#the reason the soup looks more like the soup in ramen is because I fried the egg before boiling it with the noodles
niteshade925 · 9 months
My unorthodox Yangchunmian noodle soup/阳春面
(This is the reason why I was rendering lard lol)
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Homestyle unorthodox Yangchunmian noodle soup recipe (enough for 1 person but must be served in a big ramen bowl) (Note: this version includes pork fat and is therefore not vegan/vegetarian/halal/kosher):
Ingredients (optional ones marked with *):
Noodles (preferably thin)
Soy sauce
Cooking oil
Pork lard (preferably rendered following the recipe that includes baijiu/green onions/ginger; if not, there are brands out there that can imitate the taste)
Pyropia seaweed (this is what nori is made from so unseasoned nori is also fine; also sold dried in giant discs)
*Wakame (brown kelp) OR Shanghai bok choy (stem is green instead of white) OR dried shiitaki mushrooms
Green onion
Chinese black vinegar (the one I used is Duliu Laocu/独流老醋, Zhenjiang Xiangcu/镇江香醋 is also fine)
Ground white pepper
Sesame oil
*Fish sauce/鱼露
*Chicken bouillon powder
Chop green onion, just one will do
Tear off a 2"x2" piece of pyropia seaweed OR 2 small pieces of nori
*If adding bok choy, wash bok choy
*If adding dried shiitaki mushrooms, rehydrate it first
In a ramen bowl, add:
~4 tbsp of soy sauce
~3/4 tsp of pork lard
~1 tsp of Chinese black vinegar
*A few drops of fish sauce
~1/2 tsp ground white pepper
~1/4 tsp sugar
*~1/4 tsp chicken bouillon powder
~1/2 tsp seasame oil
Pour just enough hot water to melt pork lard and combine everything together, mix well
In a sauce pan (at least 1.5 qt):
Turn on heat, set to medium
When pan is hot, rub the pyropia seaweed on the bottom of the pan a couple of times to mimic toasting, then put seaweed into ramen bowl
Pour a little cooking oil into pan, fry the egg until over hard
Add 5 cups of hot water into pan
Add noodles, *add bok choy
Let it cook
*When noodles are halfway done, add the vegetable (wakame/shiitaki mushroom) as desired
When noodles are done, pour everything into bowl, mix well with the soup base in the bowl
*Add salt as desired
Top with fresh chopped green onion and serve
The end product should taste mildly salty, mildly sour, and umami. Overall taste should be mild.
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lush's instant ramen adventure #1: jongga kimchi ramen
So I bought a fuck ton of ramen. I have my reasons. And I'm gonna talk about what I think about them.
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I tend to like the broadest, to my knowledge, staples of Asian flavors (I'm trying to say this like someone might say they enjoy "some western food" referring to cheese) I like...soy sauce. And such. I cook with it often. And I don't think I'm getting anything particularly authentic in instant ramen. I only mention this to say I'm trying not to be orientalist about this? But I also am not well read on the topic at all. So do call me out if necessary. Onto the ramen
One should know I am notoriously bad at food photos! But here is the ramen
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Out of 9 flavors I purchased I chose this one so I don't have to wash another bowl later! I've had kimchi (Love it) and kimchi flavored ramens (very spicy. Cried) before, and so this didn't seem altogether too unfamiliar cause I'm not in the mood to actually adventure that much today. There's one other bowl ramen in my stash. I only have one of these, so if I fuck it up Then Oops, but I am preparing it as instructed except to fry two eggs to go with it, standard ramen practice for me. And giving it a good mix at the recommended 3 minutes to sit a bit longer as I finish my eggs
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Fried to mediocrity.
I was expecting the kimchi in the package to be dried because I'm illiterate and didn't really read the top of the package, and because the instructions said one might eat "REAL kimchi" (Caps their own) as a side dish. It wasn't, though.
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And here's how it looks finished
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Initial taste for spice tolerance: there is a minor amount of burn! And it's tasty.
Sipped the broth! Gagged and coughed a little because that is spiciER. While tears are in my eyes I doubt they'll fall. Not the spiciest ramen I've had, but not for the spice averse of intolerant. Tastes quite good with the eggs!
I was not properly scientific about tasting the kimchi BEFORE immersing it in the soup broth, but it's okay! Not my favorite Kimchi, a bit too vinegar heavy and it doesn't have that sort of mellow flavor primarily that I would be looking for. It's moreso earthy. But maybe that isn't technically the high quality 'chi. While I doubt it, I'm no expert.
With chicken top ramen at a 2/20 and chicken maruchan at a 4/10, i'd give this a solid 8/10!! It's nothing particularly special, which would actually make it quite nice for folks who like to dress their ramen up to the nines. It's not the most craveable, but I've gladly try it again! Though I might reach for maruchan if I really wanted a sodium hit, or for mi goreng (9/10. While not bought in this batch I'd love to rate it one it's own) to get something more texturally complex. The eggs are really carrying in that regard, though the chew of the noodles does hold up to a solid soak in the broth as I eat!
Notably, the bowl is also holding up beautifully, and the cover was neither too flimsy nor too difficult to remove. Balanced a fork like a champ to keep it closed during the rehydration process.
Now for it's online presence:
Jongga claims the kimchi adds a crunch texture, and that'd definitely false. I don't think it's bad! But if you want that good good kimchi crunch, it'd be best to add your own. (Actually, the kimchi sinks to the bottom, do you will get more crunch as you have less noodle. But despite much stirring, I wouldn't say it has textural variety. I'd actually reccomend eating it on the side of that's what you want! Though there's only really enough to constitute a garnish for flavor, and not an entire side dish. If you want veg, bring it from elsewhere)
Multiple reviews mention that it IS very sodium heavy (though it doesn't taste it to me, it's worth noting that I tend to eat foods just-too-salty, which is a part of this ramen journey called to me, though worry not for my blood pressure.), but none compare it to crack cocaine, or say it's worth selling a child for, which simply does not reach the bar set by Mi Goreng, and I'm inclined to agree.
At just about three dollars for a bowl that is enough to satisfy (from a person of roughly-rounded —you do not need to Percieve me and do nothing with this information but use it for context — 250 pounds) but that I wouldn't call filling, the monetary value is eh, bumping it down to a 7.5. and, the spicy throat-punch aside, I feel no temptation to drink off the rest of the broth, resting it at a solid 7/10.
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keefwho · 9 months
January 01 - 2024 Monday
Today I did not work because I was going to use today to get groceries and set myself up for the month. I woke up with a swollen throat for some reason, more than is normal for when my throat get irritated over night. It looked splotchy too like strep but if it was that then I have no idea where I would have gotten it. I took a long hot shower and made chicken noodle soup with a grilled cheese for breakfast. I almost ruined the grilled cheese completely while flipping it because I was trying to flip it with a ladle to cut down on dishes but I salvaged it. The soup was very good on my throat. I watched an episode of Bojack while eating. Afterwards my dad knocked on my door letting me know he was going to town 2 hours early so him and my sister could do some things. I was irritated by this because I was going to go to town despite my throat but not if it was going to be 2 hours longer than planned and with more company. I feel like I still should have gone to prove I can handle it. Since I was staying home I joined TDS for a little bit and played KSP for 2 hours. Some awkward guy joined and didn't really say anything even thought I tried making conversation. He also thought I was asking if he had sex last night when I asked "Did you get fucked up last night?" which was weird. He said he never pulled. I left after playing and took the next hour to wipe down my kitchen, organize my freezer, and wrap my last gift for Evie. Its an 8 inch toy model car out of it's box so I wrapped it in bubblewrap and just wrapped that up. I also had to steal a roll of wrapping paper from my parents. For lunch I made a birria Tapitio ramen bowl with some mixed veggies which I found out is a great thing to put in these noodle bowls. Its kinda like how cup noodle tries to put little veggies in theirs but it's way better. Daisy was on the road and asked me to call while I cooked and put away groceries. I found it very nice and relaxing to chat with her while I was handling my groceries. After a bit she had the idea to put something on to listen to so we listened to 3 episodes of Geno's Chris Chan documentary. I on and off played KSP and Cities in the background. While playing Cities I was able to relax and build what my heart told me without the stress of doing things "right". The entire call was very long and chill, I sort of felt like I was riding in the car too since I wasn't really doing anything. After a lot of Chris Chan we just chatted for a little until she got home. I made chicken fries and french fries for dinner as usual. I saw a video about potato soup I wanted to watch so I did and got inspired to make something similar. I called Daisy in bed and played Neopets where we found out I can't go back to wrap up the side quests I had even if I loaded a slightly older save. After she fell asleep, I watched Day 0 of Adriene's 30 day yoga challenge and did my nightly routine. I accidently brushed my teeth before finishing my tea so now it tastes weird but I gotta get hydrated.
Today was okay but I felt very stressed thinking about all the things I want to do and how I'm going to do them. I realized I need to cultivate more focus and put some things off until another time. I need to be able to switch gears between things instead of giving everything attention all at once.
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rainbowxocs · 1 year
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TW: Ableism, Conversion Therapy, Neglect.
Name: Ryu Takashi (龍隆)
Special Titles: “Tight End” of his football team, Hime-Sama. (姫ー様)
Username: @hanahakiboy
Nicknames: Imoto (妹.)
Age: 21
Pronouns: He/Him (In English.)
I Pronoun: Watashi (私) (A very formal neutral pronoun.)
Sexuality: Gay.
Gender: Genderfuck, Pretty Boy, GNC.
Species: Human.
Disorders: Autism, Depression, PTSD, AFRID, Checking OCD, Body Dysmorphia, Suicide Ideation, Hikikomori Tendencies, Social Anxiety, Insomnia, Night Terrors.
Active Addictions: Cigarettes, Self Harm.
Religion: Catholic.
Job: Drag Performer/Waitress, Mangaka, and Basically any odd job he can muster.
Major: Art.
Lives in: Okutama, Japan, 2024.
Languages: Japanese.
Height: 5’4”
Race: Asian.
Ethnicity: Japanese, Mongolian.
Accent: Yamanote, Monotone.
Vehicle: Heely’s.
Weapons: Has a collection of different types of weapons. Usually has a butterfly knife on him.
Alignment: Lawful Good.
Text Color: Purple.
Main Animal: Dog.
Hobbies: Football, Parkour, Marathons, Boxing, Weight Lifting, Mobile Gaming, Cheerleading, Tennis, Sewing, Speed Cubing, Combat Robotics, Street Fighting, Stick and Pokes, Poetry.
Diet: If It’s not on this list, he probably won’t eat it.
Favorite Drink: Apple Juice, Grape Ramune, Lemonade, Peppermint Tea.
Favorite Meals: Mac and Cheese, Dino Nuggets w Fries, Spaghetti w Octopus shaped Hotdogs, Instant Ramen, Natto, Takoyaki, Onigiri, Yakitori, Soup Dumplings, Ehomaki, Sushi Salad, Handroll, Southwest Eggrolls, Cheese Pizza, Bubur Cha Cha.
Favorite Candy: Saka Neriame, Tanghulu.
Favorite Snacks: Strawberry Poptarts, Wheelchips, Blueberry Muffins.
Favorite Dessert: Dried Persimmon, Mooncakes, Shirokuma, Sugar Cookies with Icing, Icecream Sandwiches.
Favorite Flower: Dandelions.
Scent: Like a Spa, Strawberries.
Handedness: Left Handed.
Blood Color: Red.
Awareness: Not Aware (Effect: None.)
Birthday: June 1st 2003 (Gemini, Snake, AB)
Fun Facts: Has a secret Ao3 account where he writes smut, In fact he has allot of secret social media he doesn’t share with anyone he knows.
Unfortunately is a BL fan. He’s a little bit cringe.
Special Interests: Sports, Otaku Stuff, Drag.
Stims: Fidgets with his bandages and his clothing, Various purple stim toys.
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Comfort Objects: Djungelskog, His backpack, Weighted Crab Plushie.
Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashionboard: LINK
Erhi Batbayar, Makoto Takashi (Parents.)
