#the poltergeist pony
tigirl-and-co · 1 year
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Ponies are the only thing I can draw reliably lmao
Here have Carol-Anne uhhh I mean Carousel. The little unicorn filly that nothing bad happens to.
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quirkwizard · 2 years
Can Poltergeist be used to take over the horns of Horn Cannon? Class 1-B one-on-one sparring sessions must get uninteresting once this matchup happens. Would it just be a matter of strength of will or would Pony have the upper hand since its her body part?
I don’t think so. If you want to talk about stats, they both are capable of picking up and moving people, so they are roughly similar in strength. “Poltergeist” picked up Denki and “Horn Cannon” picked up Shoji, who is notably larger and heavier then Denki, so it might be stronger. That aside, when it comes to interactions like this, I believe that the person that can control their own Quirk like Pony can has the advantage. The person trying to influence the Quirk can try to slow it down, but they wouldn't be able to stop it or wrestle control away from it unless the user stopped controlling it for whatever reason. To me, it just makes more sense that a Quirk user would exert greater control over their Quirk then someone trying to mess with it. This is barring extreme differences in power or natural counters. For example, I believe that “Fierce Wings” is markedly stronger then “Horn Cannon”, so it would be able to push back and stop it from moving.
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whitefox1992 · 3 months
I had a dream last night that I watched two movies on Netflix, and it is annoying me because, since the movies are not real, I have nowhere legitimate to complain about how much they sucked.
The first movie was tilted "Super Horse Horse: Pony To The Rescue".
The background was 3D animation, and the characters had that American art style that fakes being anime.
The film started as an unseen Russian voice claims to be taking over the city as then 8 women jump in a line like power rangers then each poses while flashing into theirs super suits.
And none of them had horse powers or horse adjacent powers. Two were satyrs, one turned into a baby stroller, and one turned into a white version of Protoman from MegaMan. The other four were just a batgirl type outfit.
And all they did was pose as the unseen Russian was blowing up the city behind them as they demanded all film crews focus on them posing instead of the town exploding or the heros doing anything.
The movie ends with a "To be continued" as a mid credits scene starts play revealing a second all "Super Horse Boys" team exists and a crossover was about to happen.
The fake film sucked, the characters were stupid in design and personalities, and they never demonstrated if they had powers besides instantly putting their outfits on. Somehow, the most entaining part was the off-screen Russian constantly giving a speech about how he will take over the world.
The second movie just auto played and was called "Ha".
The film is live action and starts with a guy having just died in a hospital bed, and the doctors and family all walk away. (Ok, it would have been funny if the film just ended there. But it didn't.)
The guys eyes open as he has white lights instead of eyes, and he starts laughing like Andross from Starfox 64. He then does that crab walk thing, which you are facing up, but use your arms and legs to be on all fours. He turns 90° so his head is close to the screen, and his forehead is close to the floor. All while doing nothing else but laughing.
The laughing goes on for several minutes as I then start skipping ahead in the movie only to see the movie is three and a half hours long and it is just the stupid laughing.
I skipped until something besides the laughing was happening, which it goes to a "days earlier" thing and was revealed that an evil scientist put a device in his chest during surgery, then the credits started playing.
Someone in my dream, whom my brain registered as my sister, who wasn't my sister, was amazed Netflix got the rights to that movie as she was looking for the movie for a long time as it was her favorite horror movie.
This fake movie also sucked. The plot made no sense. It seems like my brain tried to generate a creepy pasta without my consent. If the movie actually existed, it would probably be called the worst full-length movie to ever exist.
Small update, I just had the random thought of my second 'movie' was actually a demon trying to curse me, and I just responded with, "Boo, get better material."
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sadie-bug345 · 3 months
Ok one more I need outsiders Halloween hcs (costumes, what they do on Halloween, like go to parties, trick or treating, or staying in and watching scary movies) etc. THANK YOU IM DYING I LOVE YOUR WORK
OMG SHUT UP i just checked out your blog and you seem so cool😭🥰
what the gang does on halloween!!
yall im fr missing this time of year 😭🫢
ponyboy: - he only wants to go trick or treating if friends are going - probably gets pooped after like an hour🙄🖐️ - he seems like the type to dress up as a niche character from a show, movie, or book - and the SECOND anyone asks him abt it he will be like “😃i’ll tell you all about it!!” - LMAO its super cute though - he probably really likes handing out candy to kids though - he’d give a bunch of candy to kids with the coolest costumes in his humble opinion - he’s a blast to hang out with tho.
johnny: - prob get really into his costume, he’d go all out with makeup - lmao he’s giving like joker vibes and dallyd be batman or smth😭 - like pony, he’d only go trick or treating or out to parties if his friends pressure him to - if it was his choice he’d be perfectly content chillin on the couch with some snacks and a scary movie - i feel like he’d like poltergeist (this is my personal fave horror movie so im projecting lmfao) - the type to have a total straight face during the movie but he’s QUAKING.
