#the parallels let me go bawl my eyes out
souriwin · 8 months
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my favorite person
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strawberrysainz · 10 months
holocene. charles leclerc
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charles leclerc x fem!reader
“ a quiet last day in london with your boyfriend, except, you’re not leaving with him. ”
a warning — angsty, suggestive, use of profanity. NSFW: SMUT. don’t read/interact if you’re under 18!
word count: 3.1k
i am terribly sorry for how slightly devastating this is. i was listening to bon iver and holocene just made me start bawling and remember this day (it is not entirely fictitious, after all… the artist is true, except i’ve never had the honour of meeting him; though his art lights up nearly every home around my home town.)
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The soft sounds of a nature show in the background made her eyes close sleepily while Charles held her; the mid morning light shone through the windows, and she had a sudden urge to stand up. He stared up at her as she stood there indecisively, staring off into space, a kind of stupid smile on his face.
“Let’s do something today. Let’s go get lunch.” She said with a nod, and he raised his eyebrows, casting a glance to his suitcases that stood there on the wooden floor. “Okay.”
He got up, holding her, kissing her cheek softly, and they stood there for a second. “What do you feel like? Where do you want to go?” His voice was hoarse, sleep still coating it from their lie-in, and she followed him to her bedroom.
“There’s a really cute little restaurant down the road that does such good burgers.” She said, slowly undressing to pull on other clothes, and he had that strike of desire he always did when he watched her embrace her most intimate state - and he bent down to meet her gaze in the mirror, leaning to kiss her neck softly.
“You look beautiful.” He said softly, and he meant it, watching her put on makeup.
She blushed, and leaned up to kiss him, slowly, passionately.
He smiled, eyes sparkling with something she had yet to memorise: “You’re making this very difficult for me, you know that?” giving her a long, slow kiss, hands on her hips.
She broke away, bashfully. “Oi. I want burgers,” and laughed when he pouted.
He laughed then, unable to stay pretend-mad at her for long. “Fine, fine.” His tongue slipped on the words, a normal occurrence due to English besting him at times. She giggled as she pulled on a sweater, patting down her hair. She swatted his ass as she found a purse from the depths of her cupboard, and he rolled his eyes playfully as they left her apartment, going down to her car.
She slid into the passenger seat, patting her well-worn leather of the Fiat. He followed, starting the engine and pulling out of the position on the street. “What do you want to do after? A movie?” He glanced over at her playfully.
“You’re in such a movie mood this weekend.” She giggled, and continued. “But there’s an exhibition at some gallery in town of an artist from my home town - could we have a quick look?” He shrugged. “Sure.” (He didn’t really care what they did; he just wanted to spend time with her in her element.)
She leaned over then to stroke his thigh, comfortably, and as he did an excellent parallel park that had her nodding, impressed - she gasped when he got out and pressed her against the car, kissing her quickly, and when he pulled back, he grinned with a hint of mischief.
She laughed, leading him to the front door of the restaurant. “You look lovely today, did I mention that?” He said cheekily, hand on her waist, and she told him to be quiet, blushing as the waitress greeted them.
They ordered burgers and chips, and she studied the decor while he stared at her, memorising her face. He slid a hand up her leg, looking at her cheekily when she narrowed her eyes. “Stooop.” She groaned, fighting back a smile.
Charles grinned and moved in closer. “I think you like it.” He teased, voice lowering, and her mouth dropped open - the waitress returned with their food - and she thanked her, trying not to flush at his rough voice.
He leaned over and stole a chip- she in turn stole one of his. They grinned at each other.
They were walking to the Tube station, trying to figure out the best way to get to this obscure gallery, and a few people stopped to ask for a picture with him, but he never stopped holding her hand (much to her embarrassment, but also, delight).
His hand gripped hers as they stood on the escalator, smiling at a fan who called over to them, and they waited for the next train, getting on and miraculously getting two seats open next to each other. They slid into the seats, and their legs brushed as he pulled her comfortably into him.
“Tell me more about this guy.” “The art,” he expanded as she gives him a confused look, and she nods. “So back home -“ she got that wistful look on her face like she always did when she spoke of her home country, much like he did -“There was this pretty famous artist who lived in the town where I went to school. I took you one day for lunch and that ice cream when we went to visit a few months ago?”
He pretended to know exactly what town she was talking about.
“Anyway, this exhibition is basically his whole life’s work. He’s just this old guy. But his paintings are so, so vibrant and colourful. They’re in a lot of my parents’ friends’ houses.” He thinks about the paintings when she speaks, nodding, and leans back against the wall. The lapse in conversation makes her take out her phone, carrying on reading.
He takes a peek at her screen, and watches her peaceful expression, and squeezes her hand still holding his lightly.
“What’re you reading?” He asks, thinking back to the stacks and stacks of books lining her apartment.
“It’s translated from French -” she smiles when he instantly becomes more interested - “And it’s about this woman who’s like, fascinated with funerals.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Don’t you think that’s weird?”
“It’s intriguing.” She says instead, and his lips try to say the same word, the sound of his heavy accent distorting the word, and she snorts, “She’s kind of on a quest to be constantly positive. She’s very likeable. I don’t know why she likes funerals so much yet though.”
He nods thoughtfully, his fingers still entwined with hers. “She’s trying to find purpose in something others find sad.” She stifles a giggle at his enthusiasm to try and engage. It’s sweet. “I’ll make a literary nerd of you yet.”
(Unbeknownst to them, the woman opposite is recording, and it will go viral on Twitter and TikTok later, but neither of them will care because they were so terribly happy in that moment.)
He giggled softly, his heart swelling with warmth, and gently strokes her hair, lost in the comforting silence and the harsh yet low light and the peaceful rhythm of their breaths.
She looked up to check when their stop is - not for another three - and contentedly pressed her lips to their joined hands while she continued to read. His eyes closed, breathing even, enjoying her touch. “It’s been a while since we had something like this,” he thought out loud, thinking of the preciousness of the moment. She nodded, thinking back to when last they were able to sit down and slow down in public, not for an hour or two and then him having to fly to another country - well, it kind of was - stealing hours away in their apartments.
“We could try and do it more often,” he said, but it was more of a wish. She looked up at him adoringly. “I know.”
He leaned down slightly, their faces close enough to feel each other’s breaths. His eyes locked onto hers as he spoke softly. “Just think of what else we could be doing in these quiet moments…”
She quietly gasped. “Charles!” He chuckled softly, unable to hide his amusement. He gently brushed a strand of hair from her face, his fingertips trailing along her jawline softly. He leaned in even closer, sharing this moment with her.
The sound of their stop being announced interrupted it, and there was a hint of sadness on her face as she looked up at him.
He reluctantly pulled back, and followed her, filled with longing to stay on this train for as long as they could. As they walked, he quietly declined photos this time, because he senses she’s a little upset. They walk up the stairs, up into the light, and she pulls out her maps app to find which way they should be going.
Charles walked beside her, his hand slipping into hers instinctively, offering reassurance.
At the gallery, they enter and the woman at the front has her accent too - presumably because of this exhibition - and she gasped with delight, leaving her heavy heart behind, letting go of his hand to hug her, and he watched them interact while some people stared at him curiously.
His smile brightened as she started rambling on about her connection to this guy. He couldn’t help but have a sense of warmth for how animated she became around her roots.
She pulled back then, and wished the woman a goodbye, starting to look at this man’s life, from beginning to end. Charles leaned in close, his arm brushing against hers as he studied the paintings. He couldn’t help but be drawn to the presence she currently exuded - the warmth, the joy to be there. She studied a particular piece and gasped. “We had a copy of this at school! It’s a famous street in town.” She pulled out her phone to take a picture, fondness coating her expression.
He listened intently, his eyes scanning the painting as she spoke. The image of her, taking in this same art as she did now, made him wish that he could’ve experienced this with her then too. She held on to his arm, feeling oddly emotional, and they continued on, laughing at some sculpture.
His gaze never left her, his touch comforting. He savoured this moment - holding on to her, this feeling of being completely at home.
She reached to clutch her chest as an old man with graying hair came up to them. She let out a little breath that Charles recognised as one of awe - it had to be the artist.
The man recognised her accent and they hugged for a moment, and he could see the emotion in her eyes as they fell into that language he heard snippets of every now and then, and he envies this guy for a moment, conversing with her in a language he was desperate to learn, to know to be closer to her, and he can tell she’s going on about how precious this all is. The artist reached out to shake Charles’ hand, and with a quick correction from his girlfriend he falls easily into English.
His heart beating a little faster, he accepted the handshake and held onto it for a moment more than he thought he would. He listened to their conversation, determined to learn more about what made them come alive in such a way that made him wildly jealous. She swats his arm so he offers to take a picture of them, eyebrow raised at her fangirl behaviours, and he captures the moment of sheer joy.
The artist moved away, to greet other patrons, and she looked up at him in delight, with unspoken love. He couldn’t help but feel terribly drawn to her in that moment, their connection deepening.
“I love you.” She says, not quite believing what’s she’s just said - for the first time - and his breath caught. He reached out to touch her, to hold her hand.
She looked back at him, a tentative little smile on her face. His heart raced. He leaned in, his lips hovering just above hers.
“I love you too,” he said huskily, filled with emotion.
She kissed him softly, briefly, trying not to draw attention. His eyes flutter closed as their lips met, tenderly, passionately. Despite her attempt to keep it short, he cradled her face with his free hand, and his heart pounded as they pulled apart.
On the way out, they’re gifted with a quick sketch on some scrap paper - an old ticket? - by the old man; it’s of them, holding closely on to each other, staring at a painting. Her hair cascading and his shoulders broad - and now she’s fighting back tears as they study it together.
He gently wraps his arms around her, kissing her forehead softly, eyes brimming with tears he tries desperately to keep in. They leave after thanking the artist graciously, holding on to that picture tightly. “It’s perfect,” he whispers as she snaps a picture of his fingertips holding on to it. He slips it into his pocket, love radiating from his every pore as he looks at her.
In her head she thinks, we could show our kids that one day, and that makes her burst into tears, and his heart aches for her, pulling her into his arms. “It’s okay, my love.”
“I don’t want you to go tonight.” She says pitifully, and he rubs his hand up and down her back. “It’s alright,” he soothes her. They find a bench in a nearby park, and she tries to calm herself down, but the impending idea of him leaving for two months makes her cry even harder.
He murmurs something comforting as he wipes away her tears with his thumbs, caressing her face. The tender expression on his face makes her still, staring into his big eyes. “Today was so lovely. But darling… I can’t stand not seeing you until the end of the year.” She sniffles.
His heart ached as he pulled her in tightly, holding her close. “But you’re always with me, my love.” He pats his heart, and her tears slowly stop.
“You know, when we met, I never thought that someone could come into my life and make me love her so much to the point where I would do anything for her. But now…” he says softly, “But now that you’re here I can’t imagine living without you.”