Friends: Kagayaki, Uru, Atsu, Otoko.
Romance: Boru (Boyfriend)
Pets: Chad (茶で) (Bearded Dragon.), Kaminari (雷) (Newfoundland Dog), Inazuma (稲妻) (Black Kitten)
Brief Personality: Ryu is a Bit of an odd duckling, He is very passionate about the things he likes but he has a tendency to shy away from other people, He prefers to be alone but will make an exception for his friend group. He has a tendency to worry about how people perceive him and likes to keep his secrets locked up tight.
Brief Backstory:
Ryu grew up with just him and his dad. He’s always looked up to his dad ever since he was little, however his dad… was.. an interesting character to say the least.. There’s a reason why Ryu’s mom isn’t in the picture and it’s not because she was abducted by lizard people like his father says.
Ryu has always been an exceptionally intelligent kid, he was able to excel in school but his dad.. didn’t really appreciate this.. or anything about Ryu really. He tended to just put Ryu in his room and let him fend for himself.
His father was a very religious man, he didn’t like that Ryu was a bit girlier than the other boys, Ryu 9/10 in his childhood were in and out of church therapy trying to pray the gay out of him.
Eventually Ryu gave in, and he attached himself to any masculine thing he actually enjoyed. He did really like sports so he put his all into that, showing people that he was normal..
Of course even tho he acted perfect his father still couldn’t see that. His fathers theories on the world got more and more unhinged every day.. and Ryu just had to sit there and deal with it.
His father has a tendency to compare Ryu to something inhuman due to his personality, and dehumanize him. Though Ryu is so use to it at this point it doesn’t fully register anymore.
Ryu eventually was able to make friends with his “Bros”, he loves them dearly. He isn’t good at showing it though..
I’m sure that gay thing wont come back.. It’s fineee.. It’s just guys being dudes after all.
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atossofthedice · 2 years
Naruto HCS!
Food hcs, more specifically-
-Loves onigiri. Has never outright stated it.
-Loves tomatoes. Has shouted it at the top of his lungs at 3am while doing the distraction dance on a dare by Naruto
-He HATES sweet things. Give him a sweet lollipop or something and he’ll throw it out the window
-When it comes to ramen he’s a complete idiot and will do just about anything for it
-Hates vegetables a lot lmaooo
-Umeboshi is her favorite food ever lol
-Cannot handle spice for the life of her
-He loves salt (wait that isn't a food)
-He loves salt broiled saury the most-
-Kakashi's so healthy cuz his least favs are anything fried/sweet lol
-for some reason I started singing "Do you know the mushroom man, the mushroom man, the mushroom man" when I was looking at the wiki and my brother looked at me like "???"
-So yeah the wood man likes mushroom zosui, go figure XD Can't blame him, it's really good lol
-He likes *checks google for spelling* inarizushi a lot but only eats it for birthdays (and not even every birthday since he doesn't care enough- though Izuna/Hashirama usually brings him some so it's fine)
-Has given Sasuke a fear of going to the market with him because of his weird hatred for roe
-Side note but like... a website made fun of Madara's favorite food and I'm just here like TOT
-f i s h
-It's kinda funny to me how everyone has a favorite food related to their powers/personalities(except Sasugay and Madara) lmao like- Toblerone is mostly a water-style user, and his fav food is fiish
-I'm pretty sure he doesn't have an actual favorite food TwT so I'm going with his favorite food being the same as his niisan's lol
-Poor Izuna ahh you deserved better ;-;
-And ik this isn't a food hc but Izuna and Sasuke get along really well because... sOmE reAsOn-
-Hates soup because of that one time he dropped a whole boiling pot of it on his feet and had to go to the hospital for it-
-Long story short, this boi is super clumsy lol
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painted-crow · 3 years
Okay this is wildly off topic but I saw that you cook japanese food. Can you recommend some dishes to try or ways to get myself to like it? I want to like Japanese food so bad but I haven't liked anything I've tried aside from super basic stuff like sushi, teriyaki, and gyoza. I've even tried making curry and omurice at home and everyone except me loved it.
Japanese cooking resources
Ah, I have been called upon! Lemme dig some stuff out of my Bird nest for you :D
Disclaimer: I'm not Japanese or an expert on this. I'm just a cooking nerd who thinks Japan has the best food and experimented a whole bunch with Internet recipes and stuff from the Asian market.
I learned a lot of what I know from these two foodie blogs:
Just One Cookbook
No Recipes
(the latter site does, in fact, contain recipes, but the blogger would encourage you to build the confidence to cook without them)
Since you're having trouble finding dishes you like, I suggest starting with udon: thick, chewy noodles often served in dashi broth, perhaps with fried toppings. You can prepare udon a bunch of different ways, that's just a classic one--but no matter how you make it, udon is a pretty easy sell. Tonkatsu is another dish that's hard to dislike, and makes a good topping for your udon if you want to make both at once!
Fun travel memoir
There is a fantastic book called Pretty Good Number One: An American Family Eats Tokyo.
It's a foodie travel memoir and it's exactly what it sounds like: this guy went to Tokyo for a month with his wife and daughter and they ate a bunch of food, his daughter made friends with half of the entire population of Tokyo, and he wrote about it. He's a really entertaining writer, and it has great descriptions of all kinds of Japanese food, so from there it's easy to go look up recipes.
You'll want to go to an actual Asian market if you can find one locally. Use Google, they're often tucked into odd buildings.
Different Asian markets cater to different cultures' cuisines, so there might be one market with a full assortment of Indian MTR spice blends but no kombu or katsuobushi in sight. They usually have a variety though. If you can find an H Mart, you're golden (H Mart is Korean, but will have the stuff you need for Japanese food). Be willing to explore a bit! Last resort, go ahead and use Amazon, but trust me--the Asian markets are cheaper, and I much prefer supporting them to feeding Amazon.
Just One Cookbook also has a list of Japanese pantry essentials, which is really good, but it's also really completionist (I don't even have all of those premade sauces) and stretches the definition of "pantry" a bit, so it seems more intimidating than it should.
Here's my version.
Pantry essentials:
Good soy sauce. Just get something that says "traditionally brewed" and you're fine. If you spot dark soy sauce: it's smokier and less salty, very different, it can't replace normal soy sauce but you might grab it too.
Short grain "sushi" rice. Try not to overpay for it. If you're in an Asian market you're fine. If you're in the fancy organic section of Hy-Vee, you're gonna get ripped off.
Mirin. A seasoned cooking wine. Unfortunately, bad mirin is easy to find and is loaded with corn syrup. Try to find some that isn't; remember, ingredients are listed on the bottle proportionally. It's very worth paying $10 for a good bottle of mirin. I don't *think* you have to be 21 to buy it? Drinking it would probably be unappealing. Mirin is very important, and it's a versatile cooking ingredient; once you know what it does you might find yourself putting it in everything.
Sake. You do have to be of legal drinking age to buy this. Which kind you get for cooking isn't a super big deal, and you can get by with just mirin most of the time.
Kombu and katsuobushi. The former is a kind of seaweed/kelp (it may look dusty with white powder; that's natural MSG and it's a good thing). The latter is shaved dried smoked skipjack tuna and looks a bit like pencil shavings; you might see them labeled "bonito flakes." They're common ingredients for dashi (basic Japanese cooking stock), but you'll see katsuobushi used as a topping on lots of savory dishes. If you can't find these, try looking for dashi powder or tea bag type dealies.
Toasted sesame oil. Not hard to find.
Rice vinegar. Same.
Panko bread crumbs. These are special, lofty, crispy breadcrumbs. They're different because of SCIENCE and are what happens when you electrocute bread dough. I'm not joking.
Cornstarch/potato starch. I slightly prefer potato starch (good texture), but they're not that different.
Nori. These are those pressed algae sheets you use to wrap sushi, but they're used for other stuff too, like onigiri, or shredded as a topping.
Noodles. Obviously, if you want to make udon, you need to buy some. You can easily find dried udon, but if you spot frozen or even fresh udon noodle packs, grab them.
If you can find an Asian market that stocks all this, you should be able to get the whole list for around $50. Asian markets tend not to be expensive, which is yet another good reason to learn to cook Japanese food. (Other reasons: healthy, tasty, easy to cook in a small kitchen...)
Of course, you also don't need to get the whole list at once! It's not cheating to just get what you need for a particular dish.
Fun stuff you can find at Asian markets
With the basics out of the way, here are additional tasty things you might want to look for:
Furikake. Not strictly necessary, but I like it. It's a topping/seasoning blend you can mix into your rice, and it comes in lots of flavors, some fishier than others. Start with a nori or vegetable flavor if you're uncertain. Tamago flavor = egg.
Ramune. If you've never had marble soda before, don't deny yourself the adventure of trying to figure out how to get the bottle open. Lots of flavors.
Good instant ramen. Nongshim's Shin Ramyun is what I usually get, and even Walmart sells it. You'll never buy Maruchan again.
Candy. So, I don't know who's in charge of Japanese fruit flavored candy, but it actually tastes like fruit, which is wild.
Yuzu and/or sudachi juice. If you can find these, grab 'em. They're citrus juices. Yuzu is a bit like lemon but less strongly sour and more... clean? Crisp? while sudachi is a bit like lime but more green and complex. I'm describing these poorly. You might also be able to find candy or drinks with these flavors.
Sugary drinks with nata de coco in them. Nata de coco is a firm jelly-like dessert type... thing. It's made from coconuts and it's got a unique jelly/crunchy texture and is odd but good. You might be able to find nata de coco on its own, but I'll warn you: the kind you get packed in jars will be Very Sugary.
Tapioca pearls. If you like bubble tea, here's the place to get your boba.
Umeboshi plums. These sour/salty pickled plums are a tasty ramen topping.
Ice cream. Those square melon popsicles are delicious, but get them home quickly, their texture is very temperature sensitive! And if you spot individually wrapped ice cream cones, grab one.
Euro cakes. These look kinda like round Twinkies, but Twinkies only dream of being this tasty. I like the pandan flavor best. Don't be put off by the green color.
Soft tofu. So good 🥰 and weirdly hard to find in supermarkets. It's got a texture like custard, and apart from its fairly neutral, fresh flavor, will easily pick up any flavors you put on it. An excellent addition to udon soup; add it last, the tofu is fragile (and doesn't actually require cooking). Silken tofu sometimes comes in shelf stable packages. My experience with those has been fine, but the general consensus is that the tofu you get from the fridge section is better.
Frozen pork buns. They might be labeled "siopao" or "bao" (Chinese names) or "nikuman" (Japanese name). Lil bread buns with bbq pork or other fillings. You steam them in the microwave and they're delicious.
I'd recommend having fun getting a few of the things off this list, rather than being a completionist about the first one, if you find yourself choosing between the two. That said, make sure you get the stuff you need for the thing you want to make!
Okay, now I want a pork bun. I wonder if my brother's eaten them all yet...
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argumentl · 4 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 22 - Soba restaurant Hosojimaya.
J: Um, its a programme edition of The Freedom of Expression, right here?
K: Yes, we're finally on location, kinda.
J: We're finally on location. So this place has been recommend on local area tv shows before. I'd like us to pay a visit to that restaurant.
K: Not that one!?
J: The one and only..you can see the sign. I can't say that I come here every week, but I come at least twice a month. I've lived nearby here for 15 years, so I must have come here about 150 times.
K: You really have been coming here, havn't you?
J: I have. Can you see the sign? It says 'Soba restaurant Hosojimaya'. Today we will try out the legendary Hosojimaya. *clapping* Thank you. *Kaoru gets some hand sanitizer* Oh, please do that, please do that. Ok, Kaoru, can you go in first.
T: The door says 'hand operated'.
J: So, what do you think after getting inside? It really has the atmosphere of a soba restaurant, doesn't it? Ah, here's the menu. Well, its a soba restaurant, so of course it has many types of delicious soba noodles, but the thing I always order is on the in-house special menu. Here it is, Half curry with chinese style soba noodles. Its a small size curry rice with, well, we would call it ramen. Once you try this, you won't be able to stop..its so...Can you smell that good smell?
