#anyways thank u soooo much for stopping by n saying hi !!!
astrobei · 2 years
oh my god hello so. i was the anton that send the flirty will touch prompt n thought it was time to reveal myself bc i could not be more delighted that not only did u like my prompt u turned it into a whole fic ??!! :0 fully got the ao3 notif and smiled in public. n then read it. n then i went to your blog and saw that I WAS THE ONE THAT PROMPTED IT ???? this is basically just a love letter fan mail to u but i am so obsessed w everything u write and this one made me giggle blush kick my feet etc. u are literally the captain of confident flirty will. the ceo. i’m ur assistant if ull have me.
HI OMG !! ok i need u to know that i saw ur ask and was like hmmm ok what can i do with this and then the idea popped into my head and simply Would Not Leave,,, so thank u thank u i had so much fun writing it !! so so glad u enjoyed it too because it was honestly just so self indulgent (flirty will UGH) and just. i just need more fics where byler are comfortable w each other and their sexualities n it’s just goopy gushy fluff of them being so into each other <3 this is such a sweet message thank u so much for dropping by and for the reveal !! and of course i will have u ! u can sit next to me and witness firsthand just how much i have to lie down and breathe and shove my face into a pillow and scream and kick my feet while writing a kiss scene. special privileges <333
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redstarwriting · 1 year
shit happens
spider squad x platonic!reader
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request?: yes
request: “Okokok, first of all CLASH WAS SOOOO GOOD OMGGI come bearing a request only if u want to. Teen!spider!reader who is Miguel’s favorite because they don’t cause him trouble. But it’s only because they get severely anxious when they break rules (I’m not projecting, you are). So he assigns them to go on a mission with the problem children hoping they’ll rub off on them, but the problem children just corrupt them. I just need more spider children being chaotic together and tired spiderdad MiguelMwah mwah love ur writing )pls only write this if u feel like it)”
requested by: anon​
word count: 2k
genre: platonic
Warnings: language, anxiety, Miguel being unrealistic with his expectations, electrocution, spider squad gettin thrown around
A/N: omg wait no bc same HAHA as someone with diagnosed severe generalized anxiety i get so anxious to break the rules even though my spirit always tells me to lol, i hope you enjoyed this anon! thank you for the request :)
You were the golden child. There were quite a few teens in Spider Society, but you were by far Miguel’s favorite. And that’s all because you did what he said. Now did that mean you never questioned his authority? Of course not, you questioned him all the time. But you were too nervous to go against him. You were too nervous to go against anyone. It’s proven a problem in your job since the police are not your biggest fans, but luckily you befriended a nice police captain who eases your fears every now and again. Your weekly visits with Spider-Therapist have been helping with the problem, too. Which is great for you. But you still did what Miguel said. Mans could be scary.
And that’s how you ended up here. With Hobie Brown, Gwen Stacy, Miles Morales, and Pavitr Prabhakar. There was an anomaly that needed taken down in Hobie’s world, and Miguel stuck you with the four of them. To say you were nervous was an understatement. “Right, so anyone got a plan?” Hobie asks, in his thick accent. “What? What do you mean, dude, we’re in your world,” Miles says, and Hobie shrugs. “So? Not my villain, dunno ‘ow to stop ‘im.”
“Okay, well we know that he’s an electro variant, so… what can we do with that?” Gwen asks, and Pav sighs. “Be electrocuted,” he says sadly. “Miles can handle that,” Gwen says, and Miles snaps his head toward her. “Miles cannot handle that! Why are we saying Miles can be electrocuted?!” Miles yells, and the other three shush him. “’ow ‘bout you, mate, any ideas?” Hobie asks you, and you shrug. You look around before pointing up to the water towers on the roofs of the multiple buildings in New London. “Water,” you suggest, and they all look where you’re pointing. “Smart,” Gwen says with a nod. “How do we get the water to him, though?” Pav asks, looking at you again. You frown. “I… actually didn’t think that far.”
“Well, ‘at’s, easy. We just bust ‘em. Get ‘im to fly near one and,” Hobie makes an explosion noise and uses his hands to imitate an explosion. “What? But what about all the people who will lose water?” you ask, and Miles cocks his head to the side. “It’ll get fixed fast, probably. It’s our job to fuck shit up and then have other people fix it cause if we don’t fuck shit up, shit gets fucked anyways,” he says, and you sigh. “But Miguel said to try and not cause too much of an issue—”
“Oi. Who gives a flyin’ fuck what ‘e said. Not me. And this is my bloody world, I’ll cause as much damage as I want to,” Hobie says, and you look down. “Sorry.”
“You don’t gotta apologize for nothin’, mate,” Hobie says, and you mumble another ‘sorry.’ “You know what? I think Electro can wait a minute,” Hobie says, turning towards you, “More important matters to figure out ‘ere.”
“Like what?” you ask, and he shrugs. “Why are you so nervous?” he asks, and you gulp. “I-I’m not, I just—”
“You definitely are,” Gwen says, and Miles throws in a ‘yup!’ with a nod. “Is it us?” Pav asks, a hint of sadness in his voice. “W-What? No, that’s not it,” you say, waving your hands in a frantic way to say no. “I just am nervous in general. It really isn’t that big of a deal, guys, we should be focusing on—”
“Nope. You’re not gettin’ outta this, you been in ya ‘ead this ‘ole time.”
“I’m always in my head, it really isn’t that big of a deal—”
“Is ‘at why you try to avoid everyone? Don’t talk to no one?” Hobie asks, and you gulp. “I-I talk to some people…” you mumble, and a small frown forms on Gwen’s face. “The therapist in Spider Society doesn’t count,” she says, and you look down. “Well, why not…? He’s a person...”
“Because he’s like 40, and you’re our age,” Pav says, “you’d get along better with us, bro.”
“Miguel said that if anyone could make us not as ‘moronic’ it would be you, but I feel like he just kinda takes advantage of you instead of recognizing the pressure he puts on you. I have some experience with that,,” Miles says, and you sigh. “He scares me, okay? If I break the rules then I might simply pass away from him yelling at me,” you say, and Hobie shakes his head. “Love, the rules are all bollocks. Made by people who just wanna control your life.” Gwen nods. “Miguel is cool, sure, but if anyone can get away with anything… it’s you,” she says, and Miles chimes in. “And if you’re really that scared, remember he literally chased me around his world and destroyed a train because of me. You’ll never piss him off to that point.” You stay silent, playing with your fingers. Pav reaches out and grabs your hands. “Rules are meant to be broken, (Y/n), I learned that from Hobie. And besides, the villains we face are the biggest rule-breakers imaginable,” Pav assures, and you nod slightly. “And rules are such rubbish. ‘ey’re always different anywhere ya go. Try not to put so much weight on your mind ‘bout it, breakin’ ‘em ain’t a big deal,” Hobie says. You do actually kinda feel better. Hobie brings up a good point. Rules are different everywhere you go, so breaking one every now and again isn’t that big of an issue. In fact, it can be kind of encouraged. “Besides, breaking rules is almost like challenging ideologies, you know? Like, in breaking a rule, you challenge a system in place that is telling you not to break them. No one likes that. Where would we be if people didn’t break rules?” Gwen says. “That was deep,” Miles says, and Pav nods. “'at was a wicked way a’ puttin’ it, Gwendy.”
That’s a good point, actually. You think for a bit. If you look at it as challenging a system, or even doing what’s right, who’s to say it’s a rule that shouldn’t be broken? Hobie smiles underneath his mask because he knows they’ve gotten through to you. “So, whaddya say we go blow up some water tanks, eh?” Hobie stands, rubbing his hands together. “Okay,” you say. Gwen and Miles fist bump, and Pav does a little clap. The five of you jump into action, immediately starting to taunt and lure Electro to get him close to the towers so you can douse him and put him out.
The plan was going pretty well for the first two attempts, but he eventually catches on to what the five of you are doing. Which makes it harder. Miles does, in fact, get electrocuted. As does Gwen and Hobie, and coming in as no shock to anyone, Miles is definitely the least affected. You were able to dodge all of the attacks. “You’re doing great, (Y/n)! Mind telling me how the fuck your spidey sense is so strong?!” you hear Miles yell. “MILES LOOK OUT!” Gwen screams, but it’s too late. He gets electrocuted again. “Ouch, bro! That one looked like it hurt!” Pav yells, and Miles, who is now lying face down on a roof, raises his hand up in the air, flipping him off. You snort, and then see Hobie fly past you, landing on another water tower. “Hey! Dumbass! Over here!”
“Oh, please. You expect me to fall for that? I know what your little plan is, and I’m not about to be put out,” Electro says, firing some electricity out at Hobie. Unluckily for Hobie, it breaks the water tower and electrocutes him and the water that pours out of it.
You land next to Hobie, who is now just laying on the rooftop, but he grunts and mutters some British slang that you wouldn’t understand even if he explained it to you. So, you know he’s fine. “I have an idea,” you say, and he nods. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. But we need to make sure no one is on the street.”
“What’s the goody-goody plannin’ on doin’, huh?” he says, standing. “You’ll see, just make sure there are no civilians or anyone who will get hurt. And keep him distracted.” With that, you leap and go to another one of the water towers. You take a deep breath, thinking back to what Miguel said before the five of you left.
“Try not to destroy the city while you’re at it. (Y/n), I trust you’ll keep them all in line,” Miguel said, and you timidly nod. You’d love to not destroy the city, but it’s so hard doing that as a Spider-Person. But you also don’t want him to yell at you for going against his orders. Now you’re conflicted. “No promises, Miguel. We’re gonna do what we gotta do,” Miles says and Miguel sighs. “If anyone can reign the four of you in, it’s this one. Don’t let them pressure you into acting up, okay?”
You frown. Fuck that. Miguel is pressuring you into not doing your job right. You can’t always be perfect and careful. And lucky for you, the four of them were really good at distracting villains. You web two of the support legs, yanking them and breaking them off the water tower. It starts collapsing, but you catch it. “Shit, you’re heavy,” you grunt, but regain your balance, holding it on your shoulders. You twist your body, ripping the other supports off and making the water tower completely free. You get Electro in your sight and take a deep breath. You lift the water tower, tossing it up in the air before leaping out of the way and towards Electro. You shoot webs from both hands, connecting them to the water tower and yanking it towards you. You swing it around, connecting it with Electro’s body. Sure enough, it knocks him down and explodes on impact, drenching him. And you. And Hobie, Miles, Gwen, and Pav; but hey, you did it.
You land on a roof and look down. Sure enough, Electro is knocked out cold and completely out of electricity. You swing down, placing him in one of the technological cells that Miguel developed specifically for Electros, and nod. “That… probably could have gone better,” you mutter to yourself. Your self-deprecating thoughts were cut off immediately. “That was AWESOME, (Y/n),” Gwen says, giving you a thumbs up and hug. “Yeah, little Spider, that was bitchin’,” Hobie says, giving you a fist bump. “You made it look so easy! How did you do that, you have to teach me!” Pav says, clearly excited and impressed. “You were out here talking about how you didn’t wanna break rules so instead you broke an entire water tower? That’s cool, why don’t you try being less cool next time for the sake of us,” Miles says giving you a pat on the shoulder. You smile. “Thanks, guys.” Their praise was enough to make you feel better for completely and totally wreaking havoc.
But when the five of you return, soaking wet, Miguel pinches the bridge of his nose. “I said… to not destroy the city…” he mutters, looking at you with disappointment. You look down. “City’s still standin’, mate. (Y/n) kicked ass,” Hobie says, and the other three make sounds of agreement. “Y-Yeah, Miguel. All I did was break one water tower, it’s not that big of a deal,” you say, and he sighs. “One? You all broke four water towers on four different buildings! And you flooded an entire street! You’re supposed to be the responsible one.”
“Dude. I’m a teenager. Shit happens,” you say, a sudden burst of confidence from being around the group of four allowing you to speak out. Miguel puts his hand on his jaw, sliding his hand down. “Remind me to never team the five of you up again,” he mumbles, and Hobie elbows you. “Nah, we’re a band now. Sorry ‘bout it,” Hobie says, motioning everyone to leave Miguel’s sight. You all follow. When you’re out of Miguel’s office, Hobie bumps your shoulder. “See, that wasn’t all that bad, was it?”
