#the scarf is already more expensive than i'd get
cotton-glass · 2 years
hey so uh
it's my birthday today(!!) and i've been having a pretty stressful time lately with uni and accommodation, so if you wanna help me get a really cute scarf to deal with the cold(shipping is so expensive) and support artists feel free to drop me a ko-fi
also. have two(2) cat pictures
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dreamerwitches · 7 months
I saw someone ranking Madoka plushies so I thought I'd rank Charlotte/Bebe ones for funsies! I'm not including pouches, bags or head plushes here
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First up is the Charlotte transforming plush. Cute and pretty accurate. Also has the bonus of having a use and featuring both Charlottes. Her hair looks too light in the promotional pic but it's better irl from what I've seen. Sadly has the early Charlotte mistake of missing the dark right side of her jacket top. Sadly seems very rare and expensive nowadays. 4.5/5
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The Wormlotte Ichiban Kuji prize plush. Wins points for looking dumb but in a cute, scrungly way. Works best from the front, it's a little bit of a shame she's so flat from the side so looks a bit odd. 3/5
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Ichiban Kuji plush from the same set as Wormlotte. This one has already felt a little not great to me. The hair is too bright and you can see it goes under her chin which clearly isn't right. Her trousers are too red as well and she's missing the lining of her cloak. Makes sense she's less detailed because she's a prize plush but you could at least get the colours right. Also loses points cause I always see this one going for so much online and... she's not that great AND she's tiny... 2/5
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The SCARF! She's great, so silly and such a good idea. Hair is too light and eyes are too teal but otherwise she's great and scrungly. 4/5
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Another Banpresto prize plush. The colours are slightly better than the previous, especially the hair. 3/5
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The HUUUGEE wormlotte. Who wouldn't love her?! She's amazing but very expensive, originally at around £150 and I'm sure she'd be lots more now. 4.5/5
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Another Banpresto prize and another that's barely changed. It kinda feels like a step back... Green eyes??!! 2/5
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The first Bebe plush, another Banpresto gig. She's very cute and silly but her hair looks wonky?? And it doesn't just seem to be the prototype. She's never shown with wonky hair so it just feels like they misunderstood the art... Her cape is missing the black inside too... Otherwise she's decent. 3/5
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Banpresto prize but smaller. It has the same issues as before... 3/5
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Same as the last but the unique pose and expression is very cute. You get bonus points. 4/5
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An Ichiban Kuji Premium plush so she's a bit better looking now. Fixed the symmetry but I don't think she has the cape lining (it's hard to see in pictures). I like the velvet look but I know some people don't like that texture. Her fringe looks too triangular honestly, moreso than the last few. 3.5/5
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WHY IS HER HAIR STILL WONKY?? Her hair ISNT wonky in official/concept art her head is just tilted, how are the designers so stupid??
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See how it's tilted on the right BECAUSE her head is tilted but from her back view her hair is completely straight. Sigh. It's similar to the first few Bebe plushes. 3/5
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Another Banpresto prize plush. Hair is back to being fixed, thank fuck. I really like how the lace around her collar looks like actual lace. Makes me notice the last few are mostly missing the lace... hmm... I don't like the way the fabric is cut off around the black bits of her sleeves. Makes it look bad. Also I think with the button eyes you're either gonna really like it or really not. I was scarred by Coraline when I was younger so it irks me, I wouldn't get her myself. Improved some bits but fell on others so the score hasn't improved... 3/5
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Wormlotte's button version. Bonus points for making a plush of Bebe-Wormlotte cause I kinda love how unique she is. But.... this one's a bit shit... it has such a handmade quality and not in a good way. I don't get why the spots look like they're badly painted on. It's too flat as well and the circular shapes of the body are so badly defined. I like the face details but that's it. Perhaps shouldn't have relied so hard on the artwork. 1/5
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Mochi Kororin Wormlotte. This is the kind of plush that I just feel I've seen far too much of... I'm so bored of it. But... she does look silly and I kinda like that. The blue wing is too teal (though it seems it took more from the art than the anime) and her left eye is red instead of pink (which is another art mistake) so it kinda throws off the colours when there's too much red in her face. 3/5
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A Movic plush, this certainly feels more obscure. I love her stupid face and the unique pose. The eyes are the wrong colours in numerous places which is a shame but I'm glad the nose is 3D. (actually looking at a non-sample photo they got the eyes right! Must've just been the prototype) I like how the wings are drooped like she's bashful, it's very cute. No complaints! 5/5
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I'm so surprised to see this one on My Figure Collection because she looks SO bootleg and this is what the popular bootlegs are based on. The fact they misspelled height really doesn't make me trust it. But at least I can shit on it! Eyes and cheeks are wrong (taking from the incorrect first anime screening), black hood is a weird flower shape, spots are too small, top is too light yellow, buttons are far too far across and cape goes around the front. If I could get her for like, less than £5 I would but otherwise I wouldn't bother. 1/5
How come the first Charlotte was the best and the rest were just kinda downhill? It seems like Wormlotte is harder to screw up. At least they're both pretty simple so you can always make her yourself. I was surprised my top pick was a Wormlotte since I overall just prefer Charlotte but like I said, she wasn't doing too well, even with the Bebes... a shame... let's hope they release better plushies in the future.
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evilvvithin · 2 years
I'm curious ッ How do you imagine König under all those covers? 😄 Like...What hair color does he have? What hairstyle does he wear? Does he have any scars? Is he a six-pack guy or more a dad-bod but muscly? Is he hairy? Does he have a skincare routine? And so on 😄
Okay, listen.
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I imagine König just as his voice actor, Jim Boeven. König clearly got his eyes so it's safe to assume they just used his face and everything to model him, like other CoD characters. More likely König just looks like him just yonger, with light brown / dark blonde hair because idk why it just suits him in my head. I can't decide if his hair are rather curly or just normally straight but I'd go with short, straight hair. Messy, short hair because they're short he doesn't do much with them in terms of styling or anything but I mean he does care for his hair, he definetly owns more haircare products than just shampoo. Also, ngl, I feel like König would have big corners as his hair goes away a little and he hates it and does everything to slow it. You bet he has lean, muscle body because he's in army for so long. Not super big beefy body builder muscles, but nice abs visible sixpack and he's lean. He might get more dad bod cause christmas time and cookies? Hell yea. He loves food. I already mentioned it in my nsfw alphabet and nothign has changed so he is hairy, but i can see him taking care of his chest so he doens't look like a bear, same goes for the crotch area. He has little more hairy back than others too, imo. He also won't go fully shaved because he's trying to hide the scars he has, not many but few really deep visible ones. (I find scars nothing to be ashamed of but I can see him not being comfortable with proudly showing them to everyone but he would not mind with his s/o or close friends) He does care how he looks and presents himself because he's not fully satisfied with himself, therefore putting more effort in his looks. He totally shaves his face making sure it's smooth all the time and if he has beard, its always perfect length and symetric. He will put cream on his face and hands every morning and if he doesn't use sea or kokosnuss scent everywhere I'd burry myself alive, when I see könig i smell kokos don't ask. Kokos or some strong, expensive parfume because he wants to smell good. You'd find his lips scared too because he bites on them, unknowingly most of the time. I don't think he bites his nails but more than often you find the skin around nails pulled off. He doesnt even realize he's doing it, he just does it from time to time when he gets nervous. He also tries to use lipbalm all the time on his cracked lips but always forgets. Imagining König dressed in anything else than black or army styled pants doesn't click with me, he'd wear some big and comfy tshirt with those. I don't think he cares much about motives he just wants something he feels good in but he 100% owns multiple shirts with his favorite bands. Not wearing sniper hood irl, hes the type of guy to jsut wear scarf all the time (unless its dying hot outside) and he tends to pull it up his lips or even up to his nose. I don't think he wears any rings or necklases and definetly no earrings, they just get in way of his comfy feeling. He also hates tight boxers, random HC. He also got bad tooth or two because he loooved sweets as kid as we came to the conclusion with @brandnewhuman (and he still does but doesnt eat it that much anymore) but he'd still give you nice smile as the teeth wouldn't be visible at all.
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blindrapture · 4 months
SATURDAY JUNE 11TH, 2011 ("Promise you'll never?")
12:01 AM Mistress? "I just happened to be in the neighbourhood, figured I'd drop by." Thank you for the consideration. "Are you going to invite me in for some hot coffee?" ..fuck. "That's the idea." giggles That's.. not what I meant. "It's what I meant." she's pushing her way in. donnie's coming downstairs. sees mistress. backing up, back up the stairs now. to the bathroom. now why can't I.
4:50 PM Donnie and I. Kitchen. “We’re gonna get out of here, right?” Yes. We are. We’ll get out of here, and we’ll go to.. uh.. “We’ll go to a church. And get married.” Are you okay? “Marriage is a perfectly normal thing to suggest!” ..she burst into tears. “I’m just so alone. I feel like you’re falling in love with that.. thing.” Oh god. No. No. “Do.. do you promise?” I do. “Promise you’ll never?” I promise. Donnie, you’ve been treated horribly, and I’m gonna do whatever it takes to make it up to you; I promise that too. hug “You don’t need to. You haven’t done anything wrong.” I feel like I have. “You’re my best friend at the moment. You’ve treated me the best out of everyone so far.” ..then why do I hate myself? ._.
7:58 PM We went to the restaurant again. We made ourselves meals and talked about other future plans. We thought about running to some countryside town nearby, or perhaps all the way to France. But in the end, those aren’t very good plans. I’m starting to realize that Mistress chose the perfect place to lead us to. Blackpool is far from everything. Everything except the ocean, and we can’t run across that. What does she want with us?
9:12 PM I just want to sleep all night tonight. With Donnie. But we can’t. Mistress will visit tonight. There’s no telling what she’d do to us if she found us sleeping. So I guess we’ll listen to some music.
10:39 PM Music is fun. Legitimately fun. It’s making me feel alive.
11:00 PM ..door. Donnie’ll get it this time. She insists.
11:01 PM It’s not Mistress, I know that much. It’s a man. He’s handing Donnie a flyer. And now he’s leaving. I couldn’t see him very well from up here.
11:02 PM Donnie says he was a man in a similar outfit to what I normally wear. Black suit, black pants, sunglasses, (no scarf,) and.. well, she said he was in a fedora. She also says he had dark hair and a thin moustache. He didn’t speak. That sounds a little like.. Bones. But I mean what? I mean.. he was my best friend back when I used to live in America a year ago. So it can't be. Of course not. It's someone else. Oh right, the flyer. It actually wasn’t a flyer; it was a receipt. For a B-4000k Oven. Expensive, according to this thing. In the quintuple-digit range. The hell? Donnie says she’s going to hide the receipt somewhere. Just in case. I’m still trying to figure out what the point to that was.
11:11 PM I wish tonight will be at least a little bit gentler than normal.
11:39 PM Speak of the devil. That’ll be Mistress. I’ll get it.
11:41 PM Hi. "Tonight's session will have to be shorter than usual. I have news for you. But first, I want to have my way with the hottest man around." more giggles. Every time she compliments me, I feel worse about myself. Every time she giggles, I want her to just hurry up and kill me already.
(Attached: “He never complimented the Harlequin. He only asked her to pledge her love to him. He gave her new clothes and told her to go kill the prime minister. She looked at him, afraid but trusting, and asked if he was okay. He punched her and told her, if she didn’t do this, she would never feel again.”)
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kristophine · 2 years
I also succeeded in ordering my mom's birthday present today. We go with WASP present rules: the more expensive it is, the more I actually secretly hate you. I bought her a designer scarf. Last holiday it was La Mer. I am strategically designing my gifts to say, You'll like this. You love money so much. You can enjoy your expensive things while knowing that the reason your children don't call you is because we grew up in an environment that was hostile, volatile, and deeply unhealthy. You didn't like your kids. We could tell. Now we don't like you.
And I've stopped buying her perishable things because when she dies and I have to clean her house--because it will be me, because it won't be my sister--I want to be able to reuse the nice things she hoarded instead of using.
The other reason to get Mom expensive things is to lord it over them that she and Dad always used money to pull the strings; now I make more than Dad ever did. I succeeded in ways they simply weren't prepared for. A couple years back, when I was already a doctor, Dad told me all about his fears that Mom would end up on the street after his death. I reminded him that I wouldn't let that happen and that I have the money for that now because I am a goddamned doctor and he looked so puzzled. I was supposed to never get married and be a broke spinster they had to rescue from herself. The narrative they had in mind for me is so different from reality, and they can't process that I don't need them now and never will again. (The narrative they had for my sister was that she was supposed to be a drug addict making reckless decisions, and they cannot process that she does not have a substance use disorder just because she was a wild teenager twenty years ago.)
It's funny, because I'd probably get her similar things if we did have a better relationship. I don't mind if she deludes herself into thinking our relationship is better than it is. But I texted her that I had cancer and she left me on read. There's no coming back from that.
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Hello CEO of the founder appreciation society, hope your doing well. I’ve come to ask you another random question.
Do you think Carla and Shin would like coffee and alcohol? If yes would they drink either of them regularly? Or has this been already confirmed/denied canonically.
I'm doing well thank you! Apologies for the slight delay in answering.
I'm going to start with discussing coffee and then put any discussion of alcohol below the cut just in case anyone would rather not read about it.
So, I can confirm that it's canon that Shin drinks coffee. There are two examples of this in the Daylight comics (the first involving him ordering an extremely complicated latte at a coffee shop, while in the second it's cold so he tries to get a warm coffee from a vending machine but... it ends up being cold >_>).
As for Carla... I'm not aware of it being specifically mentioned that he's tried coffee before (although I don't own a couple of his bonus CDs so I guess it could have come up in those). Given his propensity towards trying out random stuff from the human world, I can certainly see him trying it at least once. Whether Carla likes sweet foods or not is something up for debate, but I imagine he'd be more likely to enjoy a coffee on the plainer side rather than something with a bunch of syrups in it. Personally I headcanon him as more of a tea drinker (there are scenarios in which both Shin and Carla drink tea), but knowing Carla he probably ends up liking the most pretentious and expensive coffee he can find, adding yet another huge expense onto the Tsukinami household budget.
As for alcohol, I can't remember it coming up with either of them in the games, but in Shin's LE vampire ending CG, Shin and Yui are holding wine glasses (I think, I don't drink very much myself so my knowledge is... somewhat limited) with something that looks like red wine in them. It could easily just be fruit juice or something but I still thought it was worth mentioning.
