#the pleasure of writing make a move was all mine i assure u
astrobei · 2 years
oh my god hello so. i was the anton that send the flirty will touch prompt n thought it was time to reveal myself bc i could not be more delighted that not only did u like my prompt u turned it into a whole fic ??!! :0 fully got the ao3 notif and smiled in public. n then read it. n then i went to your blog and saw that I WAS THE ONE THAT PROMPTED IT ???? this is basically just a love letter fan mail to u but i am so obsessed w everything u write and this one made me giggle blush kick my feet etc. u are literally the captain of confident flirty will. the ceo. i’m ur assistant if ull have me.
HI OMG !! ok i need u to know that i saw ur ask and was like hmmm ok what can i do with this and then the idea popped into my head and simply Would Not Leave,,, so thank u thank u i had so much fun writing it !! so so glad u enjoyed it too because it was honestly just so self indulgent (flirty will UGH) and just. i just need more fics where byler are comfortable w each other and their sexualities n it’s just goopy gushy fluff of them being so into each other <3 this is such a sweet message thank u so much for dropping by and for the reveal !! and of course i will have u ! u can sit next to me and witness firsthand just how much i have to lie down and breathe and shove my face into a pillow and scream and kick my feet while writing a kiss scene. special privileges <333
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springgirlshowers · 10 days
hii idk if you have time for a request rn but would you be willing to write about joost and reader staying in one night but the reader is kinda anxious about them moving things into the bedroom bc she’s not in the mood at all that night and joost notices and is just really gentle and kind and assures her they can just cuddle or whatever and she never has to do anything to please him? i just think that would be really nice to read about him for a change :’) if not, no worries!! thank you sm either way <33
this is such a sweet request!!! ty anon! this was so comforting to write honestly and i hope this comforts u, enjoy <333
wc: 643 (lil one for today)
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Like always, you never could point out when the exact transition to this point happened. It’s like one second you were casually talking and the next second you were making out on the couch.
Kissing was nice, but you didn’t want to do anything more than that for now. Your libido was low tonight.
As Joosts hand began to wander further down your waist, fingers slipping underneath the waistband of your bottoms, he felt the way you tensed up.
Usually when you’d get this far, your body language was completely different. Your hands would be roaming all over his body, your muscles would be completely relaxed, and you’d let out those little breaths and noises of satisfaction.
Tonight you seemed still. Stiff. Quiet. Anxious. Joost paused his movements and pulled away.
“You okay?” He asked, his eyebrows knit together in a concerned way.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” You lied, Joost could see through your act.
“You can tell me if there’s something wrong, liefje. It’s okay if you’re not in the mood tonight.” He reassured you.
“Yeah. You’re okay if we don’t go any farther tonight?” You looked away as you asked, fingers fidgeting with the chain that dangled around his neck.
“Yeah, that’s perfectly fine.” Joost nodded, completely unbothered as he sat up, you copied his moments, facing him.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to kill the mood.” You said nervously as you looked down at your hands in your lap, feeling a bit bad that you ended the moment so abruptly.
“Don’t apologize liefje, you didn’t kill anything.” He shook his head, brushing a strand of hair that fell in front of your face behind your ear.
“Well, I just feel bad cause you’re in the mood and I’m not. I wanna make you feel good and I don’t wanna give you blue balls-“ Joost cut your rambling with a small shush.
“Hey,” He said sweetly, cupping your face and chuckling at your words. “I care about your pleasure over mine. And if your pleasure tonight is just cuddling and watching a movie, then we’ll just cuddle and watch a movie.” He shrugged, unbothered.
“Yeah. I’d like that tonight.” You smiled, “Sorry.” You said apologetically, eyes darting away.
“Hey, look at me. You have nothing to apologize for, schatje.” He soothingly rubbed his thumbs over your cheeks as your eyes met his.
“I don’t care about blue balls or any of that bullshit. I only care if you’re comfortable. So don’t think you have to make yourself do something you don’t want to do just because you want to please me. The only thing that will please me is you being happy and comfortable. Okay?”
“Okay. Thank you.” A true smile covered your lips, Joost could feel your body finally relax, all stiffness gone.
“Good. You don’t have to thank me either.” He grinned, placing another sweet kiss onto your forehead before leaning forward to the coffee table in front of you, grabbing the remote off of it and leaning back into the couch.
Joost put his arm along the top of the couch and you moved into the open space, snuggling against his side as he moved his arm from the couch to around you. He pressed a kiss to the side of your head, a small breath of satisfaction left you.
Joost wasn’t lying. He got the same amount of satisfaction and pleasure out of this as he would if you took things farther and into the bedroom. Hell, seeing you snuggled up comfortably next to him with a smile on your face was more satisfying than sex. It was heartwarming. He desires to see you happy.
And if you were happy like this, Joost could give less of a shit about what his libido wanted.
“Now, what movie are you thinking of tonight?” He asked, holding out the remote to you.
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ohthemis · 2 years
hi♥︎ this is my first time requesting anything in tumblr shdhjmxbk,,, anyway u write a hc of mc/ the boys’ so being as rich and famous as marius? like their parents own a hugeeee company similar to marius!
tot boys with a rich and famous mc
characters: all
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“mr. wing.” artem looked up from his papers and his eyes fall on you. first impressions last, and hell, have you made one. his eyes gloss over you; nourished hair - as if out of a commercial, you wore accessories that look like it cost more than his paycheck, and that was saying something - artem made lots from work. and the “vip” on your file definitely told him something; that you were to be treated with the utmost care.
“you must be mx. l/n” artem wasn’t nervous, rather, he felt a familiar surge of thrill. artem wouldn’t tell anyone, lest they think he’s some sort of freak who gets off to high value cases, but it was cases like this - cases with the familiar feel of the vip folder, that had him on his toes. 
“you have a 99% win rate. can you assure me that i’ll be part of the 99?”
“it depends how the investigation goes.”
“bullshit. can you or can you not fix this for me? i know law, mr. wing. part of the unspoken curriculum for us - how do i say it?”
“you top 1% percents? no need to sugarcoat it, mx. l/n. it’s just us two, and if you know as much as you say you do, you’d know that everything you say is strictly confidential.” 
“right. we top percents have tutors from an early age, maybe 10, 12? while my classmates read harry potter i was going through law books. so, back to my question. can you handle my case or not?”
“i can at the very least assure you that you have a good chance with me.”
“that’s all i wanted to hear. i’m looking forward to working with you.” artem leans back subconsciously. your smile was satiably devious, a roguish glint in your eye - a far look from your more poised composure. 
“the pleasure’s all mine.” artem would never say it, but he’s already chasing your highs. he’s playing into the tips of your fingers, knowing he’s completely oblivious to what you might be holding in the palm of your hand, and he’s okay. he’s more than okay not knowing, because nothing ever compares to attractive clients and their even more attractive high profile cases.
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marius knew exactly who you were, and he wished he didn’t. but the way your outfit clung to you, the way his drink was slowly kicking in and he could do nothing about it, the way you moved - everything was tantalizing. 
he’s staring at you; he’d be glaring if he could muster up enough energy to. you meet his eyes and you give him your signature catty grin. he wants to rip it off your face and kiss it over and over again. 
he’s gotten up and personal with you back when he studied abroad, before then, you were just one of the other rich kids he needed to make connections with.
you were just any other person before then. before you beat him on every test, before you kicked his name off of many highly selective slots. so what does he do? college marius von hagen, and all of the pax charm he could muster, decides to sleep with the bane of his existence. because maybe he thought one night of frisk and frolic would finally keep you at bay, or at the very least, out of his hair.
“you’re staring, marius.”
“we’re not that close for you to be calling me my first name, mx. l/n.”
“really? because if i remember  that night correctly, you decided we were close enough for you to be screaming mine - all night. i mean, the guy next to your apartment probably had a hard time sleeping-”
he slaps a hand over your mouth. “don’t-, keep that between us.” his eyes flicker around, no one was listening. yet.
you pry his hand off of your face. “alright then. let’s talk business. that is, if your teensy tiny brain can handle it. you’re shitfaced, you drunk.”
at that moment, the universe thinks marius hasn’t had enough humiliation, and he passes out in your arms. somewhere in the night you must’ve called vincent or, worse, his dad to get him home; marius doesn’t remember, since, you know, he was dead asleep.
he wakes up on the sofa, his hand reflexively travelling to his coat pocket for his phone. he finds it, but his hand feels another texture in his pocket. a small slip of paper, which unfolded, was your phone number. 
“is something wrong? you’re red, mr. von hagen.”
“i’m fine, vincent. where’s breakfast, and - how is the current project with l/n?”
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“cheers, pearce. you did me a good one here today.”
“how did you even know i was a government employed agent? and-, just to be clear, i didn’t clear your business for any reason other than that i couldn’t find dirty tricks.”
“oh, be real, pearce. you went easy on me because you thought i was pretty. not much, but enough that i noticed it.”
“how did you know that i was an agent? there are a list of crimes that i could just coincidentally write down in your file if you don’t answer me.”
“alright, no need to be harsh, detective, agent, and nxx member, luke pearce,” you relish in the shock in his face, “you applied for a top position, and it’s really just such a coincidence that i chose you for one of my surprise background checks.” it wasn’t an accident and the both of you knew that. but luke was more than an idiot. there are trade secrets that he’s not getting out of you, threats or not.
“if you knew, then why’d you let me in? that’s a simple enough question, so stop dodging around the bush.”
“other than the fact that i had nothing to hide? one, if i didnt, you would just send more agents one after another to come in and monitor me. i’m already busy enough as it is, i don’t need more of you glorified spies to add to the list. plus, you were cute.”
“c’mon, let me go home! i don’t get paid overtime, i’m the ceo, y’know? you’ll need to start paying for each question that follows this!”
he finds himself unable to object, years of training thrown out the window. his superiors would be disappointed, but they didn’t need to know, did they? all they needed to know was you were clear for business. no words about you calling him cute or finding out his work before he’d even started needed to be said if no one mentions it.
“oh, right,” your voice snaps him out of his thoughts, “go on a date with me. you owe it to me after you totally lied to me.”
“i’m not going out with you just because you made up an imaginary favor. and you said it yourself, you knew.”
“i’ll pick you up tomorrow. 8 pm?”
“you don’t even know where i live.”
“background checks go a long way, and by the way? you didn’t say no.”
you walk into your car, and if he coincidentally puts on one of his better outfits just as you pull into his driveway, “it’s just another coincidence”, he’ll tell you.
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“and i just don’t get it, you know? i can’t sleep at night because i spend all night thinking, like, wow, im amazing! you’re a doctor, tell me, what’s up?”
vyn laughs at your comment, picking up your coffees. you bumped into him when going in for a checkup and decided to go out for a drink, catch up a bit. “no, i’m just kidding, vyn. it’s been a while since i last saw you! what, back in uni?”
“yeah, back in uni. you didn’t pursue med school?”
“no, life, and my parents, had different plans for me. but it all worked out in the end. i’m happy. and rich too!”
he laughs again, “i’m glad to hear that. although i do feel quite disappointed, you were good at what you did.”
“what, cutting people open?”
“if that’s how you’ll say it.” 
you sigh, the familiar feeling of wistfulness puddling up in your chest. “don’t get me wrong, i loved getting my hands stuck up people’s hearts. it was my passion, y’know? there’s nothing like aortas and arteries and fixing them up, but it’s family. i figured that, my parents, they busted their asses off to let me do what i want, but really, what right do i have?”
“what do you mean?”
“everyone preaches passion, vyn, and maybe they’re right and i just have a martyr complex, but if i did pursue being a doctor or, hell, even the best surgeon in the world, even then, all my parents’ work would go to waste. the business would go to some rando who bought the right stocks at the right time, because if i was, a doctor, i mean, i wouldn’t be handling the company.”
“do you regret it?”
“not at all, but i do miss it.”
his phone rings, you don’t see what it says but he noticeably tenses.
“that was the hospital. it really was nice catching up, but i-”
“don’t worry about it, oh, and food for thought, i never did change my number.”
“expect a call, then.”
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
hihihiii!! Idk id u do poly requests but can i request
Dom!keigo x sub!mirko x dom!reader? Ur writings caught my interest!
Hello anon!! Absolutely you can! I’ve never written poly before so you’ll have to bear with me but hopefully I do it justice for ya ❤️
No pronouns are used for reader but they do use a strap on.
Warnings: pegging (f!receiving), praise kink, dom/sub dynamics, dacryphilia (crying kink), soft dom!Keigo, soft!dom reader, slight brat!Mirko
“Fuck come- come on,” Mirko whines, hands clenched in the sheets as she tries to shift her hips and get you to move.
“Ah, ah, ah. And you were just being such a good girl for us too,” you admonish, your grip tightening on her hips to stop her from squirming.
“Can on our little bunny not handle (y/n)’s strap?” Hawks asks, the only one in the room still fully clothed. He rises from the chair he’d been lounging in, stepping closer to where Mirko is panting on all fours on the bed still. He reaches forward and brushes the hair back from her sweat slick forehead as her ears droop and her chest heaves. From there he lets his hand glide along the skin of her bare back until he reaches her ass, kneading the flesh there for a moment as his eyes take in the beautiful sight of your red, unofficial Hawks brand dildo buried inside her. You’d found it on Etsy while looking for a new strap on harness and immediately jumped at the opportunity to buy it, knowing it would drive Hawks nuts. “I can handle it just fine,” Mirko protests, making you and Hawks trade an amused look.
One of your hands slips from her hip down to her clit instead, the sudden stimulation making her entire body jolt forward in surprise as you chuckle. “You sure about that Rumi? Looks to me like you’re already about to fall apart and I haven’t even moved yet,” you tease. You’re careful to keep your touch light, just enough to rile her up but not nearly enough to push her over that crest of pleasure she’s so desperate for. “Oh come on, just move already,” Rumi whimpers, teeth gritting as she tries to hold back frustrated tears. “Such a proud little bunny,” you coo teasingly. “You know you need to use the magic word though,” Hawks adds smirking.
Anyone who’s seen Mirko work knows she’s a force to be reckoned with. She takes shit from no one and works with no one, so that every move she makes is her choice and hers alone. In the field she is indomitable.
Which is exactly why you and Hawks break her down when the three of you are alone like this.
“Please,” she whimpers, the tears finally cascading down her cheeks.
“Good girl,” You and Keigo both grin simultaneously.
“You know we still have to punish you for being a brat though,” Keigo still points out as he brings his hand to his zipper, tugging it down until he can free his throbbing erection from the confines of his pants.
Mirko whines but he shushes her gently, running his hand soothingly along her back.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, it’s an easy punishment you’ll do just fine,” he assures.
“You know we’d never be too hard on our sweet bunny. All you have to do is suck Keigo’s cock for me while I rail you with mine. Think you can do that for us?” you add in a voice like a honey.
It takes a minute but you can see the moment she finally fully submits, some of the tension in her body easing. When your and Keigo’s eyes meet, both of you have victory dancing in your gazes. Even before the words are coming out of her mouth you already know Mirko is ready to be your good little bunny.
General Taglist: @ahtsuwu @oikawaandkuroostan @larkspyrr @oliviasslut @black-rose-29
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lustinglilac · 3 years
Hey love! I absolutely love your OA Zidan imagines & I was wondering if you could do a full on angst to smut one maybe? Idc what the angst part is centered around maybe where he's mad at the reader? but for the smut could there be a choking kink??? Sorry if this is too detailed or you can't do it , thank u !!!
A/N: I had a really fun time writing this! Even though it took me forever. I really hope you enjoy & thank you for requesting 💜
Warnings: choking kink, condescending talk, angry OA (but then fluff), some arguing, NSFW under the cut, 18+ ONLY
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“OA... I don’t understand what the issue is. I invited Maggie over for dinner and Nestor just so happened to be there when I did. Big deal!” She scoffed, walking to her side of the car door.
OA tries to steady his breathing, sighing harshly before pulling open the driver’s side of the door, “The point is he’s a manipulative, selfish prick who has no care about who he screws over—“
“Honestly Omar, if you could leave work at work, that would be so great.” She states matter of factly. She fastens her seatbelt, smoothing down her dress before crossing her arms over her chest, turning to stare at something, anything, out the window.
