#the power of kitsune maid
yume-fanfare · 8 months
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i should make charms .
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manawari · 1 year
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Flames. . . Mischief. . . Shapeshifting.
A popular folklore dating back in Ancient Japan. A creature who had various kinds and each kind possessed a different element. And the longer it lived, the more powerful its abilities became.
The Choi Industries reigned as one of the biggest companies in Korea. The second branch to the original brand in Japan where the empire had begun. People across the globe admired the company for its unwavering strength and the family behind the glory.
"Wow, Mr. Choi! You really invested in Ahjin Corp!" An employee said.
Jong-in huffed and nudged his glasses on his temple. "It's a growing company that has a potential. Why not give a little help? Besides, it gives us some additional brownie points for the company's image."
The employee laughed. "Aha! As expected of my boss! Anyways, about that meeting with Lee Minsung?"
"You mean that famous lunatic?" Jong-in retorted. "Cancel his request. Tell him I have many appointments to attend."
"But sir. . . He is very stubborn and said he won't stop until he gets your attention!"
My. . . I do appreciate people doing some hard work to gain my attention. But not this person who looks like a horse's foot. Jong-in thought. He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked ahead. "I'll deal with it."
His response left the intern to become puzzled. Jong-in headed to his office and shut the door with the back of his foot, loosening his tie a little while taking off his glasses. He slumped into his chair and pushed his weight further until he was staring at the ceiling.
He raised his hand to his peripheral. The golden rings in each finger glistened in the touch of light. They were a gift from his great, great-grandfather, the first fire kitsune in the family, to wield his powers properly when he had begun his training as the company's CEO. And now, as the only son of the lineage, Jong-in must prioritize and do everything he thought was best for the empire.
Obviously, he had never failed.
He was the pride of the fire kitsune lineage. It was enough for the other kitsunes to respect his existence instead of poking mockery at him ever since he was young.
He stirred over his shoulder and saw the glimmering city below him, sparkling like the stars in the sky. A grin suddenly twitched his mouth. Perhaps he could have some fun as a remedy for his mind. . .
The car stopped on a shady spot in the block. Jong-in stepped out of the driver's seat and walked around the vehicle to lean against the other side of his car, taking out his box of cigarettes, and snapped his fingers to ignite a small flame to touch the end of it. Smoke quickly wafted in the air and Jong-in held it with two fingers to retract it from his lips to exhale the smoke through his slightly parted mouth.
A few miles away from him was the house he came in the street for. He wondered what was that bastard doing. . . Well, there was only one way to find out!
Jong-in tossed his cigar in the air, which disintegrated into ashes, and pushed himself off his vehicle and as he took another step, flames engulfed around his body and finally. . . He had shifted.
A fox dashed across the rooftops like a flash of light that was racing under the dark sky. Even with the estimated distance, the creature arrived in his desired destination in a minute. The fox leaped onto the edge of the roof and stretched his legs, along with his nine bushy tails that fanned in the air. He peered his head on the window.
Ah. He had found himself in the window that led to the laundry room. Lee Minsung was talking something to his maid while a handful of suits were hung on the racks. He had that annoying grin on his face that made Jong-in wanna burn his mouth so he would have no sparkly teeth to show the media.
It appeared he wanted to keep his clothes fresh and like brand new. Now, what a perfect place to have some fun.
Once nobody was left in the room, the sly fox had squeezed himself into the air vent and rushed through the tunnel until he had entered the room from the connected vent. His paws landed on the floor soundlessly and shook his body to fix his fur. Jong-in stared at the clothes in the rack — so elegant, very expensive. But eh, his collection was better than those anyways.
Not wanting to miss his opportunity, the kitsune bounced across the clothes and let his magic do the rest. His kitsune ancestors would be so proud. . .
A few moments later, Jong-in returned to the roof and was licking his paw as a treat for the task he had done. And from below, he could hear the outrage poor Lee Minsung had let out.
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marblesphere · 1 year
Onmyouji AU/Kyubi Kitsune Gojo Satoru
!!Warning!! Suggestive themes, implied smut, violence, blood, angst, FLUFF!
Note: The shikigami mentioned here are real literal gods that were summoned from God's realm. I think that's all.
“WAIT A MINUTE!!!!!! FUMIKO!!!! YOU STILL HAVEN’T FINISHED YOUR MORNING TRAINING!!!!” As usual, the morning started with this sentence.
“It’s a peaceful morning as usual.” Hifumi-san, our head maid smiled.
“That’s right.” I nodded as I continued eating my breakfast without batting an eye.
“Hifumi-san!” The shoji door slid open. “Where is my bento?”
“Good morning, Fumi-nee.”
“Good morning, Fuu-chan,” Nee-san replied.
“You are not going to eat breakfast?”
“If I eat breakfast now, I will be late for sure.” She cried.
“Here you are.” Hifumi-san handed a nice and neatly wrapped lunch box.
“Then, I am going first.” She sped off. Then, Father follows suit while yelling at her.
“Thanks for the food.” I clapped my hands and put down the chopsticks. “I am off to school.” I picked up my schoolbag and the lunch box that had been put aside.
“Please take care, Fuuka-sama.”
“Yes.” ~”~
Hisaki Fumiko 18 years old, my big sister and I, Hisaki Fuuka 18 years old, are twin children of an onmyouji clan. We are from a famous clan which is to be said to be descendants of Abe no Seimei. As you can see, we are fraternal twins, meaning we look different in terms of appearance and personality.
“Why would I have to do the useless training every single morning? It’s not like I will ever use it.” Fumi-nee moaned.
“Because we are Onmyouji?” I blinked.
“Hmph! All Father preached in the morning was praising Fuuka anyway. ‘Learn like Fuuka’; ‘Think like Fuuka’; ‘Act like Fuuka’” She mimicked his voice. “It’s nice to be you, Fuu-chan. No matter what you do, Father never gets angry. Let’s just have you to be the Head.”
“But I don’t want to be the Head.” I giggled. “I’d rather spend my time lazing around.” I smiled.
“I am surprised that Father hasn’t found out that side of you. I wonder what kind of face he would make if he found out his favourite daughter is actually a lazy bum.” Fumi-nee sweatdropped.
“Fumi-nee, you shouldn’t degrade yourself too much. No matter who says it, I know that Fumi-nee is suitable to be the Head. Your spiritual power is also no joke. Father train you harder so you can control it.” I explained.
“Well… It’s true that my spiritual power was said to be second to none. But… as expected, training is hard.” She moaned.
“There there.” I patted her head. “Oh, by the way.” I rummaged in my skirt pocket to take out a gift. “Here.” I put it on her palm, a small rectangular box wrapped in her favourite pink colour. “Happy birthday.”
“Thank you, Fuu-chan.” She beamed. “Can I open it?”
“Sure.” I nodded. Fumi-nee quickly tears open the wrapper and takes out the gift. “This is…”
“A matching bracelet.” I showed her the identical bracelet on my arm. We have the same initials, so the difference lies in the charms. Mine is decorated by foxes, such as; a tori gate, fox mask, little fox and nine-tailed fox with ice blue gem stones in its eyes. Fumi-nee’s charms are boat, omamori, coin money and Kagura Bell; which are the bells in the Kagura are decorated with red gem stones.
“Pretty…” She breathed.
“I know right? I am glad I found these.” I grinned.
“Oh, here, from me.” Fumi-nee also gave me a small neatly wrapped rectangular box. I open the gift and see a necklace, with my initials. “Matching necklace.” She grinned. The same initials with different gemstones.
“We are really twins.” I laughed.
“That’s right.” Fumi-nee nodded happily. ~”~
Coming back from school, we are requested to purify ourselves and then wear kimono. Today is the day when we are going to summon our own shikigamis. In this world, there are a lot of things that can’t be seen by humans. They are the evil spirits and souls of the dead. We, as onmyouji have the task to help them to enter the nirvana to enter the process of reincarnation and vanquish evil spirits which at the same time cleanse their sin, allowing them to enter nirvana.
Every child in each clan will have to summon their own shikigamis at the age of 18. This ceremony is also dubbed as Heir Awakening. The eldest born of each clan will inherit the next Head position in this ceremony. Unless, the second or younger siblings that were born not too far apart, maybe in 3 years age gap, summoned stronger shikigami, then the position of the heir will be given to them.
Now, in this vast hall of Hisaki Mansion, numerous onmyoujis and heirs from other clans are also here, and in the furthest corner, there are some people wearing all black. Those are onmyoujis that don’t have their shikigamis. They only fight with their own strength. There are a lot of theories about them, but the most popular one is that they killed their own shikigamis to absorb their power.
The elders of onmyouji clans don’t like anomalies, that’s why they dubbed those outcasts as sorcerers, not onmyoujis. And calling them to the heir awakening ceremony is just a way to check on them. After all they are dubbed as barbarians that didn’t know manners. It’s just the elders' way to show off.
Fumiko-nee and I begin the ritual and summon our own shikigamis. Suddenly, I heard gasps of surprise and murmurs from the guests as they finally got a clear view of our shikigamis.
“Hoo… someone managed to summon me, this Ebisu… not bad.” The leader of Shichifukujin looked at Fumiko-nee.
“Not only you, she also managed to summon us.” Bishamonten rolled his eyes.
“She is cute. So, I don’t mind her being my master.” Fukurokuju giggled.
“Shichifukujin (The 7 Gods of Fortune)…. As expected from the younger twin, she actually summoned Shichifukujin.” A guest gaped.
“That’s not quite correct. We are summoned by her.” Benzaiten, the bespectacled ikemen smiled, looking at Fumi-nee.
“What?!” Again, this triggers another speculation among them.
When summoning shikigamis, there are two factors that determine the position of the children of the clans. First, the rank of the shikigami. Shikigami is ranked based on how much faith they generated, meaning how worshipped or popular they are in the human realm. The more faith they gained, the more powerful they were.
And the second is, how many shikigamis you summoned. This factor is debatable because if someone owns a lot of weak shikigamis, their standing is still lower than one strong shikigami. But their standing is of course better than the owner of one weak shikigami.
As for Shichifukujin, they are undoubtedly in the top rank of shikigamis. There are some onmyoujis in the past that also have summoned Shichifukujin, but maybe only one or two of them, never the complete set like Fumi-nee. This shows that she is the strongest in this era.
I pick up a small white with glacial blue tips furred fox which is still sleeping soundly without a care about the onlookers here. The small fox snuggles up into my arms and finds a comfortable position to continue sleeping. ‘Cute.’ My eyes softened. But to others, fox shikigami is not rare, and the one I summoned is only a one-tailed fox. The most common type of fox, Yako (field fox). The foxes are said just beginning to amass spiritual power.
Though Father doesn’t show it on his face explicitly, he does feel some disappointment. I can see it from his subtle body language, while the reactions of the guests vary, I can see a lot of them are mocking and laughing at me. Especially children from clans that were always compared to me by their parents.
With this, Fumi-nee is officially the heir. A conclusion that I like very much. Now I can just laze around every day. Eat when I want to eat, play when I want to play and sleep when I want to sleep. The best lifestyle I can ever hope for.
The guests then start swarming the heir and my family, congratulating them. I use this chance to sneak away to follow the sorcerers out.  
“Excuse me!” I called to the sorcerers. The three of them, two males and one female, look young, just hitting their twenties. “Excuse me!” I called them again but they paid no heed to me. My hand rushes to grab the nearest one, the sleeve of the white-headed male with a blindfold.
They finally look at me, rather surprised. “We are sorry, we didn’t know you were calling us, Hisaki-san.” The black-haired guy with a weird bang smiled politely.
“Sorry for grabbing you suddenly.” I released my hold on the white head and bowed in apology, making sure the small fox was still resting comfortably in my arms.
“So, is there anything you need from us?” The white head asked with a mocking tone.
“Satoru.” His friend gave him a stern look.
“It’s fine. I was the rude one. But I just want to ask if it’s okay to leave this little one with me.” I looked at the whitehead.
“Why are you asking that?” He frowned.
“Why, you ask?” I blinked, tilting my head. “But this little one is the piece of your soul, isn’t it?” I said.
“…” They looked at me with serious expression.
“My eyes are very perceptive in discerning things that normal humans can’t see. And I won’t ask why you do this, this is your privacy and I don’t intend to pry it. It’s just I am worried about what will happen if you are too far apart from your soul.” I said.
“What if I say I will die if I am too far with it?” The white head asked.
“Oh… then, I will have no choice but to give it back to you…” I said, a pang of disappointment filled my chest. ‘And to think I have taken a liking to it. What a shame.’
“You won’t get angry?” His tone was taken aback.
“Why would I?”
“What he meant is, don’t you want to compete with your eldest sister to be the heir?” The bang guy said.
“No. I don’t want to be an heir. It’s too troublesome. I just want to spend my days lazing with this little fox. Play when bored, eat when I want, sleep when I want. The best lifestyle.” I nodded to myself.
“Pfttt…” The black-haired girl is trying to hold her laughter.
“You like this one?” The white head picked up the little fox by its scurf and it still not waking up.
“Yes.” I nodded. His lips then curl into a smirk.
“Then, I will leave it to you.” He put it back into my arms. “Don’t worry about me. Nothing will happen to me just because a small piece of my soul is missing.” He smirked.
“Really? Thank you very much, Tenko-san (Tenko = Celestial Fox).” I smiled.
“You know we are Tenko. Impressive.” The bang guy smiled.
“You are black Tenko…” I pointed to the bang guy, “And he is white Tenko.” I pointed to the other guy, “And this sister is Sukuna-biko (The goddess of healing).”
“Hoo… I can’t believe you can even guess what I am.” The big sister smiled.
“Well, Hisaki-chan…”
“Just Fuuka is fine.”
“Okay, Fuuka-chan, I guess I need a favour from you-“
“I know. I won’t tell the others that you are all Gods.” I knew what he was going to say. “Including my sister.” I finished.
“Well then, we best get going.” The bang guy laughed and started walking again.
“From now on, your name will be Tenko. Nice to meet you, Tenko.” I looked at the sleeping fox.