As for my own personal opinion, I could see Shin potentially enjoying the flavour of nut-flavoured liquors (like amaretto) but I can't imagine he'd drink very much in one go or drink any very often. If I remember correctly, in Shin's LE route, he makes a comment about Zweig stinking of alcohol and while he probably just wanted to insult him, it does give the impression that he doesn't think much of people drinking a lot. I definitely don't ever see him drinking to deliberately get drunk, he's much more likely to deal with emotional distress by going out and punching furniture and/or other demons and I'd bet money he'd get way more pleasure out of a fight than alcohol.
Carla's a little more tricky for me to pin down. Again, I don't see him ever deliberately drinking in excess either (a King should not take leave of his faculties) but I could see him partnering a plate of cured ham with some very fancy alcoholic drink that pairs well with the flavour (I do not know enough to be able to guess what sort of alcohol that might be).
However, one scenario I could see happening to Carla is him trying something, not realising it's alcoholic, and then draining the bottle. He remains none the wiser until he tries to stand up and the entire room tips, at which point he becomes convinced someone is attacking the castle. This has the potential to end badly but is more likely to result in him tripping on his own scarf and ending up in an undignified heap on the floor. Any remaining supplies of the drink in question mysteriously go missing the next day, the only signs they ever existed at all being some faint scorch marks on the wooden shelving.
I hope that answers your questions and that you have a lovely day!
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Float Like A Butterfly... Ch.6 ...Sting Like A Bee
Summary: An unexpected ally appears before Marinette. The only problem is, he's stumbled onto something he shouldn't have. And she needs it back.
Marinette was having a terrible day.
First she shows up late with the principal accessory of the Gabriel line's Fashion Week showing. Fashion Week! Marinette was looking forward to it all month! 
Next Audrey Bourgeois, Style Queen herself, treats the hat Marinette worked so hard on like gum on the bottom of her shoe. Sure Adrien had been super encouraging but he hadn't seen the look of utter contempt on Audrey Bourgeois face. No one could look that disgusted all the time!
Speaking of Adrien, he didn't make getting over him any easier by being so kind.
And if that wasn't enough Marinette's brain insisted on using Chat Noir's Miraculous to fight the akumatized villain. Again! She didn't want to think about Chat Noir right now because... Because... Marinette blinked rapidly. Deep breath... Because thinking about Chat Noir was painful.
But that wasn't even the worst part.
"Don't worry, Tikki. We'll get the box right after the show," Marinette stage whispered so as to not alert her parents. Who walked not even a meter away.
Tikki let out a concerned whine. Oh, this was a bad idea. She could feel it. Marinette was right that they couldn't get away from her parents beforehand. But that only made Tikki even more anxious to get searching. And Marinette really didn't need something else to worry about on top of... everything else.
She hoped no one found it.
Chloe's day was ridiculous. Utterly, ridiculous!
She sat next to her mother as Adrien walked down the runway. Lingering dread squashed and thrown into the very back of her mental walk-in closet where she kept unimportant things. Like shoes she never wore anymore, problematic outfits and lingering guilt that totally wasn't her's. Adrien wasn't slowly disintegrating anymore so why dwell on the past?
Adrien's performance was flawless and Chloe was absolutely certain she appreciated his efforts more than anyone else... Even if Alya Cesaire was livestreaming.
The show went off without a hitch. Adrien seemed fine but then he was almost as good at pretending as she was. Chloe eyed him as Gabriel's lackey, um, assistant pulled him along. Not physically, of course. It was more of a metaphorical pulling.
Ugh, Gabriel Agreste started talking with Chloe's mother through his assistant's tablet. Like, yeah, apologizing to the Queen of Style was a no brainer. But he could have at least come in person! Not like Gabriel was doing anything important besides being the world's richest hermit.
... And Dupain-Cheng was there too. Of course she was. At least her mother would put Dupain-Cheng in her place. Chloe felt herself smirk at the thought.
Adrien raised an eyebrow. As though reading her mind.
Chloe pretended not to notice. No petty satisfactions here! No, sir! But it wasn't like the Queen of Style was going to say anything about Dupain-Cheng's hat except-
"It's the most exceptional thing I've ever seen!" Audrey Bourgeois announced.
Exact- Wait, what!?
"You're a visionary, Marinette! Glitter's had its day..."
Chloe's ears rang, drowning out her mother's voice. Exceptional? Her? Over a- a- a hat!? A vice squeezed Chloe's chest with cruel precision. When her own present was rejected without even unwrapping it!? Chloe's fists shook as she bit her tongue.
"Isn't that nice for your friend, Chloe dearest?" Andre Bourgeois asked.
"It's ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" Chloe whirled on her mother. "I've never been to New York with you and you're taking Marinette Dupain-Cheng!?" She spat.
"I'm afraid I have a last minute meeting to attend, my dear Audrey," Gabriel announced from the tablet. "Nathalie, bring Adrien home immediately."
Adrien's attention snapped from Chloe to Gabriel. "But, Father, I-"
"Do not embarrass me in front of the Bourgeois," Gabriel snapped, ending the call.
Jaw clenching shut, Adrien stared at nothing with stormy eyes as Nathalie led him away.
"I'm taking her because she's exceptional, Claudette. Uh- Chloe," Audrey stated matter-of-factly, the Agrestes already forgotten.
"I'm exceptional too!" Chloe shot back.
Audrey inspected her white gloves, bored of this exchange. "The only exceptional thing about you, my dear-" Audrey deigned to glance at her daughter. "-is your mother."
Chloe's blood boiled as she shook off Andre's hands on her shoulders, standing straighter. "I'll show you how exceptional I can be!" she promised.
Just as an akuma entered Chloe's present.
Alya was having an amazing day!
Her livestreams hadn't gotten this many new views since she almost got sacrificed by Pharaoh. The Ladyblog's activity was up. And Ladybug chose her as the Black Cat!
Sure it was weird that Ladybug didn't want to talk about it. But still! Black Cat! Alya tried to contain her grin as she thought about being Ladybug's partner for a day...
Her pace on the sidewalk slowed, enthusiasm dampening a little... Setting her face in determination Alya skipped into gear. All the more reason to piece together what happened! And she'd start with-
A burst of yellow light shot forth from the Grand Palais. Jolting Alya out of her thoughts as the newest akuma victim gave their villain speech from the roof.
"I am Queen Glitter! And from now on the only exceptional person in Paris will be me!"
Alya ran... straight for the villain who was obviously Chloe as she summoned a cloud of glitter and shapped it into a collection of accessories. The constructs restricting the movement of whoever they landed on. Scarves wrapping people's legs together or tying them to lampposts. Hats covering people's eyes as they tried to yank them off. There was even someone with his hands stuck in high heels. Queen Glitter made a giant floating scarf to stand on and took off in a random direction; leaving a trail of gaudy accessories in her wake.
Great. It was going to take forever to catch up to her now! Taking cover in an alleyway so Queen Glitter's sparkly formal wear wouldn't notice her, Alya scanned the street. Mentally kicking herself for not having recorded the villain speech for the Ladyblog.
"Looks like you're raring to go," Ladybug observed as she landed next to Alya. A familiar box in her hand.
"Ladybug! Didn't think I'd be helping out again so soon!" Alya held out her palm and Ladybug placed the Black Cat Miraculous in her hands again.
"Y'know the drill, right?" Ladybug's eyes wandered to the people in various states of running-for-their-lives.
"Give it back when we're done and don't take it personally," Alya paraphrased as Plagg emerged in a ball of light when she placed the ring on her finger.
"Ladyblog girl again?” Plagg gave her a once over. Ears flat against his head but swishing tail betraying his apprehension. "Well, at least Alya's not blue boy."
“He wasn’t that-“ Ladybug shook her head. “Y’know what, never mind.”
Glancing between them Alya filed that tidbit away for later. "C'mon, Plagg. We did great together!"
"You were okay," Plagg acknowledged. "Could've used more cat puns."
Alya chuckled. Of course he'd like those. With a -slightly forced- encouraging smile from Ladybug, Alya called out: “Plagg, transforme-moi!”
Green lightning traveled from Chat Noir’s ring across both arms and down her torso. A green sash wrapping around her waist and trailing into a tail. Running her clawed gloves through her hair as cat ears materialized. Said hair puffing up into an afro. Armor padding her shoulders and torso. Alya flexed her fingers to get used to the feeling. Chat Ombre's suit still felt strange on her skin compared to Rena Rouge.
Ladybug leapt onto the rooftops and Chat Ombre followed her lead. Racing towards the villain while avoiding her glitter. "So what's the plan?"
"Queen Glitter is basically a reskin of Style Queen," Ladybug thought aloud.
"But without that annoying habit of turning into a cloud!" Chat Ombre supplied.
Ladybug launched her yo-yo at a pedestrian and yanked him away from Queen Glitter's constructs as they passed by. "But she can spread her power over a wider area."
"Don't worry, Ladybug. We'll be- Look out!" Alya tackled Ladybug out of the way as a trio of glittery top hats zoomed past.
"Your reign is over Ladybug and wannabe Chat Noir!" Queen Glitter announced as she floated over them. Her appearance was similar to Style Queen except her crown was even bigger and gaudier. A foux glitter scarf around her shoulders. "I don't even care if you don't give me your Miraculous! I'll simply immobilize you and take them by force!"
They evaded a flurry of coats by jumping down to the street. "Really?" Chat Ombre called out. "That all you can throw at us? A tacky outfit?"
"Wouldn't be the first time!" Ladybug agreed.
"No one ever appreciates my gifts!" Queen Glitter stomped her foot. "Fine then. Why don't we try something more expensive!" Raising her hands she lifted two cars wrapped with giant bows into the air.
Alya's eyes widened. "Oh, shi-" Chat Ombre evaded Chloe's attacks as the villain played wack-a-chat. Glitter accessories flying in and attempting to restrict their movements as well.
Ladybug wrapped one of the vehicles with her yo-yo and spun it back at Queen Glitter.
The bright red sports car hurled towards her and- She stopped it with the palm of her hand. "You'll have to do better than that if- Where'd you go!?" Queen Glitter scanned the empty street, rising higher for a better vantage point.
Chat Ombre locked eyes with her for a second before a chimney obscured her line of sight. "Somehow I don't think that bought us much time." Alya voiced as a wave of clothing rose over the city.
Ladybug spotted a strip of blue between the rooftops. Thinking quickly, Marinette grabbed Alya's hand and turned them towards the Seine. Diving into its waters with a torrent of glitter in their wake.
Queen Glitter's constructs crashed into the river and washed away with the current.
Chat Ombre made for the surface once it was clear but Ladybug pulled her back. Chat's staff in her hand and yo-yo on her face. Pointing towards the magic tool Ladybug offered it to Alya.
Nodding, Alya quickly pressed it to her lips and took a deep breath, sweet oxygen filling her lungs. Giving Ladybug a thumbs up once she didn't feel like her chest was on fire.
Grabbing her hand Ladybug led Alya further upstream until they found a boat.
Gasping the (relatively) fresh air Alya examined Chat's staff. "I didn't know it could do that."
"Yeah, the Miraculous are full of surprises. And we'll need one of our own to beat Queen Glitter. Lucky Charm!"
A spotted snorkel fell into Ladybug's hands.
"Don't we already have one of those?" Chat Ombre asked.
Ladybug's brow furrowed as she stared at it. "Yeah... Wait, Queen Glitter's powers don't work underwater!"
"So, all we need to do is get her there!" 
Ladybug glanced at a pair of recycling bins. "And I know just how to sneak up on her."
Chat Ombre grinned. She liked this plan.
Chat Ombre hated this plan!
It had all gone smoothly. The glitter constructs ignoring the recycling bins they used as disguises. Snake style. Chloe was dumbfounded when she saw them. Enough to let them take the elevator up to the Grand Paris' rooftop where Queen Glitter set up her makeshift throne. Giving them the opportunity to tackle her towards the Seine.
Unfortunately, Queen Glitter could make constructs of any size. Like, for example, a wide brimmed hat big enough to stretch from either bank of the Seine.
"You were going to make me wear this?" Queen Glitter held up the Lucky Charm- "No thanks!" -and struck it across her knee.
Alya winced as the villain broke Ladybug's insta-win button in half. "Please, tell me you have a plan?" Chat Ombre glanced at the spotted hero currently wrapped up in an extra long scarf just like she was. The floating constructs squeezing just a little bit more as Ladybug struggled against them. Alya tried bending her wrist to Cataclysm her restraints but her right hand was held away from the rest of her body.
"No planning! Not that it'll do you any good. I've already won! Me! Queen Glitter! MWAHAHAHAH- Do you mind? I'm trying to savour the moment!" Chloe snapped as Papillon's emblem glowed over her face.
Alya's head turned from an increasingly frantic Ladybug to the annoyed villain.
"Of course I'm going to take their Miraculous! Why wouldn't I take their Miraculous?"
"An excellent question, your Highness!"
Three pairs of eyes snapped towards the source of the unexpected voice.
"... Who the heck are you supposed to be?" Queen Glitter demanded.
"Aristos! At your service!" He bowed with a flourish, giving Alya a good look at the bee shaped comb at the base of his ponytail. Blond hair highlighted with black stripes. Goggles obscuring his face, making his green eyes hard to read despite the grin on his lips. Suit mostly yellow with black, V-shaped stripes on his torso, forearms and lower legs. Three hexagons on his chest giving the impression of honeycombs.
"No no no no no no." Ladybug stared at Aristos, not realizing that she was speaking aloud.
...Well, that can't be good, Alya thought.
"Ha! Did you really think more insects would help, Ladybug?" The villain mocked. Her constructs closing in on the interloper.
Aristos' smile took on a darker edge. "I'm not with her, your Majesty. I'm here to pledge myself to the most exceptional Queen I've ever seen! Really, where does Papillon get off talking to such a glittery figure as your Highness like that?"
Alya blinked. Really? Even Chloe wouldn't fall for-
Raising her hand the villain halted her constructs' advance. "Hmm, well at least you know how to treat royalty." Queen Glitter offered her bejeweled fingers. "I guess you can be my underling."
Ah. Right. Never underestimate the power of Chloe's ego.
The Bee, Alya was ninety-nine percent sure he was the Bee, took Chloe's offered hand and leaned down. Lips hovering over the back of her hand. "Oh! That reminds me your Highness, I have a gift for you."
Queen Glitter's eyes shone. "A present? For me? It better be the latest- Ow! I'm getting to that!" She snapped at Papillon, looking away from the Bee to glare at the absent supervillain.
Aristos removed the striped top Alya recognized as his Miraculous tool from around his waist.
"You didn't beat them! I did!"
Casually, carefully, Aristos placed his top on Queen Glitter's hand. Point against her glittering skin.
