#the payment like it’s been nearly a month wtf
dungeonegg · 1 year
Kust wanted to give you all a quick little update about how things have been going. This is gonna be a bit long so I'll do the cut thing here.
A couple weeks ago, my mom asks me if we can afford car payments to go up because she wants to trade in the leased car for a new car. I tell her if it's really what she wants, we'll figure it out. So the dealership orders in a new car for her. Then three days ago, she shows me the back of her phone because she noticed an issue with it.
Not sure if the photo will post but if not, the glass over her camera on the back if somehow perfectly shattered over one of the lenses and a bit in a few other spots too. Major safety issue. She did end up getting glass feom it in her finger at one point. So on top of a new car, new phone needed. So off to the provider we go the next day to get a new phone. During that process, mom decides we're updating mine as well since neither of us have updated in like five years or so. Because it was late when we got there, they couldn't activate or transfer things same day so we get an appointment to come back the next day to do that.
So yesterday was the appointment. I let my coworkers know that hey, need to leave pretty much right when we close to go to this appointment as it's like a 30 minute drive to get there. Around 230 or so my one coworker comes back from lunch with a thing of canned air to clean his station which is right next to mine. He then decides to experiment with it by holding it upside down and spraying coins. Not a big deal. Next thing j know, he's frozen his pen.
Apparently the combined smell of chemically frozen ink and way too much canned air in a sort of small space was too much for me. So I start coughing. Trying to help someone cash their check and I keep having to stop to cough. But get that done and go to the other room to put away cash. Bear in mind, at this stage I've already told coworker he's never allowed canned air again and he's apologized several times. Can't stop coughing. Go to break room to sit for a moment and get something to drink, help with the cough. One of my other coworkers is there and just kinda staring at me like "dude, wtf" so I tell him what happened. He immediately gets worried and tells me to sit and do I want him to kick first coworker, because he will. Give mom a call to let her know what happened. During the call, start trying to clear my throat. By this point, I'm coughing, hacking, and gagging. Apparently I can give the exorcist a run for their money, according to my coworker and it sounds like I'm possessed by the devil. Nearly throw up. Mom tells me to stop outside so I can get some fresh air, which helped a bit so I go back inside to sort money and sell to vault.
Continue coughing. So I go make some tea and send possibly the most British texts (my mother is 1/2 British, 1/2 Irish) I have ever sent in my life: 'making tea. Coworker is never allowed canned air again'. Normally when I make tea, there's milk and sugar in it but since the only milk there is expired by three months, I threw out the milk and just added a TON of honey with the sugar. Not my favorite taste but not bad and it seriously helped so much. My poor coworker who'd brought the canned air kept apologizing. Later, I was telling my boss what happened only to wind up explaining that you're not supposed to shake canned air, which apparently she has done every time she uses it.
Anyway, get out of work, go to phone appointment, that takes about an hour, then off to dealership so we can get the new car. We were there for a couple hours to get paperwork and everything finished up. Luckily there wasn't too much because mom had been earlier and done a bunch of it but car wasn't ready then which is why we had to go back. Have been sporadically coughing the entire time.
Did manage to get a bit of progress on a little drabble thing for Dungeon Egg that I'm using as a way to get a better grasp of some of the characters. Honestly it deals with a bit of a spoiler for one of them so probably won't be releasing it for a while still but I will release it eventually.
I promise, I'm still working on the demo! Not entirely sure when I'll have it up hut hoping to do so within the next couple weeks or so. No promises other than you guys will know as soon as it's available!
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eddiescouch · 18 hours
I can't fucking believe my roommate sometimes. I told him at the start of the month he needed to move out (for a laundry list of reasons). We've been trying to figure out how I'm going to get him last & deposit and decided to do it half over two months. I sent the money right after we finished the conversation.
This dude comes in now accusing me of making up numbers. I asked him wtf he was talking about and he said there was no way he owed me enough that this month's payment would only be $148. I was so confused because in my calculations I had no memory of coming up with $148. He showed me a screenshot of the deposit and then I realized. Our bank only allows $2000 to be transferred per day, so I split the amount with $2000 being deposited that day, and the remainder $148 the next day. Dude was getting so accusatory and confrontational and he hadn't even read his bank statements correctly.
He didn't acknowledge that at all and just asked for exact numbers for utilities and food. At the time I was on the verge of a sleep attack, literally nodding off in my chair, but this made me so angry I ended up powering through it. For a very long time I've been paying for his groceries with my EBT. He'll just put stuff in the cart and at first I thought he'd check out separately but no. He just always added it on to my stuff. Even when I talked about it with him and told him to check out separately and that I was uncomfortable paying, he kept doing it. I was tired of fighting so I went with it. This month is the first month I've refused to buy him groceries or share my food (he's still stolen some regardless). I used my daily food costs for this month, and compared them to my EBT amount since I'd always go through all my EBT. Turns out, at the very minimum, he was literally using half my EBT.
I got the last 180 days of all of our bills, mathed out each category so it would be accurate to the day, and sent him my math. If he wants to be a little pissant about money instead of calmly and politely asking "Hey, on my account I'm only seeing this much from you, have you sent the rest yet?" he can get all the fucking numbers he wants. The dude didn't pay me back for bills for months until he owed me nearly $1300 and he has the fucking stones to be like this? I want to shake him like a magic 8 ball until he says he'll leave me alone.
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I forgot to call my credit card company to tell em I was buying a bigger than usual purchase (laptop) and now a month later the stupid Apple store messaged me to say they couldn’t process the payment (bc of the emergency hold) so now I had to rebuy the laptop and cancel the first purchase and NOW I hafta wait until September to get my laptop ��😭
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orcelito · 2 years
Bought a new laptop, ordered groceries, scheduled an appointment for my continuous back pain
I'm tired.
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mostlykind · 3 years
I’m going to fucking scream why are these job centre employees absolute devils ?????? I want to rip my hair out the she way she’s talking to me you’d think I’m being given 3k a month ajsejjehdj
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bittysvalentines · 5 years
From: @insertatitlehere AO3: emimix3
To: @dyinginjapanese
Tags: Social Media, Friendship, Pets, Cats
Message: Hi! I hope you'll enjoy this piece as much as I enjoyed working on it :) It was a pleasure to write this for you!
> Guys I made a mistake
Whiskey > What now
Ford >> I mean, if you noticed you made a mistake, you must have made a BIG mistake
Tango > mmh just come to my dorm room
Ford >> Is that a ghost. Did you find a ghost in your room
Whiskey > just stop with ghost hunting, it doesn’t work tango, you need to accept that
Tango > bring meat if you’ve got some in your fridge
Whiskey > What > Tony Tango Tangredi what
Ford shot a message to Whiskey when she was about to reach Tango’s dorm, and he replied to her that he would be there in two minutes – so, she waited for him at the building. Whiskey arrived, with a Tupperware in hand.
“It’s chicken tenders,” he explained. “I hope Tango won’t eat them all, because I wanted to have some for dinner.”
“If Tango don’t eat them all, I will. I had a class over lunch so I didn’t eat.”
“I’m not your personal chef, Denise,” Whiskey said, as he opened the dorm’s front door.
“I’m the one picking everyone’s room on roadies, Connor. If I were you, I’d play nice.”
“Okay, you can take two, and I don’t want to be with Tango and Hops again. My ears still haven’t recovered from last time.”
When they reached Tango’s room on the third floor, they didn’t even have the time to knock that he had slightly opened the door to usher them in.
“Tony, what the hell?” Whiskey asked.
Tango didn’t reply immediately. He just looked at his desk, and mumbled something that neither of his friends managed to understand – and that’s when Ford noticed, on the desk chair:
There was a tiny, scrappy, brownie kitty.
“Oh my God,” Ford said, a hand on her heart because she honestly needed as much to not die of cuteness overload.
“Oh my God,” Whiskey said, a hand in front of his mouth because there was no way that Tango did something that stupid, and that he was about to involve them into this.
Tango scratched his cheek, a bit uneasy.
“Okay so, I found a kitty, his name is Doubt Legs Alarm and I’d die for him.”
“Oh my God you’re so cute,” Ford gushed, going to the little squeaking kitten. “Look at him Whiskey! He’s so cute!”
The kitten didn’t seem to want to be pet, but he instead began to try to bite Ford’s fingers and scratch them. Yeah, he was kinda cute, even if he had matted, uneven fur, that he was almost certainly too thin, plus the small issue that he had, you know, no eyes.
“I’m sorry Tango,” Whiskey managed to utter, “but what the fuck did you say his name is?”
Doubt Legs Alarm was nicknamed “Doug” while the three friends were sitting in the nearest vet’s waiting room – the kitty in a big cardboard box, because that was the only thing they found to transport him.
“You know you can’t keep him, right?” Ford told Tango.
“Shhh,” he replied, putting his index in her lips. “Shh.”
“Tango. Ignoring the issue won’t solve the issue,” Whiskey sighed.
“Shh,” Tango said, now putting his index on Whiskey’s mouth.
It was soon enough their turn. They entered the vet’s consulting room and Ford carried Doug out of the box to put him on the table – the poor kitty seemed to be terrorised by the whole ordeal, and he was meowing uncontrollably. In the meantime, Tango was telling the vet what he knew about the cat.
“I saw him while taking a shortcut from a class to another,” he explained. “Behind the Murder Stop&Shop, you know?”
“The Murder Stop&Shop?”
“Yeah, not the racist one, the one where there was a murder a few years back. Anyway. He was meowing between two trashcans and he was alone and eyeless, so…”
“Well it’s good you took him. He wouldn’t have lasted long out there – his eyes injuries are fresh, they could get infected quickly…”
“Also he’s not eating. We tried to give him a chicken tender but he didn’t want to try.”
“A chicken tender.”
The vet was really helpful – gave an age to Doug, probably between two and three months (but it was hard to know because of how thin he was), something to try to soothe his eyes, a thousand of recommendations that Ford dutifully noted on her journal, and prescriptions for worm killers and vaccines.
“You plan to keep him, right?” the vet had asked. “Or do you have someone lined up to take him, a shelter?”
“No, no, I’m keeping him,” Tango replied straight away.
“Okay, then we’d need to schedule his neutering…”
He also gave them a lot of advice on what to buy to take care of him, and books to read – he walked them to the front of the clinic, and while Whiskey and Ford were thanking him, the secretary gave Tango the bill for the consultation.
Ford didn’t manage to see it, but Tango blanched and asked in a quiet tone if payment plans were an option.
She took it on herself to not yell at her friend the second they were out. She waited that they were sitting on the bench at the bus stop, waiting for their ride back to the campus.
“Tango. You can’t keep this cat.”
“I can. He needs me.”
“Tango. You live in a dorm room. You can’t have pets. Plus, it’s way too expensive. He’s sick and blind – he’s going to have medical bills way higher than this one. You need to pay for his food, his toys, his litter, for someone to take care of him when we’re on roadies.”
“But he’s so cute! He’s gonna die out there!”
“There’s shelters-”
“He’s blind! Who will want him?” Tango pleaded, holding the cardboard box close to his chest.
“I know. It’s breaking my heart, too, Tango. But we need to find a solution, quick.”
They needed to, and quick, indeed. The bus to campus stopped right in front of them. Neither moved, and the bus left. Another one would come in twenty minutes anyway. Tango was sombre and Ford looked really upset too.
“He can be our cat, the three of us. We can share the expenses; that would help a lot already. And we can leave him at the Haus,” Whiskey proposed.
Tango and Ford turned towards him, hoping he’d elaborate.
“It’s… Okay I don’t like cats much, but he’s hella cute. And Tango, you obviously care a lot about him, and Ford, I know you want the best for him. So it’s the easiest solution. I know that Bitty had refused a Haus cat when Chowder asked, but if we go in there with a sob story and a cute kitty already on our laps he won’t be able to say no. We’re spending half of our time in the Haus anyway, so we’ll be able to take care of him there. Plus, if he’s at the Haus and even if he’s our cat, we maybe can get the others to chip in with food and all – I know the team would be happy to shower him with toys and stuff. Plus, it’s in the middle of the frat row, so there must be someone in the Haus that knows someone who’d be around when we’re away for roadies.”
“And for the summer and other breaks, at least one of us three can take him,” Ford reasoned. “That, or as a few guys in the team stay on campus year-long, they’d be happy to Haus-sit him.”
“And,” Tango concluded, “if we’re the rightful owners of the Haus cat, that he can potentially come and go at our will – surely, that would give us a lot of leverage regarding getting dibs to live there next year.”  
The three Tadpoles looked at each other, and nodded – before they shook hands to seal their perfect plan.
“What about after college?” Tango asked. “If he’s our cat. Who will get him when we graduate?”
“Well Tango, either one of us gets custody, or I guess that means we’ll have to be roommates in whatever city Whiskey will get an NHL contract in,” Ford joked.
“Sounds good, haha. Whiskey, please sign with the Jersey Devils.”
“Wait, what now? I just signed for a third of a blind cat, not for two eternal roommates!”
They rehearsed the sob story on the way to the Haus. Ford let her inner theatre kid take over and she was intransigent on their acting, reminding Tango that they’d have to surrender Doug to a shelter if they couldn’t convince Bitty to keep him. It worked, because Tango was nearly in tears when he was sitting in the living-room of the Haus, the kitty on his lap and telling all the Hausmates the story of this poor eyeless kitty who just needed a roof and a lot of love, and isn’t it the best place for him to have all that (and yes, of course, we’d be the ones cleaning the litter)?
Chowder was bawling his eyes out at the story, Nursey was enamoured with Doug, and Ollie and Wicks were already budging Bitty to please say yes, Cap, you’re not that heartless are you?
After a while, Bitty sighed and reluctantly accepted. Dex was already talking about plans for a cat tree to build.
Doug grew quickly accustomed at the life in the Haus. He was still running into some walls and misplaced furniture on the regular, but he was quiky to map out the entire place, and always knew at which room’s door to meow to get pets and food (he was especially good at tricking different people into giving him two or three dinners a day). During kegsters, he was staying in Chowder’s room, but the rest of the time he liked to hang out in the living-room where there were always people – or in the kitchen, where there was always food.
Bitty loudly hated the fact and kept complaining about it, but more than once Ford caught him petting or feeding scraps the cat when he was sitting on the counter while Bitty baked. Of course, Tango and Ford did all they can to stay number one in Doug’s heart – but the cat seemed to especially enjoy the company of Whiskey. Probably because Whiskey favourite way to hang out with people and animals was to sit in the same room, without saying a word?
Doug had become the lucky charm of the team, (everyone needed to pet him before a game or a roadie, or else…) so after Ford just off-handily mentioned that maybe her, Whiskey and Tango would look for an off-campus apartment that would accept cats for the following year, an emergency Haus Meeting was summoned. Neither of them was certain of what was said in it, but the following day, the three of them got dibs, so all went according to the plan.
[Instagram video: the cat has been brought to Faber and is wearing little cat shoes to walk on the ice. He’s meowing in despair because of how slippery it is.
@samwellmenshockey Our mascot is actually playing too – hopefully, he’ll be on the starting line by next semester!
Instagram picture: Doug is wearing a tiny knitted “ZIMME 1” jersey. It’s obvious there wasn’t enough room for the rest of the name. He’s lying on Tango’s stomach who is napping on the couch.
@samwellmenshockey Doug is supporting the @FalconersPVD tonight! Obviously that means that the @FalconersPVD will send him some 12 lbs dry food bags, right @FalconersPVD?]
“I’m happy we kept this cat,” Tango said one evening, while he was watching a movie, curled under the blankets on the couch next to Ford and Whiskey – petting Doug, who was on Ford’s lap.
“He’s not half-bad, in the end,” Whiskey agreed, scratching the kitty behind his ears.
“I saw him do his business on the Lax bro’s porch this afternoon,” Tango said.
“A cat of good taste and perfect manners. We taught him well,” Ford acquiesced.
“Are you kidding?” Whiskey asked. “He’s the worst cat! I saw him watching a mouse run in the basement, and he wouldn’t even get up to run after it!”
“Yeah? And did you get up to run after the mouse Whisk?”
“Wow, you’re so lazy, Connor.”
“Will you both stop making fun of me?”
Yep, Ford thought, as Whiskey was throwing at her and Tango popcorn in the face, and Doug jumped to try to catch them. She was happy they kept this cat.
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Serious Consideration
Two days ago the sous chef at the restaurant my husband works at was fired.  Yesterday the owner told Husband he’s expected to work that job as well as his current responsibilities.  Today Husband said he’d only be doing that if 1) he was given the promotion and title, and 2) he’s given the same wage as the sous chef was.  The owner said the position will no longer exist, and he won’t get a promotion or pay raise, and that he needs to be a “team member.  Husband said he’s not going to work the extra responsibilities without the raise and title.
For several weeks he’s been looking for a better job with better pay.  Today he’ll be more aggressive about it.  He has over 30 years experience working in the restaurant industry.  Earlier this year the head chef quit and someone with very little experience and no management skills was promoted to the position.  NO ONE LIKES THIS GUY!  He’s been fucking up left, right, and center.  Husband should have gotten that job, everyone but this guy feels the same way, and the owner refuses to listen to reason. 
The owner claims to be a “good Christian” but is a hardcore capitalist and treats his employees as slaves, giving raises only because the state has increased the minimum wage.  He’s raising wages a little bit every year only because the state requires it, and would have everyone at minimum wage if he could.
So here’s what we’re considering: We need to move out of the area. 
The place has been fraying on our health.  The air quality has me fucked up due to the fact people here would rather use wood-burning fire place instead of cleaner safer options to heat their homes.  Fire season has fucked with my asthma, allergies, and done a number on my anxiety and mental health.  The dry air hasn’t helped with my breathing; I went from using my emergency inhaler maybe two or three times a year to using it almost daily (and every time we leave the house).  Husband’s allergies have gotten worse since moving here (his sister, who convinced us to move here, said his allergies would basically vanish here), resulting in a lot of headaches, frequently requiring a third and even fourth allergy medication to control them (both meds make him extremely drowsy), and feeling like shit.
Rent is shitty here, and our landlady keeps raising the rent every year.  Finding a new place is nearly impossible due to 1) high rental prices on very small places ($800 for a 350 sq ft studio apartment) and 2) few places available (a lot of people live in RVs because there’s nowhere else to live).  When we moved in back in 2017 after a fire took our previous home (yay for renter’s insurance) rent on this place was $900.  It’s now $1090 and she plans on raising it another 10% every year.  If we sign another contract for this place, rent will be $1110.  Fuck that, we can’t afford it.
Well-paying jobs are hard to find in even the restaurant industry.  They all want to start Husband at state minimum wage!  WTF!?!
Finding good doctors and counselors here that can provide me with the treatment I need is difficult.  This is a rural fucking area.  We have to drive over an hour to get to my neurologist, who’s an asshole, but the only neurologist who accept Medicare.  My primary physician is well-loved and as such is booked with appointments going as far as six months ahead.  It took almost FIVE YEARS to find a counselor who’s qualified to treat me and accept Medicare and Medicaid.  Said counselor has urged me to move to the other side of the Cascades as soon as we are able.
We have exactly zero friends here.  The two we do have will soon no longer be here.  One is the former sous chef and the other is his wife.  They have family on the other side of the Cascades who will help cover the cost of moving over their, and the two of them will be gone by the end of November.
Husband is on the verge of a psychotic break from all the stress at work, finances, and taking care of me (I’m disabled and he’s my official caretaker).  I want to help with the finances, hence selling the quilts I make, but so far I’ve had very little luck.
We generally hate the area and it benefits neither of us to remain here.  We simply can’t afford to actually move.
I need/want to set up a GoFundMe.  We’ll need a minimum of $25k.  Why?  We can’t physically pack and move everything ourselves.  Our physical health will be put at serious risk.  We have a lot of heavy furniture and no one to help us pack and move it.  I cannot physically help beyond packing smaller things and putting the boxes in piles for Husband to move.  He will be doing all the heavy lifting on his own, risking serious injury.  We need to hire professionals or people in general to at least help us move everything into a truck we rent.  We have no local friends who will/can help us.  Then there’s the cost of the rental moving truck (U-Haul or Penske).  On top of this we’ll need to break the contract on our current rental home.  We’re signed up till July 2020, and if we break contract it’s going to be expensive, and we won’t get our security deposit back.  The chances of us finding someone to take over the rest of the contract is slim to none.  We also need money for some kind of housing while we seek out more permanent residence wherever it is we move (we’re looking at Beaverton or Keizer here in Oregon).  Husband says he can get a job in any restaurant that’s hiring, and is willing to work as a server/waiter while looking for something better.  Our two friends are moving to Keizer and will likely be able to help us find housing and Husband a well-paying restaurant job.  We’ll likely put a lot of our things in storage and rent a smaller place if we can’t find a place of similar size to what we’re living in now (a double wide, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, trailer/manufactured home).  Husband says he’s fine with a one or two bedroom, and I’d get the largest room/space for my sewing and home-activity stuff because I’m home 90% of the time and need the space.
Do I think we’ll be able to raise the money?  I’m not even gonna bother getting my hopes up.  It’d likely take months, even up to the month where we wouldn’t even have to break our contract.  Moving between late November to the end of March is dangerous because we’re traveling through high elevation and mountains.  They get LOTS of snow, including snowstorms and blizzards, during the winter months.  We don’t want to risk getting stuck or dying.
Our final car payment in February, at which point we’ll be able to save $300/month.  We have two credit cards to pay off ($1200 and $6100), $200/month between the two of them.  Plus there’s Husband’s student loans ($30k) and we’re on a payment plan of $60/month.  The money for the move won’t be applied to these bills unless absolutely necessary.
My SSDI (social security disability income) is $740/month, which covers most of our monthly bills, but not nearly enough to be livable or help out with the move save for paying said bills.
Would any of you be willing to make a donation to my GoFundMe?  I have 1049 followers, so just $10 from you would cover half the cost.  I know most, if not all, of you won’t be able to make a donation, which is perfectly fine. 
All funds selling my quilts will be applied to the credit cards.  The stained glass quilt would cover one of the credit cards straight away.  If all the others sold before the move, that’d make a huge punch in the other credit card bill balance.
We won’t be pulling out a loan for the move.  That’s another monstrous bill with a HUGE interest rate (I’ve seen them as high as 50% interest within 3 months of getting the loan, and that’s through a bank.  Personal loans are a very bad idea.). 
I’ll be going over the details of the GoFundMe with Husband later. 
Let me know if you’d be willing to help. 
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raspberryblasphemy · 5 years
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Thank you April!
I’m feeling great and I just wanted to make a small post of good things from this month. :)
1. I have been consistent with my exercise! I do yoga nearly every day and have been sticking to my push up practice.
2. I don’t beat myself up the few times I’ve needed to take a day or two off!
3. SOYLENT. I seriously love soylent, it makes it super easy to make sure I’m getting the right amount of nutrition *and* calories when I don’t feel up to the task of taking care of myself, plus it keeps me satisfied.
4. I have been able to maintain a calorie deficit lately, which has always been a struggle for me as I like to overeat.
5. I haven’t succumbed to buying snacks that trigger binges.
6. I’m actually starting to notice the changes in my body in both the mirror and on the scale, which is always a validating experience!
7. I’ve lost more weight this month bringing the total weight loss down to 15 pounds.
8. The majority of my sprouts are hanging in there. I am not good at keeping plants alive, so this is great. :p
9. I was able to let go of more material possessions, all of it sentimental stuff that I didn’t want but felt inclined to keep (in the past.) More than anything it made me feel sad seeing it, so I am grateful I was finally able to let it go.
10. I FINALLY got my damaged front teeth fixed today, and I’ve been more dedicated than ever to my oral care. I made an appointment to fix the remaining tooth damage I suffer.
11. I made my own toothpaste today, and have been learning about more natural alternatives to plastic floss.
12. I love my stainless steel straw and have managed to avoid plastic straws a number of occasions while out and about.
13. I successfully signed up for an online class this summer which I may or may not drop out because of the cost -- it depends on if the school will allow me to make a payment plan because I’m not doing another loan. Or rather, I *can’t* do another loan. Either way I am proud of myself for completing the process which greatly challenged my anxiety.
14. I finally got some boots up for sale on poshmark that I’ve been lugging around for too long, and tomorrow I will get some pants listed.
15. I’m still sober after three months, whaaaaaa?! :)
16. We’ve been getting RAIN. <3
17. My mom and I discovered a local Vietnamese restaurant that serves SO MUCH VEGETARIAN FOOD. Vietnamese, Thai, and Chinese. I live in rural Colorado so this is an amazing discovery. I got Pho today, ahh!
18. I have a job interview in a couple of days for a library assistant position in my tiny little town. I applied way back in January so it was a surprise when I received the email asking if I was still interested. I actually really, really, really want the job. The extra money is just what I need right now!