“Y’know... out of all people, I thought you’d understand that the most.” He chuckles humorlessly, “I’ll keep my opinions to myself from now on.” He turns on the engine, the noise drowning out her heart beating out of her chest as they head for their shared apartment.
Minutes later they’d arrived outside of their building, silently getting out of the car as she held back tears. God, she didn’t even know why she was so upset. Maybe at the fact that they let someone as irrelevant as Nestor get between them? She had no clue.
“I’ll be in our room if you need me.” Once inside, she steps out of her wedges, not bothering to look back at him.
Omar contemplates going after her, his anger towards Nestor really getting the best of him as he replayed the conversation in his head.
Loosening the collar of his dress shirt, he took a seat on the plush couch, leaning his head back against it with a low groan.
She willed herself not to cry, stripping out of her short dress and putting on something more comfortable for the time being. She realized the harshness to her words earlier, pinching the bridge of her nose before making the decision to go out into the kitchen for a glass of water. And secretly to see OA.
She padded quietly down the short hallway, reaching the fridge in no time, throwing a glance Omar’s way before averting her eyes.
He watches her manuever around the tiny kitchen area, an amused smirk playing on his lips as she reached up for the glasses that were usually kept on the top most shelf, a bad habit OA had yet to break.
Her stubborness taking over, not wanting to ask for help as she reached as far up as she could to no avail.
“Here— I got you.” In no time, OA had been behind her, one hand on her hip to steady himself before reaching above her and effortlessly bringing down a cup for her to use.
She huffs audibly, “I was— I had it.” Taking it from his grasp roughly before pushing past him, or at least attempting to. OA was quick to trap her against the island before she could go anywhere.
“Really? ‘Cause it looked like you were struggling.” He hums, face neutral as he looked at his partner. “Are you done having an attitude with me?”
She laughs unexpectedly at the tone of his voice, like a mother scolding a teenager for being bratty. In essence, that’s kind of what was happening here, too.
“I don’t know. Are you done acting like I can’t do shit for myself and need you to help me every two seconds?” She counters, challenging him as she felt his demeanor completely change.
He takes his bottom lip between his teeth, letting it go just as quickly and leaning down leveling himself to her eyesight, “Sweetheart— I’d be careful what you say.” His eyes freely roam over her face, stopping for a moment at her lips and then down her neck towards her cleavage.
“Or what—“ Before she’d even finished that sentence, OA had crashed his lips against hers, tongue slipping into her mouth so easily as the glass nearly slipped from her grip before she set it down and kissed him back just as feverishly.
Her hands going straight for his face as he placed her down onto the island, all traces of anger and Nestor gone from their minds as he fumbled with the waistband of her shorts before ridding her of them.
She gasped as she felt the cool surface of the island beneath her bare thighs, leaning back slightly to catch their breath.
“Fuck Omar, I’m sor—“ She began breathlessly only to be cut off again by his lips before pulling back again.
He shakes his head, “I don’t wanna hear it. Not right now, okay?” OA makes sure she understands before unbuttoning his own pants and pulling himself out with a soft hiss.
She nods at him and hums softly at the stern tone he exhibits, the wetness pooling between her legs, a nice contrast to the coolness of the marble beneath her.
OA kisses her neck leaving a mark on the side of it, that she would have no choice but to cover with makeup later, as his hands grab at her tits.
“OA... fuuuck.” She gasps as she feels his hand sliding lower, slotting between her thighs, spreading them just a little to help accomodate him. He pulls away from her neck and looks at her.
“Need me to fuck that attitude right outta you?” He speaks so condescendingly that it makes her nod without hesitation.
“Yes. Please.” She whimpers quietly, thighs threatning to shut around his hand as he kept up a taunting rhythm, circling her wet clit before moving down towards her opening.
Omar smiles, knowing she was right there, right on the brink of cumming for him before he removes his fingers holding them to her mouth.
She pants, breathless, the expression on her face a frustrated one as she looks from his fingers to his amused face.
“Suck.” He presses the wet fingers against her half-open lips, groaning praises when she finally takes them into her mouth and cleans them off with a moan. With his other hand, he manages to rip her tank top down, her breasts spilling freely making her shiver at the cool air on her sensitive nipples.
As he pulls his fingers out of her mouth, he scoots her off the counter onto the ground again, bending her over roughly, tits pressed flat to the cold surface of the marble beneath her.
“So pretty like this... just for me.” He grunts, watching her wet cunt clench around nothing but his words of praise as she arches her back slightly, giving him a show.
“Just fuck me.” She mumbles, nails impatiently tapping against the counter as OA takes his time.
He rubs his cock up and down her pussy a few times making her mewl in pleasure as she tried her hardest to push back onto him, growing irritable with every swipe of his dick up and down her folds.
Her eyes roll shut as he finally pushes in all the way, leaving her no room to say anything but moan and whimper. She was speechless to say the least, until he hit that one spongy spot inside her that made her vision spot.
“Baby— ooooh fuuuck. Feels so good.” She eventually manages to pant out a few words, biting her lip as he kept up a teasing pace.
“Yeah? Right there?” OA teases, grinding his hips into her as his hand came around to cup the front of her throat, pulling her against his chest. His other hand found her clit, rubbing it in time with his thrusts as her mouth fell open at the sensation.
“Omar, don’t fucking stop—“ She gasped, his thumb pressing softly on the pulse point right below her ear as she reveled in the feel of his large hand around her throat. She loved when he got pissed off, whether it was at her (rarely) or at something from work, it usually led to the best sex.
Her tits bounced with every movement as Omar sped up his thrusts, whispering about how he was gonna fuck her till she learned not to talk back to him. And she was cockdumb, loving every word he growled in her ear as he choked her. He kissed the side of her cheek softly as he brought her to her climax, her back arching slightly as he continued until he chased his own high.
They stayed like that for a minute or so, and also because she was unable to move yet, his thumb caressing the side of her cheek softly, placing kisses along her neck.
“OA... I’m sorry.” She sighs, pulling him out of her slowly, whimpering at the sensitivity and turning around to face him.
He lowers his head, pressing his forehead against her own, “It’s fine, baby.” He assures her, placing a chaste kiss to her lips before pulling back to look at her, his hands going straight to her thighs.
“You can always talk to me about anything. I don’t care— even if it’s the most boring thing in the world. I never want you to bottle up your emotions about things in your life, okay?” She nods, making sure he understood.
“Really? You’re gonna be sick of me by the end of it.” He smiles making her laugh.
“Never that.” She places her hands on his beard pulling him in for a soft kiss.
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Watermelon Sugar High
Type: imagine 
Warning: Daddy kink, smut, oral sex, and just a rough fuck in general 
A/N I really hope you guys enjoy this, Please like and reblog. Thank you so much for those of you who support me and my writing. THANK YOU SO MUCH
“All right everyone, get in position!” Pablo one of the directors told us models
Tasha, Lia and I start walking towards the ocean to get ready for the scene. I met them this morning while we were getting ready, and The three of us just got really close in that short period of time.
“So are you guys excited to part of the video?” Ask Lia
“Eh, money is money and you do what you have to do to get it” I answer
“You sound like old whore lady” Tasha told me
The three of burst in a fit of laughter
“Not but seriously, have you seen how Harry has been gawking at you practically the whole time we’ve been here?!” Lia said
I stopped laughing, and rolled my eyes at her comment. Seriously like why would he ever, there is better girls out there to gawk at
“No there is-“ I’m not able to finish my sentence because Tasha interrupts me
“Girl stop, he has and you and I know it” she said and lia just nodded
“You know I shipped your baby’s would be fucking cute”
“She’s right Y/N , your baby’s would be adorable, with his curls and your tanned ski girl I’m death” Tasha added
“Shut up” was the only thing I said, as if they couldn’t get more annoying they started signing
“Y/N and Harry sitting on a tree, F-U-C-K-I-N-G!” Lia and Tasha were singing, awful signing may I add
But before they could continue their awful performance, I had to stopped them because at the corner of my eyes I spotted grinning Harry dressed in a floral bottom up with yellow shorts walking towards us
“Shut up you morons Harry walking towards us” I told them they stop signing and quickly came to stand beside
“Bet your fucking tonight” Tasha whisper in my ear, I blushed hard and a lot
I just gave her a death stare and right when I was gonna open my mouth to bite back a thick British voice interrupted me
Damn why isn’t anybody letting me talk today!
“Hello lady’s” Harry said
“Hi” the three of us said
Harry was about to speak but Tasha beats him do it
“Actually Lia and I have to go-um -watch the water” she said
Tasha pull Lia with her and started walking forward somewhere, she turn her head when she far enough from Harry and mouth me a “Tell me everything” 
I only shake my head and turn my attention back to Harry
“so..” I said
“so..” he said 
“what do I own the pleasure Mr.Styles?” I ask him
“Please, call me Harry, and I just wanted to tell you that smiles of yours drives me crazy”
“what?” I ask him confused
“I said that smiles of yours drives me crazy” He repeat again
“Thanks..” I said shyly, is he trying to flirt with me?..
He smiled back at me 
“so are you excited for the video?” I ask him, I’m trying to keep this conversation as light and professional as possible 
“Very, specially if a beauty like you will be in it” He said with a bit of smirk
I just blushed really hard, before I can speak he said 
“Your blushing makes you look extra cute and hot” 
My cheeks couldn’t help it and blushed once more, only this time I try to cover it but couldn’t. While I was embarrassed, all Harry did was laugh. Not a mean laugh but a kind laugh. 
“Please stop saying those things, it’s very unprofessional” I said in shy tone voice 
“Well, in my defense I’m not flirting, I’m just being extra friendly to my extra attractive friend” he said, giving me a flirty smirk at the end  
We both laugh a little bit, 
“Oh so I’m your friend now?” I said with a bit more confidence
“ Course you are, in fact a beauty like you should be cherish by everyone” 
“god you and your compliments” I said shaking my head with a smile
“Well darling I shall get going but remember I’m wearing the smile you gave me” he said
afterwards he lean in and gave me a peck on my cheek near the corner of lips. then he whisper in my ear “Thank you for reminding me what butterflies feel like” 
After that he just walk away towards the directors, I was just standing there in pure shock. I could not believe what just happened. 
Later on the same day
We just finish wrapping up the first day of shooting, people are currently either packing everything up or heading to the hotel. We are all pretty exhausted, running around in the sand o a hot day takes a lot out of you. Instead of doing what everyone else is doing I decided to take a little get away and just enjoy the beach around. 
I was sitting on the sand, my toes getting wet by the ocean water , eyes closed and enjoying the gently breeze. I was so calm and relax, I hadn’t realize I haven’t felt this way in so long. I was in my own world enjoying myself. 
“Mind if I join?” Harry ask, scaring the pure shit out my soul
“Fucking hell, you scare the living daylights out of me” I told him
He laugh and sat down next to me.
Once he is seated next to me he says “Sorry for scaring ya”
“it’s okay” I assure him
We sit in silent for a moment, before I speak
“It’s beautiful isn’t it” I said, referring to the view 
“Yeah you are” He said 
I just look at him then back at the view. All the can be heard are the waves crashing, I’m calm and enjoying this. But not too long into that moment I feel a hand on my thigh. 
I move mines on top of his, he moves a little closer to me and his hand a little higher on my thigh. My breath speeds up a little bit, I turn so now I’m facing him and he is facing me. He moves his face just a little bit closer to mine, just close enough so that the tip our noses are touching. We might not be in a room but I can guarantee you the temperature is rising.
“Y/N can I borrow a kiss?” He ask 
“Are you gonna give it back?”
he mutter something I coudn’t understand, next thing you know his lips are on top of mine, he is kissing me and without a doubt I’m kissing him back. The kiss grows more intense and passionate. 
He picks me up from the sand so I’m straddling his lab, he pulls me into him, make me seat right on top of his growing member. His tongue ask for entrance and I gladly allow. At first our tongues are figthing for dominance, but it slowly turns to a passionate dance where our tongues are just dancing. He is holding tight by my waist, the more we make out the more wet I get, the more hard Harry gets. He pulls back breathless and with a little of our saliva on his lips. 
“Let’s go back to my room” he says licking his lips and I swear in the moment the wetness of my pussy when right through my panties.
To his statement I only my head
We get up from our spot and make our way to the car who was driving us to where Harry is currently staying.
The whole car ride here was INTENSE. Harry was touching me then I was touching him, we were kissing, his tongue was exploring my mouth while mines was trying to do the same with him. 
Once we arrived to his room, I’m immediately pushed to the wall by Harry, he comes closer and sensually whispers  “I’m gonna fuck you so hard, I’ll make you feel it for days” he starts to kiss right below my ear , while I rapped my hands around his neck. we then start to kiss and he takes a hold of thighs from underneath. He carries me to the where he seats down with me on his lap. He goes to untied my bikini top, but I stop him.
“let’s take care of you first” I say in my most sensual voice
I start to unbutton his shirt, when I’m done unbuttoning his shirt, I take it off and throw it somewhere in the bedroom.I start to kiss around his neck while doing so I discover his sweet spot which makes him moan loud when I suck a hickey on it. Once I’m done with that hickey I give it a kitty lick and blow air on it. I go to kiss and leave more hickey’s on others spots of his neck, and chest area. I start to get on my knees and kiss lower and give him kitty licks. He releases a low “fuck” when sees I’m getting closer to the waistband of his shorts.
I stop what I’m doing to remove his shorts and his underwear at the same time. I see his big, thick, long hard cock come out, bits of pre-cum on the tip. I’m honestly kinda mesmerized by his cock, its really pretty. “it’s so pretty h” I tell him “t-th-anks” he says. I smile, cute. I take his cock in my hand and slowly start to stroking him up and down. He moans at my action, god his moans make me even wetter. With my other hand I play with his balls for a bit. “I-I li-ike w-wh-at you’-re doi-ng” he says “you like this, then your not ready for what comes next” I told him. 
I take the hand that I was stroking his cock with and spit on it, i start to stroke him again. I’m so focus on what I’m doing I don’t even realize his moans are getting louder. I take the tip of his cock into my mouth but only like 1/3 of it, to tease him. I do that a couple of times, but I stop when he says “Fuck, stop being a fucking tease and suck on it already” with a dominance tone of voice “ok” I responded “ok what?” he ask “k, daddy” Shit, I look up at him, embarrassment written all over my face,  “I’m sorry I-” I’m cut off by him  “say it again” he told me to “Daddy” I said “that’s right be a good girl and suck on daddy’s cock” Which is exactly what I do.
I start to take him into my mouth, since he is gigantic I was only able to take maybe a little bit over half of it. the rest I did with my hand. Once he is in my mouth I take sometime to adjust to his size but soon enough I start to bob my head up and down his cock. At the same time doing this I run my tongue up and down plus giving him the most innocent look I can while having his cock in my mouth. “Uh- Fu-ck Yes!, K-ee-p go-in-g don’t Fuck! Stop!” He moans after that, and keeps moaning, each one louder than the last one. I’m pretty sure peple next door can hear us. I feel his hand slide through my hair, as in moving out of my face. 
I keep sucking on his cock, harder this time. I also play with his balls to show them some loving, so they don’t feel left out. Harry seems to be on cloud nine, the way some of his baby hair stick to his sweaty forehead, how his eyes roll back and god his moans are like music to my ears. The way his chest is sweaty, how his hand hold onto the sheets of the bed, this is a sight to never be forgotten. While I’m still sucking, I can feel his cock twitch and that’s when I know he is close. I pull back from his cock, a string of saliva and cum following, “you gonna cum daddy? Please cum for me, want your cum daddy I’ve been a good girl for you” I said and go back to sucking after “Yes b-ba-by gir-l, su-ch  Fuck! a good girl for your d-daddy” he says with moans in between “Yes! Yes! I’m cumming! F-uck go-gonna cum” and he does, he cums,  I feel his cock twitch in my mouth before a warm liquid shoots out and down my throat. Harry lets out several moans in the process. after coming he falls on the bed, sweating and out of breath. I take his cock out my mouth, string of saliva following, I wipe the at the corner of my mouth with my the back of my hand and lick it. I go up to see and he looks fuck out. 