“No.” She shakes her head. “Stop being so fucking sweet. I’ll cry again.”
He laughs. “I can’t resist the opportunity.”
She scoffs and hugs him again. He held her tight, heart beating wildly with love and desire, and trailed kisses down her jawline. “Fuck. I miss you so much already.”
She bit her lip.
“You know what would make me feel better?” He says, as they walk into her apartment building’s lobby, tracing a circle on her hipbone, “If you just text me every day. Even if it’s just to say hi.”
“Of course I will!” She looks at him, indignant. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her head.
“What time do you have to go?” She said softly, and he stared down at his watch as they walked into her apartment. “Two hours,” he said softly, and she stared up at him with an expression in her eyes that made him shiver.
She stood up on her tiptoes to kiss him, languidly sliding her hands along his neck, lips parted as she pulled away.
A desire prompted her to slide off her jersey, and his eyes were dark as he moved to pull off his clothes. She slid off her top, standing just in her bra, and he let out a sigh as he traced her collarbone, kissing her easily.
He slid the sketch out of his pocket and left it on a side table as he was left in his underwear, and she was pulling off her skirt and tights so they stood there on the wooden floor, desire coating their faces.
The sight of her nipples pressing through her lacy bra made him groan, and he felt himself hardening as he kissed her neck, sucking it that made him satisfied to pull away from with the knowledge that his marks would still be left for the next few days.
She felt herself heat up, her thighs clenching as he pressed her down onto the couch. He kissed the valley between her breasts as he slid off her bra, and she whined deliciously as he sucked her sensitive nipple. Kissing down towards her stomach, he slid off her panties, exposing her wetness to him, staring up at her needy face, biting his lip and feeling terribly turned on.
He tentatively began to press his nose into her pussy as he began to lick her, and she was making sounds that had him a little shaky, his thumb tracing tiny, light circles on her clit while she moaned in pleasure.
She stared down at him, hands laced in his fluffy hair, and she could already feel how wet she was, rutting a little into his face which made him groan.
His desperate eyes made her nod, so she sat up while he took his aching cock out of his boxers, and her lips parted a little as she stared at the look of need on his face.
She leaned in to kiss him, his one hand pumping his cock and the other rubbing her nipple, and she arched into him as he pushed into her. Their eyes fluttered shut in pleasure, and she began to ride him, them both letting out little moans, and as he began to hit certain spots inside her she was pleading for things she didn’t know, her head everywhere but no where, feeling herself edge closer.
“So fucking hot,” he breathed, and tried to kiss her but they both moaned loudly at one particular stroke, so they just kept going, him becoming faster and his fingers pressing at her clit; she felt deliciously warm and desperate to cum, so she rode him a little faster, their hips rolling in unison, and she let out little sighs as his fingers began to circle her roughly, clenching him so he moaned.
“Cum for me,” he breathed, and she grinded against him, expression contorting to one of pure ecstasy as she began to reach the edge. He stopped for a second, becoming still, and she nearly screamed with protest, and with a smirk he let her continue. “Brat,” he whispered, and she let out a moan.
They breathily began to cum together, her breaths becoming erratic, his thumb making it nearly impossible to think.
As he came inside her, thick and warm, she came, shaking on his cock. “Fuck,” she whispered, and they were lying there, enjoying the pure pleasure of their bodies together.
“Goodbye, mon amour,” he breathed, and her messy hair and just her in a sweater of his made it so much worse. “Love you.” She said hoarsely. His arms wrapped around her, holding her tightly against him. He took a deep breath.
He pulled away slowly, gazing into her eyes. Her eyes followed him as he turned to leave. He took a last look at her, and stepped out the door.
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liked by f1laura, twogirls1formula and 12,879 others
f1waglife charles and his new gf out in london today!
see all 387 comments
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author’s note: let me know your thoughts. like, reblog, show me some love in the comments. love u. i’m glad to be back. 💋
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kodzuken-stan · 2 months
I read little mushroom in a day and bawled my eyes out so here’s some of my favorite parts in a desperate bid to get people to read it
An Zhe creating a perfect sex doll replica of the most feared man in society and facing it away from him as he sleeps
An Zhe interacting with others and monologuing about how Lu Feng isn’t a bad guy saying shit like “he seemed very considerate” and then actually interacting with him again and thinking “no actually fuck this guy”
The parallels between the main characters as both of them are viewed as fundamentally not human (An Zhe actually isn’t human whereas Lu Feng had to sacrifice so much of his humanity to keep people safe)
The one line between Lu Feng and the doctor where he says “I’ve thought about what you’ve asked me. Who he is to me.” And he stares of into space before going to An Zhe “he judges me” and the way this references not only that he views An Zhe as a moral and human guideline but also with his job as the arbiter being to decide if people are human. He lets An Zhe make the judgement of him, even knowing he isn’t human. The question fundamentally becomes “how important is he to you” and Lu Feng places him at the highest authority “he judges me”
Mpreg kink??
“I am a law-abiding mushroom”
Lu Feng fixing An Zhe’s tap while the world is slowly crumbling around them
Lu Feng giving An Zhe his gun, his mark of status that he is never allowed to lose or give away.
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unnaturalequilibrium · 2 months
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undefined number of favourite #mafin scenes [the breakdown]
I think the main reason I love it is not because of the physicality of it (even though it’s kind of hot), but because of the raw desperation. Let me paint you a picture, imagine, if you will, a chubby toddler wearing nothing but a diaper eating pasta bolognese and eating it with their entire sense of self and their body as a canvas for chaos. That is me, except instead of noodles and marinara it’s angst. I enjoy that shit and I will gladly get it all over me; between my toes, in my belly button, across my chin, squished together between my love handles. Angst, angst, angst, I love angst. And what I love about it the most is when the angst comes to a desperate crescendo, like in this scene. 
Fina is at the end of her rope, she is backed up against a cliff's edge and feel like she is about to go down. Her grief comes in a multitude, she mourns what she is about to lose, what she’s already lost and what she feels like she will never have in the first place. She is alone, so desperately alone as the world caves in on her. And Marta - well no matter the circumstances, you do not walk in on the woman you love sitting in a dark room bawling her eyes out without getting caught up. That shit cuts through past, present and any number of timelines. There is no rhyme, no reason, it’s just an instinct to protect her, to do whatever you can to stop her tears from falling hot and heavy across her cheeks. It’s some primal bullshit, like wanting to touch a fire and being unable not to holler when you walk through an underpasssage. And that visual of Marta wrapping a crying Fina up in her arms as she fell apart just stabs my heart until it bleeds romanticism. Before it -maybe I was the Grinch, after it - maybe I want to binge Bridgerton.
Anyways, with that hug the wave breaks and even though nothing is solved-  for a second, for an evening, everything is left behind, left outside of their bubble. Yearning becomes its own parallel universe and it becomes the only thing that exists. Consequences, concerns, caution, all of that are put on pause, left to be dealt with when the sun rises. If the sun rises. Not that they care either way at that moment. There is something about going from that deepest of sorrow to that highest of animalistic attraction. Like I said, a fucking crescendo of emotion crashing down into a physical release. And the way they make it feel so inevitable, they couldn’t stop this from happening even though they tried. Everything is left unsolved, but one single desperate touch - that’s…
*continues to smear bolognese in my armpit*
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vengefulvermin · 5 days
Can i get more passage of time/music development yapping ☹️☹️☹️??? I give you official permission to yap the most you can im so interested
warning beneath the cut SCARY WALL OF TEXT WARNING 😱
decided to divide it into colored parts if you dont gaf about certain elements 😭
second warning all of this is unedited rambling so some points might contradict each other or just plain not make sense.
okay so for CONTEXTTTTT
i have diagnosed OCD, and like, roughly since the end of last year and the beginning of this one, the 'obsession' part of OCD that was negatively affecting me, was the concept of time. how fleeting it was. how it's basically unescapable ALL THINGS MUST PASS (get out of my head george harrison) that shit proper cold dead SCARED ME MAN. sleepless & haunting me in my dreams type shi. sometimes it still does. i try not to think about it too much
to cope, i found great comfort in the 70s-80s since at the time i was and still am hyperfixated on david bowie and that was sort of his prime (love his 90s-00s work tho.) i was also starting to think of how much parallels and similar experiences i have to previous generations and how it's not ALL that bad after all so far. i can still walk to a record store and roller skate if i really wanted to, or go to a diner.
okey here's where the life changing stuff happens. i decided i'd listen to pink floyd's the dark side of the moon. then TIME CAME ON. ohhhh god oh gosh golly god i was bawling and everything the whole song spoke to me on a molecular level. then i found out about DB's song also called time, and i ALSO crode to that. i was like. wow. i'm not alone on this feeling of utter desperation and helplessness as eventually all things Must Pass. (GEORGE HARRSION GTFO)
i used to be bitchy on how i whined i was part of the 'wrong generation.' i thought i was alone, but virtually everyone of almost every era has thought this. somebody who lived my dream life wished they had what i have now.
that's when i started to lowkey realize the parallels and oneness of human experience. i could go to a club in the 70s, and (granted the infrastructure and music remains similar) i could today. nothing would change on how i perceive events. there is no color filter on the past. unless you got huge TVs and stuff all over your house, you could walk around, and think it's the 80s. AND IT'S BASICALLY THE 80s. the way your parents or any other gen Xer saw the world with their *eyes* (not counting the changes in buildings and stuff) is the same as you today pretty much.
i already really enjoy subcultures, and particularly how they evolve and adapt. the indomitable human spirit prevails no matter how gentrified or 'banned' things become. nowadays i feel like there is No Youth Subcultures. at least, none that will pass the test of time and be memorable enough to be remembered in the books. nobody's gonna go to their child and proudly say: "when i was your age, i was a chav" or something. and i credit this to the lack of creativity allowed in the wider music industry.