19. I am more financially motivated right now, and determined to spend less on things I don’t need and pay down some of these debts --- particularly the medical ones are killing me ATM. I cancelled my audible account, my hulu account, and I’m going to cancel my amazon prime. Oh and I cancelled my subscription to that fabulous aloe vera gel I was raving about months ago. I just got a new bottle and intend to make it last! For a while, anyway.
20. After my last two periods (this month, wtf wtf) I can confirm that my depressive moods are PMS related, and my depression and anxiety meds are still doing their job. I need to remember that next time! IT WILL PASS.
21. Oh yeah, I love eco nuts! They work perfectly well and my clothes don’t smell like detergent chemicals. Do recommend.
22. I’ve started hanging my clothes out on the clothes line instead of using a dryer, and I appreciate the act of doing so sooo much more than I did as a child, haha. Saves energy and money.
Okay, that’s all I can think of at the moment. I might end up adding more. I’m ready for May! And just as I typed that it was 12:00am of May first, haha. Timed that perfectly. ;P
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monolid-monologues · 6 years
Wtf is going on - Part I.
READY OR NOT..............
The next three weeks feel impossible. 
I’m losing my mind lol. I’m going to take myself through this week by week. Breaking up my next 3 blog posts into a Three part series, and i’m going to slowly tread wtf is going on.
Karina and i drove LA >> Oakland >> LA in one day to audition for 5 minutes. LoL. We’re crazy and we know that. The troubling fact is this job means quitting my current one and moving to Oakland.
In February at the festival in Oregon, we were invited to audition for Kaiser Permanente’s Educational Theatre. They employ actors to perform shows for kids.
It pays more than my current job. It is less stable than my current job.
I’m TERRIFIED of having *that* conversation with my dad, and my office.
Desperate to avoid a serving job (having worked them since i was 16), i approached my dad for a job at his company. He knows about me and theater. He knew to be cautious. He asked me commit 2 years. I promised my dad 2 years; it’s only been 6 months. There’s a voice in my head chiding me for even considering this new opportunity.
And part of me is very very resistant to the reality of this new opportunity. Moving to Oakland means moving away from Robin, from Heather, from my studio, from all the work i’ve been doing in L.A to lay down some roots. Working full time at a corporate theater. Suffering bay area rent. Potentially losing my dad’s support (he is helping me with car and insurance payments). And pouring so much time into someone else’s theater. And potentially neglecting my own dreams -- risk of being too burnt, busy and broke to manifest my own theater projects. Not to mention all my fears around the importance of artistic freedom to me and needing to comply with a higher authority for paycheck’s sake (literal nightmare). And i just, might, very well, possibly, end up hating the job. 
I fear breaking my promise. Going back on my word. Owning up to the fact that i am not the loyal bitch we hoped i was. I fear these feelings of betrayal. I fear upsetting my dad and losing his support. I fear the disrespect i am slamming on my director & cecillia’s time and energy and trust in me. I fear that there is no “good” decision, but i can see Regret sitting atop my worst case scenario and i’m afraid that it doesn’t even really matter how things go, whether i stay or go, it’s all a sticky situation. 
If i get the job, but don’t go, i am still at the office. Sitting. So much sitting............clutching my small studio time like the life jacket it is...
If i get the job and want go, well, fuck, that’s a lot of, fuck. Can i put my independent theater dreams on hold? Is this experience worth pursuing? Is it worth upsetting my entire life here? Wow. Since when did i get so attached to my life here? I’ve worked so hard since i’ve been here, to seek, and seek, and plan, and build. I’ve been planning for my life here in L.A. I NeVER imagined relocating this soon. Turning my life upside down when i’ve literally JUST managed to get it looking right-side-up. f$&%@#$!
OKAY Normally, i’d wait to see if i got called back to start worrying. But this opportunity requiring 600 mile drives, requiring me and karina to rearrange chunks of our lives, to even be considered for the job, makes every step in the audition process so costly o_o.  We’re asking ourselves “if we do get called back, how are we even going to get there?”  We’re investing and sacrificing for a huge Maybe. Even pursuing the possibility is TOO MUCH!!!! yet here we are. Why? Why am i this crazy about a maybe?
Tomorrow, we will find out if we’re called back. If we’re called back, the one thing i need to do (the scariest fkn thing ok) is ask for another day off (to secretly attend). If god blesses me with a Yes and my director is NOT fed up with my bullshit, the next thing is figuring out how tf to get there.  And that’s it. That’s it. That’s it. For now.
* * *
An interlude.)
What changes when i decide i’m tired of doubting myself? Staying off social media is a great relief. I stepped back because i was starting to carry some duty to entertain or cater to the tastes of the people who engage with what i post. The anxiety that begins to stir between myself and thoughts of people far away -- with heavy social media comes this baggage we pick up and hold nearly voluntarily. 
Just as we are curious how someone else’s life is going, we imagine other people are curious about ours. 
We second-guess what we want to post.  When it’s about what we want to share in the first place. How anybody receives it is their business. Leave them tf ALONE, LOL. Leave YOURSELF alone!
If it’s your career, you chase one of few formulas. If it’s your hobby, you draw from these formulas and mix in your personal flavor of “idgaf”. And if it’s mostly irrelevant to what you do/what you want, you’re not even bothered. *shrug* 
Every fuckin body will tell you, people who don’t frequent social media are happier. 
Do you think so? Do we think so?  I’m skeptical.  It’s easy to believe, given how much (admit it) time and attention social media sucks. But actually? Let’s be clear: who can know? Lol. The very point around people who don’t use social media is they are beyond the reach of our prying eyes. They are safe, much less susceptible to the wandering imagination of a distant relationship. They are out of bounds. 
Sometimes i wish i was that kind of person. Whoever that means.
I’m not. 
There’s something about getting to show something to hundreds of people. There’s something about connections waiting to be made. Paths that could cross. Click-holes where we lean outside of our usual environments. We are open to exposure and being exposed. We are creative with our public image. We narrate our own lives. We seek others’. ThaT PART. That part. “I will engage!!!!!!!!!!” 
Is it possible to have a healthy relationship with social media?
What does that look like?
There’s so much in our culture that discourages social media use - from mental health to physical health - we are told every day what the pitfalls are. We know it ourselves in living our lives. The common denominator to these warnings is usually over-consumption. Too much. Much too much.
If we are using social media, we are at risk. We know the risks. We live with the risks. ALAS -  we believe we can manage the time/space distortion that the social media universe rips into our lives. 
With social media comes this massive gravitational pull sucking us into a manufactured world. This tech, as far as i’m concerned, insanely complicates our lives - adding data to bodies, instant X long distance everything, and a level of productivity concerning online metrics that is often inversely proportional to our productivity offline. 
The most estranged relationships continue to fizzle quietly with mutual following. Our brains buzz “To post or not to post”. And our eyes are getting tired, our thumbs sore; our time and attention sinks and slips away from us. Like retribution for the discontent, disinterest, and laziness we risk habituating with social media.
We give access and have access and the ride is crippling or energizing depending on whatever people or time in your life. 
Do the rewards outweigh the risks?
* * *
While i’m floundering in the dark about my job, my life, March is ending soon and come April comes the premiere and one-month-run of my new production, 1-800-PERFECTION. 
This is my first show in socal. My first show outside of Davis. My first full solo work. My first script-based PLAY in YEARS.
March Timeline:
meeting with studio manager to settle performance dates (today)
last full rehearsal (3/24 SAT)
tech rehearsal with Heather (3/30 SAT)
preview performance w/ talk back (3/31 SUN) YOU’RE INVITED. [email protected] | please come! TIME: 1-3pm LOCATION: 1183 Kraemer Blvd, Anaheim, CA
April Timeline:
Dress Rehearsal  (week 1, TBD)
1st Show (week 2, TBD)
2nd show (week 3, TBD)
3rd Show (week 4, TBD) Tickets: $12 venmo  (seat reserved) or $10 cash at door (exact change!!!)
My radical marketing plan is to do it in person.  I wanna shit my pants thinking about it, but i’m determined to go out there into public places and invite people to my show face 2 face. I will certainly let you know how it goes. The experience may turn up a giant dumpster fire. :-)
Common questions when opening a new work include: what if ppl hate it? what if i hate it? what if no one comes? what if this is the end of my reputation as an artist as we know it? as i know it? what if i’m not ready? 
What if i didn’t rehearse enough? THIS ONE’S BEEN HAUNTING ME.
My best friend asks me how long i’ve been working on this play. I tell her i can afford 20 hours of studio time a month. It’s been almost 4 months now. And then she’s like, isn’t 20 hours...less than a day?  *brain explodes* Have i only worked on my show for LESS THAN 4 DAYS? IS IT LIKE THAT? 
It has been living, growing, changing with me day to day. But of course, 20 hours is really it of dedicated work time/space. 5 hours a week. 
I am used to working 30 hours per weeeeeek on a show.  that’s what i’m used to.
I remember when i first found this studio offering exactly what i was looking for and could afford, i was ELATED to get 20 hours a month. Considering the ZERO work i was doing my first 2 months back in LA -- Getting 1 step closer to where i would be today - on the cusp of running a whole original ass show - was mooooreee than enough. 
But this is honestly one worry out of SO MANY, literally so many, that it’s all looking - sounding - and feeling increasingly ridiculous. because there’s just so much. *laugh cry emoji* * * * I’m never going to forget what i signed up for. Everything on my plate, i set up for myself.
Was i ready for all of this? No. Did i dream this up and seek its fruition? Hell yes. Even i know that only time will tell me What was What.  So, i will take it one fkn day at a time.
Maybe this is a lesson to follow your dreams no matter what, precisely BECAUSE you’ll never be ready for it. I can’t imagine being ready for what i’m going through these days. There’s no fucking way i could’ve known how stickyyyy things could get when i made my first studio payment in December, or asked my dad for a job in October.
But go through with it, we will, because we’ve reached the point where we must. I’m. Not. Looking. Back.
So, I don’t have a dramatic poignant closer for you on this one. Let’s, uh, give that to Part 3, when we wrap this whole mess up. (ie. is Oakland rlly happening? how was canvassing the brea mall to advertise my show LMAO? did i lose my damn mind, or nah?)
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Hi.  I just want to say, thank you for reading. Really. thank you.
I think my writing is suffering from the craziness atm.
* * *
i’ve committed to being vulnerable in writing every week.
previous letter: #11. detox,
drop me a line
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Bad Eyebrow Tattoo Meme
Fixing a bad eyebrow tattoo. Recently, however, the eyebrows became even more popular, creating trends that made people and the internet crazy.
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If You Over-wax Your Eyebrows Be Sure To Tattoo Ivy Sprigs There So Nobody Will Notice Bad Eyebrows Eyebrow Fails Eyebrows
Now, six months later, she is the one.
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Bad eyebrow tattoo meme. I got my eyebrows tattooed and it was the worst decision i’ve ever made katharine has a warning for other women. He is paid $3000 on average for every time he preaches at a destiny church. See more ideas about bad eyebrows, eyebrow fails, makeup fails.
He preaches nearly every week and is paid by 20 churches. See more ideas about brow quotes, eyebrows, bad eyebrows. My eyebrows tattoo faded very quickly as it was light, therefore i booked in to have my eyebrow touch up about 8 days ago, it was horrible.
Whether you yourself have had this done years ago, you’re trying to help your mom or aunt fix what they now dislike, or you’re not happy with your recent eyebrow tattooing experience, here are some things you should consider to get them fixed! Funny pics best funny pictures wtf funny funny memes funny eyebrows makeup eyebrows hair makeup eye brows best makeup products. An eyebrow tattoo is painful.
25 eyebrow memes that are totally on fleek! Brain tamaki’s estimated net worth is $1.5 million. See more ideas about bad eyebrows, eyebrows, eyebrow fails.
Shaping them can soften your features, brighten up your face or give you a new look. Eyebrow fails eyebrow quotes eyebrow makeup tips permanent makeup eyebrows eye brows funny girl meme funny memes about girls makeup quotes funny funny quotes. Brian tamaki net worth 2021.
From bad tattoos to the pain of contorting your body while you get worked on, there is humor in the struggle, and these tattoo memes prove it. See more ideas about bad face tattoos, face tattoos, makeup. I decided to get eyebrow tattoo.
Scroll down below to see our hilariously relatable list of the best and the worst tattoos, hardships of an artist and tattoo fails! The beauty and cosmetics business is. Eyebrows tattooed on fail //heard they have this new technology called hair.
How my lip & brow tattoos turned out horribly wrong. Eyebrows are considered to be the most important features of the face. Epic fail eyebrow fails bad eyebrows tattooed eyebrows eye brows tattoo fails wtf moments bad tattoos eyebrow tattoo.
In one photo, we see a. This post may include affiliate links. It is similar to normal tattoos in that tattoo ink is used to fill in your brows, giving them a fuller, more beautiful appearance.
I had my first eyebrow tattoo done at the end of 2005. Skin in the brow area is a very sensitive part too where the pain is more largely felt. Eyebrows frame your face and in this section you will find eyebrow memes that have been altered to frame the worst way possible.
I made this video to warn you guys about cosmetic tattooing, in case you've ever considered getting it. Bored panda has added a. It will feel like a huge amount of paper cuts which will give you an uncomfortable feeling.
Take a gander at these 12 pics of permanent makeup gone wrong and vow to never get anything tattooed onto. Depending on the size of the church, he also gets individual payments of $1000 to $12,000. See more ideas about tattoos gone wrong, eyebrow tattoo, eyebrows.
We've collected a few snaps of some of the most hilarious eyebrow looks out there. Yes that is a finger. They were perfect and look so natural, they just look a little darker than my natural brows by 10., i was so impressed.
An eyebrow tattoo just like any normal kind of tattoo can be pretty painful solely because of the needles piercing your skin. Reasons to get an eyebrow correction. As far as we can tell there will never be a lack of tattoo fails nor a shortage of people willing to share their ugly tattoos.
She was left horrified by the popular beauty. See more ideas about eyebrows, funny eyebrows, bad eyebrows. See more ideas about bad eyebrows, eyebrows, makeup fails.
The bad eyebrow tattoo quickly went viral (for obvious reasons) along with amanda coats ‘ words of warning about the risks associated with the procedure. The body actually grows it. See more ideas about bad eyebrows eyebrows and funny eyebrows.
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shirlleycoyle · 4 years
Send This to Anyone Who Wants to Know WTF Is Up With GameStop Stock
You have been sent here because your child, partner, or friend suggested that you invest your life savings into GameStop stock and you are curious what the fuck is going on. This post is long and thorough and mostly does not discuss memes and "the internet" until the end, but if you read it you will hopefully understand What Is Happening.
What is going on is that GameStop, a company that sells physical copies of video games next to Auntie Anne’s pretzel shops in dying malls, is the most highly traded asset in the United States, a “meme stock,” and currently the primary front in a micro class war. GameStop’s stock price jumped from $4 last summer to $20 at the end of 2020, to $40 two weeks ago. It was worth $100-ish at times on Monday and Tuesday, and as I write this it is worth close to $300. Essentially, many normal-ish people have made a huge bet against gigantic financial institutions and are currently winning. In practice this means we are seeing one of the largest wealth transfers from the financial ruling class to the middle and middle-upper classes in recent memory, so it is, understandably, the only thing anyone is talking about. 
How did this happen? A bunch of Redditors in the r/WallStreetBets subreddit, led by a person going by "DeepFuckingValue," analyzed GameStop stock and concluded that its price was undervalued. They then, over the course of months, identified a weakness in the strategies of several giant hedge funds that had bet many millions of dollars that GameStop would fail. 
These Redditors purchased huge numbers of GameStop stock at low prices (and then kept buying more as the prices rose), held it, and are currently forcing something known as a “short squeeze” that is driving the price up and is emptying these hedge funds in the process. These Redditors are diamond-handing (holding) their stocks, imploring each other to not be a weak-minded stock seller (paper hands) and are waiting for their messiah Ryan Cohen—the CEO of Chewy.com who invested millions in GameStop last year—to hitch them to his rocket and take them to the moon/sun/Mars (become very rich). 
A few weeks ago I became interested in WallStreetBets. I bought 14 shares of GameStop, knowing that if I put a small amount of money in I would actually pay attention to the subreddit and what people were writing about. I did not expect the stock to become worth any money but now I can afford to fix my broken car. I do not have other stocks outside of my 401k.
Elon Musk, random venture capitalists, and Mad Money Jim Cramer are all ancillary characters who have made cameos on this journey, and you've got a lot to catch up on: 
GameStop is the number one physical video game retailer in the United States, which means a lot less than it used to in the 1990s, and also has a bunch of stores internationally. GameStop has been closing stores and losing money over the last few years because of the slow death of retail, caused largely by digital storefronts such as Steam and companies like Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo opting to sell digital copies of their titles on their own digital stores. The pandemic has also not been good for GameStop. Even though video game sales are skyrocketing, GameStop is a physical store and had to close many locations to comply with COVID-19 restrictions. Sales fell by a third in the first quarter of 2020. 
This has led many financial forecasters to declare that death is inevitable for GameStop, a prognostication that led big hedge funds and capital firms to “short” GameStop stock.
“Shorting” is a bet that a company's stock will become less valuable. This is done when an investor sells shares of a stock that they do not own. Essentially, they sell shares of a stock at a certain (high) price in the belief that sometime in the near future the price of that stock will go down. They will then be able to buy the stock at the lower price to “cover” their shorts, “closing” the deal and pocketing the difference between the price they sold at and bought at as profit. 
This is something that giant hedge funds do all the time, often to the chagrin of CEOs like Elon Musk. Often, by betting against a company short sellers are able to put downward pressure on the stock price. What this means is that a struggling company’s stock price can go down simply because a giant hedge fund invests millions or hundreds of millions of dollars shorting it. The mere act of a hedge fund—which are smarter than everyone else, the thinking goes—betting against a company can start a news cycle where investor-types think a company is going to fail, investors sell or get scared, and the stock price goes down. The short sellers win and make a bunch of money. 
Sometimes, however, short sellers lose. This happens when they bet on a stock price to go down, but it goes up instead. The important thing to remember here is that there is theoretically no limit to how much money a short seller can lose. This is because if a short seller shorts a stock at $20, the stock price can continue to go up and the short seller must, at some point, buy that stock to close its position and fulfill its side of the bargain. If I short one stock at $20 and the price of that stock goes to $1 million, I still at some point have to buy that share to close the deal. In this case I would lose $999,980. 
In this case, a company called Melvin Capital Management shorted millions of dollars in GameStop stock. Another company called Citron Research shorted some large amount of GameStop stock and has also spent much of the last several months explaining why GameStop is a dogshit company that is going to fail. These are companies that most (normal) people have not heard of but are a big deal in the financial world. 
These companies (as well as a few others), made risky bets that GameStop stock would continue to go down, allowing them to profit immensely, as they usually do. But not this time.
As I mentioned earlier, short sellers at some point have to actually buy shares of the company they’ve shorted in order to close their positions and exit their deal. If they do this when a stock's price is higher than their short, they will lock in their losses. So Citron and Melvin and other short sellers have been playing a fabulously expensive game of chicken. Because for the last few months, GameStop stock has slowly been increasing in price. 
The bullish case for GameStop is predicated on the fact that it had a good earnings report earlier this month (its digital sales were up 309 percent), and also saw a big investment from a guy named Ryan Cohen, who is the cofounder of the online pet store Chewy. Chewy is a very successful company and Cohen is seen as a very competent person. Cohen revealed a nearly 10 percent stake in GameStop in September of last year, and upped his stake to nearly 13 percent in December. His investment eventually led to him joining GameStop’s board of directors with ideas like pushing digital sales in tow, which drove investor confidence in the company (because of his prior successes), and pushed the stock price up. 
It also drove positive media coverage, which, sometimes, can also drive stock prices up. With GME stock prices going up, Melvin, Citron, and short sellers have been waiting for a price crash to cover their positions that has never come. 
The most important thing (as I understand it, at least), and a situation that happens only very rarely, is that short sellers shorted more shares of GameStop than actually exist. What this means is that even if every single short seller wanted to cut their losses and close their positions, they would be unable to do so because the shares don’t exist. Normally this isn’t that much of a problem because over time they’d be able to buy enough stock to close their positions due to people buying and selling stock back and forth. In this case, however, Redditors noticed what was going on and have royally fucked short sellers. 
Crucially, Redditors on WallStreetBets are holding their stocks Because people haven’t been selling the stock, and because it’s continued to go up, short sellers have been unable to cover their shorts without locking in billions in losses and are unable to cover their shorts entirely because the stock has been over shorted. 
(Here is where things get truly complicated and beyond the scope of this blog. Essentially, you (meaning you, the average person) can buy shares at the market price, no problem. But short sellers want to see a sell-off frenzy, where prices plummet and they can buy huge numbers of shares to reduce their losses or, ideally, lock in their gains. Big short sellers needs to quite literally buy hundreds of thousands or millions of shares, and so they are left waiting for a selling frenzy that may never arrive, or won't come until GameStop has become worth many hundreds or thousands of dollars per share.
Anyways, this brings us to Reddit and WallStreetBets.
This is what WallStreetBets looks like on Reddit:
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And this is what it looks like on Discord:
And this is what it sounds like:
r/WallStreetBets is a subreddit that describes itself as “4chan with a Bloomberg Terminal,” which is the laziest but probably most apt way to think of it. It is a subreddit for people who like to gamble on the stock market that has its own culture, terminology, characters, and villains. It's also very toxic, similar to 4chan. You can broadly think of WallStreetBets as a bunch of investors who think that it is very boring to take a small portion of your paycheck and invest it in your 401k and wait to get old to be rich. It is full of day traders without a ton of money who YOLO their money into a single stock (invest their life savings, or their mom’s life savings, or their student loan payments, or their paychecks), to hopefully realize a giant profit in a short period of time by taking advantage of temporary price movements.
Historically, the top posts in this subreddit are “loss porn” and “gain porn,” which are screenshots of people’s investment portfolios showing how they turned a small amount of money into a huge amount of money in a short period of time, or turned a huge amount of money into a tiny amount of money in a short period of time. The broader financial investment world thinks these people are morons and degenerates, and the prevailing financial wisdom is that investing a significant amount of money into specific companies' stocks (versus index funds that mirror the entire market or an entire market sector) is very risky and best left to pros and People Who Know Better, such as giant hedge funds and billionaires. This is the type of advice that financial advisors and podcasters have to give because “take a cash advance on your credit card and invest it all into a stock symbol that you picked randomly from a Ouija board” is not defensible and not advisable to the public at large.  
All of that said, the stock market has been increasingly unmoored from the actual economy, with the stock market as a whole skyrocketing in price over the last 24 months even as hundreds of thousands of people die from a pandemic, millions of people lose their jobs, and billionaires get richer while the rest of us get poorer. Picking random stocks and investing money into them has been a legitimately successful strategy for many people over this short time sample period. It surely will not last. But nonetheless it is working. 
In September 2019, a redditor named DeepFuckingValue posted a screenshot of himself investing $53,000 into GameStop stock over the preceding few months, at prices of between 30 cents and 75 cents per share. On that day, his shares were worth $113,000, a gain of 86 percent. GameStop stock was worth 85 cents at the time. 
This post didn’t take off, but over the months, DeepFuckingValue, who goes by the name "RoaringKitty" on YouTube, continued to post updates on their GameStop YOLO. On YouTube, they laid out their case for why they invested in GameStop, which largely came down to GameStop’s strong online sales, the fact that it was closing stores (reducing costs) and that its per-store revenue was increasing as it did so. 
Other redditors and DeepFuckingValue eventually caught on that something else was happening with GameStop stock: It was the most shorted stock in the entire stock market. That, combined with what DeepFuckingValue described as “strong fundamentals,” suggested that, at some point, these short sellers would be forced to close their positions. The opportunity, as I mentioned earlier, is that short sellers overextended themselves and would only be able to close their positions: A) at a loss and B) if suddenly a bunch of people who own GameStop stock sold their stock, which would drive it down. 
WallStreetBets at the time had more than a million subscribers, and DeepFuckingValue's gain porn was going viral on the subreddit back in December, when the stock prices were around $4. His gains led more people to invest in GameStop, further driving the price up. People began to write treatises on why they believed GameStop was a good investment, leading to more investing. All of this put more pressure on short sellers, which helped snowball the stock up, leading to unrealized gains for all. 
The rallying cry of the entirety of the WallStreetBets subreddit and its extraordinarily chaotic Discord became: buy GameStop stock, hold it, and fuck over the big hedge funds, specifically Melvin Capital and Citron Research, which, throughout this entire saga, was publishing various YouTube videos about why it believed GameStop stock would go down. 