“Hi daddy” I say, he is still trying to catch his breath, but when he does, he gets up enough to attached our lips together again. He hovers over me, still kissing me. I’m now laying on my back on the bed, his hands roaming my body. He his hands go behind my back to untied my bikini top, once he does he pulls it over my head and throws it somewhere on the the floor. He starts to kiss my neck. Soon enough he fines my sweet spot and starts to sucks a hickey “Fuck, daddy” I moan. His hand goes down to outline the waistband of my shorts.
He starts to kiss the between my breast, then starts to kiss and lick the top of  my the top of my left breast. Goes to the middle of my breast and starts to lick down until he gets to my nipple. Once there he raps his whole mouth around and starts to suck on it roughly, as if milk would come out it.  His tongue his swirling around it as well.”Fu-ck Da-ddy!”, after couple more seconds he stops sucking on my left boob ad goes to do the same to the other. He also suck hickeys on both of my boobs.
When he is done with my breast, he starts to kiss down my body and when gets to my shorts he rips them off me. He looks at my  my clothes pussy, and licks his lips. “You’re really wet love, wonder who did this do you huh? This all for daddy?” He licks my pussy over my underwear, I only moan, to the I feel a harsh slap on my thigh, I moan again but this time louder. “that’s not a fucking answer, tell me who made you this wet or I won’t let you cum tonight”  He is asking with a dominance tone of voice. “You did daddy, its all for you” I told him.
He rip my panties off after that, and spread my legs wide. with one finger he when rub up and down between my pussy lips. after doing so a couple times, he came and said “suck on it” and that’s exactly what I did, I suck on his fingers. “that’s right, be a good girl and get nice and wet fo’ me to use on your pretty cunt” he said and I moan on his fingers. He when back down between my legs and with two fingers I felt him spread my pussy lips and with the one I suck on he started to finger me while with his tongue he lick around my clit teasing it. not too long after he added another finger. His thrust with his fingers when faster, sloppier, and you could hear a slapping sound every time he when in and out my cunt. I was moaning like crazy, everything he was doing felt so good, almost too good to be true. Out of the fucking he started to suck harshly on my swollen clit, I could feel the his tongue play with it, you also could hear sucking noises. 
Everything was happening so fast, “fuck daddy!”, I moan and kept moaning louder and louder. he was eating me out so good. I had tears at the corner of my eyes, I was about to cum. Daddy seem to notice this because just when I was about to cum he stop everything he was doing to my pussy. He came up from in between my legs to my face and said “You are not coming anywhere else besides daddy’s cock tonight little girl” with his deep british accent.
He then spread my legs out even more, he position himself at my entrance and with the tip of his dick he tease my pussy by going in between my pussy lips and around my entrance. He when to pin my arms down on the bed above my head. “C-condom daddy” I reminded him, what he said shock me “ Daddy’s fucking you raw tonight” He said “what if I get pregnant daddy?” I ask him “guess your having daddy’s baby and its no one business” I didn’t have time to answer before he kiss me. 
Without any sort of warning he slam his big thick cock in my cunt. I moan against his mouth at the feeling of being full. His thrust were rough, and hard. His hips were going circular motions. The bed start to shake, harry move his hands from mind and took a hold of the headboard. H started going faster, and faster. But I want it more. “is t-hat oh all you got” I challenge him, “you want more huh” he said and suddenly his pulling out of me and flipping me on to my stomach. My face against the pillow, he lifted my butt in the air and when back in again. He was holding my waist with his hand while thrusting roughly in and out me. I let out a scream of pleasure and so does he. Every time he pushes in, I push back which he seems to like a lot.  We are both a moaning mess, I’m either moaning or calling him daddy. He is constantly telling me, I’m his good girl and how tight I am. he is also choking me, not enough to stop my breathing but just to make it pleasurable.  The headboard is hitting the wall and the bed is shaking.
He keeps fucking me, harder and a lot more rough than he started and that’s when I feel myself coming. “I’m- da-ddy- Fuck! *moan* Cum!” I manage to say, “you wanna cum don’t you? fucking cum for daddy” he orders me and I do I cum long and hard. “fuck I’m cumming too princess, gonna give you my seed” he cums too, only thing leaving our mouth are moans of pleasure. Once he is done cumming, he pulls out and falls on the bed next to me. We are both trying to catch our breath, fuck my lower body is too sore, I can’t even feel my legs, much more less my pussy. 
I feel harry pull me towards him, I cuddle into him once I’m close enough. “go to sleep little girl, I know you’re tired” He says, petting my hair. “k, daddy” Is the only things I say before falling asleep on his chest. 
Next Day
After last night harry hasn’t left my side at all today, everyone is looking at us. I still can’t walk properly but I’m trying . Harry said he is taking me out on date which should be excited. Anyways we are currently seated at one the chairs in the hotels lobby. One thing is that everyone has been giving us teasing smiles, and has made a lot of sex reference comments towards us. 
OMG what if they all heard us last night! 
I go pale at the thought
“Y/N are you okay?” Harry ask 
I was about to answer but I was interrupted by two very familiar voices 
“so are you pregnant yet?” Lia ask
“We heart noises last night” Tasha said wiggling her eyebrows
“yeah *makes moaning noise*” Lia demonstrated
I blushed and told them “I- shut up you two” 
“that’s what we should’ve told you guys last night, right guys?” Said Tasha
Everyone else around us just nodded and agree with Tasha
Harry turn pink and look away, I was just seated embarrassed that they heard us last night
Oh god what have I done...
I have no words, This was really interesting  to write, fun fact I laugh at lot while writing the smut part of this for some weird reason... Anyways Thank you so much for reading
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hanawrites404 · 4 years
Wynne's Cottagecore Diary - Flower Crowns With Julian
(@pieniharmaakani this is for the cottagecore list you challenged us with. Enjoy my amateur writing lol)
"Ahhh this is amazing. Just me, you and the lovely flowers and grass" the red-haired fool spoke inbetween as he took my hand in his and kissed my knuckles tenderly. I was sitting on the ground and he had his head on my lap.
"That's really sweet of you honey but, can you please not interrupt me from enjoying the nature and fucking sleep already?" I smiled down at him innocently, even if the way of my speech said otherwise.
"Oh" he let go of my hand, blushing a bit from chagrin.
"M-My apologies. Y-You took me here for me to relax right? Then I shall definitely obey my lovely blue lady" his grinned at me shamelessly again while I just chuckled and caressed his deep red hair, rolling my eyes.
"Whatever. Now sleep. You deserve it" I locked back my eyes with his, softening my gaze on him. I was just being too harsh on him even though we both came here just for the sake of him to get a decent rest from work. I literally had to drag him by his long arm outside the gardens and away from his paperwork.
Because Julian is the type of guy who knows that he needs to rest but doesn't do so on purpose..........
And he would only listen if you compel that thing on him strong enough................
Such a submissive fucking idiot he is.............
"Yes ma'am" Julian smirked at me and I slapped his cheek lightly, earning an equally brazen yet pleasant chuckle from him. I could feel his throat's vibrations on my thighs as it formed light goosebumps on the skin in response.
Julian shifted a bit for a better comfortable position on my lap and closed his eyes, his lips relaxing a little from the cocky smirk he pridefully always wears. His hot breath hit my bare thighs yet once again forming goosebumps more prominently.
I sighed from relaxation and leaned back, my hand supporting my weight. Julian had himself facing my stomach and one of his hand caressing my waist and the other one entwined with mine. He wasn't wearing his gloves today, for which I was glad because I was desperate to feel his fingers on mine without the rubber coming inbetween.
His long fingers were an odd pleasure to hold onto for some reason. His pleasant skin and grip on mine were enough to make me lose myself to him. In fact, everything about him is just........ magnificent. Earlier I was not like this. I was cold and harsh, barely looking forward to happiness and joy.
But after I met this......... creature, everything changed in me.
It felt like a dead flower blooming again, inside of me. It felt as if he had casted a spell of positivity and cheer through my body, reviving it to its best, and getting me out from my trauma.
It all felt new.......
It all felt like I was loved......
By him.......................
Something which had been lifeless coming back the breathe is something called as very adnormal and impossible. But the being on my lap seemed to have accomplished it without doing anything. Except showing me love, affection and care. Something which I didn't know I needed all along.
He somehow knows everything about me.....
And I know about him too.........
Was this perhaps..........connection??
"Upsy-daisy!" I felt the familiar deep voice from down exclaiming and something fluffy yet heavy being thrown and landing perfectly on my head.
Like a wreath or a crown...........
"Hmm? What is it?" I felt whatever that was resting on my head with my fingers and there were soft petals broader from the middle and narrowing further down. I touched more above and I could feel a big circle of pollen. I could see some yellow in front of my eyes and this made me realise what exactly were on my head.
"Sunflowers??" I looked at Julian with slight astonishment, my hand still on my head.
"Bingo!" He winked at me, his charming smile gracing me with fluttering butterflies in my stomach.
"And shouldn't you be asleep??" I asked him next with an eyebrow raised. This time the question was not harsh. It was rather of curiousity.
"U-Ummm....W-Well......." As expected, Julian's cheeks turned bright red as he turned away from me, mumbling something in his native language I believe. Ugh for fuck sake can he be not so stammering for 5 minutes at the least?
Nevertheless, I sighed and shook my head. Obviously I was pissed as to why he was still not passed out but it was nothing compared to the surprise I was feeling from the flower crown he somehow magically prepared and gifted me with. Because I didn't know that he possessed such a skill.
"Hey Ilya" I called out to him. He had now shifted his body away from my stomach. His gaze was at the grass down my knees. It was clearly visible that he was trying to avoid me.
"Ilyushka~" I called again in a sing-song voice. This made him glance at me for a second and then go back to admiring the green blades. The blush was still eminent on his face.
I sighed once more, tired of his shyness already. Seriously this man gets all timid always at the worst times.
I cupped his face from below and pushed it towards me. This finally made him look completely at me and nowhere else because of my hand affixed firmly yet gently on his cheek.
"W-Wynne......I-I am sorry that I didn't listen to you.......I-I promise I am sleeping now right away!! P-Please forgive me........I just got..... distracted a bit" His eyes were literally going haywire by how his grey pupils were shifting from one point to another. It showed how nervous and scared he was. As if I was going to kill him right now.
Well it isn't a bad idea honestly..........
No we ain't gonna talk about it right now........
Maybe next time.......
"Hey hey. Relax" I took his face in both of my hands and rubbed his cheeks with my thumbs, trying to calm him down from his panick. Soon enough I could feel his breathing coming back to a normal pace and calming down. His whole face relaxed and he had stopped sweating bullets.
I kept hushing and stroking his auburn hair, preening it nicely with my hands and this seemed to have perfectly got him at bay as he opened his mouth to speak next without any stutter.
"Thank you My Dear........And I am really sorry....I truly am........I should have listened to you..............." He averted his gaze from me for the thousandth-time. But instead of being annoyed as always, I gently replied.
"Jules......don't be sorry......It's perfectly alright" I assured him.
"Really??" He asked back with the sound and eyes like of an inquisitive child. It sparked a giggle in my throat as I pinched one of his cheek lovingly.
"Yes Dear, it's perfectly fine. I mean, the main reason I got you outside was for you to acquire some fresh air and clear your mind from your busy schedule. I just wanted you to relax..........a-and spend some time with me of course..........and you are doing it. So I am happy. In fact, I am so glad from heart that you left your work and everything just to make my leisure special and worth it. And I deeply thank you for it Julian. I really do"
Ilya turned bright red when he heard every single word I spoke (as expected yet again). He then took my hand in his as he fondled my knuckles.
"Gosh.....I...........how in the world are you so sweet and cold at the same time? I always get so deeply intimidated by you"
I shrugged and looked away, staring at the tree not far beside me dancing along the wind. A small smile curved on my lips as I reminisced the days I used to climb on one of them haughtily.
"I don't know sir. That's how I truly am" That was the only answer I could give out most accurately.
Julian chuckled and kissed my hand again. This time it was different. The kiss lingered on my hand more than before which made me shiver a bit.
"You are one interesting woman Wynne. I am glad to have you with me"
"I am glad to have you with me as well....... almost" I snorted at the last part.
And Ilya as usual didn't take any offense as he laughed and got up from my lap before appearing in front of me. I tilted my head and beamed at him. He was looking quite handsome today I would say. And surprisingly, I was not bothered by him blocking my view this time like always. Well that's one improvement.
"Did someone ever tell you that you look like a goddess??" Julian tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear softly and taking his sweet time to feel my skin.
I chuckled at his innocent flirting, my cheeks heating up a bit.
"Well, maybe. If someone did tell me so, then I would most likely not remember it. Because that's definitely not what I am" I replied honestly.
Julian smiled at me gracefully and played with the locks of my hair.
"I really like how simple and truthful you are. It's something I have never seen in the ladies I have ever met in my life. You are the first one so. And of course I had no idea that such a lady would end up becoming my wife someday"
For the first time today I laughed genuinely, and Julian giggled with me too, adding onto our small joytime.
But then I moved closer to him till our foreheads met and our chests pressed together as I stared into his eyes with nothing but utter love. There was also a smirk on my lips as I enquired, moving my finger down his neck.
"So do you regret it?" I asked him with a playful whispering voice. And he immediately replied within a second.
"Never ever, My Love"
Julian quickly pinned me down on the grass ground with my shoulders, taking me off guard. Before I could ask what was this all for, he smashed his lips against mine.
His lips tasted sweet and soft, and he was moaning after every kiss. I had my fingers dug into his hair as I pulled him closer and played my own lips and tongue along his passionately.
Julian lifted my thigh up and wrapped my leg around his hip as we kissed. He kept stroking my thigh and messaging my waist while I roamed my hands over his back and chest.
Our lips kept clashing and tugging each other. The voices of pleasure from our throats were uncontrollable. We both were in such a bliss that we didn't even wanted to pull away. But we had to because of the stupid necessity of air.
A silver line connected both of our mouths as we gasped for breath. Julian had his head on my neck as he panted, the hot air coming from him made me shiver from the sudden feeling.
"See? I don't regret anything with you" It was Julian's turn to smirk at me. I smiled and preened his hair again, and kissed his forehead.
"I know. And I love you" I blushed pink.
"I love you too Wynne" He pecked my lips once more.
And soon after, still holding onto my waist, he rolled over with me such that I was now on him. I blushed madly and hid my face in his chest, while he just laughed and petted my hair.
"You are so cute.........."
"I am not cute"
"Oh my. Sorry Milady. Where are my manners? You are adorable. Is that better?"
"What the fuck?" What he said right now was so stupid and nonsensical that couldn't hold back my snort and chuckle. No wonder why he was good at entertaining people. Whether it be by singing off notes, dancing like a chicken, storytelling anecdotes which hardly sound real or cracking horrible corny jokes.
Julian is one national treasure. Yup. Totally.
"There there, giggly girl. You are quite happy today aren't you?" he petted me again.
"Sorry" I wiped the happy tear from my eye as I peered at him, a googly smile on my lips. But then it dropped when I realised something important. And it came to me when I saw Julian's head being awfully empty.
"Oh! I almost forgot" I frantically looked around me for a particular plant, and it didn't take me long to find what I was searching for.
"Hmm? What is it My Dear?" He asked but I didn't reply to him this time. I was too occupied with questing for his return present.
My eyes lit up as soon as I saw the purple hermit petals growing nearby. As quick as a snake I grabbed one of them and applied my magic on the single flower, multiplying them until they join together into a ring, big enough for a certain someone's head.
"Oh......is this what I think it is?" Julian simpered.
"Mhm. Yes it is" I told him as I placed the flower crown on his head. Julian being dramatic as always bowed down to me as I bestowed the ring upon his red head.
"For the one and only, The Wolfsbane lover. It's detoxified. Don't worry" I assured him.
"Oh Dear, it's very beautiful! You didn't have to" he giggled as he played with the petals on his head.
"But you seem to like it" I grinned at him as I rested my chin on his chest.
"Of course I like it. It's my favourite. And it's made by my lovely wife. How can I not love it?" He pinched my cheek.
"Heyyy stop. It hurts" I giggled and held his wrist.
"My apologies Sweetheart" he let go of me and kissed my nose, making me go cross-eyed.
I chuckled once more and hugged him tight, cuddling to his bosom close.
"I love you Period Head" I blurted out with endearment.
