#the part i'll never forget was when I said I had to go for dinner and thank you all for playing
alienjaes · 6 months
Still thinking about the group of randos I played a game with the other night, and just how Human it felt. (Long think-thonk below)
One of my close friends asked me to play a game with him since it had been a while, and for the first few waves it was just us. Then some randoms started to trickle in, and we all had a great time surviving together.
But it's the camaraderie that developed that really struck me. Like, I wasn't on voice with anyone (even my friend) so it was all text-based, with my friend and I talking the most. But the sense of "these people are all my friends, and I want to protect them" despite knowing much of anything about them was so visceral it makes me happy and sad to think about.
Like this one player, they were the same character as I was, so our emotes had the same voice lines. Between every wave, we started emoting at each other, crouching and jumping, a sort of platonic intimacy between gamers if you will. And I felt this closeness with all of them.
Someone takes a long time buying something while everyone else leaves? I will wait with them, because I care about them as much as I care about my friend, and I will stick with them so they survive.
Someone gets separated from the group? I will risk my life to go to them and make sure they stay alive, because they are so incredibly important to me despite knowing so little about them.
When we win a particularly difficult wave with just one person surviving, I feel this incredible wash of pride in all of them, knowing we tried our best.
I had to leave for dinner after only an hour and some with these people, and I genuinely felt sad about it, because they were so dear to me that it hurt to say goodbye.
I've always had these feelings when I play games with randoms - if we are in the game together, you are my friend, even if we're on opposing teams.
This time though, it felt so much more real, everything was heightened to the point of being almost too much. It felt so Human to feel that closeness within the group.
I can't say if anyone else felt anything close to what I did, since most of them never spoke a word, but i'll never forget them, especially the person with the same character as me.
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chosopie · 3 months
y/n will slowly grow to love Conqueror Sukana. Just as long as Yuji keeps his title and is happy and safe
SUMMARY: It has been weeks since the day of your grand wedding. Sukuna agreed to give your brother Yuji his share of power. Ever since then, you have been spending more time with him, soon growing to enjoy his company.
cw: fluff, you and Sukuna becoming softies
: ̗̀➛ part 2
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"You will make sure Yuji gets his title. He's my brother, my blood. I will see to it that he will have access to privileges and resources of this kingdom," You sternly ordered, your eyes intensely staring at your husband Sukuna.
"Damn, do you talk a lot, woman. It's only been a couple weeks and you're starting to nag like an old wife," Sukuna groaned.
"My wishes must be fulfilled," you narrowed your eyes at him.
"And what will you do if they aren't, princess?" He arrogantly smiled at you, amusement glinting from his eyes.
"I’m not a princess. I am the queen and I could send you into exile."
Sukuna laughed at you. "How bold of you. You can't do that."
"You forget that my people are loyal to me, the true blood of this kingdom."
"You forget that I single-handedly killed your pathetic man and his army," He looms over you, his chest right in front of your face.
"Only, because I allowed it. I needed someone more capable like you," You admitted, trying to hold together what remained of your pride while commending your husband. When he smirked in response, you instantly regretted letting those words leave your mouth. To your dismay, that surely fed Sukuna's large ego, keeping it full and satisfied.
"That's all you had to say, brat,” He beamed. “You have my word. The little rascal gets what he needs and I'll protect him." Sukuna reaches over your head, ruffling the hair you had just tidied up.
“Hey!” You groaned, your hands patting and combing your hair in an attempt to return it to its previous state. Sukuna and his ego was a handful, but you knew deep down there had to be a soft spot beneath all that pride and cockiness. You were determined to crack that shell and see what’s really in his heart.
When the sun had set, the dinner table had been set up by your handmaidens. There was a large variety of food all over the table. Yuji sat beside you with a big smile on his face and his eyes lovingly staring at the food.
“Yuji, keep staring like that and you might just marry the food,” you snickered.
Yuji gave you an unamused look, “Come on! I’m just hungry. It’s been a while since we’ve had steak.”
“A while?” You quirked an eyebrow up. “We have steak every week.”
“Just let me be hungry!” He whined. “Where’s your husband? I’m gonna starve to death.”
“Your king is here,” Sukuna loudly said from the other side of the room. He wore a big fur coat over his wide figure.
Hearing his loud and obnoxious voice, you roll your eyes, but you were going to test and prod at him tonight. Beneath all those muscles and ego, there has to be something else in there, right? We can’t pretend forever.
“Pass me the salt, hun,” you point towards the small shaker across the table. Sukuna raised his eyebrow, questioning your behavior; nevertheless, he complied with your request.
Yuji stared at the two of you with confusion. What was with the nicknames all of a sudden? Have you been taking something weird? This was not the big sister he knew. Perhaps you’ve gone soft. “As long as she’s happy,” Yuji thought. After having Sukuna around the house for a couple of week, he didn’t seem so bad after all, just a little obnoxious and boastful. He never raised a hand at you nor did he yell at you just because he wasn’t in a good mood. He seemed to care.
When all of you had finished eating, Yuji returned to his quarters while you and Sukuna headed to yours. Sukuna immediately threw himself onto the bed and made himself comfortable under the thick duvet.
“I’m gonna shower,” you told Sukuna. He simply nodded in response.
You stepped into the shower and twisted the small knob, allowing the warm water to rain on your skin. Closing your eyes, you thought about how Sukuna had been ever since he came around. Most of the time, you two would clash over your different ideologies or even the simplest things like food or how you ate the cake he had been waiting all day to eat. Despite all that, he respected you and treated you well. He would buy you dresses and jewelry, making sure you were clad in the prettiest things out there. You let out a sigh in relief as the warm water began to relax your body. You grabbed your most fragrant soap and made sure to scrub yourself clean. Once you were finished, you wiped yourself dry with a towel, then slipped into a pink nightgown that sort of matched his hair.
You walked into the room, Sukuna’s eyes immediately landing on you. “What’re you doing?” You ask while you made your way to the bed to sit beside him.
“Reading,” he mumbled, his eyes now fixed on the small book in hand.
“Is that a history book?” Your eyes widened in disbelief. “Aw, do you care about me and my country that much?”
“Fuck off. I’m reading this so I know how to take advantage of the shit you guys have,” Sukuna huffed in annoyance.
“I love you too, Sukuna,” you tested those words. Those three damn words. They felt foreign in your mouth.
Sukuna tensed up, his face looking stiff as ever. He hesitantly turned to look at you and got up. Now, you were scared. He inched closer and closer to you, his body towering over you as usual. You couldn’t read his expression and it made your nerves jitter. He reached his hand out to hold your head, and you thought he was going to ruffle your hair like he always did, but no. It was something different which shocked you. He pulled your head in and gently kissed you on the forehead.
“I love you,” he softly said.
You looked at him with wide eyes, your cheeks red from the intimate gesture. Was he serious? Your heart was beating so hard you could feel it in your ears. The room suddenly felt hotter than usual. There was a strange warm feeling that swelled in your beating chest. A bold idea crossed your mind, and you let your body move on its own, your arms reaching out to him for an embrace. You slowly snaked your arms around his torso and rested your head in the crook of his neck.
This isn’t so bad. You’ve fallen for him.
“I love you,” you whispered into his ear before pecking his cheek.
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glitterquadricorn · 3 months
Look What You Made Me Do - MV1
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+summary: The couple was once thought to be the modern-day Romeo and Juliet (minus the unaliving part). Where you saw her, Max was not too far behind and vice versa. And despite his father's insistence to stay from her, he simply couldn't. He was enthralled by her and her persistence on the track. Together, they rose through the ranks and found themselves to be teammates in Formula one. But their story turns sour when Max betrays her in the worst way possible. +pairing: Max Verstappen x F1!driver +warnings: cheating, mentions the p*quets, curse words, hate comments, poorly edited. If i missed something, let me know.
face claim: Florence Pugh
I do not give my permission to have my work reposted. I do not give my permission to have my work translated. If I'm notified that you've stolen my work or claim it as your own, you'll be asked to take it down before I'll report you. End of discussion.
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Her phone constantly vibrated against the glass coffee table of Max and Her's home. People were mentioning her in a tweet made from one of those wag accounts saying that Max was spotted with another woman that wasn't her and that he could be cheating. 'Max wouldn't cheat on me, right?' she thought to herself. Although, she remembered he had been acting rather weird lately. But him acting weird could mean anything.
The sound of the front door opening and closing and keys hitting the ceramic bowl alerted her that Max was home. Her eyes went straight to the bright orange bag in his hand. The same bright orange bag from the picture in the tweet.
"What's going on in that head of yours, Schatz?" Max hugged her, kissing the top of her head. He smelled like her.
"Thinking about what to make for dinner. Anything in particular?"
"I was thinking we could get takeout."
"Sounds good." She watched as Max turned towards their bedroom and tucked neatly into the collar of his shirt, which was a redbull shirt no shock there, was a semi dark hickey. A hickey she knew she didn't put there. Maybe that one tweet was right.
Dinner that night was a silent affair. The question of rather or not he was actually cheating weighed heavily on her mind. One half of her was being completely ignorant and believing Max would never do such a thing. The other half, the rational half, are putting the pieces together and ringing the alarm bells and are practically shouting from the rooftops that he is most definitely cheating. It was getting to be too much for her.
"Are you cheating on me?"
Max began choking on the water in his mouth. "What? Are you crazy? Where are you even getting this from?"
"It's just- I kept getting tagged in that one tweet-"
"And you believe it? You know those kinds of accounts make stuff up."
"Never said I did, Max," she said. "But explain the orange shopping bag, or how you got that hickey on your neck, or how you smell like none of the perfumes I have."
"I don't have to deal with this." Max stood up from the table and y/n followed after him.
"So, they're true?"
"Y/n, I don't want to talk about this right now."
"Well, that's just too damn bad. We're talking about this now because If we don't it won't get talked about at all."
Max faced her, his body shaking with anger. "Fine! Yes, I did cheat on you. Is that what you wanted to hear? How you weren't good enough and will never be good enough for me? How you'll never be good enough for anyone? How sometimes I can't fucking stand you to be around you? You. are. insufferable."
Her eyes started to fill with tears. In all the years she's known Max, he's never not once gotten this mad nor has he ever been this hateful. As if he realized what he's said, he began to apologize profusely.
"I'm so, so sorry, Schatz." Max tried to come closer to comfort her, but she stepped away.
"Thanks for letting me know how you really feel about me, Max. I'll uh get out of your hair."
"Y/n, please-"
"No amount of apologizing will ever make me forget what you said. You were the love of my life, the man that I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with and have kids with."
"But we can still have that!"
"It's rather funny you're trying to save a relationship you destroyed," she chuckled loudly at Max's audacity. "Tell me, how long have you been cheating? And be honest, I deserve that much."
With his head hung low in shame, he mumbled, "Nearly a year."
Before heading off to their bedroom to pack some clothes, she looked at the man she once loved. "You know, I've dealt with a lot in my life. I've traveled the world seeing it in a whole new light while doing what I loved, been in a crash or two that was painful, seen and experienced things I didn't think I'd be able to experience, but this... this hurts the most."
Once she left the house, she got in her car and tapped on her lawyer's number, texting him.
I don't care how you do it, but just get me out my redbull contract. DON'T TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS.
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yourinstagram(left) and maxverstappen1(right) . 2hrs ago
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liked by taylorswift, lilymhe, pierregasly and 932,312 others.
yourinstagram: Mama Tay once said don't get sad, get even 💅🏻💋#newsponsor #newthingsarecoming
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taylorswift I taught you well young grasshopper. liked by yourinstagram
lilymhe where are you going dressed like that? cause damn. ⤷ yourinstagram sponsorship meeting with a new sponsor.
user1 you want to explain that second picture?
user2 looking respectfully.
user3 new things coming? what's that supposed to mean? ⤷ user4 she did say she got a new sponsor and I assume it's with Chanel. ⤷ user5 I can't help but think the whole new things coming means something else.
pierregasly 👀👀 ⤷ yourinstagram just taking lessons from you.
francisca.cgomes are you single? ⤷ yourinstagram why yes, I am. you asking me out on a date? ⤷ francisca.cgomes of course! ⤷ pierregasly I'm right here you know. ⤷ yourinstagram I'll make sure to have her home before midnight 😉
user6 not y/n flirting with pierre's girlfriend 🤣
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For half an hour, she sat on the couch listening to Lando, Logan, Charles and Pierre answer questions about their summer break, their hopes for the second half of the season and what they want for their teams/cars. Not one question came her way, and she was happy about that. She hated doing media with a passion. She could understand they had bills to pay, families to support, but if she could get away with not doing any kind of media without being fined for it, she'd happily do it.
Just when she thought she'd have an easy day, a reporter she was familiar with, one she has had problems with since her debut in 2021, raised her hand.
"Mackenzie Smith, Espn. I have a question for you, y/n," she smiled. "Over the summer break there was a rumor going around saying you were leaving redbull at the end of the season. Is that true? Can you maybe give some insight on that?"
It's an innocent question to ask, but knowing Mackenzie, she'll somehow go off topic and ask questions she has no business asking about.
"Accounts like that always make up some of the most ridiculous things for clicks. Unfortunately, people believe it and until me, or my agent confirms it, then it's just that. A rumor."
Mackenzie huffed, clearly not satisfied with that answer. But if there's something about Mackenzie everyone should know, is she has a habit of asking rather intrusive questions she has no business asking. "Your relationship with fellow driver, Max Verstappen, ended over the summer break as well."
"My relationship, or lack thereof, is not yours or anyone's business. End of discussion."
"But he-"
"Yeah, and I said end of discussion. What part of that did you not understand?" she paused. "Now, does anyone have any other questions? No? Okay."
She sat the microphone down beside her and walked out the room. Was she going to get lectured by her PR manager? Yeah. Was she going to be fined for walking out? Probably. But she didn't care and if there was one thing she knew she didn't have to sit there and be questioned about her personal life.
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liked by yourinstagram, mickschumacher, and 1,253,549 others.
porscheformula1team: Come meet our drivers! Mick, who is returning to the f1 grid after missing out on the 2023 season and Y/n, who finished 2nd in the drivers' standings. The future for Porsche looks bright!
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yourinstagram Thank you for this amazing opportunity, Porsche. ⤷porscheformula1team: No, thank you for taking the risk and signing with us.
mickschumacher It's good to be back in formula one.
user7 while I am excited for Mick to be back, I just think y/n is a backstabber for leaving a team that pretty built her entire career. ⤷user6 did you honestly think y/n would stick around after Max cheated on her?
user8 this is the best thing to wake up to!
user9 redbull was holding y/n back, so it's a good thing she left.
user10 future wdc winners? liked by mickschumacher, yourinstagram,porscheformula1team
user11 best driver's pairing in f1 liked by porscheformula1team
user12 signing these two was the biggest mistake Porsche ever made. ⤷porscheformula1team we beg to differ. ⤷user13 Porsche defending mick and y/n 🥰🤗
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Max Why didn't you tell me you were leaving? When did you even sign with porsche?
Y/N Didn't know I was obligated to tell you I was leaving. I signed back in August after I got that Chanel sponsor.
Y/N I move fast just like you.
Max What's that supposed to mean?
Y/N It means you're okay with getting into a relationship with Kelly 2 weeks after we broke up.
Max You're being childish, y/n.
Y/N Did you really think I'd stay after you cheated? In 2024, you better get used to being behind me because that WDC is mine.
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Don't let this flop. I worked real hard on it.
@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @patzammit @tinycyberhacker @keenmarvellover @mrspeacem1nusone @lendeluxe @alexxavicry @allenajade-ite @catswag22 @eugene-emt-roe @wcnorris @bibissparkles @cherry-piee
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samandcolbyownme · 4 months
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Summary: anon request - "can you write a smut for johnnie guilbert??"