sodapop: - he a partier for sure - probably have some goofy ahh matching costume with steve - like they’d kill it with the ghostbusters costumes - if he does hand out candy he’d be over here hyping up kids costumes which is so sweet - he’d pretend to get all scared when some kid yells “boo!” at him😭🫶 - just good vibes all around ngl
darry: - in high school he’d def go to parties and stuff - but now he only goes to supervise the loose cannons of the gang (dallas) - he’d probably wear a shirt that says “this is my costume” or smth - when he’s not making sure everyone’s making decent decisions he’s at home handing out candy - he got a special bowl for rude kids that just has like toothbrushes and raisins in it 😭😭
dally: - i feel like he’d begrudgingly match costumes with his friends - secretly loves it tho don’t tell him i said that - goes to some parties for a bit just to make his necessary appearance - but gets bored after a bit and goes to wreak some havoc in the neighborhoods - steals candy, ransacks those haunted houses people set up in their garages, scares kids, you name it, dallas the menace has done it - it’s a lot of fun but also concerning like wow you really like giving kids traumatizing core memories?? 😧
two-bit: - ONLY joke costumes - i can see him in onesies, inflatable costumes, just anything that makes someone crack a smile - most likely a partier, if he does stay home and watch movies he’s secretly scared - the type to make fun of anything the characters are doing - lemme tell you he is RELENTLESS - like he’s lowk coming up with a whole plan just in case he’s in that horror movie situation - “so first, i’d get the bat i hide underneath my bed at all times and then get my emergency flashlight and slide on a mattress down the stairs and out the door and-“ - and you’re just like “🧍‍♀️” - LMAOOO.
steve: - he will probably get so hyped up at parties - matching with sodapop duh - super fun ngl - he and soda will just dare each other to do dumb crap and they’ll actually do it - meanwhile everyone is just staring with admiration and concern in their eyes lmaoo - probably pigs out on candy at three am but don’t we all😭🫶
cherry: - this girl will pull up with the cutest but also most random costume ever LMAOO - like ponyboy it’s probably super niche and no one really expect cherry to wear it - everyone expects her to just be a hot zombie cheerleader or smth - she said she’s too iconic for that😔🖐️ - she’s honestly the kinda gal to just hang out at home if she had it her way - but hates scary movies so like she’ll watch half and just have a breakdown and switch it to my little pony - she’s so funny and sweet to the kids trick or treating - if she sees some littler kids getting bullied she’d swoop in and steal their candy like a superhero or smth LMAO.
thanks so much for requesting again! this was a lot of fun!❤️‼️
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tiktowafel · 10 months
Headcanons for Neito Monoma?
yup here you go! tagging @fabpops1 because she also asked for Monoma headcanons
no coloring today because the one i made two years ago sucks and i don't feel like remaking it :'D honestly i feel like Horikoshi and I both half-assed his casual clothing sketch lol
him and his parents were all born in Japan but he has some relatives in Belgium, whom he really enjoys visiting. it's the main reason why he seems so interested in european culture (his profile page states he likes french cuisine and franco-belgian comics)
he can also speak french very well thanks to that
he's also fluent in english (though he has trouble understanding Pony sometimes - he's much better at reading and writing than he is at listening) and has a basic knowledge of several other languages. he doesn't really expect it to come handy at any point in the future, he just learns them because he finds it fun
besides that he also likes history, classic literature, theatre... yeah this guy is a huge humanities-leaning nerd and i don't accept criticism
nor do i accept the fact that he's supposed to be a bad student in canon?? like, he's so smart and also competitive, no way he isn't top of the class... he may not be as good in science and math as he is in japanese and history, but nothing an all-nighter can't fix
in middle school he was part of the drama and debate clubs. and while hero course students aren't supposed to join clubs because they should focus on hero work, he managed to argue his way into the same clubs in UA by saying that his theatrics and speeches are an important part of his hero persona. Kuroiro joined the drama club alongside him (didn't contribute to the argument at all, just nodded wisely every time Monoma presented a point)
class 1-B's culture festival performance being a stage play was actually his idea! it didn't really go the way he intended (he did NOT expect it to turn into a four-way crossover more ambitious than infinity war) but he greatly enjoyed performing in it anyway! maybe even too much
his knowledge of quirks rivals Midoriya's. he researches them a lot mostly to help his copy quirk but also out of genuine curiosity
he often helps his classmates with training their quirks and comes up with new techniques to try out. he's particularly good at it because he can actually try other people's quirks himself, which gives him a better understanding of how they function and what their limitations are
^ which is why i believe he'd make an awesome hero course teacher!! (in all might's role - i don't think making him anyone's homeroom teacher would be a good idea, he'd be just as biased towards his class as he is now lmao) it's definitely one of my favorite "future" headcanons
he praises his classmates' quirks a lot and says he considers them all great, but he does have preferences when it comes to copying them
his favorites are Yanagi's poltergeist (somewhat boring, but easy to understand and very versatile both in battle and everyday life), Tokage's lizard tail splitter (he almost died when he copied it for the first time because he barely managed to put his body back together before his quirk's time limit ran out, but that didn't stop him - he always found Tokage's quirk very fun and useful, so he put a lot of work into fully figuring it out and now he uses it pretty often), Shoda's twin impact (Monoma's physical strength.... leaves a lot to be desired, and the second impact always being significantly stronger than the first helps make up for it) and Kuroiro's black (you can move around very fast and it's fun :) )
quirks he does not like copying Honenuki's softening (fun, but quite difficult to control and avoiding collateral damage with such a destructive quirk is a pain in the ass. Honenuki understands that perfectly) and Shishida's beast (just... really not his thing lol)
for some reason i see a lot of people headcanon that he has pet ferrets, and you know what? i agree. he does seem like a ferret person
prefers smart clothing, a polo shirt is the most casual he'll go. he only ever wears tshirts for exercise (which he hates doing lol) and probably doesn't own a single hoodie
in general i think he has a good eye for elegant design... his dorm room is very stylish and nicely coordinated too. i think one of the light novels also describes it as "vaguely french" and yeah that fits
while he tries to keep his room neat and tidy on the outside, all his drawers and cabinets are horribly messy
he's that one kid who has like 17 different allergies and is completely useless if he forgets his meds on a spring day (spring is his least favorite season due to this. i think winter would be his fave)
luckily he is not allergic to dairy so he can eat as much stinky french cheese as he wants 👍
speaking of food i think he's a pretty good cook actually
prefers listening to older (and mostly foreign) music and is a huge snob about it
honestly he probably acts the same about movies and books too
arguing with people on the internet is one of his favorite ways to spend his free time. if there are no 1-A students around, you can always show off your impressive vocabulary by bullying random internet strangers with bad taste in movies!
