#the point is that you fill out your w-9 correctly
swan-orpheus · 7 months
Crosshair in The Bad Batch was me filing my taxes fr.
Them (i.e. the Federal Govt): there's going to be another fine...
Me: I filed single and 0, you have got to be f******g kidding me.
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merrysithmas · 3 years
theories why bucky is prob gonna die soon:
as an OG legacy character, bucky's time in the current timeline of the mcu is already limited, here's why
1. Sam and Sharon are going to be the new Steve&Bucky cpt america duo. Aside from his own storyline, Bucky's narrative place in Sam's arc is to remind him of Steve and the faith Steve put in him. Once Sam navigates his own journey to carrying shield, this narrative purpose will be fulfilled. Sam and Sharon represent modern day symbols for American justice and hope, a black man and a powerful woman with agency. They'd be a welcome duo to fill the shoes of Steve & Bucky's bygone wartime honors.
2. The show's narratives sets Bucky up as "irredeemable" or at least his emotional state relies heavily on his personal concept of redemption right from the first episode (with his murder of the innocent boy). You know what they say in storytelling, "you don't introduce a smoking gun in the first act without..." Superhero-wise this almost always indicates a heroic sacrifice, precendented in the MCU by Natasha "Red in My Ledger" Romanoff sacrificing herself for Clint and his family, Tony "You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play" Stark saving the world and dying).
3. Bucky's insistence Sam claim his rightful mantle of Cpt America on his own terms mirrors Dr Erskin's insistence Steve remain a good man on his own terms. We all know what happened to Erskin: but the memory of the doctor inspires Steve to carry out the original mission: not to be a great soldier, but a good man. Sam has yet to be faced with the pivotal moment where he must claim this in his own way and remember who came before him. Bucky is the only one connected to Steve's original legacy that could offer this perspective to Sam. Honoring Bucky's death could act as this reminder for Sam, alongside serving Bucky's own personal ends if written correctly.
4. Super Soldiers are framed as dangerous and the elimation of them appears to be the narrarive goal. The viewer can hypothesize Bucky will see himself as the progenitor of this deviant use of Super Soldier serum and believe the world will be safer when good men like Sam uphold what is right and the dark shadow of the shady origins of the serum and its cruel misuses (Isaiah) is obliterated. Steve was special and since Steve there has been no "positive" use of the serum. Sam is destined to be Cpt America without the serum by merit of his heart and Steve's faith in his goodness. IMO this is an even more pure origin of a Cpt America and harkens back to Skinny Steve.
5. Bucky has a personal beef with Zemo which sets up a big antagonistic fight and clear opportunity for heroic sacrifice.
6. "If you were sleeping and when you woke up a miracle happened..." An ominous line. Sleep=Death, waking up... who might he see that might make his world better? (shipper goggles for those that own a pair)
7. It seems like Marvel wants to kill off all its legacy characters before Multiverse comes out in anticipation of bringing them back in some alt universe/time travel manner. Tony, Natasha, Steve, and now Bucky. Whether that's bringing them back as the OG actors or different younger versions of them played by diff people.
8. "If he was wrong about you then he was wrong about me" ... This line indicates both Sam and Bucky will prove the opposite. Steve wasn't wrong about either of them. Sam by rising to become Cpt America and Bucky perhaps by a heroic sacrifice.
9. The fact that it was (queerbait most likely) hinted Bucky could be revealed as gay/bi post-Cpt America saga in TFATWS. Disney is Disney and we all know they aren't ready to have a longterm canon gay character that is fully developed with a romance and life. Bucky's trajectory as a tragic hero is already set and and his death thus assured at some point - therefore Disney could avoid accusations of "Bury Your Gays" this way.
For those w shipper goggles this last point is going to hurt you:
10. If Bucky died... Imagine him buried next to Steve at Arlington? Womb to tomb, sweetheart.
Obviously that is sentimental shipper goggles but more seriously, they have been framed narratively as linked, as the duo "inseparable on schoolyard and battlefield", to have them find peace together in the end would surely quell much of the criticism Marvel took at the end of Endgame following their separation. Also it would be a fitting "hero's" burial for the both of them after their lifetime of service and cement Bucky as a hero.
-Even if Bucky doesn't die in TFATWS his lease on MCU life is undoubtedly running out.
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(Hayffie pregnancy. 6 years after the Revolution.)
Effie sat at the vanity in her Capitol apartment. The tabletop was neatly stacked with cases of makeup and bottles of polish, lotions, and perfumes. Nearly everything was in its proper place. She slid her fingers along the mahogany surface and paused on the one item that didn’t belong there; a plastic container which held two pills, the first to help her cervix open and the second to help her uterus contract. “Help,” the doctor had said to simplify the science, but the word felt as out of place as plastic on glossy wood.
She looked up at the mirror. Her face was bare and her hair natural. It was difficult to look at herself with imperfections glaring back. 38 years of smiles, genuine and false, had brought lines to her cheeks and to the corners of her eyes. The creases stayed now, even when she wasn’t forcing a smile. The illusion of agelessness was becoming harder for her to effect.
“Pregnant?? You MUST be mistaken. It’s just a stomach flu.” she had said to the doctor with incredulity and indignation, “I simply can’t be pregnant. I’m too... old.” She held the thought but left it unspoken.
“There’s no mistake, Ma’am.”
The “Ma’am” comment didn’t help matters. She’d glared at him in annoyance.
“Would you like to see a scan and hear the heartbeat?” he asked.
Effie was stunned. “There’s a heartbeat?”
“We should be able to hear it with a vaginal ultrasound. Without one, it will be difficult to assess the gestational age since you’ve been on continuous hormones to prevent ovulation and menstruation for...” The doctor glanced at Effie’s chart. “...Many years.”
“Prevent ovulation... Hah! That’s a laugh.”
“Hormonal birth control is 99% effective when used correctly.”
“Well, OF COURSE I used it correctly!”
“I’m not implying otherwise, Mrs... “The doctor glanced at her chart again. “...Trinket. Even with flawless use there’s still a 1% chance of pregnancy. And, well, here you are.”
Apparently the odds were not in Effie’s favor. She considered the irony and clung to the possibility of a false positive.
“It’s MS. Trinket! And YES I need to see a scan.”
The ultrasound was quick, and moments later Effie was listening to a heartbeat and looking at an image of what appeared to be a microscopic teddy bear, only without ears yet.
“That’s human?”
The doctor stifled a chuckle. “Indeed, Ms. Trinket, your baby is human.”
“My... baby?”
“And in perfect development for 9 weeks gestation.”
“9 weeks?”
Oh, my God... Haymitch.
“And perfect,” the doctor said that word again.
“This is NOT perfect. This situation is not even remotely perfect! I did not intend for this to happen.”
“I understand,” the doctor sympathized, “Would you like for me to explain your options?”
“Yes. Please... Can’t someone else VOLUNTEER for this?” Effie focused on not hyperventilating as the doctor described medications and procedures used for abortion. He also described the course of pregnancy if she chose to not terminate.
In the end, Effie carried the pills home in that plastic container. She also took a digital copy of the ultrasound. Though she wasn’t sure why, because the thrumming of that tiny heartbeat would probably be stuck in her mind forever.
The vanity mirror and the birth control had been tricksters. Effie felt like a fool. An imperfect fool... with a perfect “baby” inside her. Of course any baby she conceived WOULD be perfect. “Nothing but the best for my girl,” she recalled her mother’s oft-spoken words.
Would this baby be a girl too if she let it happen? Or would it be a boy?
Effie stared at the pills, then stared again at herself in the mirror. She couldn’t see a baby. She couldn’t feel anything inside her. She felt alone.
She sent Haymitch a message. “I need to see you. Can I come tomorrow? — E”
He sent a teasing response later that evening. “It would be my pleasure to make you come tomorrow. — H”
Effie couldn’t help but smile, before she started to cry.
Six years had passed since the Revolution, and Haymitch considered himself at this point to be a fairly functional alcoholic. One of the ways he stayed functional was to work. His expertise in strategy made him a sought after consultant by both government and businesses in the Republic. But he rejected offers at that life. He decided instead to raise geese.
“A goose farmer?” Effie had laughed years ago at his plans, thinking he was joking about a brand of liquor that was popular in the Capitol. “Yeah, right, I’m sure you’ll be *farming* that *Goose* day and night.”
“Nice try, Sweetheart. But I’m not joking. My mother raised geese. She turned a decent profit on their eggs and meat. Not enough to keep from having to put my name in extra times each year at the reaping, but enough to survive awhile.”
“I didn’t know.” Effie had developed a habit of laying her hand on his chest and stroking the hollow between his collarbones as an offering of tenderness whenever she pitied him. Haymitch hated to be pitied, but he let her do it because the way she did it felt so good.
“Now you know.” He pulled away slowly. Feeling good with her, with anyone, for too long was dangerous. “Some eggs hatched last week. The goslings are still in the incubator. Do you want to see?”
“They’re inside your HOUSE?!”
“For now,” he chuckled, taking her hand and leading her to another room. On a table was a heat lamp glowing red above a slotted crate filled with the chatter of baby geese.”
“I declare! Haymitch Abernathy is a goose farmer. I never imagined myself saying those words.”
“Don’t worry. It’s not a total career change; I’m still a drunk too.” He winked at her, then lifted the lid off the crate.
The goslings still had their downy plumage. They were balls of fluff, and Effie’s eyes lit up like a little girl. The light came from inside her, much deeper than her gold mascara.
“Do you want to hold one?”
“Hold one!? Goodness, no. I have no idea how to do that. I’d probably squeeze the poor thing to death.” She watched Haymitch pick up a gosling and cradle it in his palm. Those hands were lethal in The Games because they had to be. Those hands clutched a knife in sleep. And those hands had such capacity for gentleness. She knew.
“Hold out your hands; you’ll be alright.”
She hesitated.
“Honey, I know how soft your hands are. Trust me; you’ll be alright.”
Effie cupped her hands like a chalice. She squealed a bit as he placed the gosling into her palms.
“Shhh,” he said to soothe them.
“Ohhhh, it’s feet are walking on me!” Effie fussed.
“It’s just a baby, Sweetheart. It’s not going anywhere. You’re alright. You’ll be alright.”
“It tickles,” Effie giggled, natural like a girl again, discovering pleasure in something new. “It’s soft.” She looked at Haymitch. Then back to the gosling she said, “Hello, you.”
Haymitch watched her with amused enchantment. In the months since the Revolution, her appearance had become less clown-like and more authentically her. He was still figuring out who that was, and he guessed she was still figuring herself out too.
“Take it!” she hollered suddenly, “It just defecated in my hand. Take this thing!”
Haymitch laughed as he put the gosling back with the others, and Effie ran to the bathroom. He closed the crate and followed her.
“Oh, dear. Oh, dear. I feel defiled. This sink is not enough. I need a bath.”
He held her hips from behind, looking at her in the mirror. “You don’t look defiled, not yet. I love this shirt and skirt thing you’te wearing.” He slipped his thumbs under the hem of her blouse, caressing her skin in circles. “I need a bath too. Do you want company?”
She turned around to face him. She might be squeamish about baby things, but Haymitch she could handle. She slid her arms around his waist and untucked the back of his shirt . “Well, I didn’t ride all this way for nothing.”
The other way Haymitch stayed functional as an alcoholic was to walk. He walked a lot. The fences that surrounded District 12 for the first 42 years of his life had been cleared away with the rubble during the years of reconstruction. The forest was wide open, and he spent a lot of time in it, just moving. Katniss had warned him years ago to step loudly.
“After everything we’ve been through, I’d hate to mistake you for a deer and shoot you. You probably wouldn’t taste very good.”
“I’m definitely not dear, Sweetheart,” he’d retorted, “Don’t mistake me for that.”
She paused. “Yes, you are. And I’m not the only one who knows it.”
So Haymitch stepped loudly today as usual. As he walked, he wondered about Effie’s message, short and urgent. If she needed a quick fuck, surely she could have gotten that from somebody else without having to ride across the country. Most of the time that’s not how it was with them anyway. Not anymore. Sex between them was loaded with feeling. Way too much feeling for his comfort, but it was too good with her to just stop. He hadn’t been with anyone besides Effie in at least a year. Work, walking, and drinking filled his days and nights. When he wanted more, he took the train to see her, and he never turned her down when she asked to visit.
A couple of months had passed since his last trip to the Capitol. He wouldn’t acknowledge how he missed her and how it felt to receive her message. Last night he dulled the feelings with Scotch. Today he walked and watched the sun move across the sky. The train was scheduled to arrive this evening. Alone in the woods he pretended to not be counting the hours.
The monotony of a train ride which she’d taken countless times gave Effie too much space in which to consider and reconsider whether she should have even gotten on the train. Running to the bathroom to throw up during the first few hours of the trip certainly didn’t make anything easier.
She had messaged Haymitch yesterday on inmpulse, in shock really. In the stillness now, reality was sinking in. What would it serve to tell him that she was... pregnant. She could barely think the word. How would she say it out loud? Besides, she was reasonably content with the way things were, and this could screw up everything, not just with Haymitch, who’d grown on her in ways she didn’t understand. But EVERYTHING.
Her glory days as a true fashion icon and escort had died with The Games. But she was still Effie Trinket! She picked herself up and adapted. She fashioned a career within the Republic’s efforts to promote democracy and to honor the fallen. I organize marketing and tours for the entire Memorial Complex for goodness sake! The place would fall apart without me. Effie hadn’t NEEDED anyone for a long time, maybe ever. She couldn’t understand why she suddenly felt alone and vulnerable.
I’ll get over it. Maybe I’ll just get over it. But what if I don’t get over it? Get over WHAT even? Oh, why didn’t the universe just stick to the cards! I had written them out exactly how I wanted my life to be.
She didn’t know.
Somewhere in the stillness, ethics got the best of her or came from the best of her. Haymitch should know about the pregnancy, not just because she felt alone and vulnerable, but because telling him was the right thing to do, regardless of any other decisions she would make and regardless of the consequences.
Haymitch sat on his porch beside a purple umbrella. A smile crept over his face as he touched the lace fringe. One gust of wind would destroy the thing, but Effie always prioritized style over function. She probably even had a back-up in her suitcase. She may be impractical but definitely not stupid.
He kicked off his boots and pulled off his socks. Picking out the stickers could wait; he wanted to see her. The door was unlocked; she’d found the spare key. He changed its hiding place periodically. Unfortunately if he moved it when he was drunk, then finding it when he sobered up was sometimes a challenge. Fortunately he didn’t have many hiding spots, nor did he have much inside his house worth stealing. He just felt safer with the doors and windows locked. Not that much safer, but enough to get some sleep occasionally.
Inside he took his coat off and dropped it on the floor.
“I’m in the dining room, Haymitch,” she called out, knowing that surprising him in his house could be dangerous. The one surprise she had for him already felt dangerous enough. “The train arrived early, so I let myself in. I hope you don’t mind.”
Haymitch peered around the corner of the nook she called “the dining room.” Effie sat at the table with a glass of Scotch in front of her. A silk scarf which matched her umbrella draped loosely over her head, wrapped once around her neck, and the fringe hung in front just above her breasts. Her blonde hair peeked out from beneath. Her makeup was light, almost nonexistent. Her dress hugged her curves without flamboyance
She was hiding. This understated appearance was Effie’s way of hiding.
He didn’t know why she was hiding, but he wasn’t complaining. He loved her like this.
“This is ‘the drinking room,’ Sweetheart, and I see you’re off to an early start.”
As he crossed the room, she stood up and stepped into his embrace. He smelled of pine trees, crushed mint, and sweat. He was damp and dusty and probably ruining her clothes, but she didn’t care. Not today. Today she leaned into it all, because what if this was the last time she’d have the chance?
He pulled back just enough to unwrap her scarf and drape it across the back of her chair. “It’s good to see you.”
“Good” is such a short word, she murmured, closing the distance he’d created.
“I have longer options for you,” he whispered into the corner of her mouth.
“Then kiss me. For as long as you want. Just once, without holding back.”
Her breath was cinnamon. It had been weeks since he’d tasted her.. Something was up, but he’d figure it out later.
“Just one kiss?”
“For now.”
“Okay. I won’t hold back if you won’t eith....” He didn’t get to finish that last word before she started the game.
Time moved with the speed of their mouths, slowly at first and then quickening. She slipped her hands under his shirt and her fingers played over the muscles along his sides. Through the past few years he’d become stronger with work. She delighted in his body, but wouldn’t admit it.
“Cheater,” he muttered without breaking their kiss. Her dress was too form-fitting to lift, so he held her waist and caressed her through the fabric. His thumbs traced her ribcage and settled on her stomach, jolting her back to reality.
“Haymitch, wait,” she ended the kiss, trying to find her breath.
“What’s going on, Sweetheart?” He said the endearment without any sarcasm. “How about we sit down, and you tell me, okay? Can you do that?”
Effie nodded, slumping into her chair. He pulled up a chair too and sat close enough to touch her. He just wasn’t sure if she wanted him to touch her. So he waited.
She pushed the glass of Scotch toward him. “I poured this for YOU. Let’s start with this.”
He swallowed the liquor in one gulp, wary.
“You’ll need another.” She poured him a second glass, which he drank as quickly as the first.
“If you want to get me drunk you should just hand me the bottle.”
“I don’t want you drunk, just prepared.”
“Prepared for what?”
She reached into the bag beside her chair, pulled out a disc and slid it along the same path as the Scotch.
“What’s this?”
“Just watch it.”
She nodded.
Haymitch reached behind him and plugged it into the nearest viewer.
The microscopic teddy bear without ears filled the screen. The tiny heartbeat filled the room.
“Jesus, Effie. What is this?” he asked again, already knowing and not yet believing.”
“It’s an ultrasound... It’s... my ultrasound.” She whispered ‘my.’
“Yesterday. Well, 9 weeks ago. I mean, the ultrasound was yesterday. But 9 weeks ago...”
Haymitch did the math.
“How did this happen?”
“Isn’t it a little late for the HOW talk? One of my eggs and one of your sperm had a party and made... that.”
“Mine? Are you sure?”
Effie started to simmer. “OF COURSE I’m sure!”
“How can you be sure?”
“I haven’t had sex with anyone besides you in over a year, Haymitch!”
His jaw dropped, and she immediately softened. She hadn’t meant for that reality to slip out. It said too much about her feelings. It revealed depths of her that she didn’t intend.
He reached for the bottle of Scotch, and poured himself a third glass. “Do you want one?”
“A baby?”
“I was going to say a glass of liquor, but let’s go with your question first.”
He looked right at her eyes, right into and through her. He hadn’t walked away from her, not yet.
“A baby?” she wondered, “In THIS world? Who in their right mind would want to have a baby after so much horror?”
“I’m not asking about *anybody in their right mind.* I’m asking about YOU, Sweetheart.” The endearment was soft again.
“That’s NOT funny!”
“I’m not trying to be funny. ...I just notice you’re not drinking.”
Effie reached into her bag again and pulled out the plastic container. “One pill for my cervix to open. Then one the next day for my uterus to contract.”
“You haven’t taken them.”
She shook her head ‘no’.
“Why not?”
The tiny heartbeat kept echoing through the room. Neither of them reached to turn off the viewer.
Effie closed her eyes. “Because of THAT. Because that could become a baby... my baby... our baby. It’s a lot to think about. It could change everything. Even not having it could change everything.”
When she opened her eyes, his were still on her. “It’s been at least a year since I’ve had sex with anyone but you, Honey. Something’s changed already.”
She didn’t expect that response. Everything felt wide open, like her organs might fall out, or maybe it was that thing some people call a soul. He was close enough to touch, but she didn’t touch him.
“When I didn’t care about anyone, it was hard enough. But now...”
“Now what?”
“Now I never stop being scared.” He said it. He’d never said it before.
She caressed his shirt sleeve. “I’m scared too.”
“You’re alright. You’re going to be alright.” He covered her hand with his.
She wanted to ask him the same question that he had asked her, Do YOU want a baby?
She was afraid that his answer would be ‘yes.’ And she was afraid that his answer would be ‘no.’
Mostly she was afraid of her own answer, the one she hadn’t yet spoken.
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Listen, if you don't fill out all of those numbers and tell me everything about your MC I'm going to feel robbed
Oh geez, fam! ...aight. That took me a minute. But below you will find out more about my girl, Niri! 
1.      What is their favourite food?—
Cheeseburgers and carrots. 
2.       Do they have a fear of an animal? If so, what animal? –
Not a fan of snakes, lizards, frogs, sharks.
3.       What do they wear to bed? –
Shorts and a t-shirt. Sometimes nothing at all!! That had to stop when she moved into the HoL though. Brothers poppin’ in at all hours gettin’ an eyeful. Lucifer was upset. 
4.       Do they like cuddling?—
1000000000%. Niri’s a big ol’ cuddle bug. Asmo’s all about it. So is Beel. 
5.       Do they have a secret handshake with anyone? -- With Astaroth. It’s quite elaborate and they only ever do it when they decide to get up to trouble.
 6.       What do they look like? – 
She cute if I may say so myselffff (don’t judge me, she’s a self insert hah!) Mid to slightly above average height for a human female, fairly toned. Brown eyes, mid-back length hair that’s brown at the root, fades to a teal and purple under layers. Sometimes her hair will fade to a light yellowy-green. She has the hookup for dye from Barbatos who likes to procure things for her from the human realm. She also has quite a few tattoos.
 7.       Do they like chocolate? –
Only dark. She’s allergic to additives in certain milk chocolates so she doesn’t eat it much. 
 8.      What are their good and bad traits?
Good: Helpful, kind, encouraging, quite a hard worker in any task given her.
Bad: Easily swept up into trouble by others, will prioritize naps over other stuff sometimes, awfully flirtatious which gets her in hot water with Lucifer because apparently lesser demons keep poppin’ by the house with gifts also HUMAN, DID YOU REALLY JUST SAY THAT TO LORD DIAVOLO?! Oopsssssss~ Also, you know how Luci’s always doing the “MAAAAMMMOOOONNNNN…”…yeah, that’s almost always followed by “NIIIIIRIIIIIIIIII….”
 9.      Do they have any artistic talent?
Yes. She’s a musician so there’s that…and she likes to paint.
10.  What is their favourite room to be in, in the house they live in?
She likes the music room since the boys tend to spend quite a bit of time in there together, but she’s usually found in the kitchen making loads of food and baked goods…also, that’s where you’re more likely to find Beel, and she reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally likes Beel.
11.  Do they believe in luck?
To an extent. She believes that luck exists, but she thinks relying on it is a bit naïve.
12.  Can they do magic?
Like pull a rabbit out of a hat type thing? Yes. She picked up a few little tricks here and there from a friend who loves show magic. Def not the real stuff though.
13.  Do they believe in dragons?
She didn’t until she went to the Devildom. Not that they just have dragons hangin’ out all willy-nilly, but she’s heard stories from the brothers and others about dragons.
 14.  What is a pet peeve of theirs?
Rudeness and liars who don’t give up even after they’ve been caught in the lie. Also people who demand things of others as if they’re property and not living beings with feelings …this isn’t about Belphegor at all. Nope. She doesn’t have issues with him still.
15.  What was the last thing they cried about?
She was able to talk to all her bandmates at once for her weekly call home. They all just really miss each other, ok? It sucks that she has to lie to them about where she is because she knows they’re worried about her, but it was just nice to hear their voices.
16.  What is their sexuality?
17.  Do they have a best friend? If so, who, and what makes them their best friend?
We’ll narrow this down to the Devildom. Niri gets along with everyone and literally loves all the beings she’s met and knows she could count on them for most anything, but there’s definitely a more solid feeling to her connection with Beelzebub. They sort of just get to be vulnerable and entirely open with one another and there is never judgement or ill will, even when Beel eats her secret snack stash…again.
 She’s kind of getting to that point with Astaroth as well, but she can sense he’s still a little guarded in certain aspects, and she’s not going to push.
18.  Have they ever been in a romantic relationship?
Yes, quite a few. It’s not her favorite thing to talk about since she’s been quite unlucky in that aspect, but hey, the past is the past.
19.  What does their relationship with their family look like? Are they close? Distant? Ect.
Her actual family family (with the exception of her brother) are not close in the least. They’re sort of barely on speaking terms. Her chosen family (comprised of her band and some of the closest staff) is extremely close.
20.  Do they have a pet?
No. She loves animals and had a dog up until recently, but they passed. It’s okay though, they had a good long life and it wasn’t painful for them when it happened.
21.  Do they have a familiar?
Nope. Non-magical.
22.  Are they a supernatural being?
Nope! “Boring” human, but she does seem to always find herself in weird situations that are sorta paranormal.
23.  How do they usually wear their hair?
It really just depends on the day. If she had time to work on it, it’s down and straight. If it’s a rush in the morning (read: fight for the bathroom because Beel won’t MOVE) she’ll toss it in a bun or ponytail depending on how hot it is outside. There are the odd days when she’ll just let it vibe in its natural wavy/curly state, but she kind of got fed up with the brothers calling her a sheep because it’s so fluffy.
24.  Can they play an instrument? If so, what instrument and what can they play?
Yes! She learned guitar and bass at a young age and was tinkering with drums before she was whisked away to the Devildom.
25.  What type a high schooler are/were they?
She was the quiet weird kid that didn’t quite fit in with the weird weird crowd, but also wasn’t popular. Plenty of people knew her or of her, but she mainly stuck with her group of friends and was nice to everyone.
26.  Have they ever been in a physical fight before? If so, with who? Who won?
Yes. Just small bits of violence. No one of import, tbh. But there was that one time they all went out to party at the fall and Mammon and Levi started teasing her and in her drunken state, Niri went to punch Mammon who managed to duck so she hit Levi square in the nose. He was fiiiiiiine.
27.  What is their favourite holiday?
Halloween because it’s fun, Christmas because of the togetherness, and EASTER BECAUSE MARSHMALLOW PEEPS!