Prompt: Johnnie and reader get into an argument which leads to make up sex.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, arguing, hair pulling, pet names (dirty and cute), oral (m rec), unprotected rough makeup sex, filth
Word count: 2.6k | not edited
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
Johnnie has been working on editing his and Jake's video all day.
You think, no. You knew he forgot about them.
It wouldn't be as big of a deal if this was only the first time, maybe even the second or third - But it wasn't.
Over the last few weeks, you've had to either cancel or forget about plans because of Johnnie putting majority of his time into his computer screen rather than you.
You didn't really talk to anyone about it, or say anything to Johnnie, mainly because this is his job and you didn't think you had any room to bitch.
You checked your phone, sighing at the time - twenty minutes past reservation.
You used to remind him, then after the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth time, you decided that he should be able to put down the computer for an hour or two on his own, so you decided to just let things go.
You never really blamed him, sometimes it was because he actually had deadlines to make, or a video he and Jake were doing ran long.
But when that wasn't the case, you used yourself as an excuse - not feeling well, didn't sleep good the night before, something simple yet believable.
You rise up from the couch, walking towards Johnnie's room. You pass Jake in the hallway and he makes a joke you're in no mood for, "Fix your face, you look pissed."
His laughter is silenced when you roll your eyes, "I am."
"Uh oh."  Jake puts his hands on his hips, shifting his weight onto his right leg, "What did Johnnie do?"
You shake your head and cross your arms, looking away from him because you didn't want him to see the frustrated tears in your eyes.
"Am I going to hear yelling?" He asks and you nod, laughing slightly, "Probably."
"Shit." He sighs, "Well if you need backup, just yell- ooh. We should have a code word."
You stare at him, trying not to laugh as he taps his chin, "Hippopotamus."
"Hippop- Jake. Really?" You laugh and he shrugs, "Well yeah, if you just scream hippopotamus, that will for sure throw him off even more, then I can come in with an open can of whoop ass."
He moves his hands in front of him, a serious look on his face that you just cannot take serious, "Okay. I don't think I'll need it, but I appreciate the support."
You pat his shoulder, watching him walk away before taking a deep breath, returning to what you were originally doing.
You stop in front of Johnnie's door, composing yourself so you don't go in, already lit like a fire cracker.
You know twice before opening the door, "Hey."
Johnnie has his headphones on, so he probably didn't hear you. You walk in, closing the door behind you. You walk over to him, gently tapping him on the shoulder.
"Jesus fu-" he jumps and looks up at you, "Jesus Christ, babe." He sighs, "Scared the fucking shit out of me."
"Sorry." You smile slightly and sit on the bed, "Whatcha doin'?"
He pulls his headphones down around his neck, "Just working on getting this video out."
You nod, "Cool. Cool.”
You look around his room, picking at your nails as you try and figure out how to calmly start the conversation.
"What's wrong?" Johnnie asks turning his chair towards you. You look over at him and shrug, "We just.." you laugh slightly, "It's not really funny, but we missed our dinner reservation."
He looks in the corner of his computer, "Oh fuck. I'm sorry." He looks up, "Why didn't you tell me?"
You scoff, raising your brows as you lower your voice, "I shouldn't have to."
"What? Sorry. I didn't quite hear you clearly." Johnnie closes his lap top and sets it on the desk.
You roll your eyes, lying back with a groan, "I'm not arguing with you Johnnie."
"I'm sorry, I must missed the part where I said we were?" He takes his headphones from around his neck,  setting them on top of his closed computer.
You sit up, letting out a sigh, "I said, I shouldn't have to tell you when we have plans, Johnnie." You let your hands fall into your lap with a slap, "I let it go for a while, only because I didn't think I have a right to be mad, but you constantly editing and this or that is effecting us."
"So what.. are you saying?" He stares at you with a solid look, "You're going to leave? All because I'm doing my fucking job?"
"No." Your words come out louder than you intended, "I never fucking said I was leaving, Johnnie. All I said was that I shouldn't have to fucking remind you time and time again that we have plans for us. You and me. Boyfriend and fucking girlfriend!"
"Other than right now, name one fucking time me doing this made us miss out on something." He motions for you to take the floor and you sigh.
"Sam and Colby were throwing a party, I told them you had a deadline to make so we wouldn't make it. Tara was throwing a party, I told her I didn't feel good because you stayed up all night and half the day working on a video. Last week we missed out on dinner, again, because you didn't pay attention to the time. Two weeks ago, Jake wanted us to go with him to one of his other friend's parties, but you decided to get on and stream. Do you want me to keep going?" You raise your brows and lean forward slightly, "Because I can."
Johnnie laughs, "So.. you're telling me that you couldn't just come to me an hour or so before and tell me to get off? You're just blaming me for every time you missed out on going when you could have just gone yourself?"
"You want me to go to dinner, for two..  alone?" You tilt your head back, "You are being so unbelievable right now."
You stand up and Johnnie's eyes follow you. Your hands go to your hips as you pace back and forth, "I'm trying to get you to understand that I want- I need time with you, too Johnnie."
"You get time with me, y/n. I don't understand why you're so worked up over me d-"
"Because it's all you fucking do Johnnie. You're always filming a video. Editing a video. Uploading a video. Something with a stupid video." You turn to face him, "I want to go out to dinner, enjoy time with just us. Do you think I want to go to parties alone? It's no fun when I don't have you there."
He sighs, looking down, "So.." he looks up at you, "You waited until it was what, twenty minutes or so after our reservation time to come in here and make a huge scene that could have been avoided?"
You laugh, mouth dropped open as you stare at him, "Are you ever going to actually listen to what I'm saying or am I just wasting my breath being a broken record?"
"I am listening, you're just not getting what I'm saying, y/n."
"No. Trust me. I get it. Loud and clear." You motion to his computer, "I'll just leave you to it then."
You turn to walk towards the door, reaching to open it but Johnnie's hand stops you, "Don't."
"Don't what? Leave so I can sit here in silence while you continue to do what got us here in the first place?" You turn your head to look at him and he shakes his head, "No."
He grabs your wrist, pulling you towards the bed, "Were done talking about this."
"No.. I don't think we a-"
He cuts you off with his lips on yours. His hands pull your waist into him, "We're done talking for right now."
"You can't ju-"
"Don't run your mouth anymore, and I won't run mine anymore." He kisses down your neck, "We can talk after we get all of this frustration out."
A smile creeps into your lips, even though you're still mad. But, no worries. Johnnie will take care of that for you right away.
"Fine." You give in, sitting down on the bed. You pull him with you, his body hovering over yours, "Shut me up."
He smirks, tilting his head, "Gladly." He sits up on his knees, taking off his shirt. His hands move to his belt and you sit up to replace his hands with your own.
You glance up at him as you undo his jeans, biting your lip as you anticipate what's about to happen.
He nods towards the floor and you pull your legs out from in between his and move, dropping to the floor as he stands up.
He pushes his jeans down, and you move over to him, pulling down his boxers before he sits down on the edge of the bed.
He leans back, holding his weight up with his hands as he watches you move in between his legs. He sucks in a sharp breath as you wrap your hand around his cock.
His eyes following you as you lean in, sticking your tongue out to lap at the head of it. He groans lowly, balling up the blanket in his fists, "Fuck."
You work him into your mouth, coating him with your spit as his jaw hangs slack, "That's it."
You lift your head, moving your hand up and down to coat him fully before leaning back in to bob your head up and down.
His eyes flutter shut as a moan escapes quietly.
You look up at him, dragging your tongue up the underside of his cock as you tilt your head back.
"All the way in, babe." Johnnie places a hand on the back of your head, gently nudging you to come back for more.
You lick your lips, leaning in to take his cock back into your mouth. You bob your head, working further and further down, until you can feel him in your throat.
He groans, stroking the back of your head as you hold yourself there. You squeeze your eyes shut, digging your nails into his thighs before you pop back off, glancing up at him before going back in.
You lift your head, bobbing your head slowly as your tongue flattens against his cock.
"Fuck. Why didn't we just do this first.." He gasps as you sink your head all the way onto him, groaning as bucks his hips slightly, "Fuck okay. Okay."
He lifts your head, cupping your cheeks as he nods to the bed, "Get undressed then lay down."
You move to your feet quickly, pulling your shirt over your head before fumbling to undo your pants. You kick them off, getting ready to climb onto the bed when Johnnie stops you.
"Ah, ah. Panties too, sweetheart."
You nod, pushing them down and kicking them off before finally climbing onto the bed. You turn, facing him as you sit down.
He moves up in front of you, leaning in to kiss your neck. He pushes your body back as he moves his over yours.
He kisses down your chest and over to your boob, taking your nipple between his teeth. You gasp as he bites down, hands moving to his hair to mess it up more, "J-Johnnie.."
You whine, slightly moving your hips, "Please."
He kisses back up, to your lips, moving to lay beside you. He rolls you over so you're laying on your side, hand sliding under your thigh to lift up your leg.
You bite your lip as his hand slides down your body, stopping at your clit to rub small circles onto it.
You arch your back away from his chest, "P-please."
He rests his chin against your head as he slides his fingers down to dip them inside of you, “We don’t need to argue.” His voice is light, quiet, “We should always just fuck it out..”
He slowly moves his fingers in and out, “And then talk. Doesn’t that sound much better?”
You nod, “Y-yeah. So much better.”
“That my girl.” He kisses your head and moves his hand to grab his cock, rubbing it against your pussy a few times before slowly slipping in, “Fuck.”
His arm slides over your waist, hold you to him as he pushes in. You tilt your head back and his lips meet your neck, sucking a spot which earns an even louder moan from you.
“Fuck..” you breathe out, “Johnnie..”
He groans lowly, tightening his grip as he starts to thrust. Your foot rests on his leg as you keep your leg raised, moaning with each of his thrusts.
You lay your hand on his arm, digging your nails in as his thrusts grow harder.
“F-fuck.” You whimper, “Keep going.”
He moans, digging his fingers into your skin, “You feel so fucking good.” He pulls you closer to him as you push your hips back, dragging your nails down his arm , “Yes, yes, yes!”
He pushed your body forward, sitting up and getting on his knees behind you. He pulls your hips up, quickly placing his cock back into you.
Your cheek rests against the bed as you moan, pulling the blanket as his thrusts go right back to being rough.
Your eyes roll back, a string of moans leaving your lips in a constant loudness.
You yelp out as his hand makes contact with your ass with a hard smack. He brings his leg up, giving his cock a new angle that drives you absolutely crazy.
“Such a good fucking girl.” He groans out as he tilts his head back. He brushes his hair from his face before reaching up to grab a handful of your hair.
You tilt your head back, lifting your self up onto your elbows, “F-fuck. Fuck.”
“Wait for me, baby.” Johnnie moans, “Almost there.”
He tugs your hair, pushing his cock all the way, pausing for a second before continuing to thrust, “Shit.”
He lets go of your hair, gripping your hips. You moan, trying hard not to cum like he wants. You push your hips back, whining out as he makes it harder, “P-please.”
Johnnie’s thrusts grow sloppy, “Cum for me.”
Not even the end of his words and you’ve already let go, becoming a whimpering, moaning mess under him as you squeeze his cock repeatedly.
A few seconds later, he pulls out, spilling his cum onto your lover back and ass.
“Fuck.” He strokes himself a few times before falling back and sitting down. You lay down, trying to control your breathing and he lays a hand on your thigh, “I’m sorry for not listening to you.”
“I’m sorry for coming off bitchy.” You laugh slightly, “I was just..” you pause for a second and sigh, “I let my frustration get the best of me.”
“I don’t blame you. I haven’t been fully with us lately, and I promise that..” he taps your leg with each word, “..right now, you have my attention whenever you want it.”
You turn your head to look at him, “You promise?” You hold out your pinky and he smiles as he wraps his around yours, “I promise.”
As Johnnie gets up to get something to wipe off with, Jake yells from the other side of door, “y/n? Do you need a hippopotamus?”
Johnnie looks at you super confused and you can’t help but laugh, “I’ll explain then.”
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
This is my first ever Johnnie one shot, so please let me know how you liked it! I’m interested to hear what you have to say!
Thank you for reading! Love you all! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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beautiful-is-boring · 9 months
Made it out alive, just for you
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Gojo x gn!reader , angst to fluff, hurt/comfort
Au where gojo lives
Warning: y/n has a nightmare about gojo, MAJOR JJK MANGA SPOILERS FOR CH 236, so ya it involves blood and a lil bit of gore, and crying.
A/n: i love this man so so much, and whenever I get a bad dream about my loved ones dying, it mostly includes the part after their death and I'm living without them, and when I wake up it's such a relief, so this fic is based on that
'i miss you so much toru'
the scene never left your head, the love of your life, now lifeless, laid on the ground, wounded and dying after the fight with sukuna
you cried all day, the next day and the next. You couldn't let go of him, and how could you? Satoru was the shining sun in your life. He had the brightest smile, the prettiest baby blue eyes, the strongest will and his love for you was endless. You loved him so so much.
Coming home everyday from work pained you. You would forget that he wasn't here anymore, you would buy mochi on the way home, only to come home and realize he was never coming back, the reality settling in as you cried once more.
'please come back toru, i can't do this without you'
you eat dinner alone again, hugging the adorable custom made plushie of satoru. It was a gift from him. He lovingly said that day, that the plushie would keep you company when he was not with you.
The memory of gojo cut and bloodied plagued your mind and you hugged the plushie tighter
'you are bigger than the whole sky toru, the strongest and bravest of them all. Wherever you are, I hope you rest well. Watch over me, my love'
And then your eyes opened.
You sat up on the bed quickly, looking around everywhere and breathing heavily, just trying to ground yourself into reality.
It was just a dream. A bad one, but just a dream. You're fully awake by now.
"breathe for me sweetheart"
He was right there, your beautiful satoru, gently hugging your shaking body close to him.
"whatever you saw, it wasn't real. I'm here now baby"
You nod. Your mind was a mess. You barely remember what you saw, but it left you feeling terrified.
"Hang in there, I'll get you some water"
He slowly left your shared bedroom and you watched the white tuft of hair disappear into the kitchen. Waking up after countless bad dreams and nightmares was unfortunately common for the both of you, after the fight with sukuna in shibuya.
Right. Gojo defeated sukuna. He won. And he made it out alive.
Your eyes landed upon the custom plushie across the room that gojo gifted you all those years ago
The same one from your dream.
The dam broke. A quiet whimper left your lips as memories of the dream flashed through your mind's eye and by the time satoru returned, you were curled up on your side of the bed, sniffling and weeping.
You heard him place the glass of water on the nightstand, and in the next second he's got you enveloped in his warm arms, gently rubbing your back.
"I-I saw you die toru..I had to live without you and I had to c-come home and you weren't there, a-and you were never coming back" You were sobbing and crying as you hugged him, both from the unsettling dream, and the relief that it wasn't real. You were so, so relieved to be awake, to find your one and only alive and well. Satoru continued to whisper sweet nothings and comforting words into your ears and never once did he loosen up his hold on your trembling frame.
"its okay baby, i know how you feel, and i love you so much, and I'm right here" His sweet and gentle tone combined with his comforting voice made you cry even harder. You didn't know where the tears were coming from.
"i know toru, i know you won, it's just that ever since I saw you like that..." You take a deep breath in and gaze into his beautiful blue orbs that you love. "Just one wrong move, and you would have been gone and i-i don't know what I would do without you being there with me."
Satoru's own eyes welled up with tears because he couldn't bear to see you cry. He cupped your face in his arms, a relieved sigh leaving his lips as he saw you closing your eyes and leaning into his touch.
"you are my whole world y/n" His voice wasn't louder than a whisper. Satoru wiped your tears with the pads of his fingers, and kissed your forehead. "That day, I was thinking about you the whole time. I knew I had to come back to you, and I did." A single tear drop trailed down his face and he stroked your head to comfort you. " You don't have to worry anymore, my love. It's all over, and I'm here right here, right now. " You looked at him, reassured and he could feel his heart swell as he looked at his world, his universe, right there in his hands. "Thankyou satoru" He smiled, and you did too.
