#the question i always ask of my romcoms haha
ammoknightsofficial · 3 months
Ask game: 9 for both berne and atsuko :3?
9.) What (book) genre is their least favorite?
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"...Especially when written by Inklings, though others are not immune to writing trash. Often, it is about the war, or is not about the war in a way that makes it still about the war. What hits me the wrong way the most, is that the Inkling Military is always made out to be brave heroes, who sacrificed many young lives for the greater good, and speaks of violence as if it's all in the past. It is fictional, yes, and it brands itself as "alternative", but the genre is so full of lies and pretty little half-truths that I cannot help but fucking hate it. Propaganda doesn't become very hard to spot when you're the villain in its story. A lot of it works to absolve the assumed Inkling reader of guilt. To fill them with a sense of pride for being where they are in society - comfortable, housed, with clean hands and mind. Our lifelines need to be sabotaged at every turn to ensure that theirs aren't even gently frayed. We're spoken of as thieves, as invaders. We are sewer rats secretly infesting their beautiful, clean, sun-kissed streets and filling them with our dirt and disease. The electricity they steal from us is a necessity - they need to steal the power we use to fuel our hospitals to keep those flashy LEDs on their pretty little advertisements for carbon copy pop star girls and fashion brands running. No hostility from us is ever prompted by their own behavior. It can't be. Our existence and self defenses threaten their comfort. They need to drown themselves in rivers of horseshit promising them their active, crazed genocide attempts are all justified, and the best way to do that is if it's wrapped up nice and pretty, let them play soldier, and act like there's been a satisfying resolution. All wrongdoing is in the past. They are still the good guys. They need to be. They have to be.
It's funny, though. There's all these novels, and movies, and games that beg the question, "what if the Octarians won?". It's their worst fucking nightmare, what they put us through, and their little fantasies always pales to the reality in which we live. It's the closest their sterile, billion dollar military-funded films ever get to sympathetic towards us, and they don't even realize it."
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"With horror, it's like... I'm, uh... I'm already nervous all the time, haha. I don't really need to get made, like... More scared, on purpose. I mean, not all horror stuff is bad, but, like... It's not really my go-to. I've definitely avoided some stuff because it's horror before... It's definitely a thing I've gotta be in a specific mood for. Romcoms, though. That's, like, different, obviously. I don't like romcoms because every single one I've seen just sucks. If I was interested in watching a straight couple with zero chemistry act like it's super funny and cute to hate each other, I'd just go outside or something... Or, like, open, uh... SpaceBook, or something. That stuff's everywhere, right? I've had enough bad relationships as is, I don't need to watch a bunch of models act like that kinda thing is marriage material. Romcoms don't even have wizards in them. Or guys punching each other. Lame..."
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nycbaby21 · 1 year
Imaginary Girlfriend
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prompt: the guys tease Mason about his girlfriend, that they don't think exists
word count: 2,972
“Okay, that sounds good baby. See you tonight. I love you,” Mason said into the phone before turning off his car and heading into the rink for practice. “Baby and I love you. Don’t tell me you have a little girlfriend, Mase,” Trevor teases him walking beside him. Jamie is slightly behind the two rolling his eyes. “Not that it concerns you in the slightest, yes I have a girlfriend,” Mason said getting ready to hit the ice for practice. 
Mason and I had been dating for a little over eight months now. We met when he walked in and dumped his coffee all over my white shirt. He quickly stripped his sweatshirt and passed it over to me. He was so cute blushing and stumbling over his words, so when I had to leave I gave him my number to return the sweatshirt. After texting for a week trying to figure out a time that worked with both of our schedules, we met and really hit it off. He was the sweetest guy I had ever met.
My last relationship was terrible. He cheated on me for seven of the eight months we were together. To add salt to the wound, the girl he cheated on me with was my best friend and bandmate at the time. Our group went from five to four when everything came out. I never liked the term famous or celebrity because I didn’t feel like that. I just sang with some of my closest friends and people happened to really like us. Due to my past and the fact my last relationship was so public, Mason and I decided to keep it to ourselves for the time being. 
“So who is the lucky girl who stole our boy’s heart,” Trevor continued his teasing. Mason looked over to Jamie for help, but the older Canadian couldn’t help but also be curious about the girl. He rolled his eyes,” we have been together for about four months. She’s beautiful, smart, hilarious, and the kindest person I have ever met.” Mason smiled talking all about our relationship. “Who is,” Troy asked sitting down near the younger guys lacing up his skates. 
“Mase was just telling us about his girlfriend,” Jamie responded before Trevor could tease their friend again. “Girlfriend? If you have a girlfriend why do you still look terrible when you show up for games,” Cam asks elbowing him. “Haha. You guys are hilarious. Seriously why aren’t you comedians,” he mumbles standing up and walking out of the locker room and onto the ice. The whole entire practice the guys chirped the younger center. He was starting to get annoyed.
Mason was never one to brag about anything. Never about his hockey skills, his awards and accomplishments, or who he was dating. He said he was the luckiest guy in the world to even have a chance with me. I argued with him constantly that I was the lucky one. After being treated the way I was, I was sure I would never find someone who only wanted me. But Mason made me feel like the only person in the world.
“So what does this so-called girlfriend of yours look like,” Z asks throwing an arm around his shoulder when they walked out of the Honda Center. He pushed his friend off and shrugged. “She’s really pretty, she has the sweetest smile and the kindest eyes,” he says proudly. “Geez what romcom did you steal that shit from,” Trevor jokes laughter spreading through the parking lot. “Ignore him Mac, we all do. What is her name,” Troy asked trying to find out more because he knew Dani would have so many questions. The Terry family has become very close to the younger player and Dani has tried to set him up a couple times.
“Her name is Y/n,” Mason says throwing his stuff in the trunk trying to get home and shower before I got there. He always tried to have everything done before we hung out so we could spend all the time together. With our busy careers and traveling it was hard to see each other. We had been on more FaceTime dates than real ones. “Does she not have a last name? Is she like Cher or Madonna,” Cam asks leaning against Trevor’s Bronco which was parked next to his car. “Of course she does. Look as much fun as this is playing 150 questions I need to go. I already don’t see her enough as it is and I’m not wasting any more time with you idiots,” he says getting in the car and driving to his place.
After showering and making the living room more comfortable, the doorbell rang. Mason all but ran to the door. He picked me up and spun me around. My laughter filled the hallway and probably annoyed some of the neighbors. “And here I was worried you didn’t miss me,” I joke placing a quick kiss on his lips when he set me back down. I pull back and go to walk into the apartment but he pulls me back in. His hands quickly find their place on my hips while mine go to his neck playing with the tiny curls. His hands wander down closer and closer to my ass and I pull away laughing. “Mase, as much as I would to continue this let’s go inside,” I smile leading the boy in.
After closing the door his lips are back on mine. This kiss was short and sweet. “You done,” I tease rasing an eyebrow. He leans down one more time and then says,” I am now.” We settled on the couch and dug into to the food I brought over. “How was practice today,” I ask nuzzling deeper into his side. “It was good, fine. So tell me all about the tour,” he changed the subject so I knew something was going on. I sat up and turned to face him. “You okay baby,” I look at him waiting for an answer. “Yeah. It's just the guys are giving me shit about you. I didn’t tell them who you were, so they think I made you up. I can’t tell you how many I have a girlfriend she just goes to different schools jokes,” he lets it all out. Something he found himself doing very easily now.
“Oh, Mase. I am so sorry. This is all my fault,” I say putting my hands on his face. “Hey no it’s not baby okay? Trevor and Jamie can’t even get girlfriends. Troy and Cam actually have wives, but they just don’t understand our situation,” he says wiping the tears that fell, no matter how hard I tried to hold them in. “It’s not fair to you,” I whisper crying more and more. He pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me. “Hey Y/n, look at me okay,” he says and I finally look up at him. “There’s my pretty girl,” he smiles,” if it meant I got to love you I would listen to Trevor go on and on for a thousand years no stop. So don’t be sorry about this. I agreed to keep it quiet too,” his words about his teammate made me laugh.