"You couldn't do it yourself so you sent me!"
"Venom," the Bee breathed.
"What was-"
Queen Glitter froze as Aristos' top glowed; his power paralyzing her. The constructs bursting into clouds of glitter. Chat Ombre landed in a crouch as her restraints vanished.
"It worked." Aristos sounded as surprised as Alya felt. "It worked! Yes! Nailed it!" He pumped his fist as relief overflowed and- Was he crying?. "Independent hero debut successful!"
"What?" Ladybug was staring at the Bee apprehensively and that didn't help Alya's nerves.
Aristos' mood instantly became more subdued. Blinking rapidly to get the water out of his eyes. "Oh, right. You're still here."
Chat Ombre tried not to take that personally. He did just save them, after all.
Ladybug stepped forward. Voice even, diplomatic. Never mind that she seemed this close to freaking out. "Listen, Aristos was it? I don't know how you found that Miraculous but you have to give it back."
His face was disturbingly neutral. "...Don't I get a 'thank you' for saving the day?"
The tension in Ladybug's shoulders wouldn't budge. "Thank you, but I really need that Miraculous back." She held out her hand.
Aristos stared at Ladybug's hand like it was something alien. Cracks appearing in his facade. "Yeah, pass."  Walking backwards, away from Ladybug and Chat Ombre, he kept them in his field of vision.
"Wh- The- Y-you can't just decide that!" Ladybug sputtered, stepping forward.
"Just did! How do I even know this Miraculous is even yours?" Aristos asked, increasing the distance between them.
Alya got the distinct impression that he was bullshitting them.
"I'm the one who lost it!"
Alya's eyes widened. "You lost a Miraculous?"
"Not helping, Chat!"
Aristos' features twitched, eyes narrowing. "Sure you say it's yours but how do I know that?"
Chat Ombre bristled at the implication. "Ladybug is the Hero of Paris!"
Aristos gave her a once-over, his expression inscrutable, but said nothing.
Wow. Rude.
"That Miraculous belongs to the G- to me."
"That's interesting because I say it belongs to me." Aristos laid a hand on his chest. "Looks like it's your word against mine. Guess which one I'm choosing?"
Ladybug's yo-yo was suddenly spinning in her hand. "I swear, I'm not gonna lose another-"
An insistent beeping from Ladybug's earrings interrupted her.
"Welp! Love to stay and dance but it looks like you two need to buzz off before your precious identities are exposed to little old me."
Why did he sound bitter? Everything about him made Alya's head spin with questions. Not least of which being how the heck someone holding the Bee Miraculous showed up in the first place.
Taking his top, Aristos hopped onto the edge of the Grand Paris' roof. "Might want to deal with her before that happens."
Alya looked to where he was pointing to see Queen Glitter still paralyzed. When she glanced back at the Bee he was gone.
Adrien's day sucked.
Paris Fashion Week was always a chore but this year was even worse. Despite having friends around he felt lonelier than ever. Getting to talk to Marinette only helped so much. Adrien was still expected to plaster on a smile and represent 'the brand'.
And that was before he got turned into a freaking statue!
At least it's better than mind control.
Shut up!
He did not want to see Ladybug or her new partner up close and personal! Thank you, very much! But like always what Adrien wanted didn't matter.
Imagine his surprise when a Miraculous practically falls into his lap. A familiar glow blooming in his chest against all reason as Adrien opens the box.
"Hello, my King," the unknown, bee-like kwami greets formally.
There's a turning in his stomach that Adrien tries his best to calm it. "H-hi! I'm Adrien. What's your name?"
"I am Pollen," she bowed. "Kwami of Subjection. An honor to meet you. It has been a long time since I've had a king."
"Just Adrien is fine." Taking the Miraculous, a comb of all things, out of it's box Adrien stares at it. It's disguise all black and only vaguely shaped like a bee compared to the details he glimpsed before Pollen came out.
"Of course, my King."
Adrien sighed. Pollen was nothing like Plagg. Then again, Adrien wasn't sure the world could survive two of him. The lazy little jerk was enough to drive any Guardian mad all by himself... God, he missed Plagg.
"Um, anyway, how does your power work?"
Pollen clapped her small appendages together. "It's very straightforward, my King. You simply call out 'Venom' and your top will activate. Then strike your opponent with the point and they'll be paralyzed for however long you desire." She whooshed toward him for emphasis.
"Paralyze..." That was certainly more straightforward than using Cataclysm.
'Cause you sucked at that, didn't you?
Shut up. This was... What was he doing? When Adrien held the Bee in his hands he felt... Alive. Like a promise that things could be better this time around.
Adrien jumped as insistent knocking on his changing room door startled him out of his thoughts.
"M. Agreste? Mme. Sancoeur says we're back on in five."
"Be right out!" Brushing the Miraculous with his thumb to make sure it was really there Adrien placed it in his pocket. Hesitating for a moment he offered his jacket to Pollen.
Nodding, she zoomed into Plagg's old hiding place.
Taking a deep breath, Adrien opened the door. "Let's get this over with."
Adrien ran off as soon as Papillon's mark appeared on Chloe's face. Catching Marinette doing the same from the corner of his eye. Glass raining down as Queen Glitter broke through the Grand Palais' roof.
Pollen zipping out as he tied his hair into a makeshift ponytail. Holding it in place with the Bee Miraculous.
"Quickly, my King! Say 'Pollen, transforme-moi'!"
Adrien stared at her. He could hear screaming as people ran.
"My King!"
His oldest friend just got akumatized for the second time.
"My King!"
All he had to do was speak!
His knees shook as his back hit the wall behind him for support. "But... I wasn't chosen."
Pollen floated higher as her eyes widened in surprise. "Weren't you given my Miraculous?"
Adrien shook his head. "I f-found it... After giving up the Black Cat."
This time Pollen dipped as she nearly fell out of the air. "Chat Noir."
Adrien shook his head even more emphatically. Hands going up to cover his face. "N-no! Not him! Can't be him!" he choked.
Pollen laid her hand on his and Adrien tensed at the touch. "My King."
Something in her voice made Adrien look at her.
"You wish to help, do you not?"
"... Yes."
Pollen's eyes softened. "Then help."
Adrien stared at her. So sure that she'd want nothing to do with him once she knew what a failure he was... But that wasn't the case.
Rising shakily to his feet Adrien gave Pollen a grateful smile. "Pollen, transforme-moi'."
Aristos panted as he glanced up from the alleyway. Spotting no pursuers. "Pollen, detransforme-moi."
Landing on Adrien's outstretched palms, Pollen beamed tiredly at him. "Excellent work, my King."
Adrien smiled back. "Oh! What do you eat? Plagg loves Camembert but..."
"That would be fine. However, I prefer something sweeter."
"Yeah..." A weight settled on his chest. "Let's see what we can find..."
Pollen frowned. "Is something wrong, my King?"
Adrien avoided her gaze. What was he supposed to say? That disobeying Ladybug felt wrong? That he almost let his guilt and resentment make him say cruel things to his replacement? That his heart wouldn't stop pounding? "It's just... Do you want to go back?"
Pollen blinked.
"You're supposed to listen to the Guardian, right?" Adrien bit his lip as his heart tried jumping up his throat. "It's not fair of me to keep you if you want to go back."
Pollen sat up on his palms. "I have been in the Miracle Box for a long time, my King. I can think of worse things than spending what time I have outside it with you."
Adrien's eyes burned as he wiped away tears. "Thanks, Pollen."
Ladybugs swirled in the sky as they repaired the city.
"Of course, my King," Pollen smiled.
"Call me Adrien."
"Yes, my King."
Adrien sighed. A smile coming to his lips. Looks like Aristos was sticking around for a while.
Retroactively giving Black Cat Alya an afro.
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ratherbefangirling · 3 years
🎭the truth untold🎭
Pairing : Namjoon x Reader
Genre : Mafia AU, Spy AU, Soft Yandere, Angst, Drama, Romance
Synopsis : You discover your old best friend is now the head of the most dangerous mafia in the country. You go in to avenge your brother's death but things are more complicated than they seem.
Part 6
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Maybe it was because you had been outside for the first time in a long while or maybe the food infront of you was the best you'd ever had.
You could tell Namjoon had not spared any expenses to make it up to you.
"Eat some more." Namjoon says.
"It's been a while." You tell him, and its true your portion size has reduced. The food is rich and since you've been surviving on rations it's a bit too much.
It's nice to sit next to Namjoon and eat and while can almost pretend it's before, the before where you didn't doubt every word he's spoken.
"Do you want to go shopping?" He asks
"I'd like that, but Joon can I call my mom and sister once? I'd told them I'd keep in touch I won't say anything let me tell them I'm ok." You request placing your hand on top of his.
He nods and makes a guard give you their phone.
You call up your mother and tell her you're enjoying your day off that today is a good day how you had the nicest breakfast.
"When.. Will you be back?" Your mother asks.
"When it's really ok." You reply.
Next you call your sister. As you anticipated your sister tells you to talk to Taehyung after she's done asking your whereabouts. You tell her to tell him you're ok.
As Taehyung gets to know he will inform the agency and second part of the operation 'microcosmos' will commence. The base strengthening.
Infiltration phase now complete
Namjoon let's you roam in the underwhelming shops. He knows he can't spend his money on you to his hearts content now. You wouldn't accept it and his excuse wasn't ready right now.
Patience. He told himself as he watched you buy cheap clothes from the mart rather than from branded shops or boutiques.
His beautiful doll should not be dressed I'm rags. Alas if he turned on the temperature to quick she'd run and he didn't want that. He couldn't bear it if she disliked him.
She had to love him.
Joon even got you a phone. The latest model. In your favourite color.
"Thank you." You say.
For now it isn't of much use though because neither do you have Internet nor a sim card.
You leave the store together your eyes landing on the McD ice cream.
Namjoon notices your gaze.
"Want some ice cream?"
You're hesitant, you don't want to be in his debt more than you already are.. but ice-cream makes you give in.
"Um yes please."
And you're both eating the cheapest soft swirl but it makes you feel better.
He notices your relaxed aura and it helps Namjoon feel better. Of course, he's the only one who can make you forget all your problems.
But like all nice things, the calm atmosphere was short lived.
You were putting the shopping bags into the back of the car when Namjoon suddenly moved you.
You were about to tell him off when you saw the the blood dripping of his sleeve. His face was barely concealing his tremors.
"Inside the car. Now." You helped him in. One of the body guard took the wheels to drive you.
You took the scarf and tied it around his scar. A bullet had grazed his shoulder.
Every drop that trickled put you into more frenzy.
The sickening you felt in your stomach realising he'd taken the bullet for you made you want to vomit.
"Are you okay? Just be okay. I can't... you can't leave me alone.. I'll really hate you this time... please." And your tears were escaping without permission.
"It's okay it's not the first time... rather me than you." He tells you but his voice has lowered so that you have strain to hear it.
"How long?" You ask the driver.
"In five minutes. Madam." He answers.
--its okay you can do five minutes--
You never knew five minutes can be so long.
The car stops by a stretcher. The men put Namjoon on the stretcher and take him inside you accompany him, hand still in his.
Until you see Seokjin ready to perform surgery you finally disengage.
A nurse comes up to you. She gives you a warm wet towel. It is then you note how you're stained with blood.
Other than that nobody pays any attention to you.
Jin comes out after a while. You straighten up.
"He's fine, he was lucky the bullet didn't touch any nerve or he'd loose functioning of his hand. He will stay off work till he recovers. Are you hurt in any way?"
"I'm.. it was meant for me." You confess.
Understanding dawns on Jin.
"He will be up in an hour or so. He will want to see you.. so you should go and change. If you got any injuries tell me.okay?" He tells you.
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You wash the scarf first. They had it removed first thing. Not that it was able to cover Namjoon's thick biceps properly.
You watch the blood drain down but still some spots remain.
Next you strip down and take a bath in the hottest water available.
You had taken the clothes from the car though it unsettled you to wear them. It could not be helped unless you wanted to parade around naked.
You take your time getting ready knowing waiting for him to wake up would drive you crazy.
You wait for him to wake up.
You loose count of time and almost nod off to sleep.
"Y/n.. wake up he's asking for you." You are alert in an instant.
"Yes I'm up." You say.
Jin takes you to Namjoon's ward. It's a very pretty place for a hospital ward.
You can see the sling which helps keep weight if his injured hand.
You're reluctant to go close to him.
"Come here baby." He says.
You go and stand next to him.
"Sit." He says. You place yourself on the bed.
He feels pleased.
"Does it hurt too much?" You ask.
"Not when you're here." He replies.
And despite the seriousness of the situation you find yourself blushing.
"I will leave." Seokjin says reminding the two of his existence.
"Thanks hyung." Namjoon says.
"Just stay safe." Jin says.
You look down on your lap feeling guilty.
And if that wasn't enough you're stomach growls. You want to dig a hole and disappear.
Joon presses the nurse button.
"Food." He says.
The nurse nods.
She comes back with food in record time.
"Leave." Namjoon tells her.
It's quiet for a while.
"Feed me." Namjoon tells you.
"Me?" You ask.
"I mean can't you do that after I've taken a bullet for you."
"I .. I didn't mean that." You say.
You help him eat also taking some bites for yourself. Until the food is over.
Again the nurse comes to remove the food.
"I'm cold." Namjoon says.
"Let me get the AC remote." You tell and proceed to move.
"Hug me."
"But your hand." You say.
"Only one side is injured." He says matter of factly.
When you lie by his side you are aware of every movement but soon his warmth and your tiredness take over and you snuggle Into the warm body of your ex best friend the man that has taken a bullet to save you.
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You had a school picnic to an amusement park. You were so excited for it. It had been a while since you went to one. Today was an extra special day. You had decided to confess to your best friend.
As usual Joon had saved place for you on the bus. You smiled as you caught his eyes.
"Y/n do you know how hard it is... you shouldn't be so late?"
You wouldn't be if you didn't have to check yourself in the mirror one last time to see if everything was perfect.
The bus started. Namjoon plugged in his headphones and was lost to the world. You enjoyed the games the rest of your classmates were playing.
After a while you plucked one of the earphone and put it on your ear. Resting your head on Joons shoulder.
Before you realised you had fallen asleep.
"You've got drool." Joon says passing you tissues and you want to hide yourself.
"Sorry!!" You say.
"It's no big deal. Let's go." He says.
The whole day is spent alternating between rides and eating. By the end you've screamed enough to hurt your vocal cords. The necklace Namjoon had won for you has hurt your neck but you can't bring yourself to remove it. Love was pain after all.
