#the realms gift exchange 2023
therealmsevents · 1 year
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Pls contact me here if you have any questions!
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inhuman-obey-me · 6 months
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Belated collab piece for Solomon's Birthday 2023!
Art by Mod Cosmos
Writing by Mod Chaos
His Immortal Soul
Can also be read on AO3 here Word Count: 3.8k Description: "Madness, where is its soul? Madness, all alone." A series of reflections on Solomon, shining souls, and what it means to be human.
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With an impressive 72 pacts at his command, the Witty Sorcerer Solomon is said to have a most delectable and enticing soul. Demons clamor for the chance at a piece of it; there are rumors that even Death herself longs to claim it. It shines with the wisdom he was once gifted, and it is finely aged with the polish of immortality. The soul of a man who controls so many demons without succumbing to their allurement is a delicacy indeed.
Humans with the power to resist demons have nicely polished souls, like jewels. The more noble a soul, the shinier, and the more demons both long to claim it and are repelled by it.
At least, that's how it should be. That’s how it usually works. It’s what Iarabal had expected, when he'd heard that the infamous sorcerer himself would be coming to RAD as an exchange student under the Demon Prince's bizarre plan. Of course, no one had dared actually touch him once he arrived -- his pacts are with some of the most powerful demons in the realm, and the idea of treason aside, none would want to additionally face the wrath of those such as Asmodeus or Barbatos. And that’s all before even getting to the sorcerer himself, a man so powerful and conniving that he’d managed to gain the power of those many demons while offering away little to nothing of himself in exchange.
So Solomon’s soul, by all rights, is quite beyond reach to any average demon such as himself.
But Iarabal had planned to look upon it, at least, and savor the fantasy of devouring it. Flames lick at the insides of his belly in anticipation, and he salivates at the thought, even if he knows he will never get a taste. A demon can dream, can’t he?
Yet, as he lays eyes upon the sorcerer, something feels not quite right. It sparkles, yes -- even more dazzlingly than the demon had imagined, it sparkles. But there is something wild and incomprehensible about it, like funhouse mirrors warping the refractions of a million diamonds. The longer he looks, the more it seems to expand and stretch, and he is trapped in it, as though a cavern of crystal is closing itself around him. His appetite is fading rapidly, and a growing sense of something almost like dread builds in his stomach in its place.
Is Solomon so noble, to be able to repel him this way? Is this the strength of how powerfully his soul shines?
The demon isn’t sure. This doesn’t feel the same as any other time a human’s soul has repelled him. He feels like he’s losing his mind entirely, and the longer he stares, the worse it seems to get. Then again, he’s never looked upon a human so powerful as this, so who can say?
Iarabal averts his gaze. He doesn’t want to look upon it anymore.
The sorcerer’s soul is, he thinks to himself, better left alone.
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There is something very, very strange about that sorcerer, Lucifer thinks.
Solomon has, as always, asked him for a pact again today. “Come on, this is basically just how we greet each other, isn’t it?” the human explains away blithely when the demon rejects him, with a smile that doesn’t match the seriousness of what he asks.
Of course, it’s not the pact-seeking that makes Solomon so strange, even if he is singularly annoying in his persistence about it. Plenty of humans have sought similar with the infamous fallen angel. He’s not even the only among them to try to use trickery or magic to force the demon’s hand.
No, Solomon is strange because, of all those humans, he is the most alarmingly devious, wicked human ever to have such a beautiful soul.
“Someone pure, genuine, and worthy of respect. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but demons are most attracted to the souls of people like that,” Lucifer had once told you.
The sorcerer as he knows him is none of those things. Lucifer is very familiar with the immortal’s reputation and history, and none of it could be described as pure. Rather than genuine, the man is unforthcoming at best and outright deceptive at worst. Any respect he has earned usually comes mostly from raw power, and most of that comes from the sheer number of pacts he’s accumulated, along with the Ring of Wisdom that Michael gifted him so very long ago. And then there’s the matter of his many past transgressions against demonkind...
Yet, despite this, Solomon’s soul sparkles brilliantly every time Lucifer sees him. It’s shocking how radiant it is, in fact. He’s hardly ever seen anything like it. The way it shines speaks to a level of purity and nobility of spirit beyond almost any other. And he smiles that carefree, nonchalant smile, an expression that would almost seem like he’s exactly what his soul says he is, even as he tries to solicit a pact from the demon, day after day, year after year.
But Lucifer knows better. Solomon is not pure or genuine. He is not as innocent as he plays at being. He is a dangerous person, and he is not to be trifled with.
The dissonance is unsettling, and for that, Lucifer does not trust him.
Granted, if a demon were to choose any human to make a pact with, Solomon would certainly be at the top of most any demon’s list. It’s true that a pact with that most powerful human sorcerer ever to live can lend one a certain degree of status in the Devildom. He has a reputation for only bothering with demons whose power he deems interesting enough to be worthwhile. And those who do forge such agreements with him revel in the amount of raw magic that he channels through them, when they are called upon.
Any other demon might have given in and made that pact a long time ago already. Rather, many already had – Lucifer’s own younger brother among them, to his chagrin.
But the Avatar of Pride is decidedly not looking for a human with whom to form a pact. He has had little interest in forging a pact with any human, ever. He’s made one exception recently, for you, and it’s his only one since becoming a demon. He doesn’t intend to make another. And certainly not with that particular human.
So, time after time, Solomon asks him again. And, time after time, Lucifer remains ever firm in his refusal.
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It’s a real shame, Thirteen thinks.
The sight of his soul, the first time, is still clear in her memories. The way it sparkled when the moonlight hit him -- she doesn’t think she’ll ever forget it. It was bright, and brilliant, like the rainbows refracted off of the most incredible diamond, but also so much more than even that. No image could ever capture it; no words would ever be enough to describe it. Candy had thought she was delusional when she’d tried to tell her about it afterwards. But it was no delusion. His soul really was just that incredible.
It was like nothing she’d ever seen before, and nothing she’d seen since – at least, not until very recently.
And, to Thirteen’s disappointment, it doesn’t sparkle that way anymore.
That isn’t to say she doesn’t want it anymore, of course. It’s still one of the most captivatingly stunning souls she’s ever come across, and she’s not going to give up on having it. She’s been this patient thus far; she’ll keep trying, however long it might take.
Still...it really is a shame.
She misses the way Solomon used to be. These days, he’s so serious, even as he hides it behind a demeanor so cheerful it borders on idiocy.
Back then, he was different. He’d been more innocent by far, for one thing. She remembers the sight of that child hidden away in the basement, staring up at her through the lattice of that half-underground window. His life hadn’t been exactly easy up to that point, but his world back then had been so much smaller. He hadn’t been caught up in all these otherworldly conflicts, concerned with balances of power and the fate of humanity caught between them. No, back at that time, his magic still felt like a miracle to him, and even if it hadn’t been nearly so impressive back then, he’d had a simple sense of wonder and pride at each little feat he managed to perform.