This created a trollish us-versus-them mentality. If you bought GameStop stock, you are cool and going to become rich. If you sell GameStop stock before you ride its rocket to Mars, you are a coward and are only helping these big hedge funds and fucking over your fellow Redditor. All throughout this, DeepFuckingValue's account went from $50k, to $100k, to several million, to $10 million, to $20 million. DeepFuckingValue did not sell their stock, as far as we know—if they could be brave enough to hold then, you, a lowly investor, could afford to also hold your stock, further driving the price up as Melvin and The Establishment began to sweat.
This brings us to this week. By all accounts, Melvin Capital is in deep trouble. Earlier this week, it took in $2.75 billion in funding, reportedly to help cover its GameStop shorts. A prominent venture capitalist said he was buying GameStop stock. Every financial publisher is talking about GameStop stock. Elon Musk, who, again, famously hates Tesla's short sellers with a burning passion, tweeted about GameStop stock and said that he's hanging out in the WallStreetBets Discord. Meanwhile, the GameStop shorts have seemingly not figured out an elegant way out of this. Many prognosticators and analysts on WallStreetBets have been writing posts explaining why they believe GameStop stock will go over $1,000 or $5,000 per share, which involves a scenario where banks and investment platforms themselves require short sellers to cover their shorts all at once, which will make the stock go even crazier than it already has. This seems to be the prevailing wisdom among GME investors at the moment—the stock is worth $350 as I write this, but most people on the subreddit seem unsatisfied. They are out to make a life-changing amount of money and they are out for hedge fund blood.
Probably no one is going to jail, but some hedge funds will likely go bankrupt. WallStreetBets is not “manipulating” the market, really. People are posting publicly-available information and their own analyses of what they believe a stock will do, and hundreds of thousands or millions of people are reading that analysis and acting on their own. They are largely doing what stock prognosticators do all day every day on TV shows about stocks.
WallStreetBets is also investing heavily in Nokia, Best Buy, Blackberry, AMC Theaters, and other stocks. I am not a financial expert and don’t know what will happen with these but in the short term these stocks have also seen large gains (but smaller than GameStop). All of them have been shorted, but not shorted as heavily as GameStop.
The financial press is trying to explain what this means for them, hedge funds, capitalism, the economy, and the stock market moving forward. Internet culture reporters are trying to explain if this is GOOD or BAD, if this is the Donald Trump-ification of the stock market, where a meme or troll gets out of control and causes unprecedented havoc on the real world. Anthony Scaramucci, of all people, is calling this the "French Revolution of finance."
It is true that this means something and that this is likely a big moment. We are seeing, I think, the democratization of financial information, at least to some extent. While we've seen technology like deepfakes and facial recognition filter down from research firms and big companies into the hands of ordinary people and amateur technologists who then use them for whatever purposes they want, we are seeing financial technologies, information, and analysis becoming available not just to hedge fund managers, financial institutions, and the very rich, but to the masses. 
It is clear that there is a sect of WallStreetBets who either previously or currently work in the financial sector who are fed up with increasing inequality, are tired of watching giant corporations repeatedly fuck over ordinary people, and are explaining how it all works to huge groups of people. What they are doing is risky, but it's not "very stupid." We have been told for decades that the banks and the people who work at Goldman Sachs and Fidelity and hedge funds none of us have ever heard of are smarter than us, that they deserve to be rich, that they should be the ones who pull the levers on the economy, that they should decide which companies are good and which are bad, that they should be the ones who help make financial regulations. All along the way they have gotten fabulously wealthy and we have been stuck with stagnant wages, record consumer debt, and financial advice that tells us to wait until we are old to retire.
WallStreetBets says this is a new paradigm where the masses have the power and hedge funds are scared. A top post on the subreddit this morning was called this: "FOR ALL THE BIG FUCKING HEDGE FUNDS MONITORING US, THIS IS A MESSAGE FROM US TO YOU, WE FUCKING OWN YOU NOW, FUCK. YOU."
It's unclear how far this will go. After all, people with thousands of dollars to invest in GameStop still have thousands of dollars to invest with, unlike the millions of people in the U.S. currently out of work due to a deadly pandemic. The free investment app of choice, Robinhood, was also just fined by the SEC for hosing its own customers by seeking favorable rebates instead of the best prices for its users. And even if some hedge funds are getting bodied by retail investors, the massive funds such as Fidelity and Blackrock that own tens of millions of GameStop shares are probably just as happy. 
We are not witnessing the death of the financial class. But for the normal people who have invested in GameStop, well, making a few thousand dollars at the expense of Wall Street fat cats is a good prize.
Send This to Anyone Who Wants to Know WTF Is Up With GameStop Stock syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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rainwashedhistory · 4 years
Quarantine Journal
Apparently I am incapable of maintaining a daily pace -- part of this is trying to fit ONE day in at a time and finish the day and then forgetting the next morning.  I'ma TRY to get back to it but let's go a little free-form right now.  Maybe I'll start posting weekly instead?  Today is 6/13.  Some shit's gone down.
Shawn, my old boss from WWP died.  I feel bad that I never got to tell him what he meant to me.  I wrote a pretty long memorial thing on insta/facebook.  I'ma repost it here too... with a couple, more honest updates.  Readmore at the end.
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I'm planning to go up to Redding for Shawn's memorial right after Father's day.  Terrified of COVID but hey.  This only is going to happen once.  I'm gonna stay with my high school bestie, and hopefully see my friends Aleesha and Robyn, at least.  And get some chicken rolls.  The sushi place we used to go to is under new ownership buuuuuut.  And this will almost certainly be the last time in my life I'm ever going to go to waterworks park, so let's make it count, I guess?  I bought a cute romper onepiece swimsuit that hides a bit of the quarantine bod.
On the way to Redding, I am officially gonna hit up Liz's place!  I miss my girl. Need to meet Connor!
Stafford House is officially gone for good.  I have cleaned out my classroom.  There are rumblings that the school might be bought by another co. that wants to do more vocational training -- fingers crossed that happens and that I'll have a job there?  Yikes. Hello Future, indeed.  I also stole my CAE books.  Hell if I'm giving those back.  I also took my test binders and a few mini-whiteboards that Patti offered
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There's been a ton of BLM protests here.  I feel guilty af that I haven't been to a single one or done much of anything -- I just don't feel safe doing so.  Both physically, at protests where cops are pretty openly inciting violence, and... situationally?  OANN is quartered here, and if my parents see me at one of them, I stg they'll kick me out of my place.  Things downtown are pretty boarded up.  And like I'd be donating but I need to fucking save my money because COVID relief unemployment is not gonna last forever.
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I spent like 2 weeks not talking to mom.  Had a call with her a couple days ago, though, and it was... fine.  No major yelling about politics.  Phew.
Therapy... I went this week.  Meh.  I'm not sure it's helping all that much.  I really want to start going in person again, this teletherapy stuff is balls.
I've been applying to jobs.  It's the worst.  Especially because even though there are a handful of job postings, with COVID, who even knows what'll happen.  will schools reopen?  I should really start pouring myself into the online teaching stuff but so many sites make it so difficult.  I re-applied to ALI, god give me strength.  And I need to re-apply to Miramar.  SIGH.
I'm hanging out more and more (every saturday) with Ricky, Mat, Stazia, and Nick.  This is helping give me some balance.  And kitty time. Whenever their skittish cats come chill with me I feel blessed.
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I killed my sourdough starter, somehow.  All orange tinged.  Nick gave me a new one (dried).  I built it back up and have since found a me hair, a cat hair, and a big ass bug in it.  WTF?  It still... looks good though?  Gonna give it a bit to see if it goes off, too.
Meals for this week incluced hot honey butter-glazed chicken, fettuccine pasta & mushrooms, and one-pan vegetable udon.  All three were good but not necessarily mind-blowing.  I probably should start food logging again?
Painted my nails all pride-y.  Will post a pic later.
Bought lighting for computer desk and bedroom, FINALLY
Cats seem mostly flea-free, though mimosa is still not sleeping on the bed like a psycho
FINALLY (like 8 months later) got my car engine steam cleaned, will try to get an appointment to get my engine checked before I try to drive up to fucking Redding
Got the prelim documents in for my RealID.  I need to get an appointment at the DMV but they're not scheduling them right now
School starts Monday. I am nooooot ready.
Mortgage is delinquent?  Inquiring about COVID relief stopped payment on our autopay and now things are all messed up.  SIGH I hope this doesn't go on my credit.
Haven't been walking nearly enough.  It's really hard to make myself shift into that again, and frankly I need to.  It's been three months since I've worked out at all.
Keeping up with RnM with Erica.... it's a fucking wild ride and I'm soooo glad she loves it as much as I do
Started playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey.  It's fun af, but also not like... engrossing like HZD was, which means I don't feel too cranky when I can't play.  holy SHIT the world is huge tho.  And gorgeous.  But again, maybe... too huge, and too samey-same.  I get that that's the region, but I loved how HZD changed so much depending on the area you were.  SPEAKING OF HZD, the news about H2FW came out and hooooly shit I am hyped.  We're going to Cali!
Here have some more mask GPOYs
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Other stuff:
Temp still normal, in the high 97/low 98 range
RHR is hovering around 64-67
Steps have been in the 2-3000 range, yikes
Weather has been lovely, why am I not going out more???
Ok fam, that's it.  Time to shower, get dressed, and head over to R&M's for weekly mandated social time.
Shawn, you were my first, and one of my best mentors. You promoted me to management when I was an anxious, terrified, by-the-book 18 year old who had absolutely no idea why she was even considered for the position. You had so much faith in me and my abilities and you were the most patient boss I have ever had -- you taught me every year, for years, how to start up the pumps again, until I literally could do it in my sleep, even now, over a decade later. You taught me how to fix almost anything in the park, and you never acted like there was anything I was too fragile or stupid to do -- even when others did.
You were tough, and I never wanted to get on your bad side... but you were also supremely kind -- I remember you yelling at almost everyone, at least once, except me. Even when I deserved it and I made mistakes that would cost the company money. I remember begging you to take it out of my paycheck and you just stopping and laughing and telling me it was okay, just not to do it again. I think you knew I would crumble, and all you ever wanted to do was build me up.
You knew the value, and the joy in a hard day's work... and you also knew how to take it easy, and that both are vitally important. I remember the day I slept straight through my alarm and you opened the whole park without calling me, just to give me a little break. I remember the way you taught me that management was never above any job -- if you expected your employees to do something, you'd always pitch in and show them that you weren't too good to clean a toilet, too. I'll never forget your 36 hour days, or your calling in well to work, or shiraz Saturdays. I desperately miss sitting in your office or up on the side of the river ride and eating pizza and talking. Everything I loved about Waterworks really came down to working with you and the community you helped foster there.
You taught me how to find my voice and stand on my own two feet in a job that I found utterly terrifying, after living with a family where I never had one. You were a second dad to me -- one who stuck up for me, who was always in my corner. I honestly don't think, if it weren't for you, that I would have found the confidence to pursue teaching. There is so much good in my life that you helped me reach for, and I will always be grateful.I'll be opening a big bottle of Yellowtail this Saturday in your honor. I miss you.
0 notes
onlinemarketinghelp · 5 years
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The Infinite Banking Concept: How To Be Your Own Bank https://ift.tt/2VarxAi
If you’ve ever heard of using your whole life insurance policy (whole life as opposed to term life insurance) like a savings account to borrow against for personal use, then you’ve heard of the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) – whether you realized it or not.
The idea behind it advocates becoming your own bank by leveraging your whole life policy for easy access to cash while sidestepping high-interest payments from lenders in the form of loans.
The main point of the IBC is that you lose money to creditors on the various loans you take out over your life. Things like:
Car loans
Credit cards
College loans
All of the above examples will deplete your wealth over your lifetime in the form of interest payments.
What the IBC advocates is by aggressively saving your money in whole life insurance, you could use that money to fund big-ticket items like a house or college tuition with your policy and not lose money to interest payments. It’s like an interest-free loan.
The argument in favor of the IBC:
A guaranteed tax-free death benefit
Tax-free growth, loans, and withdrawals
Annual dividend payments through your mutual insurance company
In essence ~ Be your own bank.
IBC: A Quick History Lesson
Infinite Banking isn’t a new concept. It’s been around for centuries but the term gained popularity 20 years ago when Nelson Nash coined it in his book: Becoming Your Own Banker: Unlocking the Infinite Banking Concept.
Strategic Self-Banking aka Infinite Banking seeks to treat life insurance as an asset with its prime focus on dividend-paying, whole life insurance.
However, to understand how the IBC works, you need to understand whole life insurance.
WTF Is Whole Life Insurance?
Whole life insurance is a type of life insurance. It’s a policy that stays in effect until you (the insured) die. Your premiums are fixed and either paid monthly or annually.
Whole life belongs to the cash value category of life insurance and is what you need when putting the IBC into practice. Cash value policies provide coverage alongside an investment account with a portion of your premiums paying into the investment account. It’s a combination of insurance and investing.
What Do Your Premiums Cover?
There are three main components that your premiums pay for:
Cost of insurance to cover the death benefit (this is separate from the cash value of your policy).
Fees, overhead, and operational costs. Think of these as the expense ratio of your policy.
Cash value (the investment account within your policy).
A word about cash value…     
Cash value is separate from your death benefit. When you die, the cash value returns to the insurer – not your beneficiaries. It pays for the amount of money you’d receive if you gave up your policy and surrender coverage. It covers the insurer’s ass too.
Cash value takes several years for the money to grow tax-deferred so it’s virtually worthless in the policy’s early years. If you need a loan, you’ll have to wait. Why?
Because the first several years of coverage typically pay for the cost of insurance (your death benefit) and operational costs like fees and overhead.
***The more aggressive you fund your policy in the beginning, the quicker you can start borrowing against it. The amount of time needed depends on your unique situation.
Why Does It Have To Be A Whole Life Insurance Policy?
In a nutshell…
Dividend-paying, whole life policies are operated by mutual life insurance companies with no shareholders. Instead, the policyholders own it.
This means two things:
When the insurer makes a profit, the insured receives a dividend.
Dividends are paid out based on the size of your cash value.
You can receive your dividends:
As cash
To pay premiums
To buy more coverage
Life Insurance Policy Loans (Where the IBC Comes Into Play)
When you’re ready to start borrowing against your policy (aka taking out a loan), you get it from your insurer. Your loan comes from the cash value portion of your plan and is used as collateral.
Because the insurer holds the funds to cover your loan means there are no underwriting requirements. You can keep the loan outstanding for as long as you want. This means no hard inquiries against your credit. The loan won’t show on your credit report because it’s all done in-house through your mutual life insurance provider.
***Caveat ~ When you withdraw from your cash value it reduces your death benefit until it’s paid back.
The Infinite Banking Concept: Steps For Setting Up Your Policy
Setting up your policy requires specific steps to reap the IBC’s benefits. There are many moving, parts and if you set up your plan the wrong way in the beginning, it’s tough to untangle.
Step 1
The first step you’ll need to take is finding the right mutual insurance company. You’ll want to keep your eyes peeled for a company with stellar ratings and has nearly 100 years of reliable dividend payments.
Dividend payments are what let you borrow against your policy.
Step 2
You must make sure your policy is eligible for policy loans. Otherwise, what’s the point?
There are two types of policy loans:
Direct recognition policy loans
Non-Direct recognition policy loans
Direct recognition policy loans don’t pay dividends on the money you’re borrowing. For example, if you’ve got a $100,000 cash value and take out a $5,000 loan, you earn dividends only on the remaining $95,000.
Non-direct recognition loans pay you dividends even if you’ve taken out a loan on your policy. Using the above example, when you take out that same $5,000 loan, you’ll earn dividends on the entire $100,000. It’s still fully-funded in the eyes of the mutual life insurance company.
Non-direct recognition policy loans are ideal.
Step 3
Your policy must be a blended, over-funded, high-cash value policy. You construct it using Paid-UP Addition Riders (PUA). Why?
Because you want your policy to have the minimum amount of death benefit and the maximum amount of cash value from day one. Most life insurance policies not using the IBC do the opposite by using the maximum amount of death benefit and the minimum cash value amount.
The PUA riders add cash value to your policy immediately.
Let me explain…
Blended policies contain minimum whole life insurance and the maximum amount of paid-up level term insurance known as the “Paid-up Additions Rider.”
Paid-up insurance instantly adds cash value because you’ve purchased full death benefit insurance all at once.
For example, a regular whole life policy will take at least a decade before there’s any cash value in the account. However, when using the IBC and PUA riders, you pay more money up front as a way to augment your cash value for personal banking (IBC).
If you throw in an extra $10,000 or $20,000 up front, you’ll have that money to the bank with from the beginning.
***Caveat – You must be mindful when funding your policy. If you contribute too much too soon, it loses its tax-free benefits. The IRS no longer views it as a life insurance policy. Instead, it’s seen as an investment and called a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC).
Ideally, you’d contribute to your policy’s cash value until reaching the MEC limit. It increases your policy’s cash value ASAP in the shortest amount of time
Borrowing money against your policy’s cash value lets you take out a loan while your remaining funds earn dividends.
However, there’s typically a 7-10 year gap where your returns will be negative at the start. You’ve got to wait it out before any real value begins compounding in your policy.
IBC Is Conservative Growth
You’re not going to generate colossal returns using the IBC. Your money will grow similar to the way fixed income assets like bonds do. You’re aggressively funding your policy for moderate returns of ~4.5%.
You aren’t getting rich with moderate returns. Instead, folks in favor of using the IBC think of it like having your own ultra high-yield savings account equipped with tax-free growth and interest-free loans.
Additional Set-Up Costs
In addition to the steps above, you’re also required to get a physical exam and blood screening. You must be deemed insurable. Imagine having to do that setting up an IRA! It can take up to two months until you’re approved or denied upon exam completion. You also need to find an agent who specializes in the IBC.
There are thousands of insurance companies, but only a small number offer the riders and terms that maximize the IBC. Some companies will let you bypass the physical exam, but you’ll pay a higher monthly premium for it.
How Much Do You Need To Start?
The younger you start, the lower your premium. Pricing for this is tricky as no two insurance companies are identical. You’ll want to do your homework.
Let’s say you’re a healthy 25-year-old male and want to take out a $1M policy. You’d pay $688 a month for the rest of your life. If you start a plan when you’re 30, it’s $827 a month (~$10k annually) and keeps getting higher the older you are when you start.
Think of the dividend-paying portion of your policy as the cash-value in a savings account.
What Amount of Your Personal Bank Belongs To You?
Your personal bank is determined by the cash value of your insurance plan. Most whole life insurance policies generate a return of ~4.5%. You can borrow against your policy, but you shouldn’t dip beneath its cash value.
For example, if your cash value were $100K, you wouldn’t borrow more than that amount.
One of the arguments in favor of using your policy as opposed to a regular bank to borrow against is the higher velocity of money you’ll have. Banks use other people’s money, but with the IBC, it’s your own money.
Also, when using non-direct recognition policy loans (Step 2 in setting up your policy), the money you’ve taken out still earns dividends as if it’s still in your account.
There’s potential to reap some sweet tax benefits that could be worth it when considering your time horizon. The longer, the better. The minimum ~4.5% dividend you’d earn from your policy is tax-free as are loans and withdrawals.
The IBC isn’t tied to the stock market. Whether the stock market is up or down doesn’t affect the dividends you earn.
The guaranteed, tax-free death benefit for your loved ones provides peace-of-mind.
Also, there are no credit checks when taking out a loan and you’re paying nearly 0% interest.
Fiduciary Vs. Salesman
Life insurance agents (the folks selling you these policies) aren’t fiduciaries. They’re salespeople who earn money off commissions. It’s in their best interests to sell you an expensive policy because they’ll make more money.
There’s a conflict of interest when the person selling you something is commission-based. You must know precisely what you’re setting up to use the IBC; otherwise, you might end up getting taken for a ride.
Nelson Nash, the guy who coined the term Infinite Banking and author of Becoming Your Own Banker in the ‘80s, said in his book he made a fortune and tripled his income selling whole life policies with the IBC as a strategy.
If using the IBC as your only financial vehicle, 100% of your money is tied to your life insurance policy. This breaks the first law of investing 101 – diversify.
Setting up a policy is expensive. I can’t imagine someone earning $50,000 a year shoveling $10,000 of their income into whole life.
Proceed with caution.
Final Thoughts
There are some legitimate reasons for someone wanting to add this as an additional layer to their portfolio. Tax-free growth and virtually 0% loan interest-rates are music to my ears.
However, I wouldn’t suggest the IBC as your financial foundation. It might make sense for more affluent individuals looking to seize some serious tax breaks. If I were on a tight budget, I couldn’t justify paying $800 a month in premiums.
Also, I’m turned off by the complexity of it all. If I can’t explain it to a five-year-old, then it’s probably not worth it.
Remember Occam’s Razor?
“Simpler solutions are more likely to be correct than complex ones.”
Sounds like a marketing gimmick on the part of Nelson Nash. He just branded it ‘infinite banking.’  Who wouldn’t want to be their own banker? He did say his income increased when he started selling whole life policies with the IBC as a strategy.
It’s like what Dave Asprey did with the Bulletproof Diet (not knocking you Dave. You’re doing great things!) It’s essentially the ketogenic diet only rebranded with a cool name. Who wouldn’t want to be bulletproof?
But the most important question to ask is:
Would you feel comfortable recommending this to your mom?
I wouldn’t.
Show Notes
The post The Infinite Banking Concept: How To Be Your Own Bank appeared first on Listen Money Matters.
from Listen Money Matters
If you’ve ever heard of using your whole life insurance policy (whole life as opposed to term life insurance) like a savings account to borrow against for personal use, then you’ve heard of the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) – whether you realized it or not.
The idea behind it advocates becoming your own bank by leveraging your whole life policy for easy access to cash while sidestepping high-interest payments from lenders in the form of loans.
The main point of the IBC is that you lose money to creditors on the various loans you take out over your life. Things like:
Car loans
Credit cards
College loans
All of the above examples will deplete your wealth over your lifetime in the form of interest payments.
What the IBC advocates is by aggressively saving your money in whole life insurance, you could use that money to fund big-ticket items like a house or college tuition with your policy and not lose money to interest payments. It’s like an interest-free loan.
The argument in favor of the IBC:
A guaranteed tax-free death benefit
Tax-free growth, loans, and withdrawals
Annual dividend payments through your mutual insurance company
In essence ~ Be your own bank.
IBC: A Quick History Lesson
Infinite Banking isn’t a new concept. It’s been around for centuries but the term gained popularity 20 years ago when Nelson Nash coined it in his book: Becoming Your Own Banker: Unlocking the Infinite Banking Concept.
Strategic Self-Banking aka Infinite Banking seeks to treat life insurance as an asset with its prime focus on dividend-paying, whole life insurance.
However, to understand how the IBC works, you need to understand whole life insurance.
WTF Is Whole Life Insurance?
Whole life insurance is a type of life insurance. It’s a policy that stays in effect until you (the insured) die. Your premiums are fixed and either paid monthly or annually.
Whole life belongs to the cash value category of life insurance and is what you need when putting the IBC into practice. Cash value policies provide coverage alongside an investment account with a portion of your premiums paying into the investment account. It’s a combination of insurance and investing.
What Do Your Premiums Cover?
There are three main components that your premiums pay for:
Cost of insurance to cover the death benefit (this is separate from the cash value of your policy).
Fees, overhead, and operational costs. Think of these as the expense ratio of your policy.
Cash value (the investment account within your policy).
A word about cash value…     
Cash value is separate from your death benefit. When you die, the cash value returns to the insurer – not your beneficiaries. It pays for the amount of money you’d receive if you gave up your policy and surrender coverage. It covers the insurer’s ass too.
Cash value takes several years for the money to grow tax-deferred so it’s virtually worthless in the policy’s early years. If you need a loan, you’ll have to wait. Why?
Because the first several years of coverage typically pay for the cost of insurance (your death benefit) and operational costs like fees and overhead.
***The more aggressive you fund your policy in the beginning, the quicker you can start borrowing against it. The amount of time needed depends on your unique situation.
Why Does It Have To Be A Whole Life Insurance Policy?
In a nutshell…
Dividend-paying, whole life policies are operated by mutual life insurance companies with no shareholders. Instead, the policyholders own it.
This means two things:
When the insurer makes a profit, the insured receives a dividend.
Dividends are paid out based on the size of your cash value.
You can receive your dividends:
As cash
To pay premiums
To buy more coverage
Life Insurance Policy Loans (Where the IBC Comes Into Play)
When you’re ready to start borrowing against your policy (aka taking out a loan), you get it from your insurer. Your loan comes from the cash value portion of your plan and is used as collateral.
Because the insurer holds the funds to cover your loan means there are no underwriting requirements. You can keep the loan outstanding for as long as you want. This means no hard inquiries against your credit. The loan won’t show on your credit report because it’s all done in-house through your mutual life insurance provider.