Namjoon brings you warm tea to soothe your throat. He comes to you. Teas in hand and sits next to you before passing one.
"You ok." He asks.
You nod. The sun is setting to be honest you wanted to sit on the ferris wheel and confess. But in reality you were tired and just wanted to go back home and the line was too long for it to be actually enjoyable. You realise now is a good time as any. You turn to Joon and you're struck by how good your best friend looks.
"I love you Joon." You say without preamble.
"Me too baby." And your heart flutters with his deep hoarse voice.
"No seriously I'm in love with you joonie." You say.
He stills for a moment. You wonder if you made a mistake. Then suddenly he pecks your lips. Then realising what he's done he shyly looks away mistakenly dropping his tea.
You laugh feeling over the moon. He looks at you and laughs along. And what if this wasn't a scene out of a movie and that the sun had already gone down by the time you got on the ferris wheel and so what that the sky was devoid of the moon. Nothing mattered when your universe was right in front of you.
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The following weeks you spent playing nurse. While a more sane part of you was aware that this, whatever relationship existed between you and Namjoon was not right. A bigger part of you welcomed the opportunity to be with your best friend. It was strangely relieving to be taking care of someone. You didn't realise how used to taking care of people you'd become.
You might not want to admit it even moving in to Yoongi's place was because you wanted to feel needed in your sisters life while it did cause you to burnout, the control had become an addiction.
Even now you felt better having Namjoon at your mercy. Having his fingers reach out to you. The harsh grip he held towards you. You basked in it. It was difficult to deny. So much that you started to worry when his hand started healing.
Luckily Namjoon had permitted you to use your phone on occasion. You had even got to update the fanfiction you were writing.
"What's the story?" Namjoon had asked his chin resting on the crook of your neck.
"It's about two best friends, one goes missing so the other is on the way of finding them and learning the different sides of their best friend."
Namjoon has hummed thoughtfully.
You waited in the room as Namjoon got an all clear from Jin. His bandages were removed while his skin wasn't perfectly smooth yet and a bit sickly at the site of injury he had healed.
"It's physiotherapy for a month atleast." Jin informs Namjoon. "And don't think you're normal because you got your bandages off. Don't overwork yourself."
"Ok Hyung. Its fine because I have y/n with me." Namjoon says happily.
There is a knock on the door.
"Come in." Namjoon says.
The door opens to reveal Jhope.
"How's the hand RM." Hoseok asks.
"In a month I will be back to being the best fighter of Bangtan. Have fun while you're it."
"Your battles are the mental ones boss. Anyhow we need to discuss something."
"What is it?" RM asks.
Hoseok looks at you. Namjoon almost rolls his eyes.
"Say it." He commands.
"The Choi's are having a coming of the age party for their son. You might want to drop a gift."
"Choi's is it. Don't worry this time I'm personally going to drop a gift." He says. "Y/n you want to go to a party."
You nod. Its not like you could deny.
"But RM."
"I thought I was your boss not the other way around."
JHope quietens. Knowing it was best not to question RM.
"Is it worth attending?" You ask.
"Baby I promise you it's going to be fun."
"Okay but get better first." You nag.
Namjoon just laughs in response surprising Jhope. Jin on the other hand is unfazed being used to the side of RM you bring forth.
And for the first time the mansion feels like home to Namjoon because finally he has someone rooting for him.
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Taglist: @sweetwolfcupcake @scuzmunkie
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The flashback was kinda cute ngl 🤧😳 ... it was a good spur of the moment thinking. Anyhow how did you think this chapter was.. let me know!
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cinnamon-bebe · 4 years
Chemtrails (Pedro Pascal x Fem!Reader)
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Chemtrails (Pedro Pascal X Fem!Reader)
Summary: "If you died today, would you be happy with the life you've lived?" What happens when you've sacrificed your love for fame and fortune? Despite the glitz and glamour, the Reader is all Pedro can think about. The stars have never been on your side but can you rewrite the plans they have for you?
Warning: Angst, Fluff, Occasional Cursing
Inspired by the song Chemtrails Over the Country Club by Lana Del Rey
"I'm on the run with you, my sweet love
There's nothing wrong contemplating God
Under the chemtrails over the country club"
"Baby what's your sign?"
"You're in the wind, I'm in the water
Nobody's son, nobody's daughter
Watching the chemtrails over the country club"
Pedro's POV
The chatter of a hundred people and yet I still only hear your voice. Memories of your words, from years past.
You asked me what my sign was, I told you I was an Aries. You laughed and told me we shouldn't be friends, the stars say so. The stars say we're incompatible, we'd be at each other's throats. I'm a fire sign and you didn't need any more drama. I kissed you for the first time and told you I'd prove you wrong, you simply smiled and looked off to the chemtrails that flew over us.  
Memories from years past.
I didn't have much to offer you but I told you that you could take my word. At that time, it was worth more than anything I could have given you.
"You want me to defy the stars?" You raised an eyebrow, a smile teasing your face.
"The stars can go fuck themselves." I told you and kissed you again.
We were so young. We were nobodies. Running through the concrete jungle, with your hand in mine. Sun dress and kisses at midnight convenience stores, splitting a hot dog on a summer day because we needed money for the show at 7.
We used to contemplate the meaning of life over a bottle on our little balcony. I asked you if you were happy and you smiled but did not reply.
"If you died today, would you be happy with the life you've lived?" You asked me instead.
"No." I told you. "There's so much more I want to do. I want to be somebody."
I didn't know it then but that was the moment I started to lose you.
Memories from years past.
I find myself sitting at a restaurant now, with more money to line my pockets, pats on the back from strangers. People know my name and it comes out in whispers, as they stare over their expensive plate, getting cold just to catch a glimpse of me.
A beautiful woman sits across from me. As if a movie star isn't a big enough draw, a woman like her only invites more gazes. She looks like she'd just stepped off a screen herself. She gives me all her attention, so much so that she does not register the envious stares from the others around her.
Her lips are moving, perhaps a funny anecdote came to mind or is she telling me about her sister's wedding again that she mentioned before?  I cannot tell you, for my mind is elsewhere, with someone else.
"So would you like to come?" She smiles brightly at me, her perfect teeth sitting between her lips, painted in a dusty pink.  
"Huh?" I snap out of my daze, embarrassed that I was clearly not paying attention.
"Jule's wedding, did you...want to be my date for the day?" She blushes, hopeful.
"Oh. I...uh. I don't know Kate. I have a pretty packed schedule coming up, I don't know if I'll have time." I try to make up an excuse.
"It's too early isn't?" She bites her lip sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I know we've only been dating for a few weeks, I shouldn't have sprung this up on you so fast."
"No no, please don't be silly. I love weddings!" I try to laugh it off. "It's just that, with the new movie coming up, I need to start preparing before we go into production."
"I understand." She nods with a smile, "Comes with the territory when you're dating a big movie star I guess." She looks at me, I'm not sure if she's anticipating a response but I reciprocate with a grin and wave at the waiter for another drink.
Soon enough, she excuses herself from the table to go to the ladies room and I'm left sitting alone at our spot. I grow tiresome of the incessant chattering from the tables around me and I massage the temples of head, wishing I was at home in the comfort of my bed with just the company of my television.
I see glances from a small table to the side of me, a group of young women clearly too shy to ask for a photograph, egging each other on to make the first move over to me. Their hopes quickly dashed as I feel a firm hand on my shoulder, turning me around.
"Pedro?" A familiar voice calls my name.
"Anthony! Fancy seeing you here!" My eyes widen as I pull an old friend down for a hug.
"It's my anniversary with Charlize, we're just celebrating! God I haven't seen you for so long!" He shakes his head, slowly looking me up and down, examining my so-called transformation. I've aged so much since we last we saw each.
"How long have you been here?" I ask.
"A couple of hours, I actually saw you before but I..uh...I didn't want to interrupt your date."
Date? I swallow the word whole.
"You lucky man. She's very pretty." He comments.
"Yeah, she is."
"You could seem a bit more interested though but those are Charlize's words, not mine." He raises his hands up, letting his wife take the blame.
"I must seem like an ass, don't I?" Poor Kate, how spoilt am I to show a woman like her so little interest. "I haven't dated for so long, it's just hard getting back into the scene that's all."
Anthony let's out an inaudible "oh" and I know he's thinking the same thing, I can practically hear the name sitting on his tongue, desperately wanting to come out. 
"How is Y/N?" I break the ice, allowing the elephant in the room an escape before he suffocates along with me.
"She's good, very good actually. She's a documentary film maker now. Her work is amazing, you'd love it." Anthony couldn't help his excitement when speaking about you and I feel an intense pang of sadness and jealousy seeing his eyes light up. To see you, celebrate you. I wonder if you've aged like me or do you still look the same as how I remember. Do you still crinkle your nose every time you hear a bad joke? Do your eyes still get red and glassy when you look at the sky because you're wondering if anyone's looking down on you? I wish I knew.
"Listen, I have to go." Anthony looks back at his wife who gives me a polite wave from a distance.
"It was really good seeing you Anthony, I'm sorry we haven't spoken all these years. It's just with work..." I recycle that old excuse again.
"Don't worry about it...you made it! I know you worked really hard to get where you are now. I know you had to make a lot of sacrifices..." The last sentence, spoken so softly, it was almost drowned out. "I'm genuinely happy for you."
I nod, giving my friend one last hug before I ready for him to turn and leave, instead he hesitates and looks at me.  
"Hey Pedro?"
"She still lives in the neighbourhood." He looks down at the scarf in his hand before patting me on my arm. "Just so you know."
With that, he waves me goodbye. Walking back to his wife, who he wraps his arm around. The way she naturally rests into him and slips her hand into his coat pocket as they exit the restaurant, I wonder if I'd ever have that level of intimacy with Kate.  
I sent her home in a taxi. "I have an early morning and need to prep for some meetings", my excuse for her this time. Kate's disappointed expression, as I gave her a kiss on the cheek is the last thing on my mind.
Scuffing the cap of my leather shoes, I kick at the pavement. The world moves past me as I hide myself in the bubble of my thoughts. I have no sense of direction, my legs taking me to no intended destination, only letting the neon lights around guide me to where it desires.
Anthony's words were still ringing in my ears.
Would you want to see me?
My mind reminds me of the last time we were together.
"I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this, if I don't leave the city now, I may never get my chanc-"
"Get your chance to do what? Be a star?" You were sat deep in the corner of the sofa, far from me. Your voice calm and monotonous as you watched me pace up and down our tiny apartment. I couldn't decipher your expression, it was as if you knew what I was going to say.
"I want to make something out of my life! I want to prove to everyone and myself that I can make it Y/N. I don't want to waste my life away." I moved towards you, our presence separated by the little vintage coffee table I hated but still bought home because you loved it so much.
"Well then go, I don't want to hold you back from chasing your dreams."
"No. It's okay Pedro. I understand...I really do. I don't want to stop you from pursuing what you love." You got up from your spot, you seemed so small to me as you closed the gap between us. Your hand felt so light against my face, like you were disappearing before me. "Don't live in regret because of me."
"Y/N come wi-" I tried to hold you, hold you before you evaporated.
"No. My place is here." You took your hand away, moved back, the space between us grew more and more distant. "I don't have big dreams like you do. I like normality. I like living my life however I want it, do whatever I want, whenever I want. You asked me if I was happy...and I am."
"Would you still be happy without me?"
I stared at you. My gut sank because I already knew this was the end. You didn't have to tell me.
"I don't know..." You managed to smile, even through the gentle tears that formed in your eyes. "But I know you would be without me."
"That's not true." I tried to reach for you but you pulled away.
"We're very different people Pedro...I told you, we're incompatible. It's time we listened to the stars."
My thoughts are suddenly interrupted as I feel a hand rest softly on the small of my back.
"Hello sir, would you like to buy a rose?" An elderly woman smiles up at me. A child stands obediently nearby, holding a bouquet of individually wrapped stems, clearly past his bedtime but still helping Grandma late at night. The child looks tired, sad. Judging by the number of roses still in his hands, they must have had an unlucky day.
"How much for one?" I return her kind smile, taking out my wallet.
"$2. Thank you, thank you so much sir." The old woman sighs in relief calling the child over to bring the flowers for me to pick. Each stem had a handwritten tag with various cheesy sentiments adorned.
....A kiss in exchange for a rose...
...You're more beautiful than any flower but here's one to show you my love anyway...
....Would you be my Valentine?...
....Please forgive me, I was an idiot.
I chuckle at the last one before picking a rose at random.
I take out $100 and watch the old lady's eyes panic as she reaches in her purse to find change. Taking her hand firmly in mine, I assure her it wasn't necessary.
"I'll take one rose for the $100. You keep the rest of the flowers and have a good night okay?"
The woman looks at the child with her mouth agape and then back at me, clearly taken aback by the gesture.
"Sir, are you sure?"
"Yes, take the kid home and get some rest. This one rose itself is worth every dollar." I pat her hand which trembles in mine.
"Thank you! Thank you! Bless you and the woman who receives your rose!"
Taking the child's hand they quickly walk away, whispering to each other and disappearing into the night.
I stare at the flower in my hand and bring it closer to my face, studying the message on the tag.
...Let's defy the stars and write our own destiny.
I stand in the dark of night, illuminated only by the cafe lights ready to turn off for the day. My hand grips the stem as if it weighed a hundred tons yet afraid it would float away like a feather. The frantic honking of the traffic seems to taunt me, the laughter from the bars nearby seem to be mocking this idiot of a man standing in the middle of the streets, holding a flower he paid $100 for.
"Just do it!" I hear a young boy shout at his friend attempting a skateboard trick up the block.
Just do it. I repeat to myself. Just fucking do it.
I remember these steps, we used to sit here with the neighbours' kids. Charlie, I think that was his name? I remember little Charlie proposing to you with a plastic ring and threatening to get his kindergarten buddies on me, simply for existing. I can't help but laugh at that memory.
Everyone was in love with you, the young, the old. They couldn't help but fall for your charms, your kindness, the way you'd smile at them even if you've never spoken a word to each other. Everyone was under your spell, including me.
You told me you loved me on these steps.
I had gotten back from a bad audition and couldn't bear to go home to you. I sat here for hours until you saw me from the balcony and came down. You didn't ask me anything. You just sat with me as we watched the kids run up and down the block, racing each other, teasing each other. I looked at you and you gave me a kiss on the nose.
"I love you."
You said it so quietly at first that I pretended I didn't I understand.
You rolled your eyes and pulled my face into yours, telling me you loved me over and over again as you smothered me with your kisses.