almost everyone in 1-B considers him a friend despite his... anti-1a bullshit, because he's just really nice and helpful to people he likes + he's a great leader! however he's closest to Kuroiro (friendly drama king rivals! they're constantly arguing about dumb shit using the fanciest words they can think of and they're always trying to outperform each other in the drama club meetings they both attend, but they love each other trust me <3 also Monoma helps Kuroiro with studying because he sucks at school), Pony (when he's not trying to trick her into insulting 1-A he can be pretty helpful with japanese, he also likes listening to her talk about her home country), Honenuki (he's Pony's best friend, so you usually befriend them both at once, but Monoma thinks he's also interesting to talk to by himself) and Tetsutetsu (they don't share many interests but Monoma hates exercising so he has Tetsutetsu force him to do it. his positive energy certainly helps a lot)
ever since they got to know each other during their joint training fight, Monoma's been using 100% of his persuasion skills to convince Shinso to join 1-B instead of 1-A. Shinso is conflicted to say the least
aaand that's all i have for him! hope you enjoyed these!!
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bootyshaker900o · 1 year
“Playlists of my unhealthy obsessions/Simping”
These men have caused such a brain rot- that like they are my whole personality. I made a little playlist of songs for them
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Dave/William Afton (🧍‍♂️ I have problems)
Jocelyn Flores - XXXTENTACION
Can You Feel My Heart - Bring Me the Horizon
Yandere - Jazmin Bean
Sex, Drugs, Etc. - Beach Weather
R U Mine? - Arctic Monkeys
Play Date - Melanie Martinez
Perverted - Elita
The Neden Game - ICP
Stalker’s Tango - Autoheart
Say My Name - Alex Brightman
Imma Kill You - ICP
Blow My Brains Out - Tikkle Me
Ryn, Rabinit Run - Flanagan and Allen
Boogie Woogie Wu - ICP
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Dirty Harry - Gorillaz
Me and Your Mama - Childish Gambino
Hell of a Ride - Bo Burnham
Family Jewels - Marina and the Diamonds
I’m still standing - Elton John
Puppet Boy - DEVO
Afraid - The Neighborhood
Reflections - The Neighborhood
Fluorescent Adolescent - Arctic Monkeys
One day - Lovejoy
The Ending - Hobo Johnson
Trouble - Hazel Bloom
Teen Romance - Lil Peep
Alien Blues - Vundabar
Team - Mag.Lo
Bad - Michael Jackson
Orphan Tears - Your Favorite Martian
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Problems - Mother Mother
Zydrate Anatomy - Paris Hilton
Toxic - Britney Spears
Liquid Smooth - Mitski
W.D.Y.W.F.M? - The Neighborhood
Trom Cat - Tyler, the Creator
E.T. - Katy Perry, Kanye West
Molly - MSI
Enemy - Imagine Dragons, JID
Never Satisfied - CORPSE
Desire - Meg Myers
Venom - Little Simz
Daddy AF - Slayyter (don’t ask)
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
Such A Whore - JVLA
Six Forty Seven - Instupendo
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Daddy issues - The Neighborhood
Genius- Sia, Diplo, Labrinth, LSD
Same Old Love - Selena Gomez
Guys My Age - HEY VIOLET
Life of the Party - The Weeknd
High Enough - K.Flay
Government Hooker - Lady Gaga
Why don’t U - Father, ABRA
New Americana - Halsey
Do You Even? - Jorge Aguilar II
Sugar Daddy - Qveen Herby 
Royals - Lorde
I Feel Like I’m Drowning - Two Feet
New Person, Same Mistakes - Tame Impala
Cold - Maroon 5
Come As You Are - Nirvana
Fantasy - Bazzi
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Raph (my sweet baby boy 😭)
Dark Red - Steve Lacy
Somebody To Love - Queen
Careless Whispers  - George Michaels 
Her - Tyler, The Creator 
Are We Still Friends? - Tyler, The Creator
Trumpets - Jason Derulo
Hold On, We’re Going Home - Drake
Rodeo - Lil Nas X
Ms. Jackson - Outkast
EARFQUAKE - Tyler, The Creator
Mine - Bazzi
Die for You - The Weeknd
Love on the Brain - Rihana
Crazy In Love - Beyoncé, JAY-Z
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Gooey - Glass Animals
Love Me Dead - Ludo
The Distance - CAKE
Like A Stone - Audioslave
Luxurious- Gwen Stafani
Applause - Lady Gaga
Please Me - Cardi B, Bruno Mars
Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand
Alejandro - Lady Gaga
Love Is a Bitch - Two Feet
Aint no Rest for The Wicked - Cage the Elephant
Animal - Sir Chloe
Mr. Saxobeat - Alexandra Stan
Judas - Lady Gaga
Livin La Vida Loca - Ricky Martin
White Flag - Bishop Briggs
River - Bishop Briggs
Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke
Sway - Michael Bublé
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Monster Energy Gun - KevinKempt
Chop Chop Slide - ICP
Get Low - Lil Jon
Crazy - Gnarls Barkley
Star Shopping - Lil Peep
Never There - CAKE
Shake That - Eminem, Nate Dogg
Everywhere I Go - Hollywood Undead
My Mom - Eminem
Asshole - hooligan chase
Under the Influence - Eminem, D12
Shots - LMFAO
Him and I - G-Eazy, Halsey
The Hills - The Weeknd
my boy - Billie Eilish
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Ain’t Shit - Dojo Cat
Feel Like God - Gazy
Nightmare - Halsey
Good-Old Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
Mujeriego - Ryan Castro
Sweet Dreams - Eurythmics, Annie Lennox
Let’s Groove - Earth, Wind, and Fire
Pizzazz - Akintoye
Slumber Party - Ashnikko
Milkshake - BBY KODIE
Bad - Michael Jackson
Pony - Ginuwine
Death of a Bachelor - Panic! At the Disco
Blah Blah Blah - The Oozes
Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic
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Joker (Joaquin & Heath’s) (don’t ask- please dont)
Purple Lamborghini- Skrillex, Rick Ross
Fame - David Bowie
Wolf is Sheep’s Clothing - Set It Off
To Catch a Predator- ICP
Back in Black - AC/DC
Tentative - System of a Down
Rainbows and Stuff - ICP
Hokus Pokus - ICP
Murder Go Round - ICP
The Juggla - ICP
HAHA - Lil Darkie
Broken - Lund
I Hate Everything About You - Three Days Grace
Criminal - Britney Spears
Cradles - Sub Urban
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Mind Games - Sickick
I’m A Slave 4 U - Britney Spears
Who is She? - I Monster
A Pearl - Mitski
Cigarettes Out the Window - TV Girl
Redbone - Childish Gambino 
All for Us - Labrinth, Zendaya
Sucker For Pain - Lil Wayne, Imagine Dragons
My Ordinary Life - The Living Tombstone
Bubblegum Bitch - MARINA
I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! At the Disco
Partition - Beyoncé
Suit and Tie - Justing Timberlake
Jealous - Eyedress
Yellow - Coldplay
My Oh My - Camila Cabello
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blueberrybanee · 3 months
So... I've been playing Pony Town for nearly a month now, and I may or may not have an addiction.
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Also made a The Dark Crystal pony because... @linminty Told me to. And I like TDC, so this was a win
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What the fuck is hit YouTuber VanossGaming doing here
(@linminty @twixedworlds @white-knight7255 @ghastly-poltergeist tagging friends cuz we all play this stupid pony game together)
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greghatecrimes · 8 months
Any house & thirteen (PLATONIC 👌) fics to recommend?? Or any house writers in general?? Ur writings sent me into a feral state of reading house ff (URS IS UNMATCHED 💥💥💥) and I haven't even finished ep 1 s1 yet. I blame House MD on yt 🤪
a;slkgj;alsdf thank you so much anon, I'm so glad you're enjoying my fic so far! There's not a ton of platonic House & Thirteen fics out there in comparison to the number of fics featuring ships (Hilson, Huddy, etc) but here are my recent faves that I 10000% recommend you check out!!
A Ghost Story by old_blue (Perfect one-shot for Halloween/spooky season. This is one that I've gone back to reread over and over. And the writing is excellent; this reads like it's from an actual canon episode.)
The Princeton Poltergeist by AnnieWithAnIE (I'm slightly biased because this one is a friend fic, but it's still absolutely worth the read. House & Thirteen are the main focus of the fic, with some awesome Thirteen & Chase interactions too!! And the upcoming chapters are going to be excellent.)
House's Head: Reprise by oddlittlestories (also a friend fic and eventual Hilson, but Bee is really focusing on House and the fellows' relationships in this fic as well– and setting up for some awesome House & Thirteen scenes/storylines– and I can't wait to see where she goes with it!)
nobody's son, nobody's daughter by mischeif24 (a really sweet one shot focused on the familial-esque relationships between House, Chase, and Thirteen)
Fresh Feeling by justkeeptrekkin (Hilson centric, but there is lots of House & Thirteen interaction-- in chapter two especially-- that I ADORED. I love the interactions between House/Wilson and all the fellows in this fic in general.)
I have not read this fic ([insert pony baseline here] by thereweregiants) but it's House & Thirteen friendship centric and is on my TBR!