 28.  If they could have one wish, what would they wish for?
A pass to go from the Devildom to the Human realm and back whenever she wants forever.
 29.  Do they wants kids? If they already have kids, do they want more?
No. Never.
 30.  Do they have a job?
Yes? Being a singer in a band is a job, right? It doesn’t always feel like a job because it’s awesome, but it’s a job.
 31.  Do they know how to drive?
Yes. She has convinced Mammon to let her drive his car on a few occasions and every time they get back he swears NEVER AGAIN. She a little speed demon.
 32.  Do they get stressed out easily?
Funny story, actually…YES. But she is pretty good at not letting it show. So on the outside she’s like la-la-la~ but inside it’s all AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~
 33.  Did they ever dye their hair before? If so, to what colour? Did they like it?
Absolutely lol. Niri has gone through a few colors in her life, but her favorite is and always will be the teal. (Fun fact: the purple came from a happy accident a few years back when she dyed over a pink shade and a layer turned out purple. She liked it so now she does it that way on purpose.)
 34.  Have they ever broken the law?
Never anything egregious, but she’s gotten tickets for stuff in the human world. Disturbing the peace, speeding, she was fined once (along with her bandmates) for a surprise free show they did in front of a train station which got a lot more attention than they were expecting and wound up shutting down a couple city blocks. Oooooooooopsss~
 35.  Do they own a plant?
She’s really bad with plants. REALLY bad. She was gifted a plant by Simeon a couple weeks into the exchange program and it took an embarrassingly long time for her to notice it was a fake plant…since he knows she sucks at keeping things alive.
 36.  Have they ever rode a horse before?
Once, and it was a terrifying experience so she just keeps her distance now.
 37.  What is their favorite gif?
anything featuring Titus Andromedon.
 38.  Do they get along with others easily?
 She tries to. It’s not always possible, but she tries, dammit!
 39.  Do they have any tattoos?
Several, yes. One arm sleeve done, starting the other arm, both thighs have massive pieces on them and both ribs done as well. There are also a few small things on her fingers and back.
 40.  If I wanted to draw them, what would be distinct physical features that I would have to know to draw them correctly?
Lotta hair. Looooooottttta hair. And heavily winged eyeliner. Big lashes.
 41.  What is their favourite breed of dog?
Huskies. They’re just so cute and sassy! And perfectly sized!! Great cuddle buddies and fun to run with!
 42.  Do they live with anyone? If so, who?
Not in the human world, but she’s got 7 kinda irritating roomies in the Devildom!
 43.  Where is their dream vacation?
She’s traveled extensively, so there isn’t anywhere she dreams of going that she hasn’t already seen. Her favorite place is anywhere mountainous and lush.
 44.  Do they know more than one language?
Yep. Niri’s a language nerd. Because she likes to speak to fans and stuff, she has set it on herself to learn as many languages as she can. She’s not perfectly fluent in all of them, but it’s a good handful that she can hold a full conversation in. She and Satan like to practice with one another around the house, despite complaints from the others.
 45.  Are they a quick learner?
Depends. Most things, yes…..math and processes requiring math, NO.
 46.  Have they ever won a contest before? If so, what for? What did they win?
No, she’s not really the luck having type.
 47.  If the world were to end in 24 hours, where would they be and who would they be with?
Probably hugging Beel. They hug often. They’re kinda always together. It’s gross according to Leviathan and Belphegor.
 48.  What does their room look like?
She didn’t change much in the room she was given at the HoL. Just added her fake plant from Simeon and a few human things…she actually got the “Hang in There” kitty poster just for kicks. Lucifer hates it.
 49.  If they could have an extinct animal for a pet, what would they have?
A dodo bird. Because they’re weird and cool.
 50.  If they got called out by someone, what would they do?
Laugh and argue probably. Depends what they’re calling her out on.
51.  Have they ever shot a gun before?
Yep. Actually enjoys shooting, it’s a fun stress reliever. She makes a point to drop by shooting ranges every once in a while back home.
 52.  Have they ever been axe throwing?
Once at a renaissance festival on an odd week of downtime. She didn’t do so well. The throwing was fine, but she never hit the target. Just be glad she didn’t hit a person either!
 53.  What is something that they want but can’t have?
At the moment, all the people she loves in one place.
 54.  Do they know how to fish?
Nope! She’s a mess with that kind of thing. Also, she doesn’t like the idea of fishing for anything herself. It makes her cry to think of the fish on the hook :<.
 55.  What is something they always wanted to do but too scared?
Hmm…Niri tries to live her life in a way that she won’t have regrets, so even if something is scary, she’ll pluck up the courage to do it. But…she still hasn’t jumped out of a plane.
 56.  Do they own their own baby pictures?
Absolutely not. She cringes thinking of the outfits her parents used to put her in, so she did her best to keep those kinds of things buried and acts like they never existed. Nope. Was never a baby. Nope.
 57.  What makes them standout among others?
Niri is a pro at pretending she’s confident, so she tends to draw attention when she walks in a room like she owns the place. Also her hair is kinda bright.
 58.  Do they like to show off?
Not really. She’s flamboyant in a sense, but she doesn’t go out of her way to call attention or to be center stage…heh.
 59.  What is their favourite song?
She can never pick, honestly. There are so many songs that are so amazing!
 60.  What would be their dream vehicle?
That’s a very good question. Probably something sitting in her garage back home. Probably being driven by one of her bandmates. Because hey, what are friends for?
 61.  What is their favourite book?
Not that she isn’t a big reader, but she doesn’t really get the time to enjoy books. There’s always something that needs attention or someplace to be and she’s required to engage, so focusing on a book or story is hard, but she’s a fan of classic novels, poetry, and Greek tragedies are always good!
 62.  Who, in their opinion, makes the best food?
She likes everything Barbatos makes and thinks Luke’s desserts are fantastic, but there’s something about a human recipe that just warms her heart, so…..herself. Lol.
 63.  Are they approachable?
Absolutely! If you can get past her intimidating resting face.
 64.  Did they ever change their appearance?
Not drastically, but she has gone through a few different phases until settling on a good one.
65.  What makes them smile?
The silliness of those around her. Thinking of good memories with family/friends. Puppies.
 66.  Do they like glowsticks?
Yes. She has a stockpile of glowsticks that the brothers keep adding to.
 67.  What is something that is simple, but always makes them smile?
Watching the brothers bicker, even if it’s getting out of hand. It reminds her of her friends and how they always pick on one another.
 68.  Are they a day or night person?
Night, usually. Not that she dislikes the daytime, but day usually has so much stuff to be done whereas night is the fun stuff that doesn’t need a schedule.
 69.  Are they allergic to anything?
Some milk chocolate, bell peppers, and certain devildom plants.
 70.  What do you, the creator of this OC, like most about them?
She’s a spunky little thing who loves to have fun and make others smile above all else.
 71.  Who is their ride or die?
In the Devildom, Beelzebub and Astaroth.
Beel for most things, and Asta for the stuff Beel won’t do.
 72.  Do they currently have a significant other? If not, are they going to get one later one?
Erm…eh…look, it’s never been officially labeled or anything, ok? Like yeah they’re kind always together and have pet names for each other and like always touch and cuddle and like snuggle up in bed together and stuffffffffffff but like, idk? Is Beel her dude? Like….do we wanna even get into that?????? I mean, maybe someday? Like…what? What was the question??
 73.  What attracts them to another person?
A genuine heart, a killer smile, and a rockin’ bod. Yeah okay look everyone can be a little shallow sometimes okay get off her case >__<.  
 74.  Who is one person that can always make them laugh?
She’s a damn fool and will laugh at ANYTHING, so it’s not hard. Everyone makes her laugh. The girl will 9 times out of 10 laugh at herself for the dumbest moments.
 75.  Have they ever partied too hard and their friends had to take them home?
Oh yes many times. Many many times.  One of the first few times she hung out (went on a date) one-on-one with Beel they had a drinking contest and as it turns out, he can really hold his devil liquor.
 76.  Who would be their cuddle buddy?
She’ll cuddle up to Beel 99.9% of the time because he’s big and warm and always happy to hold, but she also really enjoys cuddling with Asmodeus. He’s such a sweetie and he smells so nice and they just snuggle and talk and laugh and it’s a nice escape. (Loads of times there are Asmo x Niri x Asta sandwiches in Asmo’s room.)
 77.  Who would cheer them up after a long day?
She tends to go to one of the brothers depending on what kind of day it’s been. Most of the time it’s gonna be Beel because again, big/warm/happy to hold her, but there are occasions where she’ll drag Beel to one of the others’ rooms and they’ll just hang out.
 78.  If they had a nightmare, who would they run to?
I mean…Beel. Lol. He’s right there.
 79.  What object to the care for the most?
She has a picture of her friends from back home that sits on her desk. She treasures that above all while she’s down in the Devildom.
 80.  Do they like other people’s children?
Sure. Kids are fine as long as they go back to their parents after a bit.
 81.  How would they react if someone broke into their home?
Seeing as there’s always someone coming into her room regardless if she’s there or not, she probably would just shrug it off. If someone decided to have a bad lapse in judgement and break into the HoL? She wouldn’t have to lift a finger.
 82.  Does anyone make them have butterflies in their stomach?
I mean….Beel. Lol. He so big and cute! Also Diavolo because he also big and cute.
 83.  What is something that they are good at?
Crying to get out of trouble. She’s a little shit. Lol.
 84.  What is their neutral expression?
Niri kinda always looks pissed off or uninterested?  Until she smiles and you realize oh, she’s just a big ol’ faker.
 85.  Do they like to cook?
Yes. It’s one of her very favorite things to do!
 86.  What is something they can’t leave home without?
Her phone! (and Beel) but like, there’s just so much a phone can do!
 87.  Who is someone that they rely on?
Have I mentioned ever that Simeon is (or was at one time) Niri’s guardian angel? He seems to always be there and ready to help in any way, so she’s pretty reliant on him and hopes he feels the same toward her. (He does. Cue uwu’s)
 88.  Do they liked to be tickled?
Absolutely not. She’s extremely ticklish and hates being tickled. She flails and cries.
 89.  Have they ever been a sword fight before?
No. No she has not lol. Unless empty wrapping paper tubes count? She’s done that.  
 90.  What is a joke that they would find funny?
All the bad ones. All of them. Ugly laugh here we go!
 91.  Do they have a place that can go and turn off their brain?
The gardens at RAD. It’s peaceful and there’s a great  view of the sky.
 92.  What was their childhood like?
Not bad, but not memorable. There was a lot of pressure put on her to be a perfect kid, and she didn’t get to have a whole ton of fun.
 93.  What are they like as an adult?
Responsible, but definitely fun-loving. Like I mentioned before, she likes to live in a way that she won’t ever regret not having done something she wanted to do, or regret any actions she took, so she’s always got an open mind and welcomes new experiences. She’s a big ol’ kid.
 94.  Do they take criticism well?
Yes. She welcomes criticism in any form as she is always looking to be the best person she can be.
 95.  Have they ever jumped out of a plane?
No. Not yet!
 96.  Who do they like to make jokes with?
Literally anyone. A total joker. Big big clown.
 97.  Have you ever drawn them before? If you are comfortable with it, would you post a picture?
Yes! I draw Niri every once in a while. I actually need to draw her again soon! I miss that girl.
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Group Ask 164
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Anon 1 said:
I cant find the fic where it’s post wwII and buckys an amputate who works at his family’s body shop and Steve brings his bike in. I think it was 3 small parts. Bucky has a nephew who he takes to a baseball game and sees Steve again. Where they later fall in love
kittybrownjs and allegra-dreams sent in A Home Game by 743ish (complete | 3,071 | T)
Anon 2 said:
the one where bucky buys a wine vineyard and steve helps him renovate the house
dolphinqueen10 sent in The Ghosts Of Who I Used To Be by Brenda (complete | 107,289 | M)
teenagewarheads said:
a friend is looking for a fic and i failed to find it. this was the description they gave me, "bucky tries to take off his metal arm with his bare hand and Steve finds him and has to hold bucky’s arms under his legs and there’s blood everywhere in the bathroom. It’s set in avengers tower. I think Steve cooks bland food/old recipes bc bucky can’t handle spice in other scenes." any help you can provide is appreciated!!
the-pasta-dragon said:
Hi all! I’m looking for a fic and I can’t remember the name. Steve casts a spell, it either goes wrong or he was testing an unknown one or something, and gets transformed into a dog. Bucky finds him and takes him home. I think they’re on opposite sides of some kind of magic war? I’ve been looking everywhere but I can’t seem to find it. Did it get taken down?
dolphinqueen10 sent in Fill Your Heart Without Trying* by Kellyscams (complete | 38,580 | E) */others
captainlvrson said:
hi! i'm looking for a fic where steve and bucky are both elementary school teachers. steve's an art teacher and bucky's the new 4th grade teacher. it also has all the other avengers in it as teachers, except thor who is a parent. and it wasn't just about steve and bucky it had chapters about the other avengers. thank you so much for the help!
eedaluisonyeo sent in  180 Days and Counting by SaraNoH, the_wordbutler (complete | 282,980 | T)
Anon 3 said:
I'm looking for a story that I believe is set post-Winter Soldier. I don't remember much about it except that it was from Bucky's POV, his brain injuries resulted in him struggling with language/emotions, he had a label-maker, and at one point it involves the phrase 'yucky mucky Bucky'. (It's such a unique combination that I used it in various searches and came up with nothing.) Thanks so much for all the work you do!
Anon 4 said:
Hello! I am searching for a fix where it's post civil war (I think) and anyway, bucky basically wants nothing to do with Steve so Steve goes off and tries to raid as many hydra bases as possible and he ends up getting sleeve tattoos and tattooes of wing son his back for Sam? And eventually he ends up living in Scotland for years until Wanda comes to stay with him because she is pregnant with twins. Thank you so much!
dolphinqueen10 and Anon sent in One Cloud Feels Lonely by thecommodore_squid (orphan_account) (complete | 72442 | M)
Anon 5 said:
hey! im so sorry ive looked all over and i can't find this fic and im desperate for it cause its so good. its an a/b/o fic where bucky had broken out of hydra control on his own and joined SHIELD. he got put on steves team and steves alpha ass spent like half the fic worrying if bucky had someone to brush his hair while bucky was like super confused about how much he wanted steve to braid his hair.
fancyhwrites and Anon sent in Scents and Sensibility: The Working Assassin’s Guide to Supersoldier Seduction by galwednesday, silentwalrus, skellerbvvt (complete | 93,217 | E)
Anon 6 said:
Hello I’m looking for a modern au fic where they are friends w/ benefits and they have hooked up once before becoming fwb. Steve was a bit promiscuous and doesn’t remember when they hooked up until before they try for a romantic relationship bc Bucky likes sex with emotions? I really don’t remember the title. Tysm :)
bennettmp339 sent in Steve Rogers. Cheerfully Slutty. by relenafanel (complete | 20,201 | E)
deimoslunaa said:
Hey I’m having trouble finding a fic: it was about how Steve and bucky went on a mission and they were pretending to be lovers I think and ended up being together for real, only once the mission was over Shield erased their memories. And the only proof they had of that mission was a sketch of bucky Steve finds during that period. Sams in there and so is Sharon. I think they chose to have their memories erased if I remember correctly. I think the fic was posted 2014-2015. Any help would rock
mashishi-shi said: (/others)
Hey do you know a fic, where pre-serum Steve explores his sexuality and goes to gay bars and sleeps with some guys. And then Bucky finds out and goes with him to the bars and fucks him later. Then when the go to war Howard fucks around with Steve cause steve thinks that Bucky doesn’t want him anymore because of the serum.
Anon 7 said: 
Hi there! I’m trying to find a fic I read a while ago. It was skinny!steve and I think he was shy? But then Bucky follows him somewhere one night and Steve is in Rocky Horror Picture Show? It’s a smut. That’s really all I can remember haha, sorry if it’s vague! I hope you or your followers may know what I’m talking about but if not that’s totally fine! Thank you for your time!
Anon 8 said:
So I've been trying to find a fic, I *think* Shrunkyclunks (Bucky's still a veteran though) and at some point Bucky gets kidnapped and the bad guys are live streaming the ransom video and Bucky's a BAMF throughout and Steve et al. roll up to save him. Any thoughts? I've been looking but can't find it in my bookmarks or when trying to do a more refined search on AO3. Thanks for all your great work and happy holidays!
kittybrownjs sent in Dishonor On Your Cow by mandarou (complete | 111,695 | E)
Anon 9 said:
Heyy!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for the work you do, it's amazing! Could you find a fanfic for me? I read it a while ago and it was in a dom/sub universe and Bucky was a sub and worked at some kind of fancy establishment and Steve was a Dom but different and he came in there with his friends and hooked up with Bucky?
Anon 10 said:
Hello:) I’ve been looking for this fic where in Bucky is an assassin and Steve runs into him at some library in a different country, and Steve’s been tracking down the winter soldier, and Bucky and Steve start dating be neither of them know, and when they find out the have sex.
dolphinqueen10 and Anon sent in The Right Partner* by LeeHan (complete | 41,659 | E) *graphic violence
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angelkurenai · 5 years
Hurricane - Dean Winchester x Reader (Detective AU) - Part 10
Title: Hurricane
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word count: 5,074
Warnings: None
Summary: With one of the most dangerous serial killers on the loose and in your tracks you have no choice but to rely on the help of the police to ansure your safety. It doesn’t hurt that the detective in charge is the one of the most skilled there is and probably, well, definitely the most charming one you have ever seen. Or that his flirting with you takes your mind off the danger waiting for you right around the corner. & Based on: Imagine detective Dean Winchester flirting with you while working on your case.
Read Part 1 here! l Read Part 2 here! l Read Part 3 here! l Read Part 4 here! l Read Part 5 here! l Read Part 6 here! l Read Part 7 here! l Read Part 8 here! l Read Part 9 here!
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“Why... what is it, Dean?” you looked at him with a frown.
“Maybe...” he blinked, clenching his jaw before he looked at you with slightly wide and certainly “The connection I needed all along.”
“Connection? But how could-”
“And the solution, (Y/n). The solution to all of your problems... to all of our problems.” he breathed almost in shock at the realization that downed on him. A realization you couldn't fully comprehend yet.
“Solution? What kind of solution are you talking about, Dean?” you blinked but he didn't answer as he kept thinking to himself.
“Dean?” you question without an answer “Dean answer me! Dean? Dean!” but he didn't seem to listen much to you as he set his glass aside, got up and walked around the coffee table making his way out of the living room you were just dining in.
“Dean wait! Where are you-” you groaned as you accidentally pressed on your injured leg. You limped your way towards his office, assuming it was the most plausible option judging by his direction.
“Dean? What's all of this?” you asked with wide eyes, seeing the mess of papers he had managed to make already.
“It was here, I swear I'd put somewhere here.” he grumbled “Son of a bitch, where did I put it?!” he growled, opening book after book.
“What are you looking for? Dean please calm down and explain to me.”
“I can't, I fucking can't! I need to find it, I need to find-” he stopped when he finally found the book he wanted, slipping through the pages a file fell on his desk. And as that silence filled the room as well.
“D” you whispered when you saw how he paled the moment he held the file open in his hands “What is it?” you whispered, getting closer to him.
“It was him.” he breathed out before looking at you “The reason why she's after you. It's him.”
“Him- who? I don't understand you Dean. What are you talking about?” you placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Chuck” he breathed out and you took a step back at the seriousness in his voice “It is Chuck that I've been looking for, the connection, right there from the very beginning but I couldn't see it. She's after you because of Chuck!”
“D-Dean wh-” you shook your head “W- what are you talking about?” you blinked, taking another step back and he looked at you in sympathy.
“(Y/n), I mean-”
“No, Dean!” you felt your head hammer in your chest and all the blood rush to your ears “What are you talking about?! Chuck is- he's my friend, he's a cop, a good one, he wouldn't lead her to- to me. How could Chuck be involved in any of this but-”
“They're siblings!” he cut you off “They're... siblings, (Y/n).” he whispered, when he saw all kinds of emotions flash in front of your wide eyes. Your wide glossy eyes he noticed as you gasped in utter shock, the betrayal obvious on your face, as you stumbled backwards. His entire body screamed for him to take a step forward and gather you in his arms, hug you close like there was no tomorrow and tell you that everything was going to be alright. But you raised a hand, stopping him before he could do anything. It broke his heart to watch you like this and even more hear your weak, little broken voice whisper to him.
He took a deep breath, opting to look at the file and papers in front of him rather than you because then he knew he would break “He... obviously didn't want to tell you to protect you. That's what my best guess would be.”
“Guess? Guess? Dean do you hear what you're even saying?! You're- You're implying my- my friends, my closest people, the ones I considered like family from you, to Sam, Cas, and now Chuck have all just been lying to me from the beginning a-and keeping secrets?!” you ended up yelling, tears pooling in your eyes and the man winced, closing his eyes for a moment. Your words felt like a stab to his heart, because although he had started pretending as if everything was alright between you – he was desperate to convince himself of that – he knew very well that they weren't. And they would end up getting even worse when he told you the whole truth.
“(Y/n), I know it's hard-”
“No Dean, it's not hard! It's impossible! This- this can't be- it can't be true! Please tell me it's not true. Please tell me you-you're wrong. Please.” and he made the mistake too look you in the eyes.
A sob left his own lips as all of his strength faded away and without a second thought he actually grabbed you by the shoulders and enveloped you in his arms, despite any protests, whimpers or weak pushes “Please” you begged and he clenched his jaw, shutting his eyes tightly.
“I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'm sorry. But I'm not.” it pained him to say it but he had to.
“H-how-” you choked out, clenching the fabric of his flannel in your fists “How do you know that? How can you be so sure?”
“Come sit first please.”
“Dean” you growled, glaring at him harshly, his flannel still fisted in your hands “Tell. Me. Everything.”
His eyes widened, understanding fully well what you meant “(Y/n) this is not the time or that, you can't hear what-”
“You promised me, Dean, you-” you clenched your jaw and then whispered hoarsely “You promised.”
“Alright, God, fine.” he tried to swallow the lump in his throat “Please, just sit. I know what I'm telling you, your foot's not alright either.”
“O-Ok” you whispered weakly in defeat but mostly fear and he instantly grabbed a chair to help you sit, doing the same himself. He took hold of your hands and let himself smile for a split second when you squeezed them gently.
“She was held far away from here, before all of these began.” he breathed out, locking eyes with you “Before even the police station was created here, she was locked somewhere where she couldn't do any harm. Somewhere where almost nobody could find her. A prison made only for the worst of the worst and she had a special place there two.”
“One of those places that officially doesn't exist?” you whispered and he gave you a small nod.
“Yes, there.” he cleared his throat “Her skills are something out of this world. She can manipulate people to do things she wants, it's like she... reprogramms their brains by using a few words. She can break them, make them do things they never even thought of, it's almost like she turns them into different persons... as if they don't have a soul at all.”
“Is that... possible?” you blinked.
“If people like Sherlock Holmes are possible to exist then everything is.” he shrugged “People can achieve just so much if they use their brains correctly. Anyway-” he sighed “Her family, well the only family member she had, began to see it from the very beginning that they were equally dangerous. There has been a report that said she was caught with a knife in her hand and when asked she only answered “I wanted to know what happens to a soul after death.” she- she was only six years old and she-” he clenched his jaw, looking down at your hands for a moment in total terror, and you didn't blame him. It was one thing kids killing people but when it was all so meticulous and well-thought it made you shake with fear of what they could really do now.
“The body was never found, nobody knows where she hid it. She's always hinted it, she's said, but all she did was sing a stupid song about it.” he shook his head.
“And how did she end up in her... prison?” you whispered and he licked his lips.
“As I said she only had one relative, we now know it's... Chuck. She loved him but could get jealous very easily. They didn't live alone, of course, they had both been adopted and raised by a lonely man whose wife died early. There was this one time...” he trailed off for a moment “The borther, the files say, Chuck we now know was having a party for his birthday and he had many friends over. Only thing it was when the time for the cake came... the candles weren't the only thing on fire. Neighbors had claimed that she was the reason why their house burned down, and reports did confirm it was arson. Nobody but the two siblings survived. They were soon lead to an orphanage where her... disturbing behavior didn't stop.”
“Anyway-” he cleared his throat “Those files you saw me holding were... confidential. Some of us try to keep ties with not just the US government. When it comes to people like Amara, and trust me there are others equally as bad or worse, it requires us to keep contact with people outside this country and even outside this continent. People like the ones in the UK government, some of them specialise in getting monsters like her down. So, someone actually let me in on some reports that had been kept hidden when she was put in her prison... Turns out her brother was the one that did it. Mycroft Holmes, uh the guy I told you about, had dealt with a similar situation of his own and he let me know that the person who put Amara in her prison was actually someone of great power, involved in Federal business he supposed, but the only evidence he had pointed to great power and access to said prison.”
“So who'd be better than the director of the FBI himself.” you muttered.
“Exactly. And when you told me you were... that close in the past-” he pursed his lips for a second and you raised an eyebrow at how clearly bothered by it he looked “Then it doesn't take a genius to figure out he's the missing piece in this puzzle. She is after you because you two were close, because she's trying to lure him out. She wants revenge for putting her in that prison.”
“Of course she does.” you pursed your lips, letting go of his hand “Gosh, I can't believe how naive I've been.” you buried your face in your hands, letting out a shaky breath.
“You're not, look at me here-” he growled and you obeyed “You are not naive. You are the best thing that has happened in my entire life.” he ended up whispering, taking hold of your hands again “You are a ray of sunshine, that's what you are. You have faith in people, you believe they can be good but not everyone is, sadly. Just because there are... assholes out there, doesn't mean something is wrong with you. They-” he clenched his jaw “We all think we are doing it for the best but in the end-”
“How did you meet her?” you whispered and his eyebrows shot up, his eyes widening slightly “Tell me, Dean. You can tell me, I won't be mad I promise you. I don't have any emotional strength for that anymore, anyway.”