“Kyuu!” Tenko answered in his sleep.
“Hehe.” ~”~
“Fumi-nee. Are you alright?” I looked at my sister who was laying down on the floor like dead.
“No…more…” She moaned.
“Oi! You!” The shoji slid open, revealing Ebisu-dono. “The training hasn’t finished yet.”
“I don’t want to!” Fumi-nee cried out as her hands firmly planted on the door while being dragged by Ebisu-dono.
“You need to control your spiritual power.” Ebisu-dono gnashed his teeth. “I have never seen an idiot that blows up the whole building just to exorcise a small weak yokai.”
“It’s not my fault!”
“It’s your fault!” They argued.
“Are you hungry? Want to eat inarizushi?” I looked at the small fox in my lap.
“I want to!” Fumi-nee replied.
“You need your training.” Ebisu-dono glared. “If you can’t master it today, no dinner for you.”
“No way…”
“Good luck, Fumi-nee.” I encouraged my sister who is being dragged away.
“…Demon…” Fumi-nee cried a river.
“Shall we go?”
The two of us go to the kitchen to see if there are some inarizushi. “Sorry, Fuuka-sama. There is no more inarizushi. Fukurojuku-sama just ate the whole thing.” Hifumi-san apologized.
“Kyuuuu….” Tenko’s folded its ears.
“Don’t worry. Let’s go buy some.”
“Kyu! Kyu! Kyu!” Tenko jumped into the top of my head and danced excitedly.
“Please be careful on your way, Fuuka-sama.”
“Yes. I will see you later.” I went back to my room to take a small purse. Now, the two of us are walking in the busy street, with Tenko resting on the top of my head.
“Four inarizushi please.”
“Right away.”
“It’s 670 yen.”
“Here you are.” I handed the store owner the bill.
“Thank you very much. Please come again.”
“Let’s go to the park,” I whispered.
So, now sitting on the bench park, Tenko is demolishing the inarizushi. Sometimes I wonder where all of the food went.
“Is it delicious?”
“Kyu!” It nodded.
“You are a messy eater.” I giggled as I picked the rice from the corner of its mouth.
“Kyu, kyu!” It was saying thank you and then continued to eat.
“Aren’t you the brat from Hisaki family?”
“Ah, Tenko-san.” I greeted in acknowledgement at the white-haired Celestial Fox.
“Kyu?” Tenko looked at me as I called out to the white-haired Celestial Fox.
“Ah, sorry, Tenko. I was not calling you.” I stroked its fur.
“…You named it Tenko?” The male asked in a deadpan tone.
“That’s right.” I nodded.
“Then, just call me Satoru.” Tenko-san, no, Satoru then plopped next to Tenko while eyeing it.
“Kyu!” Tenko quickly hid its food.
“I won’t take it from you.” Satoru rolled his eyes as I giggled.
“Tenko, sharing is caring.” I reprimanded softly.
“Kyuuu…” Tenko looked at me with pitiful eyes and then slowly and reluctantly broke a small piece of inarizushi to give it to its counterpart.
“I’d rather eat hers than yours.” Satoru snorted.
“Ah, you want mine?” I blinked owlishly. “Here.” I broke half of mine for him. Granted, it’s much larger than Tenko’s.
“I prefer sweets though.” He muttered under his breath.
“Oh… Sorry, I didn’t buy some.”
“…I don’t mean to rebuke you.” He shot back. “Ah, forget it.” Satoru stood up. I thought he was going to walk away until he stopped in front of me, bent down a little, took my hand which still holding Inarizushi and ate it. “…It’s more delicious than usual.” He mumbled.
“Want more?” I held out the other half. His eyes turned into slits for a split second.
“You can’t do that Satoru.” It’s the voice of the black Tenko. “You should treat her to a meal. Not the other way around.”
“Shut up, Suguru.” Satoru barked.
“Good evening, Ten-“
“Just call him Suguru.”
“Oh, okay. Good evening, Suguru.”
“Good evening Fuuka-chan. Are you also enjoying a walk?” He smiled kindly.
“No, I bought some inarizushi for Tenko to eat,” I answered.
“Tenko?” Suguru tilted his head.
“It’s the fox’s name,” Satoru explained to him.
“You named the fox Tenko?” Suguru asked again.
“…It’s a very…unique name.” Suguru struggled to get the word out of his mouth.
“Want some?” I offered him the inarizushi leftover.
“It’s mine.” Satoru chomped my hand, eating it all.
“Kyu!” Tenko suddenly flew to Satoru’s face, “Kyu! Kyu! Kyu!” and attacked him.
“You damn fox!”
“Why are you scolding yourself?” Suguru sweatdropped. “Let’s snap some pic for Shoko.” He then pulled out his phone.
“Tenko.” I called sternly.
“Kyuu…” Tenko backed down and planted itself on my lap. Its head is trying to nuzzle my palm.
“Kyuuu…” Its eyes are watery now.
“My hand is greasy and dirty,” I told it. “Wait until I cleaned it first.”
“Kyu!” Tenko rummaged my purse for tissue which I always kept some just in case. “Kyu!” Then it presents the tissue for me.
“Thank you.” I smiled.
“It’s smarter and more gentlemanly than you.” Suguru looked at Satoru.
“It’s still me. It’s already in my blood to be a gentleman.” Satoru smirked.
“You just want to get the last word, don’t you?” Suguru sighed.
“Shall we eat more?”
“Okay, Taiyaiki it is then.”
“What? You are going to eat sweets? Then I am going too.” Satoru said.
“Satoru, it’s not a gentlemanly munching off from a girl.”
“I am going to treat her.” Satoru rolled his eyes. “Come here.” He demanded.
I blink once, twice and then stand in front of him. “Not close enough.” Satoru pulled me to him. “Hold tight.” He wrapped one of his hands around me. “We are going to fly.” With that warning, I tighten my hold on him.
We stop in the air. “Whoaa…” It’s my first time experiencing this. “Can you go higher?”
“I can, but it will be colder.”
“Oh, that’s too bad.” My smile dropped. Satoru then lands us on an inconspicuous spot near the said Taiyaki stall.
“Old man, I want five Taiyakis.”
“Oh, Satoru-kun. You are eating Taiyaki again today?” The stall owner asked with a laugh.
“I brought a guest today.” I peeked out from his back.
“Your girlfriend?” The stall owner teased.
“She is cute, isn’t she?” Satoru smirked. “Since I show you my cute girlfriend, you better give me some freebies.”
“Okay okay. I will throw in two free Taiyakis for you.” The stall owner laughed out loud. “Ojou-chan, what flavours do you want?”
I look at Satoru and see him nod. Then I pick some of my favourite flavours. The stall owner really did throw freebies for us.
“It’s delicious.” I can feel the harmonious flavour of the skin and the fillings.
“I know right? That was one of my favourite stalls.”
“You have many more?” I asked with sparkling eyes.
“Of course. I have a lot across Japan.” He said smugly.
“Then, when I go to a new place, I will ask you for a recommendation.” I beamed. “Oh…” My smile faded again.
“What’s wrong?”
“No, I just think how should I communicate to you? Can I use Tenko?”
“Kyu!” Tenko shook its head, opposing my suggestion.
“Why do you need this,” He picked up Tenko by its scurf again, “when you can use a phone?”
“Grrrr!!!!” Tenko growled at Satoru.
“But I don’t have your number.”
“Give it to me.” Satoru extended his palm to me.
“Here.” A while later, he gave it back with his contact in my phone, which listed as ‘The most Amazing Awesome Satoru.’
“Thank you, Satoru.” I flashed him a smile. “Ah, it’s already late. Tenko, we are going home.”
“Kyu.” Tenko perched on the top of my head again.
“I will take you home.” Satoru wrapped his hands around me again and in an instant, we were back at the front door of Hisaki Mansion.
“Teleportation…” I looked at him in awe.
“Well then, bye.” Satoru took his share of Taiyakis and disappeared. ~”~
You know a drama will happen in every big gathering of clans like this. The sad thing is, I am in the centre of the said drama.
“Oh my, look who’s coming here?” Female A snorted. “I thought it was the big shot of Sichifukujin master. It turns out, the spare part.”
“You forgot to add useless in front of spare part.” Female B giggled.
“Grrrr!” Tenko snarled.
“At least I am still a spare part, unlike you, non-recyclable trash. A completely worthless trash.” I smiled.
“You!” Female A’s face twisted into a rage.
“By the way, who you are again?” I frowned, trying to remember. “I have no idea which worthless trash you are. Please excuse me.” I saw Shoko waving to me and my eyes brightened.
“A perfect comeback.” Suguru praised me as soon as I was in earshot.
“Thank you. But I truly don’t know who are they. I just know they must come from some family that were always compared to me.”
“There’s no need for you to remember trash’s names.” Satoru sneered.
“Will do.” I beamed. For the duration of the gathering, I just spent my time hanging around with them. Watching Tenko and Satoru quarrel with each other.
“Fuu-chan.” Fumi-nee came over with her shikigamis.
“Oh, Fumi-nee.”
“Are you alright? Did she say something bad to you? I am sorry I couldn’t help you just now.” She apologized.
“It’s fine, Fumi-nee. I knew you were surrounded to even move an inch.” I smiled.
“I am just glad that you are okay…” She trailed off as she looked at my friends. Fumi-nee quickly pulls me to the side. “They didn’t do anything to you, did they?” She whispered.
“They aren’t. They are keeping me company. They are much better than those non-recyclable trash.” I answered.
“I see…” She smiled in relief. “…What are you doing, Ebisu?” Fumi-nee frowned at her shikigami. For some reason, Ebisu-dono is glaring at Satoru. No, not only Satoru, Ebisu-dono is glaring at the three of them.
“Ebisu-dono, is there any problem with my friends?” I stepped in between them.
“…No, it’s nothing.” He finally backed off. ~”~
“Fuuka…” Father sighed.
“Yes, Father?” I sat in seiza opposite of him. Father called me right after the gathering ended. I was vaguely aware of what he was going to talk about.
“Are you befriending with those sorcerers?”
“Yes. At least they have better manners than those non-recyclable trash.” I answered without missing a beat.
“…Haah…” Father exhaled a sigh. “I had high expectations of you. Even though your spiritual energy was not big, its quality is excellent. I did have an expectation that you could summon a better shikigami than a Yako…”
“Father, I have told you again and again. I have no interest in the heir position. That is Fumi-nee’s. No matter what, the fact she summoned all of Shichifukujin is worth praise. Tell me, which one of the previous generation is capable of this feat?”
“There was none. Fumi-nee is the first. She is the true heir of Hisaki family. No matter what you or other people say, it’s her destiny as the eldest child of Hisaki. Fumi-nee will properly lead Hisaki clan. She will become the strongest in her generation, maybe even in history.”
“Your eyes… Don’t tell me…”
“I can see nothing. That was the only dream I have been showed to.” I said. If I say something else, Father will keep pushing me as an heir. “I will keep supporting Fumi-nee as the second child of Hisaki clan.”
“…If you say so…” Father relented.
“You shouldn’t tell her to act and learn like me. Fumi-nee should be like Fumi-nee. That’s the best for her and Hisaki clan.”
“…Understood.” ~”~
Yes, this is the way it should be. Fumi-nee will take the spotlight like she is supposed to and I will support her from behind. But…
“Fuu-chan… I am sorry… I can’t bear it anymore…” Fumi-nee looked at me with tears streaming down her face.
“Fumi-nee…” I frowned.
“If…If you really consider me as your precious twin sister, please go away… leave Hisaki clan…” She sobbed. “I can’t bear to be kept compared to you…” She gripped my shoulders. “Even Ebisu said you were better than me. If you are here, I can’t be the only heir, I can’t be the only one, I want people to look at me, I want Ebisu to look at me, not you…” She cried. “That’s why… please… please disappear…”
“…I understand…” I nodded. “I will pack my suitcase now. The things I left should be thrown away and burnt.” I said.
“Will you really…” Fumi-nee looked at me wide-eyed.
“Yes. You are my sister after all. I will throw away Hisaki’s name too, if that would make you better. You can also cross me out from our family tree. Just tell father that I suddenly decided that myself.”
“Thank you… Thank you, Fuu-chan. I am sorry, I am sorry for being like this… I am sorry, Fuu-chan…” She cried.
“It’s fine, Fumi-nee.” I patted her head. “Help me pack my suitcase? Just take it as the last favour from your little sister.”
“Of course.” Fumi-nee nodded. ~”~
“So… where should I sleep tonight?” I looked at the night sky from a park, the park where we used to play together. Father is out for a business trip, so, I can easily sneak out with Fumi-nee’s help. From today onward, I am no longer Hisaki Fuuka. I am just a plain Fuuka.
“What’s wrong?” I looked at Tenko. “Are you sad we can no longer laze around?”
“…kyuu..” It shook its head.
“Thank you for worrying about me.” I smiled. “Don’t worry. Fumi-nee said she would keep sending me pocket money for my livelihood. We still can laze around as long as we find an apartment.”
“…Kyuu…kyu…” Tenko suddenly pushed itself into my handbag and pulled out my phone. It even scrolled down the contact name until it stopped into The Most Amazing Awesome Satoru and then gave it to me. “Kyu!”
“You want me to call him?” I titled my head.
“Kyu! Kyu kyu!”
“Hmm… I don’t think Satoru would like to be involved in this kind of troublesome matter.” I put on an expressionless face.
“Kyu!” Tenko hit the call button, ignoring my musing.
“Moshi Moshi, Fuu-chan, are you going to have another round of sweet tours? If so, I will go to your house right now.” The other side of the person answered like this. It’s already a routine to us that I will call him if I want to have sweets, he will be the transportation and I will foot the bill.
“Sorry, Satoru. Tenko suddenly called you. I will hang up now.” I said as I ended the call.
“Kyu!” Tenko stomped its front foot out of frustration.
“Tenko, it’s not nice to involve other people in our trouble.” I sighed.
“And it’s even more rude to hang up on the call suddenly.” A new grumpy, pouting voice chimed.
“Ah?” I found Satoru is already in front of me.
