed at you. "Sure thing, Sassy!~ Hey! About those orders!"
It wasn't too long that both you and Silver were chowing down on the respective curries. You came to like the instant noodle curry you had eaten back in Circhester and Silver was real happy to be getting an entire curry dish and pitcher of water to himself as he shoved food down his throat. Raihan had long sense grabbed his orders and just left after you had thanked him. Hopefully that'll be the last time you got flirted with and were able to smooth things over with him. But you couldn't help but think over what you learnt. Raihan...the guy who acted like he would be the party not actually do anything important college room mate that'd annoy you...But instead he had taken three siblings under his wing and was practically raising them after their parents were arrested for essentially shiny hunting illegally. ...That was a very noble thing. Like how Mr. Rose took in Bede but...You scowled. A lot more better handled in your opinion. And it wasn't long until Gloria showed back up too. Walking in through the door all cleaned up and cheery seeing you and walking right over.
"Y/n! Hey! ," she greeted coming over. "Sorry it took so long. I ran into Sonia and Professor Magnolia on the way here!"
You hummed. "Oh really?"
She nodded. "Professor Magnolia gave Sonia her lab coat n' everythin'!"
"Well why don't I buy you some food and you can tell me everything that happened?"
The rest of the day went by pretty much...normal. You and Gloria ate and caught up before you paid for her food and left another tip, before the two of you decided to return to the camp grounds noticing the sun had started to go down. Which meant Hop was most likely having his battle right now, so you two opted to wait for them there. Maybe an hour passed from the both of you waiting and watching videos on Gloria's phone before they did show. All smiles and Hop proudly presenting a brand new shiny gym badge to add to his badge circle. You were pretty proud of him and so was Gloria giving him a hug overjoyed they would both going to the finals. Turns out the battle between him and Raihan had ended up within a tie but Raihan was impressed enough with Hop's camouflage and combo tactics to deem him worthy of the badge. Worked for all of you. The camp was filled with chatter amongst the four of you until the sun went all the way down and it was deemed to be bed time. The four of you retired to your sleeping bags and slept til morning. A few more days went by and by that time Victor had also managed to get his last badge by then and you went to sleep that night proud of them all. By the time you woke the next morning and got out of the test, the boys were already packing away your things and Gloria was safely taking apart the fire pit.
"Hey. Morning, "you greeted with a yawn and tired blink. "Whatcha all doing?"
"Getting ready to start traveling again," Victor explained in the middle of taking one of the tent pegs from the ground.
"The Champion Matches aren't until the end of the year. So we're headin' back to Postwick for now," Hop chimed in. "There ain't anything else to do til then."
Back to Postwick huh? You guessed that made good sense. If the final matches weren't until the end of the year then it would be the most logical thing to do for now in this situation. And it's not like you had anything better to do until then after. Gathering your thing's and helping to pack away your own tent with Gloria, the four of you made your way back into Hammerlocke after showing the official at the entrance their badges. You didn't see Raihan again as you four traveled all the way to Hammerlocke's train station. It was there you four waited for the afternoon train since you had missed the morning one. Buying Lunch at the small cafe like corner the station had and chatting. Hop even pulled out his phone and let you and Gloria watch his battle with Raihan that you congratulated him on. Until the afternoon train arrived and you all left to get on it. You slipping past sneakily when Gloria used her pass to pay her way into the train. And then you were there. On the train back to where you first began this journey at the beginning of the year and would have to wait until the very end of the year.
Back to Postwick.
2 notes · View notes
discoscoob · 2 years
I wasn’t aware that Eddie and Chirssy valuing their best friendship staus above their their romantic status was such a shocking new idea. I always had the idea in my head.
Yes, we are aware that Eddie has a giant crush on Chrissy. But I generally think he would enjoy hanging out with her.
I get this vibe that Eddie would enjoy her honesty and curiosity for the things he likes. I think, sometimes, Corroded Coffin and the Hellfire club could get bored with Eddie’s antics (not Mike or Dustin.) So it is fun to hang out with someone who is so enthralled by everything you've loved for years. I know that Eddie gushes his heart about LOTR to Chrissy and Chrissy just sit there with sparkles in her eyes. Which makes Eddie's heart swell up. I also get the vibe that he would feel safe with Chrissy to talk about his parents (I headcanon that his old man is in jail for murder because of what Eddie said in ep.8 and his mom is dead) because Chirssy has a rough home life too. He would also share embarrassing stories about himself with her that he will never tell anyone because he got a reputation to upheld.
With Chrissy, I would think she enjoyed that Eddie actually listened to her and let her be quirky without any judgment. He would let her complain about Jason and Laura. He would entertained every bizarre idea that pops into her mind.
Futhermore, I always thought in the secret dating AU when they fucked behind Jason's back, it's always Chrissy who 'fuck up their friendship' because she starts to have intense feelings and thoughts about Eddie, even though the one who is unconsciously friend zoning him. I always imagined her in a scenario with her having a wet dream about him and waking up to think that like, 'best friends don't have dreams like that about each other.'
This is why I always love the friends to lovers trope for them. I imagine a slow burn where they’re friends (best friends) for aaaaages before they eventually date each other. Idiots in love for sure.
I know people love the AU where Chrissy and Eddie fuck behind Jason’s back, I like it too, cheating isn’t wrong if you’re cheating on an arsehole.
However I either think she would’ve broke up with Jason after the basketball game, like I said in my theory the other day on how Jason was acting really suspicious the morning after or she would stay with Jason while her and Eddie grow close as friends and Eddie is in love with her (and she’s in love with Eddie too) but the both of them think the other only likes them as a friend so they’re both too afraid to admit their feelings.
Chrissy and Jason would break up eventually though and Chrissy and Eddie always end up together in the end.
My headcanon about Eddie’s parents is that his mum died in a car accident when his dad was driving under the influence and that’s what he’s in prison for.
I think that Chrissy would also end up reading lotr too, maybe she would have trouble sleeping one night and instead of waking Eddie she would decide to pick up one of Eddie’s books (it happens to be lotr) Eddie would wake up in the morning to find her completely engrossed. She’d be like “why didn’t you tell me this was good?” and he’d tell her “I talk to you about it all the time” and she’d reply “yeah but you never actually told me to read it!”
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brattysapphicstuff · 1 year
hello!! its car anon (i cannot BELIEVE i got assigned a fucking car emoji VFDAVFSVNF /j)
I went out with my friend yesterday again! hoo girl strap in, i feel like im about to record an audio message lmfao
We went for some patatas bravas and we shared two of them and whatever, and we went to the center of town and acted like dumbasses for two hours and she got new pop off nails (important information for later!) and they're really long and pretty and shes just gushing over them and they look very nice and she cant wait to get back home so she can take off the ones she had and put on the ones she bought (same model, them really long ones that are sharp), and on the train ride back she asked if she could put her head on my shoulder (i dont like being touched usually) and slept through the whole ride and i had to wake her up for our stop and haul her ass out before the doors closed
Anyways, when we left the train we got into my car, and I drove her to her house and she asked if I wanted to see her room, since I was supposed to help her move in but I had to go see my family that weekend. I said yes, and we went up (its just a small little flat nothign special) and we talked and the only place to sit was either the floor or her bed. I didn't want to like impose or anything so i sat on the floor and she sat on her bed and i was like by her feet and in front of her if that makes sense? and she was leaning forward so i could hear her speak (she speaks very softly and i am partially deaf) and she was sort of hovering over me since i was on the floor.
I make fun of her for being short and for being clumsy and so quiet, and theres a bit that I do all the time where I lean dramatically closer to her to hear her when she's speaking loud and clear and saying something wrong. So I get on my knees so im like higher up and put my hands on her knees so she wouldn't back up on the bed and i lean real close to do the bit. but this motherfucker. spreads her legs and wraps them around me and holds me in place and like puts her cheek against mine to whisper what she had said in my bad ear and her hands are on my shoulders and she like presses the nails into my skin and holds me there and avdankvadj??? cdajvad!!! cdabjbcda.
i. could not breathe. and she very much noticed because i blush really easy and my face was on fucking fire and she like looks at me and she fucking smirks and holds my chin (her nail was digging into my lip and oh my jesus fucking christ) and she said that im so cute and i. dude? oh.
and she like laughs at me and kisses my forehead but i thought she was leaning in to kiss me so i leaned forward too and she just stares at me for a bit after. and i was burning UP dude. and she like pulls my face up? so like i kinda have to get up off the floor and crouch very awkwardly but she kisses me and anvdbvfdsjk and shes all wrapped up in me and im holding her legs around me because im an idiot who doesnt know what to do with her hands and then we stop kissing for a bit because shes pulling me up onto the bed (she is very strong) and we're just kinda laying there and kissing and im on top of her and between her legs and she puts her hands under my shirt (they were SO COLD') and just fucking tears up my back with those fucking nails (it hurts now but like. i am not complaining) and there is not a single thought in my head and she starts kissing all up my neck and i am just holding onto the sheets like an old woman clutching her pearls and she whispers something but i dont hear her and so she switches to the other side of her neck and she repeats it and this motherfucker told me that i feel so good on top of her and dude. oh my fucking god. dude. i. dude. dude. brother. sister. my guy. and shes just touching me all over my back and my sides and her nails hurt so good and i.
yeah anyways we stopped because my mom called me like twice and i had to pick up the phone and talk to her and my friend was sitting behind me and just touching my hair n stuff and then when i finished the call she asked if i wanted to sleep over.
(insert the eye emojis here)
unfortunately i couldn't because i had a meeting early today (it could have been an email tbh) but uhm. yeah. then i left and i had to take like a 20 minute breather in my car.
anyways. yeah. thats how that went. i hope you enjoy my suffering avdanvkdsfjv
omg So sorry for the lack of creativity sdnjgñs
AHHHHH that sounds SO GREAT!! happy for you and living vicariously through your gay experiences.
also,,,,,,, the entire make out sesh sounds very very hot.................. and also cute??? please do update don't spare details! im rooting for you 2 so hard!!
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happybird16 · 2 years
Tay, I saw your post about dad! Levi and I got super duper soft, I always think he'd make such a good daddy and he would protect his kid and s/o with HIS life! this man doesn't take any shit when it comes to you both, I'm in a soft mood so if you wanna talk daddy! Levi I am so down!
hope you're well <3
Hi bunny!
This just gave me the image of Levi finding out that his daughter is getting bullied in school. Idk what this was but it suddenly had to come out of my brain.
She comes home not quite crying -she’s always been rather stoic for a 9 year old, must get that from him- but definitely a bit downtrodden and defeated.
He immediately sees red when he finds out his princess is getting bullied by some boy. You practically have to physically hold your husband back from driving to the other kids house. Levi doesn’t even know what he’d do when he gets there, he’s just MAD.
Instead he settles on cooking her favorite food for dinner, complete with a sweet treat after. You complain that he spoils her, but Levi can’t help himself.
He harasses the school about it the next day, practically yelling at them over the phone. Pacing back and forth, wearing a hole in the living room carpet. “They’re only playing,” they say. “Boys will be boys,” they say.
Each response only makes him angrier. He’s beyond tempted to call the other child’s parents, though he’s not sure that’ll change anything either.
That night, after dinner, he teaches his little princess how to throw a punch. Carefully guiding her how to put her shoulder into the jab, throwing all of her weight behind her little fist. “Don’t tell your mom,” he says, fully aware that he’ll end up telling you himself at some point.
“The next time that snot nosed brat decides to tug on your hair and push you around, get him right in the nose.” His little girl bobs her head in response, the cute little pigtails in her hair swaying with the movement. He puts them there himself, carefully combing up the dark hair on her head every morning. His heart aches at the thought that one day she’ll put grow them.
A week later, he’s called to the school because of an emergency. Levi hadn’t heard anything other than the word blood before dropping everything and rushing out of his office.
The sight that greets him in the principals office shouldn’t be so shocking. His daughter, sitting in front of the large wooden desk, blood coating her tiny hand and the front of her dress. Seeing his little girl, sitting all smug while the boy who had been bullying her gushes blood from his nose, makes him feel quite proud himself.
“That’s my girl,” he says, fully prepared to absolve her of her supposed ‘crime’ to the school staff. And explain this to his wife, he supposes.
On the way home, he stops for ice cream. She deserves it after today. “Don’t tell your mom.”
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A Champion Time For The Heart Ch23 Battle Gym Leader Raihan
Safe to say you were not in a good mood at all. Any good feelings you previously had coming to Hammerlocke thanks to Mr. Orange Bandanna. Still holding onto Silver you entered the girls tent and inside found Gloria already inside laying on her sleeping bag and watching something on her phone. But she looked up when you came on in cradling Silver in your arms, not that the water type was complaining. He seemed more confused than annoyed as you set him down before plopping yourself on your side of the tent and groaned tiredly. A sigh of relief escaping you as you could finally relax.....For now at least.
"What happened to ye?," Gloria asked noticing your tired look, "An' what took ya so long?"
You took your time taking off your pack and placing it somewhere before replying, "Sorry. I ran into a ....'problem' I had to work a way out of, but everything's good....For now at least." You pointed at her to change the subject. "Did you get all the supplies?"
"If by supplies ya mean clearin' out the entire vending machine again, then ya!,'' she nodded and you smiled.
"What about the stadium? Get a date for a battle yet?"
She shrugged. "Not sure. Hop said he wasn't in town when he asked so I guess we'll have ta wait."
"Oh he's here alright," you mumbled scowl coming back onto your face as you laid down on the tent floor. Gloria rose a brow at your reaction. The gears turning in her head before it dawned on her.
"Ya saw 'em?"
You huffed crossing your arms as you laid on your side scowling off at nothing as Silver crawled him way over to your backpack without you noticing. "Oh I did MORE than just 'saw him'." You rolled your eyes as gloria set down her phone, turning towards you with an arm supporting her head. "The guy actually tried to score a dumb date out of me!!"
Her brown eyes widened at your words. "NO!"
"YES!!" You flipped onto your back as your hands flew up to rub your face. "He had the nerve to walk up to the stupid table and sit next to me too!" You shivered. "I felt like the canary the cat caught!"
"....The what that caught a what?" You groaned and flopped back down onto the ground. You didn't want to mention the rest as it was embarrassing but Gloria seemed very interested. "What did ya say?"