He held your gaze for a few second before he took in a trembling breath “I was working on a case.” his voice was barely above a whisper and you leaned, giving his hand a squeeze “Serial killer, uh Abaddon was her name. She was... one of the most lethal ones, I'll tell you. I thought I got her once but she escaped. I uhm was going through a hard time then with Sammy and I... I was in a dark place.” he clenched his jaw, taking a long pause that made you worry for him.
He sighed tiredly, shaking his head “I wanted to get it over with by any means so I worked with Crowley. I'm sure that doesn't surprise you, now, but he was actually just my way to something bigger. He got me to meet a man, Cain was his name. He had the means to help me get to Abaddon, kill her and all, but it would come at a great cost.There would be consequences that would affect me greatly. I was reckless, as usual-” he gave you a half smile “And I agreed, without a second thought. I needed to get Abaddon and I didn't care even if I died in the process.”
He was quick to notice the scowl that set on your face and he gave you a reassuring smile “Don't worry, I'm alive and kicking, and you are definitely not getting rid of me anytime soon.”
“I hope not.” you whispered hoarsely “So-” you licked your lips “This means to find Abaddon was...”
“A person.” he completed your sentence “Amara. She... she was the means to finding Abaddon. I was given the accords to where I would find her and I visited her, talked to her about the case and all. She could within an hour predict her every move if we showed her where she'd been before or who she'd killed. We've had many close calls with Abaddon, each time finding her only thanks to Amara's help until in the very end I got her and I was able to kill her, putting an end to all of it.”
“But?” you whispered with a frown, fearing to hear what he could have to say next. The thought of what those consequences were making your heart ache for the green-eyed man.
“But it was far from the end.” he chewed on his lower lip “She wasn't going to help me just for my charming smile...” he trailed off, a deep frown on his face as he rubbed his temple with a frustrated sigh. For a moment you felt bad for him, sure he might have kept secrets from you but you saw it now, it was to protect you and maybe protect himself as well. This had been troubling him as well, obviously for much longer than you, and it only made you want to drop the subject altogether. He wasn't ready to talk about it, not yet at least, about the part that involved his role in this story because it was actually painful for him.
“Well, I know I would do a lot of things for that charming smile.” you said with a casual shrug, smiling softly to cheer him up and maybe drop the subject. It wasn't time yet and for a moment it worked because he breathed out a chuckle.
“Don't flirt with me, it's distracting.” he looked at you through his lashes, and whether you wanted it or not you felt your chest feel lighter and your smile get bigger.
“As if you don't distract me enough, yourself.” you scoffed with a smirk and soon a boyish grin broke on his lips.
“Do I, now?” he raised an eyebrow, biting his lower lip “Interesting information, then, just what I need to use to my advantage.”
“Oh please don't, it's not like I can get you out of my mind as it is.” you breathed out with a shake of your head and a wonderful laugh left his lips. A kind of laugh you had not hear in actually a while and that warmed your chest more than you realized was possible.
“I...” you blinked before closing your eyes in embarrassment when he laughed wholeheartedly “Probably shouldn't have said that out loud.”
“Man, I should get more bottles of that wine!” he grinned and you scoffed, kicking his legs with your good one.
“Whatever you say, not like I'm gonna drink it.” you scoffed, playing with your fingers “Dean-” you were ready to tell him to not insist on the matter, not now at least, but he beat you at speaking.
“I know- I understand that you want to talk about it, I'm sorry, I'm getting out track, I should-”
“No” you were the one to cut him off this time “No, I want to talk about it but... not like this. Not if you're not ready, I can understand now that things are bigger than me, bigger than the both of us. I- I mean, someone I thought was my family turned out is involved in all of this worse than any of you all together so I... I should probably wait before I can know everything.”
“But you asked for-”
“It was a term. But I didn't state when. Besides, I don't think I will be able to take more.” but deep down it was a lie, because you weren't protecting yourself, you knew you were only protecting him. It came naturally and it was all because of your feelings for him that, quite honestly, you could never fight.
His lips parted before he closed his mouth again, giving you a weak nod “Alright.” he whispered hesitantly “Alright, and I... promise you from now on there will be no more secrets to add to that.
“Sounds perfect to me.” you whispered, leaning in to peck his cheek before you could stop yourself.
“You know, if I didn't know how awesome the water pressure in there is I would seriously question the sounds you were making.” you could practically hear the smirk in his voice but at that moment, and in that very situation, you were too busy jumping like a scared cat with a loud squeak when you saw the doorhandle move to care.
“No, Dean, don't-”
“I brought some new... blankets.” he ended up whispering with wide eyes, blinking as you scurried to grab the towl and cover yourself up. Or at least as much as you could of your bare upper half, thankful for at least the blue panties covering your lower half.
“Son of a bitch, Dean!” you squealed, closing your eyes as your entire face burned in embarrassment “Do you really have no idea what knocking means?!”
“I- I-” his eyes trailed up and down your body, his lips parted as he gave you that subtle and suggestive smile “Apparently not.”
“Dean” you groaned “This is not the right time.” you grumbled, eyes casted down in shyness.
“Is it not?” he nodded his head, licking his lips and humming “Hm and here I was being hopeful we'd go back to ur kind of normal.”
“We are, we really are, but that doesn't mean you can be so casual staring at me nearly naked!” you protested, your voice slightly high pitched as he grinned at you “Damn it! Stop staring!” you squeaked out, cradling the towel close to your chest but it didn't deter him. If anything, not only did he not remove his eyes from you but also took a couple steps closer you, letting the blankets fall on the bed.
“Why?” he asked in a low husky voice “I don't think there is a reason to. If anything-” he approached you until your back was pressed against the wall “All beautiful things must be admired, right?”
“Yeah. Right.” you scoffed, looking down at your hands bitterly.
“Hey” he placed two fingers under your chin, tilting your head up so that you could meet his eyes “Don't you dare defy a Federal agent, I have the means to prove you wrong and oh-” he bit his lower lip “I'd love to.”
“I'm not that special, anyway.”
It was his turn to scoff as he placed a hand over yours “Sweetheart, if only you could see what I do.” he whispered and you let him take a full hold of both your hands in his, bring them up to his lips for a soft kiss on the knuckles. His eyes held such intensity that you didn't care that the towel fell down on your feet, which made a soft smile form on his lips. His eyes trailed down and despite how your face was bright red you made no move to hide yourself from his intense gaze.
“Gorgeous” he whispered, looking up in your eyes again with a tender smile and you chewed on your lower lip, shaking your head; making him give you a firm look “Don't make me do it.”
“You wouldn't want to-”
“God, you have no idea how bad I just really want to kiss you right now.” he breathed out in a hoarse voice and your eyebrows raised softly in innocence.
“Then... why won't you? You-” you bit your lower lip “You pulled away too soon this morning, I really wished you would do it again. Despite what I said.”
A boyish grin formed on his lips “Damn” he breathed out in awe “You're amazing.” and with that, he cupped your face and pressed his lips hard against yours and eliciting a soft trembling breath from you. You hesitated at first but your arms trailed up his chest and wrapped around his neck, letting your bodies press close together and when he wrapped a hand around your bare waist you shivered under his touch.
You took the courage to start kissing back harder, licking his lower lip and he gladly granted you access. His tongue toyed with yours as his full lips moved against yours. You were temped to bit them and you realized you actually did when you heard him moan softly. Dean's hand moved to your thigh and as he pressed you against the wall he brought it up to wrap around his waist, his hips pushing yours back as a response to you grinding on him.
Dean licked your lips, savoring the sweet taste that he didn't have the mind to savor the first time. He moaned in pleasure when threaded your fingers through his hair and tugged at it. He held both your thighs as you wrapped your legs around his waist, lifting you off the ground and carrying you on the bed, all the while your lips not pulling apart for a second. He layed you on the mattress, his body pressing softly on top of you as his hands held your hips.
“I've dreamed about you.” he whispered roughly in between the kisses “Wanted you. Ever since we first met, I was a gonner. Don't know how you did it but damn you got me sweetheart.” he mumbled against your skin as he licked and sucked on your neck now, he chuckled softly “I couldn't stop thinking about you.”
“It's easy to understand-” the voice was a low whisper “You simply cannot resist me.” but with those words it was crystal clear... it wasn't yours. No just by the words that would actually never leave your beautiful lips but also because the voice was 100% not yours.
As if electricity shot right through him, Dean's eyes snapped wide open and he pulled away faster than he ever had in his life. He stared with wide eyes as she casually rested her weight on the bed on her elbows, tilting her head softly and raising an eyebrow softly. Dean shook his head furiously, his breath having caught in his lungs and his eyes wide.
“No, no it's impossible.” he said in a gruff voice “No! (Y/n)-”
“Is it?” she breathed out “It doesn't seem like it to me. After all-” she shrugged “No matter how much you want to...” she got serious, dangerously so “You can't escape me. And neither will she.”
Dean awoke with a jolt, his eyes wide and his chest heaving as he tried to get as much air as possible in his lungs. His heart hammered inside his chest, painfully so, as if it wanted to break out of his ribcage and he clenched the blankets firmly in his fists. His eyes roamed around the room, trying to convince himself it was only a dream but it just had been far too real. Trembling he fell back on the bed, staring at the ceiling with wide eyes before dragging a hand down his face.
He clenched his jaw as the fear started creeping up his chest because he was fully aware that it sadly wasn't just a nightmare but a promise. Directly said by her or not, it was the bitter and very scary truth. And Dean knew he had to do something about it, before you got hurt beyond repair.
~The following morning~
“No, Cas, I can't just fucking wait!” Dean growled, pacing around in his room “He can't have just disappeared like that, we're a small town for fuck's sake.” he grumbled, listening to his friend on the other end “Tell your brother to get his shit together or so help me! I-” he took a deep breath, lowering his voice when he realized he could wake you up “I want him to have news on him by the end of the day, got it?” he ended the call with a frustrated sigh, dragging a hand down his face.
He turned around to make his way to the door but stopped dead on his tracks when he saw you resting your weight against the doorframe “So... disappeared huh?” you whispered in a hoarse voice.
“Did I wake you up?” he whispered with a frown but you shook your head.
“No, I couldn't sleep much anyway. I just heard you talking and I- I got a little worried... No luck huh?”
Trying to swallow the lump in his throat he tore his eyes away from your form and nodded his head “I texted him last night but got no reply and when I tried to track his phone it didn't lead anywhere. I called Cas just in case but... nobody's seen Chuck ever since last morning.”
“Of course.” you pursed your lips, nodding your head sadly as you looked down at your feet “Figures. Every man sooner or later leaves me anyway.” you laugh humorlessly and he clenched his jaw, glaring at you.
“Don't say that.” he was completely serious.
You shook your head with a smile “It's alright, Dean, honest. I'm just- Worried we are not going to get an end to this, that's all.”
“Sweetheart” he sighed, striding to you and placing two hands on your shoulders “I'm going to end this, I promise you, no matter what it takes I am going to save you. Even if I have to go through hell, I don't care what it takes, I won't let her close to you again.”
You gave him a weak smile “I know you will, I don't doubt that anymore.”
“Good and-” he took a deep breath “Just so you know... I never would.”
You frowned at him for a second before realization down on you and you looked at your feet with a sheepish smile “I suppose.” you mumbled, missing the hurt look that flashed through his eyes at your disbelief “But something else, more important, take your time. Just- take your time, ok? Don't... lose your sleep over this, my knight in shining armor needs the rest after all.”
He wanted to smile but his heart felt too heavy inside his chest “You heard me, didn't you?”
You sighed, looking down at your feet “I had gone for a glass of water and I- I accidentally heard you, yeah. I know that nightmares can be really tough sometimes and I- I just-” you pursed your lips, shrugging “How bad was it?”
“Nothing I can't handle. You don't have to do this to yourself.”
“But it still doesn't change the fact that I am the reason behind it. Dean-” you sighed “I can understand that you want to help me, and I'm... really happy about it. I've had my doubts and I won't lie I still do up to some point, but you gotta take care of yourself as well. If you don't then, as much as the feminist in me hates it, we're both screwed.”
“Alright.” he nodded his head “Alright, I hear you... I'll try my best.”
“Not what I wanted to hear but I guess I'll take that.” you nodded your head “Ok detective, let's put that aside for now and focus on more important topics. After all, when it doubt. Eat!”
A chuckle inevitably left his lips, as he shook his head with a fond smile “Woman of my heart.”
“If you have anything in mind, we could cook and-”
“Yeah about that.” he cut you off, his smile falling “I need to be at the station in less than 30 minutes, so I'm afraid there won't be any time for that. But on the bright side-” he smirked “You'll get to see me in action.”
“That... can have a double meaning.”
~8 hours later~
“All I asked for was some safety, some security, have you close again to feel alright.” you huffed, closing your eyes and wanting to rub your temple but it was actually impossible in your current position “This is not what I bargained for.”
“Sweetheart-” his voice came slightly restrained as well, and the movement of his hips against yours got a groan from you “Trust me, if I could have it any other way I would gladly take the option.”
“Would you now?” your said slightly out of breath, the smirk evident in your voice and Dean grinned on his own.
“Hmh” he licked his lips “No, no actually I wouldn't.” and him shifting made you bite your lip.
“Detective” your voice came out equally strained “Not that I don't like the position we're in right now, cause oh trust me I do.”
“Really huh?” the smugness in his voice made you glare at him.
“Dean” you hissed his name but couldn't fight a moan when his hands squeezed your hips.
“Sorry, just kinda got distracted. Tryin' to realize this is not a dream is kinda hard.” he gave you a chuckle that died out too soon but you actually laughed, letting your head fall on his shoulder.
“There better be no pun intended, detective. And speaking of which-” you bit your lower lip “Please tell me that is your gun.”
A small pause followed and Dean didn't give you even a small laugh before he whispered in a husky voice that made shivers run down your spine “And... what if it's not?”
A/N: Chapter 10 is here and there are only fie parts left! This is probably half the truth that Dean kept from the Reader and the rest will be revealed just as soon! For the moment I hope you enjoy this! Feedback is welcomed and tags are still very much open in case you want to be added! Just let me know.
@getlostinthedark @cap-just-said-language @catwithyellowwings @word-scribbless @carryon-doctor-lock @nightriver99 @timelady1140 @spideyxstan @agentstarkid @all-will-be-well-love @simpleboox @jaylarkson @cookiechipdough @alltimekp @a-dorky-book-keeper @givemebooksorgivemedeath @skeletoresinthebasement @sammy201d @akshi8278 @amandamdiehl @hobby27 @deans-baby-momma @musiclover1263 @feelmyroarrrr @sofreddie @skymoonandstardust @babygabrielle-blog @woodworthti666 @gunpowder-and-smoke-inofficial @erule @lizwinchester16 @itslunabitches @itsquies @justkending @fiftyshadesofrebel @love-my-not-natural-babies @outsider-underwater @deanmonandnegansbitch @kaylinfayezink @x-waywardaf-x @keshaia @moonlight-on-her-skin @happy-little-marvel
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chimchiminiekookie · 6 years
To All the Boys I've Loved Before | 1
Summary: Whenever you have a crush so intense, you write him a love letter, you pour your heart and soul onto that letter as if he'd never ever read it. Because he never does. You've never sent out the letters you've written, every handwritten word filled to the brim with you deepest desires and feeling for the person. They're your most sacred possessions... except the letters are out.
Pariring: Jungkook x reader
Word count: 7,008
Author's note: I'll update the summary and note and word count, I just need a little time, I'm deadass tired. My eyes are literally closing as I type. Alright! So i really love the book series and the movie just pushed me further to get this written. I'm just on an inspiratio binge right now. Lol. Hope you guys love it!
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When you were younger, you had a habit of collecting. Most people liked collecting rocks, or stamps, and in your little sister’s case, they collected strangely shaped crunchy leaves during the fall season. You weren’t like most people though. You liked to collect memories, and sketches of faces of people who inspired you, you collected strange cookie cutter shapes like one in the shape of a nose. It wasn’t until you were 9 when you decided to start saving the important things instead of collecting a lot of different types of a single object. Now, most people saved whales, the environment (yes to zero waste!), and even people, but that wasn’t you. You liked to save small bells, small glass objects like rabbits or hats, ribbons, and most importantly, love letters.
When you were 8, your mom gave you a teal hatbox, not too small, but not that big either, just the perfect size to put love letters in. Not love letters written to you though, you don’t have anything quite like that, you’ve never received one, but you have wrote them. Whenever you have a crush so intense, you write them as a farewell to your feelings, all your hopes, dreams, and desires for that person is fueled into that love letter, you write them as if the ones the letters are addressed to will never read them, because they never will, you never send them out and you never will. Once you finish the letter, it’s as if the feelings are gone, you’re able to go about your day not wondering what they were doing or who they were with, whether they liked to dip fries into ketchup or squirt ketchup all over them.
Every boy you’ve ever seriously liked in the past has one - there are a total of five boys. Chani from Camp Wakanaka, Kookie from middle school, Park Jimin from Model UN, Hoseok from Freshman Homecoming, and -
“Hey there Poppy, where’s Y/N?” your head pops up in the direction of your closed door.
You rush downstairs, just in time to see your big sister Irene and Namjoon holding hands while walking towards the kitchen. Kim Namjoon is your next door neighbor, but he spends almost every waking moment over at your house. Everyone in this house loves him, your dad who is a gynecologist has been surrounded by girls his whole life, which is why your dad loves him like a long lost son, your youngest sister Poppy, who everyone calls Pop loves him, especially when they play uno, and Namjoon lets her win all she wants without ever getting bored like Irene and I. For your older sister Irene? Well she loves him because everyone at home loves him, especially for that reason.
Everyone sits around the dinner table, as Namjoon passes your spot to get to his directly across from you, he ruffles your hair like a big brother would do to a little sister and gives you a fist bump, your dad who’s made another Korean Delicacy is already trying to saw through the charcoaled ribs. You and your sisters call your dad’s Korean food delicacies because they were just that. You’d never be able to find food quite like that, even in Korea, although you also wouldn’t be able to digest it correctly either.
Irene, ever the competent one, silently stands up to collect the tray and brings it to the kitchen where she fires up the electric knife.
Pop groans, “Ugh, I can’t believe we won’t see her until Thanksgiving.” she pouts.
“Which is why you should do the dishes tonight instead of Rere.” Rere is what you called Irene, pronounced like the singer, “So she doesn’t have to stay up tonight and she can finish all her packing and be ready early tomorrow morning for her flight.”
Pop rolls her eyes at you, “I said I couldn’t believe it, not that I want her to be on time tomorrow.” she takes a sip of her water, “And besides, the only reason I said that was because she’s not gonna be around anymore to give me rides to school, so now I’m stuck with you.”
Of course, in this household, your dad and Irene were the ones everyone counted on to drive. Last year, you and Pop would always catch a rude to school with Irene, but now that she’ll be leaving, you have been given the responsibility to drive Pop to school, and you were a terrible driver.
“Well, you guys could always get a ride with me.” Namjoon offers, “Besides, I’m not going anywhere.” He offers you a wink and you can’t help but smile.
“What I miss?” Irene comes strolling in, tray of cut up pork ribs in her hands and saying that she looks like the perfect stay at home mom would be an understatement, but that isn’t Irene.
Poppy giggles deviously, “We were just talking about how much of a bad driver Y/N is.”
“But we were also talking about your flight and how you won’t be coming home for Thanksgiving this year, so…” He holds up his index finger in anticipation as he dug around his pocket for a folded up piece of paper, handing it over to Irene, “I thought I’d bring a little piece of home to you.” his face and smile is bright, waiting for Irene to run over and hug him, but that never happens.
You look over at Irene who stopped putting pork ribs on your plate, “You already booked the ticket?” her face is dowbcast, her eyebrows knit together and her mouth a thin line, Irene was not happy.
Namjoon’s smile dissipates in realization, “ W-well yeah. I’ve had my google alerts set on for flights to Scotland ever since you decided you’d go to university there.”
The room is tense, so tense, that not even your dad is smiling, just looking between Irene and Namjoon because he’d never know who to side with on this one, and then just when you’re about to excuse yourself to your room to give the two their privacy, Poppy speaks up, “Mmmm, just like how mom used to make.” she gives a fake smile and scrunches her nose slightly, not even trying to make us believe that she’s telling the truth.
You sat at your desk which was propped against the window, and while you had your glue gun in your hand to continue on your scrapbook for Irene, you look past the window right at Irene and Namjoon as they bickered intensely, Irene was mad that Namjoon caught her blandished and embarrassed her in front of the family, while Namjoon was mad because Irene didn’t even seem the least bit happy about his surprise for her. Then that was it. You decide to close your curtain because this was none of your business, it felt intimate, something Irene’s little sisters shouldn’t be seeing, so instead, you go downstairs to bake some snickerdoodles for Irene to bring onto the plane tomorrow.
Whale rolling the dough into small balls in the palm of your hand, Irene comes in, silently closing the door behind her no Namjoon in sight. She sits at the island and starts typing on her already opened laptop. You two continue like that, you silently baking, and her silently typing.
“I broke up with Namjoon.”
The cookie dough ball falls right off your palm as your eyes widen and your mouth is agape, “What?! Wait, what? How? Why? When? Seriously?”
Her voice is straight, steady, not even a quiver of sadness, “It was time.” she shrugs, “Mommy always told me never to go to college with a boyfriend.”
She looked fine, not even a trace of a single tear, no, because that wasn’t Irene. Irene was always fine, she never cried and she always remained calm, and even when she wasn’t fine, she was.
You grab the ball of dough that fell in the sugar bowl earlier, “Well, I don’t see the point, Rere.”
She stops typing on her laptop to look at you, “The point is, Y/N. I’m going to a university thousands of miles away, keeping a relationship with him just isn’t practical. 95% of long distance relationships don’t last, I was just saving him future heartbreak.”
Ah, yes. This was a hundred percent Irene, always thinking with her head and never her heart, “Won’t work out? You can’t be serious, this is Namjoon we’re talking about, there is not a single guy out there who has ever loved a girl as much as he’s loved you.”
She rolls her eyes at that, but it was true, Namjoon loved Irene like no boy has ever loved a girl, in his eyes, there was only Irene, nobody else.
She shuts her laptop, already looking like she’s going to lecture me, “Mommy always said not to have a boyfriend in entering college because she never wants us to be the type of girls who cried to their boyfriends on the phone and say no to things and experiences instead of yes.”
She really thinks Namjoon will hold her back? Looking at Irene now, Was Scotland the first yes? To throw away a two year relationship because she was afraid that saying no to Scotland would be one of her biggest regrets? Were we also sacrifices she had to make for her dreams?
You walk over to sit next to Irene, “It’s just my two cents, but I don’t think Namjoon would ever hold you back. I remember when you ran for student body president and even though Namjoon wanted to run, he supported you throughout and was even here at god knows what time just to make your posters. He’s always supported you, Rere.” You look over at the clock, “If you hurry, it’s still not too late to go over there and take back what you said. I’m a hundred percent sure Namjoon would gladly get back together with you.”
Irene shakes her head, “It’s been done, Y/N. I’ve already decided.” If there’s one thing I know about Irene, it’s that when she makes her mind up about something, that’s it. She never changes her mind.
When you’ve finished up in the kitchen and Irene’s gone to bed, you climb up to your room, you grab your teal hatbox and set it on your desk, you look over at Namjoon’s house, his light was still on. You take the top off of the teal hatbox, the letters were neatly on top of each other from oldest going up, your latest love letter on the top most of the small stack all of them neatly tied together with a silver fabric ribbon that goes beautifully with your teal hatbox, you found it at a yard sale tied to a teddy bear that you gave to Poppy.
In your neat cursive handwriting is ‘Kim Namjoon’ along with his address and zip code below, this Kim Namjoon is the same one next door who was still up trying to make sense of what just happened, he is Irene’s Namjoon, but before that, he was your Namjoon. You smile sadly at the letter just before putting it back in the hatbox and putting the hatbox away on your topmost shelf in your closet. Absolutely nobody knew about your letters, they were your most private and sacred possessions.
“Y/N, hurry up! I have to be at the airport three hours before my flight!” Irene’s obviously already prepared, without a beat.
Meanwhile, you’ve been debating on whether you should wear sunglasses or not for at least 10 minutes, you decide to bring them anyway, and just not wear them if you decide against it.
“Three hours? Honey, I think it’s supposed to be two. What are you gonna do there for three hours?” Your dad loads Irene’s suitcases in the trunk.
You look over at Namjoon’s house, just as Irene gets in, you see him sitting on his car’s opened hood, that pained expression on his face, his eyes red and swollen, he’d been crying over your sister. When you were growing up, Irene always had a Philosophy, if something no longer useful, you either donate it, recycle it, or throw it away. Looking at Namjoon now, you always knew that’s how Irene felt about objects… but you knew thought that she’d feel that way about a person.
At the airport, Irene’s giving her last goodbye hugs, strictly no tears, because Irene hates emotional goodbyes.
She pouts cutely at Poppy, “C’mere kid.” she opens her arms to Pop who’s already in her arms.
She looks over to you, the one standing the farthest away, and opens her arms silently, you want to be mad at Irene, to pick a University thousands of miles away, to leave you all behind, but you don’t think you could handle becoming the no that your mother warned her about, so you walk into her arms, as she gives you an extra tight squeeze.
“Gonna be okay?” she mumbles into your shoulder.
You break apart first, sticking your hands in your pockets, “Did you really have to pick the farthest college you could think of?”
She places her hand on your cheek, slowly caressing it, “You know I’m just a skype call away if you guys need me, Y/N.”
You stare down at your boots, “Yeah, maybe, until you start going to pubs and hanging out with Scottish University students and eating- ugh, Haggis and then you’ve already forgotten about us.”