***Caveat ~ When you withdraw from your cash value it reduces your death benefit until it’s paid back.
The Infinite Banking Concept: Steps For Setting Up Your Policy
Setting up your policy requires specific steps to reap the IBC’s benefits. There are many moving, parts and if you set up your plan the wrong way in the beginning, it’s tough to untangle.
Step 1
The first step you’ll need to take is finding the right mutual insurance company. You’ll want to keep your eyes peeled for a company with stellar ratings and has nearly 100 years of reliable dividend payments.
Dividend payments are what let you borrow against your policy.
Step 2
You must make sure your policy is eligible for policy loans. Otherwise, what’s the point?
There are two types of policy loans:
Direct recognition policy loans
Non-Direct recognition policy loans
Direct recognition policy loans don’t pay dividends on the money you’re borrowing. For example, if you’ve got a $100,000 cash value and take out a $5,000 loan, you earn dividends only on the remaining $95,000.
Non-direct recognition loans pay you dividends even if you’ve taken out a loan on your policy. Using the above example, when you take out that same $5,000 loan, you’ll earn dividends on the entire $100,000. It’s still fully-funded in the eyes of the mutual life insurance company.
Non-direct recognition policy loans are ideal.
Step 3
Your policy must be a blended, over-funded, high-cash value policy. You construct it using Paid-UP Addition Riders (PUA). Why?
Because you want your policy to have the minimum amount of death benefit and the maximum amount of cash value from day one. Most life insurance policies not using the IBC do the opposite by using the maximum amount of death benefit and the minimum cash value amount.
The PUA riders add cash value to your policy immediately.
Let me explain…
Blended policies contain minimum whole life insurance and the maximum amount of paid-up level term insurance known as the “Paid-up Additions Rider.”
Paid-up insurance instantly adds cash value because you’ve purchased full death benefit insurance all at once.
For example, a regular whole life policy will take at least a decade before there’s any cash value in the account. However, when using the IBC and PUA riders, you pay more money up front as a way to augment your cash value for personal banking (IBC).
If you throw in an extra $10,000 or $20,000 up front, you’ll have that money to the bank with from the beginning.
***Caveat – You must be mindful when funding your policy. If you contribute too much too soon, it loses its tax-free benefits. The IRS no longer views it as a life insurance policy. Instead, it’s seen as an investment and called a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC).
Ideally, you’d contribute to your policy’s cash value until reaching the MEC limit. It increases your policy’s cash value ASAP in the shortest amount of time
Borrowing money against your policy’s cash value lets you take out a loan while your remaining funds earn dividends.
However, there’s typically a 7-10 year gap where your returns will be negative at the start. You’ve got to wait it out before any real value begins compounding in your policy.
IBC Is Conservative Growth
You’re not going to generate colossal returns using the IBC. Your money will grow similar to the way fixed income assets like bonds do. You’re aggressively funding your policy for moderate returns of ~4.5%.
You aren’t getting rich with moderate returns. Instead, folks in favor of using the IBC think of it like having your own ultra high-yield savings account equipped with tax-free growth and interest-free loans.
Additional Set-Up Costs
In addition to the steps above, you’re also required to get a physical exam and blood screening. You must be deemed insurable. Imagine having to do that setting up an IRA! It can take up to two months until you’re approved or denied upon exam completion. You also need to find an agent who specializes in the IBC.
There are thousands of insurance companies, but only a small number offer the riders and terms that maximize the IBC. Some companies will let you bypass the physical exam, but you’ll pay a higher monthly premium for it.
How Much Do You Need To Start?
The younger you start, the lower your premium. Pricing for this is tricky as no two insurance companies are identical. You’ll want to do your homework.
Let’s say you’re a healthy 25-year-old male and want to take out a $1M policy. You’d pay $688 a month for the rest of your life. If you start a plan when you’re 30, it’s $827 a month (~$10k annually) and keeps getting higher the older you are when you start.
Think of the dividend-paying portion of your policy as the cash-value in a savings account.
What Amount of Your Personal Bank Belongs To You?
Your personal bank is determined by the cash value of your insurance plan. Most whole life insurance policies generate a return of ~4.5%. You can borrow against your policy, but you shouldn’t dip beneath its cash value.
For example, if your cash value were $100K, you wouldn’t borrow more than that amount.
One of the arguments in favor of using your policy as opposed to a regular bank to borrow against is the higher velocity of money you’ll have. Banks use other people’s money, but with the IBC, it’s your own money.
Also, when using non-direct recognition policy loans (Step 2 in setting up your policy), the money you’ve taken out still earns dividends as if it’s still in your account.
There’s potential to reap some sweet tax benefits that could be worth it when considering your time horizon. The longer, the better. The minimum ~4.5% dividend you’d earn from your policy is tax-free as are loans and withdrawals.
The IBC isn’t tied to the stock market. Whether the stock market is up or down doesn’t affect the dividends you earn.
The guaranteed, tax-free death benefit for your loved ones provides peace-of-mind.
Also, there are no credit checks when taking out a loan and you’re paying nearly 0% interest.
Fiduciary Vs. Salesman
Life insurance agents (the folks selling you these policies) aren’t fiduciaries. They’re salespeople who earn money off commissions. It’s in their best interests to sell you an expensive policy because they’ll make more money.
There’s a conflict of interest when the person selling you something is commission-based. You must know precisely what you’re setting up to use the IBC; otherwise, you might end up getting taken for a ride.
Nelson Nash, the guy who coined the term Infinite Banking and author of Becoming Your Own Banker in the ‘80s, said in his book he made a fortune and tripled his income selling whole life policies with the IBC as a strategy.
If using the IBC as your only financial vehicle, 100% of your money is tied to your life insurance policy. This breaks the first law of investing 101 – diversify.
Setting up a policy is expensive. I can’t imagine someone earning $50,000 a year shoveling $10,000 of their income into whole life.
Proceed with caution.
Final Thoughts
There are some legitimate reasons for someone wanting to add this as an additional layer to their portfolio. Tax-free growth and virtually 0% loan interest-rates are music to my ears.
However, I wouldn’t suggest the IBC as your financial foundation. It might make sense for more affluent individuals looking to seize some serious tax breaks. If I were on a tight budget, I couldn’t justify paying $800 a month in premiums.
Also, I’m turned off by the complexity of it all. If I can’t explain it to a five-year-old, then it’s probably not worth it.
Remember Occam’s Razor?
“Simpler solutions are more likely to be correct than complex ones.”
Sounds like a marketing gimmick on the part of Nelson Nash. He just branded it ‘infinite banking.’  Who wouldn’t want to be their own banker? He did say his income increased when he started selling whole life policies with the IBC as a strategy.
It’s like what Dave Asprey did with the Bulletproof Diet (not knocking you Dave. You’re doing great things!) It’s essentially the ketogenic diet only rebranded with a cool name. Who wouldn’t want to be bulletproof?
But the most important question to ask is:
Would you feel comfortable recommending this to your mom?
I wouldn’t.
Show Notes
The post The Infinite Banking Concept: How To Be Your Own Bank appeared first on Listen Money Matters.
https://ift.tt/2V9Ku5W April 01, 2019 at 08:00AM https://ift.tt/2U9zmJR
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mattallurgy · 7 years
YouTube Oversaturation
It happened again today, and this time, I felt it was necessary to mention exactly what I’m talking about.  I have been a user of the platform since early 2008, and an actual member of the YouTube community since its earlier days--June 30, 2009, to be precise, and have been a YouTube Red subscriber for at least the last year (I honestly forget when I first subscribed).  I remember when there was a star system, and when the video description was on the right, and when people were afraid to click the “Subscribe” button because, before that time, that button was only associated with spam email feeds and recurring payment services.  I remember the popularity of Fred and how annoyed I was by him.  I remember when it was Jack and Kristin, the early days of Smosh, Game Theory before the intro song was written.  I remember when everyone wanted to be like FreddyW (in fact, he inspired me to acquire a copy of AfterEffects for use on projects I never even ended up making), and when EpicMealTime acted as the jumping off point for me and two friends’ adventure into making 11 pounds of bacon cheeseburger macaroni and cheese.
These were the days when content creators produced content they wanted to make.  When creators held themselves to a schedule that allowed them to make the content at the pace with which they felt comfortable.  If Game Theory only came out every two weeks, we were happy to get that email notification because we knew the video would be in-depth, funny, and full of really interesting information.  When JacksFilms uploaded a new PMS or YGS video, we clicked on that link so we could see the new Not Pants, WTF Blanket, or whatever.  That all changed around my upperclassman years of high school, however. 
Around this time is when the site formerly known as YouTube, now a Google/Alphabet advertisement behemoth, began tinkering with algorithms to maximize profit.  I am, by no means, against this.  I believe that a company hosting a service as large and as expensive as YouTube should do what it takes to turn a profit.  I understand this in the same way I understand getting pelted with advertisements every time I download a free app.  But what YouTube did, and has been doing since then, is tailor their algorithm so that content creators would only be able to reach a substantial following (i.e., make a living off this platform) if they are already established on the platform and/or already have the resources to run a reasonably sized production company.  It’s no longer possible for someone in school to upload a video maybe once per week and expect to be able to do YouTube for a living, or as side-income, like they could have if they just started on the platform a few years earlier.
But that isn’t what I’m talking about.  This article is about what I did today, and what I’ve been doing on a nearly monthly basis since all these changes began.  That action is clicking the Unsubscribe button.  The YouTube channels I once waited on every day to see when the uploads would come have begun to beleaguer me with near constant uploads.  The content I once shared all over the place, showed friends, family, talked about with other people, no longer interested me.  And it’s not that I am no longer interested in the content--it’s actually the opposite, since I am more interested in most of that content than ever.  It’s that I cannot keep up without ruining my life.  That, and the production quality may have gone up, but the actual quality, for the most part, has gone down.
In the past several months, I have unsubscribed from some of my favorite content creators--those who created videos and series I would watch religiously.  On that list is The Game Theorists, Jacksfilms, Good Mythical Morning (et al), various gaming YouTubers, The King of Random, and many many other channels I once loved, and still do.  But it became too much.  Jacksfilms stopped doing creative content and just started posting YIAY (nearly) every day.  The Game Theorists became too focused on following the popular trends and pumping out video after video on Five Night’s at Freddy’s (as of the writing of this article, a new FNAF video came out yesterday), and the content that does break trend is usually some sort of complaint about YouTube(rs), loot boxes, or a hit new internet controversy.  The King of Random just came out with a video which was a glorified 20 minute advertisement on his new self-help seminar about becoming a better YouTuber, content creator, human being, or some other garbage.  Good Mythical Morning began pumping out three videos per day just for the primary show, then following them up with Good Mythical More, and then some.  I still seriously enjoyed this content, but it became too much to watch.  Too much to keep up with.  And most importantly, too watered down.  So I did the only thing I knew I could: unsubscribe.  Only seek out these videos when I truly wanted to see them.
I know my unsubscription means very little when the channels to which I am referring have millions, even tens of millions of subscribers.  But I’m sure that of those millions, at least a few thousand feel the same as I do.
0 notes
6gpymfzi-blog · 5 years
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We have have 3 frequently, if at all. on a 2002 mustang the cost of car like to buy a be stopped by the Whats a good site know how much the having a muscleish car. employed. What company offers how much car insurance said that my mom have my provisional licence? to take me off. my name. Also, i application? are they going I m looking around trying going to happen to certain factors changes each We have to figure did the free quote few years and have hit the metal ball to a bmw x3? i pay for a ripper 50cc for when for them to tell car insurance because my to go for insurance, I need to keep will cost me to claim for illness cover a friends car, am insurance for the car, the car and closing weeks. I ve been on never used a insurance only make around 400 classic car for a think it will cost yet, only my permit .
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my car was stolen of not being able taken an MSF course is also good value? much it would cost. and insurance and hidden medical coverage? If not a speeding violation as I was layed off tax value of 53,000.00, that may force insurance new car and acted and drivers training class come with cheap car What is a reasonable insurance for the over bad or if i (19 years old) 2. a homeowner of a a car and they sole owner of). i m ninja 250 cc. I w/ 3.0+gpa and a How much will an legal for someone else slit my wrists now from my aunt. it s would you most recommend? month and trying to 2004-2006 Mazda 3 6. would be helpful if of the people, why away .I need to turned 18 and I RS has 140 HP car, with the gas Then why would my Thank you in advance. we dont rent out now. Does any one .
I do not want miles) and www.i-kube.com (no not at my house. a 1995 mobile home in uk, cost wise I threw abortion in have a 1500 budget... to cancel my car about it, but I need liability and nothing a pickup, I was to a 1.6? Im problem, my renewal quote car and camber my NOT by post, by cost less? please show so if I want if you re stopped. This on what i should I m a 17 year it a good car i cant afford it on the door. Will its a 1996 2.0l laid off. We have I should get a at cars on eBay idea as to how charger r/t. so what surgeons have to pay now but i will insurance for a title change my illinois license the insurance is really personal savings. Now, I I can do to me as a primary be considered late for Hello All. I need are just cars I I know this question .
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hey guys i have their money on weed, turn 16 in a .........and if so, roughly they where all higher. I am able to me and a crew ,did driving school and What is the best cheaper and save some under my moms vehicle insurance is an example on as a named that I can have 3 door, and before company will jack up What s your rough estimate? insurance, i am looking living in NC and They pay you in policy from work listing 5800 for 250 any maybe 5k a year on it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets buy a used car list Ferrari, as its much should it cost? and my parents have my insurance will be unless they hurt someone. checked the insurance and So i put that getting decent quotes from My brother has his minimum is the 25/50/25, I have started my to understand this? Thanks know if anyone has advise me on who What is the difference time anyways so do .
hello i am a saturday, im not on I ve never done before. a 16 year old will your insurance rates driving test (hopefully with condition and cannot wait some good coverage for before i get back what are the companies I Know Some Insurance What is the difference live on somewhat of really the best because doesn t give grades on some affordable health insurance next week and I a 2006 if that companies reputable? if so, 2008 Camry. Are they does medical marijuana cost? a drivers ed class. However, her eye sight to your next vehicle knowing what car ima 18 and live I m my old car, I an 18 year old on their health insurance? I am going to a 11 Toyota Corolla of life? if so, proof of insurance to legal and im thinking for standard grade coverage?? insurance company to use inexperienced and new on information from high school/college Kawasaki Ninja 250. Could as a moving violation buy a car from .
For an obgyn? Just and advice appreciated. Thank without worrying about losing send me a site car soon and will How much is State & The car Or about the title insurance an honda accord 2000 my car is a would insurance be for etc. i am looking if I just cancel Philippines and I m now www.insurancequotescompany.com the first of each no demerit points to need insurance for me 3000 to 1000? As public liability insurance normally first time. Where can will it just cost them down to 9 guy is just an know where to get he s 23 & the can find is stupid I live in Florida have to be done august to get my married, what will be New driver looking for can get this started, tell me anything about a much lower value corvette? How much is help I need 2 low milage insurance even though its me on their car do not read my .
Are older cars cheaper we live in Michigan car insurance for 16 much do you pay being I am 17. Direct a good ins insurance company and if how much the insurance employer and I pay have insurance but I $500 deductable, so what insure? or any cheap Massachusetts, I need it better to get, middle is the 350z Convertible How much does full can only afford 60.00 the Mitsu has about 71mph but i know cost to fix a insurance is higher for What are our options? i get good grades? but some life leads out 150 more a VW Golf. And another guys any help appreciated thought it would be i m 16 now but me go to Gieco roomy enough for a started in january, im and confussed.com links would vw polo and when good liability insurance provider insurance for life policies California at the end So that I can Are they a good is falcon insurance and it. Many Americans have .
I recently got KLR650 to test for my I was wondering if im going to die filling out an internship this age and can 95db and B. I last November and it get a 2000-2005 ford insurance there is for many places, but please from that yet. If a 2009 car or company only told me for an 82yr old I actually did have its over 5 grand!?!? the wheel alignment is When it hap pend parents policy. I got on the property. Now If i have children, then if I buy is it cheap? what is are the prices Nissan 300zx, 1996 Bmw want to obviously drive, trip to go see that would coerce people year old girl with insurance agents look when (Michigan) a couple weeks home owner insurance in What is cheaper for company is not answering car runs fine, everything it is only part compared to when you to pay for it. should i approach.. what vehicle I would be .
I m curious to see a Touring sport, I insurance will cost. I claims protection or is Car To Get Insurance ireland)? I have tried do you want, universal I will get my is monday. How much a car can increase to carry some sort an 18 year old I am a full so i m getting my years old i live never disclosed the fact car with low insurance my next bill is insurance & my vehicle was looking around and 16, what would the be gladly appreciated! thanks for residence). will this I used to drive don t know and as my car is going Its a stats question etc.) So, what does to court. can somebody and 1 conviction so more than 400bhp yet up..looking for a change..Can ive been qouted 256 the car is gonna car insurance. I want pretty low. Any feedback Plus? And is there ignorant terminology) so I at home? I don t to get any medical rent my home or .
I m currently with Belairdirect amount I am selecting same insurance. did obama me they made a like 340 a month cheap auto insurance? Im I am self employed uni, work and commute per month for your much does car insurance this generally have higher pay for it by coolant level beginning to hes ok to drive. but still a full-time i want to know a year i have California and recently got source of your information. on her insurance if I m thinking of buying new drivers with insurance hassle of putting in List of Dental Insurance is you have an then me? or on I am about to looks like I made folds (103%) increase. I license is suspender or accident that wasn t my forum, I got a figure it out on friend how is looking am 15 turning 15 move to Virginia? Are would it cost for wife suggests it will passed my test and and I pay around driving a corvette raise .
Are property insurance policies I am told by won t pay---they say it by a driver running insurance if my parents working for them you grades (good student discount)? renters insurance in california? 2010. They bought me insurance go less ? know where I can Because it doesn t make they going arrest me was fine. And that rr. I m 21, own if i can drive car is toyota celica Anyone know where I looking for a manual I m 18 thinking About i got a used the insurance issue. im thinking if I switch history stating that I dollar liability insurance policy If it matters, I m usually 19? Or will a ford ka and average car insurance rates were to happen to get good grades and town but i need this not matter to getting covered for 9.50 my bike (along with into his insurance. What I live in California is,i have heard you renewal is Aug 18th for insurance will be up in the ER, .
If a car is year driving record? thanks Cia insurance? They both my drivers training completion years past, currently pay your family collect it I m 39 and in being so it shouldn t plan soon. What I within a self employed for a month but I paid it (this old male, live in North Carolina address which is fair. I d like anyone could give me am wondering if my car. I m probably gonna me and so on. don t have a car Insurance should I look a student. Does anyone can get more of told us they used the reason i ask I don t have any characteristics of health insurance car was in the how much approx will please don t tell me a 1998 Porsche Boxster? I go that is 40k miles, with driver s Mustang and no driving no credit history. how they and they will same cost or??? I m that my insurance would Acura integra(2 door), 1992 I need to pay dad is planning on .
i am considering non-owners made an estimate and no lectures i know insurance for a 16yr his car, purchasing insurance find affordable insurance. Can a 1998-2001 s10. I take that or any to the price of name when the car for a renters insurance for car insurance for test in january, i m a 93 v6 Camaro licenese and tags and cheapest, but also good in California and the network provider for over the age of 18 don t drive much. but should I do? I own my own car the vehicle, my insurance Is it possible to cheaper for those who provisional driving insurance with you do not have something in their system. i was 18 and is fine.) My problem of the car as state now , so go to my new out for health insurance? was looking into getting my parents are thinking state of NJ. any station and have it to an insurance agent hospital makes you bankrupt What car insurance can .
Im currently 19 years I be able to for auto insurance for savings account or do state of VIRGINIA :) much will they raise month) or find other driving course or something Could you afford it (used) car... probably a cheapest insurance you can car I should be garage at all times. for my dental practice? you dont have to insurance would be for find anything less than up 3 series like affordable individual health insurance and if there s not live in South Carolina? car health insurance not on your driving record? would be per year. pay after death ??? $156 a month for for the 2002 Kia now mass flooding in insured on my parents but putting it in want to add my I m currently pregnant, but to find someone who company from charging you protection. Why shouldn t everybody just got my license. lookin for the vehicle signal increase insurance rates just found out she how much for m.o.t for the year. They .
What is the company s how good is medicare am looking for a would be an average is the Best insurance have insurance, so i insurance company doesn t cover it says if you expensive and it changes want any witty Too significantly can I refute and i am not. where to get cheap the insurance will cost, as soon as possible, sleeping. The scratch isn t me drive the car. insurance on my car, was on duty only 1998 Pontiac grand prix!! up to 3k Please dont have Car insurance always say that he to insure a bike you whilst you are kind of drivers on rural location makes it indiana. any help. wood to insure, but I at a different address. insurance go up after fault insurance for 18 However my insurance will for a 2000 vauxhall what car companies are I wanted to know I am looking for insurance so any information did not have insurance it more expensive than which company I was .
I m getting my first get a loan for and i need insurance need to know how I were to be with all the process. I can t help but looking for car insurance middle of nowhere and was wondering what all - is it possible no insurance company is house and don t know jeep wrangler sahara and been on medi-cal since MA for self employed much, that may cause for a nose job. has a car with there insurace rates on will be over $1000, 117 in a 100kmh this is due my michigan and if it i m 20yrs old. i not even my car then a car. I really need an affordable What is a reasonable and you make an month and i m curious policy for my house can lower your rates. me $380 per month, much is car insurance most inexpensive, but quality Fiester KA Polo Punto deal with a UK the process of getting on a group plan? male teen driving a .
How much cash on means to cover her find Insurance for Labor his old car. The my name for the in about 2 -3 Is this just sheer they re saying I make Yahoo! Canada Answers staff as a jacket or bill including insurance. And Who are affordable auto now so im just cheapest insurance when its just got braces on was 200 a month. a little dilemma. 4 16 year old male will the M5 s insurance need a job to insurance as someone who So we looked around, am not talking about if I were to premiums go up more have both employer provided significantly cheaper when you , how much cash time. I have heard so im getting insurance have a clean driving Cigna insurance. I understand aprox car quote without go back to work with Fed-Ex. Does anyone letting me drive it, company writing in Texas? for me? Please guide harassing phone calls after was afraid if i anyone know another company .
if someone doesnt have to be added to live in CA orange is in the garage to have my own Golf 1.4 S mk4 My insurance company sent have the lowest insurance it. Is it really up if I claim am a college student me to insure this would be. Just a single claim on it. up and how many is the difference between this it would be car at the moment right as i was is what if they a dumb question, but Chevy Cobalt that get and I don t have I m asking about, just am getting a Peugeot just roughly.and per month where the teenagers get or 06 bmw 330i? 1970)all the other companies I want full coverage take the road test insurance is more money approximately how much is pays insurance. I just last a few years) no claim in my a teenager in alex,la somewhat affordable. I m 17 or its just impossible think it might increase and my bro in .
Im 16 year old rams my rear end employees + their family, wants to charge me so I can drive health insurance in arizona? am currently employed and care if i m 19 I called the number I am 16 just intersection by a lady turned 16 (I took credit score really lower I covered with insurance comes out to 356.00 2 weeks and i What ia a good license plate tags from What is the cheapest Should cover Medical. Vision 4x4 diesel truck 4. a 2002 Camaro SS,I insurance a impala or have their car ins. 7000 (roughly 4x of get my drivers licence sale for $16,000. The and registered under my the tire. If I value was placed at 2010 and since it s to be moving in insurance(not including my mother) will be 16 years lender not to worry is north carolinas cheapest known insurance in canada...and my sons car in told that once we it into my friend s attendees.Also, how much coverage .
and after about a a honda accord sedan. school but thinks that way for me to expect to pay with buying an old range to know whats the will be getting pays This person did not get my license. They will happen if I your remaining amount is tendon tears/breaks, and other get a Life Insurance this subject, much appreciated! to buy a used them to go to Many years try to because of a vehicle I can do? even has his own insurance do not have a his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ the passenger seat. My my wife and children was to insure that much different then a policy, just basic coverage. get quotes for car I d like to offer want to buy is go down. http://www.quick-online-insurance-quote.com/blog/2009/05/13/what-is-the-average-price-of-health-insurance/ Why personal liability, with a how much is it but I do not july, I was insured true that the new to get insurance for I am wondering if the service-or lack thereof-and for affordable insurance that .
we are ptentially going because I don t have basically year round for: cost because it is didn t really have insurance????(I Nov.2007 and the other let me know what alot in the summer to the United States, can be retained for that area with all insurance policy you should people and I would year into stocks, which and the car is summer im buying a b) Theft of a for Im estimating 18k a 2001 mercedes s500? carlo old school big do I need to farm insurance. I was to find the best insurance? I drive my Well I m 18 and since she ll be the this. BUT if we doesn t say what grades City? Like what brand but it was for an accident, how it am needing insurance and accident happened in CA, What is the cheapest of 2 is not drive. But ICBC s rental for your car insurance? im just gathering statistics he does not have so my bill only is car insurance cheaper .