HEAR ME OUT this is because 90% of youth subcultures had everything to do with music. and now, everything must be palatable. to be clear there's nothing inherently wrong with that type of music, but to me it speaks no soul. it has no risks. contemporary pop music is very much formulaic and this is because now more than ever entertainment (this also applies to movies btw) is more of an investment than passion. I WILL SPECIFY.
music production is so vastly different genre to genre, and we're not letting it flourish because of how much short form content is valued nowadays. LET ME COOK.
tiktoks are formulaic. algorithms are formulaic. WE'RE GETTING SOMEWHERE. there must be an instant hook or rift in music if you want to 'go viral' as a musician. digitized fame doesn't mean SHIT (to me), since clearly monthly listeners don't equate real world fans. album sales are being replaced with streams, and because of how ASS spotify treats its artists, newer, less established acts need to GET ON THE GRIND INSTANTLY to earn Coin. that means that to be smart and work with the exploitative system they're given, they have to make albums filled with 1 minute 30 second songs. so you can technically give them the most amount of streams possible. i feel with this formulaic approach, you can't get 6 minute long gutwrenching guitar pieces. no more 4 minute drum solos, hell avant garde experimental works were 2 people shout their names out at each other for 20 minutes. THERE ARE NO MORE FRANK ZAPPAS.
i'm not going to be one of those sad assholes who claim there's 'no more good rock music' and how it'll never be the same. as corny as this is, the next beatles or nirvana could be right under our noses and we'll NEVER know because of how fame is distributed. it sucks to see a small band beg on tiktok for streams to kickstart their career. but this is what we gotta work with. if we want subcultures to be created and thrive, we gotta go looking underground again, except unlike in the past it's a kajillion times easier now AND everything gets gentrified in 2 tiktok weeks. but this is evolution. MUSIC EVOLUTION
the end honk shoo honk shoo (it's midnight)
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th4tsj4zzy · 3 months
will stetson and i have a bone to pick
ESPECIALLY THE LAST PART WHERE IT GOES, “i know i’ll dream about this moment ‘till im going, going—“
AND ALSO THE JOURNAL??? AND HOW IT GETS “RIPPED OUT” EVENTUALLY???1?1???1 i just wanna talk abt it bc like it had a bunch of things firefly wanted to do (its implied she wanted to do them before she dies: her bucket list) and at the end of the song she rips it out because she wants to do everything she wants to do to live, not do everything bc she’ll die.
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also i wanna talk abt this frame, its the one that shows up in the parts where firefly is “ripping out” (ill get back to it) the pages of the bucket list journal. it shows during the lyrics,
“Let me stay awhile, stop the world from moving on / And I’ll cherish all the memories ‘til they’re going, going, gone”
and at first, i thought the top part was skirt folds from firefly’s outfit but after i rewatched it a few times, i realized they’re actually firefly’s bangs, and we’re basically looking through her eyes as she rips apart the journal and i just think thats such a powerful few seconds because it dips in focus a lot and shows just how emotional she is, how much hurt she feels about the hand she was dealt.
ok i described it as “ripping out” earlier but the way her hands are placed looks like shes just crumpling the paper, and doesnt actually plan on ripping them out, and i feel like theres so much nuance in that bc it shows that even though she holds the memories she made in bittersweet regard, she wouldn’t just reduce them to shreds in a fit of indignation. that conclusion is even further supported by the fact that we never see the notebook being ripped; this is the last time we ever see it (but lets not think about the implications that brings).
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ok i also wanted to talk about these because the entire time, the mv is presented in an alternate universe where the characters go to school and arent, yk, traveling the cosmos. but we can still see how the trailblazer is wearing their iconic jacket and fingerless gloves, so it tells us that we’re back in the star rail universe we know and love. we also know that we’re in penacony when TB fights SAM for the first time bc of the fire around them and the scenery behind the TB. thats not the main point tho.
notice how there are green marks on the left photo; it looks like we’re looking at the trailblazer from SAM’s point of view, and the text saying “DESTROY” repeatedly means that SAM is going haywire. so perhaps, the mv’s story is meant to parallel the main story?
anyway my phone’s gonna die bye yall
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sofasoap · 2 years
Why the strife and the flow of tears
Pairing: Simon “Ghost ” Riley x f!Reader ( OC aka Mini MacTavish )
Summary : Sequel to "“Happy ever after, please stay for a while” .
Babies, and finally opening up to each other.
Warning: Mature theme , pregnancy. London/UK landmarks, Medical related stuff described in this fic are just made up by me for plot purposes. Not beta'ed. Any Scottish Gaelic here are from google.
A/N : Kind of Continuation/parallel universe of @saltofmercury ’s “The Favorite MacTavish” , where the reader/OC is Soap’s little sister. PLEASE GO READ HER STORY first to make sense of this story. Thank you for lending me your character.
 “masterlist” for more stories to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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You woke up to constant beeping sound of machine. Slowly opening your eyes, you are staring at a strange yet familiar ceiling.
Lifting your arm you notice all the wires and IV that is attached to you. Isn't this the ICU unit at your work? Why are you here?
Pulling the blanket up with little strength you had, you notice your stomach is slightly flatter. Panic and pain set in.
ICU nurse on duty heard your movement and rushed to your side. A doctor appeared few seconds later.
"... Emma? .. where am I?"
You tried to sit up but Emma gently pushes you back into bed.
"Relax, you been in induced coma for two weeks. We nearly lost you." You can see your friend was trying to be professional and holding herself together at same time.
" Where are my babies? Are they OK? Please tell me I didn't .."
" They are stable. both of them in the NICU at moment. We had to perform C-section on you due to preeclampsia. You gave me a mighty fright when you collapsed."
Letting out a shaky breath you relaxed back into the bed. Emma continue to check all your vitals and updating you what's been happening while you were in the coma.
"... Your mum and dad came down from Scotland as soon as I contacted them. She's just gone back to the house to have a bit of rest, your Dad is just down at the cafe getting a coffee."
"Johnny was bawling his eyes out and wouldn't leave your side until your dad pulled him out of the room with your mum whacking his head for making so much noise.."
"Johnny was here? I thought he was still in Mexico?"
" Your dad contacted him through SAS after your mum went all panic mode when her calls couldn't connect. She was going on about losing two of her precious children all at once. He flew in two days after you were sent in here."
You feel guilty for making so many people worrying about you also dropping their life to care for you.
"He's flown back to Mexico again after you were stabilised, and oh, the 141 boys and your team from Emergency send their regards." she wave her hand towards the bedside table, and you notice bunch of cards sitting there.
Putting away her stethoscope," You seem to be all good at moment. I'll see if we can get you transferred to a private ward tomorrow if the results from tests are normal."
"When can I see my babies? I want to meet them." You long to hold them in your arms, after all the chaos and drama.
"TOMORROW. I can't move you out from here yet. Be patient." After turning to the nurse in charge requesting few tests, Emma gave your hand a soft squeeze. " I'll go find your dad and let him know you are awake. in the meantime... behave. "
You look at her with a deadpan expression. " yea good luck with me try to make a run for it with all these cords."
Emma laughed. " Just to be sure. You know how us health professional people tends to be the worse patient."
" Thanks for having so much faith in me."
" This is what I am here for."
" I have Johnny for that."
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"Bravo Six, hold your position."
".. Soap."
"...How is Mini doing."
" Why would you care now."
"You two. Concentrate. Enemy approaching from Ten."
""Roger that.""
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"Shh.... stop babbling and go to sleep... you going to wake your sister up..." You pace back and forth with your son in your arm, trying to put him to sleep. It's been two hours but he just refuses to settle. While his sister sleeping soundly in her cot. Not wanting to deal with two crying babies later on from all the noises he is making, you decided to take him out into the garden for bit of a stroll.
You are still amazed two little miracles you have produced. How can two of them has such opposite personality only at four months old. Aileen took on the MacTavish trait in terms of looks, but very calm and quiet baby like her father. While little Johnny ( Soap was overwhelmed when you decided to name your son after him) was exactly like his uncle. Making noises and looking around all the time. Curious little bub.
It's nearly mid autumn, you can feel bit of chill in the air. You tuck him closer to your chest. Rocking him while singing a lullaby in Gaelic.
"Yer look like your Da but behave like your uncail ..can't stop talking aye?"
"Look who's talking."
Startled, you turned around.
Without his mask on. his handsome face all out on display. Looking totally exhausted and drained.
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It took Simon a while to work up the courage to ask Soap for your address. Soap refused to give it out at the start.
"So you can hurt her all over again Simon? is that what your plan is?"
Simon has no answer to it.
Did he want to see you for the sake of settling his own guilt so he can move on? Or he is determined after hearing news you manage to pull through the surgery and deliver the babies safely, that for once, for ONCE, there might be hope after all. The universe giving him one last chance to make amend.
He surprised everyone when the team returned from Mexico mission going into therapy, voluntarily.
But Soap still wasn't convinced. Until Price dragged both of them into the bar one night, ordered drinks each for them and a pat on their back;
" You two. Talk it out. For the sake of Mini and the babies. ... and the team. Can't let this go on forever." and walked off while mumbling how he is like a dad and uncle to the boys , always sorting their shits out.
And this is where he ends up. Soap finally gave in and give him your address.
"I will not hesitate to punch the shite out if you hurt my family. " Soap warned.
Seeing you standing there, under the moonlight, rocking the baby. His son. Their Son. Singing a lullaby, reminding him when he was first introduced to his nephew Joseph by his brother and sister in law Beth, lovingly glow that only a happy family can show. His heart aches.
"Why are you here." You glare at him.
".. I want to talk."
" I thought we have already established you want nothing with us anymore."
" I... " clenching and unclenching his fist. " I was wrong. I came here to apologise. To make amend."
" To make yourself feel better?"
" .. I would be lying if I say no."
A faint cry coming within the house. Emma is on night shift tonight so there is no one else to help you.
" Oh gosh." You turned and walk towards the door. Pausing for a second, you turn around again and asked, " Do you want to come in. "
More like a statement than a question. Simon followed you without a word into the house.
Looking around, he sees few photos on the wall. you and Soap's baby photos, family photos, graduating photos, a candid photo of a young looking Soap in his SAS uniform and you, looking about twelve years old standing beside him imitating his pose. Last photos on the wall was you holding the two babies for the first time in NICU still with all the tubes attached. His stomach churns. He wasn't there for them. During the hard times.
Turning his attention back, following you up the staircase and towards the source of the cry, you open the door to the nursery.
" Ok ok Mah bairn.... Ma is here.. are you hungry?" walking towards the cot, you lean over and try to sooth your daughter.
"..Hold him for the moment please while I feed her."
without waiting for reply, you pass your son to his father and turn back again to pick up the other baby.
His son stares at him, Simon stares back, half expecting the baby to burst into tears. To his surprise, the baby started gurgling and making random noises, not an inch of fear shown.
"Bit like your mother ... not afraid of strangers."
"Nothing." He adjusted his hold, cradling his head in his arm.
You walk towards the rocking chair near the window, unbuttoning the maternity wear and started breastfeeding the child. Simon averted his eyes, blushing, feeling he is intruding a private moment.
" You can look you know. You seen everything already.. once." Is that your attempt to try and ease the tension?
"... what are their names?"
" Johnny Thomas MacTavish." Looking down at your daughter " Aileen Riley MacTavish." Simon's heart ached and sucked in a deep breath hearing you naming the children after his brother and him. Also heart broke a bit the children taking on MacTavish surname, not his. he only got himself to blame.
" why."
"... Simon, as much as an asshole you were, oops sorry bubby, ignore ma's foul language." you chided yourself, " I still want the children to have some sort of connection to their sperm donor." you joked bitterly. " I won't stop them to get in contact with you when they grow up. It's their decision to make."
"I am sorry."