His soul had been so perfectly pure back then, unclouded, unshaded. There had been such honest terror in the shriek he’d let out, and it had been so cute from that little kid that she couldn’t help but tease him a little, even as she’d tried to reassure him that she wasn’t his enemy.
She’d meant it then, and she means it still. Even as she tries time after time to capture his soul, and for all the many ways he’s annoyed her century after century, she holds no actual ill will towards the sorcerer. In a way, frustrating as it is to have her traps constantly fail against him, it’s a fun game of sorts for her too. He’s more than worthy as a target. She’s been waiting for the day his name shows up in the reaper’s list, but at this point, would taking his soul without a challenge even be satisfying?
So he entertains her tricks, and she plays at capturing him, and in the times in between, he calls her a friend -- one of his only friends, perhaps. He trusts her, with a strength of heart that only someone with such a brilliantly polished soul could.
She is not his enemy.
Someday, though. Someday, she’ll claim that sparkling soul of his. Even if it takes until the end of eternity, she’ll never give up on it.
For that man’s soul, it’s worth it. That’s just how valuable it is.
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It was a delicious expression on Solomon’s face, that first day the two of them met -- shock, fear, desperation, shame. A delectable mix of all humanity’s basest, heaviest emotions.
To his great disappointment, Barbatos has never seen it again.
The reaper, among their cohorts, blames him for how the sorcerer’s soul changed, so many lifetimes ago; he is well aware of that. And he does not deny it -- it's true that Solomon is no longer the same as he once was. That may well be because of his influence.
Perhaps he did spoil him, back then, this fascinating human that he’d decided to take in and save from the encroaching grip of mortality. It had come about by a simple curiosity, mixed with a knowledge that few others had the privilege of being able to see. This human, a mere mortal on the verge of death, had been powerful enough to summon a demon as fabled as him without yet having a pact or bond in any way, and Barbatos could already foretell that this reckless earthly soul would someday have a pact with him who freely manipulated time at will. He knew this sorcerer would have quite the sway on the fate of the three worlds someday, and he was terribly interested in knowing how such a frail being would accomplish such a thing.
So Barbatos had taken Solomon to the Fountain of Knowledge, assigned him its guardianship, cared for him until he’d regained his health, and then made the pact he knew they were meant to have. He did show Solomon a wide expanse of alternate worlds and times, of futures and histories that the human could not have even dreamed. All of it was still nothing compared to what Barbatos himself has seen of the infinite. But it was far, far more than any human should have any right to know.
If that’s why Solomon is the way he is now, so be it.
But Barbatos isn’t so certain that’s exactly the case.
He knows who Solomon is, more deeply than probably anyone else the sorcerer has ever known. Few things can be kept secret from a demon who can see across all of time and space. He has seen Solomon at his best, at his worst, and most times in between. He has held both deep affection for and deep grudges against the man.
At the end of all of it, Solomon is who he is. He is exactly who he has always been meant to be. Barbatos has never tried to turn him into anything else.
One of the reasons Solomon’s soul shines so brightly, in his opinion, is probably that insatiable curiosity that he has. The sorcerer does not settle for things as they are; he wants to see things as they could be -- good or bad.
Solomon was the one to ask Barbatos to show him those deepest of horrors, dredged out of the abyss of possibility. “I’ve read through the books in the Fountain of Knowledge,” he’d announced, “almost every one of them. But knowing those things from books isn’t the same as knowing them. I need to see it, experience it, for myself, so I can be prepared for anything. Will you do that for me, Barbatos?”
Barbatos had simply obliged. He is, after all, the one who had brought Solomon to that place, so very long ago. It had been no surprise that the sorcerer had gone on to research what was available there, especially considering how long it took to restore him to health. He wasn’t going to deny the human’s request after already giving him that much.
And as the man himself had said, he would need to be prepared. He did need it, if he was going to fulfill the futures Barbatos had foreseen for him -- futures where Solomon would work towards pursuing the goals he has been so dogged about for an eternity now.
But that is simply who Solomon is. He wouldn’t have been satisfied with Barbatos keeping him sheltered and uninvolved, powerless in that perpetual battle between the other realms. He knew what he was asking for, and he wanted it anyway. He’s never regretted that request to Barbatos, and the demon doesn’t regret granting it.
So maybe Thirteen is right. Maybe it is Barbatos’s fault that Solomon’s soul is the way it is now. Maybe he did show the man too much, maddened his soul, corrupted him somehow. He is a demon, after all.
But Solomon doesn’t seem to mind, so neither does he.
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The sorcerer, like any human, has never been able to see his own soul.
He has, however, heard plenty said about it, by the many unearthly beings he calls company. Fascinated lesser demons have noted to him over the centuries that it is quite impressive, greed dripping from their tongues in hopes of taking it for their own.
Asmodeus, on the other hand, has never been particularly interested, occasionally quipping that if souls are like gems, he’s “not interested in lab-grown,” before ribbing the sorcerer over whether it’s even actually a human soul anymore.
Thirteen has lamented many a time how his soul doesn’t sparkle the same way it used to, a remark he usually just shrugs off. After all, what can he say in response? He has no control over the exact way that it sparkles, nor any particular interest in doing so specially for his reaper friend’s appeal anyway.
Barbatos, for his part, is quite neutral about it. “Your soul is hardly the most interesting thing about you,” the butler tells him.
Solomon is inclined to agree. Even if he can’t see souls in the same way they can, what does it matter? He knows who he is. He knows who he has been, where he came from, and what he has become. It is inescapable, in fact, even as his reflection in the mirror shows none of that change.
A reflection that, unchangingly, shows him what he has always been -- human.
They say he doesn’t really count as a human, that he can hardly even be considered human anymore at this point. And it hurts a little, he has to admit. He is still just as human as he has ever been, in his opinion, and it is only the others’ own condescending pity of humans that makes them think otherwise. They think he is not human because he has power, and no human could be so powerful. Despite his best efforts to show the potential of humans, they simply discount his own humanity instead.
His soul is proof. It’s not right. For being such a shining soul, the nobility of his heart is warped. It’s tainted by some strange shade, maddened by some unnatural force.
But he would say that unnatural force comes from the very ones who deny him his humanity. For thousands upon thousands of years, has his mission not been noble? Defending humanity’s right to be an equal, independent existence against the heavenly and demonic realms which seek to exert their influence is certainly a noble goal which has given him quite the strength of soul to resist them. Is it his fault that it required him to become so cunning and guarded to achieve that goal?
Any human who could see and experience what he has would be the same, he thinks -- if only any other human could indeed. It is, perhaps, the very loneliness of it that twists him further. He wouldn’t wish those struggles upon anyone, not truly, but he has long felt the weight of carrying this burden alone.