Mason and I fell asleep on the couch that night, all snuggled up to each other. We both woke up with terrible back pain and he had a small creek in his neck. We spent the whole morning glued to each other’s sides. “I should get going,” I sigh leaning my back against his chest while washing the dishes. “No you don’t,” he says into my neck, his facial hair tickling me. “Mase, I know. I wanna stay but I have no clothes to wear,” I say drying the last plate and turning around facing him. “I mean do you really need clothes,” he says and I swat his chest. He laughs and hugs me tighter.
“I haven’t seen Binx in two months. He probably thinks I abandoned him,” I say thinking of the small black cat I had waiting for me at home. My roommate was taking care of him while we were on tour. “Okay I guess I can share you,” he sighs giving me one last kiss and watching me get into my car and drive off. About an hour later he hears a knock on the door. He opens it to find Trevor, Jamie, and Max standing at his front door. He groans and walks back inside, letting the guys come in on their own. “What’s wrong Mase? Did you spend the night with your girlfriend,” Trevor uses air quotes around the last word of his sentence. “Z leave him alone. Mason please for the love of everything just show him a picture of you two.” Jamie says wanting Trevor to shut up.
“I can’t. We don’t really have any pictures together,” Mason says his face flashing red. “Okay c’mon. You expect me not to chirp him now,” Trev says receiving a small smack to the chest from Max. “Mason, you don’t have any pictures with your girlfriend of eight months, you won’t tell us her last name, and gave us actually no physical description of her. You gotta see where Tweedledumb is coming from,” Jamie says. “I don’t owe you guys anything okay? So just drop it or leave,” he finally snaps sick of being the butt of the joke.
The guys shut up and spent the rest of the day playing video games and goofing off. “Oh, Dani asked me to pass on a message. She wanted you to invite Y/n to the team barbeque at their house on Friday,” Jamie says to Mason as the three guys are leaving. Mason rolls his eyes. “I’m not teasing you Mase okay? If you say you have a girlfriend I believe you,” Jamie says giving his shoulder a squeeze as he walks out. The rest of the night Mason thought about how he wished we could go to the party together.
Thursday came faster than he wanted it to. “Okay, so McTavish you are still bringing drinks tomorrow right,” Troy asks trying to help Dani plan the party. “Yep,” the younger boy responds. “You okay dude,” Troy asks sitting down and patting the spot next to him. “It’s just I really wanted Y/n to come tomorrow. I’m so sick of the guys giving me a hard time. But she has some work thing and her boss told her if she didn’t show up she would be fired. And her job is everything to her so obviously she isn’t coming. I may have overreacted and started a fight with her last night,” Mason explained to his older teammate.
“I just don’t see why you can’t show up for an hour. They won’t tell anyone I swear,” Mason says raising his voice slightly due to his frustration. “Mason you know I can’t miss this event. It’s Good Morning America. It’s not like I’m saying no for a nail appointment. It’s my job,” I sigh tired of having to explain myself again. “Are you embarrassed of me,” his voice cracks. I turn and see tears filling up his eyes. “What the hell are you talking about,” I asked walking closer to him trying to grab his hand. He stepped away from me. My heart broke a little when he did this.
“I mean I’m not some hot rich douchebag actor, which means your management doesn’t want you to be seen with me,” his feelings were hurt when I mentioned management advised me to keep my relationship a secret. They wanted to play the heartbroken angsty idea for better sales. “That is not my fault,” I yell back at him hurt that he brought up my ex. “Well if they know best why don’t I just make it easier for you then. If I’m not good enough in their eyes, why would I be in yours? So I’m leaving,” he says turning towards the door. “Mason no wait,” I rush towards him grabbing his arm.
“Let go Y/n,” he grits his teeth at me trying to hold back his anger. “Don’t do this please,” I cry dropping his hand. “I love you, baby. I really do but I can’t keep making myself feel worthless and like shit because they don’t think I’m good for your brand,” he says kissing my head and walking out of my apartment. 
“Wow, that is a lot to take in,” Troy said looking over at him. “Shit sorry. You have real stuff going on, forget I said anything alright,” Mason rushed out throwing stuff into his bag. “Mase no wait I wanna help you. I just don’t know how,” he says trying to stop my boyfriend from leaving. “I’ll be over around five tomorrow,” Mason smiles and heads home. He cries himself to sleep for the second night in a row.
I wasn’t doing much better than Mason, not that I knew how he was doing. He hadn’t spoken to me since he left me crying in my doorway. “If you keep crying this makeup is gonna take longer,” Morgan says passing me a tissue. She was a nice older lady who was always sharing a story with me. “Sorry, I’m making your job harder. Seems like that’s all I’ve been doing recently,” I mumble wiping my eyes. “Well not that you asked me, but I think if you are this tore up about him, he may just be worth it,” she smiles giving my shoulders a squeeze. “He is worth it and some more,” I say looking at her eyes in the mirror.
“So what’s the problem hunny,” her question makes me wonder. “Management said if I missed today I might as well never come back. And we are up for a contract renewal next month so,” I say trailing off. “Well I know I’m just an old makeup artist but I have been around a while. And if I learned anything, it’s that if you listen to other people your whole life you won’t even recognize your own voice So all you have to do is find your voice in all that voice and listen to it sweetheart,” she smiles down at me when my manager walks in rushing me to the sound stage. As I am standing waiting for our cue to start singing, I start thinking about everything.
When I was a little girl I din’t dream of selling out stadiums and having hit songs. I dreamed of having a love as pure as my parents. A love that was between two best friends. A love that was solely theirs. I had that with Mason and I let all the noise around me confuse me. I look over to my left and see my bandmates all smiling over at me. They nod their heads and mouths go. I say thank you and rush out to the street trying to find a cab. I could hear everyone yelling at me to stop but I could only hear my own voice, telling me to go find Mason.
As I waited to get off the plane in California I looked up some Ducks players on Instagram. I finally found Tory Terry and sent him a message explaining everything. I sent some pictures of Mase and I to prove I wasn’t lying. I got a message back quickly from him sending me the address of his house. I knew Mason was going to the party and I just hoped he would be happy to see me. His phone had been off all day so he hadn’t seen the dozens of news reports and articles about how I ran out today.
The party had been going on for about an hour when a couple guys gathered around and started talking. “Oh my god. Did you guys see that Y/n L/n from that really popular band just walked off stage on GMA this morning? Her management says they have no clue where she went or why she left,” Trevor says pulling out his phone showing everyone the article. Mason froze and snatched the phone from him. He quickly read the article and then pulled up another. “Dude what are you doing,” Trevor asks grabbing his phone back. Mason turned around to leave and try and find me when I stepped out of the back door with Troy and his wife Dani. 
We stood there staring at each other scared to make the first move. “Mase, I am so sorry,” I cry out and he rushes forward pulling me into his chest. “Shhh baby I know. It’s not your fault okay? I said some terrible things and hope you can forgive me,” he says into my hair ignoring all the looks from his teammates. I pull back and nod my head. “Of course I forgive you. I love you Mason,” I smile up at him. “Why did you do this? That band is your dream and you threw it away for me,” he asked wiping my tears away. “That was never my dream Mase. It was just a job. A job that was not worth losing you over,” I say grabbing his wrist with my hands. “If you don’t kiss her I will,” I hear some yell behind us. I laugh and pull him down into a kiss.
We pull apart and Mason introduces me to everyone as his girlfriend. "Told you she was real," he teased Trevor who blushed and stuttered. We both had huge smiles on our faces and didn’t leave each other’s sides for the whole party. My phone was constantly going off but I ignored it all. The only thing that mattered right now was beside me and I wasn’t going to let it slip away.  