Satoru leant in and kissed you ever so slowly, reminding you that he was right there with you, alive. You both smiled into the kiss, knowing that you love each other with every fiber of your being and most importantly,
You were right there with each other; physically, and in each other's hearts.
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sssilverstoned · 4 months
while you can still smell them ꩜ ln4
type: full length fic
word count: 3.9k
title from: i wish you roses by kali uchis
warnings: some fluff, angst, but like it's a happy ending. cursing bc i'm me, italics are memories
lily said: you know me i can never leave well enough alone. i thought this little snapshot of the break that was never really a break would be cute! for context, i'd suggest looking at the ig au linked below! this would be taking place in between part 2 and 3.
part 1
part 2
part 3
You've only seen Lando cry on occasions that called for it. When family members died, when racing got too much for his mental, in some awful, awful moments. Maybe that's why it hurts so bad to see him cry now.
"A break feels a lot like you should add 'up' to that statement," he had said, turning away from you, looking out at the stars. You were sat on his balcony, feeling suffocated by the apartment. But the AC was on and working fine, and windows were open. Your emotions were suffocating you, that was more fitting.
"We can't keep on like this, Lan," you say in a broken voice, the lump in your throat thick and threatening. "It's not fair to either of us."
He doesn't realize he's crying until the drop hits his nose, making it quirk up in surprise. He swipes at his face, a pawlike move to get rid of the teardrops.
"Do you not love me anymore?"
His question makes you sob. Full body, head dropping to chest, your hands writing in your lap. The sound of you breaking down turns him back to you, rushing to the chair you've melted into. He lifts your face in his hands, and you take a breath when you see his face, discolored with tears.
"I'll always love you," he makes out of your words, just barely. "I, I just, it's not the same,"
"We can fix this, us. We can work on it together," Lando's brain is whirring at hyper speed, damage controlling the last 8 months of your lives together.
The cracks began to become schisms when he committed your largest pet peeve, which was ignoring things out of ease. Blissful ignorance, if you will.
It was small things, like forgetting about date nights in lieu of longer trainings or prolonging trips. Sometimes he forgot to water the plants, or didn't move laundry over, and that was manageable. That's what every couple encounters. What every couple does not encounter, was the intense pressure of racing a car for a living.
He was frustrated, with Zak, with anything papaya colored, and with his own self-doubts. He carried that frustration in his chest, and it came out in some of the words he spoke to you, and actions he took. You eventually stopped offering to come over and cook, because dinners were becoming continuously tense, and you were uncomfortable. Felt like a nuisance.
But at the same time, you were both so codependent. Without anything being said, you two began to avoid things you assumed the other wouldn't like, and asked for permission to do the smallest of things. You first noticed it when your sister pointed had asked you to come go with her out of town for the weekend, and you hesitated. "I'll have to ask Lando," you had told her. She bit her tongue.
Lando was just as bad, he had quite literally lost the ability to sleep when you weren't around. It made Grand Prix weekends an actual nightmare when you weren't there, calling you at any times in the day or night.
"Are you alright, it's 4am,"
"Sorry, can't sleep again. The melatonin does nothing,"
"Did you try the tea my mum got you?"
"Baby I just," he scrubs a hand down his exhausted face. "I just need you here."
"I can't just get up and go to Australia."
"I'll get you a flight, or maybe we can-"
"Lando," you say in a sterner voice. "I can't."
He's quiet for a moment, and you wonder what's going through his head. You hardly raised your voice or got intense, certainly never at him. But then again, recently, you seemed to never know what was going through his head.
It was silly to think that Lando was the same man that you began dating. You were 19, you would pray that he had changed somehow over the span of 5 years. But there was something missing that once was. The relationship was becoming more of a task, and that wasn't right. Which is what brought you to this moment, brought you to telling him you needed to talk.
"Lan," you whimper, bringing a hand up where his hold your face on either side. You don't even have to say anything more, he knows you better than you know yourself. And he begins to cry harder.
"I've never loved anyone but you, baby."
"I know."
"I can't, I really don't want to live without you," he shakes his head, standing back up to his full height. His hands stay busy, though, ripping through his hair.
"I'm not going to go away," you explain, agonized that you're calmer than he at this point. You stand from the wicker chair, but don't edge closer to him. "But my career is unpredictable right now, 6 months in Marbella is a long time. And you're, well, everywhere. And you need to focus on that."
"I've multitasked for 5 years," he says bitterly, making you sigh. His eyes are back on the stars, and his back to you makes your eyes blurry again.
"I'm not happy." You finally blurt, making his body stiffen. "I'm really not."
When he looks at you again, his expression reads clearly with fatigue, with anguish. "Please, baby, don't,"
It's your turn to clutch his face, bringing his forehead to touch with yours. Through your contact, you feel the heaves of his body, the breaths he's trying to control. "It's not forever," you whisper, mustering courage. "But we need to stop acting like everything's fine."
"I don't see myself without you."
"You're not," your hold tightens, he leans further into your palm, "but we've grown up together. The flower pot's too small now," you try to joke, he barely can fake amusement.
"I'll buy a thousand new pots."
"We need to clean up the broken one, first." His jaw clenches, you soothe it with your thumb. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." He says back, almost silently. "Still wear that Mclaren shirt on race days, I need the luck."
You finally crack a smile. "I'll wear the hat too if my hairstyle permits."
He kisses you, almost convincing himself this if is the last fix he can get for a while, he needed it now. Not that either of you know it, but you both have the same thought. You both notice that your cheeks have each other's tears on them now, not sure which ones came from whom. You were on the same page in that regard, at least.
"You should ask y/n out," your best friend says to Lando in the middle of a party. He chokes on his drink, not expecting her to come up to him like she did, and not expecting the words out her mouth.
You all were freshly 19, still congregating in someone's living room to try to have a good time. He knew your friends better than he knew you, the newest of the group in town, only having moved to the area with your family when you were 16.
"Should I, now?" He says, recovering from his fright.
"Yeah," she replies, ignoring the sarcasm. "She goes on about you, it's cute. She'd hurt me if she knew I told you, though. Not sure what she sees in you," his eyes narrow at the girl, which she ignores once again. "You'd be lucky to have a girl like her in your life."
That much, he knew. You were fiercely loyal to your friends and family, and treated him with a kindness that made him melt every time. You were funny, and genuine, and not to mention, the most beautiful person he's sure he knows.
When he bumps into you later at the party, he asks you what you're doing the following evening.
That was the story he'd tell people with a proud grin when they ask how you two got together. All you recount is how he nearly ruined your cute top with a shitty guinness.
He's struck with the memory when he sees the guinness logo in the ads on the walls of a restaurant. "Mate," Max all but snaps his fingers. Lando locks back in, humming for what he missed.
"Was just curious if you wanted to go out tonight. They've been texting in the chat about it, I saw you never responded."
Clubbing wasn't as fun as it used to be, not when you weren't dancing your heart out beside him, or waiting in bed with your nose in a book when he came home because you weren't feeling like going out. It felt like a waste of his time, and like he was sucking the fun out of other people's nights.
"'M alright," he says with a tight mouthed grin. "Gonna sit this one out."
Max looks at his friend, seeing through his response. "When's the last time you went out?"
If he had to take an educated guess, you last graced his apartment that night on the balcony, 4 weeks ago. So, 4 weeks ago. Perhaps longer, judging by the schisms. "A while. Not up to it."
"You're torturing yourself."
"I'm not interested in getting shitfaced, Max."
Max looks away for a second, quickly weighing the pros and cons of asking what he's been wanting to for the last, well, 4 weeks. "Do you think Y/n is wallowing too?"
The sound of your name makes his fingers twitch inadvertently, almost like a flinch. "That's not fair."
"I'm serious, Lando. You said she needed a break because she felt like you two were co-dependent and not actually working through problems, and look at you. You're not functioning without her. I mean, it's your fucking birthday next week, and you haven't brought it up once, you realize that, right?"
He knows he's right. Nothing he said was out of line, or wrong, and that's why Lando has nothing to say back. He wants to argue, to prove him wrong, but he can't. He's seen your ads and campaigns, the beautiful shots of you promoting luxury brands and names that your fans only dreamed of owning. Despite the distance, he was so proud of you still. You worked hard, were disciplined and humble through your success. He had texted you when the Dior campaign had launched, and the message of your thanks, with a smiley face, made him, for just a second, think that things were back to normal.
When they left the restaurant, and ran directly into fans, Lando tried to put on his best face for them, smiling for selfies and signing what was gestured toward him. When a sweet looking girl with glasses shyly spoke up, telling her favorite driver where she was visiting from, his tired eyes light up. "You're from there?" He confirms, and she smiles with an eager nod.
"Y/n is too," he almost mumbles, but every fan in earshot heard it. The typical squeals followed, the hushed whispers amonst themselves on if they'd push the questions they were itching to ask or not. And heard it they did, as the encounter made its way onto social media and gossip pages. But Max was right, his mourning period needed to be over, if anything was going to change for the better.
You call him on his birthday. It was nerve wracking, which made you bitterly laugh, because never did you think you'd be nervous to talk to Lando Norris of all people. One of the few people in the world you wholeheartedly trusted.
It had only been about a month since you requested time apart, and he had honored that. The texts were sparse, the calls nonexistent. Although, that was sort of what had brought you to this point anyway. But you were working on yourself, and your career at the same time, and things were looking better. Change never happened overnight, but the journal your therapist recommended, and the disappearance from social media besides professional posts were great starts.
You bite at your cuticle as the phone rings. You take your cell away from your ear, chest panging at the contact name "Lan <3" at the top of the screen. Was he really going to screen your call? Is that what you deserved, possibly?
"Y/n," he finally answers, and you quickly bring your phone back to your ear.
"Hi," you say awkwardly. "Happy birthday, Lando."
"Thank you," he says stiffly. "I'm happy to hear from you."
"Yeah I um, haven't really been on my phone here," you bite harder on your finger. "I think it's nice here, you'd love Marbella."
"I'm sure I would," he says with what you can hear is a smile. "I miss you, you know?"
"I miss you too," you concede, "how have you been?"
"Not great, I won't lie. Much rather would hear about you."
"'s not my birthday," and he smiles a bit at that.
"Well, racing's fine. But Max is sick of my shit, says I've been wallowing."
"Oh. I'm sorry."
You don't really know what to say, you've rarely been the perpetrator of his negative feelings. No relationship was perfect, but you all hadn't really hit a communication wall until now. It was uncharted, scary territory. "Well, I wanted to wish you a happy birthday, that was all. Have a good day, really. 24 is a big one. Kobe year, that's what someone said to me. I hope this year is great for you."
"Y/n, wait," he halts your beginnings to hang up. "I'd like to come to see you soon, I've got some time before Abu Dhabi and maybe I could swing by Spain on the way."
"Lando," he absolutely hates that you're calling him by his whole name. Lan, that's what would you called him almost exclusively. Lando feels so formal from you.
He needs to hear it, you know he does. He needs to hear that you want to see him, that you need to see him just as much as he yearns to put eyes on you once more. But you were constantly afraid of accidental manipulation, holding him by some invisbile garotte. But this was his first birthday you hadn't celebrated together since you were 19, that meant something.
"Please focus on racing," you implore, and squeeze your eyes shut before adding, "but you if you'd like to come and it won't be an issue in your plans, you're more than welcome."
You saw the posts, it wasn't very hard. Fans utterly disappointed that you and Lando hadn't been seen together in ages, putting pieces together quickly after you didn't post for his birthday. It didn't make you feel worse, to be truthful, and to your surprise. You were sure there'd be a barrage of insults hurled your way, maybe a cheating rumor or two. But really, all there was to see were requiems for your relationship, nostalgia for what once was. What did cause you to delete instagram from your phone, was the response to the podcast.
You were single for the time being, that's what you and Lando had agreed on when he visited you. It wasn't an invitation to go out and find the next man to lay in your bed, but you both had agreed that it wasn't healthy to hold out in anticipation of your rekindling.
"You're the only girl I've, you know," he awkwardly trailed off, scratching the back of his neck. He sits up in bed, linens pooling around his hips. Hooking up with your now ex-boyfriend, might've not been your brightest idea, sure, but you were both human, at the end of the day.
"Fucked?" you tease, remaining comfortable against your plush pillow. "I know. First few times kinda showed that."
He looks back at you pointedly. "You cried the first time."
"It hurt!"
He rolls his eyes, shaking his head in fake annoyance. You grin. "I'm sure the girlies are gonna have a field day with you being single now,"
He rolls his eyes again, laying, or rathing slumping, back into the pillow next to you. His arm instinctively comes around the top of your head, you try not to lean into it. "I think I really will finally listen to you and focus on racing."
You turn on your side, admiring his profile as he stares up at the ceiling, probably tangled in his thoughts. His nose sloped perfectly, the little freckles dotting his skin like constellations. Your boy.
"I told my mum."
He snorts. "She hates me now, I'm sure."
"Mm, no, her first ask was what I did," your mom was Lando's biggest fan, through and through. Of course, you were her daughter, but she was convinced he was cosmically made perfectly for you.
He looks at you then, realizing your eyes have been on him the whole time. He copies your position, turning to you so your bodies lay parallel, nowhere to look but each other's eyes.
"Do you regret that I'm the only boyfriend you've ever had?"
You immediately shake your head in denial of the question. "No, not at all," you were lucky, if anything. "You?"
"Well, I've had other girlfriends,"
"You knew that," he chuckles, and yeah, you did. "But I don't regret that you're the only one I've been serious about. I still am."
"I know. I am too."
"An ex-boyfriend doesn't lay in bed with you, you know."
"And an ex-girlfriend doesn't still remind your team when your doctor's appointments are,"
"Fair enough, guess we're just weird."
You share a matching grin. "So weird."
So once Alex uploaded the Call Her Daddy episode you were a guest on, and it was official to the masses that you had been single for now almost 4 months, the articles came in. The timelines of you and Lando's relationship, the rumors of him leaving clubs with random girls. You'd be lying if you said you didn't zoom in on some of their faces, relaxing when you recongized most of them as friends or even family members. He wasn't yours to be worried about, you suppose, but you also knew that any girl he decided to share his time with would be a lucky one.
Your friends had tried to get you on dates, that wasn't a lie when you said that on the podcast. But you weren't ever excited to get to know someone new, small talk was painful and you didn't feel comfortable going home with them.
But then, a few weeks later into February, you get a phone call from Lando. "Hi," You answer, pleasently surprised.
"Hey there," he says, sounding slightly out of breath. "How are you?"
"I'm good, great even. Finished up everything down here, leaving Marbella next week to head back home." Home was London to you, not Monaco. You constantly visited, had a family flat there and everything, but couldn't leave officially becuause of your career.
"Congratulations, everything looked stunning," he compliments, and your stomach flutters.
"But um, how are you? I'd ask if you were relaxing, but I'm sure training's well underway."
"Meh, more or less. I'm heading to Surrey next week, actually. Got some stuff to do at HQ."
"Oh," Surrey was only about an hour and a half from where you were in London. "Would you, well, not assuming anything, but if you'd have time to spare, it would be great to catch up?"
This isn't why Lando called you, you fully know this. Who knows what he picked up the phone for, he could be calling to let you know he's eloped with someone he's met in the 6 months you've been apart.
"I'd love to," you hear his grin in his voice. "You haven't moved, have you?"
Not only had you not moved, but you haven't changed much about your flat either. Same bedding, same color schemes, same photos decorating your tables and walls of your friends, family, and Lando. He never took the photos of you down either, and that photo from your 21st birthday was still stuffed in his wallet.
You order takeout, sitting across the kitchen island from each other acting like it didn't feel like your first date again. He acts like he doesn't want to reach out for your hands as you animatedly use them to share stories of Spain, and you act like you don't want to push the curls back that threathen to land over his eyebrows.