"NO of course!! He's not my type! Like....At all! I've only met him two times but I already dislike him!"
Gloria seemed gobsmacked. "What? What's there not to like about him?" She asked listing off qualities. "He's strong. He cares about people so much and does so many charity events. Leon speaks very highly of 'em!" Her face blushed a little as she continued but you kinda expected that like a fan gushing about their favorite movie actor. "He's handsome! And...And...And a whole bunch of other stuff!!"
"Well...For one he comes off WAY too strong, and yeah it can be 'confident' but to me it's just too pushy!" You held up fingers as you talked. "He didn't seem to take a hint, I felt like a small sobble under the doofus, and he just....I dunno. Comes off WAY too flashy. Like the whole 'I take selfies a lot' is....not really something I would've looked for in a partner. Not that I am looking for one." You sighed rolling a hand. "I'm a bit focused on traveling at the moment. But even if I was it probably wouldn't be someone so...different. The whole 'opposites attract' thing isn't true for me? I mean there's more to it than just looks and fame."
Gloria had stared off in thought listening to you and a pause of silence followed before she nodded. "I guess yer right." She shrugged. "Not everyone wants a ton o' eyes on 'em. ...But out of curiosity what would ya want in someone?"
That made you pause. ....And the question bounced around in your mind. What...would you want in someone? You had never thought about that before. Most of your time was consumed by either studies or work with some spare time for hobbies in the middle when your mom wasn't looking. You supposed that might've came up sometime in the future but you had been too consumed to think about something like that....You shrugged it off. Well it's not like you would worry about that anytime soon anyways being trapped in a video game world.
"Hmm...I dunno. Never thought about it much." Your brows furrowed. ".....But if I would have to say what I'd want...Someone who's understanding. And patient. Oh! And maybe someone who'd have the same hobbies! That'd be fun." Gloria nodded as you went along thinking hard. You'd want to be around someone who...wasn't your mother- You scowled again. "Someone who'd be easy to talk to, and chill most of the time. Someone positive and strong..yeah." Someone oppoeite of your mother. "That's who I'd like." You looked to her. "What about you? Any crushes?"
Gloria huffed. "Yeah right! As if....But I think I'd want someone like that too! But they'd have to keep up with me if they can!"
You laughed, possibly for the first time that day, and sighed. "I bet you'll find someone like that one day."
"Yeah....Oh hey. That reminds me. I wanted ta ask ye somethin'." You hummed turning back to her. "Can I borrow Dri-...I mean Silver 'gain?"
You blinked. "Silver? You mean you want to use him to battle again?" She nodded. "Why?"
Her hand pointed up. "Hammerlocke's stadium is way different from any other. It's the only gym without any audience seats cuz the entire place is filled with pounds n' pounds of sand and completely encased in a dome."
....You blinked. "Say what now?"
"Yeah. He uses the environment to create these giant sandstorms to blind his challenger, so no audience is allowed in for safety reasons. Hop n' I have been thinkin' 'bout what pokemon we can use to get past him. Steel type can ignore sandstorms so me corviknight is an obvious match being part steel 'n all. But I've seen the way Silver battles and the bloke's got some good skill I'd really appreciate using again........." She blinked as you stared. "Uh....Y/n?"
You had heard what she said but it hit you like a ton of bricks as. You. ....REMEMBERED!! YOU REMEMBERED RAIHAN'S GAMEPLAY FROM BACK IN THE GAME!! YOU REMEMBERED A SANDSTORM COVERED BATTLE BUT YOU DIDN'T PIECE IT TOGETHER UNTIL NOW!! .....An evil smirk spread across your face as you chuckled, making Gloria raise a brow wondering what was so funny. OH!! This was great! You may not have experience actually battling in real life despite having Silver, but thanks to your outsider's experience as you remembered more and more including his Gym's Challenge for the trainer...You realized something. You all had the upper hand here. You now remembered like a smack to the face Raihan's entire gameplay. Which meant you could avoid him trying to make a bet to go out on a date!! With a bright and cheery smile you sat up and turned to Gloria. About to give her the ultimate advantage!
"Hey. Would you like to know what the gym's challenge this time's gonna be? I found out what it was while in Hammerlocke." Which wasn't a lie. You DID found out what the challenge was when you were in Hammerlocke in the game. So this truth wasn't meaning you were lying at all while not drawing unwanted attention to yourself. And you also remembered while in Hammerlocke too, so there's that.
Gloria immediately perked up and sat up as well with a bright smile on her face. "HECK YEAH!! That'd help out loads to prepare me!"
You paused...moving to get up and out towards the entrance. A thought crossing across your mind too. "Let's go tell Hop an' my bro too. I'm sure they'll be able to come up with all kinds of strategies too."
Gloria didn't complain about that and merely followed you outside where you found the boys still out. Only this time Victor seemed to be making a safe fire pit, and Hop seemed to be letting his wooloo run around to get some fresh air. But you called them over and when they heard what you had to say....Well they didn't need much convincing to agree to listen to what you had to say. In fact they seemed completely ecstatic to learn what you had to say.
"Alright you three. Listen up now!" You placed your hands on your hips and looked down on them determined like you were your old gym teacher at the football game. But you weren't doing this to sabotage Raihan. While you disliked the guy, you didn't want to deliberately sabotage him either. And you still didn't want to mess with the game's events as so far everything's been going exactly as in game with the exceptions being the obvious real world wrench tossed in with it! You were doing this to get home. That was your goal and if Raihan being one of the top leaders was the obstacle then you were going to do what you could to help them get through. "Ok. Do you three remember Ms. Opal's challenge back in Bellonlea?" They nodded. "Raihan does the same thing. But instead you're all going to have to battle three trainers he personally trained in double teamed battles."
"WHAT?!," Hop asked eyes going wide as Gloria's jaw dropped.
"There's more," you cut him off before his shocked self could speak again, "Luckily for us I found out what pokemon they use so you guys can figure out the best way to beat them." Having their full attention you held up a finger. "The first guy's gonna have a pelipper and sliggoo." A second finger was put up. "The second guy's gonna have a ninetales and a turtonator." And you held up a third finger. "And the last guy's packing an abomasnow and a hakamo-o." You looked at them and were pleased to see that the gears in their heads were already turning. Especially Hop no doubt with that big brain of his as he held one hand to his chin.
"Hmm.......That must be a deciding factor in how he scores so many wins," Hop mumbled, "Battling three trainers and then enduring himself and the sandstorm the gym's environment provides both wears down the trainer and their pokemon as well as blinds them."
You nodded. You didn't doubt that was probably a deciding factor in how he won, but by how much Raihan battled Leon by himself and everyone else, he must've still been strong enough to stand his own ground. Which lead to round two of explaining. "That's probably a factor but I also noticed a pattern with Raihan's battling." They looked at you and you continued. "His battling is just basically two rounds. His starts out with two pokemon in a tag team battle. Usually his gigalith and flygon but if one of them faints he sends out his sandaconda. From there you have to take down both pokemon and then dynamax against his duraludon. Doesn't sound easy having to focus on two pokemon at once during a sandstorm."
".......That's exactly why it's so hard!!" All three of you turned to Hop as his golden eyes widened. "From all the videos I've seen of Raihan battling Leon he was always focused on his one pokemon he used to battle....But he never ever battled Lee in a double team match despite it being his specialty and what he's known for. Only one at a time....I wonder why that is?"
You paused too thinking. ...Hop was right. Even in your dream with Raihan and Leon battling it only ever showed them each using one pokemon per round. Maybe those rules concerning double team battles only applied to his gym? "I'm...Not sure. Haven't they ever done it outside battling for the Champion title?"
Hop shook his head. "Lee tells me about every battle they've had and not one was a tag team battle..Hm. Come to think of it, that is a bit strange for him not to do that outside his gym. Wonder why?"
"You know...,"you all perked up as Victor spoke, "From the blurry camera's they use to record his battles it's hard ta tell but....I don't think he ever does combo moves with his pokemon."
And it was then it was like the bulb in Hop's brain was smacked to light up brightly. "OF COURSE!! He's always giving orders to both his pokemon during the double battles, but he does so in a way that's like he's doing two individual battles at once!" Hop snapped up to Victor with a smile. "VIC MATE!! YOU'RE BRILLIANT!!''
....Victor blinked. "I am?"
Hop made a fist with one hand and slammed it into his palm with his other. "Of course! That's his weak point! He rarely ever if he does at all use combined attacks with both pokemon. Raihan's pokemon are both powerhouses so they can hold their own. Especially against already tired pokemon in the cover of a sandstorm! But if say two pokemon work on one of his while defensing against the other-"
"We could have a chance of beating him with that opening!," Gloria piped up pointing at them, "Especially if the type advantages and fighting styles are played against him."
"And don't forget," Hop added pointing to her, "While the sandstorm blinds us it also blinds him as well. Hmm...That could also be the very reason why he doesn't do combined attacks! After all if you can barely see your opponents yourself, it just might be easier for him to divide and conquer using his brute strength to power through instead of combined skilled attacks unless he's battling one on one."
"If that's the case," You added Hop now having you thinking, "That might be why he doesn't usually battle people in tag team battles! Because he's not used to actually coming up with combo attacks on the fly without the shield of a sandstorm to cover his tracks. After all you two battled Kabu who's also super strong using your brains against his strength and won." You pointed. "And I bet you if he personally trained those trainers then he might've taught them the same thing unintentionally! We just need to use our brains to our advantage again and figure out what it takes to water down that dragon's flame!"
Then with the chess board laid out. You all played your first piece. Now it was just a matter of time, thinking, and seeing how Raihan would play against your moves. Hop and Gloria began discussing ideas among themselves and while they were doing that Victor pulled you to the side and handed you your share of the food supplies. Which you gladly accepted and brought back into the tent with you to put away. Finding Silver already passed out asleep on the ground. Which you followed. After all tomorrow was going to be a big day for all of you. Might as well prepare for it by getting a good night's sleep. And that's exactly what you did. Falling asleep with a smile on your face just imagining what tomorrow was going to be like for you. Sometime after Gloria fell asleep as well and your camp fell silent retiring for the night. When you awoke the next morning it was to Silver helping himself to some of your food rations Victor had given you the night before. Safe to say that you spooked him into stopping. By the time you had gotten dressed and out of the tent yourself, you found yourself faced with Victor and both gym challengers dressed in their white uniforms. ....And it was blinking at them that gave you the bright idea that would pay off later.
"Y/n!," Gloria greeted waving at you while holding a half eaten jerky bar in her hand. "You're up early."
You gestured to Silver who slunk around yourself dragging your backpack behind him. "Well I was kinda forced up by Mr. I'm Always Hungry here." Silver gave you a frown but you ignored him in favor of them. "What about you guys? Eat already?" They nodded and Gloria gestured to the jerky still in her hands. You nodded. "Good. You'll both be needing that energy for the match...But there's one important detail you guys should know." You pointed at them. "Whatever you do, don't let Raihan know that you both have been traveling buddies."
They looked confused for a moment, and before you could explain that it was because you had the idea that Raihan might take on two battles if he thought they were both seperate parties (therefore you could leave Hammerlocke faster-) but Victor interrupted your thoughts. "She has a point." You blinked towards him. "Since you two came up with similar strategies it might be better to not let him catch on that you two know each other so he doesn't suspect anything."
Oh....Well that works too. But Gloria spoke up. "But he already knows that both Hop n' I are both endorsed by Lee."
"But that doesn't mean he knows you're both travel buddies?," you explained with a sly grin. "Trust me. This'll be worth the effort. And isn't Victor going to battle him as well?"
They looked hesitant but with Victor agreeing with you they agreed. "Alright. But we'll still need Driz- I mean Silver."
"An' I'm plannin' on battlin' the bloke after both of 'em. Got me own plan in mind, and it'll be good experience to watch them first and see how he battles."
You nodded. "I got him in his pokeball. Then we'll need to head to the Vault."
"The Vault? Dontcha mean the stadium?"
"Nah. You'll see once we go there."
The three looked confused but you didn't elaborate more returning to your tent to retrieve Silver inside his pokeball. Wasn't too hard to convince him to get into his pokeball this time and give him to Gloria who held out her hand expectantly. You weren't sure what their plan was but were excited to see what it was. It was a good thing you were camped right outside the Vault, of course having to show their badges again to get in with that Hammerlocke rule, before procceeding to that double door entrance you remember Raihan opening. Stopping before the two doors where you were SURE Raihan was waiting for you all (more specifically Hop and Gloria-) before gaining enough confidence to push open the doors and waltz in. If you had a problem then you had to deal with it head on just like you were doing with all your other current problems. No flirty dragon boy was about to get between you and your only way home at the moment. Walking down the hallway with the others following you, you ended up in the same trophy room and the same woman sitting behind the computer gazed up at you as you much more confidentially than you felt, put your hands on the counter with a determined look in your eyes.
"My friend is here to challenge, Mr. Raihan," you politely told her gesturing to Gloria and then to Hop, "And this other challenger wants to battle him too." You told truthfully but in a way that wouldn't allow the woman to connect the dots. "Where is he?"
The woman blinked but soon recovered and looked back to her computer screen typing something down......before nodding with a hum. "Oh yes. Someone asked about him yesterday." She must've meant when Hop went to the stadium the other day. "Mr. Raihan's been expecting you..But I'm afraid he can only take one trainer at a time. One of you will have to wait another day-"
"Oh that won't be necessary," a voice purred out. You yelped, jumping up and spinning around....only to then scowl at who it was standing in the doorway to the stairs leading up to the Vault's tapestries. Well speak of the devil eh? Raihan was standing there not even looking up from his phone as he leaned against the wall coolly. "I'm sure I have time in my schedule for two gym battles today...Considering that they both got all the other badges and can defeat my challenge up stairs-...." Raihan paused. Looking up and suddenly seeing you. After an awkward moment of silence you crossed your arms and frowned and he calmly smiled. "Oh....Well now things have gotten really interesting today huh?"
"Dude. Just don't," you groaned out.
"Wasn't expecting to see you here, Sassy," he happily stated pointing his phone at you, "Did you change your mind about my offer?~"
"HA! You wish! I wouldn't go on a date with you if you were the only guy left in Galar! And there's still no way I agree to that ridiculous bet so don't get any crazy ideas!" You pointed to Gloria's amused expression at you as Hop and Victor watched in a mixture of confusion and surprise. "She's gonna be walking away with your gym badge anyways. So is the other challenger here for you too!"