“So, what’s with this suitcase? Running away from home? See, I told you those clans are annoying, it’s better to stay far away from them.” He gave a ‘I told you so’ face.
“Kyu!” Tenko flew to Satoru’s face. It’s going to share its memories with him. This can be done only by touching its paw or if Satoru wants, he actually can use Tenko’s body or see through Tenko’s eyes and see its memories. But Tenko needs to touch Satoru to share its senses and memories. As for why he flies to his face. It’s just how Tenko likes it.
“…This damn fox!” Satoru pulled away Tenko with a growl. “You can just share it normally.” These two are glaring at each other now.
“Kyu! Kyu kyu kyu!” Tenko flailed its limbs.
“…So, where are you going to stay from now on?” Satoru looked at me.
“I am going to stay in the hotel for the night and will search for an apartment starting tomorrow. Fortunately, it’s summer holiday now. I have the time to do it.”
“You just accepted the fact you were kicked out from your own clan because of your sister’s damn insecurity?” He hissed.
“I know I’d hate it too if I am being compared to. So, I understand her feeling.”
“But that doesn’t mean she has to kick you out!” He countered.
“It’s fine.” I shook my head. “I choose this myself. If I stayed there, Father would say something silly about me being an heir. I don’t want that position, so if I was kicked out and no longer from Hisaki clan, Father can’t do it anymore.” I smiled.
“…Let’s go.”
“Go to where?”
“My house. You are going to stay there from now on.”
“Won’t it be troubling you?”
“You won’t. Besides, this damn fox will keep calling for me if I don’t do this.” Satoru lifted Tenko by its scurf again.
“Kyu!” Tenko gave him its toothy smile.
“Then, I will have to trouble you.” Satoru then teleported us back right into his house. He, Suguru and Shoko are all neighbours, plus there are also some other Gods I have seen in this residential complex.
Satoru dropped us right in the middle of his living room, where Suguru, Shoko, and another two Gods with blonde and black hair watching TV, and munching snacks.
“Fuu-chan?” Suguru and Shoko blinked.
“Kon’nichiwa. Pardon for the intrusion.” I smiled sheepishly at my unannounced arrival.
“Satoru, explain this. Why did you kidnap Fuu-chan? I know she is cute and all, but-“
“Get your mind out of the gutter.” We could hear Satoru hollers from upstairs. He has taken my suitcase away.
“Please don’t blame Satoru. He was only helping me.” I quickly explained before the misunderstanding spiralled out of control.
“Aren’t I kind? I offer her a shelter. See how gentlemanly I am.” Satoru smirked as he praised himself.
“Tsk.” The blonde God who I learnt to be Nanami Kento-san clicked his tongue.
“You are really kind, Gojo-san.” The black-haired one, Haibara Yu nodded his head eagerly.
“Yu, don’t praise this blockhead or his ego will get bigger.” Shoko frowned.
“So, what are you going to do from now on?” Suguru asked me.
“Hmm… First, I will need to finish high school, then college and then get a job. Since Fumi-nee will keep sending support money, I won’t lack anything.” I said.
“So, if she suddenly changed her mind and cut off the support? What then?” Satoru knitted his forehead.
“Hmm… I don’t think she will do that. But I have actually opened another personal bank account without my family knowing, I always save some money over there. so, even if she suddenly cut off the support, it wouldn’t trouble me that much. I can use my savings.” I said.
“Well, I don’t think money will be a problem. You can exorcise some cursed spirits to make money.” Suguru smiled.
“That’s right. I can also do that.” I nodded.
“Your room will be on the second floor, beside mine,” Satoru said.
“The unused guest room finally makes its debut.” Shoko laughed.
“Thank you, Satoru, I will have trouble you for a while.” I thanked him.
“You are going to move out?”
“After I found an apartment. This place is like a safe haven for you, Gods. I don’t want to intrude too long.” I said.
*Flick* Satoru gives me a flick on my forehead. “Just stay however long you want to. No one would dare to say anything.”
“That’s right.” Suguru chuckled. “Besides, you are his master. So, it’s fine to take advantage of your shikigami.”
“Eh?” Haibara-san blinked.
“Oh? You didn’t notice? This small fox here is a part of Satoru, you know?” Suguru smiled amusingly.
“Yes, no, I mean, I feel like they are connected somehow, but I have never thought…” Haibara-san stammered.
“There you have it. Hisaki Fuuka-chan here is the master of this Dumber.” Shoko said unceremoniously.
“I am not a Hisaki anymore. I told Fumi-nee to cross me out from the family tree if that would make her feel better.” I interjected. “So, I am now only Fuuka.”
“You didn’t need to go that far.” Nanamin frowned.
“It’s fine. That was what I decided.” I shook my head, thankful for his thoughtful thought.
“Then, from now on, you are Gojo Fuuka. Since you are my master, using my name is not a big deal.”
“Oh? You are finally admitting Fuu-chan as your master?” Suguru teased.
“Shut up.” Satoru rolled his eyes. ~”~
I spent my summer break at Satoru’s house and we got closer as time went by. He is now more comfortable with physical touch. He likes to have his hair played while laying down on my lap, to which he has to fight with Tenko first, to see which one will have my lap today. But that activity is reserved when no one comes over. If there’s someone who comes over, he will just sit beside me, his designated seat is basically beside mine.
“Satoru, I made some shaved ice. What flavour of syrup do you want?” I asked the taller male who was lounging on the sofa, spreading his legs.
“Blue Hawaii.”
“Okay.” I pour the blue syrup over the shaved ice. Since Satoru allowed me to stay here for free. I think about what should I do to at least repay him. So, here I am, trying to cook or bake some sweets for him. It’s all still in the learning process though, but I managed to make the easiest one.
“Here.” I handed him his shaved ice. Satoru then makes a room for me to sit. The two of us just sit in silence, eating shaved ice while watching whatever is on the TV. I also feed Tenko from time to time.
“Can I sleep on your lap too?”
“…what?” He blinked rapidly.
“I was just wondering. It’s fine if you don’t want to.”
“No. That’s not what I mean.” He said quickly. “I thought I heard it wrong.” He mumbled. “Come here.” He patted his thigh.
“Okay.” I laid down my head on his lap. “It’s pretty hard.”
“Because I am well defined.” He grinned. His hand automatically goes to my hair, playing with it. I let out a content hum as my eyes started to close.
‘This is nice…’
 The next time I woke up, I was on a bed that smelled like wisteria flower, tucked with blanket. Tenko is sleeping beside me. “Satoru…” I mumbled as I made my way to the living room, with the wisteria-smelling blanket on me and Tenko in my arms. I heard loud voices from there, so he must be there.
“Fuu-chan, you are awake? Come here, we are having pizza.” Shoko called out to me. The living room is crowded with Satoru and his other friends as usual. I blink sleepily, walk past her and sit down on Satoru’s lap instead of the space she offered. I didn’t even notice they quieted down and stared at us wide-eyed.
“Why are you here if you are still sleepy?” Satoru grumbled but adjusted so I could sit more comfortably.
“Which one do you want?”
“The most delicious one…” I mumbled.
“…Here…” A pizza was brought to my mouth. “Why are you taking my blanket with you?”
“It smells good like you.” I nom’ed slowly at the offered pizza.
“…Eat slowly.”
“…mm…” I nodded.
“Damn fox. There’s none for you.” Satoru pushed Tenko away with his other hand.
“…So, you two did the deed?” Suguru was the first one to speak.
“Get your damn mind from dirty gutter. We did nothing.” Satoru growled at his best friend. After eating a slice of pizza, my mind is more sober.
“What is everyone watching?” I blinked.
“Some rom-com movie about onmyouji.” Suguru smiled.
“Oh… Is that fun?”
“It’s hella funny.” Suguru laughed. Thus I spent the rest of the day watching rom-com movies with them. ~”~
I thought I wouldn’t be meeting with my family anytime soon. But it’s sooner than expected. The onmyouji clans are hosting another big event again, It’s a competition match between heirs. In short, a show-off gathering. Well, it’s actually not only heirs but every child of the clans. But they are considered as exhibition matches. The main attraction is the match between heirs. So, why am I here? It’s because as usual, sorcerers are invited.
My entrance along with Sorcerers cause unsavory gossip to spread. Not that I mind much, as long as they don’t court death by talking it in front of me. Fumi-nee sends me a look and then approaches us, I know what she wants to ask.
“She is with me. Got a problem?” Satoru stepped out between us.
“But she is…”
“She came here not as Hisaki Fuuka nor a stray onmyouji. She has registered as one of us, Sorcerer. Her name now is Gojo Fuuka.”
“Oh…” This declaration caused another spark of gossip. Saying that I must sleep with Satoru to get a position. Well, it’s not wrong. I do sleep with him sometimes, like when we were napping together. Either he is on my lap or the other way around.
Since I am not in any clan anymore, I won’t be able to participate in the competition. So, I am just going to watch with other sorcerers.
“I request a match between Hisaki Fumiko and Gojo Fuuka.” Someone suddenly said. The instant, the whole gathering is in uproar. They all want to see the match between me and Fumi-nee.
“Tsk.” Satoru clicked his tongue.
“I also request a match between me and Fuu-c, Gojo Fuuka,” Fumi-nee said.
“That damn girl.” Satoru is hissing, Tenko is also growling while other sorcerers are frowning.
“I understand.” I sighed as I got up.
“You can’t be serious.” Satoru looked at me in disbelief.
“It’s fine.” I smiled. “In exchange, I also have a request,” I said. The onmyouji clans are frowning this time. “Don’t worry, I won’t ask for getting back Hisaki name,” I said. “Instead, after this match, please don’t bother me again and don’t talk or gossip about me or these people. That is my request.”
“I swear on my name as Hisaki Fumiko and as the heir of Hisaki clan.”
“Thank you,” I said. I stepped down to the arena and Fumi-nee did the same.
“Seeing as you only own one shikigami, I shall fight with only one shikigami too,” Fumi-nee said.
“Thank you for your generosity,” I said calmly.
Fumi-nee chooses Bishamonten instead of Ebisu, the strongest. Well, let’s just finish this quickly and they won’t bother me ever again. It’s ironic, seeing we are still wearing the matching accessories that we bought for each other on our 18th birthday.
Bishamonten, the god of war, fighting with Tenko, a yako. This is just a joke for all of them to see. Though I don’t plan on hurting Tenko. Even though I don’t have the same quantity of spiritual power as Fumi-nee, the quality of my spiritual power is much higher. If spiritual were to be ranked, it would look like this.
Hisaki Fumiko
Quantity: EX
Quality: A
Gojo Fuuka
Quantity: C
Quality: EX
With my quality being the highest, I have an easier time refining my spiritual power to the finest detail. And that’s what I am going to do throughout this battle. Fumi-nee might have more in quantity and I don’t know how much better her control has improved, but I still can put up quite a fight.
“You stay here.” I smiled at the fox in my arms. I begin to construct a barrier around me, Bishamonten has noticed it and flew straight to me. in exchange, instead of a barrier, I turn the spiritual power into a spear, meeting him head-on. The impact causes a loud explosion and flying dust and smoke.
“Not bad.” Bishamonten landed on his feet safely, but I have no plan for dilly-dallying. I have already begun to weave another spell. I throw out some talisman papers to act as a distraction. They are going to fire small energy balls to them, giving me some time to finish my spell.
Countless spears begin to form behind me. Each of them contains the five elements, fire, earth, gold, water, and wood. “Too slow.” Bishamonten with his large bastard sword, shot through the cloud of smoke and dust, aiming straight at me.
But countless chains spring through the ground, wounding themselves onto him. “What!”
I weaved two spells at the same time, for the elemental spears and binding. Now he enters the designated territory, the binding spell is activated.
“Bishamonten!” Fumi-nee prepared herself to fire a large energy ball. I command one of my elemental spears to hinder her. Fumi-nee concentration is weak. She won’t be able to dodge and attack at the same time. My aim is not to fight them face-on. This is all distraction. As long as I can get Fumi-nee out of the ring, it will be my win. This is the rule after all. So, the gold spear will aim for the ground.
“Eh? Kyaa!” Fumi-nee screamed as she lost balance.
“Master!” Bishamonten is also distracted by his master’s scream and I slammed the rest of the elemental spears on him. He won’t die, will he? He is still one of the Sichifukujin after all.
“It’s my win, isn’t it?” I looked at now ring out Fumi-nee.
“No…way…” She looked at me wide-eyed.
“Are you alright?” I extended my hand to Fumi-nee.
“…You…hypocrite!” She slapped my hand away.
“I don’t need your pity. You said you aren’t going to take anything away from me. But you embarrassed me here, in the end, you took everything away!” She hissed. “You are a liar!” Fumi-nee pulled herself up.
The pain in my heart is more painful than the physical pain I just received.
“Fuu-chan!!!” I was snapped awake from my daze by a scream. But it was too late, a large shikigami hand, which I recognized as my father’s swung its fist at me, knocking me all the way to the other side.
“*cough**cough*” All air was knocked out from my lungs with that one impact. My body is in pain.
“I have no child like you.” Father spat out and then walked away.
“Fuu-chan!” My friends rushed to me. But Satoru is especially angry, he looks ready to kill. His glacial blue eyes are shining eerily.
“Sa…toru…” I struggled to call out his name.
“Don’t talk first. Let me heal you.” Shoko scolded.
“…No…Satoru… You can’t…” I tried to speak again. If he rampages here and now, he will expose himself and the others as Gods. Those elders of the clans will then want to covet him and the others.
I don’t know if my worry was heard or if he decided they weren’t worth killing in exchange for exposing his secret, Satoru walks to me. “Can you heal her?” He asked Shoko.
“Yeah, I will definitely patch her up. Let’s go back first.” Shoko said.
“Let’s go.” Satoru slipped his arm under my knees and back, lifting me up with ease. “Sleep. You will be fine after you wake up.” My body followed his command and I fell asleep just like that. ~”~
After the whole fiasco, I often find myself in a daze. Father… no he is not my father anymore. The voices of the current head of the Hisaki clan and the heir are ringing in my ears.