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mask131 · 1 year
Green spring: Pixies
Category: British folklore
Ah, the pixies… Everybody knows – or rather think they know what a pixie are. They were heavily popularized by modern media. Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, The Spiderwick Chronicles, Pathfinder…  But by now you probably know the song: the modern image we have of the pixie is not exactly what a pixie really is, and pixie doesn’t just mean “small, tiny fairy with wings”.
Pixies (also known as piskies or pigsies or pizkies or puggsies) are magical supernatural creatures of Southern England, similar in nature to elf, sprites and fairies. In fact, despite being treated as two different species, the legends and stories of pixies overlap with those of fairies in England. Pixies were depicted as small, child-like humanoids with a very mischievous nature. They usually could be spotted at night, when they gathered in huge numbers to either dance through the night or wrestle until dawn. Pixies were believed to live underground, at the location of ancient “pagan” sites: stone circles, dolmens, barrows, menhirs… Pixies are generally good-natured and benevolent entities – they reward humans that care for them or are polite towards them, while they punish those who neglect their shores or are rude ; they are merry folks, who give all sorts of blessings to the people they like… But their mischievous nature also makes them prone to nastier tricks more akin to the fairies: for example, they like leading travelers astray in the night to lose them, they can “infest” houses and farms poltergeist-style, and sometimes they steal children out of their cribs to raise as their own. One of the pixies big obsessions are horses: they adore them, usually steal them at night to ride on their back (just because they adore this), and they tangle their manes in form of ringlets. Pixies also love fine and good clothes: they usually go around either dressed in rags, either naked, but if you offer them good clothes, nice ribbons or fine silk, then they’ll be very happy.
Now, when it comes to pixies, there are two main “regional tradition”. One is from the New Forest region (Dorset, Hampshire…). New Forest pixies are depicted as wizened old men, with pale skin and round ears – there are no females among the pixies. Despite being very small (child-sized), they can use magic to alter their height – they can also use it to change their shape in one of two ways. Either they can become a will-o-the-wisp, either they become a “Colt pixie”. A Colt pixie is the name given to a pixie in the shape of a horse or pony. A scruffy, ragged and pale beast, the Colt pixie’s only preoccupation is to lead travelers and livestock away into the wilds (which is why it was associated with the will-of-the-wisp). Puck (see my post about him) was notably renowned for often taking the same of a Colt pixie. In fact, Puck (also called Pugg, or Tom Puck) was said to be one of the three most famous pixies, alongside Watt (a pixie who offered witches magical powers) and Lazy Laurence (renowned for protecting orchards and guarding cider). New Forest pixies were said to have a king ruling over them – but people disagree as to whether this king is Gran Collin (who was said to be a “giant pixie”, appearing larger than a human being) or his twin brother “Tiddie Cole” (the size of a thumb, so a dwarf pixie).
The big “rivalling” tradition is the one from the Devon regions, where pixies are also a very big thing. Devon pixies’ size range from so small you can’t see them with your bare eyes, to roughly human in stature, but the main difference between them and the New Forest pixies is that, while the New Forest pixies are quite “wild”, the Devon pixies are more “domesticated”. They still are mischievous spirits of the wildlands – they like to ride on the Dartmoor colts at night, they gather to dance and make music, they use magic to mislead travelers through the moors (this is a spell called “being pixy-led” and the only way to break it is to put your coat inside-out), and they are also said to lure children into playing with them by disguising themselves as a simple, inoffensive bundle of rags… But unlike the New Forest pixies, the Devon pixies can select friendly humans or ones in need (poor humans or widows for example) and decide to help them, usually by doing their house-chores. Similarly pixies can be “paid” for their chores, or be attracted to a house, or strike a friendship with a human, in exchange of offerings of clothes, food, or milk (the favorite beverage of all the fair folk of England).
Beyond these two main regional traditions, there are other smaller local ones. For example in Cornwall, the pixies are said to be ruled by a queen: the famous Cornish figure of Joan the Wad. “Wad” was a morn meaning “torch”, and this was because she was a type of “will-o-the-wisp” spirit, said to be married to none other than Jack-o-Lantern, another famous “light in the night” spirit. However unlike the will-of-the-wisps that usually lead people astray, Joan the Wad was much more benevolent: she guided lost people on the moors when the weather was bad, and she brought good luck to all those she encountered (even though she was also sometimes said to tickle people until they go mad…). Joan the Wad connection to good luck was so strong that, for a long time, people of Cornwall wore on their person little figures of Joan the Wad as good-luck talismans, or depicted her face on doorknobs to protect the house from evil spirits. Another local tradition comes from Somerset, where pixies and fairies were said to have been enemies – they waged a great battle against each other at Buckland St. Mary. They fairies lost and fled the area forever, but the pixies won and this is why they still hang out near the village.