He was right, it wasn’t that bad.
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un-lawliet · 2 months
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— Respect
— a small drabble in which you fall, and Scaramouche saves you.
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You’re blinking up at a light in which you cannot perceive, blurred blobs of illumination merge together to create a kaleidoscope of unsures and confusion.
“Hey c’mon I can’t sit with you forever y’know?”
You groan.
The light blends together to create a canvas of blue before you and you blink again and see another pair of darker blue eyes blink back.
A palm softly slaps at your cheek, and you wince at the resounding sound in your head.
“You’re just being lazy now.” And that voice, you’d recognise anywhere.
“Scaramouche?” You mumble, reaching a hand out towards the blurry face above you.
Your finger tips touch the soft skin of his cheek, and if your head didn’t hurt so much, you’d probably have gasped and withdrawn your touch the second you breached contact.
It’s no secret that you harbour a tremendous liking respect for the man above you, and usually, you would stutter and awkwardly converse with him, but for now, now you’re tired and sore and logic has burned to crisp.
“Yea, yea it’s me.” He replies, flicking your forehead gently.
Your head is in his lap, cushioned by his thighs, and you’re entirely confused and disoriented, but your hand on his face grounds you.
You trace a finger across his features, stopping briefly at the plush of his lips, because even in your fragmented state, you know what boundaries to stray from.
“What happened?” You whisper, your voice croaky and scathed, a result of your unknown injury.
“You fell.” Scaramouche says plainly, his eyes scanning your face, taking in the small cuts and bruises littering your pretty face.
“I did?”
“You did.”
Everything hurts.
-And that must show on your face, by the way he slowly moves you to a more comfortable position.
“Where?” You hear him ask, his voice almost sounding bored, but you swear you could hear concern.
“Where does it hurt, idiot.” He reaffirms, glancing back at your eyes again.
“I-is everywhere an option?”
Scaramouche tuts, shaking his head.
You go to remove your hand, feeling more conscious, but gasp when you feel his hand on your own, pulling it back to his cheek.
He doesn’t look back at you, looking away with a sigh, when your eyes open slightly wider and a small, inconspicuous smile crosses your face.
And you understand.
“You caught me.”
“Can’t have you being more of a burden to this journey.”
You grin, despite the roaring in your head.
“Thank you for saving me Kuni.” You whisper, letting your head fall to the side, away from his gaze.
And to your greatest, eternal surprise Scaramouche grasps your wrist and places a tender kiss to the palm of your hand.
It’s fleeting, but you feel it, and your entire body warms.
“You get five more minutes.” He says, refusing to meet your gaze, “And then we’re moving again.”
And you nod and close your eyes, a peaceful smile on your face as succumb to your tiredness at last.
And what you don’t feel is the gentle way he brushes your hair out of your face, and the tiny smile that he regards you with, relieved you were ok.
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masterlist <3
feel free to leave a request !!!!
this was entirely based off of scaramouche saving the traveller in the new event EEEK ! anyway i always write something small before i start posting regularly again !!! thank u for reading and i love u soooo much <333
artwork credits
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rhaenella · 9 months
idk if ur reqs are open but im obsessed with ur account. i was wondering if u could do a smau of any driver (other than danny ric) x pbr!reader. like shes the only woman to ever compete at NFR in bull riding. shes also 19 and doesnt ride with a helmet (just a cowboy hat) shes also like yhe biggest rodeo barbie you could imagine.
Firstly, I’m sorry it took me so long to get to work on your request, end of the year stuff and other wips got in the way 🫠 Anyways, I decided on Max for this because I almost immediately thought of him and his little Texas outfit 🥰 Also, I have to admit that my (non-American) knowledge of professional bull riding consisted primarily of The Longest Ride so excuse any inaccuracies, but I tried my best to read up on it! That being said, I hope it’s to your liking :) 
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MV1 | Season of Champions
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pairing: max verstappen x pbr!reader
genre: social media au
summary: you and max are each other's biggest supporters as max tries to secure his 3rd world championship title, whilst you're fighting for your 1st in a previously all male dominated sport
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Liked by wagsf1, user3 and 135,092 others
mv.y/nupdates: Tomorrow our girl can secure one of the few select spots in the NFR finals!!! Unfortunately Max can’t be there due to his own race in Qatar, but we’ll be sure to cheer them both on ❤️
View all 712 comments
user1: they’re gonna kill it on both sides of the atlantic
user3: omg i hope y/n wins 🙏 she deserves this so much
user4: my alarm is set for 4 am to support y/n 🫡
user5: are you taking a nap between their races??
user4: lol obviously
user5: same 😂 it’s a tough life stanning max & y/n
7 October
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Liked by y/n, mv.y/nupdates and 112,363 others
pbr: y/n y/l/n becomes the first woman in history to qualify for the NFR finals in Las Vegas in December! Congrats on this incredible achievement, y/n. See you in Sin City⚡️
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user6: OMG SHE DID IT ❤️❤️❤️
user7: i’m so proud of her, i’ve literally been here since day 1
user8: remember when she used to do rodeo and everyone told her she could never go into pbr… look at her NOW 🔥
user9: she gave her hat to the little girl in the front row 😭❤️
user10: yep i cried
user11: y/n is not only the best, she is the SWEETEST
8 October
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Liked by maxverstappen1, carlossainz55 and 805,298 others
y/n: There aren’t words to describe how it feels to finally have my childhood dream come true. I’m not gonna lie, it was a tough road, especially as a female in this industry. Working my way up through rodeo to where I am today: a NFR finalist!! It’s a real pinch me moment… Little me would be ecstatic (just like present me 🙈) To all the other little girls that share the same passion & dream, it’s possible! Never stop believing in yourself ❤️ Now, let’s get that trophy!!!
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maxverstappen1: My girl 😍 You’ve 100% got this 💪
y/n: Thank you baby 🥰 But first, Texas!
landonorris: GET INNN
Liked by y/n
lewishamilton: Legend in the making 🤍
Liked by y/n
user12: you’re gonna inspire so many girls to follow their dreams 🧡
user13: ✨role model✨
user14: soooo… idk if anyone’s seen the other finalists but she’s going to absolutely annihilate the competition just saying
user15: fr, they ain’t ready
8 October
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Liked by user16, user17 and 658,512 others
f1: Howdy, y’all, it’s race week 🤠 Austin, here we come! 🇺🇸
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y/n: Looking sharp sheriffs!
carlossainz55: Muchas gracias
charles_leclerc: Have to look our best this weekend, don’t we?
y/n: I wonder who for 🤔
charles_leclerc: 😉
user17: easy there sharl, she’s taken 💀
user18: cota the soap opera, i’m here for it
16 October
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Liked by maxverstappen1, redbullracing and 778,543 others
y/n: Switching my bull gear for that other bull gear 💙 COTA LET’S GOOO
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maxverstappen1: Blue looks good on you
Liked by y/n
danielricciardo: Yeeeeehaaawwww
redbullracing: Team Bull. Always.
y/n: Hell yeah!!
user19: you can pull off literally anything 😍
user20: y/n is at cota this weekend!!!!!
user21: omfg finally some y/n & max content
user22: we’ve been STARVED
user21: exactly 🥲
y/n: Don’t worry!! It was only for the pic 😊
user23: oh thank god
18 October
y/n's story
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Seen by landonorris, alex_albon and 2,436,712 others
19 October
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Liked by y/n, victoriaverstappen and 728,451 others
maxverstappen1: Austin ready 🇺🇸💪
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y/n: There were so many cool hats to choose from but he insisted on wearing mine…😈
landonorris: Initiating the cowboy hat rule just in time before the race… Clever girl
alex_albon: Oooohh everybody watch out
schecoperez: 😂😂😂
y/n: You know it ;)
maxverstappen1: Wait what?
landonorris: Nothing, mate 🤠 You’ll find out soon enough
user25: y/n and the whole grid ganging up on max 😭
user26: he’s so oblivious i love it
19 October
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Liked by sophiekumpen, redbullracing and 654,281 others
View all 2,017 comments
user27: 🔥🔥🔥
user28: the goat does it again
user29: little sad that max didn’t wear the cowboy hat on the podium tho
user30: lmao y/n is probably as well
22 October
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Liked by maxverstappen1, alex_albon and 768,311 others
y/n: WHAT. A. WEEKEND. 15th win of the season & 50th altogether!!!🥇Proud of you Maxie 😘😘
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maxverstappen1: Love you 😘
user31: MAXIE??? i’m sobbing
user32: i need to know all her nicknames for him NOW
user33: and i need her to be at every one of his races
user34: same she fitted right in with the crew in the pitbox, joking around and everything :’)
user33: truly one of the few wags who are actually into the sport…
22 October
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Liked by y/n, danielricciardo and 734,161 others
maxverstappen1: It’s incredible to win my 50th Grand Prix here today. I feel very proud to achieve this! Amazing job by everyone in the team 👏 And special thank you to y/n, the hat indeed brought us luck!
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y/n: Always trust the hat, you should wear it more often
maxverstappen1: Unfortunately we cannot all break the helmet rules
y/n: 🙄
user35: lmao y/n is like you either die trying or you don’t try at all
user36: she has an aesthetic to look after 💅🏼
y/n: 🤣 You got it!
user36: OMG OMG
user37: BROOO
user38: well at least we’ve got that confirmed now
22 October
y/n's story
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Seen by charles_leclerc, fernandoalo_oficial and 2,766,192 others
23 October
y/n's story
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Seen by lewishamilton, charles_leclerc and 2,541,384 others
23 October
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Liked by user39, user40 and 31,476 others
mv1jet: Verstappen’s jet just touched ground! 🛬 Nevada, United States of America 🇺🇸
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user39: oh god everyone get ready
user40: this can only mean 1 thing
28 November
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Liked by mv.y/nupdates, pbr and 275,021 others
wranglernfr: Today marks the start of the 65th NFR Finals! Newcomer and fan favorite y/n y/l/n has a good shot at winning the championship this week. However, will she decide to adhere to the mandatory helmet regulations or will she risk disqualification and still wear her self-proclaimed good luck hat? We’ll find out soon, folks. Stay tuned!
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user42: i bet she keeps to her aesthetic
user43: oh def, she basically said it herself already
user44: but but but would they really disqualify her when she wins…??
user45: technically it is against the rules to ride without a helmet during the nfr’s so… yeah they might
user44: 😥😥
user46: please y/n don’t jeopardize it all 😩
2 December
maxverstappen1's story
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Seen by landonorris, schecoperez and 3,014,839 others
11 December
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Liked by maxverstappen1, mv.y/nupdates and 301,294 others
wranglernfr: NFR 2023 Champion y/n y/l/n⚡️Despite sticking to her famous but controversial cowboy hat, y/n becomes the 65th winner in Las Vegas at just nineteen, beating the runnerup and last year’s champion Billy Youngster!
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user47: SHE DID IT!!!! 💪🔥
user48: i’m bursting with pride i’m so happy for her 🥰🥰🥰
mv.y/nupdates: two world champions this is almost too good to be true 😭❤️
user49: their christmas is gonna be one helluva party
user50: well deserved, that billy kid had it coming
user51: he only won last year because of dumb luck!
user52: FACTS
user53: this year we have a winner who’s worthy of the title ❤️
user54: can’t get over how y/n was so far up ahead they literally couldn’t disqualify her for the hat thing lol
user55: imagine if they had, people would have rioted
user54: omg they would have, with max at the front hoisting his pitchfork in the air, leading the pack
user55: 😂😂
11 December
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Liked by maxverstappen1, fernandoalo_oficial and 1,219,748 others
y/n: Cowboy hat + racing gloves = champions of the world 🏆
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maxverstappen1: ❤️
sophiekumpen: So proud of both of you 🥰
victoriaverstappen: Coolest auntie (en oom natuurlijk🙊)!!!
