#the paternoster gang rose donna martha
gnougnouss · 11 months
Doctor who in general and nuwho in particular has a TON of prominent female characters (mainly due to the fact that a huge majority of companions are female) so Big Finish and their spin off making mania ends up looking very #feminist by having sooooo many female fronted series lmao
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legends-of-time · 7 months
Thorn Bush (Doctor Who Story) - Materlist
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Major Character Death, Minor Character Death, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Period Typical Attitudes, Cannon-Typical Violence
Physical description:
Kathy has light brown hair and blue eyes
Blimey, where does she begin?
Well her name is Katherine but most call her Kathy and her age, well that's the real question, a complicated one.
Kathy is someone who is reborn into the world of Doctor Who from ours. Kathy meets the Doctor and their companions in multiple different places in their time streams throughout the Whoniverse. Not the usual companion or love interest.
Doctors 9-14
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Tooth and Claw
Chapter 3: The Girl Who Died
Chapter 4: Robot of Sherwood
Chapter 5: The Bells of Saint John
Chapter 6: The Pandorica Opens
Chapter 7: The Big Bang
Chapter 8: The Death of the Doctor
Chapter 9: The Day of the Doctor Part One
Chapter 10: The Day of the Doctor Part Two
Chapter 11: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith
Chapter 12: The End of Time Part One
Chapter 13: The End of Time Part Two
Chapter 14: The Eleventh Hour Part One
Chapter 15: The Eleventh Hour Part Two
Chapter 16: The Shakespeare Code
Chapter 17: The Witchfinders Part One
Chapter 18: The Witchfinders Part Two
Chapter 19: The Woman Who Lived
Chapter 20: Legend of the Sea Devils
Chapter 21: Thin Ice
Chapter 22: The Haunting of Villa Diodati
Chapter 23: The Next Doctor
Chapter 24: War of the Sontarans
Chapter 25: The Unquiet Dead
Chapter 26: The Paternoster Gang
Chapter 27: The Snowmen Part One
Chapter 28: The Snowmen Part Two
Chapter 29: The Crimson Horror
Chapter 30: The Name of the Doctor
Chapter 31: Deep Breath Part One
Chapter 32: Deep Breath Part Two
Chapter 33: Survivors of the Flux
Chapter 34: The Vanquishers
Chapter 35: Family Time and Tying Up Loose Ends
Chapter 36: The Unicorn and the Wasp Part One
Chapter 37: The Unicorn and the Wasp Part Two
Chapter 38: Daleks in Manhattan
Chapter 39: Evolution of the Daleks
Chapter 40: Across the Pond
Chapter 41: Captain Jack Harkness
Chapter 42: Demons of the Punjab Part One
Chapter 43: Demons of the Punjab Part Two
Chapter 44: Idiot's Lantern
Chapter 45: Village of Angels
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fanfiction.net access
Ao3 access
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cryptidkieren · 1 year
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who-platonic-ships · 1 year
Welcome to the official Doctor Who Platonic Ship Bracket!
My name's Jordan, my main is @spacewives-in-spacetime, and I'll be your host for...however long you'll stay here for. This was heavily inspired by @drwho-shipbracket!! Polls will (hopefully) be out Monday, May 15th, 2023. 6:00 pm. This will be in EST, sorry international folks!
Tagging List (lmk if you'd like to be a part of it!):
and @yasminstardis
Here we have...the bracket!
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Ships below the cut! 
Doctor & Bill VS Donna & Martha
Yaz & Ryan VS Yaz & Dan
Doctor & Jaime VS Doctor & Tegan
Doctor & Ace VS Doctor & Susan
Doctor & Jenny (The Doctor’s Daughter) VS Ryan & Graham
The Ponds (Amy & Rory & River) VS Yaz & Sonya
The Jones’ (Martha & Francine & Tish) VS Doctor & Courtney
Donna & Wilf VS Rose & Jackie
Doctor & Wilf VS Clara & Rigsy
Rory & Brian VS Doctor & Nardole
Bill & The Romans (The Eater of Light) VS Doctor & Handles 
Doctor & Paternoster Gang VS Doctor & Craig
Doctor & Liv & Helen VS River & Madame Vastra
Doctor & Lethbridge-Stewarts VS Doctor & Amy
Doctor & Donna VS Doctor & Sarah Jane
Doctor & Nyssa & Tegan & Adric VS Doctor & Romana II
(I've been told yellow is the colour of platonic love, so that's the theme of the entire bracket!)