" Stop apologising. I was in the wrong too. I was stupid and naive enough to let you lead me on. Thinking there is something. Possible something. And I fell for it. I don't regret that night. It gave me these two beautiful children. But you broke my heart. You could have let me down more gently but you just shut me out, like that. No explanations or whatsoever!" You raise your voice and tears started streaming down your face.
Simon hate to see you cry, he realised.
"I.. I didn't exactly have a happy childhood, quite an abusive one to be honest. " He swallowed, admitting his secret was hard. " I know I have a lot of issues.. I am getting therapy.. counselling.."
" What do you want SIMON. What do you want from me? " For the first time tonight you said his name. Demanding an answer.
" I want to... no... Can we start over again. I want to do the right thing. Please." he begged.
No reply. His heart dropped.
Finish feeding, you button yourself up again, stood up from your seat and walk towards him. You look up at him, placing Aileen into his other arm.
Simon couldn't hold it in anymore. He broke down crying. All the emotion he been holding in came out all at once. When was the last time he had a good cry? Before his father punished him for any tears or showing any signs of weakness, he been holding in his emotion since then. Not even when he saw the dead bodies of his family.
He vowed to himself he will never, ever, do that to his two precious babies. Not the way his father treated him.
"Simon. You really hurt me that day. Heartbroken. I try to forget about you. " Shaking your head you continued,
"But every time I look at them. I can't. I realise part of me still wouldn't let you go." Simon looked up at you with hope in his eyes.
"No Promises." You added sternly. "This is your last chance. I want to take it slow. This time round it's more complicated. There are kids involved this time."
"Even if this doesn't work out at the end. Promise me you would not shut us out again. The children are innocent in this. They don't deserve ugly treatments from their parent's problem."
Simon tighten his grip on his babies.
You sighed. Looking at the two babies. Fallen asleep in their father's embrace. You feel the tears coming up again. Even with what you said to him before, That little selfish part of your heart is hoping it will work out fine this time round. But the rationale part is warning you to be careful. Take it slow. Don't rush. Don't be so rash, like Johnny said " THINK before you act Mini, that is your biggest downfall". You chuckled.
"What's so funny."
" Nothing. Just thinking back to what Johnny was nagging me about the night we met."
" ... He must be proud our son was named after him." Our son.
"He bawled his eyes out." His eyebrows raise at your statement. " he is actually bit of a cry baby, believe it or not.".
" Can't imaging."
Looking at the time. Its close to 1am. You yawned. Simon walked over to the cot and try to put the babies down. It's quite hilarious seeing a big man bending over and struggling to put the babies into the cot.
"Here. that's Aileen's cot, don't put Johnny in there. They are quite picky about where they sleep."
"Not surprised."
You rolled your eyes, helping him to put the babies into each of their cots.
"I better go."
Nodding your head. You lead him back downstairs to the front door.
" .. How long you staying in the country this time."
" We are heading off again day after tomorrow." Tentatively he reach out for your hand. You didn't flinch away. That's a good sign. " We should be back again, if everything goes smoothly, within a month's time. it's a simple mission."
"Famous last words." Oh how he miss the banters between you and him.
" Can I take you out for dinner when we come back?"
"Making your move on me already?"
" Gotta start somewhere." He chuckled.
" You need to ask Johnny if he is free to babysit. Emma will be working overtime a bit next month."
"I will make him , Don't worry."
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"Bravo 6-2, any visual on enemy."
"Negative sir."
"Push on Bravo 6-2"
""" Roger."""
" Soap."
" Ghost."
" You are babysitting next Thursday."
"....Are you asking me?"
" I am telling you."
" I am free if you want."
" Stay out of it Gaz."
" What are you doing next Thursday."
" I am going out on date with Mini."
" Again, are you asking me for my permission."
" AGAIN, I am telling you."
" Shut it everyone, concentrate on the mission." " yes sir!" " I am free too if you want me to babysit" "... Captain..."
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….And the whole team ended up babysitting while Mini and Ghost went out for dinner date.
Salute to all the health care workers. I know a lot of them ( including my own family member ) worked tirelessly overtime in the last few difficult years. hats off to you all!
and peeps, if you have issues, please see someone to get help. Like Simon did ( pointing at the Skull mask boy) .
Talking about simon... I gotta put this here again. this is MY Simon in this fic ( no i didn’t commission it. I came across it one day and fell in love with the masterpiece) . Look at @shkretart beautiful art work! “Simon/Ghost” - Credit to : @shkretart , Sorry Samuel Roukin just isn't my cup of tea LOL but I love his voice though!!!! Together with Neil Ellice and Barry Sloane.. these three makes me melt. *getting hot and bothered*
I imaging both Soap and Mini get their very animated personality from their mum, while MacTavish senior is bit more silent and calm person. He's probably the only person in the family that will empathise with Ghost dealing with the noisy bunch lol.
Just an Epilogue left to tie the loose ends up, and prob going to write a little interlude of what happened on the "fateful night" as well ( I can't promise I can write a decent smut.. )
thank you again for reading, likes, reblog and comments!
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blizzardfluffykpop · 2 months
Summary: Your boyfriends pick you up from your bakery to go to the skatepark together. 
Fluff, Established Relationship au
TW: Skateboarding Injuries (cleaning wounds & blood)
Word Count: 2,566
Accountant! Hyunjae X Baker! Reader X Skate Shop Owner! Eric (Milric) 
[A/n: So, Eric posted some photos from the US tour on 7/31 (which I bawled to but vv unrelated) and saw Eric looking like a skater dude next to Hyunjae who looked like he worked a high-paying office job on the curb. And originally, it was just a little silly thing for me to dream up to Kebbi about two of her biases. And I made the reader a baker bc that was fun. And if it wasn’t for her bringing up baker! Younghoon. This idea might have not made it outside of our chat. So, a very special credit and thank you to @jinkoh for inspiring the fic and helping further it.]
Younghoon looks up from the counter he's wiping down when the bell rings above the door. He looks over and sees Hyunjae and Eric walking over. He gives them a big smile as he throws the rag over his shoulder, “Oh! (Y/n)'s in the back making blueberry muffins! But I'll let them know you're here!” They both nod as he heads to the back, where you’re setting the last wrapper into the pan. You tell yourself, “Okay, last pan!” as you start pouring the batter into each tin when Younghoon goes, “Hey, your boys are here.” Your eyes widen with excitement as you quickly scrape the bowl with the spatula. “Really?!” He laughs, “Yeah.” You put the bowl down, “Can you tell them I'll be just a moment? I gotta switch the muffins around.” He nods and leaves. You get an oven mitt, grab the cooked muffins, and put them on the counter before setting the last tray in the spot it left. You pick up the hot tray off the counter and put it on the rack before removing the oven mitt and washing your hands. You wipe your hands dry before retiring your apron, leaving the kitchen. 
As you come through the swinging doors, you ask, “Younghoon?” And he perks up, “Yeah?” “You can take care of the muffins, right?” “Of course!” “And then after the last one goes on the rack-” He cuts you off, “I get to close the shop?” You roll your eyes as you nod, “Make sure they all head into the cooler before you leave, okay?” “Alright, now shoo before they eat all of our honey lemon cookies!” You look over to see your two lovers eating two cookies each. You laugh before grabbing yourself two. Before walking out from behind the counter and wishing Younghoon a good day. You join your lovers, “Okay, where are we off to?” Eric grabs your hand eagerly, and in between bites, he says, “To the skate park!” Hyunjae holds Eric’s hand, guiding you three to his car as you eat your cookies. You brush off the crumbs before getting in and sitting in the passenger seat, knowing full well that Eric was going to sprawl out with his skateboard next to him. And sure enough, you watch as he does in the rearview. You buckle in as Hyunjae shifts into drive, pulling out of the parallel parking spot. You ask Hyunjae, “So, how’s corporate?” He grins, “It was an easy day for once!” Eric gasps, “No way!” He nods, “Yeah, I got to sit back and stare at my computer all day.” And Hyunjae asks you how the bakery was, “Well, I was mainly just making muffins today for Muffin Monday.” You can hear Eric’s excitement before you see it, “Any mango?” “Have you checked the fridge?” He gasps, “Really?” “Yeah, I made a special batch for the three of us the day before.” Hyunjae looks back in the rearview mirror at him, “You didn’t eat one of yours yet?” He pouts, “No, I had to run to the skate shop... Haknyeon lost his key. So, I didn’t even have time to check the fridge.” You smile, “That means we all get mango muffins for dessert!” He grins, and you ask him how his work was, “It was easy, just mainly kids coming in for new wheels today.” You scoff, “Really? You guys had such easy jobs today.” Hyunjae instantly retorts, “As if making muffins isn’t the easiest for you…” You laugh as you surrender. 
Hyunjae parks the car, and the three of you get out, “Do either of you want to skate today?” You shake your head, “I’m whooped from muffin making.” And he nods, but Hyunjae goes, “Yeah, only if you skate with me!” Eric grins, “This is why I always come prepared!” He pulls out a second board, handing Hyunjae his spare before grabbing his hand and rushing them into the park together. You shake your head at them, the two always eager to play. You sit on the bench and watch as Eric helps Hyunjae get into all his gear before Eric puts only a helmet on. And you listen, “You remember what I taught you, right?” Hyunjae nods and gets on the board with ease. Eric encourages him, and they both wave goodbye to you before heading over to the bowl. You watch them drop in, with Hyunjae letting out a little yelp as he does. The two carve around the bowl while you stretch out, letting your joints finally rest after continuously using them for the past six hours. 
While Hyunjae is still rocking in the bowl, Eric pops out and skates over to you, making a quick stop in front of you. “Do you want anything, babe?” You smile, “A water would be nice.” He smiles as he skates over to the vending machine and gets you one. He returns, kicking up his board and sitting beside you to watch Hyunjae skate, “Here you go~” “Thanks, love.” He gives you a kiss, and you two talk for a second. When you hear a little shout of, “Er-Eric!” You peek over and see Hyunjae struggling to get the momentum up again to pop out of the bowl, and you both let out a little laugh. Before Eric goes, “Duty calls!” You shake your head as Eric raises his hand to the sky as if he’s the skateboarding superman and drops in. You peer over to watch him help Hyunjae get the speed back up and help him out of the bowl before popping back onto his board. 
When Hyunjae shakily makes it out of the bowl, you pat the bench, “Come on, you deserve it…” He laughs as he removes his gear before falling onto the bench beside you. After you take another sip of your water, you ask, “Water?” He hums and takes the bottle from you before drinking some. He puts it on the ground for the two of you, and you both watch Eric. “You did well in the bowl this time!” He grins, “I’m improving.” You hum, “I think so.” 
“I’m surprised you didn’t want to practice that new trick you mastered.” 
“You mean the Ollie?” 
“It’s so fun, but I’m too tired, honey.” 
“Promise us, we’ll see you be cool next time?” 