She give you a tiny smile, a very Irene smile, “Y/N, I can promise you on my grave that I would never ever eat Haggis.” she makes a disgusted face, “You’re in charge now, alright? You the biggest sister now, you need to set a good example for Poppy alright? Also, don’t forget to clean your room when you get home.”
Your dad and Poppy come back with a small stack of magazines, something you already know Irene wouldn’t read. Knowing her, she’s already packed her favorite series of books for reading on the plane. You all give Irene one lads group hug, before she’s squirming from underneath your small hugging pile.
“Alright, I gotta go.” she grins at the three of you, looking the happiest she’s been in a long while, “See you on Christmas!” she blows kisses to everyone and then all the three of you see is her back.
You put your arm around Pop’s shoulders, “Think she’ll turn around, Y/N?”
You shake your head no quietly, “Nah, that’s not Irene.” you wish you were wrong, but you weren’t. Things with Irene were always definite, no turn backs, no looking behind, and this was one of those moments.
The moment between you three was a tender one, at least until Poppy goes, “Can we have a dog now?” and your dad is in stitches laughing at the great attempt to take advantage of the situation.
For the next week, all you do is scrapbook, try to clean your room, and lay around. No sign of Namjoon at all since he and Irene broke up, and all too soon, it’s already the morning of your first day of class.
You wait outside in front of your house holding up small rectangular chalkboards with your grade number on it, you with a Grade 11 board and Poppy with a Grade 6 board. You dad holds up his phone, and he instantly notices how difficult you were being. Honestly it was because of the thought that you were going to be driving.
He puts the phone down, “Come on, Y/N. It’ll only rake a second, I’m gonna send this to Irene.”
You sigh before giving him a smile, with Poppy next to you, smiling brightly while yelling, “Cheese!”
He puts the phone down after taking a few shots, “I can’t believe it.” He shakes his head fondly, “6th grade and Junior year.”
You put the chalkboard down, “Alright, ready to go?” you turn towards Poppy.
She looks at you, and then to the keys in your hands before she jumps in realization, “Wait just one sec!” she pushes her chalkboard in your hands before rushing inside and coming back outside equally as fast except this time, she had a pink sparkly helmet on.
You dad takes the chalkboard from you hands, getting in his car, “You guys look great! Drive safe alright? I gotta get going. I love you guys!”
You hold a small hand up quietly as a good bye and you turn towards Poppy, frowning, “Very funny.”
She looks at you while adjusting the straps, “Very necessary.” she states in a matter of factly tone.
You walk through the hallway, passing by Namjoon’s locker right as he’s unloading his books, your eyes meet, and then he gives you a slight wave that you return while walking backwards, slamming straight into someone’s locker, shutting the metallic door.
You instantly straighten yourself out, you knew that voice, “Oh my God! Tzuyu!”
She turns to you, eyes wide, already angry and she speaks through gritted teeth, “Excuse you.”
“I-I’m so sorry.” You shake your head, “I was- I wasn’t paying attention.”
She folds her arms across her chest, voice dripping with disgust, “Oh. It’s you.”
Tzuyu. This is Tzuyu, you two used to be best friends, playing together all summer, and her sleeping over at your house for weeks, sharing secrets and telling each other your crushes, but after middle school with reasons having to do with her becoming popular and your lack thereof you two were now decidedly not. Tzuyu was beautiful, most girls in high school are pretty, but Tzuyu’s level of prettiness was top notch even up against college girls, much so that when you asked Namjoon who he thought was the prettiest girl was for each grade level during your freshman year, he picked Tzuyu out of all the Freshman girls, including you.
She stares at you up and down, “Cute boots.” she gives you a smile oozing with plasticity, “Gonna go around stomping on cockroaches with those? I’ll be sure to call you if I find a cockroach in the girls bathroom later.”
Your voice is stuck in your throat, you were always prepared for Tzuyu, but not this time this time around you didn’t even expect to see her on the first day, much less have a confrontation with her. You head starts to lower when an arm finds it way draped around your shoulders.
“And they’re the bomb! Those are definitely hard to pull off, and you, Y/N are definitely pulling them off.” She looks down at Tzuyu’s stiletto clad feet, “Can’t wait to see you in P.E running in those… eye pokers, cous.”
Lalisa. Lisa, Tzuyu’s cousin, your best friend. Practically your only friend, she had a habit of disappearing and sneaking out, usually to go dancing, Lisa loved to dance, but her mom hates it when Lisa does so, saying she’d never have a solid career through dancing. You loved it when Lisa dances though, she looks like a wood nymph in your eyes whenever she dances.
Tzuyu’s eyes fire up, already pissed at seeing her cousin this early in the morning, Lisa’s hatred for Tzuyu was completely mutual, “Oh screw you, Lalisa, at least I don’t hook up with a different guy every other night.”
Ah, yes. Lisa does have that reputation. She never comments on it, but you’ve known her and been with her long enough to know that these rumors were absolutely true. But that’s part of the reason why you two get along so much, you never say anything about it because you didn’t need to, even if that’s how she is, you’ve always accepted her, and all without her needing to say anything.
A voice calls out from the students passing by, “Babe.” and then in front of you, the golden boy himself Jungkook embraces Tzuyu from behind.
Tzuyu never takes her eyes off of you, “oh, hi~” her voice is sing song, taunting that you don’t have what she does, Jeon Jungkook.
She grabs onto his arm draped across her chest that connects with the hand he has on his bicep, “How are you?”
You see the way Jungkook looks at Tzuyu, nothing but affection, but even he can’t be blind at how much of a bitch his girlfriend is.
“I’m good, how are you?” Seeing Tzuyu like this, it made you sick, not in the jealous type of way, much the sickly sweet type of way. Ugh.
He raises his eyebrows, “I’m good.” He turns his sight from Tzuyu to you and Lisa, and gives you a tiny nod.
If you think of your letters in your teal hatbox, second to the bottom of your small stack of letters is for Kookie. This is him now, Jeon Jungkook, golden boy, but back the in middle school, he was just plain old Kookie. By eighth grade, he was finally allowed to play in the soccer club at school and ever since then he’s never been called Kookie, he was either, Jungkook, Kook, J.K., or Jeon, eighth grade was also the year Tzuyu and him started going out.
“I was just asking Y/N here to be a dear and put her boots to good use and squash some stupid cockroaches.” Jungkook’s mouth falls into a thin line, unable to say anything.
You give the couple a practically murderous close mouth smile, afraid that if you open your mouth in anyway, you’d just say something you regret and you exchange a look, the look, with Lisa. She gives you the same one, yeah. She understand completely.
“I see someone we need to say hi to…” she looks over a you and rolls her eyes, “Bye.” and the she’s off.
She didn’t. But that was her way of showing you how much of an outcast you were, she was someone important who needed to say hi to people, and you were nothing. It worked. Jungkook clears his throat.
“She’s on this new no caffeine diet. I think that’s just withdrawal kicking in.” he laughs awkwardly.
You smile at Jungkook, “Are you sure she’s not just psychotic?”
Lisa snorts a laugh, “Yeah or maybe she’s possessed, you know Kook, it you want, I know an exorcist. I’ll send you the number later.” she gives him a cheeky wink.
Come lunch time, you are stuck standing in the middle of the cafeteria. You know, you know. This is a high school cliché, but it’s real. There was no place for you here. The only ones who ate in the cafeteria are the popular kids and groups of friends, and that includes Jungkook with his soccer buddies and Tzuyu’s snotty group of friends, all you had was Lisa, and even then, she’s already ditched you to grab a bite at Subway.
It takes you half of the lunch period to find a place to quietly eat your carrots, and even the you’re unsure if you could go there just because that spot was sacred. It was Namjoon’s and your spot and when Namjoon and Irene got together, it became Namjoon’s, Irene’s, and your lunch spot. You half expect Namjoon to eat somewhere else, like his Comic Club or his movie club room but he’s here with an open bag of chips next to him, and an earphone popped into one ear while he reads Paulo Coelho. You approach him slowly, easily, he looks up, he looks kind of taken aback at your hidden presence, but he puts his earphones away nonetheless.
He gives you a small sad smile, “Hey.”
You inch closer to the bleachers, “This seat taken?”
He scoots just the tiniest bit to his right, “Yeah, well, by you I mean.”
You plop down next to him, it all feels awkward and you’re about to speak up on it, when he lifts his head.
“Sorry.” He places his bookmark in his book, “I gotta ask… Did you know? Like did Ire- Did she tell you she was gonna do it?”
You notice his voice cracks just the tiniest bit at the mention of Irene’s name so he corrects himself and refers to her as ‘she’
He kicks some invisible dust on the ground, “I just- I don’t know. I figured you guys talked about everything, right? So…”
You could hear the pain in his voice. No matter how calm he remained, you could hear the quiver, the nerves he had to go through to ask just this one simple harmless little question. You shake your head, “No, she didn't tell me about this.”
He sighs, looking at the ground and shaking his head, “But, like, we’re still good right?” This makes you smile, “We can still talk, and I can still come over for dinner.”
“Of course you can Namjoon, my dad would probably ball his eyes out if he didn’t see you at least once or twice a week.” you laugh.
He looks back at you, “Heh. Yeah, I guess you’re right. I guess, I just don’t wanna lose you too.”
That’s when you smile disappears, because hearing, ‘I don’t want to lose you.’ and ‘I don’t want to lose you too’ are two largely different statements. One meant he didn’t want to lose you, he couldn’t handling losing you alone, but the other meant he couldn’t lose you and your sister, your sister especially, you were still only second to Irene.
“We’re still cool Namjoon, but I refuse to become a child of divorce from this breakup.” you giggle, opening your bag of carrots, “Want a carrot?”
He nods slowly finally putting the closed book in his hands down beside him, “Yeah, alright, Give me the carrot.” He offers you an earbud, the other already placed on his ear as the two of you munched on carrots.
This may seem like it looks strange, but it was real, it was genuine, the two of you were okay, maybe even better than okay, and whatever feelings you had for Namjoon? Well, that’s the one thing you’d never in a million years do to Irene.
Poppy takes off her helmet upon getting off the car and inside the house, “Y/N, are we having scrambled eggs again for dinner?” she rolls her eyes.
You gulp, one of the things you were avoiding was grocery shopping just because you were still scared of driving, but even you had to admit that eating scrambled eggs for dinner was terrible and frankly? It was very unhealthy, “No, I’ll go get groceries, just do your homework and if anyone knocks, look who it is first before you open the door.” you put your backpack down on the sofa and grab your wallet and keys.
The trip to the grocery store is a nightmare, but you do manage to get there without a scratch, that is enough to put you at ease, enough to have you making different turns at shortcuts that would normally put you off because knew you wouldn’t be able to recognize these street signs and the only thing that would help you get home are the landmarks you pass by, like that doggy playground, when you passed by that, you were still in the middle, not too far from home, but not too close either, probably a ten minute drive, or a twenty minute walk. The moment you see the playground, you are absolutely ecstatic, you grin from ear to ear, unknowingly running a stop sign and just as fast as you got excited over the dog park, you were shell shocked at the sudden impact from a car that crashes straight into the side of your car. You stay in your car, hands and knees shaking, afraid. The other driver pulls over, gets out of his car and knocks on your window. Slowly you roll then down.
“Kid, running a stop sign is dangerous-” he begins his lecture but the moment he sees the tears already welling up in your eyes, he sighs, “Look, my car’s fine, I won’t be able to help you with your car, but if you want I can give you a ride home.”
You quickly shake your head, “No! It’s-it’s fine, I’ll just call my neighbor. Thank you though.” If Irene were here, she’d tell you to never trust strangers and never get in a car with them, but then again, jf Irene was here, you wouldn’t even need to drive in the first place. He gets back in his car and drives off as you stand next to your car, what would your dad think, what would he say? What would Irene say? Oh God, she’ll be so disappointed.
A minute passes before you decide to call Namjoon, on the second ring he answers, and you can’t help but cry.
“Hello? Y/N? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
You sniffle and try to sound as clearly as possible, “Namjoon? C-c-could you come get me? I’m here at that dog park, I just got in a car-car accident.” you try to choke back the tears.
You hear the intake of breath he makes when you mention ‘car accident’, “Shit, where are you? I’ll come get you.”
You look around, not seeing any street signs, “I-I-I’m by this dog park-”
“That’s like twenty minutes away.” he sighs, “Alright, I’m on my way I’ll have to walk though, so I can drive your car home.”
You sniffle, “Yeah, that’s fine.”
He pauses for a moment, “Want me to stay on the phone while you wait?”
You shake your head before realizing that he couldn’t see you, “No, no, no. It’s okay. I’ll manage. See you in a bit.” you hang up first, because knowing Kim Namjoon, he’d never let you wait by the roadside for him without any company.
A few minutes tick by before you decide to sit on the curb with you head bowed on your knees.
“Y/L/N? Hey. You good?”
You look up. to find Jeon Jungkook, his left elbow placed on his opened window and his right hand on the wheel.
You blink a few times at him, “Yeah, I’m good.” with a tear stained face, you know it looked far from the truth, but what would you expect Jungkook to do about it? You make a hand motion to get him to go on his way and he rolls up the tinted window of his Audi, and goes off, except he only goes forward a few feet and parks his car right in front of yours and gets out of the car, sitting on the curb with you.
“It looks pretty bad.” He takes a look at the dent on the side of the car, is the other driver okay?”
You put your head back on your knees, turning your head to look at him, “No, his car was completely fine.”
He goes back and sits next to you, and places his head on his knees as well, staring back at you, “So, how long have you been crying?”
You quickly wipe at your cheeks with the sleeves of you shirt, “I-I wasn’t crying. You don’t have to keep me company here, you know.”
He looks up, as if he were thinking of something, “Yeah, I know, but I can’t leave you here either.”
This is one of Jeon Jungkook’s charms. Everybody loves him, everybody. Even back in middle school when you, Tzuyu, Jungkook, and Jimin hung out together, he was still the best among everyone there. Of all the boys you had gone to middle school with, Jungkook was the first to grow taller, he was always optimistic, and had this boyish charm about him that he still had to this day.
His phone makes a sound and automatically he unlocks it to find numerous texts from Tzuyu, “You should get going. Tzuyu’ll get mad if you’re late.”
He stands upright, “You good here though, right? You already feel better?”
You nod your head, “Yeah. Thanks for keeping me company, that was really nice of you.”
The grin on Jungkook’s face is unmatched, Jungkook loves positive reinforcement, “See you around, Ace.” and then he’s off.
You smile at the nickname. He gave you that nickname back in the 7th grade when you were able to get all straight A’s even though Mrs. Bae’s Biology was one of the hardest classes to pass and almost everybody got a C or lower, except you.
You look up and relief washes over you, “Namjoon!”
He gives you a dimpled smile, “Come on, let’s get you home.”
The ride back home is quiet, but not because it’s awkward, but because you were worrying about how you’d tell your dad. You decided that maybe, first telling him not to get mad would be the best choice and then explaining that you aren’t hurt but there’s a huge dent on the car after the accident. That’s probably the one that will make him less angry.
Namjoon chuckles from beside you, “Now that your sister’s broken up with me, you won’t even talk to me?”
You could sense half a truth in his statement, even is he laughs it off like a joke, you don’t answer, but he continues on talking, “You know, me ending up with Irene, surprised me as well.” he shakes his head thinking about it, “Especially since I had a crush on you first.”
You almost gag on air, did he just say he had a crush on me?
He laughs awkwardly, “I mean, when we first moved here, i had a pretty big crush on you, and I even let you borrow my bike, and you were putting on such a show about how you knew how to ride a bike but it turns out you didn’t even know how to use the brakes and when it fell over, you cried so much, and that was the end of my little crush on you.” he laughs, “You looked really ugly when you cried back then.” he teases you.
He pulls to a stop in your driveway, “Want me to come with you to break the news?”
You think back to that whole lecture Irene gave you about being responsible now so you suck it up, and even though you do want Namjoon there just so your dad feels extra happy to see him, you decline, “Nah, I’ll handle it.”
He holds his hands up in surrender, “Whatever you say.” He starts walking away before he looks back, “I’ll come over for dinner tomorrow so tell your dad to make something extra delicious for you guest.” he gives you a wink.
When you break the news to your dad, he isn’t even mad, just relieved that you’re alright, but he does take it to his go to repairman which is at least two to three towns over, that leaves you in charge with Poppy.
So you laze around in the couch, watching 10 Things I Hate About You with Poppy.
“I miss Namjoon.” she sighs.
You shrug, “Yeah, movies don’t feel quite the same without him around, huh?”
Poppy looks over at you, “Yeah! His Heath Ledger impressions are spot on!” she pouts, “By the way, Y/N?”
You sit up, alarmed at the sudden seriousness in Poppy’s voice, “Hm?”
She lays her head in your lap, “Don’t you find it just the ittiest bittiest pathetic that it’s Saturday night, and you’re spending it watching rom coms with your 11 year old sister?”
You brush her hair with your fingers and shrug, “Not at all. I love romcoms and more importantly, I love hanging out with you.”
She lets out a sigh and shuts her eyes, “Alright, well I’m not telling you this to embarrass you or anything, but I’m 11, and I even cancelled a sleepover, to be here tonight, but you’re already 16, and I don’t think you even had anything to do tonight.”
You furrow your eyebrows, “Uh, that is mean, Pop!”
Poppy sits up, shrugging, “The truth hurts, Y/N.”
Come end of the movie, you’ve already fallen fast asleep right after Heath’s big number for Kat.
You run track with Lisa, you’d think her long legs meant that she’d be great at this but you’ve only just started and she’s already wheezing and coughing, but she catches up to you nonetheless probably also because you did slow down just for her sake.
“So… what did… you do last night?” she has to take breaths in between to keep from wheezing anymore than what she was even when she wasn’t talking.
“I watched some movies with Pop.” you shrugs, “James Gordon Levitt is hot.”
She rolls her eyes, “I told you, you should have come with me to that hooping event in the town over, I even got to become a hula hoop girl and everything!” she begins to lag behind you again, “And just so we’re clear, Heath Ledger is hottie in that movie.”
“Hey!” you look behind to find Jungkook already running towards the two of you, “Hey, can I talk to you?”
You look at him incredulously, “Me?”
He nods slowly, “Yeah.”
Lisa takes advantage of the situation so she can stop running, “Hey JK, I hear my cousin dumped you for some college hunk, is that true?”
He scoffs and looks away, ego definitely injured, “Yeah, Lisa, I hurt you have horns, is that true as well?”
Lisa laughs out loud, “Of course it is! I mean the devil’s my cousin afterall.” you can’t help but giggle at that one.
“Alright, well I need to talk to Y/N.”
Lisa has her arm over your shoulder, “Alright, go ahead, we’re listening.”
He places his hands on his hips when Lisa doesn’t move, “Alone please?”
Lisa gets the meaning behind the words slowly, but she still saves face, “Oh, yeah, just uh, if you any one of you need me, I’ll be in the nurse’s office, ogling Taeyong over there, running track shirtless.” she shoots you a wink.
You clasp your hands together, “Alright, sorry about Chris.”
He wrings his hands together, thinking of what he needs to say, “Uh, ehem. I just wanted to that that um. Look, I appreciate it, but it’s never gonna happen. I mean I think it’s pretty cool that you think I have golden specks in my eyes, but Tzuyu and I just broke up.” he even shakes his head in emphasis.
You tilt your head in confusion, genuinely confused at what he was going on about, “Excuse me?”
He claps his hands together when he remembers something else, “That also reminds me!” In a quiet voice, Jungkook clarifies “Just so you know, I really don’t have any STDs. I’m perfectly clean.”
Huh? STD’s when have you ever? You stare at him, your mouth wide open in both shock and confusion, “ I don’t remember ever saying you had an STD!”
He maintains the quietness in his voice but he definitely sounded angry, “Also, I don’t always take the last piece of pizza, at least not when I know somebody wants it.”
Everything Jungkook was saying was news to you, you two have barely talked since eighth grade, what do STDs and Pizzas have to do with anything, “Sorry, but what are you talking about?”
He looks frustrated, “That’s what you put. In your letter. You wrote that I’m this egotistical boy who gives girls STDs. Remember?”
Letter? You haven’t written one in a while, much less, one to Jeon Jungkook, “What letter? I don’t recall ever writing you any letter!” Actually, you did, but he doesn’t know that. It couldn’t be that letter because that letter is stashes safely in your teal hatbox at home.
He chuckles butterly, “Yes. You. Did. It was addressed to me, from you. If you’re gonna write me a letter like that, at least remember what you put into it.”
This isn’t happening. This isn’t reality. You must be dreaming. What Jungkook is doing in your dream? You’ll never know, but this can’t possibly be real.
He starts mumbling to himself, “Alright, you don’t remember, hold on.” he fishes around in his pockets before settling on his back pocket and pulling out a classy looking envelope made of specialty paper, your specialty envelopes for letters and whatnot and oh God, he has his letter. You feel lightheaded and before you lose consciousness, you hear Jungkook yell out before it all goes to black.
“Y/N? Y/N. Hey, are you alright? I think you fainted.” Jungkook’s already kneeling next to you, helping you up when you tell him that you were okay.
His eyebrows are furrowed, “Want me to get someone? Anyone? Maybe get you some water or anything?”
You shake your head, “No, no, I’m good. But I will take that back, you yank the letter out of his grasp, and then you get the impulse to look up at the lunch tables near the grass area, and already making his way towards you was Kim Namjoon, blue envelope in his hand and his messenger bag in the other.
Realization hits you, “Oh my God.” you number as you remember every kiss you witness between him and Irene, all the tiny smiles he gave you, you had to do something about this, and the fact that he wasn’t even stopping and has shifted his sight onto you already has you panicking, “Oh my God!”
In that moment, you do what you can. You grab Jungkook by the shoulders and push him towards the ground, kissing him, he’s in shock but he does end up kissing you back, even securing his hands on your back and waist. You pull apart from him when Coach Sand gets your attention, making you run three extra full laps.
You look at Jungkook, his eyes wide and confused, you pat him on the chest, “Thank you.” you manage to say.
He looks at your retreating figure, his letter clenched tightly in your hand, “You’re welcome!”
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houseofvans · 7 years
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From DIY comics, art zines, animations, drawings to hand drawn woodcuts, artist Theo Ellsworth has doodled his way from childhood and high school to galleries and museums all over the world. One look at his body of works, you’ll find yourself drawn into a detailed, imaginative, stream-of-consciousness narrative realm, where strange creatures, surreal beings, and dreamy landscapes flow and blend into one another, with no beginning or end. Not only one thing, Theo also is the house artist for the London based electronic record label, Astral Industries, creating art for bands like Flying Lotus, Ramona Falls, and Algecow. Learn more about Theo Ellsworth’s art and what his early artistic influences are, what materials he loves to work with, and what he has coming for the rest of 2017.
Photographs courtesy of the artist
Introduce yourself?  Hello, I'm Theo Ellsworth. I draw a lot. Pretty much whenever I can. I live in Missoula, Montana.
My drawings take many forms: I make hand drawn woodcut art for galleries and museums, I also make comics and art zines. Sometimes I do large scale drawings on walls. I do illustration work of all kinds. I'm the house artist for the London based electronic record label, Astral Industries. I've also made album art for Flying Lotus, Ramona Falls, Skeleton Farm, and Algecow. I've been dabbling in animation and I'm currently excited to be learning woodblock printing. My work's been featured in Best American Comics, Cicada Magazine, The Treasury of Mini Comics, Smoke Signal, The Graphic Canon, and the upcoming book, America 2020.
When did you first get into drawing?  Was it a hobby turned career or something you knew from the start? I've loved drawing since I was a kid, but it was in high school that it really became an essential part of me. I started out just doodling a lot with straight sharpie on whatever piece of paper I had on hand. Something about just letting my hand run free to follow whatever shapes it wanted to make, really helped me relax my brain in this weird new way. It was never an absent minded kind of thing. It never felt I was spacing out. It felt more like the act of drawing helped me carve out a personal thinking space where I could concentrate and function more naturally. I got sent to the principal's office for drawing in class all the time in high school and I used to get bad grades in my high school art classes for not following the assignments correctly. Now, I feel lucky to be making a living making art. If I don't draw regularly, I get grumpy and hard to be around. Something about making art seems to keep me feeling intact and able to face the world.
Who were some of your early artistic influences? Reading comics and children’s books as a kid really had an impact on me. I always knew I wanted to make narrative work with my art.  When I discovered the world of self publishing, zines, and mini comics  at the Small Press Expo in San Francisco back in 2003, I realised that I could do it all myself. The first zine I ever printed was a series of drawings on receipts. I started a photocopied comics series called Capacity, which was eventually collected into a 335 page book published by the Brooklyn based small press, Secret Acres. My newest published book is a 128 page, wordless psychedelic horror comic called An Exorcism, published by the excellent Latvian small press, Kus Komikss.
What mediums do you love to work with? What are your essential art tools? I’ll use any kind of pen, but my favorite is the Rapidograph, which is a technical pen that can be refilled with india ink. I also love just drawing with cheap ballpoint pens.  I love to draw on folded paper. I like the idea of drawing on a sequence of pages as opposed to drawing on a single sheet of paper. The act of drawing becomes more of a thought process; a series of drawings that travel somewhere, as opposed to a single static image. Some of my folded paper notebooks have been reproduced as art zines, such as Logic Storm, Antidote, and Relax, We Have Alien Vehicles. These zines are probably fairly cryptic objects to any viewer expecting a narrative, but working on each one helped me navigate the time period they were drawn in. I carried them around with me and worked on each one a little at a time, until they were filled. I Like having an ongoing work like this in motion that I can take my time with and slowly build on. I like to draw on a folded paper size that can be easily reproduced on a photocopier and potentially made into an art zine and I draw on both sides of every page, so the zine is an exact reproduction of my notebook. Sometimes I only make a few copies or none at all of any given piece, but keeping that format keeps me locked into a sequence of pages that I have to work my way through.