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companion-showdown · 3 months
okay, new system is a-go, next thing is how many slots go to each category. My current thought process is to pick a number for nominees and make the slots for the other categories proportional fo their size. So for example, if 8 slots went to nominations, there would be 56 left for the regulars which breakes down into 27 for classic, 16 for nu, and 13 for eu.
I'll copy the information from last time under a cut for anyone who didn't see, also I have added Anji to the list for eu, I'm considering the members of the paternoster gang but i think that's going to end up being a no
for the following numbers, they go classic-nu-eu-noms
I made a mistake, the option for 9 noms should read 27-15-13-9
Okay so, I've been trying to come up with a new system for the tournaments vefore the head to head rounds. Even thouh its still a while off, we will be getting a new companion, I would guess, some time in the next year. Currently to accomodate a new companion one of the regulars would have to go, I just about managed to find a good pick for Ruby's introduction but there is just nobody I think should go this time around.
So new system, my current proposal is to make the regulars list subject to elimination in the group stage. But, I still want to guarantee particular numbers of slots for classic, new, and eu companions which would let most of the regulars through, and then whatever is left over is for nominees.
What this lets me do is expand the list of regulars somewhat. I'll put the full list im currently thinking of under the cut, as there's no such thing as too many. Don't take the list as final, I'm open to adding a couple more, although I will say they should either be undisputably companions or some very special case where they are as well known as a companion from the same era/medium, additionally they should be someone who you think is likely to nominated in most tournaments. This is going to be a lower bar for eu companions but whatever.
currently I am thinking 27 slots for classic companions, 16 for nu, 13 for eu and 8 for nominations, but I will put the specific numbers up to a vote later in the week
sorry if this is confusing, I promise it will be simple once it gets going, but yeah
Ian Chesterton
Barbara Wright
Susan Foreman
Sara Kingdom
Vicki Pallister
Steven Taylor
Dodo Chaplet
Ben Jackson
Polly Wright
Jamie McCrimmon
Victoria Waterfield
Zoe Heriot
The Brigadier
Sergeant Benton
Liz Shaw
Mike Yates
Jo Grant
Sarah-Jane Smith
Romana I
Romana II
Tegan Jovanka
Vislor Turlough
Peri Brown
Mel Bush
Ace McShane
Grace Holloway
Chang Lee
Rose Tyler
Mickey Smith
Adam Mitchell
Jack Harkness
Martha Jones
Wilfred Mott
Donna Noble
River Song
Amy Pond
Rory Williams
Kate Stewart
Clara Oswald
Bill Nardole
Yazmin Khan
Graham O'Brien
Ryan Sinclair
Dan Lewis
Ruby Sunday
Charley Pollard
Evelyn Smythe
Lucie Miller
Liv Chenka
Bernice Summerfield
Fitz Kreiner
Iris Wildthyme
Sam Jones
Alison Cheney
Chris Cwej
Izzy SInclair
Helen Sinclair
Hex Schofield
Anji Kapoor
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pers-books · 7 months
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Celebrate International Women's Day 2024 with up to 50% off titles featuring our Leading Ladies!
(Offer expires 23:59 (UK time) on 14th March 2024)
Besides the Eighth of March audios, also included in the sale are the new UNIT audios, The Robots, Missy, Sarah Jane Smith, Donna Noble, Rose Tyler, The Rani, River Song, The Paternoster Gang, Torchwood One, Susan's War, The Tenth Doctor and River Song, Jenny the Doctor's Daughter, The Year of Martha Jones, UNIT: Brave New World (with Winifred Bamberra), The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield, The Fugitive Doctor (though there's still no release date for these!)' Rani Takes on the World, and the Further Adventures of Charlotte Pollard.
I presume this sale is because they didn't bother doing any new Eighth of March audios this year for whatever reason.
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fanoftheimagines · 8 months
Doctor Who Navigation
Last Updated: 2/26/24
Back to Main Navigation Page
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Key (colors only show on dash view)
Black: may include romance
Purple: does not include romance
Green: includes romance & QPR
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Doctor Who
The Doctor
Ninth Doctor
Tenth Doctor
Eleventh Doctor
Twelfth Doctor
Thirteenth Doctor
Fourteenth Doctor
Fifteenth Doctor
The Master
Rose Tyler
Martha Jones
Donna Noble
Amy Pond
Rory Williams
River Song
Clara Oswald
Bill Potts
Yasmin Khan
Ryan Sinclair
Graham O'Brien
Ruby Sunday
The Paternoster Gang
Madam Vastra
Jenny Finch
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Jack Harkness
Ianto Jones
Gwen Cooper
Owen Harper
Toshiko Sato
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dailyclassicwho · 2 years
Characters are listed by order of appearance. Some characters are tagged but unlisted.