He hummed finally looking to both the challengers by you. "Ah. Your friend again, and another lil guy I haven't seen." He nodded. "Sure. I'd be happy to take them on. But I can only take on one at a time. So who's going to take on my challenge first?"
Gloria stepped up. "I am!"
Raihan nodded and gestured to the stairs behind him. "We'll Lil Miss, why don't you just follow me and we'll get this challenge started? The other challenger of mine can wait here while she competes." He paused looking over you again. "You can come watch your friend if you want, but you'd have to stand off at a safe distance with me-"
"I can wait right here in the waiting room, Mr. Raihan," you stated firmly but politely making it a point to walk on over to the nearest chair and sit yourself down in it. Oh you would remain nice for now. Wouldn't want to make any gym leader angry, and he seemed to find your anger more amusing than irritating, but you'd play it safe for now. "But thank you for the offer. It was very....nice of you."
He smiled amused at your annoyed form but shrugged. Turning around as his hands returned to his pockets. "Alright then. Your call. Whelp! Let's get this show on the road shall we?"
Gloria blinked but jogged after him both disappearing up the stairs towards the Vault. After a moment of silence Victor and Hop both joined you sitting down in the waiting chairs until Hop spoke up. "SO....When did you talk to Raihan? It seems you get to talk with all the gym leaders."
You groaned. "Do I have to tell you?"
"I mean...We don't have anything else to do while we wait for Glory do we?"
".......Fine I guess."
And you did albeit reluctantly and you shot Victor a scowl when he laughed at some parts, but Hop thankfully seemed more intrigued about how your interactions went. From somewhere above you can the faint sounds of someone battling, muffled by all the walls. You briefly wondered why anyone would allow Raihan to even use the Vault for his gym challenge. Weren't the tapestries in danger of being destroyed if that happened? Oh well. It wasn't any of your business since you weren't going be back here anyways after you leave at the end of the year after the Championship match. You three sat there for what seemed like forever when in reality it was only maybe an hour and a half before Gloria reappeared. Walking down the stairs looking slightly winded was Gloria and right behind her looking just as he did when they left.
"Hey!," you smiled at her perking up, "How'd it go?" You already knew the answer but felt smug seeing her smile.
"I passed 'em so fast they're still tryin' ta wipe the dust from their eyes!," she stated proudly.
Raihan nodded as he smiled. "Your friend here's not lying. Not gonna lie I'm pretty excited to take her on in battle. But I think there's one other person who's here to take on my challenge first?" He turned his gaze to Hop who stood up and what looked like a flash of realization came over him. Hm. You supposed he might've recognized Hop since he and Leon looked a lot a like. "Hmm....Well well. A very surprising day it is." He turned to you as you stood up to meet Gloria. "If you want, the both of you can head on over to the stadium to wait for me there. Or you're welcome to come watch-"
"Thank you, but I think we'll head on out and wait for you to come to the stadium instead," you strained a smile, "But it was very nice of you to offer."
He huffed a chuckled and barely gave you a glance as he turned to Hop. "Well, Kid. I dont suppose you're ready are you?" Hop nodded a determined look on his face. "Alright. That's the spirit. My team's taking a small break but it won't be too long until you can fight. Follow me, Challenger."
He turned and like previously walked away with Hop in tow, Hop and Gloria exchanging a knowing smile and you watched them go...before turning to Gloria and crossing your arms. "So how'd it go?"
"It was jus' like you said it would be!," she confirmed smiling, "None o' 'em made any combo attacks and it was like any other battle."
You nodded. "Come on. We should go wait at the stadium like Raihan said." You turned to go but paused when an idea hit you. "...Let's stop by the pokemon center first though. It wouldn't hurt to let Nurse Joy patch up your pals before the big show."
Bidding good bye to Victor who opted to wait for Hop, you two left the Vault and went on your way towards the pokemon center. You should have plenty of time to sneak a heal at the pokemon center before Raihan noticed anything. Cheating?..Hm. Maybe, but then again, no one said it was against the rules anywhere. Someone would've said something by now.
"Hey...Do ya think we shoulda said somethin' 'bout the trainers of Raihan's bein' too tired for another battle so soon?," Gloria asked as you reached the pink building and walked in.
You hummed for a moment walking up to where Nurse Joy was smiling at you both before shaking your head. "Nah. If Raihan says they could battle again after a break we should trust his judgement." You can't believe you said that, but you didn't really want to be a jerk and prevent Hop from battling too. ...And you might've wanted to go home sooner so this would help. "Besides. It gives you a moment to go over your battle plans....What were you planning anyways?"
Gloria smiled slyly as she handed Nurse Joy her pokeballs to heal. "You'll see! Since we got Silver we should head on out of Hammerlocke for a bit while we still got time."
You really weren't sure what Gloria's plan was but followed her anyways once Nurse Joy was finished with her pokemon and out the pokemon center you all went. But to your surprise instead of going to the stadium Gloria instead went to the nearest exit. Still confused you followed her to the outside of Hammerlocke and silently watched as she took out her six pokemon plus Silver, and you still were confused even as she made Silver use water gun.....On her own pokemon....Gently. Obviously with the intent of just getting them all drenched like they went swimming in Hammerlocke's moats. When you asked Gloria why she was using Silver's water gun move to soak her pokemon more than a sponge, she simply chuckled and told you you would see soon. Poor Silver looked even more tired than usual by the time he was done and Gloria put all of the pokemon back into their pokeballs. All soaked and wet like you were when the rain hit you back in Spikemuth. After Gloria reshown one of the workers her badges (dumb rule) and you two were allowed back inside, you both finally headed back over towards the stadium and powerplant. Walking up to the woman behind the counter once you got inside, the two of you were gestured to a small door over to the counter which seemed to be yet another waiting room. But unlike the Vault's waiting room this one looked even more like an actual waiting room, like at a doctor's office. White walls, a few comfy couches, a painting here and there, a small coffee table with complimentary water to drink, and a big TV secured to the wall. You both sat down and waited. But you didn't have to wait for long, as about ten minutes after you all sat down they arrived. The door opened and you both looked over to Victor and Hop waltzing right in and Raihan right behind him but he stopped in the doorway unlike them. You would've greeted the boys if it didn't risk blowing your cover of you not knowing one another. But Raihan made the first greeting upon seeing you and Gloria.
"Oh there you both are!," he greeted with a wide smile and a wave one hand still in his pocket, "Seeing this little dude defeat my trainers like that really pumped me up for some action myself!" He pointed to Gloria. "So. Whatcha say? Are you ready to take on the great and powerful Dragon Type Gym Leader?"
Gloria immediately stood up and nodded. "You bet!"
"Then follow me and we'll see how this'll go!" He gestured to the big TV on the walls. "Your friend and the others can wait here and watch the action safely since only the two of us and the ref is allowed in the stadium during battles." Gloria nodded and he glanced a moment to you who rose a brow before turning. "I'll be sure to put on a good show for all the audience.~"
Raihan turned his back to all you and left with Gloria behind him, and while his back was turned Gloria held out her hand with Silver's pokeball in it and dropped it into Hop awaiting hand as they passed. And both exchanged a knowing smile with one another. What the world were those two even planning? As soon as the door closed behind Gloria you took your chance to raise your brow at Hop who smiled at Silver's pokeball.
"So are you going to make my poor Silver Veil hose down your pokemon too?"
Hop blinked over at you but smiled. "Ah Y/n. You got me, Mate! But how'd ya figure it out?"
"Gloria had him do it before we came to the stadium. But would someone please explain to me what exactly you two are planning?"
"Simple really!," Hop explained holding up a hand. "Camouflage."
".....Camouflage?," you asked confused.
Hop nodded. "Raihan uses the sandstorm to blind his challengers. But everyone knows that sand would stick to any damp surface! Like the sand from a beach if you were done swimming in the ocean! So we figured if we could just make the sand stick to our pokemon since it's already hard to see anyways-"
"You could practically become invisible and use the environment!," you perked up everything finally clicking.
"Exactly! From all of Raihan's previous battles I hadn't ever seen anyone try this tactic before so I don't think he would expect it. Let alone two people in a row using it!" Hop pointed to the door behind him. "I just need to pop outside real quick so I can put my plan into motion!"
You nodded before pausing. "Oh. Hop."
"Stop by the pokemon center first and have Nurse Joy look over your team real quick. It wouldn't hurt to have them looked over before you take him on. Y'know. To make the odds better in your favor."
Smiling Hop agreed. "Yeah! That's a great idea! Thanks Y/n!"
"Hurry back before their match is over!'', Victor called after Hop's retreating form, "Or else Raihan might consider your absence forfeit from the battle!"
You were sure Hop would be back before their match was over. It hadn't even started yet. Well guess what happened five minutes after Hop left? Yep! The TV popped on courtesy of Victor turning it on and the first thing that popped up on screen was the inside of the stadium. And HOLY MOLY!! They weren't kidding when they said the entire place was full of sand! There was uneven piles of it all scattered about and barely any bare floor left to see. This must mean that the battle must be about to start any moment now. And you weren't wrong either. From one side of the stadium came Gloria and from the other came Raihan and another man who looked to be wearing a gym uniform of some kind and eye protection goggles. AH. He must've been the referee for the gym. Both came to meet at the middle of gym, Raihan exchanging a few words with her you couldn't hear exactly, before all three turned and took their places.
"WELCOME TO TODAY'S BATTLE!," said a voice that wasn't Raihan or Gloria. Must've come from the ref. He must've been using some kind of Mic to be heard over the TV. "This battle will take place between the Gym Challenger Gloria and the Gym Leader Raihan! There will be three rounds as per the standard gym! If the gym challenger succeeds in winning two or more matches then they shall walk away victorious! If they end within a tie it will up to the gym leader to decide if they have earned the right to the badge. Round one of the battle shall begin! To your places please! Both ready your pokemon!" Gloria held up both hands. In each one a pokeball, and Raihan held up two in one hand striking some pose with his other hand on his hip. An orange blur suddenly zooming from his pocket and you blinked from your chair realizing it was his rotom. "BATTLE BEGIN!!"
Raihan did some kind of roar pose and you recognized that as his signature pose from his gameplay. Before leaning back and TOSSING both pokeballs out like a baseball. And in a spark of light out came the flygon and gigalith. Gloria doing the same and out of her pokeballs came her corviknight and raboot. Which confused you as you thought she was saving her corviknight for the dynamax battle as he was understandably her heaviest hitter out of her team. Raihan taking that famous stance from his gameplay as you watched..and your eyes widened as a light buzzing noise picked up and ..and...the sand started to blow. The screen instantly starting to blur within a few seconds to the point you and Victor could barely see the blurs of humans and pokemon despite watching it intently.
"Let the winds blow! Stream forward sandstorm!," Raihan yelled out pointing a finger in Gloria's blurry direction. She had reached a hand up to her eyes as her hair whipped around her wildly. "GIGALITH!! LET'S HAVE THEM BLOCKED IN USING YOUR STEALTH ROCK!!" The blurry thing roared out and you barely made out a bunch of tiny blurs out of it's top. A move that surrounded the opposing team with pointed rocks. Causing them damage if they moved. A pretty handy trick for their sandstorm cover. But you had a feeling with whatever was gonna use would be more effective. "FLYGON USE BREAKING SWIPE ON THE TRAPPED TEAM!!" There was a brief but fast blur and you heard the familiar sound of Gloria's pokemon cry out. ....That guy must've used his flygon's swipe to launch it's teammates floating rocks at them. Hmm. So he must've known a few combos after all. "Gigalith! Use your Sand Stream! Let's add a little more smoke cover to our fire!"
"C'mon Glory!", Victor said hands clenched into fists as the screen clouded even more due to the gigalith's sand attack. "Do something!"
"Corviknight! Fly up and away now!" There was a loud roar-caw sound that could've only been from the corviknight as it took off, Gloria pointing forward! "RABOOT USE QUICK ATTACK TOWARDS THAT GIGALITH LIKE HOW I TOLD YOU!!" Fighting against the wind the raboot who was weighed down slightly with the amount of dust clinging to it's fur darted out towards the Gigalith as Raihan smirked pointing towards the raboot as well!
"Hope you know that won't work! USE BODY PRESS TO CRUSH YOUR WAY TO VICTORY!!" With impressive speed and strength you didn't know that thing had, the Gigalith roared out and JUMPED!! High into the air it jumped heading right towards the wide eyed raboot. It's life flashing before it's eyes as the thing slammed down on it...Or it would have. If a sandy-tan blur hadn't grabbed it first. From the sand and wind rose a monster of red eyes and predatory bird. Flapping it's mighty wings and claws outstretched towards it's prey like some unholy eagle.And it's prey it caught. With the gigalith entrapped within it's talons the corviknight TOOK OFF like a bat outta heck and kicked up wind and sand in it's hurry! The trapped gigalith roaring out like a hurt elephant from the suspention in air. Raihan had to throw his arms over his face and close his eyes from the sudden wind and sand thrown to his face as his gigalith was carried off.
"USE TACKLE!!" Raihan finally opened his eyes. Snapping them open when the unmistakable pained yells of his flygon was heard. Choking a wail when the tiny but mighty raboot managed to ram itself square into flygon's stomach successfully tackling the thing to the ground where it would be helpless from the air. "HOLD ON TO IT'S WING TIGHTLY AND DON'T LET GO TIL I SAY SO!!" Just like when raboot had battled against Kabu's arcanine, raboot had latched using his teeth and tiny paws onto the downed flygon's wing, rendering it useless as it couldn't fly if it couldn't use both wings.
"USE BREAKING SWIPE ON IT TO KNOCK IT AWAY!! THEN USE STEEL WING ON THAT CORVIKNIGHT!!" The flygon instantly snapped it's snarl to the fairly scared looking raboot considering it was inches away from a dragon type's jaws. Clearly remembering the skuntank's and arcanine's large fangs. As it didn't look to the flygon's tail lifting back only to quickly swipe-
"NOW!!" raboot let go, instantly dropping as something fast and hard swung just grazing over his nose and instead right into the snarling flygon's snarling face. A sickening W H A C K sound went off as it hit the pokemon square in the head, and from your spot on the chair you couldn't help but cringe. That swing was strong enough to knock out Mr. Rose's copperajah. And while you felt bad for the poor pokemon, you were glad it didn't hit Gloria's much smaller raboot. The flygon instantly went down with another hard slam to the ground throwing up said in it's wake......and there it laid for an agonizingly ten seconds as nothing but the wind filled the silence. Until someone spoke.