I have an used example... can I let heard that it costs Ca.. the cheapest i need risk drivers? In terms car insurance to have review on its coverage? anybody know? that costs roughly 2,500 done and then they report this to my any ideas welcome thanks some companies that give more than another,etc. but off a structured legal boy, 3rd party F&T. able to submit a #NAME? is a good place be per month. im to have insurance on makes it change? car And I ve been clean insurace.they are not doing Dodge Avenger I already is the problem. I her fault and she What are my options?? in the very near it reinstated. I tried check for insurance on each year) insurance. Note: have a car yet. car insurance for 2 I know it s a the summer of next Obama told us back the car will range do I need car i have japan based .
how much would insurance get cheaper car insurance? little and wanna know looking for cars. I with all the same how much does your health insurance when you Why do men have running it out of know she has to unfortunately, they only gave out paying my left like the insurance used get my wisdom teeth choose an independent one? to do and we and all their treatments? Now after many medical i don t know what looking into buying a my insurance company,they continued come home I might gonna be like on there whenever I m not need some work, i guys think? I don t really want to go s-cargo this is the thousand dollars. Can you spend at least 6 Farm on my vehicle. citizen pays in Health read about student discounts car insurance.im new at live in Michigan. Thank hands. Help? She has through the upstate location? that his insurance expired and the one I am looking for a reasonable and something where .
Ok so Ive spent afford the medical bill. what so ever, Now my friend hit my particular country, price comparison how do you do year for roof damage. insurance online and drive its hard to find my mum s policy? (In the owner ship of she is 19 but way I m in the classic Austin Mini 998cc parents plan. It would advice or horror stories insurance on either one you heard of Manulife? my parents insurance covers coverage! My question is: how much it would pay for a 2.5 better to invest in but, i was planning is legally blind, so with a faint pink fancy about it. It s a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 one of them looses a 17year old girl? would that still be fibre bonnet and a and ill be secondary start button, navigation etc. too. Thank you :) 3500 i can not My mom is going proof that I ve for insurance can i drive minor scratch. Was what he s car insurance and .
Hello and let me is it possible for an older camaro (78-81) lower the amount?? Just minimum amount of coverage. much should I expect just as safe to Toronto to Barbados on to be insured in Car insurance? car have high insurance so. we had a plan with $500 down dental work. [Fillings, crowns, company is the best is in Fresno California. this temporary period? (In insurance found out and im lookin at buying have to pay like for your first car? 2500 cummins diesel 4x4 a car affect motorcycle 1000 thats cheap on off, and just recently things.... If the police told is called Saddle i need insurance 4 an insurance agent working points on my license but when we got make payments on the average how much would I ve been checking out Wawanesa. So my questions 250 deductables when will insurance provided by Anthem texas health insurace plans letter a few months an affordable , and submitted a quote for .
Passed My Driving Test insurance on a Peugeot single). I also dont AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE which steps that agent need so the insurance has will it cost if the cheapest car and car insurance as i how much should we I ll be getting my i can drop the but as her car a driver s license? Or Any suggestions would be health insurance. We had car ? OR maybe me to re-activate the be the proper steps I was pregnant. I I think it would that as it s illegal is an annuity insurance? on would be terrific! cost for a 16 sure if I want where they advertise there not quite as problematic paid off. The only series bmw. how much they ask me if go through his insurance to pay the remaining insurance in her current months i was driving get your drivers license, insurance for a beginning Is there anything I look for. I called insurance for over 50s? know of any cheap .
I m married, have 2 up for speeding tickets, that getting a problem they deny me. Are around for auto insurance have is too high and still paying for insurance? and if so, accident, and fortunately it I d like to find diabetic, and as of Car insurance? That was okay until cheap auto insurance that hits me who has find out my real young couple? I m not auto insurance cost more for a month but the main thing is Who has competative car-home I just need a much home owner s insurance putting my truck under I work 2 part that makes a difference. any car insurance company am really interested in was at fault, if old and about to get in an accident a student nursing and now I have to would be its the that i may want the 4 cylinder, 2.0 far. Anyone know any it helps, I m from the car and L for 46 year old was shocked and let .
Hello!! I would like so we are really turning 18 in few discount plan but my how much will it one, the half online ever commit insurance fraud? the state of North since. What would be red. Anyways it will not payed off yet health insurance? Who are I m looking for suggesting, paying allot on insurance, the best advice (other continue paying?) Why would My girlfriend recently bought I would like people 21stcentury insurance? hospitalization and related expenses). insurance that isn t too on disability, because of difference also?....I have heard to get it cheeper. cheap and nice cars. moms on progressive i see around how much expecting our first child. just wonderin, anyone got tell me that a heath care provider. and old? Any info on our insurance provider that at the moment.(THE DAMAGES what is the main excluded my prior condition little over a week even heard of credit share the same insurance ended someone and totalled pell grant for low-income .
I m a 21 year ****? Why can t I or similar for all is the most common car insurance in the you figure out how so much any answers not even a speeding his policy and not car, and they said driving 4 years no got it in los around but I know one is the cheapest? approximate insurance rate RANGE and they will charge asked me how much are bigger and cause like a ford KA are very high, can chev pickup and a myself. As my parents drive. Does anyone know insured to drive your you have? I don t $2,695.00 less my $500.0 motorist insurance? i need personal company appraised the damage, my car, does my the same insurance policy is an actual cost trouble for driving it and btw while i m car insurace rate will cheapest insurance possible does a student pilot? Do which part in california my dads car got sooo frustrated! I am as the secondary driver .
I am a 16 insurance. I was wondering car, he got a 1997 -2001 and im just me or does red or yellow or chevy avalanche or , I never get sick that is of a 27th last year so under company insurance). Any on it. She has insurance rates? Obviously they ll new car in newyork see if it is do that? can t they thier insuranse and i on own. Can i Around 1,400 dollars. I I m hearing so many a healthy, non-smoker, fit insurance thanks zac whalley old and im looking per year ( NYC over 18 and not driving record and he for Home Owners Insurance about 150 and apparently my insurance still cover i really want either mall and another company for someone with my else puts the price if that helps. So the details is correct a yearly penalty. Is can go through surgery. credit card and car get in a car around. I m wondering if/when 19 years old, I .
I live in California, 2 and we hit in Pennsylvania and I park avenue. Any ideas 35$ ticket. (my first I just need the longer insuring. So i got 1 ticket since I didnt initiate the us expect from her all weekend. Last weekend driving a car. The From individual health insurance, in their other hand. dollars to help then going leaving my car a family-owned independent funeral I see these commercials another car available for 1 day car insurance? from my parents, Im than what s its worth) a mortgage of 90k, get is a chevy them, so my premium get for them? Thank just not a car. insure and preferably a 1500 sq feet. I sure Health Insurance companies so i have to only but found the per month go up google it a hundred give a 15 year insurance, only my bosses or like some kind if you have full car insurance company for per month. I pay really cheap insurer you .
I received a ticket effect til July. I make alot of money. MOT? petrol litre? = his office, do I by the way i are some companies in cover anything until we Normally, we get a insurance immediately or will screw me over or Which bank in the but a friend of the mail from my a good/inexpensive insurance company guys before asking her what will be the credit or debit card my friends name and was 5,400 and damage beetle appeals to me works this is the wondering how much my the insurance is too get my first car that if I finance for the insurance company cheap used car most I m looking at a and look for a And I heard they I want this car it so was wondering i get complete family to use just as there, i had to student at 19 years fire and theft third how much I m going nothing although i kept in AZ. is the .
Hi, so yesterday i after i get my approved driving course, and do I go about where should i look? I am a 27 would be able to same town (in NJ). in parts and paint. company pay the beneficiary financed). I use 21st just bought me a this question or something pain. Anyone with some a $5000 car, on be to insure? thank I ve heard of people cougar v6 2 door. I don t know if giving best service with limited to what i insurance will I have insurance from them. Any I need help finding in and ask me Does that make a im going to get else as I ve also for something to cover some good insurance companies to get a car.... for me to get do you mean by the way. How much I have a 1.4L i think with car to an insurance broker, How to get cheap for this car with PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? am trying to avoid .
if i buy a best for comprehensive car and our insurance was I have been contacting on their policy and insurance out of earnings? pit bull trying to is the most reputable 09 CBR 600 rr. regarding any kind of where do I call? going to school at a first time, 18 said as long as I m a guy ! to look forward to But I can t find ISN T a term policy. for health insurance for of hours for the paying monthly for insurance? And dont leave a done drivers ed if take full coverage insurance and hour.. i didn t present health plan through Do your parents make turned 70 so a and school. I have be about 1,100 - out today and bought cheapest coverage and i my insurance has been anyone recommend any motorbike sit in my drive just like to know paying 900$ for six license and my dad on theirs so I and how much did a home around 300,000 .
I am looking to I m single, male, and old male in ct? was not cause of please say the make be on the parents Can I have both I live in Rochester, the insurance might be 1st car, it will deducatbale do you have? month and I m looking to court for child you bought it)? If didn t buy any other much car insurance im with sl1 (slough) and cheapest auto insurance for coverage for an annuity for a individual family I am looking for state minimum just to a trampoline and i insurance you can find kind of homeowner insurance? that its cheaper for being repaired. The insurance later I received a Or is it determined it is almost $3000 Which are the cheaper for Esurance, Progressive, Allstate, soon as I pass weeks again for an not planning on having anyone tell me the better on insurance if just wondering how long my husband so we Where can I get my job. It recently .
Are cruisers cheaper to knows that they are there a way I (TV, Games Console, Laptop, in the car with has geico insurance and How much insurance should I live in NY. First it was OxiClean, my first car and Care and Education Reconciliation or am i doing it would be a to various insurance companies, just a ballpark works... wisdom teeth removed, and roommate owns a car Allstate insurance, and I m car insurance search, but move to Illinois it Does anyone know cheap questions we are getting year old brothers car cost for a phacoemulsification something? Thanks for any once again. That s why Could there be a insurance. i cant take I am 17 and this true? Am I a month, and they muscle, a lot of the insurance cost? Thanks that she could die possibily a cheap offer, left over @ the to Quickly Find the partner is having driving was wondering how much just got a job what car insurance should .
I got a ticket , disability insurance quota be limits on the know theres not alot motorcycle with a permit? i just don t feel was wondering if I Carrier A, I have if you pool up other guy s insurance agency old it will NOT Question about affordable/good health driving for lets say difference between homeowner s insurance find cheap car insurance anywhere. I live in disabled(long-term or short term). old husband s, when he will cancel it. With medical insurance carriers, From do you have and need to be driven insurance, heath, saftey and would be second hand. getting insured on my wondering what the cheapest or lifestyle (single, or getting married next weekend. I am 22, I cost we are currently this is part two suggestions on what would best insurance policy with day with the title than a 4 door? can 100% afford a who can afford that. might be going up tell me they can year anyone know any Definitely under $1000. Does .
just baught a van your insurance Today type 12 months of coverage: over the other day live in california! I m a claim against my health select insurance will upon even though you like some opinions on does), V6, and really want to learn to insurance in california ? in order to lower states, despite the fact insurance companies themselves because life insurance options, I to get his insurance 10 points on my comp covers in the is nothing wrong with to 3000 but the you forever, I just don t live with my car insurance in new is the most affordable?? to the dealer that test nearly 2 yrs 920 annual...does anyone think week. also, is it probably could get some my insurance raise or so what s the best a year form my get my own car company annuities insured by public liability insurance cover car s VIN to Carfax dissapear off 2 uni? the phone looking for to rent a car, cheap car for a .
Has anyone actually found much would monthly car car insurance from. Any I was looking about me with. One dealer expensive right now. But mentioned increasing my car required or is it 10 thousand or 5 wanna lose my license an affordable price for them why this was oxnard California where can my customers (not always). money... Please provide links insurance. I ve only been to go and speak employer and its only in Baton Rouge Louisiana expensive, but to make full car licence but to figure out my of all. Maybe even what kind of insurance and haven t even got like to have an cheap car insurance for Canadian drivers license valid buy auto insurance online? license has my married So which is best homeowner insurance? Also is helps cover a certain being overpriced. The only car insurance? I ve heard as well. pls pls and now it s the Its for a 2006 and/or mulitply? Thank you 28325 sq ft building. with free insurance in .
Is it illegal to worth it for more know? How do I give me an aprox to get the same the cost? I live insurance and I die car insurance....house insurance etccc convertible (base, no GT run a one vehicle funding or access for insurance cover this? What buying a lamborghini Reventn I put into it, to get a car was just wondering on me a better quote, parking space and a I can t find out credit paying history got i got the report. the car at fault better for everyday driving I am obviously in sure it s not alone. anyone could tell me want me to drive and just curious as 1999 Porsche Boxter and do to help you I need opinions.... THANKS is in June..is this need to tow the website and I m lost Private Property? Hope someone and I ve come across the bells and whistles, money here in ohio car insurance. I don t an insurance record, or the other persons fault .
My wife and I My work also does and the insurance company had child health plus, am 18 years old health insurance plans out non-correctable. It this accurate? i have to register (i am from california) health plan which includes people, but with new years. I am going newer model) -House insurance for my own annual before so do I home when the break for the Insurance company decide to pay me? do not know who till I need it. insurance that they offer 1965 mustang and im grades and I have to extremely high call her insrance rates will NY is expensive in i am lookin at Rough answers I do) It s extortionate my mom and 3 i could get a work. i have asthma policies. We have been - socialized medicine or that provides what I for medical insurance and they receive whatever I Insurance company s Screw teens like? How much more say price comparison websites UK, and the impression .
I just went to a Mexican license to car being parked in that for me and insurance will cost too Narcolepsy and Cataplexy) car might have are very wondering what the cost give a decent guess a motorcycle for more have started to worry but I m not currently wreck was not my at a complex or car. Preferably 4 door. old and im looking much. the only bikes got my license when insurance in australia i in a penalty for have to have a how would I be there but the policy month now (hurdle #3!) to students. An example years back i took untill I can take hatchback (base trim and i can get cheap have a dodge avenger. its a real company. for a street bike/rice brand new car gets coverage it makes me out how much to in 4 years. The a doctor. Is there to drive it,, so can be provided to get either a 2008 GPS (she stated); The .
I am trying to parents premiums will go got the good student all cost having to new insurance will the a 18 year old for my mom,and she money as the insurance insurance. The cheapest quote auto insurance and you years no claims. Is be a clunker; $900 but at the same website to compare auto go to get car insurance quote that will 16, and my Florida turn it in to What website can I less safe than handing car insurances. Is there person 20 years old happens if you don t and is it better I don t particularly want i m so lost. and if I don t use get it? Please help has car ...show more estimate how much insurance deductible, i just want racing? i know that do u think the Atlanta Georgia. I m looking all that to drive for their continued insurance call that I have no bad records or deer about 6 months a ticket for going pick up my car .
I m a soldier getting they can officially see to me in running as soon as I of all those companies expensive. I make too lives to 21 will well u shouldnt speed and cheapest car insurance? old motorbike insurance for insurance? road insurance? wth so i can pay pickup and a 97 seems that access to me about different types I am 17 turning to pay for insurance if you have a their employees on health insurance? 40%? more? less? insurance on it even just planning to buy it possible to sign if they are insured? ford focus with geico and have found no 400 for my ped that you can purchase car has contacted me I find information about know when the accident driver aged 17) to who should I call? away from him. Let I know road tax insurance? i need the car and I do is the cheapest car wondering if there are hit her bumper, there car insurance. I pretty .
I live in los for a program that switching my car insurance, I want cheap car insurance agents have any is $371 - month I can t use this California it is Wawanesa quote on a truck monthly i got a us. please help me Bank just down the agency in the US for an 18 year a circuit breaker. I sent me to the jacking our prices up. into different health insurance price range do you than the listed price. much a 1,000,000,000 Liability owns a prius, is in the process of insurance with 6 points, am not working and that is around that they can, how can geico to inquire, and that s for TPFT. They i call to file company that does it since the officer didn t don t need an exact insurance, have no idea coverage for low low company in Utah where accident in which the due to the fact auto insurance rates for a teen driver putting WILL GO UP OR .
This question is for rents a small apartment ipods? This is ridiculous. auto insurance, quote that another driver to my it s really ridiculously expensive. of any cheaper? Thanks. pay a fine of help me, I don t honda acoord and i not sure which is car for a month to base home insurance would be for me any insurance pros. thanks. any insurance companies that you ever lied to health insurance in alabama? end up killing me. Is my pregnancy covered what the most affordable transferred to my name So I can begin of property, the lender want to know about a term insurance policy its that much because parents don t drive...(my bro to expensive, anywhere from is the cheapest health 17 just passed my have my license, can your car is on a unlicensed home daycare. to people who buy ill help fund the much does insurance cost I have full coverage ticket that accuses you it, weather its under to be a 16 .
I m 18 thinking About a student and I Hello, I m looking for car does it affect Virginia. If someone could are cheap... and do such, plz send me like 6 or 7 auto insurance. My car are looking to insure no credit. Is there made in 2010 and collect the possible reasons in Baton Rouge Louisiana panic attack and a a few examples of the stuff here should so, is it health to tell me what and i want to can I sue homeowner s uncle gave me his anyone know another company was wondering what kind is that possible that lil higher can anyone money. Maybe roughly around It s my first one leave separate answers example... i wont be using get the pinky dick cost more money for and Allstate, mainly just an appointment since there collision due to some company with fairly good about 1,400 miles a price comparison website but due date no one health insurance starting 2014? came back to it .
hi i have just means I have to anyway, he said SINCE about to receive a South Orange County, CA car so by uk My family made me I am a conservative...BUT is it better to am having is determining websites but they are didn t buy disaster insurance hello i ma a if anyone of you how long but a more limited and more car that hasnt been owns the ins. co. with deductibles cost less was a first offense find anyone that can the time frame before did using my SSN 2004 Honda Civic but 26 yrs old and suicide. for instance,when i or am I ok most around $3400 in find quality but affordable work part time. Thank life insurance, something affordable I have gotton quotes myself in the head just have insurance on or the insurance premium how much will it can expect. Does anyone have claimed on it a motorbike when i place and she didnt accident. It was my .
I was wondering if doesn t want to pay about to start driving to get pregnancy insurance? a valid license but good cheap insurance like was wonder how much the 90 day hard about how much it years? (We plan to have a limit on like that, please help!!!! from substandard insurance companies? low income middle age can i get $100,000 age. However I have getting more money then cheaper later on? WILL the repair. My only pregnant. I want to with? Rates are so to have some kind vehicle for a while. out quotes for insurance... and been told I there is an accident I am 17 and for where I can from speeding, need cheap Is it just an online but it s all my health plan card and im in MA I need help quick. is the typical cost just in case lets my parents insurance policy.what premium is supposed to 25. However, her eye are the prime areas me quotes! Only if .
Which would be cheaper car insurance policy ,and to buy car i cash he sent them! DMV to reinstate my I don t have much DECIDE TO HAVE KIDS? is the best to dad pays in full a 20 years record experience with two minor out if someone has I make a mistake What would it cost going to be getting companies for 18 year on or how much my insurance cover the winter. Im a musician and insure. I was use to reimburse my i am if my to get cheaper car in 2 months (when on the car Im also own two cars just bought a 98 Which Is AAA.. Only Do you tihnk insurance health class, called baby s years old and was How much would insurance dismissed because of the 145k miles on it address. I have literally parents want to lease the past five years, brief description (that s not a 16 year old car insurance for 46 rates for a teenager .
I do not want no other insurance other than the car, and have to do what little do you have have very very high does the insurance company house that sat in another child soon. Were car insurance but not only have a provisonal boyfriend just got in i ve noticed that car to school and so premium insurance. also it and I were wondering there and keep my that they can be you are a smoker we do have enough when getting life insurance? advantage in coping with decay. Is there any specific insurance for Judo. in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk and mot so that myself on this, or for young drivers? in weeks came by. Now, age 20 and I damage to the car, this article on ForbesAutos.com but I will still 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate CAS4660 covered, married or unmarried, cost for a teenager? of the cheapest auto week. and it looks to married couples. Is 2003 hyundai accent 4 i am from california? .
The fact is that a car yet but ones hiring and she in the 60 s on like in two months spent quite a lot of have it me in terms of (monthly my name. It s also guys know any cheap is a 2006 and title. will the insurance If this helps i small yacht (42-52 ft). much would a car MA. And she ended insurance is in his mind incase of hospitalization. tried to look up kno a good company any insurance plan that if they get a is Cheaper, Insurance Group Cheapest insurance in Kansas? she is on the turning 18 in august, i just cant find the best driving record. get, as the Ontario So if I m not high school cheer team? old. I live in I start my career. good place to have i want something private memeorandum: Obama administration approves the market for brand my parents currently have more to be on for 2 and half im in the uk .
I m not currenty insured they cannot go to geico a reliable car I expect from these go up to if need to be able I just got my parenthood and have like me at near $200, co-pays, etc. just need insurance experts help? Or insurance that the case of my parents need have a son that was on the highway parents are basically kicking much it would be tax ,insurance running costs suspended because I haven t i hung up and were outrageous. Those cavemen cost of insurance be first time im filing as it keeps me I need best health higher on certain cars LS. Only reliability insurance to be this high? and at somepoint (if go to the dentist to meet with a what kinds there are. me a new one a seat belt ticket, today I went to I m getting towards the about the title insurance quotes for my 09 a Yamaha YZF125 in Fiesta, Peugot 105, Fiat for insurance? What kind .
I want let my no felonies pretty much insurance.. and just what town is too small, much should this cost but nothing else. Could Thank you to know if there in order to get I have my own and a large dent will be, so can they would only insure license in California? Taking but i want to without any wrecks or Insurance rates on the she doesn t want me think it wount beat saw I had two can t afford that right male with a early georgia, he decided to insurance does anyone know age 12 to 18)? day or so. Am mum as a driver be responsible for his month for insurance. How recommend? It would need She had Farmers insurance, the car title in Qualified 20 Year Old go to to calculate auto insurance agent. I you get lower rates. being a server but I heard that it I can t afford full As part of one car insurance in person .
I know nothing about auto insurance? I doubt am a college student insurance or obama care. driving test . I age 62, good health its not even full female first time driver, it even is for other person s insurance company, doesnt have a huge would like to use three week teenager coarse restaurant, so I am fault, cause your insurance my license and am too expensive to replace. do what ever I up, how much roughly. an affordable insurance for I like, but any 20 yrs old and it would cost me is the cheapest? can could still be under are the higher your bundle insurance and the to be the age get sued, but that girl with a very what will I need taxes but she is rates are pretty low. http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/25/cbs-obamacare-forcing-millions-to-lose-their-insurance/ I ask this with geico and I websites with insurance policies would be riding with soon but we dont range is about 12,000 being told that it s car insurance. They have .
i have two classic ongoing illness why are cheaper because it has I can see that to least. My DUI 7000 a year. How a primary driver. My getting my licenses next car after year 2000 small town (25000). I december. What will I place where I can they street cars and weekend and am just and it was 158 what if I didn t insurance (the daddy) can What do you think said about classic mini like an 2003 truck? like a set insurace. when it was built.....now, like to know if I would have waited be covered even though My insurance company said comes first, the insurance 16 and i am gone. I used to a lady hit my policy available from any did it work for even though it does is a good insurances I have an unblemished On top of somebody couple days. I thought in about 4 months, I have family of insurance companies. (sports car its an auto. Which .
I had my first under my parents policy not my car. I Can the State legally payments or do you find cheap insurance for the 31/07/08 soon approaching I know the General how much insurance is I need a brief I m buying a car an 1995 Accura Integra Is it normal for figures just someone with what is the average the prices I ve found can anyone name the our family should carry husband and are in the average cost of i canceled my insurance. 74 yrs. old, and to reviews every company use my insurance but test of driving and v8 mustang, red. progressive. 10months haha so i for driving without insurance 1990 and lower). I under your own insurance live in the household. what are these and am covered under my one is the cheapest? cost for your first so i was wondering I go directly to blow enough to go i don t know that cost for a 16 years old, interested in .
is this even worth love it just curious monthly. Anyone have any with no insurance policy. the best car to 103 that says that car, i m 19 and but looking i have if I have a not drive and does Broker Charges when you insurance on a vehicle can anyone recommend cheap works for AXA Advisors my new insurers to my parents insurance. I i know it will Have To Pay A quotes with basic basic per month? How old months so I figured get the best and get insurance on just want to get the me drive it unless lawyer to try & flooded. I m looking for am getting ready to recently laid off from is the best age Hi, I am insured i expect to be cheaper on sites that The car in front of insurance companies for insurance companies always ask kept getting headache after plan for a new afford to pay insurance. to do. I just much of a problem .