Liked by y/n
landonorris: Congrats on making champion, champ!!! And wow… Max has got his own hat 👀
y/n: Yup! He deserved it after his triple US win 😍
charles_leclerc: Does this mean that your hat claim has lifted…?
maxverstappen1: Unless you want another inchident, back off
y/n: Uhm... He knows what it means now…
charles_leclerc: 😳
alex_albon: RIP Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc 🪦
Liked by maxverstappen1 and y/n
12 December
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Liked by y/n, landonorris and 1,182,853 others
maxverstappen1: Wear the hat…
Comments have been disabled
12 December
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a/n: translation of “en oom natuurlijk” > “and uncle ofcourse”
Happy holidays! x
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tkaulitzlvr · 1 year
heyyyyy!! just wanted to start by saying i legit love ur writing so much ur one of my fav TH authors and i legit love seeing and reading ur stories. THEY R SO DAMN GOOD :)
anyways here the request if ur comfy lol IVE HAD THIS IDEA FOR SO LONG AND I NEED SOMEONE TO DO IT PLS QUEEN
soooo basically like 2017 soft dom tom and like we r in a car driving and like reader is rlly horny and hes teasing her LIKE CRAZYYYYY and resting his hand on her thigh and stuff and whispering dirty stuff to her giving her small neck kisses and pecks and like other teasing stuff (LOL IDK WHATEVER U WANT JUST SHIT TONE OF TEASING) and then when they get home he completely ignores reader and acts like it never happened and just acts normal and goes to watch tv on couch but then reader gets RLLY CLINGY and comes over and THEN STARTS TEASING TOM ON COUCH and like reader whispers stuff to him and neck kisses and the tom gets rlly nervous and then he gives up and like eats her out till shes BEGGING HIM TO STOP (so like some overstim) and then they fuck and yeah just smut smut smut. and tom and reader with praise kink and lots of dirty talk pretty pls. <3
HAH SORRY THAT WAS KINDA LONG AND DETAILED BUT YEAH ITS LEGIT MY DREAM STORY. pls only write if ur comfortable but yeah u can add whatever u want that would fit with the story and YEAH PLS MAKE IT GOOD!!! (u will ur amazing) yeah thankyouuuuuuuuu <3 :)
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synopsis: you can’t contain yourself, basically throwing yourself at tom. he knows it, but wants to make you wait as long as he can, and it drives you crazy. but, he makes you realise that you should be careful what you wish for.
content: smut
a/n: thank u so much anon i’m glad u love my work, and i hope this lives up to ur expectations. also never written for older tom before so thanks for being my first req to write him🙏
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he saw the glances i sent his way, the way my legs squeezed together, palms becoming a little sweaty. he noticed my breathing becoming a little erratic, teeth sinking into my bottom lip, feet tapping impatiently against the floor. he knew exactly what i wanted. but, even when i leaned over, running my hands across his inner thighs, closer and closer to his clothed dick, he kept his eyes on the road, knowing that he was driving me crazy, and he liked it.
“thinking of ordering pizza for dinner. you down?” he asks, completely ignoring my hands which are now directly over his crotch, and my eyes on him, filled with desire. he knows exactly what is doing, the slight smirk tugging on his lips telling me that, and i know that he won’t give up his little game yet. i am in for a long night, my eyes set on feeling him inside of me, willing to do literally anything to get that satisfaction, completely aware that he isn’t going to make it easy for me.
but, that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to tease me either.
“mmm, i’d rather have you instead.” i mutter, knowing that he heard me.
we stop at a red light and he turns to me, his eyes dark, a familiar look of lust present within them. that same smirk is still on his face as he slowly leans over, planting a slow kiss just below my ear, his breath tickling the skin as he whispers into it. “who says you can’t have both?”
my eyes widen, the heat between my thighs only increasing, his words quickly causing me to become flustered, my cheeks flushing a light shade of crimson. he sees this, a small laugh escaping his lips as he plants soft kisses at my neck, the warmth of his touch contrasting with the harsh metal of his lip ring as it dances around the skin of my neck, my head tilting to the side to give him better access. his actions are abruptly cut off by the sound of a horn behind us, tom’s head shooting upwards, the traffic lights already having turned green.
he quickly adjusts himself, flashing me a quick wink before pulling his head out of my neck and beginning to drive away. my eyes focus on his hand on the gearstick, the way his veins flex, fingers tightly holding onto it, wanting nothing more for them to be moving inside of me. as if he had read my mind, he removes his hand, placing it onto my thigh, letting it travel further upwards, moving closer and closer to the place i need him most, his head still facing the road as he looks blankly at it as if he isn’t teasing me to the point that i could scream.
he moves his hand flat against me, and my body jerks in shock, his fingers slowly rubbing my clothed clit, he sees the reaction he gets out of me by doing this, smiling to himself before abruptly moving his hand away, returning it to its previous position on the gearstick as i whine in frustration.
“baby why’d you stop?” i sigh, placing my hand over his and trying to move it back over my heat, but he refuses, keeping it set on the gearstick.
“stop acting so impatient, liebe, or you know you won’t get anything. be good for me and maybe i’ll give you what you want, you just gotta wait till we get home, mhm?” he taunts, watching the way i quickly nod my head, smiling at my obedience, placing his hand back on my thigh, torturing me as his thumb begins slow movements over it.
so i stayed put, trying to distract myself literally however i could, the drive home seeming like hours as each second wasted time, time that could be spent with him inside of me. the teasing never stopped, tom kissing my ear, neck, collarbone, cheek, anywhere his lips could access whenever we stopped at a red light, promising that he’d give me what i so desperately needed once we got home. so i held on, restricting myself, his words keeping me going, acting as motivation as the reward of holding back was completely worth it.
a sigh of relief escapes my parted lips once he turns onto our driveway, my hands scrambling to undo the seatbelt, literally unable to contain myself at this point. tom however, takes his time, not stepping out of the car until i have reached the front door, unable to get in as he pulls the key from his pocket, slowly unlocking the door. i expect him to move onto me the second we walk in, pushing me against the wall, attacking me with kisses, showing me that he meant his promise, but he does the opposite.
he slowly kicks his shoes off, walking into the kitchen as i stand there, pissed off and feeling completely let down. i join him in the kitchen as he stands on his phone, leaning against the counter, a smile forming on his lips once he sees me walk in.
“what pizza do you want babe? i’m feeling like pepperoni.” he utters those words so nonchalantly, as if the things he had said to me, the way he had touched me in the car were all figments of my imagination. i mumble a small ‘get me anything, i don’t care’, before trudging to the living room, sexually frustrated, completely done with his teasing.
he joins me soon after, patting my thigh gently as he sits beside me, grabbing the remote and scrolling through the channels as if i wasn’t sat next to him, bored and desperate. i had reached my breaking point.
“tom…” i trail off, leaning towards him, my lips pressing open-mouthed kisses against his neck, taking note of the way his breathing begins to quicken, knowing that i am slowly getting to him. but he doesn’t show it yet, his expression still blank, eyes still set on the tv in front of him.
“baby…” i mutter against his skin, my hand reaching for his crotch, palming him as a low groan emits from his now parted lips. he shuffles in his seat a little, adjusting himself and clearing his throat. still nothing. i reach underneath his t-shirt, my fingers tracing his abs, feeling every muscle, lips still attached to his neck. he doesn’t give in, keeping me waiting, which only frustrates him even more, but i can feel him slowly giving in, only motivating me more.
“please, i promise i’ll be good…” i slowly say, looking upwards at him before climbing onto his lap, straddling him as he has no choice but to look into my eyes. “i’ll be so good…”
i repeat my words, dipping my head so that it is underneath his chin, kissing his neck once again, sucking gently on the skin as i try to leave marks. but i am not finished yet. i slowly begin to grind against his clothed dick, moving back and forth at a teasingly slow pace. it doesn’t take long for his hands to grip at my hips, completely stopping my movements. bingo.
“so fucking impatient.” he mumbles, switching us around in one swift motion as he lays me on the couch, moving on top of me and messily colliding his lips with mine. “couldn’t wait at all could you, hm?”
i say nothing, too busy focusing on the way his lips move against mine. he clearly isn’t wasting anytime as i feel his hands move to my leggings, hooking his fingers around the hem, tugging them and my panties down, raking them down my legs and throwing them carelessly onto the floor. my own hands scramble for his t-shirt, taking it off of him and letting it find the pile of clothes on the floor, my own t-shirt and his pants following, only his boxers between us.
he reconnects our lips as a quiet ‘please’ escapes from my mouth, wanting more than just a kiss, having waited all night for this.
“please what? you know you have to use your words schatz.” he teases, his forehead against mine, waiting for me to speak.
“need you to touch me.” i whine, my hands finding his neck as i play with the loose strands of hair, watching the way he nods his head, seeming satisfied with my answer.
he crawls downwards, kissing each part of my body as he does so, nipping gently at the skin, enjoying the way my breathing is fast and heavy, low whines escaping my mouth. he reaches my inner thighs, still planting small kisses, one hand on each leg as he forces them both apart, letting his head rest in-between them, stopping his motions and looking upwards at me, his eyes meeting mine.
“you sure?” he asks, knowing full well what my answer is, using his breath to ask such a pointless question, knowing that it will only get me more riled up.
“yes tom just- fuck! touch me, ple-.” i sigh out, my pleading soon cut off when i feel his tongue delve into me, my mouth forming an ‘o’ shape as i my hands find their way into his hair, pushing him further into me.
“oh my god!” i cry, feeling his tongue hit all the right spots inside of me, knowing that it won’t take long for the familiar knot to form in my stomach, his teasing meaning that the smallest of touches had the biggest effect on me. he groans against me, the bass in his throat sending a vibration through me, yet another moan spilling from my lips, his name never being said this many times before.
his pointer finger finds its way to my clit, rubbing slow circles whilst his tongue continues to drill inside of me, my release building up inside of me.
“getting close. don’t stop, oh my god please don’t stop!” i beg, my hands lost within the thick strands of brunette hair, the previous tidy bun messy thanks to me, but he didn’t seem to mind, only focused on feeling me get to my end.
his tongue touches my g-spot, a high pitch moan unlike no other i had uttered coming from the back of my throat. he picks up on this, directly hitting that spot over and over, my vision clouding, eyes rolling to the back of my head, way too lost in pleasure to process the fact that the knot in my stomach had released, tom swallowing all of my juices. i expect him to stop, my chest heaving up and down, coming down from my high, every part of me sensitive, but he keeps going at a fast pace - if not quicker than before.
“too much! can’t take it.” i breathe out, my thighs squeezing against his head, careful not to apply too much pressure, but he only smiles against me, completely ignoring my pleas.
“you wanted me to touch you.” he mutters into me, replacing his mouth with his fingers so he can speak more clearly. “so that’s what i’m gonna do schatz.”
and he sticks to his words, his tongue moving back inside me, the overstimulation quickly taking over, my entire body jolting when he hits the sensitive spots inside of me, unable to take the pleasure.
“please…i can’t…too much…”
my words are incoherent, not able to form full sentences as i feel another release building up.
“not stopping until you say the word baby.” he mumbles against me, referring to our safe word that i have only had to use once. he knows that i won’t say it, secretly enjoying the pleasure despite the pain that comes with it, taking all of it in. “you can give me one more, doing so well.”
i take in every single word of praise he gives me, using it to work through the pain, focusing on the pleasure, using it to guide me to my release, my eyes squeezing shut, head falling backwards as it takes over, my back arching off of the couch, this one much more powerful than the last. he swallows everything, planting a few kisses on my lips as i wince, completely spent. my body lays limp on the couch, his moving upwards so that he is hovering above me. he kisses me softly, his thumb reaching upwards and wiping a few tears that i hadn’t even realised had fallen.
he sits up, taking his boxers off, stopping them at his knees, not even bothering to fully remove him. he lifts my body, sitting me on top of him so i am straddling him.
“you did so well baby. you think you can handle just one more, for me?” he asks, running his hands up and down my hips, watching as i tiredly nod my head, a small smile spreading across his face.
i position myself onto him, slowly sliding downwards as he fills me up.
“fuckkkk.” he drags out, his head falling backwards and resting on the top of the couch, his hands tightly holding my hips, fingers digging into the flesh.
i stop about halfway, feeling completely full, not sure how i will be able to take all of him. he sees that i am struggling, kissing my cheeks gently , moving down to my collarbone.