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fivekrystalpetals · 7 months
For the ship(s) of your choice:
4. Their favorite show to watch together?
7. Who's clumsier?
10. Who is always reminding the other not to forget important documents/general things before leaving out the door?
Thank you @frankenjoly for the ship ask! ships of my choice"" is hard to pick (I have so many!) but I decided to go with ramposano cuz I don't talk about them as much as I want to on here XD (and these questions fit them perfectly ghjfk)
4. Their favorite show to watch together?
For Ranpo, it's def crime series/documentary! He prob calls out the criminal within two seconds of the "murder" and if the murderer turns out to be a red herring planted (for sake of a deliberate plot twist or smth) he would list out all the reasons why it's impossible for them to have committed the murder lol (ofc, Yosano is in agreement but she won't admit it out loud lolol) Yosano might whine to switch to something else but secretly she loves watching crime thrillers with Ranpo, mainly bc he gets so excited about them and his excitement is contagious ghfjk
As for Yosano, I think she'd like watching something slice-of-life-y or light romcom just to de-stress; sometimes, she might watch more cheesy sentimental movies for a good cathartic cry. Ranpo hates them but joins her anyway (bc it's fun to see her expressions more than the movie lmao) honestly he doesn't understand why they are creating unnecesssary misunderstandings/situations and why the plot reveal wasn't obvious right from the beginning. Neither why Yosano is crying for the characters but he would let her cry and console (re:teasing consoling) her in whatever way he can. later, they will dip into a big tub of ice-cream too!
7. Who's clumsier?
Ranpo, but a drunk Yosano is def clumsier than a sober Ranpo. Honestly, they are both somewhere on the clumsy scale-> Ranpo with his clothes, belongings, getting lost etc., while Yosano might trip over her heels if she is lost in thoughts but walk up and leave like nothing lmao (doesn't make her any less clumsy and Ranpo definitely noticed asa she entered the room haha)
10. Who is always reminding the other not to forget important documents/general things before leaving out the door?
Yosano! But at times, Ranpo points out, as casually as he can, something he knew/figured out she had forgotten, so she gets caught off-guard (and Ranpo gets his gotcha moment lol)
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suzyq31 · 1 year
20 Questions Game
Thanks for the tag @nodirectionhome-ao3 and @practicecourts
How many works do you have on AO3? Currently at 17
2. What's your total A03 words count? 696,804
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now just Harry Potter
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Maybe Tomorrow: Post War. Harry and Hermione are renovating Potter Manor over Christmas then wake up into a different life. (almost finished!)
Iris: My first story, and the bane of my existence. Hermione flees after the war, five years later she's dragged back in by a dangerous situations. Follows my series Seasons. Hidden child trope, angst fest, long as hell and on hiatus. H/Hr
It Had To Be You: Post war, completed, steamy romcom with some loose inspiration from the film When Harry Met Sally. Co-written with @bettertoflee
Found: A spin off of Iris, and another alternate ending to Seasons. Never thought I would write an OC protagonist, but here we are!
My next highest kudos is another Harmony, but that's boring so going with my highest rated Jily fic which is Plans. It's also more Sirius & Lily focused, takes place right after Harry's born.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try my best! Sometimes I can forget if I'm distracted/dealing with real life stuff. But I am SO grateful for people who take the time to let me know they've read my work.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angtiest ending?
For now probably Spring or Winter in my Seasons Series.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Well seeing as how I struggle to finish anything...I guess the ones that are complete which is It Had To Be You and Home.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes, so far only in Harmony. It's a huge reason I don't participate in the fandom much and why I moderate comments. Most of it has been concentrated on my stories Iris and Found, but I've also received rude comments on other works including It Had To Be You (which got some very incel type comments, and is the main reason I only allow registered users and block instantly).
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
Yes, mostly reluctantly as I still get uncomfortable writing it, but some stories feel incomplete without some. Love reading it though! Not sure what kind means? Like M or E? I would say my smut is relatively tame. I've only written one E rated fic, which was co-written haha.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Nope, can't imagine I ever would.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No idea! People have asked me, but haven't seen them.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before? Yes! Working on my second collaboration with @bettertoflee. And my story Iris gets so much support from my beta Green_Eyes that it feels like she may as well be a co-writer!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? I've shipped both my fave HP ships since around 2001 when I was a child and they haven't changed even with the dreaded epilogue for Harry and Hermione (I take Unlike a Sister as canon and breathe easier for it), or you know canon for James and Lily (which is why AU is so fun!)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Ideally I'd like to finish all of them. If I didn't have such a strong editor/beta reader for Iris it would likely stay unfinished. I REALLY struggle with endings at the best of times and that story has a variety of factors that make it difficult for me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm very hard on myself, so its hard to think of positives. I do think I'm creative, and as someone with ADHD I often think outside the box. I think I have a good ear for dialogue. I've also received compliments on my descriptions/scene writing, as well as for conveying emotions. The thing I do love best about writing is seeing the growth year by year, story by story.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting, getting stuck after the midway point. ADHD brain always wanting to jump to something new. Spelling/Grammar from years of French Immersion. Wordy, though REALLY have worked on this and I do so much slashing and cutting in my editing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
No strong opinion unless it's constant.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Probably Harry Potter as a child. Although me and a friend wrote a That 70s Show script and posted it on fanfic.net back in middle school haha.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
This is a hard one. I am really proud of Maybe Tomorrow, I put a lot of my heart into it and it's actually complete except for some edits and additional scenes I'm contemplating.
I also really enjoyed writing Plans. And I'm proud of this short micro where I managed to stay under 1000 words!
I think this has made the rounds already! At least for Jily. But will tag;
@bettertoflee @myst867 @glitterwitch1 @riverwriter @runawayminds @annonymouslyblonde
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skyrim-forever · 1 year
A Solstheim RomCom
Here is Part 1 of my Neloth/OC Fake Marriage Fic! Originally this was supposed to be one part but seeing as it's over 4500 words (with a bit more to go) I'm going to split it into 2 parts (part two will probably be double the size haha). This is cross-posted on ao3 :)
Summary: When Dragonborn and mage Rochelle's plan to get her family off her back about marriage backfires; she is left with constructing a ploy to have a fake husband to prove to her sister she is married and fine. And if things can't get worse, her fake Husband is Master Neloth.
Warnings: None!
Words: 2k
Tagging: @thana-topsy @thequeenofthewinter @ladytanithia thank you all for your nice comments on the snippet <3
To see the Dragonborn in Raven Rock had become a common occurrence. Rochelle of Evermore, or Rochelle of Tel Mithryn, as she became known to the citizens of Solstheim, was in town today to mail a letter to her sister. Colette had sent her a letter the following week, inquiring about her life. 
As the older sister she was deeply worried for her younger sibling, especially ever since Rochelle left the College of Winterhold the previous year, due to what she had described as “creative differences”. Rochelle had not felt the need to worry her sister with what she had actually been doing, seeking the Black Books of Hermaeus Mora. Her work under Master Neloth had proved to worry her sister more than enough, causing her to write that “there were many suitors from home and the Imperial City” who would apparently be interested in meeting her and that she should “come visit immediately!”. Her sister, likely pressured by their father, was deeply concerned with seeing her married; despite her disinterest in the subject. 
In order to put everyone’s mind at ease, Rochelle had come up with a genius idea, one of her best. In the response to Colette, Rochelle had written:
Dear Sister, 
As much as I would love to meet these fine gentlemen 
I’m afraid I am already married! I’ve married a fine and wealthy 
Gentleman who supports my research. 
Please tell Father I am well. 
It was fool-proof, Colette would see she has done what they asked for and will leave her be. Perhaps they will even shift their questions to ask her about her work, or what Solstheim is like. Anything other than her dating, or rather lack thereof, life. 
Rochelle hands the letter off to Captain Gjalund, who has always made good on getting her letters to and from the courier. It should reach her sister in Cyrodiil in a few weeks, then finally, she will be at peace to do her work. 