K: Yeah, I can.
J: Well, we can't convey the smell to the viewers...I mean, everything on the menu is delicious, but I generally go for this.
*sitting down at table*
What shall we do, shall we go for Half curry with chinese style soba noodles?
K: Yes, I will.
J: Will you? Shall we talk about stuff while eating it?
T: Because I revere Fujii sensei so much, I'd like to try the Katsu curry with raw onion that Fujii sensei ate, if they can do it.
J: Oh, you're gonna go for that? So shall we order? Im certainly going for Half curry/chinese soba. Won't you feel like eating it when you see it?
K: Hahaha
T: Ahh, what should I do?! I can only look forward to that. Thats all I can do.
J: You can only look forward to it? Well, actually, the operating hours for this place are already over for today, but I asked especially for them to open for us.
T: Ah, thank you so much.
J: Ok, well..Excuse me, can we order please.
T: Please.
J: *Gesturing to himself and Kaoru* Us two will have Half curry/Chinese soba. And, sorry, but one of us would like to have something different...*gestures to Tasai*
T: Can you do the Katsu curry with raw onion that Fujii sensei ate? You can?! Thank you! I'm so happy.
J: *To staff* How long has this place been operating? *To K, T* He's the third generation.
Staff: Probably 43 years.
J: 43 years?
T: Do you really come here, Joe?
J: *To staff* No, no, I do come here a lot, don't I!?
Staff: Yeh, he's been coming here since before I started to work here.
J: See!
T: You weren't lying!
J: I wasn't!
K: If you were lying to would be pretty risky to take it this far.
J: It would be! Like I said on this show before, this place is near the Shogi Hall, and a lot of Shogi players come here, but thats not the reason I first came here. I can't really remember why. I mean, I live near here...but, even if you just look at it from outside, it looks nice doesn't it? You can't lose with this type of place. Well, today, if you eat this and don't find it delicious, I will shave my head!
T: Really?!
J: Haha, not really, I just wanted to see your reaction. I saw a sparkle in Kaoru's eyes. Well, if anyone comes here and asks for half curry/chinese soba which Joe Yokomizu recommends, just be aware that it does sometimes sell out. What time does the restaurant stay open till? Lunch time is until about 2:00 or 2:30. And then in the evening they open from about 17:00..but it does sell out quite quickly, so rather than getting here just before closing time, do try to come with a bit of time to spare. The fact that its far from the station is perhaps what makes it seem like a gourmet place. Its not like a so-called famous restaurant in front of the train station.
T: I see
J: Restaurants in front of the station get a lot of chance customers, its less about the taste, and more about the convenience. Like, the food comes out quickly and stuff. Thats a possiblity with that type of place, but a restaurant thats far from the station has to get more local customers, and a lot of repeat customers, so if the food doesn't taste good they won't be able to....I'm talking a lot today, aren't I?
K: You are. But, if you didn't talk...
J: Yeh, Im the only one who's talking. But after you eat, we'll get your reactions. I'll keep trying until then. Well, today we are gonna have the half curry, but here in Sendagaya - Jingu mae, it is said to be a curry battleground. There are a lot of delicious curry restaurants. But Hosojimaya's curry is a soba restaurant's curry, so its less spicy than some of the others, but its delicious. *To Kaoru* Do you like curry?
K: Yes..I grew mold in it once before though.
T: Oh, yeh.
J: Ah, you said, that legendary curry. Um, Hosojimaya's curry has a bit of meat in it, but not big pieces, just enough that you can pair it with either noodles or fried culet, and it won't get in the way. Ahh, my mouth is starting to water.
K: Haha.
J: Actually, because we're on location today, I've not eaten since last night.
T: Me too.
K: Yeh, I was told to come hungry too.
J: Ahh, this is great.
T: Its a gourmet report. *1
K: Its the first time I've done this.
J: Dir en grey doing gourmet reports doesn't  usually happen, right.
K: It doesn't. Its the first time for me.
T: So this is gonna be quite rare footage.
J: Yes! You know, doing food reports is surprisingly difficult.
K: Really?
J: You always end up saying 'Yummy!'
K: *laughing* I don't know if I'll say that.
J: Ah, the food is here!
K: That was quick.
J: Kaoru, yours first. What do you think?
K: Wow, looks great! You can tell just by looking at it.
J: Right?! Its a winner.
T: Amazing
J: Half curry/Chinese soba is here.
K: I'll start with the soup.
T: Ahh, looks so good.
J: How is it? I love this so much. Its here! Look at these soba!
K: Ahh, your curry is here!
T: This is man's food!
J: I'll get katsu curry later. Oh, Kaoru! You started eating?
T: Fujii sensei ate this?
J: He did...Yummy...Yummy. How is it?
K: Mmm, delicious.
J: This must be tough for people watching, thier mouths will be watering. This has a lot of extras in it, ???*2, also pork, it has tonnes. How is the Katsu curry?
T: Delicious.
J: I bet it is. Fujii sensei...
T: The portion is big.
J: Yeah.
T: When I eat this and think of the shogi players, its kinda moving.
K: Shogi players won't be able to concentrate*3 if they are hungry.
J: Right. Ah, Kaoru tried the curry!
K: Ah!
J: He said 'Ah'. How is it?
K: Delicious.
J: We can see that, haha. At our age, we don't often eat carbs with carbs, do we?
K: Right.
J: So this is a good chance, if you come here.
This curry is still really nice even after its cooled down...
.....Look, Camerman, Kaoru has finished. That was quick! He's faster than me. Kaoru is finished!
K: I enjoyed that, thank you.
J: A word from you Kaoru, now that you've finished?
K: Yummy.
J, T: Hahaha.
J: You said it!
T: We got there in the end.
J: If we use other peoples' catchphrases too much, ????. That was simple.
J: ???
T: He's good at pretending *4
J: Scary! Ahhhh, that was delicious!
K: Yeah, but..
J: Ahh, the soup?
K: Yeh, the soup, and the onions, I want to rake them up all into one spoon.
J: Hahaha...So, that was Hosojimaya. Look, here's the menu, there are a lot more things on the menu.
K: Its difficult to know what to choose.
J: By the way, the Katsu curry is 980yen. And the Half curry/chinese noodles that we had is 1250yen. Opening hours on Sat are till 2:30pm. Its closed on Modays and public holidays.  From 3:00pm to 5:30pm its closed for preparations. Open from 5:30pm onwards. The address is Shibuya ward, Sendagaya, 2-29-8, Hosojimaya. Tel: 30400921
T: Joe, you don't need to go that far.
J: No, just in case people want to contact. Well you can find the details on Tabelog.
T: Kaoru, would you like to say a final word?
K: Gochisousamadeshita/I enjoyed this meal. Im blissfully full. If you are nearby, please come here to try it out, and say Joe recommended it, right?
J: Yes.
K: Gochisousamadeshita.
J: Gochisousamadeshita.
T: Gochisousamadeshita. It was yummy!
J: Yummy!
*1, 3 Couldn't clearly hear, but I think thats the gist.
* 2 Couldn't catch, some ramen ingredient. 
*4 This exchange I couldn't make out explicitly, but they are talking about the phase 'まいう~\maiuuu', which is a phrase used by TV comedy personality Ishizuka Hidehiko when he does gourmet reports, and is a play on the word 'umai/delicious'. Also, how to translate that? Yummy?
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crockettmarcel · 3 years
writers block is hitting Hard today and for some reason you guys support me being annoying on main, so here are my opinions on the cities in cooking craze :)
also I should say that my views are 100% in regards to the cities in the game and not how they exist irl!!
New York
doughnut stand - v fun but too easy and not enough levels. good for an introduction to the game though, and the doughnuts look wonderful
burgers/hotdogs - i like it but why are there onion rings and no fries. would not go here (fun to play tho)
breakfast - THE BEST. i love the toast with the smiley faces and the cute pancakes and the ice cream. everything about this restaurant is wonderful and i love it more than life itself
steak - okay but I don't like how the toppings for the soup are right by the steak toppings. too confusing but overall fun
rating: 10/10. my favourite. new york owns my heart
pastry shop - exquisite ! always leaves me wanting a pain au chocolat <3
frog legs/snails - so much fun :) i like the macarons a lot
fancy ass restaurant - I have no idea what they're selling here but I remember hating this one a lot. just played a level and it's not that bad?
rating: 9/10. had to take away a point because it's french and also the music's annoying
pizza - fuck you fuck you fuck you. too much happening i want to die
ciabatta - nothing bad to say. a breath of fresh air after the pizza place
pasta - upsetting for reasons I can't explain
rating: a solid 8/10. i hate the pizza place don't make me go back there
churrasco - I just. don't vibe with this one much. i don't like that you need to grill six things but the grill only has four spaces. maybe i'm just lazy
sandwiches/beans and rice - something about the beans and rice upsets me. don't like the alternate cooking
vatapá - incredible ! the potatoes look delicious <3
rating: 6/10. loses so many points for taking away the smoothie bar. that was my favourite level
seafood on sticks - whoever made this restaurant is in my top 10 hated people. despicable
tilapia/noodles - LOVE the noodles and the little selection of fruit. papaya salad isn't the best but I can live with it
crabs/rice - almost perfect except that the bottle of soy sauce blocks orders. makes me scream
rating: 7.5/10. love Bangkok as long as I avoid the first restaurant. loses points for not having any long timed levels bc I love those :(
sushi/ramen - the best restaurant here and that's saying something. why does the sushi rice take so long to prepare. i hate you
bento - hate this. too hard. how do I coordinate the rice and the bento omelette. everything looks cute but it fills me with rage
sashimi - this is too complicated for me I'm literally going to end it all right now. you get some points back because I like the shrimp
rating: 1/10. tokyo is my least favourite i hate it so much. worst city. life ruining
pita - absolutely wonderful. love that there are fries. so perfect
phyllo - always confusing when I play it after a while but easy once I get the hang of it. the yoghurt looks cute w honey on it <3
gemista - I'm not cutting up your fucking vegetables
rating: 7/10. last restaurant brought the score down from a 9
Mexico City
menudo - love everything about this. the churros. the pan de muerto with cream and watermelon. the little crackers shaped like ghosts. so perfect
tortillas - very fun. don't like that I have to put the tortillas on the plates before I can put the meat down, but the fruit selection makes up for it
tamales - harder than the other restaurants but still fun :)
rating: 10/10. love Mexico City so much !!
dumplings - WONDERFUL. could literally do this forever
pork - pork and borscht are fun but the porridge is horrible. die
sturgeon/blini - don't like that you have to put shit on the sturgeon before it goes in the oven. takes too much time
rating: 6.5/10. most of those points are for the dumplings
rice/noodles - fruit is fun but absolutely not worth the stress of whatever the fuck is going on with the rice and noodles
bao buns - she cleared my skin. nothing else to say
peking duck - love this one ! shaved ice is very cute and the dumplings in soup are wonderful. duck bodies scare me tho
rating: 8.5/10 because I liked the rice/noodles restaurant at one point
fried cheese - always fun !! nothing bad to say here <3
M E A T - excellent. reminds me of the netflix show Ares bc i'd play this while watching it. hate the pickled cheese
boar knee - takes too long to cook the boar knee. love soup in a bread bowl
rating: 9/10. almost perfect
boxty/Irish stew - so simple yet so good. definitely a favourite. could play forever
shepherd's pie - LOVE shepherd's pie. the cabbage/corned beef combo is complicated but not the worst :/
lobster/oysters - oh this is wonderful. big fan
rating: 9.5/10. thank u Dublin
beef bulgogi - love this restaurant so much. was genuinely disappointed when i moved onto the next one
haemultang - the way the haemultang is cooked/served is *chef's kiss*. turning the heat up and down? i love it wonderful
rating: 10/10 so far. i haven't got to the third restaurant yet :(
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tobesensation-9 · 4 years
I wanna request a scenario where rowoon finish his drama shooting early and went home to surprise his s/o but when he went home he found out that she was sick(because was too busy with online classes and assignments :’(( ) psst i can imagine him nagging ✋🏻😔😂 thank youuu❤️❤️ -🦄
😂😂. No I totally see that. You’d tell him what you were doing and he’d just drag you, while nagging. But we know it’ll be out of love and he would cradle you in cuddles. I want to try something different and try to write it from his perspective, I hope you enjoy this. 