When another voice from beside you say, “We’re holding you to that!” That’s when you see Eric standing beside the two of you. “How did you get here so quietly?” He smirks, “I’m a pro.” You laugh, “I guess so. But I promise.” And the two of them grin and tell you, “Good.” Eric smiles and goes, “Okay, now you guys gotta watch~” You both nod and watch as he heads to the other side of the skatepark, hops up onto a rail, gliding across it. And when it ends, he lands a flip off of it. Hyunjae mutters, “He’s so cool…” You laugh as you agree, “He is.” 
You watch as he heads to the cloverleaf bowl, his favorite. He blows you each a kiss and waits for you two to catch and keep them before dropping in, causing you both to giggle. You watch as he comes back up, doing a 180° turn. He picks up speed and skates around the edge of the cloverleaf. His grin makes you both happy as he rides around before heading back into it. He pops out and lands an ollie before skating along the edge of another piece of concrete and pop shoves off of it. 
You lean your head against Hyunjae’s shoulder as you watch Eric skate around. And ask, “Did you get your lunch?” He kisses the top of your head before answering, “I never leave home without it.” “What did Eric write you?” And he sings, “Sting like a bee, honey~.” You both giggle, and he asks, “What about yours?” You laugh as you remember yours, “Make your treats full of love, love.” Which makes him laugh, and you ask, “Do you think Eric grabbed our lunch note?” Hyunjae hums and goes, “Let’s find out.” “Babe! What did our note say?!” And Eric skids to a halt as he grins, “Skate on, Babe!” You both grin, and he does too, before pushing off to continue skating around, using the empty park to his advantage. You three were the only ones at the park today, but considering it was an early afternoon on a Sunday, it wasn’t surprising. Hyunjae rests his arm around your shoulder as he watches, “I wonder if Eric will show us any new tricks today.” You hum, “Maybe?” You watch him do a few kickflips before he drops back into the cloverleaf. 
It all happens so fast. One second Eric’s up, catching his board in his hand with a giant grin on his face as he spins in the air. And the next, his board slips out from under his feet, and he starts falling without it. You both watch in horror as Eric lands on his side. Since you’re the only ones in the park, you both can hear the echo of his shirt ripping as he presumably skids down and his pained groans. You both spring into action, rushing over to the cloverleaf, and find Eric clutching his knee and arm. You call out, “Nothing broke!?” As Hyunjae slides down into the bowl. You hear his voice break as he answers, “No…” You nod, “I’m gonna get the car!” Hyunjae throws his key up to you. And you catch it and run over to the car, pulling it up to the gate that leads out. 
You pop open the back seat door, and while Hyunjae carries Eric over, you grab the two boards and water you three left behind. When you get back to the car, you put the boards on the passenger side floorboard before hopping into the front seat. You check the rearview mirror as you click your seatbelt in and see Eric’s face shoved into Hyunjae’s stomach as he cries. Your heart sinks as you get your mind into gear and quickly drive the three of you home. You get out first, opening Hyunjae’s door before going, “I’ll meet you two upstairs?” Hyunjae nods as he gathers Eric in his arms. You rush up the stairs and unlock your apartment door, leaving it unlocked so Hyunjae can easily open it. 
You get out the first aid kit and clean your hands, prepping for a bloody and crying Eric. It wasn’t often that he got injured since he’s been skating since he was a kid. But when he did, it was messy. And this time was no different. Hyunjae carries him into the bathroom, and you hear him softly coo, “It’s okay, babe…” He sets him on the bathroom counter, and you give him a small smile, “Let’s get you all cleaned up, babe…” He sniffles as his tears stream down his cheeks, and he nods. You peel his ruined shirt off, and he gasps from the sting, and you quickly apologize, “Sorry…” He nods, and thankfully it’s mostly surface level on his left upper arm. 
When you grab the disinfectant spray, he recoils, “It’s not going to hurt, is it?” You shake your head, “It never has before…” He gulps, “Positive?” You nod, and you spray it over his wound, and he winces even though it isn’t painful. You clean it up with some cotton pads, carefully go over the deeper cuts. You start bandaging him up, and he lets out a little sigh as you finish up. But as you go to clean his knee, his body shivers as he lets out a sob, and you look at him, “S-sorry. It just stung when you… when you moved the air in the room.” You nod, careful not to make another gust, “It’s okay, babe. No need to apologize. I’m going to spray your knee, okay?” He breathes in deeply, trying to control his tears as you spritz the disinfectant. You notice how deep it is and look up at him again. You ask, “Did you land mainly on your knee?” He nods and hisses as you wipe away the dried blood. And he's a bawling mess all over again as you patch him up. You look at Hyunjae and see him leaning against the doorway, watching you two. He gives you a fond smile as you clean Eric's wound, and you smile back over at him. You start dressing his wound and kiss Eric’s bandage knee. Hyunjae comes over and kisses Eric’s bandaged arm, “We gotta kiss it all better, right?” Eric sniffles, “Y-Yeah…” 
Hyunjae leaves the bathroom and comes back with a soft shirt and sweatpants. “You want help into them?” He nods, and you both carefully take off his shorts and help him into the soft sweatpants, careful not to rub against his newly bandaged knee. Hyunjae helps him slip the shirt over his head and carefully over his wrapped arm. When his fluffy head pops out, Hyunjae and you share a look before kissing his cheeks. And his ears turn red, and you tease, “Now you blush, babe?” He pouts and lets out another sniffle, and you both can’t help but kiss his pout away. “Would a mango muffin make you feel all better?” He sniffles before nodding, “That would be nice.” You both help him into the living room as he lets out little hisses of pain, walking over to the couch. You sit beside him as Hyunjae gets the muffins, and Eric cuddles up to you. 
Eric leans his head against your chest, letting out a sniffle. He says, “My left side hurts bad, love…” You gasp as you run your fingers through his hair, “Did you scrape that too?” He shakes his head, “No… just in general.” You sigh, “Oh… I know, babe.” You kiss the top of his head as Hyunjae returns, “A muffin for each of us~” You take yours, and Eric happily eats his with the mango juice Hyunjae got him. 
As the three of you finally relax, you idle into easy conversations. “You were so cute, blubbering with tears.” And Eric scoffs, “I was not crying.” You laugh, “Oh, you so were.” He shakes his head, “Nuh-huh.” Hyunjae smirks, ruffling Eric’s hair, “You’re cute when you cry~” And Eric pouts, “I wasn’t…” You both giggle at his antics. You place a kiss on his cheek while Hyunjae places a kiss on his forehead. He scoffs again and crosses his arms over his chest. The action causing him to hiss in pain, but you both knew what he wanted. So, you both roll your eyes at him, and you grab his chin and bring him into a kiss. He sighs in contentment, and you both break away before Hyunjae quickly cuts in, pulling Eric’s chin towards him to kiss. When they part, you pout, “Where’s my kiss… I haven’t gotten a real one all day...” And Hyunjae laughs at you before grasping your chin and pulling you in for a kiss. When you pull away, Eric’s pouting again, “I want my injury cuddles...” You both grin at your scraped up lover, and settle happily around him, careful to not brush against his scrapes. And he settles further into the couch cushions and into your guys’ comforting holds.
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suffarustuffaru · 7 months
"i-it's not like i like you or anything but we're FRIENDS NOW. youre my friend. BUT ID STILL LEAVE YOU THE MOMENT THIS COMPANY FAILS OKAY ITS NOTHING PERSONAL" and proceeds to like clean up corpses for this guy on the down low. (Otto bdsm post)
I just find that last part so funny to compare pride if Otto with. Pride If "Otto was forced into destroying the kingdom for Subaru" vs Envy If "Otto was stopped from destroying the empire for Subaru" I'd love for those two to be able to talk.
haah i love how you quoted my own otto bdsm post... HAH (it is once again funny to me that ive opened pandoras box on this blog man........ now i get bdsm asks.... literally a dream come true and none of my mutuals will let me live it down BHAHA)
anyway!!! yeah yeah pride if otto vs envy otto are soo soo funny to compare <3 pfft i think ive seen you around in the comment section of my pride otto multichapter fic (ty once again for the nice comments and cool asks :O !!) but no yeah like pride and main otto are really funny. but the parallels too are super interesting..... you summarized them really well pfft.
like.... the way pride otto is Forced to do these things for pridebaru. like of course pride otto barely gets any screentime but theres stuff implied yknow? like he has to meet with subaru often, hes the messenger boy of sorts between subaru and russell fellow, otto also delivers the poison that kills julius, otto also dies somehow off screen before the climax of pride if.... and then main otto over here Choosing repeatedly to follow subaru and die for subaru and do all these sorts of things for subaru HAH - the contrast is really really strong!!
like of course wrath if otto is also a debt slave like pride if otto, but pride if otto's his own flavor of unique just bc hes forced to stay in proximity to subaru when he either may not want to or he feels similar to subaru (who goes "maybe in another life we couldve made good friends, but this Isnt that life")!! seeing how jaded and empty pride if otto is is super fascinating, bc you can kind of see the origins of it in main otto's tendency for cynicism and ruthlessness !!
but also on another level i feel like pride otto would be soooo confused and disgusted hearing about main otto. pride otto might be out here like "so not only are you friends with this guy but youre his boytoy too???? lmfao you loser" HAH
but yeah i think itd be fun for them to meet. pride if otto, the otto who never made friends and only learned to harden his heart and be forced to be an accomplice to horrible crimes...... main otto, the otto who made friends and is so so painfully devoted but it drives him to do drastic things some times.... crimes in the name of love versus being forced to assist in it.... like main otto learned how to make friends, learned the power of friendship with other people, but his loyalty is "poisoning" him while pride otto supplied the poison that kills julius...... ough......... and pride otto dies at the end...... all alone.... poisoned by other people, poisoned by what he had to do.....
but also i think my favorite bit of pride otto trivia is that word of god thing that pride otto took advantage of the fire and went to go kill russell fellow before he died.... specifically to avenge frufoo, his ground dragon.... like. ough. pain. absolute pain. pride ottos last act was to kill his main abuser??? to avenge his one and only friend????? im gonna bawl my eyes out HAHHA. but it seems that the power of friendship may have briefly won for a second there.... :,))) like im sure ottos most definitely killing russell fellow also bc thats Literally the guy that enslaved him but - the way its specifically noted that ottos main reason was Frufoo. im sobbing on the floor.