The journey back to Tel Mithryn is typical, if not with less ashspawn than usual, but it is the ash in the air that still gets to her. I suppose I’ll get used to it, as the years go by. Arriving back took the better part of the day, making it evening when she finally returned. Though on the way back she found a hearthstone deposit in the ashlands perfect for Master Neloth. Just as her pack touches the ground, Master Neloth is shouting for her. 
“Rochelle! Rochelle! Where is that blasted girl?” Talvas can be heard coming to her defense 
“She left earlier for Raven Rock Master Neloth.”
“Find then, Talvas, go make me some canis root tea” Neloth orders. 
“Isn’t that Drovas’s job and besides-” before poor Talvas can remind him that he actually already ordered him to practice a new conjuration spell, Rochelle makes her way up the tower.  
“Ah there you are! Drovas quit while you were away and I’ve been without tea all day!” 
“I’m so sorry Master Neloth, I’ll get started on it right away” she reaches into her waist satchel and pulls out two heartstones “I found these on the way back.” Neloth raises an eyebrow at her. 
“This likely delayed your trip causing me to be without tea even longer” yet he still reaches for the stones “but these will be most useful.” 
To many, particularly those in his employment, Neloth was rude, self-absorbed and had no regard for the feelings of others. However true this may be did not matter to Rochelle, as she found him refreshing. She recalled her childhood, her mother in the Reach often spoke in riddles to which she could never figure out what was meant; and her father in High Rock had the habit of talking around an issue, never actually voicing his thoughts as to not upset anyone in any direction. But Neloth was always incredibly clear and direct, there was no way to misunderstand his orders.  
Pleased that they will be of use, Rochelle goes to grab the canis root and begin making tea. She can hear Talvas attempting to inform Master Neloth of something, exactly what she is not focused on, only for Neloth to disregard him by walking into his enchantment room. It feels good to be back. 
A few weeks had passed and Rochelle was back in Raven Rock, picking up some food for the residents of Tel Mithryn. Unable to find a replacement for Drovas, himself a last ditch effort, the Dragonborn took it upon herself to act not only as a member of House Telvanni; but as steward as well. She stood on the dock, gazing out to the sea, watching the Northern Maiden approach the island. After a few minutes the ship docks and the workers begin unloading the supplies. One of these must have the order of apples and cabbages. 
As she walks closer to the unloading, Captain Gjalund calls out to her:
“Rochelle!” He walks closer to her, grabbing a crate on his way. “Here is your order” placing the crate down, he pulls an envelope from his chest pocket “nearly forgot this, here is a letter, right from Cyrodiil.” 
“Ah, my sister” It has been several weeks. The feeling of relief washes over her, finally she would be free from the familial pressure to marry. She understood they meant well, but the talk of marriage always came at the expense of her passions. They never asked about her research, her experiences, or even what she wanted from life. And besides mother and father never married, so why does it even matter anyways? Though, she supposed her parents' relationship was nothing to emulate. 
Thanking Captain Gjalund, she moves the crate to the side, stopping to read the letter before the journey back. The envelope is sealed with the crest of her brother-in-law's family, the Redwort Flower in matching red wax. Rochelle reads the letter:
Dearest Sister, 
Congratulations on your nuptials! I had no idea
you married, how I do wish you invited the family!
Nevertheless, Father will be quite pleased to have 
both his daughters being taken care of. 
As I am so curious as to who could capture your heart, 
I shall be coming to visit! I’ll be leaving shortly after 
this letter is sent, see you soon!
Your darling sister
Oh no Rochelle thought, her mind scrambling no no no no. Her plan had backfired, her plan could not have backfired anymore. Rather than get Colette off her back, she has enticed her even more. I need to leave, I need to run, I need to fake my death! No, no, Colette is already on her way, it’s too late for that. Tucking the letter into her waist satchel, Rochelle begins to head back to Tel Mithryn at a speed of which Solstheim had never seen. 
Floating up the Tower, Rochelle immediately runs towards Talvas, who is currently in his bedroll, having a rare nap. 
“Talvas!” She whispers, as to not let Neloth hear. “Talvas! Wake up!” 
“Rochelle? What’s going on? Is everything okay? Are we being attacked?” He goes to prepare a spell when she speaks. 
“Oh no, it’s far worse than that, far far worse.”
“Huh?” A groggy Talvas says “What are you on about?”
“My sister is coming to visit” Confused as to why this is a bad thing, Talvas asks, 
“And that’s terrible because?”
“Because” Rochelle answers, adding emphasis on because “I wrote to her I’m married and now she wants to meet my husband” 
“But you don’t have a husband?”
“Yes Talvas, that is precisely the problem. I need to find someone to pretend to be my husband long enough to convince my sister I’m taken care of. Someone wealthy and impressive.” Talvas starts to wake up a bit and with a cheeky smile, he brings forth a suggestion. 
“What about me? I could pretend to be your husband.” 
“You’re like a son to me Talvas”
“But I’m older than you”
“And yet you fail to be responsible, Master Neloth and I always need to remind you how to cast correctly.” Talvas huffs a bit, Rochelle may be kinder than Master Neloth; but he seems to be rubbing off on her, in more ways than expected. “Besides you are neither wealthy nor that impressive.”
“Alright, tell me how you really feel” He says, before his face forms a pondering look, signaling he is formulating an idea. 
“So your letter said you married a wealthy man?”
“Correct” Rochelle answers, unsure as to why he is repeating information she knows back to her. 
“And you’re looking for someone to impress your sister but also someone who supports your research?”
“Correct again” She pauses for a moment “Talvas, I’m not sure what you think you’re accomplishing here?” He laughs, although she is not sure she said anything funny. 
“I’m just thinking out loud Rochelle” He looks to his left, to which she follows, casting her gaze to where Master Neloth is reading. “But what about Master Neloth?” 
“What about Master Neloth?”
“I know he’s not exactly ‘marriage material’ but he is impressive and wealthy.” Rochelle stares at Neloth, his back turned to them, poured over another tome. He is wealthy and one of the most powerful wizards in Morrowind Rochelle stops for a moment. 
Master Neloth really was everything she was looking for, having long abandoned the idea of love; she supposed that if she ever did settle down she’d like it to be someone like him, someone who was direct and could show her a wealth of knowledge. “I doubt he’d agree, he would likely consider the whole thing foolish and beneath him; which it is, of course.”
“Maybe you’d two would be a better match than I thought” Talvas laughs. “It can’t hurt to ask, well I guess it can but what other options do you have?” He’s right the only other men who could potentially fit the bill would be someone like Captain Veleth, the head of the Redoran Guard, but Rochelle did not think she could pretend to be married to him. No Master Neloth is the best choice; he and Talvas were those who she saw the most, and  therefore she could act easiest with them. 
Talvas advises Rochelle to be strategic, bring him some canis root tea and then ask for a favour. 
“Explain the situation to him, agree that it’s silly but that you don’t have much time and it would be most efficient if he plays along.”
“You’re right, it is silly and if I can get him to see I also think so maybe he’ll help me out.”
I doubt he’s ever helped anyone Talvas thinks, decided to not tell her as his role is to be a supportive friend. Plus she's already stressed enough.
A cup of canis root tea in hand, Rochelle approaches Neloth, by now he’s moved into the enchantment room, looking over his latest staff. 
“I brought you tea Master Neloth”
“Hmm” If he had been annoyed at being disturbed he didn’t let on. Thankful to catch him in a decent mood, Rochelle places the cup down on the desk. 
“Master Neloth, I have a favour to ask. You see, well, I, the thing is that-”
“Yes, yes spit it out already! You of all people should know how valuable my time is!”
“Sorry Master Neloth” she takes a deep breath here goes nothing “I’ve received familial pressure to marry and despite my efforts to explain to my father and sister how I do not desire to marry; they have been insistent, citing fears of me going through this world alone. Therefore to get them off my back, I stated that I married a wealthy man and am taken care of. I admit this was thoroughly stupid of me, as it has enticed my sister to come visit and meet my non-existent husband. I would like to ask you to pretend to be that husband for a few days until she leaves.” Before Rochelle can explain that it would require nothing more than referring to her as his wife and a dinner with her sister, Neloth speaks. 