“Okay Mom” (Rowoon x Reader) 
Genre: Fluff with a nagging Seokwoo. Gotta love it, lol. 
Synopsis: Mother Seokwoo comes early from filming his drama and finds you sick. He takes care of you but of course, not without nagging you. 
“Cut! Alright that’s it for today everybody,” shouts the directors. We wrap up the production and say our good nights to each other. 
Once we wrapped up everything early on set, my mind didn’t think of anyone but you. “Have a good evening everyone.” I waved to all the production crew, directors, actors and other staff members. They acknowledged me too and said their farewells.
Throughout out the day we usually text, just to check up on each other. But today, you hadn’t texted me much, which was another reason I wanted to see you.
About thirty minutes later I’m at your place. I ring the doorbell to have waited almost five minutes before you open the door. “Oh, Seokwoo-Ah. You finished early.” You opened the door wrapped in your comforter, and a tissue in hand. Your voice was nasally, signifying your sinuses being bothered.
“Jagiya, what happened?” I push through the door to immediately close it, to prevent anymore cold air from coming into your place. It looked like you were already pretty sick, we didn’t want to worsen your condition.
“School work has really stressed me out. Due to the lack of sleep and other things, I ended up with a fever.”
“You have to sleep jagi, even if you’re stressed.”
“I know but I had so much work.”
“You also have to eat, have you eaten?” I walk your kitchen and open your trash can to see what you’ve been eating. It’s lots of take food, including left over fried chicken boxes, and ramen packs.
“Jagiii.” Seeing the sight really upset me. I understand your busy, but eating like this wasn’t helping.
“Yessss.” You respond to me, mocking my whine.  
“Just sit down. I’m going to make you some soup and tea. You have a lot on your plate I know. But you have to eat better than this.”
“Okay okay. But I can help you.”
“No.” I stop what I’m doing and point to the couch. “Don’t you move from the couch unless you have to use the bathroom. Other than that don’t move jagi.”
From your expression, you seemed to be taken aback. But you still obeyed and sat down. You know how I can get when it comes you and your health. It’s something that always should be taken seriously.
About thirty minutes later I bring you a bowl of soup with crackers with a hot cup of Lemon Echinacea tea with honey. I place the tray on your lap and assist you with eating the soup and drinking the tea. I pick up the hot bowl and feed you the soup. 
“Seokwoo-ahhhh, I can feed myself.” 
“I know, but its hot, jagi. I see you burning yourself if I don’t help you.” 
“I’d beat you if I wasn't sick.” 
“No don’t hurt me,” I say flinching and suddenly acting cute. You role your eyes and I laugh. “Blow”, you blow the spoonful of soup before I move the soup to your mouth. 
Once your done I go to the kitchen, clean the dishes and countertops before helping you bathe. “Are you ready for a bath?” 
I run warm water and help you in the bathtub. While you bathe I take the time to help you straighten up your place. I continuously peak into the bathroom until. see you unclogging the drain. 
I grab the towel I placed in the bathroom prior. “Don’t tell me you cleaned my entire place,” you ask. 
“Ah...I straightened up here and there.” 
“So...that means you cleaned the entire place. I'm sorry you had to do that, and everything else. I know you’ve been busy.” 
“Stop what?”
I walk to you wrapped in your towel, “Don’t blame yourself for something I chose to do. And that's what I'm supposed to do.” 
You smile and your cheeks start to turn more red. “Now come give me my reward in cuddles in the bed please.” 
I walk to your bedroom room to hear you suck your teeth and yell “Yeah, yeah okay mom.” 
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moonlit-imagines · 5 years
Rainy Day
Stanley Barber x reader
a/n: ahhhh thank you so much!!!! you’re the sweetest, though!! 💕💕💕
prompt: anonymous: “can I request a fluffy Stanley Barber imagine? If not that's fine. I also want you to know that you are an amazing writer and you sound like a really sweet person. have a nice day/night”
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You were stuck inside all day due to this giant storm hitting your city. The only reason you weren’t mad or anything was because youbwere stuck with Stan. The house was empty and you were excited to see what today had in store for you.
“I’m hungry.” You whined while seated upside down on his couch in his room. He was doing the same on another piece of furniture.
“Do you want me to make you food?” He asked you as he shifted and got used to Earth’s gravitational pull once more.
“Can you?” You gave him puppy eyes that he couldn’t help but smile at.
“Are you kidding? Of course, I can.” He laid on the floor, next to your head, and gave you a big ol’ kiss. You giggled into it and he pulled away. “What?”
“How did I get so lucky with you, Stanley Barber?” You bat your eyelashes and him and waited for a response.
“Well, you’re my good luck charm, y/n l/n, so ask yourself.” Stan booped your nose and crawled to his feet. His hand extended in fromt of you in an effort to help you up. You stood up way to fast and almost fell over. “Easy there, tiger.” He grabbed your sides and pulled you closer, you accidentally started a short makeout session. He pulled away real fast. “Before we get ahead of yourselves, let’s get us some food.” He took your hand amd hummed along to a song stuck in his head. It sounded like a Queen song.
“What does Mrs. Barber have in stock this week?” You said in an awful voice, as your impressions seem to be shameful.
“Well, my dear, that’s a good question. Looks like we have...ramen, macaroni, pasta...” he rustled around the cabinets, “ravioli, and chicken noodle soup!” He listed for you. Your face scrunched up. “No?”
“Got anything that’s not noodles?” You gave him the puppy dog eyes again and he grabbed your cheeks.
“No more puppy dog eyes, okay? I’ll do anything for you without them. You’re wasting your energy.” Stan held his face very close to you and gave you a quick kiss before ducking around you an dinto the frigde. “Chicken nuggets, fries, ice cream, steam-in-bag carrots...”
“All good options, yes, yes.” You stroked your chin as if you were thinking, but jumped as a deafening crack of thunder cued.
“Woah, woah, woah. Are you okay?” Stanley gave you a bone-breaking hug. “You go sit on the couch and find something to watch. I’ll throw all these in their heating devices and sit with you. Want some ice cream?”
“As long as you don’t put it in a ‘heating device,’ silly.” You tickled his side, which made him squirm, then walked backwards into the living room. He came back with a bowl of ice cream and grabbed a blanket for you to cover yourself with.
“Thank you, hot stuff.” You looked upwards and awaited your kiss from him, which he delivered ever-so-delightful peck. Then crawled onto your lap and waited for you to brush your fingers through his hair. That was one of his weaknesses, he couldn’t get enough of you running your fingers around his scalp. Those are his words.
“I love you so much.” He whispered as he stared at the TV.
“I have to know how much so I can top that.” You joked.
“Now I can never give up my secrets!” He protested. You moved your hands to his sides and tickled him as he squirmed.
“Remember this next time you’re keeping secrets!” His screams and laughs echoed through the empty house, until his mom walked in soaked.
“Mom, the roads are closed?” Stan’s eyebrows scrunched.
“Never stopped me. Oh, you’re making food. I’ll just be in my room. When the timer beeps, I’ll be back.” Mrs. Barber left the room and you and Stan exchanged looks and resumed your fit of giggles.
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itschimmychimchims · 5 years
Etched Pt. 4
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♡ jimin x reader
♡ smut, mafia!au
♡ kinda fluffy this one, no smut
Jimin lets you out, for a while.
| Part 1 (M) | Part 2 (M) | Part 3 (M) | Part 4 | Part 5 (M) | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 (M) | Part 9 (M) | Part 10 |
As the days passed, I grew weary of staying within the compound. I was running out of interesting books to read from the Library and the study. One day, Jimin was back home before lunch and as we sat down to eat together, he tilted his head to look at me.
“You keep sighing nowadays.” He said.
“I’m tired of staying inside.” I sigh again, fiddling with my fried egg. I wanted to at least go out and walk around a mall or something.
“I know, but I can’t let you go outside, Princess. You know that.” Jimin said sternly.
“Please just tell me why.” I stared at him, almost pleading. He hesitated for a while before taking a sip of his water.
“Your father stole something from me, so I need it back before you can leave my home.” He said carefully.
“What did he steal, I could just get it back for you.” I said, having guessed the access codes to many of my dad’s safe stashes.
“Just... something extremely important to me.” Jimin said with a tone finalizing the conversation. I decided I would stop pushing him anymore that day, leaving the conversation for another time. After some silence while we ate, Jimin reached out to touch my free hand.
“You’ll get your chance to leave the house in about a week. I’m attending a President’s Ball.” I perked up at the idea of leaving the house.
“Why can I go to that?” I questioned, wondering how Jimin could possibly let me out in public, let alone a President’s Ball.
“Because it’s the President’s Ball and I know nobody is stupid enough to try to make a move there. Even if they are, I have the president backing me and my men.” Jimin said confidently.
“Ah...” I trailed off. I guess Jimin must do some sort of trading with the government to receive backing like that.
“I’ve already chosen a dress for you. You’ll see it on the day.” Jimin smiled at me, kissing the top of my hand. I nodded, blushing a little at his lips touching my skin.
Jimin had to work that day, so he stayed in his study till late, allowing me to occasionally bring him some juice or snacks. He looked so different in a loose white shirt and navy blue pants, hair all tousled in slight frustration. And the glasses. He actually looked like a possible CEO for once, which made me wonder what he really did.
I was in the garden late that night, just lying on the hammock watching the sky turn colours when I heard footsteps approach me. I tilted my head in the direction it came from to see Jimin walking towards me in all his ruffled gory.
“Let’s go for a drive tonight.” Jimin said and I almost fell from the hammock in shock. I scrambled to my feet and hopped towards him.
“Where are we going?” I couldn’t help the excitement in my voice.
“We’ll drive around the Han River.” Jimin said. “Grab a coat it’s quite cold.” Jimin rested his hand on my face for a while, gently, but his eyes seemed to tell me that tonight wasn’t the night to try anything funny. It’s honestly not like I wanted to run away, I was doing pretty ok as a captive.
I was blindfolded as I left the house, but I’m pretty sure I fell asleep on the way. When I woke up, it was already 3AM and we were by the riverside. The twinkling of the street lamps on the bridge reflected like stars on the river surface. If I stared long enough, they looked like balls of light bouncing and dancing on top of the small waves.
Both of us exited the car and Jimin walked in front of me to the riverbank. It was really cold for a Spring night. I huffed and tried to keep up with his pace.
“You know, I’ve never been to the Han River at night.” I told him. Jimin turned around to look at me, as if asking me to say more.
“I was a sheltered child. My father told me it was too dangerous but never told me why either.” I said simply, now walking beside him.
“It would have been if you were alone. Even if you were with friends, you would still be in danger.” Jimin commented. “Your father has as many enemies as he has friends.”
“Same as you, I suppose.” I treaded the waters with Jimin on this topic lightly, not wanting to piss him off. Jimin chuckled slightly and nodded, letting out a breath.
“I’m glad I’m here with you on your first then.” Jimin said in an odd tone that seemed almost wistful. I didn’t question him about it though.
“I remember a friend used to tell me the best thing to do at Han River was to eat ramen and drink beer when it was a cold night.” I chuckled, looking back to when I actually had more freedom. As I grew older, especially after 14, I was placed on a strict curfew by my father, once again kept in the dark on the reason for it. I don’t remember much about my childhood but my father did tell me I got into an accident and lost a few of my memories.
“That’s where we’re headed.” Jimin smiled, gesturing to a brightly lit convenience store in the near distance.
“It’s like you know what I’m thinking, really.” I said in slight wonder. Jimin only chuckles, walking with me silently to the convenience store. Even if I felt like I was walking alone with Jimin, I knew I could feel people in the shadows keeping a close watch - bodyguards probably. I couldn’t decide whether they wanted to keep me in sights, or make sure others didn’t.