The food gets cold as you two catch up, a few glasses of wine becoming a whole bottle gone. You actually can't remember the last time the two of you had done this, and perhaps, absence had truly made your hearts grow fonder.
"Bahrain is on leap day," Lando says, making you gasp.
"That's got to be good luck, no?"
"It's just the first practice,"
"But still, you're starting your first weekend of the year on a special day like that," you muse, "so exciting. I'm excited for you,"
His chest warms at endearment in your voice. You truly and honestly rooted for him through everything, that was one of the things he was most grateful for about you. He knows you don't truly care about all of this, if he won or lost, but that you care about him and his development, how he sees himself and his profession. He fell in love with that about you.
"Would you come?"
You hesitate, daring to look at him from where you had begun to clean the countertop. "To the race? "
He nods, and turn back to the counter. "I don't know, Lan. Is that where we are?"
He hopes so. He's missed you something horrible, prays you missed him just as bad.
Lando takes the cloth from your hand, replacing it with his own. "I know it's only been about 6 months, and that's not enough time to say everything's well and dandy," you fight a smile. "But I want to work through things, with you. I've had nothing but time to consider what was off with us, and I want to be better. For you, more than anything. Yeah, I learned how to be just Lando. But I know I prefer being Lando and Y/n."
You bite your lip, finally meeting his eyes. "I want to take it slow."
"We can do that,"
"So, I don't know if I'm ready for the race. But, my birthday's coming up,"
"It is,"
"And we'll be in Dubai. My sister did it up, got this crazy plan going since it'll be my 25th."
"Quite the old woman you're becoming,"
"Oh get off that," you scoff, pushing his chest. He chuckles and pulls you back into him, where you go willingly. "But, if you can, I'd love for you to come to the dinner."
He raises an eyebrow with a smirk. "You want me to fly to Dubai just for your birthday dinner?"
"You'll be in Saudi Arabia then anyway,"
The smirk gets bigger. "You know my schedule already, love?"
"You're so fucking cheeky, can't stand it," you feign annoyance, but never move from his arms.
He holds you, as your arms delicately find themselves behind his neck, not daring to kiss just yet. To really be honest, you're not sure if you're ready to take that whole plunge.
"I'm happy to be back, even if things are slow. They can be molasses for all I care."
"Thank you for being patient with me," you lean your forehead against his. However, this time, neither of you are crying. Nice, for a change.
"I'd wait decades for you, my love."
After a beat of sweet silence. You speak up once more. "One thing though," he hums to prompt your continuance. "I'm pretty sure, when it's said, it's Y/n and Lando, just so you know."
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imkylotrash · 6 months
Growing Sideways
Pairing: Haymitch Abernathy x reader
Summary: Haymitch realizes you're not safe after the stunt he pulled with the forcefield in the arena, so he forces you to flee District 13.
A/N Please excuse any mistakes. I didn't proofread this
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Everything is changed when he returns from the Games. He never talks about them. Not to his parents, not to his brother, and certainly not to you. Of course, you watched them live on the broadcast same as everyone else in Panem but there are moments you can't even begin to understand or comprehend, and Haymitch knows that. You feel him slipping through your fingers, and you can't even blame him. Going through something so traumatic... you shudder at the thought. It doesn't stop you from being there though. You don't push him, but you're always right there when he needs you.
Two weeks pass before you experience the aftermath of one of his nightmares. His mother invited you to stay after dinner even though Haymitch wasn't home. You'd be lying if you said that you didn't accept her invitation with the hopes of seeing Haymitch.
"He's not very fond of using the front door," his mother remarks dryly when the bump of two feet hitting the floor interrupts your conversation. But her eyes shine with worry about her son.
"I'll go check on him," you excuse yourself and get up from the couch. He crawled through the window into his room, most likely to avoid the confrontation with his family. There's a half-empty bottle lying on the floor and seeping onto the carpet of his room. Haymitch is passed out in his bed, looking too much like the sweet 16-year-old boy he was before the Hunger Games.
Today had been rough. Haymitch had once again been forced to play the part of the victor for some celebratory show in the Capitol. Those people forget that it's real children they send into that arena. The thought of them enjoying themselves while watching kids get killed is enough to make you feel nauseous.
"Don't leave," he mumbles before beginning to toss around in the bed. Nightmares. It's been like this every single night since he came back but this is the first time, you're here to actually experience it. The only reason you know is because his parents have shared their concerns with you.
"Please," he chokes, a trickle of sweat starting to show on his face.
"I'm dealing with this the best I can!"
You get on your knees in front of the bed and carefully take his hands into yours, ignoring the echoes of your fight earlier today. His thrashing stops momentarily, allowing you to crawl into bed with him.
"I don't even want you here, so why do you insist on being here?"
"Y/N?" he whispers, not fully awake yet.
"I'm right here."
"Just leave me alone."
One thing Haymitch Abernathy doesn't get to do is push you away when he's hurting. You can't stand the thought of him in pain, and the pain only multiplies in the next couple of days. You're not sure why you're surprised. After the stunt he pulled with the forcefield, of course, the President would be angry.
His father dies first. Mining accident. Nothing suspicious about that. He's certainly not the first to lose his life in those mines.
You imagine his mother is trickier. Maybe that's why they decide to have the peacekeepers execute her in the square for buying supplies at the black market. That day Haymitch packs a bag with your belongings and sends word to his contact at District 13. A contact he's only known since they were introduced under the games. They keep you safe and in return, he works for them in order to bring down the Capitol. Neither of you has any idea what that really means, but Haymitch doesn't care if it means you're safe.
"Haymitch, I can't just leave. There are people who depend on me."
"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. You're leaving at 8pm tonight." He shoves another sweater into your bag as if that's what you'll be missing if you go to District 13. Everything is happening too fast. Five minutes ago, you had no idea District 13 still existed, and now you're going there indefinitely?
"Do you not understand that he will kill you just for being associated with me?" Pain is evident in his voice as he finally turns to look at you. He's already lost his family, he can't watch you die too, and you know that.
"You're a victor, you won the games. The Capitol loves our relationship, he can't kill me," you argue.
"Nobody ever wins the Games. Period. There are survivors. There're no winners."
"Come with me then," you plead, your voice shaking with unshed tears but there's no escaping for him. He's a victor, and he'll be forced to perform as such for the rest of his life. Your final hug is filled with things you can't bring yourself to say. Things Haymitch already knows, and things you promise yourself to tell him when you see him again.
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ellaenchanting · 7 months
Hypnovember Day 11: Attitude Adjustment/IQ Reduced
It was like she couldn't get the words out fast enough. "And I have 6 discharges tomorrow with no follow up scheduled yet and I haven't even been able to contact some of the families and..."
"Is there anything you can do about any of that tonight?" he asked her, gently stopping the torrent of her work recap.
"No. But! I still need to eat dinner. And wash some clothes for tomorrow. And make sure the kids are ok...."
"Shh," he said comfortingly. "I've already washed and folded the clothes. And I told the kids mommy was working late so they're already asleep. You're done for the day."
She sighed deeply.
He put his hand on her cheek, gently moving her head so she was looking directly into his eyes. "Relaaaax," he said, stretching the word out meaningfully. His tone shifted too, to something deep and steady. "You're home. You're safe. Just relax, now."
It had been a while since she heard him speak like this. She missed it.
Too bad it wouldn't work. She was way too stressed. She almost felt herself get caught in his gaze for a moment but- then her anxiety rushed back in, like a wave crashing over a too-short wall.
His hand moved around to rub the back of her neck.
"I'm sorry," she said. "I'm just so stressed I can't THINK it's like I try and it's just STATIC in my head. I sat in the parking lot for 5 minutes before I could even make myself drive home."
"Mmmmm," he murmured, still rubbing her neck. "Breathe, honey."
He breathed in and out slowly to demonstrate. She found herself following along, taking a few deep breaths before even thinking about it. Between the breathing and his light neck massage, she was beginning to feel better.
He made sure he had her gaze before offering- "If you want, I could make things simpler for you for a bit. Would you like that?"
A shiver ran through her at the sound of her old trigger- "simpler". It had been some time since they had done this but they both understood what he was offering. Would it still work?
She nodded her head but didn't want to disappoint him or herself- not after so long.
"I want to? But I honestly don't know how I'll respond," she said, "I can barely concentrate right now."
But even as she was protesting, she found herself automatically following his hand as it floated just above her forehead. Another of their old signals, this one nonverbal: "Pay attention".
She did.
His fingers came closer and closer to her forehead before finally touching, rubbing a small spiral right in the middle.
"Shhhhh...." his voice soothed.
Something inside her shifted.
It wasn't a quick, profound drop like she had experienced in the past but- she found herself instinctively closing her eyes anyway. When she did, the noise in her head seemed to quiet down automatically.
"Good," he said. "That's perfect. You remember just how to do this, don't you? I know you do. It's like riding a bicycle - part of you never forgets."
"I know you talked about having static in your head- but maybe we can use that to help you let go a bit more. Static doesn't have to be harsh, you know. Maybe your static is like- a white noise generator, blocking anything unnecessary out. Quiet and soothing. Like the one you listen to when you go to sleep. Just- think of that gentle static playing while you sleep. Helping you rest. You can notice it- and then you can let it all fade into the background. It just makes everything quieter, doesn't it? Simpler. "
She nodded her head, easily caught in his instructions. The shudder that went through her at the trigger felt more profound this time.
She remembered the old imagery they had worked on- the wheels of the clockwork of her thoughts slowing. Slowing. Grinding to a halt.
As she pictured those slowing gears, she could feel her inner monologue growing distant and dreamlike. Her awareness moved from her lumbering thoughts to her body- almost like her mind itself had moved from her head to somewhere in her chest. Her senses began heightening and she was drawn more and more to what the room smelled like, how the carpet felt, the gentle sound of the ceiling fan. She found herself getting lost in a world of sensation.
"That's good, honey," he encouraged. "You don't need to think right now. I've got all your bigger thoughts for safekeeping. You remember how to be simpler for me, don't you? No big words, no big thoughts. Just how you feel in this moment. OK?"
She nodded. It was the easiest way to communicate now. She still had some words but- it was easier not to use them when she was simpler. She trusted him to understand what she needed without bothering to speak.
"Good. Can you open your eyes for me?"
She did.
"How does your body feel right now?" he asked.
She checked- mentally scanning herself from head to toe.
"Tired," she replied eventually. "Hungry."
She looked up at him.
"Do you want some food?"
It took her a few moments to contemplate the thought before she eventually replied with a simple: "Yes".
He smiled at her in a way that might have struck her as patronizing at a different time.
His smile caused an unexpected spike in another sensation- one that had been hiding underneath all of her stress all along.
Until now.
"I'm going to warm dinner up- we'll have it here," he was saying. "I'll be right back."
"Wait!" she cried, suddenly.
He stopped and turned back, curiously.
Now she needed to find words again.
Her brows crossed as she tuned into her body in that slow, deep way that came with this state. There was a heat between her legs that spread upwards as she noticed it more thoroughly. She began to notice the feeling of the air on her arms and the slight way her bra rubbed against her breasts when she breathed. "Horny?" she said, finally finding the right word for how she was feeling.
He laughed. "Good girl. Yeah- that old conditioning is still working for you, huh? I bet you feel horny right now. Does it feel good?"
She nodded, that response coming much more quickly than most.
It DID feel good.
Without really thinking about it, her hands moved to her right breast, squeezing it.
THAT felt even better.
"Mmmm- I guess that's my answer then, huh?" he asked. "Tell you what- you need to eat before we do anything else. So- I'm going to go get the food. But while I'm doing that? You can touch yourself as much as you want. Do whatever feels good to your body, ok?"
She nodded again, barely paying attention to his words. Her hands moved all over her flesh as she caressed her newly sensitive skin rapturously. She wanted to touch everywhere.
"My only rule is that you don't come, ok? I want to save that for later."
She nodded absently, focused on a wonderful spot she had found on the side of her stomach. Part of her brain was receiving his instructions but- she didn't have to think about that part. She just had to focus on touching.
He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. "And stay nice and quiet while you touch, yeah? We don't want to wake anyone else up."
She nodded, biting back a moan as her hand finally slid to her pussy.
He looked on for a moment, seeming almost hypnotized himself by his writhing, almost animalistic wife.
Food first, he reminded himself.
Then sex.
Then putting a note in his phone to call the babysitter for her weekend availability. It had been FAR too long since they had played like this and next time?
He wanted her to be LOUD.
Tagging @mentat101posts @thekinkycocktailclub @jam-and-stuff
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gabnills · 1 year
Hello, I was thinking if you could write a fic about neteyam with a short omatikaya s/o. Just neteyam doing a lot of teasing on how the reader struggles to kiss him because of the height difference. Lots of fluff and make sure to take a break when you need to, don't forget to also stay hydrated 🥰🥰
I had to feel identified with this 😔 hope you like it
Fruit Neteyam X Short F!Omaticaya Reader
Words: 676
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-I could help you up there if you want
-I really don't know if you're really saying that to help me or to make fun of me- you were older than Neteyam by almost two years, but in your family the women had never been exactly tall, and on the other hand you understood that the entire Sully family was actually exceptionally tall. That wasn't help.
At this moment you were trying to get a fruit, the ones that were ripe and ready to eat had grown in the highest part of the tree, naturally you couldn't reach one of the branches to climb.
-I would never make fun of you dear- you obviously heard her amused tone although you couldn't see it, too focused on reaching that damn branch
-Tell that to someone who doesn't know you - you speak with difficulty trying too hard to stretch as much as you could
-I really think you could fall, let me help you
-I'm fine, also, if you help me I'll owe you a favor that I'm not sure I want to pay you
-Well, I'm not sure that you really don't want to.
You only say it to contradict me- there it is, from one moment to another you began to pay close attention to his voice and you took a false step, you felt the branch you were on and it began to creak, Neteyam also noticed it
-I don't think that's a good sign, better go down, we'll find another tree - you heard her voice worried down there and as carefully as possible you started to go down
-Well that didn't work, will you let me help you or do you prefer not to eat the fruit?
-I'm not in the mood for your games, it's late, let's go back for dinner before they notice we're not here - you walked away without looking back, because it was true, you were tired and what had happened before had irritated you even more
At dinner time you hadn't seen Neteyam anywhere and when his mother asked you if you knew where he was you answered no, you weren't in the mood to join him in whatever he was up to so when you finished dinner, You headed straight for your hammock in one of the trees in the village.
while you were walking to your bed, surrounded by the luminescent nature of the forest, you felt footsteps behind you, when you turned around you saw Neteyam holding a pair of large purple fruits in his hands, he looked at you with a tender pleading look, with puppy dog eyes shiny
-So that's what you were doing, your mom was looking for you at dinner
-I thought you hadn't noticed
-How could I not notice? -her gaze did not give way, he extended one of the fruits in your direction and you couldn't help but form a smile on your face and make a gesture to take it
-If you want it, then you owe me a favor - he take the fruit from your hands
-I didn't ask you to do it.
-So I'm not obligated to give it to you, besides you said so, my mom is looking for me - she turned around and began to walk slowly
-What do you want
-I knew it, I thought I had ruined my chance - he looked at you again the moment he heard your voice and practically ran towards you
-Could you kiss me? please? - those same puppy eyes when he was in front of you
-You could say that a long time ago, you didn't have to climb to the top of a tree
-You wouldn't have reached them anyway.