“You forgot the apples and cabbages didn’t you?”
“You weren’t carrying the crate when you came into the tower.” Rochelle is silent, she was never good with social cues but even she found it perplexing that this is what he chose to focus on. “Return to Raven Rock tomorrow and retrieve the supplies” the woman nods “and I shall do as you requested, even if it is asinine.” 
“Thank you Master Neloth.”
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likesunsetorange · 6 months
fic writer ask game
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
one day i’ll forget about it
one of my favorite fics i’ve written has always been this song one shot, idk why i just loved it so much? maybe bc i love the song so much (literally my #1 song last year on apple music AND spotify) and i really just love the way i wrote it and felt kind of proud for the metaphors in it (had to put my bio degree to use lol). but i just sometimes go back and read it and i love it so much, so i guess i would say i wish it got more credit? but i still love it regardless!!!
i also kind of love how even though it’s so short i was able to capture so much emotion and depict the heartbreak and pain of a breakup? also too when one of my moots read they told me that it made them so sad LOL and they didn’t think they could even listen to the song bc of it!! idk i love angst and i think as much as i love romcoms and cheesy stuff i love writing sad shit too lol
BUT i do wanna write a second part to it bc of a friend who really loved it as a gift to her, and that one will be eren’s pov! and it’ll be based off not strong enough by boygenius!!
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
this love will keep us through
i’m putting these two in one bc i think i’d have to say both apply to my most recent cabin fic!!
honestly i was so proud of this fic bc i normally stray away from canonverse bc i feel like im not the most well versed with canon material since i got into aot wayyyy later than most people! but i really love my eren depiction a lot idk i love eren so so so much he’s one of my favorite characters so i love eren introspection i could write about him all the time! i wanna do a character study on him one day but anyways!! i think my prose and writing was just rlly nice and also it was my first time writing present tense!!! so i was kinda proud LOL
and i think people definitely did catch on to the theme of the seasons but i could literally go on a whole tangent on the symbolism within the fic and why i wrote it the way i did, just bc there was truly a lot more to it!! like there was symbolism within each section and why i wrote each scene in each “season” and kind of why i separated it into seasons! i love seasonal symbolism and i really enjoy domesticity too so i wanted to hone in on that with that fic, and i think i did a pretty good job! and with mikasa’s pov ive been writing i think im doing a good job! (although it was a little hard to continue the same theme and still make it unique to her but also relevant haha)
and thank you for the question hehe! <3
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rosyandraw · 4 months
I'm doing a rereading because a long time ago I promised you I would come back with all of my thoughts but then life got in the middle and I lost my phone notes but whatever 🌷✨🎀 I'm back! 🎀✨🌷
Hihi lovely girl!! it's me your Berry anon 🫐🫐 how you doing?? I read you quit your job and that you wrote a whole book? WOW I'm so happy for you.. hope everything is wonderful.
Now.. I came here because before my re reading of nmfy I decided to reread Deliver which is the first fanfic I read from you (I loved it 💛💛 I honestly come back to it every Christmas)
But well my point was that I love your writing and I especially love your Damens. I think no one does modern aus Damen like you do 💖💖 he really feels like if Capri was a romcom / contemporary novel then that how they would be but even more for Damen... soooo i was wondering which one between deliver and nmfy do you think its closer to canon possiblities? and which one did you enjoy writing the most? Haha 👀👀👀
Well that's all for now this time I will come back with an even longer ask of me talking about nmfy last chapter 👀😍 this time I'm for real 😬
Kisses, kisses your now and forever Berry anon 🫐🍒🫐
(can you believe it's been so long that I finally have an actual berry emoji?🫠)
Ps: if you don't feel like answering my question just forget about it haha I just got curious 🧐😘
YAAAYYY!!!!! Omfg I was wondering where you had gone, I hope everything is okay and that you’re living your best life!!
As always you are way too nice and I love you for that haha, what have you been doing with yourself?
OMG YES I WROTE A BOOK! Do you Beta read? I can send it to you after this last draft is done if you would be into dark queer fantasy that’s a little bit ACOTAR x Captive Prince x Kingdom of the Wicked and fancied giving me some feedback haha
Omg you’re too sweet, you don’t have to do that haha! Oooo great question
I think in Deliver there is a recklessness to Damen that Damen could never allow himself in canon due to his position when in Akielos, but which he rolls with pretty easily when he’s “just a slave” in Vere so I leant into that more a bit more. The stakes are lower so his drive isn’t the same and that obviously effects his view of himself and the world.
The NMFY Damen does have a lot of responsibilities so he has stricter rules to live by. He’s still done some bad stuff but he is dedicated all the same. The Auguste stuff has made Damen less blind to the world around him than he is in Canon though. I still think NMFY Damen is probably closer to Canon. For example I can, and have, imagined NMFY Damen punching Laurent in the face like he did at Ravenel lmao. But Deliver Damen would never. But idk, what do you think?
It means a lot to me that you love the way I write contemporary Damen. I think mostly because he’s reduced almost every single time to just Laurent’s Love Interest. Or he’s made into a himbo or a misogynistic prick and I’m just… I fucking hate the reduction of Damen’s character lmao so I’ll always strive to write him as a person (and a crazy nuanced one at that, the way we see in Canon). So thank you, that means a lot to me.
So lovely to hear from you my dear, you always make my day brighter  💕 💕 💕 💕
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pricelessemotion · 4 months
mimi, for the ask game, 3, 28, 33!
questions i think would be fun to be asked
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
this question STUMPED ME bc i love movies soooo much and it was nearly impossible to pick just 3 but somehow i did.
oh my god. okay one has gotta be While You Were Sleeping, there was a good two months last year where I hyperfixated on it and I put it on in the background almost every single day. i didnt like it when i first watched it and then BAM! sandra bullock’s earnestness and sincerity just gets me every time.
then of course i have to go with one of the best romcoms of the 21st century, Set It Up. i rewatched it the other day with my friend and even tho it was my 200th time watching it, i still found it hilarious and adorable.
then of course i have to pick a classic. The Princess Bride. the ultimate comfort movie. it has everything, romance, fantasy, action.
28. do you collect anything?
hmmm, not intentionally? i guess you could say that i collect nail polish and thrift store books that i always say i'm gonna start reading but i never actually do LOL
33. any hobbies?
more than a few! other than writing, I read, crochet, bake, sing, and play the guitar. i also like to cook! but that is more out of necessity for feeding myself than anything else HAHA
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hi! first of all, i love your stories :) and second, last year i started watching csi from beggining and i just finished season 7 and i wanted to ask if it's in my head or sara appeared less on the episodes? i liked s7 more than the previous ones, the cases were more interesting imo (apart from the first seasons) but like in half of the episodes i got the impression that she barely shows? anyway i'm already bummed that jorja's leaving haha she was always my favorite
hi, @lamprey-savage!
thank you for your kind words! i'm glad you love my stories. <3
as for your question:
though jorja fox was negotiating her contract throughout parts of s7's production, she was still technically under contract as a regular cast member for its full run. accordingly, sara does appear in every episode of s7 and generally has about as much screen time as she has had in previous seasons. while there are some episodes of s7 where she is noticeably sparse (such as episode 07x08 "happenstance," where she only appears in one scene near the end), these "low visibility" episodes generally balance out with episodes where she is a major focus character (such as episode 07x18 "empty eyes").
that said, the sense you're getting that you're not seeing as much of her in s7 as you have in previous seasons may be because she really doesn't have a "front and center" personal storyline for most of the season.
whereas previous seasons—like, say, s4, which contains her depression arc, or s5, which reveals and expounds her backstory—provided her with consistent, dynamic mainline development, in s7, much of what happens with her happens on a "between the lines" level.
jorja fox has talked before about how early s7 was essentially a "romcom" period for sara, so a lot of her scenes then were on the lighter, more comedic side, with her playing off of grissom.