As we watched the ramen sizzle, I could hear my stomach growl. From behind me, Jimin brought over two eggs and cracked one each into the boiling ramen.
“Wa, you really know how to enjoy ramen.” I laugh and Jimin smiles in response.
“What, you thought I eat steak for dinner every night and drink wine or something?” He chuckles.
“Honestly, yeah.” I laugh again, which makes him laugh as well.
“I’m Korean too. I like ramen.” He said simply, getting a tray for the piping hot ramen before we sat down on a bench outside. We had gotten some cheese filled sausages to go with the ramen as well. We ate rather quietly and uneventfully, but it felt nice. Not just finally leaving the house, but it felt like being around him was so natural, like muscle memory. Throughout eating, Jimin only stared at me.
“Do I eat very weirdly, why are you staring?” I ask, slurping some soup. Damn, I loved ramen but I was rarely allowed to have it.
“Nothing, I just like watching you eat.” Jimin smiles softly as I finish up my ramen including all the soup.
“Now for...” Jimin says, then pulls out a four pack of beer. I almost squealed in delight. Literally doing all the things I would never get to if I was at home. The word home made me think a little bit. Did I even miss home? Or did I just long for the concept of having somewhere that I constantly am able to go back to?
“Cheers.” Jimin says, clinking my beer can, but I frown.
“You can’t just ‘jjan’ to nothing. You have to say a toast in situations like this.” I chided. He laughed and it seemed to tinkle softly against the soft crashing of waves on the riverbank.
“A toast to what?” He asked, tilting his head in amusement.
“A toast... to more nights like this.” I say shyly, raising my can. Jimin looks like he was caught by surprise but he smiles all the same and raises his can.
“To more nights just like this one.” He murmurs, clinking his can to mine once more. “I’d like that.” He says softly with the wistful tone again. I was curious out of my brains but I didn’t want to ruin the nice moment by asking him a personal question. I guess I could wait a while more.
| Part 1 (M) | Part 2 (M) | Part 3 (M) | Part 4 | Part 5 (M) | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 (M) | Part 9 (M) | Part 10 |
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like this post and I’ll pick a sentence from this meme and turn into a short starter (one liner or with a bit of context)
you can specify your muse(s) and everything else if you want (fandom, what is Emma)
some sentences might need to be adjusted to work
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I’ll copy them under read more as well in case the post disappears:
‘  i’m a snack but everyone seems to be on a diet.  ’ ‘  i’m gonna replace every bone in my body with a knife, if someone punches me they’re in for a surprise (the knife)  ’ ‘  let me just flirt with you and be a brat and send you cute half nudes.  ’ ‘  blue-flavored candy is always the best flavor of candy like what the fuck. blue raspberries aren’t even a thing. we are literally eating the color blue as a flavor and it’s fucking magical.  ’ ‘  touch id is pissing me off. ‘try again’ the fuck? it’s me with a lil chicken grease.  ’ ‘  call me in the middle of the night and tell me you can’t sleep without me.  ’ ‘  healthy relationships with fathers? sounds fake.  ’ ‘  me to my alarm in the morning: i was literally sleeping but go off i guess.  ’ ‘  do i blame my zodiac sign or my childhood traumas or both  ’ ‘  *eating microwaved ramen noodles and watching kitchen nightmares* i cannot believe this asshole didn’t use fresh chicken in his paella, unbelievable.  ’ ‘  my specialty: the accidental 12 hour nap in broad daylight  ’ ‘  quiet little moans while making out is the hottest thing ever  ’ ‘  date somebody who will go on a road trip with you to see america’s 10 most haunted places  ’ ‘  any vampires who need permission to enter my house…. you have my permission… you wanna come through my window in a flurry of fog and wind?  you can do that… wanna drink my blood and take me away to your big vampire castle? alright friend, go for it  ’ ‘  i’m the guy from the lady and the tramp who gives stray dogs pasta and stands in an alleyway playing an accordion for them  ’ ‘  *nervously calls crush bro*  ’ ‘  i don’t have trust issues. i have ‘seen that shit happen before my own eyes’ issues.  ’ ‘  fuck summer. i want it to be dark and misty and frigid and october.  ’ ‘  concept: we are holding each other in bed, we look at each other and know that all that waiting all that distance was worth it to be close now  ’ ‘  i’m so lucky to have gotten to watch you grow so much this past year. i’m so proud of you.  ’ ‘  i’m so protective of me now, i’ll cut somebody off for simply having the wrong energy  ’ ‘  why are you trying to make me horny. bitch, you know i’m making macaroni.  ’ ‘  date a boy who curls up on your lap, even though he is 6’2" because he loves cuddles  ’ ‘  going out on a date is cool and all; but what about simply sharing a bed with someone, listening to music and discovering everything about one another, together.  ’ ‘  we are drunk and i ended up sitting on the bathroom counter with my legs wrapped around you, but when i wrote ‘marry me’ on your hand with a sharpie, i wasn’t joking.  ’ ‘  you’re equivalent to my favorite color. you’re the human version of what is safe.  ’ ‘  one of the most toxic things i’ve ever done is ignore the bad in someone because i love them.  ’ ‘  you think you want me to shut up? i have to listen to myself even when i’m not talking  ’ ‘  why would i fuck a demon? simple, the status. imagine rolling up into hell already havin had your back blown out by one of their own. imagine you and a gang of other losers standin at the gates of hell, they’re all crying, scared to death about having a pitchfork up their ass for eternity and you just walk into the arms of your sugar demon? legendary.  ’ ‘  i like wearing your clothes. they smell like you and your scent is home to me.  ’ ‘  *therapist voice* you are stupid and gay.  ’ ‘  i like to blame myself for everything just in case.  ’ ‘  the realist thing you can do for me is keep your word.  ’ ‘  love yourself enough to set boundaries. your time and energy are precious.  ’ ‘  i haven’t done anything but i sure could use a break.  ’ ‘  sometimes you just need to hear how much you mean to someone.  ’ ‘  who needs april fools. my entire life is a joke.  ’ ‘  i wish i could be near you, my heart misses you.  ’ ‘  i’m not trying my hardest but i’m very tired which i think should be taken into consideration.  ’ ‘  me @ me: don’t start buddy don’t you dare.  ’ ‘  so what’s next? you heal. you grow. and you help others.  ’ ‘  my kink is not setting an alarm for the next morning.  ’ ‘  if you think i’m cute send me money.  ’ ‘  one day i will take a good selfie and you will be sorry….. you will all be sorry.  ’ ‘  not a day passes where i don’t embarrass myself but it’s ok because i’m on the path to destroy my ego so i won’t be embarrassed anymore.  ’ ‘  there is no reason not to love with you whole heart.  ’ ‘  i hope your heart heals from all the damage it took over the years.  ’ ‘  sometimes you just gotta say fuck it and send that text.  ’ ‘  ‘i can see your nipples through that shirt’ first of all stop being ungrateful.  ’ ‘  so much is going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s too much!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just want to sleep in the forest for 190 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m tired leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ’ ‘  i heard you like bad girls. well i’m bad….. at everything.  ’ ‘  yes, i am fully aware that I’m The Worst™ but i still wanna be like……. loved and stuff.  ’ ‘  i really am, from the bottom of my heart, an actual fucking idiot.  ’ ‘  let me show you just how good i can be.  ’ ‘  i’m just tryna chill on a beach somewhere at 3 am.  ’ ‘  i have a serious weakness for thigh grabbing and hickeys.  ��� ‘  i’m a snail and god is salting me.  ’ ‘  i hate texting people who don’t use a billion emojis and a trillion exclamation points in their messages. just say you hate me and want me to die.  ’ ‘  being called baby?????? holding hands????!? being KISSED?!!!?!???????  ’ ‘  i hope your heart heals from all the damage it took over the years.  ’ ‘  my heart busts a nut every time someone tells me they saw something and they thought of me.  ’ ‘  i have hella heart eyes for you.  ’ ‘  you’re cute. i wanna kiss you for a whole hour.  ’ ‘  it’s pretty iconic to like yourself.  ’ ‘  i am so jealous of animals that get to hibernate, like what the fuck, why can’t i just sleep for four months and then return to real life.  ’ ‘  stop feeling sad and acting weird you bitch (the bitch is me)  ’ ‘  i’m still obsessed with you like it’s day one.  ’ ‘  to quote hamlet act iii scene iii line 92, ‘no’.  ’ ‘  i would have a cuter room if i wasn’t a goblin who threw all her shit on the floor.  ’ ‘  on two hours of sleep i’m either way too happy or violently homicidal.  ’ ‘  let’s go on a date and by date i mean lay in bed and make out for three hours.  ’ ‘  alphabet soup. more like times new ramen am i right.  ’ ‘  tbh it’s okay if no one else thinks i’m funny because i think i’m a riot.  ’ ‘  catching feelings is bullshit. i’m just eating french fries, why i gotta think about kissing you? fuck you.  ’ ‘  smiling is so weird like you stretch your eating hole to show happiness.  ’ ‘  self care is putting absurd amounts of parmesan cheese on your pasta.  ’ ‘  you didn’t go through all of that for nothing.  ’ ‘  get you a girl who loses her shit every time you send a selfie.  ’ ‘  i wish i could be there to take care of you right now.  ’ ‘  home is where the heart is and my heart has always belonged to you.  ’ ‘  i just wanna have soft glowy skin, long eyelashes, pink lips, rosy cheeks, lots of cash, and no responsibilities.  ’ ‘  ok but platonic forehead kisses.  ’ ‘  my heart is guarded but like… very poorly. the kind of guards that would let 3 kids in a trench coat into an r-rated movie.  ’ ‘  what doesn’t kill me doesn’t kill me (unfortunately).  ’ ‘  do you ever look at a boy and wonder if he moans as pretty as he looks.  ’ ‘  life tip: if nothing goes right go to sleep.  ’ ‘  by cute do you mean you wanna frick frack or do you mean i look 12?  ’ ‘  cats are very pickupable and i think that was a really good choice on their part.  ’ ‘  don’t depend on anyone. handle your own shit.  ’ ‘  there isn’t one alternate reality where i didn’t fall in love with you.  ’ ‘  being my ex must be the worst thing. imagine losing me?  ’ ‘  if i say ‘backstreet’s back’ and you do not say ‘ALRIGHT!’ we’re not friends. burn in hell, you sick fuck.  ’ ‘  i love every cat in the entire world. every cat on the planet. if there are any cats in outer space, i love them too.  ’ ‘  my mom is really that bitch and i’m that bitch jr.  ’ ‘  you know you’re fucked when their voice turns you on.  ’ ‘  don’t look at my fucking boner when we fight.  ’ ‘  not all heroes wear capes. a lot of them wear collars and are called dogs.  ’ ‘  it’s you. it will always be you.  ’ ‘  why do tattoos cost so much? i’m paying you to injure me.  ’ ‘  thank you for being the biggest light in my life and saving me from the darkness.  ’
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art-of-manliness · 5 years
The Incredible, Edible, and Yes, Microwavable Egg
You might tend to scoff at microwaved meals. Always better to prepare with “real” heat versus that artificial variety, right? In most cases, I’m totally with ya. There’s just no getting around the fact that microwaving foods messes with flavor and texture in unpleasant ways. But one magical foodstuff seems to be fairly immune to the evils of radiation: the incredible, edible egg.  Rather surprisingly, you can microwave raw eggs in a mug and get a delicious, fluffy end product that — Scout’s honor — is hard to distinguish from its stove-cooked counterpart.  Why microwave versus cook on the stove? Several reasons. First, it’s really convenient, especially on busy mornings. Second, it’s kid friendly; your 6-year-old can make this meal without you having to worry about burned hands and scorched skillets. Finally, it’s a great option for when you’re living someplace that has a microwave, but lacks a stovetop — like a dorm room; many a college freshman has discovered that microwaved eggs are a great, protein-packed way to supplement their diet of ramen noodles.  If you’d like to start nuking your eggs, here’s a guide on how to do it with optimal success.  Ingredients * 2 eggs  * ~2 Tbsp milk  * Salt  * Pepper  * Fillings (cheese, cooked bacon, ham, peppers, tomatoes, cream cheese, etc.)  You can make microwaved eggs with pretty much any of the toppings you put with your eggs in a pan, though the texture may be a little different than if pan-fried, especially for crisp veggies like peppers and onions. Better for these toppings to be pre-cooked, if possible, though it’s not strictly necessary. It is also worth mentioning that if it’s convenience you’re going for, you may not be taking the time to chop up a number of additions, anyway. As to what to cook your microwaved eggs in, mugs are perfect for the simple fact that the handle makes for especially easy eating. They also make for crazy simple cleanup (as opposed to stovetop cooking); just throw the single dish in the dishwasher! I use oversized mugs — basically small soup bowls with handles — because we have them and they ensure there’s no spillover. Any large mug will do, though. How to Microwave Eggs to Fluffy Perfection  1. Crack and scramble eggs right into the mug.  Give your mug a quick greasing with either Pam spray or a dash of olive oil swirled around. Then crack the eggs right into it, add roughly 2 Tbsp of milk (no need to measure; just pour out a couple quick glugs), and scramble it all up with a fork or whisk.  2. Add desired fillings, stir again.  I like to scramble the eggs/milk first, then add my fillings, then give it another hearty stir.  You definitely need salt and pepper, but everything else is up to you. I like doing cheese + some meat, be it cooked bacon, cooked sausage, or ham. (To make it quick on your weekdays, fry up a big batch of bacon/sausage on the weekend and store it in the fridge. Or buy the precooked bacon that just needs to be heated up in the . . . microwave.)  Get creative here. Do shredded pork and green chili for a Southwest version; do ham, onions, mushrooms, and green pepper for a Denver omelette version; the options here are numerous.  3. Microwave. Every microwave will be a little different; mine is older, so needed a hair more time than yours might. In general, though, you’re looking at about 2-3 minutes of cook time.  Nuke it first for 45 seconds, and give it a stir. It will be starting to set. Give it another 60 seconds and see how it looks. Stick a fork in the middle; when it’s done it’ll be fully set. If it’s still goopy, give it another 20 seconds (and another 20 after that if needed). What you’re going for is mostly set — a little bit of liquid on the top is fine, as it will continue to set after it comes out of the microwave.  4. Eat up!  Let it cool just a couple minutes and enjoy your delectable, fluffy, microwaved eggs.  The post The Incredible, Edible, and Yes, Microwavable Egg appeared first on The Art of Manliness. http://dlvr.it/R4NPht
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kim-isnt-seaweed · 6 years
Busan, day one.