“you feel so good baby, keep going, you’re almost there. shit- so fucking good.”
low groans escape his mouth as i nod my head, continuing to sink onto him until i am fully sat on him, my mouth dropping open, wincing a little at the pain, his fingers nothing compared to the size of him. i place my hands on his chest, trying to steady myself as i begin bouncing up and down, tom moaning loudly, his hands never leaving my hips, watching me move on him.
“so fucking tight, oh my god…” he sighs out, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip, eyes fluttering shut as i speed up my movements, whining as he hits a totally new angle, never feeling so good, so full before.
his forehead glistens with sweat, muscles flexing every time he squeezes my hips, his fingers leaving marks into my skin, but i don’t complain, the feeling only increasing my stamina. my walls clench around him unconsciously, tom groaning whenever i do it, the feeling only bringing him closer to the edge.
“just like that.” he groans, his voice deep. “yeah, shit baby- feels so good.”
after my two orgasms, it doesn’t take me long to become tired, my movements slow and sloppy. my body collapses onto his chest, frustrated as i am getting close, unable to get there myself. he notices this quickly, beginning to thrust upwards into me, loud moans echoing throughout the room as i try my best to meet his movements, rotating my hips a little, feeling him deeper inside me than i ever have before.
“i’m close. don’t stop.” i manage to say, messily colliding his lips with mine, his tongue exploring my mouth whilst his strokes remain strong and deep, hitting all the right spots.
“me too baby.” he mutters between kisses. “almost there, you’re doing so so well.”
his dick twitches inside of me as he thrusts in and out a few more times, before his cum shoots into me. his head quickly falls backwards, eyebrows furrowing, mouth falling open as a long groan falls from it, his release triggering my own as i clench around him for the last time. he thrusts a few more times, riding out our highs, our heavy breathing and skin slapping together the only thing sounding throughout the quiet room.
he kisses my lips once more, pulling apart as his forehead leans against mine, arms holding me within his embrace, skin pressed together.
“you did so good meine liebe. took me so well.” he whispers, still trying to catch his breath as i am unable to respond, totally worn out, my body weak as it rests in his for support.
his lips gently kiss my forehead, one hand running through my hair whilst the other gently strokes my back, his breathing calming down as he utters sweet nothings in my ear until i fall asleep within his embrace, completely exhausted.
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requests are open! keep sending them in!!
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dipperscavern · 14 days
hi gf🕯️im here to consult your fortune telling & to formally congratulate you on 1K!! ur amazing and deserve it & all the happiness ever soooo🤎🦇ily
n e ways you know me but here’s some other stuff: im 5’3, v pale blonde (goodbye), enfp-a, confession im not actually an overly romantic person - but im def loyal and rly value integrity&honesty. i work with lobbying and legislation, & studied history / polisci / intl affairs! idk what else tbh im confrontational but not extremely hot headed… usually lol & im unfortunately a big flirt irl but it’s mostly bc i don’t stop talking. & i think it’s fun. so 🫵🏻
hi baby 🕯️ thank u so much!!! i love u!!! (yes, it is true, we are comrades, but i am an unbiased unit when it comes to fortune telling)
eldrith, first & only of her name, omen of the winds and poet of the gods, come forth and kneel before my ball of crys’, and we shall see which stark of three stands beside you in your midst 🔮
i see…. snow, winter… oh, that fellows always clipping doorways. hm— oh, yes, the man in my vision is stark, indeed, warden of the north, cregan, shall be your only need. anyways!! cregan alike values integrity and honesty, and i think you not being overly romantic would sit well with cregan. obviously, you love each other, but don’t rely on grand displays of affection to show your devotion to one another. cregan learns you inside and out, and learns the subtle ways you show your love/affection (he appreciates every one). i think the way you show affection to each other is more subtle and silent, like physical touch and acts of service, yk? and you would make a fabulous lady stark — the most politically skilled one they say ever had. u and cregan would be a political dream team!! and confrontational but not extremely hot headed, yeah brother, that’s cregan to the MAX. cregan loves someone who stands up for themself n doesn’t take any shit. plus, he would adore the oddities you collect, and always point out stuff he’d think you like (bones) <3
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scarletwinterxx · 2 years
the only way I could Remember that you were once mine - haechan one shot
hi! sooo candy dropped this week and omg they're soooo cute🥺🥺😩😩 go stream candy!! anyways here's another fluff scenario with my favorite sunshine, if u can pls leave comments saying 'YOU'RE DOING GREAT HAECHAN!' 💛
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2022 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to owner)
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If anyone was to see you right now, standing outside your ex's door, knocking hysterically with tears running down your face they would think you're out of your mind.
Which you kind of are, your dog which your ex gifted you and co-parents with you has gone missing.
Haechan opens the door, confused with the rapid knocking only to see you standing on the other side of the door looking like that. Instantly his mind goes haywire, thinking of the worst.
"What happened?! Are you hurt?" he ask, quickly but gently pulling you inside his dorm. Checking for any injuries but he didn't see anything.
"Y/N! I need to know what happened" Haechan says, growing more and more worried with every second
"Da- Daisy, she's- she's missing. I can't find her" you said in between hiccups. Now Haechan loves that dog as much as you, but right now he feels a bit of weight lifted off his shoulders when he heard you're okay.
Gently he gathers you in his arms, shushing and gently patting you on the back to calm you down. "Shhh it's okay shhh she'll be fine. We'll find her, but first I need you to calm down"
When you finally stopped crying, Haechan hands you a bottle of water. He already has his coat on, keys and phone in his pocket ready to go whenever you're ready. Only when you were done drinking he notices you weren't wearing any jacket, just an old shirt of his he probably left at your place.
He goes back to his room to grab a hoodie for you, knowing how easily you get cold.
"When and where did you last saw her?" Haechan asks, handing you the hoodie. You didn't ask any question, instead you put it on you. Your mind focused only on finding your furbaby.
"At home, I just took the trash out I must've left the door open. I couldn't find her after that" you can already feel the tears going again
Haechan pulls his phone out, checking the tracking app that was connected on her collar. Coincidently he got it last week when it was his turn to have her for the week.
"What's that?" you ask, "Tracking chip, I had it installed in her collar luckily"
"You did? Is she near? Where is she?" you ask while walking towards him to see his phone screen, he shows it to you
"She's nearby, see. We'll find her" he assures you.
The two of you walked out on the cold night, hands shoved in your pocket. You notice how much colder it got, this made you worry more about your dog.
"I'm such a bad furmom"
"No, you're not. You didn't mean it"
"I can't lose her" you whisper, more to yourself but Haechan heard you. He knows she means the world to you, when he gave you Daisy he has never seen a bigger smile on your face. Attacking him with kisses and thanks afterwards.
When the two of you called it quits, he ofcourse left the dog with you. She was yours more than his. But you know just how much Haechan adores her too so sometimes Daisy spends time with him.
"We'll find her, we're close" he says, looking again at his phone screen.
"Daisy, daisy girl where are you" you say outloud, beckoning your dog to come out when suddenly a blur of white comes dashing towards you and Haechan.
"Oh my god! You're okay, hi love you're okay you're safe" you say over and over again while you try to hug the overly excited puppy. Meanwhile Haechan just stands back and watch you reunite with your and technically his furbaby.
Daisy then runs over to him, clawing on his legs wanting to be picked up. "Hey crazygirl, you got us worried. Where did you run off to huh" Haechan says, hugging the puppy close to him.
He can hear a few sniffles coming from you, quickly looking over to see you wiping a few tears away.
"See, she's fine. No more crying" he tells you with a small smile,
"Sorry for what?" he asks you, confused why you were apologizing.
"I just barged in your apartment like that, then I was freaking out and now you had to come out in this cold night to go find her"
He shakes his head, looking down at the white fluff wiggling on his chest like she was looking for warmth. He opens his jacket to put her inside, carrying her like that instead.
"I would've come and find her for you"
You didn't say anything, pursing your lips and looking at the puppy now all cuddled up in his jacket.
"Let's get the two of you home" he whispers, "I can go home by myself, no need to tire yourself out" you protest but Haechan wasn't having any of it.
For months now he's been looking for a way to talk to you. Whenever you drop Daisy off you never really say more than a few words to him, this is his chance he wasn't about to waste it.
Also there's no way in hell he was letting you walk back home alone, by yourself this late at night.
He pulls you by the hoodie, leaving you no choice but walk beside him.
"I can walk by myself you know, I got to your apartment fine"
"I'm surprised you didn't trip on your way, you were a mess" he jokes, this earned him a light punch on the side
"I only tripped like three times running up the stairs, the elevator in your building still sucks and I was in a hurry"
"You could've called me instead, or did you delete my number?" he looks over at you, you were looking down at your shoes
"So you did delete it" he mumbles
"No use deleting it when I have it memorized. I didn't even think about it, I was just freaking out when I can't find her inside the house so I just ran to you" you explain
"Why?" he asks
"Why what?"
"Why'd you run to me?"
You stare back at him, thinking of some other answer but it's like his eyes were compelling you to say the truth
"I knew you'd know what to do, I didn't know who else to call. I only thought of you"
After all this time you still trust him that much and that meant the world to Haechan. You may not be together anymore but knowing you still think of him when you need someone, hearing he's still the first one on your list elicits this warm feeling in him.
"Save my number" he says, not knowing what else to say
"Save my number so next time you won't have to dial it manually, when you need me I'm one dial away. I'll show up, whenever wherever no matter the time I'll show up. You don't have to be the one running to me, don't want you tripping on the way" he jokes
"Yah!" you scold him, meanwhile he just laughs at how cute you were. The fluffball you both love now napping in his arms,
"Thank you, for tonight. And for Daisy" you sincerely tell him, "You already thanked me for her"
"Yea well I don't think it'll ever be enough, she's my everything. I wouldn't know what to do without her. It's like you knew I needed her, so thank you"
In his mind he thanks you too, for showing up in his life. For being his for some time in this lifetime. For being the girl he never knew he wanted and needed, and yet you're the one he keeps coming back to. Like the universe knew he needed you.
"Thank you, too" he tells you, you just shot him a smile. Continuing your walk back home with him and your little one. Maybe tomorrow he'll gather the courage and fate decides to be on his side again.
"Tomorrow, I'm taking her to this dog cafe. If you wanna come with" you invite him, the universe answering him immediately.
"I would love to"
"Okay, tomorrow then"
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sweetcollywobbles · 8 months
like bae that- It don't work like that lmao
C'mon baby beg for it yeah?beg for me pretty girl
Fuck my pretty girl squeezing me so good so good f'me yeah?