Do you keep a sketchbook or work your ideas as you go along?  What type of sketchbook do you keep – disorganized chaos or neat and clean? Besides my folded paper drawing notebooks I keep, I don’t really keep a sketchbook. I don’t really do preliminary sketches of ideas for the most part. I always have this impulse to make everything a finished drawing.
What was the first show you ever exhibited in? What was your last show? My very first show was at a coffee shop called Butterfly Herbs in Missoula, MT. By most recent show was at Giant Robot in LA.
Where did you learn your knowledge of art or making art? Art School or Self taught.  For the most part, I'm self taught, though I'm currently learning woodblock printing from an incredibly print maker named David Miles Lusk and I've been learning a lot of great animation tips from my friend Stefan Gruber, who's a genius animator.
Describe your artistic process for us. It’s all pretty stream of conscious. It might be easiest to describe my process with my woodcuts. I started making the woodcut art, originally because I got tired of framing work for shows and wanted by gallery work to be something that felt really different from my illustration work. I got a scroll saw and started cutting out shapes in hard-wood plywood, drawing on them, then coating them in varnish.  I’ll go into my little woodshop in my garage and draw out as many shapes as possible on a big piece of plywood and cut out a whole pile of them, so I have a nice stack to work on. I never completely know what they’re going to look like until I’m working on. They just start out as these vague person, animal, or house shapes,and it’s a true joy to sit with each one and discover the details. I do a yearly solo show of my woodcut pieces at Giant Robot in Los Angeles that I usually make at least 75 new pieces for. I had a show there this past June. Right now I have 3 pieces in a group show at Grumpy Bert in Brooklyn, NY and 9 new pieces are about to go to a show at Radius Gallery in Missoula, MT.
What makes you smile when viewing art? What is it you’re looking at – composition, color, line? I'm inspired by all kinds of work. I love outsider art and folk art. I love weird art comics, but I also still have a huge love for 60s, 70s, and 80s superhero comics. I love ancient art and textures and patterns in nature. Any art that really feels like it was made from an inner artistic impulse usually ends up getting me excited and inspired. I love art that feels a bit crude or awkward but full of feeling and personal expression. That kind of art does way more for me than something super polished and calculated. I love children's art and I collaborate with my 2 young kids whenever I can.
What’s a common misconception about artists? I don’t think many people really understand the focus and effort that goes into a single work of art. I love having a studio that I can ride my bike to, close the door and have periods of time where I'm totally immersed with no distractions. I also like sitting up after everyone in my family has gone to bed and working on my zines or woodcuts. I get significantly less sleep than everyone else in my family, but making use of that quiet time is so essential. The most valuable thing to me about making art is simply the experience of focus and concentration; the satisfaction of putting care into something. The journey of following a vague impulse until something tangible and often unexpected has come into existence. It sort of feels like developing a photograph of something from my subconscious, like I'm actively engaging with something mysterious and beyond my understanding.
Do you have a favorite artist(s) that does a completely different medium than yourself? Oh yeah! I have a huge love for art environments. One of my favorites is Le Palais Ideal in France, made by Ferdinand Cheval. He was a Postman in the late 1800s who built a complex and beautiful homemade structure on his land. He had no prior experience with architecture. He simply followed this mysterious artistic impulse and made something startling and unique. There’s nothing else like it.
What are your favorite Vans? I like it when people draw on them and add personal touches.
How are you not just ONE thing? Everything I do feels like it’s part of the same world and comes from that same initial creative impulse, but I definitely need that variety of approaches and focuses. It keeps me inspired and seeing things from new and different angles..
What’s on the horizon for the rest of 2017? Right now, I'm working on a new series of folded paper notebooks called Thrill Mouth. It's more of a pure comic book, inner-space explorer adventure series drawn in ball point pen. I printed some copies of the first issue a few weeks back. Some of the copies have hand drawn glitter gel pen details on the covers. I usually can't stop myself from getting labor intensive and ridiculous with anything I make. I've been making zines and mini comics for about 15 years. It actually was relief when a publisher first contacted me, wanting to put out a book, and I love working with the publishers I've been lucky enough to work with so far, but making these little self published art booklets is an important personal practice and I always try to have one in the works.  I’m also working on a graphic Novel with author Jeff VanderMeer.
Follow Theo Ellsworth
Website | http://thoughtcloudfactory.com Instagram | @theoellsworth Etsy |  https://www.etsy.com/shop/theoellsworth Tumblr | http://theoellsworth.tumblr.com
113 notes · View notes
brothers-all · 7 years
Aru'e Tio'r (Enemy Within)
Heyy everyone, sorry for the late update! Stuff is happening and these things are getting a tad hard to write (keeping it kinda mysterious, following my main idea, giving everyone enough screentime...) so the updates will be kinda slower, sorry... Hopefully it won't kill the mood for any of you! ^^
So, yeah, some more stuff happens here, some plot development and some insight into the 112th! Yey? Read, review and enjoy~
[Ch.1] [Ch.2] [Ch.3] [Ch.4] [Ch.5] [Ch.6] [Ch.7] [Ch.8] [Ch.9] [Ch.10] [FanFic] [AO3] [Master-list]
More about the 112th [Standard Headcannons] [Happy Version] 
Chapter 11
“Everyone! Group up!” Ahsoka called as she deflected enemy fire. But only a few of them actually gathered together – most kept their distance.
“They’re coming in from everywhere!” Appo managed to blast a few of them.
“How did they breach the base? Did we not set up security systems?” Krell growled lowly, using the force and pulled an Umbaran fighter from the air, crashing in into the Umbarans.
“Must have been a malfunction or something!” Boomer managed to say before he got hit in the shoulder, knocking him to the ground.
“We can’t hold them off – they’ve got a full assault squad here!” Kano spotted the incoming tanks and fighters raining death from above.
“We can’t leave – we’ve got too many wounded and missing!” Slasher yelled over the screams and explosions, checking on Boomer.
“Look, there!” Ash pointed at the edges of the base, where Umbaran soldiers were dragging clones away and into empty hangers or prison blocks. “They’re taking prisoners?”
“This is not good!” Ahsoka thought, eyes going from the fallen to the captured. She could also feel the ground shake as the spider tanks walked, eliminating waves of soldiers in one fell swoop.
“I’m going to go look for Rex! He has to have a plan! Maybe I’ll run into Fives as well!” she said, unable to see or read the horror and sadness coming off her brothers.
“Don’t bother. He’s dead,” Pong said emotionlessly, and her body turned numb.
“…W-What?” she barely managed to react to blaster fire coming her way, her head swimming. She forced herself to focus, to try and find that familiar flicker in the Force but there was none.
“He was patrolling near the tower – it was the first target. He is either dead or captured. We cannot waste time on a dead man,” the Besalisk continued, throwing one of his sabers and slicing apart an incoming wave of Umbarans.
“Commander, what are your orders?” Appo asked and Tano froze for a few seconds. The world seemed to move slowly, she could see the blinding lights as soldiers fell, hear their screams their pleas. She saw the fires and the smoke rising from the base and saw the abled helping the wounded. They can’t win.
“Everyone, this is Commander Tano! I’m ordering a retreat! Help anyone you can and move into the forest!” she said into her communicator, fingers shaking and voice stuffy.
“You’re running away?” Krell asked in disbelief, sounding angered even.
“Yes, we are! We can’t continue to fight like this – we’ll die!”
“Victory to death, youngling,” Pong gave her a hard look, before jumping in the air and landing further away from their small group.
“Master Krell!” she couldn’t believe it. Was he seriously going to continue fighting like this? Or was he buying them time?
“Commander!” Appo gently took her shoulder. “We need to leave!”
“Right, let’s go! I’ll cover you!” she swallowed as she turned her back to the tower, to her friends and brothers. She felt like she was betraying them all, but there was nothing she could do right now.
“We… we had a plan,” Fives started weakly, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “To destroy the supply ship.”
“And you succeeded,” Reeve said, giving a small nod. He had sat down on a nearby chair, sending away any onlookers and letting the medics work.
“At what price?” Jesse was clenching his fists, eyes hard. He almost moved again, but managed to stop himself before that.
“You’re all still alive, aren’t you?” there was a sadness in the Captain’s tone as he looked at them, his broken gaze casting them in silence.
“Things would have been better if Krell had just – just,” Jesse couldn’t even word it, but the 501st saw the tension rise around them. The medics stopped, staring at them with wide eyes and Reeve cursed under his breath.
“General… Krell? You were working with him?” one of them asked, his gaze slowly moving to the Captain. “…Did you know?”
“…” Reeve closed his eyes and refused to speak or look at anyone else.
“Did you know why he left?” another medic hissed and Fives and Jesse suddenly felt like they were intruding on a personal matter.
“I did,” the Captain said simply, looking at them with emotionless eyes. “What of it?”
“He got to manipulate, break and destroy others – and not just any other battalion. The 501st! The ones we look up to! How could you just-!”
“What was I to do?” Reeve’s anger suddenly flared as he stood up. “He left us here alone, for the first time since I can remember. I didn’t see it important as to why – and if I remember correctly, neither did anyone else!”
There was a tense silence in the tent now, as the medics shrunk into themselves and the Captain looked exhausted and guilty. His next words were a whisper and he turned his back to the newcomers.
“Better them than us.”
“C’mon Kix, work with us here…” Patch said quietly as he checked over his brother.
“…I’m fine,” Kix insisted, but didn’t struggle against the cold tools.
“Yelling and punching our Captain doesn’t really show that,” Scar sighed, looking over at the scans they did.
“He deserved it,” Kix winced as the words left his mouth, but didn’t try to deny them.
“You can’t blame him for what Fives, Jesse and Hardcase did. They knew what they were getting into,” Fixer gave him a steady glare.
There was silence for a few more minutes as they worked, before screams and yells got their attention. Seconds after, the sounds of fighters and tanks moving around made their hearts skip a few beats.
“Umbaran attack?” Scar asked, walking closer to the door and seeing a group of brothers getting blown to bits.
“We can’t fight them like this – there’s too many wounded!” Patch glanced behind himself and saw the hurt brothers either trying to show they can fight or looking in worry.
“Lock down the doors – we can’t let them in,” Fixer said as he saw one of the less injured soldiers working on the panel.
“What about the others?” Kix was looking between all of them in shock.
“We can’t risk it – I’m sorry,” Fixer said and set a hand on his shoulder.
“…I’m not going to sit here and let them all die!” Kix shrugged off the arm and made a mad dash for the closing doors. The yells and calls of his brothers were lost on him as the echoes of battle filled his limbs with adrenalin. He dropped down and slid across the floor under the door just in time, before it closed and he stood in horror at what he saw.
“I’m surrounded!”
“Can’t shake them off!”
“Anyone got a clear shot?”
“Hold on, I’m on my way!”
“There’s too many!”
Cody clenched his fists and glared at the battle before his eyes, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood. This was a massacre. And where were their reinforcements? If this goes on, the entire division could be lost.
“Everyone, converge on me – we’ll strike at the heart of this enemy,” Kenobi said as every pilot seemed to let out a breath of relief. But it didn’t last long as they had to continue the battle, already exhausted.
“Commander! We’ve got incoming fighters!” Algo called and Cody spun around, eyes wide. He was about to order evasive maneuvers and to help, when Log cut in.
“They’re our sir! Reinforcements have arrived!” the wave of relief washing all of them in the command room could almost be seen as the Commander turned back out.
“Everyone, backup has arrived!”
“Apologizes everyone, we got careless,” General Tiin said as he flew in overhead, blasting the nearest enemies.
“It’s quite alright – you’re here now,” Obi-Wan replied as he led a squadron. “Now, how about we take care of these Umbarans and see if we can provide some assistance on the surface?”
“Sounds like a plan to me.”
He was running just like everyone else, following the ones at the front into the forest. The Commander’s order had gathered them together and they were moving.
“Anyone seen Tup or Dogma? They were in a hanger near the tower!” an older brother called as he looked around.
“Haven’t seen them sir!” Ink answered, but there was a shake in his voice.
“Kriff! I’m staying here in case someone else comes around – you follow Lieutenant Luv to the rendezvous point!”
“Sir-!” Topaz tried to speak, but the veteran cut him off.
“That’s an order rookie! Now go, get out of here!”
And just like that, they were running and moving again. The planet was as inhospitable as before, but now things seemed more crazy. In his head, he tried to pretend it was all just a simulation from Kamino as he and his brothers ran. The battle at the airbase was getting further and further away, but he felt like a traitor. Leaving his brothers to die back there, even if he was just a rookie, felt wrong. But he wondered how many veterans have felt this way? Maybe it was part of becoming a soldier.
“Hey, Sunny, you okay?” Ink asked him and he shook his head to clear his mind.
“Y-Yeah, yeah, fine… Just,” Sunny hated his how voice trembled. “This is insane…”
“Yeah, true there,” Seal said and gave out a nervous laugh. “But hey, at least we’re still together, right?”
Seconds later, the ground shook and a turquoise light seemed to appear all around them. A spider tank walked in from the high trees and Sunny was frozen there, staring at the weapon of death. There were screams all around him as brothers tried to fight or flee, but as the tank charged its cannon, he fell to his knees, shaking. Death awaits, he thought and closed his eyes. A moment later, there was indescribable pain, before it all vanished and he felt nothing at all.
“Lieutenant Luv, come in! Where are you and your squad?” came a broken staticy voice in an abandoned helmet as bodies lay all around the small field.
“Lieutenant? Answer me! Lieutenant!”
“Lieutenant? Answer me! Lieutenant!” Ahsoka was nearly pleading into her com. link, before closing her eyes and putting a hand over her face.
“Commander… If,” Appo started, standing by her side. “If they couldn’t make it, we need to leave… There are others counting on us. Different rendezvous points we’ve set up.”
“What’s going on here?” she whispered, fear in her eyes as she looked at the Sergeant.
“…A lot has happened. But I think it’s best we discuss it when we’re someplace safe. Umbaran’s are likely scattered all over in these woods,” Appo let out an exhausted sigh. If Rex really was… dead or captured, then he’s the one who replaces his command.
“Let me just – just do a quick scan. To see how many are alive and where they’re gathered most. And to try and find Rex or Fives,” she kept the last bit to herself as she sat down, legs crossed and heard the boys moving around her in a protective circle.
“Focus…” she said to herself, exhaling and concentrating on the Force flowing around her. It was wild and rapid, biting and almost cutting, but she endured it and expanded her focus from the woods. She sensed the others, the older ones leading and directing, the younger ones scared and confused… The dead and the dying in the woods, multiple flickers vanishing in an instant. It made it hard to breath.
Taking a shuddered breath, she continued and tried to move closer to the airbase, but just when she cleared the fog around it, she hit a wall. It sent a shockwave through her body, making her yell and lean on her knees, panting.
“Commander?” Kano asked as the others looked around for any danger.
“I – I can’t… sense anything inside the base…” she said fearfully, eyes wide. “Not a single vode, not the Umbarans… not even Master Krell.”
“…” the boys shared a look as Kano helped her stand, since she was still in a bit of a shock from the sudden block she ran into.
“We should get moving… Do you know where the others are?” Appo stepped closer.
“Yeah, I can lead us there…” Ahsoka nodded weakly.
“Sir!” Reeve heard just as he left the tent, his expression more tired than before. He didn’t linger after the small outburst inside, and the medics returned to what they were doing, even if more silently. The two 501st soldier didn’t say anything either, but he could clearly see the pity and sadness in their expressions.
“Yes?” he saw a rookie medic rushing to him, looking out of breath.
“The – The third one! 9112 finally finished the surgery!” he explained, but his expression didn’t seem to mirror the good news.
“How is he?” the Captain swallowed a lump in his throat. He was there when they found this trio and he saw the damage on the third one – didn’t look good at all.
“Alive,” the kid said firstly, but his expression was still sorrowful. “But… Well,” he fumbled, scratching the back of his neck.
“What it is?” now Reeve was starting to worry as he glanced at the main medical tent.
“His head sustained the heaviest damage and… well, we had to work on the most critical parts first so…”
The kids next words seemed to shake the old Captain’s world as a chill went up his spine. Of all the things to happen… He closed his eyes after the news, shaking his head even, and needed a few seconds to fully accept it.
“…Should we tell his brothers?” the kid asked in fear, eyes going past his superior and to the tent behind him.
“I’ll tell them… It’s best if they’re prepared for it,” Reeve said with a small nod. “Tell 9112 to get some rest – he’s been on his feet for a few days now.”
“He looked ready to fall down actually, but will do sir!” the rookie saluted and ran off again.
Reeve let out a tired sigh as he watched him and couldn’t help the pity that came to his eyes. There were so many young brothers here… Krell always seemed to get them early. And none of them had names. Any they managed to get on Kamino were dismissed and discarded once they joined this battalion. Maybe it was easier for them than the older ones… They haven’t gotten a real chance to use the name, so it might have been easier to revert back to numbers. It doesn’t make it right or any less painful, but it makes it easier for the Captain to tell apart the new and the old. After all, it seems they all have that same broken and empty expression now…
“So we’re stuck here now?” Fives said more than asked, a sigh following.
“Seems like it…” Jesse mused, staring at the top of the tent. “At least we’re all together eh?” he tried to lighten the mood, even giving a weak smile.
“Haha, yeah, true enough,” the ARC let out a small chuckle, before reaching carefully with his hand to the burned spot on his head.
“Hey, Jess?” he said quietly, staring off. “Do… do you think we can be what the Jedi are?”
“…What do you mean?” Jesse blinked, looking at his brother. “Force Sensitive?”
“Y-Yeah…” Fives cleared his throat, scratching his neck. “I told Rex before but… I um…” he swallowed before looking down at the other man. “I’ve been having dreams. Like, weird dreams, but they seem like stuff Ahsoka used to talk about. Seeing the future and all that,” he explained, throat stiff and voice low.
“What kind of stuff do you see?” Jesse wanted to understand, but it was something he couldn’t really wrap his head around.
“Like… It’s happened twice now,” Fives started, biting his lip a bit and putting his hands together on his lap. “I saw – heard,” he closed his eyes, unable to really explain it. “…Echo. I – I heard him in those dreams and… And not just him. I – I think Rex was there too, as was Krell and… and someone I can’t name,” just thinking about it made his body cold and his throat felt stuffy again. If he closed his eyes, he could almost see the dream again.
“A lot was happening and I was confused as hell, but… I know it was Echo.” He opened his eyes and saw Jesse staring at him in disbelief.
“Second time it happened… was just before I woke here,” a nervous smile was on the ARC’s face as he looked away, feeling a stinging in his eyes. These memories… they weren’t present to remember.
“The airbase was being attacked… Rex and Krell got into a fight but I couldn’t see what happened after. It – it was dark and hard to see and ended so fast I couldn’t-!” he took a deep, shuddered breath before continuing: “And – and Ahsoka was there, but she – she,” his voice kept breaking and he had to swallow again. “She was fighting Krell.”
He paused, catching his breath and turning back to see Jesse still looking confused and unbelieving as his brow furrowed. Fives was shaking now, his body cold and he bit down on his lip to avoid his teeth chattering. Why was he so damn scared? Because of the Force? Is that it?
“Fives…” Jesse said with a sigh, rubbing his face with both his hands. “That’s-,”
“Crazy, I know, but-!”
“I was going to say weird, yeah, but… I don’t know, feels entirely possible? You saw what Krell is like – I wouldn’t put it past him to do some of this stuff.”
“…And what about Echo?”
“…I honestly don’t know… A recording maybe? Your memories?” there was a pause as they only looked at each other, puzzled and worried.
“Ahem!” Reeve cleared his throat and got the attention of the two 501st boys. They seemed shocked, and wondered how much of the conversation he actually heard.
“I got some news for you two,” the Captain said stepping closer and saw them tensing, likely knowing what the news would be about.
“Your friend-,”
“Hardcase,” the two said immediately, knowing he likely had no idea what the man’s name was. But given so few brothers here had names, they just had to make it clear.
“Hardcase,” Reeve gave an acknowledging bow of the head. “His surgery is finished, however, there are some… complications.”
“What kind of complications?” Jesse nearly got up again, but Fives put a hand on his chest to keep him steady.
“…His head took the brunt of the damage and since there were other, primary injuries to take care of, our medics didn’t – couldn’t work on it fast enough,” the Captain avoided looking at them.
“You’re ignoring the question!” Jesse was feeling his heartbeat rise and breathing was becoming harder. He can’t lose another brother. Not like this.
“…His memory won’t be intact. 9112 said Hardcase will have gaps and missing pieces. Amnesia. How much, he can’t tell. But your friend, your brother, likely won’t remember the last few weeks at least.”
The silence in the tent was deafening. Jesse was choking on air, unable to form words or even move as Fives started with wide eyes and an open mouth. Amnesia. Seriously? He’s alive, that’s fantastic, but if he can’t remember…
“I’m sorry,” Reeve said and it sounded like he’s said so many times, he doesn’t believe in its meaning anymore. “But at least his duty won’t be hindered. He’s still a fully functional soldier.”
“And is that all that matters?” Fives had no idea where his anger came from as he stood up. Maybe from all the carp he’s had to deal with from Krell, or all the things he wishes he could have said to Rex back then. But it was burning his insides and he had to let it out.
“It’s how this works – the system we’re in. We can’t escape it, he won’t get off easy because he can’t remember,” Reeve managed to keep calm, but his eyes narrowed.
“That may the system, but it’s wrong!” the ARC clenched his fists. “I’m not just another number! None of us are!”
Another silence as Fives seemed surprised at his own words, Jesse was still looking in horror and Reeve seemed taken back. It lasted a few seconds, before the 112th soldier lowered his gaze and spoke up.
“…I used to believe that,” the Captain said quietly, as if scared someone would hear him. “There used to be so many of us with names, even when Krell was our General… But he changed one day, and forced us to numbers.”
“Then why-!”
“Because you either did as he said or you got killed!” Reeve’s own anger sparked, but his eyes carried only sadness. “My former squad mate, Loto, was killed – neck twisted by the Force – because he dared to speak back to Krell. Young brothers were getting slaughtered in suicide missions and we didn’t even have names for them! And all the while, here I was, carrying a name so many wished they could have!” the Captain was torn between anger and sadness as he spoke.
“I wore it like a badge of honor for a long time, before I saw what it really was. A mark. His mark on me, one I am never going to escape. I don’t have my name because I earned or deserve it. I have it, because he allowed it! Since then, it’s been a chain of shame…” his voice dropped as he started at the floor.
“So, forgive me if I don’t share your view on our lives. Because here? In the 112th? You are just a number. I try my best to help the rookies, or ease the veterans, but in the end, I’m more broken than any of them. I’m the oldest one here,” a humorless laugh escaped him as the two finally saw tears in his eyes.
“I can’t even do what some others have… Take my own life, on my terms. Because that’d mean leaving everyone here behind. I can assure you, Krell is not going to be happy. Having a broken Captain like me by his side is easier than trying to find a new one…”
“Things are calming down,” Tup said quietly, leaning over the edge of the hiding place. He was nervous, but at least he wasn’t alone.
“This is crazy,” Dogma whispered back, gripping his blaster close to his chest. They hid as soon as they could and managed to remain so while the Umbarans attacked all around. They wanted to help, but the logical parts of them told them they’d only get killed or captured. So, they stayed away and watched to try and find a chance to escape.
“Is that… General Krell?” Dogma asked in shock as the Besalisk landed by the tower entrance. For a few seconds, he felt relief because a Jedi could handle these bastards easy. But a second after he landed, Pong deactivated his sabers and the Umbarans seemed to… greet him? They certainly weren’t attacking him.
“What the-?” Tup asked in fear as they saw the Jedi talking to an Umbaran who seemed to be the leader, given the additions on his armor.
“Shh!” Dogma hissed and pulled his friend back behind the wall just as some Umbarans turned towards their spot.
“Is – is he working with them?” the question seemed to echo in both their heads as they felt cold. So cold. And watched.
“W-We need to move!” Dogma was shaking, entering a near panic as his voice was hardly raised. But before either could really move, something big and menacing jumped behind them, lightsabers drawn and a smirk on the Besalisk’s face.
“What have we here?” Krell asked, voice sadistic as the two soldiers trembled under his sheer strength. It was like they were suffocating and couldn’t even aim their weapons.
“Take them to the lab – we have more volunteers,” the General said and suddenly Umbarans surrounded the two and cuffed them.
The two couldn’t even speak as they continued to stare the monster before them, bodies cold and almost numb as their minds tried to understand and process what the hell was going on. They just knew it wasn’t good.