One particular celebration deserves to be noted: an East Devon holiday, called “Pixie Day”, on the Saturday nearest to Midsummer. Starting in 1954 and localized in the town of Ottery St. Mary, it is actually a yearly celebration of an old legend tied to the town’s church bells. According to the legend, in the times where Christianity was still fresh and new in England, a bishop decided to build a church in the town of Otteri – he had magnificent, beautiful iron bells prepared in Wales and asked monks to make an escort to bring them to the town, out of fear they would be damaged in any way. The pixies however ruled the lands of Otteri, and knew that if these bells ever rung, they would lose their power over the region, so they cast a spell on the monks carrying the bells, changing their road so they would walk towards the cliffs of Sidmouth instead of towards Otteri. However, as the monks were about to throw themselves into the sea, one of them stubbed his toe on a rock. As it was the custom back then, he invoked the name of God (though in a much more polite form than today’s “God damnit!”), and this broke the spell of the pixies. The bells were brought to Otteri, but the pixies were not ready to give up. They stole away the bell-ringer of the church, and imprisoned him in a riverside cave where they dwell, called the “Pixies’ Parlour”. The vicar of the town had to go and rescue the poor stolen victim – and it is this battle that the town celebrates yearly. Each year on Pixie Day, boys and girls (from Cub Scouts and Brownies Girl Guides) dress up as pixies and steal away the bell-ringers of the church of Saint Mary – they don’t bring them to the actual Pixies Parlour cave, but rather to another church near Caanan park, and there a theatrical re-enactment of the vicar banishing the pixies happen.
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The thing with the Pixies is that, just like with the fairies, there was a clear divide between their original depiction (as described above) and their “Victorian self”, built out of the works of artists and poets of the Victorian era. At this point, the pixies gained their most famous “sprite” attributes. People began depicting them as very, very small, finger-sized smalls, with pointy ears, and they also gave them green outfits and green pointy caps. Pixies began to be treated as entirely positive and wonderful little folks – curing all illnesses, blessing marriages to be fertile, helping win the heart of the one you love, able to “walk upon water and sail upon the land”, being friends with the wild animals and loving humans with all their heart… Pixies began to be depicted as ageless, deathless beings eternally young and happy, unable to feel sadness or fear – though some of the slightly creepier elements of their old “folkloric” self still stayed – for example the fact that if sometimes they marry a human, it is not so much out of love than out of the desire to “stealing their soul” (there is a whole thing about fairy folks not having souls and wishing to gain one), to how the pixies are actually “not bless nor banned”, aka not belonging to either Heaven or Hell, in-between, neutral spirits neither angels nor demons. It is also around the Victorian times that there was once again much debate and confusion as to whether pixies were different from fairies, or rather were the same thing.
[But as you will note so far, there is nothing about pixies having wings or flying – this is an invention of modern-day fiction.]
A very fun fact: you know about the famous story “The Three Little Pigs”? Well, its oldest recorded version comes from the Devon, and doesn’t show three “little pigs”… But three “little pixies”. And the villain isn’t a wolf, but a fox. It is thought that the confusion from “pixies” to “pigs” is due to one of the alternate ways to write the name of the small magical folk, which is “pigsies” and sounds a lot like “pigs” in plural.
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the-haunted-office · 2 months
💥 for shinigami doom
Send an icon and I'll respond with my muse's reaction to...
💥- Their favorite thing being destroyed/discontinued/cancelled
It's a simple matter for Doomsday, in the end.
At first, though, she throws the single most enormous tantrum anyone might have ever seen. It might not be the biggest one Night has ever seen, but certainly one of the biggest in Earth's recorded history.
There's a lot of screeching involved, so much that had anyone other than Night been able to hear her, the police would have been called with the concern that someone was being murdered. Or perhaps one of Night's Foundation partners might have been called instead, with the concern that some banshee-like creature had escaped some alternate dimension.
There was a lot of stomping around as well, clawing whatever she was allowed to claw, at least until Night told her to knock it off, and then the Shinigami flew off to tear up anything outside she could hook her claws and teeth into. This included a lot of poor, helpless trees. And cars. And dumpsters. And houses.
A lot of poltergeist activity was reported that day.
The reason for all this?
Doomsday's favorite TV show was cancelled.
And a few days later when she sat there calmly while Night watched the news and heard the report about the network's top executives all dying of heart attacks in the same evening, all in the universe almost felt right again.
Almost. It didn't bring My Little Pony back on the air, but it did add more years to her lifespan and, most importantly, put a smile on her face. And that's good enough for now.
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outlawmares · 8 months
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Inspiration taken from the old movie Poltergeist and the recent CGI pony episode with teleporting pumpkins. I know, a weird combination, but... XD
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alex-guerin · 2 years
Michael stood waiting in the gazebo in the middle of town, nervous energy vibrating through him at the speed of light. How the damn thing was even still standing was a miracle, given how many things he’d managed to break in Max’s bathroom while getting ready a couple of hours ago. He didn’t even know why he was so nervous -- Alex was the one who proposed, who had wanted to get married right away in that damned pocket dimension, so Michael really didn’t have any reason to fear Alex leaving him at the proverbial altar. But he was nervous. He was so damned nervous he couldn’t keep still. Even with Dallas on one side of him and Sanders on the other he was about to bounce out of his skin. 
“Relax, kid…” Sanders grumbled, leaning into him enough to ground him again. “You’ve waited damn near half your life for this, a couple more minutes ain’t gonna kill ya.” 
Like hell it won’t… Michael sighed to himself, letting out a heavy exhale as he tried to relax. He fidgeted with his cuffs, glanced down to make sure he’d zipped his fly and his shoes weren’t scuffed and there was no dirt or grease anywhere on him. This was important, too damn important, of a day to be embarrassing Alex by looking like he just crawled out from under the hood of a car -- or from under a pool table at the Pony. 