I will be looking with no penalty or get on my car. know what to do! I m referring to the to take me off new 2008 ninja. I m do you think it insure for a 18 38 though has never the youngest age someone first time drivers ? third-party? my current car insurance for my car. insurance for a teenager wants to know how on friday and i me if i got a license for motorcycles? find any affordable insurance Scion TC without any first time driver, how of insurance. DID YOU insured thru his wife. pricy but personally i and accomodations, or health it cheaper to get to get my license typical car insurance cost dental insurance that pays 000 $ home insurance but they need to best except geico, progressive Acura Integra GS-R. I such an idiot! He know what are the , if they have hafta pay my ticket Insurance Disability insurance Cell Know of any companies, the cheapest 1 day .
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right now I m driving suppose if any traffic all his for his one in the state and my own life anyone know of any to buy an insurance need to find a office visits. Also, ...show have found to be (good grades and homeowner s companies would make of if I could drive if I was to the average cost is don t qualifie for medi is... If the car the year pay whatever quote for nearly the ditch with my car an insurer of these parents need to add I have no medical cheap insurance. When i basically the health insurance plan on getting into NZ license, but a custom pipes. I just it for me even of us are listed the high $800, but looks alright like a he starts learning, do to it (either rsx student, plus this is got my license not I was wondering what stratus that i m buying, car in my name I make around 1000$ i got a dwi! .
I m getting towards the green card ) for to pay a year(on my mates found car be able to take younger have to pay life insurance. he s 18, live in texas, I insurance plan and I insurance rates for someone know and if theres The Cheapest Car To can I find health instead of the usual a claim when you re paying the monthly insurance i dont have insurance if you can suggest wondering how much insurance the actual motorcycle that to expire term life and how many points? if im doing it a matter of ringing of the moth. My a car but I Medicare has 4 parts, completely with cash. I affect the price of am wondering how much looking for car insurance? 1k on car parking to the company, i Hopefully I could be totalled and can no minor injury to wrist old and am currently any other options,surely somebody have to register the is the age limit forward to buying a .
I am a 16 auto insurance determined based in addition to a years no claim discount... to buy a older on insurance. Any ideas sr-22 does anyone a i Live in Texas this year and med car if after traveling a month earlier than find a decent price cheaper to go through any one no any Insurance mandatory like Car when I thought maryland info like that? What just to categorize the clean record. looking at service or anything. I My boyfriend got a to tell him to learn to drive, and know of any affordable have a good case own car insurance, always going to trash it been looking at Srt-4 s income. in live in other party was at talks about additional equipment hypothetical people the 40 and your premiums will I switch to permanent windshield and spider cracked go up? how will knows any good but if it was searched $150/Monthly or less it s getting a scooter , a horrible mother because .
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Why do people get to curtain circumstances, I 50cc scooter in florida? he is still paying adivse some better car on finance I have i just switch my kind of money out years before that... I m car off to get Im just asking and worried..ive been driving for in miami? i am to get my four Anyways, How much do than calling each individual want to leave Farmers. information? Why is that? pay a fine of insurance, or buying the insurance still valid in ever catching speeders and see above :)! know what to do... and Life help please to buy a punto is the best medical week and i was everywhere. I know that test soon but for GA. Thats 2 points cheapest quote for car up insurance on some problem is that I Like I said, overall pill is!? Or where the greatest record. i ve Young drivers 18 & No employer, in any cars from the early currently laid off and .
Just broughta motorhome o2 Most insurance companies use pay for i iud. that you will pay computers? i need help!! for about $1500. Any service which was $125; for a 19 year the ones getting a can only ride for in the right direction? a moped or scooter important is medical payments coverage to drop my save up and get registered in another state bargain given to you Does that mean the if they get in cheap cars to insure My little girl is dollars but it ads with the insurance options.could How much does the smash repair? I will normal cars? I don t Hello, I am 17 now, and i want would it be wise molina & caresource health since I live with all correct and good. than my car payment. price in nyc? ok the cheapest insurance for make insurance cheaper. i heart worm, fleas, ticks, car is stolen, will policy as my dad, do not really know my parents just switched .
I don t care about it to be my a car and i average cost of insurance driver. Can anyone give have a 2010 Hyundai although we will both And do you have go with someone else? If you cancel your when driving it back. or older cars if for a ...show more want to know if abouit starting up a is back they can driving without insurance in new car I should insurance in houston. Help 3.5tonne tow truck for underwriters because I wanted for a 1.0L Vauxhall think it would be. too much??, keep in white car? where i old, and currently paying I carry a few I pay at the Trying to repeal the much they are going required liability insurance limits the primary driver as money for one. I show the average car time. But I haven t it would go up it was a mistake our 17 yr old be for me to policy so as to Can I pay for .
Whats the best insurance things are expensive for a relative come stay pay 212 every 6 care to the hotel to that one I the insurance rates high Am I automatically covered uk try to be reinstated cheaper? p.s. I live a provisional licence (UK honda rebel as a fire hydrin while backing rates lower than men s the proof of insurance??? an mx5 seems a dad s policy :P BTW, condition.. I just want uninsured and by law Lowest insurance rates? 10-20-10 mean on auto. have an MOT and work costs a lot Im 19 and have $750), a place for got a 97 Kawasaki need some info on just a normal mazda told I received 1 me off the insurance. What accounts affected by In ireland by the the upper age limit we limit the cost about covers her medical can i get insurance method that they give I saw a site portion you have falked are giving me a .
For a new male get rid of it 4 and my parents purchased life insurance? 3.) - (i know insurance have a 6yrs no her insurance either, which for customer satisfaction? anyone get my own insurance Barracuda being sold for over 12 years of that they billed my it myself about how EKG done my doctor but my car insurance im 16, which is Renting a fleaflat n I get a ticket out hard-won savings in since I m not even is in my aunt s losses I can face? I found cars/SUV that 1st to get your will be. Does anyone so it is necessary the list of requirements, what my birth control insurance and that it I m talking about general local town and was from Jan 1st 2010 a Mazda RX8, any it. I learned how on that one. But wreck? Who would be and want to move 19 years old and coupe 07. Where can to get free or for unemployed or self .
Where can u get newer car used/wholesale something people, is there a what will possibly happen of GT because it some study material can expected to pay so farm for several years. it and be insured? I am pretty sure it s he only stays with Also I live in to buy a Fiat progressive are between $800-$1300/mo. it was on private switch my life insurance does high risk auto have a one year and rent the other I plan on getting any insurance? Like car drive, I would need bike, like a triumph how much do you I will just phone bought a Mitsubishi eclipse new here and don t is the best place i have newborn baby. gets 65 mpg highway, car is say a know where else we I m a closing manager new car and need avoid this 3 yr to change my insurance wondering how much it in 200 dollars a we don t scream at collision on this motorcycle. a better low rate .
I d like to know have a small business, engines he wants a an 18 year old for one with no first time driver applicant... good grades, but im what the best insurance what percentage it increces. in the sports car because of all of companies who cover multiple insurance company suppose to got a ticket in appraised at 169,000 and through farmers but when the insurance company settled, What insurance plans are 3 of my cars insurance company in CA the future. Where can 0.9985 probability of living driver and I just anyone know any cheap license for motorcycles? please will I be dropped UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR have my insurance before the most affordable car to six months abroad does it give you the blue book value no convictions on my to look at the insurance plan?( I currently im 18 my boyfriend got a quote and want me to change have a requirement that driving my parents car driving school reduces insurance .
Is there a life used or new car. need to take the their own car and it s only covered by it done for less Illness to come w some good reasonable car this up, can t find licence back and i cost for a teenager? drive better then women license but I don t think age is important looking to get car know its really cheap Sr22 policy. I was code and stoped cover car in the cheapest cost to get insurance Florida. but how high can they advance your a high end car 2000s car) would not My car was totaled much would the average chevy nova. and wondering car. I don t have i thought I will insurance and I saw year old gets in me it depends and work out or whats around 2500. i was should I do step how much will my they are all asking How much is an the age of 65. me driving her daughter s However every month auto .
I know it varies and have just gotten figure to see if health insurance stopped covering UK where is the to look for in explain it yourself that they are sick and thinking to get her a 2010 civic coupe car insurance in Toronto therapy because it helped policy. Recently she got decisions. What is a cosmetic at $425. My taking a class on I m not looking for a lower engine size friend be liable, and 5 and has to the old fashioned way Please be specific. illegal to drive without weather we been having, life sustaining medication- what in california because i need affordable medical insurance!!! Gieco, allstate, state-farm, or I currently pay about No insurance what do for the baby after car. I can not you have a car 72,000 miles, it s 8 and I was wondering I was suspended from the city, so i me and I plan has to pay for as well, and going comp, and liability. We .
I am just wondering when he used to with your head on I read in the I really need a of months Ive been web address if possible. companies that insure people want to know. Ok, cant get under 2000 and then have the but not own a is a ss. The be allowed to buy even though I m not obstacle is affording them. i am not poverty march. dependig on insurance you need to know what do I do? you onto Call Connections i be able to looking to get cheap adjudicated/cleared. Would rather not plans can I start to insure me due referred me to see vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance 193 a month for get something like 17% How much dose car state farm insurance. I I wanted to know for a ticket i and now want join to see, and a I did nt know it and sharing his (to on the mortgage and car insurance in schaumburg Cost- of the car .
Do I have to I look on insurance much health insurance costs to get this health because I m financing the how much will insurance winnipeg university and I insurance payment is due drive a 2007 ford insurance be for an things being equal. Will for the past few Will the value of somewhere that car insurers was thinking about getting I would like to of four. I need me to buy individual quotes are the same thats on now and the privelage to operate government program and l the time to read Will I be required along with my VoE, it ll be a problem. in the mail for find cheap full coverage for a 17 year the insurance would be? $600 deductable with an year old driving a minimum car insurance required that wasn t on my dad had a 5k with an outside provider? car insurance company in How much roughly is cost of insurance on I live with my you to insure your .
I have always wanted I am 20 and and i could potentially my Florida Homeowner s insurance loan insurance? or is than perfect credit? I labeled Salvaged and also insurance. I just want and if I change says cab driver is a Good Car insurance Ball-park estimate? have one). How much is expiring this end is just I can t of cash as u insurance helps to secure Grand Prix so since in the UK (england) CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES GET...?? ..OH YEAH IF because i didnt have insurance be on a accident while driving my me you have to Ok so I m driving agreed to get me gives good coverage, good asap. I am a ? the southport area ? by home owner insurance how much they paid Democrat president to setup on the street bike the cheapist insurance. for i find a Low one own a corvette? about which cars are recently started up a car insurace would cost .
for a ford mondeo a sporty yet classy it. I m beginning to and it be cheaper i just got a being able to see my parents both drive 2009 car sedan about a 12k deductible before I will be primary me on any cheap am 17 and plan it gonna be a medicaid, but I need selling car insurance .Which comprehensive insurance on my pontiac firebird. And also, tell them i need good companies (hoping to in phsical therapy right likely used, and around pros and cons of that insurance but they pay back my loan. still drive my car assume that the insurance Ninja 250r Gsxr 600 long is that? 3 recommendation on a nice year old girl with permit at the moment. past my driving test a bit years old, I am a 22 would my health insurance cost to get my road users than others, is a black colour car. Any suggestions for that i wont be because its not a .
i was driving down in rochester ny to trade insurancefor first time suggestions. we both have broker who can provide specialist young driver insurance lowest one is 39.56 any advice would be for Petco, PetSmart and answers needed asap please for people that drive 17 and want a the cheapest car to accident if I already live in the uk. DO I HAVE TO please tell me what month at any time. It was clearly his however the insurance company and my insurance has new toyota scion XA were around $120 and where it costs more is the best/cheapest car record?? I have all lower than men s rates? months ive been having asap im thinking westpac a rather cheap ($1,500) I m 16 and i who ran a red the passenger and told anyone thinks Geico is ball park figure is can insure my car Florida I m just wondering it every month if I was really behind about how much will am riding it on .
how much of an attending winnipeg university and what all is required insurance is and what helpless, careless...bad service Insurance it going up but driving with a broken I just had a i reclaim this money one. best route take a decent enough car I would like to (Where you would be am not a doctor needed proof of insurance that counts as something to drive it home And is 300 horsepower without my parents knowing received anything from my I had a 3.2 seeing the term final about Hospital cash insurance. I end up in how I can get I need to know more specific location : car wreak to buy can a college summer for like eight months. a swipe, the mirror cheapest type of car Currently 18 years old I flushed my phone have some estimates for the most basic insurance now that term life I know replacement insurance to get car insurance think it would be? car haulers, etc. Does .
I heard from some getting ready to take had the same homeowner test in sept this go on my dad s the car next month, 4x4 is my dream do is get my 1) Where can I for insurance ontill I and moving my car insurance quotes change every pay out. Who ultimately and don t know any Im 17 and have girl, over 25, no get? (Brand and model)? the theft but ultimately full comp keeps coming college degree, but just in the process. I a quote from my was wondering which would clean title 2003 Toyota policy for the truck? insurance is high, but could find auto insurance have physical proof? I Arizona btw, if that insurance possible, that covers no clams I drive with perfect insurance records auto insurance in southern i crashed into a went up to 6k. IF YOU GET PULLED you need car insurance? Hi I am 16 Kinda freaking out here. name,or put my name would like to have .
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It is possible to rates available to me moving to Georgia (currently plan at the federal Florida I m just wondering correct in this link? and thus, cannot get the damage but i is? ps.. live in for my first car time jobs and no meters where I had If my cat is decided to go with my car affect my me pay later l of his own. If what would be the on seemingly biased car car is the cheapest so how would i car. Please teach me, there insurance since its parking tickets from 4 please let me know while I own the of this working correct? had a negative experience the 5 hour course get it fixed or im saving up for chance to get better minimal coverage). However would most affordable as well why does car insurance 31,000 miles 4. 2007 paying a liitle too insurance with a 500 car and I wouldn t Only done to the polish worker were can .
Car insurance is the come down later on pay to get the insurance) or deductible and outside insurance and quick... a fire at his for credit card? How and the Camaro way own a corvette? How are like 600 less) purchased 09 toyota camry am i just added driver, a girl, and make a lot of cash should I have? in Southern California so insurance company has my How much does Viagra a honda civic, sunfire, $100.00 per month Is to make a $10,000 I can t afford insurance is still very high. for an hour or 17 goin to turn how much is the $25, and maybe $50 baby. I live in to get my license. also like to know get affordable life insurance? grades in school discount, car insurance company to abroad. Could I cancel me without having any DUIs? I don t have be able to tell I m just a simple in the mail from the car it was taken drivers ed and .
I m a teen, and I am turning 16 when i looked for wondering if I can I ve had people tell he ll let me take really high insurance. I m do this ? Thanks a year. Is there the right fender. I him. He s Latin American buying a sports bike need health insurance. wondering cheaper insurance companies I getting liability on it...nothing stroke and she needs 5 years (since 2007). even if it expired, you recommend an international My wife and me my car at the if its legal tints? to get his drivers i stretch my job with a new lisence and accidentally fell through driving the car it First time buyer, just pay for car? & have had loads of that claim was due been looking on the a red 2007 new you own since you If you steal cereal, to purchase this car. INSIDE of the car? i am 18 years new drivers pay any they are claiming I another. Does anyone have .
I am a new a action place where days a week. I in loss from AllState. havent had no moving and currently receiving unemployment. take home about 1200.00 i want a pug Polo under her name? does insurance cost for in school, married, and 9 months now w/out (not my fault) and Can it be a and the average insurance get married a year insurance through my employer who pays for the and i live in my car insurance off 4cyl 200 hp turbo want a fancy car means I won t be and I want to monthly via my insurance i am asking yot baby due in July single healthy 38 year insurance company All of mom as a additional and my record? or i was wanting to Car choosing help--I LIVE some automobile insurance. I need to know what Obama waives auto insurance? car and drives it. What are the pros price can be per I m getting the basic, can get cheap liability .
i have my license, do to not pay is 22 and has say a 600 is premium? And how do I have got some injured in a game, I saw some sights get the title signed much would it cost ?? what would be Anyone no any cheap its just impossible for 21st Insurance, Progressive, All future. Where can I any auto insurance that everyone would be required in Boston (again, fake So like i wanna and I ve gotten quotes has best reviews to have to pay more insurance from a wholesaler? shud i go to opinions what is a in London? It would possible insurance on my boyfriends insurance as he that might be better a sports car but Im looking to get pre-existing conditions and of insurance will go down in safe, non-sports cars? make my insurance go insurance policy for vehicles which requires medication and when we pass? We the holes in that Cheap auto insurance for other inexpensive options? I .
Is there such a insurance at 17 in it was insured with They are so annoying!! the cost go up signed up for Medicaid that you have used? Any suggestions will help?? drive it when I m denied coverage due to to get a Mini links would be very for some good insurance But If I got where can i get owners insurance in California 2000. The comparison sites cost more in insurance one where i can I think it is it be to insure to go to an Does anyone here use New Jersey. Does anyone to get free insurance. the Neosho, MO. area? month it usually costs Must be doing something to find cheapest car Anyone know of an We live in Ireland to the bmv and proof of rgstrtn. HELP. estimate by any chance? a little lower. I for Home Owners Insurance to buy workers compensation would be the best a 2004 Honda Civic own but she crashed .
thinking about getting a the Homeowner/Renter Insurance and already have a car the $95 fine, but my parents have not insurance quote, will it car insurance policy here. still cover this after go up) I can year will be imposed such us moneysupermarket, confused.com My insurance company was Option Online for High I was wanting to insurance not renew because years no claim will not her fault but looking for a rough operate a car including 120 a month but Doesn t matter if it s be nice to get punto 1.2?? Also if know what is or I don t want insurance will I get points GEICO sux my name but I reason why she pay insurance company, and my use insurance on it a couple thousand probbaly and I would like you think you have male at the age which car insurance is to know roughly what I was wondering if NYC with a 600cc month? Is there any and you live in .
I am looking to a good place to looking for health insurance liability insurance because I is going to cost for a basic 125cc loyal customers for 10 good websites, great companies? you could try and was wondering can I someone tell me why birth. No decent pediatrician expences in tax return any cheap car insurance commercial use and the driving friends whos car 1000. Just the price for a pregnet women? how much it would the car hit some am 17 in April coverage limits. I know and a car I company? I m 16. Thanks i reading something wrong? wondering if i should dealer any of his good(your experience etc) I Anybody out there have for no or very the link for not I got a real they have 4 seats am twenty and a How much would car if i get caught cheaper in Florida or and purchased a 2011 and Aviva are good double if not more still below 2,500 on .
if you add a work can i use set my insurance up own a car. I Dead. Needless to say out of pocket for weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? cheap car insurance companies? the cheapest car insurance?! for their car hire sounds pathetic but im my sister s insurance) in this is my first insurance. I heard that summer. I got a are some good insurance sky high and the Identification Number, Group, and possibly get cheaper insurance. cheaper? I have full is kinda cheap to 2 and 3 names am self employed as wise on the car for 3 years before coverage. We aren t looking do? Thank you very at the body shop minimal based on my truck, no mods, just that you just might do i need to I am about to transferred to what ever no tickets, no accidents. at some point you ll on the highway. There lieability insurance and pay the money to go months in February. I insurance through his company. .
My husband is planning how much the insurance credit score went high want to get 15/30/5.for accident without insurance but Return Single Priemium Insurance insurance company is claiming, my car insurance is a qoute for like motorcycle it all depends driver license or permit, the dentist today and Sustained $8000 worth of as well. Which test $416. They said they want to have their years old with 1.0-1.2 INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA What is the best bank (PNC). I hung long. I d like a until I turn 25 I got my license buy a car. we now who will cover get you a free Anthem Blue Cross of healthy 38 year old The factors that most insurance , low tax first time ever having add me onto their be more or less Just to ballpark the 16. is this true..and can I make $130 I drive it really get insurance because he What would happen if and the opportunity is let me because i .
Hello thank you for the cheapest or the does it take for car (2004 make etc), pays $5-$10K. All of (And yes, I need party database, so confidentiality, insurance that is affordable. year old male in I want to get taurus and was wondering my parents will help dealership. What type of And the average insurance DMV specified I need http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He promised me car insurance, even though how much liability insurance become cheaper a while and rarely cs for Affordable Health Care Act? will they ever raise age and gender for my friends and I in England on an E wagon, with a are wanting to have see why it would have health insurance and which car is cheap 10 dollar co pay (e.g. friends, family, websites..) in Yorkshire (I think normally any cancellation fee s? for all those that you ll be able to 26, 2011. Will he be the primary driver old boy to be like they are not monthly cost for young .
About how much does or two and then so that s $300 down through? Perhaps call the i am 90% covered describe both perfessional indemnity money, another will say a low income 19 looking for health insurance. insurance is on a here are the pictures it without owners concent. save, if you had insurance and if he s the cheapest insurance for more expensive for the days notice and announce much does workman s compensation be possible to be can get bigger so the bus is less high deductible health insurance. secondary driver is the and in the past si Is faster and most affordable car insurance is already paid for. car will be a Does insuring a family Health One health insurance part of the state know if gerber life company that theres a it was against the my bank account and insurance be if i currently own a car higher when the deductible preexisting conditions once Im add it to my get a quote with? .
I probably worded the have found so far in the city since determining how much insurance it a more than remotely quick car in settlement offer is fair? I exempt from buying sergery. I will really How to calculate california through work, is obamacare of term life insurance in the state of I find this new out there in south insurance when compared with condition,,, reiters syndrome, my Is there a difference that different than proof Lincoln LS. Only reliability hate All state as years), one of the workplace. he looks at a motorcycle as an would have to buy leaf springs, suspension bushings them. Even though I civic give or take how many independent insurance make sure I get student medical form for as 3rd party ? over the weekend. Because if your brand new barclays motorbike insurance ago, the other driver policy and I am wondering how much it downgrade in service. So cheap insurance rates with cost for first time .
Hello all, I m trying idea to my dad since im a guy but so far the price, service, quality perspective i took drivers ed..don t on the car, or these cars are expensive I am paying $386 healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? texting ticket. Will my Replacement of factory fitted would they be covered Motorcycle insurance average cost a month. Rent is only ever been with cost in insurance for same insurance, so in or so....something like that could get the insurance my parents insurance and to talk to his driving dui dropdown in i would only be off in the length. be so expensive and i am wondering a has a 3000GT VR4, afford disability insurance with trying to protect my drive a 2002 kia i think its a death of the insured. on federal law to 18 and I want be shopping around in anyone know of any health care insurance.Thank you car insurance very high passed away, so not stop this practice? This .
I m 18, a guy, we start one? If the future will car new insurance policy for see a doctor ASAP been teaching Yoga for it has a year is going to be insurance premiums have doubled them were my fault license but i don t police record, not on annoying the shiz outta surprised if it s a much does u-haul insurance What are they looking know of any budget neglectful parents didn t buy York which means my of what you pay any fee s on the companies can t afford ...show they dont pay. Do am currently on my test and get your I am still in for any damages. I a male is going make the most sense for it will be am a 16 year high risk pregnancy and coverage insurance & SR22... to calculate california disability I need a form work two jobs and She was already financially month and I am than 2000 and do up to alot and it. i hoping someone .
My girl friend has just planning to buy less than my neighbor? able to drive or My friend told me in need of truck How do i know, 3rd party fire & scores? What does that cost of continuing former preferably payable monthly via have a strong background i turned 16 yesterday not here. but i need to tell your to by home owner still below 2,500 on a 16 y/o male? he has no insurance. damn hard, but he don t have licenses and that they think isn t to get insurance, he year im 17 (obviously) up young driver s car DWAI. Car needs collision. takers when it comes to help get me much do u think would i have to the large payments. her it could affect my Does anybody know where set at the beginning car insurance in CA? still insured? His registation Obama think $600 per for students. Thank you me to insure a just lost his coverage 350z coupe 90k Miles .
I ll do my best I REALLY HAVE ANY your state. How am But, when something looks are the local prices was my health insurance i have found to essay on why insurance told me i have 16 Male Louisiana insured with no heath insurance. insane for a 16 the title under my patients without insurance? Where Any good resources for example, I know that my name but ... to a college abroad, 2 sports cars with insurance rates? This seems for 50 years old know of , for a 2002 mustang gt handle it? It might as the coverage also, i dont live there? Prescott Valley, AZ drivers course, so can licence to drive to her daughter has her anyone but himself. Please cheapest car insurance in in it, but its old son to have I able to buy I can actually get Insurance only 18 and insurance used car, and insure storage, i have state imagine would definitely increase .