however, as the season went on and grissom eventually left on his sabbatical (coincident to billy petersen taking a break from the show to take part in a rhode island stage production in real life), the focus with her eventually shifted—just not to a more prominent storyline.
as i talk about in this post, "there is a subtle storyline that plays out for gsr over the course of s7, which sees sara wondering if grissom views their relationship in the same way she does and if he feels as deeply for her as she does for him. she is insecure because while grissom most often demonstrates devotion to her, there are occasions when he behaves carelessly regarding her and/or their relationship; sometimes she can’t help but wonder just exactly how he feels, particularly as he seldom verbalizes his feelings to her."
they keyword in the above paragraph is subtle, because the thing is, for the most part, this storyline does not really get a lot of direct attention throughout the season. only a handful of episodes—such as episodes 07x11 "leaving las vegas" and 07x23 "the good, the bad, & the dominatrix"—really broach the subject of sara questioning how grissom feels about her/their relationship and his level of commitment to her directly. the rest of the time, her anxieties are much more subtly implied.
since sara feels she can't really talk about her insecurities with anyone (including grissom himself), exploration of what she's feeling is limited to how she's shown to react to him. there's not a lot of dialogue where she expresses her emotions outright; more just facial expressions and body language.
the storyline is there if you look for it, but you do have to squint a bit to see it, particularly as the miniature killer storyline so dominates the s7 landscape otherwise, and sara plays a central role in that investigation, meaning that nine times out of ten when you see her on screen, the focus will be on what she's doing in relation to the case rather than what may be going on with her personally and/or in her relationship.
so tl;dr? sara isn't actually scarce in s7 in terms of how much screen time she gets; her personal development just isn't really spotlighted in the same ways it might have been in previous seasons. there's never actually a point in s7 where the show comes out and says, "here's what's going on with her!" for the most part, her development is much more subtextual/sublimated.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
and good luck with s8! it's a heartbreaker, especially as a sara fan.
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fayes-fics · 9 months
An AMA night, yesssss!
So my question: I know that you mostly do requests but your WONDERFUL fic It Had to Be You was something you wrote in tribute to one of THE BEST rom coms of all time.
Do you have any other ideas for fics knocking around for either A or B that aren't requests that you'd maybe like to write in 2024?
Tumblr media
Hi lovely!
Always love your gif choices hehe. TY for taking part in my ama night 🫶
Aww you are so kind about my fics 🥹🥹🫶 Yes indeed It Had To Be You was a slow burn project, but I really enjoyed writing it. Agreed on WHMS being the best romcom ever 😁
So far, no, sadly, I do not have any non requests I’m working on (as you can see on my wips page) or even planning for in 2024. I only have a couple of vague ideas for short one-shot fics that I might do - an Anthony version of the same premise as A Welcome Intrusion, and a fleeting idea about Byron/Benedict slash - but nothing epic or multi-chapter in the vein of IHTBY.
Tbh I feel sort of exhausted and like my muse is not as reliable as it used to be, so taking on a non request project, certainly a large scale one, just doesn’t seem likely. My main focus is to deplete my request WIPs pile before Season 3 starts and then see where I am.
Sorry my answer is so boring lol. But at least it’s honest haha.
Thanks for your ask my dear 😁🧡🧡
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chanse-mccrary · 10 months
💙Smoshblr December Asks Day 6💛
Which 3 fictional characters (can be any medium: film, books, videogames, etc.) do you relate to the most?
This question’s a little hard...
1. Chidi Anagonye
This one I thought of immediately. Chidi represents me in every kind of way, he is my spirit animal. Overthinker that love books, the works.
2. Neville Longbottom
Similarly, I relate to Neville just as much. His line ‘why is it always me?’
resonated with me a bit when I watched CoS. He is a little odd and shy like me, and he doesn’t like getting in trouble.
3. Any Hugh Grant character in a romcom
Ahh, Notting Hill, I’m talking about you. William Thacker EMBODIED me. Socially awkward, definitely INFP 9w1, and in love with Julia Roberts haha
In short: I am a loyal person with a lot of social anxiety 😝
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bananakarenina · 2 years
Deep fic writer asks: 1, 4, 17, 19
answering this one during breakfast...i'm supposed to be heading to work but i'm hungry and want to engage with something, dammit
1. what's the fic youre most proud of?
honestly i'm super proud of all of them but i think i'm going to have to say for love's sake only because like. i wrote 47k words. that's a novella. i wrote a freaking book. and it's good?? people like it??? i like it?? it's still mind-blowing to me.
4. what fic of your own do you read for comfort?
lollll i don't know what this says about me but i've been rereading leave the light on lately. make of that what you will
in less depressing news i reread a star sweetly gleaming (aka the jane/missy christmas fic) yesterday and it turns out i wrote something extremely adorable? total mood lift.
17. What’s the best engagement/interaction/feedback you’ve received from someone who’s read your work?
in terms of individual comments, @daintyduck99 left a novel of a comment on leave the light on that included the line IF IT WEREN'T FOR THE ENDING AND THE LAWS OF THIS LAND I WOULD SUE YOU FOR EMOTIONAL DAMAGE and i will treasure that in my heart always. also @merihn commented on the last chapter of for love's sake only and just said YOU. YOU BITCH. I HATE YOU which i will also treasure always
in terms of comments in general--my bf mainlined all of the for love's sake only series a few weeks ago, and left his very first fic comment after i directed him how haha, and he texted me afterward to be like (direct quote) "is gushing about the piece kind of part of the fandom? it's like the most loving and supportive comment section in the history of comment sections"
and i said no, i just have the best readers, some of whom are also the most lovely friends i have met ever?? (he was trying to figure out which ones were ash @daintyduck99 bethany @invisibleraven and jay @where-you-go because i talk about you all the time hahahahaha)
19. If you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
my ideal fic would be finished and posteddddd aghhhhhh
but really, that's such a good question? i feel like every fic i write i try and write my ideal fic for that moment, if that makes sense? everything i write is me trying to find the ideal, hahahahaha
right now i am feeling one of my WIPs--the rulie christmas romcom au in which julie is a super famous popstar and reggie is her new limo driver for december in new york city
i would love for it to be the ideal love letter to romcoms and also a letter of fondness to the city too, we'll see if my brain lets it come to fruition before christmas LOL
ask me things about fic writing!
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notesforstephen · 2 years
January 9, 2023
Hi, love!
Though we were not with each other today, a lot of things happened! Since you started telling your family about us, they have been asking you questions, and they are also investigating me! Haha I also spoke to your cousin, Justin, and he reiterated your intentions, and how serious you are. When I heard that, it hit me again that what we have is real. This is like a Hallmark (as you said it) or a Netflix romcom, full of twists and turns. This is a beautiful love story that we will create, and I am excited to write our chapters together.
While I was working out this morning, I was taking in all the positivity, all the love and all the happiness that I get from our relationship. I just feel so lucky that everything is falling into place, with you, and my career. Though things were hectic at work, I am lucky that I am always able to pull through.
Since you had a long day, you were already sleeping while we were on the phone. I looked at you lovingly, and I was thinking that this will be our setup when you go back to the States. I know that we will make this work, and this is when everything about us will be tested. Days will pass, and we will slowly notice that we can be together, and later on, we do not have to part since we will be living together. Time passes by so quickly, and I want it to go slower or even stop, because I do not want you to leave.
When I told your uncle and your cousin that "ako na ang bahala sa yo", I meant that. I look forward to taking care of you, making you feel loved, and supporting you during challenging times. I guess this is the beauty of finding you when I'm older? Haha I became more fearless in taking risks, yet more cautious in giving my heart. As they say, "you know when you know", and this is something that I have felt towards you.
