#the partner track
mondieuwordnerd · 2 years
I watched the Partner Track recently on Netix and it was a fun Friday evening watch so I thought I would read the book.
TLDR: the book is very different but still worth reading if you're prepared for essentially a different story
Netflix pretty much took the name Ingrid and that she's a lawyer.... and that's about it. I get that they're making a series (possibly mutiple) worth of content but the differences were jarring. Its still worth a read but fans of the show should be prepared for essentially a completely different book.
Murphy is not an exalted English soul mate, he's an existing colleague and actually more sexist/racist/destructive than Dan in the series. In fact content warning for some of the things he says. They're ugly.
And if one of your fave things in the series was the friendship between Rachel, Tyler and Ingrid than the book will disappoint. Theyre mostly footnotes.
Another difference is Ingrid is Chinese American in the books, whereas she is Korean American in the series so people looking to see themselves represented in the book after watching the show might be disappointed.
It still delves into worthwhile topics about racism and sexism in law and Ingrid is a 3D, well written character. Arden Cho does her justice. But a lot of the popular elements of the show (cough Z cough) are not in the book.
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mrsniallhoran505 · 2 years
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Nolan Gerard Funk in Netflix’s new show The partner track episode 1: Material Adverse Change
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sharonccrter · 2 years
Okay so I’m five episodes in, and the show has developed pretty much every character expect the male lead, who our main character is meant to pick. I think Adren and Dom have chemistry, but Jeff is still so surface level and the show is half way through. He needs to be fleshed out asap.
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gabagaba05 · 2 years
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similistic · 1 year
Books of 2022
- Owen by Kevin Henkes It’s a children’s book about a mouse who is very attached to his security blanket. XD
- Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler A very eerie post-apocalytpic/dystopian science fiction novel. The story is set between 2024 and 2027, so reading it in 2022, as a resident of California, was a bit chilling and very thought-provoking.
- Dragon Haven by Robin Hobb This is book 2 of the Rain Wild Chronicles series, and to be honest, I don’t highly recommend the other three books in the series, and I’m not sure I would have “favorited” it as a stand alone. But it’s the most dragon-centric book of the series and I really enjoyed her treatment of dragons and their lore.
5-Star Ratings in 2022:
- The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles Young man coming of age, vintage Americana.
- Bravely by Maggie Stiefvater Basically a look at what happens to Merida from Disney/Pixar’s “Brave” after the events of the movie.
- The Partner Track by Helen Wan Young, female, Asian lawyer, trying to make partner at her firm. Dealing with racism and sexism. Slight “Devil Wears Prada” vibes.
- The Hating Game by Sally Thorne Fun romance novel. Enemy to lovers trope.
- 99 Percent Mine by Sally Thorne Fun romance novel.
- Mad Ship by Robin Hobb Book 2 of the Liveship Traders trilogy.
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liveblogging the Partner track episode 5
So ok I didn't know if they were going to show how racist big lawyer firms are but they totally did! ok spoilers under the cut!
mod ali
Tyler Ingrids bestie (there's 3 of them that are on the partner track but Ingrid and Tyler are like the only POC with any storylines about them) corrects this jackass white boy dan about being racist. then dan is ofc all defensive. tyler tries to explain to him about white fragility and dan seems to just take it which is odd but ok.
fast forward to the company retreat. dan has a comedy set and he gets up there and starts roasting ppl. just not cool sexist shit. and then he starts on this spiel about white fragility. and like it was the most dehumanizing bullshit ever and EVERYONE of the white ppl joins in.
So tyler leaves and Ingrid goes after him and basically tyler calls her out on her bullshit saying are you actually gonna do anything about this? And like Ingrid does! She talks to one of the partners and says that it was borderline actionable. but the partner is all like the kid told a few jokes. anyways she leaves with Tyler and thats where I stopped.
I'm just so so happy that this show is showing how hard it is for PoC in corporate america.
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So I watched The Partner Track basically all in one go and yes it was not great. The acting was subpar and the main story was contrived (like who is this dude you slept with one time and then did nothing to win you over except smile from across the room and have a British accent) BUT
if I never see Z Min again I will riot
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kryptonitejelly · 2 years
a partner in my team at work said he tried watching partner track on netflix (i assume, this was because of his wife) and couldn’t get through the first episode - said it was horrid.
i tried watching it, knowing it is going to be horribly unrealistic, but trying anyway because i am a sucker for these shows and the love plot. and while unrealistic, the amount of how much they talk about billing pressure and the struggles of not being a white male in a big firm - well that surprised me and kudos to that.
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bellzsad · 4 months
OKAY I GOT A PRETTY LITTLE LIARS EDIT ON MY FYP and i noticed how alike shay mitchell (emily) and arden cho (kira from teen wolf) are!! like the way they talk and their face shapes are similar
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matt00794 · 5 months
“I love laws in physics and in life”
partner track this show is starting so good
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indielightuk · 10 months
Book Review: The Partner Track by Helen Wan
So this book first came to my attention when it was announced that it was due to be adapted for TV by Netflix, featuring the sensational Arden Cho. I never like to do half measures, and I’m always up for discovering new and talented authors, so I immediately grabbed myself a copy.
Before we start the review, some quick info, so The Partner Track was written by Helen Wan, a Taiwanese-American lawyer and author. The plot of The Partner Track was somewhat based upon Helen’s own experience as a young female, person of colour in the legal profession. The Partner Track follows the journey of Ingrid Yung, as she attempts to become the first minority woman to make partner at her firm, Parsons Valentine & Hunt, while also striving to make her parents, who are first-generation Chinese-Americans immigrants proud. 
Helen says that while there is overlap between her and Ingrid, that the book is not autobiographical, she did however strive to provide as accurate an experience of corporate life as possible, and obviously her own experiences as a woman of colour help to shape some of the experiences of those had by Ingrid but the book itself is a work of fiction. 
click here to read more
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thebiggestfuckgiven · 7 months
i may or may not be planning a fic where one of the many subplots is that Jason (as Red Hood, but Danny already knows) is following/investigating Danny because he thinks Danny’s dangerous somehow. I won’t go into the details because it’s so much, but point is i have a silly little scene in my head wherein Danny goes out to work on a uni group project with Tim, and on their way to the cafe some asshole car hits a guy on a motorcycle. The Biker goes into a rage and starts cursing him out, takes off his helmet and lo and behold it’s Jason.
Mid-verbal fight with the asshole he catches sight of Tim (recording the whole thing and waving at Jason) and of Danny (potential danger he’s been investigating for nearly two weeks), and Jason gives the asshole a “this isn’t over” threat and dips. Then,
Tim, who noticed Danny’s reaction: You know that guy?
Danny: Oh, yeah, that’s my stalker. You?
Tim: Nemesis. I’m sorry he’s your what?
Tim texting Jason: are you stalking my classmate??
Jason: Mind your own business, Replacement.
Jason: Wait, did he tell you that?
Tim: yah
Jason: RH’s been investigating him. Why the FUCK does your “classmate” think it’s me?
Tim: dick is gonna love this. the great rh has a containment breach
Tim: LMAO fuck it we BALL
Jason: TIM
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atlantisview · 11 months
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Ind. Sundown you are Everything to me
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sharpbutsoft · 12 days
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wait so who’s Eddie dating again?
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louwhose · 2 months
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you cannot tell me that the recruit uniforms in ST is due to any reason less than Tetra playing a MASSIVE prank on Link
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