"YES!!," you yelled. You couldn't help jumping up and pointing at the screen in excitement at what just transpired. "TAKE THAT DRAGON BOY!!"
The sandstorm around them both settled down to where surprisingly you could semi see kinda clearly and saw that Raihan was pointing his two pokeballs in different areas returning both pokemon too him as Gloria's corvinknight returned to her side all covered in tan dust from the sand sticking onto his dampened body courtesy of Silver. Made sense how it could've carried that giant gigalith considering Corviknights were used to lugging around literal metal cages filled with people. But now with two of his four pokemon out you wondered if he'd send just his sandaconda out second round or both sandaconda and his duraludon too. To your surprise Gloria returned her corviknight, probably wanting to save all the energy he could spare for the final battle. Understandable. But why not return the poor raboot too as he crawled his way over to Gloria winded from the sight of snarling fangs.
"SECOND ROUND FIGHT IS ABOUT TO COMENSE!! PLEASE BRING OUT YOUR POKEMON!!", the ref shouted although you weren't paying much attention to him as Victor attempted to peer around your standing form. "SECOND ROUND BEGINS NOW!!"
And the two of them sent out their pokemon. Raihan his sandaconda and Gloria her roselia and raboot who by now was now standing at full attention awaiting Gloria's orders. But you were confused even as Gloria ordered both her pokemon forward. "Wait. How come she still has two pokemon out?"
"That's the rules of the gym," Victor explained, "Both people are allowed to have two pokemon out during the battles." Oh well that was helpful.
"RABOOT USE QUICK ATTACK AND TACKLE ON IT'S FACE!! BURN YOUR IMPRESSION ON IT!!" With the same speed and agility you've seen the raboot use time and time again darted right at the sandaconda's face. Flames sparking with the sand that also kicked up from his feet, the Raboot still tan from the sand clinging to his fur and you doubted you would've been able to see him if it wasn't his literal dust trail being kicked up behind him...and you could barely make out the blur of some much slower but running non the less running right behind his path.
"USE GLARE TO INTIMIDATE!!" the sandaconda made some kind of hissing noise and a pair of bright light manifested a giant pair of red eyes out for the whole world to see as the raboot still ran forward. You guessed it must've had some kind of fear effect on raboot because all of a sudden a look of pure terror came over him and he tripped. Landing rather hard onto his face into the sand and continuing to role head over heels from the sheer momentum of the speed he had been traveling. Kicking up more sand as the snake pokemon reared it's head back with a hiss as Raihan gave him another order. "NOW USE-"
"STUN SPORE!!" Like the wind blowing a wild leaf, and a flash of green skin covered by sand, Gloria's Roselia struck. Having run up directly behind Raboot to use his dust trail as a cover for what was about to happen. Lunging itself into the air both rose shaped hands sparking with electricity, thrown forward and with a bright sparking light through the blur of sand. Out the sparks shot towards the sandaconda. An unholy hiss-shriek noise bellowed out of the poor thing's throat as it's body sparked alive with that bright lightning strike. "GIGA DRAIN!!" Still shaking the sandaconda shrieked again when a brighter green light surrounded it and then outward towards the roselia's outstretched hands. The sandaconda continuing to shake before falling over onto it's side when the last of the light left it's body and into the roselia's outstretched rose hands. And it was also just after the sandaconda collasped Hop walked back into the room holding Silver's pokeball.
......."SECOND MATCH OVER!!", the referee shouted out after a moment of the sandaconda not getting up despite Raihan's yelling, "SANDACONDA IS UNABLE TO CONTINUE BATTLE!! THEREFORE SECOND MATCH VICTORY AGAIN GOES TO THE CHALLENGER!!" You and Victor both shared a cheer and high five as Hop smiled, not as excited since he just now returned. This was great! That meant even if Gloria lost against him in the third match she'd still be able to walk away with that badge! And be qualified to go onto the Championship Match at the end of the year! You could practically feel the old covers of your bed back home already. The battlers returned all their pokemon before the referee spoke again. "THE FINAL ROUND OF THE BATTLE BETWEEN GYM CHALLENGER GLORIA AND GYM LEADER RAIHAN SHALL NOW BEGIN!! BATTLERS CHOSE YOUR FINAL POKEMON TO DYNAMAX!!" There is was! The Final match!
Both took out a pokeball and Raihan now with narrowed eyes and a determined face thrusted it out towards her with one hand in one of his most iconic gameplay poses. "It might be impossible to pull off a combo going solo, but it's not impossible for me to still win!"
The sandstorm was slowly dying down to let the lot of you watch the action without a sandstorm finally, as both beheld red energy around there hands. Gloria nearly dropped her pokeball when it suddenly tripled in size managing to catch it just in time. You guessed she still had trouble lifting the heavy ball over her head as her face showed the strain she felt when she heaved it over her shoulders and tossed as hard as she could. It flew through the air and you all watched as it popped open and out came the GIGANTIC corviknight you have come to know as her heaviest hitter within her team. In a flurry of red light and sand covered furry it spread it's wings out flapping them causing more sand to blow around with each flap of it's mighty wings.
"BRING THE STORM!! MY PARTNER WILL SEND EVERYONE IN THE STADIUM FLYING!!" With one hand Raihan held up his pokeball as it grew to the size of a big bowling ball, pausing to smirk with his other hand on his hip so his rotom could snap a picture of him. Before turning and with one hand YEETING it into the atmosphere. You had to admit he had a good throw at least. It soared through the air and in the same fashion the corviknight appeared, Raihan's Duraludon made it's appearance. Soaring upwards to look like a sky scraper...No seriously. The giant Dragon-Steel Type's Dynamax form was literally looking like a sky scraper. It landed on a ground with a giant thud and even where you stood outside the stadium you felt the floor shaking from it's giant form roaring into the sky. "LET THE HEAVENS HEAR OUR VICTORIOUS ROAR!! USE MAX ROCKFALL!!" It roared out and the ground rumbled beneath your feet again. The furniture shaking slightly and the paintings on the wall swinging, as a giant rectangular rock arose from the ground sand falling off it and fell right towards Gloria and her corviknight-
A loud sound that could only be described as a rock being slowly scraped across metal in a high picthed ear hurting wail (Quite literally as you, and the boys literally slammed your hands over your ears) coming straight from the unholy underworld rang out from the corviknight as it suddenly slammed itself down on it's feet letting the entire rock slam it head on in another loud wail leaving it's now gigantic form. More dust absolutely shot out from it's giant feet hitting the cocrete form, The rocking almost making you all fall down, the rock breaking off into pieces as it shattered over the steel-flying type's head. The Corviknight shook his head shaking the rock off himself and locked eyes onto the duraludon letting out another unholy shriek come out from it's throat. An orange light coming out from body wings flared out and sent out an attack in the form of Brave Bird. The Duraludon sent out a roar as the orange light hit him, causing him to take a step back. What was happening!?
"DURALUDON!! USE MAX STEELSPIKE QUICKLY!!" The corviknight roared in fury and pain as an unholy amount of giant steel spikes ran across the field and hit the corviknight dead on with a flap of his wings sending more sand over to Raihan's side of the field. ...But he did end up doubling over in pain caw-hissing in some unknown fury at them for some reason. "AGAIN! MAX STEELSPIKE TO THE EXTREME!!"
The same move of shiny giant metalic steel spikes happened over again but instead of just roaring again, the corviknight made a giant high pitched squeal of pain at it hit...and in bright red light flashes started decreasing in size. Down, down, down the bird pokemon went until it disappeared from sight. And the only sounds left were the sounds of like static from the tv for a good solid ten seconds...before the same shrinking effect happened to the duraludon as Raihan returned him. The dust cloud slowly settling enough to show everyone at the field. Duraludon at it's normal height by Raihan's side, and Gloria on her knees holding her obviously unconscious corviknight's head in her arms. The silence continued on before Raihan did something you three weren't expecting. Raihan practically ran over to Gloria who looked up at his form jogging up her. Once he got close enough to her he kneeled down and one of his hands came out to grab her shoulder. You three could only watch frozen and in shocked confusion over what was happening as it looked like they exchanged a few words. Eventually the gym leader stood up and the corviknight disappeared a moment later obviously returned to his pokeball. The man offered a hand to her and after a moment of sitting on her knees, reached a hand out to Raihan who nicely pulled her up to her feet. As Gloria dusted herself off Raihan turned to the ref and waved an arm. And the referee spoke.
Relief flooded over you, body deflating into the nearest chair, and releasing a breath you didn't know you had been holding. Man..the things you went through this year. The two turned to one another and looked like they exchanged a few more words before it looked like he handed her something and the two shook hands.
"SHE DID IT!!," Victor cheered watching the TV intently as she began walking off the battle grounds and Raihan returned his pokemon. "That means she gets to go onto the final rounds in the Championship matches this year!"
"Alright!," Hop agreed smiling as widely as one of his best friends. "All that's left is just for me to catch up and be on our way to the championship matches together!"
"Don't you think you should slow down and focus on one thing at a time first?"
As the two spoke, you got up. Turning and walking towards the door. Might as well meet Gloria at the door...Only you were sorta beat to it yet again. As you opened the door and turned your head towards the stadium's entrance. Only to catch Gloria, all dirtied up now with her uniform full of sand stains speaking to a young boy around her age.
"You've collected all the gym badges? Then at last it's time for the Chamion Cup," the boy complimented her, "I look forward to seeing how you all do in battle."
Gloria smiled at the boy. "Thanks, Sebastian! You n' your sisters put up a great fight too! Raihan must've been a real good teacher eh?"
The black haired boy with glasses and light grey eyes smiled slightly and nodded. Sebastian?..OH! He was one of the trainers Raihan personally trained. Gloria and Hop battled him as a part of Raihan's challenge. He didn't look much older than Gloria. "Yes. Mr. Raihan may look like a cheeky and vain man, but he's actually very caring and an amazing teacher as he is a strong gym leader."
Gloria chuckled and nodded. "I can certainly see how! Ya were a real challenge fer me ta get through!"
Sebastian blinked surprised. "R-Really? You....think so?"
Uh oh- Gloria smiled brightly full of happiness and enthusiasm and Sebastian blinked. "Of course! I neva' knew someone who could make a sliggoo attack so fast! If it's true Raihan's trainin' ya to take over the gym one day then ya would make a great one!"
Sebastian blinked for a moment at her before he turned clearing his throat a small pink hue on his face- OH NO!! "Gloria!" You called to stop her obliviousness nature before yet another member was added to the 'Gloria Is My Crush' Club and she perked up seeing you waving her over.
"Y/n!" She happily turned and bounded up to you which you were relieved to see. She didn't look too shaken up over what happened on the field and she proudly held up a small golden-bronze gym badge in her hands with the symbol of the dragon gym's logo. "I DID IT!! I mean it was kinda scary when I slipped up on the end there but I can finally go to the finals!"
You smiled genuinely proud of her. "That's fantastic! I knew you could do it.." You paused looking her over. "But are you alright? Nothing hurt?"
She waved a hand. "Nah. Just a bit of dust, but the stadium's locker rooms have a shower I can use to clean up!"
You nodded. Opening your mouth to speak- "Hey Gloria!" A male voice called out and you both looked behind her. Blinking in surprise when Raihan of all people walked towards you both with something felt-y under one of his arms. he held up a hand as he approached. "Sorry to hold you up, but there was something I forgot. First off as a sign of my respect. Here." Reaching his free hand back into his pocket, he pulled out what you could only recognize as his League Card. Gloria gasping and accepting it with starry wonder in her eyes as he handed it to her with a fanged smile. "Signed by yours truly as well. And secondly, here's the dragon type gym uniform." He took the clothes from under his arm and Gloria's eyes widened more. Ah. So that's what he was holding. "The mark of true strength."
"NO WAY!!" Gloria happily accepted it as well with him chuckling as she hugged it to her with a smile. "THANK YE SO MUCH!!"
Raihan chuckled more returning his hands into his pockets with a smile. "Number Four Challenger Gloria." Gloria blinked back up at him. "You've completed the Gym Challenge." he nodded. "Good on you, Kid. Now prove your strength to the whole region at the Champion Cup."
You blinked at his genuine compliment but yet again you were interrupted before you could even talk. "Raihan!" You three turned and Hop was standing in the doorway to the waiting room with a determined smile. "I'm here to see just how good you are!"
Again Raihan chuckled in a nice way. "Ah. There you are, Leon's Little Brother. Don't worry. I'll give you a battle that'll make you want to quit the Gym Challenge all together."
"I've tried out lots of different strategies, and I've made up my mind about how I want to battle. I'm not gonna lose! I'm gonna beat you, and Gloria, and even Lee!!" Victor groaned behind him.
Raihan smiled. "Certainly! But it'll have to wait until later today."
Hop's expression immediately dropped. "Huh!?"
"My team needs a small break after the battle I just had. But come back around six and I'll have a battle with you then. Ok?" Hop nodded politely and Raihan smiled. "Good. I'll see you later today then. "I'll be seeing you, Gloria. Let's have another epic battle someday! If you're feeling up to it, you might want to go train hard in the Wild Area!"
With that he turned and to your surprise just walked off without even a word or glance towards you. Not that you were relieved cuz you were absolutely. Just that you weren't expecting it. Maybe your disinterest finally made it through that thick head of his. You were thinking you'd have to use Silver to beat the guy off with his water gun......Your eyes widened. OH RIGHT!! SILVER!! HOP STILL HAD HIM!!
You snapped to Hop and he blinked when you held your hand out to him. "Hey. Can I have Silver back now?"
"Oh. Sure!" He happily dropped the pokeball into your hand.