Classic Companions
◦ Susan Foreman ◦ Barbara Wright ◦ Ian Chesterton ◦ Vicki Pallister ◦ Steven Taylor ◦ Dodo Chaplet ◦ Polly ◦ Ben Jackson ◦ Jamie McCrimmon ◦ Victoria Waterfield ◦ Zoe Heriot ◦ Liz Shaw ◦ Jo Grant ◦ Sarah Jane Smith ◦ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart ◦ Sergeant John Benton ◦ Captain Mike Yates ◦ Harry Sullivan ◦ Leela ◦ K9 ◦ Romana I ◦ Romana II ◦ Adric ◦ Tegan Jovanka ◦ Nyssa of Traken ◦ Vislor Turlough ◦ Peri Brown ◦ Mel Bush ◦ Ace McShane ◦ Grace Holloway
Revival Companions
◦ Rose Tyler ◦ Martha Jones ◦ Donna Noble ◦ Amy Pond ◦ Rory Williams ◦ Clara Oswald ◦ Bill Potts ◦ Nardole ◦ Graham O' Brien ◦ Ryan Sinclair ◦ Yasmin Khan ◦ Dan Lewis
Supporting/Recurring Characters
(Listed alphabetically)
◦ Danny Pink ◦ Jack Harkness ◦ Jackie Tyler ◦ Kate Stewart ◦ Mickey Smith ◦ Paternoster Gang (Madame Vastra / Jenny Flint / Strax) ◦ River Strong ◦ Wilfred Mott
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mxmeiyun · 4 years
Doctor Who season overviews
My friend is embarking on the wonderful journey of watching of “Doctor Who” and asked me for a rundown of what episodes she absolutely has to watch, my favorites, and ones that can be skipped. I thought I’d share them here in case anyone else was interested. Also I’m curious what anyone else’s thoughts on some must-view episodes.
(Will be updating as my friend reaches each season.)
Series 1
Definitely watch 1 because it’s where everything starts and you start to get a vibe for how the show goes. A fantastic place to start, if you will.
2 is a fun one with a plethora of aliens. If you’ve seen gifs of the Doctor jamming to “Toxic” by Brittany Spears, this is where that’s from.
3 is the first “historical” episode of the revival. Ok episode overall. Has ghosts and a bit an unintentional easter egg for future episodes/series.
4-5 are a bit silly but also I think have some good characterization of the Doctor and why sometimes he needs a friend to keep him in check.
6 introduces you to a classic DW alien so you should watch it.
7 is good to watch because it sort of sets up some stuff for the finale but I also find the guest characters kinda annoying.
8 is good if you want to learn more about Rose and that becomes more important to later stories and the next season.
9-10 is an all around fan favorite (certainly one of mine) and introduces a re-occurring fan favorite character. The reason why gas masks will forever make me uneasy.
11 follows up after the events of 4-5 (all three could be skipped if you want to go along faster).
12-13 are the finale and should be watched.
Series 2
0 (the Christmas special) is the first one with David Tennant as the Doctor, a muse-watch in my books. (Also, some things happen that become very important in later stories but I won’t say more because spoilers.) Introduces a new important character and re-introduces something
1 has cat people.
2 is a fun one and has an easter egg of sorts for future stories/characters but isn't necessary for major plot line. It’s one of the ones I like to rewatch.
3 sees the return of an old fan favorite companion from Old Who (before this still ongoing revival).
4 is skippable unless you like some fancy French aesthetic or are into automatons.
5-6 you should watch. Re-introduction of another classic Who monster.
7 is kinda weird.
8-9 are a good, kinda creepy story. Sees the introduction of the Ood, which are one of my dad’s personal favorites, who will also pop up later.
10 is literally one of the dumbest eps ever.
11 I literally don’t remember at all but the internet tells me it involves a small child, and Doctor Who does have some good, creepy episodes playing on stereotypical childhood fears.
12-13 are the two part finale so you definitely have to watch those. Prepare for some serious emotions, though.
Series 3
0 (Christmas special) introduces Donna Noble. Must watch, but I won’t say why.
1 introduces the new companion. Also introduces a kind of goofy alien that will pop up again.
2 is a fun one with Shakespeare and witches.
3 sees a return to New New York on New Earth (same setting as 2x01). Should watch because of [spoilers redacted] at the end. (Hint: think of who mysteriously disappeared in that previous episode.)
4-5, as the titles suggest, feature Daleks and imo all Dalek episodes should be watched.
6 is ok. Honestly kind of predictable plot-line.