"I love you too Ocean Head" he returned back the affection and rolled the strands of my hair around his finger, and then combing through them with it.
The sun shined brightly above us and the birds chirped their beautiful opera from the lush green trees. The squirrels chased around for their nuts while the insects worked hard to make a living and survive.
Everything was going according to the nature. Just like how it should be.
And our love for each other was just like that.
Perfect and eternal.
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smellysluna · 5 years
The one where Luka is a clown | Fictober19 #1
Prompt number: 「 one 」“It will be fun, trust me.”
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Pairing: Luka Couffaine & [YOU]
Rating: T (Teens And Up)
Warnings/Tags: none
Summary: you’ve always had a crush on him bcs he simply was your type but nothing really happened unitl You & Luka get set up as project mates
Side note: I know that it’s the twelth of october but i just started it, i’ll write some more for fictober but i’ll use the prompts as i see fit bcs i’m just like that so yeah. anyways i hope this makes some kind of sense, its been a long time since i finished something i began writing. okay so i also wanted to write luka because there’s not many fics with him with an “x reader” tag. okay talk over, enjoy the story babes!!!!
I turned around in my seat and smiled. "Hi, Luka."
"So... how'd you wanna do this?"
I cocked an eyebrow. "Do what?" Luka shared an amused smile. "Oh!" I face-palm. "The project! Right." I picked up the notebook with my notes from my desk and slammed it on his desk. Then I rotated it in his direction. "This is how we're going to do it."
"Wow, you've really thought this through already."
I rest my face on my hand and smirk. "It's no coincidence that I ace my presentations."
"I guess I'm lucky then."
"More than you think." I straighten my back. "Okay, no funny business tho. You fuck up and I'll make you suffer all the way to June. Take a picture of them notes so you have a copy and have a slight idea of what's going on."
He puts up a half-amused smile, "this ain't my first rodeo."
"But it's your first bullfight, so keep up." He laughed and I bit my lip. I might've gone overboard. 
"I'll do my best," he assured in a soft voice. Holy shit. He's so mellow. As soon as I was sure he had a picture of my notes, I took his phone. I entered into his contacts and added my number then dialed myself. 
I show him the screen of my phone. "Now we have each other's numbers." He smiled before I turned around just in time for the teacher to get in. 
I was watching dessert recipes on YouTube when I received a message from Luka. The popup appeared from an Unknown number which reminded me that I forgot to add him to my contacts.
    "what's up?"
"i went through ur notes"
    "they're amazing, aren't they"
"u made those in class"
"they're too good"
You sent an image:
Tumblr media
Unknown sent an image:
Tumblr media
"i wanted to know when you want to get the project finished"
"i thought that you'd want to finish it asap"
"u look like you have a busy schedule"
    "i'm free whenever, really"
    "but i don't want to finish it in one go"
    "so we'll spend a couple of days on it"
    "if u dont mind that is"
    "btw you give me too much credit"
"it's fine, yeah"
"more time to clown around"
Unknown sent an image:
Tumblr media
    "> AUDIO (laughter)"
    "IM DYING"
"i took clown courses in my childhood"
    "where's the diploma huh?"
"wait, lemme look"
    "ur serious???"
"photo(clown certificate)"
"clown code: never joke about being a clown"
    "ur now officially added to my contacts as clown boy 🤡"
"coolest guy huh? ;)"
    "don't let it get to your head, clown boy"
    "as much as i'd love to know about your clown career, i have to go make dinner"
    "we'll talk more about it at school"
    "don't vanish on me"
Tumblr media
    "i'll snap my fingers into Thanos' ass if i have to"
"right 😂"
At dinner, I couldn't stop thinking about Luka. We might've never talked much to each other but I always had the hots for him. He was just my type: tall, supposedly long hair for a boy, dyed hair, punk-like feel and especially (these just get me going) those black gauges in his ears. Anyways, I'd lie if I said I never got distracted in class because of the smell of his cologne.
"Thank you for dinner, [Y/N]," said my mom after she cleaned the table.
"Don't forget to do the dishes, love."
"Yes, Dad," I chuckled.
"We're off to bed, then. Goodnight, [Y/N]."
"Goodnight, mum. Goodnight, dad."
That night, I fell asleep thinking about how nice that chat conversation with Luka was.
I groaned loudly when I got into class. I ran because I was late for geography. When I got to class, the lack of a teacher at the desk made me want to kill myself. My classmates were scattered around the classroom in groups, as usual when a teacher was absent. Done with life, I walk to my desk, drop my backpack and accommodate my face on the desk. Suddenly, somebody is standing next to me. But I really just wanted some sleep so my first intention was to ignore whomever until well, it's self-explanatory.
"Looks like someone spent all night thinking about me."
"What!?" I see Luka. Now fully energized and heart pumping, I stutter: "No, no. What are you even saying?"
He laughs and takes a seat on the vacant spot in front of me. He rests his arms on my desk. "I'm just messing with you, wanted to see the reaction I'd get out of you. I wasn't expecting to fully wake you up." He smiles broadly and I stare into his eyes.
Have you ever met that person, no matter who they are, their eyes are so enthralling that you just can't help but keep staring at them? These kinds of eyes just have something... Something I'm unable to describe. And when I stare at them, they're so glossy and shiny.
"I think you'd look amazing if you wore eyeliner."
"Huh?" Half of his face moves upwards in sync. "That's very random."
"I mean, yeah." I look away, fidget with my bracelet and then look back. "I just thought it'd bring your eyes out even more."
"Ooh," he exhales knowingly. "Because they're blue, right?"
I knit my eyebrows together. "No," I say offended. Had this boy never realized how nice his eyes are?
"Why then?" He asks and nods his head onto his arms.
"Well," I lick my lips, "I don't know." I shrug "It's not because of the color, which is beautiful just so you know." I caress my arm and try very hard to maintain eye contact, occasionally looking away. "Your eyes, I don't know, they just have something."
He smiles at my words, "look who's talking."
"Not a clown, that's for sure." He groans in a boyish way and it melts my insides so warm I almost let it show.
"You won't let it go, won’t you?" He lays defeated on my desk, arms sprawled.
"You did that to yourself." He hummed in a way that seemed a mixture of displeasure and annoyance. His long hair was sprawled in every direction of my desk. I could tell that he washed his hair either last night or this morning —it smelled so nice. Luka smelled really nice and I couldn't help but bite my lip to restrain myself from sniffing him all over like I was some kind of dog-bred. I started playing with his hair and it was so much softer than I expected it to be, it was dyed after all. He let a pleasurable groan slip through.
"Does this bother you?"
Luka abruptly opened his eyes and forced my head to rest on the desk as well. With very soft caresses he ran his hand through my locks and I understood what it was that he intended.
"What about you?"
I stared into his eyes for a moment and closed them, then resumed playing with his hair as he did the same. We were so close, I could hear his silent breathes. I wondered if this could be considered as cuddling. Honestly? I didn't care because I was enjoying it.
"Hey, guys, look at [Y/N] and Luka."
"Woah, when did that happen."
"Never thought [Y/N] liked that type of guy."
"You're kidding, right? Luka's definitely her type."
We spent the rest of the hour like that. Somewhere in between, the rest of the class noticed us but, frankly, we paid them no mind. But it made me anxious. Not because of what they said but about what Luka might've thought about it.
"I kind of like this," he whimpers softly as if scared he'd break whatever we had going on.
I agree with him softly, just as scared to ruin the mood.
When the bell rang, we hesitantly broke apart. Luka returned to his assigned seat behind me and then class started. The moments the teacher repeated subjects the class already went through, Luka played with the ends of my hair.
After the school bell rang for the last time that day, Luka approached me. He asked if I wanted to start on the project today. Luka was so cute while he asked. He didn't do anything particularly cute but the way he looked when he leaned on the wall had sent me flying. Obviously, I said that it was a good idea. Not desperately, of course, even though I wanted to grab him and steal him away. I kept my cool.
"What time?"
He grimaced to hide a grin. "I was hoping, like, right now?"
"Uh, well... On any other particular month, I'd agree and take you to my house. But we're getting reformations done so it's a very big mess."
"We can go to my place." He states like it's a universal fact.
"But all my shit's at home, and I'd want to empty my backpack, grab some money, etcetera."
"Okay, I get it. I can take you home and we'll head right over to mine?"
Even though I might pass out any moment out of pure embarrassment, I cross my arms in an 'X' in front of his face.
"No way that's happening, clown boy."
"What? Why?" He frowns.
"No way in hell I'm letting you drive me on your motorbike."
A small laugh escapes his lips. "You've never been on a motorcycle?"
I act displeased.
Luka laughs with a hand on his stomach. "You haven't!" I scowl and his laughter subdues. He waves his hands in front of him and apologizes for laughing. "I'll be careful, just for you." He assures.
"Even if I agreed... I doubt you'd have a second helmet. And we all know that police officer which has an obsession for the law."
"I got us covered on that one, I have two."
I stare at him. "You had this all planned out, didn't you?"
"No," he grins, "it just happens to be that I usually pick my sister up from her school."
"Oh, so she's gonna have to walk all the way back to your house. We can't let her do that, can we?" No matter how much I crush on Luka, anything that can get me out of sitting on that devil's contraption, I'd go with.
"I said 'usually', didn't I?" I can feel his smirk soaking right through me but in a much more softer tone he said "it'll be fun," and smiles "trust me."
It was his goddamn smile that convinced me to agree.
"I never knew you could live in a boat."
I looked around the main deck and, for some reason, I felt very lightweight and free.
"You don't like it?"
"The contrary, I love it!" I smile at him, "it adds to your charm."
Luka smiles back, "thanks."
Both of us walked inside the boat. I took everything all at once. You rarely get the chance to be inside a boat-home. But the most surprising thing was that it was stable —at least more than I thought.
"My room's the one at the end. Get yourself comfy —I'll be right there."
I bite the inside of my cheek. "Okay."
Once I get into his room, I relax and take a look around. I leave my backpack by the door and head straight for the most valuable thing to me in his room. Luka had one of the nicest guitar stands available on which laid the most basic electric guitar ever... but since looks can deceive, I pick it up.
I make myself comfortable on his bed along with Luka's guitar and a guitar pick I snatched from the wall. Without thinking twice, I started to play. It didn't matter to me that I hadn't plugged the guitar into an amplifier, this particular tab didn't need the magic of electricity. I suppose I should have asked first if I could play but it's too late now-
"That's 'Lonely Day', right?"
"Ah! Shit! Sorry!" I stood up hastily, the guitar pick went flying to the floor and I placed the guitar back where it was supposed to be. I turn to him to apologize, "I should've asked-."
Luka walks past me, grabs the guitar by its fretboard and puts the strap around himself. He shuffles around me and I was too confused to realize what he was doing. Then he hands me the guitar fully-tuned-connected-to-an-amplifier guitar. He lifts it by the fretboard again and hands it over to me as if telling me to take it. I stare into his eyes and do exactly that.
At that moment, we didn't need any words as I accepted his silent offer. I strum dumbly and then start fidgeting with the knobs on his amplifier. I bite my lip, it doesn't have as many options as mine and it's smaller than the one I have at home but I managed to get the right sound.
I started playing a song that I had played countless times and felt very confident. This moment was about impressing Luka and I was determined to blow him away. But the moment I started playing, I couldn't keep up the cool-girl act and grinned as I played around the room.
"Wow," he said amazed after I finished. "I never knew you played guitar, let alone that well."
"I'm amazing, I know," I wink.
"What did you play?"
"You don't recognize it!?" I gasp loudly. I put my hands over my heart. "Oh, my heart! It hurts! I have never been so hurt before!"
He holds back an embarrassed smile. "Guilty as charged."
"It's Crowd Chant, by Satriani," an exaggerated sad smile adorns my lips.
"Oh, right! The guy from 'Surfing with the Alien'!"
"Yes, that one! I love him, he's my idol!"
"He's good."
"Good? He's a GOD." I pout at him. "Your idol is Jagged Stone, that's why you have so little appreciation for him."
I playfully punch him. "Just kidding."
"I thought I was supposed to be the clown around here."
I laugh very loud at that. "Yes! I will - haha - leave - ha - the rest to you."
During the week we were making the project we had gotten really close and we kept hanging out at each other's houses even when the project was long ago finished. I met his very cool mum, and his sister, who is physically exactly like him but both of them don't seem to admit it. And he met my small family too.
"I keep telling you! You do look alike! Genetics is no joke."
"I agree with [Y/N]!" Juleka's friend said one day over dinner. I can't remember what her name was but I always thought there was more than 'friends' between her and Juleka.
"We do not look alike; you both must be very blind," Luka jokes and I pinch him very hard. "Ow! Stop!" He pinches back.
"No! Luka! That was payback for yesterday!" He stuck his tongue out at me and I growl. "You're very mean."
He shrugs, "whatever you say, [Y/N]."
"Oh, 'whatever I say' it is, is it?" I crossed my arms and pondered without breaking my staring contest with Luka. "So if I said you're ugly, you'd agree?"
He smirked, "sure." I felt how triumph tasted and literally a second later I tasted defeat. "But it won't affect the fact that my eyes have 'something'."
I became a blushing mess and everyone at the table stared at us.
"So..." Juleka started, unsure. "Does that mean that [Y/N] confessed first?"
Juleka's blonde friend nodded, "I knew it!"
"I'm happy for the both of you," Mrs. Couffaine cheered with a very sweet smile.
There was a problem with their cheers which made Luka and me quite uncomfortable. It was wrong. Nothing had happened between us.
"It's...! It's not like that!" I attempt to defend ourselves and turn to Luka. "That's not what that was, right, Luka?"
He was looking in the opposite direction, scratching his crimson red neck. "I mean..."
I hide my face in my hands. "Oh my God, I want to kill myself."
"You know what? We will leave you both to work out whatever misunderstanding there might be, okay?" And with no answer, all three of them left.
"Let's go outside." With no warning, Luka took me by the hand and guided me to the main deck. It was chilly outside and I shivered but kept it to myself. "Here." Luka handed me his jacket.
"Thanks," I smile and put it on. It still smells like his cologne.
"About what Juleka said..." He avoided my gaze by looking into the river. "I might've told her that I like you," he turns to me and takes my hands, "a lot." Luka squeezes my hands out of nervousness. "The way you and I understand each other, without any words, just the music is enough. I feel like we're connected through it like we are the power-chords to any rock song."
My heart was melting, I always knew deep down that Luka's a very sweet romantic and he was killing me with his cuteness. I never knew you could look cute and hot during a confession. "Luka, I-"
"Remember when we sang 'Anything better than you'?"
I recalled the memory. At the end of the song, when the part that goes "I can sing anything sweeter than you" our lips were so close... I couldn't stop thinking about it before I fell asleep every night.
"I wanted to kiss you so badly, but I just couldn't do it." Luka pulled me in and we were as close as that other time, my heart was beating so hard I could hear it in my ears. "Until now."
Luka kissed me and I kissed back. We kissed each other so desperately and I ran my hand through his hair. Fuck, how I loved the softness of his hair. We break apart for a kiss and stare at each other's eyes, dumbfounded. We kiss again except this time it wasn't as desperate. It was softer, a kiss only Luka could make amazing. Luka had thin lips but made up for it with the way he kissed. I wanted to kiss him more, I wanted more from Luka so I kissed him harsher. Then he broke apart the kiss, clearly taken aback from it.
My heart stopped, "I... I'm sorry-!" He cut me off by kissing me harsher than I did and I loved every second of his harshness. I began feeling his neck, his back, his chest and pushed myself closer to him as every second that passed it became hotter.
We broke the make-out apart. Our flushed faces appreciated the cool night breeze. We keep wrapped around each other. "I think we should get back inside."
I listened to his pounding heart through his chest. "Not yet, clown boy."
"Whatever you say, love."
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yoonia · 4 years
Hi Dia! I am thankful that u always think of me to tag in ur new stories. 💜 WAAD is a personal fave of mine and now ATOF. I mean, yeah sure, they made up really fast but how u portray the forgetting and moving on part is so realistic. Its so easy to forgive an act no matter how intentional (tho unintentional here coz of the glitch), but to forget what happen and to move on is the hardest part. Ibhave been there.