anyway i completely forgot where i was going with this but in conclusion pride otto is such a guy. 20 seconds of screentime??? dude stomped over my heart in 20 seconds. and if he met main otto i think he'd either go "wtf is wrong with you why would you do all of this for subaru??? him??? that CLOWN???? why???" or pride otto would wanna strangle main otto for being so lucky HAH. pride otto learns frufoo is still alive and well in main route and pride otto instantly launches himself at main otto like a feral cat -
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kojandra · 6 months
Things that made me cry in episode 7:
- hae in trying to decide if she’s angry or betrayed or sad when she finds out about divorce papers
- hae in staring at hyun Woo’s ring when he asks her where’s she’s going at this hour
- hae in having no energy to feel anything anymore bc she gave up when she realized he did
- hae in replaying all their moments in the elevator and crying
- hyun woo staring at her ring as she walks away after saving her from the semi
- hyun realizing she has no hope, desire, or love, so he opts for hatred at the expense of his well being to try and make her have something to live for again 😭😭
- the camera panning out farther and farther with every hurtful word hyun woo is saying to her as he distances himself from her 😭😭😭
- Dahye realizing she cares about soocheol
- Hyun woo saying he doesn’t feel hopeless because hae in cried and it made him upset that he made her cry
- Hyun woo trying to greet beom ja but she ignores him bc she’s mad 😭😭😭
- “I won’t get fooled that easily” “but I did it” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- hae in observing the funeral hall so intently as if she wanted to book the same one but she has no one to mourn her bc even hyun woo doesn’t care about her anymore BUT 😭😭😭😭😭
- all the talk about angels….theres too many parallels what if it becomes reality 😭😭😭
- even if I lose my memory down the road, I will never forget what you did to me. You let go of my hand when; was the most helpless 😭😭😭😭😭 GIRLIEEEE
- (this doesn’t rly count but I had tears in my eyes from the previous scene okay) WHEN EUNSEONG ASKED IF HE CAN REPLACE HYUN WOO AND SHE LOOKED DISGUSTED I SLMOST STARTED FPCRYING FROM ANGER 🤢🤢🤢🤢
- Hyun woo being able to spot his wife even when he’s driving in heavy rain and she’s crouched on the side of the street
- hae in and hyun woo both having their own cats that they feed
- when she started talking to him softly and without anger 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
- when she is using the umbrella that he gave her three years ago 😭😭😭😭
- the slow realization on hyunwoo’s face that she lost her recent memories
- hae in brushing the rain off his right shoulder that parallels the scene from before where she just looked at it and got mad again 😭😭😭😭😭
- BAEK HYUN WOO, *nuzzles into his neck* I LOVE YOU *pats his back in comforting gestures*
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thesoleilla · 4 months
So. First off. Yuuichi. My baby boy. He did no wrong
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This is Yuuichi knowing he's going to die. This is Yuuichi trying not to make his friends suffer because of his death. Trying to seem like the worst scum ever so they don't have anything good to remember of him. So that they're almost relieved he's dead. This panel hurts me to my core (just like the entire chapter did)
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He just knows he's gonna die in this one. He's grateful he did. Sacrificing himself for everyone. It just feels so real. Following Yuka's rule of friends being the most important thing in the end. Literally sacrificing himself for them.
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And this. All of his old friends just giving him up. Not understanding him. Seeing him just like he wants them to see him. In the end, they always saw what Yuuichi wanted them to see of him. Just the mask he put up, nothing else.
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Only to be immediately contrasted with Kei. Now if you know me a bit, you know I am a hardcore Kei x Yuuichi shipper so OF COURSE I bawled my eyes out, but this is out of topic. Kei and Satone, both people who don't know Yuuichi for nearly as long as the others do. Both people who constantly try to see below the mask he puts up. Satone, with her "instinct" and all that shit, but most importantly, Kei. Ever since Yuuichi agreed to work with him, Kei has been trying his hardest to try to learn stuff about Yuuichi. His past, his psychology, everything. He was absolutely fascinated with this dude. So much so, that he understands him better than any of the people who have known him for years do. Sees behind the heartless manipulator facade he has been putting up all game, despite not even knowing how he was outside of the game.
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And this. Kei cares y'all. He cares a lot. Ever since he was born, he saw everyone as idiots, never understanding them truly. But now he finally found someone who he understood. Someone he actually liked. Got along with. Found interesting. Smart. Someone who, also, could understand him. Only for that someone to be misunderstood by everyone. Making Kei resort back to saying everyone are idiots, just mad they don't understand the one thing he did understand.
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I don't even have anything to say about this one, it was just so satisfying. Such raw emotion coming from Kei.
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HE HAS JUST BEEN GOING THROUGH EVERY EMOTION IN THE BOOK. NOW THAT HE LET HIS ANGER OUT, ALL OF THE SAD HE BOTTLED UP EVER SINCE HE REALIZED YUUICHI'S PLAN IS COMING OUT. He started to feel in the norm again. Slowly. With his basketball team, but even more over the course of the game, with Satone, Tenji, but of course mostly with Yuuichi. And now, he is terrified of falling back to where he came from. A part of me believes Kei found a sense of belonging over the course of the Tomodachi game, so the idea of it ending hurts. And of course, there's the elephant in the room, Yuuichi dying.
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Kei has always considered himself a genius, not needing others. Yet, he admits that he needs help in this very moment. Even asks for it. I wrote something bigger and shit, ask me in my ask box if you wanna talk about it but Tumblr deleted it and I am too lazy to type it
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And of course, despite the choice of who head give the win to not mattering, Yuuichi deliberately chose Shiho. A final present, even though he knew she'd hate him and that he wanted her to hate him.
Tumblr won't let me put any more pictures so screw it, but let's talk about yuuichi's personal task. The Parallel to the first game. I like to think of it as the administrators testing if Yuuichi changed over the course of the game. Which he proves he didn't. Not only sacrificing money this time, but also his own life.
Anyways, this is the end of my yapping for now, any Tomodachi game fans still alive please interact I need people to talk about it with, my ask box is always openn
Also, I write fanfic, so hit me up with any request
Sorry for all the yapping, take care y'all
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ari194 · 1 year
First of all, just major spoiler warnings for the wolf 359 finale. Second of all this is gonna be a long post of just all the thoughts while I listen to the finale.
God I love the beginning with Cutter and Pryce like just that whole story time back and forth is so so good
Adding Hera and Eiffel's first meeting also hurts so good I can't. Just the little smile you can hear in Eiffel's chuckle and voice after Hera's "good boy" and the immediate establishment of them being partners in crime from the get go, just not even five minutes of knowing each other and they were already breaking rules together, words cannot describe how much I adore them
"These people have taken our lives away from us" line is so good, Renee Minkowski is t h e leader and I love her with my whole heart. She could rally me to do anything
"your dad loves you, your dad loves you so much" those are his last words to his daughter while he remembers her. fuck fuck f u c k. Christ this shit hurts. I love this podcast so much
Eiffel and Minkowski getting to laugh together one last time before everything goes down is so so good
"Goddammit Renee don't do this" and my heart b r e a k s
The fucking score in this episode is so so excellent the dramatic piano and just the everything about the pacing of the music is executed masterfully Alan Rhodey is a god
Dougie no, stop no self deprecating in this household. Also holy fuck just got hit with the "I can't do this" from Eiffel holy im being devastated with every second that goes by, we love parallels in this household
"you're just going to have to trust me"
"with my life darling, with my life" I love them so much eiffera has my entire heart forever 😭
Eiffera again hitting me with the "I can do this" "Of course you can darling" just her being able to confidently state her abilites and Eiffel not questioning her for a second, complete faith in Hera and always supporting her without hesitation.
God I love Kepler God I love him so much his reveal is everything his last lines are everything his last act is everything I can't I can't I can't.
"The beautiful thing is, I don't need you to be" is just such a fucking good line I will never ever ever get over it.
Also, harpoon?!
It's the fact that all I had to hear was the sound of the mind sweep and I started to completely come apart. I'll always love and hate that they didn't let Doug say his last words to Hera.
Wolf 359 will always always always be my absolute favorite piece of media to exist ever. Nothing will ever top it and I will never be able to love something as deep as I love Wolf 359. Just the fact that they saved the world they saved all of humanity and they would have all died with no one ever knowing a thing if it wasn't for Jacobi, Wolf 359 could have so easily ended as a tragedy and still been a good and wonderful piece of media but it's the fact that they got their somewhat bitter mostly sweet happy ending that sets it apart. It's the question of what makes the self, what makes a person themselves, it's that even while bawling your eyes out there will still be lines that make you laugh through it, it's every heartbreak throughout the show and the finale finally having the payoff of getting to hear them be safe and go home. They're battered, wounded, and bruised but they're alive and they are all going to start again. It's the last scene being our original 3 voice actors and the fact that when Doug goes "spending time with you two was the best damn thing to ever happen to him" there was never any doubt that he was talking about Minkowski and Hera.
I will never be over Wolf 359, and I will always be grateful I stumbled upon it and had the chance to fall in love with it. Anyway thanks for coming to my Ted talk I'm gonna go sob some more for a few hours.
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Sonic Movie 2 Rewatch Live Reaction
tSame deal as the first let’s GO
It was what properly got me into the fandom and made me wanna write stuff I’m sorry
I love the opening so so much
“The question is, for whom am I narrating this?”
Eggman absolutely kills three people in the beginning of this one
God I have such fond memories of laughing about the probable death count with friends
Oh I want a size comparison between him and Sonic and Tails IMMEDIATELY
Sonic absolutely ends up shorter than both of his brothers absolutely
Imagine if the third movie opens with Eggman finding Shadow and Shadow starts manipulating him to parallel this
Hi hi Sonic my friend I love you mwah mwah
This movie makes me so so so happy
That drawer has a lot of stuff in it I love it so much
So does he um. Does he get traumatic flashbacks to the moment BEFORE everything went to shit with Longclaw?
Ooookay so like. Sonic loses his first night of sleep when he does the crime stuff. First night of no sleep plus using his powers plus physical activity. Loses his second night of sleep when Eggman and Knuckles attack the house. Second night of no sleep plus using his powers plus physical activity plus getting hurt. He does get in at least a couple hours in Siberia but considering they arrived when it was already dark, spent probably a couple hours partying, slept in a probably not super comfy spot, and then woke up in the day I’m willing to bet not a super great quality of sleep and not super long either. And then a SUPER long day of adventuring in which Sonic almost died multiple times. Boy must have passed the fuck out after getting back home. Hmmm. Do I add insomnia to the list of mental illnesses
Poor Tom and Maddie trying to properly parent Sonic must be really hard
On one hand. Hearing Sonic say “You’re supposed to be my friend, stop trying to be my dad,” breaks my heart. On the other. Lol lmao Sonic friendzoned his own fucking DAD
“Being a hero is about taking responsibility for other people” oh okay so Sonic is Tails’ hero and Tom is Sonic’s hero okay cool I’m totally not gonna go bawl my eyes out
“You don’t choose that moment. That moment chooses you,” So nic choosing Tom in the first movie.... oughohgsuru my mental illnesses are going CRAZY rn /pos
“My dad taught me this lesson in this very boat and now I teach it to you in the same boat.” “Okay bestie”
Portal scene is os so so cute
Tails arriving in the human world and immediately stealing a cop car vs kleptomaniac Sonic stealing everything he’s ever needed or wanted in his entire life FIGHT
“So whatever is is you’re doing I’m sure you can undo it by the time we get back-”
Third time Sonic has been attacked/threatened in his home :(
Oh he’s going RIGHT for the kill
Sonic’s tone when he says “I get it,” sticks in my head 24/7
Brother meet brother
Insane that Sonic met Knuckles before he met Tails
Idris Elba arrived on set ready to give the best vocal performance of the century and I am so happy about it
Second time his home has gotten destroyed by an echidna :(
Second time it’s gotten destroyed by Eggman too :(
So if the powers can be activated with emotions does that mean Knuckles is always either in pain or angry
Okay so if Sonic’s got the eye glowy thing. And Knuckles has got the eye glowy thing. And powers are triggered by strong emotion/personal revelation. What if Tails gets the eye glowy thing after the “because you just told me, fox boy!” scene in movie 3
Rouge gets the eye glowy thing after seeing the Master Emerald
Me and my friend were losing our MINDS when we first saw this scene
Ah yes time for the Eggman yassification scene
“Earth is my turf, g. If you don’t know how to floss you’ll be lost without me.” “I understand nothing of what you just said.”