“You hypocrite!”
“I have no child like you!”
“Kyuu…” Tenko nuzzled its soaking-wet fur to my cheek, trying to give me some warmth.
“Ah… It’s raining…” I mumbled. I don’t even notice the sky is pouring down.
“Fuu…” I heard a familiar set of footsteps and voices. I turn around and see the same soaking-wet Satoru. “Come here…” He held out his hands. My feet automatically walk to him.
“*sob*” A choked sob escaped my lips as soon as my head was buried in his chest, and my hands fisted his black uniform.
“I am here. It’s okay, I won’t be leaving you…” He repeated the same words over and over again like a mantra. I don’t remember how we got back, except that I cried a lot. Shoko who has been worried sick of my sudden disappearance, is now scolding me which was joined by Nanamin and Suguru.
Then I was ushered to have a warm bath by the said doctor. Have my hair dried by Suguru and being coddled just by everyone. I know it’s their own form of comforting me. Something I have never thought I need. And Satoru grows more overprotective of me. I lost a family, but at the same time, I gained another family. The world truly works in a weird way, but I was strangely at peace. ‘I hope this peace will last forever.’
After that incident, the Sorcerers refused to attend any gathering of onmyouji clans again. They cut any contact coming from them, so they wouldn’t upset me.
“Satoru.” I peered up at him from my position, which was lying atop his body, with feet tangled to each other, Tenko was sleeping peacefully on the side.
“Hm?” Satoru hummed, his hand not ceasing to stroke my hair.
“I have met you once before, right? A long time ago.”
Satoru halted his movement and peered down at me. “Really?”
“Yeah, you kicked me back to the human world.” I nodded.
“I did not kick you back.” He denied. “I sent you back peacefully.”
“You did.” I huffed. “You literally kicked me out after taking me to the boundaries.”
“…I…” Satoru was rendered speechless.
“You did, right?”
“…Yeah… I did…” he sighed in defeat.
“So… was that promise still valid?”
“Fuu… That’s…”
“Was that promise of going to take me as a bride still valid?” I stared at his mesmerizing eyes.
“Do you still want to be my bride?” Satoru whispered.
“I won’t be asking if I don’t want to,” I answered.
“You becoming my bride meaning you will cease to be human. You will be neither human nor a god. But you will be a being that is closer to God.”
“Like a spirit?”
“It can be said like that, but you are in a higher level of normal spirit.” He sighed. “And that’s not all. Becoming my bride also means you will share your life together with me, you will basically be immortal like me. You will live as long as I live.”
“…If…if living forever means spending my time by your side forever, it doesn’t seem that bad,” I said. “Even though you said immortal, I will still die if I receive a fatal wound, won’t I?”
“Yeah, it’s the same case with every other god. The only difference is that gods can be reborn as long as they have faith. But you, Fuu, might perish completely, even your soul. It’s important to place a spell on you so that you can be reborn again as a human.”
“Will you be reborn too?” I asked softly.
“Unlike other Tenkos who were born from normal foxes and trained to be Tenko. I was born as Tenko. Something that is unprecedented. I am an abnormal existence even in the realm of Gods. So, I am not even sure what will happen after my death.”
“Then even more so you should spend your life happily,” I said. “And I am happy when I am with you. In the end, Satoru, you and I are pretty similar.” I smiled. “We didn’t know what would happen after our death. So, I’d rather spend time with someone who makes me happy.”
“…You really…” Satoru sighed. “A fox is very possessive of his person, especially if that person is his spouse. The moment you bound yourself to me, you won’t be able to escape anywhere. No matter where you run, I will still find you and plant you by my side. It sounds romantic in theory, but it’s not. It’s like having a yandere following you everywhere.”
“But I like having a yandere Satoru.” My lips curled into a smile.
“…” Satoru blinked once, twice and then a blush spread on his cheeks.
“So, will you take me as your bride now? Or should I take you as my bride? I don’t mind either way.”
“You won’t regret it?”
“I won’t. Even if I say I will, it’s not like you will be letting me go.” My mouth twitched. His tails which somehow came out without me noticing have tangled themselves into me, preventing me from getting up from this position, much less running away.
“Well then…” Satoru flipped his body, so I was now lying on my back. His nine tails, some are pinning my hands above my head, some are wrapping themselves to my legs, some are sensually sliding up and down on my thighs, some are even rubbing themselves into my private parts, eliciting a mewl out of me.
Satoru’s nose flared as he heard that sound and his pupils turn to slits. A feral growl is coming out from his throat. “Satoru…”
“I told you, I won’t let you go even if you regret it now.” He let out a possessive growl.
That low voice of his makes me shiver and I unconsciously try to rub my thighs which was actually rubbing to his soft fluffy tail instead and it creates even more pleasurable friction. “Not that.” I shook my head. “…What about Tenko?” My head cocked to the side where Tenko is still snoring away.
“…Let’s kick this damn fox out.” Satoru smiled. Tenko sensing the impending danger opens its eyes and huffs and then butts its head to Satoru’s hand.
“…” Satoru looks at the small fox blankly. “You want to come back?” He blinked.
“What does it say?” I sat up, still being tangled by the tails though.
“It weighs the pros and cons of being a separate part of my soul. And now decided it’s better to merge back with me.”
“Oh… Tenko is going to vanish then…” Disappointment is evident in my deflated tone.
“Well… It won’t be necessarily like that.” Satoru said.
“What do you mean?” I blinked.
“Wait a moment.” Satoru grabbed Tenko and opened his mouth to eat it.
“What are you doing?!” It was the first time that I raised my voice in surprise.
“…Taking back my soul?” Satoru tilted his head.
“…Can you use other ways aside from eating?” I sweatdropped.
“Then…” Tenko then turns into a ball of light and is absorbed back into Satoru’s body. Satoru then plucks some fur from his tail and turns the said fur into…
“Tenko!!” I gasped in surprise seeing Tenko again.
“I absorbed my soul back. Now this is sort of my clone without my soul. But it has the memories of it being Tenko.” Satoru explained.
“Thank you, Satoru.” I picked up Tenko and rubbed its cheek into mine.
“Well, now that it’s all settled.” Satoru plucked Tenko from my arm by its scurf and threw it out of the room, ignoring its cry of protest. “Now, I am going to spend a lovely time with my beloved bride. There shouldn’t be any interruption from vulgar fox.” Satoru smirked. Again, I was trapped by the tails in the same position again, except this time, the owner of the said tails was unbuttoning my shirt.
“You know, Fuu, there was some kind of stupid myth that said how long a fox mated to its mate according to how many its tails were. I think I should have made that stupid myth become reality now.”
“I don’t think there was a myth like that,” I mumbled, averting my eyes, and feeling my cheeks warm up at his statement.
“That’s why I said it was a stupid myth.” Satoru’s tail came up to caress the newly exposed skin and flesh, while his hands were already on the next stage, pulling down my shorts.
“Well then, my bride, shall we enjoy our honeymoon?” Satoru nipped my inner thigh. “I will make sure to drown you in my love within these nine days.” He chuckled. “Until you can’t live without me.” ~”~
“Ah, they are finally coming out from their love nest,” Suguru commented as he saw his best friend finally emerge from his veiled bedroom after nine whole days. He wonders if Fuu-chan is alright. His best friend’s way of showing love is rather extreme. Satoru is the holder of the title unequalled. Not like he, himself is any different. It’s just he hasn’t found who is worthy of his love yet.
“…What happened to Fuu-chan?” Shoko looked at Satoru accusingly.
“She is fast asleep. Won’t be waking up soon.” Satoru plopped on the sofa, spreading his legs.
“She… was not broken, right?” Nanamin was actually worried about that girl whom he considered a little sister.
“I won’t break my wife, Nanamin.” Satoru rolled his eyes, but he understood the concern. “The moment I have taken her as my bride, she ceased to be human. She won’t break because of simple matter.”
“…Having sexual intercourse for 9 days straight is no simple matter. Not even Gods can handle it.” Nanamin commented dryly.
“E…eeeeehhhh?!” Haibara Yu, the most innocent one, blushed at the blatant statement of his friend.
“Fuu is not just normal God or human, she is my wife.” Satoru giggled.
“This makes me feel irritated, but that actually sounds really convincing.” Nanamin sighed. He didn’t know what kind of luck or bad luck Fuuka acquired for her to be bound by the most abnormal existence in God's realm. Speaking of abnormal existence, there is also another one here, his other friend, Geto Suguru.
“Speaking of Fuu-chan…. She was the little kid that got lost in God's realm back then, no?” Suguru smirked.
“…Ah…” Realization dawned on Shoko first. “No wonder she looks familiar. She was that little girl that would only go back to the human realm after making Satoru promise to take her as a bride.”
“Ah? The legendary kid that I heard the gossip of?” Yu blinked.
“More accurately, she was saying, ‘Promise me you will take me as your bride when I have my 18th birthday, or if you don’t come, I will come and take you as my bride.’ That’s what she said.” Suguru refreshed their memories.
“…Haaaa…” Nanamin exhaled a long sigh.
“By making that promise, Fuu can already be called my bride. But since the ceremony was not completed, it can be broken by either her or me.”
“Eh? But usually, humans wouldn’t be able to break a promise to God, even though it was incomplete.”
“Fuu’s spiritual power quality is what makes it possible. Rather, it was also because of her highest quality of spiritual power that enabled her to cross over to God's realm.” Satoru explained.
“So, what is the ceremony that needs to be completed for Fuu-chan to become the official bride?” Innocent Haibara Yu asks this question with pure curiosity.
“…There was an official Fox Wedding ceremony, but it’s more just for a show. The real ceremony was having the bride ingest the body fluid of the groom. It ranges from simply letting the bride eat something that the groom has touched to kissing to what Gojo-san did to Fuu.” Nanamin explained.
“…What Gojo-san did to Fuu-chan…?” Haibara titled his head and 10 seconds later, he understood the meaning. “O…oh…” he is now a blushing mess again.
“What are you going to do now?” Suguru turned to his best friend.
“Cleaning up some trash who hurt my bride of course.” Satoru snorted.
“Won’t Fuu-chan feel sad?” Shoko frowned. It’s not like she was against this idea, but they need to consider Fuu-chan’s feelings.
“Even if we can’t touch Hisaki clan, we still can touch other clans, can’t we?” Satoru smiled darkly. “Let’s start with those who badmouth Fuu.” ~”~
“…nngh…” I felt a feather light touch on my face. “…Satoru…?” I cracked my eyes open to see Satoru smiling upon my awakening.
“Did you sleep well?”
“…Really well…” I yawned and stretched my body as I sat up. Satoru doesn’t miss his chance to let his eyes roam upon my body. A body that he made love to …how many days ago?
“How long I was asleep?”
“Not long, just 3 days,” Satoru answered nonchalantly.
“…It’s not normal for humans to sleep for 3 days straight.”
“You are not human anymore.”
“…Oh…” I forgot about this bit.
“Are you regretting it now?” Satoru cupped my cheek.
“No.” I nuzzled into his palm. “I simply forgot about it. It will take some time to get used to the fact that I am not human. But I will be alright, because, you will be with me, won’t you?” I smiled.
“Yeah, I am your husband now. Of course I am going to be with you for every step you take, my bride.” He chuckled as he pressed a kiss to my nose.
“I haven’t bathed for 3 days, I stink.” I scrunched my nose.
“No worries, I clean you up daily.” He giggled. “I even changed the sheet already.”
“…And you don’t even think of putting some sleepwear on me?” I raised my brow.
“You look very gorgeous like this. Why should I cover up this beautiful bride of mine, hm? Your body is a work of art. The most exquisite and bewitching art I laid my eyes on. It’s a blasphemy to even think covering up such a marvellous art.”
“I still have to cover up when going out, Satoru.” I giggled. “This sublime piece of art is only available for your eyes only.”
“That makes absolute sense.” He pulled me closer so I could straddle his lap. His hold on my hip just screams a certain type of possessiveness that makes you crave more.
“Your body is also for my eyes only. Do not let other people see even an inch of your skin.” I don’t know why I can even spout possessive words like this. But, isn’t it normal for me to feel possessive of my own husband?
A mirth (read. dark glee) is reflected in his eyes. “It’s nothing to be worried of, my bride.” Satoru soft chuckle brought me back. “It’s normal for every creature to feel possessive of what is theirs.”
“I think so too.” I nodded. Well, it’s a totally normal feeling to have.
“Let’s dress you up first, shall we? I have a gift waiting for you.”
“Shower together?” I batted my eyelashes at him.
“If that’s your wish.” He gave me a forehead kiss.
“It’s a command.”
“As you will.” Satoru chuckled as he carried me up to the bathroom. The two of us take our time to soak ourselves thoroughly in the bathtub. I wonder if next time Satoru will allow me to wash his tails or we can soak together with his tails out, but it will be pretty crowded.
“What are you thinking of, my bride?” Satoru turned my head to look at him.
“Just thinking if you would let me wash your tails sometimes, or we can soak together with your tails and ears out. But I think it will be a little too crowded for the second option.” I answered truthfully. I see no point lying to him about this.
“I will change this to a bigger size and then you can have your wish granted.” Satoru grinned.
“I will hold onto your promise.”
“Of course.”
After the leisure bath, Satoru finally takes me to where he said my gift is. He brings me to a place near the residential complex. Inside that place, I see familiar people being tied up and their mouths are being stuffed with pieces of clothes.
“Hhhhmmm!! Hhhhmmmmm!!!” They screamed, but I didn’t understand what they were screaming about.
“This is your gift.” Satoru chuckled.
“My gift?” I looked at Satoru and then to them again. The two people that were tied up are the current head of Hisaki clan and the heir of the said clan. “…Where are their shikigamis?” I blinked.
“Ah? They? They are all dead.” Satoru cackled.
“Oh…” I only answered with one syllable. “So, why did you bring them here?” I asked again.
“It’s your gift, my bride. It’s up to you what to do with them. If you want me to let them go, it’s also not a problem.”
“Let them go…”
“Hhhhmmm!!!!! Hm! Hhhhmmmm!!!!!” Their screams became louder.