-Don't say anything anymore or you're seriously going to ruin it
Neteyam leaned a little towards you, you stood on your toes to reach his lips and he held you by the waist to give you balance, his soft lips met yours and you knew that the fruit could wait
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bau-drabbles · 1 year
a/n: creds to the prev people that did this! :)
your insta but you're dating aaron hotchner, part 3
okay i promise this is the last time 😭 i made this in such a rush, it's so ooc. pls forgive me and enjoy 🤍
part 1, 2, 4
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liked by itslukealvez, reid.gram and 500 others
y/n_xo: aaron and his dimples 😍🫶
view all 240 comments
d.morgan: and then you have reid who's standing behind him like a skin walker
its.emilyp: he looks like a kid who's gone to tell his dad he ate all his food including the veg
itsjj: he looks like henry when he vomited at 2am and came into my room to announce it
penny.garcia: my sweet boy, he looks like he needs a big long hug!! 🥹🥹
d.morgan: he's fine sweetness, he's going to live 😐
its.emilyp: its okay derek, spencer loves you too
d.morgan: i already know, who wouldn't 😏
y/n_xo: this is not tinder pls, i just wanted to appreciate aaron's dimps 🥲
itsjj: aww father and his son 💗
a.hotch: one is enough, thanks
d.morgan: loool you heard the man, reid. no one likes you
a.hotch: you leave him alone right now 🤨
reid.gram: you heard the man, morgan. no one likes you 🥱
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liked by its.emilyp, penny.garcia and 490 others
y/n_xo: he's so cute 🤍🥹
view all 301 comments
d.morgan: yknow sometimes i forget hotch is a whole father
reid.gram: same. he's so angry all the time. i can't fathom him showing any other emotions beside it
y/n_xo: he's so nice to jack, i can't remember last time i even got a kiss 🥲
itsjj: this morning when we walked by your office 🤨
penny.garcia: or last night when we were at the dinner 🤥
the.davidrossi: or literally anytime you both are together 😐
a.hotch: i literally kissed you just a minute ago. but okay
its.emilyp: ignore them all, baby. i'll give you all my kisses 👭
its.emilyp: has he been working out? 🤨
a.hotch: it's all natural, i assure you
d.morgan: he's lyin. he asked me to help him work out
a.hotch: have you never heard of privacy before??
itsjj: i was going to say, he's been looking.... a little bigger lately 🤔
y/n_xo: JJ 💀💀
itsjj: is that not what the kids are calling muscular?
penny.garcia: right?? recently he's been coming in sweaty like he's been running for miles
y/n_xo: sometimes he does ;)
itsjj: 👁👄👁
reid.gram: i am so close to blocking you from my phone
d.morgan: i really did not need that vision in my head 🤢
penny.garcia: i also did not need to see our boss in that light please
y/n_xo: shouldn't have asked 😌🫶
the.davidrossi: i think its time to slip into early retirement
y/n_xo: finally❤
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liked by a.hotch, itsjj and 578 others
y/n_xo: i love u my grumpy man
view all 309 comments
a.hotch: i love you more, my sweet ❤
its.emilyp: wake up and break up rn
reid.gram: the way i fell into a endless void of nothingness for all of eternity
itsjj: aww you guys are so cute😁🔫
penny.garcia: right, you guys are so adorable!! (i've had enough of living)
d.morgan: highway during rush hour looks mad comfy rn
a.hotch: please every single one of you seek professional help
its.emilyp: two bros holding hands 6 feet apart because they're not gay
y/n_xo: EMILY :(
itsjj: em you know he's just shy
its.emilyp: of what? me personally, i'd be flaunting y/n everywhere 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
y/n_xo: (s)creaming 😻
a.hotch: Y/N! 😠
d.morgan: you do know... we can read these right?? 🤢
reid.gram: i think she likes feeding off our fear and horror
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liked by kate.callahan, blake_alex and 503 others
y/n_xo: i'm abt to give strauss a quick call 🤨
view all 234 comments
the.davidrossi: please like erin would go for you 💆‍♂️
y/n_xo: i didn't think she'd go for a mean old pasta man yet here we are
penny.garcia: is that jealousy i smell? 🤔
its.emilyp: he's actually ecstatic that his secret is out #rotch4life😍
reid.gram: you mean *roach
a.hotch: is that how this team refers to me, as the chief supervisor? 🤨
its.emilyp: yep 🫂
d.morgan: she said it^^
its.emilyp: omgg conspiracy theory, hotch dated y/n so he could lust over rossi in private 😹
reid.gram: it's not a conspiracy if it really happened ☝
a.hotch: this most certainly did not happen!
its.emilyp: well you know what they say, guilty until proven innocent
the.davidrossi: nobody says that!
its.emilyp: okay and how do you know?? exactly you don't. case closed 🗣
d.morgan: honestly rossi... it feels like you're trying to cover up your tracks 😏
its.emilyp: the closet is glass, we know and it's okay ❤
itsjj: we all love youu 🥹🫶
the.davidrossi: all of you better sleep tonight with a lock. i'm coming after every single one
penny.garcia: if you kill me, could you try not to ruin my hair? the curls are no joke 😩
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biggestsimp12 · 1 year
Why don't you love me like i love you?
With following characters: Wanderer, Tighnari, Diluc, Albedo, Ayato.
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A simple question with hard answer. Your gaze glued on his features waiting for an answer.
He never expected from all people, you to come and ask that question.
You were just a maid who some what made her way into his strong barricaded heart.
He denied the strong feeling in his chest that made its appearance whenever he seen your smiling face, your gorgeous E/C eyes or any of your features really.
He just stood there frozen in place while staring at you.
Never mind... Sorry for wasting your time Master Diluc. Forget i even asked such dumb question... You mumbled to yourself the last part as you made your way to the exit.
A strong arm gripped on your hand, stopping you from your tracks.
Wait... I should be the one apologizing Y/N. You are an amaizing person i could never asked for. I do love you as much as you. It would be my honour if you gave me the chance to prove that to you... So please. Would you mind joining me tonight for dinner?
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Confused. He never knew you have felt like that for him. He let out a small "hm", giving you a quick glance after going back at his experiment. He didn't mean to hurt you really. Poor boy just wasn't familiar with the therm love before. After you left, clear sadness all over your face for not receiving an actual answer, he went straight to Sucrose.
He told her every thing that happend as Sucrose now received the answer to why you left so early. The poor girl had to explain him all this human emotions and stuff like, no you can not experiment on these emotions to make some one stop having them and no, you can't somebody just love you in seconds. (#giveSucroseAbreak)
The next day when you showed up he went straight to you with a box in his hand.
Uhh.. This is for you. I apologize for not understanding how you felt earlier that day. I'm not used to these new "feelings" as Sucrose likes to put it.
Maybe you can show how this love experiment- i- sorry.. I mean experience is like?
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"What do you mean?"
I mean I always show you affection and love when your in need, I always have time for you when you need. Or at least i make myself some time for you. But you never do the same... So why?
Ayato was stuck. He indeed did not have time for you anymore lately. He came home tired with every last drop of energy dried up wanting to cuddle you to sleep. But he never thought he will hear those words come out of your mouth. He didn't want to break up with you either. That was an option he'll never consider. He raised your chin up to his tired gaze. He scooped you closer as he whispered in your ear.
Oh dear. I never wanted to make you feel unloved. I promise i'll make it up to you right now. So come cuddle?
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Scoffs. Who told you he didn't love you in the first place? Isn't that why you two were together?
He looked at you anamused as he spoke.
Y/N if this one of your silly questions again, I don't have time.
He studied your face as you were and looked in fact, pretty serious.
I'm genuinely asking, 'Nari.
You said in a more insecure tone.
He took your hand and sighed.
Listen up, You're the most amaizing person in my life, ok? You better know it you big Lummox.
Tighnari said as he tickled your cheek with his ear.
Oh, how he loved your giggles.
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Another one that scoffs. You think he will love a mortal like you? He is a god after all who doesn't let anyone so easily in his heart.
It is all a façade. You both know it is.
You really love him? Who would want to even look at him after all he has done? He knows that nobody remembers what he's done but still. You are willing to give him your slightest bit of attention. Do you really think he is worth of it?
He'll tell you the truth in his own mean way lmao.
Alright, alright. You aren't that insufferable. H-hey! Why are you smiling like that!?
~The end~
Have a nice day/night
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the-anxious-stargazer · 9 months
Like Lucky Strike || Sam Carpenter
Pairing: Sam Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Summary: After Y/N asks out Sam on a date, both of them worry about how the night would go. When the night came and the date went on, they felt their worries settle down knowing that they were both comfortable of each other.
Words: 4.4k
Note: i'm happy y'all enjoyed the first part and honestly i never thought of making a part 2 so here you go! i'm sorry if it took too long i was trying so hard to find the motivation to write the date part during a breakup HUHU enjoy more sam fluff bc this woman deserves the fucking world :) also yes quinn never went bad we are healthy so she is not going to avenge her bitchass brother.
[Masterlist] [Part 1]
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・ ‥…━━━━━━━━━━♡♡♡━━━━━━━━━━…‥ ・
"Hey Matty, where's a great place to bring a girl you have been crushing on for quite some time now? " Y/N asks her good friend, who paused his typing,
"Wait, you finally asked Sam out?" Matt states his shock.
Y/N had been rambling to her good friend and boss, Matt, about how things had been going between her and Sam. If he were being honest, his friend's been stupidly in love with Sam since the day she shared their conversation one night at the diner. For someone who likes to observe the world around her, Matt was sure she was the most oblivious of how she felt towards a specific woman that works in her favorite diner.
It had been the day after Y/N had walked Sam to her apartment after work and asked her to dinner, and for the past few hours since she got home, she's been overthinking about it. She ends up planning what she'd be wearing for the date and settled wearing something more casual than what she always wore whenever she stopped by the diner. If someone were watching her choosing between the amount of clothes she had picked they'd think that she has lost her mind. Though Y/N had decided on her clothes, the next on her list was the place they'd have dinner at. Like what Sam said last night, she was aiming for a place they can only afford than going to an expensive restaurant and pouring her entire savings into some dish that she's not even sure she'd like. So that's why she seeks someone else's opinion,
"Yes, I did, and I'm panicking because I have no place in mind to take her to!" The woman nervously answers before she sat down on the chair by his table and tapped her feet. It was something she's been doing for the past few hours of contemplating things.
"Well, don't take her anywhere expensive." Her friend emphasizes as he leans back in his chair and crosses his arms.
"I'm aware, dude. I can't spend my entire bank account for a plate of steak that I can do 10x better at home." Y/N jokes when she can't even cook much.
"Then why not cook her something?" Matt playfully suggests, and he sees the cringe on her face before replying, "And attempt to burn my place down again? Gladly! " 
"C'mon, it can't be that bad Y/N." He tries to convince her.
Y/N suddenly recalls the time she tried to make spaghetti and ended up burning the sauce and cooking her noodles mushy. The chaos she omitted that Sunday afternoon caused her fire alarm to go off, and earned numerous knocks on her door after her attempt. Let's just say she never bothered to try cooking anything fresh other than instant noodles and canned food. Even her mother laughed so hard at her story when she was telling it on the phone.
"Did you forget that I almost burned my place down because of tomato sauce, Matthew?" The sarcasm that drips in her voice makes Matt laugh,
"Oh, what about that taco truck you said you've been wanting to try for the past two weeks?" Matt remembers her words. The woman's eyes light up from his suggestion.
Y/N still had been eyeing that taco truck that was a few walks away from her apartment but had always been preoccupied to try.
"Oh my gosh, Matt. You're a fucking genius! " Y/N exclaims before standing up.
"Then I'll let you get off early later." Matt chuckles at his friend before he watches her walk out of his room and go to the lobby to continue her brainstorming. Though she does stop by the door before saying, "Thank you, Matty. You're the best!"
Meanwhile, in the Bailey-Carpenter apartment, Sam had reluctantly asked her young sister what outfit she could wear, and it ended up Mindy, Anika, and Quinn tagging along. Tara was beyond ecstatic to help her big sister with something like this. After almost a year of living in New York, Sam's finally letting herself be open in the dating scene. The other three were beyond surprised to hear that the Samantha Carpenter was going on a date with someone they had never heard of before, but Tara filled them with what she knew. Quinn and Tara rummage into Sam's closet for some clothes qualified enough for her to wear tonight. 
So far, the progress is going very slow.
"Wait so, she's a regular at the diner you work at and defended you from these mean girls that been harassing you? Damn, now I want to meet the woman." Mindy babbles as she sat on Sam's bed and rests one of her arms in-between her girlfriend's thighs.
"And she always walks her home after her shifts. I sometimes catch up to them and that ass of hers is looking mighty fine in those pantsuits." Quinn adds while studying one of Sam's crop top.
"That's so sweet. Sam, she already sounds like a keeper." Anika smiles at the older Carpenter who has been embarrassed the entire time.
"Oh my god you guys, we're not even anything yet." Sam covers her face.
"Not even anything? Sam, she's literally the first person you opened up to with none of our connections. And she waits for you to finish your shift sometimes and walks you home!" Tara points out facts as she turns around to face her sister,
"And— And, she's the first person to ever make you genuinely laugh! I have never heard you laugh since you know who!" Her sister continues.
"Tell me, has she ever done that to anyone else at the diner?" The younger Carpenter continues, and the three wait for her response as she froze.
The coffee breaks she always offered to everyone turned out mostly to be her's except for the times she was off. Y/N does always wait for her to finish her shift but only when she's on the morning shift. On the night shifts, she's more than happy to accompany her before 10 pm to head home and rest. Sam always texted her whenever she got home before going to sleep and it always surprised her when she got a reply so early to bid her to have a good rest. Y/N only offered the walks to her specifically that even Cate and Dolly tease her about it while Dale proudly smiles at his favorite regular. Sam concludes that her sister was right. When she took too long to respond Tara snaps her fingers and scoffs in amusement.
"See? There is something!" The younger Carpenter finishes before she goes back to help Quinn.
"Okay, as much as I want to help Tara prove that she's right, why do you not have anything spicy here Sam? Not even a red dress or a cute skirt?" Quinn interjects and she gives up.
"I mean, tank tops, skinny jeans, and boots are Sam's thing. I don't see a problem with that." Mindy joins in with a shoulder shrug.
"I agree with her on that one." Her girlfriend beams and Mindy kisses her cheek for it.
Sam smiles at their antics before she finally helps find the perfect fit for her. She felt content to be surrounded by people who support her in this new chapter in her life. Part of her still felt incredibly nervous to go out with Y/N who felt the same way as she changed to the outfit she had planned which was a green plaid jacket, white shirt, black jeans, and walking shoes. It felt weird to dress this comfortably just to see Sam. She's at least checked herself in the mirror more times she can count than usual and has contemplated too many times if she should drop the jacket or not. But the weather today seems to tell her that it might rain one way or the other. Y/N just had to be sure that she was prepared for the worst.
When she finally stopped herself from stressing about her fit, she grabbed her stuff and left her apartment to walk her way to Sam's apartment. Even if it was around five blocks away walking felt better than getting a taxi and getting stuck in traffic at this hour. Y/N put on her earphones as she strutted through the New York crowd and minded her business. The people around her moved in routine as some bumped into each other and yelled at the person to watch their way while some people talked loudly on the phone. She was beyond immune to how the people here are the way they are. So as Y/N arrives at the Bailey-Carpenter apartment building, she catches a glimpse of the sisters waiting for her by the stairs and Tara is the first one to notice her arrival. Her eyes couldn't leave Sam's body as she stood next to her sister who sat on the stairs and tapped her shoes nervously. She wore a cropped tank top and blue skinny jeans to match her usual boots that she wore to work. Y/N always liked her wearing tank tops because she gets to see those arms for free.
"Y/N!" Tara jumped from her seat as she ran to hug the woman nearing them. Y/N smiles at the younger Carpenter and hugs her with one hand.
Sam looks up to see both of them and she freezes at the sight of her. Those doe eyes couldn't leave Y/N's figure as she initiated small talk with Tara. Everything else blurred out as she watched the woman smile as she spoke and her voice was inaudible. She thought she looked amazing even in casual wear. It was too weird to see her outside of her work clothes since she's gotten so used to Y/N visiting her right after work. She didn't even realize that they had approached her. Sam couldn't snap out of her trance until someone snapped their fingers in front of her. Tara giggled at her sister's unresponsiveness when Y/N greeted her and dropped her hand that was in front of her sister's face.