A quiet sigh from Isobel and murmur brought his attention back from the brink of panicking and he looked up, curls falling in front of his eyes, just in time to see Alex and Maria make their way up the short steps of the gazebo. At least, he assumed Maria was walking with Alex -- that had been the plan originally, but honestly? Alex could have been walking with Marvin the fucking Martian and Michael wouldn’t have noticed. His eyes were glued to Alex’s, his breath caught in his chest. 
Some people think a person’s life flashes before their eyes before they die; if that was the case, then Michael must have been dying, because in an instant all he saw was Alex the first day of school the year Michael moved back to Roswell, all clean cut all-American boy trying to skateboard and do tricks. He saw the high school freshmen who came to school on the first day with a busted arm and told everyone it was from falling off his board at the skate park -- but Michael had seen the bruises and knew only one thing could form them and it wasn’t a tumble from a skateboard. Then the angry emo senior with eyeliner and a septum piercing and a gauge in his ear with a chip on his shoulder, the boy with the guitar that Michael had watched for years from afar. The boy he’d fallen in love with at 17 and had wanted to spend the rest of his life with even then. Next came the Airman in his fatigues and crutch, home at last and just as beautiful as he’d always been. 
None of them compared to the vision standing there in front of him right that minute, though. The one who smiled so brightly at him as his shaggy hair rustled in the cool breeze. The one whose hands fit so perfectly within his own. The man before him was beyond beautiful, beyond gorgeous, beyond everything. He was perfection in every form of the word. And he was about to be Michael’s for the rest of their lives. 
“Let’s see if we can get through this ceremony without any weird storms or quoting ‘Poltergeist’ this time…” teased Dallas as he smiled at Michael and Alex. Somewhere to Michael’s right, Bonnie giggled. In front of him, Alex blushed and huffed a soft laugh of his own as he glanced down at their joined hands. 
Read the rest on AO3
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tanjirou-no-au · 2 years
BNHA Rewrite: 1B Names
Itsuka Kendo-Zanshin
Big Fist-Fists can increase in size, and are more resistant to damage. Body is reinforced to allow her to support it.
Neito Monoma-Phantom Thief
Copy-Five point contact temporary copy of four quirks, including active mutation quirks. Classed as transformation quirk
Setsuna Tokage-Splitzard
Split-Can split into fifty pieces and telekinetically move them.
Juzo Honenuki-Mudpit
Softening-Render any substance touched into a semi liquid
Yosetsu Awase-Weld
Fusion-Fuse any two objects together down to the molecular level, and undo if necessary.
Sen Kaibara-Spiral
Gyrate-Spin body ports 360 degrees at high speed.
Togaru Kamakiri-Slaying Mantis
Pincer-creation of pincer like protrusions along his body, which can restrain, capture, crush or sever.
Shihai Kuroiro-Shadedancer
Darkmeld-Sink into shade, shadows & black materials, allowing him to manipulate them as well.
Yui Kodai-Miss Measure
Resize-Alter the size of inanimate objects, and release to return to normal.
Nirengeki Shoda-Twin Hammer
Twin Impact-Impact a target, and upon vocal activation, remotely “detonate” a second impact of much greater force.
Kinoko Kimori-Shemage
Bisporus-secrete and manipulate mushroom spores, whose variety & growth speed she can control.
Ibara Shiozaki-Eden
Thorn Tress-Can manipulate and grow the vines in place of her hair.
Jurota Shishida-Gevaudan
Berserker-Grows in size, muscle mass, senses, and bestiality.
Kosei Tsuburaba-Xhale
Solid Air-Solidify air by exhaling and create constructs.
Pony Tsunotori-Rocket Rodeo
Rocket Horn-Detach, launch & control up to four horns as projectiles.
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu-Real Steel
Turn body into a steel like substance. incredible capacity for heat.
Manga Fukidashi-Ideophone
Onomatopeia-Generate sound effects that materialize depicted ideas.
Kojiro Bondo-Cemedine
Cemedine-Secrete a glue like substance that can rapidly harden
Reiko Yanagi-Pontefract
Poltergeist-Telekinetically manipulate objects up to the mass the user could theoretically hold.
Hiryu Rin-Dragon Shroud / Long Weizi
Jadescale-Grow scales that can be used as projectiles, spines, armor, with its ultimate expression between a transformation into a bipedal half draconic humanoid.
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female-overlord-3 · 2 years
I am officially tempting you. Write the spite fic 😈
I don't know about a whole fic yet but here's something I quickly wrote down. Part 2
Anti-maria so if that's not your jam just scroll past! Really not that hard to do 😀 spoilers for S4x07 which did turn out to have one of my worst fears 😮‍💨 @winged-fool
Alex isn't blind. He sees it and can easily ignore it most of the time but having to acknowledge it now, because sadly there isn't any easier way to do this, is what makes him grit his teeth in absolute indignation. Knowing that everyone is so aware of and always ready to help Maria in her time of need will now be what he needs to become known himself.
There's the added bonus of her sensitivity for alien stuff until he hears that she no longer has her powers which almost makes him give up but she was always noticed and helped beforehand, her powers weren't the reason why so Alex keeps trying to be noticed.