I love how JK tries his best and gives his all by way of assuring the OC and even coming up with ideas on how to help OC forgets - moving around furnitures, adding new ones, suggesting throwing out old ones - anything to make OC comfortable. It shows dedication on his part to ensure forgetting and moving on can happen. Walking the talking. Sometimes after we say sorry, we tend to assume that since we are forgiven everything will return to normal. But that is not how it is.
I like also how realistically OC was portrayed. Her insecurities speaks volume and shows the true stages of hurting. Again, its easy to forgive but forgetting & moving on is the hardest part of it all and sometimes, that's the deal breaker. For her to admit what's stopping her and being open about and being able to talk about it helps the whole process.
I also like that there's a bit of comic in there. How playful JK is in using the speakers to get attention. And that scene in the kitchen where OC asks if JK did anything nasty in there! 😆😆😆 i mean i can literally imagine JK's facial reaction (big eyes, big eyes!).
Anyways, thanks Dia! Another unforgetabble follow up. Good luck on your writing plans and thanks for everything! 😘😘😘💜💜💜
No, I’m the one who should be saying thank you! It’s really making me happy that WAAD has been getting a lot of love. I truly enjoyed writing this story and the characters too so watching everyone’s reactions to it have been the most fulfilling thing ever. and now that ATOF is out, I’m really glad that readers are enjoying it too. 
When I started ATOF, I remember how a lot of you asked me about how Jungkook and OC would cope with the problems that they had encountered upon meeting each other, so that part became the first thing that I focused on to give some answers while we get to catch up with this couple. You’re so right about the stages that OC had gone through. While Jungkook was the one experiencing the glitch, there’s no denying that our OC is the one who is taking the major blow. Her insecurities had started way back when she knew about Jungkook and his flings, as she felt like she meant nothing to her soulmate, so it takes a while for her to get past that (despite knowing the reason why). I just want the readers to experience all this alongside the pair so we can feel how much they have grown through everything and how they are both making efforts to grow past the pain. 
Enough rambling lol thank you again for giving so much support to both of these fics. It was a pleasure to be able to write these stories and then to share them with everyone. The love and support I’ve been getting truly means a lot 💜💜💜
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whifferdills · 5 years
Asclepius Good Omens TV, Aziraphale/Crowley, Gabriel is there. the Garden of Eden/aka Dr Who Cerulean AU. technically gen but also horny, u know how it is. ~1.8k words
read on the AO3
One of these days there would be words invented to describe this emotion, chief among them 'anxious', but for now Aziraphale settled on feeling slightly out of sorts. "It's an honor," Gabriel insisted. "I cannot stress enough how important of a job this is." "Job," Aziraphale repeated uncertainly. Uncertainty, how...unbefitting, for an Angel. He hoped it didn't show.
A window cracked open between them: the Garden, in miniature, verdant and lush. The sands outside. Gabriel gestured. "Take your time," he said, somewhat impatiently. "And when it's over?" Aziraphale tucked his wings close together. The flush of him knitted inexpertly down; a plain tunic as cover. "Easy-peasy." Gabriel grinned with at least five of his mouths, wheels spinning in cold precision. "Just make like a tree and leaf."
It's simple, ish. Certainly fewer moving parts than other forms. How difficult could it be, really, to be a tree. He settles into his roots and wraps himself in bark. Solid, unyielding. An appropriate amount of leaves shaken out and left to bask in the harsh sunlight. He makes shade in which things might grow; where fledgling humanity might take a nap, or stare blankly into space. He waits. Sometimes humanity sits, and sometimes humanity stands. Sometimes they walk in circles, or accidentally bump into each other. He basks in his love for them; he even finds things to admire about them. Their physicality, their simplicity, how they seem assured of the ground beneath their feet. The grace of them, pure and uncomplicated. The underbrush rustles, sometimes. He can't tell how far into the day it's been before he catches a glimpse of eyes, glowing reflective in the dark. Nor how long after that it is before the creature emerges, slithering languidly towards him. Black and red and almost imposing. Intelligent, possibly. The Serpent manages to look as bored as Aziraphale feels. Boredom, surely that's not right - this is a very important job, after all. He settles back into his roots and waits. Humanity isn't afraid, not yet. The Serpent wriggles past where they're sprawled carelessly on the moss, undulating over them and. On to him. Oh. Well. He's not bored anymore, at least. The thing is - the thing is. He's never been touched before, you see. Not knowingly, not with intent. The smoothness of the scales sliding over his trunk, the pressure of lean muscle curling around his branches - there is no breeze but his leaves shudder anyway, growing a touch greener, a hair broader. And the Serpent pauses, and looks up at him inquisitively. "You've forgotten the apple," it says. Oh. Oh! Of course. Aziraphale concentrates very hard, and stretches all of his Angelic energy throughout himself, from root-end to leaf-tip, and with a proverbial grunt produces a single, dismal crabapple. "You've got to be fucking kidding me," says the Serpent.
This will be known as "panic", later on - Aziraphale flicks the Serpent off (it bounces into the wilderness with a yelp) and slips first into ephemerality and then into his practiced Earthly form and then runs. Not particularly swiftly or gracefully, but with some urgency. He runs and he runs and then he stumbles, tilted headfirst until he hits the wall. The stone is hot and unforgiving against his palms, the air is too still, this body is too small - "Stay away," he calls out, voice unacceptably shaky. He turns, swallows, puffs his wings out and produces the Sword with a barely-earned flourish. The Serpent slips out of a thorn bush, unperturbed. "I have a sword," Aziraphale says. "I can see that," the Serpent responds. "Oh, for Hell's sake - " It rears up, and slips easily into personhood. Demonhood. Human-shaped, anyway, not that there's much to go on as of yet. "S'everthing alright?" Aziraphale does his best to look impressive. "Stand back, foul Demon." He has the temerity to laugh. "Oh, come off it. We're both here for the same reason. We're basically co-workers. You do the tree, I do the snake, the humans do the You Know, we go our separate ways. It's not that deep." "Not that -" Aziraphale huffs, but lowers his sword. Stage-whispering: "This is where it starts! This is God's Plan!"
"If that helps," says the demon.
"It's her Ineffable Plan and I am being Counted On and. And I'm not - I'm not doing a very good job of it, am I?" The demon, this creature - it is unfair how pretty a monster can be, he'll write a sternly-worded letter one of these days - this red and black and temptingly beautiful boy steps forward. Charming, tentative, tentatively charming and vice-versa. "Performance anxiety, happens to the best of us. I'm Crawley, by the way." "Aziraphale," says Aziraphale reluctantly, his own name sounding odd in these ears. He slips the Sword back into his pocket. He hadn't really meant to use it, anyway. How could he? Here, of all places, how could he? "Aziraphale," Crawley repeats, and it sounds even stranger - but that's a demon's voice for you. "Shall we try again? You can pop back whenever you're ready. Promise I won't look." Aziraphale glares, and Crawley dramatically covers his eyes with his hands, and they try again.
The humans are asleep, as they usually are, as there's nothing much else for them to do. Crawley sits on the ground, sifting thorns out of his coal-black feathers and burrs from his fire-red hair, gangly-legged and comfortable in Aziraphale's shade. "I can draw you a picture, if you like." Crawley adds a petal of something pink to the small pile of thorns. "You're looking for round, red, juicy - " Aziraphale is silent and settled back in his roots, but the thrum of exasperation is deliberate and hopefully clearly felt. "An Angel, inventing an Earthly pleasure from whole cloth, so a demon can tempt God's own creation into...what, exactly?" Another petal, this time white. "Are you sure your side knows what it's doing?" He waves his hand over the pile of petals and burrs and thorns and it sinks into the dirt. The roots of the Tree stretch beneath him in response. He puts his hand on the base of the trunk, the bark rough under his fingertips, and under that a clumsy, boundless love. White-hot and holy and like a sword being plunged through him. He clenches his fist and then shifts, the snake rising in his place. The humans stir, move together guilelessly. The smaller one is watching him. He slides up, wraps around the boughs. Bends the branches, curling closer to where green is budding, where fruit is swelling, ripening, reddening. She's still watching him. She's almost curious. Nearly, nearly. It won't happen now, but soon enough. He opens his mouth and sinks his fangs into an apple, listening to the leaves chatter above him.
"You're getting better at this, Angel." Aziraphale stifles a smile. It's not that he's proud, of course; it's not that he's weak to the flattery of a demon. "Oh. Thank you, I suppose. You're - quite wily. Very good at the evil... wiles." "Still needs work, though," Crawley continues blithely. "Something's missing. A certain je ne sais quoi. Can angels eat?"
"We don't need to, no." Aziraphale frowns, feeling wrong-footed and slightly ruffled in the feathers. Crawley slips to Serpent long enough to writhe up Aziraphale's calf, along his thigh and around his belly before dropping Back with a snap of the fingers and the whip of wings spreading wide. "It's not about need, Angel. Haven't you been paying attention? It's about want." He somehow manages to saunter backwards, the thicket parting for him. Aziraphale stands very still and watches him go. "Are you trying to tempt me?" "Is it working?" A pause, a consideration. Aziraphale follows wordlessly, the path closing behind them.
Paradise, down by the river. An angel tiptoes in a demon's footsteps, across the water and through the mud and the tangled vines. "Is it evil?" Aziraphale approaches cautiously, primly. "It's a blackberry bush," Crawley says. "Yes, I made it, so technically...Not everything is - nevermind. Just. Try?" "Are you teaching me how to be tempting? Or tempted? Or - " "Yes! No! Does it matter?" Crawley sighs, runs his hands through his unnecessarily luxurious hair. "One way or another we need to get through this, and I don't know about your side, but mine is getting just a smidge impatient." He plucks a berry from the bush and cups it gently, a strange and not particularly demonic energy buzzing around him. Aziraphale frowns, lips pursed. He reaches out gingerly, takes the offering from Crawley's outstretched hand. Their skin almost touches; Crawley almost flinches. He considers the fruit, and considers how it sits differently in his own hand, in the flushed rose-gold plumpness his form is aching towards. Might as well, he supposes. He shrugs, and grins, and pops the blackberry into his mouth. Takes the time to savor, to, well, enjoy. Bright, sweet, Earth-y, more-ish. He grins again, lips and teeth stained purple. "I do hope," Crawley says in a discomfitingly private voice, "that this time Upstairs has sent someone who understands that if humanity's Fall is to be chosen by them then the mechanism ought to be desirable." Flicking his gaze between the bush and the demon, Aziraphale opens his mouth to say something, he hasn't decided what yet, and then the sky catches fire.
Bye, Crawley thinks as he drops back into the undergrowth. Not worth it. Bye-bye.
"HOW'S IT GOING, CHAMP?" Gabriel screams from on high. His wheels are distinctly lilac in hue, his swords shimmering and sharpened for war. The window looks enormous from down here. Aziraphale starts, steps in front of his very first breakfast and an adorably teeny snake with what might be guilt, if guilt exists before it's been properly invented. "Um, ah, that is to say - " "WE WERE JUST HOPING TO MEET THE PROJECTIONS FOR THIS QUARTER, KINDA BANKIN' ON YOU SEALING THE DEAL HERE." "Yes, well - "
The wheels align and stop with a mighty, heavenly clang. "GREAT! WE'LL BE IN TOUCH! GOOD LUCK! BREAK A LEG! HA HA!" Gabriel stares down unblinking as the window crackles and drifts back into the aether.
Aziraphale settles into his roots and lets his branches grow, his boughs sway. God's love and her Word in the sunlight, in the shade beneath him. The human is watching, again. Earth on the verge. This is important, this is how it starts. Almost time, now, to leave the Garden. Crawley grins, pulling thorns from his hair, before he shifts. The Tree bends beneath him - he moves to where the green is budding, where the apple is growing, round and red. He sinks his teeth through the skin of it, into the flesh. Juice on his chin and leaves moving in the still air. "Knew you had it in you," he says. He leans in, pushes the apple low enough to pluck. He beckons; they wait. Humanity will come when she's ready. And after, well. They'll burn that bridge when they come to it.
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queercapwriting · 7 years
Let Me Show You (how much I adore you)
A soft (very, very soft) smut sequel to this fix it -- https://queercapwriting.tumblr.com/post/166731313964/you-are-enough-sanvers-post-3x03 -- because @thebiwisebrownkid said: “I need Alex letting Maggie cry, letting her break down, her comforting her, saying all the right things, not making it about her and having kids, and Alex just worshipping her, if u wanna get smutty”
“Maybe I did just write my vows,” Alex says, and it comes out lower than she’d intended.
Sexier than she’d intended. 
But she certainly doesn’t mind the effect it seems to have on Maggie.
Maggie, who bites her lip and holds her breath and looks at Alex like she needs her, like she needs to be loved, like she needs to be adored, like she needs to be...
“Do you want me to show you? How much I cherish you?” Alex asks, keeping her voice deliberately soft but casual, this time. Because she’s not trying to seduce Maggie if Maggie isn’t trying to be seduced. She wants to offer, not push. She wants to give, not impose.
“Please?” Maggie asks, and Alex doesn’t hesitate.
She scoops her into her arms and she carries her from the couch to the bed, kissing her mouth gently the whole way there.
“You sure? We can cuddle, you can cry more, we can -- “
“Danvers. Make love to me. If you want. Please?” Maggie’s voice is ragged and her voice is wrecked, and Alex gulps, because she knows it’s from raw want, raw need, not sorrow, not grief.
“Always, baby,” Alex assures, and licks her lips as her eyes survey Maggie’s body. “Can I undress you?” she asks, and Maggie sits up in response.
Alex’s eyes never leave Maggie’s face as Maggie raises her arms above her head so Alex can pull off her shirt. As she reaches behind her and undoes her bra with one try. 
They both grin at that, Maggie teasingly, Alex smugly. 
Alex kisses her nose. Maggie giggles. 
Alex licks her lips. Maggie bites hers.
“Lay back for me, Maggie,” Alex prays, and Maggie responds, laying back and lifting her hips immediately so Alex can tug off her pants, her underwear. 
And as many times as Alex has seen her naked, she still gasps softly when she takes in the sight. 
“You,” she breathes, kneeling between Maggie’s legs and pulling off her socks, kissing her toes and her ankles and the delicate bones and veins of her feet. 
“Are,” she whispers as Maggie’s breath hitches, as she kisses her way up Maggie’s shins, spending extra time on her knees, on the childhood scars accumulated there, from jumping off of swings and leaping down from trees, from getting pushed in the schoolyard and getting shoved on the dirt road.
“Absolutely,” Alex licks and nips her way up Maggie’s thighs, paying special attention to the places that make Maggie tug at her hair, that make her whine and start to writhe.
“Gorgeous,” Alex presses kisses up from Maggie’s hip bones up the sides of her waist, to her navel, up her ribcage, between her breasts, on her nipples.
“I want to feel your skin on mine,” Maggie whispers as Alex finally brings her mouth up to meet hers again, as she kisses her lips, her chin, her cheeks, her temples, her eyes, her forehead, her dimples.
Alex hops off the bed lightly, silently, and strips without a sound, without once taking her eyes away from Maggie’s.
When she crawls back onto the bed -- back onto her fiancee -- they both gasp at the contact, at the rush, at the warmth. At the intimacy.
“Let me worship you,” Alex rasps softly, and it’s both a statement and a question.
The statement makes Maggie moan gently, and the question makes her nod with ragged breath and eager eyes.
So Alex continues kissing her way up and down Maggie’s body, pressing open-mouthed kisses to every centimeter of her skin, to every scar and every stretch mark, to every hair and to every callous. 
“I am so in love with you,” Alex murmurs with her tongue between Maggie’s legs, and Maggie is quieter than she normally is when Alex licks her, but this feels too intimate for screaming, too emotional for yelping. Her gasps and her pants and her muted pleas fill Alex’s ears and soul all the same.
“Do you want me inside you?” she asks, and when all Maggie can do is whimper Alex’s name, she pulls away slightly, wiping her mouth and her chin on her bare shoulder.
“Babe, do you need to stop? We can stop, sweetie -- “
“No, god, no, please. Alex, I... yes. Yes. Please. Inside me. Tongue. Fingers. Ally, please.”
“My absolute pleasure, baby,” Alex kisses her inner thighs tenderly before slipping her tongue inside her, before bringing her tongue to pressure her clit as she slips one, then two, then -- at Maggie’s softly frantic, entirely wrecked pleading -- a third finger deep inside her.