day two 
On the morning of the third day of our trip, we woke up a bit late and leisurely got ready, so we ended up taking the bus at around 11 Am and arrived at Busan around 1 pm. Everyone i imagine has their own individual feeling when experiencing a place for the first time, and for me the moment i stepped out of the bus and saw the city before me it reminded me of Miami, in a way it looks different from Miami but its as if Seoul and Miami had had  a baby, that’s what Busan felt to me that first second.
We felt our things at the hotel and immediately went to seek out our lunch, Dwaeji gukbab. Dwaeji Gukbab or pork soup with rice is apparently one of the most popular dishes in Busan. I’m a picky eater, so I’ve had a hard time getting used to Korean food, i have a hard time with food, in general, it’s hard for me to try new foods or more specifically certain types of food, i have a really complicated relationship with food that deserves a whole post. That’s why i wasn’t very excited about trying it since i tend to avoid soups, especially soups. I like noodle soups like ramen, pho, and cold noodles, i also like tofu stew and kamjatang (potato and rib stew) but other soups aren’t so easy for me especially anything that has seafood or, for lack of a better term, “weird” pieces of meat. So when my husband said it was a soup with boiled pork and rice i wasn’t very excited but alas, he really wanted to try it and even found the most popular restaurant of this dish. When we got there he ordered and to my surprise, there are two ways you can order the same dish, the original which is the soup with everything inside, the one he ate, and the soup with the meat prepared and served separately, which he ordered for me. I tried it since i had promised him, and i even surprised myself with how much i liked it, the soup is just clear broth with spring onions, it was a little bland for my taste but nothing some salt or pepper paste can’t fix and the meat was just delicious. I ate almost everything something very rare for me.
After getting our tummies full and heavy we set off to our first place, Taejeongdae even though its fairly far from downtown it’s surprisingly easy to get there, you can just get on a normal city bus the one that has the right route, of course, pay the normal fee and it will take you all the way to the entrance of Taejeongdae. There you can walk up to the main building and buy a ticket for a little train that takes you up to all the different stops along the park, or you could just walk there but its a bit of a hike i must say.
  The view going up is beautiful, but mostly covered by trees which is fantastic and it’s not long before we reach the first stop, the observatory. There are three floors, i can’t remember what’s in the lowermost floor, on the second floor there’s a convenience store, tables and the balcony where you have a beautiful view of the sea, dotted with ships passing by and sadly a bit of trash from passing tour boats. nonetheless, the view is amazing, we stayed a while taking pictures and looking through … i forgot what those are called …telescopes, yes looking through the coin telescopes. we didn’t bother going to the third floor because it’s a restaurant and we weren’t hungry.
    From the observatory, we walked to the lighthouse. To get there you have to go down forest stairs, where there are different landings, one is a memorial for important Sae men along Korean History and much more things to see along the way until you get to the lighthouse, sadly everything seemed to be closed but we could still see around the grounds, taking in the beautiful view of the sea, the boats and the cliffs descending from the forested mountain and the faraway city.
  From the lighthouse, far below to the right there these beautiful cliffs where you can actually walk to but again they seemed closed.
  To the left, even father below at sea level, you will see some tarps, those are actually what i would call restaurants, these little food stalls are run by grandmother’s and they sell seafood, i believe if you like fresh seafood (i don’t) this is the place for you. These grandmothers, dive every day to catch the fish and whatever sea delicacy and the prepare it right there for you. we were tempted to go down for a look but it was so far below the climb back up would be so tiring and besides it was getting a bit late.
  We took the train and we debated whether to stop at Taejeongdae temple or just go back to the entrance since it was late and it was the last train that was passing by. We weren’t going to stop but i felt like it would be a shame not to see everything there was to see.  We got off at the Temple, but i have to admit i actually walked along and took quick pictures because it was dark and lonely and it was giving me the chills. We looked around quickly and then headed back to the entrance by foot, it was dark and a little cold but walking it was a nice walk with fresh crisp air.
  If you ever visit Busan it must be a place you visit, it is said to be one of King Taejeong [king muyeol] used to spend  time in this place practicing archery and training his troops, there are different theories but it is said he loved the place because of its natural beauty, that thankfully hasn’t changed much since then and he also performed a rain ritual.
Apeach cafe.
We took the bus back to the downtown area, and we went to the Jung-gu area, it’s a trendy area full of shops and restaurants a bit like Myeongdong or Hongdae in Seoul. We went there for two reasons, one of the was the Apeach cafe. If you know anything about Korea you know that the number one messaging app in Korea is Kakaotalk, it’s like WhatsApp on steroids with cute emojis and stickers, games and it’s own line of characters and it actually has it’s own bank, like an actual bank, an online bank but a bank nonetheless. it’s so popular that they have stores full of merchandise.
So Muzi is a radish and not a rabbit?
And that’s precisely where we went, in Busan’s Kakaofriends store on the highest floor they have a cafe dedicated to possibly one of the cutest characters among them, Apeach. Before you get there you have to go through floors full of merchandise, the cutest things ever in my opinion. If it were up to me i would buy everything, the things are just so cute and adorable but thankfully my husband is a bit less tempted by cute things and marketing so he wouldn’t let me buy anything because he says everything is overpriced which is a bit true.
  After looking at all the things, me secretly wishing to buy them and my husband complaining he’s a bit sick of Kakaofriends we finally got up to the cafe. His first reaction to it was “it’s so pink!” and he was right, it was completely and utterly covered in pink, pink walls, pink sofas, pink lights and pink statues of Apeach because obviously, he is a pink peach. I for one loved it, it was my favorite shade of pink and it was my favorite amount of cute…very cute.  I took a lot of pictures with the cute little a peach statues around the place.
  All the food in the place is Kakaofriends themed, we ordered a strawberry frappuccino and chocolate cupcake.
The cupcake wasn’t much of a cupcake but rather a literal cake in a cup, the cake itself was yummy but the frosting although cute because it was the face of Ryan, it wasn’t that good it tasted a lot like food coloring.
    The Frappuccino, on the other hand, was absolutely delicious, nothing much to say about it other than it was cute and delicious but i was too cold to drink much so to the delight of my husband he got to drink most of it, it was so good that despite how much he complained about the prices he said he would order it again if we ever went back.
Nampo Market and Gwangalli Beach.
After leaving the cafe, we walked around the area, got free pens from a group of very pretty Zombies (they’re apparently students at MBC’s makeup academy) and then got close to Busan’s very popular Jagalchi fish market but i honestly can’t stand the smell of fish or sea creatures so i begged not to go there, i know it’s an important sight in Busan but i just can’t deal with the smell. We then went to Nampo Market, during the day i imagine, it’s a traditional market where they sell everyday products needed for everyday food, but during the night the stalls are closed and the food carts are open for business.
The first thing we tried was soup in one of those bread bowls because my husband loves it i don’t know why. You pay for the bread bowl basically because they will give you free soup refills. The soup instant soups, but i am not complaining because it was yummy and on a cold day like that it was a treat.
The second thing we ate was veggies wrapped in pork belly, you have an option to chose it with spicy sauce or normal soy sauce. you really can’t go wrong with pork belly and veggies so it was undoubtedly delicious. However, for some odd reason, maybe i was just too excited or hungry i ended up forgetting to take a picture of it and only ended up with a bad shot of the stall.
We then ate something i was excited about but was sadly disappointed. The dish was potato and melted cheese, i don’t know what i was expecting(maybe like cheese fries ?) but it wasn’t what i got. The potato was a full potato but fried, like a full potato croquet, it was terribly bland on its own, then the cheese was also bland for some reason not salty enough, not enough taste at all. It also came with onions, ham bits, pineapple, and a quail egg. The dish has potential but it needs perfecting, all i could taste was the onions and bland fried potato.
The last thing we ate was just stir-fried meat with veggies and it was the best we had there. It really doesn’t need no explanation, it was just delicious.
There was much more food to chose from like: hot dogs, kebabs, chicken or steak skewers, Vietnamese street food, etc but these were the only ones we were able to eat before we got full.
Later that night, we went to the beach. Gwanalli Beach to be precise, it’s a modern looking beach, with a bridge crossing right in front of it just a few ways off the shore. My husband said this beach is popular because it is one of, if not the only beach in Korea where the stores and restaurants are directly behind and visible from the beach, it didn’t really seem like anything special to me since this place reminded me a lot of Miami Beach, or at least of what I’ve seen the few times my family drove by.
  We took some pictures and we asked some girls to take a few pictures of us, and let me just tell you, that you can’t ask better people to take a picture of you than a group of Korean girls. They take their pictures very seriously, they have no shyness when it comes to taking the cutest and most unique pictures they can think of, they don’t care if people are looking at them, they will take that picture no matter what. this also translates when they take pictures of you, they won’t just take a picture and be done with it, they will actually tell you what they think will look better, what has a better mood, and their friends will be saying comments like “oh that looks nice!!” or “no no, not like that, do this!” it’s just so nice and sweet. I honestly believe no one takes better pictures than Korean girls.
    However because of the Cold we didn’t stay long, we waited for the bus and went back to the hotel were a sleepless night awaited me, who would’ve thought that sleeping near Haeundae beach, with its restaurants and bars, was going to be noisy? certainly not my husband haha.
To the south, third day! Busan, day one. day two  On the morning of the third day of our trip, we woke up a bit late and leisurely got ready, so we ended up taking the bus at around 11 Am and arrived at Busan around 1 pm.