That was one of the happiest moments of my life.
Walking past our faded figures, I enter the building and see that nothing has changed.
The walls were the same duck egg green. The bulletin board covered in layers of flyers and advertisement, some new, with plenty dated months back. I wouldn't be surprised if the audition ads I tried out for from years ago were still there.
The smell of various cuisines mingle together to form its own unique indecipherable aroma.
A comforting aroma.
I look to the elevator, still out of order. Obviously.
We only lived on the third floor, the stairs will be fine.
I prepare myself for the incline when a voice calls out to me.
"Where are you going?"
I turn around and see our old building superintendent, decked out in his uniform. Stanley.
"Stan! It's me Pedro! Wow, you're still here!" I walk to him.
"Who?" He looks me up and down, completely confused as to who the hell I am.
"Pedro from 3B upstairs? I used to live with Y/N...maybe you don't remember me because of the moustache." I rub the bottom of my nose sheepishly.
"No...I don't remember you."
Old Stanley, perhaps age is catching up to him.
"I'm just going to see Y/N." I try to resume my journey but he stops me once more.
"No entry into the building if you're not a resident!" He points to the sign on the wall.
"Since when was that a rule?" I throw my hand in the air.
"Since today. We have too many unsavoury men try to come into the building, how do I know if you really know Miss Y/L/N? I'm not letting any potential predators or burglars into the building."
"But Stan she-"
Pointing to the sign on the wall again, he raises an angry brow. Not wishing a full body beat down by ol' Stan, I take myself back out the building like a bad dog.  
I sit on the steps, sighing in defeat. I try to convince myself that coming here is a mistake.
"Defy the stars...pfft! You've been in way too many movies Pedro." I mumble to myself, as I dig my thumb nail into the stem of the rose.
Perhaps we're only given the choice to rewrite our destiny but it doesn't mean destiny would just sit idly by and let you do whatever you want. It's probably for the best. What would I say anyway?
Running my hand through my hair, I get up to leave. The adrenaline from earlier had drained so quickly out of me, that its left me a fatigued mess. Move on Pedro, it's time to go home.
"Hey movie star." A voice calls from above. "You looking for me?"
Your hair falls past your face as you lean over the balcony and in that moment I feel my heart break into a million pieces.
There you are.
Standing before me, even more beautiful than when you left, if that is even possible.
You're wearing a simple white vest and grey shorts, one leg rubbing softly against the other. Your skin bears the warm orange glow reflected from the lights inside your apartment.
You look so raw, so delicate.
Every pulse in my body aches seeing you again.
"Wow." I breathe. "You look..."
You hide your laugh and I can see you blushing from behind your hand.
"Thanks. You look great too. I'm like the...um..." You rub under your nose with your finger.
"Thank you, I grew it out for a role but now people tell me I look like their grandma without it." I shrug, much to your amusement.
"What are you doing here?" You speak, more softly, more seriously.
How do I even respond to this question? I was out on a date with another woman but I bumped into our old friend who told me I should find you? Or should I go with I met an old woman and her kid, who I'm pretty sure were cupid's little minions, sent down to earth to give me a rose and to fuck with me?
"I was just in the neighbourhood. I wanted to see if you wanted to um...go out for a coffee?" I lie.
You look at me incredulously, clearly seeing through my bullshit.
"Everything is shut by now." You simply respond.
"Oh...well maybe we can just talk then?"
You tap the metal rails, where you lay your arms. Are you contemplating whether to come down or throw a bucket of water over me? I guess I'll have to wait and see.
Without saying a word, you disappear out of sight. The lights in your apartment switches off.
What does this mean? Are you off to bed?
Before I could ruminate any more, the doors open from behind me and you slip through.
God, you look even better up close.
My hands instinctively reach out to touch you but I withdraw quickly before you could see. You had wrapped yourself in a fleecy blanket, the threads a deep purple.
Without saying a word, you sit down on the step and I can only follow suit, my mind can no longer make decisions for itself it seems.
You smell the same, that same soft floral scent I used to love. The one I used to breathe in when I'd hold you close to me in bed because I didn't want you to leave for work.
Our knees are so close, they almost touch.
"So what did you want to talk about?"
For a minute I don't know how to respond, I just don't want to stop looking at you.
"I was...I was wondering if you were thinking about me?"
You laugh, I laugh too. Of course you weren't.
"I think about you all the time." You tell me so casually, it catches me off guard.
"You do?" I whisper in disbelief.
"It's hard not to when you're on every other billboard in the city."
"I think about you all the time too Y/N."
You smile and look up at the sky. The night is aligned with many stars tonight and they all call for your attention but mine. I feel greedy staring at you but I'm simply making up for all the nights that I was alone without you, all those kisses I've shared with women that weren't you.
"What do you think the stars are telling us tonight?" I ask.
You grin and without looking back at me, you say "I think the stars are laughing at us."
"Do you think the stars have changed their mind about us?"
You finally turn to me, your eyes drop. "I don't think that's how it works Pedro."
"If this is the life the stars have planned for me, a life without you, then I don't want it Y/N."
"I thought if I made a name for myself, if people knew who I was, then I'd be sure of who I am...but who I'm meant to be, who I want to be...is to be with you." Your eyes meet mine, coloured with emotions you are scared to express. "I look for you everywhere I go Y/N, in every women I meet but you are always a world away."
"We don't even know each other anymore Pedro."
"You are the only one who has always known who I am, even before me Y/N. I'm still as strange and as wild as I have always been. I'm still as messy and as clumsy as I was before. I still love cheap corner store liquor and dancing terribly in public. I still look at chemtrails whenever they past me...because they remind me of you."
"Chemtrails are bad for you, they say they're chemicals."  You tell me, your voice low and expressionless.
"If I die with you as my last thought, it won't be so bad."
I finally find the courage to reach for you and you don't recoil from me, you let me gently run my finger against the hair that falls down past your face. You close your eyes and I selfishly take you, pulling you towards me.
I rest my forehead against yours and I savour this moment where I can be close to you and not let it be a memory.
"What if I've changed?" You whisper.
"Well then I'll spend the rest of my life getting to know you again."
"If I told you to run away with me tonight, would you?" You open your eyes to see me, your expression as serious as ever.
"You're my home Y/N. I'll go wherever you go. Even if it's to another galaxy, we'll drive a little red Corvette into space together and leave this all behind."
You smile and tug on the bottom of your lip. "You think the stars would still allow us to go to space?"
"Fuck the stars." I say as I take your lips.
Oh, how I've missed the sweetness of your taste; in this moment you are spoiling me rotten. You wrap your arms around me and allow the blanket to drop from your shoulders. The only stars that mattered now are those in our eyes. They're telling me the future and it's you. It's always been you.
The sirens of the city and the plane overhead may be loud but I hear nothing over the sound of your heart beat.
You pull away and we both laugh.
In this moment, we are perfect. I am no longer the famous celebrity that belonged to everyone. I am not a son and you are no one's daughter.
We only belong to each other.
I see you shiver and look towards the door.
"Let's go inside." You get up and take my hand, guiding me back to our home. The one I've longed for ever since I left.
The building is quiet, everyone asleep by this hour but old Stan at his desk. I try to shuffle past as inconspicuously as I could, my hand entwine with yours.
"Welcome back Mr Pascal." Stanley greets us as clear as day, his head not even looking up from above his phone.
"Wha- so you do remember me!"
Sly old dog.
Stanley doesn't respond and concentrates on his screen instead.
You shake your head and pull me up the steps but not before I set down my lucky rose on the desk.
"Good night Stan."
I call out before I chase my love up the stairs, both of us ready to write our next chapter together. I don't know what it will entail but I know if you're in it, it will be the greatest adventure I'll ever take.
"Kids these days." Stan sighs, closing the article on his phone and clicking on a familiar app. Putting his feet up, he relaxes with a smile on his face as the Mandalorian theme song begins to play.
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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The One Where [Y/N] [L/N] Can't Show Up To Her Toxic Family Dinner Alone, So She Turns To Her College Peer For Help.
Edited: 12-4-2020
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Once your college professor dismissed the class as over you were quick to open your phone and check your messages. Once unmuted, it vibrated and chimed a dozen times bombarding you. Messages from your mother overflowed your notification bar. You just didn't have the energy to deal with it right now. With a scowl, you set your phone back to mute mode and harshly shoved it into your backpack.
"Everything all right?"
Your chemistry partner was pilling books back into his backpack when he asked you the imposing question. He zipped the bag close, stood up, and turned to you, giving you a concerned look as he slung his backpack on his shoulder.
"I'm fine."
"We've been partners for nearly a year, I think I know you enough to know when you're not fine."
Your eyes glanced up at the white-haired man before glancing back at your lap. Your chemistry partner, Natsuo Todoroki, was a nice young man. Natsuo was funny and kind, he noticed when you were having a bad day, and he'd try to ease your troubles. Maybe that was why you often found yourself studying your partner more than your notes. Normally you'd relish under the gaze and attention of your charming, pretty partner, but today wasn't just one of those days.
"It's stupid. Like, really stupid, and unimportant."
"If it's bothering you then it's not stupid. C'mon, I'll buy you lunch and you can tell me all about your problem."
You huffed as you stood up and pulled your bag over your shoulder. You followed Natsuo to the cafeteria, while he walked off to get and pay for your lunches, you found some empty seats. Your leg bounced as you waited for him to come back. The idea of opening up about something so personal made you anxious.
"It's Soba Saturday."
Natsuo took a seat across from you and smiled as you took a bite out of the food. Happy that you were happy with your food, Natsou digs into his own.
"So partner' what's up?"
"As I said, it's really, really, stupid."
"You're obviously worked up over it, it can't be that stupid."
You let out a ragged sigh as you took a delicate bite out of your food. Embarrassed, your eyes avoided him once you swallowed and set the fork down. Natsuo had shared so much with you as a friend and confidant, you knew about his family, every nitty-gritty detail, but you opened so little in return.
"My mom texted me asking if I was bringing a date home for Christmas. My parents... They're pretentious and rich, you know? Marrying, and settling down, becoming a house mouse while my husband takes over the family business. That's the future they want for me."
You clenched your fists just getting aggravated thinking about it. The toxicity was hard and you were trying your best to escape it, but you could only flee so much when you were poor without your parents. Natsuo reached across the table and grabbed your hands, pulling them into his cold ones.
"I know if I show up alone my mom's gonna get in my business, then she'll try setting me up with rich men she thinks are suitable. I just- I can't do another family Christmas alone."
"I understand what you mean. I told you how my dad's a bastard, he's tried setting me and my sister up with suitable people before, never works out, just makes us hate him. I don't even wanna go home for Christmas this year, so... I have a proposition."
"I'd love to hear it."
"I'll go with you."
His voice came out quick and fast, almost making him sound nervous, but Natsuo didn't get nervous, it wasn't a Todoroki trait. You look up from your lap to his eyes. A small smile formed on your face as he proposed the statement. You let out a chuckle as a light blush brushed your face.
"You wanna be my date?"
"We don't have to go like that, we can fake date. Think about it, you need a rich, suitable guy to show up with you. You need me. Someone to convince your pretentious parents you're ready to settle down, and, I, can get out of my own family Christmas and obligations to see the bastard man."
"Fake dating... Fake dating and convincing my parents that we're in love. That's a lot to deal with, you're sure your up for it?"
"Yeah, you might say... We already have some chemistry together."
You laughed as that feeling bubbled up in your chest. That feeling you got whenever you were around your partner, your lab partner. It was stupid, so stupid. The idea of fake dating him bubbled you, even if it was fake, the idea that he got to be your boyfriend for an evening or two excited you.
"Okay, you dork, it's settled. You're my fake boyfriend."
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Your leg bounced rigorously as the car drove on the road. You watched the road signs, anxiously noting how far away from your home you were each time a new one appeared. You lived a couple of hours out from the city you and Natsuo attended college in. Coming from a rich family, you and Natsuo probably would've attended the same social circles and school had you not grew up so far away.
Your thumb tapped away at your leg as Christmas music blared through the radio. Your whole body screamed anxious and distressed. Now that you've had time to brew and process the deal you and Natsuo made you regretted it. What were you thinking, taking your lab partner, who was also your crush, on an overnight trip as your fake boyfriend? It was just going to cause you trouble.
You had feelings for him and your family was toxic. The idea of letting him in was disturbing. It was your home where you grew up, the place you learned to hate yourself, the place that taught you to be closed off, and mean. He'll meet your mom, your dad, and your godawful siblings. He'll see how horrible your family is, and the idea of letting him see the environment you grew up in was so daunting.
What if he decided you were awful too? What if he changes lab partners?
"We're here."
Your voice came out placid and tight. Your nervousness and exhaustion could be heard in your voice. Emotions brought out every time you saw your family, he mistook it as nerves brought on by the fear of fake dating.
"We should probably lie down some rules."
"Yeah, I've never fake dated before. I don’t know what you're uncomfortable with, but no kissing on the lips."
Natsuo pulled his keys out of the engine ignition and pocketed them while he lightly laughed at your proposed rule. Heat rose to your cheeks as his voice met your ears.  
"We're supposed to convince them we're in love, but I can't kiss your lips?"
"I know it's silly, but to me it's romantic and I’d like to keep this professional. Besides, you still have my cheek, hand, nose, and forehead."
“I see your points, if it makes you feel more comfortable then lips are off-limits.”
You let out a relieved sigh. You weren't sure you'd handle kissing Natsuo. It was too personal, too romantic. The more you progressed on this endeavor the more you worried. Your parents were gonna know, they were gonna know. 
"No kissing your lips, what about hand-holding?"
"We can hold hands, hug, anything a couple would do, just no sex or kissing."
"Two days, as a handholding loving boyfriend. Let's do this."
Natsuo got out of the car and while you zipped up your coat and fixed your scarf he rushed to the other side of the car and opened your door before you got the chance. His cold hand was on your hand pulling you out of the car, he smiled softly at you as he helped you out.
“Thanks, you didn't have to do that.”
“I wanted to, I'm your boyfriend after all.”
You pushed a piece of hair behind your ear as a light blush spread across your skin. Never had you been more thankful for the cold air for you had been able to play your pink cheeks off as an effect of the cold weather and not his words. 
“You go in, I’ll get our bag.”
“You sure?”
You nibbled on your lip as Natsuo walked away from you. He turned to you with an ever-growing smile present as he winked. 
“Yeah, I'm a good boyfriend aren't I?”
“The sweetest ever. See you inside.”
You made your way to the door and gave the heavy wooden door a hard knock. It wasn't long until one of the servants opened the door. The head butler, Godwin, opened the door and threw you a gracious smile before pulling you into a hug. 