7 is also ok. Not particularly memorable, but it is the first episode written by Chris Chibnall, who took over as show-runner for Series 11 (first season with Jodie Whittaker, the first female Doctor).
8-9 is a two-parter and is a fan and personal favorite.
10 is unusual because the main characters are not actually the Doctor and Martha, but this is another much-loved episode. Also introduces one of my favorite and most scary (imo) aliens.
11, 12, and 13 all kind of go together. Sees the re-introduction of an important character from the show’s original run. All pretty memorable and Martha is a total badass.
Series 4 (tl;dr: watch all of this series)
0 (Christmas special; you get the drill) is a good one. Sometimes there are episodes where the Doctor meets someone where you just know they’d be a fantastic companion.
1 is a must-see because [spoilers redacted].
2 is another must-see. It’s a solid episode of Who, is yet another good example of why the Doctor shouldn’t travel alone, and as a fun fact, we see two actors who will pop up in later series.
3, as the title implies, sees the return of the Ood! Watch this for some foreshadowing.
4-5 we see a new-to-New-Who alien who is another one that will come to pop up again over time. Honestly the plot and guest characters follow some predictable tropes BUT we also get to see some of [redacted]’s family, which is always good fun.
6 I think is only an okay episode. But meeting the “Doctor’s daughter” (not a spoilers bc its the episode title) is kinda fun. And I think it gives us some interesting insight into companions post their travels with the Doctor. 
Also, weird DW fun fact: David Tennant and the actress who plays his daughter is the real-life daughter of actor Peter Davison, who played the Fifth Doctor back in Classic Who, are now married with kids.
7 isn’t integral to any major plot lines, but it’s no doubt a fun one, especially if you like murder mysteries or Agatha Christie.
8-9 are another must-see two fan and personal favorites for many reasons why, but I can’t go into because spoilers! Some good spooky eps that are really downright chilling at times, but not completely without some good comic bits. Love watching this with friends who are watching it for the first time.
10 does an excellent job of being creepy, which is good if you’re into it, but you can skip it if not.
11 is a good one with a timey-wimey plot. Also yay because [spoilers]!
12-13 are an excellent two-part series finale and that’s all I can say.
The Specials (mini series between Series 4 & 5)
1 is good if you like Cybermen
2 has a spunky one-off companion who is a lot of fun
3 is creepy af
4-5 are a must-watch two-parter. If you liked the Series 4 finale (and let’s be real, how could you not), you’ll enjoy this. Also, it’s the last episodes with Russel T. Davies as show-runner.
Series 5
1 introduces the new Eleventh Doctor and their companion, so definitely have to watch that. (Side note: fish fingers and custard is a weird combination but, speaking from personal experience, it’s not terrible.)
2 is a good one with debatable ethical questions and some good insight into the Doctor.
3 is another Dalek episode, but it’s only okay as far as Dalek episodes go. It’s a historical one, if you like those. Fun fact: it’s written by Mark Gatiss, a collaborator of new show-runner Stephen Moffat and guest star from “The Lazarus Experiment.”
4-5 you have to see because spoilers. But it’s very good. Also, has some plot points that are related to the overall story of the Ponds.
6 you get the gist from the title and honestly it’s not terribly exciting. Some fun bits about the new group’s dynamic.
7 is a pretty weird one tbh but should be watched we get companion character development.
8-9 introduces some fun characters that will pop up again every now and then and has a very important plot point. (Fun fact: this one takes place in the year 2020!)
10 is one of the more emotionally-driven episodes and deals with mental health. One of many fan favorites.
11 is lighter fanfare after some honestly pretty heavy episodes that precede it. Not really important to the overall plot, but it’s a fun comedic one. 
12-13 are the finale, so obviously definitely watch that. Gets a little timey-wimey.
Series 6
0 is fine, as the Christmas specials go. I’m a little tired of the “man makes it his purpose in life to save his dying love who is kind of helpless in her own story” but the ending’s alright.
1-2 set the stage for the whole series, so those have to be watched.
3 has pirates, which is fun but not necessary to the main story line.
4 has such an intriguing title, so how could you not watch it? Will we finally find out if River and the Doctor are married? Spoilers.
5-6 are key plot points. Love a good doppelgänger.
7 follows immediately after 6, so I can’t say much about it.
8 is a pretty weird one but hold on to your butts for a wild ride.
9 is a properly spooky one. Like, actually low-key terrifying. But not related to the main plot line.
10 is emotionally painful but in a good way.
11 is another creepy one that plays on common fears. Inspired by some Greek mythology, which is fun.
12-13 are the two-part finale, so you know the drill.
Series 7, part I
0 is another only-okay Christmas special. They’re just not as fun as they once were, in my opinion.