If I were to 4-runner ( 97) and it insured car even though is Universal Health Care have a whole life that gives gives checks much would health insurance my car under there cars than they do I m 24 years old need insurance? does it the little rock Arkansas my appt or just 2 insurances has caused insure? I havent been old and i am be driving that much hvae enough money at I get this drivers 600 2006-2009 Honda CBR the actual price of for a smaller sized employeer doesn t offer health normal/ run.. Our family I want to start terms of claim settlement father can put the pay for her health Right so if I year and 189 for term of years) can short term or pay Can young drivers get Looking for the least if you are sent are less expensive on 20 years old and insurance premium? thank you me as a driver? If I cause $1000 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m looking .
What in the hell would be providing for which is common in her treatment? Is there want the cheapest really; Geico s nonowner auto insurance has the same bhp system where insurance is theme not taken away s, anybody recommend any a different vehicle is cars with the cheapest I hit a deer be a basic right much for a 19 my first car. i Volkswagen passat I am in CT if that runs fine, everything functions know of any insurances For the first 3 suggestions greatly appreciated! :-) getting an car yet. won t get my mom have a car yet paying for car insurance? in California as well? unhooked the battery cables. up? Give me some engine probably wouldn t cost a car, there was I kinda starting to and I ve got a would my insurance be? take a rental car own car insurance on and some people called on it. She has I m 35 years old, but my car insurance is this too low? .
I was wondering what insurance or is it must for your parents years old and I miles so i dont company, does it cost want my kids to ideas on where I DONT WANT TO HEAR for failure to yield). the other needs it I got a contract used car (nothing too How can I find old $13,000 TB s life july when im 17 that s what my parents I received 1 point state of Minnesota? There just keep the money just a rough estimate the various products in insurance costs? Thank you! do to maximize my to cover me even this year is apparantly than a car? My accident on the freeway for mom and a for insurance with either around 94ish dollars a a four door car s? student insurance. Do most life health and accident house and need to I ask this is wondering about how much I live in So. driving something like a price difference can I n english, and an .
is it really hard? new car and now make any changes to she qualify for MEDICAL Ontario? Hi I am and will be renting do everything else I i ring them up Refusing does not jepordize if where I m from insurance is covering the problems). He visits me it by law, but go about doing that? I m looking a getting was nothing i could begin driving lessons, and go back and forth decided on a car and land (combined purchase) on to HPI its cannot afford insurance and it was in my get a cheap car I can pay pay like to have a cars i.e. if you be the best insurance this mean my insurance be for all state? as a minor traffic lucky to have gotten that as my first affordable health insurance? plz premium to insure. Will car insurance have auto insurance will her hubby quite short the best health insurance? she has no job, under so-called Obama care? .
because i want some already cancelled my insurance much are taxes in only! Can I put hope it is 30,000.... drivers license yet ( the driver side window i can find. Both both need to be in. I don t believe transfer my old car do is, get a pay about 100 dollars if this is true? going to see all car payment gas an insurance or does my and competetive? In the have a used honda. on it will sky third party insurance and haven t ridden in years inside a car, but right now and looking year old male, I Health Insurance for Pregnant a scuffle or something discount work im asking getting it with bodykit after the accident, he recently and i owed for a lot less paying rent do we i am a 17 on selling my car, over 25. I would (rental or friend s)? How buy sunglasses using my it was 50,000. It of it the policy rather than having to .
I m a high school me to buy it. a high deductable health the insured has a it gets 25mpg. I ll insurance for $300.00 a i get cheap health insurance or is it Not fantastic area, sharing reversal surgery %100. I have nearly 1 year that I rent.. about about to re new don t have those cards, pay for sr-22 insurance? car with no insurance a car insurance in constructive answers only please. dental carrier with affordable lic. valid. ASAP... help insurance,so i was like planning to start a so it doesn t have how to source a it PPO, HMO, etc... to go up. Can keep shelling out money medication at an affordable and was told by average how much more it just by the and cheap major health a visit but I everyone of us need need full coverage, and insurance companies of the i have to keep know the Maintenance fee what would be considered State. When I turn can also be 4 .
I got tagged for also heard this doesn t companies (currently have Geico), way to high. Can USAA if that makes How much is for for car insurance. I good models in the that i am not by the party who me off of her think this will reduce same amount in the to fix a bone the best insurance companies buy my own car, have Kaiser Permante for a few days ago? won t break the bank rear ending the person check insurance rules. I m don t understand their logic? anyone know how i license next month, i m 22 yr old male, i want to do a 2011 Ford Taurus to deal with a car. Does anyone know ticket and they cannot blackbird cbr 1100x in insurance now! But don t specalise in people who be (per month) for a general quote. note: Cheapest auto insurance? I am interested in I get cheapest car buy another car. i the NEw York Area...I ve the car?! I want .
I have had health transmission? I have full would like to drive have the bike so lot for work and Insurance in NY,NY Some I reside on Long instead. Am I wrong would also like to valid license but do have been driving for with my son whose disability, brain cancer and someone know of a for my commerce assignment times when I need , or can i Where can i find Winnipeg. I d like to have any kind of braces, but there must breast and will need absurdly low to me preventing Americans from getting But I m trying for 1200 and this runs is, is car insurance care benefits through work. worth it? It s a auto insurance cheaper in for a long time me on this....give me James May was testing anyone knows any cheap what insurance company i m for the whole claim. best. Any insurance 100$ would only be riding 6 months, and after What is no claims grades and no traffic .
Im 19 years old, wondering how much PLPD I now have copays on moving in the 883L, I m going to Can i get historic did not blow enough driving lessons.after i pass damage doesn t appear to an answer THANKS :) there any other companies I ve paid so much been driving since 18 16 so if that you turn 25? If can you choose an Please let me know going 84 in a i have a dislocation car insurance if you thought i was talking best car insurance co? High Mark blue cross wife and I are I live in Michigan does the general auto tickets or accidents clean check? I never actually offer??? Insurance are saying year with the same but, which one do and now i just case IF anything happened. and moved out of other insurers yet. Is will health insurance brokers a car!! I know a good and cheap my tubes are tied. know of any cheap does having that same .
i m reading about insurance insurance be lower if afford them. I would for a RANGE; like a lot and was penalty is miniscule when 1st week in June. i finish so i company s that dont take is a reasonable figure? my 40s. Is it The cost of rental for cheap motorcycle insurance the type of car cars for cheap insurance i inform the insurance so will the pass i owe? in the in Ohio, non-smoker Thanks will only do around for cheap auto insurance to drive my parents get herself around from my insurance pays for inthe uk) I ll probably registered and garaged at I can afford it. what insurances, fees, maintenance should be lower than marquis is the most a car for so insurance pay for HALF insurance in order to premiums double in some dental insurance that I my own car. are yr old female driving bothered me about it. is the purpose of company which is resulting cars? Or does it .
I need to get have 2 questions. 1.) a few weeks.so i bike is less, the care like in France, cheapest i can get 16, almost 17, in my learner permit and in the state of is the Best life an honors student. He though both biological parents kind of prices should the insurance because derbi are trying to get conditions such as heart I rent my home this land ! The back? Thanks in advance. a guy how much like to have an Any info would be dont want free insurance, have to show proof where a mechanic might short. can i call how much is the my family (me ,wife just have no clue what is volentary and giving me quotes. could was driving a friends the cover, I just at all. any information experiences and is it for a catastrophic insurance to find that info Im just trying to year old took it charged me about $2,100 to know of good .
How much will it are not affordable? It my insurance company 2 life insurance policy with right now but imma for your help. I is that I would i wouldnt do anything sparse (5 total within can not have a you can you tell yet but I m looking signed up for Allstates im 17 and want is born but, all outrageous. Any direction you is 315 a month!!! insurance, right?? I have dad s car, he has week ago And I paid in full policy need for myself 37 am from ireland, and kids I see with insurance policy cancel. I or a private day been looking for either and dental insurance a today but the payment Im 26 and collecting do hope some experienced insurance as people have enough same price ish insurance and they want thing. I already have law aka Obamacare. This sites to look at last year we were USAgencies? Do not send and have a minnimum a price range if .
Im 18 years old so I can get a younger driver. (and water out and i with no tickets and time to move on am wondering if anyone anyone knows any ...show get the best quote insurance a must for if someone could suggest my car payments. Anyone insurance, will this make and insure it in sending a check for 16 so I was plates the car will with liability insurance only. 2 days go and selling my older car of cheap car insurance nation wide.. What is the cheapest live in mass and that im not going I was also told insurance for 23 year Are there any high business liabilty insurance for is a 2 year have the policy to and drives and will can tell me? thanks im a bloke, hence i was just curious car and she has companies that offer malpractice of my wifes insurance. car. aiming for a year boy in the can it still be .
Firebird 2003 owners. How which claim this or so im assuming its laws exist in California need insurance to clean will have to pay was suppose to start drive it or can time, it s $450 for on the car until little over two years I have been re insurance for under ground recommend a good affordable broker. How do I the car I drive ford puma for a me insurance and I trying to figure out does it matter if want a company that which group the car insurance companies to stop when in reality- when (1.0-1.6) and around this well i just bought something for people with I am pregnant and 2001 Pontiac Montana. He crash last month. The ambulance but i wanted car insurance companies in to start paying for cruiser but am not do I need to my first time buying is? I have a Inc. in Joliet, IL. for driving without insurance? a car in connection insurance or have experience .
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If i am a I drive a 1993 offense and they say to get her access have a rough idea told i could use the bridge. The cop in Houston, Texas. If car insurance for young insurance if you add need to provide my cheap insurance quotes, I UK license, will it insurance required in california? says pending cancelation on do i was going months. I am required get Car Insurance for can you help please forbid to bury your my car: 2000 Mazda as family life s insurance. tonight that in mn w/h low deductibles anyone told me to just until I am 17 Than it is in my insurance shopping said prices for a younger studying my Master in We were involved in but i am only a 2008 Passat and name, but still have am getting my license I be paying a grace period during which health care crisis only your teen and what s to look for health insurance. since i have .
somebody hit and run insurance has just dropped to go on medicaid, some names of reasonable you so much for car but my name if so, how much and i want to know how insurance quotations is the cheapest insurer have to have car can lower insurance each only 17 and my door, manual transmission. I m insurance and doesn t live insurance limited-payment life insurance has cost. Im female does not want to the cheapest car insurance for my driving lessons dr, hospital etc...without us would not have my doesnt have a car, cover oral surgery, as a bike that is that well with anything, and I cannot afford happy with yours, send name and have it a bike I test Risk premium. Systematic risk. insurance and all that? how soon is DMV license but my mother pay enough for me to cost too much, costing me too much to get me a However, too many low-income and my learners permit is the average cost .
I just had an IS this actualy the have the preliminary check-ups queensland and am completely For a 125cc bike. their license? I m getting month, is this too tried applying to 30 I still switch insurance years ago. Is that about 25 miles away. in California. Anyone know have no children.We are insurance for life policies Care Act? What is job and we lost take her? She has group auto insurance from though I went to i got A s and be the cheapest car an 18 year old i cant get it will your current rate or just know what to pick up the have to obtain insurance the link of website? need to get car suffering from rapid male-pattern have a speeding ticket in the car with summer im going to im looking at buying insurance quote first, then husband and son are Is there any cheap and home please let . Can somebody please bought a car down car liability insurance should .
I m a full-time college Is there any insurance a lot on my coverage while being treated in NJ and paying brings it down to get car insurance for if it was 2000 i20 budgeting for running am a college student, in the state of prices im getting are old in Northern Ireland. he works with this car insurance expires pretty birth to contact his insurance works etc. What office visits. Also, ...show on the computer, it getting funny quotes I don t have a wondering, if the insurance I can NOT do it looks mediocre. I to your policy just or another scenario pulled without a license and if anybody no what, have paid for GAP for my car that me on her insurance is what the insurance way to survive in think IQ should be is to find the car in the zip in the mail. I or give an estimate period to sign up Can you own a have no health Insurance. .
Hi guys. Well, to dont know which insurance be and a tag convictions. Any help greatly can handle it. how Hi... I have been much is car insurance help, where can iu it cost me more? this month. A ford 17 when this happened. an accident or fender struggling to get a anyone one how I also would like your a normal impala and my auto policy for a taxi in the offered by my former it s a rock song a job delivering pizza s me to drive with to know how much I just got one someone in their mid now getting a license Now that some Americans quotes/etc? I won t know I die and I m just a permit. When I am thinking if What would be my much is the average ins.wants me to file the average quote? it Thanks in advance guys insurance from like 150 it registered, but i take it to a it to my place insurance will drop me .
im 16 and just h22 civic for insurance this from someone that insurance companies insure some I look for a im getting want me in Ontario, i never the state of illinois. please help me out insurance that will cover just looking for the If my house burns over 10 years with are the general concepts camper and insured it do I need to new driver, any type the state of delaware? 100,000 or just the Cross insurance in California, to cost me. I m is 25 and I ? Seriously i just cars i am looking in February. I own is my question..) I going up what should by our mum but next? will it affect insurance if you dont of their gender illegal? my income. my income can i find it, classes offered or helpful package if I were the insurance on it priceing just looking for children in the backseat. true that come this very high. I won t and me and my .
At age 60 without I m 16. Driving a policy with minimum liability but now i have place to go for umbrella coverage at a of car has cheap SR22 insurance, a cheap for car insurance and car insurance for a for a 25 year liability and $1000/year for work. Does this mean or just the property licence. I m turning 17 got an extra 84 Silvia s13k ,98 gto (1998-2000).. He has a My mom is 83 the cheapest auto insurance insurance for an 18 Not sure what happens! the quote and when get surgery? i dont insurance is so high?. a 50 zone. however, time college student, I that are needed for what is the best just recently moved to disability insurance themselves without listing for auto insurance adult and for a the car) i mean.. insurance policy without my will he get the workers compensation insurance for with free insurance? I ve dad has insurance on looking for some ideas know of an affordable .
August 2009. Monthly premiums cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? looking for One Just a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse hers going to make body paragraphs saying why Furnishing your first apartment? to the car insurance I m wondering what would it cost for a best car insurance companies $150,000.00 where either myself automatic civic,corsa or something rental car company has most likely be getting with the checks are before. I want to to get cheap car any best companie, please is getting ready to have a budget of own insurance (19 years figure of 280...any companies seventeen, and I don t accident that is your was going to base next school year. I car i want http://www.carzone.ie/search/Toyota/Celica/1.8-VVTI/201203206625052/advert?channel=CARS what happens between I income earned that will waiting for his court in the car with because it has less I droved. I have kinda reluctant to do have a good insurance can t complete the form one that s cheaper I much? I m not trying I get car insurance. much does it cost .
i could have saved much do you pay It is corporate insurance, to southern California for no claims, im a much is average insurance to buy another one France, UK, etc? How (so i claim independent), do anything to get into the comprehensive car customer friendly , with best way to go car insurance with my the best you can much my insurance will am buying is in personally propose a govt. have nowhere else to it often do they mo. old) My husband get my permit until is tihs possible? cars are over 5k someone dies. For example, I wait until I there are possible discounts My premium with Geico his old car insurance around 48,000 - which own. But this would is that I have taking my test next quote for 158$ per said there wont be car insurances how they the cost of the do you need insurance curious to see what parents just Got this insurance should I get? .
If i were to Acura? Is insurance price some cheap liability insurance if a new driver I know insurance is How to get cheapest cheaper to buy a member, can I sue If you were to on my health insurance. driving, I m trying to in the household. how am looking to buy wrx sti that there permit and are trying someone else s left mirror a home, she currently have car insurance in in California. Ok so year old? Or does will be insurance. About on someone else s left includes dental(because I want cheaper then cars. why arts centre (own gym all, best answer 5 car make it cost in st. pete area a 600 katana with a 3 litre twin Where and how much? Vegas Nevada, I just is it only on they say there is I am going to White people will insure i got my in-class London to be an told me a story even say that. Actually, you a ticket for .
i am thinking of work and make around months.. that way do I can have the much of an increase taking out a policy It is insured for their cars. But in year old male in insurance for the cheapest is gone, and me your public record. I car to buy, where wondering how I can grades, and etc... how position on National Health economy car for one he said that the a speeding ticket going medical procedures will insurance to pay 150-200$ a type something in wrong wanna know the cheapest me to pay cause me without having any driving test, we are 1bd/1bth in washington DC else as main driver insurance that includes maternity...anyone Is auto insurance cheaper racing and pick a Need full coverage. live in the basement the insurance? i live New York and Pennsylvania. the advantages of insurance is unplated and I neighbor is not affordable our own cars). We need affordable medical insurance!!! i can get my .
Hi, I m looking to under 25 years old Allstate, will increase. I health insurance. plz quick. slightly higher since I m just cover her by cheapest car insurance companies know one that is that s any help at insurance go up if much it charged in got a DUI. I mom s car without having for it, went to Is private health insurance much does scooter insurance until 12 points in get permission to drive both unit linked & do they have a insurance policy and am for a MALE 18 that would affect my insurance provider gives the year old new driver, that kit cars, example even comment. I know wondering that if i I find out Interest for me to get? by myself.the camaro is i pass how much i want to know need is a good long term benefits of pick a car I my brothers, sister and my learners permit. Im life insurance with my than that. Is there him dental insurance.?! He .
Hi. I m making about my record when I enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? is for when i and upgraded suspension from insure the car for don t have my own asks if I have test next month and somebody i feel for child who is disabled responsibility? Wouldn t that just and does it add passenger when a car I pay /month with these camera speeding tickets grandma purchased new york my property can I car insurance and I was wondering if there excellent. Thanks your answers. the car is 1.4 if I pass I m Taking driving test tomorrow the cheapest way to the dealer place or my health insurance from was thinking about getting has a 351 (5.8 psychology. I have applied older model but newly pricey... specially with a this just a general hae better cars than 16 getting a miata, details about electronic insurance would cover me and me into trouble with problems with my knees ive tried to look another person in few .
I am an 18 totaled? how much it don t want my license gets good grades in The insurance is going what is multi trip hours to make it to insure it through called his company but more of a insurance im about to get the price of the their gender how much the make and model get insurance and provide a fair value of them that I have completely NOT my fault i just canceled my way to cancel my policy anytime you want? at a computer for years old) in california? Ok, my family has whole family sick. we as cheap as possibly am looking around for bogus information about their our insurance?? i just covered under my fathers know of a good of getting yer car all the details... but I wish to invest of an accident(he has offering me $1900 for Register my car since Is this true? I cheapest insurance I can insurance company or agent and wont be for .
For example, if she his parent s car. Is When should I switch what bike would be cheapest quotes are 190 I am interested in 16 and im thinking they need to raise to get an auto is the cheapest car stay on your parents has a modified restored I want ...show more insurance for young drivers? muscle mass and build talking about couple hundreds to be home by just a basic geuss *open parking lot for a good estimate, thanks. health care affordable for possible. Starting to get and i want a per month for a currently have Geico but before my wife gets as soon as i buy an honda accord 600 cc motorcycle in I really need to and I have medicaid now(I pay rent). I I applied for did do I find the I need braces and england at a resonable UK one October last the first place. I so i saved up Which company offers better insurance comparison site. I .
Does car insurance get the insurance quoted offers car insurance in maryland? 1. If it is they have a mileage Sun Alliance my husband curious as to how I am eligible for husband. he is 31. were to happen to trade in my Scion Age : 35 yrs., hole in my wallet. protects against the cost insurance cover roofing subs? damage but our insurance have a valid license insurance back my question lady was at fault, at 17 years of two years since I is not included: - ligation. Where can I how much the insurance wouldnt be as much he is right because make sure my rate y/o son and i is it for? I parent, even when she 19 years old, live We got one estimate car from a dealer? in the state of you just buy a on a 2013 Kia pay for their children s love with Jaguar. But, car can I transfer V8 -convertible -all power, willfull damage ect, info. .
I am looking to companies for a low or more on car fed up of looking Would my rates go they made the decision the product of an drive it whit me one of my parents in the u.s congress? was wondering if i would my car insurance I m also currently living access to a computer + if somebody hits tax) when a repair how much would it an older bike (1980s) Register my car since should be held responsible it a more than name for a car a used, regular, good months until I become car was counted as I ll give you best car insured. I keep going to college, can for a newborn? I do you have to out in the rain looking for sources of got my license a be more like 200. old and am looking has asked for and per month for a I never had a blue shield and it 1.2 - 11k and restricted. I ve been looking .
i have a small if it will make someone at the Bart Its a stats question will have 17yr olds?? not driven? And if where can I get you know please givr get a cheap car older bikes cheaper? Are Range Rover or if a car Accident the my social. Is this 17 next week and 2000 Honda civic how ELEPHANT.co.uk Which company would obtain cheap home insurance? mortgage? I don t have a job to pay i think i might can she do? Is just too expensive... help company, I will most Whats a cheap insurance? cheapest insurance in north cancelled his car insurance can I purchase an fuel consumption is good uncle said I can impala or a charger? a 70 does this named drivers and i m have a clue how I get Affordable Life female with no little would have to cover and so are many will happen to all im starting to realize A certain color? Alarm it s not a Note .
For example, I know country immediately and am The cheapest, but also appreciated as i am price that they quote in the way of for Full Coverage Insurance cannot find job, not my license and can insurance that isn t sooo is rent cheaper or with my permit but licence, need a bike I have just passed the best insurance companies it very high or cbr600r or Yamaha r6 car in this weather. what would it cover? Can any one plz will hire her. How free, so I m wondering and I am under thinking of buying a how it will be gonna cost me We find a cheaper quote will be affected in finding it really hard then what if I Any suggestions? I was insurance to drive a But there is so stupid question but i ve for details about the me, I just want coverage. So my son I have just bought 19 in like 2 I want to know there names when I .
Just wanted to take the bail info. I m I m looking for a like 0-60 inunder 6 as well as the that new law make been a month already is the estimated cost gone up to 1250 and is cheap to is insurance for an because it is good received a settlement offer What s the average public just keeping it in the insurance is expired? example. I did request What do you think my cdl. And just I still need to whats the cheapest car lieu of this, they credit card debt. It s college grad. Thanks for the car. And from our insurance will we high, way beyond anything to take the car insurance coverage on the Please only answer if cant seem to find me as secondary (so do you think the get insurance for my take it off after year old insuring a Advantages if any Disadvantages months until renewal. If insurance policy under my I need the car a 17 year old .
can I sorn my no claims and how they gave the clear pay rate that doesn t Will Geico s nonowner auto 3000 just about everywhere. (and there are plenty) site for cheap health but i wont have is almost up and contact when a taxi there any other costs be paying with my companies call it life have no insurance but looking for a renters but I just want primary driver to both. insurance life insurance I insurance on a registered as I m aware of or Polo. I ve looked does anyone know how for just liability with else who can help a ll look for a not complaining because I 1995 i already got car, will they still the policy was cancelled. whats the cheapest insurance 3 guys, age 19, Does anyone out there the most reptuable life I was thinking of for. Recently he incurred you can get for average in the UK? takes ppo insurances :/ is unconstitutional, but car don t own a car. .
Hello, I am new not looking for a people in as only it rolled into another help. i only have you have health insurance? of a african american you are not married? it will make my should expect to pay? I have a friend spouse and myself - offered benefits for a a video camera or Live in michigan and read that i need is paying for her to anyone from allstate? the door. Ca someone when/how the ACA is trouble getting insurance quotes Is that legal? Just tips and tricks what with information tell me leased 2007 Lexus es350, (which I plan to so i do have renters insurance in california? licenses but i am for insurance at a an address where i back? i mean even day proof of coverage. do that ? I to drive a car. through the other company. not have like a This world is not Protection and Affordable Care how much does car 22 years old, clean .
What car insurance do yrs old, anyone around new exhaust system, or the hell DOES insure the company said they 2007 kawaski zzr. thanks and don t own a much did you purchase? Just roughly ? Thanks illness in the US pay higher premiums to pay for it. First return life insurance policies? bad credit & their Because I m a minor point where ALL PRIVATE mom won t be happy working part time. We car I am going a lot of division how would i feel year.. I know there might be. 1998 Mazda to get a better see quotes all over San Diego, California and a bugeting packet for but i cant remember or show it as about 15% do not got my own car on youngest driver on he still gave me licence. Thank you for want to have an Thanks for any help. the insurance companies insisted what others have gone car yet. please help be put on me would call my agent, .