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bantan · 6 years
180407 S Cawaii May Issue
ALL ABOUT BTS: Know more about the members!
Q. We heard all the members are living together! What do you think is good about living together?
V: How it’s not lonely. While a certain degree of privacy is necessary, it’s better when it’s not boring.
JH: We’ve already lived together for eight years, so they’ve basically become my family. I’ve probably spent more time with them than my actual family. (laughs) I think it’s a good thing that we’re able to be together.
JM: It’s not lonely and more importantly, when we live together with the other members we can talk to each other lots and understand each other better. When you share everything with the others, it’s a lot easier to express yourself and do lots of things. I believe living together was a huge factor of how we were able to advance this far.
Q. Do the members ever fight?
V: Yes! It’s like a sibling fight, so there are no reasons for them in particular.
Q. We heard some of you keep pets, what are you keeping?
JH: There used to be a member who kept a dog at or dorm, but we were away often and felt sorry for it so he stopped keeping it at the dorm. Now it’s just JIN’s sugar gliders.
JM: Sugar gliders are similar to squirrels, but they’re not the same. (laughs) Come to think of it, I’m the only one who doesn’t have a pet!
Q. For the record… do the members ever play together privately?
V: All the time. We talk about silly things and waste time together. (laughs) We go out to eat too. The things we want to eat change every day so we try all kinds of restaurants. ♪
JH: We’ve been living together for so long, everyone has their own plans for our days off. But sometimes we travel together. Once, we all went to Ganghwa Island to watch the ocean and have a barbeque. But lately, we’ve just been relaxing and resting. Because we tend to think about work even on our days off. That’s why we’re trying to rest without thinking about work on our days off. (laughs)
JM: J-HOPE and I often go to the movies or shopping together. The members go out to eat together a lot and if something bad happens or someone goes through something painful we’ll all gather together. Recently, I came to Japan with JUNGKOOK! On Halloween. We were dressed up so no one recognised us at all. ♪It’s tough going to busy places while worrying about being recognised, but I fulfilled my wish to participate in a busy parade, so it was a good experience. (laughs)
Q. Any funny episodes with the members lately?
V: All the members ate together on my birthday. I can’t remember why we laughed or what we talked about, but everyone was eating and laughing and making an uproar. ♪
JM: It’s always fun when everyone gathers together. We ate together on V’s birthday and after award shows.
JH: We’ve been together so long, I can’t think of anything funny in particular! (laughs) But I also have the most fun getting excited at our get-together parties.
About JIN
Q. Tell us which of JIN’s cooking is delicious. ♡
V: Anything JIN makes is delicious. ♡ I don’t think cooking is a simple task so I think it’s wonderful that he’s interested in cooking. I’ve started to gain a little interest in cooking because of JIN.
JM: He makes lots of things. When we were trainees, we used to eat a lot of chicken tenders so he would make us fried rice with chicken tenders. When SUGA was taking his university admissions test, we all made breakfast for him and sent him off together.
JH: The most delicious thing I’ve eaten is the tteokguk [rice cake soup] we eat for New Years in Korea. Tteokguk has different seasoning depending on the region you’re in, but JIN’s tteokguk was really good! He just hasn’t had any time cook lately, so if he does cook for us it’s usually ramen. JIN is the best at cooking among the members. He’s good at using his hands.
About RM
Q. We’ve heard that RM is a Destruction King, is that true? Has he broken anything recently?
V: I don’t know! (laughs)
JM: We haven’t seen him lately.
JH: Whether by chance or necessity, this Destruction King nickname seems to really suit him. (laughs) RM himself doesn’t want to break things, things just strangely break and spill a lot around him. He can be a little careless. For example, a few days ago he tried to grab his bag from the table and bumped a cup of coffee with his bag instead, spilling it everywhere. (laughs) Things like that happen a lot. Do you know what we call those types of people in Korea? ‘RM’.
Q. Is JUNGKOOK still a cute maknae?
JH: There’s still some maknae-like cuteness left in him, but lately he’s really become an adult in the way he thinks and talks. He’s turned into a fine adult. I especially feel this way when he gives award acceptance speeches and interview responses.
JM: But he’s still our cute little brother forever.
V: No, he’s scary. (serious) He’s actually very strict, despite how he seems. He gets mad when we make mistakes with the choreography. (laughs)
About SUGA
Q. SUGA is well known for sleeping a lot, what is he like in reality?
V: He sleeps. (laughs) He really does sleep a ridiculous amount. How long does he sleep in a day? I don’t know. I have work too, so I can’t always watch over him.
JM: I don’t think that’s true. (laughs)
JH: No, he’s always sleeping. But all the members sleep when there’s a chance to. But I’m the type who thinks it’s a waste to spend time sleeping, so I get up and move around sometimes. I think it’s enough to sleep as much as is required to do our activities, so I sleep at least six hours.
Expose your true selves ♡
V’s true self
JH: He really has a lot of charms. He has a lot of natural talents that you can really feel when he stands on stage. V started learning dance after coming to Seoul, but now he’s really good at dancing. There’s plenty I want to learn from him and I’m looking forward to him in the future too. He was recently selected as ‘The Most Handsome Man in the World’, which was well deserved. Since he really is handsome. (laughs) But he’s not always handsome, he relaxes when he’s at the dorm.
JM: When we first met he was so playful and full of mischief, I thought he was a troublemaker! Even now I think he has a unique way of thinking, but that’s also cute. After living together for so long, I now like the parts of him that made me think “What’s with that?” at first. (laughs) He has a really good personality and is like everyone’s ‘friend’ in the group. Also, while there are some days where he is the most handsome man in the world, there are other days where I think “Is this person really handsome?” (laughs)
JIMIN’s true self
V: To be honest, my first impression of JIMIN was “He’s a little lame”. (laughs) He didn’t seem to have any interest in fashion. But he learned Korean contemporary dance, so he was really good at dancing. Even now, when I see him dancing, I think JIMIN’s dancing is beautiful. I love JIMIN’s dancing. He’s probably the little brother in the group that everyone wants as an older brother. He thinks he’s cool but he’s actually really cute.
JH: As the maknaes, JIMIN and V bring to the group a certain brightness and cuteness. JIMIN has a lot of talent in performances, and while he’s younger, there are times when he’s really like an older brother. He loves mischief but he’s a mature person who thinks a lot. All the members often talk together before an activity or after an award show, and the words JIMIN says then are really deep. He’s younger than me, but I respect him a lot.
J-HOPE’s true self
V: J-HOPE is especially skilled at dancing within BTS, and the first time I met him I thought “This person seems like he’d be good at dancing”. (laughs) He’s in charge of the ‘hope’ of the group, but I think J-HOPE’s biggest charm is his eyes. Because he has really lovely eyes. His eyes sparkle and make the people around him feel lighter. Just being near J-HOPE makes you feel calm and even puts you in a good mood.
JIMIN: He makes a really good first impression, like the kind older brother in the neighbourhood. Like with V, he supported me until I got used to everything. He’s the moodmaker of the group. He’s also the one who listens to the other members when they’re tired. He always leads us in the dance and pulls us up. The parts of J-HOPE and V that I thought were nice before have gotten more and more important to me.
180407 S Cawaii May Issue [Continued]
Japanese-English translation @szkvr [sorry I missed this part earlier]
Question for V
Q. What does V smell like?
I think I smell like body lotion. If I had to describe it, it’d be a smell that would ARMY hearts flutter if they smelled it? (cracks up laughing) Sorry. (laughs)
Q. Do you like growing your hair longer? Or do you prefer cutting it often?
I like growing it longer. The fans don’t like it when my fringe covers my eyes, but I’m still thinking about what to do. (laughs)
Q. Who decides your hair colour?
We decide it by discussing it with the company.
Q. Do you collect anything?
Q. What fashion item do you have the most of?
I used to have a lot of shirts and neckties before, but now I don’t have as many neckties so there are more shirts.
Q. What do you sleep in?
Q. Are you more like your mother or father?
Q. If you had to liken yourself to an animal?
Probably a tiger. Ah, or maybe a red panda. They look strong, but they’re actually not strong at all. (laughs)
Q. Do you believe in aliens?
I don’t. They’re too scary to believe in! If I don’t believe in them, I can go through my day without worrying about them. (laughs)
Q. What’s your favourite BTS dance?
Mic Drop. Because J-HOPE is super cool. I love the overall flow and sound of the whole song.
Q. What’s the hardest BTS dance?
Mic Drop. It’s the coolest and the hardest. The choreography is difficult so I said it was the hardest, but it’s fun to dance.
Q. Are there any up and coming fashions that interest you?
I’ve always been really interested in fashion. Everything I wear is something that I want to wear, but once I get older and reach my 30s and 40s I’d like to dress in killer suits. And I want to grow a beard.
Q. What did you do during your free time recently?
Recently, I went to Busan for a vacation. It was my first time in Busan for a trip and it was very relaxing.
Q. Favourite Weather?
Q. Favourite Season?
Q. Dogs or cats?
Dogs. I have a Pomeranian.
Q. What kind of dog is it?
He’s a Pomeranian and his name is Tan. His full name is Yeontan. He’s really smart! And he’s really greedy. He finishes his food then tries to eat mine. (laughs) He’s a little naughty.
Q. Tell us your top 3 favourite foods!
Jajangmyeon, hamburgers, meat buns!
Q. Where do you wash first in the bath?
I was my hair first, then my chest.
Q. What do you do first when you wake up?
I drink water.
Q. Do you eat breakfast? Or do you skip it?
I don’t eat it often.
Q. Do you cook? Anything you’re good at cooking?
I want to cook. If I were to cook, I want to make meat buns. (laughs)
Q. What drink do you like?
I love Coca-Cola!
Q. Sweet or spicy food?
Q. Early bird or night owl?
Neither. (laughs)
Q. Do you have your driver’s license?
I got it last year.
Q. Do you sleep well?
I sleep so bad, sometimes it takes me 3-4 hours to fall asleep. The first two are spent on my phone, and the last hour is spent with my eyes closed waiting to fall asleep.
Q. How much sleep do you get on average?
Even though there’s lots of time to sleep, I haven’t been able to fall asleep lately. It’s one of my worries.
Q. Do you have a good sleeping posture?
According to the members, I talk in my sleep. (laughs) And I can’t sleep without hugging something, so I use a body pillow. I should sleep hugging my dog? I’d crush him! (laughs)
Q. Any talking habits?
I say もう a lot. [idk what this would be in Korean but in Japanese it has a lot of meanings: now; soon; shortly; before long; presently; already; yet; further; more; jeez; come on]
Q. What do you do before concerts?
Go to the toilet!
Q. What do you do to get rid of nerves?
Drink water.
Q. If you could use magic, what magic would you want to use?
Magic to become happy. If I could use magic I’d be really excited. (laughs)
Q. What praise makes you happy?
Something like “You’re working really hard”.
Q. Any superstitions you believe in?
Rather than a superstition, I try to meet my family whenever I have time. It’s really encouraging!
Q. What do you want to eat right now?
Meat buns! I’ve loved meat buns since preschool. I always whined at my grandma about how I wanted to eat meat buns! (laughs)
Q. Do you use perfume?
I do not.
Question for JIMIN
Q. What did you receive recently that made you happy?
Letters from the members. They gave them to me for my birthday.
Q. Your favourite BTS dance?
I love them all but ‘Best of Me’. It’s a song we collaborated with The Chainsmokers for and I love the choreography and the lyrics are great too! We prepared it for our fan meeting so it’s very memorable.
Q. Dogs or cats?
Ah… I can’t decide this. They’re both too cute!
Q. Where do you wash first in the bath?
From my head.
Q. Sweet or spicy food?
Spicy food. I like sweet foods too, but I like spicy foods more.
Q. Early bird or night owl?
It’s not like I’m doing anything in particular, but I seem to be in better condition at night. And work usually tends to happen at night.