1 you have to watch for plot reasons. It’s a good one because [spoilers redacted].
2 is pretty much what it sounds like. We are now also accompanied by Rory’s father, which is pretty amusing. Sees the return of a previously-met alien species. (Fun fact: one of the guest stars is David Bradley from, among other things, the Harry Potter movies.)
3 has some fun moral quandaries.
4 is fun because we see the Doctor having a go at normal Earth life, as well as thee return of some familiar arguably badass faces.
5 is a must-see for plot reasons (and the return of one of my favorite on-again-off-again companions).
Series 7, part II (don’t read below if you haven’t finished part I)
5.5 you have to watch and is a sort of mid-season Christmas special. Sees the return of an Old Who monster as well as several New Who faces.
6 follows up the events of the above special, so you have to see that, too.
7 is good because gives some backstory to Clara.
8 sees the return of another Old Who alien, whose species will pop up later in New Who. I didn’t particularly like nor dislike this one.
9 is a ghost story, which we haven’t really seen in Who for a while. It’s ok.
10 is also only ok but you should watch it for overall plot points.
11 we see the return of the Paternoster Gang, who I find quite amusing, but otherwise I didn’t really like this episode. It’s a little gross.
12 is written by Neil Gaiman so you should watch it. It’s also only fine, but better in my opinion than most of the other episodes in this part of the series.
13 is the series finale and has a rather intriguing title and wraps up this half of the series’ major story arc. Honestly I’m not a fan but you should watch it anyway.
Series 8
1 sees the return of the Paternoster Gang and more dinosaurs, but is also the first episode of the new Doctor and as such should be watched. Also have to keep an eye out at the end for some important scenes.
2 introduces a friend of Clara’s and reintroduces the Daleks but with a bit of a weird twist. Not super key to any main plot lines.
3 is pretty much what the title says it is. “Robot of Sherwood.” It’s meh.
4 is a little timey-wimey and develops some intercharacter relationships but overall isn’t exactly mandatory viewing.
5 is a robbery heist with some sci-fi twists. It’s alright.
In 6 we see Clara trying (and failing) to compartmentalize her life with the Doctor and her regular human on Earth life. It’s decent and there’s a snippet at the end that hints at some overarching plots.
7 tries to make some arguments about ethics but isn’t too convincing. The plot’s kinda fun, though.
8 is another one where the title, “Mummy on the Orient Express” pretty much sums it up. It does have a couple small throwbacks to older New Who seasons.
9 isn’t key to major plot lines but it’s a decent and kind of spooky episode.
10′s kinda dumb but has some weak environmental messaging.
11-12 wrap up the season’s major plot lines.
Series 9
0 is like a Christmas-themed reworking of a previous episode but I won’t say which one because spoilers.
1-2 are a pretty strong two-part season opener, I think. We see the return of some of the Doctor’s oldest friends/enemies.
3-4 are a properly timey-wimey, fairly creepy story. It’s a good one that honestly I wouldn’t want to watch by myself late at night with the house to myself.
5-6 are also timey-wimey AND introduce a character played by Maisie Williams (of “Game of Thrones” fame) who is actually pretty complex for a female character created by Stephen Moffat.
7-8 sees the return of, no surprise here, the Zygones. And also UNIT and Osgood, who is fan service personified but I’m ok with that.
9, in a way, is about the evils of capitalism but in space!
10 is important for plot. (Sees the return of some new old friends.)
11-12 has some good timey-wimeyness and a healthy dose of angst. (Also, the ending is gay and you can’t convince me otherwise.) It’s frustrating, but in an understandable way? I guess?
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king-of-thelizards · 6 years
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All of time and space, everything that ever happened or ever will... Where do you want to start? 
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Ok, I couldn’t sleep the other night so I took my first tongue-in-cheek stab at fan-fiction. Here’s how I want the Thirteenth Doctor’s regeneration to go down, and yes it is a rip-off of Avengers – Endgame:
She’s in Park Hill Flats with Graeme, Ryan & Yas but the Master has found a way to control Sheffield’s mutant spiders to burrow into the foundations of the building, causing it to collapse. 13 climbs out of the rubble but her companions are nowhere to be seen. The Master rides up to her on the back of a giant spider, dismounts and tells her that he’s going to force open the heart of her TARDIS and use the power of the time vortex to destroy the universe, and that she’s got no way of stopping him. Loads of villains’ ships appear in the sky like in ‘The Pandorica Opens’.