“I love you,” she whispers into her clit, just as their eyes lock, just as she moves her fingers just so inside her, just as her own orgasm spills over from the pressure she’s getting from grinding down into Maggie’s knee.
She feels Maggie’s climax cascading through her body, and watching it from between her legs is like watching the sunset over the ocean, but better, better, god, god, so infinitely better.
“I love you, Alex,” Maggie prays as she comes, and Alex greets it with a long stream of her own “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you”s.
“Forever,” they breathe at the same time as Alex crawls up toward her, both of them shifting blearily so they can hold each other, stay close to each other, breathe the same breath in the same rhythm in the same heartbeat.
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kas-not-cas · 8 years
It Wasn’t a Mistake
Summary: When Y/N turns a drunk Dean down, she regrets nothing seeing he never remembered what he said. But she finds herself in the same situation he was when she’s drugged up on medication for an injury. How will he react?
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, swearing, talk of blood, injury, high of medication, fluff, smut
Word Count; 3,956
Request:  Could you do a fic where the reader initially turns dean down but is on meds for an injury & is all dopey & tells dean she loves him & tries to kiss him & he pushes her off so not to take advantage but he's really happy & the next day she's totally embarrassed & tells dean to forget it for the usual angsty reasons, but Sam tells her how excited dean was & then smut? Absolutely love all ur fics, you're amazing! No pressure whatsoever to write this if u don't like it or ur too busy etc. :) -Anonymous 
A/N: This is my submission to @buckysmetallicstump Disney Quote Challenge. Mine was 20. Ladies don’t start fights, they finish them. This is not beta read as I just finished this today. I hope y’all enjoy feedback is welcomed as always!
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Sitting in a booth in the back of the dive bar you watched Sam and Dean playing pool. Well it was more on the lines hustling pool rather than actually playing. They both had a beer in their hands as the watched the drunk bikers try to play. Sam had assured you that this would be their last round, but if they kept their winning streak up they would be there much longer. So until they were ready to go, you were going to sit back and drink your pina-colada until they were ready to go.
Minutes turned into another hour and you were getting pretty tired of waiting. While lost in your own world Dean snuck up behind you and grabbed both your shoulder. You immediately went reaching for the pistol hidden in your jacket, but stopped as soon as Dean sat across from you. His cheeks were flushed as he laughed taking another sip out of his beer.
“What the Hell Dean. are you trying to get yourself killed?”
“You wouldn’t shoot me sweetheart.”
“Yeah I wouldn’t be to sure of that. Keep your hands to yourself Winchester or I will shoot you next time.”
He watched you, a confused look etched on his face. You looked away sipping on the lime green straw, trying to ignore the way he was looking at you. But no matter how hard you tried you could almost feel his eyes burning a hole into your skin. Finishing off your fruity drink you turned back to look at him. The sudden movement of your head caused him to flinch, he had been caught staring, but instead of looking away he kept watching you.
“For the love of my sanity Dean what?”
His hand moved against the polished surface of the table, his fingers brushing against the top of your hand. His touch left a tingling sensation over your skin as he stared into your eyes. “What do you say we get out of here?” He licked his full pink lips before taking it between his white teeth. “I like you a lot, I think we have a sp-” he hiccuped mid sentence, “special connection. And you know they say if you have a special connection, you have mind blowing sex.”  
“Dean,” you leaned across the table, “you’re drunk.”
“So I can totally still do sexual acts.” he slurred licking his lips seductively, “I’m a little drunk, not incapable of giving you the best pleasure of your life.” biting down to your thumb nail you shook your head again, and this time Dean’s face slowly began to fall. “Are you seriously turning me down right now?” He turned his nose up, furrowing his brow as he looked at you. “You’re turning me down Y/N/N?”
Looking around the bar for Sam you gave him a sympathetic smile. “Dean, I’m not sleeping with you when you’re drunk. Maybe when you sober up we can discuss this more, but until then we’re going to get you back to the motel.” You spotted Sam walking out of the restroom and you waved him down. “Come on drunky, let's get you to bed.”
That night you put him to bed, and the following morning he never brought up the prior night's events. Part of you was pretty sure he didn’t realize what had happened and you were thankful you didn’t sleep with him. The other part of you was kicking yourself and wondering if you should bring it up. You had feelings for him, but you were never one to take that first step. It was a strange and awkward situation you were in and you were conflicted on what needed to be done.
In the end you decided to forget what had happened that night. The three of you continued to travel across the country hunting down monsters. You three remained really good friends, not once crossing the boundary into something more than that.
“Hey sweetheart.” Dean's voice rang next to you, bring you out of a light sleep. “How are you feeling?”
“What happened?” Looking up you grimaced at the fluorescent lights above your head. “Where am I?” Dean rested his hand on top of yours, and you noticed the bags under his eyes. He looked  like he hadn’t slept in a few days.
“Well a vampire thought that you looked good enough to eat.”
There was a burning pain moving from your neck to your shoulder, indicating that the vamp tried to suck you dry. ‘Well I should have warned him I’m a little sour.” Dean shook his head running his free hand over his slightly stubbled chin. “And I’m not like a Sour Patch Kid.” Dean cocked up an eyebrow looking you up and down.”
“I’m not a Sour Patch Kid, you know their slogan.” You cleared your throat making it go as deep as it could. “First they’re sour,” you paused for a second and Dean continued to stare at you a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “You have to pause for dramatic effect.” He nodded his head to your words. “Then they’re sweet. Sour. Sweet. Gone. Sour Patch Kids!”  
Dean laughed softly resting his head on his fist. “You’re as high as a kite right now aren’t you?” Nodding your head you smiled watching him, it was like relief was washing over him as he relaxed a bit into his chair. “Fuck I was worried about you, I thought I lost you when that bitch sunk her fangs into your neck.” You scrunched up your face squinting your eyes as he brushed his thumb over the top of your hand. “What’s with that face?”
“A girl vamp tried to eat me?”
“She sure did.”
“Did I attack her first and she got me, or was she the one who started it?”
“Well,” he paused leaning back in the chair, “she snuck up behind you, and sunk her fangs into you. Before Sammy and I could get to you, you had already managed to get away.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “You got the finish on her,”
You grinned wide, “I am a lady you know!” Fluttering your eyelashes you tried to look proper and pose. ‘Ladies don’t start fights, but they finish them.” Dean made another face as you giggled in your bed.
“I really like this side of you.” Looking up at Dean, you realized that now was as good as time as ever to tell him how you felt. Interlocking your fingers with his, you stared into his olive green eyes. He stared back smiling at you as he squeezed your hand. Despite the pain rushing through your body you inched close towards him. Seeing your movements he stood up slowly inching you back to the middle of the hospital bed. “What are you doing?”
Leaning in closer towards him your found your eyes overlooking the freckles dusted against his face. “I like you Dean. . .no I like you more than that I like like you.” His eyes were locked on your own and you squeezed his hand tighter. “I love you.” You decided to go for it, leaning in close to him your lips almost touching.
“Y/N.” Dean pulled away just before you could kiss, he pulled his hand away from you and turned away. “Sweetheart we can’t do this.” His shoulders tensed as you grabbed a handful of the sheets.
You had been turned down a few times in your life and it always stung pretty bad. But being rejected by Dean, the one man you really loved, that fucking hurt. It hurt like a stab wound, a searing burning pain deep in your heart. And the fact that he wasn’t even looking at you, that made it one thousand times worse.
“Hey,” both of you looked finding Sam standing in the doorway to your hospital room, “look who's finally awake!” He rushed towards your bed, dropping a plastic bag on the foot of it. “You gave us quite the scare there kiddo.”
“Watch out for our sour patch kid, I’ll be back soon.” Dean patted the top of your head before walking out of the room. And you watched sadly before turning and listening to what Sam wanted to tell you. You were painfully regretting what you had just done and you were praying for things to go back to the way they were before.
The next day was terrible, being crammed in the back of the Impala with a tender neck wound was not how you wanted to spend the day. Although it wasn’t all bad, you slept through most of the drive. Sam and Dean were so preoccupied with a new case they were looking into that things between you and Dean hadn’t been awkward. Thank God Sam was with the two of you, otherwise it would have been a very quiet drive back to the bunker. When you finally made it back to the bunker Sam got out grabbing the bags from the trunk. He headed inside leaving you and Dean alone for the first time since the day earlier. He drummed his fingers against the steering wheel, he turned around and smiled at you.
“Let’s get yo-”
“Dean,” you interrupted looking away, “I’m sorry but. . . can we forget all about yesterday?” He blinked the eyes you loved so much widening at your words. “I don’t want things to be awkward between the two of us. I was all doped up on medication.” You let out a shaky sigh not daring to look him in the eye. “Let’s just forget about it.”
He didn’t say anything to you, he just let out a sigh himself and got out of the car. Just when you thought he was going to storm inside and let Sam deal with you, he shocked you by opening the back door. “Like I was saying before, let’s get you inside you need all the rest you can get.” He lifted you up in his arms and carried you inside. You kept a firm grip on him until he set you down in one of the chairs in the library. “You stay here, I’m going to go run a bath for you.” Dean disappeared down the hallway just as Sam walked back in.
“I thought for sure the two of you would be rushing to get in the shower together.” His words took you by surprise and you gave him a confused look as he sat in the chair across from you. “Oh come on don’t act so shocked.” He opened his laptop typing on the keyboard, not seemingly fazed by your reaction. “I had to listen to it all last night when you were sleeping. He was like a little kid on Christmas morning that finally got the present he had been waiting all year for.”
“Dean was excited?”
“Oh yeah, he’s been waiting for years to tell you how he felt.” He cupped some of his shaggy hair behind his ear. “So my question is; if that wound isn’t in your way why the Hell are you sitting here talking to me?”
Dean wasn’t turning you down, he was doing the same thing you did when he was drunk that one time. He didn’t want to take advantage of you until you knew what was really going on. And you went and turned him down, getting his hopes of being with you up.
You had never bolted down the hall so fast in your life. You twisted and turned until you finally made it to the bathroom. You flung the door opened and watched as Dean jumped turning around to look at you. He placed his hand over his heart taking a few deep breaths as you started walking towards him. Standing right in front of him you glanced up, he watched you trying to figure out what you were doing.
“You okay there Y/N/N?”
Before he could ask you anything else you grabbed his shirt pulling him down to your lips. He was stiff at first, but he soon melted into the kiss, those plump lips moving against your own. Sparks flew as he reached down picking you up by your thighs, your legs wrapped around his waist as he carried you out of the bathroom. He was walking blindly as you shoved your tongue in his mouth kissing him roughly. He moaned into the kiss, his own tongue wrapping against your own as he opened the door to his room.
As quickly as you entered he slammed it shut with his foot before stumbling towards the bed dropping you on the mattress. You winced pain throbbing in your shoulder, your hand reaching up to try to ease the pain. “Shit!” Dean cursed under his breath his lips leaving feather light kisses over your shoulder. “I am so freaking sorry about that. I guess us having rough ‘why the hell did we wait to do this’ sex is out of the question for now.” He cupped you face in both of his rough hands.  
“I guess we’ll just have to settle for ‘I’ve wanted to make love with you for years’ sweet sex.” He kissed the tip of your nose before pressing his forehead against your own. “I’m sorry for freaking out. I just figured you didn’t want this with the way you acted last night. I feel like an idiot now after hearing about how you reacted last night.”
“Well,” he gently kissed your lips, “I guess that makes us both even after that night I said I liked you in the bar.” He trailed the kissed down the good side of your neck. “None of that matter now thought, all that matters is that the two of us are here now. It might have taken us awhile but we finally figured out what we wanted.”
With another nod from you, Dean slowly nipped and sucked at your neck while his hand slid up you shirt. You arched into his touch, feeling his cool fingertips over your heated skin caused heat to pool between your legs. You had fantasized about this moment for years, the chance you would finally get to be with Dean. But as many times as you had played it out in your head, it never could prepare you for the real thing.
His hands cupped up breast, squeezing it gently as he continued to suck on your neck. His lips sealing around your sweet pot sucking on it so hard you knew he was going to leave a hickey. While he gave your body the attention you wanted, you trailed your hand down his check before find the semi-hard bulge in his jeans. You squeezed it gently causing Dean to buck into your hand as he cursed softly. His cock throbbed from within the confiding jeans, and knowing that you were the one doing this to him, made you wetter than you already were.
“Fuck sweetheart,” he growled against your neck, “I’ve always imagined you stroking my cock, but actually experiencing this.” He growled as you rubbed your hand up and down over his erection. “Fuck it feels like heaven.”
“Well if you think that feels good, just wait until you're deep inside of me.” he growled gripping the back of your hair pulling it lightly. “It’s warm, wet, and tight for you.” With each word escaping your lips you squeezed his cock harder. “So I think the two of us have waited long enough to do this.” Your fingers popped open the button to his jeans, allowing you to slip your hand into his boxers. “So let’s make this fantasy a reality.”
Dean reached down for the clasp on the front of your bra, undoing it with a certain ease. You unzipped his pants as he gingerly removed your top and bra. His fingers traced the curves of your body, his eyes focused on you as you shivered under his touch. You watched as he slid his hand under the waistband of you black sweats. The tips of his calloused fingers slowly slid under the lace trim of your panties before pressing them against your lips.
“Holy shit,” you gasped out as they rubbed up and down your lips, “I’m so wet.” Your cheeks burned as you looked away from him. You were so wet it was almost embarrassing. Dean rubbed a bit harder and you could her a slight squishing sound as he rubbed your arousal. You whimpered as he worked on coating his fingers with your juices.
“You really are wet,” he grunted as you started stroking his thick shaft, “but that’s so fucking hot. Knowing that I’m the one making you feel this way.” He dipped his fingers down, slowly entering you just as you rubbed the pad of your thumb over the head of his cock.
That sudden action caused him to push his fingers deeper inside of you. Your hips bucked against his hand as he stopped moving them inside of you. He just towered above you with his finger buried in your pussy as you rubbed his shaft. Pulling your hand out of his boxers, you pushed his pants and boxers down allowing his erection to spring free. Looking down at himself Dean smirked before curling his fingers slightly inside of you, hitting your g-spot head on.
“God I wish you could see how fucking hot you look right now. You’re cheeks are all flushed, your nipples are perky, you look good enough to eat.”
“You don’t look to bad yourself Dean.” You let out a long sigh grabbing his cock, the head of it beading with pre-cum. “You’re just as flushed as I am, and you cock is standing at attention.” He growled as you stroked him faster than before, your wrist turning with each stroke. “But you’ll look even better on top of me.
“Christ Y/N are you trying to kill me?”
“No, I’m just trying to get you off.” You said in between moans as his fingers continued to work you.  
He growled loudly pulling away from you, “Well as much as I would like to come all over your tits, I would much rather be inside of you.” You laid there in front of him spreading his legs wide, an open invitation for him to do just what he wanted.
He picked up on you silent approval and pulled the rest of your clothing off. The two of you completely naked in front of each other for the first time. You eyes raked over his bare and muscular body. Taking in every muscle and scar across his creamy skin, while he did the same to you. You felt yourself blushing under his gaze, the way he smiled at you made you feel like a teenager on prom night all over again.
“You’re so damn beautiful Y/N, wait screw that,” he positioned himself between your legs, “you’re so fucking perfect.” Staring into his mossy eyes your heart pounded inside of your chest.
Leaning up you caught your lips against his, “Please make love to me Dean.” He slowly pushed the tip of his cock inside of you, already stretching your walls out with his impressive length. “Yes, fuck fill me up Dean, I want all of you inside of me.”
“Oh I will sweetheart, I will.”
And he did, his kept pushing deeper inside of you until his balls her slapped right against your ass. You both took a second to adjust the the feeling of him being inside of you. The way his cock burned and stretched your walls. The way you pussy throbbed around him, eagerly waiting for when he would start thrusting in and out of you. Taking a deep breath Dean pressed a firm kiss against you slightly swollen lips as he pulled out of you. But as soon as he was nearly out all of the way he thrusted back inside of you.
