#the savage rose
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The Savage Rose / Annisette Koppel Photos : Søren Ørnsø, at a Concert in Randers 1968.
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guessimdumb · 6 months
The Savage Rose - Unfold (1970)
The Savage Rose were a Danish psych/prog rock group who are hard to describe as their sound was constantly changing. Annisette's distinctive vocals are the one constant. Much of it isn't really to my taste, but I really like this baroque-country pop tune with a cycling harpsichord bit.
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doubletalkingmaeve · 1 year
every time I see a new photo of my favourite old man I say yippe and jump ten foot in the air
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dkavisen · 2 years
Strib Vinter Festival: Så er det lige før
Strib Vinter Festival: Så er det lige før
Om ca. en lille måned sættes den 34. Strib Vinter Festival i gang, og der er stadig billetter til salg. I år bliver det uden Corona begrænsninger, men Festivalen følger naturligvis de gængse retningslinjer. Som noget helt nyt i år, opfylder festivalen et længe næret publikumsønske om buskørsel imellem festivalen og Middelfart Station, såvel som kørsel fra Ejby, Nr. Aaby og Kauslunde. På…
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lady-arryn · 1 year
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(requested by @withered-rose-with-thorns)
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sidsinning · 1 year
Can I just say I know she meant it in a sympathetic way but Rose saying "don't be mad, it's not Chloe's fault her mom left her" was savage as fuck
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platoapproved · 1 month
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maycanady · 8 months
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iZOMBIE | 2.19 "Salivation Army"
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hufflepotato-18 · 1 year
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rose: don’t be upset. [chloé] is like this because her mother left her when she was little.
mylène: mine too and i don’t bully marinette.
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getyouanearthygirl · 2 years
Some rockstar for you to thirst over who aren’t (to my knowledge) horrible people
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Bc I’m tried of seeing people obsess over Tommy Lee. He doesn’t deserve it and you deserve better. I included lesser known guys and different genres to accommodate your thirsting needs.
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riotgrrrl-6 · 10 months
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junkyardromeo · 7 months
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doubletalkingmaeve · 1 year
This blog is brought to you by an old man lover
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The Dancer and The Rockstar Part 6 (Joe Elliott X Reader)
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Part 6 is here 🫶
The band had made their way on stage and had gotten through about four of their songs. So far the show was incredible, Y/N watched Joe move around on stage as the rest of the band played the song. They always had to have some kind of dramatic ending. The riff to the fifth song started playing, which Y/N recognized as High N’ Dry. One of her favorites currently.
The crowd’s cheers were so loud they could easily be heard over the music. Y/N stepped a little closer to see the crowd, she noticed how all the girls screamed when Joe would do one of his usual sexy movements and how he would wink at them. It made her a bit jealous. The song ended, but the boys didn’t begin playing the next song, instead Joe put his mic back on the mic stand and he took a moment to look at the crowd. 
“How are we all feeling tonight?” Once again the crowd cheered.
“What? I can’t hear you!” This time the crowd roared louder.
“This next one that we have for you tonight, is a song I wrote a long time ago before Def Leppard was even an idea. I wrote it for a girl who believed in me from the day we met in 1964 all the way till now. This is for you, Y/N.” He turned to look at her with a smile as the intro began to fill the room. 
“Mirror Mirror just watching with your eye of glass,” He turned back to the crowd, “You’re just a wheel of fortune with something that I wanna ask”
“Mirror, mirror got my fate lyin' in your hands” .The music began to get slightly louder, “you're the fool, you're the juggler, hangman and lover, you're not like no other.” Was I really like no other? Y/N thought. When Joe sang the song for her earlier that day, she was certainly not expecting much, but its sound somehow had the ability to bring her back to the dance studio, back to when she would look at the young rockstar through the mirror. The band managed to make a song that sounded like her childhood, it was incredible. 
“Take a look into my eyes,” Sang the band and Joe, “Tell me what you see,” 
She smiled at the sight in front of her, the energy the band put into this song was amazing. They had put energy into the other songs they had performed earlier, but not as much as this song. Probably because Y/N was there. 
The solo began to fill the room and Joe walked towards Y/N. He towered over her with a smile on his face. She looked up at him, but she didn’t say a word. Her lips were slightly parted as she breathed slowly. The solo slowly faded away and Joe moved the mic in front of his mouth as he began to sing once again, “You’re the fool, You’re the juggler.” He winked, “Hangman and lover, you’re like no other, so,” and then the chorus started again as Joe walked back out on stage, with his eyes on her and hers on him. 
The chorus played twice in the end and Joe turned back to the crowd for those two choruses. When the song slowly faded away in the background, Joe turned back to the dancer and both Sav and Steve smirked at each other. 
The band played about five songs before the show ended and it was incredible, it’s like each Leppard show that Y/N sees gets better each time. 
Rick and Sav came off stage first, “You boys did amazing!” 
“Thank you, love,” Sav grinned.
“Thanks,” Said Rick. Pete and Joe went out on the other side and Steve exited the stage from Y/N’s side as well. 
“Do you boys want to get a drink at the club nearby?” The boys nodded, well four of the boys did. Joe wasn’t even there. 
“Of course,” Said Steve, “Let me go find Joe and tell him.” 
Steve walked backstage assuming that Joe would be in his dressing room. When he arrived at the room, he saw that the door was closed, but there was a faint light coming from underneath the door. He lifted his fist to knock on the door.
“Joe, mate, you in there?” 
Joe did not respond, instead he just opened the door, “‘Ello Steve.” 