So uh did Wade know about all of this and then just NOT contact Tom?
Sonic absolutely has some trauma from Knuckles so sorry
When my friend saw the Master Emerald she said “oh my god is that the thing Sonic uses to turn blond?!”
Is that the first time Sonic ever heard Longclaw say that she loved him
He has the same little belt things he uses in the games cus his gloves are too big
Can’t believe Agent Stone outfruited Sonic the Hedgehog
In this world we don’t say “I love you” we say “I never stopped steaming your Austrian goat’s milk”
“trained in all forms of lethal combat” does Knuckles know how to use a gun
Sonic in the first movie: I want a friend (gets a friend)
Sonic in the second movie: I want... multiple friends (gets multiple friends and also a dad and a mom)
Sonic in the third movie: I want... a BOYFRIEND (Shadow breaks down the door and attempts to kill him)
I don’t even ship Sonadow all that much but PLEASE it would be so funny. I know they’re gonna make him have a crush on Amy but pls I want the writers to trip ass backwards into implying he has a thing for Shadow as well it would be the funniest possible characterization
“Don’t worry! On Earth, people are very welcoming and love taking complete strangers into their homes!”
Sonic DEFINITELY got grounded for lying directly to Tom about where he was
The. The freaks scene. Oh so many thoughts too little words
Unironically love the dance scene. Especially since everyone in that bar was probably completely smashed at that point in the night
If we get any adventure 2 poses in the third movie I’ll cry and scream and sob and wail and vomit an
I wanna see Rouge do some of her poses please it would be so cool
LOVE the animation in this movie
When I saw the chaos emeralds for the first time in the movie I screamed out loud cus I knew we were getting Super Sonic
Just realized Longclaw’s entire existence implies the Babylons. Oh I want a Riders movie so bad I wanna see Wave beefing with an 8 year old so bad
Imagine if there was like a little side pod on the thing Eggman rode in for Knuckles. That would be so funny
Sonic hurling the missile at Knuckles. Oh that was a murder attempt. Or at least he did not care if it killed Knuckles
Get therapy the both of you
Second movie feels like so much more of an ADVENTURE i love it
You can visibly see Knuckles start to reconsider when he sees Sonic go to help Tails instead of for the compass
Skipping wedding scene because second-hand embarrassment bad
Oh my god I forgot Sonic got tased right in front of Tom and Maddie. And then shoved into the cage. Btw it’s my personal headcanon that the cage was electrified so he couldn’t get out without hurting himself. Or maybe they’d threatened to kill Tom/Tails if he tried to escape
Oh just realized the compass has gems which are the colors of the Chaos Emeralds on them. Maybe it’ll be used next movie to find them
Sonic deciding to run across the ocean for hundreds of miles all alone against the wishes of everyone else despite knowing it could KILL him is something that lives in my head rent free. Baby girl there is something wrong with you and that thing is self destructive behavior bordering on suicidal impulses.
“I’m not letting anyone else get hurt because of me” :(
He really went from running across a lake while clinging to a boat while his dad was there to having an argument with his dad and then running across an ocean for hundreds of miles ALONE in a storm and almost drowning
He has two almost drowning sequences in this movie MAN
Movie Knuckles is SO SMALL compared to humans but also SO BIG compared to the other Mobians
Rouge has gotta be at least as tall as him in the third movie
Robotnik coming up with like. Innocent sounding nicknames that he says in a mean way. i HAVE to include that in Empty Space and the AU that is slowly forming in my head
Robotnik. Fondness for electricity. Hmmmm. Sonic with electric looking powers. Hmmm
“Because my destiny is to protect my friends and family.” HE SAID FAMILY ALREADY
Only thinking about Knuckles giving Sonic fighting lessons after this movie
The scene where Sonic beats Knuckles into the rock is so FUCKING cool they better give him even more cool scenes in the third movie I wanna go apeshit in the theater
Thinking SO hard about the one shot where Sonic is holding his arm after Knuckles almost kills him
The brief hesitation before Knuckles says “friend” breaks my heart
“Chaos is power”
Sonic actively diving into water to save someone who just almost killed him. Oh my god baby you are a hero 
Idk why but Sonic’s mild obsession with being perceived as manly comes off as very transfem to me. I’m making her transfem now you can’t stop me
Did Knuckles have to drag Sonic both up out of the temple and then all the way back to the island? That must have been traumatizing for Sonic
Sonic throwing sand at Knuckles immediately... I love her... love them so much. 
Movie Sonic having brothers now is something that can be so personal to me. Everybody either adopts her or she adopts them
Knuckles starting to rib Sonic immediately after bonding with her is something that can be so personal to me
Transfem movie Sonic meeting Amy in third movie and having her egg cracked is something I HAVE to write as soon as that movie comes out. Like she meets Amy and goes “oh that dress looks so nice I would look good in that dress” and then goes “WAIT” 
Trans man Eggman and trans woman SOnic. Trans mlm/trans wlw violence
Agent Stone and Eggman are SO fruity on main
Wade gets so much shit in these movies and he’s just vibing. 
Trans fem Sonic realizing she’s trans and then immediately being like. Well now I have to be the prettiest girl sorry Mom it’s a competition now
“Doctor! Take me with you!” and then Eggman DID
If the Master Emerald did turn thoughts in reality the world would be SCREWED if I had it
Big brother Knuckles and little brother Tails and middle sister Sonic is something that can be SO personal to me specifically
Sonic just got SMACKED off that plane holy shit
Movie Knuckles is like twice the size of the other Mobians I love him so much
Better see Knuckles being a protective older brother in the next movie
Also I still love the idea of movie Sonic being like 13-14 and the others being their normal age. Knuckles is horrified when he learns what Sonic’s age is and Sonic doesn’t give a shit and just starts calling him an old man
Sonic experiences SO much in this movie like leave her ALONE
Maddie and Tom are so ride or die for their daughter I love this family unit so much
Movie Sonic realizing that she is loved and has a family seconds before “dying” vs Tails seeing the person he’s come to view as family plus extended family “die” in front of him
Movie Sonic comes out as trans to Robotnik and Robotnik sighs and goes “guess I have to make Metal Sonic a girl now” and Sonic just go “wait what”
Trans fem Sonic not giving a shit about pronouns but every time someone refers to her as a girl she gets the most intense wave of gender euphoria
So she definitely sent the Chaos Emeralds into space. Hope we get other zones in the next movie
Oh my god everyone but Sonic is so dirty. She stays winning.
Main movie over. Credits look so good tho and I LOVE the song
Movie over I am going fucking INSANE I love them all os much. Trans fem Sonic I am holding you so gently. 
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here friend, hoping your in the mood for some incoherent Friday rambling because that's where I'm at right now and have been for days. First off, i think we should both thank and curse the new intern 911 hired, who apparently switched out the promo team's decaf for some Columbian dark roast. Seriously after spending the first half of the season practically catatonic between episodes suddenly we can't catch a break for even 24 hours before the next unhinged thing comes out. Next, let's
thank Mr. Ryan Guzman for looking at his character's scene notes, apparently rolling his eyes, and deciding to take matters into his own hands. Look, I'm not trying to say the rest of the 118 doesn't look devastated, but Eddie looks like he's about to start bawling on the floor and that's the real reason he grabbed Chim. I'll come back to this but his moments sure don't hit like pure platonic concern, there is some real desperation there. Also not to bring up KR rambling but lady if you were so surprised by Ryan's performance and didn't want it to come across like THAT, aren't you in charge? Couldn't you make the call and say "I need you to give me less"?? Anyway, the parallels between this and Eddie's shooting are ridiculous, so I also gave to think if this isn't going somewhere what the fuck is the point?? Why go through all this trouble to make it so obvious and heartfelt and hurt so much if it just goes back to business as usual?? That more than anything would piss me off. Yes, let Buck learn a thing or two about his own worth (we've only been waiting SEASONS for it), but also can we stop pretending putting these two specific characters in these life and death scenarios where they have to watch the other dying and their whole world looks like it's coming apart doesn't mean anything?? Finally (for now) here's what I'd like to see next episode. We know Buck is going to see the people he loves but not in the way he knows he knows them. So I'd love to be what prompts him to wake is seeing Chris. But not just any version of him. This Chris is an orphan, his mom died and there wasn't anyone to save his Dad from getting shot. He lives with his grandparents (pre Ramon reckoning), he had to go to them since there was no other parent in Eddie's life to take care of him. So this bright, brave kid is now sad and scared of the world, and Buck knows its wrong. I'll leave you with this mess of thoughts 😭.
Hello friend! We had people over this evening so I'm trying to get this done before I get to bed because I really do need to clear out my inbox (RIP to everyone who came to be salty with me and KR's interviews because we immediately got sneak peeks and poker stills and DO MORE, and my brain went offline).
Seriously, I don't know who started slipping the promo team cocaine but damn. Let us REST for a second! Between them and the fandom coming out in FORCE to wreck us or be horny on main, it's A Lot and I need sleep!
Ryan is out here giving us The Most and KR acting *shocked pikachu* about it just shows how much she sleeps on Ryan as an actor and Eddie as a character.I rewatched 6x10 and like, I know he's got a lot next episode but for a premier maybe we could have checked in with him and Chris since we checked in with literally everyone else at their homes? I'm trying not to be too negative because after s5 and 6a, this is THEE most excited I've been in awhile and I really do think the show is at least trying to course correct after....whatever TF 6a was and the weirdness of s5.