You were mewling and whimpering in pleasure as he stretched your inner walls. The head of his cock hitting your deepest sweet spots as you slowly rocked back against him. He felt so fucking good it was so hot,  the way he growled as he kissed you, how his fingers gripped your hips as he thrusted faster. Not only were you enjoying it, but seeing the facial reactions and hearing the sounds Dean was making, you knew for a fact he was enjoying himself too.
“Fuck Dean,” You wrapped your good arm around his neck, “you feel so good.” He thrusted faster his lips barely brushing against yours as he moaned. “Just like that,” you sighed tilting your head to the side, “Oh fuck, oh, oh God!”
“Yeah you like that?” He rolled his hips excruciatingly slow, “you like it when I fuck you fast?”
“Yes.” you whined grabbing a handful of his hair, “I love it when you fuck me fast.”
“Are you sure?” He was moving so slow you could hardly feel any of his movements. “You don’t sound like you’re really enjoying it.”
“Yes, I love it when you fuck me fast!” You screamed loudly, not caring if Sam heard what the two of you were doing. “Please Dean fuck me!” Grabbing his head you pulled him down to your mouth kissing him roughly. “I need you, I need you to fuck me as fast as you can.”
He started moving again his thrusts fast and well paced. “You got it baby.” Dean thrusted faster and deeper than he had been going before. Every move was like electricity pulsing through your body. “Y/N,” he grunted, “Y/N baby.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist digging your heels into his ass pulling him deeper. His bed creaked as it hit the firm wall behind it. His movements went from sweet and caring to fast and hard. It was going so fast that the familiar tightening in your abdomen came faster than you had anticipated. Your body was tightening in anticipation for your impending orgasm.
“Fuuuck,” you whined into Dean’s ear, “I’m so fucking close, fuck me Dean.” He nodded bucking at an insanely fast pace, eager to get you off. “Dean, fuck oh God, oh God, oh my god!” Your toes curled into the mattress as he pounded into you. The tightening in you abdomen was unbelievably tight as you reached down rubbing your own clit. “I’m going to come Dean, I’m going to come.” Dean didn’t say anything in response, he only moaned as he moved faster, wanting to finish with you.
You orgasm hit you like a train. It was a full body arching off the bed, don’t touch my clit I’m coming so hard orgasm. Your body convulsed as your nails dug into the back of Dean’s neck and the mattress. He cursed your name tilting his head back as ropes of his hot cum filled you. You both laid there trembling while gasping out each others names.
Once you both were able to think Dean pulled away from you slightly. “Are you okay?”  He slowly began examining your shoulder. “I wasn’t too rough with you was I?” He ran his hand through the top of his sweat drenched hair. “We’re going to need to clean that up.”
“Dean,” you sighed pulling him back down on top of you, “can we just enjoy this blissful moment?” He smiled down at you stroking your cheek with the back of his hand. “This is a dream come true right here.”
“Well,” he smiled at you, “dream away princess, because there’s a lot more dreaming to do with me and you.”
Forever Tags: @percywinchester27 @the-cucumber-who-lived, @waywardjoy, @sammylynne321@jalove-wecallhimdean, @britney8793, @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms,@castiellerblueeyed,@nathaliabakes,@kristaparadowski,@relationshipyard,@curlycas,@slapinthefacetoyourlullaby,@jessiedangerous @selina-kyle89@jordangardner19@clarita25booklover-blog @impala-dreamer @queenofthe-bitches,@omgreganlove, @jotink78jotink78, applesugar88, @isis278,@thisisthelilith,@10200512,@growningupgeek@fuckyeahfeysand@megafrontliner311@fangirl1802 @typicalweirdbookworm@nerdwholikesword @sociallyimparedme  @riversong-sam@theroute63 @tmccarney @fantasticimpaladoctor @its-my-perky-nipples, @smoothdogsgirl, @little-castiel13, @little-castiel13, @deansbaekaz2y5 @starswirlblitz @secretlyfurrydragon @kms1000 @brooke-supernatural16, @queencharley @fabulouslyboredeveryday @therosecolouredpost  @createdbybadappreciation @notesfromalabprincess @just-meh-and-me-dogs @colorfuluniversewhispers @dancingalone21 @pizzarollpatrol @maddieburcham1 @benjerry707 @misguidedconqueress @deanfuckingwinchesterrr @faegal04 @greek-geek481 @gallifreyansass @livelovelike555 @you-didnt-see-that-cuming @we-are-band-sexuals @fandomsandstuffff @petrovadixon @kaylynnw428 @spngirl00 @fairytalesexistxx @mizzzpink @selene-stormborn @milkymilky-cocopuff @freakintasticfan @sandlee44 @likesiriusly
Dean/Jensen Girls: @torn-and-frayed @mrstheorossix3 @ioanashalala @summer-binging-spn @atc74 @betterlattethennever @anokhi07
Tagging: @supernatural-jackles​ @deanscherrypie​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @d-s-winchester​
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aejumi · 8 years
Sweet as...
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1,941
Summary: Cute fluff where chocolate addict MC is hiding the 'last' chocolate from Jumin. But Jumin had planned something better.
‘‘Honey!’’ Jumin shouted from the kitchen as I hurriedly hid the last chocolate in one of my purses. ‘‘Did you select my tie? I’m getting late for work.’’ It was rare for Jumin to be late as he valued time a lot, but I suppose last night was not the case as he valued me more.
‘‘Coming!’’ I shouted back before sipping a bit of milk from the glass that was in my hand, hoping that the chocolate’s taste would be gone. I must really plan everything so that Jumin doesn’t notice, but it’s so hard because he knows me from head to toe, both body and soul.
Going to the kitchen I saw Jumin standing near the counter and smiling at me. Happily, I went near him and placed the tie I selected around his neck and worked my magic. It was the tie I bought him on our 2nd Valentine’s Day. Now about 5 months later he still tells me how it’s his favorite.
As I finished fixing his tie, he gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I looked up and saw Jumin’s cute face smiling down at me, eyes staring straight at me but with so much love. I licked my lips and returned his quick kiss with a quick kiss of my own. He raised his eyebrows and we both laughed lightly.
I placed my hand on his chest and fixed his hair a bit and said, ‘‘Now then dear husband, please have a nice day at work. Also, please come back as soon as you can.’’
Instead of going out the door Jumin interlocks his fingers with mine and puts his other hand on my waist. He leans in and says, ‘‘But before I have to check something.’’
Jumin kisses me.
At first, he’s placing soft and quick kisses over and over my lips, but then he deepens kiss and wants to enter my mouth. But I know better than that. I know where this man is going. I back away my head a bit, motioning it toward the clock reminding him that he’ll be late.
Not listening to me, he pulled me closed to him. His face only inches from mine. And without warning, he slid his hand down to my ass and squeezed one of the buttocks. This caused me to gasp and allowed him to enter my mouth. He started kissing me passionately, exploring my mouth. Before I could return his sweet kiss with the same passion, he pulled away. Leaving me pouting.
Jumin chuckled but soon after he looked at me seriously. ‘‘You’ve been eating chocolate, right?’’ His voice more serious than ever making me forget all his tender kisses.
I knew it was no point in lying to him so I just looked away from his eyes for a brief second and brought them back with a smile playing on my lips assuring him, ‘‘Only a little...’’
Jumin shut his eyes and sighed, ‘‘You know…’’ he motioned his hand to the corner, ‘‘I found 5 packages of chocolate there yesterday. Did you think I would not find out?’’
‘Yikes!’ I thought. Never does he go by there so why did he have to find them so fast? Was it Elizabeth 3rd?... Before I could say back he continued, more aggressive than before.
‘‘It’s only been 5 days since we came back from the dentist. I remember how you were crying in pain because your left side hurt so much!’’
The last couple of months I had eaten so many sweets, especially milk chocolate which caused all that. Jumin was so worried which made me feel guilty. But here I am 5 days later eating chocolate again…
‘‘But it’s hard to quit so fast, Jumin.’’ I argued back.
‘‘I understand that,’’ he said more calmly than before, ‘‘but you’ve been eating way more than two pieces, right?’’
I gulped, not wanting agree or lie. But more because he was right. The pain that I had back then was unbearable, I couldn’t even sleep which frustrated me more.
‘‘Bring me all the chocolates that you’ve hidden.’’ Jumin demanded, not hearing anything else. I did as he said because I didn’t want to upset him more and I didn’t want that pain back.
He gave me a look of disbelief when I went under the sofa to grab a few chocolates. After handing about 8 big chocolates to him, I stood there giving a sad sigh.
Patting my head, Jumin went to work. Before going out he said that he is not forbidding the chocolate, instead he will be the one to decide when I can eat or not.
I slouched on the couch and took out my phone. On the messenger I saw both Zen and Seven online. They were discussing about cats and dogs, obviously, Zen was desperately trying to change the subject. As soon as I entered the chat Zen greeted me, as well as Seven. But instead of greeting them back I just send them a sad emoticon.
Seven: MC, is something wrong?
Sighing, I wrote, ‘‘Yeah…’’
Zen: Did that Jumin do something?!
I didn’t write back immediately which must’ve given Zen and Seven a few ideas of their own because they started writing,
Zen: I must be right! Gosh, that Trust Fund Kid! MC, are you alright??? Should I call you? Come pick you up??
Seven: Yeah, what happened? MC, you’re worrying us;;
Seven: Zen should I hack into Jumin’s computer? Maybe I’ll find something.
Feeling a bit ridiculous as I was typing the reason, I still sent it waiting for their support.
Zen: …
Seven: lolololol
Zen: Even if I HATE to admit it, but this time I agree with Jumin.
Seven: You had us all worried there lol u should listen to Jumin!
Pouting I tried to defend myself, ‘‘But! I love chocolate as much as Seven loves Honey Buddha Chips and Zen, well, as much as you love your face! AND Yoosung his video games specifically LOLOL.’’
Seven: And Jaehee?
I rolled my eyes, ‘‘and as much as Jaehee loves Zen’s musicals!’’
Seven: Omg
Seven: MC
Seven: YOU
Seven: ARE
Seven: SO
Seven: CUTE
Zen: Babe, why are you so cute? ^^
Zen: You’re being even more cute now that you’re angry! lol
I sighed yet again before typing down, ‘‘You guys won’t understand, but I’m just so addicted to it! I don’t know how it happened but I crave the sweetness all the time. Just how it melts in your mouth, warming up your insides and tasting so good ^^ I love chocolate even if it hurts if I eat too much;;’’
Zen: Wow the way you described it;;
Seven: MC you might wanna marry Chocolate oppa instead lolol
[Jumin Han has entered the chatroom]
Zen: Dude! Stop making MC this miserable
Jumin: MC
Zen: Is this dude ignoring me? Ya!
Seven: I’m just gonna get my honey buddha chips. Zen, you should get some popcorn
Zen: -_-
Jumin: MC, I didn’t know you felt so strongly about this.
I started to bite my nails. Of course, he didn’t know because I never told him. I hate to disappoint him. I should be as perfect as he is and to do that I should control myself but…
I wrote, ‘‘Jumin…’’
Jumin: I’m coming home as I’ve already taken care of the most important documents. I’ll tell Assistant Kang to take care of the rest.
Zen: Jaehee;; Give her a break you jerk
[Jumin Han has left the chatroom]
Zen: He ignored me again -_-
Seven: OoOoOh on today’s news: will MC be PUNISHED?! ;)
Zen: !!!! WHA T ARE YOU SAYING?! MC if that jerk does something to you call me right away ok???
I rolled my eyes at these two, ‘‘Talk to guys later. Bye.’’ and left the chatroom.
While I was waiting for Jumin, I started to pay attention to Elizabeth 3rd. I was stroking her under the chin and was lost in my thoughts when she jumped out of my lap. I saw her greet Jumin who was already in the living room. He stroked her fur gently and then made his way up to me.
‘‘MC, close your eyes.’’
‘‘Huh?’’ I questioned him innocently.
‘‘Just do as I say,’’ Jumin said as he sat beside me and placed one of his hands on my cheek asking me kindly, ‘‘hmm?’’
I do as he says and he strokes my cheek with his thumb causing me to lean toward his touch.
Abruptly, he moves away his hand and asks me to sit still. Soon after I feel his thumb moving along my bottom lip. And it’s somewhat wet. I furrow my brows together ready to lick whatever that is, but Jumin says otherwise.
‘‘Do not lick your lips, at any cost.’’
His voice is so demanding it made me excited. I’m probably blushing like crazy.
‘‘Open your mouth.’’
I did as he said. Then he slipped his thumb in my mouth.
‘‘Oh-‘’ Jumin’s thumb fits perfectly in my mouth. Without thinking I started to suck and twirl my tongue around his thumb wanting to taste it all. The flavor poured in. ‘This is chocolate’ I realized.
At first I started slow, taking it all in by putting my tongue on the base of his thumb and sucking it completely. I started to suck more frantically but soon after Jumin started to withdraw his thumb as I curled my lips around it, not wanting him to leave.
After he had completely left me, I bit my lip and wanted to open my eyes. He once again reminded me that I’m not allowed to.
I pouted but to my relief, Jumin pulled me up to his lap. He held me tightly against him and had his other hand on my head. My other concerns for today were far gone and I was hungry for him.
I was hungrily going down to his lips but his hand in my hair held me back, ‘‘Have some patience, Princess.’’ I could hear the amusement in his voice. It caused me to groan and wiggle, telling him to hurry.
I didn’t have to wait much as he moved his wet lips and placed soft kissed from my collarbone to my neck, up to my earlobe to my cheeks and finally on my lips.
There was no teasing this time. His hand was under my shirt rubbing my back and the other one was on my head with my hair between his fingers. I also had one of my hands on his head pulling and stroking him, while the other was on his chest, somehow it slipped between the buttons to feel his skin. We both were too hungry for each other and were pulling each other closer.
Opening my eyes wide I noticed something different. Jumin was staring right back at me. Smiling into the kisses and then he bit my bottom lip telling me to come back to reality.
Jumin had melted a piece of chocolate in his mouth. Causing our kisses to be even more messy and sweet. I moved my tongue all around the corners, pulling his head closer to mine as much as possible. I sucked on his lips and tongue and found extra pleasure when he moaned my name.
Jumin got hold of both sides of my face and kissed my lips one last time passionately. Then he carried me and started walking toward the bedroom.
‘‘I think I’ve found a good way to treat your chocolate addiction.’’ Jumin said while smirking.
I nodded enthusiastically, enjoy more and more of that had to come.
A/N:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ *runs away*
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magicinhermadness · 8 years
hs!bawson prompt: double date w blip & evelyn and/or their first time. thank u!!!! :)
“I’m sorry, Ginny,” he murmured. “I just… Watching him talk to you and he kept touching you… I just lost it.”
“Trevor is my friend! I’ve known him for years. We were on the swim team together back in D.C. when we were in middle school. If you wanted to know who he was, you could’ve asked instead of storming around like you’re Mike Tyson!” He hadn’t expected her to yell at him.
“I’m sorry,” he repeated. “But what did you expect me to do when he was flirting with you?”
“Be an adult! I don’t care that he was flirting with me. I came with you. I’m leaving with you. You had no right to act that way!”
Mike climbed over the seat of his El Camino and joined her in the back, a rather difficult task given his size. He ran his hands through his wild hair. The lights of the parking lot gleamed through the windows and she frowned at the fist-sized bruise developing on his jaw. He sat hunched over, not looking at her. “I’m sorry Ginny. I really am. I shouldn’t have acted like that.”
He flinched at her fingertips brushing his bruised face. Ginny scooted closer.
“I don’t care who flirts with me. Guys do it all the time. I only care when it’s you, Mike.” She made him look at her. “You scared me.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t do it again.”
“Okay.” She peppered kisses on his bruise then finally his lips.
“I love you,” she whispered, climbing into his lap.
“I know,” he assured.
“Only you.”
“I know.” His ran his hands up and down her back. “I just can’t handle someone touching you and making you smile. You’re mine, Ginny. I’ve never been very good with sharing.”
She leaned back to look at him, her eyes wide and shining with love. “You never have to share me.”
“I know.” He smiled so bright. She’d take the sun and give it to him.
He ran his fingers through her hair then down her back to the thin straps holding her top together. He planted kisses on her chest, writing love letters on her lungs that made it hard to breathe. Ginny ran her hands through his hair, her breathing shallow. She could feel him rigid underneath his shorts. Mike slipped her top off, taking her right nipple in his mouth and tweaking the left one between his thumb and index finger. He was surprised by her hands wandering into his lap and inside the waistband of his red basketball shorts.