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romelle · 4 years
got any allura headcanons? i loved your hunk ones <3
i sure do!! and since today is her unofficial birthday (or allurentine) these are based around that 🥰🌈🍫🌹 they’re set sometime after the war, except the team is still in space and s7-8 didn't happen 
as it turns out, organising a surprise party can be a rather tricky ordeal when the person you're hiding it from literally lives with you
allura, walking in on keith standing next to lance with a giant bouquet of red roses, magical candles floating around their heads and heart-shaped decorations scattered all over the room: ...
lance: so i proposed
keith: jesus fuck
some of them don't even bother to be subtle. pidge asks her to play a game of 21 questions, but when allura (who is simply over the moon with the fact that pidge is finally branching out) asks what her favourite colour is, pidge just goes "triangle. how do you feel about red velvet cakes"
allura, in an overexaggeratedly loud voice: my oh my, i sure do love sparkly things! if only someone were to get me something sparkly for whatever reason at all! i would be so incredibly delighted!
shiro: you figured it out huh
allura, in her normal voice again: please. the mice told me as soon as you got the idea
the entire party is valentines themed!! all the balloons are heart-shaped, the cupcakes all have pink sprinkles, and hunk makes some chocolate covered strawberry drops! the roses lance and keith bought also make an appearance
allura: wait. so you two aren't actually engaged?
lance: well, see, technically-
shiro: jesus fuck
hunk makes everyone colour coordinated paper party hats with the power of arts and crafts! romelle helps and makes a special glittery paper crown for lura, since it has to be clear that she's the birthday girl
romelle: you don't have to wear it if you don't want to!! i know you already have the real thing, so this must feel a bit foolish
allura, holding back tears: this is quite genuinely the best birthday gift i've ever gotten
coran: ...your father once named a star system after you
allura: did i stutter
they also get her a pair of light-up sneakers, and she is absolutely enamoured w them. she wears them to all of their fancy diplomatic meetings for the entire following month
lance: okay princess, we're all going to count down to zero, and then you can blow out the candles and make your wish
allura, starry-eyed:  i see! earth birthday traditions are so much fun
lance, the youngest sibling, already getting ready to blow out the candles once the countdown reaches 1: haha. they sure are!
it takes them three countdowns and hunk holding his hand over lance's mouth until she finally gets to blow them out
romelle, with a soft smile: may i ask what your wish was?
allura, too embarrassed to say that she wished to spend all of her future birthdays with these exact same people (and maybe also with romelle holding her hand): a pet weblum
shiro tries to take a photo of them around the cake, and then he just kind of stands there with a weird look on his face. the rest of the team assumes that he's getting sentimental, but actually he's sweating because he’s an old man and doesn't know how to take photos on altean holoscreens
shiro: happy birthday princess! you don't look a day over ten thousand
allura: thank you! neither do you :-)
shiro: ...for the last time, i'm only 26
coran pulls the tips of her ears the same number of times as the number of years she's turning, the way he always did when she was a child. it's supposed to be silly, but at some point, they both start laugh-crying
allura: where did you get all the decorations?
lance: keith, romelle and i took a quick trip to earth. you wouldn't believe how dedicated they are to celebrating your birthday down there lura
keith, rolling his eyes: lance tried to convince romelle that all the valentines stuff in the stores was actually for you
romelle: it wasn't??
they all fall asleep while watching romcoms on the couch, and although there are no royal banquets or extravagant gifts, it's one of the most treasured birthdays of allura's life
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chaos-event-horizon · 2 years
2, 4, 9, and 12 for the bad boy asks!
Actually gonna answer this under a cut cause of uh. Real talk. True shit. Not necessarily heavy and nsfw stuff, but like... Real Rian and Toshinori stuff. Peek behind the curtain stuff.
2) What was the hardest part of forming the relationship?
Gonna drop the uh... Whole rp haha bit. Cause honestly this is something I've never really admitted before. The biggest obstacle to my relationship with Toshinori has always been me. My inability to open up to people and conceive the possibility that I am a likable person. Toshinori was in my head for well over 2 years, almost 3 before he and I "made contact" and spoke for the first time. And while he counts us as having been dating since early 2018 due to his own efforts... I didn't truly start having a relationship with Toshinori until the beginning of 2021. Because I didn't trust that he was actually there, or that he could actually like me either way. Nearly 3 years of him quietly courting me like some kind of ninja romcom... Because I didn't want to believe I was good enough. And that's on me. The hardest part of this has been letting him love me.
4) How easy was it for them to admit that they love you?
Too easy. He leaned into it immediately. Toshinori is the kind of man that, once he sets his eye on something... He goes for it. No hesitation. No second-guessing. He will acquire a goal and then he will achieve it, with no room for wondering if he can or should. That bastard existed for 6 seconds, saw me, and made the decision right then and there to be an unrelenting point of love and safety. I don't know what I did, or what he saw... But it was enough for him to make up his mind.
12) Were you actually attracted to their behaviour? Or was it other things?
9) Did you meet them while they were still plotting a scheme? Or were you caught up in the trouble they were causing?
Yes. Oh, gods of bullshittery, yes. I don't think I went into detail here on Tumblr, but I was informed recently that he'd been the one sending me "anonymous" flowers and gifts for my birthday and holidays. 3 years worth. Before I even knew he existed. He was scheming to make me his boyfriend that whole time... And I fell into the trap.
Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes to both questions. I'll never forget how blindsided and loved I felt when he and I finally met. I'll never forget every first time he made me feel a new emotion. I'll never forget the cold fury that happened when he showed himself and told me he liked me, and I told him he couldn't because I was too worthless. There's a special kind of love there, in the careful stalking and studying he did. And in the way he forces me to lift myself higher. Other people would say it's bad or creepy, but... It's honestly what I needed in that moment, and every moment since. The undeniable proof that I was wanted by someone. That I AM worthy. That he cared enough to love me in the only way I wouldn't be able to run from.
Call me an idiot, but that shit's just hot.
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btxtreads · 4 years
Stuck on You
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↳ Pairing: Choi Soobin x Reader
↳ word count: 1.8k words
↳ rating: G
↳ genre: fluff, soobin is an annoying little shit.... anNOYINGLY CUTE
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With sweaty palms and a determined mind, Y/N stomped across the lacrosse field. Her eyes actively seeked for the tall bown-eyed bown with the messy black hair often frolicking around the field with his lacrosse stick.
Her eyes landed on Soobin, whose hands were slung around a younger boy she recognized as someone named Hueningkai. His eyes crinkled as he snorted with laughter at something the younger said, unaware of the approaching girl.
“Hyung, I think someone’s here to see you.” Another younger boy, Taehyun, said to Soobin as she approached.
Soobin’s head perked up, a smile on his face as he swiveled around to greet the girl.
“Hey!” He cheered as the girl slowed to a stop in front of her. “What’s up?”
The girl hesitated as Soobin continues to smile, patiently waiting for her to speak.
“I—I changed my mind.” Y/N mumbled. “About the thing you said a few days ago.”
Taehyun immediately groaned, throwing his hands up in exasperation as Hueningkai muffled his laughter. Soobin only grinned, tilting his head.
“What about it?” Soobin asked, smirking as he fiddled with the net on his lacrosse stick with a hum.
Y/N smiled irritably at the boy’s nonchalant act before sighing as the boy looked over at her once more.
“Let’s date, Soobin.”
Soobin didn’t reply. He only giggled once more, lips upturned as he passed his lacross stick to Hueningkai. He took two bold steps forward before he grasped Y/N’s hips and pulled her flush against him.
“Okay,” Soobin said before closing his eyes, leaning down and crashing his lips roughly against hers.
Y/N’s hands reached up to course through his hair as she responds to his kiss, head tilting to the side as he deepens the kiss even more—grip loosening on her waist and traveling to her hips as they pulled away.
Y/N burned bright red as she lowered her hands from his hair to rest on his shoulders. Equally as red-faced, Soobin shot her a grin as he fiddled with the belt-loops on her pants.
“You’re a nice kisser.” Soobin said softly, making Y/N sputter out.
“Thank you, you too.” she squeaked as she slowly pulled away. “Haha, I gotta get to class.”