Cut! Phew, we were jumping all over the places weren't we? Hopefully it wasn't confusing ^^" If any of you have questions, feel free to ask and I'll try my best to explain (without spoilering the story) Thanks a lot for reading! I hope you enjoyed and if you did, please review! I love hearing what you lovely mates think! =D Till next time~
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ASSIGNMENT 10 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This assignment contains 2 parts which cover the Urinary System (Ch. 15). This is a submission AKA text box assignment. When you have completed the assignment, submit your work for both parts using the Assignment 10 Text Box provided in this week’s module. This assignment may be completed and submitted any time this week before Saturday midnight. This assignment must be submitted by midnight Saturday (11:59 pm). Each part is worth 15 points (30 points total). Part A: Urinary System A & P Matching INSTRUCTIONS: • Use your textbook to determine which DESCRIPTIONS correctly match with the TERMS provided. Terms may be used once or not at all. • A Reference Citation List is NOT required for Part A. • Format your work so that you submit the number of each description with the letter of the term that matches correctly. Please do not submit the descriptions or terms. Follow the example below. EXAMPLE FORMAT: Part A: 1. A 2. B 3. C Etc. DESCRIPTIONS: 1. When blood volume & pressure are too low, the pituitary gland releases this hormone which increases water reabsorption from filtrate into blood, thus conserving body water and producing a highly concentrated urine 2. Urine in its final form leaves the collecting duct of a nephron and enters this space which funnels urine into the renal pelvis 3. A long, slender, muscular tube which undergoes peristalsis to conduct newly formed urine from the renal pelvis of the kidney to the urinary bladder 4. This portion of a nephron functions to control the amount of water in urine so that concentrated urine is produced when one is dehydrated (low blood volume/pressure) or dilute urine is produced when one is overhydrated (high blood volume/pressure) 5. These expandable folds in the lining of the wall of the bladder enable it to expand in size as urine volume increases; the stomach lining also has these folds 6. The yellow color of urine is due to the presence of this product of hemoglobin breakdown 7. As the bladder fills, urine volume & pressure increase; high fluid pressure stimulates these sensory neurons embedded in the bladder wall and they then send impulses to the spinal cord to initiate the micturition reflex 8. 70% of filtrate is reabsorbed into blood from the proximal convoluted tubules by epithelial cells which possess these short, finger-like extensions that increase absorptive surface area 9. A fluid pressure gradient pushes water and small solutes out of the blood in glomerular capillaries and into the glomerular capsule; this is the first step in urine formation 10. In males, this tube conducts urine during urination and it conducts semen during ejaculation 11. Renal pyramids are found in this inner region of the kidney 12. This circular skeletal muscle surrounds the urethra as it passes through the pelvic floor and can be controlled consciously to either stop or permit urination 13. Although glucose enters the renal tubule during the first step of urine formation, it is actively transported back into blood during this second step in urine formation 14. This is the most important electrolyte influencing the amount of water that is either retained in blood or eliminated in urine 15. This layer of dense connective tissue forms the exterior covering of the kidney TERMS: A. rugae B. trigone C. loop of Henle D. glomerulus E. baroreceptors F. interneurons G. calyx H. filtration I. secretion J. reabsorption K. antidiuretic hormone L. aldosterone M. urethra N. ureter O. urochrome P. urea Q. microvilli R. cilia S. medulla T. cortex U. sodium V. calcium W. potassium X. capsule Y. external urethral sphincter Z. internal urethral sphincter Part B: Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) INSTRUCTIONS: • Perform research using your textbook and at least 1 reliable website to gather scientific and medical information regarding Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). • Answer each question thoroughly. Pay attention to key terms or phrases which have been highlighted in bold. Answer questions using complete sentences. Be sure your answers are free of writing errors (incorrect grammar and spelling). Define scientific terms. • Provide a list of Citations (sources used) at the end of the assignment. Include the textbook and at least 1 reliable website. Format your citations in APA style. Be sure that website citations include functional URLs. Refer to the document How to cite References in an Assignment (in the Course Resources module) for instructions on how to format citations in APA style. Failure to include a Reference Citation List results in a 0 score for Part B. Five points will be deducted for failure to format citations in APA style. • PARAPHRASE: Information taken from sources must be written in your own words. Paraphrasing demonstrates that students understand the information they have read and that they can correctly use that information to explain the answer to a question. Do NOT include any direct quotes (with or without quotation marks) from sources. Answers with direct quotes receive no credit. • Format your work to include the question number, topics, and your answers. Before submitting your work, check to make sure your answers are numbered correctly. Follow the format example below. EXAMPLE FORMAT: Part B: 1. TOPIC: Overview of UTIs A. Your answer B. Your answer 2. TOPIC: Microorganisms cause UTIs A. Your answer B. Your answer C. Your answer ETC. QUESTIONS: 1. TOPIC: Overview of UTIs A. What is a UTI? Provide a description of the disease as if you were explaining it to a friend who does not know any scientific terms or concepts. B. Which urinary system structures may be affected by a UTI? Explain how the structure and function of these structures is compromised by the infection. 2. TOPIC: Microorganisms cause UTIs A. UTIs are caused by bacteria. Give the specific names of 2 types of bacteria that cause UTIs. Example: Staphylococcus aureus (NOTE: Genus and species are italicized) B. What are the potential sources of bacteria that cause UTIs? In other words, where do the bacteria come from? C. Where do the bacteria enter the urinary tract? 3. TOPIC: Signs & Symptoms Explain the cause of each of the following common signs and symptoms of a UTI: A. pain with urination B. orange or red color of urine 4. TOPIC: Diagnosis and Treatment A. Name 2 diagnostic tests used in the clinic to diagnose a UTI. What is the purpose of each test? What kind of information does each test provide? B. Name 2 common medications prescribed to treat UTIs. Describe how each medication works to treat the infection or relieve signs & symptoms. 5. TOPIC: Women vs. Men A. UTIs are more common in women than men. Provide 2 reasons why. B. Sometimes, a UTI can be prevented. Describe 2 ways that women can reduce their risk of getting a UTI. Citations: Provide a list of References (sources) used to complete this part. Include the textbook and at least 1 reliable scientific website. Be sure your citations are APA formatted.
ASSIGNMENT 10 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This assignment contains 2 parts which cover the Urinary System (Ch. 15). This is a submission AKA text box assignment. When you have completed the assignment, submit your work for both parts using the Assignment 10 Text Box provided in this week’s module. This assignment may be completed and submitted any time this week before Saturday midnight. This assignment must be submitted by midnight Saturday (11:59 pm). Each part is worth 15 points (30 points total). Part A: Urinary System A & P Matching INSTRUCTIONS: • Use your textbook to determine which DESCRIPTIONS correctly match with the TERMS provided. Terms may be used once or not at all. • A Reference Citation List is NOT required for Part A. • Format your work so that you submit the number of each description with the letter of the term that matches correctly. Please do not submit the descriptions or terms. Follow the example below. EXAMPLE FORMAT: Part A: 1. A 2. B 3. C Etc. DESCRIPTIONS: 1. When blood volume & pressure are too low, the pituitary gland releases this hormone which increases water reabsorption from filtrate into blood, thus conserving body water and producing a highly concentrated urine 2. Urine in its final form leaves the collecting duct of a nephron and enters this space which funnels urine into the renal pelvis 3. A long, slender, muscular tube which undergoes peristalsis to conduct newly formed urine from the renal pelvis of the kidney to the urinary bladder 4. This portion of a nephron functions to control the amount of water in urine so that concentrated urine is produced when one is dehydrated (low blood volume/pressure) or dilute urine is produced when one is overhydrated (high blood volume/pressure) 5. These expandable folds in the lining of the wall of the bladder enable it to expand in size as urine volume increases; the stomach lining also has these folds 6. The yellow color of urine is due to the presence of this product of hemoglobin breakdown 7. As the bladder fills, urine volume & pressure increase; high fluid pressure stimulates these sensory neurons embedded in the bladder wall and they then send impulses to the spinal cord to initiate the micturition reflex 8. 70% of filtrate is reabsorbed into blood from the proximal convoluted tubules by epithelial cells which possess these short, finger-like extensions that increase absorptive surface area 9. A fluid pressure gradient pushes water and small solutes out of the blood in glomerular capillaries and into the glomerular capsule; this is the first step in urine formation 10. In males, this tube conducts urine during urination and it conducts semen during ejaculation 11. Renal pyramids are found in this inner region of the kidney 12. This circular skeletal muscle surrounds the urethra as it passes through the pelvic floor and can be controlled consciously to either stop or permit urination 13. Although glucose enters the renal tubule during the first step of urine formation, it is actively transported back into blood during this second step in urine formation 14. This is the most important electrolyte influencing the amount of water that is either retained in blood or eliminated in urine 15. This layer of dense connective tissue forms the exterior covering of the kidney TERMS: A. rugae B. trigone C. loop of Henle D. glomerulus E. baroreceptors F. interneurons G. calyx H. filtration I. secretion J. reabsorption K. antidiuretic hormone L. aldosterone M. urethra N. ureter O. urochrome P. urea Q. microvilli R. cilia S. medulla T. cortex U. sodium V. calcium W. potassium X. capsule Y. external urethral sphincter Z. internal urethral sphincter Part B: Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) INSTRUCTIONS: • Perform research using your textbook and at least 1 reliable website to gather scientific and medical information regarding Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). • Answer each question thoroughly. Pay attention to key terms or phrases which have been highlighted in bold. Answer questions using complete sentences. Be sure your answers are free of writing errors (incorrect grammar and spelling). Define scientific terms. • Provide a list of Citations (sources used) at the end of the assignment. Include the textbook and at least 1 reliable website. Format your citations in APA style. Be sure that website citations include functional URLs. Refer to the document How to cite References in an Assignment (in the Course Resources module) for instructions on how to format citations in APA style. Failure to include a Reference Citation List results in a 0 score for Part B. Five points will be deducted for failure to format citations in APA style. • PARAPHRASE: Information taken from sources must be written in your own words. Paraphrasing demonstrates that students understand the information they have read and that they can correctly use that information to explain the answer to a question. Do NOT include any direct quotes (with or without quotation marks) from sources. Answers with direct quotes receive no credit. • Format your work to include the question number, topics, and your answers. Before submitting your work, check to make sure your answers are numbered correctly. Follow the format example below. EXAMPLE FORMAT: Part B: 1. TOPIC: Overview of UTIs A. Your answer B. Your answer 2. TOPIC: Microorganisms cause UTIs A. Your answer B. Your answer C. Your answer ETC. QUESTIONS: 1. TOPIC: Overview of UTIs A. What is a UTI? Provide a description of the disease as if you were explaining it to a friend who does not know any scientific terms or concepts. B. Which urinary system structures may be affected by a UTI? Explain how the structure and function of these structures is compromised by the infection. 2. TOPIC: Microorganisms cause UTIs A. UTIs are caused by bacteria. Give the specific names of 2 types of bacteria that cause UTIs. Example: Staphylococcus aureus (NOTE: Genus and species are italicized) B. What are the potential sources of bacteria that cause UTIs? In other words, where do the bacteria come from? C. Where do the bacteria enter the urinary tract? 3. TOPIC: Signs & Symptoms Explain the cause of each of the following common signs and symptoms of a UTI: A. pain with urination B. orange or red color of urine 4. TOPIC: Diagnosis and Treatment A. Name 2 diagnostic tests used in the clinic to diagnose a UTI. What is the purpose of each test? What kind of information does each test provide? B. Name 2 common medications prescribed to treat UTIs. Describe how each medication works to treat the infection or relieve signs & symptoms. 5. TOPIC: Women vs. Men A. UTIs are more common in women than men. Provide 2 reasons why. B. Sometimes, a UTI can be prevented. Describe 2 ways that women can reduce their risk of getting a UTI. Citations: Provide a list of References (sources) used to complete this part. Include the textbook and at least 1 reliable scientific website. Be sure your citations are APA formatted.
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:  This assignment contains 2 parts which cover the Urinary System (Ch. 15).  This is a submission AKA text box assignment.  When you have completed the assignment, submit your work for both parts using the Assignment 10 Text Box provided in this week’s module.  This assignment may be completed and submitted any time this week before Saturday midnight.  This…
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bonerpillz-blog · 7 years
Sacrifice - Richie Tozier x Reader
Written by E.
Disclaimer! The Loser’s Club (Only Richie really matters here) Will be aged up to about 17 because god forbid you write about normal human feelings for younger kids!!!!!
Description: Richie sacrifices himself for you causing feelings to be revealed.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: Language, things get kinda heated ig if u know what I mean haha wink wink, angst(???) I think that’s it. Feel free to let me know if you feel as though there should be any other warnings here.
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
Bill was screaming but not out of terror, out of guilt. He was screaming. Telling you all to run, to save yourselves, that he got you into this and it was his fault.
Y/N stood behind us, my arm up in front of her protectively though I don't think she noticed that. There were tears brimming my eyes at the sight of Bill. I was in too much shock at this point to be scared of the clown itself.
We were looking from Bill, to each other. No one knew what to do. I felt someone push past me and my breathing sped up as soon as I realized it was Y/N.
"Take me." she said, trying to sound tough but I could her voice breaking.
"Y/N what the fuck?!" I yelled, feeling myself begin to panic.
"What the hell are you doing?" Mike added, sounding understandably angry.
"J-just get ou-out of here you guy-uys!" Bill yelled, gasping with IT's arm around his neck.
"No!" this time she yelled, and I felt tears start to burn my skin. "Take me!"
IT dropped Bill, throwing him into a coughing fit before standing tall and walking to her. I felt as though I couldn't breathe and if this weren't such a dire situation maybe I'd steal Eddie's inhaler.
"Well you are very pretty!" the clown giggled, running his large hand down her face. I attempted to swallow the lump in my throat but it wouldn't go down, instead shooting pain through my neck.
I saw Y/N's body shake which caused my heart to shatter into pieces. I couldn't let this happen. I couldn't let her sacrifice herself. I didn't want anyone to die.
He laughed a loud, childlike laugh before grabbing her neck, hard making her let out a yelp.
"Y/N!" I screamed, taking a step forward before Ben and Mike stopped me, holding me back. They couldn't afford to lose anyone that night and a part of me understood that but I couldn't sit here and watch her get killed by this son of a bitch.
I ripped free from Mike and Ben, whipping around. "What the fuck you guys?! We have to save-"
I was cut off by a scream from Y/N. I turned my head seeing IT's jaw unhinging, baring rows and rows of unruly teeth.
Before I could even think twice I bolted, grabbing Y/N's shirt and pulling her behind me only to scream out in pain myself.
Through the pain in my shoulder, I felt something wet and cold and as everything was fading out, I saw Y/N screaming in fear.
Everything went black.
Richie looked so lifeless in that hospital bed which is something you never thought you'd see; something you never wanted to see. The scariest part about it was that none of you knew if he was even coming back.
The rest of the losers had left about an hour before but you stayed, your fingers intertwined with Richie's.
You were out of tears. You wanted Richie to wake up, you needed him to wake up.
"You're so into him it's kind of sickening." Stan laughed, breaking you out of the trance you were in.
"Shut up, Stan!" you groaned, lightly slapping Stans upper arm which just made him laugh more.
You just blushed, looking down at your hands.
"Why don't you just tell him?" Stan continued after a few moments of silence and you just sighed, shrugging your
He shook his head when you didn't speak and decided to continue. "Seriously, Y/N. What do you have to lose?"
"We've been friends for so long, stan." you replied.
"Okay... and?" he was confused and you groaned though you couldn't really blame him. What you said didn't really give him any answer at all.
"I'm not even scared that he won't feel the same. I'd get over that... I've dealt with worse," you continued, "It's more so the fact that I can't lose- If it didn't work..." you couldn't finish your sentence.
Richie was a huge part of your life for years and you couldn't imagine it without him. He was your rock and you were his and he was the best friend you could ever ask for but there was always something more for you. You always pushed it aside, though. Relationships of any kind scared you as joining the losers club and trusting all of them was a huge step for you which Richie was there for.
If he did have feelings for you too, and you two tried a relationship beyond friends, what would happen when- if it didn't work out?
You decided not to tell him as you couldn't imagine a life without Richie.
"Please wake up." you murmured under your breath. You wanted to cry but there were no more tears left inside of you. You squeezed his hand, silently praying to no one in particular.
You sniffled, laying your head down on the edge of the hospital bed. "Please, Richie," you continued, a little louder, "I need you here, Richie I- I love you. Please, plsase wake up."
You stayed quiet, hoping for a response and felt the tears you thought you no longer had slide out of your eyes and onto the somehow still white sheets.
At that moment you were so caught up in your misery you almost didn't realized that something, or rather someone, squeezed your hand. Your breath hitched as you squeezed it back. You didn't want to fill yourself with hope just to see a still half-dead Richie laying in front of you.
"Y/N?" Richie whispered, causing your head to snap up.
"Holy fucking shit, Richie! Holy shit you're awake!" you cried, standing up and pulling him into the best hug possible at this point, "Fuck we were so scared we thought we lost-"
"You love me?" he cut you off, his voice still in a whisper as his body was still in a slight amount of shock.
You pulled away, an assumingly terrified expression on your face. "W-what?"
"I thought I heard you say that you loved me." He said, looking up at you, his hand still on your upper arm from when you pulled away from the him.
"Oh I-I um I didn't- I-"
"Is Bill rubbing off on you?" Richie smirked, somehow still making inappropriate jokes.
You huffed, slapping his good arm and falling back into you chair with your arms crossed over your chest.
"Really though." Richie said, now in a serious tone.
"Really what?" You asked, trying your best to play dumb even though you knew Richie could see past it.
He rolled his eyes, a small smirk still plastered on his face. "Okay, fine," you continued, "yes."
"Yes, what?" Richie pressed and you groaned.
"Fuck you, Richie okay yes I love you!" you bit your lip, playing with the hem of your shirt. "But I wouldn't have said it if I didn't think you were going to fucking die right in front of me."
You looked at Richie after realizing he wasn't responding and noticed there was now a frown on his face. You sighed, pulling your chair closer to the bed and grabbing his hand in yours once again.
"I didn't mean it like that." you said, just above a whisper.
"You just said you only told me you loved me because I was going to die." Richie grumbled, "what was it supposed to mean?"
You ran your free hand over your face and shook your head before looking at him again. "I meant that I told you because I realized that I was probably never going to have a chance to say it at all and I was scared."
Richie finally looked at you, a hint of something that you couldn't quite place in his eyes. "Why haven't you told me this before?"
"I didn't want to lose you, Rich. You're everything to me
and I wouldn't be able to deal with anything without you. Having you as a best friend was a lot less risky than having you as a boyfriend." you explained, the weird look still in his eyes.
He stayed silent and that made you nervous. "Say something..." you practically choked, a lump forming in your throat again.
He continued to stare at you before whispering a simple "kiss me."
"wha-what?" you stuttered, not sure if you had heard him correctly.
"either you kiss me or i'll have to kiss your mo-" you rolled your eyes, cutting him off by sitting forward and pressing your lips to his.
They were chapped and they felt rough against yours but you didn't mind. In fact, you never wanted it to end. Richie moved his good arm to the back of your neck, pulling you as close as he could to him, your lips still connected and his tongue now sweeping along your bottom one. You parted your lips slightly, allowing his tongue to meet yours as goosebumps ran down your spine.
This was everything you'd ever wanted. No matter how annoying Trashmouth was, you were never able to see yourself being so close to anyone else, hell, you didn't want to be that close to anyone else.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by a soft, almost inaudible moan left Richie's throat, causing you to pull away and stare at him. For a split second his eyes were still closed but he soon opened them, a small frown forming on his now semi-red lips. "Why'd you stop?"
You just chuckled in response before getting out of your chair and quickly closing the door to the room which just confused Richie.
"What are you-"
"You're so dumb sometimes, Rich." you giggled, climbing onto the edge of his bed and kissing him once more, the tingles emanating across your skin again.
Richie's right hand was now placed on your hip, gripping it tight enough for you to stay where you were but not enough to hurt, though you probably wouldn't mind that.
As your tongues explored each other's mouths, you felt your way to the bedside table, grabbing around for your bag before pulling it to you. You pulled away from Richie again, causing him to groan. "Are you gonna do this often? Cause we'll have to have a serious chat about it."
But he shut up as soon as he realized that you were climbing on top of him, now straddling just hips.
You could see the heat rise to his cheeks and you felt it in yours too as you pecked him on the lips gently. "We don't have to do anything right now." You whispered against his lips, knowing he wasn't really doing great at the time.
He shook his head and pushed you up a little so he could see you, staring at you before smirking. "Why don't you be my doctor, Miss Y/N." He winked.
"Jesus Christ, Richie I'm never going to be able to have a moment with you!" You scolded, laying your head just below his chin.
Richie laughed, a real laugh. Something you loved to hear from him which you didn't hear often.
He ran his fingers up and down your arm softly, looking down at you. You were looking at the wall opposite from the two of you.
"I love you too, Y/N."
EHEM SOOOOO What did you guys think??? I haven’t written for anyone other than myself or my close friends in a long time so I hope it turned out alright. I really hope you liked it and be sure to give us a follow so you can see when we post more!
It would be greatly appreaciated if you guys could send in some requests of what you’d like to see next!
Thanks for reading!! xoxo - E.
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mokotechnologyltd · 5 years
Qualification and performance specifications of Microwave PCB
Printed circuit boards with high-speed chips and microwave PCB structures have numerous parameters that differ significantly from those of conventional, rigid and flexible printed circuit boards. These differences are explained in IPC-6018B, Qualification and Performance Specifications for Radio Frequency (Microwave) Printed Circuit Boards. “High frequency” is one of the three primary classifications of circuit boards of the IPC (the other two classifications are “rigid” and “flexible” circuit boards).
Microwave PCB Design
Special requirements
Anyone who knows nothing about the peculiarities of these frequency ranges will first shake their heads over this chapter. Because not only – because of the losses that occur – other circuit board materials than at low frequencies have to be used (very often based on Teflon or ceramics, but also from new, specially developed organic materials.  The components of microwave PCB look different (the optimum at the moment is the use of SMD chip components of sizes 0603 or better 0402, where “0402” means a size of 1mm x 0.5mm) and new ones are constantly being added. In addition, a completely different “wiring technology” must be used on the printed circuit boards in order to make the circuits work properly.
The “mass fill option” provided by Target (and propagated for this purpose) in such circuits is only sufficient up to a few hundred megahertz before new problems start and the method described below has to be finally changed.
Simple LC low pass for the wave resistance
Let’s take a look at a simple LC low pass for the wave resistance Z = 50 and a cutoff frequency of 100 MHz. The component of microwave PCB values ​​themselves is obtained after entering the filter parameters in one of the modern filter programs. All components may only be used in the SMD version (here: 1206 for the capacitors, the coils, on the other hand, as “2220” with an additional ground connection for the shielding housing).
All of that is still possible and seems quite normal. It is only with the printed circuit board that it becomes more interesting:
The underside of the circuit board is provided with a continuous ground surface (= GND) and everything that needs to be earthed gets its own “grounding pad” on the top with as many plated-through holes as possible.
In the series, the plated-through holes themselves are, of course, designed as “real plated-through holes”. The use of silver-plated hollow rivets with a diameter of 0.8 mm (= even tested up to 10 GHz) works very well with the first test board.
Input and output connections may only be made via microstrip lines with the correct wave impedance Z and the corresponding correct width (which of course depends on the conductor material, the board thickness and – unfortunately – also somewhat on the operating frequency.
Of course, with filter capacitors with their often crooked values, you don’t try to find such exotic things anywhere. They are easily realized by connecting up to three SMD standard values ​​from the E12 standard series in parallel. Even reduces the overall self-inductance and thus shifts the natural resonance to higher frequencies. Deviations of up to 1 … 2% of the total value are tolerable, which is why we replace the 33.2 pF with 33 pF and the 57.2 pF with 56 pF in our example.
The new demands
The handling of the PCB CAD program and its properties changes significantly. The new demands for this process of microwave PCB look like this:
a) Neither an autorouter nor an autoplacer may be used. The position of each component on the circuit board must ensure the shortest connecting cables to the next component (because every additional millimeter of the cable may mean additional inductance). This means that components must be able to be moved with maximum accuracy without problems or rotated by any angle. And all by hand.
b) On the other hand, the solder pads for the SMD components must be as small as possible, because they bring additional capacities into the circuit. These capacities must already be taken into account in the design and circuit simulation …
c) Very often you are forced to design new SMD solder pads or even new housings because there is usually nothing in the library for the required special components. This shouldn’t be secret science and should happen very quickly.
d) The possibility of creating the “vias” (= through-plating) must be available.
e) Required ground surfaces must be easy to create and automatically clear the holes of the vias.
f) At the end, conductor tracks must not be rounded, their width and length must be adjustable to within a hundredth of a millimeter.
g) The lowest level of the circuit board is completely provided with a copper layer, which is connected to “GND” (= ground) via the vias.
h) Consequently, wiring is only carried out on the top (usually: level 1). Of course, you have to be very careful that the housings of ICs or transistors may be mirrored correctly if they were designed for use at the lowest level.
Design example ( microwave PCB ): 100 MHz – low pass
We now want to understand the complete design process for the low pass above.
Step 1: We start a new project “Circuit board with circuit diagram” and give it a suitable name.
Step 2: We switch to the circuit diagram, get a “vertical DIN A4 sheet” from the “frame library” (RAHMEN.BTL3001) and put it on the screen. It’s best to label your text field right away, otherwise you’ll forget it later.
Step 3: Now the microwave PCB diagram is drawn. The capacitors come as “C 1206” from the “C.BTL3001” library, the coils as “L” from the “L.BTL3001” library.
Entry and exit markers can be found as “references” in the pull-down menu “Other components”. You can find it by placing the cursor on the transistor symbol in the scroll bar and then sliding the mouse pointer a little to the right.
There you also get the mass symbols.
Don’t forget: each component in the microwave PCB is now clicked first to mark it. Then press “w” until the crosshair flashes. With “ä” you get into the changing menu and enter the exact component value there.
Step 4: Now we need the circuit board and switch to the circuit board screen by clicking on the circuit board symbol. There we first delete the sometimes drawn frame to get an absolutely blank screen. Then we click on the IC symbol in the scroll bar and fetch a board with the dimensions 30mm x 50mm via “Free housing” and the library “PLATINEN.GHS3001”.
Step 5: Now this board is zoomed to fill the format. Then you should quickly go behind the “button with the eye” to briefly change the screen grid to 1mm. This makes it easier to approach the positions of the 4 mounting holes, as they should sit 3 mm from the edge of the board.
Once this is done, the cursor is rolled as precisely as possible onto the lower-left corner of the board. The keyboard key “Pos1” immediately declares this corner as the relative zero points of our system (coordinates 0 | 0) and we move the mouse to the position “3mm | 3mm “. There we press the “dot” on the keyboard twice in succession (to set the via) and then cut off the unwinding connecting wire with “Escape”.
The remaining 3 holes are created in the same way. Your positions are: 3mm | 27mm 47mm | 3mm 47mm | 27mm
Please reset the screen grid to 0.1mm now!