“Welcome back, [Y/N].”
In your time living here as a child, Godwin spent a lot of time with you. It was his job to watch over you and your siblings along with the other staff members when your parents were gone, which was often. He was the one who taught you to be kinder and nicer, more humble than your other siblings. He was the one who encouraged you to go to college despite your parents raising you to live in a world with their racist, sexist ideals. 
“It’s good to see you, Godwin.” 
Your mother came down the stairs with her overly expensive Christmas dress flowing with her. She looked like the average rich person trying to show off her money. Pearls, diamonds, and obvious plastic surgery. Your father followed behind her, adorning an expensive tailored suit and a matching tie, no doubt your mother's idea to make it seem like they had a perfect marriage to their guests when it, in fact, was not. 
“Oh, [F/N], you're here!”
She walked up to you and awkwardly wrapped her arms around your body. It was weird and awkward. Your mother didn't like giving affection out to her children, or really anyone. Now that you were older, you didn't crave the attention from her. Your father didn't even attempt to greet you. 
“I thought you said you were bringing a guest, Oh I knew you were lying. Lucky for you I thought ahead and arranged for one of your father's friends to come over as your date for the evening.”
“Mother, anyone friends with father is going to be way too old to be a date for me, besides that fact, I did bring a date.” 
“Oh, don’t be embarrassed to ask your mother for help, I did give birth to you after all.”
She sneered her words at you. This was a classical move of your mothers because she gave birth to you then that must mean she knows you better than anyone else, she also used it in the stance that you owed it to her to do what she wanted.
“You’ll love him. He's the owner of a multimillion-dollar company, he's rich, and his wife just died! You’ve been single for so long, you need a man to take care of you”-
Your mother is cut off by the sound of Natsuo walking in with your bag and slamming the door shut, trying to keep the cold out. Considering it was an overnight trip, you thought sharing a bag might make you look more intimate and close. 
“Sorry I took so long babe, I didn't zip the bag all the way closed and it opened on the ride here, I had to put everything back in it.”
“Mother, father, this is my boyfriend.” 
Natsuo dropped your bag on the floor and shook your parent's hands starting with your father, and then your mother next, respectfully the way you shook hands with the rich. You supposed growing up as a Todoroki he had to learn these tricks and rules the same way you did. 
“Natsuo Todoroki, nice to meet you, sir, ma’am.”
“Oh wow, Todoroki? Like the hero family Todoroki?”
“Yes, ma’am... Endeavor is my father.”
You could tell by Natsuo's stance that he was uncomfortable with the way your mother was asking about his social status and checking him out with a tight fake smile on her face.
“Yes, I remember now, I saw your family on the news. How did you snag this one [Y/N]? A Todoroki, I'm impressed, then again... He is the brother who chose not to follow the life of a hero.”
You both ignored your mother's catty comment as Natsuo grabbed your hand and pulled you against his side. He kissed your cheek, eliciting a light blush for the second time that day, however, your mother's focus was on your 'boyfriend', and his focus was on your mother. 
“Feels more like I'm the one who snagged her.”
“Well, you must tell us how you met. Goodwin! Take their bag up to [Y/N]'s room!” 
You rolled your eyes as she yells at the butler. You'd think after years of working for her she would've remembered his name, but she didn't.
“Godwin, we can take our bag up, we need to change into our dress clothes anyway. Mother, you really should remember the names of your staff.”
“They're just the help, details like their names don't matter. Ever since you went off to that school it's put silly ideas in your head. Natsuo don't be afraid to remind her who's boss, she might try to force those ridiculous relationship norms on you.”
The comment comes from your father who had been mostly silent throughout the whole conversation. The comment comes from your father and it didn't sit well with Natsuo. As your father laughs at what he said, Natsuo picks your bag up and chuckles at him. 
“Oh, [Y/N] and I both know who the boss of this relationship is. [Y/N] attends more classes than me, so I always make sure the apartment is clean, and food is ready on the table for her. It's only fair, I wouldn't want her to think these ridiculous relationship norms where the woman cooks and cleans and the man provides is right.”
Before your father gets another word in edgewise, Natsuo pulls you along with him to the staircase, letting you guide him to your bedroom with appeased smiles on your faces. You pushed the door open and let Natsuo in before closing it and locking it. You flopped over on the bed, and he followed suit before taking a look at your room. It was the same as always, the way you left it after high school, never changing except for when little things got moved around for dusting and vacuuming by Godwin. 
“So... What'd you think of my parents?”
“They’re... interesting?”
There were a wide variety of choice words Natsuo wanted to use. He did not like your parents, and it bothered him knowing that you grew up being raised with such ideals. Natsuo might have had a bastard for a father, his father might have hurt his mom, and his family in more ways than one, but his father never once told Fuyumi that she couldn't pursue her dreams. He never once told Fuyumi that she had to follow old gender norms, never once was Fuyumi taught to layover for a man.
"It's okay, you can say it. They're good awful."
"I didn't want to upset you or offend, but my father literally drove my mom insane, he gave her a mental illness and he's nice compared to them."
"Just wait until you meet my siblings."
You let out a laugh as your fingers played with the blanket on the bed. Your hands were so close. It was sweet to him, the sound of your voice. He'd never admit out loud, but he was so in love with you. Ever since he first laid eyes on you in chemistry class. Ever since you sat down next to him and introduced yourself, ever since you accidentally blew up your first experiment. Ever since you kept apologising for catching him on fire, you hadn't a clue who he was, or who his father was. You were normal with him. Every little thing you did lead up to his feelings for you. Every little thing you did added to the strong feelings had had, like a brick house.
To the naked eye, Natsuo was a desirable man. He was rich, filthy rich, and he had that Todoroki charm. Everyone wanted him for his status or his looks. They didn't know him, the real him, him with an abusive father and fucked up family. For all those reasons, Natsuo always thought that you wouldn't want to be with a boy like him. Someone who came from such a broken background, someone so weak, unable to stand up to his father. Guys like him never got the girl, at least not the girl that he wanted but Natsuo also never imagined that you came from a background similar to his. It was so ethereal and special to be here with you, to be the one you were opening up to, even if it was a fake relationship, Natsuo was trying desperately to shoot his shot.
"You're so strong, you know that? Your parents raised you with these unrealistic standards on how you should act, but you're in college, you're pursuing your dreams. You're amazing."
Natsuo's hand reached out and grabbed yours, his cold one in yours soliciting goosebumps and a little shiver. You quickly tried to pull your and out of his and stood up to make it look like you weren't trying to avoid skin contact with him.
"Thanks, Natsuo... You're amazing too, I mean hello, they way you subtly told my father to shove his marriage ideals? It was hilarious, he was not expecting that."
You looked away from Natsou to hide the blush in your cheeks, you were thankful for the way he stood up to your father for you. You could never have done that in a million years.
"Anyway, we should probably get dressed, and go down before my mother thinks we've started having sex. You can get dressed in here and I'll go to the bathroom, just knock when it's safe for me to come out."
You grabbed your dress out of the bag and scurried into the bathroom. You started with makeup, then you reapplied your deodorant. You were so nervous that your family would see right through your lie. After taking a few deep breaths you heard Natsuo's knock so you quickly unzipped your silk, baby blue dress and pulled it up to your body. Nervously, you popped your head out the door and bit your lip.
"Can you... Can you zip me up?"
You let the door open more and pulled the front of your dress tight against your body, worried and nervous to be partially naked in front of him. Natsuo sauntered into the bathroom and zipped the back of your dress up. His cold hands glide up your back and then fell down on your hips. It made you shiver again before throwing him a grateful smile.
"No problem, you look beautiful."
You looked in the mirror at the two of you together. This time as the blush rose to your cheeks you didn't have the cold to blame or the ability to turn around and hide your face.
"Ready to meet the rest of the snake nest?"
"I survived your parents, I think I can handle your siblings."
Arm in arm looped together you made your way downstairs and into the entertainment room with Natsuo. Your siblings were sitting on the couch, but once you walked in their eyes struck you. They heard you brought a date and they wanted to check him out. Their eyes glazed over him some of them in interest, some in disinterest. All judging.
"I heard you brought a boy, didn't believe it."
The comment comes from your older sister. Her voice was full of disdain and disinterest, undoubtedly ready to leave.
"Yeah, mother said you brought a boy, didn't think he'd be so hot."
Natsou coughs uncomfortably as you showed a tight, fake smile to your sister. You couldn't lie, it hurt that your younger sister would so blatantly flirt with your boyfriend upon meeting him, whether he be fake or not.
"Don't be such a slut, [Sisters Name]. That's your sister's boyfriend."
Your older brother scolded his youngest sister for her lustful behavior and she rolls her eyes before she crosses her arms in a pout. Your brother was the nicest out of all your siblings. He was nice to you and your siblings in his own way, protective of his younger siblings, constantly scolding and trying to keep you all in place. That didn't mean he couldn't be a snake, he could just tolerate you and your siblings more.
"Besides, he's not all that hot."
"Oh he totally is, it's seriously a wonder how [Y/N] got him."
You brought Natsuo over to the couch and sat down next to him. You even made sure to sit close to him, close enough so you could lean into each other like a cute couple.
"I think I prefer your parents."
His words whispered in your ear earning a light chuckle from you. Your sister, the younger one, evidently didn't like how close you both were. With a harsh glare, she rolled her eyes again.
"How did you even meet? Seriously, I wanna know why he would downgrade to someone like you."
Natsuo scratched the back of his head awkwardly and nervously He didn't understand why your siblings were so mean to you. His father was a bastard, that closed you off, that he could get. Despite that, he and his siblings never put each other down like they were doing.
"More like she downgraded to me. We met in school, lab partners. She had all the boys chasing for her in school, but somehow she chose me."
Your sister scoffed and this time you rolled your eyes. She always gave you such shit over the littlest things. You didn't have the energy for this, at least not sober. You whispered into Natsuo's ear softly.
"I need a drink, you want one? We'll need it to get through the evening."
"If your alcohol mixing skills are anything like your chemistry mixing skills, then no."
"Meanie, I'm a great chemist, I practically carry our grade."
Natsuo chuckled against your cheek, before pulling back and kissing it. Again, a blush adorned your cheek with no way to hide it. It was brief and quick, but his cold lips ghosted against your cheek. All you could do was abruptly stand up with a smile on your face.
"I'm gonna go find an alcoholic beverage. I'll be right back, play nice with him."
Natsuo watched helplessly as you walked off into the distance. He sat there quietly, patiently waiting for you to come back. Natsuo was such a cool, calm collected guy, but alone with your siblings, he felt nervous. Seeing the way they acted with you gave him a bad impression of them, but he has to play nice because he was your boyfriend.
"You know, an alcoholic drink does sound great."
Your older sister stood up from the couch and walked off in the same direction as you did, the kitchen presumably, to make herself a drink as well. Soon, your brother left the room as well, your little sister bit her lip as she watched your brother walk off in the direction of the bathroom. She was quick to stand and in the place you once held occupied.
"My sister said play nice, but I'd rather play rough."
She slid her hand over his thigh and inched it closer to his crotch while she smiled up at him, nibbling on her lip.
"What are you doing? I'm here with your sister, I'm her boyfriend."
"Ugh, what do you even see in her? She's not even pretty."
Before Natsou could reply, before he could defend you, your sister climbed across his lip and planted her lips against his. He wasn't kissing her back, but with her on top of him, her pressing her face against his, and her fingers deeply gripping his clothes it was difficult to get her off of him. He wasn't kissing back, he was trying to push her off but as you walked up with two margaritas in hand all you saw was your fake boyfriend kissing your sister.
It hurt. It shouldn't have, but it hurt. He wasn't yours, not really. He was just your lap partner, your friend. He wasn't your boyfriend, you were just fake dating. He wasn't yours. He wasn't yours, but it hurt to see your sister all over him. He wasn't yours, but for the night he was supposed to be. He wasn't yours but for the sake of your lie you did what any girl would do after finding her boyfriend cheating on her: You dumped your margarita down the skank.
"[Brothers Name] is right, you are a slut! And you- you-"
As your sister pulled herself off of Natsuo she looked up at you shocked with alcohol dripping down her body, you ignored her and turned your attention to Natsou. Your eyes were blurry but you had to will yourself not to cry.
"I don't need you here. You can just leave."
You didn't wait for Natsou to get up and leaves nor did you want for him to talk and explain anything to you. You simply took off in the direction of your bedroom, slamming the door behind you. Natsuo quickly jumped up on his feet and took off in the direction of your bedroom. He didn't knock, he didn't wait for permission, he just busted in and ran over to you.
"If you want to make out with my sister, that's fine. I get it, she's pretty, she's hot, she's better than me. She's everything you'd want, but you were supposed to be here with me! You were supposed to be here as my boyfriend! My parents were supposed to think we're in love. You were supposed to be mine, I don't care if it's fake, you cheated with my sister!"
The tears were leaking down your cheeks as you yelled at him. No words could pass Natsuo's lips, no matter how hard he tried. They couldn't. Seeing your tears, a product of him hurt. It hurt. He hurt you. He was trying his best to shoot his shot, he was trying to subtly woo you.
"Your sister came on to me, I tried pushing her away. She's really is a snake, you said it yourself!"
You still sniffled as you nodded at him. He was right, you had said that. He was right, she is a snake and this is exactly what she would do just to screw with your life.
"I'm sorry, your right. I shouldn't have acted like that, you're not actually mine. Natsuo, I do need you, I need you here."
"What if I wanted you to really be mine?"
You sniffling stopped as Natsuo took closer steps to you. He placed his hands on your cheeks and pulled your lips against his. This was different from earlier. The kiss wasn't quick, it was long. It was long and passionate, yet cold. Despite your shivers, you found yourself leaning into him, into the kiss.
"You- You can't do that, it's against the rules."
"Screw the rules. I just- I wish you needed me every night of the year, not just Christmas."
Natsuo ran his hands through his hair nervously. He thought speaking against your father and defending you against your sister was enough to get his point across. This idea of verbally speaking it, it scared him. This was uncharted territory for him.
"I want you [Y/N]. I want you every day of the year. I want to kiss you on the lips, I want to hold hands, I want dates and hugs. I want more than chemistry class and Christmas gatherings."
"Then you can have me! Have me every day of the year. Be mine, every day of the year. Take me on a date, hold my hand, kiss my lips!"
Natsuo pulled you against him and your face collided with his chest. You buried your face in his chest as your arms wrapped around his body and a smile formed.
"Let's not fake date, be my actual girlfriend."