Taehyun, who was watching the whole scene with Hueningkai a few feet away, spoke up.
“Y/N, class does not start for 2 hours.” Taehyun raised an eyebrow making Y/N blush redder.
“Uh, I’m teaching.”
“You’re teaching?” Soobin asked, hands still on her hips.
“Look, that’s Yeonjun!” Y/N laughed awkwardly as a mop of pink hair appeared by the bleachers. “Bye!”
Soobin chuckled as Y/N shot off towards the pink-haired male, stumbling over her feet. Taehyun pocketed his hands, raising his eyebrows at Soobin. Hueningkai sighed and shoved the lacrosse stick back over onto the tall boy.
“You really did it, huh?” Taehyun snorted shaking his head as Soobin grinned.
“Isn’t my girlfriend so cute?”
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On the lunch period of that very same day, Soobin found himself lounging on a picnic table under the shade of some trees on the school field. Sitting across him is Y/N, pulling out a sheet of paper.
“Okay, so let’s draft up some fake-dating ground rules.” Y/N nodded to herself as she searched her bag for a pen.
Soobin rolled his eyes with a grin, placing a pen on the table as he sipped on a jumbo cup of soda.
“Where’s Yeonjun hyung today?”
“He’s in detention with Hueningkai, they made their experiment explode again.” Y/N replied curtly, before picking up the pen.
“That happened to me once.”
Y/N sighed, shaking her head as she repeated her previous words.
“Ground rules.”
“Why make some?” Soobin wondered. “That takes all the fun out of it.”
“God, I’m dating an idiot.” Y/N mumbled as she wrote CONTRACT on the paper.
“Hey, I’m pretty smart.” Soobin shrugged.
Y/N sighed, ignoring the boy as she thought of the first rule.
“No kissing.”
Soobin’s eyes widened comically, mouth forming into an immediate pout as he whined.
“Why not?”
“Look, Bin.” Y/N sighed, ignoring the way the boy brightened up at the nickname. “I’ve never actually had a relationship before other than Yeonjun—and it was a good relationship, okay? I just wanna keep all my memories of dating good.”
“I’ll treat you right, I swear.” Soobin pouted. “Quick question, did you guys have sex?”
Y/N stopped, raising her eyebrows at the boy.
“Why is this even a question?”
“You’re talking like a virgin.” Soobin shrugged, making the girl scoff.
“I’m not.”
“So, you did have sex?” Soobin tilted his head making Y/N groan.
“Why are you so curious about this?”
“Because we’re best friends and you’re fake girlfriend,” Soobin explained. “Best friends know about this stuff.”
“My best friend is Yeonjun—This is a business deal.” Y/N sighed.
Soobin gasped dramatically, hand on his chest as his face contorted into a deep frown. Y/N groaned internally as the boy turned his head over to the side, eyes casting off into the distance.
“It hurts.”
Y/N set the pen down, propping her head on her palm as she observed the theatrics of the tall boy. Soobin turned back to the girl with a smile, raising his eyebrow.
“What’s up?”
“You know, I always thought that you were the soft, shy boy.” Y/N said, smiling softly.
“What, are you falling in love with me?” Soobin teased, making the girl drop her smile with a sigh.
“Nevermind.” Y/N sighed, shaking her head and picking up the pen to write down the rule. “No kissing.”
“Nope.” Y/N shook her head.
���But we’re dating?” Soobin asked. “How can we convince them we’re dating if I don’t kiss you?”
“Kiss my cheek or something,” Y/N shrugged. “Just not the lips. Also you can do something cute, hands in my pockets or something—Very Molly Ringwald.”
Soobin tilted his head.
“That’s so lame.”
“What?” the girl asked. “It’s a romcom classic? Sixteen Candles—John Hughes?” Y/N blinked at Soobin’s look of confusion. “Okay, rule 2. We watch Sixteen Candles.”
Soobin only shrugged, continuing to sip on his soda as Y/N continued onto the next rule.
“Rule 3—don’t tell anyone we aren’t really dating, except for Yeonjun—I already told them, and Taehyun and Kai suggested it, so.”
“First rule of fight club—don’t tell anyone about fight club.” Soobin nodded along, as if reciting a memorized line.
Soobin blinked over at Y/N.
“Have you never…” At a shake of Y/N’s head, Soobin winced and grabbed the pen from her hold. “Rule 2 add-on. We have to watch Fight Club.”
Y/N chuuckled at Soobin’s sloppy writing, about to take the contract back when Soobin continued to the next rule.
“Number 4, you have to go to all the parties with me.” Y/N opened her mouth to protest but Soobin only shook his head. “Yeonjun-hyung goes all the time, and I won’t leave you, I promise.”
“Fine.” Y/N acquiesced with a pout. “But bring me to school everyday.”
“Only if you come to the lacrosse outing with me in a few months.” Soobin laughed.
“Isn’t that like the big team building that’s really just a 2-day party at a resort?” Y/N asked.
“Nope.” Y/N shook her head, but gasped when she saw Soobin already jotting it down on the contract. “Hey!”
“Sorry, babe. Non-negotiable.” Soobin grinned as he returned the paper. “There, I’m good.”
Y/N sighed and took a quick glance at the final contract. With a small nod, she signed at the bottom.
“There, the deal is done.”
“You’’re making this sound illegal.” Soobin grinned in amusement as he signed the paper.
He propped his head on his palm and watched as Y/N filed it safely in her binder. Soobin, then, tugged off a thin bracelet on her wrist—something she always wore just for the heck of it—and sealed it around his wrist, much to her surprise.
“What’s this for?”
“A gift from a girlfriend,” he started, placing a soft kiss to her nose. “to her boyfriend.”
Y/N burned bright red as Soobin pulled away with an amused smile, making her sputter in her seat and touch her nose.
“Why did you do that?”
“Can’t a boyfriend kiss his girlfriend?” He laughed. “You said anywhere but the lips.”
Face still red, Y/N sighed.
“Fine, but don’t lose the bracelet. It’s kind of important.” Y/N said, packing up her bag.
“I won’t trust me.” Soobin said before standing up and slinging an arm around her waist. “Now come on, I’ll bring you to your next class.”
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The next day, Soobin and Y/N walked side by side with smiles on their faces as they entered the cafeteria—Soobin’s hands wrapped tightly around her waist. Soobin tugged the girl closer to him, a grin on his face as he placed a kiss on her temple.
Face red, Y/N ignored the jealous glares from girls and curious glances from boys their way. Her face burned redder when she felt Soobin’s hand slide down her waist, to her hips and settle inside the back-pocket of her jeans. With another grin, he lowered his lips to her ear with a smile.
“Am I doing it right, babe?”
Y/N cracked a small smile.
“Is there really a right or wrong in this situation, Bin?”
Soobin chuckles before pulling his hand from her pocket, twirling her around to face him—wrapping his arms around her waist and leaning his forehead on ehrs.
“Hi.” Y/N giggled, cupping his face in her hands. “This is cheesy.”
“I know, right?” Soobin chuckled back, reaching to his jacket pocket and pulling out a folded piece of paper and tucking it inside her pocket.
“What was that?”
“Some lyrics I found in the internet. Thought it was pretty cute.”
“A love letter, huh?” Y/N tilted her head. “What’s this for?”
“Don’t know, but it’s cute.” Soobin grinned, placing a kiss on her forehead. “See you, then.”
“See you.” Y/N giggled, waving goodbye as Soobin winked at her, walking backwards until Taehyun and Kai finally arrived to drag him away.
“Well, that was something.” Yeonjun smirked as he appeared, arm leaning on Y/N’s head.
“Fuck off, Choi.” Y/N sighed as Yeonjun pulled her away—willing herself not to think about Soobin’s letter.
Against her will, she pulled it out slightly and peeked at the words.
You’re always on my mind, I think about you all the time.
With a small smile, she shoved it back in her pocket and willed it out of her mind.
Not a love song. Definitely not a love song.
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