You didn't hesitate to throw open the pokemon and in a flash of bright sparkly white he came back out. The Drizzle at first acted normal when he shook himself out and squeaked looking around for a moment. Eyes landing on you....before he walked on over...and literally faceplanted himself onto the floor. Arms, legs, and tail sprawled all about....The four of you exchanged confused glances before you blinked back down to Silver slapping the floor by your foot over and over again. It took you a good moment to realize what he wanted but scowled.
"Oh for the love of mike!" you said annoyed before bending down and literally lifting the lazy water type into your arms. Silver lazily flopped onto your shoulder. "I swear you're more spoiled than a baby.''
"He might be tired," Hop suggested, "He did use water gun a whole lot for us. It wouldn't hurt for you to swing by the pokemon center to have him looked at."
You nodded. "Not really a bad idea. I'm pretty hungry myself too." You looked over at them. "Anyone wanna go back to the cafe with me?"
Hop shook his face. "I'm not hungry right now. I think I'll hang around here until it's time for my battle and go back over my strategy plans. I'll probably catch up with Glory's battle too to get more ideas."
"I'm gonna stay with Hop," Victor answered. "I've still gotta talk with Raihan after and scheduale my own battle with him."
"I'll meet up with ye there!," Gloria confirmed. "But I think I'll stop by the locker room first and the center afterwards."
You nodded. The four of you once again split ways with the boys returning to the waiting room, Gloria heading off towards the stadium's women's locker rooms, and you carrying Silver all tired and lazy like out of the building and towards the center. Nurse Joy was a little surprised when you just carried Silver into the center and plopped him down on the table in front of her. But when she checked him over, the only things wrong with him was that he was tired and his throat was a little sore, but it would've been cleared up in a couple days. Great! At least you didn't have to buy any medicine or try to get him to eat it. And you left back to the cafe you all ate at yesterday, carrying Silver under your arm all the way back to the cafe and walked right in. ..And sighed. It was the same peaceful quiet as yesterday, the scents of sweet cakes and spicy curries wafting from the back kitchen and on display in the glass cases by the counter were lots of sweets on display. The small bell over the door jingled alerting the cafe owner to your presence as he looked up, and smiled at you.
"Hi there, Young Lady!," he greeted happily, "What can I do for you this fine day?"
"Nothing really. I'm just gonna wait for a friend."
He nodded. "Alright. Feel free to call me for anything if you change your mind."
You opted to sick at a table near the register with a few magazines you could look through on it placing Silver in the chair next to you and he splayed his arms out on the table placing his head on it. Obviously bored but you let it slide as he was tired. You grabbed the first magazine closest to you and opened it to a flurry of pokemon fashions and make up products for sell. Makes sense sense since it was a fashion magazine. With Silver practically almost falling asleep and you half way just flipping through the magazine neither of you noticed Raihan walking in, but just like yesterday he noticed you almost right off the bat. And smiled at you. Only you didn't look up until Silver hand tugged on your hand and gave a curious noise, pointing a pink hand over to the counter.
"Hungry again? Well I guess you would be hungry after all you went through," you hummed putting down the magazine. "Y'know we're supposed to wait for Gloria...But I can get you a bunch of water." He chirped lifting his head up from the table. "You used a lot of water so it's only fair you get some more-" You froze as the chair on your other side was pulled out as someone sat there....and you turned your head. .....And frowned. "Again? Really Dude?"
Raihan chuckled in his chair as he held his head in one hand and smiled that fanged grin at your deadpanned totally not interested please leave me alone frown channeling your inner bored drizzle face. "Yeah. Well you were sitting here by yourself-"
"Silver. Stand by with water gun."
Raihan's face dawned the same small eyed and open mouth frozen smile look when Silver immediately stood on the chair and narrowed his eyes at Raihan, giving an intimidating warning chirp. He immediately held up his hands. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa there, Champ! I come in peace!" You crossed your arms eyes narrowed. "No! Really I do! Peace! Peace!"
"Give me one good reason not to have my baby soak you to the bone?"
"Because.....You don't want to make a scene in a nice place like this and get kicked out?," Raihan asked nervously.
And you paused for a moment...and nodded deciding he had a point. "Ok. Silver stand down. But keep on stand by just in case." Silver looked to you..then to Raihan with narrow eyes before slowly sitting back down. "Ok. You have one minute and don't get any ideas. Silver's pretty protective of me and can spot things before me."
Raihan chuckled nervously looking between yours and Silver's glares before clearing his throat and speaking normally. "I just w-wanted to say Hi!"
"Uh huh." You really believed him. "Aren't you supposed to be taking care of your pokemon after the battle?....What even happened out there anyways?"
"Oh. Camilla's doing that."
"One of my personal trainers. She helps take care of the pokemon I have when I don't have them with me. Oh you must mean with your friend's corviknight right?" You nodded. Yeah. What even happened out there? "Oh. She accidentally slipped on the field and got in the pathway of the rockfall. I think her giant friend took initiative of what happened and stepped in to make sure she wouldn't get hurt."
"Oh." Thinking back on it now, that would explain why she was all covered in sand and was clutching onto her bird pokemon when the dust settled. "Well that explains that." And you pointed with a suspicious look to you. "But then why are you here now?"
"I always stop by this cafe when I'm here," he said casually with a shrug, "They make my favorite cakes and cappuccinos! Besides, they're the only ones in town who makes pokemon friendly donuts. My team loves 'em. After a rough battle like that they deserve a small reward for a good job don't they?" You didn't answer at first thinking it over. ...Well it's not like Raihan could've read your mind and known you were here, and you doubted he followed you. So you guessed he was telling the truth. "Hey. Why don't I buy you lunch while I'm here?" ....AAAAnd you were back to your deep scowl and narrowed eyes at him. "As a peace offering!" He clarified as Silver stood up seeing your scowl. "As a peace offering and an apology to show there's no hard feelings."
Your stomach grumbled at the mention of food. And Silver WAS hungry after all.....And free food was tempting. Plus it meant you wouldn't have to pay any money for your own meal. BBuuutt- "You DO realize if I agree to let you buy me food...It does NOT. NOOOTTT!! N. O. T. " You stressed pointing at his blinking face. "It does NOT mean I'm going 'out to lunch' with you! It doesn't mean I'm accepting any dates. I will accept it as a peace offering and nothing else. Not a date or anything of the like. And I wouldn't owe you anything since you're the one who offered to buy it."
"I fully realize that," he casually said smiling normally instead of that flirty or smug way. "I really meant it when I said I wanted to apologize." He held out his hand. "So...How about we start over? Hi. I'm Raihan, and I'd like to pay for your meal!" He smiled wider. "What's your name?"
You rose a brow a moment ....but you decided to be the bigger person and attempt to bury the hatchet. If not just for your sake, but for Gloria and Hop's. After all just like with Piers and Mr. Rose, you didn't want any bad blood between the officials and challengers. So after a silent moment you reached over to shake his hand. "Hello Mr. Raihan." You greeted professional as if you were in a job interview. "My name is Y/n L/n. And I hope you're ready to pay for two meals."
He blinked. "Two?"
You answered by pointing to Silver still eyeing him down. "He'll be less likely to hose you down if he's fed and watered."
"Ah." he nodded. "I see." Smiling he turned and waved a hand to the store owner. "Hey. I have two more things to add to my order!"
The owner blinked but smiled and nodded. "Sure! You want them to go too like the other three?"
"Three?," you asked raising a brow and he nodded.
"Yeah. For the triplets. Gotta keep the kids under my care fed." At this your eyes widened in surprise. He chuckled at your response and rose a brow. "Surprised?"
"...Yyyeah. Kinda." You blinked pointing at him. "I didn't know you were a...Dad?" That certainly wasn't in game or any other media you knew. Was it because this was a different world than yours? Did you just forgot and not remember?! To your surprise raihan laughed. Not like Piers smooth laughs, his was more boisterous and loud like that of a dragon. But it didn't seem bad.
"Nah! I'm not their dad," he clarified looking back to you chuckling, "But I guess you can call me that." He shook his head. "Nah...The triplets just happened to be some kids who were down on their luck and let's be honest. I'll need someone to take over the gym when I decide to retire one day in the distant future."
"Are their parents alright with it?"
He shrugged. "I wouldn't know really."
"They were arrested for stealing shiny pokemon from a nature reserve a long time ago," he said casually chuckling at your shocked expression. "Hey. You did ask. Besides, I didn't like the thought of any of my hometown's kids being sent to the orphanage." He went oddly quiet for a moment looking at his hand...before smiling again and shrugging. "But hey. It works out for all of us in the end then. What did you want to eat, Ms. Sassy?"
You stared at him for a long moment and only really snapped back to reality when Silver smacked your arm making you flinch. "Huh?! OH! R-Right? .....You know what? How about just an instant noodle curry for me and a Sweet Boiled egg one for Silver?..And some water for him too."
He smiled and pointed at you. "Sure thing, Sassy!~ Hey! About those orders!"
It wasn't too long that both you and Silver were chowing down on the respective curries. You came to like the instant noodle curry you had eaten back in Circhester and Silver was real happy to be getting an entire curry dish and pitcher of water to himself as he shoved food down his throat. Raihan had long sense grabbed his orders and just left after you had thanked him. Hopefully that'll be the last time you got flirted with and were able to smooth things over with him. But you couldn't help but think over what you learnt. Raihan...the guy who acted like he would be the party not actually do anything important college room mate that'd annoy you...But instead he had taken three siblings under his wing and was practically raising them after their parents were arrested for essentially shiny hunting illegally. ...That was a very noble thing. Like how Mr. Rose took in Bede but...You scowled. A lot more better handled in your opinion. And it wasn't long until Gloria showed back up too. Walking in through the door all cleaned up and cheery seeing you and walking right over.
"Y/n! Hey! ," she greeted coming over. "Sorry it took so long. I ran into Sonia and Professor Magnolia on the way here!"
You hummed. "Oh really?"
She nodded. "Professor Magnolia gave Sonia her lab coat n' everythin'!"
"Well why don't I buy you some food and you can tell me everything that happened?"
The rest of the day went by pretty much...normal. You and Gloria ate and caught up before you paid for her food and left another tip, before the two of you decided to return to the camp grounds noticing the sun had started to go down. Which meant Hop was most likely having his battle right now, so you two opted to wait for them there. Maybe an hour passed from the both of you waiting and watching videos on Gloria's phone before they did show. All smiles and Hop proudly presenting a brand new shiny gym badge to add to his badge circle. You were pretty proud of him and so was Gloria giving him a hug overjoyed they would both going to the finals. Turns out the battle between him and Raihan had ended up within a tie but Raihan was impressed enough with Hop's camouflage and combo tactics to deem him worthy of the badge. Worked for all of you. The camp was filled with chatter amongst the four of you until the sun went all the way down and it was deemed to be bed time. The four of you retired to your sleeping bags and slept til morning. A few more days went by and by that time Victor had also managed to get his last badge by then and you went to sleep that night proud of them all. By the time you woke the next morning and got out of the test, the boys were already packing away your things and Gloria was safely taking apart the fire pit.
"Hey. Morning, "you greeted with a yawn and tired blink. "Whatcha all doing?"
"Getting ready to start traveling again," Victor explained in the middle of taking one of the tent pegs from the ground.
"The Champion Matches aren't until the end of the year. So we're headin' back to Postwick for now," Hop chimed in. "There ain't anything else to do til then."
Back to Postwick huh? You guessed that made good sense. If the final matches weren't until the end of the year then it would be the most logical thing to do for now in this situation. And it's not like you had anything better to do until then after. Gathering your thing's and helping to pack away your own tent with Gloria, the four of you made your way back into Hammerlocke after showing the official at the entrance their badges. You didn't see Raihan again as you four traveled all the way to Hammerlocke's train station. It was there you four waited for the afternoon train since you had missed the morning one. Buying Lunch at the small cafe like corner the station had and chatting. Hop even pulled out his phone and let you and Gloria watch his battle with Raihan that you congratulated him on. Until the afternoon train arrived and you all left to get on it. You slipping past sneakily when Gloria used her pass to pay her way into the train. And then you were there. On the train back to where you first began this journey at the beginning of the year and would have to wait until the very end of the year.
Back to Postwick.
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scarletwinterxx · 2 years
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this - haechan imagine
hi! so i’m back. I’ve been swarmed with work these past few weeks and couldn’t get some writing done. finally here’s one and i’m honestly so inlove with this🥺💛
Like always i appreciate all your support! leave a like/comment here if you have any questions or suggestions!
by the way, I opened a KOFI acc. this is totally optional and if only you want to donate😊 any donation will be highly appreciated or you can just leave a like/comment here💛
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2022 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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Age 5
“Okay class, go pick your buddy now” the kids immediately ran to their friends to find their partners, meanwhile you stay seated on your chair. Too shy to even talk to your seatmate who is now standing with her buddy from across the room.
The teacher notices your eyes darting around the room, your lips quivering and hands toying with each other under the table. She was just about to approach you when suddenly one of the boys skipped over to you, “Hey you! Why are you sitting here alone” he asks
“Because this is my chair” you answer, looking up at the boy with curly hair and tanned cheeks
“Do you have a buddy?” you shook your head at him, earning a gleaming smile from the boy 
“Okay, then I’ll be your buddy”
He didn’t give you a chance to say no, not that you even had the courage to, all you knew was you earned yourself your class buddy named Lee Donghyuck.
Age 12
“We should head back Hyuck! Your mom will get mad at us!” you tell him for the 5th time, meanwhile the boy was still too busy playing on the swing set
“5 more minutes”
“But your mom said we should be back before dinner” you stomped your feet on the ground, feeling annoyed yet again. Your friend had a knack at defying orders and most of the times he takes you down with him, which means if he gets in trouble you also get in trouble
“It’s not dinner yet, the sun is still up dummy” Hyuck answers, looking up the sky then back at you
Rolling your eyes at him, you turned your back and started to walk away from him. Not even a few steps away you could already hear him chasing after you, “Yah! don’t leave me here, I told your mom I was going to walk you homr” he takes your hand in his, an action so innocent and natural between the two of you but your mother’s always gush about how cute you would look together.
He walks with you in tow, his steps a bit bigger than yours. You always complain to him about how your legs are shorter than his so he should walk slower, of course instead of solving it normally like you suggested Hyuck instead walks behind you and pushes you infront of him urging you to walk faster. Ever since then you learned not complain out loud.  