“God Gin,” he groaned when she grabbed hold of him, running her fingers over his veiny length. She stroked him gently, curiously, enjoying the way he reacted to her touch. Mike was sure he would explode if she didn’t stop. Worse, once he exploded, he couldn’t say that he’d be able to stop. “Gin, you have to stop.”
“I don’t want to stop,” she murmured against his mouth. He squeezed her breasts firmly, his head falling back as she pulled his erection out of his shorts and continued stoking him. He groaned loudly when she ran her thumb over the tip. She looked at his red face. “Am I doing this right? Does it feel good?”
“Fuck yes,” he moaned. Good was an understatement for what her hand felt like on him. His hands moved to her shorts, tugging at the waistband. Ginny rolled off him so she could take her shorts off, ridding herself of her bikini bottoms while she was at it. She climbed back into his lap and kissed him hard. She’d never been so needy, so wanting, so desperate for his touch. She wasn’t sure if it was the way he looked talking about his jealousy or the sense that he needed her just as badly, but she was practically trembling with excitement. Mike watched her tug on his shorts for a moment before realizing what she wanted and lifting his hips so she could get them along with his underwear off. He croaked, “Are you sure about this, Ginny? We don’t have to if you’re not ready.”
“I’m ready,” she replied, straddling him. There was no going back. She was naked and in his lap, breathless and wanting. She took hold of him, pecking his lips and watching him curiously. “Do you want to?”
He licked the curve of her jaw. “I’ve never wanted anything more than this, Gin.”He reached between her legs and groaned at the feeling of her warm and wet. “Oh baby, you’re so wet.”
His fingers on her bundle of nerves and his lips on her neck blurred the edges of the world.
“Lift up a little,” he instructed. Ginny looked confused but did as he asked, watching with interest as he reached underneath her to retrieve something from the pocket on the back of the seat. She looked down and smirked at the sight of a bundle of condoms. He looked at her with a smile. “I’m always prepared, kind of like a boy scout.”
“Exactly what kind of emergencies were you expecting?” Ginny teased.Mike smiled. “Ones like these.”
“Good point.” She opened the condom wrapped and looked at it then down at Mike’s erection pointing up at her.
“Just roll it on,” he instructed. She did as he said, working slowly enough to earn a groan of appreciation or possibly impatience. When she got it on, she looked at him. He gave her a soft smile. “We don’t have to do this, Ginny.”
“I want to,” she replied.
She spread her legs as best she could, pulling his hand between them sheepishly. Mike knew what she wanted. He slipped his fingers inside her, loosening her as best he could. Her hand found its way into his lap and she gripped him, provoking a groan against her neck. He sped up his ministrations, not stopping until dug her nails into his arm and exploded with a keening cry. He was surprised by how quickly she straddled him.
Ginny gasped as she lowered herself down on him. Mike groaned, trying not to combust upon entry. His hands gripped her thighs. She set a slow, grinding pace, barely moving against him at first as she got used to the feeling. She bit her lip until she tasted blood. Mike kissed the red spot on her bottom lip, holding her tight against him. "I’m sorry it hurts baby. It’ll stop. Just keep doing what you’re doing.”
Mike found himself transfixed by her face as she experienced him. It wasn’t just that he was her first. It was that she wanted him, that she wanted only him. He smiled when the pleasure ebbed between the pain and her mouth fell open slightly, ragged breaths escaping as she quickened her pace. She built a steady rhythm, alternating to pleasure herself, slow and deep then a little faster. He loved the way she held his shoulders, her forehead resting against his.
“Does it feel better baby?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
“Mmhmm,” she replied, her eyes closing as he took hold of her hips. She gasped when he matched her strokes. He slipped his hand between her legs, rubbing her bundle of nerves with enough force to make her emit high-pitched cries. “Oh God, Mike!”
Mike dug his fingers into her soft flesh, groaning against her neck about how good she felt. He could feel her channel ripple with small spasms signaling she was nearing an explosion. He had seen her come undone a million times, but this was different. This was their first time. He watched her eyes roll back as she moved against him at a harder, faster pace. She let out a high-pitched moan that shook him to his core. It was a new sound, a different sound, that he wanted to hear forever. It was the kind of sound that made him want to crawl out of his skin.
“Ohgodyesyesyesyes!” With another high-pitched cry, she splintered into a million pieces, her whole body shaking against him with such force that she threw Mike over the edge too. His fingertips created constellations of bruises on her hips as he held her still and thrusted into her, his teeth creating a crescent on her neck with his release. He collapsed against her, pushing her into the back of the passenger seat.
“Fuck,” he murmured. It was the only word that came to mind, the only utterance that could describe what had just happened. He had finally been with the girl of his dreams and it was nothing short of mind-blowing. He worshipped her neck with wet kisses, trailing them up to her lips. “I love you, Gin.”
Ginny smirked at him, reaching up to pinch his cheek, something only she could get away with doing. “I suppose I love you too.”Mike laughed and bit her neck gently. “You better.”
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1833 Sun. 24 March
6 3/4 11 40/.. U + + L U L finish morning - at least, fair - ground white with snow perhaps an inch deep - Fahrenheit 46º at 6 3/4 just as I had lighted my fire and 35º at 7 3/4 outside my window - read from page 26 to 48 Jesse's gleanings - breakfast at 8 3/4 - talking to Marian till came upstairs at 9 3/4 - read from page 48 to 107 Jesse's gleanings - from 11 55/.. to 12 wrote 3 pp. [pages] and ends and under the seal to Miss M[a]cL- [MacLean] quickly easily and agreeably written - dated 'Saturday evening 23 March 1833' lose no time in assuring not only do not begrudge postage but am most grateful for the letter enclosed (from her Russian friend which I had not read till this morning - useful) - conclude I have leave to keep it - will write immediately to Lady Stuart to inquire of Lord Goderich if the letters from Saint Petersburg and Moscow have been sent to him - should be sorry to lose them; 'for, should circumstances postpone my northern tour to next year, which is yet uncertain still this friends letters would not be out of date; and, I see plainly, would probably be among the most useful I should have - thank you very much for this service you have done me'
Then ask if I can be of use in inquiring about the Retreat - may depend upon my discretion - to keep up your spirits and hopes - a foreign friend of mine attacked at xmas [Chirstmas] same way 'already so much recovered as to give promise of certain, tho' slow recovery' - alluded to Mme. Galvani - express my sorrow at this so great affliction to them all, and my hope of Mrs. Maclean's having already got well over her confinement - interested about Miss M[a]cL-'s [MacLean's] (always begin my dear Breadalbane and conclude 'believe me always very truly yours A. Lister') nieces - 'hope to see them all fine amiable accomplished girls' - thanks for the willow plants - mention having written the other day to her agent to acknowledge the receipt of them and to herself but glad now that I had thought my pp. [pages] not worth her time or postage 'you dont know the pleasure I shall have in looking at these willows, nor how much I feel obliged to you' -
Mention hoping to be in London in May for a day - must go to Paris in the 1st instance - and expect being at Langton in 2 or 3 weeks but letters directed here will find me here or will not lose much time in being forwarded - mention V-'s [Vere's] confinement being expected the middle of June, as Mrs. C- [Cameron], mère, I told Miss M[a]cL- [MacLean] merely June - cannot make out the name of the young Russian but his letter useful - was studying in Edinburgh - talks of meeting his brother in Germany -
Says May best month for Saint P- [Petersburg] the heat troublesome in summer - bad hotels but the London hotel and Demont house the best - Well Kept English boarding houses in the street Galernoy where should English but he never wants to meet his countrymen in traveling - has enough of them at home and should I in such a case - Steam boats twice a week from Lubeck to Copenhagen in 24 hours and once a week to Saint Petersburg in 80 - 90 hours Best booksellers for foreign books at Saint P- [Petersburg] are Messrs. Saint Florent and company where a Saint P- [Petersburg] guide can be had - much praises the Empress's girls'-schools - mineralogical collection at the École des mines one of the best in Europe - to see Cathedral of Cæsar and monastary of Nevsky - Particularly to see Moscow - Saint Basil's church - good Moscow guide in French to had at Saint P- [Petersburg] or at Moscow -
Inns better than at Saint P- [Petersburg] Hotel du Nord opposite to the military governor - road between the 2 capitals 1 of the best in Europe and all but about 40 miles beautifully macadamized - Inns on the road evenly 40 miles (about 10 of these called palaces because the imperial family stop at them) - posthouses all the way - no delay for at every stage not less than 500 houses - postage cheap - whole distance 700 versts or 400 miles (105 versts to a degree) for 210 roubles or £8.15 (1 rouble = 10d.) 'and an additional guinea to the postboys for the whole way will make them quite happy - must take their carriage -
Carriages easily to be hired at Saint P- [Petersburg] for a trifling sum - comfortable stage coach every day between the 2 capitals - 4 insides and 2 outsides - inside place £5 travel day and night - see Novgorod - 1/2 way and from Saint P- [Petersburg] canal that joins the Caspian to the Baltic - 90 miles from Moscow see Iver [Tver] on Volga -
Downstairs at 11 55/.. my aunt and I read the service as usual and I read sermon 35 and last of the volume of Mr. K- [Knight] our late vicars sermons - just looked into the Life of Sir Humphry Davy by Jno. [John] Ayrton Paris M.D. 4to. [quarto] London 1831 brought it upstairs with me at 1 35/.. and reading the 2 last but one concluding chapters and skimming other parts - (writings on Salmonia and Consolations in Travel and elements of chemistry etc.) till 3 35/.. - then wrote all but the 1st 3 lines of today till 4 20/.. - from 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 wrote a full 1/2 sheet and 1 page and ends of envelop to 'The Honorable Lady Stuart, Whitehall' under to 'Captain Stuart M.P. Grenadier Guards, Whitehall, London' - tho' had a pretty good account of her from Lady S- de R- [Stuart de Rothesay] yet it seems long since I heard from her (Lady S- [Stuart]) and, now winter come, anxious to hear how she bears it - 
'surely I shall see you before the end of May - tho' I told Lady Stuart de Rothesay, I should write to you in a day or 2, I think I should have waited a post or 2 longer, in the hope of fixing the day for going to my friends at Langton, had I not just had a letter from Miss Maclean fearing there was some mistake about letters from Saint Petersburg which her friend had probably sent under cover to Lord Goderich, and which, my Lord knowing nothing about them, might perhaps be lost - may I ask you to be so good as inquire if any such letters had arrived, and if they have, to apologize for their being so directed (which I really knew nothing about) and to say, that I should be very much obliged by their being forwarded to me here -
Miss Maclean tells me, Vere had not written to her for a long time, but that Mrs. Cameron had written to announce the event expected in June - Poor dear Vere! I wish she was safe in London - you will be very anxious about her; and so shall I too - Her friends in Mull seem now to doubt whether they shall see her this summer or not - I have no letter from her since that of the 20th of January - I am glad, on all accounts, she is coming home - my own plans are still rather uncertain - now that Italy must be given up for the present (the heat would be too great in summer) I am still doubting between my northern tour, and a ramble in Auvergne - I want very much to see this part of France, and, when I wrote on Tuesday to Lady Stuart de R- [Rothesay], I told her, it was my favorite scheme just now - yet I have fits and starts about Copenhagen, and Saint Petersburg, and scarcely know how it will end -
Should you be writing to Lady Harriet de Hagemann, will you be so good as give my love, and tell her, I have long been thinking of writing not at all ungrateful for her doubly kind offer of potatos and compagnon de voyage and de vie too) but that I am waiting to make up my mind - I really should like to tell you my adventures in Russia; but I have still 1 or 2 potherations that may make it advisable for me to remain within reach some time longer - and this feeling is a disagreeable restraint - so Lady Gordon is coming to her house in London, and meaning to spend next winter at Rome - Has she been all this while in Herefordshire? I fear you have no good political news - the compact, however, paid to the duke of Wellington by the town of Hull, is gratifying - the poor duchesse de Berri! what a shocking dénouement! I do hope to have a good account of you - and believe me always, dear Lady Stuart, very Truly and affectionately yours A Lister - my Kind regards to Captain Stuart, who, I hope, does his parliamentary duties with as much pleasure as can be expected, under present circumstances' -
The above is all the letter but the 1st page of the 1/2 sheet - wrote it all out till 6 - sealed and gave out for the post tonight and dinner at 6 1/2 at which hour gave for the post my letter to Lady S- [Stuart] vide last page and my letter to 'Miss Maclean of Coll, Coll house, Aros, N.B. North Britain' - after dinner till 9 read from page 106 to 196 gleanings in natural history with local recollections by Edward Jesse, Esquire
surveyor of his majesty's parks and palaces to which are advised maxims and hints for an
       angler. --- not a tree,            a plant, a leaf, a blossom, but contains            a folio volume. We may read, and read,            and read again, but still find something new,            something to please, and something to instruct,            E'en even in the noisome weed.
           a new edition London John Murray Albermarle Street 1832.        London printed by William Clowes Standord Street 1 volume 12mo. duodecimo pp. pages 313        from page 309 to the end, on tree planting - worth turning to for his method of moving languish trees in Bushy Park -
from 9 to 9 1/2 reading Sir Richard Phillips's million of facts (mineral kingdom) - went into the other room at 9 35/.. and came upstairs at 10 40/.. having read or skimmed over the courier all as usual but the debates - Lord Graves's estate (came into his possession in 1800), near Exeter (Bishop's court) sold to Alderman Garratt of London for £75,000 - rental about £1400 a year - tolerably fine day till between 2 and 3 and then afterwards a few showers of small driving snow or sleet - Fahrenheit 48º now at 11 40/.. p.m. -
0 notes
Contemporary From The Oven
Contemporary From The Oven
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When i reached residence - 30 minutes later. For instance, Panera Bread turns its restaurants into classrooms by offering educating ideas for youngsters aged 5-12. Instruction consists of the art of baking French baguettes (“one to bring dwelling and one to donate to individuals in want in your community“). Most chains have a loyal fanbase of people who treat their restaurant of choice like it’s holy ground. Alex talked about some of the things in restaurant that we'll do, whether or not it is pre-portioning, trying on the pre-opening time in the restaurant, how do we cut back that. At the time of writing, shares have been buying and selling 1.Eighty five% away from the 20-days easy transferring average and -19.49% away from the 200-days simple moving common. No jail time but 5 yrs probation. As an alternative, if you want to omit the crumb topping, strive plain ole confectioner's sugar (aka powdered sugar) instead. So if you’re selecting to forgo (or are allergic to) dairy, you’ll want to request that the barista hold off on the drink’s signature topping. Myrick spent 5 days at the hospital where she was treated with several medications to prevent the venom from spreading and to help her cope with the symptoms of the snake chew, which are extremely serious.
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Scrumptious slabs of white meat hen breaded with a thinner coating than the boneless wings. Our waiter was attentive throughout the meal and the meals was delicious. This allows you to have two gadgets with out feeling guilty about consuming quick meals. China permits for registration of all marks for goods, companies, collective marks and certification marks. The profile analyzes the company's enterprise structure, operations, major services and products, prospects, areas and subsidiaries, key executives and their biographies and key rivals. For additional review, we can check out one other in style technical indicator. Minimal wage is the legally fixed lowest per hour wage that may be paid to an employee. So I don't think I might be attempting it again. KL won't be chargeable for comments made herewithin, or their accuracy. During this event, his son will be murdered by her grandfather’s troops.
They'd a number of breading and really dry! Throughout the Occupation--within the Woods--he was a braver, better man than you could possibly think about. In case you don't like croutons maybe some shredded or feta cheese could be higher for you. No, I do not like carrot cake. That is why it's a must to make sure that you select a credible company. Begin stacking bricks to make a nice sq. sample. Archive recordsdata you rarely want in the underside drawers or in information away out of your desk. Routers with out built-in modems should be linked to an existing broadband modem to permit connectivity to the web. He stayed calm and skilled and did his job and then some. I remember how my cousin and that i tried to sneak some of his protein. The perfect soup possibility is the Chili Con Got here - it has 20 grams of protein and a hefty dose of fiber - 11 grams.
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