Then, you came along.
Falling in love with you is a little like seeing his younger self for the first time.
You are you, of course. You are not him, not a past version of him, not a thing simply to project onto. He knows that, and he would never try to make you someone you are not. But you are familiar in ways that feel almost nostalgic.
You still have an innocence, like he used to have. Not that you’re naive -- you know well enough how to handle those brothers by now, and you have certainly gained that ability to resist demons as Lucifer once instructed you to. But unlike most, you had a unique chance to earn the respect of those around you; the brothers have a true affection and camaraderie with you that most humans never have the chance to get. The Celestial Realm, too, first came to know of your existence as powerful before they really knew you.
They recognize you as an equal. And that gives you a chance to seek the same mission he has had all this time, from a more even starting point -- at least, if you want to. Or to seek anything else you’d like.
You have that kind of spirit, that he believes in whatever path you choose. Even without the power to see souls as they sparkle, he can see there is something special in you. Something he wants to protect, something he wants to nurture and see grow.
Something that he needs to protect, if the forces who twisted him are now threatening to involve you too.
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Of course Solomon is a little weird, you think. He’s a human who has existed in this world of demons, magic, angels, sorcerers, witches, and everything else, for longer than any human rightfully should have existed at all.
But at this point, aren’t you a little weird, too?
You laugh it off the first few times they say it -- that it’s debatable whether he even counts as human anymore. It’s true, you think. An immortal, powerful sorcerer who has seen everything you’ve ever learned about history and more, with a reputation of being more demonic than most demons themselves? Yeah, you’ve never met any human quite like him.
The longer it goes on, though, the more that opinion changes.
With the brothers affectionately surrounding you, chattering away amongst themselves, they make that remark again, and a small part of you starts to wonder what exactly they mean by it.
What’s so inhuman about him?
He may be deviously clever, but is it really so strange to think that humans might have their schemes sometimes? It’s rampant throughout the human world.
His age is beyond comprehension, but it turns out that plenty of human witches bargain with demons to extend their lives. You’ve started considering it too, if you’re being honest.
He is powerful, the most powerful human ever to live -- except, so are you now.
You start thinking, more and more, that the two of you aren’t actually quite so unalike.
If they think he’s not human anymore, how long until they think the same of you?
So you mention it to him one day, just as a passing comment, during your training together. You didn’t mean much by it, but he frowns, and he ends training for the day, and he takes you to a café, just so you can chat about it a little more. And you didn’t mean to complain, but you end up talking about it and all your other worries and stresses over this whole exchange student turned sorcerer deal for what turns into hours.
He's vague, and evasive about any follow-up questions, but he tells you a little about some of his worries too.
You realize you didn’t really know him all that well before. You start to get to know him better.
When you start talking to him after that, really talking and having real conversations, it’s refreshing in a way. You tell him mundane little stories about your life before all of this -- about your parents, your friends, old anecdotes of how you grew up. You tell him about the things you used to do and your worries about how you’ve become so disconnected from all of that now. And he understands. He listens with a knowing sort of care that none of the others quite have. They do listen to you, of course, but everyday human life is as abstract to them as this world used to be to you. Human life, compared to their own realms, seems so small and inconsequential.
Not to Solomon, though.
As you talk to him, you realize, without a shadow of a doubt, that he remembers. The human world has changed over time, and so has he, but he still remembers what it was like. He still sees things as a human does, no matter how long he’s been surrounded by all this. He asks you all about the human world nowadays, like a house he used to live in, where new owners have come in, and the walls have been repainted, and none of the furniture is arranged how it was before.
Even so, it still feels like home to him. And talking about it feels like home to you.
You don’t really know what they all mean, when the others talk about souls being sparkly or polishing yourself so yours becomes shiny.
Apparently, you sparkle. Apparently, so does he.
But does it matter? Does it matter how all these otherworldly beings judge the worth of a human soul?
What you know is this:
You are human. And so is he.
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Winterfest 4 - Here we go, Sign Ups for All!
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Welcome back to everyone who's already taken part and welcome to Winterfest 2023 to any newcomers!
First of all, big thank you to everyone who reacted to or interacted with our last post gauging interest for another Realm of the Elderlings New Year's Gift Exchange. We're delighted to announce that we're here for at least another year and to welcome @gwenllian-in-the-abbey on board as a new Pecksie❄️
For anyone who doesn't know what this exchange is about yet, please check out our rules and FAQ for any questions you might have (the Tumblr versions can be found under the tag 'mod post'😉). We have updated them and added a section explaining fandom terms:D
The tl;dr is: this is a Secret Santa with RotE-themed fanworks (fics, art, other, all-inclusive). We're happy to have both longtime creators and new ones!
If you want to take part, you can sign up right HERE until November 5, 2023!
Here's a quick overview of the dates, all times are EDT:
Sign Ups are open NOW, starting October 15! That means you can register to participate by putting what you'd like to create and receive in a form that we'll link here.
Sign Ups will close on November 5 midnight, a Sunday, 3 weeks from now on.
You will receive your the nick of your gifter and their wishlist at the latest on November 11, the following Saturday. Please confirm that you've received it and are willing to participate by Sunday, November 12.
On December 3, we'll send out check in messages and we'll ask you to get back to us until December 9 to make sure that we can take action in time in case there are any drop outs.
Overall, you will have 7 weeks to prepare your gift so that it can be published before 31 December 2023 midnight - right on the night between Silvestre and the New Year!
On the next day, the midnight between January 1 and January 2, 2023, all gifters identities will be revealed - before that, they will all be anonymous.
We're very excited to do this with you again this year and hope it'll be fun for everyone!
If you have any questions, feel free to message us📨
Winter Pecksies
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Secret Santa exchange 2023!!! (pt5)
Art works!
You don't belong here by 44luna For RamblingGremlin
Merry Christmas! Gift art for secret santa
Gonna give all my secrets away by Half-dead Ham (Grima101) For coolerdazai
The ruler of a new realm has recently reached out to the delegates of earth to ask for a peace treaty. Clark and the other members of the Justice League have been called in to receive the guests and briefly discuss the proposal before the talks start just to get some facts straight. Everything is going well until Roy walks in the meeting room. Wait, why is the Ghost King going along with the Outlaw's antics? And why are they all acting like they're friends??
The Dynamic Duo of Gotham Academy by MarshmallowBun For MariVictal
Ellie meets a boy on her first day of school and mistakes his staring as him being shy. She decides that this boy is going to be her new best friend. This boy is Damian Wayne.
Deep cuts by Lurias_1533 For Jokers_Card_Deck
Damian reunites with his estranged brother, Danyal, to get away from his own family.