Trying to make things obvious was appearing to be much harder than he thought because he was also fighting against the idea of Mimi trying to contact Maria. Don't get him wrong he took his time to grieve the loss of a good soul and his own mother figure but there was a small part of satisfaction from making her a fool. It didn't outweigh the immense frustration because nothing seemed to be working, even going all poltergeist with the calculator at the Wild Pony. You would think after every time something happened to her before, how she went to such extremes to have a vision or telling whoever she could, now she decides to wait and outright ignore the possibility of her supposed powers coming back.
It takes Liz pointing out how a randomly made milkshake after everyone was gone is his favorite, leading to the reveal about him being missing.
If the dinging bell sounds a little petty then Alex feels allowed after everything. Now he just has to have the patience to get them to understand and find him so he can be saved. It should be easy now if they all work together.
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Part 3 - Chapter 6 - Lead Up To Finals
Blank Canvas Part 3
AO3 - here
Fanfiction.net - here
Yo! We're getting closer and closer to the finals. This chapter is a montage/time skip of sorts going through the rest of the consultations. There is also a Katsuki pov at the end that is kind of in the middle of Izuku's pov. For an update on explody boy.
So we're going to be going through 1-B as well this chapter so here's a reminder of the character names and their quirks. ^____^ I did my best to indicated who is who in the chapter but just in case. Awase Yosetsu: Weld Kaibara Sen: Gyrate Kamakiri Togaru: Razor Sharp Kuroiro Shihai: Black Kendo Itsuka: Big Fist Kodai Yui: Size Komori Kinoko: Mushroom Shiozaki Ibara: Vine Shishida Jurota: Beast Shouda Nirengeki: Twin Impact Tsunotori Pony: Horn Cannon Tsubaraba Kosei: Solid Air Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu: Steel Tokage Sestuna: Lizard Tail Splitter Fukidashi Manga: Comic Honenuki Juzo: Softening Bondo Kojiro: Cemedine Monoma Neito: Copy Yanagi Reiko: Poltergeist Rin Hiryo: Scale
Edit to a previous chapter. It was pointed out for chapter 1 of this part that Izuku should have asked Aizawa about what to do with Bakugou. I more was thinking they wouldn't have done that 'off screen' but I added a small part anyway. :) You can read it if you would like, but basically Aizawa agrees to Maijima and him being the ones to talk to Katsuki but not keeping the fact that the info is from Izuku a secret. Katsuki needs to learn to work with Izuku. :) So thank you, LadyPhoenix68! ^____^
Linktree to all the things!    
End notes for the chapter are under the line.  
And there you have it! Everyone in the first year has more or less been talked to and certain issues addressed! If you have any other things that bother you in canon, let me know! I don't guarantee I'll do everything because there's only so much you can do. ;) Also, for some of these characters, I did rely on support items they already had by the time of the joint training arc. At least to get something for each and every one of them.
I don't have everyone immediately accepting Izuku's thoughts. Some need to think about it and then there's Aoyama. I see him as a 'lead a horse to water but can't make them drink' situation. Willing to listen to Izuku but not necessarily take his advise. Now for things going on in canon, I have my own ideas of what to do and will not confirm or deny things until it comes time to post that part. ;) 'Cause suspense and no spoilers. But by all means speculate all you want. :P
So Kouda. Now I have an idea for an animal companion for him and those on the discord may recall that brainstorm. But I'm open to what others think! Seriously, the boy needs a zoo. Give him all the animal friends!
Sh-sh-shout out to Divergent and Bigsmile on the discord for logicking (I know that's not a real word. :P) out that Katsuki could secrete explosive sweat all over body, but the ignition spot is just his hands. The suit is sort of Dune inspired collecting liquid from all over his body and could work to replace the storage tanks. It could also automatically fill the smaller grenades instead of manually adding cartridges with is an unnecessary extra step. I don't have an exact design for the gauntlets in mind but just slimmer than they are in canon so Katsuki can actually use his arms.
Sh-sh-shout out to Coup on the discord for being the science friend when it comes to Kodai’s quirk. The whole affecting size but not weight or mass or whatever. It was a bit ago and I don't remember all of it. :P If I got anything wrong, this part or otherwise, I apologize and please let me know. ^____^ I am no expert and am relying on others and the internet.
The transcripts Monoma mentions are in part 2 chapter 12! Also, I had fun having them interact again. I want them to be friends! Though there will be bumps because of their personalities. ;) First name basis though!
For redesigns that I actually took the time to sketch out, we have Tokoyami and Hitoshi! Coup had some points when it came to Hitoshi's helmet to make it more comfortable but I was too lazy to redraw things. :P It's good enough to get you a general idea though! Izuku's new helmet design to be revealed at a later time. ;)
That's all for now! Next chapter isn't finals quite yet. We have the whole robots convo to get through and other things that are not from canon. There will be more from Katsuki next update too.
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tinyhotelofhorror · 1 year
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Name: Hamlet Jackdaw Age: Roughly 150 (looks early 20s) Gender: Male (he,they) Species: Poltergeist Orientation: Gay (a power bottom)
Room No.: The Attic Job: Night receptionist
Personality: * Bratty * Easily bored * Not hard working * A little selfish
Appearance: * White skin * White pupil-less eyes and black whites * Normally 5ft5 * Dresses like a berrys and cream lad * Black long hair tied in a low pony tail
Notes: * He has lived in the hotel his whole life * Is actually a great great great great uncle to Luke and Rice * Everyone calls him a twink * Plays pranks on the other monsters * He is a kleptomaniac
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