❤️ anon, my beloved! i hope your exams went well and now you're getting enough sleep!! again, thank you so much for the love and support!
i hope the headcanons weren't too wordy or detailed i kinda got carried away when writing them lmao 💀 they were soooo self indulgent especially the nsfw.
also, you're right. i wanted to show how leon is just too tired of being alone and always being used by the government that he literally has nothing for himself. he's been used by ada one too many times and maybe some other girls that never seem to stay because of his job. but, you're here. and you've fed into his delusions that there is a future for him.
i was soooo kicking my feet when i wrote "playing house" because i was 100% thinking about being controlled by him like a little doll <3
also i don't think you're showing off at all!! i don't own the cologne, but i have smelled it before and i thought it was the best-smelling cologne out there.
i really do appreciate your view on the works that i have put out so far! it encourages me to write the little scenarios that enter my silly little brain lol
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deutoplasmic · 24 days
RIGHT TAKERU IS SOOOO,,, like if you do kiss him youre just gunna feel him smile into the kiss,,, pull you closer, maybe push you up against a wall,,, swear that hes addicted to you and that youre not gunna leave this shack without being addicted to him too 😶 (little does he know youre already addicted to him) he would be so INTENSE ESPECIALLY AFTER CENTURIES OF TENSION AND ITS JUST UGHHDHDHDJD
OMG IMAGINE. im totally not stealing this from 我们的少女时代 but raising an abandoned baby dreepy with him,,, and it becomes y/n’s strongest pokemon because theyre a ghost type gym leader OMGPMGJFKFKFK AND APPLETUNS ARE MY FAVORITE i literally picked up pokemon shield over sword just to get it LMAO and thats valid!!! i only know paradox pokemon well because i watch wolfeyvgc and he talks about their competitive viability (i absorb none of it!! but its fascinating bg noise) AND THANK YOUUU 🥺 you draw so well too 🥺🩷
LMAOJDJDJD LOSER RUKI PLS 🥺🥺🥺 he would be overjoyed if you asked him out,,, although his rapidash wont be happy with him for outing its crush on your rapidash
AWWW YES HE WOULD LOVE LITTLE SILLIES,,, and gible always getting copious amounts of honey LMAOOO masaya might even sneak some honey contraband into kyo’s bag for gible later
LMAOO OMG OUR BRAINCELLS!!! and omg yea junki is the type to eat poffins anyway 😭 like loudred is his BEST FRIEND FOREVER SO THEY HAVE TO EAT THE SAME FOODS!!! its great but you always add extra padding to your walls because their busking is great but your shop has breakable glass LMAOOO
UGHHH KYOSUKE IS SOOOO!!! like he just enters your shop and empties an entire bag of berries onto your table and he and gible flash matching toothy smiles,,, he tips his deliverer hat to you each time he leaves too UGH HES SUCH A CHARMER
HEALER KOSHIN IS SO CUTEEEE HE’LL DO HIS LITTLE DANCE WITH CLEFAIRY WHILE IT USES MOONLIGHT AND EVERYONE FEELS BETTER!!!! and omg dragonite trainer ken,,, IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE and hes probably the one whos actually trying to become pokemon champion challenging the gyms and all,,, the ash ketchum if u will
LMAOKDJDJD POOR TAKUMI BABIE,,, its ok youll fall for this y/n too. simp. (affectionate) and i loVE YOUR WRITING ITS SO *chefs kiss*
😦😦😦😦😦 oh my days . my only reaction to this . they're oh my days oh my days oh my days. i can hear him in my ears.... it's just you and him........ im going to have to put this being officially the furthest they go bc i'm not comfortable with anything more silly than that but AHHHHH the the the the . i . takeru what what what
KILLING MYSELF youre like fengfan how do you raise dragon pokemon i need help and he's like . well . why don't we do it together that way we get both the ghost and dragon expertise and you're like waittttt what.... and THEYRE SO CUTE omg little apple pie dragons so cool ....... so valid tbh i hope you ended up catching/evolving one 🙏 and omg .... i get what you mean ...... i think i watched an hour+ long vid of his once and it was actually pretty interesting......... and THANKS... imagine me clutching my chest and collapsing on the ground
he'd be overjoyed bc he wouldn't have to do it himself too LOL and yeah no his rapidash has to spend a bit of time over at your place whilst they cool down lmfao........ ruki dumps little cool things on your doorstep and speeds off without showing his face bc he fears he'll do smth embarrassing if you're right there in front of him
masaya always says that "this is the LAST one!!!!!" and then kyo shows up with like a gothita and well it just so happens that masaya has an open heart and open home LOL and absolutely!!!!!!!! every time kyo comes back around masaya's like so did gible enjoy this one and kyo's like you need to stop spoiling it LMAO
LITERALLY like if loudred can eat it then HE CAN TOO!!!!!!!! ALSO THINKING IF JUNKI STUMBLES UPON A NOIBAT. they have group singing lessons together. and then at some point it just becomes "part of the family" or smth idk junki doesn't know either 🤣 but YEAH LOOOL they shatter your windows once and you've learnt your mistake
TIPPING HIS HAT DO YOU WANT ME SIX FEET UNDER oh my god the matching snaggleteeth it's over it's SO OVER he usually has "spare" trinkets lying around and gives them to you bc it would be a waste otherwise ......... one morning you discover that one of your poffin makers are broken and you absentmindedly tell kyo this when he comes around for early deliveries and well . by the end of the day . he's managed to source another functional one and refuses any payment you shove on him!!!!!!! omg you probably have this thing where you sneak a few coins on him and he does the same just somewhere in your shop ......
I CAN SEE IT I CAN SEE IT FRIENDSHIP TRULY IS MAGIC ......... he stays at sho's place for an internship once and god they're probably the most wholesome establishment for a good while. YEAH omg he is the ash ketchum of this universe. he prolly picks up a bunch of friends along the way and they help him become the champion................
he definitely will be in the end LOL near death experiences are bonding experiences. he thinks you're so cool and you just laugh and pat him on the back. also thank you omg............ you're so nice ��🙏
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fanby-fckry · 8 months
Voxblr must’ve been going off the day Fizzarozzie went canon. The RPF girlies would’ve gone wild.
Source: voxblr.vox #unreality cw #meta post #hellaverse #hazbin hotel #helluva boss
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🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
Feb 14, 2014
Mammon’s got a new brand deal in the works for me. can’t say much about it yet, but I’m heading to Lust today to work out some kinks.
🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
Feb 14, 2014
fuck why did no one tell me Asmodeus was so hot?
🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
Feb 14, 2014
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ok, you know what, that’s fair.
🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
Feb 15, 2014
he’s actually… really sweet, too.
🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
2 min. ago
update: we’re dating now
#you guys have no idea how long I’ve waited to say that #as scared as I was to go public #it’s a relief to finally stop hiding ↯ #fizzarozzie #my posts
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🌕 m00nlight_h0wling 🌗 Follow
20 min. ago
can’t believe @.queen-bee-lzebub made me read the word “clussy” with my own two eyeballs.
🐝 queen-bee-lzebub Follow
18 min. ago
Aww, babe forgive me? 🥺
🌕 m00nlight-h0wling 🌗 Follow
18 min. ago
no <3
🐝 queen-bee-lzebub Follow
15 min. ago
Clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy
🐺 666--vortex Follow
14 min. ago
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#bee stop instigating #and loon let bee post what she wants #ists y’all fight too much
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🐝 queen-bee-lzebub Follow
29 min. ago
"average imp fucks a Sin 3 times a year" factoid actualy just statistical error. average imp fucks 0 Sins per year. Fizzarolli Georg, who lives in Lust Ring & fucks Asmodeus over 10,000 times each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
Source: voxblr.vox ↯ #fizzarozzie #it’s about fuckin time #get that clussy ozz!!! #fr tho #happy for u 2 💛 #👑🐝
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🌈 hells-disney-princess Follow
47 min. ago
Soooo @.ozzie-king-of-lust @.jest-fizzarolli
When’s the wedding?
#love wins ↯ #fizzarozzie #love you uncle ozzie!! #and you too uncle fizz!! #❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 #🥹🥰💖 #🌈 posts
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🪡 niffty-lady 📠 Follow
Feb 20, 2014
I can’t be the only demon shipping Fizzarolli and Asmodeus, can I? They’d be so cute together!!!
I’m thinking Fizzmodeus for the ship name. Or maybe Fizzarozzie? Oh that sounds muuuch better actually.
🪡 niffty-lady 📠 Follow
Apr 21, 2014
Confession time: I have a contact that helps me get tabloids from Lust into Pride.
I shipped Fizzarozzie wayyy before the tabloids started reporting on them but it’s good inspo
🪡 niffty-lady 📠 Follow
Nov 1, 2019
Ok, I know some of you are gonna think I’m crazy, but I think Fizzarozzie is ACTUALLY canon???
🪡 niffty-lady 📠 Follow
50 min. ago
SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!! I knew it!!!!!!
🪡 niffty-lady 📠 Follow
50 min. ago
I told you! Didn’t I tell you?
↯ #fizzarozzie #it’s CANON!!! #I am going to write SO! MUCH! FANFICTION! #new otp unlocked!!!
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🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
1 hr. ago
quiet quitting is cool and all… but I’m about to go out with a bang! 💥😈🎶
↯ #mammon’s clown pageant #jester’s privilege #my posts
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👓 creepz0 Follow
2 hr. ago
Fuckzzarolli is such an ungrateful clown. Doesnt care about his fans AT ALL. Hes not funny anyway.
#anti-fizzarolli #fizzi critical ↯ #fizzarolli
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👯‍♀️ glitz-n-glam Follow
2 hr. ago
Got this one in the bag! Fizza-rotty doesn’t stand a chance. 😈😈
↯ #mammon’s clown pageant #klown bitch #glitz n glam #klown posting
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💥 blitz-the-o-is-silent Follow
3 hr. ago
fuck the h8rs fizz u got this
↯ #mammon’s clown pageant ↯ #fizzarolli
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📺 voxblr4k ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ Follow
8 hr. ago
Thanks to a Deal with @.million-dollar-mammon Mammon’s Clown Pageant will be coming to Pride for the first time since 2010!
Tune in to watch live on VoxTV at 8:00 pm or stream it on Voxflix.
#and remember #if you fuckers pirate this #it’s not just my wrath you’ll be facing for breaking tos ↯ #mammon’s clown pageant #VoxTV #Voxflix #VoxTek
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⬜️ voxblrverse-meta Follow
9 hr. ago
Fanby’s Fake Dash Masterpost
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eefonline · 9 months
okay EEF. hi! you’re gonna get compliments now
just wanted to talk abt your music taste. ur emo music tastes are obviously awesome and thanks for the recs a while back! (you can give me more if you want just sayin) and your music taste is superb. mcr? TOP TIER, no duh. even tho i don’t listen to them often, they’re still awesome and probably one of my fave bands (not just music wise, how well known n stuff)
ok but remember when me you n oliver were talking abt byler and laufey and when you brought up that promise was so mike coded? yea you guys are awesome i think that time will be in my mind forever (spinning it around in the microwave of which i call my brain)
ok i know you had a scott pilgrim hyperfixation before the anime came out and i never really understood why (didn’t see the movie or read the comics i’ll read the comics dw) but oh my god. now ik why you like it so much it’s so. near and dear to my heart just. THE CHARACTERS AND THE PLOT my god. magnificent
ok but you’re super duper kind and have talked to me a lot and are super funny. cracks me up like an egg fr. you’re an extrovert (ik ur personality type started with an E) and super easy to talk to (/pos btw) and it’s nice to talk to you because of that. we could be talking about byler and then start talking about something completely unrelated.
anyways happy new years, see you in 2024!
ok i think im good now n can stop using caps. ur so real!!!!! i fucking LOVE spvtw spto n all of its related content ITS SO GOOD 😭😭 I AM SO HAPPY THE ANIME HAS INTRODUCED MORE PPL TO IT IT’S A BREATH OF FRESH AIR OR WTEVER THAT 1 PHRASE IS
ACTUALLY FOING ALL OVER THE PLACE THIS IS NOT IN ORDER I AM SOOOO SORRY. NEXT, i also remember that!!!!!! it was so fun 2 talk about!!! i think i have fun talking 2 u in general ngl :]]]
also just realized that “done with cpas” thing was a lie SORRY IT JUST FEELS RIGHT!!!! n e ways tysm again!!!! i thought abt saying more but noen of it would make sense asi am so tired 💔 happy new years, finn :]]]]]
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elaichoi · 1 year
cw: mention of depression?
omg hi i have returned (yes to propose lol) ><
NOO cus ur definitely lying n being humble or whatever bc no way you don't know how good your edits are T_T i know for sure *everybody* appreciates ur edits,, i simply wanted to stop by and proclaim my luv as someone who used to edit aaaaggggeeesss ago and its like when depression makes u uninterested in something u loved for the longest time, and even if you have even just a little interest in the hobby itself, u have absolutely no interest in actually *physically doing* it anymore.
like sure i ss pretty themes bc i like them but again, i haven't touched any of my editing stuff in SO long (thats a lie i did moon's pokemon icon but that was just some masking for the pfp and thats it so it does not count ^^) im v rusty now (we're talking like 2014 or 2015-2017? maybe 2018 ish?? god idk i have the memory of a goldfish, sue me) and seeing your themes... sososo pretty that i kinda wanna sit up and brush up on my skills n everything ive missed since ? like...IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE UR EDITS MAKE ME FEEL LIKE IM MISSING OUT LMAO
anyways u r so so talented and as someone who used to dabble in editing, i see n recognize ur effort and i love them so sososo mucj
i always see u on my dashboard and if i suddenly do not recognize the pfp that means its time to check out the new layout ehehe ^_^ not to worry im always coming back to see what u have in store, and u eat everytime,, both editing and writing wise !