The only things I have are delusions that I can have my own desires by coolerdazai For itallcomesbacktoandreil
Jason was going after a gang. He expected blood, some wounds, maybe even a death here and there. He could never guess that the goons held a young pup hostage. His inner omega was delighted about a thought of having a pup.
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This is my 2023 Winterfest @winterfest-gift-exchange contribution, my gift for my dear friend @whatevsbla, who shares my love of the culty compound of Clerres and all of its fucked up lore. This is a modern AU in which Odessa and Vindeliar leave the Clerres dream cult and find help through a support group hosted by ex-member Amber. I had SO much fun creating this! Happy Winterfest to @whatevsbla and to all who participated this year! (and to my other mutuals, read Realm of the Elderlings. YES the first book has a goofy title and the American version of the cover is kind of shit but you will not regret it, trust me)
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bluerapunzel103 · 6 months
Not an Easy Job
My contribution to @raggedyannrevivaleffort's 2023 gift exchange! @stpaulofsuburbia, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Synopsis: General D. rides at night. Now, he rides alone. This gives him ample opportunity to ruminate on his position as General Darkness, Decay, Dissolution, Done For, Death, Doom.
Fandom: Raggedy Ann/Rag Dolly Character: General D., Bat Mention, Wolf Mention, Marcella Mention, Raggedy Ann Mention Dynamics: Past General D. and Bat and Wolf, Marcella and Raggedy Ann Rating: General/K+ Content Warnings: MASSIVE spoilers to Rag Dolly, heavy themes of death, grief, repression as present in the show Beta read?: Yes
Being Darkness is a dull job. General D. must operate mostly in the nighttime, only working in daylight in times of emergency and crisis. To be Darkness is, literally speaking, just that. He is one with the darkness, in most cases, to bring new souls into his army. Working with just the din of midnight's stillness leaves him ample time to meditate--no, ruminate--on his position in his travels. Granted, often, his right-hands killed that quiet, whenever he had right-hands, but even when he has none, or just finds peace, these thoughts occupy him instead. He supposes it comes with his rank, and he shouldn't be one to complain.
Being Decay is a gruelling job. So many people and animals die every single day. If one were to think about it, it's no wonder he needs an army. The volume of his workload is simply impossible to ever dream of fulfilling entirely on his own. Come to think of it, the General should probably think of recruiting some right-hands. He was beginning to regret letting Bat and Wolf fall victim to their own hubris. They were both very useful for covering more ground on busy nights. Then again, they were prone to taking entirely too long at their jobs. And pestering him. And, of course, thinking independently. Well, just because the General's army is large, it doesn't mean that there aren't no-good, clumsy, wimpy, flat-out useless excuses for soldiers within his legions.
Being Dissolution is a thankless job. No one ever thinks about the work it takes for him to consider when a soul is ready for recruitment. Yes, there have been countless miscalculations. In fact, not long ago, he had thought he found a good recruit to take Wolf's place, but the dog survived his ills and was back on his paws in no time. And, of course, Marcella still stings, considering that was when Wolf's soul died to begin with. But usually, he knows when it's time. Like now. He has finished recruiting a bullfrog who has met the end of its life. It was ready. It had been for a while. Each time, he takes whichever appendage is the most suited for a handshake, congratulates the new soul on their use of their life, and then presents them with their new title as Soldier of General D.'s Army. Then, he points them in the direction of the nearest boot camp for the dead to have the liveliness trained out of them. If they're lucky, they may rise to the top legion, just below right-hands to the General. Even just his workload adds up. He needs to hire right-hands.
Being Done For is an annoying job. Lately, it's been a bit quieter since Bat and Wolf have been gone, and it's allowed for some welcome peace and quiet on good days, to allow the General to meditate-ruminate. There are still times, though, that he finds himself pestered by the newest soldiers. Their relentless cries over regrets in their lives, seemingly endless questions as to whether their families and friends would be okay without them, what their title meant, and whether this surely would be forever. Even this bullfrog seems so unsure of themself in their first few minutes in this realm. The General has seen this countless times in varying orders, but it gets no easier to tolerate it every time, especially after he has just told them what they were now, for how long, and where the nearest boot camp was. He briskly takes Bullfrog's hand and tugs them along. Once he thankfully finds a veteran recruit, a human whose car he found on the road one rainy night, he shoves the clueless amphibian onto her to take to camp. Now, he could focus more on honing down the gentleman he was after next.
Being Doom is a lonely job. It is true. Despite the countless thousands of legions that he has accrued over the course of his career, despite, yes, the company of Bat and Wolf, the General has always been lonely, in a sense. It is something he does to himself. Being a harbinger of heartbreak, after all, does not necessarily grant one social capital in a world that can never seem to agree whether death is a good thing or a bad thing. He is quite positive most of his soldiers don't have a high opinion of him. Even more, though, he is trying not to get too attached to his recruits anymore. The last time he sought companionship with one, he not only lost his chance at bringing her aboard when he wanted to, but in his rage, he ended up losing his own right-hands. It truly is a shame, whenever he thinks about it. That's why he tries not to. Companionship only distracts him from his work.
Being Death is a cruel job. There are times where he does get a sick kick out of it, one should not get him wrong. The General usually is the first to admit that he has historically had quite liberal standards as for whether a soul "deserves" to be taken. Even when he killed Bat and Wolf, he is willing to admit, he felt a rush that he had not felt in so long. But even then, he has standards, and death is indiscriminate by design. Death is neutral, not on anyone's side. As such, especially since Raggedy Ann saved Marcella's life, he has begun to somewhat regret some of his recruits. He begins to feel sympathy for their loved ones. Each tear of confusion from a child who has seen her goldfish flip upside down in her tank. Each pained caress of a trunk from a pack of elephants at their matriarch's funeral. Each cry of anguish from a man freshly grieving his wife after a fast-acting illness. Again, he tries so much not to let himself get distracted by his feelings and do his job without any feelings of, "what if?" He is beginning to turn into a sorry excuse for a General, if he were to say so.
Being General D is not an easy job. It never has been, and it never will be. It is only getting harder. That is the one thing certain to him tonight as he finally finds his next recruit. An old man surrounded by his loved ones. There is no doubt to the General that it's his time. He cleanses the tattered, shattered, freshly-aching remnants of his heart, then he makes his entrance.
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hackearneyexchange · 1 year
Sign-Up Guide (2023)
This is a guide on how to navigate the sign-up form for this year’s fic exchange + recommendations on what to include in your request! Changes have been made to last year’s form, so this is the form that you’ll see when sign-ups open:
What should I include in my sign-up?
Your sign-up should at minimum include the highest rating that you’re comfortable with (for both request and offer, and these can be different), as well as 2 prompts at minimum in your request. The “Prompts and Story Preferences” section is the space on the form where you can provide extra information about the kind of story you want to receive. To borrow from Yuletide’s FAQ (and modified for the purposes of this exchange):
“Other helpful things to include are: why you chose the characters you did and what you like about them; whether you’re a fan of crossovers or AUs; favourite genres or tropes; what fictional aspects of a setting you’re most interested in.