Step 6:
You now place a horizontal “auxiliary line” across the microwave PCB board. It must go clearly left and right over the edge of the board and have exactly the same width as the 50-ohm microstrip line. Don’t worry … after the following actions, this line will be deleted! To do this, we open the drawing tools menu, click on the “straight line” and then on the letter “o” (for options).
Now it is necessary to set the line width to 1.83 mm, not to round off the ends and to select level 16 (i.e. copper on top).
You also draw a narrower vertical auxiliary line (width slightly smaller. Here: 0.5 mm) as a vertical axis of symmetry. This is how it looks at the end.
Step 7:
Now you first place the middle capacitor C2 in the center marked in this way. Please do not forget to activate the “Mount SMD on top” option when selecting the “1206” housing and then use the “d” key to turn the component 90 degrees before placing it down.
This is how the center of the microwave PCB board looks immediately before the capacitor is set down.
Step 8:
For both coils, we choose the SMD housing 2220 and arrange them as shown in the picture opposite. However, please show the airlines beforehand (= level 27) and turn the components so that the airlines match the wiring correctly. And not the option “populate SMD on top …” to forget.
Step 9:
Now it’s time to connect the two outer capacitors, which are placed below the coil connections.
Step 10:
Now we can delete our two “auxiliary lines” and pull three pieces of cable with a width of 1.83 mm as “microstrip wiring” from the left to the right edge.
First like this …
Tumblr media
then like this!
Tumblr media
Step 11:
Now we give each capacitor a nice field of 5 vias for its ground connection. Do you remember? You have to move the cursor to the intended position and then press the “dot” on the keyboard twice in succession. Then the additional connecting wire is cut with “ESCAPE”.
(A bore diameter of 0.6 mm, an aura of 0.3 mm and a diameter of 1.5 mm were selected).
Step 12:
And because this is already working well, we lay out two small carpets in the upper half for earthing the coil shielding cups.
Step 13:
From the drawing tools (= button with the pencil) we get the “filled rectangle” and press “o” for the options. The rectangles must be on level 16 (= copper on top) and should combine all five vias of a ground connection.
Fortunately, the holes in the vias are automatically kept free by the program – we don’t have to do anything about that.
Step 14:
You should never forget that: a suitable label on the upper copper side (level 16) must be because otherwise, the microwave PCB manufacturer does not know what is up or down and we may get A “mirrored” board that may have been supplied. We also find the text option behind the button with the pencil.
Step 15:
And to make things round, we go behind the “button with the magic wand” to activate the mass area filling option.
We release the lower side (level 2 = copper below) and select the signal “GND”.
Then the program is started.
That’s how it looks like.
Last step:
To print the top of the board, we only switch to levels 16 (= copper on top), 23 (= outline) and 24 (= Boreholes). Then we can take a closer look at what the microwave PCB board will look like.
Qualification and performance specifications of Microwave PCB
IPC-6012, qualification and performance specification for rigid printed circuit boards and IPC-6013, qualification and performance specification for flexible PCB.
Typically, the IPC tries to update these three qualifications and performance specifications at the same time. IPC-6018 was published in the January 2002 issue “A”.
Microwave PCB Material
The market for microwave technology has significantly fewer users than conventional PCB technologies. There are only a small number of PTFE suppliers, the Teflon material that is often used for micron wave substrates. This is in high contrast to the many enterprises, the wire plate on the basis of FR-4 laminates. However, when it comes to the use of materials, the term “small number” quickly becomes relative in the huge electronics industry. Numerous microwave PCB boards are now in use.
Microwave PCB Application
“This technology is used in many commercial applications such as cellular base stations and military products today,” said Michael Luke, chairman of the IPC D-22 subcommittee that developed the IPC-6018 directive.
As semiconductor chip speeds continue to increase, microwave technologies will also be required in other areas.
Microwave PCB Producing Guidelines
The additions deal with numerous changes regarding the circuit board substrate materials and the conductor tracks on them. The conductor tracks in the microwave range have significantly different performance parameters than those used for conventional circuit boards. Many traces of a typical microwave PCB board can be designed according to the IPC requirements for rigid and flexible circuit boards. In the areas in which high-speed microwave signals are present, however, completely different parameter values ​​apply for conductor width, thickness, and spacing. There is, therefore, no question that a different guideline must be used when procuring microwave printed circuit boards.
There are also differences in the substrates. In contrast to the FR-4 substrates of conventional printed circuit boards, most microwave PCBs are based on PTFE (Teflon). PTFE laminates have their own properties when individual layers are laminated. The dimensional stability is completely different, i. H. Designers and manufacturers need to take this into account when layouting circuit boards and positioning buried holes or blind holes or other elements that require drilling.
When these holes are drilled, resin residue is known as “resin smear” may remain when the hole wall is formed. “The IPC-6018B guideline contains special criteria for the removal of resin residues (resin smear), which take into account the special properties of high-frequency circuit board laminates. It’s a big issue with PTFE circuit boards, ”said Perry.
Since the completion of Issue A in early 2002, numerous other changes have occurred. The developers of the directive have added reference information on passive resistors and capacitors to section 3 [REQUIREMENTS]. The new version has also improved the requirements for soldering edge breaks, which can arise whenever holes are not drilled in the middle of the pads. The subject of thermal stress has also been revised to take account of the progress made by convection reflow processes for thermal stress tests on ground specimens or samples from production printed circuit boards.
This article is from https://www.mokotechnology.com/microwave-pcb/ ,welcome to contact us if you are in need of any PCB manufacturing and PCB assembly service!
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onlinemarketinghelp · 5 years
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How to Fill Out and Change Your Form W-4 Withholdings http://bit.ly/2ZhZeSa
Congratulations on the new job! Your first order of business? Filling out the Form W-4. Here’s what you need to know about the form, so you can fill it out correctly.
Quick Navigation
What Is the Form W-4?
How Do I Fill Out the Form W-4?
How Should I Fill Out Lines 5 and 6?
Personal Allowances Worksheet
Deductions, Adjustments, and Additional Income
Two-Earners/Multiple Jobs Worksheet
Bottom Line
What Is the Form W-4?
Whenever you start a new job, you’ll be expected to fill out a Form W-4. This form tells your employer how much money to withhold from your paycheck. The withheld money is sent straight to the IRS and your state or local revenue department to pay your income taxes.
The IRS has figured out that it collects more tax revenue when it collects money throughout the year instead of relying on people to pay a huge tax bill at the end of the year.
It’s important to note that the Form W-4 only applies to people who have a standard employer. If you’re a contractor, freelancer, small business owner, etc., you’ll need to file and pay quarterly tax estimates on your own.
After you fill out the W-4, your employer withholds a set amount of taxes based on a few different variables. The variables you can’t control include the amount you earn from that employer and whether you file as single, married filing separately, or jointly. The variables you can control include the number of allowances you select (we’ll explain this later, but more allowances means fewer taxes are withheld) and whether you ask to have more taxes withheld.
How Do I Fill Out the Form W-4?
Filling out the first bit of the Form W-4 is easy. Simply enter your name, Social Security status, and your marital status. Also, check box 4 if your name differs from the name on your Social Security card.
Source: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw4.pdf
Unfortunately, the easy bit is up, and the complicated bit starts when you get to box 5.
Before you can fill out box 5, you have to go to the next few pages which are “calculators.” I’ll explain the calculations in detail, but I recommend using the IRS Withholding Calculator to do the math for you.
Source: https://apps.irs.gov/app/withholdingcalculator/
The calculator makes it easy to determine how many allowances (box 5) and how many additional withholdings you should elect.
Source: https://apps.irs.gov/app/withholdingcalculator/
Just be sure to check your numbers carefully. I accidentally added an extra zero to the Federal taxes withheld ($15,000 instead of $1,500) and the calculator told me to select 14 allowances. When I reran, I was directed to select 2 instead.
How Should I Fill Out Lines 5 and 6?
If you prefer to do things the hard way, you can fill out the Form W-4 calculator by hand. The calculator has three sections.
Personal Allowances Worksheet
Starting with the first section, you’ll add up the number of allowances you want to select based on your personal income. Line A is always 1. If you’re married filing jointly, you’ll enter 1 on line B.
Section D, E, and F cover common family scenarios. In my case, both my husband and I work, so we selected 0 for line D. We have 3 children, and we expect to earn between $103,351 and $345,580, so we selected 6 for line E.
If you expect to earn other tax credits, such as the child and dependent care tax credit (especially if you don’t have a daycare FSA and/or the Saver’s credit — a lot of college students who aren’t claimed as dependents could be eligible for this). Honestly, unless you’re a tax geek, you probably don’t know what credits you’re eligible to receive. You could choose to do your research on this by using looking at individual credits on the IRS website.
Not interested in doing tax homework? I’ll refer you again to the Withholding Calculator on the IRS website.
Source: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw4.pdf
Next, you’ll have to adjust your withholdings. If you’re single, and you only expect to have one job this year, and you won’t itemize your taxes, you’re done. Enter the number from line H into box 5 on the first sheet. Sign the W-4 and call it a day.
However, if you plan to itemize, you need to move to the next part of the worksheet.
Deductions, Adjustments, and Additional Income
This worksheet is mainly for people who itemize their taxes, but it’s worth calling out line 6. This is where you enter any income that isn’t subject to withholdings. For example, if you earn dividends, interest, capital gains (from the sale of stock or house flipping), or rental income, enter that income here.
In my case, rental property income yields a −2 on line 6 for us. Of course, the exact information you fill in depends on your personal circumstances.
Source: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw4.pdf
The IRS tells you to add line H from the first worksheet to line 8 from this worksheet. In my case that was 8 + (−2) = 6.
If I were the only earner in my family, I would enter 6 in box 5 on the first sheet, sign my W-4, and be done.
Two-Earners/Multiple Jobs Worksheet
However, I am in a dual-earning couple, so I had to move on to the final sheet. If you’re in a dual-earning marriage, or you have multiple jobs, fill out the final sheet.
Source: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw4.pdf
This one is worth going through line by line since it applies to many people.
On line 1, you’ll enter your total allowances so far. For most people, that’s line H from the Personal Allowances Worksheet. If you’re someone who itemizes deductions or you have extra income (such as rental income), you’ll need to use line 10 from the second worksheet.
Next, you have to determine where you earn the lesser amount of money. Let’s say your spouse earns $50,000 per year and is the lower earner. You would enter 6 on line number 2. If you’re treating this as a second job, and you earn $20,000 per year at your second job, you would enter 2 on line 2.
Read the directions carefully, and be sure that you’re doing this for the lower number.
Line 3 is a potential stopping point. Subtract line 2 from line 1. In my case I had 6 personal allowances (line 1) and 6 for line 2. This meant my total allowance calculation was 0. The IRS instructed me to enter 0 withholdings and be done.
If your number is positive or 0 you get to stop. But if you have a negative number, the IRS wants you to account for additional withholdings.
The exact amount of additional withholdings is calculated using the formulas in steps 4 through 9. The most important thing to note is that in line 7, you need to think about your highest paying job. You also need to use the table on the right to determine your additional withholdings.
Bottom Line
Filling out the W-4 correctly will help you avoid over- or under-withholding. Personally, I think using the IRS calculator is the way to go. It streamlines the process. That said, filling out the W-4 by hand may give you a few good ideas on how you can reduce your tax burden, so you have more money to save and invest.
The post How to Fill Out and Change Your Form W-4 Withholdings appeared first on The College Investor.
from The College Investor
Congratulations on the new job! Your first order of business? Filling out the Form W-4. Here’s what you need to know about the form, so you can fill it out correctly.
Quick Navigation
What Is the Form W-4?
How Do I Fill Out the Form W-4?
How Should I Fill Out Lines 5 and 6?
Personal Allowances Worksheet
Deductions, Adjustments, and Additional Income
Two-Earners/Multiple Jobs Worksheet
Bottom Line
What Is the Form W-4?
Whenever you start a new job, you’ll be expected to fill out a Form W-4. This form tells your employer how much money to withhold from your paycheck. The withheld money is sent straight to the IRS and your state or local revenue department to pay your income taxes.
The IRS has figured out that it collects more tax revenue when it collects money throughout the year instead of relying on people to pay a huge tax bill at the end of the year.
It’s important to note that the Form W-4 only applies to people who have a standard employer. If you’re a contractor, freelancer, small business owner, etc., you’ll need to file and pay quarterly tax estimates on your own.
After you fill out the W-4, your employer withholds a set amount of taxes based on a few different variables. The variables you can’t control include the amount you earn from that employer and whether you file as single, married filing separately, or jointly. The variables you can control include the number of allowances you select (we’ll explain this later, but more allowances means fewer taxes are withheld) and whether you ask to have more taxes withheld.
How Do I Fill Out the Form W-4?
Filling out the first bit of the Form W-4 is easy. Simply enter your name, Social Security status, and your marital status. Also, check box 4 if your name differs from the name on your Social Security card.
Source: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw4.pdf
Unfortunately, the easy bit is up, and the complicated bit starts when you get to box 5.
Before you can fill out box 5, you have to go to the next few pages which are “calculators.” I’ll explain the calculations in detail, but I recommend using the IRS Withholding Calculator to do the math for you.
Source: https://apps.irs.gov/app/withholdingcalculator/
The calculator makes it easy to determine how many allowances (box 5) and how many additional withholdings you should elect.
Source: https://apps.irs.gov/app/withholdingcalculator/
Just be sure to check your numbers carefully. I accidentally added an extra zero to the Federal taxes withheld ($15,000 instead of $1,500) and the calculator told me to select 14 allowances. When I reran, I was directed to select 2 instead.
How Should I Fill Out Lines 5 and 6?
If you prefer to do things the hard way, you can fill out the Form W-4 calculator by hand. The calculator has three sections.
Personal Allowances Worksheet
Starting with the first section, you’ll add up the number of allowances you want to select based on your personal income. Line A is always 1. If you’re married filing jointly, you’ll enter 1 on line B.
Section D, E, and F cover common family scenarios. In my case, both my husband and I work, so we selected 0 for line D. We have 3 children, and we expect to earn between $103,351 and $345,580, so we selected 6 for line E.
If you expect to earn other tax credits, such as the child and dependent care tax credit (especially if you don’t have a daycare FSA and/or the Saver’s credit — a lot of college students who aren’t claimed as dependents could be eligible for this). Honestly, unless you’re a tax geek, you probably don’t know what credits you’re eligible to receive. You could choose to do your research on this by using looking at individual credits on the IRS website.
Not interested in doing tax homework? I’ll refer you again to the Withholding Calculator on the IRS website.
Source: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw4.pdf
Next, you’ll have to adjust your withholdings. If you’re single, and you only expect to have one job this year, and you won’t itemize your taxes, you’re done. Enter the number from line H into box 5 on the first sheet. Sign the W-4 and call it a day.
However, if you plan to itemize, you need to move to the next part of the worksheet.
Deductions, Adjustments, and Additional Income
This worksheet is mainly for people who itemize their taxes, but it’s worth calling out line 6. This is where you enter any income that isn’t subject to withholdings. For example, if you earn dividends, interest, capital gains (from the sale of stock or house flipping), or rental income, enter that income here.
In my case, rental property income yields a −2 on line 6 for us. Of course, the exact information you fill in depends on your personal circumstances.
Source: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw4.pdf
The IRS tells you to add line H from the first worksheet to line 8 from this worksheet. In my case that was 8 + (−2) = 6.
If I were the only earner in my family, I would enter 6 in box 5 on the first sheet, sign my W-4, and be done.
Two-Earners/Multiple Jobs Worksheet
However, I am in a dual-earning couple, so I had to move on to the final sheet. If you’re in a dual-earning marriage, or you have multiple jobs, fill out the final sheet.
Source: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw4.pdf
This one is worth going through line by line since it applies to many people.
On line 1, you’ll enter your total allowances so far. For most people, that’s line H from the Personal Allowances Worksheet. If you’re someone who itemizes deductions or you have extra income (such as rental income), you’ll need to use line 10 from the second worksheet.
Next, you have to determine where you earn the lesser amount of money. Let’s say your spouse earns $50,000 per year and is the lower earner. You would enter 6 on line number 2. If you’re treating this as a second job, and you earn $20,000 per year at your second job, you would enter 2 on line 2.
Read the directions carefully, and be sure that you’re doing this for the lower number.
Line 3 is a potential stopping point. Subtract line 2 from line 1. In my case I had 6 personal allowances (line 1) and 6 for line 2. This meant my total allowance calculation was 0. The IRS instructed me to enter 0 withholdings and be done.
If your number is positive or 0 you get to stop. But if you have a negative number, the IRS wants you to account for additional withholdings.
The exact amount of additional withholdings is calculated using the formulas in steps 4 through 9. The most important thing to note is that in line 7, you need to think about your highest paying job. You also need to use the table on the right to determine your additional withholdings.
Bottom Line
Filling out the W-4 correctly will help you avoid over- or under-withholding. Personally, I think using the IRS calculator is the way to go. It streamlines the process. That said, filling out the W-4 by hand may give you a few good ideas on how you can reduce your tax burden, so you have more money to save and invest.
The post How to Fill Out and Change Your Form W-4 Withholdings appeared first on The College Investor.
http://bit.ly/2WZk7E2 June 10, 2019 at 10:15AM http://bit.ly/2R430LR
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
US teachers running in midterms: I hope we’re at a tipping point | USA News
Lexington, Kentucky – Paula Setser-Kissick gripped a handful of marketing campaign brochures and strode as much as a possible voter’s door on a tree-filled Kentucky neighbourhood dotted with political yard indicators.
“Hello, I am a Fayette County instructor and a first-time candidate,” mentioned Setser-Kissick, a 29-year Lexington public college expertise instructor, utilizing an introduction meant to disarm residents sceptical of politics.
Simply weeks forward of the pivotal midterm elections, 53-year-old Setser-Kissick is amongst a nationwide wave of educators getting into the ultimate stretches of campaigns that grew out of this yr’s high-profile instructor protests and walkouts in West Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Arizona and Oklahoma over low instructor pay and college funding.
Greater than 1,450 educators together with present and former classroom lecturers, college employees, directors and a few in greater training are working for US state legislative seats in November, based on a Nationwide Schooling Affiliation evaluation, in comparison with no various hundred in earlier elections. That features not less than 158 present classroom lecturers like Setser-Kissick. Educators are additionally working for Congress or statewide workplaces. Of the full, about 70 % are Democrats.
Stephen Voss, a College of Kentucky political science professor, mentioned that “the speed at which we have seen lecturers run this election is actually out of the extraordinary”. 
Greater than 1,450 educators together with present and former classroom lecturers, college employees, directors and a few in greater training are working for US state legislative seats in November [Chris Kenning/Al Jazeera]
However most of the candidates are working in historically crimson states and should persuade some Republican voters that training is a high difficulty. Republican teams argue the numbers will not be sufficient to tilt statehouses to the extent of spending favoured by some Democrat candidates.
“Whereas Democrat lecturers might have earned a participation ribbon for submitting to for workplace this yr, Republicans have a large power of educators that can win this cycle,” mentioned Republican State Management Committee spokesman David James, noting Republicans management 67 of 99 state legislative chambers.
Frustrations amongst educators
Frustrations amongst educators reached a boiling level earlier this yr after what they mentioned was years of finances cuts and low pay, rising healthcare prices or proposed pension modifications, all amid an period of elevated calls for from college accountability testing that started with No Baby Left Behind, a federal training legislation signed by George W Bush in 2001.
A string of protests began in West Virginia in February, when hundreds of lecturers after years with out raises walked out of their faculties for 9 days, demanding higher pay. The state legislature ultimately gave them a 5 % pay hike. However some educators mentioned wasn’t sufficient, prompting some first-time lecturers to run for workplace.
Arizona lecturers additionally walked out over pay and funding, maintaining college students out of college for six days. Politicians later handed a finances that authorised a 20 % instructor pay enhance by 2020 signed by the governor in Might, however candidates say it fell in need of calls for.
“I’ve a grasp’s diploma and I have been educating for a decade, and I simply climbed over the $40,000 mark,” mentioned Jennifer Samuels, 39, a instructor at Desert Shadows Center Faculty in Scottsdale, Arizona, who’s working for a state Home seat. “I by no means thought I might must run for workplace, however my elected leaders should not defending public faculties.”
Academics from throughout Kentucky gathered contained in the state Capitol constructing in Frankfort to rally for elevated funding for training [File: Bryan Woolston/AP Photo] 
Educators noticed some hopeful indicators in earlier primaries. Whereas some Kentucky educators misplaced primaries, first-time candidate Travis Brenda, a Rockcastle County highschool math instructor, received a Republican major towards the Kentucky Home majority chief who backed pension reform proposal that helped sparked instructor protests.
In April, Kentucky politicians overrode a veto by Governor Matt Bevin to go new spending for public training with the assistance of a 50-cent enhance on a cigarette tax. However even some Republican educator candidates are urgent their training message even when it means going towards such celebration leaders akin to Bevin.
“Help for [US President Donald] Trump is excessive right here,” mentioned Scott Lewis, 57, the superintendent of a four,100-student Ohio County Public Colleges in rural western Kentucky, who received a Republican major by arguing his celebration wasn’t correctly funding faculties. “However I actually do suppose we missed the boat on public training. Academics need to train, and so they do not need to complain. However with every thing accumulating, and that is why you see the protests and so many working for workplace.”
‘ why I am at your door’ 
John Waldron, a instructor at Booker T Washington Excessive in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and marched to the state Capitol in protest in April, is making his second try at workplace. 
It is John Waldron’s second try at workplace [File: Sue Ogrocki/AP Photo] 
” why I am at your door,” Waldron tells voters as he campaigns for a state senate seat in Tulsa, promising to lift insufficient college funding that earlier this yr sparked statewide walkouts and made nationwide headlines. “And so they say, ‘Oh, we all know.’ It is like I am coming to gather overdue homework.”
He mentioned educator salaries, together with college help employees, are too low even with the state’s settlement to lift instructor pay by $6,100. He is funding his marketing campaign of yard indicators and mailers with about $150,000 in donations, he mentioned
“The governor referred to as us spoiled youngsters,” he mentioned of two weeks of walkouts and the fallout. “We had candidates submitting in races that hadn’t been contested in years.”
Waldron mentioned he’s reasonable in regards to the impression of the wave of educators working in Oklahoma. “A Republican-dominated legislature shouldn’t be going to alter in a single day, however we’ll transfer the needle,” he mentioned.
In the meantime, on the marketing campaign path, candidates say their message appears to be gaining traction.
Again in Kentucky, Professor Voss mentioned analysis reveals Republicans voters view training spending extra favourably than different types of home spending. And he mentioned there is a private connection that comes with being an educator. “They’ve had lecturers they liked, many have youngsters at school, to allow them to have a vested curiosity in lecturers,” he mentioned.
Setser-Kissick,  who’s working as a Democrat for a Republican-held state Senate seat, spent a while juggling a full-time job for a lot of the marketing campaign season, hitting the pavement proper after work.
Her marketing campaign had just lately raised near $40,000. She mentioned the numbers of Democrats working has diluted a number of the out there donor funding. However she views her run as a part of newfound political clout for educators, whether or not or not she wins.
“I used to be cynical about politics. I used to be like why would anyone do this? Now I am knocking on doorways,” she mentioned. “I hope we’re at a tipping level.”
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from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/us-teachers-running-in-midterms-i-hope-were-at-a-tipping-point-usa-news/
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aaronlrodgerstx · 4 years
Best Shooting Bags for Rifles and Shotguns: 2020 Buyer’s Guide
In the shooting world, shooting bags are considered one of the most underrated accessories. When done correctly, using the best shooting bags will enhance your ability in the field and on the bench, significantly. In fact, many of today’s top competitive shooters swear by this setup.
But if you’ve never purchased or used these bags in the past, then you may not know much in terms of use and how this type of setup can impact shooting accuracy.
I’ve created a buyer’s guide that delves into the different types of bags available, how to get the most out of shooting bags, and the benefits of using them to improve your shooting skills. I’ve also tested out several of the leading models on the market, narrowing it down to the top four that have what it takes to provide the support and the results you deserve. Below, you’ll find a comparison chart that lists each of the models that made it onto my list, the features they offer, and how they rated.
Shooting Bags Comparison Chart
ProductNumber of BagsMaterialFillingRatingEast TN. Outfitters Tactical Shooting Bags for Rifles Shop On Amazon!3600D NylonUnfilledCaldwell Universal Rear Shooting Bag Shop On Amazon!1Leather/PolyesterCorn cobCaldwell Tactical DeadShot Combo Shop On Amazon!1NylonCorn cobTwod 900D Oxford Outdoor Shooting Rest Bags Shop On Amazon!2PolyesterUnfilled
East TN. Outfitters Shooting Bags
Our Rating: (5/5)
This set includes a front bag and a rear bag. The front bag measures in at 10″ L x 8″ H x 9″ W, with the rear bag coming in at 5″ H x 5″ W x 4.5″ D. These bags come equipped with Molle webbing straps and ammo loops, so you can neatly store your ammo and keep it highly accessible. The rear bag features an angled design that will help to maximize the contact with your firearm. This helps the user to maintain control for tighter groupings and increased stability. The rear bag is also angled for the same reasons. Both bags are made out of durable materials that are water-resistant.
Included ammo storage loops
Includes two bags
Carry handle
Bags come unfilled
These bags are unfilled, so you’ll have your choice of filling material type, whether you opt for plastic pellets, sand, or some type of synthetic material. The bags themselves are very durable and made out of 600D nylon that’s water-resistant, so you won’t have to worry about the contents of the bags getting wet, which can promote mildew growth. The handles on top of each bag will make them easier to haul and transport, while the ammo storage loops are also a great extra since you can store your ammo and have it readily accessible. This rear and front bag setup is perfect for hunting or precision shooting practice.
Shop Now On Amazon!