You leaned up and left a quick chaste kiss on Natsuo's lips with a smile.
"I don't want anyone else to be my actual boyfriend, I suppose you might say we chemistry."
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
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Witchy stuff! Disclaimer: I am not a witch so please do not take my theory of theory seriously. This has been taken off first page of Google, which is where I did my research. First ironstrange x reader interaction & tony being sweet and stephen radiating wife energy.
fun fact: the moodboards are just chapter spoilers without context.
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Whatever protection spell the book had, it was nuclear. Burn cream didn't do much in terms of numbing the pain; I had to wear gloves throughout my shift at the café, self-conscious about the skin peeling off my palms and the light, sensitive fingertips. Saying that the day was hellish would have been too kind.
My spirits were briefly lifted when one of my favourite mad scientists walked in, nose buried in a StarkPad - his chattier, more confident friend nowhere to be seen. Doctor Bruce Banner lifted his eyes from his work only to give a brief, polite smile and mumble his order, immediately resuming the poking of the screen.
"You forgot something last time," I couldn't suppress the grin. Sometimes routine was nice, comfortable. The napkin with unintelligible scribbles and formulas in my hand was transferred to Banner's pocket with a shy smile and a reddish tint to his cheeks, as if he didn't find himself in this very situation more often than not. "Is Mr. Stark okay?" I voiced my concerns, having noticed the recent, acute absence of the rowdy man in the café. Dr. Banner rarely came here alone and it was more of a telling exception than anything.
"Oh, Tony? Yes, he's fine," the scientist nodded absentmindedly. "He's on a small vacation with his boyfriend," the last part was said with puzzlement and incredulity and I had to remind myself that a forty-something scientist was unlikely to possess at least a halfway decent gaydar. I mean, I would have eaten my shoe if Tony Stark was 100% straight.
The fact that Tony having a boyfriend surprised Dr. Banner, who appeared to be one of Mr. Stark's best friends, was quite funny to me. "Good for him, he deserves it after saving the world, like, a bajillion times," I replied honestly, attempting to hide my good-natured snicker at Banner's obliviousness. Scientists, they just are a different breed, man.
The perplexion melted off Banner's face, leaving only supportive contentment. "That is correct," he nodded confidently, exchanging a bill for his matcha. "Thank you. And, uh, congrats on your new job," he added with another one of his not-quite shy smiles.
My cheerfulness vacated the premises shortly afterwards as I struggled to keep up with the endless stream of customers all the while my hands throbbed and burned under the nitrile gloves. I was ready to call it a day and just tell Jeremy I had an accident, but my pride wouldn't let me. I arrived at Odette's feeling less than stellar, running purely on spite and several cups of espresso.
It went about as good as expected, select few customers growing clouds over their heads at the slow pace I was assembling their orders: the fact that even witches had Karens of their kind was a fact that I found both amusing and alarming. It wasn't particular comfortable, knowing that I, or any other wait staff, was always at risk of being cursed for bringing them the wrong kind of cake or messing up their white suburban mom coffee.
"You could have asked, you know," Odette's slow drawl startled me out of the trance I'd put myself in to avoid focusing on the discomfort. "Come here, girl, I'll take care of it."
My face heated up immediately as I realized the tender skin of my grubby little hands was on full display. Odette must've put two and two together, seeing my sins written all over my scarred hands and my guilty face. Not wanting to invoke a negative reaction and get on her scary bad side, I let myself obediently trot into her office.
"I, uh," the eloquence of my speech - spectacular. I was ready to fall through the floor out of of shame.
"It happens sometimes," a round jar of what looked like buckwheat honey landed on the table. Odette massaged the thick gel into my palms with gentle circular motions, shushing my hums of pain in-between. "The book called for me in the same way it called to you. The only difference, it was my grandmother's at the time so the protection wards did not go off because I was family." My eyebrows rose at the calm in Odette's voice. Composed as ever, the witch looked more amused than upset by my little snooping stint.
The pain in my hands disappeared completely, a cool sensation I could only describe as minty enveloping them and spreading throughout my body. The chill was pleasant - I hadn't even realized my body had been running on higher-than-usual temperatures ever since I touched the book. Those protection wards Odette spoke of, they really packed a punch!
"I will teach you," she must've interpreted my stunned silence as curiosity, having made up her own mind in the seconds I was basking in my newfound relief. "We'll start slow. The transition from the material world into the spiritual isn't easy," Odette warned, locking her fingers, her magnetic eyes commandeering mine for utmost attention. "But it is incredibly rewarding. If you follow the rules, you will prosper. Our kind isn't plentiful these days, with people praying to gods that condone greed and selfishness," her lip curled in distaste. "Each one of us can make a large difference in this world. The opportunities you have been given need to be taken seriously."
My lip caught between my teeth as I mulled over the words my boss spoke with so my concern and conviction. Nothing in her speech sounded amiss; sure as she was, I was still mercifully given a choice. Odette's aura, that used to seem suffocating and dense, grew around me into a non-physical hug, a comfort akin to a mother supporting her child taking their first steps.
I eyed the sixty-something year-old, tall, imposing woman, scanning her for any deceitfulness, exhilaration and wariness sitting on my shoulders and whispering into my ears. True to myself, I gave into the side that craved and lived for adventure. "I would love to learn," hoping my voice conveyed the excitement and hopefulness of being a part of something special.
Odette smiled kindly. "I knew that," with a chuckle to herself, she reached into a set of drawers and extracted a few worn, plain notebooks. "Homework," the wink she threw at me instantly took ten years off her face. I couldn't even bring myself to sigh, only the sludge still covering my palms preventing me from making grabby hands in the direction of new information.
The bell rang before I could make another comment and I was let go with the instructions to wash my hands - and that's exactly what I did, having noted the short Asian man impatiently tapping his foot next to the front desk.
The man's name was Wong and he was the sole reason for my uncontrollable flares of temper during my work hours at the bodega. Odette herself avoided him like the plague, and for a good reason: his attitude was nothing short of conceited, as if the weird robes that he wore were some kind of a hall-pass to be a demanding asshole when it came to the store's wares.
Wong could spend up to forty minutes inspecting the baggies containing herbs and other knick-knacks, meticulously picking out what he considered best and curtly insulting the items he found to be lacking in quality. I was made aware he belonged to some sort of a sect or a cult of honest-to-god wizards; as if him looking like a worker of the Ministry of Magic didn't make that fact obvious. I was unpleasantly surprised at the fact that even witches, much like doctors, had elitist pricks among their kind - and Odette had the audacity to simply vanish whenever one of those robed people set foot in the shop, leaving me to use all my mental strength to try and not strangle the wannabe Karens.
I was willing to bet my favourite star-patterned scarf that Wong hexed the waiters who made him wait longer that he considered appropriate. I just knew it.
The anger, the frustration and at times, blind, total rage came in useful - and that was a surprise to me. According to Odette's notebooks, everyone had the potential to master magick - to an extent, each individual's threshold was, well, individual - but the more a witch was in tune with her emotions, her feelings, the higher the success rate of her spells grew.
The notebooks contained enough information for me to understand that Odette was considered a High Priestess (not to be confused with Head of the Coven - not all witches wanted to be a part of those) and the amount of power she held was quite impressive. No, she couldn't turn back time, she couldn't raise the dead; the people she helped and healed were, oftentimes, made well at the expense of her own life energy. It was an endless cycle of emptying a glass and refilling it back up. The deities lended a hand with that.
Some time after I'd gone through the theory, Odette encouraged me to choose a direction I was to study in depth; much like her, I was interested in the defensive rather than the offensive. Healing spells, protection wards and the occasional light hex to deter enemies from reoffending: I was disappointed but not surprised to learn the fact that curses and serious harm done to other people quite often backfired, harming the caster themselves as well as their victim.
I had always believed in karma, to a healthy extent, but these days I was that much more aware of how I treated those around me. That's not to say I became a pushover - I simply chose to smile rather than frown at the world and replaced my longing and envy with a sense of gratitude towards the things I already possessed. Just like Odette had said, layering the spiritual values over my material, earthly ones wasn't easy - it was hard work, and what prevented me from stopping when I felt exhausted was that it actually paid off.
As I got ready to cast my first serious spell, I ran through a mental checklist of things I developed - of sorts. Positive vibes only. Having vengeful intentions when warding off potential harm-doers was not only dangerous, it was counterproductive. Intentions mattered the most when casting a spell and I could end up killing all the innocent, stray cats in the area instead of making a burglar choose the neighbouring building some five months down the line.
The spell, I considered to be a success. The atmosphere in my home lightened, the dingy walls of my rental started radiating comfort and safety I hadn't felt since moving out of my parents' home. A slight tiredness persisted for a few days after the last candle burned out; Odette reassured that it was perfectly normal as I was a baby witch and my energy channels were adapting, growing to accommodate my newfound awareness and flow of cosmic energies that I was training to harness.
Next on my list was a personal protection charm, an antique silver locket adorned with stars I had scavenged in a local pawn shop. Odette had given me instructions on how to cleanse potential magical conductors: the amount of rings and jewelry she wore directly correlated to the power of a singular spell she could cast. There was a fine hairline between charging your accessories and letting them drain you and I learned to walk South of it the hard way, but as all learning processes go, eventually I found my middle ground and was successful.
My daily routine grew small rituals like the forest trees grew moss. Slow and steady, I was transitioning from a curious baby witch into a self-sufficient practitioner of magic. Sounds crazy, I know, coming from someone who could barely believe into aliens until Thor himself had walked into the coffee shop and ordered a latte, but as all things do in life - I changed.
Working the morning shift allowed me to discreetly place a few of the good-luck charms I had made during my most recent creative stint. While they didn't have a direct effect on the customers or their tipping habits, the atmosphere on the cafe's premises had lightened enough that even Jeremy's usually sour face tipped more towards neutral these days.
The smile blossomed on my face without effort as I caught the tell-tale bespoke suit and sunglasses of the man waltzing through the doors of the café as if he owned the place. "Nice to see you, Mr. Stark. Enjoy your vacation?" I asked the smirking man, giving a respectful once-over to the tall, lithe man holding onto his shoulder.
"It's Tony," the happiness was radiating off him in waves. "Missed my favourite coffee shop and the world's nicest barista," he winked at me, causing the man behind him snort, steely blue eyes studying me in turn. "Had to introduce my two favourite people," the engineer took a step back, parting his arms with a flourish gesture. "Stephen, Starlight. Starlight, Stephen," he spoke before rattling off his usual order. And a cake on top.
I gave an amused grin to the man obviously humoring his significant other, as Stephen mock-bowed in my direction. "You're right, how could we be together without the approval of your favourite barista?" Stephen had his wits. I decided I definitely liked him. "Starlight? Is that a nickname or were your parents hippies?" Okay, witty bordering on rude. Was Stephen a lawyer?
"Now, now, honey," the crinkles around Tony's eyes deepened as he barked out a laugh. "No need to be jealous. We're all adults here, we can share. There's enough of me for everyone."
I rolled my eyes, easily slipping into the familiar banter. "Speak for yourself, Mr. Stark. I'm very selfish," I cocked an eyebrow, tilting my head to the side and pretending to size up Stephen. "You've outdone yourself this time," Stephen's eyebrows rose. The line between 'sizing up' and 'checking out' was so very fine and I walked it well, a quiet sort of confidence that had bloomed within me at the recent events in my life letting me be slightly bolder that allowed myself to be before. "I'd have to be the Devil myself to break up such a blessed union. My congratulations," my smirk grew into a warm smile as Tony beamed at me in return, content on showing off his most recent acquisition.
Who, by the way, looked a little bit lost. Evidently, Stephen did not expect such a degree of familiarity between me and Tony; which was, to be honest, most likely what had him returning to the establishment over and over. Come for the coffee, stay for the company. Or how was it?
The energy between Tony and Stephen was electric. There was something undoubtedly attractive, magnetic even, about the tall, steely-eyed man, something similar to Odette's charismatic pull but without the overwhelming ossification of the air around her. Even putting aside the fact that Stephen was a visually stunning person with his sculpted phisique and high, sharp cheekbones, he commandeered the attention to himself without even uttering a word. Definitely a lawyer, with how the type could hold the whole courtroom together with a single look.
The early birds on a Friday were few and in-between; the three of us chatted as the two men sipped their coffees with muted noises of joy. According to Tony, Fiji was delightful this time of the year. Oblivious to everything around him, the engineer rambled about his ventures without a care in the world as his partner looked up to him with earnest happiness and I- well, I wished I could go to Fiji, hot boyfriend optional. The weather in NYC was slowly becoming dreary: I did not look forward to winter sludge and the traffic congestions that it created.
"And I love what you've done with the interior. Those cat statues? Charming," Tony rambled, pointing out the good-luck charms I'd placed all over the café. Small knick-knacks I carefully selected to match the overall vibe of the room. "Tell Jeremy I send my regards. Appreciate the lack of paps, too," he winked at me, looking visibly relieved.
"Huh?" The rag in my hands froze. "I haven't seen a single paparazzi around here, since, like, ever," I admitted, puzzled.
"And I appreciate it. Ever since our thing became public knowledge, they've been hounding me wherever I go," the eyeroll Tony made was truly powerful. "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it," and again, the engineer winked at me, apparently having made some assumptions of his own. "I won't tell if you won't."
The puzzlement persisted within me all throughout my shift. I lived in NYC, for fuck's sake, I wasn't unfamiliar with how things ran around here.
Every establishment I worked in had been swarmed with the annoying, persistent celebrity hunters at some point - and yellow press and paparazzi were, by far, the worst. Some of the greedier ones could go as far as to shove simple folk out of the way or order a cup of coffee with their camera hiding under the tablecloth to sneak in a juicy picture of a celebrity just trying to have their brunch in peace. I hated those vultures with a passion; their negative energy, their lack of morals when it came to hunting for a new scandal that would make them a few hundred bucks.
The only way to even slightly deter them was to repeatedly call the cops on them for public disturbance. I'd done it once or twice, egged on by Jerry and his worry of losing profit - after all, there were establishments known specifically for high rates of celebrity sightings and if any of the superheroes wanted to make an appearance, they would just go there for their cup of overpriced coffee and defrosted sponge cake. Our café was strictly for comfort and leisure - a rare thing me and my boss actually agreed upon.
As I said warm goodbyes to my favourite engineer and his newfound, dashing boyfriend, the cat statues stared at me in mute satisfaction, their hollow eyes radiating smugness and their immobile mouths stretched in what looked like pure, mocking mischief.