“Hmm… I don’t know…” I frowned.
“Oh?” Satoru cocked his eyebrow.
“I was so sad some time ago. But now, I don’t feel anything to them. Not even hatred. It’s like all the negative emotions I had to them vanished.” I knitted my brows. “Hmmm… Satoru, was this because I ceased to be a human?”
“Yeah, a little bit.” He nodded.
“Oh…” I made an ‘o’ shape mouth. “Well, I don’t really care about what will happen to them now. I have no interest in Hisaki clan anyway. just make sure they stay far away from us. I don’t want them to disturb our lives.”
“Do you mind if I kill them?”
“Hhhhmmm!!!!! Hhhhhhmmmm! Hhhhmmmm!!!!! Hhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!” Their screams became more frantic. Their eyes are also bulging out as if they will pop out from their sockets.
“I don’t mind. Do what you like. Ah, but don’t get any blood on you or the clothes okay? It stinks.” I said. “I still want to wear your clothes, it’s comfy.”
“Will do, love.” He chuckled at my command. “Want to stay and watch.”
“Okay.” I nodded.
“Then, I will show you how dazzling and charming I am when I kill for you.”
“More charming than when making the mess out of me on the bed?” I giggled.
“I guess it’s a little less charming than that.”
“If you were to say you were more charming when you killed for me, then I won’t allow you to ever kill again.” My lips curl into a smile.
“Because then they will see how charming and dazzling, won’t they?” I raised my brow in amusement. “You are only allowed to show your charming and dazzling side to me.” My smile turned dark. “Even if they are going to die, they aren’t allowed to see you all charming and dazzling.”
Satoru makes an ‘o’ shape mouth as he looks at me with eyes wide, sparkling with joy, happiness and all positive emotions ever exist. “Come here, my bride.” Satoru pulled me into a smothering hug, something I like because I can feel safe within his arms (read. confinement)
“Aren’t you a little darling? Do you know how aroused I am right now, hm? I just want to take you right here and now.” He whispered in my ears.
“I prefer being on the bed. It’s comfier and I like it when your tails have their ways with me.” I whispered back. Satoru’s eyes dilate and turn to slits. A low primal growl that I had heard in those 9 days is here again.
“Let me take care of them real quick and we can have our fun, yeah.”
“Okay, be quick.”
Omake 1
“Satoru, let me sleep on your tails.”
“No, sleep on my thighs.”
“Your thighs are hard. I want to sleep on your soft fluffy beautiful tails.”
“Still no. Here, sit on my lap then, my chest is a perfect makeshift pillow.”
“It’s still hard.” I pouted. “I guess I will sleep on Tenko’s tail then. Even though it’s small.” I sighed dejectedly.
“No, you aren’t allowed to sleep on that thing’s tail.”
“But you won’t let me sleep on yours.”
“…Fine, you win. Come here.” Satoru sighed.
“Thank you, Satoru.” I gave him a kiss on his cheek as his tails bloomed out. “It’s soft and fluffy.” I took a deep breath and relaxed my body on it. Not long after I am out like a light.
“…How come she likes my tails more than me…” Satoru grumbled, but the tails behind him were slowly stroking his bride’s hair, making sure she was feeling the most comfortable while sleeping.
Omake 2
“Satoru, let me brush your tails.” I came to him with a brush ready in my hands, my eyes were sparkling.
“…Okay, come here.” Satoru couldn’t refuse my request and knew I would pester him every day. So, the sooner I got what I wanted, the better.
“Hehehe…” I giggled excitedly. Satoru has his back to me while his tails are blooming beautifully. I sit on the floor and start brushing the tails’ coats one by one. I don’t know how or when but, I was just thinking to brush the base of the tails so I moved closer and closer and somehow, I am now sitting on some of the fluffy tails, still trying to brush them. But some tails are very uncooperative. They keep touching me in very intimate places.
Some are under my, no Satoru’s oversized button-up shirt which I have taken as my sleepwear or comfy wear in the house. It’s still okay if they are just under the shirts, but they are caressing the skin under my breasts, sometimes maybe accidentally brushing my nipples. Some are tickling my butt and my thighs, some are even more troublesome, they are trying to get inside my shorts.
“Love, are you trying to seduce me with that voice of yours?” Satoru asked without even looking at me.
“You did that on purpo...oh…se” I let out a small whimper when I felt one of the tails manage to get inside my shorts and panties.
“What are you talking about? Don’t you know, fox’s tails are individual beings?” I could hear his teasing tone.
The brush clatters on the floor after I dropped it. “Wait, don’t take off my-!!!” I let out another gasp as the tip of the tail rubbed my bare privates, causing a small wet patch on its coat. My shorts and panties were thrown to the side.
“Oh, aren’t you lovely, looking messy like this?” Satoru finally looked at me with a wicked grin on his face.
“…meanie…” I gave up struggling and let his tails have their way with me.
“So adorable and messy like this. My bride is so cute.” He cooed and finally had his tails transferred me into his awaiting arms after making a mess out of me. My whole body is flushing and warm.
“I just brushed your coats,” I grumbled.
“Nah, they look better drenched in your essence, my bride.” His eyes gleamed. “And so am I.” And it’s another passionate night of a Celestial Fox drowns his bride in his love.
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starless-aria · 5 months
The Aria-Verse
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Dom!Aria (Domria), a 5'7" maid of indeterminate species and limitless energy. Goofy, hyperactive, and fucks like a freight train. Has undefined "meido magics" which mostly translate to giving her the power to do anything and everything if the situation calls for it. 16 inches (variable), knotted, and very, very hard-
Tag: Shooting Star || Aria (also doubles as an OOC tag)
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Sub!Aria (Subria), a 4'10" human(?) cosplayer and vtuber, who also runs an OnlyFans/Fansly for extra cash to fund her hobbies. Moderate-High score on the shortstack scale. Extremely casual about sex, and highly likely to tease and provoke her partners for rougher/more intense treatment. Very weak to intimacy.
Tag: Starfall || Sub!Aria
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Gyaru!Aria (Hoshi), a 5'5" kitsune (single tail) and "professional gyaru", meaning people essentially pay her to go on dates and/or have sex with them, among other things. Fun fact: she's also a huge nerd, and can usually be heard quoting video games and tv shows, chief among them being MGR. Inexplicably a skilled swordswoman, in spite of having never practiced with a blade before.
Tag: Starry Night || Gyaru!Aria
Icons TBD
Milf!Aria (Mamaria), TBD
Tag: Celestial Spheres || Mamaria
Icons TBD
Goth!Aria (Gothria), TBD
Tag: Void of Night || Goth!Aria
Icons TBD
Demon!Aria (Demonria), TBD
Tag: Abyssal Walker || Demon!Aria
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
A Mermaid Princess and A Pirate King
Mermaid In the Moonlight
Motonari had followed Ava around Azuchi for two weeks now. So far, it seemed that bracelet was doing its job, but Motonari didn’t trust anything he didn’t see to with his own two eyes. He had to keep an eye on the Princess and keep her close. That was the only way to be sure of her keeping her mouth shut. Even if it did take him into such uncomfortable territory.
Why the hell all these people like her so damn much? He thought as he grumpily watched her interacting with the soldiers who came in for her care from injuries they received from training. It was clear as day that the men thought she was something. Motonari thought it clever of her to work her way into their good graces so well.
Of course, through his observations…it wasn’t just the soldiers…it was Nobunaga and all of his warlords. It appeared they would all gladly fight tooth and nail for their precious princess. And even the people of Azuchi seemed to love her. It seemed everyone knew her as a great healer… which led Motonari having to follow her into some rather uncomfortable territory. Like when he had to follow her into that house with that sick little girl.
“Don’t know how he can let that bleedin’ heart lead her into those damn places.” He muttered as he sat in the hot bath, scrubbing his skin. “I can feel that damn sickness…feel it on me…” He kept scrubbing. He hated how being in places like that made him feel…he hated even more that he had to clean himself up in someone else’s bath. The maids had wanted to prepare it for him, but he had refused and cleaned the tub out before putting the hot water in it himself. It just delayed how long it took for him to get the sickness off of himself.
Though he was irritated by the entire thing, he made sure to school his features by the time he was finished. Getting the bath and fresh clean clothes helped to settle him some…though he was soon having to sit through another banquet with the Oda forces. That damn Hideyoshi tried to be so friendly… Why’s he gotta be so damn buddy buddy? What’s he want?
Motonari sat by Ava once again, watching her interact with all the warlords. They treated her like some damn precious thing. They all practically fell all over themselves to dote on her…even that damn kitsune…even if he was more subtle about it and there was lots of teasing back and forth between the pair.
As he continued to watch Ava and the Oda, Motonari couldn’t help but to get more aggravated. Why’s she always gotta look at them with that damn smile? Why’s she always look at them so damn happily? He thought, working to keep the frown from his face. Keeping his friendly Shojumaru act up. Though it irritated him more that he was even irritated in the first place. Why did her smile for the Oda and her contempt for him bug him so?
Motonari was rather happy when Ava announced she was ready to turn in for the night, claiming she’d had a long day. Naturally, Motonari got up and followed her…Shojumaru being the ever vigilant guard and gentleman escorting his lady to her room.
“You really that worried that you have to follow me to my room? You know I CAN’T tell anyone anything or do you not believe in the power you hold because of this damn shackle you put on me?” She told him, her frustration with him clear in her voice.
Motonari was glad. She’d spent all damn day making him frustrated and uncomfortable. That wasn’t how this was supposed to go. He was the one in charge. He made people uncomfortable so they would keep their distance.
“I don’t trust nothin’ fish girl. Nothin’ but my own plans.” He told her, deciding to throw her a bone. Also maybe…just maybe she’d get the hint. He had to follow her around because he didn’t trust her.
“Nothing and no one.” She replied. She was more observant than he gave her credit for. “That must get lonely.”
Motonari was caught off guard for a moment by this observation. Tch…someone like her would think it was lonely. “It ain’t lonely.” Trusting people is what got you hurt. “Besides you’re too trustin’ and look what it got you.”
They had reached her room by this time and she had crossed the threshold. For someone in her situation, Ava was glaring at him with such defiance in her eyes. “That I may be in this predicament now, doesn’t mean I regret my choices. No matter the cost to me, I will never regret helping those in need…now good night.” She then slammed her door closed in his face.
Motonari’s eyes widened only a moment before he was chuckling to himself. She could still hold so much venom and fire in her. Clearly she wasn’t as sweet as she had the Oda believing. He was glad she was feeling as frustrated with him as he was with her.
He stayed outside her door for a while, knowing she was sitting on just the other side. He wanted to be sure she was asleep before he could even think of trying to get any kind of rest himself. He was surprised when he heard her moving about again. He knew she was sneaking out of her room.
Discreetly, Motonari followed her. She exited her room and was making her way through the garden. It seemed like she was getting ready to leave the castle, but where the hell would she be going? There was only one thing Motonari could think of and it was that she was getting ready to betray him.
“Where ya think yer goin’?” He asked, deciding to make sure she was aware of him.
Ava seemed to suppress a groan as she turned to face him. “You wanna find out? Just keep following me. Not like I can stop you if I wanted to anyways.”
“But I could stop you.” He reminded her, his eyes going to her wrist.
She glared at him. “It’s no secret meeting to spill all your secrets.” She said, clearly done with him. “Just need to go get out all of this frustration.”
Motonari quirked a brow at her. He had to admit he was curious. Clearly he had gotten under her skin. He wondered just what she planned to do about it. “Alright. Lead the way.” He told her, after a moment.
Motonari was surprised when they ended up on the bank of the nearby lake. She seemed to look out at the water for a moment, letting out a sigh as her posture seemed to relax as if just being near the water calmed her in some way. He was taken by surprise when he saw her hands going to her obi sash and beginning to undo it.
“The hell ya doin’?” He asked, his eyes wide in surprise. Why was she getting undressed?! Wasn’t like he’d never seen a naked woman before…but still.
“What do you think?” She replied.
Motonari grinned. Whatever she was doing, he would throw her off. He wouldn’t let her unbalance him. “Heh, well if ya wanted ta work yer frustrations off, why didn’t ya tell me this was what ya had in mind? We coulda taken care o’ this back in yer room, fish girl.”
“Oh, if that’s what I had in mind, I don’t think you could handle it, ya damn pirate.” She replied as she removed her sash. “You’re the one who keeps calling me fish girl. You’re aware of my people, then you must know what I’m really up to.” She continued to remove her layers.
He had to give her credit. She kept up with him quip for quip. “Late night skinny dippin’ beforehand then?” Motonari asked, leaning in.
She rolled her eyes, practically scoffing at the idea, as she finished stripping down. She now stood before him, completely naked and unflinching. “Think whatever you want, but you ain’t getting this.” She told him before jumping into the water, completely submerging herself.
Motonari’s eyes watched her form illuminated by the moonlight just beneath the water’s surface. He watched as her legs melded together, iridescent scales of blue green that when the light hit just right, appeared almost rainbow. By the time she resurfaced, her legs were gone and her tail was fully formed, fins and all.
“Sometimes a girl just has to stretch her fins.” She declared, looking at him, her tail flicking around her in the water.
Motonari had seen the merfold before…yet there was still something about seeing her like this for the first time. Seeing her transform. Against his will one word flitted through his mind as he looked at her floating in the water, the moonlight shining on her, illuminating her and making her scales sparkle. Beautiful.
“Catfish got your tongue?” Ava asked, grinning at him, seemingly pleased with herself that she had momentarily stunned the pirate.
“Tch…you wish.” Motonari replied, having recovered himself.
“Whatever you have to tell yourself.” Ava replied before turning and diving back under the water, swimming about.
Motonari kept his red eyes on the water, watching for any sight of her. He told himself it was all just to make sure she didn’t escape. She resurfaced a while later, floating on her back, her long hair laying over her chest, her tail stretched out, the light of the moon perfectly illuminating her. She seemed to be looking up at the night sky, taking it all in.
“You’re staring.” 
“Just keepin’ an eye on my investment.” Motonari replied.