/dramatically waving with a handkerchief in hand/
omg anon!! (with the intention of accepting the proposal!)
nooooo like ive been like complimented on my themes but like it still feels surreal yk like someone is just saying it for the sake of it and it doesn't really hit you much even tho you're so, so grateful for their kind words?! no but honestly i get that the depression honestly makes you burn out even in your favourite things that you loved to do. even like the things that used to bring you so much happiness just become a mundane task you have to complete.
its been so long and I'm like so flattered my theme even makes you try to like do something and honestly that's gotta be the biggest compliment ive ever gotten on my editing and FOR THAT I WILL CRY!!! I WILL WEEP AND YOU CAN'T stop me and yk what?! i might sob while were at it too!!!!
you're so anon you're making me dreamy sigh with my hand under my chin rn like im so giddy you're SO NICE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH you making me feel like im flying on cloud nine rn the way I'm gonna keep my eyes on you so much,, it's so surreal to see someone who is into editing in so long tbh that i kinda can't help but be greedy to know you fr so i can talk about with someone, like what are your software ( lmao I ask that as a mobile editor) or what kinda edits do you love doing the most and etc but THIS IS ENOUGH!!! THIS IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!!
( i just realised i can ask those questions here lmao)
thank you so much for swinging by I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH /dramatically wipes one particularly wet eye than the other while sniffling/
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artterm · 2 years
I havent written in a very, very long time. But I am back.
His name was Jeremy.
The story starts same way it usually does. Boy says hi to girl, girl says hi back.
Except this time we met in the areospace building. To be fair, he was in two of my classes the first semester. And in one the second semester. but lets talk about the first semester. He was eye candy. He made my heart race when he sat next to me. I don’t even have to mention the butterflies, I felt a whole zoo. His big brown eyes - like a doe, he made me so nervous. The first time he hugged me i had the biggest smile the rest of the day. It wasn’t perfect- I mean the first time we kissed I remember I was like “ why’re you biting me?” I mean seriously the next day I had a bruise on my lip. The lack of experience was evident - I tried to use it as an escape. I don’t know what happened , why , or how. But besides all of it I kept coming back. On and off for a whole year. Except I’m the reason it has been this long because he stopped texting first a long time ago. 
but i wanted him. 
even after he told me that he just wanted to have ‘fun’. I kept telling myself I wanted the same thing, but Linda you never fucking learn. YOU want to LOVE, you want to give even when you don’t recieve. You think you’re for the streets but miss girl you most definitely are not. 
Anyways let me tell you the worst part of this.
On Septmber 1st you had a show. I wanted to go SO bad. But no one wanted to go with me, so I said fuck it Imma just go. So anyways, I bought a ticket off you and you didn’t even put my name at will call!!! so i almost missed ur entrance but alas I bought another ticket and got in. It was emptier than I expected - and I didn’t know what to do with myself so I grabbed a drink at the bar. first person i noticed when i got inside was your dad, did he recognize me? no idea. eventually i went and stood towards the middle/back. You texted me up until the point that you showed up. [ it was cute? idk?] anyways, i couldnt help but smile SOOOOO freaking big whenever you would look at me. just kept thinking to myself, wish that was mine. anyways, after your set which was obviously SO GOOD, [ maybe a little bias, besides the point]. Your dad came up to me and hugged me, 
“Thank you so much for coming Linda.” ummm he remembered my name crying n throwing up. Then when I saw a couple of the guys getting drinks I went to the bar and he bought my drink! again- fricken cute af. I came up to you while you spoke to a group of men - i lifted my drink so you could see it, “oh nice! what did you get?” Did I already mention this was the first time we’ve ever gone out...together..? I was confused for the slightest second because everyone knows my usual- except you. “Vodka Cranberry, try it.” You took a sip. You reintroduced your friends and we all hungout when the main performers came on. I felt - happy but awkward? Should I stay or should I go? I wasn’t drunk enough - but i needed to go to the bathroom. Without saying anything I snuck away and shortly after you textedd me. 
“Did you leave?” 
aw. you noticed. 
When I came back I noticed your eyes searching for me in the crowd. We made eye contact and moving through the crowd I made my way back to you. I wish you could see what I feel for you. Was it obvious when I looked at you? I wanted to kiss you. I wanted to not feel like it was all on sided. But there was no physical touch from you the whole time. By the time the show was over your dad was inviting everyone to dinner and saying how hungry he was. You were saying your byes to everyone and eventually i just felt so awkward that I left without saying anything to anyone. So I walked out those doors and headed straight to my car. and i waited. hoping that you would notice and text me. and you did. “Did you leave?” “no. well yes, but im in my car” so you told me to wait and you came to my car. I drove for a while but I was drunker than you were, so you drove. I had to pee SOOOO BAD. “Can you hold it until we get to my parents?” “no.” 
So there we go trying to find a gas station so that I can go pee. The first gas station we went to didnt have a bathroom. We got to the second and as I went to open my door you went “nuh uh” and you opened it. brownie poiiiiints. Anway you asked the cashier for the bathrooms and you got me the key, which I couldnt take out so I told you to just stand in front of the door for me. When I came out I was so happyyyyyyy. I was relieved and I was with you, still a little drunky. I vaguely remember grabbing your face, “you’re soooo cute.” 
I was on aux and you were NOT fw the music i was playing. so rude. Until I started playing bad bunny, i was surprised you really knew the song, i was laughing so hard as you sang it. You played the song you always do, ‘ Get you’ by Daniel Ceaser. You were singing- I mean actually singing. I dont know if you noticed or not but i kept lowering the volume just to hear you better. Rapper and singer??? Oh the way you had me in awe. Then we got to your parents house so you could get your car. “Are you coming over?” “ummm....” “Pleaaaase” “I dont know....” and you looked at me and it felt like such a ‘finally’ moment, we came close and kissed. It was passionate, atleast for me. As you exited my car you said , “just follow me ok?” I nodded, “okay.” 
The path we took to get to your house was very dark, you could see the plethora of stars. It was beautiful. 
But look. none of it mattered, not this story and not anything that happened later that night.  I had the best night with you and next thing you know it’s been a whole month without you. And did you care? no. did u ever care, about me?
I texted you tonight hoping that it was enough for you to say “yeah i havent seen u in a while when are you free?” some type of sign that you want to see me like I want to see you. but nothing. Sp I finally deleted you off snapchat. I don’t know if you’ll notice and I don’t doubt that when you do you wont say anything. But its what I needed, and I need to forget about you. I need to heal. You cant give me when I need and most certaintly cannot give me when I deserve.  
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2ynjns · 3 years
enhypen's s/o shorter and younger than them
pairings: ot7 x gn!reader
word count:
notes: fluff! mention of food (on most of them...) and profanity
request states “hi! i was wondering if i could make a request for headcanons w/ enhypen where their s/o is shorter and younger than them, but always babies them and acts really doting + affectionate? like they’re always the big spoon, or like “come here and try this” and feeding them, so they just enjoy taking care of them (just very soft interactions!), sorry if this is confusing, i just felt really tempted to request after reading some of your works, they’re really cute! 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍💌💘💗♥️💕🤍🤍🤍🤍"
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he LOVES it sm??
it's questionable ngl to u
he does NOT want to admit the fact that he likes that you baby him
okay maybe let's say you're shorter than him
he's 6 foot right, so you're shorter than 6 feet...
and you're younger than him,,
does not leave the fact that you! will! baby! him!
babie seungie
one time he got hurt during practice and yang leader called you
"y/n! y/n! heeseung-hyung got hurt and he can't walk!"
you got to their practice room within less than 15 minutes
you saw him staring at nowhere sitting at the corner with his foot wrapped in a cast
😪😪😪 poor heeseung
you walked towards him with a pout
he looked at you feeling bad bc he didn't want you worrying about him
given the fact that he should be babying and worrying abt you bc you're younger than him
but no, he's the one who needs babying
he looked down and he saw a bag of snack and first aid kit
more like an attempt to being a first aid kit bc it was just ice and band aid
but either way the thought counts am I right
"you made me worry. no, I'm really worried. look at you."
you sat down with him and put ice on the fractured, swollen foot.
which you also fed him not like he has working hands anyway 🙄🙄
"thank you" he quietly said, feeling guilty.
you pouted and pulled him closer and hugged him
"please don't make me worry like that again."
"okay mom"
"hey stop that! im younger than you!!"
istg he does NOT hide anything
"yes 🥺🥺🥺"
"try this! i made this for you!"
you held up a macaron that you baked and put it closer to his mouth
he smiled SO WIDELY!
he took a small bite
which got you really happy because he looked so EFFIN ADORABLE
you were looking at him like 🥺🥺🥺
"my babie"
you squished his face and kissed his lil cheekies
then caressed it
then he, he, he
he made you boop his nose!!!
what the heck jay!!
"I like the macaron" he said in tiny
you melted to his arms and you guys stayed like that
mind you this is at a park, yall were having a picnic or something
"i luv u"
like you're just so tiny in his arms
and you're younger that him
but the way you both care for each other>>>
*squish squish*
okay mr can't stop acting sexy
would only show his vulnerability to you and you only
would literally get SOOOO sad if you don't pay attention to him
one time you were doing your homework at a library and he kept you company
you're one grade/year younger than him
but he acts like a puppy around you
"are you done yet?"
"no not yet"
"hurry i want to grab ice cream"
you glared at him
"i need to work hard on studying unlike you jaeyun"
you pouted
don't u ever make jaeyun sad istg
once you were done he looked at u again
with him puppy eyes
"can we grab ice cream now"
he latched to you arms and dragged you out
and mf
you fed him his mf ice cream KDJHFJSHSFDJ
he also fed you btw
but you mostly fed him
"this is the best day of my life"
"shut the hell up jake and hold your ice cream!"
you're on your tippy toes trying to reach him while feeding him
and he would tease you by tippy toeing much higher than you do
YOU wont admit to yourself that you actually like seeing him this happy by babying him
you love babying him BC it makes him happy
and you're happy bc he's happy
and he's happy bc you're happy
you visited him at mubank afterschool
ofc his colleagues and staffs are there so he wanted to still give off that cool guy vibe or wtvr
once you got you're privacy
the biggest baby ever
"ahh, babe I'm so tired, do you wanna massage my back for me."
you agreed and literally kneeled on the couch bc you're so small and massaged him
would baby you too
helping you do homework
he may or may not be the smartest on some subjects but he tried his hardest!!
he loves you massages so while he helps and explains stuff you would give small massages
and you would like
steal kisses on his cheeks
would act like he's disgusted but he wants it!
he needs those kisses!
you would also hug him from the back and dig your face on his neck and he's giggle bc it tickles
stop being so cute ig DSJFHS
"you're such a baby" hed say
"nooo, you're MY baby"
would scold you!
bc you're younger and HE should baby you!
one time you had your arms wrapped around his while shopping for clothes
and he made you try the hoodie he wants to buy for himself
but you want to match so yeah you got two hoodies
it's like 2x bigger than him
so its 5x bigger than you LMFAO
but it's okay!!!
you both found each other SOOOO adorable
you fixed his hoodie
"you're so cute" you giggled
you reached to him face and kissed his nose
he covered his face bc HE GOT SO SHYWQWJE
not shy not me
not shine
you just ended up walking around with the matching hoodie
+ you went home and cuddled
he was laying on your bed just on his phone so you laid on top of him
you said you laid on top of him to "keep him warm"
yeah right
you guys r like butter on bread just bc ur e so small comparing to him
"you're my baby im your baby"
you both were at home
at home doing nothing but cuddling
guess who was the small spoon
not you LMFAO
he has his head rested on your chest
you're like half his size right
k1ll two birds with one stone id say
you giving him back rubs
and his arms wrapped around your body
"this feels nice" he said
he looked up to see you focused on reading
"ah, i read that last year."
"its an interesting boo ngl"
"yeah, well the main character went through all that trauma for their spouse.."
you both ended up cuddling WHILE he teaches you the book content KDFKSDJ
you would talk about your homework while cuddling #goALS
also while cuddling, you were also rubbing his back and head right
so like he fell asleep :(((
so devastating he fell asleep on you bc you were making him feel calm!!
you loved it you loved the sight
you took so many photos and set it as your wall paper <3
he's young
well you are too
he's doing his homework, you are too
you prepared some snacks and fruits to eat while doing homework
an dyou were just feeding him!!
stop babying him!!!