Age 18
“Since when did Haechan looked that cute? Yah why didn’t you tell me your bestfriend is hot? Does he have a girlfriend?” your friend asks you but you didn’t give her a single answer. Not that she’s even paying attention to you. She’s already screaming again, your school’s soccer team leading with 2 points.
The only reason you’re braving the cold cold night breeze was busy leading the team into victory. You watch the number 06 run across the field, hearing his occasional screams at his teammates telling them which direction to go. Even with all the sweat, your friend is right. He did look cute. Which makes you think back to her question, since when did Haechan looked that cute? 
Your answer, one you would never tell him straight to his face: he’s always been cute. To you, Hyuck looked like a cute cuddly bear and sometimes he looks like the guy you would daydream about to take you to prom as his date. 
Does he have a girlfriend? no, he’s too busy playing the role of star player, class president and life of the party to even think about that. His words not yours.
It’s not the first time you’re asked about his relationship status, it’s a fact known across campus that you’re Haechan’s bestfriend. It’s also pretty obvious since he’s always seen stuck by your side pretty much all the time, that is if he’s not away bothering Renjun.
The loud cheers from your schoolmates shook you out of your thoughts, your attention returning to the game happening in front of you. Coincidentally Hyuck was standing near where you were sitting, the ball was on the farther side of the field, you can spot Jeno and another player from the other team chasing it while Hyuck watches from your side of the field.
As if he could feel your gaze at him, he looks over the bleachers quickly spotting you in the sea of students. His letterman jacket making you look tinier, he chuckles to himself just thinking about how cute you looked. 
The other girls hoping the star player looks at them, but little did they know he’s all eyes for you. Tapping his chest where his heart would be thrice, a signal only you would understand. He said he’ll do it to let you know he saw you and that you should keep your eyes on him,
“Aren’t you sounding a bit too cocky? What if I wanted to watch Jeno?” you jokingly asked him, “Then don’t even think about coming”
You laugh at him, the boy just glares at you. “Should I do something too?”
“Shoot me a kiss like this” taking his hand to his lips before blowing it over to you, this time it’s your turn to glare at him.
“You know what, maybe you’re right I just won’t watch your game”
Tapping the center of your forehead thrice, signaling you saw him. He smirks before turning his attention back to the game, leading the team to another victory. 
As always you stay back while you wait for him, the rest of the students started to go their own ways for the night. Most of them on their way out to celebrate while others on their way home. 
You rest your back on the lockers, hearing some shouts from inside the locker room. Even from the outside you can easily distinguish your bestfriend’s voice, mainly because he’s literally screaming right now. 
A couple more minutes passed, you were getting more bored. Looking down at your feet to see one of your shoelaces untied. Just when you’re about to crouch down, someone beat you to it. A mop of brown hair blocking the view of your shoe, 
“How many times do I have to tell you, double tie your shoelaces. I can’t be there all the time to do it for you” Hyuck tells you as he ties it back for you, standing back up when he’s done and tapping you on the nose twice
“Took you long enough, why were you screaming bloody murder in there?” you ask him while the two of you walk towards the exit, “I poured a bottle of cold water over Jeno, then he poured the whole jug if ice water on me”
He bumps his shoulders on yours making you wobble over the side, but he quickly pulls you back by the arm “You’re so mean to me, here I was about to treat you out for dinner”
“Aren’t you going to celebrate with them?” usually they have a party or atleast a dinner out after games, “I’ve been with them the entire month, let me have my moment with you” you chuckle at his reason, not thinking too much of it. 
“You love them”
“I love you more” 
“In that you have no choice, you literally picked me out of the bunch” you tell him, Hyuck just laughs at the memory of your childhood. Giving his 6 year old self a pat on the head for gathering the courage to talk to you because he thought you were the cutest one in class. Not that he ever admitted that outloud. 
“Exactly, so you’re stuck with me whether you like it or not” He opens the passenger door of his car to let you in before jogging over the driver’s side, “Dinner?”
“Please don’t say you want to eat kimchi stew again” you look over at him, the boy doing the same. Neither of you looking away for a few more seconds, a silent bet already happening, 
“Fine! but you’re buying me ice cream after” Hyuck throws a punch in the air before starting the car, As promised he did buy you ice cream after dinner, talking about the game while he drives you home
“My friend was asking me if you had a girlfriend”
“Oh that again, what did you say?”
“I didn’t say anything” you mumble, pulling the sleeves of his jacket over your hands since it got colder. Noticing your action, Hyuck turns the heater higher. 
“You could’ve just said you’re my girlfriend”
“I’m not doing that again, Jaemin hasn’t stopped teasing me since that” recalling that one time he made you say you’re his girlfriend to make that one girl stop asking him out. Jaemin teased you all week after that, even making kissy noises whenever the two of you were around. 
“What’s so bad about dating me?”
You didn’t answer immediately because he’s right, what’s so bad about dating him? he’s funny, he’s smart, he can be a pain in the ass but his intentions are always on the good side. He’s very considerate of people around him, and even though he likes to tease his closest friends you know he’s the first person you’d call if you needed help. 
“One, you’re my bestfriend”
“So? friends can’t date each other? I’d date you”
“Okay, filter please.” your eyes almost popping out of its sockets when you heard him say that
“What? It’s true. If I don’t get married by 30, can we just agree to marry each other?” not sure if he’s joking or not, he didn’t sound like he was. 
“Do I even have a say in this?”
“Say yes”
“You’re being very weird, first you said you’d date me now you’re asking me to marry you? It’ll take more than dinner for me to say yes” you chose you indulge him this time, your bestfriend chuckling at you. You didn’t even notice you’re already parked outside your house when he turned to look over at you
“Okay, would you like to go out on a date?”
“With you?” you blinked at him, waiting for him to say he’s just kidding or it’s all a joke but he just stared back at you waiting for an answer
“Oh my god you’re not joking”
“Do I look like I’m joking?” he asks, pointing at his face
“You’re always joking”
“Not this time, so do you want to go on a date with me?”
Unlike when you were kids, he’s now giving you the chance to say yes or no. But the answer was clear, it always has been. Deep down you knew he’s the guy you liked, if anybody were to ask you to describe your ideal guy you’ll just list down all of his qualities without meaning to. Hyuck’s your person the same way you are his. 
Age 23 
“This is your what? Fifth anniversary?” Renjun asks, you’re having dinner out with your friends. A tradition you promised to carry on after high school when you all went your different ways for college. 
“I think so”
“You’re not sure?” Jeno asks, “They were pretty much dating since they were six, remember Haechan said Y/N looked cute with her ribbon that day we were asked to pick out our class buddies”
“You thought I looked cute?” you turned to look at your boyfriend/bestfriend to see him glaring at Jaemin, this was news to you. Hyuck turns to you, a fond look on his face instead of the glare he sent Jaemin
“What else do I have to lose, you’re already my girlfriend. Yes I did” you can hear Jaemin squeal from his seat, hitting Jeno on the arms multple times while Renjun fake gags 
“Did you know she had a crush on you sophomore year?” You hear Jeno say, this time you’re the one sending a glare at your friend. You can feel Hyuck’s gaze on the side of your face, “Did you now?” he asks you
“I did not!”
“You said he looked cute” Jeno said confidently while Jaemin adds, “I heard her say that too”
“Oh my god, was that why you were sulking during the dance? because he didn’t ask you to be his first dance?” Renjun asks loudly, looking back and forth between you and Hyuck
You were being corned by everyone, not knowing what else to say so you just blurted out the truth you’ve been keeping ever since
“And what if I was? I’m the one dating him now” this made everyone on the table cheer laugh meanwhile your boyfriend just looks at you, turning to look at him
“What?” you mumble 
“Nothing, you just look so cute right now”
“Okay, enough with that. You can do that after dinner please”
The rest of dinner went by, sharing stories of your memories together. It was fun to catch up with everyone. When it was time to go, the two of you decided to walk around for a while. 
“You could’ve just told me you had a crush on me” you hear Hyuck say from beside you, already expecting him to tease you about it. You’re suprised he held out this long. 
“It wasn’t a crush, I just thought you were cute that day and Jaemin just so happened to be the one who heard me”
“And that night of the dance?”
“I thought my bestfriend was going to ask me to dance with him first since you know he was the one who asked me to come. I only came to that stupid dance because you asked me” you told him, a pout forming on your lips as you recall that memory. Meanwhile Hyuck just smiles at you, 
“I was too shy to ask you”
“You? Shy?” you looked up him, not expecting him to say that
“Yea, there were a lot of cute guys in our class. Some of them even had a crush on you” again, some of this were new news to you. You were always hanging out with him or the other guys to even notice that. 
“They did? why?”
“What do you mean why? Baby, have you seen you? You’re like the prettiest girl in our grade”
“I think you’re forgetting Jimin was in our class” you chuckle, it was a nice compliment but you know for a fact that she was the prettiest girl in your class. 
“To me, you were. You’ve always been. When I hear guys from the team or in our class talk about asking you out, I always get this sudden fear you’d say yes to them and forget about me”
You listen to him, your heart turning into mush at your boyfriend’s words. 
“Not that I wanted to keep you away from them, of course I wasn’t going to make that decision for you. You could’ve dated whoever you wanted to. Then I think about how none of them will ever treat you the way you deserve, how none of them knew you hated mayonnaise on anything, or how much you love chocolates during that time of the month, or how easily you get cold or how you like your coffee. I listed all those things they didn’t know about you, all the things only I knew, things only you told me”
He stares down at you with so much love, a look you’ve grown familiar with throughout the years. 
“I realized I wanted to be guy who deserves you”
“And you are” you smile up at him, standing on your tip toes to kiss him on his chin. Feeling his arm snake around your waist, pulling you infront of him
“Good thing you said yes that day” he mumbles
“When you asked me out on a date?” you asked back, he just shook his head with a smile on. Kissing you on the forehead, then on your nose, then both of your cheeks
“That day when we were in preschool, when I asked you to be my buddy in class”
“Technically, you didn’t ask me to be your buddy. You just asked me if I had one then the thing you were declaring yourself to be buddy”
“Same thing, tomato tomato potato potato”
You roll your eyes at his antics. You know though you won’t have it any other way, your answer will always be the same. 
His lips rest against your forehead, feeling him kiss you thrice. Your hand that was resting on his chest, tapping him gently three times where his heart would be. 
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halstudandruz · 2 years
Best of Me ~ Part 3
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*Not my gif*
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Requested: Yes
Prompt: After a night of drinking you learn you seem to be missing something.
Part 1 here // Part 2 here
Warnings: Swearing
Good lord you were never drinking again. That was your first thought as you opened your eyes the next morning only to quickly shut them. You had no idea where you were but judging by the familiar mix of cinnamon and vanilla wafting through your nostrils you would guess you somehow made it into your bed the night prior. Slowly pulling yourself out of bed you inwardly begged your head to stop pounding. Trudging down the hall and stairs in search of medicine. Hoping it hadn’t moved since the last time you were home.
“Where were you last night?” Your mother sat at the table peeling potatoes. For what you already knew would be some type of casserole for Vanessa’s family. Watching as you headed straight for the medicine cabinet.
“Out with my friends, you knew that.” You mumbled trying to keep your voice at a low tone.
“I thought you’d be out for an hour or two not until 2am when I heard you come crashing in.” The mom voice automatically had you cowering until you remembered you were an adult. Silently cheering when you grasped the advil.
“It’s nice to be together right now. Did you happen to forget I’m an adult who’s about to get married?” You rolled your eyes shaking two pills into the palm of your hand, man you had forgotten how easily your friends could drink you under.
“No, just making sure you haven’t either.” She remarked.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You mumbled before taking a drink of your water to wash the medicine down.
“You know exactly what I mean, [Y/N].” She said matter of factly.
“I went out with a group of old friends. Some of whom I haven’t seen in years and who are also grieving one of my best friends. That’s it.” You ended the conversation walking back towards the steps or so you thought before you heard her mutter,
“For an engaged woman your hand looks a little bare.” Just as you reached the landing, stopping you in your tracks.
Shit. Your ring! You looked down hopelessly at your left hand willing it to somehow appear. Luke was going to kill you. How could you lose a $300,000 engagement ring? This wasn’t happening. You distinctly remembered wearing it the night prior, the image of Jay looking forlorn in the corner of the table as your friends gushed over the rock popping into your head.
“Okay, deep breaths.” You coached yourself, taking a deep inhale, trying to ignore the way your head began to pound even harder than before. You just had to remember what happened last night. Anything that happened last night. You went in search of your phone hoping it would have some answers to the puzzle, but all that was there was a text from Cody in your group text wondering who would be driving to the funeral today. Scrolling through your phone in a panic you quickly opened a FaceTime call to Sydney, darkness on her end popping up within a few seconds.
“What the fuck happened last night?” You asked as soon as Sydney answered the phone with a groan. Barely able to make out her features in her dark room.
“Bro you’re gonna need to bring it down a notch.” She replied barely above a whisper.
“I’m literally already whispering.” You shot back, but to be fair talking in general was only making your headache worse.
“Did you know we’re not 20 anymore? I never knew hangovers could be this bad.” She complained.
“Yeah hard agree over here, but seriously Syd-“ You tried to ask again before she caught you off,
“Oh wait Emily’s calling let me add her to the convo.” The line went silent until you watched Emily’s face appear on your screen,
“Are you guys as hungover as me? Who the hell let us drink that much?” She immediately complained, but she looked much better than the two of you and much happier too.
“Yeah yeah we’re all hungover and old. Can we please focus on the bigger issue here?” You pleaded.
“Which would be?” Emily asked.
“I can’t find my ring.”
“Your engagement ring?” Her eyebrows shot up.
“Yes, my engagement ring!” The urgency was taking over your voice.
“Oh well probably for the best.” She shrugged.
“Not right now.” Your voice was harsh. It wasn’t that your friends didn’t like Luke, it was just that they didn’t know him very well and they were still caught up in this hope that you and Jay would somehow rekindle an epic romance. Like something out of a Nicholas Sparks novel. Like somehow the past would become the present again.
“Well did you ask Jay if he’s seen it?” Emily offered.
“Why would I ask Jay, exactly?” Confusion floating deeper into your brain.
“Cause you left with him?” Emily stated matter of factly.