“You wouldn’t be the first sailor to fall prey to the charms of the merfolk.” Ava told him, an almost smile on her face.
“I’ve heard the tales.” Motonari replied. “All must be a bunch of bilge water. Ya ain’t no great beauty ta charm me.”
“Then maybe you should tell your eyes to stop looking at me like that.” 
“Tch, think what ya like m’lady.” Motonari replied, turning his face away from her to look up at the moon instead. Though his eyes couldn’t help but to be drawn her way every once in a while. “Just thinkin’...this ain’t the first time ya snuck out to do this.”
Ava turned her head slightly to meet Motonari’s gaze. “Your point?” She asked.
“The Oda…they don’t know…’bout what ya really are do they?”
Ava seemed to be thinking a moment before letting out a sigh. “No…no one knows…”
“‘Cept me.” Motonari said with a smirk, for some reason pleased that he knew something about Ava the Oda didn’t.
“Yes, except you.” Ava replied, rolling her eyes. “It’s not like I told you…you just know from being out at sea so long. You know what to look for.”
“Yeah, I know the signs.” Motonari agreed. “But still, think it’s funny yer precious buddies don’t know somethin’ this big about ya…figured they knew with the way ya run ‘round the place healin’ everyone.”
“No…they think I’m just really good with medicine.” Ava replied, her eyes looking down now.
Motonari noticed that she seemed…sad about that. He wasn’t even sure why it seemed so important to note…but it stuck with him. “So, how’s a fish girl end up posin’ as an Oda Princess anyways?” He found himself asking.
Ava was moving, almost as if she were sitting up now in the water, as she looked at him. “It wasn’t…it wasn’t intentional.” She said. “Not like you posing as a friendly merchant is.”
“Yer tellin’ me that you ain’t putin’ on some kind o’ act? That bein’ with the Oda don’t serve some kinda purpose of yer own?” Motonari asked.
Ava glared at him. “It’s not like that.”
Motonari lifted a brow at her in question. “Pretendin’ ta be some human girl…it gets ya somethin’. Protection from yer arranged marriage, I’d be willin’ to bet.”
“It wasn’t an arranged marriage, more of a forced one and I refuse to be a pawn in anyone else’s power games!” Ava shouted. “That includes you and yours…and how dare you pretend to know me…don’t act like you know anything about me or my life you filthy bastard!”
As Ava raged, Motonari took note of the water around her. It seemed to be moving with her anger…and her eyes…they seemed to glow. Clearly there was more to Ava than he had initially thought. She was even more than any of the other fish folk he’d met in his past.
“You need to calm down, girlie.” He warned her, his voice clearly a command.
Ava groaned as she glared daggers at him. She was clearly having to fight with herself and with the power of the bracelet around her wrist. She then let out a shriek of frustration before diving back under the water and a large wave forming in the wake of her power.
Motonari was up and running, not able to entirely get out of the way of the wave as it came crashing onto the lakeshore. He ended up half soaked. “Damn fish girl!” He yelled out at the water just as Ava resurfaced.
“That’s what you get.” Ava replied, glaring at him.
Motonari glared right back, but didn’t say a word. He was clearly frustrated and pissed off…and soaking wet.
“Not that I care…but there’s a hand towel in my kimono if you want it.” Ava told him after a moment, her rage seeming to be calming.
“I don’t want yer shit.”
“Fine, stay soaking wet and catch a cold. See if I care.” Ava replied.
Motonari just smirked. “Whatever…damn fish girl. I ain’t gonna catch a cold from this. Been soaked worse from the sea herself.”
“Whatever…asshole.” Ava replied, settling herself in the water, as Motonari sat back down on the lakeshore.
They both glared at each other in silence. “Ya got a temper.” Motonari finally spoke up after a small eternity.
“Like you have any room to talk there.” Ava reminded him.
Motonari smirked at her. He had to get control of the situation once again…control of himself. “Ya get yer frustrations out then?” He asked.
“Maybe.” Ava answered. “Splashing you was a bit satisfying.”
Motonari smirked at her. “That was nothin’. I done stepped in puddles worse than that.”
“Want me to get you again?” Ava asked.
“If ya think ya can, go fer it.” Motonari challenged, as he reached his hands up and began wringing the water from his hair and clothes. He didn’t like being wet, but it was just water.
“You’ve ruined the mood.” Ava said, as she swam back towards the lakeshore. She got back on land and Motonari watched as he scales and fins began to slowly disappear, her legs returning. She wrung her own hair out before grabbing the hand towel from her kimono and began drying off.
Her skin seemed to glow under the moonlight. Motonari knew he shouldn’t look…but his red eyes were drawn to her. That word flitting through his mind once again.
“You gonna gawk at me all night?” Ava asked as she stood, drying her body off further.
“I ain’t gawkin’.” Motonari protested, though his cheeks seemed to be getting warm. 
“Sure.” Ava replied with a smirk. 
Motonari glared at her. She was using his own tactics against him. “Ya are naked…and ain’t too bad on the eyes. I’ve seen worse.” He replied. He couldn’t let her know she was getting to him in any way. “If yer still frustrated, I’d consider lettin’ ya work those frustrations off.”
“It’ll be a cold day in hell before that happens.” Ava replied as she picked up her kimono and began to dress once again.
“Whatever, fish girl.” Motonari replied.
Once Ava was dressed, the pair began to head back to the castle. They spent their walk back in silence. Once they returned to the castle and he was alone, Motonari contemplated everything that had just happened. He had to admit, he liked Ava’s fire. The way she talked to him…it was a bit refreshing. It was also actually kinda fun…when it wasn’t frustrating as hell.
In another time and place, there might have been a way for Ava to be on his side. Though she was his enemy and a begrudging tool in his games. And for whatever reason…none of that seemed to settle right with Motonari. It agitated him beyond his own belief. 
“She’s just a damn tool.” He told himself as he stood in his guest room running his hands through his hair in agitation. “And when I’m done usin’ her…I’ll kill her with all the rest.” Though even as he said the words…they didn’t feel right. They made him feel uneasy.
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twinfoxtails · 2 years
What would Eri do if he *could* stand up to others in Gensokyo? Would he become mad with power?
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To be honest, in his current power level, especially when he starts traveling later? Eri's able to at least hold off his own against people like Rumia, Cirno, Wriggle, and the Aki sisters. Heck, depending on how aware his opponents are, he could even easily possess someone and control their body.
If he were to face against a fairy army and Sakuya's at the front, he could possess Sakuya and use her time stop and knives to wipe the army by himself. The maid can shake him off, but even five to ten seconds is enough to do plenty.
He just lacks the confidence + doesn't want to do it. Kitsunes are VERY dangerous creatures. Like Crescent says, it's REALLY lucky Eri's the way he is.
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hulijingemperor2 · 5 months
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Qin Su is now 2 months pregnant, and A-Yao had planned a baby shower.
He invited the harem, Zixuan and family, his inlaws, and the elite fox spirits as well.
The theme of the baby shower is red and gold, and floral.
And as for the empire, they're having their own party. The people have also decorated the cities with red decor.
In Jing Manor, there were music and dance performances as well as different varieties of food. Everyone who's invited must bring a gift for A-Su's unborn baby.
For the baby shower, they must bring gifts like money and unisex gifts, but for the one month, it's where they'll bring gifts based on the child's gender as well as some protection talismans.
This is the same thing they did for Rusong's baby shower.
Yao: *toasting*
I would like to raise a toast to everyone who has come to celebrate this precious gift.
The Meng family will forever be immortal and powerful together. Thank you so much for the wishes.
Let's toast!
Everyone else: *toasting as well*
Yao: well, I'm going to be a bit selfish and present my gift first. *claps twice*
Attendants: *coming out with chests filled with gems and gold nuggets, and embroidered fabric*
Yao: just a little something something.
They'll be able to commission jewelry and clothes with the use of these when they get older.
Qin Su: aww.
Xue yang: what a rich baby.
Mo xuanyu: it's Yao gege we're talking about.
Meng shi: I'll also give my new grandchild some valuable fabrics, sone money and accessories. As well as some stuffed toys for their cradle.
My grandchild is a Meng baby, hence they'll use Rusong's cradle.
It just needs polishing.
Sisi: I hired some people to do that, jiejie.
Meng shi: beautiful.
I believe that it's going to be a girl.
Hence she'll have the right to all my jewelry.
Mingjue: Rusong Dianxia's cradle is still around? Like the termites didn't get to it.
Su she: um dage. Rusong's cradle was made out of gold, jade amd pearls. Not wood.
Xue yang: uncultured.
Mingjue: what if I forgot, team dimple! Gosh. You three can't stop judging.
Mo xuanyu: dage, why would the son of an emperor have a wooden cradle? Anyways.
Wait your turn.
Qin Su: *laughing at team dimple* team d, leave dage alone.
Miammian: Su jiejie!
I got you some soft silk fabric for your little one on the way.
Qin Su: how beautiful! Thank you!
Mianmian: *hugs*
Yanli: A-Su. Here I got you some flowers.
Qin Su: awwwww.
Yanli: *gives her box* here's a few crystal pendants. For Goodluck.
Qin Su: that's really thoughtful!
Yanli: of course. My gift is better than Zixuan's.
His gift is probably money.
Zixuan: noooo! A-li.
Yanli: what's in the crate then, Zixuan? *giggles*
Zixuan: *pouts* money.
Qin Su: don't worry. Zixuan gege is good at giving gifts!
Zixuan: right! Like I must give my niece or nephew the best things! For now I'm giving them money.
They should be lucky to be born in such a loving family.
Qin su: and have such a loving uncle.
Madam Qin: baby *kisses* my dear A-Su. Here are 4000 gold taels to buy whatever you want for the baby.
Qin Su: thanks A-niang.
Qin Cangye: I know you guys have a golden cradle, but I bought you a crib.
Qin Su: it's still lovely. I really appreciate it!
Qin cangye: *kisses*
Rusong: and I'll gift my baby sibling a fan. They may use it when they get older.
Qin cangye: aww.
Yao: that's such an adorable gift.
Jingyi: I got them a Xiao flute from gusu.
Qin Su: you two are so great at gift giving. Thank you so so so much!
Both: *hugs her*
Su Daji: Huanghou, when you were pregnant with Song'er Dianxia, I gifted him an entire army of protection.
Now I'll give your baby the same, as well as 50 chariots.
Qin Su: oh waw.
You're making my baby seem like a ruler already.
Su Daji: they're a Meng. Mengs are always great.
Look at Song'er and Yi'er. They have the entire jianghu to themselves.
Rusong is the second most powerful person in the cultivation world.
Qin su: you're right.
Tamamo no mae: *caresses Qin Su's face* A-Su, I got you a few Kitsune maids for your baby, as well as some diamonds..
Qin Su: oh waw! Where did you get this size of diamond?.
Tamamo no mae: I found it on a trip.
Qin Su: that's so lovely, and so rare.
Tamamo no mae: anything for the Meng fam.
Meng Shi: I forgot.
I got you some beautiful maternity dresses.
Qin Su: awww yuemu! I love them!
Mianmian: *feeds her some sweets* have something tasty, jiejie.
Qin Su: mmmm.
Mianmian: do you know the name of this sweet?
It was invented by A-li.
Qin Su: what's the name of the dish?
Yanli: the emperor's dimples.
Qin su: *blushing* why?
Yao: *laughs* emperor's dimples?
Team dimple: we want to taste it too!
Mianmian: we catered a lot of emperor's dimples for the entire harem. Don't worry.
Yanli: the name and dessert fit, right?
Qin Su: yes! It does.
Zixuan: that's why she keeps asking how deep Yaoyao's dimples are. I thought she was going to cheat on me.
Yanli: why would I ever, Zishie.
Jiang cheng: Peacock, my sister isn't like that! How dare you.
Zixuan: shhhh. Jiang cheng.... calm your sexy face. I know that A-li won't cheat on me, but my brother's dimples are seductive. A-li would be influenced.
Sometimes I get a little seduced too.
Yao: *facepalms*
Jiang cheng: you're insane.
Zixuan: but I'm still a glamorous emperor.
Yanli: A-Su you're head over heels for the dimpled emperor.
Right, A-Su.
Mianmian: aw yes she is.
Wen qing: gosh don't tease A-Su guys.
Mianmian: but she looks cute.
Wen qing: I brought some gifts too.
Here, A-Su. It's s detachable necklace.
It can become a bracelet, a hairpin, a ring, a brooch and a pair of earrings.
Qin Su: *hugs* thanks you jiejie!
What a remarkable gift.
Wen qing: all for your baby.
Yao huangdi. Congratulations.
Yao: thank you, Huanghou.
Ah, time for the harem to give their gifts
Meng shi: this will be entertaining.
Mo xuanyu: team d goes first.
And im the baby's uncle so.
Su she: you guys got to wait your turn.
Xue yang: Jiggy and Meng Furen.
Su she: I'll give the little sovereign the entire Moling district. It was Huangdi's idea. My sect will forever protect them while they rule Moling.
Mo xuanyu: my niece or nephew will have some of my makeup collection
Qin Su: lovely!
Xue yang: and do the honours in gifting money. Cuz my hubby is an emperor. Right hubby?
Yao: lol yes A-Yang.
Those are amazing gifts.
Qin su: thanks team d.
Team d: *moves aside, while all staring at the rest of the harem with smug grin.
Xichen: I want go get the honour of teaching them music from Gusu.
Xue yang: why do you always want something, Lan lips?
Xichen: *ignores* also, I have brought a few poem books.
Yao: aww.
Qin su: that's good, Lan lips. Just don't steal Huangdi.
Xichen: haha, I'll try not to.
Mingjue: A-Yao. Meng Furen. Song'er is actually the heir to my sect.
Huaisang: really?
Team d: really??
Yao: mn. Because dage is my concubine.
Mingjue: I'm just going to gift you some emerald and jade furniture.
Them, like your other children, is free to come to Qinghe if they like.
Yao: aww, dage!
Qin su: that's really sweet.
Su she: dage is so soft today.
Mo xuanyu: surprising right?