I'm kidding
he refuses to eat the fruit that you would offer
but then you'd get SOOO sad
so hell eat it
you would teach him whatever he doesn't understand
and you would also not stop feeding him lols
anyways you both took a break
and played games on his computer or maybe game console
you were sitting on or between his legs
i can not emphasize the fac t that you're way smaller than this giant baby
you would playfully argue while playing the game
arguments turned into cuddles >>>
you would stop him from moving!!
he's gonna be like
"imma get water"
you: "no stop sit back down lemme get it for you!"
ni ki: "i can walk tho>??>?"
you: "no stay!"
at the end you ended up with you playing with his hair bc its soft??
and you would cut fruits for him anytime
he would eat it tho always
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goldentsum · 4 years
━ submissives and overstimulation
CHARACTERS: bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku, and kirishima eijirou
GENRE: smut
TAGS: overstimulation (male receiving), slight bdsm, oral, penetration, pegging, submissive males 
AUTHOR’S NOTE: my first bnha fic please-! i missed bnha so i rewatched a couple of eps of s4 and i got an idea-- a sinful one anyway-
━ bakugou ♡
surprisingly submissive. you both know he can throw you off him if he wants to but bakugou lives for the dominance that oozes out of you. 
a kinky piece of shit 
in the moment, he has absolutely no filter and is a fucking brat about it, hips jerking and moans loud as fuck that after you two finish, his voice is all scratchy and raw. 
but when you two are finished, he will get all embarrassed and angry if you comment about it like he wasn’t the one humping you like a dog. 
overstimulating katsuki is always so fun! 
bakugou growls whenever you two do something sexual but after a bit, it slowly turns into broken whimpers and you take pride on that.
his voice is just so fucking heavenly, his dick heavy in your mouth, and he taste absolutely delicious. 
one of the reasons you love giving him head is his cum. his cum just taste so amazing. there’s a hint of sweetness to it that gets you hooked and keeps you wanting more. 
so when it’s the 3rd time he came in your mouth, his voice is all raspy and raw and his body jerking nonstop but did you stop? nope. 
he’s too fun to tease to stop~ 
“f-fuck, (y/n)! don’t... s-stop--!” bakugou gasping through his 3rd orgasm for the night, body all sweaty and sensitive, as he felt you swirling your tongue around his dick’s sensitive head. 
you let of his cock for a moment, a lewd pop echoing in the room along with bakugou’s heavy pants. you smirked up at him, your hand encasing around his spent cock and rubbed him softly. it gained you a broken groan and a full on shudder, hips not knowing whether to lean away from your touch or thrust into your hand. 
“do you really want to stop, katsuki?” you asked, taking the reddening head of his dick into your mouth and licking around it gently but even that was too much for bakugou
“j-just-- let me breathe a second... geez, woman--” he groaned out and sighed in relief when he felt you stop though you didn’t remove him from your mouth. bakugou closed his eyes, breathing heavily and trying to calm his rapid heart. but then he felt a harsh suck making his eyes snap open in surprise and sensitivity and looked down at you with wide blown red eyes. 
“s-shit” his eyes rolled back to his head when you started taking more of him, your pace getting faster with each moment.
guess he just has to cum again, not that he’s really complaining. 
━ todoroki ♡
todoroki is a brat. thank you for coming to my tedtalk. but seriously though, he really is. he likes getting on your nerves and testing you and your patience as he tries out different things to get you to punish him. oomf--
he likes seeing you angry and getting punishments. his favorite is over-stimulation and orgasm denial, either is fine but over-stimulation has a special place in his heart~ 
he is a masochist. periodt. 
you don’t really like hurting him or call him degrading names cus you just wanna love him and kiss every inch of his body but shouto has different plans from you. 
and as time pass, you kinda got used to it but never really full on be dominant and sadistic on him.
so when you snapped one day, it lowkey scared him but damn, the punishment was amazing. 100000/10 todoroki will repeat again.
ngl though, shouto loves your aftercare more than any kinky shit you two tried. even if his masochistic side just wants you to leave him aching and covered with cum and sweat as he feels so worthless like a used sex doll, your aftercare was everything. 
it grew on you too, seeing him all bruised up and messy with cum and all sort of fluids raised a sick obsession in you. 
just imagining the big powerful pro-hero tied up in your bed and letting you do anything to him was making you horny. 
bratty masochist! todoroki is one hell of a ride. literally. 
ragged breaths escaped you as you stared down at the male beneath you. todoroki moaning at the pleasure, his hips trying to match yours but it was a little difficult with all the restrains you have on him. the burning ache on his wrists and arms being tied to the bedpost for who knows how long as the build up for his 4th orgasm made him dizzy. 
you bounced on his lap, feeling his large cock twitching inside you as it threatened to fill you up once again with his thick cum. over the haze of pleasure, you continued to watch your boyfriend get lost in the pleasure with his mouth open as a thin line of spit trailed down to his chin. 
growling when you felt him cum again as you ride him through his 4th orgasm, letting your hands fall down to his bruised chest and scratched him, leaving angry red lines on his marked up torso. 
todoroki groaned at the pain, hips frantically thrusting up to you and letting the overwhelming pleasure flood his entire body. broken moans and curses escaped the man when your thrust didn’t faltered even after his orgasm. 
“if you think we’re finish here then you’re absolutely wrong, you fucking whore. we’re only gonna stop if you make me cum, got that. you’re nothing more than a useless fuck toy.” you spat out, gripping his chin to make him look at you. todoroki’s half-lidded and fucked out eyes stared at you, letting out moans in between words. 
“yes-... u-use me more, m-mistress--” 
━ midoriya ♡
this boy is one whiny mofo-- goodluck 
midoriya may seem innocent but do not be fooled, he’s a sinful one. he may act all cute and stuff like that but when you two are alone, he will jump your bones like it’s no one’s business. 
he completely trusts you so you two try all sorts of kinks even if the other is unsure. it’s not gonna hurt to try. 
one kink he never knew he’ll have is pegging and you’re damn good at it. midoriya just can’t believe how well you just swirl your hips around making the dildo hit every spot in his walls that makes him see stars.
he’s really not afraid to be vocal and try all sort of things so sex is verryyy interesting. 
everytime you fuck midoriya into oblivion with a strap on, expect him to cum multiple times until he can’t anymore. he’s super sensitive too so yeah. 
midoriya cries when he’s sensitive but goddamn he looks so pretty like that. 
tears spilling down his freckled cheeks, his lips swollen, and his muscles contracting from the immense pleasure you keep giving him. 
he’s a greedy man though, even if he came multiple times he still gets soooo needy. loving the pain over-stimulation comes with. 
you love seeing the number one hero putty in your hands~ 
sounds of skin slapping and midoriya’s loud moans filled the room, your tiring hips started to get slower making the man beneath you whine at the decreasing pleasure. you clicked your tongue at that, stopping completely and leaned closer to midoriya, your chest pressed against his strong back while he heave heavy breaths. 
“s-sweets.. please m-move” he whined, grinding his ass to your strap-on and arched his back as he tried to get you to continue while he leaned against the pillow next to his head. his cock hanging between his thick thighs, cum spilling down his skin and to the blankets beneath him. he was still hard like he just didn’t cum 3 times already. 
you bit the broken skin on his neck as midoriya moaned at your sharp teeth sinking into his skin and arched his back even more, grasping the blankets. 
“good boys should take what they are given. no asking for more or less.” you said, hands moving to his chest as you thumb his nipples making him jerk his hips back and a hoarse moan escaping him. 
you started to move your hips again while one of your hands went to his thick cock, pumping him with the same pace as your thrusts, and midoriya’s eyes rolled back to his head, loud broken moans escaping him. 
you leaned away and pushed his head against the pillows, muffling his screams as you quicken your thrust. the strap-on hitting his prostate head on. 
“let’s see how many times you can cum before you pass out, izu~” 
━ kirishima ♡
red riot is a switch but leaning more into the dom side but this sweet boy loves getting praises and lives to please you. he will do everything in his power to make you satisfied and know that you are contented.
even when subbing, there’s still a hint of dominance to him. but! if you overstimulate him, his mind just melts and all thoughts and rationality flies out the window. 
his reactions are also so fucking yummy~ teeth gritting together, sharp inhales, eyebrows furrowed in concentration and pleasure, eyes rolling to the back of his head, and hands gripping the covers of your bed as his quirk threatening to activate and just tear through the cloth.
i said it once and i’ll say it again, kirishima lives for praises. 
so please praise him. 
he’s also soooo sensitive. because when he was a teenage, he barely touched himself with how hectic UA was but when he finally had time and you came along, his libido just skyrocketed! 
at first, he cums way to early but do not fret, kiri will never never leave you unsatisfied. 
his oral techniques are top tier. you can’t change my mind. 
kirishima also is pretty quiet with just loud grunts and groans but when he already came multiple times, he really goes feral. 
he keeps on chasing the pleasure even though it probably hurts with all the sensitivity he’s feeling. 
his moans are broken and it only gets louder at that point. 
“baby girl, ahh- fuck--! you feel so good-” kirishima groans out, mouth open and showing those sharp teeth of his that you oddly had some weird fixation with. you looked at his lips, it was red and tender, as his teeth peaked out. you rolled your hips when you heard his small whine as your hand went to his mouth. shoving two fingers in his mouth, playing with his tongue that eagerly met your fingers. 
feeling his cock twitch inside you, you smirked down at the fucked out expression the man was giving you. you pressed down to his throat making him gag but his thrust never faltered and only quicken at your action.
“you look so fucking amazing, eijirou~” 
at your praise, his hips jerked and a loud moan followed it, a bit muffled by your fingers. riding him, you moaned at the pleasure he gave you as kirishima’s thick cock nudged your g-spot. 
the red-haired male groaned loudly around your fingers when he felt you clench around him, your velvety walls tight and warm as you rip an unexpected orgasm from him. 
hips jerking wildly when he suddenly came, pleasure coursing through his veins. a pathetic whimper escaping him when you continued to ride him. the sensitivity brought tears to his eyes but he didn’t stop you, body jerking when pain and pleasure hit him. 
“i wanna see you cum again, ei~” 
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
hello 👀 first of all i love your writing. second of all idk if you saw joon’s make up artist reaching up to him to fix his makeup on set but i could think about vixen bc we all know how volatile and jealous she may get.... so may i suggest a joon x vixen jealous sex drabble??? thank u!!!
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Hello, dear reader. Thank you soooo much for the compliments. I couldn’t help but deliver, it literally wrote itself. There you go 💜✨
title: yours, truly
pairing: namjoon x reader (nicknamed Vixen)
wordcount: 2.7k
genre: smut, fluff, established relationship
rating: 18+, minors do not interact
synopsis: Vixen doesn't appreciate the imbalance between her belonging to Namjoon and his belonging to her, and although she understands the limits due to his job, at the same time she's uncomfortable about the way she feels. However, Namjoon is eager to reassure her.
trigger warnings: argument on jealousy and double standards. There is one very specific passage where Namjoon imposes himself physically on Vixen, grabbing her and pinning her while she's trying to get away from him. If this triggers you, please do not read further. On to sexual topics: mention of cunnilingus, masturbation (male and female receiving), unprotected sex (BE SMART!!!!!!), marking, power struggle, several occurrences of pinning and top-bottom shifts.
a/n: Hello people, here's the first of several drabbles I've been working on. Please, stay tuned cause HOPEFULLY Jimin and Princess should be next 💖
Here's my masterlist enjoy 💜✨
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You stormed into the apartment, Namjoon hot on your heels.
“Vixen,” he called, watching you take off your shoes with a frown on your face. “Babylove.”
You lifted a finger, inviting him to keep quiet before you stood and headed to your room.
“Vixen?” he called, once more. He knew what had happened, and he knew you didn't mean to act like that. He knew you didn't like feeling jealous or possessive, but the footage of him wrapping an arm around his makeup artist — even if it was just to keep her from falling — had unsettled you more than you wanted to admit.