“I did what?” You exclaimed, just as you heard a loud chuckle come from Sydney.
“Oh shit, yeah you did I completely forgot about that!” Sydney got out between laughs.
“Does someone care to explain to me why two of my best friends and bridesmaids for my upcoming wedding let me go home with another guy. My ex nonetheless.”
“Come on girl, don't act like you don't already know the answer to that.” Sydney smirked.
“I’m not gonna lie to you, I was more concerned with booking my own dick appointment at the time.” Emily answered and you noticed the obvious smirk.
“Ooh, please refresh my memory again.” You were suddenly intrigued.
“Hey, scrambled or sunny side up? Oh sorry didn’t realize you were on the phone.” The familiar voice interrupted your conversation off screen, but it didn’t take you longer than a second to realize who it was.
“All good, it's just the girls, but surprise me.” Emily beamed.
“You got it.” Cody answered.
“Andddd,” Emily held up her finger until you heard the door close in the background, “go.” She pointed to the screen giving you and Sydney green light to react.
“No fucking way!” You exclaimed right as Sydney let a squeal out, earning a generous giggle from Emily.
“I know right!”
“I’m never getting drunk again. I miss out on all the good stuff!” You complained.
“And I can assure you it was indeed good! As much as it sucked I really think the years of sexual tension made it so much more special.” Giddiness seeping through her voice.
“Well I’d fucking hope so. After 10 years of pining after each other the sex better have been worth the wait.”
“You guys don’t think it was..wrong?” She asked after a beat of silence, “It’s just..like you said I’ve been trying to make this happen for a decade and of all times we finally hook up the night of our best friends viewing. And well.. morning of the funeral.”
“Em shut up Ness would’ve loved every part of this.” You tried to reassure.
“Yeah, I mean she was rooting for you two almost as much as she was rooting for [Y/N] and Jay.” Sydney included. It was true, Vanessa was your biggest supporter in your relationship with Jay and was probably almost as devastated as you when it ended and she had also been trying to push Emily to make a move on Cody since high school. So, she would’ve been proud.
“Seriously Syd?” You grumbled.
“What? Everyone knows it.” She dismissed your annoyance.
“Doesn’t mean we have to voice it.. anyway they do say grief is the best aphrodisiac.” You added.
“They aren’t lying. I mean you know full well how many times I’ve imagined this but I’m not kidding when I say..” her hands appeared in front of the camera attempting to give you a visual measurement, Sydney loudly groaning and covering her eyes when the door to her bedroom opened again.
“Bon appetit!” Cody appeared in front of the phone plate full.
“You’re so sweet.” Emily’s grin covered her face.
“Just looking at that makes me want to barf.” Sydney complained, still reeling from her obvious hangover.
“Considering your FaceTime is working I would venture a guess that your text messages must also be working.” Cody laid down beside your friend.
“Dude, I can’t even stand up vertically yet without the room spinning so no I am not planning on driving.” Sydney shot at her brother.
“Would it have killed you to text that back a half hour ago?” He bickered.
“Honestly, yes I really believe it might’ve.” She admitted.
“Can you not be dramatic for like 10 seconds?” He huffed.
“One, you already know the answer to that. Two, I’ll probably just ride with my parents.” You jumped in.
“What? But we all agreed last night we would go together.” The look of disappointment came over his face.
“She doesn’t remember anything from last night. Including where her ring is.” Emily filled, what you were guessing was her now boyfriend, in.
“Oh shit. Did you tell your man? I’d be so pissed.” Cody winced.
“He’ll just give her his credit card to go buy a new one no worries.” Sydney joked, except she was probably right. He didn’t even pick out the first one. You recently found out he sent his assistant to pick one.
“Thank you for the calming words of reassurance guys. Much appreciated.” You rolled your eyes.
“Oh we’re just kidding [Y/N/N].”
“Did you ask Jay? I saw you guys leaving together last night?” Cody wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“No.” You answered straight and to the point.
“So, what happened? Did you guys.. ya know? Or..?” He continued to push the subject.
“Do I need to reiterate for the third time that you guys got me so wasted that I don’t remember anything!” Your voice raised, getting more stressed at the pressure of being clueless begging your brain to give you any snippets of the night.
“Dude, not cool.” Sydney groaned, visibly holding her hand over her eyes.
“Sorry Syd. I gotta go, my mom needs help with her casserole.” You sighed, displeased with the lack of information your friends held.
“Wait do y-“ Emily tried to question before you exited the call.
You were beginning to feel nauseous again, moving to lay back down against your pillows, closing your eyes to take a few deep breaths. Figuring you should probably text back the group before Cody had a meltdown you moved to pick your phone back up just as it pinged. Heart fluttering as the name you hadn’t seen in years popped up on your screen.
Missing something?
The text read, accompanied by a picture of your ring. Relief and anxiety flooded you at the same time. Your ring was safe, but why was it laying on what was obviously Jay’s night stand?
All Tag List:
@corebore123 @scarletsoldierrr @hehurst23 @beautiful-bunny89 @ingie @halsteadsway @malrunaway @grettiwrites @inlovewith3 @wanniiieeee @que-serasara
Jay Taglist:
@jayxhalsteadx @life-treatments @weepingfestivalmentality @toomuchtv95 @queen-of-arda @sofferderynnp @mrspeacem1nusone @chicago-pd-13 @maddi-bug @nevaehstreater18
Best of Me Taglist:
@iamasimpingh0e @keabbs
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dadbodosamu · 3 years
only you || part iii
Stepdad Osamu x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: shower sex, oral (m receiving), snowballing, semi-public sex, mild degradation, spit, squirting, daddy kink
4.1k words
also i forgot to tag them in the last part but thanks to @waka-chan-out and @vanilleswtmacaron for beta reading this!!
part i || part ii || part iii || part iv || part v || part vi || extras || only you, too
In the morning, Osamu was once again sliding into your bed. He wrapped his arms around you from behind and hummed in your ear as he settled down.
“Good morning, baby,” he muttered.
“Morning,” you mumbled, shimmying closer to him. You yawned and rolled to face him. 
“Beautiful,” Osamu said, kissing your forehead. You smiled tiredly.
“Handsome,” you said, kissing his nose. 
“Shower with me?” He asked. You hummed in agreement. He rolled you out of the bed, pulling you into your attached bathroom.
You pushed your shorts down to your ankles as Osamu pulled your shirt off.
“Cute,” he said, pinching your nipple playfully.
“We should start the shower,” you mumbled as Osamu leaned down in front of you. 
“Mhmm,” he hummed, wrapping his lips around one of your nipples.
“Samu,” you breathed as he sucked at your nipple. 
“Just can’t get enough of ya,” he mumbled against your skin.
You tangled your fingers in his hair as he swapped over to your other nipple. 
“Yer sweet, lil’ body, so responsive,” Osamu said as your back arched, pushing your breasts into his face.
You pulled him up by his hair to press your lips together. He stood up, lifting you by your thighs. You wrapped your legs around him as he pushed you against the shower wall.
“Samu,” you moaned. You tugged his hair as he kissed down your neck. “No-no bruises.”
“Just blame Bokuto again,” he mumbled, sucking at your skin.
“At least leave them where I can hide them,” you said. He moved lower, kissing and biting over your breasts.
Osamu pulled back as you whined.
“Shower,” he said. You sighed as you stepped out of the shower and watched as Osamu started the water. Once the water had warmed up, you stepped under the water flow. 
“How can ya stand it that hot?” Osamu complained, following you under the water. He hissed as the water hit his back and quickly spun you around so the water was hitting your back. You laughed.
“Just turn it down, babe,” you giggled, turning the cold water up.
“Just turn it down, babe,” he mocked, caging you against the shower wall. You wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Imitation is the highest form of flattery,” you said, pecking his lips. 
He moved in closer to you, deepening the kiss. He lifted you by your thighs, wrapping your legs around him as the warm water coated your body.
“Samu, don’t drop me,” you mumbled against his lips. He lined up his cock with your entrance, teasing you with just the tip.
“Not gonna drop ya, princess,” he grunted. His cock slid into you slowly, drawing a long, low moan from your lips.
“Samu,” you moaned, tightening your legs around him. He rolled his hips against yours, forcing his cock deeper. 
“Feels good, baby?” Osamu asked. “Feels so good havin’ ya wrapped around my cock, princess.”
“Feels good having you in me, daddy,” you said, digging your nails into Osamu’s skin.
“Ah, no marks, princess,” Osamu said, smiling at you teasingly. You kissed him deeply.
“Just not where they can show,” you said, pulling away from him. He buried his face in your neck and smiled against your skin. He snapped his hips up making you moan loudly.
“Samu, please,” you moaned, moving your hips against his. “Wanna cum.”
He reached between you and rubbed your clit in time with his slow thrusts. 
“Not stopping you,” he said. You cried out as your stomach tightened.
“Samu, please!” You cried. “Harder please!”
Osamu rubbed your clit furiously as your walls clenched around him.
“Come on, baby,” he grunted. “Cum around daddy’s cock.”
Your stomach tightened and your walls fluttered as your juices squirted out.
“Cum in me, please, daddy,” you begged as you gushed around him. “Want you to breed me.”
“Fuck,” Osamu hissed as his cock twitched in you. “Want my babies, huh? Want me to knock ya up?”
You nodded as you pressed your chest against his. “Wanna make you a daddy.” Osamu groaned as he emptied his balls into your cunt.
“Fuck, yer too much for me, princess,” Osamu breathed, dick falling limply from you. You laughed as his cum leaked from your hole. 
“Old man,” you teased as Osamu gently set you on your feet.
“Only four years older than ya, princess,” Osamu said, pecking your lips.
You two showered quickly after that as the water continued to cool down. By the time you were stepping out, you were shivering from the cold water.
“Aw, come here, baby,” Osamu said, wrapping a towel around you and pulling you against his body. “Let me warm ya up.”
“Th-thanks,” you stuttered, shivering in his arms.
“Y/n!” You jumped as your mom’s voice rang out. You pushed away from Osamu, stepping into your room where your mom was poking her head in from the hallway.
“Mom! Hi!” You exclaimed, rushing over to stop her from coming all the way in. “What are you doing here, shouldn’t you be at work?”
“Had to come back and grab my phone,” she said. “Where’s Osamu? His phone’s in our bedroom but I don’t see him anywhere.”
“I think he said he had to run by the restaurant,” you said. “Must’ve forgotten his phone.”
“Oh, okay,” she said. “Well, I’m going to take the car to work, so let Osamu know when he gets back.”
“No problem,” you said. 
“Bye, sweetie, love you,” she called, walking down the hallway.
“Love you, too,” you called after her. You waited until you heard the car pull away before running back to the bathroom where Osamu was standing, looking like he’d had the most silent panic attack ever.
“She’s gone,” you breathed. “That was a close one.”
Osamu let out a long breath, his whole body relaxing.
“A close one,” he laughed, coldly. “My whole life flashed before my eyes.”
“Tell me about it,” you said. “I thought she was going to come in.”
“We have to start being more careful,” Osamu said. You nodded in agreement. 
“Come on, let’s just get ready, the game’s soon,” you said. You smacked Osamu’s ass as he walked past you. 
“Don’t start something you can’t finish,” Osamu said. You smirked at him as he wrapped his arms around your waist. 
“Who says I can’t finish it?”
“If we miss the subway, I’m going to cry,” you threatened as Osamu slowly got dressed. “Do you want me to cry?”
“I dunno, are you a cute cryer?” He asked, going through his closet to find a shirt.
“I won’t be if we miss the game,” you said, laying back on Osamu’s bed.
“Black or white?” Osamu asked, holding up two Onigiri Miya shirts. 
“Samu,” you whined. “They’re the same shirt!”
“Black or white?” He asked again. You huffed. 
“Black,” you said. “Do you only own Onigiri Miya shirts?”
“Pretty much,” Osamu said, shrugging. He tugged on the shirt and held his hand out for you. You grabbed it and let him pull you into a sitting up position. “Are you sure you don’t want to wear something else?”
You smiled widely as you smoothed down your sundress. “How else am I going to seduce Bokkun to join us for dinner?”
“I’ll kill him if he looks at you for more than three seconds,” Osamu said, pulling you up to your feet. His arms wrapped around you and he held you tightly against his body. “Also, no cutesie nicknames for him.”
“You do know I have to make it believable that he and I hooked up, right?” You asked. 
“Just tell him ya hooked up with someone yer mom won’t approve of, which ya did, and that ya lied to her about who it was, which ya did,” Osamu said. “The best lies are ones that hold a touch of truth.”
“Oh and you’d know all about this, how, Mr. Lies?” You asked, looking up at him. 
“I’ve been avoiding fucking my wife for a week,” Osamu said. “I know how to lie.”
“I’ll remember that,” you said. 
“I would never lie to ya, baby,” Osamu said, pecking your lips. 
“Better not,” you mumbled, kissing him again. “Come on, we’re gonna be late.”
Osamu’s hand was permanently pulling your dress down as the two of you travelled to the game. At the game, Osamu offered his hoodie to drape over your bare knees after you took a seat.
“Samu, stop,” you hissed as he tugged your dress down in a vain attempt to cover your knees as you sat. “I’m going to end up flashing everyone here my boobs.”
“Well now I have a new fear,” he said, thrusting his hoodie into your arms. “Aren’t ya cold? Put my hoodie on.”
“Will you leave me alone and let me watch the game if I put the hoodie on?” You asked. He nodded, scowling at a guy that had glanced at you a little too long. 
You pulled the hoodie on, content as you watched the game, if not a little warm.
After the game, which MSBY had won 3-1 over the Adlers, you let Osamu lead you down to the court where the boys were all excited to see you.
“Y/n! Did you see my last spike?!” Bokuto exclaimed, spinning you around in a tight hug.
“You were amazing! All of you!” You exclaimed once he sat you down. 
“Y/n, this is our captain, Meian Shugo,” Sakusa said, introducing you to their tall, handsome captain.
“This is Y/n, my new niece!” Atsumu exclaimed, tossing his arm over your shoulders. 
“L/n Y/n, I’m a big fan,” you said, bowing lowly to him. “It’s an honour to meet you.”
“You’re the setter that these guys won’t stop talking about,” Meian said. “It’s nice to meet you.”