An inappropriate use of the optional details space would be to demand a very specific story or relationship between the characters; to provide a prompt and declare or imply that this is the only story you want; to make a request for a story that does not match [the main pairing of the exchange]; and/or to demand a crossover/fusion with another fandom with no other options offered. As a writer, if you are assigned a prompt like this, you can contact the mod for help.
We encourage requesters to include a list of Do Not Wants (DNWs) in their sign-up if there are things that will ruin a gift for them or that they strongly dislike. However, these will not be enforced in cases where the mods feel a requester is being unreasonable to their writer. [...]
We ask writers to make note of the squicks, triggers, and other DNWs their recipient has put in the [request] fields and make a good-faith effort to avoid those. [...]
These are meant to allow a writer to understand some of their recipient’s favorite things so they can better craft a story for that person.”
Generally speaking, the more options your writer has, the easier it is to tackle your request! But for the purposes of this change, you are only required to provide two different prompts. Any extra details about preferences, likes, and dislikes are strongly recommended but not mandatory. Sometimes your request will be the only thing your writer knows about you, so any insight is helpful!
Where can I find some examples of a request or prompts?
If you’re stuck for ideas, it’s always fun to read the requests from different exchanges! Yuletide has years’ worth of requests you can explore, but this is the 2022 request summary. Alternately, the requests from the 2022 Hackearney Fic Exchange are public as well.
Some additional resources: this is a fun AU generator based on AO3′s common tags, and there’s also a fanfic trope generator that has some interesting prompts as well.
Otherwise, feel free to stick within canon realms as well--missing scenes, character POVs or character studies, anything goes as long as the focus is on the Travis/Laura pairing!
What does the sign-up form look like?
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Choose all ratings that you are comfortable with receiving. The highest rating will be shown to your writer as the maximum, and anything within that realm is fair game. If you are requesting only mature/explicit content, for example, I will do my best to match you up with the appropriate writer but cannot guarantee--so please allow for some flexibility and range with your prompts.
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The first section is where you write your prompts and story preferences. Please also include your DNWs, if you have them, in this section.
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Again, please specify the ratings you are comfortable with writing, especially what your maximum rating is. This will always be honoured when matching you to your recipient.
The Archive Warnings are to identify if you are comfortable with writing certain sensitive content or darkfic. Please choose all that you are comfortable with writing. If none, please choose “No Archive Warnings Apply.”
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If there is any content you are uncomfortable with writing, please let me know here. I will try to accommodate the best I can when it comes to matching. I will always honour DNWs when it comes to triggers, squicks, and explicit or sensitive content. These are boundaries that I will respect. Beyond that, I encourage participants to view this as a writing challenge or exercise to try new things and explore new stories and ideas you might not have tried before. That being said, please let me know if you truly feel that you cannot write your assignment and we can work something out together.
Hope this helps--let me know if there’s anything that’s still unclear!
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kverything-official · 5 months
7 K-Pop idols who were guilty of cultural appropriation
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7. V of BTS 
Even the most popular member of the biggest boyband has been accused of cultural appropriation. Yes, BTS’ V is one of the K-Pop idols who has faced backlash for wearing a durag during one of his weverse lives. 
In October 2023, BTS member V ignited a heated debate when he appeared on a Weverse livestream wearing a red durag. While some fans saw it as a simple act of appreciation for Black culture, others expressed strong criticism, accusing him of cultural appropriation.
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The durag holds significant meaning within Black communities, historically used to protect hairstyles and prevent frizz and damage. For many, seeing it worn solely for aesthetic purposes, especially by someone not of Black descent, felt disrespectful and insensitive. Some viewers worried that V’s actions could contribute to the appropriation and trivialization of Black cultural symbols, potentially even perpetuating harmful stereotypes.
However, not everyone shared this perspective. Defenders of V argued that his actions stemmed from genuine appreciation for Black culture, pointing to his collaborations with Black artists like Lil Uzi Vert. They saw the durag as a fashionable accessory, and emphasized that cultural exchange and adaptation are natural processes in a globalized world. Others contended that focusing solely on the origin of cultural elements ignores the dynamic nature of fashion and artistic expression.
The debate surrounding V’s durag remained unresolved, highlighting the complex and nuanced issue of cultural appropriation. It sparked important conversations about cultural sensitivity, respect, and the need for open dialogue and understanding, particularly within the K-Pop industry, which has faced similar controversies in the past. While V himself did not directly address the controversy beyond his initial explanation of receiving the durag as a gift, the incident served as a powerful reminder of the importance of navigating cultural exchange with awareness and respect.
However, it is clear that he wasn’t really aware of the significance of the Durag. Since it was not a planned music video or an event, his lack of knowledge is understandable, to some extent. 
6. Baekhyun of EXO
The 6th K-Pop idol to be accused and guilty of cultural appropriation is EXO’s Baekhyun. 
Instances of colorism within the realm of K-pop have raised concerns, shedding light on the use of offensive nicknames among idols, often passed off as “terms of endearment.” Baekhyun from EXO found himself at the center of controversy when it was revealed that he saved his fellow member Kai’s name as ‘Blackie’ in reference to Kai’s darker skin tone. Baekhyun’s jests extended to another group member, Lucas of Super M, whom he humorously remarked was challenging to see due to his comparatively darker complexion than other members.
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These comments by Baekhyun sparked repeated backlash from fans who interpreted such remarks as not only perpetuating colorist attitudes but also as a potential gateway to more overtly racist expressions. Critics argued that openly displaying colorist behavior towards team members raises questions about the idol’s attitudes towards race in general, with concerns that such behavior might extend to more harmful expressions behind closed doors.
The controversy surrounding Baekhyun’s comments added to the ongoing discourse within the K-pop industry about the importance of promoting diversity and combating colorism. Fans urged idols and entertainment agencies to be more mindful of the impact of their words, emphasizing the need for education and awareness regarding issues related to skin color and race in order to foster a more inclusive and respectful environment within the K-pop community.
5. Chaeyoung of Twice 
On March 20, K-pop idol Chaeyoung shared a series of images on her Instagram, providing a glimpse into her experiences during the group’s world tour in the United States. However, the attention of fans was quickly drawn to a controversial T-shirt she was wearing in one of the photos. The cream-colored garment prominently featured an image of Sid Vicious from Sex Pistols, known for donning outfits with controversial symbols, including those associated with Nazi imagery.
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generalfoodmarket · 5 months
Sweet Profits: Unveiling the US$270 Billion Confectionery Market Boom
The Confectionery Market, a delightful realm where sweet fantasies come to life, has evolved into a dynamic and expansive industry catering to the diverse cravings of consumers worldwide. From timeless classics to innovative treats, this exploration delves into the market's size, revenue, and the delectable journey of growth it continues to embrace.