There were women who dried his sweat and helped him change his clothes and saw him half naked regularly, and they were out there doing so publicly, while you didn't even own a picture of him kissing you. After being together for six months. After him asking you to be his wife.
To anyone except his friends and family, you were nothing but a stranger to him.
You were his. Always. All the time. You wore his clothes and had his marks on you from Monday to Sunday, twenty-four seven, uninterruptedly ever since he'd first told you he loves you — with an unintended pause because of the tour.
But what about him? Did he even belong to you?
He called your name shyly, fearsomely. “Look at me, please.”
“I'm going to take a bath,” you announced dryly.
“I'm coming with you,” he replied, already taking off his clothes.
“I want to be alone.”
He inhaled and did the crudest, most animalistic thing he could think of. He grabbed your waist and made you face him. “Vixen. Look at me.”
You shook your head and tutted.
“Say 'no' and I'll let you go,” he said, his voice booming like thunder.
You stayed silent.
“Look at me,” he repeated, an arm around your waist, his free one coming up so he could grip your chin and force your eyes to meet his. “Like this.”
“I hate this!” you spat, looking away right before he forced you to meet his eyes again. “It's not fair!” You snarled before angrily pushing the heel of your foot against his toes.
He hissed and let you go, only to catch you once more half a second later, pinning you against the wall. “Talk to me.”
Your brow furrowed, your eyes like a dark storm, you looked at the floor as you admitted, “I have no right to feel jealous. And I hate it. It’s not fair.”
Namjoon hugged you to him, kissing your head as you pressed your forehead to his chest.
“I’m so sorry, I just… hate that you make me feel like this. It’s not you, it’s how I feel about what you do. That is, the position you’re in.” You bit your lip nervously, gripping his shirt in your fists.
Namjoon didn’t quite understand what you meant by that, but reversing the situation gave him a quite poignant point of view. The idea of you being chaperoned by other men at all time, of you being in his shoes, with people drooling over you at all times, being backstage and having no privacy with or without your clothes on, people imagining you as their partner, as their hot one night stand, as their one true love.
The thought of having to share you the same way you had to share him all the time made a shiver run down his spine. He knew he would never be able to tolerate all the things you went through for him without batting an eye. “I’m so sorry, love.” He ran his hands to the back of your thighs lowering himself to pick you up, your arms latching behind his neck as he did so. “I’m so, so sorry, little fox,” he repeated, his voice so deep and soothing.
“I’m okay, it’s just that…”
He kissed your cheek as he sat on the bed, placing you on top of him, straddling his hips. “You’re not okay, and that’s alright.” He waited for you to oppose as he let his lips linger one millimeter from yours.
Shyly, almost as if reluctantly, you pressed your mouth to his, feeling his hand on your nape, tangling in your hair, the other one pressed to the small of your back. “Take off your clothes, please,” you whispered in between kisses. Unquestioningly, he took off his undershirt, your body still on top of his while you undid the buttons of your blouse — actually, only a couple of them before you slipped it off from over your head. Namjoon’s hands went around your waist, lifting the lace and satin top you were wearing underneath, pressing his nose to your sternum once your torso was so enticingly naked, your body rising to your knees so he could reach your breastbone more comfortably, your arms hugging his head.
“You’re so precious, my babylove. So strong,” he murmured, “You’re so understanding and I’m so glad when you open up to me.” He inhaled you as he confessed some more of his worries, “I always fear that someday it will feel too much and you’ll leave.”
You shook your head, squishing his face in your palms before standing before him, taking off your jeans lightning-fast, watching him quickly remove his slacks and underwear in one go.
“Come claim it, babe,” he growled, extending his hands to you, making a come-hither motion.
You wiggled out of your panties and smiled sweetly, joining him, sitting on his lap and batting your eyelashes with a cute pout, Namjoon shaking his head at you with a knowing grin. And at that, you placed your hands on his shoulders and pushed him down. “You really thought?”
He licked his lips and rolled his eyes. “I, at least, hoped.” His hands landed on your ass before you could grab his wrists and pin them above his head while you made your way up, your naked fold glistening with wetness already in the unforgivingly bright light of your bedroom.
You knew he had a thing for keeping the lights on anyways.
“Come on, sit,” he said, his arms fighting you only playfully as he ached to grab your ass and make you ride his face.
“No.” Your reply was lapidary as your free hand began to tease the skin around your sex — not yet your folds, nor your clit,
“Vixen.” Your name sounded like a warning.
“Maybe you’ll learn I can do without you.”
“Enough,” he growled before his arms escaped your weak excuse of a grip, his jaw locked and his eyes stern in what would be nothing but his hard dom look. “You think you’re funny?”
The way he pushed you with your back to the mattress, your arms trying to save you from losing your balance, made your heartbeat flutter.
“You think I don’t know that already? You think that doesn’t scare me to the bone?” He hissed as he laid on top of you, holding back his weight only slightly. “We know who can do without who here,” he said, his eyes so tormented you wanted to comfort him. “I’m half a soul without you.”
You wrapped your legs around him, rubbing your pelvis against his hardening cock. “Stay with me, then. Remind me.” You placed your lips against his neck, licking up the curve of his throat before bringing your lips to his ear. “Are you mine, Joonie?”
His eyes rolled shut, his head moving in a nodding motion. “I only want to be yours. All the time. I wish we could be naked and alone every single second.”
You giggled and moved your hand between your bodies. “Can I stretch a little? I need you inside.”
“Do you want me to do that?” He asked, right before you shook your head. “Fuck, ____, you're fucking perfect,” he murmured, kissing down your body, licking your nipple, sucking it briefly. “I'm so in love.”
“Do you remember what I told you that night?” you asked him, purring as you pushed two fingers inside you.
“That you're gonna be my wife, someday?”
You chuckled and nodded. Sometimes it felt unreal that he had proposed to you. Already.
And that the ring around your right fourth finger was not your family ring.
“I told you I'm dedicating my life to you. That I want to live by your side for as long as we can. That I believe in you.”
He found solace in the crook of your neck, his lips searching for your collarbone before his teeth nibbled at it gently. “Don't stop. Ever.”
A third finger entered your hole, stretching your inner walls until you were comfortable. Still, you were too impatient to wait any longer, grabbing his cock and placing its tip against your folds. “I won't,” you promised, a loud gasp leaving your mouth as he sank in. “Fuck, too big.”
Namjoon backtracked as quickly as possible, but your hands stopped him just in time. “No, no, stay inside, please. I can get used to it.” Your nails sunk into his ass. “Don't go. Please.”
Namjoon inhaled, trying to keep his cool as much as possible. “I should have prepped you.” He groaned and pressed your face into his neck. “Hold tight, love. I need to shift just a little.”
You loved when he pampered you like that, when he treated you like his delicate porcelain doll. With a loud exhale, he fixed his position until he could rest more easily and resist your tight squeezes as you adjusted to him filling you to the brim. In maybe a minute, you shifted your hips, whispering, “Okay, move, please.”
“That's my good girl,” he replied, smiling at you before giving one slow, smooth stroke that made you purr and throw your head back, his tongue drawing the arch of your throat. “My jealous little thing, mh? You're so adorable.” He gave another deep, slow thrust, watching you writhe below him, legs shaking as they tensed up in pleasure. And then again, pulling out and pushing in making your toes curl, your entire mind malfunctioning into bliss.
“I love it when you're jealous,” he taunted you. “Makes me feel so wanted.” He drew the shell of your ear with his lips, your body drowning in sensations, too small to handle all he had to offer. “Almost as sexy and as desirable as you are. My little fox.”
“Joonie…” you almost sobbed, clawing at his shoulders before remembering you must absolutely not, throwing your hands off him and tugging at the sheets.
Namjoon nuzzled his nose against the side of your face. “Scratch, mark, bite. I don't care. I'm yours, Vixen.”
You whimpered and forced yourself not to. Maybe you just wanted to see who would cave first, maybe you were still feeling too petty about all the times you had been denied.
“Do it. I know you want it,” he tempted you. “Take what you want, little fox.”
You shook your head and brought yourself not only to pin your hands in place, but also turn your face away.
Namjoon rammed into you aggressively at your act of defiance, causing you to gasp and flinch. “Claim me. Do it, ____. I belong to you. Won't you acknowledge that?”
Lips sealed, eyes closed, you fought him, knowing you were absolutely hopeless the moment he pulled you on top of him. “See. This is what you do to me. Look at me. Look at the mess I become for you. For you, alone. No one else in the whole world, Vixen. Only you.” He led his hand on your belly, rubbing at your clit with his thumb, letting you grind on him with your own pace. He only wanted to make you feel good. “Vixen, please, baby. Look at me.
Slowly, you opened your eyes, your hands on his pectorals, your hips moving on him so naturally, so comfortably. He looked beautiful. Grandiose. Magnificent.
He looked like the only man you would ever look at. You knew there was no way you would look at anyone else if he was in the room.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked fondly, placing his hand atop of yours, lacing your fingers together.
“That you're the only one for me. That I need something of you that belongs to me alone.”
He shifted your hands slightly, his engulfing your own on top of his beating heart. “Here. Yours. All yours. Take it.”
You started going faster, needing for the messy ordeal to come to an end so you could sleep the afternoon away wrapped up in his arms.
With quick swivels of your hips, you changed your angle, making sure that he rubbed against your sweet spot, deep inside you.
“Guess what else is yours?” he teased, looking down, keeping his finger steady against your sensitive nub.
“Your exceedingly large dick?” you suggested with a gleam in your voice, sending the both of you into a tumble of laughs.
“Exactly,” he replied playfully. “I love you.”
“Love you too,” you replied quickly, feeling your high spiral out of control. “Cumming.”
“Let go,” he reassured you, catching you with his arm once your body collapsed, his thumb still teasing you while he started thrusting from below, making sure that your orgasm peaked and extinguished in pleasure before he finally climaxed, knowing all too well that your final squeezes would trigger his own ecstasy.
“Doesn't it feel good to cum on your favourite dick, mh?”
“My one and only,” you stated openly, watching him get increasingly worked up. “Show me who you belong to, Joon. You say you're mine? Then cum inside me.”
He shut his eyes tight. “Come on. Gimme all you've got,” you taunted him.
He grit his teeth and shook his head. He needed better leverage to go harder.
You understood that immediately. “Wanna get on top?”
He was conflicted, but in the end you found yourself with your back once more to the mattress, his cock pushing inside you so hard and fast that you were ready to start all over again if it weren't for the numbing sleepiness pulling at your mind.
“I'm yours,” he gritted out, in between strokes, like a mantra. “Get it into your pretty head that I'm yours. That I only want you. For the rest of my life,” he breathed out the final part. “I'm gonna—” and with a wildly erotic growl you felt him swell inside you before his release flowed into you, his body too sensitive to handle the high for too long.
Once he was done, there was nothing but spent, panting bodies, your hand in his hair as you helped him calm down.
“Are you feeling better, little fox?” he asked, taking your joined hands and bringing your knuckles to his lips. “If we swapped roles for a day, you the idol and I the normal person, I don't think I would be able to face it like you do.”
With your eyes closed, you waited for him to pull the two of you on your sides, your head on his chest, legs tangled together as he rubbed his feet against yours lazily and lasciviously.
“I know you don't like feeling jealous and I'm sorry that I made you feel that. You always say it's part of my job and you're understanding, but we both know it's hard to stop these emotions from happening.”
You nodded, inhaling his scent, so deeply mixed with yours. “It's worth it though. Because of the man you are, and what you mean to me.”
He kissed your head.
“I need to clean up. I want to sleep with you.”
He nodded. You were both more than happy to cancel the date and just sleep in, wrapped up in light sheets on the late September day.
Once washed and ready for sleep, Namjoon found your perfect position, your right hand in his left one as he toyed with your ring, pushing it around. Even though he had proposed, he knew the wait would be long. Still, he tried. “How much time left?” he asked, the question a cliché between the two of you by now. You always knew what it meant to him.
“A while,” you replied — your usual answer.
He nodded and pulled you closer. “Sleep tight, baby fox.”
“Sleep tight, big bear.”
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