But then they hear the sound of TARDIS engines and a different TARDIS materialises a few meters away. The doors open, revealing three silhouettes at first obscured by the light of the console room. As they approach 13 sees that it’s 12, Nardole and a Cyber-converted Bill. At this point (I don’t even care) Portals by Alan Silvestri starts playing. Another TARDIS materialises, in a darker shade of blue. The doors open and Rose Tyler steps out, followed by Mickey, Martha, Donna, Jackie & Wilf. They part down the centre, revealing 10 striding forward.
Silurians start teleporting in, as well as Judoon from the Shadow Proclamation, basically anyone from ‘A Good Man Goes To War’. The Paternoster gang show and maybe Strax says something funny. Another TARDIS appears and out steps 11, Amy, Rory and River circa-‘Day Of The Moon’. An American diner lands awkwardly amid the rubble and Clara and Ashildr climb out. Kate Stewart and the Oswins show up with a bunch of UNIT troops and at the same time as Gwen Cooper arrives with whatever’s left of Torchwood. A final TARDIS appears, it’s 9’s! Out comes the ninth Doctor with another Rose and another Captain Jack.
“Wow that’s a lot of people” says Ryan gormlessly. “I reckon that should do it, don’t you Doc?” says Graeme. At the sound of a screech, everyone looks up to see the 8th Doctor flying in on the back of Ramsey the Vortisaur. 13 turns to Yas and explains to her what Vortisaurs are for ten minutes while everyone awkwardly waits for her to finish. When she’s done, the six Doctors that I, as millennial, actually care about line up facing the Master’s army, screwdrivers in hand. Twelve somehow produces his electric guitar and starts shredding the Doctor Who theme and then they all charge.
It’s brilliant! River’s zapping Silents, Graeme’s using his laser shoes to zap Kasaavin and Amy’s duel wielding a hand mirror and a sledge hammer to smash up Weeping Angels. Clara and 12 have a memory-loss themed reunion just like Star Lord & Gamora’s one in Endgame, only he doesn’t knee her in the crotch. 9s headbutts the Master because of course he does and both Cpt. Jacks keep making dirty jokes about there being two Roses, only no one’s actually listening.
When the battle takes a turn for the worse, they fall back to their TARDISs to protect the time vortex. They all start piloting around the battlefield, evading attack. Lady Christina (who’s also there) gets immediately arrested by UNIT so Graeme takes her flying bus and starts flying it round the battlefield along with Ryan & Yas. 11 ends up in 10’s TARDIS and starts flying it but Sontarans keep jetpacking on board. He uses his sonic to jam their guns while Donna, who’s still on board, whacks them in the back of the neck. A jolt makes her fall and nearly touch the Doctor’s severed hand from ‘The Christmas Invasion’. 11, knowing what happens if she touches it, snatches it away from her but that forces the metacrisis to happen anyway, this time with his own DNA. Another Sontaran jetpacks onboard and is about to shoot Donna but suddenly falls over with a clunk, revealing the metacrisis Doctor who just hit it on the back of the neck. Only this time, he’s half 10, half 11 – 10.5, if you will. 11 chucks him a prototype screwdriver that looks like 12’s one from series 10 and tells him to get to work. He dives out of the door, still naked, yelling “Geronimo!”
Series 4 Rose, who followed 10 into 11s TARDIS, goes on the intercom and tells them that the only way to defeat that many enemies is to do what she did in ‘The Parting Of The Ways’ – open the heart of the TARDIS before the Master can and use it to stop him. But no ordinary human is strong enough! “I can do it” says Bill, who’s much stronger since her Cyber-conversion. Still, she’s on 12’s TARDIS and the weakest console is onboard 9’s. “You’re not gonna like this, Bill” says 12, piloting his ship high into the air. “Big ears, you’ve got incoming!”, he shouts, then unceremoniously boots Cyber-Bill out of the door, sending her plummeting toward 9’s TARDIS. She nearly makes it but a Crillitane catches her first and they start tussling in the air. It drops her and she nearly plummets to her death but 8 catches her on the back of Ramsey and gives her a lift back up to 9s TARDIS.
The Master and Ashad (who’s alive again now) jet onboard 8’s TARDIS (which is there for some reason, I dunno, maybe he parked nearby). It’s manned by 10.5. The Master villainously shoots Ashad, activating the death particle, before jumping out of the front door. This kills 10.5 before he can regenerate (presumably, after all this 10 cuts his hand off and puts it back in the jar) and cripples the TARDIS’s flight systems which, as it’s the oldest iteration of the TARDIS in the battle, does the same to all of them. The six Doctors manage to land their ships in a hexagon, with the doors all pointing inwards, meaning enemies can only get in from above. Series 4 Captain Jack gets a big gun and mans the bottle neck, fighting off wave upon wave of enemies, getting killed sometimes but then resurrecting, each time letting in a few monsters who end up in the various TARDISs.