“Are you coming with us to the bar or..? “I don’t know,” 
“What’s wrong?” 
Joe sighed before opening his mouth to speak, “I’m nervous.” He stated.
“Are you now?” Steve said in a knowing tone, “Nervous about Y/N?” 
“Yes,” Joe put his face in his hands from embarrassment.
“Joe, you’re in love.”
“She’s the kindest, most gorgeous girl I'd ever seen, how can I not be?” Joe questioned.
“I bet you a million pounds she likes you too.” Steve claimed and motioned for Joe to follow him out of the venue. 
Y/N, Sav, Rick, and Pete began to leave the building to feel the cold breeze of the night in London. 
The club they walked in was small and old. It had a fancy, but slightly dirty carpet on the floor. The ceiling was low and there was very  little lighting in the place. There was only one person behind the bar counter and there were only about five other people sitting at the tables. It was surprising because usually at this time of day lots of people would be in places like these. 
The boys and the dancer sat at one of the more hidden tables, just so they could speak privately without fans. Leppard was still a small band, so their fan base had yet to grow.  Sav and Pete went to grab some drinks for the group and Y/N remained at the table with Rick. 
“So, Rick, how old are you?” 
“Uh, 17,” He responded.
“Yeah, I joined the band when I was 15,”
“You are an incredible drummer, love.” 
“Thank you.”  
The Sav and Pete made their way back to the table with the drinks and about three minutes later, Joe and Steve arrived. 
“Finally, you boys made it!” Pete said. 
“Yeah, sorry for getting here kinda late.” Steve sat next to Rick and Joe sat next to Y/N. Joe snuck a glance at the girl next to him, obviously when you like somebody you can’t help but glance over at them every now and then, Y/N glanced at him too. Surprisingly Y/N and Joe hadn’t interacted since the band played Mirror Mirror. It was a little strange. 
“It’s all good, man.” Sav smiled as he poured drinks for the boys.
“Cheers mates!” Said Joe as they all raised their glasses to celebrate another fantastic performance.
After a few drinks and stories y/n asked the boys, “Was that your first time playing Mirror Mirror for an audience?”
“Yes, it was in fact our first time playing it for an audience.” Rick responded as he drank his coke. 
“It was spectacular,” the dancer exclaimed. 
“You think so?” Joe finally said.
“Why wouldn’t I think so?” She looked into his eyes and suddenly he lost his entire train of thought, “I don’t know….”.
The entire room went quiet, every person that was in the bar just disappeared as Joe and Y/N appeared in their own little world. It was just the two of them. 
“Would you be my girl?” Silence filled the room once again, “I get it if you’d never spea-” Y/N put her finger on his lips to shush him. 
“I would love to be your girl.” 
“Really?” Joe could stop himself from smiling, “are you sure?”
“Joe, I’ve never been more sure of anything in myself.” She leaned a little closer to him and allowed herself to kiss his lips, it startled Joe a bit, but then he relaxed, closed his eyes and deepened the kiss. 
When they pulled apart, they looked at each other once again. All those years ago, they were just best friends, did everyone around them know that they liked each other? Probably, but the important thing now is that they are together. 
The band paid the check and stood up. Joe and Y/N walked hand in hand to the door and then Steve walked up to Joe.
“Joe,” he turned to the blonde guitarist.
“You owe me a million pounds.” He grinned and went back to the other boys. 
“What?” Y/N asked.
“Uh Steve bet a million pounds that you liked me back and turns out he was right, and….” Joe chuckled. 
“I haven’t got a million pounds.” 
“I think you will. Just give it a few years.” 
“You think so?” 
“Of course, rockstar.” She winked. 
The band made it back to their tour bus and began getting ready for bed. Their next destination would be Heathrow Airport so that they could take the play to Paris, which is where their next show was. 
@the80srewinders @moon-fashioned @nikkisix @elliotts-personal-property @stevesfuzzypinkslippers @joes-sha-la-la-la-girl @genxrocker @steveinscarlet @armageddonviv @leppardcampbelllove @i-love-def-leppard @jimmysdragonsuit13
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howlingday · 5 months
Con Artists
Yang: (Flips through pages)
"I'm sorry, Ying, but I can't stand pathetic humans like you." Bloke then jumped into Odom's arms, stroking his large, superior horns. "Everyone knows Faunus are better in every single way."
"I agree." Odom said smokily.
"Bu... Bu... Bu..." Ying couldn't get the words out to speak. She watched on, devastated as the clearly superior couple got married. Ying wore a white dress as she watched, hoping Bloke would change her mind. But she didn't. Who could ever love a sad, pathetic human?
"Who could ever love a sad, pathetic human?" Ying's younger sister, Tuby said.
Yang: (Visibly shaking)
Adam: (Wearing a face-mask, Shrinking)
Ruby: ...
Blake: ...
Ruby stared at the erotic comic book featuring a younger girl with dark hair and silver eyes being embraced by an older girl with long, blonde hair and lilac eyes. The title of the comic, "Half-Right", blared on the cover in red, yellows, and oranges between.
Ruby: Is... Is that what I think it is-
Before Ruby could finish, Blake swapped the comics with cat-like reflexes. The possible taboo story was swapped out for something slightly less. But it was still spicy, since the cover featured two men, both shirtless, posing with their hands together in the shape of a heart. The green-yellow title of "Marital Arcs" curled above the couple, which consisted of a lithe, dark-haired man with feminine features and a hunky stud with the most beautiful blue eyes beneath messy golden hair.
Ruby: Oh! I'll buy one.
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make-me-your-animal · 1 month
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