"Huh?" Sam uttered as she blinked a few times.
"You good, Sam?" Y/N asks as she tries to hide away her amusement,
"Yeah, y-you look good." She sheepishly replies and smiles back at her before she hears her compliment her back, "I could say the same for you,"
"You ready?" The woman saw her nod before both of them turned to notice Tara grinning at them.
"You better bring her back home before 10 or we will hunt you down, Y/L/N." The younger Carpenter tries to intimidate her with an emphasis on "we" and it makes Y/N laugh at her attempt. The interaction caused Sam to push Y/N's back for them to leave.
"10 o' clock, Y/L/N! Don't forget it! "
"Yes, ma'am!" She turns around and shouts back with a salute.
"Tara get back inside! I'll see you later." Tara shakes her head while giggling before following her order.
Unconsciously, Y/N holds her hand while Sam's free hand covers her face in embarrassment. As much as she loved her sister dearly, Tara was surely doing all she could to humiliate her in front of Y/N. But deep down, she's more than happy that they bonded well. Tara is kind of easy to befriend so Y/N had no worries getting along with the young Carpenter. The woman in question smiles at her as she covers her blushed face and finally takes the lead to walk them to their destination.
"I am so sorry about her." Sam tries to apologize.
"It's nothing, I like seeing you all embarrassed. It's cute." Y/N let her know.
Sam tries to act cool from her words and removes her hand from her face before looking at her to ask, "Stop it! Where are you taking us?"
"Oh, there's this taco truck I've always passed whenever I come back from the diner and have always wanted to try it out. Might as well try there." Y/N informs as they walk past a crowd.
They were a crowd of teenagers and laughing loudly at their shenanigans. Y/N felt Sam stiffen from the crowd so she carefully let go of her hand and slipped it on her back to settle her hand on her waist. This moved their bodies closer and the move made Sam blush again. Part of her wish was that Y/N wouldn't notice it but she was already too late as it made her smirk. Her cautious mind calmed down after.
"Do you want me to move away?" The woman softly questions to her ear. She could've sworn that her voice shifted from sweet to silky.
Situations like this used to make Sam freeze after Woodsboro, but Y/N has unconsciously helped her get through it. She felt incredibly safe with her around. Safety was something she had never felt since moving to New York before all the rumors started.
"N-No, this is fine." Sam stuttered, cursing at herself for doing so.
Y/N just simply smiles before they continue walking close to each other. The warm feeling on her chest continued that she couldn't help herself from smiling. Sam's nervousness was long gone and she felt more comfortable in Y/N's arms. They were able to pass by the diner and wave at the staff and regular customers inside. Behind Y/N's back, Dale had just won the bet he had with both servers who thought she wouldn't have the guts to ask Sam or the other way around. Cate whined in defeat before handing the cook his ten bucks. The smug smile on Dale's face only annoyed Dolly who also gave her ten bucks and continued cleaning the table she had abandoned after seeing the two.
When Y/N notices the familiar deli shop on the other side of the road she smiles knowing that they are near. Her hands loosen from Sam's hips and beams at her,
"What kind of taco do you like?" The woman randomly asks and Sam hums to think about her answer while they wait,
"My dad used to make these fish tacos when we were young and when we had a trip to Mexico I had this amazing one but forgot it," Sam replies.
"What about you?" She voices out her curiosity.
"I've had Al Pastor once and it was good. The one that's been showing up in my timeline lately is Birria tacos and I swear I want to try them so bad." Y/N happily answers.
Sam only giggles at her ramble before they finally arrive at the place and it was kind of crowded. There was quite the line for both the order and waiting and so far the people who were already eating seemed to be having a good time while enjoying the food. The place had slowly upgraded since Y/N had laid eyes on it. At first, it was just a taco truck by an empty parking space, but now there were tables and decorations around their area with lights complimenting the homey vibe of the area. The owner must have gotten a lot of attention to make this place look lively. Sam liked how cozy and warm the area looked as she observed more.
"So, what are we ordering?" Y/N wonders as she looks her way.
She sees the older Carpenter stare at the sign and concentrate on which order should she pick. The way her eyebrows furrowed as she debated between fish and beef made Y/N's heart flutter. Those doe eyes that used to be so mysterious are now mesmerizing to her. She thought she was so adorable that she didn't even realize that she'd been staring for too long.
"I mean, we only have two options. We can order both and just share if you'd like?" Sam concludes her thought process before she turns to see the woman's reaction only to be smiling at her mindlessly.
"Y/N? " She calls for her when she doesn't answer her.
"Hmm? Yeah, that sounds good to me." Y/N blurts out when she pulls away from her thoughts and it's Sam's turn to be amused by her getting distracted.
"What's on your mind?" Sam tries to tease her and it only makes the woman blush.
"I-I, uhm—"
"I'm messing with you, dummy." The teasing she caused had only made Y/N blush even harder as she scratched the back of her head and laughed along with her.
Just the sight of Y/N like this will be stuck at the back of Sam's head for who knows how long.
While waiting in line, the two continued conversing about their day. Y/N excluded the part where she was panicking over where she'd take them to dinner and stressing over her outfit. She found it cute how all the girls came together to help Sam with her outfit even when she only asked for Tara. Her sister has mentioned the three before whenever she hangs out at the diner when she has no classes in the afternoon. So far, Mindy is her favorite from the stories. As they ordered and finished up, it was time to wait in line. Gladly the service was fast since around four people were working inside a food truck to cook and prepare while two worked to clean the tables. When their orders were placed and the food served later, both enjoyed their dinner with laughs and stories. Y/N liked both fish and beef but Sam preferred the fish because it brought some nostalgia for her. The woman didn't mind offering the majority of the fish tacos to her and just smiled when Sam appreciated her for offering them.
"You know… I thought you wouldn't return them." Y/N began while trying to add some salsa verde to her half-eaten taco. The Carpenter girl figured that they were talking about how they felt for each other as she wiped off whatever was on her face after finishing her last taco.
"Well, I've never really had anyone openly be friendly with me and stick around even when I don't show much... interest." Sam answers.
"Stick around huh?" The woman teases with a grin before biting in.
"I mean, who's the one who kept asking for coffee breaks?" Sam watches her stifle her laugh while trying to finish chewing her food and swallow it down before replying to her,
"In my defense, I offer coffee breaks to everyone." Y/N tries to say.
"And yet you still offered it after I declined twice. You were a tad bit persistent on that." All she could do was shake her head.
"What can I say, I liked the whole mystery behind you. Intrigued me a lot and I'm glad I was patient enough to make it this far." Y/N admits, leaning back in her seat to cross her arms with a small smile.
Her eyes follow Sam's every move as she leans close to her and hovers her mouth next to her ear to say, "You have something on your face."
The shortness of the gap between them causes Y/N to sit still while the Carpenter girl wipes away the smudge of salsa verde near the corner of her lips with tissue. Her cheeks light up as they stay close and she stares at Sam's lips which seem to be more irresistible than before. The urge to fight herself back from kissing her was her greatest battle right now because she was almost losing. Sam found amusement in her enthralled state, knowing that this was the same woman who almost swerved smoothly through her guarded walls for the past month. All that natural confidence she carried with ease was nowhere to be found now. Y/N felt her hold her chin before forcing her to move her attention to her face she had a smirk. Her blush only worsened.
"Eyes up here, Cariño." Y/N almost melted on the floor when she heard her speak again.
"T-Thank you." She was able to bring herself to voice her gratitude.
Sam only chuckled at her when she replied before checking her phone to see the time. The woman before her stood up with a sigh and motioned her to follow, "Come on, my sister's going to potentially hunt you down if we don't get back at 10."
"R-Right!" Y/N stutters as she stands up.
The Carpenter girl only smiled at her as she went to cling her right arm around her left arm. Both of them walked by the sidewalk with comfortable silence between them and Sam leaned her head to her shoulder, trusting Y/N fully. She felt a sense of accomplishment for coming this far. All that patience was worth the effort now that she was here with Sam trusting her safety and well-being with her that she could never let herself be like this around anyone else but her family. That warm feeling came back to her chest as they continued to walk and Y/N only smiled at the feel of it.
"Did you enjoy tonight?" Y/N gently asks,
"It was… better than expected. Thank you for tonight." Sam sends her gratitude to her while trying to look up to see her grinning in content.
"You're always welcome, Sam. You deserve it."
Both continued in silence as they walked back to the Carpenter's place. While walking, Y/N felt something land on her face, and she slightly jumped from it. Her head turned left and right to try and figure out what it was before she felt something land again. The woman then looked up to the sky that had the stars hidden, and before they knew it the rain started pouring down at them. Y/N's instinct was to run and look for some cover, but most of them were being occupied by other people. A thought popped into her mind, and she suddenly remembered that she wore her plaid jacket for this exact reason. She then started stripping out of the said jacket and covered Sam's head to keep her dryer.
"You're going to get wet!" Sam scolds her only to be brushed off,
"It's okay, my place is near we can get dry there!" Y/N yells before grabbing her hand to lead them to her apartment.
Both of them ran through the New York rain as it continued to pour harder and they laughed like children playing in the rain. Tara's joking threats were now forgotten and Sam would probably give her a call later to let her know. Y/N could feel her clothes getting wetter in the process but as promised, the buildings that she was all too familiar with walking past whenever she came home came nearer. Sam noted that she lived on a nicer street than she and her sister do, though only a little. When they reached the apartment building, Y/N quickly looked for her keys in the pockets of her jeans and fished them out when she found them. She then unlocks the building door and lets Sam in first before she follows to close the door behind.
"Oh my god, Y/N. You're all soaked up." Sam points out the obvious as she takes off the plaid jacket off her head.
All she heard from her was a laugh before she shakes her head to brush it off.
"At least you're not." The woman beams at her and she thinks she looks like a little kid smiling at her with her hair flat and clothes drenched.
Y/N noted that Lenard, the keeper, would probably kill her for causing a mess on the floor with a puddle slightly forming from the water dripping from them. She'll apologize to him by the morning before she comes to work, probably with a box of his favorite Marlboro to make up to him.
"C'mon, we might get sick if we don't get out of these," Y/N remarked as she started making her way to the elevator.
Luckily enough for them, the elevator was free for them and they both entered the box accompanied by squeaks from their shoes. Y/N pressed the button for her floor and leaned her weight to the railing at the back, Sam following her. The Carpenter girl takes a moment to stare at the woman beside her and notices how her skin glistens from the water and the lighting of the elevator. It was relatively bright, but not bright enough to be blinding. Numerous thoughts came to her mind as she burned her skin with her unwavering eyes that she felt them. Y/N turns to face her and breathed,
"What's on your mind, Sammy?" Something about the way her voice caused the hair on her arms to go up and made her throw all her restraints away.
And hearing that nickname was her breaking point.
"Fuck it," Sam uttered before she grabs Y/N's face and presses her lips onto hers.
Y/N's plaid jacket that she had held has been dropped on the floor and both couldn't be bothered by it. The force Sam had used to press her hard to the wall caught Y/N off guard and the kiss only made her feel like there was a fireworks display in her stomach. She noted how soft her lips were and the desperation in her kiss as they turned their heads in sync. There was a hint of citrus on Sam's lips and she liked the taste of it that they felt irresistible. Hands slowly make their way to Sam's hips before Y/N flips their places with her now pinning the Carpenter girl, barely breaking the kiss.
If only she knew how her knees weakened when she took dominance.
When it seemed like it was taking forever and both women struggled to breathe, they pulled away from each other but not too far away to miss each other's warmth. Sam decided to be the first one to break the silence in the hair,
"I know I was the one who started, but I think… we're going too fast." She addressed as she caught her breath.
Y/N giggles as she looks down to avoid her stare and a shade of pink paints her cheeks, "Yeah, I agree and I don't mind if you want to take things slow."
Sam just smiles at her in content when she looks back to her doe eyes and makes her heart leap at the adoration in Y/N's eyes. She felt too fortunate to have someone as considerate and patient as her. Almost too good to be true. But she reassured herself that Y/N was nothing like Richie. And Sam hoped her heart won't be broken twice with betrayal.
"I'd like that."
・ ‥…━━━━━━━━━━♡♡♡━━━━━━━━━━…‥ ・
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Into Your Arms. - Price x OC
|| [<- Part One] ||
pairing: F!OC: Kathleen "Brass" Moore x John Price words: 4.3K~ cw: smut, piv sex (unprotected), car sex, unsafe sexual practices, pussy slapping, flirting, insults, banter, sexual innuendos/intentions, love confessions.
a/n: yes this is a musical fic/chapter thing and it's inspired by Into Your Arms by Ava Max and Witt Lowry.
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Yeah, I don't mean to make you wait, just the pressure's been gettin' heavy
I know if I fuck us up, we'll be over, done, you'll forget me
They dated for a solid 4 months. 4 months straight of him driving over to see her both at work and out of it. With some small missions in between, but constant time together nonetheless.
Showing up at the military hospital with coffee, or a pastry, or a meal to-go, kissing her on the lips, strong hands gripping at the extra fat on her thighs or her ass or her tummy.
Taking her on fancier dates, dinners, films, tea and sweets, little gifts here in there, letting her drag him around the shopping centre, and swipe his card on the machine before she could.
Ending up in her bed more often than not, sneaking out the next morning, meeting her roommate, Molly Cole, on many of those mornings, only to have a message in his phone by noon complaining about how Molly goaded her over him having spent the night over again.
Meeting her friends, her meeting his. Going out together for drinks at the pub, and clubbing, watching her dance and drink, feeling her body against his, seeing her curves in those dresses, watching how she came close to his height in those tall heels of hers...
Only to have to leave, sent on a mission. Many months long... Uncertain of how long just a "Until it's done" promise.
Their relationship was too carefree for a label or title... and too fresh for a 'I'll wait for you'.
It caused a difficult conversation.
One he hadn't expected to go the way it did.
I'm feelin' bad that I act this way, 'cause you let me
They call me king, but I know my queen will be there to check me
A breeching of feelings that they never had to before.
Standing in her bedroom, she was getting dressed, while he stood in the ensuite bathroom, looking in the mirror.
"I don't know when I'll be back." He announced from over his shoulder.
"That's fine." She replied as she fastened her bra.
"No, you don't understand." He grunted as he turned to look at her.
He watched her reach over to grab a black camisole from the hanger.
"What don't I understand?" She asked as she glanced at him before throwing the camisole over her body.
"That I don't know if and when I'll be back... and I don't want you to wait." He leaned against the doorway, looking at her.
"You severely overestimate how invested I am in this, John." Kathleen said as she pulled her brown hair off from the accidental tuck inside her camisole.
"So you won't care that I go?" John asked her as he crossed his arms.
"Were you expecting me to?" She chuckled as she crossed her own arms, mirroring him.
"And you won't miss me, huh?" He teased.
"Nope." She replied nonchalantly.
"Won't even worry that I might die out there?"
"I hope you do, actually."
John rolled his eyes and scoffed. "You're a horrible woman."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, war criminal-" She rolled her eyes. "I'm just saying, don't expect me to be waiting for you with open arms."
I'm out of my head, out of my mind
If you let me, I'll be out of my dress and into your arms tonight
Feels like I'm always waitin'
Kathleen is good at lying. Normally.
When John told her he had to go, and for the next three weeks, she acted as if she didn't care, as if she wouldn't and didn't miss him at all.
But it was slowly tearing her up from the inside out.
Whenever an SAS team was sent back and came into Tidworth for treatment, she'd stiffen up.
She'd run out to the helipad, rushing for the chopper and directing the other nurses and doctors and triage, and then she'd look around, amidst the chaos, wide-eyed and feral, as if expecting to find her boyfriend on a stretcher...
Was he even her boyfriend?