The Master gets through and ends up in 11’s TARDIS. 13 and her companions follow him but he runs deep inside the internal corridors, losing them. He finds a part of the TARDIS where time passes in reverse so that when he comes back into the console room he’s on board 8’s ship again which he then materialises inside 9’s. Bill tries to stop him but he threatens 9 with his shrink ray and forces her to use her strength to tear open the console and expose the time vortex. She does and he’s about to absorb its power but all of a sudden, the floor panel gives way and he falls down below. Camera pans down revealing Wilfred Mott, holding a regular screwdriver that he just used to loosen the floor panel. He gives everyone a little salute.
13 steps forward and absorbs the power of the Time Vortex. It’s even cooler than when Rose did it because she’s a Timelord. She rises up in the air like Captain Marvel and tells all the villains they have a chance to leave (earning an approving look from 10). Most of them do except the Daleks, obviously, so she melts their asses. Then she floats back down and returns the energy to the heart of the TARDIS, restoring its flight systems at the same time (except for 8’s, sorry). The 6 Doctors look down condescendingly at the Master like in that shot from the end of the first Avengers film. Only the Master hit his head falling down so he’s died (and pooped himself). He regenerates into… Missy! Which makes so much more sense for her character arc. “I’ll take her off your hands” says 12. Then they all go and get chips like in ‘The End Of The World’ and eat them outside Sheffield train station before the various Doctors and companions go their separate ways.
13 feels the regeneration coming, just like the last time she absorbed the time vortex. She and her friends go to Graeme’s house. She normally does this in the TARDIS but she’d rather be with the people she cares about. There’s no big speech, I reckon she just says “Laterzzz” and actually clarifies that it’s spelt with a z. She regenerates, leaving big scorch marks on the walls, setting fire to all Graeme’s furniture. The companions are freaking out. When it’s over the new Doctor slumps to the floor before getting to their knees to reveal… a handsome young Indian guy with floppy hair and a moustache!
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displacedhq-blog · 5 years
mw from doctor who?
oh boy, you ready for this?
ALL the doctors, rose tyler, jack harkness, amy pond, rory williams, river song, clara osborn, martha jones, bill potts, donna noble, nardole, the paternoster gang, graham o’brien, ryan sinclair, yasmin khan - and pretty much anyone in the whoniverse - classic to modern, we’d love to see them !! ( and this includes torchwood as well !! )
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truestoriesaboutme · 6 years
It’s worth pointing out that, if the stock type of New Who Companion is “white, working class female londoner in her twenties”, then none of the next series’ companions fit that description. None of the previous series’ companions fit that description either. It only really applies to Rose, Amy, and Clara.
It doesn’t apply to 
Jack Harkness
River Song
The Paternoster Gang
All of whom were either full-fledged companions or were at least as close to a companion as The Brig, Benton and the rest of the UNIT family were.
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Doctor Who: Marry Chrysler
I watched all the Doctor Who Christmas specials, so it’s time to a ranking, because why not?
13. The Time of the Doctor
I’m being extra critical, because not only is this a Christmas episode, but it’s also the last episode of Matt Smith’s tenure and BOY did he deserve better. Okay, yes, the story wrapped up Eleven’s overarching story, but it kind of felt like a shitty highlight reel of the enemies. Clara was meh. The town of Trenzalore was meh. The Church of the Silence being the good guys in the end was meh. The weird regeneration defense thing was meh. It was just a big pile of meh.
12. Last Christmas
I’d like to fomally apologise to Bethan @thepondstogether before I continue. If The Time of the Doctor didn’t have the additional role of being a regeneration episode, which makes the episode more important in the general ranking, then Last Christmas would be last. I wonder how Nick Frost’s back is doing from carrying this entire episode. The whole dream in a dream plottwist worked once, but after a while it got tiresome. Danny being there wrapped up Clara’s grief too quickly (I really wish they had continued it in series 9). I couldn’t get interested in any side character, so good thing Shona didn’t become full time companion after all. It was just.... there.
11. The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
This episode had its moments, but overall it is forgettable. I’ve already forgotten the name of the mother (Marge? Margaret? Martha?). The Narnia-esque world looked cool and what not, but this episode felt really weak. I think the reason why it’s above Last Christmas is because the emotional impact got to me. People give Moffat a lot of shit for his continous everybody lives storyline, but I personally love it. And of course, the moment Eleven shows up at the Ponds’ doorstep makes me cry. I wonder if they kept putting down a plate for him, even after they were told that Eleven could never see them again. I imagine that they had hope anyway. Oh, now I made myself sad.