Q. First thing you do when you wake up?
Eyedrops. Because I can’t really wake up easily. My eyesight is bad and I have to wear contacts for a long time so I need eyedrops.
Q. Do you eat breakfast? Or do you skip it?
Depends on the day. When I’m sleepy I skip it, when I’m not I eat it. (laughs)
Q. Do you cook? What are you good at cooking?
Just ramen!
Q. Do you sleep well?
No. I usually fall asleep early morning.
Q. Do you have a good sleeping posture?
I think it’s normal. But I have a habit of scratching my neck when I’m asleep and even wake up bleeding sometimes. (laughs)
Q. Any talking habits?
You should ask the other members about this. I wouldn’t know.
Q. Praise that makes you happy?
They all make me happy. To be honest, any praise will make me happy. (laughs)
Q. What do you want to eat right now?
Hmm… (thinking) Nothing in particular… (laughs)
Q. Any superstitions?
Can I include some negative ones? When I start to think “I’m not used to this” or “I can’t do this” I won’t be able to do it, even when I could have done it normally.
Q. Do you use perfume?
I don’t.
Q. How often do you cut your hair?
Whenever it grows. (laughs) It’s short right now, but I like it long too. The length changes depending on the style I want. I change my hairstyle to match the image of every new album we put out.
Q. Do you collect anything?
Q. Which fashion item do you have the most of?
There are three things. Blue denim jackets, hoodies, and slightly oversized long T-shirts.
Q. What do you sleep in?
Can I say this…? Just my underwear. No wait, I wear something on top too. Actually, I wear pajamas! (laughs)
Q. Are you like your mother or father?
I’m like my father in appearance and mother in personality, I think.
Q. If you had to liken yourself to an animal?
A calico cat!
Q. Do you believe in aliens?
I believe they exist. I’ve always loved mysterious surrounding the Earth and space, so I often thought about that kinda stuff. It’s not like something good will happen to me because they exist, but doesn’t the thought of them existing make you happy? (laughs)
Q. Who influenced your dance?
There are so many people. All the Korean senior artists I watched while growing up, Chriss Brown, Usher… countless people!
Q. What’s the hardest BTS dance?
There’s a lot, but if I had to pick three then ‘Best of Me’, ‘Mic Drop’, and ‘Blood, Sweat & Tears’. The choreography is difficult and requires a lot of stamina.
Q. Where do you get inspiration for your dance from?
From the artists I watched as I grew up.
Q. Do you give your own input in the dance?
If I had to participate in the choreographing, I’d watch until the dance was completed to a certain amount before doing so. Then I’d look at it and point out what areas needs to be improved or which parts might be a little difficult to dance. I’d participate by giving my own opinions.
Q. Tell us about the time you collaborated with your good friend, SHINee’s Taemin, at the end of year music festival.
We got close these last few years, and in 2016 we had the opportunity to collaborate for an end of year music festival. It was really fun dancing together! I was really excited about as I practiced, wanting to make it a good memory. But our schedules were difficult to match up and we were only able to practice together two hours before the show, which was unfortunate. If we had more time, it might have been more fun.
Question for J-HOPE
Q. Where do you get your dance inspiration from?
Dancing is the act of expression music through your body, so I get the most inspiration from when I’m listening to music. Or rather, in my case, I start to think “How would I express this song through a dance?” and receive inspiration to create a dance that way.
Q. What present were you happy to receive?
The breakfast my mother made for me. There was a big present next to it, but I normally live in the dorm so I can’t always eat her food.
Q. What do you sleep in?
I always sleep in pajamas.
Q. Are you like your mother or father?
My face is like my father and my personality is like my mother.
Q. If you had to liken yourself to an animal?
Sometimes I’m like a chipmunk and sometimes I’m like a horse. (laughs) When I’m cute I’m like a chipmunk but when I’m trying to be cool I think I look like a horse. (laughs)
Q. Do you believe aliens exist?
They do not!
Q. Who influenced your dance?
I used to dance street dance when I was young, so I have a lot of emotional attachment to dance. I also know a lot of dancers. I was part of this dance team called Neuron in my hometown in Gwanju, and I learned how to dance there. When I came to Seoul I learned from a lot of dancers at a dance school called LEVEL 6, but the one that influenced me the most was LOCKING ONG. I was also influenced by Park Eun [not sure of name].
Q. What’s the hardest BTS dance?
The more time passes the more I feel like ‘Blood, Sweat & Tears’ is the hardest. It requires skill and care all the way to your fingertips, and it’s a song that requires acting, so it's very difficult. There are so many important components to it. The maknae line, JIMIN and V and JUNGKOOK, are particularly good at this song, and it’s thanks to them that we can have a good performance. And me as well, of course. (laughs)
Q. Do you sleep well?
I sleep very well. I can fall asleep in about 40 seconds.
Q. Do you have a good sleeping posture?
I don’t know if it’s good or bad, but I have a habit of scratching my body.
Q. Any talking habits?
I often say “Uuuuuh” when I’m thinking. (laughs)
Q. What do you do before concerts?
Go to the toilet!
Q. What do you do to get rid of nerves?
Stretch my body.
Q. If you could use a magic, what magic you use?
Teleportation! I want to go to all kinds of countries.
Q. What praise makes you happy?
I want to be told, “You’re still so cool after all this time”.
Q. Any superstitions?
Q. What do you want to eat right now?
It’s not a food, but water!
Q. Do you use perfume?
I do. I used to like the smell of soap, but lately, I like using wood perfume.
Q. Do you like having long hair? Or do you cut your hair often?
I want to cut my hair once a week.
Q. Who decides your hair colour?
We decide by discussing it with the company.
Q. Do you collect anything?
Sneakers and figurines. I have a lot of cute figurines.
Q. What fashion item do you have the most of?
Q. What did you do in your free time recently?
Stayed at home and rested.
Q. Favourite weather?
Snowy days.
Q. Favourite season?
Q. Dog person or cat person?
I’m a dog person.
Q. Where do you wash first in the bath?
I wash from my head.
Q. What do you do first when waking up?
Go to the toilet. (laughs)
Q. Do you eat breakfast? Or do you skip it?
I’m trying to eat it more these days. For better health!
Q. Tell us your top 3 favourite foods!
Korean meal sets, fried chicken with spring onion, tiramisu.
Q. Do you cook? What are you good at cooking?
I don’t cook.
Q. What do you like to drink?
Just water.
Q. Sweet or spicy food?
Q. Early bird or night owl?
Night owl.
Q. Do you have a driver’s license?
Yes. I got it around two years ago.
Q. What kind of album is FACE YOURSELF, releasing in April?
JM: It has the Japanese versions of our Korean songs from LOVE YOURSELF: HER as well as two new original Japanese songs, so please listen to them all.
JH: The original songs are the biggest point. We had fun recording them and the songs are also wonderful so we’d love for everyone to hear them. The songs we’ve released in Korea until now have been re-recorded in Japanese, which gives them a new charm.
V: We’d love for everyone to feel the atmosphere of the new album.
Q. How is it different to your other albums until now?
V: It has our first winter song!
JM: It’s an extension of our Korean album LOVE YOURSELF: HER. I think it became a very unique album.
JH: In that way, it’s a completely different work to our others until now. The album has the theme of directly facing reality and taking Spring Day as an example, spring is the season of new meetings, the time of your life when you’ll stand at a crossroad. Like that, each song holds a different meaning and comes together as an album. I don’t really know what I’m saying anymore (laughs), but at any rate, it’s definitely a really good album!
Q. Tell us your favourite song on the album!
V: Crystal Snow for me. It’s a really great song! The melody and lyrics are wonderful and it’s definitely a song to listen to in winter. Ah, but it’s almost spring so maybe Spring Day!
JM: Crystal Snow for me too. It’s BTS’ first winter song and the song itself is super nice. I think this song would suit the tastes of people in Japan. When I listen to Japanese songs, there are many acoustic songs with a similar feeling to this so it may suit the Japanese landscape and culture. I hope you’ll listen to it at any time! But it’s best to listen to it when you’re alone.
JH: I like Spring Day, it’s perfect for the season we’re in right now. I get the feeling that no matter how much time passes, this song will be repeated a lot. We sang this song with the feeling of wanting someone to stay through the cold winter until the warm spring comes. Ah, that’s my part, by the way. (laughs) Like it says in the lyrics, no matter who you love it’s a song that echoes in the heart.
Q. Were the Japanese lyrics difficult?
V: The Japanese lyrics weren’t difficult. But I had trouble with the recording itself. Since the key was so high. (bitter smile)
JM: The pronunciation and song was a little difficult for me but while I was recording I felt how good the songs were all over again.
JH: In my case—for example with Spring Day especially—the songs required a lot of emotions while singing, so I’m glad I was able to immerse myself into that world even in Japanese without a problem.
Q. Please give a message to the fans who are eagerly waiting for your album!
V: We’d like to proudly tell our ARMY that our 3rd album is coming out. ARMY have probably been waiting for our album. We’re so full of gratitude at how they’ve always been waiting for us and there are two new original songs this time so please love them a lot!
Q. Your popularity around the world has exploded, but what do you think?
JM: We never imagined we’d be so loved. We really want to express our gratitude to the fans who love us, to our ARMY. We’re so grateful we’re not sure how to express these feelings properly, but we’ll work hard to try return as much love as we received back to you.
JH: My honest feelings are something like “Is it possible to be loved by this many people?” (laughs) Especially recently, when I stand in front of everyone I go from “!” to “?”. I give it my all so that I don’t disappoint everyone. I have these thoughts the most when I stand on stage. Going around the world on tour, standing on all sorts of stages, meet all kinds of audiences has really made us feel loved by people from all over the world.
V: Firstly, I’m so happy and so grateful that I’ve received more love than I deserve. That’s how much I can feel everyone’s support, thank you very much.
What the staff saw! V’s true self
The way his adorable expressions constantly changed was like a puppy. ♡ He passionately spoke about his love for meat buns during the interview. Apparently, he likes the regular flavour.
What the staff saw! J-HOPE’s true self
He had a charming smile and made the atmosphere much brighter by just standing there. A complete reversal to his serious impression when talking about dance.
What the staff saw! JIMIN’s true self
His gentle smile left an impression. His face after being asked if he was a dog person or cat person was extremely cute. ♡
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nickwbenson · 2 years
Day 46
Long infusion days: done ✅
It was a stop/start day: my veins are a little sick of all the chemo, and they're becoming more unruly as treatment continues. Luckily I only have a couple more infusions left, because otherwise it could become very annoying (I won't go into further detail here, but feel free to ask me for more info if you're curious!).
I don't really want to talk about the infusion day at all, I'm just so happy to have it behind me. Food is still proving to be the main struggle, and it's getting tougher by the day, but I'll make it through. I imagine that the next seven days may be very difficult, but I will come out on the other side ready to eat all the foods that I've been craving but unable to taste.
I tried to blast my taste buds at dinner tonight with Japanese katsu curry and spicy pickles, but the curry ended up tasting like water sauce. Out of everything on the table, the one flavor that I could pick up with any significance was the mild chicken stock in my mom's ramen. I'm no longer even pretending to look at things scientifically, I just have no fucking clue what I will and won't be able to taste. The spicy BBQ sauce that I was eating by the spoonful paled in comparison to the delicate ramen broth.
Tomorrow I'm going to try making grandma pizza for lunch. I have been craving pan pizzas recently: Detroit, Chicago, Sicilian, all of it. I'm feeling good about the prospect for a few reasons:
I was able to taste the tomato soup last night, and my pizza sauce is basically just tomatoes.
Mozzarella isn't even that flavorful to begin with, so if I can't taste it there is minimal loss.
The crust on the pizza is basically going to be shallow-fried in oil, so I'm confident that the texture will be pleasant even if the flavor doesn't come through.
Surely if I whack enough garlic on that thing I'll be able to taste some of it.
Excited to go to bed shortly and have another day officially in the books. One day closer to this all being over; I don't know when that day will come, but it will come. Today was a huge step in that direction, and I'm immensely proud of myself for all I've achieved thus far 🚀
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