Had he ever been?
Two months came and went and it settled however. She started seeing other people, one-night stands (shameless ones), a couple of dates with blokes she found a bit too nice (boring)...
It was an earnest attempt at moving on.
Then he came back. She heard of it from others...
He didn't contact her for the first two weeks.
Acting like he was single, like he had been single this whole time.
Like she had been too, she guessed.
Yeah, I don't mean to make you wait or to contemplate about us
My ex, she loved to lie, guess that's why it's harder to trust
I been searchin' to find myself and not get too lost into lust
But she couldn't help but wonder if when he said 'don't wait for me', he really was just looking for an excuse not to continue dating her when he came back.
Then on the Saturday of week three, at 11 P.M., she received a text from him.
Big Bastard 🙄: "Can I come see you?"
And she let him.
She opened the door for him and he pushed his way inside, arms wrapped tight around her waist, a hand digging into her scalp, pressing her into the wall and claiming her mouth with a greedy kiss.
His tongue dug into her mouth like he was trying to stake claim on her from the inside out, pressing her body to his, her heavy breasts pushed tight against his muscular, nearly spilling out of her cami top as he groaned into her mouth.
They ended up tangled in each other's web again for two more months, having picked up right where they left off.
Going on dates again. Beach days, pool days, picnics, hikes, long drives, concerts and films.
Being all over each other, in each other's beds. In each other's arms.
Then he got another mission. Another 'don't know when I'll be back'.
Another 'I won't wait for you'.
But this time, when she said it, he saw through it.
He saw the look in her eyes. The exact opposite of the look of relief she had shown the day he came back into her life.
And he promised himself that when he did come back, he wouldn't reach out. That he wouldn't crawl his way back into her bed, her arms, her life.
If it was up to you now, you would be mine
I'm on the road more than I'm home, and still I find it's only you on my mind
He came back four months later. Early february.
And as he touched down and the helo lowered the back hatch, he stood there, with his arms crossed behind his back...
And he sought her out. As if expecting her to have somehow heard of him coming back, and would be there waiting.
When he left the base to hit up Hereford for a drink with his team, or his mates, he found himself missing the turn because the muscle memory to speed off to Tidworth was too much.
He'd be at the pub with his mates and look around, scanning the crowds of women with fake tans and skimpy dresses, as if look for those legs, that tummy, that set of tits.
You can't buy time with your money
And you love goin' to the beach whether it's cloudy or sunny
He'd go down to the shopping centre to get a new shirt or pants or shoes, and he'd pass by a window and take note of what in there he could buy to surprise her with.
He'd find a new restaurant she'd have wanted to try, a local shelter advertising a cat for adoption, her friends posting pictures with her on social media...
And he'd open her contact on his phone and his fingers would type a message...
Kat 😾 John: been thinking about you x
He couldn't reach out to her though, he couldn't. Not when she's that attached to him. Not when she needs him to stay, to be hers, to make promises and uphold them.
And you love drinkin' all your wine until it hurts in your tummy
You call me, "Honey, I'm tipsy and really all I want is for you to love me"
And then at 0200 hours, in one of the nights where he was out for a drink, his phone rang. He nearly jumped out of his seat when he saw her name on the screen.
"Yeah?" He greeted once he picked up, after having stepped out of the pub and standing in the dark and cold street under the pub awning.
"John..." She murmured, sounding whiny on the other side of the line.
"Kat..." He returned the greeting. "What's wrong?"
"I miss you." She whimpered into the line with a huff.
He knew that tone. It was the tone she always had when they'd go out together and she'd get pissed.
"We can't do this, Kat."
"John..." She whined.
Needy, soft, desperate to be held, to be kissed, to be fucked.
Fuck, how he missed her.
"Where are you?" He ended up asking her.
That's all it took. A drunk call, a messy drunk kiss as he helped her into bed, cuddling all night.
That's all it fucking took.
And then they ended up tangled in each other's web, once again.
Five months.
Dates, birthdays, a vacation overseas to Portugal, and sort of, but not really, pondering about moving in together.
And then he got called for another mission.
And as he sat her down again, this time, they breached it much differently than the other times.
Because this time, he had a timeline. Somewhere between six months and a year and a half.
"I'm not waiting for you." She told him directly, before he even had time to say anything.
He swore the ring box in his pocket was burning a hole through the fabric and onto his skin.
He just clenched his jaw and nodded. "That's your choice, then."
"It is." She replied. "Easier for the both of us."
And so he went and, as assumed, he came back nine months later.
And he tried. He tried. He tried to fucking stay away. He really did...
For two fucking days after touching down.
But his hands itched to touch her, his arms longed to wrap around her, his body felt colt and alone in his twin bed in the barracks;
His ears itched to hear her mewl and croon as he worked her sensitive bundle of nerves between his lips;
His soul itched to argue with her, to watch and hear her fight him, to witness her preen when she delivered a devastating insult, only to be hit with one back, to watch the smirk on her lips and the shine in her eyes as they challenged each other;
He missed her sitting pretty in his passenger seat, he missed her pulling him by the arm in public like a dog on a lead, he missed her being vocal when someone pissed her off, he missed surprising her at work with food and drink, he missed being sent out at night because she ran out of fags, he missed keeping a change of clothes in her closet, and a spare key in his pocket, he missed the looks men would give him when he walked around with a beautiful woman like her hanging off his arm...
He missed the dulcets of her voice even when she raised it.
He missed the scent of her shampoo, and her perfume, and her lotion.
He missed the red lipstick stains she'd leave all over his face.
He missed her.
I know I need to tell you, I care before it's too late
Before someone steps to the plate
Before you decide not to wait
Before you decide not to chase
So, like a bloody coward, he showed up at her flat door at 2000 on a Saturday, finding Kathleen's roommate, Molly Cole.
"She's not home, John."
"Is she having a shift at the hospital? That's fine, I don't mind waiting all night if I have to."
"No, she's on a date."
He felt his blood run cold.
No way in fucking hell was he letting another man have Kathleen.
He didn't care how pathetic it made him look.
So, after getting the information of where she was and with whom, John took off after her.
The text pinged Kathleen's phone while she was halfway through talking to her date.
A nice bloke named Edward, with whom she'd been on dates a couple of times by now. He wasn't completely boring though she had yet to feel the spark.
Probably because every bloke she'd go on dates with between John leaving for deployment and coming back would always get compared to John.
Big Bastard 🙄: I'm outside. Leave him and let me take you home.
She glanced at it and only answered after asking for a moment from Edward, claiming it to be her roommate.
Kat 😾: I'm not leaving.
Big Bastard 🙄: Either you leave or I'll go in there and take you back myself.
Kat 😾: I'd love to see you try.
She didn't know what she was saying. Not really. She always loved to play games with John in the past, to taunt him and goad him and tease him until his buttons were pushed too far and he acted.
But they had never had a moment like this.
One where the door of the restaurant was pulled open by John, and he marched inside, still in uniform, right up to her table, eyes locked on her, like a predator zeroed in on its prey.
And she had no intentions of running away.
He came up to her and grabbed her by the forearm, yanking her up and out of her seat, causing the cutlery to rattle against the plate.
"What is this? What do you think you're doing?" Edward spoke up as he got up as well, as if he could somehow stop this from happening.
John shot a look at Edward, a glare that could make most men freeze in the spot, as he grabbed her coat and draped it over his free arm, same with her purse.
"Your date is over." John said bluntly as he stared at Edward. "She won't be calling you again."
Then he walked off, pushing Kathleen along toward the door, carrying her things for her, as he dragged her toward the car.
Kathleen was almost ashamed to admit how much she had enjoyed that display of caveman-like possession on his part.
Hell, it turned her on.
But that didn't mean that she would just lay down and take it.
No, John, despite everything, had no right to do this. To come waltzing back into her life as he so pleased, acting as if he had a claim to her.
And she was going to make sure he knew it.
As John got into the driver's seat after having helped her into the passenger's, and began driving off, she threw a hand at him and started hitting him in the arm.
"How bloody dare you?!" Kathleen raised her voice as she hit him repeatedly, fists slamming into his arm and shoulder in such a way that he knew in the morning he'd have bruises.
Heavy handed she always was. Just like him. She'd leave him bruises and bleeding, he'd leave her bruises and crying. After sex, that is.
"Stop that, Kat, I swear to God." John grunted as he moved his arm a bit to try and catch her hands and stop her from hitting him.
"What do you think you're doing, ruining my date like that and... kidnapping me like a... Neanderthal?" She continued scolding him and hitting him, dodging his attempts at grabbing her.
"I didn't kidnap you, shut your fucking gob for once, you cunt." He told her. "You're acting as if I threw you over my shoulder while you were kicking and screaming. I just walked ya out!"
"It doesn't matter! You have no fucking right to do that, I was enjoying myself!"
"Like hell you were!" John shouted as he suddenly hit the brakes, pulling the car over to the side of the secluded road they were on, and turning swiftly to face her. "Say that again."
Kathleen went quiet as she glared at him and him and her, chests rising and falling, breaths erratic.
"Go on. Say it again. Say you were enjoying yourself." He goaded her. "Say you were truly and whole-heartedly enjoying yourself. Say it and I'll take you back there."
She continued staring at him. She was normally a great liar, an excellent one, a great poker face, quick at coming up excuses...
And sure she had been enjoying herself... just fine during that date. Maybe... maybe not as much as she would with John. But better than the others.
But she knew she couldn't lie about it this time. So she just huffed and muttered a 'Fuck you, John'. Her brown eyes jumpy and erratic, flicking between his blue ones.
"Oh, is that how it is?" He asked her with a cocked brow as he pulled the break on the car and then leaned over the centre console toward her. "A 'fuck you' is what I get?"
"Yeah, it's what you get." She replied with a sharp nod, her brows furrowing in anger and frustration.
"Well, then, fuck you too, sweet'art." He replied as got right in her face, both of them staring deep into the other's eyes like they were seconds away from throwing fists.
"Oh, I already know everything about how you want me to go fuck myself, Jonathan." The brunette told him and, for once, her voice quivered for a moment.
Vulnerability. He never thought he'd see the day.
"I've never wanted that." John said while shaking his head. "You're the one that always says you're not going to wait for me and you don't care about me going on deployment, Kat. So who's really making who go fuck themselves?"
"I do that for you, you bloody fucking idiot." Kathleen spat in a vitriol tone as she glared at him. Then, she turned her face and looked away, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Oh what? Do you? And how's that?" John confronted her as he leaned his head over so he could get back in her line of sight. "By acting like you don't care about me? About us?"
Kathleen's head snapped toward him again, eyes widened. "Oh, so there's an 'us' now, is there?" She asked with nothing if not disbelief in her voice.
"There always was an us." John replied as he glared at her. "Never fucking wanted anyone else. And you can't tell me you've wanted anyone else either."
"Oh piss off. You think I don't know what you soldiers do when you're overseas?" She goaded and nodded upward in an act of challenge. "I'm an Army nurse, John, not a civvy."
"I won't lie and say I didn't get involved with other women overseas." John told her point blank. "Just like you can't day you didn't get involved with other men either." He raised his brows, which caused her her grimace and nod.
"But we both know what the fuck that was. And what it meant. And where it stands compared to us."
"Oh don't give me that bloody 'us' bullshit." She grumbled and rolled her eyes. "You don't like me all that much, and I don't like you all that much."
John reached forward and gripped her around the jaw, tugging her face toward him, before looking right into her eyes.
"I might not. And you might not." He nodded as he stared into her eyes. "But it drives me fucking mental to not have you with me. I think about you every fucking day."
Her lips parted for a moment as he continued. "I want you by my side and not some other wanker that you know doesn't do it for you the way I do." He warned her, his eyebrows setting low over his blue eyes, causing them to darken.
"You're such a bastard, you know that?" Kathleen told him, eyes widened and pupils blown as she glared into his eyes too.
"I know. And you're such a cunt." John grunted in reply.
They stared at each other silently for another moment before they both lunged forward and kissed, their hands finding their way amidst each other's hairs.
John slid his seat back as far as it could go and then lowered the backrest all the way until the headrest was flush against the backseat.
He flipped him and Kathleen over, breaking the kiss for just a moment in order to slot her beneath him on the driver's seat.
He parted her legs and rolled up the hem of her little black dress, exposing her backside and cunt to him again.
"Fucking slag, not even wearing underwear..." He grunted at the sight of her cunt, deliciously wet and glistening in the orange light provided by the street lamps above.
"Fuck you, John. I had a date." She complained.
"Of course, how could I forget... You never wear knickers for those, do ya? Never did with me." He goaded.
Slipping off her high heels, he tossed them haphazardly onto the backseat as he slotted one of her feet on the ledge of the driver's side window, the other over his shoulder.
"You're still in bloody uniform, you want to talk?" She pointed out, which earned her glistening cunt a smack from his calloused fingers. "Shut your gob."
Hissing, she rolled her eyes and lifted a hand at him, flipping him off, which caused him to growl under his breath and slap her pussy again, making her squirm beneath him.
"Bloody hell... I missed that cunt of yours..." He grunted as he ran his fingers over her folds affectionately, collecting some of the wetness before he slipped them into his mouth, for a taste of her, due to lack of a better position for it.
The groan that came from him after tasting her again was obscene. "How'd I go almost a whole year without tasting you?" He complained.
Kathleen bit her lip to hide that smirk that wanted to take over her lips, trying to act like she was still unbothered by it. By him.
"D'she miss me too, da'lin'?" John asked her with a cocked brow as he got busy undoing his belt and unbuttoning his pants.
"No." Kathleen lied with a shrug. "Been keeping her awfully busy." She remarked nonchalantly.
"Right..." John said as he pulled down his boxer briefs, allowing for his hardened cock to spill out, too heavy to bounce back against his stomach, and instead hanging low, the head already brushing against her glistening cunt.
"But none of those knobheads you've been getting busy with are me, now, are they?" He teased.
And, before she could come up with a scathing, hurtful comment about how the others were better, which John could anticipate her doing, he plunged his cock balls deep into her in one swift motion, causing her to let out a startled, choked sound.
As he bottomed out inside her, feeling like he was home again, he leaned over her, pressing his weight forward on her leg and folding her over herself.
"That's it..." He grunted, pulling his hips back barely an inch before thrusting them forward again, causing a squeak to escape his woman's plump lips as his cock stretched her full.
"John..." She whined, one hand leaving a handprint on the glass window beside her, the other with the arm wrapped over the centre console of the car for support.
"Yeah, call my name." He demanded and hissed through his teeth before he pulled a few more inches back and then thrusted back in, his cock stretching her sinfully and his cock head pounding into her cervix.
Kathleen squirmed and gasped, feeling every inch of his thick cock push and pull across her gummy walls, his heavy balls beginning to steadily slap against her ass as he pounded into her.
One of his hands found its way around her neck, squeezing the sides as the other gripped the top of the driver's seat for support, allowing him to continue in his filthy avenue: taking her for all she's worth.
"Fuckin' ell, Katy..." He grunted as he looked down at her, the way her mouth hung open with desperate gasps and little whines escaping her.
Digging her nails into the leather cover of the console next to her, she whined in delight, already breathing heavy even if he wasn't actually squeezing her throat.
"I can never have enough of you." John grunted, his head rubbing against the plush interior ceiling of his car with each thrust of his.
"Look at me." He demanded, her brown eyes flittering to find his blue ones, the pupils wide and dark. "Keep your eyes on me..." He huffed.
Nodding, Kathleen continued making eye contact with John, though she was so overwhelmed by pleasure that she couldn't necessarily focus.
"Fuck... I swear... It's like you love when I call you a cunt... when we argue... You always get so fucking wet..." John grunted through clenched teeth and ragged breaths, his ears honing in on the filthy sound of his cock plunging into her dripping cunt.
"You'll be the bloody death of me, Kathleen..." He grunted as he leaned forward and caught her mouth with his, sucking her lips greedily.