Overview of the Confectionery Market:-
The Confectionery Market represents a diverse landscape of sweet treats that span chocolates, candies, gums, and an array of delightful confections. Rooted in traditions yet ever-adapting to changing consumer preferences, this market has become synonymous with moments of joy, celebration, and indulgence.
Market Dynamics:-
The dynamics of the Confectionery Market are characterized by a delicate dance between tradition and innovation. While classic favorites maintain their allure, the market continually introduces new flavors, textures, and packaging concepts to captivate the taste buds of a broad consumer base.
Market Size:-
The Confectionery Market boasts a colossal US$216.7 billion valuation in 2023, projected to reach a mouth-watering US$270.7 billion by 2028. This translates to a CAGR of 2.4%, indicating a steady and sustained growth trajectory, promising a future brighter than a candy wrapper on a sunny day.
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Key Components of the Confectionery Market:-
Chocolates: Chocolates, a timeless indulgence, remain a cornerstone of the market. From rich dark varieties to creamy milk chocolates and innovative filled truffles, this segment continues to evolve with changing consumer demands.
Candies and Gums: The candies and gums segment embraces an array of flavors, shapes, and textures. From nostalgic hard candies to modern gummy innovations, this category caters to a wide range of taste preferences.
Artisanal Confections: The rise of artisanal confections signifies a shift towards premium and handcrafted treats. Consumers seek unique flavor profiles, ethically sourced ingredients, and a personalized touch, driving the market towards elevated craftsmanship.
Sugar-Free and Health-Conscious Options: Recognizing the growing emphasis on health-conscious choices, the market now includes sugar-free and low-calorie options. Manufacturers are innovating to meet the demand for indulgence without compromising on wellness.
Market Revenue and Growth:-
The Confectionery Market revenue reflects its perennial appeal, with consistent growth driven by factors such as product innovation, seasonal promotions, and the market's ability to adapt to changing consumer preferences. The allure of sweet indulgence remains robust, contributing to sustained revenue streams.
Factors Influencing Growth:-
Innovation in Flavors and Ingredients: The market thrives on innovation, with manufacturers introducing novel flavors, unique combinations, and exotic ingredients to captivate consumers seeking a multisensory experience.
Seasonal Promotions and Gifting Culture: Seasonal promotions, especially during holidays and festive seasons, contribute significantly to market growth. The gifting culture associated with confectionery enhances demand, turning sweet treats into expressions of affection and celebration.
Globalization and Cultural Exchange: Globalization has facilitated the exchange of culinary influences, leading to a fusion of flavors and confectionery traditions. The market benefits from a rich tapestry of global sweets, appealing to diverse taste preferences.
Packaging and Presentation: The visual appeal of confectionery products plays a crucial role in consumer attraction. Creative packaging, vibrant designs, and aesthetically pleasing presentations contribute to the market's growth by enhancing the overall consumer experience.
Challenges and Opportunities:-
While the Confectionery Industry revels in its success, challenges include heightened scrutiny over health impacts, concerns about excessive sugar consumption, and increased competition. Opportunities lie in addressing health-conscious trends through innovation, sustainable practices, and strategic collaborations to expand market reach.
In conclusion, the Confectionery Market remains an enchanting realm of indulgence, offering a spectrum of sweet delights that transcend cultural and generational boundaries. As the market continues to evolve, balancing tradition with innovation, it retains its status as a source of joy and celebration. With each unwrapping and every sweet sensation, the Confectionery Market embraces the art of indulgence, proving that, in the world of sweets, there's always room for a little more sweetness and delight.
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sparklingvows · 6 months
Best Wedding Accessories in 2023
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As love blossoms, every part of a wedding adds a special touch to a couple's new life. At Sparkling Vows, we know how important these moments are. To make your wedding day perfect, we offer the best wedding accessories in 2023, turning it into a beautiful and flawless experience.
Best Wedding Accessories in 2023
1. Enchanted Chura of Eternity
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A newlywed woman adorns her wrists with wedding Chura, embracing the blend of tradition and style. These bangles tell tales of marital bliss in her arms. Each chime echoes the promises made on her special day, resonating the melody of enduring love beyond vows. The Chura becomes a tangible testament to the heartwarming union, cherished in the golden embrace of marital folklore.
2. Whispers of Chuda Cover
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The Chuda is a precious gift from the bride's maternal family, symbolizing familial blessings and tradition. It stays hidden until the wedding day, adding an air of mystery. During the ritual, the bride closes her eyes as the chooda is placed, keeping its beauty veiled beneath a cloth. This silent ceremony builds anticipation, creating a bridge between past traditions and the upcoming joy of marital bliss.
3. Celestial Kaleere
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Woven into the bridal tapestry, the Kalire holds a sentimental touch as the bride's sisters and friends delicately fasten them to her chooda. Gleaming in golden or silver hues, these ornate adornments bear the weight of good wishes, a shimmering cascade symbolizing the heartfelt blessings bestowed upon the bride. Beyond their aesthetic allure, the Kalire carry profound significance, serving as poignant reminders of cherished bonds with cousins and friends, a glimmering connection to the past that accompanies the bride into the enchanting journey of matrimony.
4. Royal Floral Jewellery
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Brides-to-be, step into the enchanting realm of a trendy and delightful tradition—floral jewelry for your mehendi day! Embrace the freshness of this newfound trend, whether it be the delicate allure of dry floral jewelry or the exquisite blend of floral and gota creations. These beauties promise to infuse your mehendi day with an extra dose of cuteness and prettiness. Get ready to blossom into a vision of loveliness, adorning yourself with nature's elegance as you embark on this unique and charming bridal journey.
5. Countless Unity Of Kirpan
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In the tapestry of Indian weddings, the groom's ensemble embraces a centuries-old tradition—a small yet significant dagger known as the 'Kirpan.' Beyond its ornamental charm, the Kirpan once stood as a stalwart protector during wedding processions. In a bygone era, bandits posed a threat to wedding parties, targeting them for precious valuables, including the bride's jewelry and monetary treasures, as they traversed from her village to his. The Kirpan, a symbol of resilience, became a shield against these perils until the establishment of safe passage, marking a historical chapter in the evolution of wedding customs.
6. The Charm Of Royal Potli
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In the grand tapestry of Hindu weddings, behold the Royal Potli—a majestic jewel seamlessly entwining history and grace. Woven with an artistry bordering on the divine, this opulent pouch emerges as more than an accessory—it’s a living emblem of prosperity and blessings. Brimming with the heady fragrance of blooms, sacred grains, or symbols of fortune, the Potli resonates with profound meaning. As it exchanges hands between bride and groom, the gentle pull of its drawstring binds tradition and releases a cascade of well-wishes upon the newlyweds. Every delicate thread, a silent narrator, weaves their love story with opulence and cultural echoes. The Royal Potli, a poetic ode to elegance, unfurls as a treasure trove, promising a journey of auspicious beginnings bathed in the hues of tradition.