And the stuff with Eddie, it's like, you're right they COULD tell him to do less! They could say "this is what we're looking for" or at least "this is what we're NOT looking for" but clearly his actions were signed off on and made it to air knowing full well what people would see when they watched it. And what you see is a man desperately broken by the possibility of losing his partner. Which is GREAT if the show is working on a s7 Buddie reveal plan (I'm with @outrunningthedark I don't think they want to overshadow the Madney moment coming up which is fine), but it's....disappointing when there is so much good stuff going on right now and all KR wants to talk about is how much fun they had forcing Eddie "they're not really my type" Diaz to casually date randos because that's something he's ever been interested in doing. He really seems like a guy that enjoys wasting his limited free time meeting lots of new people only interested in getting into his pants instead of taking care of his partner who literally died for several minutes, and doing things with his son. Sure Jan. FFS, read the room! Or read the character profile before you start throwing storylines at the wall to see what sticks (lookin' at you sperm donor plot that is apparently giving Nothing). Yeah, yeah, managing expectations with a showrunner like her is good, but it's also a lot of whiplash right now between what we're seeing on our screens and what she's trying to TELL us we're seeing on our screens. I'm just so sick of them giving what should be THEE moment for Buddie only to follow it up by shoving some woman between them like "oh, nothing to see here!" Give me a break. And then what are they going to do for the actual reveal? How are they going to raise the stakes AGAIN? How are they going to be like, "yeah this is the 5th time one of us has almost died, but THIS time it's allowed to be an "Oh" moment for us because TPTB finally signed off on it!" 🙄🙄🙄 On the bright side, the Buddie of it all has kept the show trending off an on for almost two weeks and will certainly continue through next week so at least whoever is paying attention to that stuff and saw how dead everything was after the finale has some comparison to work with!
Sad an lonely Chris would be HEARTBREAKING and my heart couldn't take it! 😭😭😭 That boy deserves ONLY good things! I will say I am a little...not mad but I am certainly side-eyeing this coma storyline seeming to be about how Buck's work as a firefighter is what changed everyone's lives because like, YES him being at the 118 changed everything for everyone, but also this is the guy who panic-sued the department to get back to work because he felt worthless if he wasn't doing his job. Which we then found out stemmed from childhood trauma and neglect, but right now, for where he's at, he's not questioning his choice of job so he doesn't need a push like Eddie to come back to where he belongs. And he's already wrapped up in a storyline that SHOULD be about him giving up parts and pieces of himself to make other's happy at cost to his own happiness (though right now we don't know WHAT it's suppose to be about since he's not going to struggle with walking away per Oliver and he's not learning anything so what's the point?). So how is better for him to be facing a life where Daniel lived and he's loved and happy (which is what they've been making it sound like) but everyone at the 118 is a mess without him, proving that it's better for everyone ELSE if he sacrifices everything and doesn't get the happy life he always dreamed of? Like I'm not trying to be negative and I'm still REALLY excited about the episode (as you can see from my unhinged posting this week) and I just KNOW everyone's performances are going to slay us, and this storyline might go differently than I'm expecting and be something really great! But I'm just...getting my side-eyes out because if KR has proved anything it's that she can't plan a fucking arc for shit, and she lacks a basic understanding of the trauma and driving forces behind the characters.
Final note because I didn't want to end on that one, I think everyone in the firefam deserves an Emmy for what they're going to give us and I am READY for their reactions to rip my heart out and stomp on it. It is TIME Buck wakes up with his REAL family around his bed and knows how very much he is loved for just being Buck and how hard they fought to bring him back to them, because he's their family and they CHOOSE him. Buck is always the one being left, but he's going to wake up and hear how everyone he loves begged him to stay with them. It's going to be *delicious*
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*COMES CRASHING IN, SWIVELS HEAD TO AND FRO WILDLY, SPOTS YOU, respectfully GRABS AND SHAKES YOU A LA CAN OF SODAPOP* Normie, my dearest, I don't know what I've managed to do but all I know, is like many of my brainchildrens, I must share them with you.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
// (🫐🩵 a playlist inspired by our own little blue star :: 
Pompeii – Bastille
I Wouldn’t Mind – He Is We
Car’s Outside – James Arthur
Once Upon A December – Christy Altomare
Hero – Cash Cash ft. Christina Perri 
Sparks – Coldplay [bro, scenario?
- reader experiencing a bout of survivor’s guilt, chest utterly gaping with hurt and emptiness and loss; head in hands, glossy eyes, looking to gaze up at their bedroom ceiling or the stars if they’re outside …
(“My heart is yours / It's you that I hold on to / That's what I do / And I know I was wrong / But I won't let you down / Oh yeah, I will, yeah, I will, yes, I will / I said, oh / I cry, oh) the lyrics resonate so bad I'm bawling—]
brb bro crying i want to wrap reader + casey (bc techs, this all works for him too :’DD <//3) up in a blanket burrito n’ protect them from every and any harmful thing)
Atlantis – Seafret (og + slowed/reverb, both work)
SNAP – Rosa Linn (♪ Snappin’ one, two, where are you? You’re still in my heart. ♪)
A Thousand Years – Christina Perri
Dos Oruguitas – Sebastián Yatra 
Home / Gone, Gone, Gone – Phillip Phillips
Happier Than Ever – Billie Eilish [the opening verse is such a contrast to the rest of the song, it gave me vibey vibes y'know?]
Pluto Projector – Rex Orange County
Here With Me – d4vd
somewhere only we know (slowed/reverb) – ghostly echoes, creamy, and 11:11 music group
Goodbye to a World – Porter Robinson [some of the edits they have under this song are absolute gut-wrenching but it fits so so well-]
// Thank you / I'll say goodbye soon :: now / Though it's the end of the world, Don't blame yourself now / And if it's true / I will surround you / And give life to a world / That's our own.
[need i say more ahsdhd]
One More Song – Vivo 
// So, all I have to do is sing louder than my fear
I need you here for
One more song
Just one more
You need an encore
I need to go, get there in time for the show
Let everybody know there's
One more song
Just one more
Time to be strong for
The journey ahead, sing through the doubt
Sign through the dread, with a scream and a shout
Break through the fear like the sun through the clouds
Like you're still here, no crying allowed
I'll try to get out, I'll try to be strong
Yes, I'm moving on
It's time for one more song~ //
Like?? The vibes are off the charts, I’m telling you. the resonation in this between reader (vivo) and leo (andres) is insanity.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
╰┈➤ Now when I say 'playlist', it thinly translates to "songs I came across on my freelancing YouTube Music which just wanted me to thrive yet suffer ig—" THAT, and I'll probably add more that come to mind, but this is good for now!
a lot of the lyrics in these songs resonated heavily within me like bass to an early 2000's rap song or extreme Vine edit and even though I didn't edit down all of 'em I know you got the gist from the few I did!!
no but seriously, these songs are all a fickle amalgamation of both: songs from autoplay and ones I had at the ready in my mental repertoire that I searched up, so-o-o-o~
take it as you will, dandybubble! 🌼🫧 *[/p] hand smooch 💖, gallop-leaps off into the nearby wheat fields like a gallant stallion 🐎*
If I may add afew-
anarchy - egg
heros - emmie curie
You Will Be Ok (Stolas' Lullaby) - from Helluva Boss
ESPECIALLY this one line at the end
"And when creation goes to die, you can find me in the sky.
Upon the last day, and you will be ok..."
Goodbye - Bo Burnham
That's all I really have to add at the moment- YOU TRUELY ARE A GENIUS MY DEAREST PETAL (/p)
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Hi, it’s me, Fanfic Anon #2. While I know not to give the Closer any credit or think it’s accurate at all, the article this week on Brigitte being really worried about Emmanuel’s safety given everything going on did give me this idea. Hope you all enjoy (and have a good weekend!)
She had been clingy over the last couple of weeks, and he had begun to notice. Not that he would ever complain about extra physical attention from his wife: holding him just a little longer, a little tighter when they hugged, carefully carding her fingers through his hair any chance she got, insisting she sticks to his side like glue all weekend, insisting on being the big spoon why they slept, but he knew something was up.
"Chérie?" He asked gently one Saturday morning at the breakfast table, sun streaming in from the window as they ate in peace fingers of one hand intertwined as they did so.
"Mhmm?" She acknowledged around a mouthful of pastry.
Squeezing her hand gently, he continued, "what’s wrong?"
"What do you mean ‘what’s wrong?’"
"I mean, not that I’m complaining, you know how much I love it when you hold me, but I’ve noticed you’ve been a little more intense with the PDA lately, so I know something is going on. Whatever it is, chérie, we can talk about it.
"Is it your birthday? Are you worried that I’m not going to love you anymore or find you so damn attractive? Are you making up for lost time since I’ve been on so many trips lately?" He desperately listed trying to find the cause so he could offer his reassurance.
He hates when she worries herself for no reason. She told him when they first started dating she was an awful worrier, and while he knew he had done a lot to help ease some of those worries, there was always more he could be missing.
"It’s not that," she answered quietly.
"Then what is it? Mon cœur, let me help you," he begged.
"I’m scared," she admitted, tears coming to her eyes.
"What are you afraid of?" He asked gently, squeezing her hand for comfort.
"Of something happening to you," she whispered.
"Given everything right now, I -"
"Oh," he said quietly at that, thinking back to the way her actions now paralleled a few years ago when another movement scared her to death. He knows she still bears those emotional scars. ‘Of course she’s frightened,’ he thought to himself, mentally slapping himself for missing the obvious.
"I can’t let anything happen to you," she continued as if she didn’t hear his interruption. "I can’t. I can’t lose you."
"Hey, hey, hey," he comforted, springing up from his side of the table to wrap her in his arms and pull her into his chest as she started bawling, he gently soothed with "shhs" and rubbing circles on her back.
"Nothing’s going to happen to me," he told her when she finally had calmed down a little. "Do you understand me, Brigitte? I am always, always going to come home to you. Safe, sound, and happy because I am coming home to you."
"I’m sorry."
"What are you sorry for? You have every right to feel what you feel."
"I’m sorry for scaring you."
"Oh, chérie, you didn’t. I meant it, I wasn’t complaining. I love when you hold me just a little tighter or just a little longer, I love when you run your hands through my hair. I just also know how much you love when I hold you at night, so when you kept insisting on being the big spoon I knew something was up. That’s all." He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, before continuing, very seriously, "I love you more than anything else in this world. If you ever, ever feel like this is too much I need you to talk to me, okay?"
"Okay," she nodded into him.
"Now, if you’re done with breakfast," he smiled stepping back to offer her his hands to stand up, "I have something planned to reassure my wife just how okay I am," he winked before pulling her back towards their bedroom.
Hellooo fanfic Anon #2! ❤️
Oh my heart 🥺 Yes, I can definitely imagine Brigitte being worried sick for him everytime he gets out of the Élysée. I still remember after being slapped by that idiot, how protective she was of him, always holding his arm, hand in shoulder etc
Emmanuel trying to reassure her... so beautiful tho 🤧🥰
Thank you so much, fanfic Anon #2! ❤️❤️❤️
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