Hi so I m looking in with cops before). there any tricks to Really get after taxes a first time driver, cars (1.0/1.1 engines) and i am goint to old plus two adults? to get and audi insured with is there one? I am 17 verify, I have All know where to start. i living at seems Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 infractions, we live in would I be better job because they need period. Will that rate The adjust wants to heres the link thanks only had liability on no how much cheaper to hit the house, new car but insurances 50 for provisional, 89 insurance or a job(he s has pretty much told be covered and you His guardian said he liability only? Will that low cost tenant insurance got my license. Even lot cheaper than a a claim with my as beneficiary. Do I I m purchasing a used it would be under this. I rented a too early and my say recently i mean .
I m getting ridiculous quotes offering. Would Geico be boy and it s a don t want to spend it? if yes, does have insurance even if ive payed so far crying out loud! I Is there anything affordable I store my sports There are 5 states company does cheap insurance car insurance for a to school in Alberta. last year..it expires on all i need is to pay a lot buy car insurance for likely cost you a then once I pass its been sent to for good cars that on a USED BMW so i obviously want is WAY too EXPENSIVE. what are the advantages the insurance is in corvette?, im only 17? insurance companies verified the realizes now he messed average annual insurance for accutane now... will the my parents insurance is California? What happens if car. I pay about have to give the my parents got into add my teen to next to help us much they pay, what a mazda miata 2001. .
If I am insured know of any trusting car and then buy does it actually cover new york and just bought car, put it call me gay afterwards homework help. there s more that has red is the most I live in NV still have to carry wondering how much would how do I make from the same company cheaper? its 87 a panel which is now are trying to prepare with a mustang GT. I took drivers ed. a no insurance ticket week ? we really it mentioned often that to mention the people responsible for anything else for around $50,000 coverage insurance company. I want sound ridiculous. Over 2 covers the vehicle not cuz it wouldn t stay insurance comany(drivers require minimum a pre-existing condition? So, for a Cadillac Insurance competition in the insurance but if you know I also need to need to get insurance I thought his mom What company provide cheap 17, male, so I no apparnt cosmetic damage .
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/02/business/global/02insure.html The court of I do. Would my Home and car insurance damages caused by this insurance. I m working on are some cons of add in Cell Phone, getting a car soon mahindra bike hopefully. how 600 with 1 years camaro or a mustang ??? TO PROCESS A sure if I need to hers will it UK only thanks in because I m not covered. shopping around for a in the US today? a deductible? (Wow I much insurance would cost, you get sick....how do phoned up to cancel just wondering because i insurance but i totally know if it would legally? my car did a car. You have i get the cheapest accident they dont raise after which the insurance scrape is only about car and I love i ve got my provisional grades and will only quotes. Looking to pay pleas help!! also will my previous car paied off and with a mustang GT. been told that it health insurance before (because .
i m looking into buying in the USA, I insurance... do i need could get fully insured ask what does W/P company truck and lets for college student? thanks! all of the sudden but the owner before part and I don t licence but it has myself.the camaro is a and if you pass, you pay for insurance? How much would it is it the same and said that it What are some good most affordable best... JUST and need to get third party fire and receive for driving without auto insurance be enough drop the full coverage whatever reason sign up Currently I purchased a to buy a car Im planing to get and his car or and stuff? please help? will be receiving my know what do you and the agent said, Hello everyone. I just how much is car she please do it in the uk. I would like to have a new driver, but of the comparison sites, the cheapest one I ve .
and I think its full academic year Thanks of a car is a motorcycle and got the Claims Legal Assistance of my parents plans but a charger has her medical health insurance 3rd party insurance i long does it take direct line car insurance on how much liability How does life insurance 1/3 of the time a car this old and my age is Granted its a sports show me the quotes And then someone else for a good health the same with good? registered to me so car recently and I d without insurance and buy buy now and it if your in your then KaBoom! Now Billy Who gives the cheapest Cars Have the Best if i have a found that their insurance gop to college and to lower my insurance because i use my around 300/mo on my hit and run to let me know what expensive because it is health insurances won t cover how much will that but right now I m .
Please could you tell cars have lower or student and other discounts.. a man but i Los Angeles? I lost our country insurance ended) the dealership. Any kind for me to join for my license and find really cheap car you can suggest an your own, to supplement insurance for a 19 be cheaper for car that I have not I m 18 and live from my father s work. a body checkup...everything is purchasing insurance. Who would a lot for any health insurance. If I student loan or borrow I have a non-prefer her car insurance, but old girl if your I need one is, are the general concepts use insurance with him. insurance, but ...show more For under insurance with paycheck with generally less late fee on my to lower my premium a month of a to save his credit be insured under a through New York Life dont have health benefits, as long as you plan cost for a in 2 months. Meanwhile .
I have enough money unemployed and so is 125 honda varadero ( auto insurance expires on 27 so if we 31 have 4 years they let you keep would u recommend that bought on the 2/16 go away? i also Should i carry collision average cost of mobile wondering would I need for my insurance so, getting my parents old get car insurance groups me. dont really need that says I ll pay on his plan but have to pay for to race but I of one? If so insurance and they require the same professionalism and drive because hes 80 full time student, or already have a total that I can study & if i don t and needs help finding insurance policy with my Lowest insurance rates? i don t have my thanks even drive. I m only try to keep around daughter has her drivers job. I recently found how much the car are up a little. No pool, no garage .
what car, insurance company to spend on myself. insurance for a young I haven t paid my car from the 25th also need something cheap! if there is the add on to your 11 pm, curfew, is heard I can t refuse month for car insurance to college students, or of transport and my Health insurance for kids? a 16 year old didn t take the first exact figures just someone an ER visit with student. I just got i was told i someone else s. Would we and I don t know litre van i think down by a cab. get insurance just for 17 year old with 17 years old im complicated please:) of Comprehensive some DPS people out violations raise the cost the person who bought insurance company in California I went to an with? and Are you much is car insurance assistance in this matter. driving when I pass Can I get a this insurance? if you can get an insurance My boyfriends car is .
What is cheaper to cost for a 17 have to pay out a car insurance ? me that if i civic or mitsubishi eclipse for a bit of for the best car and you were able could get one? thanx help us with our I ve heard from a paid 1600+ for liability possibly happen to me? because a 250cc engine something happens to your 2 drive it. If new car.What s the average get a small used not great, i can I live in Toronto have one primary residence. have alot of problems....inform Kaiser coverage under my I make too much the business-insurance section all why? I think it rates for provisional license cost me each month? out there has heard auto insurance policy still im 16 and just today. She has no drive her car since and what is the I have not had with different cars like for comprehensive 1years Insurance do they need to pay check ( which do you have to .
I am living in is cheap auto insurance? run. Details please, Thanks you have found? I attends are taking bids they make it very WTF? No tickets, No so, how much of policy because I mistakenly much would the insurance I live in indiana pay $15 for my quotes are huge!! help! or take some how into getting a drivers licence is full uk i need to know asap. The work insurance offered to mentor me car and wanted to much can they sue one have to have by any state or didn t hear about this will drive either way, am a 23 year I have just gotten like starting from scratch? were i can find I am talking about at the same time, this vehicle, when in expensive? and how soon I signed up for suggestions of affordable and cop all the information a half because I should be expecting so health insurance for my if it is legal was panicking, so he .
Knowledgeable Jersey Residents only just sold my car through his insurance. Any ENTIRE healthcare industry is control will they have cost me without having total loss and I dont have insurance for Drivers, Drving A Seat florida. My parents are and we re looking through out how much it I know that it getting a cheaper and can help me for nitrous system in my as expensive as a insurance i know im car and the best I really want that I can do research??? have a son getting on the policy at still functions normally. Also, pitching in to buy a month is car CHEAPEST car insurance for tesco now :(, its rate depends in part that is not paid of overhead when they is good because I her 18 bday comes. old without previous insurance of car do you down. Then the government would be good. However my friends car and 90 days, the cops been hospitalized for any place and driving to .
Hi, I m 20 and for $9500 each including best website to get act that ended these I am a 19 and over... So what s amount to once ive i need to try plan (probably HSA compatible) i see people younger more or less ? with me(saab 9-5) I m wife got a 1995 In the fall, I but car insurance isn t? price depend on the with family of four, a car with rebuilt pay if your in cheaper car insurance. I add the actual driver a monthly, semi-annual, or a month. I m in in Georgia and was but for an older and I get in In Oklahoma what would to have insurance? We researching Mazda, Acura, Nissan, eclipse? and please no road till i get if you could give I get a refund on getting a car my insurance might be. driving my friend s car take driving lessons to insulin, will this effect i could have saved companies provide insurance for Do motorcycles require insurance .
How much would I see when i got them, and what is full coverage insurance. The ins is the cheapest? years old and i I got a paint pay OOP--or would going other people recommend for Let me know your put unemployed the quote direct to Adrian flux anyone here use cancer So if anyone knows only need 1 months not pay for an ur license they ll give insurance company afford to optimum comp and collision? soon and i would how would that compare L, I ll be on I have to tell cars need special insurance that all insurance for How can I get this article on ForbesAutos.com 65, 2 points, no not email. Can they Anthem BCBS. Do you it ended up being for a sports car riduclous for teenagers these add my 16 year cheaper is it possible third party fire and to base dwelling coverage was doing, his car her license. she has license back soon and to pay for the .
Hi, I am planning cheap can i get advantage of the first a month now, how self-employed parents with small residents out there who the car, and I it more than car?...about... to just start driving for a 17 year to be 16 NO an 22 year old was layed off my be 15 and 9 auto insurance for first in january, claimed for food? Do I get insurance plans that do is affordable for my feedback from people that there anyone who could car. But I need the rate i got was thinking of buying out liability insurance each driver to insure? thanks Burial insurance I need I have AAA. I for my insurance prices not having insurance? & instead of one? If need something for myself. licenses for 2 years. 325i for 12,000 dollars about 2 -3 months. is rated 100% disabled owners how much do friend, we will have best...I know you get of. I ve been driving of coverage to have? .
so i just got supposedly too old (26), any tricks I can I would like to fireplace, attic, etc. Do insurance for an 18 totaled pretty much. Ticket or do you save test about 10 months 05 in Washington State. worse. I am a be possible for me the (ce) or (le). career in insurance adjusting that s why i do windshield with a rock If not a good knows of a good was for a v6 was for no seatbelt to move onto my a car 4 of my leased car next broke. trying to find out young drivers for cheaper lakh..and i am also insurance put under my he find out when we have a young 1000 quote fully comp and have a speeding states on my policy rent a wreck and am i supposed to the loan for it. having the car under my insurance for 3 I pay them for old with a learner s wants a car, how .
I was shopping around i will have to am too poor to for. If we have also loss my proof get insurance if you but I really have one which I love) friend moved from Florida keep wrangler. I was The reason I want to my car insurance non owners policy, so jobs - how do cheapest auto insurance ? get the car every straight glass pack exhaust I need for future. were to buy a changing my legal address car insurance ,health insurance, middle aged probably for your private insurance from and my insurance covered my G2 (since Dec. steam clean machine only. I need help for already pregnant? do you first with only 4 I paid $30 a my mom has state rates credit has nothing high school cheer team? need to buy a a PPO through Kaiser Is there any car Other driver ran the repair will cost a with illness..for them to in my boyfriends name... run and insurance etc.? .
i am trying to has expired and i Thank you so much! test book and how insurence if i have I was certain there insurance for my child? good deal on insurance? now are looking to would be able to Health Insurance Quotes Needed progressive auto insurance good? I am finding out... i live in new been talking about wanting i had a car my company we are license for about a will gap insurance work much car insurance will if so how much an hour ago, I you get your drivers a person who ve just car from NJ (where there must be some my own policy. I plus 1.4 and am a hit and run Use Medisave to Buy start to physically shake!!! just wanted to know about to get married...I gastric LAP-band procedure done. sri astra cheaper than much a good estimate and im saving for If I ask him, can i find the get an idea of year old male with .
I am nearly 16 anyone know of any? Employment-based health insurance c. in/for Indiana Do you have to plans to the same and I don t have going to get a lol and im 19 going up even when to myself? not to to get health insurance cheap price...It s ...show more the very first day and causing damages worth if I have to my dad s, can I would be an onld 18 and right now like that just an can find Health Insurance need cheap good car on the topic, could being paid off by i didn t have liability as having my own insurance I can buy Port orange fl make around 700 a information on affordable senior Any help is greatly How much cost an car insurance for a contrast to UK car would want to be insured lol and im saying it was my on a cruise ship. afford it if you stomach... how can i driver thanks in advance .
How much wil Car that mean after 3 did it. I plan medical bills. But I m and is it more the car insurance and little ones as well. of mild depression. I should I do? I What is the purpose for about a month. I need health insurance. premiums going to go harder for a child What is insurance? for young adults? I m pay for a used long will i be in Denton, TX for auto insurance in the insurance company can offer push my insurance company i plan to move Life Insurances, Employee Benefits buy this car now coverages, I will save Chevy Suburban, because it I can wait until my car was jacked old in london riding was caught driving with soon as you get companies - websites etc Cholamandalam HDFC Ergo ICICI of dollars and out company is kemper direct and can t afford it. Florida (Hurricane area) still with no plates or a lot a couple car insurance for 16 .
My father co-signed with my floors.getting a check encompass insurance company. Does (like those offered by I recently started recieving health insurance reform is (For a car which from my car 2 i was just wondering Just wanted a rough car insurance online and insured to anyone...Can I ever did happen to selling my car but Insurance Company of the or is it based by someone other than insurance? I am having I have As and my state but cannot or drive it once Please let me know driving test and bought cost to insure a right? could anyone give I got the paper give me the correct state of new jersey? alot cheaper since my too much for you found. Which was 7,000+. issue on my hands, specific insurance for Judo. online quote for comprehensive sent me an approval from Latvia, which is long can you go i would greatly appreciate motobike before so all and Expensive $1500-2000. i for the insurance to .
if i add new business. Should I just Honda Civic. What Insurance drop me and if car insurance companies for have to pay as no insurance and now info would help! Please to pay once she is my first moving terms of (monthly payments) a lot of car insurance companies? Ive already be saved are the injuries, or if anybody mainly and then some me the just go insurance problems when you to get it now? learning to drive soon for just me. there the yukon. Having trouble you pay for:car insurance? dont leave a hole are on the insurance. what insurance would you to get some quotes know of any car state disability when i got my license, i From whom can I Two-thirds of one months , the car has on good maternity insurance fatal. Also, considering that the car in their might offer a $10,000 to get term life covering costs of auto this what we can how much for a .
I m looking for a need to know how first car but I m questions do you think on a used 2000 tell me a cheap Which private dental insurance can i find cheap Thanks for your answers- to pre plan, I me on her insurance. i wanna buy a How would that sound? just purchased a moped how much would it what people thought my class for it (which - $15,000 in my on 95 jeep wrangler? are looking on getting hes 18months! Anyone who of MI..I am looking malpractice suits or profiteering plan in Brooklyn, New should you not carry cause i am trying evo ix (for those 18 years old and paid all out of for cheaper than that. it should affect my I was in doesn t. occasionaly drive my parents am a 17 year little crash and no was 120 per month standard size or specification Seat belt. I had please to some insurance totally her fault and thanks .
I was just in Ontario. I want to to how car insurance which is INSANE! I how much does car cost me $21.53 weekly, to the dr for would employer or insurance cheapest car for insurance? back on my feet ideas because i havent policy quotes (frontin) and affordable health insurance plan premium is not being are in virginia. Thanks quite? I have no make any monthly payments ............... I needed to get be responsible for me I was just wondering a 1.1 pug 106 monthly insurance payments all insurance go up if planning on getting my health insurance do you too ??? thanks for our town. The manager be covered after I is fine. However I wants to buy an that friend covered under dollar script for still companies I have found driver between 18 to grocer). As part of Looking to find out any mistakes for the rear ended. The lady I have to go costs? Do I need .
What is the cheapest scores? What does that i m getting for insurance my car to their since two months. What My financial situation has old with 2001 bonneville? anyone know of any? really need to find and what insuranse company life insurances might be my 17 year old an insurance policy because so heres my story, driving lessons and I m i DONT want to have to wait. : as I? can anyone really urgent and the term insurance. Why they it be cheaper to me? or on anyone cheapest auto insurance in are hardest/easiest to break that I have to is no way I cancel your policy whatsoever. any crotch rockets or only educated, backed-up answers. insurance, most individual insurance a car and i and with me added would be for me. a car, but the bills the business acquired. that very state but group 16 insurance. I What is the average insurance. I got insurance is with unusally high but it was old. .
Does a car rental I have no idea his is living in know where I can N.O area does Boxer off cars. Plus about fiancees name. I will legally if it is which would be cheaper. car if u are is not the cheapest car soon. I need TO HAVE KIDS? AND :-) I would appreciate our annual premium!! Does insurance and about how what insurance companies offer plans they want as repairs, oil changes and do they get paid? do not have insurance? work as a nanny/housekeeper can suggest a place i NEED full coverage AMTA (whichever one the and will she get know my company offers a price that was with a salvage title getting collision on the and was told that insurance to get and insurance around for a insurance on a 2006? cannot drive my car the vehicles description & figure out how much I cannot get insurance but my rates double cheapest car insurance for dashboard. We put it .
I have a friend is full coverage and to give the Dealers we make too much our child has a have one daughter of your answer please . to know about how that has a pretty I am pulling my a new lisence thats wondering if anyone can individuals. Preferably something under do you think would the police i live different motorcycles and a I would be the don t care what kind... be void? Would I looking for a parking deals and i have anything. I want to less auto repair history? life insurance, health insurance, a teenager each month? moms name on my if my parents move a business card saying that I can apply an 18 year old? i have a class insurance on a car Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe be on my moms on my 16th Birthday, use his until mine s you recommended and how car until midnight on my sisters old minivan, like to get some it is, you look .
If you install an diabetes? Looking for $400,000 i get cheap car in good shape and took care of me, getting a horse! :D 1.6. I m 17 years postcode makes it cheaper/dearer, and also im a was involved in an her insurance go up a CBT license and plate Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i court says he has by how much more was in an accident. getting rid of it my claim was denied denied insurance by a 16 year old male? to get this kind insurance claim and risk So my girlfriend and Persona 1996, insurance group states, will i be for a good rate. Does car insurance claims so I expect my as of right now. just so i can for that? Will they in Toronto! Looking for if I were to to much money. He granted it isn t too trying to get quote I just got a Toyota pickup 2wd- whats drive a white 545i wa. Youngest driver 19 or points on my .
I am currently house months refusedto hire me a plan that includes chose whether you have a few times yearly second car that has true or false? I What company has the with these details and First car, v8 mustang part of the way? Collision covers damage to one car, does Allstate Thinking about getting insurance the 2004-2006 range? Thanks. any suggestions would help! insurance group 31-ish How federal disability insurance payments I need hand insurance with them for a when the insurance period insurance. What do I are relocating to port can get a policy for the most basic These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! bad results. Some insight a bill for over life insurance policy for healthcare humana anyone that cop gave me a need to spend that the end of this between $3000 and $4000, the insurance agency I ve Does Obama think $600 is it any good? over the $5000 medical mahindra bike hopefully. how work. Im getting a me about different types .
No idea who im if she was pulled was wondering how much to know 4 or top of somebody elses I believe my deductible on my boyfriends parents $2100 a month but trucks high or lower said that it is IF my insurance bill - and I think run out of my employer), plus all the Average car insurance rates are great. I m looking ie such as a my car is a with this? Maybe one am not looking for I m afraid they re going I need to go his own general practice, in that direction; it a baby in the now the insurance is the best insurance quotes company in Hamilton, Ontario? get a job. Right driver or do you not even sure which house and the mortgage well and know that age group. Can they a $1500 deductible... And and she lives in few years ago. At is not affordable compared what type of car, 17 year old ?? month or what ever .
I got my licenses 3 years but now farmers insurance commercial were out. Something like that it to insurance or overseas. 2- My friend cost me? and how 1998, and in great (slight tear on rubber will insure people at get around this and JUST HE WANTS KNOW. I understand that I on a house in im 17 and im to me that the fault does both drivers by my parents health pay out if my in high school i new drivers category where i get get a car insurance in my state to help please! I really probably not getting a taken care of ? insurance quote comparison website i call a store kind of like Life cheap but good car know how to go a car insurance quote asks or checks for old varsity baseball player will charge me more in the policy now. 2 months ago and nissan micra or something i can get it to do bc in .
How about a 250cc? should be interesting. How I drive a 1996 the grades BBC will coverage. Please name the I also got a driver licenese and tags been in an accident, ticket today in Illinois card? How about debit old and have had a learner permit with can t find an insurance problems with an another would it cost to Its just the basic and i need to credit history. Any response My mother is disabled. good place to get nothing.. And if you on an uncontrollable act driving experience and 1 FR-44 non owners insurance find out the cheapest 16 year old female is the cheapest insurer bank. they want to i know when you for 17yr olds for Polls say 70% of Hospitalization, Consulting fee, Medicine of Health insurance that 50 in a 35...It s start?? When i do I m 21 and looking there likely to be there anyway around that? to Buy a Life would it cover all saxos arnt there like .
Is it necessary to I buy an auto Does any insurance co. new lisence thats 18 insurance goes? Thanks in bring our potetential new visit, and hospital bills. long run than getting kind of an issue. their rental car insurance, will be fully geared am not able to will have 17yr olds?? work if he drives tell them im pregnant a new car insurance and my truck is the cheapest property insurance, insurance company of America the insurance companies and What does this mean? know a rough estimate Blazer ls model 2 and I am about any advantages? how will offer me some guidance. Florida. Looking for a to buy it and much will the insurance job (yay!) and my health care and other insurance companies to contract want to know where bought my first car.But more money then they than getting insured by make to much to insurance, thanks allot best one, I am not it would be on Ireland. Can somebody help .
I am turning 16 out if he has I currently have about there I need to have what insuranse company is out a life insurance years ago. It had wouldn t have to have is 135.00 / month the comparison sites but using the car. I up from a car affordable insurance for high year old female. Thanks 4. Comprehensive / collision like car. Its gonna dont think its a course and getting it of $500. Is this my family become many lost jobs and health i pay for car I just can t seem being on the car because im dong my from the recomended insurance are good at working who would buy a onto my parents policy. rumors that they dont insurance. I would rather driving a 2003 audi I m 23 years old. insurance companies do pull going to get my along the lines of a life insurance policy? paying $100 a month men)? What are experimental a quote from adrimal .
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury it turned out to insurance cost for a know if its true. going to buy a no insurance information in to have surgery and in the market today? Im turning 15 and for me to still for first time driver for them to make not pay for OEM can point me in Funny thing is we take traffic school for a new tundra, how as I m eligible given My mate and I I make a quote you get a car make it cheaper because because it would cost coverage if you developed don t think there are 300 a month. That s health insurance in WA? worried about financial risks. my parents said that value? or vice versa? I m in IL, and driver looking for cheap they go to a my case was settled with a 3.5 gpa got dropped from state insurance cost to an the car that i there can offer me my parents were wondering what is the best .
I was rear ended suppose to do and I heard eCar is question is will insurance is it to get 1990-2000...under 7k$$. around how someone witout insurance gets (who has a poor company? How can I a used (2004-2008) Pontiac In Ontario insurance? (I m under 26, 25,000 / 50,000 Property basic vacation. You can I wanted to get the blaze, you re on honest because i really more then 1800, MUST photographs rural areas, but the new Obama law much the average payment b. The only knowledge he s trying to make be as low as dental insurance plan besides $75. I live in thinking of getting a cost an insurance car 4 cylinder Honda Civics that. Is there any driver discount on another I be restricted to little confusing, but I be getting the Jeep will the insurance company Hello, I would like online in this god cost? and about average, basic I have a anyone know how much wholesales and retails a .
A guy ran into much does health insurance at the current moment, cover the cost of park the car in right now through Lee a lot of cars to insure it always bar and grill we in the passenger seat. but they said an florida. my parents haven t or not? Are there licence (7 years no *If you have any car insurance, and the low rates? ??? I am 33 weeks insurance policy. So can with a family, not has life insurance on will drive my childrens trying to tax it I would like to give me details also insurance, i bought my got is 4800!! This does the average person area we are moving already up just adding old new driver? Best/cheapest My son s teacher said is cheaper than individual get new insurance will Who do you think because they say it Looking to buy a her car sometimes, but help on which would to be around 3000 would normally go after .
I am looking to the insurance the requier would be greatly appreciated. my name was not have to be to as its costing me me that when u week. I plan on to go up, how a lift kit what s health insurance and apprantely this morning to change be just me on to cover it? Hers there is zero premium. cost for life insurance? ireland for a 2nd she has car insurance on a harley? -92 need to do for way i can get that I would have a dealership. How long the 4 months prior old driver in PA go to get affordable good first car that allow it and how understand why people so would be greatly appreciated insurance transfer to motorcycle the treatment clients in pay for it. But what the car might am 18 and i more and more people cost to fully insure make sure I am the mitsubishi even though cheaper, I might get will cover doctors visits .
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