Their tongues slipped out of their mouths and met in the middle, the both of them nearly drooling from the intense pleasure, eyes falling closed as they panted and moaned, muffling each other and trading saliva.
"I love you..." Kathleen moaned as she looked up into his eyes, which caused John to groan, eyes rolling back, before letting his head fall forward to hide his face in her neck.
"Fuck..." John moaned in her ear. "Tell me again... tell me you love me."
"I love you, John..." Kathleen whined, causing him to hiss again.
"I love you..."
"Oh, fuck... I love you too..."
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 2 months
mjf talking you through it 🧎🏼‍♀️ missin him extra
I'll take care of you
Main Masterlist MJF Masterlist
Warnings: SMUT, unmentioned past trauma
Summary: Reader has had a troubled past when it came to partners. She was always nervous about relationships especially when it came to the intimate part of a relationship. Luckily she found Max, he always took care of her and never pressured her to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with. What happens when she’s finally ready to be intimate with Max? 
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I’ll never forget the day when Y/n told me about her past. I coudn’t believe that someone could do such a thing to someone as kind and beautiful as Y/n. She explained to me that she struggled to be intimate after what happened and I promised her I would never push her to do something she was uncomfortable with. Normally sex was all I cared about but Y/n changed the way I looked at relationships. I no longer looked at the intimate side, I enjoyed the quality time I would spend with Y/n. 
I was on my way to Y/n’s place for our weekly dinner dates. Tonight Y/n wanted to stay in which I had no problem with. She told me she made a delicious dinner and I was excited. On my way, I picked up a fresh bouquet of flowers for her kitchen. Like she said dinner was indeed delicious, she spent all day working on a delicious feast and I felt undeserving of it. After our meal, I helped Y/n clean up and the two of us picked out a movie to watch. It didn’t last long before the two of us began to make out. Every time I found Y/n on my lap all I wanted to do was throw her over my shoulder and make the most beautiful love to her. Every time I had to remind myself that I coudn’t. I wanted Y/n to make that move, we never made it past making out before she told me she coudn’t do it. I know she felt guilty about it but I reassured her that it was okay. I would wait until she was ready, I didn’t care how long it took. 
Y/n straddled my waist as she sucked on that sweet spot on my neck that drove me crazy. She delicately started to grind on me, I didn’t mind that we weren’t intimate but there is only so much one can talk. It was hard but I had to pry Y/n off me. “I’m sorry, If we don’t stop now I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself,” I told her “What if I don’t want to stop?” she told me. I was confused as to what she was talking about “What?” I asked her “I think I’m ready Max” I coudn’t believe what I was hearing. Was tonight going to be the night? 
I held Y/n close as I picked her up and ran up the stairs, carefully placing her on the bed. “Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked Y/n. “Yes Max, I’m sure,” she told me reassuringly. “Just say the word and I’ll stop” I removed my clothing before I carefully got on top of Y/n. I removed her clothing carefully like I was unwrapping a delicate present. I placed delicate kisses all over her body, praising her. I lined myself up with her entrance before slowly pushing myself into her. She fought it at first, it was her body’s natural instinct so I talked her through it all. “You’re doing so good baby, just relax. You need to breathe Y/n” I told her. Once her body was able to relax I was able to get fully inside her. I gave her a few moments to adjust before asking her “You alright?” she was alright so I began to slowly began to thrust in and out of her. 
I kept a steady rhythm that wasn’t too slow or too fast, just the right amount to keep us both satisfied. Y/n felt so perfect, I felt like I was dreaming. I had imagined this scene so many times before that it was strange that it was actually happening. 
“You’re doing so good baby.” I continued to praise Y/n as best as I could along with leaving delicate kisses on her shoulders. I had never quite experienced something like this before. For the first time in my life, I think I was making love. It’s very different than sex, although it’s not as rough it makes up for passion. There was something about all of this. Maybe it was the way we waited so long or the way our fingers intertwined with each other, maybe it was how all of this just felt right. I could feel my release approaching sooner than I initially wanted it to but I could also feel Y/n’s. However, I knew she was unintentionally fighting it.   
“You are so close baby, I feel it. Just relax for me. I need you to breathe for me Y/n.” I told her reassuringly “I can’t..” she let out in a shaky breath “Yes you can, I know you can. Let go, give it all to me. I got you, I’ll take care of you baby” I continued to praise. I took my free hand and carefully placed a bit of pressure on Y/n’s stomach. I felt her orgasm wash over her, It triggered my own release. The way she milked me for everything I had me lost in my own world. 
“That’s it, baby, let it out, let it all out. I got you, give it to me” I whispered lovingly as I fucked us through our orgasms. I pulled out of Y/n and held her close to me as we tried to catch our breath. There was something so therapeutic about the two of us lying together in such a state. 
“Did I hurt you?” I asked as I traced circles along Y/n’s spine. “No. I really needed that, thank you Max” she told me “I told you I would take care of you”
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pedrisbanana · 1 year
Could we have pedri smut where he fingers you under the table during a Barca dinner and they go home and he gives her long and teasing sex…..I am just in love with your page🥰
Making fun of him was never a good idea...
Enjoy 🍌
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Pedri held out the chair for you to sit down. You sat at the very edge of the huge table right across from Xavi. 
It was a rather fancy restaurant, giving you the opportunity to dress up. You wore a purple satin gown with a high slit. It almost reached the floor, if it weren't for the glittery heels that you wore, making you about an inch taller than your boyfriend. 
The dinner was organized to congratulate the team for their recent winning streak in Laliga. 
You were concentrated on figuring out how to eat your lovely decorated Lobster, when a hand sneaked up the exposed part of your leg. Looking down, Pedri's hand sneaked its way up to rest on the inside of your thighs, fingertips grazing your panties ever so slightly. 
You leaned over, pretending to peck his shoulder. "And what do you think you're doing?" 
Pedri was still in the middle of some football tactic talk with Gavi when he turned his head. 
„You seem bored and I know this is how to entertain you the best." he shrugged. 
Deciding to see where this was going, you focused on the lobster again. 
Pedri's hand cupped you through your panties and you spread your legs a little bit, giving him more room. You saw the corner of his mouth twitch as he answered his best friend. 
He turned to his meal again, apparently finished to talk to Gavi and at the same time, his thumb rubbed your clit over the lace. The midfielder played with adding and releasing pressure sometimes rubbing smaller or bigger circles. Your hand held onto the silverware for dear life.
By the time dessert was served, he had two fingers inside of you. Luckily Gavi told some La Masia anecdote to his teammates or else the sound of Pedri's movements would be heard. 
You clenched around him and quickly focussed on the ice cream to muffle your moans. 
Deciding to distract from your probably flushed and out of mind aura,  you spoke up. 
"I think- I need to text my daddy and tell him I'll be sleeping over at yours tonight."
Your boyfriend looked at you. His expression was a mix between lust and shook. "What did you just say ?" 
The confusion almost made you forget that two of his fingers were knuckle deep inside of you. He curled them.
"I said, I need to text my dad that I'll be staying at your place tonight. I forgot earlier."
"Oh yeah, you better do that." he swallowed and was about to concentrate on Gavi's story again when your words stopped him. 
"Oh my god, you thought I meant you" you nearly laughed. He shook his head, looking for an excuse.
"Okay then... daddy" you smirked.
"Papi." his voice was merely a whisper. "Say Papi." 
Was he begging you? His cheeks tinted pink as he looked at your lips. 
You raised your brows. "Who'd knew that would be all it took you to break that dominant demeanor. Cute" 
A little giggle escaped your lips and you removed his hand from you. "You're so cute Pedri." 
His jaw clenched angrily and he licked his fingers. You found it very amusing to see him like this. 
For the rest of the night he gave you the cold shoulder, besides the occasional hand squeeze or peck on the cheek. His teammates couldn't know something was up. 
You waved it off. He was really cute pretending to be mad. Well, it couldn't always go his way and knowing him, he'd still fuck you later. Pedri could never hold back and he still owed you an orgasm.
„Undress and sit on the bed." Pedri said. His voice was clouded with lust. 
Well, you didn't expect him to react like that when you two arrived home. He was still annoyed and from the way he instructed you it was a warning. 
His tongue clicked against his cheek when you hooked your thumbs into your panties. „Leave them on." 
You hesitated for a moment, listening to the sound of your breath, before sitting down on the edge of the bed. Pedri stood in front of you, his smell intoxicating your senses. His hands pulled the dress shirt out of his pants and unbuttoned it, slowly revealing the tanned skin of his toned upper body. 
He was punishing you for not taking him seriously. For making him feel insecure about his preferences. 
It was torture to watch him, your panties sitting uncomfortably wet between your legs. The urge to touch him was taking over your mind, but you didn't want him to stop. You moved to sit on your hands and blushed as you felt the wet stain underneath you on the duvet. 
His pants were next. Undoing it with skilled fingers they quickly joined the dress shirt on the floor. Your eyes followed the trail of dark hair under his belly button to the to of the black briefs. His bulge was big and protruding against its cotton confinements. 
You bit your lip. He slid the fabric down his legs, finally revealing what he had you yearning for all evening. 
"Lay back." he ordered and waited for you to scoot back on the duvet. 
Pedri kneeled in front of you, resting your legs on his shoulders as he buried his face between your legs. Moving your panties to the side, his fingers explored your folds, spreading the wetness before finding your clit. His lips kissed your core, testing your patience, before lapping up your wetness.
Your hips bucked up and your back arched, hands fisting the bedsheets. "Pedri don't stop. Please."  
He moaned against you, sending shockwaves through your body. His tongue found your entrance and his other hand pushed against your lower stomach, holding you down. You felt him smirk when you moaned after his nose bumped against your clit, still massaged by his fingers. 
He played with you like a marionette, pulling just the right strings. So you decided to play your cards. 
"Just like that." It took your last willpower to look at him and pout. "Papi." 
Pedri stopped his ministrations and his eyes snapped up to meet yours. He removed his hands from your shaking body to lean himself up. His mouth and chin glistening from your arousal. 
Your neglected clit pulsed and you suddenly had the urge to press your thighs together. Maybe teasing him wasn't the best decision. His eyes raked up and down your exposed body, taking in your naked from . Your nipples hardened under his stare. 
You wanted him to touch your breasts. He liked playing with your breasts, but now he was just staring. 
"Papi hmm ? Not so amusing anymore, amor ?" he teased and reached over to the nightstand. 
"Please touch me again, Papi. I'm so sorry." Shaking your head, you watched as he took the lube from the drawer and dribbled some onto your swollen pussy. The cold sensation made you hiss out. 
"You're so needy for my cock, hermosa. Always impatient." his hands mapped out the shape of your hips to your ass, pulling you closer. 
Your legs on his shoulders again, your boyfriend grabbed his cock and guided it through your folds. He spread the lube over your pussy with the tip, breathing hard. He held himself back. 
You breathed out his name when he finally entered you. He was stretching you out deliciously and you clenched around him. Normally you would enjoy his long and static thrusts until he fucked your over the edge, but all the teasing drove you crazy. You desperately needed release. 
His thrust were fast and sloppy. Pedri breathed quickly, wet hair clinging to his sweaty forehead. His hands cupped your breasts. One after an another, playing with the sensitive buds. 
Your hands reached down to where you were joined, circling your pulsing clit. 
"I'm close, Papi, harder please." Your moan made him twitch inside of you, hitting your sweet spot. Switching to longer thrusts, one of Pedri's hands grabbed himself again, afraid to slip out of you. 
Pedri pinched your breasts as he came, praising you in spanish endearments. You circled your clit faster, seeking your own orgasm as you felt his cum inside of you. Your pussy must look like a mess, covered in Pedri's sperm and your wetness. 
When he carefully pulled out, you couldn't hold back anymore. Your orgasm struck you in waves of pleasure. Pedri held your shaking legs as you screamed out your pleasure. 
Finding support in Pedri's arms, you came down from your high. He stroked your hair, pulling you against his chest. The few hairs decorating his pecs tickled your cheek. 
"I've got you, mi vida" he said, dialect heavy. 
Warmth spread through you again and your nails dug into his arms. You couldn't let go of him just yet. 
He looked at you endearingly as you told him you loved him over and over again. 
A/N: I hate the beard but other gifs didn't fit the vibe of the fic...
This is a more classic piece and I saw this trope on other blogs as well. So, I didn't focus that much on the dinner part. I also added a little kink to make it more exciting.
Thank you for loving my page, I'll try my best🥰
I hope you enjoy my version and leave me some love💕
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randomsillyfangirl · 10 months
Actress - Pablo Gavi x Reader
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If alot of people like this- I'll write a part two with the exs reaction <3
Background: You, Y/N L/N, had broken up with your controlling and manipulative boyfriend, (ex boyfriend) who was one of the most successful male singers of Spain. While you were the youngest most successful actress of Spain. You were never seen in public without your boyfriend before you two split up. Why? He didn't like people seeing you, he accepted it in film buy couldn't when the paparazzi was involved.
When you broke up with (ex boyfriend), you decided to go out with your friends. Multiple different friends, each time multiple photos were taken of you. It actually wasn't bad, even when there was s crowed around you- you always felt as if you missed this experience of being famous plus you liked the attention.
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Images were posted all over social media, on every news company, every tiktok and Instagram post from Spain seemed to be about you. Multiple of your friends reposted the pictures with you onto their accounts. ( sorry if you don't like the celebrities I'm using, you can use your imagination lol. And ik all these celebrities aren't Spanish or in Spain, but it's a fan fiction so 🤷‍♀️ ignore the like numbers, I literally just smashed my keyboard lol)
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And a certain football player, you had a secret crush on saw all the posts, and smiled when he heard you might be single. Who's that football player? Pablo Gavi of Barça <3
" y/n l/n!! What's your relationship status? " one reporter asked while you were out with (your favorite celebrity). You smiled and faced the reporter, " single. Me and (ex boyfriend) broke up last week, now I'm just hanging out with friends." you said and then walked away with your friends, smiling and giggling.
Meanwhile, the Barça players were finishing training and Pablo heard the interview and smiled. Pedri noticed and said, " is it about y/n? We all know you have a crush on her. " and the rest of Barça laughed. Gavi scoffed, " she's single. What do you think I should do? " . His teammates all explained how he should shoot his shot- the worse that'll happen id simple rejection. But how..?
You kept on going out. Breakfast with (celeb), lunch with (celeb), dinner with (celeb), drinks with (celeb). You were finally having fun with friends. One of your friends, (celeb), told you about the young famous people of Spain party and you obviously wanted to go.
Pablo, also got invited to this party and was getting ready for the party. And you were also getting dressed. This wasn't a fancy party, a club type party. You were wearing a red dress with some accessories and Pablo was wearing a white shirt with black cover and pants (see pictures below).
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You came in with one of your friends and you immediately saw Pablo. Secretly, he'd always been your celebrity crush- even when you were with (ex boyfriend). You went up to him and sat next to him by the bar. He was stunned to see you, and honestly you were stunned with your actions.
" So, what's it like being a footballer? " you asked him. Pablo coughed, clearing his throat, " tiring sometimes, but overall fun." he said chuckling. You smiled and nodded, " you here alone? " you asked him and he noded, " lost my friend." he answered and you smiled, " I don't know where (your friend) is.. " you said laughing abit.
The two of you chatted, completely forgetting about your ex. You and Pablo even exchanged numbers. " wanna go get something to eat? This party is boring." Pablo suggested and you nodded. The pair of you went to the door and went to find a restaurant. The two of you were talking, about anything. Football , acting, aliens, music; anything.
The two of you ended up in some random pizza restaurant and shared a pizza together. Pablo and you were really getting along and Pablo tried to hold your hand, you let him smiling. You were brushing, for being such a confident actor, you were really shy naturally.
Pablo noticed and smiling, " this ok? "He asked and you nodded smiling. " it's ok, yeah." you responded, making him smile more.
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