10. Twice Upon A Time
Another big one, folks. It’s Twelve’s regeneration this time. Now, objectively, this episode could’ve been way better. For a regeneration episode, it was another weak one. Testimony being good in the end kind of felt anticlimatic, but it did give us Bill and some cool scenes. One didn’t do much, which was a shame. I just absolutely loved Twelve in this episode. I wish he’d gotten a better story to end his tenure on a high note, but even with the weak writing, Peter Capaldi absolutely kills it. He’s funny, he’s sad, he’s brave, he’s goofy... it’s all I love about Twelve. Especially the ending on the battlefield with Bill and Nardole is so emotional, because he’s just tired. It was time for him to go.
9. The Christmas Invasion
Now it gets difficult. From now on, all episodes are absolute bangers and I must admit that no. 9 to 4 might shuffle around. I kind of feel the same about all of them. They aren’t the most amazing highbrow pieces of art, but they’re fun to watch. Still, I needed to make a ranking and I put The Christmas Invasion on the last of the best for one reason: not much happens. This isn’t a bad thing, because the focus is on making Rose an audience surrogate to explain regeneration. Still, Ten was asleep most of the time and the alien of the week was fun enough.
8. The Voyage of the Damned
The main reason why I think it’s one of the worse of the best is because the kiss between Ten and Astrid ruined it for me lmao. That horrid decision aside, I really liked the episode and the story. The ending with Ten and Mr. Copper talking about how it’s unfortunate that that asshole survived, but how no one should have the power to decide who lives gets me, because yeah. That made the episode bounce back after that stupid kiss. Anyway, the characters were all great and also it pissed off the church, which is an automatic plus.
7. The Next Doctor
Surprised? The Next Doctor is maybe one of the weaker Christmas episodes storywise (especially the resolution to the conflict), but once again the emotional part of this episode makes me love this one so much. Jackson Lake is an amazing character and I just really loved how the “next Doctor” story played out.  
6. The End of Time, pt. 1
Part two is the New Years special, and we’re not counting those for this list (get on that level, Chibnall). I had a hard time placing this one, because during my rewatch I realised that this episode was not as amazing as I remembered, and I really didn’t like this crazed version of the Master, but this episode has the one power move that other episodes don’t have: Wilfred Mott. All the scenes with Ten and Wilf made me bawl. Besides, part one is better than part two. As a part one, this episode is a great set-up and also the cliffhanger was amazing.
5. The Return of Doctor Mysterio
A Superman inspired Doctor Who Christmas special shouldn’t work, but somehow it does? I actually didn’t watch this episode until, idk, 2020, and after I finished I wanted to slap myself for missing out on this gem. I also love how it’s a direct continuation from Twelve’s final night with River and how it’s woven into the story. The superhero part is so cliché and cheesy and overdone and trope-y, but it just works? I can’t explain why, but I love this episode so much. I really shouldn’t work. Yet, it does.
4. The Runaway Bride
I also had a hard time placing this, and maybe I should’ve pushed it back down the line, but during my rewatch I was really excited for this one, and unlike The End of Time this one still delivered. It introduced a (more one-dimensional version of) Donna and I once again think that the emotional part of this story is the best. Ten is so lost and angry after losing Rose and Donna brings him back to reality. Also, the moment where she realises Lance betrayed her? Tears! And despite all that heavy shit, it still is so fucking funny.
3. The Snowmen
Bro, I wish they had kept victorian!Clara as the main companion. I really, really liked Clara in this one and she definitely the reason why The Snowmen is so high on this list. She doesn’t have to carry this episode on her own, since the Paternoster Gang is also delightful. The Great Intelligence was a great villain and the idea of posessed snow is typical Doctor Who. Eleven also gets time to look back on the loss of the Ponds. In a way, Clara is Eleven’s Donna. Also, can I just talk about how beautiful this episode is? 
2. The Husbands of River Song
Yeah, Eleven and River as a ship slaps, but Twelve and River is peak romance. They bring a completely new dynamic to this relationship and it’s an absolute delight. The combination of the lively, yet a bit erratic River Song with the deadpan dry-witted Twelve is hilarious. And of course this was a very great ending to an arc that started all the way back in 2008. This episode had a clear plan and it shows.
1. A Christmas Carol
I mean, come on. Do I need to explain the absolute brilliant adaptation of the classic tale A Christmas Carol? The timetravel sci-fi element was almost made for this. I don’t have much to say apart from the fact that this is one of the best episodes of the show and Michael Gambon should come back.
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