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Taglist is open until the story is finished. Spare comment? 🥺
@couldntbedamned @mikariell95 @letsby @sleep-i-ness @toomanyrobins @mostly-marvel-musings @persephonehemingway @schemefrenzy @lillsxd @bluecrazedandbeautiful @slothspaghettiwrites
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af1899 · 3 years
Resplendent Kagero is here!
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Artist: Kakage. (Also did art for Erinys, Resplendent Azura and [4 more])
Theme: Dökkálfheimr.
Official page + all art: click/tap here.
And announced two days before than normal, way to go!
Now, I'll share below what I think of the artwork plus do a mini showcase, but an appreciation post might be coming later this month.
I thought I'd share this short anecdote before moving on to talk about the Resplendent upgrade, feel free to skip this part if you want.
So... it was 5 a.m. when I woke up and thought for whatever reason I'd go to Twitter and see if there's any fan art up, still half-asleep, then I saw a funny edit of Kagero doning what seemed a watermelon themed attire, at first I thought it was fan art the OP made, but it was hard to believe, I knew my eyes were deceiving me since I know about their edits.
Scrolling a bit further below in my feed, I found out the truth... 🥴
Kagero got a Resplendent upgrade!!! 😱
I was shook when I saw the artwork and laughed at how I mistook a meme for fan art, when it was actually edited official art... lol. 🤭
I'm so happy in this moment, but worried I might not make it to round up enough cash for a subscription to get her, Kagero is my favorite character in Fire Emblem Fates and I'd be delighted to invest in every version she has in Fire Emblem Heroes (and save the $5 it'd cost getting her once her distribution period is over), but so far still had not luck getting a job.
Anyway, I'd like to express my hype for this upgrade plus share thoughts on art and some preliminary appreciation for my best ninja. 🤎
As you could see above, Kagero is doning Dökkálfar attire... and I really love it.
The color palette alludes to her original uniform as a ninja from Hoshido, and this art even draws from some of the original elements like her scarf, and what's more, some elements got cool replacements, like her hairpin now being a butterfly shaped one, to match with the whole Dökkálfar thematic.
And you can see in how determined and strong-willed she is like she's always been to carry on with her job and protect Ryoma (even going as far as sacrificing herself if it means safeguarding him), who she devoted to protect and underwent rigorous training to achieve that, she never lets her attire bother her or interfere with her duty, but it seems she doesn't mind to try out in new fashion.
Did I mention I really like butterflies?
Also... one thing would be certainly... questionable, is the size of her breasts, I knew they weren't that big in her original design and even in Lack's take on her, but that's how it's been ever since her Spring alt is a thing, not that it really bothers me, but I highly favor design consistency.
That'd be the only thing I'd "dislike" in the artwork, but even like this, the design overall is just too beautiful and well done for me to even worry too much about this detail... also, feels kind of fitting the artist is similarly named like her.
I'm also liking how her voice sounds, but I'll wait for all quotes to talk even further about that and give my final opinion.
And certainly, she'll appreciate the boost in every stat, she can potentially use all of them even in a player phase build, so long as you stick to her refine.
I rate the art: 9.5/10
Nothing particularly too special, nevertheless, here she is:
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I don't use her as much as before since I got other projects to focus on and [HM] in slow but sure grinding process (as you can see, hers is already maxed out), plus I still don't have the fodder I want on her, which includes [Sturdy Impact], the most expensive thing I have given her is [Darting Blow 4] with [Null Follow-Up 3] from one of the 4 Legendary Alm copies that trolled me while pulling for Mila in her debut, I also foddered a Lethe since I refuse to make of her a project and thought Kagero could use better [Spd/Def Solo 3] for the meantime until I get her the A-skill I really want on her, but so far I was never pitybroken by a Tibarn...
Still, I'm happy with her performance and utility, being still a strong player phase unit with good offenses and ability to take incoming retaliation damage with ease thanks to her refine effect, even nowadays, it's still great and effective, and works effectively with {Impact} skills since her refine effect works only in foe's first attack and said skills generally prevent the foe can make a second attack, which would do the normal amount of damage instead of it being halved.
At the present, I use her in Anima season [AR-D] with [Fury 3] and [Atk Smoke 3], but otherwise I used to run her with the build shown above, back when I got [Infantry Rush 3] on her, Kagero was still part of my [Arena] offensive team, providing a source for area debuffs and support for my Sonya so that she could run [Hardy Bearing], as [Vantage] remains a weakness of hers, but that's still hardly an issue since over time I found out it's extremely unlikely for me to run into someone who could easily counter my Sonya before she gets to deal the finishing blow... so, sadly, Kagero has been slowly replaced by other units, as I also didn't feel any need for debuffs anymore.
It might be true that, for now, I don't use her like before, but my main driving force to keep playing Fire Emblem Heroes is undying appreciation for my favorite characters in the series, Kagero being among them.
To put it short — as to why I like her — I'm most fond of her gorgeous design and rather interesting personality; she shows a clear interest in protecting her liege and commitment to do so, and this is for pure dedication to the country and the people she's most fond of, she seems serious just from looks, but she's a dutiful woman with a certain kindness in a sense, always watching over the people she cares about from the shadows.
Anyway, I'm really hyped for this Resplendent upgrade and here's hoping I can make a proper showcase and appreciation talk later on, while I'd love to secure her Resplendent upgrade once it starts to be distributed, it won't be the end of the world if I can't get it, I just would like to save the $5 it'll cost getting her later.
Thanks for reading my post (I sure rambled for quite a while lmao 🥴) and take care!
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What I want to hear more than anything is any and all of your thoughts involving Kushinada? Because I LIVE of them I need all of your ramblings about her and every AU she is currently apart of. You could type out thousands of words and I'd still want more.
since you did write about that hot fenrir X kushinada stuff in your latest fic (which was the most adorable thing btw omg) i figured i might provide a few scenarios for that (a few meaning 1000+ words of cute stuff oops! never mind it’s 2000+ hahaha fuck)
high school au
i know i said it in the dating sim route for fenrir but him giving his leather jacket to kushinada when they go out and it’s cold??? that’s one of my fav tropes omg
also kushinada accidentally comparing fenrir to a loyal dog when talking to aphro and light hel and him overhearing that and being all embarrassed about it bc he can’t deny that he’s literally a dog in human form
he has a very strong sense of smell, always noticing all the flower perfumes that kushinada wears and he always compliments her about how nice she smells even when she’s come back from her garden (he likes the smells of nature hehe)
also he’s very protective of her and gives people the nastiest stares if they say anything remotely negative about her. when kushinada opens up about having an unrequited crush on cu chu and her past with relationship with susano she has to drag away fenrir and get him to promise not to fight those two on sight
also it’s a lil nsfw but i think he’s totally into leaving hickeys around the place so when kushinada shows up at school on a super hot day with a scarf aphro is like “so things must be moving nicely between you and fenrir huh?” and kushinada is just a blushing mess and silently nods
oh, and him just resting his head on kushinada’s when she’s gardening and wrapping his arms around her UwU
so when they start dating i really like the idea of fenrir learning how to grow stuff with kushinada (and him actually having a decent green thumb after learning the basics)
also i couldn’t get the idea out of my idea about fenrir trying to grow kushinada roses/or forget-me-nots/camellias(they all mean love apparently?? that’s cute n sappy hehe) and trying to keep it a secret from her
so while he’s checking some plants during club time, fenrir just snatches a seed packet from her collection and takes her gardening equipment and other materials when he needs them
bc he’s just a beginner he fails pretty badly and goes around asking for help from tyr (as he’s been talking about kushinada w/ tyr who serves as a sorta personal confidant and a father figure who is more stern w/ fenrir than loki). tyr’s all for this as that’s how he wooed ullr over on their first date (and promptly got laid as well) so they both read a few gardening books and search the internet for info…
…unfortunately tyr’s pretty shit w/ gardening as well so they ask chiron for help and, although he’s got the knowledge, it somehow doesn’t work out either…
…so they ask for inari’s help which who suggests that they just hire a professional gardener or just buy some really expensive and rare flowers for her(which they’ll pay for; inari is all for fenrir trying to be romantic and trying to cater to kushinada’s interestseven if it doesn’t turn out)
fenrir eventually decides to come clean and presents her with what he’s got and kushinada kisses him for all his effort UwU. she really appreciates the effort even if she was aware that he was stealing from her the entire time (she’s gotta keep a tight budget with the club, the school only gives her a certain amount of money to run the place and it’s she may be forgetful at times but her equipment disappearing every time fenrir was around was a lil convenient)
also if we’re going full cheese then i want fenrir to confess his love to kushinada all anime-style w/ cherry blossoms and everything :’^)))))) like kushinada would be the first to say that she loves him but it’s really hard for him to say, like he’ll just say “i do too” and avoid saying “i love you”
also just in general they’d probs both like going out to parks, botanical garden or go hiking and have peaceful walks when kushinada points out all the plants while fenrir listens, he likes hearing her ramble on bc it’s cute seeing her so excited about something
so they’re at some botanical garden place and kushinada is really excited and basically dragging fenrir by the arm to point out all the different flower types but all he can think about is how much she’s changed him for the better, how he doesn’t deserve her at all. he’s just smitten with her, with how adorable she is when she’s ranting, even if he’s heard all the information before - he just wants to listen to her beautiful voice. and, wow, she looks so stunning amongst the blooming flowers and he thinks, no, he knows he’s in love with her and how he wants to marry her and that sorta mushy stuff hehe
kushinada snaps him out of his thoughts by asking if she’s boring him with her explanations and then he just blurts out that he loves her and it’s just silence between the two for a moment before kushinada, as the sappy bitch she is, starts crying tears of joy and leaps into his arms :’))))))) (yes i’m the world’s softest bitch, what about it)
mafia au
fenrir stumbles into kushinada’s bakery after a street fight with a rival gang, all bloody and bruised and telling her to not touch him before promptly passing out. kushinada tends to his injuries while he’s out and drags him into her beroom falling asleep beside the bed bc she was so exhausted from work + this incident
fenrir wakes up with a nasty headache, only made worse by him not knowing where he is - he’s still alive, probably due to the beautiful japanese woman uncomfortably lying on the side of the bed with bandages in her hands. he knows he could snap her neck with ease, but something in the back of his mind tells him not to - tyr’s words and actions ring in his ears
also on a side note i’m imagining that fenrir has a rough childhood bc of loki being involved in shady gang operations and that fenrir was preened by him to succeed him but fenrir was betrayed by the norse gang and left to get caught by the cops during a major heist. i imagine that tyr, a cop (duh), went onto the scene and tried to communicate with a scared and furious fenrir. fenrir probably lashed out at him, scarring tyr’s arm (and then it later being infected or something? i’m not here for arm severing lmao) and then breaking down in his arms while tyr comforted him.
fenrir spent some time in prison after that and got out due to tyr lobbying for him and he’s trying to separate himself from his family and old ties to his gang although it obviously catches up with him here :^)
the attack was probably bc in the past fenrir was an asshole and very cocky, brash and abusive to others and he made a lot of enemies bc he thought we was untouchable as one of the norse gang members with really high connections bc of his father
anyways fenrir explores the small apartment before hearing the ring of the bell downstairs (i imagine the bakery to underneath a small apartment like this). he walks to check that out, hiding on the stairs just in case the gang members have found where he ended up
fortunately (or rather, unfortunately) for him it’s not the gang members - it’s inari, wanting to get a pastry and tea from her favourite bakery. when they can’t see kushinada or smell anything being made that’s when they decide to check on her
fenrir makes a mad dash for kushinada’s room, pretending to sleep once again while kushinada is in the shower. she gets out and greets inari, trying to nicely introduce the topic of the strange and ruggedly handsome man resting in her room (it just hit me that this is essentially just that scene from tangled but inari isn’t an evil hag lmao)
inari is really annoyed - they don’t want kushinada to get further involved with any more gang acitivity than she already is and they know about fenrir’s past and what he’s done. they fight for a bit before inari relents, knowing that coddling kushinada and treating her like a defenceless child isn’t going to help her out any.
fenrir is shitting himself - he never expected to get so close to the elusive and destructive inari and it doesn’t help that inari ends the conversation with “if he does anything to hurt you i’ll make sure to put that mangy mutt down and make him regret ever stepping out of prison” before asking kushinada to have a cup of tea with her
after they’re done, kushinada comes up while fenrir pretends to wake up for the first time. she checks on his injuries and she asks about what happened to him but he shuts her down before she has to chance to speak and tries to leave - of course, in his injured state he just makes things worse and falls over. kushinada scolds him for trying to move in this state, and says that even if he won’t co-operate that she’s still going look after him just to prove inari that she can handle looking after herself when dealing with the mafia business.
she leaves for a bit and brings a breakfast tray for him. he wolves it down, reluctantly saying thanks and apologising for his manners - kushinada finds him kinda cute when he’s all blushing and red (although she won’t admit it). she tries to more subtly ask what happened to make him so ravenous but he brushes her off again. fenrir asks for some coffee instead of the tea she’s brought and she makes sure that he uses his manners this time.
she goes down again, leaving fenrir to his own devices. he eventually walks around the apartment for a bit, taking special notice of all the greenery around the place. she pops up behind him while he’s admiring some lillies. he asks how she gets the plants to look so nice - she says that you can gorw anything as long as the conditions are right
then their usual routine sets in - kushinada will get up before him and they’ll eat meals with each other while she runs the bakery downstairs, popping up whenever she has the time to see him.
when he can walk without major discomfort again then kushinada gets him to man the counter and when his arm heals she starts teaching him about how to bake to tend to her plants - he’s not half bad at either activity and when he’s polished his skills enough he makes breakfast for her UwU
of course y’all can imagine as many fluff moments as possible while they fall in love and that cute stuff like
fenrir talking about his tats and what they mean
talking about his past, maybe a lil bit of angst and comfort bc i’m a sucker for emotion support scenes
cute baking moments, fenrir licking the spoon and kushinada getting on his case about that
i’m sure you can think of a few dramatic situations to progress the plot but i’m just here for fluff hehe
or maybe something about fenrir running into some old gang members and them giving him shit about losing his edge and how pathetic he looks manning the bakery - he’s barely keeping himself together but he does for his and kushinada’s relationship together but he snaps when one of the group starts talking about kushinada and threatening to attack her to coax the old fenrir out. it probs gets into a bad back alley sprawl with the gang needing a large ambulance as a result of his anger (i like to imagine that inari was watching around the corner ready to back him up and they’re like “good job kid”)
and maybe fenrir’s family comes to see him?? at the very least i want light hel to work for kushinada at the bakery bc i want Dramatic™ family reunions yo and she’d fit the role p well
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