Mingjue: isn't it obvious that I must be soft towards him. His empress wife is pregnant, and violence or harsh behavior isn't good for the baby.
Meng shi: aww. Nie gui fei. You're acting as if A-Yao is pregnant. But I do appreciate your sweetness.
I hope you stay like this.
Mingjue: but it kind of drains me, taihou.
Like I'm not accustomed to being this soft.
Meng Shi: I'll send you some tea.
It will give you energy.
Mingjue: thank you taihou.
Also I have a weakness for babies and pregnancies.
Yao: that's so adorable.
Meng shi: awwww. We all do.
Mingjue: huaisang. You should be on your best behavior in front of taihou.
Before she slaps you again.
Huaisang: dage. My face is still swollen..
Mingjue: I told you to stop scheming.
Huaisang: I can't help it.
Zixuan: Huaisang, did you do a face lift?
Huaisang: no Huangdi. Why did you ask.
Zixuan: your face looks a little swollen.
It's either you want upstage me or you were being chaotic.
Huaisang: don't worry, Huangdi. And I would never try to look hotter than you.
You're super hot.
Zixuan: awww, so sweet. Yes I am hot.
Meng Shi: feel free to tell them, Nie gui fei.
Huaisang: I got slapped by taihou.
For causing drama!
Team dimple: *cracking up*
Yao: come on, Huaisang. This isn't any time for drama.
Qin Su: at least taihou had taught you a lesson.
Su she: what do you expect, Huaisang.
Xue yang: omg. I thought it was a face lift. Or some type of blush.
Mo xuanyu: Huaisang, we spoke about this. Don't steal my blush!
Zixuan: how dare you get on Jimu's nerves! I'll cut your salary.
You'll he payed 100 silver taels a day from now on.
Yao: and I'll cut your salary as well.
Huaisang: *sniffles* husband. I know nothing!! I swear! I know nothing! *sobs* I feel like fainting! Catch me!
Wen qing, can you check my pulse.
Wen qing: *rolls her eyes*
Jiang cheng: ah stop stop stop. Stop getting yourself in trouble.
Huaisang: *hugs* anything for you, my love. I'll try.
I'll turn over a new leaf!
Zixuan: *jealous* how dare he.
Jiang cheng, are you going to gift A-Yao and Qin Su?
Jiang cheng: oh right!
Zixuan: right, who?
Jiang cheng: *coughs* right babe. Uh, emperor babe.
Zixuan: *smiles, then flutters his fan*
Jiang cheng: A-Yao. I bought some toys,
Yao: how lovely. My baby would love them.
Jiang cheng: I know we used to buy stuff for little A-Song and A-ling.
Yao: oh yes. I remember.
Those were the most adorable times.
Jiang cheng: mhm.
It should always be cherished.
Huaisang: why aren't you jealous of Yao Huangdi?
Zixuan: because he's my little dimpled brother. And we love Jiang cheng.
Meng Shi: ah, this is great. The baby is bringing the harem together.
Anyone else have gifts? Or should we bring in the lion dancers.
Sisi: yea Huanghou jiejie. I have something.
A-Su. *puts a bracelet around her wrist* this is for protection.
You're one of my jiejie's greatest gift, and well loved by our Yao'er.
Qin Su: thank you! It's an honor to be loved by A-Yao and his family.
Sisi: no prob. *kisses*
You're so lovely.
Yao: *smile* shall we have some more drinks and snacks?
*claps twice. Then the attendants came in and served more stuff.*,
Thereafter the lion dance started in the middle of the banquet hall.
Both "lions* gave a bow to A-Yao and A-Su, then began to frolic around playfully. The dancers did acrobats, as well as torment team d, Rusong and A-qing, and Huaisang.
Xue yang: I don't have any candy on me! Ask Jiggy!
Mo xuanyu: ok, you got to promise not to eat my makeup. Ok.
Those lion dancers snatched my lipstick once.
Yao: *laughing* well you better hold on to it.
Mo xuanyu: yea Yao gege!
Huaisang: no way I'm giving you my fan!
Su she: *pets the head of the costume* thank you for giving us prosperity! You're doing a great job!
Here are some bell ornaments.
A-qing: *startled* Rusong.
Rusong: A-qing. They're just two people in a costume. Aren't they cute?
A-qing: i know that! But the eyes freak me out.
Rusong: ohhh.
I'm with you dear. The lion dance brings prosperity and wealth.
As well as entertainment for our family.
A-qing: I don't really see that in yi city. Yi city is kind of dead though.
Rusong: it's fine.
Lion dancers: *gave Rusong a bow, then runs off towards Meng Shi*
A-qing: yes.
Respect my beautiful prince boyfriend.
Rusong: lol.
Jingyi: oh no! The acrobats grabbed Zewu Jun's headband.
Wen qing: They want to thief Xichen away from huangdi!
Mo xuanyu: let them take him.
Lion dancers: *kowtows before Meng Shi, then blink in a cute way.
Meng Shi: awww. *pats the head* you're quite bubbly and talented! Thank you very much for performing.
Yao: my guests, A-niang. A-Su and I would like to share our baby's names.
Meng Shi: aww. What are they?
Qin Su: for a girl, Meng Taihua. And for a boy Meng Zhu.
Meng Shi: beautiful options.
I love them.
Rusong: well I'm awaiting little Huahua or A-Zhu.
Jingyi: same!
Mo xuanyu: awwwe, those are the names for your dimpled baby Yao gege?!
Su she: absolutely perfect.
Xue yang: nah I'll call them little supermodel. Cuz you all are supermodels so.
Yanli: love the girl name. But now Taihua and my little daughter Ruhua sound like twins.
Yao: aw yes they do! The names are similar.
Zixuan: it's a coincidence.
But we did it before with Rulan and Rusong.
Mo xuanyu: you two are just iconic.
Zixuan: as always! We want our children to grow up together, as well as rule the world.
Yao: yes.
We must be iconic, right?
Zixuan: of course!
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enigmaincrimson · 2 years
A mysterious shop of wonders.
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"Welcome to Carill's traveling store of the magical and mundane, how might I help you on this fine day?" Chipperly greeted a golden haired kitsune from her station with a polite, yet infectious smile.
The Kitsune was dressed in what could be described as something like a fancy cross between a maid and a waitress uniform. By all regards, it would be difficult to not notice how much it showed off the front desk clerk's figure despite most of her body being mostly obscured by the large wooden desk and her five swishing tails.
The store itself was an odd one, having seemingly appeared overnight, its deceptively average exterior belying a massive interior that was chock full of both familiar and unfamiliar items neatly arranged on the well-stocked shelves. There was also something along the lines of a restaurant, the scents and sounds of cooking food wafting in from its general direction and what might be a hall of curiosities a distance away, yet still visible from the entrance.
Other employees wearing similar uniforms could be spotted running about, serving some customers that had already arrived some time before, their voices softly echoing against the hard floor as they bartered and discussed the various merchandise that caught their interest. Some were also stocking shelves and giving out directions as they moved from one errand to another, resulting in a quasi-busy, yet quiet atmosphere.
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yume-fanfare · 8 months
tori ts1 being a white day card and involving maid outfits then tori ts2 card being a valentine's day card and also involving maid outfits is so
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the-whatcherof-89 · 2 years
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Fun Jonathan Micheal Vincent Georgina James Sus Dy The Third Aka Fundy the fish boy from L’Manberg.
Kitsune Mesmerist(Dreamstalker)16 XP76800
Neutral (With chaotic tendencies) Medium Humanoid (Fey)
BaB+12 BMC+12 DMC+26
Racial traits: Fey subtype, Gregarious, Change shape, Superior shapeshifter, Low light vision.
Traits: Amiable briber, Dependent.
Class abilities: Dreams of pain, Consumate liar, Hypnotic stare, Mesmerist tricks (Linked reaction, Gift of will, Mesmeric mirror, Mesmeric pantomime, pectoral smoke, Shadow splinter, Somnomancer, Sleepless, Touch of the night, Bold stare, Dream walker, Mental potency, Hypnotic stare, Masterful tricks(Cursed sanction, Vision of blood), Traumatic spell.
Spellcasting CL16 DC17 Spells per day 7/7/7/5/4/2 Spells known:
6-Dream travel, Mindscape.
5-Shadow walk, Mage private sanctum, Waves of fatigue, Mass castigate.
4-Solid fog, Dream, Dominate person, Dimension door, Freedom of movement.
3-Blindness/Deafness, Nondetection, Dispel magic, Crushing despair, Displacement, See invisibility.
2-Mirror image, Burning gaze, Detect thoughts, Inflict pain, Steal breath, Touch of idiocy.
1-Hideous laughter, Sleep, Grease, Magic aura, Charm person, Mental block, Animate rope.
0-Detect magic, Read magic, Open/close, Light, Mage hand, Haunted fey aspect.
Feats: Strong personality, Craft wondrous items, Brew potions, Ready for battle, Intimidating glare, Compounded pain, Extended stare, Medium armor proficiency.
Skills: Appraise+5, Bluff +20, Craft(Alchemy)+14, Diplomacy +18, Disguise +18, Escape artist +25, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (Arcana) +14, (Dungeon)+8, (History)+8, (Local)+8, (Nobility)+8, (Religion)+8, Linguistics+5, Perception +20, Perform(keyboard instruments)+10, Profession(gambler)+10, Sense motive+10, Sleight of hand +8, Spellcraft +20, Stealth+20, Use magic device +18.
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Draconic, Orc, Undercommon, Elven, Giant, Alko, Aquan, Ignan.
Equipment: Staff of the planes, Light crossbow+2, 50+1 Bolts, Adamantine battleaxe, Adamantine breastplate+2 of invulnerability, Darkwood buckler+2 of moderate fortification, Ring of protection+2, Amulet of natural armor+2, Dream catcher, Mask of the mesmerist, Headband of alluring charimsa+4, Cloak of resistance+3, Belt of mighty constitution+2, Bracers of dexterity+2, Boots of speed, Bag of holding type I, Ioun stones: lavender and green ellipsoid, pale lavender ellipsoid, Potions: cure critcal wounds (4), Carpet of flying, Ring of feather falling, Scroll of permanency, 5gp.
Background: Fundy is a character difficult to forget since he is the only anthropomorphic fox of the land and he is the son of Wilbur (the destroyer of L’Manberg) and a fish called Sally(this seems REALLY questionable). A creative child at heart Funny has built a LOT of structures and helped to build many others. He has also covered different roles over the years and the various governments; Among these: Secretary of state, Archbishop, Daemon hunter, Spy, Officer, Butcher and even a Maid… He is very mischievous, still, his age is a mystery so he could be hundred of years old like his adoptive grandfather, Phylza. Because of this it might be that he is just too young and still need time to develop a more adult behavior. Despite this he is smart and longs for attention, something that it wasn’t given to him by some that he followed (like Tubbo), or not given enough by others (Phylza?) and tricked into doing their biddings (Schlatt, BBH). Fundy also has some powers related to dreams and seems to have no control on how deep he can go or  with what he interacts inside said dreams/nightmares. Some of these proved prophetic as he abandoned his old life and joined Quackity in Las Nevadas. After Wilbur’s return, Fundy had a confrontation with him and accusing him not being a good fatherly figure he jumped off a bridge losing his second canon life. One night a dream became even more realistic than ever. Fundy saw terrifying figures hunting him down: the Dreamons. As he woke up, the lights of Las Nevadas welcomed him and he took a night stroll to relieve the tension. He reached the border of the city and took a moment of respite. He looked at the sky, thinking what to do next and his last meeting with Wilbur. “So you have no mastery over your dreamscape, yes? I can help.” Fundy jolted searching for the voice.”He has already accepted.” Fundy heart stopped: who accepted? Whoever accepted this was in danger. And so he chased the voice in the dark only to see the world change. “Come find me, and I will make your wish come true.” Said the voice. Fundy looked around the new “alien” world and immediately jumped to the adventure.