You smiled widely as the guys made their way to the locker rooms and Osamu was dragging you through hallway after hallway until he shoved you into a supply closet and pushed you down to your knees. 
“Ya look so fuckin’ hot wearin’ my clothes,” Osamu said, undoing his jeans and tugging them down. “I really, really want ya suckin’ my cock, right now.”
You wasted no time, immediately taking the pierced tip into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the cool, metal of his piercing.
“Bokuto, the fuckin’ idiot, flashed everyone your cute lil’ lace panties,” Osamu growled, tangling his fingers in your hair. “Thought Hinata was gonna cum in his shorts.”
You moaned around him.
“Oh, ya like that? Hinata’s probably jerkin’ his cock right now, jus’ thinkin’ ‘bout yer lil white, lace panties, barely hidden under yer lil dress,” Osamu said, pushing your head down, forcing more of his cock in your mouth. You moaned again, the vibrations drawing a low moan from Osamu’s throat. “S’too bad that’s all he’s ever gonna get. Yer my lil cock whore, isn’t that right, baby?”
You hummed as he let your head up for you to take a breath. As soon as oxygen filled your lungs, Osamu was forcing you back down on his cock.
“Come on, suck my cock, princess,” he groaned. “Before I fuck yer throat.”
You hollowed your cheeks and forced yourself to take more of his cock down your throat. The corners of your lips burned with the stretch and you forced the urge to gag down as you bobbed your head on his cock.
“Fuck, good girl, takin’ daddy’s cock so well,” Osamu groaned. “Should cum on yer fuckin’ face, just to show everyone who ya belong to.”
You clenched your thighs together as you pulled back and teased his piercing with your tongue. 
“Don’t swallow,” Osamu choked out as his cock twitched in your mouth. “Hold it in your mouth.”
You hummed as his cock twitched again.
“Fuck,” he moaned, throatily, as he spilled into your mouth. Your eyes watered as salty cum filled your mouth and leaked down your chin. 
“Come ‘ere,” Osamu said, pulling you up to your feet. He kissed you deeply. You pushed the cum into his mouth and grinned when he pulled back. “Open.”
Your mouth fell open and you moaned as he spat his cum back onto your waiting tongue.
“Swallow,” he mumbled, watching as his cum dripped from your tongue. You swallowed and opened your mouth to show him. “Good girl.”
Osamu pulled his hoodie off of you and wiped your chin clean with it before folding it over his arm.
“Come on, let’s go before they start wondering where we are,” Osamu said, tugging you out of the closet. 
“We still have to talk to Bokkun,” you said, following Osamu closely. 
“Talk to Bokuto about what?”
You jumped nearly in Osamu’s arms when you heard Atsumu from behind you.
“Tsumu! How long have you been there?!” You exclaimed, turning on your heel to face him. 
“Long enough,” Atsumu said. He reached out and wiped at your chin with his thumb. “Heard something about ‘cumming on yer face to show who ya belong to’. Didn’t think he’d actually do it.” Atsumu casually wiped his thumb on his jeans. 
“We can explain,” Osamu said.
“Yer fucking yer stepdaughter,” Atsumu said, crossing his arms.
“I, um, yeah, I guess so,” Osamu said, scratching the back of his neck. “It’s more than that, Tsumu.”
“A whole affair,” Atsumu said. 
“You can’t tell my mom!” You exclaimed. “I’ll do anything.”
“Anything?” Atsumu asked, smirking.
“I’ll kill ya,” Osamu threatened.
“Chill out, it was a joke,” Atsumu said, holding his hands up. “Besides, I don’t plan on telling her. Frankly, I don’t care.”
“Ya want something,” Osamu said, narrowing his eyes at Atsumu. 
“Let me have a turn,” Atsumu said. Osamu stepped in front of you, pushing you behind him.
“I wasn’t joking when I said I’d kill ya,” Osamu said. “We’ve shared in the past but Y/n is different.”
“Osamu,” you cooed. 
“I really, really like her,” Osamu said, ignoring you. “Like, it could be love one day.”
You melted a little. Your face softened and you hugged your arms around Osamu’s waist.
“Fine, fine,” Atsumu said. “I won’t say anything. I’ll even be yer cover.”
“What do you want?” Osamu asked. 
“Free food whenever I go to any Onigiri Miya,” Atsumu said. “And maybe just one kiss.”
“Free food for a year and a kiss on the cheek,” Osamu bargained. 
“Free food for a year and a real kiss,” Atsumu said. “With tongue.”
“What are we, in high school?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Free food for two years and a peck,” Osamu said. “And I won’t even kick ya after the kiss.”
“Or hit me at all!” Atsumu said.
“Fine,” Osamu said.
“Deal,” Atsumu said, smirking. “Come ‘ere, doll.”
Osamu stepped to the side, letting you move closer to Atsumu.
“No tongue,” you warned, before leaning in. Atsumu swiped his tongue along your bottom lip as you kissed him. You stomped his foot as you jerked away.
“Worth it,” Atsumu said, smiling victoriously.
“Shut up,” you said as Osamu wrapped an arm around your shoulders. He kissed your temple.
“Hope my cum tastes good,” Osamu said, smirking wickedly. Atsumu’s face dropped as he gagged.
“Ew! Gross, I demand a redo after she brushes her teeth!” Atsumu exclaimed, following after the two of you. You and Osamu laughed loudly as he complained behind you.
“Bokuto couldn’t make it?” Your mom asked as she sat the food on the table.
“That’s why we brought Atsumu to replace him,” you said, smiling widely. 
Atsumu smiled at your mom wryly. “M/n,” he said.
“Atsumu,” your mom said, barely containing her glare. “I’m so glad you could come.”
“I’m sure,” Atsumu said. 
You and Osamu awkwardly loaded food onto your plates as your mom and Atsumu glared at each other.
“So, how was work?” You asked. 
“Oh, it’s terrible!” Your mom exclaimed. “Just the worst!”
“Oh? What happened?” Osamu asked, slurping up his soup.
“I have to work in Tokyo for the next week!” Your mom said. You bit your lip to keep from smiling.
“Oh, no! That’s awful,” you said. “But Tokyo, that’s nice.”
“It’s just now I really won’t get to see you,” your mom said, pouting.
“Maybe I could extend my trip a little,” you said. “That way when you get back we can still have a day or two just us.”
“Oh, as long as Osamu doesn’t mind having you here,” your mom said. 
“Oh, I don’t mind,” Osamu said. “This is her house, too.”
“Okay, then, that’s settled! We have to have a girls day when I get back,” your mom said. “I feel like I’ve just been pawning you off on Osamu this whole week.”
“I’m sure he doesn’t mind,” Atsumu snarked. You kicked him in the shin.
“I don’t mind,” Osamu said. “It’s father daughter bonding.”
“Oh, it’s bonding all right,” Atsumu muttered. You kicked him again. He hissed in pain.
“What was that?” Your mom asked.
“Just said that bonding is nice,” Atsumu said.
“So, when do you leave?” You asked.
“Tomorrow morning, around 5,” she said. “Way before you two will be up.”
“Are you taking the train?” Osamu asked. Your mom shook her head.
“I’m taking the car, hope you don’t mind,” she said. 
“It’s fine, we’ll probably just hang around here, anyway,” Osamu said. 
Atsumu smirked as he sipped his tea. 
“We have that pick up game later this week,” you said. “With Bokkun, Hinata, and Sakusa.”
“It’ll be great, we’re gonna crush you,” Atsumu said.
“You don’t even know the teams yet,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Me, Omi-kun, and Shoyo versus ya, Samu, and Bokuto,” he said.
“That’s not fair! You three are all professionals! You take Samu!” You exclaimed.
“Ya don’t want me on yer team? I’m hurt,” Osamu said, clutching his heart. 
“Against three pros? No, I don’t want you on my team,” you said. “I want Sho-kun!”
“Rock, paper, scissors, loser gets Samu,” Atsumu said, making a fist. 
Your mom laughed as Osamu gasped in offense. 
“Sorry, Samu, but I want to win tomorrow,” you said, holding up a fist. 
In the end, Atsumu ended up stuck with Osamu and was still complaining when he left. 
“Bye, Mom,” you mumbled tiredly as your mom packed her bags in the car. 
“Bye, sweetie,” she said, hugging you tightly. “Tell Osamu I said bye.”
“I will,” you said. As she pulled off, you walked back into the house. You padded down the hallway and almost turned into your room when you remembered Osamu was currently laying down all alone. 
You turned into his room and carefully crawled into his arms.
“Good morning, baby,” he mumbled, pulling you closer to him. 
“Morning, daddy,” you said. You smirked as his eyes opened slightly.
“Oh?” He questioned. You rolled him over to his back and climbed on top of him, straddling his hips.
“Wanna feel you,” you mumbled, rolling your hips against his. 
“G’head, baby,” he said, holding your hips. You ran your hands along his thick chest and stomach, stopping to play with his pierced nipples.
He hissed softly.
“Sensitive?” You asked, pinching his nipple. He nodded. You leaned down and sucked one into your mouth, flicking your tongue against the cool metal. You teased the hardening bud then switched to the other one, only completely pulling away when they were shining with spit and swollen. 
“Pretty,” you muttered. You kissed up his neck, sucking and biting at his slightly prickly skin. 
“D’ya jus’ call me pretty?” Osamu asked as you nibbled at his jawline. 
“You are,” you said, pecking his lips. You shimmied down his body, tugging his briefs off and tossing them to the floor. You palmed his hardening cock until it was bobbing heavily against your hand.
“Wanna ride you,” you said, straddling him again. You ground your wet folds against his cock. 
“I wanna fold ya in half, princess,” Osamu said, holding your hips. “Throw yer legs over my shoulders and pound yer cute, lil pussy until ya cry.”
“No reason we can’t do both,” you said, reaching down to line his cock up with your dripping core. “We have all day.”
“‘m not lettin’ ya leave this bed,” he said. You sank down on his cock with a soft moan. 
“Daddy,” you whimpered as his cock nudged your abused cervix. 
“Take it all, baby, I know ya can,” he said, holding your hips tightly. You let him hold up as he pounded into you, fucking past your cervix with one, quick thrust. 
“Samu!” You moaned loudly, digging your nails into his shoulders. You bounced on his cock in time with his thrusts.
“Takin’ daddy’s cock so well, look at ya,” he grunted. “Such a lil princess, wanting to ride daddy’s cock and not being able to take it all without daddy’s help.”
“S’too big,” you whined as his apadravya dragged against that spongy spot inside you.
“Ya jus’ need a lil’ help, baby,” Osamu said, hands tightening on your hips. “Yer daddy’s little girl, after all.”
You moaned as he pulled you down, your chests flush against each other. He smacked your ass as you bit at his chest. 
“Can feel ya clenchin’ ’round me, go ‘head and cum for me, princess,” Osamu grunted. You cried out, your cunt walls squeezing him as you squirted around his cock.
“Good girl,” he praised before flipping you over to your back. Osamu hovered over you, kissing your lips gently before pushing your legs up against your chest. 
“Daddy!” You cried as he continued to thrust into you. Your legs shook with overstimulation as he pressed two fingers against your clit. 
“Want ya to make a mess for me,” he said, flicking your swollen clit. “Want ya to squirt around my cock again.”
“Harder, Samu, please!” You begged, gripping the white sheets underneath you. Osamu braced himself against the bed as he pounded into you harder. 
“Gonna fill ya up all day,” he grunted. “‘Til yer swollen with my seed. Gonna be all fucked out and dumb when I’m finished with ya. Isn’t that right, baby?”
“Uh-huh,” you moaned, nodding. “Want daddy to breed me until it sticks! Wanna be full of you!”
Osamu grabbed your face roughly, forcing your mouth open. “Tongue out,” he ordered. Your tongue lolled out, drool dripping onto your chin. “Good girl.”
He spat on your tongue before kissing you messily, spit covering both of your chins and thin strands of saliva connecting you two when he pulled away. 
“Gonna cum,” you gasped as he pinched your clit. He leaned up, watching you squirm as he relentlessly rutted into you.
“Squirt around my cock, baby,” he said, strumming your clit. “Come on, daddy wants ya to make a mess on him.”
You let out a high pitched moan as he pressed down on your bladder.
“No, no, daddy, gonna make a mess!” You squealed. 
“Come on, princess,” he muttered, pushing down harder. “Make a mess on daddy.”
You cried loudly as cum gushed out of you, covering Osamu’s stomach and chest.
“Fuck,” Osamu groaned, balls tightening as he painted your walls white. “Good girl.”
You breathed heavily as Osamu pulled out of you and collapsed next to you. 
“Daddy,” you breathed, cuddling into his side. “Didn’t know I could cum that hard.”
“Me either, baby,” he mumbled, pulling you closer to him. “Ya did so good, princess.”
“I made a mess,” you said.
“Just like daddy asked,” he said. “Ya want daddy to clean ya up?”
“Please,” you mumbled. Osamu stood up and lifted you easily, carrying you to the shower. He cleaned both of you off quickly before running a bath in the large bathtub. 
“Ya want anything, princess?” Osamu asked as you leaned back in the large tub.
“Join me,” you said. Osamu climbed in behind you, wrapping his arms around you. You leaned against his chest and relaxed into him. 
“This is so bittersweet,” Osamu said, rubbing his hand over your stomach soothingly.
“Why?” You asked.
“I just wish I had met ya first,” Osamu said. “Before yer mom. Now, I’ll always be the guy that got with his stepdaughter.”
“Hey, you didn’t raise me or anything,” you said. “It’s not like you’re my father figure or anything. You’re only four years older than me. If anything, my mom’s the weird one for marrying a guy her child’s age.”
“I really, really like ya.” Osamu said, nuzzling your neck. “More than I’ve ever liked anyone.”
“I really, really like you, too,” you said, smiling. You rested your hands on Osamu’s as he pressed small kisses up your neck. “I thought you were the most handsome man I’d ever seen when we first met. Nearly took my breath away.”
“I thought ya were the most beautiful woman,” Osamu said. “Couldn’t take my eyes off ya.”
You lifted his hand to your lips, pressing a soft kiss to his skin. 
“I’m falling in love with ya,” he mumbled against your skin. “This is the closest to love at first sight anyone has ever been.”
You kissed his hand again.
“What the fuck is this?”
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