Caldwell Universal Rear Shooting Bag
Our Rating: (4.5/5)
This rear bag comes filled with corn cob material which provides a stable surface to shoot from, one that’s not too firm and not too soft. The bag is made out of polyester and leather and creates the perfect secure rest that will not sag or stretch. The bag weighs fifteen pounds and doesn’t come with a carry handle, which can make it difficult to carry the bag if you’re using it for hunting out in the backcountry. The bag is also not water-resistant, so you’ll need to avoid taking it out in inclement weather.
Made out of leather and polyester
Low price
Will not stretch out
No handle
This large supportive bag is filled with corn cob material that makes the bag stable and durable. During practice, this bag will be a total asset. The lack of a carry handle can make it difficult to haul this bag from spot to spot, but the overall durability is a big incentive to buy.
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Caldwell Tactical Dead Shot Combo
Our Rating: (4.5/5)
This bag is designed specifically for tactical rifles and comes prefilled. It’s also perfect shooting height, offering plenty of clearance for thirty round magazines. It’s made out of heavy-duty nylon that’s water-resistant and it’s designed to provide a stable shooting surface for all types of magazine-style rifles. This is a rear bag can be set up in two positions; reversed for A2 style stocks and oriented for carbine style stocks. This is  a tall profile style bag that will allow for clearance for thirty round mags and it’s designed to withstand plenty of wear and tear and can provide the type of stable surface you need to improve your shooting precision.
Rear bag can be used in two shooting positions
Made out of heavy-duty nylon
Cumbersome design can make this model difficult to carry
This is a bag that’s built tough, versatile, and can be used with a wide range of rifle types. They come prefilled with corn cob material and weigh in at seven and a half pounds. The included carry handle is adjustable and will make hauling, storing, and transporting these bags a breeze. Built tough, designed to handle the elements and perfect for most types of magazine style rifles, these versatile bags will take your shooting skills to the next level and beyond.
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Twod Shooting Rest Bags
Our Rating: (4/5)
These bags are water-resistant and durable. They’re made out of heavy-duty polyester and are designed to handle any type of extreme environment. These bags will provide a steady, solid platform for shooting and can support any type of shotgun or rifle. During use, you’ll enjoy wobble-free use, which is exactly what you need out in the field or at the range. The durable design also includes soft leather and oxford cloth at the points of contact, which will protect your rifle from scratches.
Made out of heavy-duty polyester
Easy to transport
Shoulder carry straps
Bags are unfilled
The durable design makes these bags a must-have for the precision shooter. The adjustable shoulder carrying straps, and oxford and leather material at the points of contact clearly indicate quality, with a design that will both protect your rifle from damage and provide a stable shooting surface.
Shop Now On Amazon!
Shooting Bags Buyer’s Guide
Shooting bags are available in all different weights, shapes, and sizes, designed for different stabilizing setups. Many of these bags come with features that will aid in shooting quality, such as synthetic materials that provide friction that prevents a bag from sliding around if it’s placed on a slippery surface. This same type of material is often used inside the grooves and is designed to cradle the fore end of a rifle to ensure that its securely anchored in place when you shoot.
These bags are filled with heavy sand that ensures a solid resting point. The deep grooves are designed to envelope the majority of the fore-end for the best stability. The more of the gun that is bedded onto a rest, the less room there will be for inadvertent movements. Because these bags are often very heavy, most will come with a handle that’s designed to make transporting and storing them much easier. Some will also come with a small pocket or two that can be used to store tools and accessories.
Benefits of Using Shooting Bags
These bags are often used for long range shooting and are designed to help deliver a hit down range.
These bags are an affordable solution that offers many benefits for precision shooters, mainly in the form of stabilizing the rear of a rifle. This leads to improved precision and accuracy.
While these bags are available in a variety of sizes and shapes, all of them are designed to provide a rest for the rear of a rifle and fill up the space between the ground and stock.
Instead of having to balance and hold the rifle with your hand, the bag will spread the weight, making it easier to maintain a secure hold on the gun, instead of the shooter placing the rear of the gun on the ground.
The stabilization of the rear of the rifle will increase precision and consistency when shooting. With this type of increased stability, improved follow through is often noted.
Using a shooting bag can also help you shoot tighter groupings, making a more precise hold on a target.
Bag use will also allow you to see more of what is happening downrange.
With a shooting bag, you will be able to make precise adjustments to windage or elevation with a slight release or squeeze of the bag.
They can also be used for non-firing tasks, such as ranging with a riflescope with the gun resting on the bag or observing a target for long periods of time.
Aside from rifles, the bags can also be used for other equipment including lasers and cameras, since they can provide a stabilizing effect for other types of equipment as well.
Other Important Features
Many people who are just getting into precision or long-range shooting don’t know too much about these shooting bags or how they work.
In the past, people would fill an old boot sock with sand. This option worked well enough for prone shooting, yet it was very heavy and had a tendency to absorb water. It was also not the most durable shooting bag. The precision rifle competitor must lie on their stomach and on obstacles when they shoot, so a bag is used to cushion certain parts of the rifle. Minimizing wobbling on an obstacle can have a huge positive impact in terms of hitting a target when the shooter is under a time constraint. Over the years, shooters began to explore and improve upon the design, creating methods using synthetic materials at different weights. These days, you’ll be able to find bags available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and weights.
Since every shooter has their own shooting preference and style, not to mention the different types of rifles out there, these bags are available in different sizes and styles ranging from medium barricade style bags that are utilized for positional shooting, and larger bags that are designed for obstacles and creative positions. Many shooters will usually favor a certain style of bag, based on what they find the most effective and comfortable to use.
There are also several types of smaller bags to choose from, many of which feature a cylinder shape. This type of shape will allow for a couple of different rear heights by using the bag on it’s side or standing it upright.
Rifle Type
The type of bag you buy should also be based on the model of rifle you use. Some bags will only work for certain types of rifles. When you’re shopping around, read the spec sheet to make certain that it will be compatible with your weapon.
If you’re new to shooting or you’re a seasoned shooter but you’ve never used a bag for your rifle, then your best bet may be purchasing a set of bags, instead of a single front or rear bag. A set will give you more options in terms of how you set up and support your rifle. In this way, you can do a little experimenting with different bag setups and choose one that’s comfortable and allows you to take the best shot.
Take weight into consideration as well since you’ll be hauling the bag around if you’re practicing at a range or out in the field using it for a hunt. Ideally, the bag should be portable and light, but in some cases, a heavier weight can be a better option since it can add to the stability of the bag.
The bag should also be adjustable for the required elevation or height. A model that’s adjustable will make it much easier for you to manage a shot, via the adjustment tool.
You’ll also need to look for a model with decreased recoil because it can affect your shooting accuracy. The shooting bag must align with your specific needs.
A bag that’s multifunctional will allow you to adjust it for different shooting positions. Additionally, you can also use a rear or front bag, or use a combination of the two.
Some bags will come filled with sand, plastic pellets, or corn cob. Other bags will come unfilled, allowing you to choose the type of filling to use. This will give you total control over the weight of the bags and how firm or soft the surface is. Typically, bags that are unfilled are more affordable than models that are filled. The type of material you’ll use should be based on preference, however, many pros recommend using plastic pellets.
Whether the bag is filled with a lightweight material or sand, a bag must have a base that’s stable and should be water-resistant and able to maintain its shape in order to hold your gun in place securely.
Some models will allow you to adjust the level of the filling in the bag, so it has enough give to support your weapon.
A bag can tear or become damaged due to sharp objects on the ground such as glass or rocks. It can even become damaged by the rifle itself. High-quality bags will be made out of material that’s abrasion resistant.
Long Range
If you need to practice long range shooting, then look for a model that will allow you to easily position it for this purpose.
Bag Materials
Models that are made out of natural materials will be the most comfortable to use. Of course, bags that are made out of water-resistant materials will also be important. Make sure the type of material you choose is also designed to provide plenty of protection for your firearm. These bags can be made out of nylon, leather, or polyester. Bags that are made out of leather are usually not coated with a waterproof treatment, which can make them a poor choice for outdoor use. Bags that are made out of nylon are very durable and rip-resistant, making them better suited for outdoor shooting.
Some models will come with padding that’s made out of micro-suede. This type of material is designed to prevent any damage to a rifle at the points of contact. The padding can also be made out of oxford cloth or leather, or a combination of these materials.
Models with an effective shape and solid base will keep your gun secure and improve your chances of making a shot. How stable a bag is can be impacted by the type of fill used or the rigidity of the material the bags are made out of.
These days, shooting bags are reasonably priced, so you should have no trouble finding a top of the line model even if you’re on a tight budget. On average, you can find these bags priced at $12-$100. In some cases, you’ll note a higher cost, but these bags will usually come in a set.
How to Use Shooting Bags
A hunter is not a bench shooter, and you won’t find any shooting benches out in the backcountry. However, there will be times when a shooter will need a bag in order to use their sight or test their ammunition. If you don’t use the proper shooting technique with one of these bags, then you’re only going to end up wasting your ammo. You’ll also become pretty frustrated. Below, you’ll find some tips that will help you to get the most out of your bags so you can learn how to use them properly.
You’ll shoot from a bag for a couple of reasons, to eliminate human error and for a solid platform. You’ll need to find a solid bag, such as a model that is comfortable, solidly built, and covered in an abrasion-resistant material. The important thing is to find a model that’s tough enough to keep your firearm stable.
These bags make it easier to hold your rifle, which is why they’re considered such an important piece of gear. However, the bag shouldn’t be pillow soft, which will cause your rifle to sink into it. To test out how soft a bag is, try poking it with your finger. If it doesn’t leave an indentation, then the bag is too hard. If you place your rifle across it and it doesn’t stay put, then the bag is way too soft.
Some shooters prefer using a bag that’s adjustable. These types of bags are not recommended for hunting rifles. A hunting rifle usually doesn’t shoot well from a rigid bag because of the transfer of vibrations.
Many pros recommend looking for a bag that’s filled with plastic pellets, which makes the bag lighter and more durable compared to bags that are filled with sand.
Whether you’re practicing precision shooting or kill shots, make sure you experiment with the bag’s setup before you enter a competition or take the bags with you on your next hunt. If you’re a beginner, then purchasing a set of bags of different sizes and one that includes a front and rear bag will be your best bet and will give you the most shooting options.
When you’re shooting, if you find that the bags are not helping with precision, make the necessary adjustments and only use what you’re comfortable with. If the bag feels too hard or too soft, then you’re using the wrong type for your rifle. If you’re not sure which type of bag will be compatible, then head online to a shooting forum, ask your buddies, or head to your local gun shop for recommendations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Are Shooting Bags Used?
A shooting bag can be used to help stabilize your rifle, which in turn, helps to improve the precision of your shot. Without a bag you would have to rest parts of your rifle on the ground, which can have a negative impact on your shooting, depending on terrain. A shooting bag will provide the stability you need to get the most out of every shot.
What Are the Benefits of A Shooting Bag?
As I mentioned earlier, a shooting bag is designed to help improve your aim and shooting precision by giving you a stable surface to rest your firearm. They can also be used for camera equipment or any type of application in which you need to utilize a stable surface.
How Much Does It Cost to Buy A Shooting Bag?
The price of shooting bags will vary depending on the size, weight, material, and durability. In most cases, you’ll find a great bag for under $100. Of course, like with most products, a higher price tag often indicates improved durability and quality, so if you’re looking for a bag that’s durable and designed to last, then you can expect to pay more.
Final Thoughts
The best shooting bags will be stable, made out of protective material, and will come in a shape and weight that will work the best for your shooting style and the type of rifle you own. Durability is key, as is a rest that’s stable and comfortable to use. This guide and my top product recommendations will help you find the perfect bag or bags based on your shooting needs, rifle type, and your budget.
source https://readyandarmed.net/best-shooting-bags/ from Ready & Armed https://readyandarmed.blogspot.com/2020/07/best-shooting-bags-for-rifles-and.html
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jasonosims34 · 4 years
Best Shooting Bags for Rifles and Shotguns: 2020 Buyers Guide
In the shooting world, shooting bags are considered one of the most underrated accessories. When done correctly, using the best shooting bags will enhance your ability in the field and on the bench, significantly. In fact, many of today’s top competitive shooters swear by this setup.
But if you’ve never purchased or used these bags in the past, then you may not know much in terms of use and how this type of setup can impact shooting accuracy.
I’ve created a buyer’s guide that delves into the different types of bags available, how to get the most out of shooting bags, and the benefits of using them to improve your shooting skills. I’ve also tested out several of the leading models on the market, narrowing it down to the top four that have what it takes to provide the support and the results you deserve. Below, you’ll find a comparison chart that lists each of the models that made it onto my list, the features they offer, and how they rated.
Shooting Bags Comparison Chart
ProductNumber of BagsMaterialFillingRatingEast TN. Outfitters Tactical Shooting Bags for Rifles Shop On Amazon!3600D NylonUnfilledCaldwell Universal Rear Shooting Bag Shop On Amazon!1Leather/PolyesterCorn cobCaldwell Tactical DeadShot Combo Shop On Amazon!1NylonCorn cobTwod 900D Oxford Outdoor Shooting Rest Bags Shop On Amazon!2PolyesterUnfilled
East TN. Outfitters Shooting Bags
Our Rating: (5/5)
This set includes a front bag and a rear bag. The front bag measures in at 10″ L x 8″ H x 9″ W, with the rear bag coming in at 5″ H x 5″ W x 4.5″ D. These bags come equipped with Molle webbing straps and ammo loops, so you can neatly store your ammo and keep it highly accessible. The rear bag features an angled design that will help to maximize the contact with your firearm. This helps the user to maintain control for tighter groupings and increased stability. The rear bag is also angled for the same reasons. Both bags are made out of durable materials that are water-resistant.
Included ammo storage loops
Includes two bags
Carry handle
Bags come unfilled
These bags are unfilled, so you’ll have your choice of filling material type, whether you opt for plastic pellets, sand, or some type of synthetic material. The bags themselves are very durable and made out of 600D nylon that’s water-resistant, so you won’t have to worry about the contents of the bags getting wet, which can promote mildew growth. The handles on top of each bag will make them easier to haul and transport, while the ammo storage loops are also a great extra since you can store your ammo and have it readily accessible. This rear and front bag setup is perfect for hunting or precision shooting practice.
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Caldwell Universal Rear Shooting Bag
Our Rating: (4.5/5)
This rear bag comes filled with corn cob material which provides a stable surface to shoot from, one that’s not too firm and not too soft. The bag is made out of polyester and leather and creates the perfect secure rest that will not sag or stretch. The bag weighs fifteen pounds and doesn’t come with a carry handle, which can make it difficult to carry the bag if you’re using it for hunting out in the backcountry. The bag is also not water-resistant, so you’ll need to avoid taking it out in inclement weather.
Made out of leather and polyester
Low price
Will not stretch out
No handle
This large supportive bag is filled with corn cob material that makes the bag stable and durable. During practice, this bag will be a total asset. The lack of a carry handle can make it difficult to haul this bag from spot to spot, but the overall durability is a big incentive to buy.
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Caldwell Tactical Dead Shot Combo
Our Rating: (4.5/5)
This bag is designed specifically for tactical rifles and comes prefilled. It’s also perfect shooting height, offering plenty of clearance for thirty round magazines. It’s made out of heavy-duty nylon that’s water-resistant and it’s designed to provide a stable shooting surface for all types of magazine-style rifles. This is a rear bag can be set up in two positions; reversed for A2 style stocks and oriented for carbine style stocks. This is  a tall profile style bag that will allow for clearance for thirty round mags and it’s designed to withstand plenty of wear and tear and can provide the type of stable surface you need to improve your shooting precision.
Rear bag can be used in two shooting positions
Made out of heavy-duty nylon
Cumbersome design can make this model difficult to carry
This is a bag that’s built tough, versatile, and can be used with a wide range of rifle types. They come prefilled with corn cob material and weigh in at seven and a half pounds. The included carry handle is adjustable and will make hauling, storing, and transporting these bags a breeze. Built tough, designed to handle the elements and perfect for most types of magazine style rifles, these versatile bags will take your shooting skills to the next level and beyond.
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Twod Shooting Rest Bags
Our Rating: (4/5)
These bags are water-resistant and durable. They’re made out of heavy-duty polyester and are designed to handle any type of extreme environment. These bags will provide a steady, solid platform for shooting and can support any type of shotgun or rifle. During use, you’ll enjoy wobble-free use, which is exactly what you need out in the field or at the range. The durable design also includes soft leather and oxford cloth at the points of contact, which will protect your rifle from scratches.
Made out of heavy-duty polyester
Easy to transport
Shoulder carry straps
Bags are unfilled
The durable design makes these bags a must-have for the precision shooter. The adjustable shoulder carrying straps, and oxford and leather material at the points of contact clearly indicate quality, with a design that will both protect your rifle from damage and provide a stable shooting surface.
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Shooting Bags Buyer’s Guide
Shooting bags are available in all different weights, shapes, and sizes, designed for different stabilizing setups. Many of these bags come with features that will aid in shooting quality, such as synthetic materials that provide friction that prevents a bag from sliding around if it’s placed on a slippery surface. This same type of material is often used inside the grooves and is designed to cradle the fore end of a rifle to ensure that its securely anchored in place when you shoot.
These bags are filled with heavy sand that ensures a solid resting point. The deep grooves are designed to envelope the majority of the fore-end for the best stability. The more of the gun that is bedded onto a rest, the less room there will be for inadvertent movements. Because these bags are often very heavy, most will come with a handle that’s designed to make transporting and storing them much easier. Some will also come with a small pocket or two that can be used to store tools and accessories.
Benefits of Using Shooting Bags
These bags are often used for long range shooting and are designed to help deliver a hit down range.
These bags are an affordable solution that offers many benefits for precision shooters, mainly in the form of stabilizing the rear of a rifle. This leads to improved precision and accuracy.
While these bags are available in a variety of sizes and shapes, all of them are designed to provide a rest for the rear of a rifle and fill up the space between the ground and stock.
Instead of having to balance and hold the rifle with your hand, the bag will spread the weight, making it easier to maintain a secure hold on the gun, instead of the shooter placing the rear of the gun on the ground.
The stabilization of the rear of the rifle will increase precision and consistency when shooting. With this type of increased stability, improved follow through is often noted.
Using a shooting bag can also help you shoot tighter groupings, making a more precise hold on a target.
Bag use will also allow you to see more of what is happening downrange.
With a shooting bag, you will be able to make precise adjustments to windage or elevation with a slight release or squeeze of the bag.
They can also be used for non-firing tasks, such as ranging with a riflescope with the gun resting on the bag or observing a target for long periods of time.
Aside from rifles, the bags can also be used for other equipment including lasers and cameras, since they can provide a stabilizing effect for other types of equipment as well.
Other Important Features
Many people who are just getting into precision or long-range shooting don’t know too much about these shooting bags or how they work.
In the past, people would fill an old boot sock with sand. This option worked well enough for prone shooting, yet it was very heavy and had a tendency to absorb water. It was also not the most durable shooting bag. The precision rifle competitor must lie on their stomach and on obstacles when they shoot, so a bag is used to cushion certain parts of the rifle. Minimizing wobbling on an obstacle can have a huge positive impact in terms of hitting a target when the shooter is under a time constraint. Over the years, shooters began to explore and improve upon the design, creating methods using synthetic materials at different weights. These days, you’ll be able to find bags available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and weights.
Since every shooter has their own shooting preference and style, not to mention the different types of rifles out there, these bags are available in different sizes and styles ranging from medium barricade style bags that are utilized for positional shooting, and larger bags that are designed for obstacles and creative positions. Many shooters will usually favor a certain style of bag, based on what they find the most effective and comfortable to use.
There are also several types of smaller bags to choose from, many of which feature a cylinder shape. This type of shape will allow for a couple of different rear heights by using the bag on it’s side or standing it upright.
Rifle Type
The type of bag you buy should also be based on the model of rifle you use. Some bags will only work for certain types of rifles. When you’re shopping around, read the spec sheet to make certain that it will be compatible with your weapon.
If you’re new to shooting or you’re a seasoned shooter but you’ve never used a bag for your rifle, then your best bet may be purchasing a set of bags, instead of a single front or rear bag. A set will give you more options in terms of how you set up and support your rifle. In this way, you can do a little experimenting with different bag setups and choose one that’s comfortable and allows you to take the best shot.
Take weight into consideration as well since you’ll be hauling the bag around if you’re practicing at a range or out in the field using it for a hunt. Ideally, the bag should be portable and light, but in some cases, a heavier weight can be a better option since it can add to the stability of the bag.
The bag should also be adjustable for the required elevation or height. A model that’s adjustable will make it much easier for you to manage a shot, via the adjustment tool.
You’ll also need to look for a model with decreased recoil because it can affect your shooting accuracy. The shooting bag must align with your specific needs.
A bag that’s multifunctional will allow you to adjust it for different shooting positions. Additionally, you can also use a rear or front bag, or use a combination of the two.
Some bags will come filled with sand, plastic pellets, or corn cob. Other bags will come unfilled, allowing you to choose the type of filling to use. This will give you total control over the weight of the bags and how firm or soft the surface is. Typically, bags that are unfilled are more affordable than models that are filled. The type of material you’ll use should be based on preference, however, many pros recommend using plastic pellets.
Whether the bag is filled with a lightweight material or sand, a bag must have a base that’s stable and should be water-resistant and able to maintain its shape in order to hold your gun in place securely.
Some models will allow you to adjust the level of the filling in the bag, so it has enough give to support your weapon.
A bag can tear or become damaged due to sharp objects on the ground such as glass or rocks. It can even become damaged by the rifle itself. High-quality bags will be made out of material that’s abrasion resistant.
Long Range
If you need to practice long range shooting, then look for a model that will allow you to easily position it for this purpose.
Bag Materials
Models that are made out of natural materials will be the most comfortable to use. Of course, bags that are made out of water-resistant materials will also be important. Make sure the type of material you choose is also designed to provide plenty of protection for your firearm. These bags can be made out of nylon, leather, or polyester. Bags that are made out of leather are usually not coated with a waterproof treatment, which can make them a poor choice for outdoor use. Bags that are made out of nylon are very durable and rip-resistant, making them better suited for outdoor shooting.
Some models will come with padding that’s made out of micro-suede. This type of material is designed to prevent any damage to a rifle at the points of contact. The padding can also be made out of oxford cloth or leather, or a combination of these materials.
Models with an effective shape and solid base will keep your gun secure and improve your chances of making a shot. How stable a bag is can be impacted by the type of fill used or the rigidity of the material the bags are made out of.
These days, shooting bags are reasonably priced, so you should have no trouble finding a top of the line model even if you’re on a tight budget. On average, you can find these bags priced at $12-$100. In some cases, you’ll note a higher cost, but these bags will usually come in a set.
How to Use Shooting Bags
A hunter is not a bench shooter, and you won’t find any shooting benches out in the backcountry. However, there will be times when a shooter will need a bag in order to use their sight or test their ammunition. If you don’t use the proper shooting technique with one of these bags, then you’re only going to end up wasting your ammo. You’ll also become pretty frustrated. Below, you’ll find some tips that will help you to get the most out of your bags so you can learn how to use them properly.
You’ll shoot from a bag for a couple of reasons, to eliminate human error and for a solid platform. You’ll need to find a solid bag, such as a model that is comfortable, solidly built, and covered in an abrasion-resistant material. The important thing is to find a model that’s tough enough to keep your firearm stable.
These bags make it easier to hold your rifle, which is why they’re considered such an important piece of gear. However, the bag shouldn’t be pillow soft, which will cause your rifle to sink into it. To test out how soft a bag is, try poking it with your finger. If it doesn’t leave an indentation, then the bag is too hard. If you place your rifle across it and it doesn’t stay put, then the bag is way too soft.
Some shooters prefer using a bag that’s adjustable. These types of bags are not recommended for hunting rifles. A hunting rifle usually doesn’t shoot well from a rigid bag because of the transfer of vibrations.
Many pros recommend looking for a bag that’s filled with plastic pellets, which makes the bag lighter and more durable compared to bags that are filled with sand.
Whether you’re practicing precision shooting or kill shots, make sure you experiment with the bag’s setup before you enter a competition or take the bags with you on your next hunt. If you’re a beginner, then purchasing a set of bags of different sizes and one that includes a front and rear bag will be your best bet and will give you the most shooting options.
When you’re shooting, if you find that the bags are not helping with precision, make the necessary adjustments and only use what you’re comfortable with. If the bag feels too hard or too soft, then you’re using the wrong type for your rifle. If you’re not sure which type of bag will be compatible, then head online to a shooting forum, ask your buddies, or head to your local gun shop for recommendations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Are Shooting Bags Used?
A shooting bag can be used to help stabilize your rifle, which in turn, helps to improve the precision of your shot. Without a bag you would have to rest parts of your rifle on the ground, which can have a negative impact on your shooting, depending on terrain. A shooting bag will provide the stability you need to get the most out of every shot.
What Are the Benefits of A Shooting Bag?
As I mentioned earlier, a shooting bag is designed to help improve your aim and shooting precision by giving you a stable surface to rest your firearm. They can also be used for camera equipment or any type of application in which you need to utilize a stable surface.
How Much Does It Cost to Buy A Shooting Bag?
The price of shooting bags will vary depending on the size, weight, material, and durability. In most cases, you’ll find a great bag for under $100. Of course, like with most products, a higher price tag often indicates improved durability and quality, so if you’re looking for a bag that’s durable and designed to last, then you can expect to pay more.
Final Thoughts
The best shooting bags will be stable, made out of protective material, and will come in a shape and weight that will work the best for your shooting style and the type of rifle you own. Durability is key, as is a rest that’s stable and comfortable to use. This guide and my top product recommendations will help you find the perfect bag or bags based on your shooting needs, rifle type, and your budget.
from https://readyandarmed.net/best-shooting-bags/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/best-shooting-bags-for-rifles-and-shotguns-2020-buyers-guide
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