Link for the image: https://rainbow-dunk.tumblr.com/post/645473637557829632/image-id-a-semi-realistic-painting-of-fundy
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Table of Contents: Updated 10/17
This date is when this list was last updated, not when new comics were last posted. There could be new stuff that hasnt been added to the list yet.  ________ LISTINGS BY PAIRING _________
No Pairings
Reigen bullshits about adulting +++ House of cards Zoom Meeting Ghost! Reigen AU Reigen’s friends protect him Reigen Executive Dysfunction +++ Reigen beats up a man that threatens Mob Reigen awakens psychic powers The kids want Reigen to buy them food Reigen meets older! Mob Reigen picks up little Mob  Serizawa has a handwarmer Ekubo threatens Reigen Character motivations Reigen argues with his sister Mob protects Reigen from a stalker Reigen and Serizawa are late for work Reigen comforts smol mobbu +++++(So good) Mob and Reigen imitate Ekubo Prequel to Parallel Universe  Parallel Universe! Mob saves Reigen’s life ++++++(This one also great) Police AU Part1 Police AU Part2 Same Age AU Reigen almost dies Exorcism Club Part 1 +++ Exorcism Club Part 2 +++ Exorcism Club Halloween +++ Exorcism Club Halloween Part 2 +++ Kitsune’s Curse Mermaid’s Curse The Spirits and Such Patisserie: Part 1 +++ The Spirits and Such Patisserie: Part 2 +++ The Spirits and Such Patisserie: Part 3 +++ Reigen lets Ekubo possess him to try food Mob asks Reigen for one of his suits The Security Guard asks for Reigen’s help +++++++Awesome Ritsu has to wear a dress Ritsu finds the skirt from Ep2 Reigen is kind of creepy Reigen gets kicked out of his body Reigen and Ekubo same age AU Yoshioka visits Reigen Ageswap Mob and Reigen Ageswap Reigen and Ritsu Reigen gets a smartphone++++ Reigen and Smol! Mob Mob’s childhood fears Spirits and Such Sleepover Part1 +++++THIS ONE IS AWESOME+++ Spirits and Such Sleepover Part2 Spirits and Such Sleepover Part3 MogamiLand AU becomes reality A GREAT take on the security guard’s background ++++Beautiful+++ Roshuuto vs Ekubo +++ This one is hilarious Ekubo and Tome Cat Therapy Spirits and Such Lunar Eclipse The security guard is upset Vampire AU Ekubo and Reigen take a selfie Serizawa struggles to leave his room Team S&S deal with a haunted flowershop Ekubo has eye problems Reigen gets cursed Ekubo and Reigen cook for Mob: Part 1 Ekubo and Reigen cook for Mob: Part 2 The story of the box Mob goes to the moon The group talks after Mogami Reigen is saddened that Mob is growing up Guys that hit women are the biggest losers in the world
Ekubo x Reigen
Reigen threatens Ekubo Reigen makes a sales call to Ekubo’s cult Cursed Glasses +++ Ekubo saves Reigen from a curse Little Vampire Ekubo and Reigen are stuck in a cursed room Ekubo eats some snacks Two losers hang out on valentine’s day +++ Ekubo talks to Reigen about killing hosts +++ Reigen decides to get swol +++ Ekubo is a cat Ekubo follows Reigen around on various jobs Ekubo+Reigen+Serizawa Treasure Hunter AU On eating spirits TV watching Vampire AU +++ Yakuza x Tattoo Artist +++ Supernatural Detective Agency Lover’s Quarrel Reigen and Ekubo take a case at a haunted building Allure of the Con Artist Part 1 Allure of the Con Artist Part 2 Ekubo Spiritshames Reigen Slice of Folklore, Asian Folklore AU About the Security Guard Part 1 About the Security Guard Part 2 5 Days of a Business Partnership Part 1 Fake Love Doujin Sample Let me borrow that Doujin Sample: NSFW I love you: Part 1 I love you: Part 2 Ekubo is a cat Master x Maid AU Reigen gets possessed Reigen gets kicked out of his body Ekubo and Reigen dress for an event Ekubo and Reigen do an Exorcism Reigen Smokes with Ekubo Tome reflects on Ekubo and Reigen Part 1 Tome reflects on Ekubo and Reigen Part 2 Reigen is cursed with wings Part 1 Reigen is cursed with wings Part 2
Mob x Reigen
Reigen rebuffs Mob (Technically not a pairing) Mob takes care of sick Reigen Mob makes a bunch of copies of himself Mob fights Possessed! Reigen Treasure Hunter AU Reigen does mob’s hair A Mixup in the Timeline Part 1 A Mixup in the timeline Part 2 A Mixup in the timeline Part 3 A Mixup in the timeline Part 4 Reigen develops some fish-related powers
Serizawa x Reigen
Reigen is too cheap to use the air conditioner Ekubo+Reigen+Serizawa Treasure Hunter AU Reigen is a messy eater Serizawa likes Reigen’s cologne Serizawa studies psychic powers
Other Pairings
S&S Locked Room Ekuserirei
+++ My personal favorites
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(Open Rp) Autumn, Romance, Drama, Dbz Au X Cinderella Au in "Tale of the Dragon Ball Slipper"
Long ago In the Kingdom Of Sakutopia, The little princess of All kitsune was born and the Kingdom was over Joy with a newborn Baby Girl..The Emperor and Empress Called their Beloved Daughter," Saphira Lorraina Fox"...Her family has been Carried the birth Mark of the Dragon...and then the Most Special day for The Birth of this Little Princess...The Old wise man Holds out a chest with 7 Beautiful and magical Dragon balls...It has stars each of their numbers of the balls..The emperor and Empress was so suprised alot...The Emperor thanked them so much about the Gifts and then..her father decided to Shrunk the dragon balls and made a Necklace For little saphira as a blessing from the Dragon god name "Shenron" ..But Suddenly Far far from the earth, the Most Cruelest Being in the universe who was Known as King cold Who Sought this dragon ball and wants it for the wish.. But he sees the child wearing it and protected by Magic, so he Plans to steal the child as well, He Sent out a ginyu Force to snatch the child...That Fatal night, Saphira was Stolen From the Crib as the guards Sounds the alarm..but the Ginyu force got away..When they made it to King cold..but..When he reached out for the Dragon balls, Saphira made a Loud cries as the Dragon balls glows and it burns his hand, King cold Quickly remove his own hand away from it...injustice by the Power of that Dragon ball...So..he Decided to become a Stepfather of hers..and they began to take her to the Planet Frieza, He brought Saphira To introduce to His wife and His 2 sons..Saphira felt scared and confused..So King Cold told his wife and son that He Will let the Servants raised her..When he did..The Servants was So kind and raising saphira beautifully...As the Years Pass
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..Saphira Grew Up to be the beautiful and the Fairest Maid, She has alot of Cute Ghostly friends who was secretly hiding from the wrath of king cold himself...and also..She still wearing the necklace that her father gave it to her as a child..But King Cold and Queen ice was Jealous and Envy of her kindness along with Saphira's wicked Stepbrothers...During the Market..Alot of others species who sought saphira's beauty and kindness...Rumor spread like wild fire from planets to Another..until It was heard on the planet vegeta...Meanwhile..at the Castle Of king Cold...He was Angered..but it stopped when The Invitation was from King Vegeta and asked to come to the ball about next week..Saphira was So excited For the Ball...and then She said,"Umm *bows to him* Step Father, Can I go to the ball? I mean..I never been to the ball before sir...please.." Then..king Cold reply..
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murder-senpai · 4 years
Oh, hello there!! My name is Murder-senpai! I’m new here to tumblr sooooo don’t mind me being awkward n’ stuff. So this is gonna be like, what fandoms and characters I write for sOoooOoOo
AU’s and other stuff I’ll do: ABO, genderbend, hanahaki, soulmate, supernatural/power, soft yandere/ stockholm syndrome, coffee shop, modern, fantasy, baby/kid versions of characters, babysitter, neko, inu, kitsune, post apocalyptic, zombie, flower shop, book store, dragon, fairy tale, high school/college, mafia, pregnant, steampunk, merpeople, pirate, pirate/merperson, prison, reincarnation, famous, vampire, werewolf
There is more shit I’ll do but I can’t really think anymore so just request
(reader insert crap)
I will NOT do nsfw. This is a christian minecraft sever 
You CAN request multiple character/poly and platonic stuff
If your not specific, I will choose between headcanons or a fic/drabble
If you request angst, I will give it a fluffy ending unless requested otherwise
Please be specific in your request   ex: reader gender (fem, male, gender neutral)
Edit: I will now take character x character, character + character platonic stuff, aus (like, medevil bnha, or a story about friendship or enemies to friends or adoption, anything really), and stuff like that
Current hyperfixation (aka, what I will probably write better for/ do more): dream smp
Will probably put the scenario in a non specific arc
Fairy Tail:
ty lee
sir nighteye
Harry potter:
Black Butler:
real ciel (I refer to him as astre tho)
charles grey
charles phipps
adrien/chat noir
AU’s- underfell, mafiatale, mafiafell, underswap, swapfell
Gravity falls:
AU-reverse falls, monster falls
angle dust
literally any pokemon but those are my fave(and human versions ofc either is fine)
tom nook
dr. strange
The hobbit:
literally JUST smaug
apple jack
Maid sama:
the three idiots
aoi (totaly gives off a ciel/lizzy vibe don’t even lie)
both twins
Cells at work:
white blood cell
red blood cell
killer t cell
Little witch academia:
Glitter force:
Glitter force doki doki:
aster bunnymund
Soul eater:
death the kid
black star
bowers gang
losers club
kamisama kiss:
The outsiders:
Diabolik lovers:
king george
george washington
Tokyo mew mew:
Fran bow
mr. midnight
Steven universe
Haven't you heard i'm sakamoto
Gargantia on the verdurous planet
Over the garden wall
Snow white with the red hair
The sacrificial princess and the king of beasts(manga)
Jeff the killer
ticci toby
BEN drowned 
eyeless jack
laughing jack
homicidal liu
Jason the toymaker
Seto Kaiba
golden freddy
toy freddy
toy bonnie
toy chica
mangle (male and female ver pls specify)
marionette ^
william afton/ purple guy
funtime freddy
nightmare freddy
nightmare bonnie
nightmare chica
nightmare foxy
nightmare mangle
nightmare fredbear
king dice
Bendy and the ink machine
Duck tales
Scrooge (aged down tho)
Dream smp
everyone (all platonic. Will do reader stuff, but would prefer more character +character interactions, specifically, SBI. PLSSS give me sbi stuff, ill marry you)
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a-girl-named-angel · 3 years
Watch her Dance
It was perhaps one of the biggest nights of the year. But not for big celebrities or political figures. Rather, this was a big night for those who preferred to keep themselves “off the radar”. Tonight was to celebrate a huge win of money after a “power outage” left one of the tightest prisons without protection leaving just enough time for their recently institutionalized criminal charged with murder though the correct term was assassinate. Nevertheless, a breakout this grand just had to be celebrated. And what better way to do so, then to have the Boss’s star attraction come and preform for them?
Though this would be her first ever performance with such a big crowd, Angel knew better then to deny her boss’s “wishes” and proceeded with the evenings plans. After putting on the outfit chosen for her, a small team of maids did her hair (ears & tail included) and makeup before she was lead to the main room. Waiting for her introduction, given by some random announcer. What he said didn’t matter to her, what mattered, was the cue that came from the music.
And just like clockwork, the first notes began to play and like a puppet on strings, she began to move. Her movement was elegantly matched to that of the music that played. However, she was not alone on the floor for long as a few servers who were meant to dance with her approached her one at a time, leading her in a sultry tango. But even with several new partners, she was the main focus as all of her partners were dressed in simple fancy attire and nothing more whereas Angel has fancy jewelry not only studded into the gown but also strung across her neck, arms, and hair as jewelry which sparkled in the spotlight.
As soon as the music came to an end, the two dancers stopped (her currant lead having her in a low dip) which was soon accompanied was a loud applause. Though she knew her heart was beating ever so quickly from fast moments she has just preformed, another reason she felt was because of all the attention she was getting just now. She didn’t like all these eyes on her but if it would raise her father’s debt as high as he said it would, she would sing in Russian in front of them if she had to.
After she was dismissed, the first place the kitsune retired to was out of that room. To not only catch her breath, but relieve herself from all those eyes.
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fatuifucker · 2 years
Skskskksksksksks besides mirrors i wanna know abt her 🎙👀
Im just a sucker for kitsune ocs especially since i have one too and i like to see others take on it ♡
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So some stuff I carried over to reader and some stuff is just for her specifically. Both reader and her are white foxes and they wear that flower on their head which is actually a special dendrobium headpiece Scaramouche custom-made for them.
Kagami specifically wears a maid-like outfit when they joined the Fatui (I'm fine with saying that bc the story follows the game's timeline so Scara's whole journey to joining the Fatui and the gnosis doesn't change) more in the taisho era style like this:
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Prior to that, she's a shrine maiden whereas reader...well they have connections to the shrine but it's not explicitly stated that they are a shrine maiden.
Personality-wise after a specific event they become very bitter towards the world and incredibly distrusting over people that are not Scaramouche and especially dislike the other harbingers. Except for Tartaglia. They are somehow on good terms with Tartaglia because he's the most "human" and kindest out of all the other harbingers. They fear Dottore though and dread being around him.
Their abilities is very interesting! But it may be spoilers so if you really wanna keep their abilities a surprise, I suggest you ignore this portion.
So unlike Yae, they are more of a rogue kitsune so they can utilise some "dark" powers like creating illusions, travelling into the spirit world and creating their own little "room" in the spirit world, even some stuff with dreams.
Kagami's whole theme is about truth, reality and illusions so yeah :>
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tetsuro-wulf · 2 years
The Wulf's Eye: RP Journal #46 | Fox Magic!
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The day of the Butler Cafe! The Maid Cafe was such a hit, after all. Given it was just myself, Eve, and Natsume.. I asked for some help from my friends at the Vault and Li had volunteered previously. Mind you, this boy makes.. the perfect butler. The night was fun, though it wasn't as crowded as the Maid Cafe. I see folks have their preferences, but we managed to have a decent crowd. Some.. strange individuals. Some friends. I recall meeting a travelling fashion designer.
On top of that, I had to endure teasing from multiple people. In public. Thankfully the night had died down, but Kami.. Li doesn't realize how much he can kill a man. Dannasama, in his sweet and dreamy voice? I did not realize my heart could be slain by a simple word. It isn't helping as it is peak spring. My heart would not stop stirring-- HE KNEW EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS FUCKING DOING.
The following day, I had promised Akai I would introduce him on how to tap into and utilize his kitsune powers, given.. it only came out from what I've seen, when he was enraged or emotional. It was after the Kafe closed and Eiri passed out on the couch. I thought we could practice in the yard since it was, well, right there. And Sejad wished to join us!
Once I took Akai outside, I sat him down and once again convinced him to remove his shirt for the sake of bringing forth his kitsune powers. Meanwhile, it was just my habits. Though, to be honest.. Teaching one to utilize their kitsune magic felt almost on the same level as teaching someone how to breathe. I've had it ever since I was a kit, and Akai was not born a fox. Though, I had him fall into meditation and offered my best guidance. To start with the simplest of things; summoning one's fox fire. Except.. despite Akai falling into perfect meditation, he couldn't no matter what I said. That is when Sejad took notice of something I couldn't exactly sense. His aether was all balled up at the center, as though sealed by something. Which.. Sejad chalked up to be a yokai hunter. Which Akai explained was most likely his father's doing. Which I confirmed, that was most likely what was stopping Akai from using his kitsune powers.
I thought to ask Akai, given.. my father once sealed behind one half of myself which held me back the majority of my life.. if he would want that seal removed. It was a mixture of spiritual and aetherical sealing, so that would mean Sejad and I, at the same time, unwind the seal to release Akai's true and full powers. Akai gave us permission, thus.. we began the ritual.. which was far more difficult than anticipated, and painful for Akai.. and taxing on Sejad and I. We felt his power emerge.. ferocious and unstable, though eventually Akai passed out once we finished.
This means I will have to teach him to STABILIZE his power, AND use it.
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