Conclusion: Crafting Memories, Sparkling Vows
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As you embark on the journey of a lifetime, let Sparkling Vows be your guide to the most enchanting wedding accessories in 2023. Each piece is more than an accessory; it’s a reflection of the love that unites two souls. With the Chura, Chuda Cover, Kaleere, Floral Jewellery, Kirpan, and Royal Potli, your wedding day will be adorned with the finest details, creating a tapestry of memories that will sparkle in your hearts forever.
May your vows, spoken in the radiant ambiance of Sparkling Vows—a purveyor of luxury wedding gifts in Rajouri Garden, Delhi—resonate with timeless elegance. Much like the exquisite offerings this haven presents, may your love story unfold as a masterpiece, painted with the enduring hues of joy. As you step into marital bliss, may the treasures from Sparkling Vows not only adorn your special day but also become enduring symbols of opulence and refinement. May your journey together be embellished with the finest expressions of happiness, each gift from Sparkling Vows a testament to the artistry and sophistication that defines your union.
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ailtrahq · 8 months
In a high-volatility space, buying cryptocurrencies can sometimes feel similar to ‘trick-or-treating’ during Halloween festivities. While most value investors and crypto traders are continuously looking for ‘sweet candies’ with good picks to bring positive results, making the right choices can sometimes be ‘tricky’. Therefore, Finbold has turned to crypto experts, project fundamentals, technical analysis, and leading indicators to select three possible good picks to buy and hold before October 31, 2023. It is important to say that this brief list, despite considering multiple factors, can not guarantee any positive returns, and must be used with caution. These picks should be just one small part of a bigger work of proper individual research and due diligence, to mitigate investment risks, and increase the expected results on each purchase. Additionally, the list was ordered by market cap, and the picks do not include the two leading cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), that can be bought and held by speculators as part of a hedging strategy, considering their respective soundness as market leaders. Solana (SOL) Solana (SOL) has started to show momentum in the last 24 hours, with its Relative Strength Index (RSI) marking 65.7 points in the day, pointing to a strong trend forming the efficient layer-1 blockchain. This happens as SOL gains territory in a larger time frame, slightly moving above the ‘Neutral’ line in the last seven days, for a weekly RSI of 56.79 points. Crypto Market RSI Heatmap 1-week. Source: Coinglass Moreover, the Solana Foundation recently highlighted that over “31% of [Solana’s] stake [is] running through the Jito Labs client,” meaning the network is now running on multiple clients, evidencing a meaningful increase in its decentralization, from a software perspective. This further strengthens the project, possibly impacting future price projections. Meanwhile, SOL is trading at $22.91 by press time, with 5.52% losses in the last 24 hours after mostly positive month and year-to-date performances, which could offer an interesting buying opportunity. SOL 1-month price chart. Source: Finbold Monero (XMR) In the official month for using disguises while having fun with friends and family, the leading privacy-focused cryptocurrency is also included in this Halloween picks list, as Monero (XMR) consolidates itself in the decentralized money realm, as one of the most used means of exchange in the space. Interestingly, Monero is the coin of choice in most darknet markets, with some of them restricting its payments to the privacy coin, conquering a space that was mostly dominated by Bitcoin a few years ago. Privacy-focused Bitcoin wallets are already implementing XMR as a way to boost their users’ experiences. Meanwhile, CoinCards reported — on October 3 — that payments in Monero are very close to surpassing BTC payments as their users’ choices for crypto gift cards. In this context, XMR is also showing strength in its daily RSI, while trading at $149.53 by press time. Slightly gaining 1.94% in the day. XMR 1-month price chart. Source: Finbold Nano (XNO) A riskier short-term investment pick due to its low market cap, and relatively low exchange liquidity, Nano (XNO) possibly offers one of the biggest asymmetries between some solid fundamentals as a decentralized currency and the current perceived value from the market. Notably, the Nano open-source software is among the projects with the highest scores according to the “Best-of-Crypto ranking” on GitHub, by Lukas Masuch. Sitting side-by-side with the leading projects by market cap. Best-of-Crypto ranking, category ‘Cryptocurrencies’. Source: Lukas Masuch on GitHub On October 4, the crypto trading account @holdersignals on X (formerly Twitter) pointed to two technical analysis breakouts for XNO. Both in the daily Bollinger Bands (BB) and a mid-term trending line respected since late 2022, until now. $XNO – Primed chart 🔥Breaking out of daily BB + Trendline breakout.
Looking for some nice gains from this one, time to send this to top gainers pic.twitter.com/3Sttm8PDsB— Crypto Bull 🐂 ( Until 5th Sep 2025 ) (@holdersignals) October 4, 2023 Meanwhile, XNO is changing hands by $0.64 at the time of publication, with shy 24-hour gains of 1.79%, as it tries to recover from a retracement after a price surge to $0.72 during the first hours of the day. XNO 1-day price chart. Source: Finbold Nano continues to gather users’ enthusiasm due to its unique characteristics as an efficient medium of exchange for worldwide payments and remittances, by offering zero-fee transactions with extremely fast finality of 500ms on average, according to live monitoring. The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.
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reviewsthatburn · 9 months
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*I received a free review copy in exchange for an honest review of this book. 
This features the next step in the Demon King's emotional life: specifically, a realization that he does have romantic feelings for the gardener, just as the many people in the first volume suspected. This is a very character-driven novel, and so there are minor developments related to many of the people around the demon king, most of which were delightful. Both books so far I’ve had a very cozy feel to them. I was pleasantly surprised by the inclusion of a new storyline related to the Elven deity in the shrine, and the introduction of snow to the demon realms. I don’t quite think anything was both introduced and resolved here, especially since each volume is so short, but this did resolve a few things from the first volume while clearly setting up for more to come in later ones. The demon king’s narration is consistent with the previous volume, and I like the choice of bonus story at the end.
Full review at link
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hopping-bug · 10 months
Chinese Public Holidays 2023 | Chinese Holiday Calendar
In this article, we embark on a journey through the realm of Chinese public holidays, exploring their historical significance, cultural importance, and the profound sense of unity they bring to this vast country.
China, a land steeped in rich history and cultural heritage, celebrates a myriad of public holidays that showcase the nation's deep-rooted traditions and vibrant modernity. Chinese public holidays are a unique blend of ancient rituals, time-honored customs, and contemporary festivities, offering a fascinating glimpse into the nation's diverse tapestry of celebrations.
Here you can check's dates of Chinese Public Holidays to plan your trip.
Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) :
Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is the most significant holiday in China. Celebrated between January 21st and February 20th, it marks the beginning of the lunar new year. The festivities last for 15 days and encompass various customs, including family reunions, festive feasts, dragon and lion dances, and the iconic red envelope tradition. Chinese New Year reflects the values of filial piety, respect for elders, and optimism for a prosperous year ahead.
Qingming Festival (Tomb-Sweeping Day):
Qingming Festival, observed on April 4th or 5th, is a time for Chinese families to pay respects to their ancestors by visiting and cleaning their gravesites. This tradition emphasizes the importance of family bonds and ancestral reverence in Chinese culture. During the festival, people also enjoy flying kites, participating in outdoor activities, and indulging in traditional Qingming snacks.
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Dragon Boat Festival :
The Dragon Boat Festival, held on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, commemorates the legendary poet Qu Yuan. Colorful dragon boat races are the highlight of this holiday, symbolizing the search for Qu Yuan's body after he drowned himself in the Miluo River as a form of protest against corruption. Zongzi, pyramid-shaped rice dumplings, are a popular delicacy enjoyed during the festival.
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Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Festival):
The Mid-Autumn Festival, celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, is a time for family gatherings and appreciation of the full moon's beauty. Lanterns light up the night sky, and families enjoy mooncakes while sharing stories and legends related to the festival. The festival also carries a message of unity, as the moon symbolizes togetherness despite physical distances.
National Day (Golden Week) :
National Day, observed on October 1st, marks the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. It kicks off the Golden Week, a seven-day holiday during which millions of Chinese travelers explore domestic and international destinations. The week-long celebration is filled with patriotic events, cultural performances, and grand ceremonies, epitomizing the Chinese people's pride in their nation's achievements.
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Lantern Festival :
The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month, marking the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations. Vibrant lantern displays, artistic performances, and riddle-solving activities are part of the festivities. The festival's origin can be traced back to the Han Dynasty, where it was celebrated to pray for a bountiful harvest and seek harmony with the heavens.
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Double Seventh Festival (Qixi) :
Double Seventh Festival, also known as Qixi or Chinese Valentine's Day, falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. It celebrates the love story of the cowherd and the weaver girl, represented by the stars Altair and Vega. Traditionally, young girls would pray for skill in needlework, while couples express their affection by exchanging gifts and going on romantic outings.
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Woodbridge Mall, is a bustling shopping destination known for its wide array of stores and exciting holiday events.
Conclusion :
Chinese public holidays offer a captivating blend of ancient customs and modern celebrations, each representing a unique aspect of China's cultural heritage and societal values. From family-oriented gatherings during Chinese New Year to the nationwide exuberance of National Day, these holidays provide a lens into the Chinese people's unwavering connection with their past and their optimistic outlook on the future. As the nation continues to embrace modernity while preserving its traditions, these public holidays serve as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of time-honored customs and contemporary festivities in this dynamic and diverse country.
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drsohinisastri · 11 months
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On June 14, 2023, a truly blessed and remarkable moment unfolded as Dr. Sohini Sastri, one of India's leading astrologers, had the honor of paying a courtesy visit to the esteemed 15th President of India, Smt. Daupadi Murmu, at the iconic Rashtrapati Bhavan in Delhi.
During this auspicious visit, Dr. Sohini Shastri expressed her deep respect and admiration for President Murmu by presenting her with a garland, symbolizing goodwill and blessings. Additionally, as a token of reverence and divine blessings, Dr. Shastri gifted the President a beautiful idol of Tirupati, a sacred deity revered for its divine grace and blessings. The exchange of these heartfelt gifts carried profound significance, representing the mutual appreciation and respect between two extraordinary individuals.
This divine encounter at Rashtrapati Bhavan showcased the harmonious convergence of astrology, spirituality, and governance, reflecting the rich cultural tapestry of India. Both leaders engaged in a meaningful conversation, fostering a deeper understanding of the potential astrology holds for shaping individual lives and society at large.
As we reflect on this extraordinary meeting, we are reminded of the power of divine blessings and the importance of seeking wisdom beyond the material realm. The exchange between Dr. Sohini Shastri and President Smt. Daupadi Murmu serves as an inspiration for embracing spirituality and ancient traditions while navigating the challenges of modern-day leadership.
Stay tuned for more updates as Dr. Sohini Shastri continues to touch lives with her profound astrological insights and President Smt. Daupadi Murmu leads the nation with grace and wisdom.
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emcscared-whumps · 3 years
This Masterpost will be updated with new works
Last updated: 27 May, 2024
Ewrancore is a world where belunae are equated to demons; a danger to humanity. The Hunter Corps was formed to protect humanity and preserve its safety by ridding the realm of the belunae scourge. Pete Spencer, a young belunae nearing the end of his education and the beginning his life, gets caught. Will he make it out?
Features: Mer whump, shitloads of angst
Masterpost (WIP, 1st draft in progress, has some snippets)
Shifting Phases, Chapter 6 - What One Desires Most (canon)
U for Underwater - (Artwork) My submission for the ABCs of Whump Zine
S.O.S. from the Depths - (Artwork) WLC 2024 Winter Exchange gift
Wtbr'23 - No. 03 - Another Starless Night (post-canon)
WiJ'23 - No.04 - Deprived (p.4)
Bad Things Happen Bingo
Whumpmas in July 2022
Whumpmas in July 2023
Whumptober 2021
Whumptober 2022
Whumptober 2023
WLC 2023 Multimedia Summer Exchange
Art Link Collection
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Me talking to the void: #emc's shit
Rb'ed writing: #other's whump writing
Rb'ed art: #whump art
((Everything is tagged appropriately from September 2022))
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My Whump Intro
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Collapsed Lungs
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To the best of my ability, I will tag for potentially triggering content. The format is #trigger tw . Please, if you need anything added to the list, feel free to ask, and if you need to block/filter anything, please don't feel guilty, I'll feel better knowing I can contribute to your safety <3
abuse, animalisation, death wish, dehumanisation, domestic violence, drugging, self harm, substance abuse, suicide, suicidal ideation
For my writing, other, less broad content warnings will be listed in the content will be listed in a section at the top of the post.
Danny Phantom (DP)
The Talon Saga (TTS)
I don't participate much in fandom, especially on this blog, but occasionally you may see me reblog posts (and go rabid over them) on here.
@fj-is-a-dumbass (main)
@angry-blob (DP sideblog)
@very-kullah (general/family friendly art sideblog)
@skitterystash (i rb only art here)
(This is the blog I put the most effort into, the only other blog where I tag things properly is my gen art sideblog)
And, last of all!
If you're having a bad writing day and want to delete everything, please read (i will rb this sometimes bc u never know who needs to hear it and it is very important, and I'll leave it in this post because I think it's impotant)
(the link broke nooo, i promise you will regret it, please don't delete your writing. move it deep into a folder tree if you must and start from scratch, but don't delete your hard work)
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